#but I find myself entertaining
sappholotl · 10 months
Forever fighting the urge to say the least appropriate thing for any situation regardless of how funny I would find it
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rotbtd-edits · 5 months
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If Rotbtd was a classic RPG game (Part 2)
I really love to play around with pixels, so this time I created some fake screens based on my RotBTD series. You can tell I was heavily inspired by KH:CoM's beautiful pixel graphics :'3 [Characters by me, bgs from FF Pixel Remasters]
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chalkeater · 11 months
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sachart · 1 month
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What would I do without George Luz?
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saikkunen · 10 months
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And that is how the magic happened.
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melit0n · 5 months
Friend: You better not be running from your issues when I get home
My cowardly ass:
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epickiya722 · 2 months
"The finale is bad."
Damn, we didn't even get it officially released out yet.
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freebooter4ever · 4 months
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I always enjoy it when people come up to me while im drawing as long as they're nice about it, and especially kids. And while the last two weeks only seemed to have obnoxious parents (at one point a kid was pointing like 'i want to be able to that!' and their parent replied 'you can't' and i was like ???? Wtf), this week there was a mom and two daughters who were really interested in art and were standing behind me while i sketched for a long while. Neither of the girls could have been much older than 10, and they were super shy, and were asking their mom questions, and i answered one of the questions. And the mom laughed and said 'see, she can hear you, don't be afraid to ask her questions!' and then i turned around and introduced myself a little and explained what i was drawing. And then they just stood and quietly watched me draw for like ten minutes, it was so sweet. 🥹
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galmiahthepigeon · 7 months
Reading the In Trousers libretto honestly makes everything so much clearer. It's clearly indicated which songs are set in the past or the present, and which ones are abstractions and don't represent actual things that happened. And thinking of the songs in the intended order instead of the original cast recording's, adding the extra songs that were integrated in later versions of the musical, it loses a good bit of that "just vibes" energy that I've always associated with it. It still has all the ambiguous and strange lyrics but I feel like the purpose of each song is much clearer.
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ineffably-human · 1 year
Guillermo is, as always, busy with some kind of demanding insanity so he hears about there being this really good show with gay pirates in it at least a year late. Like most things he's involved in, he figures no one will be interested or care, so he settles in to binge it in his room on a day off.
He didn't count on Laszlo's sixth sense for lewds, but before long he hears "I say, is that chap drawing the other one naked?" And he can barely explain it's not porn before it's "are they on a ship?" and then Laszlo is shoving him over on the little bed.
So of course it's maybe five minutes before Nandor pokes his head in and is instantly mad they're doing something without him, especially since it's clearly pornography. ("I told you, you cannot try to seduce Guillermo even if you think it would be funny." "Wait, what-") Then Nadja wants to know why three grown men are crammed together on a twin mattress ("Nandor was so insistent we had to use the blue room for group wanking!") and Laszlo is very distracted but just manages to explain to her that this pornography has a plot like she's always complaining his don't -
By now the Guide and Colin have shown up with FOMO, so Guillermo hooks his laptop up to a TV in the fancy room and agrees to start it over again. They give Colin a quota on draining them with 'fun facts' or historical accuracy complaints, also he can only do it when it's not an action bit or a sexy bit. (He only mostly behaves.)
Everyone but Guillermo still thinks they're watching porn, well past the point that this misunderstanding makes any sense.
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danganronpa96 · 5 months
AU where instead of Mario and Luigi being in the killing game it’s Wario and Waluigi
Waluigi still solves all the murders but with more morally questionable methods and loopholes to cheat the killing game (like the lying thing from DRV3 I forgot what the game specifically called it there) Miku finds this both annoying and a fun little teaching moment in case she ever does more killing games.
Ok that does sound like a hilarious AU idea. Not just in terms of two chaotic fellas, but could you imagine how awkward it'll be for Wario when he realises one of his employees (cough cough Ashley) is in the same killing game as him. Oh and him also butting heads with Krabs would be funny too.
As for what you said, Waluigi committing perjuries during trials would certainly be in character for him, and to use them to his advantage would provide him with a pretty cool skill. It makes me wonder if he'd be able to catch a liar from a mile away (takes'a one to know'a one).
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i-drew-a-ferret · 2 years
Blitzo’s balloon horse is better.
no I am not joking, just hear me out here.
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You see this? Fizzarolli made a balloon animal the way anyone else would. It’s perfectly fine, nothing wrong with it, but anyone can do it. I just learned how to make balloon animals and got that down in under 10 minutes. Blitzo on the other hand made one without legs. You’d think it would be easier, but no, that simplicity is an illusion. An illusion which your first attempt at balloon twisting will shatter.
For those who don’t know, the body, neck, and tail segments of your typical balloon animal will not stay in place without legs. They need a lock twist provided by the legs, to make them behave. And yet here, we see, Blitzos balloon horse has no legs, but he is not holding the neck and tail in place. They stand tall on their own, a monument to his skill and our hubris in thinking it would be so simple.
Now I took it upon myself to create this balloon horse. First, this is what it should look like if you were to go about it like a regular balloon animal:
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Without the lock twists, you’d only have a head on a stick. A warning to other balloon horses that they may lose more than their legs, but not much else. Notice the extra un-inflated balloon near the end. This would ordinarily provide air to make the leg twists, however those do not exist in this balloon horse. Clearly Blitzo wasn’t using beginners strategies, he was doing something more complicated.
Next, if you inflated it as you went, tying off the different segments as you would the open end of the balloon:
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A limp, dead, horse. It clearly lost it’s life at  the same time as its legs. It has defined segments, but little else is going for it. You can hold it up to make it look something like Blitzos horse:
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This would be what an amateur would do to make a legless balloon horse. Hold it’s neck and tail, or perhaps use tape if they feel so inclined, but Blitzo is no amateur. If you pay attention to how he holds his cursed worm horse, you’ll see that his hand is flat against it’s belly. He offers no support to either it’s neck or tail, but still it stands.
Finally, if you inflated it as you went, used double knots carefully positioned so that the segments would lean in the right direction, twisted the head three times (for some reason it wouldn’t work until I did), and sacrificed hours of your life to make this accursed balloon horse:
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You would have this. You may be wondering: Why is it pink? well you see, I ran out of green balloons trying to make this wretched beast. Here we have a legless worm horse. Hell Fucking Yeah.
Now not only did Blitzo flawlessly make a more complicated balloon animal, but when the crowd was not impressed with his skills he used his encyclopedic knowledge of horses to save the performance with a joke. Sadly, the joke relied on the audience also having an encyclopedic knowledge of horses, so it fell flat.
I think with all the evidence I provided, you’ll have to agree that Blitzo made an infinitely more impressive balloon horse than Fizzarolli.
I rest my case.
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sylviazem · 1 month
my curiosity is piqued. consider not voting as a "neither".
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theoneofwhomisblue · 1 year
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Maybe following 3,000 people isn't great
Because I fucking hate scrolling through this fucking site now
I'm not even joking, I fucking hate this shit
This site sucks ass
Also if this post has less than 10 notes in 3 hours I'm deleting it
I know this is completely my fault. I also don't give a fuck
I'm too tired to curate my page to be decent for me
I'm so fucking tired
This site sucks ass
Reddit sucks ass
Tumblr sucks ass
The Internet fucking sucks
Google is constantly bitching at me to pay for more space in my account cause I habitually download every Tumblr and reddit image resulting in 13 gigabytes of bullshit
I fucking hate this
I'll find better stuff to post tomorrow
Or not
I don't know
I'm so fucking tired
Kill myself
What the fuck do I do with my time now? Is there another site or app worth my time?
Tumblr's ass, I'll still use it but it's dogshit
I'm too tired to even do reddit anymore
Twitter is fucking disgusting and gets worse by the day because of dipshit mcmusk
And that's all that comes to mind
YouTube is constant background noise, but the algorithm there is fucked up too
I hate every video thats recommended to me
I'm not doing fucking tiktok
I don't care about my standards anywhere else, but no fucking tiktok
What else is there now?
Oh yeah, I can't comment on webtoon because I accidentally said fuck in a comment, so all the fun community stuff there is gone now too
All the webtoons suck ass anyway
The only fucking app that hasn't disappointed me is cookie clicker
Been playing it for like 400 days
I make continual progress
I just check in every two days to pop the wrinklers
Then after a month or two on a run I check in after a week
Until my legacy points start to plateau, then I reset
And get all the upgrades I can afford
Buy 5 grandmas, then 90 more, then as many more as I can afford that'd a multiple of 100
I do the same on everything else
Except the fractile engines, which I buy as many as possible, no matter the multiple
And buy all the items
Then at that point I start the research facilities, then start one, and check back in 30 minutes until I've researched them all
Then I top off the fractile engines and leave for a day
Then check every day, popping the wrinklers until a week in, then every 2 days. Then after a few months once every week
Then I do it all again
And spend all the legacy points on the upgrades I can afford
It's rewarding you know
Consistent anyway
Unlike reddit and Tumblr and Twitter and YouTube and everything else, it doesn't fuck me over on the algorithm whatever the fuck
Reddits decent for the porn, that's all
You know, I used to use a lot of sites for porn
Dozens and dozens of sites bookmarked
Then at some point I started to only use r34 reddit nhentai, and occasionally the good ol hub
I didn't use to have accounts, I'd depend on my memory for different images and accounts and artists and comics and shit
Then I made accounts on r34 phub reddit e6 gelb nhentai and half a dozen others
And started saving things
It used to be a fun game to try to remember
Now it's gone
But I'm too tired to continue that anyway
Anyway, same shit everything else as with the porn at this point
No variety
Nothing fun
It's all annoying bullshit
With the Advent of machine learning chat bot whatever the fucks, there's a little bit new
But aside from that, it's just the same thing every day
I'm so fucking tired of living like this duxe
The fucking internet used to mean something
Now it's just the boring status quo bullshit
And I know that it's because of me
But still
It fucking sucks
I don't want to do this shit
And I spend like 10 hours a day on the Internet too
More than ever
But I'm not happy
Barely entertained
But it kills time
If I need information, porn, music, videos, whatever elze
I get it
But I'm not happy about it
It's shitty
I feel like shit
Like, my life outside the internet is decent. But the Internet consumes so much of it, and I don't even like it anymore
I don't know if there's a fix
Or if I should just stop being so online and shit
I'm too tired to do anything anyway
I don't know
I take pride in what I achieve for some reason
But as soon as I get the imaginary goal point, I don't give a shit
Over a year I got a shit ton of reddit karma on a new accoutn
A specific number, that I won't say to keep myself from seeming like I'm trying to brag
But once I got it, I no longer cared to comment or post
Over 2 or 3 months, I don't remember, whenever 196 shut down, I got a relative shit ton of followers
Again, a specific number, but I won't say
I'll keep that number secret, cause I can
But once I got this imaginary amount that I thought I'd never reach, I didn't care anymore
I still posted as much as I did before
But I got no joy out of it
I just post, wait a few hours, then check to see how many notes
If it's an amount equal to what I think is average for the amount of followers I have, I feel kinda good, then post again
But that's it
I don't scroll anymore, except occasionally on my followers profiles when I accidentally click on them while looking through my new notes
And I enjoy that
But other than those fleeting moments, and the small satisfaction I get from high note counts I don't care
I don't care for Tumblr or anything else on this shit
I don't know man, is this how other people do stuff on the Internet?
I don't think so, people always have strong emotions on the Internet
I emulate my internet behavior to match, which makes me think that maybe more people do the same as me
But I have no evidence
I don't know, I'm too fucking tired of this shit
I just got an apathy about the Internet at this point
Apps, sites, everything
I just don't care
But I'm always on it
It makes no sense
I should probably proofread this post as I go
This is just a stream of consciousness at this point
I won't check it as I go
Maybe I'll make this a thing
Just typing my unfiltered thoughts for like 30 minutes then posting
Depends on the notes I get
If the notes are bad I'll just delete it and forget about it
Who knows
I guess I keep trying to do that
I'll do something new on Tumblr like this
And think "oh, maybe this'll be a new thing I do" then it dies
At first it was my consistent posting of reddit shit for like a year ago
Then I stopped posting that consistently
Then it was random screenshots of mine
I even made a tag for that one
Then it died
I keep thinking of myself as someone important because of my follower count
Which doesn't make sense as it's not even a lot
But still
I don't know
My delusions of microcelebrity status are the only thing keeping me on this site/app at this point
If I didn't have that, and the fuel for the delusion that is notes I'd be gone
I did already fuck my recommended tab
And following tab
And tag tab
It's already all bullshit
I guess I can keep my narcissism about my status in this site because of the top post by notes tab on a blog
I just click into someones
And 9 times out of ten, they don't have top note counts even comparable to time
Which fuels the delusion
It's the same thing I'd do on reddit
"oh this person only has [x] karma, when they've been on reddit for 3 years. And I have triple that, and I've had this account for 6 months. I'm better"
Shit like this is what makes the internet garbage
I don't let it bleed into the theme of my posts and comments tho
I let it make me feel superior than everyone else
But if I made that obvious in any post it'd be for naught
For that reason I'm considering not posting this anymore
Whatever, this post is already super long rambling bullshit
If it gets good notes a single anecdote in it won't matter
And if it doesn't get good notes I'll delete it
Then there's no harm
I just thought of that reasoning now to keep doing this post
Cause I got sunk cost fallacy on this at this point
It was a vent thing at the start
Now it's just me trying to think mildly interesting shit to add
I guess I can use that other reasoning to post anything
If it goes bad, delete it, and no one would have saw it, and no one will, so I matters naught
And if it goes good, who gives a shit
Nothing I post would be bad, maybe cringe, maybe rambling bullshit, as this js
But not bad, so it'd be fine
I lost my train of thought
I think I was gonna say something else about what I'm posting, and how it would be fine
That's gone now
Poof, into the abyss that is lost thoughts
This does kill time tho
It's been like 40 minutes since I started this
This is basically what I do in my mind if I just let my mind run, uninterrupted
But here it's written down, with line breaks, and exact words rather than a mix of words and images and concepts
So it's more digestible
I suppose it's not completely true to say this is my pure train of thought, not just because of the exclusion of images and concepts
But also because I'm listening to music
Just enough to mild my mind so to speak
My mind is always going man, and if I don't have something to dampen it
Like music, or weird fidgety things I do with my hands (I don't know the word), or exact things to focus on, I think way too much
And spiral and shit in stress
But then my thoughts are too frantic and fast to write down before they disappear, so in a way this is as pure a log of thoughts as anything could be
You can tell the theme of how I sound now, vs at the beginning
If you don't want to scroll up you can just look at the tags
I typed them near the beginning
And haven't added to them
Nor deleted them
So you can just look slightly down to see the notes
It's not even the right topic anymore. It's still on reddit
And Tumblr and internet shit
Oh yeah, speaking of
I've just said my Tumblr scrolling is bad without specifying
But to specify now, it's like scrolling through Twitter
Weird serious discourses
Peculiar topics
Shit like that
You know, not the Tumblr I had before
And if I don't like scrolling through Twitter, why would I be here? And that's the bind I'm in now
I only stick around anymore because of the notes, as I said
I'm back to using punctuation occasionally
Not too much, but at least some commas
No periods though, they seem too intense for a stream of consciousness thinf
Question marks too, but that's about all
Oh yeah, stuff I was talking about before
I shit talked webtoon
It's not too bad
I just fucking hate slice of life shit, dumb "funny" shit, and worst of all romance
I fucking hate romance webtoons
I can't stomach them
And webtoon is constantly shoving exactly those down your throat
And when my tolerance is low to begin with, and I enter webtoon, and it throws a fucking popup in my face for a dogshit new romance thing, I damn near snap my phone in half
But it's not too bad
I just read the fantasy/action/thriller/horror/drama (ones without romance shit) ones
But I can't navigate the canvas section decent at all
By design obviously, canvas doesn't make webtoon money, the originals do
But I'm too tired to work against them
So I only read originals
But at least they post regularly
I read around 70 webtoons now
Which is to say, I read the new episodes of them when they come out
With such a large selection, I have like 4 webtoons minimum updating every day at 7:00 pm
8:00 when there's time change
But 7:00 most of the timr
It notifies you at 7:30 but they update at 7:00
Except for the goblin one, which updates at like 7:20 for some reason
And the daily pass ones, those update at 8:00 for some reason
But they notify you directly at 8:00 for those if I remember correctly
Even still
I remember roughly which days are best
Tuesdays have the most, like 15 updated at once
And ones I really like too
Fridays have a handful, and the one daily pass that I read as they come out week by week
Saturdays have like 4 I really care about, then like 5 I think are mediocre, but they kill time so Saturdays are good
Mondays are ok, but that's about it
Wednesdays are kinda ass, but they're decent
Thursdays used to be amazing, but after like 3 I really care about went on hiatus, Thursdays don't matter anymore
But having like 60 (because 5-10 are on hiatus at a time) new episodes a week, divied up across the week pretty well
Is nice
Now, I did accidentally say fuck in a comment, because there was a guy shipping children and saying sexual stuff about it, then there was a reply on it from another guy defending it. So I got mad, and typed a paragraph saying why that was fucked up
But I said fuck
So I can't comment anymore
I don't know, webtoons ok tho
I was just pissed off earlier
What else was there
Oh yeah reddit
I've actually been temp banned from Reddit (like my entire account) twice for using up too much server space on bullshit
There's this thing where you type u/profanitycounter [self] and it tells you how many times youve said certain swears in like the past 500 comments
So, for a joke, twice I've copy pasted "cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum...", The max amount of times you can in one comment (a few thousand, I can't remember), then do that in a comment chain with myself for like 150 comments in a row
And it takes me several hours, but it's funnt
But it resulted in a temp ban for 2 days
Then like 4 months later, a temp ban for a week
Cause I used too much space, or bandwidth or whatever the fuck doing that
Also I got banned from r/Barry for saying the last season was ass
And I got banned from r/notinteresting for a reason I don't fucking know
But aside from that, my accounts clean
With a shit ton of karma too
Oh yeah, I use the same username (or a derivative of it) for every porn site account I make.
If you can find it out somehow I'll give you the passwords to the accounts
I doubt anyone could, it's a different username than I use for anything else
But there's hints
If anyone cares I'll even give you a few more hints directly in a DM if you ask
Though I will be vague as fuck
Been doing this for over an hour now
I wasn't paying enough attention to when I started
I'm pretty sure I heard someone say that Tumblr has no character cap
Let's hope so
I'm too tired to continue this shit
I guess this ends it
Let me know if y'all want more bullshit like this
I, personally, always like an unfiltered look at someone mind
But that's me personally
Maybe my mind is bland and uninteresting
Who knows
I'll stick with what I said at the beginning tho
Less than 10 notes in 3 hours and this post going bye bye
I got a headache from this shit
I thought way more than I usually do
Now that I'm more chill, I don't hate tumblr
I fucked it up for me
But y'all are good
Tumblr's good
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satans-knitwear · 2 years
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U cant hurt me, im wearing armour. 😎
Treat me ~ Tip me
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sunflowerfl · 2 years
Not Kylian calling him colleague to the coach...
Seeing the way Thuram looked at him, there might be a running joke here 😅
Mind you this was one day before the infamous hug and the "I love you"
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Commenting on his tweet back in the days but they also don't follow each other on Twitter ?
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