#but also five says things where i'm just like. you guys forgot how you wrote this guy for two seasons again didn't you.
So I just ordered myself some Gerard Manley Hopkins and my plan is to combine it with some mcr so I can call this my Gerard era but mcr is so Big and I am so Small I need like 5 songs at a time to digest so this is my humble request for 5 songs beyond How it’s Going To Be and I Am Not Afraid To Keep On Living Etc whose name I always forget. Is it Danger Days you love? Where do I start bestie halp
KHSDBHDSFSDA GERARD ERA ok!!! yes I am a danger days girlie I would definitely recommend that and the conventional weapons singles to start with (especially as they're less shouty and have more of a pop sound sometimes, so I found it easier to listen to them from the start). Normally I have a whole spiel, danger days was their last album and it was a major tonal shift so a lot of people hated it (not me because I have taste), Black Parade is probably their best album, it's a concept album about a man dying from cancer so it's probably best to listen all the way through, and then their earlier two albums are good but I had to sit with them, they took me more time to love. But if you want five specific recommendations!!!!!
Summertime - this is cheating because I know you've listened already to it but consider it's my favourite song!!! Find a way in the dark and out of harm babey!!! (also written about Gerard's actual wife so once again we see that wife-guy songs are just the absolute best)
The Only Hope for Me is You/Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back - this is also cheating because it's two songs but I always group them together. They're both Danger Days and the whole thing about this album is it's about how there's so much suffering and opposition but there's also love!!! and it's so important it's more important!!! And both these songs say it so much!!!!!
I don't know if you've actually listened to Welcome to the Black Parade itself, I feel you may have and I just forgot. If not, yes it's overplayed and a meme but consider!!! Though you're dead and gone believe me your memory will carry on!!! defiant to the end we hear the call!!! Also if you HAVE already listened to it listen to Disenchanted my beloved, the second-last song on the Black Parade album, truly changed my life in an indescribable way!!!
I Don't Love You is an underrated masterpiece and the thing is there isn't even a huge bridge in this but there is a turn and it's just *chef's kiss*
The World is Ugly/The Light Behind Your Eyes - I am politely asking mcr to write more love songs because they're so good and it and have only written like. four.
Bonuses!!! Because I'm annoying!!! Desert Song changed the game! changed my life! people died!!! Also Fake Your Death is the last song they released before the breakup and it's so good, and Planetary Go was the first song of theirs I truly loved. Also SCARECROW is a bop truly!!!
Alright that was way more than 5 but I hope it narrows it down a bit!!! Truly all the songs of the century!!! I'm so excited about your Gerard Era!!!
OH also the entire Hesitant Alien album means so so so much to me, I couldn't divide it down so if you ever felt like some solo Gerard I'd say listen to that, but he also wrote Baby You're A Haunted House which is unexpectedly wonderful.
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grapenehifics · 1 year
Chapter 79
Last chapter had two sex scenes, so to make up for it this chapter has zero. Clearly I'm still getting used to how to place chapter breaks :)
The scene where the heat went out, I wrote on a morning while waiting for the gas company guy to come and fix our heat! Real life writes the plot, and all that.
"And why are we interested in this?" is a direct quote from my father in regards to House Hunters...and also I have since caught my father watching House Hunters of his own volition. (It's like those memes of 'dads who say they didn't want a dog' and then they're, like, cuddling the dog on the couch.)
I've said this before, but it's relevant here again - it is important to me that there are things in this fic that remain unresolved by the end of it, because life does not actually resolve in 87 chapters, and, also, I never wanted them to completely *get over* (by whatever standard you can measure getting over something) those three years they spent apart. Anakin will always feel bad about it, and worry that he has the capacity to do it again. Obi-Wan is choosing to love Anakin, yes, but not because he forgot how badly Anakin hurt him; he's loving him *in spite of* that.
So, here Obi-Wan feels unloved and unlovable, and Anakin worries that he's too much and will drive the people he loves away from him. And they're both smart enough and old enough and wise enough now to know that those things aren't true - but that doesn't mean they can just magically stop thinking them.
BUT. They also, for the first time, just immediately own up to it. Anakin says something hurtful and Obi-Wan *immediately* says 'that hurt me', and Anakin *immediately* apologizes. Then they talk about it in therapy, and they talk about it together, and they come up with concrete steps to make things better in the future. And all of that is such a departure from how they would have handled any of that ten or even five years ago.
Anakin's impulse to make himself and his kids 'smaller' - to take up less room in Obi-Wan's life - is partly influenced by The Fault in Our Stars, where the main character, who's terminal, talks about making as little impact as possible, to leave very little impact on the world, so it's easier for people to say goodbye to her when she's gone. This isn't that extreme, obviously, but it did cross my mind as I wrote it.
Health care is, unfortunately, in America, actually a really great reason to marry somebody. I know two separate couples who outright said they would have been fine to have stayed in a long-term relationship but got married instead just so one of them could get on the other person's healthcare.
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evanescentjasmine · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @shinyopals nearly half a year ago and promptly forgot about it oh my GOD, what is the passage of time, anyway I'm procrastinating on work and remembered it again so here we are
1. how many works do you have on Ao3?
2. what’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Currently? Pathologic and probably soon Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven Official's Blessing. Mmmmmaybe Wushuang/Peerless, depending on how one plot bunny resolves itself in my brain. Previously? The Magnus Archives (which, who knows, I still have wips in the folder I might circle back 'round to one day), and in the olden days there was Code Geass and The Fandom That Must Not Be Named
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
this, alone (TMA, gen, M for graphic depictions of Martin finding his alt universe self wormed by Prentiss and burying him in the Lonely)
runaway scars (TMA, gen, M) These two belong to a series that I have...tbh not finished, but I think can still stand together even without the conclusion. It's about Martin dimension-hopping from the apocalypse into another world to warn the Archives gang, only to discover his Jon had locked him here and so takes the role of the recently-wormed Martin of this dimension while he figures things out. Featuring: a very Beholding Sasha James, and fun times with our good friend Gerry Keay.
another turn of the page (TMA, gen, T) - this one baffles me, considering I wrote it in an evening and threw it up on ao3 with minimal edits. It's built on an existing tma statement though so I guess there's that? AU wherein Jon is a mysterious recurring figure in statements.
genius loci (pathologic, burakhovsky, M) - Patho daemon au, my beloved!
salvage (pathologic, background burakhovsky, M) - Wherein Daniil Dankovsky is aware of the game's time mechanics and savescumming to try and get a good ending. May or may not be inspired by my own perfectionistic tendencies when playing this game.
5. do you respond to comments?
I try to! Some I miss, and if someone comments on every chapter in a binge (which I love! please keep doing this!) I might not respond to every single one, but I try my best to respond to them all, and be sure I read them all either way.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
So uh...hi, I'm jas and I'm an angst gremlin. It's...kind of my thing.
If I had to choose, I'd say there is no escape, my TMA with the trappings of Hades AU wherein Jon takes on powers from the various fears to try and escape the Archives, if only because...well, the title says it. But youth dipped in folly, my GerryOliver AU, might be a close contender. The number of pained, wailing comments I've seen on it delights me.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe this, alone? If only because it ends on a hopeful "we're together and no one died this time! and maybe we'll beat the bad guy!" note.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully, no.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nothing that I've shared publicly, no. Writing good smut is a skill I do not yet possess. Also I forget sex is a thing half the time so it genuinely often doesn't occur to me.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I like to write crossovers where the characters from one media are in the world/plot/trappings of another, as opposed to the characters from two properties meeting, and pretty much whatever I read/play while in a hyperfixation will probably result in a crossover, at least in my brain.
Published, I only have a TMA Hades fic and TMA Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell fic, and of the two, the former is definitely weirder. In my drafts, I also have:
TMA Doctor Who AU (Gertrude regenerates into Jon while Tim and Martin are attempting to help the Archivist escape Elias' clutches)
Pathologic Dishonored AU (Artemy is gifted strange powers by the Outsider, who just looks like a capital dandy in a snakeskin coat, weird for a supposedly evil figure)
Pathologic Disco Elysium AU (ngl unlikely to finish this, because this is more a fun exercise than something that has a plot, for me, but the snakeskin coat instead of the ugly necktie is very fun)
Pathologic Fear & Hunger Termina AU (Artemy, Daniil, and the Utopians and Apple Basket Gang and Yulia arriving on the same train and forced into a battle royale. Fascinating and brutal. NEED to finish it one of these days)
Pathologic Thaumaturge AU (because I'm currently playing Thaumaturge and, look, they gave me a magical system that has implications on who a character is and fucks up everyone around them if misused and and expected me to not drag it into other fandoms? because good god Daniil needs the Audacity Flaw SO bad, SO BAD)
TGCF sort of Scum Villain AU (and I say sort of because it's more a transmigration au, but it takes many trappings and flavouings from SVSSS. There is also, technically, three of this, because I couldn't decide who should be the transmigrator between Xie Lian and Hua Cheng and promptly ended up with an AU where it's Xie Lian, an AU where it's Hua Cheng, and an AU where it's both of them. Save me from myself)
Wushuang/Peerless TGCF AU (because if anyone deserves to be a Ghost King it's Cui "Fuck you I'm not going" Buqu, and Feng Xiao NEEDS to be a martial god of the sort that beats up his followers if his statues aren't pretty enough)
Oh, and I guess daemon aus count as crossovers? Technically? Since they belong to the His Dark Materials universe. I tend to think of them as a separate fanfic trope at this point though, esp when I often disregard HDM worldbuilding entirely, but just in case: there's my Patho daemon AU and also a TGCF daemon AU in the works.
11. has any of your work been stolen?
Not fic, not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
If it has, do tell me! But nope, not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not a completed one yet. There have been a few attempts with friends that fell through for various reasons of time, energy, spoons, losing interest in the fandom, etc, but it's always been a blast and I'd really love to do it again! I love co-writing and co-creating. I've spent many many years in forum roleplaying spaces and collaborative creation is a thing I actively miss. Writing's pretty solitary otherwise. Plus, it's fun to see your smart talented friends flex their smarts and talents and see how their brains work!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I have to mirror shinyopals here and say, whatever my OTP is at the time. Burakhovsky from Pathologic certainly have me by the throat for the many myriad ways their relationship can go, from bitter rivals a la Changeling route to 'you're the only one who understands the depth of this trauma' as I tend to write. I also just love a narrative foil, god.
But there's also Hualian from TGCF! 800 years of devotion, holy shit! The sheer intensity of them!
And also the hilarity of FengCui from Wushuang/Peerless as a bitch4bitch, will never admit feelings on the pain of death pairing is hard to beat.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
-stares into the abyss that is my wip folder- How long you got?
I am, due to work writing and also just brain nonsense, an unfortunately very slow writer, made even more unfortunate by the fact I tend towards big ideas and adore turning points in a narrative and what ifs. Realistically this means that unless it's one of the first fics I do in a fandom, and unless a fic contains itself to less than 10k words, a wip is very unlikely to be finished.
I'm trying to get ahead of this by not posting most of my wips until they're closer to done but, considering how much I will edit and fix and tinker, I'm tempted to just yeet things sometimes and hope the Pressure will get some writing out of me. Or maybe I'll learn how to write short again! Who knows!
But, uh, short answer: all of them.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at character, at keeping them in-character and in line with their canon selves. I'm also told I'm apparently good at humor and my writing voice can be funny, which is, I suppose, how people can tolerate the angsty angsty shit that comes with it.
I also tend towards pretty clean first drafts!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
d e s c r i p t o n s and, as a result, physical blocking!
I can't visualise very well? Usually characters exist in a formless void for me, so I have to figure out visual details by logicking it out or deciding what seems fitting for the scene. But things that require physicality, like fight scenes or sex scenes, god, just...hate them. Hate hate.
Also, first drafts. I may write clean, but it's a struggle every moment and often includes a lot of back-tracking as I'm writing or redoing altogether. This may or may not be why they're clean.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't tend to do it myself. Like it's fine if a writer does, but I see no need to include entire lines of dialogue in another language personally. If the PoV character understands it, then inserting something the reader might not, or needs a footnote to understand, breaks the flow, imo. If the point is that the PoV character can't understand it, that's fair, but I'd still almost always rather just say "the other characters carried on with a conversation PoV Character couldn't understand," or something even if the other language is one I speak and am confident in myself.
This only goes for full lines of dialogue, though, as opposed to things like titles or place names or concepts that would be awkward or weird to translate.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Fandom That Must Not Be Named. I was ten years old and just came off bingeing Prisoner of Azkaban. Thinking back on it, even that first fic had a tragic, angsty end lmfao
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Do not make me choose between my babies this way, how dare.
...that said, I'm really proud of salvage. It's one of those fics where I could feel myself levellng up a bit as I wrote, description-wise and just atmosphere-wise. Unsurprisingly, it's also a very difficult fic to write, which why updates have been so slow.
I'm also proud of how youth dipped in folly came out, considering I needed to gut it and rebuild it entirely in the second draft. I like the urban fantasy magical worldbuilding it has a lot, what with Gerry Keay essentially being an urban fantasy protagonist in the background of a horror podcast.
and as for favourite for sheer vibes, I think my unnamed unposted Hong-er never fell au that I'm currently working on is filling that role, because I fucking love writing in second person, it's so fun.
phew okay I think that's everything. tagging @kneesntoess and @smallhorizons (two in one day I know I'm sorry) and also @inkpot-demigod (yes this is revenge, I am not sorry), and whoever would like to give this a go!
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curejiraiya · 9 months
I feel very bad and in an effort to try and get my brain to disassociate from this mortal realm I am going to tell you all about one of my OCs. if you read this thank you but if it bores you do not worry I do not mind.
okay so today I'm gonna ramble about a guy named Chris Sanders. Chris is 27? iirc I have it written down somewhere. 27 or 28. He's married to his husband Nick, they took Nick's last name (low-key I forgot what his maiden name was lmfao)
They got married on Valentine's Day 2020, but we're engaged like 2018 just some stuff:tm: happened and the wedding had to be held off. It was a funny thing like I had that wedding planned for Valentine's Day and in real life shit was getting co viddy and I made a conscious decision in story to have it be like the last "big" event the characters got to go to before they started staying inside for safety. that's not relevant, anyway.
Chris and Nick actually got together when they were like 14 and 16? Chris met Nick a year before and was very like fairytale love at first site about him. Really he was a 15 year old boy he wasn't thinking logistics other than "boy in my friend group cute."
There's a whole thing with Chris, Josh, and Jay as teens has a weird relationship where Chris was openly gay, Josh hated him for it (Josh is gay/bi? but it takes him 10 years real time to figure it out) Josh and Jay were best friends and Jay was gay but very very in the closet. and the only person who knew Jay was gay was Chris, who were secret friends because Josh hated Chris. Publicaly Chris pretended to hate josh to keep up appearances but in reality Jay had only said good things about Josh so he didn't really mind him. He was just kinda a hormonal teenager, and he liked fighting and Josh kept fighting him lmao.
God there's a lot more here lol like they're friends because the three of them plus a handful of other people, some who literally have died in story since, were in a "school club" together? I'm also keeping the details vague because I wrote them when I was 13 and it's cringe.
You can tell what age I was when I wrote something if you know the ages of any character, cuz me and Nick Sanders are the same age. Derrin is one year older than Nick. Chris is two. Josh, Jay, and Liam are both three, and Collin is five years older. Jay is also actually older than Collin but maybe I'll write about his tragic backstory another night.
But speaking of tragic backstories Chris was born to a single mother, he has a younger brother. neither of them knew their father but they don't care. his mother was decent for a single mother in poverty until he started showing signs of being gay as early as 10. she was super religious so she asked her church what to do and they only suggested various child abuse lmao needless to say Chris was removed by CPS at 13. that's why he knows the rest of the guys cuz they were all in the same "orphanage". his mom wasn't weird to his brother, but his brother has a moral compass and left the house at 18 because he couldn't stand what she did to his brother (he's only like 20 now very baby.)
holy shit remember what I said last night about how everyone is in a duo or a trio? Chris's brother is ALSO in a duo lol I literally do not have a character who exists as a single personality without a friend to be their foil. anyway Chris's brother and Chris are decently close, Chris's brother is trying to make it as a music manager and conveniently Chris is in a band lmao. His brother lives with a friend Josh made during a hospital stay. that's a whole story but essentially he was a cancer patient throughout all his teenage years and it was his first time being 100% free of visiting the hospital at least once a week since he was a child. the band was looking for a place for him to stay because he was scared of living alone and conveniently Chris had an 18 year old brother who needed a roommate. now they're bff's or something.
hey this was supposed to be about Chris but two characters who I don't even remember the names of have taken over
anyway uhhh god I could spout Chris facts for days not even joking. one of the characters who died is essentially a self insert for specifically 13 year old me. like she died before I really became an adult lol. but Chris was her best friend until her death, so for awhile Chris was the character I focused on the most. nowadays that's Josh but I mean Chris and Josh live in the same house so it's not like he doesn't come up often.
right this second Chris and Nick are staying with a musician friend in New York. they're actually fighting because
how do I explain this that doesn't go on for a long time
so remember earlier when I said they were part of a school club as teens. well the world actually has a magic system because all good worlds have magic systems. and specifically Josh, the dead girl, Chris, & Jay are some of the best at magic in the entire galaxy and like . cringe at myself but the gang like we're all orphans in some way but they lived in 1 of 4 us based orphanages specifically for magician children. I never use the term wizard they're strictly magicians. magicians also live outside the US it's just other countries don't have weird orphanages. or didn't at the start of the story at least. anyway fuck so idk skipping 10+ years of lore. Chris has a lot of inherit magic skill, but he doesn't practice he stopped right after highschool to focus on their band and music. in highschool every one in the club like saw a private magic tutor but Chris didn't really continue. not that he doesn't do magic all the time like he does, he just doesn't study to learn how to do his magic more efficiently or learn more magic. fuck. anyway Jay DOES still study and stayed with his tutor like 10 years later. and you can tell because Jay has become one of the strongest magicians in the world. of course Josh is the strongest magician ever because of plot conveniences that could be talked about if I was talking about him. but Chris is mega jealous of Jay and angry at himself for not continuing his studies. So one day a random magic being (we have those here) contacts Chris from like a very far away dimension (even this is lore filled and complicated.) he promises to help Chris surpass Jay but he has to wear his super special necklace. the necklace is like logging information on Josh so this being can attack him later but I mean Chris doesn't know that this is like a RIGHT NOW plot. a lot led up to this lmfao. so Nick and Chris are fighting because Chris is suddenly WAY better at magic (Because of the necklace) and because of a lot of unrelated stuff Nick is thinking about moving to California. and he tells Chris and Chris unknowingly mind controls Nick into being happy with where he is now. Because like his magic has gotten so strong that if he wants something he can just mind control people into giving it to him (and unknowingly has been for a few months) but Nick's only magic power is that he can tell when magic is being used (and he only has that power because of another crazy plot where he died lmfao) so he notices pretty quickly that hes being mind controlled and hes pissed. so Chris confesses about the necklace but tells Nick to keep it a secret. Nick tells him he's being stupid and that he needs to get rid of the necklace. Chris doesn't think it's the necklace he thinks he just can't control his new power yet. and after one big fight they're now like both just avoiding talking about it again and being really distant from each other. it's sad rlly I don't like seeing the besties fight 😔 I kinda know how the plot is going to play out but I'll give them time.
idk did you actually learn anything about Chris from this? he's 5'4 he has black hair and it's currently really long so he keeps it in a bun most of the time. he's a death metal singer. hes super masculine and no one questions his height because he comes off as so masculine otherwise lmao. he's really into like 80s and older metal and idolizes rob hellford. he wears pleather a lot cuz he has a leather allergy but thinks leather jacks kick ass. he's definitely like kinda a stereotypical metal head / punk? very like a day to remembers "fast forward to 2012"-core. that's his theme song I just decided.
what else are u supposed to say about a character. since I mentioned magic I can say that his like magic skill set is about defence so he can make giant shields and force fields. he's super important if they ever have to like fight someone which doesnt happen often but does happen.
oh he plays guitar but also like every instrument. I always imagined their band to have a two singer setup where him and Nick switch off or sing together. but I mean most of the band has been doing this 10+ years and can play whatever role so they just do whatever is fun for that night.
uhhhhh idk if I got any more facts on the top of my head. Chris uhhhh played trumpet in highschool band. He speaks fluent Japanese, Spanish, German, and French. Derrin is the only member of the band with a degree but Chris has an honorary degree from some university he donates money too. Chris is like very punk politically active he actually goes to protests and is always talking about causes important to him. he's a good guy but his flaws mostly lie in his jealousy, and he definitely has a little big of an ego lol. he cares too much about looks too imo like he doesn't THINK he does but he does.
but idk big baby man who's hard on outside but heart of gold on inside. do I know how to write any other kind of character?!
omg I didn't even talk about how Chris is disabled. or how he has a vaping problem. that's the problem with having these characters for so long, how the fuck can I reasonably sum them up?
idk but it did work. 😴 good night if u read this far idk why u did but ty there's no payoff. sorry I did not proofread this.
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number5theboy · 2 years
Do you also kinda feel fives talk with viktor should’ve been with Allison instead? Since everything five was saying could’ve been better applied to her?
Not really, no. Although I would have loved to see him try to give that speech to Allison, I feel like she would have called out the gigantic lack of self-awareness in it pretty quickly. But the reason I don't think the conversation should have happened with Allison instead is that I don't think that everything Five said applied better to Allison - I think it applies equally to Allison like it also equally applies to Five too. All three of them tread the line between hero and villain in a way that Diego, Klaus, Ben and even Luther don't really do, at least not to that extent. Is there a tinge of dramatic irony that Five gave this speech to Viktor and not to Allison, who would go on to go behind the family's back? Yeah, I guess so. Is Five massively underestimating how much Allison is currently hurting and spiralling? Yes, absolutely. Is this show notoriously underutilising interesting conversations between Five and Allison, even where they would make sense and be interesting to explore? Boy, are they ever. But that's not the purpose of the speech in the show here. If it was given to Allison, it would be a warning, some kind of foreshadowing of what's about to come, but that's not what it is when given to Viktor.
What Five does when he talks to Viktor here is take Allison's side. He agrees with her that Viktor lying to them about something this important was out of line, and that Viktor's actions have consequences that go beyond him, and that he should consider that more thoroughly. (Sidenote: There is an entire different discussion to be had about how this show treated Harlan, its only autistic character, as a plot point for the better part of two seasons and then unceremoniously killed him off the second he was done contributing to the plot. It is beyond the scope of what I am discussing here, but I just wanted it to be noted that the way he was written is genuinely one of the worst things about this season, and that is saying something.) Why Five siding with Allison here is important is that up to this point, the narrative has done its utter most to make sure Viktor faces as few consequences as possible for anything bad he did (which also is a whole other meta post in itself and honestly one of the weaker writing decisions across seasons, in my opinion). So the fact that Five goes out of his way to empathise with both Allison and Viktor in the situation but also makes it unmistakably clear to Viktor that he fucked up and that he has to bear the consequences for it is really important, I think. I think the writing of this scene has its issues, but I like the overall intent of what this scene is meant to do.
I hope this was kind of understandable, it feels all over the place because I have a lot, a lot, A LOT of thoughts about how the show frames Allison, Viktor and Five in comparison to one another and how this scene plays into that.
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yoongifis · 3 years
💌 “dream girl” (1) | myg
Tumblr media
; pairing: idol!yoongi x femaledancer!reader
; genre: eventual smut, maybe some angst, fluff, f2l (?), enemies to lovers (?), slow burn
; warnings: usage of mature words
; rating: mature audience
a/n: hii all, thank you for showing some love to my first post! it really has been a while since i wrote something, so please bear with me if i'm a little slow with updating (i'm a little rusty :p). also, i'm sorry for the slow beginning, but i promise you guys that it'll get better!! hehehe :D
- - - -
a few months prior
It’s what you have always been doing and it’s all you’ve been doing since you were five. As a child, you would always have little talent shows that showed off your random choreography to whatever song that came on. The audience usually had a population of two: your parents. It didn’t bother you at all. I mean, the only thing you really cared about was the way you were feeling as the music flowed throughout your body.
Your parents decided to enroll you in a couple after school dance classes, such as contemporary and hip hop, during elementary school. Although you can be quite competitive sometimes, you never really thought of participating in dancing competitions because at the time you were just doing it because of how fun it was to you. However, when you reached middle school you ended up going to a dance academy and eventually an art school in high school where competitions were quite frequent. As expected, there were plenty of ups and downs and through it all your love for dance never changed. The thought of finding some sort of stable job that related to dancing had always scared you because of how unlikely it is to actually find one. But here you are today, a choreographer with a somewhat of a following for a popular dance studio in Seoul, South Korea.
You were breathing heavily, trying to catch your breath as you wiped off the sweat that glistened on your neck with the back of your hand. The other hand was pinching the front of your very oversized t-shirt, moving it back and forth to try and cool yourself down. You heard a thud and quickly moved your head in the direction of the noise.
“Man,” they say as they catch their breath, “I will never get used to how tired I get after a whole dance session.” You stare at the body of your friend that is on the hardwood floor and chuckle softly at her, beginning to make your way to her so that you could lay beside her.
“Me neither,” you replied, laying down with a soft thud from your head hitting the floor. As you both stare at the bright lights in silence for a couple seconds, your friend, Soojin, suddenly sits up in a hurry. “Y/N, I forgot to tell you something! I was told that someone was trying to contact you for something, but they sounded a bit sketchy—like they just didn’t seem reliable at all.”
You heard a faint ding! and took your phone out of your pocket. “Oh? That’s weird. Do you know what it was that they needed from me or maybe a name at least?” You looked to see that you received a private message on Instagram from someone, which isn’t rare for you since you’ve got a big following on the app. However, this particular one caught your eye.
“I’m not entirely sure but what I heard from some other choreographers was that these people were supposedly representatives for some company and that—.”
“SON SUNG DEUK?!” You immediately got right up and started to walk back and forth as you were trying to keep yourself together.
“Wha—uh no? I didn’t say that..But what about him?!”
You continue to repeatedly mumble “oh my god” softly to yourself until Soojin comes over to you and steps in front of you to stop you in your tracks. You watch her as she rests her hands on your shoulders to prevent you from moving.
“Y/N! Spit it out! What about him?! Why’d you suddenly bring him up?”
You slowly breathe out and a smile slowly forms on your face.
“He wants me to help choreograph a song for BTS…”
You bit down on your lip to try and stop yourself from trying to smile any bigger but that doesn’t help at all.
“Y/N… No fucking way—!” She squeals in excitement and brings you in for a hug, but quickly pulls away to pace back and forth.
“I seriously can't believe this! They must’ve been the people who I was telling you about! How’d they find you?! Are you going to be working at their studio instead of ours?! When do you start!? What—…”
“—Soojin…Soojin!” You laugh at her when she turns around and looks at you after you have cut her off from her rambling.
“I don’t have all the answers yet, but once I do I’ll make sure to tell you as soon as possible!” She looks at you with the biggest smile on her face.
“I’m seriously so proud of you Y/N. You really deserve this opportunity!”
You scoff softly and start to make your way towards the dust mop that stood in the corner of the whole studio.
“Thanks Soojin but...I don’t know...,” you trailed off, “I’m kind of wondering why they wanted to work with me out of all the other choreographers here at the studio.” You start to sweep the floor to avoid having to look at her.
“Y/N! Don’t say that! You honestly can’t see what I see in you, so let me remind you! You’re so damn hard working, always putting your all in every project, and crazy talented. Your style, the effort you put into all your work, and the creativity you have—they saw all of that and thought that you— yes you Y/N— would be the perfect person to help choreograph a song for the famous, BTS!! So listen to me and take that offer right now!”
“No. No excuses, no putting yourself down, none of that. This is a once in a lifetime deal!”
You stand there and sigh, turning around to face her. She smiles at you hopefully and all you do is roll your eyes with a smile on your face.
“Yeaaah, you’re right. I’ll do it, but god am I nervous to do this!”
She quickly claps and cheers for you.
“That's my girl! It’s okay to feel this way because who am I kidding? I’d probably be shitting myself if I were in your position!”
You laugh at her, as you put away the mop and you both make your way to the lockers to start packing up.
“I mean I’m pretty nervous but maybe not to that extent?”
She fake gasps and puts a hand over her face.
“Y/n?! Not nervous-nervous to be working with BTS? Is she the “I’m-not-like-any-other-girls” sort of girl who hopes to catch the attention of a BTS member, which will then lead to falling in love with each other? Please tell me your secrets,” she annoyingly says as she laughs out loud.
“Ha. Ha. You’re very funny Soojin. And no, I am definitely not one of those girls. There also won’t be any of that “falling in love” action because this is strictly business. I’m also busy with what I love doing and so are they.”
“Okay okay, so why are you so…I don’t know… somewhat relaxed with this? You’re finally collabing with huge celebrities for god's sake!”
“As corny as this sounds, but at the end of the day, they’re regular people, you know? I guess I’ve never told you this but uh Jimin and I used to go to the dance academy I went to in middle school together.”
Your friend freezes up.
“—You what now?”
“We, uh, went to middle school together. I ended up moving and somehow he transferred to my high school. We instantly started talking to each other and I got super close with him! That was also the time when I met Taehyung too! After their graduation, I never really saw them again and we also never contacted each other. They told me that they were trainees for some company but I guess I was spacing out because I didn’t remember the name of it. Next thing you know, you stumble across their dance practices on YouTube after a couple years and all you’ve been doing is quietly cheering them behind a screen!”
“Y/N… what the hell.” She stares at you with her wide eyes.
“I know, it’s crazy. They were my classmates and now they’re these huge superstars and I couldn’t be any more prouder for them. They seriously worked hard in school and were probably working so hard as a trainee!”
“So...do you think it’ll be awkward around them?”
You smile at her as she sits down on the bench behind you guys.
“Probably! They graduated earlier than me because they’re slightly older than me, so it’s been a while since we’ve talked!”
There was a quick pause of silence between the two of you until your friend broke it.
“God, y/n, you really are living the “y/n” life. You’re definitely going to get some fans jealous.”
“Ahh~, don’t say thaatt,” you whine, “this is all by coincidence! And this is all strictly business! Besides, they’ve met so many people by now and have been to so many cities—I’m sure they’ve already forgotten about me!”
“Forgot about you? Doubt it!”
“No really!
“Whatever you say,” she chuckles as she stands up, “all jokes aside, I’m really happy for you. You’re only 20 and have accomplished so much. I’m so excited and so proud of you, you know that?”
You tear up a bit at her words and slightly frown. Soojin has been hanging with you for about a year now. She was the person who saw your potential and got you a place as a choreographer in this studio.
She looks at you and laughs, “ah, y/n you get emotional so easily.”
“It’s not my fault that I’m like that! I can be a bit sensitive, that’s all!” You wipe the tears that were forming in your eyes with the sleeve of your hoodie that you had put on earlier. She brings you in for a quick hug and you smile
“Thank you, Soojin. It means a lot.”
“Hyung-ah! Yoongi-hyung! Guess what?!” Jimin is a smiling mess, jumping around Yoongi in excitement.
“What, what, what?” Yoongi chuckles with a slightly confused look on his face.
Jimin stops in front of him, hands now resting on the older man’s shoulders in order to keep himself from bouncing around again, with the biggest smile on his face.
“Director Sun Deuk! He told me who’s going to help with our choreography! It’s my friend! My old friend is going to be helping us choreograph Save Me! I haven’t seen her in so long but she’s amazing, hyung! I cant believe she’s a choreographer now at this cool dance studio! I’ll show you some of her videos, hyung! She—she’s also a fan, so she obviously knows all of us and our names by now!” Although his cheeks were starting to hurt, he couldn’t stop smiling.
“Oh yeah?” He scoffs, “what if she doesn’t even remember you anymore? Maybe she’s now a crazy fan trying to do the most to get with all of us. Don’t you remember what happened when we let an old friend help us out with things, but they just ended up stealing our items and selling them online for their own good?”
Jimin stops in his tracks, feeling a bit awkward due to the air becoming sour.
“Hyung, she's not any of that…why would you say such things?”
“Well, isn’t that what everyone does to us these days?! We make these new friends but in the end they always just want something from us. They never wanted to be our friends in the first place. We just get used. I’m sick of it.”
Yoongi focuses his attention on his phone, mindlessly scrolling as he makes his way to sit down on the couch. Jimin follows him like a lost puppy, watching the older member slightly ignore him. He sighs, taking a seat on the other couch to give him some space.
“I get that Yoongi, I really do, but she’s definitely not like that. She was my childhood friend and we stuck by each other until I had to leave her. I’m so happy that we somehow crossed paths with each other, and I figured that you guys should definitely meet her because of how close of a friend she is to me and how I’m sure that you guys would definitely like her too, but if you don’t want to be friends with her then so be it. I'm not going to let you talk down on her when you haven’t even met her.”
“Jimin, at the end of the day it’s just going to be strictly business between me and her. I’m not planning to see her anything else but that way.”
Jimin scoffs, completely annoyed at the older man.
“Whatever, hyung! Don’t come back crying to me when you suddenly decide to want to be friends with her! You know, there’s still some genuine people out there!”
Yoongi ignores him, which signals Jimin to get out of the room.
He adjusts himself, now laying on the couch.
He really couldn't care less about his little friend who wants to "catch up" with him.
Yoongi reaches over to the coffee table next to him to place his phone on top. He puts his hands behind his head, shutting his eyes to take a quick nap.
It's probably one of the best ways for him to calm down.
It’s been about a month or two since you’ve received that message from director Son Sung Deuk. You’ve already received the song and you and your little crew at the dance studio have created some sort of a rough draft for the choreography. When you informed director Song Sung Deuk, he figured that it would probably be time to meet up with him and show him what you have down. It was a bit odd to you, though, as you could’ve just sent in a video with you and your crew dancing to the song—which you definitely have plenty of. He was also very persistent in having you come over—really odd, but okay. You brushed it off and set a date to meet up with him at the HYBE building, while mentally noting to yourself to text Soojin when and where you’ll be going…just for safety precautions.
[11:23] Director Song: Come to the building at 10:00 am tomorrow. I will have someone come and help escort you to the practice rooms.
Of course, he would want you to come as soon as possible.
[11:26] You: Sounds good, I will see you then.
Well, here we go.
He huffs, locking his door to his apartment and turning towards his small kitchen to grab something to drink.
It has been a rough day at the studio for Yoongi. Same old problem of not being satisfied with whatever he’s come up with. Anything he made today sounded like complete garbage to him. He decided to call it a day and allow himself to get some rest
He fixed himself a tall glass of iced cold water—he really needed to relax. Yoongi takes a large sip of the water and lets it sit in his mouth, which causes him to puff his cheeks out. He stands there spacing out, allowing the icy water to cool himself.
The sound of the shower running and the softest and prettiest humming he’s ever heard before brings him back to reality. He swallows the water, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he makes his way towards the voice. Yoongi came face-to-face with his bathroom door, which was slightly open. He could see how steamy the inside of his bathroom was. However, the biggest question here is who exactly is taking a shower in his own apartment?!
He gently knocks on the door, causing a little squeal to come out from behind the shower curtain.
“Whoever you are, get out of my shower or I’m calling the police,” he shouts.
He gives whoever the person was some time to respond, but of course it never happens. He slightly opens the door a little wider so that he can squeeze inside and notices the clothes on the counter: an oversized t-shirt, some shorts, and female undergarments…
…What in the hell? A girl? Why?
“You have 3 seconds to say something so that I know you’re still in the shower. If you don’t say anything, I’ll call the police. I’m gonna start…”
He stands there, now face-to-face with the shower curtain.
He waits, allowing for more than a minute to pass by before he continues.
Nothing again? How strange. Hopefully nothing serious happened to them.
What the fuck?
Yoongi turns around, looking to see where the voice was coming from but there was no one to yet to be found.
Wake up..?
“Hyung, wake up, you gotta go sleep somewhere else other than the couch. You’ll be cold all night.”
Ah… Jimin…
Yoongi slowly opens his eyes, slightly squinting at the younger boy who’s face was right in front of his.
He grumbles, pushing the boy’s face away, causing him to laugh.
“Hyung, you must have good dreams. It’s hard to wake you up.”
Yoongi exhales softly, “I wouldn’t necessarily call them good. Been dreaming about those weirder ones that feel real, but they’ll go away eventually.”
“Of course, why wouldn’t they?”
Well, turns out they're both wrong.
prev. next.
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tennessoui · 3 years
this is probably too many prompts lol but uhhh obikin: #6 meeting at a coffee shop au; #24 literally bumping into each other au; #40 exes meeting again after not speaking for years au (i'm a sucker for breaking up and getting back together again lol); #42 star-crossed lovers au; #48 meeting again at a high school reunion au
hi!! you probably forgot you sent this at all and I wouldn't blame you in the slightest. I'm pretty sure someone else already asked for 24, 40, and 42, so I wrote #6 instead! warnings for this one: bittersweet in that both anakin and obi-wan are sad, also the author is sad, also this takes place in the midwest in america (this is the first fic that is obviously set in america!!! wow!!)
6. Meeting At A Coffee Shop Diner AU (1.9k)
“Have a seat anywhere you want,” the hostess tells Obi-Wan without looking up from her phone.
Obi-Wan blinks and then looks around the deserted seating area. “Thank you, uh.” She’s not wearing a name tag.
“Angel’ll bring you the menu and take care of you, thanks for coming in,” she says, glancing up at him and then away.
Well then. Obi-Wan reminds himself that customer service isn’t everyone’s strong suit, that she might have had a rough day, that he’s here for the quick food on his way through town, that his ego isn’t fragile enough that he needs to be led to a table with a smile.
The restaurant is almost completely deserted. There’s two truckers eating their weight in bacon and eggs at the counter, and a family of four seated around a table, resolutely picking at their food instead of talking to each other. And then there’s Obi-Wan.
He chooses a booth by the window, one that overlooks the absolute nothingness of midwestern American scenery. If he cranes his neck, he can probably see corn.
God, Obi-Wan’s sick of seeing corn, and he’s only been in this part of the country for a few hours. He needs to go right through most of it to get where he’s headed. He’s not sure how he won’t die of boredom.
The thought sends a pang through his chest. It’s too soon to think of death even in an offhand way. He taps his fingers on the cover of his leather journal, before a line of dark brown under one of them catches his eye. He studies his hand critically.
It’s been two days since the funeral. Surely he wouldn’t still have grave dirt under his nails. Surely things like that wash away eventually.
“Hey,” a voice says from in front of him. A man is turned around and kneeling up in the booth in front of Obi-Wan’s, leaning over the garishly red vinyl of the empty seat with a menu clutched in one hand. His hair is short and dark blond, an undercut with a long fringe settling over his forehead. He has a nice sort of smile, one that looks genuine but doesn’t touch his eyes. Obi-Wan notices how long the man’s neck is and how predominant his collarbones appear in the loose white shirt he’s wearing, before he forces himself to focus only on his face. “I’m Angel,” the guy says, passing over the menu. “Can I get you anything to drink?”
Obi-Wan accepts it gingerly. It looks like something that’s perpetually sticky. “Water is fine,” he says politely. “Thank you.”
“Will do,” Angel salutes him and ambles away. Obi-Wan watches him go before shaking his head to rid himself of any sort of thought, and opening the menu.
It’s standard food fare, of course. Breakfast options served all day if anyone were to come in and request them. Lunch and dinner options are also served all day, probably for the same reason: a diner like this can’t afford to turn anyone away, even if they want a hamburger at nine in the morning.
A glass of water clinks down onto the table next to him, making him look up at Angel, who’s looking at him curiously.
“You ready to order?” he asks, even though Obi-Wan is still very much looking at the menu and it’s also only been a few minutes at most since Angel gave it to him in the first place.
“Do you have any suggestions?” Obi-Wan asks politely. “I’ve never been here before. What’s good?”
“The water,” Angel says and then laughs like he’s said something funny. Obi-Wan finds his own mouth curling up at the sound. Sometimes people’s laughter is contagious, like a yawn.
And then Angel says, “You’re not from around here, are you?”
“No,” Obi-Wan admits. “North of Boston.”
Angel whistles, like Obi-Wan has said something impressive. “Boston, huh? What are you doing all the way out here?”
The pit in his stomach intensifies. He does his best not to look at his nails and the grave dirt that might still be under them. “Driving,” he finally says. “And are you...from around here?”
Angel’s eyes grow distant for a second, and when he focuses again on Obi-Wan, they’re cold. “Born and raised,” he tells him flatly. “Never got out.”
“Oh,” Obi-Wan doesn’t know what to do with the sort of bitterness in Angel’s tone. It complements his own well enough.
“If you like eggs, I’ll put you in for the house special omelette,” Angel declares suddenly, all business again. “It’s four eggs, tomatoes, peppers, cheese. The usual.”
“What makes it special?” Obi-Wan asks, closing his menu and setting it down on the table in front of him.
“For you?” Angel drawls, “I’ll watch the cook to make sure he doesn’t get any egg shells in it,” and then he winks, holding out his hand.
Naturally, Obi-Wan shakes it. Naturally, Obi-Wan realizes a second after feeling Angel’s warm, calloused rough palm against his own that the man had meant to take the menu from Obi-Wan.
He can’t remember the last time he’s blushed this red, but he is absolutely regretting everything about this road trip. God, he’d pay money just to be able to leave now.
He should get in his car and drive back to Boston. It had been a stupid idea to come out here anyway, a result of stir-craziness and a desire to outrun the death of his father.
And now look what he’s doing. Shaking hands with his handsome waiter, as if he isn’t thirty-nine and perfectly aware of social norms.
Thankfully, miraculously, Angel laughs and this time it sounds real. “It’s okay,” he tells him, reaching out to pick up the menu.
Luckily for everyone involved, Obi-Wan finds it very easy to laugh at himself. “Well. It’s nice to meet you, Angel, I’m Obi-Wan.”
“I’ll go put the order in,” Angel says, “Obi-Wan.”
He’s back within five minutes, sliding into the seat across from Obi-Wan. So much for no eggshells in his omelette, but he can’t bring himself to be disappointed. There’s something magnetically fascinating about Angel. He’d like to know more.
“So you’re driving?” Angel asks, picking up a thread of conversation from several minutes ago. “Where are you going?”
“I was thinking of Alaska,” Obi-Wan says. “I’ve--I’ve always wanted to go.”
“You’re driving from Boston to Alaska?” Angel whistles, raising his eyebrows in shock. “I think the gas money alone would cost me two months of work.”
Obi-Wan shrugs. It’s not like he makes much himself as a teacher in Massachusetts. “My father was a lifelong gambler,” he discloses without really knowing why he’s telling this to a stranger. “He came into a bit of luck near the end. A bit of a fortune as well. And when he...died, I inherited it and his house.”
Angel touches his hand softly. “I’m sorry,” he says. “When did he pass?”
Obi-Wan huffs out what might be a chuckle. “A week ago, actually. It’s summer break in Massachusetts--I’m a teacher--and I suddenly had nothing to stay for, for a bit. It was either leave for Alaska or find some other way to cope.”
He runs a hand--his free hand, the one Angel isn’t touching--over his beard as he gives the man a rueful smile. “Dad always wanted me to see more of the world.”
“My mom was the same way,” Angel leans forward to tell him, as if it’s a secret. Obi-Wan feels like it is a secret, that there’s something delicate and fragile in the air. Something that matches whatever emotion is filling up Angel’s eyes. “Always telling me to leave, go get famous, go get happy, come back and tell her about it.”
“You didn’t?” Obi-Wan asks, his chest tightening at the thought that the man before him could be unhappy.
“I couldn’t,” Angel sneers, looking out the window and propping his chin on his hand. Some things must be too close to the heart to tell someone to their face. “Mom got sick. I wanted to get out, I was so close. Graduated high school, packed my stuff. I was going to go to California. To Los Angeles, really make it big.” He rolls his eyes and scoffs, as if there’s something inherently funny about the dreams he must have cherished for so long.
“Then mom collapsed going down the stairs. Just passed out in the middle of the day. Doctors told us she was sick. Then life became all about treatment plans and monitoring symptoms and getting the money for the medicines and I never left. Got a job here when I was eighteen years old, right before I graduated high school. It’s all I’ve ever known, I guess.”
“And your mother?” Obi-Wan asks, mouth dry and heart all tangled up in itself for this stranger man, for Angel with the hard, sad eyes.
“Died a year and a half ago or so,” Angel says flatly like he’s repeated the words so often in his head that the truth digs no barbs into his flesh. Obi-Wan knows that voice is a lie. How often has he looked in the mirror this past week and told himself, ‘Qui-Gon Jinn is dead’? He can’t imagine a year and a half would make the pain go away.
“I’m sorry,” Obi-Wan says seriously, reaching across the table to touch Angel’s hand this time.
Angel shrugs but doesn’t pull away. “Is what it is, I guess,” he says. “I’ve made my peace with it. And the fact that I’ll never leave this godforsaken town.”
“You could,” Obi-Wan points out hesitantly. “You could leave tomorrow.”
For a second, a wild and previously undiscovered part of Obi-Wan wonders what it would be like, if Angel did leave tomorrow--with him. If they got into the same car and headed to Alaska together and Obi-Wan wasn’t alone at the wheel and Angel wasn’t alone in this town. If Obi-Wan could look over at the man in the passenger seat, asleep against the doorway as they crossed into Canada.
Obi-Wan wonders. Obi-Wan aches.
“I could,” Angel says, laughing once. “I guess I could. I guess I just can’t think of a good enough reason to.”
There’s a call of his name from the kitchen, and Angel stands and stretches, checking the time on his watch. “That’ll be your omelette, sir, which is perfect timing considering I’m off shift as of five minutes ago.”
“Thank you then,” Obi-Wan replies, ignoring the pang in his gut at the knowledge he won’t be able to keep talking to him. “It was nice meeting you, Angel.”
Angel’s face grows dark for a second as his jaw clenches. “That’s not my name,” he finally says, scratching at his neck with one hand. “That’s just what they called me when I started working here. Angel, like Los Angeles. Cause I told everyone for weeks this was a temporary thing, you know? I’d be going to California soon as mom got better. Guess they knew better than I did.”
Obi-Wan has never wanted to kidnap a grown man away from a place more, so he hides his hands under the table instead. “Would you tell me your name then?” he asks, wondering if he’s overstepping but needing to know too much to censor himself.
“It’s Anakin,” his waiter says, sticking his hand out, no menu to grab.
Obi-Wan takes it gently, turns it over, and cradles it between both of his hands. “Then it’s nice to meet you, Anakin.”
Maybe, he thinks as he picks at his omelette and watches Anakin shoulder his way through the front doors of the diner before disappearing down the street, maybe he can stay a day in this nowhere town. Just an extra day.
Yes, he thinks, taking a sip of his water. He’ll try the pancakes next.
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jerry-hornes-foot · 2 years
Incoming duffer brothers rant :)
I'm still fuckin mad that Steve says the f slur in season one, for a lot of reasons
- Point 1
Like a lot of choices the duffers make it simply has big edgelord teenage boy energy. Like they saw a chance to crowbar a slur into their show and jumped at it and that always annoys me. It's the sort of thing that you need a really really solid reason to use, and to be honest in the case of two cishet men writing a programme I just don't really see the need at all
There's no plot reason for it at all, at no point before or after that is it even hinted that Steve is homophobic, and so it shouldn't be in his vocabulary. It doesn't say anything about the plot, or the characters, it's not even making comment on social issues. It's just there to make you go "oh my god I can't believe he said that!"
-Point 2
It's just dumped into the middle of an episode because they literally forgot what Steve's character was. They wrote him to be a bully, except they accidentally made him a perfectly reasonable guy right up to that moment. He tells his friends to stop bullying Jonathan, he's nice to Barb, he only breaks Jonathan's camera because he used it to commit a literal sex offence against Nancy, then they suddenly remember he's meant to be a bad guy and in the space of less than five minutes he paints the nancy sign on the cinema and says a slur.
It's as if they got to that scene and realised they'd made Jonathan the bad guy by accident then went "uhhh fuck, let's just have him do the most heinous shit we can imagine out of nowhere". It feels rushed, and a bit lazy, and to be honest the fact that they use the slur literally just for the shock factor makes the whole thing worse for me
- Point 3
They never address it ever again. Steve learns nothing from it. Yes, he goes to apologise to Jonathan, but he could have also gone to apologise just for beating him up or for calling him some other horrible (not bigoted) name
It's an issue that plagues a lot of the duffer brothers writing where they tack a really awful character trait onto someone for shock value and then forget they did it. The same thing with Jonathan and the creeper photos, in seasons 2-4 Jonathan is just a sweet misunderstood teenager, and that element of season 1 is never addressed to the point that one can only assume we're meant to pretend it never happened.
Steve never has an arc surrounding use of language like that, he never actively regrets it, he never even actually gets given a moment to apologise. It just gets left there to hang over the character as this weird out of place element. I think story wise season 1 is probably the strongest, but the characters are all fundamentally different people to the point that watching back certain scenes is jarring. Which, for me, just reinforces point 1, its so whiplash inducing how out of place it is that it just makes me feel even more that they picked it just for shock
- Point 4
This is what made me furiously write this in the middle of the night. No one says fuck in stranger things. It's rated 18 and there's one fuck ever (afaik). There are characters like Eddie who will occasionally get given really clunky lines because they use shit or damn in a place any normal person would just say fuck. Especially with Eddie, in fact, the awkwardness of the lack of fucks makes it feel super intentional
If they just didn't want a word as strong as fuck in their programme, fine, but that doesn't really fit right in a programme where they were happy to fire in the f slur when there was half as much adult content in the programme as a whole
Maybe I'm overthinking the whole thing, it just makes me feel super yucky anytime I watch that scene and I wanted to share my thoughts on it. I've seen people talk about it before in terms of Steve as a person but I've been thinking for a while now about it in relation to the text as a whole
Anyway if you made it this far well done hahaha thank you for sticking it out, sorry for getting mad !
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cocobittiebites · 3 years
Hello!! This is my 2nd ask.. I just wanted a Scenario when Hisoka is being Saved by a extremely Powerful Woman who has a very cold Appearance... This Woman saved him during the fight of Chrollo.. Sorry for my Second Ask.. I'm just really loved him.. By the way I'm very satisfied on your blogs😊😊😊😊😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️
Some things that I added cuz creative liberty and all that jazz: y/n is apart of the main four (well it’s five now on my blog ig), I just love found family ok. Also it gives her depth and a decent reason how she knows Hisoka. Her nen ability was based off of my favorite six of crows character, Nina Zenik (who i also probably based her personality off of)
Also fair warning I can barley understand Nen and how is works whenever it’s explained so yeah here is me bullsh*ting it 🧍🏻‍♀️ I tried for y’all though...
Hisoka x fem!reader
TW: Hisoka being Hisoka, mentions of blood and gore (not that much but still), really this is pretty tame compaired to a lot of things on this app, y/n has strong opinions
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Why did she have to get tangled up with this clown yet again? No amount of money is worth dealing with this.
At least she had the intuition to view the fight from her room at Heaven’s arena. From the looks of this the two fighters completely disregarded the sanctity of common courtesy as they brought the audience in their petty quarrel. 
Men and their egos.
The hypocrisy of the situation never ceased to amaze her.
He’s mad that Hisoka sold out the troupe and had a hand in the death of their members? Really? After they probably done far worse? 
She watched up on the screen as the audience members began flying towards the aforementioned clown, internally jerking back as Hisoka’s arm was completely severed.
Just like his fight with Kastro.
But it wasn’t like his fight against Kastro. This was a fight against the leader of the Phantom Troupe and this Chrollo guy….he was no joke. At least in his fight against Kastro it was like a game in his favor. Here though, he was the prey and this Chrollo guy seems vengeful. 
As she focuses on the magician, the situation seemed to hit Hisoka.
It was all incredibly dramatic.
And incredibly stupid.
A huge explosion erupted. Bodies piled up. Chrollo’s the last man standing. 
Hisoka is dead.
Hisoka is dead.
Hisoka is dead.
The words chant in her head like a sour requiem. A feeling of dread washes over her psyche. A wave, a panic arises. Her body moves involuntarily and she runs out the door towards the arena. Once she’s there she stills and takes a breath.
Stop being dramatic….This situation is exactly why he asked you to be here.
As a manipulator she could control a person’s hearts. If she was ever caught in a fight she could practically stop an opponent and give them an artificial cardiac arrest, not that she couldn’t fight her way out without her ability. With this ability she was also able to slow someone's heart rate, either calming them or putting them to sleep. The downside of it was that she had to be within a fifteen foot radius of whoever she’s using it on and there needs to have been a point of contact with the other person within an hour's time frame. 
Aura is all around the body you see, and the core of it is the heart. If it was any other organ, like the brain for example, without a modifier like needles, her nen ability would not be possible. Call it her individuality complex, but something about modifiers made her equate it to people like Illumi Zoldyck. It left a bad taste in her mouth. 
There also was a chance that if she overexerted herself, say stopping more than 3 peoples hearts at a time, she could overwork her heart rate and die. Then again, there are downsides to everything. 
Really it was an ability she was particularly proud of. Well she did develop her nen faster than the others. When she showed Gon and Killua her ability they started bombarding her with endless questions. Though there wasn’t a name for it yet. Leorio and his ever present doctor knowledge just kept spewing out heart-related medical terms.
Cardiac is a good name though. 
God. She really missed her friends.
At least you get to see Kurapika when this is all over.
Back to the matter at hand. Hisoka is dead and before he died he asked her to restart his heart to bring him back to life. After much harassment from him against her and her friends, she was bound to say no, however fifty-million jenny is fifty million jenny. A bag is a bag, could you blame her?
Schooling her face she enters the ‘arena’, if you could call it that. The place was completely decimated. The ceiling was ready to crumble completely. Dead bodies littered the entire room. The iron smell of blood wafed up her nose, cringing internally.  In the middle lies Hisoka, face mauled, a missing nose, and several severed limbs. 
Geez, it's like he wants to make her job difficult. 
Peering over to the entrance on the other side she spots a certain pink-haired spider. Machi stands above Hisoka as she uses her nen stitches to put his limbs back together. 
Oh so this is his plan.
She takes no precaution in disguising herself through Zetsu, as she pulls her face into a stony exterior. It works as the pink-haired woman senses her presence and turns up in arms towards her. 
“You” Machi spits out.
“Me” she says mockingly.
“What are you doing here.”
Pointing to the man himself, “The clown wanted me to restart his heart,” sauntering over to where Hisoka’s body laid there, “a fail-safe, if you will.” 
Machi rolls her eyes, “I thought a goodie-goodie like you wouldn’t help a guy like him?”
Shrugging her shoulders she walks up to the spider and brushes Machi’s hair behind her ears, “Fifty-million jenny is fifty million jenny.”
Machi doesn’t say anything. Paying no mind the girl kneels down to the magenta magician. His face, once handsome, now bashed and torn up. She wouldn’t admit it to him but she felt a small pang in her heart at the sight of him. 
You shouldn’t feel bad. He’s the cause of his own ruination. 
Placing both hands on his chest she feels for signs of where his heart is. Once finding it she focuses her aura into her hands and into his heart. Raising her connected hands once she pushes down roughly, in turn restarting his heart. Hopefully he still had some blood flow still lingering in the brain. 
It took a minute but after a while of pumping his heart herself she felt his breath even, indicating that he would be fine on his own for now. In a moment of relief she watched his eyes flutter open. 
His eyes focused, slightly dazed and disoriented, but surprised that he is seeing at all. Still he sees her towering over him, as icy as fresh fallen snow. Her expression is blank, devoid of any hatred or fondness. Still she’s ethereal like this. Light shrouded her like a halo, as if she was an angel of death. For a moment he thought he had died and entered a Heaven he did not deserve. 
What a welcome sight <3, he thought.
Machi looked at the pair stunned. So that’s what her nen ability is. Chrollo isn’t going to be happy about this. Slipping past the pair, she left the room to tell her boss about this new development. 
“What a coincidence Y/N, I didn’t know you cared about me this much,” his signature smirk marring his face. She watches as he fills his gapping nose with bungee gum and covers it with his texture surprise. 
Vain as usual.
She scowls at him, “I care about your wallet,” saying it as coldly as possible. 
“Ouch that hurts~” 
“You literally just died.” 
“So now your concerned, hmm~” 
Rolling her eyes she asked, “Well, I hope you learned something from this experience.” Raising her hand she checks his pulse, “What are you going to do about Chrollo and his gaggle of arachne?” 
“This was a sort of wake up call so to say~,” he sits up moving closer to her face, eyes darting towards her petaled lips. He reaches over to caress her face, but she swats his hand and glares, “From now on I won’t give my opponents a choice when and where we fight, it makes things more...interesting.” The magician reveals at the thought. 
Oh how magnificent our fight will be, Y/N
“As for the troupe, I plan on hunting them down,” he moves closer to her ear and then whispers, like a promise between two lovers, “one. by. one.” 
Leaning back to see her cold exterior crumble was a sight to see. Her eyes, wide and shocked, looked like a doe in headlights. Her mouth, deliciously agape, felt tempting to touch. There he was, powerful and sadistic Hisoka, toying with whether he should worship the woman in front of him or break her. 
Decision, decisions. 
“Either way I’m going to need someone to rip their hearts out with.” 
Oh~, this is where the fun begins <3
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notasdriedapricots · 3 years
Some HCs for young Lucas in Argentina no one needs but here they are
I know it's canon that he "helped build houses in Argentina", and that doesn't mean he necessarily lived there, but it kinda does. And he said he moved a lot in the same chapter, it's implicit, okay I don't care lol. It goes without saying, but if anyone thinks I'm wrong/wants to ask about something specific or that I forgot/wants to add something, you're more than welcome and I'd love that.
Ok, so given that a few days ago was a homeland date, and that the very next day a mate (this 🧉, not this 🧍‍♂️) was thrown at me on the dashboard (which was awesome tbh) I actually sat down and wrote them. And now here they are
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- So, while we're still at the subject: mate. For those who don't know, mate is basically shared reversed tea, that's the easiest way to explain it; it's not tea, but it's close enough, and the proportion between leaves and water is inverted, and you pass the thing around until you're out of water. Yeah, you know Lucas was not into the whole "five people sharing a straw" thing, he found it disgusting, but he eventually gave in because of peer pressure. He wouldn't now, but at the time he was a teenager in a foreign country trying to make friends and was already at a disadvantage (more on this below). He liked the taste, though; it's kinda like a strong green tea. Still avoided it whenever he could, but did have it on his own at home sometimes while studying, and he knows all the details about it (dusting the leaves, appropriate water temperature, starting with cold water, not overpouring, not moving the straw...). Hasn't had it since he moved away, though.
- When? From mid 2008 to late 2009. So, because I headcanon him as being born in 92, he moved there soon after turning sixteen and left at about seventeen and a half. I was rambling about the school year but I feelt it got too technical; I'll explain it further if you want, but I swear it makes sense.
- Another basic: Where? Maybe surprisingly, not Buenos Aires. His dad would have business there because of course he would, but he wouldn't take his family to live there. They would live in another big city, likely Córdoba, that's close enough (and has regular, hour-long flights to and from Bs. As.), big enough, but less dangerous. In a private neighborhood, though; the famous one on the south side. The horse related one. Wink.
- It's practically canon that he was in TECHO, come on. Which makes sense, because TECHO has always been full of rich kids.
- Obsessed with the food. A mixture of Spanish and Italian with a twist, plus fantastic meat and fantastic wine. Simple but effective. And his mother picked up some cooking habits and recipes, which he appreciated deeply.
- Appreciates the simplicity of the whole concept of "asado", and his high school friends taught him to light a fire properly. Keep achuras the fuck away from him, though.
- Has a weakness for dulce de leche, of course, and keeps a jar of it in his fridge at all times.
- Love/hate relationship with the slang. So. Much. Slang. And it was hard the first month. Like, you thought "succulent" was bad? He got war flashbacks from that. He spoke Spanish Spanish at first, so he got made fun of for the way he pronounced the "z"s and some "c"s, and how he said "tú" and "vosostros" instead of "vos" and "ustedes" (this explanation is useless if you have no idea about the differences between Spanish and Rioplatense Spanish, but this would have been such a big deal. Think a whole new way to conjugate 2° singular AND plural. Also verb usage. Also, if we do put him in Córdoba, the accent. Also very fast speech. Poor Lucas).
- On the note of language, even though he was kinda shocked at first, he ended up finding the extremely liberal use of curse words hilarious.
- Tried going to a football match. Once, and never again. Not vibing with the "climate"...
- Played football with a group of high school friends every Saturday.
- Still baffled by the politics.
- Went to the coast for a week one summer. It was supposed to be two but his parents were like "Nope" and left early. Still thinks people who go to the beaches are low-key-high-key delusional. ("You know that Brazil is right there, right? It's literally one plane away.")
- So shocked at first when every guy he was introduced to bro hugged him and every girl kissed him on the cheek. He quickly got used to it, though, and lowkey missed the excessive warmness when he left.
- Surprised at how people could have the most offensive nicknames and be completely fine with it. I'll just say he himself got fucking lucky he didn't get one.
- Had a group of friends that he missed like crazy when he left. They threw him a surprise goodbye party and showed up at the airport. He still talks to most of them every once in a while.
- He had to readjust a bit when he returned to the UK.
- During college he went back twice, once in summer and once in winter. In summer he rented a car and went through the "Route of wine" in Mendoza, and then drove through the Patagonia (aka the south of the country). In winter he visited the north: the Iguazú waterfalls, the north-west, and some big cities.
- Oh, and that gif is from what became one of his favourite movies: Nueve Reinas. He was watching The Simpsons on TV when the episode ended and the movie began, so he left it on. If you're curious, DO NOT watch the American version; there's a very strong cultural factor that is completely incompatible and ruins the movie.
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hooniee · 4 years
   — ꒰‧⁺ maple tree*ೃ༄
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↷ ni-ki x reader ⋯ ♡ᵎ 
↷ genre: fluff | romance⋯ ♡ᵎ
↷ warnings: not proofread! | none! ⋯ ♡ᵎ 
↷ synopsis: almost getting squished by a freshman boy falling out of a tree, might have made your monday morning turn around ⋯ ♡ᵎ  
↷author note: hi guys! this is for @enhypenwriters​ event! strangers to lovers <3 this was one out of three i wrote and this was one i wasn’t satisfied with but it was a cute idea (or at least i think so!) please enjoy! ⋯ ♡ᵎ
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .*
monday morning was unmistakably not on your team. from your charger being broken and leaving your phone dead to your wicked idiot brother consuming the last slice of toast, you were not a festive person. 
"i'm heading out idiot, don't be late," you shout at your brother who just replies with an 'okay!'
rummaging around your jacket pocket, you pull out a granola bar that was half-eaten from the other day and scarfed it down. 
definitely a bit stale, but you were appreciative nonetheless.
you arrive at the bus stop and take a seat, enjoying the scenery. one of your favorite destressers in the hectic mornings.
arriving at school, you hasten your steps with five minutes remaining.
'mr.kim is going to mark me absent for the seventh time this month.'
fortunately, this was the only good thing going for you today.
you exhault in relief and take out your materials for math class as you mentally adjust yourself for the long day ahead.
this day couldn’t get any more tiring.
from an exhausting morning, your lunch period comes to rescue you from starvation.
you head outside to your usual place beneath the maple tree in the courtyard, with your sandwich and chocolate milk.
taking a mouthful of your sandwich, you draw out the scarlett letter from your bag to relish in the meantime
profoundly absorbed in your book, you didn't recognize that a boy is sitting on a tree branch right overhead you. 
he didn’t mean to stare down but it was the first time he had seen you.
he would admire you from a distance until mother nature said ‘no’
there was the familiar sound of a snapping branch and you managed to glance up and duck it just in time to see a mop of blonde tresses right next to you.
the blonde hair boy instantly rose up and dusted himself off, clearing his throat, pretending that nothing had happened.
you were still flustered at the out of the blue fall. you place your book facing down, marking the page where you left off.
“a-are you okay? that was a pretty high fall,” glimpsing at the maple tree and back to him.
you have never seen this guy. he was tall and lean with milky skin and blond hair that touched his harmonious brown eyes.
the gaze he held on you was interesting.
navy blue nametag, an underclassman
“don’t worry princess, i’m alright. i've had worse” he returns with a wink.
a simple wink was enough to send a rush of blood to your cheeks.
'what a flirty freshman, wasn't he just embarrassed a couple of seconds ago? 360 change'
“if anything hurts, just go to the nurse. please be careful,” you say instantaneously, attempting to flee quickly.
he doesn't need to see the powerful blush on your cheeks that won’t leave.
a tug of your wrist sticks you in place. he spins you around to confront him but the grass appeared to be more appealing.
there's a moment of silence before he asks. “...are you blushing?” 
your brain was internally smashing your head against a book.
“no i am just not used to a freshman guy falling from the sky. don’t flatter yourself, i have standards.” you spit out.
"i didn't even mention anything about myself, i just asked if you were blushing," he smirks at you, feeling boastful.
how did you just betrayed yourself?
“whatever! now if you don’t mind, i’ll be going now. i’m late.”
neglecting your book and food, you hastily grab your bag and head out to your following class.
he chuckles to himself, finding your flustered demeanor adorbale. he looks down at where you sat.
"hey! you forgot your-" the freshman exclaims but you had left and no traces of your silhouette could be found.
he bends down, plucking your book and analyzing it for any name.
'you would definitely be back for this' he thought to himself.
peeping at your un-opened chocolate milk, he looks around before snagging it.
"free milk for me," he hums to himself.
you, on the other hand
you aspired to punch yourself for three purposes.
one, you forgot your food and you were perishing.
two, your book was gone
three, that damn freshman.
you were too ashamed to show your face infront of him. not when he caught you profusely blushing from a wink.
for the next few days, you dodge your usual spot and lingered in the library instead.
that method came to an end because you didn't realize how many OVER affectionate couples occupied the library.
you had mentally battled with yourself, forgetting to pay attention in classes.
'there was a chance he wasn't going to be there'
'but there's also a possibility that he'll be there"
you decided to convince yourself that he wouldn't be there. you craved not being shoved in a cubicle and have couples make out in your favorite book isles.
the next day you head to the maple tree and before you sit, you glance at the encompassing areas.
you didn’t see any traces of a lanky, blonde boy near the tree or IN the tree.
and assuming the coast was clear, you relax.
the previous book you were reading was nowhere to be seen so you brought a new book, frankly in love
you plug in headphones to tune out and you immersed yourself into the book. after a few minutes, your earbud comes out or more specifically, taken out. 
you look up and nearly screamed. the freshman boy was dangling off the tree with your right earbud in hand. barely an inch away from your face.
this was the closest anybody has been to your face and you tried not to make any sudden movements.
“what are you doing?” you furrow your eyebrows at the boy hanging. he flashed you a radiant smile that put the sun out of business before jumping down, landing smoothly.
your cheeks became warm again, grasping that you were gradually falling for this freshman you didn't know the name of.
“sorry! i just wanted to talk to you” he cheekily said, “nice blush” 
“that's fine i guess? AND i'm not blushing, i was just startled,” you avoid eye-contact.
he playfully rolls his eyes before extending his hand to you with your book.
"i believe this is yours?" the boy returns you the book you rummaged for.
your eyes widen, realizing that he had the book the whole time.
"oh my gosh! i was looking for this everywhere," you blurted.
you look at him and he smiles.
you fall back into being stiff. you had never been this anxious under someone's gaze until you met him.
this time, you tried to kindle a conversation.
“why do you want to talk to me?” you ask curiously.
you had never had someone excited to talk to you like this. you were wishing that his interest was genuine.
he pauses to consider a bit, placing a finger to his chin.
“you’re interesting and i want to get to know you more, toto” he hums and you're perplexed by the suddenly calling.
'toto? that's new'
“toto? that’s not my name, why are you calling me that?” you tilt your head.
you didn't know what was weirder, the nickname or the freshman aspiring to get to know you.
“don’t worry about it,” he smiles, 
"why are you alone out here? shouldn't you be eating in the canteen?” he settles next to you.
for the first time, you locked eyes with him and it was dangerous. you could get lost in his eyes if you gazed for too long.
“because i want to, what is with the Q&A? are we playing twenty questions?” you sneer.
this freshman recognized how to push the right buttons to make you flustered at the precise moments.
“maybe, or is it a date?” he answered
you just choked on your own saliva and you hoped he didn't catch that.
it grew quiet and he stared at you with a fixed gaze. feeling awkward, you shove the other earbud into his ear.
he flinches from the abrupt contact but loosens and smiles, recognizing the song that resonated from your earbuds.
“toto, is this she’s in the rain by the rose?” he gasps.
it shocked you because not many people know this band.
“yeah, you know the rose? this is my favorite song from them” you flash a smile, feeling content.
'something in common, maybe he's not so bad'
you both softly sway together, occasionally bumping shoulders.
"nishimura riki," he says.
you didn't catch what he said, "hm?"
"nishimura riki is my name, but you can call me ni-ki," he smiles at you.
"(y/n) (l/n), (y/n) sunbae to you," you laugh.
"what if i called you mine instead?"
[the nickname toto, came from tomato! the reader blushes easily and ni-ki is quick to notice, rebranding her as toto <3]
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thatsgay-writes · 4 years
Korrasami x Reader
Summary: Telling your kids how you met their mothers.
Warning: Light cursing?
Ages: Korra- 29 (Flashback 1- 17) Asami-30 (Flashback 1- 18) You- 31 (Flashback 1- 19) Kids- 5
(You are a female.)
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"Alright guys, you get one story each before bed." You say to your son and two daughters as you tuck them into bed. "I'm already in enough trouble with your mommies so we gotta play by the book tonight." Your kids laugh remembering what happened 2 nights ago. "Y'all need to chill, this is my last night on the couch, so bedtime needs to go perfect." They nod their heads in understanding. "Okay, youngest to oldest tonight." Your youngest daughter nods her head, "It's only by three minutes but I want to hear the story about how you and mom met and got together." "Okay, buckle up kids, it's gonna be a wild ride."
*Flashback Start*
You had been undercover in Amon's group for two years before you met Asami. You were the perfect person to go undercover, no one knew that there was a fifth air bender. No one also knew that you were related to Lin and Tenzin. That was fine with you because it means you could fly under the radar and do undercover missions. It also helps that you declined getting your master air bender tattoos, even though your dad was pissed about it. Meeting Asami was a complete accident. You had just worked your way to the third in command position under the lieutenant and were now more involved with Amon's plans. You had gone to a facility for the day to over see some training. This was also the same day team avatar decided to sneak in and see if they could learning anything more about Amon's plans. One thing about being one of the top leaders in Amon's group is that you always travel with a group of high trained equalists and that was not something the group was prepared for. You made sure you didn't fight because you didn't want to hurt the group of teens your dad had talked so highly about. It was hard not to jump in and aide the group when Asami got knocked out and they were forced to retreat without her.
You had taken her back to a secondary main base, not wanting Amon to get mad at you for taking her to the main base. Now it was just a waiting game for you, waiting for team avatar to come and rescue her. But until then you got to know her a little. She didn't trust you at all what so ever, until you showed her your air bending, small air bending tattoos that were easy to cover, and told her who your parents are. She was a little skeptical at first but started to believe you, it probably helped that you were cute too. By the second week, you were getting kind of worried. "Where are your friends? I didn't think you would be here this long." Asami sighs and shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know, I thought they would be here by now too." You bit your lip in thought before crouching down. You put your hand on Asami's cheek and she leaned into it. "I'll have you out by tonight." You say with a look of determination on your face. "But your cover could get blow, who knows what Amon would do if he found out you could bend." "Well I better not get caught then."
You arrived at one in the morning to get Asami, you also had a shift then so it wouldn't seem suspicious. You had brought sleeping powder and used your air bending to spray it on all the guards. You grabbed the keys from one of the guards and unlocked the door. You gave a sigh of relief when you saw Asami still there, she was supposed to be getting transferred tonight to the main base. She looks up when you walk in and smiles. You return the smile before rushing to get the ropes off of her. "I got new Intel that they were moving you to the main base tonight, some time soon. So we need to get you out of here fast. If anyone asks, I did not help you and you never met me during your time here." You say and once you finish untying her, Asami turns around and hugs you. You allow your self to relax a little in her hold before your phone starts beeping. You tense and pull away from the hug, then push her a little towards the door. "You need to go now! The trucks are less than five minutes out." Asami nods and you start leading her towards the back door. "If you follow the alley down and take the third right, it will lead you straight to the docks and I left a boat there for you to use to get to Avatar Island."
Asami nods and hugs you again, "Are you sure you can't come with me?" You sake your head with a small smile, "I wish I could but the end is near and we will meet again soon." She gives you a kiss on the cheek before sprinting out the door. You take a second to watch her run away into the night before finding a place to lay and knock yourself out with the last of the sleeping powder.
*Time Skip*
It was over. You couldn't believe, after two years of hard work, Amon is finally gone. You had heard from some officers that Lin, team Avatar, and the air bending family were on Avatar island (I just realized that its Air Temple island but I've wrote Avatar Island too many times to go back and fix it. So just know when I say Avatar Island, I mean Air Temple Island.) You were ecstatic to be able to see your mom, dad, and half siblings for the first time in two years. You had heard that your mom and Avatar Korra lost their bending and you wanted to be there for your mom. You were so excited you didn't even think about changing clothes, which might have been a bad idea. After using air to make you run fast over the water, you landed on Avatar island to see Lin, team avatar and the rest of your family in a group talking. "Guys!" you yell in excitement. When they turn to you most of them (Korra, Asami, Mako, Bolin, Tenzin, Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo) get into a fighting stance. You look behind you confused before realizing you hadn't taken off your mask yet.
"Ohhhh, sorry forgot about that." You say as you reach up to take off your mask. As you do Mako sends a line of fire at you. "Whoa! Chill out man!" You say as you air bend and disperse the fire before it hits you and yank your mask off. Tenzin, Lin, Asami, and your siblings all get big smiles on their face. Before Tenzin, Lin, or your siblings can move, Asami runs at you and jumps into you for a hug. You laugh as you put your hands under her thighs to hold her up as she wraps around you like a koala. "Well it's good to see you too Asami." Asami leans back and rolls her eyes before pulling you into a kiss. Your eyes widen for a second in shock before you close your eyes and return the kiss. When you both pull back you have a big goofy smile, "If it was gonna be like that, I should have just left with you."
*Flashback End*
"Alright which story do you want next?"
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konako · 3 years
#by far the greatest missed opportunity in OUAT was#emma swan#NOT being romantically paired with regina#so they raise henry with two moms#who are married and blah#and this is coming from someone who doesn't even ship swan queen That's just the biggest truth bomb ever though. I was a bit scared how fast that ship took of in S1 and I felt a bit iffy about it. This thing of "Snow's daughter bangs the Evil Queen for the greater good". There is a vibe in the idea I don't like. BUT the show went on. And gave us scenes with Emma and Regina. And the whole sharing-a-son-part came in. Regina's change was very slow and gradual. Emma was the outsider who didn't know all the really, horrible, murderous Evil Queen part and saw Regina in the now. And while Emma totally became Snow's kid and the mother-daughter bond between two seemingly same-age women made sense, the certain iffyness of the implications that Snow's womb brought forth Regina's true love vanished. Because they accidentally built the greatest potential relationship ever. But... heteronormativity AND Disney AND ~f a m i l y s h o w~ ugh............ like this and Rizzoli & Isles (and begrudgingly gonna add Sherlock to that list, because a list with three things is the golden standard) are THE shining examples where the best romantic storyline to tie up lies in the very obvious homo ship in the center of it. But no, friendships are suddenly important... no, if you really followed the story that sneaks up and is so good you HAVE to tell it, than you'd have to go there.
I will never stop screaming about Red Beauty as the best possible Beauty & the Beast the show could have told. But if I take a step back and set my preferences aside. No, Swan Queen would have been the true heart of the show and it is the far bigger misstep. It's a ship I like, but I'm not overly invested in. But my god, it's there, it's all fucking there. (Even SuperCorp is a harder sell, because the writers kept saying that Lena and Kara are super close friends and then forgot to write friendship scenes, but that show is terrible with a lot of different types of relationships.)
All of that! Yes!! Ugh, the world........
I’m confidently NOT a shipper of this ship, but even someone as obsessed with Red Queen as I am can see that Emma and Regina make the most poetic, interesting pair to subvert the genre. It’s right there! They wrote it!! Just PUT THE DAMN PIECES TOGETHER YOU MORONS. It sucks that all those things had to come between such a great potential and the realization of a truly good story.
They went out of their way to find some guy for Regina (ANY GUY, QUICK, FIND A FAIRYTALE GUY FOR REGINA, SHE CAN’T BE SINGLE FOR LONG OR FANS WILL START TO THING SHE’S A............. RUBY) to shup people up. Did people shut up? Of course not. People will ship, you can’t stop them. See, the second most popular wlw ship for Regina is with Ruby, a woman with whom she exchanged under five lines of dialogue. No amount of heteronormativity and forced canon “rules” will change what fans see and want. 
Now, RED BEAUTY. My god. MY GOD. Look, Swan Queen would have been the main pair, sure. The Jake & Amy, the Leslie & Ben, the Chidi & Eleanor (the nice central pairing, hopefully inspired by Michael Shur couples, a believable romance whose relationship drama isn’t the focus of the entire show). They would have been it and it would have been nice and inspired, the show would have felt fresh.
BUT RED BEAUTY would have stolen the show!!!!!! A twist in the revelation of Red being the Big Bad Wolf, THEN ANOTHER TWIST, with her also being the Beast to Belle’s Beauty??? No one would have stood a chance. It would be done. OUAT would have reached peak status of (wlw) writing. World hunger (and... thirst)  would have been solved. LGBT+ hearts would have been healed forever. 
But of course they had to...... *fart sound* 
I’m tired. Thank god for fanfic.
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milazka · 4 years
August twelve — Rudy Pankow
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image found on pinterest
summary: the one where it’s your boyfriend’s birthday and you planned an amazing day for him.
request: yes
content: fluff
author’s note: i didn’t add a smut part because i feel like i’m only writing smutty imagines and i needed to write a fluffy one with this hottie! my requests are open and you can find my masterlist at the end of this post if you feel like reading more of my stuff!
warnings: most of my stories may contain mature themes such as swearing, underage drinking, substance abuse, sexual language and scenes, fights and more. also, i do not intend to be offensive towards anyone who reads this blog, if anything written can be perceived as hurtful to any community or person, i apologize, it was never my purpose while writing it.
word count: 1700.
She was standing in the frame of the door, her pretty eyes observing the young man lying on the bed, his body half covered by the grey blanket. His chest was rising at a peaceful rate with no sign of trouble apparent on his angel face. A little smile slipped over her rosy lips as she thought about how lucky she was that this man was still a part of her life, twenty years later. Both born in Ketchikan, Alaska, just a few months apart, Rudy and her had grown up as a duo. hey did everything together. Rarely did you ever saw one without the other; she was the Bonnie to his Clyde and nothing in the world could have changed that. Over the years, they both had a few meaningless relationships, and they never lasted long. The girls were envious of his closeness with Y/n while the boys were quick to understand that she would never look at them the way she looked at Rudy; he was her person, but she hadn't figured it out yet. It was on a cold December afternoon, a few days before the New Year’s eve, that they exchanged their first kiss, their lips frozen by the Alaskan winter, both seated by the burning fire in the chimney. Five years later and in a much warmer town, she was looking at her sleepy boyfriend with the same sparks in her eyes.
“You're staring at my butt, aren't ya?” 
Rudy's sleepy voice took her out of her thoughts as she laughed. His eyes were half opened and he had pillow marks all over his right cheek. His disheveled blond hair was falling out in front of his pretty ocean colored eyes. She carefully made her way to the bed, trying not to knock over the breakfast tray she was holding with both hands. 
“I made you waffles” 
“The blueberry ones?” he asked with his childish voice and she nodded. “For what occasion?”
“It’s your birthday, remember?” she chuckled as she watched his facial expression change from confused to excited. He has always loved his birthday, especially since the day she became his girlfriend and always planned a day full of surprises for him. Rudy grasped her blue sweater sleeve and lured her towards him to kiss her lips tenderly.
“Mmm you taste like maple syrup.” 
“I may or may not have already eaten a waffle while cooking them,” she smiled, tilting her head to the side to give him her guilty puppy eyes, making him fall more in love with her. “I planned the whole day so you better start eating your waffles now because we’re leaving in an hour.”
“Did I ever tell you you're the best girlfriend?” he mumbled with his mouth full of waffles dipped in maple syrup.
“Many times, but I'll never get tired of hearing you say it, lover boy.”
“Good, because with such a good waffles recipe, you're stuck with me for a while, pretty girl!”
─── °• ❀ ───
Chase picked them up around eight pm in front of their apartment with his black truck, the rest of the cast were already at the the Pate’s house, decorating and preparing the cake. She had blindfolded his boyfriend and he kept asking where they were going every single minute of the trip like a child. He had done the same thing a few months ago when she took him skydiving for the first time, it was almost routine for her to hear him complain in the back of the car. 
“Stop asking, you big baby!” she said to him, turning her upper body toward the back of the car where he was seated. “It’s a surprise, I’m not gonna ruin it because you can't wait for a few minutes.”
He gave her his pouting face and crossed his arms on his chest, knowing she would not say a word to him about it even if he tried harder. A few minutes later, Chase parked his truck next to Drew's car. She walked to the left side of the car to opened Rudy's door, quickly kissing him on the lips and automatically causing a big smile to cover his pouty face. She guided him to the backyard with Chase’s help. He opened the back yard gate, letting them pass in front of him before closing it back so Lilah's dog would not run away like he did multiple times when they filmed the first season of the show. All the cast members were silently gathered in front of a multicoloured cloud of balloons and were holding a sign that said 'Happy birthday, Rudy!' 
“Okay, you can take your bandana off!” she said to his ear and he could feel the excitement in her voice. 
Slowly, he pulled his blindfold down and a wide smile slipped on his lips at the sight of all his friends singing happy birthday to him. He squeezed his girlfriend's hand while his friends were still singing and she couldn't help but let a few tears of joy run down her cheeks when she saw him so touched by the surprise she had planned for him. 
“Thank you for all of this, baby. I love you more and more everyday my sweet girl,” he whispered to her ear before leaning down to kiss her soft lips that tastes like caramel due to the caramel macchiato she drank in the car.
“I’m happy you’re happy, lover boy,” she said to him as he pressed his cheek against her palm, a smile at the corner of his lips. “Now, go hug your friends!” 
─── °• ❀ ───
After her and Rudy hugged and thanked everyone, they all swapped their clothes for bathing suits that would come in handy during their little boat trip of the afternoon. Jonas had let them borrow his boat, taking advantage of the fact that his children were with them to spend a day with his wife at the spa. Drew was at the helm of the boat while the others were all sitting on the benches, toasting to Rudy's birthday just before Chase announced that they were far enough away from the shore to put the tube in the water. JD, Rudy and Y/n were the first ones to shotgun a spot on the pneumatic tyre.
“Babe? Can you help with the zipper?” Rudy asked his girlfriend, frowning completely clueless.
“He’s twenty-two and still needs his girlfriend to zip his life jacket,” Jonathan mocked him, resulting in him being pushed in the water by a proudly smirking Rudy who quickly followed him the water, grabbing Y/n by the waist to take her with him. She surfaced quickly thanks to her life jacket, clearing her face of wet hair and sending a wince at her boyfriend. They all swam to the tube, splashing each other on purpose along the way. Rudy climbed aboard first and reached out his hand to Y/n to help her climb up. She sat between him and Jonathan, clutching a black rubber handle with one hand while the other was firmly intertwined with her boyfriend's hand. 
“Are you ready?” yelled drew, turning his upper body toward the back of the boat, his right hand resting on the wheel. 
“Aye aye, Captain!” Rudy screamed back and the boat begun to pick up speed. 
The water was splashing back in their faces and they could barely keep their eyes open, but they couldn't help smiling stupidly. The three of them let out cries of surprise and laughter every time they jumped a wave and almost got ejected from the tube. They could see Madison and Chase laughing at them while Madelyn filmed them for her next tomfoolery instagram post. Drew took a sharp right turn, dropping Y/n and JD on Rudy. She firmly grabbed her boyfriend's bicep after she lost her grip on the handle and pushed JD back up with her shoulder so he could settle back into his seat. Just when they thought Drew was done messing with them, he suddenly accelerated, ejecting them out of the tube like three little rockets. 
“You fucker!” Rudy shouted to his friend, laughing before turning towards his girlfriend. “You okay baby?”
“All good and still in one piece!” she replied, swimming back to the boat where Deion gave her a hand to climb up. A few seconds later, she felt a towel being placed on her shoulders and two arms wrapped around her waist. She smiled, turning her head to meet the face of her boyfriend who had pressed his chin to her shoulder. He placed a few kisses on her neck, making her squirm under his grip from the tickling of his lips against her wet skin. 
“Look at them! You guys are so cute,” whined Lilah, taking a picture of them. Y/n blushed while Rudy smiled proudly. “Can you send me the picture? I'm gonna post it on instagram.” rudy said as he grabbed his phone and sat on one of the benches while Chase and Madelyn were putting on their life jackets. She sat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder and playing with the hem of his boarding shorts, a gift she gave him for his birthday last year, right before he started shooting for Outer Banks. He quickly wrote a caption and posted the photo of them on his instagram, getting hundred of likes and comments only a few seconds after. 
‘My sweet girl. Thanks for the amazing birthday surprise! Love you to the moon and back, my love.’
“I love you too, baby,” she cupped his face with her palms and kissed his salty lips. “Oh, before I forgot,” she brought her face close to his and took her sensual innocent voice. “Since it’s your birthday, I’m gonna let you do whatever you wanna do to me tonight.”
His eyes opened widely and he cleared his throat. “Fuck, you’re gonna be the death of me, pretty girl,” he kissed her, nibbling at her bottom lip. “I’m gonna please you so much tonight that you’re gonna beg me to stop.” 
She smirked at him and grazed his crotch with her fingertips. “I look forward to it.”
─── °• ❀ ───
mila’s masterlist
taglist (send me an ask if you want to be added)
@milaonthemoon @spilledtee @pogue-writings @thebutterflyonhischest @ilovejjmaybank @bananasfromtarget @drewstarkeyobx @void-maybank @prejudic3 @pit-zuh @starlightstarkey @lefthandwritings @theonetheonlyalexbrown
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spnfanficpond · 3 years
Do you guys think that it's wrong to say - 'please request to be added to the taglist only if you're gonna reblog'? It's such a tedious thing to do and even some writers just leave likes without reblogging and ugh I'm thinking of just dropping the taglists all together
Sorry for the rant 😓
Michelle here - Short answer? Yes. I know a lot of readers who are turned off by things like this, and will stop reading anything by a writer for having any hint of this kind of attitude.
Long answer: Still yes. But there are a lot of factors at play that you can consider and make changes to before you get to this point.
Tags are a pain. In the past, yes, tags were a pain. I'm very pleased to announce that the new post editor that Tumblr currently has in beta makes tagging A BREEZE. When I posted my most recent fic and pasted my tag list into the doc, I was ecstatically surprised to find that I didn't have to activate the tags! Every valid tag just WORKED. It was so beautiful, I nearly cried. (Side note: #hashtags can also be copied and pasted as a list separated by commas and they will just work, up to a certain character limit. I haven't counted, but my guess is about 140 characters? I'm able to get four or five "#supernatural fan fic, supernatural fanfic, supernatural fanfiction" type tags in before one gets cut off.
Tags are a pain. An alternative to tagging is creating a library blog with just your writing in it as a side blog. Readers can then follow that blog and turn on notifications. They will then get notified every time you post, no tagging required!
Consumers leave likes without reblogging. This is their right. I know, we write and create and strain and struggle and all we get in return is a little heart. Consider, maybe that consumer is just really shy? Or maybe they curate their blog with only certain topics and your art doesn't fit? Maybe they don't want the world to know that they're secretly into whatever you wrote (be it the fandom or a kink or a political/personal issue)? But you know what, they did like it!! They clicked on that little heart, and that's not nothing. They don't owe us reblogs. Signal boosting is the job of blogs like ours, @fanficocean , and also @dirtysupernaturalimagines and the like.
Positive ways to encourage feedback:
Use reblogs of your post as timezone reblogs as you thank that reader for reading and commenting. A lot of folks will reblog their own works a few times during the day on the day they post. Instead of just reblogging the bare post, take one of those precious reblogs where someone left a squee comment, reblog that, and leave a message telling that reader how much you appreciate their comment. As a reader, I can tell you, I get a little happy, warm feeling every time a writer does this with one of my comments! I try to do the same when I can. I even tag it #thank you and #shameless self-promotion! It's okay to reblog your own stuff! You have to market you!
Make a thank you post with a link to the original post. Got 5 replies with wonderful comments, but they didn't reblog? Make a separate post thanking them for their sweet words, and of course, link the original fic post at the bottom. Tumblr used to make replying to replies easy, but that seems to be a thing of the past, sadly. So, make your own post, tag those folks, and tell them you love them!
Read fics by other writers and reblog their posts. Seriously. Be the change you want to see! When we feel down about not getting reblogs, we sometimes want to take it out on other writers in kind. "They won't reblog me, so I won't reblog them." This is bad. All this does is spread the lack of reblogs around. Want to see more fics reblogged on Tumblr? Go reblog more fics on Tumblr!
I know you're feeling down and negative, right now, Nonnie. But I urge you pick yourself up and think about positive ways you can try to change the culture around here. I can say that I believe tagging is totally worth it. I forgot to tag when I posted my most recent work, and got exactly one reader. My other "usual suspects" didn't see it until after I reblogged it with tags. Our dashes are all so cluttered that keeping up with folks is harder than ever. Tagging is essential (and so annoying when it doesn't work). I hope the new post editor changes help you, and some of these other suggestions give you a positive outlet for the feelings you're having!
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mom-dad-im-black · 4 years
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"I promise I'll love you even with my broken heart"
What's love?
It has been the question on  14 years old Soyeon's mind as she watched her friend running in the backyard of the orphanage, the shorter girl following the female figure up close as both of them make their way to the tree house that the tallest among them declared as hers.
They went up the stairs and made themselves comfortable surrounded by memories they had hung on the wood walls, they even used to play darts with the picture of the principal of the orphanage as they talked about the families that had visited them that day
Soyeon listened careful as her dearest friend was on and on about an special Chinese family that caught her attention, seems like a perfect match with a lovely mom, a kind dad and an impatient younger daughter by the name Yuqi.
And as Soyeon kept hearing her friend, she began to confirm to herself that the girl in front of her was the only home she got and needed, for the gummy smiled girl, her friend was everything and wished for it to stay that way.
They knew both of them were already old to be adopted, being teens, complicated their situation, knowing that when they turn 18, the orphanage won't be able to host them anymore, it was the reason why they got a backup plan.
If that day came, they will live together, both of them will work their asses out to have a decent life and the most important of it, they will be together.
 When her friend finished her description they did their ritual to end the day, toasting with their red cups with some 7up in them and cheered for better days to come and to keep their friendship no matter what.
Don't take her wrong she was happy that her friend was finally able to have the family she had always wished but on the other side Soyeon felt alone, who was going to be her partner in crime now? 
But life is never what a person expected to be and by the second month Soyeon got one of the saddest news she had heard...
her friend got adopted.
After the new spreeded, two more weeks were given to them, as a way of closure but as they said they farewells in their tree house they also made a promise to keep in touch as they raised their traditional 7up red cups and tears fell from their eyes, they hugged each other and silently both of them repeated
"No matter when, no matter how we will find each other" 
Soyeon watched her long friend walking outside the orphanage, being welcome by her now parents and sister as they helped her to hop onto the car all this as her eyes were clouded by her tears and her heart felt empty and numb.
For Soyeon life was never easy after that, even though every Friday she received a letter from her friend, after another three years passed the dream of a family faded away when the principal announced her she will have to leave on her next birthday.
She walked out of the orphanage with nothing more than just a suitcase in her hand and a bag hanging from her shoulder, and once again, she was alone.
The orphanage helped her to find a job as a waitress in a Thai restaurant and a small apartment to live in on her own just a block away from her workplace, it wasn't much but for the first time in her life she had something that it was hers, and with her first salary received she bought a necessary cellphone to keep in touch with her friend although sometimes it was difficult.
At the restaurant Soyeon saw Minnie, the owner's daughter with who she began to develop a good friendship too, the girl was younger than her but they had got along since the day they met.
On the other side her childhood friend had won the lottery, her family loved her a lot and offered her the opportunity to travel and also supported her on her dreams to became a dancer.
The last time they talked her friend talked her about a Taiwanese girl she had met on her dancing studio and for some reason Soyeon felt sad as she heard the happy voice on the other line.
After a long year of work Soyeon finally could met up with her friend, she had invited her to a collage party, inviting Minnie along, so Soyeon dress up for the occasion, a ripped jeans, white shirt and a black leather jacket on top as black leather ankle boots completed her outfit.
They arrived to the direction given and found a house full of drunk people on the front yard and loud music reached her ears. Shyly Soyeon and Minnie got inside, Soyeon looking with her eyes to her friend,  almost not recognizing her partner in crime which hair was red now.
Both of them looked each other back and forth before the red haired girl ran to Soyeon's direction throwing her arms around her neck and her legs around her waist as the koala bear girl expressed how much she had missed her.
-Soyeon omg I'm so glad that you are here, come you have to meet my friends - an excited redhead welcomed Soyeon as she dragged her by the arm to meet the other people in the room
- I'm glad to see you again too Soojin- was Soyeon unheard answered with a Minnie clinged to her waist.
- here, this is Hui, Yuto, Miyeon and guys where is she?- was the half introduction Soojin did before getting distracted.
-anyways, y'all, this is my best friend Soyeon and she...who is she?-  Soojin questioned Soyeon when she saw the silent girl besides her friend.
- she is Minnie, a friend of mine - Soyeon introduce her and they all greeted each other.
After that, they bagan to drink and dance as the music was on point that night, they all even sang  most of the songs played, it was until Soyeon felt drop of cold water on her hands that she saw Soojin holding a red cup filled with a some beverage in, to which the short haired girl laughed.
- I cannot believe you remembered- she said holding the cup on her hands
- how could I forget it - she pointed out raising her cup - for our friendship-
-for our friendship- Soyeon repeated and toasted.
- this is definitely not 7up- Soyeon expressed feeling the burning sensation on her throat.
- we are 19! Of course it wouldn't be 7up alone - Soojin explained her winking an eye to Soyeon
They were outside talking when suddenly a pair of arms surrounded Soojin's shoulder along with a cute nickname said
-jin-ah~ why you left me alone- the stranger girl pouted as she looked at Soojin dearly
- I just left for about 10 minutes, don't be dramatic- Soojin said smiling sweetly to the other girl
- I know I know I know, but I missed you - clearly the poor girl was drunk making her even cuter.
 And Soyeon got surprised when Soojin touched the other girl's cheek and kissed her lips.
-you are drunk baby -  Soojin stated as she looked shyly back at Soyeon.
- she is Shuhua, my girlfriend- the red hair explained.
- I have been wanting to tell you but she got lost and then I kinda forgot- she excused herself, looking with a little shame to Soyeon.
- I was also afraid of your reaction- finally Soojin admitted not hearing a reply from her friend.
Soyeon sensing the insecurity in Soojin's voice just smiled at her
-it's totally fine, don't worry, is she the pretty girl of your dancing class?- Soyeon inquired receiving a nod from Soojin who was now holding a sleepy Shuhua on her shoulder.
- I should  probably take her home- Soojin spoke after some silent minutes
-yeah you should, she will totally regret it tomorrow - Soyeon laughed at her joke watching a zombie like Shuhua.
And as Soyeon watched her friend getting into a cab she called her name
- Soojin! It was great to see you again and it's totally fine, really, I like girls too - was all Soyeon confessed just to received a warm hug from a teary Soojin seconds after hearing a lot of "thank yous" from her, who went back to the car promising to call her tomorrow.
And standing outside of a foreign house as a cab faded on the road, Soyeon experienced a broken heart for the first time.
The following moths they hang out almost every weekend, specially after Soyeon got her first car, it was and old red Camaro, it was not fancy at all but it was hers, it became mandatory to went out to ride the streets of Seoul going to hills on the outside of the city and enjoy the view of the busy city below them, a red cup always in their hands and right there on the right side door their names were engraved.
Soyeon remember too those moments shared at her room, how Soojin will always be around singing songs and dancing as the gummy smiled girl wrote lyrics, little did Soojin know they were all about her. 
The now blue haired girl might have a girlfriend but that didn't stopped Soyeon to stop her feelings from growing inside her chest although she well known Soojin will never love her like that, it killed her but she preferred having her friendship that nothing at all.
But as we all know things never stay the same and Soyeon found out about it when both of them turned 22, and it showed up as a letter delivered to her house.
Curiosity took over her as she opened the envelope which was on the floor five seconds later, there Soyeon red something she had seen coming but wasn't ready for it.
"Soojin and Shuhua invited you to their wedding" 
It was understandable, the girls have been dating for almost 4 years, it was meant to be and  Soyeon cried remembering all those moments shared on her car, her room, and a third face always on the background, watching them and enjoying the time spent with them.
So now Soyeon was watching her friend on her wedding dress, walking down the aisle while remaining as beautiful as Soyeon had always seen her, hearing her saying the "I do" she dreamed was for her one day,  sharing their first dance together with the song she had wrote for them and as each moment happened before her eyes, it came a moment where it was too much for her to handle.
She walked outside the salon, towards the  garden on the back, hugging herself as the cold air hit her body and tears began to form on her eyes.
Soyeon clean the last tear from her cheek as something cold and wet touched her bare shoulder founding a beautiful smile on her side.
- don't tell me we are doing this- she questioned the girl on her right side laughing by the silliness of the situation
- it wouldn't be us if we didn't- the now black short haired girl replied lifting her red cup up
-for our friendship?- Soyeon said in doubt received a light push from the other cup that touched hers
- for our friendship- Soojin confirmed drinking up the liquor in.
Soyeon took that instant to admired Soojin one last time, she had been the love she had dearest the most, but she will let it go to stay with the best friendship she has ever had.
 And Soyeon drunk to that receiving a tight and warm hug from a married Soojin, who had tears pouring down on her make up.
Soojin went inside leaving Soyeon alone outside, who had stayed to admired the starts, it was her excuse to ease her mind.
Soyeon was too caught up looking up the sky when she felt something warm around her shoulder.
- you shouldn't be outside without a proper coat, you might catch a cold- a cute voice replied her taking a seat next to her.
-you know, first love always sucks but there is a reason why is called like that- she spoke surprising Soyeon by her straightforward words
- it's because the first love is made to be forgotten, if it was truth love, then it will be called the last love-  she continued her explanation ending it with a shy smile.
- I'm...- and Soyeon got interrupted
- you are Soyeon, Soojin's best friend, and I am Yuqi, Soojin's sister- the stranger finally got a name, and as she introduced herself she extended her arm for a handshake.
And as Soyeon  touched the other girl's hand her body freezed as she heard Yuqi next statement.
- and your last love - 
And Soyeon smiled at the confidence of the girl next to her.
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