#but I have to laugh to cope
I think a lot of people would understand me better if they knew my family.
Tonight we would out to a fondue place for my little brother’s bday. We’re both in college, but I’m almost past college age now, for reference. My little sister is an older teenager. 
So we get there and immediately my parents order wine. We’re having a few different conversations at once. My sister is showing me deep fried memes on pinterest, My brother is explaining some indie film to me. My parents are chatting. But every five minutes, my mom announces “LET’S TAKE A VOTE” and then asks us the most generic question ever like “what’s your favorite dessert” or “favorite color?” My siblings and I played along for the first half hour of the meal, but that got old fast. 
At some point, my brother and sister, who are sitting on either side of me, starting fighting over a piece of baby carrot that was in front of me, and they were practically sword fighting with the little fondue forks. 
There was an argument because my parents suggested we drive around and look at Christmas lights, but it’s starting to rain and temps are dropping below zero so it was a terrible idea. At this point, my mom is thoroughly tipsy and nearly fell off the curb outside the restaurant on the way out. 
You know that meme where people ask their partners, “Would you still love me if I was a worm?” If that question was a grenade, what my mom asked was a fucking atom bomb.
“When I get old and I’m in assisted living, you’re going to come take care of me every day, right?”
My sister has noise cancelling headphones in, so she’s totally out of this. My brother and I tried to give reasonable answers, but my mom just got perpetually more upset. She said if we live in another state, we have to move and be there with her all day, every day because she would do the same for us. It was distressing to say the least. 
So my brother and I compare the question to “would you still love me if I was a worm” and then my mom loses all sense.
“Everything I say is wrong, all you do is make fun of me, etc etc etc...”
All the while my dad is driving and hurtling us down the highway at 85mph. 
Needless to say everyone dispersed to their rooms when we got home.
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beebeeazzy · 8 days
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admiration for his muse or whatever!!1 thank you BoB for the mental illness <3
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mickedy · 1 year
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bowser's fury is a very intense game, i can't imagine mario is keeping a level head 100% of the time. knowing you could actually die with little warning at any given moment gets to you, who would have guessed! good thing junior is there to be right about everything all the time
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purrvaire · 5 months
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black sails + tumblr text post I have on my phone (pt. 2/?)
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mikemediagallery · 7 months
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necrotic-nephilim · 2 months
I am always thinking TimJay thoughts related to the fact that they have matching scars from getting their throats slit, and not only that, but Jason slit Tim's throat first in an attempt to threaten Bruce, where Tim was nothing more than a pawn for Jason to use to emotionally manipulate Bruce.
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batman (1940) #618
And then, just a little while later when Jason is trying to confront Bruce and do his whole dramatic moment with Joker in UTRH, and Bruce slits Jason's throat to stop Jason from killing the Joker.
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batman (1940) #650
It makes me so Unwell. They have literal matching scars. When do you think Jason realizes it? When do you think, while running his fingers over the scar he has to always remind himself that Bruce was willing to jeopardize Jason's own life just to save the Joker, Jason realized it was the same scar *he* gave Tim? And does it click for him too, that he and Tim are a lot alike? Being used as pawns in Bruce's game? And for the first time he maybe understands Tim Drake, just another kid trying to get Bruce's attention and approval? And Jason did to Tim exactly what Bruce did to Jason? And that's part of what spurns on Jason's obsession with Tim, trying to "save" Tim from Bruce's ideology?
When they finally get together does it make Jason even more possessive? He put that mark on Tim and now he has his own to match. It's the closest to being understood and loved he's ever felt when Tim runs his fingers over Jason's scar at the same time Jason touches Tim's. Mirrors of each other, in a fun, fucked up little way.
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jorvikzelda · 2 months
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it’s them… The Sillies
(”what are the lore implications of there being bandaids in hallownest” i dunno. ghost put it there)
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machineheraldbabe · 6 days
and if viktor is in the crowd during the pit vi scene. what then. what will you say. onto whose steps will you cast your unbelieving bodies, knowing that i will not receive your pleas for forgiveness.
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lovewingburb · 2 months
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why dis 🥧 so mad 😭😭😭
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chamm0y · 3 months
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yeah ok thanks
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buttercupshands · 4 months
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my friendship with canon ended now fanon is my new best friend
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but first a cute bird
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basically my mind decided that it's now free to draw whatever AUs and stuff that I want including random stuff like this
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and this!
I think my way of coping with 423 is just... ignoring it ever existed so now it's just this and an occasional canon stuff
but good for him he deserves to have all the fun fanon can offer
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fun fact: this was the first sketch out of all of them in this post!
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 7 months
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genericpuff · 7 months
girl math is making $670 for the week and then spending $650 of it on a credit card bill and now you're excited because you made a profit of $20 in your bank account and $650 more of free money
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ADHD really does put everything at equal levels of importance, huh? Like I'll have an email I need to write that'll take maybe 10 minutes, and getting that done will alleviate 6 months of stress. Then I'll notice a sock on the floor I need to put away. Then I'll get the strong conviction that it's up to me to cure cancer. And my brain will tell me that I need to do all of them at once, start and finish them all in the time span of 0 seconds, and my executive dysfunction will throw up its hands and do none of the above.
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shoplifting · 2 months
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necrophiliak · 8 months
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