#but aaayeeee
rambunctioustoons · 2 months
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sleepover au doodle for @unearth1y ! ✨
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miragefactory · 2 years
i tried to stay away, but i couldn’t. ( To Ino~ )
An obnoxious, knowing grin. "Heh... I knew it was only a matter of time until you fell for my charms~"
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She elbows the artist, leaning in close. "What compelled you to come back?"
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decaffeinatedladytale · 3 months
@maraudersbitchesassemble aaayeeee 💗
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magioffire · 2 years
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i know this prompt said bad as in crappy/low effort but ummm….i kinda was inspired okay???
-Earth Newspaper Headlines-
‘Relentless’  45 Square Mile Forest Fire Consumes Colorado Front Range Within A Single Night (28800 square acre consumed by run-away forest fire, more than 50 homes damaged, five missing, 1 confirmed death) - March 2rd, 2012
Officals said they had never seen a fire move so fast in forestland – over 40 miles in a single 24 hour period. 28000 acres of  forest and pasture on the Colorado Front Range was consumed in flames on the tragic night of February 29th, 2012.
The Fire  Brigade and Park Service finally extinguished the powerful flames in the early morning of March 2nd, 2012, after fighting the relentless flames for an entire night but not before fifteen miles of pristine forest, pasturage, and residential homes were completely wiped out within northern Larimer County, 55 miles away from county seat, Fort Collins. The fire was moving at a rate of 10 miles per hour, destroying everything in its path.
Over 35 residential homes were confirmed destroyed and over 50 more suffered damages, as well as four pasturages and  a ranch. Moralities are still being counted, but the death toll is expected to climb as search and rescue teams continue to comb through the ashes.  The majority of Northern Larimer County was evacuated due to the fast moving nature of the fire.
There is still much debate about what was the cause of the fire, but Forest Service and meteorologists are blaming a combination of extreme dryness due to drought, and intense wind gusts which drove the fire to consume vast amounts of land. Local law enforcement are investigating evidence of foul play near the epicenter of the fire, south-east of the small unincorporated town of Red Feather Lakes, within Roosevelt National Forest.
Locals Report Sightings of Legendary “Mothman” Before Front Range Forest Fire. (Cattle Mutilations And Strange Noises Described by  Rancher, Evidence Points to ‘Devil’s Backbone’ Caves.) – March 8th, 2012
More than a week out from the ‘Red Feather Lake Fire”, the community is still picking up the pieces of the immense tragedy that damaged over 75 residences over a 40 mile stretch, destroying 22000 acres of farm, forest and residential area, and caused 6 casualties – 4 dead, one  in critical condition but stable, and another still missing, assumed dead. Because of the sudden onset and intensity of the flames, locals are calling it a ‘freak occurrence’ and suspect foul play. Outlandish theories have cropped up all over the Colorado Front Range, with eye witness accounts about a mysterious winged creature sighted near the area of the fire a day prior.
A couple visiting from Boulder County, Floyd Monroe and Susanna Monroe, reported a ‘large, humanoid creature with moth or bird or bat wings flying over the valley, then disappeared into the trees. The rest of the night there were strange lights in the forest,’ while they were camping overnight in Roosevelt National Forest.
14 miles south-east of the epicenter of the fire, a rancher, Eli Ried,  gave a disturbing account of a similar moth or bat winged creature flying overhead after the fire began, right before he was forced evacuate himself, his family & his cattle out of the pasturage. ‘My ranch was spared by the flames, thankfully,” Eli said to our newsapaper a few days after the incident. “But it wasn’t spared by whatever it was that flew over my ranch. Before the fire got close, something flew over my property. I didn’t get a good look, just saw its shadow, and it looked like it had the shape of a man,” Eli went onto explain that it seemed as those the shadow was moving southward in a straight line. “Once the evacuation started, I released my cows, heard some terrible noises in the distance as I was leaving.  When I got the okay to return, I found something killed one of my steers, mutilated it. No idea what did it. But cougars and bears don’t do this kind of damage.”
Cryptozoologists are calling it a ‘classic’ case of a ‘mothman-like’ entity making an appearance before sudden tragedy, and have set up their own investigations to uncover the mystery of what caused the fire. They have set their sights upon a series of cave systems known as “Devil’s Backbone”, south of Red Feather Lakes, where the apparent sightings seemingly point to, according to the cryptozoologists.
These reports have also inspired other fringe thought hobbyists to produce their own theories – from ideas of UFOs and alien technological interference by extraterrestrial enthusiasts in Boulder County, to a sign of the end times by Christian theologians in Colorado Springs.
The Larmier County Police Department had to quell fears after receiving a barrage of calls about ‘mothman’ sightings within the region, so many they could not determine which were legitimate reports and which were merely pranks or products of hysteria. The Chief of Police made a statement about the incident in relation to the ‘mothman’ sightings, stating that: “There is nothing preternatural about what occured that night, it was a random tragedy caused by drought and intense winds, and any foul play would likely be from teenagers setting off firecrackers, rather than any other worldly visitor.”  
-Beatha Echo-Stone Headlines-
Former Slave Usurps and Claims Title of Archmage With Legal Loophole (Former Archmage Lucius Altinus Disgraced, Retreats to Estate in Pandemonium.  Unseelie Court In Upheaval, Questioning Validity of Power Inheritance System) –12th of Lorealaius
The nobility of the Unseelie Court reached new heights of scandal as news broke that Archon Uonaidh allowed the election of a former slave, named Valeriu, to rise to the rank of Archmage after what can only be described as an impressive, and dasterdly, manipulation and understanding of the political systems of Amorium. Now Former Archmage Lucius Altinus lost his position as Archmage when his favored slave, a well known courtesan among the nobility, was freed within the Lyceum this morning, overseen and approved by the Tribunal and their magisters.
With his freedom secure, Valeriu then challenged Former Archmage Lucius to a duel, which the former slave won ‘quite handedly’, said one magister, who declined to be named. According to witnesses within the Lyceum, the former slave conjured a pit of writhing, flaming snakes, ‘opening up like a sinkhole in the marble floor’. The snakes within the pit lashed out and bit Lucius, sapping him of all his energy, until he was unable to fight, and effectively surrendered. The snakes within the pit spread out and seemed intent to attack the rest of the Court, but they were quelled and returned to their pit. The magisters in attendence were outraged  and  distressed by this display of dominance over them, so why was this travesty of justice allowed?
Under Amorium law, it states; “All free alfar have the ability and the right to vie for power within their respective courts and realms of authority, and this right may be expressed in a form of a duel to prove which free person is the most worthy. Upon one’s surrender, all authority, all power, all wealth owed to their position, is forfeit to their rival.”
Because of this legal loop hole, the former slave was able to secure one of the most powerful positions within the Unseelie Court within one night, by declaring a duel the same evening he legally gained his freedom. Many members of the court are claiming foul play on part of Valeriu, wondering how a slave with little education in the ways of magic and politics was able to out-maneuver the Archmage himself with such a powerful spell, how he was able to render the once feared Lucius Altinus to his disgraced state. Already, there is talk of reforming this piece of Unseelie law to disallow this same situation from playing out again in the future, but it will prove difficult to achieve majority vote & pass such a reformation, now that the new Archmage commands such authority among his own budding inner court.
Many doubt he will last under the intense pressure demanded of the role of Archmage, and so some magisters have elected to take the ‘wait and see’ approach. Rumors are already circulating on how and why this came to pass, everything from blackmail to brainwashing to sexual favors to profane rituals. It seems that our new Archmage is already fitting in well  to the constant controversy that often surrounds the title.
“The (Former) Archmage seemed to be in a daze the entire time the Lyceum was in session, but the magisters found no evidence of spells, illusions or enchantments that might cloud or control  Lucius’ judgement during the trial,” Explained Vizier Titania upon being questioned how this occurred. “ (Valeriu) was clever, forced us into accepting this outcome – but how, I do not know. Therefore, we have no reason to deny (Valeriu) the position of Archmage. He was working within the limits of our laws, and shows great potential. Obviously, if Lucius could be beat out by a slave, it was his time to go, and soon, an even more powerful Archmage will come to replace Valeriu.” She reassured the Unseelie Court.
The former slave has claimed the family title of “Khorshid” for himself, meaning ‘of the sun’, as the first of his family name. He will inherit the majority sum of the Archmage’s income, authority, and all his responsibilities. This will effectively mark the first time in Amorium history that a freed slave has claimed a position of public office. Disgraced  Archmage Lucius fled Amorium not long after, to his summer estate in the western coastal city of Pandemonium,  likely to consolidate the little wealth and power he has left. Uncertain times await.
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formationlapsz · 3 years
Papaya boys🧡
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old-askmutemermaid · 3 years
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Mermaid's lips weren't moving and yet "I" could perfectly hear someone asking me a question. Was it just an illusion or... was she in my mind? A) ""Get away from me, sushi!"" B) "...why not?" C) "..." *Pepe leave*
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w-h-4-t · 3 years
@the-champions-of-the-just meet
The Champions of the Bust
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There we go
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bluefirecas · 4 years
Thanks buddy!!! :')
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raggedyespada · 4 years
emptyespada replied to your post “"The idea of living with you seemed like a dream, however I am afraid...”
"Living with you is quite pleasant, but them... Let's just say that they manage to get on my nerves at least five time a day."
She offered him a sympathetic smile, placing a gentle hand into his and squeeze it. Really, the fact that Ulquiorra had remained patient with her enthusiastic brothers was a very kind thing to do. It was an act of love... to be with those that she loved.
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“I love that we all live together. I like your silence and understanding. I like your quiet conversations. I like our days now. Even if they do get on your nerves...”
And then, she noted the number.
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“Only five times? They must be disappointed.” Pesche and Dondochakka wanted to get on Ulquiorra’s nerves twenty four hours a day!
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tearoomsaloon · 6 years
It’s “I have work in the morning” o’clock but hey I’m managing to keep a weekly-ish schedule for the ballet AU
Allongé •Beginning•   -   •Update•
Excerpt: What was that. What the hell was that. There was no time to ask him what the hell was going on when he rushed backstage for a costume change. He didn't even look at her, just breezed back into the lights with his new wedding garb. She took her bow by herself and when the curtains closed, he had all but disappeared.
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akashicgale · 6 years
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“You’re the GM, right? They told me that I needed to get your number so I could stand by for instructions.” Sync’s posture was perfect as he stood before the Officer. He didn’t normally show this kind of respect to people, but... he was working. The boy dug out his cell phone and looked over, expectant.
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madridcampeon · 7 years
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losingmyreligi0n · 3 years
mala tujhi phaltugiri khup awadte <3
karat raha ly
Dhanyavaad dhanyavaad
Mi majhi phaltugiri kadhich thambnaar nahi
Majhi Marathi vhait aahe maaf kara
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abeyyaaar · 3 years
From one Marathi to another,Hiiii :)
aaayeeee…kase kay chalay?????
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I’m getting Sleep tonight! R.I.P that watchstreak AAAYEEEE
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sleepyremu · 3 years
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