#but deep down she knows nothing she does will save her from being royalty
I'm gonna try to get my thoughts in order for this Larmina whump, I'm starting with her first because she's so whumpable it's crazy
This is kinda going to be a timeline of whump ig, that's the easiest way to explain everything I have for this pathetic little girl <3 Read more under the cut
Starting off stating this all this is fanon here, I like to think Larmina got to the team while the war was still happening. I don't see her as blood related to Allura any more than Allura and Romelle are, especially because I hc Larmina to be Polluxian
Maybe Pollux started having a war of its own so being royalty/nobility would place Larmina in a real bad spot, so she was sent off to Allura likely because Romelle had a hand into where she would go for protection Even though she isn't super related to Allura she is still considered to be an heir because after she got to the castle she was the only other royal there to take the throne in case Allura died
So now she's in a new place, still being attacked at least weekly, she doesn't know anybody, doesn't and/or can barely understand the language being spoken, and is now in line for the throne she was never supposed to take in the first place As she grows up, the war finishes, she is still seen as next in line for the throne, but now Allura can take up being queen. Except her royal studies keep going, they get more intensive and still prepare her for taking the throne. The throne that Princess Allura, the princess who crawled out of an underground tunnel like a rat, helped rebuild her left for dead planet and freed the universe from the enslavement and rule of the Drule Empire, still holds.
So yeah no pressure, just trying to fit in the shadow of a living legend (ty @duladear for reminding me that she's an heir and absolutely would have problems with it), but she made friends with the pilots and was doing well even if Coran decided to isolate her like he did Allura because she refused to marry if it wasn't for love, so Larmina was still next in line, in case that day never came. What came instead were her only friends, her family really, leaving her in the dust, alone and confused as to why she wasn't told a thing. She was closest to Pidge, he trained her to be a ninja which bonded them closer and was near his age, so she saw him like a favorite cousin or an older brother that'd make fun of her relentlessly but protect her no matter what. He was always truthful to her and never hid information because he knew the feeling of being left in the dark. Except he did just that when Wade took over, and she didn't even know why. Now she truly was alone in a castle where not even her aunt would come help her, being too busy fixing that broken planet they were on.
That's when she started her attitude change, she was always intense and stubborn, but now it was turned full blast. She found what she liked and stuck to it, changed her wardrobe to get as far as possible from what really felt like her destiny, sitting on a throne too big for her, always to be compared to her aunt and never being good enough to show she was different. Now a new war came, and new friends, she finally interacted with people her age and she was coming out of her metal shell and forced isolation. Her family came back too and everyone was so different, Pidge had changed radically, and she couldn't even see her favorite person in him now. So she pushed them all away because she was different too, and she was tired of taking orders that didn't involve her choosing what she wanted to do.
She thought she wanted to be on the voltron force, to fight for her adoptive planet, to do some good with her own two hands. Except she didn't even like the damn lions, she hated the flying, she hated the teamwork, and the cockpits only set off her claustrophobia which messed her up even more. Sometimes she thinks if she's really at home with Arus, or if going back to her war ridden planet of Pollux would be better because she'd finally do what she wanted, and maybe find the parents she felt had abandoned her with no reason why
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luvreyn · 2 years
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You were lost when Suguru found you. When he saved you from a curse and let you into his home, where his parents showered you with affection after knowing your parents tragically died because of a curse.
From that moment on, you only have him. Your Suguru, kind, principled Suguru. You like him, love him, even. His eyes, his smile, his laugh, his principles, his personality. He’s your knight, your prince, your soulmate, your best friend.
Even if he has another best friend named Gojo Satoru. It was fortunate that you have the ability to see curses and that you have curse energy, so you were able to follow after him when he entered Jujutsu Tech.
To be with him, you begged Principal Yaga to let you skip a grade. You knew you made the right choice when you saw him laughing and smiling at you.
You ignored the too tall menace beside him. Gojo Satoru, the man who is stealing your everything away.
He likes to get under your skin. Maybe it’s because he’s considered royalty, but he really likes ordering you around. Or maybe it’s because he can easily irritate you, or maybe it was because you were younger.
Maybe it was everything and nothing.
You glared at him when he talked to Suguru. He notices it, sticks his tongue out playfully, and drags your best friend away.
"The more you react, the more he’s going to tease you." Shoko said as she walked beside you.
"But he’s annoying."
"He can be." she laughs. "Maybe you and Utahime should plan how to bring him down." She winks at you.
"Utahime? Who’s she?"
Ever since that day, you have had two best friends. Suguru, Shoko, and one bully by the name of Gojo Satoru.
You get your revenge every now and then when you make him a cheap brand of tea that he still enjoys. His taste is weird.
Time passed and before you know it, Satoru and Suguru were given the most important mission of their life to date. As the strongest duo, Satoru and Suguru are always sent alone on missions but…
"You happy now?" Satoru asked when it was announced that you and Shoko could tag along. Thanks to his and Suguru’s input, the school agreed to let you and Shoko become escorts to a girl named Riko Amanai.
"Duh." You stick your tongue out and he pinches your cheek in retaliation.
Your relationship has improved to the point that you call him by his given name and he does the same. You’d like to think you're friends now, but he still can't steal your best friends away.
Shoko caught your eyes and smiled. Before, you only had Suguru, but now Shoko and Satoru have got your back. Everything is perfect.
The worst thing about knowing someone is going to die is that you have become attached to and have grown to care for said person.
That is the case with your mission. Riko Amanai, the person who completed your friend group. Your friend, your food buddy, your Riko. You watch as she remains quiet, deep in thought. Something is wrong.
Satoru is sitting beside you, bored. He leans on the table and you swat his hand away when he messed your hair. He’s not deterred, and he continued on playing with your hair.
You ignored him and focused your attention on Riko. Something is wrong… something…
You’re stupid. Of course, something is wrong. Today is the day. Today, she’s going to merge with Tengen. Today, she’s going to stop being "Riko".
He must’ve noticed your distress because he stopped playing with your hair and followed your gaze. "What’s wrong?"
You swallowed. You’re sure everyone is ignoring the elephant in the room. You’re sure of it. For the mission, for the greater good, for their sanity… but Riko… you don’t want to say goodbye to her without a fight.
Can you tell them? Can you tell Satoru and Suguru and Shoko? Would that even change anything? The date is set. You swallowed. Of course, you can change the outcome. Satoru is practically royalty in your world, and you have the support of your friends and the strongest sorcerers.
"Hey," Suguru and Shoko looks at you both when they heard his tone. "Are you okay?"
You were about to say something but stopped when Riko accidentally dropped her bag when she suddenly stood up.
"Riko?" You stood up, Satoru followed. "Are you okay? What’s wrong?"
"It’s nothing, nothing." she answered, head down. You stepped closer to her as you picked up the contents of her bag. "It’s nothing, sor-sorry-"
She raises her head, her tears running freely. "I just want to be with you guys. I just don’t want to leave."
There was silence as you all absorbed what she said. The meaning isn’t lost on you or your friends.
And you would’ve cried because you would never ever let anything happen to her, but instead you smiled. You smiled because you’re so happy with what she said that it hurts.
"What are you saying? Of course you can stay with us!" You held her hands, throwing a look towards the other three, who looked like they didn't know how to react. "You can stay with us! Right?!"
"Of course!"
"We’re the strongest. Whatever path you take, we’d-"
"No, no," Riko laughs, pulling her hands away from your grip. "I was just kidding."
Then she runs away.
"Riko-" Gojo puts his hand on your shoulders to stop you from following her.
"Give her a moment."
You look at him over your shoulder. "But-"
Suguru shakes his head at you, and Shoko pulls you away, beckoning you to join her in eating.
Satoru and Suguru follow Riko after an hour when she fails to return. Satoru, the ever-annoying guy, pokes you while he complains to Suguru.
You think it's your fault for pushing your own idea. For giving her false hope when the only reason why you're here is to ensure that the ritual takes place. You clenched your fist tightly and swore.
What's the worst thing about a loved one's death? It's knowing that you've never gotten to fulfill your promises and dreams together. That's exactly what you felt when you saw Riko in Satoru's arms the following hours.
Shoko was quick to check if she's truly dead, but you're sure she's not alive. You're sure as you watch Satoru's eyes—his taterred and bloodied clothes. You're sure as you watch the emptiness in Suguru's eyes as they stare blankly at the Star Religious Group who applauded her death.
As if she did them a huge favor by dying.
But still. You need to make sure. You take a step forward towards Satoru, then another and another until she's within your reach. Shoko shakes her head sadly, but you're undeterred.
"Riko?" You called out softly, brushing her bangs away. "Riko? C'mon. Wake up."
Satoru watched unflinching at your delusions as you struggled to wake up her, to wake yourself up from this nightmare. To make sure that she's going to be with you guys.
Satoru gave her to Suguru, and you moved to follow her, but you're already in Satoru's arms. You struggled, you hit him, and you shouted as he effortlessly dragged you away.
"She's dead. She's dead." he repeats, his eyes bluer than you'd ever seen them. "I’m sorry she’s dead."
You wanted her to live. You wanted Riko to live! Regardless of your mission or the consequences! She deserves to live and be happy and be with you guys! You sobbed onto Satoru's shoulders, and you wished you had asked him if he was alright.
After Riko died, Yu died too, and you started to see it. The trio's relationship started to shatter as expectations for Satoru increased and Suguru's light started to dim, and you could only watch as they drifted apart, unable to do something because you’re also lost within yourself.
Just like what you always do, you followed after Suguru. Now, it's just you and him, just like what you always wanted, but something's amiss. Something has changed. Maybe because you know there should be more of you, you know there should be Shoko and Satoru beside you as you move forward to tomorrow.
Maybe that was it. Maybe the reason why Shoko and Satoru are miles away is because you are stuck in the past, wishing for the days wherein you were happy, complete, and safe.
But as you watch Suguru, you know that's not the case.
You grasped his robes when he passed by you in the hallway of the temple. Your breath was labored as you caught your breath. You immediately run after hearing screams that came from where he was having an audience with people who needed help.
Suguru smiles at you, his cheeks painted by blood. Whose… you don’t know, but you know that something happened, something terrible happened.
"What are you doing?" you asked, trembling. "What did you do!?!"
"Justice." he said, easily prying your trembling hands from his robe. "Justice for us. For Yu, for Riko."
Suguru is your reason, your principles, your life, so when he turns away from helping ordinary humans, you follow.
You’re in a familiar place, facing a familiar couple. You couldn’t say anything that would stop him-that would deter him from this path, from doing this.. this…
"Suguru, son, what is this?"
You breathe. Your eyes sting. You leave before he answers. He found you vomiting the contents that you forced yourself to eat. He crouches, taking your pale face, his finger automatically brushing your tears away.
"They didn’t suffer." He comforted. "They’re sleeping. They’re going to sleep for eternity."
"This is for the greater good."
You’re silent as you wait for Suguru in Shibuya Station. He says that he has to talk to someone important. You know who he’s going to talk to. You are as sure as when he told you that Riko was not coming back and that he was sorry.
Satoru stands tall in the middle of the crowd, his face converted into something painful. Much painful than your shared memory of losses and death. You swallowed when he saw you looking, and you avoided your gaze.
Suguru pulls you with him to walk amongst the people, and ever so gently, Satoru lets his hands fall.
"Satoru is walking towards a path different from ours now." Suguru said as he watched the scenery. He catches your eyes.
"Are you sad?"
"I wish I wasn’t." He smiles at you ever so slightly. "Are you?"
"No." You lied, your heart ached.
When the day is hard and the nights are unbearable, you remind yourself that you only have Suguru. That this is for the world that he envisioned for you, for him, and for the countless sorcerers who deserve better.
But you still cry. You still wish everything was a dream. You wish Suguru would find himself again; you wish that everything would stop.
"Don’t worry about that. It’s just a stupid monkey anyway." he says to you, smiling. Then he turns to Manami Suda, his secretary, who sighs because how many patrons are you going to blow up? "There are more monkeys coming, right?"
You turned your head away, unable to look at the corpse of the man. When you look up, you find that he's looking at you, looking for something within you.
Then he smiled, opening the heavy door for you and motioning for you to go first. "Shall we?"
"Do you hate them? Those monkeys?" He asks one day while he lays on your lap.
Those humans? Not all, but definitely some. "Yes," you answer after a minute.
Because you hate them. "Because they're leeches." You say, instead.
He looks at you with such intensity that you almost thought you offended him, then he nods, arms snaking around your waist as he hugs you.
It’s almost the day. The day Suguru has been painstakingly waiting for, the day that Suguru’s dream would be realized.
You recognize the kids from the report Minami gathered. The panda must be... well, Panda. The green-haired girl must be Maki Zenin. The quiet one must be Toge.
Your eyes automatically landed on the boy that Suguru is talking to. The most dangerous one, Yuuta.
Indeed, he is dangerous and powerful. You can understand why Suguru wanted to recruit him.
The recruitment didn’t last long because they came. Principal Yaga looks at you in disappointment while Mei Mei, Shoko, and Nanami carefully mask their expressions, but you know they must've been disappointed with you too.
And Satoru, you don’t know what he’s thinking. You don’t want to know.
After Suguru declared war, Satoru called out to you both.
"Did you think we’re just going to let you leave?"
"I don’t think you’d attack us with your beloved students at the center, Satoru." Suguru answered.
Satoru says nothing to that, opting to look at you with an expression you can’t fathom. "Even you?"
Your heart swelled with pain and betrayal. "I’m not the one who betrayed my friend, Gojo."
"Will you turn your back on me, too? For those monkeys?" He asks when he saw your expression after he declared that he would kill Yuuta Okkutsu to steal The Queen of Curses and Maki Zenin for being a monkey.
You swallowed. No, you won't turn your back on him. Not like the rest of the Jujutsu world did. Not like Satoru and Shoko. Suguru is the only one you have... but Yuuta and Maki are kids; they're Satoru's beloved students... they're---
Your thoughts are forgotten as you envelope Suguru in a tight hug. No, you won't give up now. This is for everyone—your friends, the future, Shoko, and Satoru, especially Satoru. He won't have to be strong all the time once Suguru rids this world of weaklings.
So what if a few people died to get the ideal world that Suguru envisioned? So what if the whole world loathes you for following and believing in that idealism? So what if Satoru hates and abhors you for it?
Suguru slumps against you in exhaustion, and you would have cried, except you have no right to cry. He deserves better. He deserves way better than what he's been subjected to, so who are you to stop him from achieving his dreams? Who are you to stop the new age where sorcerers won't have to die for nothing?
"I won't leave you, no matter what." You promised, and when you felt him exhale, you knew you made the right choice. He nods and tightens the hug.
You made the right choice, even if your heart is breaking into tiny pieces.
What’s the worse thing than knowing someone you love is going to die? It’s knowing that you can’t help them.
"Suguru!" You slammed against the veil to no avail. "SUGURU! I thought we were in this together! You told me!"
Please don’t do this to me. Please don’t do this without me. "Suguru!"
You have no idea what’s going on inside. The only thing you know is that when Suguru activated the veil and went inside, you couldn’t follow because he kept you out, specifically.
"Suguru! Please!" You used your cursed energy to break through. "Why! Suguru! Please don't leave me alone!"
You don't know how to live without him. How could you ever live without him? He's all that you've got.
The war ended with Suguru taking his last breath.
You have always known that you wouldn’t leave Suguru; you just never thought that he’d leave you or that he'd choose to do this alone. For you. In order to save your soul, so you won’t have to be lost like him. So that Satoru could find you, so that he wouldn’t be lost without you, too.
What’s the worst thing about loving someone? It’s knowing that they could break your heart into a million tiny pieces and you’d still love them.
That is what he feels as you shudder against him.
He rested his forehead against yours, and your lips parted to catch your breath after he thoroughly ravaged your mouth. His eyes looked at yours, his fingers leaving tingles on your cheek as he traced a pattern. "You're my compass. As long as I have you, I won't ever stray from the right path and I will never get lost."
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@ice-icebaby​ mwa
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other-w-0-rldly · 9 months
DISCLAIMER: You may NOT copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, display,translate my work in any way shape or form.
Saying goodbye to her father was the second hardest thing Adira had to do. Burying her mother being the first. But she knew she would see him again soon. She promised him she was going to be safe, and she would protect Ophilia with her life. Her father only nodded and told her to come back quickly.
Mars did not say anything. It looked like he did not care but deep down he was worried. He had asked his father to let him accompany his sisters, but his father swiftly reminded him that he was one of the best warriors they had, and the King would probably call him to kings landing to join the white cloaks. Mars still kissed his sisters foreheads and wished them safe travels.
Ophilia and Adira both got on their horse in the middle of a group of men their father trusted. Most of them were much older and had fought alongside Lord Firenze, even before he took lordship of Carn. So, Lord Firenze knew he could trust them. He had still given both daughters a dagger each, in secret. He trusted his men, but he was no fool.
Once the company started moving, Lord Firenze sighed and moved back to the castle to ponder his decision. Mars walked towards the training grounds and life at Carn went on as if nothing had happened. The people were not aware that the two daughters of the lord were leaving, and Lord Firenze preferred it that way. The less people were aware, the better.
The ride towards the coast was rough. They rode for three days and Ophilia already had the desire to go back to the safety of her father but then she would see the determined look on her sisters face and knew they were doing this for the right cause.
Adira was tired but she could not live with the reminder there was someone needing her help. Three days and she could see the coast and the ship that would sail for Pentos. At least, the magister living in Pentos prepared a carriage for them knowing how difficult the ride to Vaes Dothrak would be. The Khalassar had gone to Vaes Dothrak hoping their prayers would save their Khal. Vaes Dothrak is the most sacred place to any Dothraki horde.
As soon as they got to the coast, the girls climbed off their horse with the help of them men as they could not feel their legs and with trembling steps walked on the ship and stumbled while getting on. They were escorted to the cabins and collapsed on the beds provided.
Ten days. Ten days of rough sea and seasickness and they finally arrived at Pentos. The magister was waiting for them with a company of warriors and servants. Adira frowned, not expecting the warm welcome. They were treated like royalty. Even their men were treated with such respect.
Both sisters spent the time towards the Pentos keep thanking the magister for his welcome and the man only shook his head as if it meant nothing.
"You are most welcome in my home. I will always remember when your father sent me some men as we were under attack and pirates were threatening to take my ships. I have to say, those men are the best warriors I have ever seen." The magister said in a jolly voice.
"Yes, father does train the man with an iron fist." Adira said smiling sadly, missing her father.
As soon as they arrived in the magister's home, they were shown to their room. Each sister had a room but decided to share a room, not fully trusting yet. The servants helped them with their baths and then escorted them to the dining hall where they had a lovely dinner filled with conversations and more thanks from both sisters.
"I have to give you a word of warning. The Dothraki are dangerous. Be incredibly careful with them. The one time I met Khal Drogo, he did not say a word. If you can actually help him, just know that he is a very intimidating man. I actually thought it cruel when Viserys Targaryen decided to sell his sister to Khal Drogo. She was only thirteen." The magister's words were heavy making Ophilia look at Adira worriedly. "Thank you, Magister. I will always remember your kindness and I will forever be in your debt after this." Adira was sincere with her words and was already of thinking diverse ways she might pay back her debt.
The next day, the company were on their way. Adira and Ophilia thanking the magister over and over again for his kindness. He had provided them with Dothraki language learning books.
They knew it would take long to get to Vaes Dothrak. They busied themselves learning the complex language, but they found it was pretty easy but needed to work on their pronunciation... But on the thirtieth day, the girls were tired from the journey. For all they saw was sand and trees. Some creaks here and there but it was deserted. They wanted to pass some villages, but the men told them it was too big of a risk.
So, they both sighed and bit their lips enduring the journey and learning more Dothraki getting almost fluent in the language. Almost. It took four more days before they started to see signs that horse herds travel there a lot. "The first sign of Dothraki. Prints and dried horse shit." She heard Ramon, one of the men accompanying them say.
The carriage suddenly came to an abrupt stop. The girls both gasped and strained their ears to listen to what was being said but could not hear anything.
Adira grabbed the dagger hidden in her boots and Ophilia copied her with trembling hands.
The carriage door was wrenched open, and it was Ramon. The girls look at him expectantly, but their eyes shifted quickly to the left of him and saw a man. He did not look like a Dothraki. He looked westerosi.
"Ladies, we are almost here, and this man will accompany us the rest of the way." Ramon says.
Sighing in relief, the girls put their daggers away and looked towards the stranger.
"My name is Jorah Mormont. I am an acquaintance of the Dothraki, they trust me. I will safely guide you in Vaes Dothrak. I only ask that you leave those daggers in the carriage. Weapons are not allowed in Vaes Dothrak. Spilling blood is forbidden." Jorah Mormont says with a gravelly voice.
"Mormont? You are from the north aren't you." Ophilia says curious.
"Yes. But I was exiled. Lord Stark did not appreciate me selling poachers to slavery." He replied quietly and walked away, closing the carriage door.
Adira looked at Ophilia with her mouth open in shock. She did not even have time to introduce herself or thank the man for his help. She hoped he would be more welcoming once inside Vaes Dothrak.
"At least there is a westerosi here that knows the Dothraki and can help us build rapport." Adira always admired Ophilia for her optimism.
The next day, they were at the horse gates of Vaes Dothrak and instantly their carriage was surrounded by a group of locals.
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Imagine Sokka daring you to ask Zuko out and him actually saying yes
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"Sokka no I can’t" you cried as Sokka told you the penance of your failed bet.
You’d had a competition to see who could eat the most fire flakes and Sokka had won meaning he got to dare you to do absolutely anything... 
"A dare’s a dare y/n” Sokka smirked in reply “do you want to get blacklisted when i tell everyone you broke a promise" Sokka asked. You sighed "but Sokka...Zuko just broke up with Mai a month ago...it’s insensitive and insulting!". Sokka scoffed "pft if anything this is just was Zuko needs! Men have pretty fragile egos y/n so getting asked out by an attractive girl is always amazing for self-esteem". You frowned "but it’ll be so awkward!". "Nahhhh Zuko won’t tell anyone he said no, he’s thoughtful like that! And if it does become awkward then you can tell him it was a dare...after 2 weeks have passed". You sighed "you're really going to make me do this aren’t you?". Sokka grinned "what do you think?".
So you and Sokka made your way through the palace to Zuko’s study. Suki was on guard with Ty lee and Sokka smirked as you groaned at the small audience "Sokka i can’t!". "Y/n when i lost a bet and you dared me to put two fish hooks through my thumb again did i say i can’t do it?". "No....". "I had two fish hooks in my thumb y/n" Sokka said and you smirked at the memory "hah yeah....but this is different". "No it’s not, do it or i’ll never speak to you again!". Sokka turned away from you and you sighed grabbing him "fine fine! Just don’t tell Suki or Ty lee okay?". Sokka nodded and you made your way closer. "Hey guys what's going on?" Suki asked and Sokka smiled "ow nothing y/n just has urgent business with Zuko". You glared but nodded "i need to talk to him, do you know if he’s free?". Suki nodded her head "yeah he should be, he’s just looking over his itinerary for tomorrow". "Off you go y/n" Sokka grinned and you glared before walking to the door. You knocked lightly and heard Zuko call come in. You opened the door quickly and stepped inside. Zuko was sat at the other end of the room buried in papers on a large desk. He didn’t look up when you entered and obviously assumed you were Suki or someone. "What is...y/n?" he asked looking and you nodded. "Hi" you said awkwardly. You were aware you were stood pressed up against the door and tried to look a little more relaxed so took a step forwards "i need to talk to you about something but if this is a bad time...". "No it’s fine" Zuko said standing up "please take a seat” he said gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. You walked across the room your heart hammering in your chest and sat down. You were breathing heavily and tapped your fingers against the armrest nervously. Unsurprisingly Zuko noticed "y/n are you okay? Whatever is wrong i promise i’ll do everything i can to help". You laughed awkwardly "you should probably wait to hear what i’m asking you before you promise that". Zuko paused "okay, so ask me". You took a deep breath and stared at the floor "i was just...well i wondering if you...and you can say no of course...if you would like to maybe do something together sometime?". Zuko blinked "what? Are you asking me out on a date?". You nodded your head cheeks red "yes". Zuko sat back in his chair "wow i did not expect that...i had no idea you liked me at all". Sokka had told you you had to make it convincing or you weren’t playing up to your part of the deal. So you glanced at Zuko and thought about what you did like about the firelord. “I’m good at hiding things i guess but i mean...a lot of people like you and it makes sense". "It does?" Zuko asked and you nodded "of course, for one you're very impressive. Firelord and a talented fire bender. Not to mention you’re attractive and have nice hair...plus you’re smart and very kind. It’s actually one of the first things i noticed, how nice you were. I guess that’s the thing i like most about you, most fire nation people are guarded or cold but you’re down to earth and normal” you smiled before realising you’d gotten off-topic. You coughed nervously “so erm...yeah that's why i asked you out". Zuko stared at you in shock and you looked back down at the floor. "But i get you only just broke up with Mai...Sokka said one month was long enough but i wasn’t sure... but anyway if it’s not enough time or you just don’t want to go out with me that’s fine, I understand". Time stretched on and wanting nothing more to get out of the room your looked up "Zuko?". He blinked and looked at you "yes". "What are you thinking?" you asked and Zuko’s face softened in amusement. He smiled at you his whole face brightening and spoke softly “i just told you, my answer is yes, I’d love to go on a date with you".
You stumbled out of Zuko’s office and stood frozen in place. What had just happened? Sokka spotted you and yelled your name "y/n! There she is!". You walked towards him still staring at the ground dazed and Ty lee frowned "y/n are you okay?". "She’s fine" Sokka said throwing an arm around you "now excuse us ladies but we’ve got plans" and Sokka led you away. He chatted happily about how great his prank had been and how funny it was. "I mean i’d have paid to see Zuko’s face! I bet he was so shocked....y/n why aren’t you saying anything, you did ask him didn’t you?”. You nodded your head "i did". "And did he react surprised?". "Very" you agreed and Sokka laughed "i knew it! Aww well no matter you’ve boosted Zuko’s ego after his break up so that’s good. Do we have to leave the fire nation now though so it’s not totally awkward between you and Zuko?". "I can't leave the fire nation" you said suddenly and Sokka paused "what why?". "Because i’ve got a date with the firelord this weekend".
"WHAT" Sokka cried. "I have a date with the firelord this weekend" you repeated and Sokka’s jaw dropped. "He said yes?". You nodded your head "yes...he said 1 month was long enough and he’s ready to move on from Mai". "Wowwwwww i did not expect this" Sokka blinked. "You didn’t expect it!" you yelled "Sokka i thought i’d be humiliated and then it’d be done, now i have this amazing guy taking me out on a date". Sokka paused "wait so how is that bad?". You frowned "because i lied to Zuko! This was all a dare and if Zuko ever finds out he’ll hate me!". Sokka grabbed your shoulders "hey don’t worry he won’t find out! We're the only two who know and i’ll never tell him". “But Sokka” you whined and Sokka rolled his eyes "okay honesty time! So i told you to ask Zuko out because the two of you have had hopeless crushes on each other since he first joined the group". Your jaw dropped and you stared at Sokka "i have not!". Sokka rolled his eyes again "y/n at the western air temple you were so obvious, the two of you would always end up near each other...you volunteered to show him to his room, you disappeared with him for 2 days on that adventure...". "Hey you had a field trip with Zuko too!". "But after yours" Sokka cried "you started it with him". You blushed and looked away "i’ll admit i’ve always found Zuko attractive but i...i never planned on dating him". "Well lucky for you i intervened". You shook your head but smiled "you said we both did..so you think Zuko likes me too?". "Well if the fact he said yes to your date isn’t enough proof...then YES! You must’ve noticed how awkward he gets around you". You paused “I...I’m usually wondering how awkward I’m coming across to him so don’t notice”. Sokka shook his head “and you didn’t think you liked him, y/n you’re hopeless”. You glared “watch it i’m still angry with you, you’ve got to help me not mess this up! You know I can’t be left to my own devices”. Sokka nodded “okay fine I’ll save the day again! We’ll go over where he’ll take you, what you can talk about, how you deal with him being royalty, the whole package!”. You grinned starting to feel relaxed “thanks Sokka”. “Well not everything mind you” Sokka smirked “I’ll leave the end of the night kiss for Zuko to demonstrate”. Your cheeks went bright red and Sokka burst out laughing. You reached to throttle him but he danced away from you and headed to the door “no fighting lover girl, training for your date begins tomorrow so get some rest and try not to dream about a certain fire lord too much okay?”. You threw a cushion at the door which Sokka just closed in time and shook your head at the situation you’d gotten yourself into. A date with Zuko who just so happened to be an insanely hot powerful world leader...Sokka had picked a really good dare. 
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girlgrouptrash101 · 3 years
Lisa (Blackpink) as Your Girlfriend
Request: “HEADCANON’s are my thing. Can I request Lisa as your girlfriend, please?”
A/N: lovesick girls SOTY,,, that’s all i have to say
- C
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Get ready to be treated like royalty,, miss manoban won’t settle for anything less when it comes to her baby
Lisa is always romantic, whether its taking you our for a candle-lit, romantic dinner or just staying at home and slow dancing around the living room together
Your guys’ apartment would be the perfect blend of both your tastes, with a gorgeous, retro, red jukebox in the living room that you and Lisa play music from whenever you’re at home
You have a big photograph wall in your room of all the memories you’ve had together,, with most of the pictures being taken by your very own personal photographer Lisa hehe
her camera goes everywhere with her, and she has millions of photos of you that you’ve never even seen, as Lisa loves to keep them to herself so she can look through them when she’s away and misses you
the rest of the pinks are basically your best friends, and they basically knew you before they even met you, thanks to Lisa’s constant gushing over how amazing you are and how lucky she is to be with you :’]
you’re always invited to their shows and concerts,,, and the absolute joy you get seeing all Lisa’s fans scream for her knowing she all yours at the end of the day simply cannot be put into words
on long days before comebacks, you often find yourself heading to Blackpink’s practice room with snacks in hand, reminding the girls to stop overworking themselves and put their health first!
Lisa always teaches you her new dances, even if you have two left feet lol
she loves watching you learn, and after a few months she’s really helped you improve - even if most of you lessons end up to you and her dancing to crazy frog around the practice room like maniacs
the most fun dates!! Like one time you and Lisa went to every single ice cream parlour in your city and reviewed each one to find out which one had the best ice cream around
like YES you were both stuffed and couldn’t touch ice cream for about a month after because you hadn’t recovered... but it was still worth it
the two of you also love to pack a picnic and a blanket, taking a drive out to the big fields in the country side
there’s nothing else around you for miles, just you, Lisa and the sound of birds as they fly by and nest in trees, the two of you just enjoying the blissful break from city life
Plus you get to make daisy chains and talk about the most random things as you lounge on the blanket you packed, completely at ease with life and with one another
you love talking to Lisa so much; your conversation can honestly range from questioning the creation of humanity to talking about your favourite flavour of ice cream (mint choco team rise up)
she always does that little thing with her thumb when she holds your hand, rubbing her thumb ever so softly across the back of your hand and it makes your heart go dsfjksskl
gives the BESTEST hugs ever omg
her head rests on top of yours as she loops her arms around her waist and yours drape around her shoulders, your head against her chest or on her shoulder as she holds you tight against her
also gives A+ cuddles too, she’s like your own personal teddy bear that you can just never pull away from,,, she’s too warm and soft,, you always end up spending hours in her arms whenever you can
rumour has it you almost broke your knees trying to beat Lisa at the rasputin dance - spoiler alert, she still won like she always does jndsfdklds
shopping dates!! which are actually really fun,, Lisa always picks out something for the both of you that’s absolutely ABSURD, and when you go and try it on the two of you end up cracking up with laughter
don’t tell anyone but half the time when Lisa buys clothes for herself she goes for things that you would like in hopes that you borrow them off her... because YOU... in HER CLOTHES... she might just cry uwu
dating Lisa and accidentally becoming a parent to all FOUR of her cats.. good luck i guess xoxo
she loves taking you to Thailand to meet her family, and bringing you to all her favourite spots as a child, wanting to make new memories there with you by her side
she’s also one to show up on your doorstep with two plane tickets and a suitcase packed for you - she doesn’t even tell you where you’re going, but she always has a plan and brings you on the most memorable and life changing trips around the world
she just wants to make so many memories with you and switch things up when you least expect; Lisa loves to keep you on your toes
plus,,,, more memories = more stories to tell your kids when you get to that milestone in the future
which Lisa definitely sees happening, she’s never, ever leaving you behind, it would be a crime to lose a love as strong as yours.
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NSFW From Here:
kind of a service top tbh,,, like this girl just wants her baby to be feeling good and satisfied
will have her way with you any time any place though,, like she always catches you so off guard - you could be just cooking dinner and then all of a sudden she’s crept up behind you and her hand is down your pants
“and I’ll do it again” - Lisa after eating you out on the kitchen counter top x
It drives her fucking insane when you moan out her name, and it only spurs her on to fuck you harder and faster, listening to each heavenly scream spill from your lips
less into sending you nudes and more into sending you steamy choreographies that she’d been practicing just for you
Lisa feels the best when she’s dancing, and she knows just how worked up you get when you watch her dancing to something sexy, so she never hesitates to invite you to the practice room when she knows she’s going to be putting on a show
which usually ends up with you against the practice room mirror, begging for Lisa to go harder and harder - probably scaring away everyone else in the YG building </3
definitely has a rainbow coloured strap on because gay rights 
tbh you couldn’t care less what colour it is - you don’t even know anything except Lisa’s name when she’s using it, each thrust driving you closer and closer to that glorious edge
Lisa absolutely LOVES when you take care of her too, especially after a long day of schedules when she just gets to come home and ride your face until she crashes from tiredness
her favourite thing in the world is getting eaten out, her long legs wrapping around your head to keep her close to her core while her head is thrown back in pleasure
i could definitely see her being into wax play too, mainly because she think its so gorgeous,, the hot wax melting onto your skin and creating a beautiful picture on her favourite canvas
Lisa in thigh high boots......... and deep red lingerie........... thinking so many thoughts
absolutely LOVES receiving/sending nudes, and she saves every single one in a locked folder for her to look back on when she’s busy on tour and missing your touch 
and don’t be surprised if you get a facetime call in the middle of the night, filled with Lisa’s whines and moans as she touches herself over the phone, driving you crazy knowing you can’t be there to please her the way she so clearly desires
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alreadyblondenow · 3 years
You and your words | Hendery
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❤︎ Prince!Hendery x female!reader ❤︎ Fluff, Smut, Smut, Angst, Royalty AU, best friends to lovers, fuck buddies for some time hehe ❤︎ 3/4 for LOVE MONTH SERIES: Boys Don’t Cry One is a big number
One is a big number | You and your words | Sweet | He loves me, he loves me not |
Summary: You and prince Hendery are good friends... who lust for each other and trying so hard not to fall in love. But your mother, an ambitious woman, wants to use prince Hendery to improve the status of your family.  
Word count: 9,614k
Warnings: Unprotected sex, virginity loss, making out, best friends but they lust for each other, masturbation (male), mentions of masturbations (female), they think of each other when they masturbate ano ba, fingering, a lot of kissing, dirty talk, corruption, slight exhibitionism, mentions of oral sex, fuck buddies for some time, dirty talking... but through love letters.... haha, mentions of other idols, strict parents, mother issues, Hendery being a spoiled prince, slight cheating, a lot of bad decisions, you might get mad to Hendery or reader?
A/N: PURE FICTION. PURE FICTION. PURE FICTION. inspired by the Netflix series Bridgerton and First Burn from Hamilton. 
For my baby’s Love Letter event, @neosmutcollective​ HAPPY CUPID DAY!
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February 14
My dearest best friend,
I am inviting you to my family’s soirée and ask you to accompany me the whole night. In return, I will sing praises about you to my cousin Xiaojun.
Prince Hendery
Everyone knows that an invitation to the queen’s soirée is the holy grail and it is very hard to be invited especially if the queen or king does not know you personally. But you, the ever so beautiful Y/n, is friends with their son Prince Hendery. So it’s up to you to claw your way to the top and to honor your family. At least that's what your mother wants you to do.
You don’t request anything from the prince, no. Everything that he does or gives to you is voluntarily and because he loves you dearly. As a friend.
It all began when he accidentally bumped you a little too hard because he was in a hurry to avoid a certain dance with someone he does not know. You were both in your teenage years at that time and it was a season where young people were rather picky. The young gents always look for the prettiest most flawless lady, and the young ladies always.... well, avoid anyone or everyone unless he's the prince.
You were quite young by that time and you didn’t care about courting, suitors, love letters, or expensive flowers. That’s why you didn’t know what the prince looked like nor his name, because you didn’t care at all.
“My apologies my lady, I didn’t see you” he offered his hand and pulled you from the ground. It was so kind of him to help you get up and straighten your dress. Not to mention he kissed the back of your gloved hand and apologized again.
“It’s fine. Is someone running after you?” you pursed your lips and hugged yourself to protect yourself from the cold. The palace gardens have it’s unique February breeze, you thought.
“Here,” he smoothly removed his coat and put it around you. “I’m Hendery” he smiled when he finally realized that you don’t know who you are with right now.
“Y/n. The ball is kind of boring and quiet. N-no offense to the queen and her family but everyone seems so uptight and pushing us, the young people to entertain the adults- I’m sure you understand what I’m saying here” your tone was a little loud and the annoyance caused by your mother is slowly showing.
“Very much. In fact, I was running away from a dance that I don’t want to be a part of” he giggles so handsomely to show his support for what you’re feeling right now. "Love is the last thing that I desire right now but my mother wants me to entertain a bunch of women and converse for some time with their mother or father"
“How many girls did you entertain tonight?” you asked back, and also giving back his coat because you’re about to leave him.
“Two. My mother and my sister” he answered proudly which made you smile and let out a small laugh. At least between the two of you, he has the freedom to say no.
When you finally got back to the boring party, your mother was quick to fix your hair and fluff your dress before she pushes you again on the dance floor and dance with the prince. She told you she went to great lengths so you could have some time to dance with the crowned prince even if it’s just for a few seconds.
“Work your magic young lady, enchant the prince, and try to make him interested in you. Be useful like your sisters, be engaged to the prince soon and all is well” your mother’s exact words.
Ah right. Of course, your mother’s priority is to use you as bait to the bigger fishes so you could earn their love and respect. So with a heavy heart and feet, you walked in the middle of the dance floor, feeling so ashamed and humiliated for you were so sure that the prince will not show up because he does not have any interest.
Tears are starting to ball at the corner of your eye but you felt a shiver on your spine when someone tapped you from behind.
Lo and behold, prince Hendery came and graced you with his attention.
“Are those tears?” He was quick to grab your hand and waist to save you from the humiliation but the place started gossiping in no time. You can hear people asking one another if you’re royalty, where did you come from and why is the prince only interested in having a dance with you.
“I’m sorry my prince,” you cleared your throat and hope that your face is pleasing, “we meet again, I have no idea that you’ve been gracing me with your time already. My apologies”
He let out a small laugh before he twirled you. “That’s Hendery, not prince Hendery. The quick moment that I shared with you outside made me feel that I’m free” he whispered beside your ear. So sincere, so true, but it sounded like he’s calling for help.
“Thank you prince Hendery, my mother is pleased”
“I too. I mean, the queen is pleased”
“How about you, your grace, are you pleased?”
“Very much pleased. Tell me, what’s your name?” You stepped back and bowed down to him, as low as you can.
“Lady Y/n L/n, your grace” you smiled and slowly recovered from your bow.
And in that very moment, while a unique friendship is slowly blooming in the middle of the dance floor, everyone started hating you even before knowing your name or family name.
But for prince Hendery, it’s a name that he will never forget and love starting that night.
From there on you and prince Hendery became the best of friends, making the whole town jealous and making everyone crave your attention, begging for you to answer the golden question which is, “Are you two in love with each other?” Something neither you nor Hendery can’t answer because you do love each other, but not deep enough.
Months and years have passed and still, you and prince Hendery please your mothers by being sweet whenever you have eyes watching. Balls, birthday parties, luncheons, soirées, all to which you and prince Hendery had a great time making everyone jealous. Like tonight, where prince Hendery should be right beside you because you are his guest but he is nowhere to be found. Until one of his guards came to you and told you, “Prince Hendery is asking for you in his bedroom, my lady” thankfully it was a whisper, or else it could have been a big scandal.
You have never stepped foot into prince Hendery’s room even though the two of you are incredibly close. No one can enter a royal bedroom except family, guards, maids, or his future fiancé. That’s why you were nervous while you continue to question yourself, ‘what are you doing here?’ until you found yourself in front of the prince’s bedroom and his guard opened the door for you.  
“Are you going to marry me?” You asked after the guard shut the door, teasing your best friend and not coming any closer to him.
“Will you please come join me to bed? I’m sad” he pouted so cutely and lie on his side. “You look lovely tonight. The flowers I sent you this morning match your dress perfectly, I picked it from the garden where we first met” he added.
You giggle and told him to look at your head, there he saw a flower from the ones he sent you. “Creative,” he says and pats his bed one more, still asking for you to lie beside him. Of course, you gave up eventually, but you lie so far from him that he had to pull the sheets a little too harshly to get a hold of you which completely startled you and made you nervous. “Much better,” he says, face closer to you than ever that his breath touches your skin.
“No more games my prince, why did you summon me here?” you’ve never been close to Hendery like this. If the queen hears about this, you and your family will be in trouble.
“Nothing special, I just want to be free before I become the night's hot topic” he admitted.
“That's why I'm here. I promise to drag you away whenever someone is coming” He smiles at your effort to cheer him up, “or would you prefer dancing the whole night so we don't get disturbed?” you offered him a hug while you two lie in bed comfortably. “Everything will be fine as long as Im here” you added.  
“Exactly, that's why I called you here” he smiles and closed his eyes, listening to the distant violin playing from downstairs. And to make him feel better, you threw away your shyness and rest your head on his chest. He automatically wraps his arms around you and giggled while his eyes were still closed. Secretly happy that you’re slightly on top of him while his embrace becomes tighter and tighter by the second until your face is much closer to his face again when he rolled on the side dragging your body with him.
Shyness creeps in your bones again as he looks at you deeply. Making your body incredibly warm by just looking at you and keeping your body close. You tell yourself, ‘look away, it’s improper to look at your prince like this’ but you can’t and you don’t want to.
“If I ask you to kiss me, will you say no to me?” he bravely asked, eyes hoping for you to say yes. But when you’re taking too long to answer, you saw the disappointment in his eyes, and his embrace was becoming loose. “I’m sorry for being a fool-“
To his surprise, you didn’t answer him through your words but through your actions. You kissed your prince friend on the lips which he returned without hesitation. He was happy and he’s proving it by the way he kisses you, smiling in between taking breaths, letting out a soft moan whenever he’s being too carried away. You didn’t expect to love the way how his lips touch yours, you didn’t expect him to be a good kisser but it was so good that when you closed your eyes you thought you were in a cloud and an angel is kissing you.
It was slow and not rushed. It is as if time stopped while your heads were turning and your tongues were fighting for dominance while no one noticed that your fingers are intertwined. When he pulled away and kissed your forehead to end the moment, he thanked you for not refusing and even asked you where did you learn to kiss like that. “I’m glad the first lips I ever kissed is owned by a woman who truly, cares for me” he smiles and kissed the back of your hand one too many times before he got up from his bed, and offered his hand to help you.
That night, while you and prince Hendery were kissing privately, something sparked inside him that he had never felt before. You may not know but during the party, prince Hendery noticed that you can be someone he can be in love with.
February 19
My dearest Y/n,
Have you been well? When can I see you again? Did you receive the flowers that I sent you and your mother? Perhaps I could pay you a visit and we can have a picnic somewhere private.
I can’t stop thinking about you. I can’t stop thinking about the kiss we shared.
Prince Hendery
Days after that beautiful kiss, prince Hendery sent you beautiful flowers, one for each corner of your home that even your mother was impressed and had the wrong idea. Of course, she thought the prince is courting you and that sending you many expensive flowers is a sign that he is now ready to show his seriousness to you.
“May I see that letter, dear?” she reached out her hand, waiting for you to hand prince Hendery’s recent letter.
“Mother, I’m sure the prince will not be pleased with your idea," you said in the nicest way but the tone of your voice had a hint of begging. Why must she put you in this position? Your own mother. She walked slowly towards you and snatched the letter from your hand and watch your mother betray you in front of your eyes.
After reading, she was very much amused and happy by what she just read. “the kiss we shared, eh?” she said with a smirk. “Write back-“
“I will not” you talked back.
“Write back or I will” she said with a stern voice, “you are to write back and flatter the prince. Tell him you want to happen again, tell him to invite you again to one of his family’s events”
“Mother, I don’t talk like that”
“Whatever, just do as I say For our family’s name, for our family’s sake. Be useful like your sisters” she straightens up her posture and told you to go to your room and write the letter.
You thought that your mother understood the friendship that you have with Hendery but turns out she still wants to use you as bait and to get the attention of the royal family. It sickens you, to be honest. Because Hendery is a decent person, always nice to you and your family and also you love him dearly as a friend.
As you look at the blank paper and arrange your thoughts, trying so hard to talk like how your mother wants but you just can’t. So instead, you told him the truth and what your heart says.
February 19
Dear Prince Hendery,
You care for me always, I am well thank you for asking.
Apologies for not being around these days, I was catching up with some readings. I did receive the lovely flowers, they were very beautiful my mother was pleased.
I miss you awfully. And the private picnic you offered sounds wonderful and can be arranged for tomorrow.
Lady Y/n
“No mention of the kiss?” prince Hendery whined to his best friend Ten while he watches him clean his hands from their afternoon hunt.
“Maybe the story that you told me is just part of your imagination,” Ten laughed.
“It’s not. It’s much real- how can I bring this up to her again? I want it to happen again”
“Oh, you’re a spoiled prince. When will you change? Tell me my, friend, do you love her, or you’re willing to use her for your desperateness?” it was a bold question to open the eyes of the prince.
“I do love her but, it’s very little and I’m sure I’m driven by my lust” the prince admitted.
“Then court her. Feelings can grow and the next thing you know, you now have a queen. And your mother will be pleased”
Hendery shook his head to show his disappointment to his friend. He may be the prince but he believes that he’s not born in this world to merely please his mother but to follow what his heart really wants. Like to marry the one he loves.
On the next day, as promised, the prince planned a private picnic for just the two of you and it was perfect. Being with prince Hendery is like an escape from the reality of your home and for prince Hendery, being with you makes him feel normal. “The sun feels good, doesn’t it?” he put a strawberry in your mouth and watch you chew it while you lie comfortably on his lap.
Since when did you two start to exchange flirty glances? you asked yourself. But you shrugged it off and continue to mind your thoughts. You may not know but it’s obvious that your mind is not in this picnic and prince Hendery can see right through you, he knows something is bothering you so he asked you. “Nothing my prince, I’m just thinking and admiring the perfect weather,” you said with the slightest of interest.
“Why are you so proper when you’re writing to me or when you’re with me? What's the matter? Speak your mind your prince demands it,” he ate another strawberry and you got up from your comfortable position.
“That’s not fair,” you said because you can’t tell him what’s really on your mind.
“It was meant to be a joke, what’s wrong?”  
He will never give up until you tell him something that will stop his curiosity, so you didn’t have a choice but to lie. “Having no suitors and my desire to escape from reality. That bothers me” you said and tried diverting your attention by indulging at the feast in front of you.
“Maybe there’s a reason for that. Look for a suitor that's very much like me” he says boldly, looking at you deeply like he’s telling you the answer is right in front of you already. And to be honest, a suitor that’s very much like the prince doesn’t sound so bad. He’s a gentleman, has good intentions, and also a good kisser.
“I will keep that in mind. Now read me poetry and tell me stories,” you went back to your comfort on his lap and listen to him talk while you two bask under the beautiful weather. He reads you tons of poetry that sounded real and full of emotions, tells you stories about his childhood and the things that he wants to do in life, even fed you with the palace gossips, and made you laugh. Again, the picnic is perfect and prince Hendery once again provided an escape from your ugly thoughts.  
You watch the sun go down while you both finish the wine in your cups and eat the leftover cheese because there's nothing left anymore. Both a little tipsy from the wine already, laughing and giggling before midnight strikes then out of nowhere, the rain poured so hard that it got you both soaked in a matter of minutes.
Running hand in hand to look for a shade as the field becomes darker each second, good thing prince Hendery saw a thick tree that can provide shade in the meantime. With soaking clothes and wet skins you stand closely together behind the thick tree, waiting for the rain to stop. But the prince is thanking it silently for giving him this moment with you. A moment with you where he can admire you closely again, a moment with you privately where he can keep you close to him, and a moment with you where he can try and ask for a kiss again.
You’re not stupid. You can feel the warmth of his body like he’s sharing some of it to you, you can feel his fingertips dancing on your exposed back all the way to your nape, letting you feel the wetness of your skin which you very much love but you can’t admit it to yourself.
“You said you wanted an escape well I too,” he leaned forward to give your jaw a soft kiss that’s very much addicting, leaving you for wanting more. He pulled away to look at you for a few seconds, waiting for you to return the kiss and accept his offer. And without any hesitation, you kissed him on the lips and showed him what you want.
“An escape and nothing more-“ you said because giving the prince false hope is the last thing you want to happen.
“I understand, he says with a smile. Very much pleased to see you give in to him and his charms. He kissed you to show you how happy he is, reaching for your right leg and lift the skirt of your dress so he could feel the wetness of your skin further. You moaned and gasp sharply near his ear as you feel your leg locks automatically around his waist as he pushed you on the tree with a grunt and kiss you even more harshly.
Soon you feel his fingers creep in your inner thighs, closer than ever to your sex. “Hendery-“ you moaned when he finally swipes his finger on your sex, wetting his fingers in front of your eyes using his spit and putting it back to your sex and continue to make you feel good. He is holding you tightly as your grip on his shoulder tightens even more. Oh he knows what he’s doing. You smile at that thought while parting your lips, furrowing your brows, and moaning even more deliciously near the prince’s ear.
And while he continues what he’s doing to you, you felt something hard poking your other thigh while his lips were leaving marks on your chest, just right above your breast. Is that what you think it is? Well, if yes then his cock is big, and thinking about it makes you horny even more. “Are you happy?” he whispered, disturbing your lustful thoughts, nod your head yes, and returned your lips to his. Biting it and sucking his tongue, showing him that you are very much driven by lust too.
When he finally found the spot that instantly made your legs shake and your knees weak, he watched you let go right before his eyes and watch you bite your lips and make sinful sounds that he’s very much proud of. Satisfied with the pleasure that he provided, he removed his fingers from your hole and helped you fix your dress. You feel very tired and exhausted, that your legs are about to give up but Hendery will never let you fall. He kissed you more, asked for more and you gave him more until you’re both happy and satisfied with the long kisses that you shared. “Let me bring you home safely” he sweetly requested when he noticed that the rain was long gone and you’re in a middle of a dark field.
Walking hand in hand back to his carriage where his guards are waiting, you two remain unbothered with your wet clothes and stayed happy with the remaining time you have with each other on your way home. And when it’s finally time to part again, he thanked you for a wonderful day which made you incredibly shy as what happened earlier flashes in your mind.
As you settle in your bathroom, sitting on the tub filled with warm water, you can still hear Hendery’s sweet whispers and miss his touch terribly. Smiling through the idea of a gentleman such as Hendery touched you for the first time, and it was quite an experience. But still, you love him as a friend and that will never change because you will not let your mother win and use Hendery’s name to up the status of your family.
He offered you an escape, and that’s what you’re accepting. No more, no less.
February 23
Dearest Y/n,
I am lying to myself if I don’t admit that I miss your lips on mine. How I miss seeing your parted lips, touch the softness of your breast, and the wetness of your sex. I’ve been thinking about you every night since we parted ways after that eventful evening we shared.
But the purpose of this letter is to invite you to my uncle’s ball this evening and accompany me, be my guest and let’s enjoy the night.
Prince Hendery
Knowing that the prince misses you and your lips, is something that can surely make you smile while writing back to him and accept his invitation. Sealing the letter with the slightest of love but flowery words that will surely make him smile too.
This action can be accepted as playing with fire but no one reads your letters aside from the prince himself so you know that whatever you say to him will always be safe.
But right after you sent the letter, you regret writing those filthy words on paper and realized that you are sending it to your best friend.
February 23
Dear Hendery,
The invitation is accepted and I will be delighted to accompany you. But before I close this letter, I want you to know the truth about my impure thoughts.
I think of you at night whenever I touch myself. Imagine that your fingers are the ones inside me and not mine, I spread my legs so wide under the sheets, eyes closed while I try to remember how you please me.
When can we meet privately again? I hope it happens again soon.
Lady Y/n
As expected, while reading the letter that you wrote back privately, the prince’s cock got hard that he had to take care of it at once. So in his quiet room where the doors are locked, he sat on the edge of his bed and pull out his cock from his trousers. Stroking it slowly as he imagines you again, teasing himself so he wouldn’t release so soon.
Holding the letter in his left hand and reading the second phrase over and over again, trying so hard to picture you in his thoughts with your nightgown lifted all the way up until your sex is exposed and you touching yourself. Closing his eyes so tight while he strokes his cock faster than before as he pictures you gripping the sheets so hard and very much near to your orgasm.
Until finally he shoots his cum and lets it drip on his sheets, moaning and grunting deliciously as he enjoys the warm feeling while catching his breath. Wondering how can he control his lustful feelings towards you and turn it to love.  
When the most awaited time has arrived and Hendery’s carriage is waiting outside your house, you didn’t quite expect to feel nervous as this never happened to you before. He was quiet and smiling handsomely when you sat in front of him, waiting for his carriage to move before he does as well.
“You look beautiful as always,” he sat beside you and completely startled you with his actions. A kiss on your gloved hand, and a kiss on your lips.
During the ball, Hendery was busy gracing the place with his presence on behalf of his mother so the two of you did not have much time to talk and dance, although he promised to dance with you once for tonight and that is perfectly fine for you understand his duties.
So while you’re drinking a glass of white wine on the corner, you can’t help but think and foresee the future that you can have with Hendery if you let your mother succeed.
A comfortable life, the wife of the future king, a loving husband, of course, he will give you children, but he will always be away to take care of the country’s current affairs because he is the crowned prince. And you well know that you don’t want a life like that. You want a life where a husband goes home to you every night and makes love to you until you're exhausted and tired.
“I’m sorry” Hendery whispered from behind which startled you. “Are you ready to dance?” you gave him your hand and guide you towards the middle. Careful to put his hand on your waist, trying so hard not to pull you towards him and plant many kisses on your neck.
“I read your letter” he started and completely clueless about your regret about it. You gave him a shy smile and looked away.
“So?” he started again, hoping to hear a response from you this time.
“So what my prince?”  
“Do you still want my fingers inside you?” He teases, whispering beside your ear and smiling as if he’s not making you shy in the middle of the dance floor.
“I beg you-“
“Oh, she begs” He interrupted you and teased you further. But that’s not all, you feel his hand roam on your lower back, bravely did it still despite being guarded with many judging and watchful eyes. Slowly your patience with your friend is wearing thin and so you stared at him long and hard and thankfully he understood what your eyes were saying and stopped teasing you.
“Thank you for shutting up and remembering that you’re a prince,” you clear your throat and continue what you were saying earlier, “your fingers do felt rather nice inside me and... I wish what happened the other night would happen again. But Hendery I beg you, do not tease me like this because someone might hear you. At least talk softly,”
The prince let out a small laugh, so small that only you can hear it while he continues to dance with you and fool everyone for pretending that you’re having an innocent conversation.
“After what happened I can’t seem to forget how you purred beside my ear that night” he stared at you, holding your lower back to assist you more on the dance. “Your tight grips on my shoulders still ghosts my skin, how you say my name as if I am not a prince. But it came out from your mouth in a very sinful way because I am pleasuring you”
“I made those sounds, those sounds that you oh so loved because you knew what you’re doing in between my legs... Hendery” you said it as quietly as possible and smiled so innocently at your prince, feeling every turn and every step became closer than required. Bodies becoming warm in less than a minute that you even felt his skin became instantly hot.
“If you loved how I sound that night, well, I love how you pushed me behind that tree your grace... because I felt your manhood poke my thigh. And my my,” you shook your head from left to right and giggle beside his ear, then decided to stop teasing him and making him hornier than ever when you heard him clear his throat and see the blush on his face.
“The next time we are to be alone again, I want your lips to never leave mine, your body never be covered by layers and layers of silk, and always keep your body close to mine because next time, my fingers won’t be the only one going inside you”
The promise of a very sinful and lustful next time instantly made you feel hot and you feel like your dress is about to pop and your corset will give up in no time. But even though it sounded like it was all about lust, the promise of seeing each other alone again because he loves your presence made your heart swell with happiness and smile from ear to ear as he sways you slowly under a fading string quartet music from the background.
“I never want the song to end, I beg you, not as your prince but as Hendery, keep close to me. Please”
You didn’t want to ruin the moment and feel every note of that beautiful song come to an end. This time you’re no longer fooling anyone, you are simply showing that you adore each other in the middle of the dance floor with a sea of young people.
“Tell me, what else do you love your grace?” You asked him just before you part from the dance and bow.
“You. I love you”
Usually, when someone confesses their love to someone, positive reactions are expected from both persons. And when Hendery said it out of nowhere he wanted to take it back in an instant because it is not sincere and it is not true. Yet.
“Take it back, you don’t know what you’re saying. You don’t love me” it was so hard to breathe at the moment. But you say it over and over again, very close to being mad but you can't make a scene “Please Hendery, take it back it’s not true and what you’re feeling is lust not love” you said sternly completely offending the prince with the truth.
“Alright, alright I take it back. I’m sorry, I’ll get you a glass of water. Come”
And so, the lovely night has ended earlier than expected. Hendery brought you home safely without a promise of seeing each other soon again.
Everything changed and it’s all because of lust.
March 2
To my dearest prince Hendery,
It’s been many days since the last time that we saw each other. Are you mad at me?  
Word is spreading that you’re leaving the country for several weeks to attend an important meeting representing your mother. Is it true? Were you planning to tell me?
Please write back and meet me soon. I miss you.
Lady Y/n
After reading your letter and keeping it safe in his drawer, prince Hendery admitted to himself first that he misses you too, and that no he’s not mad at you. He’s just humiliated and he’s not yet ready to show his face.
It’s his mistake in the first place. He promised to offer you an escape, no more no less. “Unbelievable Hendery,” he murmurs to himself.
After a few days of self-pity and gathering his courage to face you again, he finally gave in to your request and meet you. He apologized while you two walk around town with his guards on the side, ate lunch at his favorite restaurant, and chat until your hearts are happy. Everything felt normal again, you can hear people starting to gossip about you and Hendery so you figured all is well between you and him.
“Tomorrow is my last night here, please accompany me. My mother insisted to host a ball, I told her no need but she still made preparations” he scoffed and finished the tea he’s drinking.
You didn’t want to ruin the mood and ruin the peace between you two but you have to tell him the truth, “Xiaojun- uh, asked me to accompany him and I accepted his offer,”
“Well, you could have said no. Didn’t you thought of me?” his voice was suddenly higher and stern. He wanted to shout at you but you don’t deserve that, you’re very much important to him so he won’t do that.
“I’m sorry my prince” you murmured and lowered your head.
“Don’t lower yourself for me. I think so highly of you, please” he reached for your hand kissed your knuckles, “It’s alright. My cousin is good company” he says, comforting you further.
When you and Hendery parted ways and while the prince is on his way home, he finally admitted to himself that he is jealous. Jealous because he knew you and his cousin Xiaojun used to like each other, and now he’s clueless if you still like each other.
He can’t eat properly and kept thinking if he should steal you from his cousin. He can’t sleep despite being so tired physically and kept thinking about how he’s not spending his last night here with you.
And when his last night in town comes, during the ball, Hendery is forcing himself to smile and greet his guests. Trying so hard not to look at you and his cousin Xiaojun for he doesn’t know if he can control himself from being jealous.
“Unaccompanied, huh?” Ten teases Hendery and looked around the place for you. Only to find out that you came with his cousin, “Ah... I see” Ten smirks and continues drinking his wine.
“I’m jealous so go ruin someone else's night-“
“No my friend, I’m here to rescue you,” he whispers and called someone from afar. “Prince Hendery I want you to meet my cousin Lady Lisa,” the beautiful lady bowed to the prince to give respect, complimented the prince, and soon earned his attention and invited her to dance.
Of course, a royal attraction such as Hendery with a different woman in the dance floor can awaken the gossipers in an instant. But it's not the gossipers that irritate you the most. It’s her giggles, Hendery’s hold on her waist, his beautiful smile when he talks to her-
“Are you alright dearest?” Xiaojun whispers, completely bringing you back to reality. You breathed in deeply and exhaled sharply before drinking your wine in one go.
“Excuse me for a moment, I need air and privacy” you request from the gentleman in front of you. Nodding with a lot of questions in his mind, Xiaojun did not even dare to stop you.
And away you go to the palace gardens to breathe and let out your jealousy. Breathing deeply over and over again, wishing to be separated from the corset that’s suffocating you. Until you finally calmed down and had the need to admire the stars in the sky and listen to the distant chatters from the ball.
“Did my cousin offended you? Violated you perhaps? Are you hurt?”
Hendery came out looking for you immediately when he did not see you by his cousin’s side. He knew that this is the only place you will go to breathe because this is where he first met you.
“No no, I’m fine. Your cousin is a gentleman like you, I just needed some fresh air. Go back to your guests” you shoo him away and suddenly you feel suffocated again.
“I care only about one guest. And she’s standing in front of me right now” Hendery says boldly, walking towards you and pulled you close by the waist and kissed you. Motioning you deeper into the gardens to hide while you share a heated kiss that’s saying, ‘we belong to each other’.
Soon the heated kiss becomes rougher while the prince’s hands roam freely around your body, undoing your dress, trying to free you from this tight corset, and said, “Make love to me tonight”
There was no sign of authority in what he said, you’re sure that it’s not a command from your prince, his voice was serious but full of love and passion. And that’s why you agreed, nod your head and kiss him again, and felt his charming smile in between the kiss.
Not even a single soul from the guests knew that he sneaked you to his bedroom again, dismissed the guards before shutting the door close and locking it.
The room was dark and cold and only the moonlight and the lights from the outside illuminates his room. But when his lips touched your skin again, suddenly it became hot and you feel weak while Hendery is the opposite because you noticed he’s full of energy and burning passion.
“Lie in bed,” he says sweetly but his actions say otherwise for he pushed you, hovers you, and continue removing your clothes. X by X he loosens your corset until you’re finally free and you’re all exposed in front of him. “Better?” He asks and you nod shyly.
When he proceeds to remove his clothes next, it is as if your shyness faded when you saw Hendery’s body in the dark but everything seems clear to you even with minimal light. “Can I spread your legs?” he asks, caressing your knee while he lies beside you and waiting for your consent.
Slowly and gently, he parted your legs and hovers you again, hands exploring around your body without barriers of cloth, kneading your breast while kissing your neck as you listen to him breathe and moan. And when his hands continue to explore your inner thighs, a sharp gasp escaped from your mouth and you spread your legs wider. This time, it’s your turn to feel his naked body and explore it with your hands. Feeling every muscle tighten whenever he makes you moan accidentally.
Then he stopped. Came closer to you until you’re bodies to bodies and his forehead rests on your temple.
You know exactly what’s going to happen next. You knew that it will hurt, and it did but you asked for more, begged rather. You see his handsome face contort when he finally pushed inside you, loving your tight walls, moaning like a mad man. He lifts both of your hand at the top of your head and witness him look at you with eyes full of lust that watches your breasts bounce up and down for every thrust he gives you.
For someone who’s inexperienced like your prince, he surely knew what he was doing. Folding your legs and pushing them closer to your chest so he could thrust deeper. Even he surprises himself.
With quick thrusts, filthy words here and there, and deeper kisses you finally reached your euphoria and moaned his name again. Something he oh so loved hearing and that made him lose his mind and let go. Pulled out immediately and shoots his cum on the sheet, while grunting and moaning so loud that you didn’t even know he’s capable of making such sounds.
When he’s finally calm and has enough energy to move, he gathered the ruined sheets, threw them on the floor, and covered you with the thicker ones. “What happened was special, don’t you think?” He asks and joined you under the thick sheets and kept you close to his still exposed body.
“Special indeed,” you said and reached for his lips to plant a soft kiss.
Now you know that you do have feelings for him.
“I want you to take this, as a promise that I will soon be home” you watch him remove his silver necklace and transfer it around your neck, leaving sweet kisses on your shoulders before pulls away. He promised to come home soon so he can replace the necklace with something even more expensive when he gets back. “Oh I wish to see you more like this wearing nothing but my necklace”
“Then don’t go. Stay here, the world will not go into war if you chose to stay” He smiles so sweetly at you, happy that you’re on the same page.
“Just for a couple of weeks, my love” he says and kissed your hand many times.
“So we're in love, huh?” You tease him.
He scoffed and looked deeply into your eyes, “I think we started being in love on the night first met. We were too young to think about love but I know we loved each other for years now”
And just like that, after years and years of going against your mother, you’re finally defeated because what Hendery said is true.
On the next morning, you and your prince spend the whole morning making love quietly and making sure that your time left with each other is not wasted. Exploring each other’s bodies further and diving headfirst to lust.
“Please “ you giggle quietly, covering your mouth as you moan with every flick of his tongue on your clit. You both came several times now and you feel so weak already in the middle of the morning. “You need to prepare,” you reminded him before he starts again and asks for one last. Finally, you feel him spread kisses on your body all the way up until his head appears from the thick sheets.
When the time of parting has finally come, he put you on a carriage first before he leaves. “You’re going to be a great king” and he wishes for you to be beside him always and forever. “Safe travels, my love. Write to me every day” you whisper to him and kiss him before you go inside the carriage.
“Expect love letters from now on. I’ll be home soon, think of me always” he says and kissed you goodbye.
The promise of receiving love letters from Hendery every day was kept. You read them in the morning when you wake up and at night before you sleep. Smiling like a fool and giggling alone as you remember his sweet words and miss him even more.
This has been yet your happiest time with Hendery. Although you’re not together physically, but through the continuous exchanges of love letters, your hearts felt closer than before. And you find it amazing because being oceans apart from each other should be hard and heartbreaking but no, your words and his words give comfort to your hearts.
March 10
To my love who’s oceans apart from me,
My heart longs for you and I miss your presence.
The country is treating me well with their good hospitality and pays high respect to my mother the queen. It feels like I’m on vacation rather than an important royal matter.
It’s morning here and I’m sitting by the beautiful garden with beautiful flowers as I write this letter and think of you. Now that it’s clear that we are deeply in love, I realized that I am in love with my best friend and the mere thought of it makes me blush and makes me smile naturally.
I think of you every second my love, imagining you reading a book in front of me or sleeping right beside me in my huge bed. I want to wake up and see your smile first thing in the morning or feel your warmth for as long as I want. But let us not worry for time will pass by so fast and we will be together again.
When I get back, we should have more picnics, share longer kisses, make love every night. Let us never let go of each other.
I love you.
March 15
To my loving prince,
My heart aches for you too but your words give great comfort to my heart. This distance between us is nothing compared to our patience.
I am more than glad that the country is treating you well. Tell me everything you do there, I miss your stories. You’re going to be a great king and I wish you won’t forget to take care of yourself there. Eat plenty and rest when needed. My heart won’t take it if you get sick or become tired.
As promised, I always think of you too. My head is so full of you that you visit me in my dreams more often than usual. And I too my prince, want to see your charming smile in the morning and even at night.
Stretch your patience more my love. When you get back, I will never leave your side. But for now, I am happily and patiently waiting for your return.  
I love you.
From the woman you love who’s oceans apart from you.
And for days and days of being apart, you and Hendery exchanged love letters and make each other smile through the paper. You tell him stories and gossips from home and he tells you stories and gossips from the country he’s staying.
“My prince, I brought bad news” The voice of his royal guard disturbed his peace while reading one of your letters. “How dare you ruin my peace, what now?” he says, still smiling from the letter he’s reading.
“Your stay here is extended, my prince” the royal guard informed him and did not dare to look his prince in the eye for he knew it will make him angry. “Your presence is requested at a royal gathering that your mother can’t attend to” he added.
And right then and there, Hendery thought about you and wanted to tell you the news immediately. He wrote as fast as he could and told his guard to send the letter immediately for Hendery was scared and disappointed with himself to give you false hope.
April 30
My dearest prince whom I love,
I waited for your arrival but you did not come. For days I was worried and could not eat or sleep well and all I did was think of you. Pray that you’re safe and wait patiently for you.
But now that I have received your letter I can finally stop worrying and stop imagining unpleasant scenarios. How are you?
I miss you terribly.
May 20
My love,
Thank you for understanding further.
My purpose and responsibility here are becoming more tiring each day that passes but the promise of seeing you once I’m done here is the only thought that gives me energy.
Unpleasant scenarios? Imagine only me showering you with love, imagine us strolling across town and shock the gossipers and silence them once and for all when we finally announce our relationship.
Think only happy thoughts, my love, I will be with you soon.
I love you.
And that is the last letter you received from him for the month of May.
Hendery was told that someone is plotting to assassinate him and for his own safety, he has to leave the country secretly and go to a country where no one knew he is there. Even you.
For your own safety, Prince Hendery stopped writing you letters for the assassins can and might track you because of him. He will not forgive himself if you are to be tracked and hurt by an assassin because of a love letter.
Little did you know that he did not send his last letter on the 20th of May, and a very heartfelt love letter is on its way to you.
“A normal mail? For me? Not from the royal mail?” the mailman nods and hands you the letter.
“Put it on the basket together with the normal mails dear,” your mother said. Oh this house completely has no care about any other letter unless it’s sealed by the royals.
As weeks and months pass by quickly, you continue to wait for a letter from Hendery, and continue to wait for his arrival. But sadness had you by the neck that whenever you think about Hendery your heart will suddenly hurt and tears will automatically fall from your eyes.
Waiting is a long suffering and you understand that well before you decided to love Hendery. You knew what you signed up for… but you did not expect that it will hurt like hell while waiting for someone. It’s like waiting for a ghost to come back, you feel hopeless.
But even though you’re hurting so much, you grew more desperate to hear anything from him that you asked for his cousin Xiaojun’s help. Still, your efforts are wasted. And you’re reminded why you didn’t want to pursue your love with Hendery in the first place. “The pain that I’m feeling right now will double once he is crowned king, I’m sure of it. Is it wrong for me to ask for the man that I love? Why am I being punished?” you cry your heart out in Xiaojun’s arms, keeping you safe while he listens to what pains you and try so hard to provide comfort.
But just as you thought that you couldn't be any sadder, you are wrong. Now that everyone is expecting you to marry soon to save your family and fix the financial problem, sadder days continue to happen in your life.
“Stop your nonsense now young lady, you will marry prince Xiaojun and live with him in a new country. Stop humiliating your family and stop waiting for the crowned prince to come back. He may be all wedded and bedded by this time while you, you’re becoming even more miserable”
And that is the reason why you agreed to marry prince Xiaojun.
One night at the queen’s ball, you found yourself alone and looking at the stars again on the exact place you and Hendery first met. Breathing in, breathing out, and closing your eyes as you clear your mind and think about Hendery.
“What are you thinking about?”
You hear someone ask you from behind, you’re not sure who he is because your eyes are still closed but it can only be Xiaojun because he’s the one who knew where to find you.
But perhaps no. There’s another man who always knew where to find you even without telling him.
“Open your eyes my love, I’m home”
You turned around in an instant, looked at his face, and suddenly tears started to fall from your eyes, you can’t move and all you can do is cry. You have so many questions to him, so many sincere words left unsaid, but all you said right now is, “are you real? Or my mind is betraying me once again?”
“I am very much real,” Hendery says and gave you a tight hug, lifting you off the ground and kissing you as many as he pleases to make up for last time.
“I don’t understand, why did you leave me like that?”
“Didn’t you receive my letter?” he asks, wondering why are you so clueless when he is completely sure he told you everything. “Maybe it never reached you, I’m sorry. But now I’m back, come now let’s announce our love to my mother and ask for her blessing so we could marry soon” he was very excited but you are not.
How can you be excited? You’re already married.
Is it possible for a person to leave you and come back many years later then suddenly asked he wants to marry you as if you did not suffer greatly from waiting and being sad for months?
You remove your hand from his tight grasp and saw the ring. Now, everything is clear to him but he is very angry.
“Please don’t be mad-“ you begged.
“How could you- If only that letter reached to you, then you will know why I’m very mad right now!” He shouted at you, face turning red, eyes with tears on the side. “We were separated for years, give me a chance. Please come back to me. You told me you love me”
“And you told me you will come home! But they were only words, Hendery. And I do love you, still love you but I have a duty for my family and you have a duty for your country” He refuses to listen but you knew he needed to know the truth from you, “Please understand that you were gone for years, and I was arranged to be married to Xiaojun. I said no to Xiaojun for as long as I could, hurting him over and over again because I was waiting for you like a fool. Love someone with a strong heart, whose love is unconditional. Not like me. I can't turn my back on Xiaojun just because you're back”
"But you turned your back on me, just because I was away"
"I waited!" you shouted frustratingly back at him.
“Are you happy with him? Do you love him?”
Slowly you walked towards him to dry his tears with your hand and he’s quick to catch it kiss it before he finally lets you go.
“I am happy and no, I don’t love him but he loves me”
He nods his head slowly. Heartbroken and afraid to let go but what can he do now?
“Before I let you go, I want to let you know that... I asked you to marry me too. The man you love still asked you to marry him” he hugged you once again so you won’t see him cry because he doesn’t want you to remember him like this. “Why must our love should end tragically? I am not close to being happy but it’s good to know that you are”
He dries his tears and tried to stop crying for a moment so he can say his goodbye properly. “Go back to my cousin he must be waiting for you now. I will stay here, I will be fine. Go, it’s getting cold”
When you gave him what he asked you to do, he turned around and did not watch you leave for he doesn’t want to see you walking away from him.
Love is sacrifice and he understands that all too well now.
May 27
Dear Y/n,
This letter will reach to weeks or maybe months after I send it through a normal mail. I am being hunted down in this country that I’m staying and I have to hide and leave secretly with my guards for my own protection.
The assassins can track me through the royal mail and can use you as bait to find me. I will never forgive myself if that is to happen. I know you understand my situation right now because that’s how much you love me, let’s extend our patience together and meet when it’s safe. I am sorry my love but this is the only way.
But enough about the bad news. Last night I had the most beautiful dream because you’re in it and we are living peacefully in a country away from my responsibilities. The dream was short but it made me imagine a life with you and gave me the courage to ask your hand in marriage.
Will you marry me, when I get home?
I promise to be a good and loving husband while being a king and fulfilling my duties. I promise to never be away when you need me for I know that family is very important to you.
In the morning when you wake up and until you close your eyes to rest at night, I am going to be your husband and not your king.
I love you. Wait for me to get home safe and you will be loved by the man you love.
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Love or Duty by GleefullyCaptainSwan - Chapter 7/8
Read on AO3: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
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Stacy's Tortured Crew: @teamhook @kmomof4 @stahlop @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @itsfabianadocarmo @mariakov81 @qualitycoffeethings @zaharadessert @jrob64 @jonesfandomfanatic @natascha-ronin @tiganasummertree @xarandomdreamx @therooksshiningknight @batana54 @superchocovian @onceratheart18 @ultraluckycatnd @snowbellewells @karlyfr13s @the-darkdragonfly @xsajx @deckerstarblanche
Chapter 7: The Gift of Nobility
Emma stared wistfully at the horizon from her place on the balcony. The last week had been a whirlwind affair, they had made the trek from Misthaven to Jonesboro immediately after Prince Liam’s arrival. Regina’s forces were advancing closer to both Kingdom’s, the destruction she was leaving in her wake was causing the villagers to panic. Both King David and King Brennan realized that they needed to act fast if they were going to unite their people against the cause.
Emma looked down at her dress, the white fabric flowing onto the floor as she spun around. It should be the happiest day of her life, her wedding day. The tears slid down her cheek as she thought about giving herself to Prince Liam, knowing that she would forever belong to Killian. The pair had been separated once they arrived at the castle in Jonesboro, and Emma was cautious not to be caught alone with the younger brother of her betrothed.
“I found it.” Her mother entered the room with her tiara in her hand. “This will look perfect with your…” She paused, taking in her reddened cheeks and swollen eyes. “Emma, are you quite alright?”
The tears fell quicker down her face as she tried to take a deep breath. “I’m fine. I just…” She sucked in her breath. “I always thought I would be doing this with the man I loved and now…” Sobs escaped her throat as she threw herself down on her bed.
She felt the bed shift behind her, and her mother’s fingers slipped into her hair. “My dear sweet Emma don’t cry. I’m sure you will learn to love Liam, maybe not today, but one day.”
“But he’s out there, the man I love, waiting for me, he’s real.” She said through her tears, knowing how hard it was going to be today to walk out there and marry the brother of the man she loved. “I can feel my heart breaking knowing I can’t be with him.”
“Emma, maybe Liam is that man.”
“The man I love is not Liam Jones.” She said angrily. “My heart belongs only to the man I love.”
“Then you should follow your heart.” Her mother sighed, causing Emma to sit up and stare into her eyes with hope. “Instead of following this thought of yours that Liam could not possibly be the one you love, perhaps you can follow your heart and it will lead you right to him after all.”
Emma groaned and threw herself back onto her bed. If she followed her heart she would walk straight into Killian’s arms! “You do not listen.”
“Oh Emma, you are being childish, it’s time to grow up and become a woman.”
“I am a woman.” She stated angrily. She wanted to shout at her that she was a woman in more ways than her mother realized but she knew it was pointless. She needed to follow her duty, her responsibility and appease her family. She stood from her bed and walked over to the window. “Can we just get this over with?” She said dryly, her mother moving behind her to place the tiara on her head.
“One day, you will look back on this day as the day when your entire world changed. The day you blossomed into a beautiful woman, a wife, and the future Queen of Jonesboro.”
Emma rolled her eyes as she faced away from her mother. “Of course, you are most wise.” She said sweetly. “Thank you mother.” She turned and wrapped her arms around her mother. “I’m sure you need to prepare; I will be alright on my own.”
“Are you sure?”
“I promise.” She smiled, and her mother hesitantly walked away, leaving her alone in her room. One day, she would look back on this as the day hope died and light faded to black. She heard the door open behind her and she exhaled. “I told you I was fine, mother.”
“You look stunning.”
She spun around quickly at the sound of his voice. “Killian, what are you doing here?” She rushed toward him, her hands burying themselves in his hair as she pulled him toward her, their lips crashing together in a heated kiss. When they broke apart, he was staring at her with blue eyes that looked through to her soul, as if he were memorizing every part of her.
“I had to see you one last time before…” He shook his head. “I’ve been trying to be right with this all evening. This duty you must uphold, but Emma you can’t go through with it…”
“Killian, please don’t do this.” She pleaded through tears-stained eyes.
“I cannot bear to witness you joined with my brother, not when you are all I long for. Marry me, Emma, marry me and we can run away together, and I will always, always be by your side.”
“I want nothing more than to marry you.” Her voice shook. “If we were any other people, if this were any other time, I would never leave your side, but we aren’t other people, I can’t turn my back on everyone who needs me. I have to go through with this.”
He stepped away from her, narrowing his eyes. “Then you do not love me.” It was like a dagger to her heart.
“I love you more than anything.” She whispered. “I’m doing this because I love you. Marrying Liam will allow us to defeat Regina, it protects you as much as it does them.”
“Don’t…” He said loudly. “Don’t use that as an excuse. If you loved me, you would stand up for us, as your mother did when she refused to marry my father.” Emma felt as if she had been slapped. “The Emma I know, the one who stabbed through the heart of a bandit to save my life, that Emma is brave. That Emma would choose love, she would choose to find another way to save our kingdoms without sacrificing her soul.”
“That’s not fair. How dare you put this all on me!” She said angrily. “Everything I have done is because I do not have a choice.”
“You always have a choice, love. And apparently, you’ve made yours.” He bowed to her. “I’ll take my leave and my place beside my brother, my future King. All hail Queen Emma.” His eyes did not meet hers as he turned and exited her room.
Emma stared at the wooden door standing between her and the man she loved, the tears falling freely from her eyes. How did he not understand that she had to go through with this? She wiped her face, a new determination overtaking her as she squared her shoulders, straightening her dress and taking a deep breath.
The door opened once more, and her father stepped into the room. “Oh Emma, you look beautiful.”
She smiled at her father, ignoring the pain in her heart. “Thanks, daddy.”
He stepped toward her, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “I’ve been looking forward to this honor for so long.” He said reverently. “I know this wasn’t what you wanted…perhaps you’ve settled on the idea?”
“Liam is a good man.” She said softly. “There are worse men I could have been matched with.”
“Can you be happy?”
“I’ll learn to be.” She said with a sad smile.
“It’s time.” A man entered the room announcing the start of the ceremony. Emma took her father’s arm and walked down the large hall toward the ballroom. With each step she got closer and closer to her eventual fate, Killian’s words continued to echo in her ear.
If you loved me, you would stand up for us, as your mother did when she refused to marry my father.
When they turned the corner, her mother was standing waiting for them. Emma paused her steps once they approached her. Her heart was beating out of her chest. She stared at her parents, the way they smiled at each other.
“Mom, why didn’t you marry King Brennan?”
Her mother stared at her in confusion, “What?”
“Your duty was to marry King Brennan and yet you chose daddy. Why?”
“Emma, now is not the time for this, we can reminisce after the wedding.”
“Mom, please.”
Her mother sighed, taking her father’s hand. “I loved your father from the moment I laid eyes on him. I was already promised to Brennan when we met, but I knew that I would never be able to survive a day without your father. I tried to deny my feelings, but he never stopped fighting for me, he never gave up.” She said with a smile.
“I need to speak to Liam.” Emma announced.
“Emma, the wedding has already started, you can’t just stop the ceremony to speak to…”
Killian paced the room as his brother readied himself for the wedding. After speaking to Emma, his last plea to try and convince her to leave with him failing, he realized that the only thing left for him to do was to support the union and then join the fight against Regina, getting as far away from the castle and Emma as possible.
He watched his brother standing at the window, he was the perfect picture of royalty, he had the build, the height, the posture, Liam was everything that Killian was not. He knew that his brother would be a good King one day, and Killian would follow him anywhere. Being loyal to his brother was never the issue, but was it really fair that Liam could embody perfection, wear the crown, and possess the only thing that Killian had ever truly loved? He could never hate his brother but in this moment he had thought about tossing him off the balcony, but only for a moment.
“You are deep in thought.” His brother’s voice brought him away from his thoughts.
“Aye, it’s a big day brother.”
“Come now little brother, one day you will become a man and take a wife of your own.” He teased. “A woman who will interest you for more than a single dalliance.” His hearty laugh made Killian’s jaw tense in anger.
“As I have told you before, your younger brother is capable of enjoying a woman’s company outside the bedchamber.”
“Come now, Killian, don’t take offense. I am merely teasing.”
Killian exhaled loudly. “What makes you think I have not already found a woman I wished to take for my bride?”
His brother’s brow rose as a smirk grew on his face. “Have you now, do tell? Who is the lucky lass? Is it Matilda from the Boars’ Nest, or perhaps Bertha over by the Rusty Anchor? Come now brother, do not keep me in suspense.”
Killian crossed the room angrily. “You jest as if you know anything about love. You do not marry for love; you marry because of your duty. You are not about to take a wife, you are merely enlisting a hostage to take as a trophy to sit by your side.”
His brother laughed again, “What’s gotten into you? You are behaving as if you do not understand the situation we find ourselves in.”
“And you are behaving as if the situation has no other alternatives except to thrust a ruse upon our people.”
“This decision is not my choice; it has been willed by better men than me. You would be wise not to question them.”
Killian scoffed. “How bloody horrible for you that your duty leads you to Emma’s bedchamber.”
“What on earth is this about, brother?”
The door to the room swung open and a man entered with a bow. “I’m terribly sorry to interrupt, but Princess Emma has sent for you.”
Killian’s heart pounded in his chest as he stared hopefully at the man, only to have it shatter the moment he watched his brother step forward. “But the wedding is about to begin.”
“Understood, she only stated that she needed to speak to you before the ceremony began.”
“I shall return in a moment.” Liam said with a nod. “We can continue this conversation then.”
Killian turned away from his brother, wondering what had caused Emma to summon him right before the ceremony had begun. Perhaps she had changed her mind and was calling this sham off. He didn’t dare dream of it, yet as he leaned against the stone wall, his eyes pinched closed, his only thoughts were of Emma and a possible future.
Emma paced the stone steps of the spiral staircase in front of her, she had no idea what she was going to say to Liam, she just needed to speak to him.
“Emma, is something wrong?”
“Liam, I’m so sorry, I needed to see you before…” She closed her eyes. “Before you and I.” She groaned. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”
He stepped toward her and took her hands in his. “Relax, Emma. Remember, we are in this together.”
Emma looked up into his eyes, so like his brother. “I’m in love with another man.” The words slipped out of her mouth before she could stop them, a tear forming at the corners of her eye. “I know what everyone wants me to do, but my heart is breaking.”
He exhaled softly, his chin dropping as his eyes stared at the ground. “I am truly sorry, lass. I was not aware you had a previous suitor.”
She laughed lightly. “Fate is cruel.”
“Emma, I know this isn’t easy. It is hard to reconcile the cold responsibility we both bear, especially when you crave the warmth of another. I’m afraid I must confess, I too am in love with another, yet the law of the land forbids our relationship.”
Her mouth dropped. “You have a mistress?”
“I have been in love since I was a young boy, yet she is not of noble blood and thus, it is forbidden for us to be together. Please understand it was not my intention to deceive you and once we are wed, I will not take my mistress into our bed.”
“You’d give up this woman, your heart, to save your people?”
“It is my sworn duty, and yours.”
Emma bowed her head in resignation. He was right. They were born to protect their people, to honor their lands, their King, and their duty. “You are right. I am sorry for speaking out of turn.” She said softly. She felt his hand on her cheek, brushing away her tears.
“I promise you, whatever we are to become, let us at least be friends.”
“I think I can do that.” She said with a sad smile.
Killian stood at the front of the large hall, anxiously awaiting word from his brother. Secretly hoping that they would burst into the room and declare that the wedding had been cancelled.
He looked around at the people sitting happily in their seats, smiles all around at the happy occasion. He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs that the entire affair was for show, a fake excuse to gain their loyalty.
His eyes met Elsa’s and they exchanged a knowing glance, one that told her he was there for her, that he knew her heart was breaking. He only wished he could share with her how much he understood her pain. That his heart was torn apart knowing this his brother was about to destroy his only chance for happiness.
The door opened behind him, and his brother stepped from the room, an apologetic smile on his face as he took his spot next to him.
Call it off, announce that the event is over… he pleaded silently with a clinched jaw.
Harps began to play, a tune for some that was melodic and joyous, but to him the melancholy notes tore his heart asunder. He stood rooted to the ground as the woman he loved entered the hall, the pale see-through material covering her face, concealing the look of sadness behind her eyes that he had seen earlier when they had spoken in her room.
Her eyes did not leave his as she made her way toward his brother, the slow and steady pace that tortured him with each step. When she finally reached them, each breath he took was labored and full of grief as he tried to hide the emotion threatening to overtake him. She glanced sadly in his direction as she was handed off to his brother, taking her place in front of the priest.
“Blessings and merry meet. Gentle lords and ladies, we are here today to join the fair Princess Emma and the Noble Prince Liam together.” He paused and turned toward Emma. “Princess, art thou here this day in pledged troth of thy own free will and choice?”
He watched as she swallowed, staring at the man in front of her. “Yes, Father.” She said as her tiny voice cracked.
“In as much as this Noble Prince and Fair Princess have pledged their troth to be married this day, we call upon Heaven to bless this union. Therefore, if anyone can show just cause, why they may not be joined together, by God's Law, or the Laws of the Realm; let them now speak, or else hereafter keep silent for all time.”
Suddenly the door was flung open as a handful of armed men stormed the room, at the center of the men a menacing woman stepped forward into the crowd.
“Imagine my surprise when I found out there was going to be a wedding between the heirs of Misthaven and Jonesboro and no one invited me.” Regina swirled her hands around her as she stalked toward the couple.
Killian reached for his sword at his side, gripping it in his hand.
“Regina, you are not welcome here.” His father barked as he met her in the middle of the room.
“Brennan, has it really been so long since we last saw each other, I can hardly believe how much Liam has grown.” She winked in Liam’s direction. “And David, your daughter is simply gorgeous.” She walked closer to Emma, grabbing a lock of her hair in her hand and tugging.
“Get away from her.” David growled from his wife’s side.
“Where are my manners?” The woman shrilled, “I came to bring a gift for the happy couple.”
“Try giving us your absence.” His brother responded calmly; his arm wrapped protectively around Emma’s back. Killian turned his attention to the woman in front of him.
“You aren’t welcome here.” He said, stepping toward her.
“Oh, my Brennan, is this scrumptious little treat, the baby? My, my, how much you have grown.” She mewed as she ran her hand against his chest. “Aren’t you just a delicious little morsel.” She squeezed his chin with her finger and Killian jerked away from her.
“Leave Regina.” His mother shouted as she stood from her bench. “Now.” She added, a fire burning in her eyes which brought Regina’s full attention toward her.
“Oh Alice, you must be so proud of your son, plugging his nose in order to drown out the stench of Nolan blood.”
Turning toward Emma’s mother the woman pounced. “Mary, Mary, Mary, the sins of the mother.” She taunted. “Your indiscretion saved you from the fate of becoming a Jones, but you doomed your daughter to that dreaded fate herself.”
“We aren’t afraid of you, Regina.” Emma screamed causing the woman to spin around, advancing on the blonde as Killian held his breath.
“You dare open your mouth to me, Princess?” She seethed, her eyes glaring into Emma’s as Killian took a silent step toward the woman, his hand clinching around the hilt of his sword.
“You said you brought a gift.” King Nolan interrupted, stepping closer to his daughter.
The woman flung her arms theatrically into the air. “Ah yes, how could I forget my present to the happy couple.” She gestured toward her men who scattered around the room, weapons at the ready as they surrounded and separated the King and Queen of both families. Strong arms were suddenly on him, grasping him from behind as he struggled to break free.
Regina stood in front of his father, a grin across her face as she reached out and caressed his cheek.
Turning around she glared at Liam. “I bring you the gift of nobility.” She said with a smirk, “For on this day, you will be King.”
The rest happened in slow motion as he realized the woman’s intent, with a swift jab of his elbow, he scrambled out of the guard’s grasp, rushing toward his mother before the sword plunged into her from behind. Her face crumpled, the blood spreading across her chest before her eyes met his, the light leaving them as she hit the floor.
“No.” He screamed, struggling to get to her in time, feeling his chest constrict with both sadness and an untamed anger as he watched Regina turn and cut down his father where he stood. He fell to his knees, crawling the last few feet until he reached his mother’s side, his parents lifeless bodies lay side by side on the rock floor. They were gone, slain by a Queen most evil.
He took one last look at his mother, brushing his hand lightly against her face before turning a murderous glance toward the object of his anger. “You’ll pay for this.” He growled, climbing to his feet, his weapon held firmly in front of him, biting back tears of anger as he set his sight on his prey.
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hannahthedragon · 3 years
I was talking with my friends about the knew champion, though we all have some mixed opinions the general consensus was we're pretty excited. One thing lead to another in our rambling and I mentioned that why would she make a doll with the royal crest? Was it for her or maybe a child? It was a sad theory but even in the trailer Isolde and Viego are both looking at her stomach. Eitherway struck with inspiration I wrote a fanfic around this idea.
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⚠️So major warning!⚠️ This features pregnancy and the death of the carrying mother. Don't read if these are sensitive topics for you!
Viego sat at the head of a long table, advisors, treasurers and practically everyone else with any authority in the kingdom sat along the sides. They all debated back and forth about what to do next, something about the financial situation of the kingdom, but their king couldn't bother to listen, instead, he sat there with his head resting upon his hand. He dreamt of his queen, his lover, and the only girl who could seem to hold his attention, Isolde. She had been feeling sick lately, was she going to be okay while he was away? How dare this meeting keep him from more important matters, he thought. 
"Your highness." A voice snapped him back to what was happening around him, along with a tap on his shoulder. Kallista, his trusted General was who the hand belonged to, she stood behind him like a shadow whenever his kingly duties were to be fulfilled, being a far larger help than Viego ever was. "What is it you want to do?"
"Whatever you all can come to agree on. It matters not to me." Viego half-heartedly replied.
"You are the king. And this is your kingdom. It does matter to you." The treasurer replied, barely holding back his anger. Luckily however someone else spoke up suggesting a compromise of their plans, taking the heat off Viego for the time being. Finally, after what felt like an excruciatingly long time, the meeting was over, the king being the first to stand and leave. 
Although Kallista followed at first for his protection, he waved her off, requesting to be alone or for better phrasing, alone with his love. She did just that, having other duties she could attend to with the time. Now alone he entered his chambers, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of Isolde. She sat at the end of the bed seeming to be waiting for him, she looked happy, though nervousness filled the cracks in her smile. "Viego… there is something that I need to tell you."
His smile morphed to concern as he shut the door behind him, moving to sit by her side, "what is it my stars?" 
She took a long pause and a deep breath, then spoke, turning to look Viego in the eyes. "We're going to have a child." A warm smile grew on her face, clearly happy about the announcement. 
Viego seemed just as happy, leaning over to wrap his arms around her, kissing her on the neck. "Finally someone to love just as much as you." He whispered in her ear. Finally leaning away getting his joy contained he asked a question. "How can you be sure?" 
"All the signs were there. So I went for testing. All the best they could offer. Every single one said yes. I should have told you sooner but I wanted to be sure."
"The surprise was well worth the wait." He said, unable to stop himself from kissing his love again.
"I'm sure she'll be strong and kind. Just like you." Isolde ran her fingers through Viego's long hair, hoping to see his face better. 
"She?" He raised his brow.
"Yes. Many of the tests pointed to a girl."
"That's lovely. I'm sure she'll be just as beautiful as you are." Isolde could only reply with a light-hearted chuckle at the complaint, something she received from Viego daily. 
"I can't wait to meet her." She smiled looking down at her stomach, still yet to show any sign of a child. 
"She'll have a kingdom when we do." He said looking as well. Despite the arrogance he knew he was not fit to rule, he never was. This was his brother's throne, cast upon him unexpectedly. He didn't know what to do. So he could only hope to raise their daughter to be better. The lovers spent the rest of the night talking about their future, and the future of their child. This had to be the second happiest day of their lives, only beat by the night of their wedding, and just as they did then, the two fell asleep in each other's arms. 
Time passed, though the king, holding little concern for those of his kingdom made no effort to announce the news to the kingdom, word had gone around inside the castle of the Queen's expectancy. Though little of them could be excited with the kingdom's trouble still being front and center, this only serving to distract the king more. Isolde remained blissfully unaware of these issues while Viego actively ignored them. Mutters went around of how this problem might have been avoided if the king had chosen to marry another royalty as they advised, the kingdoms being able to partner and help each other. But his heart was set on the peasant lady he had fallen for at first sight, and no one could deter him. 
Now Isolde sat in her workshop, a small room filled with her many supplies from her days as a seamstress. A hobby she had kept even when ascending upon the throne. It was obvious to anyone close to her she loved her days before belonging to the kingdom, often dressing in surprisingly casual clothes when not among the public. Simple dresses with aprons atop them. All sewn herself. Even Viego couldn't convince her to ease up on this part of herself. Despite having more than enough resources and power, Isolde sat alone in her workshop sewing small garments for her soon to be daughter. Though it was possible the test could be wrong, such a thought never even passed her by. Blinded by the idea of raising a princess with the world ahead of her. Never having to work long tiring nights as she had done before her new life. 
A candlelit up the simple room, as a music box slowly turned on the desk as music, the same she had received as a wedding gift, and treasured since that day. Isolde and Viego dancing to its tune on late nights, twirling endlessly. Having now made enough clothes to last the first year of the child's life at all stages, Isolde had to start making other things for her to fill her excitement. Laying on the table in front of her was a doll. Cute as she could possibly make it. The spitting image of everything Isolde thought of a princess, something she struggled to see herself in. She was almost done, large bright blue yarn hair filling her head, a frilly dress adorning her body, and button eyes smiling towards the sky. She was just finishing the last touches, sewing to it the ribbon brooch she wore with many of her formal outfits. It carried with it the crest of the royal family, a sign that she would be part of theirs. Viego entered the room just as the music came to a slow, the door creaking open to announce him. 
"Hard at work my love?" He asked, laying his hands over her shoulder to look at what she could be making now.  
"Yes. I just want everything to be perfect when she's here." Isolde smiles, brushing his hands off and standing. Bringing the doll across the room to sit on the pile of clothes she had made. 
"You shouldn't have to work so hard, let others do the work for you." 
"I know, I know. But I enjoy this. Really. This is more than I could have ever asked for." Isolde commented, looking over the collection of colorful fabrics she had access to. 
"Just don't tire yourself," Viego advised, stepping behind her once more resting his head on against hers, one hand resting on her stomach, which had now formed a small bump to it. "Come. Rest with me. You can return here another day." 
"Mmh." She nodded in agreement, resting her hand atop Viego's, they were tired and worn from her grip on the needles and scissors she had worked with all day. She blew out the candle and left the dark room by the side of her beloved.
However the day she returned to her workshop didn't come. Instead collecting dust along the shelves of clothing and the doll of the little princess. The kingdom had enough of the king who was casting their land into ruin, attempting to strike him down, they failed, taking Isolde instead. Though the dagger only grazed her arm, the strong poison acted quick. She wasn't quite dead. Not yet. Instead in a state of lasting sleep. This was a twisted hell for Viego, watching his queen's life drain day by day, as he could do nothing about it. He never left her side but commanded everyone who could to search for a cure. He was advised against this, begged to stop as every last resource of the kingdom went into saving her. He didn't care. What was the point of having a kingdom if his queen couldn't rule it by his side? If his daughter wouldn't be here to see it. 
Everything he could do wasn't enough though. Isolde silently passed one night, Viego by her side. He couldn't accept this. Never. He had seen magic before. Even rumors of immortality, something he remembers hearing his uncle ran to pursue. He knew there was still a chance. He grew more hateful by the day, locking himself away with his wife's body. 
Finally, Kallista, his most trusted General had arrived back from her searches. The torment of the situation had made the king come to despise her, the one who deflected the attack to his stars. He would have killed her on sight if not for her news. An island of blessed water, able to heal the queen. Though when she heard the news of the queen's fate she resisted helping, she gave in. Viego carefully lifting Isolde's body, he carried her to the docks, sailing off to their last hope. His last hope for his family and the last hope for Isolde's hard work. 
The rest of the kingdom joined the workshop in collecting dust after that.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
April Teaser Collection!
Here is the  latest peek at my stuff sitting on my pc that will hopefully be finished over the next few weeks. I hope you find something that tickles your pickle. below the cut are The Stand In, It’s A Match, Deliverance, Mans False God, Gloria Regali.
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But instead of being managing to be all sneaky and close the door hiding henry in your room like a naughty teen with her boyfriend Henry was up and awake.
"Aha! Gotcha! Who said you could sneak out of bed this morning baby? I was lonely with out you~" you screamed and just about jumped out of your skin as Henry wrapped himself around you from behind dragging you back into him, nuzzling into your neck pressing an open mouthed kiss to it. Your shout of surprize had silenced both of the women's chatter making them jump, even Kal came darting back in gruffing as he leapt up the stairs heckles and tail raised and growling on high alert. Fuck.
"now why cant i get a good morning like that?" Tee giggled crossing her arms at the both of you, your mother eyed you both with a knowing grin and hummed agreeing. Henry snapped his head up and gulped. Fuck. You and henry stood still for a few seconds far to shocked at being caught with your pants down so to speak. You shifted on your feet but henry held you still hands on your hips using you to shield his nude form from your guests he hadn't known were there.
"O-oh shit- err good morning ladies!" He said turning red his voice higher than usual as he shuffled backward taking you with him. As he tried saving his modesty, he didn't take the covers with him because- well he had thought it was only you on the bus!
"I err- shit i didn't see you there... Sorry about almost flashing you both like that..." he said with an uneven tone tip toeing back into the room, still holding you at his crotch hiding the once half hard- now softening cock.
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"Good girl, where's your mother? Hmm? Your not supposed to be out and about alone are you?" Henry spoke slowly digging his fingers into the dense soft fur managing to find and hold the collar below the thick fur, then he leant down scooping up the lead what was still attached to her. Kal grunted and sat on the floor leaning his weight on henry's leg. Henry looked down and patted Kal scratching his ears chuckling. Kal's eyes still wide taking in the larger dog in front of him, it was comical Kal was used to being the biggest bear... but he was a good four to five inches shorted then this magnificent grey floofer.
"Kal, you okay there bud?... year she really is big isn't she, you best behave don't want her telling you off do you?" He spoke slowly calming both pups... and gosh did Kal look like a pup compared to her. Slowly both dogs leaned towards one another sniffing the air then with a happy yip Amii began licking kal... like a pup. Henry burst out laughing it was too sweet watching Amii sniff around his bear, whilst Kal sent his human a look clearly pleading for help as this new huge female smothered him with affection. But henry wasn't falling for it, Kal was wagging his tail just as excited to make a new freind.
Honestly henry was glad, akitas were fickle. They either liked you or they didn't. He got the feeling Kal would like this gentle giant for now he was a little awe struck over being smaller then something.
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"Clark? Clark come and help me- I cant reach the milk! Its at the back again!" Martha said quietly you smiled. It took a lot of coaxing but you had indeed tried what Clark had explained as 'cow juice' and had developed a taste for it. So Martha had promised you milk every day if you liked. Which you did like. A lot. Clark pressed another kiss to you and walked off towards the milk refrigerators expecting you to follow.
You made to follow but a sweet scent hit you and you stopped mid step. It was wonderful and ripe, sweet and succulent. You pivoted and followed without much thought. Your feet found there way twisting around the display of 'leafy greens' to a bright colourful isle. You salivated at the smells. There were so many intoxicating scents you didn't know what to look at first.
You pressed a hand on a small net package full of strange green fuzzy balls. Kiwi's? You read and scrunched your face up at the peculiar name. Then plucked the bag up and held it to your nose sniffing. They smelled divine, like a type of food from home. Okriin a small soury sweet treat given to children on their birthing date. You sniffed again and almost cried. It was so similar but so different sweeter and fuller in the scent. You cautiously sniffed again and closed your eyes before tentativly prodding it with your tongue wanting to see if it tasted the same.
"y/n? Y/n?!- oh god there you are? What are you doing? You almost gave me a heart attack" Clark said racing towards you his mother behind him with the cart. He slid to a stop and blinked at you. As you scrunched up your nose.
"the texture of these are... Not very nice?" you said naively moving for the fruit again sticking your tongue out once more trying to discern if it was edible like this. Clark moved quickly gasping holding your hands that had the.. Kiwi's in it.
"no no.. No we- you don't eat them like that... You peel them and eat the inside, and we don't lick things in the shop okay?" he explained plucking the fruit from you and placed them in the cart, Martha chuckled into her chest she couldn't help it, you were extremely cute.
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Kal proped himself up on his side and smiled sadly nodding. He knew. He knew the state they found you in was their fault. Thats why he was so adamant to look after you now to... make amends in a way. You'd proved you could barely survive on your own. But Kal was also angry; angry that you'd been abandoned, he had thought Bruce would atleast put something in place to look after you but he hadn't. Bruce hadn't helped you, he to busy saving his own skin and trying to fight him and the new regime. But he was more angry at himself you had been alone, with no means to protect yourself or really survive. And he should have known! He should have realised you were scared, that you would stay away from the new citizen system he put in place. That you'd fear being caught and killed like many of the others.
"I know, but we have her now... its going to be better now, we are going to right the wrongs love... we can give her the best life  look after her and nothing will ever hurt our little one again" his voice was strained his face in firm lines, hard and stone like. He truly was a god, carved in marble. Perfect. Diana nodded laying back curling herself around you. Kal drew a deep breath and shuffled closer winding his arms around his family, holding both his girls.
He chuckled when you grunted pouting in your sleep when he sandwiched you between Diana and himself. Trying to wriggle fee from the group hug.  But once again you settled after a few moments relaxing as you were now being warmed from both sides a small smile graced your face. Kal grinned and nuzzled the back of your head pressing chaste kisses to your bed ridden hair, he felt at peace having you here with him. And he meant what he said no one will ever touch his little babygirl.
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"what wrong? Whats going on?" you spoke quietly trying not to stare at the clearly sick monarch. You didn't want to see it, you didn't want to think of the implications of the illness he was clearly suffering.
"nothing gets past you does it my girl?" your father spoke jovially trying to lighten the mood but failed miserably, his chuckles dying off fairly quickly and he heaved a sigh. Your uncle broke the silence and your fathers hand slid to yours under the table and squeezed your fingers tightly trying to reassure you.
"I have summoned you here to discuss something that... Is very serious and the outcome will change the lives of many people. This is something.. I wished I could hold off but I'm afraid I cannot firefly" you bit your lip and braced yourself. This was bad news you could tell. A part of you thought for a moment of marriage, your gut churned at the thought and you felt sick all of a sudden. Where you being married off as a pawn? It was likely, it still happened even in this day and age it was just covered up with fairytale romance... Story book meetings and courtships, when in reality you were told that your to marry and that was the end of it.
"Y/n you are royalty. You were born in to a royal blood line that has ruled over this kingdom for nearly four centuries... And now it is time for you to take your place within it and do your duty" your father stated in his 'work' voice for the time being he was not your father, he was a prince. Heir to the throne and head of your family. And you were to listen and obey.
"You want to give me duties as a working royal?" you said sitting straighter only quivering slightly. You dreaded this, the publicity the duty and responsibility that you'd managed to avoid so far. But you knew one day you would have to take your place.
"yes dear. We need you. Now" your father said urgently, but there was something off. Like he was holding back, fearfull in a sense and it was not like him.
"Of course i will. Father I'm no fool I understand what my position requires of me and i will serve my country. You need only ask and I will obey. I only ask that i be given time to sort things out with the university security and such would need to be increased if they are having a working royal on campus-"
"I'm afraid its not as simple as that we... Are asking you to put your studying off" your uncle interrupted you making you frown. What? You furrowed your brow and made to shake your head but paused. It made sense... If you were to come and take on duties then the media may go wild and cause an uproar... They could cause issues on campus
"How long for?" you asked trying your hardest not to frown at your father and uncle
"Indefinitely.." the king replied holding your gaze firmly. it was then you knew this was serious, more so then anything you’d experienced before.
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forzalando · 3 years
Lessons | George Weasley | Pt. 1
Pairing: George Weasley x F!Reader AU: Royalty!AU Word Count: 2,240 words Warnings: mentions of sibling d*ath, a very rude knight grabbing the reader, mentions of bruising on reader, reader sl*pping aforementioned knight, aggressive language and behavior
A/N: hello friends! here is part one of a two-part George Weasley Royalty!AU! I am so very excited. I apologize in advance for any inconsistencies throughout the story, there isn’t really a specific time period except that I didn’t want it to be modern! thank you to @awfulmoons for being the first person to read this and for her support! part two will be posted tomorrow! :) 
Summary: After the tragic loss of his twin brother, George Weasley finds himself using his talents to secure a job as the new Potions Master and Healer for the Royal Family. Unbeknownst to you, he takes a particular liking to you knowing that you have more in common than you realize.
part two here
Your mother playfully glared at you as you giggled, watching one of your father’s knights trip over a bit of wire and slam into the wall outside her study. He was a rather crude man, always touching your arm or lower back when he walked past you in the castle, and seeing his dazed expression and the bruise forming on his cheek brought you far more enjoyment than you’d ever admit.
“Sir Cormac, are you alright?” Ana, your younger sister, asked as she fled to his aid. She never minded his lingering touches and had always envied that you received his “affections” as well, even though you hardly wanted them.
“Yes, yes, quite alright, Your Highness. Just lost my balance is all,” Cormac grumbled as his eyes lingered on the wire. He didn’t want to be seen as foolish enough to be bested by a simple prank, but unfortunately the evidence was far from discreet.
“Come, I’ll take you to the infirmary. I’m sure there’s something we can do about that bruise.”
You watched with disgust as your sister practically carried Sir Cormac down the hall, until the clearing of a throat broke your attention.
“Y/N, did you lay that wire?” your mother asked, the accusatory tone evident in her voice.
“No, Mother, but frankly I wish I had. Do you see the way he’s always caressing my arms?! He’s even dared to touch my back and he does it to Ana as well! Of course, she doesn’t mind, though it truly escapes me why she doesn’t. He’s horrendous.”
Your mother stifled a laugh; even though she was the Queen, you knew your mischievous and independent ways had come from her.
“Next time he tries to touch you, tell him that your Mother will have his hands,” she spoke with a smile. “I have business to attend to in the dining room, please try to stay out of trouble for once.”
She turned on her heel and left you on your own, but you knew her warning was playful. When the sound of her footsteps receded, your mind and feet began to wander. Your thoughts were consumed with all of the small, mostly harmless, pranks that had been occurring around the castle.
Just the other day, your handmaiden and close friend Luna had witnessed one of your tutors walk out of the kitchen sopping wet. She asked around and found out that a bucket of water had fallen on her head that morning seemingly out of thin air.
You wished that you would have felt sympathy for her, but she had scolded you until you cried last week because you couldn’t remember the first name of a Prince that you would never meet.
A little over a month ago you noticed that Lady Priscilla, a dreadful, awful young woman from a noble family in your Father’s Court, was itching constantly at her corset. You recalled receiving an actual stern glare from your mother for laughing at that one.
But, the little things you noticed weren’t always directed at people. Occasionally you’d find furniture askew, flower arrangements and paintings altered, sticky substances on the railings (you had gotten caught up in that a time or two). You recalled finding every piece of furniture in the Great Dining Hall practically glued to the floor once and thought your parents were going to have coronaries, but to your surprise, they laughed alongside you.
Your father had suspected you at first, of course, but when the pranks continued while you were away last month visiting your best childhood friend, Lady Hermione Granger, it was obvious you were not the culprit. No one could recall when the odd occurrences started happening, so it just became a way of life around the castle. Not that anyone minded, you’d even seen your grumpy sister crack a smile or two at the jests.
Sometimes you wished you knew who it was, that you could dismantle the mystery, partly because you wanted them to include you in their havoc. However, a far greater reason, was that over the past few months, you had found yourself smiling and laughing again after the untimely death of your elder sister, Clara, during the Great War. Whoever this mystery prankster was, you owed them a thank you about a million times over.
Fearing that you’d smack straight into a wall while your mind was reeling over the castle’s secret joker, you shook the thoughts from your head and found yourself walking towards the gardens.
As you began opening the door to the greenhouse, it suddenly flung open to reveal a rather tall and beautiful man with hair the color of a roaring fire.
“Pardon me, Princess,” he apologized immediately. “I was all too focused on not dropping these herbs and didn’t realize the door was opening.”
You realized then that you had stumbled into Mr. George Weasley, the Potions Master and Healer that your Father had employed months ago. He was supposedly brilliant; had a way with creating concoctions that even the brightest minds had never thought of. When your Mother fell ill earlier this year, George had her right as rain within days.
You also recalled from palace gossip that he used to run a business with his twin brother a few years ago, but his brother had died in the Great War and George refused to carry on the business without him.
“It’s quite alright, Mr. Weasley. Do you need some help carrying your things?”
“I-I-You know my name?” He stuttered quietly.  
“Of course I do,” you chuckled. “My Father speaks very highly of you, especially after the way you took such great care of my Mother. Thank you for that, by the way. I tried to find you to thank you in person before, but it seems we always miss each other.”
“Yes, it seems we do, and please, call me George,” he trailed off lightly, a twinkle in his deep, brown eyes.
A comfortable silence fell between the two of you; you could have been gazing into each other’s eyes for hours, you couldn’t be sure, but the trance was broken when the hoard of plants fell from his arms.
“Here, please let me help,” you said as you bent down to the ground, gathering the discarded herbs.
“If your Mother or Father catches you helping the insignificant Potions Master – ”
“They would be thrilled that they had raised a kind and helpful daughter. Isn’t that what you were going to say?”
George smiled down at you, a blinding smile that reached his eyes and made the corners crinkle.
“Yes, that’s exactly what I was going to say.”
The two of you headed off towards the East Wing of the castle where his living and work chambers were located. Once you had helped him sort out the herbs and tidy up any fallen leaves or stems, you sat down and sighed, admiring his workspace.
“I’ve always been fascinated by potion making and medicine,” you said quietly. “I wish it were part of my studies. I learned a little bit during the War to help with the wounded but nothing more in the past few years. Now that I’m older, my lessons, if you can even call them that, only consist of recalling Monarchial history and information about other kingdoms.”
You noticed George stiffen at the mention of the Great War, his cheerful demeanor suddenly disappearing from sight, but as quickly as it was gone it was back again.
“The War is what got me into all this in the first place. I figured I’d use my talents to help people if I could, and it turns out I’m pretty good at it.”
He managed a weak smile, and the sight of it broke your heart.
“I’m sorry about your brother, George. I-I heard about him in passing, some Noblewomen were discussing your tragedy like it was front page news since they never have anything better to do. I suppose I’m no better for listening, even if it wasn’t entirely on purpose, but I’m still so sorry.”
“I appreciate that, Princess. I will always miss him but in the past year I feel like I’ve finally started moving forward with my life instead of standing still.”
You fiddled with the hem of your sleeve, embarrassed that you had brought up such a sensitive topic upon your first time meeting George, but you couldn’t help it. You wanted him to know you were sorry, and that you understood his pain.
“I’m sorry too,” he murmured. “You lost someone as well, didn’t you?”
“My sister, Clara. She was always rebellious, even worse than me, and she was in love with a man from the village just outside the palace grounds. His name was Thomas and they were just perfect for each other. When my Father got word that Riddle’s Army was headed towards the castle, she snuck away through one of the secret passages to the village to save him, but Riddle’s Army was already there and she died with him when they destroyed the village.”
George couldn’t say anything, the tragic story rendering him speechless. Your sister’s bravery and your obvious heartache, he didn’t know what to say, but you began speaking again.
“We probably have a lot more in common than you think, Mr. Weasley,” you teased, although he didn’t miss the glimmer of tears in your eyes.
“I’d love to find out what more, Princess, and I told you to call me George.”
“I’ll call you George only if you promise to call me Y/N.”
“Your Father would have my – ”
“He would have your utmost support because I asked you to call me by my name and it’s never polite to refuse to request of a Royal, right, George?”
“Absolutely, Princ…I mean, Y/N,” George said with a smile.
You decided instantly that your name had never sounded better.
Once again, a comfortable silence fell between you two as you rose from your seat and traced your fingertips along his equipment. Cauldrons, beakers, books with the directions to make the most difficult of healing draughts, when suddenly you had an idea.
“George,” you began, turning to face him, “what would you say to a little extra work?”
“Well, that depends. Is it difficult?”
“Well, that depends. Do you find me difficult to spend time with?”
“Not in the slightest,” he answered immediately with a smile.
“In that case, how would you like to teach me your ways? I want to learn all that there is to know about potion making, herbs, plants, medicines. And who better to teach me than you?”
“If…I mean if the King and Queen do not mind, I have no objections,” George spoke, failing to stop the hopeful grin that appeared on his face.
“I’m sure they won’t but I will speak to them this evening. Shall I come find you tomorrow? Will you be here?”
“In the morning, yes. Let’s meet here at, say, nine o’clock?”
“That sounds perfect,” you said eagerly. “I’d better get back, I’m sure someone’s wondering where I’ve been, but I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow!”
With a quick wave goodbye, you swiftly made your way out of George’s workshop before he could tell that you were practically trembling with excitement.
Unbeknownst to you, George had to steady himself against a table so he wouldn’t faint at the prospect of seeing you not only again, but so soon.
Your hurried steps had brought you back to your Mother’s study and you were delighted to see she had returned from her earlier meeting.
“Mother, what would you say if I began taking lessons from Mr. Weasley?”
“Well,” your Mother began as she closed her book, “I’d be curious to know how this proposition came about.”
“I bumped into him in the gardens earlier. He’s brilliant, Mother, and you know how interested I am in his specialties.”
“Are you interested in his specialties or him?” She asked with a sly smile.
“I…I suppose maybe both?”
Your Mother stared at you for what seemed like ages, taking in the sparkle in your eyes and the giddy smile on your face that had been absent since the passing of your closest sister.
“As long as you’re able to attend to your duties and join Father in court meetings, I don’t see why not. You need something substantial to fill your time anyway, I swear you’re either always in the garden or sneaking tarts from the kitchen.”
“Thank you, Mother,” you exhaled, not even realizing you had been holding your breath awaiting her response.
“Go find your brothers, supper should be ready soon. I’ll speak to your Father about these lessons and let you know what he decides.”
You nodded your head and went off in search of your younger siblings wondering what color dress you would wear tomorrow.
Elsewhere in the castle, George Weasley was in front of a mirror fiddling with his hair and already planning what he would say to you when he saw you in the morning.
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed another trip wire safely tucked away near the Knight’s living quarters.
For once, you didn’t stick around to wait for the inevitable chaos because the quicker you found your brothers and ushered them to supper, the quicker your day would end, and the quicker you would again be able to see Mr. George Weasley.
taglist: @thoseofgreatambition @theboywhocriedlupin @theseuscmander @fortisfiliae @carolinesbookworld @starssayhello @finnofamerica @swellwriting @themarauderstheoutsidersandpeggy @marauderskeeper @wildfire-whizbangs @woakiees also tagging some mutuals who maybe might want to read! if you do not, PLEASE let me know and I apologize profusely!: @ickle-ronniekins @hollands-weasley @weasleytwinswheezes @theweasleysredhair @sleep-i-ness 
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lady-literature · 4 years
no point wishing on stars
aka the jasonette aladdin au literally no one asked for
This is a great big amalgamation of semi-canon miraculous, batman and a heavy dose of bastardized Aladdin but here we go-
The story goes like this:
Jason is our beloved street rat turned prince Boy Wonder and billionaire’s son (not that he’s gotten that far yet).
Marinette is Ladybug, is the Guardian, is our modern-day Jasmine. She’s next in line after Fu to lead the Order, which, I suppose, is like High Royalty for superheroes/magic users.
But before she can take her rightful place, she needs a partner by her side. It’s so stupid rule that says she, as a Ladybug, needs a Black Cat by her side in order to be properly balanced.
The only problem is, she doesn’t want one. Or, well. More accurately, it’s that she doesn’t like the ones offered to her, and she doesn’t quite like the idea of being tied to someone she barely knows, especially not at fourteen.
There have been many Black Cat candidates to cross her path but there has been only one she did not immediately veto. Adrien Agreste may be a Black Cat, but he cannot be hers. He will never be anything more than her dearest brother, and that is not what Creation needs.
Creation and Destruction—life and death—have a certain type of relationship. They are lovers, mated and married in every meaning of the word.
And, for as much as she loves and adores Adrien as her brother in her soul, they will never be like that. She will never want him the way she must should he take up Destruction.
So yeah. Marinette has a problem. And yeah, she has some time to figure it out, but the Order is looking to have her figure it out sooner rather than later. Adrien is a good place holder for now, but if Marinette doesn’t choose a Black Cat by the time she’s twenty-one, Adrien will either have to do, or she forfeits her crown and the Ladybug miraculous (which she would never do, she loves her people and Tikki too much to ever do that).
(wait? Does this mean I made Adrien the human equivalent of Raja?… yes. Yes it does.)
And, to spice this up just a bit more, let’s say Hawkmoth is Jafar, yeah? This little shit is really trying to push his son to be the next Black Cat because he wants power what’s best for his son. So he be out here sabotaging potential Black Cats because he’s an asshole his son is the best candidate at the moment. He could give less than two shits about if Mari and Adrien actually like each other that way, he will shove his son at her until she has no choice but to choose him.
Anyway, so Mari leaves the temple one day. Which is fine, she’s not trapped there or anything, she can come and go as she pleases! (she may have to normally take someone with her and is currently ignoring that rule perhaps, but that’s besides the point!)
So she’s at a market in Gotham, strolling down the street, having a good time enjoying being around normal people, when she notices a boy getting into some trouble.
(I’ll give you three guesses as to who it is and the first two don’t count.)
Jason was stealing from market vendors because the hubbub of the street is distracting and nicking a few scraps here and there is practically child’s play. Only, he miscalculates.
One vendor was paying more attention than he thought.
Mari’s across the street and sees the whole thing. Sees the vendor grab Jason’s hand in a bruising grip and snarl in his face.
She’s in between the pair before she even realizes it, mouth already opening around some made-up story about ill-advised dares and how ‘it won’t happen again, sir’ and ‘here, I’ll pay for that right now, no harm done!’
Jason stares at her utterly baffled and, thankfully, silent until after she’d already grabbed his hand and pulled him away.
Only, she pulls him away down the wrong alley. (Look. Mari’s a real sweet-talker and knows how to smooth ruffled feathers, but she is hardly street smart.)
Jason swears, and it’s the first words she’s heard him speak, and then it’s him tugging her along. Up a fire escape and over the rooftops because Jason likes to think he’s tough, but there’s no way he’s picking a fight with five guys bigger than him and wearing masks.
He likes to keep his heart beating more than he wants to keep his pride unharmed thank you very much.
They end up on a rooftop, panting and like, seven blocks away. Marinette is now very lost and with a strange boy who she doesn’t know. He seems… nice, and she’s a good judge of character, but that doesn’t mean much when they’re still very much strangers.
But then the two just look at each other and suddenly they’re both laughing.
And that, my friends, is the start of a beautiful friendship.
During those first few months, she and Jason just seem to click.
Mari starts leaving the temple more and more to meet up with Jason, and on more than one occasion dragging behind her a picnic basket bigger than her. (it’s stupid to let one of her friends starve just because he’s too prideful to take her food. So she plans lots of picnics for them both, and pointedly ignores the way he eats and hoards most of the food she brings.)
He is her friend—though she would be lying if she said she didn’t like him a bit more than what one would consider friendly.
And Jason, who is funny and kind and made sharp by the life he’s been forced into, likes her right back. She is one of the few great parts of his life, a bright spot in the darkness he has called his world for so long, and there are few things he wouldn’t do for her.
It’s… scary—just a bit—how important she is to him.
He tries not to think about it too much.
And it doesn't really matter anyway, because she is good and bright and amazing and he is… there’s nothing he can give her in return. Nothing good, anyway.
She deserves someone better. Someone who could buy her things as pretty as her and take her nice places.
Someone who isn’t a street rat.
And then he learns she’s Ladybug, right up there with Wonder Woman and Robin and all the other amazing people set on saving the world, and he feels he got that much farther from her. How can he ever compare?
Jason doesn’t wish, because wishing is childish and he learned too young that shooting stars don’t exist and he’s come to terms with the fact that this is his life years ago, all right? He doesn't need the burden of hope to weigh him down now.
(but perhaps, deep down, tucked away in the corner of his heart, there might be a thought. Small and scared and aching, he might think, ‘if only I could be there with her, if only i could fly with her, maybe then I’d be enough’)
Six months after he meets Marinette, Jason comes across the Batmobile.
His first thought is, this can’t be real.
His second is, I could buy Mari a real birthday gift with this.
His third thought is less of a thought because he’s already got two tires off by that point and then suddenly Batman is there and Jason is swinging his tire iron.
This then leads—somehow—to him winding up at Wayne Manor with Bruce Wayne and then he learns about Batman and Robin and he gets to be Robin and-
(and what else is a Robin meant to do but fly?)
It’s too good to be true. Wishes don’t come true and good things don’t happen to him unless their name be Marinette but… but Jason’s here and it’s not a dream. He’s no prince but, well… he thinks this might just be as close as you can get.
And, okay. He really does try with the whole secrecy thing, because he can understand why that’s important but, I mean… it’s Marinette, who is Ladybug. There really was never any chance of Jason keeping that particular secret, Batman or no Batman.
And about,,, two years pass like this ig. Mari is almost seventeen now, and Jason turned seventeen recently and the pair are getting closer and closer every day. They’re toeing the line of ‘more than friends’ but neither have really taken that next step. 
The pressure is on Mari from the Order because she’s getting older and as much as she likes Jason, knows him but he isn’t a good candidate for Destruction and Mari must think of her people first.
Jason doesn’t get to be hers to keep and that aches but what else is she meant to do? She cannot—does not—want to change him in any way. So they stay, in their strange little limbo, with neither making a move.
And then, the unthinkable happens.
Hawkmoth hears of the boy finally, and is, obviously, furious.
He doesn't care if this boy can be a Cat or not, he’s going to ruin all his plans. So, there’s only one solution. He needs to get rid of him.
(i’ll give you three guesses as to how and the first two don’t count!)
Robin—Jason—dies, and Marinette feels when he does. She doesn’t know why or what happened, but the moment he leaves the world her blood turns cold and she feels sick.
Jason hasn’t even looked at the ring and already Marinette could feel the thread that had begun to tie them together. When she hears of his death—when she learns that he’s gone—Marinette shatters.
She shatters and cries and the world tips just a little, with the force of her sorrow, with the agony of her screams.
(justice is blind, yes, but is she deaf? Can she deny the sobbing of such a being as Creation herself? Can she stand, unfeeling, before the agony she has wrought?)
Marinette does not bring Jason back to life… but she has done something close. Has opened the possibility. Is, perhaps, the reason that six months later he screams and claws and drags himself from his own grave.
He is wrong wrong wrong, but he is also alive.
The league finds him, as they must. And Talia throws him into the pits, as she must. And Jason is reborn, screaming and angry and violent, as he must.
Marinette had known, Before, that Jason would not be a good match for the ring. He was tough and wild and willing to get his hands dirty if that’s what it took, but that was not what his core was. He was familiar with the rust and decay of back alley streets, but that wasn’t where he belonged. He would throw a punch but he didn’t relish the blood on his knuckles after a fight.
Jason was surrounded by destruction, but that’s not what he was.
Now… now the destruction he spent so long dancing with has slipped through the cracks in his mind left behind by the explosion. It ripped through his skin and slithered through into his veins until it settled in his heart like an overly smug cat.
Death and Destruction are inside him, woven in his ribcage and fusing with his blood, pumping pumping pumping its deadly rhythm and Jason is helpless to deny it’s tune.
Jason is a being of Destruction through circumstance rather than design, but make no mistake, that does not make him less.
(in fact, it may even make him more. To be remade from one’s own destruction is a powerful thing, and to be remade into Destruction? Well. There are few things more… miraculous.)
And we all know the next part of the story right?
Marinette mourns and grows and lives.
Jason rages and learns and plans. He’s come far from that street rat of a boy, and farther still from Marinette's petite oiseau.
But, two years after he comes back, when he ventures back to Gotham for revenge, Marinette takes one look at this angry, violent man calling himself Red Hood and she knows. He’s too familiar, even as he stands before her, more changed than she ever thought possible.
She meets the Red Hood when he comes for the new Robin, sweet little Tim who Marinette had grown to like despite herself. (He is not Jason, and never will be, but the boy was too shy and clever and earnest for her to have remained cold to him just because he wore the same colors once worn by the man she loved.)
She loves Tim in the same way she loves Adrien, simply and wholly and uncomplicated.
And then she is there when Jason comes for him.
Their reunion is not the stuff of fairy tales. It is not the beginning of happily ever after or true love.
Their reunion is a punch in the gut because it doesn't matter that he’s alive—except it does, because Mari has never known she could be so happy and so shattered at the same time—she is farther from him than she’d ever imagined she could be.
She reaches out for him, voice cracking around his name—because who else could this familiar stranger be?—and something in her shatters all over again when he flinches back from her touch.
“No,” he says, and it is a million things at once. He sends one last glare to Tim, who is still behind her, and then he’s gone.
Jason tries to avoid her.
Marinette allows this for a whole month before the whispers in the streets and the stories Tim comes back to her with, become too much.
She knows he is angry and out for revenge and building an empire out of the criminals that infest their city, but she doesn’t care. He was gone for two whole years and Marinette is tired of not seeing him-hearing him-touching him.
She has missed him like an ache in her chest and she doesn't care if he hates her or is furious with her, she just wants to see him. She needs to reassure herself that he’s alive, that he’s real.
And, it seems, the universe is on her side in this. In her chest, nestled there in the space next to her heart, there is what she can only describe as a compass, pointing to wherever Jason is like he’s her own personal north star.
The first few times, she’s yelled at or ran off. Or he runs off. Either way, for a while, the only moments she’s close to him are short and aching.
But she doesn’t let him run for long, and she doesn’t let him scare her off as she knows he’s trying to do.
Marinette had always been the more stubborn of the two.
Eventually, like a feral cat learning safety (like a hurt, scared animal relearning love), Jason lets her get close. He lets her in, lets her get close again.
The first time she sees him, without helmet or mask, she flings herself at him. Arms around his neck and legs wrapped around his waist, clutching him like her life depends on it. He takes her weight automatically, hand beneath her thighs while the other wraps around her back just as tightly. (he longs for touch, she has relearned, but he is also so frightened of it. She will have to be brave for them both)
The second time she sees his face bare once more, he is still thrumming with energy from a fight, is still high on the feeling of broken bones and blood on his knuckles. The force in his chest, the clawing and raging thing settled just off-center of the very core of him, pulls him toward her and Marinette meets him halfway, her own bright, ruthless force like a magnet in her chest.
They meet in a clash of hands on skin and lips anywhere they’ll land.
It is the first time they fall into bed together.
It will not be the last.
Now, you may be thinking, ‘Lady! This isn’t very Aladdin at all!’ and to that I tell you: I fucking warned you. What part of bastardized-Aladdin didn’t you get?
Also, shh. This is my favorite part!
So Mari is in her own personal little honeymoon stage, right? She practically could not be happier because Jason is alive and he’s hers and, even if he’s more violent and a crime boss, he’s stopped attacking his family at least. Which is good, because Mari really didn’t like the sad look Tim wore every time he brought up Jason.
And, oh yeah. Through a combination of her own detective work and Tikki, little Mari realizes that Jason is her Black Cat. Is the only person her Black Cat could be, not because of destiny—though that had helped—but because of coincidence and the bond the pair forged themselves.  
So Mari is, obviously, on cloud nine at the moment and she tells Adrien and Fu who are ecstatic for her, and announcements are going to be made the second Mari tells Jason and what could possibly go wrong?
Well, a lot of things really but the first thing is that, basically, Mari is asking Jason to marry her. Just a bit. And while they both know, in that nebulous way they always have, that they love each other, neither of them have ever actually said it.
And also, they aren’t really dating right now either. Mari’s been too busy trying to just get near Jason again that she hasn’t much been paying attention to normal relationship things like dates or labels.
So when she brings it up Jason is… well, caught off guard is likely an understatement. Which then makes Mari realize what exactly she’s just done and- shit. She’s ruined everything and Jason is going to run away again and the compass in her chest is just going to be a reminder of what she can’t have and-
Jason, who only moments before was terrified and in danger of bolting—because this is a lot and magic-marrying Mari comes with responsibilities and rules and a thousand strings he doesn't know what to do with—now stops and stares at her, babbling and so obviously panicked and something in him abruptly settles.
She starts pacing and he grabs her hand when she passes by close enough, reeling her into his body. She comes easily even in her frazzled state and the vicious clawing thing in his chest sighs contentedly.
“Why?” he asks, and it is a million things at once. Why him, why now, why, why, why?
There are a million ways she could answer, but the easiest? The most important answer is simply this: “Because I love you.”
His breath shudders in his chest at her words and her hands raise to settle on his cheek and the back of his neck, a protection of one of the most vulnerable parts of him, and he leans into her touch like a man starved.
Gods, Jason has loved her for years.
He loved her Before and he loved her in the pits, when all he had was the hate they kept stuffing in his chest, and he loves her now. She is his sun and he will spin around her for the rest of his life. But when it all comes down to it, one simple fact doesn’t change:
“I don’t deserve your love.”
Her hands press harder into his skin, like she can force him to understand through touch alone. “If everyone only got the love they deserved no one would be truly loved,” she counters.
“You would,” he says, quick and quiet and honest. Her breath hitches and he watches her eyes go wide. The hands he has on her hips tighten at the emotions he finds there.
“Oh,” she whispers, already pulling him down to meet her. “Oh you stupid, beautiful man.”
And then they’re kissing and- and it is not the first time they’ve done this, but there is something very different about this one.
They’re kissing, and this time, it feels very much like coming home.
And, perhaps, that is not the end.
Because there is still one wish left. 
Because Jafar-Hawkmoth is still there, and he’s still murderous, and there a very real chance he’s going to ruin the wedding somehow.
Because there is never truly an end to a story, it just simply stops being told.
But none of that really matters. Our princess and her dearest street rat are together at last, and together they’ll get through whatever happens after the story stops being told.
They’ve always had a thing for impossible odds after all.
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yellowsuitcase · 3 years
Betwixt; Draco Malfoy: Chapter - The Job
Introduction(please read!)
First and foremost, warnings will be posted at the beginning of each chapter, but as a forewarning this story will contain mentions of sexual assault as well as swearing/strong language, and smut.
There are some characters in this story that are mine, however, the majority of them are based off of characters in JK Rowling's Harry Potter series. I do not support JK Rowling.
This is a Royalty AU, magic as seen in the Harry Potter series does not exist within this universe.
This series is also being posted on Wattpad @Tonix27 and it is currently In progress / Completed
I plan to create a Spotify playlist for this story, when I do it'll be posted in my masterlist for Betwixt.
Cover and Beta work by @10amnoodles​ on Instagram and Twitch
Please do not repost. There are trends on Tik Tok of people taking sections of writing from their favorite fanfics and posting them, I do not want this done with my work. However, you may post a screenshot of the fanfic's cover with the summary.
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A/N: First chapter of the series I’ve been working on! I’m so excited for you guys to read this!!!!
Summary: To make ends meet after her mother's death, Y/N, a young mom, living within the kingdom of Sithrawl, lands a job at the castle working for the Royal Family, specifically for the prince, Draco Malfoy. What starts as a way to make money for her son quickly turns into an unexpected romance between her and the prince. Y/N soon finds herself stuck between her responsibilities as a mother and her longing for  love and adventure
Warning(s): Swearing
Word Count: 5.9k
Credits: @10amnoodles​ Check her out! her artwork is incredible and this series wouldn’t be happening without her :)
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I shut the rickety door and leaned against it, the weight of my body keeping it closed. A deep sigh left my lips, and I relaxed my shoulders, finally feeling safe. It was silent in my home. Jasper must be asleep. I pushed myself off the door and crept around the corner. The wall was cold to the touch, and I was surprised to feel an indent underneath my fingertips. I pulled my hand away to see a long crack embedded in the plaster. There were already so many in this damn house, not to mention the little holes in the roofing and the lack of insulation. It was getting colder every day.
Sighing to myself, I made a mental note of the new damage and peeked into the bedroom. There he was, his dirty blonde hair cast over his eyes as he slept. I put my hand on his shoulder and gently shook him, waking him up. He rubbed his eyes sleepily. Upon seeing me, he jumped up. “Mummy!” he said excitedly. My heart swelled as I took my boy into my arms and hoisted him onto my hip. 
“How are you, my love? Hungry?” I ask. He nodded eagerly. I chuckled lightly at his toothy grin. He was always hungry, but weren’t all six-year-olds? Luckily for him, I managed to get some bread for free down at the market. Mrs. Weasley, the kind woman at the bakery, has been sneaking me food for the past two weeks. And although I was grateful for it, I was also ashamed. I would’ve been able to pay for her tasty treats, but my family’s funds had been stretching thinner and thinner ever since my mother passed. 
She died on the first of October, just as the cold was setting in. It wasn’t sudden; she’d been sick for a month or so before finally laying to rest. I had tried to take up her old job. She worked as a maid for a relatively wealthy family, the Greengrass’. However, when I knocked upon their door, a middle-aged woman dressed in my mother’s old uniform answered. That had told me everything I needed to know. Since then, I’ve been scouring the village for potential work. I’d managed to get a few odd jobs here and there, but nothing long term, and I needed to feed my boy. 
“What did you get today, Mum?” Jasper questioned. I turned to him and kissed his forehead. 
“Just some bread. Is that alright?” I asked hopefully. He’d never been the type of kid to complain, but I knew that, as he grew, so did his appetite. Bread was quickly becoming dull. Sooner or later, he’d voice his distaste for it. To my surprise, Jasper smiled and squeezed his arms around my neck, giving me a tight hug. “Yep!” he replied cheerfully. My anxiety quickly faded away. I kissed his cheek and sat him down at the table. 
“Did you do anything fun today?” I asked as I began slicing the loaf. Jasper hummed, thinking to himself. 
“I pretended to be a cow!” he declared, looking proud of himself. Jasper had always been quite the fan of cows. His favorite activity was trotting around the house, mooing. In my opinion, it was the cutest thing ever, but I may be a bit biased. 
“Did you? And how did you do that?” I asked, eyebrows raised. Jasper smirked and puffed out his chest. “I ate grass!” he announced loudly. I shook my head in bewilderment. “You ate grass?” Jasper nodded proudly. “Yup! And look,” he reached inside his pocket and pulled out a bundle of green grass, dumping it onto the table. “I saved some for you,” he finished, pushing the greenery towards me. I did my best to hide my grimace and gently placed his plate of bread in front of him. “That’s...wonderful, uhm, sweetheart, it’s not good to eat grass. You could get sick,” I said quietly, trying to deliver this news gently. A frown appeared on Jasper’s face, and he dropped his head, his eyes now staring at his lap. 
“Oh, Jas, it’s alright. I know you were only playing, but humans can’t eat grass,” I said while taking my own seat at the table. He reluctantly looked up, his pouty lips on full display. “Come on, love, eat some of your bread. The sun is going down, and I don’t like washing dishes in the dark,” I spoke sternly, trying to get him to eat. He sighed but picked up his bread and shoved it in his mouth. I made sure he didn’t choke since he had a tendency to take bigger bites than he should. I gnawed on my own piece.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. It was nearly nightfall. Who would be at the door at this time? I quickly got to my feet as the person knocked again. “Who’s that, Mum?” Jasper asked, his mouth full of bread. “Finish your bite before speaking, Jas. And I don’t know, let’s find out.” I approached the door, brushed off my dress, and turned the knob. Standing outside was Ron Weasley, the bakers’ youngest son. 
“Ron? Come in, come in. What’s going on?” I asked, a bit concerned he was here to tell me his parents wouldn’t be able to give me food anymore. The ginger-haired boy rushed past me and into my home and eagerly slapped a flyer onto the table. “Look,” he told me as he pointed to the parchment. I gave him a skeptical look but walked over to the table and picked it up. 
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The Malfoy family is seeking a servant to the young prince. If interested, arrive at the castle at dawn on the 19th of October.
SALARY: 4 galleons per hour
The person selected to be the Prince’s servant will furthermore reside in the castle.
As I took in the information on the flyer, Jasper took the parchment from my grasp. He held it out in front of him and stared at it intently. I considered berating him for taking what doesn’t belong to him, but I chose not to, and instead, I turned to Ron, who had an enormous grin on his face. “Ron, you can’t be serious…”
“It’s perfect! It’s four galleons an hour, and if you’re working dawn till dusk, that’s roughly eleven hours. Forty-four galleons a day, Y/N. You can’t pass this up. You’d be mad not to at least try,” he told me. I wasn’t quite sold, “Yeah, that sounds like a dream, but what would I…” I paused and held my hand up to Ron, signaling him to give me a moment. Then I faced Jasper. “Darling, put your plate in the sink and go wash up; I’ll be there soon to get you ready for bed, alright?” I instructed him. His pouty lips returned. 
“But I wanna know what’s going on!” the boy insisted. He dropped the paper, crossed his arms over his chest, and promptly glared at me. I held back my laugh at his attempt at intimidation and put a hand on my hip. “Do as I say.” Jasper sighed but slid off his chair and trod off to the bathroom. I turned back to Ron. “If I live at the castle, how can I take care of Jasper? I can’t just leave him here alone; he’s only six, not to mention he’s ill,” I explained as I picked the parchment back up again. Ever since Jasper had turned four, he started having trouble breathing. There had been times where I was unsure if he’d survive through the night. Ron knew about this, but he wasn’t budging. “Y/N, the castle isn’t far. You could sneak out at dusk and spend the night with Jasper, no problem.”
“With all due respect, Ron, I don’t think it’ll be that easy. I’d have to get past people in the castle, the guards, and who knows who else?” I said, shaking my head. My eyes drifted to the flyer in my hand. A servant to the prince. What did that even mean? There was a serious lack of detail in the advertisement. My lip curled in distaste. The Royal Family was known to be quite the arrogant bunch. Malfoy, their surname, directly translates to ‘bad faith’. They didn’t treat their citizens well; nearly every town outside of Orton’s walls was neglected. Totbury, my town, especially.
Nevertheless, the Malfoy’s knew that, despite treating their people terribly, people would scramble for the chance to land this job. Simply based on the look of the family’s servants, they weren’t looking for people like me. If they found out where I live, they’ll surely dismiss me.
“Y/N, you’re underestimating yourself. That castle has numerous secret passageways, just find one of those, and you’re all set. And even if that doesn’t work, then you just make an excuse. Say the Prince himself sent you into the city, what are the guards going to say to that?” Ron argued. I threw him a look of confusion as I put the flyer down, my eyes lingering on the young prince. “How would you even know about secret passageways?” I asked. Ron cocked an eyebrow. “You don’t believe they exist?” he asked incredulously. I scoffed and walked over to the sink. 
“Ron, they’re only rumors. I’m sure they have a couple of lesser-known corridors, but not a secret passageway. That’s absurd,” I began rinsing off the plates and silverware, “And besides, I wouldn’t get chosen. Have you forgotten who I am? They’re not going to hire a peasant from Totbury, Ronald. I mean, have you seen the sheer amount of guards that line up around the Prince? They won’t let anyone touch him, so what makes you think they’d let me be his personal servant?” I asked, not really expecting a legitimate answer. However, it seemed as though Ron had all the answers that day. 
“That’s easy, just lie. Say you’re from Orton. The population is big enough that they wouldn’t know the difference. And it’s not like the King and Queen even leave the castle. I bet they couldn’t tell the difference between a Sithrawliean from a Perwenese,” Ron claimed. Perwen was the neighboring kingdom to Sithrawl.
“That may be true, but even if I lied, I don’t look the part. I’ve got maybe two dresses, and they both have holes in them. They’ll see right through me,” I pointed out yet another problem with Ron’s plan while I scrubbed the chipped plates in my sink. He remained silent for a moment but then snapped his fingers. 
“You’re about the same age as Ginny, aren’t you?” he asked, eyes looking hopeful. Indeed, I was around his sister’s age. I told him so, and he smiled. “Then you could borrow one of her dresses, in fact, I think Mum just bought her a new one!” he suggested excitedly. Once I put down the now clean plates, I dried my hands and spun around to face Ron. 
“I’m not taking Ginny’s new dress; that’s ridiculous,” I replied. Ron opened his mouth to retaliate, but I interrupted him. “Look, I appreciate you looking out for Jasper and me, but I can’t...I can’t just lie to the Royal Family. And I don’t want to leave my son at home all day.” 
“But haven’t you already been doing that? You’ve been scouring the streets for weeks looking for a job. I just thought that maybe this would be a good—”
I cut him off, my patience lost. “Yes, well, you thought wrong! I’m not going off and living in a lavish castle while my child is all alone in this shithole. It’s unfair to him, and I’m not doing it. End of story.” 
Ron’s previously bright smile had faded into a regretful frown. He nodded his head and looked at the floor as if he was afraid to look me in the eye. I began to feel guilt seep into my stomach. He was only trying to help, and here I was giving him a hard time. Nice going, Y/N.
“You’re right. I’m sorry for suggesting it. I’ll just...get going, and don’t worry, I’ll tell Mum you say hello,” Ron said solemnly as he headed for the door. I held my tongue and walked him out, waving as he strode down the road. When I closed the door behind him, I let out a heavy sigh and ran my hands through my hair. There was no need for me to have acted like such a pain, but alas, the apology Ron deserves would have to wait until tomorrow. Tonight, I need to care for my boy.
{The next morning}
I woke with a start, sitting straight up in my bed. My back was drenched with sweat, and my skin felt hotter than hell. I had no clue as to why I'd woken up in such a state, but I didn't have the energy to care. Slowly, as to not wake Jasper, I lifted the covers and slid out of our bed. As I got to my feet and walked into the kitchen, I noticed the sun wasn’t even up yet. I stepped closer to the window and peered out, looking for the town clock. When I spotted it, I saw that it was roughly half-past five. Dawn wasn’t until seven.
Exhausted, I rubbed my eyes lightly and turned around. There on the table was the flyer. I stepped towards it and lifted it up. “...arrive at the castle at dawn…” My head turned towards the window once again. If I got ready now, I could make it. But did I dare? I’d have to find someone to watch Jasper. Does Ron’s offer even stand now? I supposed there was only one way to find out. I rushed to the bathroom and quickly turned on the water in the bath. A slow stream trickled out of the spout. 
“Come on,” I whispered. As if the universe had heard me, the water pressure grew stronger, and the tub began to fill. Anxiously, I stripped my clothing and jumped inside, despite the lack of water. We always kept a wooden bowl by the bathtub, so I reached for it and dunked it under the faucet, letting it gather enough liquid before I dumped it onto my head. The temperature was less than ideal, but I made do, and within fifteen minutes, I was out of the bath and drying off.
Quickly, I threw on my dress, slipped on my shoes, and ran out the door, but not before kissing a sleeping Jasper goodbye. He’ll be okay, I assured myself. The Weasleys were luckily only a few blocks down, so I hustled down the street and up to their door. Yet, once I found myself on their cozy porch, I was unable to knock. My fist hovered above the wooden door, decorated with fresh winter flowers. It’s now or never, a voice in my head whispered. Somehow, I found my courage and rapped my knuckle against the firm wood.
After only a few moments, Mr. Weasley opened the door. “Y/N? What brings you here so early? Has something happened?” he asked initially. Then he saw my wet hair and my shivering frame. “Good heavens! Come inside, you’ll freeze,” he exclaimed, motioning for me to come towards him. I scampered in, and Mr. Weasley shut the door. I could tell he was bursting with questions, but I filled him in before he could speak. 
“Thank you, Mr. Weasley. I’m here because yesterday Ronald stopped by and told me the Royal Family was looking for a servant. And well, at first, I wasn’t going to apply for it, but now...now I wish to,” I spoke softly. The man stood tall as he processed this information. 
“Well, that sounds grand. But if I may, why are you here?” he questioned. Before I could tell him, Ron entered the foyer from around the corner. “Y/N? You’re here, have you changed your mind?” he asked, his voice sounding hopeful. With a bit of lingering hesitation, I nodded my head. “I have.”
Ron smiled brightly. “Brilliant, wait here,” he instructed before he headed into a different room, leaving his father and me by the door. Soon enough, however, he emerged with a green and white dress. It was paired with a leather brown underbust corset. Although simple, it was perfect. “That’s beautiful, wow. Are you sure about this?” I checked with Ron. He nodded and motioned behind him. 
“Ginny’s awake; she’ll help you into it,” he told me. Right on cue, a sweet young girl with long red hair strolled into the foyer. She waved at me softly, and I waved back. 
“Splendid, off you go then. Ginny, find her a towel to dry her hair, won’t you?” Mr. Weasley asked his daughter. She nodded, took me by the hand, and dragged me into what I assumed was her room. The Weasley’s home looked bigger than the rest in Totbury, but I never suspected that one of their children would have their own bedroom. I was led to the center of Ginny’s room. She shut the door and quickly began helping me out of my day dress. 
“Are you nervous?” she asked immediately. Her inquiry caught me off guard and reminded me of the butterflies in my tummy. I scrambled for an answer as she wrapped my hair in a dark brown towel.
“Of course, I am. I’m leaving my son alone all day,” I told her finally. Ginny smiled softly as she laid my dress on her bed, leaving me in my undergarments. She knew I had dodged her question but didn’t mention it.
“We can have him stay with us today if you want. It’s really no problem,” Ginny offered. This wasn’t the first time the Weasley’s had said they could watch Jasper. While it was very kind of them, I never took them up on it; I couldn’t. My mother never gave me over to another family when she went to work. She would always tell me, “Don’t go outside. I’ll return before nightfall.” And that was that. I stayed put and waited for her to come home. Sure, it was a lonely childhood, but she did what she had to do to provide for me. Now, I wanted to do that for my own child, but it was becoming clearer to me that I wouldn’t be able to do things like my mother. If I get the job, I’ll be in the castle, I won’t be able to come running if something happens. Deep down, I knew the safest option for my boy was to let him stay with the Weasleys.
“Are you sure?” I asked. Ginny smiled and nodded her head. “Of course. He’ll be safe and sound while you do what you need to do.” I gnawed on my lip as she slipped the dress over my head and onto my body. 
“I really appreciate this, you know? Things have just been… difficult lately, and I’m trying to do right by Jasper, but I’m still figuring out how, if that makes sense,” I said to her, not really knowing why I was suddenly confiding in her. Ginny was only a year younger than me, twenty-one. We’d never talked much growing up. Better late than never, I suppose.
“You’re doing great, Y/N. Don’t be so hard on yourself, seriously,” Ginny said gently while she began tying up my corset. I took a moment to admire myself in the ornate mirror in front of me. I was now adorned in an ankle-length, deep green dress. It was significantly nicer than any piece of clothing I’d ever owned. 
“Where did you get this, Ginny? It’s so beautiful,” I asked. Ginny shrugged as she pulled and adjusted the fabric, seemingly her final touches.
“I’m not sure. Mum never said where she got it. But it’s gorgeous on you.” I felt my face flush as I stared back at myself in the mirror. I looked unfamiliar. Hesitantly, I gave Ginny a little twirl, feeling a grin creep onto my lips as the skirt flared around me in a perfect circle. I felt young. I felt new.
“Thank you for lending it to me. Hopefully, everything goes well, and I’ll make enough money to buy you many more dresses such as this one,” I said, smiling at Ginny. Then I caught sight of a nearby window. The sun wasn’t in the sky quite yet, but the darkness of the night was beginning to lift. “Speaking of which, I’d better get going. I’ll be back before nightfall to get Jasper; he should still be sleeping at home,” I rambled while heading for the door, Ginny close behind.
“Don’t worry, I’ll go fetch him. You’re right though, you’d better get a move on; sun’ll be up in an hour.” I nodded and tore the towel from my head, letting my semi-dry and now wavy hair fall to my shoulders and back. The other Weasleys lifted their heads as I rushed to the door. I quickly waved goodbye and said my thanks as I ran outside, the chorus of their farewells barely reaching my ears. I was already several paces down the street. 
Luckily for me, I knew my way to the castle. Once I reached my teenage years, I’d often sneak through the woods and journey to the capital. And when I got near enough, I’d take a right and go the long way ‘round. That way, I could get up close and personal to the walls of Orton. I couldn’t see anything, of course, but I loved to sit my back against the cool stone bricks and simply listen to the hustle and bustle. As a young girl, I often daydreamed of what life might be like within those walls. Now, I may get the chance to find out.
The trip was just how I’d remembered it, although a bit shorter. First, I’d walk straight between the long stretches of farmland. Sometimes I’d even get to see livestock. But after that, the land would transition into dense forest, filled with various wildflowers as well as a little creek. Once through there, one found themselves at the start of a cobblestone road leading straight to the gates of Orton. That’s where I was now. The sun was beginning to pierce the sky, and I didn’t feel ready. Then I thought of Jasper, and my foot moved forwards, the other following after it. Soon enough, I was face to face with two tall men dressed in silver armor. Behind them, cast iron doors concealing the city beyond them.
“State your name and business,” the man on the left said. His eyes wouldn’t even meet mine. Bile tempted to spill into my mouth, but I swallowed it down and did as he asked.
“Y/N of Orton. I come to find work, specifically for the position at the castle,” I said in a tone as confident as I could muster. The guard raised his eyebrows. 
“I’ve never seen you or heard of you. You certain you’re from here?” he asked, jutting his finger towards the doors. I nodded firmly. Fake it till you make it.
“Yes, sir. I haven’t been home in many months as I’ve been looking after my cousin in Totbury. He’s been very ill, and I’ve been afraid to leave his side. Yet, I fear I am without much money. Hence why I’m here now.” I looked at the men, trying to gauge whether or not they detected my lies. I’d only just cooked up that tall tale fifteen minutes ago, and I didn’t have anything past that. My fingers squeezed each other behind my back as I waited for them to reply. One looked to the other, who shrugged, then they turned back to me.
“Very well, welcome back,” he said. My sigh of relief was covered up by the loud creaking of the doors as the men pushed them open, revealing the awaking city. I quickly walked through them before the guards could change their minds. Mother of God. I couldn’t believe I was actually here. But I knew I didn’t have time to explore, I had to get to the castle. Hardly anyone was outside their homes yet, so I took off running, my worn shoe soles slapping on the cobblestone. I didn’t know my way, of course. I was simply going by the spiral at the top of a tower. I could see it from the city streets, so I rushed through the city’s twist and turns until arriving at a long stone bridge. It led all the way to a tall archway, beyond it, the entrance to the castle. 
I did my best not to break out into a sprint and instead speed-walked across it, wondering why there was nobody else in sight. I didn’t have time to ponder it further as I had already made it to the entrance. I told the guards here the same thing I’d said to the ones at the gates. They let me in seconds after I said I was there for the job opening.
The beauty of the castle stopped me in my tracks. Candles flickered above me in the high-hanging chandeliers, their light shining on the polished wooden floors. Gold framed portraits decorated the warm stone walls. Everything was so clean, so elegant. My eyes had no idea where to look. Get a hold of yourself. You’re not here to look around. I scanned the foyer but realized I had no idea where to go. But then a soft voice startled me.
“It’s up the stairs and to the left, dear. Better hurry. The Prince is almost done with his breakfast.” I turned around to see a short old woman with stark blonde hair. At first glance, she reminded me of my mother. She smiled when she saw my face. “Go on, wouldn’t want to be late now,” she ushered. I hastily nodded my head as I hurried up the steps, taking a left just as she had told me. I was now facing a long hallway, at the end of which were open doors leading into a large room. As I drew nearer, I could see a long line of people, all with their hands behind their back and chests puffed out. Intimidation tickled my skin. They all looked so proper.
Trying to push away my thoughts, I stepped into the room, which I realized was the throne room, and claimed my place beside a young woman. She looked to be around my age, as did many of the women. I quickly noticed that there were only women here. That’s odd. Surely at least some men would wish to be the Prince’s servant. Although, I suppose it’s not the same as being his right-hand man or advisor. My thoughts were interrupted by a loud toot of a trumpet. I turned to my right to see a well-dressed man with a silver instrument pressed to his lips. He played a little tune before lowering the trumpet.
“His Majesty, the King, and her Majesty, the Queen.” The man stepped aside, and two figures entered the room. The man was tall, had blonde hair, and a pale, pointed face. His eyes seemed to pierce my soul when he made eye contact. He carried a black and silver cane with him as he walked. The woman at his side looked just as unnerving as her husband. She, too, was tall, although not as tall as the King. Her hair was long and blonde, just as pale as her skin. The slimness of her waist was rather alarming, and her eyes were ice cold. 
The couple took their seats on their respective thrones and turned towards the door. The previous man spoke again. “His Royal Highness, Prince Draco.” The man of the hour, Draco Malfoy, strutted into the room. A perfect combination of his parents, his skin was cool white, nearly the same as his platinum hair. His high cheekbones and pointed chin resembled his father’s, but, unlike the King, Draco’s hair was cut short, a few stray strands hovered over his forehead. When he took a seat next to his mother, I could see her eyes soften as she looked at him.
The trumpeter exited, leaving the Royal Family alone with the line of girls in front of them, save for a few guards. The King cleared his throat and rose to his feet, clutching his snake-headed cane as he did. 
“In a few moments, my son will choose his new servant. I trust you will all be respectful and do as you’re told. If the prince dismisses you, then you leave. If the prince asks you a question, you answer it truthfully. And finally, if the prince chooses you, you will be led to your living quarters and will immediately begin your training. The prince will be taking the throne in exactly two hundred and thirty days; he is a busy young man, and we cannot waste any more time. Do I make myself clear?” he asked. Nobody said a word. “Good. Draco,” he called, motioning to us. 
The prince stood up from his throne and made his way down the marble steps. He stopped a few feet in front of a girl a couple of people down from me. He stared at her for a few seconds before waving his hand and saying, “Dismissed.” The girl didn’t move, she looked confused and a bit shocked. Draco scoffed. “Weren’t you listening to my father? If I dismiss you, you leave. The door is to your right; run along now,” he ordered. I watched in disbelief as the girl bowed her head and rushed from the room, tears in her eyes. “Daft cow,” Draco muttered. Anger began to stir in my chest. What an absolute prick. Christ, I knew the Malfoys were a cold bunch, but I never thought the crown prince would be this much of an arsehole.
He continued going down the line, dismissing girls left and right. It didn’t seem like he had a particular order. No, he was merely kicking out the girls who didn’t please his eye. I knew this because he’d tell them what he didn’t find appealing as they left. 
“Big nose.”
“Thin lips.”
“Too tall.”
“Repulsive complexion.”
He dismissed and dismissed until only three girls remained, including me. He stopped in front of a black-haired woman. She wore a cream-colored gown. It was much fancier than mine and contrasted beautifully with her dark skin.
“What’s your name?” Draco asked. The woman replied that her name was Alyssa. “Hi, Alyssa. Tell me, what makes you want this job?” It was silent for a few moments before the woman answered. 
“My mother suggested it, Your Highness.” Draco clasped his hands behind his back and studied Alyssa’s face and body. His calm demeanor was frightening, to say the least.
“So your mother wants you to have this position, but tell me, Alyssa, do you want this position? Or are we just wasting our time here trying to fulfill the wishes of a woman who isn’t even here?” he seethed. Alyssa stuttered but shook her head and insisted she, too, wanted the job. I could tell from his face that Draco didn’t buy what she was selling, but he didn’t dismiss her. Instead, he shuffled his feet until he stood in front of me. My heart started pounding in my chest, but I kept my head up, my mother’s words echoing in my head. “Don’t be afraid to make eye contact.”
Draco said nothing for nearly an entire minute. He only stood still, eyes never leaving mine. It felt like a staring contest, but without the playful energy. I could see now that his eyes were grey. They looked empty like they were searching for something. I narrowed my own, trying to figure out why they looked this way. It seemed as though this upset Draco.
“What’re you looking at?” he spat. I quickly replied. I could practically feel his anger, and I did not want to add to it by being slow to respond.
“Nothing, Your Highness.”
“Liar. Try again, sweetheart.” Perceptive. Or perhaps just angry. Whichever it was, he now left me with a decision—another lie or the simple truth. I weighed the options in my head; neither seemed favorable.
“Your eyes,” I replied. Draco raised an eyebrow. I took this to mean he wanted me to elaborate. “They’re grey.” Upon hearing this, he rolled them.
“Brilliant deduction,” he said, sarcasm dripping from his tongue. “But why were you staring at them so...intently?” he questioned me further. However, he seemed afraid almost. Like he didn’t want to hear my answer. Regardless, I shrugged.
“Well, they appear sad and honestly, vacant.” I could feel the entire room tense as I spoke. Behind Draco, I saw The King jump to his feet, his wife’s hand on his arm in a feeble attempt at holding him back. 
“Guards…” he started, but then Draco lifted a hand, halting his father as well as the guards who’d begun to take a few steps forward. 
“That won’t be necessary. Send for Olive. She can show her to her new room,” Draco spoke gently. His voice was even and firm, and yet, nobody moved to fulfill his request.
“Surely you’re not picking her, son?” The King asked, desperation evident in his voice. It was easy to see that he disapproved of this decision. Draco, whose eyes still hadn’t moved from mine, adjusted his hands. They now rested on his thighs, fingers intertwined.
“You’re from Orton, yes?” I nodded, not trusting my voice. “You’re healthy, no deathly illnesses?” Again, I nodded. “And you want this job?” This time I decided to speak.
“Yes, Your Highness, very much so.” I curled my toes, hoping my conviction was enough. The smile that stretched across Draco’s face hinted that it was. However, his next words confirmed it.
“Perfect. Yes, Father, I have picked her. Now can somebody please fetch Olive? I don’t quite know why nobody did so even though I specifically remember telling you less than two minutes ago,” he said fiercely. Within seconds, a guard rushed out the door to do as The Prince had ordered. The two girls beside me took this as their cue to exit as well. Alyssa looked gutted, and the other girl seemed relieved. I felt a bit sad to see them go, but my thoughts of them were overridden by the increasingly uncomfortable feeling growing in my stomach.
The distress in the air felt thick, almost suffocating. It seemed that the vacant man standing in front of me was quite the threatening presence. While this let me know I should tread lightly when in his company, it didn’t instill fear. Yes, I had been intimidated and afraid when I initially walked into the Malfoy’s throne room, but once I’d gotten a good look at the youngest of the bunch, those feelings dissipated.
His eyes told me all I needed to know. Draco was nothing but talk. He was closer to a boy than he was a man, and more importantly, he had no guts to do anything substantial. Sure, words could hurt, but when it came down to it, they were nothing more than words.
As I was led to my room by Olive, the kind older woman I’d met at the doorway, I wondered what I had gotten myself into. 
Taglist (I used my All Draco Works taglist for this, if you DO NOT want to be on this taglist for Betwixt, please let me know!): @beiahadid​ @pastelpuffbar​ @cutie1365​ @dracoxmgg​ @lumlfy​ @sambucky8​ @emilianamason​ @raplinethereal​ @DixieTheMorab24 @xoxohollands​  @prongsandprancer​ @ch0kemedracomalfoy​ @avlauriaa​ @purpleskymalfoy @mariah-can-dream​ @drxcomvlfx​ @sydnee-kom-spacekru​ @dracosgoodgirl​ @voilawind​ @gloryekaterina​ @anchoeritic​ @ragxsxragxs​ @exoticlizard @dlmmdl @siriusblklftv​ @Writtenbyadramaqueen @amourtentiaa​ @keidensu​
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hermits-that-craft · 3 years
In My Dream (Will You Remember Me?)
Flower Husbands Fic - Chapter Six - Can You See It In My Eyes (Am I Finally Awake?)
Ao3 in the comments
“Good morning Lizzie!” Gem says, gliding to the ground. “What are you doing?”
“Checking in on Jimmy, he was upset when we left last night.” Lizzie replies, wringing out her wet hair. “I want to make sure he isn’t angry with me, Joel and Pixl can solve this themselves.”
“Jimmy’s harmless, though?” 
“Not if he has access to glitter.” Lizzie stares off into the distance, and Gem winces sympathetically. Lizzie knows that Gem also has brothers, and though Jimmy is not Lizzie’s twin he is her younger brother.
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Gem says, patting her back. 
“Why are you here?” Lizzie asks, curiously. 
“I wanted to ask if he’s had any nightmares recently.” Gem admits. “I have a… Theory.”
“Well, let's go together.” Lizzie offers, smiling brightly. “He should be up by now.”
Lizzie and Gem walk side by side, silently taking in the area. Citizens mill about, trading produce and laughing. Young children run around with cookies and cakes as their parents discuss produce with farmers in their stalls. A young person busks on the side of the road, and an old woman puts some coins into their violin case.
The sun shines bright over the cod empire, a good day for families and emperors alike.
Lizzie pulls a key out of her pocket, unlocking the door to Jimmy’s house. Gem shivers uncomfortably - where are the guards? Who protects the Codfather while he sleeps? - and enters the high ceilinged house.
“I’ll get him up.” Lizzie says, after a moment of silence. “If you want to sit at the table.”
Gem sits at the table, looking around the house. It’s quaint, the only indication that royalty lives here being a picture of Jimmy and Lizzie as children, their hands covered in paint. An azure bullet sits in a pot on his table, clearly a gift from someone, and very well taken care of.  If Gem had to say anything about the house, she would say that it’s like any other house in Jimmy’s empire. Humble, with high ceilings to trap the heat, and little to no special privileges granted just for being the ruler.
It’s so rooted in his empire that Gem feels uncomfortable, out of place in the humble abode. No wonder Jimmy shows up to meetings with dirt on his shoes - he lives among his people, not above them. Her wizard tower is a work of art, but Jimmy’s house is a proof of life.
A shriek from Lizzie sends Gem running into Jimmy’s room, ignoring her previous discomfort. Hopefully Jimmy is masked, she’s never seen his face and she doesn’t want to look at it without his permission.
Jimmy’s lying on his bed, almost as though he were asleep, but his eyes...
His eyes are wide open, glowing a bright, unnatural white as something akin to tears drip down his face. He has no iris, no pupils, nothing but glowing white and unnatural tears. His mouth moves, silently pleading with a disinterested god. 
“What is this?” Gem says, her hands over her mouth. A curse? Or something worse, something that makes Sausage right, something that puts the kindhearted Codfather in a type of danger he won't survive?
“It’s something.” Lizzie says, shaking. “Used to be normal for his nightmares, stopped when he turned 16 though, unless he’s been lying about it.”
“This isn’t normal.” Gem says, shaking her head. She wants to look away, she has to look away. Jimmy doesn’t show his face, not to anyone. Gem is intruding.
“I need you to hold him down.” Lizzie swallows. “I’m going to wake him up, but I need you to hold him down.”
“Why?” Gem asks, standing next to the bed.
“Because if he doesn’t fully wake up, he’ll kill me.” Lizzie swallows. “Jimmy’s nightmares don’t make him the peaceful codboy we all love, Gem.”
Gem nods, swallowing nervously as she holds Jimmy’s shoulders down. Lizzie pours a small amount of water onto Jimmy’s face, making him scream. His eyes stretch wider open, glowing bright before they slam shut. Lizzie steps back, pulling Gem away. Lizzie gestures to the door, and Gem walks out it, though she watches through a crack in it. Jimmy sits up, and Lizzie sits down on the bed, silently looking at him. Nothing moved. Noone spoke. 
“I died.” Jimmy says, shattering the unnerving silence that filled the home. “My husband and I died.”
“Okay Jimmy.” Lizzie says softly.
“Why am I back? I was on my red life.” Jimmy says, disjointed. “He should be back, he was only on green. Where is he?”
“Who are you? Where am I?”
“I am your sister, Lizzie. You are currently in the cod empire, which is the newest empire in this world. You founded it in a swamp that connects to the ocean, so we could visit each other easily.” Lizzie takes a deep breath in, before smiling. “You’re in your bedroom.”
“Lizzie.” Jimmy frowns for a moment, before realisation flashes before his eyes. “That wasn’t real, was it?”
“It wasn’t.” Lizzie nods, solemnly. “You were having a nightmare.”
“It felt real.” Jimmy’s hand touches his neck, a broken look on his face. “I heard him scream - he sounded so familiar.”
“Are you back with us?” Lizzie asks, her voice and face carefully blank.
“I think so?” Jimmy doesn’t sound certain. “I… I have a meeting today, don’t I?”
“You should probably cancel that.” Lizzie says softly. “Gem’s come to visit, do you want to meet with her?”
“She’s the wizard?”
“Yes.” Lizzie nods, smiling. “She is the wizard. Lives at the crystal cliffs.”
“I need a mask first.” Jimmy says, and Gem backs away from the door.
She shouldn’t have witnessed that. She shouldn’t have eavesdropped. It wasn’t just rude of her, it was downright cruel. Invasive, even. If Lizzie found out, she could easily declare war. So could Jimmy.
Though, if news got out about Jimmy’s nightmares, it could lead to the cod empire losing their ruler.
Lizzie’s dealt with the nightmares, with the glowing before, but this isn’t normal. Cursed nightmares don’t cause glowing - screaming, yes, and forgetting who you are occasionally - but not glowing. This isn’t a curse. 
Maybe Sausage was right. Maybe, for some reason, Aoer chose Jimmy. Gullible, naive, caring Jimmy to be his champion. Jimmy, who’s fighting skills leave much to be desired and whose empire would not be able to save him if he were to be forced into war. Aoer chose the weakest of them to shoulder the responsibilities of the world.
Jimmy, to potentially die in battle against an enemy that holds no love for anyone.
“Goodmorning Gem.” Jimmy says, walking into the living room. Gem jumps, forcefully taken out of her thoughts.
“Goodmorning, Codfather.” Gem says, smiling lightly. His cod head is crooked and tufts of blonde hair poke out of the base, but he doesn’t seem tired.
Though that could be because she can’t see his face.
“Did you have a reason to be here? I’m sure you know that the nightmares are back, and it would be a lie to say that I’m not tired right now.” Jimmy admits, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I don’t believe that it’s a curse.” Gem says, and Lizzie walks in. “However, I can’t say for certain that it wasn’t placed on you from a supernatural entity.”
“So it could be a curse.”
“Not one given by a mortal.” Gem rebuts. “A demon, potentially. A god, even.”
“I’ve been experiencing this since I was a child, who could I have pissed off that bad?” Jimmy wonders. “What demon could I have offended as a kid?”
“I don’t know.” Gem lies. “I’m sorry, I can look into it further.”
“Thank you.” Jimmy says. “But don’t stress yourself out too much. It’ll go away.”
“When?” Gem asks, frowning slightly.
“The last time it went away in six years, so…” Jimmy smiles. “Here’s hoping it’s sooner.”
“Take care of yourself, Jimmy.” Gem says, walking out of the humble house. 
She needs to look into the great stag war. She needs to know what happened afterwards.
“Why are you here, Lizzie?” Jimmy asks, sitting down at the table.
“I’m here to apologise for last night.” Lizzie turns on the kettle, taking two mugs out of the cupboard. “You stole my favourite mug.”
“You left it here - anyways you don’t need to apologise. Pixl was the one who lied to me, and something was going to happen at the ball anyways.” Jimmy shrugs. 
“Do you have any plans for the day? And don’t you dare say you’re going to sit through a meeting.” Lizzie pours the boiling water into the cups, watching carefully as the tea brews.
“I was thinking of checking the docks, making sure that they’re up to code.” Jimmy takes his mug off her, taking a sip before adding some sugar. “How do you always make it bitter?”
“Why do you only drink tea if it has a kilogram of sugar in it?” Lizzie sticks her tongue out at him.
“Two sugar cubes is not a kilogram.” Jimmy grumbles as he puts a third one into his tea.
“Anyways, I really like your idea. The docks have lots of people on them - you should go by the fried cod vendor, it smells devine.”
“I’m assuming you’re leaving soon?” Jimmy asks, not looking up from his tea.
“I have to.” Lizzie says. “I barely got away with coming here this morning. But!” She winks at her brother. “I have decided to take the weekend off of queenly duties to have a much needed picnic with my little brother.”
“Will you bring fried calamari?” Jimmy asks.
“I think I’d lose an arm if I didn’t.” Lizzie laughs. “Sure, I’ll bring you some fried calamari.”
“Yes!” Jimmy says, and Lizzie laughs. She stands up, taking her mug over to the sink.
“I’m taking this mug back on the weekend, okay?” Lizzie says, and Jimmy laughs, slightly too dark for Lizzie’s tastes.
“What are you planning?”
“Does Joel have a favourite mug?” Jimmy asks, and Lizzie pulls out her best insulted actress gasp.
“No! You couldn’t try to ruin my marriage like this!”
“Oh but I could!” Jimmy wheezes. “See you on the weekend.”
“See you then!” Lizzie says, waving as she walks out of the door. 
She can see Jimmy through the window. He’s staring at the azure bullet that Scott gave him, his head resting on one of his hands as he finishes his cup of tea. He’s too used to the nightmares, too ready to get into the day. It’s concerning - he shouldn’t have to deal with the nightmares to the point that no one would be able to tell that something’s wrong.
Lizzie gets off the veranda, walking on the road towards the ocean. Fireworks alert her to someone overhead, and as she turns to greet whoever lands - and tell them to leave Jimmy alone - she watches Scott land, brushing nonexistent dirt off of his cloak. 
A bouquet of flowers are tucked safely in his arms, and Lizzie lights up. Scott gives her a worried look as she gracefully storms over, a large grin on her face.
“Good luck!” She grins. “And for next time - Jimmy has a sweet tooth. Give him chocolates for eternal loyalty.
Scott blushes as Lizzie leaves, and Lizzie watches out of the corner of her eyes as he nervously looks at the house, not moving a step.
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noyashighlight · 3 years
The Villianess who lived
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Chapter one
“ And for the crimes of trying to harm another noble not only in public but in the vicinity of the royal family I summon you to death Y/n Villarreal.” The executioner’s voice boomed through the crowd of people gather in town square.
The one accused of the Horrendous crime was nothing more than a young girl, but not just any girl the daughter of Duke Villarreal who had just been beheaded this moment in an attempt to save his beloved daughter. Though she was vain and jealous of the baron's daughter for managing to steal her love the first prince, poisoning tea wasn’t her thing. Speaking of her beloved first prince, Tooru Oikawa was the one who sentenced her to this harsh death. He loved Maryanne Barlowe and not y/n, only being engaged to her for political advantage to be the crowned prince. He watched from his seat a daunting smirk on his face, his hatred for the girl ran deep to the point where the announcement of her death made him chuckle.
Next to him stood his best friend and personal knight Hajime Iwaizumi wearing his usual poker face. Though she was annoying with her unexplained love for the one he served and her cruel attitude towards women, the knight didn’t believe she deserved this punishment.
And on his other side sat Maryanne Barlowe the eighth and youngest child of the Baron, known as the sunflower of high society thanks to her friendly attitude she used to social climb. No one saw her as a threat due to her title, but now she would be the future empress. Soon she would reveal her true self as this was all an act for her, from pretending to be nice and weak to poisoning her own drink at a tea party Y/n hosted.
Y/n’s eyes shook with rage, hatred soared. Everything was taken from her, she was an accused villainess whose only real crime was falling for the wrong man who thought of her as a disposable object. “Any last words Lady Villarreal?” Tooru said standing from his seat, making sure he could get a good view of her in her last moments.
“ I hope that in my next life, I’ll be the one to place your head on a stick and parade it around the capital.” She still held her head high as if she wasn’t who just defamed the future self-proclaimed king.
He let out a loud chuckle that would send chills down anyone’s spine, “ Those who have sinned don’t get a next life, I hope the heavens forgive you my dear.” To think the only time he called her my dear was in a sinister setting. He nodded his head as cue for the executioner to do his job, “ May your damned soul find peace in the after life.” He whispered before swinging the sword down.
Her throat felt cold and burned as she shot up in her bed holding her throat letting out a scream of terror. “ My Lady are you okay?” Her personal maid Olivia burst through the double doors of her room. Y/n looked around horrified, she was back in her room. And Olivia was alive and well? This couldn’t be, the maid had died after taking the fall saying she had poured the tea thinking it would save her master.
“ I-I’m fine, how old am I?” It all felt too real to be a dream, was she given a second chance? Or was this the peacefulness of the afterlife being with the ones she loves? “ You’re about to turn 17 in a week, are you sure that you’re okay? You look pale and sweaty my lady.” The maid worried checking her head for fever or any signs of one. She was interrupted when Y/n pulled her down into a hug.
“ I’m fine Liv, I’m just happy to see you that’s all.” The young girl was never this gentle on any subject but that prince. Ah, that bastard who dared to cross her after devoting her life and body to him. She had a year until her death so she hadn’t done anything stupid yet. But to change her fate she had to change the future. “ What’s my schedule for today?” She hummed, if they wanted a villainess she would play the part but for her own benefit.
Olivia looked at y/n like she had lost her mind, “ You’re having tea with the first prince, you had to wait a whole month to get him to agree since he said he was busy.” Ah, that was right Tooru did all he could do to ignore and shun his betrothed. What a cowardly man, she thought getting out of bed.
“ I want to wear a light orange dress today, the more innocent the better. I’ve got a crow to catch.” She smiled to herself as sat in front of her vanity. Her maid was distraught by the sudden change of dress. “ But my lady! You’ve had that revealing aqua dress you were planning to wear since it’s Prince Tooru’s favorite color.” Maybe her mistress had finally lost her mind.
Y/n couldn’t help but laugh, love was such a blind curse. “ Throw it out, and anything else that color it makes me was to puke. Now pick me out something simple for breakfast so I can have breakfast with father. The maid nodded and quickly got her ready.
“ Father!” Y/n hugged the stern Duke, his face automatically softening. She hadn’t clung to him like this since he told her that he got the king to accept her engagement to Prince Tooru. “well hello to you too sweetheart, what did I do to deserve this?” He was curious, he hadn’t brought her anything over the past few days due to him being gone.
She couldn’t believe that her father was standing before her alive and well. “ Nothing I’m just glad to see you, now let’s have breakfast together before I have to go to the palace. “ she clung to his arm as they walked to the table together, she was going to make sure her father didn’t die in vain this time.
“ And we're finished, you look gorgeous Lady Y/n. No Lady’s beautiful rivals yours, the prince will definitely fall in love with you this time.” Olivia gushed at her handy work, as y/n stared at herself in the mirror astonished at her reflection. “ Olivia I will reward you when I come back home, now I must go I don’t want to be late.” She smiled making her way to her carriage, it didn’t matter if she was late or not because the prince would always arrive an hour late just to show the true distance between them. In this hour of free time she would set her plan into action.
“ Lady Villarreal.” Her knight Wakatoshi Ushijima said, holding out his hand to help her on to the carriage. “ Toshi I told you not to be so formal when no one is around, I get enough of that already.” She giggled at him taking his hand and getting on. Not only was he the best knight of the Duke but also her childhood friend.
“ My apologies lad- y/n, I’m used to you always having one of the noble ladies with you.” Those ladies weren’t here friends only using her for her high status, in the past, she was just too dumb to see but now it was clear as day.
The second she arrived at the palace she told wakatoshi to wait for her, as she wanted her alone time with the prince. Aha if only they knew which prince she was talking about. Y/n was headed to the crow garden, where the second prince Tobio Kageyama would be since it was a garden dedicated to his late mother. Once aprincess from another kingdom before becoming the empress while Tooru’s mother was only a queen. Sadly Tobio’s mother died at a young age, this palace was deadly yet somehow he was still alive. She was taking a real gamble coming here trying to meet him, it could even cost her life but whether she dies now or a year later made no difference.
The garden was filled with orange and black flowers that seemed almost otherworldly, the girl looked like she was a part of the garden with her dress blending into the flowers. No sign of the second prince at all, maybe her plan was going all to waste. The girl crouched down gently touching a flower. Just then she felt a cold sword on her shoulders threatening to cut her neck. “ Your highness prince Tobio has forbidden anyone from picking the flowers. Stand up slowly and turn to state your name.” Y/n gulped as she followed instructions meeting eyes with Shoyo Hinata, the orange-headed prince’s guard. He usually wore a playful smile but when ordered to can become deadly in seconds.
“ Lower your sword, I’m very aware of who she is. Though I have no idea why you’d show your face in this part of the palace.” A low voice ordered from behind Shoyo. prince Tobio finally came into the picture, but he didn’t look too happy.
Y/n bowed after the sudden shock, “ Glory to you your highness, may you prosper.” She spoke humbly, he was almost taken aback that she was bowing in his stead. Yes, she was in a lower position than him, but rumor had it that the duke’s daughter thought of herself as a prince who would only bow below the king and her beloved. “ You may rise, Lady Villarreal, why have you come here?”
He was itching to find out why she was here of all places, was she sent by his brother to kill him? Tobio had never formally met Y/n only the rumors that she was an evil being. There was no evil being that stood before him just a lovely woman who looked innocent. “ I’m sorry that I’ve intruded, I’ve heard about this garden since I was little but was never able to come. Also I heard that you would be here.” She tucked her hair behind her ear, with Knight Hinata still here she couldn’t reveal her true plan yet.
She came here for him? What business did she have him with anyway? Maybe he had done something to offend her, Shoyo often told him that his face was scary and made ladies cry. “ Why would I be interesting enough for the lady to come all the way here just to see me? Does my brother know that you are here?” He and everyone else knew Tooru didn’t love Y/n but if he knew one thing about his brother is that he is possessive. Just knowing that his fiancé came to see him would drive him crazy.
“ Ah I can’t say, your guard is scaring me.” She lied straight through her teeth, Tobio took the bait nodded his head to dismiss his knight. “ Now you may speak freely.” This whole encounter was strange for him and what she was about to say was even stranger.
She took a deep breath, worse comes to worse she would be sent to jail for offending royalty. “ I’m going to cancel the engagement with the first prince.” She looked up to meet his eyes that just went wide with concern and confusion.
“ Why would you do that? And why would you be telling me this as if it mattered to me?” He questioned as his eyes narrowed with suspicion, maybe she wasn’t as weak as he had thought when he saw her.
Y/n smiled as she had just won a prize, he was asking questions which was a good sign. “ Well, it’s clear that Prince Tooru doesn’t love me, and is only with me for ties to the Villarreal Dukedom. Without me lowers his chances of being king, being with Maryanne Barlowe who can’t give him a status raise will be his downfall.”
“ You know speaking of a future king while the current one is still alive is a crime right, yet you refuse to bite your tongue. Go on and continue, I’ll decide by the end of this if you’ll end up in the dungeon or not.” Tobio advised causing her to gulp, she must not falter to his empty threats. 
“ My birthday ball Tooru will bring lady Maryanne instead of escorting me, excuse me but that bastard is going to embarrass me for that woman publicly. I do not wish to stay by his side, I do not wish to love anymore. So please be my escort to my birthday, I will back you and make you king. Just don’t let me die.” Her eyes began to water and gloss over which she didn’t intend to happen, the thought of repeating the past scared her.
Tobio was taken back by the sudden emotions she held, she was shaking like her life was in danger. How was her fiancé being unfaithful going to end in death? His brain swirled with theories and answers but nothing made sense. This offer was too good for him to decline also too risky in the same sense. “ Keep your word that you’re going to cancel the engagement, then I’ll send you a message on what my answer will be.” This was the only acceptable answer he could give fearing this could all be a trap, something in her eyes was crying for him to help. If Tooru did become king he was as good as dead since he had hate for Tobio. With that he left without another word, he couldn’t take in any more information at the moment.
Y/n sat in the indoor garden sipping on her tea, she had been here for two hours, her fiancé was running extra late today not that she minded. It gave her time to practice speaking calmly instead of jumping over the table and brutally murder him for the trauma he had caused from her death. When the door opened Tooru arrived with Hajime, this tea was informal as ever how did y/n of the past look forward to meeting this rude man.
“ Sorry for being late, I had some stuff to take care of. “ he sat down expecting her to whine about how she had waited so long to see him. “ I didn’t mind, I was enjoying being in my own company. I’m starting to prefer spending time with myself instead.” She said calmly not even bothering to look up from her tea.
He smirked at her attitude, he wished she was always like this instead of drooling all over him. “ Your birthday is next week, I’m guessing you’re here to ask me to escort you? I’ll be wearing blue so you have to match me.” He loved toying with her emotions and getting her hopes up, yes he would agree to go but not with her.
Y/n hated the way he was so cocky and sure of himself, “ You don’t have to worry about us matching, I’m not wearing blue at all.” She simply stated finally meeting eyes with him. “ Is this your way of telling me that you want us to wear a different color? How rude you know I love blue.” If she wanted to wear a different color he would comply since it wasn’t his party but usually she agreed with whatever he said.
“ No not us, I will be wearing a different color since you won’t be escorting me.” She dropped the bomb on him even making his knight flinch at her harsh words. Tooru most definitely thought she was playing hard to get now. “ Why wouldn’t I be? I’m your loving fiancé aren't I?” He wore a playful smirk on his face, she was going to cave in if he played the part of a lover.
She chuckled at his ignorance, he just wasn’t getting it was he? “ Prince Tooru we both know you don’t love me, and I’ve decided to stop loving you now. So why don’t we do each other a favor, and stop this? I y/n Villarreal am annulling this engagement.” She stood up from her seat shucking the prince who could only grind his teeth. Lowering herself she got close to his ear, “ Why don’t you ask Maryanne Barlowe to be your betrothed, or you might be better off marrying a commoner.” Y/n stood up straight as she made her way to the door.
Tooru could barely react in time, “ If you leave right now Y/n, I will never take you back no matter how much you or your father beg me.” He stood up quickly making his chair topple over with a slam, their was no way this weak-minded girl changed overnight.
“ Your highness please refer to me as Lady Villarreal in public from now on, I don’t want people to get weird ideas.” She smiled politely before exiting, leaving the prince to flip over the tea table in anger. Though she had escaped from that death doesn’t mean she escaped from death completely.
A/n: it took me awhile to place the characters! Thank you to everyone who submitted stuff, I’m sorry if I didn’t get to use the character you wanted but I’ll be making some headcannons for the ones y’all sent. P.s I don’t hate Oikawa at all but you can’t tell me he doesn’t play his part well lmaooo. See you next time <3
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mihidecet · 4 years
SBI d&d AU: Ph1lza
First of all, I want to thank each and everyone of you who's liked, reblogged and left a comment (even in private) on my last story! I'd never received such positive feedback and it absolutely made my day (and my week)! So thank you all so so much! <33
A special thank you goes to @whatimevendoinhere , who is an endless source of inspiration and honestly such a cool person to just hang out with akdgaha
Go check out their drawings! They made so much art for this au, and a stunning animatic!! Go show them all the love! <3
Despite what most would think, His Majesty, King Philza of the Greenwoods, does not miss the commodities that come from being royalty. He does not miss them at all, but it would be better to specify why.
He did enjoy sleeping in his wonderfully big bed, with as many soft as cloud pillows as he wished, with sheets made of the finest silks in the summer and of the warmest wool in the winter. But he very much prefers the current warmth of the campfire in front of him, as he moves around a log and watches sparks fly off into the night, and the familiar weight of the head resting on his lap - Tommy had insisted on listening to stories of his time back at the castle, and then he'd promptly fell asleep halfway through him talking about his horseback riding classes.
He did like taking care of his horses, endless stables with elven bred mares and elks. He remembers Roheryn, his first pony, a docile animal that grew up with him, and Firefoot, a fiery mare whose temper he could hardly match.
Still, they are no match for Milo, Barnaby, Peter and Fraiser, the four horses they managed to buy after successfully freeing a nobleman's son. Sometimes Phil catches Wilbur talking to his own as if he could respond; one of these days he'll tell the young bard that, being a druid, he'd be able to translate sweet Milo's answers.
Phil loved the food they would cook in the kitchens, how his nanny would sneak him sweets when he was a child, or how the head chef had caved in and started teaching him how to bake bread after years of insisting it wouldn't be proper for a king to spend his day in the kitchens.
These days he's especially thankful for all the recipes he'd been taught, as food is not that easy to find when you're travelling through endless enchanted woods. And nothing beats the joyful expressions colouring the faces of his companions every time he announces he'll be making his special soup.
The one thing he misses are his friends back home, the people he grew up with. His travels have brought him far away, but they still hold a special place in his mind. Under his linen shirt - once a pristine, perfectly clean thing, now stitched up with different coloured threads and forever stained on his right side where a wolf managed to bite him - rests a thin chain of mythrill, where he keeps what he holds most sacred: his wedding ring, the one he will wear once he'll come back, once his travels and trials have ended.
He never fiddles with it, never exposes it to the light in hope time and weather won't ruin its beauty. Not that its meaning would be lost, even in the hundreds of years Phil will hopefully live, but he did spend two whole years crafting each and every silvery strand - he's not about to let his hard work go to waste. Still, its weight is a constant source of comfort, and even in the worst moments it gives him strength.
A quiet huff of breath next to him catches his attention and, a moment later, Techno lets himself fall down at his side.
While it's good to see him so relaxed, less careful with every move - hands no longer constantly busy in order to keep his mind at bay - he can sense that the thief is anxious: his shoulders are set in a tense line and he seems to be trying to sneak glances at him before quickly looking back towards the rest of the camp. So, Phil waits. He can give him the time he needs, after all he's already slept the four hours he needs to survive.
A couple of minutes later, Techno's rough voice pierces the comfortable silence they'd fallen into.
"Give me your hand." Is not exactly what the druid had expected, but he extends his hand nevertheless, raising an eyebrow curiously. Not even a second later, there's a small green and golden bracelet in his palm.
"Listen, you've saved my bacon more time than I can count, and we've worked together a long ass time, so now we're friends. I just decided it, there's no take backs." Techno states, adopting what Phil has now learnt to know is the tone of voice he uses when he's trying to be intimidating due to his own nerves.
Phil looks down at the bracelet in his hand, picking it up in order to better study it. It's objectively beautiful, the multiple threads of coloured material having been woven by hand, with an added string of gold-like material and a handful of deep red beads.
But most of all- the most stunning thing is that he's holding something Techno made, for him, as proof of their friendship. It tugs at Phil's heartstrings, making his throat squeeze around his words.
"Techno, mate, this is stunning. I- I will keep it forever. Thank you."
One of the thief's eyebrows raises as he looks back at him, staring quietly as if expecting a joke or a quick negation - as if, Phil thinks to himself.
For a moment they're both silent as Phil tries to convince the man sitting next to him of how much he appreciates this token of friendship, after months of fighting side by side.
Techno's mask of impassibility breaks first. He huffs out and turns back towards the fire, but Phil's an elf: he can clearly see the crinkle in his eyes and the smile that breaks open his face, from how it glints in the feeble light, to how one of his tusks pushes up into his cheek.
"Alright, enough with the sappiness. Go to sleep or something, you're distracting me from keeping watch." Techno grumbles, using a stick to move around the embers in the campfire.
With a small chuckle, Phil nods and doesn't point out that he's the one who's supposed to be keeping watch, opting instead to figure out where to keep this precious gift.
While it takes him a while to make up his mind, once he's made his choice he knows it's the right one. It's almost surreal taking hold of the mythrill chain, because he's so used to it resting over his heart, but that is also why he's chosen to tie the bracelet there.
Phil has been travelling for a while - some years now. He has met many people, fought many fights and visited many places, but he knows this is it.
The brilliant thief next to him, the wonderfully talented bard sleeping on the other side of the fire, and the little maniac sleeping with his head in his lap.
These are the companions he will spend the rest of his travels with, for as long as they'll have him.
Next to him, Techno chokes on seemingly nothing.
"You alright?" Phil asks, turning a concerned eye towards him: the thief is a couple of shades lighter than usual and is waving a hand towards his chain.
"You're *married*?!" He yells under his breath, voice reaching a pitch that Phil didn't expect he could.
Tommy grumbles in his sleep, apparently disturbed by the sound of Techno's protest, but he seems to fall back asleep rather quickly once Phil places a reassuring hand over his curls. The boy mumbles something about bees before rolling on his side, head tilting up into his hand, and Phil has to quickly dodge one of his horns - still growing, but nevertheless rather sharp and definitely solid.
Once his movement has stopped, Phil turns to Techno with a small smile.
"Not yet. It is tradition in my family, that one must prove their worth before taking their spouse's hand in marriage." He explains, Techno's expression turning from confusion to understanding.
"And that's why you're travelling. Is it an arranged marriage?"
Phil can't help but laugh a little, despite the ache that burns deep into his chest, shaking his head as he clutches the ring in his hand.
"She is the love of my life. My light, my sun and my moon. I'll spend the rest of eternity with her, for as long as she'll have me. My heart is hers, as is my whole being."
A beat of silence passes, as Phil stares into the moonlight, looking into the same sky that hopefully his love is seeing too, feeling the weight of his affection lift him up towards her. One day, one day they'll meet again, and they'll be able to finally officiate in front of the whole world what is already true. And then, they'll be able to travel together - oh, how his companions will love her, how she will care about them.
King Philza does not miss anything but he does miss her.
"I- I'll take it as a no on the arranged thing, then. I guess."
This time, when Phil bursts out laughing, it's loud, joyous and brings tears to his eyes.
It also makes Tommy wake up with a yell and Wilbur throw his pack at him - a cursed protest for him to *shut the hell up, we're trying to sleep* - but that is absolutely worth it.
Thank you so much for reading, I really hope you enjoyed!<3
I have plans for a Tommy part, once again regarding the friendship bracelets, which will hopefully arrive in the near future!
If anyone would like to see any particular scene or character, let me know! Even in private messages, or anon asks, I will absolutely not mind (I'm just an awkward nerd)!!!
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The Divine Beast
Chapter 2 - Vah Ruta
A/N: Chapter 1 is right here. I highly suggest you read it before this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy! <3
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A full season had passed since Alyss decided to follow Robbie and Purah to the Ancient Tech lab and Alyss had to admit, she was having a lot of fun. The training that Robbie put her through was exhilarating and reminded her just how much she enjoyed fighting enemies. So far, she has only fought Moblins, Bokoblins, and Lizalfos, and her need for larger enemies grew by the training session. After every fighting session and at least once a month, Purah gave her a physical check up to make sure that nothing was changing drastically, or not going back to normal, which weirded her out at first but as their friendship grew she started to not mind them. 
Alyss had become great friends with Purah over the months and often they would sit down and chat with one another over a nice cup of tea. Today was no different. As Alyss sat giggling with Purah over the latest bit of gossip they had heard about two Sheikah scientists hooking up the other night, Robbie came bursting in through the door to the study. 
“It’s been found,” he all but shouted as he jumped up and down on his tippy toes. He looked like a gigantic toddler to Alyss and honestly it made her giggle a little at how insanely cute it was. Over the past season she had found herself lowkey crushing on the eccentric scientist. She would have told Purah but she wasn’t ready to face her emotions, and to be quite frank she wasn’t even sure if her feelings were romantic or platonic. In order to keep them under wraps Alyss would make sure she didn’t look at or spend too much time with him, but that didn’t stop the sideways glances she would give him or the double entendres she would catch him saying to someone while glancing at her. 
Purah jumped up, almost knocking over her plate of honeyed fruit and ran to him, “oh snap no way,” she pointed a small finger into his face. “If you’re lying to me I will end you.” 
Robbie laughed and threw his hands up in defence to the small woman’s playful aggression. “Purah, why would I lie to you about this?” He looked behind her to Alyss who he playfully raised his eyebrows at a couple of times. His goggles blocked most of his silly gesture, but he did notice the way her face lit up in a small pink blush and how she tried to hide it by taking another sip of her tea while pretending not to notice.
Purah jumped back and waved her hands happily as she turned to Alyss and grabbed her hand to roughly pull her up from her chair. “Well then we shouldn’t waste any time! Where are we going?” 
“The Zora’s Domain,” he responded, leading the two women out of the study to prepare for the long trip. 
After a long night of packing, Alyss, Robbie, Purah, and two Hylian Guards were packed and ready with their horses to head for the Zora’s Domain. Everyone was excited and ready to head out and get the field work under way. According to the letter Robbie received along with the news of Vah Ruta’s finding, they were to meet with the Princess, her knight, and her consort when they passed through Castle Town. Alyss wasn’t super excited about meeting with the Princess but not for any reason she had given her. Alyss knew it was selfish and unfair of her to treat the Princess of this time as though she was the one who sealed her away, but it was hard for Alyss to dis-associate her with her ancestor. 
The small group of scientists rode in a comfortable silence the entire way from the Royal Tech Lab to the walls of castle town, but when they got to the town Alyss was the first to break the silence. “Do we have to go to the Castle?” 
Robbie looked over from his beige stallion at her question. He studied her stoic face and heard the dread in her voice at her question. He moved his horse closer to hers while avoiding villagers who were going about their lives on the streets so that he could talk to her respectfully. “I do believe we are meeting them at the gates but you don’t have to go in if you don’t want to.”
Alyss sighed heavily and shook her head at the mere thought of entering the castle once again. She had too many memories there. “No, if everyone else is going it would be rude of me not to…” she grumbled. 
Silence passed for a second as they rode closer to the entrance of the Castle, but it was quickly broken as Robbie held his hand out to her. “I’ll wait with you. How does that sound,” he asked with a warm smile. 
Alyss could tell that his crimson eyes were smiling with the rest of his face even through his brown goggles he was always wearing. Looking from the sincerity on his face to the hand held out in between their horses, Alyss smiled thankfully and placed her smaller hand in his. “Thank you Robbie,” she whispered, truly touched at his gesture of comfort. Little did she know that a certain eccentric scientist was listening to their conversation in front of them and smiling to herself. She knew that there was something going on with Alyss as she would catch her little glances here and there and how she would blush when he spoke to her directly, but she was starting to think maybe there was something there with Robbie as well. Making a mental note to herself, Purah continued to the Castle leaving the other Sheikah behind. 
Alyss slid off of the saddle that was positioned on her teal horse’s back and searched through her bag to find a bright red, juicy apple for the horse. Walking to the front of her horse, Alyss rubbed her horse’s mane and face as she fed her the fruit. “Good girl Sea Foam, eat up. You need your strength.” Sea Foam gave a small nudge to Alyss’s hand happily as thanks for the apple before she walked to a nice patch of shade to lie down and cool off. The Summer sun shining over Hyrule had reached just past it’s peak, but that didn’t make the heat dissipate any. 
“So, enlighten me,” Robbie started as he sat down in some shade and placed his hand behind his back to keep himself up right. He watched as she turned back to him from where she stood watching her horse. “Why do you not like the Castle? You said it yourself, it’s completely different from what you remember, so why avoid it?” 
Alyss sighed and joined him in the shade. Pulling her knees to her chest, she rested her chin on them and picked at a small blade of grass at her feet. “I have some pretty bad memories here. That’s all.” 
“Oh come on there has to be more to it,” he laughed, “but you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” 
Alyss looked over to Robbie for a minute and laid her cheek on her knees. “Well… I actually grew to call this place, er, the Castle I knew, home when I left Kakariko Village to train. All I wanted was to be a knight in service to the Princess, but when I offered myself to the King he turned me away. Princess Zelda interjected and said I could be of some use. That I could help defeat the Calamity.” She looked over to see Robbie looking right at her, egging her to continue. 
“I was taken to a laboratory and undressed. The scientists took my blood - which hurt a lot - and laid me down on a gigantic slab of stone over a blue furnace. All I remember is being told that I was going to be their greatest invention yet and that Ganon didn’t stand a chance before everything went dark. 
“When I woke up I felt normal, a little sore, but normal. The Princess stood next to my bed and treated me like royalty, and it wasn’t long until I grew to love her as I imagine I would have loved my sister. She was my best friend, my confidant,” Alyss smiled happily in fond remembrance as she continued, “I trained day in and day out here at the castle against all kinds of people. Great warriors from across Hyrule came to test my strength before they started pitting me against all kinds of monsters. I loved it as much as I love when you send me into battle, but it didn’t last long.” 
Alyss took a deep breath and buried her head in between her knees. This was still hard for her to think about but she figured talking about it with someone she trusted might help take the burden off of her shoulders. With a shaky breath and clenched fists she continued her story, “I lost myself. The beast inside of me took over. All I heard was a sickening voice taunting me, telling me my friends and family would die, and I couldn’t save them. It drove me crazy, I couldn’t escape, and I almost killed someone,” she whispered. She could feel the familiar tightening sensation in her chest as her anxiety started to skyrocket. She felt her nails starting to dig into her legs and her skin started to bristle as it did before it turned scaly. “I tried to get away, to make it stop, but I almost killed the King,” she whispered, horrified at herself as tears started to form in her eyes again. “It was a mistake, I would have never done it on purpose, but the voice. That voice, it-” She was broken out of her trance when she felt a strong hand lay itself on her arm and pulled her sideways. 
She didn’t register that Robbie had gripped her arm and pulled her into a warm and comforting hug until her face was pressed flush against his bare chest and the scent of his robes were gracing her nose. “R-Robbie,” she said in astonishment as her face blushed a bright red.
“Is this what was bothering you all those months ago?” he asked, trying to piece together how long she had been dealing with this information alone. He felt his heart break for her, he saw her skin turning and how tightly she held herself. This was not the first time he had seen her like this, but he couldn’t imagine the memories she held inside were that bad. Robbie got no vocal answer to his question, but he took the way she wrapped her arms around his neck and allowed him to pull her into a tighter hug as his answer. 
Resting his forehead against the top of her head he tried to provide the most comforting hug he possibly could. “You have been alive a very long time according to the scroll we found, and Alyss from what I have personally seen in the past season is nothing short of someone who is an amazing and a wonderful person. Please don’t beat yourself up over something you did ten thousand years ago, especially if it was an accident.” 
Robbie received no answer, but he was ok with that. He cared about this woman and he wasn’t sure just how much yet, but what he did know was how bad his heart hurt for her in this moment. It didn’t take long before he heard the voices of his colleague, the Princess, and Impa heading closer to them from the Palace. He watched as Alyss removed herself from his embrace before anyone could see and went to attend to her horse, picking herself up emotionally the best she could. 
As they left Castle Town’s protective outer wall, Alyss listened to the Princess and her Consort, Impa, talk to the rest of the group about the newly found Divine Beast. She rode Sea Foam beside Link, who made sure he stayed in front of the Princess at all times, and stiffly stared ahead. 
            "Vah Ruta is an amazing Divine Beast," Zelda continued as she filled in Purah and Robbie. "It is absolutely breathtaking and I wonder what secrets it hides within it’s walls.” She was practically jumping out of her saddle with excitement, like a toddler presented with her favorite toy, at the discovery of this beast that it was impossible to not share her enjoyment.
“However,” Impa interjected, “when we used the Sheikah Slate to try and activate it, nothing happened. We tried everything we possibly could to get it up and running, but eventually we decided that you might have better luck.” 
Purah touched her hand to her chin and snapped as though she had a eureka moment, “I wonder if Alyss would be able to activate it.” She looked back to Alyss who had perked up at the mention of her name in curiosity. “After all, she has ancient Sheikah technology residing within her. Maybe this is the reason she woke up at the start of our journey?” 
Alyss shrugged, “I guess I could give it a try, but I don’t really know what I would do.”
“Oh don’t be so hard on yourself,” Purah cooed from in front of Alyss, completely missing the way her face deadpanned. “I’m sure you could think of something the rest of us haven’t. Besides, it doesn’t hurt to try.”
Alyss sighed and threw her hands up in defeat. “Ok, ok, I will do my best.” This seemed to satisfy the others as they all murmured different ideas and ways of going about activating this newly found ray of hope. 
The moon was high in the sky by the time the company rode up to the gigantic horse head that resembled peace and restoration. The horse stables had come to be a welcoming sight as Alyss got more and more accustomed to this land and their ways. Dismounting her horse and giving Sea Foam a light pat to her silver mane she headed into the inn with the rest of the group. The mere thought of food was on nobody’s mind as the Princess paid happily for everyone to have the comfiest beds. Alyss stood next to Link and let out a yawn that turned into a smile as she watched Purah happily run to a bed and jump on it. 
“Hey be careful,” her sister called out claiming the bed to the right of Purah. “These beds will break, you know!”
Robbie chuckled as he walked up to the group and wrapped each arm around Alyss and Link’s necks. “Oh I’m sure these beds have been through much more than Purah jumping on them. I bet they’re really sturdy, right Alyss?” 
Alyss furrowed her brows as she tried to piece together his off handed attempt at flirting in her sleep deprived mind, but her thoughts were interrupted by a loud thud. Looking over at Purah laying on the floor, Alyss let out a hearty laugh as the eccentric scientist tried to pull herself back onto her bed. She barely noticed Link choking back his laughter and the light punch to the side he gave to Robbie as he removed his arm and took his bed closest to the entrance to the inn. It took her a moment to process his flirting, but by the time she had got it, Robbie had already moved to his bed on the other side of Purah. He was letting his hair down to it’s natural length and removing his backpack and goggles that would be uncomfortable to lay down on. Alyss blushed when he looked back to her and winked before laying down on his back with his arms behind his head. 
The only bed left was beside Robbie and as Alyss moved towards it she could feel his eyes following her body. Alyss felt her hands and legs start shaking as though she was wet from head to toe and stuck in a cold breeze. What was this feeling? She was nervous, her hands were clammy, and the mere thought of what could possibly be going through his mind made her shiver harder. Why was she feeling this way? Turning her back to him she let her hair down and shakily placed the clips and rods on the bedside table. 
“Are you ok?” she heard him ask in a taunting tone. It was almost as though he knew exactly what was on her mind. She felt as though she was as transparent as water and he could read every single emotion that ran through her body, every thought that passed her mind, as easily as he could see the rocks sitting at the bottom of a creek. Alyss turned and locked eyes with his. Opening her mouth she racked her mind for any possible retort, but she was exhausted and the only thing on her mind right now was confusion and him. Sighing, she shed her robe, leaving her in her blue tunic. She couldn’t sleep in her entire outfit like everyone else in the group could, but she knew she couldn’t get one-hundred percent comfortable like she could at the Royal Tech Lab as these were open inns and privacy wasn’t exactly a thing. 
Alyss sat down on her bed and pulled her leg up to take off her stocking, ignoring the look Robbie was giving her the best she could and trying to not be so obviously affected. Mustering up some sort of courage, Alyss gave him a side-eyed look and lifted her chin in the air slightly. “Enjoying the show?” She asked to which she received a low hum in response. Alyss laughed softly at him and moved on to her other leg, exposing the soft skin she kept hidden day in and day out. 
“You’ve got nice legs,” Robbie murmured lowly, trying to not wake any of the others on the other side of him. 
“Thank you,” Alyss responded as she discarded the other stocking to sit next to the white one on the table. Laying down, Alyss turned onto her side and faced Robbie. The sleep she so desperately needed was quickly calling out her name, but she was determined to stay awake just a bit longer. She had finally gathered up the courage to ask her question that had taken over her mind. “What is this?” 
Robbie raised an eyebrow and sat up intrigued by her sudden question. He could tell she was quickly falling asleep but if he could get some clarification he would. “What is what?” 
“What is this feeling...” Alyss sighed as she slowly blinked. Her eyes barely registered his gaze upon hers, but still she continued her sleep induced thoughts. “I feel so weird around you Robbie. Are we friends or…” Opening her eyes she looked into his intense gaze and giggled happily, letting the intense wave of sleep she felt drag her further down. Little did she know that her words impacted Robbie deeply. 
Once he was sure she was completely asleep, he quietly slid off his bed and grabbed the folded blanket by her feet, unfurling it, and placing it over her body. He took his time to allow himself to really study her features from the way her legs curled closer to her body when she slept, to the pieces of hair that fell down over her closed eyes. He gently kneeled down to be face to face with the Sheikah woman and traced her jaw down to her neck. “Good night Alyss,” he whispered before placing a gentle kiss upon her cheek and heading back to his own bed to sleep.
The next morning came bright and early for the company. Link made a delicious breakfast of Crepes and simmered fruit for them all as they got themselves and their horses ready for the rest of the trip up to the Zora’s Domain. As they walked, Alyss did her best to keep her distance from Robbie as the memories of last night came to her in bits and pieces. She was embarrassed at how easily he had affected her with nothing but his look and it did nothing to ease the frustration and fear she felt growing within her mind. This is why she found it best to just push herself away from the rebellious scientist and stick closer to Impa and Purah. This put her a little closer to the Princess but she was easy to ignore as well. 
She noticed the confused glances he gave her the few times they had to look at each other as they stopped for breaks throughout the day, but she did her best to shrug them off and pretend as though nothing was wrong. By the time the sun had started its descent and the moon was rising into the sky, the Company could see the Zora Domain which was welcomed like a fresh cup of tea after a long day of hard work. Alyss was watching the full moon rise when the Company stopped halfway across the Luto Crossing. She almost ran her horse into the others but thankfully Sea Foam stopped and whinied. 
“Goddess look at that,” Purah whispered in awe as she stared over the bridge down into the lake below. “It’s even more magnificent than I could have imagined.” 
“I bet there’s loads of information and data on that Divine Beast that I’m dying to get my hands on,” Robbie commented as he rubbed his hands together like a starving man about to tear into the flesh of a perfectly roasted turkey. “Alyss, come take a look at this,” he called out as he looked over his shoulder at her. 
Dismounting, she walked between Purah and Impa, not really paying attention to what was down below them, but when she saw it she gasped. Memories flooded her mind as she once again gazed upon the magnificence of the Divine Beast Vah Ruta. She remembered her mother and father helping make the layouts for the beasts. She remembered when her and Princess Zelda would sneak out late at night to mess around with the prototypes of the Divine Beasts. She remembered talking to the spirit of the Beast as though it was her sibling and the memories they shared as Vah Ruta would shower her with water from it’s trunk. “Ruta,” she whispered softly. Looking down at the water below, her stomach twisted, but she wanted to get to Ruta. She needed to touch her again, but before she could climb over the railing and jump down into the water below, Link had grabbed her hand and pulled her back. 
She quickly turned around to snap at him and tell him to let her go, but when she saw his expression of warning she shut her mouth. Pulling her hand from his calloused touch she held it close and turned back to the Divine Beast giving it one last look. 
“That water is treacherous if you aren’t a Zora or gifted Zora’s armor,” Princess Zelda started with a small smile towards Alyss. She knew how frustrating Link could be, but at the same time she also understood why he pulled her back from the railing. “Do you know Vah Ruta? Do you have any information you can give us?” She asked, trying to be friendly, but she was met with an annoyed expression from Alyss. 
“I don’t remember much that would be useful,” the Sheikah said curtly and very obviously lying. Her expression said otherwise, but it was late and the Princess didn’t want to push just yet. They still had time and the questions could wait until they were safely near Vah Ruta. Alyss climbed onto her horse and squeezed her with her legs to tell her to move forward. The rest of the group followed not too far behind her, but Purah was quick to catch up with her. 
“Alyss, you were there when they were built right?”
Alyss nodded her head. “My parents helped create their insides.” 
Purah laughed and clapped her hands together once. Even though it was nighttime and everyone was starting to get tired from the long journey, the excitement of the Divine Beast provided a nice adrenaline boost for Purah and Robbie. “Insides,” she practically shouted out looking at Alyss and not where she was going anymore. 
Alyss smiled at her and nodded. “I vaguely remember that the insides were extremely complex, but I was just a child when they were being built. Zelda and I would frequent the Divine Beasts as we got older and while she made sure they were holding up well and their pilots were adjusting well, I would talk to them.” Alyss had a far away look as they came upon the main bridge leading into the Zora’s Domain, but the current Princess Zelda’s voice broke her thoughts.
“Talk? They can talk?” She asked, expressing everyone’s question at this new found information. 
“Well, not exactly,” Alyss continued. “It’s been so long I bet they’ve forgotten me. I had most of a connection with Vah Medoh to be honest, but it’s Champion didn’t really like anyone going up to his Divine Beast without his permission,” Alyss scoffed at the annoying memories of the Rito Champion, “What a frustrating man…” 
“What about Vah Abyss?” Zelda asked which caused Alyss to slow down tremendously deep in thought. They had come upon the Zora’s Domain which was practically silent since most of the Zora were sound asleep in their beds, but as Alyss reiterated Zelda’s question as a question of her own, a Zora warrior approached them and bowed deeply to the Princess. 
“King Dorephan has been awaiting your return, your Highness, Lady Impa,” the warrior stood back up and held her spear close to her body. “Shall I escort you to him?”
“Yes, thank you,” Zelda answered politely as the Princess of Hyrule was expected to do. Dismounting her horse and handing it off to another Zora to take care of while they did their work. Motioning to everyone else to do the same, she nodded to the Zora Warrior to lead the way. With this the Zora warrior seemed satisfied, turned, and started to lead the group of people into the Zora’s Domain.
Alyss looked around at the beautiful architecture of the Zora’s Domain. Everything from the dark blue foundation that had not changed one bit from the Zora’s Domain Alyss remembered, to the ginormous fish on the top of the King’s Throne room was beautiful. The waterfalls that cascaded down the sides of the main level of the domain added a soothing ambience that made the entire Domain feel at peace and untouchable by evil and wrong. Alyss followed the group as they climbed the light blue staircase that glowed under her feet. They were almost to the top of the stairwell when a small puddle of water caught Alyss off guard and sent her falling backwards. Alyss let out a small cry as she felt herself falling backwards, but was caught by a pair of strong arms.
“Careful my Lady, these floors are wet and can be dangerous.”
Alyss looked back and smiled kindly at the forest green Zora that had caught her fall. “Th-Thank you, um,”
“Councilman Muzu,” the stingray Zora responded with a warm smile. “I am the Royal Advisor to the King and teacher to the Princess and young Prince. It’s nice to make your acquaintance.” 
Alyss smiled and thanked him as he helped her stand back up right. “Thank you, Councilman, it’s very nice to meet you.” Alyss watched as Muzu bowed and walked up the rest of the stairs to the group who stood with the King watching the two interact. Alyss joined as well but failed to see the frown that darkened Robbie’s face at the sight of Alyss in another man’s arms. He had no reason to feel this way, there was nothing between them except gratitude at him saving her from pain, but that didn’t make the annoyance any less. Was he angry that she should have watched where she was going or was he angry that he should have been there to catch him? Perhaps he was just annoyed she was ignoring him for some reason. No matter the reason, Robbie pushed it deep down to deal with at another, more appropriate time. 
King Dorephan commanded the room with the clearing of his throat and spoke to the Company in his deep, time-worn voice, “Princess Zelda and friends, I assume you are here to research Vah Ruta am I correct?”
Zelda bowed slightly in respect to the King of the Zora, “Yes, King Dorephan. I have brought two of our royal scientists who have logged countless hours into their research to try and reawaken the Divine Beasts powers. I believe that we will be able to mount Vah Ruta and acquire some sort of knowledge that will help us, as long as we have the permission of the Zora people to do so of course.”
When King Dorephan chuckled, the floor underneath the group of Hylians and Sheikah rumbled. He leaned over and smiled down at the Princess. “Do as you need, Princess. We all have our part to play in defeating the Calamity. If you need anything from me or my people we will do all we can to aid you in your research.”
“Thank you King Dorephan,” Princess Zelda bowed. Shortly after their interaction with King Dorephan, the group was led down to the inn that resided in the Zora’s Domain. They were given beds free on orders of the King but the Princess insisted she give the innkeeper something for their trouble. The innkeeper thanked her for her generosity and led the group to their finest water beds. While everyone was preparing to head to bed, Alyss quickly found a bed near Purah and closed her eyes. 
Robbie was confused by this. The entire time he watched Alyss head to bed, not even disrobe and get comfortable just lay down, he couldn’t help but entertain the feeling that she was avoiding him for some reason. What had he done to warrant her avoiding him he wondered as he laid himself down a few friends down from the girl in question. Robbie recounted everything that had taken place the last few days trying to find any reason she would be ignoring him until his eyes eventually closed from exhaustion.
“You wish Mipha to be the Zora chosen to pilot the Divine Beast?” King Dorephan asked Princess Zelda who stood before him.
“Yes, if you would allow it,” the Princess continued in her polite request.
“I’m sorry, Princess. The Divine Beast isn’t up and running and all efforts until now have failed to get it to work. Knowing this, coupled with the information that the Knight who will seal the darkness has not yet appeared, I cannot put my only daughter up against the Calamity. It is too dangerous.” 
Princess Zelda turned to Impa who was behind her in a silent plea for any sort of help to which Impa could only shake her head and offer none. Turning back to the gigantic whale, the Princess nodded solemnly, “I understand your majesty. Thank you for allowing us your time.” With that, the Princess and her consort left the throne room of the King of Zora’s Domain and regrouped with Robbie and Purah in the middle of the common area. 
“I take it he said no,” Purah asked, placing her hands on her hips to which Zelda could only nod. “Well… What do we do now?” 
“I guess we do the only thing we can do,” Robbie continued. “Let’s go see if we can find out anything about the Divine Beast, but…” he looked around, “... has anyone seen Alyss?” When everyone shook their heads no, Robbie nodded and headed back towards the inn where he found Alyss sound asleep on the water bed she chose the previous night. He laid a strong hand on her shoulder and shook her gently so as to not spook her awake. The last time he did that he got smog to the face and it took him a good bit to recover from that blow. “Alyss.” 
Alyss groaned and buried her face into the soft pillow clearly signifying she did not want to wake up. 
Robbie pursed his lips and furrowed his brows as he decided how he should approach this situation. Apparently he wasn’t thinking straight as he gripped the bottom of her blanket and ripped it right off of her body. He watched as Alyss sat up and glared daggers at him, her eyes were purple but her pupils were slits. The area around her eyes was that of reptilian skin, but there was surprisingly no smog this time. Crossing his arms as though he was a stern father of a teenager, he tapped his foot and raised an eyebrow over his goggles. “Morning sunshine,” he spat a little more harshly than he meant it to come out as he was still a little sore over the events of last night. 
“You have three seconds to tell me why you woke me up so early or you’re getting smog to the face Robbie,” she groggily groaned, rubbing her eyes to relieve them of their reptilian skin and slits.
“We need to go examine the Divine Beast, and for your information-” he began as he tossed her blanket back at her forcing her to remove it from her face and glare at him. “-it’s a little after noon.” He walked out of the inn leaving behind a very confused and very frustrated Sheikah. 
It didn’t take long for Alyss to join the rest of the group excluding Lady Mipha and Link who were off doing their own thing together. That made Alyss wonder, did Link and Mipha have some sort of connection he never mentioned? Her thoughts were cut short as they arrived at the edge of a large cliff to the South of the Zora’s Domain and facing the Divine Beast Vah Ruta. 
“Now, Alyss,” Impa started as they broke themselves out of their astonished stupors. The Divine Beast was much bigger than the scientists had anticipated it to be as it easily met their gazes on the top of the cliff. “All you have to do is take the Sheikah Slate and try to activate the Divine Beast, but the only problem is that you have to be able to board it and none of us have succeeded at that yet.” 
Nodding Alyss took the Sheikah Slate into her hands and stared down at the inactive screen. With one tap the screen burst to life but so did Divine Beast Vah Ruta. Alyss’s head snapped up to look at the Divine Beast that had now turned blue and let out a loud trumpeting sound. This forced the company to cover their ears to not be deafened by the noise, but they didn’t expect it to be accompanied by a violent Earthquake that lasted only a few seconds and was forceful enough to throw everyone to the ground. A stunned silence befell the company as they watched Alyss stand up cautiously and walk as close as she could without falling off the cliff. “Vah Ruta,” Alyss whispered, receiving another loud trumpet from the magnificent elephant shaped machine. “It’s been a long time my friend,” Alyss said, smiling happily. Her infectious laughter rang throughout the air as Vah Ruta raised it’s trunk and proceeded to shoot water straight into the air causing it to rain freezing cold water down onto the group as a whole. 
“Ruta, that’s cold,” she exclaimed as the elephant moved it’s trunk back down into the water and let out another loud trumpet. Water dripped off of her body as she held out her hand to touch the curve of Ruta’s trunk that was moved closer to the edge of the cliff. Once her hand made contact she felt a surge of sadness that Vah Ruta must have been feeling being buried for ten thousand years. “I’ve felt your pain,” Alyss started in a lower tone. She was trying to sympathize with the divine beast as she petted it’s trunk the way she used to do all those years ago. “They locked me away as well, but I’m here now and you’ll never be alone again.” 
Zelda finished wringing out her hair and took a small step forward, astonished at the conversation that was taking place. “So this is what you meant when you said that you could talk to them. Alyss, can you ask it about a pilot?” 
Alyss looked at the Princess and tried her best to not just straight up say no, but she knew this was important so turning to Vah Ruta, she asked, “Ruta, do you have a pilot?” She waited for a second but got no trumpet or response of any kind. Furrowing her brows, Alyss stroked Ruta’s trunk and turned to Zelda shaking her head. She turned back to the Divine Beast and asked it if they could board it to which Vah Ruta responded by moving closer to the edge of the cliff. Alyss looked back at Purah and Robbie and motioned with her head for them to follow her into Vah Ruta to which they gladly obliged. 
Once stepping foot inside Alyss looked around in shock. “This is what they built,” she asked in awe. There were pools of water, there were podiums, she had come to recognize through Purah as terminals, placed in many awkward places. The number of spinning cogs that were of numerous sizes was outstanding to Alyss as she reveled in the work that her family did to create these beasts. 
Purah raised the Sheikah Slate she had taken back from Alyss when they boarded and placed it against the terminal directly outside of Ruta’s body where they had entered. The light underneath her feet turned a bright blue she had come to associate with ancient Sheikah technology and with a glance at Robbie, she walked inside to join Alyss. “Holy crap,” she muttered in awe as she looked around with Alyss. “This thing is ginormous!” 
Robbie walked in as well and furrowed his brows making a mental note of multiple pieces of technology he saw. Before he could say anything, Purah was trying out the Cryonisis feature on the Sheikah Slate to open the gate sitting in water. This caught the attention of the rebellious scientist and Alyss as they turned to follow her under the gate and to the terminal. 
“I think we should activate as many of these as we find,” she spoke her thoughts as she placed the Sheikah Slate face down onto the terminal. It’s activation made the three Sheikah’s gasp as a detailed diagram of the inside of Vah Ruta was pulled up on the Sheikah Slate’s screen. 
“This is aMAZING,” Robbie hollered out in excitement as he took one half of the Sheikah Slate in his hand and stared at the screen next to Purah. “What are we waiting for, let's get to it!”
Hours passed as the trio of scientists worked through Vah Ruta to activate the six terminals, but when it came down to activating the main control unit none of the scientists were able to. “I think we have to call it a day,” Alyss muttered as she placed the Sheikah Slate on the main terminal unit again making sure nothing would happen. Sighing, she walked back to Purah and Robbie with a dejected face. 
“Hey, don’t look so down! We made great progress today and I bet we will make much more when we get a pilot for Vah Ruta. It’ll be a SNAP,” Purah shouted, throwing her hand to her face in a rock and roll hand sign. This made Alyss smile and laugh as she agreed with the progress they had made. 
“Let me go tell Ruta goodbye and we can go give the Princess our findings,” Alyss said as she turned to walk towards Vah Ruta’s head. 
Robbie tore his gaze away from Alyss and started walking back to the entrance of Vah Ruta where they entered earlier without a single word to either of the females, but he was quickly stopped by Purah who skipped to catch up to him. “Hey, hey, where are you going?” She had asked when she caught up to his side. Not sparing her a glance since it wasn’t her fault he was feeling this way, Robbie opened his mouth to speak until he was cut off by a loud trumpeting. This made him a little frustrated, but he continued talking, “Well, there’s nothing else I can do here.” 
Purah furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and stepped in front of him only to be sidestepped, “Yeah, but our friend is still up here,” Purah said motioning to Alyss who was walking back towards them and taking her time. She turned back to see Robbie stepping out to the cliff from the entrance to the Divine Beast without saying another word to her. Purah scoffed in shock as she had never seen Robbie act this way before, however when Alyss joined her and asked what was wrong, Purah decided to drop the issue as it was none of her business. Shaking her head and smiling, she and Alyss left the Divine Beast. 
As the sun rose again on their second day in the Zora’s Domain, Alyss had made her way back to the Divine Beast to sit and keep it company. As she reached the cliff they were at the day before, Alyss dropped to the ground with a sigh and put her chin on her knees. “Ruta, can I talk for a bit?” She waited for a brief second to see how Ruta would react, but when she got nothing out of the Divine Beast she continued, “I have all these memories from a long time ago, and I’m afraid to move on with my life. What if the Princess decides to follow in her predecessor’s footsteps and shut me back in that wet cavern? Ruta, they buried all of us under the ground and forgot about us, and now we are here to defeat Ganon yet again. How am I supposed to ignore the thoughts I have and do what’s expected of me?” 
“Well, I think Vah Ruta feels the same way,” a sweet, quiet voice answered her rhetorical questions from behind her. When Alyss turned around she saw two red Zora walking her way, they both had silver headpieces adorning their heads, but one was much smaller than the other. “I’m sorry, not to be rude, but this is kind of a private conversation,” Alyss murmured as she turned back to Vah Ruta who still hadn’t made any attempt at responding to her. The red Zora stopped a little behind her, “ah, yes, I’m sorry to intrude. I came to introduce myself. My name is Mipha, I am the Princess of the Zora, and this here is my little brother Sidon.” 
Alyss turned and stood up bowing slightly as she had seen was the custom of this land, “I am Alyss. It’s a pleasure. Pardon me for my previous rude attitude Princess. I have a lot on my mind.” Alyss looked down to the ground where she saw Sidon smiling back up at her sweetly. The sight made her heart warm and a smile grace her face as she has always had a soft spot for children. 
“Well, I wish to not intrude. I will leave you to your conversation,” Mipha said as she turned and started to walk back the way she came, but Alyss stopped her.
“Wait,” Before Alyss could continue her thought Vah Ruta let out a loud, harsh trumpet making Alyss turn around. A large group of enemies were charging towards Zora's Domain from a distance which made Alyss’s eyes widen. Vah Ruta was not only warning them of the danger, but it said Mipha’s name. This gave Alyss an idea. Running to her and grabbing her hand, Alyss shoved the Sheikah Slate into her grasp. “Princess, take this. Board Ruta and make your way to it's inner chamber. There you will find a large terminal that resembles a flower bud. Use this Sheikah Slate and activate Vah Ruta. You can defend your people and defeat these enemies!”
Mipha turned her head to the side where she heard a loud growl. A large group of electric Lizalfos were charging the area where they stood. 
“I will protect Sidon, you must go and Pilot the Divine Beast,” Letting go of Mipha’s hand, Alyss ran to Sidon and formed a ring of poisonous smog to surround the two of them. “Go!” Alyss shouted as she started taking out the Lizalfos.
The rest of the group stood in the throne room of the Domain going over the information they had gathered from the Divine Beast the previous day with each other, when a Zora warrior ran in shouting about a large group of enemies. Before anyone could move into action, a loud trumpet was heard from the side accompanied by loud shaking steps that everyone soon recognized was a result of the Divine Beast. Thinking it was Alyss they ran outside to check, but what they saw shocked everyone. 
“Mipha,” King Dorephan cried out, but all he could do was watch as his daughter moved Ruta towards the enemies, shooting rays out of it’s tusks destroying multiple enemies at once. It didn’t take long at all for Mipha to wipe out every enemy attacking the domain, and everyone had to admit they were completely shocked. 
“Where’s Alyss and Sidon,” Princess Zelda asked looking around. She didn’t see her anywhere and she knew that Mipha went to talk to her and introduce themselves. 
Before Zelda could ask anything else, Link, Robbie and Purah were off to try and find the scientist and the young Prince. They ran into a good number of lizalfos and moblins that had come down from the mountains during the onslaught. With Link leading them, they were dead within seconds, but this didn’t do anything for Robbie’s nerves. Sure he was jealous and a little hurt, but she was important to their research and a good friend. When they arrived closer to the area, they could see a large ring of smog and a bunch of dead Lizalfos surrounding the two, but as Alyss’s main concern was the Prince and not hurting him, she was quickly becoming overwhelmed. 
“Sidon,” she spoke as she kicked back a Lizalfos into the smog, “leave me!”
“What, no, I can’t!” He shouted back to her. 
“Listen, you’re small enough to break through unnoticed! I will draw their attention, but you have to run and get help,” she tried to encourage him without scaring him. A moment passed as she knocked a Lizalfos back, it’s weapon grazing her arm resulting in a pained hiss. The moment, however, was enough for Alyss to let down the ring of smog. She growled, drawing all of the ugly bastard’s attention to her. She watched as Sidon escaped out of the corner of her eye but while knocking Lizalfos down she noticed Sidon had stopped. “Sidon, run! What are you doing!?” 
“Alyss!” She heard someone shout out before another yell drowned them out. As this shout sounded out, multiple Lizalfos fell at her feet. She looked up to see Purah waving her towards them while Robbie and Link ran towards the young Prince to scoop him up and take him to safety. Smiling, Alyss ran with the rest of the group back towards the Zora's Domain. When they were far enough away from the ugly lizards, she stopped and turned to wrap the rest of the enemies in a large cloud of poisonous smog quickly choking them out. 
After they started to fall, she turned and caught up with the rest of the group. The entire fight took an hour or so at most, but it was a big turn of events for almost everyone. When Mipha brought the Divine Beast back to a cliff easier for her to access and entered the Zora’s Domain once again to join everyone the first thing she did was hug her brother. “Sidon, I’m so glad you’re alright.” Sidon smiled a bright smile and brought his fist up to his face in an “alright” motion. Mipha turned to face the rest of the group and her father who had been quiet through the entire exchange. Bowing, she spoke, “Father, I’m so sorry, I-” 
King Dorephan held up his hand and chuckled, “Mipha, it seems that I have been proven wrong. I’m certain you will make a fine pilot for the Divine Beast as long as you make one promise,” he finished looking at the Princess. “Keep my daughter safe.” 
Princess Zelda smiled and bowed deeply to the King of the Zora’s Domain. “You have my word.”
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