#but I like it :]
plumadot · 5 months
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a paladin and a sorcerer :]
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kuronekoartsblog · 8 months
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My little (murderous) star 💫
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dearmizumi · 3 months
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› “ Fear, uncertainty, regret. These concepts have always been familiar to me.
But what terrifies me most, is the thought of becoming exactly like them. ”
› Day by day, one digs deeper into the pit of insanity. But what choice did you have, if this fate had been forced upon you since the very beginning?
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qep0ermint · 1 year
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cheezitboss · 1 year
google barbie real quick for me
just do it & make sure youre using google
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rileyslibrary · 11 months
can you maybe do something where like, things simon does when he realizes he’s falling for you? :,)
Let me start by saying that I see Simon as someone more accustomed to others falling for him than the other way around. Like, he is the one who tends to be pursued rather than being the pursuer, if you know what I mean? I don’t know why but I feel he doesn’t have to put too much effort into wooing someone (and he probably knows that). A tall, beefy dude with a rugged appearance and that voice of his? The guy has it easy.
Now, what if he’s the one who falls for someone first? Aha! Well, He doesn’t even realise he has feelings for you, but they manifest in other ways, mainly through actions.
Ghost, as your lieutenant, for example, starts assigning you to low-risk missions or insists on accompanying you to ensure you’re safe.
In a more personal context, Simon offers to pick you up from your home so you don’t have to walk or take public transportation. He might even escort you to your car at night to protect you.
He tells you jokes he thinks you’d enjoy. He absolutely loves it when you laugh; he feels defeated when you roll your eyes and even a bit salty when you already know the joke (or fail to “get” it.)
He pays close attention to the details. He remembers your favourite food, how you like your coffee/tea, and your pet’s name. No, he won’t cook for you (yet), but he’s taking mental notes, studying you.
However, he’s not aware of what he’s doing exactly (or why he’s doing it, for that matter). It’s not until the rest of the team notices and insinuates that there’s something more between you two that he comes face to face with his emotions. Emotions he’s not ready to accept yet.
He rejects the idea that he has developed feelings for you and hopes that by suppressing ignoring them, they’ll fade away. But, as my boy Freud once said, “unexpressed emotions never die; they are buried alive and come forth later in uglier ways.”
He begins distancing himself from you. He rebuilds the walls you once torn down and returns to treating you just like everyone else. He had people he loved before, and it’s only brought him pain. His past experiences have left deep scars, and he’s determined not to go through that again. He’s not just doing it just for himself, though; he also wants to protect you from him and the pain.
Him. Pain. What’s the difference?
You, on the other hand, pick up on his behaviour but don’t confront him about it. “You know how the lieutenant is,” they once told you. “Sometimes he’s all jokes, other times he’s just business.” Maybe, you think, he needs his space. So you begin mirroring his actions, pulling away and giving what he seemingly wants.
But he secretly doesn’t want you to do that. Contrary to what he hoped to achieve by distancing himself from you and, therefore, from his feelings for you, he falls even harder.
Once cocky and arrogant, now he’s insecure. He starts projecting his fears onto you, feeling that you’re the one pulling away, even though you’re merely respecting his unspoken need for space.
So he confronts you. He wants an explanation for the change in your demeanour. And you? Well, you tell him the truth; you thought he needed some space. Right?
Who knows. Maybe you were just respectful. Perhaps you were giving him a taste of his own medicine.
It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that he gets it now. Running away from his feelings or those he cares about doesn’t work, just like ignoring his emotions won’t make them disappear. On the contrary, they directly affect both him and you.
Of course, he doesn’t admit it. No, he wouldn’t be caught dead doing that.
Yet, he decides to (re)open up to you, this time gradually, bit by bit, at his own pace. Just for a chance that this calculated, ruthless operator that many perceive him to be can finally transform into a genuinely emotionally invested human being for the first time.
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pigeonpalacade · 5 months
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Even the Mona Lisa is picking herself apart
Closeups under cut :)
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jarpadandjensens · 11 months
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Beautiful Winchester bros Series 9 / 50
[requested by @dragonardhill ]
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bugsoda · 1 year
god i cant wait for when im older and i can have a house with people i love, bake bread at ungodly hours, and venture into the woods whenever i so please.
i cant wait to do my part to make the world a better place, give out free soup, knit socks, plant wildflowers, and fight for a better world.
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trashy-panda09 · 8 months
Wasn’t 2.0 basically us going on dates with pretty girls and Aventurine pining after us from afar?
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saturnvs · 2 years
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the cowgirls are in love
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little-pup-pip · 8 months
Your mood boards are the cutest! Could I request a barn owl themed little space moodboard with lots of warm colors? Thanks ^^
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demetera-kaziaik · 9 months
Agent Stone Centric PMV because he deserves the spotlight let's be honest
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mushed-kid · 3 months
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folkbreeze · 11 months
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Lazza spends a fair amount of time at Elvi's appartment in La Fábrica. Is almost as if it was her own.
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veroinfaciem · 8 months
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