#but also short stories from your universes that allow you to feel them more closely than just working with the plot
crown-ov-horns · 2 months
My issue is, I'm seemingly incapable of writing oneshots. I'm so eager to explore various ships, but only come up with epics. Why can't I ever write a short story, or two?.. Some angst. Some smut. Some fluff, with a relationship already estabilished. Hell, I'd probably feel much more productive.
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eviesaurusrex · 2 years
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GIFs by the amazing @henricavyll
Dad!Chris Evans x Wife!Reader (DiCaprio!Reader)
summary: It’s the Lightyear world premiere in L.A.—and everyone is asking where Chris’ wife, YN, and their kids are.
word count: 3.5k
warnings: fluff, more fluff, mentions of complicated pregnancy, really short mention of traumatic child labor and death of both mother and child, double the fluff, not really proofread because I’m tired
author’s note: I don’t know where this came from. But I also don’t care because it’s my first Chris piece, and I’m excited. And for age’s sake: Leo is 15-20 years older than he actually is because I kinda forgot that he is only 47 after I already finished this one xD
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“I’m standing here with actor Chris Evans on this beautiful sunny afternoon. How are you, Chris?” One of the many interviewer asked, and the man grinned shortly to the camera before focusing back on the woman in front of him, holding a microphone right under his nose. She was nervous; he could see that, so he didn’t say anything about it. He understood her on a different level. “Hi, Susan. We really had luck with the weather, didn’t we? And I’m great, thanks. I mean, how could I not be great?” He grinned again and pushed his sunglasses up. “I probably would feel the same when I voiced my longtime favorite character! How did your kids react? You have two, right?”
At the mention of his two sunbeams back home, the father couldn’t help but smile softly. It may have taken a long while to find the perfect woman and the love of his life and an even longer while to create these two joys in his life, but Chris thanked the universe every single day for the honor of having them in his life.
“I have two wonderful and beautiful children, yes, and number three is on their way. My eldest, Ophelia, was over the moon when I left my study a few months back after I had just wrapped up the call with my manager and Disney and were allowed to talk about it. She, of course, eavesdropped because she just loves to do it when it contains me and my study. And she had picked up on some parts of the conversation and had bounced up and down and asked me nonstop if it’s true and I’m playing Buzz. It’s her favorite Toy Story character, so I had a bit of pressure while doing the actual work.” He showed his thumb and pointer moving very closely together and chuckled. “Who am I kiddin’, I had a lot of pressure,” he laughed, and Susan laughed with him. “I only can imagine how it is with such a harsh critique living under the same roof. How did your second child react?” Chris grinned again, and it was visible for everyone to see in this world how much he adored his two children. “My son Aiden was much more chilled. Well, it’s not science because he only objects if someone dares to steal his share of ice cream—or cuddle time with his mom. He had only shrugged after Ophelia had screamed through the living room that I was voicing Buzz, but he was kinda excited after we watched it for the first time and heard my voice. Y’know, to see your own kids become happy and have those big round eyes just like you at your first Disney movie and the birth of your first movie heroes? It’s something entirely else. And to witness this moment while they watched Lightyear? Mindblowing, really.”
His chest was swelled with pride, and everyone around gushed over the epitome of proud fatherhood Chris was in this very moment. And he didn’t mind because he could boast all day long about his kids—and wife. Speaking of which…
“This is probably the sweetest story I’ve ever heard. Thank you for sharing this very intimate insight of your family life with us, Chris,” the interviewer thanked him with a genuine smile, but Chris only waved it off. They might keep their kids out of the spotlight to grant them the childhood he had been gifted by his parents, but they never stopped talking about them when people asked. “Is it okay if I ask about your wife and why she isn’t here today? She usually is at all your premieres and vice versa. I barely can remember a time without her at your side or you at hers, to be quite honest. You two really found one another.” Chris nodded in absolute agreement. “We really did. It was unexpected and kinda bumpy—quite literally.”
The husband remembered their first encounter at one of the Oscar Afterparties vividly where the stunning woman had bumped into him—and had driven the heel of her painful stilettos into his shoe. Ever since the actor saw these shoes with other eyes. He returned back to reality. “But we pushed through the obstacles, and I am the lucky bastard she had agreed to marry. Lucky me.” He chuckled under his breath and shook his head. YN would hit him as soon as she saw this interview, and maybe she sat in front of the tv at this very moment and watched him gushing over their family. “But back to your question, Susan. YN is currently at home, maybe watching this interview and throwing a pillow to the tv because she is heavily pregnant and can’t get up without help anymore.” Chris grinned straight into the camera. “I’m sorry, love!” He almost shouted after the exposure of her struggling state he almost loved the most about her being pregnant.
He just was a sucker for his wife when she called for him to help her with the easiest of tasks and boss him around as if there was no tomorrow. But he was a happily obliging husband because, after all, her state had been his fault. Something he would always be proud of.
“She wanted to come with me, but the doctor had put her on bed rest for the time being after we experienced a tiny scare of our little one two weeks back.” The same icy cold feeling ran his back up and down, just the same he had felt during the few hours of panic and anxiety in the depths of night when their unborn child tried to greet them earlier than agreed. And gladly, as stubborn his wife could be, she kept her word and watched out for herself and the little bub instead of ignoring every warning and trying to go head first through every wall possible. His father-in-law was a great help on days like this when Chris couldn’t be at home to watch out for his love and his tiny love. “I am sorry to hear that. But now, everything is back on track and in order?” The actor nodded, relieved. “So far, yes. But it still means I have to attend these without her calming presence, and let me tell’ya: it’s freaking scary.” And then, he laughed and shook his head. “I’ve never expected to be so lost without her. I almost forgot to lace my shoes because my head was all over the place,” he let out and still couldn’t believe how his life had changed within only a few years.
“Don’t worry, Chris, I feel the same. My life without my girlfriend? God, send some help,” Susan laughed with him, and Chris smiled thankfully. “So, I suppose you will head straight back home after the screening?” And the Evans was more than relieved to nod this question yes. “Totally. I love everyone involved in this movie, and I’m beyond grateful. However, my priorities are heading home, being greeted by Dodge and maybe the kids if they’re still awake, thanking Leo for keeping an eye on these two—more like three, Dodger included—troublemakers and his daughter, and then finally greeting my wife. We probably will watch a Disney movie, eventually waking the kids with the sounds, and everything will morph into a huge Disney sleepover on the couch. And yes, that’s the description of my personal favorite night.” He had always been a more at-home type of guy after passing a certain age, but now, it was all he could ever want.
“That sounds like a night in just like mine, minus the children. Thank you again for talking to me, Chris, and congratulations on the brilliant movie and your family. I’m definitely not the only one when I’m saying that you deserve every single bit of it,” Susan closed the interview, and Chris waved a last time to the people standing behind her before heading back to the red carpet to get the final shots for the press.
Chris was glad that they had settled back to L.A. for the making of Lightyear to avoid stressful last-minute flights from one side of the country to the other. He could be there if something happened at home, almost within a matter of thirty minutes tops, and Leo wasn’t busy as he usually was to help him with keeping an eye on everyone. And now, he was glad because it meant he could hold his wife in his arms after only a twenty-minute drive instead of an almost six-hour flight. He could even grab her favorite ice cream flavor on the way home.
Leaving the car and wishing Daniel, his driver for today, a good night, Chris slowly followed the pathway, flanked with blooming bushes and flowers exploding in every color there was, up to the four steps leading to the porch and door. Their L.A. house reminded him of home back in Boston, and he couldn’t wait for them to move back and relish in the family time they would have after baby number three was born.
Smiling at the sounds of an excited Dodger waiting for him, Chris took two steps at a time and opened the door to get in. His fur companion wiggled with his tail at the sight of his human, and the Evans crouched down to greet him with a loving scratch behind his ears. “How is my best boy?” He asked and chuckled as Dodger impatiently nudged his hand to follow him. He wanted to, but tiny, excited voices let him stop in his tracks.
“Daddy! Daddy!”
“Daddy’s home!”
Two tiny humans rounded the corner into the hallway at full speed, and the father could only let the bag with ice cream and snacks drop to the floor before he was attacked by the hugs of his five-year-old girl and an almost four-year-old boy. “What a greeting!” He laughed as he lifted both children in his arms and tickled squealing noises out of them. Ophelia grinned brightly—the grin almost too big for her pretty little face— while Aiden preferred to snuggle onto his father’s shoulder. It was late for him, and Chris was actually surprised at how long he had pushed through.
“Did you bring the biiiig Buzz? I saw him on TV! I want him! He is so cool and sooo big! And Sox??? They had a statue of him too! Did you see it, Daddy?? Can we go there tomorrow?? Please??”
Chris chuckled at the tsunami of questions he already had anticipated, but another voice slid into the conversation. “Lia, darling. Give your dad some time to arrive and at least to take off his shoes,” Leo quipped with a small grin on his face and stepped to his son-in-law to take the kids off him. “But, Poooops!” Ophelia pouted heavily, and even Aiden seemed not happy about the interruption of stories. “No but’s, darling. Come on; you said you wanted to bake a cake for your dad and the work is only halfway done. Plus, your mom said something about craving a banana smoothie. Who wants a banana smoothie?”
And suddenly, the world was back in order, and both kids screamed “Yes!” throughout the entire house.
Chris followed them after taking off his shoes and retrieving the paper bag again. He took one spoon from the kitchen on his way to the living room and already saw the head of his wife peeking up between thick couch pillows. The husband left the bag with snacks at the opening of the kitchen, only taking the ice cream bucket with him. He crouched behind the back of the couch and let his arm appear from behind in front of the woman he loved—ice cream presented like an offering to the gods.
“M’lady, I brought gifts,” Chris laughed softly at her gasp and grabby hands, kissing her cheek tenderly. “Fine sir, do you possess the ability of mind reading? We should consider burning you at the stake.” YN had turned her head and grinned up to him as he rounded the couch and plopped down next to her. She was dressed in one of his Red Sox shirts—usually, it would be way too big for her, but now with the ever-growing baby bump, it fitted perfectly—, yoga pants and fluffy socks under which she probably hid the pestering compression socks the doctor had prescribed for the next weeks. “Please, I beg you, don’t burn me! Who would tend to your needs, m’lady?” YN’s eyes wandered to Dodger, who had taken over his place at her side once more. Ever the protective fur baby, Chris thought with a smile. “I could train Dodge to go to the store. Remember this video with the dog and his little basket on the market? Where he bought fruits for his owner? It could be Dodger after a bit of persuasion.” The woman grinned brightly, the same grin Ophelia owned, and with one hand on his neck, she pulled his face closer to hers. Chris obliged and leaned down to press their lips together in a loving kiss, which still let butterflies erupt in his stomach.
“Hey,” Chris whispered, lips still touching, and YN sighed. “Hey,” she returned just as quiet as he and nudged his nose with hers. “Everything alright?” She could see the worry in his blue eyes, darkening them a bit, so she took his hand and put it on the right side of her still-growing bump, even though she was almost through with it. But each pregnancy held its own surprises, as she had experienced. “Of course,” she smiled at his joyful, boyish grin as he felt one of the many kicks of their third bundle of joy. Number three may be an accident because, after Aiden’s birth, they had agreed on waiting a couple more years to grant them the attention they both deserved, but everything would be okay. And she couldn’t imagine a life without bub three.
Chris bent his head down to the spot where he suspected his baby’s head and pressed a kiss on top of his… YN’s shirt. “Hey, love. Here is your daddy speaking. I hope you didn’t give your mom a hard time today, and I damn sure hope you will continue to be a good girl in a few hours when she tries to sleep—unlike the last three nights. ‘Thought we had a deal.” YN chuckled while her fingers carded through Chris’ fluffy hair but groaned at a particularly hard kick. “Love,” they both warned in unison before YN settled back into the cushions and continued to caress her husband’s hair and scalp. “A girl, huh?” She softly smiled at the man who had swept her off her feet so suddenly, she still wondered how she didn’t brake her neck in the wake of his adorable flirting endeavors she oh so happily had returned. Chris leaned his cheek against her bump, wanting to be as close as possible to his baby and wife, and her knuckles tenderly stroked over his bearded cheek. He had a boyish smile tucking at his lips. “S’just a feelin’,” he mumbled, Boston accent very prominent—just as always when he felt contentment and happiness, mostly when he was at home with his family. YN grinned down at him while slowly rubbing the spot where the tiny bub had kicked again. “You can admit that you want another girl. Nobody would be surprised, y’know? The whole internet sees you as a girl-dad,” YN winked, and Chris’ rumbling laugh almost shook her body as well. “Do they, yeah?” She nodded and tipped the tip of his nose with the pad of her finger. “Yes, they do, and we both know that you know this as well. Don’t try to fool lil’ ol’ me, Mr. Evans. I’m aware of your stalking tendencies when it comes to your fans and this family.”
Chris grinned sheepishly before sitting up and pressing another kiss to her lips. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Mrs. Evans,” he whispered before commotion erupted in the kitchen and tiny feet came rushing over. “Mommy! Mommy, look! I made banana shake!” Aiden proudly presented the filled glass, and both parents were sure there would be a dripping trail of shake from the kitchen to the couch. But her father already followed with a kitchen towel in hand. “We made the banana shake,” Ophelia stressed and gave her mom the reusable straw she had carried while Aiden gave her the glass. The mother almost teared up and blinked rapidly to hide the tears. “You two are too good to me,” she sniffled before taking the first sip and hummed in utter approval. “Perfection. Maybe you should think about opening a shake shop.” Ophelia giggled while Aiden squeezed himself between Dodger and his mother. With another human, Dodger wouldn’t have any of that, but with his family, he only made space and put his head in his tiny human’s lap to get the cuddles he loved.
Meanwhile, Ophelia climbed into the spot between her mom and dad and cuddled into Chris’ side, grabbing the ice cream out of her mother’s hands and starting to steal a few spoons full of sugary delight. He had thought about getting up to change into something more comfortable, but he decided that this was much better. He could outlive a few hours without his sweatpants. Leo returned after bringing the kitchen towel into the laundry room and bent down to press a kiss to the top of his youngest daughter’s head. “I would head over if you don’t need anything else, darling,” he said, and YN looked up to him with all the love she held for this man. “Of course. Thanks again for coming over and handling everything.” She really had lucked out in the family department, even before finding Chris and creating her own perfect family with the perfect man that was her husband. The DiCaprio smiled down at her and kissed her forehead. “That’s nothing to thank me for.” And with that, he kissed his grandkids goodbye before patting his son-in-law’s shoulder. “There is a cake in the oven, but the timer is set.” Chris nodded, and after peeling a grumpy Ophelia off his side, he stood up and brought Leo to the door.
There, the older man turned again. “Before I go… I wanted to thank you, Chris, for making her so happy. You know what happened to her mother, and though it was a long time ago, it had always cast a shadow over her.” Chris knew what Leo was referring to; YN had told him about the traumatic labor her mother went through, only that she died and the baby with her. It had taken its toll on Leo, too, and the whole family had needed years to recover from it. It still amazed Chris how she had handled every pregnancy and every birth, although she knew what could go wrong. “But with you, she finally is… I can’t even describe it. Not to mention that you took her fear. So… Thank you.” Both men hugged each other closely, patted their backs reaffirmingly. “It’s an honor to love her and have her in my life because you raised one of the best women on earth. You deserve every thank I could offer you,” Chris mumbled before they let go of one another. Leonardo waved it off, but in reality, it was the proudest achievement in his life. YN and her sister were his pride and joy, just as Ophelia, Aiden, and the little one were Chris’ pride and joy. “Have a good night, Chris, and give me a call if it’s happening, yeah?” Chris nodded without hesitation. “Yeah, of course.“
Returning into the living room in his favorite sweatpants and Red Sox shirt—one of the few he actually was allowed to wear and which wasn’t claimed by his darling wife—Chris sat back next to Ophelia and out his arm on the back of the couch to softly caress YN’s neck and shoulder. “The kids decided that we’re watching Wall-E,” she let him know while his eldest already held onto the remote and scrolled through Disney+. “Daddy?” He hummed in question at Aiden’s voice. “Lia and I want see biiiiig Sox,” he told the family, and YN softly shrugged at Chris’ questioning look in her direction. “If they’re still there, why not? You two have to take a lot of pictures for me, ‘kay?” Aiden nodded with a serious expression. “Otay!” YN carded through her son’s mop of blonde hair—Chris’ genes definitely outrun hers—and changed another look with her husband, both obviously thinking the same. “You know, after your brother or sister is born, maybe we could check out Disney World and if they already have a Buzz and Sox there.” Both parents knew what mentioning Disney World would do to their kids, but they didn’t mind the explosion of tiny voices. Instead, Chris settled back right next to his wife, hand again on her bump, while they watched their children playing in the living room—Dodger was Sox, Ophelia played Izzy, and Aiden was Buzz himself.”
YN laughed softly and leaned her head onto Chris’ shoulder. “We really have a Disney obsessed family.” Chris grinned in total contentment and kissed her head. “We have, and I don’t want it any other way.”
I don’t know where all these words came from, but I kinda couldn’t stop writing. Even though it’s kinda shitty, I hope y’all enjoyed it! As usual: Comments, reblogs, and likes are much appreciated <3
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measlyfurball13 · 22 days
Seeing as your one of the only people I know who is into Transformers, would you mind info dumping about it?
I know very little of anything about it besides the old "Micheal Bay!" Joke, and that it was initially made to sell toys, but that doesn't really mean anything.
So tell me, is there "more than meets the eye" to this franchise?
The single most important thing to know about Transformers is that there is no singular canon. Rather, there's a TON of different continuities, or basically alternate versions of the same universe. Transformers is a franchise that basically tells the same story over and over again, altering each time while keeping some very basic core themes and characters.
Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots. Megatron is the leader of the Decepticons. The Autobots are the good guys, the Decepticons are the bad guys, and they have been fighting a war for millions of years. It is rare for continuities to change these core facts. They might be modified, but they will never be unrecognizable.
In one continuity, Optimus might be a younger, more inexperienced leader. In another, he may be old, wise, and powerful. In some continuities, Optimus and Megatron have personal beef with each other through their backstories, making them almost lost brothers of a sort. In others, Megatron is a stranger and Optimus is an impersonal victim of his cruelty. Each time this story, the story of Transformers, is told, little details like this change.
Generally, continuities try to keep a certain "feel" to them. While sometimes a continuity will completely reinvent a character, most of the time it will try to keep a character within a few (arbitrarily chosen) character traits and/or role.
So, if this story has been told over and over again, and there's certain established expectations for characters, what was this all based on? The answer is the original 1984 animated cartoon! This cartoon is referred to as "Generation 1", or just "G1" for short. This is the cartoon made to sell toys. The animation quality is poor, the dialogue and music are cheesy, and I absolutely love it to pieces. I would highly, highly recommend that you watch the first three episodes, which basically acts as the pilot for the whole show. It really writes the characters at their most iconic and introduces the setting.
Now that you understand that G1 is the base, you can go from there and explore other continuities! Remember, continuities don't connect across different mediums (with the very distinct exception of one specific continuity, which I'll get to right after this) so feel free to find one that interests you. In general, each cartoon (or close series of cartoons) is a continuity. Allow me to list some of the more popular ones:
Transformers Beast Wars. This is arguably the continuity that follows the established G1 pattern the least, since this is the cartoon that followed right after it. In this one, the transformers turn into animals and battle on a prehistoric earth. This one is well-renowned for its surprisingly deep character writing, but the antique 3D animation is the biggest hurdle to enjoyment. It's kinda the continuity that's the most forgotten.
Transformers Armada, Energon, and Cybertron. Also known as the Unicron Trilogy (no, not "unicorn"!), this one was made in Japan and then dubbed and exported. They introduce a lot of anime-inspired features into the lore such as powerups and the like. Armada is regarded very highly with good writing, the other two not so much. The continuity between them is fairly loose. You could absolutely get away with watching just that one. Here's a link to Armada.
The Michael Bay films. You already know this one. These live action films are in a continuity of their own. In all absolutely fairness, the first movie is pretty good, barring Bay's more childish flairs. If you don't mind the U.S. military being portrayed as the absolute good guys, I think you'll genuinely like it.
The Bumblebee movie. Special shoutout to this one! This live action movie is in its own continuity that's really fun. This is an excellent movie and I love it so much, please watch it at some point.
Transformers Animated. This is one of the most widely beloved continuities in the entire franchise. People really, really like this show. It takes the franchise in a refreshing new direction, with the first season feeling almost a bit more like a superhero cartoon than a "traditional" transformers cartoon. The Autobots are the absolute underdogs in this one and it's hard not to root for them. Here's a link. This one's a good one to start with.
Transformers Cyberverse. This one is a web series that was focused for a younger audience for the first season, gets decent in the second but then gets absolutely and insanely fucking unhinged in season 3. I. . . don't recommend this one for any beginners? It's a trip. That first season is pretty unbearable. The second season starts out feeling like you missed something, and then gradually gets kinda better. Season 3 is insane. Look, just tackle this one after you've tackled the others. Don't start here.
Transformers Earthspark. The newest of the bunch, this one is releasing on Paramount Plus. I've really enjoyed what I've seen of it! It's a much more down-to-earth approach to the story. It changes some characters but in interesting ways. The new characters are excellent as well. You can definitely start with this one.
And finally, without further ado:
Transformers Prime.
I fucking LOVE this one.
This one is my favorite and was what really got me into the Transformers fandom. This cartoon takes the good innovations from the Michael Bay movies and then actually tells an amazingly competent story with it. It's the Transformers cartoon with the darkest tone by a long shot, and it really sells that this story is about a war. Characters die! The serialization is suuuuuuuper tight- one of my favorite examples is that injured characters have to spend time onscreen healing back up.
This cartoon also gives a significant amount of focus and exploration of the Decepticons as a faction as well, which is rare for the franchise. Both the Autobot and Decepticon characters will charm their way into your heart.
This show is equivalent in quality to Avatar the Last Airbender to me. I know that's probably overhyping it. You may not like it as much. But I really really really love it.
Here is a link to the first season.
But wait! There's more. Welcome to the Aligned Continuity!
Transformers Prime is actually part of the franchise's first attempt to really connect a story across media platforms. The result was. . . mostly successful? Definitely a lot of plot holes/errors, and some of the continuity is trash, but I want to highlight two videogames specifically:
Transformers: War for Cybertron. This game is a third-person shooter by High Moon studios. They do an absolutely stellar job with this one. Taking place on Cybertron, the home planet of the transformers, this one acts as the first part of an indirect prequel to Transformers Prime.
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. If the first game is good, then this game is amazing. The devs layer on more amazing mechanics to those introduced in the first game, with some of my absolute most favorite moments in all of gaming happening in this one. It acts as a second part of the prequel to Transformers Prime.
The writing in both of these games is so amazing, and the gameplay is so much fun. I know you love videogames, so that's why I'm recommending these two you. HOWEVER, the cost is that these games are stupid difficult to get ahold of. You'll most likely have to sail the high seas, yo-ho-ho, if you catch my drift. I play these on my Xbox 360. Best of luck to you!
Anyways, there are other entries into the Aligned Continuity. There's a set of three novels that I've heard are stellar. If you're looking for a show for young kids but that is also fun for you to watch, you could always check out Transformers: Rescue Bots. That one has a small but devoted fanbase of older fans.
But do NOT touch the cartoon in this continuity called Robots in Disguise. Do not. It's marketed as a sequel to Transformers Prime. It is not. Not really. It's like the Halo 5 of Transformers. Every day I am reminded that it exists I am in pain.
And there lies the end of my introduction! If you actually did read all of this, congrats to you. Ironically, I'm not sure that you've really ended up more knowledgeable than you started. I didn't really go over anything specific about characters or plot or lore or anything. But I hope I've illustrated my point that to do so would be fruitless- this story exists in so many different iterations that you just have to go out and find the one that resonates the most with you, y'know?
My recommendation for getting acquainted with the franchise is to start with those first three G1 episodes, then move on to either Animated or Prime. You could also pick Beast Wars if you're looking for something with a more retro 90s charm, which I know you like from Marathon.
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mistynatweek · 9 months
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Theme voting is now closed, and (as one theme had a substantial lead) lightning round voting will not be needed. Thus, the MistyNat Week theme will be Tropes & Clichés! This theme was submitted by @dykedolly and an anonymous user.
Since our theme has been chosen, the submission and ask boxes are now open for prompt suggestions. The process for suggesting prompts is the same as theme suggestions, but now all submissions must fit the theme of “Tropes & Clichés." For those unfamiliar with the terms, tropes are literary conventions that are familiar to the audience, and that will provide the audience with some sort of expectation of the story being told. A trope becomes a cliché when it is overused and has become so recognizable that the audience not only has an idea of what will happen, but can wholly predict the series of events to come. (There is a very thin line between these concepts, and for our purposes we will not distinguish between them.) You can visit the TV Tropes website for more information and an encyclopedia of examples and inspiration!
Guidelines for suggesting prompts are below the cut.
Anyone may submit prompt suggestions. To submit your suggestion, just send us an ask, or use the submission box. Once our prompts are chosen, you will be credited if your prompt wins. If you do not wish to be credited please note that on your submission. You can submit anonymously as well.
There is no limit on number of prompts you may submit. You may submit multiple prompt suggestions in one entry, or in multiple entries, whichever is easier.
Please do not submit specific scenarios (e.g., “Shauna and Tai bet Natalie that she can't spend a week living with Misty"). Prompts should be interpret-able in multiple ways to allow for creative freedom and a range of creations. Your suggestions don't need to be an "official" trope (i.e., there doesn't need to be a TV Tropes page for it), but your prompt should still just be a word or short phrase. For example, instead of the scenario described above, you could submit "betting" or "The Bet", or "living together" or "roommates", etc.
When you submit your trope/cliché, you are welcome to provide a link to the TV Tropes page (if applicable), though this is not required. (For example, in the above example you could link to The Bet.)
Prompts must fit the Tropes & Clichés theme. This may include other theme suggestions that did not win if the topic qualifies. For example, though it could have been a theme on its own, "Alternate Universe" is a trope, and thus can be submitted as a prompt. (More specific alternate universes can also be submitted as prompts, e.g., "coffeeshop AU," "bizarro universe," etc.) This applies to any theme that did not win and also falls under Tropes & Clichés.
Suggestions that are too specific will be generalized (if possible), and suggestions that are not tropes/clichés will be excluded or modified to fit the theme.
While you are free to submit anything you like, no harmful/offensive/discriminatory suggestions will be posted. If you are unsure if your suggestion is appropriate, feel free to ask. 
Suggestions will be accepted from now until September 2nd, at 5pm ET (countdown clock). Please note, this is earlier than our previously projected timeline. Since run-off voting was not necessary, we have shifted our calendar up by a few days to provide more prep time between prompt reveals and the event. You can find the adjusted dates in the sidebar.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Otherwise, we look forward to receiving your prompt suggestions!
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munninghams · 2 years
☆ munninghams’ massive hellcheer masterpost ☆
well! i promised a big one. here it is :) hopefully people get some use out of this! i devoured a crazy amount of fics in an alarmingly short amount of time and nothing would make me happier than sharing them with u all. :) DISCLAIMER however. i read so manhy fuckin fics lmao. so this is part 1. ladies and theydies and everyone else, without further ado... them.
put your lips close to mine (as long as they don’t touch) - @percyjacksonfan3 
Here's the thing about Chrissy Cunningham: she actually is the straight laced dependable good girl that everyone thinks she is. 
She's also, until she starts having these weird visions that make her feel like she's going out of her mind, insanely bored.
 Or, alternatively, the fix-it AU where Chrissy doesn't die and she and Eddie try and figure out what the hell is going on with her. And with them. Also, the usual gang is there. Eventually. Because these two need some serious help fighting demons and figuring out that they are not just friends.
this is one of the best fics i’ve ever read. can’t recommend enough! vecna au, it feels ripped straight out of canon. the first hellcheer fic i read and what started the obsession!
someone reaching back for me - @enoughtotemptme
The first time Eddie Munson watches Chrissy Cunningham die isn't the worst. It's the second, because he had thought she was going to live this time.
The universe made a cosmic mistake the day Chrissy Cunningham was allowed to die. It set off a chain of events that led to catastrophe, at first local, then global, and eventually interdimensional. It led to the end of all there is, was, and would ever be.
But the universe is rather interested in self-preservation. It couldn’t save itself in the future, but it could save itself then.
If only someone would get it right.
vecna timeloop au. fuckin BANGER of a fic. a little angst, of course, (okay, kind of a lot) but it’s very worth it!!! 
graceland, too. (whatever she wants) - @cunnninghams
“Have you ever thought about anything you want to do before you die?”
“Who said anything about dying? I’m gonna live forever, Cunningham. A modern day Dracula, if you will.”
“… those bats didn’t bite you that hard.”
tired of living in fear after helping save hawkins, chrissy decides to make a bucket list. and who better to help cross things off than her unlikely new best friend, eddie munson.
bucketlist au baby! kind of a vecna au? the party defeats him anyway and this takes plce after that. sweet fluffy story (with a hint of angst) and rebel chrissy, which i love. so good ♥
ride the sky - @deathinasmalltown
He tucks his tin lunchbox under his arm, shoves the door open, and stumbles inside—
It’s very obviously not a bathroom, as he gets an eyeful of someone’s pale ass, against white sheets.
“Uh, sorry. My bad,” he mumbles at the two teenagers fucking on the bed.
They’re far too into it to even notice that he barged in on them. Well, he’d argue that the girl might be overselling it, if her exaggerated moans are anything to go by—he’s seen enough porn to know an actress when he sees one…or hears one, more like.
He tries to back out of the room as quickly and quietly as possible, but he yelps in shock at being blocked from leaving. He twists towards the person in his way just as he’s roughly shouldered to the side by a flurry of strawberry blonde hair.
yall. this one is so good lol. eddie is so funny and their chemistry is off the charts. it’s a big fuck jason carver from me! high school au, no vecna.
you really got me now. - @ melodicvinyl
Eddie Munson is not a hero. He’s the first one to admit that, and so even he is surprised when, two weeks into attending Hawkins University, he rescues a cheerleader.
Chrissy Cunningham is finally free of Oakview, Indiana and, most importantly, her mother. She's never felt at home anywhere until she meets a metalhead who lends her his pajamas and walks her home in the morning.
A 1980s College AU.
WOOOO BOY. i don’t even have words for this one. so good. college fluff, no vecna. it’s like chicken soup for the soul. can’t reccomend enough. there’s a sequel that’s incredible.
it’s different for girls - @adelaideelaine
Chrissy Cunningham experiences an unexpected sexual awakening during her senior year of high school.
exactly what it sounds like; chrissy coming to terms with herself and her life. so good. their chemistry in this one is PALPABLE. everything by this author is amazing!!! no vecna au <3
duality - @broomclosetkink
“Holy fuck, did I take acid?” he asks. Because he’s staring at himself in the mirror, but he is Chrissy Cunningham. Her hair is messy from being slept on, her face is bare of make-up, and she’s wearing a soft pink gown nightgown. It has little white flowers on it and a lace ribbon. He can see her nipples through the thin fabric.
“What the fuck,” he whispers. “What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck.” Chrissy’s face twists with his expressions, and Chrissy’s mouth forms the words, and Chrissy’s voice is a little hysterical in the big room.
Eddissy Bodswap!AU
MAN y’all this is SUUUCH a good one lmao. i’ll happily read fifty fics with the same premise, but what i love about this one is that i haven’t seen this premise before or since i read this fic. sweet, heartwarming, sexy, and i cried. what more do you need!
tenderness - @adelaideelaine
Eddie Munson is determined to keep his head down and get through his last summer as a counselor at Camp Hawkins Lake (aka Camp Hawk)...until a certain cheerleader-turned-lifeguard catches his eye.
yeah baby! hot and heavy at a summer camp. literally what more can you ask for. no vecna here, just hot wet american summer vibes.
you drew stars around my scars - @em_jaye 
Hellfire Ink,” she repeated, glancing around the still-unsettled front room. “You’re a…tattoo parlor?”
“No,” he shook his head. “We specialize in Satanic calligraphy.”
Chrissy stared at him for a long beat before she snorted and covered her mouth to hide a laugh. Suddenly, Eddie wanted to make her do that again. And again.
THEE hellcheer flower shop/ tattoo parlor au. i reread this hoe and cry all the time. it’s so sweet, the story is so satisfying, and the characters feel like canon even in an au. so good!
of roses and thorns - CaCD
A soulmate AU
In a world where you share all your feelings with someone you most likely will never get to meet, Chrissy is trying at all costs to keep her head above water as she lives a life she has never got to choose for herself.
Enters Eddie, the last person she would have thought could bring happiness into her life. He shows her how to roll a joint, how to take control of her life and, maybe, if she finds the courage to meet him halfway, how to follow the string in her heart all the way to the other end.
Or: Chrissy and Eddie are soulmates, but things are never just that simple
one thing about me is that i love a mf soulmate au. and i’ve never seen two kids that are soulmates more than chrissy and eddie. a really good one.
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lunaremy · 8 months
Because we all wanted a second one! (wheres the first 100?)
Starting off: EATING!! How do they Eat!
It would take so long to explain like all the headcanons and stuff that would lead to them consuming food but to make a long story short: Humans eat food, yes? So, why not model these robots to eat food as well? For the most part, they use the DVD method i mentioned in some other post. The screen briefly slides open to allow food, food goes in, screen closes...it's seamless and technologically advanced. To make the act of eating food enjoyable, the Bomberman Bros (and other mechanical lifeforms) all have taste receptors that are slightly randomized (the younger bros were inclined to avoid vegetables the way a child human would but Aqua is fine with them), and to be more specific, the parts that locate taste are somewhere in the throat area of a human, to compare it to their terms. Besides tasting good, it also gives a small boost of energy. It should be noted that they don't strictly need human food to live (White says you should eat for energy, but I've only seen him eat when he's relaxing), but not eating regularly is designed to make you feel really uncomfortable in order to encourage that they do eat food.
...Also, there's a similar philosophy for power ups found in battle. Those little plates with icons on them can usually be taken directly though the hands, as they're nothing more than collections of data. The name of the game is endurance! If someone like Green were to try and, i dunno, make eight bombs with max fire, it would likely exhaust him instantly. Those data chips stop you from nuking yourself when you try to do a little extra in combat. Same for skulls- like a computer virus! Also, they seem to taste absolutely horrible.
Humans are social creatures. It's only natural that the intelligent folks who designed the prototypes for the eight would want them to experience the ups and downs of being truly alive. It's why they have simulated tear ducts, why they have to eat or else they get uncomfortable, why they're all a family. The things that get in the way during combat facilitate the reason we fight in the first place. The humanity instilled into White keeps him going, no matter how hard it gets.
(Go piss, girl!)
Getting damaged is to be expected when everyone uses such an explosive tactic. Be it an arm or a leg, it's usually repairable.
To start, the internal systems usually get temporarily shut off. There's actually like 2 or 3 spare sets of limbs, and a couple of vital parts for all the bombers somewhere in HQ, but any damage is usually recovered, so it's as simple as welding the missing part back into place or running some bug fixes. (Also, you should probably find a way to turn off pain receptors. I know they're there to keep the humanity rule in check, but a tiny part got loose in White's head once and it hurt like a BITCH)
It's usually White who monitors the physical health of his siblings, but Blue often has to step in and help with more technological aspects. Actually, Blue often teaches White that there's more to their abiltiies that meets the eye.
Hurts like a bitch before your body comes back because the pain of getting blown up takes a while to go away, but you get used to it. You don't get rebuilt- you just get rejuvenated. Kinda like a quick system refresh. Feels great. Lets you spring back into action. Also, the "STAGE CLEAR" areas in a level have the same effect.
Some of the siblings have a tendency to stutter over their words in emotionally taxing situations. That's actually just the voice chip getting a little weird due to all the processes running at once. Yknow how your laptop screen goes black and gets laggy when you have too many apps open at the same time?
Thanks to their synthetic skin, the siblings are all more or less immune to accumulating rust. White's not a big fan of water, but he trucks through it for the sake of whoever needs him.
Sorry, but that's it for tonight. Kinda sleepy again.
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anneapocalypse · 2 years
Mark Darrah's Memories and Lessons from Dragon Age 2
Mark Darrah, former BioWare developer and Executive Producer, talks about the development of Dragon Age 2.
Summary of key points below the cut!
EA closed the sale on BioWare right before Origins shipped. At the time, MMOs were seen as the future and EA wanted Star Wars: The Old Republic, which was currently in development and scheduled to ship in 2009, but delayed several times. Because of the delay, EA told BioWare they needed to ship a game in fiscal 2011 to "plug the hole." It was decided that Dragon Age 2 would be that game.
Darrah says you can never be sure how real the threats are from higher up, but this one seemed pretty real, and if they hadn't shipped a game, EA likely would have demanded cost-cutting measures for the studio.
The original plans for the second Dragon Age game looked a lot more like what eventually became Inquisition. That concept wasn't possible in the time they had.
Preliminary work had been done for another expansion pack for DAO, and much of this concept got rolled into DA2. However, Darrah resists the idea that DA2 was "built out of an expansion pack" because he feels it minimizes how much work the team did in a short period of time. It is true that David Gaider had already laid a lot of groundwork for the expansion, but there were also no assets or levels created yet.
The team originally wanted to call the game Dragon Age: Exodus, which Mark still believes would fit the game better and would have helped it find its audience better. The implication that DA2 was a direct sequel to DAO set a lot of expectations that were not accurate, and they set people up for disappointment that was in some cases, he feels, unjustified. The name "Dragon Age 2" was a mandate from above; the executive at the time insisted that "Dragon Age 2" would sell better, would fix everything, would "probably cure cancer," and so that was the title. "They were wrong," Darrah says, but the team couldn't override the exec.
Darrah likes the frame narrative, both for the punchy opening it allows and the unreliable narrator:
I love unreliable narrators in general. Dragon Age uses unreliable narrators for everything. The reason I love unreliable narrators is that it allows you to present information through the lens of someone who could be wrong, or intentionally misleading. 'Brother Genitivi says…' is how most lore in Dragon Age: Origins is presented, and what that allows you to do is have him be wrong, mislead the player on purpose, or sometimes just give yourself the flexibility to change your mind, in order to change the lore, change the universe around that established lore without actually violating it, because it's an unreliable narrator.
But the cool thing is, you actually get all of that while also deepening the sense of your setting being lived in by real human beings. When information is presented by an unreliable narrator, it's presented by a person within the setting. It's not just sterile information dumped into a Codex; it comes with this implication of story and life that doesn't come from other ways of presenting information. To my mind, it's actually win-win across the board; it gives you extra flexibility, while also making the setting feel more alive.
A frame narrative can have the problem of draining some of the tension, because you know that the narrator has to survive. DA2 gets around this by having Varric narrate; you know Varric lives, but Hawke could have died.
Darrah acknowledges that the trick where they increased Bethany's bust size in Varric's exaggerated prologue was juvenile, and while he thinks it's in-character for Varric, he also doesn't think it adds much to the character and says that they probably wouldn't do that today.
They were able to control scope on the project by making DA2 a story told over time, instead of over a lot of space. This allowed them to get more story out of less area.
DA2 had very little peelable scope, which refers to having elements that are easily removed when cuts need to be made. Nearly everything that was initially conceived was conceived as necessary; everything that could be cut was cut right away.
The idea of Act I was a metaplot about gathering enough resources for the expedition, so that it could grow or shrink as needed. But they ended up needing to introduce a lot of plot points and character-establishing quests in Act I, so the "raise enough money" plot became secondary, because by doing the other essential quests, you would earn the money as a byproduct, which made Act I feel less open and exploratory.
Darrah feels that DA2 in some ways shows why constraints are important, because it's a great example of a team rising to the challenge to work within the space they're given to make a good game within that box.
Tactical camera was set aside for DA2. Darrah doesn't feel that it's a core feature of the series.
Things he does feel define the series are teamwork, choices with consequences, and power with a price, among other things.
"It's about the characters, stupid":
The primary reason that I think Dragon Age 2 is the Dragon Age game that’s very fashionable to like now is because it’s the first BioWare game that intentionally puts the characters first. I still don’t think we’ve actually said it out loud, that "It’s about the characters, stupid," that BioWare’s secret sauce is characters and followers that you can have these relationships with. I still don’t think that we’re really acknowledging it. We’re doing it because we have no other choice. Characters are fast to write; characters don’t require as many re-writes, typically; characters can often do their plot in whatever level is hanging around. So they are perfect for a highly constrained situation.
As you go beyond this game, as you get even past Dragon Age: Inquisition— yeah, the reality is, is this is what makes BioWare games special. Characters that are interesting, that have interesting interactions, that have arcs and evolution and wants and needs, that you get to have a story with, that you get to hang out with, that you get to potentially romance. This is the secret of BioWare games and it’s, in retrospect, kind of mindboggling that it wasn’t until a post-Dragon Age: Inquisition world that BioWare was really able to say this out loud and say "It’s about the characters, stupid. It’s always been about the characters, stupid." Why did we allow this to be an incidental feature that was special in spite of the intention that was being paid to it? So I think Dragon Age 2 is the game that shows the way to what made BioWare special in the first place, and what continues to hopefully make BioWare special in the future. That’s the special thing in Dragon Age 2.
Darrah thinks the level reuse in terms of telling a story through time in the same city is fine, even if not everybody likes it; it's upfront about what it's doing. The generic warehouse isn't ideal, but it's okay. The one he thinks is less defensible is the cave, because the cave is too distinctive, despite being identified as a different cave every time, and it's not just recognizable as reuse but "rubbing your nose in it." A more generic cave would actually have been better.
In terms of art direction, Dragon Age 2 was pushed toward a more distinctive look. In part, this is a response to the engine itself, which is very good at pushing polygons and large amounts of mesh, but less good at surface effects and textures. So between "push more polygons," and a vision of "Kurosawa in the Northern Renaissance," the art style of DA2 took shape. Darrah likes that DA2 has a distinct aesthetic that you can recognize from a screenshot.
Another major change from DAO was “the philosophical approach to combat.” The underlying combat engine is the same; it’s just packaged differently. Origins uses a combat balance known as “perfect symmetry”—enemies do the same amount of damage as the player character and allies. DA2 throws out the idea of symmetry. The player character and party members have fewer hit points and do more damage; enemies have more hit points and do less damage. This opens up more possibilities for player abilities, but creates problems if you want to turn party member against the player or have enemies join the party. Darrah thinks DA2 pushes it a bit too far because it makes the combat herder to understand numerically. Dragon Age: Inquisition tried to strike a blance between the two: not perfectly symmetrical, but not so dramatically asymmetrical. (He notes that D&D went through a similar transition between 3e and 5e.)
“EA has always had trouble marketing BioWare games.” For DA2, the marketing was intended to be two-pronged, one prong aimed at the “tree house” (the established fans) and the “frat house” (a new, mainstream audience). Right off the bat Darrah cautions about using reductive labels like this. In the end, he says, pretty much all the marketing ended up targeting the “frat house,” so that was all the marketing the fans were consuming and that made them worried that the game would be “dumbed down” and more console-focused. This set up the core audience to reject the game even harder than it deserved. More targeting of the core audience might have helped, but Darrah also points out that your devoted core fans are going to consume all the marketing, whether it’s intended for them or not.
The marketing team for DA2 did a lot of things to “juice up” the preorder numbers, which gave the impression that the game was going to sell a lot better than it did.
Darrah’s greatest regret for DA2 is that the ending forces you to fight both bosses either way—which he’s pretty sure was his decision, but he believes it was a mistake. It was felt that Orsino wasn’t worthy of being an end boss by himself, so it was decided that the player would fight Meredith either way, which he thinks is defensible. The problem is that they also make the player fight Orsino either way. Darrah says there’s often a desire to have the player consume as much content as possible, because it can feel like “waste” otherwise; he argues that players not consuming all the content isn’t a problem, and is actually a good thing.
Despite the backlash, over time DA2 has become the one that it is “fashionable to like.” With some distance from the marketing and the initial backlash, a lot of people came to appreciate what was good about DA2, particularly the strong focus on characters.
DA2 has Darrah’s favorite box art, even though it does commit what he calls the “cardinal sin” of RPG box art in locking down the player character into a single default appearance. He says that box art doesn’t matter as much as it used to, but he believes it’s still important.
The Dragon Age team became a true team through the work on DA2. Darrah wouldn’t recommend the kind of rush DA2 had, but he likes what it forged the team into and wonders whether that experience could be replicated in a different way.
What would Mark do differently?
If they had stay within the same constraints:
Adjust the marketing and make sure there’s better messaging to the core fanbase to mitigate the negative reaction.
Call the game Dragon Age: Exodus.
Don’t make Orsino a mandatory bossfight.
Make a more generic cave for reuse.
If they had more time:
Ship the next fiscal year, damn the consequences.
Cut or simplify the main plot parts of Act I and bring back the focus on making money for the expedition.
Make a second cave.
Reduce the asymmetry of the combat system a bit.
Mask out the unused parts of reused area maps.
The game is still very different from Origins, and that’s okay, just communicate with the core fanbase to help them understand why.
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morganlefaye79 · 1 year
What kind of experience are you?
I was tagged by @theviridianbunny, thank you so much!
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you leave people feeling challenged (affectionate).
a shiver. a breath of cool winter air, a stick n poke tattoo; the last few switchbacks at the end of a hike. a deep red. a proud sweat, a delicious ache. early dawn’s blue hour. a favorite story you love to retell. the excited scream, the staggering leap into water below. not fearless, but not afraid to let a good memory leave a few scars or stains. while you have moments of being rough around the edges—an acquired taste, a book not fully grasped in the first read-through—you can rest knowing that there will be people that rise to your challenge. you give off a sense of knowing yourself, and while that could be the case, you’re still learning, too. the close people in your life aren’t afraid of your seasons, your come-and-go silence, or your own way of showing love. they’re there to stay. they’ll join you on that blue hour dock just to read. they’ll take that last-minute road trip to the desert. you’re here to say, “I know you could do it.”
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you leave people feeling inspired.
a moment of stolen breath. aquarium peace, walking through an art museum alone; a mesmerizing chorus of crowds singing along at the concert. turquoise blue. a sunshower. stained glass. paint stains on jeans. finishing a good book. pressed flowers. glasses of wine on your best friend’s balcony, the sun flirting from the horizon. spending time with you is nourishing in a way that feeds growth. it is the creative way you view the world, the way you move through life (whether expressed through dance, writing, music, visual art, cooking, or otherwise) that sparks the imagination of those around you. they watch you translate your experience in the truest form you know how, and they feel inspired to do the same. you seek to find universal understanding through these mediums, and the ones you hold close admire that hunger; maybe also happy to join in and get dirt under their nails, digging to the heart of things.
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you leave people feeling nostalgic.
drug store valentine's cards. a favorite childhood song crackled through the radio; secret folded notes to find later. a soft yellow. christmas lights. knowing all the movie scenes that make your best friend laugh. birthday candles. a favorite hot chocolate mug. arcade carpets. lazy sunny saturday mornings. young, but not naive. you give people the sense of being held. falling asleep in the car and being carried safely inside. an acknowledgment that no matter how we age, there’s still something small and reaching within us that never goes away completely. (and that it’s not a bad thing.) there’s something sweet about you that feels hard to come by nowadays. a “they don’t make them like you anymore.” maybe it’s a chance to dip a toe back into childhood or a less pressured place—into imagination again, if even for a short while. a chance your presence gives in allowing people to enjoy it all more fully this time around.
I tag without any pressure: @wanderingaldecaldo | @honourandsteel | @genocidalfetus | @therealnightcity | @chevvy-yates | @just-a-cybercroissant | @kittenchrissy | @ghostoffuturespast | @maimaiapologist
If I forgot someone, mea culpa, I lost my taglists 😞 But feel free to pretend that I tagged you 😉
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ilivemydreamsthere · 6 months
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Hello there!
60-year special make me come back. I also decided to post and show you what I am working on.
For those who don't know me, I was the one always obssesing about Missy version of the Master. This story starts right after the Grace funeral. It will be a centrally longer story planing on 12 chapters.
Tw : Doctor has a panick attack.
I am again obssed with Missy and her love for the Doctor...
Take this like just little sneak peak....
Of lost years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds.
She had seen too many funerals. She stayed hidden in the corner. She wasn't in fact thinking of Grace and Graham when she should. Her mind was racing.
She lost so many people. Oh so many.
Rose, Donna , Wilfred, Amy, Rory ….River, Master …Missy.
Every thought on every name hurts. She never grieves over people she lost, she usually just tries to move away and keep a smile on face. Any face she was wearing.
She felt tears on face and couldn't anymore listen to people speaking of Grace no. She looked outside and her lips left gasp for air. People didn't look at her, everyone lost in their own grief.
Was it what she thought it was? Or was it just a shadow?
Definitely just a shadow she couldn't see right?
She hid her face in her hands for a moment. She had to be dreaming there is no possibility she would see her, right?
“Doctor?” The voice brings her back minutes later from her own mind. She could feel a gentle touch on her arm. She looked up and saw the hazelnut eyes of Yaz.
“Are you alright?”
“Me? Definitely. I am alright “ She shakes head and stands up. “I should go. Before any of you get hurt. All I do is hurt people “ She said wiping her own tears from face.
Yasmine watched her and pulled her in a hug for a short moment. “You aren't hurting people. I am sure you do more than that.”
Doctor for a moment allowed herself to be held. She felt for a single moment. “I should leave Yaz” She whispered more to herself than Yaz. She bit her lips and let the girl go. She shakes head and leaves the room. She needed air. It suffocated her. She walked out quickly without looking back.
She felt how her chest started to hurt. If she would be a human she would be sure it's her heart. But right now she knows. That feeling which was so close to overcoming its huge anxiety and guilt. All feelings she tries to stop herself from feeling.
She rushed inside her Tardis and leaned about the door from inside. There she allowed herself to feel it. Her lips left a long scream of pain and all these gathered feelings and she hit the door with both fists.
She felt tears in her eyes which were about to spill and the Tardis made a long beeping sound trying to calm her Doctor.
Then a soft knock on the door came. “Doctor, are you here? Can you come out please. “
She sighed when she heard Yasmine with others. She didn't want to go anywhere. She mumbled words in old Gallifreyan language. She took a long , shaky breath and opened the door after she stood up.
“Doctor…we come say goodbye “ Graham spoke and pulled Doctor to hug. He spoke quietly. “It's not your fault I know it's not “ He said quietly and when he let her eyes meet.
“Yaz said you are wanting to just disappear on us. “ Rayn spoke as he crossed his arms a little.
Doctor shaked head and she wanted to say more but when all four of them shared a hug she couldn't tell the difference. “Do you really wanna go with me to see the universe and see stars?” She asked the question and when they spoke back she had to smile. They wanted to go with her.
She chuckled little “that will give you a bit of shock come in “ She spoke and opened Tardis door. The tardis make another noise. Noise which doesn't seem to be such a distress like a moment back. More like humming.
“Welcome to the Tardis. And don't be shocked, it's indeed bigger on the inside!” She said and let all of 3 of them in. “Fam …you should wait “ She rushed to the control panel and pulled for some levers and characteristic noise came out of the Tardis rotor. She smiled hearing it.
“I will show you the way to your room when you are here with me. And I…” Doctor looks for the right words, her eyes still on the sensor on the control panel. There was someone in her own room. There were very few people who could be here and Tardis would let them inside.
“I need a long shower!” She said smiling “come on!” She said talking to them in many Tardis corridors. “Yaz you first!” She said and her voice echoed by the hall.
The girl opened the door and her eyes widened “I love that!” She said stepping in the room. Doctor smiled and Tardis still could modify it to people she decided to bring in.
“Graham there and yours here Rayan “ She said, showing on both doors. “I need my shower. My room is far to this hall at the end “ She explained and left both boys and Yasmine behind. She walked quickly. When she open the door of her room she gasped a little. There was no one. The room was empty. Having the huge bed in the middle of the bed was a huge library. She walked slowly to bed. Then she heard a voice from the corner where the door to the bathroom was located.
“You finally could afford the upgrade?”
She closed her eyes and she was sure she was dreaming imagining.
“You aren't here. “ She spoke back, her voice lower. The tears were about to spill out again.
“Oh I am indeed here my dear Doctor “ The voice continued and became more surprised as the Doctor sat on the ground and hid her face as if she wouldn't want to look at her. She basically wrapped herself in the fetal position not wanting to hear or rather didn't want to believe that she is in fact here and alive.
Doctor could feel hand on her shoulder and then feel the weight of the hug. No more words were spoken for a moment till she didn't look up, meeting the familiar eyes of Missy.
“It's a post regeneration mess or you really can't be without me…” The teasing voice trailed off when she realized the blonde in her arms is in fact crying. Missy didn't think just traced her fingertips on the Doctor's face. “Shhh I am alive. You won't get rid of me easily. Don't speak just ..” Missy decided immediately and leaned down a little more her lips touched Doctors and her fingers gently moved to her hair. She kind of expected the Doctor would hit her but the hit didn't come. Doctor decided immediately she slowly put her arms around Missy and now they had been holding each other in embrace and the kiss made it even better.
“So I am not dreaming, will you stay travel to the stars with me ,” She spoke against her archenemy lips.
“Yes. I will. But first get up Doctor, you know well after regeneration you need to rest. Or you will pass out and from what I understood you saved these little humans again. “ She spoke, helping her up slowly and then in bed.
Doctor kicked down shoes and pulled down her coat. “Be here when I wake up if you won't. I will track you in the end of universe and ….” She closed her eyes and opened them quickly. “And what killed me ?” Missy chuckled a little bit.
“Killing! Don't…I have 3 humans on Tardis. Be nice for once, would you for me?” The doctor asked before her eyes closed and Missy knew she had hours before the Doctor would be up to talk with her. She smiled for herself. This will be a ride. She knows it will be.
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
Okay, first, congrats on giving your kitty his furever home! I'm very excited for you!! Second, being post dental surgery is the worst
:( but I have some fic thoughts I thought you might enjoy?
Okay, because I'm on a Ra'sTim kick (I say as if I won't ship Tim with literally anyone at any time) I was thinking about an AU where in order to get Ra's help and get Bruce back, Tim makes a deal where he must allow himself to be courted by Ra's for like a year and day, because Ra's is extra. Tim and Ra's go back and forth on the exact wording for a long time, and it basically works out to: have spend x amount of time together. Tim has to publicly acknowledge the engagement/courtship, has to genuinely listen to Ra's side and vice versa, and Tim's big thing is after a year of honestly giving it a try, he can say no, but he also has to be an equal partner, in whatever role he takes. There would be other fun things you could add in for extra fluff or angst, which ever way you wanted to go. I personally love the idea of Tim insisting that he's very traditional and Ra's must get his Daddy's approval (Or Bruce in this case lol) because he'll only get married if he can have a big white wedding where he's given away by B.
I think, if I wrote it (which I'm not because I'm still working on my current WIPs at a snails paces T.T) I would either go for a very soft, very fluffy fairytale sort of writing, with the end being a kind of happy "Tim fucks off to get married, has lots of smutty sex and babies, and is very happy, even while the undercurrents of the story have a fucked up edge" or an angsty story of self destruction and recreating yourself over and over again for the temporary pleasure of approval only for the sting of never being enough in the long run. Both would have soft aspects, but also a lot of fucked up codependency from various relationships both platonic and romantic, and I think depending on what you focus on, it could be such a cool story idea. Idk, what do you think, and what direction would you want to take it in (assuming you're even into this idea/I'm not bothering you!)
(Btw, I need Tim in pretty green and gold lingerie, complete with corset and stockings in matching high heels sitting on Ra's desk, one heel dangerously close being very painful for Ra's where it rest on his lap. Tim is desperately horny and frustrated, because obviously, Ra's is a firm believer in waiting for marriage, and he needs to get his pussy wrecked now, because Ra's keeps teasing him and Tim is doing his best to make his control snap like a high tension steel wire- that is to say, snap hard, fast and with a lot of potential for collateral ;)
Anyways, I hope you have a great day.
Cheers, ♡♡♡
thank you🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰!!!! i hope you're healing well and feel better soon!! ❤️
and a fairytale-esque fic for rastim would be perfect!!!! just by nature the two of them would just skew a bit darker than normal because of how ra's is and how tim does have an unfortunate tendency to be more likely to go dark (i mean you can see the amount of universes where a tim who loses everything goes bad and facist so tim does have a risk of turning out like that). but with it having a fairytale edge it'd be nice to see two people who's pain is rarely awknowledged find happiness in each other.
it'd also be hilarious to see tim's whole narrative flipped on its head like halfway through when he realizes how much he actually likes ra's time and attention and would very much like more of it!! only ra's won't fuck him because tim told him he wanted to wait until marriage and until bruce gave him away as a bride.
cue tim trying to get ra's to give into temptation because he knows the sexually charged comments ra's has given him before. wearing short and tight clothing, see through clothing. finally he wait's in ra's gotham office reclined in nice gold three and green lingeries where everything can be seen. tim know ra's is staring at the pretty pink seam of his cunt as his digs the sole of his heel into the half chub that ra's is rocking.
bruce and the rest of the family getting traumatized, tapping tim's phone and seeing the messages they send each other...the pictures.
tim getting courted for the year and finally getting to marry and consummate with ra's. it's a beautiful wedding and people like it if they ignore how tim and ra's are pretty blatantly necking at the head table.
tim and ra's both find peace and acceptance in each other because although ra's may have started it out as a ploy and tim started out knowing it was as such they really did grow to enjoy each other's company. they liked how they felt when they were together and while they may have some ideological differences they are smoothed over with exposure to each other.
tim is the definition of an 'i can fix him' girlie but then he actually delivers!!!!!!!!
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overthinkingtaleblr · 11 months
Ok: your family post got me wondering.
JOHNNY GHOST SR AND PEWEE!!! What is their story??? How’d the two meet and end up as Ghost’s dads??? And what happens to them???!? Why is Ghost alone now???? (Aside from Ghost Sr dying to Kermit that is)
And does he remember them and ever miss his dads???
Jeez I’m gonna make myself cry just thinking of the pausibilities-
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING! I don't have too much planned for them now, but I'm taking this as an opportunity to flesh them out :) Their story is a bit more of a quiet one for the most part, especially in this universe, but I think every once in awhile someone needs to have a soft life. Joy is an overlooked but important part of tragedy, because it’s a reminder that things can or could have been better. So… In case I decide to make things depressing, this is an important step to have.
Ghost remembers his fathers with all of his heart. His brain may not be the most reliable, but they have been too influential to be forgotten without damaging a good chunk of his capabilities either.. he just doesn’t talk about them often.
Peewee and Johnny Ghost Sr. Are two people who were originally united through a love of technology and a desire to understand the supernatural.
Johnny Ghost Sr. Was raised in the middle of nowhere as an only child with a five year age gap between him and any of his relatives, younger or older. Even when he moved into the city, he struggled to connect with others, which is part of why he and Ernest latched on to each other so hard.
Peewee, who I also dubbed Marion here, was raised to be incredibly self-sufficient, and wants to be able to say that because he was able to take care of himself, he can now take care of others.
When the two put their heads together and started making devices for interacting with the undead for fun, they were approached by a newly-forming PIE, and only Ghost accepted the job offer.
Ghost became known to be one of T.Casket’s close friends, and was the one called to help identify Gregory post-CBF-incident. He and Marion both realized something paranormal was at hand, and instantly put their heads together to try to keep the boy out of foster care.
Eventually, they all but fabricated a document saying T.Casket would leave Gregory in their care if something was to happen to him, allowing them to take care of the young John Doe, now John Ghost.
I don’t know if Peewee is dead yet. If he’s not, great, Ghost visits him between arcs and fills him in on everything he’s seen, and Peewee will cheer him on and help him make tweaks to his devices. He gets a stern expression at any mention of demons or the housekeeper and a reminder to try not to do anything foolish and never to do ANYTHING alone.
Peewee misses J.Ghost Sr though, and it doesn’t help that their son adopted most of his vocal patterns and his general nature. Even if Sr. Was losing the passion that drove him toward the end, it’s what Peewee remembers him for.
Ghost is alone because he chooses to be, he doesn’t want to put his dad through the stress and grief of losing a son, but even worse is the emotional roller coaster of trying to care for one in the conditions Ghost has been in.
I originally had so much to say, but it became too much, so here’s a speedround.
Peewee is the only one of the two of them who went to college, he became an engineer who ensured his designs were paranormal-safe. He also likes to make them a liiittle bit steampunk-inspired.
The Ghost family was close to Kat’s family since before their son entered the picture, and they were friendly with Chakalata too. They were the ones who recommended that Kat’s oldest brother get a job at Chakalata’s restaurant, making Ghost feel resentment to swallow his own guilt when the boy wound up dying.
However, that depends on when Ghost Sr. dies in the timeline.
In one timeline, I have it so that Ghost Senior dying to Kermit is what eventually leads to Casket possessing specifically Johnny Ghost Jr., which would mean that Ghost Sr. never lived to see Kat or her brother’s deaths.
The only other implication is that PEEWEE is the one who banishes Chakalata and maybe even Ernie Ghost, abusing his own understanding of the paranormal to get just rid of the problem before it can destroy his family.
What’s more is that Peewee knows about Casket.
That’s a nigh-impossible thing to hide when you live in a small house with your doting and loving and Very Emotionally Aware father. Ghost jr. Doesn’t know that Peewee know (because ghost jr. doesn’t even know) but he was super obvious as a kid and Peewee did what he could to work around the serial killer. He’s always sure to check up on Ghost the day After a gruesome murder hits the news.
Sadly, it’s because he’s so aware of the paranormal that he knows not to try to fix casket himself. He knows that this is Ghost’s problem, and he’ll only offer to help if asked.
+ Doodles!
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Ghost Sr and Peewee in different times of their lives— both as kids and as young adults
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jacobsneed · 1 year
thank you to @inafieldofdaisies @trench-rot and @direwombat for tagging me in this quiz :D
Not sure who to tag as I've see this going around a lot, but if you haven't yet then I tag YOU! <3
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you leave people feeling nostalgic.
drug store valentine's cards. a favorite childhood song crackled through the radio; secret folded notes to find later. a soft yellow. christmas lights. knowing all the movie scenes that make your best friend laugh. birthday candles. a favorite hot chocolate mug. arcade carpets. lazy sunny saturday mornings. young, but not naive. you give people the sense of being held. falling asleep in the car and being carried safely inside. an acknowledgment that no matter how we age, there’s still something small and reaching within us that never goes away completely. (and that it’s not a bad thing.) there’s something sweet about you that feels hard to come by nowadays. a “they don’t make them like you anymore.” maybe it’s a chance to dip a toe back into childhood or a less pressured place—into imagination again, if even for a short while. a chance your presence gives in allowing people to enjoy it all more fully this time around.
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you leave people feeling inspired.
a moment of stolen breath. aquarium peace, walking through an art museum alone; a mesmerizing chorus of crowds singing along at the concert. turquoise blue. a sunshower. stained glass. paint stains on jeans. finishing a good book. pressed flowers. glasses of wine on your best friend’s balcony, the sun flirting from the horizon. spending time with you is nourishing in a way that feeds growth. it is the creative way you view the world, the way you move through life (whether expressed through dance, writing, music, visual art, cooking, or otherwise) that sparks the imagination of those around you. they watch you translate your experience in the truest form you know how, and they feel inspired to do the same. you seek to find universal understanding through these mediums, and the ones you hold close admire that hunger; maybe also happy to join in and get dirt under their nails, digging to the heart of things.
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you leave people feeling challenged (affectionate).
a shiver. a breath of cool winter air, a stick n poke tattoo; the last few switchbacks at the end of a hike. a deep red. a proud sweat, a delicious ache. early dawn’s blue hour. a favorite story you love to retell. the excited scream, the staggering leap into water below. not fearless, but not afraid to let a good memory leave a few scars or stains. while you have moments of being rough around the edges—an acquired taste, a book not fully grasped in the first read-through—you can rest knowing that there will be people that rise to your challenge. you give off a sense of knowing yourself, and while that could be the case, you’re still learning, too. the close people in your life aren’t afraid of your seasons, your come-and-go silence, or your own way of showing love. they’re there to stay. they’ll join you on that blue hour dock just to read. they’ll take that last-minute road trip to the desert. you’re here to say, “I know you could do it.”
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This scene came into my head and I decided to write it out. I'm not really sure which of my James Bond is a son of Apollo stories it could be a part of since for me it kind of fits both, but meh, you can choose if it is or isn't the crossover. Hope you like it. Also it's been a long while since I wrote any kind of poetry but I tried. Love dramatic wording.
"What would you have me do then?" James asked, his face pressed against Q's hair as he hugged him from behind while standing in the sunlight that streamed from the window they were in front of in their home.
Q placed his hands onto James wrapped arms and leaned back into him, "gift me poetry," he answered with a smile and closed eyes as he soaked up the feeling of James' body behind him.
James brought his head back. "Poetry?" He asked incredulously, "out of everything there is, you'd want that?"
Q opened his eyes and turned his head to the side, trying to look at James as best he could without turning around completely and grinned, "of course. Your father is the god of poetry, I expect as his son that you should have some skill in the area."
James sighed and pressed his lips to Q's ear, his breathing lightly ruffling the short strands of Q's hair.
They both stood there, the sunlight warming them and Q could feel James' lips slightly move against his ear. Q couldn't tell what James was saying, but he could guess. It was no doubt a prayer to his father for help.
The guess turned to certainty when the instant James stopped the sunlight they stood in suddenly felt warmer and brighter and a voice filled with mirth enveloped the air, saying "You're on your own with this one, son." And once the last word was said, the warmth and brightness went back to how it was before.
With a low "fuck" from James, Q burst into laughter and felt James' arms tighten as his body shook. "Really James?" He asked amidst his laughter.
James only groaned into his head and once Q got a hold of himself, he began to speak.
"There is no measure on Earth for me to use to determine the amount of love I have for you.
It is as infinite as the ever expanding universe and forms me as much as the stardust that makes us both.
Perhaps, in an effort to quantify it, allow me to instead sing a song of stardust, belovéd, and let our love be remembered to all forever-more."
Q turned in James' arms to hug him back. He put his face into James' and was sure the man could feel his smile. And what a man he had.
James hummed and kissed him on the head, "I spoke of my love for you," he said, "is that not poetry enough?"
"That isn't like any poem I've heard before." Q said lifting his head up to rest his chin on James' shoulder.
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jasonlindsey · 2 years
Jason Lindsey Tells Complete Stories Through Motion
Interview by Heather Elder - Notes from a Rep's Journal
Jason Lindsey is a true empath. The ability to connect to individuals from all walks of life is what creates the masterful emotions shown in his photos. Early on in his career, he understood the power that motion has over stills to tell a more complete story. There is emotion in film making that can’t be conveyed as powerfully in stills. Harnessing his own talents, Jason decided to test film work out on his own.
As a commercial artist, creating personal work is imperative to keep up your skills as well as testing new ideas and processes. 12 years ago, as Jason was starting his director journey, he traveled to Ireland and decided to craft a short film, his first true motion project. Hoping for feedback, Jason sent it out to a few agencies and booked four jobs within a week. While the rest, they say, is history, there is so much more to the story, so we spoke with Jason to understand his philosophy when shooting motion as well as talking about some of his favorite projects he’s worked on.
What is it about motion that you feel can’t be conveyed through stills?
Often, not always, but often in photography you are tasked with capturing the entire story in one frame. In filmmaking, it’s almost the complete opposite. You want to draw the story out and build it up over time to create suspense or intrigue. In motion, you have the ability to tell a more full story that you might not normally get with stills. 
What is a tactic you use to tell a more complete story? 
I love the use of sound design to create a specific feel that will add to the story. I also like to think about the difference in how individual shots work. For example, in a still photo, you can’t have a subject so small that you can’t see them. But when you’re directing motion, a subject can be small because if they’re moving and everything else is still the viewers eye is drawn to them. There is a lot more freedom to capture things differently than you would with stills.
When you need to capture both, how do you ensure continuity between stills and motion?
One of the most important things you can do is to establish the brand voice between stills and motion. I always work closely with the DP to make sure we are getting the same look stylistically. Usually when we are shooting motion and stills we try not to include strobes, if we can, so we have the same lighting. I work with people I have been working with for years, so our process is very honed in and the look ends up being seamless between the two.
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Which motion project are you most proud of?
From my personal projects, I’m most proud of the Cancer Survivor film. It’s such an important story to be explored and told. While not everyone has experienced cancer, the idea of overcoming hurdles that come at you is something that universally everyone understands. Braulio’s unique path to healing was through his creativity and art combined with swimming. Many people have seen that film and it has evoked strong emotions within people that I usually give a bit of a warning when showing it. It taps into something deep within people and I’m proud that I got to tell that story.
Commercially, I’m really proud of the Wyoming Tourism spot that I recently did. The crew was incredibly nimble and we all worked together really well. I also thought that work was unique because the scope of the project was fairly simple, the landscape really spoke for itself. So it was really just celebrating the beauty of the natural world, something I try to do in all aspects of my life. 
What is your philosophy when directing motion?
I try to approach the project from a different angle. For example, if you’re working with a healthcare client, they may want the spot to answer the question, “how did this product fix your ailment?”. I like to come at it by saying, “OK, so the product fixed your ailment, but what did that then allow you to do in life that you couldn’t before? How did it feel when you gained back your freedom? etc” I try to show how using a product will affect the viewer’s life, not only the original purpose of the product. People want to see the impact on their own life so I try to rethink what the viewer will actually want to see.
What sets Jason Lindsey apart from other directors?
My empathy. When I’m working with talent or real people, I am able to get them to open up and be vulnerable. As a director, that’s really important to pull out the deeper story. 
I also have experience as an art director so I understand the brand on a deeper level. I try to encourage creatives to reduce a tv spot down to three words that I can grab onto and use when I’m making the 1,000 microdecisions on set. I’ve found that that really helps create a tone and feel for a spot.
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About the Doll:
Commissions: Open, Details or see link at the bottom of post.
Names: Doll, Ary, A, most terms of endearment or pet names are also fine if we are mutuals with some DM contact
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 26 ==> 27 🥲😞
Zodiac: Taurus, Sun: Taurus, Moon: Libra, Rising: Taurus
16 Personalities: INFJ-T: “Advocates gravitate toward work as counselors, therapists, psychologists, social workers, teachers, yoga instructors, and spiritual leaders. They may enjoy service industry positions that allow them to interact directly and build genuine relationships with their customers. Careers in health care can also be rewarding options, including occupations such as nursing, physical or occupational therapy, medicine, nutrition, or more holistic paths such as acupuncture.”
Education: Eventually going back to school for Paralegal studies and Massage Therapy, early Human Services training completed, Early Childhood and Psychology independently studied, Registered Behavior Tech certified (I help individuals with Autism acquire and improve life skills)
Personality: Mom/Dad friend (have adopted younger friends, will do again), neurodivergent, omnisexual, gender fluid, polyamorous (exercised only when partner is consenting), Borderline Personality (pardon my mental illness)
Hobbies: Writing (original and fanfiction), Visual Art (original, fan pieces, portrait, character, still life, traditional, digital), Reading, Knitting (not very well), Fairy/Wiccan Bottles (very proud, will sell customs)
Belief Systems: Ars Goetian (Lucifer, Astaroth, Mammon, Asmodeus, Beelzebub), Norse (Loki, Thor), Greek (Athena)
Interesting Tidbits:
Top 5 ships: Steddie (Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson), Hannigram (Hannibal Lector x Will Graham), Denji x Power (Chainsaw Man)- I will argue endlessly don’t try to tell me I’m wrong, Geto Suguro x Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen), Rin x Bon
Other Ships: Stilly (Steve Harrington x Billy Hargrove- under Alternate Universe Billy redemption head canons only- we do not stan racism or anything of the like in this family)
Last Song Listened to: Frog by Cavetown
Last Movie Watched: actual = The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, YouTube= Sam and Colby’s The Conjuring House (paranormal investigations)
Currently Watching: Stranger Things (re-watch all seasons), The Boys (re-watch all seasons)
Currently Reading: Chainsaw Man (manga), Fanfiction mostly (last read: Can’t Fight This Feeling by thatbitttchbeanie on A03), In Search Of and Other Stories by Will Ludwigsen (I have a signed copy from a writer’s workshop at a university that is in the lap of a haunted porcelain doll I bought from a secondhand/thrift shop)
Collections: Tangled/Rapunzel dolls (i.e.: Disney Masquerade edition, Disney 10 year anniversary, porcelain variations), Porcelain dolls, dead moths (ethically collected post mortem), dried flowers, four eyes tees/shirts from Spencers, Wizard of Barge shirts and blankets, stones (ex: aventurine, Opal, and more)
Tattoos: moon and stars below corner of my right eye, a giant chest piece of a tree of life with a Celtic knot shamrock as the trunk and Aurora borealis behind it, left hip has Sans the skeleton with an echo flower crown and two Gaster blasters one on each side of him, right hip has Rin Okumora with Kuro, neck right side has a little water color fox
Piercings: nose on the right side (current), belly button (former, rejection from agitation- hit it with too many boxes while working order fulfillment), snake bites (former, took out for a surgery but holes closed before I could get the jewelry back in)
Other Appearance Facts: fun size/short, somewhat visually impaired (glasses/contacts at high strength)
Stories I’ve Written: Master Post
I love to interact! Send Asks and Requests!
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starlightsigner · 1 month
I have things to say. Thoughts and closing remarks on the Knuckles show (light spoilers)
not in a fun wat but like in an actual way. It's so disheartening because this was such a good premise and the show had a great message it wanted to deliver. It had everything it needed to be a fun, feel good, nod to the fans of all ages show. All i9t was missing was a good writing staff. Ya'll the writing in this thing is ROUGH. The two main points of the show are that the power to be great is inside you and it's ok to allow yourself to be happy and have a home to return to. but they decided to go 80/20 splitsies on how much weight each plot point/message had. wade get's his whole character arc, he becomes the champion he was always able to be. knuckles (the TITULAR CHARACTER) doesn't. yes, he realizes that earth is his home and he learns to relax more, but it absolutely takes a back seat past episode 2. the show immediately starts with knuckles getting grounded and having to stay in his room, where he stays for 10 minutes until pachacamac tells him it's his duty to turn the local deputy sheriff into a warrior. there is no closure to this plot point. the show ends with them driving back to green hills. they could have written a fantastic scene where knuckles comes home to an absolutely livid maddie, who throws all that anger aside because her son is ok and he's home, and he admits that it's a home he's glad to come back to.
The villains are lackluster at best and useless to the plot at worst. only 2 out of 3 have a motive, the other one is just there. the two were both betrayed by GUN in different ways that were extremely interesting, but this was only touched on in a short exposition scene.
I could keep going until i started nitpicking, so instead I want to talk about the number one sin this movie committed, referencing sonic 06. I have no doubt that they thought taking elements form 06 would be seen as a 'fun little thing' to throw in for the older fans, but it's not, its borderline insulting. hardcore fans of any media franchise know the lore, even if a fan isn't neck deep in the series history it doesn't take a scholar to know about major events in a series. by taking iblis and the flames of disaster and slapping them onto knuckles' origin story is like ripping the band aid off 06 and slapping it onto knuckles, it doesn't work was needed and it makes both things worse. 06 can not be cannon in this universe, it just cant (unless you use a lot of au and cannon bending), so why take the inciting incident of a well known game in the series and use it as past events for your short special? there was absolutely no reason to expand on knuckle's backstory, the echidna tribe fought with the owl tribe and they lost, leaving knuckles as the sole survivor of his race. there was absolutely no need to tack on 'oh and then he decided to go find the flames of disaster and take it (no explanation or elaboration is given for this)'. not only does it muddy the waters lore wise and have insane implications for how 'powers' work in this universe, but it also feels like a slap in the face for people who like the story for 06. silver and blaze have always been some of my favorite characters of all time, and to just take their battle and sacrifices and give them to a character who didn't need a new backstory is just ludicrous. they don't even expand on it. they just say knuckles searched for and found a demon of fire and ash (who they don't name but is 100% iblis) and took the flames of destruction from it. this has nothing to do with the death of his entire race or seeing his dad die in front of him, there's no prophecy that says obtaining this power will help him find/guard the master emerald, it is literally just there.
I'm gona make a hard pivot here, there were things i actually liked about the show. not even 'this was a good concept but they failed to execute it' bc there ALOT of that, but there were a few things i legitimately liked.
as much as i hate the flames of disaster thing, i unironically loved the rock opera. it's stupid and watching it is a trip and a half, but also it was the past of the show where I could tell every one of those actors and dancers had so much fun. it reminded me so much of a sonic shitpost made with love and some of the props and costumes were legitimately impressive. the giant iblis puppet was so interesting to watch and even tho it was 'low budget' you can tell that the prop department put their entire hearts into the puppets and props for this.
Another thing I absolutely adored was knuckles' friendship with wade's mom. this small lost orphan and this single mother who just wants to have dinner with her kids who don't visit. how she tells him about their religious and family traditions and how he both respects them and is clearly interested in learning about them. the fact that after both of her children leave the dinner early, he stays with her and they both openly learn form and enjoy each other's company.
I also adore the girl scout and how she goes from wade's bully to his teammate in the final event, I wish they had put more focus on her and wade's relationship and her coming to respect him as he became confident in himself.
and of course the wachowski family and all of their interactions were perfect, from sonic trying to be a good brother to knuckles by helping him get used to earth to maddie being oh so tolerant of her three alien sons (to an extent). also the fac that she openly tells the construction crew that her son just so creative and imaginative with home defense, he just like to be a little warrior please don't sue us i'm so sorry he hog tied you to your truck.
also knuckles trying to teach ozzie (the family golden retriever) how to reclaim his wolf heritage in defense of the home was priceless and until tails called him away he was 100% paying attention and trying to be a good student boy.
3 out of 10 - don't watch this unless you are a diehard. it will still disappoint you, but the moments you can see what it could have been shine when given the opportunity
also the sister is the worst character even more so than the villain who betrays GUN bc he wants to fight aliens and make money, something he was already doing as a super secret government agent. I will admit the thumbs up after the rescue got a genuine laugh out of me
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