#but I just... I just need time to grieve and heal }
delulujuls · 2 days
healing sessions | aegon II targaryen
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hi, it's been a hot minute since i posted here, the last weeks were pretty intense for me and since i have a summer break now, i would like to start writing again and do it more regularly.
this is something new here and since new episode of hotd dropped, im in my westeros era, so please prepare for something other than my last shots (i will still write for f1, don't worry)
and lemme set this straight, im team black till the day i die but those green bastards are FINE AS HELL lmao. also @alicenthightcwer is author of those gifts
summary: aegon isn't dealing well with his father loss, but gladly there is someone who's gonna do her best to lift his spirit a bit
warnings: it's fluff without basically any plot, sister x brother romance so targaryens at their finest, mentions of death, depression, alcohol, drugs
pairing: sister!reader x aegon targaryen
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The news of King Viserys's death did not surprise the residents of King's Landing. Nonetheless, the loss of the kind ruler dealt a painful blow to the city, which seemed to freeze in time with the king's passing. The capital plunged into mourning, and in addition to the banners, black flags were hoisted. Westeros was left without a king.
Viserys's successor, his second child and first son, Aegon Targaryen, had not been seen since the king's funeral. Aegon had lost not just a king but, most importantly, a father who, unfortunately for him, named him the future ruler on his deathbed.
Aegon would have gladly given the throne to Rhaenyra, his older half-sister. He would have done it without hesitation, even placing the crown on her head himself. Unfortunately, his mother Alicent, who was with her dying husband and heard his wish to elevate their eldest son to the throne, decided to fulfill her beloved husband's last wish at any cost.
To be honest, Aegon couldn't care less about being king. The young prince had not left his bed for several days, thick curtains blocking any light from outside. Occasionally, servants were allowed into his chambers, but only with wine and poppy milk. Aegon did not eat, allowed no one near him, and slept. Sleep was his salvation. Even the prostitutes, who once outnumbered the rats in the castle, were no longer summoned. The fiery prince had dimmed.
Alicent knew she needed to give her son time to grieve. She didn't bother him, only inquiring about his condition from the servants who managed to enter his chambers. It was enough for her to know that he was alive. Aegon's siblings dealt with their grief in their own ways, and his condition hardly impressed anyone. Except for Y/N, who, despite her own pain, worried about her brother. Sitting at breakfast, she silently observed Aegon's chair, which remained empty. After her husband's death, Alicent decreed that all meals, not just dinners, be taken together. The firstborn had not appeared at any of them since.
After a silent breakfast punctuated by brief, formal conversations, Y/N stood up and grabbed a plate, filling it with Aegon's favorite croissants and a portion of strawberries. She was done pretending nothing was wrong. This had to end.
"You shouldn't go to him," Alicent said quietly as the servants began clearing the table. "You know him, he'll come out when he's ready."
"Or he'll drink himself to death first," she replied, not even glancing at her mother. Alicent clasped her hands and pressed them to her lips, watching her family fall apart without knowing how to stop it.
Y/N left the dining room and went to Aegon's chambers. She knocked first, wanting to maintain decorum, but knowing it was futile, she grabbed the handle and pushed the heavy door open. Inside was darkness. Only a nearly spent candle by the bed gave off any light; the room looked like a cave. She blindly set the plate on a table, and with arms outstretched, she made her way to the windows. With a swift motion, she drew the curtains, and even she was blinded by the sudden light that flooded in. Not hearing any curses from her brother, Y/N looked over her shoulder. On the large bed, a figure lay curled up, back to her. From the waist down, he was covered with a sheet that blended with his pale skin. White hair in disarray touched the crumpled pillow. Aegon was either in a deep sleep or dead.
Y/N opened the curtains at every window, flinging some open. The room was stuffy, reeking of stale alcohol, sweat, and the sweet scent of poppy milk. She circled the bed, crouching opposite her brother. He was indeed asleep, but his breathing was shallow. His lips were cracked, stained with dried blood. His eyelashes were matted with tears, and dark circles marred his eyes. There was a bruise under his left eye that was different from the ones under his eyes, as it began to fade and turn from purple to green. Y/N remembered her mother, who had been rubbing her hand while sitting at the table for several days. She could only guess that Alicent was trying to shake her son off in her own way.
Aegon slept, lying on his side and hugging himself, seeking comfort only he could provide. Y/N brushed the tangled strands from his forehead and kissed him. Aegon did not stir.
The princess knew he wouldn't allow servants to tend to him. She left the room quietly, asking the maids to prepare a hot bath quickly and silently. Y/N returned and sat beside him on the bed, gently stroking his head.
Aegon wasn't the bad person many thought him to be. True, he was unique, and in a room full of people, he was impossible to ignore, but no one is born evil. Now, Aegon was simply engulfed in darkness from which he couldn't free himself. The slender, sticky fingers of depression had tightened around his throat, allowing only alcohol to pass.
After some time, a maid stood by the bed, whispering that the bath was ready, nervously glancing at the sleeping prince, afraid of waking him up. Y/N thanked and dismissed her, then leaned in and kissed her brother's forehead again.
"Aegon..." she began softly, close to his ear. "Wake up, I have strawberries for you."
He furrowed his brow, feeling her hair tickle his face. At first, he thought it was a dream or a drunken hallucination, but when he felt the urge to sneeze, he wiped his face with his hand. When he opened his heavy eyelids and saw how bright it was, he pulled the pillow over his head.
"I said no one was to come in," he muttered, his voice muffled by the pillow. "I'll have you killed for this."
"It's nice to see you too, considering I haven't seen you in over a week," she replied, sitting back on his bed and placing the breakfast she brought on the table beside him.
Hearing the familiar voice and wanting to ensure it wasn't a drunken hallucination, Aegon removed the pillow from his face, clutching it to his chest. From squinted eyes, his violet gaze spotted a well-known figure.
"Y/N?" he asked hoarsely, his voice betraying that he'd only spoken to chase away servants in the past days.
"Yes, it's me," she nodded. "And if you still want to kill me, you'll have to get out of bed, which I doubt you can do."
Aegon sighed, more of a grunt of dissatisfaction. He wanted to cover his face with the pillow again, but his sister took it and easily pulled it from his arms.
"Did you come here just to make my life more miserable?" he groaned, looking at her with displeasure.
"I came to stop what you thought was the best solution," Y/N explained. "I brought you breakfast and a hot bath."
"I don't want breakfast or a bath," Aegon replied, turning onto his other side. "And you can leave. Tell mother I'm not dead yet."
"I'm not leaving until you get out of bed," she informed him, staring at his back.
"Then enjoy your stay," he muttered, closing his eyes again.
Y/N sighed. She knew it might be hard, but in a few days, she had almost forgotten her brother's character. And Aegon's character was sometimes the textbook definition of a Targaryen.
"I came here because I want to help you," Y/N began, feeling a lump in her throat. "No one talks to each other, and when they do, it's just some fucking formalities. Aemond flies on Vhagar every day, Helaena spends hours in the garden with her books, Rhaenyra has been on Dragonstone since the funeral, mother is banging with Cole at every turn, and I don't even know if you're alive," she said in one breath, feeling tears prickling her eyes. Only when she said it all out loud did she realize what was happening. It wasn't just about informing Aegon; it was about making herself understand. The truth hurt her even more than she expected.
Hearing his sister's trembling and upset voice, Aegon sighed and turned onto his back, sitting up and leaning against the headboard. Only now could his sister see his full appearance. It was the image of a boy deep in mourning and struggling with unimaginable pain.
For a moment, they exchanged looks in silence until Aegon glanced at the nightstand beside his bed.
"Did you bring strawberries?"
She reached for the plate and placed it on the bed next to her brother. Aegon weakly lifted his hand and took one, eating it whole, including the stem.
"Croissants with filling?" he asked, chewing. Y/N nodded again.
"Nut and chocolate," she answered. Aegon silently took a croissant and slowly began to eat.
Y/N quickly wiped her cheeks as two single tears escaped from the corners of her eyes. The young prince looked at his sister, who also seemed different than he remembered from a few days ago. Her hair was still neatly combed, with a few small braids woven into it. The dark red dress, which he thought he had seen her wear before, now seemed to hang a bit loosely on her shoulders and wrinkle at the stomach. The color of the dress reminded him of the bloody cuticles around her nails, which she must have bitten out of nerves. Her face, still beautiful, was now paler than usual, almost as white as her hair. Her swollen eyes lacked their usual sparkle, and her lips seemed to have completely forgotten what a smile was.
"How are you feeling?" he asked after a moment when he had finished eating. Y/N pushed the plate closer to him, and as he reached for another croissant, she only shrugged.
"I'm sad. And I sleep poorly," she replied, staring out the window.
"You know, poppy milk—", "I won't drink it," she interrupted him.
Aegon raised his hands in a defensive gesture, taking another bite of the croissant.
"And you?" she asked, looking at him. "How are you feeling?"
He also shrugged.
"I don't even know. Now I think I feel nothing," he said, looking back at her. "Most of the time I feel nothing, except when a wave of sadness hits, and then I cry like a child until I fall asleep again."
Y/N nodded silently. She could tell that Aegon had spent many hours crying.
He put the last piece of croissant in his mouth and reached for a strawberry, handing it to his sister. She took it and ate it, nodding with appreciation.
"Not bad, right?" Aegon said, seeing her reaction. "Unusually sweet for this time of year."
Y/N let out an involuntary snort, lowering her head. Their father was dead, the country was without a king, the family was falling apart, and this idiot was talking about how great the strawberries were.
"They really are good, I don't know what you mean," he replied, taking the last strawberry and popping it into his mouth. The girl smiled, for the first time in a long while, then looked at her brother.
"I miss you, you know?"
"I'm not dead yet," he said sarcastically, rubbing his face with his hands. Y/N set the plate aside, and Aegon extended his arm toward her, silently inviting a hug. The girl shook her head and stood up.
"Maybe I miss you, but not enough to hug you after so many days without a bath," she replied, nodding her head towards the bathroom.
"You've got to be kidding," he snorted, but she shook her head again and pointed to the bathroom. Aegon sighed and slid off the bed, looking at her reproachfully the entire time. When he stood, the sheet slipped off completely, and he, naked and unbothered, walked unsteadily toward the bathroom. Y/N asked the servants to change his bedding and clean the room while she locked herself in the bathroom with him. As he sat in the water, she perched on the edge of the tub, rolling up the sleeves of her dress.
She reached for the nearby comb and slowly began to untangle his matted hair. They both remained silent, as words were completely unnecessary at that moment. After a while, she put the comb down and picked up the sponge, wetting it and pouring water over his hair. Aegon closed his eyes and tilted his head forward.
Y/N grabbed the soap and lathered it in her hands, adding a few drops of lavender oil. Aegon smiled as the familiar, pleasant scent filled the air, while she began to wash his hair. He sat there with his eyes closed, allowing his sister to take care of him. Aegon felt that of everyone in the family, only Y/N truly cared about him. Despite being the second youngest sibling, just after Helaena, he had always gotten along best with her. They were almost inseparable, always sitting together at feasts, stuffing sweets into their pockets to eat later in the garden when they managed to escape the table. Rhaenyra, their half-sister, was always the oldest and most composed. Aemond, younger than Aegon, was calm and collected but could stab a knife into someone’s neck without blinking if provoked. Helaena lived in her own world, surrounded by books, flowers, and maesters who had tried to help her ever since they noticed something was off with the growing princess. Aegon was often irreformable, acting and speaking first and thinking later. When he was younger, he was incredibly unruly, the mastermind behind every wild idea that Y/N almost always eagerly supported. The young princess loved her brother, who always tried to make her smile. Aegon loved his sister and knew that of all the people in the castle, she was the only one he would kill for and die for either.
Young prince winced quietly when Y/N, massaging his tense shoulders, ran her thumb over a particularly tight muscle.
"You're as hard as a rock," she said, continuing to massage his back. Aegon smiled to himself.
"Not quite yet," he joked.
She rolled her eyes and soaked the sponge again, rinsing the soap off his back with warm water. As she got up to stoke the fire, Aegon submerged himself in the water, washing the soap off himself and his hair. After a moment, he sat up straight and wiped his face off, leaning on the sides of the tub. He silently watched his sister, whose silhouette was highlighted by the flickering fire in the fireplace. Her white, slightly wavy hair cascaded down her back. The young prince smiled and bit his lip. Blood of my blood.
When Y/N finished tending to the fire, she stood up and dusted off her hands. She looked up, feeling her brother's gaze on her. He watched her in silence.
"Care to join?" he asked, glancing at the tub before looking back at her.
She shook her head, stepping closer and looking at the murky water. "I think I'll pass this time."
Aegon extended his hand toward her, and she gave him hers, which he pressed to his lips, planting a wet kiss on her skin. She smiled at his gesture.
"I'll go dismiss the servants," she said, stroking his cheek. "Make sure you wash away all the sadness."
The princess left the bathroom and returned to the chambers. They looked much better now, with two servants finishing changing the bed linens. When they were done, she thanked and dismissed them. She approached the large wardrobe, looking for clean clothes for her brother. She planned to get him outside for a walk, even if just a short one.
She placed the clothes on a chair and sat on the bed, running her hand over the freshly made bedding. Shortly after, Aegon emerged from the bathroom, not bothering to cover himself with even a towel.
When he stood in the doorway, Y/N involuntarily looked up at him. She looked him up and down, causing Aegon to smile.
"Like what you see?" he asked, approaching the bed without taking his eyes off her.
"I'm just checking if you washed yourself properly," she retorted, lifting her head to meet his gaze when he stood right in front of her.
Aegon still wore a faint smile as he cupped her face, his thumb stroking her cheek. His pale skin had gained a bit of color from the hot bath, but he had goosebumps from the cool, fresh breeze coming through the windows. The dark circles under his eyes were still visible, but his gaze was now clear and certain, darkening as he was looking at his sister.
"I missed you too," he said after a moment of silence, during which they exchanged looks. He brushed his thumb over her lower lip. "Make love with me."
It wasn't a command or even a request. It was a quiet murmur filled with desperation, almost sounding like a plea. Aegon needed to feel her warmth, needed to feel something other than the alcoholic breath of death that placed cold kisses on him.
She silently stood from the bed, and before he could say anything, she touched his cheek and kissed him. Aegon wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, returning the kiss. Blindly, he started to fumble with the ties of her dress, but seeing his struggle, she began undressing herself. He cupped her face in his hands, kissing her tenderly. When she loosened her corset, Aegon grabbed the bottom of her gown and quickly pulled it over her head, tossing it aside. She shivered at the sudden chill but soon felt Aegon's warm body against her skin. He smiled into her mouth.
"You're so soft," he whispered between kisses, holding her tightly as if he wanted to lock her inside his ribcage. "Go on, lie down."
She obeyed, positioning herself comfortably on a pile of pillows. Aegon hovered over her, kissing her gently. Their hands tangled in each other's hair, touching and grasping every bit of skin they could reach. Lips swollen from kissing released soft sighs and moans mixed with tender words.
Aegon could be gentle, delicate, and caring. He wasn't like this with the whores he sometimes brought to his chambers to relieve himself and kill boredom. But he loved his sister dearly and would never harm her.
The young prince couldn't remember the first time his sister came to his chambers and stayed the night. It was probably before their father's illness. One autumn, Aegon caught a terrible cold. He couldn't sleep at night, and his cough kept the entire western wing of the castle awake. One night, a sleepy Y/N went to his room, silently took the nearby laying ointment, sat on his hips, and began rubbing it on his chest. Aegon, feverish, thought he was hallucinating. But when he woke up the next morning and saw his naked sister asleep in his bed, he knew the events of the previous night hadn't been a fever dream.
Now, too, Aegon had to think twice if the soft body in his arms was really there or just a trick of his drunken mind.
"Are you real?" he whispered, pulling away from her lips and looking at her face.
"You'll have to find out for yourself," Y/N replied just as softly.
Aegon smiled involuntarily and hurriedly disappeared between her thighs.
At dinner, not only Aegon's chair was empty. The chair next to his, Y/N's, was also vacant.
Aemond glanced sideways at his sister, who tried to hide her smile behind her hair. Otto looked at her as well, then at her mother.
"Helaena?" Alicent spoke, looking at the blushing face of her daughter. "Is something wrong?"
"Aegon is feeling much better," she said. The young princess knew this first because the garden she particularly liked was just below her brother's chambers, and the windows, this time, were wide open.
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limitless-haven · 3 days
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Those Ocean Eyes
Synopsis: When you’re called upon by Tokyo Jujutsu High for an opportunity to study under the renowned Shoko Ieiri, you gladly accept the offer, leaving behind your old school. Here you start your new adventure, excited to learn and see where this life will take you, but what you don’t account for is that here is also where you truly fall in love for the first time.
Satoru Gojo is a charismatic enigma that captures your heart right away. As time goes on, you come to truly understand the pain behind those ocean eyes of his. The scariest part? His truth doesn’t terrify you like he expected it to. If anything it makes you fall more intense for him. You want to help shoulder the burden of his pain for the man you’ve come to love.
Word Count: 4.4k
Warnings: Just some very light flirting
A/N: Hello! This is my first time posting here. I've been a silent reader/reactor but decided to give it a go! Please let me know what you think so far and if I should continue. All feedback is greatly appreciated.
***This is a slow burn. Eventually there will be some spicy scenes but I will give a warning before hand.
***This story does contain elements, scenes, and dialog from the manga/anime.
***This story was influenced by the song Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish. Every time I hear the song, I cant help but think of Gojo and what a complex character he is. He is such a lovable character who deserves the world. Honestly, I could cry right now thinking about it.
***This is also posted to my AO3 account under the name “kookie0807”
Chapter 1: Pretty Girl
Just like your parents, you attend Kyoto Jujutsu High. Your dad was a cursed technique user and your mom is a teacher of cursed techniques. Your father was killed in battle by a curse a couple of years ago leaving behind a grieving wife and a devastated daughter.
From that moment on, you wanted nothing more than to pour yourself into learning about your own cursed technique. It just so happens that what you possess is the ability to use reverse curse techniques, a rare find among Jujutsu sorcerers. To your knowledge, there is only one other person who is capable of using the same technique as you, and her name is Shoko Ieiri. She just so happens to be an astounding doctor on top of that, which is why you look up to her so much. You’ve dreamed about being able to get to poke her brain about your shared ability. But as cruel as fate would have it, she’s the doctor for the only other jujutsu school, Tokyo Jujutsu High.
Hearing about everything Shoko can do, made you want to learn about your own ability that much more. She had mastered her technique seemingly overnight, hell maybe she was just born with it. But you? You haven’t been able to attain the ability on Shokos level. Rumor has it, she could regenerate a missing limb from a person and more. Yes, you could help with healing surface-level wounds and a broken bone or two but what you are absolutely itching to do is have the ability to bring someone back from death if needed.
This all started when your father died in battle. If you were just stronger, and more advanced in your technique, you could have possibly saved him. It eats you up that you couldn’t save your father, you were so close yet so far off from unlocking the true potential of your reverse cursed technique. When you saw your father cut in half, you poured every ounce of your cursed energy into trying to save his life but to no avail. You vividly remember sitting in the morgue as your father’s body lay on the cold, metal, embalming table. You remember the heartbreaking guttural cry coming from your mother’s lips as you exited the morgue, covered from head to toe in his blood. That is a sound that will forever haunt you. A sound no human should ever make. A sound so piercing to the human soul. You couldn’t look up at her, you could barely see the floor as you walked out due to the tears, your ears were ringing and you just felt cold. You collapsed on the floor but your mother was there to catch you. You cried and cried into your mother’s arms as she cried along with her baby girl.
Your mother went through a really bad depression for the next couple of years. There was nothing you could do but give her support, how do you help someone who’s lost the love of their life? It was a challenging time but you two managed to get through it together. Seeing your mom so heartbroken, so utterly miserable, it made something inside of you snap. You never wanted to experience this again with anyone.
You’re sitting in on a lecture your mother was giving some underclassmen about cursed techniques. While the information was vital to the up-and-coming new sorcerers, you’ve heard it before. If you’re being completely honest with yourself, the school doesn’t offer too much in terms of helping you unlock the true power of reverse cursed techniques. Unfortunately, this is one of the two places for the next generation of sorcerers to gather and train. Once you “graduate” a jujutsu school and become a full-fledged jujutsu sorcerer, you’re then put into the position of either becoming a teacher or accompanying other sorcerers on missions. Don’t get it wrong, you love being surrounded by people who somewhat understand the life you live. Not everyone is born with cursed energy so those far and wide who are tend to stick at the schools. Think of it as a college campus of sorts. Everyone has classes, a 'dorm room', there is a field to practice hand-to-hand combat on, a sparing room, and well you get the idea. From the outside looking in, as someone who knows nothing about curses or the use of cursed techniques, this looks like a regular school. Hell, you guys even have uniforms! Anything to blend in with society so the (as you like to call them) “normies” don’t suspect a thing.
As you're listening to your mother teach, you see your phone vibrating on the desk in front of you. An unknown number is calling. Wonder who that could be? You look up at your mom and point to your phone. She nods as if to say go ahead and step out to take the call. You get up quietly and head out the door. You walk a little away from the door so that you won’t disturb your mother’s class any more than you have. With a raised eyebrow you answer the phone.
“Um, hello?”
“Yes, is this (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?” A deep voice says on the other line.
“Yes, this is she. Mind if I ask who’s calling?” You say, your curiosity is piqued.
“Yes, this is Masamichi Yaga. Principal of Tokyo Jujutsu High.” He says rather sternly.
“Principal Yaga? Nice to hear from you, sir! But why are you calling me?” You asked with a confused look on your face.
“I’m calling because I’ve been in talks with Yoshinobu Gakuganji. He has reluctantly agreed to an idea of mine that involves you.” He says.
“Oh, well in that case I’m all ears! How can I help?” You say. Whatever could he want with you? You wouldn’t even put yourself in the league of Kyoto's best sorcerers.
“I would like you to transfer to Tokyo as soon as possible. I hear you’re the only other person who can use reverse cured techniques.” He says. Of course, Principal Gakuganji would have been in talks with the other school about you. After all, there are only you and Shoko.
Your heart starts to beat into your throat. WHAT? He wants you to come there? But for what exactly? But before you can calm your nerves down to answer him, he continues.
“I’ve also had a conversation with Ms. Ieiri and we would like you to come study under her. She wants to help you in any way that she can. We’ve heard about you wanting to unlock your true reverse cursed techniques' power. This will be a very valuable asset to both of our schools.”
HOLY SHIT. You must be dreaming! You have wanted nothing more than to be able to meet Shoko in the flesh and ask her all your burning questions! You can’t believe the opportunity of a lifetime just fell into your lap!
“I-I would love nothing more sir!” You stammer out but Principal Yaga can tell just how excited you are over the phone.
“Great! I’ll inform Gakuganji and Shoko of your decision. I look forward to you joining the Tokyo branch.” He says back with some underlying excitement in his voice as well.
You hum a response and tell him goodbye. He told you to be there tomorrow sometime in the early afternoon so you can get set up in your new room and meet the group.
Your heart is pounding. There is a smile on your face so wide that your cheeks hurt. You clutch your phone close to your chest and breathe slowly. You’ve never been more eager for anything in your life! Finally, you get to study under the renowned Shoko Ieiri. This is what you’ve always wanted. This is what you have gone to bed every night since your father died praying for.
The loud roar of the underclassmen being released for their lecture startles you back to earth. As they pass by you, moving on to their next class, you walk towards the door of your mother's room. She’s standing there, flipping through some book. You walk in and stand in front of her desk. She looks up at you and smiles.
“Well, what was that phone call about baby?” She asks with genuine curiosity.
“It-it was Principal Yaga from the Tokyo school.” You say as your heart starts to beat fast again.
“Oh, whatever could he want?” She asks raising an eyebrow.
“He-he wants me to transfer to Tokyo so I c-can study with Ms. Ieiri.” You say excitedly. You can’t believe this is real.
“Oh? Congratulations baby!” Your mother says enthusiastically as she makes her way around the desk to hug you.
You lean into your mother’s hug. Her arms feel like one of the safest places to be. You can’t help but squeeze her tightly and she does the same back. When you let go of the hug and look up, you see your mother is crying. You raise your hand to wipe her tears. It makes you uneasy to see your mother cry.
“What’s the matter? I’ll call him back right now and tell him never-“ but you couldn't get the sentence out as your mother shushed you.
“No baby. These are happy tears. I’m so thrilled that you get the opportunity to learn from Ms. Ieiri.” She says with red eyes.
You smile at your mother. She has always been so supportive of everything you’ve ever wanted to do in your life. That woman is your rock, your reason to live.
“Thank you mom. Thank you for always being here for me.” You say as you lean back in for another hug. Her hugs make you feel like a little girl again. Nothing is quite as powerful as the love between a parent and their child.
She hugs you more before pulling you back and looking at you.
“When do you leave out?” She asks.
“Principal Yaga said he would like me to be there early tomorrow afternoon if possible.” You say as you wipe your own eyes from the few teardrops that fell onto your cheek.
“Well, then we better head back to your room and get you packed up! My baby is flying the nest!” She exclaims.
You laugh at your mother’s reaction. She has been there for you in your darkest of times and it makes your heart so happy that she is here for the brightest of your times. You two clean up the classroom and head out the door to your dorm room. You spend all night packing and talking with your mother about your future.
The next afternoon arrives and you head out to Tokyo Jujutsu High. On the car ride there you wonder how the new school will be. Is it the same as Kyoto? Will you make new friends fast there? Is your dorm room going to be as comfortable as your last? What kind of food do they have? Will you be able to unlock your true reverse cursed techniques' power?
As you pull up, you see a tall man standing there with dark glasses on, short brown hair, and a goatee. He’s pretty muscular and looks very intimidating. Is this Principal Yaga? You think to yourself. Sure enough, when you get out of the car and walk up to him, he introduces himself as Principal Yaga.
“If you’ll follow me, we can get you set you. Don’t worry about the bags. Megumi and Yuji will get them for you.” He says as he starts walking to the entrance of the school.
Megumi? Yuji? They must be students here at Tokyo you think and follow along right behind Yaga but not before saying goodbye to your mother You hug her one last time and smile at her. You inform her that you will indeed call later tonight to tell her all about your first day!
He shows you around the school, especially the medical lab where you will be working with Shoko. He informs you that you will be in a group with the first years, even though you are about 10 years older than them. He wants to gauge your talents, not just cured techniques but also hand-to-hand combat. He hands you your student ID. It reads “(Y/N) (Y/L/N): GRADE 3.” You’re not surprised in the slightest. Grade 3 sources are of average jujutsu ranking. Most jujutsu students get assigned this rank upon enrollment to Jujutsu High. Grade 3 sorcerers are not allowed to go on solo missions and are almost always accompanied by someone of a higher grade. Without the full completion of the reverse cursed technique and very basic, bare minimum hand-to-hand combat skills, this is all you possess. At Kyoto, you worked in the medical field healing other sorcerers and hardly ever going on missions that would put you in danger. Principal Gakuganji always told you that your talent was too precious to risk in actual curse batters thus resulting in your grade ranking remaining at 3 since you graduated the program. Honestly not that you were complaining though. You’ve been there to heal some of the students and sorcerers when they’ve come back from missions. You can’t count how many times you’ve healed enormous cuts and broken bones. That did not look pleasing to you in the slightest. When you finish your tour, Principal Yaga leads you to your dorm room.
“Here is where you’ll be staying. Shoko and Gojo's rooms are just down the hall if got need them for anything.” He says.
Suddenly you hear a loud commotion from down the hall. You look up to see two boys, who can’t be older than 16 carrying your bags and bickering.
“Hurry up you dumbass, Principal Yaga, and the new kid are probably already there!”
“Yeah, yeah. Calm down don’t get your panties in a twist, my man.”
A tall-ish boy with black spiked hair, pale skin, long eyelashes, and dark blue eyes rounds the corner first. He’s wearing a standard Jujutsu High uniform with a dark blue jacket, matching pants, and low-top brown shoes.
“Shut the hell up Itadori. I’m not going to get bitched at all because you wanted to stop at the vending machines on the way here.”
A second boy comes around the corner. He’s tall-ish too, tanner than the other boy, with bright pink hair, light brown eyes, and these weird markings under his eyes. He’s got on the same uniform style as the other boy but his is highlighted with a red collar and the same red shoes to match.
“Fushiguro you know I can’t pass up on a banana milk, man!”
Both of them stop in their tracks as they see you and Principal Yaga standing in front of your door. Principal Yaga just huffs at the boys.
“You two stop the bickering and get (Y/N)’s belongings in here now!” He says as he raises his voice.
The boys bolt for your room at the speed of light. You follow them inside and tell them they can just put the bags down on your bed and you’ll deal with unloading them later.
“(Y/N), this is Megumi Fushiguro and Yuji Itadori. They are two of the three first years you’ll be training with. Nobara Kugisaki is the other first year.” He says as he leans against the doorframe.
The black-haired one introduces himself as Megumi and the pink-haired one greets you and tells you he’s Yuji. You shake both of their hands and thank them for all the help, you have a lot of stuff so you know the trip wasn’t light
He then sighs. “Unfortunately you’ll be under the watch of Satoru Gojo along with Shoko. He’s going to be teaching you more martial arts and how to control your cursed energy better.” He exhales heavily and looks at the two boys in front of him. “Have either of you seen the idiot?”
. “Don’t know where Gojo is but knowing his lanky ass, he’s probably running late,” Megumi says as he rubs the back of his head. “God sometimes I want to punch that guy in the face.” He says in a low breath.
Itadori laughs and puts his hand on Megumi's shoulder. “Oh come on, we should be more grateful to have Gojo-sensi being the one teaching us. After all, he is the strongest.”
“You two help (Y/N) get accustomed to things around here. I’m going to find Gojos ass!” He said with some bass behind his voice. Remind you never to get on his bad side? Check! Principal Yaga gets off the doorframe of your room and takes off down the hall.
You’ve heard about this Gojo guy through the students at Koyto. Apparently, he is the heir to the Gojo clan and is the first person to inherit the six eyes and limitless technique in over four hundred years. That’s pretty impressive if you do say so! You wonder what kind of teacher he could be if he was considered the strongest already. His students must be some of the best among the Tokyo group.
“(Y/n) don’t listen to Itadori. Sure Gojo's strong but he’s a pain in the ass to deal with,” Megumi says as he slaps Yuji's hand off his shoulder.
Yuji just rubs his hand, giving Megumi a side-eye. “Anyway, come on (Y/N). We’ll introduce you to Shoko!” He says rather cheerfully.
Those two are completely opposite yet you can tell how much they care for each other. You wonder if you’ll fit into their group well. Also, where the heck is the other first year at? And more importantly, where is your 'teacher' at?
You leave the room with the boys and head down the hall to Shoko's room. Megumi knocks on her door and waits patiently to see if she’s in there. The door opens and out walks the woman you’ve been dying to meet. She has long brown hair that passes her shoulders, her eyes are a soft brown with dark circles underneath them and she has a mole under her right eyes. She’s wearing pretty normal-looking clothes except she spots a white lab coat over them and cream-colored heels. She looks at the boys and then at you. You think your heart just might stop.
“Hey, boys. And hello (Y/N) I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.” She gives you a soft smile.
You immediately bow your head. “Yes, ma’am I’ve been looking forward to this day as well! It’s so nice to finally meet you Ms. Ieiri!” You say enthusiastically.
She gives off a little laugh before putting her hand on your shoulder and raising you so you're looking at her face. “Please hon, just call me Shoko. We’re close enough to the same age.”
You look into her eyes and smile widely. “Yes Ms. Iei- I mean Shoko! It’s been a dream of mine to be able to even talk to you.”
She lets out another soft laugh. “Well, I hope I can live you to your expectations (Y/N). I’ve known about you for a little while now and I can’t wait to see what we can do to help you unlock that technique of yours!”
You can’t help but keep smiling at her. “Oh yes! I’ve been dying to figure it out. I’m so thankful to you and Principal Yaga for giving me this opportunity! I promise I won’t let you down!” And you say that with all honesty in your heart. You want to show these people that they didn’t waste their time bringing you here.
“I have no doubt you will accomplish great things here under our guidance.” She smiles at you and then looks at Megumi and Yuji. “…has she met Gojo yet?” She laughs.
You hear Megumi tsk. “No. Poor girl doesn’t know what she’s in for. Yaga went to find him. Of course, his dumbass is running late.”
Shoko laughs at Megumi's distain for Gojo’s tardiness. “Yeah, that goof is always late for everything.”
You hear Yuji laugh at Shoko's comment. Was this Gojo guy really that late to everything?
Before you could ask them anything else you heard someone coming down the hallway. You can tell it’s a man from the voice. It’s loud, really loud actually. Almost boarding on annoying….
“Yea, yea sorry Yags. I told ya, traffic was bad. Not m’fault I got stuck.”
And then he rounds the corner. He’s very, and you mean very tall, lean, muscular, and looks to be in his late twenties. His hair is snow-white and spiked up due to a black blindfold covering his eyes. He’s wearing a Jujutsu uniform which is a dark blue zip-up jacket with a high collar that’s significantly wide, fitted matching pants, and black boots.
He steals your breath with just how attractive-looking this man is. God, even his voice was alluring. He spots you all standing down by Shoko's room, his room is just down a bit farther, and waves. He starts to walk over. You don’t think he notices you at first because you're blocked a little by the others.
“Well well if it isn’t m’precious first years and the doctor. Heard we got some new meat today. Where’s he at?” He asks as he finally gets over to the group.
Megumi tsks again. “You idiot. The new first year is a girl and she’s literally right here.” He says as he steps out of the way.
There is enough space created between you all that the white-haired man now has plenty of room to check you out. You look up at him, you mean really have to look up. He just stands there for a second, what you assume to be staring at you because you can’t see his eyes. And then he grins. A big shit-eating grin. He bends down so he’s at eye level with you now. You can feel your heart in your throat. God, this guy seems to not know the meaning of personal space. But damn, is he one attractive-looking man.
“My, my, you’re a pretty little one.” He says smirking at you.
You can feel your cheeks start to heat up under his gaze. It doesn’t make you uncomfortable by any means, more squeamish because this unfamiliar yet charming man has called you pretty. Does he really think you’re pretty?
He can’t help but give a small chuckle. His breath ghosted over your face. He smells like sweet candy and honestly, you wouldn’t mind a taste. “Gotta name, pretty girl?” He asks as he tilts his head to the side giving you a sultry smirk.
Your cheeks heat up again and you feel your palms starting to sweat. You probably look like a lovestruck schoolgirl right now but honestly, it’s not far off from the truth. Before you can answer, Shoko interrupts his blatant flirting.
“That’s enough Satoru. Jeez, don’t scare her away just yet.” She says with a roll of her eyes. “She's from the Koyto school, the transfer student…wait did Yaga not tell you anything?”
Wait…so this man..is the Satoru Gojo? The same guy who’s going to be your teacher? The same one who you find terribly handsome!? Oh god. This is going to be a rough time for you.
He laughs again before standing up to return to his full height. “Nah, the ol’gezzer told me about her as he was jumpin’ my ass ‘bout bein’ late. I was jus' messin’ with ya.” He smiles a toothy grin.
You hear Itadori laugh. “See Gojos not that bad (Y/N). He’s actually a really cool teacher.” Yuji then wraps his arm around Megumi's shoulder and pulls him along with him down the hallway. “We’re gonna go find Kugisaki. See y’all later!”
You faintly hear Megumi tell Itadori to get his slimy hands off him before they are gone. Now left standing there with Shoko and the oh-so-handsome tall guy, he chuckles. “I got it from here Sho. I’ll show her the classroom an’ all the other fun stuff.” He says as he puts his gigantic hands in his pockets.
Jesus was everything about this man big? Oh god. Great now you’re blushing again. ‘Get it together!’ You say to yourself.
“Fine just don’t be..well don't be you Satoru.” Shoko rolls her eyes. “If he creeps you out too much, run to my room and I’ll save you.” She says with a chuckle.
You can’t help the chuckles that comes out of your mouth. So far Satoru doesn’t seem like a creep, but who knows? Stranger things have happened.
Satoru huffs like a child. “M’not a creep. I’m perfectly capable of bein’ a gentleman.” He says as he looks down at you. “Well, unless you wan’ me to be a little rough with ya pretty girl.” He says with a smirk.
And there you go again blushing like a lovesick teenager. God, is this guy always this flirty? This was gonna take some getting used to.
Shoko knows there is no point in trying to stop him. She just sighs and says she heading down to the medical room. She tells Gojo to bring you there when he’s done. He nods and you two start walking over to the classroom. He hasn’t said anything else to you and you start to wonder what he could be thinking. Is he excited to get a new first year even though you’re much older than the other three? Is he going to be a good teacher? Why did he become a teacher at this school when he could have easily just been a normal run-of-the-mill sorcerer? All these thoughts swim through your head as you’re walking and then he abruptly stops in front of a door that you can only assume to be his classroom. He opens the door and holds it open as if to say ‘after you.’ So you walk in. It isn’t much different from the Koyto classrooms you’ve become accustomed to. There is a blackboard, some desks, a couple of bookshelves, what you assume to be his desk and a very expensive-looking black chair.
He sits down in said expensive black chair and crosses one excessively long leg over the other. He’s then looking at you and smiling. You feel your cheeks heat up again under his glare. Why does he have to keep doing this to you? Does he enjoy teasing you? But you think you already know the answer to that...
“So, pretty girl, ‘bout that name?” He asks smirking at you.
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themissinghand · 3 days
Welcome home author, how was your day?🫂🫂
I hope you take care of your health.I fell in love with Han Yoojin x reader.Can I make a request Han Yoojin x reader?.Where the reader is his wife in the first life and also know that Han Yoohyun always protecting Han Yoojin behind the shadow so the reader always tells her husband's condition to her brother-in-law but the problem is that the reader died because the hospital she went to was attacked by a monster (you can do whether the reader is pregnant or not). So they both meet again before they get married in the regression .Well yeah it's heavy angst😭 to romantic.😍
Take care of yourself and make sure you get enough water and rest.❤️❤️❤️❤️..Send you hugs and love. 💕💕..I apologize for my English
S-Class That I Raised: Heartstrings [2]
Part 1!
Summary: In which you don't remember Han Yoojin in this life, but he remembers everything. 
Or, Yoojin has nightmares of the past, a constant reminder that he will make you happy in this life. 
(And perhaps, he’s not the only one)
Pairing: Han Yoojin x F! Reader
Note: I'm doing well anon! Hope you are having a fabulous day too! Sending hearts -> you.
Part 2 of the Heartstrings series since it seemed like it was fitting. Made this by listening to Past Lives by sapientdream. 
This came out longer than I expected it too, with a lot more emotional feels. I hope this still satisfies your request! 
Warnings: Angst and fluff because it’s a regression manhwa, what did you expect?
Han Yoojin still has nightmares and visions of the past. 
He dreams of his incompetence and his sorrows, his uselessness and ignorance. 
Every time he sees you, now the S-Class Saintess in the spotlight, there’s something that gnaws at him, telling him to stay away because he was the danger in your first life.
His inferiority was dangerous, as it influenced his attitude and behaviour, but then he met you. 
His healing was slow and gradual, and perhaps now he realized that his brother cared too. After all, you who reported his healing journey to Yoohyun, and Yoohyun, protected both of you in the shadows. 
(His inferiority complex used to curse him, made him jealous seeing your friendly interactions with Yoohyun)
Truly, he used to be such a pathetic man.
In his past life, Han Yoojin would never imagine he would get to marry you. 
His marriage ceremony was small, simple, but warm. While on his side was only him, his brother, and some colleagues, your family was much more full and welcoming. 
To him, you and your family were angels. Supportive, kind, and took him and Yoohyun in like a family. 
Although Yoojin grew up without his parents and took care of Yoohyun alone, he always wanted a family. So he was nervous meeting your parents for the first time. 
But who knew? Who knew parents could be so loving, caring, and protective? Of course, your father and brother gave him “the talk”, and made themselves clear that he needed to protect you and respect you. 
(You made sure Yoojin wasn’t bullied for too long)
Yoojin was constantly reminded of love, and he could see that love change his brother too. 
Despite the fact that he was a F-class hunter, or Yoohyun a S-class hunter, they treated them like sons of the family. 
He could see that you grew up with love, and also share that love with him. 
Of course, Yoojin reciprocated their love and care just like Yoohyun did; he didn’t want to disappoint your family.
But, nothing ever goes smoothly doesn’t it?
One day, monsters appeared near your parents home, and when Yoojin and Yoohyun rushed there, they saw your Father, a normal civilian, protecting his wife and son with all his might. 
Yoojin never had more respect for a man, a father, before. 
With such a proud, relieved smile, your father spits out blood and falls to his knees.
“Take care of my family.”
Only when he saw them, he finally fell with a peaceful smile. 
Those were his last words.
Losing your Father was devastating.
It took weeks for your family to grieve. Yoojin remembers standing beside Yoohyun, and watching you, your mother and your brother pray, cry, and grieve. 
That was when you decided to work more to help support the family, even though the job of a hunter is dangerous.
No matter what your family says, you stubbornly chose to earn money so they can live comfortably.
Even if he was useless, Yoojin always tried to go with you into every dungeon, so he can protect you. After all, he made an oath.
“Father.” Yoojin remembered kneeling before your Father’s photo and kowtow. 
“I will protect (Y/N), and your family. I swear on my name.” 
Yoohyun too, kneeled and swore. 
For the first time in a long time, Yoojin saw such a raw emotion in his younger brother’s eyes. 
Yet, neither of them could fulfill that promise. 
“What do you mean?” Yoojin grabbed the collar of his brother’s jacket.
“Say that again!” 
“It’s my fault that my sister-in-law died.” Yoohyun looked guilty and bitter, which made Yoojin feel even worse. 
“It’s because Haeyeon Guild has enemies, and they targeted sister-in-law. They led her into that B-Class dungeon.” Yoojin felt his hands shake as he let go due to shock, his vision blurs, and he tried hard to not let those tears fall. 
“They’re dead now.” Yoohyun says robotically, but the emptiness in his eyes didn’t clear up.
For a moment, the two brothers stood them silently, both gripping at the sad reality. 
“It doesn’t matter anymore. She’s gone.” 
Pathetic. Yoojin couldn’t hold back his tears, just like how he couldn’t protect you. 
Again, a beat of silence.
“Hyung.” As if the reality couldn’t be worse, Yoohyun pulled out a file and handed it to him. 
“I got this from our investigation.” 
Dully, he reached out to read it even though his heart had sunk. 
It was a hospital checkup letter, and when he read it, Yoojin felt dizzy, nauseous as if he was gonna throw up. He remembered that you went out to get a checkup because you weren’t feeling well. 
As if everything was coming to him at once, his legs finally gave out under pressure. 
He just wanted to be with you, but why? Why did you leave him? Just like his parents did? 
“Hyung. Hyung!” Yoohyun managed to catch him before he fainted. 
You were two months pregnant with a child.
His child. Their child. 
Their child that he could never see.
“Yoojin!” Yoojin was used to these nightmares, whenever he woke up, he was out of breath, terrified and self-loathing. 
But this time, you were there. 
Why were you there? It was his room? 
“(Y/N)?” Breathless, he reached out to you, and gently grazed your cheeks. Tears rolled down his cheeks when he thought of your memorial and funeral. 
He wanted to hold you, kiss you, and cuddle you in his arms. 
But he held himself back, he was afraid of repeating the past. 
“I love you.” It was such a tiny whisper, he wondered if you even heard it, and if you did, what would happen? 
Never in a thousand years, would he hear these words from you. 
“I love you too.” 
What? Do you remember?
In that instant, it was as if the dam broke. Yoojin remembered the unbearable grief, the sleepless nights, and the desperate wish for a second chance.
Do you remember? The love they had shared, the life they had built, and the cruel twist of fate that had torn them apart?
Without a word, you pulled him into your arms, holding him tightly against your chest. The warmth of your body, the steady rhythm of your heartbeat, was a lifeline that grounded him in the present. His arms wrapped around you, one hand tangling in your hair, the other pressing you closer as if he could meld their souls back into one.
“Bong told me. I dreamed of our past lives.” You whisper in between your tiny sobs. 
It felt so foreign, yet so familiar when you two cling on each other, with tears soaking your clothes.
"I'm so sorry," Yoojin choked out finally, his voice breaking with the intensity of his emotions. "I couldn't save you...I couldn't..."
You shook her head, pulling back just enough to look into his eyes. "It wasn't your fault," you whispered, her voice hoarse with tears. 
"We were victims. But we're here now, together. We have another chance, and we’re stronger now."
Yoojin cupped your face in his hands, his thumbs brushing away tears. 
(Yours or his? Does it even matter now?)
"I promise you," he said, his voice steady despite the tears streaming down his face, "I will protect you. I won't let anything take you away from me again."
You nodded, a small, sad smile tugging at her lips. 
"And I will always stand by your side, no matter what."
They stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, holding each other as they cried, their tears mingling together. The pain of their past life was still there, a haunting reminder of what they had lost, but in each other's arms, it felt that nothing else mattered. 
In his 2nd life, Han Yoojin would never imagine he would get to marry you (again).
His marriage ceremony was small, simple, but warm. While on his side was his brother and S-class hunters who have become a part of his life, your family was full of laughter and warmth.
A stark contrast, but still welcoming as he watches you walk towards him with your father. 
You were beautiful. 
In past lives or in this one, you are an angel. 
“I trust that you will protect my daughter.”
With a bow, Yoojin swore an oath to your father. 
“Yes, I swear, I will make your daughter happy.” 
Your father gave an approving nod, before handing you off to him. For a moment, he felt tears well up seeing him alive and well, and so trusting of him, but he held back. 
He won’t be a pathetic man any more. 
“I promise to stand by your side, in every life, through every challenge. I love you, Yoojin, now and forever.” Hearing your vow, his heart stirs as you share understanding looks. 
Yoojin’s voice wavered as he responded, “I promise to protect you, to cherish every moment we have. I love you more than words can say. In this life and the next, I’m yours.”
When the officiant pronounced you husband and wife, it felt like the world had stopped, and it was just the two of you in the center of the world. Yoojin’s hands trembled slightly as he held yours, but his grip was firm, determined.
“You may kiss the bride,” the officiant announced, and Yoojin leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that was both tender and passionate. It was a kiss that spoke of promises kept and everything he’s been fighting for all his life.
You. If it’s you, it’s worth it. 
Applause erupted around you, the cheers of friends and family blending into a harmonious symphony of love and support. 
Yoohyun, standing close by, allowed a rare smile to grace his lips, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and happiness. 
In his arms was Bong, your little dog who has snuggled close to him and yips happily at the sight. 
Finally, Bong doesn’t have to be the only one that remembers. 
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zinniapetals · 5 months
my fave chengxian reconciliation scenario is wei wuxian slowly realizing that the life of a wanderer isn’t actually what he wants and lotus pier is his home and more clearly, living in a world with jiang cheng but not actually being something to jiang cheng isn’t what he wants either
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angelnumber27 · 12 days
It’s so embarrassing and heartbreaking being in so much pain over losing someone while knowing they don’t give a fuck if you live or die. Your favorite person becoming a stranger is a special kind of hell.
#I fucking hate having bpd#while I’m at it I don’t understand the fuckin audacity some people have to say they love you and do horrible things to you#I feel so stupid#I feel so stupid for believing all the lies#but I was so in love and put him on such a pedestal that I just allowed it all.#thinking about someone constantly and grieving over them and knowing they’re perfectly fine and to them you don’t exist#I’m still in such a state of grief and I don’t understand why time hasn’t healed#it honestly feels like it’s gotten worse w time#I just torture myself but I can’t help it my brain wants me dead#it’s so painful I feel so fucking stupid#being abandoned with no closure by someone who’s your entire world#for someone they were unfaithful to you with multiple times (I don’t even know how many and dony want to know) immediately#like that was the plan all along#he took our cat hundreds of miles away and I don’t even know if he still has her or if she’s still alive and I miss her every day#I never loved someone like that and it feels like the heartbreak is actually physically killing me#i spent 1/5 of my entire life with him#I was my prettiest and had the best body at the time and I wasted it on someone who didn’t appreciate me#not wasted. it wasn’t wasted. we had some incredible times together#I’ll never be that beautiful again#and now idk what do so bc i can’t decide which is worse: being alone and isolating or loving deeply and ending up horribly hurt all over#it’s all just so upsetting.#and I feel so stupid for allowing it all#he knows more about me than anyone and he made me feel like he loved me so much sometimes and then did horrid things and it’s so fucked up#nobody read this I’m so embarrassed and horribly broken#it traumatized me so much there was so much abuse and pain idk if I’ll ever recover#I deserved it but it still hurts my heart#I was so mentally ill and sick I know it had to have been miserable to be around me#there are so many things only he understands and knows about me and I need to talk about them I j wanna b able to b there 4 each other#but that girl is so beyond insecure and controlling so. if I want to talk to who fuckin gets me I’m just fucked#why lead someone on like that for years knowing you’re going to abandon them the second it’s convenient
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imflyinoveryou · 3 months
living with em just has me in this irrational , constant oscillation of idealization and genuine resentment and it’s not fair to them nor myself.. i can’t wait to put space between us ! and i can’t wait to have clarity that brings far more love into my relationships with them.
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lupismaris · 1 year
No one gets under your skin and makes you feel sick quite like your siblings, and there's no numbness quite like the feeling of having to put a boundary firmly in place with a wide open door for them to walk through should they see it for one
#ive not always been a good older sibling to my brother and i know that. ive owned up for it and apologized and made myself open.#so that we can mend what fractured relationship we have should he choose.#but he fixates on my refusal to play nicely with family that has not done right by me for the whole of my life and bases#the entirety of our potential relationship and the memory of out mother on that on the fact i wont play nice with her kin#because they have not ever fully accepted me save for my uncles which is a new thing. and ive made my boundaries about this clear#and he pushes and pushes and says if we come together as a family it'll ease his grieving and we'll all heal together#but thats just disregarding my own boundaries and trauma in exchange for catering to the comforts of himself and the family#ive given up fighting him on that#but i asked him simply that if he needs me or wants to tell me something to just call me pr text me directly it can be short n sweet#but not to go to our parents. its insulting. ive always answered his calls. even when we fight pr have a failed mediation i always answer#and he immediately made it about how my boundaries are unacceptable so why should he bother#i give up. i know i was arrogant at 26. i know i was. i was probably cruel too. but i had made myself a doormat at the same time.#all i told him was he never bothered to talk to me as my brother or ask my about our mother without the lens of her kin#it was always about them never just about her. it was never about us as siblings just about our aunts and uncles and grandparents#he never crossed the road and came to me and said can we talk about ma and I reminded him of that. never a conversation just#him playing court jester/therapist and ignoring boundaries over and over. and even then i always answered the phone#so i told him he can pivot and change the subject all he wants. but the point of this was that if he needs me i answer.#and should he need me i will answer. but if he continues this behavior of backhanded communication#ill know he doesnt respect me and doesnt see me as his sibling because ive asked him plainly to speak to me#im fuckin tired. you try with people and they just... bait you.#the fact he looked at me and said our relatives are all he has left of ma and im his sibling will never not feel like a salted wound tbh
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thatsneakymedic · 1 year
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glitchthesenuts · 2 years
i ain’t forgetting any of those words they said to me
every little song they liked, every band they loved
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aria0fgold · 29 days
What if I start using That AU!Alec to answer those questions too, what then? (more fun for me. More pain for a different version of Alec).
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bonafidehero · 2 months
Oh boy grief over the death of a child is probably the worst feeling for me, especially when you were a child with them and now they’re gone and you’re not and you’ve aged and they haven’t. I’m gonna be 33 and you’ll always be 10 and in my head I’ll always be 7 in relation to you and somehow that makes it worse. I try so hard to not daydream about what you’d be like and what our relationship would look like but literally just seeing a older brother younger sister duo sends me into tears over my oatmeal.
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bandsanitizer · 9 months
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loregoddess · 1 year
I think I've figured out why I like On the Way to a Smile so much, and it's not bc it made Advent Children make sense, or explain Rufus and the Turks' seemingly sudden heel-face turn...
but rather bc it's about that weird timeframe of "after the adventure comes to an end and the world must heal", but not in a vague "and then they rebuilt"--it actually takes and explores a handful of characters and makes that weird narrative timeframe (which so often gets glossed over via "x years later" in epilogues and stuff)--the book makes that weird timeframe the story focus itself
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neuvistar · 1 month
❝ MY STAR, MY DAUGHTER. ❞ signed: boothill . wc. 791
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— featuring ┊boothill x fem!reader
— warnings / content warnings ┊sfw (lil bit of angst if u squint) . major spoilers abt boothill’s story. girldad boothill girldad boothill!!, established relationships (marriage), mentions of pregnancy, just pure fluffiness which hurts my heart | special tags . @rinneverse @mewnbuns
— a/n ┊this is VERRRRYYYY short n somehow took quite a bit bc readers block was eating my ass but i like how this turned out :3 if i see one more tt abt boothill’s silly (not so silly) backstory i will sob uncontrollably :,)
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this was a blessing from the aeons themselves.
you were pregnant, with a daughter.. his kid, his flesh and blood. boothill closed his eyes, fingers gently stroking your belly in slow, comforting circles. you could feel his chest heaving softly, his breaths growing deeper and more laboured, signaling his fading consciousness. your husband’s arm loosened, draping over your belly and chest. “.. baby, thank you for this gift. son of a nice lady, yer fudgin’ strong for carryin’ our baby girl inside of ya.”
boothill was beyond excited, your husband couldn’t believe it.. after all these years, he couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude; he was creating a family, a future together with you, a future he could’ve had with his first daughter he had lost and grieved for years. in his eyes, this was his blessing, his second shot at being a father. your heart ached for your husband. you knew about his past and experiences, he told you many times already.. a story you can’t help hold dear to your heart. for boothill, the little baby girl he lost on that fateful day.. was the day he lost everything. the pain of her absence was immense and left a void that no amount of time could heal, sending him in a spiral of grief that engulfed him wholly.
but yet.. when he heard the news of your pregnancy a few months ago, boothill felt that little spark of light erupt once more with pure joy.. the glow he lost many years ago, returned with a new sense of hope, a new sense of hope for the future he’s always wanted. the joy and excitement he felt was a welcome reprieve from the grief that had consumed his soul for so long, overcoming his deepest regrets. he couldn’t wait for this little rascal to grow, experience the beauty of life herself, explore the world around her with curiosity and wonder.. teaching her about all the things he knew. maybe even tell her about the older sister she could’ve had. boothill wanted to see her smile, dress her up in pretty little princess dresses, help her walk her first steps, he wanted to experience and see it all. all he wanted was to see his daughter grow in-front of his eyes, something he had failed to see with his first.
to boothill, his flesh and blood forming inside of you was his second chance at fatherhood. he promised himself he’d pour all his love and energy into raising the baby with you, seeking a renewed sense of purpose and meaning of a father’s love. “i can’t wait for our little girl to grow up, baby.. m’ gonna be the best daddy ever, i’ll tell ya that.”
“you already are, hun. you already are.”
“heh.. rely on me from now on, ‘kay? ‘gonna protect you and her.” your husband leaned in, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before moving to brush his lips against yours, tenderly.. his thumb forming gentle circles on your belly. “always darlin, always.” boothill smiled crookedly, a tear glistening in the corner of his eye. the cyborg leaned in, his forehead still touching yours as spoke softly.. his words destined for the bundle of joy growing within you. "little one," boothill whispered, his voice filled with love. " mommy and i have been talking. both so fudgin’ excited to meet ya. princess, we’ve been workin’ hard to make sure that when ya join us, you'll have everythin’ ya need. ‘going to shower you with love ‘n affection.. promise to be there for ya, to teach ya and guide ya. mama and daddy’re a team, ‘n we'll be the best parents we can be, just for you,”
your husband paused for a moment, allowing the love in his words to resonate before continuing. ".. ‘can't wait t’hear your first cry, ‘feel ya in my arms, kiss your forehead. mama and i love ya more than anythin’ else in this world. so.. for now, jus’ keep growin’ healthy and strong, okay?"
boothill reached over, taking your hand in his own, giving it a gentle squeeze as his thumb brushed over your knuckles. your husband gazed back up at you, offering you a small smile as he spoke to the little girl, puckering his lips to leave a gentle peck to your belly. “heh.. jus’ so ya know, s’ your daddy, babygirl. can’t wait t’squeeze those chubby cheeks, roll you up in a marshmallow usin’ daddy’s good-old red scarf.. i can’t wait t’love ya. love ya as much as the universe. y’know why, darlin’?” he paused, nuzzling his nose against the warmth of your belly, “because you’re my star, sweetie. the star that lit up mommy and daddy’s life,”
“my star, my daughter.”
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nayatarot777 · 5 months
first impressions that your future lover has of you 🥰💓
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• pile one •
their first impression of you is that you’re someone who’s very honest. very truthful. i’m mainly interpreting this as you’re someone who searches for the truth of people and situations. so they might be able to tell that you’re trying to figure out the truth about someone or something. maybe even the truth about them. you’re extremely perceptive to this person. they also view you as someone who’s extremely introverted and quiet. someone who’s very self-protective, but your energy is loud as fuck. you keep yourself private. they feel like you ‘keep your cards close to your chest’ so to speak. but you’re not detached from what’s happening around you. you’re extremely conscious of your environment and the people within it. they feel like you can really see through people. you can really see through them. there’s something about you being vilified to this person by others. perhaps then hearing some negative things about you from others before even meeting you. or this could just be the way that other people treat you. others around you might treat you like you’re a villain in some way. perhaps not externally but that’s the vibe that they pick up on. that people see you as an opp in their mind 😂. probably from either fear or jealousy. they don’t see anything to vilify about you though. your energy is strong. it’s clear that you carry a lot of personal power and people are simply threatened by this. that’s what this hating ass energy is from other people - and your future lover knows this. this person can clearly see your inner child that other people don’t have the ability to see for themselves. they’re not someone who’s oblivious to energy. they can read it extremely well unlike these other people who are so surface level that they take you at face value and demonise you for it. they can tell that you’re sweet and kind. but it’s shrouded in privacy and introversion. they see an innocence in you. a good heart that you protect diligently. they view you as someone who’s misunderstood by ignorant people. they can tell that you’ve been through a lot, and they know that your immense power has come from this. they see this clearly just by looking at you - as does everyone else. the difference with them is that they’re not afraid of it.
significant numbers: 21, 38, 16
significant astrological energies: HEAVY scorpio/pluto/8th house placements, Leo/Sun/5th house placement
find the extended reading: ‘first impressions that you have of your future lover’ here on patreon OR purchase the reading individually here on kofi!
• pile two •
your future lover’s first impression of you is that you’re full of wisdom. you put things into conversation that are extremely eye-opening - even if that’s not the belief that you hold yourself for the things that you say. but this person can tell that you have a lot of knowledge. there’s something about this person perceiving you as someone who has lost a connection with someone. someone who’s grieving. whether this is a literal death or a figurative death, they can tell that you’re just trying to take time out for yourself due to the loss of a connection that you have to heal from. you might straight up tell them about this or they just know about it in some way. they view you as someone who is in the middle of a major transformation. someone who has went through a tower moment but you’re really learning to take care of yourself after this. i strongly feel like for most of you, this loss of a connection is a break up. so this seems to be some much needed emotional recovery to this person. they do view you as extremely sexually attractive, but they can tell that you’re in the process of clearing out your life after a major disaster. so i feel like they assume that you’re clearing out your sexual energy through celibacy or something like that. they can tell that you’re going through a huge clean up of your life. they might intuitively know that you’re having to rebuild from scratch - either in your physical life or within yourself. they perceive you as someone who is experiencing a brand new, fresh start for yourself. your energy feels clear or like you’re in the middle of a clearing.
significant numbers: 29, 3, 4,
significant astrological energies: pluto transit (perhaps through your 7th house), mars/aries/first house placements, pisces/12th house/neptune placements, virgo/6th house transits.
find the extended reading: ‘first impressions that you have of your future lover’ here on patreon OR purchase the reading individually here on kofi!
• pile three •
you might already know this person - not deeply but on an acquaintance level. if not, then this person feels like they’ve met you before - but they don’t know where they know you from. you already know that’s what happens with strong soulmates 😂. this person’s first impression of you is that you’re defensive for some reason. if this is energy directed towards them, then they just feel like you’re not someone who automatically puts your trust in them for whatever reason of your own. they can tell that this is your defence mechanism for self-protection. they might meet you for the first time when you’re in a deep sadness about something. and that sadness is perhaps converted into defensiveness. for others of you, you’re being defensive towards someone who’s clearly done something to upset you, and i’m hearing that this person feels like you’re someone who shouldn’t be messed with off of this situation alone 💀. i’m feeling a strong energy of this person’s first impressions of you coming from a situation between you and an ex, an ex-friend, or just someone who you’ve clearly ended something with. there’s a very strong energy that they get from you that you really just want to be left alone by this person and perhaps everyone around you. but i am seeing someone from your past being involved in this situation that your future lover is perceiving. whatever situation this is, your energy screams self-esteem and self-worth. knowing that you’re worth more than whatever this person can give to you and you don’t want to hear shit from this person lmao. there’s something about this other people/people being shocked so your person assumes that this is a new energy that you’ve stepped into. that you’re blooming into acknowledging your worth and you’re not settling for something anymore.
whew, this is dramatic, pile three. but this person has a lot of respect for you, whatever you’re saying, and whatever energy you’re giving to this person/people. they just know that these people fucked up with whatever tf they did. period 💅🏾😂
significant numbers: 22, 36, 26
significant astrological energies: pisces energy, scorpio and strong pluto energy, leo/sun energy, the spring time is also significant here so you could be born in the spring. i’m also hearing that this could suggest that a seed in this person’s mind has been planted in relation to you.
find the extended reading: ‘first impressions that you have of your future lover’ here on patreon OR purchase the reading individually here on kofi!
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readychilledwine · 4 months
Pieces of You - Prologue
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Summary - After losing Feyre to childbirth, Rhysand finds himself leaning on one of her friends much more than he'd ever expected
Warnings - death, loss of a mate, babies, drug induced sleep
A/N - this one is going to hurt before it feels good, friends. It's gonna hurt a lot. Based on these little pictures I found in a tiktok
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Silence had fallen over the house.
There wasn't a single voice whispering, no bells to ring in the celebration of Nyx's birth, no loud pops from corks of champagne echoing in the air. 
Just silence. 
Madja stood in the doorway, a small bundle of what should have been joy wrapped in her arms. Rhys was sat on the steps, shoulders shaking with anger and sadness. 
The Cauldron had refused Nesta's offer. It had instead mocked them, changing Nesta's womb, forcing her to keep the powers that plagued her, and breaking the death bargain. 
It forced him to live while his mate died, promising there were no second chances this time. No magic being to bring her back again. This time was for good. It was forever. Rhysand knew life could be a bitter thing, but he did not expect death to be as cruel. 
“High lord,” Madja approached slowly. “We need to decide how we are feeding Nyx. The babe needs to eat.”
Azriel appeared besides Rhys, kneeling down next to him as he stared off the balcony. “I.. I don't know,” he finally answered. “We hadn't talked about it. She figured she would just be here to do it.” Azriel squeezed Rhysand's shoulder, handing him a vial with blue liquid in it. “We will have to find a wet nurse. Though, I am unsure how you will find one this last minute.”
“Y/n,” Azriel said softly. “She just had a babe, didn't she?” Madja nodded. “Can she just feed them both?”
“it is possible. Y/n does over produce already and has been storing milk. Newborns need to be fed almost hourly, though, shadowsinger. She'd have to have them both here, or Nyx will have to stay with her."
Rhys just shrugged, uncorking the vial and shooting back the contents. “I really don't care about that aspect, Madja. The house is huge, and I'm alone now anyway. What's the point in caring? She can decide." Azriel helped him stand as the sleeping drought started to work and supported his brother into a bedroom. 
He reappeared moments later. “I'll ask her. I know you don't want to burden her.” He reached for Nyx, admiring his perfect face again. “She's a sweet girl, quiet, good listener. She might be good for both of them while he heals.”
Madja just nodded. “Just remember that two grieving widowers will need a village to care for two newborns.”
The small cottage you lived in was quiet. You were leaned against the couch, sitting in the floor with your head laid back. Caring for your daughter alone was a chore, and you knew you should have been sleeping, but something was keeping you awake. 
A gentle knock in the door had you cringing, praying Morwenna wouldn't wake up. You moved to the door quickly, not noticing the shadow whisping around your feet and opening it to a desperate shadowsinger. “Az?” You moved for him to come in, stomach dropping at the sight of the babe in his arms. “Please tell me you being here with that sweet little thing doesn't mean what I think it does.”
Azriel just looked up, tears finally falling. “He hasn't ate yet,” your heart shattered at the unneeded confirmation. “Please, help us.”
You took the Illyrian babe instantly, taking your shirt off without question to offer him food. Azriel's shoulders fell in relief as his little cheeks began to move, a small hand and fingers reaching to your pinky. 
The two of you sat in heavy silence again. Azriel processing what had all happened that day, and you, aching for a male you hardly knew, and mourning the female that had become a close friend. 
You almost laughed at how cruel life could be. To lose your mate before childbirth, and then to lose your friend, the female who held your hand during labor, only a week later.
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho
@mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @daughterofthemoons-stuff
Rhys taglist:
@tothestarsandwhateverend @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @avajustreads
Pieces of You Taglist:
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