#but again he looks like noin with how i currently have it
sweet-rabbit · 1 year
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always practice proper lifting technique, even in extreme bouts of love
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bryony-rebb · 1 year
Noin the doormat
I’ve been thinking about this increasingly the last few years. When I was in high school I definitely considered Noin to be a bit of a doormat -- a doormat I was very fond of, but still in a way where I was like ‘ugh, why did they have to make her like that’. But you know... the older I get, the less I see her in this light.
For me at least, I think a lot of my perception was tied up in that anecdote we get about how she let Zechs be the top student at LVA and placed herself second. And I still see a lot of people talk about that when critiquing Noin and citing disappointment in her character arc. This is also the point where I think my take on her has changed the most over the years.
Because firstly...the only source we really have about this tidbit is Zechs (in the show, anyway, I don’t know about the supplementary materials/FT, sorry, but I assume most people are also taking their knowledge on this point directly from the show, the same as I am). The thing about that is...do we really think Zechs is that reliable a narrator? Like. Reeeeeeally? (I am not the first person to point this out, but I am going to re-iterate it because I think it’s worth mentioning lol.)
That’s not to say there’s not some truth to what he says. Noin was the second-ranked student while Zechs took the top spot, that’s not in dispute, just the how and why that might have come about. And all I’m saying is, I think there’s some grey area there that’s fun to play with.
But secondly...let’s say Zechs is entirely on point. Noin gave herself a mission to make Zechs #1 at her own expense. I’ve heard people say, like, well it was because she realized Zechs’s own mission against the Alliance was more important or whatever, which is totally viable...but also still solidly doormat territory, IMO.
However, the other thing we know about Noin is....SHE HATES WAR. Again, Zechs’s words, but he says this directly to her and she has the chance to dispute it and she doesn’t, so.
And I don’t know why this took such a long time to click in my brain, but. LVA is a military academy right, so if it functions like I assume it does, the cadets receive their education and in exchange have an obligation to serve for a certain length of time thereafter. So it’s not exactly like the high school I went to, where being the top student might afford you a better choice of university or at least look good on your CV or something as you go out into the world (which, looking back is also kinda BS honestly, but whatever). If you’re the top student at LVA, you end up like Zechs. You’re not going out into the world, you’re going out to the front lines. And if you’re Noin, and you hate war...why would you want to do that? I wouldn’t.
So my current take is that actually, trying to avoid the top ranking is Noin valuing her own self-interest and putting herself first, and therefore...not a doormat. Yay!
(There are, in fairness, other doormat arguments that could be made, but this has gotten kinda long, so. Some other post, maybe.)
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This Week in Gundam Wing 11-17 April 2021
Here’s this week’s roundup! April 11-17th!
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works you see or make next week!
~Mod Hel
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
Floors are Friends https://archiveofourown.org/works/3060526
Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei, Quatre Raberba Winner, Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton
A simple raid goes drastically wrong.
Of Starting Pistols and Old Memories (Ch. 4) https://archiveofourown.org/works/30313110
Trowa Barton/Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton & Heero Yuy, Mariemaia Khushrenada & Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton & Mariemaia Khushrenada, Mariemaia Khushrenada & Lady Une
Post-Endless Waltz, Recovery, Coming of Age, Background Slash, could be friendship too
Mariemaia hoists herself out. Her feet slip on the smooth floor and gooseflesh erupts on her arms and back. She climbs onto the block and wiggles her feet against the gritty texture. A couple deep breaths, back arched, legs bent, and toes dug in. Her eyes narrow as she moves her arms into position. “One-”
“Go.” His voice startles her and she does a half jump, landing in the water in an undignified mess. She resurfaces and he gestures for her to resume her position. “Lady Une says you’re on the swim team, you shouldn’t be scared to jump in. Go when I say go.”
“I go when I want to go,” she growls. She isn’t sure how she feels about Lady Une telling others about her activities. Especially him. She resumes position though.
“Not if you want to win.” Her shoulders stiffen. “Loosen up. Go.”
All Mariemaia wants is to be left alone while she practices her swimming and tries to survive the school year. She doesn’t know why she’s surprised that doesn’t happen - it’s not like the universe has been on her side in the past. Especially when it comes to meddlesome Gundam pilots.
Ice https://archiveofourown.org/works/30480678
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Quatre Raberba Winner
Canon Insert,Coping…?
Anything that happens, happens, Duo tells himself, but that doesn’t mean that he never gets upset.
Aphelion https://archiveofourown.org/works/30705581
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Quatre Raberba Winner
Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Early Relationship, Domestic Bullshit, Mindless Fluff, Bread is god is bread
“I don’t inhale cake-” Quatre protests, but gets hit in the nose with another chocolate chip. “Stop wasting food!”
Bluff https://archiveofourown.org/works/30724526
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Quatre Raberba Winner
Taking in the light of Earth’s glowing full moon, Quatre felt as though he could believe in anything.
He could use some of that faith right now.
They Stumble That Run Fast https://archiveofourown.org/works/30701066?view_adult=true
M/M, Chang Wufei/Treize Khushrenada
Chang Wufei, Treize Khushrenada, Duo Maxwell, Vingt Khushrenada
Explicit, Rape/Non-Con, Aged-Up Character(s), Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Business Trip, Sex Work, teen wolf cameos - Freeform, MHA cameos, Cameos, Porn, Porn with Feelings, Pretty Woman References, Waiting, Power Imbalance, Power Dynamics, power imbalance awareness, Tropes, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Team as Family, Dysfunctional Family, Wufei and Duo go into business, Post-Eve Wars (Gundam Wing), Angst with a Happy Ending, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension, Sharing a Bed
His first knock was met by the door opening immediately. Five looked... well, honestly, Treize would have jumped that in a heartbeat, money or no money. He was shorter than Treize by a few inches, hair rumpled, pillow lines on his face. "He's definitely going to kill me," Five sighed, and moved to allow Treize to step into the room.
Treize waited until he closed the door, and then closed the space between them, setting hands curiously at Five's waist to see how immediately receptive he was. His pajamas matched, soft silk, worn a little and softened in a way that told him it wasn't an affectation. "He won't have to know. Hello."
Boundless as the Sea https://archiveofourown.org/works/30747161/chapters/75887108
M/M, Chang Wufei/Treize Khushrenada
Chang Wufei, Treize Khushrenada, Lady Une
Explicit, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Sexual Slavery, Rape/Non-con Elements, Rape, Past Abuse, Rape Aftermath, Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Post-Canon, Post-War, Post-Eve Wars (Gundam Wing), Survival, Frottage, Demisexuality, Ongoing trauma and assault, but it ends well, Tropes, Dermail makes a handy big bastard, Oz wins, Pegging
Rolling over hurt. Wufei gave a grunt of sound, body aching even as he forced his eyes open to a ceiling that he didn't recognize. It was white with no embellishments, no gold flake, nothing, and adrenaline hit his bloodstream, forcing him up more quickly than was good for him.
He didn't know where he was. The windows were tall and arched, the walls were a soft blue, and the floor looked to be wood, natural and well-waxed. A chair pulled up to the side of the bed, a pillow and a blanket piled into it, and he could distantly hear classical music.
Wufei wasn't in his room, and he wasn't in any room in the brothel. Wufei wasn't even sure as to precisely when he should start panicking, but the best answer seemed to be any second now.
Perfect https://archiveofourown.org/works/30472821
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Quatre Raberba Winner
Light Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Violins, quat perfectn’t, Short One Shot
No violins were harmed in the making of this fic
Fanart/Crafts/Photo Manips:
Quatre Raberba Winner
Zechs & Noin
Heero Yuy
Relena Darlian-Peacecraft
Photosets/Gifsets/Screenshots/Manga Pages:
Heero Neko
Noah (Duo & Quatre)
Relena’s friends
Calendar Events:
Rhythm Generation 2021
Contributor Applications are Closed! https://gundamzine.tumblr.com/post/647270927091007488/applications-are-officially-closed-thanks-to#notes
twitter link: https://twitter.com/gundamwingzine/status/1335010999401762816
Meet the Mods: https://gundamzine.tumblr.com/post/636708854145613824/come-on-over-a-meet-your-2021-zine-mod-team-head
Check out the blog for the Zine schedule!
Gundam Wing Pride 2k21, 30 Days of Pride https://gundam-wing-pride.tumblr.com/post/648237909672083456/incoming-transmission-faq
Month of Quatre https://gwartserver.tumblr.com/post/647282114067333120/month-of-quatre
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday, April 23rd! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/648720472593268738/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-april
In need of Summer/Fall(Autumn) prompts!
- May 1-31: Lemony Shenanigans will be posting works!
Spotlight Friday! https://gwlemonyshenanigans.tumblr.com/post/648674843443822592/spotlight-friday
Welcome to Oztober Rust
We’re an up and coming Gundam Wing event with a slight twist! This page is still a work in progress, but you’re welcome to join us over on discord and get a feel for the event.
Summer Event Voting https://seasons-of-gundamwing.tumblr.com/post/646220556727877633/seasons-of-gundamwing-okay-wingers-its-time-to
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/644080386309275648/events-calendar-update
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
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terrablaze514 · 5 years
Ionic Victory, Covalent Destiny (1)
A/N: This is the Tumblr version... Because Tumblr will block links to other platforms... [[Cross-posting]]
Disclaimer: I’m just borrowing these characters.
Summary: Four months after the Mariemaia incident, all the pilots turned Preventers share the same living space, keep track of missions, and everything in between. By the time they’ve reached their late teens, they pursue university and they find ways to resolve their frustrations from being unable to fight for so long…Because the only life they knew was war, and as much as they fought to end it, that side to them sparks up. Crimes of all kinds occur in and around campus, so Lady Une assigns each one a mission to fight back against crime. However, The G-Team grew reckless and proposed a deal. This eventually leads to more...
Warnings: Brief mentions of crime, crossdressing.
4K+ words... Shoutout to @quirkypaynesgrey​ for the graphic!
Gundam Wing - Post-EW - Mature Audiences Only. Lightly edited.
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"So… it looks like we're being sent on a team mission."
The computer keys clacked as Heero made mental notes on its requirements and parameters. The rest of the G-Team had either focused on packing, cooking or argued with girls on the phone.
Speaking of the devil…
Relena Peacecraft, Sally Po and Lucrezia Noin appeared on the screen.
Heero set his laptop to answer video calls from a handful of people.
"Hey, Heero! We've received an update on your upcoming mission," Noin began. "I will not place you guys at Marriott Hotels."
Heero cocked an eyebrow in response. "Why?" he asked.
"Because it won't allow you to catch the main target," she said.
"Instead, you will attend the Madison Masters Academy for Girls," Sally chimed in. Before Heero could say anything, she added, "You're all required to fit in. Therefore, Relena will help order your uniforms and have them sent to each of you next week. Remember, this assignment will last for a month - perhaps longer. I encourage everyone to blend in with the rest of the students and take their chosen subjects."
"This will also serve as the best cover, so the suspect responsible for kidnapping these girls won't get off easy," said Noin.
"I will also send you a demo on the feminine ways of thinking," Relena said. "Use it wisely, preferably at 'home'."
The ladies had tried their endeavour best not to break into a fit of laughter. Heero's face was beet-red, his eyes filled with shock. How in the heck do they expect to perform well on this Mission when they must wear dresses and act like women? Oh dear…
"Why must we do things like this?" Heero asked with a hint of worry, despite his hardened features.
"Because it's important," Noin explained. "We need to find out, in the best ways possible, who is the mastermind behind the disappearances of these girls. All five of you are the best choices for this assignment. Remember what you're there for."
"Don't get too distracted by the perky stuff," Relena added. "According to Commander Une, a student is associated with the suspect in this school."
Heero crossed his arms and glared at the ladies on his screen. Good thing it didn't scare them, especially when Duo and Quatre entered the shot.
"Everything is ready," Quatre announced. "We're set to leave tomorrow afternoon."
"For real," Duo said. When he noticed the ladies, he waved at them. "So what's poppin'?"
Sally and Heero responded at the same time. "There have been changes."
"Huh?" Duo scratched his head as Quatre thoughtfully inquired, "What changes? Are we moving to a safe house?"
"Yes, but only so you'll be able to disguise yourselves," said Sally.
"So we have to make a cover…" Duo trailed off.
"Already taken care of," said Noin. "I will send additional tools straight to the address you're heading for."
"As we've already explained to Heero, you're all required to blend in with the students-"
"Cool!" Duo interrupted. "I can't wait to wear my biker's jacket and-"
"Dress up like girls at an all-girls academy," said Sally, who returned the favour when she knew how Duo's loquacious chatter would take off.
There was an uncomfortable silence.
"So…" Quatre's voice trailed off, unable to break away from his shock. His reddened cheeks spoke on his behalf.
"We will do girly stuff?" Duo asked, brokenness clear in his voice. "Please, tell me you're lying. We cannot be girls! It will tarnish our image."
"My thoughts exactly," said Heero. "This is insane!"
Both Sally and Noin straightened and regained their composure. "You have every right to know," Sally spoke. "As we've said before, there's a suspect who serves as a major threat to the student body over there."
"Can we go in there and crackdown, arrest the bastard and leave?"
The ladies shared a sigh on the other end. Duo was on a roll.
"I'm sorry, but I have zero intentions to be surrounded by countless onnas." Now Wufei joined in. "This has got to be the greatest foul on your part." He glared at Sally and Relena in the camera. "And don't talk about my hair length!"
"Too late, my long hair is a dead giveaway." Duo crossed his arms and pouted. His emphasis on 'dead giveaway' silenced the room. It added nothing more to the conversation for the next thirty minutes. This vibe had filled the room with crestfallen, fuming faces until…
"It shouldn't be that hard."
Trowa entered the room with Zechs trailing behind him. "The sooner we head down there and capture both criminals, the better. We shouldn't waste any more time complaining about girls and women. They're already dealing with a lot, especially in this current scenario. A little respect doesn't hurt, so let's man up and get going."
The rest of the group shuddered. Has Trowa lost his mind? According to Duo, he did. That was too much talking for a silent clown.
"Since when were you the type to talk?" Duo asked, albeit condescending. "That's strange. And what's worse is your keen interest in being a girl for a whole month!"
Trowa's neutral expression changed when his eyes flashed with anger. He leapt, with a triple axel and landed right in front of the rude American. He reached in his pockets for throwing knives when Quatre stood between them. Heero held Trowa's wrist in place while Wufei yanked Duo's braid and dragged him away.
"Ow! What the hell, man! All I did was make a solid point."
"Shut up Maxwell!" Wufei snapped. "Because my growing hatred for this cursed mission is clear, he made a solid point. Not you."
As their distance grew, Trowa's features softened a little when Quatre slapped him across the face. Now it was Quatre's turn to harness hardened features; his eyes expressed disappointment. Trowa's face had shock written all over it as he refocused on Quatre.
"Do you have the slightest idea what you almost did?" Quatre asked with a stern tone.
"He threw me off," said Trowa.
"Correction," Heero interrupted. "You almost had one of our team members killed. I know that look well."
Trowa growled. "Let me go."
"Not until we know for sure you won't pose a threat to us or yourself again," said Quatre. "And you did this in front of the ladies who are still online at the moment."
Shocked for a few seconds, Trowa faced Sally and Noin on the video screen. Relena has already left the room, and Quatre turned to face them.
"We apologize," he said. "We'll patch things up and debrief before our departure tomorrow."
Sally and Noin nodded. "Understood," Noin said as she stepped away from the camera on her end. After a five-minute pause, Sally spoke up.
"I know this has a lot to do with your desires to fight again, correct?" she asked.
The three boys nodded when she crossed her arms and continued.
"Well, besides this upcoming mission, I need the five of you, as a group, to come up with safe words and tactics that warrant a break and recovery period. You've been a team that came together under unexpected, yet gracious circumstances. As bitter as this sounds, the wars are to thank for that."
'She makes a solid point,' thought Zechs, who spent the last fifteen hours observing the dynamics of the G-Team in their shared apartment.
"On that note," she continued, "you all need to come up with an effective backup plan for conflict resolution and dealing with your emotions. Trowa, what you did just now sent Relena running for her life. If I were Duo's mother, I'd stop him in his tracks. Wufei, as well-intentioned, as he is, still doesn't know how to separate nonviolent from violent. And Quatre, as bad as things may get, you were just as impulsive as the others-"
"How?" the blonde asked. "I've blocked him."
Sally nodded, then with furrowed eyebrows added, "You've lost your self-control at the last minute, Quatre. Just because you were all trained to be soldiers at a young age, doesn't excuse the facts. You will always deal with annoyances and frustrations of this nature - some worse than others, in every area of your lives."
"I'm sorry," Trowa said weakly.
With a deep sigh, Sally looked down and shook her head. She crossed her arms. "I don't need an apology, Trowa. The rest of your friends do. All I'm asking is that you all come up with a solid breakout plan when you feel frustrated. This isn't the best approach so far." Looking back at the boys, solemn expressions rested on their faces. Heero no longer had a grip on Trowa's wrist and maintained a safe arm's distance between Quatre and the others. At least she had the chance to talk sense into them.
The only question is, will they follow through? She could only hope, and she didn't care what ideas they came up with as long as it will help them maintain their composures and wellness throughout.
"Thanks, Sally," Heero said.
"No problem. Don't forget what I've told you. Sally signing out!" With a salute, the video call ended.
"Next time, don't yank my hair!" shouted Duo in his room.
"Whatever," said Wufei. "One day, someone's life won't be saved."
"Shut up!"
Wufei spun on his heel to leave when Zechs appeared at the door with crossed arms.
"The ladies expect better from all of you next time," he said. "Otherwise, you guys might not get lucky for future missions."
Wufei heaved a sigh and plopped onto Duo's bed. A triumphant smirk curved Zechs' lips. No one has ever stopped him, yet. Before he could say anything more, Duo blurted.
"We're getting old so fast."
Wufei rolled his eyes from his current position.
"You're fucking 19."
"Poor choice of words, Wu-bun. And who gave you permission to lie on my bed?"
"I thought 'we're getting old so fast,'" mocked Wufei.
"You guys are not 19!" Zechs snapped. He paused, took a deep breath and continued, "You're still sixteen and unrested. The insanity is clear in this apartment, and I know you're capable of handling business like grown-ups. Does that make sense?"
"Yessssss," Duo slurred. Wufei nodded and leaned against the wall.
Zechs shook his head, crossed his arms and aimed his icy glare at Duo.
"Before you grow up fast, smarten up!"
He turned on his heel and left the room, intent on helping the others get organized. An uncomfortable silence graced the atmosphere. Man… this upcoming mission has gotten the best of them. Duo mentally willed himself to ease the tension in the room. From his current position, he shot a glance in Wufei's direction and cleared his throat.
His comrade turned to him. "Yes?"
"Sorry about earlier," he began. "I don't like cross-dressing while on duty. I mean, they made Halloween for that. Today is just, not my day."
"I understand," Wufei said. "Today is not my day, either. Sometimes I wish we've had an alternative, aside from fighting."
Duo nodded. "For real. It's like, peacetime has driven us insane. We cannot function without keeping our adrenaline pumping." He moved with fluid grace as his braid swung from side to side. As he sauntered over to the bed, Wufei sat up and stared the other youth up and down like a hawk.
Duo paused his movements and raised his hands.
"Dude, relax. I was aiming for my duffel bag."
"Oh." Wufei grabbed the black duffel and tossed it in Duo's direction. As his comrade caught the bag flawlessly, Wufei resumed his initial position against the wall. Duo scrunched his face; why was Wufei so stubborn?
"I'll go first," Duo said. "Why are you on my bed?"
Wufei rolled his eyes and turned his back on the American youth. "That doesn't matter."
Now it was Duo's turn to roll his eyes. He prodded the other youth's shoulder and made a mental note of Wufei's stiffening muscles. Duo heaved a sigh.
"If we can't get along, I don't know how we'll survive this dreadful mission," he muttered.
Just then, Quatre and Trowa appeared at his bedroom door.
"Hey guys," Quatre began, "we need to talk. It's important."
Duo's eyes lit up while Wufei promptly rolled and sat upright on Duo's bed. The American cleared his throat and assumed a seat next to Wufei. "What's up? And shouldn't we wait for Heero, first?"
"He went out with the last set of supplies to load Zechs' car, so he'll be back shortly."
Oh, right… Tomorrow's mission.
"So we're no longer-"
Quatre silenced Duo with his hand in the air. "This matter is different. When Heero makes it back, he'll share the details."
"What details?" Wufei asked, eyebrows raised.
"It's an important matter, considering we might get future assignments that may set our emotions on fire." Quatre entered Duo's room and sat on a red cushion with Tony Stark/Iron Man pictured on it, close to the nightstand. "We need to come up with a game plan and a solution."
"Sally's idea, for the record," Trowa added.
"I'm sorry for what happened earlier," Trowa said, as he made eye contact with Duo. "While you and Wufei were gone, Sally had it out with us. To her, it's disappointing how we cannot get around to resolving our problems."
Duo scratched his head as he pondered on the possibility of failure, either for himself or the Team. It's true; once upon a time, their cognition was put into good use. Now, with the progression of peacetime:
Hormones are raging.
Stress is imminent.
With lesser assignments available (and appealing for the record), tensions had risen high in their shared apartment. Is chaos, uncertainty, the struggle for survival and fights for freedom the only thing that mattered? Their Gundams were already gone. Total pacifism benefited them, only but a short time. The deepest root of their frustrations stemmed from the lack of excitement, with their experience, on non-existent battlefields.
Regardless of their past values and influence, war kept them going. It's gotten harder to adjust to this mockery of wondering where they stood.
At least they have each other.
Heero appeared in the doorway, rubbed his jeans and looked at the others; his thoughts weren't here at the moment. He'd rather rethink what Sally had told them, and a flurry of ideas had flashed in his mind while he assisted Zechs in the parking lot moments ago. Due to pent-up tensions in recent weeks, Heero wasn't so sure he wanted to share. Maybe…
"Is he okay?" Trowa asked, snapping the Japanese youth out of his thoughts. Heero's surprised expression lasted for a few seconds, as he caught Wufei and Duo staring into his soul. They didn't appear uptight or annoyed, but it felt uncomfortable.
"You don't have to put it all out there," Quatre suggested. "Just focus on the basics, Heero."
As he opened his mouth, the phone rang.
Damn it…
Comrades forgotten, feet shuffled and rushed into the kitchen. A shaky hand picked up the phone; his left ear met a busy signal. Heero rushed to his bedroom, opened his laptop, logged on and entered his e-mail inbox.
With a grunt, he got sleep due to his annoyance. With everything that's been happening between him and his teammates, the Perfect Soldier yearned for the moment the storm will calm down. God, do they have to go on this Mission tomorrow?
They'd better stay focused if they want to survive.
Two days later, all five boys were decked in women's fashion from head to toe. Some supplies Zechs had brought to the safe house on Hartford Avenue have proven useful. However, with a rented Dodge Caravan, ten encrypted security systems, Relena's makeup tutorial, their Preventer uniforms hung in a closet, and concealed weapons left behind, it set the parameters necessary.
They've spent their first day familiarizing themselves with this town, gathered clues on their main suspect, and organized their things. Quatre shared a room with Duo since his companion needed a responsive listening ear. Trowa, Wufei and Heero shared another bedroom across the hall. Three concentrated minds held each other accountable - and practiced their "feminine roles", thanks to Trowa's superb acting skills and direction.
The third bedroom had security systems hooked up. A third laptop which contained confidential information about the school's faculty and students. A live map of the areas they're targeting (where the predator prefers to show up). Two security camera screens, which mingled with the school's security systems (Heero had successfully hacked) and their safe house.
They set alarm systems near the front door, back door and garage. At Quatre's insistence, the group had installed hidden cameras and mics in the kitchen, hallway, basement and other parts of the house.
In the safe house, they were themselves; the usual warrior-like bunch. On their way to school, well…
"The thought of working with you has started a story in my mind that is still writing itself." Wufei stuck the straw in his mouth as he stared out the window, in his femme fatale attire. Trowa laughed while Heero and Duo raised their eyebrows in the front seats.
"Promise me that story doesn't feature dudes disguised as women."
Wufei shook his head. "It's the exact opposite. I've figured Noin, Sally and Relena can disguise themselves as men set up explosives and watch the target base disappear in flames."
No response, then��
"Sounds like a great plot twist!" Duo exclaimed. One look at Heero's stoic, icy expression removed his smile. "Aw, c'mon guys! Lighten up a little."
The sound of cracked knuckles sent shivers down his spine. From the corner of his eye, he noticed how Wufei twitched and leaned against the window for dear life.
"I want ice cream," said Trowa.
"We'll be late for school if we stop," said Heero. "Wait till the day is over, or until lunch break."
Trowa rolled his eyes, cracked his knuckles the second time around (with pronounced pulls) and leaned closer to Heero's seat. "Ice cream. Now."
Wufei cocked an eyebrow. "We're on a mission here, and you want to stop for ice cream?"
Heero kept his eyes on the road. "No."
In came a heavy sigh, "Fine. Have it your way."
Trowa leaned back against his seat, crossed his arms and aimed a fierce kick at Wufei, who caught his offending foot just in time.
"Calm down, Trowa! You don't want to ruin your tights too soon."
Trowa groaned and rolled his eyes. "I want my ice cream."
Wufei shot him an intense glare. "I get it. You want to get into your role properly, but this attitude won't do."
"Will you let go of my foot now?" Trowa asked.
"Only when you're calm," Wufei said with finality.
"But I am calm!" Trowa snapped.
Duo shuddered as the scene played out in his mind. "Dear God, please let us get to school soon enough. We can't keep Quatrina waiting forever!"
Just then, a hand tapped Duo's arm and gave a light squeeze. Blue-violet eyes stared at warm Prussian blues.
"We'll be fine," said Heero, who paid no attention to the troublesome pair in the back.
"I hope you're right," Duo said. "We haven't started, yet this mission is already messing with our heads."
"It doesn't have to be that way," Heero replied as he made a right onto the school's parking lot. A small smile crept on his lips. "All we have to do is concentrate on our main goal. Don't let some fashion shift rob your abilities."
Duo smiled. There's still hope.
Hope is short-lived when one cannot see far into the future.
"Isn't it funny how, no matter where you go, you keep seeing the one thing you're most afraid of?"
"Blending in, like this? Absolutely."
"I hope someone will keep this out of my obituary!"
"Okay everyone, let's not panic. Don't forget the real reason we're here. If we catch the main suspects soon enough, we don't have to keep doing this any longer."
"Note to self: Tell Commander Une not to send us on a mission like this ever again."
The rest of the G-Team, in their feminine disguises, shot glares in Wufei's direction.
"Note to self: Wufei is not invited to my birthday destination."
"Note to Heero: I don't care."
"Note to Wufei: Shove it!"
"Note to Heero: Make me."
"Note to self: Hit them."
Heero and Wufei shuffled away and disappeared into the crowd in the busy school hall. One calculated hit from Trowa hurts like hell for an entire week. At least they've dodged that bullet.
Here's to hoping they won't pick fights too soon.
Quatre regained his composure and glanced over their class schedules.
"Cool! Duo, myself and the others are in the same classes."
"Sweet!" Duo exclaimed in his girly voice. "But, what about Trowa? I don't see "Trista" listed here at all."
His smile was short-lived since Trowa is not listed in a big chunk of their subjects. The tall youth placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry about it. I'll be fine. We can always meet up for lunch hour."
Quatre's eyes gleamed again. "Yeah, you're right. Then we can discuss our progress further."
"Good. I'll see you guys, later. And make sure the other two are on their best behaviour."
"You can count on it!" asserted Duo.
"Please, introduce yourselves," said a dainty, short blonde. She wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, red-coloured lipstick, and a coastal blue summer dress with a floral design. This teacher wore a friendly, warm smile as she leaned against her spruce, polished desk.
"I'm Duet," said Duo in his falsetto.
"Kim," said Wufei, in like fashion.
"Quatrina," said Quatre. He'd secretly hoped their disguises won't flop.
"Havannah" said Heero. His voice only went up two octaves.
"Pleased to meet you all," their teacher replied. "Take any seat you want."
Quatrina sat at a free table, close to Havannah while Duet and Kim joined others at a different table. Once they were settled, their teacher proceeded with the lesson in progress. Social Studies had focused on various ideologies and perspectives, regarding peacetime since the wars ended…
What a coincidence! Havannah smirked, knowing full and well that Relena would love to hear her take on it. It wouldn't surprise her if her companion had any connections with the faculty members. If that were the case, then the mission would be tricky with these disguises the G-Team ought to maintain.
By all means necessary.
Quatrina's chin rested on the back of her hand, as she took time to grasp some informative responses shared by the class. Kim maintained a seemingly rude demeanour as she took notes. Peacetime hadn't been the friendliest to her lately. Duet had tried her darnedest not to contribute, yet discussions were a must for her exuberant soul. Here's to hoping she doesn't fall off-track with her voice projection. Rehearsing for two days with a long, braided ponytail and a deceptively slim figure tickled her fancy.
So how's Trista keeping up?
Her green nail polish, misty eyeshadow and royal blue lipstick were on point. Her sleek and smooth uni bang covered half of her face, which increased her mysterious flavour. Her Biology classmates couldn't resist since they glued their eyes on her, not the lesson.
She also sported a biker jacket, fingerless gloves and leather tights beneath a gothic style skirt.
@mikkymi​ @negasonic-t-warhead​ @silverlinedmoon-sims​ @craftssakura​ @seitou​ @mskirara​ @angelsmystique​ @noirangetrois​ @cynfinnegan​ @allaboutthems​ @darkmaster07​ @7daysaweekgeek-blog​ @murdergiraffe​ @jennybadt​ @lessy86​ @lemontrash​ @quirkypaynesgrey​
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ghostmartyr · 5 years
Pokémon FireRed Nuzlocke [Part 4]
Still on attempt number one of beating this game with standard Nuzlocke rules + no fighting outside of Trainer battles. A death has occurred, but all in all, it’s been more optimistic than expected.
Barring some unfortunate experiences in a cave.
But it’s time for a new cave now!
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Tunnel. Whatever.
Though I lied for the sake of convenient narrative pacing. Before we go inside Rock Tunnel and explore all it has to offer, there’s a trainer outside who is in need of some battling.
Picknicker Heidi wants to battle. She has two pokemon, and the first is a level 20 Pikachu. tfw you miss having a Ground pokemon, but this challenge is made for grief and I shan’t shed tears. Clefairy follows the Pikachu. With, appropriately, Follow Me as its first move. Hee.
Anyway, Allenby handles both.
Back into the tunnel. Where we have a catch waiting for us.
Also Zubat.
Many, many Zubat.
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There we go. A not-Zubat.
Caught! I dub you Athrun. I’m never going to do anything with you, probably, but you can stay in the party. In case something goes desperately wrong.
Now, with the power of Flash, let’s explore the part of the game I always hated most as a child. I don’t know if I understood Flash or how it worked or that I would be happier if I had it, but I have very distinct memories of grabbing a flashlight and shining it on my gameboy in an attempt to stomp my way through the cave.
I didn’t figure out until years later that light outside the game was not going to help.
Many of my childhood trials were self-inflicted.
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Pokemaniac Ashton is our first contestant of the tunnel. He opens with a level 23 Cubone. I make the decision to switch Noin in, then immediately want to strangle myself because Noin is part Poison. But it works out, and she’s in to deal with the following Slowpoke.
Noin advances to level 25, and that’s the first fight.
A level down, Pokemaniac Winston wants to battle. He has one pokemon. It is a level 25 Slowpoke. Delightful. By which I mean slightly intimidating. Noin switches in, and I start reconsidering Allenby’s position as first in the party.
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That was a critical hit from Confusion.
...How do critical hits work in this gen?
2x a normal hit. So it normally does 24 damage. So to survive, Noin has to--ugh, screw it, I’ll spend a turn on a Super Potion.
(Normally it does 23 damage. So noted.)
Okay, this is fine.
Noin is also going to move to the front, since Pokemaniacs seem to trump Hikers in this area of the Tunnel.
...It was fine, then Slowpoke used Disable. Yay, okay, still fine.
We continue down the tunnel. Next opponent appears to be a Picnicker, so Allenby goes back in front. I feel like this is going to be a lot of switching things around. For real this time, since those Slowpokes are scary.
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Thanks Martha.
Heero can fight the level 22 Oddish. As well as the Bulbasaur.
Another Pokemaniac moves Noin back to the front, and I’m already tired of putting this much thought into what I’m doing.
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I dearly love these games so much.
His name is Steve, and he has a level 22 Charmander. Ah. Uh. Heeeeeero. ;-; Heeeeeelp. Then it’s another Cubone, and that one can go to Noin.
My party isn’t too battered from all of this, but the thing that I really dislike about caves is that they make me unwilling to go back to the Pokemon Center even when my extreme caution wants me to. I want to embrace the hover parent. My children must live.
But I really hate walking through caves, so I prefer all of my walking through caves to go forward. Alas.
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And of course with the level 20 Machop. Ugh. This is why Noin doesn’t get to be up front for these things. Even if everything else Hikers have is of interest to Noin’s dietary needs.
Allenby will eat that, but the critical hit she also eats means Noin is in for the Onix. Noin hits level 26 and we’re all very proud of her.
Post-fight, Allenby gets a Super Potion and moves up front to fight the other Hiker in this room.
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Local man bullies small child.
This one’s name is Allen. He has one pokemon, which is instantly scary. It is a Geodude, and fears are instantly assuaged. ...While Magnitude 7 is going to mean another Super Potion for Allenby. Who has just gone and hit level 27. Yay.
Hiker Lenny is up next. He’s got a level 19 Geodude, and a team count that promises more. Noin is going to handles the others to keep the damage risk at a minimum.
Oh, but then there’s a Machop, and Allenby can have that.
Geez, but Allenby is taking way too many critical hits for comfort. I’m basically using some kind of Potion after every fight. I can’t remember how long this tunnel is, but. I would prefer it to be ending faster than it seems to be going.
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Real player characters have maps.
He has a level 20 Onix. And a name I wasn’t looking at when it showed up on the screen. Noin gets the level 20 Geodude so Allenby can please stop losing health. ...Same with the next Onix.
Oliver, that’s the dude’s name.
Hiker Lucas is next, bringing the level 21 Geodude.
...Aaaand a Graveler. For Noin.
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Oliver doesn’t.
Picnicker Sofia! With a level 21 Jigglypuff! And a Pidgey?
...Zaft. Let’s... give you a try. Heero might be rescuing you, but let’s give you a shot. You won! You can’t fight anything else until we get you some medical attention, but look at that! A whole fight! All by yourself!
Now get out so Allenby can murder the Meowth.
Realistically, I think Zaft is going to have the same problem Ismail had. The training demands before Zaft can carry weight could kill our little Voltorb buddy. But I love Electrode. I’d like to use one. What I ultimately end up with is likely a question of whether or not I can get the Exp. Share, but still. Something needs to kill my rival’s eventual Gyarados, right?
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No, you can’t learn Rage.
Hiker Dudley says hello with a level 21 Geodude. I grant the next to Noin. As well as the Graveler.
And there’s a move tutor down here that teaches Rock Slide. That sounds like an Allenby move. Bye, Scratch. You had your time.
A Pokemaniac’s up next, so Noin goes in the front. Hi Cooper-san. Hi level 20 Slowpoke. Hiiiiiiii-oh fuck.
I clicked something.
The window closed.
Okay, let’s try to salvage this. I think Lucas was last. I’ll just... do what it says I did up above and hope I wind up in the same place. One moment that you won’t feel at all, please.
And back. Zaft escaped the Pidgey with slightly more HP left, but everything else is exactly the same, and we’re on the second Slowpoke with Noin.
And done. Nice.
Though when I was checking my team during my replay, there was. a thing.
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What. Did. Did I give it that accidentally?
...Pickup can give you TMs? I guess? I don’t even want to look that up, in case it disrupts the magic, but that’s bizarre. Or not, since TMs are one and done in this gen. Still. What.
Okay, now to go up the ladder and figure out if Noin’s 2 Absorbs left will make it until Lavender, or if we’re spending a precious Ether on her.
Picnicker Leah blocks the way. Allenby looks at her level 22 Bellsprout with disdain. Her Clefairy receives similar attention.
Picnicker Ariana has more pokemon. Like a level 19 Pidgey. And a Rattata... is this worth giving Zaft some experience, or should I accept that Zaft is too far behind to catch up.
Let me think. I have three team members that aren’t leaving unless death takes them. The guaranteed encounters are Snorlax and an Eevee in Celadon. Vaporeon was going to be my choice for the Eevee, and I would be delighted to have a Snorlax, but I don’t know how realistic it is that I’ll be able to catch it.
Electrode’s only amazing stat is Speed. But Electro Ball could do some serious murder. So... I could have a glass cannon. Not a safe choice for this type of run, but I said I was expecting to have to do this several times. Fuck it, I want an Electrode. Zaft, you’re fighting a Rattata.
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Hoo boy.
Switch training for the next Rattata. Heero can have it. Heero will also stay in for the Bellsprout.
Picnicker Dana has a level 20 Meowth. And a Pidgey for switch training. Heero will take care of it and stay in for the Oddish.
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And battles I will be avoiding until I hit the Pokemon Center.
Aaaah, sweet, sweet healing.
Oh, and the Name Rater’s here! We can finally fix Ren the Pidgey’s name! Making Ren legal! If I ever feel in the mood to train up a level 3 Pidgey!
Back up to the Picnicker and Hiker.
And the walking Pokemaniac I sort of remembered was a Trainer, but got complacent about. I’m not sure I want Allenby up front for this one. Sigh. Pokemaniac Herman. Level 20 Cubone. Okay, that’s fine. Slowpoke goes to Noin.
Now we deal with the people outside the cave.
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Sorry in advance, Carol.
Level 21 Pidgey. A Pidgeotto follows, so it’s time to play Zaft chicken again. Heero, save our little buddy from the big bird. Yay, Zaft lives to see level 17.
Hiker Clark. Wassup. Hello level 21 Geodude. Noin gets the Onix.
Lastly, Hiker Trent is up. Level 19 Onix to start. Noin takes the Graveler.
Phew. Okay! We’re in the Lavender Town stages of the plot. I don’t think I want to go to the Tower until after the Rockets in Celadon. I might also be buying Zaft Carbos in Celadon. Undecided. I can’t remember how much my money means in this. Really, the current mission is just beating down every nearby Trainer until I am forced to find more by following the plot. The only question is if I go down first or left.
I will flip a coin.
Heads. I’m going down to play with the fishes. Noin, take your place in first position.
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Goldeen, level 22. Noin, level 29. Poliwag gives Speed, so Zaft comes out to play briefly. Allenby takes the next Goldeen.
Fisherman Chip is next. Ooh, our first Tentacool. Level 24. Goldeen is Allenby’s again.
Then comes Fisherman Hank. With one level 27 Goldeen. And Noin drank the exp, and saw that it was good.
Fisherman Elliot might be the fisherman I’ve been waiting for. Four pokemon. Could it be...? ...A level 21 Poliwag. Followed by Shellder. A Goldeen for Allenby. The Horsea can be Zaft’s.
Sigh. So many Water trainers. So few Magikarp.
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Last fight South of Lavender until I deal with plot stuff. Lesgo. Noin and Heero vs. two level 24 Nidoran. All goes well except for Heero ending up poisoned. Ugh. There’s an Antidote for that.
Back to Route 8, and back to Allenby being in front.
Lass Julia has a level 22 Clefairy in need of punching. The second one is deserving as well.
Gamer Rich has a level 24 Growlithe in a similar state. Heero can have Vulpix so she has something to do. The Vulpix Roars out Zaft. I know better than to leave Zaft in, so Heero gets switched back to save her young one. Then Zaft gets Roared back out and Sonicbooms ftw.
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Oh. I thought you were a scientist and switched to Heero in hopes of Magnemite. tfw only level 22 Grimer. And Muk. And another Grimer.
Hmmm. I think I’m going to try to see if I can make it to Celadon without fighting anyone else. I want that Eevee. For reasons of want. And the superMart there has lots of nice vitamins, and knowing how much that all costs will be useful.
One male Eevee for my first encounter for Celadon. Aiming for a Water type. Hmmmmmmmmm. Ribbons!
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Naive, huh? +Speed, -Sp. Def.
Look, you’re stuck being a Vaporeon. I’ll make it work, but that’s what I want, and I don’t have much room for choice in this Nuzlocke. Arguably that makes using you against the spirit of everything, but I care not.
Now the important things. Eevee learns Bite at level 30. Vaporeon learns it at the same level. There’s no reason to hold off evolving Ribbons. Now we go to the store and make a lot of decisions that leave my virtual wallet crying.
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HA. Um. Yeah, okay, this can’t happen. Cute thought, very optimistic, but I am not spending all my money on drugging my pokemon that might die in the very next fight. I’m going to have to continue doing all the EV management the old fashioned way.
Reflect TM earned on the roof by giving a drink to a little girl. Giving people drinks is very important in this game.
Great, Water Stone and Leaf Stone bought.
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Max adorbs.
There’s no reason to delay Noin receiving her Leaf Stone, either, which. is sort of depressing because yikes that moveset, but hey, let’s appreciate the added bulk and not poke holes in it.
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Now we return to finding random trainers to fight.
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Aw fuck.
A level 29 Rapidash and Ninetales. I am here too early. I put Ribbons in the second slot in the hopes of exp, but that decision might really bite me here. Allenby needs to swoop in and save the day. Hopefully she can.
Yes, she can. Her improbably good aim with Rock Slide continues, delaying its inevitable betrayal.
Yikes, that was scary. I just wanted the Fly HM.
Which I now have.
I’m going to leave Route 16 alone because I think the Snorlax blocking Cycling Road technically belongs to it, and I want as many chances at Snorlax as I can squeeze out. I will also grab the TEA before I head back to beating up Trainers.
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As well as whatever my Route 7 pokemon is.
It’s Growlithe!
Hi Growlithe! Imma name you Duo!
And I can now go through the... guard thingies. They aren’t blockades... gates? Those.
Anyway, back to the Trainers on Route 8. Super Nerd Aidan sends out a level 20 Voltorb. Opportunity! Zaft and Heero do the switcheroo to make magic happen. Same with the next. And the Magnemite. Allenby gets the Koffing.
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-gasp- A level 22 Poliwag! Zaft, look!
Hypnosis hits and Zaft falls asleep.
That’s honestly fine. You weren’t going to do anything.
Look Zaft, another Poliwag for you to do nothing against. And a Poliwhirl, even!
Every fight I let Zaft participate in, all I can think is how it would probably be way more useful if the teammate helping Zaft just took all the exp. Yet I persist. Because I want a dang Electrode.
Biker Richard wants to battle! Dick. He has a level 22 Koffing. Allenby can eat the second one. The Grimer is clear Ribbons food. Kill it, Ribbons. Kill it with your Quick Attack. Your wonderful Quick Attack that dodges Disables just as well as Minimize dodges everything.
And then Ribbons’ only attack was Disabled. Repeatedly.
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Ribbons, let’s let one of the other party members handle this.
Nothing can hit the Grimer thanks to all the Minimizes from waiting for Ribbons to get in a final Quick Attack. Sludge also keeps poisoning everything.
Noin finally steps in and kills the wicked Grimer.
Biker Jaren, please don’t have a Grimer.
Biker Jaren has a level 24 Grimer.
Biker Jaren has a second level 24 Grimer.
Heero burns it.
Heero is a good girl.
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Now we’ve got these people I don’t really remember.
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I mean.
Hi Lass Megan.
Level 19 Pidgey for Zaft to share with Heero. Given the number of pokemon she has, this feels like a statement I will use multiple times. ...Fine, sometimes there’s a Rattata. Or a Nidoran. Or a Meowth. Or a Pikachu.
Bye Lass Megan.
I’m going to take a brief detour to go get my bike. I never traded in the voucher.
Now I have a bike.
Back to fighting. Lass Andrea is up next opening with a level 24 Meowth. Followed by another. And another. Win get.
Lass Paige is next on accident, because I was running along the side where glasses dude wasn’t looking. Oh well. Order isn’t that important, right? Level 23 female Nidoran, Ribbons, would you like to play? With Heero’s help, sure. Ooh, and followed up by a level 23 Nidorina. Allenby can help Ribbons with that.
Now glasses dude to finish off the row.
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One level 26 Koffing.
Heero murders it.
Huh, and then I run into Twins Eli and Anne by accident. Sensing a theme, here. Heero and Ribbons versus level 22 Jigglypuff and Clefairy. No contest.
I think I’m going to give Ribbons Water Pulse so he has the chance to do something when I’m training him. Using TMs in gens where you don’t get them back is scary and blah, but he really needs something besides Quick Attack.
This is probably where I want to go face Erika. Before then, though, I don’t have a Route 8 pokemon.
-quick search-
Oh. Because I already have the ones I can get here.
Alrighty then. Time for Erika. AKA the Heero show.
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Time to shine.
Lass Kay up first. She has a level 23 Bellsprout. Had. Allenby can take the level 23 Weepinbell. And we continue. Beauty Bridget up next. She opens with a level 21 Oddish. Allenby goes in for the Bellsprout. Heero back in for another Oddish. Allenby back in for another Bellsprout.
There’s going to be a lot of that.
Picnicker Tina next with a level 24 Bulbasaur. Then a level 24 Ivysaur.
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Delete a Grass starter for Flamethrower?
Beauty Tamia is next. Level 24 Bellsprout. Allenby handles the second one.
Cooltrainer Mary almost has a full team. Leading with a level 22 Bellsprout. Level 22 Oddish is next. Weepinbell goes to Allenby. Gloom heads back to Heero. The Ivysaur is similarly nommed.
Two more before Erika.
Lass Lisa with the level 23 Oddish. And Gloom.
Beauty Lori with just one. Level 24 Exeggcute.
Now. One Trainer left in the Gym.
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...Is it a popular theory that Erika is just blazed 24/7?
If it isn’t, it should be.
Good grief, and right out the gate we jump to a level 29 Victreebell. One Flamethrower is enough, but that’s still quite the jump, and I wasn’t expecting it. Level 24 Tangela feels more in line with what I was expecting. It meets a similar fate.
Last but certainly not least, a level 29 Vileplume.
And we’re done here. GG.
(Erika also hands out the Rainbowbadge and explicitly only has women in her Gym. Erika is the stoner lesbian leader we deserve.)
Wait, one more thing!
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Only hey, we’re not done! We have the Giga Drain TM for Noin!
Best Gym so far for the squad. That seems like a good spot to pause at.
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fadedsepiascribbles · 7 years
WIP Wednesday - 01
Part of an 2x4 for Unnatural November. My goal is to finish it early next week, but here are a few paragraphs. Enjoy!
Actually leaving presented the awkward challenge of trying to figure out how six adults, even if two of them were fairly small adults, would be able to leave without bus service, and how as many people as possibly might be jenga’d into Relena’s two door Kia, without putting anyone too inebriated in the front as co-pilot. The first three passengers had been easy. Relena had driven, Wufei and Zechs had parked at her place. Noin had been slowly trying to press herself into Zechs through his clothes for the last hour, and it didn’t look like she’d get untangled from him any time soon, so she was guaranteed a seat. That only left Dorothy and Duo, and from there it was a simple choice: Duo only lived two blocks away, and was able to stand upright; Dorothy’s apartment was across town, and she was currently far too flexible and distracted by the streetlamps to be left unattended.
“Duo, don’t you want a ride?” Relena smiled softly up at him as Wufei climbed into the passenger seat; Dorothy, Zechs, and Noin had squeezed into the back of the little coupe. The leggy blonds were almost eating their knees in the tight space, with the added bonus of Zechs blushing profusely as Noin was forced to curl in against his side once the front seats had been pushed back into place. “We can fit you in… somehow?”
“Naw, ‘Lena, I’m good.” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder with a nod. “It’s ten minutes, tops.”
“I don’t mind if you sit in my lap, D!” The fact that Dorothy was blitzed out of her mind cemented his refusal. He’d seen her inebriated too many times to risk being trapped in the splash zone. He smiled back at the slim blond, giving her a little wave. Duo caught Zech’s excitedly-terrified glance in his direction – ‘Noin always was a handsy drunk – and tried to return a reassuring smile. Relena needed to be careful; she might become an aunt if her brother stayed in the back of that car too long.
“Thanks, for the offer, Dot, but I’m cool. It’s a quick trip, and I should walk this off, anyway.”
“Maxwell,” Wufei leaned over Relena’s lap, somehow managing to look both annoyed and concerned as he spoke, “let us know you made it.”
Relena piggy-backed off of him with an emphatic nod. “Please text when you get home, Duo. I know it’s walking distance, but-“
“’Fei, Lena; I will be fi~ine. I’m a big boy.” Duo tugged down the edge of his jeans, revealing a few inches of the patterned boxer briefs under the black denim. “Look, I even wore my big boy pants tonight, see?”
Relena laughed, and, though he tried to scowl, Wufei did as well. Muffled by the glass, Duo could heard yelling – it was Dorothy, again, banging on the window glass. “Take it off, big boy!”
“Yes, well, you and your big-boy pants have a good night, Duo.”
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haneuly-blog1 · 7 years
ons x fe: fates crossover
japan/ons world as nohr and hoshido - the vamps are nohr, the jida is hoshido, and the possessed/demons are valla - shinoa takes to hoshido (birthright), and mika takes to nohr (conquest), hoshido (birthright) or goes alone (revelations) so he is overpowered okay because i like mikayuu also bc technically this is what happens canonically in the anime-manga soooo Mikaela Shindo-Tepes-Hyakuya or whatever/Shinoa Hiiragi (technically, their last names would be Bathory, but last names don't exist in fe so ha i freaking beat the system) as M!Corrin and F!Corrin respectively - yes they can still shapeshift into a dragon - yes they can still use swords/whatever they use - yes they still start out as a nohrian/nohrian noble - no they are not the same as each other - since corrin is a flexible character and ultimately shows no individual personality whatsoever, corrin in whatever gender will be modified to shinoa and mika's personalities - mika can use swords, lances, and axes - shinoa can use swords, lances, and tomes - in their upgraded forms that is; before they use a master seal, they can only use their dragon stone and sword - mika can only be paired with yuu (nyehehehehe it's cause i'm the creator suckeR) but shinoa can be paired with either mitsuba or yuu (because mitsushin is goals hell yeah) yuu as azura - manlier (than azura, but still pretty feminine - more feminine that in the anime/manga) - still sings (ie azura sings on the battlefield to give the units one more turn) - is paired with shinoa/mika (f!corrin vs m!corrin) - child isn't specified? - ^might have to include @califlair 's (tumblr) michirou, aka mikayuu love child - idk what shinoa's child would be, but p michirou still (even though he's mika's lmao) - ^maybe just redesign a child for yuunoa - dunno if i should even have a child for mikayuu - ^think abt it - yuu is a mix of azura/shigure - usually uses a naginata more than anything else, but could use katanas (or even the Nohrian lances) - has tried tomes before, and REALLY REALLY hates them - still as ditsy as his anime/manga counterpart, but smarter and more serious - ^actually pretty bad at conveying emotion, like canon azura - when he sings, his eyes turn blue(?) - he knows abt valla - although he's (sorta) bad at maneuvering in it when he first got there (ie after guren as arete got married, he moved to Nohr to marry the king (Ferid ew) and miraculously had yuu because vallans(?) are magical and the women and men can have children - his color scheme matches azura's, although has some shigure elements in it -  A++ at singing and dancing, although he takes up the title 'songstress'(? what is the male version omg) - ^ if paired with either shinoa or mika, he will teach them to dance the vampires (led by Ferid Bathory) as Nohr - the vamps hire mercenaries and then turn them into vampires - they are, as the canon nohr is, cold, dark, and overall oppressive - Ferid's history with Valla is the same as king Garon's in game - ^ie he marries the ons arete, aka guren, and has our favorite yuu-chan - he kills kureto/krul(?)/whoever will be in place of hoshido (ie jida, so maybe not krul...oH SHINYA YEAHHHH) and takes mika or shinoa and drags he or she off to Nohr - mika is okay with ferid but thinks he's annoying, and shinoa outright loves/hates him - crowley is xander, krul is camilla, urd geales is leo, and lest karr is elise - jakob is lucal whesker, felicia is lacus and flora is renee - the nohrians have few retainers: saito (krul), ky luc (urd), gabel parthe (lest), fuola honte (ferid - as iago), noin teta (krul) (, chess belle, horn skuld (1 retainer per person besides crowley and krul - including ferid) - as well as in game, ferid has absolute no trust in you but usually follows his own advice instead of fuola's and thinks of his advisor as a nuisance - the retainers are modified according to their characters in game (ie not much is known about noin, so i can modify her all i want besides the fact that she hates the jida; ie chess and horn are romantically attracted to crowley, so that will stay) - ferid, ulike garon. is not possessed in any way but is just how is, ie evil, sarcastic, sadistic, and petty as well as a perv (lol) - unlike how garon is,he actually really loved guren (and also unlike the game guren didn't like him back - he deSPISED him) -  ^ the way ferid is in the present happened because of guren's 'death' (more in the valla section) - crowley is like super bloodthirsty after shinoa/mika chooses hoshido sooooo yeah - lest literally tries to stop crowley in his own weird lest way but, like elise when she tries to persuade xander, is killed in a kamikaze mission, although he doesn't necessarily jump in front of mika/shinoa like elise does to corrin - by the time shinoa/mika reaches ferid, he's literally just bawling his eyes out (since apparently he has time to do that during war) and fuola is not present; ferid cries over a picture of guren (who had previously been thought dead before mika/shinoa went to hoshido but was then found out (lol) and bc of that ferid just hates the hoshidans more so tht does literally nothing but make him a depressed idiot (he's pretty difficult to save though even while depressed so)  the JIDA (led by Shinya Hiiragi) as Hoshido - woO MAMA SHINYA ISN'T SO MAMA ANYMORE - ^ jk he still kinda is, but not as much as the fandom makes him out to be and he def not as motherly as mikoto - he's more fatherly lmao - he is in a relationship with guren atm (ur like 'woah he's alive??? wut') - the jida are still in fact called hoshido lmao - they aren't as sunny as the hoshidans because of mahiru... who is currently gonna be anankos for now thanks - Shinya knows where, what, and how to get to valla via guren, because they are a happy couple - please let them be happy - psyche THAT IS NOT GONNA HAPPEN - ANYWAY... as shinya finds mika/shinoa/omg wth, he is noT- I SAY, NOT- KILLED but is saved by guren, who is present at the moment - and this is where the feels train starts - guren, sadly, dies, yes, dies, like, the dying that means your life blood is sucked out of your veins and slowly drains you of your soul, body, and mind because yoU ARE DYING GOD JFC - anyway, about that- shinya gets super pissed lol like absolutely agent cheeto 2017 election pissed (@guren lol)  but doesn't kick mika/shinoa's butte since he knows it's not his/her fault (kinda like ryouma in game) - as guren starts to die, shinya just takes him back to the castle to a 'special room' – no it's not for the x rated stuff it is a practical vallan regeneration chamber - jesus you have a dirty mind - anyway, of course shinya's (adopted) kids start to hate shinoa/mika cause they're like 'omg you just killed my mom' since they aren't let in on the vallan secret >>>>>>:00000 - sayuri is ryouma, narumi is hinoka, kimizuki is taKUMI YEAHHH, yoichi is sakura because heck yeah – ps there will be yuuyoi/yoiyuu interaction - the retainers (they have so many more than nohr lmao) are: norito goshi (yoichi), mito jujo (sayuri), aoi sangu (guren+shinya's advisor), shigure yukimi (sayuri), aiko aihara (kimizuki), shusaku iwasaki (narumi), and mitsuba sangu (who was technically hired to be shinoa/mika's retainer as a child, but since corrin in game was taken away, she became a strategist and the back-and-forth retainer of kimizuki and yoichi, the bros who usually work in a team (when mika/shinoa come back, she's overjoyed and doesn't mind the nohrian attack on guren) (:0000 jk it's cause she obv remembers mika/shinoa and wants to be his/her retainer ) - the retainers know about guren's 'ability' and were appointed to their retainer to reveal the ability to the noble children (sometime in the very very very very very far future) - kimizuki, like takumi in conquest, does indeed do become possessed by a vallan 9APPARENTLY ITS 'VALLITE') (ie a demon) but only for a short while when he is fighting against mika/shinoa with yoichi in like chapter 28 or something lol - hoWEVER HE DOESN'T DIE LIKE TAKUMI DID OKAY he just like gets calmed by yoichi because unlike takumi, who was fighting solo, kimizuki is with yoichi/sakura so is calmed and coaxed out of pairing with the vallite demon and jUMPING OFF A FREAKING CLIFF Demons/People able to harbor Demons as Valla - okay, this is probably the most complicated out of all of them - Guren, Yuu, AND Shinya are from Valla (as well as the actual demons like kiseki-o and asuramaru and mahiru... sort of) - Kiseki-o and Asura are buddies in Valla (Asura is like.... the hoshidan lilith because of yuu and kiseki-o is the nohrian one; yes i know lilith is not a vallite shut up) – kiseki-o is an evil son of a biatch and is the one who possesses kimizuki/takumi under ferid's request – despite this asura is still chill with him bc they're of the same kind so - Guren is the queen... king of valla and yuu is the princess lmaooooo - contrary to the game, i'm being a rebel and having azura and corrin not be cousins (ie hence why shinya and guren are a couple and not siblings because i don't support incest) - also, i'm also thinkig that guren had yuu before he remarried to ferid, and ferid trying to try his best to impress the son and ultimately failing, only to be happy because oh yuu felt bad and tried his hardest to like ferid - eventually he hated him because he thought that ferid had killed guren after his disappearance, and marched on out to the hoshidan/nohr borders at the bottomless canyon to jump back to valla only to be captured by the hoshians he despised (then found out they weren't so bad) and found his mom again - he still hated ferid – suCK IT FERID - okay, so since vallites are the demons in ons, they can regenerate - slowly but surely (takes like a couple of years, unless ur a nobLE) - after the process of regenerating, their timeline is reset so that they look young, but they age and die just like a regular person would (only they would just look young while dying so) – if that's too hard to grasp, here's an easier summary of it: when a vallite dies at a certain age, they will be able to regenerate if his/her body is preserved well enough. once they regenerate, they will look the same as when they died but will also resume the appropriate amount of years that passed when they were dead – so basically they look young but are actually old - and, again, unlike the game, i am having shinya be vallite, only he is a mixed blood vallite (ie half human half vallite) so his regeneration periods trigger less often than a full vallite would - so he looks older than guren but they're the same age lol (which is probably like 30-40 or something, not around 20 like in ons) - guren's regeneration period takes less time since he is a noble of valla, so it would only take him like 2/4 to 3/4 of a year to regenerate - shinya and guren decided not to tell the royal hoshidan children that they were vallite because that would just blur the lines between what is hoshidan and what is vallite - mahiru ties into this because i will have anankos, yes the evil eye dragon thing, be vallite - my history between mahiru and guren confusing bc wow, shinya is also a dragon but can't activaye his powers because mahiru's the one that got the whole dragon blood blah blah, it took her over and she ended up lethally wounding guren, destroying valla (pretty much), and ultimately ruining her relationship with yuu - the hiiragis and the itchynoses had a long history of continuously switching between love and hate, and in guren's gen, he was mahiru's fiancee and had yuu with her, so yeah yuu's also part dragon like azura is in game – good job memu aka me, myself and i for staying somewhat close to the actual fe: fates storyline - anywhoo, as you know, the bottomless canyon (the first actual battle in fe: fates) is a gateway from valla to the real world so ofc guren went that way when he escaped valla (because the way from like bodies of water was blocked off since mahiru literally destroyed everything) so he had to take that way - he tried to take shinya with him, but shinya insisted it would be important for the noble queen (lol) to go escape to safety first, so, after much persuading, guren went without shinya - then he was captured by nohrians after literally not knowing where he was (since he didn't know about the bottomless canyon and just escaped using instinct) and was taken to ferid, who freaking experienced love at first sight – ferid u bich u don't deserve true love - guren didn't feel the same way but thought he was a nice guy so he married the dude – what a freaking nice guy amirite - going back to shinya, there was one lake in the middle of valla (there really isn't one ingame so) and he escaped using that, since it was a portal that all travelers going to valla went through without passing in through the gates (sincethere was a border gate with guards there) and it led to a lake that was around the perimeter of hoshido, which had tenri hiiragi and kureto hiiragi as king and prince in line (this is the time when ferid is like a teen and hoshido and nohr don't hate each other yet) and shinya was put in place as next prince (since hoshidan was first started by vallites ie the hiiragi line, who was more idealistic and hated the fact that valla was a 'dreamlike' place that you could never talk about (since the rainbow sage (aka a really powerful sorcerer who was literally on no side but did what he thought was right) placed a curse on valla) and preferred the real world to valla – short version of what the hell i just said: the true hoshidans were vallites that hated valla and wanted a more realistic place to live that you could actually talk about without dying - shinya missed guren as kureto died early after tenri's rule and he was placed the king and was appalled to see the guy he missed with disgusting lovesickness in the middle show up after a couple years (ie like two decades yeesh) and at this time, ( i lied guren didn't disappear he was done without consent then was 'killed' by nohrian soldiers (and then regenerated since they didn't really kil him but just made him unconcious) and decided to leave nohr - he thought yuu was happy in nohr (he was - he didn't even mind the cold, dark space until he went to hoshido) so guren left him there - shinya then made preparations for guren after he arrived and after like two years they married (and not just to carry on the hiiragi-ichinose name that was planned) and they adopted children (since vallites can only have one child) - vallite men and women can reproduce - it's kinda like omegaverse, a/b/o, but without the ranks - really only the royals, nobles, and a select few people of the male gender can reproduce  - it goes like that for women that can give the men the reproduction system too okay, so now that i've come up with the basic stuff i can get on to the more relationship-building unnecessary things lol support conversations of course, just like what is customary of the fire emblem series, support conversations would probably be present in this crossover the support conversations would have the standard format: C, B, A, S or A+ *A+ os for very good friends - it acts like an S support without actually binding the two people in marriage the supports would go something like this: Mika; in revelations (himself), birthright (hoshido), or conquest (nohr): Yuu (C,B,A, and S), Mitsuba (C,B,A,A+), Lacus (C,B,A,A+), and Renee (C,B,A) are the mains bc they will go with any path (since mitsuba, as mika/shinoa's retainer will be required to follow him/her) in conquest: Ferid (C,B,A), Crowley (C,B,A), Krul (C,B,A,A+), Urd (C,B,A), Lest (C,B,A), Kiseki-O (C,B,A) and all of the nohrian retainers in hoshido: Shinya (C,B,A), Guren (C,B,A), Sayuri (C,B,A), Narumi (C,B,A), Kimizuki (C,B,A,A+), Yoichi (C,B,A,A+), Asuramaru (C,B,A) and all of the hoshidan retainers Shinoa; prettt much whatever mika's supports are for revelations/hoshido and hoshido except her convos with Mitsuba are C,B,A,S Yuu; in revelations/conquest/birthright: Mika (C,B,A,S), Shinoa (C,B,A,S), Guren (C,B,A,A+), Shinya (C,B,A,A+), Asuramaru (C,B,A,S) bc yes yuu can marry his demon lol, Kiseki-O (C,B,A), Sayuri (C,B,A), Narumi (C,B,A,A+), Kimizuki (C,B,A,S), Yoichi (C,B,A,S), Mitsuba (C,B,A,A+), Ferid (C,B,A,S) for those feriyuu shippers lmao, and the nohrian/hoshidan retainers for conquest/birthright respectively Guren; Shinya (C,B,A,S) because technically their supports should already be filled out since they're married but they're not bc fe is odd, Yuu, Mika/Shinoa, Mitsuba (C,B,A), Sayuri (C,B,A), Narumi (C,B,A), Kimizuki (C,B,A), Yoichi (C,B,A), Ferid (C,B,A,A+) for those who really ship guren and ferid you arE WELCOME, Asuramaru (C,B,A), Kiseki-O (C,B,A) and the nohrian retainers Shinya; p much the same as Guren's without any Ferid Ferid; Guren, Yuu, Mika, Krul (C,B,A,A+), Crowley (C,B,A,A+), Urd (C,B,A), Lest (C,B,A) and the nohrian retainers i really don't want to keep listing out the supports lol but i think it's pretty explanatory since the nohrians keep to the nohrian side and the hoshidans keep to the hoshidan side and there are some stragglers who go in between both of those and yeet for those who really like pairings, these are the main ones: mikayuu yuunoa feriguren shingure/gureshin mitsunoa kimiyuu yuuyoi/yoiyuu there's probably more but i'm too lazy to go back and read the whole entire thing from start to beginning again so yeah ^ if you have more headcanons for this then feel free to inbox me lol
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rah-bizzle · 8 years
I’ve been tagged by @luminosityblue (hi I’m rah-bop)
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Relationship status : Been with my partner for 12 years! Maybe someday we’ll get married but ehhhhhhh that sounds like a hassle
Lipstick or chapstick: I only wear lipstick when cosplaying. Chapstick is good though.
Last Movie I Watched : Kingsglaive again. Please send help, I have a problem.
Last song you listened to: Currently listening to something from the Skyward Sword OST... oops the playlist just switched to something from the Bastion OST. Hey you know what’s great? Theophany’s video game remixes is what
Top 3 shows: Ouran High School Host Club, Seirei no Moribito, Planet Earth -- three shows I could watch forever and still be happy (please adopt me, David Attenborough)
Top 3 characters: I’m going to leave out OCs (mine and/or friends’ because i’m madly in love with all of them) so if I have to pick: Toph Beifong, because just look at her. Also my husbando, Smaug, and my waifu, Lucrezia Noin. Honorable mention is the pigeon in my icon, whose name I can’t disclose until Hiveswap ships. I’m not sure if he counts as an OC or not since I only designed how he looks. But anyway he is my precious child and I really hope we make merchandise of him that I can buy. I want a plushie.
Top 3 ships: I’m not very good at shipping because I like gen stuff too much, but uuhhhh korrasami, Waldo x Carmen Sandiego, rosemary. holy shit, rosemary tho
I’ll tag @shadsasaur @imploder @yaexrae (each one counts as three because they’re all so great)
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amisbro · 6 years
Let’s talk:  My fan fic writing
So this is almost like a FAQ about how I write my fics and why I write certain things the way that I do.  I thought that by doing this it might enlighten some of you whom might have never sampled my fics before and I respect that.  My thought and hope is if you read this that MAYBE you check them out but again I will never force anyone ever. With that...let’s get rolling
“You seem to write more ‘fluff’ stories than ‘angst/smut’ stories///why?” This is a question that I am surprised I don’t get a lot from people BUT I’m going to answer it anyways Here is how I look at fic writing When I come home from a day out and I need to just “decompress” and chill out what do I want to read?  - A light ,happy ,fluff piece OR  - A story with a heavy overtone that might make me have to take 20 minutes and now I’m more annoyed than I was before? While I know (and respect) that there are people that love some good Angst having NOTHING but that isn’t healthy.  If you come home beat up and you just want to relax and read a good light story that fills you with the “happy” then that is what I hope to bring you a lot of the time. Now let’s cover this:  Why don’t I write a “smut” fic? This one is harder to explain because ,yes I have been known to go into certain tags and so forth and look at the more “graphic” style of images in terms of that kind of content...surprisingly though I don’t want to READ IT!  I did that around the time I was in my Senior year of high school and then my brain just started drifting away from reading it so now its like “fluff or nope”! The other reason is cos quite literally I CAN NOT write it...maybe a part of that is cos my brain refuses to let me but eyyy Now let’s go to this question “You write a lot a lot of fics where a lot of the ships (OCxCanon or Canon/Canon) are LGBT themed if there is a pairing.  When did this start and why?” So this question would be an interesting one to go into and I got time so let’s The truth of the matter is that I started writing fics around the time that the internet was really like in its infancy.  Like we are talking Geocities was a thing and AOHell was the dominant force (5+ nerd points if you remember “Webcrawler”) I started writing fics with that kind of theme back when I was learning about the seasons of Sailor Moon that (at the time) we hadn’t gotten.  If you are an old school Moonie like myself you remember that back when Sailor Moon was in Syn (that’s short for Syndication) the show would do the first whole season and then up to when all the Phantom Sisters would reconcile on Earth thanks to Usagi and Company.  I then learned through a friend of mine that supposedly the reason that Sailor Moon never got to show the S season (at the time) was because of the fact that two of the Senshi were Lesbians.  This came as a shock to me because of the fact that I had seen the first season and had no issue with Zoisite (and this was before I learned he was changed to a female by DiC.  I still have no issue with this change because to be honest I liked Zoisite no matter what gender he was portrayed with).  It was very interesting though to say the least. So at this time I actually started writing fics for my own (and even back then they were “self-insert” fics...yeah I’m an OG in that community) and in that period I started researching the Three Lights/Starlights and my fave was and always is Yaten.  I remember writing one fic where my character was in love with Yaten but was it Healer or Yaten?  I think that is the first time I remember writing my character as (unknowing at the time) a Bisexual male and it was something I was actually damn proud of.  Keep in mind also this was probably around high school so you are talking close to the end of the 1990s and the idea of people being any sexual orientation other than straight was like “Whoa!” Sadly I never finished this fic Another OG Self-Insert fic I wrote was a Gundam Wing fic where my character was living in the 1990s (or it might have been early 2000s...it was around the time that Gundam Wing came out on DVD) and he was a whiz mechanic that the President had recruited to help build this machine (no one knew it was going to be a war robot for space yet) and then he got called into the President’s office and was asked to participate in another experiment.  THIS ONE involved him literally being injected and then placed into a capsule but he never “aged” past his current year.  When he was shipped out into space it was unknown the # of years that passed to him but he ended up being found by one of the Gundam pilots and then eventually he returned to Earth only to run into Lucrezia Noin and Zechs Marquise.  The latter name was important because something struck with my character and he fell in love with Zechs and they were going to (eventually) turn against Romefeller and OZ but there were some other overtones that were used/going to be used and I remember showing THIS FIC (which was titled “red fences”) to my grandfather whom is one of those hyperconservative republicans...he didn’t blink and he actually enjoyed it!  Yeah that blew me away even when he could clearly see my name with one of the characters and I made it clear they were going to be a couple.  That one still blows my mind Sadly though I never finished this fic So THAT answers the “When did it start?” part but now let’s get to “why?” First off I need to get this out there I personally DON’T identify as any sexual orientation/identity.  If people want to look at some of the things I tweet/blog about and assume one thing or the other you will NOT get me to answer “yes” or “no” to anything but I will let you have your assumptions and go about my day.  Its like my very first Anon ages ago on this site legit asked if I was gay or bi and I just deleted it.  If that person that sent that anon is still around here is my answer Have fun figuring it out I still remember too that Anon was on the day this blog was created 5 years ago on 5/29 and my first thought was “Why do you give a shit?” I still don’t know to be honest So WHY then ,if I don’t identify as one orientation or another, do I write myself a particular way? The answer is this In a lot of series’ that I have watched in Anime since about 1997 there were a lot of characters that ,in my mind, I could see myself with at some point in time.  Its just that most ended up being male characters and I always seem to identify with the ones that were either “Royal” types ,”Mom” types or characters that could just be supportive if my character flew off the handle.  The reason I will write Canon/Canon occasionally is because ,in my head, I always could see certain ships in my mind that maybe some don’t.  I am not totally sure but I might be one of the few that is more ReSaru in K Project than SaruMi.  I’m an occasional rarepair guy and that’s fine (see my EijiHaru straight ship in UtaPri). Now one more for the road “You have been known to write ‘Villain’ characters in ‘softer’ roles while outright unleashing on others that might be fandom faves...what is the reasoning for this?” Aight...let’s roll on this one So let’s look at some of the more “Villain” characters I have wrote in a way that MAYBE canon doesn’t match up with Yukari Mishakuji HEAVENS Those would be two in the “Villain” role that I wrote in a “softer” role Now we know the example of someone I wrote as a villain and just completely went in on a time or two so they don’t NEED to be named...you know if you follow my twitter So WHY do I write some in a more positive light then? While I can say that Yukari is mostly for ship purposes I can say confidently that if I wasn’t going to ship myself with him (and FYI canonically he is one of my f/o’s that is actually close to my real life age) I could still write him as a mentor to say...Domy and Co. as the “Sister figure” (The “Mother” role is already filled by Seri with me) so there is definitely that reason and I’m going to be honest there about that. The other reason though is I like to play with the idea of him being a canonically gay character in that universe (and why the FUCK he wasn’t coded that way legit baffles me...fuck make him genderfluid cos I always thought he could pass for either anyways) but he knows how to go and kick ass and he does he job well.  I HAD thought of writing him as a sinister jackass at one time but this was when Missing Kings was around and not Return.  NOW with “Side:Green” coming in the future I want to see more about my extra B/F. HEAVENS was an interesting one HEAVENS had no canon information to go off of really (and if you think about it as far as actual English information outside of translations we still don’t) so getting behind them took WAY LONGER than maybe it should have.  I blame Broccoli for this cos the way that they ended Season 2 it almost felt like HEAVENS should have ended and then STARISH and QN would go at it so come Season 4 when its all over they can end the series at Maji Love Kingdom and be done with it but they kept HEAVENS around for some reason so...yeah! The thing was that for some reason despite me wanting to see HEAVENS fall in Season 2 that made me even MORE curious about them and then come Season 4 I wanted to see them rise up and be proven to be an equal...that involves writing and that was my issue with the season as I have made my opinion known but as time went on I made this decision “I will NOT write HEAVENS in a negative light until I see what Season 4 does” Season 4 comes and then I felt more sympathy for them after a lot of stuff happened such as Shion’s breakdown Van’s enthusiasm that got misinterpreted (in my opinion) and that set off Ren Eiichi showing (in “Visible Elf”) that he was clearly worried about Shion’s well being and also willing to take the bullet for that project ON TOP OF him basically going “Oh s**t” when he found out about Otoya...that surprised me We could probably go on and on about that but this post is going to be a world book length as is so YEESH! Like I said its easy for me with HEAVENS because I had the time with them from S2 to Season 4 (and hopefully some in the movie) to grow WITH THEM so when I write them yes I kind of make them more sympathetic but its because I fear that they don’t get a lot of love on social media and that is kind of something that bothers me NOW...why would I write some more HARSHLY? Because if I am going to write a story that has a villain I need to make them irredeemable. Think about this When I grew up in the 80s and 90s (pre Sailor Moon obsession) a lot of the shows I watched had a hero and a villain.  In all those shows no matter what the Villain did the Protagonist made sure they got theirs in the end right? This is an approach I tend to use. In my head I feel like I need to make you hate someone.  I need someone to show your vitriol for so I need to make something happen to make you go “Oh s**t...these mothers need to get their asses kicked” (point of order:  when I say “mothers” that’s short for “motherf***ers”) The reason I want you to root against them is so if there ever COMES A TIME when I am going to write them in a sympathetic role its a full-time situation. Let’s use TRIGGER from Idolish7 I know that they have a fanbase...I know it and I respect it (even if I think most of them are on my block list on twitter).  In my mind though from the part that I read/played there was more “bad” that ,even if they didn’t cause it, they BENEFITED from it (and we know exactly what I’m talking about if we remember episode 11 of the Anime) so that made it hard for me to embrace them.  It got HARDER when you realized it felt like they could run over a cat with an 18 wheeler and Tsumugi would find a way to go from “Idolish7 Manager” to “TRIGGER Protection Squad” and that didn’t help me in the least You know what’s even funnier about them? I think the episode that was supposed to make me really feel for TRIGGER was when they confronted Sousuke in his office and in my mind I was like “Okay this is when I’m supposed to embrace them” but literally after that I was like “Wait didn’t HEAVENS just do this in ‘Legend Star’ except for them it kind of backfired?” Like a big part of me literally couldn’t get past the whole HEAVENS thing from Season 2 (trio group ,Leader is the son of the President ,has a ‘cute’ member and a dad friend) so I was like “Oh...okay I’m supposed to hate these guys!” Now if you are wondering why we took this detour its because LITERALLY this was what I was thinking the whole time during the part/season.  The only difference outright was the fact that Saotome didn’t disband them (or put them up for disbandment at Black and White) so that was like THE MAIN DIFFERENCE for me so that was def a thing. Here is the tl:dr version of this The reason I write against certain people harder in my fics is because sometimes the canon material doesn’t really help me embrace them or sometimes its a first impression that rubbed me wrong.  First impressions with me are sometimes harder to shake and when it comes to that then there can be a problem. (And yet Alois Trancy is always going to be a fave...then again I put him in the “did nothing wrong” club and his past is WAY PAST SCREWED UP!) Well sweet Jesus I think that answer went on long enough...I hope that you enjoyed this and I will see you ficwise around August 24th because THIS GUY
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is finally getting his birthday fic after I fucked up and missed the past two years Yes friends my beloved Yukari is going to be 35 this year (I have to try and remember he was born the same year as Mamo...who ironically voices Fushimi in K Pro) and I need to do a FABULOUS fic for him on his special day...I hope Shenmue doesn’t distract me Ahh It’ll be grand I promise Aight aight I gotta go BUT since I have one of my GBs on the post let’s add another
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(I need these two to interact more...might have them fight over me but that is another story for another day) Later my dear friends and take care
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ghostmartyr · 5 years
Pokémon FireRed Nuzlocke [Part 3]
Third segment of grindlocke.
We’re about to board some boat, where lies our only source of experience before Surge’s Gym. Also our rival. Aside from one Diglett that demanded murder, we’ve kept to not fainting anything outside of battles.
Things are probably about to get even harder. Current team, we salute you.
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I really hope there’s lots of people in here.
Youngster Tyler counts as a people. He has a level 21 male Nidoran. I. Crud, I want to try out Ismail. The Poison just makes me twitchy each time, even though I’ve got a decent level advantage. Ismail manages it in one shot. Yay Magnitude.
Lass Ann is on the right ship, and she has a level 18 Pidgey. The female Nidoran can feed Ismail.
...This just isn’t fast enough. I have to re-decide to focus on Heero and Allenby. Even though um. This. Person in this other room has a level 19 male Nidoran. And I can’t. Ismail needs to get some hits in eventually. She’ll take the level 19 female one, too.
Oh, his name’s Gentleman Arthur.
Gentleman Thomas is next. All these rich people with cruise tickets. And level 18 Growlithe. Ismail, you want a stab?
No, because one Bite takes her down to almost half health. What the fuck. Allenby, save the day!
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Horsea! Level 17, that’s a Noin target. Level 17 Shellder is as well. But I’m going to switch into Allenby because Noin’s eaten two Leers. Yeah, Icicle Spear could have hurt. Allenby stays in to manage the Tentacool.
Never mind, Allenby is confused and poisoned. Noin, get back in there. Good girl. You made it to level 20!
Sailor Leonard doesn’t care about your effort, and has no interest in letting Allenby back upstairs to heal. He has a level 21 Shellder. I am uncomfortable. Heero and Ember make it work, though. And she makes it to level 26!
Sailor Dylan with three more level 17 Horsea for Noin.
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Level 18 Tentacool. It knows Supersonic. Heero. I’m begging you. Thank you.
Staryu’s up next, so Noin is back up. Level 21 get.
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Sailor Phillip wants to go now. He has a level 20 Machop that looks to be wanting some smacks from Allenby.
Sailor Phillip shares a room with Fisherman Barny. Level 17 Tentacool. Heero can take it. Noin takes the Staryu, though. As is only proper. Noin takes the Shellder, too.
That’s the lower deck. We’re not looking too shabby. I’d prefer better, but that’s me reacting to my standards where I’m allowed to have a bit more control over the leveling process.
Up the stairs!
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I like how annoyed all the fishermen look. I would also wear that hoodie. Level 17 Goldeen. I’m betting it knows Supersonic. Heero makes it to level 27! Allenby will fight the other Goldeen. Even though they probably know Peck. Oh, his last pokemon is a Tentacool.
Gentleman Brooks has a single Pikachu at level 23. Hi Pikachu.
Gentleman Lamar goes back to Growlithe. Allenby, because Fire is useless against it. Ponyta is next. I... will try Ismail out for a turn. She lives to see level 19.
Lass Dawn has a Rattata. Also a Pikachu.
Up another set of stairs. Hoping I don’t pick the side of the hall that leads to Turq, because no, I don’t think I am mentally prepared for that. Awesome, found the way that leads out to deck.
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His level 17 Machop asks for death. So does his Tentacool.
Sailor Edmond has a level 18 Machop. Heero makes it to level 28. Noin will tackle the Shellder. ...Any time my pokemon want to stop hurting themselves in confusion, they can. Just saying.
...I think that might be it for trainers on the ship.
Except for Turq.
Rival extraordinaire.
Heero up front.
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Why did I think this was a good idea?
Okay, let’s see the damage.
His Pidgeotto is only level 19. That’s a good start. Heero takes it out, and Turq immediately goes over to Wartortle. ...Noin, let’s. let’s see if you’ll be okay against that. You should be, right?
Wartortle is level 20. Has Bite. Bite packs a bite.
Noin stop flinching. Yes, he’s poisoned, but stop flinching.
Spending a turn on a Potion and letting the poison finish him off.
Kadabra next. Heero time. Raticate follows, and Allenby is up.
We’re all alive.
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Access to the third Gym achieved!
We’re going to teach Quatre the Meowth Cut.
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Hello darkness my old friend.
Trainers before trauma. Let’s go.
Sailor Dwayne has a Pikachu. It is level 21. For the second Pikachu, Ismail is going to be given a chance. Because Thunder Wave is a thing and I hate watching Heero freeze in place over and over.
...Never mind, Allenby, save the defenseless wonder.
I’m a little worried about that. Ismail’s Defense is awful. Ground is really useful to have, and Dugtrio doesn’t need something like trading to evolve, but Defense that bad needs a higher Attack stat, maybe. I really don’t want to spend time training anything I can’t use.
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Level 21 Voltorb. Heero food. Level 21 Magnemite. More Heero food.
Heero is level 29 now.
For the last trainer in the Gym, Ismail gets to be out first. That damage she always takes from switching is just really sad. ...Ismail vs. level 23 Pikachu. Eek. One Quick Attack takes out more than half her health. Magnitude 6 brought the Pikachu to red, but still.
...Oh, that guy probably had a name. Whoops.
Switch games. I prefer mine to belong to a different console.
I hate this Gym.
Door open.
The question is if I want to give Ismail a chance to grow, or just let Heero handle it.
It isn’t a question. Heero is handling it.
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Where is Surge’s hidden war lore?
Level 21 Voltorb out first. And it’s gone. Pikachu next.
...I want Ismail to try. I am the wrong personality for doing this right. Oh, it’s only level 18. Good job, Ismail.
Raichu is Heero’s all the way, though. Level 24 and soon to be (hopefully) out of our way.
I hate Thunder Wave. And Double Team. Uh, Ismail, under the theory that it’s going to go for another Electric move this turn, get in now. Because your big sister Heero is a paralyzed mess and in the orange. Yes, again.
Yay, that worked.
But Magnitude missed and Quick Attack does more than half.
...Allenby, need a favor.
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The level isn’t the problem with the Raichu. It’s the Double Team and not being able to take risks that could faint anything. That is one nasty creature. I am so glad it’s gone. I’m so glad I currently don’t have to wonder about what next time will be like.
So, what’s next?
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I hate.
About those Repels, self...
Super, now I have five.
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Okay, good, running away worked. Uh. Heero, I know you’re the highest level, but we can’t have you in front while we’re down here, because if another level 29 Dugtrio spawns and has Arena Trap, you’re going to die.
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Remember when Flash was an HM?
Meowth whose name I can’t remember, please tell me you learn it. Quatre! And you can! Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good boy?
Off to Cerulean again. By going the way I got there in the first place, because I just can’t go through the tunnel again. It has left me scarred. I would rather go through a tunnel full of Zubat that I can’t kill for exp. than go through that horrible place ever again.
For the sake of full context, I really love Diglett.
The first pokemon I ever trained legitimately to level 100 was a Dugtrio.
This run is testing that love.
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We made it!
I don’t really know who I want in front at this point. Ismail needs levels to be anything close to helpful, but where those levels are earned is irrelevant, I personally want Noin to murder everything but that’s not the most useful, Heero could continue to kill all the things but maybe I could use less of that focus, and Allenby is always a favorite.
So I guess I’ll go by what trainer’s standing in front of me and whether or not I remember or care enough to switch who’s in front?
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I sort of didn’t care, but also Picknickers have some variety to them so it matters less. Meh.
She has an Oddish. It is level 18 and I just. can’t. with Absorb wars. Heero time. For the level 18 Bellsprout as well. Noin and Heero can switch with the next Oddish again. With the next Bellsprout, Ismail’s getting some switch love.
And that gets Heero poisoned because of course it does.
Ah, Hiker Jeremy is next. Noin should have better fortune here. Unless he’s a Machop Hiker.
The level 20 Machop hungers for blood with Seismic Toss. Which Allenby now wants to learn, and shall, because moves that automatically do some damage are a comfort in times of trouble. No more Low Kick.
Jeremy has an Onix. Ismail, go forth.
Ismail, don’t get Binded.
Sigh. Well, you killed it. Good job, kiddo. You and Allenby both get a Potion because we jumped a ledge that makes getting back to the Pokemon Center in Cerulean annoying.
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Son, this is not how you say hi to strangers.
Camper Chris with the Growlithe. This is a job for Allenby! The Charmander that follows is a job for Ismail! Hey, that even works out!
Bug Catcher Brent is next, so Heero gets to be up front. Facing a level 19 Beedrill. Two of them, even.
Heero is level 30!
Grass reached on the way back to the Pokemon Center again. First thing that pops up is Ekans. Got that. Second is Spearow. Got that. Ekans. Rattata. Spearow. ...Yeah, fine, I’ll check if there’s even anything new this route.
Serebii says there isn’t. Sad face.
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I am both glad and sad it’s not my job to comb through Pokemon games and assign every single character a new name. Level 20 Caterpie. Conner, why would you make your life this difficult?
Ismail, you can have the Weedle. Please don’t get poisoned. You didn’t! And you made it to level 21! ...Wow those stats make me worried. ...No, you are not learning Fury Swipes. That move is obnoxious.
Heero can step in and help with the level 20 Venonat.
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He’s got a level 19 Rattata up front. Oh jolly gee. ...Should these maybe be Ismail food? The Sandshrew’s Noin’s, obviously, but he’s got two other things. Ekans. Ismail. Eat the poison creatures, my child. One more Sandshrew, and one more Noin fight.
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Oh nice, does Quatre have pickup?
(I am an observant trainer raising my pets well.)
Persim Berry get!
Hiker Brice is our next contestant. In accordance, Noin’s up front for the level 20 Geodude. All two of them before Ismail goes up against the Machop. Fight won.
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You people are allowed to say hi.
Oh, whoops.
Picknicker Caitlin with the level 23 Meowth! Ismail’s in front for this, and hopefully no one has to swoop in and help. What do you know, that worked. Good job, Ismail. Even if your HP and various Defenses make me want to cry.
Hiker Alan up now. Level 21 Geodude first. Another shot for Ismail.
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This feels like it might be bad.
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Aaaaand that would be why.
At the risk of sounding callous, I was starting to feel like this wasn’t going to work out, anyway. Better to know now, right?
Like I’m sad.
But not remotely surprised.
That 15 HP got lost to one Meowth Scratching her. I was dancing a fine line of providing chances and seeing if Ismail could even survive long enough to be of use.
Overly mean of me, perhaps. I think another day probably would have yielded different results.
Sigh. Noin to clean things up with the Geodude, and then the level 21 Onix that follows.
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I’d kept everyone alive so far.
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You tried.
Anyway. We made it to Route 10. We can catch a thing in the grass here. Not a Diglett. But. Well. I’m sure we’ll make do without.
Spearow. Spearow.
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Mood, my friend.
Your new name is Zaft.
You can be in the party instead of the box.
Good stopping point?
Good enough stopping point.
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