#but also I need more what if fics with Stiles dying in many situations. like why there's no fic where he's the third virgin sacrifice????
twpsyn-who · 2 years
Stiles Stilinski is my favorite/comfort character, which means that I have a deeply desire to ship him with everyone, wish pain and suffering upon himself and an unresolved need to read 'Dead Stiles Stilinski' fics.
I need more angst in my life. I need him to suffer
#but also I need more what if fics with Stiles dying in many situations. like why there's no fic where he's the third virgin sacrifice????#what if stiles died after getting kidnapped by gerwhateverhisname?? like maybe he tried to do something to save Erica and Boyd that got him#killed or just the events took a darker turn than canon#stiles dying in all those instances where a gun has been pointed at his face#THE NOGITSUNE MAN. Stiles getting affected by the bite Scott gave his double and dying because of it??? Stiles actually dying instead of#losing concussions after they got the nogitsune??? Stiles not having a divine move and actually following with the suicide route????#What If the Nogitsune possessed Allison and is Stiles the one who dies when they go rescue Lydia??? That idea is living rent free in my#mind not gonna lie. I could see Stiles spending time with mr Argent trying to understand why he was able to hurt an Oni#Imagine Stiles stealing Chris's gun (the one he used back then) with only a few bullets in it and a silver knife and when the bullets run#off he stabs the last oni and that's when it hits him. is silver.#ANYWAY the idea was that.therr's no enough dead Stiles Stilinski on AO3 !#and I wanr more#teen wolf stiles#teen wolf#stiles stilinski#all I want for Christmas is more angst and rare ship fics with this boy#PETER EITHER FORCING THE BITE ON STILE OR HIM ACCEPTING ONLY FOR IT TO NOT TAKE???? WHERE'S THAT.FIC AT HUH?????#just... the showdown is over peter is dead and derek is the alpha. everything nice and all until stiles... just falls on the ground.#the argents and jackson didn't need to be werewolves to tell that Stiles was hurt and bleeding but no one beside Derek knew why the blood#was turning black. anc Chris but how do you tell a bunch of kids that one of tgem was dying????#ughhhh my heart man. Derek.offering to mercy kill Stiles??? omg Stiles being like 'Dad. I can't die I can't what about dad?' like he would#ve so worried about him!!! because if Claudia dying broke him? then Stiles dying too would kill the sheriff#so much angst potential yet nothing. unbelievable
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pretoriafics · 3 years
Teenage Dream
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I think this one is the most fun thing I'd ever written. Maybe it can be a new series, I don't know. What do you think?
You were just reading smut fanfics about Derek Hale before sleep. When you woke up, you find that someway, you got into the Teen Wolf universe. Word count: 1.890 Pairings: Different Dimension!Reader x Derek; Different Dimension!Reader x Platonic!Scott; Different Dimension!Reader x Platonic!Stiles Contain: It's pretty fun; You dying of shame; AU Warnings: English is not my main language <3; Inappropriate language PART 2 ALTERNATIVE VERSION TEEN WOLF MASTERLIST
It was a calm night. You were lying on your bed with your bedroom in darkness. In your hand, you were with your cell phone. You had just read on Tumblr brand new smut fanfic with Derek Hale, one of your most-loved fictional characters. You found another one with Stiles - a platonic fluff fic this time -, and you will read it when you woke up. You were almost sleeping, and you are not capable of reading it now. You just have to sleep.
You put your cell phone on your bedside table and fell asleep quickly. But when you woke up, you found yourself in a different and familiar bedroom. You sit on the waitress and look around.
It was a sunny morning outside, and you were still in your cheesy kitten print pajamas. The bed, the walls... Everything sounds familiar to you: It was Scott McCall's bedroom. At first sight, you thought it was such a real dream. However, when you stood up from the waitress, you hit your little finger on the bed.
You sat on the waitress, holding your foot. Damn! That pain's too real for all of that to be a dream. While you grab your foot, you look around again. You could smell cologne and some low noises from outside the house. A little bit more confused right now, you stood up and walks around the bedroom. Getting close to the window, you could see a familiar jeep.
No, no, no. It was impossible. All of this is just a hyper-realistic dream.
You walk in wide steps to the bathroom and look at you through the mirror. Well, you are the one reflected there. What the hell? Should you go downstairs? Should you stay right here, waiting for something happens?
Hell no.
You take a deep breath and open the bedroom door, walking downstairs on tiptoes. Then, you heard two familiar voices.
"I don't know, Stiles! She just appeared in my bedroom!"
"How she is? Does she have scales? Fangs?"
"She's just a normal girl. We have to do something! If she is a psychopath creature?"
"Scott, I'm serious. We need to call Derek."
"No! We don't need another sociopath near us. We need to take care of it all by ourselves."
You heard Stiles let out a long sigh.
"You even know how to control yourself yet, Scott. Derek is used to dealing with strange things like this. We have to call him."
"Shh! She woke up!"
Well, you were exposed.
You finish getting downstairs and walk close to the living room frame. Scott and Stiles were in the middle of the room, and they look at you scared. Your eyes got widen, and the room dives into a weird silence for a few seconds. Yeah, you aren't crazy: Somehow, you got into the Teen Wolf series.
And when you realize it...
"Oh my gosh." You put your hands on your head, in shock and so excited at the same time. "Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh!"
Scott and Stiles look at each other with a 'what the hell?' in the eyes. You turn yourself to look around. Yeah, it was Scott's house! Your inner teenager was freaking out.
"Scott..." Stiles looks at his friend "Calls Derek."
Scott already was with his cell phone in his hands.
"I'm already calling."
Man, how did you get there?! Excited, you open the door and runs outside without care about being in pajamas in the middle of the street. Derek finally answers Scott's call.
"Derek?! Oh, thank god!"
Scott almost could hear Derek's muscles get tense.
"...What happened?"
"There's a girl who suddenly appeared on my bed, and she's freaking out!"
"What do you mean with 'suddenly appeared'?"
"Suddenly, Derek! She wasn't there in a second, and then she just was!"
And then, you saw Stiles' jeep. Oh, man, you loved that jeep so much!! Excited and freaking out, you ran to the jeep. Stiles almost had a heart attack.
"No, no, don't touch my jeep!!"
But it was too late.
"Oh my gosh!!" You touch Stiles' jeep just as if it was of gold.
Stiles run to you, and Derek starts to understand that something pretty wrong was happening.
"Scott, who's yelling? You know what? Forget it. I'm coming. Took this girl in your bedroom, don't let her escape."
Derek turns the call off, and Scott puts his cell phone in his pocket. Scott approaches you, and Stiles hasn't the courage to approach you yet. So, he was just staring at you, praying that you don't do anything with his precious jeep.
"Hey!" Scott calls you, and you look at him. His voice was hesitant, but he was trying to control things "I think you should get into the house. I mean, right now."
You blink your eyes repeatedly at Scott, frozen in your place. Yeah, you were inside your favorite series when you were a teenager, with all your favorite characters... But, you know about Beacon Hills. The city was full of secrets and dangers. Until yesterday, you could see Scott and his friends escaping from death numerous times. This time, you will be the one who does it.
And this is not good.
"...Oh my gosh."
This time, your words were not from excitement but fear. Man, you're so fucked up.
You swallowed hard and got into Scott's house. The boy looks at Stiles, confused.
"I thought that took the girl inside my house would be harder."
They got into the house, looking at your shape sit on the couch. Now, you look terrified.
"Uhh..." Stiles looks at you, trying to find out something "How did you-"
"You guys need to send me home! Something went wrong, and I came here."
Scott and Stiles look at each other. It was Scott's turn to say something to you.
"What exactly went wrong?"
"I don't know! Look, I was just trying to sleep on my bed, and when I woke up, I was here."
"What are you?"
"Nothing, I'm just human. Do you guys did something that could have brought me here?"
They denied with his heads, so confused as you. Scott and Stiles were relatively new to the supernatural world. So, they are completely lost. You bit your inner lip, thoughtful.
"Something big made it. I mean, I'm definitely not from here."
Scott and Stiles stare at you with a scared gaze. Then, you all hear a car noise: It was Derek's Camaro. He was parking in front of Scott's house. Your eyes got widened when you saw it. Oh, man, you absolutely haven't the maturity to deal with Derek. Well, first of all: You were reading smut fanfic about him last night. Worse: It was an imagine! And you even want to remember the fact that, when the show got to its end, you and your best friend made tattoos. She tattoed the McCall Pack symbol on her arm, and, well, you tattooed a small triskelion between your boobs.
Man, you were dying of shame. It is such an odd situation. Anyone would never know about your tattoo or the fanfics.
Derek got into the house, and his eyes run to you immediately, and then he looks at Scott and Stiles. You felt your cheeks burning. Such an odd situation!!
"What the hell did you do?"
"Nothing!" Scott said, too nervous "She just came out of nowhere."
Derek narrowed his green eyes to Scott and Stiles, and then he looks at you. You already knew what he could ask you, so you started to talk.
"Either do I! Look" You took a deep breath, trying to contain all that mess of feelings inside of you "I was in my bedroom sleeping, and then I woke up here. But there something pretty important you guys should know about me: I am definitely not from here. When I came from, anyone of you exists. You all are fictional characters from a tv series."
The room dives into a weird silence. Scott looks at Stiles.
"Uh... Stiles... She's not lying."
"Oh, man, I was born in the wrong dimension. Hey," Stiles looks at you "What the girls think about me? Do they like me? Do I have many fans?"
Stiles began to approach you, but Derek grabs him by his shirt, avoiding an approximation.
"We don't know about her yet, so stay right there."
"Oh, c'mon" Siles looks at him and gives a few steps close to Scott when Derek unleashes him "I'm pretty sure you're curious as well."
"I'm not. I just want to know what the hell is going on."
You narrowed your eyes to Derek. You know why he wasn't interested to know about him. So, you started to talk.
"Are you sure? I mean, everyone thinks you are the most wronged of all."
Derek stares at you, unmoved by your words. You should know he would be suspicious about you. He stares at Scott and Stiles.
"She will stay with me until we know she is not a problem. I'll investigate to know how she came here."
What?! No, no, you have no maturity for that. You felt your cheeks burning again. Man, it was just like on fanfics!
You objected.
"Hell no! I'll stay here."
Without a drop of patience and calm, Derek rolled his eyes.
"You'll stay here? With Scott and his mom? So what do you will tell her about your presence at her house?"
Okay. Your plan was stupid. Also, it was funnier when Derek was rude to Stiles. With you, it was just annoying. You cross your arms in front of your chest, not so sure about what to say. He let out a long sigh of annoyance and took your arm. You widen your eyes standing up from the couch. You look at his hand on you, and then you look at him.
Derek drags you in the door's direction and looks at Scott.
"Something went too wrong for this girl to be here. Tell me if you find something else."
"Wait!" Scott gives a step forward into you and Derek's direction "She can't stay a little more? We need to, uh... Investigate."
"Let your stupid curiosity for another time, Scott."
You whine in annoyance while Derek drags you in his car's direction. A few minutes ago, you would be freaking out of getting into Derek's Camaro. Now, you are just too pissed off to care.
"Let me go! I know how to walk!"
He opened the passenger's seat door and released you. Derek didn't talk anything, just stares at you in a silent order. Pissed off, you cross your arms in front of your chest, stubborn.
"I'll not come in!"
Derek gets closer to you, giving you a deadly glare.
"Get in the car. Now."
You swallowed hard. Oh man, this part wasn't like the fanfics. It was not sexy at all. Actually, it's a bit scary.
Pissed off, you get in the car, and Derek closes the door, getting into the driver's seat. You look at Scott e Stiles through the window, thinking that maybe it would be better if you stay with them. However, you haven't a choice. All you have to do now is try not to be killed by the first supernatural threat that appears in Beacon Hills.
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@russianspacegeckosexparty: For years, fandom has talked about wanting Stiles to “heal” Derek but what they mean is they want self insert stan in a Stiles Nametag/Fanon!Stiles to *enable* Derek’s toxicity, and also while claiming that Derek’s way of running a pack is the Right Way, they suspiciously have him acting exactly like Scott who’s methods they sneered at
I wish I had a simple answer for you. It would be easy to laughingly dismiss it as ‘just racism’ and move on. Racism is a huge part of it, but it’s not the only part; it’s a situation-well mixed with patriarchal precedence and a fundamentally self-serving and immature application of Christian doctrine (I’m speaking as a Christian myself). Our culture has created certain expectations in the way we approach the behavior of white men.
As long as they show emotional depth, attractive white men are entitled to forgiveness for their bad actions without the need to redress those actions.
The sad part is that this phenomenon exists outside of the world of fiction and fandom. How many white men have had tearful press conferences apologizing for their bad behavior and then its back to business as usual?
When the Sterek shippers create a Fanon Stiles to support/heal/enable Alpha Derek, they very often indulge in this idea. To them and their insert, who Derek hurt is immaterial. To them and their insert, what Derek did is immaterial. The only thing that matters is that a powerful and attractive white man was openly emotional, and so, to them, it’s simply unjust for the narrative or the audience to treat him as less than fully redeemed.
What did Derek do in response to his betrayal of Paige to her death? He cried about it. What did Derek do when he unwisely bit Jackson and then abandoned him to become the kanima? He looked pained and stomped around the screen yelling at people who weren’t responsible. What did Derek do when his decisions to conceal information got Erica and Boyd killed? He looked sad and stricken. The show, in a completely inadequate display of consequences, ‘redeemed’ him by having him give up the alpha power to save his sister (and fandom reeled in shock at this tiny bit of redress, so much that they kept rejecting it).
Fandom doesn’t even recognize all the things that Derek did to Scott - from concealing information, to bullying, to selfish manipulation, to betrayal, to brutal assault - as bad behavior. How many times have you read Fanon Stiles say “he may have been an asshole, but he was trying to help!” when Derek lied to Scott about the cure, betrayed him to his uncle, and have his or his minions try to beat Scott into submission?
Derek experiences strong emotions, therefore, all his actions are immediately ameliorated by his pain, but only because he’s white and good looking! His family burned! His sister was murdered! So that makes his attempt to hunt down and kill Lydia on a hunch absolutely okay.
Compare this to the absolute condemnation of Scott for saying an insensitive thing to Derek and to pretending-to-be-catatonic Peter after nearly getting caught by Kate and Chris stealing a bullet to save Derek’s life. Compare this to the raging hellfire wished upon Scott for being blackmailed by Gerard with a knife to his gut, a tail wrapped around his mother’s throat, and claws to his lover’s neck?
It doesn’t stop there. Peter Hale has legions of defenders not because he expressed remorse for his terrible onscreen actions but because he refused to express remorse for them. In fact, he defended his vicious murders and attempted murders and violations with passionate bullshit. They swoon over the fact that he murdered his own niece so much that they make up excuses for him that he refused and create fantasies of the Left Hand.
That’s why, when grappling with Season 5A, they don’t care that Stiles was a lying traitor. They only care that he felt really bad while he was being a lying traitor. (And they’ll come at me, screaming, that he was being blackmailed too, while turning around and call Scott a rapist in Master Plan. And no, Scott wasn’t a traitor in Season 2; he was deceiving villains – both Derek and Gerard. That’s the difference between Scott and Stiles. Scott finds a way to defeat the villains while Stiles… Stiles cries about it. But that’s all a white male character has to do be considered a hero.)
My problem is that fandom’s reflexive urge to forgive every single good looking white male character not only permeates the fandom but it also influenced the show. That’s why Scott had to listen to Stiles whine about the way Scott looked at him in Codominance but the fact that Stiles assaulted Scott was never mentioned again. That’s why Liam’s apology tour was so completely fixated on Liam finding a way to live with himself, that he never bother to ask if Scott was okay, or Mason didn’t scold him for leaving Scott dying on the library floor to go hug a girl that was already dead. After all, Liam was feeeeeeeeling.
Art imitates life. Fandom has lowered the bar so much for attractive white male characters that all they have to do is… I don’t think there’s anything they can’t do to be automatically healed by the fandom. Yet they cover that with making the act of forgiving white male characters an act of love.
So Stiles is a “lying traitor” because he’s a victim of assault and blackmail and because he didn’t share his own traumas with Scott like Scott and his Stans demanded… but Scott is a “hero” even though he kept lying like a rug, sold Derek Hale and his Pack out to the hunters in exchange of Allison, conspired with Gerard behind everyone’s back, and violated an incapacitated rape victim to save his own ass? Make it make sense, antis
“How many times have you read Fanon Stiles say ‘he may have been an asshole, but he was trying to help!’ when Derek lied to Scott about the cure, betrayed him to his uncle, and have his or his minions try to beat Scott into submission?”
Funnily enough, I never read a Sterek fic in which the author uses Stiles to justify Derek’s behavior. But I’ve read PLENTY of fics written by the Scott McCall defense squad members in which Stiles, Lydia, Kira, Allison, Mason, Liam, Chris, Cora etc are reduced to he author’s Fanon Self Insert and used to excuse/justify Scott’s toxic behavior.
But maybe PrinceEscalusWords is referring to when the TW writers & producers had Masson Hewitt (a gay black character) justify Scott and tell Corey Bryant (a gay character and the boy Scott assaulted and mind raped) to get over it, because:
“I know the last time you saw Scott wasn’t his best day. But he’s trying to help! More than most people would!” (5x09, Lies of Omission)
‘cause apparently nothing is more ‘romantic’ and ‘progressive’ than telling an abuse victim to get over their own trauma and abuse and then trying to paint their abuser as a kind, compassionate hero who just had a bad day in Jeff Davis’ book
“My problem is that fandom’s reflexive urge to forgive every single good looking white male character not only permeates the fandom but it also influenced the show. That’s why Scott had to listen to Stiles whine about the way Scott looked at him”
Actually, Stiles is the one who had to listen to Scott whine about the way Liam looked at him.
[Teen Wolf 5x13, Co-dominance]
STILES: So, what did he want?
SCOTT: To help.
STILES: You gonna let him?
SCOTT: Eventually, I guess…
STILES: Okay, but shouldn’t he be a little higher on your priority list right now? I mean, since he’s the only other actual werewolf, your only actual Beta.
SCOTT: You didn’t see the way that he came at me! You didn’t see the look in his eyes!
STILES: Well, I’ve been with you on a full moon, so I’ve seen that look.
STILES: You want to get the band back together, Scott, you don’t leave out the drummer.
“And no, Scott wasn’t a traitor in Season 2; he was deceiving villains – both Derek and Gerard. That’s the difference between Scott and Stiles. Scott finds a way to defeat the villains while Stiles cries about it”
Except that Scott never defeated a single villain in the actual show. He even failed to assassinate a terminally ill old man who was already dying in Master Plan. Scott is pretty good at whining and at taking credit for his friends’ heroic actions and achievements, though. And that’s all Scott has to do to be considered a “hero” or become a “true alpha”
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Always, Only. You 22.2
Talia had taken Y/N in to her pack after your parents and their pack  were brutally murdered. For years she trained and learned under Talia alongside Derek , Laura and Cora. One night Talia tells you along with Derek that you two have to imprint on each other , to become each other’s mates. Your connection to Derek has always been stronger than his to you. So after the fire it killed you to be away from him , but you had to do it for your own survival. 7 years after the fact , you return home. Back to Beacon Hills. But the Derek you return to is not the same Derek you know. Will Y/N ever get Derek to accept the fact they are meant to be together?
Derek Hale x Reader
 A/N : So my boss just called me and we are finally opening back up. Honestly it’s a bittersweet feeling because I’ve missed working but I know it’s not safe yet because COVID is still around. We’ll just have to wait and see what changes we make to ensure not only our safety but our customers as well. 
 Also I probably should have put warnings and content ratings but I’ll say it right here right now and make some changes on my blog as well but my entire blog from my fics to reblogs and recommendations is intended for audiences 21+. I’ll accept 18+ but anyone younger I would advise to find other blogs and fanfics that are more suitable for you and intended for you. Thank you for your support but this is really for your own safety and mine as well.
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Derek’s Loft.
 Isaac looked over at Erica worriedly again. They haven’t heard from Peter in days about how you were doing. And to make matters worse, Peter shut off his phone.
Isaac looked over at Derek. He hasn’t left Cora’s side since and from the looks of it he wasn’t going to be moving anytime soon. 
 “Derek.” Isaac called to him. No response. “Derek.” He tried again, louder. Again, no response. “What are we going to do, Derek? Scott is gone. Y/N is gone. Cora is dying.”
 “I don’t know.” Derek muttered.
 “Did you want to figure it out?” Erica asked calmly, though she was frustrated that Derek was hardly acknowledging them and the other situation. 
 “What do you want me to do?” Derek asked. He felt defeated. He thought maybe if he helped Jennifer she would heal his sister like she said. But all she did was use him. And now he was thinking maybe if he had gone along with Peter's plan instead, Cora would be better and you would be here. With him. 
 “Well, I don’t know,” Isaac sarcastically began, “you’re the alpha. Go out and look for Y/N?”
 “If she’s with Peter they’re probably long gone out of Beacon Hills already.” he sighed. Cora let out a sharp gasp, earning Derek’s attention again. “There’s nothing I can do about that. Right now, I have to stay with Cora. I promised her I wouldn’t leave.” 
 Isaac grunted in frustration. “Do you get how many people she’s killed? Boyd is dead. Cora is dying. She took Scott’s mom and Stiles’ dad, Derek! She just took Argent! And you don’t want to do anything!” He yelled, rushing up to him.
Derek could feel the frustration coming from his beta but he didn’t react. He couldn’t. He knew Isaac was right about all of those things but what was Derek supposed to do? His only sister was dying right before his eyes.
  “Why did you do this to us, Derek?” Isaac sighed, sadly. “You said.. Our lives would change. That you would protect us.. And now,” he threw his arms in Derek’s direction, “you’re just going to sit here and continue to let people die?”
 Derek glanced at Isaac, fighting back the urge to say something. He was always good at defending himself and pushing people away. That’s what he felt he should do now but he couldn’t. He just needed you. 
 “When is enough enough for you? Until I’m dead? Or Erica? Scott? Stiles?” No response. “Was it all about power to you?” Derek turned his head to avoid seeing Isaac’s face in his peripheral. “Were you bored? Or were you just lonely?”
 The loft door opened and the two betas turned to see you and Peter standing there. “That’s enough, Isaac.”
Derek’s head perked up at the sound of your voice and he whipped his head around to see if it was really you. He let out a breath of relief when he saw you. He wanted to just run up and hug you tight but he couldn’t find the courage to move. Not after what Isaac had said and he was sure you had heard everything. He watched as you greeted the betas, apologizing to them and then making your way to him.
“How is she?”
 “Worse.” he replied, watching your every move.
Something was off about you. You held his gaze for a short moment before looking at Cora.
“I’ve been taking her pain.” He continued.
You sat on the other side of the bed next to Cora and held her hand. “You need to be careful. Taking too much of her pain can kill you.” You brushed the hair that had stuck to her forehead away. “But you won’t need to do that anymore.”
Derek stared at you confused. “You want to tell me what you’re planning?”
 “There’s a way to heal Cora.” You replied.
“You have to heal her yourself. Give her everything. But if you do, Derek, then you won’t be an alpha anymore.” A short pause. “I can heal her, it'd be better if I did it anyway.”
“No.” He shook his head. “I should do it.”
“Did you not hear what I said? You won’t be an alpha anymore. Jennifer is gonna come back for you.”
“I don’t care about being an alpha anymore.” He told you. “I don’t care if she comes back for me. If she finds out I’m not an alpha, if Deucalion finds out as well, they’d have to leave me alone. I’m worthless to them.”
“Alpha or not. You’re not worthless, Derek.” You turned back to look at Erica and Isaac. “They’re going to be out for a while. After it happens, in the meantime, I need you to pack their bags.”
 “What? Why?” Derek asked confused.
“Beacon Hills isn’t safe anymore.”
 “I’m not sending her anywhere alone.”
“I know.” Was all you said.
Derek scoffed as if saying ‘so why mention it?’ It was when you looked over at Peter that it clicked.
“We booked you two tickets to South America.” Derek was speechless. He frowned at you then turned his deadly stare to Peter. “It wasn’t his idea.” You had barely gotten the words out before Derek stormed his way up to his uncle and pressed his claws against his throat.
 “Oh, it wasn’t?” he asked sarcastically. “I find that hard to believe.” He didn’t turn to look at you.
 “It was all mine.”
Derek waited for that jump in your heartbeat to prove you were lying but it didn’t happen. Yet he didn’t budge, just kept his hand to Peter’s throat.
 “Derek, let him go. Derek. Please.”
  “And Peter? What is he gonna do?”
“Peter is leaving as well. With Erica and Isaac. I just need him for one last favor. But I need all of you to leave Beacon Hills until it’s over.”
“What about you?” Erica asked. “What are you gonna be doing?”
“I’m gonna stay. And help Deucalion and the others.”
“And after?” Derek dropped his uncle and turned to face you. “What will you do after?”
“I have to stay. I have to stay for Scott and the others. You’ve all… been through enough. Derek there isn’t anything here for you. You should start new somewhere else.”
“No.” He shook his head. “Not without you.”
“Derek,” you sighed, “I know everything. I know what Talia did. To both of us. We should do this. For our sakes.”
Derek looked back at the betas. They understood his silence and decided to leave you two alone. Once they were gone Derek looked at you again.
“That’s not it. Is it?”
“No.” You confessed. “There are other packs here. Somewhere. They all know about me now and they will be coming to me for guidance. But Derek, if you heal Cora, the Hale pack will be left without an alpha.”
“I just said I don’t care.”
“If you don’t, there’s no reason for you to be here then. Things might only get worse after this.”
“Just tell me what you want to say.” Derek told you. “You had Peter say it before, now you tell me.”
You inhaled a deep, shaky breath. “I won’t… I don’t need you. Anymore.” You lied. “I don’t feel anything for you anymore.. and without a pack I won’t have anything holding me back. I’m better off alone now.”
Derek scoffed. “You’re a horrible liar.”
“Derek. Please.” You pleaded. “Just this one time can you listen to me? The last time you didn’t you almost died. I don’t want that to happen again.”
“This has nothing to do with him?” Derek nodded at his uncle. “You promise?”
You looked back at Peter, then at Derek. “No.” You answered honestly. “This has nothing to do with that.”
“Fine.” He finally agreed. “We’ll leave. But if I don’t hear from you in a couple of days I’m coming back.”
Erica and Isaac were long gone already. You had them do one more thing before hopping on a plane with Peter.
 “You’re enjoying this aren’t you?” Derek grumbled at his uncle.
“Which part? Watching my niece die? Or my nephew?” Peter remarked sarcastically. “I don’t like the rest of her plan but I agree having you and Cora out of Beacon Hills is the best thing right now. Maybe forever.” 
 “And you get to stay behind.” Derek rolled his eyes.
  “If I could change her mind I would.”
  “You’re only saying that because you are finally getting what you want. You get back what I stole from you. Except you get to be stronger, faster and more deadlier. You get to be an alpha again.”
“Stop arguing.” You told them. “It’s not helping anyone.” But your request had fallen on to deaf ears once again.
 “Do you even know how to kill an ultima? Once they’ve turned into their true form?” Peter continued. “You can’t set them on fire or slash their throats from one end to the next. Silver bullets? They’ll just force it out of their bodies and hide for a couple of days until they heal.” Peter walked around so he was standing in front of Derek. The man looked at his nephew dead in his eyes and said, “You have to get close enough to rip their heart out.”  
  There was a short silence before Derek spoke up again. “What is he talking about?” He looked to you.
You were making your way towards the bed where Cora laid. You got closer, yet gave him no answer.
 “I don’t like this as much as you do.” Peter reiterated. “But we both know you don’t have the balls to get it done.”
 “I killed you, didn’t I?” Derek smirked at his uncle.
“It’s only just in case.” You explained to Derek. “It won’t come to that.” You pat the empty spot next to Cora. “Come.”
Derek did as you told. He sat down on the bed and grabbed Cora’s hand. “Do I just- do I just heal her.”
“Yeah.” You explained. “I can always do it, if you change your mind.”
“No.” He stated. “I’m gonna do it.”
He breathed in deeply and closed his eyes. He gasped as if he was in pain but didn’t let go of her hand. Cora inhaled a sharp breath as her eyes shot open. Derek’s body went limp, and they both fell back on to the bed at the same time.
“Derek?” You shook him. No response. “What happened? Are they ok?”
Peter walked over and checked for their pulses. He sighed and looked up at you. “They’re alive. They’re going to be fine.���
“What do we do now?”
“We wait.”
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princeescaluswords · 5 years
Remembering when Teen Wolf stans had that fixation bordering on obsession with the Hale Pack as a family of ~pure~ wolves and rebuilding their dynasty and whew boy the white supremacist vibes of it all. And that is related to the trope in fic of "what was Peter thinking biting Scott" yet they all agree Stiles should receive the bite.
You’re right and you should say it.  
I mean, it’s pretty obvious isn’t it? You have a Latino main character whom significant parts of the fandom despise to the point of rejecting canon in its entirety.  If I could change the strength and breadth of the double standards that the fandom employs to delegitimize Scott into pure energy, I could free us from our dependency on fossil fuels.
In one breath, they say they identify with Stiles because he has ADHD, he’s emotionally fragile, he’s broken, and he involves himself in situations that aren’t healthy for him with no resources of his own because he’s recklessly brave and foolishly loyal.
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Yet, I’ve lost count of the number of stories where fandom has older white male characters – the ones who praise Scott in canon – say that Stiles should have been the one Bitten.  After all, he’s smart and he’s loyal that he would just be so much better, even though he’s emotionally fragile, broken, recklessly brave and foolish.
Or the human alpha nonsense, when canon Stiles’ idea of leadership was to berate and mock the people who looked up to him.  They can’t name one scene where Stiles expressed anything resembling leadership to anyone who didn’t like him in the first place.  But he should be alpha, because he’s smart and he’s loyal and so he would just be so much better, even though he’s emotionally fragile, broken, recklessly brave and foolish.
And then there are the qualities that they use to disqualify Scott from the dubious honor of being alpha to people who end up taking him for granted, betraying him, and then letting him make it up to him.   You know what’s weird?  (It’s not actually weird; it actually is pretty understandable.) Most of these reasons could come directly from the Grand Wizard of the KKK’s Handbook.  
Scott is sexually obsessed.  He’s pursuing (insert love interest here) while other people are dying (except he never actually did that, and several times put his romance at risk in order to help other people).  If you don’t think the white supremacists of yesteryear used the concept of racial minorities are coming for our women! as tools of control, you need to read more.
Scott is stupid.  He’s a bad student (this argument has been debunked so many times it should be a meme in itself), he’s oblivious, he’s immature, he’s lazy, and his plans are terrible (except when they’re not, then they are suddenly someone else’s plans).  If you don’t think the white supremacists of previous generations used the concept of racial minorities are ignorant children in a larger world!, you need to watch entertainment dated before 1970.  
Scott is angry, stubborn, tyrannical, etc.  His hatred of Derek and Peter is due to anger management problems and petty grudges (footage not found).  He never listens to other people (except for the times when he does listen to other people).  If you don’t think the white supremacists of last week used the concept that racial minorities are violent savages and warlords!, you need to tune into Fox News once in a while.
While I approached this tongue in cheek, I’m also very serious.  These are ways used by white supremacists to marginalize other races, even today, and rob them of their humanity.  Why wouldn’t they be employed for this?
The fandom is riddled with ideas that make Scott not only the other, but inferior:  He didn’t earn his True Alpha status, it was the product of experiments by a sinister black man.  His defeat of Derek is stripped of context and likened to rape.  He didn’t actually bite Liam – Liam is a born werewolf and Peter’s real child.  Scott’s not a werewolf at all – even though the entire premise of the show is that he’s a werewolf – but he is actually a lowenmensch like the Nazi villain because his sclera turned black once.  And there’s more.
It’s as insidious as all the stories where Stiles forms a real pack with Derek, Isaac, Jackson, Lydia, and Liam  (and sometimes Peter).  Mason, Kira, Malia and the other lesser races can stick with the Latino menace.  Don’t take my word for it – look it up for yourselves.  They haven’t deleted those stories yet.
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moera6 · 5 years
Thiam Fic Rec
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Hey, since I was asked on the thiam discord channel which my favorite Thiam fics are, here are a few of them. I read and liked a lot more but this are a few which I saved on my phones background. More under the cut.
These are by no means sorted by how much I liked them, just in the order I read them. I tried to make it a mix between old and new finished and WIP’s. The pic above is from @ao3commentoftheday.
@manonisamelon @tabbytabbytabby @glitter-cake20 @bookwyrm07 @formerprincess
Anchor by Sabis_dream_world, complete, 2473 words
Summary: Theo is sensitive about his past self. Liam is possessive of his past relationship. Liam snaps at Theo, Theo punches things, they fight and it all ends up with awkwardness and fluff.
Kiss with a fist by Captainmintyfresh, complete, 1925 words
Summary: Theo was going to kill Mason for convincing him to do this. After dying of embarrassment. He only hoped Liam would find it touching enough to drag him back out of hell so he could complete the aforementioned murder.
(inspired by the singing scene in 10 things i hate about you)
As I bleed by Captainmintyfresh, complete, 6985 words
Summary: For the tumblr prompt - Liam and Theo playing “kiss where it hurts”
I went off topic and ended up with a weird game of chicken.
Just a ride by thefandomlife, complete, 6454 words
Summary: Theo hated hospitals. He hated waking up in them, they reminded him of the terrifying feeling of waking up every day in the labs with the Dread Doctors. He hated being reminded of his time there, but he couldn’t deny that it had happened.
So really, Theo was in a constant state of confusion, trying to figure out what he really was doing fighting the war at Scott McCall’s side. But what he found out in his discoveries, was that he wasn’t at Scott’s side–he did it all for Liam.
Snapshots of a war by BlackCanine, complete, 8878 words
Summary: A bit of speculation mixed with a hell of a lot of wishful thinking for the Teen Wolf series finale.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder by laheysmythes, complete, 11170 words
Summary: “I bet you two couldn’t last a week away from each other,” Stiles challenged, a certain gleam in his eye at the idea of them struggling to be apart but failing.
“Theo and I can be away from each other for a week easily,” Liam stated. “In fact, I won’t even notice that he’s gone, it would be such a relief to have a couple of days without a pain in the ass.”
“Likewise. I do have a lot of things to do other than to just hang around with some loser like you,” Theo retorted back, full offense intended, and justifiable after what Liam had said.
Or alternatively, the one where both Theo and Liam are in denial about how much time they spend with each other, and bet that they can succeed in being apart for a week.
Touched by tabbytabbytabby, complete, 6118 words
Summary: The 5 times Theo needs a hug but doesn’t know how to ask and then 1 time he does.
You will always get what you want by ithinkwehaveanemergency, complete, 3999 words
Summary: 5 times that someone calls Theo ‘straight’ and the 1 time that he proves he isn’t.
The air in my lungs by oh_well_Em_ writes, complete, 3386 words
Summary: Liam is chosen to be the one who has to share the tent with Theo. And he’s pretty sure he won’t do it. Yep, he definitely won’t.
But maybe his plan to escape the situation goes wrong and he’s stuck in the tent, but it’s even worse than he thought, because god he forgot how hot it could get in a tent, and all he sees is Theo, all he hears is Theo, all he scents is Theo. And he can’t handle it.
Or the one where Liam panics because Theo is everywhere and maybe he’s stupid because Theo is the origin of the panic but also the only one being able to keep him from drowning.
Happiness is a four-letter word by GlitterCake20, WIP, 66577 words
Summary: Liam goes out looking for trouble, instead he finds the beginning of a road that could change everything for him.
Look who’s talking by captainmintyfresh, WIP, 23084 words
Summary: Theo had been labeled many things in his life. Evil, failure, monster. He’d never thought Father would be one of those things but as he looked across the table to a six year old with blue smears of bubble gum icecream across her face trying to coax the first words out of her sister. Finger jabbing towards Theo’s face as she repeated ‘Daddy’ again and again he couldn’t bring himself to dispute the label.
(Theo accidentally adopts two young werewolves)
Fear of falling apart by BookWyrm07, WIP, 23539 words
Summary: Theo is used to dealing with Tara’s illness. He’s been doing it all his life, but hopefully with one last bone marrow transplant she’ll be cured. Then maybe, just maybe, he can have some kind of life that doesn’t completely revolve around hospitals and doing every possible thing to avoid germs that could be passed to his sister. He could go to real school, make friends with people his own age, maybe, even meet a boy.
Hospital AU where Tara has cancer, Theo is her bone marrow donor and Liam is doing court ordered community service.
Be careful what you wish for by Manonlemelon, WIP, 27561 words
Summary: Back before he was sent to the ground all Theo ever wished for was power, to be an alpha, to have a pack. Now he knows better, knows that power isn’t as easy as it seems. All he wants now is to try and stay alive, try to be good enough to one day be part of the pack and protect the beta with anger issue. During a fight with an alpha gone feral Theo is given power he doesn’t want anymore. Now he has to learn to live with what he had wished for so long ago
Mirror of Origin by Former_Princess, WIP, 16840 words
Summary: Liam is a young, reckless archaeologist who loves nothing more than to climb into old tombs and find out about ancient cultures, as well as retrieve lost artifacts. On his hunt for the Mirror of Origin, he meets a mysterious group of people claiming they have the same agenda as Liam himself: Rescue old artifacts from the ruins around the world and exhibit them for the people to see them or keep them locked away to avoid them falling into the wrong hands. Especially one of their mercenaries, Theo, makes it hard for Liam to accept working with them in order to get this one special artifact cause Theo and Liam butt heads since their first meeting. When things turn for the worst, however, both have to work together to literally save the world from getting destroyed by an ancient power and maybe, just maybe, they realize the other isn’t as obnoxious as they thought…
A tale written with fangs and claws by Former_Princess, WIP, 450637 words
Summary: This is a story of a spark getting ignited when nobody thought it would happen. A story about friendship, trust and yes, also about love. About finding your place in the world and figuring out who you really are.
This is the story of how Liam Dunbar became an Alpha and got a mate and a whole pack to call his own. This is the story of the Morning Dew Pack.
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areiton · 6 years
(1)Cause you're (rightfully) grumpy about people's purity wank I've got a question that might distract you and which I desperately hope you have an answer to: I mostly read steter fic so far. Now i wanted to get into sterek but ... I seem to be too picky?? I'd like to read sth not totally au (Erica and Boyd being alive is fine for example), with not too much ooc-ness, with Peter NOT being the villain and with Derek's abusive past 'relationships' and Stiles self-destructiveness actually adressed
(2) and I can’t seem to find sth that really … catches me. There are so many amazing steter fics out there (yes, I very definetely talking about your fics too) and I’m sure there are equally amazing sterek fics, but …. yeah. I’m obviously not able to find them. So - help??? Please??
Oh, friend. You are my favorite. This is the kind of ask Iadooooore. Ok, you ready? Cuz this list is LOOOOONG. (big thanks to@bloody-bee-tee for helping me find fics for this list.) Not everything fitsall your criteria, but all of them fit some.
**Are especially good for dealing with Derek and/or Stiles healing.
Patterns of Intention by drunktuesdays:
Derek looked likethe stuff of his deepest fantasies. His shirt was rumpled where Stiles had hishands in it, and he was breathing hard as well, chest heaving. His eyes—hiseyes were glazed over and he looked stunned, like he’d been—like Stiles had—
“No,” Stiles said,blood draining from his face. The word was croaky and felt like it had to bewrenched out of his chest. “God, no.”
Paper Skin and Glass Bones byhushlittlewolf:
Derek can’t takethis. He can’t take this joking, concerned boy that has the evidence of Derek’sshortcomings carved into his skin.
The one where Dereknever paid attention to how much Stiles got hurt…until he sees Stilesshirtless and notices all the scars.
**Carry You Home byCastielific:
“Derek letshimself fall on his back, breath short, heart beating fast. He can feel theWolf in him, purring in satisfaction and contentment. Asking for more. It wantshim to turn and touch, to never stop touching. Instead, Derek squeezes hishands into fists and closes his eyes, trying to push it back, this need, thisinstinct screaming for his mate. For Stiles.”
Title inspired bythis Firefly quote: “When you can’t run anymore, you crawl, and when you can’tcrawl, when you can’t do that, you find someone to carry you”
Trust Fall byStoney:
Stiles is fairlycertain that a case could be made for every bad thing in his life coming backto Peter Hale. This time it’s pissing off a powerful witch, who retaliated byswapping Stiles and Derek a la Freaky Friday, because sure. Thatmakes sense. Um, there are GPAs on the line, not to mention the whole thingwhere his dad wants to shoot Derek on sight. Except who he sees as Derek isactually Stiles, and Stiles did not sign up for filicide.
Great. Wait…does this mean he’s the Alpha until they figurethis out? Holy. Shit.****
Derek had stood in front of the bathroom mirror for a fewminutes trying to control the panic as he saw himself as Stiles. As the loudmouthed human friend of the pack. He was going to kill Peter. He was going tokill the witch, then he was going to kill Peter. Maybe even resurrect him againjust to kill him all over.
They were going to have to play this cool. They would have tostay calm and focused. Which is of course why the universe threw him into thissituation with someone who physically couldn’t be calm and focused.
Of course.
Stilinski’s Home for WaywardWolves by owlpostagain:
“At least yourpuppies knock first,” Stiles snorts. “Here I thought their alpha raised them tobe well-mannered.” 

“There’s a sign,” Derek responds stiffly. 

Stiles, whose curiosity outweighs even his hardest of grudges,abandons his chilly façade of nonchalance in a heartbeat. He jumps right up andall but pushes Derek out of the way in his effort to get to the window, andsure enough when he leans outside there’s a laminated strip of cardstock ducttaped to the vinyl siding: 

DON’T FORGET TO KNOCK Stiles gets cranky when we scare him
Or, in which StilesStilinski moves to Beacon Hills for his junior year of high school andaccidentally adopts a pack of teenage werewolves.
How  Derek Met His Smallest Fan by purleduvet:
Derek is standing inthe fruits and vegetables aisle, trying to decide between two very nice lookingwatermelons, when someone small crashes into his legs.
Derek comes back toBeacon Hills after years of being gone and meets Stiles and his kid at thesupermarket.
Make it Feel Like Home by redeyedwrath:
Maybe it would’vebeen different if things had never happened. Maybe it would’ve been different ifhe hadn’t persuaded Scott to go search in the woods. Maybe it would’ve beendifferent if he hadn’t been so stubborn. Maybe it would’ve been different if heand Scott had never met.
Maybe it would’ve been different, would’ve beenbetter, if he hadn’t been born in the first place.
He tightens his fingers on the steering wheel untilthey turn an ugly, bloodless color. The only good thing, in his opinion, that’dcome out of all of this, had been meeting Derek. Derek, who’d been an assholebut turned out to be the most loyal, kindest person Stiles knows.
He resists the urge to drive off the road and screaminto his palms. Beause Derek had left, and now he’s alone.
Or, an AU where Stiles runs away to find himself but finds Derekinstead.
Misfire bymothlights, unpossible: (this one has less than fantastic Peter, buthe isn’t actively bad, and it’s amazing)
“The debt must berepaid,” she says, and it has the weight of a vow. Thewords resonate through him, ringing through his ribcage and the bones of hisjaw, and Stiles loses his breath and maybe his grip on reality because shedraws herself upright and where there had once stood a supermodel-level MILFnow there is Galadriel’s much hotter older sister, a Presence of unmistakablepower in their ordinary, smells-vaguely-of-Thai-takeout hallway.
“Oh shit,” Stilessays.
And You Say You’re Alone by taelynhawker:
Between the kanima, the Argents, and Peter’suntimely return from the dead, everything has fallen apart. Stiles and Derektry to put their lives back together once the crisis has passed. Stiles dealswith the aftermath of being tortured, and the distance growing between he andScott. Derek attempts to become a stronger alpha and keep his pack safe, andthat includes Stiles.
The Art of Dying Well by kinneas:
Yousaid we’re friends.“
"Whoa, way to holdwhat a guy says in the heat of the moment against him,” Stiles repliesautomatically, but… that’s not what he wants to say, not at all, not to thequiet contemplation that is Derek Hale on his living room sofa. So he adds,“I guess, yeah.”
Derek doesn’t speak fora long moment. “Then it’s inevitable.”
“Wow,”Stiles whistles, “you are the biggest downer.”
Gracious in Defeatby yodasyoyo:
Stiles needs to getaway from Beacon Hills after the end of his senior year. Derek offers to lethim stay with him in São Paulo, and they finally act on the tension that hasalways simmered between them.
The thing is, whenit’s time to go home- Stiles doesn’t want to leave.
Crash Landers by gyzym:
In which Stiles learns to Stalk That Stalk.(Or, how to accidentally woo your unfriendly neighborhood alpha in roughly fivehundred handwritten steps.)
**Not Quite Lost (Not QuiteFound) by alocalband:
A year after thenogitsune is defeated, Derek is living a quiet life in the mountains above asmall town in Colorado.
Then Stiles showsup.
The Darkness Inside by isthatbloodonhisshirt:
The sheriff watchedhim for a moment, then he sighed and turned slightly. He reached out to open acabinet door beside him, and pulled out a shelf. It was on a track, so itrolled out of the cabinet fairly easily, and held a small CCTV. Derek frownedand inched his chair to the side a little bit so he could get a better angle.
He was looking at a teenager, or someone at least young enoughto be the same age as Scott. He was sitting on a bed in what looked to be alarger room, the area he was in surrounded by four glass walls, with his legscrossed and head tilted.
He was also staring directly into the camera, as if he knewsomeone was watching. A creepy smile slowly slid onto the teen’s face, and heheld up one hand, wiggling his fingers in a slow, eery wave.
Derek felt his mouth run dry. He didn’t know who this kid was,but he didn’t like him.
“Who is that?” he asked quietly.
“That,” said thesheriff, “is my son.”
***Bravery is a Loaded Gun byLiviKate:
“No, I’m notasexual, Stiles,” Derek said shortly.
The teen’s heart sank in his chest, his palms going clammy andhis neck prickling with the familiar feeling of rejection.
“So then it’s,” Stiles swallowed, throat clogging, unable togive voice to the facts he would much rather ignore. The silence grew betweenthem, growing tense the longer it was left. For the first time in years, Stilescouldn’t speak. The weight of inadequacy held down his typical stream ofuseless banter. What does one say in this sort of situation? ‘I’m sorry youdon’t find me attractive?’
In which the boys speak in half sentences and have two totallydifferent conversations. What they can agree on, eventually, is that they loveeach other. And that Derek should jerk off more.
Warm shadows bystilinskisparkles:
“Fine,” Stiles spitsback, “We’ll die together, it’ll be dandy.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” Derek snaps, “I’ll get some peaceand quiet for once.”
Stiles grinssuddenly, blindingly. There’s blood on his teeth, and his eyes are dark anddesperate as he looks up at Derek, but he’s never looked more stupidly,infuriatingly beautiful.
Give Me Back My Bones (maybe thenwe’ll talk) by kariye:
Derek meets Stiles on a Wednesday. He comes infor his usual cup of coffee and somehow walks out with hot chocolate, cinnamonon the top, and no idea what just happened there.
Romancing the Sourwolf. (OrStiles Stilinski’s Foolproof Guide to Getting Your Man) by lucyinthesoupwithcrutons:
The 15 year plan for Lydia was clearly thewrong way to go; Stiles won’t be making the same mistake with Derek. He decidesto do his homework this time.
Throw Me to the Wolves by skoosiepants:
He feels thephysical embodiment of devastated, his already too strung-out mindstruggling to wall up all the hurt, the rejection—he takes a deep shudderingbreath and looks down at the shredded skin on his arms, at the sluggish waythey’re weakly healing.
There is nothing, nothing he wants more than tohave Derek sweep in and make everything all better. He should have known,though, that something like that would never happen to him.
OR -
Stiles accidentallygets bitten, and everything goes to hell.
***SharingFood by aussiebee:
“Sharing foodwith another human being is an intimate act that should not be indulged inlightly.” ― M.F.K. Fisher
Derek is pretty muchabsorbed into the Stilinski family, one meal at a time.
Derek Hale’s No-Good, Very BadDay by Mackem:
Derek hides from his day.
***Start Small, Like Oak Treesby SmallBirds:
The months following Allison’s death havepassed Stiles by in a haze of monotony. He sleepwalks through days that seem tolose their color, an unwilling passenger in a body he no longer trusts.Eventually, he thinks, he’ll just fade away. He isn’t sure anyone would notice.Then, during a spur of the moment grocery run, he stumbles upon Derek Haleattempting to console a lost child, and for the first time in recent memory theworld doesn’t seem so awful.He’s not sure what he’d been expecting when he eventuallyconvinces Derek to move into the Stilinski’s spare bedroom, but a newfoundpassion for weeding and topsoil certainly isn’t it.
A Quiet Night (Not in theCards) by Delightful_I_Am:
“Derek fucking Hale!”
The shout rang through the bar and for a long moment nobodymoved. It was like something out of a movie. Everything just stopped; the musiccut off; one of the servers had frozen mid-pour. Grady would have laughed if heweren’t holding his breath. The kid straightened his shirt, a glimpse ofstomach showing the curling edges of a tattoo on his hip, and strode towardwhere Hale was sitting in the dark corner. As one, every supe in the placeturned to see Hale’s reaction; the last person to try to confront Hale in herehad left with a broken hand and a whispered threat that the next time Halewould rip their throat out. With his teeth.Unsurprisingly, Hale’s face was set in its usual glower, although it seemed abit softer around the eyes. It took Grady a second to realise Hale knew the kid.
The blood blooms clean in you,ruby by m_leigh:
“You don’tremember, anymore, where exactly you were when you found out that she was dead.You remember almost everything else about her dying, though.”
Stiles Stilinski hasalways been the person who will do what other people don’t want to. It’s hard,though, when your friends keep trying to protect you. Post-S2.
***Tide pullsfrom the moon by paintedrecs:
When Derek leftBeacon Hills, finally ripping the tether free and remembering how to breathe,how to live again, it was Stiles who came after him. Stiles, who showed up athis door with blazing eyes, looking like he wanted to punch him in the face,but wrapping his arms around him instead, making him grunt in surprise at theraw strength of his embrace.
“You asshole,”Stiles said, slapping him heartily on the back as he extricated himself, hisvoice rough under his bright smile. “You couldn’t have made yourself harder tofind, could you?”
Homing Mechanisms by SmallBirds:
Magnetoreception:The sense which allows an organism to detect a magnetic field to perceivedirection, altitude or location. How birds find their way home.
Stiles returns toBeacon Hills after four years at Stanford, only to find out that Derek hasmoved back into town. He brings him a housewarming gift. Derek makes food.Things escalate from there.
Parallax by uraneia:
Parallax: noun. Theeffect whereby the position or direction of an object appears to differ whenviewed from different positions, e.g., through the viewfinder and the lens of acamera.
With the pack (and Stiles) starting college, Derek is bored. Heneeds a hobby–or a job. Which is how he comes to model for Alpha Studios.
He just neverthought Stiles would end up working there too.
Occam’s Razorby MissAnnThropic:
When Stiles goes to sleep, he’s ajunior in high school. He wakes up in a world where he’s twenty-four andmarried to Derek Hale. Stiles just can’t seem to catch a break.
Readalso: Stepping Off the Razor’sEdge which is a lot of healing for both our boys and beautiful.
The Truth Is by BulletBlaze:
“Well, you should get going then-”“You could come around some time-”A pause.“Wait, what?”A blush bloomed across Derek’s cheeks, barely visible overthe top of his beard. He shrugged again.“If you wanted to. You could stop by while I’m fixing it up.Help me with some things. If you wanted to.”“You already said that,” Stiles, the idiot, mumbled indisbelief.Derek’s blush grew a shade darker.
There’s a martyr in my bedtonight but it’s alright by crossroadwrite:
It’s a beautiful afternoon, and Derek is standing at a dusty gasstation, staring helplessly at the destroyed remains of the last thing hissister left him.
(OR: In which Derekexpects nothing from life, but with a little help from the Stilinskis getseverything.)
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queenofmoons67 · 6 years
The World Knows Our Name
Summary: More than a decade in the future an incident reveals werewolves to the world. As the True Alpha, the American 'wolf community pushes Scott forward as their main representative, throwing the entire McCall Pack into the spotlight as people try to figure out what to do with this revelation.
Notes: This happens a little more than a decade in the future, when Scott is thirty years old. This was written before season six aired.
It is the 11th fic in my series “The Strength of the Wolf is the Pack”. It can be read without reading the others, but for those who have read them: because it takes place in the future, the pack hierarchy has changed and more people have joined it, while others have left (sorry, but I didn't think the McCall Pack could last ten years without a death).
The new hierarchy, in order, is: Scott, Kira, Stiles, Derek, Melissa, the Sheriff, Chris, Liam, Hayden, Mason, Lydia, Isaac, Malia, Braeden, Parrish, Corey, Ethan, Danny, Brett, Lori, Naomi (OC), Jackson, Marshall (OC).
The title is adapted from Hamilton's "Alexander Hamilton".
WARNING: There is a mention of self-harm in this fic. There is another warning right before the paragraph it's in, and it's easy to skip.
The truth began as a rumor no one believed, spreading for the simple fact that it seemed impossible. A werewolf, they whispered. With yellow glowing eyes and claws and fangs. A werewolf's been found in Virginia.
The truth began as a horror story no one wanted to believe, spreading for the simple fact that more danger lay in not believing and being caught off guard. An omega, they whispered. Trapped in a jail cell on his second full moon with no alpha and no control. An omega's the death of us all.
The truth… the truth was online for everyone to see in full technicolor HD video within a week, and when the rumor and horror story became truth, the only surprise anyone really had was that it took that long. Then the truth set in, and so did the panic.
Scott yawned as he rolled over in bed, the ringing phone piercing his sensitive ears. "Mm… what time is it?" Kira murmured from beside him, eyes still shut.
"Two am," her mate replied softly, thumbing the answer button. "Scott McCall, may I - mmph," the alpha rubbed sleep from his eyes, trying not to yawn. "May I ask who's calling?"
"Turn on your TV."
"Wha- Satomi?"
"What are you - what are you calling so late for?"
"Turn on your TV, Alpha McCall."
This woke him up fully. She always called him Scott unless there was a serious reason, usually one that also required her deferring authority to him. "What channel?"
"Any of them, though a news channel would be best." Scott nodded, though he knew she couldn't see him, and flipped the TV on while making sure his worry didn't flow through the pack bonds, ignoring the click over the line that told him the other alpha had hung up.
"- Has been transferred to a high security prison. One can only hope that it's enough to hold him," a news anchor stated.
"You don't think he deserves the benefit of the doubt? Callie, he was only in jail in the first place for being in the middle of a bar fight he didn't even start."
"That may be true, but have you considered what might have happened if the deputies hadn't managed to stun him? He could have killed someone! As it is, one of the young officers remains in the hospital with severe injuries."
Slowly, Scott reached over and shook his mate. "Kira…" he said lowly, not taking his eyes from the TV as he sensed her stir.
"We don't automatically sentence people to prison for being criminally insane, we give them a trial," the second anchor argued. "We can do no less for him when he obviously had no control over his actions."
"This is…" Kira whispered, trailing off. Scott nodded anyway, knowing exactly how she felt. Until now, there had been hope that it was a lie, or that no one would believe the rumors. The news had discussed it jokingly, but now they were completely serious, trusting the story. There was nothing funny about it now.
Muting the TV, the alpha turned to his mate. "We need to prepare for the worst, more than we already have."
Kira nodded, slipping out of bed and throwing on jeans and a sweatshirt. "I'll get the adults up and in the War Room. Can you get the pups?"
"Yeah. I'll try and break it to them gently, calm them down. Do you…" Scott took a deep breath, considering the past and possible future events. "Do you think we should head out into the Preserve? Get the pack away from civilization, just in case? Or stick it out?"
"Stick it out," the kitsune stated firmly. "But pack easy-to-grab bags just in case."
With that, she headed out, while Scott pulled on clothes and kept thinking. He knew his mate was right, that wasn't a question. It had been the answer he was leaning towards anyway, as he now knew why Satomi had figuratively bowed to him. As the True Alpha, with a reputation before he even left for college, once he'd left school for good the 'wolf community had dragged him in deeper. Now filling a position similar to the one Talia Hale had held, he couldn't just leave - not even for the protection of his own pack. The 'wolves that would stay - the majority, he suspected, as it wasn't in their nature to run and hide - would turn to him and his pack for support and guidance.
The truth was that werewolves existed, and everyone knew it. There was no hiding from that, whether you were human or 'wolf.
Scott slipped silently from the master bedroom and moved down the hall. The door to the automatic right of his own was open, lamp light spilling softly out, and he knew Kira had decided to wake Stiles first. They'd split up - his mate probably staying on this floor to wake Derek, Melissa, the Sheriff, Liam, Mason, and their mates, while Stiles headed down one floor for Lydia, Parrish, Isaac, Malia, Ethan, Brett, Jackson, and their mates - and meet him and the pups in the War Room. Nicknamed by Stiles as such because it was the only room in the McCall Pack's Den big enough for everyone to sit down, with a giant conference table in the middle, they had planned everything from battles to dinners to marriages in there. But nothing like this. Never anything like this.
Scott paused outside a door two down from his own, willing away the fear-provoked red eyes. He didn't need to cause chaos the moment he stepped in the room.
Opening the door, he moved inside and whispered, simultaneously tugging on their pack bonds, "Lori. Naomi. Wake up."
Two pairs of glowing yellow eyes opened, both girls sitting up to take in their alpha as the flare eased. At the sight of them safe and uninjured, something in Scott eased. Despite both of them being in their mid-twenties, only a few years younger than Liam and already graduated from college, they were two of the three youngest in the pack, as well as two of the newest additions. Both taken together had caused quite a few protective urges in the older 'wolves, and no matter how many times they proved they could take care of themselves and weren't teenagers anymore, it would take several more years and a few more new additions until they stopped being "pups" to everyone.
"Come with me. We're getting Marshall, having a talk, and then meeting everyone else in the War Room."
The girls shared a glance, but followed him.
Marshall, unlike Lori and Naomi, was a pup in every sense of the word. Seventeen years old, he'd only been bitten by Scott a few months before when they'd found him dying in the woods from hypothermia (unfortunately, dying or in mortal danger seemed to be the state of every person Scott bit, from Liam and Hayden to Marshall and Naomi, who Lori had begged Scott to bite after a terrible car accident nearly took her life a few years back). Somehow, he'd managed to convince his parents to let him move into the Den. Part of it, Scott knew, had to do with him rooming with Jackson, whose parents were good friends with Marshall's parents. But otherwise, the alpha didn't have a clue - he knew his mother would never have allowed it, though then again, having first Peter the murdering psychopath and then Derek the doom and gloom murder suspect as an alpha were extremely different circumstances from having Scott the veterinarian (not that Marshall's parents knew the truth anyway).
Scott peeped into the room the last pup shared with Jackson, noting that the older beta was gone already. Stiles must have woken him already. "Marshall," he whispered, tugging on his pack bond like he had the other pups'. "Wake up."
The entire McCall Pack - twenty-three people strong - sat in silence around the table in the War Room. Emotions surged back and forth across the pack bonds, rebounding off each other, multiplying in strength - panic, fear, disbelief, anger. Scott and Kira had explained the situation and what the plans so far were, but with no one outside the pack knowing they were werewolves the best they could do was act normal and hope for the best. If no more werewolves were found, nothing would happen except a lot of speculation, possibly the passing of laws that would never affect them.
More werewolves were found. Or rather, old hunter families like the Calaveras and the Campbells got their information out there through the Internet, the media, any way they could guarantee that it would spread quickly. Within a day of the original video release, over fifty packs worldwide had been revealed to the public, along with the knowledge that more than just werewolves existed. Of the packs caught in the crosshairs of the rising panic, the McCall Pack knew the majority and had treaties with ten of them spanning across Mexico, the United States, and Canada. The only reason they themselves hadn't been revealed in the information dump was that Chris's treaty with the Calaveras still stood. The truth was out there, and the McCall Pack couldn't just sit back and watch their world - their friends - turn to ash.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Stiles whispered, glancing out at the podium with the spotlight and cameras shining down on it and then back to Scott. "You don't have to. We can start out slow, if at all, and-"
"Yes, he does, and yes, he is," Satomi and Derek chorused, both glaring at Scott's right hand.
"Geez, sorry," he muttered, raising his hands in the universal 'I-give-up' gesture. "I just wanted to make sure."
"I know," Scott nodded. "But they're right. Even if I wasn't a True Alpha, I'm bound by treaties ten times over to help. There's no choice to make."
The moment Scott stepped on the stage, Kira by his side, the reporters and city leaders in the audience snapped to attention. The pack hadn't revealed much about the press conference, only sending out invitations stating that it was 'wolf related, knowing that would be enough.
"Many of you know us," the alpha began. "But for those who don't, I'm Scott McCall, Beacon Hills veterinarian."
"And I'm Kira, a science professor at Beacon Hills College and Scott's mate."
"Yes, mate," Scott continued. "I'm also the alpha of the McCall Pack. Our territory occupies about half of Beacon Hills, including the Preserve from the city line in."
"We're revealing ourselves today," Kira picked up, "because of the crisis facing the 'wolf community. Anyone in need of help of any kind, whether it is understanding our world or facing prosecution with who you are revealed, you can come to us. We'll do our best to help. Any questions?"
One reporter shouted, "How do we know you're telling the truth?"
The video of Scott and Kira, standing strong side by side, flashing red and orange irises garnered a record number of views on YouTube.
They had all thought things were going as fast as they could, but it didn't take long after the press conference to figure out they were wrong. Kira, and several other member of the pack guessed to be 'wolves just by association, lost their jobs. Marshall's parents refused all contact with him. Other alphas followed Scott's example, trying to show people trust in the hope they would return it. Others turned and ran, entire sections of communities all over the world disappearing without a trace overnight. The number of gun sales in the United States skyrocketed, and the amount of wolfsbane being imported into the cities was so large the scent of it followed the 'wolves wherever they went. But the final tipping points happened within the same hour as each other.
Kira, Derek, and Chris sat in the kitchen enjoying lunch, the TV on in the background and the voices of news anchors humming lowly. The pack's left hand, about to take a bite of his sandwich, suddenly jerked in his seat and whirled to face the screen, wolf blazing its way to the surface. A clawed hand grabbed the remote, muscles tense as he held back to avoid crushing it, and began turning the volume up. Blue eyes peered out from a jutting brow, entirely focused on the news. Kira and Chris exchanged startled glances. Whatever had scared Derek was cause for serious worry.
"- His condition has worsened, his body refusing to heal itself, and the doctors say he is not expected to make it," a voice reached a level regular ears could hear clearly.
"This is a grave day for us all," the second news anchor added. "This attack demonstrates the lowest humans can go. When frightened, we're no better than the animals the majority of us claim the werewolves are."
"And yet, Evan," Callie - Kira recognized her from that first night - continued, "We must ask ourselves if it's not a push in the right direction. Alvin Coleman has just been declared dead on arrival. Cause of death? A beta werewolf, completely in control of herself an entire two and a half weeks before the next full moon, ripped his throat out on the street."
"But you can't say he was completely innocent. Witnesses say the attack was provoked by multiple barbs, and the beta ignored him the best she could for several minutes."
"She tore his throat out with her teeth. There's nothing innocent about that, just pure savagery."
"Scott?" Chris asked into his phone, thumb on the mute button, eyes watching Derek and Kira. "The omega was just attacked in prison. And a beta killed someone in broad daylight. I suggest you get the pack home safely and then contact other alphas. We need to do something before this gets anymore out of control than it already is."
Seconds after Scott ended his call with Chris, his phone rang again. Frowning down at a number he didn't recognize, Scott answered it anyway.
"Alpha McCall?" a stranger's voice asked.
"Alpha McCall, this is Alpha Quinn. I'm calling on behalf of the American Packs. Since the igniting incident, all that has come out of waiting for things to calm down has been chaos. I have discussed with multiple other alphas doing something that has never been done before - electing one alpha to represent us all. In the light of today's events, we came to a decision and reached out to other packs to make sure they were in agreement. They are."
"I never received a call," Scott frowned.
"That is because you are the agreement, Alpha McCall. Congratulations, you have been elected to the new position Representative of Werewolf Packs in the United States." Scott breathed in sharply, eyes widening and flashing red in recognition of the responsibility laid at his feet. "After this conversation, I will be contacting President Sandoval and letting her know of this development. I would expect a call soon after. Any questions you have can be directed to Alpha Ito. Do you understand and accept this position?"
Doing so would place his pack in the spotlight as a prime target for hunters, even more than they already were. Doing so would put them in the best place to help, especially with a pack as diverse as theirs. They were more than capable, Scott thought. He hoped. He knew. "Yes."
"Thank you, Alpha McCall. And good luck."
There was a click as Alpha Quinn hung up, but Scott barely noticed, too busy locking up the clinic and hurrying home.
Scott wandered the halls that night, senses reaching out to try and settle the red occasionally taking over the brown in his eyes. Kira, the scent of her lightning and the steel of her sword engrained within the very walls of the Den. Stiles, his heart beating just a little bit faster than everyone else even in sleep. Derek and Braeden, their scents entwined after more than a decade as mates. His mom and Chris, her distinct hospital smell mixed with his gunpowder from a marriage of five years. The Sheriff, an affectionate nickname now as he'd finally retired and become a consultant only a year before, snoring loudly. Liam and Hayden, in training to become the alpha pair when he and Kira eventually died as the more experienced of the four betas who could actually inherit his True Alpha power, sleeping and, judging by their steady heartbeats, without nightmares. Mason, who had taken over Deaton's position as Pack Emissary after the druid died in a car crash of all things, his job obvious to anyone with a good sense of smell and the right knowledge. Corey, who Mason had finally convinced to officially join the pack a year before the chimera proposed, his reptilian scent mixing perfectly with his husband's herbs.
Lydia and Parrish, banshee and hellhound, hearts beating in sync. Isaac, Ethan, Danny, and Jackson - three betas and one non-supernatural who'd all left at one point and returned home safely, their scents part of that unique McCall Pack smell. Malia, the lone source of the coyote smell in the Den. Brett, who'd gradually transitioned from Satomi's pack to his over the college years, and brought his sister Lori with him, their hearts beating similar tunes despite being on different floors. Naomi and Marshall, one fully integrated to the pack and the other still adjusting, still learning, but both their scents screaming McCall Pack.
Satisfied that his entire pack was safe in the Den, the red faded entirely from Scott's eyes, but he didn't stop his wandering - which was, he admitted to himself, not wandering at all but guarding and marking his territory with each brush of his arm against the wall. There should have been more. As big a pack as they were, there should have been more. Allison, Aiden. Erica and Boyd. Deaton, of course, and… Scott hesitated, not wanting to go down that path. No matter how much the guilt had been relieved by pack members, it was still a dark road and one that, without fail, would send tendrils of pain carving their way down the pack bonds. The alpha breathed sharply, claws piercing his hands and the pain bringing him back to himself before he could think the name. The emotional pain, for the moment, pushed back by the physical.
Scott hurried through the Den, eased open the door, and bolted for the woods their home bordered. Within the safety of its trees, he dropped to all fours. A midnight run would, hopefully, clear his mind of past pains and future worries and burdens enough for him to get some sleep before his flight to Washington, D.C. in the morning.
"Don't go," Liam pleaded, panic and fear pulsing in his bond. Next to him, Hayden stood still, the same emotions emanating from her own bond, but eyes wide with understanding.
"They have to, Liam," she whispered, curling her fingers between his and squeezing.
"I'm not ready to… to… be you!" his first bitten beta cried.
Scott shook his head, smiling softly. "You'll be alpha eventually, and this practice run means you get to try it out with me coming back as a safety net. Besides, you won't actually be an alpha - you'll just be in command. And Stiles will still be here, and my mom and the Sheriff. And you have Hayden to support and advise you. Liam, you'll be fine. Besides, you've done stuff like this before."
"Not like this," Liam muttered, but still nodded shakily, his bond settling a little.
"Come here," the alpha commanded, opening his arms for a hug. The two betas gladly stepped into it, sighing as they felt his fingers run through their hair, curl around the backs of their necks, and finally squeeze tight around their bodies. They had watched him do it with their pack mates, and so had Derek, Kira, and Chris - instinct telling them to scent mark the ones they left behind more than they usually did, especially when they had no idea how long the trip would take.
Getting to D.C. wasn't the problem, as President Sandoval had sent a private plane. When they arrived, though, the press bombarded them the best they could considering the security surrounding them. All of them wanted to know why the president would go to such trouble for a group of people from Beacon Hills, California. All it took was one person recognizing him and Kira from the YouTube video the week before, and then the scene became more chaotic than it already was.
"Alpha McCall! Why did the president summon you to D.C.?"
"Alpha McCall! How could you leave the rest of your pack weakened without four of its top members? I thought pack protocol went against that."
"Werewolf! Are you here to defend your kind?"
"Alpha McCall! Has the president asked for the bite? Are you going to give it to her?"
"Alpha McCall! Is it true your bite has killed someone before?"
All the other questions, the sensory overload from the camera flashes and yelling, all that the pack could weather with little trouble. But at the last question, the pain that ripped through all the pack bonds from their alpha had Derek turning on the source, eyes blazing electric blue, fangs snapping in warning, a growl rumbling in his chest. The entire mass stilled, security unsure who they should defend and the reporters' eyes wide in fear. The spell broke when Scott stepped up to his beta, murmuring words so quiet only the 'wolves could hear them, and rested a hand on his shoulder. Security, assured that no one was about to be mauled, took the chance to push the reporters back - not that they were protesting much. Derek's eyes faded and his fangs vanished. Standing staunchly at his alpha's shoulder, mirrored on the other side by Kira and Chris, the four members of the McCall Pack made their way to the car waiting for them without further incident.
"Scott?" Kira murmured inside the car.
"Are you ok?"
"I will be. I have to be."
Derek, his anger closer to the surface ever since the world learned about werewolves and the omega was attacked and killed in prison, growled, "How did they even find out?"
"Medical reports?" Chris suggested. "His death was labeled as an animal attack, and it probably didn't take long for people to figure out most of those were actually supernatural. Taking into account the one bite, the fact he was found on McCall territory, and after Scott became an alpha… It wouldn't be hard to guess."
Scott nodded, mind flashing back unwillingly. His death. Dustin's death. A young boy, not even a teenager, out playing in the woods alone, unaware that another pack had made a move on the McCall Pack's territory and the preserve wasn't safe that night. He had, they guessed, heard the sound of fighting and, like all young kids that age, decided to investigate instead of running away. He'd run straight into the claws of a beta from the other pack fleeing the battle. Scott hadn't found him until after, when he'd bled too much to have a chance at the hospital and Scott… Scott had bitten him, hoping and praying that his youth and strength would turn him and save his life. They hadn't.
Like all other werewolf related things those days, the video went viral (though not as much as the picture of Alpha McCall shaking the president's hand on the steps of the White House did).
The next few weeks scraped by. Scott, as the True Alpha and Representative of Werewolf Packs in the United States, Kira, as his mate, Derek, as a born wolf, and Chris, as a hunter who found himself a member of a werewolf pack, found their days filled with explaining to and arguing with congressmen, Supreme Court justices, representatives of the House, and every other government official imaginable why, exactly, werewolves were people, deserved the same civil rights as everyone else, and did not need to be systematically hunted down and imprisoned, if not killed, by the United States Army. Most agreed with them, at least on some level, but there was always someone in the room who firmly believed they would eventually go to hell and there was no reason not to send them there early.
At the same time, Alpha McCall found himself fielding calls from 'wolves - omegas, betas, and alphas - across the country on issues, as well as calls from the Representatives of Werewolf Packs in other countries around the world to discuss what they needed to do (the formation of RPAW, Representatives of Packs Around the World, had been fairly quick). One of the first things they did was create and release "So Your Neighbor's a Werewolf" and "A Guide for Werewolves: How to Handle Your Entirely Non-Werewolf Neighbor's Issues With You". They may not have made much impact in resolving the riots, shootings, and maulings, but they did drastically decrease the number of calls and allowed the Representatives to focus on resolving those.
In the end, though, things didn't start calming down because of something RPAW did, but rather because of They Are Human Too, or TAHT. Their non-supernatural pack members, the McCall Pack members in D.C. learned, had not been sitting idly by (not that they thought they were, they just hadn't thought they were doing something quite this big). Led by Stiles and Melissa, TAHT had become immensely popular in Beacon Hills, quickly spread throughout California, and then went country and world-wide simultaneously, though slowly, with the non-supernatural members of other packs joining the charge. People who, for years, had been ignorant of the werewolf community only to find their families and best friends part of it, barely hesitated. With a movement to get behind, the people arguing werewolves were all monsters soon found themselves vastly outnumbered.
There would always be problems, they all knew that. Regardless of how many people accepted their werewolf friends, most remained at least a little wary. The Census of American Werewolves, with jail time if it was discovered you didn't reveal yourself, would likely pass. No one wanted unknown concealed claws and fangs any more than they did non-permitted concealed guns. Other laws meant only for werewolves would, over the coming months and years, be introduced as well. RPAW and TAHT would pick their battles carefully and fight the ones necessary. Some would pass anyway. Some wouldn't. For the moment, though, the McCall Pack - for the first time in two months - would be whole.
Note: You can find the complete series of “The Strength of the Wolf is the Pack” on AO3, and a list of all the fics’ summaries on Tumblr.
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aliviachan · 7 years
Valentine's Day Fails
Hey! So I wrote a V-Day fic that went along with my 100 Prompts Challenge thing! It was for: #1 “That’s starting to get annoying.”
Derek does his best to survive at his job. He does. Hell, he even refrains from ripping out customers throats with his teeth when the situation clearly warrants it. The only thing that makes it all worth it is a pair of honey eyes and a splattering constellation of moles. Oh, and it’s Valentine's Day. 
Derek hated his job. He hated the people. He hated his boss. And above all, he hated having to spend his Saturday mornings standing in front of a cash register while pumpkin spice forced its way into his senses. Although he hated everything associated with the little coffee shop, there was one thing that made it all worthwhile. 
“Uhm…mornin’,” the beautiful specimen with honey eyes and a constellation of moles dotted across his face muttered as he approached the counter. His hair was disheveled, and Derek had to resist the urge to shove his nose against his neck. “I’ll have the double chocolate chip frappuccino with white cheesecake, one shot espresso, no two. You know what? Might as well make it three.” And as if on cue the man tips his head back as he let out an almighty yawn.
There’s a story there, but Derek doesn’t know how to ask for it. Instead, he takes the crumpled five dollar bill before dutifully beginning to work on the sugary drink.
By now it was almost part of Derek’s routine to make this drink. He’d pour all the liquids into the cup to make one sugary concoction that would leave his fingers and palms sticky until he got the chance to wash them. The line would build up by three people, and maybe one or two would start getting pissy. Derek would scribble the name ‘Steve’ on the cup unceremoniously, and carefully slide the drink toward the man, as he tried to ignore how fast his heart was beating. It would all be worth it, however, once the man took his first sip, only to let out a moan that would even be too sinful for the devil himself to hear.
Derek’s mind would go blank for the splittest of seconds before his boss would yell for him to hurry up with the line.
What could he say? Derek was a weak man.
Steve came to the coffee shop every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday from noon to near close. He’d read his thick textbooks, or type a mile a minute on his laptop while consuming his beverage of choice.
Derek, being the creeper that he was, watched with flushed cheeks as Steve’s pretty pink lips wrapped around the straw. His cute little cupid’s bow would thin out as Steve savored every drop of the frappuccino.
“You're gross,” Isaac said from beside him, causing Derek to startle at his presence. Rolling his eyes, Isaac wiped down his counter a few times before huffing. “You smell like a high school’s locker room. Knock it off and go clean something you perv.”
Glaring at the curly haired teen, Derek snatched the towel from his hand as he made his way to the kitchen. He spared a glance over his shoulder at Steve and promptly ran into the pull door when a little bit of the creamy colored drink spilled out from the side of his mouth. +
‘Today was the day!’ Derek chanted to himself as he fussed with the single rose and small box of chocolates that he stealthily hid behind the counter. Boyd and Erica were both out for the day, and even Isaac had a date planned for Valentines Day. Meaning, Derek was left all alone to hold down the shop, which also meant he could freely put his plan in motion without the fear of being teased by his friends.
The front door chimed open, and in came Steve and a pretty redhead.
"I mean, who needs that many flowers?” Steve exclaimed with his arms flailing each and every way. “That’s starting to get annoying and let's not forget desperate. Who even agreed to invite Valentine's day? Where they all just like, ‘I know, let's have a holiday to mis-teach young people what love is, entice them to be greedy and inculcate insecurity. It's a great idea, and we'll sell more crap they never needed; think of the economy. All those cards, chocolates, sweat-shop lingerie items in chemical dyed tissue’!"
The both of them get in line, and Derek was building up to a freakout as the customer in front of narrowed her eyes and repeated her order to regain Derek’s attention. Snapping out of his haze, Derek quickly typed in her very pricey drink and took her card before dealing with the next customer, until the only people left where another girl then Steve and his friend.
“Derek! Have you seen my phone? I must have left it here last— oooh, what is this?!”
Turning around, Derek stared wide-eyed at Erica as she held up the flower and box of chocolates. He paled and nearly died from embarrassment as Erica crooned as she dug around in search of a card or something else equally as embarrassing.
“Is this for Steve? You finally grew some balls when none of us are here to witness it? That’s low Derek, and I’m going to tell Laura on you.” Erica threatened and glared at him warningly.
Derek thinks that would be the end of it, but of course, it wasn’t. He watched with horrified eyes as Erica’s nostrils flared before a mischievous look glinted in her eyes. Reaching out the grab her, Derek growled as the blonde slipped past his fingers. Blushing would have been no problem, but what Derek did was go as red as a beetroot and radiate heat like a hot pan. You could have cooked a three-course meal on his face. No-one could have missed it. He wanted the earth to open up and swallow him whole. He wished to 'do a Daphne' and drop through a scooby-doo style trap door in the floor, but there was no rescue from this embarrassment, it was absolute. Torture. Utter humiliation. The memory would be seared into Derek’s brain forever, ready to pop up and torment him again when he’s ever in a quiet moment.
“Yo, Stevie!” Erica singsonged. “My best friend in the whole wide world is smitten with you, but very socially awkward. He was going to give you these, but I could tell that he was going to chicken out, so I’m doing it for him. Happy Valentine's day!”
Bright brown eyes looked at the rose as if it had suddenly grown wings. “That’s...not my name?” It came out like a question, but Derek watched in mortified amazement as Apparently-Not-Steve took the gifts. “I’m Stiles.”  
“You’re not...what do you mean you’re not Steve? He’s been calling you that for months now!” Erica exclaimed. “Derek, how could you not know his name?” She directed the last question to Derek without taking her eyes off of Ste-Stiles.
Derek opened and closed his mouth a few times before scurrying off to make the drinks that the other customers were still waiting for. Happy for the escape, Derek avoided eye contact as Erica talked to ‘Stiles’ and his friend.
“Uh...hey,” Stiles said, pulling Derek away from his frazzled tasking. “So...you want me to be your valentine?
A range of emotions passed across his face before he stops on a guarded frown. He didn’t think that SteveStiles would be the type to make fun of someone who had a crush on him, but Derek wasn’t a fan of being this vulnerable. Stiles seemed to realize that Derek wouldn’t be saying anything anytime soon and decided to power through.
“Well, that’s cool. I mean I've been crushing on you for awhile, and I thought it was painfully one-sided, and now that I know it’s not, I’m very much relieved, but at the same time I have no idea what to do.”  Stiles confessed with a troubled pout on his face. “I mean I’ve been coming here for weeks and all of this coffee is really cutting into my budget, but it’s just been an excuse to come see you again, and now that I say it out loud I realize how pathetic that sounds. Then there’s that fact that—”
“You like me?” Derek’s face was filled with awe as a smile slowly pulled at the corners of his mouth. “Like, seriously?”
“Dude, have you seen you? Plus you wasted your hard earned money on capitalist bullshit, and based on that, I’m just going to assume that you are a secret softy.” Stiles said with a lopsided grin on his face.
“I’m not a softy,” he said a bit too petulantly to be believable. A permanent smile was on his face by now, and any chances there were of him killing Erica were slowly fading.
“Mmmm,” Stiles leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on Derek’s cheek. “Whatever you say, big guy.”
A blush was on both of their cheeks, and Derek kind of felt disappointed that Stiles had kissed his cheek instead of somewhere else. “We could...I mean..if you wanted to we could go...somewhere.”
“Are you asking me on a Valentine's date?”
“Trying to at least.”
Stiles smiled brightened up the room, and Derek felt himself being gravitated towards him. It’s strange – frightening even – how you can go from someone being a complete stranger to then being entirely infatuated by them and wondering how it ever was that you were able to function without them because you sure as hell couldn’t imagine being without them now.
Side Note: If anyone has a request for anything don’t be afraid to send it in. Just give me the number from the list you're interested in and then, if you want to, add whatever other requests you want it to have in the fic (i.e., if you want it angsty or werefox!Stiles, etc.) (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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