#but also ig that’s my type *twirls hair*
send-me-a-puffalope · 4 months
god i cant stop thinking about an undead!Vanny design that unsheathes her knife by pulling it out of her stomach…..
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sixlane · 1 month
lane???? bartylily nun fic please 💳💳
hi laylaaaa i’m twirling my hair…. im a little nervous to talk about this one so um… freaks and weirdos only ig
this is my catholic guilt corruption fic where lily is a young nun who works at a private catholic boarding school. she probably teaches english and she feels really passionate about shaping young minds in the image of god or whatever. she is extremely pious to a detrimental degree. she has locked down all of her human desires, she’s a virgin and plans to stay that way until she dies. [self harm tw upcoming] i imagine she partakes in self-flagellation in probably smaller secret ways when she experiences arousal or has “impure thoughts” or acts in what she deems as an ungodly way. she is pretty brainwashed and she hates herself and loves god but also kinda hates god because of this relationship she has with him. and then there’s barty who was sent to this school by his father (who is probably a big shot politician) for being generally terrible. he’s cut off from the outside world. no phone and only monitored internet usage so he can’t ruin his father’s image further. so yeah he needs something to do to keep himself entertained. and his english teacher is fucking hot. and so he kinda starts playing this game where he tries to get under her skin. which he is extremely successful at because he’s awful. and she probably thinks she should take him under her wing in the beginning. and “save him.” but there is no saving barty crouch jr. as they develop more of a relationship he grows bolder. and he’s making dirty innuendos and then calling her out for her dirty mind when she reprimands him for it. and deep in lily’s mind she is terribly attracted to him and she hates herself for it of course. but sometimes she lets herself indulge with the promise that she’ll punish herself for it later. he’s getting off on how flustered he can make her and eventually she’s letting him touch her… and it completely devolves from there. it’s an interesting power dynamic to explore i think. because barty is truly initiating everything and lily is so hesitant and disgusted by the whole thing until she isn’t. but she is also his teacher. and by participating in a sexual relationship with her student she immediately has some type of upper hand. which i think she would use at some point to punish him for the things he makes her feel. not that he cares really or stops what he’s doing because of it. but it’s a power struggle (more between barty and god if we’re being honest) and it’s mutual corruption really.
so that’s them! this is so fucking long so um. sorry about that but i have many things to say about them… and would be happy to talk more about them if people were interested
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enden-k · 2 months
wait wrioney in your style is so good. on my knees rn. please draw more of them when you have the time and motivation to do so. i would also love to hear your ideas on their dynamic. thank you for your time (/nf)
i have a lot of thoughts actually!!!! i dont ship stuff left and right for no reason, usually i just mind my business and chill until i see a dynamic that jsut tickles my brain and theirs is very much one of the kind i v much enjoy
anw i like to think lyney drops his mask around wrio bc he just sees right through him and his lies, reads him so easily, calls him out on his bs so easily so theres no point anymore to play nice (esp since he already saw); hes dropping his charming, elegant face and meets him with venom, showing all his true colors, his hidden side, his raw emotions. theres def loathing there, tension, anxiety, anger yet smth else, as if he cant decide to pull him down by his collar and bite his throat, rip into it, or crush his lips against his. he claims he hates him, maybe he did at first after everything that happened in the fortress, but he probably hates more the way he feels attracted to him, feels guilty, like hes supposed to not forgive him yet he cant stop thinking about him and how he ruined him--
and wrio who sees all this, his charming side he shows others and his "ugly" sides he shows wrio, sees the entirety of lyney - and wants him. doesnt subdue those flames but tames him. at first he kept his eyes on him to keep track of him but his interest and fascination grew more and more the more he saw all of him
lyneys struggling sm w himself and is so confused by wrio, meanwhile wrio is twirling his hair, kicking his feet or smth ajbjk
wrios thinking about lyneys many faces, how pretty he wears elegant confidence or burning hot anger while lyney thinks about how his hands look around wrios neck strangling him AHHAh lyney tells him of his murder plots (and ofc he doesnt go through w them, they both know it) and wrio smiles at him and gives him tips on more efficient ways. theyre the type who fight for flirts ig
anw sorry this is random unorganized thoughts and ill stop my ramblings there before i go on for another 5 pages or smth akjbscjk
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eightstarr · 9 months
hey zoe! i hope you're doing great <3 also thank you sm for answering all my asks so sincerely and kindly it makes me giggle and twirl my hair lol. ANYWAYS. what are doctor abby and loser ellie's fav fruits. (and yours too ig🙄)
-penis cat anon
fantastic question actually
i think ellie is a kiwi girl!! she likes them when they're super ripe and sweet and when they're kinda sour. one time you were hanging out with her and you had to google if there were health risks to eating 15 kiwis in one sitting just to be sure :)
i'm trying really hard not to make abby sound like a boring cute weirdo but i'm gonna be so honest she looks like the type of person who if you asked her what her favorite fruit was she would look you dead in the eye and say "apple."
as for me even though you clearly don't care 🙄 my favorite are peaches!! i only like summer because it's peach season idc about anything else
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xknify · 14 days
well ummmmm (twirling my hair) could u tell us which ocs are in which worlds :) i like to hear about them
HOOOO BOY anon i love you so much for asking but that's SUCH a difficult question. because i have like. legit over a 100 of characters running around in my brain and i keep making more. and worst part is not a single one of my stories has a proper name for it yet 💔
but i will do my best to explain some lore bits & introduce a couple of characters from each story ^_^ putting all this under the cut because it's probably gonna get a little um. long.
so this is like, the first comic idea i came up with, back when i was like.. 12.. and i don't think about it as much these days but i'm still attached to it!
the story basically goes, a prince named julian (most recent art of him here and here) decides he's not fit for his role and escapes from home with his cousins help. i'm still.. debating.. what happens after that, because originally he was going to escape to the kingdom his cousin is from (she's a princess too) but that's kinda stupid cuz there's no way he wouldn't get recognized there. so i'm basically rewriting it from the start LOL.
other characters from the main cast consist of jaspar (he/him, knight) pumpkin (she/her, witch) elyon (he/it, elf) and licorice (they/them gender neutral catgirl!!! pumpkins familiar). i don't have any recent art of them but um here's a picrew of julian and jaspar kissing
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^ homosexuals
i'll be real this is basically my.. tma ripoff LMAO. in this world common fears manifests themselves as 'avatars' (usually taking the form of animals) and can 'claim' people who they feel like they represent the fears well, giving them different types of powers. the main characters are evelina (evie) and ophelia.. worlds most questionable yuri couple
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evie was picked by the avatar of violence while ophelia was picked by the avatar of loneliness so as you can imagine. these two have issuesssss
i intend for this to be a supernatural horror story mixed w romance 👍 some other characters from the cast are rachel (evies best friend), rachels unnamed boyfriend, and jonah&isaac (also chosen by avatars)
what if knives wrote a dark fantasy story [everyone boos]
this one is a HUGE work in progress but yeah basically this one is another fantasy one (most of my stories are) but it follows dnd rules more closely. the main cast is all women because i'm a feminist. this one is.. the biggest work in progress probably so i don't have much to say about it atm. here's brianna the worlds worst lesbian
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WORLD #4 isoldeverse!!!! most of the ocs from this one are based on.. my bg3 player characters.. and story wise it's also a huge work in progress cuz i'm struggling to come up with a plot LOL the bg3 version of these characters is so engrained in my brain it's hard to seperate
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^ i don't have art of everyone just yet but here's how they look like in bg3 LOL. isolde is the protag... he/him lesbian pirate turned barbarian turned paladin (light spoilers ig). if you're familiar w/ bg3 cherry is my dark urge and i'm fighting for my life trying to figure out how to make that work in my oc universe
is the least drama filled one LOL. this one is my attempt at more lighthearted slice of life type stuff.. but the premise is still that um. a mad scientist lady creates a frankenstein-type monster. and then said monster learns about the wonders of the internet and becomes an influencer 👍
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gracie is the mc here's her in some different outfits :) she does have a face LOL but i couldn't be bothered to draw it here it's chibis anyway. there's some lesbo drama between her 'mom' (the scientist) and her moms ex wife (also a scientist) because i can't stop myself from inserting toxic yuri into all my works
WORLD.. #6?
the one saevel is from if you don't know who saevel is he's my ourple. some art of him here & here . he's my fave but truth is he's not even the main character i just like him </3
this one has a pretty messy plot too cuz ORIGINALLY it was supposed to be a dnd campaign with me as the dm and i invited my bestie to play it right but i got so attached to the player character they came up with and the yaoi thing he had going on w/ saevel i was like. actually fuck that this is our thing now this isn't dnd anymore. or like it's still dnd inspired but it's set in modern times/the future?? and basically it's about a bunch of gay people trying to kill the president ❤️ yeap.
ANYWAY SORRYYYYY SORRY THIS IS SO LONG. but i appreciate you asking 🫶 if you have any further questions.. do let me know :)
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woodypellets · 2 months
Tickle dream?
Ok so yesterday I had a tickle dream(not sure how or why)
but basically it was abt my oc so i thought, "Hey why don't i write this down?" soo doing that now
But since i never talk abt my oc lemme do a quick explaining
Alco: A female ghost, doesn't have left eye ball. The most sensitive on both physical and mental out of the group. after death doesn't really remember how she died. Looks more like a fox puppet rip off, but doesn't have button eyes, strings and less color. Pretty tall, and is the oldest out of all, she also has this big smile on her face. Has always been the ler mind some how at first. she always act very...mysterious. Her limb can bend different ways and has a good poker face. Talks with a voice box so her voice is kinda cracky.
Deen: the middle child, the brother of Alco and Ashley(they aren't bio related tho). This...is zombie boi, he usually is in his illusion disk to look human, he has purple and white hair which makes him very special(also why I personally like him a lot :D) not the brightest of all but has a very...interesting humor. he's teasy brother type, but when he is working he really just need a little, maybe a tickle break?
Ashley: The youngest sibling, acid monster? The thing i like abt her is her little mint gloves, that's it. Half blind, Alco's bio sister. she can't feel the sense of touch but still has some interest in tickling. That one always nice nice sibling, yes. uhhh did i say she was half blind yet? Oh ok.
ft. lee!Alco, ler!Deen(a side character) and ler!Ashley Warning: this is a sfw tk fic, bad grammer
EK HEM- ~narrator moment~
"And you said this is gonna...what?" ask the ghostly girl.
"Ohhh it's just gonna do a quick scan on you so your illusion disk can look more like you!" Answered her younger sister.
"And to be scanned you'll be lining riiiight there!" she said as she pointed to a top bunk bed which they are sitting under (and i swear i have never in my life seen that bed before) ".
"And what is he doing here?" Alco gave a ✨bombastic side eye✨ to the boy next to her munching on who knows what.
"Oh I'm just here to watch. :3 " Deen exclaimed shaking his feet like a 4 years old.
"Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit!" Ashley sai- "i think." ...she muttered. "whats ya say?"
"OH NOTHING. Lets gets started!"
"Okay??" Alco said with a slight questionable look.
Alco then...idk just lay down there ig, then Ashley and Deen looked at the monitor (wonder where that come from).
As Alco was laying there two hands appeared above her (btw Ash and Deen can't see what's going on up there) making her a little nervous, but everything was chill when it started scanning slowly from top to bottom in one go. But! the silence didn't last that long until...
"hm" a small high pitched noise that is almost unherdable came out of Alco.
"huh?" Ashley confusingly looked at her.
"Oh nothing, just felt it was too silence like no one was here~"
Good thing Alco had a very strong poker face, or those stubby hands holding her arms would've already make her giggle like crazy!
"Ok...? we'll just continue the-"
"...are you ok?" Ashley asked
"yehes" Alco stuttered out letting a few giggles slip out.
"...drama?" Deen being Deen ig :/
So they all pretend that didn't happen, but Ashley did have a little suspicion (insert among us remix).
Although Alco was good at hiding her expression but it wasn't long before she had fallen in to small giggle fits when the scan hands started scanning/touching her tummy.
"hehehhehehaha Nohohoo!" Alco giggled out squirming a little.
"Uhh what's going on up there? Everything alright?" Ashley checked one more time to make sure if her theory was correct (IS JUST A THEORY, A GA- no we're not doing that.)
"YES, Im sureEheh" Alco struggled a bit while giggling it out, as the fingers slowly moved on her.
But at this point it looked like the scan hands were doing it on purpose! It twirled and twisted her hips and belly as if it was trying to squeeze all the butterfly giggles out of her, which most definitely made her flail like crazy despite that most of her sensitive parts the middle areas.
So covering her mouth trying hard not to move so much just to get this over with, the hands danced to her knees.
…ticklish knees much?
"EEEHEEH-" Looks like it made our little Coco here shriek! But somehow, Ashley did not make a peep. As if she didn't hear a thing, but after the first experience I'm pretty sure we all know what's going on here ;) or...do we?
"...a puzzled void noise..." Yes, Deen still didn't know what was going on after all that, but slowly picking up some stuff.
"hM...pff..." Alco tried to speak but she couldn't even talk without letting out a squeal and a giggle in it. Biting her lips, she wanted to kicked those hands of but GOD those hands are strong one holding both of her ankles one scanning tickling her legs.
"Uhuhhm, Ahahshly is this Ahall most ohohver?"
Ashley replied to her question still playing along, "oh stop being a whiney baby, yes its almost over just. Just about to finish up the last part."
Through her giggles, the scanning finally stopped.
"Phew" Finally thinking that the ticklish feeling stopped, she sat up rubbing her cheeks brushing the blush on her cheeks. But suddenly...
"Ok onto the 'finish up' we go!" Ashley called out.
"Wait huh???" Before Alco could even react, the two scan hands flipped her over (idk how flip, like an egg I guess) scanning from bottom to top.
Now the thing is, all of Alco's tickle spots happen to be right behind her. Her spine, her shoulder lines, heck even he back of her head is a weak spot!
"whA-W-WHAIT! Now i don't think i need this illusion disk scan anymore, hhaha. I thinK it's PREtty fine the wAHAy it is right now! HEHE." Alco couldn't help but let out her wobbly smile.
"oh is that so, hm? Welp, can't stop what ya started!" With no regret while saying that.
"NO-" Not even letting her finish her sentence two more hand (fr I have no idea where that came from-) holding her arms down incase she tries to get up. The other two free hands went up to the lower part of her back and just look at the next part alone you can tell how bad that was XD
"NOHO WAIT, STAHAHP PLeaHESE HEHE THaT tICKLES EEP!!" She couldn't help but flail like a fish out of the water.
"Oh does it now? I never knew! Guess you'll have to just endure it then~" Ashley told her with a slight taunt-ish tone.
"EHEHVIHEL EviL HEHEHE" she laught out loud. "ThiS IS TERRIBLEHEHE!" pushing her face into a pillow hiding her pink and blushy face
"well if you think THATS terrible then wait for this!" Her brother Deen giggled alone as the hands moved up to her neck and the back of her head.
At this point Alco was going hysterical was kicking, twiching and clawing on the bedsheet, hmm maybe it was a little to overwhelming for her. But hey! Atleast she was having fun ;)
"Ok just gonna finish this up...there!" Ash said as she turned of the scanner.
"you good there Al? you seem a little giggly ;)" Deen teased.
while on the other hand, "not.*hic* fuhnny..." Alco replied to him.
thats it
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sungbeam · 11 months
Sorry I think I actually went into a comatose state once the Holiday teaser ver pics came out
Suffice to say that I will be investing in these albums 🫡
Also lemme just talk abt the fact that we’ll technically get 9 different versions of the same album technically 😀
The Boys is also way lowkey scary so yeah you’re right 😭 AND YEAH THE ACTOR THAT PLAYED HOMELANDER WAS LIKE… TOO GOOD AT HIS JOB 💀💀 ALSO I saw what you meant about marvel invasion cause ummm what is up with that reader insert plot armour type beat character 💀💀💀 like I saw her scene on twt and not only does it look bad but I was like HUH??? Characters that are so OP are fkn ejdwjjrkekf TOO MUCH LMAO
And I am once again sooo excited for Rhapsody Anonymous even though I saw you were struggling a bit writing it but I think it’ll really pay off 🥹🫶
I’m so glad that you did take some time off for yourself to ground yourself when you felt overwhelmed and I’m really glad that it helped you as well!! Take care of yourself above all else! 🥺💖
Also! Random Q&A time!
1. What’s your fav type of bread
2. What’s the cringiest thing you’ve ever put up on social media (optional answer 💀)
3. Have you ever been in love 🫣
I got like 2/4 of these from teen vogue so don’t @ me ok 😔💔
- So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you. (Paulo Coehlo)
Love always, 🌷 anon
NO CUZ SAME???!(!(!) like I literally was supposed to wrote the day the present concept came out and i couldn't think abt anything else for the rest of the day :l BRO THATS WHAT IM SAYING ?? ist making MONEY MOVES this comeback 😭😭😭 pulling out all the stops to suck the money from our wallets ksnfkemdk I'll need to drop out of college if I were to get even one per concept 😭😭😭
HELP NO CUZ THE COLORS FROM THE PRESENT VER ARE SOOOOOO VIBRANT AND BEAUTIFUL???? THEY WERE SO SO PRETTY. and omg CHOI CHANHEE WAS MADE FOR THE GLITTER VERSION 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️ someone said *im spinnin like a ballerinaaaa* LMAO have u seen the clips from the zeneration behind lol chanhee and kevin on the POLES !!! so iconic tbh i think it was for savior?? not too sure
ur so right anthony starr (?)/homelander plays his role FAR TOO WELL O_O he freaks me tf OUT w that smile omg sknfkendk all his scenes put a shiver down my spine and i haven't even properly watched the series 😭
bro secret invasion threw me for a mfkn loop 😭 idk if you've watched the whole thing but KEVIN FEIGE WE NEED TO TALK ABT UR CHOICES FOR MISS MARIA HILL WE NEED TO TALK S I R. i actually really like the title sequence for it tho i thought it was so masterfully done like for some reason i really liked it in particular 😭💀
ahhhh thanks !!! 🤧🤧 hopefully u like what I've done for it LMFAOOOO it's been a struggle up in here, but it's prob gonna come out to be longer than the estimated word count 🤣🤣 i am not doing very good at keeping it under 20k
omg random q+a 😃
brioche !!! tho i think i have more opinions abt cheese than bread 😭 wheat works too LMAO
uhhhhh 💀 the things i posted way back when r more embarrassing/"u idiot"/"u bitch" type things, but ig i can say all of the over filtered pics 😭😭 i cry every time i think of that try hard bathing suit post i did once it was awful
uhhhh if being in love counts as being in love w white rice then yes 🤩🤩 idk dude lol i don't think i've met anyone yet whom i have really felt so strong an emotion for as sad as it sounds, but i am patient
HELP ME KDFKLEMDK CUZ .... Apparently when i was 1 or 2, i had a SICKENING crush on jimmy neutron 🧍🏻‍♀️ but after that it was probably zayn from lego ninjago, i don't make the rules LMAO i am a nerd-lover through and through !!!
NOW UR TURN GO !!! 😼😼 LMAO no worries i think it was cute and fun !!
— "'If you are intolerable, let me be the one to tolerate you.'" - T. J. Reid 💖
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sumeshi-t · 4 years
fwb!sakusa x reader
wc: 1.7k
warning: slight nsfw mention here and there
i tried tried making this as just a drabble, but i think i might have gotten carried away sksksks 
tagging cheesecult: @akaashit-baeji @bubbleteaa @yamagucheese @milkandc00kiez @akaashichigo @drainedjaz @haikkeiji @annalyn-annalyn @mlkytobio @sosugasweet @cali-writes-sometimes  @simping4ratsumu @shishinoya @ushiwakaa @kxgeyamasmilk @agaassi @hanibuni @cupofkenma  @kawanisshi @thiccbokuto @shinsukestan @sufiawrites @wakaitoshi @skyguy-peach @fern-writes-ig @briswriting @airybby @kawaiikraykray @miyuswriting @raevaioli @ouikarwa @hakueishirei
and thank you mom @taeiliee for beta-ing this omg ilysm
you were sat at the corner of the large hall, watching as strangers kissed strangers, brushing their sweating bodies against each other on the dance floor, the smell of alcohol and lust and sin heavy in the air, all this muted by the loud blaring of music, the bass thumping along with your heartbeat, sending vibrations to your skull.
sighing, you swiveled on the chair, before asking the bartender for a drink. you were just going to enjoy one more shot, give your friends a text, and go home, sleep, end the night as dull as it should be.
until this man, whose curly hair framed his face perfectly, two distinct moles just above one of his brows, the scent of fresh laundry and lavender reaching your nose, caught in your periphery, sitting a chair away from you. his mask prevented you from seeing him in full view but just a look at his eyes tells you that he's been through hell just by being in that place. 
he only asked for water, took out a handkerchief and wiped the rim of the glass before pulling down his mask to take careful sips. he must've noticed you watching him, so he turned to you.
as silly as it sounds, you hiccuped at having realized how cute this man actually was without the mask. you quickly cover your mouth and, surprisingly, he asks the bartender to get you a glass of water. 
"you having fun?" you ask him once your hiccups subsided, apologizing for bothering him. the man who has yet to introduce himself groans, "obviously not. i don't see you having a good time either," 
"this isn't really my type of fun. not at all; i'd rather be at home but..." it's the alcohol, you're going to stupidly put all the blame on the drinks that you've had; on the way his eyes scanned your face; on the way your eyes watched his lips move; on the way his arm brushed against yours once you two decided to get the hell out of that shit-fest.
you thought this was only going to be a cute little encounter with a man who also hated crowds that rescued you and himself, and you were in no way expecting to be ending the night like this–
tipsy and naked, legs spread, back against the wall, nails digging into his smooth back, warm shower water trickling down your body; your breath fogging up the glass, panting with every snap of his hips against yours. 
it was a weird way for introductions to be made, but as you both neared your high, he whispers his name in your ear, "say it, call my name, scream,"
and you did. 
as you rode out your orgasm with him, the sensation of his name rolling out of your tongue felt more euphoric than what really led to you being unable to stand on your own, knees buckling soon as your feet touched the floor, that he has had to give you and himself a real and decent shower.
when you lay in his bed moments later, his back was turned to face you. no "good night" or "sweet dreams"– you realize you'd preferred it that way, to stick to the reality of what this was: a one night stand. and since it's like that, you guessed that this was the last time you'd be seeing or even be breathing the same air as this man. 
so even if he was merely breaths away from you, you knew what you shared with him just now wouldn't shorten the ten thousand miles between you. you knew it was wrong to be feeling this way for a stranger; even so, your clouded thoughts got the best of you.
and you reached out.
"what? can't sleep?" his voice was a low grumble, the sound muffled by the pillow he was hugging to his chest.
"it's y/n," meanwhile, your voice was barely audible, you were sure it was just another whisper in the wind. but for sakusa kiyoomi, it was louder than the moans and gasps you made that night. "though i don't think that's important," you drawled before succumbing to sleep.
the next day, you wake early and leave him, his bed, and the memories of last night without a word. just as how one night stands should be.
so for the next week, you were confused, angry, for feeling so desperate to see sakusa kiyoomi once again. if only you knew that this was how it was going to be, you would've left your number on a little note; or maybe do the things they would in movies, used your lipstick to write it on his bathroom mirror with hearts and your name in case he didn't hear it.
and your desperation has you coming back to that shit-hole of a party. if only to relive the memories of that one night. you knew the chances of seeing him there again were slim, absentmindedly twirling your glass of vodka in your hand while letting the alcohol slowly numb you.
only to see a familiar set of eyes, and half of a face obscured by a mask beside you. 
"thought this wasn't your fun?"
"i could say the same about you, didn't you hate it here?" you place the glass back on the counter, completely turning to sakusa, "wanna get out of here?"
he downed the shot you didn't take, before standing up to leave. 
you both hated having to go back to that club. but for some reason, the two of you just indulged in the prospect of meeting each other there, only to be in each other's heat, and for one of you to be left alone in the cold the morning after.
then it was the third, fourth, and soon it was the sixth-night-stand.
you did something you've never done before: that was, pressing your lips against his. there was a surge of boldness in you that you assumed was only from the alcohol, when you didn't know yet that it was already something more addictive and dangerous than that.
you thought the kiss would ruin everything that you had with him–whatever it was–but, it didn't. instead, sakusa kiyoomi responds with a bite to your lower lip, a chaste kiss, a teasing lick, before pulling away to rest his lips to nip at your neck.
for the rest of that night, his movements weren't so rough. from his lips came out your name and his praises, and with those same swollen lips he left behind a burning trail of butterfly kisses on every corner of your body covered by skin he could taste–all this replacing the usual grunts of approval or the loud smack of his palms against your ass.
this time, sakusa's bed wasn't cold nor empty. the first thing he saw as soon as he opened his eyes the next morning was you; cradled in his arms, hickey-filled chest steadily rising and falling with each breath. his calloused fingers brush against your cheek once, and it was too bad that you couldn't see the soft smile he has for you.
after the seventh night, you two began texting. the texting escalated to phone calls. the phone calls turned into meet-ups that you all but wanted to call a date but couldn't because you had no idea just what you were to him, and what he was to you.
"woah, you can do that? don't your wrists hurt?" your eyes widened, almost dropping the ice cream he bought for you after one of his practice games. 
"really, omiomi? that how ya flirt with such a pretty lady?" one of his teammates quips from behind you. sakusa glares at the blonde guy who you remember as their setter, and you decide to laugh it off. "don't worry, he doesn't have to do much to have me on my kne–"
sakusa slams a mask to your face to keep you from saying anything more. and then, once he knows the two of you were out of their earshot,  his arm wraps around your shoulder to pull you close to him, and he warns by your ear, "that filthy mouth of yours needs a little cleaning tonight,"
to his surprise, you smile up at him, which gives him a hard time concentrating on what you were saying, his quickening pulse echoing in his head making him unable to hear your voice. 
it was no longer the sex that you craved from him. it was no longer just sex for him. deep in your heart, you knew what you shared with sakusa–it was making love. and he knows this too. it was a feeling that to him was so familiar yet so distant. 
"i... i think, i'm already in love with you,"
you were so blinded by the brightness of the emotions you knew you felt with and for him, that you failed to notice he never answered you back, nor did you see the fears and worries that he keeps hidden behind his mask.
after all that build-up, only for sakusa kiyoomi to drop you at the last second. as if nothing happened. as if you were nothing. the meet-ups stopped, your calls were declined, texts left on read. 
it's been a month since then, now you were in your bedroom on a friday night, refusing your friends' invites for yet another party downtown. this time, they tell you it was for you to forget. which was dumb, considering that place was where it all started.
"it" meaning... what? it's not even valid to call it a one night stand anymore. a friend with benefits? then again, did you even fit his description of a friend? or were you just another fuck buddy to him? someone he used as an outlet of his sexual frustrations and when he caught on to the feelings you shouldn't have and even you didn't even know why–
you wished forgetting sakusa kiyoomi was as easy as getting rid of the stains on your sheets.
but the tears and pain he's dirtied you with was a mark no bleach or detergent could ever erase.
little did you know, for the past month, sakusa kiyoomi was patiently waiting for you in that same old stool back in the bar, with three words he wished he'd told you sooner. 
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owlf45 · 4 years
Nico back at it again with only the stupidest Imaginary asks- how would each of the holders react to someone giving them a hug? (This has nothing to do with my desire to give Sixth a hug and you can't prove anything)
Thank you for indulging me Nico I’m so happy you asked BC NOW I GET TO TALK ABOUT THEM 
once again im ranting about my characters no im not sorry i love them okay 
First: hugs is the equivalent of recharging his batteries lol. He’s very shy about getting them but when it’s from people he trusts he absolutely loves it. all hugs are appreciated. It makes him feel loved. Very soft reactions. Bundle of joy. Will always reciprocate. he is touch starved from The OG Vaulting, he just wants healthy attention. however he can only do hugs in short bursts bc otherwise he gets fidgety. afo had a bad habit of having prolonged hugs and first doesn’t like to be reminded of him. 
Second: He’s a bit more finicky about hugs because he’s super averse to touch. even with ppl he really cares about, it’s tough for him to accept hugs or any prolonged physical contact. (his physical signs of affections are usually limited to high fives, ruffling hair, and his horrible habit of tucking someone’s hair behind their ear look im not saying its bc of first but im totally saying its bc of first, he has such long hair that always gets into his eyes what do you EXPECT OKAY). if a hug is absolutely necessary and it comes from either First or his four five kids (Third, Crimson Riot, Sixth, Izuku Dabi) then he’ll put up with it. usually he’ll just give awkward head pats in return, unless he’s been scared out of his mind that those particular people couldve been in danger, in which case he might reciprocate hugs. if a hug is not necessary he’ll usually throw the hug-offender off of him (First and Izuku are the only exceptions. He’ll shimmy his way out of their grip) 
Third: surprise. he likes hugs but he doesn’t know what to do with his arms because hugs?? physical contact?? how does one human?? but give him a bit and he’ll figure it out. he doesn’t crave hugs nearly as much as First but he still appreciates them. a lot. he tries not to get outwardly emotional with hugs to the best of his ability (hugs remind him of his brother), so he tends to internalize it. still, hugs are very soothing for him. he’s the type to thank someone after being given a hug. 
Fourth: cold glares. he will not give a single warning before he grabs the hug offender by the back of their shirt and shoves them away. there are two people he will tolerate hugs from, and one of them is Third and its a fifty-fifty chance. usually Third has to piss him off before he can sneak a hug in—and the hug is in no shape or form a measure of affection. 
Fifth: hugs?? hugs! HUGS!! Fifth will take hugs from anyone anytime anywhere. he will not hesitate to get/reciprocate hugs from anyone. suffer under the weight of his love and affections and far too much strength, he has so much and he’ll always take more. also be wary that he might twirl a hug offender in the air. he has no little to no self restraint. 
Sixth: BABY. child. baby. he doesn’t like surprise hugs (i mean. not like he can be that surprised due to his quirk, unless he’s in the middle of really deep thought or panicking and not focused). he also doesnt like hugs from people he doesnt know well. hes a “class clown” but, tbh, he’s not actually that,,, sociable?? ig?? with people he doesnt know well/who have questionable trustworthiness. like Second he’s a bit averse to hugs, though that’s more due to his wariness than anything else. BUT if he gets a hug from someone who he trusts and it isnt a surprise—!!! soft. baby. child. touch starved. he will stay in a hug for as long as the other person is in it, meaning that yes it might be uncomfortably long but can you blame him??? (unless he’s in A Thing and then otherwise if a hug is too long he’ll get anxious, but that’s not the norm.) if its an emotional hug He Will Cry But In An Unnoticeable Way. he isn’t sure if he deserves hugs but he Wants Them. he will Take Them. please give this child hugs. 
Seventh: nana!!! lovely mentor!! her opinion on the matter is very much, “what’s a hug going to do me wrong?” it’s not her go-to source of comfort and affection but when it comes down to it she will accept them gleefully. 
Eighth: toshi!! i mean. he’s awkward and socially isolated so it’ll be a while before he warms up to hugs. 
Ninth: izuku, obviously. he deserves hugs. he knows he deserves hugs. he’s aware he’ll get hugs at least twice a day from different holders. he will always take hugs. hand your arms over, he needs to fill his daily requirement in. 
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/Bio: @/imyasmin_d | 11.6k followers | hello & ahlan 🎶
23-24 years old depending on her birthday (I’m thinking too much about timelines since i know some shows aren’t live and if they filmed it prior & it’s just being shown to us now...then there’s the boat party that comes in after, you get what I’m saying right? No? Okay)
Moroccan heritage
she was born in fes along with her baba
Father works in the carpet & rug manufacturing industry and worked in his father’s business from the young age of 16
her mother is from Essaouira & has often stated that she couldn’t stand Yasmin’s father the first time they met but she wouldn’t want to travel through this life with anyone else
Her father and mother came from two different lifestyles. All he knew how to do was hard work yet he had a sarcastic but playful side to him whereas her mom came from a family that was more financially stable & she was free to do whatever! mainly hanging at the beach with her friends without a care in the world, she was privileged and a little uppity while her father’s life seemed to be planned out from the day of his birth
Yet they still fell in love and decided to leave Morocco months after they got married at 21 & 24 & not too long after they had yas they left for England
She was raised in Kent, England
The Atmosphere led to her boho lifestyle...being exposed to castles, gardens, and underground tunnels from time to time shaped her into what she felt she was meant to be. She loved her second home
they call her “yazzy”
Parents follow islam...Which Yasmin respects but is not strongly devoted to
Can speak & write in Arabic but seems to do better in writing
Her paternal grandparents fault her parents for not teaching her to excel at both & feel that if they weren’t in such a rush to leave home she would speak Arabic better
Which made Yasmin feel like shit. Her paternal grandparents were strict on keeping their customs alive whereas her maternal grandparents were carefree as long as they got to see their granddaughter alive & well that was good enough for them
Idk maybe a only child or has a older brother? I don’t feel like she comes from a big family sibling wise
her mother made her a stuffed purple sheep that she took everywhere with her as a kid & continues to keep close to her. Y’all had imaginary friends? Well Yasmin had a real friend she could see & squeeze the life out that didn’t require talking and hugging the air, but that’s fine do u
100% collects beanie babies until this day but lil yamb is the number one princess in her household
As her significant other you have to be okay with lil yamb sleeping in between y’all that’s just the way it is
These stuffed babies are her comfort when no else can be
she’s a singer/songwriter. Went to uni for it & finished a semester early
Went through multiple hell experiences when it came to interning & temping while still in school & after
Let’s just say she wasn’t down to f*ck her way to the top
this made her anxiety act up, these people made her feel like she wouldn’t be good enough to show the world her craft & it’s didn’t have to be the world, just someone who would listen
But she couldn’t give up, there was nothing else she saw herself doing. She knew this is what she was meant to do but she couldn’t lie and say that her insecurities didn’t get the best of her most days
Although the cons seemed to out way the Pros some days, she kept at it & found herself a solid team that knew what she was about and understood her soul
Was definitely the student who loved all her English classes & when she spoke up everyone found it shocking since she preferred to just write everything out rather than “participate in group discussions”
I feel like her singing voice sounds similar to Jessica mauboy’s (if you don’t know who that is & you’re a fan of r&b/pop check her out or if you’re just curious that works too lol)
Knows her music notes like the back of her hand, duh!
Fav color is royal blue, especially on her eyelids & nails
Occasionally sleeps in rollers to keep her hair wavy
Needs her space when it comes to disagreements, they stress her out & she panics a bit when things go wrong so she feels like she needs to leave the situation rather than talk it out right then and there
She’ll talk when she’s ready, she just needs someone that’s a little patient with her that’s all
Words of affirmation is her love language? When she figures out how to balance her love life with her work life that is. When she’s feeling confident she’s smooth with words but when she needs to show you how much you mean to her & she really takes the time to think it out & feel her emotions, she’s writing you a song or you’re the inspiration to it or a poem, leaving you little love notes on blue post-it’s around the house, will write 50 reasons why she loves you on Valentine’s Day, and will say so when it’s just the two of you in your own comfort
Isn’t too crazy about public displays of affection but will deff hold your hand if that’s something you or she wanted in that moment
I think she’s fluid
Hasn’t been in many relationships. Sure she goes on tour every other year and gets to meet many people but they’re not solid relationships, they’re hookups and she hasn’t done many of those either
Had maybe one or two solid relationships: a androgynous woman that uses she/they pronouns & was in a rock band & a cis male she met at a tattoo parlor his step-brother owned (he kinda favored seb but we’re not going to speak on that)
I believe she wants to get married someday but isn’t so keen on the idea of kids. The furthest she’ll go is adopting a couple of animals. She’ll be a pet mom! I feel like she’ll be anxious looking after the life of a human being when it’s extremely hard to do so not only for herself and the love of her life & you want to add kids to the mix?! Fucking hell! but that could change? Who knows what life can throw at u
Has a hedgehog named Sonia that she drops off at her parents for their weekly sleepovers
Loves lace—mostly bralettes & crotchet clothing
I see her as a corduroy girl too. She has at least some rusty brown low-rise corduroy pants or/and a jacket
owns a crotchet kit, she’s bloody good at it too
Loved pink & purple (still likes them, they’re her 2nd & 3rd fav colors) so much as a kid that she tried to dye her hair half & half while her parents went out on their date night...it was also the weekend before school pictures :)
Says she got her inspiration from starfire & raven. She was only 13 at the time & had braces. Her father approved saying she’s a kid and she should be allowed to express herself. He only said that because his own parents barely let him & his brothers have their own fun
Her mother thought it was atrocious and did her best to get it out with the help of her other hair stylists friends (her mother worked in plenty of beauty shops once she got to England, until she decided to convert their basement into her own shop) who she invited over to see what her daughter had done but when you use certain permanent dyes...
It didn’t completely damage yasmin’s hair plus it was just hair, Yasmin didn’t see the big deal. She thought she looked splendid
Anyway, massive fan of ballroom dancing
She’s got a great ear to begin with so it was extremely fun twirling around while wearing pretty ballroom gowns
Took boring etiquette classes as a form of punishment? After the whole teen Titans inspiration thing “went wrong”
Enjoys western films
yes she owns a cowgirl hat & some boots too so sue her, she likes what she likes
Knows how to lasso but hates doing it to animals but she’ll do it to you :) (*gags* lmao why???)
Also loves visiting western towns & learning some history or at least experiencing what it was like
Type of significant other that will do her best to persuade you to stay in a treehouse airbnb, a cabin, the fucking Idaho potato, or camping out in her Volkswagen van in the middle of nowhere!
Has faux cow rugs, wicker baskets, wicker chairs in her flat, hangs some plants in glass jars & bottles all over her house
Her flat is very bright & vibrant: white, mocha brown, tan, yellows, & pastel purple
When it comes to decision making, she’ll make them pretty quick but only if it comes to choosing desserts
nobody is touching her mom’s meskouta orange cake WITH syrup
the dessert eater that always picks the one that has a surprise inside, meaning it has to ooze out with SOMETHING to make it 10x more satisfying
Leaning towards Buddhism, had studied some of their beliefs and found it resonates with her spirit
Fan of neon lights, probably has a few neon signs in her flat preferably on her brick wall in the loo, “to give u comfort as you go!” “that...actually makes sense.” Tai commented as he rubbed his chin coming to terms with yasmin’s reply. While Iona scowls, “no, no it doesn’t. I feel as if it’s an invasion of my bits!” “...Sorry you feel that way.”
tai & ciaran are automatically deemed as her brothers since she came into the villa with them. She had time to connect with them unlike anyone else. It was just the way the stars wrote their story and it showed outside of the villa too. they often crash at her place all the time when they’re in town & vacation all the time together when their schedules line up + it never feels like she’s third wheeling
“TaiTower” & “BB-Ci” are their names in her phone, Tai picked his own name while the “bb” stands for “best buds” for ciaran —which is a joke since he drunkly called himself so + he loves everyone when he’s drunk
You can always count on her to belt the lyrics to a Chaka Khan, TLC, or paula abdul joint when she’s drunk lol
As for the girls? She’s close with miki 😒 they just seem to be on the same wavelength when it comes to the pressure of the media since they have some sort of fame which increased with them being on the Telly. They bond over that & from there they’ve built a solid friendship
She could also be friends with AJ too (if you didn’t get swiped from her that is lmao!) they’re sorta opposites with aj being high energy/active while Yasmin is more mellow & “mysterious” but seem to connect in different ways: their sexual indentities, insecurities/anxieties, having something to be passionate about but at the same time maybe not? She might lean towards elladine or Genevieve if she had to make a choice?
Aquarius sun + cancer moon
so she’s still 23 y’all, I got it! I can’t do math sorry
“Freddie Mercury was probably my dad in my past life.”
Can play the banjo, guitar, & oud
Participates in hot yoga weekly
If she’s not with mc in the end and continues dating around if anyone from season two: LUCAS, Kassam, Gary, Rocco, maybe Blake? I originally thought Elisa but she’s probably too much for yas let’s be honest here lol they’d be better off as friends
Omg I forgot marisol! Imagine that?! Whew!!!
Season three: maybe Lily? But what if? Me being the slightly messy bitch that I am? Something happening with her & AJ. Now that?! Would be some chaotic shit “from the outside looks of it” name the irrelevant person behind the quote...now!
I’d like to see her interact with allerga but there could be something with her & cherry. I’m thinking cherry, Yasmin, & priya would bond well but we’re not here to talk about that
Getting rid of the physical aspect I genuinely think she’d do well with marisol, Lucas, or kassam. They’d mesh well I think in a relationship
She’s a body shimmer girl for sure!
Loves silk or satin robes
she’s a shortie, 5’2 to 5’5
Is learning Spanish
Loves arcade games, come see her in pinball & Pac-Man!
Quarantine life did not change her lifestyle much, but it did slightly mess with her mental health :/
loves the fall time, feels like she can slow down some and really spend time with family and friends
I feel like she has one best friend outside of the villa & that’s good enough for her!
They met their first year in uni & been close ever since
She doesn’t speak to the temporary friends she grew up with anymore & is often confused why they feel the need to keep up with her in the media which added more annoying worries to her heart but whatever right? Keep your eyes on the horizon
celebs she finds/found attractive: Aaliyah—especially when she played in queen of the damned, Kehlani, Zazie Beetz, Fivel & Booboo Stewart, Lakeith stanfield, Leah Lewis, Sofia Carson, Ryan gosling, & Nick Jonas
She listens to: jade bird, Yebba, Elli Ingram, Wafia, Zeina, Summer walker, Tanerèlle, Mariah the scientist, Teyana Taylor, Tove Lo, lady Gaga, Ra Ra Riot, Empire of the sun, & smallpools
Anthem? Diana Gordon — Rollin’
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colosseumed · 4 years
from:           EURYDICE     ›               is  this  the  path  you  want? from:           EURYDICE     ›               i  never  returned,  don’t  you  want  to? from:           EURYDICE     ›               or  is  the  road  you’ve  always  known  you’d  take?
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not  to  be  the  most  annoying  person  ever,  but  too  late,  i’m  cc  &  i  love  the  hunger  games.  if  you  saw  me  writing  my  own  syot  fanfic  when  i  was  thirteen,  no  you  didn’t  </3  anyway,  einar  is  a  born  &  bred  career  from  district  two,  if  you  see  me  comparing  him  to  cato,  yes  <3  his  whole  thing  is  he’s  mostly  quiet  but  he  will  cause  problems  on  purpose.  i  don’t  have  any  stats  or  anything  BUT  i  have  wc  @  the  end  of  the  intro  so  if  you  want  to  just  scroll  all  the  way  down,  do  it  i  dare  you.
 ❛           𝗮𝗶𝗿  𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺  𝗮𝗶𝗿     ›     𝐄𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑     .  
[ NAM JOOHYUK, CIS MAN, HE / HIM. ]    introducing einar gallowind, TRIBUTE of the 74th hunger games, representing district 2. my sources say that they are twenty - five, & that they’re pretty handy with weaponry. wonder if that will do any good in the arena ? anyways, caesar says you can’t miss them, because they remind everyone of the eerie calm before the storm — the trees shouldn’t be standing this still, echoing footsteps that near hiding prey, a haunting drag of a blade against the ground, forbidden tears and fears that rear their faces in the stillness of the night & a rotting sunflower field abandoned by a once peaceful caretaker.
 ❛           𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗸  𝗶𝘀  𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲     ›     𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒     .    
blood  tw.
the  darkness  is  empty  –  but  it’s  home;  can’t  you  remember  walking  home  with  nothing  but  faith  on  your  back?  with  bloodied  bandages  wrapped  around  your  fleshy  palms  &  tape  around  your  brittle  ankles,  gingerly  smelling  the  quarries  as  your  dream  gets  less  &  less  likely.  &  home  –  what  you  call  home,  the  dimmed  lights,  the  absent  parents,  the  fading  colors  –  home  was  really  never  home,  was  it?  you  chose  your  path,  didn’t  you?  named  for  a  fearsome  warrior,  exterior  made  of  marble  &  blood  earned  arrogance,  what  would  they  say  if  they  saw  the  empty  glass  interior?  it’s  fragile,  make  sure  you  don’t  break  it  before  your  time.
 ❛           𝘁𝗵𝗲  𝗺𝗼𝗼𝗻'𝘀  𝗴𝗼𝗻𝗲    ›     𝐅𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐒     .
                              CHAPTER I.  
full  name  .  einar  seraph  gallowind nickname(s)  /  alias(es)  /   title(s)  .  tribute  of  the  74th  hunger  games,  tbd. age  /  dob  .  twenty  -  five  /  march  2 hometown  .  district  2. current  location  .  the  capitol status  .  alive  for  now  ig. specialty  .  weaponry gender .  cis  gendered  man pronouns .  he  /  him  . orientation  .  bisexual  ,  grayromantic occupation  .  career  trainee  /  tribute face  claim  .  nam  joo  hyuk
                              CHAPTER  II.  
height  .  six  feet  ,  two  inches  /  190  cm build .  the  build  of  someone  who’s  been  training  his  whole  life  –  tall,  broad,  well-built  &  toned.  his  limbs  are  muscular  &  lean,  his  torso  is  well  toned  &  he  keeps  in shape  with  daily  training. tattoos  .  none piercings  .  none scars  .  small,  3cm  scar  on  his  upper  left  lip. hair .  dark,  just  a  shade  lighter  than  black.  kept  short,  cut  often  by  a  family  chosen  stylist  from  the  capitol  –  these  days,  styled  specifically  to  help  him  look  more  visually  appealing  to  the  general  public  in  hopes  he’ll  gain  more  favor. eyes  .  the  same  shade  as  his  hair  &  generally,  has  always  been  told  they’re  off  putting.  inherited  from  his  mother,  he’s  got  the  same  eyes  that  can  easily  put  people  at  unease  –  cold,  soulless,  harsh  –  he’s  got  the  gaze  of  a  basilisk  but  he  often  doesn’t  realize  how  often  he  does  it. clothing  style  .  plain  &  basic  so  he  may  be  styled  however  someone  else  wants.  his  own  style  is  a  mix  of  darks  &  neutrals,  usually  comfortable  clothes  that  he  can  always  go  running  in  or  do  a  quick  spar  session  in. usual  expression  .  stoic  –  maybe,  too  stoic.  often  emotionless  with  a  lifeless  stare,  he’s  always  been  more  of  a  silent  statue  type  –  right  down  to  his  resting  expression.  it’s  uneasy,  the  way  he’s  clearly  alive  but  could  easily  blend  in  with  the  grand  statues  at  the  most  expensive  of  museums. speech  .  rarely  heard,  but  always  remembered.  einar’s  reserved  his  speech  for  only  the  necessary  moments  –  interviews,  reviews,  conversations  (  that  he  deems  alright,  if  he  doesn’t  find  interest,  it  isn’t  uncharacteristic  of  him  to  just  walk  away  mid-sentence  ).  when  he  speaks,  he  commands  attention,  inherited  from  his  father  who’s  always  known  how  to  work  a  crowd.  einar  speaks  well,  he’s  charismatic  &  equable  even  if  he  doesn’t  seem  it,  great  at  manipulating  crowds  but  he  chooses  often  not  to. distinguishing  features  .  his  tall  stature,  a  scar  shaped  birthmark  on  the  base  of  his  right  thumb,  the  actual  scar  on  his  lip.
                              CHAPTER  III.  
(  +  )  positive .  intuitive,  erudite,  striving,  benevolent (  -  )  negative  .  hubristic,  arrogant,  imperious,  haughty moral  alignment  .  true  neutral. likes  .  the  hunger  games,  most  weapons,  waking  up  extremely  early  so  he  can  have  time  for  himself,  being  alone,  staying  up  extra  late  so  he  can  have  time  for  himself,  the  wintertime,  icy  winds  that  bite  to  the  bone,  the  smell  of  beef  roast  i  won’t  explain,  slipping  into  shoes  that  fit  just  right,  being  in  the  capitol  when  visiting  his  father’s  side  of  the  family,  meditating  &  pretending  to  levitate  i  won’t  explain  either. dislikes  .  most  other  districts,  most  capitolites  idk  why,  tributes  who  don’t  even  try  (  like  what’s  the  point  ),  the  scorching  heat,  humidity,  victors  who’re  sad  (  get  over  it?  ),  corn,  artificial  food  but  what  can  you  really  do,  the  smell  of  the  quarries  from  district  two,  victor’s  village  cause  he  doesn’t  live  there,  hospitals  because  they’re  ugly. quirks  .  has  a  silver  heirloom  coin  that’s  been  passed  down  from  generation  to  generation  that  he’ll  flip  &  weave  through  his  fingers,  can  stand  /  sit  /  stay  still  for  hours  at  a  time  without  moving  a  muscle,  will  get  up  in  the  middle  of  the  night  to  stare  out  a  window  &  ponder. hobbies  .  training  restlessly  because  he  doesn’t  really  know  what  else  to  do  anymore,  twirling  whatever  blade  he  has  in  his  hand  because  he  can,  wine  tasting  with  his  father,  running  &  sprinting,  also  swimming,  watching  designer  shows  &  learning  how  to  make  clothes  because  of  his  mother.
❛           𝗼𝘂𝗿  𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱     ›     𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐋𝐄     .
trigger  warnings : blood,  injury,  
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life  has  been  easy  for  you  –  you  can’t  deny  what  is  fact.  einar  gallowind,  descended  from  a  bloodline  of  gold;  it’s  always  been  fated  for  you  that  you’d  end  up  doing  something  great.  if  victory  isn’t  yours  to  grab,  you’ll  still  be  remembered  (  and  after  all,  isn’t  that  what  matters  most?  ).  your  father,  reinhardt  gallowind  of  the  capitol  –  he’s  a  former  broadcaster,  a  charismatic  man  on  television  who  sways  the  entirety  of  panem  with  his  words  &  charm.  he’s  a  dangerous  kind  of  evil,  one  that  seeps  into  your  own  blood,  &  you  learn  very  early  on  that  your  father  isn’t  the  same  evil  as  the  figures  that  loom  over  panem  –  he’s  a  sly  kind  of  evil.  his  words  sway  the  capitol,  he  decides  who  lives  &  who  dies  based  on  who  he  chooses  to  praise,  his  smile  is  as  sinister  as  it  is  warm,  you  witness  it  first  hand.
your  mother  is  from  district  two,  her  last  name  carries  weight  in  the  district  but  she  is  nothing  in  the  capitol.  lavender  goldheart  is  a  sweet  girl  from  a  sweet  family,  but  she  is  the  same  kind  of  evil  as  your  father.  she  is  upturned  noses  at  the  poor,  laughing  at  the  deaths  of  innocents  broadcasted  on  a  far  -  too  -  big  screen,  sending  gifts  to  the  already  privileged  tributes  of  a  game  nobody  should  partake  in.  she’s  the  kind  of  evil  that  attracts  your  father  &  you,  you  are  a  product  of  two  evils.  you  are  raised  in  a  district  that  your  father  chose  to  move  to,  you  hold  your  first  blade  when  you  are  five,  you  maim  your  first  opponent  at  seven,  you  learn  how  to  keep  your  composure  from  a  socialite  &  a  broadcaster.  two  evils  of  the  same  variety,  they  teach  you  to  become  worse  than  they  could  ever  be.
you  grow  arrogant.  to  the  citizens  of  district  two,  to  your  classmates  at  the  academy  you  are  ruthless  &  cold,  a  career  tribute  of  the  upmost  class  –  what  everyone  should  aspire  to  be.  you  excel  in  weaponry,  your  brute  strength  gives  you  an  upper  hand  in  hand  to  hand  combat,  &  while  you  lack  in  survival  skills,  you  exceed  in  making  sure  you  don’t  have  to  survive  long  enough  to  need  them.  bold  warrior,  you  are  a  deadly  silent  that  puts  your  classmates  at  unease,  they’re  only  friends  with  you  because  they’re  scared  of  you  &  that’s  what  your  parents  want.  they  want  a  victor  for  a  son,  you  want  victory  to  have  parents.  because  they’re  never  around,  not  really.  
the  lights  are  always  off  when  you  get  home,  you  have  enough  money  in  the  world  but  will  your  parents  even  show  up  when  you  ultimately  volunteer?  what  a  sad  story,  you  suppose  as  you  ponder  it,  poor  rich  boy,  his  parents  never  loved  him  enough  so  he  decided  he’d  gain  their  love  with  blood.  it  makes  you  laugh,  almost,  as  you  watch  the  years  pass  by.  you  watch  the  games,  you’re  hungry  for  blood  as  you  watch  victors  come  &  go  –  you  memorize  their  names,  their  stats,  their  victories  –  it  betters  you  as  a  trainee,  you  suppose.  your  training  continues  &  you  outgrow  your  classmates  (  you  are  the  best,  einar,  nobody  else  will  say  it  to  you,  but  you  know  ),  you’re  worthy  of  the  games.
but,  you  are  but  a  boy.  you  sit  on  the  eve  of  your  twenty-fifth  birthday  with  nobody  for  company  but  yourself,  you  have  the  riches  of  the  world  but  you’ve  got  nothing.  you  are  the  owner  of  a  heart  that  longs  to  love  (  to  be  loved,  ),  you  have  goodness  in  your  bones  even  if  you’re  convinced  you’ve  always  been  built  for  evil,  you’ve  never  had  the  ability  to  access  it.  the  world  your  were  born  in  was  always  against  you,  the  odds  were  never  in  your  favor  –  that’s  the  lesson  you’ve  refused  to  learn,  but  you  will  –  eventually.
❛           𝗮𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿,  𝗮𝗻𝗱  𝗮𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿     ›     𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃  𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒     .
from  district  two,  anyone  he  might’ve  trained  with,  anyone  who  might  know  his  parents,  anyone  who  he  might’ve  gone  to  school  with,  anyone  he  might’ve  sparred  with,  anyone  his  family  (  either  the  gallowinds  or  the  goldhearts  )  might’ve  wronged  at  one  point  or  another.
scenario  one,  a  tribute  that  he  finds  he  ends  up  caring  for  –  he’s  outwardly  cold  &  very  much  skilled,  top  of  his  game,  trained  his  whole  life  &  your  muse  is ...  not,  but  einar’s  like  well  damn  what  am  i  gonna  do  protect  this  tribute  with  my  life?  absolutely  not  but  i’ll  make  sure  they  at  least  get  out  of  the  bloodbath.
scenario  two,  another  tribute  but  he  doesn’t  care  much  for  them  at  all.  to  be  fair,  einar  doesn’t  care  for  most  people  but  he  knows  them  by  name  because  maybe  there’s  a  rivalry  there  or  maybe  they  just  don’t  get  along  or  maybe  einar  did  the  thing  where  he  just  turns  on  his  heel  &  walked  away  mid-convo.  anyway,  on  sight  means  on  sight.
for  other  tributes:  someone  who  isn’t  a  fan  of  the  careers,  someone  who  has  a  Bone  to  Pick,  someone  who  einar  will  manipulate  &  lead  on  to  k-word,  an  unlikely/reluctant  alliance,  a  likely  alliance,  someone  he  stares  at  just  to  make  them  uneasy,  someone  who  wants  to  get  him  to  say  more  than  hey  what’s  up.
for  victors:  a  ‘never  meet  your  heroes’  cliche  where  he  admires  them  but  they  said  no  thanks,  someone  who  he  thinks  is  lame  cause  they  didn’t  “deserve  their  win”,  someone  who  he  thinks  is  lame  cause  they  can’t  handle  their  win,  someone  who  he  thinks  is  cool  cause  they  could  handle  their  win,  someone  who  doesn’t  like  him  because  he  reeks  of  arrogance,  someone  who  likes  him  because  he  reeks  of  arrogance.
for  citizens:  um.  we’ll  figure  it  out.  please  love  me.
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silverlightqueen · 4 years
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Ruin My Life - Part 8
RML masterlist
(fratboy!Jimin - smutty smut !!! A N G ST & a lil bit of fluff ig)
Summary - y/n goes on another night out and runs into a familiar face... not one we expect either. Jimin is a dick, y/n gets her own back, Joon has a crisis and Tae... well ion wanna spoil anything👀
Word Count - 11.5k+
Warnings - oh god here goes um explicit sex, penetrative sex, ‘sir’, explicit dirty talk, sub!reader and dom!male (I don’t wanna give anything away lol), spanking, oral sex (male and female receiving), degradation, edging, multiple orgasms, pussy slapping, fingering, it is FILTH lol, with discussion of alcohol too
a/n: y’all I know it’s been a while but I hope this was worth the wait lmao um unedited as usual but I really hope y’all like it, lmk what you think and hmu if you wanna be on the taglist x
silverlightqueen masterlist
taglist💕: @keylowmonie @jennafromhome @btrombley13 @parkjammys @chubschimmine @flowingwiththewater​ @magicalpjm​ @sakurauchiha2018​ @kyrie1707​ @simonemothjensen​ @beach-bitch-bitch-beach​ @p-yoon​
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‘You ready yet, y/n?’ Chen calls from the living room, as I pull on my heels. ‘Yeah, just one second!’ I call back, tucking my phone into the pocket of my jeans, and tottering down the hall to the living room where Mija, Chen and Jackson. ‘It’s already 10.30. I’m always waiting on you, bitch. Why ain’t you ever waiting on me?’ Mija demands, and I laugh. ‘It just wouldn’t work the other way around,’ I reply, and she rolls her eyes. ‘You look good, though, I guess,’ she says, and I grin, doing a little twirl. I’m dressed in a pair of light-wash blue jeans, tighter than tight, with a sheer black bodysuit and a pretty black bralet beneath, lacy and all, black heels on my feet, a thick, black lace choker around my neck. ‘Damn, Chen, I might have to steal your date tonight,’ Jackson jokes, Mija slapping his arm gently. ‘Kidding, babe, kidding,’ he says, Mija rolling her eyes. ‘She looks better than me, anyway, so I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ I say, admiring Mija in the little black dress she has on, a pair of my black heels (because god knows I have endless pairs) on her feet. ‘And y/n’s not my date, Jackson, she’s got the wrong sexual reproductive organs,’ Chen says, making all three of us laugh as he takes my phone and lip-gloss from me, putting them into his jeans pocket instead because I don’t like carrying stuff around in mine. ‘I mean, if I was straight, I’d totally go for you, y/n, you’re hot as fuck, but, sadly, I am as gay as you are hot so…’ he trails off, and I shake my head at him with laughter, proud of how far he’s come in speaking about in his sexuality. 
We’ve become a little group of four these past couple weeks; Mija, Jackson, Chen and I. Both boys are from KPN (which means that Mija and Jackson were getting it on in the frat house whilst I was crying on Chen), and it’s useful having them as friends, as they help us avoid the rest of their frat (and god knows I need to, Eunwoo furious at me leaving him with blue balls). Mija and Jackson aren’t exclusive, but they’re kinda dating, I guess. Since that night, we’ve been out to different bars and clubs with them, and each night has ended in them two fucking in Mija’s room whilst Chen and I watch various Disney films in my room. We’re nearly all the way through the Pixar films. I’m happy for Mija, having noticed how much Jackson makes her smile and laugh, but I can’t help but think about her and Tae together. I did really want them to work, but as long as she’s happy with Jackson, I’m happy too. I’m also really happy for Chen too; he came out to his brothers last week and they were nothing but supportive, not a single one of them cracking the ‘don’t fall in love with me, bro’ joke. It’s gotten around to the rest of the university too, but he hasn’t let the gossiping and rumours affect him at all, secure and happy within himself.
‘Right, let’s go,’ Chen says, all of us trooping out of the door and down to where the Uber is parked in front of our building. We all pile in, Jackson sat up front with the driver whilst Chen is forced to sit between Mija and I who sing along to the music obnoxiously loud, documenting the entire journey for our Snapchat private stories (we love wannabe vloggers). When we arrive, Chen and Jackson flash their VIP cards at the bouncer, who lets us in instantly with a smile, having seen us several times over the past few weeks, ignoring the protests and complaints from everyone waiting in the queue. We head over to our usual booth in the corner, always kept empty, and I don’t bother keeping an eye out for KPN, knowing that they’ve all gone out to another bar across town. However, what I don’t expect to see is the ASP boys dancing in a huddle in the middle of the dance floor. Jungkook spots me and subtly nods at me, a small smile on his face, obviously not wanting his hyung, who dances opposite him, to notice. I give a small wave back before ducking behind Chen, sliding into the booth hastily. ‘ASP?’ Mija asks, scanning the dance floor, and I nod just as she spots them, a dirty look appearing on her face. ‘Whatever, it’s fine, let’s just ignore them. They don’t matter anyway,’ I say, Mija nodding in agreement. ‘Well, he doesn’t matter; the rest of them do,’ Jackson says, earning eye-rolls from Mija and myself. ‘Shut up, Jackson,’ Chen says half-heartedly as he waves over a waiter who takes one look at us and nods, already knowing our drinks orders; a Mai Tai for me, a gin and tonic for Chen, a Jack and coke for Jackson, and a vodka and coke for Mija.
‘Right, what kind of night is it tonight, y/n? A looking-to-be-dicked-down night or a night-out-with-the-squad night?’ Jackson asks, rubbing his hands together. ‘Hmm, I’m not sure yet. If you guys can find me some good dick, then the former. If not, then the latter,’ I say. ‘So we’re second choice?’ Mija asks indignantly, and we all laugh. ‘What about that boy over there, by the bar? Tall, skinny, blond hair,’ Chen suggests, all of us looking over. ‘Hmm, too tall. I’d look like a midget next to him,’ I say, all of us searching the bar again. ‘What about him? The one in the booth, muscles, blonde hair. He doesn’t look too tall,’ Jackson suggests, and I shake my head. ‘He’s too muscly. I don’t like that many muscles,’ I say, and Jackson rolls his eyes. ‘That one? At the door?’ Chen says, and I shake my head again. ‘I like a toned guy. You know I’m not into dad-bod,’ I say, Chen shaking his head. ‘That one?’ Jackson says, motioning to a guy who dances near our booth. ‘Um, yeah, he seems alright. Cute, I guess,’ I say, and this time Chen shakes his head. ‘More my type than yours. He’s definitely gay,’ he says, Jackson sighing in annoyance. ‘That one over there?’ Chen suggests. ‘I’m more into light hair than dark,’ I say. ‘That one?’ Jackson asks. ‘Na, he looks too… serious. I like a guy with duality,’ I say, and Jackson lets out an annoyed noise. ‘You’re too fussy! How are we supposed to find you someone?’ he exclaims. ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I guess I just have a refined taste,’ I say, and Chen and Jackson shake their heads, Mija silent. ‘Well, I guess none of these lot are gonna live up to your standards then,’ Chen says, and I shake my head definitively. ‘So that means it’s a night-out-with-the-squad night! We need shots!’ Mija exclaims, all of us cheering in agreement. ‘We’ll go get them,’ Chen says, grabbing Jackson’s arm and pulling him out of the booth.
‘Babe, you’re not gonna find a carbon copy of Jimin,’ Mija says the second they’re out of earshot. ‘What?’ I exclaim, taken aback. ‘You want a light-haired, toned-but-not-muscly, taller-than-you-but-not-too-tall guy with duality? You basically explained Jimin, babe, and as much as I know you’re still into him, you’re just not gonna find a guy like that,’ Mija says, and I sigh, resting my face on my hand. ‘I know, I know. I can’t help it. No one even compares to him,’ I breathe out, and Mija gives me a sad smile. ‘You’ll find the right one, y/n, and it’s just not him. Give it some time. But in the meantime, it’s not like you can’t sleep with a remotely attractive guy, even if you don’t fall in love with him at first sight. It’s been a while since you got dicked down, babe,’ she says, and I nod in agreement. ‘When the boys get back, we’ll do some shots, get super drunk, and then you can go dance and get yourself a man,’ Mija says, and I nod with a grin, liking the sound of her plan. The boys appear then, holding twelve shots between them, and we do three each before downing the drinks we already have, ordering more. Less than half an hour later, the four of us are sufficiently drunk, and so Jackson and I manage to convince Chen and Mija to get up and dance relatively easily.
We meld into the group of dancers in the middle of the room, Mija and Jackson grinding against each other as Chen and I dance modestly (in comparison, anyway) together. Every few minutes, I’ll feel hands on me, and I turn to see what it is the person looks like. Every time, I’m not too keen on what I see, and so shoot Chen a look, who then steps in claiming to be my boyfriend, scaring all the boys away. Chen is very intimidating, I’ll say that; tall, handsome and serious-looking, I wouldn’t mess with him if someone paid me for it. And then, one of the times, I’m surprised when I turn to see a girl. ‘Hey, sweetie,’ she says, body pressed up against me. We’re the same height, with the same body shape, probably able to pass for sisters if we had to. I turn to face her, her hands still on my waist, and smile at her. ‘I’m sorry but I’m straight,’ I say, and she sighs. ‘I’m sure I saw you earlier, sat in that booth, and you looked like you were into girls,’ she says, and I let out a laugh, the two of us still dancing together. It’s weird; I don’t feel at all uncomfortable or intimidated by her, just going to show that girls know how to accept it when they’re told no. ‘You’re probably getting me confused with my friend,’ I say, motioning over to Mija, ‘she’s bi.’ ‘Oh, yeah, it’s her,’ the girl says, before she spots Jackson. ‘Boyfriend?’ she asks, and I shake my head. ‘They’re not exclusive. If you’re into boys too, I’d go for it if I were you. I doubt they’d say no to a third… party,’ I say, and she laughs. ‘I might just do that. Thanks, girl,’ she says, giving me a quick hug before sidling over to Mija and Jackson who instantly let her move in between them, all three dancing together.
I laugh to myself, and before I can even say anything to Chen, Taehyung appears before me. ‘y/n! Babe!’ he exclaims, pulling me into a friendly hug. ‘Hey, Tae!’ I reply, my words probably muffled in his (solid) chest, my makeup most definitely transferring onto his top (thank god it’s black). ‘Can I just say that you with that girl nearly made me hard,’ he says with a mischievous grin. ‘Urgh, Tae, what the fuck?’ I exclaim, trying to hold back a laugh at his complete honesty. ‘Sorry. But come get a drink with me, it’s been a while,’ he offers, and I think it over. What have I got to lose? As much as he can be an idiot, he’s a good guy at heart, and he and Mija don’t have any hard feelings as far as I’m aware, so I don’t see why it’d cause any problems. And it’d definitely make Jimin jealous too. I check over my shoulder to see where Chen is, and he’s dancing with the guy Jackson pointed out earlier, the gay one, and I mentally cheer him on. ‘Yeah, sure,’ I say, letting Taehyung wrap a large hand around my wrist and lead me through the group of dancers up to the bar. He obviously doesn’t have a VIP card, but he manages to get through the crowd to the bar quickly, flirting his way through, shooting people smirks and winks. When we reach the bar, he orders us both a rum and coke along with a shot each, both of us downing the shots as soon as we get them. Honestly, if I continue hanging out with all these frat boys, my liver is going to be fucked before I’m thirty. We head over to the booth where I was sat earlier, still empty, and sit opposite one another. Tae’s eyes wander easily, shamelessly trawling all over me, repeatedly pausing on my chest before continuing. I don’t bother pulling him up on it, knowing there’s no real intention behind his actions. He’d never betray Jimin like that; we might not be a thing anymore, but you don’t sleep with your friend’s ex… or kind-of-ex either. It’s literally like a law… right?
‘You’re looking good, y/n. Really good,’ he says, and I smile, loving a bit of praise here and there. ‘Thanks, Tae. You don’t look too bad yourself,’ I reply with a grin, and he laughs, his adorable boxy smile appearing on his unfairly handsome face. He’s dressed in a black shirt that strains against his broad shoulders and chest, and plain black slim-fit jeans that accentuate his ass perfectly, a pair of black and gold Gucci dress shoes on his feet. ‘Don’t lie to yourself, you know I look better than ‘not too bad’, babe,’ he says confidently, and I roll my eyes. ‘You don’t need me inflating your head any more than it already is,’ I say, and he chuckles, leaning forward. ‘So you agree?’ he asks with a glint in his eyes. ‘You’re infuriating,’ I say, and he leans back, grinning. This is how our conversation for the next hour continues, going back and forth. Just when I think I’ve steered the conversation away from flirting, he throws a curveball and almost gives me whiplash from a flirty comment. And, horrifyingly, I feel myself starting to enjoy it. And then it all gets ruined.
‘Hey, Tae,’ Jimin says, both of us jumping at the sound of his voice. He stands at the side of the booth, hands in pockets, veins in his arms corded tight, and his voice sounds tense and strained. ‘Oh, hey, hyung,’ Tae says, completely at ease as he leans back in the booth and smiles easily up at the other boy. ‘Have you checked your phone? Kook’s been texting you,’ Jimin says, not even sparing a glance at me. I don’t mind, though; if we made eye contact, I’d most definitely shoot him a death stare. ‘Na, I haven’t. I’ve been distracted,’ Tae says with a grin at me, and I grin back before taking a sip from my drink. ‘Well, he was asking if you wanted to get in the Uber with us,’ Jimin says, ignoring Tae’s comment entirely. ‘Who’s us?’ ‘All of us. Me, Kook, Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung,’ Jimin says impatiently, and I wonder why Hobi isn’t here. ‘How will we all fit?’ ‘For fuck’s sake, Tae, do you wanna come or not? We’ll get a seven-seater,’ Jimin says in a tone that indicates it’s obvious, and I can’t help but agree. Tae’s being purposely difficult to piss him off, and I’m not quite sure why. ‘Na, I’ll hang around a bit longer, and make my own way back. You guys go ahead,’ Tae says, and Jimin hesitates. ‘You sure?’ he asks, and Tae nods with a definitive, ‘I’m sure,’ and so Jimin goes to join his hyungs and Kook who stand waiting a little while away, all of them waving when they spot me looking. I wave back with a wide smile, genuinely happy to see them all after such a long time, and when I turn back to Tae, he’s on his phone.
‘D’you wanna get out of here yet, y/n? Or hang around a while?’ he asks, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘Where would we go?’ I ask, and he chuckles. ‘y/n, don’t be cryptic, you know what I’m asking you,’ he says, and I can’t lie, I’m tempted. ‘But…’ I trail off, not wanting to say it. ‘Jimin?’ he asks, and I nod. ‘I don’t think it’s an issue. As much as you probably don’t want to talk about it, he said no to you. You two weren’t exclusive or committed to each other, and he turned down the opportunity to turn the relationship you had into something more. That was his choice. Now this is yours,’ he says seriously, and I really don’t know what to say. Because this isn’t just me deciding whether or not to go home with Tae, it’s me choosing to move on from Jimin or not. If I do this, I am admitting to myself that it is well and truly over with him, and I don’t know if I’m ready to do that yet. Tae instantly notices my hesitation, and sits back, looking at me thoughtfully. ‘You’re still not over him, are you?’ he asks, and I nod, knowing there’s no point in lying. ‘Well, this might not change your mind, but my room is right next to his, remember?’ he says with an impish grin, and I laugh before remembering something.
‘Mija,’ I say, and his face hardens. ‘What about her?’ he asks. ‘You two were kinda… you know?’ I say, and he lets out a false laugh. ‘She wasn’t… she wasn’t interested. And it was only like two days. And, I told you, didn’t I, that we didn’t sleep together that night? So there’s not like there’s really any history. But, I’m not going to lie to you, because you’ve told me the truth, I guess I kinda have had feelings for her for a little bit, but it’s obvious she’s not interested,’ he says, motioning over to Mija who dances with both Jackson and the other girl, the three of them in their own little world. ‘So this could be beneficial for me too. It’ll help us both get over each other’s best friends, and you can make Jimin jealous,’ he says with a grin, and I can’t help but laugh. ‘Okay, get an Uber,’ I say. ‘I already have,’ he smirks, and I swat at him, Tae laughing maniacally as he ducks from my hand. ‘Go tell your friends that you’re leaving, I don’t want them worrying about you and then murdering me when they find out I took you,’ he says, both of us getting up from the booth.
I head through the crowd of dancers and when I reach Mija, I tug on her arm gently, a smile breaking across her face when she sees me. ‘Tae’s just asked me to go home with him,’ I say, and her eyes widen. ‘Tae?’ she demands, and I nod. ‘If you don’t want me to, I won’t, but-’ ‘No, no, go for it! Go get that big, big dick, babe! Just text me and stuff, keep me updated,’ she says, and I feel my heart going out to Tae after hearing how she really doesn’t have any feelings for him at all. ‘You sure?’ I ask, and she nods. ‘Go get your shit wrecked!’ she says, pushing me gently towards the door, and I laugh as she re-joins Jackson and the other girl who sends me a wink and mouths, ‘have fun with your cute ass man’. I hold back a laugh at how similar she and Mija are and turn to find Chen. It doesn’t take long, easy to spot the two tall and handsome men dancing together and I push through the crowd. ‘Hey, y/n! This is Taeyong,’ he says, and I smile at drop-dead gorgeous man, who shoots me a smile in return, making my heart flutter with how handsome he is. And then, because I’m stupid, I say, ‘We both got Taes!’ Taeyong laughs and Chen quirks up a questioning eyebrow. ‘You’re going home with Taehyung?’ he asks, and I nod. ‘You sure that’s a good idea?’ he asks, and I shrug. ‘Life’s too short to worry about things like that,’ I say, Taeyong laughing again, and I decide I like him. If you laugh at my jokes, you’re guaranteed to be in my good books. ‘Okay, then. Keep me updated, and stay safe,’ Chen says, pulling me into a quick hug. I head towards the exit of the bar where Taehyung waits for me patiently, smiling when he spots me a few feet in front of him. ‘Uber’s here already, let’s go,’ he says, putting an arm around me and tucking a hand into my back pocket, hand curving to fit the curve of my ass. We head out, people still queueing outside to get in, and Tae opens the door of the Uber for me. I get a flashback to that night with Eunwoo, sat in the back of an Uber with another handsome man.
When we arrive back at the frat, Tae leads me up to the front door, holding it open for me. He clasps my hand and pulls me up the stairs, the two of us giggling the entire way up because of how tipsy we are, but the light atmosphere between us disappears as soon as his bedroom door shuts. I’ve never been in Tae’s room before, surprised to see that it’s quite clean and very lavish, the wardrobe open to reveal designer labels after designer labels. ‘Something else interesting you, y/n?’ he asks, now sat atop his silk bedsheets, leaning back on his hands and watching me amusedly. The youthful, light-hearted boy in him has disappeared now, leaving behind a formidable and intimidating man. I shake my head, and he chuckles. ‘I asked you a question, darling,’ he says as I put my phone down on his bedside table, beside his own phone. ‘No, Tae,’ I reply, and he stands up, holding out a hand which I place mine in. ‘It’s sir to you now, babe,’ he says, pulling me up against him, and pressing his lips gently to mine. The kiss coupled with the fact that he’s just told me to call him sir already has my pants dampening embarrassingly, and I let out a gentle whine into his mouth. ‘I would’ve said to call me daddy, but I don’t want Jimin barging in here all angry, ruining the mood,’ he grins, pressing his lips to mine again, our mouths moving in sync. He tastes delicious, like alcohol and something else, something unique that I can’t quite put my finger on, and my senses are flooded with the smell of him, his expensive Gucci perfume and something distinctly Tae, the deep and attractive smell I’ve smelt before.
He breaks away from me then, arms still around my waist, and asks, ‘I’ve heard Jimin talking about you and him like twice, but I don’t want to just assume, so I wanted to ask what your limits are.’ My heart melts at how sweet he is, but then I realise; I don’t know what to say. I’ve never had to explain it because Eunwoo was pretty vanilla anyway, and Jimin just always seemed to know. ‘Um, I’m open to most stuff, just nothing too extreme or painful. I don’t mind degradation, or light bondage, or, um, edging and denial,’ I say, hesitating with each word. ‘Anything else?’ he asks, and I think for a moment. ‘You just do your thing, and I’ll let you know if it’s too far. I’ll just say a safe word,’ I suggest, and he nods. ‘What word?’ he asks. ‘Um… how about… pickle?’ I say, thinking back to that dreadful night I threw up on top of a pickle, and he nods with an amused grin. ‘Namjoon hyung told me about that. Gross,’ he says, and I laugh. ‘Pickle it is, then. Now… I think you’re wearing too many clothes,’ he says, voice lowering, before he presses his lips back to mine again. He walks me back to the bed and gently pushes me, causing me to land amongst his silk sheets. I kick off my heels as his fingers come to the buttons of my jeans, eyes locking with mine for another confirmation that I’m okay with this. I nod with a smile, and he makes quick work of the buttons and the zip, pulling the tight jeans down my legs and throwing them across the room. He flicks open the clasp to my bodysuit lazily, fingers grazing my core, and my breath catches in my throat. A grin spreads across his handsome face as I sit up and he pulls the bodysuit over my head, throwing that to where my jeans sit too.
‘Fuck, you’re so fucking gorgeous, y/n,’ he mutters, eyes drinking in my body clad in just my pants, lacy bralet and choker. ‘You’re not so bad yourself,’ I whisper, and he laughs, coming down to briefly press his lips to mine. ‘God, you’re such an annoying bitch sometimes,’ he says jokingly, and I roll my eyes. ‘No, I’m not kidding. Always turning me down, like you don’t find me as attractive as I find you,’ he says, hands skimming over my sides before he stands at the edge of the bed, undoing his belt and pulling his jeans down just past the bulge in his boxers. ‘I’ve been dying to just shut you up,’ he says, pulling his boxers down so his hard (and huge) length springs up against his stomach. I take a deep breath at the sight, before my eyes flit up to his, an arrogant smirk on his face. ‘I’ve been dying to have you choking on my cock so you can’t lie about how you don’t fucking want me when I know you do,’ he says, his words coaxing a whimper from me. ‘Come on, babe,’ he says, pumping his length with a grin, ‘show me why Jimin’s had blue balls since you cut him off.’
I sit up, taking him into my hand and pumping him gently before I gently lick the tip, swirling the tip of my tongue around him a few times. He grabs my hair, pulling my head back so I our eyes meet, and his eyebrows are raised. ‘I didn’t tell you to tease me, babe. Don’t push your luck,’ he says, and I nod, before taking him as deep into my throat as I can. He lets out a low groan as I work up and down his length, bobbing up and down and taking more and more of him in each time. His hands wander up and down my shoulders and neck with a possessive grip, letting out low groans and grunts every now and then. I haven’t even managed to take him all the way in when he pulls out of my mouth, and I look up at him in confusion, wiping at my chin as he tucks himself back in and rebuckles his belt. ‘You’re good, babe – great, in fact – but I’ve changed my mind. I wanna make you feel good,’ he says, pushing me back against the bed. I crawl further up until I’m near the headboard, Tae climbing over me. ‘I wanna make you shout my name so loud he can’t even sleep next door,’ he whispers in my ear. I press my lips to his skin, pressing gentle kisses along his jaw and neck as his hand strays down to between my legs. He pushes my thighs apart, his hand disappearing into my pants and cupping my core, having me breathing raggedly against his skin. He swipes his fingers along my dripping wet slit, and I let out a whine, hearing him chuckle lowly. I bite and suck on the skin of his neck and collarbones as his fingers lightly dance around my folds, sending gentle waves of pleasure through me. ‘You want it, babe?’ he asks, and I hum against his skin as I leave marks, hoping he’ll get the message. ‘That wasn’t an answer,’ he growls, fingers stilling in my pants. ‘Yes,’ I breathe out, and his free hand comes to my throat, pressing gently. ‘Yes, what?’ he asks, dark lusting eyes locked with mine. ‘Yes, sir,’ I whisper, and he grins.
‘Tell me what you want, babe,’ he says, moving off me. ‘Your fingers, sir, please,’ I breathe out, earning a kiss from him. ‘Hands and knees,’ he says, and I swiftly turn over, hands and knees pressing into the soft silk. ‘Such a pretty ass, huh?’ he says, big hands caressing my ass. ‘I wonder how it looks all nice and bruised up. Shall we find out, babe?’ he asks, his hands pausing, waiting for an answer. ‘Yes, sir,’ I reply dutifully, and he chuckles lowly. ‘Belt marks or hand marks? Has Park ever used his belt on you?’ he asks, the smirk audible in his voice. ‘No, sir, never,’ I reply. ‘Do you wanna try it babe, or just hands?’ he asks softly, and I smile at his checking in with me first. ‘Hands, please, sir,’ I say, and he breathes out a laugh. ‘Okay. Just hands,’ he says, before his hand comes down and lands on my ass, the slap resounding around the room loudly. He lands a few more slaps, earning gasps and whimpers from me, and each of them gets harder and louder. ‘Mmm, all nice and red, just for me,’ he whispers, pressing kisses up my spine, and my knees become weak at the feeling.
He pulls my pants down to my knees, the cold air hitting my core instantly, and I shiver at the feeling. ‘God, you’re dripping, babe. Is this from sucking my dick, or being spanked?’ he asks, hands running over my ass and down my thighs, completely missing the area I need him most. ‘Both, sir,’ I reply, and he chuckles. ‘I always knew you were a slut deep down,’ he says lowly, sending a shiver through me. Without warning, he plunges two fingers into me, a moan of his name falling from my lips at the burning stretch. He lands a harsh spank on my ass, with a deep ‘it’s sir to you.’ He slowly pumps his fingers in and out of my core, gentle whines and moans falling from my mouth. ‘Good, babe? Does that feel good?’ he asks. ‘Yes, sir, god, yes,’ I reply breathlessly, arms shaking with the force of holding myself up. After a minute or so of mind-numbing pleasure, one of my arms gives way, nearly having me face-plant the silk pillow covers. ‘Oh, are poor baby’s arms getting tired?’ he asks teasingly, turning me over onto my back. ‘I can’t complain, I get to see this pretty face now,’ he says, and I smile shyly. He spreads my legs again, and settles between them, his position reminding me almost of a kid laid out on their stomach, watching the TV.
‘Such a pretty little pussy, sweetheart,’ he says, almost teasingly, as he eyes my glistening core. ‘I wanna taste you, babe, can I?’ he asks, voice deep, and I moan at his words. ‘Please,’ I breathe out, and he chuckles under his breath. ‘You’re such a pain in the ass. Please what?’ he demands, sounding exasperated. ‘Please, sir, your mouth,’ I whimper, and he laughs again, his breath warm against my core. ‘Louder. I want him to hear you,’ he whispers, and I laugh internally at his pettiness. ‘Please, sir, I need your mouth, please,’ I beg louder, and he lets out a satisfactory chuckle. ‘Better,’ he says before licking a bold stripe up my core. I let out a loud moan as he begins to lick at my slit like he hasn’t eaten in months. ‘You taste fucking amazing,’ he says between licks, loud whimpers and moans falling from my lips. I wind my fingers into wavy, soft brown locks, pulling him closer between my legs, and he slides my thighs up over his shoulders, giving him better access. ‘Sir, fuck, feels so good,’ I moan, and he laughs against my core. ‘Rub it in a bit more,’ he prompts, and I’m more than happy to oblige. ‘Sir, please! I…feels so good,’ I cry out, not holding back as he practically devours me. I try my best to stay still but I begin to squirm in his sheets, and he loses his patience. ‘y/n, stop fucking moving before I make you cum until you’re sobbing,’ he threatens and I stop myself from moving. ‘Actually… maybe I’ll do just that,’ he says with a devilish grin, going back to his ministrations, twice the speed and force. Broken moans, whimpers and whines fall from my mouth every few seconds as he brings me closer and closer to my climax, and when he adds two fingers alongside his mouth, I hit my orgasm with a loud moan, back arching up off the bed.
Once I’ve come down, I meet his eyes, the sight of his chin and mouth covered in my release making me wet once more. ‘You okay?’ he asks, standing up at the foot of the bed, and I nod, eyes flitting down the bulge in his jeans. ‘I’ve just made you cum, and you’re already eyeing my dick like a deprived little cockslut. Was that not enough for you?’ he asks, and I shake my head, biting my lip gently. ‘Fuck, come here,’ he says, and I crawl down the bed. ‘Help me out,’ he says, kicking his shoes and socks off, and I unbutton his shirt, pushing it off his shoulders and leaving his chest bare. His muscles are defined, not as much as Jimin’s, but still noticeable. His shoulders are broader, and strong, and his waist is small, an enticing v-line visible above the waist of his jeans. I unbutton his jeans and push them down his legs, the boy kicking them away. He unclasps my bra and I pull my pants off, leaving both of us completely naked. He picks me up and sweeps all the papers and stationery off his desk, putting me down onto the polished wood. He reaches into one of the drawers as I press kisses to and pull on the skin of his collarbones and neck, leaving marks in my wake. He pulls out a condom, slipping it on hastily, and I wrap my legs around his waist.
‘Ready?’ he asks, and I nod, resting my hands on his biceps as he slowly pushes into me. We both let out moans at the feeling, and he gives me a little while to adjust. ‘Can I move?’ he asks. ‘Yes, sir, please,’ I reply, and he grins, beginning to slowly rock his hips back and forth, pulling nearly all of the way out before sliding all the way back in. ‘God, you’re so tight. He can’t have been fucking you that well,’ he says, voice deep and husky, and I want to point out that that’s not how the female body works, but I can’t get the words out, waves of pleasure washing over me. ‘Faster, sir, please,’ I whine, and he smirks, increasing his pace slightly. And that’s when I hear it. The desk starts to hit the wall, quietly at first, but Tae continues getting faster and the banging noise gets louder and louder as he does so. On the other side of the wall is Jimin, and the thought makes me moan out loud. ‘You like making him jealous, babe?’ Tae asks, and I whimper into his shoulder as his thrusts get faster and faster. ‘Moan for me, babe, get him mad,’ Tae prompts. ‘Sir, feels- oh! Feels so good, fuck!’ I moan, throwing my head back as his fingers begin rubbing at my clit, his other hand gripping my waist so hard I’m sure I’ll wake up with bruises in the morning. ‘Such a good little slut for me, aren’t you, y/n? Letting me fuck you next door to your ex,’ he growls against my ear, and I whimper at his words, already nearing my high. ‘I can feel you clenching, y/n, you gonna cum for me, baby?’ he says, the pet name making me clench even harder, and he moans out. ‘Sir, fuck, I’m gonna…’ I trail off, so close to my climax. And then he pulls out.
‘Tae,’ I whine, and he lands a slap to my core, not too hard, but hard enough that it catches me off-guard, making me let out a little whimper. ‘Don’t complain,’ he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me up from the desk. He leans down and presses his lips to mine, catching my mouth in a sloppy kiss as he pulls me away from the desk and towards the wall, pushing me up against it. ‘Jump,’ he says against my lips, and I do so, wrapping my legs around his waist once more, and he holds my body in place between his and the wall. Without warning, he pushes in and doesn’t start slowly, going at an almost painfully fast pace. My head falls back against the wall, making a noise, and I realise that Jimin will be able to hear that I’m being fucked against the wall because of how thin these walls are. ‘God, you’re fucking gushing,’ he says, the tops of his thighs practically soaked with my arousal. ‘All for you, sir,’ I moan out as he fucks into me, strained chuckles falling from his lips at that. ‘How would Park react to seeing you like this? Getting fucked by his best friend against the wall, moaning like a little bitch for me. Getting your pretty little pussy fucking pounded. He’d be a bit angry, I think. And hard,’ he breathes out, his words punctuated by moans from me, the image of Jimin’s angry face clear in my head.
‘Are you imagining I’m him, y/n? Imagining I’m your daddy?’ he asks, and I don’t answer, not wanting to admit that Jimin’s face has been in my mind since I walked into his bedroom. ‘I’m gonna take that as a yes. But it’s me, y/n, I’m the one making you feel this good. Look at me. Look at me while I fuck you,’ he says, grabbing my chin and turning my face so our eyes meet. His jaw is clenched, sweat dripping from his forehead, lips swollen and eyes dark and dilated. He moves one of my legs, so it’s bent between our bodies, and it allows him to thrust in even deeper, hitting the spot that makes me shout. ‘Fuck, sir, feels so good!’ I cry out, my eyes beginning to water as he fucks me relentlessly, filling me up completely as I tangle my fingers into his hair, gripping tightly. ‘Harder,’ I barely manage to breathe out and he laughs, doing as I wish, grunting from the effort. ‘Such a dirty fucking girl. Little bitch wants her pussy torn in half, huh? God, you’re so hot, y/n, so hot and fucking filthy. Hearing you and Jimin that night, fuck, I was so hard. I wanted to do what he was doing to you, wanted to make you scream like that,’ he admits, balls slapping against my ass as he thrusts into me ridiculously hard, knowing he’ll leave me sore tomorrow.
One of his hands rests at my neck, fingers pressing gently against my skin as his other hand begins to rub at my clit, bringing me ever closer to my climax. He begins to suck on my nipples sloppily, and I rest my head against the wall at all the different sensations. ‘You gonna cum, baby?’ he asks, and I nod. ‘Moan my name,’ he whispers in my ear, before pinching at my clit gently. It pushes me over the edge, and I reach my high with a scream of his name, Tae continuing to fuck me through my orgasm as I clench around him in a tight grip. ‘Fuck, fuck, I’m gonna cum,’ he groans, pulling out of me. ‘Can I cum in your mouth?’ he asks, furiously pumping his cock, and I nod, getting to my knees shakily. I rip the condom off his cock and put my mouth around it, revelling in the deep moan that falls from his lips. His eyes are locked on me as I suck him off harshly, bobbing my head as quickly as I can and taking him as deep as possible, and when I start playing with his balls, it’s game over. I feel his dick twitch as he throws back his head and moans out, ‘fuck, y/n, you’re so good. Shit!’ He pushes my head down onto his cock as he reaches his high, hot thick spurts of his cum hitting the back of my throat as my lips stay around the base of his cock, and he gently rocks his hips back and forth until he’s finished. He slowly pulls out, breathing deeply, and looks down at me with a smirk. ‘Show me, baby,’ he says, and I open my mouth. He groans at the sight of me before saying, loudly enough for Jimin to hear, ‘swallow it, baby. Every last drop.’ I do so, opening my mouth again to show him, and grins, pleased.
He helps me get up from the floor, pressing another gentle kiss to my lips. ‘I need to go for a wee,’ I say after a few seconds, heading into his en suite, quickly weeing, washing my hands, cleaning my makeup off and splashing myself with water, and when I come back out, he’s dressed in just a pair of loose checked pyjama bottoms, torso and feet bare, and hair a fluffy mess. ‘Here,’ he says, holding out a t-shirt of his. ‘I don’t have any underwear for you, though, unless you wanna wear boxers? Sorry,’ he says, and I smile. ‘It’s alright. Scientifically, it’s better if you go bare at night anyway,’ I say, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘That scientist deffo just made up fake research to get his wife to go bare in bed,’ he says, and I burst out laughing as I pull his t-shirt on, the material soft against my skin. He climbs into bed and I climb in beside him, the boy instantly pulling me into his arms. I reach for my phone, knowing Tae’s watching as send Mija a text to say I’m safe and going to sleep, before locking it and putting it back. ‘Goodnight, babe,’ he says, pressing a kiss to my shoulder. ‘Goodnight, Tae,’ I reply, falling asleep quicker than ever before.
I wake up to find myself wrapped up in his arms, head tucked beneath his chin, cosy and warm beneath his soft silk sheets (did I mention they’re silk? Sorry, but I’ve never slept in silk sheets before and I already know what my next online order is gonna be). Almost as though he feels me stirring, he wakes up too, pulling me closer to his chest as he yawns. ‘Morning, babe,’ he says sleepily, and I can feel the vibrations of his words against my back. ‘Morning, Tae,’ I reply, turning in his arms to face him, and he shoots me an adorable boxy smile. ‘Sleep well?’ he asks, and I nod, snuggling into his warm and cuddly body. ‘Up for round 2?’ he asks, smirking, and I sigh. ‘And that is my cue to get up and shower,’ I say, beginning to move out of the bed, but he pulls me back in, whining like a baby. ‘No, y/n, cuddle me. We’ll watch a film or something, and then you can shower,’ he says, and I’m tempted. So I agree.
I cuddle back into him and he chuckles under his breath, reaching for his laptop. We both sit up against the headboard, Tae pulling me between his legs so he can cuddle me whilst I find something for us to watch on Netflix, finally settling for The Duff. It’s not Tae’s type of film, but he doesn’t complain, content on playing with my hair and listening to me laugh in all the right places. It flies by, and it feels so comfortable to sit here with him, that I almost forget that it’s Tae. And not Jimin. ‘What are you thinking about?’ Tae asks, knocking me out of my thoughts. ‘Pardon?’ I ask, caught off guard. ‘The film ended a few minutes ago, and you haven’t turned off the next one so I’m assuming you were daydreaming,’ he says, and I laugh, feeling embarrassed. ‘Oh, no, I, um, yeah, I was daydreaming. I zoned out,’ I say, Tae chuckling. ‘Okay, y/n. Oh, before I forget, do you wanna be my date for this fancy end-of-year party that we’re doing? I know it sounds dumb, but it was Joon’s idea,’ he says, and I stifle a laugh. ‘I’ve already had two offers, but I’ll, um, I‘ll let you know,’ I say, and he snorts. ‘Who asked you already?’ he asks. ‘Namjoon and Jungkook,’ I say, and he laughs. ‘Well, whatever. You don’t have to say yes to me, as long as you say yes to one of us. It’d be nice to have you there,’ he says, and I smile. ‘Thanks, Tae,’ I say. ‘Do you wanna go have your shower now? I’ll get you some clean clothes of mine out for afterwards,’ he says, and I turn to face him, kissing him gently on the cheek. ‘Thank you, you’re the best,’ I say, heading into his en suite. I strip off Tae’s t-shirt, put my hair up in a bun so as to not get it wet, and climb into the shower, turning on the water. I realise a couple seconds later that the shower gel isn’t in the shower, but on a shelf on the other side of his en suite. With a sigh, I climb out of the shower, leaving the water running, and then I hear Tae’s bedroom door slam.
‘What the fuck, Taehyung?’ I hear a familiar voice say angrily, and my blood runs cold. ‘What?’ Tae asks nonchalantly, and I supress a laugh. ‘What do you mean, what? You know exactly what I’m talking about, you fucking bastard. How could you sleep with her?’ Jimin demands, and Tae laughs. ‘Is she your ex?’ Tae asks, and Jimin’s silent. ‘Is she your ex, Jimin?’ Tae repeats, and Jimin sighs. ‘No, but you know it’s different with us,’ Jimin says, and Tae laughs. ‘If you don’t consider her your ex, if you don’t even have the decency to claim her as your ex, then I don’t see the issue. She’s just someone you used to have sex with, and you have no right to be angry about me having sex with her. End of,’ Taehyung says, and Jimin huffs. ‘No, Tae, it’s not end of. You know it’s different with me and y/n,’ Jimin repeats, and Taehyung laughs. ‘No, Jimin, I don’t know that, because you don’t tell me. You haven’t told me what’s different about the two of you. You won’t tell anyone, so how are we supposed to respect something we don’t know? As far as I see it, she liked you and you didn’t like her back, so you rejected her. That’s it. So why would you be angry about us sleeping together? If you had feelings for her, I’d understand, but you didn’t, because you would be dating her if you did. So explain it to me,’ Taehyung says, the other boy silent.
‘Just… I just wanna know one thing,’ Jimin says quietly, making me strain to hear him. ‘I can’t guarantee I’ll give you an answer,’ Taehyung replies, and I have so much respect for him in that moment. ‘Does she… does she still wear my ring? On her left hand, ring finger, is my ring still there?’ he asks, and Taehyung lets out a gentle pitying laugh, sounding sorry for Jimin. ‘I don’t know, Jimin, I didn’t pay attention to the jewellery she was wearing,’ Taehyung says as I look down at my left hand, pulling his ring off my finger. I turn the water off, both of them falling silent, and feign obliviousness. ‘Tae!’ I call. ‘Yeah, babe?’ he calls back, and I stifle a laugh at hearing a loud thumping noise, knowing Jimin’s definitely just whacked Tae. ‘Can you pass me my phone? I need to text Mija about something,’ I say, opening the door very slightly and sticking my left hand out, making sure Jimin can clearly see that his ring is not on my finger. He presses my phone into my hand, and I reply with a thanks before shutting the door. After a few seconds, I put my phone down and put the shower back on. ‘There’s your answer. She doesn’t wear your ring. Now is that it, or do you want me to ask her to give it back to you?’ Taehyung says. ‘Whatever,’ Jimin says, sounding tired, and then I hear the door open and close, signalling his departure. I carefully get back into the shower, the water running down over my face, and burst into tears, sobbing as though my heart would break.
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‘y/n, there are people at the door for you!’ Mija calls, and I jump up from my bed, walking past Mija in the corridor. ‘Who?’ I ask. ‘Go find out,’ she replies over her shoulder. I roll my eyes as I step into the living room, seeing Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook stood at the door. ‘Um… hey?’ I say, heading towards them. ‘Hey, y/n. I asked Mija if you were busy, and she said no, so I thought it’d be nice if we came and did that Netflix binge watch night we planned,’ Namjoon says, and I grin at the heartfelt gesture. And then I spot a laptop under Namjoon’s arm. ‘What’s that for?’ I ask, and he looks down at it, looking back up at me with an almost sheepish expression. ‘Oh, I just brought it with me,’ he lies, Yoongi and Jungkook both looking as though they’re trying not to laugh, various bags and packets of junk food in their arms. ‘Don’t lie, Kim, what’s your ulterior motive?’ I demand, narrowing my eyes at him. ‘I… y/n, I need your help,’ he says desperately, stepping past me into our apartment. I exchange an amused look with the other two boys, and Yoongi rolls his eyes as Jungkook shakes his head. ‘With what?’ I ask, letting the other two in.
‘This party. I bit off more than I can chew. The venue need a deposit in the next two days because someone else wants to book it for that night, but the boys aren’t paying for their tickets; if they did, we’d be able to cover the entire cost, deposit and the actual payment. We’re only charging £15 a ticket but they’re all just being cheap. The uni’s contributing £200 to the venue but we’re not getting that for another two weeks, and that doesn’t even cover the deposit. Everyone’s bugging me about the theme, and I didn’t even think about having a theme in the first place. The boys are all telling me to scrap the whole date thing, but then it’ll get crashed and we won’t get our deposit back and we’ll have to pay for the repairs at the venue. My DJ cancelled because he’s in court, so now I’ve gotta find a new, cheap DJ. The venue need an exact number for catering because they won’t cater for us if it’s too late notice, but I don’t have an exact number yet because no one will confirm. And that’s just the start of it,’ he says, and I blink, trying to digest what he’s just said. Right,’ I sigh, ‘get that laptop loaded up, you two get Netflix on, and let me sort out this mess.’
I set myself up on the middle of the sofa, my laptop on my lap, Namjoon’s on his and Mija’s on hers (she decided to join us), Yoongi and Jungkook sprawled out across the floor, eating and watching Scream Queens. ‘Right, first, we need to get this deposit. How much is it? And how much is the actual venue?’ I ask, and he winces. ‘It’s £300 for the deposit, and £500 for the venue itself,’ he says, and I take a deep breath. ‘Okay. Us five, the other four, that’s 9 of us. If we each put £15 towards it, that leaves us with £165 to make. So we have to get enough people to pay that, or we resort to some sort of fundraising,’ I say, and Namjoon sighs. ‘There are 40 of us. Minus us seven boys, if we can get them all to pay their tickets, then we’ll cover it easy; we’ll make the full 800 for the deposit and the venue, and the uni funding can go towards a DJ and decorations,’ he says, getting his phone out. ‘Will they each pay that though?’ I ask, and he shrugs. ‘I’ll put it on the group chat, and see what we get back. I’ll pay for whatever we don’t get,’ he says, and Mija puts a hand out to stop him. ‘No. Let y/n send a voice note,’ she says, all four of us looking at her confusedly. ‘If y/n and Namjoon asked you for £15, which one of them would you be more likely to give it to?’ Mija asks. ‘y/n,’ Yoongi replies instantly, Jungkook hesitating but then nodding in agreement after a few seconds. ‘Wow, thanks. I’m so honoured you guys care about me,’ Namjoon says sarcastically, none of us paying attention to him. ‘If you say that you’re helping Namjoon with party planning because… I don’t know. Think of a sexy reason for it,’ she says, and I laugh. ‘What do you mean, sexy reason?’ I say. ‘You don’t need a sexy reason, the frat is pretty much whipped for you anyway, y/n,’ Yoongi says, and I frown. ‘I don’t even know the others,’ I say, and he laughs. ‘Some of the first years were asking us why you haven’t been around recently. Trust me, the whole frat loves you. Except maybe Jimin hyung,’ Jungkook says, before his eyes widen, realising what he just said. ‘Sorry, noona, I didn’t mean it to come out like that,’ he says, and I wave him off, willing myself not to cry. ‘It’s fine, it’s fine. Just pass me your phone, Joon, let me send a voice note,’ I say, and he gets his phone out, getting up the ASP group chat and handing it to me.
I press down the button and begin talking; ‘Hey guys, it’s y/n here. Namjoon would have sent this voice note but he’s losing his voice so I’m not letting him speak. He’s over at mine and we’re just party planning and stuff, and the venue needs a deposit in the next two days. If we all pay for our tickets now, we’ll cover the deposit and the venue costs, and the uni funding comes through in two weeks so we can spend that on a DJ and decorations. It’d be really helpful if you and your dates can pay the £15 each for a ticket, otherwise this party won’t go ahead, and it’ll be a real shame if we can’t celebrate Namjoon’s last year as head of the frat. We’re gonna set up a new bank account or PayPal or something, and send the details in so you can transfer all the money into that one. Thanks, guys.’ I look up at the others after recording it. ‘How was that? Was it okay? Shall I send it?’ I say, and Namjoon nods. ‘It was perfect. Send it now, I’ll set up the PayPal,’ he says, beginning to tap away on his laptop. I send it, and await a response. Jungkook and Yoongi both reply saying they’ll pay the £30 for their tickets for themselves and their dates, to prompt the others to do so too. Tae replies next, saying he will too, followed shortly by Hoseok and Jin. Some of the other frat members start to reply as well, and I send the PayPal details in. We watch as the funds get bigger and bigger, and when we reach the deposit, we all (except for Yoongi) start jumping up and down in a circle, screaming in joy.
‘This probably isn’t the best time to ask, y/n, but I still don’t have a date to this thing, you interested in coming?’ Yoongi asks as we take our seats again. ‘Um, I’ve already been asked. By Namjoon. And Jungkook. And Taehyung,’ I say, all three boys raising their eyebrows. ‘Taehyung? Did he ask you in the club… or after the club?’ Namjoon asks interestedly, all three of them looking amused and interested. ‘Um, in the club,’ I lie, slightly embarrassedly. ‘Those clothes look familiar,’ Yoongi says, and I kick myself for not taking off Taehyung’s sweater earlier. ‘Anyway, I’ve been meaning to ask. Why don’t you ask Sana instead of me, Joon? I heard something was going on with you two,’ I ask, Namjoon instantly beginning to blush. ‘What? Who said that? Because it’s completely false. Anyway, we’ve got things to do,’ Namjoon stutters, and I stifle a laugh, Yoongi and Jungkook looking as though this is the first they’ve heard about Sana. Feeling for Namjoon, I change the subject, asking if anyone wants something to drink.
When I’ve come back with everyone’s drinks, I move on to my next task. I dial Chen’s number and wait ‘til he picks up. ‘Hey, y/n,’ he says. ‘Hey, bitch!’ I reply, and he laughs. ‘What’s up? You good? How was last night?’ he asks, and I try not to laugh. ‘I think I should be asking you that. But anyway, we’ll fill each other in another time, I’ve got an emergency,’ I say. ‘What’s happened? Shall I come ‘round? Are you and Mija okay? Shall I get Jackson?’ he asks, panicking. ‘Chen, no! We’re fine. Maybe emergency wasn’t the best word to use. But can you come ‘round actually? We could do with your help,’ I say. ‘What am I getting myself into?’ he asks, sighing. ‘Party planning!’ I exclaim. ‘I’m down. Ask Mija if she wants me to bring Jackson,’ he says, and I do so. ‘No, he’ll just wanna go have sex,’ she says, and I stifle a laugh at the boys’ faces, surprised at hearing of Mija and Jackson because no one knows that they’re kinda dating. ‘She said no, he’ll just want to have sex. Bring yourself and food, bitch,’ I say. ‘How about pizza? Or Chinese?’ he asks. ‘Oh, my God, how can I choose? Surprise me, you know what I like,’ I say. ‘Alright, I’ll be there in like half an hour,’ he says, the line cutting off after that.
‘Right, Chen’s coming. He’ll help us sort the DJ. What else do we need to do?’ I ask Namjoon. ‘A theme,’ he says, and I exchange a look with Mija. ‘Are you doing suits and evening dresses and shit?’ she asks Namjoon, who nods. ‘Masquerade,’ Mija and I say at the exact same time. ‘Masquerade?’ Joon asks. ‘Classy, sexy, mysterious and fun all in one,’ Mija says. ‘What kind of decorations would we have though?’ Namjoon asks, sounding sceptical. ‘We could just do a colour theme. Something classy like… rose gold and white! We could get a flower wall, a balloon arch, centrepieces. We could do a sweet bar, a chocolate fountain, a photobooth, a-’ ‘y/n! We only have £200 to spend on all this stuff. There’s no way we can afford all that. Stop getting so carried away,’ he says, and I grin. ‘Is that a challenge, Joon? Because I will make it my life’s mission to get all of those things. I’ll get them or I’ll die trying,’ I say, Namjoon raising an eyebrow. ‘That’s a bit dramatic, don’t you think?’ Yoongi asks. ‘No, I like the energy, noona! I’ll help,’ Jungkook says, mouth full of chocolates. ‘You’re all gonna help. We’re gonna make this party the best ever. What are the others doing right now? Jin, Hoseok and Taehyung?’ I ask, purposely leaving Jimin out, and none of them point it out. ‘Nothing, I don’t think. Why?’ Namjoon asks. ‘Get them here now,’ I say, exchanging an excited glance with Mija, ‘we’re about to throw a party-planning party. Mija, call Chen and ask him to get enough food for nine.’
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‘What the fuck?’ Tae asks as he steps into our apartment. Jin and Chen are sat at our tiny dining table, both of them on the phone getting quotes from various decorations companies for balloons, centrepieces and flower walls. Namjoon is sprawled out on the floor, on the phone to the venue and discussing different menus. Yoongi’s sat in the armchair, Mija sat on the arm of it and leaning on him as they both look at Namjoon’s laptop, trying to write up a seating plan so we can order or make place holders/keepsakes, having planned for each table to have a different designed item. Jungkook is beside me on the sofa, phoning up the frat members one by one to confirm their attendance, ask who their date is or urging them to find one, and getting those of them that haven’t sent the money for the tickets to do so. I’m making various spreadsheets and charts, writing up the different menus Namjoon repeats out loud to me, the quotes that Chen and Jin are getting, the dates that the boys have, the ones that have paid and the ones that haven’t as Jungkook lets me know after each phone call, contributing to Mija and Yoongi’s seating plan by letting them know who doesn’t like who. ‘Yeah, it’s a bit hectic,’ I say as he shuts the door behind him. I turn back to my laptop and type up the numbers that Chen reads out to me, and a few seconds later, I feel Tae’s hands on my shoulders.
He didn’t tell me anything about his conversation with Jimin after I came out of the shower, just acting as though nothing had happened, the whole time I got changed and when he drove me back to mine and Mija’s accommodation too. Mija eyes us, an amused grin on her face; I told her about what I’d overheard, and she said that she appreciates Tae speaking to Jimin the way he did. I’d also told her about the details of mine and Tae’s night together, trying to spot any signs of jealousy, but there was nothing; she truly has no feelings for Taehyung. Which is totally fine, of course, because she doesn’t need a man, and she’s happy with Jackson anyway. ‘Hoseok hyung couldn’t make it, but what can I do to help?’ he asks, leaning down and burying his head into my neck, some of the others watching us interestedly. ‘Um, Chen knows a guy who does DJing, but can you set up a playlist for him to use please?’ I ask, and he nods. ‘Of course,’ he replies, sitting down on the other side of me and getting his laptop out of his bag.
Slowly but surely, we manage to tick things off one by one. Chen strikes gold and finds a decoration company that’s about to shut down and are selling all of their stock at a fraction of the original prices, and so he makes arrangements with the owners for us to go and pick up what we need in two weeks’ time, on a Sunday. The shop is a two hour drive away, but we decide it’s better to go there than spend five times the money at a closer shop. In total, the decorations we’re looking for come to £50, and I could kiss Chen for finding such a fantastic shop. Jungkook gets all of the boys to confirm and pay for their tickets, and all of them promise to find their dates asap. We collectively decide on the least posh menu and Namjoon promises the venue that he’ll get back to them on how many of each dish they’ll need to prepare. Yoongi and Mija sort out a sufficient seating plan, putting the seven boys and their dates on the same table, meaning if I go, I’ll be sat on a table with Jimin and his date, mostly Jeongyeon, a thought that makes me feel sick to my stomach. We all contribute to the playlist, Tae noting down the songs that we all shout out every couple minutes or so.
‘Right, and we’re done,’ I sigh, falling back against the sofa after a few hours of solid work. ‘What have we got left to do?’ Jin asks. ‘We’ve gotta find a company that sells or rents out chocolate fountains for cheap, either hire a sweet bar or do one ourselves, depending on which one is cheaper, pick up the decorations, write up some kind of online invitation with the date, time, venue, theme everything, and send it out to the boys and their dates with plenty of notice so they can get their outfits. I think that’s it,’ I list off, Namjoon making notes on his phone. ‘y/n, you’re a godsend. Thank you so much for your help, I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you,’ Namjoon says, and I grin at him. ‘I gotchu, Joonie. Now, can you guys leave because I got an early lecture to go to in the morning?’ I say, the others laughing as they all begin rising up from their seats. I watch with interest as Jin and Chen exchange social medias, and Tae and Mija laugh about something together. The boys all bid me goodbye one by one, Jin and Tae hanging back. ‘y/n, I don’t have a date to this thing yet, are you planning on coming? Because I want you to be my date?’ Jin says, and I take a moment, looking up at the ceiling. ‘She’s already had four offers, buddy, you’re too late. Namjoon, JK, Tae and Yoongi all beat you to it,’ Mija says, and Jin’s mouth falls open. ‘Seriously? Fuck, I don’t know who I’m supposed to take,’ Jin sighs, and I laugh. ‘I’ll keep your offer in mind, Jin, thank you for asking,’ I say, and he nods. ‘It’s alright, y/n, just make sure you say yes to one of us,’ he says, and I nod, waving as he leaves, Tae still hanging around.
‘You okay, Tae?’ I ask, and he nods. ‘I, um… there’s something I need to tell you, y/n,’ he says, making me panic. ‘Um, okay,’ I say, not sure what else to say, and Mija disappears into the kitchen, obviously not wanting to intrude. ‘I don’t know much about what happened between you and Jimin, but what I do know is that you have a right to be aware on what’s going on in his life at the moment. So I thought I should tell you that Jeongyeon came over earlier, a little while after I dropped you off back here. I don’t know if he called her over hoping you’d see her, like as revenge, or because they’re together or something, but I thought you should know,’ Taehyung says, slowly and hesitantly, and I don’t feel shock or hurt. I’m just numb. ‘Thank you for telling me, Tae,’ I say. ‘Are you not, um… surprised?’ he asks, and I shake my head with a sad smile. ‘He slept with her Tae. That’s why I cut him off. He slept with her that night he took me out and that party happened out of nowhere. Whilst I was tidying and throwing up, he was upstairs in his room with her, knowing full well I could’ve walked in at any second. So, no, Tae, I’m not surprised,’ I say, and Tae’s mouth falls open. ‘Does… does he know you know?’ he asks, and I nod. ‘I found out the next morning. I slept in Joon’s room for the night, and saw her coming out of his room in his clothes when I was hiding in the bathroom. When I confronted him on the football pitch, he confessed, and I told him I already knew,’ I say, and Tae sits down beside me, taking my hands into his. ‘y/n, I’m so sorry. He’s scum,’ Tae says, and I don’t have the energy to partake in the Jimin slander. ‘Just promise me you won’t tell him you know. And please try to act normal with him. I don’t want to ruin anything,’ I say, and he shakes his head. ‘Of course, of course. I won’t breathe a word, and I’ll try my best not to throttle him next time I see him. I should head back actually, but I’ll see you later, y/n. I’ll text you soon, and we’ll go for coffee or something,’ Tae says, and I nod. We bid each other goodbye, and he leaves, Mija walking in seconds later. ‘God, I really hate Jimin sometimes,’ she says, sitting down beside me and pulling me into her arms, and I sigh, resting my head on her shoulder. ‘So do I, Mija,’ I reply tiredly, ‘so do I.’
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kunderdogs · 5 years
Monsta X / Curvy S/O Wearing A Body-Con Dress
So, I’m still big mad that I lost 800+ words of this reaction the first time around and I forgot wtf I put for them so let’s try this again ;-;  S/O to the anon who requested this. Idk what kind of revealing dress you were thinking of so I went with this and other similar dresses. 
I kinda snapped on Kihyun’s lmao got a lil carried away so it’s lengthy - sorry!
Remember this is just my opinion about how the boys would react and all in good fun.
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Shownu: Heart eyes af. Proud boyfriend right here!! He’s quiet but that smile that lights up his face will not leave any time soon. Nunu’s got BDE (I can’t believe I typed this) so he’s going to show you off to the world. The type to take your IG pics for you and hit all the right angles. Gonna have you walk in front of him all night just so he can watch your hips swing from walking in heels. He’s comfortable in your relationship so he’s indifferent to the stares you get since you’re on his arm. Also, he’s not one to feel like he owns you in anyway so he’s not going to tell you to change. Definitely an ass/hips man so expect his big hands gripping you or pulling you into him. He’s going to want to dance the entire time you’re out, mainly so he can have your body grind against his. Totally fine with people looking, but talking to you is a different story and will 100% stand behind you, glaring at whoever had the balls to try to speak to you. Other than that, he’s extremely touchy when you dress up like this so expect a lot of affection, even if you’re in public because “Who told you to be so damn sexy?”
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Wonho: Immediately groaning and complaining about how hot you look. “Whyyyyyy are you so hot? Let’s stay home baby~ Please?” 11/10 going to try and convince you to stay in tonight. Will whine and follow you around as you finish getting ready. Clingy AF!! Like more so than usual too (which is hard to do but this is Hoseok we’re talking about here). Big baby boy mood comes out and he’s whining about how he can’t possibly focus on the dinner reservations with you looking like that. Once you manage to drag him out, he’s going to keep touching you - hips, waist, arms wrapped around your shoulders, holding your hands. When you’re sitting, you can bet your left foot that his hands are gripping your thighs, unintentionally teasing you but when you touch him back - ohhhh boy. He’s giving you puppy eyes now and whispering in your ear, “Can we leave now? I’ve done what you ask, I think I deserve a reward.”
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Minhyuk: Sunshine has left the building. Wide eyes, jaw dropped when he got to your place and you walked down the stairs like it was your own personal runway. Pride is filling up his chest as well as admiration. He loves you for you but your body was definitely a plus and he worshiped the ground you walked on but he wasn’t sure if he could handle you looking that sexy all night. In about two seconds, he comes to the conclusion that no, his heart cannot handle that stress and tells you to take your fine ass back upstairs and put on something with more cloth. “I can’t- Nope, I’m not gonna be hurting like this and not be able to touch you. You’ve got to change, for my mental sanity.” Compliments you and the dress but lets you know he won’t be able to focus on anything if your dress is that tight/short on you. Grips his heart dramatically as you walk back up the stairs “Gah damn, why must you hurt me like this baby?” Realizes you’re going to change and then runs up after you cause as much as he likes the dress on you, he will not miss the opportunity to see it come off ;) As much as you try to keep his hands off you while undressing, it doesn’t work and now you’re the last ones to the venue, cheeks flushed and lips swollen with the maknaes giggling as you fix your hair.
(oof this gif is powerful)
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Kihyun: Yeah hell no. He’s buttoning up the cuffs of his suit as he walks in the bathroom and sees you all dressed up, putting on your jewelry. The way the diamonds he bought you on your third anniversary sat delicately on your chest made his mouth dry. Totally forgets what he had to ask you so he takes in the view as you lean over the counter top to put in your earrings. His eyes are dark and narrowed, head tilting to the side while his face is unreadable. When you’re done, you twirl around to ask his opinion but he’ll step towards you just like a predator would its prey. “Change.” and that’s all he’ll say, unblinking, looking you up and down. “Ki, I bought this dress for this award show. Do you not like it?” Honestly, he liked it way too much and that mean other people would like it too and nope he was having none of that shit on his watch. If you really refused to change, he’ll say some hurtful things, he’s got a sharp tongue and doesn’t realize the shit he says sounds bad until later on. “Who are you dressing up for cause it sure as hell doesn’t look like it’s for me.” You’ll have to ignore him because he’s just being petty but if you give in and say “I dress up for my damn self!” or anything sassy, his dom side will not allow it. He’ll probably try to start a fight just to stay home but it’s because he’s a bit insecure since you look so good, someone better looking or more talented was bound to catch your attention. In his mind, there was no way you could be this perfect and be with him. Will be fuming the entire award show, tense hand holding, jaw tight and lot of eyebrow raises instead of answering your comments or questions (angry KiKi sounds so hot) Later in the night he’ll realize he’s being a dick and apologize but he’ll sulk until you give him kisses and forgive him.
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Hyungwon: At first, he’s just smirking like a cocky little shit. Rubbing his chin and biting his lip. He’ll make you walk back and forth just to stare at your ass. “Oh, you’re fine fine. Okay.” He’s going to vocally compliment you up and down. Licking his lips, rubbing his hands together (very fuckboy-esque) but my boy is seeing only hearts okay, he’s smitten! In my personal experience, skinny/lanky guys are the ones who looove thick/curvy girls the most and he’s no different. Doesn’t know what to do with himself except make comments while he’s following you around the house. “Baby, if you keep looking like a damn snack, I’ll have no choice but you eat like one.” And you’re like, “Damn it, stop being so horny, we’re going to your CEO’s birthday dinner.” Once he remembers that you’re indeed going out dressed like that, he switches very quickly. Silently, he’ll grab one of his big jackets and toss it at you, telling you to put it on otherwise he’ll go crazy all night if he has to see other guys staring at your ass. You do so, hiding your smirk when you think back to that one time Minhyuk had openly stared at you when you wore really tight jeans because Hyungwon almost lost his shit and it was kind of funny to see him so riled up. Very, very possessive and if you don’t pay him much attention that night, his attitude will jump out and he’ll definitely be rough with you later on - hands gripping your waist to get your attention, face grabbing to make you look at him in the eye. we love a confident zaddy whoops Will not let you out of his sight. You won’t even get 5 feet away from him without him following closely behind you & his eyes would stay mostly on how your hips swing back and forth. He does not last long so he’ll drag you to an empty room or even restroom so you can help him out.
(we need to talk more about flully/curly haired Hyungwon ok we were so so blessed)
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Jooheon: Once he sees what you’re wearing to the company New Years party, it’s a mOTHAFUCKIN WRAP. He’s going to appreciate your figure with narrowed eyes and a smirk. He knows you got a nice body but didn’t know you had a dress that tight in your closet and wonders why you haven’t whipped that out for him sooner. Thinks you’re dressing up for him so he sees it as his own little present. Definitely going to suggest staying home and nearly has you wrapped around his waist, back smashed against the door to your apartment when he hears his phone ringing in his pocket. You break the kiss but he’s unbothered and attacks your neck with biting kisses as you try to get in his pocket. “Ooh are we skipping the foreplay tonight?” and you roll your eyes like “Boy, do you not hear your phone? We have to go to the dinner, honey.” He groans into your neck, pressing your body into the wood again. “Ignore it. I’m tryna have my dessert right now.” Somehow, you managed to get him to the party but he’s going to give you bedroom eyes the entire time you’re out. Outwardly, he can compose himself to not act as horny as he was feeling so his touches will linger but they’ll be appropriate. If someone was flirting with you though, he will definitely put his hand on the small of your back, basically your ass. “Let’s go home, baby.” 
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I.M: “Babe have you seen my -...Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” My fav switch will enter dom mode pretty quickly upon seeing his s/o in such a tight, figure hugging dress. He’s a fan (a very big fan) of curves and ass in general. You don’t normally wear things like this, choosing leggings or hoddies over anything else. Changkyun would be biting his lip, watching you finish putting stuff in your hand bag and checking your makeup in the mirror but as you tell him, it was your friends bday and she wanted to go club hopping, he’s gonna go in the closet and get ready himself. When you ask wtf he’s doing since it’s technically a girls night, he’ll dead ass just stare at you blankly and say, “If you think I’m gonna let you out of my sight, looking like the goddess you are,” he pulled his button up on, snapping the buttons in place, “You’re dead wrong, love.” Yeah he’s just a bit possessive. Will hang on you all night, most the time is spent in his lap though and his tongue just can’t seem to stay in his mouth. It’s licking your neck, biting his own lips, licking them too. By the middle of the night, he’s tired of not having you beneath him so when you grind on him a little too good, he’s standing up and telling your friends good night, dragging you behind him and out the door.
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Why we love Kate, not Meghan
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I’ve been seeing the “If you love her (Catherine) you don’t need to hate her (Meghan)” meme going around on IG. I had to clear things up for myself and anybody this resonates once and for all. Let me first start off by saying my feelings for Meghan Markle are not of hate. I find her and Catherine beautiful in their own respective ways. I only abhor Meghan’s behavior, actions, total disrespect for the Royal Family hierarchy, trying to curry favor with the public through her PR attempts, and blatant sense of entitlement.
We are only typing words online making it difficult to decipher a tone of voice. Since there is none to be heard or facial expressions detected, you can take it much more worse, dramatic, and catty than it really is. I try to write as clearly as I can to convey my meanings as fast I can churn it out for everyone to read. I do it so my opinions are not misunderstood to be of jealousy, hating, bullying, or racism. I feel I have to restate this as I’ve gained many new followers and likely new spies or just plain curious folks. It would be truly wonderful to meet everyone I interact with online, follower, spy, or passersby. That human interaction is missing from this very anti-social media platform.
So, let me say I am none of those four things above. In fact, I was quite enthusiastic initially with Meghan Markle’s debut into the royal scene. She of course is a far cry from the typical posh British blondes Harry dated. It was refreshing and new. She was a Californian, ethnic, and American just like me, who came from a disjointed family. She was a breath of fresh air as a new addition, but that quickly turned into mush when that engagement interview revealed her domineering, controlling, and insincere personality with the camera. I took her saying she didn’t know THAT MUCH about Price Harry, not that she didn’t know him or the royal family. This is often restated incorrectly. Her statement during the interview came off as if Prince Harry’s royal-ness wasn’t a big deal to her. That they’re equally on the same plane and their names hold the same weight as far as that statement went. That initial interview showed her ego on display and the Vanity Fair magazine she interviewed for as a tell all after it was revealed she was Harry’s girlfriend. Shortly before that, in November 2016, she had Harry write a foolish statement asking the public to leave her alone after she made a false report of someone breaking into her Toronto home. Then she goes on to do that Vanity Fair magazine. The hypocrisy. Harry could never turn back after that. It was more binding than a wedding if you ask me.
Even her ex-best friend Ninaka Priddy told DailyMail, “I know the Royal Family was something she found fascinating. She had one of Princess Diana’s books [Diana: Her True Story] on her bookshelf, and even when she was with Trevor she told me she wanted to go and stay in London for at least a month. I can’t remember exactly when this was, but she was married to Trevor and starring in Suits. She mentioned about wanting to go to London a couple of times. I wasn’t shocked or even surprised to hear about Prince Harry. I know she used to love The Princess Diaries — films about a commoner who becomes part of a Royal Family. She was very taken with that idea.”
Meghan would relish the thought of living a real life Princess Diaries scenario. Everyone in her family circle knew she was infatuated with the idea of being a modern day princess with power. She admired Princess She-Ra. In her defunct Tig blog she wrote, “I, for one, was all about She-Ra, Princess of Power. And grown women seem to retain this childhood fantasy. Just look at the pomp and circumstance surrounding the royal wedding and endless conversation about Princess Kate.”
That was a huge red flag to me. Her best friend knew her since she was 11 and they were inseparable like sisters, like family. So, I take her words seriously as to who Meghan really was. She stopped talking to her after three seasons of Suits. Fame got to her head. She left her then husband Trevor, who helped her get on the show. She was out for a more “empowering” position in life. She used who and what she could to get where she is today. She downplayed her knowledge and awareness of the royal family big time and it really came back to bite her.
Meghan had her sights set on expanding her name and fame somehow someway since Suits was wrapping up with her supporting role being axed soon. Unhappily, her marriage to Trevor Engelson ended abruptly by her (mailing her rings back my mail), after almost 10 years of supposed true happiness finding The One. According to her ex-best friend she knew since she was 11 years old. She left him for Corey Vitiello, a highly celebrated chef in Toronto after her career took off some with Suits. Corey was also cooking for Prince Harry when Meghan first met the royal. He runs a chicken restaurant chain called Flock. Roast chicken, anyone? Yes, Meghan has commented time and time again her specialty is roast chicken. She picked up this talent likely from living in common law marriage with Corey in Toronto. That’s also what she was cooking when Prince Harry proposed? Gosh, what a coincidence. The Sun said, “The pair split in May 2016 - with the Telegraph reporting that Meghan was still with Cory when she first met Harry. The prince was in Canada to promote the Invictus games in May 2016. The chef refused to comment on the rumours that the Prince was part of the reason their relationship ended.” Hmmm, also a suspicious coincidence.
I don’t knock her for watching out for herself and trying to put her name out there. It’s a dog-eat-dog world in the acting industry. She was only successful in Toronto with Suits. Hollywood was the ultimate goal and dream. Her father Thomas Markle was a successful Emmy winning lighting director for Married with Children. She basically grew up on set and likely salivated at the fame and attention she would get being one. As a narcissist, this would feed her ego majorly. She was never going to be more famous than an extra in those random comedies or low-budget made for TV movies. She was pushing nearly 40. That’s the career death age of actresses in North America, maybe everywhere. She wasn’t a Meryl Streep or Viola Davis. She had to think fast. She did. Man, did she hit the jackpot with Harry. Apparently, their relationship wasn’t even revealed to Harry’s family until 6 months into it. All that time, Thomas Markle kept his mouth shut about it. He was loyal to his favorite daughter and paid for her expensive upscale schooling her entire life, even some in college. She ghosted him for making a foolish mistake with the media when he didn’t recieve an invite to the wedding. This time period was key to her sinking her claws in to Prince Harry’s vulnerability, weaknesses, broken and damaged self. She does want to be another Diana, but all she is now is a mother-wife to Harry. As her ghosted former best friend said, she is very calculated.
Using others as a stepping stone or tool to get where you want is extremely cold-hearted, but that was her MO. There is a reason a trail of ghosted, dejected lovers, family and friends have come out of the woodwork since Harry said his family was the one she never had. HAH. Cry me a river. Samantha only came out when that was openly said. What a stupid, hurtful, foolish statement Harry. This was during the Christmas Service at Sandringham she attended when they were only engaged. That’s unheard of. Even Catherine Middleton, wife of the heir didn’t even get invited to any outings until they were officially married. I commend Prince William for his caution as he had much more to lose than Harry with his choice of a wife.
Prince William was extremely worried about the tabloids and press doing what they did to his beloved mother to Kate. They chased Kate around and staked out their cameras at her flat. They followed her to work. They shoved cameras in her face getting in and out of cars. She was very chill about it. Alarmed, but civil. It was chaos. She was a BIG DEAL. She was marrying the heir to the British monarchy. Prince William was a dreamboat. Many of us were very fascinated by who his choice was. When they married, there were years and years of ridicule with comments about her “Waity Katey” nickname. He made sure she has as much time living a normal private life before becoming a royal. She needed to withstand the public scrutiny as his on and off again girlfriend first. It wasn’t a matter of him getting coldfeet. He was protecting her. They were college friends first then fell in love over the course of 6 years or so. They had a solid foundation.
She even had a few incidents where her skirt flew up too high revealing too much as well as her chest. It’s all trivial superficial things, I know, but it matters as a royal. We do the same with Meghan. It’s the optics that need to be taken into consideration. I’m fine with critiquing dress style, as there’s a certain decorum needed in a royal family. She, Kate, needed to dress more prudently to avoid mishaps. There were several in her first few years. She has improved beautifully and has her style down to science. Kate had many of the criticisms Meghan shares as far as entering in the royal family goes being a commoner having to do with dress code and keeping her mannerisms appropriate at events. There are many comments on old articles saying how Kate was smiling way too much at this same event years ago. How her hair was too long. She needed to stop twirling it and have some respect for her role and the dignity of the event. It was the Remembrance Day Sunday event at Whitehall in 2013. The two years before that, she garnered the same scathing reactions from the public.
Kate has really come into her own despite the awful criticisms and judgement on her class. She has bore the years and years of cruel digs to her with great decorum and stride. She has NEVER COMPLAINED. She has come in to her own identity as a mother, wife, future queen consort, charity patron, and most importantly a genuine person with the public. I quote The Sun highlighting past labels calling her a "work-shy social climber, the lucky girl whose sole job in life was to sit around looking pretty until William proposed." That's all turned into something solid and magical.
She has an ease with others that makes them comfortable in her presence you don't expect from such a senior royal. She has bloomed. We love her for that and how she lets Prince William shine by supporting his role as heir through their duties and appearances together. She also shines equally if not more than Prince William. Her children are absolutely gorgeous and a delight. We have all come to adore her because she has earned it. Yes, with the public you have to earn our love.
With Meghan, it seemed as if they were marrying then having a baby at warp speed before Harry decided to change his mind without knowing her family and past. They weren’t allowing the public to let us see Meghan in a positive gradual light, but a social climbing one with all her past history written online for all to see; also through the testimony of friends, families, her attention-seeking Instagram posts, colleagues etc. She hadn’t proved herself worthy yet to the public like Kate. It was hitting the ground running to be her own brand and name through Harry’s family.
On a superficial level, Kate and Meghan are not fashionistas or supermodels. But they are always photographed with what brands they’re wearing for all to see. That’s the fun part of watching all royal women, their outfits and accessories. But with Meghan it goes PAST and BEYOND outfits and style. It’s an entire plethora of reasons. She’s a whole different “beast” as she likened her unfair treatment in that Africa interview. All that have nothing to do with her ethnicity. The criticisms we non-Markle fans share with her are as followed:
• ghosting those friends and family members she used to put a notch on her belt
• using Princess Diana’s name to beautify her tainted image
• using Harry and his weaknesses to crawl her way into the royal family
• portraying such an affected manner in which she speaks, interactions with others, and overall pretending to be royal instead of being herself
• wearing inappropriate revealing attire to events, not adhering to dress code
• being rude and demanding to royal staff and even film and restaurant workers before marrying Harry
• constantly stepping in front of Harry as if he was the non-royal at events, inserting herself in conversations and trying to be the center of attention, a know-it-all
• making herself out to be a self made millionaire when she was more like a thousand-aire after Suits owning no real estate, cars or possessions to note beside an expensive heel collection
• taking credit for things that she did not do entirely on her own but passing it off that she did
• upsetting Duchess of Cambridge who she should have allied with for assimilation
• planting her PR stories to try and break up the image and marriage that the Cambridges have naturally built
• constantly trying to one-up the Cambridges while they go about their duties, her seething envy is quite evident by trying to take the light away from their causes
• inconsistent stories of how she and Harry met, supposedly it's Misha Nonoo, but who knows
• implying she was pregnant, all but announcing it with that navy blue coat halfway open at Princess Eugenie's wedding
• overly flicking her coat open constantly and prancing around with her hand on her ever changing bump (whether real or not we will never know)
• embellishing her character by feeding us accolades of herself every chance she gets, especially on Sussex Royal
• rarely ever using the titles of more important senior royals, but overusing her HRH on herself
• having famous Hollywood friends constantly speak for her and how amazing she is, many whom she had NEVER met prior to marrying Harry, but invited to the wedding anyway; leaving out her own family members (especially her loving father who made a foolish mistake) on both sides who did nothing to warrant such cold-heartedness
• preaching about carbon footprints, only having two children, and saving the environment all the while jetting around in private jets around the world sparing no expense
• portraying this image of a humanitarian when she herself is seen constantly in astronomically priced bespoke, couture, and designer clothes and accessories that taxpayers find (well over a million now dollars as the 6th in line’s wide); paid or not by designers to advertise for them
According to The Star, “It’s a figure so staggering it’s worth revisiting. According to estimates — based on totalling up the approximated or stated retail values of everything she’s been seen wearing since November 2017 — the number is hovering around the $1.5 million mark. On her and Harry’s official visit to Ireland this spring, for instance, Markle wore over $52,000 worth of fashion in just two days.”
They also stated “The majority of Markle’s expenditure this year went toward her two wedding dresses: That Givenchy ceremony dress is thought to have cost around $330,000 and her Stella McCartney dress (or the capsule collection’s 46 replicas released after the wedding, at least) sold for $5,800. That’s a bargain compared to the $93,000 she spent on the Ralph & Russo frock she wore for some of her engagement shoot. Add in a $6,500 Oscar de la Renta dress to a wedding here, a $5,000 bespoke Carolina Herrera frock to a Trooping the Colour there, and well, you get to that million mark pretty quickly.”
• then there’s the vacant Forgmore Cottage that wasted taxpayers money if $3 million to renovate; apparently they don’t even live there as she’s in SoHo accommodations and he in his Nottingham Cottage
• playing media games with the facts and dates surrounding the birth of Archie and never allowing him to be photographed until it was on African soil for a docu-drama
• pleading for privacy over and over then showing up unannounced at events uninvited,
• filming a tone-deaf tactless documentary in Africa, revealing how she felt she's didn't have a fair shake in the royal family, the absolute nerve of she and Harry
• suing the press for racism and hate stories when she herself courts the press daily (she did pap walks in London right before it was announced she was Harry's girlfriend), when she has herself and Harry to thank for all the negative press as there's not one story pointing out criticism of her ethnic background
• lastly, there are the extreme fans called the “sugars” who go around defending MM every chance they get in a rageful manner like packs of rabid dogs if we comment on how we don’t like her style of dress or try to reason with a differing opinion to theirs on a certain news story
Have I missed anything? Likely so. I’m still new to this whole Markle debacle so excuse my errors and typos. The soap opera does go on and there are so many details and shady ways Meghan has portrayed herself past and present. From what I’ve seen, heard, and read from her own mouth and those who knew her well, “she’s a witch” as Candace Owens put it bluntly. I truly wanted to give the benefit of the doubt to her when she kept shooting herself in the foot.
She is NOT where Kate was when she married Prince William either. Kate was 29, unmarried and very close to her family with no previous marriages. Today, her family appear to be her rock solid support outside of Prince William. She assimilated well with the other royals who she now calls family. She listened to counsel, respected the centuries of tradition the monarchy had always followed. She won our hearts. Through and through, she can credit her great inner strength she possessed to overcome the constant ridicule to become the well loved future queen consort of Britain. That is no easy feat.
Meghan was 37 and many times divorced (one annulled with Joe Giuliano, an attorney she married after college), so maybe three if you count the common law marriage with Cory in Canada. Trevor was her first official one. So Harry may be her 4th! She had lived many lives before with connections to SoHo, being a yacht girl, then there are her ties to the wretches Jeffery Epstein, Hillary Clinton, Weinstein and their global agenda machine I would have to write a dissertation on to explain.
She appeared to have used her first official husband Trevor, a successful producer in his own right (she got a cameo in his film Remember Me with Robert Pattinson) to get her role on Suits as he’s done excellent for himself in the film industry as a producer. Meghan was somewhat popular in Toronto from the supporting role. She was being phased out soon after her relationship with Corey started as well. She needed a plan, along came Prince Harry one fine clucking night. Then, she set her sights on getting setup with him by Markus Anderson or Misha Nonoo; who knows with all these conflicting stories.
I said good for her at the start. At first it was incredible to see an ordinary girl from LA had married into such a high profile family, to a real titled Prince, no less! It was inspiring and fun to fantasize. Nevertheless, Meghan’s actions listed above, the various first-hand testimonies of people who were family and friends pre-Harry, her hellbent PR attempts to heighten her name, her lack of honesty, her contrived behavior pretending to be a coy ingenue, the scary desire to be Princess Diana by hunting Harry like a sport, and all the stories coming out about how she was searching for a famous British man to elevate her profile, and likely so much more to come, are why we are here with these accounts today.
Hate is such a blanket word overused nowadays in the media. But she has earned that word all on her own. We’re here to disprove and retort the stories churned out daily by her team Sunshine Sachs that continue to deceive the public. Everything is out there to see. Her character is out there to decipher online. You just have to stop reading the fluff and self-promotion and find her true nature pre-Harry to see her scheming social climbing insincere self-serving ways. So, please don’t make us out to be hating, racist, jealous, bullies because we don’t love her like we do Kate. Move past that because we’re tired of hearing it. There’s no other argument anymore for her sugars it seems. Excuse me for not buying Meghan’s pseudo feminism and humanitarian image. She is far from that of a humanitarian. Everything is written on the wall for her. She only has herself to thank for it.
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kookiesjhope · 5 years
Our Song III (kth)
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Pairings: Kim Taehyung/Reader
Genre/au: songwriter!au, college!au, y/n has lil bit of anger issues, cutie tae, cheeky tae, songwriter!taehyung, professor!yoongi, bandmate!jin and bandmate!jungkook, roommate!jimin and roommate!jungkook, some namjin, also some sope.
Tags: fluff, angst, e2l ig
Words: 2.5K
a/n: i wrote this years ago on wattpad and thought about ‘re-touching’ it in a different way and changing the characters ig haha. idk how long i’m going to make this series but wtv
Summary: You were a music major college student and part of an infamous local band. You were running late to a class when someone bumps into you and knocks all your stuff down. Little did you know that that encounter would change your life forever.
The rest of the week went by very quickly. This time it was Taehyung the one acting kind of weird. He never took me up on his offer to drink tea. There were no more paper notes or paper airplanes either or offers to walk me to my next class. He even left before I was able to say hi. I feel like he’s avoiding me on purpose.
I’ve been feeling so down lately, I have no idea why. I even skipped our weekly gig to stay home. The boys were a little pissed, but they knew I was tired and wanted to save my voice for the Red Room gig. Jimin, Jungkook, and Seokjin are great singers, I’m sure they did fine without me.
As I prepared for the Red Room gig, Kim Namjoon, Seokjin’s boyfriend, was helping me with my nerves. Namjoon and Seokjin have been dating for a little over seven months now. They met at Seokjin’s day job at the elementary school. Namjoon is an English teacher, and he also loves to write and publish his work. He’s always been a bit more serious than Jimin and Jungkook, so I rapidly grew fond of him. I’ve always felt that I could talk to him about anything, but at the same time we could laugh and joke about countless of stuff.
“So, who’s going to see your performance apart from the obvious four people?” Namjoon laughs. Jimin, Jungkook, Seokjin, and Namjoon have always been supportive of everything that I do, and I couldn’t be more grateful.
I chuckle slightly as I straighten my hair. “Well my professor is going. He said he would bring a date and a friend.” I look at Namjoon and his eyes linger on me as if waiting for more information. “There’s also this other guy that volunteered to work the camera for the livestream, his name is Kim Taehyung. I don’t know if he’s still up for it because I haven’t talked to him this week. He said to meet up for a drink, but lately I think he’s been avoiding me and I don’t know why...” I look down at my lap and sigh. I stare at my reflection in the mirror and could see the way Namjoon looked at me attentively. “Honestly, I’m kind of nervous about the whole thing.”
“Are you kidding? I would give anything to have a hot guy taking a video of me. Why do you think I always have Seokjin to take my pictures.” He laughs and walks closer to me. He takes my hair straighter and unplugs it. He places his hands on my shoulders and looks at me through the mirror. “If he doesn’t make it, then screw him. A boy like that ain’t worth your time, y/n.” Namjoon smiles and kisses my head. I nod while I look at my hands. Namjoon moves back and leaves the room quietly.
I shift my sight to the picture frames on my dresser. I have a picture of Jimin and I at a zoo when we were about 6 years old. Jimin had his arm around my shoulder and we were both holding ice cream cones and laughing. We used to be so cute. I unconsciously smile. In another frame there’s a picture of Jimin, Jungkook, Seokjin and I standing outside our High School wearing our caps and gowns. I laugh and bite my lip. We used to be so happy back then.
When we enter the Red Room, the only person there is Taehyung. His broad back is facing the door since he’s setting up some of the equipment on stage. He turns around as soon as he heats us come in and his eyes instantly lock with mine. Out of instinct, I quickly look away and keep walking towards the table that’s been reserved for us. I place my stuff on the table and turn around swiftly to head to the stage. I’m face to face with a familiar chiseled chest. I look up to find beaming brown eyes looking right at me. Stealing away my breath as my heartbeat quickens.
“H-hi.” I whisper. Now that I have him so close, I notice that his shirt is silk and I can make out the tones of his chest easier.
“Hi, beautiful.” Taehyung smirks, eyeing me up and down. “You look gorgeous tonight.”
“Thanks.” I smile shyly and look down at my shoes. I notice he’s wearing some type of Gucci loafers with rainbows on them, which makes me giggle. I cover my mouth as I look up at him. I can see that his eyes are searching all over my face for some kind of explanation. I point at his shoes and giggle again. He chuckles and moves a strand of my hair to the back of my ear. My breath hitches at the back of my throat and I gulp. He smiles slightly and steps back from me rapidly.
“Hey, Taehyung.” Jimin extends his hand for Taehyung to shake.
Taehyung shakes Jimins hands and coughs slightly. I stare between the two and sigh. I slip past them as they make small conversation and walk up to the stage.
I start practicing one of the songs, and when I’m halfway through I can see out of the corner of my eye a tall silhouette next to me. I slowly turn my head to the side and sure enough I see Taehyung holding his camera. I stop playing and raise my eyebrows.
“I’m sorry. I-” He gets shut off by another voice.
“There you are!” He turns around and I can see her delicate arms wrap around his waist.
“You look good, love.” Taehyung tells her as they break from their embrace.
“Hmmm, not as good as you look tonight.” She pokes him on the chest and I can see Taehyung chuckle awkwardly.
Taehyung turns around. “Y/n, this is Nina.” I nod and smile.
Taehyung turns to her. “Where’s Yoongi?”
“I think he was talking with the guy who’s working the sound console.” I look around and spot him walking towards the stage with a very handsome young man at his side.
“Well, I’ll go find my seat. Nice meeting you y/n, I know you’re going to kill it.” She turns to Taehyung and fixes his shirt’s collar before she runs her hands down his chest. I raise my eyebrows. “Talk to you later, handsome.” She winks at him and leaves.
Shortly after, Yoongi comes on stage and introduces me to his boyfriend, Jung Hoseok. He talks some things over with Taehyung and we do a small sound check. And before I know it I’m already off stage.
Yoongi announces that there’s a limo outside and that we’re all going to celebrate at a night club. Once inside, I sit between Jimin and Taehyung. Yoongi takes out a chilled Champagne bottle and passes glasses to all of us.
“To new friends, great music, and new opportunities!” He toasts and we click our glasses and drink.
When we walk in the club the place is already packed. We follow Yoongi to the area that was reserved for us. It’s a nice lounge area, with two sofas and a small table set with different, mostly alcoholic, beverages, ice buckets and enough glasses for all of us.
The first thing we do is take some shots. I wince as the alcohol goes down my throat, leaving a burning sensation. Jimin hands me a drink and pulls me to the dance floor. I see Seokjin and Namjoon getting their groove on, unlike us, they move swiftly with each other. Taehyung seems to be doing his own thing while Nina tried to follow him. Yoongi and Hoseok, or Hobi as he told me to call him, seem to have gone back to the lounge area for more drinks. Sure enough, they come back with the bottle of tequila and start passing it along.
The music transitions to a slower song and we all start walking back to the lounge area. I feel someone grab my arm. I try to break free from the grip, but it only gets tighter. I turn around pissed.
“Dance with me.” Taehyung looks down at me with glazy eyes.
“You’re drunk.” I jerk my arm out of his grip. I turn around, but he grabs my shoulders.
“Please, y/n. I swear I’m not drunk.” Although his speech seems slower than usual, he doesn’t sound like he’s drunk.
“Fine.” I roll my eyes and he smiles like a little kid.
He takes my hand and leads us further into the dance floor, our of site from our group. We stand facing each other as he puts one hand on my waist still holding my other hand in his. I tense and freeze not knowing what to do as I feel the warmth of his touch through the fabric of my blouse. He lowers his face to mine and starts swaying.
“Relax, y/n...” He whispers in my ear as he takes my free hand and places it on his shoulder. He does the same thing with my other hand and places his hands on my waist. He pulls me closer to his chest, so close that despite the loud music, I can heart his low breath.
We move slowly to the beat of the song. I focus on his bare chest, where his shirt is half unbuttoned. My hands rest just above his chest. I grip his silk shirt as I look up at his eyes. Already looking down at me, he smiles. He moves his head towards the side of my face.
“So, Jimin’s not your boyfriend then.” I move my head back, just a little.
“I never said he was.” I look up at him. He blinks and licks his lips.
He grabs my hands and swirls me around and I start laughing. When I stop twirling around, he pulls me closer to him and I immediately stop laughing. His right hand is now on the small of my back and his left one holds my right hand close to his chest. His eyes focus on mine with such intensity that my heart starts beating a little faster. The hairs at the back of my neck perking up and my breath fails me once again. I look away quickly trying to ignore his brown eyes. I can feel the strands of his hairs close to the side of my forehead. His breathe stealing mine slowly.
“I’ve observed many things, y/n...” Taehyung tilts my head to look at him and my mouth gapes at the sight. He grabs my hands and holds them to his mouth, his stare never breaking contact. “You never hold hands, never kiss on the lips.” He moves my hands to his chest and his hands glide through my back, resting on the curve of my lower back. “When you were done playing today, Jimin just hugged you.” He huffed and looked up while shaking his head. “I would’ve given you a long, passionate kiss if you were mine. Actually, I probably would be kissing you right now.” He licks his lips and stares at mine for a few seconds, then looks at my eyes again. “But it’s obvious he’s more like your brother?”
I widen my eyes and shake my head. I stand on my tiptoes and place my mouth closer to his ear. “What would you know?” I stand back and stare at his lips for a second. His smirk turns to a smile and his eyes brighten. He pulls me closer to him and I slowly rest my head on his chest. He tenses for a second, but eventually relaxes and rests his head against mine.
“Like I told you...” He whispers to my ear and my eyes close to the warm feeling. “I’ve observed many things.” He caresses my hair and I can feel him sigh. We sway for a few more songs and it feels like an eternity before we part our separate ways that night. So do I, Taehyung, so do I. I’ve observed you countless times, but I never get to know what you’re all about. One second you’re staring at me and your eyes are all black, but the next you’re smiling and your eyes have stars in them. Maybe he’s not that bad.
“What is your problem, Jimin?! You’ve been avoiding me ever since my Red Room performance last week...” I step closer to Jimin and try to grab his hand but he yanks it away. I feel a hard pang in my chest. He slowly stares down at me and I can see him gulp down his thoughts. I’ve never seen him look at me this way. “Stop staring at me like that. I don’t know what’s going on with you, but I don’t like it.” I shake my head and start walking past him. My hand lingers on the doorknob and I can see that I’m starting to shake. I look up to avoid the tears I felt welling up and sigh. “You’re my best friend, Jimin...” I sniffle.
I can hear Jimin’s light footsteps and his warm hands on my shoulders. “Exactly, I’m just your best friend.” I turn around to look at him.
Jimin sighs deeply and lets go of me while shaking his head furiously. He ruffles his hair and bites his lips. “That’s all I’ll ever be to you. Your best friend.” He looks up at me and raises his hand towards my face. He steps closer to me and cups my cheeks. I close my eyes and my lips start to tremble. I’ve never felt like this with Jimin before. I can feel his breath getting closer to mine. The energy rushing from his fingertips to my skin. My breath is so shaky that I can’t feel my own heart beat. I squeeze my eyes shut and inhale deeply. I can hear his lips parting, trying to gather his words. “I’ll never be anything more than that.” I open my eyes at the coldness. Jimin is staring at his feet and I can see his lips tremble like mine did a few seconds before. I open my mouth as if to say something, but I can’t. There’s nothing I can say that would make this situation easier.
“Jimin...” I shake my head and lick my lips. I try to step closer to him, to feel that warmth again, but my own feet stop me. I never knew Jimin felt like this. It’s all so new, so different. I want to hold him, console him. I hate seeing Jimin down like this. Seeing him tremble like a frightened child. But I know that things are not the same now. Jimin likes me and I... I don’t know how I feel.
He starts walking past me and opens the door. He stops and looks at me. “It took you long enough.” He smiles slightly and bows lightly. He leaves the room and I’m just left there in the coldness, wondering what just happened.
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sizzleitupwithmaria · 5 years
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the challenge is on, foolish mortal
1. how tall are you?
5 feet 7 inches
2. what is your body type?
i’m shaped like an hourglass but i’m also a lil chubby
3. what is your favorite part about your body?
i occasionally like my face and this is a little bit weird but i have pretty good tits
4. is your current hair color your natural hair color?
5. are you more outgoing or more shy
dude i’m shy af
6. are you more femme or butch?
i’m a pretty solid futch
7. are you tol or smol?
i’m tol bitch!!
8. wine mom or vodka aunt?
i feel like i’m a vodka aunt, but i’m also 14 and don’t commit crimes
9. weird habit?
i stick my tongue out whenever i’m super focused and i used to be really self conscious about it
10. favorite meme?
my current favorite is the shen yun memes but i don’t have an all time favorite
11. do you sing in the shower?
no bc the bathroom is right next to my parent’s bedroom :):):)
12. ever used a bow and arrow?
yeah i was in girl scouts for a while
13. are you/were you a theater kid?
see basically all of my vent posts and you’ll find the answer (i’m in a weird relationship with theater right now, but we’ll have to see how sophomore year turns out)
14. have you ever seen a broadway musical?
yeah!! i’m also seeing another one in 112 days lol
15. do you think musicals are cheesy?
some are, but that doesn’t make them bad
16. have you ever been part of a protest or a march?
yeah, i went to march for our lives last year!!
17. favorite cards against humanity card?
i don’t actually own or play CAH, but i like “Bees.”
18. last movie you watched?
newsies, but that was only to grab screenshots lol (maura will know)
19. behind the camera or in front of it?
20. favorite tv show?
uhhhhh frasier? 
21. meaning behind your url
sizzle it up with taako is a taz reference
22. reason you joined tumblr
i have no fucking idea bc it was so long ago
23. who’s your closest tumblr friend?
i’d say @baura-bear but i’ve also known her irl for 8 years? i don’t actually have any purely tumblr friends, feel free to hmu
24. what’s something most people love that you hate?
most foods
25. have you ever taken narcotics?
considering that i had to look up what that meant, the answer is no
26. have you ever had sex?
i’m 14
27. have you ever gotten caught sneaking out or anything bad?
nope, i lead a pretty boring life (i’d actually sneak out quite often if my bedroom wasn’t on the second floor)
28. worst/funniest lie you’ve ever told?
i’ve told my dad that i love him before
29. describe your passion without mentioning it.
i’m currently at a crossroads with it and it’s pretty stressful for me rn but i’m committed to getting better and not crying daily over it
30. describe your best friend
i don’t actually think i have a solid enough relationship with anyone to have a best friend lol
31. give us one thing about you that no one knows
OH UHHHH i pop my acne?? that might be obvious if you look at my face tho
32. how do you feel right now?
pretty solid, i have a little bit of a headache and i’m a bit sad but i’m doing okay
33. what is your biggest fear?
failure, but that’s probably just bc i set so high expectations for myself lol
34. what’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
breakfast in america by supertramp
35. what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
maybe quitting band and strings in 5th grade or quitting track
36. have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end?
OH YEAH but we’re not gonna talk about that right now
37. something you fantasize about
i always dream of living in a tiny nyc apartment with a beautiful wife and working at some nondescript company and shopping in my free time
38. last time you cried and why
??? i actually don’t know. i nearly cried last night bc my dad was nearly yelling at me, we’re not gonna get into that though
39. what was the last thing that made you laugh?
i put a stupid snapchat filter on my face
40. do you really, truly miss someone right now?
41. who do you feel most comfortable talking about anything with?
my own self?? i have trust issues lol
42. the last time you felt broken?
maybe this morning just bc i had a weird dream and was processing it lol
43. are you starting to realize anything?
44. are you more dom or sub?
sub, but just in general, i haven’t ever had sex
45. i’ll only date you if _____
you’re a woman? i don’t have many standards lol
46. do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
okay this question is probably geared more towards adults but as a freshman, i’m fine with dating sophomores and juniors, and maybe 8th graders?? that’s a little iffy though
47. describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail
ummm i’m not sure if it’s a crush anymore but she’s tall, skinny, had black hair that she dyes often but it never shows, she dresses similar to me, she’s a photographer, and i think she might be into me :/
48. do you have any kinks?
yes but i’ll never tell anybody even if they paid me money
49. first thing you notice in a person?
uhhh their outfit?
50. how can someone win your heart?
by loving me a lot and dealing with my weird personality
51. been rejected by a crush?
i’ve only asked a crush out once and that went pretty well so no
52. have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
yes, who hasn’t?
53. would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
54. is trust a big issue for you?
is the sky blue?
55. did you hang out with the person you like recently?
nope, we’ve been meaning to for a while though
56. is confidence cute?
sometimes, just don’t be weird to other people
57. what would you say if the person you like kissed another person?
i wouldn’t care LMAO
58. would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
probably not
59. does the person you have feelings for right now know you do?
maybe?? my interactions with her have been a blur lmao
60. ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
oh yeah
61. do you want to get married?
yes, but purely to flex the fact that i can get gay married
62. worst thing you’ve ever done?
idk probably self harmed
63. three things that turn you on
1. women
2. women
3. women
64. who do you hate?
nobody, really
65. favorite term of endearment?
sweetheart/love GET ME EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! if i ever write some romance y’all will see
66. who was your gay awakening?
idk if you count this as a gay awakening but once when i was like four i said to my dad “if i could marry anyone, i’d marry sarah” (one of my friends) (holy shit i just got kind of sad remembering her i liked her a lot and she had a cool family i need to see if she has an ig)
67. intimidating girls or kind girls?
both at the same time
68. what do you look for in a possible partner
69. do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls?
tbh the only styles that are off the table for me are hyper masculine and hyper feminine, anyone else is great
70. are you good at flirting?
i don’t have the confidence to flirt lol
71. who was the first person you came out to?
my friends ellie and lilli, at the same time, on accident
72. do you have any friends who are wlw?
the question is do i have friends that aren’t wlw 
73. is your crush wlw?
i believe so
74. last person to make you reconsider your sexuality?
this one junior boy who.... oh boy... he’s not hot at all but he’s so nice to literally everyone
75. write a short love poem to your crush/self?
i don’t feel like i’m attached enough to my crush to write a poem to them
76. do you fall in love easily?
i think so
77. is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
78. are you good at hiding your feelings?
oh hell yeah, at least i think so
79. are you a forgiving person?
depends on what the person did
80. what is your type?
i don’t really have one? being taller than me is nice
81. fall asleep in her arms or tub her back until she falls asleep in yours?
both, with a preference for the first one
82. tall girls or short girls?
83. hugs or kisses
both, especially at the same time
84. twirl her around or get twirled?
85. tummy kisses or thigh kisses?
tummy!! thigh kisses are a bit too close to the pussy for my taste
86. hairline kisses or neck kisses?
87. play with her hair or stroke her tummy?
88. making our or soft kisses
soft kisses
89. hugs around the neck or hugs around the waist?
both, it just depends on the situation
90. how confident are you in your sexuality?
probably 80%
91. when you like someone do you blush or get butterflies in your stomach?
idk if i ever blush but i have to REALLY like someone to get butterflies
92. have you ever likes a friend as more than a friend? did you tell them?
i have multiple times but i’ve only told someone once
93. how old were you when you realized you were into girls?
11 or 12
94. most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a cute girl?
idk, i tend to forget those things
95. do you have a favorite lesbian ship? is it canon?
i honestly don’t ship many lesbians lmao. can i count my own ocs? bc julia and emily are great
96. what is the most aggravating thing someone has said to you about your sexuality?
i don’t think i’ve actually had anything negative said about my sexuality directly to me, so i’m a bit lucky
97. when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter?
i honestly have no idea
98. what is love to you?
when we make each other happy
99. ask me anything
i mean my ask is always open if anyone wants to do this
thanks for listening to me be super gay and sad for a little bit
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