#but damn if there ain’t a part of me I trained to be sunshine and happiness and a reminder of the good parts of life
raeofgayshine · 1 year
*stares into void* How am I supposed to sleep knowing that doctors don’t take me seriously? That the pain I’m in, all over my body by the way, that was bad enough earlier I couldn’t turn my head very far because I was in pain and it felt stiff (and now I just have the pain left so I can at least turn it but will continue not to do so much). Pain that makes it hard for me to stand for very long because it kills my back and also my hip, who has a fuck ton of issues on my own, of course all the way to my feet, and there’s a reason I have frequent nightmares of my legs just giving out and no longer working, because the longer I stand the more that feels like it’ll be the case, and also that seems to be a lower bar lately which fucking great you know. The pain also, that goes from my neck like I said but into my shoulders and down my arms, sometimes. Sometimes also just my fucking wrists hurt, my hands will get so stiff I feel like I can’t do anything, can’t even close them around something to pick it up, and isn’t that my shittiest situation because I like to be doing stuff.
But instead of taking me seriously doctors have insisted it’s all my anxiety (except my wrists, which is clearly carpal tunnel despite multiple tests proving I have no fucking signs of that). Which is basically the modern day version of getting diagnosed with hysteria.
And so how can I sleep both knowing I will only continue to get worse and deal with more symptoms (pain and otherwise) until I reach a point I can’t actually fucking function anymore because no one will take me seriously, and also how can I sleep when I’m in fucking pain no matter how I lay and there is no medicine I have that will fucking help it?
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mypimpademia · 4 years
Since we don’t know what Miruko’s agency is like, I’d love to request hc’s of Hawks, Aizawa, Bakugo, and Mirio going there only to see it’s full of gorgeous black women of all shades, hair textures, and varying quirks. Of course they meet and fall for Y/N, who’s Miruko’s assistant (but a room full of black women is heavenly asf). I think their reactions would be hilarious since they’re visiting due to hero work stuff but they’re distracted by all the queens around them.
Keigo (hawks) x black!fem!reader, Aizawa x black!fem!reader, Bakugo x black!fem!reader, Mirio x black!fem!reader
TW: Swearing
Note: I love love LOVE this, and I hope you like these bc I had sm fun writing this
For obvious reasons, on Bakugo and Mirios parts you're her assistant but you're still a student (assistant in training?) And you're there for your internship. You also go to shiketsu!
Also, you said black women so I just assumed fem reader but if you want gender neutral please tell me and I'll fix it!
This man wouldn't know how to act
Of course he's gonna be respectful because he'd hate to make any of these beautiful women feel even a little disrespected
But he is most certainly doing double takes👀
Keigo is in awe of the diversity
Gorgeous dark-skinned women, brown skinned women, 3a to 4c hair, women with vitiligo, albino women, plus sized women, and even more!
And they all look like fucking models
He feels like hes in heaven, and if he is, he's beyond pleased with life after death
But he swears hes seen a goddess when Miruko introduces you
"This is my assistant, Y/n, she's been working with me for awhile..."
Keigos attention span pretty much dissolved when you waved and smiled at him and he stopped listening to Miruko
You follow him and Miruko around, and help Miruko further explain whatever it is that he's there for
And he honestly forgets he's supposed to be fucking working
Probably flirts with you a little bit too
Miruko probably gives him an 'Alright hawks... I see you.' Loook
By the end of it, Keigo didn't listen to a damn word anyone but you said and most definitely didn't get the work he was supposed to do done <3
But he did get your number, and that's all he cares about
Walking into that agency damn near broke him
Hes lookin around lost as fuck because he thinks he just died and went to heaven
There's no way all these beautiful ass women could just be all in one place and on earth
And lord have mercy when he saw you he said "God is a woman"
Dare I say he blushed???
Miruko had something to take care of, so she had you show him around a little, since that was pretty much all he was there for
This man could listen to you just speak for hours
And since you're alone together he takes his time to look at you
Your hair (no matter how short), your face, and most definitely the way you basically glow when you guys pass by a window (Miruko probably has a lot of windows at her agency for that exact reason)
By the time you finish showing him around, this man is all about you
"You guys already done with the tour? I hope Y/n treated you good."
This man was still in a daze and could only nod
Shouta didn't ask for your number, but he did look forward to seeing you during meetings and any other time he'd have to come to Mirukos agency
His parents are fashion designers, so he's seen all types of women and people of all colors
But why the fuck ain't he ever seen none of these women in magazines?!?!??
Literal models. Every single one.
And when he saw you??? He's never been so stuck in his life.
He turned red in an instant, and was completely frozen in place
"This is my assistant Y/n, she's the same age as you and she's here for an internship as well. You'll be working together most of the time– and from the looks of it you won't have an issue with that."
Miruko definitely peeps the way he acts around
And you both do that stare that black people give each other when they both feelin the same thing
Bakugo is stubborn though, and he acts like he doesn't care about you
But fails miserably
This boy is down expeditiously, and he knows it and so do you
Always looking at you, getting blushy around you, and very obviously trying to find ways to be around you
You usually smile if you catch him taking small glances at you, and it makes him flush pink 100% of the time
And just to mess with him, when he blushes you ask if he's okay or what's wrong
He usually ignores you because he knows you're doing it on purpose so why the fuck you askin, you KNOW whats wrong
He walks you home at the end of the day, and eventually he (forcefully) gives you his number
You're honestly the best part of his week when it comes to doing internships
But will he tell you that? Absolutely not <3
He walks in and the smile on his face is wider than usual
Mirio loves black women more than anything, don't @ me.
All shades, shapes, and sizes
So seeing all the variety in there just made him start chessin
Even their quirks have variety!
Fire, electricity, light, air, and even hair quirks
He complimented all of the women that walked by him
"Hi! You look gorgeous!"
"Hello, I love you hair!"
But when he saw you he could not hold back
"This is my assistant Y/n, she's here on an internship just like you, you'll be working together pretty much all the time."
"Hey there Y/n, nice to meet you! I already know you're gonna be a ray of sunshine!"
Yeah, he ain't even try to hide that he fell for you on the spot
Cracks jokes all the time just to hear you laugh
Purposely tripped over his own feet in front of you once just to say:
"Oops, guess I'm falling for ya!"
Mirios jokes are always corny, but he's so precious that you can't help but laugh
Sometimes, he gets distracted when he's looking at you, and triggers his quirk without realizing
Ends up naked and halfway through the floor
"Mirio... you set off your quirk again."
He laughs it off but you're like 'Sir this is the third time today you've ended up butt ass naked and inside the floor'
But at this point you've gotten use to seeing him with his cheeks out, and its something both of you often laugh about
Though, it's still alarming when a 6 ft tall beef cake is suddenly through the floor at waist level
You definitely know he likes you, and you like him too because who wouldn't?
The entire agency is rooting for both of yall
Taglist: @myhoodacademia @katsuflossy @iiminibattlehero @ecao @nnnoya @hawklmaoo @strawberry-ice @mixfi @wolfkid22 @mythiccheroacademia @myfandemons @lilsparkyswife @her-majesty-kiara @mindofess @kqtsukisgf @1-800-s1mping @angiebug101 @mads-fairy @solar3lunar
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hypmic-translation · 3 years
Hypster Magazine Vol.2 Q&A
Q: What are you into lately?
Ichiro: I’m getting really into video editing lately. Right now I’m making a PR video for Tsutaya! You can really change someone’s impression of something by the way you tie together words and images on a screen, but it’s pretty easy for me to lose track of time when I can’t make it look exactly the way I want… Jiro and Saburo are helping me shoot some street views of ‘Bukuro, so don’t be afraid to come say hi if you see us! (TL note: Tsutaya is a Japanese chain of video rental shops and bookstores.)
Jiro: Playing guitar! Me and a friend of mine are planning on performing in a band at the school festival. It’s been a while since I last played, so I ended up getting hooked again. In my head I always think about doing something cool, but my fingers never do what I want ‘em to do…
Saburo: …Origami. What, you want a reason? …I’ve discovered that I can also apply it to programming, and lately I’ve been fascinated by its profundity.
Samatoki: (Sigh) What a pain… vintage stuff. S’been a while since I last collected any rider jackets.
Jyuto: Hmm, I’d have to say live painting. It’s an art form in which an artist creates an entirely new piece of work on the spot, and it’s easy for one to lose track of time as they watch the painting come together. Perhaps it’s that sense of immersion that makes me feel so comfortable. How did I get started? Ah, I just happened to see it once at a contemporary art exhibition.
Riou: A soldier such as myself has no hobbies, as personal interests and pleasurable pastimes keep us from remaining dedicated to our mission. However… once, when I was gathering information, I happened to hear a rather nice piece of music over the airwaves. I have been listening to the radio every day since then.
Ramuda: Going to horse racing arenas, I guess! I dunno much about the rules, but the jockeys’ clothes are sooo colourful and cute, it just kicks my inspiration into high gear! Getting to see them in the paddock gets me more excited than anything ☆
Gentaro: I’ve finally begun following my lifelong dream of becoming a coach. What for? Why, a grassroots baseball team, obviously. I’ve taken charge of a small group of delinquents, and my mission is to lead them to the league championship. It’s a bit of a trial and error affair, but it’s enjoyable to run along the riverbank in the sunshine… of course, that was all a lie.
Dice: Gambling, obviously! Especially horse racing, which to me is the best damn thing in the world right now! I ain’t biased towards it, though. I’m bettin’ my money on everything: cee-lo, slot machines, pachinko parlours and casinos, boat races - I’m even takin’ part in the lottery raffles downtown! Heheh, I’ve got it all worked out!
Jakurai: Currently, I am rather addicted to driving on ordinary public roads as opposed to taking the highway. It is a wonderful way to get a feeling for the characteristics of the local area, and there are many fascinating discoveries to be made by taking the scenic route. The view as seen through the windscreen can be very interesting indeed.
Hifumi: The kind of beauty products you can use at home! Whenever something new comes out I get excited about it. All the new brushes and the face masks with the electric waves...! Oh, you wanna see how it looks on me? Guess you’ll just have to come to the club and find out!
Doppo: I'm addicted to predicting the number of steps or stairs. When I get it right, it feels like something good is going to happen and it makes me feel happy. I drive a lot for work but sometimes I take the train, which is exciting because it gives me more opportunities to use the stairs.
Sasara: I’m in love with the mascot cat at the coffee shop near my studio! It never comes near me when I visit no matter what I do, though, so every time I go to visit I always bring a new joke to tell. I’m gonna make this kitty warm up to me with the power of laughter!
Rosho: I’ve been into late night restoration shows lately. It’s always exciting for me to see an old car being reborn...! I wish I could share this feeling with my students, but it’s hard to incorporate it into my lessons. I think I’ll start by coming up with some jokes about restoration.
Rei: I like gettin’ to know new people over social networkin’ sites. Whenever I find someone I think might be interestin’ to talk to, I shoot ‘em a DM. It makes connectin’ with other people real easy, which is nice and convenient. Hey, if ya happen to spot me online, feel free to follow. I’ll be sure to follow ya back.
Kuuko: When I cook, I like making the soybeans kinda meaty looking! I’m thinking of putting something as close to meat as possible in our next vegetarian meal to give my old man a run for his money! Kyahaha!
Jyushi: Lead weights are used to hold down my limbs, awakening the hidden power sleeping within me... I have devoted myself to this ritual of reincarnation, which shall grant me a new body. Of course, in order to obtain the arm strength of a swordsman, I must remember to move hastily and breathe deeply. There can be no room for mistakes here!
Hitoya: Smoked food, at the minute. Obviously, the aim is to enjoy my drink with a nice snack. Two of my favourite chip flavours at the minute are cherry blossom, which leaves quite the unique taste, and whiskey oak, which gives off a hint of Western liquor. I’ve been working on a few blends as well, I’d like to add. Honestly, I never thought I’d be so captivated by it… it’s a little bewildering. (TL note: When he says chip flavours, he’s talking about flavoured wood chips that are burnt in order to give smoked food a specific undertaste.)
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octbrsaturn · 4 years
note: I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER !!! i’ve been so busy the past week with moving houses and work, it’s been crazy and i’ve been ridiculously tired. also keep in mind that i’ve officially changed her name to y/n, this way it’s easier for you cuties :) THERE WILL BE A PART 3 !!! i’m not leavin y’all hanging after sticking with me for so long ;,) ily guy and all the support i’ve been given, you guys are the best!
please enjoy!
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"Dean," Y/N nodded, turning back to her paper and continuing to draw. Arvin once told her that ignoring people was like putting water in a fire - it started to douse them out. It was entertaining them (talking to them, laughing at them, any attention in general) was what fanned the fire. So Y/N tried her hardest to ignore Dean. But the problem with Dean was that being ignored only pushed him to try harder for attention, whether it be good or bad.
Dean stuck his hand in through the car window and grabbed onto Y/N's chin. He roughly turned her head to look at him. "How've you been, Y/N? I've not seen you in a while. I missed you."
Y/N pulled her head away from Dean's grasp and continued to ignore him.
"She's still not very obedient," Dean's friend, Jack, said slyly. "Maybe we should teach her a lesson."
"I'm startin' to think you're right ... " Dean answered. "The thing is, Jack, that colored girls like her ... they're real pretty sometimes, but not very smart. So truly, they're only good for one thing." He gave Y/N a fake frown, making it seem like he didn't want to do what he was about to do.
Y/N could feel her heart drop into her stomach, but she still tried her hardest to ignore them.
Please hurry, Arvin, please ...
Inside the diner, Arvin was stuck talking to Sandy Roberts, one of the girls from his class. She had long, blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was nice enough, never said anything rude, kept to herself. Arvin didn't hate the girl, he just wanted to get back to his sunshine to celebrate her passing her test.
So as Sandy spoke, Arvin didn't listen very hard. Every once in a while he'd let out an 'mhm' or a 'sure' but he didn't contribute in the conversation at all.
"And I was thinkin', maybe sometime soon, you and I could go check out a movie? Or maybe go dancin'?" Sandy asked with hopeful eyes.
Arvin's eyes, however, were trained in his car. He squinted but he couldn't make out a figure in the passenger seat. Y/N knew better than to get out, especially since this diner was still desegregated, but didn't welcome people of color all too well, so where the hell was she?
"Arvin?" Sandy asked, trying to get his attention again.
"Huh? Oh, uh, sure," Arvin didn't remember what he was agreeing to. "I've gotta go, I'll see you later, Mandy."
Before Sandy could tell him that her name wasn't actually Mandy, Arvin was out of the door. He looked in his car to make sure his eyes weren't deceiving him, and when he realized that Y/N was gone, he went into full-on panic mode.
Arvin looked around, his head whipping in every direction, trying to find anything that could help him find her. He finally decided to walk around the building, hoping that maybe she'd decided to take a walk? Even though that wasn't like her at all?
Arvin walked around the building, looking for anything to get him to her. His eyes finally landed on something that made him see red immediately.
It was Y/N - his Y/N - on the ground, scooting back into the wall as far as she could, fear dripping in her eyes. Arvin looked up to see none other than Dean Cooper standing above her. His pants were around his ankles and one of his hands were flat against the brick wall, trapping Y/N. His other hand was working on pulling down his underpants, but before he could, Arvin was already on top of him, beating the shit out of him.
"Didn't you learn all those years ago?!" Arvin screamed out, relentlessly striking Dean's face in. "Leave her alone!"
Arvin was then tackled to the ground by Jack Willows. Arvin could feel his stomach get kicked, but all he could seem to care about was Y/N. He looked up through hooded eyes to see her tear-stricken face, screaming for Dean and Jack to stop. She stood up as best as she could with shaking legs and tried to pull Jack away, but he only reared back and smacked her across the face.
When the boys had finally decided that Arvin had enough, they stood up. Dean turned to Y/N with a bloody smirk. He leaned down and kissed her cheek, despite her cries for him to leave her alone. His lips lingered near her ear as he whispered, "I'll see you around, sunshine."
As soon as the boys were out of sight, Arvin crawled over to Y/N and gently cupped her face. Her eyes were wide with fear, barely blinking. "Sunshine - sweetheart, can you hear me?" Arvin asked urgently, trying to decide what to do. He knew of a few black hospitals around the area but didn't know if he should take her. She didn't look too hurt - just a few scratches and a torn cheerleading outfit. But her eyes ... Those scared Arvin. She looked traumatized. Like she was never going to forget what just happened to her.
"Y/N, baby," Arvin gently shook Y/N's head with his hands, trying to get her to look at him. Y/N's eyes were trained on the ground, she couldn't seem to let her eyes wander away from one specific spot. Arvin continued to shake her, trying to get her to look at him.
"Please, look at me! It's me, sweetheart, it's Arvin! I'm right here, baby, I'm right here ... " He gently pulled her face into his chest and hugged her close, like he always did when she needed him to. "I'm right here ... I ain't goin' nowhere."
"I'm going to kick his fuckin' ass," Arvin told his grandmother, Emma. Y/N was now at his house, sitting with Lenora. He left her there with his step-sister so he could talk to his grandmother, but he had now decided that he'd instead go and find Dean Cooper.
"Hold on a second now," Emma stopped the boy. "I don't even know what happened. How'd she get like this?"
"Dean fuckin' Cooper and his buddy Jack is what happened. They dragged her outta my car at the diner and were about to ... to ... " Arvin couldn't even bring himself to say it. He couldn't even think about what they would've done if he wasn't so damn busy talking to Sandy Roberts. If he had waited even a minute longer, Y/N ... No. He made it in time. She wasn't hurt too badly. She would be okay.
"Well, I'll tell you this much," Emma Russell told her grandson. Her eyes were trained on Arvin's knuckles that were clenched so tight, Emma was sure that his hand would break any moment. She reached forward and grabbed onto Arvin's hands, knowing that would help him calm down a little bit. But another part of her knew that there was only one person who could truly calm him down ... and she was in his room at the moment, crying. "Goin' out right now and hurtin' those boys ain't gon' take back what they did to her."
Arvin looked up at his grandmother. Sure, she was right, but Arvin couldn't stand around and do nothing. He had to go now - when the time was right. If he waited, then he may miss his moment. "Grandma - "
"Y/N is in there right now," Emma pointed to Arvin's room, where Y/N was currently crying on Lenora's shoulder. He could still hear her gasping for air. He could hear Lenora gently telling her to breathe and that it would be okay. "And no matter how much she loves her, Lenora ain't the one that she's needin'."
Arvin looked at the ground, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.
"She needs you, Arvin," Emma steps forward and gently cupped his cheek, wiping away an early tear. She knew how much Arvin hated to cry, especially around people. The only person he'd ever cried around that wasn't family was Y/N. "So go help her."
Arvin nodded at Emma and turned, opening the door to his room. He saw Y/N crying with her head in Lenora's lap. Lenora was gently playing with her hair and shushing her as she cried. The girls looked at Arvin as he walked into the room. Lenora stood and let Arvin take her place. Arvin sat down where Lenora was but quickly scooted back, laying down and letting Y/N rest her head on his chest. His hands rubbed her back gently. He kissed her head every few minutes, letting her cry everything out.
"You're safe now," Arvin whispered. "I'm so sorry I didn't come back sooner."
Y/N only continued to cry.
"I love you, sunshine," Arvin kept talking. "I love you so much."
Y/N finally replied. "I love you, too."
Emma had already rung up William Lewis, letting him know that Y/N was going to stay the night at her house for the night. William was used to it at this point. He figured she would anyway. William trusted Emma, knowing that she was just a good of a guardian as Willard and Charlotte were parents (honestly, even better).
After Y/N had finally calmed down, she was only hiccuping against Arvin's chest. He hadn't stopped rubbing her back once, whispering sweet nothings into her ear until he felt her breathing start to slow. Y/N looked up and into Arvin's eyes. "I'm ... I'm sorry."
Arvin shot up at this, leaning on his elbows for a moment before sitting all the way up. Y/N stayed where she was, though, her legs straddling Arvin's waist. Normally, he'd be a tad flustered at the girl's position, but he was too fixated on her statement. Y/N's eyes were cast down at her lap, watching as she timidly played with Arvin's fingers - something she did a lot when she was either nervous or comfortable. Arvin guessed that maybe, at this moment, she was feeling the former.
"Why're you sorry, sweetheart?" Arvin asked, gently moving his hands to hold the girl's hips steady so she didn't fall off of his lap. He caught himself rubbing her skin softly with his thumbs as he patiently waited for her to reply. When Y/N's eyes didn't look up to his, he moved his head down a little so he could look in her eyes. "Look at me."
Y/N did so, her eyes flickering up to Arvin's. He didn't look mad, he looked concerned. Y/N sighed. "I didn't want to get out of the car, I really didn't. He threw the door open from the inside and dragged me out by my hair. I just ... I'm sorry."
Arvin shook his head almost the second she had started talking. He didn't blame her for a second - no, he blamed himself. He shouldn't have been talking to that Mandy girl. He should've kept his eyes on Y/N like he always did when he left her in the car. He would've seen Dean Cooper walking up to the car, he would've seen him drag her out by her hair, and he would've stopped him before he could do anything else.
Arvin kept one hand on her hip, the other shot up to the girl's cheek and gently cupped it. His thumb rubbed tiny streaks along her cheek. "It ain't your fault, sunshine. I've not been mad at you for a second."
Y/N nodded softly. "I can't believe ... after all these years, he's still out to get me." Her head moved forward, resting itself on Arvin's chest again. She sniffled a few times, hiccuped some more, but she didn't start crying again. "Why can't he just leave me alone?"
Arvin sighed. "I don't know, baby. There's just a lot of no-good sons of bitches out there."
Y/N smiled gently at the words Arvin used. The same words his daddy used to say to them all the time when they were kids. She tried not to believe it - she refused to believe that every person was just one-sided. Everyone had a good side and a bad side. They all had motivation for what they did, too. But now that she was older - maybe she was wrong. Maybe Dean Cooper truly was one-sided. Maybe he was just a no-good son of a bitch.
"Hey," Arvin whispered. Y/N looked back at him.
"Maybe I can go get some food, and we can go see a drive-in movie like you wanted?" Arvin offered. He knew the girl wanted to get back to her day, and not dwell on everything that happened.
Y/N perked up. "That new Beatles movie s'posed to be out! I've been wantin' to see it for a while now!"
Arvin groaned. "You and them damn Beatles, sunshine." He rolled his eyes, but knew that he couldn't say no. "Fine. You go hang out with Lenora for a little while, I'm gonna go get the food. You want a burger?"
"Yes! With extra pickles and a side of cheese fries!" Y/N answered, though she already knew that Arvin knew this. He nodded, not moving the girl from his lap. He stayed sitting there, staring into her eyes. He knew that he was going to do something soon - something bad - to Dean Cooper. That guy could not get away with what he'd done to Y/N. No. She didn't deserve a second of pain in her life. She was his sunshine. She'd always been a constant positive in her life, and seeing her in trouble or hurting was something that Arvin worked every day to prevent. And this was just another prevention.
After Arvin got the food, he pulled back into the driveway to his home. He honked the horn of the car three times, and after only a moment, out came Y/N with a smile on her face. She had changed into one of Lenora's old dresses that fit her almost perfectly. The two were about the same height, so the dress went down to Y/N's knees, but Y/N was known to be a little curvier than others, so the dress was just the least little bit tight on her.
Y/N shut the door behind her and closed her eyes in glee. She took in a deep breath through her nose and let it out through her mouth happily. "I'm starved. Let's hurry up an' get there, I can't miss Paul!"
"Who?" Arvin asked, putting the car in reverse and driving them off towards the drive-in theater.
"Paul McCartney, bubba!" Y/N laughed at Arvin. "He's one of The Beatles? C'mon!"
"I'm sorry, you know I don't listen to that crap," Arvin grunted, taking out a cigarette and placing it between his lips. Not a moment later, he felt a punch on his right arm, causing him to swerve on the road a little. "Jesus, sunshine, you're gonna kill us!"
"It'd be worth it!" Y/N yelled out, crossing her arms. "The Beatles are not crap, they're amazing! You mark my words, Arvin Russell, those four are going to be remembered forever!"
Arvin scoffed. "Whatever you say, sunshine."
Around thirty minutes into the movie, Y/N glanced over at Arvin. His eyes were trained on the giant screen, but he didn't look entertained. He looked bored, honestly.
Arvin, who honestly wanted any reason to stop watching this movie, turned to Y/N. "Yeah?"
"Thank you for earlier," Y/N said softly, looking down at her lap. "I-I don't think you realize just how grateful I am for you. You literally do so much for me - you always have. And I guess I just ... thank you."
Arvin felt his stomach drop. Not out of nerves, but just from how much he loved this girl sitting beside him. He couldn't even express just how much his heart felt for her - though he wanted to. "You know I'd do anything for you, Y/N."
Y/N looked back at the screen. She was definitely interested in it, but she couldn't get something off of her mind. "Hey, Arvin?"
Y/N nodded. "And I'd do anything for you, too. Just lately, it doesn't seem like I do too much for you."
"Are you kiddin' me?" Arvin almost laughed. He sat up a little in his seat and turned towards Y/N. "You do so much for me! You ever think about why I call you sunshine?"
Y/N shook her head. "I figured it was just a nickname."
"Well, it is," Arvin nodded. A part of him didn't want now to be the time to confess. But another part of him knew that another time might not come. He needed to stop letting moments like this pass him by. He needed to start living - he was going to tell this girl exactly how he felt. "But ... "
"Arvin?" Y/N asked. "Is everything okay?"
Maybe ... Maybe now wasn't the time to tell her.
Y/N reached forward and grabbed Arvin's hands. Her thumbs ran over his knuckles gently as she waited for him to be ready to talk. And just like that, Arvin's fears went away again. He felt his heartbeat rise, but not out of anxiety, it was more out of excitement. He was braver than he'd felt in a long while.
"Sunshine ... " Arvin whispered. Y/N didn't speak - she just let Arvin continue on his own time. "I call you sunshine because that's what you are."
Y/N felt a ghost of a smile fall on her lips.
Arvin continued. "You're my sunshine, Y/N. You're just ... you're just this ray of light that literally brightens my day, even when you're not with me. Just the thought of you makes me so happy. If I'm havin' a shitty day, all I have to do is think that maybe, maybe I'll get to see you later and that instantly makes my day so much better."
Y/N could already feel her eyes welling up with tears. Ever since she could remember, all she wanted was for someone to care about her this much ... it was what she aimed for at school, though it didn't get recognized as much as she hoped.
But Arvin, her best friend, was sitting right here and telling her how much he cared for her. And Y/N didn't know what to do.
She wanted to reach forward and give him the biggest kiss she could muster. She wanted to wrap her arms and legs around his body and say that he meant the world to her. She wanted to tell him that she loved him more than any friend could love someone. But she was too scared to. The last thing she wanted was to be rejected, especially by Arvin.
"Arvin ... "
"What I'm tryna say is," Arvin trailed off, glancing down at their hands that were still holding each other. "I love you, Y/N."
"Oh, Arvin, I love you too," Y/N replied, smiling softly back at Arvin.
"No, Y/N, you don't get it. I love you. As in, I think I'm in love with you," Arvin shook his head, squeezing the girl's hands harder. "No, I - I'm sure I'm in love with you."
Y/N blinked. Was this finally it? Was Arvin Russell really admitting that he loved her more than a friend?
Arvin continued. "And if you ain't feel the same, I completely get it -"
Y/N leaned forward without a second thought and smashed her lips onto his.
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mxvladdy · 4 years
More than just a flirt
John Hancock X OC
Hi hi! My smut hand be rusty but nothing like completely self indulgent OC smut to bring me back :)
So I’m still new to tagging and the like but my Fallout 4 OC is GN but I do insinuate female genitals. Soooo ye *finger guns* 
If ya read it I hope a like it! 
John was a flirt; that’s all he ever could be. He was charming. He was witty. He was an adventure covered in an oversized trench coat. What bed partners he had came for one thing. The experience. The ability to boast loudly about fuckin’ a ghoul. Like it was a damn badge of honor. His whole life had been a stream of one night stands, and cold beds. That's all he ever could be. That’s all he ever would be.
So then why did he wake up so warm?
Cracking an eye open John reached behind him searching blindly for what was heating his back. His burned fingers were a complete contrast to the soft flesh that greeted him. Slowly, he traces down it, following the flow of the dark muscular till he is holding on to an arm wrapped around his middle.
“Morin’.” His bed partner huffs in his ear. Chestnut curls tickle his cheek as they hug him closer. Whiskey and melon sweet breath bringing back memories of their lips against his. Last night clicks in place. Ophelia. John rose quickly as if burned. This was wrong, they are a friend. A good friend, a trustworthy hardworking leader. They deserved better than-than…
“John?” Ophelia rose uncaring of how the blankets slipped from their arms. Old fabric pooling around their bare waist. They rub at their eyes wearily. “You ok?”
He froze at the edge of the mattress. Long fingers reaching for his pants on a very recognizable floor. He was in Ophelia’s room; or rather this was their hotel room. Damn. He couldn't remember a thing from last night. What did he take? Fuck. He could kick himself. Of all the one-nighters, he wanted to at least remember this one. “Ye doll, sorry...just didn't wanna wake ya.” He smiles, covering his momentary panic.
Ophelia frowned, sleepy hazel eyes narrowing into a familiar piercing glaze. They size him up. Reading him better than anyone ever had before. John couldn’t help but squirm. They looked at him just like when they had first met. Strong jaw tense and their chin high, silently calling out his bullshit.
“I'm fine, honest. Didn't expect to see you is all.” Hancock tried again tugging on his pants.
“In my own room?” His friend snorts, rising to go open the curtains. “Where else would I be?”
John is silent. “I don’t know. Not here-with me.” He keeps his back turned. It was stupid to linger. The warm tingling of their soft body seeps down into the floorboards leaving him aching and cold. Staring at his irradiated hands he could almost cry. Almost- his tear ducts had been scarred shut years ago.  
“John?” Ophelia comes within arms reach. He could sense their hand hovering close to his own boney shoulder. They drop it moments later. “You sure you’re ok? You coming down from a bad trip or somethin’?” John chuckles humorlessly. Was he that predictable? Stepping away from them he finishes dressing.  
“Ye sunshine. Don’t worry about it. Ain’t my first time and sure as hell won’t be my last.” He tosses out over his shoulder. “I’ll give ya a minute ta get ready and meet you out front.”
If Ophelia had anything to say after that they kept between their pretty little lips.
“I think we should head for shelter.” Ophelia says, looking up from the fallen mutant. Their arms filled with loot. John follows their gaze. His black eyes reflect the eerie shade of green growing in the sky. Rad storm. Looked like a big one too. He lights a cigarette and sticks it between his grimy teeth before helping collect a few more useful items.
“Closest place is probably that supermarket couple o’ klicks back.” He jabs a thumb over his shoulder. If they hoof it they could probably get there and pick off any ferals before the worst of the storm hit. Ophelia sighs, John knew how much they hated backtracking. The decision was made for them when their pip-boy starts clicking in warning.
“Well-” They frown, throwing a glance back at the ghoul. “You alright with taking two steps forward and ten steps back?” John laughs, tipping his tricorn up to flash them a quick wink.
“Shit doll- You just summed up my life in a sentence.” Offering a hand he helps the sharpshooter over some loose rubble. “You keep an eye out K? I know you’re low on ammo so I’ll take point.” Ophelia nods. Their sniper rifle slung uselessly across their back. Readying his shotgun John follows behind.
The storm hit just when he had expected. Dropping rain and hunks of debris on the two as they struggle to close the supermarket doors against the high winds. Thanks to their combined dumb luck the place was empty. The sentry bots long since destroyed and even a few tins of food were still scattered about the aisle. Ophelia left him to collect some and scout out any hidden lock boxes, leaving him to set up the sleeping bags and start a small fire. Cracking open a room-temperature beer he stares idly into the flicking flames. It grew steadily as he fed it bits of cardboard and kindling. The yellow glow touches his skin and starts to dry his drenched clothes. John contemplates his predicament while he waits for Ophelia to return. The memories of last night slowly start to come back to him in the silence. The tastes, and smells of washed sheets and sweating skin permeate his senses. Ophelia’s sweet mewls and gasps echo around in between his ears. Who gave them the right to make his name sound so sweet?
Shit-He knew he shouldn’t dwell on it. First rule of one-nighters is to live in the moment then walk away clean. But damn if he wasn’t the worst at following rules.
He relives it all the best he can, parts still blurring and blocked, like a scratch in a holotape. But he’ll take it. He’ll take the phantom feel of strong, sure fingers mapping his body. The ghost of a tongue slipping against his. Washing away the taste of mentats and cheap drinks. He can’t remember the last time he had felt so warm and wanted. Made the sudden distance he put between them hurt even more. Fuck him for getting greedy.
John flicks the butt of his cigarette into the roaring flames and searches for another. He grumbles in irritation as each pocket bears no fruit. “Here. I got some.” A familiar red and white box appears in his peripheral. Ophelia’s chipped yellow nail polish clashing with the old carton.
“Thanks, sunshine.” He rasps, taking the box. He can’t bear looking up for the crumbled container. The thought of making eye contact with them while his blood and brains were living in his trousers seemed unholy. Pulling out the least damaged cigarette of the lot he lights it with a practiced flick of his wrist. “Found anything good?”
They shrug, putting a few cans of beans and corn in the growing amount of embers around the fire pit to heat. “Some ammo and super glue. Also-” They grin, forcing him to look up. “Got you a present.” They pull a bottle out from behind their back to brandish it at him triumphantly. He stares. Not at the bottle, but at the way that little pull of muscle brightens up their whole face. That signature gapped tooth smile warming him better than the beer and firelight combined. He reaches numbly for the bottle. A Nuka-Cola Quantum, the chill of the bottle a welcomed surprise.
He and the rest of the crew had learned over the years not to reject a gift, no matter how valuable. MacCready nearly had a heart attack when he was gifted with a shiny new sniper rifle. That pretty little custom piece came with all the bells and whistles. Not to mention a few boxes of specialized ammo. John had zoned out when the other man started rambling rapid-fire over specs clutching the gun to him like a newborn. Each of the core companions got some good shit from time to time. He had some absolutely sinful blades and an old bottle of pre war bourbon tucked away in his office. Valentine had gotten some fantastic upgrades to his hardware and repairs to his offices. Hell- Curie got a whole bloody body.
Can’t beat these job perks.  
“What’s the occasion?” He pops the cap off with the blunt end of his pocket knife, taking a pull from the bottle. The rush of sugar and god knows what else damping his headache.
Ophelia shrugs from across the pit. Pulling off their worn boots to warm their feet by the fire. “I remember you said they perk you up after a particularly bad crash.” They pause, face closing down for a moment, before looking up in horror. “I would have thought- I mean. I- you-I hope I didn’t do anything last night that upset you. I know you were a bit buzzed and I was way past tipsy. But, if I stepped out of line you would tell me right ?” John looks at them beyond confused.
"What?" He asks dumbly.
" Is," Ophelia waves vaguely at the distance between them. Normally when they camped together they were thick as thieves. Joking and nudging at each other's shoulders. Others used to joke about them getting a room. Now it felt like a great chasm had opened between them. "all of this about last night."
"Oh. Nah. Don't gotta worry none doll." John shrugs. Best to rip the bandage off now then later. "It's in the past, best leave it there. " He lies. It burns his throat worse than jet, but he has to. If only to protect his crumbling pride. One day he'll believe his own words. Hopefully.
"Well I am worried. How 'bout we start over. What’s wrong?" Ophelia jabs.
John feels heat rise under his thick skin. Just pokin’ a fresh cut tonight huh..."Kinda hard to start over after having someone's dick down your throat." He tosses it out carelessly. A shit attempt to derail the coming train wreck. Ophelia doesn't even flinch.
"Well, it's a damn good thing we both know how flexible I am then.” They rebuttal smoothly. “So, I'll ask again. What’s. Wrong?" The ghoul shrinks under their heated look. He was never keen on being hit with these eyes. Meant another kinda storm was brewing.
John throws his hands up in frustration. Had they never heard the phrase 'read the room'. "What, ya never had a one nighter before?" He regrets it the second the words leave his lips. He'd never seen someone flinch from words before. "Look, doll, I ain't one for making things awkward. I know the rules so let's just forget it and move on."
Ophelia deflates. Their signature look that could pin a super mutant in fight extinguished just like that. John watches them mouth over his words slowly. Clearly hating the taste of them as much as he did. "Is- was that what you wanted out of it?" Ophelia sighs. They dig a hand through sweat tangled locks. The tight coils of their hair protesting the drag of their fingers. His own fingers itch watching them, remembering the feel of their hair wrapped around his hand as he pulled them in for a kiss.
"What did you want out of it?" He asks, feeling dumber than a radroach.
Ophelia mimics him, throwing their hands up with a short laugh. "John, I thought it was clear. I don't go sleeping around with my friends and colleagues for shits and giggles. Who do I always ask to join me on travels?"
“Dogmeat?” John jokes, the knot in his stomach loosening with hope. It's unimaginable really- and yet. Were they serious? The past couple of times out they had always come to him. Even when they would be at a strategic disadvantage for whatever crazy scheme they had brewing. Only time he wasn’t Ophelia’s top pick was when some Minutemen tasks needed to be done. Even then He could always expect them at his front door the moment their feet landed on safe ground. A bottle of liquor in hand and an unbelievable story to tell.
“Not funny.” They chastised him scooting until they were seated next to him, knees brushing. "My idea for this morning was to maybe get breakfast and a semi decent cup of coffee. But I guess this is fine." They scrunch their nose in distaste at the cans warming in the fire pit.
“Shit doll,” John reaches out, wrapping a wiry arm around their waist. “Can I make it up to you? For being such an ass?” They hum in jest covering his hand with their own. The kiss that follows was unlike anything that he expected. It was slow and sweet. So different from the fast pecks he would get with others he slept with. He deepens it greedily, not ready to part just yet.
“You’re lucky I find you attractive.” Ophelia whispers into his mouth tossing his tricorn to the side and straddling his narrow hips. “We are going to have a talk about all this. Just-later-much, much later. I need a repeat performance of last night now that we are both sober.”
John groans letting them push him down. “Damn-you got it. You got whatever you want if you mean it.” Ophelia scoffs, ridding themselves of their baggy jacket. John can’t help but marvel at how beautiful they were backlit by the roaring flames. The orange glow of the light wrapping around their dark skin much like he craved to do. The flicking of it lapping at their smooth skin. Flashes of last night coming back to him of his tongue traveling down the same areas. He would have to remap them.
“As if I could ever lie to your smart ass.” They scoff grinding down on the growing bulge hidden in his rough pants. “But you have been lying to me and yourself it seems.”
He grunts in acknowledgment eyeing the way their ass moves. “You are absolutely right.Fuck- how can I make it up to you?”
Ophelia smirks cupping his cheeks. Their eyes meet. Rich hazel meeting cold black. The moment digs dip under his tough hide. The raw emotions in their stare makes his throat dry. “Put that mouth to good use- hmm? I know it’s good for more than some self-depreciation.”  
Spurred by Ophelia’s words he flips their positions, placing the sniper down on his bedroll. John sinks lower, kissing and nipping at their hip bone. Mapping out all the sensitive parts of their body. His tongue tracing the silver little streaks on their belly. Ophelia’s stomach twitches at the feel of his warm breath on their stretch marks, cursing quietly as he finds their slick core. Their nails score his scalp, dragging a hiss of pleasure from his lips. He licks with gusto, taking full advantage of their isolated positions to make them scream.  
“John-” They mew clawing at his shoulders to pull him back up to their kiss swollen lips. He goes leaving a trail of kisses in his wake before giving them a surprisingly chaste kiss on their lips.
“You sure ‘bout this doll?” He didn’t know what would happen after this, but it felt so different compared to his other recurring bed partners. He did want to see them again. He wanted this relationship to bleed into every aspect of his life. If he could relive that morning wrapped in their arms till his brain was splattered out on some dusty alleyway then he would. Without question.
Ophelia nods, reading in between the lines of his multilayered question. If there was one power figure in this wasteland they trusted, it was him. Wrapping a strong leg around his strong waist they shimmy off their tactical pants. Their eyes lock onto his pants as if the ratty briefs offended them.  John chuckles and casually loosens the draw strings keeping his pants up. Ophelia takes it from there scooting the rough material down his legs. They pur, grasping his erection and stroking it. Their dexterous fingers play with his head drawing out a healthy bit of pre.
John sighs and rests his forehead on Ophelia’s brow breathing in their naturally clean scent. It reminded him of the rare times he could get freshly washed laundry mixed with the springtime. Shen the wild plants strong enough to brave this cruel world sprouted. He kisses them, nipping at their chin and collarbone while they drive him wild. “Doll, please.” He gasps, back arching into their touch. “You’re killin’ me ya know.” Ophelia chuckles returning a deep kiss.
“Good, consider it penance for thinking I couldn’t love you.”
John heaves, lost for breath as their words hit him. He pulls back floundering.  “You mean that?” He sees the rapid fire thoughts racing through their wide eyes. Shock that they let slip that dirty little secret, fear of what he would do, then a stark resolution.
“Of course.” Ophelia nods through their embarrassment. Their sharp cheeks beginning to warm under his gaze. They say it like it’s an obvious statement. Like he should have just known. In a way he did. He just couldn’t believe it.
John takes the initiative now.  Dragging Ophelia down to his scarred lips preening when he feels them sigh into it. Their tongue teasing his telling him point blank what they wanted. Grabbing onto their plush hips John grinds down on them, rubbing his stiff erection through the seam of their thighs and wet entrance. The moans that elicited from them made his radioactive blood boil with need. He had to have them again, last night was a dud. He would savoir this time.
Positioning themselves over John’s cock Ophelia shoots him a sultry wink before sinking down onto him slowly. “Oh fuck me.” He groans, dropping his head to his pillow. Their body was feverish around his, soft, pliant and so willing.
“That was my intention.” They grab onto his shoulders for support. Eyelids fluttering heavily. “If I’m not getting that across now, perhaps I should quit while I’m behind?” They joke as they ride him. Their hips move in slow tight circles. It’s enough to drive him wild.
John digs his fingers into the supple flesh of Ophelia’s hips. With any luck he’ll leave bruises. Excellent. Ophelia couldn’t stop John as he flipped their position. He pinned them roughly down on his sleeping bag. “Don’t worry Doll. You got your point across very well. Don’t need to go putting yourself out like that.”
“You’re one to ta-” John thrusts into them cutting off their snark. Taking  devilish delight in flustering them. Setting a fast pace he drives in deep revealing in their cries of pleasure. God damn- this was almost enough to make him wanna go sober. How did he ever think one night would be enough?
“Fuck! I don’t deserve you.” His hisses cutting through the wet slaps of skin on skin. Ophelia does nothing but groan. Neither of them last long. Much to John’s chagrin. He finishes with a choked shout, hips and stomach twitching as he spills himself on their thigh. Ophelia doesn’t fare much better. They bite hard at the rough skin of his neck, nails scoring his back with a perfect mixture of pleasure and pain while they came undone beneath him.
“Do you mean it?” He asks, cupping the back of Ophelia’s skull. They wrap an arm around his neck nuzzling close, draping their body across his.
“Ye- but if you talk down about yourself again I’ll have to feed you to a deathclaw.” John chuckles feeling his eyelids getting heavy. He wouldn’t put it past them.
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mypunkpansexualtwin · 3 years
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Here we come with day two of pegoryu week, and it's gonna be the last one I post on time. I'll still be trying, don't get me wrong, I'm just not the kind of person who can write a fic I'm happy with in one day.
As always, bulk of the fic is under a cut, link is in the reblogs, and I will daydream of baking you cookies if you share it.
“I did warn you.”
“Not even an arcade, dude?”
“Not unless you wanna get on a train for forty minutes.”
“Ugh. Laaaaame.”
After nearly a month of planning, Ryuji was visiting his boyfriend for Golden Week. One whole month of bargaining with all of their parents, putting aside every last yen they could spare, studying their asses off to earn the trip, and, of course, long phone conversations that were probably about eighty percent “I miss you”s and “I love you”s and “I can’t wait to see you”s. With Akira’s help via video call study sessions, Ryuji even managed to get into the top thirty percent of the class in their latest exams; a new record for him that effectively guaranteed the visit. But they’d been so busy celebrating and planning getting him out to the country that they may have completely forgotten to figure out what they were actually going to do when he got there. So now they were on the Kurusus’ living room couch, Akira cross-legged on one end and Ryuji stretched out across the rest with his head on his boyfriend’s lap, trying to scrape together a date idea.
“I’ll say it again. I warned you. Several times,” Akira repeated while he ran a hand through Ryuji’s hair. “There’s nothing to see here.” Ryuji caught Akira’s free hand, tangled their fingers together, and kissed the back of his hand.
“Yeah there is. You’re here, so I say it’s worth it.” Ryuji grinned as his boyfriend turned pink at the tips of his ears and wrinkled his nose.
“Sap,” Akira grumbled like there wasn’t a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Like they both didn’t know full well how much he liked hearing how happy Ryuji was that they were together, in every sense of the word.
“You love me,” Ryuji said, his grin widening just a little further. Akira’s expression melted into something almost embarrassingly soft as he went back to playing with his boyfriend’s hair. He curled and combed his fingers gently through the short strands, and huffed out a quiet laugh as Ryuji went boneless when he grazed his nails over his scalp.
“Yeah. I really do,” Akira sighed happily and got another kiss pressed to his knuckles. “You’re kind of my hero, you know.” It was something he’d tried to make a habit of telling his boyfriend, even before they were dating. Ryuji still sputtered and objected like it was his first time hearing it.
“You-- I-- that ain’t…” He sat up and shoved a pillow into Akira’s face with a groan. “Now who’s the sap?”
Akira draped himself across Ryuji’s shoulders and planted a kiss on the side of his neck, then smiled against his skin at the shiver that got. “You just have that effect on me, sunshine.” Ryuji grunted in response. “You like it.” Another grunt. Akira blew a puff of air at the back of Ryuji’s ear and laughed when he got swatted away. “Don’t pout. You were right, a date sounds nice. But you gotta help me figure it out.”
His boyfriend sprawled back out on the couch after pouting for a few more seconds, then looked up at him with those big brown eyes he’d been a sucker for since day one.
“Aight, what kind of food you got around here?” Akira could have been exasperated at his boyfriend’s predictability, but a dinner date was more feasible than a movie date, and a lot more pleasant than a gym date. He may have loved Ryuji Sakamoto with all his heart, but he didn’t plan on running again on the regular unless it was for his damn life.
“There’s only like ten places total around here. We’ve already visited three, two of them won’t serve me because the owners don’t like me anymore--”
Ryuji’s head jerked up at that, knocking Akira’s hand free. It was ridiculous how cute the guy was when he was offended. “What?! Why the hell not?”
Akira shrugged and went back to petting Ryuji’s hair in an attempt to soothe him. “Didn’t exactly bother to ask, but probably my record. Cleared of charges or not, my reputation mutated while I was gone and I haven’t really been able to fix it.” Not that he’d tried very hard when he didn’t plan on staying for even a second longer than necessary.
The frown that wrinkled Ryuji’s features was almost comical, but he probably wouldn’t appreciate being laughed at while he was already agitated. Especially when it was on Akira’s behalf. “Ugh, this town sucks, can’t wait to get you out of here. Wait, only probably your record? Why else would they dislike you?”
Akira huffed out another laugh, wry and joyless this time. “My uncle’s a pretty conservative guy, I heard he didn’t react well when he found out I was dating some guy from the city.” Quite literally heard it; he’d been getting ready to visit his cousin and could hear the old man shouting inside the house from the sidewalk. He’d opted to text Yuuta to meet up somewhere well away from their house instead when that happened. And, naturally, the news had mysteriously spread to the rest of town by the end of that week.
Ryuji sat bolt upright and twisted back around to face Akira with a scowl. “Your own effin’ family won’t serve you? What the hell?!” His expression was thunderous, made worse by the doomcloud over his head when he asked. Ryuji almost never got pulled into fights these days and was very proud of that fact--they both were--but Akira was certain that he was ready to deck the old man on sight on his behalf. He’d never encourage it, but the thought still made something in his chest swell a little.
“Just my uncle when I try to sit in. If it’s my aunt or my cousin taking delivery calls, they’ll still take the order. Plus a discount and extra desserts, if Yuuta’s the one who answers.” Akira shrugged, then tugged at Ryuji’s shirt to coax him into laying back down in his lap. He did, albeit begrudgingly, and Akira went back to running his hands soothingly through that remarkably soft shock of bright blond hair. “Anyways, the other five restaurants in town are fast food that you could get back home. So…” He trailed off and watched Ryuji’s scowl soften into an annoyed frown.
“Yeah, pass.” Ryuji closed his eyes, either to think or soak up Akira’s touch as he played with his hair, then cracked one eye open after a moment. “How ‘bout a picnic? You’re a pretty good cook and I bet we could find us a nice spot to just chill.”
That... was a pretty solid idea. Actually, that sounded perfect, and Akira knew exactly the spot for them to set up. He opened his mouth to agree, but was cut off by a low rumble of thunder outside. “...Maybe later this week? The weather should clear up before you have to go,” he said instead. Ryuji pouted up at the ceiling, or more likely up at the sky beyond it for ruining his brilliant plan. Then it was Akira’s turn to pout when Ryuji abruptly sat back up out of reach, but not for long.
The next thing he knew, he was being crowded up against the arm of the couch by one blond bombshell of an ex-track star. Ryuji was suddenly determined to pour himself into his boyfriend’s lap, all mischief and heat as he crawled across the couch towards Akira. He couldn’t think clearly while facing down that wicked grin curving across Ryuji’s face like Haru’s favorite battleaxe cleaving through the air. It wouldn’t be the first time they’d made out. It wouldn’t even be the first time Ryuji had taken the initiative and left Akira a flustered wreck when they did. But since it had been over a month since the last time he’d seen that look face to face, it was having more of an effect than usual, and Akira was left frantically trying to cling to his cool.
“I have an idea, babe.” Ryuji said lowly and Akira’s mouth went dry. Hands bracketed Akira’s hips on the couch as his boyfriend crept closer. “Y’wanna hear it?” Akira nodded and felt heat flare across his skin when he realized Ryuji was keeping that hooded, heated gaze fixed firmly on his lips. “Since your folks ain’t supposed to be back before tomorrow afternoon,” Ryuji’s tone was as light as his body was heavy as he straddled Akira and looped strong arms around his neck, “I was thinkin’ maybe… we could…” Akira was desperately trying to focus on the words being whispered into his ear over his boyfriend kissing his way up his neck and leaving his skin prickling in the wake of every touch.
“Y-yeah?” He couldn’t help the nervous flutter in his stomach. If Ryuji was implying what he thought he was implying... They hadn’t done… that... yet. Even with the house to themselves all day, they hadn’t actually talked about it, in part because Akira hadn’t even thought about it seriously yet. That nervous flutter hadn’t subsided and was starting to feel a little more like an anxious lurch.
Ryuji continued, oblivious to his boyfriend’s nerves with his face tucked against his neck. “We could maybe…” Akira’s hands flexed involuntarily around Ryuji’s hips. He didn’t dislike the idea, just-- His unsteady train of thought was thrown off again when soft lips brushed over his ear. “...watch One Piece together?” After a beat where Akira was left blinking stupidly for several seconds, Ryuji sat back on his legs with a grin that had gone from sultry to shit-eating on a dime. Oh. Okay, he could handle that. “I gotta get you caught up to me, plus I wanna see how much we can get through in one sitting.”
“...you’re truly a romantic for the ages, sunshine,” Akira responded flatly as his heart rate slowly returned to normal. He was teasing back now, because honestly that idea sounded just as good as the picnic, with a lot less effort to set up.
“I know,” he answered confidently, but his smile slipped a little. “Is that a no? I just thought maybe I could buy us dinner from your shitty uncle, and we can cuddle while we take advantage of that big TV with the fancy sound system.” Ryuji gestured hopefully to the flatscreen behind them that was nearly as big as Akira’s bed back at Leblanc.
“Sounds good. Netflix and chill, it is,” Akira declared. When he caught the way Ryuji’s smile and shoulders tightened slightly, he added, “y’know, in the most literal sense.” It wasn’t as though he was happy to see Ryuji nervous, but when his boyfriend relaxed at the reassurance, he couldn’t help but feel relieved that the two of them were on the same page as far as that was concerned.
Aki hadn’t been kidding when he said his cousin would hook them up. There was probably double what they’d ordered plus desserts in the bags the guy handed off.
“So, you must be the boyfriend, huh? He talks about you a lot. Y’know, for him.” Yuuta asked as he leaned on the doorway. Ryuji just grinned, because yes, that was him, he was The Boyfriend. Akira’s boyfriend. Akira’s boyfriend. It’d been months and Ryuji still got all giddy about it like it was brand new. Yuuta interrupted his thoughts when he called out past Ryuji to where Akira was sitting and watching TV, “Man, talk about punching above your weight!” Ryuji blushed and opened his mouth to object before Akira could start bragging on how amazing Ryuji was.
Apparently Akira had other plans, because before he could, two sharp whistles rang out behind Ryuji and he reacted basically on instinct. It was the signal Akira had always used to mean duck or you’ll get hit in the Metaverse, and Ryuji’s knees buckled with almost no input from his brain. He had just enough time to worry if he’d spilled the food--thankfully he hadn’t--when one of the couch throw pillows whiffed past his head and nailed Yuuta in the face.
“ACK! The fuck, dude?! See if I give you free dessert again, jackass,” the guy yelled and hucked the pillow back--and missed, from the sound of Akira’s laughter. Ryuji straightened up with a grin as Yuuta turned to him. “How the hell did you two even do that?”
“We’re just cool like that, I guess.” Ryuji shrugged. No need to explain how many times he’d accidentally taken a Lucky Punch or whatever in the back of the head because he got signals mixed up. “Seriously though, thanks for hookin’ us up, dude.” He held up the food and then added a little more quietly, “and, uh, thanks for havin’ Aki’s back while he’s here. It’s easier to not worry if I know there’s at least someone here talkin’ to him besides that damn cat.” That got a snort of laughter out of the delivery guy.
“No problem? I’d say obviously, ‘cause he’s family, but… Well, I’m sure he told you. Our family kinda sucks sometimes.” He frowned, shook his head, then brightened back up. “Anyways, sweet of you to worry. He really did luck out when he found you, huh?” Yuuta said as he stepped back from the door.
Ryuji shook his head. “You got it backwards, man. I’m the lucky one.” He turned back to where his boyfriend was watching TV, now fully absorbed in the show even if he didn’t really look like it. Ryuji couldn’t help the contented sigh that escaped him; he had his boyfriend again and he was going all in on one of Ryuji’s favorite things just because it was one of Ryuji’s favorite things, and it looked like he was actually enjoying it, too. When he turned back, Yuuta was halfway to his scooter, still loaded down with bags of food.
“You really believe that, huh?” He called back. “You keep that attitude, Sakamoto. Even when he’s bein’ a menace, alright? ‘Cause he’s a menace, but he’s my menace, and I’ll serve you up as dumplings if you hurt him!” The scooter rumbled to life and Yuuta added over the noise of the motor, “And you tell him the same thing. I like ya, so he’s gonna be the next lunch special if he’s an asshole to you!”
Ryuji waved in acknowledgment as he sped off, then closed the door and dropped the bag of takeout next to Akira. They paused the episode long enough to sort through the food; a double order of dumplings, pork miso for Akira, spicy vegetable ramen for Ryuji, ginger pork with rice that he was pretty sure they didn’t order at all, and half a goddamn cheesecake for them to split. It was an impressive spread that Akira was already calculating how much was going to be crammed into the fridge at the end of the night.
“Well. Anything we don’t finish tonight can go with us on the picnic?” He suggested as he started on his soup and turned the show back on. They hadn’t made it very far in just yet, and definitely had an uphill battle ahead of them.
Ryuji nodded, mouth already full of noodles. “Shoundsh good to me, dude.” Akira made a face at him like he always did when he talked around a mouth full of food, and Ryuji washed it down with some of the broth. “Family recipe?”
Akira hummed a confirmation around his own food, but paused to actually finish his bite. “Yup. Not as good as the place you took me, but I could just be biased.” Ryuji could hear the smirk in his voice that always cropped up when he was thinking about saying something sappy. Ryuji cut him off before he could, though. Butterflies wouldn’t leave much room in his stomach for ramen.
“I was thinkin’ the same thing. The Ogikubo thing, not the bias thing. Didn’t wanna offend, though.” Ryuji said and took another sizable bite. Even mediocre ramen was still pretty good in his opinion.
Akira chuckled. “Nah. Actually, the ramen there’s always been a little lackluster. I could’ve offered some advice to improve it once I got back, but now? Fuck that guy.”
Ryuji tried not to choke on his food with the laugh that threatened to escape. Scalding, spicy broth shooting out of your nose kinda sucked, especially if you got a noodle along with it. That was an experience he wasn’t keen on repeating. He swallowed down his bite and rasped, “could always pass it on to your cousin. He seems pretty cool when he ain’t threatenin’ to cook us.”
“Ah, you got the shovel talk, then--wait, us?” Akira nodded, but then froze partway and whipped his head around to Ryuji, who nodded in return after clearing his throat.
“Mhm. Said he likes me, ‘n if you break my heart you’re gonna be a lunch special,” Ryuji grinned.
“Asshole. He knows I can’t stand most of what’s in the rotation.” Akira grumbled and pouted into his soup. “What’d he threaten you with?”
Akira’s eyebrows disappeared up into his bangs at that. “Damn, I think he likes you better than me. Uncle’s place is famous for its dumplings,” he explained as he picked the last bit of pork out of his bowl.
“I’m… honored? So is all your family this weird, or is it just you two?” Ryuji asked around another mouthful of noodles. The broth was definitely missing something, but the vegetables were pretty damn good; still pretty crisp but not undercooked. Good flavor on their own, prolly locally grown, too. “Also, how is a place in the middle of nowhere famous for anything?”
“Hey, we still have several other towns nearby, and folks will come here specifically for those dumplings. So you should be honored.” Akira huffed as he popped one of said dumplings in Ryuji’s mouth. Shit, it was pretty killer. Leagues better than his ramen. And of course his boyfriend looked as smug as Morgana when he caught the look on Ryuji’s face. “As for the weirdness? No idea. Around here it’s just me and Yuuta, but I don’t really know much about the ones that don’t live here. Might be because we’re in the middle of nowhere, might be because the ones who live here make a habit of cutting off any undesirables.” Aki shrugged and leaned up against Ryuji. “Maybe I’ll see if I can find any of them when I leave. I dunno.”
Ryuji leaned right back into him and planted a kiss against Aki’s temple, earning himself a pleased little hum from his boyfriend that he felt more than heard. “I’ll be right there with you if you do. I always got your back, babe.” Akira finished his soup and curled up against his side, tucked under one arm. It was nice, even if it meant now Ryuji had to figure out how to eat his ramen one-handed. Eh, he’d figure it out, it’s not like there was much left in the bowl anyway. “So, uh, earlier. You seemed a little tense when I was teasin’ you? And not like usual. I didn’t, like, push too much, did I?”
Akira had suddenly gone very still under his arm. Not the best sign.
“No. But, uh don’t take this the wrong way or anything, I was definitely glad you just wanted to watch One Piece with me. For a second there, I thought you wanted to…” He buried his face against Ryuji’s shoulder. God, his boyfriend was stupidly cute when he got all shy. “...y-y’know. Anyways, I was relieved when you seemed just as nervous about it? Not to be an asshole, but I’m kinda glad it isn’t just me who isn’t ready.”
“Right.” Well, that was that question out of the way, but now he’d paved the way for a new one that’d been rattling around in his head for a while now. God, best case scenario, Akira was probably gonna laugh in his face. Him? Ryuji Sakamoto, of all people, not interested in that? “What if…” He hesitated and tried again. “Well, how long would you be okay with that?”
“What do you mean?” Akira tipped his head up to look Ryuji in the eye. That really didn’t help things, ‘cause even on a good day Ryuji tended to feel small when Akira looked at him like that.
“Like…” Ryuji took a deep breath and steeled himself. “WhatifI’mneverready?” His stomach clenched. There it was, he’d finally said it. Years of wondering if his friends were just exaggerating what they wanted to do with the girls in their class; months of internet research and arguing with himself even when it was the only answer that made sense and trying to backtrack or minimize it with ‘well maybe I’m only kinda like that, maybe I’m that demi thing, maybe I’ll find someone’ to try and soften the blow; a whole year of slowly coming to the realization that that just wasn’t something on the table for him, no matter how attractive Ann was or how close him and Akira got, he just wasn’t wired for wanting that kind of thing, even if he wanted the rest of the sappy, romantic couple shit for as long as he could get it, ideally the rest of his life. All of that had built up to one rushed confession that could make this trip out to the country really effin’ miserable when he still had four more days of crashing at his boyfriend’s place.
“Didn’t... quite catch that?” Akira said after a moment of trying to process what Ryuji had just blurted out. Goddammit. Of course he didn’t.
Ryuji took a deep breath and tried again. “What if… I’m never ready for that? Would that be a dealbreaker?” His heart was hammering as he forced the words out a little more slowly this time. And Akira already looked annoyed. Shit. Shit. He couldn’t look him in the eye and instead stared down at his feet, trying desperately to swallow the queasy feeling in his stomach that threatened to bounce his lunch back up onto the floor in front of him. Ryuji opened his mouth to backpedal, to assure him that if he really wanted to then Ryuji would try for him even if the idea was kind of completely terrifying--
“Of course not!” The sharpness of his tone was what registered first and Ryuji was already braced for a breakup when the words actually hit him. It wasn’t a dealbreaker. It was okay. They were okay. They were... actually okay?
“Wh-- forreal?” Ryuji’s voice cracked embarrassingly and Akira shifted against him, one hand coming up to his chin to make him look at him.
“I already told you, you’re my hero. You…” Akira opened and closed his mouth a few times, like he was looking for the right words and couldn’t find them. One hand cupped Ryuji’s jaw and ran a calloused thumb across his cheek, and Ryuji couldn’t help but press into the touch. “You’re everything to me. I could write books on all the things that make you amazing; your compassion, your kindness, your loyalty, your smile, all of it. So what if we never…” Akira blushed a little, but he seemed determined to power through the embarrassment. “So what if we never have sex? What do I care? I love you, Ryuji Sakamoto, I’m not giving up my sunshine, the best thing that ever happened to me, for anything.”
Ryuji swallowed hard around the lump forming in his throat and buried his face against Akira’s neck. Even away from Leblanc, he still smelled like coffee and curry, still smelled like home. Akira had called it home too, and had told him once that he made Boss’ recipes whenever he was homesick for the cafe, or his team, or… Or for Ryuji. Ryuji wanted to believe him so badly. “It’s easy to say that when you still ain’t ready for it, but--”
“I won’t change my mind,” he insisted so vehemently that no part of Ryuji could even think of an argument. Even the part of him that had been certain for months that even admitting he was asexual to himself would ruin everything. “It’s not like I can’t take care of things myself. And that just means more time for everything else.” Akira paused and pressed a kiss to Ryuji’s forehead. “More time to cook your favorite foods,” kiss, “more time to cuddle,” kiss, “more time to watch our favorite shows, all of it.” Akira dropped one last kiss on his temple and went back to running his fingers through Ryuji’s hair. Then he added, almost too quietly to hear, “for the rest of our lives if you’ll let me.” Let him? He’d fuckin’ beg him if he had to.
“Babe, you’re gonna make me cry,” Ryuji said thickly, as if they couldn’t both feel the wet spots forming on Akira’s shirt from where tears were already streaming down his face. Part of him was still scared he wasn’t going to be enough, and it probably always would be for one reason or another. But for now it was easy to relax into his boyfriend’s embrace and trust that he planned on sticking around a little longer.
Akira kept playing with Ryuji's hair the way he knew he loved and wrapped his other arm tightly around him. He pressed a few more kisses to the top of Ryuji’s head and then asked, “do you need me to stop?” Ryuji shook his head and got another kiss. “Alright. Take all the time you need, sunshine.”
“Thanks, babe.”
“We’re gonna need to restart the episode after, though.”
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madtype · 3 years
Cabaret Club Czar Training - YUKI (Part 5)
our final round with the objective best hostess in y0! yuki and majima close out their last training chat with some sentimental reflections on how far club sunshine has come.
highlights: - yuki unlocking Lv. 5 Rudeness Abilities (affectionate) - majima’s weird little crush on yuki becoming extremely apparent and getting him all flustered - yuki describing majima as “dependable, dreamy and great” while insulting him in the same sentence
full transcript under the cut!
MAJIMA: Alright, let's get another round of training in.
YUKI: ...... (sigh)
M: Yuki-chan?
Y: ...... (grumble)
M: Yo, Yuki-chan!
Y: Oh! Excuse me!
M: What's the matter? You were zonin' out.
Y: I'm sorry. I'm meeting someone after work, and it's all I can think about right now...
M: Oh, I see, I see. Our little Yuki-chan's all grown up. Heh.
Y: What's that supposed to mean? Majima-san, don't be creepy!
M: Creepy!? C'mon, I was just... Bah, nevermind.
M: Well then, it's keep this session short, eh? I'd hate to interrupt your busy schedule...
Y: Th-Thank you. That's very helpful. Let's start the lesson!
M: Right!
M: It's been a while since that first time I came in here and met you, eh, Yuki-chan?
Y: I suppose you're right, it has.
Y: Before you came in, this place was practically deserted. A lot's changed since then.
> You've come a long way.
M: Yeah, this place has changed, but I think you've changed even more, Yuki-chan.
Y: Oh, really?
M: Yeah, you've come a long way. You were pretty bad in the beginning.
Y: Thank you. Y-You're right. Even I knew I was pretty bad back then.
M: You seem to be able to manage men pretty well now. Maybe you can chuck that relationship self-help book.
Y: Hey! I thought we agreed not to mention that! (grumbles) Majima-san, you're awful! Besides, I'm not good at dealing with men yet!
M: Hehehe. Yeah, right.
> I'm that good.
M: It's all thanks to me.
Y: Right. Yup yup. It's all thanks to you, Majima-san.
M: Hey, now. I said it as a joke, so you can't just agree. Now I'm just an arrogant bastard.
Y: Huh? Oh, really? I'm sorry, I didn't realize. Hahaha.
M: Agh! You've really come a long way, ya smartass.
> You were number one!
M: Yeah, you were the undisputed number one girl here.
Y: Th-That's right, isn't it? There were only three girls here back then.
M: Yeah, you're like a celebrity! The number one girl of Club Sunshine, right here, folks! Get yer autographs!
Y: H-Hey now! Hahaha, stop that!
M: Ha, you're just bein' modest.
Y: Um, well... It's not a bad thing, is it?
M: You used to have a tough time talking to men. Now that you've gotten used to it in your work, I bet you're managin' it a lot better in your free time, yeah?
Y: You're right. I do feel like I've gotten better at talking to men in my daily life.
Y: I used to get nervous just talking to a convenience store clerk, but now I even have a few guy friends.
M: That's great! But I guess I'll always have a soft spot for the old, awkward Yuki-chan.
Y: What? Wh-What are you saying, Majima-san?
M: (I keep thinking about her “appointment” later on. I bet it's her boyfriend. I wonder what kind of guy he is? If he's a shithead, he's really gonna get it from me!)
Y: What's the matter? Why do you look so serious?
M: (What should I tell her?)
> I'm there for ya.
M: Yuki-chan, just remember... If ya ever need anything, you can count on me. I'll be there for ya.
Y: Huh? Uh, okay. Thank you.
Y: I don't think I'm the type to get into trouble, but since you offered, I hope you'll protect me if I ever do!
M: No problem! I'll be there in a flash!
> Break up with him!
M: Yuki-chan, he ain't right for ya! Ya gotta end it!
Y: Whaaat? Wh-Where did this come from all of a sudden? I mean, who is “he” anyway?
M: Oh, I uh... Y'know what, nevermind.
Y: You're being weird, Majima-san.
M: Ya know what, Yuki-chan? You've made so much progress, I think this can be our final chat.
Y: Really? It's too bad we won't be able to talk like this then, Majima-san. It was nice when it was just us.
M: Heh, yeah, I guess I'll miss it too. So, how'd I go? What's it like to talk to a guy like me?
Y: I admit I was nervous at first, but by the end, I was having fun. Lots. I got to know you better, too.
M: Alright, so whaddaya think of me now, eh?
Y: What? Oh, um, er... I can't tell you. It's too embarrassing!
M: Aw come on, I'm on pins and needles here.
Y: No way! If you're that curious, why don't you try to guess?
M: Hmm, what does Yuki-chan think of me... Hmmmmmmmm...
> The love of your life.
M: I'm the love of your life, obviously.
Y: Wha... What on earth are you saying, Majima-san!? A-Aren't you embarrassed to even say something like that?
M: Ya know, now that I think about it... I AM a little embarrassed. I take it all back.
Y: Ha, please try not to scare me like that. I thought my heart was going to burst.
M: Sorry, sorry.
> A sketchy, one-eyed bastard.
M: Probably still the same as the first day you met me. A sketchy, one-eyed bastard?
Y: Majima-san, you have a real talent for self-analysis, huh? It's true, you are a sketchy, one-eyed bastard!
M: ...It actually kinda sucks to hear it from someone else.
Y: Haha, I'm sorry. But, Majima-san, you're a sketchy, one-eyed bastard who's dependable, dreamy and great. Don't you worry!
M: Don't worry, she says...!
> A dependable boss.
M: Obviously, I'm a great boss. One you can look up to.
Y: You'd say that about yourself? But, I guess it's true. I hate to admit it, but I do depend on you.
M: Nice, nice. Does me good to hear it from ya.
Y: Haha. Then I'll keep depending on you, Majima-san.
M: So, Yuki-chan, ya mentioned having an appointment later on, right? How we doin' on time?
Y: Oh, we're fine, but I do want to make sure I have enough time to get ready.
M: I don't wanna pry... But this guy you're meeting... Is he someone... special to ya?
Y: Whoa, Majima-san, how do you see right through me!? It's scary sometimes. You must be psychic.
M: So that means...
Y: That's right... He is... important to me.
> T-Take care of him.
M: T-Take good care of... him...
Y: Yes, thank you. I will. But what's the matter? Your voice is a little shaky.
M: Uh, damn. When ya said that, I kinda lost my cool. Caught me off guard, I guess.
Y: Oh... You're really weird, Majima-san.
M: Right then! Well, we better let you get goin', eh?
> You've moving fast!
M: Yuki-chan, don't ya think you're moving a little fast!? Ya gotta take these things slow!
Y: What are you talking about? I don't get your jokes sometimes.
M: Uh, damn. When ya aid that, I kinda lost my cool. Caught me off guard, I guess.
Y: Oh... You're really weird, Majima-an.
M: Right then! Well, we better let you get goin', eh?
M: Okay, I think that'll do it.
Y: Th-Thank you for the lesson.
M: Sure thing. Good job.
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dajaregambler · 3 years
HeliosR - Ren Kisaragi Card story “He’s amazing! That Gast”
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Translation of Ren Kisaragi’s 3* “THE LINK OF GUNSLINGER” card story from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.
Ren: (....Where am I)
Ren: (I was normally headed towards the Tower, but I’m still not there)
Ren: (....Well, I can still see it, I should be able to get home soon. I’ll take a break for now.)
???: Huh? Is that…
Ren: ?
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Gast’s bro A: Ah, I knew it! You’re Gast-san’s teammate
Gast’s bro A: Your name’s...Ren! Right, Ren
Gast’s bro B: You on patrol? ….Wait, here’s Green East so ya can’t be
Ren: Who…? Actually, why do you know my name
Gast’s bro A: We’ve met before, haven’t we? Like, when you and Gast-san were out walkin’ in town
Gast’s bro B: We’re Gast-san’s buddies, well, his lil’ bros
Gast’s bro B: I remembered how Gast-san often brings up yer name when talkin’ ‘bout stuff from Helios
Ren: He… even blabbers about others when they aren’t around….
Gast’s bro A: Oh, right right! Our guys seriously loved that self-defense class you gave with the others. Thanks for that man
Gast’s bro B: Really amazing on Gast-san’s part for suggesting that we’d go there too
Gast’s bro A: Gast-san’s for real so cool, right. It’s admirable
Gast’s bro B: He was in the New Year’s program too. I heard that even though there was some trouble, Gast-san came rushin' in with a motorcycle right on time and managed to set things right
Gast’s bro A: There’s also how he told us that if there’s some guy with a tendency to be late, ya oughta encourage ‘em to use an alarm clock and something, something. It’s normal for him to go that far with helping out
Gast’s bro B: He’s well known, looks after ya, strong at anything… Man, he’s seriously damned cool
Gast’s bro A: Kinda jealous of how yer his teammate, yanno
Ren: ….It’s not all sunshine and rainbows
Gast’s bro A: Haha! He responded the way Gast-san said he would!
Ren: (...Just, in what way did he talk about me to them. They’re strangers to me.)
Ren: (And being over-familiar too…)
Ren: (Also, they’ve been boasting about Gast the moment we met… Is he really that amazing now?)
Ren: ………
Ren: (To get back to our place was… which way was it again?)
Ren: (Even though all I did was go down a different set of stairs than normally when returning from training…)
???: This is bad~
Ren: ?
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Jacqueline: Jack~ Where did you go~?
Ren: Jacqueline? What’s wrong
Jacqueline: Ah, Ren-chama!
Jacqueline: Jacqueline got separated from Jack and got lost・・・ I want to go back to Papa’s lab・・・
Jacqueline: Why is Ren-chama here? Did Ren-chama also get lost?
Ren: I-I’m not…
Jacqueline: Really-nano? Then, I want you to bring Jacqueline back to Papa’s labo!
Ren: ……………..Okay
Ren & Jacqueline: …….
Jacqueline: Ren-chama・・・This isn’t Papa’s lab・・・
Ren: I-I know that….
Ren: (....I definitely know that isn’t the place where the lab is supposed to be. But… where should I be going?)
Gast: Wassup, Ren?
Jacqueline: Gast-chama!
Gast: Ooh, together with Jacqueline, eh. What’re you both doing here?
Ren: Did you also get lost?
Gast: Lost? No way, came to buy a sports drink. They only sell ‘em at this vending machine here, so...
Gast: Don’t tell me both of you don’t know where you’re goin’?
Ren: That’s not….
Jacqueline: Yes-nano! We both got lost・・・
Gast: I see. Then, I’ll bring you to your destination♪
Jacqueline: Gast-chama, thank you-nano~. Please bring me to Papa’s place!
Gast: Gotcha. C’mon Ren, let’s go
Ren: ……….
Jacqueline: And then, Marion-chama scolded Papa
Gast: Hahah, sounds like he’s the parent instead
Nova: Jacquelineeeeeeeeeeee~!
Jacqueline: Ah! Papaaaaa~!
Nova: What a relief that I found you. Jack and I were looking for you, you know~
Jacqueline: Sorry-nano. But Ren-chama and Gast-chama helped me
Ren: ….I didn’t do anything
Jacqueline: Nu-uh, it was reassuring to be with you, Ren-chama. Thank you-nano.
Ren: ….Yeah
Gast: Aight. Guess we’ll head back to our room
Ren: Yeah
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Gast: Feel like Jacqueline’s always lost whenever I run into her
Gast: Marion mentioned it a lot of times too… Well, she does end up back where she has to each time so it ain’t that big of a problem
Ren: ………
Gast: Oh right, Ren. Wanna have some of this drink I got from the vending machine earlier?
Gast: No worries, it ain’t sweet. You can only buy it there so it’s kinda rare too
Ren: ………….I’ll have some
Gast: Gotcha♪ I’ll go grab a glass so just wait here~
Ren: ………
Ren: (.....Hold on. Obviously Gast helped me out there but… isn’t there something strange about this.)
Ren: (I’m supposed to be his fellow hero, yet he treats me the same as Jacqueline and his underlings….)
Gast: Sorry for the wait, Ren. Alright, here you go…. huh, something wrong?
Ren: Nothing…..
Ren: (Just what the hell am I to him?)
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Disappearance 1: The Beginning {Katsuki Bakugo}
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A/N: Please be sure to reblog, comment, review, and like if you enjoy! Feedback is what keeps me motivated! Been working on this one for a while so I’m eager to know what everyone thinks!
Disappearance Masterlist
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Slinging a towel around the back of his neck he looked out at the group of men in front of him beginning to pack up their gym bags. Some had their soaked hair held back with sweatbands while others dabbed at their faces with their own towels, the sign of a class well spent.
“You all did well,” he said loudly, catching their attention. “We’ll meet back here on Wednesday to work on more escape techniques for violent physical attacks. That’s our focus from here on out since this is your last full week of this course and next Monday will be our last meeting. Get home safe and get some rest, the work ain’t done yet.”
He smirked at the excited affirmatives shouted back as they continued to pack up—“You got it, Bakugo sensei!” and “See you Wednesday, sir!”
When everyone was gone he made his way into the small men’s locker room of the community center and pulled his civilian clothes out of his locker to change into. He also grabbed his work bag and hefted it over his shoulder as he closed the tiny locker, spinning the combination lock haphazardly.
The cool breeze felt amazing on his flushed skin as he exited the building and began his walk to the train station, the need to keep his quirk under control lifting slightly now that he was in open air; he let out a few small pops as he walked, the discharge soothing. It made him antsy to build up so much sweat and not be able to burn it off.
Most of what he’d built up during class had been taken care of by the time he reached the station and boarded his train, the stops scrolling on an LED board. It wasn’t a long journey with only six stops passing before he was stepping onto another platform, the still present breeze ruffling his hair as he set out for his building.
He wished that opening the door and stepping into the darkened apartment brought some sort of relief to him. The only positive he had was the silent appearance of the brown tabby cat at the end of the genkan, green eyes shining in the shadows as he toed off his shoes.
Flipping on the light he approached her and have her head an affectionate pat, smiling softly at the tiny mewl he received in return. “Hi, Miki.”
Setting his bag aside he made sure the door was locked behind him before checking over all the windows and the balcony doors. Miki watched him move around the room and then followed him into the bathroom as he started the shower, jumping up onto the counter and curling up in the sink.
The warmth of the water felt amazing on his sore muscles, a full day of patrol and both of his classes back to back having worn him out. In reality he should’ve been used to it since it was his schedule every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to teach self-defense for the 5:30 women’s class and the 7:30 men’s class at the community center. It had been his schedule for over three years yet his body simply wouldn’t adjust.
Lacking adjustment seemed to be a reoccurring theme in his life over the past few years if he was honest with himself. He hadn’t adjusted to living alone, at least not fully. He wasn’t surprised when the apartment was empty at the end of the day but there were times he still got down two plates for the extra portion he’d long ago become accustomed to making. He started the night in the middle of the bed but inevitably drifted to the right side as he slept, as if making room for a body to lie beside him that never took their place.
It’s just how his life went now.
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His fellow heroes were very good at keeping villains in check. They were also very good at pushing his buttons. Deku in particular (to the surprise of no one) fit these facts better than anyone else he’d ever known.
They had been out on a team up assignment for a small-time villain group that had recently been formed under a similar doctrine as the Paranormal Liberation Front, something commonplace since the original organization had folded years ago. The hero players from Deku’s agency included him, Shoto, and Uravity while his own were himself, Red Riot, and Chargebolt.
It was a simple mission that took thirty-six hours to complete and when they all entered Deku’s agency all twenty-two members of the villain group were on their way to a maximum-security prison.
As the heads of the two agencies involved, he and Deku were holed up in his office discussing the reports they would need to provide for the raid and arrests when the bullshit started with flushed cheeks and a slight stutter.
“Kacchan… you’re not yourself,” he began hesitantly.
Katsuki’s eyes snapped up to meet his and his face went bright red.
“I just—you’re too clinical about all this! What happened to the Dynamight that finished one raid and would rather blast off to the next instead of sit down and do a report? You used to take hours to calm down after a fight but now? You drop your shoulders, throw your gauntlets, and start the boring part. Then it’s onto the next like you’re checking off a list!”
“You’re criticizing me for growing up and dealing with all aspects of my damn job? You do the same fucking thing!”
“I always have!”
He clicked his tongue and stood from the chair, grabbing his notes for the report and jamming them into his hero bag as he turned to the door. “I’m not listening to this bullshit.”
“Kacchan, it’s not bullshit!”
He made his way down the short hallway and into the lobby area where he could see the lavender haired secretary keeping an eye on the camera flashes beyond the front door. He braced himself to face the vultures, a long sigh heaving his shoulders.
Deku had followed him, though, and tried continuing the conversation, “You’ve been getting worse and we can all see it!”
“I ain’t getting worse at my job you fuckin’ nerd,” he ground out, patience rapidly thinning.
“You’re not worse, you’re detached,” he argued. “You’re letting your personal life affect your hero life and when you’re detached you’re more likely to make a mistake!”
“I don’t have a damn personal life, there’s nothing to affect my being Dynamight!” he hissed, mindful of the secretary’s probable interest in hero gossip.
"Exactly! Kacchan, you can't keep hurting yourself like this. I liked Chiasa as much as anyone and I thought she was good for you, but you're in pain. It's been four years and you've barely faced the fact that she's gone."
"Do you know what I've faced?" he asked quietly, the low tone more frightening than any threat he’d ever bellowed. "The hurt. The hurt to hope that one day she's going to come back to that apartment when every statistic out there says that's essentially impossible. Do you know what's painful? Watching you and Uraraka get married without having Chiasa beside me so I can tell her that it'll be us next. I'm very fucking aware that she's gone and I've tried to deal with that but I can't have closure when the entire thing doesn't make any sense in the first place. I stay in that apartment because I hope every day that I'll find the missing piece of the puzzle for how or why she disappeared.”
Deku’s jaw dropped, his lips twitching uselessly as they tried to form a response to the raw pain in the admission. It was enough to make him scoff—leave it to the nerd who still cried at the drop of a hat to not be able to handle someone else’s emotions.
“Send your report to my people by tomorrow morning. Hikari will take care of it,” he said dismissively, turning to exit the small agency lobby. He didn’t have the time or the patience to wait for some bumbling attempt at a discussion about feelings.
“Hik—but—wha—Kacchan!” came the sputter behind him but he continued walking until the double doors closed behind him and the sunshine was warming his skin. He wasn’t going to have that conversation go any farther today, especially not with Deku.
Outside the building both Kirishima and Kaminari were taking press questions alongside Uravity, their personalities best for the public and hellbent on fielding everything they could to make his life easier as the microphones and camera’s rounded on him.
“THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT!” Kirishima all but bellowed, catching all of the media attention as he parted them with his larger stature as the three men made their way to the waiting company car. “Those will be all the questions for today!”
Katsuki was so fucking thankful for the redhead.
The three heroes slid into the car and began their journey across town to his agency, the plush seats welcoming after the tiring past two days they’d had. It seemed like this had also caused both Kirishima and Kaminari to, for once, forego conversation and the ride was silent. He was actually able to attempt to relax but the ghost of his conversation with Deku lingered uncomfortably in his mind.
When they pulled up to the agency building it seemed that the media had either beaten them there or sent out their cohorts to intercept them. Regardless of who or how they got there, he cursed them internally from behind the tinted window.
“I don’t wanna talk to them again,” Kaminari whined as he scrubbed his hands across his face.
“It’ll be easy, man, all we gotta do is say we’ve already given our statements to the press,” Kirishima assured with a tired smile. “I’ll handle ‘em.”
Thankful wasn’t a strong enough word when it came to him.
They exited the car and true to his word Kirishima shot down the inquiries politely and with a smile as he paved the way towards the large set of doors. Inside the lobby was so much quieter. A silent nod of greeting from his secretary Hikari welcomed them and he returned it, informing her that reports for the mission would be coming over from Deku’s agency by the morning.
Kaminari headed straight for the locker room to change and get his phone, surely ready to break out in hives since he hadn’t spoken to Jiro in over a day. Kirishima surprisingly didn’t follow, instead choosing to walk with him to his office where he planned to finish his half of the paperwork.
The redhead all but collapsed into one of the chairs opposite the desk as he rounded it and sat in his ageing office chair. The cracked leather was a comfort after a long few days.
But it was too quiet.
“Spit it out.”
Kirishima wasn’t surprised by the gruff order. “You and Midoriya went over that report pretty quick.”
“Wasn’t hard.”
“And you looked pissed when you came outside. Like, more than usual after talking to him.”
“He had some shit to say.”
He fixed him with one of his concerned puppy-eyed looks. “Some shit we’ve all been thinking, Bakugo. Some shit that needs addressed before things get bad. We’re worried about you.”
His lip curled up in a sneer. Maybe he wasn’t as thankful for him as he originally thought.
“I know it’s not what you want to hear, man, but you don’t see how much you’ve changed in the last few years. Between throwing yourself into work and extra cases and the community service stuff, you’ve practically lost yourself.”
“I’m still exactly who I’m supposed to be,” he snapped. “I’m Dynamight, the last number one hero and the best fuckin’ thing to happen to this damn hero system since All Might in his prime!”
“Yes you are,” he agreed. “But we’re worried that you’re doing too much and losing focus, and you lose focus in a fight against a villain for one second and you’re done!”
“I don’t lose focus,” he ground out, eyes narrowed.
“And we don’t want you to!”
He stared at his longtime friend for a long moment before simply advising, “Get out.”
“I said. Get. Out,” he repeated. “Deku’s one thing but you? Get the fuck out.”
Kirishima sighed in defeat as he stood and made his way to the door of the office. “We’re just worried about you, you know?”
He stayed silent as he began working on the report once again, the lead weight on his chest getting just a bit heavier when he heard another sigh and retreating footsteps.
Of course they cared and of course they worried but what the hell was the use? He was getting his work done, saving people and fighting villains, and he was doing well in the eyes of the public. Less surly than in his earlier hero career he was still far from the talk show host’s dream guest, but he did the rounds when necessary. He was good professionally.
Personally… well, he didn’t exactly have a personal life anymore, did he? It was a bitter musing to consider but a true one nonetheless.
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Another night coming home to a dark apartment, another mewled greeting from Miki, and another feeling of hollow sadness awaited him. It felt even worse after the two emotional ambushes he’d endured during the day. He didn’t need more reminders that she was gone and that he was alone now—that was ever-present.
As if to make him feel worse, he found Miki curled up in the linen basket next to the sofa, head low and morose as she laid atop the green blanket that haunted them both.
“I know,” he sighed when he saw her, “I miss her too.”
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It had been a bad fucking day on patrol.
Normally any day he got to blast a villain straight into quirk cancelling cuffs was a good one but not when they had a quirk like Phantom Hands. The bitch had been able to create a dozen ghostly grey hands that followed her every direction; it hadn’t been a problem until they were around his neck and squeezing hard enough to cut off his air supply, but even before the pressure was applied he had panicked enough to lose his breath on his own.
The feel of anyone or anything foreign around his neck had been a problem for almost a decade by then but it just wasn’t something he could shake. He’d tried his own exposure therapy and at one point even consulted a therapist about the issue, but the trauma of his teenage years persisted.
Red Riot was the one to take the villain down and allow him to breathe which, of course he was—wasn’t exactly manly to let your best friend suffer. His complaints and insults aside, he was grateful for the air that filled his lungs as soon as he had her in the cuffs.
But it was still a shit day.
He only wanted to be home and in the kitchen starting the ginger pork recipe his girlfriend had requested they try making sometime that week. “They” really meant he cooked and she stirred what he directed, but he enjoyed it regardless. His schedule didn’t often give them extended time together and when it did she possibly could be in the middle of a project that she couldn’t walk away from. So he cherished the domestic moments they had when he could and always looked forward to them.
Relief flooded him as soon as he had the apartment door open and a tiny brown kitten trotted up to him, putting her paws on his shin and batting at his knee.
“Ease up on the claws, Miki,” he said, gently guiding her down on all fours. She chirped and butted her head against his hand, purring happily when he scratched under her chin.
He half expected his girlfriend to pop around the corner from the bedroom and start teasing him like usual, baby talking about how much of a daddy’s girl the kitten was despite him being reluctant to get her in the first place. But instead, it was quiet.
Noting that the lights were off, he caught sight of her blanket pooled in the corner of the couch and absently started folding it, dropping it into the small basket with the others before heading into their bedroom. Normally when he came home to a dark apartment it was because she was sleeping off a headache; for someone who worked on a computer almost every day, it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence.
Except that the bedroom was empty. And so was the bathroom, and the kitchen, and the office.
Coming back into the living area his eyes swept across the room. He took in what he hadn’t noticed before: the half full mug of green tea on the kotatsu with one of her novels next to it, her reading glasses perched on the arm of the couch, her cellphone facedown and dipping between the cushions.
A pit began to form in his stomach as he glanced back at the genkan where her shoes still sat untouched. He thought back to her wallet on the bedside table where it had been since they went out the weekend before and the open closet door from when he had gotten dressed that morning, not a single thing different than when left.
He did another lap around the apartment checking all three windows and the balcony doors to find that they were all locked. Their front door was keycard access only and he knew they were the only two who had them, his in the pocket of his work bag and hers sitting on their dresser. The apartment was essentially a fortress accessible only to them.
So why the hell did it look like she’d vanished into thin air?
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A/N: Please be sure to reblog, comment, review, and like if you enjoy! Feedback is what keeps me motivated!
Disappearance Masterlist
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kikis-writing-world · 4 years
First, Time
Summary: Agent Whiskey meets an aspiring Statesman Agent.
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x Female OC (Future Agent Brandy)
Word Count: >1500
Rating/Warnings: PG, but overall SFW - Whiskey has some dirty thoughts.
Author’s Note: I Have an idea in my head for a Statesman OC, Agent Brandy. Lots of random head canons and blips in her story have come to me, but honestly I thought they’d just live in my head. Well turns out, as I struggled with any other WIPs, this came so easily to me, that I think Agent Brandy is begging to be let out. I hope you enjoy?
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Agent Whiskey was strolling through the secure lab floor at the Statesmen Distillery, having just finished an exercise to calibrate his electric lasso and whip. The test had gone off without a hitch and resulted in readings that could only serve to improve future versions of his beloved weapons - not to mention he got to show off his inimitable skills which always put him in a good mood. It was already a successful morning when he saw the woman step off the elevator.
He slowed his gait, taking the time to drink her in before she noticed him. Her brown hair cascaded over her shoulders in an easy wave, reminding him of summer days spent on the beach. A white tee shirt was covered by a brown, long vest that framed her - deliciously supply, if he did say so himself - chest. Her blue jeans looked to be painted on, and the only thing he wanted to know more than how she’d poured herself into them, was what he’d have to do to get her out of them. He watched as she glanced left and right nervously, the plan of swooping in as her hero quickly forming in his head.
“Now I don’t know who you’re lookin’ for Sunshine, but I sure hope I can help.” He drawled as he saddled up to her with a charming grin.
Her eyes widened, turning to fully face him. Her long eyelashes fluttered slightly under his attention as her luscious lips parted in surprise. “Oh my word, are you- Are you Agent Whiskey?”
He preened under her attention, taking off his hat and holding it to his chest. “Why yes, yes I am.” He held his hand out for her, which she took and shook in a hurry.
“Wow, it’s an honor to meet you, Sir.” She gushed. He let her shake his hand for a moment before he ceased the motion by bringing the back of her hand up to his lips. He watched with a gleam in his eye as she flushed, those eyelashes fluttering all over again.
“Pleasure’s all mine, I promise you that.” His voice dripped with honey as his lips grazed against the back of her hand. “But you have me at a disadvantage, darlin’. What would your name be?” He asked as he gently let her hand fall, placing his hat back atop his head.
“Oh, uh… Well, actually I’m an Agent in training.” She smiled proudly. “I’d tell you, but hopefully in a few more weeks that won't be my name at all.” She giggled, brushing her hair back behind her ear.
“Well then I guess I’ll just have to keep callin’ you Sunshine, cause I’ll be damned if you didn’t brighten my day.” He was laying it on thick, but she sure was eating it up with a blush and another giggle.
“I should go…” She bit her lip, taking a small step away from him.
“I wouldn’t want to keep you. You need to be gettin’ top marks so I can keep seein’ that pretty smile ‘round here.”
“I’ll do my best,” she promised with a smile, starting to walk away backwards so she could keep her eyes trained on his form. “Thank you for your valuable time, Agent Whiskey.”
“Anything for you, Sunshine.” He winked just in time before she turned down the hallway. He leaned against the wall as he watched her go, eyes glued to her ass.
“Hate to see her go,” he mumbled to himself with a smirk, not finishing the saying out loud. Once she was out of sight, he carried on to his office to continue with his day. Thoughts of Sunshine, as he had nicknamed her, popped into his head periodically throughout the day. Remembering the way she would bat her eyelashes under his attentions, or how silky her hair looked as it moved. He wanted to find out for himself if it felt as soft as it looked. He’d nearly made it through the day - losing more time than he’d like to admit thinking of her - when Champ summoned him to his office.
“Agent Whiskey,” Champ greeted with a nod and tight grin. “Drink?”
“I’ll take whatever you’re havin’.” He answered easily, sitting in the chair across Champ’s desk. Champ nodded cordially, turning to his bar to pour them each a glass of Statesmen Whiskey.
“Much obliged,” Whiskey thanked as he was handed the tumbler. “Although I have to guess you didn’t call me in here just to share a drink.”
Champ sipped the amber liquid, a soft hum of pleasure from deep in his chest at the smoothness of it. “You’d be right about that, Agent.” He agreed, but didn’t elaborate right away. Whiskey was interested, but not yet concerned. He hadn’t done anything to warrant any trouble lately. At least not that he could think of.
“Heard you met one of our newer recruits earlier today.” Champ finally elaborated, his eyebrow quirking at Whiskey.
The man couldn’t stop the grin from crossing his face at the mention of the woman that had been on his mind most of the day. He tried to cover it with a sip of the premium alcohol before he could answer.
“I may have.” He acknowledged, not giving too much away.
“I hear you were quite taken with her.”
“No more than any warm blooded man would be.” He brushed it off, adjusting in the plush chair. He’d been forward, true, but he didn’t think it was anything untoward or unwelcomed judging by the way she’d acted.
“Oh, I think it might have been a little bit more than that.” Champ’s grin grew knowingly as he set down his glass, reaching into his desk drawer. The man placed a watch on the desk between them.
The watch was Statesmen issued, a regular part of the uniform. While appearing to be simply a watch, every Agent knew it held several valuable tools and technologies to be used in many situations. A connection to the Statesmen network, a tracking device, sleeper darts, an electro-shock that could be administered in close combat, among other tricks. The black leather band of the watch was scuffed, worn from use. Whiskey looked at it confused, when a particular breeze flit across his wrist that he hadn’t noticed during his day.
Lifting his arm, he cursed as he saw his watch missing from his wrist. “She-”
“You remember that little initiation test, don’t you?” Champ laughed. Of course Whiskey remembered. Late in the many trials they were put through, aspiring agents were instructed to steal something from the Statesmen offices. Nothing of consequence, just something they felt they could get away with. The bigger the haul, the better their score. The test helped assess talents of the hopefuls - stealth, thought process, bravery and/or stupidity - and the feedback was used to strengthen Statesmen security measures.
“That little girl pickpocketed me!” Whiskey cried in anger, mostly at himself for being duped. Champ just laughed harder, passing the man his watch.
“Indeed she did. Top points of her class to boot. Hell, it’s been a while since I’ve seen a score that high.”
“Why that little-” He grumbled under his breath, reattaching the watch firmly to his wrist. He thought back over the encounter, wondering how she’d done it without him noticing. Her final words rang through his memory:
“Thank you for your valuable time, Agent Whiskey.”
“I think she’ll make a good Agent, granted she passes the rest of the training.” Champ pondered aloud over Whiskey’s grumbling. “Swiping a tool right off an Agent, and he doesn’t even notice-”
“I was in the office all day, what need did I have for a watch?” Whiskey countered gruffly.
“I’m looking forward to seeing more of her work.” Champ admitted, knowing not just anyone could make this impression on Agent Whiskey. He couldn’t help but stoke the fires a bit, adding “especially if she keeps gettin’ the drop on you.”
“She... Getting-” Whiskey stuttered as he stood, his glass forgotton on the edge of Champ’s desk. He pointed at Champ as he floundered for words, bringing his fist to his mouth as he choked. “She did not get the drop on me, and it ain’t gonna happen again!” Whiskey stormed out of the office, Champ’s laugh following him through the door.
Tagging: @wickedfrsgrl​ (thank you for your encouragement to write, and your belief in my skills to even request being on my taglist before I’d even done anything. You beautiful human, you)
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The Treatment of Captain Syverson-Chapter Eight: Heat/Ice
Pairing: Captain “Sy” Syverson x OFC (Shane Benton)
Summary: Playing hooky leads to more delicious food (Sy cooks! Swoon!), some deep conversation, and new revelations about Shane’s past.
What? You’re behind? Don’t worry! CLICK ME to catch up before reading this chapter!
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings:  Language, mature themes, more food sluttiness, shameless nerd speak, unfettered and shameless sappiness.
Author’s Note: So, guys, I’m sorry. I really wanted to get this chapter to you Sunday. Life has just been a bit disheartening of late. Between being upset over some personal turmoil some friends are going through (two of my oldest friends are getting a divorce!) and coming home from work utterly exhausted on all possible levels, it’s been hard to write about lovey dovey things. As I said in my recent reblog of my masterlist, though, I’m working on some prologues, one for each character. I don’t plan on them being terribly long, but I want you guys to have some more back story.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism.
Hope I’m not forgetting anyone! If you want to be notified when I post a new chapter or work, I’ll be happy to add you to my tag list! Stricken blogs are getting personal messages from me when a new chapter is uploaded because Tumblr’s faulty tagging system will not stand in the way of me delivering what the people want!(?) lol! (Although…their lackadaisical notification system might…sorry for that. I have no control. lol!)
It was hard to feel guilty for calling out of work for the afternoon under false pretenses when she was curled up on the sectional in Sy’s “nerd lair” with his head in her lap as they watched John Wick on the massive TV he had down there.
“You mean to tell me we watched the entire Bourne franchise upstairs on that…that iPod Touch, by comparison, when we could have watched down here on this majestic monolith!? In what is essentially a theater!?” She’d asked immediately, derailing the grand tour of the museum of things she would soon find amazing.
“Hey, I haven’t been coming down here a whole lot since I hurt my knee. Stairs haven't exactly been easy or, ya know, possible. I had my gaming computer down here for weeks, too, couldn't do a damn thing about it, because I didn't trust a'one of my buddies or my neighbors to haul her up the stairs for me. Leia's a custom machine worth thousands a' dollars. If she's getting' broke, it's all gonna be on me."
"You named your gaming computer? Leia?" So many emotions were flooding her. Adoration, sympathy, lust, and just a sheer need to squeeze the bejeezus out of him.
"Yeah, it's a common thing. And…not to be that guy, but…you do know who Leia is, right?
"If by Leia, you mean Leia Organa, Princess of Alderaan, true daughter of Darth Vader, adopted by Bail Organa at birth, sister of Luke Skywalker, hero of the Rebellion against the Empire?"
"Hey, I thought you wanted to take things slow, sunshine." he pulled her close, flush with his body. "Then you go talkin' all sexy to me like that." he lingered at her cheek with light kisses.
"Well, you did the same with your baseball talk the other night." she moaned into the contact with relish.
"I can't help it if certain sports terms have made their way into everyday speech. Your…exposition there, about my boyhood crush was intentional."
"You had a crush on Leia?" he nodded, shyly. "I had a crush on Han! Heck with Cap and Widow, THERE'S our couple's costume for next Halloween!" she said, excitedly!
"Oh, I didn't know you were talking about costumes for public use." he said, a naughty smirk in his eye.
"Stop it, you. Finish your tour. I want that soup on the stove." she said, patting her tummy.
He showed her the various memorabilia he'd procured over the years. Posters from a few of her favorites, and a few others that she recognized but wasn't as excited about. Die Cast models of several famous film vessels and vehicles, and a "life size" LEGO R2-D2 which would have had her salivating even if she hadn't been hungry. Apparently it took him almost a month to assemble the droid, but he did it all by himself.
"Aww…I wish I could have helped." she lamented.
"Maybe I'll pick up the Death Star and we can do that one together."
She nodded excitedly, eyes wide, rubbing her hands together in front of her chin with greed.
"Okay, little mouse." he chuckled. "Let's fill that belly and start this movie."
They filled massive bowls with generous portions and took the crackers down stairs so they could start the marathon. If they wanted to get through all three films tonight, they'd best get started.
They were both fairly quick eaters out of habit given her often truncated lunch breaks and his typical ten minutes in the mess hall. Even savoring the delicious creamy, cheesy concoction, as she tried to do, it was hard to slow down on. It did give her something to focus on during the first, emotionally devastating part of the film though. Once she finished, she expressed a final  groan of delight and thanked Sy, kissing him on his cheek as she held the other. She felt the smile bloom across his face as she prolonged the contact.
They were about halfway through the movie, a big fight scene in a night club, when something dark and grim hit Shane in the chest. Watching Keanu Reeves pretend to beat up and kill all of these actors and stunt men, it occurred to her that the man with his head resting gently on her lap, long body taking up the rest of that side of the sectional, had fought and killed. The man letting her play her fingers through his hair and beard had shot and blown up people. He was told to do it. Ordered to do it. But even though he was doing it lawfully and by military order, as far as she knew, it was still his job…at least some of the time. She knew that was an oversimplification of the function of the armed forces, but…sometimes, it was an apt description.
She had never thought of Sy like that before. Someone other than the strong but gentle teddy bear that had come to be such a comforting presence in her life. She needed that, after all she'd been through…she tried not to think about the hurt of her last relationship. She hadn't discussed it with Sy. It was history. Ancient history. But she was, after all, a believer in the fact that those who knew nothing of the past were doomed to repeat it. She'd tell him…one day. Everything that Elliott had done to her…had put her through. But not tonight. Suddenly, she thought being on the arm of a soldier, someone who'd lived the kind of life that Captain Logan Syverson had lived, might make her feel more safe than she had in ages.
"You're awful quiet, sunshine." he said, cracking a beer open and handing it to her before doing the same for himself and sitting down with his thick arm around her.
"Just…trying to be respectful of the movie experience. You know." she smirked at him as the menu music to the second movie played.
"It ain't that. I know this is still new, what we're doin', but I've watched enough movies with ya over the last few weeks to know that you don't keep quiet for a full length feature." Shane worried the tab on her cold Miller Lite. She wasn't sure how to bring this forward. "Spill it, sweetheart. What's eatin' ya?"
"What…what do you think about when you're watching movies like this, Sy?"
"Guess, same as anybody. How awesome the fighting and driving is. Wondering when Keanu got to be a badass. And if there's really an underground society of assassins. Why, hon?"
"I, umm, I only wondered if it…it doesn't make you miss…your job?"
The smile he gave her was both bemused and amused. "Come 'ere." he prompted her to lean her head into him, and sat his beer down on the buffet behind the couch so he could better hold her. "Do we need to go over the function of a captain of the Army of These United States? Because as flattered as I am that you think so highly of me, I'm no John Wick, nor do I know anyone like John Wick. Or five guys that would make one John Wick. Ten guys. Maybe twenty."
"The fighting doesn't bring anything back?" she smoothed the creases in his shorts as she tried not to act like she was over thinking his past.
"That fightin’s…it's like dancing. It's choreographed, precise, and the outcome is predetermined. Real fights are the exact opposite. They're chaos, unpredictable, and the right guys don't always win. Trust me, I've seen a lot of them go south in a big way." they both let a moment of silence pass before Sy broke it. "What’re ya really askin’, Shane?"
She wanted to ask so many things. The questions seemed to clog the ventricles of her brain like leaves in a rain gutter. Bottlenecked traffic.
"I just…couldn't help but think…about things you must have had to do when…when you were active, and I just…if you need to talk about anything, I'm here." She imagined that taking someone's life, no matter how personal or impersonal the act itself seemed on the surface, would create some level of emotional scarring.
“Oh, sweetheart." he kissed the top of her head, making her feel as warm and cozy as the soup had…perhaps more so. "You are important to me for so many reasons. You've shown me how to smile again. Laugh. Real, genuine happiness. No sarcastic shit like I had to use on my men in my squad. But although I'd feel comfortable talkin' to ya 'bout near anything, there's a counselor on the base who's specifically trained to help guys like me. Who've seen what I've seen and been through…similar situations. He makes sure I don't feel like less of a man for what happened to me. You make me feel…like more than a man…something stronger than I thought possible."
She was straining hard to corral the tears within her waterline, but they broke free when he squeezed her tightly to him with both of his massive arms.
"So…that HEP I gave you is working?" she laughed, knowing full well that his home exercise program had no bearing on the strength he meant.
"Come on, Shane." he raised an eyebrow at her, challenging her to see herself the way he saw her. "Them handouts you give me don't mean a hill o' beans in this conversation and you know it. The way you hold yourself, speak to others. There is so much quiet strength in your kindness that comes right out of your beautiful little heart. Some days I'll see you working with kids, if I get in early, and I know they annoy you and freak you out, but you never let that show." He looked into her eyes, misty from emotion, and he wiped away the tears from her cheeks. "I'll never be able to explain it right, the way you inspire me to be a better and stronger man. And my heart just breaks to hear you put yourself down. And don't say you're just kidding, because I know you think you are, but behind every one of those jokes is a truth, at least as you see it." He'd seen her make to argue and knew her tactic before she had attempted it. "Give yourself some credit, Shane."
"I'm too busy blaming myself for the bad stuff to give myself credit for anything good." she sniffed. "You're the first guy I've…I've been involved with that's acted like I was worth anything more than a meal ticket. Someone who was only suitable for enough sex to make it an official relationship just so they could have a place to live, and do whatever quasi-job was a thing. First serious boyfriend was a freelance writer, but he never seemed to be writing. Then there was the guy with the internet start-up…but he could never tell me in a satisfactory way what the company actually did…so that was brief."
He seemed to know she was bracing for something big. Something difficult. He gave her silence and stroked her shoulder in encouragement to continue. She took one of her deepest ever breaths.
"Then came Elliott. Elliott Thomas. My last boyfriend. The worst of them all. Most useless and greatest offender. I ignored all of the signs, of course. He had a YouTube channel and an Instagram that he was trying to gain followers on and become a so-called "influencer." she rolled her eyes. "He had no life skills. He had a bit of an eye for photography and he could find humor in uncommon places, which he thought made him insta-famous and vlog-worthy."
"I hate him already." Sy growled.
"Well, maybe I shouldn't tell you the rest, then." he asked her to go on. "He always seemed to find these ways to cheat on me and lie to me that I couldn't quite prove, but I was just certain of. But I just…I didn't want to believe it. I wanted THAT one to work. Well. I came home one night after work, and he had another girl in our bedroom. I told him he had until the next day when I got home to leave. Things got a little physical, but I can hold my own." she said, proudly, "and I bolted with my purse. I stayed with Heather, our evening secretary, and we hashed it out, and got a little blitzed on moscato, and cried together."
"He was gone the next day. All I heard from my landlord was, 'you shouldn't be hearing from him anytime soon.' so I guess he had his cop buddies send him a message. He blocked me on all social media and I haven't heard a peep from him since. That was five years ago."
"What a scum bag." he stated, obviously.
"Yeah, I haven't been able to really think about a relationship since then…until…" she let the word hang there, knowing they both knew what the end of the sentence was. "Until I met you." Drifting unsaid in the ether of the unspoken.
"It's been a long time for me too. I mean…I haven't quite been a monk, but I haven't…I haven't cared for a girl since…actually, I've never felt this way about anyone."
"I didn't mean to unpack all of that tonight when we're only a third of the way through our marathon. I really wasn't even going to bring it up at all. It's just…been on my mind. Ya know. I once heard a very poignant parable about keeping your mouth shut if you're warm and happy. I was attempting to do that." she chuckled.
"Yeah, but we need to be able to open up to people in this life. Keeping a bottle stopped under pressure ain't no good for the bottle. Or what's inside."
"Such wisdom. You know just what to say to me." she grinned into him.
"Just seen what keeping yourself closed off can do to a person. And the people they love."
Love…there was that word in the air. Not officially said, but felt in all ways. They held each other close as the opening to the second movie played.
Up Next: Chapter Nine-Group Therapy
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 3 years
The Forgotten - Part Two
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Looks like Tumblr ate Part two of this story. 
Unannounced Visit
Whole story
The sound of zipper unhinging was deafening. Each tooth that clicked opened was a step closer to their goal, to end this war and remove Bishops control from the masses. Aurora felt April edge a little closer running her fingers along hers for mutual support. The anticipation was killing them, and the two women were pretty sure Casey was takin his sweet time to show them what they had found. Melodramatic jerk.
With the bag finally open, Casey locked eyes with the two women swallowing hard, his eyes were bright with hope and his lips spread wide in a playful grin. He pushed up his sleeve and lowered his hand into the satchel.
Aurora could hear the slick squelch as her friend’s fingers wrapped around the apparently wet object and then the coppery scent of blood filtered into her senses. Her eyes trained in the opening and the kunoichi’s eyes widened at the first sight of crimson mangled flesh.
A severed arm rose into view and a few of the lower ranking man gurgled their disgust stepping back. But Aurora and April had seen this carnage up close before so unfazed they closed in eager to see why he had brought back a bloody limb.
“Casey why did you bring that back to the compound? Are you planning on smacking some bitches? Cause you know I’m always up for smackin’ some bitches.”
The long-haired hockey player shot Aurora an annoyed look and pointed the stiff fingers of his new toy at the blonde. “Come here sunshine and let me test the first slap out on you.”
“Hard pass Cas, haaard fucking pass. You ain’t touching me with that fuckin thing.”
“Ok you two that’s enough.” April huffed in frustration pinching the bridge of her nose. “Casey an explanation would be good right about now.”
“How about a demonstration?” Casey turned to one of the men who had followed him into the war room. “Ling, go get me a glass container with an airtight lid.”
As the man nodded and disappeared out into the halls with his task Casey adjusted the dead limb in his hands and began to look it over. Aurora was about to give him more shit, but his eyes lit up and his hand clamped down around the circumference of the arm just a few inches from the wrist. In his excitement Casey turned the arm and that’s when Aurora saw the movement under the graying tissue just before Casey’s hand and the oozing end of the arm. It was subtle but she was able to pick up on it.
“We weren’t able to locate Bishop’s main headquarters with those coordinates we got. That’s why it took us so long. Hell, we weren’t even planning on coming back yet, I had a few more leads I wanted to check up on. Suddenly we were found and attacked, after the fun was done Evans found this little guy near some much needed ammunition. As he was bending down to retrieve it he saw the skin fuckin move. Screamed like a little girl.”
“You’d freak out too seeing movement in an arm no longer attached to a body. No one is expecting that….no one.” The handsome blonde intercepted Jones’s jab from the back of the room.
Aurora watched Casey’s new right-hand man Evans come up behind him punching her friend in the arm. His blue eyes found hers and nodded with a smile which Aurora reciprocated.
Just then the door swung open interrupting Casey’s story and the man Casey had sent out for a jar came back with his request. Casey hurried him forward and held the severed section over the open container. “Watch this.” His finger moved forward, and the unidentified object squirmed behind the pressure and began to move. To everyone’s horror as it neared the open flesh two tiny tentacles the size of strands of hair emerged through the dead tissue into the air wiggling and searching. After a few seconds the metal feelers retracted and tried to burrow back into the limb but found Casey’s hand blocking its way.
Casey used his hand like a squeegee and urged the thing forward again and with a sloppy wet sound the thing along with blood and dead tissue slipped from the opening and dropped into the open jar with a clink. The lid was quickly secured over the jar locking the thing inside.
Aurora and April closed in eyeing the now six flailing arms moving about in its glass prison carrying around an equally small round body.  It slinked around the mess inside, the tips of its arms moving it around like it was looking for something. Casey gave the jar a few gentle shakes sending the tiny metal object clinking around inside the container. “Creepy little fucker isn’t it?”
After the jostling stopped the object gave up and the arms retracted back into its body and stopped moving seemingly going dormant.  
Aurora cautiously took the glass from Casey and lifted it to eye level swirling its inactive contents around a bit, “It was like it was searching for something…like..”
“Flesh.” Casey finished her sentence for her. “These are the things that are controlling them. They are constantly moving to avoid detection, but we need to know how they are controlling it’s hosts without attaching to the brain stem. This needs to get to R & D right away. If we can figure out how to turn them off or make them exit the body we can get them all back……..we can get them back.”
The last part of that statement was directed to April and Aurora no doubt an innuendo to the three brothers still alive. Aurora felt her heart clench at the thought and handed the jar back to the lieutenant who had fetched it. “R & D now, this is priority.” The man nodded and took off without a word. “Without Donnie it could take a while but it’s a start……there’s hope again.”
April moved around Casey to grip her friend’s shoulders, “We’ll get them back, we have too.”
“We have to.” Aurora repeated pulling April into a tight hug.
“Aww I want in on this!” Casey whined lunging for the two women with two open arms.
“Don’t you touch me with that hand Jones!” April squealed quickly separating from Aurora to avoid the bloody mess on her husband’s hand. Casey began laughing manically chasing after April until they both exiting the war room in a giggling fit leaving the rest of the occupancy smiling and lighthearted.
Aurora had no idea what she would have done if she didn’t have April and Casey through this god damn shit storm. Loosing Donnie was hard enough but to lose the final three left Aurora inconsolable. She barely slept the first few months with uncharacteristic moods swings. She hated to think what foolish things she would have done if they hadn’t been there to talk her through her manic episodes. Those were dark times indeed and she thanked the gods for their love and friendship and the distraction of the resistance to keep her busy.
As the room emptied Aurora found herself yearning for some fresh air and gathered a few supplies to head out into the night.
Perched in her favorite spot above Time Square Aurora dangled her feet over the rooftop watching the mindless New York inhabitance trudge home after a long day’s work. It was nearly time for all good little boys and girls to be shut up in their homes. There had been a 9pm curfew placed over the United States to keep ‘the peace’ but it was mostly for the resistance. The mindless sheep did what was told of them never questioning the authority that held them captive. So, it was an easy way to spot someone who hadn’t been reprogramed yet. Disobedience meant free will.
With a heavy sigh Aurora uncapped her thermos and poured herself a steaming cup tea and drifted into a warm memory that transpired on that very rooftop. A memory that warmed more than her soul.
“Come on Rora, you look a little cold. Let us warm ya up.” Raphael’s rough voice drifted through her subconscious. His sounds always seemed to heat her up even when he wasn’t trying. That man had a knack for getting her motor running for the simplest things.
It was a chilly evening that night and Raphael and Michelangelo had followed her out onto the rooftops for a quick run and a breath of fresh air before bed. She was enjoying the hustle and bustle of the evening below when two large green hands encircled her waist and two warm lips mouthed her shoulder.  Raphael’s tongue wormed around on the exposed skin of her shoulder before his teeth sunk down into the muscle. Aurora moaned at the pressure and Raph groaned in kind gently pulling her from the ledge. As she was removed from her precarious roost Mikey came into view with a mischievous look spread across his handsome face.
“Looks like you could cut glass with those things.” Mikey growled palming her breasts with his large hands. “Here let me warm them up for you.” The youngest bent down and opened his wide mouth over her clothed right breast sucking at the fabric and mound hidden beneath. The heat from his mouth and saliva spread across her sweater making a different kind of heat bloom between her clenching thighs.
She arched at the mouth at her front and leaned back into the mouth at her back sucking in labored breaths, “You two are incorrigible….hmmhh. We’re too exposed to do-uh—this up here.”
Raphael growled into her neck and rocked his hips forward, “We’re fine, no one is looking to the rooftops for crime. Besides, it’s your fault we’re cold, you should help us get warm. I know of a few places on ya that a part of me could get really hot.”  
“You tw-woo followed me out here and it’s not that cold you big babies.”
Mikey’s wondering hands slipped up her shirt and under her bra to grab hold of the breast he wasn’t latched onto. He moaned happily rolling the brown peak between his fingers getting another moan from their quarry.
Within a few moments and no resistance Aurora found herself naked straddling Mikey while he lowered the mewling kunoichi onto his thick pulsating cock. Every inch that slipped up into her seizing walls stretched her open. His mouth ran over her throat leaving wets trails behind chilling her bare flesh. Mikey hissed with each thrust of his hips burying himself deeper into her heat.
“Mik…uh..ey Jesus Christ. Fuck…” Mikey wasn’t the biggest of the four brothers, but he had a nice curve to his shaft which allowed him to nestle that spot at the roof of her cunt ever so nicely.
With the overwhelming sensation of being stuffed full of Michelangelo Aurora almost forgot about the impatient brute behind her waiting for his turn to ‘get warm’. As Aurora was finally fully seated on Mikey cock Raphael rumbled behind them palming her cheeks spreading them with two keen thumbs.
As his thumb inched inwards Aurora was lucid enough to remember she always came prepared. “My b-bag Raph..ohh…Mike…..”
One massive mitt left her backside and rummaged through her bag lying at their feet. When the large mutant chuckled, she knew he had found when they needed. The snap of a cap and the wet sound of lube being expelled filled her ears making her hips rock making the younger turtle groan and press up into her heat. Then she felt the pad of Raphael’s moistened finger press against the tight ring of muscle and slip inside.
Aurora whimpered at the slight discomfort but quickly adjusted to the intrusion and rocked back onto the large digit allowing it further into her body.
“Easy little ninja. I don’t wanna hurt ya.” Raph cooed against the shell of her ear as he sunk his lubed finger deeper.
“Raph you gotta hurry bro. “Mikey pained voice cut through the night. “I need to move. I’m dying….h-here…”
“Nah, I think I’m gonna take this slow. There’s nothing sexier than Aurora beggin for my dick.” His finger began to move with a sweet rhythm in and out stretching and prepping the hot passage. The brute hoped the kunoichi was just as impatient as he was, there was no way he would last long. Just the pull her body on his finger alone was making him painfully hard. Raphael leaned down again pushing her head to the side to gain access her Aurora’s throat. Up and down his mouth worked across her pulse point leaving red marks from his teeth marking her.
Aurora could already feel the heat and pressure coil in her abdomen and Raphael wasn’t even inside her and Mikey stationary. She was panting now with slow little moans rolling off her tongue as Raphael’s large finger started to move faster working deeper and deeper. Her whole body began to vibrate with need making the impulse to fuck herself on Michelangelo’s sheath cock become excruciating. She needed her release, it was starting to hurt from the pressure building in her belly.
“Raph please..ugh…fu….”
“What was that Rora?”
“Please I need it, I need you, I need both of you to fu..u…cking finish what you started.” Aurora growled out her sexual frustration clenching around Mikey’s embedded cock and Raph’s finger.
Raphael grunted at the tightening muscles around his finger and snapped his teeth on her neck while pulling his finger free. “You want my cock?” he hissed into her trapped flesh as his hand coated his aching cock liberally with lube.
The lewd sounds of him lubing his shaft for entry made Aurora’s core throb and clench to the point of pain. Grabbing a hold of Mikey shoulders, she lifted her body up dragging the tip of Mikey length across the roof of her dripping canal. It eased the ache for a second but Mikey’s hands tightened on her hips at the friction rolling his hips up sheathing himself again.
“Baby girl.” Mikey hissed pulling her down, so the tip of his cock pressed against the opening of her cervix. “Always so fucking tight.”    
Raphael bit down harder on the meat of her shoulder to exert his dominance and hold her in place while he lined up with his reward. Grabbing the base of his shaft the brute ran the helm of himself over the puckered entrance smearing both his pre-come and lube across the prepped hole. He pressed forward just slightly to tease her barely breaking the barrier. Her body was shaking, and he knew it was time to give her and them the relief they needed.
Aurora’s lips parted as the large head slipped past the first ring and sunk in with no resistance. His hands moved to Aurora’s hips and pushed forward gliding into the tight heat until the large terrapin bottomed out with a grunt. With all of his restraint Raphael stilled unwilling to hurt her as Aurora got used to the massive intrusion. He could already hear her taking in large uneven breaths; he didn’t want her to pass out from being over stimulated. The first time it happened scared all of them to death.
Slowly Aurora felt her body relax excepting the feeling of being stuffed to the brim with two enormous mutant cocks. Tears formed at the corner of her eyes as Aurora moaned feeling the front of Raph’s plastron press against her backside indicating he was given her every inch of him. “Mmmm Raph…Mike so fucking big…. So fucking good.” She had been with them like this before, so the pain was barely noticeable anymore at the first penetration it was just the overpowering feeling of being possessed by these enormous mutants. The high of being theirs never seemed to fade and always heightened when they were intimate. Fuck it felt like they were in her stomach.
The first tentative thrust from Raphael brought Aurora out of her euphoric daze and back to reality. This time Mikey followed suit snapping up into her body and the combined inner stimulation was an eruption of blissful ecstasy. The air in her lungs caught and she gripped the rim of Mikey’s shell as they both began to fuck her in tandem. Each one moved at a different pace and buried deep at different times, she felt like laughing and crying at the same time.
Each drive of their hips sent the momentum up and into her body making her practically slam back down on their cocks each time gravity brought her back down to earth. She had to hold onto Mike to ground herself otherwise she felt she’d float away. Even through the haze of her turtle induced heaven she could feel them around her, touching her, holding her, making sure she was enjoying the experience, attentive, safe. They poured themselves into the act making it seem there was only one soul not three. Never, she would never tire of them, all of them. She would die without them, existence without its meaning.
Every cell in her body was set a light, throbbing and screaming as the crest of her climax bloomed quickly. It raced from her toes filling her blood with fire coursing up into her belly boiling over.  
Mikey gripped her chin pulling her face down to his so he could kiss her, a breath stealing kiss that made the world stop turning. Then Raphael nuzzled her neck puffing out heavy warm air against her heated skin and he whimpered three words that sent her toppling over her earth-shattering peak. Three words she loved to hear from each and every one of them. Three words that broke the damn and sent her spiraling out of control and up and over the crest of her orgasm.
“I love you.”
Aurora’s body seized as the climax that had been building snapped with such intensity she blacked out for a few seconds. Both mutants rumbled deep in their chest as Aurora clamped down on their frantic lengths sending them both into oblivion.  
Their roars of climax echoed across the rooftops making a few lights flicker on in the distance.
She could feel them both as they expanded inside of her and set forth the tidal wave of thick warm semen coating her insides with each pulse. The heat, the rush of sweet heat of their orgasms flooded Aurora’s body until it spilled out around them and onto the ground below. Raphael and Michelangelo’s hips staggered to uneven drives until they poured ever ounce with their release into her body affectively marketing her on the inside.
Still hazy from her release Aurora became aware of Mikey peppering her lips with kisses repeating those three words over and over. His breathing was erratic, and his chest heaved gasping for much needed oxygen. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
“I love you.” Raphael repeated, both still unwilling to uncouple from her body.
“I love you both so much.” Aurora cried grasping wildly at the two mutants.
The tepid splash of tears made Aurora jump; hot thick tears cascading down her cheeks hitting her hands and spilling into her mug of cooling tea.  That daydream took her deep. She was back on the rooftop, alone and cold yet again. What she wouldn’t give to really have them here again.
Slowing her breathing back to normal Aurora wiped the moister from her face and took a long pull of her tea.
Aurora turned her body looking at the unit they had been perched on so close together. It was so long ago, but yet so vivid in her memory. Her body was still hot from the daydream and she didn’t want the feeling to go away just yet. Damn, she needed to get a hold of herself. These types of moments could leave her vulnerable, she had lost herself in it and that was dangerous. Out in the open after curfew, she was asking to be picked up and infested with those little metal demons.
She wondered if she was taken would Bishop post her with them? Would he reunite her with the three brothers? She was just as useful.
Suddenly movement from a few roofs over made Aurora disappear into the shadows. Her hand dipped into her hip satchel and pulled forth the night goggles Donnie had made for her. She had to wait a few moments, but the large body hurtled itself from one rooftop to another concealing itself into the darkness as it landed.
She saw the massive body for only a few seconds but there was no mistaking the shape and size. It was of the mutant turtle variety, too bulky to be Leo but too tall for Mikey that left her brute. His name slipped past her lips in an unsteady whisper. “Raphael.” It had been six months since their last appearance, since they had done enough damage to confine her to the infirmary for two weeks.  
Her hand hovered over the earpiece contemplating calling Casey, he would want to know what was going on, but he had just gotten home, and April had missed him terribly. It would be rude to interrupt their alone time.
She would handle this on her own, it was only one of them and she wouldn’t make contact. Just observe, see what he was up too. Closing up her thermo Aurora left it on the roof top to retrieve later and headed towards Raphael keeping to the shadows.
It didn’t take her long to catch up to the cumbersome terrapin keeping to the opposite side of the building to conceal her presence. With her line of sight she could see him slip from the shadows and lean over the side of the building peering down at something below.
Slowly and without a sound the kunoichi moved across the rooftop until she was sitting above the unsuspecting turtle on an overhang.
He was surveying the street below, paying very close attention to every face that passed by. He was looking for someone…but whom and why was he alone?
True to Raphael’s nature after about an hour he got impatient and backed up launching himself to another rooftop for further recognizance.  He did this several times throughout the night getting more and more agitated as the night wore on. Aurora would stay close watching her brute carefully rememorizing every line of his body.
Three years was a long time to not be able to admire one of your lover’s bodies. There would be nights where she would lie in bed just to watch them sleep. Watch the plates of their plastrons rise and fall with the even breathing of their slumber. Gently touch their scaled skin and enjoy the soft sounds they would make at the soothing contact. Now she had one right in front of her, within reach but still so very far away.
Even though most of his lustrous green skin was covered by black fabric and some sort of hard alloy armor Aurora could still admire the muscles flex and shift below its covering. It was such a shame, their bodies were amazing, god like if you will and to cover such a work of art with clothing was cruel. It was one of the reasons she disliked winter, in the brutal frigid months the turtles would put on clothes to help retain their heat. She’d pout and shuffle her hands under their clothes making them chuckle with amusement.  
After a while the red banded behemoth began fidgeting with his sai, balancing the tip of the forked blade on his finger and lodging it into the rooftop for target practice.
She had been with Raphael several hours when the wind began to pick up, a storm was rolling in. The breeze whipped around the trash left behind by vagabonds giving the brute new moving targets. Then the breeze changed directions. Aurora watched as the wind flipped through her blonde locks and travel from her hiding spot to ruffle the tails of Raphael’s mask.
All at once his sai stopped moving and his nostrils flared scenting the air. The hard line set on his lips loosened widening until she saw the whites of his teeth. She had been made.
“There you are.” He cooed darkly getting to his massive feet slowly. Holstering his weapon the terrapin turned to the darkness of the rooftop staring at nothing. He knew she was there but had yet to locate her. “I’ve been looking for you blondie but it looks like you found me first.” Taking a few steps Raphael scented the air once again but was unable to catch her smell. “That’s not an easy feet either, no one has been able to sneak up on my brothers and I.”
Aurora remained silent as Raphael began strolling around the rooftop in search for his prey. She kept a safe distance at all times making sure not to lose sight of the turtle, he didn’t know where she was at the moment but her luck was sure to run out if she wasn’t diligent.
He had been looking for her this whole time, how long had he been looking for her? Longer than today’s search, days, weeks, months? And so close to home base too. That was an unsettling thought. If this became physical she needed to lead him away. The safety of their home was priority.
“You know you did a number on Fearless when we first met ya? Kept telling Mike and I how you smelt familiar. Couldn’t sleep for a few days after that, no amount of meditation could bring him peace. Even tried finding you a few times but let’s be honest we had no idea where to even start lookin’. He still talks about ya but it’s become less frequent now. I finally figured I needed to see what he was talking about. I mean I got a small taste but Leo got a face full of that blonde hair of yours. I wanna see what the hubbub is all about.  Maybe sample the goods.”
With each break in words Raph would stop walking and listen, turning his head to observe the silence trying to find notion of her whereabouts. She gave him no clue, not yet at least. But it was intriguing to know she had affected Leo to some extent and peeked Raph’s enough for him to become successful in narrowing down her location.
“Why don’t you come out?” He continued, his voice dropping an active taking a seductive tone. But she wasn’t naive, as much as she loved that god damn voice he used to seduce her in the past, this Raphael had no intention on being a good turtle. Deceit was his game and Aurora wasn’t going to play.
Raphael started to get more aggravated as he continued to search for her. “Come on beautiful, come say hi to Raphie.”
Just then her luck ran out, another gust of wind brew past Aurora directing her scent right to the brute’s beak.
As soon as his face turned to her position she moved and with the inhuman speed they all possessed it didn’t take long for the brute to catch up. The only silver lining was he wasn’t trying to be quite so the heavy footfalls that came from behind were the warning she needed to avoid his giant mitts.
When he swung for her Aurora turned abruptly and swung up on top of an abandoned water tower evading his clutches. Thankfully and unlike Raph he didn’t follow but kept his eyes on her.
“Hello my love, why don’t you come down here for a kiss?” those honeyed eyes sparkled and those lips turned into that wicked smile that drove her mad. He moved closer to the tower and slowly began to climb the rotting wood braces as if he didn’t want to spook her.
Her hand rested on the hilt of a katana at her hip as she moved across the top of the tower away from the ascending terrapin, “Tempting Raphael, so very tempting but I think distance is the best for you and I right now….a lot of distance.”
His eyes abruptly grew sad as he reached the top quicker then she anticipated, “I thought you loved me? Don’t’ you want me to hold you? Kiss you? Love you?” He took a step closer and the sorrowful look darkened, those honey eyes swirling with a new emotion, one she hadn’t seen in years…lust. “Or maybe you want something else? Something no human could give you….” His three fingered hand lowered to the now apparent bulge forming under his pants. The palm of his hand rubbed from base to tip rumbling at the friction of his actions. “It’s weird ya know.” He husked gripping the hardening appendage firmly over his clothing. “We’ve had more women then I can count throwin themselves at us. Trying to get us into bed but none, not a fuckin one stirred anything in any of us. Even Mike who tugs it at least once a day had no interest. But the moment your violet eyes and blonde hair came around you’re all we can think about. I didn’t tell fearless about my fascination cause I didn’t want him to lose focus on our mission more then he already has. And Mike has only told me about his dreams, that kinky little fucker. You’ve become a bit of a big deal for us. Fuck, I’ve had so many dreams about fuckin ya raw. Balls deep marking you in so many god damn ways I’d lose count.” She could see him panting now. He was losing a bit of himself in this. “Leo hasn’t told me but I know he’s been dreamin too. Mr. Always in Control of My Body has woken up with morning wood so many times in these past six months.”  
Aurora tried so fucking hard not to watch him palm himself, the memory she had relived a few hours ago only made her arousal bloom faster. She didn’t know what to do with this information. Swallowing the nonexistent saliva in her mouth the kunoichi tried to regulate her breathing and the heat pooling between her thighs. She needed to get herself under control, this was dangerous, he was dangerous.
As her feet came to the end of the old barrel Aurora took a deep breath and leaned back doing a backward swam dive off the water tower. She tucked and rolled, hitting the rooftop coming to her feet in one solid move. She turned to run she needed the space and the time to collect her thoughts but Raphael followed right behind her colliding with solid ground right in front of her.
“Nuh uh beautiful.” He rose to his full height looming over Aurora backing his prey up until her backside hit the side of a small maintenance shed. One hand hit the side of the shed next to her head and the other returned to its previous task. But this time his hand sank below the barrier going straight for the engorged length.
His scent hit her now, heady and thick dulling her senses. She was in trouble; she should have called Casey for back up. Fight, run, get away but her body refused to move. Her traitorous body would surely be the end of her.
Raphael leaned down pushing her head to the side to gain access to the slender column of her throat nuzzling through the blonde locks of her hair. His hot breath cascaded over the heated flesh causing a rush of Goosebumps to erupt across her skin.
Then she heard him take in a long pull of her scent and the sound that came from the depths of his chest nearly made her knees give out. The sound sent vibrations through the air and into her chest rocketing straight down to her dripping core. Fuck this was so wrong; she needed to get out of here but her body screamed for him. She wanted to drink his scent in, to taste him again. It was taking all of her self control not to reach out for him but this wasn’t her Raphael. It was in body but not in sprit.
“You do smell familiar.” He rumbled deep and low. “You smell like home, you smell like you’re mine.”
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nightwingshero · 4 years
"Next time I'll hit you like I mean it" for Jane pleaseee? 🥺✨
Thank you sweetie!! Have some Jane canon!!! I just want to make it clear that I am not at all responsible for the damage she causes. She is who she is. 
It was fucking annoying. But if I was being honest, there wasn’t much that wasn’t nowadays. Even as I sat there with my feet propped up on one of our supply boxes, I couldn’t help but dig my knife into the wooden table next to me as they carried on. Even as Randy stood off in the distance, too preoccupied playing fetch with his new pitbull John had gifted him. Blue was about a year now, and she was so full of energy and getting so big. I couldn’t wait to see her once she was older, even though I would never admit it.
I watched in distaste as the others carried in supplies for John, stacking things neatly in his hanger. It annoying, watching over shit like this when there were more important matters at hand, like the Reaping that had just started. I had insisted we take back Fall’s End, that we could easily do it. And eyeing my sniper rifle leaning against a crate, I felt that familiar urge again. This time I would drag Fairgrave out myself, kicking and screaming if I had to. But John had decided not to, insisting that the new Sinner—the new heretic—wasn’t one we needed to concern ourselves with. Just a rookie deputy that was still green around the edges, someone that didn’t know what the fuck she was doing. It was amusing to me slightly, that the so-called Resistance trusted someone so inexperienced to spearhead this. Perhaps it would be easier to take them out now, all things considering. Either way, I was ready to test those boundaries, to see what made her so damn perfect to be a leader. I was ready to knock her ass down a peg.
“Viking Princess looks displeased, does she demand a sacrifice to appease her?” Randy teased as he approached, using the rope to play tug a war with the puppy.
“Shut up, Randy.”
“Pissed off, indeed.” He smirked. “What do yah got up your ass this time?”
I glared at him then, the mischief dancing in his light blue green eyes as I wondered how fast I could cut his face to pieces. It wasn’t as if we haven’t fought before, enough to know that I was at a disadvantage…for now. His size and experience in fighting outweighed mine, but I knew I would better him. I would take him the fuck down and see who the fuck was smiling then, with this face bloody in the ground. “Fuck off.”
Raising his brow, he pulled a chair out and straddled it, his eyes shifting to the few members that were doing most of the work. It was one of his fancy days, dressed in a button up and waistcoat. The Chosen always got special treatment, and when you were John’s, you were really special. Being John’s righthand had given us privileges…like not dressing like a fucking homeless person. I preferred a tank top and jeans, it was easier to move in, it was more practical and made more fucking sense to me.
“Y’know…you could just work that shit out, mate. Go punch a tree or something.” My grip on my knife tightened as I stabbed the table again, this time with more force than before. “Ain’t no reason for scarin’ everybody.”
“They can fuck off.” I muttered. It was infuriating. And maybe the problem was that I was stuck here, overlooking low-leveled members when I could have been out there, fighting and bringing people in like I was trained to do. What was the point of being one of the best marksmen in the fucking county when I couldn’t even use it? Or perhaps part of it was because I was itching to fight her. It was only a matter of time before our paths would cross again, and I knew exactly where she would be holed up. After her father died, that’s all she ever fucking did. Visit her father’s memorial at that fucking church.
I couldn’t wait until John gave the order to destroy them.
“They’re taking to fucking long. It’s annoying. And why the fuck are we here when we can be out there?” I spat bitterly, throwing a glare at one a younger guy, his eyes immediately cast down as he hurried past and out of my line of sight. “What’s the fucking point of this bullshit?”
“Supplies are important.” Randy answered as he lightly tossed the rope, Blue quickly running after it. “And we’re Chosen. Not a Priestess, not a hunter—”
“Who would wanna work with Jacob anyway?” I scoffed, my foot pushing against the crate and tilting my chair on the back legs. “Have you fucking been up there? Couldn’t handle the training he gave, can’t imagine workin’ for his ass. I’d scar that face up more than it already is.”
“Easy there, Scarface. You almost became one of his.” He threw me a smirk and I knew he was messing with me, doing what he could to poke and get me riled up. It wouldn’t fucking work though, not this fucking time.
“Almost became one of hers too, but could you fucking imagine? Rainbows and sunshine. Iced teas and fucking brownies. Fuck that shit. I don’t need that fucking overly sweet southern belle trying to make me smile all the damn time. She fucking hugged me last time.”
“Hmm. The Mother’s not so bad.”
“Pretty sure she poisoned Brady and almost got Miss Mable.”
“That a bad thing?” he laughed. “Mable is someone I can live without. You meet Brady? Asshat.”
I rolled my eyes at him and made a face. “She makes my teeth fucking rot. And she’s touchy. I don’t fucking like touchy.”
“But you’ll let Faith braid flowers in your hair.”
Grabbing the nearest glass, I chucked it at his head and watched in frustration as he skillfully dodged it. I didn’t know what I was expecting, it was so fucking him. Perfect fucking Randy, with his beard and muscular frame. His eyes found mine again, his small smile not widening even the slightest before he pulled the rope away from Blue and threw it again. “Fuck. You.”
My hand twitched on the knife that was still protruding from the table, wishing nothing more than to fucking fight someone, to go after Grace or that fucking deputy. Anything but to sit here, watching as everything fucking went on without us. When was the last time we got into a good fight? When was the last time I saw Randy beat someone until his fists ran red? I was tired of being on the sidelines while our people were constantly being attacked, constantly at war. It was bullshit that I was just used to babysit when I could do so much fucking more, I was better than this shit.
My mood only seemed to worsen when the next person came in, her honey blonde hair falling perfectly over her shoulders, her head held high as if she owned the fucking place. I sneered as Holly looked around, her arrogance dripping off of her. Once upon a time we had gotten along a bit, which I suppose for me it just meant I hadn’t threatened to fucking kill her. Randy had defended her, people said, in a bar from her abusive husband. This was when John had been talking to her, slowly convincing her to join us. Which only led to him bailing Randy out that fateful night…and a few years later, we were here. Giving me plenty of time to know that I was tempted to rip her extensions out from time to time.
“She’s sleeping with Johnny again.” Randy sighed as Blue ran back, her front paws on his leg to hold herself up as he pets her, cooing praises.
“Shocker.” I muttered as I dug the knife out roughly. “Probably because poor Holly couldn’t snag her a place next to the Father. She wants a fucking position and thinks being the Baptist’s wife is gonna fall in her lap because she blows him. Fucking Holly.” After giving a quick look around, her eyes fell on us and an overly sweet smile spread across her face. I suddenly longed for the presence of the Mother in comparison.
“Hey, y’all! How yah doin’?”
Fucking Christ.
“Holly.” Randy gave a polite smile in return, a slight nod as he gave attention to the excited puppy tugging on the rope. Satisfied with the attention from him, she looked at me expectantly, her smile becoming tight. My chin tilts, holding my head high as I stared her down, daring her and showing her that I wasn’t playing her fucking game. I wasn’t her friend, I wasn’t gonna cater to her. She wasn’t my fucking Herald, no matter how badly she wanted to be.
“Well hey there, Jane.” She called, finally breaking the silence between us. I moved my feet, allowing my chair to fall back onto the floor on all fours again. Eyeing her up and down, I gently slid my knife back in place. John wouldn’t be too happy if I impulsively stabbed her, and I wasn’t taking any chances. I would behave…for now.
“Surprised to see you out here considering I never see you do any heavy lifting.” I replied, enjoying the way her face turned a bit pink. Pride swelled as I smirked at her.
Finally recovering, she scoffed. “Well, it seems that all your heavy lifting is going just fine.” She offered a pointed look at Randy as she put her hands on her hips as her words dripped with condescension. “You really are Sloth, aren’t you? Just sitting there when you can put those muscles of yours to actual use.”
It happened too fast for her, but I was in her face the next second, making her stumble back in shock as I glared at her. Randy watched quietly and I knew he was trying to tell me to ease up, to not let me be ruled by the pride that felt wounded on his behalf. But I wasn’t going to allow this, not when she owed him. Not when she needed to know her motherfucking place. So, I followed her stumble, taking a menacing step forward as the others stopped to watch.
She was trembling underneath her façade, her eyes wide as she tried to stand strong. It looked pathetic on her, it didn’t fit right on her. Not the way it was with the Heralds, not with Whitney, let alone on of the Chosen. Holly didn’t deserve the entitlement she reeked of. She earned nothing. I sneered in her face, our noses coming close to touching. The creak of his chair tells me he’s tensing, Randy’s own way of reminding me where we are, reminding me that I need to keep it together. I just wanted to claw her fucking eyes out. Just a little bit. Just enough to draw blood, to make her blind, to make understand that I wasn’t someone to fuck with.
“Most of your work is done behind closed doors, Holly. I would say watch your fucking mouth, but I think we’re both well fucking aware of what comes in and out of it.” Her mouth hangs open as she gaps at me like a fucking fish, taken aback by the crude and direct words that I’ve spoken. It makes me want to laugh at her. “Remember who’s in charge here. Last time I checked, we’re the Chosen. Fucking John doesn’t give you power here, don’t even fucking try.”
I wanted her to swing. I wanted her to give me a fucking reason to drop her, I was practically shaking for it. Violence vibrated in my veins, making me run hot. Another creak from his chair as he shifts, a subtle clearing of his throat, and I know I need to walk it off. Perimeter check was probably due, Randy could easily watch over this to make sure everything was in order. Maybe I could work of the frustration. Maybe I would see someone and be able to use my fucking rifle for once.
With one last glance over her, looking down at her, I turn away with the intention of grabbing my gun. I could make Randy pay me back later, giving me his best whiskey at his cabin while we sat around the fire. He fucking owed me for this. Biting my tongue until I was sure I could taste the iron of my own blood. The temptation to spit it in her face is one I have to shove down hard. Her scoff stops me though, makes me listen careful as her nasally voice echoes through the hangar as everyone hold their breath.
“Bitch, you fucking wish you could. You’re just jealous that nobody fucking wants you. Grace didn’t want you, your own husband didn’t fucking want you. Best you can do is this washed-up lumberjack—"
Years of ballet. That’s what it is, and I wouldn’t ever fucking admit that shit to anyone. But that’s how I’m able to turn on my toes so quickly. It’s how I’m able to throw my elbow in her face as swiftly as I do. I didn’t care what anyone fucking said, dancing gave you a fighting advantage. Cardio, flexibility, speed, balance…it was useful in moments like this. She jerked back, her eyes squeezing shut as she tried to process, but I wasn’t giving her the time to. Finishing my turn, I reach out and grab the back of her head with my other hand, quickly slamming her face against the table. I smiled when I hear the satisfying crunch, that’s when I let her go and watch as she slips to the floor on her back. There’s blood from her broken nose and busted mouth, running down her face. Finally.
Her hands cup her nose, covering her face as her scream pierces the air, and even though it’s muffled by her hands, it was enough to carry through the hangar and I’m sure it could have been heard outside. I just hoped that John had decided to keep his damn office windows closed. Randy sighed as he calmed Blue, and I just glared down at her, towering over her with clenched fists. “Let this be a fucking warning to you, Pepper. I do not care to be fucked with, and I fucking dare you to pull that shit again. Because next time?” A humorless laugh escapes my lips as I sneer. "Next time I'll hit you like I mean it." Giving her one more onceover, I turn back and see the others gapping at me, completely shocked and a bit terrified. Good. “What the fuck are you doing? Brother John needs this shit done, get it done!” I snapped, making them scramble and collect themselves as they continued moving supplies in.
Randy follows me instead of staying behind, Blue nipping at the edges of my trenchcoat as we walk, the incident completely forgotten. He gave me a side glance as he crossed his arms. “Johnny boy ain’t gonna like that.”
“John’s judgement is obviously clouded, Randy.” I scoffed. “Someone needs to fix that for him.”
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appleteez · 4 years
Definitely The Right Thing
Pairing: Seungkwan x reader
Genre: Fluff and some crack definitely
Word count: 1500
A/N: I might do a part two about where they went to college and where their relationship goes? 👀
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I look at the boy in front of me that had a huge smile. His fists balled up in front of him lightly shaking them and I raise an eyebrow looking back into his sparkling eyes.
“You know as well as anyone that I love going to the mall with you Seungie, but let’s not be unreasonable at that time of the year..” I sigh sorry to see his face drop. We were standing by lockers at the entrance of our school. I was reaching into my locker to get my shoes when the little sunshine came to ask me his favorite question.
“Y/N.. Come on, we haven’t been out in awhile. I miss us hanging out everyday after school.”
“As I do but..” I stop a second to put my shoes down. “It’s our senior year and we have exams soon and you know how it is in this country. If we fail those, we can’t enter a nice university and basically our whole future is doomed.” I say with my deadpan face on, forcing my feet into my messed up sneakers.  
“But it looks like you need new shoes.” He says eyeing my shoes like an emoji.
“Ugh.. Maybe you’re right..” He wasn’t, I mean yes I needed new shoes, but I had some at home. I just wanted to convince myself that I could go with him, and it was easier than I thought. “Ok, I guess we’re going then.” His face lights up and he jumps.
“Alright ! Boo and Y/L back again !!!” I laugh with him and we start running to the train station. “So I was thinking we could go to the three level mall.” He says holding onto the bar above his head, while I was sitting in front of him.
“The three level one? There’s gonna be a lot of people.”
“Yeah, I know but..” He looks around then says nonchalantly. “It’s the only one where we haven’t been banned from most of the stores yet.” I crack a smile.
“You’ve got a point.” We laugh together and start talking about our day even though we spent it all together. Me and Seungkwan were best friends since we started walking. Since our moms became friends, we spent all of our time together. Of course, it’s natural that others think we’ve been dating this whole time but that’s just crazy to me. It’s my little Boo, I could never see myself dating him. Plus we’ve both dated other people before, and it felt like the right thing to do, right?
We arrived at the mall and started going into random stores completely forgetting that I should look for shoes. We do our usual making fun of weird pieces of clothing or useless objects. We take a break to get food and something to drink. Then we go back into the stores this time to try on weird outfits. I come out of the dressing room with a small white top and huge yellow pants making me look like a hippie. Seungkwan comes out wearing booty shorts and a crop top.
“I hate it when you choose my outfits.” Seungkwan sighs looking at himself in the mirror while I crack up.
“Stop it ! You’re working it so well !! Look at that waist damn Boo !!!”
“I hate you !” He says in a dramatic way playing into my game and I laugh even more. “Put on your sunglasses sweetie this ain’t the whole look.” He twirls his hands in the air and I can’t stop laughing making it harder for me to breathe.
“God stop, I’m gonna pee my pants.” I hold my sides trying to put on the huge round sunglasses he had found for me.
“Oh my god ! We look amaziiing!! Let’s get a pic together !” He takes out his phone and we pose in front of the mirror. He puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. My head rests lightly on his chest and I look at us in the mirror for a second while he takes the picture. “Mhh? Y/N, smile?”
“Yeah sorry.” I flash a smile for a few pictures. This was just weird. His scent, his arm around my waist, his slightly toned stomach peaking out, realizing our difference in height. I felt my cheeks burning up and my heart beating faster. I couldn’t be attracted to him, right? He let’s go of my waist but puts his arm over my shoulder, something he did all the time. He shows me his phone and scrolls with the hand around my shoulders.
“This one is so funny.” He giggles but I just can’t focus.
“Hey Seungkwan, let’s.. I should find some shoes and we should get home.” He looks at me with half opened eyes a little surprised by my sudden change in tone and attitude.
“Really? We just got here.” He unrolls his arm from around my shoulder.
“We’ve been here for a good couple hours.” I say walking back into the changing room to get back into my school uniform. I hear him sigh and then walk back so he could change too. We walk in silence to the shoe store and start looking around. I try on a few pairs while he just looks at some shoes that I would like.
“What about these?” He shows me a pair of white sneakers that had a blue and red streak across it. It was just my style.
“Do they have my size?”
“Yes.” He takes out a box and gives it to me. I put on the shoes and make my mind up right away.
“Ok! I’ll go pay for them.” I smile at him and once everything is done we walk back slowly to the train station. We wait quietly on the platform waiting for our train.
“Hey.. Y/N? Are you ok? You’ve been acting really weird since the dressing room? Did seeing me in a crop top shocked you that much? You choose it not me.” I laugh a little.
“I’m fine don’t worry about it.”
“You sure? You’ve been like kinda distant and quiet, plus you called me Seungkwan. That’s like my whole name you know?” I chuckle a little, he just made me laugh so easily all the time.
“I guess I’m stressed out about the exams coming up.”
“Sorry, I kinda forced you out today. It’s just..” I turn my head to look at him, he’s looking down a worried expression on his face.
“What is it Seungie?”
“Those exams coming up, it just means high school is about to end..”
“I mean, you’re so much smarter than me. Like, I’m pretty smart, but you’re like smart smart, you can get into any school you want and.. That’s not even the point. I’m just scared that those are our last days together.”
“Seungie, my house is still next to yours. There’s summer break and, smaller breaks and all.”
“I know, but, it’s not gonna be the same not having you around anymore.”
“So it’s why you insisted on going out today?” He turns to look at me.
“I also wanted to tell you something.”
*Please step back, a train is approaching the platform* The inter phones goes off, and I could hear the train come really fast.
“I think.. I think I really like you Y/N.” This is too cliche, as he finishes his sentence, the train passes by full speed and my skirt flies up a bit. I put my hand on it and don’t leave Seungkwan’s eyes for a second.
“You do?”
“I wasn’t sure, but seeing you around lately. Just you doing the smallest things made me smile. This trip to the mall just confirmed it.” He scoffs at himself scratching the back of his head. “And now I just.. I’m sorry I—“
“I think I like you too.” I say still no expression on my face still studying his face. His cheeks lightly flushed, the way his buttoned down shirt was open on his white t-shirt, and the way his short sleeves were hugging his arms. That wasn’t it though. His smile, his hair, his scent, his presence next to me. I began to be too well aware of it all. Like my senses multiplied by ten all of the sudden.
“You do?” He says shyly but with a hint of reassurance in his voice. I smile at him and take his hand in mine intertwining our fingers together.
“Yeah, I definitely do. Plus you rocked that crop top.” I smile wider at him and he can’t stop himself from taking me in his arms tightly.
“Oh, I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to sleep tonight.” He smiles in my hair, holding me close to him while my arms snake around his back.
“Same honestly.” I whisper lightly, I was way happier than I ever thought I could be. This was definitely the right thing.
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Pairing: Maxwell Lord x OC (Evelyn “Evie” Blaker)
Warnings: Smut
A/N: Enjoy the smut because angst is coming.  I didn’t plan on it originally, but damn if it didn’t make sense to the story line.  Ugh, angst, you bastard.
Reminder:  I ain’t ever seen Pedro Pascal in FUCK ALL, I’m just coming up with this as I go along, using imdb.com, wiki, and 84,000 tabs I got open to plan out this shit.  I also write soft versions of his characters so if you’re craving asshole vibes, I ain’t got any but my own to offer.
Tags:  @zeldasayer , @romanticgumchewer, @beskars​ , @coolmaybelateruniverse , @the-feckless-wonder, @lavenderl3mons , @pascalisthepunkest , @mandoandyodito​ , @randomness501 , @fioccodineveautunnale  
[PART 1]  [PART 2]  [PART 3]  [PART 4]  [PART 5]
Part 6 
That Let You Fly High
“Evie!”  Maxwell’s voice rang through the house as he walked in the door, dropping his briefcase by the hall table and hanging his coat on the rack.  He was humming with a smile on his face.  He was taking two days off and that, plus the weekend, meant he had four whole days of Evie to himself.  His secretary asked several times if he was feeling okay and he was so blissed out on the thought, he couldn’t even pretend to be mad.
Evie herself was in the kitchen, looking out at the beautiful fall day and enjoying some hot chocolate.  Marnie had gone home early for the evening and she was lost in thought when she heard Maxwell’s voice calling her.  Something about the situation made her think of I Love Lucy and for a moment she felt like a fifties sitcom housewife.  She giggled at such a silly thought, but it wormed its way further in her brain and something about it felt right.
Before she let herself dwell on the idea, she walked out in the dining room and met him halfway, both wearing matching grins.  He walked up to her and leaned down to kiss her, her lips tasting of chocolate and whipped cream.  He thought her natural sweetness was better.  They kissed softly, a series of pecks on the lips that spoke of affection and hints of love where their tongues could not.  Not yet anyway.
“Hello Max.”  They pulled away and he took her mug and set it on the table.  He wrapped his arms around her waist, and she leaned into him. He looked down into her face, that warmth he had grown to love seemed to crawl even deeper into his soul.
“I got a call from a friend of mine, Eric, inviting me to a fundraiser tomorrow.  I think it’s for the botanical gardens or something.  Anyway, I agreed and I’m taking you with me.  I think we deserve a fancy night on the town to kick off our weekend.”  He noticed a frown growing between her eyebrows.
“I didn’t come prepared for a fancy party though.”  She was already taking mental inventory of what she would need. “I’d have to go shopping.”
“I figured, so we’ll just go shopping”
“We?”  Her tone had an amused tone to it, and he grinned.
“Yeah.  We’ll go tomorrow, do a little shopping, get some lunch.  You know, make a day of it.”
“You’ll go shopping with me.”  Her amused tone growing with each word until she got the giggles.  He raised an eyebrow, trying to look mean but absolutely failing.
“Watching you trying on gowns? Why would I miss that?”  His voice turned husky and she surprised herself by blushing under his look.  A gleam glinted in his eye and she turned away from him, heat creeping across her body.  He dropped a warm kiss to the back of her neck before leaving the room, knowing he left her body humming for him.  His grin spread across his face.
Waincotters Boutique was one of those high-end parlor-style dress stores that in any other case Evie would have bypassed for a Nordstrom’s or Bloomingdale’s.  She felt a little out of place with her jeans and tee shirt when she saw the way the salesgirls were dressed.  Maxwell held her hand and he could feel the shivers as her nerves began to get to the better of her.  He squeezed a little and glanced down at her.  Its fine, the squeeze told her.
“Maxwell!  So good to see you again!  And who do we have with us today?”  A sprightly woman with a greying bob cut smiled at the couple.  The woman was entirely welcoming, and Evie felt a little more at ease under her kind eyes.  They were whisked away to a private room with a comfortable sitting area and a small platform with mirrors.
“I’m Susanne and I’ll be helping you find the perfect dress for tonight’s event.”  The woman sat down with them and another came through the door with snacks and drinks and set them on the table before leaving the three alone again.  “What kind of event is it?”
“Formal wear, not quite black tie.”  Maxwell had called Eric to get more information and that was all he was told. “Not cocktail as far as I know.”
“Perfect.  Now Miss. . .”
“Miss Evie.”  Susanne smiled again and took Evie’s hands into her own, the skin warm and comforting.
“Tell me what you like in a dress.  Sleeves?  No sleeves? Slit?  Silk? Crepe?  Color?  Cut? Style?  Shape? Length? Train?  No train? Neckline?”  The questions were almost overwhelming to her and Evie took a deep breath.  Susanne smiled and patted her hand, recognizing that look of too much information on the fiery blonde’s face.
“How about this, let’s start with something easy.  What color do you like to wear?”
“Oh purples!”  Evie sounded excited for the first time since everything started.  “I love purples, but dark ones like plum.”
“Great!”  Susanne wrote somethings down and continued to asked questions like sizes and height.  “Let me pull a variety and let you try them on and then we’ll narrow it down.”
Evie nodded and soon a dozen dresses in ranging from a deep plum to a royal purple in all different styles were hanging in front of her.  While she didn’t have a full affinity for fashion, she did love quality clothing.  Most people thought her outfits for work were staid, but the fabrics were rich, and quality made.  Even her jeans and tee shirts were well fitted and everything she wore was tailored as needed.  Being able to pick out a fancy gown was like being handed a gift, almost heavenly.
As she glanced down at the price tag, though, her eyes bugged out and she snapped her head around to look at Maxwell.  He started laughing, choking on his drink in the process.  He still laughed as he wiped his pants off.
“MAX!”  She hissed. “This dress is almost $7,000! I can’t afford this!”  She put the dress back on the rack as if it were on fire.
“You’re not, I’m buying it.”
“Oh no you’re not.  We’re leaving and going to Saks or something.”  She stepped off the platform to grab her purse when he shot his hand out to stop her.
“Evie.  Stop worrying about it.  I’m buying you a dress, it’s no big deal.”
“I can’t let you spend $7,000 on me!”  Her voice rose with every word until the last one came out as a squeak. “That’s outrageous, it’s too expensive. THAT’S SEVEN GRAND!”
“Evie, please calm down for one second.”  Maxwell looked her in the eyes, an amused and almost loving look to them. “I care about you finding a dress you love and that you’ll want to show off tonight.  I want you to feel good.  Price is of no matter to me.  And if I thought it was, do you think I would have brought you here in the first place?”
She stopped and seemed to calm down somewhat, her face still red as she looked at the first dress she had pulled off the rack.
“Well, you got me there.”
“I know.  Now ignore the price tags, find what makes you feel beautiful and its yours.”
“I never had anyone spend so much money on me.”  Her tone was low, not meaning for him to hear her.  It was almost obscene how much he was willing to spend, and she felt a little guilty.  Kind of how she felt guilty asking to order a second dessert on their first date.  Quality she was willing to spend money on, but boy, $7,000 was way too rich for her decidedly middle-class tastes.
“I suppose it would be crass to say that you’ve never had anyone with my level of wealth buying things for you.”  He smiled as she giggled.
“That’s true.”  She walked back over to the dresses and ran her fingers across them, feeling silk and crepe and a jersey so soft a baby could have been swaddled in it.  And they were her favorite color. . .  She turned around.
“Are you staying here while I try them on?”
“That was the goal.”  Again, his voice turned slightly husky and a small smirk grew on her lips.  As he sat down, she turned and walked over to the door, head poking out, she asked for a pair of heels in her size and muttered something to the salesgirl.  She stepped back into the room and closed the door, locking it behind her.
Maxwell had settled back into his seat, taking off his jacket and rolling up his cuffs.  He popped a cracker into his mouth, not really paying attention to Evie as she stepped back onto the platform.  She faced away from him and pulling out a hair tie, she swept her long locks into a bun. When she could see Maxwell looking at her, she dropped her hands to the hem of her shirt.
Capturing Maxwell’s eyes, she held his gaze as she slowly raised her shirt, exposing the skin of her stomach inch by inch.  She ran her hands up and across her breasts as she continued to pull up the fabric, her yellow bra peeking out from under the shirt. He swallowed, but her face remained stoic.
She grabbed the hem of her shirt and whipped it over her head, dropping it on the floor.  She stood there a moment before bringing her hand to the button of her jeans.  She popped the button as she toed off her flats.  She could see the bulge growing in Maxwell’s pants and his eyes were darkening.  She unzipped her pants and pushed them off her hips.  She bent over and thrusted her ass out in his direction as she pushed them off her legs.  From where he sat, he could see the crotch of her panties darkening as Evie became more and more turned on.
Evie remained bent over, slightly turning her head and she saw that Maxwell had loosened his tie and rolled up his sleeves.  Those forearms of his, the crisp blond hairs glistening in the overhead lights, something about his strong forearms sent shockwaves of pleasure to the very center of her.  She slowly stood up and stepped out of the puddle of denim at her feet, kicking it off to the side.  A low groan came from behind her as she stood there in just her underthings.  She paused until he looked her in the eye, and she bowed her head slightly.
Reaching up, she unhooked her bra’s front clasp and the fabric gaped, her breasts spilling out and her nipples playing peek-a-boo with the lace edges. She saw Maxwell shift behind her, his bulge now clearly visible in the mirror’s reflection.  She could his hands gripping the arms of the chair, knuckles almost white.  She threw him a sultry smile as she dragged her fingertips from her chin down the front of her neck to the middle of her chest.  
She let her hands rest there before fanning out her fingers and lightly running them across her breasts, moving the bra off them and exposing her harden nipples to the cooler air of the dressing room.  She could hear Maxwell’s heavy breathing growing more rapid as he watched her actions in the mirrors.  Evie kept moving her hands, pealing the yellow material off her body and let it drop behind her.  She threw Maxwell a coquettish look in the mirror as she brought her hands back to her breasts.
She spread her hands until her flesh was covered, and she could feel the hard nub of her nipples against her palms.  She lolled her head downward, keeping a steady gaze with Maxwell, who was practically vibrating with want.  Her fingers were soft against her skin and slowly she dragged them until her fingertips were against her nipples.  He watched as she flicked her wrists and twisted the taunt flesh and her moan went straight to his cock.
The ripples of pleasure in her breasts were making her clit feel needy and her hips jerked forward, pulsating for a touch.  Her body slightly bowed into herself and her mouth dropped open although no sound came out.  Evie tried to maintain eye contact with Maxwell, but the pleasure was so overwhelming that she closed her eyes, chasing the edges of her climax.  She continued to tweak her nipples, her body straining for her clit to be touched.
Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore and she dropped her hands, brushing them over her clothed mound.  She could feel her panties growing damper with each passing moment and she unconsciously rubbed her thighs together.  Suddenly, she turned around, facing her audience for the first time since she locked the door.
“Max.  Come here.” He didn’t need to be told twice, he was out of his chair and in one long stride, he stood in front of her.  The dark pools of his lustful eyes drew her in, and she threw him a sultry look.  “Take off my panties.”
He groaned as he dropped to his knees, looking at up at her.  Maxwell felt like he was on fire.  The minute he saw the skin of her stomach, he was lost. The more she exposed, the harder he became, and he desperately wanted to fuck her senseless.  His entire body itched to feel her skin, his tongue wanted to explore the slit he knew was soaked, and he cock ached for her.  He brought his hands to her hips and he could see them shaking in anticipation.  This woman is undoing him, a small voice inside him said.  And we fucking love it, replied the roaring lust consuming him.
He hooked his fingers underneath her silky boy shorts, the shape framing out her hips and ass beautifully.  With a slow tug, they were dragged down her legs and the smoothness of the silk created flames of heat along her skin, felt long after he tossed the scrap of fabric to the side.  Every inch of her felt like she was on fire the minute Maxwell touched her.  She looked down at him and he could barely see the golden brown he’d come to love – the pupils blown out so wide her eyes were black, and he felt as if they were sucking him in.
“Touch me.”  Her voice was a raspy whisper and Evie felt that if he didn’t, she just might die.  Thankfully for her, he obliged, and their eyes remained locked as Maxwell slowly dragged his large hands up her legs, letting just his fingertips skitter across her thighs.  Her body bowed again, and the quiet moan came from deep in her chest.  Her eyes nearly fluttered shut, but she stopped herself so she could look at him in front of her, eyes full of supplication and want.  She had brough the great and powerful Maxwell Lord to his knees and the very thought made her feel hedonistic.  She brought her hands up to his shoulders, giving her something solid to hold onto as she began to float away on a river of pleasure.
Maxwell ghosted his hand around her left thigh before grabbing it and lifting her leg.  He hooked it over his shoulder, and he brought his hands to her hips.  Tipping them slightly, he brought his mouth to her slit and flattened his tongue, dragging it through her folds before resting on her clit.  Her whole body shuttered, and she moaned at the sensation.  Her hands moved up to grip his hair, giving her the balance she needed to stay upright.
Her tugs on his hair sent pleasure directly to his cock and his own hips jerked forward.  He smiled against her before licking her again, focusing on her clit with every pass through. When her thighs began to shake with her building orgasm, he brought his hand down and sunk two fingers deep into her heat.  She gasped his name at the sensation and the feral feeling in his chest grew.  This woman’s pleasure was his and his alone and he was going to take it.
Evie’s eyes fluttered shut and her body continued to tremble at the overwhelming sensations she was experiencing and her grip on him grew tighter. His eyes, despite their lust, were full of adoration for her and she never felt as cherished in such a position as she did now.  Something bloomed deep inside of her, something behind the lust that wrapped its ghostly fingers around her heart.
“Max, I’m going to come.”  She whispered it, trying to keep the noise down as to not arouse suspicion from the salesgirls.  He nodded as he continued to pump his hand into her, and he zeroed in his tongue on her clit.  Soon the familiar coils in her stomach reached their breaking point and she gritted her teeth as she came, the strangled cry sounding hoarse.  He withdrew his fingers but kept licking her clit until he felt her pulling his head away from her.
Her skin was flushed, and her body kept trembling against him, her chest heaving with exertion.  He could tell she was barely standing upright, she always lost control of her body when she came.  Knowing that he brought her to such highs felt like the best drug he could take.  Every pant, every groan – he was able to draw those from her and he almost was addicted to it.  
He brought his hands to her hips and leaned back onto his heels.  He had to have her, and his hand dropped to his crotch.  Maxwell unzipped his pants, pulling his rock-hard cock out, precum practically dripping out of him in a continuous stream.  He palmed himself, stroking a few times to spread his own slickness along with hers. He found himself struggling not to go any further.
“Sit on my lap, Evie.  I need you on me.”  His voice sounded desperate, a vibration that resonated with her.  They fucked several times since she arrived in the city, but something about this time seemed different and she felt as if she would die if she didn’t feel him inside of her.  She dropped to her knees, straddling his lap as he grabbed the base of his cock.  She slowly lowered herself onto him and her breath stuttered out of her lungs as she felt him fill her.  When he was buried to the hilt, Evie briefly thought that Maxwell was touching her very soul and she wasn’t sure where they each began and ended.
She dropped her head onto his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. Even though he was fully dressed, the heat of his skin seemed to burn Evie and in turn Maxwell felt as if no clothes were between then at all.  His own arms wrapped themselves around her waist, his face buried into her neck.  He took a deep breath and the warm scent that was so uniquely hers filled his lungs and hazed his mind.
They sat like that for several long minutes, just savoring the moment. On that platform, in the dressing room, something changed between them fundamentally.  The touches, the comments, the thoughts, the looks, the sensations had been building, the belief that everything just felt right to them converged in that shared moment.  The squeeze on Maxwell’s heart was vice-like and he could feel tears prickling under his lids.  He shifted his hips and he touched something in her that caused her to gasp into his shoulder, almost watery sounding, as if Evie had tears of her own.
She lifted herself before dropping back down onto his cock and Evie shuttered as the pressure in her lower belly began to spark again.  He was sensitive and every movement, no matter how small, was sending out ripples of pleasure through his whole body.  The next time she lifted her hips, he drove into her and her moan was right in his ear.  It was so loud to him and he moaned in response.  Soon they caught a rhythm in that same pattern, their pace soft and slow at first but as the rise of their shared climax began to consume them both, things began to feel more desperate.
Evie raised her head off Maxwell’s shoulder, biting her lip to stay quiet, but she felt compelled to look him in the eye as she came.  He pulled his own head out of her neck and he brought his hand up to brush the tendrils of hair that had escaped her bun and stuck to her face. They stared at each other as their pace continued to increase and their bellies felt on fire – the one that consumes you until you are nothing but ash, waiting for rebirth at the apex of pleasure.
His hips were snapping into her and she gave into him, wanting to come desperately.  He knew exactly when she did, even before her walls clamped down on him, he could see it in her eyes.  She bit her lips to conceal her scream, a strangled sound replacing it instead and he drove into her one last time before coming himself.  He was always quiet, but he found himself tamping down a strangled cry of his own.  They bowed into each other, as if they could crawl inside the other and never leave.
He slowly withdrew from her and she slid off his lap with a less than graceful thump on the platform, legs slightly splayed out.  He could see their mixed come glistening between her legs and his breath caught for a moment.  She laughed and he did, too.  He leaned into her and kissed her gently on the lips before getting up and heading to the small bathroom.  He came back with a towel, his cock back in his pants, although the damp spot she created on the front of them would have been hard to hide had it not been for his jacket.
He gently cleaned her up, stealing kisses on her lips, her cheeks, her neck, - wherever he could touch her, and she responded in kind.  The smile on his face was gentle and loving and hers was, well, it was always like that and he relished it as usual.  Once she was cleaned up, she put her panties and bra back on.
“You going to watch me try on dresses?”  She asked again and he nodded as he helped her up.  He went to sit back down and observed her as she pulled dresses and put them back, trying to get a feel for everything.  But every time, she came back to a dark purple silky jersey dress, one that seemed perfect to her.
Reminiscent of Hilary Swank’s 2004 Oscar dress, Evie noted that it had a high back and a boat neckline, but was fitted, with ruching along the waist that would accent her shape beautifully.  She always preferred to be covered, and as she ran her fingers along the gown, the silk felt heavenly.  For a brief second, her brain flashed an image of said silk wrapped around Maxwell’s cock.  Her smirk was nearly hard to hide.
She looked at Maxwell, who was looking at his phone and not paying attention to her.  She snagged it off the hanger and went back onto the platform.  She stepped into the heels and slipped the dress on.  She looked at the ceiling and said a silent thank you.  It fit and with three-inch heels, the dress gently brushed the ground.  She felt divine and based on Maxwell’s whistle, looked it too.
“Evie, you look. . .”  He waved his hands at her.  “Fucking hot.”
She laughed and turned around, giving a T-pose perfected by years on the pageant circuit as a college student.  Her hands sat on her hips and the way she twisted her torso, her breasts looked round and perfect.  Despite just having fucked her, Maxwell desired to fuck her again.
“Sold.  This is it.”
“You want the shoes, too?”
“God no, these things hurt like hell and I’ve only had them on for five minutes.  We’ll find another pair elsewhere.”  He nodded as she stripped out of the dress and got her clothes back on.  She put the dress back on the hanger and draped it gently over her arm before turning back to Maxwell.
“I feel bad, we didn’t eat anything they set out.”
“Eh, we found something better.”  She laughed and swatted at his arm.  He grabbed her purse for her, and they left the room.  Susanne was waiting for them when they exited and was excited to see that Evie found the dress that she wanted.  They talked more as the purchase was rang up.  The two left the shop and slid into the waiting car, Bennett’s cheery hellos a welcome sight.
“Look at that, found the perfect dress and saved you money.” She looked at him with a grin.  The price for this dress had only been $2,000.  She was still appalled that anyone was spending that amount on her, but she could stomach that figure over $7,000 any day of the week.
“The perfect woman,” He smiled at her and leaned down to whisper, “especially in bed.”
She grew red at his comment but couldn’t stop the giggles that bubbled up in her throat.  The day had been perfect, and she was in heaven.
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Musically Inclined (SpicyHoneyMustard, lemon)
Summary: Red isn't supposed to wake up with his Judge missing from his bed, thanks. Guess he should do something about that.
Tags: SpicyHoneyMustard, Fontcest, Fellcest, Sibling Incest, Threesome, Established Relationship, Possessive Behavior, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, LEMONY GOODNESS!!
Sequel to:
Secret Garden
A Judicious Amount of Effort
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
It was too fucking early in the am to be awake.
Even Edge was still asleep, and he always got up about half-past the asscrack of dawn to go for a run. The space in the bed between them that Rus usually occupied was empty and had been for long enough that they’d drifted closer, practically cuddling together. Red didn’t have a problem with that, exactly, hell, his bro was toasty at night, their own personal bedwarmer. Except that Rus was supposed to be there. Not off getting into shit on his own.
Little brat was slippery as an eel when he wanted to be and he’d slithered off fuck knew when, damn him. Red was always reluctantly impressed whenever he made one of his escapes, but damn it, one of these days he was going to turn their lanky little brat over his fucking knee. The point of them being around was to keep his bony ass safe, not because he and Edge felt like crawling up it.
Well. Not all the time.
Luckily, Red knew a trick or two of his own. He managed to escape from Sir Clings-A-Lot over there and wasn’t Edge gonna be pissed when he woke up alone? That was a problem for Future Red to deal with, Right Now Red had a brat to find.
It was kinda a relief and a disappointment that he didn’t have to go far.
Their living quarters were expansive, as they fucking well should be for the Judge and his Chosen. Large, airy rooms with plenty of wide sofas and squashy chairs, perfect for napping and cuddling, and scotch-guarded within an inch of their lives for any time they needed to handle their Official Duties. A television with all the best tech hooked up, movies and games, everything anyone needed for electronic entertainment. There was a well-equipped kitchen that Edge usually put to good use. Not only because his high HP made checking the ingredient for any tampering a cinch, but if Red and Rus were stuck cooking, they’d be living on frozen waffles and pop tarts. A bathroom with a hot tub big enough for a double orgy if Red wasn’t more inclined to ripping body parts off anyone who even gave Rus a nudge, much less tried to get a peek at what he was hiding under those flowy robes.
The only thing it didn’t have were many windows. No skylights, no big ol’ panes of glass to let in all the golden sunshine. There were plenty of overhead lamps to make up for it, it wasn’t a lack of light that was the problem for their honey. Their suite only had one picture window, complete with a window seat and that was where Rus was sitting, a burning cigarette held between two fingers.
He looked alright, considering he’d given a Judgement yesterday. No lingering shadows beneath his sockets, his magic glowing softly, healthily, in his joints. Rus was only wearing a tank top and a pair of pajama pants that prolly belonged to Edge from the way they were sagging off him, willowy thing that he was. Bare, bony feet sticking out of the too-short legs and from the way his toes were starting to curl, they were cold. No wonder, the curtains were drawn back and one of the windowpanes was cracked open, wide enough for Rus to tap the ash outside.
Rus didn't smoke often these days. Said all the Monsters out there looking up to him didn't like the idea of an avatar of the Angel carrying around a pack of Marlboro's. Far as Red was concerned, they didn't know what they were missing, and he was just fine with that. Rus smoked like there was only one thing he knew what to do with his mouth and the way his tongue curled behind his teeth, mouth pursing as he blew out a cloud of pale smoke was its own form of divinity.
Red climbed up to sit across from him, stretching out his much shorter legs alongside Rus's so that his foot was pressed lightly to the inside of one femur. He held out his hand and Rus handed over the pack wordlessly, offering the lighter when Red shook one out.
He made a show of lighting it first, inhaling a drag of hot smoke and breathing it out with, "ain't supposed to be over here alone, sweets."
Rus shrugged, but his mouth thinned, teeth tightening around the filter. "i'm fine."
Wasn't even close to the point and Rus knew it. Red let it drop, this time. The glass was bulletproof and if a sniper could manage to bend a bullet enough to hit Rus in the brain pan through the narrow, opened pane, then having an entire fleet of guards around wouldn't make much difference.
They smoked together in silence, watching as the paling darkness slowly brightened, the sun climbing back over the horizon. Red could still remember seeing his first sunrise, standing cliffside along with the other lower guard, his brother at his side as he watched all those unknown colors as they streaked across the sky. Didn’t think he’d ever get tired of watching ‘em.
He wondered where Rus was in those days. Rus didn’t talk much about before he was a Judge other than saying flatly that he was nobody. Couldn’t be that simple, though. The Queen knew him back then, had to be some kind of story there.
But then, Red had his own reasons for not thinking much about the old days, a fact that came out and bit him on the coccyx when Rus chose to speak again.
"do you remember when we were kids?" Rus said, softly. His face was turned towards the window, pale eye lights watching the bright disk of the sun as it crested. "before we came to the surface?” He shook his head with a soft laugh. “remember all the trouble we used to get into with grillby in those days, we’re lucky we got out alive."
Red took a steadying drag off his cigarette, ignored the painful lurch in his soul as he breathed it out. "yeah, i remember. wasn't you, though, honey."
He didn’t know how to decipher the little smile that curved Rus’s mouth, secretive as Mona Lisa’s twin brother.
Usually, Red could get a pretty good read on people, but eh, most people weren’t a Judge, now were they. Those pale eye lights didn’t gutter out, his voice was only his own, only Rus as he said, "it was, a little. a part of me, anyway. do you ever wish you’d had a chance for him to choose you instead of me?"
Yeah, that was a land mine question wasn’t it, and Red had a foot firmly on top.
Red loved Rus and didn't have a problem telling him. He'd whisper it against the side of his skull, breathe it into his mouth, spell it with his tongue against his cunt, shout it at a fucking press conference if that was what needed to be done. It was the truth and he wasn't gonna deny Rus for anything. But some things weren't up for discussion and some answers shouldn’t ever hit air.
"don't," Red said gently. His ciggie was burned almost to the filter and he took another drag anyway, tasted bitter, burning cellulose. “don't do any good to think about the past, anyway."
"heh, i spend half my life living in the past." But Rus sat up straighter, tamped out the butt into the ashtray and that unpleasantly unreadable look turned to one that Red knew all too well, playfully mischievous. "now is pretty good time to be in, though. you want me to suck you off?"
His cock surged to form before Rus even finished the last word and Red was already kicking off his shorts. "you ever need to ask?"
There was something about seeing Rus on his knees. He lived in symbiosis with the Judge, he was an avatar for the Angel herself. And yet here he was, kneeling before Red as if he was something to revere, not some thug who managed to wrangle a place in the guard, tricked and tripped his way up the ladder until it came time for a Choosing.
Both Rus’s hands were on Red’s femurs, holding them apart as his thumbs stroking the insides absently, but that wasn’t the real show. His face, now, that was where it was. Sockets closed, his expression one of the purest bliss while he sucked luxuriously, worshiping Red with his mouth, fuck. Like an obscene sheath around his cock, soft and plush, lined with velvety golden magic and his formed tongue curled around the shaft, the tip teasing at the head.
Rus hadn’t always been so good at this; once he’d been a flustered virgin, not knowing how to ask for what he needed and more than a little desperate not to take anything they weren’t willing to offer. He and Edge spent a good amount of time diligently training that out of him. Gone were the days of accidental teeth scrapes and awkward choking, one time even a genuine bite from a nervous beginner. Nowadays Rus went down like an expert and Red could only bite back a groan and let the student take over as the master, watching greedily.
Gorgeous bastard. There wasn’t a thing in the entire fucking world Red wouldn’t give Rus, no dust he wouldn’t grind into his hands for the chance to watch this, the slow glide of his dick in and out of Rus’s mouth, crimson ectoflesh glistening wetly between thrusts and a thin rill of that golden saliva trailing down Rus’s chin.
Fucking gorgeous was what he was and Red wiped away that thread of wetness with his thumb, raised it up to lick it clean, filling his mouth with the taste of Rus’s sweetness.
Barely, Rus’s sockets slit open, pale eye lights flicking up to watch Red’s face and he wondered vaguely at what Rus saw there. Whatever it was, he liked it, humming appreciatively, and the vibration made Red gasp, knees jackknifing against Rus’s grip, trying to clutch against his skull as Red hunched over him.
“you little shit,” Red groaned out and fuck, he could feel that chuckle, didn’t do him no favors when it came to stamina, neither. Didn’t have much as it was and none at all against this brat’s teasing.
He heard the footsteps before Rus did, but that was his job, even when he was balls-deep into his Judge’s throat. His brother came around the corner, fucking finally some back up. Still in his own pajamas, black silk of course, pretentious fucker, but he froze at the sight of them, his eye lights flaring.
Maybe it was Edge’s indrawn breath Rus heard, maybe the clatter of his phalanges as they clenched into fists. Whatever it was, he paused, sockets widening as he started to pull off, and nope, that wasn’t on the agenda. Red set a hand on the back of his skull and pushed hard, forced him back down until he was swallowing desperately against the pressure of a cockhead against the back of his throat.
That little move got him a scowl from Edge that Red met with a smirk. He wasn’t hurting Rus none and if his bro wanted to stop him, all he needed to do was come on over and join the fun.
From the way his hands were jerking at the ties of his pants, that was pretty much the idea.
Red let Rus strain a minute longer, his breaths coming in frantic little puffs through his nasal cavity, fingers clenched tight in the window seat cushion. Then he let up and Rus drew back enough to glare up a Red, those pretty, pale eye lights tinging towards gold that was as bright as the sunlight filtering through the window. Heh, didn’t escape his notice that Rus didn’t pull off completely and the curling flex of his tongue made for one hell of a distraction. Red stroked a hand across Rus’s skull apologetically, taking care with his sharpened fingertips as he murmured, "don’t move, sweetheart.”
He didn’t, kneeling obediently still and his sockets went wide as Edge’s hands settled on his pelvis, gently drawing him up until it was nicely positioned with Rus’s hands braced on the floor for balance. His loose pajama pants were tugged easily down to his knees and Red couldn’t get a good angle to see what his bro was doing, but when Rus made a high, startled sound, the fresh vibration around his cock made Red groan, trying not to come right then.
He could hear the slick sound of his brother's fingers moving. No surprise there, Rus was probably already soaking wet, the inside of his femurs painted with it and his clit swollen and sensitive to even the lightest touch. Kid had to get fucked, that was simply part of who he was. What made it even better was that he fucking loved it, wasn’t any virgin left to their sweet little Judge these days, but a hot, lovely blush still flooded his cheekbones as Edge fingered him, whispering encouragingly, “That’s it, love, you’re so wet, so perfect. Relax now, let me in.”
Rus’s hips were shifting, flexing, trying to ride whatever rhythm those fingers were following, senseless little sounds gurgling in his cock-filled throat turning to whimpers of dismay when they withdrew.
“hang on, honey,” Red told him breathlessly, fucking hell, he was getting too close, they needed to hurry it up or this spitroast was gonna turn into a duet. “hang on, let him get his cock in you.” The shush of Rus’s knees was loud against the rug as he spread his femurs as wide as he could with those loose pajama pants of his still tangled around his legs.
"Shift up, love," Edge murmured. His cock was out now, Edge stroking himself generously until deep crimson pre-cum gleamed at the tip. All ready to fill their honey up and it was worth watched Edge's face as he lined up and sank into him, fuck yeah. Made for a hell of a show the way his expression tightened, mouth falling open, sockets squeezing shut and revealing more than his bro probably realized. It was good to see, some resentful little part of Red glad that he wasn’t the only one utterly absorbed by this brat.
Rus’s rhythm got lost somewhere in the middle, his mouth going slack around Red’s shaft. That was okay, couldn’t blame him for being a lil’ distracted with his bro filling him to the brim with dick. The angle wasn’t a good one for Red to get a peek, but it was a sight he’d seen before, his bro was packing a formidable piece and he went in deep, their pelvises clacking together on the first hard thrust.
Rus wasn’t even sucking anymore, tears and drool running down his face in thin, golden streaks but Red didn’t mind taking over. He gripped Rus’s jaw in both hands to hold his head steady on his wobbly neck as Red fucked that pretty face, rode the soft, plush tongue that wound around his shaft.
So fucking worth it, Rus struggling to take him, trying to follow along, but he and Edge were running the show now. Fucking was like making a song, the slick sound of Edge’s cock moving in that tight pussy matched to the messy slurps of Rus struggling to swallow Red down, with a chorus of Rus whimpering and pleading in gurgling cries. All those harsh, obscene noises building up into a shatteringly vulgar crescendo.
There was a choice to be made, face or swallow, and Red grunted out a curse as he pushed in deep, holding Rus’s head down as he came down his formed throat with a hot spill of burning seed. Some part of Rus must’ve liked that, the taste of cum or the rough handling, ‘cause he shuddered and came too, his groans sweet and muffled, as guttural thick in his throat as the cum he was swallowing down.
Distantly, Red could hear Edge groaning, too, probably decorating their pretty honey’s cunt and thighs with his own shade of crimson, but right then, it was all white-hot sensation and losing himself, losing little pieces of himself to Rus the way he always did.
S’alright. Rus already had a pretty firm hold on his soul. May as well let him keep the rest.
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