#but I have six months for those
tj-crochets · 1 year
Okay so I don’t have the fluffy blanket fabric in red for a dragon, but I do have a fluffy red blanket I can use? It’s not quiiiiite as fluffy, but it’s still pretty darn fluffy, and a nice deep red kind of color, and I really want to make baby Smaug So I’m thinking I might make baby Smaug (aka a red and gold dragon) next, but before I get started on it I’ll cut out the fabric for another Bucky Bear so I’m one step closer to finishing another auction fill item
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lorillee · 11 months
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im really normal about them <- lie
#ace attorney#mia fey#diego armando#miego#lorillee.png#THATS RIGHT BABY. AFTER -um . hold on. *checks notes* - SIX MONTHS. LORILLEE IS BACK WITH PHOTOSHOP ART 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥#every now and again i like to put effort into something just to remind everybody that i can actually draw#well i say that but to be honest i put a lot of effort into those ms paint ''diego fey REAL'' doodles#but half of that is just because humans are a . something. to draw. and urban backgrounds are my worst nemesis#and also trying to work with ms paint to like slightly transform things is an incredible pain in the behind#anyways. yeagh 😎👍 behold the power of miego. getting me to actually finish something in photoshop for the first time in months#anyways. ive discovered the secret to getting me to draw stuff on photoshop. prepare yourselves accordingly#what i need to do is sketch & line something in ms paint. and then directly trace it over into photoshop#and then i can go ham#see because the reason i never did this before was because i would sketch things in ms paint#and try to line them in photoshop and it simply Wouldnt Work.#so i had assumed that if i wanted to draw in photoshop id have to sketch in it first. yknow. which i cannot do for some reason#something about the way the pen feels and the . its like the smoothing setting is on even when its on 0 percent. you know. anyways#but with this one i drew mia in ms paint as per usual . and i wanted to mess around with color & light#and i triedddd to do it in ms paint but unfortunately as you can probably imagine. doing stuff like this without layer filters#can get a little difficult. if you know what youre doing its obviously going to be easier but that being said i do not#when i pick colors i am literlaly just wildly guessing 😭🙏 which is fine for more straightforward coloring/shading#but not quite here. which is why i wanted to take a stab at it in the first place#so anyways i was like FINE WHATEVER and tried tracing the lineart in photoshop so i could take a stab at coloring in there#and i was . enlightened. (no pun intended). it WORKS#so anyways . you may actually be able to expect. some photoshop art from me#well ok thats a lie never expect art from me. but we can all dream together#anyways they really are the star-crossed doomed by the narrative romance ever. everything to me
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No witchy Wednesday this week. Life decided NO.
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communistkenobi · 11 months
I’m really glad I’m reading whipping girl because it fully inoculates you against all the stupid horseshit white transmascs say on here every single day
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hjea · 2 months
Trip knew that he would probably pay for his little after-the-fact admission about transferring back to Enterprise later, but by god it had been worth it for the look on T’Pol’s face. Immediately post-Bound, Trip tries to define his relationship-status.
aka Trip blathers on about the situationship. 😁
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doctorweebmd · 21 days
i love the comments on the latest chapter of the path to paradise where people are like 'akutagawa leave those crabs alone!'
because that's something I do
literally traveling the world's oceans, harassing all of God's crustaceans
for example took a weekend trip with my partner for our 6 year wedding anniversary a few days ago and spent a solid multiple hours searching for and harassing crabs
here is photo evidence of the largest and most in-chargest one I found:
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marcusagrippa · 3 months
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so i finally finished the october horse
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if you told me two years ago i'd be nearing 1k memes for a gay cannibal show.... i would honestly not say much because i avoid talking to people as much as possible irl
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arillusionist · 6 months
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art summary thing except i barely drew anything from may - december
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taciturnraccoon · 23 days
bro i've sketched six pages of comic post-overlord's attack on tacitus.... four pages of comic for autobot dusk.... five pages of duskfrac fluff...
we're so set the third duskcember
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tj-crochets · 2 months
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My next project! It’s going to be a super scrappy rug to go under a piano bench but it seems I have wildly underestimated how much fabric and batting that will take so now I get to go piece together more scraps and cut more batting scraps down to size
(this is not the finished center of the rug, I just kinda loosely coiled it to see how much more fabric I needed)
Was about to post this, realized the scale is not obvious at all. It’s about a foot and a half at the longest point
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popsicle-stick · 5 months
looking online to see how long a plot summary should be for a publishing pitch and the advice going anywhere from one paragraph to five pages
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
this might be a little depressing for transsexual thursday but erm.
i’ve been on T for about six months now and barely noticed any changes… (besides my voice) and i don’t feel happy like everyone else says they did :(
i’m not sure exactly what i’m asking for but… most of the people in my life wouldn’t understand i think so… i’m confessing to an internet stranger 😅
I think you should be honest with where you're at - changes can be slow-coming if you've just got those genes, and it's likely that your family who went through testosterone puberty have a similar experience. Sometimes, it hits you like a truck at 90m/ph, and sometimes, it can feel like a rollercoaster going up and up and up the tracks with no plateau or end in sight.
It's unfortunate that you can't always predict or expect all the changes that will happen to you, but it doesn't help to not be open with yourself in these stages of transition.
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awsydawnarts · 6 months
I hate you weight loss ads I hate you packaging that prominently displays calorie content I hate you menus that don’t show how much something costs but instead show the calories I hate you magazines that blast weight loss strategies in your face I hate you influencers promoting detox teas I hate how the world is so unfriendly to people recovering from EDs who are just trying to get through their everyday life without being reminded about it under the guise of a “fitness girlie” lifestyle
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furiosophie · 2 years
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arctic-hands · 4 months
I have joined the society of bluetooth earphones
#refurbished for the record#i have been dragged kicking and screaming into the future#my phone doesn't have a headphone jack. my mp3 player does but it also has bluetooth capability. my ereader only has bluetooth for audio#so I figure since I'm going on the eclipse trip in a few months I should get some wireless buds for the train#went with some used skullcandy sesh because they were like twenty-two dollars had had a twenty hour battery life#I ALMOST went with some used Hesh headphones that looked really cool and had fifteen hours but were also forty-nine dollars#which combined with the other things I needed to buy would have put me thirteen dollars over my seventy-five dollar walmart giftcard#I was very tempted if just for the aesthetique~ but realized if I bought the cheaper earbuds I could have enough money for some instax film#and the cheaper earbuds and 2 pack of film plus the household objects I needed put me at a tidy seventy-four dollars and fifty-six cents#so I didn't have to spend any actual money on anything woot woot#the earbuds are blue. which is my favorite color. but they're like a pastel blue. which is like my least favorite shade of blue#ah well I'll sacrifice looks for function and affordability any day#*stares in slight dismay at hideously pink refurbished and thirty dollar instax mini 9*#what I REALLY wanted was some of those urbanista solar-powered headphones/earbuds#but even used/refurbished both were out of the total price range of the gift card(s)#I actually had two giftcards which together totaled seventy-five so that was pretty sweet
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