#but ehh bye to this blog i guess
the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Troupe Event Translation - Journey to the Colours (3/11)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Kazunari: “Going on a journey with someone you don’t get along with is hell…”
Kumon: “Ehh? You think so? Travelling is fun no matter who you’re with!” “Ah, it says they’re holding a festival right now. I wanna go!”
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Kazunari: “Listen, Goku. This is an ascetic journey to Tenjiku in order to study sutras. It is not a sightseeing trip.”
Yuki: “Since I’ve come all the way here, I’d like to stop by a town a little further south.” “I heard there’s a popular sweets shop. They have fluffy pao cakes.”
Misumi: “No festivals and no sweets shops. There will be too many women. It’s dangerous. I’d much rather pass through the mountain range over there where we’re bound not to meet anyone.”
Yuki: “If a regular human like our master climbed such a steep mountain, he would freeze to death.”
Kazunari: “…That’s enough. I will head to the temple lodging where we are staying today by myself.”
Izumi: (Everyone has already captured the image of their roles at the read-through stage. Once again, the casting was perfect.)
Banri: All of their images are close, so it doesn’t feel off.
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Izumi: It looks like everyone’s handling it well. If we keep progressing like this, then I don’t think we’ll have any problems.
Izumi: Okay, today’s rehearsal will go up to here…
*walks in*
Manager: Heave-ho, heave-ho…
Testuro: …
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Manager: Alright, just put them over there.
Kumon: ?
Izumi: Ah, Manager. Could that be—.
Manager: Director, Tetsuro-san brought what you requested over~!
Kumon: Ah, it’s the magic staff! Awesome!
Kazunari: The khakkhara looks totes legit too~.
Yuki: They’re exactly as I imagined. As expected.
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Muku: Kinkaku and Ginkaku’s weapons look cool, don’t they!
Tenma: They’re authentic as ever…
Izumi: I intent to have Yuzo-san use these props to gradually add some action, so let's do our best!
Kumon: Yeah! Let’s get hyped up~!
Izumi: Thank you very much, Tetsuro-san!
Tetsuro: …
Manager: I think he’s saying you’re welcome!
Misumi: I wanna try holding the magic staff~.
Kumon: Be my guest! Let me borrow yours too~.
Tenma: Don’t break them as soon as you get them.
Misumi: Kinkaku and Ginkaku’s are cool too~!
Muku: They came out really well even down to the fine details.
Banri: …Man, as usual, the vibe’s is totally different from Autumn troupe’s rehearsals.
Izumi: True. This is Summer troupe’s—.
Kazunari: Colour. Am I right!
Banri: Well put.
Kazunari: I guess Settzer’s not only gonna help us with our acting, but also the action for this show. We’re counting on you, bud.
Banri: All of us of Autumn troupe are supportin’ you. Since we’re doin’ this, we’re gonna do it seriously.
Izumi: How dependable.
Kumon: The Chinese congee and fried bread this morning were yummy~.
Yuki: Ma’s been making a lot of Chinese food these days, maybe since he’s aware of Summer troupe’s play. That’s Ma for you.
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Kumon: By the way, were you drawing the designs for our upcoming costumes earlier?
Yuki: Yeah. I’m still simply sketching my ideas out though.
Kumon: I see~. I can’t wait to see how the costumes turn out this time!
Yuki: Yeah, expect it.
Cat: Meow!
Kumon: !?
Yuki: A cat?
Misumi: Kitty, this is the way if you wanna go outside~! I’ll open the window for you~.
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Cat: Meow~.
Misumi: Bye byeee.
Kumon: Is he your friend, Sumi-san?
Misumi: Mhm. He said he’s going to take a walk now since the weather’s so nice out. Maybe I’ll go searching for triangles too~.
Kumon: Ah! In that case, why don’t we do a street act while you’re at it!? I wanna act! I feel super motivated right now!
Misumi: ‘Kay, cool with me~.
Kumon: Come with us, Yuki!
Yuki: Sure… I’d like to buy some materials if I’m going, so help me carry the bags.
Kumon: Leave it to me!
Misumi: We’ll do our best~!
Kazunari: …
Kumon: Ah, Kazu-san. Perfect timing! All of us are going to do a street act right now. Won’t you come with?
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Kazunari: Sorry, guys. A prof called me so I gotta head over to uni.
Kumon: I see~. That’s too bad.
Kazunari: Invite me another time!
Kumon: Yeah, you got it!
Misumi: Kazu, we’re off~.
Kumon: “There’s no more escape, Galucion, black knight of darkness!”
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Misumi: “Good grief… how annoying. I shall end your life here and now.”
Yuki: “We’ve had it up to here with your attitude!”
Kumon: “Come forth, holy word excalibur!
Misumi: “What…!? Why, that sword—.”
Kumon: “Take this!”
Misumi: “GWAHHH!”
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Kumon: Thank you so much~.
Misumi: Thanks for watching~!
Yuki: Thanks.
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Spectator A: That was great~.
Spectator B: Good luck on your next show~.
Kumon: *Sigh*. That was fun!
Yuki: Your hobbies were fully exposed, Kumon.
Misumi: Stuff like that’s fun though~.
???: …
Yuki: ? Hey. Do you know that person?
Kumon: Huh?
???: …I knew it. You’re Hyodo Kumon, aren’t you?
Kumon: Yeah, that’s me…
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???: Do you remember me? We played a lot of practice matches together back during little league…
Kumon: Eh… wait, are you Itoi from Dreams?
Itoi: Yeah, you got it. You haven’t changed at all from back then. Well, I haven’t either.
Kumon: You’re not wrong! What a throwback~.
Itoi: We’re in the same year, right? Are you going to university on a referral? I assume you’re still playing baseball?
Kumon: Ah… about that… Actually, a lot of stuff happened and I quit baseball.
Itoi: Huh? Seriously?
Kumon: Right now I’m an actor at a theatre called MANKAI Company.
Itoi: Wow, I see. That’s a shame. You were real good even during little league. I definitely thought you would make it to nationals. I was confused when I didn’t see your name there.
Kumon: Nah… you’re exaggerating.
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Itoi: I thought I’d be able to watch you play again in university, so that’s a little disappointing. I was sure you were aiming to go pro. Do you not regret quitting?
Kumon: …
Itoi: Err, I suppose that’s none of my business. Sorry about that.
Kumon: Ah, no. Rather, thanks for remembering me.
Itoi: Anyways, good luck with your theatre company.
*walks away*
Kumon: …
Yuki: You were that well-known, huh?
Misumi: You’re amazing, Kumon!
Kumon: …That’s a story from the past.
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kanside · 2 years
this is like a really narcissistic thought but like everyone keeps telling me that im actually rlly smart and have a lot of potential but i never take advantage of it but like .... dude i really just wing things. i dont know what 90% of my vocabulary means i just sorta guess and hope for the best and also i am incapable of focusing on anything properly!!!! so like jack of all trades master of none! i can follow instructions but also i cant, i can draw but like ehh i dont wanna improve, i can code but also like no not really i just copy others and make it better, i can do math but like you gotta guide me thru it cos when im right im insecure and when im wrong im confident LOL also i have the anxiety of .. um like .... okay i was gonna say bull because i saw a tiktok this morning of a male cow looking fucking insane and i was just thinking he looked anxious but really he was horny. i actually want to take care of cows (obvi the bulls would be meat i mean what other use, or is that animal cruelty) but like it sounds like a lot of work also i dont like seeing the process of living things turning food (its fine if they die just dont make me clean that up like id put a bullet in someones head if push comes to shove but im not gonna skin em and chop up all the tasty bits and fry up some bacon like no sirree not itnerested) and also it would be a lot of effort just milking them ALSO this morning i saw a calf get birthed on tiktok and like??? dude i dont wanna do that. why they lick their young. like i know youre just tryna help them its the wild and all that but 1. i dont wanna pull a wet juicy calf out of your va jay jay and 2. that thing is covered in goop STOP LICKING IT ill give it a bath or something.
if i look crazy i swear im not im just on my new adhd meds and the side effects are great n all (like i can focus well on stuff like work and its easier to handle my emotions - deffo still getting therapy cos meds only do 20% of the work) but there are side effects like first thing in the morning i find myself with an influx of hundreds of thoughts that need to be shared either verbally (in which i am incomprehensible because one thought overlaps another) or via text (which this blog is for!!! so i can post my silly little thoughts!!!)
speaking if which im rather pissed at the moment (see that the texts are getting broken up a nd furthrer organized that shows im chilling out) because i really enjoy playing the sims 4 (daily reminder that piracy is based but yeah i bought the base game dont sue me beause i dont have 700 dollars) but im in this annoying little middle ground where i like playing the sims 4 unmodded but it feels lacking and when i play it modded it feels overwhelming!! and like im trying to mix and match some mods i have but theres always the frustration that its just not basegame!
anyways im gonna go do something, im very tired, coming down from the ramble sesh, bye bye
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teekapoaold · 4 years
A new start
How boring right. 
Anyway i have been on this blog for soo long that it’s just to cluttered. I tried the delete post before, but that just made me sad. I have debated for long what to do, and decided to move away from this blog, It’s not ’me‘ anymore, and i just don’t feel connected to it. But oh boy i have so much on here, The treetops, Valte, so many unfinished things and i just can’t deal with it. 
I just need to not think to much about it anymore. Have fun, it’s a game after all. And since my computer needed a update, i cleaned it and thought it should be now or never. 
Soo umm i dunno what else to say, all downloads would still be up, and i most likely will not be making downloadable content anymore.
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acrcsstheuniversee · 5 years
Good Enough For Me
Pairing: Paul McCartney circa 1962 x John Lennon circa 1978 (McLennon)
Rating: Mature, readers 18+
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of porn and sex work
Words in this chapter: 1800+
Author’s Note:
Here it is! Refer to my summary and introduction post if you haven’t done so for more disclaimers, visuals, tag list info, and more.
*Disclaimer: I do not own The Beatles. This is fiction and written for leisure. Aspects of the story will not be historically accurate and should not be taken extremely seriously.
Chapter 1
Already a month into the semester, Paul found himself struggling to keep up with his studies. He tried his best to focus on typing an essay on the history of guitars that’s due the next day by 10 a.m. but just couldn’t get himself to do it. Not like it was hard or anything; he just hated doing what he’s told, especially if it was something he didn’t care about. He just wanted to do music but having a degree is a necessity now.
He pressed the home button on his cracked phone screen to see that it was already midnight. He was only half way done with the assignment that could’ve taken him only 30 minutes if he wasn’t writing songs in between paragraphs.
It was all too much anyways. American universities have much more homework assignments than back in England. Times like these made him question whether or not going out of the country for school was worth it. There almost seemed like there were more cons than pros in his decision. He lacked resources, he didn’t have any friends or family here except his roommate/best friend George, he was poorer than ever, and must work and attend school part-time. If he stayed in Liverpool and just continued school locally, he probably would’ve earned his degree by now; but now he’s what Americans consider a “super senior” because he’s 21 years old with the amount of classes completed equivalent to a third year student. Despite the struggle, all of it was better than his father dictating his every move. 
He shut his laptop, giving up on the assignment and leaned back into his desk chair, rubbing his tired droopy eyes.
He had two classes and work tomorrow. The thought of them made him roll his eyes. Music history from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., a business class he couldn’t remember the name of from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., and work right after at a restaurant nearby as a dishwasher, and occasionally performer if the artist they booked cancelled that night.
He yawned as he got up and slide into his bed. Before shutting his eyes, he turned his head and looked directly across the tiny dorm room to his right to see his childhood best friend and roommate, George Harrison sound asleep.
Paul really needs to take a note out of George’s book and sleep earlier. These late nights are just stressing him out more and more.
“Paul….. PAUL! Get up!”
Paul jolted up right when a sudden raised voice rang in his ear. His eyes met George’s signature judgemental look. One of his thick brows cocked and his lips curved awkwardly. He was already ready to go to class.
“Ah, what time is it?”
“9:30. I woke you up 30 minutes before hand because I just know you aren’t going to get up to the 9:45 alarm unless you expect to make it to your first class in 15 minutes,” George teased.
George is a pain in the ass and a know-it-all, but Paul loved him dearly. He comes off mean sometimes but Paul knows it’s just because he’s younger and feels the need to prove himself. Paul was used to it after all this time but sometimes, that boy needs to know when his criticisms cross the line. Despite being a dick sometimes, they’re both grateful to be going to the same college together. It was one in a million chances for George to land the same US college as Paul just a year after Paul’s acceptance.
“Okay, whatever. You have a point, I guess.” Paul groaned and rolled out of bed. 
“I know I do, ha. I’ll see you later.” George messed up his friend’s darkhair more than it already was, making Paul swat his hand away.
When George left, Paul finally got ready and headed off to class with his incomplete essay.
Everyone was already seated and the professor was setting up today’s powerpoint lecture when he finally arrived. Paul sat down in the back where he’s been since the beginning of the semester. It hasn’t been a problem until a girl started to sit near him everyday since last week. When group or partnered work was assigned, she would often ask him to join her. She was kind, but Paul knew she liked him. She couldn’t make it less obvious. They would make small talk here and there---just about classes and hobbies. She was also very good at piano just as Paul was, but not too good on guitar though she claims to be.
He felt her looking at him, making him turn his head to find out he was right. She just smiled and waved. Paul nodded and gave her a small smile in return, trying not to show too much emotion, afraid she would like that too much. She already had the wrong idea but he didn’t want to be mean about it. Paul was not interested in the slightest and, he was gay. Found that out in high school and hasn’t been too shy about it since then. 
When class ended, Paul left immediately to his second class to avoid conversation with anyone. This next one was business related which is something he also could care less about. He was a bit behind in this one too, but this time, he truly didn’t understand the material. He definitely needed a tutor soon.
Not much happened other than him writing mini poems all over his in-class assignment. He didn’t even bother erasing any of it before turning it in at the end of class.
Paul sighed as he made himself to his busboy job right off campus. Before stepping inside, he felt his phone vibrate. It was his dad. Ugh, he thought but answered.
“I’m about to go into work, Dad. What is it?”
“Well, hello to you too. I was just wondering how the first month in the states have been. I haven’t heard from you.”
“It’s fine.”
“Just fine? Have you got a chance to tour places? You should send me photos.”
“No and no. I don’t want you to be sending the pictures to your friends as if you helped me get here. I know you do that.”
Paul heard his father sigh.
“Just text me when you get home and tell George I said hi.”
“Okay, bye.” Paul said before hanging up and walking into his shift.
It seemed harsh but his dad was a selfish prick. He loves to be in control of everything. He was the reason Paul came to the states to study. All he wanted was to ride the wave of success his two sons have been achieving.
In all truthfulness, Paul stopped believing his dad’s bullshit after mom died about 6 years ago. His dad seemed to have lost his way but Paul couldn’t be around all the time if he had a dream to follow. It’s been rough without his mom around but Paul had to do what he was right for him, even if that meant getting away from his dad which is something even she would’ve supported.
He couldn’t stop thinking about how irritating school and his dad were during his shift. The rude coworkers and customers didn’t help his case at all. This wasn’t new though. Paul was used to working constantly in some shape or form. The only problem this time is that he needed more money now that he’s completely independent from his father.
“Hey, busboy!” his boss called out to the dishroom from the back office. Paul rolled his eyes and went to see what he wanted.
“I have to cut your hours in half. Here is your new schedule. You’re off now, so don’t wash another dish.”
“In half?” Paul took the schedule and saw that his income now would not suffice his monthly tuition payments, let alone some money for necessities. “You’ve got to be shitting me. Why?”
“We can’t afford to pay you. I’m sorry, kid.” he said nonchalantly.
“Will I be able to perform sometimes still?”
“Ehh, sure.” he said as he continued his paperwork, not even looking at Paul.
Paul rolled his eyes again. Could his life get any more annoying? He let out a sigh and clocked out. Now what, he thought making his way home.
When he got home George was playing his computer games with his big headphones to fit on his large ears. The younger man didn’t even notice his friend come in until one side of his headphones was pulled and slapped against his head.
“Hey!” George readjusted himself then paused his game to face Paul with his eyebrows furrowed. “What?”
“My hours got slashed.”
“You’re joking.”
“Nope, hah.”
George frowned.
“Shit, I’m sorry. Are you going to find another job?” 
“Well, I’m going to have to because I will not be asking my dad for help.” Paul said as changed into his pajamas and hopped onto his bed.
George sighed. Paul just stared at his friend for a moment, not knowing what to say. This was bad news for both of them. George didn’t have the same financial issues as Paul did. He only had enough for himself. If George could help, he would---and Paul knew he would.
“I’ll think of something, George. Don’t worry.” Paul got under the covers and listened to his friend shut off his computer and lights before hopping into bed as well.
He stared at the ceiling and sighed, then began to think about all the ways he can make money quickly but none of it would be fast enough to pay his next tuition bill. He rubbed his eyes. It was beginning to stress him out the more he thought of it and he just wanted it to all stop for a second.
Ah fuck it, he thought before whipping out his phone and started to scroll through his favorite porn blog on Tumblr. What better way to forget about things than looking at some sexy pictures of guys?
Paul scrolled until he ran into a post that was by a male sex worker selling nude photos and thought hard to himself. It was a young guy about his age selling his photos for $25 a piece and a private snapchat story for $5 per friend request and $15 extra for screenshot privileges.
Paul bit his lip nervously. It’s been a couple years since he did sex work. All he did was some cam work, sold some nude photos, and made customized videos for people on the internet. He remembered enjoying it but there was always the parts he hated that made the job extremely draining like any other job.
He laid there staring at the screen. He must admit, it was tempting to dive in again but he was afraid what George would think.
“George… Maybe I should go back into sex work…” Paul said suddenly.
George didn’t reply. He just snored in in response. That bastard.
Paul sighed and continued to scroll through sex work blogs, inspired by the possibilities until he slowly drifted to sleep.
Tag list:
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bregee13 · 5 years
The TREES Bro!!!
Ok so earlier I was rambling about vaguely nostalgic things I wanted to ramble about. And... I'm gonna do that!
Okay so I'm going to start off with how I rediscovered this thing. (What is it? I'll tell ya in a bit.)
Well it all started when I was making a Halloween playlist on Spotify. I got inspired by the music choice channel that plays seasonal music. During Halloween time it plays such a wide assortment of things. There's kids songs, movie themes, sound effects, and a bunch of stuff. It's almost like a grab bag of mixed Halloween candy. A lot of it isn't even strictly for Halloween! I love it so much. 
So, to recreate this wonderful channel, I made a playlist and filled it with as many Halloween songs as I could. 
And one day, I came across this one song that should be a little familiar to you Disney fans.
Okay, so I'll admit. I never been to the haunted mansion ride before. Heck, I never been NEAR a Disney park. But for some reason this song felt somewhat familiar for whatever reason. At first I thought... 'Oh! I remember being at a Halloween party when I was ten-ish! Maybe I heard it then!' And maybe I did. 
But it felt like MORE than that. Like it was something from WAY BACK. Maybe I just heard that exact song when I was really small? No... 
And then it hit me. A memory of some sort of sing along thing.... Something that stuck with me for a long time. The idea that I might've discovered a clue about it... It was exciting. 
'Is this-???' I thought- 'Could it be...??? THE TREES?!?!'
Now those of you that have seen this before will know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. And if you don't, you will soon. 
I looked up Grim Grinning Ghosts, and I FOUND IT.
Brief commentary because I can't refuse:
Ok but the trees tho 
They're so much more goofy looking than I remembered as a kid lol
The way the pumpkin bounces is a little weird but ok
This just screams the 90s
Ah yes the classic Disney villains... The queen from snow white, captain hook, and.... Wait. WHO IS THAT?
*does a quick Google search* Oh. It's the big bad wolf I guess. wHO'S AfrAid of the BiG Bad wOLF?
Donald Duck gets me every single time. Every second of him is a mood booster. If you say otherwise, you're no fun. 
I like when he waddles away as the vid fades to footage of the ride. it goes with the music kinda. 
also him turning to face the camera at the last second. Classic.
This is just a good version of the song. I like.
Oh here it comes. Her moment to shine...!
There she is! Maleficent!!! Looking good! ❤ 10/10
Donald joins in like 'yes. I am a big bad. Look out' XD 
Aw thanks I enjoyed your company too! 
Oh shizzle everyone vanished. Now we're left with these weird trees again. This place is haunted! bye y'all!!
Commentary over!
I was so happy to finally find this again. ...Not that it was difficult. But now there's a new mystery. WHERE DID THIS COME FROM???
Not long after I rediscovered this, a YouTube channel I was subscribed to (Disney Dan) uploaded the main vhs the sing along came from, as well as just that specific segment of the video.
Honestly? Even if you are a big Disney fan, you have to admit that this is just a half hour advert for Disneyland. ...at least it's a fun ad I guess?
Now that Disney Sing Along stuff sounds familiar, but I'm confident I never seen this video before it was uploaded on YouTube.
So that means that the sing along came from somewhere else.... But where? I don't have a clue! ...At least at the time I didn't.
Flash forward to about a year later (last month lol). I was searching for Halloween Disney vhs tapes because I had vague childhood memories of them too. I then came across a vhs called BOO BUSTERS. (Along with two other similar vhs tapes, it was released on October 5th 1993 and they were labeled as "Disney Haunted Mansion Video Collection" ...Apparently. There's another site that says 1994 but ehh... The other two vhs tapes are called Witcheroo and Monster Bash. But i don't think I’ve seen either of those, so it doesn't matter.)
Now why does this matter? Well, in the opening of the tape (as well as the other two tapes) is that exact sing along! Look!
But... Have I REALLY watched this vhs tape? I mean that one blogspot blog from 2011 says it's RARE! 
Well, yeah. I'm 100% sure! Because that same blog recreated the vhs. Well, they posted the opening, the two episodes, and the closing, but still! Watching those two episodes just left me feeling super nostalgic. 
Anyway, mystery solved!
Huh? The two episodes on the tape? Goof Troop: Hallow-Weenies, and Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers: Ghost of a Chance.
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channiechanchan · 6 years
Bias Tag
Tagged by:  mi grandchild @changbeanie 
1. Who is your bias?
Christopher Bang Chan
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look at my hubby oof
2. How long have you biased them?
Since episode 1 of the survival show, when little Chris sang I’m Yours oof I WAS SMITTEN~! I’M YOURS IS ONE OF MY FAVE SONG AND IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN MY FAVE SERENADE? SONGS... cause of Filipino shows and movies lmao... so the answer is ummm 10-11 months?? idk I can’t count lmao
3. What is their zodiac sign?
4. What is your favorite thing about them?
Okay umm I guess you should sit down lol because this might take a while...  I love it when he makes music cause he’s so focus and he just looks hot when he’s focused okay... I love his creativeness and his down to earth personality. He’s so hard working and I love how he helps each member with whatever they’re struggling with (idek if that was English lol) I love his husky voice when rapping, his husky ass voice in general, his dance, his singing and rapping voice, his arms, when his eyes turn into crescents oooof, his hands, HIS DIMPLES~ The way he calls himself Chris when he’s hungry, those weird noises he makes... hIS natuRAL cuRLY haIR!! His AUSSIE ACCENT!!! Idk why lol but I like it when his dorkiness comes out. I probably said things twice lmao :’)
5. Emojis you associate with them?
💪🏻😏🤙🏻🌞🤧😍💖👀 and two more that I will not put lmao but Ruby knows
6. Colors that remind you of them?
red, black, white, baby pink, baby blue, also green idk why lol
7. One gift you want to give to them?
My love and affection(is that the same thing?? ehh whatever lol)…BUT WAIT ISN’T HE RICH THO? LIKE WHAT DOES HE NEED THAT HE DOESN’T HAVE(me of course haha i have no shame) how about pants? lmao cause he needs to get rid of all of those sweats :’) or sweatshirts(that I’ll probably steal) ummm weights idk man so he can workout and shiz
8. What song would you listen to with them?
any R&B/Hip Hop songs!! Is there R&B Hip Hop genre lol
9. Movie you would watch with them?
Marvel Marathon!!( cause his 3racha days man oof😏👀) He’s also a weeb soo I guess Dragon Ball and Pokemon Marathon lmao(although I prefer the older ones) pssst I too was a weeb 
10. What flowers remind you of them?
lilies and heather lavender, cause you know, lilies symbolizes purity and refined beauty and heather lavender symbolizes admiration, solitude and beauty psst my main blog used to be called heather lavender lol
11. What made you fall for them?
His duality. But mostly cause of his smile... His eye smile and dimples are present and I’m just soft!! Okay but like how can he be hot and cute at the same time?? WHy caN’T I do tHAT?! Like what I mentioned above I love his dorkiness, also his memey face oof, we can be memes together lmao
12. Dream date you would want to go on?
Late afternoon picnic and then afterwards watch the sunset and then just chill under the night sky. I just want to chill and talk with Chan🤧 i don’t want any fancy dates tbh I just want to be with Chan and have a good time
13. Who would be more clingy?
I feel like both of us will be clingy… ya girl is pretty clingy :’) like I need to be holding someone lmao
14. One thing you want them to know?
I’m always here to love and support you with whatever you have in mind and if you need someone to talk to, just know that I’m here to share the problems together (idk man)
15. Who falls asleep first on face time?
NO ONE!! WE DON’T KNOW WHAT SLEEP IS.... maybe me cause I’ve fallen asleep during skype calls before :’)
16. Place you’d like to go to with them?
Anywhere as long as I’m with Chan, but if we do bungee jumping and shit then bye felicia! jk i actually want to try those lmao
I’m tagging @felixmahdork @yeaimfishboi @leeknows-min-hoe @arqueritefrost (HEHEHEHE)
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nowimthevillain · 6 years
I don’t really post nsfw stuff but I like that I had the option and could view the content any time, if by some bolt out of the blue my blog is killed then I wanna say bye if not then I guess I’ll just keep posting on the hellsite with a little less happiness, ehh either way
Peace out ✌🏻
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ah-ga-seven · 7 years
Christian Yu: Happy Birthday Baby.
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Type: Fluff, Smuttish (?) 
Warnings: Bad language, mentions of sex and alcohol.
Word count: 2355
A/N: Hi guys, it’s been a while hasn’t it? In light of Christian’s birthday I decided to write a short fun loving scenario for him. I am in fact still working on my second series but since university has started for me I barely have time to sleep, let alone write so this is a little ‘make up’ scenario for that I guess. Further information on the new series will be posted on my blog. For now please enjoy this “short” one and let me know what you think as always ;)
“He’ll notice” you say raising your eyebrow
“No he won’t, he’s so dense. We’ll just slip it passed him” Dabin says crossing his arms after parking the car.
You were parked outside of a department store, it was Dabin’s plan to come here and get some supplies to throw Christian a small birthday bash in some nice ass resort just outside of Seoul. It was a nice idea, but Dabin was in way over his head. You don’t think he gave it much thought when he invited everyone but Christian on the day of his birthday to do some shopping for the party, which was spontaneously decided to be held and planned just two hours ago.
“Scott, Michael and Cream will be here in just a second”
“You invited all of them just to go shopping?” you asked wide eyed.
“Yeah.. The more brains the better.” He smiled, happy with his plan.
“Obviously, since you don’t have one.” You roll your eyes, taking off your seatbelt to get out off the car. “If everyone is missing and he contacts one of us, which he will. What are we supposed to say? Especially me. I live with him.”
“Right. I didn’t think of that” Dabin says biting his lip.
“Did you think of what to get?” you ask blankly staring at your friend.
He simply shakes his head.
“Fucking hell Dabin.” You say raising your hand to your forehead.
He gives you an apologetic look and quickly jumps out of the car when he sees the other boys approaching.
You slowly get out of the car as well and walk towards them after loudly closing the car door.
You greeted them one by one with hugs, and put your arm on Scott’s shoulder to lean on him while you all looked at Dabin.
“So, why don’t you tell them your master plan.” You say giving Dabin a sarcastic smile
“It’s not much of a plan…yet. But that’s why everyone is here.” Dabin states a little less confident than he did just a minute ago.
“Dude why didn’t you say we were doing something a week before, so we could you know, plan this shit out.” Scott says a little annoyed.
“Fuck planning. We’re DPR we make shit happen on the spot” Dabin says with a cheesy smile.
“Wipe that corny smile off your face boy, we have shit to do if we want this done by tonight.” Cream says taking his phone out of his pocket. “It’s 1 PM, it’s a 1,5-hour drive to the resort. We need to invite people, do groceries, decorate the place, set up a sound system and make sure everyone is there before Christian arrives.”
Michael frowned. “That’s way too much.” He says scratching the back of his head.
“Okay.” You sigh closing your eyes for a second.
“Dabin, Michael. You guys do the groceries for snacks, alcohol and soda’s. Maybe even pick up a birthday cake and some candles, be wild with it.”
You turn to Scott and Michael who were standing on your left.  
“Scott, Michael; go on a hunt for decoration like balloons and stuff, but I don’t think I have to tell you how to make a room aesthetically pleasing, I know you have that covered. After you get the decorations be sure to pick up the speakers and sound system from the studio before you leave for the resort. Also don’t forget to pack some clothes and other necessities since we will stay there over night.”
The boys just nod at your demands, taking in every word you said just now.
“I will invite the rest of his friends and call the resort to see if they can provide us with the remote penthouse since we will probably be causing noise disturbance and we don’t want to bother other guests there. Also if any of the guests want to stay over after the party, I’ll tell them they have to provide their own stay.” You say determined.
“I suddenly understand why Christian fell for you.” Scott jokes, which earned soft chuckles from the rest of the guys.
You roll your eyes at his comment, giving him a slight smile.
“But wait, how do we get Christian to the resort without him noticing we are up to something?” Cream asks looking at you.
“Hmm, maybe I’ll just say that I booked a spontaneous romantic getaway for the both of us, I don’t think he will suspect much if I put it that way” you say shrugging.
“Yeah, but won’t he be disappointed that we don’t contact him to come and hang out or something.” Dabin says considering his friends’ feelings.
Michael shrugged. “I think the party itself will make up for that.”
“Okay, so everything is set then?” You ask looking at all of them one by one.
“One last thing” Scott says. “Make sure he wears a shirt and actual pants instead of those jogger shorts he always has on.”
You chuckle. “Got it.”
“Babe, you’re so random” Christian says as he rubs his eyes, looking at you pack his and your own stuff.
“Yeah well, we rarely do these kinds of things so what better way to spend your birthday than in a luxury resort with just the two of us” you say walking towards him and wrapping your arms around his neck.
He smiled at you, stealing a quick kiss. “It’s still so unlike you” he says letting go of you. “You’d tell me like two months in advance.” He chuckles sitting down on the bed.
You turn around to grab a shirt from your closet, biting your lip. God you wished he’d just go with the flow without asking difficult questions. But you understand. It’s unlike you. That’s for sure.
“Have you heard from Dabin today? He wished me a happy birthday but didn’t call me back” Christian asked frowning looking at his phone.
“No babe, I don’t know” you lie. At that your phone rang. You took it out of your pocket to answer.
It’s Dabin. Nice timing, as always.
You look back at Christian who was still sitting on the bed, focused on his phone, scrolling through his Instagram comments.
You answer biting your lip.
“y/n we’re going to need another hour or so.” He immediately says.
“Ohhh-h-hi mom” you say cheerfully.
Christian looked up from his phone to look at you.
“What?” Dabin asked, obviously not getting the hint.
“Yes mom, I’m fine.” You say smiling. “Yes Christian is fine too, I’ll tell him you wished him a happy birthday.”
Christian smiled putting his hand out. “Let me talk to her” he says.
“Ehh, yeah one hour is fine.” You quickly say. “Yes! Bye mom. Love you too.”
You hang up the phone, quickly putting it in your pocket again, earning a confused frown from Christian as you did so.
“She said she’d call back in an hour.” You say laughing nervously.
“You’re acting all kinds of weird today, you know that?” Christian chuckled looking back at his phone again.
You walk towards him, sitting down on his lap sideways, wrapping your arms around his neck again and kiss him passionately. In between kisses you take his phone from his hand and put it next to you on the bed. You take his hands and put them on your ass; where you like it, as you straddle him.
“I am?” you softly say while seductively starring into his eyes.
He smiled biting his lip, looking you up and down while firmly squeezing your ass as he falls back on the bed with you on top of him, hungrily kissing you back.
“How much time do we have before we leave?” he asks a little out of breath, putting a strand of your hair behind your ear so he could see your face better.
“One hour” you say smiling.
“That should be more than enough” he playfully says as he roughly flips you over so he’d be the one on top now, earning a surprised squeal from you in the process.
You took off his shirt in one swift move as he started to kiss your neck, helping you out of your shirt as well. “I love you baby” he mumbles against your skin while leaving a trail of sloppy kisses down your neck.
You moan at the sensation, wrapping your arms around him to bring him closer so you could kiss his lips. “I love you too Christian.”                                                    
“3 minutes” you text Dabin as you got out of the car.
Christian grabbed your travel bag from the trunk which had both of your belongings in it.
You watched him do so, and you had to admit. You were really excited to see his reaction. He didn’t think his friends would make a big deal out of his birthday, but god is he in for a surprise.
You linked arms with him as you walked inside the building. It was absolutely gorgeous inside and out. The pool looked amazing and the overall aesthetic was so pleasing to the eye.
Christian eyed the pool outside. “Imma have to dive in there” he said giving you a boyish smile. He was already excited, and happy to spend time with you in a place like this.
Just looking around he had his whole night with you planned already. Get in the sauna, jump in the pool, go for round 2 of birthday sex in your room and order too much room service after you take a hot shower together.
He swung the bag over his shoulder and let go of your arm so he could hold your hand, intertwining your fingers as you made your way up to your suite.
While waiting for the elevator to arrive at your floor he sighed, completely content and happy to be here with you in this moment. He absently kissed the top of your head, sweetly putting a strand of your hair behind your ear afterwards.
You looked up at him, giving him a sweet smile.
He looked at the number of the floor you pressed and frowned. “We have the penthouse? Babe that’s ridiculous” he says as his jaw lightly dropped.
“Just shut up until you see it” you chuckle.
The elevator stopped and the doors opened. You took his hand and dragged him with you. You searched for the keycard in your purse and opened the door. You walked into the dark open space with Christian right behind you.
“Why is it so dark in here?” he asked turning on the light switch.
“SURPRISEEE!!!!!!” Everyone yelled in unison.
Confetti canons popped and the music immediately started playing. The suite looked amazing. They put up cut outs of Christian’s and Lori’s faces on the walls. You laughed at the pictures and diverted your attention back to your boyfriend again.
You smiled widely as a startled Christian took a step back, taking everything in. A huge grin crept onto his face as he sees his friends approaching to congratulate him.
Dabin tightly hugged Christian first, while Scott and Michael shook him and patted his back. Cream, Jun and some others approached him afterwards for a hug as well.
“How did we do!?” Dabin yelled over the loud music.
“Dude everything makes so much sense now!” Christian replied still smiling and laughing away with them.
So many people turned up to celebrate Christian, even if it was last minute. Almost anyone and everyone he held dear to his heart linked up to have a good time with him.
After the majority of the people had greeted and congratulated him, Christian’s eyes started to look for you. He hadn’t even thanked you yet. He was so overjoyed and distracted by the fact that all of his friends were here, that he had lost track of where you were.
“Excuse me for a second mate” he said to Dabin, putting his drink down.
He made his way through the penthouse to see you in a deep conversation with one of your mutual female friends. She smiled at him and poked your shoulder, pointing her finger so you’d catch attention of Christian who was right behind you.
You turned around and smiled brightly at the sight of him. “How do you like your party?” you ask looking up into his eyes.
He chuckled, holding on to your waist. “You’re so sneaky, and a terrible liar now that I think of it. Distracting me with sex huh?” he says pointing his finger, pretending to be mad about it.
You hide your face in his chest. “I’m sorry” you cutely say.
He smiles grabbing each side of your face with his hands and places a soft kiss on your forehead. “It’s okay babe, this is amazing, although I did hope for a round two once we got here.” He says seductively biting his lip while looking into your eyes.
“The night is still young” you whisper in his ear. “Besides, we have the whole day tomorrow as well.”
He loudly groaned, pleased to hear you’d have some alone time together after all.
“You’re such a dream” he says pulling you closer and trapping you in for one of his bear hugs.
At that the lights went out and Dabin walked in with a birthday cake. He slowly approached trying not too drop it while “Birthday Sex” by Jeremih starts to play as a theme song. All eyes and phones were diverted to you, Christian and Dabin, either snapchatting or just recording the whole thing.
Everyone burst into laughter as Dabin started to do some ridiculous “sexy” dance moves with the cake in his hands while he walked up to the both of you.
Dabin finally made his way to him and stood in front of Christian, holding the cake up for him. “Make a wish bro!” he yelled over the loud music.
Christian smiled, closing his eyes for a second before he blew out the candles, which was followed by applause and cheers from everyone in the room.
He smiled and so did you. Simply being happy and content because he was. You quickly peck his lips. “Happy Birthday baby”
A/N: Read my Christian Yu series here (completed)
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knicole0527 · 4 years
So Today Was Weird
So I dont know what came over me but I was actually asleep I wanna say by 10:30p or 11p last night . I go in early so I for whatever reason I got up at 4:30 . At first I woke up at 4 though ; I was just like ehh too early so I went back to sleep . I guess my sleep got deep but like a good deep 30 minutes nap . I was up like a spring chicken . Again , I usually have just a little drag to me ; but there wasn’t a drop of drag in me . 
But I knew something was off I just didn’t know what . So remember I told you my girlfriend and I aren’t really like connecting at all in the previous blog post . Well she once again responded in a damn message after I thought we was gone use our throats and mouth to discuss anything instead of texts but I guess not . Apparently I read the message at like 12:30 . Mind you I know I wasn’t awake so it had to of woken me up or whatever no big deal . But had I not looked at my messages and seen just the small glimpse of the message I wouldn’t have realized she wrote me ; because again , I was asleep when she sent it . I hate when she does that though . Waits until I’m good and damn sleep to wanna talk or waits until she wants to open up . But be having the nerve to get on me about communication . I now I’m young and stupid and can be a little wreckless but damn baby girl . IS WE GONE COMMUNICATE WITH WORDS OR NAA ? I guess not since her throat still dont work and the only way to hear her voice is come up with a bs convo just to see if she gone respond . 
But in this point in time . I just dont know guys . Like I really dont . I fckd up I know in the past .And I also had other obligations prior to her . So I dont really understand why she is so frustrated as if she didn’t know my finances at first were shaky . I guess because I didn’t tell her who I owed and how much ? Quite frankly its none of her business tho . It all happened before her . But shit now I am debt free to them mutha fckrs . So I can actually help out like , ALOT more . Like more than she thinks . I actually make pretty decent money though at Holley . 
ANYYYYYWHOOOOOOO .... My day , thats supposed to be the topic right ? 
Yea so Im at the point of questioning if I am worth the amount of love she gives ? I love her dearly but if she aint happy , I just dont see a point in it . Like it would truly be selfish of me to insinuate that she should stick around . Plus idk how long she aint been happy . But tbh , I aint been happy either . I know I live here and all but I feel like I dont belong here . Like I feel like sometimes I am in the way .  Well at least 60% of the time . But she said she wants to talk so we gone see how that goes . I dont plan on saying much or anything . I kinda feel better . I been venting on here and when she wanted to talk via texts , I got what I had to say out . So on my part it really aint nun to be said . I’m just gone be all ears and just listen and take it in . But I got to work on my face tho because honestly my face will give off the “ i dont care “ look and it just be my face . I hate having RBF . Its genetic tho ; on my dads side . All them negros got stank faces and dont mean no harm . Just got to over look it .
 I guess I’ll go take a shower and fold clothes and chillout with the tv until I am addressed on whats going and and where do she and I go from here . Right now ? I feels like theres a her and a me . No we . I feel like my eviction notice is coming soon . But again I am okay with that if thats what she chooses . Cant fault her for how she feels and the actions she chooses to take on from here . Just accept that shit and keep grinding . 
OH by the way . :) Ya girl going back to college . I’m excited but I’m nervous because idk if I will do okay in a virtual classroom . But then again , did I do amazing in my in person classes ? Lol well fck naa . I love you and have a good day . 
If you made it to the end ? Honey you got to be bored because Aint no way I’m bout to really read all up in someones shit like et . But hey kudos to those who can do et . 
Oka Bye sugaa . (:
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the-himawari · 3 years
A3! Hyodo Kumon - Translation [SSR] Bonds Connecting Through a Baseball (2/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Kumon: *Sigh*, the more I think about it being banned in the courtyard, the more I wanna play catch…! But Sumi-san said he has work today. I wonder if there’s anyone else who would go with me? Alriiight, I’ll go check whether there’s anyone!
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Kumon: Ah! I found Director!
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Izumi: What’s the matter, Kumon-kun?
Kumon: Are you busy right now, Director?
Izumi: Nope, I just finished my work a moment ago.
Kumon: Hey, so, if you happen to feel up for it… Would you be my partner for catch?
Izumi: Eh, playing catch? Are you ok with me?
Kumon: Of course! Ah, but if you don’t wanna, then I’m not saying you have to or anything…!
Izumi: It’s fine. I kind of felt like moving my body, so I’ll go with you.
Kumon: Woohoo, thanks!
Kumon: Hoi!
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Izumi: Ah… there!
Kumon: Nice, Director! …Hiyah!
Izumi: Gotcha. …Fufu, this is pretty fun, huh?
Kumon: Hehe! It’s super fun!
Izumi: You really wanted to play catch, huh, Kumon-kun?
Kumon: Yep. It was my fault in the first place, but when I was told that I wasn't allowed to play catch in the courtyard—. For some reason, I felt like I wanted to do the opposite!
Izumi: I feel you~. You feel like doing something even more when you’re told you can’t, right?
Kumon: Exactly!
Baseball boy: …Nii-chan, you’re really good at throwing!
Kumon: Ehh? ME!?
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Baseball boy: Yeah. Do you play baseball too, nii-chan?
Kumon: Yeah, I have experience!
Baseball boy: I knew it. I could tell by watching you! Hey, do you have time right now? If you can, I’d love for you to teach me some throwing tricks!
Kumon: Ummm…
Izumi: How about you teach him, if you’re ok with it?
Kumon: Are you sure?
Izumi: Of course. I’ve already had enough fun playing catch.
Kumon: Thanks, Director! Alright, kiddo. Since I have Director’s permission, I’ll take some time out to teach you!
Baseball boy: Yay! Thanks!
Kumon: Now then, try throwing me a ball.
Baseball boy: Ok, thanks. Here goes!
Kumon: Cool, you're looking great!
Izumi: (It's kind of refreshing seeing Kumon-kun interacting with elementary school kids like an older brother.)
Kumon: …We’ll end it off here!
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Baseball boy: Thank you so much for teaching me lots, Kumon nii-chan!
Kumon: You’re very welcome. Keep working hard from here on out!
Baseball boy: Yeah! I’ll make sure to follow what I've learned from Kumon nii-chan and get even better!
Kumon: Yeah, that’s the spirit!
Baseball boy: And also, I think I’ll be able to knock out more panels than before in Strike-Out*....
Kumon: Strike-Out?
Baseball boy: Yeah. You can play it at that batting centre over there, and they have some pretty neat prizes.
Kumon: Heh, I see! Then I guess I’ll check it out next time.
Baseball boy: You should! If it’s Kumon nii-chan, then I’m sure you’ll be able to get lots of great prizes!
Kumon: Hehe, maybe! Thanks for telling me about it.
Baseball boy: Same here. Seriously, thanks so much! Bye now!
Kumon: Bye byeee! …Sorry I spent so much time with him, Director!
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Izumi: No worries. I had fun watching too, so it’s fine.
Option 1: “You’re good at teaching.”
Izumi: You’re good at teaching, Kumon-kun!
Kumon: You think so? I thought I was fumbling quite a bit…
Izumi: Not at all. It was really easy to understand! I think I might be able to do it too, just from watching.
Kumon: If you say so, then I'll teach you how to throw the ball in even more detail. And if you become better at throwing than you are now, then playing catch will become even more fun!
Izumi: I see. Alright, maybe I'll ask for a baseball lesson from Teacher Kumon.
Kumon: Leave it to me! I’ll do my very best for you, Director!
Option 2: “Did you have fun?”
Izumi: Did you have fun, Kumon-kun?
Kumon: I had fun~! I was surprised at first when a kid I didn’t know suddenly asked me to teach him—. But as I was doing it, that kid worked really hard and I was happy since he got better and better. Plus, that kid was super cute and honest!
Izumi: You looked reliable and cool while you were having fun teaching that kid, Kumon-kun.
Kumon: Hehe, it feels a little ticklish if you praise me that much…! But I’m happy to be complimented by you, Director!
Izumi: Playing catch is fine, but that Strike-Out game that the kid mentioned sounds fun too.
Kumon: Yeah, right! Maybe I’ll invite the Summer troupe guys~.
Izumi: Fufu, that sounds great, doesn’t it?
*"ストラックアウト" (strikeout), a game where you try to hit the panels on a board for prizes. (example pic below).
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niazha16 · 7 years
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Not the best writer won’t ever claim it. Thoughts welcomed
A New Chance at Love
Excuse all the grammar wasn’t the brightest in English. Hope it’s good if not ehh.
AN: Tamina/OC one shot
David FC: Shemar Moore
Tamina had walked in the gym ready to get out all her frustration from her lack of opportunities. Don’t get her wrong she’s happy for her sister Naomi being the SD live champion. She’s happy for Nattie for getting another chance at being champion. She’s happy for Carmella for being the first ever woman MITB winner. She’s tired of what WWE is doing with her in being grown ass women’s bodyguard and being put in dumbass storylines that did not benefit her as a wrestler. She just wanted a damn chance to shine and not be a after thought maybe WWE is holding her career hostage because of what happened with her father.
Either way whatever the reason she’s tired of the bullshit when it comes down to her career. She walked over to one of the punching bags and literally started punching it. She will worry about the bruises later right now she needed to get out her anger. Every punch she gave the bag she thought about every opportunity that wasn’t given to her or was pushed back for somebody else. She was punching the bag for 15 minutes until a man came up sweaty from his workout handing her a pair of gloves. Tamina looked at the random man who was handing her the gloves with the side eye.
“Here you go. I wouldn’t want you mess up your pretty hands.”
“I don’t need them. Bye.”
“Cute. You do need them or your hand is going to have paper cuts and be sore. Trust me I have beaten the shit out of the bag without gloves and I regretted it.”
Tamina looked at the stranger hesitantly but took the gloves anyway giving him a small smile.
“Thank you. You didn’t have to bring me the gloves though.”
“When I see a gorgeous woman about to mess up her hands I feel the need to step in.”
“You must say that to every woman who walks in here?
“Nope. Just you. My name is David Harris. What is your name?”
Tamina wasn’t going to lie and say David was ugly because he wasn’t, he stood about 6’1, had a pretty caramel complexion, had a pair of pretty brown eyes, had pretty teeth. The man was fine and he knew it and she knew it but she wasn’t about to feed his ego.
“My name is Sarona Snuka.”
“Snuka? As in Jimmy Snuka? Wow I’m meeting royalty I would have dressed better.”
“I’m not royalty. I’m just me I guess. I’m guessing you was a fan of my dad’s?”
“You are a queen Ms. Snuka. Yes, but I rather be a fan of yours. If you don’t mind? Want to work out together and we talk and maybe get something to eat?”
“Why are you coming on so strongly? What’s your angle Mr. Harris?”
“Firstly, my name is David and secondly I am a grown ass that knows what and who I want. It has nothing to do with your last name but I do want you.”
“You don’t even know me to want me. You only met me this one time and you want me? Sounds fishy to me Mr. Harris. You can go now thank you for the gloves.”
“I don’t mean no harm Ms. Snuka. Enjoy your workout.”
Tamina watched as David walked away and she rolled her eyes at him. He was trying to play her and she wasn’t going to let that happen no matter how fine and generous he was. David watched with sad eyes as Tamina continued her workout and he continued his. An hour later Tamina came to where he was at in the gym and gave him the gloves he had given her.
“They not mine I rented them out for you while you were here. You can give them to the front desk. They not going to charge you for them. I hope you had a good workout and have a good show tonight.”
Tamina looked shocked he rented the gloves out for her so she could use them. Maybe he was really a nice guy or maybe he was still trying use her either way her guard was going to remain up.
“Thank you, Mr. Harris. How much do I owe you?”
“You don’t owe me anything, your pretty hands didn’t get messed up so my job is done.”
Tamina walked away from him and went to return the gloves to the front desk. The man asked her if she had a good work out and she gave a small nod before going back to get her stuff so she could prepare for that night’s show. She packed everything up and went inside her bag to get the extra ticket she had and back to where David was at who was still working out.
“Uhm, I have an extra ticket to the show if you want to come and maybe we can go out for coffee?”
“What’s your angle Ms. Snuka? You don’t even know me.”
David had a big smile on his face while taunting Tamina with the same words she threw at him earlier which put a smile on her face. David and Tamina exchanged numbers and a few more words before Tamina left for the show. David had a big ass goofy smile on his face while finishing his workout. Tamina thought he was joking when he said he wanted her. He wasn’t joking he just met the future Mrs. Harris in Tamina.
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kmkzgirls · 7 years
Oh? You've found my stupid little Tumblr? Well, I'd suggest looking at someone else's more quality blog, but you do you. While you're here, I guess I should introduce myself. Hi, I'm GalaxySprinkle (Alternatively known as CharaWonderful by some people~), but you can just call me Gala. I'm kinda shit at everything I do but apparently people think I'm good at what I do so I do it anyway. (It's also because it's kinda fun but ehh) That's why my pfp if by my frien @smol-o3oo because she's actually a good artist. I make shit art and write kinda good according to some people so I do that too. I make wayyyy too many references so don't be surprised if I make a reference in my posts :'). I'm into to Undertale (cringe points +20), I'm sorta in the Phandom (cringe points +20), and I'm sorta-kinda-emo-but-not-really (fucking cringe points through the roof for me.). Please don't be offended at what I say, I'm making fun of s t e r e o t y p e s. I'm done talking about myself, I'm a boring person. I'm saying this again, go find an actual quality blog instead of looking at my trash. Uhh bye. (P.S. Gender rolls are the worst kind of bread.)
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canadiaism · 7 years
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            [ Ehh this is just a tad bit of an update and I just want to say that I’m I guess archiving this blog maybe I’ll come back if a bit of motivation comes back, I just don’t have the same energy for this or rp’s in general so I’m going to be on a personal blog for now on if you’d want to talk to me for some reason? Yeah uh bye I guess thanks to you all I’ve met some great people and I’ve had fun it’s been a good run! ]
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--mod-- you know the deal
Anon: anon people don' like her cos she cheated on 1st husband and cheated on JJ twice. She sneaked around with NR all year. She set him up last week. She told stories to the papers (this was proven actually if you look). She is rude to people and even stalked his ex girlfriends social media and liked posts to make him to be a liar. She lies herself and sets up pap shots for herself all the time. She is a fake and the reason she doesn't get much work is cos people dontlike working with her.
Anon: There is indeed a girl on twitter who says NR was with his girlfriend. Someone asked if he was alone and she answered "con su novia" (with his girlfriend).
Anon: Just my theory , norman's peeps wouldnt lie and def not sayingg " just friends" if norm knew he would dating her 2 weeks after they denied it , i think she is in love with norman and tries to get his attention as much as she can (and yes incl media) , norm know for sure she likes him so he might invited her AS A FRIEND to hangout in Spain or Barcelona (wherever they are)OR talk about stuff and thaangzzz , which i hope so he can make her mouth shut to call the media or her worthless attention. 😊
Anon: Mod what do you make of the pics with fans? Why would he take pics with fans if DK were right there? Maybe it's not even her. Maybe it was someone from the gallery. --mod-- I just assumed he was alone.
Anon: So you still think norman and diane are not dating? --mod-- Basically
Anon: sorry for English. I am so sad . Is he lie? How to trust anything from him? --mod-- Nothing's confirmed. Just suspicion and speculation
Anon: And i was about to say " i finally live happy in my Normie fantasy , hopefully that one person wont ruined it" , apparently i would say it too soon 😂 --mod-- So you're the jinx ehh anon
Anon: norman as a fuck buddy that is willing to travel to the other side of the ocean for sloppy seconds?! lol of course he denied...he doesnt have anything serious with her...what is he going to say now? oh this is my friend that i fuck now and again??like he comes like a major dishonest person regardless of their status. actually have nothing to do with that is the way he dealt with it. --mod-- Whys it gotta be sloppy tho.
Pinyah: This mean JDM agree with Norman and dk thing? --mod-- I couldn't guess
Anon: I personally didn't see the comment so maybe you can dig it up but someone on IG said the girl who took the picture of Norman and the unknown woman on his bike said it's his curator "Laurie". Again not sure if true because I didn't see her comment by myself. If she said it we could easily put the upcoming shitstorm to rest already. I sure hope it's right.
Anon: Yep Mod, look at normanreedustea. One of the girls who posted her pics with Norman was asked on Twitter if he was alone and she answered "con su novia" which means "with his gf". And why would she say this if it wasn't obvious it's his gf. Deeply disappointed and disgusted of him. No longer going to support him. Official lying is such a shame. Hope his reps and AMC are going to kick his ass for this debacle
Anon: Well ok I was in grammar school when HC(who can I just take a moment to say how cool and beautiful she is, goals people) and N were a thing, but I I highly doubt this is the same thing. Tbh up until Sky came out, I thought January Jones and DK were the same person lol All jokes aside, if this were his gf, or shit someone he bangs on the reg, wouldn't he I dunno see her more than occasionally hanging out? Like if I remember correctly didn't his child bride (CS) used to visit in GA? lmao. Mod?
Anon: To the anon that says DK stalks his exes, is this true? Cause that's a lifetime movie in the making I can totally get behind. Where's PRwife when we need her? She seems to know her shit.
Anon: I don't know who NR and DK think they're fooling at this point 😂 does anyone still believe they're not a couple?! --mod-- Me

Wow, a lot of people think Norman "owes" his fans the truth about his romantic life. He really, really doesn't. If you want to think he's a liar because his rep said he & DK are friends, OK. But maybe think about, if he did lie, are there reasons he might, including possibly the way fans react? Why would he put DK through that if they aren't even sure themselves if they're a couple? There are lots of reasons that he might "lie" that don't have anything to do with disrespecting fans.


Hi mod, i just came to say goodbye and thank you for this blog <3 i think i'm done with the dk thing and i need a break from this blogs and stuff. I'm sad not because he's with her, but because he denied the rumors and, even if they are just friend (which i don't believe), he's not taking care of his reputation right now. At least he could stay away from her a pair of weeks of something, to shut the rumors, but he didn't. He deserves to be happy, i know, but i'm just done with him. Love you mod! --mod-- Well come by and say hi sometime I'll be here


I find it funny that Norman's people had that video removed. Shows how much we can trust him and his people.

--mod-- Who said he had his people remove it. You do realize that it had something on it the was supposed to be a surprise feature in the show right


I don't get all the hate. He's a grown man and can be together with whom he wants. I don't like DK, but it's his private business. And he doesn't have to render an account of his private life. And if he says to the public that they aren't together to have at least some kind of privacy, that's totally fine bye me.


Maybe I was wrong, maybe it's DK that has a magic 🐱, cause it sounds like he's risking his reputation and career on her. I just think he needs to either come clean, or she can pull the stick out of her ass and say something. I still don't think they're in a serious rs, but regardless, it's kind of shady. I mean if I had a bf and he was going to basketball games with other women and walking around acting single, I'd cut his dick off and feed it to him lol


I don't want to shit on anybody's parade but have you guys seen the the accounts that has commented on the IG user's that posted those pic? Except maybe one or two EVERYONE shares the same things, saying the same things. It seems to be one person but with different accounts. This takes the credibility down a lot. Someone seems out to just spread gossip and ruin lives


Mod is it 100% confirmed that it's her? Maybe it's me but I don't think Norman would be taking selfies with Fans on the street while DK was standing beside him...?

--mod-- Nothing's been confirmed 


look, i always side eyed him for even being friends w her. having followed her career a bit before i even got in to TWD (after the QT movie), she just seems like a nasty piece of work, & I don't know what NR sees in her. that said, if he actually fucks someone on the DL, while getting his rep to officially deny even casually dating, then that would be as scummy a move as any desperate game she has played. possibly worse. i really hope NR is such a fucking lowlife 
and thats not to say NR can't fuck people casually, but to me, its one thing to have a fuck buddy or hook up w one nighters, its an entirely different thing to constantly have someone fly around to meet you, spend time together, fuck them on a very regular basis, and then deny that you even casually date. there is nothing wrong w saying "they go out but its not serious". its really gross to hide a woman, shuffle her around, fuck her, then say "we're just friend" while having her meet 2 fuck

Anon: Do people need their eyes checked those purses are not the same and neither are the boots go take a good look at them I swear as soon as people think it's DK they believe everything I'm giving norman the benefit of the doubt until I see her actual face
Anon: *Also to be fair, I can put on Twitter right now I saw Norman blowing dudes behind an Arby's, it doesn't make it true. Although he seems to be classier than Arby's, maybe In N Out?

--mod-- Dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

 DK posted a picture of her and Fabienne yesterday, and they were both at his Paris art show, so they're probably both just there supporting him for his Barcelona show

Anon:  Mod I have a theory: I think Norman has INVITED DK to the 2nd art show this time because of all the hate she was getting over the garage pics (even though it's obvious she *did* set them up) I think he's trying to show that he's still FRIENDS with her to the public. And maybe he thinks because he officially denied it that everything would be fine on his side. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. So he has to do something to clear the air AGAIN imo because this is only hurting him Anon: Ok, you can so tell that DK & NR are dating! N wants to keep it a low profile cuz he knows his fans tend to get a lil craycray and he feels bad for all the threats towards his gfs. Plus those pics from Spain... that's definitely her purse & shoes. Common. But honestly, N has gotta live his life and be happy; his true fans would support him. I may not like DK, and I doubt their relationship would last that long anyway 😂 ..but whatever. Don't let it bother ya'll too much. ✌🏻 Anon: 

Have to vent about ppl saying it's none of our business-True we have no say in what he does& he doesn't owe us explanation, but when we're spending our money buying into an image he puts forth on a regular basis & repeats in all his interviews only to find out that he isn't any of the things he claims to be, I think there's a right to be upset about who we thought we were supporting. It's not that he COULD be with someone, it's that he would have lied about it after preaching honesty. :( 

normanreedusdaryldixon32 :

I just want to say over the DK thing. 
I’ve been a fan of Norman since the boondock saints and now. I always supported him and I loved how cute, sweet, honest to his fans which he still is to his fans. In my opinion since he done the film ‘Sky’ he has changed. He says that he hates “dishonest people” but his acting like one. I do believe he deserves a woman who loves, respects, cares, supports him now matter what. But DK is not that type a girl as we all know. I hate the fact he lied to his fan or whatever. I also don’t understand 'if’ they are “friends” what kind of friend goes over to Spain to see them It doesn’t make any sense to me. I think Norman should get his head out of his ass and just think for once. Like a said before I do believe he deserve a woman that loves, cares, respects, ect. But DK is disrespectful, rude, mean, treats her fans like shit. I don’t want Norman turning into that person. Maybe he won’t turn into that person. But I just don’t get what does he see in her? DK must be so desperate. But now I’m so disappointed in you Norman. 😔


mod I saw on ig that norman's make up artist says she was with him today? is that true? because why would he have been riding around with dk, met with the curator and gone to a make up artist all in a day? maybe it's not dk? 


DK's style, behavior, and interests "suddenly changed" since she's been gunning for NR. She's seeking to trap him and she's just about there. She's as manipulative and inauthentic as they come. Hope NR thinks it's worth it, that and all the money he's going to lose to this scheming woman. Now is when he needs a true friend to give it to him straight, but everyone is afraid tip-toeing around the glaring issue. 

normanreedusdaryldixon32 : 

This is not a question: Seeing Norman on that bike with DK makes me so angry. Let me explain why because I've been a fan of Norman since the boondock saints. I loved how cute and honest to his fans. But now since he done 'Sky' he has been very disappointing lately. He says he hates people are dishonest but he acting like one. But do believe he deserves a woman who truly loves him and not just for his work or fame. But Dk is not that kind of girl she's so dishonest ect. It's disappointing Norman 


To the ones grasping at straws saying he didn't lie, you're leaving out the part where the denial said JUST friends. JUST meaning ONLY friends as in no romance. They also denied a romantic trip which the implications of that are a romance. But they denied the trip thereby also denying a romance. Sorry guys. He lied. 

--mod-- Question, does having say a friend with benefits, not saying that's what's going on, considered romantic?


So mod I respect your opinin the most. What do you make of all of that stuff with the biker girl? Do you think it's DK? And if you do, then what do think of the denial? It's very confusing if he issued a denial only to be caught redhanded with her again two weeks later. I can't figure out what he would be thinking. I also saw some fanselfies he was taking which is odd if she were with him. What do you think? --mod-- I'll be perfectly honest. I really just don't care. It doesn't matter if it's her or it's not. I think the denial still stands, I'm mean I've travel half way around the world to visit a guy friend, and no we weren't playing flesh Tetris. But again I  super unbothered and don't really care who's beast he's smothering 

This guy is just an ass. He is letting DK play people and he doing it as well. People hate cheaters and liars. You have both right here. Surely you don't deny the dishonesty? 

Mod, did you find out who it was on the bike? Was it her? --mod-- Nope


I'm telling you folks, if that video was taken down it was because it was bought by Reedus' folks. What a damn fool he is to risk so much on such a classless woman. Do you believe it was purchased before gossip rags got to it?


I can't stop crying. It just changes everything about him. He's not the same guy. he was so special and down to earth to me and now he is no better than anyone else in showbiz. He sells fans an image for money and he doesn't care about any of us. not really or he wouldn't have lied. He tried to trick us into thinking he wasn't with her and even released a pr statement saying they were just friends? I am so depressed i can't stop crying 

--mod-- You shouldn't cry anon. Just because he's made a few mistakes and maybe has tried to hide something, doesn't change him completely, we all do shady things in life but that doesn't change us completely. Sure he may have lied and avoided telling the truth but that doesn't negate the time and effort he gives fans. But I do understand why you feel the way you do 


i'm sorry to be rude but this man is ignorant as hell playing this game and clearly he doesn't realize just how this is going to back fire. He's risking it all for a tramp. DK has what she wants, attention. She is sacrificing NR in the process and he's just stupid. Hate he is such a liar and now proven to have no character at all. He made a lot of professionals look like idiots. What an asshole. What's your position Mod? --mod-- I don't have one. I'm not bothered by it.


Norman is a huge disappointment. Not only is he a LIAR but also a COWARD & a SNEAK. Not to mention a CHEATER!!! I lost all respect for him. He just lost a long time fan. 


Mod I can't even watch TWD anymore bc I hate Norman for LYING to his fans & sneaking around like we wouldn't find out. He thinks we're all stupid & doesn't give a shit about us. He disrespects his fans therefore I cannot continue to be his fan bc I need to admire & look up to someone I spend time following on IG, watching his shows, spending money on his movies, photo ops, merchandise, etc. He doesn't respect his fans so I don't respect HIM anymore. I'm done. Goodbye Mod & the nice ladies here --mod-- Farewell Dear Anon until we meet again


Hey Mod, I was looking at the pics and I don't think it's the same shoes as DK. If you look at the ones in the NYC pic there don't seem to be a distinct heel. The chick on the bike, her shoes have a heel you can see. Also, that's not the same backpack she has in the NYC pic. DK has a purple backpack on. The purse is the only thing that's fishy imo. 


It doesn't prove anything mod but I just noticed that DK's knapsack in the NYC pics are purple. The girl on the bike has a black knapsack. 

I kind of hope after this if he isn't giving DK the hot beef injection, he's fucking someone, cause this is crazy. If i were him I'd be putting in everyone --mod-- 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Is traveling across the ocean to visit him a gf thing to do? Hell yeah. But its also a wealthy person with a freelance/travel heavy career thing to do. Are they dating. I don't know but its obvious they're friends. With all that hate she gets from being connected to him this visit is a surprising choice to make but she's older than me so I guess she gives less of a crap about what bullies think. That's something to look forward to! lol
Anon: NR's reps denied the kiss rumor and the weekend rumor. This is the only official comment. There was no one saying they'd see each other ever again. 
Hey mod been reading all the posts on here on dk and norm . Do you think she will be at the art show if so that will be interesting. 


It seemed like there were quite a few fans around NR posting on twitter. If they all saw DK with him I'm surprised literally no one recognized her. Isn't she considered a famous actress and supposedly even more than NR * Anon: 

I want to cry. I believed him. I believed his denial and defended him against everything. How could he just lie like that? I know I don't know him but I never thought he of all people would do something like that to his fans. If he's really with her, I can't be his fan anymore. I don't want to watch Ride or TWD now 


I've always wanted Caryl to happen. I don't nos because I don't won't the beautiful MMB to have those disgusting, lying Norman lips on hers. 

Oh look in that video there are two blonde ladies in black jackets. How's that for a fucking coincidence lol 


i hope this whole thing don't affect TWD, which ratings are already low :( 


Mod are we sure it's not the curator with her hair up? She has a black leather looking coat on from the vid. I know the purse and the shoes are a little bit suspicious but the hair may be just tied back and you can't see it in the pic. 


Uh, the NYC garage pics didn't "just happen". Diane paid Daily Mail and TMZ and tipped them off, seemingly without NR's knowledge. The accompanying articles were filed with misinformation yet somehow they know about his place upstate? So its pretty clear she wants to go public with whatever they do or don't have. IF he's sneaking around with her, he's doing it for himself because he doesn't want to even publicly acknowledge it. She clearly wants him to. That makes me kinda sad for her. 


Hello Mod, thank you for all you do. I always see eye to eye with you and appreciate your level head. I have never commented, but I want to say that no matter what NR & DK "relationship " is, was, whatever, or if she's in Spain or not,when his opening roles around everyone please be prepared, don't be naive, she WILL be there, taking pics, with fb and her "posse". This is about publicity for herself. I am not passing judgment, just stating what I think will occur and why. Take Care Mod. 

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dancewithmeforever · 8 years
Tagged by: @emmaatjuh
 Name: Julia 
Nickname: Juul, Juultje, the curly one & schaapje (little sheep, because of my hair lmao) 
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Height: 1.65m or 5'4" 
Orientation: Bisexual (I told my best friend a few months ago and apparently she is bisexual too wow love life, I tell really few people bc it’s still kind of new & scary too say it out loud, but that will change)
Favourite colour: pastel blue, pastel pink or sea blue if you know what i mean ;)
Favourite animal: wellll this is hard, i guess all birds, dolphins, pinguins & cats & dogs lmao
Average sleep hours: 8 i guess, i try to reach 9-10 but it’s hard okay
Cat person or dog person: BOTH, i have a cat and she’s really sweet but dogs are also really awesome k bye
Favourite fictional character: ehhhh actually i don’t know rn 
Number of blankets you sleep with: when it’s winter 2, but normally just 1 Dream trip: I really want to go for a few months to Australia with a friend, but I also want to go to Italy again, and YES I also want to go to LA & New York :))
Blog created: I think May/June/July 2015? I’m not really sure tho 
My current number of followers: 291 I tag: @seasightcity @exoplaneet @dayofabitch and ehh idk. 
Just do this if you want to & tag me in it, I love to read this kind of stuff about people heheheh.
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20thjanuarys · 8 years
get to know me tag
Get to know your followers and let them get to know you like the little SKAM-family we are! Answer the questions and then tag 5 people who you want to know more about! 
tag #Get to know me skam
by @linneaxskam
@hemrikholm tagged me to do this and i would do anything for ashley so here we go
Name: daisy Country: england Date of birth: january 20 ‘98 Height: 5ft3  Orientation: bi bi bi Relationship status: dead  Occupation: ?? nothing ?? a student i guess  Hobbies: being dead and wanting to die  Favourite season (of the year not Skam I know what you were thinking): winter bye Favourite book: eleanor and park Last song you listened to: call your girlfriend  Coffee, tea or hot cocoa: COFFEE How much do you use ketchup on a scale from 1-not at all, to 5-on all foods: literally 0 or less i hate ketchup get it away from me Average hours of sleep: literally ranges from 13 to 3 Last thing you googled: ‘wednesday night clubs london’ Last message you sent someone: i texted ashley about missing skam
Who do you think will be s4 main?:even  Favourite Skam character: isak (and even)  Biggest not canon ship: ashley and even Best Skam quote: alt hun ser a sant How did you find out about Skam?: kaja told me about it ni the summer and i ignored her and then it got popular on tumblr and i was like ehh but then ashley watched it and was crying everyday so i just watched it for gun
Blog created: this exact one was... january 31st 2013 Why did I choose my URL: bc harry is harry BUT TARJEI IS TARJEI Number of followers atm: 8982 (AND DECLINGIN FAST!!! WOOOO)
i tag @infiniteisakeven @tarjeitrash @softlyisak @harryeven @kardamomme @isakandeven @tarjeiandhenrik and anyone else who wants to do it just say i tagged u i dont mind :)
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