#but anyways i hope we get this convo s3
misfithive · 4 months
Just had a little giggle thinking about the fact Linda has absolutely no idea Simon and Wille have been talking and rekindling this whole time. Imagine she’s gonna find out with the rest of the world when watching Wilhelm’s speech after she was going on and on a couple days before about Marcus.
Linda: the Prince ?? Again?? What happened to marcus? I thought things were going so well??
Simon: ermmmm about that
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katzcolorz · 2 years
So predictions for episode 6 all of which will likely be wrong but i feel the need to share them even though no one asked.
So firstly some context obviously its colour wars and the kids are divided into two teams. Ricky, Gina, Ej, Ashlyn, etc on blue. Maddox, jet, Kourtney, Carlos, etc on yellow. Obviously from the end of last episode we know that Ej and Gina are still in hot water. They didn’t end the episode on great terms and we can see from the sneak peak theres still a bit of friction. (“You had to see it”) I still think by the end of this episode they will make up at least on the surface. I think gina still has deep routed trust issues and abandonment issues. And Ej is still doing the wrong things for the right reason + his future in salt lake is still up in the air. So i don’t think portwell will survive till the end of the season… sorry portwells. I think because of this we may see some sad Ricky in the next episode because of portwells reunification. I saw some ppl on twitter saying maybe he will over hear Ej talking with Gina about her relationship with Ricky where she might diminish it so Ej isn’t jealous (and she may be in denial herself remembering all the events which took place last season). Anyways once Ricky gets in his feels about the whole gina situation we may FINALLY see another Ricky and jet convo about the “whole story”. (Re the screen grab from the Hsmtmts s3 interview promo thingy) Especially now that Ricky has kinda taken jet under his wing. Im hoping that due to the fact that the sneak peak gave us virtually nothing that they are hiding something/ doing that on purpose so maybe… hopefully… we get a rina flashback that illuminates Ricky’s perspective in the past on his relationship with Gina. Cough… cough… chocolates… 🤩😳… I’m kidding. Not rlly. 😁 Im hoping we get more realizations from Ricky of how he treated Gina last season. And maybe him deciding to “wait for the love he needs” from gina because its always been her. Also hoping to see jet and maddox make up. And ms. JENN!!!!! Im so glad shes back. Anyways cant wait for Wednesday!
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sun-undone · 1 year
Honestly, after I reflect over season two, I agree with your energy towards topper! It seems like the writers weren’t sure on which side they wanted him to take or could it be just an overflow of his character having false motives towards helping Sarah just because he really wanted her back. But would it be too cliché to just make him an antagonist because as humans, especially teenagers,  when you’re in love, regardless of how long it’s been since you’ve lost someone when you get that second chance would you not do anything in your power to get that person back? Would love your thoughts on that if you have any.
i think topper, as much as i despise him, is also an interesting one to discuss because yeah, i do understand him and his motives to an extent! at his core, he is a rich kid who is used to getting what he wants, but he also seems to have some very interesting but barely addressed masculinity issues, and also seems to have some intense mommy issues as well. all of that definitely lends itself to him having these obsessive thoughts and actions with sarah, and i definitely understand his perspective about getting cheated on by her and generally getting his already very strong feelings a bit messed with by her. and that’s a whole other conversation too about her side of it!
i get where you’re coming from about how making him a straight antagonist could read as cliche, and that’s why i actually would’ve preferred them starting a genuine, fully fledged redemption arc with him in season 2 that would’ve continued into season 3. if i’m being totally honest, i think the writers wanted to leave him in limbo so that they could always have him as a fallback drama option (which is exactly what ended up happening in both seasons 2 and 3), and i’ve gotta say, that’s just not great writing imo!!! the most i’ve enjoyed topper’s character EVER was in 3x05 when he was the comedic relief and the pogues begrudgingly worked with him. that was genuinely so fucking fun and the closest i’ve ever felt to the writers understanding topper, cause he was so clearly the butt of the joke the entire time.
so basically, if the writers just had to have topper be a semi-major player in all 3 seasons, then i think they should’ve done the start of a genuine redemption arc in s2, which bleeds into s3 and ends with topper just fading out from the show by the end of s3. like he somehow realizes the errors of his classist bullshit, stands up to his mom and kelce and rafe (cause yeah why is he still sort of hanging out with him after everything he knows he’s done to sarah????), has one last convo with sarah about how he was hurt by her but realizes that he was also being creepy, and then he’s just gone. off to college or whatever i don’t care
idk i hated topper pretty much right off the bat, so a redemption arc would’ve been a tough pill to swallow for sure, but i really do think it would’ve been much more compelling and less annoying than this half-antagonist thing where the narrative constantly makes me think that i’m wrong for saying that topper is not a good guy. would a writing team comprised of two men been able to pull off an arc of a guy recognizing his wrongdoings and breaking from the chains of toxic masculinity? probably not! so i think that’s also part of why we got this half-baked topper storyline that will now unfortunately lead into him being a full on villain in s4????? i guess??????? god i fucking hope not but ANYWAY thank you for asking this, i genuinely love having deep conversations about the stupid boat show ❤️❤️
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kanasmusings · 2 years
[Masterpost] VAZZROCK bi-color S3 Vol. 11 - Peridot x Aquamarine
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Hi, hi~! After what felt like forever, I finally finished Peridot x Aquamarine~! I really wanted to get on it when I first got it, but I was occupied with other projects as well as a lot of IRL stuff and changes orz
Anyway, Peridot x Aquamarine tackles a pretty deep topic regarding embracing certain aspects about yourself and your personality, but VAZZROCK manages to make it seem light enough so that it doesn’t feel super overwhelming! Yuma and Ayumu were certainly a combi that I didn’t expect, but they paired really well together~! I can’t wait to see them interact more, too!
Also, I find it kinda funny that a lot of Yuma’s self-revelations and journey to embracing himself have been with ROCK DOWN members (* ̄▽ ̄)b There was his whole “I’m a heartless person” convo with Gaku, and then there was him also learning to enjoy things with Ruka. Now we have him questioning and accepting himself once more with Ayumu! What is with with ROCK DOWN members adopting Yuma all of a sudden? 🤣
This was a really fun CD, and I really enjoyed it~! I hope you guys do as well ^^ Emerald x Amethyst and then bi-color S3 tokuten drama are up on queue, so please look forward to them, too~!
CD is still available to order from here for those who want to have a physical copy, too~!
The CD translations have also been updated on the masterpost here, so please check it out when you can~!
Tracklist under the cut, enjoy~!
Drama Track 01: “Circle or Square?”
Drama Track 02: “Square”
M01: ”TrueBeat, YourHeart”
M02: “Tamayura Tayutau, Hana Akari”
※ Please don’t re-post or re-translate these without permission!!!
If you enjoyed this, please consider buying me a ko-fi here to support my work! It’ll be a really big help. (o^▽^o)Thank you!!
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useramor · 2 years
I’ve seen a lot of people on social media say that the way buddie is being treated in s6 so far is how sterek was treated in s3 of teen wolf. Which was they were purposely and deliberately separated for pettiness by the writers and an insistence to make people stop shipping sterek. I didn’t watch teen wolf but is this an accurate accusation to make of how alarming it is that buddie haven’t had a meaningful conversation after the premiere in s6 yet every other pair of characters has.
(incoming long post oops)
you saw a sterek buddie comparison being made and u thought of ME? kisses u
anyway, i had never actually considered this but perhaps from a very basic overview of the season with no knowledge of sterek, that's what this looks like. yes, it's frustrating they haven't had meaningful conversation and that it seems like they're being kept apart, but the very key difference is that 911 has not made any interviews having oliver and ryan cuddling with each other to promote the show, or hyping up awards where buddie was nominated for best ship, or tweeting about buddie constantly because that's where a lot of their viewers come from.
i didn't want teen wolf s3 live, but i did watch from end of s4, and even in season 5 and 6, when tyler hoeclin (derek hale) had left the show, they were still queerbaiting and keeping the ship relevant (x x).
(also, sterek were kept separate for much of the second half of s3, not so much 3a)
so, yes, in one sense it could feel like they're treating buddie the way they treated sterek by keeping them apart. but buddie is not even CLOSE to being queerbaited the way sterek was. also, buck and eddie didn't have as many big moments in s5a as they did in s5b. i think we need to all look at s5 as an example of how well 911 does dissonance and separation so that when everything falls back into place together, it's that much more rewarding. like, seeing eddie and buck working together at a fire for the first time in an entire season in may day was so. fucking. good. 911 has a tendency to pull characters apart only to bring them back together (and we as a fandom have a tendency to get antsy about that because we forget).
is it annoying? yes. do i think it's what happened with sterek? no. especially when sterek didn't have nearly as many canon roots as buddie does (sure, it's implied that stiles was derek's anchor, but eddie point blank said buck is christopher's legal guardian).
another thing with teen wolf is that sterek got HUGE very quickly, and when the show realized that they kind of cut sterek off cold turkey (most of the sterek fandom is based around head canons anyway). buddie has been building and building steadily since s2, and the fandom has only grown with the show and the seasons. if the writers hated buddie and didn't want people shipping it, they wouldn't have given us the tsunami arc, 'wanna go for the title?', the well scene, the shooting, the will, eddie's breakdown, co-parenting, the couch convo, etc. sterek was s1-2 heavy because when they realized the fandom was getting genuinely big, they said 'oh fuck this' and went heavy on the stalia and the stydia and gave derek a love interest that wasn't batshit insane.
honestly, watching a show with hopes that a non canon lgbt ship is going to get together can sometimes be incredibly frustrating, disheartening, and it can seriously ruin the show for you because you feel kind of cheated out of representation that's so glaringly obvious how could they not see it! and i get you. i am you. but at the same time, if you're losing hope and it's making you sad that every week they seem to distance themselves, maybe you should stop watching with the hopes that they get together, and start watching to make fun little headcanons and write little spec fics. the best part of fandom, in my opinion, isn't just the getting to see your ship kiss on screen part. there's fics and edits and fanart and gifs and so many ways to engage with the content aside from just viewing it. it's truly so wonderful.
personally, i do think buddie will get together and i don't see similarities to sterek. sure, they're both popular non-canon mlm ships, but i have a lot more faith in buddie than i EVER had in sterek. we'll be good :)
anyway tl;dr, i don't think this is the same thing as sterek because, despite the distance, nothing else is being treated the same. 911 is just doing what 911 does best—making us sit and wait because we know the reward will be so worth it in the long run.
sorry for sort of rambling and i hope this answered ur question anon!!
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stilldancewithyou · 2 years
hello I was the anon who left you the (4/4) messages about dreading Conrad slander haha anyways just wanted to say I love your response! Especially the part about how the different loves belly has with the boys is like art/you’re supposed to feel something!! that’s how I felt reading the books :) anyways just wanted to come back and ask how you felt about this love at the end of s1 to me it’s THEE belly Conrad song but more so for book three? For me I feel like wildest dreams playing there would’ve been so fitting especially knowing what happens in the very next book and it fits with the misunderstood side of Conrad that everyone has!! (Although Tbh I feel like JH mixed a lot of the entire series esp book 3 into the first season) nonetheless I hope they can reuse this love for s3 (if we get book3 in s3) bc it’s just so perfect for them 🥹 side note: I wish the BC ending had better build up bc they didn’t really address when (or even “if” I suppose since they could go that route) she left jere it was just kinda sudden that she was with Conrad lol I mean I’m happy as a BC shipper but the pacing was whack in that last episode I felt like the show just needed like one more or maybe just an extra 10 mins to give us a bit more build up to the final scene of them
hi! I'm so glad you checked back in! 😊
um yes, I loved that This Love played over that final scene for them! Especially the part of the song that starts playing- "tossing, turning struggled through the night with someone new, and I could go on and on...lantern burning flickered in my mind, only you, but you were still gone...been losing grip on sinking ships, you showed up just in time" can we take a moment to appreciate how that last line about losing grip and you showed up just in time is perfect for Conrad in that moment??? And "struggled through the night with someone new" flawless song choice. But I also love how it works with the entire relationship and journey through all of the books! The way they each let the other go but always find their way back to each other...I love it. Also the lyrics "when you're young you just run but you come back to what you need" and "this love is glowing in the dark" I just love for Belly and Conrad. I think it was the perfect song for that moment! Although I was still recovering from The Way I Loved You and everyone crying a scene prior so the first watch through of it I was going through it by the time This Love came on lol. I agree it would be so nice to see that song or Lover be used again later on. Like a reprise.
In regards to the last scene pacing-wise...I agree. It was wack af. I loved it, I loved how similar it was to that moment in the book and I was thrilled they ended up together but it was weird. Like they just slapped it on. We went from crying and the dinner scene to the next morning on the beach. I at least wanted to see her walking out there, or being asked to go look for him, and some kind of conversation or knowing shared look between her and Jeremiah. something to wrap it and make it make more sense. In the book she goes out there looking for him because after spending the night with Jere and THAT scene with Conrad as she leaves Jere's room, they don't know where Conrad is and she immediately knows where to find him, and I would have loved to see that on screen. I think she wasn't officially dating Jere (she told Steven something about deciding who she dates, but she and Jeremiah never used that word. and there was a huge emphasis on Steven and Shayla having a big convo about being exclusive and how the "cheating" wasn't really cheating bc of that, I'm convinced the point of that was to show they're the only ones who are *actually* dating). And the final scene was definitely the morning after the ball, the sun was out and Conrad was still in his suit although Belly had changed, it reminded me of the scene at the end of the first episode when she talked to him on the beach in the morning and told him he can't smoke if she can't smoke (and then she missed Cam's boat bc of that!!!). I really liked that parallel. The idea that they both know to find each other on the beach.
Idk how a conversation between Belly and Jeremiah would have looked after the ball and all of THAT though..."hey jere, thanks for being my escort, I appreciate and had a great time even though you only did the escort dance you (apparently) choreographed and then disappeared at the part that was most important to me, leaving me feeling humiliated in front of everyone and thankfully Conrad stepped in to save the day but then you reappeared and punched your brother humiliating the entire family in front of everyone at the ball so...yeah it was great and all but I will always be in love with Conrad" it's gonna be sooo awkward whenever it does happen in s2 and I am here for the drama.
ALSO ALSO- I have always loved the idea of Wildest Dreams for them and when Jenny first teased Taylor Swift songs in the show I was convinced it was that one! "He's so tall and handsome as hell, he's so bad but he does it so well" are you kidding me??? that was written for Conrad. It would so perfectly heartbreaking if they play Wildest Dreams over the scene at the end of the third book where Conrad is giving her the necklace and saying goodbye, as he kisses her on the cheek and leaves...it would really be beautiful for that moment as the audience is left to wonder for a few minutes if this is it between them, if they'll see each other again. @ Jenny Han are you taking notes????
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pleasereadmeok · 2 years
Matthew Scene by Scene in season 3
Yes ADOW S3 may be over but I’m still spinning these out for a few more days😂  4 more to go. 
Episode 7 Scene 8 - Nothing is forever.
If you haven’t read these before don’t expect any other character arcs - forget it.  Matthew all the way here. AND this is distinctly ‘shallow end’ stuff that is not to be taken too seriously.
SPOILERS if you haven’t seen episode 7!  
Right where were we?  I was being distracted by...
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It had just been revealed that the Covenant was slowly leading to creatures declining because  ... I dunno how to describe it. The different creatures stopped shagging each other and popping out mixed creature babies due to the Covenant keeping them apart?   Yeah I’ll go with that.  Diana wants to share their findings with the Congregation but Baldie II [actually I like him now so ‘Baldwin’ from now on] is worried that he can’t protect Diana from the Congregation. 
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Baldwin and Matthew have an amazingly frank and civilised convo.  Woohoo!  There’s hope for these siblings yet!  
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“Diana doesn’t need protection, she needs support.” 
Yay for Matthew - controlling, over protective, Matthew coz has no doubt that Diana can totally look after herself since she fried Benjie.  
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Matthew reckons that Philippe intended to repeal the covenant and that he  understood that it was doing more harm than good.  Um... so why didn’t he repeal it after Matt and Di left?  Ahhh - but then that would have changed the future and perhaps Matt and Di wouldn’t have met.  Ohhh.  
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Poor Baldwin.  Everything he believed about the rules he has enforced was wrong. He agrees with Matthew that the Covenant needs to be challenged.  WOW!  He gets it now. 
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But Baldwin’s not finished rehabilitating himself yet.  “I should have trusted you.”   Matthew is curious why Baldwin didn’t trust him - especially when everyone else did?  OMG - it’s all down to basic sibling rivalry. 🤦🏻‍♂️ We suspected it but I never thought Baldwin would own it.  
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Matthew is magnanimous - Baldwin was the right person to be Philippe’s successor coz he would always try to do what had to be done.  
Anyway - back to dealing with the congregation. Baldwin has a plan but don’t expect me to listen to it coz ...
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Sigh.  Back to the shallow end again.  
Next up: Tell them what you know.  
📷 ADOW S3:07 unedited screenshots
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ashesandhalefire · 3 years
okay but why didn’t they spread this hallucination plot over like three episodes for the maximum unhinged psychological drama effect
michael and alex get actual development in the first half of the season and are back together by 3x06 no i won’t justify or explain just know that i’m correct. we cut the vision plot and anything else that wasted time and accelerate the lockheart machine and jones because those are the ones that are a) semi-interesting, b) purposeful, and c) relevant
we actually see michael or alex asking each other out on their very first real in-public date because that’s a big fucking step for them and i think it’s dumb that we got told it happened in some dialogue
it can be that it wasn’t going to be for another day or two because hello they have other priorities like kyle, who is mentioned every other sentence in my version of s3 because everyone in this town loves him and is horribly repentant over how they’ve underappreciated him <3, and max, who is also unconscious while a sexy maniac borrows his body
anyway they spend time apart working on their respective side plots and that is okay! because we’re getting indications that they’re thinking about each other either from direct mentions or glances at texts or dumb little post it notes from each other that they keep on their desks
and we actually get to see that conversation with sanders because michael being able to confide in someone about this is a big fucking deal and again i didn’t deserve to be told about it in some throwaway dialogue like it wasn’t a scene that had the potential to shatter me
alex is working on the lockheart machine in the meantime and he genuinely thinks that he’s accessing an alien visual guide for the machine because it’s nora! nora is good! nora can’t be evil! and she’s generally unhelpful and speaks like a guide he doesn’t understand how to use properly and then he notices the project shepherd insert and thinks - oh! duh! - she’s corrupted! but technology is his thing and he’s going to figure this out, so he keeps working
and we get a scene of him going to visit kyle, who is safely being cared for at deep sky, where their scientists are working on waking him up under ramos’s constant, intense, unyielding supervision, which coincidentally alleviates the confusion of “why is this coma patient in a random barn” and “why has nobody noticed alex sitting around for two days even though all the walls are glass”
and alex gets to have a little self pep-talk with kyle about how he’s nervous and how he’s trying to resolve the machine issue before it becomes a problem like everything always does, and he also gets to be a little teary and say that he misses working with kyle and that he wonders if maybe he hadn’t been distracted by deep sky things and if they had stayed a team if kyle would’ve still been in so much trouble now
so alex feels guilty and helpless and he goes hard into solving the machine, and he does something - he moves the turquoise closer, he turns a knob, he prods at the project shepherd insert a little too hard - and suddenly the nora that he’s talking to is a little different. she’s a little more personable. she’s kind. she’s friendly. she still doesn’t have a lot of super helpful answers for him because she’s still kind of corrupted. but he doesn’t mind talking to her.
we can still get the same “how’s the office honey” convo because that was cute, but i think alex should be surprised when michael calls because he hasn’t realized how long he’s been working. he didn’t realize that his safety window expired. he didn’t even hear the alarm. he didn’t realize he turned it off. and nora is there the whole time, just smiling and being fond, and alex swears that he won’t forget their date and hangs up.
the music starts playing again, and nora tells alex that there was no music on the planet where she lived, and then alex gets caught up in telling nora about michael because for a second he forgets that she’s not nora. that she’s just a visual manual. she’s not actually michael’s long-lost alien mother that alex accidentally got killed when he brought two civilians along on a recon mission
but she likes alex, which is appealing in a way he can’t explain. she thinks he’s smart and she believes he’s going to solve the machine and she likes knowing that he’s been trying to take care of michael. he leaves deep sky to do other plot related things in town, to visit kyle, whatever, and when he comes back, she’s there and she’s smiling and she’s so happy to hear about her son. her beautiful son that obviously loves alex very much and who alex has worked very hard to protect
but she doesn’t like that he hasn’t always been successful
she doesn’t like that alex was the one that put michael in jesse’s crosshairs, and she doesn’t like that alex didn’t have the foresight to think twice before bringing michael to the shed, and she doesn’t like that he’s made michael feel like he was ashamed of him, and she doesn’t like that he lied about having the console piece - that he tried to trap michael just like every other manes man was always trying to do - and she doesn’t like that he got her blown up. that she lived all those years, that she survived the worst that jesse manes had to offer, that she had hope of escaping and finding her son, all until alex came along. and even after that, alex didn’t learn. even after getting nora blown up, alex still tried to trust his father, still took the console piece back and got himself kidnapped and made it so michael had to build a bomb that would kill what was left of his family just to save alex from his father
and now it becomes clearer that alex’s progress with the machine isn’t really progress. it’s still turning off and on at random. he can’t reach the project shepherd piece. nora isn’t speaking to him kindly anymore, and her clothes are tattered and her hair and face are dirty.
she prods at him again about the ways he has put michael in danger, and alex argues back that he has worked very hard to make sure nothing his father did could touch michael. he looks tired, frazzled
and nora thinks this is especially amusing because maybe the one thing that alex should be making sure isn’t touching michael is himself. maybe alex himself is the one manes weapon that he hasn’t considered.
and the conversation devolves into the same fight and comes to the same conclusion - that alex fears his capacity for love is not enough to overcome his father’s capacity for hate
and alex knows that she isn’t real. she isn’t real, she isn’t real, she isn’t real. she’s a hallucination, she isn’t real
but she doesn’t need to be real to tell the truth, alex. she doesn’t need to be real to be right. all it means for her to be a hallucination is that alex has known the truth all along, that deep down alex has always known that he isn’t enough, that he’s broken inside, that michael is better off without him.
and - oh, look! - the balcony door is open
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letharue · 3 years
I SERIOUSLY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO FEEL OR SAY REGARDING THE BROOKLYNN×KENJI SHIP. At first I felt like it was forced and it came out of nowhere??? During S3 last ep I really thought they saw each other only as siblings. I also thought during ep 1 that IF Kenji did confess, it would only be one-sided and Brooklynn will say that they only saw them as friends or siblings.
Like I guess the ship is okay?? But we never really saw any romantic interaction between them during S1-3. I'd understand and accept it more if it was Brooklynn×Darius ship who sailed this season instead because we did see their growth and how they understood each other during S1-3. Also, Brooklynn WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT KENJI UNDERSTANDS YOU MORE??? LIKE SO DID DARIUS??? Or where there scenes during the previous seasons that I forgot or wasn't shown by the producers where you and Kenji interacted and had a heart-to-heart convo??? I also felt like the reason Brooklynn×Kenji became canon was to put aside the possibility of Benji(I was rooting for this tsk). At first I was getting so muuuuch cringe from the former ship but not gonna lie after a few episodes I did kinda found it cute...?? Then again their relationship was very fast-paced. I wished they showed more interactions of them before that hinted they had feelings for each other or that they were gonna be lovers, I guess. Btw, I love how Yaz became a wingman for them, so cute. Also how Ben thought Yaz was into him THAT GOT ME LAUGHING SO MUCH.
To the writers of this series, I wish you did not just insert the Brooklyn×Kenji ship out of nowhere. If you were planning to choose this ship to sail or to be canon then you should have built up their chemistry during S1-3!!!😭😭 Us, fans, got so used to Brookyn and Darius' that we thought they were the one who's gonna sail😀😀
Anyways, I do not have that so much hate towards the ship just you know...confusion. Additionally, I love how Yaz and Sammy was so supportive of their relationship and how Ben said he's always the last person to found out what is happening in their group JAIABSKSJSJSKS. Hope we could see more interactions of Brooklyn and Kenji though. I mean it's already canon so all they could do is just show more about their growth and progress in their relationship I guess? I'm still bewildered.😃
Ps. I lovee the forehead kiss and how Kenji was so shy around her. Another show that showed me how single I am, argh.
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resistanceisfeudal · 2 years
Season 2 finale reaction
Opening the episode with everyone standing a responsible 2 metres apart. Safety first.
Somebody let seven change her shirt please
Hehe yes jl
Again the theme and credits still slap
Tallinn accidentally blurting out a thesis statement for the show
Ooh yes genius hacker raffi
I think I blame Angelina Jolie or maybe Carrie Anne Moss for this but goddamn hypercompetant queer coded hacker women my word my ovaries my dear
... I apologise for being bi on main again. Let's get back to it.
Dr soong is the Jacob Rees-Mogg of star trek. In a couple of ways tbh
I can't believe a star trek show included a character too smart for the ole outfit change technique
OK but from Renee's perspective this is creepy af
Have you tried, idk, just grabbing a drone and holding it down?
Ew very creepy soong
Yay Rios!!! I liked this victory moment it was wholesome
Tallinn came here to dispense wisdom and die. And she's all out of wisdom
OK that was mean I actually liked this. Orla Brady served this season
Let's be real he's actually the Elon Musk of star trek
Yes. My wife. Also hacking, because of course. Baby yes she gets something to dooooo!!!!!
Wait what? Um. Khan. Um....
I thought Khan was 1990s in star trek canon? Or was that retconned? Either way it's a clunky as fuck reference not a fan
The fuck
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.... I don't like this
This episode is bizarrely structured what the hell
Wes here trying to make the dumb nerd time travel people seem cool. They're not. They're dweebs. We all know. Enterprise got this right.
That was random. But I'm glad kore has stuff to do.
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... honestly I don't think I ever truly understood qcard until this moment. I get it
Know thyself.... OK so tangent
"Know thyself" is the usual translation of the words (γνώθι σεαυτον) inscribed in the stone at the oracle of delphi. I mostly know it from the phaedrus but it's kind of everywhere in Greek philosophy. It's interpreted in range of different ways and is all over the place in "intellectual" pop culture. I love this. It's pretentious. It's high camp. Feed it to me with a ladle.
"Why me?" 🥺
I like this convo between q and jl a lot
Very gay 10/10
Get yourself a woman who will not doubt your ability to kill a god. Seven is wife material.
Teresa and child exist in this scene as props. But okay we all knew this was coming. I don't love it, I don't even like it but I'll talk about it some other time.
Forr the record, I hope that off screen Cris and Teresa had some amazing times together, and that whatever project santiago cabrera went off to work on is a success. I've been appreciating that man since Heroes so yes ❤ miss you already
Hahaha omg
Omg the hug
Heyyyyyy agnes
"Do not resist."
Woop elnor!!!
Poor thing he doesn't even know what happened or that they'd be returning!!!
My baby kochanie my love my baby
I cannot believe that Agnes through shere power of nerddom reformed the fucking borg. I love her
Irrelevant but the polski shelf at Tesco's had Ukrainian chałwa. I tried it and tbh it's not as good. Solidarity anyway!
OK so dessert break over
This is sweet. Rios is a legend. Still sad he was written out tho
Sometimes a found family is you, your beautiful cyborg wife and your assassin nun son.
N'awww that was cute
It didn't do the thing I was dreading (ending on a massive cliffhanger). I think I'll definitely watch s3. Was pleasantly surprised by this despite some complaints. I have a more thought out retrospective planned but for now? Mostly positive, some complaints.
Also did I mention elnor????
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queerdiaz · 3 years
I love that everyone wants a (buddie) love confession during this blackout. I think we’ll get crumbs if anything. Like an extremely obvious look from Eddie. A frustrated sigh. But no ‘because I’m in love with you!’ Type of thing. You know? I feel they would save something that big for mid season finale or even the season 5 actual finale. And then leave us to suffer until season 6 or the hiatus as we wait for 5B
Lol yeah same Nonnie. As much I would absolutely die and go to Heaven if we get some kind of love confession during the blackout and been thinking of ALL the possibilities how it could go, I HIGHLY doubt we will get one.
Before we get to why, I do want to disclaimer that tbh given what got with the whole "follow your heart" convo with Carla and Eddie that was never resolved in that ep (except -at least in my mind- for Eddie reaching out for Buck when he bleeding to death to the ground) and then Eddie almost dying which led to the will revelation that Eddie had kept secret for a year for a reason he actually didn't explain - I actually think that since there'll be a time gap, there IS build up for some kind of confession in the first episode bc of "Mr I'm Gonna Keep My Feelings Right Here Until I Die" finally blowing up bc of being jealous of Buck and Taylor.
HOWEVER, that being said, do I think we're actually gonna get it? Absolutely not. Like of course I would love to be wrong. But, as you said, that is absolutely something that they would save for a mid-season or season finale. Most tv writers that were "secretly" writing a slowburn wouldn't give a confession in the first episode when there wasn't "canon" feelings reveal yet.
For me, the most that I'm willing to wish for is a good enough nudge that could lead to a canon slowburn for the rest of the season.
If we are gonna have big revelations this season and *hopefully* some good canon slowburn shit, then the first few episodes should give a good enough hint/nudge as to what we're gonna get this season without fully spoiling it.
Historically episode 1 usually gives us context of what's happened during the time gap and where our characters are now and then leads into the big disaster which is usually in episode 2 and sometimes even 3 (looking at you Searchers my beloved). Now I know s4 started with the earthquake but that led to the actual big diaster which was the mudslide. And 2) As @outrunningthedark so wonderfully mentioned, also historically, episode 3 gives us fantastic Buckley-Diaz Family content that majorly helps with their development. Going off of s2 and s3, we get the Big Disaster with either Buddie or Buck and Christopher and great moments there which leads to an important moment at the end of the episode for the Buckley-Diazes. Now s4 didn't have this with the Big Disaster, however, we got a Buckley-Diaz Family FEAST in episode 3 in an episode called "Future Tense" that had SOOO much foreshadowing for just one episode. (Also I personally think that we didn't get a Buddie sl during the mudslide bc that was saved for the end of s4).
My point? If we're gonna get a "canon" slowburn this season, given previous patterns of the show, I can see it/would want it to go a little like this:
Episode 1 does ground work for the Blackout and sets up for the thing for Buck and Eddie to talk about during the blackout (I personally want it to be both about their PTSD and Eddie keeping the secret that he and Ana broke up both bc of the 'follow your heart" speech AND bc Ana found out about the will but I won't hold my breath although I would love to make a separate post on my idea on THAT).
Then in the blackout we get good moments between them and really show how they've been doing since the shooting and with Buck dating Taylor (Jealous Ho Eddie come through). Honestly, I personally think that often times in tv shows blackout episodes (especially shows that deal with romance) can a lot of times be used for some good romantic stuff. So of course I would love to see the ships get some good content for the blackout, but if we don't get a slowburn this season imma need some good Buddie scenes. Like it's right there.
Anyways, since I don't think we know when the Blackout is episode wise, I'm gonna say it gets resolved in episode 3 which leads into a BIG moment. Which for me I would love either a gigantic hint of canon feelings that would leave to an actual reveal in 5a finale OR we get an actual feelings reveal in ep 3 and THEN a confession in midseason. Orrr ep 3 is Eddie's feelings reveal and then midseason finale is Buck's feelings reveal AND THEN the finale is love confession time.
All in all, do I think we're gonna get a love confession during the blackout? Absolutely not. But boi would I never be happier to be wrong in my life. However, I can see the blackout lead into some great build up/major hint into canon Buddie.
But all I know is I really hope we get some good Buddie moments during the blackout whether we're actually getting a canon slowburn this season or not. Like there's so much potential there.
come scream to me about Buddie/911 s5
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weirdlyfitting · 3 years
Forgive me for being so late eheh, I couldn't figure out who's who or what's what from the list plus being busy irl BUT HEY! Finally I can join this countdown!
Ok so I'm gonna do like from day 1-recent
Favorite Character
Darius Bowman & Kenji Kon
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TBFH I LOVE ALL CAMP FAM CHARACTERS. They all had great character development plus clear motivation on why they did what they did. Those stuff got handled so well and ugh it made me so hard to choose ahaha.
Anyway, I love Darius because he's such a dino nerd. Plus his "never give up" spirit that inspired me as the audience to stay strong when things do fall apart. He's such a precious boi 🥺
And then Kenji. *sigh I hated, HATED this boi since he got introduced. But then as the eps kept going, I realized that he's just a teen that made mistakes and learn from them. The scene in S1 ep 6, when the kids were doing kayak river thing and Kenji told Brooklyn to stop bothering Sammy? Yeah, that's when I doubted my hatred . In S2 I started to actually love his character! He's just so....dumb and innocent lmaooo. The thing is for a comedic character I loved how he also has depth and development :D
Favorite Friendship
CAMP FAM! (Darius, Ben, Kenji, Yaz, Sammy, Brooklyn)
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First they're uh- reminded me of the losers club from IT *cough Ben and Eds *cough- especially
Anyway the dynamic and chemistry are awesome! I really hope in S3 there will be more deep convo like in S1 ep 7 (at the monorail, before Ben's near death fall). Them bonding with knowing and understanding each other's feelings is just 🥺😥😭💞
Favorite Ship
Dave & Roxie
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Hmm I'm not into shipping but the closest that I really had interest with are Dave & Roxie and Darius & Brooklyn. But Dave & Roxie is just so cute and fun lol. Like the cool uncle and aunt that genuinely cared even if yes, they did made a lot of mistakes while doing it.
Favorite Funny Scene
S1 Ep 3, when Ben was the one who drive the gyrosphere (idk if this spelled right lmao) and Kenji being the passenger
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There are many memorable funny scenes but THIS ONE was the first ever scene that made me wheezed (looking back, I used to think that CC wasn't that good oop- so yeah doubted it but hey look at where I am now!). Kenji's face and Dave and Roxie just "smile and wave" I remember holding my laugh so no one can get disturbed (the first time I watched CC was at night time lol)😭🤣
Favorite Sad Scene
After I rewatch S1, I changed my mind on Ben's near death fall and choose the convo in the monorail.
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This isn't really a sad scene but to me when rewatching it, it made me cry. Like seriously real tears what-
"now that it's over, what are the odds if we'll see each other again", everyone is silent then Jurassic World/Park theme played YO I STARTED TO FEEL SO EMO ESPECIALLY WITH THE THEME PLAYED 😭
And then "My dad used to say this place was Allosaurus in the bag of chips" gosh when Darius' voice cracked it broke me- yes I crieeeeeed
Favorite Episode
S2 Ep 8
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Ugh this episode and finale is much much better than S1 (it's not that I hated s1's finale it's just s1 was wayyyy more depressing man :( ). Camp fam is together again and Darius completed his arc here (he has serious guilt issue since Ben's fall and I'm glad it got resolved here). This episode was sooooo fun with the actions! And the cliffhanger? I was terrified of what'll come next, but overall I really really enjoy it ahaha 😁💖
And bonus : Kenji learned to ride a motorbike made me so happy when the first time I watched it. I relate so much because that time I was learning to ride one too haha.
Favorite Quote
"We're not GIVING UP! I get it. It's scary. This wasn't how today was supposed to be. Things aren't always going to go your way. Life is messy and sometimes, things fall apart. But that's okay. Because when that happen we pick up the pieces and keep going. And we never give up!" -Darius Bowman, S1 Ep 4
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Ahh since I hear it I used this whenever I had a bad day and so many negative thoughts going in my mind. This quote is my comfort quote along with what Tulip said to One-One in The Unfinished Car from Infinity Train 💕
Okay so that's all for now. What's left is free space + season 3 airs! I'll use my free space for making edit from these lists and if I don't have time maybe I'll try to share my s3 review? Idk but I'll make sure I'm on time for the last list ;)
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ginnyq · 2 years
Thoughts on The Book of Boba Fett, Episode 5 and Predictions for Episodes 6 and 7!
Been percolating on this one all week, and I have Thoughts, as well as Predictions/Hopes/Dreams to be crushed, which I want to be on the internet so that if/when I am right, I can point and say, "AHA! I GUESSED THAT ONE!"
Like everyone, I'm more than a bit miffed that we got a great Mandalorian episode at the expense of Boba Fett in, you know, The Book of Boba Fett. But I have Ideas about that! (Naive, optimistic Ideas, but Ideas nonetheless.)
Let's start with Ideas and PREDICTIONS, since that's most interesting, anyway. I saw one person online react to Temuera Morrison not being in this episode as, "Maybe he was needed for some heavy fimling in the finale," and I have jumped on that bandwagon and taken control. Because Temuera Morrison has also said that the show is "full of surprises" and "Wow, wait until episode seven!" I dunno, I'm wondering if the next to episodes, like the two-part season finales of both the Mandalorian seasons, will be so damned good it makes us forget the general meh-ness of the season up until now.
SO. What could be this awesome?
Clones and/or Jango: What could possibly be so Temuera Morrison-heavy that he couldn't be in an entire episode of his own damned show? Lots of action, obvs, but I'm thinking bigger. CLONES. JANGO. CLONES AND JANGO FLASHBACKS. I'd forgive a Din detour (Dintour?) for that. We've heard rumors of lots of Mandos, and what if they're clones or something that come to help Boba out in the clutch? Temuera Morrison has also hinted about wanting to be Rex or Cody or other clones, and he's a pretty cheeky dude, so I could see that being a hint.
Mand'alor!Boba: I've seen a couple of suggestions that the Armorer talking about a new Mand'alor riding a the Mythosaur, etc. might be referring to BOBA (who has had the Mythosaur on his armor since the beginning), who has already hinted about wanting to ride his rancor and having already ridden "beasts ten times this size" ... Din doesn't want the Darksaber and also is having issues with it. Maybe? Possibly?? It happened in Legends, and it could free Din up for his Redemption Side Quest.
Din Visiting Grogu: I actually think this was a way to get fans pumped about seeing him reunite with Grogu as well as a reason to have him disappear for a whole-ass episode, because they're not going to show them meeting up again HERE. That'll wait for Mando S3 for sure. Which would explain why we got so much Din backstory frontloaded. (I think it would've been more interesting to have him just appear but with little explanation, but my partner mentioned that then people would be distracted by Din's appearance and not talking about Boba in his own season finale, so I can see why this choice might have been better.)
Boba and Din Reuniting Scene: It seemed obvious to me that they had Fennec show up and not Boba to talk to Din at the end because that scene is going to be bigger than a couple of minutes at the end. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Din comes in toward the very end of episode seven to help out, in the way that Boba helped them out of a tight spot once he got his armor in The Tragedy.
Boba and Din Mando Convo: Lots of people have been upset that Boba couldn't appear in his own show to do some explaining in place of the Armorer, but I think that can still happen. In fact, I'd love if we finally get to see what happened right after The Rescue, but in flashback form and from Boba's POV, and maybe Boba and Din talk about what it means to be Mandalorian. And then we can hear about Boba's (likely complex) feelings about that and maybe get some Jango talk. Because if Boba's going to talk about Jango to anyone, it'll be to the single dad bounty hunter wearing silver armor who just wanted to save his kid. Hell, maybe we'll get both a flashback to them talking on the ship AND a present-day, post-covert-banishment talk!
THE TUSKENS: Okay, so, I am still holding out hope that not all of Boba's tribe was slaughtered, and that he will be reunited with them. BUT ALSO that they come in clutch and help fight the Pykes, because that would be the absolute best of all. (And Din's familiar with the Tuskens, what if he's like, "Oh yeah, I can talk to the [x] tribe," and Boba's like, "That tribe was wiped out 😖😩😠😭" and Din says, "Oh no, when?" Boba says, "[#] years ago," and Din's all, "Uh, I just talked to them last week?" and then Boba can find his family and be happy!! 🥰 Please, Favreau and Rodriguez, let me have this one at least?? (And if not for me, for all the fans of color who were devastated by their off-screen, haphazard, barely there send-off? Please. I beg you 🙏)
That's all for the predictions. Fingers crossed! 🤞
Now, Episode 5? Most of the things I have to say about the episode have been said before, tbh. Things that stood out to me:
I do so love Din Djarin. Should I have been as excited to see his silhouette behind those grocery-store-freezer-blinds as I was? Probably not. But I gasped anyway.
I adore the parallels to his introduction in episode 1 of The Mandalorian. Coming in like a bamf? Check. Speaking very little? Check. Putting up with no bullshit? Check. "I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold"?? Check! Cutting a man in half??? CHECK.
The parallels bring into stark relief how different he is, too. Here, he talks more, he's a bit sloppy, he's using a weapon he's not as familiar with, he gets injured (once by himself, and oh, boy, was I glad to see someone injure temselves with a lightsaber after little to no training!) (and OOF, he was in PAIN), he's more emotional (that almost primal shout when he cuts dude in half), he seems more brutal than necessary (did the dude need to be sliced in half? he was flat on his back), and he cares about other people (Mando really said, "Workers of the proletariat, unite!"). Also, man is tired af. And misses his bb.
Finding the covert/Armorer/Paz was a surprise, though this definitely felt like a speedrun through all the things I kind of thought we'd get across season 3. Sad that it's just the two characters with lines that seem to have survived. Hopefully there's others and they just haven't found the covert yet.
RIP beskar spear (Um, Ms. Armorer? If beskar is only for armor, how come the Darksaber is made of beskar?? Checkmate.)
Din wanting something for Grogu, saying Grogu's name, admitting that no attachments is not The Way, wanting to make sure he's safe ... ahhh! 😭🥰
Him fighting with the Darksaber, a la Sabine in Rebels, was hella fun. I might have rewound to watch him fall off that platform a dozen times, and it is still funny.
Hooray for keeping the Darksaber, bullshit for the helmet thing, though it was going to happen eventually. I was surprised that they didn't demand all his beskar back. He quite likely would have surrendered it. But he does need his literal Plot Armor, and maybe she figured if he wouldn't give it up, plus Paz can't beat him, so whatever.
The entire sequence with Din Djarin going through Space TSA is the funniest scene in all of Star Wars television (possibly the movies, too). A+ comedy, and he was the perfect amoung of grumpy.
The thing with the ship was silly and fun (Peli is amazing), though I think it went on too long. It's almost as if they could have shortened that and, I don't know, had a cameo from the titular character? Maybe?
Thank you to Pedro Pascal for making "Wizard" sound as cool as "Fucking. Awesome." I still said, "No! No. Not cool," when he said it thought, because it felt so out of character.
He calls Fennec "Fennec" but still calls Boba "Boba Fett," huh? So formal! You'd think they didn't go save his kid together. But awww, he's doing it for free because he honors debts just like Boba Fett. The drug war has to wait for him to visit his bb though!
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villavineyards · 4 years
you’re just a man, it’s just what you do
- wow first post since my hiatus hahsjsks um,, i changed my @ from lurveisland to hozierferality but in light of s3 coming out soon i thought i’d publish a few things i had stored away and i’ll be changing it back lol just for nostalgia :)
so, here we have a reader x lucas aka a more in-depth convo/how it should have gone when mc came back from casa amor just to see lucas shacked up with another girl even after all they’d been through. i completed lucas’ full route recently and Boy did i i have some Thoughts. anyways mc getting angry and emotional up ahead :D
-you paced around the bathroom, glad to be alone as you processed the information obtained in the past ten minutes. the door rattled for a second and your breath hitched, but whoever was on the other side must’ve gotten the hint and walked off.
you looked at yourself in the mirror, eyes glossy as you fully analyzed where you and lucas stood now that blake is in the picture. was it so hard for him to have been loyal? you get that she’s pretty and he’s a greek god, but seriously?
maybe you expected too much. this is love island, after all. and lucas is a man, just like every other man you’ve met in your life. you just.. you’d wanted him to be different. was it dumb to hope you and he would’ve been the ones to break the mold?
determined, you marched out of the bathroom and upstairs to the terrace, already mumbling under your breath as you swung the door open. as you stood there, lucas turned to look you in the eye for the first time that night.
you laughed, a forced laugh that made lucas’s eyebrows crease slightly.
“hi.” you said back harshly, still breathing hard as you delicately sat next to him. he opened his mouth to speak, but you raised one finger to stop him before he could. you sat and watched, how the collar of his shirt showed off the same chest you, and probably blake, had grown so used to. how his eyes were wide with anticipation, how his closed fist sat in his lap.
“i have... a few things to say. the first one being that despite what you’ve done to me, i missed you like crazy. i thought about you every day, after every exchange with the boys i’d wished it was you there instead. now, i’m going to skip the formalities and get right to it... what the hell, lucas? what happened to ‘it will always be you?’?” you stopped, feeling your pulse in your neck as your breathing increased.
“i trusted you. i spent the past two days surrounded by men who would’ve done anything to be where you are now, and this?! this is how you pay me back? it’s my own fault, which i see now. i should’ve realized that the whispers by the pool were only temporary. i cannot believe that you.. that you’d do this to me. to us.
“you can’t tell me it was difficult to stay loyal, because i know you, lucas, and i know your determination. if you’d wanted us to work you wouldn’t have even been tempted in the first place. i know in my heart that this is for the best, because if you would just trade me off after two days of not seeing each other, how could i trust you on the outside? so, bitterly i guess i have to thank you. thanks for reminding me that no matter how loyal you are, a man is a man. i wish you’d been different, and maybe this night would’ve been different for the both of us.”
you stopped, breaths finally even as you watched lucas’ face for any emotion to appear. he pressed a hand to the side of his face, and cleared his throat. “i’m.. sorry. my reasoning for coupling with blake is going to make me look worse in your eyes than i probably already look, but you deserve to hear it. we got a video of you guys all living it up with those boys, and the way you and this one bloke looked at each other... i got scared. i realized that you’re the best girl here and i was never going to be able to match up. and then, with blake throwing herself at me, it was like a lifeline... sort of. i mean it when i say i don't like her, not anywhere near the way i like you.”
you blinked, not moving as you looked at lucas. you braced yourself, telling yourself not to cry in front of him. “you knew what happened with rocco. you told me you'd never do that to me, told me that any guy who’s weak enough to not trust his relationship doesn't deserve one. i want you to know that the time we spent together means so much to me, and i won’t forget you in an instant. but i can’t forgive you. i don't know what the future holds, but ours is gone. i wish you’d been different.” and with that, you looked lucas in the eye one final time before walking off.
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dear-kumari · 4 years
I mean to send you a question for the "Ask me 1 thing" but totally forgot! I feel like I can probably guess how & why you got into animation, so instead: do you have a specific direction you want to go in with it? Work for a particular studio, in a particular genre/style, what types of projects, etc.? Like, ideally, where in the industry would you like to end up?
Good question! ^.^
I don’t know about a specific direction, but I do have some directions in mind.  Maybe too many directions.  They all involve staying in the US, for better or worse, because I’m still monolingual and inexperienced with traveling.  As for where I’d like to end up career-wise and what kind of projects I’d like to work on, that’s a little complicated.
[Warning: long post]
Before all that, though, I should probably preface that I’m still not sure if I’m going into the animation industry.  Not just because I’m inexperienced, don’t have a proper portfolio, don’t mesh with the genres/art styles that are popular here, can’t risk moving far from home rn, might never be disciplined enough for the industry, might never have the basic social skills and connections necessary to network in a highly competitive field ……  Yeah, I don’t mean to sound so pessimistic, but I generally try to be realistic about my options so I don’t get hurt as much. :’D  More importantly, though, I’m not sure if animation really is the right path for me — like, I love animation, I think my best ideas involve animation, and I think there’s so much untapped potential in the medium, but if the work climate of the industry isn’t good for me then it just isn’t.
So for now, I’m also getting an Art History major, keeping grad school options open, and learning skills/programs that are more relevant to webcomics and graphic design, just in case.  I think I’m gonna take a gap year after I graduate to just breathe, polish my portfolio/resume, and try to figure everything out.  Again, I’m not trying to be down on myself or anything; I do think I have marketable talents and whatnot, it’s just that … I’m not marketable, if that makes sense.  And I’m not really sure if I want to be. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Okay, with that boring brutal honesty out of the way, let’s get to the fun part!
The thing about major studios in the US is that most of them are in one if the worst places in the world, Los Angeles.  I don’t want to think too hard about having to live in or anywhere near LA or the LA County, even though it’s my most likely path; so for now, my big sky-castle dream is getting a job at Powerhouse Animation in Austin, Texas.  Austin isn’t exactly the best place to live in either, but my understanding is that it's still much better than LA (most cities are).  Plus, it’s way closer to where I live now, and I’m much less likely to die in a fire because of poor land management and/or gender reveal parties! :D
More importantly, though, I just really respect what Powerhouse is trying to do right now.  Most TV productions in the US outsource all of their actual animation to Korea and other countries, so it’s cool to see great 2D animation still being produced in-house.  I love Japanese and Korean studios, but I think we sometimes build up this mystique around them, like they’re the only people who can animate with more sophisticated character designs.  Powerhouse’s animation can definitely get awkward at times (we’ve had this convo re: Castlevania s3, lol), but they really hit it out of the park when they can.  My best hope for them is that they start producing shows entirely in-house someday and become like a Western counterpart to KyoAni.
This was supposed to be about me, wasn’t it … anyway, yeah, I’d love to work for Powerhouse Animation and/or my super idealized vision of what Powerhouse Animation could be.  My next-best choice is to suck it up and move to LA to try for Dreamworks, Sony, Frederator, Nick, Disney (TV) and Wonderstorm in that order.  Beggars can’t be choosers ofc, but I know there are studios that I just wouldn’t be able to vibe with stylistically.  (aside: I actually really wanted to work for Disney/Pixar on animated films when I was young, but my current tastes and abilities are so far removed from the CG film industry that I’m pretty sure I’d hate working there now.)
As far as what I’d like to do in the industry, that’s a whole bag of worms unto itself.  I’ve basically looked into every job in animation production besides the actual animation.  Storyboard artist (or revisionist, more likely) is my best bet for an entry position, which is great, because I love storyboarding!  And if you’re good at that, you can go up the ladder in a pretty traditional way, from storyboard artist to episode director and so on.
But, I’m also aware that there are barriers for people on that side of production, and that you’re more likely to move up to producer or showrunner positions if you start out as a writer or production assistant.  (Unless you’re working on a storyboard-driven show, of course, but I generally don’t like storyboard-driven shows …)  Writers and PAs don’t need to be good at drawing, obviously; writers need to be able to write collaboratively, while PAs need to be good at … being on top of scheduling/organization and being personable, as far as I can tell.  My general impression is that these positions are even harder to get into than the visual side of production and are based even more in Networking™, but I could be wrong.  Those positions might actually be more in line with my skills, but again, barriers to entry and whatnot.
A lot of the rules of the industry seem nebulous and arbitrary anyway, so idk.  Some people just get lucky and go straight from pitching shows to running them.  Besides, I don’t even know if I’d want the responsibility of being a showrunner — again, unless it’s at least a bit like my idealized vision of what showrunning should be.  Maybe I’m more of a writer.  Or a character designer.  Or a comics artist pretending to be a good fit for this industry (see, if the US had a comics-to-cartoon pipeline like Japan this wouldn’t be so difficult!)
At the same time, though, I think most people who enter the industry have a similar kind of struggle.  Like, you watch cartoons/anime as a kid and see behind-the-scenes footage, and you have this Vision of what kind of project you’d like to work on, and it’s not until much later than you realize that you’ll probably never have much of a say in it.  Even people who aren’t interested in pitching or producing shows have to grapple with that, I think.  Most of the storyboard artists/revisionists I follow on social media have personal side projects, like a webcomic or a pitch, that they’re clearly more passionate about than the actual shows they work on.  It’s not that they don’t like storyboarding that much — heck, that’s probably still their favorite thing to do! — or that they don’t like being part of a team.  I just don’t think anyone really goes into this field wanting to be part of an industry pipeline, if that makes sense.  Nobody’s brain is perfectly suited for a highly specialized corporate position.
So … in conclusion, Powerhouse Animation is cool, We Are All Renaissance Men, and I didn’t even talk about what kind of projects I want to work on, did I?  I guess AtLA, TSSM, and GL:TAS were big influences on me growing up; so, if the industry is still heavily entrenched in action-adventure shows for kids for the next decade, I’d be happy to work on shows like that.  I’d really love to work on  dark, mature stories, pretty slice-of-life, and/or technically ambitious productions that reflect my tastes in anime, but that might be too much to ask of the US at this point.  Just … well-written, script-driven shows with decent visuals, please?  I want to be part of projects that hold up to critical scrutiny.
Okay, so in conclusion for real:  My feelings about the animation industry are complicated, but I love everything animation-related and it’s been my dream career for a long time.  I’m just not going to commit to anything until I’m more confident in myself and my abilities and what I want.  This was very rant-y and disorganized and twice as long as it probably should have been, so thanks for reading. ^.^
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visforvengeance · 5 years
Robin Buckley: I thought I dreamed her
Requested by: no one :)
Notes: hi. Hello. I’m back from the dead with some gay. Am I too late? I absolutely adore robin and this has been sitting in my drafts since s3. Now. The conversation where robin confessed her feeling to reader is an actual convo I had w my best friend. And this was kind of dedicated to her. Idk if she’ll read this but anyway. I hope you like it. This was inspired by hozier’s work song too.
Warnings: none. Cursing. Just really gay fluff.
Having a summer job at the mall was tiring. Until she walked in. She was shy and hardly spoke. When I first saw her, I ruined a customer’s ice cream cone. Chocolate was all over my hand and my boss yelled at me for the third time. “Stop being so distracted! Those condiments cost and I don’t pay you to stare at boys,” she said. Boys? Yuck! And she barely pays me anything. ”Y-yes, ma’am. I’m sorry.” I never stutter. But her laugh made my knees go weak and my heart burst with joy.
Steve was working there already. They’d both gotten super close. Always laughing and hanging out, it made me jealous. Why couldn’t she be like that with me? Steve never even acknowledged her in school. But me? I noticed her every move. Not in a creepy way, but in an “I completely adore you” way. Her favorite drinks and how she never ate the school pizza because it had cheese on it. She hated cheese, but she ate Doritos and things. It was cute.
She was so cute in her sailor’s hat. How bored she looked when Lucas’ little sister and friends demanded they get more ice cream or they’d tell our manager. When Steve wasn’t around, she’d speak. But nothing more than “what are you eating for lunch?” If I wasn’t so fucking awkward, maybe we could’ve been friends. I’d rather have her as a friend than not at all.
In school, I’d see her giving heart eyes to the back of Steve’s head. God, I wish it were me instead. He genuinely sucked, and she deserved better. I started leaving notes in her locker. Notes like “you looked pretty today” and “you’re an Aphrodite in a garden of snakes.” I watched her read them and her smile stay plastered on her face until the end of the school day.
When Steve noticed that I was working there (after 3 months?) he invited me to hang out with them after work. And Robin insisted that I come and that she won’t take no for an answer. Remember now, I never stutter. But when her attention was on me, the connection between my brain and my mouth went out the window.
We sat at the swings in Hawkins Memorial Park. Steve stood against the pole, while Robin and I swung. We all engaged in a conversation, but Steve kept getting left out. He went home and it was just us. We had a mini fight on who was walking who home (she won). On the way to my home, we talked and talked. Time sped past us and we were on my doorstep in no time.
When I got to work the next day, I expected her to not want to talk to me. But she stopped her conversation with Steve to come and hug me. She smelled of vanilla mint perfume. It made me fall more in love with her than I already was. Our conversations carried on throughout the day and then we walked home together.
Soon, we became really close friends. We had sleepovers and gave each other hugs that seemed to last forever. She told me she loved me for the first time when we were in my bed. The fairy lights on my wall captured her silhouette perfectly. We were laying face to face, so close that I could feel her breath on my skin.
And then we were practically inseparable. I had replaced Steve in a sense. But not in the way I wanted. I didn’t want to be her friend, I want to kiss her lips. I couldn’t tell her that, though.
I’d overheard a conversation between her and Steve. She was talking about someone, a girl. She mentioned how she thought she was the cutest girl she’d ever seen. And that she just wished she felt the same. I couldn’t listen anymore, so I announced my presence.
After a few months, we grew apart. It worried me. If I ever lost her, it’d be like losing a part of myself. By now, I was maybe in love with her. We’d say ’I love you’ at least 3 times a day. And we held hands all the time. We were extremely close, maybe too close. If I was ever sad, she was always there. And she made me feel better instantly. I thought about her constantly and everything reminded me of her. I’m scared of losing her.
And then came to my house at 12:30 am. “I think too much about you,” she whispered. “Is that bad?” I asked curiously. “I don’t know. I want you in my life. But is it that simple or is there more to it?” I shrugged. “We’ll just have to see.” She nodded and turned over to sleep.
She quietly called my name, asking if I was sleeping. When I responded and turned to look at her, she was already facing me. “Please don’t hate me after this but I think I might be in love with you. We say ‘I love you’ to each other all the time and I truly mean it. And I can actually picture myself marrying you. I can’t picture my life without you.”
I moved to kiss her. She wasted no time placing her hand on my waist. My hands were tangled in her hand and my body was warm all over. I’ve dreamt of this moment so many times. You could hear the soft beat of Just Me and You playing on the radio.
When she pulled away, I got lost in her eyes for a second. “I take it, you feel the same way?” I laughed and nodded. “More than you know, Buckley.” I spent the rest of the night in her arms.
The next day, we arrived at Scoops Ahoy. I hadn’t eaten, and I would’ve been starving. But when I watched my girlfriend smile at the tiny customer when taking his order, my body was so full of love that I could barely eat.
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