#but also shes one of the biggest suports of my life
ace-dodo · 7 months
My sister has been making me feel like shit since I have memory
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its-chelisey-stuff · 5 years
My year in dramaland pt. 1
Korean dramas I watched this year:
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He is psychometric: I’ve always been a fan of GOT7, but in the last couple of years, I detached myself from Kpop. I still read the news and followed the groups that interested me. Just not like I used to. When I decided to give this drama a watch, Park Jinyoung stood out to me the most and I said “Wait a minute! Has he always been this good at acting?” I went back to watch his videos and listen to GOT7′s music and now I  freaking LOVE THEM. I even went to their world tour this year when they made a stop on my country (And it was amazing, believe me!) But you’re here to hear about the drama, that I loved until episode 12, when the show decided to go dark real fast and break my heart (and the male lead’s) in the process. The drama did not lost me, I was in too deep, but the change in its tone and specifically the one big twist, were too much and made me unable to watch anything dark this year. But more on to that later, hehehe.
Would I recommend it? Absolutely. I was actually going through a drama slump when I found this drama and it got me out of there completely. The drama has enough of mistery, fantansy and romance to keep you glued to the screen. As  a viewer, you get high on it and love it.  And our hero is lovable yet unbelievable dumb. But there was a big twist (that in retrospective was not that big and actually, kind of expected) near the end. All I can tell you is that there is a happily ever after that heals you and leaves you with hope. Also, the four leads’ acting is really good.
*Note: Now that we’re in the last days of the year, I’m seeing a lot of people forgot about this drama and a lot more didn’t even know about it. Trust me, this is such an underrated drama, and so worth watching. You need to see it.
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Her private life: After that last drama, I wanted a fluffy romcom. And my sister convinced me this was what I needed, though I went into this drama sceptic, because let me tell you, my sister does not watch romcoms. But she is (and I am) a fan of Park Minyoung. Oh, and she fell for Lion (Kim Jaewook) in a heartbeat. Also, the crazy antics of crazy fangirl PMY got me feeling embarrased and somehow asking if I was also a bit too much like her.
Would I recommend it? I liked it a lot for what it was. A classic romcom. I still find weird that PMY switched to this genre, but she is killing it. Maybe she got tired of crying so much in other dramas and sometimes not getting satisfying endings. If you want to laugh a lot, fall in love with one of the most unproblematic and non-toxic and higly attractive OTPs of 2019, and as a kpop stan, you want to feel identified, this is the drama for you.
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The secret life of my secretary: This one was so cute!! There are two things I completely LOVED about this drama: Do Minik And Veronica Park!! Ooof! I almost wish she was the lead, because she was so entertaining to watch. *chef’s kiss* And such an empowering woman. And while the romance between Do Minik and her secretary was fluffy, I was so conflicted for most of the drama because she was literally deceiving him and making him confused. And she dared to feel pity for herself because her boss liked the other version of her, too. ARRRHHGG. I love Jin Kijoo, I do. But even if her character was supposed to be the nice and sweet orphan girl who had to suport her brother and sister, she is still a very bad example of how a “good” person should be (i.e. impersonating and deceiving others is BAD, kids).
Would I recommend it? This one is hard. But YES, if you don’t mind too much the lying female lead (girl, I understood when you did it one or two times, but as much as you did? Hell). The big reasons are Do Minik and my Veronica. I love them both a whole lot. They were the best part and the ones who made me forget about the awful bits. I hope these two actors can do a drama together in the future.
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The beauty inside: Yeah. I know. This one is from 2018. Better late than never, no? I watched this with my sister. The reality is that we just wanted to watch something together and this was my sister’s choice. It was fun in the beggining, melo in the end. Which always happens in romcoms. Nothing new. I loved the original movie this was based on and I actually liked all the extra things they added in. In reality, it was a very different story with barely any similiraties. But that was good.
Would I recommend it? Did not love it as much as other people did, but if you want to watch something with a different sense of humor, one that is actually clever and sassy, and sometimes a bit dark, I’d say yes. Not the biggest fan of the two leads chemistry, but I liked the devotion they had for each other and acceptance for the other’s condition, which was only possible because they were dealing with very scary things. They understood and complemented each other. Also, most fans seemed to love the relationship between the second leads. They were fun.
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Moment at Eighteen: In my opinion, the best high school drama I’ve ever seen (since Sassy GoGo, I still love you). The main leads’ story was enough to keep me around each week, with their own stuggles, sweet puppy love and aspirations for the future. But the side characters were also well developed and their stories were interesting as well. They were all a bunch of kids who were dealing with an awful lot and you just couln’t help but feel for them. It reminded me a lot of my high school years and how much I feel pressured of making the right decisions. Very nostalgic. Also, their homeroom teacher is the best teacher I’ve seen in a drama, hands down. He cared for his students a lot more than even their parents.And he had his own little sweet romance.
Would I recommend it? If you love Ong Seong Wu, do not even think about it. LOL  I can’t wait to see what project he chooses next, he surprised me in the best way.  Other reason to watch? There’s a gay character, with a respectful and sweet story. Another? If you want to watch a well written and character driven high school drama, this goodie is for you.
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nightwingswing · 6 years
Roy Harper Hc!
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Hello my lil’ wings!
Hope you’re all very well! 
I got good news! Soon I’ll be able to update my current stories! I can’t wait!
This Hc are dedicated to my friend  @matsukawaissei !
Hope they cheer you up and hope eveything goes well , hon!
I’ll write that fic tomorrow tho! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tags: @hamsterforlive @plethora-of-things @wonderlace19 @algentforthewin
If you want to be tagged in any of my series, stories,Hc or have any promps, feel free to message me anytime! My askboxs is always open!
-Roy Harper is a mess tbh -But- He’s your mess. - You and him meet in a club a few years back. - Around that time you were just a student in University
- Christmas came, and as always your class decided to have a dinner together.
-After eating in a pretty decent place ( this year was organized by the responsible one)  you all decided to go dance/ drink a bit
- You ended in a pretty nice club. Not many people were inside, a few in some love seats and a few dancing under the lights.
-your friends were quick to grab the biggest love seats and put them together,making one big for all of you.
- In a few minutes you all were having nice conversations while drinking your favorite drinks. 
-Alas, all night long something keep getting your attention away from the conversation.
- A pretty man, maybe 3 years older than you?
- He had long-ish red hair under a pretty old cap. He was muscular, well toned with wide shoulders.
-You guessed his muscle was as big as your head
-Okay OKAY He was hot
-” wawawa (y/n)!!! whatcha looking at??” your friend smirked, her hair tickling your cheek as she looked in the same direction as you. She saw him and her evil smirk told you what she was gonna do.
- (f/n) no.
- Oh, but (f/n) yes.
-Before your obtrusive friend was able to embarras you you got up and walked towards him.
-You turned to her for moral suport and found her smirking and giving you the thumbs up dance.
- ...Your friend is pretty creative 
-You walked to him, slowly to cooly invite him to a drink but when you where si close yous shyness  got all like “BAM! BABBY IM BAC!” 
- Which means that you 
- Walked to him very sure and in the last  moment went al
- “nnnNOpE!”
- “(y/n) oH MY GOD!” your friend dramatically said.
- See, she knows you very well and knew you would do that. So she placed herself behind you and when you tried to walk away you clashed and you crashed into the pretty redhead lap.
- Oh yes 
- Your friend keep apologizing for you because you were startruck.
- So pretty
-So blue
- His eyes had you mesmerized 
- Like...like two pretty sapphires
-” Well thank you” he scratched his head, almost shyly. “ Nobody told me that”
- Oh shoot
-You said it out loud
- “No we’re just mind reading you actually.” said your unhelpfully helpful friend
-“ Stop smirking (f/n)! You look like a Cheshire cat”
-” Oh, I’d date Cheshire in a heartbeat, actually.”
-” She’s not that bad.” said the man
- Meanwhile you were a cute tomato
- Well, look at the positive side: You future husband and your bestfriend get along pretty nicely!
- “Ohh well look at the time! gotta go, take care of my friend ta-ta~” she smirked as she walked away
- “Please excuse her.” you said, blushing
-” No worried, beautiful. I know a friend just like that” he smiled. “acts just like that with..a grumpy bat”
- If by a friend you mean yourself  and by grumpy bat you mean Jason, you’re  not wrong Roy. 
- You both chuckle for a bit, he smiles sweetly 
- “Name’s Harper, Roy Harper”
- “ Im (y/n)” You smile, blushing slighty.
- You two hit it off nicely.
- He was a genius.
- He told you about this bots he was creating and if he had you hooked before now he had you all aboard .
- You can say your night was talking with Roy 
- Feat your bestfriend looking at you with a big proud teasing smirk and the promise of fangirling at home,Obviously
- At the end of the night, you two had echanged numbers, instagrams, twitters, life..
- After a loooong good bye ( long because none of you wanted to let go) it was his friend the black haired one who grabbed him by the hood and draged him away.
- what did he call him? jared? jonah? no no it had something with birds...Peakdick? no no...ooh! Jaybird!
- As it’s obvious, your friend did a batman on you.
- Meaning she interrogated you about the most minimum detail.
- She approved
- Meanwhile, Roy had with Kory talked on and on about how beautiful smart you were... 
-Kory, ever the shipper found your friend in instagram and now the two of them are the managers of your ship.
- That was the song that sounded on your first date. On your first dance
-Meaning, its your song
- Yes, the lion king is the song thats gonna play at your wedding.
- That’s what you get when you have Jason picking the music, Roy.
- You’re lucky it wasnt Batman, he would have picked the intro song and grabbed you bridal style and did a simba with you.
- I must say, Oliver and Dinah adore you.
- Dinah most of the two, she likes your style
- You ain’t taking any of roy’s s+ht
- Also, you two look wonderful with fishnets.
- Fishnets for da win
- Oliver is another story completely tho
- Oliver is like that embarrasing dad that makes way to many puns and brings out your baby pictures?
- That but worse.
- “ Look at this video, its Roy’s first ever training!”
-” did you just hit your forehead with your own kid’s toy arrow?” you said, bitting back a chuckle.
- That ain’t happening Roy.
- Not while im the narrator.
- *evil laugh*
- ejem, as i was saying
-  Your next 20000 dates were pretty sweet and romatic
- He call you all types of cutesy names like babe, honey, beautiful, angel, my queen, Firecracker...
- Obviously you get pretty embarrased when he call you the last one in public.
- “  Firecracker?? why  Firecracker??” asked an inocent Kory once
- “ Because she’s pure fire and i’d love if she made me go crack!”
- “Roy that one was pretty bad, and I’ve lived with Dick”
-” wait wait! i got more!  Firecracker because so sexy that makes me explode in blushes! and...not only blushes!”
-”ROY!” You shyly hide behind kory.
- “Actually, i think Kory is pure fire.” your bestfriend smirked at her.
- woah...i ship it.
- You call him cute nicknames too, like dork, speedy, darling, love...
- And all the hero and villain comunity knows you two as Bow and Arrow.
- You know who’s who *wink wonk*
- Thought you argued like all couples do
- Cause both of you are stubborn af
-Oh it’s a sweet memory that day you were arguing pretty heavy when suddenly Roy smashed you against the lockers in the watchtower and kissed you hard.
- You smashedd him against the mirror and pulled his leg around your waist
- He growled and picked you up sitting you on the marble
- And well, thats how you tainted the innocence of the watchtower.
- Maybe i can make that idea the imagine of tomorrow...
- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Is that a yes I hear?  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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6505-blog1 · 6 years
The Greatest Rock/Metal Albums of the 21st Century.
21st century marks the most diverse decade for rock and metal continuation. Absorbing, if not radiated by the long progenitors from Led Zeppelin who cranked up their amps and Black Sabbath that turn it out murky and sinister grim, to the dazzling theatrical persona of KISS and Motley Crue, to the new level heavy metal confronter of Judas Priest and Iron Maiden, to the head crusher of Motorhead and Metallica, to the destructo maniac of Slayer and Kreator, to the prog menu offerer of King Crimson and Tool, and finally aligned to have some peculiar layers and brooding tendency of Korn. We have come a long way. Yet our engine keeps raging.
I have cumulated the finest, the most influential, and the most prominent albums released in the new millenium by the descendents that took their predecessors to a whole different level, sustain the genre, and move myriads of people to mosh.
In a particular order:
10. Avenged Sevenfold - City of Evil (Warner Bros, 2005).
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Rolling Stones magazine has named the sonically-punk with the flames of Iron Maiden, City of Evil on the last number of their 100 Greatest Album of All Time list. That should be a fair consideration since the extravagants like Beast and the Harlot, Bat Country, and Seize the Day altogether with the rest of the setlist ultimately transced the whole level and the destiny of the band as a leading force of eliticians in not so distant future. The 11 tracks have also successfully resurrected the triumph of classic guitar virtuosso portrait demonstrated on 80's as the talisman, Synyster Gates embarked over tons of appealing riffages and dueling solos which was buried after Nirvana and grunge breaktrough on the early 90's. Veteran and Ozzy Osbourne/Black Label Society guitarist, Zakk Wylde acknowledged him as a "Torchbearer" for arguably giving a birth and cultivating the guitar culture to the next generation.
9. Behemoth - The Satanist (Nuclear Blast, 2014).
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The tenth album of Polish most profound extreme metal giant after Adam "Nergal"s battle with leukemia. Unlike the speed and precision exhibited over prior releases, the coagulated dense and horified cultish doom are found intensely throughout the setlist as to explicit the heretic messages. The result is astonishing and stronger than ever. More to add, The Satanist is pure, cathartic, flawlessly emotional, carefully-savage, and conquering by its complexity of repertoire within vivid and cinematical gradation as multi-dimensional tracks Messe Noire, In the Absence ov Light, Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer, and the leadoff Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel ravage in none but diabolical fervor. This album expansive flair has comprehensively unfolded the darkest caverns and creates the new standard of underground craftmanship.
8. Bring Me the Horizon - Sempiternal (RCA/Epitaph, 2013).
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I wouldn't believe that i need to make Sempiternal in the cut. Who would have guessed? But i will beat every negation towards it. It is the album that eventually transforms Bring Me the Horizon from bunch of hipsters to one of the most important unit in the 21st century modern rock landscape. A year and a half after the release, Oliver Sykes and co. took over the world attention of rocking Wembley Arena, the same monumental venue where Queen — one of the biggest rock band in the history — was there doing the same story. It was approximately 12.000 attendees which made Sykes stated: "So this is our biggest show ever". The soaring Can You Feel My Heart, the furious The House of Wolves, the euphoric Shadow Moses, and the melodic of Sleepwalking are undeniably the new testament of rock music.
7. Lamb of God - Ashes of the Wake (Epic, 2004).
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Count how many metal bands on the planet started after invented Laid to Rest or Now You've Got Something to Die For! It was countless. Lamb of God has became the crowned icon of "New Wave American Heavy Metal" and one of the most distinctive band in the scene. Their ferocious riffs, blistering drum works, lyrical contents, sound, even how to sing like Randy Blythe are largely imitated and seem to be the ideal menifesto of modern metal anatomy with obviously Ashes of the Wake as the highest pedestal. It contains tremendous chaos of 11 front-to-back blazing tracks immensely portrayed after Mark Morton - Willie Adler's virtuosity and of course, Chris Adler's voraciousity. Implying both abundance and how well they grasp the roots that will less likely be outnumbered.
6. Mastodon - Leviathan (Relapse, 2004).
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We are now talking (and unravelling) the true genius minds of Atlanta-based extraordinary quartet. The newborn Metallica, Mastodon — the group that always exceed anyone's expectation — has seamlessly ranged their pinaccle from sludge to prog to avant-garde to even folk with staggering exponents of highly sophisticated masterpiece. With any fruition that comes in, the sheer Leviathan is believed as the opener tap. Written after Herman Merville's 1851 novel entitled "Moby Dick", the 46-minutes concept album is nothing but endless breathtaking experience of capturing bizarre Ode to the sea soundtrack. Blood and Thunder, I Am Ahab, and Aqua Dementia are torrent of forceful yet fascinating guttural power chords with Brann Dailor's tracherous drum tempo reflecting the theme while Iron Tusk sets sail upon muscular stoner riff and Naked Burn for menacing-tactical intro and flaunted visceral jarring chorus are hulking the imagery of the beast. Until the epic Hearts Alive with a glimpse of Metallica's The Call of Ktulu patiently reigns and all the greatness rendered.
5. Evanescence - Fallen (Wind-up, 2003).
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The album that made Evanescence — a small town band from Arkansas — a megastar in the blink of an eye. It was the second semester of 2003 where the breakthrough hit single, Bring Me to Life played million times on the radio around the globe (and MTV as well) picturing the female face lead singer and her gleaming voice, Amy Lee who started the band with the co-founder guitarist, Ben Moody (though the relationship didn't survive and separation happened in the midst of suporting Fallen tour). The fame that nowhere expected begun when the terrific duo met on a camp and cliche of having the same musical taste brought them to finally sign the major label Wind-up and dominated the world stages in a brief. Fallen with the added values of enchanting piano, symphonical strings livery, and haunting soundscape that most nu-metal groups didn't have at that time effortlessly stood-out and arised in comparison to even Linkin Park. Other songs served like the down-tuned goth Going Under and the everlasting ballad My Immortal are only legitimating their popularity.
4. Ghost - Prequelle (Loma Vista, 2018).
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In our nearly five decades of heavy music, such names as Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, Van Halen with their fantastic works and spirits have became a catalyst that will be remembered greatly in the faraway future for causing an enourmous impact to our community. Those that have bloomed and paved the way many artists to follow. And if there is a chance for this millenium bands to extend the list, Ghost will be the first to step up the grace.
This year, their most recent release Prequelle has been nominated for The Best Rock Album and its single Rats for Best Rock Song of 61st Grammy. An award that should be familiar since they have been winning it two times with Infestissumam (2013) — their second major label album — as The Best Hard Rock/Metal Album and Cirice — the single taken from previous album Meliora (2015) — as Best Metal Performance. A peak of a decade existence for one superior man behind the wheel, Tobias Forge. Appear himself as a satanic pope, Papa Emeritus I, II, III, Zero, and now with the newest fully renowned ascencion clergy Cardinal Copia has completely shaped the band's identity. But the latest Prequelle has more than to be attained to an award. Forge's admiration to film makes no surprise if any substance on the record is prone to get visualized and draw medieval realms so alive and real. He could blend joyous disco with scattered shock rock backbone for Dance Macabre, provide brilliant exotic pop-esque instrumental opus for Miasma, and close all the novelty and intellegiousness by a soothing grand finale of Life Eternal. That is the last strike.
3. Greenday - American Idiot (Reprise, 2004).
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With the overwhelmed mainstream-breaking punk rock hit single American Idiot, it was an album (a concept album, for specific) everyone knew which handfully restored a big disappointment both sales and critical of their previous release. Taking the power back after four years gap with anti-Bush vitriol narration over long and merged tracks was everything we could expect from an ambition. Performing sarkastic American-post 9/11 political singable outcry and dragging down to emotionally-related suburban decline on Holiday/Boulevard of Broken Dreams, followed by californian sunset accoustic staccato and straighforward revv Give Me Novacaine/She's A Rebel, a love story of Whatsername where a street punk main actor St. Jimmy fell and how it all ended on Homecoming.
The grandiose worths 16 millions selling CD is the anthem of this generation where a generation ago pridefully have The Clash with the classic London Calling.
2. Slipknot - Iowa (Roadrunner, 2001).
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The most brutal and confrontational album of 21st century nothing to this day can bear. That is the deal. A remorseless turmoil just from the first second of welcoming to the house of pain intro, (515) to the last 15 minutes epilogue of magnificent unrelenting drama title track, Iowa. Please recognize the insolent hate mantra "Here we go again motherfuckers" as Corey Taylor opens up and rips off anything with hammer to the face misanthropic followed track, People = Shit that seems a vulgar warning to extend the torture of their 1999 debut phenomenal self titled album. But things got tenfold. They were all damaged animals, making it excuriatingly worst instead, and wanted any living to hear them. That they fuck what trend you live up on bludgeoning bestial Heretic Anthem, that they are adamant bastards you can't bleach their darkness out on atmospherical assault New Abortion, that killing is their primal instinct on grinding jaw-breaker scorn Disasterpieces, that they are fucking obsolete machines on the scorching psychosis Everything Ends. There lies Neurosis-ian dressed Gently and never eschew Grammy nominated singles, Left Behind and My Plague.
All the violent rampage should be addressed to Ross Robinson (producer) for being able to wrap up the devastating times the band encountered in the studio and that was how its ruthless resonated the world where many people are pissed-off to everything. An absolute impossible album to be re-recorded due to its hell of organic material. Yet apart of any malevolence, Iowa is sadly, a gift to liberate your heart and soul.
Honourable mentions:
System of a Down - Toxicity (American/Columbia, 2001).
Converge - Jane Doe (Equal Vision, 2001).
My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade (Reprise, 2006).
1. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory (Warner Bros, 2000).
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The world seriously gives us no chance to break. After Lemmy, Bowie, now we have lost the most beautiful voice that represents our generation.
May rest in peace and honour, Chester Bennington.
We miss you everyday, and we do care if someone whose time runs out is you.
The album that took nu-metal to a whole different level forever and highly contributed to shape the sound that outbursted the 21st century. For two decades, Linkin Park has became the most iconic group on the planet. Breeding the bands like Bring Me the Horizon, Asking Alexandria, and Bullet For My Valentine (with their recent 2018 album, Gravity).
Hybrid Theory (which was the actual name of the band before settling to Linkin Park) is the sublime fusion of heavy metal, alternative rock, hip-hop, pop, and electronica desired only to make a lifetime change. It is truly no derivative. Yet recalling back, it was multiple rejections of label after label before it took off with Don Gillmore (previously worked with Eve 6, Lit, Pearl Jam) to produce the album and pushed the band excessively. It was the part that would not have regretted where all they saw afterwards and going on was all miracle. 28 millions copy sold should be a very serious sensastion everyone must have a seat to talk about. A rock n roll revival after Guns N' Roses's Appetite For Destruction (1987) so to speak. With angst to fuel, Hybrid Theory yielded the catchy single opener One Step Closer, the drug abuse easer Crawling, the unhinged paranoia Papercut, and the most well-known last single sung by anyone In the End. Not to mention its cohesive supplementaries A Place For My Head, Runaway, and My December that blur the foursome due to their equivalent prowess. Admit it, Linkin Park and Hybrid Theory are the gateway to rock and heavy metal empire.
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jacquelineshyde · 7 years
We need to talk about Jameson.
Or, I’m in fucking love with another fictional character.
I finished The Ranch Part 3 around 7:10 in the morning today aka the 16th and oh, boy. This show is one of my favorites right now. Like I said before, it hits home just in the right way in my case and my family’s situation. It’s-- such a thing. Having a ranch myself and having done certain shit similar to Rooster’s, only made it even better for me.
But Jameson ‘Rooster’ Bennett in Part 3 of The Ranch had me #sHOOOOK since the beginning. His arc is a roller coaster and there is so much I want to discuss but I also know nobody gets so into deep with The Ranch like I do, lol.
ANYWAY, this new season/part, we got to see how is Rooster outside Iron River. And he is a fucking beast. It... didn’t took me by surprise (as it did my brother) because for no apparent reason I always had the headcanon that Rooster has a bad temper, so to see him as the boss and so pissed off all the time was like, “Oh so I was right”.
But... I have to defend his character a little here. My brother looked at me and said, “it’s enough” and later that he was on Beau’s side at some point. But I never was. I thought about how miserable Rooster was in his job, how difficult things may be with Mary with Heather’s pregnancy and the way they have been fighting lately, and the fact that his father put him down for 15 years and keeps doing it every day during these episodes with this arc.
15 years.
I feel like we can’t forget this. He stopped his entire life to help his father and help Colt. Are we forgetting who paid Colt’s shit for him to go to Barcelona, sacrificing ALL his savings and never asked for it back, not even wanted Colt to know about it? Like Maggie, Rooster is constantly making sacrifices for his family and wherever he goes, he keeps doing the same.
His anger during this season, to me, felt realistic. It was wrong, the way he spoke to Mary in the cabin and how he kept pushing Beau aside. But even in his anger, he knew when he was wrong and found it in himself to apologize to the people he hurt, accept help when offered (Abby and Colt helping him when the whole Berto thing happens), thanking them for their help, and recognizing when he was wrong and when things are his fault (Berto’s deportation).
I’m fascinated with how much Rooster and Beau are alike. I remember watching season 1 with my brother and talking with a couple of friends, and everyone agreed that Colt was the one that was going to be more like his father when older, that they already where a lot alike. 
But no, both brothers share similarities with both their parents, but Rooster is the kid Beau put his entire stress, anger and soul in. Rooster is the one that shares most of Beau’s experiences. He had to learn how to work in the ranch against his will, he has to learn how to make big choices early on his life, he has his heart and soul in Iron River, just like Rooster does.
So, to see they are as proud and have the same, honest to God, ugly temper was interesting to me. And I liked that, even angry at the world, Rooster has something Beau doesn’t: awareness of his shitty head and the balls to fix his crap.
And the most amazing part about this all? Rooster ends up doing the same again. He sacrifices himself and his dreams, the job he loves the most, to let someone else he loves have her dreams: He, no questions asked, no selfish scene like Colt’s, no silence like Beau, steps in and takes the bar in his hands so Maggie can fullfill her dream of travelling.
He just got his job and his place at Iron River back, but he, the LITERAL second he hears from Colt that their mother won’t be able to leave, he jumps in, runs to Maggie’s and tells her he will take her place, so she can go be happy.
This is a goddamn good man.
A bunch of white assholes start talking shit about Berto and he steps in to defend his friend and actually wins the fight (it has terrible consequences, but even drunk, he stans for his people and man, he loves Berto), he respects the people working under his command at My Little Ponny Ranch enough to give them time to take a break even when the corporation doesn’t let him and want him and his people to work even during weekends, he was willing to do all the job by himself so they could rest.
Mary’s grandkid, Luke, wanted a bike for Christmas. His fucking father didn’t get him one as he promised, and Rooster is the one to get him the bike (not the best way, though, but damn he and Mary are made for each other). He buys stuff for Mary’s grandkids even before that, he is involved with the Roth girls and their kids in a really commited way, no questions asked.
Rooster is an adult and the show puts it there in the most natural way. If you don’t put enough attention, it may come as a surprise. For an asshole constantly treated as a looser, Rooster has many layers and his character is the one that shines the most at the end. He gets shit done and has the biggest heart, which is something he shares with his mother.
Where Colt keeps getting child-like angry at Rooster getting stuff (his job, the bar, the cabin), Rooster’s assholery starts looking more like a defence. He is very proud and has one fucking hell of a bad temper, his pervy side is tuned down a lot by all these new characteristics we gotten for him. 
He is also in a commited relationship and definately doesn’t like to be bossed around at all. I love that he has such a strong personality, because he doesn’t stop being the freaking cutest and most loyal shit to ever breathe. 
That’s my kind of man character.
I’m very happy witht he direction his character is taking. He will be working in the bar, but has his place back at Iron River, he will be one hell of a good uncle (I love how suportive he is of Colt and Heather, and Mary-- even after that ugly fight), he is finally being appreciated by Beau (that part when Beau admits he is a great rancher and will be the best when he gets his own ranch, I just jfbfinrinitf), and they are fine as a family.
Danny Masterson is brilliant in his character. They way he even changes the tone of his voice for every emotion and how expressive his eyes are, man, I had forgotten why I appreciate this man’s acting. And I’m glad this show remined me of it.
Man, I can’t wait to see what they’ll do with his character in the next Part.
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