#but also i dont want da to actually disappear i just wish it would be bought by a team that actually cares about making the site good
makedamnsvre · 11 months
thinking abt how for like a year now at least theres been basically a never ending sale on "core" (premium basically) on deviantart. like therell be some banner like !! sale on core, ends soon !!! but it really doesnt end soon. or well. it does and is Genuinely instantaneously replaced with another sale. number one way to make your website look like its moments away from going bankrupt. deserved tbh. i kinda hope deviantart burns to the ground and that everyone running the site goes down with it . go to hell !!!!!
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fandomsalive · 4 years
Divine Decadence
Divine Decadence | Reddie | Explicit | 5,520 words
Summary: What Eddie is not expecting to see is a photo of Richie standing in full cabaret garb, complete with thigh-high stockings and garters connecting to knee-high boots.
what do you guys think of my new outfit? :P the caption reads.
Richie’s wearing a deep blue corset, with a black, sparkly coat that falls down behind his knees, and a cute little hat that doesn’t quite fit his head. His shorts are also black, and they’re tight enough that they’re pressed right up against Richie’s crotch, the buttons framing the obvious bulge presented there. Eddie can’t drag his eyes away long enough to blink before the snap ends, and then he’s left staring at nothing while he tries to get his brain to restart.
To be honest I wrote this for me. I was in desperate need for a snapchat sexting fic.
Thanks as always to my best friend and beta @imnotinclinedtomaturity. 
Ao3 Link
Eddie’s in the middle of an essay due in his lit class tomorrow when his phone chimes with a new snapchat notification. Even before he opens it, he knows it’s going to be Richie, who spends 90% of his time in the theater taking ridiculous pictures with his castmates and fucking around backstage.
What Eddie is not expecting to see is a photo of Richie standing in full cabaret garb, complete with thigh-high stockings and garters connecting to knee-high boots.
what do you guys think of my new outfit? :P the caption reads.
Richie’s wearing a deep blue corset with a black, sparkly coat that falls down behind his knees, and a cute little hat that doesn’t quite fit his head. His shorts are also black, and they’re tight enough that they’re pressed right up against Richie’s crotch, the buttons framing the obvious bulge presented there. Eddie can’t drag his eyes away long enough to blink before the snap ends, and then he’s left staring at nothing while he tries to get his brain to restart.
What the fuck. What the actual fuck. Richie’s not even doing cabaret this semester. They’re in the middle of a production of It’s a Wonderful Life, and last Eddie checked, there wasn’t any cabaret in that play. So where the fuck did Richie find an outfit like that?
Before Eddie can really think it through, he’s typing a response.
Where the hell did you find that?
Richie doesn’t respond right away, obviously. He’s probably hamming it up for his friends backstage, too busy to check his phone, but all Eddie can think about is the way Richie’s legs looked in those stockings, and how those shorts really really left nothing to the imagination.
It isn’t the first time Eddie has looked at Richie this way, but —finals are in two weeks and Eddie’s course load has been insane, which hasn’t left much time for sleeping, so seeing Richie in fucking cabaret is exactly enough of a shock to break his goddamn brain.
Eddie taps at his screen, meaning to do what, he’s not sure, but he ends up back on the snapchat homepage and hesitates there, staring at Richie’s name at the top where his brand new story sits, tempting Eddie desperately.
Ten seconds was really not enough time to soak in the image of Richie dressed like that.
Eddie clicks on his story.
The image of Richie in cabaret comes back up. Eddie’s eyes linger on the fishnet stockings rather than Richie’s bulge this time, and the way they frame diamonds against Richie’s pale skin. The boots he’s wearing make his long legs look even longer, which Eddie hadn’t thought was possible until now, and the corset.
The snap ends again, and this time Eddie doesn’t think twice before replaying it again.
The hand Richie is using to hold his phone up against the mirror blocks most of his face, and half of his chest, but Eddie can see one dusky nipple peeking out above the blue corset. It’s tight against his body, throwing his chest into sharp relief, and making his skin stand out even more there than it does on his thighs. The black jacket draped around his arms is the only thing Eddie doesn’t much care for, and all he can really think about is stripping it off.
His phone chimes, drawing Eddie out of his thoughts and reminding him that he’d been trying to ask Richie a question.
Richie: wouldn’t you like to know ;)
And then again, almost immediately.
Richie: they left me in charge of putting away costumes again tonight and i might have been digging around in the back of one of the wardrobes and… ta da!
Eddie sighs, and closes his eyes. Leave it to Richie to make putting away costumes into an adventure. Part of him wishes Richie had fallen into the wardrobe and never come out if it meant saving Eddie having to see him all dressed up like that, and the other part couldn’t be more grateful that Richie went digging.
He kind of hates himself a little.
Richie messages him again.
Richie: you never said if you liked it :(
And then: come on eds
Immediately after: dont i look sexy? ;))
The problem is, the answer is yes, but in Eddie’s opinion, the answer would always be yes, so it’s not really a fair question. He doesn’t really know how to answer, either, so he doesn’t.
He and Richie have been dancing around each other for years. It’s not that Eddie is unaware of the fact that Richie finds him attractive, nor is he blind to the way Richie has been flirting with him since they were in high school. In fact, Eddie would say it’s more than a little obvious they’re in love with each other.
They just haven’t done anything about it yet.
Eddie sighs and drags a tired hand down his face. When he pulls it away, he does his best to turn his attention back onto his essay.
But he can’t.
He just keeps thinking about all that chest Richie had been showing off, a part of Richie’s body that Eddie so rarely sees. Richie isn’t really the type to run around shirtless, much to Eddie’s dismay, but that corset… Eddie’s brain is just tired enough that Eddie allows himself to imagine licking the space between Richie’s pecs, skimming right over the black lace lining the top of the corset.
He groans, and slams his face into his hands. He can feel himself growing a little interested, a general stirring in his stomach, a twitch of his dick, and does his best to stifle it.
His phone chimes again, and Eddie groans even louder before picking it up.
Richie: way to make a girl feel loved eds :(
Rolling his eyes, Eddie finally types back a response.
Youre not a girl
This time, Richie’s response is almost immediate.
Richie: so if i was a girl would you tell me im sexy? :D
Eddie doesn’t even have to think about it — bickering with Richie is second nature.
Richie: :(
Eddie expects that to be the end of it, and puts his phone down in another attempt to get back to work on his essay, but it’s only a few moments of staring at his screen before his phone goes off again. Eddie doesn’t even pretend not to be interested, and picks up his phone immediately.
It’s a real snap this time, and Richie’s still in that goddamn outfit.
This time it’s a selfie, and he’s pouting at the camera. The angle is just steep enough that Eddie can see all of Richie’s exposed naked chest, and the top edge of the corset where it flares out a little bit. It’s more than a little obvious that Richie is trying to look sexy, and the most annoying part about it is that it’s working.
Eddie groans, and feels himself actually start to firm up in his pants now. He has to shift his legs a little to get more comfortable in his chair, and tries not to think about the fact that he’s just spread his legs. The soft fabric of his sweatpants is a tease against his dick.
The snap ends. Eddie doesn’t think. He holds down on the message, and the snap replays again.
Immediately it occurs to Eddie that Richie can see that he replayed it, and he feels his cheeks heat up. Shit, fuck, he didn’t mean to do that.
Well, he did, but… not where Richie could see.
Richie: eds!
The snap ends before Eddie can really enjoy the image, and then he’s back to staring at their chat.
Richie: did you just replay my snap?
Richie: you do think im sexy!! :D
Richie: admit it eds
Richie: i look sexy in my cabaret get up ;))
Eddie groans and wants to bury his face in his hands, but it’s difficult to feel too mortified when Richie seems receptive to Eddie’s interest. They flirt sometimes, but not usually so overtly — like replaying sexy snaps of each other — and Eddie’s usually the one to roll his eyes and ignore Richie when he gets too blatant.
It’s moments like these, though, where Eddie does flirt back, that make Eddie feel hot all over with the possibility of finally doing something about their mutual attraction.
Eddie bites his lip, considering.
Maybe for once, Eddie can be the brave one and put himself out there a little more shamelessly. After all, Richie started this whole mess.
I dont know, I think youd look better without the jacket, Eddie finally types back.
Eddie can see Richie’s bitmoji peeking at him. It pops up, like Richie is typing, and then goes back to peeking at him, meaning Richie stopped without saying anything. Eddie can feel his heart beating a little faster than normal as he watches this happen again and again, before it stops entirely. Richie’s bitmoji disappears.
Eddie blinks. And stares. And worries, just a little bit.
And then another snap comes in, and Eddie about breaks his finger in his haste to play it.
Richie’s facing the mirror again, his phone covering his face to take the picture. He’s leaning on the counter with both elbows this time, the fingers of one hand brushing along the line of his collarbone. The way he’s stretching his neck causes the bone to stick out sharply, and Eddie feels his mouth water at the sight.
Richie has good collarbones, and all Eddie wants to do is bite them.
The broad line of his shoulders is revealed now too. Richie has taken Eddie’s advice and ditched the jacket. It makes the deep blue of his corset more prominent, and it highlights Richie’s skin, drawing attention to the pale expanse of Richie’s chest and shoulders.
The caption reads how about now?
Eddie licks his lips as the timer runs out and the snap ends.
He starts typing.
Try again. I didnt get a good enough look
Richie’s bitmoji pops up. Slips back down. Pops up again.
Richie: again?
Eddie can just about picture Richie’s face, perhaps scrunched up in confusion, or his eyebrows arched in surprise. Eddie doesn’t know exactly how Richie must be feeling, but Eddie knows how he’s feeling, and thats pretty fucking shocked at his own boldness.
Eddie swallows nervously, but ultimately barrels forward. In for a penny...
Again. But dont cover yourself up this time, Eddie demands, unsure where this is coming from, but leaning into it anyway.
They’ve never flirted like this. They’ve never gotten this far. And Eddie doesn’t know what that means for them, but he’s excited to find out.
Richie doesn’t respond right away. Eddie sees his bitmoji peek at him, indicating that he’s read the message, and then it disappears. Eddie hopes that means another picture is coming, and not that Richie has run away screaming.
Their chat lights up again a few moments later, and Eddie opens Richie’s snap eagerly.
This time, Richie has stepped back away from the mirror, and he’s holding the phone down low and to the right of him, so that his whole body is in frame, including his face. It’s objectively not the best photo, but it’s what’s in it that counts.
The first thing that Eddie notices is that Richie is biting his bottom lip. His lashes are lowered, and his cheeks are pink, and Eddie can just make out the blue of his eyes staring up at the camera. He looks nervous, almost shy, and it’s the hottest expression Eddie has ever seen.
The second thing Eddie notices are Richie’s fucking thighs. Richie is leaning against the wall next to the mirror, left arm bent so that his elbow is propping him up against the wall, and his fingers are carding through his hair. He’s tilted his hips just so, legs spread apart, with one in front of the other, baring Richie’s inner thigh to the camera.
His thigh isn’t bare, but it feels incredibly intimate regardless. It’s sexy is what it is, so much so that Eddie feels his dick really stiffen up in his pants.
The thick strap of Richie’s garter is distracting enough that Eddie doesn’t even make it half way down Richie’s thigh before the snap ends.
Eddie doesn’t hesitate. He plays it again, and screenshots the image for good measure.
It’s a daring move, one that Eddie wouldn’t usually give in to, but he can’t help it. They’ve already gone way past the boundaries of their usual relationship, what with Eddie demanding that Richie take another sexy photo for him. What’s one more nail in the coffin?
You look good he types the moment the snap ends for a second time. He licks his lips, staring eagerly at their open chat. He can see Richie’s bitmoji. It sits still this time, like he’s staring at their chat but doesn’t know what to say. A flicker of nervousness tickles at Eddie’s insides, but despite his usual anxiety, he convinces himself to wait, to calm down, to let Richie speak for himself instead of jumping to conclusions.
Finally, Richie types a response.
Richie: yeah?
The lack of emojis, the lack of teasing and flirting, is telling. Richie is so rarely vulnerable with Eddie, but Eddie knows how to recognize it when he is. It makes Eddie burn, to be trusted with this side of Richie, whose always hiding behind crude jokes and self-deprecating humor. Confidence flares up in Eddie — this is something Richie is into.
Yeah Eddie replies, and stops for a moment.
Richie’s bitmoji stares at him.
Eddie adds, But I want to see more.
He can feel his heart thrumming hard in his chest, can feel something tightening inside of him with want and desire. His dick throbs in his pants, thick with anticipation. He’s almost fully hard now, and he reaches down to rub the heel of his palm against the head of his dick.
He lets out a soft sigh at the feeling while he waits for Richie’s reply.
Richie’s bitmoji stares at him, and then pops up, and then stares at him again. Eddie blinks. Richie’s bitmoji pops up again, like he’s typing but can’t settle on what to say, and then stares at him again. Eddie doesn’t know what to think of Richie’s hesitation — whether it means that Eddie’s crossed a line, or if Richie just wasn’t expecting the forwardness — but finally Richie says: then tell me what you want
Eddie’s heart skips a beat, knowing that Richie is fully on board now, and he presses down harder on his dick, squirming at the sensation it sends through him. He exhales a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding, and thinks.
What does he want? He knows that he wants to see more, knows that he wants to get off to Richie posing for him in his cabaret outfit. He knows that he wants Richie to get off with him, that he’s desperate to make Richie as hard as he is right now.
So he types: I want you to touch yourself through your shorts
Continues: and let me see you do it.
Richie’s bitmoji only stares at him for a moment this time, and then it’s gone.
Heat flares through Eddie’s body as he waits, squirming in his chair. His essay lies forgotten, cursor blinking on his laptop, and he considers, briefly, moving to his bed, but ultimately decides against it. Here, he can spread his legs wide and lean back against his chair without having to sacrifice the ease of texting Richie.
Eddie aches to push his sweatpants down, but he waits.
His phone lights up, the snapchat noise pinging his phone, and yet another picture message waits for him. Licking his lips, Eddie does not hesitate to open it.
Richie’s done exactly what he said. It’s another mirror selfie, with his phone aimed low and zoomed in, crotch framed in the middle of the camera. He’s got one big palm cupping his dick through his shorts, and Eddie can just about see the way Richie has thrust his hips forward into the touch. He can’t see Richie’s face, but he can almost imagine that Richie is flushed red in the face.
He wonders if the flush goes all the way down, if Richie’s chest gets hot and red like the rest of him. Eddie lets out a soft sound of desire, and fumbles with his phone. Before the message can disappear, he clicks on the camera icon and takes a quick, perfunctory photo of his own dick, hard in his sweatpants. He cups under the head, and sends the snap before he can think better of it.
His ears turn red.
Fuck, they’re having phone sex. Like actual, proper phone sex. This is definitely not the first thing Eddie had been imagining they’d do when they finally got their shit together, but he can’t say he’s complaining.
Richie is doing exactly what Eddie is saying without question, as well. Eddie’s never seen Richie so compliant, and it only serves to make him harder. He rubs his thumb around the head of his cock, and feels himself start to grow wet.
Eddie’s got their messages open again when Richie responds.
Richie: fuck eds
Richie: your gonna kill me
Feeling bold, Eddie types back: I want you
His heart lodges in his throat. Richie begins to type, and there’s no hesitation this time.
Richie: fuck
Richie: m e too
Richie: god i want you so much eds
Richie: please
Richie: tell me what to do
The desperation is clear, and it makes Eddie gasp, makes his dick twitch in his pants enough that he finally scrambles at the waistband, shoving them down to mid-thigh. He leaves his boxers where they are, and rubs the head of his dick through the thin fabric, teasing at himself more fully now. He can feel all the blood rushing through his body to his dick, can feel the need pumping through him until all he can think about is Richie Richie Richie.
Why did they wait so long to do this?
Richie isn’t even here and Eddie already feels like he’s on fire. How much better would it be to have Richie on top of him?
I want to see you Eddie types thoughtlessly, wishing more than anything that Richie were here right now.
Richie responds: i can do that
Richie’s bitmoji disappears. He’s taking a photo, Eddie’s pretty sure, even though that isn’t really what he meant, but he’s not going to complain.
The theater is on the other side of the campus from the dorms, a good twenty minute walk on a good day, and it’s not as if Richie could just walk across campus in fucking cabaret. But Eddie isn’t ready for Richie to change out of that outfit yet, and he’s considering asking Richie to bring it home, if only so he can feel the way Richie’s thighs feel in those stockings.
His phone pings.
He opens the message.
There’s a chair in front of the makeup counter now, and Richie’s propped up in it sideways, the seat far enough away from the counter that Eddie can see Richie’s entire body in the chair. Richie’s got one arm raised to take the photo, and the other wrapped around the back of the chair, holding him securely in place.
One stocking-clad leg hangs low like normal, but the other — the other is raised high, Richie’s heel resting on the seat next to his other thigh. The pose thrusts Richie’s corsetted chest outward, and once again draws Eddie’s gaze to his inner thigh. The thick line of his garter is hidden this time, but the top edge of the stocking is not, and Eddie can just imagine himself pulling them down Richie’s legs with his teeth.
He groans at the thought, and finds himself squeezing around the base of his cock, stroking himself once, firmly, over his boxers, and biting down hard on his bottom lip. He squeezes his eyes shut for just a moment, and then snaps them back open again.
Before the image can disappear, Eddie screenshots it desperately. The image is burned into the back of his mind, but he never wants to forget it.
Richie’s flush really does go all the way down.
It’s only after the screenshot is saved that Eddie realizes Richie didn’t put a timer on this one, and his eyes blow wide at the thought. It's involuntary when his hips kick up against his palm, and he muffles a moan behind his teeth, gazing hungrily at the photo in front of him.
He wants Richie. He wants him so fucking bad.
Eddie types: get up on the makeup counter and spread your legs for me
Richie’s response is immediate: yeah ok
Eddie fumbles to yank his boxers down to mid-thigh as well, releasing his cock. The sensation is a relief, even more so when he finally wraps his fingers around it properly, dragging up against it once before squeezing the head and letting go. His fingers fly back to his phone.
show me, he demands.
Richie does. The image comes through quickly, like Richie had complied the second Eddie had asked him to. There’s no timer, and Eddie has a clear view of Richie’s body all the way down his chest. His legs are spread wide like Eddie had asked, and the bulge that had already been obvious earlier only seems to have grown. Richie is definitely hard now, probably aching in those tight shorts, but he hasn’t gotten undressed.
Eddie hasn’t told him to.
Holy shit, he thinks, and shivers.
Touch your thighs he says, and then I want to see.
It takes longer for Richie to comply this time, but it becomes obvious why the moment Eddie sees the purple tap to view icon. He exhales loudly before playing the video.
Richie seems to be resting his weight against the mirror behind him, because the way he’s positioned his camera, Eddie can see all the way down his chest again. He can see his stomach heaving under his corset, can hear his heavy breathing. Eddie watches as Richie strokes the fingers of one hand down one inner thigh, and then back up. He teases pale fingers at the top edge of his stockings, and then trails them further up, up, up, to the thick strap of the garter. Eddie watches as he grips tight to it, and pulls it upward. It snaps back against his skin with a satisfying smack.
Richie lets out a soft sigh, and the video ends.
The sound goes straight to Eddie’s dick, and he drags the heel of his palm down the shaft of it, pressing down hard on the head. His teeth are digging into his bottom lip, preventing any sound from escaping him, and he releases it only on another long exhale. He can’t help the way he winds his fingers around himself, beginning to really pull himself off, screwing his eyes up tight with desire. He snaps them back open after a second, and aims his camera down at his dick, holding down the record button.
All Eddie can think about doing is encouraging Richie to keep going. He fists his hand over himself once, twice, three times, and then tightens his fist over the head with a soft groan.
“So good for me, Richie,” he whispers hotly, and then stops recording and hits send. He doesn’t have to wait long for Richie’s reply, which feels almost instantaneous, like he watched Eddie’s video and then immediately began filming his own.
Richie lets out a low whimper the moment the video starts, and digs his fingers hard into his thigh. He isn’t showing his face, though Eddie suddenly wishes that he were, but he does drag his nails up his thigh, leaving scorching red marks on the bare skin, until he reaches the bottom edge of his shorts. Then he wiggles his fingers underneath the hem, and pulls up teasingly, exposing more and more of that wonderful pale skin that Eddie wants to sink his teeth into.
He doesn’t touch his dick the way that Eddie is touching his own. It’s as if Richie is showing off for him, ignoring his own pleasure for Eddie’s. Eddie’s eyes flutter shut at the thought, and he decides he’s done playing.
He doesn’t have the patience for this when he’s already so worked up. He can feel his dick throbbing desperately in his hand, and he wants nothing more than to come.
Just before the video ends, Richie’s ragged voice whines, “Eds.”
Eddie lets out a loud groan, and says fuck it.
Rather than sending another video, he types out a quick message one handed, unwilling to let go of his dick.
get off the counter and fuck up against it instead. i wanna see you gasping for it
Eddie doesn’t bother teasing himself anymore, his fist tight around his dick as he jerks off. He’s getting close, and he wants to come watching Richie rubbing himself all over the makeup counter, but he can’t hold off for very much longer.
It feels like it takes forever for Richie to do what he asked, though, because by the time the video comes in, Eddie is already shaking, hips pumping hard into his fist.
He clicks on Richie’s message desperately, and lets out a low moan immediately at the scene presented to him. Richie has done exactly what he asked, his hips grinding hard into the edge of the makeup counter, but it’s so much more than that. He’s gasping wildly with the movement, and he’s got one leg practically on top of the counter, grinding his hips mindlessly into it. The hand not holding the phone is threaded through his hair, and Richie is yanking his own head back as far as it will go. His neck is a long line of pale, unblemished skin, his adam’s apple bobbing desperately as he works himself over.
He looks desperate for it, eyes closed and brow bunched up with pleasure. His mouth is hanging open around the sounds he’s making, and his chest is that same bright red as earlier, maybe redder.
The video is twice as long as all the rest, as Richie works his hips up against the counter. Eddie’s hand moves faster and faster over himself, and he digs his teeth into his bottom lip, biting back the loud groans begging to come out of his throat. His hips pump up harder, and harder, and harder, and then suddenly, as Richie’s moans hit a fever pitch and the video cuts out, Eddie comes hard, come spurting up his chest and soaking into the soft cotton of his sleep shirt.
He gasps with it, jerking into his hand as he works himself through it. Pleasure zings all the way up his spine, causing him to arch into it, and by the time he slumps back against his chair, he feels weak and jelly limbed all over. The movements of his hand come to a slow stop long before Eddie has the presence of mind to do so himself.
Dizzy with it, Eddie taps on his phone to send a response, and snaps a picture of his dick, soaked in his own come and still hard.
He doesn’t have it in him to type a message, just sends the photo and closes his eyes to wait, his chest still heaving.
It doesn’t take long at all for Richie to reply. Eddie’s phone chirps, and then chirps again, and then twice more, before Eddie can work up the energy to look at it.
Richie: holy shit u came
Richie: eds
Richie: fuck plz
Richie: tell me what to do
Oh fuck, oh fuck, Eddie thinks to himself. Richie didn’t come. God, that shouldn’t be such a surprise, considering Richie hasn’t done anything without Eddie’s permission first all night, but it still is. He’d sounded so far gone in that video, like the moment it ended he would have kept going, uncontrollable, until he came.
The fact that he didn’t — holy shit it makes Eddie desperate with it.
Scrambling to wipe his hand off on his already ruined t-shirt, Eddie grips his phone with both hands and starts typing.
You listen to me so well
His phone already feels tacky with the remains of his come, but Eddie’s so focused on getting Richie off that he dismisses the thought. He can wipe his phone down later.
Do you want to come Richie? he asks, already knowing the answer.
yes Richie responds, just one word.
Eddie wants to see his face so fucking bad right now.
I wanna see it, he demands, typing furiously. I wanna watch your face as you come undone
Richie: anything plz eddie plz
Eddie groans, wishing for just a moment that he’d held off longer. Some horrible part of him wants to make Richie wait until he gets home so that Eddie can get off with him all over again, this time in person, but Richie’s been so good for him. He deserves to come too.
Fuck baby, Eddie types, trembling. Get yourself off for me.
He hesitates for a second, and then, but I want you to come in your shorts. Youre not allowed to pull your dick out
Eddie bites his lip, and pushes one last time.
thats my job, he says.
Richie’s bitmoji immediately disappears from the chat, and Eddie knows without a doubt that he’s getting himself off right now. He’s antsy as he waits, and it’s only because it takes so long that he manages to grab a wet wipe from his desk drawer to wipe down his phone, and then his dick.
It’s as he tucking himself back into his sweatpants and pulling off his ruined shirt that his phone goes off again.
He scrambles to play the video.
Richie’s back in the chair, legs spread wide and the heel of his hand digging hard against his dick. He's groaning as his hips kick into his palm, and his eyes keep fluttering shut, but he’s staring straight into the mirror, straight into the camera, straight into Eddie’s eyes.
The video gives Eddie a perfect view of Richie’s outfit again, and the way the fishnets dig into his skin. Eddie’s eyes drag down from the blue corset, tracing the lines of lace down his body to the waist-high shorts, the buttons hidden by Richie’s palm and the way he grinds into himself. He takes in the garters, no longer connected to the fishnets, like Richie had tugged on them until they’d pulled free. The fishnet stockings are shoved down his thighs as well, and the boots. Fuck, Eddie hadn’t known Richie could look so good in heels.
The video is shaky, and Eddie watches Richie work himself over. His hips thrust helplessly against the heel of his palm, and his cheat heaves with exertion. He’s not bothering to quiet himself, instead panting around soft grunts and moans that grow louder and louder with each passing second. Eddie watches as Richie’s eyes start to roll back, as they close, as his head tilts back and his mouth drops open with pleasure. His hips start to work harder, more desperate, lacking any coordination or rhythm.
His throat bobs, and Eddie soaks in the way Richie’s moans turn high-pitched and breathy, and then Richie is coming, his hips jerking erratically into the heel of Richie’s palm, before finally slowing to a stop. Richie slumps into himself, and his arm drops just as the video ends.
Fuck, fuck. Eddie doesn’t think he’s ever seen something so fucking hot. He can feel his dick stirring with interest again as he stares at their chat, his own demanding words staring back at him. He knows the whole conversation will be gone the moment Eddie leaves the screen, but he doesn’t want it to be gone just yet. He has two screenshots saved to his phone to remind him of how hot Richie looks in this cabaret outfit, but he doesn’t dare screenshot the words they’d said to each other. Instead, he scrolls slowly over their conversation and aches to do it again.
The cat’s out of the bag now. Eddie doesn’t want to forget this ever happened, and he’s pretty certain Richie doesn’t want to forget either.
He scrolls to the bottom of their chat and says you okay over there?
Richie: yueah just came mty brains out
Eddie laughs, feeling warm because he did that. He made Riche come.
Biting his bottom lip, Eddie tries, wanna come over and do it again?
Richie’s response is immediate.
Richie: fufck yeah
Eddie grins. Bring the shorts, he suggests, and then, for good measure, the garters too.
Richie: duck that, im bringinging the whole fuckiing outfit
Eddie throws his head back and laughs, clutching his phone tight to his chest, and thinking yeah, we’re finally doing this. It’s about damn time.
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pinkykitten · 5 years
never give UP
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove x female! reader
Warning: car accident, hospital, drinking and driving (do not do pls), speeding (also do not do), mentions of abuse, mentions of suicide, alcohol
Specifics: angst, romance, race neutral reader, one-shot
People: billy hargrove, max mayfield, neil hargrove, your dad, your mom, your doctor 
Words: 1,747
Request: By @intheendyouwillalwayskneel Hi, could I please get a Billy x romantic reader where Billy is speeding and they get into a wreck and she is permanently injured. Maybe she lurches forward and hits her head on the the breaking windshield. Then develops a brain hemorrhage and falls into a coma. Billy is horrified and heartbroken because it's all his fault.
Authors Note: wow this one i think i went a little overboard with the drama and story srry im a bit of a drama queen so ta-ta. this has a lot of things in it so if u cant read it or dont want to read it no shame and no hate, u do u. i do hope for those to read it to like it cuz i wanted to think outside the box. srry this took me quite a while to make another story ive just been rlly busy lately atm. 
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Crazy little thing called love played loudly on the speakers in Billy’s car. The windows were opened as the wind howled against your ears. The car’s engine roared as it sped down the darkly lit street. It was late at night and some folks would say that it was too dangerous for a drive but you and Billy were daredevils. You were opened to a rebellious chapter in your life after you met Billy. He was willing to take risks, he was the bad boy you would read every night in your romance books. 
Your hand danced in the air outside of the window, creating a wave against the waving trees. You sang to the music as Billy laughed. He laughed like a mad man, feeling the adrenaline rush through his body. You and him howled like a bunch of crazy teenagers you were. You were young and you wanted to live your life. 
“So how is this y/n? Is this wild enough for ya?” Billy shouted over the blaring music. 
You took a swig of some alcohol located under the seat. It burned your throat as the liquid made its way down. You gave a look of disgust. Billy chuckled and took a drink himself, “too strong for you?”
You shook your head as you felt light. Alcohol still new to you so that small sip made you feel tipsy. You scooted closer to Billy and wrapped your hands around his face, bringing him closer to you. You kissed his lips and his cheek. Your lips made their way to his earlobe, biting lightly on the skin and then whispering into his ear, “Crazy turns me on.”
Billy raised his brow as he smirked, “is that so!” As quick as light his foot stepped on the gas pedal making the car seem to fly through the air. The miles were going higher and higher. At first you were having fun, enjoying the excitement but now it was getting too dangerous. Your smile disappeared and instead a frown was found on your face. You were actually scared.
“Billy okay thats enough. Slow down.”
He would not. Instead he sped more. 
“Billy, I said stop it!” You were shaking. The car was going so fast that any minute it felt as if it would turn over and tumble around. Billy cackled loudly. His old, selfish attitude resurfacing. Out from the turn came a truck. Billy was speeding to such a degree that the car was zig-zagging. The car and the truck were about to make contact. Billy was like a deer in headlights. His laughing stopped and now all he did was freeze. He didn’t know what to do. He quickly lifted his hand to go across your body while your hands laid against the steering wheel. The wheel turned and the car spun out of control. It missed the truck but rolled down a grassy hill. The spin was so rough that you lunged forward, hitting your head against the windshield. 
Billy quickly made sure you were alright but was met with a distraught view. Your head laid back against the seat. Your forehead was bloody and blood dripped out of your nose. You laid unconscious. Billy was so scared for you. He shook you, wanting you to wake up, “Y/n! Y/n! Please y/n please wake up. Please, I’m sorry.” Tears started to pour out of his eyes. He wanted you to be safe, to be happy. 
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He felt so guilty. Seeing you in the hospital bed, machines and things poking into you. It was all his fault. He would visit you everyday, no matter what. You weren’t respondent though, you were in a coma. Every day he hoped and prayed that you would wake up from it. It didn’t matter if you didn’t want to see him anymore or hated him he just needed you awake and alive. Your parents were furious. He would dodge seeing them every time. They wanted to kill him and probably stop him from seeing you but he couldn’t let that happen. 
He needed to see you. 
Billy entered into your room, flowers in hand. He set the flowers in a vase and put them beside you on the table. The doctor told him that even though you couldn’t move or be aware of anything you still could hear. Billy would always speak to you. He would tell you about his day, about your gifts, about your family. Even though he was going through a rough time at his home, you mattered more to him. 
“Hey babe, its me Billy. I got you your favorite flowers today,” he softly massaged your hands. Hating seeing them motionless. Billy had cried so much during this time with you. He hated himself more now if that was even possible. He felt he was a failure to everyone, to you, to Max, to his mother. He felt he was just a waste. Tears started to drip from his eyes onto his cheek, “you know Max made a card for you.” He chuckles seeing the odd stickers on it and the drawings. He placed it next to your flowers. “She hopes you feel better and she misses you. I miss you too. Your parents miss you.” Silence. He despised the silence. He just wished you would jump out from that bed and live. “Baby, you gotta wake up. It doesn’t have to be for me, its has to be for your parents and for yourself. I’m so sorry for putting you through this. Its all my fault. I should be the one there not you, me!’
A knock filled in the silence. Quickly, Billy wiped his tears and saw that it was the doctor who came in. “Is everything alright here?”
Billy nodded. “Is everything okay doctor?”
“Well...y/n is going to have some complications if she wakes up from this coma. She developed a brain hemorrhage and we’re looking at maybe some sort of paralysis. We’re suspecting half of her body but it may be more, we’re not 100 percent sure.”
Billy was shocked and he couldn’t stop himself from crying.
“You monster!” Your father came in along with your mother. Your father ran up to Billy and clutched onto his denim jacket, tears also coming down his face. “How could you do this to my daughter?” The doctor was trying to stop the fight but your father was so irate. Your mother was sobbing in the background and Billy wished in that moment he was dead. Your father shook Billy and screamed at him. “You did this to her. Take a good look at her!” Billy turned to the side and saw you. You laid there calm. Tubes connected to you. “I never want to see you again. Not here, not now, not ever. If she wakes up from this she is banned from seeing or even talking about you. You will stop seeing her here and I swear to God if you think about walking in here again I will make sure you go through the same sufferings as my daughter!” Your dad shoved Billy out of the room and Billy ran out of the hospital. Sobbing silently, alone, quietly outside. Wishing the nightmares would just end. 
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Billy had tried to see you in the hospital but your father was always there and the doctors knew he wasn’t allowed there anymore. Billy made a turn for the worst. He just couldn’t live without you. He started to go to alcohol for comfort, missing school and his temper rising even more, taking it out on Max. He was a mess. It was either feeling guilty over what happened with you or getting abused. There was no happiness for Billy. 
Billy had woken up with a hangover. Throwing up in the toilet. He was done with this life. Then the doorbell rang. Billy thought it was another one of Max’s loser friends so he called out to her. There was no answer. “Max! I said get the God da*n door!” There was still no answer. Billy walked over the door, cursing to himself as the room started to spin. As he opened the door he was greeted with your face. You stood there, smiling, a cane in your hand as you leaned on if for support. Billy opened his mouth wide in shock, thinking he was dreaming as he sometimes had dreams or feelings that he saw his mother sometimes. 
“Is that really you y/n?”
You nodded and jumped onto him for a hug. You gently caressed his curls. “Its me Billy. Its really me.”
“Wait,” he backed away from you. “No this isn’t right. You hate me! You’re supposed to hate me! I hurt you. I did this all to you. I’m, I’m a monster!” He started to cry as his lips trembled. 
You shook your head, “no, no Billy. Its okay,” you cradled him in your arms. “I’m fine now. I feel better.” You looked into his eyes. “Look at me, you are not a monster. I don’t hate you Billy, I could never. I forgive you for what happened but there was nothing to forgive in the first place. I love you Billy. With every fiber in my body I love you. I could never be apart from you. I know about all the things you did in the hospital. All the things you said, the gifts, Billy that wasn’t hate that was love. You did all that because you love me. What we both did was wrong that day. We should of never drank and speed, but its in the past know, we learn from our mistakes. I’m not like your parents or anybody else in your life that leaves you. I’m staying put right beside you forever. You can never get rid of me.”
Billy felt speechless in that moment. How did he get so lucky to be with you? What did he do to deserve such an angel as yourself? Billy embraced you again, “I love you so much y/n. I love you so much.” He kept repeating. You placed your hands on his jaw and kissed his lips lovingly. Billy was so grateful to have you in his life. Even though his life with his dad was not easy he had you to lean on. He had you to make him smile and laugh. He had you to keep him going and to remind him to never give up. 
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @dirbel, @eastcoasthaven, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @idontknowwhattocallthisworld (wont let me tag)
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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slylutfi · 2 years
stuck in singleplayer
It’s this feeling of never truly being present that’s getting me so choked up on top of everything else that goes wrong in my life. It sounds so self-centered but I just wish I had some relevancy to someone’s life, be it online or real life. I have friends irl and url but I don’t really mean anything to anyone. No one would notice if I disappeared, I contribute nothing. I’m just that chill friend people can come to when they need some company. I can’t even carry conversations so I mostly just listen. I never speak. I’m already at that grampapa age of 21 and I got no one to call. I feel so out of place man, I don’t mean to sound pathetic but I can’t even imagine being special to anyone. I’m deadass that background character that’s blurry af. At the same time I’m kind of addicted to this loneliness, because when I did involve myself more with people I can’t help but think I was mostly used as a caretaker / big brother role. I’m not complaining, I like being helpful but once that’s through and done with I’m dismissed and that ain’t necessarily a bad thing ofc I just wonder how yall make connections ?? i dont mean the yoo lets share memes and shit i mean how do u live on co-op mode instead of singleplayer vibes u feel me?? damn i make no sense, huh.. just want something genuine, i want all the bad vibes and good vibes and all that’s inbetween,  i want that u can call me in da middle of da night if u need a homie , i want dat co-op story mode gameplay vibe u feel me?? anmother thing is whenever i do make connections w ppl dat i geek over they alwayz disappear some how ... its to a point where i cant find the motivation to see it as worth it to put in the effort to form a bond w someone cuz i feel like it all just ends... maaan .. i complain way too much  but tbh my standards for having a genuine friend is also just rlly high hence why i cant help but see a lot of my current “friends” as not actual friends and more like acquaintances... and honestly i really am okay by myself for the most part. cozy being by myself and watching the world, just a bit lonely. 
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lizuouou · 4 years
NewYork NY
Today was interesting. I caught myself off guard by realizing how easily a person can get influenced by another. My cousin and I have been discussing family a lot and it feels guilty because there’s so many mistakes, mess and drama. I feel like I definitely over spilled the beans. I need to learn how to stay civil like this is not the best, I know this because it didn’t feel the best but also that my mom sent me a long paragraph explaining how I need to be mature enough to see a world through my win lens and not always be influenced by others, even if they have more votes, my opinion should be entitled to myself and not bias. Bias is a bitch.
I read about Poland springs and how the water they promise us from the springs of Maine doesn’t even have “a drop of fresh water” and Nestle got a lawsuit worth $5millll like bro serves you right we out here drinking tap water lmaooo are we kidding ourselves? Is it really false advertising? Because the last I remember ain’t nobody getting an entire carton of water for like $4? And the plastic, manufacturing, transport, and resources used to get the water itself probably costs so much more. And we’re being promised fresh water from the springs. But why would they give out fresh water from the springs? Who even are we kidding. Isnt water supposed to be worth much more? I thought there’s a war that’s going to happen on water. Shit’s precious!!!
Either ways, I was so bored that right after I actually opened Omegle. No not for any perverted business but because I just wanted to talk to someone. Anyways I came across an 8 year old who told me her boyfriend probably cheated on her and when I asked what? She said yeah haven’t spoken to him in 2 years. I had to control my laughter so hard and I just said “well if you haven’t talked to him in 2 years chances are he probably talked to someone else.” And now as I write this I realized damn, I just gave a little girl advice way too much for her maybe. She dipped faster than a wizard, b knows Whatsup, confrontational issues and shihhh. Then I came across this 19 year old girl from West Virginia who told me her parents left her with her grandmother along with her two younger siblings. They’re drug addicts. I felt kind of really bad because when I confessed I’m glad I saw her face and not a 40y/o’s dick she laughed and said “I just wanted to talk” and I felt that. We both reached out for our puff bars and simultaneously took turns to spill. She told me her dad doesn’t give a shit. We were so chill, no omg I’m sorry to hear that shit. Because let’s be real, you don’t need to be sorry. This is my life, if anything I just want God to feel sorry. Sorry as in, I’m sorry you is sad :( here are your dreams and goals in your hands ta-da. I wish. I felt bad for the girl, the internet kept twitching so I just closed the tab. An 8 y/o and a 18 y/o girl I’ll never speak to again. She told me so much about herself but we never told each other our names. Just our pain? Her boyfriend was a scum bag. Ex boyfriend. Well, I kept silent because I felt like she was being really open. I will never talk to her again. Feels so weird?
That is our generations summary of emotional connection. Short. Like all the fkn boys in my school in FPS like fam just grow up literally lmao jk. Am I? Nah. Anyways I also ditched a friend so brutally I feel bad. They booked an air bnb in front of Central Park and got food and zaza and everything but I chose to meet my best friend his mom and sister, he knew I’m no way interested in him at all. He’s actually always been this genuine. Man’s took the biggest L for us. While Yaldram, rhyme and i walked to his place, he took out a joint and lit it up. Mind it, ain’t legal. A cop literally took a u turn and Yaldram passed it to him cause he was shutting his pants and this dude said yeah give it to me nothings going to happen. BUT SOMETHING HAPPENED.
the cop showed up and asked if that’s weed and rhyme said yes. Holy shit at this point he stretched his arm out and asked for it again and he said no it’s just weed bro, then he reached out called 4 other cop cars by pressing a button (for backup) and I finally said “just listen to him man”. It was embarrassing, people walking past kept looking. Anyways he took all the blame, honestly I just took one puff and was not onboard with the idea to begin with, not even 3 minutes ago I was reminding them how that’s illegal.
He got a ticket, and then I met Yaldram’s mom for the first time and I think I made it so weird because of all what had just happened, was so anxious but whatever. Met his sister and will meet her again tomorrow even though he won’t be there. That makes me happy. I’m welcomed.
However, it was 11:35 pm and I really had to leave cause metro closes at 12am and I realized now it’s too late to go to the air bnb. I didn’t go for two reasons. 1) it’s an airbnb with one guy and stoned? Yeah kinda not the best situation to put myself in. 2) 1
But I felt really bad, this guy rhyme said nothing. He went full MIA for more than a year and doesn’t speak to anyone and didn’t even get back on social media but reached out to me and met me and actually did all this and at the end said bro it’s no worries I’ll drop you, paid for my metro djdnt even let me Venmo (or give me his # or Venmo) only contacts on insta. I didn’t tell anyone I met him because I have to respect his privacy. I apologized a few hours ago because lastnight I said sorry and just that sorry about the food. Because he ordered food there already. But in the morning he told me that I’m a gem of a person and don’t realize that. Like why are you being so nice to me? I can suspect he has a soft spot for me and I have made boundaries and this friendship completely platonic the moment it happened. And he then told me remember the first time we met? ( I didn’t )
It was 2 years ago at a party where I was crying talking to my ex after 2 years of the break up. And this guy randomly walks upto me asks me if I’m okay and gives me water. Mind you no one in a party gives a fuck. Especially that party. And especially my tears against his. It was politically warm? I don’t even know. So that guy who saw me then, came to surprise me on my 21st birthday from NY with the goodies (so illegal) and then ended up meeting my other ex and Yaldram him and I roamed around Boston. It was fun because of my friends. And I was fkn stoned. But yeah and then he looked at me yesterday at the metro and laughed saying “you’ve grown beautifully” I get ceeped out super fast but with this dude I dont. Everhone (including me) thought he’s bi or gay because every time there’s a good looking man he’d say “wow he’s beautiful” but he’s straight he said and also I realized maybe he just speaks his mind. He asked me of the rumors I heard and I told him it was 1) stealing 2) gay and he was like who tf said I’m gay bro, and then he said the guy in front was cute, and then he said “that’s so gay” and laughed. So see? This is a very unusual man. But I had to be home regardless because a) arham b) 12:35am was a perfect time to be home. I don’t like staying out too late anymore? It feels weird. Unsafe perhaps.
However I apologized properly finally. Explaining myself. Saying that I get defensive when I’m high and that the metro closes at 12am but even though the original plan was Yaldram him and I meeting at the place he booked but Yaldram couldn’t show up so I made us go to him instead and we used the time up in getting him his first ticket and in letting me meet my friend before he goes.
I will never forget this man, he told me two of his best friends died that’s why he’d never want his friends to be in any type of trouble. And you know what’s weird about it all? He literally took all the blame in a heart beat with a calm smiley face and I know he’s the one who’s the real gem because not once did he complain or remove that smile off of his face. There was also supposed to be a surprise there but I won’t know anymore. I didn’t ask either.
Writing this made me realize, I want to live harder. I want to be a gem ( no tickets ) but I want to be a gem in my own eye where I can adore myself and allow others to too, and adore them back. Oh and there was also a drunk girl after the whole popo incident who was so sus she acted drunk and said I look like Ariana grande “petit, long hair, big eyes, trust me girl you’re good” and in my head I thought yikes these are the beauty standards in her head which are normalized and thst made me realize oh no she thinks she isn’t good enough does she? Well I hope she does. But also she was sus just weird, walked with us for so long then disappeared then 14 minutes later found myself again running into her at a grocery store by his house?? And she acted as if she never saw me before so I was like oh...
Anyways it’s 1:54 am and I’m glad I wrote today. I’m glad for today, today I was a little less sadder. Particularly because I complained less, tomorrow I’ll try harder.
The end
0 notes
seigyokus · 7 years
8.4 - So May We Reach Them
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 8.4 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Nanase Riku: How about something like 'cheering on the people trying their best' as the theme? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: They've been supporting us all this time, so it'd be great if we could return the favor and cheer for them too. We should sing and dance in a way that'll give them lots of energy! Izumi Mitsuki: I want lots of people to sing the song, so I think we should make it something that'll cheer you up as you sing it! It’ll make you more confident and blow your worries away! Momo: I want it to be a song that you can happily dance to with your friends or your work buddies! Full of love and gratitude! Rokuya Nagi: A great, positive song that will help you take on your love life, studies, work, and travels, and face them with excitement. Izumi Iori: Given the people assembled here, I'd like the song to bring out a sense of opulence and completeness. Within the framework of the charity, of course. Osaka Sougo: I hope it'll be something bright and vivid, with all of IDOLiSH7, TRIGGER, and Re:vale's colors mixed in. Yaotome Gaku: All twelve of us will be dancing. I'd like for everyone to show their individuality, and I also want our teamwork to come across to the audience. Nikaidou Yamato: Definitely. Something that'll cheer ya on, like 'You're not alone. Look around you, you're surrounded by friends.' That kinda feeling. Yotsuba Tamaki: That special, fun feeling. Kinda like when you're at a school festival! Kujou Ten: Something that won't bring shame to the charity telethon or ourselves. Yuki: ......That's a lot of requests, but I think I have an idea. Yuki: Let's make it a song that feels like a once-in-a-lifetime anniversary, but brings out the fun from everyday life. Yuki: It'll be special, but also normal. It'll be filled with a wish to cheer on someone out there, or even ourselves. It's our very essence. Yuki: Let's send ourselves as a message to them. (1)
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Osaka Sougo: I remember hearing that we'd have design references in this room.... Nanase Riku: Woah! They've got every single one of our stage outfits here! TRIGGER and Re:vale too! Nikaidou Yamato: Hey, Mitsu! You should put on Tsunashi-san's outfits! Izumi Mitsuki: The hell are you excited for! It's really obvious you have ulterior motives!! Yotsuba Tamaki: Rikkun, you should try on Tenten and Momorin's clothes. You're all the same height, yeah? Nanase Riku: If I remember correctly, you're the same height as Yaotome-san, right? You should try on his Leopard Eyes outfit! I bet you'd look super cool! Osaka Sougo: This is amazing! Just looking at the outfits makes me remember all of the songs. Ah! This is his "SECRET NIGHT" outfit! Izumi Mitsuki: I bet you'd look good in that one, Nagi! Here, put the hat on! Rokuya Nagi: I can pull of any kind of clothing. How does it look? Izumi Iori: All of you are acting like women in the Ladies' Section! Stop with the chit-chat and get to work! Yuki: How is it? Momo: It's really good! I love it! Yuki: That's what you always say.... Momo: If it's bad, I'll tell ya it's bad! I'm a fan though, so I'm happy to hear anything you write, Yuki. Yuki: I see.... Momo: Would you like me to critique you more? Yuki: From time to time, yes. Sometimes, when I'm trying to write a really good song, I lose sight of what makes a song splendid. Yuki: During times like that, I feel like I'm lost, all alone. It's painful. Momo: Oh.... Yuki: But knowing there's someone out there that will enjoy what I make, regardless of what it is, helps me keep my hands moving. Momo: Really? Yuki: Yeah. Stay here, and listen. *click*  Nanase Riku: Yuki-san, Momo-san! I wanted to ask you guys about the song so we could match the T-shirt designs to it! Yuki: What's your question? Nanase Riku: We were thinking of using the Chinese zodiac as a motif since there's twelve of us! So how about going with a more traditional Japanese style-- Ahahaha! (2) Yuki: Do you know what happens to naughty boys when they try to drastically change the composition this late in the game? (3) Nanase Riku: A-alright, then how about playing cards? There'll be one extra, but those are also numbered! Momo: IDOLiSH7 and TRIGGER would line up pretty nicely! Wouldn't we be different though? Yuki: What do you picture me as, Riku-kun? The jack? The queen? Or the king? Nanase Riku: Um.... The queen? Heeheehee! Yuki: The theme is love, isn't it? You're going to design it around love, aren't you? You wouldn't put the Chinese zodiac or playing cards into that, would you? Nanase Riku: 'Love' is too abstract, so it's hard to design around that! That's why we-- Ahahahaha! Yuki: I was struggling with the exact same thing! Momo: Yuki, Yuki! Don't threaten our kouhai! Yaotome Gaku: ......I get it, but isn't the demo a little late? When are we gonna start choreographing....... Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: How about I send them a RabbitChat about the tempo and mood of the song? Kujou Ten: Wouldn't it be better if we asked in person? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: That's true, but Yuki-san's probably stressed right now and might pinch my cheeks if I go. .......Ah! He replied. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: He says it's like "RESTART POiNTER." Yaotome Gaku: Huh. Ten, can you dance it out? I'll sing. Kujou Ten: Got it. Yaotome Gaku: Lalala la-lala la-lala la-lala.... Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Ah, wait. He says it's like "Leopard Eyes." Yaotome Gaku: Isn't that really fast? Ten, one more time. Kujou Ten: .... Got it. Yaotome Gaku: Da-dada dadada dada, da-dada dadada dada.... Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Wait, never mind. He says it's "SILVER SKY." Yaotome Gaku: Man, it's all over the place! Ten, one more time. Kujou Ten: ...... Hah.... Got it. Yaotome Gaku: Dadada bum-bum bum bum, bum bum bum..... Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Huh? I guess it's more like "Let's☆SUMMER!" then...? Kujou Ten: ......Can he contact us once he has a more concrete image? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: "By the way, this is because your little brother told me to add in things like the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac, the twelve-layered ceremonial kimono worn by court-ladies, the twelve apostles, or magnesium...." (4) Kujou Ten: Magnesium...? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Because it's the twelfth element. Yaotome Gaku: Are our T-shirts gonna explode or what......?
Izumi Mitsuki: Woah! You're really good at drawing, Tamaki! Yotsuba Tamaki: Is it too empty? What should I add? Whatever it is, I want people to be happy when they see it. It's really hard to make people happy.... Izumi Mitsuki: That's such a grown-up thing to say. Did something happen? Yotsuba Tamaki: So like, the other day, I was strolling around on my way back from school. Yotsuba Tamaki: And this random older dude told me, "You've been such a goody two-shoes lately, Yotsuba. It's boring." Izumi Mitsuki: ....... Yotsuba Tamaki: You know how I was like before. I used to think stuff like 'shut up' or 'I'm bored' and didn't really care. Yotsuba Tamaki: But sometimes, you just wanna make the people watching you happy. You feel? Well.... That's me right now. Yotsuba Tamaki: So that's why.... Like.... Umm.... Like...... Yotsuba Tamaki: You know how you're always tryna make your fans happy, Mikkii? Izumi Mitsuki: Yeah..... Yotsuba Tamaki: I thought that was just you being nice, or a good guy, but.... Yotsuba Tamaki: You're not all bright and sparkly like that, it's more like, someone who gives you that really strong gut feeling.... Someone who works really hard.... That's what I think.... (5) Yotsuba Tamaki: Now, I'm just like, 'Wow, he's really got guts. He's really, really strong.' Yotsuba Tamaki: I gotta be a good kid, gotta be strong, gotta be funny and interesting. Yotsuba Tamaki: That's why stopped thinking stuff like 'I wish they'd shut up' or 'what a pain in the ass'.... Because I wanna be all of those things. Yotsuba Tamaki: Man, I wanna be like that.... Izumi Mitsuki: You can, and you will. Yotsuba Tamaki: Really? Izumi Mitsuki: Of course. Izumi Mitsuki: When you try really hard to make people happy and the opposite thing happens, it eats away at you. I was really down in the dumps back then. Yotsuba Tamaki: You, Mikkii? No way.... Izumi Mitsuki: Yeah. I was really, really sad. It was awful.... Hell, I wanted to disappear. I'd think stuff like, 'What the hell are you doing?' or 'What should I do?' Izumi Mitsuki: I was distressed about all sorts of things. But because I love you guys and the fans so much, I was able to stick it out. Yotsuba Tamaki: ......I really love everyone too. Izumi Mitsuki: Haha.... I know. You've become such a great guy, Tamaki. And to think you used to be such a selfish beast back then! Man.... Yotsuba Tamaki: Oh! He praised me. Izumi Mitsuki: You're the coolest! If it were possible, I'd cover your ears so you won't have to listen to all of those mean voices. Izumi Mitsuki: But you're not gonna lose to them, because I know you're a strong boy. Yeah? Yotsuba Tamaki: Yeah! Izumi Mitsuki: Ahaha! Aw come on, you can't just draw a pudding on there! Yotsuba Tamaki: Haha! this one's mine.
To be continued....
TL Notes/comments:
thank u @kuriiii for proofing!!
(1) This is actually what the title is referring to but I modified title since a direct 'Let's send ourselves' would've been... A little....... Strange. 
(2) Just wanted to point out that there is indeed a SSR set where all of the i7 characters are dressed up in zodiac-themed clothing! Also, 'Chinese' is there to clarify that they're doing the animal set and not the virgo, libra, etcetc zodiac. 
(3) translating it directly ("So I guess this the mouth of a bad kid who tries to make drastic changes this late in the game?") would've been kinda weird so I went with my [tamaki voice] FEELING 
(4) juunihitoe = probably easier to visualize than explain, so here's a pic!  
(5) tamaki literally says 'makes you clench your stomach/abdomen really hard, that feeling' and i searched high and low and it's not some idiomatic phrase (Dont Ask Me how many 'how do i flex my abs :c' chiebukuro questions i sifted thru what the Fuck) so i went with my best interp of it?????? chikara wo ireru can also mean to try hard so Classic Me, I put in one line with the stomach part tl'd and another bit without the stomach part tl'd so pls correct me if Im wrong
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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elliotthezubat · 6 years
from witches, to memory recovering missions, mentorships, and exorcist exams
 Sakuya: "You going back to check out the fashion show tonight?"
naho: yeah, just in the audience this time, though.
Sakuya: "Still, should give you some ideas for future fashion choices."
naho: *nods*
Sakuya: "Who do you think has the best chance of winning it?"
Kunikida: *reviewing more world news* "..."
yosano: more ability user suicides?
Kunikida: "Unfortunately..."
yosano: *examines the article* 'elderly ability user found dead in flint, michigan. seems to have died from his own plant based ability'
Kunikida: "How is this even happening...An ability user who can turn abilities against people?"
yosano: it's possible.
Kunikida: "We'll need another set of eyes on this..." *looking through electronic contacts*
Saria: "Hello, everyone." *waves*
hibiki: hey saria.
lukas: hello.
Saria: *sits* "Any plans after school?"
hibiki: i was gonna listen to some new cds at the mall later.
Saria: "Oh, anything new out?"
hibiki: probably.
Saria: "I could use more stationery...Lukas, want to go?"
lukas: um, i-i guess?
Saria: ^\\\^; "Great...We can even get something sweet for an early dessert!"
lukas: that would be nice.
Saria: "Excellent! It's a date."
lukas: o////o um. d-d-date? .///.;;;
Saria: ^w^ "... ... ...!!!" .\\\\. "...Figure of speech." ^\\\^;
lukas: r-right, right, n-not that i'd be opposed to it by any means, i've never actually had that kind of relationship before and WHY AM I TALKING RIGHT NOW.
Saria: ^\\\\^ "Ha ha...Awkward...Um...I'll see you at the mall!" *opens her bagged lunch, takes the sandwich out of the bag--pushes the sandwich away, starts chewing on the bag*
hibiki: oh jeez. it's almost as bad as looking through my old DA page. *cringe*
preston: lawd help them.
Meme: *bows* "Thank you for meeting with me, Lord Death."
lord death: any time, kiddo. want some scones? they're fresh from this morning. ^^
mio: *nom*
Meme: "I'm okay...Sir, I wanted to ask about our earlier mission..."
lord death: ask away. ^^
Meme: "...Have you punished the two witches, Fani and Liluye?"
lord death: they have been dealt with. liluye is inprisoned, and fani is currently in holding.
Meme: "...There's a difference?"
lord death: more or less, yes.
-he explains the situation-
Meme: "I see...Is Fani recovering through this major change?"
lord death: i was about to have someone check on her now.
Meme: "May I join?"
lord death: if you wish to.
mio: i'll go with.
Meme: "Thank you..."
Akutagawa: *cough cough*
hirotsu: *taking his temperature*
Akutagawa: =~= *shivers*
hirotsu: well, the medicine has been helping take the fever down a bit.
Akutagawa: "Small miracle...Thank you."
Tool: *sitting under the rain*
mana: need anything out here?
Tool: *shakes his head* "No, thank you. Just enjoying the weather."
mana: ok, let us know if you need anything, ok?
Tool: *thumbs up, leans his head back, letting rain come down*
Sid: "Today's gym activity on account of rain is dodgeball."
Asher: "...Good. I can get hit first and exit the game early."
Zeke: "WOOT!"
axel: sweet!
Kanin: ^^; "Let's not go crazy out there--"
Sid: "Not yet! Yafeu, do 50 pushups as punishment!"
Yafeu: "..." *whispers* "Worth it..."
Duncan: X_X
Sid: "Saria, Izumi, you're team captains."
izumi: *nods*
lukas: may i be excused for the rest of my life?
Saria: "O-Okay..." *looks at the line up*
Sid: "Do you have a doctor's note for that?"
lukas:....does a note from my music teacher count? QwQ;;;
Sid: -_- "Get in line, or do 100 pushups."
lukas: Q___Q;;;
izumi: ok, hibiki?
hibiki: cool.
Saria: "Lukas." ^^
lukas: *shuffles over*
izumi: ok, asher's next.
Asher: =~= "Traitor." *walks over*
Saria: "Amelia?"
amelia: *nods and follows*
Zeke: *waving his hand* "Oh! Oh! Me!"
izumi: zeke.
Zeke: "WOOT!" *runs over*
Saria: "Genny."
genny: *gulps*
axel: OwO
axel: AW YEEEAH!
Zeke: TwT *hugs his bro* "Same team!"
axel: whut whut!
Saria: "Preston."
preston: ^^
izumi: ok then, lei-lei
lei-lei: *nods*
Saria: "Kazue--"
Kazue: "Zzz..." *somehow already behind Saria*
Saria: ._.;
izumi: ok, let's see *checks who else is left*
Kanin: OwO;
Duncan: x_X
izumi: ...kanin.
Yafeu: "I'VE DONE 500 PUSH-UPS, SIR!"
Sid: "That...Th-That's too many...Just sit..."
Sid: "The balls are set. At the whistle, run for them and toss. On your marks..."
genny: oh jeez im gonna die.
Kanin: ._.; *drags Duncan to the starting line*
Asher: "I will never forgive you for picking me, Izumi. I could've just pretended I had appendicitis..."
Sid: "Get set..."
Zeke: "Woo, woo, woo!"
lukas: please have mercy-
Saria: "Steady..."
Sid: *blows the whistle*
hibiki: *already throwing*
genny: *tries to flee* *SCREAMS*
Saria: "!!! Genny! That's the wrong way--"
Zeke: *tosses a ball at Amelia*
amelia: *dodging*
Kanin: *dragging Duncan, as he tosses ball after ball*
Asher: "..." *steps into the path of a ball--*
izumi: *steps in and gets face-ball'd* OW!
Asher: *catches her* "..." =_=; "I said that--...Oh, nevermind." *guides her to the 'out' box*
Kazue: *curled up with a ball* "Zzz..." *yet rolling along the floor, dodging all attacks*
axel: how is he even surviving?
Zeke: "I don't know--just keep throwing--"
Kanin: *using Duncan as a shield*
Duncan: "Ow, ow, ow, ow--"
lukas: >~<;;
Asher: "Um..." *picks up a ball* "This is for Izumi..." *throws--hard*
lukas: *gets owned. as his shirt and pants fly off him*
Asher: "...Whoops."
Saria: "..." *nosebleed...faints*
genny: oh no! captain down!
Sid: "...Huh. I didn't even see the ball hit Saria. Naigus, did her nose break?"
nygus: she seems to be fine?
Saria: "Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma--"
Bon: "...Hey, Izumo? Pass the botany book to me."
izumo: *slides it over, not looking at him*
Bon: "Thanks." *takes it* "..." ("She seems focused...")
izumo: ....
Bon: "..." *clears his throat* "How's studying?"
izumo: *grunt*
Bon: -_-# "...Good talk." *goes back to writing*
Dabi: *staring at a Nomu in suspended animation* "...Freaky."
twice: *pokes the glass* ooooooh. cool.
Tomura: "Don't poke the glass--and focus. I said I'm programming it to follow your instructions..."
twice: what about these ones?
Tomura: "They aren't finished--they need to go through tutorials first."
banshee: works in progress, basically.
twice: i see, i see. oh, and how's compress' 'date' going? wink wonk.
Tomura: "...Still grinding away at that."
Dabi: -_- "Great--one who talks in video game speak, another who's a schizo."
banshee: well, we're in no position to be picky about our coworkers.
Tomura: "The Vanguard needs to be ready for what comes next--so learn to get along if you want this to run smoothly."
banshee: *she nods* after all, we have the same goal here; crush UA once and for all...
Dabi: *nods*
Tomura: "..." *smiles* "As long as you're focused on the goal, that's good..."
banshee: now if you excuse me, i'm going to have a quick drink. *walks off* (it's going to be ok....i'll make them pay for what happened to you...)
-elsewhere, at a fancy restaurant, a spiderish looking young woman is waiting for someone-
spider lady: ....*nervous*
*a man walks in, waves to the maitre d'*
Man: "Hello. I had a reservation. Someone may be waiting for me..."
spider lady: oh! you're here! atsuhiro, yes?
Atsuhiro: "Indeed." *takes her hand* "A pleasure."
spider lady: ^^ hehe~ please, call me Kuroko.
Atsuhiro: " 'Kuroko'...Lovely." *takes a seat* "I am sorry for my lateness. I hope I didn't leave you waiting too long."
kuroko: oh, not at all. ^^ im really happy you came here tonight.
Atsuhiro: *smiles* "As am I. How has your day been?"
kuroko: it's been busy, you know how realty can be haha.
Atsuhiro: "Interesting, I'm sure. Any new places you are showing?" *glances at the menu*
kuroko: well, there are some new homes that just opened up for residents, though it's a bit tricky for me to get customers sometimes, since arachnophobia is sadly a common fear. *sigh*
Atsuhiro: *sighs* "Some people...They are so narrowminded."
kuroko: *sighs* sometimes, i wish i could have been born with a different quirk, one that didnt terrify people. most men i meet dont even want to give me a chance, since i'm a black widow spider, and you know what they do....
Atsuhiro: "I do...but I also know no one is a slave to some idea like 'instinct.'"
kuroko: right! even if i look like this, i'm still a human!
Atsuhiro: "Exactly! And I think we should enjoy that fact. We lack proper drinks, but I think this calls for a toast." *holds up glass of water*
kuroko: right. to a lovely evening.
Atsuhiro: *smiles, as they clink glasses*
sayaka: *looking at the mission board, humming*
Harvar: "Hm. Anything good?"
sayaka: hmm, there's the ripper murders in hoozuki, disappearances in daidaiyama city, a whole lot of stuff.
Harvar: "Given how serious these are, could get at least one soul out of them..."
sayaka: probably.
Harvar: "Well, I'm going to take something--it'll get Ox busy."
sayaka: that's good. but which to take...eenie meanie miney you! *points* hoozuki it is!
Harvar: "Good for you. How many have to go?'
sayaka: not sure yet.
Guard: *standing in front of the DWMA overnight room*
fani: .....
Guard: *to another one* "She's been quiet..."
{young fani: mama....papa.....*weeping over two bodies*}
{*a twig snaps*}
{fani: !!! *looks behind her*}
{*it looks to be an older person in a cloak*}
{fani: *shaking*}
{*looks at the bodies, comes closer*}
{fani:....who....are you?}
{???: "...I'm so sorry..."}
{fani: huh?}
{???: *closes the eyes of the two bodies*}
{fani: ....}
{???: "..." *looks at Fani*}
{fani: *tears and snot are dribbling down her face*}
{???: "..." *removes a handkerchief, pats her face*}
{fani: mama....papa...t-they...}
{???: "Yes. They are gone." *pats her shoulder* "And you're not."}
{fani: *whimpers*}
{???: "...Come. We have to get you away. No telling whether they will come for you next."}
Guard 1: "..." *reviews schedule* "She's not due for another meal yet."
fani:.....(lady liluye....please be ok...)
Asher: "How's the ice working?"
izumi: fine.
Asher: "...Sorry."
Saria: @_@
izumi: hey, it's all good....sorry for making you worry ^^;
Asher: "...I wasn't. Much."
izumi: ^^;
Zeke: *rubbing a bruised arm* "It was so rad!"
hibiki: *nods*
Kanin: "Amelia, Genny? Feel better?"
amelia: i'm fine.
genny:..s-same....my dominant arm wasnt injured...
Kanin: "That's a relief...I hope we don't play something like this again in a long time."
Duncan: *censored for injuries*
axel: since we're all here, why not do some more learning about ourselves?
Zeke: "Convenient!" ^w^
Kanin: "??? Like what?"
amelia: i'll....sit this one out...
Asher: "..."
Zeke: "Where's everyone from?"
izumi: japan. same as my mother.
hibiki: i'm from new york city.
genny: ...death child, here.
Asher: "Ditto."
preston: mah family resahids in geogia
Yafeu: "BRAZIL!"
Kanin: >_>; "Kind of all over..."
lukas: im from switzerland, myself.
lei-lei: chinese, but raised in california.
Saria: "Oregon."
Duncan: *woozy* "Edmonton..."
axel: sweet!
Zeke: "And we're from Michigan! Okay, Izumi, your turn to ask!"
izumi: um, ok. hmm... do you have any pets?
Asher: "No."
Saria: "Goldfish--been alive 10 years!"
genny: i've always wanted a parakeet, but i dont have one yet.
preston: does the fahmily ranch count?
lei-lei: my brother has two bearded dragon lizards; julius and nero.
Kanin: *shakes his head 'no'*
Duncan: "What, afraid you'll eat them--"
lei-lei: *CHOP* be nice.
Kazue: *smacks Duncan with a sign that reads 'Cricket'*
hibiki: i do have a cat back home named lily.
Zeke: "We have a Rusty."
axel: he's a good doggo.
Saria: "D'aw!"
*there is only darkness*
???: *puts on a cloak, then a mask*
???: "We...are orphans. Who is our one parent?"
????: ....
???: "The Sun is our parent, our god, our salvation. We are not fit for its divine light. We are God's instruments to enact Their divine will."
girl: ....
???: "We are one. We are not individuals. We are united, our differences erased because the shadows wipe them away."
???: "In the name of God, Ratomu."
girl: ratomu.
???: *nods, turns, falling back into the shadows*
Grunt 112: "..." *exhales, hunched over*
girl:....*returning to her quarters*
Meme: "..."
mio: *following*
Meme: *sighs* "Okay..."
mio: here it is.
Meme: "...Do I knock or...?"
mio: ...*looks at the guard*
Guard: "...Excuse me?" *calls into the room* "You have visitors."
fani: .....
Meme: "Miss Fani?"
fani: !!! y-you!
Meme: ^^; "Meme..."
fani:... w-why are you here? 7_7
Meme: "We were concerned...Are you being treated well? ...As well as can be expected?"
fani:....just leave me alone....
Meme: "..." *nods* "Okay...We'll visit tomorrow..."
mio:....hey.....thank you....for saving her....
fani:...*bites her lip*
Meme: *looks at Mio* *sad smile*
fani:....dont ask me why i did it.....i dont know why...
Meme: "Because you don't like to see people die."
fani: !!!! h-how can you know that about me?!
Meme: "Just a feeling. Most people who heal tend to really hate seeing dying. Lord Death has a few healers, surprisingly enough..."
fani:....*wipes her eyes* w-whatever, do-doesnt change the fact that humans and witches cant get along!
Meme: "Well, we are? We're talking. We have witches as students here. Witches as residents. Witches who help the city, have saved the world...We know witches as a whole aren't an enemy."
fani: ......
mio: maybe we could show her? after all, death city is a city of second chances.
Meme: "Yes! We could! We--" *tries to open the door--then remembers it's locked* OwO;
mio: -_-;
Meme: ^^; "We'll need Lord Death's permission, then?"
Aizawa: *looks up* "...What...did you build again?"
mei: it's a massage chair! ^^
Aizawa: "...'Kay. Have you tested it?"
mei: in a few minutes, yes.
Aizawa: *yawns* "Good...My back has been killing me." *he's curled up in an awful position in his sleeping bag*
mei: in you go!
Aizawa: ._.
*sticks the landing*
Aizawa: "..." =_=
mei: here we go!
-the chair starts spinning-
Aizawa: O_O
mei: wait, wrong button.
-the back rubbing parts start working. but the chair is still spinning-
Aizawa: *a groan of "Aaaaah" is heard through the spinning*
mei: you're doing great, sir!
Aizawa: "Why is it spiiiiiiiiiiiinning?"
mei: it was a test function! in case spinning massages ever become a thing.
Aizawa: "Wheeeeeeeeeeen would that ever-r-r-r-r-r-r happen?"
mei: who knows! perhaps this is the start of a new trend!
Aizawa: "Stop the spiiiiiiiiiin, or I'm failing you."
mei: *presses the stop button*
Aizawa: *flies out of the seat--and shoots his scarves out through the sleeping bag opening to swing around and land safely on a couch* "...Thank you."
present mic: me next! me next!!
mei: with the spin cycle?
present mic: AW YOU KNOW IT!
mei: let it rip!
Aizawa: =_=;
present mic: WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
sylvia: .~.;;;
Kyoka: "Rice is always a good choice." *puts a bowl of rice onto her own tray*
sylvia: r-rice please...
Lunch Rush: *thumbs up*
Kyoka: "..." *takes a parfait*
Monster: *ROAR*
girl: *panting* d-darn, this monster's a lot stronger than i thought it would be.
Monster: *knocks down a light post, taking it like a club to smash buildings*
girl: *yelps*
-footsteps running up-
Monster: *lifts the light post, ready to bring it down--*
Monster: *sharp inhale, before stumbling down*
girl 2: *slices it in half with a flaming sword*
girl: ah! t-thank you very much!
girl 2:....no problem.
girl: *changes back to normal*
girl 2:...you're a magical girl, yes?
girl: i am, and you?
girl 2:....can i see your soul gem for a moment?
girl: um....ok?
girl 2: *examines it* .......*glint* .....what's your name?
girl: oh, my names is Lucia Hikaru.
girl 2: i see.....you know lucia, you should learn how to spot fakes.
lucia: what do you mean?
girl 2: good bye.
lucia: *collapses, dead on the ground, her soul gem shattering*
girl 2:.....
Crona: "..." *holds her hand*
mami: *nods* thank you....
Crona: *nods* "We can stay as long as you want..."
mami: i know.......hey mom and dad. it's me again....
mami: i'm doing the best i can, and i think about you both every day.
Crona: "..." *looks at the markers*
mami: i really miss you both so much...but i've got people here to be with me, so i'm not alone. and i'm thankful for that.
Crona: *sad smile*
mami: .......well, i should be going now....love you guys.
Crona: *small hand squeeze*
mami: *sniff* *small smile*
Crona: *wipes her tears*
Konro: "Sir, if you please, the owner wants you to leave."
Priest: *picks at his ramen* "We're not causing any problems~"
owner: you've been rude to several customers...
Priest: "You call these 'customers.' Interesting. When they lack divine protection?"
owner: sir, im going to have to ask you to leave now.
Priest: "..." *nods to the other priests*
Priest 2: *grumbles, 'accidentally' knocks over bowl*
customer: hey!
Priest 2: "Clean up this mess, trash."
customer: why you- *THROWS A PUNCH*
Priest 2: *dodges, grabs the arm*
customer: !!!
Priest 2: "???"
Konro: *squeezes*
Priest 2: "AH!"
Konro: "Get. Out."
owner: ...
Priest 2: "?!" *swings a fist--*
Konro: *looks at the Owner* "My apologies...." *throws Priest 2--through the door...knocking it down*
owner: *jumps back*
yukiko: yikes! what the hell?!
Priest 2: X~X
Priest: "Filthy dog!" *pulls back a hand*
yukiko: *grabs his arm and flips him onto his back*
Priest: X_X
Konro: *small cough* "T-Thanks..."
yukiko: any time, captain. ^^ long time no see, eh?
Konro: "Indeed. How were your travels?" *drags one Priest*
yukiko: they were pretty crazy. *streeetch* lots changed since i've been here, last.
Konro: "You don't know the half of it..." *dumps the priests into a wagon* "You see Beni and Kirei?"
yukiko: yeah, old man miyagi told me when i got in, im super happy for them. ^^
Kondo: >w< "It's such good news!" *dumps the priests at the town entrance*
yukiko: it is. *glares at the priests* c'mon! off with the lot of ya! damn vermin!
Priest 2: X_X
yukiko: ahhh, come off it! *walking away*
Priest: "..." *drags Priest 2 away*
Konro: "Hungry?"
yukiko: sure.
Tezca: *tied up by his ankles, hanging from the ceiling* "Okay, students, each of you take a bat. Enrique! Set the timer! After 1 minute, you rush at me. But don't be surprised if I have already escaped by then! HA HA HA HA!"
naho: ._.;
Sakuya: "..." *shrugs, takes a bat*
*47 seconds, 46 seconds...*
lilac: Q_Q;;;;;
Tezca: *struggling to reach the knot* OwO; "Um..." *groans* "EH! EH!"
student: is this even ethical?
Student 2: "What is it to teach us? Survival techniques? Battle strategies?"
*Bell dings*
Tezca: O_O; "Oh, f--"
Master: "Stormy days mean slower work..." *sets down glass, pours a drink into it*
miranda: good news, i got the music player fixed.
Master: *smiles* "Thank you. Anything you want to put on?"
miranda: maybe some old school stuff. *smiles*
Master: "Make it so." *starts prepping a meal*
miranda: you got it. ^^
Amaimon: *sets down two shot glasses* "You've grown up so fast. Let's have a drink."
stocking: indeed uncle. indeed. -it's capri sun in the glasses-
kirika: oiiiii, kid! you know where dad is?
Kid: "Still at the Academy."
kirika: ok cool, brb.
Kid: "..." *returns to his book and notes*
Amaimon: "So when are you going to retire?"
stocking: not for a long while, i just started a while back. ^^;
Amaimon: "Are you investing? I have a business proposal--"
stocking: oh boy.
Amaimon: "Hardware tools. In multiple flavors."
Spirit: "Wow, that's a bit of a bruise..."
izumi: it'll heal, dad.
Spirit: "Well, I'll leave your mom to be the expert on this. Anything you want for dinner tonight?"
izumi: homemade pizza?
Spirit: "Just need to pick up some cheese on the way home."
lena: *sleeping*
Gas Mask Doctor: *checking the map*
-they havent made it to new york yet-
Gas Mask: "Nuts..." *looks at the road*
lena: mmn...
Gas Mask: *grabs a blanket*
lena: ....
Gas Mask: *tucks it over her*
lena: *she seems content*
Gas Mask: *noisy exhale*
lena: ?? doctor?
Gas Mask: "Sorry. Breathing problems."
lena: ....
Kazue: "..." *watching from a light pole*
-seems quiet today-
Kazue: *checks windows*
???: "Give it up! Hand it over!"
Kazue: "?!"
???: as if!
Kazue: "..." *fades into shadows*
???: *clutches their throat* "Do it! Or you're dead!"
???: MOOOOM!
Kazue: *taps their shoulder*
???: "What the--"
Kazue: *tiny head chop*
???: "..." *coughs blood, passes out*
???: O_O;;;; *drops the TV remote*
Kazue: "..." *holds up a sign* <Hello.>
???: who the heck are you?! you just knocked my brother out!
Kazue: "..." <They weren't trying to kill you?>
???: i mean, he's kind of a dick, but it was a figure of speech, fam!
Kazue: "..." <Oh. My bad. He should wake up in a bit.> *picks up the brother's hand, lets go--it drops like a rock* "..." <Could I use your bathroom? I've been holding it for 2 hours.>
???: uh.....sure? i guess?
Kazue: >~< <THANK YOU!> *runs for the bathroom*
Bro: @~@ "Wh-Why did the Foot Ninja attack?"
Meme: "..."
mio: maybe we could ask kim to help?
Meme: *nods* "Yes...I think it would do Fani good."
mio: yeah, it would make sense, right?
Meme: "Right--I just hope she doesn't charge too much." ^^;
Hibana: "Good work up there."
girl: thank you ma'am! >///<;
Hibana: "Have a safe walk home--we'll see you for the next round tomorrow."
Girl 2: -^-;
Tezca: *mangled on a couch* "Owie..."
kirara: and you thought this was a good idea how?
Tezca: "Well--" *winces as he shifts* "--if you want to show authority in the classroom, you need to be awesome! The kicker is that it's not the 18th smack with a bat that hurts--it's the 19th one..."
kirara: -_-;;;;
Tezca: ^^; "I think the bruising has gone down..." *lifts his mask*
kirara: ....
Tezca: *he's pretty banged up* "Am I still pretty?"
kirara: just dashing. -.-;
Tezca: "D'aw, thankie~" *smiles--a tooth looks missing*
sonia: ....*looking out the window*
*trees as far as can be seen*
sonia:.....*closing her eyes*
{-a rabbit is running from her as she follows it-}
{sonia: wait! where are you going?}
{*it sounds like an echo, with each of the rabbit's hops*}
{sonia: *following until she reaches a door* ??}
{*will you, won't you, will you, won't you, will you enter?*}
{sonia:....*reaching her hand out*}
{*the door opens slightly*}
sonia: *snaps awake* ow.
*knock knock*
Chuuya: "Sonia?"
sonia: c-come in. ^^;
Chuuya: *enters* "What's wrong?"
sonia: just tired. *rubs her eyes*
Chuuya: "Want some milk?"
sonia: *nod nod*
Chuuya: "Okay. Be right back..."
Magaki: *looking at the horizon* "..."
naho: hey magakin! time to head home now.
Magaki: *adjusts sunglasses* "Yes. How did it go?"
naho: weird lessons today.
Magaki: "Oh?" *walks with her* "Like a fighting demonstration?"
naho: sooorta? ^^;
Magaki: "I think I understand. Did you learn anything useful for future combat?"
naho: maybe. *shrug* so what's all new with the club peeps?
Magaki: "It's informative. I knew about some of the specimens they are investigating, but there are new approaches I had not considered."
naho: oh that's cool.
Magaki: *nods* "It'll help with figuring out what to do with this." *pulls out a jar from their backpack--it looks to be a multi-eyed creature, its mouth sucking on the edges of the glass*
naho: ._.;;;;; where did you find that?
Magaki: "I read one of the books aloud and this thing popped up. I caught it in the jar the raccoon was licking strawberry jam out of. I have named the specimen 'Ignatius.'"
naho: how cute. ^^;;
Magaki: *nods* "I hope Tsubaki will not mind. I remember Black Star complaining about the fox who visited as a pet."
naho: ... >w>;;; yeeeeeah.....
Magaki: "Well, it's not a fox--so it likely won't mark its territory or try to steal things. I don't know what it'll eat, but I'm sure that won't be a problem."
naho: hehehe, yeaaaah. ^^;;;
Magaki: *returns Iggy to their backpack* "Have you your tickets for the fashion show finals this weekend?"
naho: yep! ^^ lav's gonna be in the finals!
Magaki: *small smile* "That's good. Has she chosen her attire?"
Poe: Q_Q "It's okay, Karl--the creature is gone..." *holding him, stroking his back*
karl: *shaking*
Poe: "Rowena, the next time your club meets, please put in safeguards." >~< "I don't even want to think what would happen if I sucked something like that into a book..."
rowena: *muttering with excitement about the night and what happened* OWO
Poe: "Rowena! I'm serious!" T~T
rowena: oh, right. sorry. i just got excited is all. ^^;
Poe: "How did you even do that..."
Kafka: *muttering* "Stupid Dazai, embarrassing people, making a mockery..." *mutter mutter*
hans: party get you down?
Kafka: >_<# "How dare he embarrass Etta!"
hans: *inhales* oh for the love of- when are you just going to tell her?
Kafka: "..." >^>; "I have no idea what you're talking about..."
hans: well what if someone beats you to the punch, what then?
Kafka: "... ..." Q_Q "...Sh-She'd probably be better off..." T^T
hans: kafka... *pats his back*
Kafka: "...What the hell would I say? 'Hi, I like you. Also, I'm a roach'?"
hans: hmmm, could use work.
Kafka: "...Hypothetically, what should I do?"
hans: hmmm... i got it!
Kafka: OWO "Yes?"
hans: *whispers*
Kafka: "... ... ...Would it work?"
hans: hopefully. ^^
Damon: "..." *taps on the piano keys*
Wes: *smiles, watching*
soul: you got it, little man!
Damon: ^^; "I'm not good like you..."
soul: hey, practice makes perfect.
Wes: *picks up the violin, tunes* "I agree..."
Damon: "D-Dad? Could you play something?"
soul: ok. *playing*
becky: ^^
Wes: *nods his head before joining in on the melody*
becky: *smiles*
Damon: *shiny eyes*
Wes: *recedes, letting Soul's music lead*
soul: *still playing*
Damon: *captivated, leaning forward to listen*
becky: *listening*
Wes: *backs up Soul slightly as the song reaches crescendo*
becky: *claps*
Damon: "It was so good!"
soul: ^^
Wes: "Thanks...I think your father sounded great."
becky: way to go, dad!
Damon: *nod nod*
banshee: *asleep* nnh...*hugging someone* it's ok.....
Mustard: *yawns* "..." *opens his eyes* "..." >_> "...?!!!" O\\\\O
banshee: zz....big sister will....take care of you.....zzz....
Mustard: *silent screaming*
-at breakfast-
himiko: *putting lots of ketchup on her omurice* ^^~
twice: goooooood morning party people!
Dabi: =_= "Be quiet..."
banshee: *drinking coffee*
Mustard: *head down on the table* .\\\\\\.
banshee: may i ask you something? ^^# *whispers* you'd best erase that incident from your memory if you wish to keep living.
Mustard: Q\\\\\\\\Q *whimpers*
twice: ??? so how'd the date go, compress?
Compress: "A gentleman doesn't tell~"
tomura: urgh....
Compress: "Oh? Something troubling you, sir?"
tomura: im gonna eat in my room.
Compress: "Very well. Enjoy!"
Dabi: *grunts*
Mustard: "Maaaaa..."
kurome: ~? are you ok?
Mustard: "SOFT!"
Mustard: "..." *tosses plate away, runs*
twice: ????
Asher: *grabs a Pop Tart, shoves their books into their bookbag*
mrs blythe: *asleep on the couch*
Asher: "..." *sneaks to the door...*
mrs blythe: *snort snore* .....
Asher: "!!! ..."
Gin: *pours tea*
higuchi: *streeeeetch*
Gin: *sets down two cups* "Rested?"
higuchi: yeah. *hugs from behind, resting her head on gin's shoulder* *kiss*
Gin: "Mmm~" *smooch*
higuchi: hehe~ *nuzzle* is ryu doing better this morning?
Gin: "Much, physically, anyway. He'll be up and about."
higuchi: ah.
Meme: "She might be a bit shy..."
mio: *nods*
Kim: "Yeah, yeah, I know what that's like..." *knocks*
fani: .....
Kim: "Yo. You in there?"
fani: where else would i be?
Kim: "...Well, if it were me, I'd transform into something cute and trick the guards to let me out. What's your animal?"
fani:.......a squirrel...
Kim: "Huh. So, small enough to fit through windows...Let me guess--they put anti-magic bars on them, huh?"
fani: *nods*
Kim: "That sucks...What kind of magic do you have?"
fani: .....plant magic and bit of healing magic...
Kim: "Oh, hey, I do healing, too!"
fani: really?
Kim: *nods* "Been using it since I got here...Well, when I didn't tell people I was a witch..."
fani: so you hid it.....
Kim: "Yeah, as long as I could..."
fani: oh.....*she frowns*
Kim: "I take it you weren't exactly parading around saying 'I'm a witch,' either."
fani: 7_7 f-for a while, i wasnt....
Kim: "??? So, what were you up to?"
fani: lady liluye created the chimeras as revenge for what the people of salem- for what humanity has done to witch kind for years! how they hunt us like monsters!
Kim: "..." *nods* "Yeah...They have."
fani: why should we keep letting them hurt us?!
Kim: "...Why did you stay if they were hurting you?"
fani: ?? what do you mean?
Kim: "Why not, well...come here?"
fani: ....after my parents died, lady liluye took me in...she's the only home i knew for so long...
Kim: "And she agreed with you that humans needed to be hurt..."
fani:....*nods* more that i agreed with her....
Kim: *nods* "i hear ya...Humans have a lot to answer for."
fani: .....
Kim: "But they aren't _all_ terrible."
fani: and how do you know that?
Kim: "...Because I met a few good ones. One really great one." *smiles*
fani: ........
Kim: "I kept my identity hidden...then some jerk saw me using my healing magic on a dog."
fani: oh?
Kim: "Yep...She promised to keep my secret if I worked with her."
fani: and then?
Kim: "We got hitched, Baby 1 is on the way."
Kim: *smirks* "Nah. But we are dating and living together now."
fani: oh, hahaha. ^^; *ahem* ._.;
Kim: "Yeah...If I didn't meet Jackie, I wouldn't feel as comfortable being out here. I'm not saying I don't still deal with anti-witch jerks--but I'm not alone."
fani: .....
Kim: "Death City attracts a lot of us misfits, looking for somewhere to belong..."
fani:....can i even find a home here?
Kim: "Depends--do you want to?"
fani: .......i dont know.....
Kim: "Well, we have a lovely witch community here."
fani: oh?
Kim: *nods* "It's quaint, makes you realize you're not alone."
fani: ......i guess i'll humor you and see for myself once im out of here...
Kim: ^^ "Glad to hear it. You can treat me and Jackie to lunch."
fani: i dont have any money! D8>
Kim: "..." *gets up, walks away--*
fani: ...
Meme: *grabs Kim by the ear* "No."
Kim: "OW!" >_<
mio: *sweatdrop*
Justin: *reading a newspaper--headline "Villain attacks increase for 5th consecutive month"* "..."
oriko: *resting*
Justin: *sighs, folds the paper, checks the tea* "Any snacks?"
oriko: let me check.
lord death: you want to visit your old hometown with oriko?
kirika: *nods* it might help trigger some of her lost memories...
Yumi: "Anything you wish to bring with you?"
kirika:....*sigh* i _guess_ i'll bring the priest along... 7_7
Yumi: "???" ("Justin is a 'thing' now?") "Would you like me to speak with him?"
kirika: sure, why not.
lord death: i figured, given your rather brash opinion of mr law, you would want to avoid a chaperone.
kirika: oh trust me, i'm fucking pissed that i'm even asking. -_-# but oriko trusts him, so...bleh.
Yumi: ^^; "That's very mature of you..."
kirika:.....*sigh* i guess so....
Yumi: "I'll help you pack."
Belkia: *screaming* "GET IT AWAY FROM ME!"
Magaki: *holding the jar* "I told you not to open it!"
Jordan: =///=
erina: *sleeping on his lap*
Jordan: *strokes her head*
Tanizaki: *waiting outside* "..."
erina: nnh....
Jordan: *light hum*
erina: ......
Jordan: "Hey..."
erina: ...thanks for coming over....
Jordan: ^^ "Any time...as long as I'm not at work. Or unless I can sneak out without Mr. F firing me."
erina: ^^;
Jordan: "I made sure to have someone cover for me...Anything I can bring later this afternoon?"
yuuji: *taps his pencil on the desk*
Aizawa: "Bored, much?"
yuuji: *shrug* eh, dont have any plans for the week, so...
Aizawa: "Hmm. I could give you more homework--"
yuuji: even though i'm in the general courses?
Aizawa: "It's either that or I have you do some community activities. Anything that'll help you."
yuuji: *shrugs* either one i guess...
Aizawa: "Then help me with some supplies..." *shows a list* "I stuck preparing a meal after some of the students and faculty finish a building project."
yuuji: sounds good.
Walter: "Wait, you've danced before, right?"
Kafka: >_>;;;
Tachihara: "..." *snort* "Oh, this is just sad..."
leroux: i could give you instructions if you wish!
Kafka: "O-Okay? But won't I need a dance partner?"
leroux: *hands him a mannequin* i have a few spares. ^^
Walter: OwO "Oh! We can use that later for cosplay modeling!"
Kafka: ._.; "..." *holds the mannequin's hands* "Like this?"
leroux: *adjusting kafka's hand placement* there you go. *puts on a record*
Kafka: "Now what?"
-a slow waltz tune plays-
leroux: *picks up the christine doll* like so. *dancing with the doll*
Kafka: .__.; *tries to match the movements--and steps on 'her' toes* "Oh! Sorry..." ("Wait--it's just a mannequin...")
leroux: try to put your arms up a little more.
Kafka: "Like this?"
leroux: there you go.
Kafka: ^^;;; *keeps moving--*
Tachihara: "Watch those hands, buddy--she'd slap you in real life."
Kafka: O_O;
leroux: ^^;
hirotsu: speaking from experience, are we?
Tachihara: O_O "Y-Yes! No!" *shakes his head* "I don't know the right answer--STOP PLAYING MIND GAMES ON ME, OLD MAN!"
hirotsu: *just gives him a look*
Walter: *pat pat*
gin: rip, tachihara. and his dignity.
Patty: "Oh! Those seeds are growing well!"
Takeru: ^^;
Kazue: *seated at their chair...they are actually awake* O_O;;;;;;;
lukas: are you alright?
Kazue: <Is it breaking and entering still a crime here?>
lukas: >->;;
Kazue: "..." <Don't turn me over to the police. I can't go back.>
lukas: O_O;;;
Jacqueline: "How did the talk go?"
kim: went pretty well i think.
Meme: "..."
Jacqueline: *sets down tea* "What's she like?"
kim: stubborn. -_-;
Jacqueline: "Oh...Well, if anyone can help, I'm sure it's you." ^^;
kim: =3=
Jacqueline: *pat pat*
Meme: "I really appreciated it, Kim." ^^
kim: any time. now about that payment-
Meme: "..." *runs*
kim: D8<
mio: -_-;;
Jacqueline: =_=; "...Sometimes a good job done is its own reward."
Kid: *checking a map of Tombstone* "..."
stocking: whats up? *hugs his neck from behind the couch*
Kid: =w= "Not too much. Just following up from the previous mission..."
stocking: ah.
Kid: "I was hoping to call in to see whether they had any clues...You're here for the day?"
stocking: yeah.
Kid: *smiles* "Any work?" *rubs her hand*
stocking: later this evening. i'll be at a meeting to discuss the exorcist exams...
Kid: "Oh, those are coming up?"
stocking: yeah...
Kid: "I hope it works out well. Who else is procturing?"
Chuuya: *adjusts his tie*
Chuuya: *sits down* "Hello." *smiles weakly*
-at the other end of the table is rain's photo-
Chuuya: "Y-You look nice...As always...” ^^; "I...hope the meal is good. I remembered y-you liked...red velvet. It's dessert...” *shaking* "I-I'm sorry--I'm getting ahead of myself. We have dinner first, right..." *sets down two plates* "..." *sets down the plate--and ends up spilling the glass of water* "!!!" *reaches down to wipe it...then falls to his knees*
*a drop falls onto the puddle of water*
Chuuya: *smiling widely...and crying so much*
-i want to see you again i want to see you again i want to see you again i want to see you i want to see you i want to see you-
Chuuya: *shakes* *holds his head* "Please...come back. Please!"
sonia: papa?
Chuuya: "..." *slowly turns*
sonia: .....*she looks at him, with a vacant look of concern*
Chuuya: "..." *rubs his eyes* "I-I'm sorry. Just cleaning."
sonia: *walks over to him.....and wordlessly hugs him*
Chuuya: "..." *mindlessly holds onto her*
sonia: *head pats* ......
Chuuya: *crying* "R-Rain..."
sonia: ........
Chuuya: "...Sonia, I'm sorry."
sonia:.....do you want to rest now?
Chuuya: *whimpers*
sonia:.....you get some sleep, papa. i'll clean up.
Chuuya: "Th-Thank you...I'm sorry..."
sonia: it's ok.
Asher: "Where to, meister?"
izumi: alright, our next class is wiiiith, dr stein.
Asher: "..." *turns on their heel, starts walking away*
izumi: *grabs the back of their hoodie and drags them behind her*
Asher: "If I die because of him, I'm haunting you..."
izumi: ^^;
Stein: "Hello."
izumi: hi dr stein.
Asher: "Sir..."
Stein: "Let's begin today's exercises." *he's set out meditation pillows*
Thorne: "They look well..."
shiemi: *nods*
Thorne: *looks where they planted Rose's seeds* "..."
shiemi: they're growing very nicely.
Thorne: *nods* "...I'm scared."
shiemi: ??
Thorne: "What will they produce..."
shiemi:...*pats his back*
Thorne: *sniffs*
Mephisto: *holding his nose, while dumping the diaper* >~<
shion: baba.
Mephisto: "Okay..." *picks up the newly diapered Shion* "How's that?"
shion: ah! ^o^
Mephisto: "Good! Ready for a feeding?"
Tachihara: *cleaning up the kitchen* "Jeez, what happened here anyway..."
sonia: ....
Walter: *putting food away in the fridge* "Looks like a good meal...Oh! Red velvet!"
Motojiro: "..." *pats Sonia's shoulder*
Motojiro: *sad smile* "Did you eat, Sonia?"
sonia: a little bit...not from here...
Motojiro: *nods* "Maybe a glass of water would be good?"
Gopher: "Oh...So, you're going out of town?"
kirika: for a little while.
Gopher: QwQ "Th-That's good..."
kirika: *head pats* hey, you'll survive a few days without me.
Gopher: TwT *soft purrs* "R-Right..."
kirika: if you were really that weak, you'd be dead already. so you're stronger than you think, you little weirdo.
Gopher: QWQ "...Thank you!" *bows--falling down, his face landing on the floor*
kirika: *sweatdrop*
Wes: *rubs Ghost Dog's belly*
ghost dog: ^u^
Wes: "Good puppy--good puppy!" ^^
kyouko: i'm home.
Fujimoto: "Welcome back! How'd it go?"
kyouko: busy as usual
???: oh, hey kyouko.
kyouko: !! oh, yuma!
yuma: ^^
kyouko: you're so grown up now, it's shocking.
yuma: yeah. ^^; i thought i'd come over for a little bit before heading out.
Mifune: "A busy mission..."
kyouko: you're going on missions already?
yuma: *nods*
Mifune: "She'll be supervised, of course." *reassuring pat*
yuma: yeah, miss mikuni, miss kure, and mr law will be going with me.
kyouko: neat, but try to be careful around that kirika girl, ok?
Mifune: ^^;
Momo sakura: *picks a dandelion* ^^
angela: *making flower crowns*
Mifune: "Now we just have to finish your packing."
Blair: *checks a print-out of patients* "This one--'Panda'? He's still in a coma."
shinra: i see...thank you very much.
Blair: "...I'm sorry. A friend of yours?"
shinra: s-sort of...
Blair: "Would you like to see him?"
shinra: if it's not any trouble-
Blair: "Not at all--visiting hours are still in place." *walks with him* "No one has been to visit him..."
*inside the room, Panda is in a medical-induced coma...his burnt skin is bandaged*
shinra: ......hey panda, it's me, shinra.
Panda: "..." *breathing valves pump oxygen through his mask*
shinra:...i'm sorry. i wasnt able to save you when you needed it, but i swear i'll make up for it.... we'll bring inka and sasori back, i promise.
Blair: "..."
Panda: "..." *vitals are stable*
shinra:...get well soon... *stands up*
Blair: *small smile* "I can call with any updates.."
shinra: thank you.
Stein: "That'll be all for today. Your homework is to practice this meditation once a day to get in touch with your souls."
Asher: "Zzz..."
izumi: .... ^^;
Saria: *stretches* "I hope it helps..."
Zeke: "It's really hard when you had too much soda, yo."
Kepuri: *gets into the driver's seat* "Okay, just a short trip from the office, and we're back home!"
Yohei: "...I want a different carpool."
Assi: O_O;
Spirit: *drops wedding invitations into the mailbox* =w= "It took a long time narrowing it down...but it's done. ..." *collapses in front of the mailbox*
Hyde: *in a postal worker outfit* "..." *nudges Spirit*
Inka: *singed, hair on fire* -_-;
Haumea: "That'll be all~" *departs*
sasori:....*pours water onto inka's head*
Inka: T_T "Thank you...Now get me a towel."
Kanin: *looking at magazines at the convenience store* "Oh, this looks promising..." *picks up a manga*
-seems to be a collection of 4 komas of 'Laka and Daisy'-
sayaka: oh my gosh, i love that comic! those doggies are so silly ^^
Kanin: OwO;;; "...Ha?" *opens the manga*
Chuuya: "Zzz..."
mito: *sleeping on the pillow next to him*
Chuuya: *muttering, tossing*
mito: *streeeeetch*
Chuuya: *groans* "Rain...No..."
mito: *nuzzles against him*
Chuuya: *breathes a bit more calmly...whimpers*
mito: *purrs*
Chuuya: *hugs Mito*
mito: =w=
Chuuya: *strokes Mito, crying to calm down*
Justin: *packing*
oriko: *looking out the window*
Justin: "How do you feel about this mission?"
oriko: im...nervous.
Justin: *nods* "Understandably. You won't be alone, though--you'll have support."
oriko: i know, but...what if i remember something painful?
Justin: "...You can't know that you will, so that may be a bridge to cross only if you come to it."
sasa: ...........*blows air horn* wakey waaaakeeeeey
tsukuyo: !?!?!?!?! O_O;;
Demongo: *yawns* "Five mo-mo-more minutes, my ma-ma-master..."
sasa: get up, you shits, it's moving day.
tsukuyo: m-moving day?
sasa: yes! start packing!
tsukasa: um... ._.;; *blink blink*
Demongo: "..." -_-; "Yes, because I have soooooo much to move."
tsukuyo: and we're leaving because?
sasa: this shithole town's gone stale for my personal taste. i need a change of scenery.
tsukasa: and you drag us into helping you?
tsukuyo: a new town does mean new magical girls, which could mean new recruits.
tsukasa: hmmm, good point, good point.
Demongo: "..." *stomach growl* ^\\\\^; "Ready to help pack!"
tsukuyo: and where are we going?
sasa: shirase town.
shibusawa: ..........*sigh* (another humdrum day, another humdrum birthday, another humdrum year....)
Nox: "??? Is something troubling you?"
shibusawa: just the usual problems.
lux: well, lady miyuri made this for you. *hands them a clay dragon*
shibusawa: how thoughtful. let me place this with the rest...
lux: =3=
shibusawa:....i suppose i'll visit the child later today.
Nox: "Very good." *pours tea*
shibusawa: hopefully soon, dostoyevsky will call up and we can begin the show proper...
Zeke: *thumbing through news* "Oh, bro--missing person report."
axel: *looks*
Zeke: "Looks like she had a quirk--spider."
axel: neat.
Zeke: "They have the contact info for any details...You see any spider quirk people around?"
axel: not that i know. *shrug*
Bon: "Yo." *sets down a muffin*
izumo:...is this a peace offering or something?
Bon: "..." *nods* *sits across from her*
Rin: *waves at Stocking* "Yo, teach!"
stocking: good morning, everyone.
Shima: "Hello, ma'am~ How are you this fine day?"
stocking: -_-; now as you know, the exorcist exams are coming up soon
Rin: "What'll be on the exam?"
kirika: *in the backseat of the car, looking out the window*
Justin: *smiles* "You got it." *tunes to the station*
kirika: *nods her head along to the tune*
Justin: *looks at Oriko*
oriko: ^^
yuma: *snoozing*
Justin: "We'll pull over in an hour for something to eat. Any preferences for meals?"
kirika: i dunno.
Justin: "Maybe some sandwiches and salads?"
Meme: *knock knock* "Hello?"
fani: what?
Meme: "Hi...How are you this morning?"
fani:....fine, i guess....
Meme: *knock knock* "Hello?"
fani: what?
Meme: "Hi...How are you this morning?"
fani:....fine, i guess....
Meme: "Have you had breakfast yet?"
fani:...what's it to _you_?
Meme: "!!! I-I just want to help--"
fani:......for the record, no, i havent.
Meme: "..." *holds up a tray* "I think I can help with that." ^^;
fani: ?? i-is that....cinnamon toast?
Meme: *nods* "Made it myself."
Meme: ^^ "I hope it's decent. You looked hungry."
fani: *still eating, shiny eyes*
Meme: "That's good...Need more syrup?"
Kanin: *fiddling with a phone* "Hmm..." *his contact list is empty* "..."
genny:....um....did you.....want to exchange numbers?
Kanin: "Wh-What? Oh, sure!" ^^ "What's yours? I'll text you..."
-one number exchange later-
Kanin: "Yay! Thanks, Genny! I was a little shy to ask..."
genny: n-no problem. ./////.
lei-lei: why dont i share my number too? ^^
Kanin: "Thanks! That'll be great. I appreciate it..."
lei-lei: what are friends, for, right? ^w^
Duncan: "And how about I share my number? Of course, my new model of phone may be too advanced for--"
Kanin: "Amelia? How about you?"
Duncan: D : <
amelia: oh, i dont have a phone.
Kanin: "Oh...Sorry."
amelia: it's fine.
Kanin: "...Want to borrow mine for some gaming?"
amelia: is that alright with you?
Kanin: "Sure! I got Tetris...I haven't downloaded others for it..."
Rin: Q_Q "...I'm going to fail..."
shiemi: then you got to study hard then,
izumo: they'll seriously kill you if you dont.
Bon: "Yeah, not just sit at home doing nothing."
Rin: "I study plenty! ...It just doesn't stick." >3>;
izumo: -_-;
Shima: "How 'bout a study session to make things better?" *puts arms around Shiemi and Izumo* "What'd you say?"
izumo: *PUNCH*
shiemi: that sounds like a great plan!
Rin: "Oh, I can make some snacks!"
Bon: "Yeah, and we'll go through notes." *stamps Shima's head*
izumo: rin, focus.
Rin: "R-Right...Focus!" *opens a book* "...Where to start?"
Kafka: *breathing heavily* "Okay...I _can't_ do this." *walks away*
bessy: ~?
Kafka: "This was a dumb idea. Like anyone would be interested--I'm just a disgusting bug, after all..."
bessy: whatcha doin~?
Kafka: "...Adult things." *glances into the hallway outside Etta's room*
-no one there-
bessy: like taxes?
Kafka: -^- "Good...G-Good..."
etta: *right behind kafka* hi franzy ^^
Kafka: "N-No, nothing like that. You wouldn't understand--" O_O "..." *squeaky voice* "H-Hello..."
etta: whatcha dooooin~?
Kafka: O_O "...Not standing here."
etta: oh?
Kafka: .__. "... ... ...Are you busy?"
etta: not right now, why?
Kafka: "...Can coffee get us?"
etta: how about tea?
Kafka: OWO "...Sure."
etta: ok then ^^
liz: morning, students. ^^
Zeke: "What're we up to today? Weapons practice? Demonstrations? Target practice?"
liz: we'll be doing some target practice to start off with.
Asher: "In here? Isn't that a little dangerous?"
liz: we'll be doing it outside.
Yafeu: "WOO!"
Saria: ^^ "Good thing the weather's decent."
Shotaro: *slowly climbs down on spider-silk, upside, looking over Mana's shoulder* "Good book?"
mana: *nods*
Shotaro: "What is it? Does it have action? Kissy stuff? Footnotes?"
mana: just a book that bryn recommended to me.
Shotaro: "Ah, so action!" ^w^ *falls down, sits next to her* "That was nice of her."
mana: *she smiles and nods*
Shotaro: "Now that you got to try some new fighting moves, what's your next tournament?"
mana: sometime in july.
Shotaro: "..." *pokes her arm* "Need more muscle there..."
mana: i've been training! >3<
Shotaro: "Maybe a different diet?" *keeps poking her arm*
mana: -_-;
Konro: *looking up, holding a watch* "...Yeah, still not coming down..."
fang-hua: must be a new record by now...
Konro: "I think so...I hope she didn't get stuck in the atmosphere."
*sounds like a loud whoosh above...*
fang-hua: ah-
fang-hua: O_O;
*there's a giant crater*
Konro: "..." *stops the watch* "...Um...N-New record..."
Tsukiyo: *pops out of the wreckage* "...Ha! Told you!" *bounces out, lands in front of Fang-Hua* "Impressed?")
Akutagawa: *aims...fires Rashomon*
-nice hit-
naoya: nice shot, akuta!
Akutagawa: "I seem to be back to normal..."
naoya: *smiles* glad to hear. ^^
Akutagawa: *small smile* "Now to practice lifting..." *grabs a table with Rashomon*
Yumi: *standing next to Liz* "How's their aim?"
Zeke: *holding kunai* "Hah!" *tosses at the target--missing* OwO;
Asher: "...Well, it's not baseball..." *picks up a tonfa, knocks balls at the target, nailing each one*
Yafeu: -_-; *aiming a tiny water gun at the target* "...THIS FEELS INSULTING."
liz: going well so far.
Yumi: "It should be a good lesson for them--to understand what their meisters go through trying to handle them."
Saria: "Hee-ya!" *tries to crack the whip--and it doesn't really do anything* ._.;
liz: *nods*
Zeke: "Bro, I think these things are defective..."
axel: *throws one...right in duncan's butt* ._.; oops.
Duncan: -____-# "..." *tugs the kunai out* "..." *spray of blood leaves his sphincter* "..." *collapses*
Kazue: *sleeping*
Yumi: "..." *points at Kazue* "Are they even a weapon?"
liz: i....dont even know.
Zeke: O_O; "...Bro, I think you're going to prison for that."
axel: Q_Q;;;;
Asher: "It's the DWMA--this kind of brawling is fine. Probably."
Saria: ^^; "It's in the guidebook..."
Dabi: "--and he has Polaroids of all the bratty superhero kids. What a weird obsession. And he keeps stacking playing cards into houses--"
tomura: you know i can hear you, right?
Dabi: "...It's still weird. You just going to play with photos, or are we doing something?"
tomura: give it time...
Dabi: *groans* "Better keep your troops in line, then--they seem distracted or kind of lazy."
tomura:.... alright, how about you do some surveillance?
Dabi: "...Fine." *grabs his hoodie* "Where, exactly?"
tomura: *slides a photo* this place.
Dabi: *looks*
-seems to be a museum of sorts-
Bon: *seated on a banister, looking down the atrium to a floor below*
izumo: huh, i didnt know there was a balcony here.
Bon: *puts a slip of paper away* "Yeah...Scoping out the assembly below."
izumo: hmm...out of curiosity, you arent thinking of backing out...are you?
izumo: just making sure....but i get how you feel. you've lost people, goals, and you feel alone and helpless...
Bon: "..." *keeps his eyes on the assembly* "So, you're thinking of backing out?"
izumo: hmph, of course not. i dont have anything else to do....i think, in a fucked up way, losing everything liberated me.......
Bon: "...You've changed."
izumo: oh?
Bon: "Yeah. You're better like this now."
izumo: *blushing* A-AND JUST WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN, HUH?! >////<#
Rin: "Oh, hey! There's the married couple--"
izumo: SHUT UP OKUMURA!!!! >/////<###
stocking: i think 'couple in denial' is more fitting.
stocking: ...if you excuse me. *jumps off the balcony, using her wings to float down*
Rin: "...Dude, I don't think you should call your teacher an asshole."
*An announcer is on stage*
Audience 1: "Where the devil is he..."
audience member 2: he'll show up in some over the top way, i just know it.
gilda: ^^;
Announcer: "Everyone, quiet, please! Um..." *flips through notecards* "Presenting the headmaster, Sir Pheles!"
-cricket noises-
Announcer: "..." ._.;
stocking: *takes out pet container* dad, that's your queue. *opens it*
*a doggie walks out of the pet container, onto the stage*
Audience 2: "D'aw, look at the puppy!"
stocking: ^^;
*the dog gets on stage--then POOF*
seiya: oh!
Mephisto: "Guten morgen! Mephisto Pheles, timely, as always~"
stocking: *listening*
Mephisto: "Obviously, demonic activities have intensified. Even apparitions are increasing in the school. Therefore, I have authorized deploying this Patrol Squad. But we also have an increased request for exorcists--which is like the hell that is a waitlist to get into your favorite idol concert--but it's reservation only! And you don't have the money! And you need a babysitter! And the car isn't running! So you're stuck taking the bus to work, next to the annoying passenger who insists on telling you about their kidney stones--"
stocking: DAD! FOCUS.
Mephisto: "..." *ahem* *holds up microphone, lets go, so it now floats in the air* "Therefore, HQ has ordered us to increase the number of exorcists ASAP! We will ally with exorcist organizations not currently part of the Order of Knights. Next, we have moved up the date for the next Exorcist Certification Exam."
Audience 3: "Huh?!"
Audience 4: "So there's less time to study?!"
Audience 5: "What happened to the puppy?!"
seiya: so when will the exam be, sir?
Mephisto: "September."
izumo: that soon?
Rin: "I guess the Illuminati convinced him to get more exorcists?"
izumo:....*glances at shima*
Rin: "..."
Bon: *glare*
Shima: "H-Hey! I'm not involved in that!"
-something peers through the grate-
stocking: ?!
Audience 6: "Why are there more demons?"
Audience 7: "Is internal affairs still investigating?"
Audience 8: "What did you do with the puppy?!"
Audience 9: "What if the new exorcists suck?"
Mephisto: "Relax...The Vatican sent someone here specifically to work with the newbies--"
stocking: !!!
*it's a colony of hobgoblins, exploding from the gate*
Mephisto: "...Gee, how timely~ Oh, Lewin? Clean up, please."
lewin: you got it boss man!
stocking: i'll cover you!
lewin: why thank you. ^^ let's go, furfur!
stocking: *slashing*
Bon: "?! Furfur? That's pretty high-class..."
Rin: "He's going to summon a furry?"
izumo: -_-;
Shima: "Maybe it's the dog?"
Mephisto: *wearing sunglasses, smiles*
*a beast of electricity obliterates the hobgoblins*
izumo: woah!
Bon: "?!!!"
lewin: *phew* *waves* hello.
Mephisto: "Everyone, please say hello to one of the Pillars of the Arc Knights, the Master of Lightning, Lewin Light!"
lewin: yo ^^
Mephisto: "Let's hope our students learn from all you have to share with them..." *glances up at the balcony--smirks*
stocking: *knocks* dad? you in?
Mephisto: *cough*
stocking: dad? are you alright??
Mephisto: *waves a hand* "Spl-Splendid!" *smiles*
stocking: .....*takes a seat* may i ask something?
Mephisto: "Of course."
stocking: do you think i could get exorcist tutoring?
Mephisto: "Oh? I imagine so...What prompts this idea?"
stocking: after today's meeting, i realize that i still dont know much about exorcism. and me being a student teacher, i should probably know more about this.
Mephisto: "That makes sense. Very well. We can check the schedule for available tutors."
stocking: thanks dad. *smiles*
Mephisto: "It'll be a lot of work--and I know you can do it."
stocking: *nods* i'll do my best, cause i do want to prove i have what it takes and that i know what i'm doing.
Mephisto: "And helping to save the world isn't too bad either~"
stocking: yeah. ^^
Mephisto: "While you tutor, keep an eye on the students--make sure they are studying."
stocking: noted.
Akitaru: *sighs* "So, no signs what the First is doing...or the Church."
iris: ....
Akitaru: "For now, we see how they respond. It's not long before they react to the report..."
Burns: *looking at fire reports...seem to be years old*
dia: sir?
Burns: *looks up* "Yes?"
dia: how's the investigation?
Burns: "Hitting walls...The night of one fire took a lot of my attention, so I'm looking over clues again from the same day."
-that evening-
kirika: *snoozing*
Justin: *pulls in*
kirika: *yaaaawn*
Justin: "We're here." *looks outside*
kirika: ah? *looks outside* ......
oriko: oh.
Justin: "We'll check in." *hands bags*
bellhop: follow me, please.
oriko: *looking around*
kirika: .....
-from the rooftops, a figure watches them-
???: .......
Kid: *walks into the mansion*
stocking: *laying on the couch* welcome home.
Kid: *smiles* "Hello, love." *smooch*
stocking: *smooch* ^///^ how was work today?
Kid: "A bit confusing--many missions to track." *sits with her*
stocking: ah.
Kid: "How was teaching?"
-she explains what all happened-
Kid: "Oh...Any tutor you're considering?"
stocking: someone with experience preferably, like shura or lewin. anyone but triple A batteries >XP
Kid: "Heh...No kidding. Shura is good with a sword..."
stocking: *smiles*
Kid: "You look excited at the prospect."
stocking: yeah...
Kid: "And it'll help you as a teacher..."
stocking: *nods*
Kid: *holds her hand*
stocking:....i overheard some of the other teachers talking about me. they were saying the only reason i got this job was because dad's the boss....
Kid: *frowns* "And you already know that's untrue."
stocking: *nods* i know, i know... and i'll prove them wrong... sorry, went a bit on a rant there.
Kid: "It's understandable...You'll prove yourself."
stocking: yeah. *hugs* thanks kid.
Kid: *pat pat* "Any time..."
stocking: mm~ u////u
Kid: ^\\\^ *holds her*
stocking: if you arent too tired, can we watch a movie and cuddle and maybe you can squeeze my butt?
Kid: ^\\\\^; "Yes, yes, and..." *pats her lower back*
stocking: ah~<3 u///u
Kid: *grabs a blanket, tucks it over them, takes the remote...* "Any viewing preference?" *rests a hand on her knee*
Mori: *huddled in bed*
miura: ...
Mori: "..." *looks up suddenly* "!!!"
miura: sir?
Mori: "...S-Sorry...Thought I...Nevermind."
miura: is something on your mind?
Mori: "...The usual."
miura: would you feel better talking about it, sir?
Mori: "...I'm broken."
miura: *listening*
Mori: "I lost...Elise...Childhood..."
Mori: "I-I just see that connection...Without her, I'm just this...failed adult."
miura:.....would you like a hug, sir?
Mori: "..."
miura:.......*holding him, like a mother would their child*
Mori: *whimpers*
Mori: "Ma..."
miura: *humming*
Mori: *closes his eyes, holding onto Miura*
Kyoka: *looking at her phone* "..."
sylvia: *asleep*
Kyoka: "..." *sets down her phone, lies down in bed*
-early morning-
mrs mamiya: erika, sweetie, time to wake up!
Erika: *yawns* "..." *gets out of bed*
mrs mamiya: *cooking pancakes*
Erika: "...Morning, Mom." *sits at the table*
mr mamiya: you want eggs with your pancakes?
Erika: "...Sure."
mr mamiya: ^^
Erika: "..." >_>; "I'll take the train today..."
mr mamiya: you have a good day at school today.
Erika: "Yeah, okay..."
tsukasa: *panting* are we....there yet?
sasa: weeeee're heeeeeeere~<3
Demongo: "Yay--*yawn*"
tsukuyo: so this is shirase town?
sasa: yup! and i've already got the address for my new residence!
Demongo: "Is it cozy~?"
sasa: it will be!
kirika: *snoring*
Justin: *already awake in his room, reading*
oriko: *waking up* *yaaawn* hmm?
*smells like food in the hallway...*
oriko: *steps outside*
yuma: *yaaaawn*
*looks like a decent set of foods on trays*
yuma: ooh, yummy!
oriko: ^^
kirika: *sniff sniff* hullo? =.=~*
Justin: "???" *steps outside* "Huh..."
oriko: oh, that wasnt you?
Justin: *shakes his head* "Room service must include it in the hotel price? At least, I hope--I do not want to charge to the DWMA expense account..."
kirika: *examining food*
Justin: *uncovers one plate, revealing pancakes* "Oh."
oriko: oh, they look lovely. ^^
Justin: ^^; *takes the maple syrup, pours some on* "We'll dine, then get ready for today's schedule."
oriko: thanks for the food. ^^
izumo: is it me or is class more cramped today?
Student 1: "I can't see the board!"
Shima: "I don't see a problem with it~" =w=
Rin: "It's why they call it...a cram school!" ^^
izumo:....... -_-#
konekomaru: well, mr lewin is teaching today.
Lewin: "Okay, let's start! Who can tell me what's on the board?" *he's drawn some symbols*
rui: are they runes?
Lewin: "Yep!"
Rin: ._.; "...I thought runes were more complicated..."
rui: it depends on what kind of runes you're using.
Lewin: "And since y'all don't know how much time you'll have in the combat, you need to simplify."
shiemi: that does make sense...
Lewin: "Let me show you how it's done--" *starts writing a long formula on the board* "It's all about identifying the extraneous components, determining whether the component is there for grammatical sense, or can be substituted for a shorter phrase--" *starts listing two columns of words* "These are the equivalent sets of words, categorized by element then prioritized by effectiveness and finally alphabetized to stay organized--"
Student 2: O_O;;; "..." *inches out of their seat*
stocking: ._.;;
Lewin: "--make sure to carry over the power of this prepositional phrase over to the adjective in order to condense the work, remove the extra stroke lines I have modeled on Runes 1, 4, and 18, then try to slur your words over this phrase since, really, 'M' and 'N' noises sound similar enough--"
Rin: @~@ "Wh-Wha?"
-one long lecture later-
Lewin: "There!" *turns around* "...Huh?"
-only a handful of students remain-
sayuri satou: tch- what babies...
rui: *taking notes*
stocking: i think....i need to lay down....
Shima: "You scared them all away, teach! I didn't even get the hot ones' digits!" *he has multiple face-slap handprints on his face*
Rin: "...WAIT! I just realized! It's a PlayStation controller!"
Lewin: "CORRECT!"
shiemi: ....eh? owo;
stocking: seriously?
Lewin: "Hey, you can find perfection and simplicity in even the least obvious spots. Kinda like how little man here simplifies his life with that puppet thing."
nemu: *through the puppet* DONT PATRONIZE ME, HOBO MAN! DX<
Lewin: "Ha ha ha! See? So let's all get along with our demon friends!"
stocking:...*small smile*
Rin: "If only it felt that easy..."
izumo: he has a point. we cant fight demons without borrowing their power.
shiemi: and there's nice demons in the world too, like nee and rin.
stocking: hey, i'm here too, you know. =3=
Lewin: "...Wait, who are you again?"
stocking: *sweatdrop*
Rin: -_-; "Stocking. Teacher. She's here to learn from you. You know her dad. Your friend Triple A is a dick to her."
Lewin: "...OH! You're Pheles's kid?"
stocking: the older one, yes. it's a pleasure to be working with you, sir.
Lewin: "Then you're just who I need! And some of you others--I need you to do something really, super-duper important!"
shiemi: *nods*
izumo: what is it?
Lewin: *smiles*
Lewin: "Here it is! Get going!"
stocking: ._.;;;;
sayuri satou: nice place.
rui: makes sense the queen of stink would like it here.
Rin: "Ugh! It smells like death!"
Bon: "..."
stocking: *gives rin a look*
Rin: ._.; "...Sorry."
Lewin: "So, I didn't get a chance to unpack my valuables...I kinda just threw it wherever."
*there's a sock on the floor...crawling...*
izumo: .____.;;;;
Bon: "Sir? Could you do something about the smell?"
sayuri satou: i dont have a problem with it.
stocking: oh god, kid would have a heart attack if he saw this...
Lewin: *takes out a lighter--and sylphs pop up*
shiemi: oh!
Lewin: "I'll make you a bonfire later if you help, okay?"
rui: aww, they're so cute!
Shima: "??? You're going to fire bon?"
Rin: "You're going to light Bon on fire?"
Bon: *slams their heads together*
izumo: i was about to do that myself. thank you bon.
Bon: >_>; "...Yeah, sure..."
*the sylphs move all through, cleaning all the air*
Rin: *deep inhale, head bruised* "Ah! So clean!"
Shima: X_X
Bon: O_O "He...He didn't go through formal procedures...H-How..."
stocking: arent sylphs air affiliated??
Lewin: "Bingo! And since fire needs air, they get along like...fire and air."
stocking: ah.
Lewin: "??? ...Wait, are you also Pheles's kids?"
rui: oh, we're cram school students, not the same class, but we're still here. my name's rui belladonna!
Sayuri satou:......sayuri satou.....hi...
konekomaru: .....i actually forgot that we're not the only cram school students.
izumo: to be fair, we dont usually see them often.
Rin: "I mean, there are so many people around school..."
Lewin: "Really should keep track of that...Heh heh...Oh, Krillin..." *flips a page*
Rin: *puts a book on the shelf--whose cover pops open, smacking Shima in the face*
Shima: *down* X_X
sylph: *giggles*
Rin: "Hey, cool it! You can play later!"
sylph 2: *noms on izumo's finger*
izumo: OW! jeez, that hurts!
-several sylphs are making a nest in shiemi's hair-
shiemi: um... a little help? .-.;
Lewin: "Man...As Sonic used to say, that's just no good...Well, time to exorcise."
stocking: you're just gonna kill them?
Lewin: "This is not the kind of thing that can be forgiven..."
Bon: ("Jeez, hardcore. But there's no fatal verse for elementals like sylphs--")
Lewin: " 'Mortem.'"
stocking: woah!
Bon: "!!!" ("An original fatal verse...in just one word!")
Lewin: "Well, guess I'm setting a bad example lecturing y'all about 'borrowing demons' powers so easily,' huh? Ha ha ha..."
izumo: (he makes it look so easy!)
Lewin: "So, let me review names...Stocking Pheles, teacher. Shiemi Moriyama, the one who stopped the plant monsters at the festival. Izumo Kamiki, polka-brows--"
izumo: D8<
Lewin: "Sayuri Satou, 'Queen of Stink'--"
sayuri satou: *nods*
Lewin: "And you're the King of Troublemakers, Rin O!"
Rin: -3- "Rude..."
Lewin: "And you're genius Ryuuji Suguro, right?"
Bon: .\\\\. " 'Genius'?"
konekomaru: well, you do have good memorization with death verses and sutras.
Lewin: "Yeah, my memorization is poor..." *looks at Konekomaru* "...Neko-Kitten?"
konekomaru: konekomaru, ^^;
Lewin: "Ah, right..."
Bon: "S-Sir, that's too much...I'm not a genius. I'm useless...like in the fight back home--"
Lewin: "Horsefeathers. You're plenty useful. You got what it takes to be a great exorcist."
Bon: "...But that's just it...I don't have any reason to _be_ an exorcist anymore..."
izumo: ??
Bon: "Satan tore my family apart...I wanted to bring them back together...That's taking too long. My dad is moving on, our shrine isn't just me...Everyone has their own path...I don't--I don't know what to do!"
izumo: ......
Lewin: "...So, what, you need 'ambition' just to take a dump?"
Bon: O\\\\o; >\\\\< "What?! N-No! Ambition is necessary to push you forward!"
Lewin: "..."
Bon: "Didn't you have a reason to become an exorcist?!"
Lewin: "..." *nods* "A demon slaughtered my whole family when I was a kid."
stocking: !!!!...mr lewin....
Bon: "I-I'm sorry...So, that's why you're an exorcist."
Lewin: *shakes his head* "Nah. I'm just pulling your leg."
stocking: ?!
Bon: "...What."
Lewin: "I grew up in Texas. Pop, Ma, old bro, old sister. They're all fine."
Bon: "..." -_-###
Lewin: "Wow, sore spot. Sorry about that. But seriously...Well, you know folks like Charisma Justice? All Might? Heroes...I wanted to fight like that, for justice--"
izumo: are you just bluffing again?
stocking: -_-# JUST BE HONEST WITH US.
Lewin: "...I mean, I don't have any grand ambition or motivation or goal." *taps his manga* "I'm not the shonen hero of this story, you know. There's no dark backstory, no enemy, no quest for vengeance. I just like being alive in this world."
stocking: .......
Lewin: "???"
Bon: *is on his hands and knees*
konekomaru: um-
Bon: "Lightning! Please! Accept me as your student!"
izumo: ._.;;
Lewin: -w- "Huh...Falling faster than Yamcha--"
Rin: "What the H you doing, Bon?!"
izumo: have you snapped?!
stocking: *sweatdrop* (maybe i should ask shura to tutor me...)
Dabi: *hoodie pulled up, looking at the museum*
himiko: ooooooh!
Dabi: "Shh."
himiko: *nods*
Dabi: *walks up the stairs inside*
himiko: *following*
Dabi: *looking down the hall while removing his wallet*
himiko: *whispers* so what're we looking for?
Dabi: "We'll know it when we see it. It should be in the back..." *walks to ticket booth* "Yo. 2."
Motojiro: "Ah, there you are..."
sonia: hello mr kajii.
Motojiro: "How's the book report coming along?"
sonia: pretty good. i was helping Q with his as well.
Q: *waves*
Motojiro: "What's your book, Q?"
Q: *holding it up; seems to be a psychological horror*
Motojiro: OwO "...Is there any recommended age for that book?"
Q: *shrug*
Motojiro: "..." *shrug* "Well, can't be any worse than reality...Where did the other kids go..."
sonia: listening to mr leroux play.
Motojiro: "Ah, how nice!" *walks to the piano room*
leroux: *playing piano as the other kids listen*
Jakob: "Ooo..."
wilhelm: ^^
Tom: *leans in, listening intently*
bessy: ^^
Walter: *sitting with the kids* ^w^
leo: *smiles*
Motojiro: *sits with Leo* "..."
leo: *rubs her stomach*
Motojiro: "..." <M-May I...> *his hand hovers over hers*
leo: *leans into him, smiling* u////u
Motojiro: ^\\\\^ *puts an arm around her shoulder*
Justin: "Where should we begin? Perhaps somewhere that reminds you of something..."
kirika: maybe the school?
Justin: "Very well--we can take this bus..."
oriko: *nods*
Justin: *points* "There's the stop...Anything we're missing?" *looks at the others*
yuma: i dont think so.
Justin: *looking at the buildings* "..."
Kid: *frantically folding clothes*
liz: you alright?
Kid: OwO;;; "You ever feel there is something really wrong in the world? I think I can I feel that--so I'm trying to off-set it..."
liz: ._.; um....ok then.
Kid: "Hee hee...J-Just need to fold this--" *rips a shirt* QWQ;;;;;
liz: ._.;
Iida: *picks up a bag of take-out*
ochako: ^^
eijiro: aw yeah!
Iida: "Off we go! Oh, but please, procure napkins!"
ochako: you got it!
momo: ^^;
Izuku: *checks his bag* "Looks like all's here...Where to?"
jirou: first stop is the picnic area, then we'll head to the cave of trials.
Denki: " 'Trials'?"
jirou: it's sort of a nickname. it's a dark cave in the wooded area that's often used for tests of courage.
Tokoyami: "!!! ..."
mina: oooh, neato!
Izuku: ^^; "Should be entertaining, I guess..."
Iida: "A way to inure ourselves against fear!"
kirika: *looking around*
Justin: "Rather quiet..."
kirika: looks like school aint open today...im gonna check the roofs for anything. *magical girl mode and uses her claws to parkour up a wall*
Justin: "Be careful! Mind the walls!"
kirika: yeah, yeah. =3=; *mumbling*
*doesn't look like anything is going on--*
kirika: ?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK?!
*it looks like a shield surrounding a fast-moving person, crossing perpendicular to Kirika's path*
kirika: the hell?
*the shielded being slows down, ducking, rolling, turning around--and holding an axe*
kirika: !!!! *blocking with claws*
???: "Neat trick. What are you? An onyx scorpion witch?"
kirika: eh? 'the fuck're you?
???: "A magical girl. And, what, you kiss your mother with that mouth?"
kirika: is that right? well as it happens i am to, but why should _you_ care, and who do you think you are, neighborhood watch or some shit?
???: "You could say that--a monster hunt. My turf. So get out of my way--"
kirika: boring! i dont have time to go playing around with little brats like you, so if you excuse me, i have shit to do today-
???: *grab* "You just call me a 'brat,' you stuck-up bitch?!"
kirika: look, im not in the mood for bullshit, so if you would just piss on off with your little wraith hunt, then we'll be all good, k?
???: "..." *FWOOM*
*a bubble encases Kirika*
kirika: ?!?!?!
???: "How about you stay there, and I'll come back to free you...I hope you don't need the bathroom for a bit."
kirika: you little shit! D8<
???: *waves* "Toodles~" *turns--and bumps into--*
Justin: "??? Um...Hi?"
???: *falls back* "?!"
kirika: oi, priest, get me out of here! >3<#
Justin: "Oh, okay!" *shows off guillotine* "Stand still--"
kirika: ._.;
???: "!!!! WOW!" *grabs Justin's arm* "Look how sharp it is!"
Justin: ._.;
kirika: um....
???: "How do you do that?!"
Justin: "I-I'm a Death Scythe--"
???: "No way! ...So why are you with this dorky mantis?"
kirika: =_=; the hell're you calling dorky?
???: "You, mantis. Just go clean you pinchers for a bit--" *grabs Justin's arm, shiny eyes* "Do you like punk?! You totally look like some hardcore metal killing machine!"
Justin: .____.;;;; *mouthing to Kirika: "HELP ME"*
kirika: *kicks the girl in the back of the knee*
???: "OW! What the hell, bitch?!"
kirika: listen brat, you're really beginning to grate on my nerves.
???: -_-# "Then don't get in the way of my mission, you stuck-up short-tempered shit!"
Justin: -_-;
Justin: *grabs both of them, covering their mouths, sounding deathly serious* "Do I have to wash out your mouths with soap...?" ^^#
kirika: 0-0
-justin's phone goes off-
???: Q_Q
Justin: *lets go of Kirika, checks*
yuma: [gett o the bridge! D8>]
Justin: "!!! Kirika, to the bridge!" *takes off*
*he's still holding onto ???*
???: "?!!!"
-at the bridge canal, oriko has pulled someone onto dry land. she is soaked and panting-
yuma: D8> ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoooosh!
???: *cough cough*
kirika: what the heck's going on here?
yuma: wewerelookingaroundwhenisawagirlabouttojumpoffthebridgeandthenshejumpedandorikowentafterherandbroughtherbacktotheshoreandidontknowwhattodo *INHAAAAALES*
???: *shudder* "Wh-Why..."
kirika: ??.....!!!!!!!! *her eyes widen in shock*
???: "...K-Kirika? ...Oh, I'm in the bad place..."
kirika: erika?! what the hell!?!
oriko: oh, she's a friend of yours?
kirika: 'was'....until she decided to stab me in the fucking back...
Erika: -_-# "Nice to see you too..."
Justin: *pulls up in the van* "Had to find where we parked..."
yuma: ._.;;;
kirika: the hell you doing, taking a dive off the bridge?!
Erika: "None of your business..." *tries to get up--*
kirika: ...did ya lose your shoes in the river?
Erika: "..." >\\\\>;;; *curls her legs under her*
kirika: what, cat got your to-
oriko: they're on the bridge,
kirika: .......
Erika: *small whimper*
kirika:.....*sighs* you want food or somethin'?
Erika: *staring at a bowl of ramen* "..."
kirika: jeez, how many years has it even been?
Erika: *shrug*
oriko:....so, what happened to you miss erika?
Erika: "Wh-What do you mean? N-Nothing happened..."
kirika: so you just tried to kill yourself for shits and giggles then?
Erika: "Shut up...It's none of your business..."
Justin: "Your family must be worried. Have you a mother? A father--"
Erika: "No!"
kirika: ....oh right, your pops left....
Erika: "Shut up..."
kirika: to be honest, you got off easy.
Erika: "..."
kirika: ......do you want to die?
Erika: "...I'm miserable..."
oriko: *listening*
Erika: "...Some stranger moves in, now I'm supposed to call him 'Dad'..."
yuma: is he mean to you?
Erika: "...I mean, no...He's just not my dad..."
kirika: why should _that_ be a problem? i mean, i have a new adoptive family, and i'm pretty happy about it.
Erika: "Because I'm useless! Because if I wasn't, my dad wouldn't have left! Because if I wasn't, my mom wouldn't hate me for--for not calling this stranger 'dad'!"
kirika: .....im gonna ask again. do you _want_ to die?
Erika: "Y-Yes..." *covers her face*
kirika: then go die.
yuma: miss kirika! D8<
kirika: what it's survival of the fittest! if she doesnt have any will to live, she's gonna die, simple as that.
Erika: *shaking...* *picks up the ramen--and throws it at Kirika*
kirika: *dodges* what, did i hit a nerve?
Erika: *holding her head, whimpering* "I'm scared..."
kirika: *glares and grabs her by the collar* if you want to die, then die! but if you're so scared of dying, then live with everything you've got!
Erika: *looks frightened*
kirika: you know, you're kinda lucky....my birth father was scum, he made my life a living hell, all because i was born. there's lots of people who dont even _have_ families! *her hands are shaking*
oriko: kirika.....
Erika: "I-I'm sorry..."
kirika: *lets her go*.........sorry, i just....got a bit upset there....guess i went out of line, huh?
Erika: "I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."
kirika:.....*awkward hug* jeez, if you want to cry, then go ahead, better to just let it out then keeping it bottled up....
Erika: *can't make a noise, as tears pour down*
kirika:.....*sighs and hugs her*
Erika: *holds onto her, sobbing*
kirika:....sorry for getting all pissy with you just now...you didnt deserve that after today....
Erika: "I keep screwing everything up..."
oriko: it's going to be alright. *pats her back*
Erika: *sobs*
sasa: here it is~ home sweet home~ *picking the lock*
tsukasa: ._.; um-
sasa: grandpa! i'm here!
-the only resident is a very elderly man, who seems to have cataracts-
tsukuyo: *covers her mouth*
Elderly Man: "!!! Wh-Who's there?!"
sasa: shhh, it's just me, grandpa. i'm just gonna get your medicine now, ok? *putting on gloves*
Elderly Man: "Help! Help!" *tries to swing a cane--*
tsukasa: *dodge*
sasa: *pulling a syringe from her bag* shhh, its ok, grandpa. i've got your medicine now, so just take a deep breath ok?
Elderly Man: "Get back! Get--"
sasa: *jabs the needle into his neck, injecting air into his bloodstream* theeere we go~ [[sasa is fucking horrible and horrifying]]
tsukuyo: !!!!!!!!!!!
tsukasa: !!!!!!
Demongo: OwO;
Elderly Man: *gasps, swinging his arm trying to hold his chest--before collapsing*
sasa: there! now that the former resident has been dealt with, we can move in proper~
sasa: a lot of things really, but that's neither here nor there.
Demongo: "What do we do with the body?"
sasa: see if there's a furnace around, meanwhile i'm gonna check for the old dude's papers.
Demongo: "...Oh..."
tsukasa: i wanna go home now....
Demongo: *sympathetic murmur*
sasa: booo you babies. =3=
sasa: and you two are high ranking members of the wings of magius _how_?
tsukuyo: and how are you even an associate?!
sasa: i'm just paying back a debt to them.
Demongo: "..." *stomach growl*
sasa: you know how the magical girl system works, right? in exchange for a wish, the selected person recieves a soul gem that amplifies the soul's wavelength, allowing them to tap into hidden powers within them. most 'official' contracts are with the DWMA and its branches, but not all magical girls are DWMA affiliated. some others find alternate sources, that have not fully mastered the technique. instead of amplifying the soul's wavelength, instead, these illegal contractors have their souls removed from them, effectively making them liches.
Demongo: "Uh huh..."
tsukuya: and a soul gem eventually wears out of magic after a while, so it must be cleaned with either grief cubes from general monsters such as kishin eggs, or grief seeds dropped from wraiths.
sasa: bingo! say, do you wonder where wraiths come from?
sasa: when an official magical girl's soul gem gets cloudy, they just lose their magical girl form until the soul gem is cleansed. however! when it happens to an illegal contractor....*smirk*
sasa: ....i'm actually an illegal contractor myself. but the magius offered me a choice; become a monster, or be saved; i think my choice was quite clear~ dont you think~
Demongo: ._.; "Hard to tell..."
sasa: _you're_ one to talk.
tsukuyo: i'd prefer you not insult him.
tsukasa: yeah, that's my job.
Demongo: -3- "I get no love..."
sasa: do you want to know how i was saved?
tsukuyo: the power of doppel, right?
sasa: ding ding ding! she got it again! two for two! the power of 'doppel' is basically a weaponization of a magical girl's wraith, or her 'other self' of sorts. with this power, we could easily become demigods!
Demongo: ._.;;; *steps back*
sasa:....welp, if you wish to go back to kamihama, go ahead, i've got unpacking to do.
tsukasa: *already fleeing*
Demongo: O_O;
Shura: *pouring a drink*
Shura: "???" *gets up, opens the door* "Oh, hey!"
stocking: hey, hope you dont mind me dropping in. ^^
Shura: "Not at all! Pull up a chair. Want a drink?"
stocking: i'm good. *sits down*
Shura: "Done for the day? Or did Lewin assign more chores?"
stocking: done for today, luckily, so now i can get started with tutoring!
Shura: "Nice. Where did you want to start?"
stocking: how about the basics to start off?
Shura: "Sure. Can I see your blade?"
stocking: ok. *transforms her socks into swords*
Shura: *takes one* "This is still a technique I don't quite understand...You never had any weaknesses to these? Like, do they break easily?"
stocking: i've actually never thought about it. for all i know, they've just been a part of me, in a way.
Shura: "Does that mean non-angels can't use them?"
stocking: *shrug* i've never tested it myself, so...
Shura: "..." *takes off her jacket* "Let's test it..."
stocking: ._.; um... ok then... *backs up*
Shura: *summons her sword* "Come at me."
stocking: um, ok then? *takes a stance*
Shura: "..." *lunges forward*
stocking: !!! *blocking*
Shura: *grabs another sword, swings*
stocking: !!!
stocking: urk- ow...
Shura: *still standing* "Well, they didn't shatter..."
stocking: *getting up* good to hear. hopefully i can say the same for my ribs, jeez...
Shura: ^^; "Sorry--I went a little forceful there. I'm not perfect with two swords, so I may have over-done it..."
stocking: *looks at the couch*
Couch: "..." *splits in two, collapsing*
Shura: D:
-thumps from below-
mrs momoi: keep it down up there! DX<
Shura: "??? Jeez, what's it to you..." *stamps her foot onto the floor*
mrs momoi: i'm going to call the landlord if you dont stop!
stocking: *sweatdrop* maybe next time we should take the sparring outside.
Shura: -_-# "Yeah...Could avoid another trip to consignment that way...Meh, needed a new couch anyway."
Tetsutetsu: "LOOK WHO I FOUND!" *holding Bakugo in a headlock* "COMMENCE MALL TRIP!"
itsuka: *blinks*
reiko: oh my.
kinoko: dude, that's rad.
Bakugo: Q_< "OW! F-Fine! Whatever!"
itsuka: ^^;
Bakugo: =_=; "Your classmates are weird, Itsuka."
itsuka: maybe, but they're good people. most of them are at least.
Bakugo: "??? Who do you--"
Monoma: *pops up out of a potted plant* "AH-HA! The rude hothead doesn't want to go on a date! He is a bad boyfr--"
itsuka: sorry, there was a fly.
Bakugo: "..." *holds her hand* >\\\\<
itsuka: ^^
Tetsutetsu: *already has giant sunglasses on* "SHOPKEEP! CAN THESE WITHSTAND A G-FORCE OF 28 OR HIGHER?!"
Magaki: "Sit."
Iggy: *sits* O_O_O_O_O_O_O
Magaki: *smiles, holds out a strawberry*
Iggy: *nom*
Belkia: *covered in bandages* ^^; "Good...Maybe it'll stop biting..."
Justin: *pulls up to a house*
Erika: "..."
oriko: is this your stop?
Erika: "..." *nods*
kirika:....hey, erika?
Erika: "Y-Yeah?"
kirika: do you.... 7-7; want to exchange phone numbers?
Erika: "!!! ..." >_>; "Y-Yeah, sure..."
-one number exchange later-
Erika: "..." *small smile* "Th-Thanks--"
*someone is approaching behind Kirika*
kirika: it's all goo-....
kirika: !!!!! YOU AGAIN?!
???: *pant pant* "I found--I found..." *inhales* "Jeez, I'm winded...Y'ALL WERE RUNNING EVERYWHERE SO I COULDN'T KEEP UP--WHAT THE F?!"
Erika: ._.;
???: *deep inhale...pose* "I'm...Magical Girl Komaki Asako! ..." *collapses*
kirika: ....... *siiiigh* jeez.... *looking through komaki's pockets for her phone*
Komaki: *sleeptalk* "I just need some orange slices...Low blood sugar..."
Justin: ._.;;; "I am so sorry for this."
Erika: "..." *small laugh*
kirika: let's see, ah, here we go... *dials 'mom'*
*phone clicks*
???: "Hey, Komaki."
kirika: hey, your kid is asleep on a park bench here. just thought you should know that.
???: "W-What?!"
-kirika explains the situation-
Mom: "Oh no! I'm on my way, baby!"
kirika: *hangs up* and now we wait.
Komaki: =w= "Zzz..."
kirika:....most benches i've slept on havent always been so comfortable.
Erika: "..." *looks down*
kirika: ....*pap pap*
Erika: *sniff* "I-I'm sorry, Kirika..."
kirika: hey, it's all good, no use crying over spilled milk, y'know?
Erika: "..." *nods*
kirika: *small smile*
Justin: ^^; "Eventful day..."
kirika: yeah, cant wait to get back to the hotel, i'm beat as shit.
Justin: "We'll continue the search tomorrow. For now, we can do some reading--"
Komaki: *yawns, opens her eyes, looks at Oriko*
oriko: *smiles at her* ^^
Komaki: "...Have we *yawn* met?"
oriko: i dont believe so. ^^;
Komaki: "...'Kay..." *yawns*
Justin: "..."
yuma: *looking around*
Erika: "...There's...a lot to see around town, if you're new..."
kirika: im curious to see how much has changed since last i've been here. is 'pan-fuwa' bakery still open?
Erika: *nods* "Y-Yes. Still tasty." ^^;
kirika: *sigh of relief* oh that's good to hear.
yuma: why dont you tell her about death city?
Erika: ^^;;; "...'Death'?"
kirika: oh yeah, the home of the DWMA? i've got quite a few stories, some im not sure you'd believe me if i told you.
Erika: "Wow...Th-That's surprising. Isn't it scary? I mean, it's the Grim Reaper..."
kirika: nah, dad's pretty chill actually.
Erika: ^^;;;; "...What?"
kirika:.....*sighs* i got a lot of explaining to do, huh?
yuma: *sweatdrop*
Asher: *knocks the last ball in the batting cage* "..." *pulls the tickets off*
izumi: ^^
Asher: "Okay--what'll be this time?"
izumi: hmm.
Asher: "..." *looks at an action figure*
izumi: do you want that one?
Asher: "...I mean, maybe..."
izumi: then you should go for it. ^^
Asher: "...'Kay." *points* "That one, please." *hands over the tickets*
Bon: "..." *smacks his forehead*
konekomaru: are you alright?
Bon: "I acted like an idiot--I got on my hands and knees--WHO DOES THAT?!"
konekomaru:....... >->
Bon: "See?! You don't even have an answer for that...Stupid, stupid--" *smacks his forehead*
konekomaru: hey, it's alright. ^^;
Shima: "Right--it's not the dumbest thing you've done. Like, look at your hair--"
Bon: *headlock*
Fitzgerald: *peeling an apple*
mary: *snoozing*
Fitzgerald: *slices it, sets it out*
Toby: *sniff sniff*
Mifune: "..."
angela: *practicing in a mirror* ok....green! *her hair goes green* yes! now....purple! *purple hair* woohoo!
Mifune: *smiles* "Excellent magic."
angela: ^^
Mifune: "That should prove useful..." *looks at her eyes* "Did those change?"
angela: oh? oh yeah, i guess they did. ^^
Mifune: "Neat...I guess you got more to practice now."
Burns: *exits the Holy See* "..." *pinches the bridge of his nose* "How annoying..."
dia: how did it go?
Burns: "It was annoying...These neophyte priests causing trouble is bad enough--but the Church is now more suspicious of Benimaru."
dia: hmmm...
Burns: *looks back at the entrance* "..." *turns* "Let's get back to the First. I want to take care of something."
dia: *following*
Vulcan: *sets down the wrench* "This one's ready, too..." *gestures to a motorcycle*
karin: nice!
Vulcan: "Not sure how useful it is when responding to fires, though...Still thinking up the gadgets."
karin: mind if i take it for a test run?
Vulcan: *tosses her the keys* "Have at it."
karin: thanks. *putting on a helmet and goggles*
Vulcan: *waves*
Asako: *stares at the phone, and a photo of her family* "..."
goldie: *resting on a pet bed next to her*
Asako: *turns away from the phone, strokes Goldie's back*
Benimaru: *sets down another book on a stack, picks up another one*
kirei: *asleep next to him*
Benimaru: "..." *puts the book away, lies down...holds her*
kirei: mmm....
Benimaru: *smiles lightly*
-but outside, someone is watching in the shadows-
Mantis: "..." *licks his hand*
???: "So I said 'If he tossed a soda can at you, I hope it was a 'soft drink'!" Get it?!"
Mantis: *slinks back more into the shadows as ??? approaches*
???: that was so lame =_=
Mantis: -_-; *groans*
??? 1: "?! Who's there?!"
Mantis: O_O;
???: *goes to look*
Mantis: *jumps behind trash cans* O_O ("CRAP CRAP CRAP--")
fang-hua: ....
Tsukiyo: "..." *kicks down a can*
fang-hua: !!
Mantis: *stuck in the can* O_O;
Tsukiyo: "..." *smirks, cracks her knuckles* "Hey, cutie~"
fang-hua: !!!
Mantis: O_O; "I-I wasn't doing--"
Tsukiyo: "Oh, I know what you're doing--you're peeping on Beni-hottie!"
Mantis: ._.; "...What?"
fang-hua: *facepalms*
Mantis: "...I must be goin--"
Tsukiyo: *mallet BONK*
Mantis: x_x
fang-hua: *cuffs him*
Tsukiyo: ^w^ "Patrol success! ..." *peeks into the window of Benimaru and Kirei's room--*
Benimaru: *at the window, death glare*
Tsukiyo: OwO
Benimaru: *two-finger eye poke*
Tsukiyo: "AAAAAAAH!" X~X
Poe: *places a bookmark, lies down*
karl: *plops up onto the couch beside him*
Poe: ^^ *pet pet*
Kid: T_T *lying in bed*
stocking: i'm home!
Kid: *waves, not getting up, staring at the ceiling* "Hello, my symmetrical goddess..." *groans*
stocking: you ok? *sits next to him*
Kid: "Today was very unsymmetrical..." *points at a ripped shirt*
stocking: aww *pats his head* want me to fix it up for you?
Kid: *nod nod, whimper*
stocking: *getting the sewing kit and begins making adjustments, including mirrored stitches on the other side*
Kid: TwT "Thank you..."
stocking: any time. ^^
Kid: "How was your symmetrical day?"
stocking: it was busy. ^^;
Kid: *nods* *finally sits up* "!!! You're bruised..."
-she explains what all happened-
Kid: ._.; "...Why would Shura do sparing inside an apartment?"
stocking: i guess it was spur of the moment, but she did agree to take it outside from here on out.
Kid: "I'm glad you're training." *smiles*
stocking: *nods* yeah.
Kid: "I'm sure you'll be busy--but it will be worth it."
kirika: *staring at the ceiling* .......
Justin: *exits the bathroom* "...Miss Kirika?"
kirika: hnn?
Justin: "You seem troubled. Is it your friend?"
kirika: just thinking i guess.....about everything....
Justin: *sits* "You have a lot to consider..."
kirika: yeah....but i feel kind of better....like a weight's been lifted, y'know?
Justin: *nods* "Sometimes rebuilding friendships does that."
kirika: i guess....heh...it doesnt even feel real....being back here after so long....
Justin: "A lot is coming back to you..."
kirika: yeah, and hopefully stuff comes back for oriko too......but im kind of scared.....
Justin: "???"
kirika: if she remembers what happend then....how will she react?
Justin: *nods* "But you'll be by her side when she remembers..."
kirika:...*nods* right.
Justin: "She does seem uneasy...but I think she's dedicated to finding the truth."
kirika:.....i guess....
Justin: "...Where is she?"
kirika: she's asleep already.
Justin: *nods* "I guess we all need sleep now."
kirika: i guess.....
Justin: "Well, I'm turning in. Tomorrow, we'll continue to explore the city."
kirika: yeah.... night.
Daisy: *asleep--her head on Eckleberg's lap*
eckleburg: ._.;;;
Daisy: "Mmmm~" *yawns..." *swings her hand, knocking over an empty beer bottle*
eckleburg: *sweats* (MOTHER HELP WHAT DO I DO?!)
Daisy: *clutches his waist* *sleep-talk* "Don't go...Not again..."
eckleburg: ??
Daisy: *hugs, whimpering* "You...never come back..."
eckleburg: .......
Daisy: *shakes awake* "Bl-Blaine!" *leaps up--and stares at Eckleburg* "..."
eckleburg: are you alright?
Daisy: "..." *frowns* "Fine." *lets go of him...then holds her head*
eckleburg: maybe you should lay down...?
Daisy: *sniff, rubbing her eyes*
eckleburg: daisy?
Daisy: "What?!"
eckleburg: !! ....
Daisy: "..." *covers her face*
eckleburg:.....*awkward hug*
Daisy: "..." *buries her face in his shoulder* "Goddamn it..."
eckleburg: .....do you want to talk about it?
Daisy: "...It doesn't matter."
eckleburg: why do you say that?
Daisy: "...He's dead anyway."
eckleburg: !!!!! daisy....
Daisy: *rubs her eyes* "...I grew up with him. He joined the Army. He went on a mission. He died. Th-The end..."
eckleburg:...*pats her back*
Daisy: "..." *holds onto him*
eckleburg: *hugs her*
Daisy: *sniffs* "Y-Yeah...H-He wasn't like you. Not so nerdy..." >\\\\>;
eckleburg: ^^; what was he like?
Daisy: "...Grungy. Romantic. Wrote really bad songs."
eckleburg: ah...
Daisy: "...Heh...He wrote this awful song--sounded like razors on guitar strings..."
eckleburg ^^;
Daisy: "..." *holds onto him* "Sorry. Didn't mean to insult you as a 'nerd.' ...I mean, you are, just didn't mean it as an insult."
eckleburg: it's fine, im used to it.
Daisy: "...Can I just...stay like this for a bit." *sniff*
eckleburg: of course...
Daisy: "..." *nuzzle*
eckleburg: ..... ./////.;;;
Daisy: -\\\\-; "Don't read too much into this, Teej..."
eckleburg: *voice squeaking* wouldnt dream of it. *sweats*
Daisy: "..." *small smile, closes her eyes* "..." *snore*
Tsukiyo: *lying in bed--her eyes bandaged* *holds up her hands* "I can't see a thing! I'm blind!!!" >_<
Mantis: *tied to a chair* -_-;
fang-hua: your eyes are fine, tsukiyo. ^-^;
Tsukiyo: "Fang-Hua, is that you?! Let me check--" *reaches, grabbing something* "...Yep! That's you!" ^w^
fang-hua: ow! that's my braid! >A<;;
Tsukiyo: >3< "This sucks--I can't even cop a feel correctly!"
Benimaru: "Quiet, before I tape your mouth."
Tsukiyo: >x<
Mantis: -_-; "If you're done--you do realize I could just slice these off if I wanted to at any time--but my benefactor told me not to fight y'all."
fang-hua: *rubbing her head where the braid was pulled* benefactor?
Mantis: "Someone who doesn't have much love for the Sun Church, either."
fang-hua:.....*looks at benimaru*
Benimaru: "We are not interested in starting a fight...We just want to worship here in peace."
Mantis: *smirks* "How nice. I'm sure those jackass priests feel the same. Oh, wait--they think you're a bunch of animalistic hairy-ticks."
fang-hua: .....
Benimaru: "...I'm sorry--you think they called us 'ticks'? Not 'heretics'?"
Mantis: "??? What, would bald ticks be better?"
Tsukiyo: "Let me mallet him!" *reaches out her hands, grabbing a broom--and starts smacking it against Benimaru's head*
Benimaru: "..." *continues talking while smacked* "What does your benefactor propose?"
Mantis: "To work with you! Don't you want to show those Church-goers what you're made of? You're the God of Destruction, right?!"
Benimaru: "Does your benefactor know where you are?"
Mantis: "Yep!"
Benimaru: "Good. He can talk to me when he comes pick you up." *moves to exit*
Mantis: D : <
fang-hua: c-commander—
Benimaru: *continues outside*
fang-hua: *following him* sir! are you sure this is a good idea?
Tsukiyo: "You showed him, Commander!" *grabs a 'hand'--really, Mantis's* "...Why are you clammy?"
Mantis: -_-# "Just kill me now."
Benimaru: "What would you propose, Kohana?"
fang-hua: maybe talk to the 8th? or even the 5th?
Benimaru: "No--I am not bringing them in on this. The Church decided to pick this fight--and frankly, the Eighth is too chummy with them for me to think they'll be reasonable on this. I heard they brought in more nuns."
fang-hua: .......
Benimaru: "...Post guards on him. I have to get back home..."
fang-hua: understood....
Benimaru: *nods, turns, walks away*
Komaki: =_= *grumbles*
koito: komaki! it's time to get up!
Komaki: *grumbles* "Yeah, I'm up already..."
koito: you've got school soon. also, dad told me to ask how you want your eggs, sunny side up, scrambled, or omelette?
Komaki: *sticks her tongue out* "Sunny side makes me want to vomit..."
koito: so scrambled or omelette?
Komaki: "Grr...Scrambled." *buries her head back under the pillow*
koito: *calling down the stairs* she said she wanted scrambled!
Mr. Asako: *calling up* "On it!"
Komaki: *groans* "It's open..."
-downstairs, the front door opens-
Akira: ^^; "H-Hello..."
mrs asako: hey akira. ^^
Akira: "Hello, ma'am. Is Komaki up?"
mrs asako: almost.
*thumps are heard coming down the stairs--as Komaki falls, still wrapped in her blanket*
koito: ._.;
Komaki: "...Yo, Akira."
Akira: ._.; "...Hello?"
-later, after breakfast and komaki changing into her uniform-
miyuki: *waiting by the school gates* ...
Akira: "Hurry, Komaki!"
Komaki: -_-;
miyuki: *waving to them*
Akira: "Good morning, Miyuki!"
miyuki: ^^ i heard there was going to be a new student in our class.
Komaki: *yawns* "Huh...Where they from?"
miyuki: im not sure yet. ^^;
Akira: "We'll only know by getting to class on time." *smiles*
Komaki: -_-;
miyuki: *chuckle* so how was your patrol last night?
Komaki: "Tch...Got into a tussle with some punk. I showed her who was boss, though." *proud face*
miyuki: *sigh* honestly.
Akira: "I suppose talking things out wasn't an option?"
Komaki: "We talked--WITH FISTS!" *playful jabs*
miyuki: *sweatdrop*
Komaki: "Of course, I went easy on her--didn't want to embarrass her in front of her friends..." *sniff*
miyuki: komaki?
Komaki: *rubs her nose* "Just caught a cold, probably..." *sets down her bag and sits at her desk*
teacher: morning everyone. ^^
Akira: "Good morning!"
teacher: now, we have a new student who will be joining us today, so try and make her feel welcome, alright?
Komaki: "..."
-a girl walks in-
???: hello, my name is Sasa Yuuki. i hope we can all get along~! ^^
Komaki: "..."
Zeke: *flipping through his textbook* "Last-minute prep..."
Asher: -_-;
izumi: *writing notes*
Sid: "Your test will be one part written and one part out-in-the-field practice."
hibiki: *nods*
Kanin: *gulps*
Sid: "The written portion is the end of next week. Your out-in-the-field testing will be over that weekend. You'll be assigned to a DWMA graduate or an EAT student to supervise your behavior on patrol, in practice combat, and in public outreach."
Duncan: *feet on the desk, leaning back* "Easy..."
genny: ._.;
Yafeu: "..." *knocks Duncan's feet away--causing him to THUMP onto the floor*
Sid: "Be sure to study hard." *passes out packets* "These study guides outline only a fraction of what may be on the test. And keep up on your sleep and eating so you're prepared for weekend work."
Saria: *flips through* "Not a lot covered given all we've done so far--so, must be surprises on this test..."
lukas: it's likely.
Sid: "Well, that'll be it for today. We'll start some practice exercises before your test tomorrow. Dismissed."
-in the hall-
Asher: "What a pain...We have to memorize all of this?" *holds up half the textbook*
lukas: that would be the concept of 'studying'.
Asher: -_-# "Droll."
Zeke: "Soooooooo...Who do you think will be our mentors?"
axel: maybe we'll get kilik lunge!
Zeke: "Oh, righteous!" *imitating punches*
Saria: "Hmm...I don't know many whip weapons. Maybe one of the ALT students has one..."
izumi: *nods, sad smile*
Asher: "..." *looks down*
Duncan: "I hope it isn't some failure of a student..." *has a lump on the back of his head*
lei-lei: why are you always such a prick, huh?
Kazue: *sign* <Easy to have potential--when you have nothing yet to show for yourself.>
axel: ooooooh.
Duncan: "Philistines!" *walks--and trips down the stairs*
Kanin: ._.;
"Zach": *bringing in a bag of supplies*
hachi: *nomming an apple* you know, my grandpa's a hollywood director.
"Zach": "Huh...Is that the truth?"
hachi: never met him. *nom nom*
"Zach": "What'd he direct?"
hachi: *shrug*
"Zach": "...Huh." -_-; "Where's the others?"
DWMA Bodyguard: "Okay--this all checks out." *returns paperwork* "I'm releasing her for the day." *opens the overnight room door*
Meme: ^^
fani: ......
Meme: "Hello, Fani! Ready to take a walk?"
Meme: ^^; "Want something to eat first? We could try the commissary..."
fani:...i guess....
Meme: "Great!" *leads the way up the stairs* "Do you like nut muffins?"
fani:....*small nod*
mio: ^^
Meme: *opens the door to the upstairs* "It'll be a few steps to the left..."
fani: ...
*the hallway is crowded, students milling about*
fani: ._.;;;
*no one seems to notice them as they walk*
fani: ._.;;;;
mio: it's cool, i'm not the biggest fan of crowds either.
Meme: "Here--this way." *leads them through an opening in the hall to the commissary...light shines through the windows, and the smell of various foods passes through*
fani: woah....
Meme: *grabs 3 trays, hands them out* "Pick whatever you'd like."
fani: ._.;;; there's so much. no way i can afford all this!
Meme: "Just pick what you can eat! Lord Death is covering this meal..."
fani: ......
Meme: *picks out mac and cheese*
0 notes