#but also. overseas college is. expensive...
mayonakano-archive · 2 years
i love researching uni << is lying
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neonsbian · 7 months
kinda wanna rewatch mlc now that ik who papang is so i can watch him make out w earth again
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neptunianmuse · 8 months
Spouse in D1 Chart✨
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Look at your d1 Vedic chart. Check where your 7th house ruler is. Here is a list of the signs and their rulers if you’re not sure !! Aries/Scorpio: Mars Taurus/Libra: Venus Gemini/Virgo: Mercury Cancer: Moon Leo: Sun Sagittarius/Pisces: Jupiter Capricorn/Aquarius: Saturn  I'm gonna try to describe each placement to the best of my ability. This is just from what I've learned over time and some placements I just pieced together to figure out its meaning.
In The Houses
Seventh House ruler in the First House: Your spouse may be very attractive and confident, with prominent facial features, like a defined jawline or nose. They have a very assertive and demanding vibe. Athletic. You might meet them at a fashion show, the gym, or on a walk. They might be popular among their group.
Seventh House ruler in the Second House: Your spouse might have a very classic style, wear earthy tones, or have expensive taste. They can also be financially stable. Realistic. Committed. You might meet them at work if you work in a business-related field, at family gatherings like your cousin or family member might pyo with them (this is an observation I'm not 100% sure), or a bank.
Seventh House ruler in the Third House: Your spouse might have a youthful appearance/ look younger than their age. Or they can be actually younger than you or they act immature. Jovial. Smart. Communicative. You might meet them at school, on a road trip, or when you go on a short trip somewhere (not overseas), online. The third house rules over siblings so you might get to know them through siblings or they can be your sibling's friend.
Seventh House ruler Fourth House: Your spouse will have a very nurturing and comforting appearance. Your spouse will be a softy and approachable. They could be the person people go to for everything. They have a very warm personality. You could meet them anywhere home-related, Or a place you go to that brings you comfort. It can be an arranged marriage if that's something popular in your culture.
Seventh House ruler in the Fifth House: Your spouse could be very fashionable or enjoy fashion/art-related stuff. Very creative. Very playful vibe about them. Might enjoy same hobbies. Attractive. They could be egotistical too but not always. You could meet them at a concert, theatre, art exhibit, party, at a club. It could also be Clubs you join, literally anywhere where you pursue your hobbies.
Seventh House ruler in the Sixth House: Your spouse can be somewhere who cares about their health and physique a lot. Very organized person. Someone who has an established daily routine. Very Good hygiene. You might meet them where you work, at fitness centers, or anywhere health-related. Like a hospital perhaps. Could meet them while you're doing your daily routine, like if you go to the store every day you might meet them there.
Seventh House ruler in the Seventh House: Your spouse can have a proportionate body or a symmetrical face. Attractive spouse. Hates unfairness. Well dressed. Sophisticated vibe. Graceful. Timeless Style. Very charming. Nice Smile. Straight teeth. You can meet them in a place that's aesthetically pleasing. Weddings. Social gatherings. Elegant place. Art Gallery. Through a mutual friend.
Seventh House ruler in the Eighth House: Your spouse will have a very Intense and magnetic appearance. They might attract obsessed people, but they also might be obsessive themselves. Alluring. Captivating eyes. Mysterious. They can be attracted to the occult. You can meet them in places related to money or investments. Anywhere spiritual related. A funeral maybe? that's like the worst place to meet someone. Or at a cemetery.
Seventh House ruler in the Ninth House: Your spouse will be very philosophical. They can have big facial features, like a big nose or forehead. They might have more than one cultural background. Also can mean they're foreign. Adventurous. Can speak more than one language. You might meet them at college/university or while traveling. They are open-minded and love to learn about other cultures. They can have the same spiritual/religious beliefs as you.
Seventh House ruler in the Tenth House: Your spouse will be very career-oriented. They look very professional. Very Ambitious. Responsible. You might meet them at career-related things, maybe like a career fair, In public, or networking events. They can work as a manager or in a leadership position. They care about their public image. Could be Famous.
Seventh House ruler in the Eleventh House: Your spouse can be a very friendly person. They might have a lot of friends. A social butterfly. They are approachable people. Always smiling, they also have a warm smile. You can meet them at places where you're doing group activities, online, or community service, you can also meet them through friends. They might also be part of your friend group. Friends to lovers trope.
Seventh House ruler in the Twelfth House: Your spouse will look very dreamy. Their eyes might look like a Disney character. Very ethereal appearance. They can be spiritual or interested in spirituality. They can look like sirens/have siren qualities, they're very alluring and attract people because of it. You can meet them near bodies of water. You can also meet them when you're doing meditation/yoga. While you're going through your spiritual awakening. They can be foreign and/or different religion than you.
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nite-puff · 1 year
Tonight’s one of those nights where i can’t fall asleep unless I jot something down.
So here’s my long list of Takemichi Yukimaru headcanons! Because he’s nothing if not free real-estate for them.
This will mostly be backstory with some smaller, more light-hearted, headcanons interspersed throughout. Enjoy!
(cw for mentions of abuse. he’s still a danganronpa character) (this is also my longest post. by a long shot. i just have a lot of thoughts on him)
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- my intense desire to make my favorite characters latino in some capacity out of self-projection is very real. so in my mind, michi’s half-japanese, half-latino (whichever region is up to you. he doesn’t really know himself, but i will always be compelled to say mexican because i am biased). (edit: also because “michi” is a term of endearment for cats in some latin american countries. so that makes the nickname itself a little cuter. he’s like a little cat guy compared to the owadas, who are strongly associated with tigers.)
- his father was born and raised in japan and his mother moved from overseas to japan out of desire to travel during a gap-year from college. the two met during her stay and had a very explosive and passionate start to their relationship. like a long honeymoon phase. his mother actually decided to stay longer than her intended visit after she found out she was pregnant with michi, and the two were soon married. the rose-tinted glasses were still in full effect at this point in their relationship.
- michi’s hair color is naturally dark brown, like his mom. he actually inherited a lot of his mom’s physical features, including her short stature. what he got from his dad were a couple a facial features, but most notably his yellow eye color.
- also transmasc michi is so real. he doesn’t realize it until a little later in his life. a little while after meeting mondo.
- while things started out fine after michi was born, things were bound to turn sour. the honeymoon phase ended. the added expenses of a new baby along with the already poor state the family was living in raised a lot of tension in the household, and his father quickly became abusive toward his mother. michi didn’t remember much, either because he was very young when it all happened or because his brain did a good job at repressing some of the memories, but what he does remember is particularly bad.
- The only good memories he has of his childhood are with his mother. like her reading him stories or teaching him some simple words in spanish. and her favorite songs, which she would play to him a lot. the reason why he doesn’t have many memories of her is because she left when he was five. neither him or his father know her whereabouts, but michi likes to believe she’s back overseas with her family. she left behind her old cassette collection, something that was largely untouched until michi got a little older.
- michi actually really liked school. he’s described as being a smart kid, so i like to think that he did well in his classes. while he still did well as grew older, his studies took a major backseat after he met the owadas.
- he met mondo first. they went to the same grade school together and mondo was a grade higher than michi. i think that their initial meeting went something along the lines of michi witnessing mondo deck a kid who was picking on a girl classmate of his. michi is immediately enamored by this boy who wasn’t afraid to fight against bullies like that. he is less enamored by the fact that mondo immediately scared the poor girl away as well after trying to talk to her. he was an interesting character, and michi really wanted to be his friend. they proceed to do that little kid thing where they hang out for like 15 minutes, like each other’s vibe, and then say something like “we’re best friends now.” and the rest is history.
- to harken back to trans michi. mondo is taken aback by this supposed girl who wasn’t scared of him and wanted to actually be friends with him. his small naive kid-brain at first thought this could be his shot at a relationship, but 15 minutes into knowing michi and mondo abandoned the idea because michi was perfect best friend material. and because he kinda got scared at how much this kid wanted mondo to teach him how to sucker punch someone.
- mondo and michi’s friendship took off like it was nobody’s business. They were hanging out anytime they could see each other on campus and quickly got to learning about each other. mondo talked a lot about daiya and how cool he was. he mentioned how his older recently got into motorcycles and even got one from one of his friends, and how michi should come over to his house one day to check it out. michi shared a lot of his favorite music with mondo, which mainly consisted of that old cassette collection mentioned previously.
- michi doesn’t actually meet daiya until a year or two into him and mondo knowing each other. he randomly picks mondo up from school on his motorcycle. the gang had already started then, so he had his hair and makeup done and was wearing his gang jacket. michi would probably still say that it was the coolest thing he’s ever seen. mondo asks if michi wants to go with them, and it’s the first time michi doesn’t immediately go home after school. he’s in his last year of grade school at this point.
- another year goes by and michi grows closer with the brothers, basically becoming the honorary third owada brother. he gets to learn a lot about the gang, motorcycles, fighting, etc. he even starts learning how to ride his own motorcycle after daiya mentions that he may or may not be fixing one up for him. he still hasn’t joined the gang at this point because daiya won’t let him. he’s too young and has to be at least the age that mondo was when he joined. which meant michi had to wait until his next birthday.
- while all of this is happening, tensions are brewing back at his home again. michi was a able to avoid his father’s abusive tendencies for the most part because he’s at work when michi is home from school/hanging out with the owadas. but he later had a change in work schedule and soon found out about what michi had been out doing using context clues. the diamonds have also gotten some traction, so the larger population of their hometown are starting to know about the new gang, including michi’s dad. michi elects to ignore this and just doesn’t acknowledge his father when he sees him, but things all come to a head one day and the two of them fight. not physically, verbally. it’s very ugly and it ends more or less with his father telling michi that he can go join the gang if he wants, but he’ll never be allowed to live in his house again if he does. michi storms out and goes to his room, and it’s the last interaction the two of them have. michi is gone with his belongings the next morning.
- he is welcomed into the owada’s home with open arms, joking about how he practically lived there already. though he does sleep on the couch because the small apartment the brothers rent out only has two bedrooms. he doesn’t mind this.
- michi officially joins the gang on the day of his birthday because he is so excited to do so and can’t wait another day. he is also given the motorcycle daiya mentioned as a present.
- he gets the makeover! complete with bleaching his hair, doing the makeup, getting a couple piercings! and getting his new gang jacket courtesy of mondo.
- michi was picked on by some of the gang at first, mostly because of his height and softer features. not much happened outside of that because it was established upfront that michi was close to the brothers, but most importantly, close to daiya. he also shut the naysayers right up after his first gang fight with them. he displays some unnaturally good skills at fighting other guys twice his size.
- michi grows to be a great fighter, even surpassing the owada’s in that regard. he’s the leader of the elite guard and Mondo’s bodyguard for a reason. mondo taught him the basics when they were younger, daiya taught him some of the more higher-level stuff as he grew older, and michi perfected his technique with the sheer amount of practice he did. it was a lot. all so that people wouldn’t pick on him or abuse him anymore.
now for some random, not that important headcanons as a break from all the story:
- michi is allergic to dogs. that made living with chuck very awkward when the little guy was still around. he’s perfectly fine around cats though
- his fan club is very quick to form. it started out on school grounds with some girls who found him cute following him around. news gets out that he joined the crazy diamonds and he gets more attention the higher he climbs up in the ranks. daiya jokes that michi is the most popular crazy diamond member, second only to himself. he teases mondo with the notion as well. michi avoids all interactions with his fan club and is greatly embarrassed by it. to the point that he gives them dirty looks if he sees members following him.
- i cannot for the life of me decide if i want michi to be homoromantic asexual or aroace. so i just combined the two. he’s asexual and arospec and if he were to pursue a romantic relationship, it would be with a guy. he’s thought about this more than he’d like to admit.
- mondo being genuinely curious as to why michi hates his fan club so much leads to michi clumsily coming out to both of the brothers and admitting that he doesn’t really like girls like that (also that he just finds the fan club annoying). they ask how he feels about guys, and he genuinely can’t give them an answer because he doesn’t know how he feels about guys. daiya tells him not to lose so much sleep trying to figure it out. he’ll know when he knows.
- michi sometimes likes to collect more cassette tapes for his collection. he can’t waste too much money on them but he’ll sometimes buy a couple if he thinks it’s music his mom would’ve liked.
- michi never forgot those small bits of spanish his mom taught him. his pronunciation is shoddy and he’s not by any means fluent, but he knows what they mean.
- when daiya and mondo are talking about the switch in leadership, michi is the first to come to mind for mondo’s right-hand man. it’s a no-brainer there.
- he’s been to juvie the same amount of times mondo has. the two are just always together when they’re caught.
- he continues to be more intelligent than what he lets on. this mostly shows through his more level-headed personality because he doesn’t fall for the things that are clearly meant to get a rise out of him. mondo does though, so it’s good that he can be the reasonable one to drag him out of a situation like that.
back to the story:
- on the night of the race, michi can’t stop himself from following after the brothers some time after their race started. he’s always had a strong need to protect people, and he’s scared of what mondo could do while that angry and recklessly driving his motorcycle. he doesn’t see the accident happen, but he’s the first to show up to the scene after it occurs. he’s the first person mondo tells his lie to.
- the weeks after daiya’s death are rough. michi isn’t as bad as mondo was, but he’s still grieving. he doesn’t expect mondo to be back on schedule as quick as he is and even encourages him to take a longer break. he’s ignored.
- michi is uncomfortable having to be back to the gang so soon, but he has to because he now basically has the highest non-leader power. at this point, he is immensely respected by the rest of the gang, and new members who try to make fun of him are shut up by the older members.
- mondo at first doesn’t plan on going to hope’s peak when he is given the invite and even starts writing the letter telling them such. michi convinces him to go, telling him it would be stupid to give up an opportunity like that. that serves as excellent angst material after michi learns about the killing game and mondo’s death.
- michi is left in charge of the gang when mondo is gone and can be considered the third leader of the crazy diamonds, even if it’s not official.
- kinda random, but michi is jealous of mondo and taka’s friendship at first. like, who’s this other guy claiming to be mondo’s best bro??? this hall monitor, straight-laced, son of a cop no less. that period of time doesn’t last very long because michi is quick to figure out mondo’s more than friendly feelings toward taka. before either of them do. jealousy becomes pity with a side of secondhand embarrassment from watching mondo deny his feelings for taka then witnessing his terrible attempts at “flirting” when he does realize said feelings.
- then he’s kidnapped, demon game, library, gontakerus, yada yada yada. we know this.
- there’s something so cool about thinking of michi as “the last crazy diamond.” idk maybe the title is just cool. but he still holds hope that some of the other members are alive and out there somewhere. he makes it his mission to find them and restore the gang. he kind of blames himself for not being there to protect them when the tragedy does happen. he doesn’t think about how he really had no choice in the matter.
- also michi, takaaki, and hiroko found family dynamic is so real. let that boy have a loving mother and father figure in his life. he needs it.
- he never really gives up his goal to find some crazy diamond members, though it becomes less about restoring the gang and more about wanting to see his old friends again. but that mission is put in the backseat after he’s found by the future foundation.
um that’s mostly it, but here’s a non-despair universe thing:
- the tragedy never happens, and mondo hands the gang down to michi after he graduates from hope’s peak. michi is an awesome leader and hands the gang down to his successor because he wants to try his hand out at getting a higher education. what he wants to be, he has no idea (because i have no idea).
- also michi is mondo’s best man at the ishimondo wedding. because why wouldn’t he be?
i love michi, i wish he was real.
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jamneuromain · 4 days
Happy June!
I have just got my tesol certificate and soooo ready to apply for jobs and whatnot! --I'm going to plan the TKT and CELTA for my second half year when I'm available.. especially CELTA.
And I have recently joined a Stop Procrastination Training program for the sake of my personal wellbeing. It's a lil expensive but I really need to do something to deal with my procrastination -- and on the other hand, it's slightly relaxing to know that there's some one (like, half of the program attenders and almost all of my tumblr moots) out there in the world procrastinating more than I do lol
On a more serious note, the job application I ranted about a couple of weeks earlier finally got a reply (of some sorts). I got a call earlier this week with a frantically apologizing hr -which, tbh, it wasn't his fault- but the uni has decided that this hr would be the fall guy, so...
It was not the best outcome we anticipated, but it's just ... this, for now.
And I've got an interview slot later this week for a rather large company. They don't pay well but they have this position overseas.
To be honest, I am still debating on whether I should apply for a PhD. I'm not good at doing research, but I'm not bad at writing papers or conducting classes, the latter one I really enjoy. But to attain a position as a college english lecturer, PhD seems like a must in most places. Also that the particular field I study, Intercultural Communication, is a rather new and less-supervised and ... uh Language and Liberal Arts field that doesn't come with a lot of professors and universities to choose from, not to mention that HEAVILY TUITIONED places like UK/US is a big hard no for me. So for now, I'm going to apply to those lecturer positions which demand less (like in Japan, that sometimes doesn't need a phd to apply for this position, AND ALSO IT LACKS YOUNG PPL WHO ARE OF AGE TO WORK, LIKE, A LOT? I think the chances are high) and we'll see how this goes. If it runs smoothly, than yay. If not, I probably have to endure another four (or five) years of academic life.
Stay hydrated and stay positive, I guess!
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infosconnect · 19 days
How to Choose the Best Universities to Study Abroad: A Guide by Overseas Education Consultancy
Studying abroad is an exciting and life-changing experience that offers countless opportunities for personal, academic, and professional growth. One of the most crucial decisions you'll make during this journey is selecting the right university. With thousands of institutions worldwide, each offering unique programs, facilities, and cultural experiences, the choice can seem daunting. However, with careful research and consideration, you can find the perfect fit for your educational aspirations. As one of the best study abroad consultants, we’ll tell you how to choose the best universities to study abroad:
1. Define Your Goals: Before delving into university options, take some time to define your academic and personal goals. What field of study are you interested in? Do you have specific career aspirations? Are you seeking cultural immersion or language proficiency? Understanding your objectives will help narrow down your choices and focus your search.
2. Research Academic Programs: Look for universities renowned for excellence in your chosen field of study. Consider factors such as faculty expertise, research opportunities, internship programs, and curriculum flexibility. Review course offerings, class sizes, and teaching methods of the best universities to study abroad.
3. Evaluate Reputation and Rankings: Although rankings shouldn't be the only factor in your selection, they can offer important information about the academic status and international reputation of an institution. Refer to credible rankings such as Academic Ranking of World Universities, Times Higher Education, or QS World University Rankings to assess universities according to factors like research output, employer reputation, faculty-to-student ratio, and academic reputation.
4. Assess Location and Culture: Take into account the university's location as well as the surrounding culture. Consider elements like the weather, cost of living, safety, and accessibility to cultural attractions. Evaluate the university's dedication to diversity, inclusiveness, and services for international students as well.
5. Examine Financial Considerations: Since studying abroad can require a substantial financial outlay, it's critical to take living expenses, tuition, and scholarships into account. Examine the grants, financial assistance packages, and scholarship options that colleges and outside organizations are offering. 
6. Examine Campus Resources and Facilities: Take an online or physical tour of the university campus to evaluate its resources and facilities, including labs, libraries, sports facilities, dorms, extracurricular activities, etc. 
7. Seek Student Testimonials and Feedback: To learn more about the experiences of those who have been there directly, get in touch with current or former students at the universities you are considering. For honest comments and endorsements, student blogs, social media groups, and online forums are also great sources.
By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you can make an informed decision when choosing the best universities to study abroad. You can also seek the help of best overseas education consultants in Kerala to help you pick out the best universities that cater to your academic interests and aspirations.
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Benefits of Paid Education in PORTUGAL
Unilife abroad career solutions
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The climate is of one of the best in Europe
Perched on the western edge of Europe, Lisbon is the continent’s sunniest capital city and has an average temperature of around 20°C (that’s 68°F). The city boasts an average of more than 200 days of sunshine per year, so you’ll notice immediately how nice the weather is.
Generally speaking, Portugal is hot in the summer and has moderate temperatures in the winter. So if you're looking for some winter sunshine, Portugal is a fantastic option!
Portugal features reputable universities with beautiful campuses
With gorgeous and historic campuses, several universities in Portugal are strategically located close to the city's center yet still feature plenty of open and green areas. All over the country, you will find universities with a reputation around the world. The QS World University Rankings 2021 placed seven Portuguese universities in the list of top universities in the world.
As a Bologna Process participant, Portugal upholds the level of higher education in Europe. All higher education degrees, including bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, are available in Portugal. Your career will certainly advance thanks to a degree from a university in Portugal or a study abroad semester at one of the many programs there.
 Security is a priority
As it should be. The Portuguese take security very seriously. In fact, according to a global peace index, Portugal is the sixth most peaceful nation in the world.
Despite the low crime statistics, pickpocketing, bag snatching, auto break-ins, and thefts from vacation homes and cars are frequent in popular tourist destinations and may include violence. As in any country, it's better to remain on guard, keep an eye on your possessions, and watch out for thieves who may be utilizing deception to their advantage. However, generally speaking, Portugal and its inhabitants firmly believe in mutual respect for one another.
The quality and price of education can’t be beat
You’ll want this country on your list if you’re searching for cheap places to study abroad. You’ll find world-class, affordable education in Portugal, which is also noteworthy in terms of global rankings. For example, the University of Lisbon offers a variety of programs and locations for every students’ needs.
The cost of tuition and fees is relatively affordable, particularly for degrees that are taught in English. Many colleges also encourage room sharing, so you can further reduce the cost of your study abroad program in Portugal.
You can study in English
Although learning Portuguese is a great reason to study abroad in Portugal, learning any language is that much more challenging when all classes are taught in the target language. If you’re asking yourself, “Can I study in English in Portugal?” before you hit send on your study abroad application, we have good news for you.
Programs in Portugal are increasingly being taught in English, especially at the master's level, thus Portuguese is not required. Fortunately, the majority of universities offer options for students to study in English in Portugal
Exchange students can study and work
Part-time employment is permitted for international students while they are studying in Portugal. During their semester, they are permitted to work up to 40 hours. Additionally, they may have the chance to work longer hours throughout the summer and during breaks.
You must obtain permission from migration in order to work while you are a student in Portugal. This can offer a huge benefit if you’re looking for ways to help pay for part of your living expenses while you're studying in Portugal.
Portugal offers a comfortable cost of living
One of the main benefits of studying in Portugal is that it is comparatively less expensive than the rest of Western Europe. Portugal is an ideal location for you if you have a limited budget yet wish to receive a top-notch education overseas. With less than $1,000, you may survive relatively well in smaller student cities.
Unilife abroad career solutions
Conatact us : 8428440444 , 8608777070 , 8428999090
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
Canada has long been a draw for people from India's Punjab province seeking new opportunities elsewhere. But has the Canadian dream soured?
It's hard to miss the ardour of Punjab's migrant ambitions when driving through its fertile rural plains.
Billboards promising easy immigration to Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK jut out through ample mustard fields.
Off the highways, consultancies offer English language coaching to eager youth.
Single-storey brick homes double up as canvasses for hand-painted mural advertisements promising quick visas. And in the town of Bathinda, hundreds of agents jostle for space on a single narrow street, pledging to speed up the youth's runaway dreams.
For over a century, this province in India's northwest has seen waves of overseas migration; from the Sikh soldiers inducted into the British Indian Army travelling to Canada, through to rural Punjabis settling in England post-independence.
But some, especially from Canada, are now choosing to come back home.
One of those is 28-year-old Balkar, who returned in early 2023 after just one year in Toronto. Citizenship was his ultimate goal when he left his little hamlet of Pitho in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. His family mortgaged their land to fund his education.
But his Canadian dream quickly lost its allure a few months into his life there.
"Everything was so expensive. I had to work 50 hours every week after college, just to survive," he told the BBC. "High inflation is making many students leave their studies."
Balkar now runs an embroidery business from a small room on one side of the expansive central courtyard in his typical Punjabi home. He also helps on his family's farm to supplement his income.
Opportunities for employment are few and far between in these rural areas, but technology has allowed entrepreneurs like him to conquer the tyranny of distance. Balkar gets the bulk of his business through Instagram.
"I have a good life here. Why should I face hardships there when I can live at home and make good money?" he asks.
The BBC spoke to at least half a dozen reverse migrants in Punjab who shared similar sentiments.
It was also a common refrain in the scores of videos on YouTube shared by Indians who had chosen to abandon their life in Canada and return home. There was a stark difference one young returnee told the BBC between the "rosy picture" immigration agents painted and the rough reality of immigrant life in Toronto and Vancouver.
The "Canada craze" has let up a bit - and especially so among well-off migrants who have a fallback option at home, says Raj Karan Brar, an immigration agent in Bathinda who helps hundreds of Punjabis get permanent residencies and student visas every year.
The desire for a Canadian citizenship remains as strong as ever though among middle- and lower middle-class clients in rural communities.
But viral YouTube videos of students talking about the difficulty in finding jobs and protests over a lack of housing and work opportunities has created an air of nervousness among these students, say immigration agents.
There was a 40% decline in applications from India for Canadian study permits in the second half of 2023, according to one estimate. This was, in part, also due to the ongoing diplomatic tensions between India and Canada over allegations Indian agents were involved in the murder of Canadian Sikh separatist leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar.
There are also hints of deeper cultural factors at play, for a waning Canadian dream among an older generation of Indian migrants.
Karan Aulakh, who spent nearly 15 years in Edmonton and achieved career and financial success, left his managerial job for a comfortable rural life in Khane ki Daab, the village where he was born in 1985. He told the BBC he was upset by LGBT-inclusive education policies in Canada and its 2018 decision to legalise recreational cannabis. Incompatibility with the Western way of life, a struggling healthcare system, and better economic prospects in India were, he said, key reasons why many older Canadian Indians are preparing to leave the country.
"I started an online consultancy - Back to the Motherland - a month and a half ago, to help those who want to reverse migrate. I get at least two to three calls every day, mostly from people in Canada who want to know what job opportunities there are in Punjab and how they can come back," said Mr Aulakh.
For a country that places such a high value on immigration, these trends are "concerning" and are "being received with a bit of a sting politically", says Daniel Bernhard of the Institute of Canadian Citizenship, an immigration advocacy group.
A liberalised immigration regime has been Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's signature policy to counter slowing economic growth and a rapidly aging population.
According to Canada's statistics agency, immigration accounted for 90% of Canada's labour force growth and 75% of population growth in 2021.
International students contribute to over C$20bn ($14.7bn; £11.7bn) to Canada's economy each year, a bulk of them Indians who now make up one in five recent immigrants to the country.
India was also Canada's leading source for immigration in 2022.
The numbers of those leaving are still small in absolute terms with immigration levels at all-time highs in Canada - the country welcomed nearly half a million new migrants each year over the past few years.
But the rate of reverse migration hit a two decade high in 2019, signalling that migrants were "losing confidence" in the country said Mr Bernhard.
Country specific statistics for such emigrants, or reverse migrants, are not available.
But official data obtained by Reuters shows between 80,000 and 90,000 immigrants left Canada in 2021 and 2022 and either went back to their countries, or onward elsewhere.
Some 42,000 people departed in the first half of 2023.
Fewer permanent residents are also going on to become Canadian citizens, according to census data cited by the Institute for Canadian Citizenship. In 2001, 75% of those eligible became citizens. Two decades later, it was 45%.
Canada needs to "restore the value of its citizenship," said Mr Bernhard.
It comes as Canada debates its aggressive immigration targets given country's struggle to absorb more people.
A recent report from National Bank of Canada economists cautioned that the population growth was putting pressure on its already tight housing supply and strained healthcare system.
Canada has seen a population surge - an increase of 1.2 million people in 2023 - driven mostly by newcomers.
The report argued that growth needed to be slowed to an annual increase of up to 500,000 people in order to preserve or increase the standard of living.
There appears to have been a tacit acceptance of this evaluation by policymakers.
Mr Trudeau's Liberal government recently introduced a cap on international student permits that would result in a temporary decrease of 35% in approved study visas.
It's a significant policy shift that some believe may end up further reducing Canada's appeal amid a wave of reverse migrations.
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rinne4112 · 6 months
A yumeart of *twitter*@/banriwife 's ToriBan ship, together with her set of OCs!!
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A.N.: First time drawing an Argonavis character and I hope I did him justice- also Kotori's design is super cute, I had tons of joy drawing her n Banri together.
Commission info:
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educationloans-101 · 11 months
Education Loan for Abroad Studies: Explore Student Loans
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest! And if the knowledge is attained at a top-tier and premium university then it is sure to elevate your career to the next level. However, the unfortunate reality is that the cost of studying in a reputed college is usually quite steep. And studying in a good college overseas is an even more expensive proposition.
Education loans for abroad studies help students, irrespective of their financial status, realize their dream of studying in one of the best universities in the world.
Numerous banks and other lenders now provide foreign education loans for students who want to study abroad. These lenders have different education loan schemes on offer, but choosing the one that is right for you is not an easy task. And that is where GyanDhan helps.
We match you with that lender, which is the best education loan for abroad studies that suits your profile and needs perfectly, and then help secure the loan approval in the most seamless and hassle-free manner.
What is the Maximum Loan Limit For Education Loans to Study Abroad?
In secured education loans, students can apply for student loans of up to INR 1.5 cr. In foreign education loans without collateral, students can apply for study loans of up to INR 45 Lakhs. This loan amount limit can increase or decrease depending on the applicant’s and co-applicant’s profile, country, course, etc.
How to Apply for Abroad Education Loans?
The steps to apply for a loan for financing the studies abroad are:
Step-1: Check your loan eligibility online.
Step-2: Get expert loan counseling to compare the options available.
Step-3: Select a lender and apply online.
Step-4: Get the customized education loan document checklist.
Step-5: Submit the required education loan documents either online or get documents picked up from your home by our representative.
Step-6: Get the property & other legal evaluations done (in secured loans).
Step-7: Get the loan sanction letter after the education loan approval from the lender.
How to Choose the Best Overseas Education Loan?
Taking an education loan to supplant the cost of education overseas is the right choice. Depending on the amount and your profile, financial institutions can finance even 100% of the cost of the course.
However, to get the best education loan option, one needs to carefully analyze the following key aspects of the various options available. When you apply to GyanDhan, we do this analysis for you. In case you do the loan comparison yourself, consider these factors:
Interest Rate: Even a 1% increase in the education loan interest rate has a substantial financial effect. Example - Loan Amount: Rs. 30,00,000, Loan Repayment in: 5 years after you graduate, Course Duration: 2 years; While at 10%, you’ll pay Rs. 9.7 lakhs in interest, at 11%, you’ll pay Rs. 10.9 lakhs - that’s a difference of 1.2 lakhs for just 1%!. Also, historical changes done by any lender in its interest rates should also be considered.
Repayment Holiday/Moratorium Period: It is a specified period during the loan tenure in which the borrower is exempt from making repayments. Loans with a moratorium period have a big plus, as you don’t have to worry about making repayments while you study overseas.
Tax Rebate: Education loans for foreign studies taken from Indian banks are special in that the entire amount paid as interest is exempt from income tax. This has a huge impact: Example - Loan Amount: Rs. 30,00,000, Marginal tax bracket: 30%, Repayment in: 5 years after graduation, Course Duration: 2 Years, ROI: 10%... If your loan has tax rebate, you can save Rs. 2.9 lakhs!
Margin Money: The amount that you need to pay from your own pocket while the rest is paid by the bank. If a bank offers a 0% margin, it means they’ll fund all your education expenses in the offered loan amount.
Hidden Fees: There are numerous hidden fees that your lender might be charging you and when accumulated these will cost you a considerable amount, such as:
Forex Margin: Some lenders charge a forex conversion charge when the overseas education loan is sanctioned in INR and disbursed in some other currency. This can be as high as 1.5%, which translates to Rs. 45,000 for a loan amount of Rs. 30 lakhs.
Processing Fees: This varies from zero to as high as 2%. For a loan of Rs. 30,00,000, the processing fees can be as high as Rs. 60,000
Cost of Credit Life Insurance: Some lenders make it mandatory for the applicant to go in for credit life insurance with their education loan scheme so that their loan amount is protected against any unfortunate eventualities. If the premium amount is on the higher side then it eventually increases the cost of the education loan as well.
Mandatory Cross-Sell: Some lenders try to cross-sell other policies before sanctioning the education loan, even though it is not required on the applicant’s end.
Interest Rate in Different Currencies: Often students face a dilemma of choosing over an education loan in USD with a lower interest rate or an equivalent amount in INR with a higher interest rate. By the previous trend of the rising prices of US$ to INR conversion rates, it is a smart choice to go for the loan amount in INR even though it may come with a higher interest rate.
As you can see, by selecting the right overseas education loan, the reduction in cost can be as high as 5-6%.
Which is the Cheapest Education Loan in India to Study Abroad?
Public sector banks offer the State Bank or BoB lowest interest rates on loans for foreign education compared to private banks & NBFCs. If your institution is listed in BOB’s premium list of colleges, Bank of Baroda offers the cheapest education loan for abroad studies. Otherwise, the State Bank of India offers the cheapest education loans. However, the extent of the cheap education loan in India depends on several factors including the applicant’s profile, co-applicant’s financial profile, target country, target course, etc.
Are you eligible for an abroad education loan? Check here.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Do you have tips for picking out a college for an undergraduate? I know a lot of it comes down to personal preference, but what are some red flags for schools?
Welp. My Oh God I Am So Old, Do I Even Remember Looking At Undergrad Colleges, That Was Half My Life Ago list of recommendations/advice would go like this:
Cost and location (obviously). Do you want to go to school close to home, or somewhere far away? Are there issues as to how you would get back and forth between home and campus (i.e. is it out in the country and how the hell would you get there from the nearest airport, assuming you didn't have access to a car?) How much is annual tuition, how much financial aid does the school offer to a typical incoming student, and how much is grant-based (which you don't have to pay back) vs. loan-based (which you do?) How much financial debt/obligation do you want to take on just for one degree? Fancy schools are all well and good (and I myself went to like, the most expensive one in the entire country, so good thing I got a lot of aid?) but they come with equally fancy price tags. Are you planning to/will you need to work in order to make ends meet? Are your parents pitching in to help with costs? Where else can you find income to cover your day-to-day needs?
Strength in your chosen field (again, obviously). Is there a reason you want to go to this college, and not another one? Is there a faculty member you admire or a department/institute that you would like to join? It's okay if you don't know what you want to major in yet, as a lot of kids don't and/or change their minds, but if you can explain what exactly draws you to a certain school, it will help with clearly articulating yourself in admissions essays, interviews, and any other hoops you need to jump through.
Academic expectations/workload. Is it the kind of school where everyone is expected to get A's all the time, or more easy-going? Do you have a preference about what kind of results will be expected from you? Also, worth checking out the expected courseload/assessment style/exam requirements/etc, so you know what your academic commitment will look like once you're there. Are support services or skills centers available for students, if you need a little extra help in adjusting? Do they actually do their job?
Campus culture and student life. Is there some kind of lurking scandal or other issue in the school's past, is it still ongoing, etc etc? A college's Wikipedia page is usually pretty good at listing past controversies, lawsuits, and anything else that might impact on your experience and/or what you should expect if you went there. Likewise, what are you planning for social/extracurricular activities? Do you want to join a frat/sorority, play on a sports team, join an art club, so on and so forth? Most universities will have listings of all their various associations and organizations, so think about what kind of social life you would like to have/join.
Study abroad (optional). If you're thinking about spending a junior or senior year overseas, or on an exchange with a partner institution, is that available at your prospective school?
Health care/political environment/abortion access. If, God forbid, you or a friend found themselves in an emergency situation, how easy would it be to get care? Would you have to leave the state or otherwise go somewhere far away? (I absolutely hate that I have to type these words in the year 2022, but fuck you, SCOTUS!) So if your absolute dream school is located in a state that is about to or already has totally banned access to abortion, would that be an issue for you? Do you want to go to school in a liberal area, and what would the town/surrounding area be like?
And finally, do you just like it? Obviously, there are plenty of sensible considerations/checklists to look at, such as the above. But if you just really like the vibe, the campus, the people, and see yourself at home there, it's all right to listen to that instinct, as long as you can make the other stuff work. It can be as simple as "I really like this school and I want to go here," so yeah.
Good luck!
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Top tips for handling financial anxiety as a university student
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Top tips for handling financial anxiety as a university student
Financial anxiety can be a real challenge for university students, especially for international students studying abroad. To manage your financial worries, here are some top tips from Kenilworth Global Consulting:
Monitor Your Spending – Keeping track of what you’re spending money on is an important way to better manage your finances. Set up a budget and keep track of where your money is going so that you can make smart decisions about how much to save or spend each month. This will help you stay within your means and avoid taking on more debt than necessary.
Cut Unnecessary Expenses – Evaluate where your money is going and look for ways to cut back on unnecessary expenses. Are there any subscriptions or services that you don’t really need? Do you find yourself buying things you don’t really need? Can you find cheaper alternatives for some of your regular purchases? Making small changes to your spending habits can help you save money and reduce financial anxiety.
Reach Out for Help – Don’t be afraid to reach out to family, friends or professionals if you are struggling with financial anxiety. Talking through your worries with someone who understands can help put things into perspective and provide valuable advice. You may also want to look into credit counseling services, which can provide tailored guidance on how to manage debts and increase savings. Our experienced team at Kenilworth Global consulting will provide you with end-to-end solution in education consultancy for overseas study.
Consider Side Hustles – If you’re feeling the pinch financially, consider taking on a side hustle or part-time job while studying at university. This can help to supplement your income and provide a little extra financial security. Plus, it’s a great way to build your skillset and gain experience which will be valuable when you enter the job market after graduation. Kenilworth Global Consulting provides the best Immigration and visa Consultancy services for studentsin India. once you’re on your way to your dream country, don’t forget to enjoy every moment of your incredible experience!
Make Use of Support Services – Many universities offer support services for students dealing with money worries. Check out what’s available at your university such as emergency loans, financial advice sessions or budgeting workshops. Taking advantage of these resources can help you make more informed decisions about money management during your student years.
Stop comparing yourself to others – University is a melting pot of different personalities and financial situations, but it’s important to remember that comparing yourself to others doesn’t help anyone. Trying to keep up with their lifestyle or spending habits can lead down the path of economic stress – focus on making your own finances work for you instead! Your situation isn’t in competition with someone else’s so try not let comparisons get in the way of living within your means at university.
Enjoy life in university – Don’t let finances stand between you and achieving your dreams. College is a chance to learn, grow and experience some of the best years life has to offer – but it can be intimidating if money worries are looming in the background. Reach out for support programs available where needed; stay hopeful that better days ahead will make those hard times worth it! Make this time count by investing effort into getting an education which could reap rewards through future successes when tackling financial challenges head on.
By following these tips and taking control of your finances, you can reduce financial anxiety and ensure that the transition into university life is smoother. With a bit of planning and effort, managing money as a student can be rewarding and stress-free.
How can Kenilworth Global Consulting help?
Our team at Kenilworth Global Consulting finds the perfect study abroad opportunity for you. We’ll help you find and apply to the best programs based on your specific goals and background so that you have the best experience possible.
With Kenilworth Global Consulting, you can maximize your chances of success. We offer personalized guidance and support from start to finish to ensure your study abroad application is the best it can be. to maximize your chances for success. (Our students have a 95% success rate). Kenilworth Global Consulting are the best study abroad in India.
With Kenilworth Global Consulting, you get to work with our team of international education consultants from start to finish. Email us at [email protected] or call us at +22 670 80 829 / 830 to learn more.
Visit Us: https://www.kenilworthglobalconsulting.com/top-tips-for-handling-financial-anxiety-as-a-university-student/
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admissify-blog · 2 years
How To Choose The Best Education Consultant-Know In Details
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Every year a considerable number of students try their luck to study abroad, which is an excellent opportunity to build your career. However, this is not an easy path, and there are many things that you must take care of. We find many studies abroad consultants in Delhi who take care of the specific needs of the individuals. They help to select the right colleges or universities, suitable accommodation, calculate your living expenses, culture, and many more things in detail. 
However, genuine overseas education consultant is always in high demand. Though the market is full of overseas education consultants, fraudulent consultancies and fake agents are there, and you should be aware of that. Seek advice from the best overseas education consultants in Delhi before you plan your overseas studies.
We will discuss here a few vital factors through that you can select your study abroad consultant for your overseas journey.
Area Of Expertise And Experience: You must select your consultant depending on two significant factors. Their area of expertise and years of experience are essential when choosing consultants. On the other hand, the overseas education consultancy consultant team must have extensive knowledge about courses, tuition fees, colleges and universities, and foreign immigration study laws. Moreover, they should have outstanding communication and interpersonal skills. They should have a minimum of six years of experience in foreign education industries. Additionally, the consultancy should have a justifiable record of successful students placed in their dream colleges or universities abroad.
Accreditation: You must check their certification and a license to prove the consultant or the consultancy is authorized. They also have the necessary affiliations that are legal and work with the colleges or universities they refer to. Accreditation proof that the service which the consultant or the consultancy provides is genuine. However, you can rely on accreditations like the British Council, Pearson, TOEFL, ICEF, and ISANA.
Look For The Full-Service Consultants: Select an overseas education consultancy that will provide you with Comprehensive Counseling, Coaching, and Clearing Rudiments, Identify Ideal Course, Country, and College or University, Calculate Your Financial Aid and Helps In Budgeting, Provide Visa Assistance, Provide Pre-Departure and Post-Landing Services, Preparation for admission and tests like GMAT, SAT, TOEFL, IELTS, etc., Guide education loans and scholarships, Pre-departure services such as securing a student visa, rental space, insurance and other essential requirements, Abroad arrival services include the help of the consultant offers to the particular student when they arrive to abroad.
Recognize Your Requirement: Plenty of colleges and universities are there abroad, and they offer a vast number of courses. It is a laborious job to select a particular subject among them. Hence, you must choose a proper education consultant or consultancy that can realize the actual need of your study and select the right course and college or university for you. They also can check your economic status and select the right college that fits your budget.
Services They Are Offering Verses Consultancy Service Fees: You should look for a consultancy where you will get perfect service according to the consultation fees. Check the success rate of the consultancy. However, it is essential to know that the consultancy service fees they asked for should be worth their services.
Check Performance Record And Reviews: It is essential to go for extensive market research before you select your overseas education consultant or consultancy. You should not only depend on their solo marketing. Moreover, check their reviews and contact their old students who have taken consultancy from them before for overseas studies. Overseas admission procedure depends on the student's education and their test results. Therefore, if any consultant or consultancy proposes an unethical admission process in overseas colleges or universities, they should not be trusted and should be reported immediately.
Transparency: Studying abroad is a time taking procedure. Additionally, specific rules one must follow if they are trying for overseas education. Hence, clarity plays an important role. Throughout your study abroad process, the consultant you select should play a transparent part in every stage, like your admission, getting a student visa, searching for accommodation, fees, extra service charges, and consultation charges.
However, connect with the best education consultants in Delhi to get accurate knowledge about your overseas studies. You can also connect with Admissify beforehand. They have a team of experts that can provide proper guidance, and your task will be effortless if you follow their instructions.
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a2zdoctors · 2 years
Important Check points before Admission in any medical university in abroad
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Keep the following things in mind to make sure you proceed through the MBBS abroad institution selection and admission procedure without committing an error-
Try to select medical schools that have received official approval while considering a university abroad. Government medical universities around the world offer superior education at affordable costs. Try focusing more on the central government-approved MBBS universities than the state-approved ones among the government-run institutions.
It is crucial to confirm that the university you want to attend for your medical MBBS abroad has received approval from the education authorities of your own nation. Even if you successfully complete an overseas MBBS program and are awarded a doctorate, you will not be permitted to practice medicine in your home country until the program has received approval from the ministry there.
Before applying for an MBBS overseas, we advise students to conduct preliminary research on the native community of the prospective international location. This is due to the fact that the local population provides an indication of the potential patient inflow that graduates might see during their final-year university internship.
Aspirants must also find out when overseas students from other nations were first accepted by the global MBBS university they are striving for. The primary aim of this is to comprehend the college's infrastructure, assistance, and counseling for international students. Try choosing medical schools that have a lengthy history of accepting international students from many nations.
To succeed in life after receiving an MBBS from a foreign nation, it is crucial to confirm that your MBBS university has received WHO approval. Students from MBBS universities (not recognized by the WHO) may not eventually be eligible for further postgraduate education in the United States or the United Kingdom.
We are aware that choosing to pursue an MBBS degree overseas is an expensive life decision. There are also certain criteria for MBBS admission by different Universities. We offer guidance via outstanding online and offline mentoring programs to ensure that students don't make a mistake and choose the best overseas MBBS degree. Contact us to learn more about our MBBS admission guide and important checkpoints!
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pearl-kite · 2 years
Oh this is a ramble okay, big heads up
So growing up there was this lady I would consider a mentor of mine. She was the head of the art department at the local college that my mom worked at, and I spent a lot of summertime there because childcare is expensive, and she humored me and tutored me and was all around a really nice person. I spent nights at her place, She was wonderful and I was very sad when she passed away.
She was married to a guy who filmed the Yellowstone wolves and got awards for the documentaries, so naturally she was really big into wildlife and wolves, and she very intentionally nurtured that into me.
I have kids books on wolves with notes in them from her, she made brooches with collectors' stamps and fancy clay and made one with a bobcat for me. But she also gave me a limited print of this gorgeous painting that used a scene from one of her husband's films. A wolf and some pups surrounding it, the pups trying to howl, mountainscape behind them.
My mom actually had it professionally matted and framed, because it was one of those kinds of prints, and the end result is huge, probably 2ft by 3 or 4 ft? Like, this thing is a wall feature, it demands attention
And it's been stuck in storage now for years because I was overseas, and now because I don't have my own place, and I am not exaggerating when I say that one of the BIG reasons I want to move out, other than it's miserable being 34 and living with parents, is so I can have someplace to hang it back up.
But thinking about it, like, what's to stop me? I have a mantle down here in my little section that would be perfect for it. I think... I think I need to go to my storage unit tomorrow
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kccitmblog · 16 hours
MBA in Marketing Colleges in India
The MBA in Marketing is a program that connects marketing and business management, with a focus on marketing principles and business management. A two-year postgraduate program in marketing management that focuses on planning, staffing, organizing, managing, operating, and regulating marketing and sales in the workplace is known as an MBA program in marketing. India is home to many prominent universities that offer MBA programs in marketing. These programs are intended to give students extensive knowledge of customer behavior, market analysis, and strategic planning.
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MBA in Marketing Scope
An MBA in marketing scope offers a wide range of employment options that are always changing due to shifting customer behavior and technology improvements. There are jobs available in many industries, including retail, FMCG, IT, healthcare, and finance. Furthermore, a lot of MBA in marketing colleges in India provide their MBA graduates with strong placement assistance, which improves their possibilities for employment.
Professionals possessing strong analytical abilities, knowledge of digital marketing, and the flexibility to adjust to shifting market conditions will be highly sought after as the marketing industry develops. To keep ahead of the competition and further their careers, marketing professionals can look into areas of specialization within the industry, such as influencer marketing, data analytics, and content marketing.
MBA in marketing salary
The income potential of an MBA in Marketing can be greatly increased; nevertheless, salaries vary according to industry, geography, and experience. Graduates from India's best universities may expect starting salaries between INR 8 and 20 lakhs annually. MBA in marketing salary ranges for mid-level professionals with multiple years of experience are INR 15 to 30 lakhs annually. Senior positions, including Chief Market Officers (CMOs) or Marketing Managers, especially in international corporations, can fetch compensation of up to INR 40 lakhs annually or more. Marketing jobs are dynamic and competitive, and as such, performance-based bonuses and other incentives are commonplace.
MBA jobs in marketing
There is a wide range of MBA jobs in marketing available for postgraduate students who have completed their MBA in Marketing Management. The graduates might pursue careers in marketing, sales, digital, and executive management. As technology advances and marketing becomes a growing part of it, marketers have the chance to work in practically every industry. Graduates can also get jobs overseas as the demand for marketing is not only in India but also abroad.
Digital Marketing Executive - Creating fresh online marketing campaigns and providing content for them is the responsibility of a digital marketing executive. For their online platforms and company websites, he or she is in charge of researching and implementing online marketing tactics.
Marketing Analyst - Marketing analysts are experts who monitor advertising expenses, evaluate consumer behavior, investigate current market circumstances and trends, and take action to increase revenue for the company.
Sales Manager - The sales manager oversees all sales initiatives inside the company and manages the sales team. To work with the sales team and meet the monthly goals, he or she is in charge of developing sales plans, assessing sales, and coaching the group.
Brand Manager - It is the job of brand managers to develop the greatest brand image. They research to make adjustments and put new brand strategies into action to alter the perception of the brand.
MBA in marketing fees
Marketing is the best and most popular branch of MBAs when it comes to specialization. Many universities offer MBA programs in marketing for as little as INR 5 to as much as INR 15 lakhs on average. MBA in marketing fees in private colleges is little bit more than government universities. To get admission to MBA in marketing colleges in India, students must appear in entrance examinations, personal interviews, and group discussions.
Benefits of studying MBA in Marketing Management
Pursuing an MBA in marketing colleges in India has several advantages. Both the public and commercial sectors provide a wide range of employment prospects for recent MBA graduates. A deeper understanding of the industry and company will be provided to students through MBA Marketing courses.
Candidates can work for some of the largest and most well-known MNCs, such as Google, Accenture, Deloitte, and Infosys, and make a respectable living doing so. MBA graduates have a lot of work options because the marketing industry is becoming more and more in demand across all industries.
MBA in marketing colleges in India
Selecting the best MBA in marketing colleges in India can be difficult. It might be challenging to choose the best option for you when there are so many to choose from. Thus, if you're hoping to launch a marketing profession, keep reading for our list of the best low-cost MBA marketing colleges in India.
KCC Institute of Technology and Management
IIT Delhi
Faculty of Management Studies
Jamia Millia Islamia
Delhi School of Management DTU
Ambedkar University
FORE School of Management
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi
Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies(NMIMS)
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai
Symbiosis institute of business management
BITS, Pilani
Also read :
MBA colleges in Noida | Course, Fees, Admission, Ranking
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1 What is a marketing management MBA?
An MBA in marketing management is a two-year postgraduate program. It is among the most popular course specializations in the marketing industry. Advanced marketing principles, such as digital marketing, consumer behavior, advertising, and packaging, are taught to the students.
2 What are the requirements for being eligible for a marketing management MBA?
A bachelor's degree in any discipline from an accredited university with an overall GPA of 50% is required for individuals wishing to pursue a postgraduate MBA degree.
3 Which private institutions provide the best MBA programs in marketing management?
The best MBA in marketing colleges in India are Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, Symbiosis institute of business management, BITS, Pilani, Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), Delhi School of Management DTU, USMS, GGSIPU, Ambedkar University, FORE School of Management and many more.
4 How may one apply for admission to an MBA program in marketing management?
Entrance exams are the basis for admission to the MBA in Marketing Management program.
5 How much does a postgraduate student in marketing management typically make?
Depending on experience level, postgraduates in marketing management get different average salaries. A fresher to the profession might make between Rs. 2-3 lakhs annually. On the other hand, a candidate with more years of experience can get paid more.
6 What is the range of courses offered by an MBA in marketing management?
An MBA gives students access to excellent employment prospects both domestically and abroad. They can operate in practically every industry. Students have two options: they can choose to work or continue postsecondary study, such as an M.Phil or Ph.D. in the same subject.
7 Who are the best people to hire?
Top MBA Marketing Management recruiters include Amazon, Wipro, NTPC, Citibank, Nestle, Flipkart, Microsoft, ITC, Vodafone, and Larsen & Toubro.
8 How do MBA students studying marketing management fit into the workforce?
A job as a sales manager, marketing executive, digital marketing executive, product manager, or brand manager is possible for someone with an MBA in marketing management.
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