#but ended up staying back 10 mins helping the other nurse
I don't want to jinx myself but my second 12 hour shift at the hospital is going really well, especially compared to yesterday's 12 hour shift (I fainted in the last hour and the team leader made me call my parents to pick me up :))
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meowthon · 2 years
What about the Obey Me! Brothers reacting to a reader who's like, so sick that the brothers think they're gonna die, but the reader's like "lmao it's just a really bad flu",,,,,,,,basically brothers taking care of a violently ill MC, I'm talking gross, sweaty, trash-can-by-the-bed, can barely keep water down sick. (I had COVID when it was first SUPER bad and I was bed ridden for like, 3 weeks and by god, did I wish I had 7 hot boys worried about me)
whoever sent this ask i fucking love you.
The brothers helping a super sick mc!
he’s worried asf but he’s not showing it at all. hes very calm and collected but on the inside panicking. he has intrusive thoughts galore but he’s thinking you’re already sick and the last thing you need is him causing you more stress and making it worse. he’s trying his very hardest to stay composed.
he would call barb and Solomon to see if they have any herbal remedies or spells that might help you. i’m fact he keeps solomon close to ask questions since he knows more about being human.
he’s obvi not letting you out of his sight so you’re staying in his bed and anything thing you need he will get or do for you.
he’s actually so preoccupied with you that mammon and the others and slacking off because they know they can get away with it right now.
i’ll dare say he carrie’s you to the bath and washes your body for you if you’ll allow that. otherwise he’s knocking on the door every 10 mins to make sure you’re okay.
he will literally get behind you in bed, have you lay back and get close to his chest so he can spoon feed you and hold you up at the same time. if you tell anyone about it you’re dead though.
he’s not sleeping at all because he’s just so worried about you. he has to check on you at least every five minutes and then every hour or so he will get new wash rags to put on your head to help keep the fever down.
he gets the food delivered right to his door. probably forces mammon to make it or bring it or makes one of them watch you while he prepares food for you.
not at all composed he’s panicking and it shows. he’s running back and forth your room and yelling loudly about how you’re gonna die and he needs to do something and mumbling about how fragile humans are.
eventually he takes a few deep breaths and maybe a slap in the face by one of the boys and is back to his whole im your number one and it’s my duty to make sure you’re okay and says he’s gonna nurse you back to health.
the thing with that though is he has no idea what to do. he knows that soup is something people often have when they’re sick so he decided to whip some up for you.
needless to say it ends up a disaster. it’s taking too long. what if youve coughed up a lung while he’s gone? he’s pacing up and down the kitchen waiting for this soup to finish.
once it’s finally done he grabs oven mitts and a lid and RUNS back to your room. he’s down the hall now screaming about how amazing he is and that the soup is going to be the most amazing soup you’ve ever had but trips and spills it everywhere in the hallway. now he has to go and make more and it’s stressing even more because now he has to be away from you longer.
he’s definitely not offering to bathe and wash you. if you reallllyyyy needed him to you’re going to have to ask and the whole time he’s going to be degrading you saying “geez you’re so helpless you can’t even wash yourself” but you know he’s just embarrassed bc his face is bright red and he’s doing his best not to look at anything too long.
he lets you wear any and all of his clothes. you want any of yours? too bad. why would you need them if he’s got plenty? it’s really just a ploy to make his brothers jealous seeing you in them.
he sleeps on the couch while you sleep in his bed but he jumps up at every cough, sneeze, puke or breath. he’s always looking up to make sure you’re good.
once he knows you’re really asleep he’ll sit on the edge of the bed. he stares at you and whispers about how you can’t die and you have to pull through because he doesn’t know what he’ll do if he loses you. he might even shed a few tears he’s so worried about you.
brushes your hair for you without you asking. he doesn’t want it to get knotted up and gross since you can’t take care of yourself.
i feel like he would gag anytime you throw up but would also try to hold back your hair if it’s long enough to get in the way.
he’s fully stocked with the medicine, food, heating pads or cooling gels/ blankets and movies to keep you entertained while you’re sick.
he doesn’t game at ALL while you’re sick. he wants to be alert for any signs of something dangerous or serious.
tries his best to encourage you with words of affirmation. he’s terrible at it but he’s trying.
asks about your symptoms constantly to see if anything’s changed and congratulated any small change.
talks about how in one of his animes or books the hero took care of the love interest just like this but then panicks and is like “not that i’m saying you’re my love interest or anything hahaha LMFAO” out loud.
he will talk to henry about all his concerns and how he’s afraid you’re gonna die and he’s going to be alone again like you can’t hear him (when you’re literally right there)
he performs dances and karaoke to try and keep your spirits up and he’ll cosplay to do scenes from shows for you.
i think he’d be the most calm out of all of them. he reads enough that i think he’s have a good idea of how the human bodies works and how to help what you’re dealing with.
he will get scared when your symptoms aren’t getting any better and that’s when he starts freaking out a little.
cliche but he would read to you a lot. read you to sleep, read to you when you were bored.
he would compliment you a lot throughout the process because he wants you to know that even though you look a mess and you feel like death you’re still very attractive and wonderful.
“would you like help with eating your food?”
“would you like me to draw you a bath?”
“would you like me to give you a massage?”
he will give the BEST massages you’ve ever had. it makes him happy to know he’s relieving some of your pain. makes him feel superior to the others.
doesn’t let anyone get near you. especially mammon. he tells them all to leave you alone so you have the space you need to heal but really he’s enjoying the quality time with you even if you’re not doing much.
he’s got self care down and he’s going to use his knowledge to spoil you back to health.
he’s going to lather you in essential oils, face masks and body scrubs.
he’s going to dress you in all his pretty robes or nightgowns, brush your hair and put it up nicely if he’s able, feed you yogurts and berries.
any time you get SLIGHTLY sweaty he’s rushing you off to the bath.
don’t puke near him i think he would die. he’s gonna tell you that you better do that in the bathroom and away from him or his beautiful face/clothes. (but with love)
he thinks his presence will cure you. how could it not when he’s so lovely?
wants you to feel better already so you guys can cuddle again and talks about all the things he wants to do to you once you’re able. he can’t help it because even when sick you’re irresistible.
he offers every single snack he gets to you before he eats it. he’s also gonna make health smoothies for you and help you drink them.
he’d sit by your bedside the entire time and stroke your hair or arms.
he’s extremely worried. he’d never voice it to you but it’s all over his face. those puppy dog eyes don’t lie.
asks you to stay strong for him. tells you all the reasons he thinks you’re amazing and how meeting you has benefited his life (and belphies) in so many ways and he’s so thankful for it.
talks about all the restaurants you guys will go to once you’re better.
he’d hit your back while you cough or like in an attempt to help but it probably just makes it hurt more. he’s trying.
if you have the shivers he will gently lay his jacket on top of you to keep you warm.
if you’d let him/offer it he’d take a bath with you and fill it with bubbles all the way to the top. don’t forget snacks! he has some ready incase either of you want them.
he would give a bunch of little kisses all over. mentally he thinks they heal you just a little bit.
he has no idea what to do. so clueless.
you’re in his room. he puts a trash can on either side of the bed and then crawls into bed with you.
he cuddles you until you get better. he tries his hardest to stay awake in case something happens.
he will even let you use his pillow (just don’t throw up or sweat on it)
tells beel to come lay with you guys.
would 100% use this to get out of everything. like sorry lucifer i can’t do whatever it is you want because they need me to take care of them.
he would talk to you about lilith and how she got like this one time too and he was so worried. you better pull through like she did he says.
he would be holding you, spoon position, while you sleep and silently cry because he’s so worried you’re not going to make it. he knows you said it’s not that serious and you’ll be okay but he can’t help but fear the worst.
he’d stay by your side the entire time. wouldn’t even go to the bathroom. he wants to be there the entire time.
forgive me if these aren’t the best i haven’t done this in forever.
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mademefuturewhatever · 11 months
Story Playlist(s): songs that could tell what’s happening in a book
It’s me, Hi, I Have a Problem, That’s Me! 
Anyway, I used to do Taylor Swift Twitter but I wasn’t very active there. I mostly read through the playlists people made and the connections of songs from all of Taylor Swift’s Discography. For example: playlists like “Lana Del Rey would listen to this” or “Do you think there could be a movie with this collection of songs?”
However when Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) dropped I couldn’t find one. I just figured with the changes to Twitter I wasn’t seeing the same posts.
My boyfriend suggested to search Tumblr for fan made playlists. Unfortunately, I was looking through some of the Taylor Swift pages I got bored and distracted by other cool Taylor Swift things I found. However, I’m looking for people that come up with their own Taylor Swift Stories from her songs. 
To kick it off I made my own as an example!
Here is my story playlist - Augustine (A) Vs Betty (B). (Taylor’s Version songs when there’s two versions) 
1) Get Away Car (A)
2) I Knew You were Trouble (B)
3) Lavender Haze (A) 
4) Better than Revenge (B)
5) I’m only me when I’m with you (A)
6)Picture to Burn (B)
7)Paris (A) 
6) Bigger Than the Whole Sky (B) 
7)Lover (A) 
8) Cruel Summer (B) 
9) Story of Us (A)
10) Vigilante Shit (B)
11) August 
12) Come in with the Rain (B)
13) Question…? (A) 
14)  Betty
15) Foolish One (A) 
16) Innocent (B) 
17) Better Man (A) 
18) Ours (B) 
19) Babe (A) 
20) Today was a Fairytale (B) 
21) You Belong with Me (A) 
22) King of my Heart (B) 
23) Tis the damn Season (A)
24) Should’ve Said No (B) 
25) I did something Bad (A) 
26) News Day (B) 
27) My tears Ricocheted (A) 
28) Begin Again (B) 
29) Come Back be Here (A) 
30) Mine (B) 
31) Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve(A) 
32) Sweet Nothing (B)
33) Closure (A)
34) I Think He Knows (B) 
35) I Forgot You Existed (A) 
36) Paper Rings (B) 
37) I Bet You Still Think of Me (A)
38) Stay Stay Stay (B)
39) Speak Now (A) 
40) right where you left me (B) 
41) The greatest American dynasty (A)
42) Death by Thousand Cuts  (B) 
43) This Love (A)
44)  All Too Well (10 min) (B)
45) You Are in Love (A) 
46) The 1 (B) 
47) End Game (A)
48) Clean (B)
49) Mastermind (A) 
50) Long Live (B)
51) Mary’s Song (Oh My My My) (A)
54) Ronan (B) 
55) Majorie (A) 
56) Hey Stephen (B)
It’s the beginning of Summer Betty thought her boyfriend and her would spend the days together for it being their last summer of college. Yet, when his grandparents become sick, he moves to take care of them since being a nursing major. While he’s a couple states away he runs back into his first ever girlfriend, Augustine, and has a summer romance. It got complicated when Betty showed up by surprise on the Fourth of July.  ( That’s when my playlist begins) Augustine knows it’s just for the summer, even knows about Betty, not thinking anything he will have that much impact on her since she’s just wanting to focus on her own future, but when Labor Day comes around she realizes she loves him. When classes resume in the fall he begs Betty forgiveness. She of course takes him back they’ve been together since junior year of High School when he moved to town. However, when he visits his grandparents for Winter Break he can’t help but to see Augustine again. Betty is furious, but when he kisses her at midnight on new years it all fades away. His New Year’s resolution is to never see or communicated with Augustine again. 
Two years, Augustine hears of his engagement to Betty. That’s when all these old feelings come. While Betty and him usually do not fight the planning of the wedding has been stressful. Augustine knows she shouldn’t go but if he didn’t want her to show up he wouldn’t get married 5mins away from her. Betty doesn’t believe it only in movies someone objects to weddings.  
Five years and three months later Augustine is married to him plus pregnant with his second baby, Majorie, sitting on their front porch. While Aunt Betty is tucking in Ronan upstair Uncle Stephen, Augustine’s older Brother.
If you made it this far I hope you share your playlists and stories with me!
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taleasnewastime · 4 years
The village
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Summary: When Min Yoongi turns up in your village you battle with whether you should tell him you know who he is. But when you start to hang out with him, and you can start calling him your friend, things get even more complicated.
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Genre: fluff
Word count: 11.1k
Authors Note: Buckle in, that is not a typo this indeed 11,100 words! It has taken me a while to write but I really enjoyed it, so I hope you enjoy reading it too. This isn’t going to be the new normal, but I do have some ideas for some other longer stories. Let me know if you like the length or whether you think I should just stick to shorter fics, would love to hear your thoughts. Anyway, this is a fluffly story about Yoongi having a vacation in a small village.  
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Cup on tea in hand you look out through the window. Winter was fully setting in and rain fell gently against the window causing drops to slowly run downwards. With the café you were currently in being at the top of the hill your window seat provided a good view of the village. With the rain constantly pouring down not many people were walking through the village, so instead of your normal people watching you look at the rain drops fall down the window.  
Taking another sip of your drink, you look down and notice that you can nearly see the bottom of the mug. Glancing out the window again you consider ordering another drink just to avoid going outside for another few minutes. These thoughts are long forgotten when you remember that you promised you would meet Molly to help her lock up the shop. She had asked you yesterday when she found out that Matt, her only store assistant, couldn’t help her.  
You look across the café to see the time, you still had 10 minutes until you had to be at the shop. Not enough time to order another drink. Instead you nurse your current drink, eyes going back to the beads of water on the glass.  
You down the last dregs of your drink, setting the mug back on the table, you start to shrug your coat on. Heading for the door, you pick up your still sodden umbrella, shaking it slightly out of habit.  
“See you soon, Fiona,” you call across the café to the woman sat behind the counter, signifying your departure.  
“Lovely to see you dear, come back soon,” the lady shouts back at you, giving a gentle wave.  
With that you open up the door, taking a small step out before immediately opening your umbrella. Hood up, umbrella as close to your head as possible, you shuffle down the road towards Mollys shop.  
The rain was almost horizontally lashing at you, so to avoid the majority of the drops getting on you, you have to place the umbrella almost as a shield. Though this works in stopping you basically having an outdoor shower, it does prohibit your vision. There should, therefore, have been no surprise when you collide with a solid mass. What you don’t expect is for that solid mass to start talking.  
“You should watch where you’re walking,” a gruff voice sounds out barely audible over the rain.  
Raising your umbrella so that it is above your head and you can finally see, you take in the person in front of you. Having lived in the village for almost all of your life, and with the village being as small as it is, you know everyone there. No one seemed to leave and hardly anyone ever seemed to enter. The person currently standing in front of you however is someone you have never seen in your life. He wears a hat tightly pulled over his head, a few dark strands of hair poking out, a big coat that swallows up his body, and big black boots on his feet. His face is round, and his cheeks puff out slightly from under his hat.  
“I’m so sorry,” you apologise, your voice so soft you worry that it won’t be heard over the wind and rain. “I didn’t see you there.”
“Clearly,” the man scoffs.  
Rain continuing to lash down on you, and the coldness of the air starting to hit you, you are not up for listening to some stranger's moodiness. Instead you give another quick, blunt apology and start walking off again in the direction you were heading.  
When you finally reach the shop, you stomp on arrival. Attempting to get some water off yourself and umbrella was pointless, but the stomping was at least getting rid of some of the annoyance that had risen up within you from the rude man on the street.  
“I’ll be with you in a second,” comes a call from the back of the shop.  
“It’s just me Mol,” you shout back, hearing a few crashes in return.  
The crashes die down when you hear some footsteps which turns into the appearance of Molly. “What has you stomping around? Don’t think I’ve ever heard you that loud in my life.”  
You roll your eyes at her, “I’m not being that loud, just trying to get some water off me,” you say. Dumping your umbrella in a pile at the door you peel your hood back before taking your coat off entirely. Feeling more human now you are somewhat dry and not bundled in a mass of clothes you head over to the till where Molly is stood.
“Thanks for volunteering to help me,” Molly says.  
“I don’t know if I would use the word volunteer, more like black mailed?” Molly rolls her eyes at you. “And anyway, you know I’m always free to help.”
“You may not want to offer that service, I’d have you here every night if I could,” she says. “Right, down to business, all I need you to do is stack that last box ready for tomorrow. I’ll start counting up the money and then we can both do a final sweep of the floors.”
“Perfect,” you reply, already heading to the box in question.  
You plonk yourself down on the floor by the box and slowly unload its contents, occasionally reading the labels of the miscellaneous tins. The job was a tad mind numbing even if it was just the single box you needed to unload, though you did find it somewhat therapeutic, allowing your mind to tune out to the world. A hum starts to leave your mouth without much realisation.  
“Is that ABBA?”  
You almost drop the tin that was in your hand, not realising anyone but Molly was in the shop. The deep voice that had just sounded out was definitely not Molly. Slowly turning your head and from your seat on the floor, you notice the big black boots first. That alone was enough for you to guess who was stood in front of you, but you continue to move your eyes up his stature. As if you had any doubt your guess was confirmed when you met the eyes of the rude man you had previously met in the street.  
“Yeah,” you answer his question, eyes going back to the tin in your hand as you feel annoyance start to rise up within you again. “Mamma Mia,” you say the name of the song as you place yet another tin on the shelf.  
“I’m more of a Dancing Queen man myself,” your eyes shoot up to him, his eyes now on the shelf in front of him, a small smile threatening to escape his lips.  
You roll your eyes at the man, focus once again returning to the stacking of the shelf. “If you really want to get into superior ABBA tracks then we all know it’s Voulez-Vous,” you say deadpan, not sure if he was mocking you with his earlier comment.  
He simply hums in agreement letting out a simple “good choice,” as he over analyses the writing on a packet of rice.  
Your face heats up slightly, still unsure if he was mocking you or simply complementing your taste in music. A few more moments pass in silence, just the light tapping of tins going onto the shelf. The man however doesn’t leave his spot, towering over you.  
“So, do you work here?” He finally speaks out. He means it to come out casual, but instead it comes out awkward and stilted, and you can’t help the small smile that comes to your face.  
“No. Just helping a friend,” you say. “I do it from time to time when she’s desperate.”  
“So, you live here?” He asks. “I mean, you live in the village?”  
You finally look back up at him to find his eyes already on you. “Yeah, live towards the bottom of the hill. Are you passing through?”  
“I guess you could say I’m on a holiday of sorts.”
“You’re staying here?” Your eyes almost bulge out of your head in shock.  
“Is there a problem with that?” He gives a slight chuckle at your reaction, though it does unnerve him slightly, was there some sort of problem with this village he’d stumbled upon?
“No, no,” you are quick to reassure him. “It’s just that people never really come to this village.”  
“Should I be worried? Maybe take my holiday somewhere else?”  
“Depends,” you say. “If your idea of a good time is talking to old people all day, only being able to visit a small café and convivence store, and taking long meaningful walks around some woods, then I would say this is the perfect place for you.”
“Well when you put it like that,” he smiles.  
Before your conversation can go any further Mollys head pops out from the end of the isle, “5 minutes until the store closes,” she announces, disappearing back to where she came from just as quickly.  
Having jumped slightly at the interruption your focus goes back on your work, realising you still have half the box to unpack and not much time left to do it. Though you were helping Molly out and she was your best friend, she did ever so slightly scare you and you did not want to be on the receiving end if she finds out you’ve been talking rather than doing your ‘job’.  
The man next to you has also somewhat livened at the announcement. Hands grabbing a few items off the shelf, bundling them into his arms as he makes his way to the till.  
Just before he fully rounds the corner he stops and turns to look at you. “I’m Yoongi by the way, should maybe have said that earlier,” you look to see a light blush covering his cheeks.  
He remains stood there as you stare at him, smile on your face, a tin in hand half way to the shelf. “Y/N,” you reply. He gives a curt nod before walking off, disappearing behind the shelf completely.  
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“Do you know who that was?” The words shoot at you like bullets, an almost franticness to them. As you head towards Molly with your now empty box you can see that the words are not the only thing frantic about her in that moment, her whole body almost shaking. You stop dead in your tracks taking her in.  
“Yoongi?” You mind whirling with thoughts about what could have gotten her in that state, was he some ex-lover? Maybe even just an old friend? Someone she’d seen on the street before, maybe he had treated her the same way he had treated you when outside. Maybe she wasn’t even talking about Yoongi, maybe someone else had come into the shop without you seeing. All these thoughts and not one of them was what actually came out of Mollys mouth.  
“Yes Yoongi, or SUGA,” your face still blank she continues. “From BTS?” She's almost desperate at this point.  
“BTS, that’s a boyband, right?”  
“Jesus Y/N. Yes, BTS is a boyband, it’s the biggest boyband in the world,” if there wasn’t a table between the two of you, Molly would have tried to shake some sense into you.  
“Oh right, well good for him I guess,” you try to feign being cool, and though you still weren’t entirely sure who Yoongi really was, you couldn’t pretend to not know who BTS were. Heat started to rise to your face as you think about how you spoke to some famous pop star and didn’t even realise. How people would have killed to be in your earlier position and there you were getting slightly annoyed that he may have been mocking you about humming an ABBA tune.  
Taking the empty box, you head towards the recycling, Molly hot on your tails.  
“Are you not even the slightest bit curious about why Min Yoongi was in my shop?” Molly almost bounces off the walls as she follows you.  
“He said he was taking a holiday,” you shrug.  
“A holiday? Here?” Molly says it as if it’s the least appealing thing she has ever heard.  
“Maybe he likes talking to old people,” you reference one of the selling points you’d told Yoongi earlier.  
“Well, he’s probably long gone by now,” Molly finally settles down, bouncing turning more into a small bob. “Maybe I should have asked for a picture when I had the chance.”  
“I say let’s just sweep the floors and head home,” you take one of the brooms that was resting against the wall and shove it in her arms.  
“Let a girl have some fun,” she pouts at you.  
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You didn’t give Yoongi much more thought that night, nor the following morning. Like Molly had said, he was probably long gone now. Instead you go about your daily life, wake up, make a tea, and then head to your mini studio. You’d wanted to be an artist for as long as you could remember, and you were lucky that you earned enough money, from commissions and putting some work in galleries, that it supported you enough to live. Though you didn’t live an exuberant life, you were happy enough in your cosy two-bedroom house. Having converted the second bedroom into your studio also meant that you could cut costs on having to rent a separate space.  
Flowers were your thing. Though not drawn realistically in all your works, you always drew inspiration from them. Whether that be their colours, their shape or simply their place within a space. Flowers were definitely your thing, and that was no more evident than in your studio. Flower pressings littered the walls, pictures of flowers you had taken on walks joining them, there were even some fake flowers in some pots on shelves and in corners. That was all before you had taken in your actual works. Your studio was basically just one big headache of colour, and you loved every inch of it.
The rain from yesterday was still lashing down outside, and you sit on a stall by the window with your mug for a second, watching the beads run down the window just as you had done in the café. Before you get too carried away you kick yourself into action and start to do some actual work.  
You could normally work a full day, especially when you had a few commissions or pieces that were needed for galleries. Today was one of those days, two commission pieces underway you didn’t find it hard to get stuck in and paint the day away.  
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Trying to stick to a traditional 8 hour working day was hard when you were your own boss. You found you would get to the end of your day and still have stuff to do and as it was your business, you would want to stay and get everything done. This had resulted in late nights and early mornings in the past, essentially eliminating any chance of a social life, which was pretty non-existent anyway. However, it is still what drove you to start being stricter with more formatted days.  
So, as it neared stopping time, and although you still had things to do, you diligently put your paints and brushes away, clearing up for the day. You could always fit in an extra hour in the evening if you felt like it. Otherwise everything would still be where you’d left it tomorrow. You had also found that coming back to a painting with fresh eyes always helped. The secret to painting was knowing when to stop.  
Looking out the window confirmed that the rain was still falling. With Molly still having a few more hours to work at the shop, and wanting to get out of the house you decided the only option was to go back to the café. A coffee right now sounded ideal anyway.  
So, you head up the hill. Coat back on, umbrella over your head, you try to avoid as much rain as you could. When you finally make it, you dump your umbrella in a wet heap by the door. Ordering a coffee, you give a smile and hello to the other customers as you head over to your normal seat by the window.  
Taking in the world outside, your mind tunes into some of the other conversations around you. Much like the small village, the coffee shop was never that busy and always full of old people. Your ears flick between the only two conversations going on, one about the troubles their grandchildren were having with potty training, the other about how they had seen another villager walking around with a green hat on, apparently it was scandalous.  
You try to disguise the giggle that rises within you by taking a sip of your drink. However, what definitely kills the giggle is the words spoken by a deep voice.  
“Thought I recognised the umbrella by the door.”  
You almost spill your drink as you turn from the window to the man stood beside you. Heat immediately rises to your face, heart rate increases tenfold, as you look at Yoongi. He simply stands looking at you with a small closed mouth smile on his face, mug of coffee in his hands.  
“Oh, hi,” are the only words you managed to splutter out at him. He remains stood looking at you, and you’re not sure what comes over you when you offer him to sit with you. He accepts and you watch as he places his mug down and takes the seat opposite you. Hair now out of the hat he was wearing yesterday, you take in his dark, almost black, locks that fall just long enough that they touch his eyes, but don’t cover them. His skin is clear and light, puffing out slightly into squishable cheeks that are lightly pink from the storm blowing outside. His lips are plump, and the perfect shade of pink, a shade that you wish you could replicate in your studio. Then you meet his eyes. A deep dark coffee colour, the colour almost blending into his pupil.  
“You stayed,” you dumbly state.  
“Well you did such a good job of selling the place, I didn’t think I could leave,” he smiles.  
Your heart rate still high, you do everything to avoid his eye contact. Your eyes look around the room and notice that all other eyes in the cafe are on the two of you, surely curious about the man sat opposite you that they had never seen before. The village rumour mill must already be whirling. Your eyes finally land on your coffee, deciding that’s the safest place to look.  
Though you would like to think that the only reason you were being so awkward was because you now knew he was famous, in reality you would be like this around any good-looking guy. What with the small village filled with old people, hot guys were a very infrequent occurrence. However, the fact you now knew he was a member of BTS definitely made the situation worse.  
“What have you done today then?” You manage to ask.  
“Not much, just settled into the house I’m staying in. Unpacked and went to get some more food,” he says. “What about you?”  
Your eyes dare to look up at him and find that maybe he isn’t as scary as you initially thought, though you are still unable to hold eye contact for more than a second. “Just worked,” you answer.  
“And what do you work as?”  
“I’m an artist. I paint,” you add to clarify your point.
His eyes widen slightly in surprise, a reaction that you were used to by now. “What do you paint?”  
“Flowers,” you say, a small smile coming to your lips as you start to think about your art and how much you love it. “Of sorts. They’re all abstract so you wouldn’t necessarily think they are flowers. But it’s where I draw inspiration.”
He smiles at you, watching as you seem to almost glow when you talk about your work. You cringe under his stare, looking out the window you gather the courage to ask, “what do you do for work?” curious to see what his answer would be.  
“I make music,” he says simply.  
You raise your eyebrows, mocking surprise. “Anything I would know?” Again, curious as to whether he would admit who he was.  
“If ABBA is your idea of good music then I doubt you would have heard any of my songs,” his lips pull back showing off a gummy smile.  
You roll your eyes and pout your lips slightly. “Must not be that good then,” you mock annoyance and you hear a chuckle leave his lips.  
“I’m glad I managed to bump into you again actually,” he says and you raise your eyebrows in genuine shock this time.  
“In this village I think it would harder to avoid someone then bump into them,” you say.  
“Noted,” he smiles. “Anyway, I wanted to ask about those woodland walks you mentioned yesterday.”  
“Oh right,” you say, feeling a bit disappointed though you are unsure why. “They are literally at the bottom of this hill. Just walk down the road and you can’t miss it. Theres a map at the start so you shouldn’t get lost.”  
“Great. Thank you,” he says.  
“You going to go in the rain?” You nod your head to the window to emphasise your point.  
His eyes turn to the bleak day outside. “Maybe I’ll wait to see if it’s drier tomorrow,” his face turns back to you. “Fancy joining?”
Your heart almost stops beating at the offer and you manage to stutter out a “urm.”  
He gives you a small smirk, “you don’t have to if you’re busy.”  
“I mean, I guess it would be nice to go on a walk. I could go around midday?”  
“Thank god, because I definitely would have got lost,” you laugh at his comment, his words making you feel more at ease.  
He takes a final sip of his coffee, finishing it off, and then slowly pushes his chair back from the table. Standing up he shrugs his coat on and then puts his hand in his pocket, pulling out his phone. A few clicks on it and then he is holding it out to you. Sensing your confusion he simply says, “for your phone number,” and then quickly adds, “if that’s OK?”  
You reach out taking the phone from him, smiling at the blush that has taken over his cheeks. “Very smooth Yoongi,” you say, causing the shade of his blush to deepen.  
Handing him back the phone he does a few more taps, causing your phone to ping. “Now you can text me your address too,” he doesn’t let you reply to that, but you can see a wide gummy smile take over his face. Grabbing his bag as he heads for the door. “See you at midday tomorrow.”  
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“YOU ARE GOING ON A DATE WITH MIN YOONGI?” Molly screams in your face after you tell her about your previous café encounter.  
You groan, placing your head in your hands. You had weighed whether it was worth telling Molly or not, but ultimately had decided that she would find out eventually and if it didn’t come from you she may just kill you. However, as you sit in your living room, Molly screaming in your face, you almost regret telling her anything.  
“It’s not a date,” you reply.  
“You are going on a walk alone with Yoongi, he has your phone number, hell he even has your address. Mate, you are going on a date.”  
“He just doesn’t want to get lost and knows I’m local,” you try to reason.  
“Literally nothing you say is going to change my mind.”  
“Ok, but nothing you say is going to change mine,” you say just as stubbornly as Molly had. “Can we just not make a big deal of this, I’m am just going on a walk with someone that happens to be a man, no big issue.”  
“Alright, alright,” Molly subsides. She knows your track record with men and, even if it wasn’t a date, going for a walk with a man was a massive step for you. So, if it made you feel better about the situation, she would stop teasing you. “But you still have to tell me every detail about it.”
“I promise,” you sigh, already knowing she would want a full blow by blow.
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You almost pour liquid caffeine down your throat the next morning. Having had broken sleep due to the anxiety caused by a certain man, you needed anything you could get to help you stay awake. Opting instead for a strong coffee you head up to your studio to at least attempt to get a few hours of work done.  
As expected, work is the last thing your mind can focus on. Worrying instead about what you should wear later, and how long you should give yourself to get ready, you didn’t want to go covered in paint. Then your mind would try to reason, what does it matter what I wear it’s just a walk, you wouldn’t dress up for a walk with Molly. But you are going on a walk with Min Yoongi, this is completely different.  
As all these thoughts whirl through your brain, the morning actually flies by. Though not much work was achieved, you manage to look semi presentable by midday. Though the rain had stopped it was still cold so you had opted for a hoody under a jacket, with some well fitted black jeans and boots. Not dressy at all, but compared to what you would normally wear it was positively Met Gala worthy.  
Even though you are stood waiting, the doorbell still makes you jump when it rings out. You take small steps to the door in an attempt to not look too eager. Opening the door, you see Yoongi leaning against the front garden wall. All in black, he looked like a model pulled out of a magazine, and you have to try and push the thought away that says he basically is just that.  
“Hi,” you say softly.  
“Hey,” he stands up straighter, eyes taking you in. “Ready to go?”  
“Yep, let me just grab my keys,” you duck into the house quickly grabbing your keys, before going back out and locking up your house.  
“After you,” Yoongi points his arms to the front gate as a gesture for you to go first. “You are my guide after all.”  
You smile as you walk past him. Taking a right towards the woods, Yoongi quickly falls into step with you.  
“Did you manage to get any work done today?” Yoongi asks, sounding genuinely interested.  
“A bit,” you lie, then follow it up with some truths. “I have two commissions on at the moment so just trying to get those finished before I start anything else.”  
“Do you get many commissions?”  
“Enough to get me by. Obviously, I would love more, who doesn’t aspire for me, but I am just happy that I make enough to support it as a career. I can’t really complain.”
“Being an artist is hard,” you hum in agreement at his words. “How do people hear about you? I guess I mean how did you become an artist?”
“Just the standard art college, university. Kind of got lucky I guess, a lot of people I studied with couldn’t support themselves enough to make it their job,” you downplay your achievements, always one to be modest.  
“Shows you must be good,” he says, which you shrug at, unsure how to reply.  
“This is the turning,” you are thankful for an excuse to try and change the topic. You stop by the map of the woods, a few different coloured lines make loops showing the different trails on offer, each varying in distance. “How far do you want to go?”  
“The short one looks good,” you nod in approval starting to head in the right direction. “As you have work to do this afternoon, would hate to be the reason you get nothing done.  
If only he knew, you think. “And what about you? Working on any music currently.”  
“No,” he says it sharply and you worry that you said the wrong thing. Realising his mistake, he sighs. “I’m on holiday to try and clear my mind,” he explains.  
“We all need some time away sometimes,” you say softly.  
“And what better place to be,” he widens his arms at the trees around you and you laugh at him.  
“Hawaii would be nice,” you joke.  
“Not all it's cracked up to be,” he plays along.  
“At least there’s sun there.”
“Again, not all it’s cracked up to be,” a big gummy smile takes over his face at these words.  
“Are you some sort of vampire or something?”  
“Maybe,” he laughs. “This seems like a very Edward and Bella location.”
“A Twilight fan?” You raise your eyebrows at him.  
“Oh, come on. Who hasn’t seen Twilight? You’d have to be living in a cave to avoid it,” he rolls his eyes at you.  
For the proceeding few minutes you discuss whether you are team Edward or Jacob. Have an intellectual conversation about whether the books or films are better. And talk about the following careers of several of the actors. It takes you almost by surprise to realise how easy it is conversation to have a conversation with Yoongi. Fully settled into it, you don’t even think about who he is or the fact that he is wildly attractive, you are just engrossed in the light and funny conversation.  
In no time you are back outside your gate. Nervously you swing the gate lightly in your hand.
“Thanks for coming with me today,” Yoongi says.
“It was a nice break from work, thanks for letting me tag along,” you smile.  
“I hope you have a productive afternoon. Maybe I’ll bump into you around the village,” he says, turning with a slight wave and all too soon he’s gone.  
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“I need details,” Mollys voice sounds out through the phone that evening.  
“It was nice,” you reply. “It was normal.”  
“What did you talk about?”
“A bit about work, a lot about Twilight, I don’t know just a range of topics that naturally came up.”
“And are you meeting again?”
“No plans, he just left it saying that he’d maybe bump into me.”
“You should text him,” she says it rushed, as if it’s an amazing idea that she’ll forget if she doesn’t get it out.
“What?” Slight panic in your voice.
“You have his number right? You should ask him to do something with you.”
“Do what? There is nothing to do here,” you are trying to get out of it but your words are also true. You’d both already hit all the main attractions of the village together.
“Invite him round to yours,” you hear the excitement in her voice at her idea. “You can say you’ll cook him dinner.”  
“I hardly know the guy, do you not think inviting him to my house is a bit forward?”
“Invite him out for a meal somewhere then. You could drive to el forno,” she suggests your favourite restaurant which is a few minutes drive from the village. 
“I don’t know, sounds even more like a date than inviting him for food at mine,” you stress.
“Jesus Y/N. Just don’t overthink it. Ask him to go on another walk with you. Or even just text him to say that you enjoyed today. As long as you text him something.”
You hum, still not sure. “I guess a text to say I enjoyed our walk wouldn’t be so bad,” you reason.  
“That’s it then. Do it now. And let me know what he replies,” and with a quick goodbye the phone line is dead, Molly gone.  
Before you can overthink it you take Mollys advice and open up your messages with Yoongi. So far the only messages being his ‘hi’ and you giving him your address. A deep breath to settle your nerves and you type out a message.  
Just wanted to say thanks again for today. It was nice to go round the woods with company for a change.  
You read over the message several times, scrutinising every word. When finally your finger hovers over the send button, tapping down. Delivered. All you could do now is wait.  
Trying to ignore your phone was easier said then done. You felt like some silly school girl checking your phone every minute to see if he had replied or even read your message. After a good 10 minutes of this you decide that you needed to leave your phone completely so head up for a bit of late night painting in an attempt to take your mind off it.
This works up until you hear the distant ding of your phone. You almost chuck your paint brush at the wall in an attempt to get to your phone quicker. Picking it up and opening the message you don’t care if you come across keen.  
I enjoyed the company too. We should do it again sometime.  
So he does want to see you again. The smile that spread across your face at that news was possibly the biggest smile you’d ever had. Typing out a reply you don’t hesitate in pressing send this time.  
I’d love that.
As soon as it’s delivered it appears as being read showing he had your chat open. Dots appear showing he way typing.  
Tomorrow too soon?
Again your typing is fast.  
I can do lunch time again?
His reply just reads,
I’ll meet you outside yours again.  
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You manage to sleep better that night, and are actually productive in the morning. Compared to your first meeting you have your nerves under control. And when Yoongi arrives you find that you both fall into easy conversation. And when you finish your walk, Yoongi outside your house he suggests it becomes a regular occurrence and you happily agree to continue your lunch time walks.  
It’s on one of these walks a few days later that he says, “I would love to see your art one day.” He says it so offhandedly that you aren’t expecting it and struggle to respond. “You always sound so passionate about it whenever it comes up in conversation. I guess I’m intrigued,” he smiles down at you.  
“Yeah, sure, I guess you can come and see my art,” you say.  
“Whenever you are ready,” he says, not wanting to push you into anything.  
“I’ve actually nearly finished my commissioned pieces, so maybe when they’re done,” you suggest. “Then you can see something that’s fully finished.”
“Perfect,” he replies.  
“So if you’re seeing my art, does this mean I get to hear some of your songs?”
He chuckles at your question. “I’ve actually been working on some new stuff recently.”  
“I thought you said you don’t like to work on holiday?” You say shocked.  
“I guess inspiration struck,” he shrugs.  
“Well, I would love to hear it.”
“We will have to see,” he mumbles before changing the topic of conversation.  
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You are sat with your legs crossed on one of the counters in Mollys shop, chocolate bar in hand as you watch her stood by the till. You’d been discussing, amongst other things, your lunch time walks with Yoongi.  
“I still think you should invite him round,” Molly says.  
“I’m going to,” you say it with such confidence that Molly almost chokes on her own spit.  
“You are?” She says in disbelief.  
“I finished my commission pieces the other day and I said that he could come and see them. I just need to actually invite him.”  
“Please don’t chicken out of it this time.”
As she finishes her sentence the door to the shop opens and in walks the man in question. Molly widens her eyes and shouts out a greeting, Yoongi gives a small wave before disappearing behind a row of shelves in search of something.
“Perfect timing,” Molly mumbles under her breath, jabbing her head to where Yoongi was stood for emphasis.  
You shoot her daggers a warning to not embarrass you. And when Yoongi rounds the corner with some tins in his hands you both have to scramble to look normal.  
“Hey Min,” you cringe as the words come out of your mouth, never having called him that before. “You’ve met Molly before right?” You try to recover.  
He gives her a small smile, placing his tins down on the counter by the till. “I believe I bought some rice off you once,” he says extending his hand for her to shake. “Yoongi,” he introduces himself. “Or Min, it seems,” he glances at you giving a cheeky smile.  
Your eyes dart to the floor, heat rising to your face.  
“Well it’s nice to properly meet you,” Molly saves you, scanning through his items. “Are you enjoying your stay in the village?”
“It’s great. I’m used to a much faster pace of life so I am appreciating the laid back feeling here.”
“Laid back, slow, boring. It’s thanks to all the old people,” Molly jokes.  
“You can’t hate it that much if you live here,” he hands over some cash for his items.  
“I guess I’ve gotten used to it, don’t really know much else,” she explains handing him back his change.  
“Well I think it’s great here,” he says and Molly hums in acknowledgment. Picking up his items he turns to the door saying, “see you guys around.”  
His back to you Molly gives you a hard nudge, widening her eyes at you. Before you can think you shout out his name causing him to stop just before the door, turning to look at you. “I finished my paintings if you still want to come and see them?”  
“Of course I do,” a smile breaks out on his face.  
“Tomorrow evening work?” You ask, glancing down at Molly for reassurance before you say, “you can stay for some food too?”
The smile on his face remains as he accepts your invitation. He says “see you tomorrow,” before turning and leaving the shop.  
“He is smitten,” Molly turns to you once he is gone.  
“He just wants to see my art, I talk about it all the time, he’s curious.”
“And he could have just asked to see a picture. He didn’t need to come to your house to see it, he didn’t need to accept a dinner invitation to see it.”
“He’s being nice,” you sigh, unwilling to believe her words. “Can you just help me decide what to wear and cook?”
She rolls her eyes at how oblivious you were being, but agrees to help you out. Both of you spending your evening contemplating different outfits as well as brain storming meal Ideas.  
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Due to the fact he was coming to yours that evening you call off your lunch time walk, and instead text him a time to come to yours. You spend your day wisely, doing work but also preparing food and cleaning up you house a bit. By the time you hear the distinctive tone of your door bell, there is a nice smell of food in your house and the place looks clean.  
You have to stifle a gasp that threatened to leave your lips when you opened the door. Stood in black jeans, a well fitted shirt with the top few buttons undone and a jacket, he looked effortlessly perfect. You couldn’t help but check him out as he walks past you into your house and takes his jacket off. Nearly catching you, you manage to peel your eyes away as he turns to look at you.
“I bought some wine,” he says holding up a hand with a bottle in it.  
“Thanks,” you say as you take it off him and head to the kitchen.
“Something smells amazing,” he says leaning against the door frame.  
“I hope you like lasagne?” You scold yourself for not checking he liked it sooner, but the worries are instantly gone when Yoongi confirms he does indeed love lasagne. You pour out two glasses of wine and head over to Yoongi handing him one.  
“Do you want to see my art now, or after food?” You ask, taking a sip of your wine to try and calm your nerves.  
Taking a sip of his wine Yoongi looks you in the eye before saying, “now?”  
You give a bashful smile before nodding and heading off in the direction of your studio, hoping he got the clue to follow. Your heart rate is impossibly high as you head up the stairs, thoughts of him not liking your work going through your head. Your art was such a personal thing to you, something you pour your heart into, the thought of the man currently walking behind you not liking it would shatter your heart.  
You pause at the door, hand on the handle. It’s almost as if you are pausing for a more dramatic effect but it’s purely due to you wondering whether this was such a good idea. Yoongi being ever patient just stands waiting, allowing you the time you need. You finally manage to kick yourself into action, deciding you were being stupid and that if he really wanted to he’d be able to google your art and find it in galleries.
Swinging open the door you step inside and make room for Yoongi to come in next to you. You avoid looking at his face not wanting to see his reaction in fear there will be disgust there. If you had looked though you would have seen his eyes full of wonder, lips popped open.  
The silence is deafening to you and it only increases your worry as you still avoid looking at Yoongis reaction. “It’s not everyone's cup of tea,” you panic feeling the need to fill the silence. “The bright colours don’t agree with everyone I guess. And flowers are quite -”
Yoongi cuts you off by placing a hand on your shoulder and getting you to look at him. “It’s amazing,” he says. Looking at you he can see the worry and insecurities written all over your face so he continues. “Seriously, I think they are beautiful. I would actually like to see more of your work, see how all the pieces differ.”  
“I have pictures,” you pull your phone out and open up the album with all your art work in. Handing your phone to Yoongi you let him scroll through. You watch as he takes in your work, humming out at times, fingers pinching the screen to zoom in on certain works.  
“I’d actually love to buy one,” he says when he’s finished looking through them. 
Never in a million years would you have expected him to say those words, and you are anything but professional when you stutter out a, “you don’t have to.” Thinking he was just trying to be kind.  
“I’m being serious when I say I really like your work, Y/N,” he says. “I wouldn’t say I want to buy a piece if I didn’t genuinely want one.”  
“I mean I guess I could give you some form of discount,” you mumble out.  
“I don’t want any favours or discounts. I just want to be a normal customer, pay the normal price, go through the normal steps, and get an amazing painting at the end of it.”  
“Ok,” you give him a bashful smile. “I guess I could fit you in,” you open up the calendar on your phone. “I normally sit down with someone who’s commissioned a piece so we can discuss what we both want to achieve, make sure that we are both happy with what’s going on. So when’s best for you?”  
“I’m actually heading home for a few days this weekend, but I will be back next week,” he says.
Up until this point you’d not really thought about the fact that this was just a holiday for Yoongi, that he had a life outside this village. Obviously you knew that he did, but you hadn’t thought about the inevitable day when he would leave. So when those words leave his lips it suddenly hits you that he won’t be around forever, that one day your life will go back to how it used to be, Yoongi free.  
“Tuesday morning?” You ask.
“I’ll be here,” he replies.  
“Great,” you say as you tap the appointment into your phone. “Food?”  
“Yes please, I am starving.”  
Yoongi settles onto the small table in your kitchen as you expertly slice the lasagne, taking the two plates to the table you sit down opposite him. He pours some more wine into your near empty glass, and you both tuck in.  
“What are you doing when you go back home?” You dare to ask.  
“Just have some work stuff to go to,” he replies and you hum out in response. “Some of it is actually about those new songs I’ve been working on,” he says casually and your interest is piqued.
“Oh yeah?” You fully focus on him rather than your food.  
“Yeah. I think some of them are actually quite good so I need to talk to my management about them.”  
“That’s great,” you give a genuine smile. “And then you’re coming back?”  
“Just for another week,” he looks you in the eye when he says this and you feel your heart crack slightly at the words but try to not let it show on your face.  
“Two weeks in this village? You must really like it,” you try to joke.  
“There are some pretty sights,” he shrugs still looking directly into your eyes. “Plus I still have some of the woodland walks left to do.”  
“Don’t forget about the café. I’ve heard you are Fionas new favourite customer,” you reference the fact you’d heard people constantly talking about Yoongi around the village. You’d had so many questions yourself, was he your boyfriend? Why was he here? How long was he staying for? All of these you’d tried your best to shrug off.  
“That’s just because I compliment her cakes every time I go,” he explains.  
“Hum, I’m sure it’s more to do with the fact you’re a young attractive man.”
“You think I’m attractive?”
“Fiona thinks your attractive,” you say though your face still heats up. He hums, clearly not convinced. “Anyway, you should do more than just walk around the woods. I can send you some suggestions, there's a place not too far away with more exciting shops for example.”  
“Yeah sure, that would be nice thanks,” he says.  
The evening flows nicely, the easy flow of conversation you two had mastered causing it to become late quickly. By the time Yoongi is stood at your door, coat now on, you feel slightly tipsy with all the wine you had drunk.  
“I guess I won’t see you until next Tuesday?” You say.  
“Yeah, no lunch time wood walks together over the weekend.”  
“Good luck with your work stuff, can’t wait to hear how it goes with your manager.”  
“Thanks,” he says, not making any attempt to turn and leave.  
Maybe it was a need to do something to fill the silence, or maybe it was the wine you had consumed that caused you to step forward and wrap your arms around Yoongi into a hug. There is a moment where he doesn’t return the gesture, remaining stiff, and you worry about what you have just done. But then his arms wrap around you, pulling you slightly closer to him. Nose against his chest you breathe in his scent slightly and wish you could somehow turn it into a candle to make your whole house smell of him. Before it becomes awkward you step away from him.  
“I’ll see you next week,” you whisper, slowly closing the door on him. You hear a faint goodbye before he disappears from view.  
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You would never have guessed that you would miss Yoongi, but over the few days he is gone he occupies all your thoughts. It gets to the point on Saturday night where you decide to google him. Sat on your sofa, you are surprised it has taken you this long to google him.  
The first thing that comes up when you press enter are news articles about BTS performing at the MAMAs in Japan. So that’s the work commitment he was talking about you think. A casual weekend in Japan, performing in front of thousands if not millions of people, no big deal. As you go through the news articles you feel the weight of who the man you had been hanging out with weigh down on you.  
You flick instead to his Wikipedia page. You read briefly over the section about his early life and how he got signed to Big Hit Entertainment. Scrolling down the page you see the personal life section, seeing that it talks about him buying luxury apartments. Again you start to grow slightly anxious at the words, it all adding to you wondering why he has been bothering to do things with you, or even stay in this village.  
Again you move on from the Wikipedia page, this time to Spotify where you type in BTS. Here you feel slightly more comfortable, feeling less prying. You spend your evening listening to some of their songs, after a while flicking into his solo projects.
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By the time Tuesday rolls around you had listened to almost all of his discography and it almost made you feel like you were on an even footing with him, he had after all seen your art, it was only fair that you got to listen his.  
When Yoongi knocked on your door you greeted him and took him to your studio where you had set up a small table and two chairs. You wanted to act as professional as possible. Though you were dying to ask him about his weekend, at this moment he was a paying customer and therefore questions about his weekend could wait.  
The session went well, you showing him more in-depth photos of your work, giving some insight to them. You got him to pick the paintings he liked the most, asked what he liked most about them, asked him about the colours he would like included, the size of the canvas, all questions you would normally ask to gage the style of painting the person wanted.  
What surprised you was that he came prepared too, half way through the meeting he whipped out his phone and pulled up some photos of flowers. He flicked through them and asked whether you would be able to somehow use them. Of course, you agreed, it was his painting after all, and you could use the images for inspiration on texture and colour.  
Overall the meeting went smoothly and you told him that you would send him updates throughout the process. Again, just as you would any other customer.  
Once over, and as you head down the stairs, you ask whether he wants to stay for a coffee, the perfect opportunity to ask how his weekend went. So, as you settled onto the couch with your mugs you did just that.
“How was the meeting with your manager?”  
“Yeah, great. He liked the songs, which is always great.”  
“So when do I get an exclusive listen?”
“You can listen when everyone else gets to hear them,” he smiles at you.  
“Which will be...” you continue to dig.  
“You will just have to be patient,” he laughs.  
“And here was me thinking that painting for you would mean I get some sort of perk.”  
“Is this how you treat all your paying customers?”  
“Just the ones I think I can get something out of,” you joke.  
“And you think my music is that something?”  
“Well you haven’t let me listen to any of it yet, so I can’t be sure,” you act as best you can. “Anyway, how was the rest of your weekend? Your other work stuff go ok?”
“Yeah, nothing too exciting,” he says.
“Really?” You are surprised, not hiding it from your voice, remembering that you had read he had been at the MAMAs performing, surely that was exciting.
“You’re not very subtle, love” a smile graces his face as you look at him dumbfounded. “I know you know who I am.”
“What do you mean?” You play dumb.
“Always asking about my music?”  
“I’m interested in what you do,” you cut in.  
“You called me Min even though I’d never told you my last name,” he carries on.
“A lucky guess?” You croak out, feeling that you are losing some sort of battle.  
“Your friend Molly also definitely knew who I was when I first went to her shop, so I suspected she’d tell you.”
“If it helps, I still don’t really know who you are.”
“You don’t know who SUGA is. I think we’ve hung out enough for you to have a good idea who I am,” he corrects you.  
You start to grow awkward at his words, feeling almost trapped by him admitting he’s somewhat caught you out.  
“I liked the fact you treated me as a normal person,” he senses your unease and tries to reassure you. “And I thought it was cute when you acted like you didn’t know who I was even though you clearly did.”
Heat rises to your face, nerves causing you to almost shake. Yoongi reaches out to take your hand in his, thumb gently stroking your palm in an attempt to get you calm down.  
“I really enjoy spending time with you,” his voice has dropped, both his hands now holding your one hand, playing with your fingers.  
Both of you have your eyes on your entangled hands, watching as Yoongis fingers gently stroke yours. The tension in the room is thick, the silence only making it worse.  
“I’ve really liked being with you too,” you whisper out.  
You dare to look into his eyes, his pupils dilated so big there is almost no coffee coloured iris left. He drops your hand, instead reaching out for your face, thumb now caressing your cheek. Your eyes close at the feeling, heart pounding so hard you’re worried it might escape your chest. Taking a deep breath, you open your eyes again, eyes flicking between Yoongis to his lips.  
He leans in impossibly slow, forehead resting against yours, then nose brushing yours, before finally his lips touch yours. Lips move together slowly, acting as if they were made for each other, as if they had never tasted anything so sweet.  
All too quickly Yoongi pulls away, light puffs of air leaving his lips as he rests his forehead against yours.  
“I really like you,” his gummy smile comes out and you wish you could stay like this forever.  
You lean in to kiss him again, this time the kiss is more heated, more desperation behind it. When you feel his tongue poke your lips you moan out and he uses the opportunity access to your mouth. His tongue explores your mouth before dancing together with yours.  
When you pull away this time, heavy pants leave both of your lips, as if you had just finished running a marathon.  
“Wow,” you breathe. “Can’t believe I just kissed the Min Yoongi,” you joke and a big laugh leaves him, head falling backwards and you get a glimpse of your favourite teeth.  
“If you’re lucky, maybe you’ll get to do it again,” you hum as he pecks your lips a few times before fully pulling away.  
Sitting back he takes you in. Lips now slightly red, hair ruffled, eyes wide. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen someone look so beautiful.
“So, when did you figure out I knew who you were?” You ask.
“Let’s see,” he has a broad smile on his face as he pretends to think back. “As soon as I left the shop after first meeting you. I wasn’t sure you knew who I was when I was first talking to you but as soon as I was served by Molly I knew if you didn’t already know, you soon would.”  
“Well, if it wasn’t for her I would still have no idea who you are,” you say it almost as a defence. “And like I said, I still don’t really know who you are. Though, I did listen to some of your songs this weekend,” you decide to come clean.  
“You did?” He seems a bit surprised, though you’re not sure why, who wouldn’t nose about on the internet after discovering someone they met is a celebrity? “What did you think?”
“You were right, nowhere near as good as ABBA,” he laughs hard at your comment. “I liked them, there was some really beautiful lyrics. I can see why you have such a big following.”  
He smiles at your words, growing a tad shy receiving your compliments.  
“So now it’s all in the open, and you know, that I know, that you’re a multi-millionaire pop star, does this mean I can charge you double for my painting?” If you thought the laugh he gave earlier was big, it was nothing in comparison to the one he gave now. Leaning forward he tackles you so that your back falls against the sofa, him leaning over you, pinning you in place.  
“Careful love,” he says before kissing you again.  
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The remaining week that Yoongi stayed in the village felt like you were living another life. Your lunch time walks continue, but on top of that he comes round to yours for dinner most nights, and also occasionally sits in your studio while you work. He brings his work along to the ‘studio dates’, as Yoongi dubbed it, and though you ask he still won’t allow you to listen to his new music. And towards the end of the week, he even starts sleeping over at yours.  
That’s how you wake on his final day, in his arms. Feeling a light kiss to the top of your head you groan as you realise that this would be the last day that you wake up like this. Though it had only been a few days, and you still didn’t fully know the guy, you aren’t sure how you are going to cope when he finally leaves.
You both try to spend your remaining day in blissful unawareness, ignoring the fact that this will be your last day together for who knows how long. Seoul wasn’t far away, but it wouldn’t be as easy to see him after today.  
It’s when he packs his bag into his car and pulls you into a hug that your barriers break. All the emotions you’d been keeping at bay that day come crashing out and you cry in his arms. He holds you slightly tighter, hand stroking your hair in an attempt to soothe you.
“It won’t be long until we see each other again,” he whispers into your ear. “And we can call and text all the time.”  
“I know, I’m just being stupid,” you blubber at him. ”I’m just going to miss you so much.”  
He pulls your head away from his chest, gently run his thumb under your eyes to rid you of tears. “Firstly, you aren’t being stupid. Secondly, I’m going to miss you too. I’m going to miss our lunch time walks, coming to yours for dinner, watching you work. I’m going to miss waking up to you in the mornings. I’ll miss all of it.” He places a light kiss to your lips after the words and you melt into him.
Foreheads resting against each other, he whispers out, “I should probably get going.”  
Taking a deep breath, you slowly nod your head. A light kiss is placed on your lips before he fully pulls away. You watch as he gets into the driver's seat and then drives off into the distance.  
You cry yourself to sleep that night.
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“Why don’t you just move to Seoul?” Molly says after witnessing a week of you moping around.
“Because I like it here,” you reply.
“Don’t be dumb, no one likes it here.”
“Then why do you stay?”  
“I own a shop here.”
“Well I own a house with an art studio in it,” you pout.
“You can move that art studio anywhere,” she rolls her eyes at you.
“Oh yeah? You want to explain how I would be able to afford the prices in Seoul?”
“I’m sure Yoongi would help you.”
“I don’t want him to help me. It’s not his responsibility to help me.”
“Would you at least just look into it? I’ll come with you to look at places. Please. I have never seen you as happy as you were when he was here. I want you to always be that happy, and moving house should be a small price to pay for that happiness.”
“It’s not just moving house though. He doesn’t live in Seoul. He travels around the world, he is busy, he doesn’t have time for me.”
“Doesn’t have time for you? Then how do you explain the texts he sends you almost every second, how do you explain the fact he has already tried to get dates to see you? You are making excuses for this to not work. You need to stop worrying and jump straight in. You won’t know if it will work or not until you actually give it a go.”
You hum at her, unsure how to respond to her words. They rung true in your head, maybe you were pulling away from Yoongi, as much as you liked him you had insecurities and his life style really brought those out in you. But you also did want to try and see where it could go, you didn’t want to let your insecurities get in the way of something you had never felt before.  
“Let’s just look. You aren’t committing to anything, you are just looking,” Molly says.
After a small pause you agree.  
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You’d had a full day of looking at different spaces around Seoul. Ranging from flats that could house you and a studio space, to flats that didn’t, to separate studio spaces altogether. To say you were exhausted was an understatement, but as you hugged Molly goodbye and she got in her car to drive home, you made the trip to Yoongis apartment.  
On arrival you were swept into hugs and kisses. It was a welcome you could get used to.  
“I missed you,” Yoongi says between kisses, slowly dragging you into the house, eventually finding his sofa.  
“I missed you too,” you say in your new position, which was basically being pinned down by Yoongi.  
After some catching up physically, Yoongi eventually lets you move enough to sit up. He quizzes you on the places you had visited today, commenting on locations, asking for pictures of the places. You could tell he was excited by the prospect of you moving closer to him, and though you had told him that you’d been thinking of making the move way before meeting him, saying it would help further your art career, you knew that he knew the real reason behind the move, him.  
You asked about his day, listened when he told you about his early start, his dance practice and an interview he did. Thinking you’d had a long tiring day now sounded like a whiney excuse.  
“And,” he pauses for dramatic effect.
“What?” You start to grow worried at the suspense.
“I got you a present,” he smiles, slowly standing up.
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” you grow a tad embarrassed.
He leaves the room and then renters just as quickly, hands now behind his back.  
“Close your eyes,” he states and when you don’t comply he repeats it with a small pout and whine so that you do it. “Now, hold out your hands,” his voice is now much closer.  
You feel something solid but light press down on your hands, and your heart rate picks up as you sense what it might be.
“Now, open your eyes,” his voice comes out as a whisper this time.  
You slowly peel your eyes open, and they widen in shock at what is in your hands. You shake slightly as you grip the CD tighter in your grasp eyes flicking over every inch. You slowly peel off the note that is attached and read it.
An exclusive for my biggest fan. Sorry it’s not more like ABBA.  
“You used my art?” Tears prick at your eyes instantly at the sight of the painting you did for him on the front of the album.  
“It’s kind of why I commissioned it,” he says. “I thought a piece of art by the person that inspired all the songs would be very fitting.”  
“You what?” Words fail to commute in your head as you take in what he says.  
“I came to your village for a break. I was struggling to get inspired to write music and the company decided that they could free up some time and I could go away and try and get back on track I guess. I wasn’t necessarily intending to stay in the village for that long, but the place interested me. You interested me. And the more I spoke to you the more I found myself being able to write songs.”
“You wrote songs about me?” It still was struggling to make sense to you.  
“I probably wrote enough songs about you to fill five albums, not one,” he chuckles lightly.  
You look back down at the CD in your hand, tears still falling down your face.  
“This is the nicest, sweetest thing anyone has ever done,” you drop the album onto sofa next to you and instead pull Yoongi into your arms.  
Yoongis arms encompass you into a tight yet soft hug. And in that moment you know that the decision to move to Seoul was right. That you wanted to try as hard as you could to be with Yoongi. That although it would be hard, it was a journey you were willing to take. Because even if it didn’t work out, any minute you got to spend with the man would be worth a lifetime.  
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bmwiid · 3 years
This is going to be a very weird and neiche post about disability and advice and... like, probably not great for some people cause... I dunno. general warnings and angst in my real life warnings?
Also... like... I'm very, very aware of how much I sound like a bitch and an abuser. I'm trying to be honest and I'm not good at it, but I have to vent this or I'll... I dunno. I feel like if I don't get this shit out of me I'll go to bed and just not wake up. so... warnings?
Today I got a call around 12pm from mums carers. She's split her juice over herself in bed and they've stripped the bed, but she's sitting in her wheel chair and she's 'bouncing'.
I don't know what the medical term is cause no one ever bothered to look into it other than: it's not a seizure it's more like narcolepsy but it's not quite that either so meh?
To describe: mum twitches. enough to throw things. she also has mini blackouts, where she'll just... go unconscious for a few seconds. put those two together with a high level of confusion and sometimes 'dreams' (I don't think they are dreams, I think they are hallucinations, because she thinks they are real sometimes, but mum calls them dreams) and you get what we call: Bounces.
Because she looks like she... bounces? in her chair.
So she's real bouncy today, and they are worried, but they also have other people on the run and they don't know what to do, so I leave work and go to mums.
She's bad today. She asks for a drink, which I pour her, and she twitches and explodes a glass over the floor, and herself. I clean her up, she's in a wheelchair so I'm not worried about glass on her feet or anything, but she's taken her pills and needs water to swallow. Another glass hits the floor, legit explodes (I don't know if anyone has ever dropped an Ikea glass on tile but it shatters like Pyrex, it's pretty cool)
I manage to 'feed' her water by holding a glass and lifting it to her lips. during this she almost drowns because she 'bounces' while swallowing.
I move her into the livingroom and give her a cup with a lid and straw (plastic) and start to clean the kitchen of lemonade and glass.
I go back through after 5/10 mins, and shes... bounced again, and now her plastic cup is upside down and juice is pouring out of the straw and...
I'm kinda done. I don't want to make this about me. But also, it IS about me.
This is the third day in a row I've had to talk to carers and nurses and I've got a headache that will not quit and now I have what is essentially a toddler - she's not talking other than garbled words but she understands what I'm saying. She's twice my weight (and I'm not a small enby, people) and I can't do SHIT.
I leave her, bouncing, with the tv on so she's not 'alone' and when I go she's laughing along to Stephen Colbert and I'm over it.
I go to ASDA, I buy three sippy cups. One is like a flask with a straw that flips, one is a weird cup with a silicone top and I have no idea how it works, and one is a straight up sippy cup. With hooked handles and an elephant on it. I know she'd rather DIE than use it.
My plan is: I want her to use the flask and the 'non drip, non spill' blue cup with the weird silicone lid. She will not use this, because she's a fully grown woman, and she's got standards. However, if the other option is an actual BABY BOTTLE... she'll concede that the cup thing is better. If you want someone to pick option B, make sure option A is the fuckin worst.
I also swing by the local greggs because I need to feed her, and she's pickier than I am able to describe, so legit nothing else will work.
I get back to mums, and she's watching tv still, kinda. She asks me if I can get her something to eat when I go to the shops. It takes her about 10 minutes to ask.
I am now magic, as I produce the greggs bags. I hand her the food, and go to wash the new cups (and figure out how this blue one works). When I go back through, she's got the chicken bake all over her hands and face, but she seems to be eating it, mostly. kinda. She's happier though, as she mushes it around.
I show her the new cups I bought, and, as planned, her face is a fuckin picture when she sees the baby sippy cup. She actually recoiled. I show her how the blue cup works (it's actually really cool! I like it a lot! if you have kids who drop stuff, or adults this is the link, I got the one without handles so it looks like a blue plastic cup with lid) and it takes a couple of minutes, but she finally gets how to use a cup designed specifically for toddlers, but whatever. She bounces and the cup lands on her lap but doesn't spill. I'm already impressed, but it hit the floor a few seconds later and it's just the tiniest splash so... I highly recommend. I use a wet wipe to clean her face and hands, but whats the point, really? She squeezes the cheese and onion bake and it bursts over her hands, but she's fine, it's cold now - it won't burn her or anything. I sit on the floor and watch her smush food into her mouth. She forgets I'm still here, laughs along with the tv. she's already forgotten how to use the blue cup, and struggles to drink. I offer help and scare her. She forgot I was here.
Now, I know, if you are disabled, and you read this, I sound like the WORST fucking person you'll ever meet. I'm sorry. I'm at the end of my rope and I can't keep this up. She's my MUM. I love her more than I've ever loved anyone in this world and she's... a toddler.
She's a toddler twice my size. She's a toddler I have no training to manage. I'm not a nurse. I'm not a carer. There is a REASON we have carers, people who have that ability to look after others.
And this is my mum. I love her. I really, honestly, love her.
But she's also NOT a toddler. In a couple of days, she'll be a 63 year old who can talk and look after herself (mostly) and no amount of 'difficult conversations' will make her understand just how bad she gets. How no one on the care team is able to stay with her all day while she is bouncing. I can't do it, not if I want to keep my job, my house. She'll understand, to a certain level. She'll be upset and ashamed and embarrassed... but she won't do anything.
She won't go into a home. She won't move into assisted living. I can't afford a full time carer and the council doesn't have that option. She'll promise she'll 'try harder' which is... not possible. It's not like she wants to be like this, so how will she be ABLE to try harder?
She's not a toddler. She's an adult who I love and respect. I cannot force my mum into a care home. She'd never forgive me. Never.
I just don't know what to do. I'm tired. I'm stressed. I'm upset and I don't have anyone other than my mum, and 50% of the time now, I don't even have her.
my guilt legit feels like it's EATING me.
And I have to go back to work. I've missed 3 hours.
I log back in, take a call. The angry, upset and crying woman on the other side tells me I don't understand. asks me "how I can work for a company that treats people like this" asks me if my mother is proud.
I take a breath. I remember my mum braggin about my good job and my bought house and my paid off car.
I left her smushing food over her hands and drinking out of a sippy cup.
I do my job.
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multifanficss · 3 years
Emergency Room (BTS X Reader) -01
A/N: I wanted to post this yesterday but my internet was out. Any who I hope you enjoy!!Also please give me feed back if you think I can improve in some way!
Readers POV:
Standing in front of the building that will change my life forever. I looked up at the sign, it read, Seoul National University Hospital. I sighed and smiled. I was ready for the new experience. after standing at the entrance for some time, I walked in and headed to the main desk where the receptionist called someone to help me find the way to the resident's lockers. Then two girls came in front of me and they looked pretty young. " Hello, are you Doctor L/N?" " yes, I am," I said. "I'm Mina and This is Sarah we will be your Interns for the week. let me show you to the resident's lockers" she said.  I smiled and said, "nice to meet you both, and thank you." we began to walk and I said. "Though I may be new here, I have been a resident for two years and want to let you know that I expect both of you on time whenever I page you. I also expected you to do what you are told. For Example, If I assign you to someone you then go to that someone. understood? " I said. They nodded. "good, other than that we should get along great, and if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask. I know I might seem strict but I am not just trying to save lives and stay focus." I said as I let out a small smile. "we understand, don't worry, also if you need us to show you around the hospital, please let us know." Sarah said. "Thank you, so I will see both of you in the emergency room in about 10 minutes," I said, and they nodded and went to get dressed. I stood in front of the resident's locker and walked in. I saw my locker in the back and quickly got dress.
After I put on my scrubs and made sure I have everything I need for the day I headed to the emergency room to start my 24-hour shift. Once I get there I see a tall doctor who was filling out a patient's chart.  " Hi, I'm Doctor F/N L/N. I just moved here not too long ago and today is my first day here." I smiled at him. He smiled, " Welcome Doctor Kim Taehyung, I've been working here for quite a while and am a General surgeon." " So am I, I'm in the emergency room today so I think we will be working together right." I said. "yes, unless something happens and you need to assist another doctor then you must assist the doctor. But other than that, yeah.  Hopefully, we get along well." He smiled. "I hope so too." Just then a nurse came in between us. "we have two people coming in, in just a bit. One 32-year-old male and a 19-year-old female. The male is in critical condition and is unconscious. The female is suffering from abdominal pain and neck pain." That's when we put on our gowns and went outside to meet the ambulance. 
"Okay, doctor L/N go with doctor min and you will assist him with the 32-year-old male." I nodded. "Mina go with doctor Kim and help his team. Sarah, you will stay here with me." She quickly went to his side and once the Ambulance arrived. We got the people out and began to do our job. We got the 32-year-old male and began to do our work. As soon as we began to work on getting an iv a tall Doctor came in. "What's the case?" he said as he began to examine the patient. "32-year-old male, he's unconscious and is showing signs of internal damage," I said. "Alright let's get him a CT Scan quickly," he said as  Sarah and I  began to take him. After the CT scan popped up, we realize his brain was starting to swell slowly. We quickly got him to an OR. Many times during the procedure the patient would just go unstable but then we were able to get him back. As we finished, we took a deep breath. Once they transferred him to a room I walked out of the OR and sat outside for a minute. This was a lot. Usually, I don't really do this but it's a lot harder than I thought. I didn't even get a report from- " Doctor L/n?" I looked up  "yes?" I stood up quickly. "ah, I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself properly I'm Doctor Min, neurosurgeon." "I'm a general surgeon, nice to meet you." "you too, I just wanted to say, good job today. I know it may have been too much but you did very well." He said. "oh, thank you. This has been a bit much since I'm not really in the emergency room. Usually, I'm in a clinic or only doing scheduled surgeries. But thank you." "no problem. See you around" he said and walked away. I sighed and he stopped and turned. He said, ….
" oh I forgot, welcome to Seoul National University Hospital " 
End of chapter 1-
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btsqualityy · 4 years
BTS Second Pregnancy Series #15: Labor and Delivery Part 1
Kim Seokjin
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“How you feeling?” Jin asked as you stepped out of the bathroom that was connected to your hospital room. When you and Jin had gotten to the hospital, they checked you and found that you were 4 and a half, almost 5 centimeters dilated so they admitted you to the hospital based on that and how consistent your contractions were.
“Getting a little uncomfortable since they’re getting longer,” you replied, referring to the contractions. You walked over and sat down on the edge of the hospital bed, where a nurse immediately began to hook you up to the necessary machines in order to monitor both you and the baby. Once she was finished, you laid back against the bed and looked over at Jin. “Think this is the real deal?”
“Most likely,” Jin nodded, giving you a small smile. “We’ll see once your doctor comes to talk to us though.” About an hour later, your doctor walked into the hospital room with a wide grin.
“Y/N, Seokjin,” he said, nodding towards Jin. “I think you two are gonna be meeting your baby today.”
“Really?” You gasped in surprise. 
“Yeah, your contractions have slowly gotten closer together since you’ve been here so I wouldn’t feel right sending you back home,” he told you.
“What about the baby? Are they handling the labor well?” Jin asked and you gave him a smile, happy that he already knew what you were thinking.
“The baby is handling it amazingly,” your doctor confirmed. “Since you’re past 38 weeks and given the fact that everything continues as is, you’ll be able to have that natural birth that you wanted Y/N.”
“Great,” you grinned.
“I’ll be back to check on you soon,” he said before turning and walking out of the room, and you let a loud rush of air out of your mouth.
“You ok Y/N-ah?” Jin wondered and you looked over at him as you bit your lip.
“I’m nervous,” you confessed. Jin stood up from the chair that he was in and walked over to the bed, sitting down next to your legs. “I didn’t think that I was actually gonna get to push, you know?”
“That’s understandable,” Jin nodded. “But you’ll be fine jagi. I’ll be right here, letting you crush my hand the entire time if you need to.”
“Thanks Jin,” you laughed and Jin leaned over, kissing your lips gently.
“You got this Y/N-ah,” he reminded you and you nodded your head.
Min Yoongi
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Once your contractions had started to increase in frequency, you decided to do some work at home to make sure that they continued before heading to the hospital, just to make sure that these were the real deal and to ensure that you weren’t going to be sent back home by your doctor (because you don’t know if you’d be able to stop yourself from delivering Kamryn yourself if that happened).
You were sitting on top of a birthing ball, bouncing up and down lightly while Yoongi gently massaged your lower back.
“How’s that?” He asked you.
“Good,” you nodded, closing your eyes and inhaling and exhaling deeply as the contraction that you were having spread throughout your lower back. Just as the contraction ended and you opened your eyes again, you saw Kinsley walking into your bedroom. 
“Why are you on a ball Mommy?” Kinsley questioned as she tilted her head to the side in confusion, making you smile at how much she looked liked her father.
“I’m trying to help Kammie come out,” you replied.
“Oh,” she whispered, thinking for a few seconds before speaking again. “Will bouncing up and down make her sick? Like uncle Hobi and uncle Jiminie?” 
“No babygirl,” Yoongi laughed, while you bit your lip to stop yourself from cackling out loud. “Mommy isn’t bouncing too fast, so she’ll be ok.”
“Is she ready to come out now?” Kinsley asked.
“She should be by now,” you grumbled, making Yoongi snicker from behind you while you looked at Kinsley. “Hopefully sweetheart.”
“And god mommy is gonna come stay with me?” Kinsley wondered and both you and Yoongi nodded your heads.
“Just like we talked about babygirl,” he assured her. Your eyes widened as you felt the next contraction come, which was much more intense than your others had been. You shut your eyes and focused on breathing, vaguely aware of Yoongi’s hands rubbing harder at your hips and his lips touching the back of your head. Once it was over, you exhaled harshly as you looked over your shoulder at Yoongi.
“I think we should call Y/BF/N,” you told him. “I’m pretty sure she’s definitely coming today.”
Kim Namjoon
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“God, these contractions are just as bad as Mase’s were,” you grumbled, letting your head fall back against the bed once the contraction that you were experiencing finally passed. Namjoon, who was sitting on the bed next to you, squeezed your hand and kissed the side of your head, trying to comfort you. Similar to your first pregnancy, once you and Namjoon got to the birthing center after having Namjoon’s mom come to your house to stay with Mason, your labor progressed relatively quickly.
“Did you still want a c-section?” Namjoon asked and you lifted your head again to look at him.
“I kind of wanted him to check me first, since I feel like it’s going pretty fast,” you said, referring to your doctor. “And I’ll decide after.”
“Ok, it’s completely up to you,” Namjoon nodded. About 15 minutes later, your doctor walked into the room to check your cervix. Once he was done, he felt around on your stomach and he apparently didn’t like what he felt because he immediately grabbed the ultrasound wand from the machine that was next to the bed, along with the gel. He quickly squirted some onto your bump and set the wand on your skin, moving it around slowly and you could tell by the frown on his face that something was wrong.
“What is it?” You asked him before he even got a chance to open his mouth.
“Your daughter is breech,” he revealed and your eyes widened.
“Wait, but Y/N-ah just had a doctor’s appointment like four days ago and Maia was fine,” Namjoon chuckled in disbelief. “She was head down and everything.”
“Well, she’s managed to flip herself back around,” your doctor shrugged. “Now, we could see if we can manage to encourage her to flip back around but in my medical opinion, I think it’s better if we do a c-section.”
“How many centimeters am I dilated?” You wondered.
“You’re almost to 6,” he replied. You looked up at Namjoon, who nodded his head towards you which you knew meant that he was letting you choose.
“Can we see how she handles the labor and if we can get her to turn?” You asked and your doctor nodded. 
“Alright, but I’d like to keep a very close eye on her though,” he told you, and you nodded. Your doctor nodded and gave you a small smile before walking out of the room.
“Joon,” you whispered as you looked over at him and he didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you, hugging you tightly.
“She’ll be fine,” he told you and you nodded as you held onto him.
Jung Hoseok
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“I never thought that I’d say this while in labor, but I’m so bored,” you groaned as you paced around the hospital room. Hobi chuckled at you from his place in the hospital bed, where he was watching tv. After getting to the hospital and being admitted, it seemed like your contractions had stalled out and you were stuck at 5 centimeters dilated.
“I’d direct your complaints to Hendrix,” Hobi laughed. “Seems like he’s changed his mind about coming out.”
“Well, he doesn’t really have a choice because I’m ready at this point,” you giggled. 
“Maybe he’s heard Len and Berk and their chaos and they made him change his mind.”
“Ah ah, if we have to deal with their crazy, then he does too,” you said. Your doctor walked into the room then, smiling when he saw you pacing around the room.
“Trying to get things going again?” He wondered and you nodded your head.
“Doesn’t seem to be working though,” you shrugged.
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about,” he said. “Since things seem to have tapered off, there is a medication that we can give you to jump start things again.”
“What medication?” Hobi wondered.
“It’s called pitocin,” your doctor told you. “It’s a form of oxycotin, which is a hormone that helps stimulate contractions.”
“How would you give it to me?” You questioned.
“We’d just give it to you through an IV, which will be easy and it’ll definitely get things started again,” your doctor explained.
“Well, I’m all for it,” you nodded before looking over at Hobi, “Babe?”
“If that’s what you want,” Hobi nodded and you smiled at him before confirming that you wanted the medication to your doctor. As your doctor walked out of the room again, you walked over to the bed and sat down next to Hobi, who reached down and grabbed your hand, squeezing it firmly in reassurance.
“He’ll be out soon,” Hobi assured you.
“Hopefully,” you nodded, smiling softly.
Park Jimin
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“Come on baby, breathe,” Jimin encouraged you, but you just shook your head as the contraction literally knocked the wind out of you. After you and Jimin got to the hospital, you were admitted and your contractions had progressed to a point where they were almost overwhelmingly painful.
“I-I can’t,” you stammered, a loud groan escaping your throat once the contraction finally ended. 
“Do you still want an epidural?” Jimin asked as you tried to catch your breath. 
“Please,” you nodded, tears welling up in your eyes. “I don’t think I’d make it to 10 centimeters like this.” 
“Whatever you want baby,” Jimin assured you, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead before running off to find your doctor. Once your doctor came back and you told him that you wanted the epidural, he and the nurses set everything up while Jimin helped you sit up and swing your legs over the edge of the bed.
“I need to you to stay very still Y/N,” your doctor reminded you and you nodded stiffly. Jimin was squatting on the floor in front of you, his hands on your knees rubbing gently.
“You’re doing great jagi,” he told you, making you smile lightly.
“Doesn’t feel much like it,” you replied.
“Just because you’re struggling, that doesn’t mean that you’re not making progress,” he pointed out. You winced quietly as you felt the needle go into your back and Jimin immediately grabbed your hands, holding them tightly.
“You know, we never really discussed what we thought the baby would be,” he said, trying his best to distract you.
“At this point, I just want them out,” you chuckled, finally relaxing when your doctor announced that you were all set. Jimin stood up straight and helped you lay back in the bed, pulling the blanket over your legs for you once you were settled. 
“Well, I think it’s a boy,” Jimin smiled and you giggled at him.
“Why, because you want another you?” You teased.
“You say that as if I don’t have good looks,” he scoffed, making you laugh.
“Hopefully we’ll find out soon,” you grimaced and Jimin took one of your hands in his, bringing it up to his lips and kissing the back of it softly.
Kim Taehyung
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“Mommy, do I have to leave?” Spencer whined as Taehyung helped her put on her shoes. After leaving the Music Bank taping, the three of you headed home, meeting your midwife there. As your labor began to progress, you realized that you were definitely going to be giving birth within the next few hours so Taehyung called your parents to come get Spencer.
“Yeah, you do sweetie,” you nodded, giving her a small smile as you bounced on a birthing ball and rubbed your hands over your bump slowly.
“But I wanna stay and see Elijah,” she huffed, frowning at Taehyung as he pulled her coat onto her body. 
“Come here Spence,” you called, opening your arms. Taehyung released her after zipping up her jacket and she walked over to you, leaning in between your open legs and you stopped bouncing as you hugged her to your chest. 
“I wanna stay with you,” she whispered and you smiled softly.
“I know you do, but think about it like this,” you said and she lifted her head to look up at you. “When you come home, Elijah will be here and you’ll get to meet him.”
“Hold him too?” She asked and you nodded.
“And hold him too,” you promised, leaning down and kissing her nose. “But I need you to be my big girl and go with Grandma and Granpa, ok?”
“Ok Mommy,” Spencer nodded and you smiled widely, pressing a few more kisses to her cheek before letting her go. She walked back over to Taehyung, who kneeled down and cupped her cheeks.
“You know that you’ll always be my Munchkin right?” He reminded her and she nodded her head rapidly. “I love you.”
“Love you too Daddy,” Spencer replied before giving her Daddy a peck on the lips. Your parents arrived then, wishing you and Taehyung good luck before taking Spencer with them. Once they had left, Taehyung walked over to you and sat down on the floor in front of you.
“Ready to do this again?” He asked you and you shrugged, feeling a contraction start up.
“A little nervous about how bad the pain is gonna get,” you admitted quietly. 
“You can do it, ok?” Taehyung stated firmly and you nodded. “I’ll be right here with you the whole time.”
“I know,” you smiled, humming contentedly as he pressed a kiss to your lips. 
Jeon Jungkook
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“Stop playing,” you scolded Jungkook, even though you couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your lips. The two of you were walking down the hallway of the birthing center, trying to get your labor to progress a little more. 
You were still hooked up to a machine that was monitoring the baby though, so Jungkook was pushing it for you as the two of you walked. However, Jungkook thought it was funny to try and play crossing guard, and he’d suddenly stop walking and stop pushing the machine, which in turn would make you have to stop as well.
“I hate you so much,” you grumbled playfully, making him laugh at you.
“Oh, it wouldn’t be Y/N giving birth if you didn’t say that to me at least once,” he chuckled. You used your elbow to hit him in the ribs, making him wince loudly. He then wrapped his free arm around your waist, rubbing your hip through the fabric of the hospital gown that you had on. “How are you feeling?”
“Feels like it’s finally starting to pick up a little more,” you reported.
“That’s good,” he nodded. “Think it’s gonna be easy, like Ava’s was?”
“I can’t really tell,” you replied honestly. “I really hope it is though.”
“Who do you think Aria’s gonna look like?” He wondered.
“I kind of think she’s gonna look more like you than me,” you told him. 
“Really?” He said and you nodded your head. “Well, I think she’s gonna be like Ave. She’ll look like a mix of the both of us and have certain features from the both of us.”
“Well, hopefully we’ll find out soon,” you giggled. The two of you made it back down the hallway where your room was and the two of you went back inside. The next few contractions that you had were both longer and stronger, and you found yourself leaning on Jungkook more in order to get through them.
“You think you might wanna get in the tub now?” He asked and you nodded your head slowly. Jungkook then leaned over and kissed your forehead before leading you towards the bathroom.
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sweet-villain · 4 years
Not Just A Kid *3*
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Note : Mention of Billy
Part 1
Part 2
Tags : @laziestgirlintheworld​ @lclb13​ @malasxlenguas 
Frank kept coming to see you as you continues to lay in the hospital bed. A bandage over your head, closed eyes in hospital bed with your chest raising up and down. 
Karen has came by to visit but she watched the scene in front of her. Frank sat by your side, holding your hand in his as he watched you, wishing you’d wake up. It’s been a month since it happened. Since you fell from the building. Since the accident. The doctors stayed positive that you’d awake. Frank has brought you flowers in hope the scent would help you come back. Come back to him. Oh how he wished he said something when you kept walking back. He feels so guilty. He is scared of losing you.
“ Frank...” he heard Karen’s voice as she walked over to him placing her hand on his shoulder. “It’s all my fault” he mumbles, but loud enough for Karen to hear. “You need to stop blaming yourself, it’s not your fault.”
“It is. If I didn’t tell her how I felt then she wouldn’t be in this situation.”
She sighed gripping his shoulder, tighter.
“ I just want to see her open her eyes and look at me and tell me she’s okay” he continues. “ I wish I could of caught her.... something...”
A tear falls down his cheek as he grips your hand in his.
“ Please wake up. I need you..”
Karen’s heart breaks as she hears him and decides it’s best to leave him be. It hurts to see you in the hospital bed, but it hurts Frank more because he cares about you and loves your
Frank lays his head down near your hand that was in his. The monitor beeps and it’s the last thing he hears before he falls asleep.
It’s been like that for another month before he gets pulled away by Curtis who needs his help. Frank wants to stay and be there to see if you’d awake but it’s the same result. He goes to help Curtis when you groan and it’s hard to open your eyes
You groan once more, blinking seeing the white hospital room and the smell hits you. You hated the hospital. Everything about it.
You pressed the button to get the nurse or anyone and once the nurse rushes in, she’s surprised your awake.
“About time, it’s been long enough” she sends you a soft smile, but you tell her you want to get out of here as soon as possible. She walks out to get the doctor and he comes back happy to see that your awake and checks on you.
He tells you how it’s good to see you awake and tells you Frank has been coming to see you. As you heard his name, a bad taste in your mouth appears. You want nothing to do with him and you clearly just want to get out of here. You asked for phone and call the one person you never thought you would. Billy Russo.
“ Well, Well, Well... got tired of Frankie?” He spoke, chuckling on the other end of the line. “ you could say that..” he continued to laugh.
“ What can I do for you, Miss Kitty” he says. Billy knows who you are, you two encountered each other once or twice, Frank made it clear that he wanted you to stay away from Billy. But you chose not to, keeping Billy’s number in cases like these.
“ I want you to get me out of this damn hospital, Russo.” He makes a hm sound and asks why you were in the hospital in the first place. You tell him and he’s surprised.
“ Looks like you pushed the wrong button on him, sweetheart”
“ Russo, can you get me out or not?”you huffed, looking around the hospital room in disgust. 
“ I can” he replies. “ I always liked you kitty kat, I’ll be there in 10” he adds. 
“ Thank you” 
The phone call and end and you wait sighing to yourself wishing you hadn’t called Billy, but what choice did you have? Karen? She would somehow tell Frank, Curtis? Yeah he was going to tell Frank. Who else do you got? 
It felt like years that the 10 mins were going by but then the door opens and in walks Billy with a bg in his hand, he smiles as he sees you. 
“ Are you going to stand there or are you going to help me out?”He chuckles making his way over to you. “ It’s good to see you too, Kitty.” He helps you out of the hospital bed and helps you take out your IV out. 
“ Here, I brought you some clothes..” He pushes the bag into your chest. You slowly made your way in the bathroom and locked the door behind you in case Billy had some ideas. You looked into the mirror for the first time seeing yourself after the accident. A pale girl stares back at you with so much sadness in her eyes. You reached down into the bag to see what clothes Billy had brought you. His. It looks like his from the looks of it. 
At least it was something. 
When you finished and walked out, Billy looked over to you.
“ I didn’t have anything else” he motioned towards his clothes that your wearing. You shrugged. No big deal. Clothes are clothes. 
“ It’s fine, now get me out of here” He chukles before one of his men nods and give him a good to go sign. “ Let’s go, Kitty Kat.” You hadn’t expected Billy to be so nice to you, he was after all Billy Russo and Frank would kill him on the spot if he saw you standing next to him. 
Billy takes a hold of your wrist and leads the way, passed the nurses and doctors who weren’t even looking both your ways. They were too busy rushing around or talking to one another to notice Billy Russo was in the building. 
As you breathed in the cool air and stretched your arms out, you turned to Billy.
“ Thank you for getting me out, but I’ll see you around Russo.” 
Billy wasn’t about to let you go off just like that. 
“ Hold on” you paused in your step but having your back to him. 
“ Why the rush? What’s so important that you want to leave already?” He asked, acting like he was hurt. Looking over your shoulder at him, but he continues, “ If you go back home, Frankie will come by and Karen will bug you. You know this, and that.” 
He was right. 
“ I don’t have anywhere else to go” you turned to face him. He chuckles and holds his arms out like he wants to hug you. 
“ Why don’t you come with me? Hm? I mean, I could always use someone like you” 
“ Someone like me?” He nods. 
“ You’re good on your feet, you’re skillful at certain things and you get the job done, Kitty Kat.” 
“ What’s in it for me?” You ask.
“ I give you a home” he says. “ A better one then the one you want to go back to” He motions with his hands as he talks. “ I know you love the streets and grew up on it, and you have a shitty apartment and your neighbor is a lousy drunk.” 
“ How do you know all of this?” Your heart pounded against your chest waiting for his answer. 
“ Because Kitty Kat , you’re an important person to Frankie boy and I gotta know everything about them.” 
“ Are you going to kill me?” He shakes his head, “ I have no reason to yet.I like you” 
He lends out his hand out to you. 
“ Come on, I don’t bite unless you want me to” He winks. You looked out to the city and back at his hand. You had no choice and this was your only option. Frank was going to come looking for you anyways. 
You take his hand and he grins, a grin that could mean anything. Bad and good. 
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trauma-13 · 4 years
Birth story.
I'm posting this mostly so I can remember it down the line when it's not as fresh in my mind.
On may 27th, I had my weekly OB appointment. I was 38 weeks and 2 days. I went in, peed in a cup, and waited for my appt time. I got called back shortly, and had my vitals take. My blood pressure was 128/88. Not bad, but higher than it had been, even just the day before. I honestly didn't think much of it. My provider comes in, says she wants to recheck my BP, draw labs, and schedule me for a induction once I got to 39 weeks. She was concerned because my BP was higher and I had slight protein in my urine-for those not in the medical field reading this, she was concerned I was developing pre-eclampsia which is a very serious complication of pregnancy. So the MA comes back, rechecks my pressure-136/96. I assumed it was from anxiety of now being told I may have pre-eclampsia. My provider was in another room, so the MA had me go to the lab area to start blood work while she waited for the doc to finish in the other room. My doctor walked in the room a couple minutes later and said "nevermind labs, I want you to go to Shea (my delivery hospital)" I immediately started to panic, and asked "why, am I going to be induced?" She told me she didn't know yet, but wanted me to get stat labs, and be monitor vitally and the baby monitored for a couple hours. She said depending on labs would depend if I would be induced. She told me she'd see me at Shea.
Needless to say, I was pure panic. I'm not sure how I didn't burst into tears right then, but I some how didn't. I was terrified. Being a nurse, I know the bad things that can happen, and of course that's all I was focused on. I got to my car, still not crying, and called my husband. I told him to get dressed, and grab stuff to go to Shea, that I was fine and that I would tell him everything when I got home. Still no crying. I called my mom, because well she's my mom and she was going to come and stay with our dogs when I went into labor so they weren't alone for potentially days on end. As soon as mom answered the phone, all the walls came down and I started crying. Not just normal crying, full blown, can't talk, sobbing. She, of course, panics. She knew I had an OB appt, and she assumed the worst. I finally got my self together enough to tell her "I'm fine, the baby is fine," I explained everything that was going on, and that I was heading to the hospital shortly. I talked to her the entire 6 minute car ride home, still crying, and scared. She asked me if I wanted her to come up, and I said yes. She lives 3 hrs away, so it's not like she's close. I didn't know what the next few hours of my life held, and that was terrifying.
I got home, James had grabbed all our stuff, and had made sure to get the extra last minute things too. He asked if I was okay because I'd obviously been crying, I told him physically yes, emotionally no and that I was afraid of the next few hours and the uncertainty. We took the dogs out, stopped to get gas, and headed to Shea.
We get to the hospital around 1pm or so. I told them everything my doc had said, and the tech checking me in said my doc had called ahead and let them know about me. Even more fear sets in. We get back to a room, I give them a urine sample and change into the lovely gown. My nurse comes in and does her exam and tells me the plan. We're going to draw labs, monitor me and the baby and depending on all of the results would determine our next steps. At this point I had let my mother in law, and 3 best friends know what was going on incase we did get admitted for induction.
We sat in the room for a couple hours. I was contracting basically the whole time, but they were about 20 mins apart. I asked the nurse about it, she said they were fairly strong on the monitor, but weren't close enough yet. So around 5pm or so, another nurse comes in, she says my original nurse got pulled into an emergency delivery, but that she was going to discharge me so we could go home. I was a bag of emotions at this point. I had accepted that I'd be induced and would meet our baby soon, and had gotten over the fear and now I was being discharged. I was given strict orders to go home, relax, drink lots of water and "come back in 24 hrs for repeat labs, and make sure to bring your hospital bags when you come tomorrow," to me, that meant we were being induced tomorrow. Apparently it's some insurance thing, that they couldn't induce me that day. No clue.
So we go home. My mom's at the house. I told her everything they said and the plan for the next day.
Fast forward to 4pm the next day, it was time to head back to Shea. We got all of our things together and head over. I got checked into triage and brought back to a triage room. They hooked me up to the monitors, and at that point everything looked okay. Babys strip was great, I wasn't really contracting and my BP was doing okay at 130s/80s. They drew blood and then it was a waiting game.
I had started contracting again about 45 minutes after getting to the hospital. They were strong, and painful, and about 8-10 mins apart. They were painful enough that I was having to completely stop whatever I was doing, and just focus on breathing. I was assuming it was because I was stressed because the same thing had happened the day before. Of course, my blood pressure started to go up. Nothing crazy, but it was higher, about 140s/90s. My doctor came in around 6pm and said she wanted to admit me and induce me. She was concerned that if I went into labor naturally my BP would elevate too much and cause further issues. The plan was to admit me to labor and delivery, start pitocin, do an epidural, and have a baby! My doctor said, "around 4am we'll have this baby, so try to nap and relax once you get to the other room." Shift changed happens at 7pm, so one of the triage nurses started an IV, some fluids and we waited for the night shift nurse to come on for me to go over to the other room.
Around 715-730ish my L&D nurse came over and we headed over to the other room. During the *maybe* 1 minute walk over to the other room I had to stop and just breathe because holy contractions! Again, still convinced I wasn't really in labor. We got to L&D, I sat on the bed, and my nurse started asking me all the normal questions and asked what my plan was reguarding an epidural and if I wanted to do that before or after the pitocin. I was right in the middle of a VERY strong and painful contraction, and I didn't answer her right away. After the contraction passed, she said I looked incredibly uncomfortable and asked if I was okay. I straight up just started crying and told her I was so uncomfortable, and frankly I was terrified of pitocin. James was rubbing my back, and she grabbed my hands and said "don't worry, I'll go page the anaesthesiologist right now and we'll put the epidural in before we even think about pitocin. I want you comfortable first and foremost." I tried to lay down and get as comfy as possible until the doc came in.
Around 8pm he came in, explained the whole procedure and we got it done. It was so quick, and easy and I had such immediate relief. I could finally relax!! Physically and mentally! After the epidural was in, my nurse checked me, I was 4-5cm dialated, 90% effaced and 0 station. My nurse called my doc to ask if we wanted to start pitocin or wait and see what my body did naturally, my doc wanted to start the pitocin just because my BP was still elevated at this point even with the epidural and pain relief. We started the pitocin around 830pm or so, and my water still hadnt broken at this point. The plan was for my doctor to come in at 930pm and break my water if it hadn't happened naturally at that point.
Fast forward to 945ish and my doc comes in to break my water. Weirdest feeling ever. She also put Baby J on one of the internal monitors because he kept coming off the external monitor. At that point I was 5cm, 90%, and still 0 station. My nurse helped me lay on my left side and we were going to try to nap since we were in for a long night. James had started dozing pretty quickly, and I started feeling contractions again. Crazy strong, very frequent, maybe about 1 minute apart or so. I was holding his hand and felt like I was going to break his fingers Everytime I had a contraction. I remember looking at the clock and it being around 1010 and thinking "okay if my nurse hasn't come in by 1015, I'll call her" because DAMN were those contractions painful.
Within a few minutes my nurse came in, I honestly don't know how many minutes it had been because I was busy breathing hah! She said she was going to have the doctor put in an internal contraction monitor as well because she wasn't sure that the external was super accurate. My doc comes in within a few mins, and goes to place the monitor and says "oh, oh, you're complete and we need to push now because he's practically crowning" (apparently all that pain and pressure was my body saying hey let's do this!)
Nothing was ready! We weren't planning on having a baby for another few hours so the birth cart wasn't even in the room. The nurse grabbed one really quick while my doc was putting on shoe covers, she had enough time to throw on the sterile gown and gloves before i felt like I needed to push. My nurse had barely had time to page the baby nurse!
I pushed 3x over that contraction. Definitely yelled fuck, but otherwise, I don't remember saying anything/making any noise at all. My nurse coached me how to push effectively and how to curl my body to help.
Second contraction, pushed 3 more times. The whole time James was holding my left foot and rubbing my shoulder. He was his usual quiet self, which I expect nothing else hah!
Third contraction I pushed 3 more times. At the end of the third one my doc told me to take a big breath and give one big push. So I did. And little dude was born at 1036pm!
I pushed for around 7 minutes total (per James) before our little one was born. I had to get stitches, but I don't even remember it happening. As soon as they put my son on my chest, nothing else mattered. I couldn't stop shaking, or crying. It was completely uncontrollable. I was so overwhelmed! I went from the thought of having a baby hours from now, to having a baby in my arms 7 minutes later! It happened so fast we didn't even have time to tell my mom that it was game time. The plan was to have her on FaceTime so she could help talk to me and support us even though she couldn't physically be there.
Baby J was a few minutes old and I asked James to call my mom on FaceTime. When she answered she immediately started crying once she saw the baby and heard him crying. I kept apologizing for not calling her, I felt so bad even though it's so silly! James told her I started pushing about 10 mins ago and had a baby so quickly we didn't even have time to think about anything else. Of course she wasn't upset at all.
Once I was stitched up, my nurse shut off the epidural and helped clean me up a bit. After she said she was going to step out, and give us time to ourselves with our little one, but to call if we needed her. I held my little boy and just stared at him. He was perfect! The only better thing than holding him myself, was seeing James hold him for the first time. Que crying all over again.
He was born on May 28th, 2020 at 1036pm, 6lbs 1oz, and 19 inches long. I didn't get my June baby, but he's absolute perfection and has our entire hearts. Our little one is turning 7 weeks on Thursday. I can't believe he's been here for 7 weeks already. Motherhood has been the hardest most rewarding thing I've ever done in my life.
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oneofthemillionarmy · 4 years
The Impossible Order | Ch. 3
Summary line: Mr. Min is a stoic boss who will never outwardly show appreciation for you. Not until you’re gone does he recognize how much you do. And what you do matters to him.
ceo!Yoongi | best.friend!Hoseok | romance, fluff, angst, and stuff
Loosely inspired by Secretary Kim and this third bullet point of the prompt list
Start from the beginning | Last chapter
Yoongi never got a reply from you last night, but he did receive the reports at 4 in the morning. He walks in the office by 6:30 but your desk obviously has not been touched since yesterday afternoon. He tilts his head and walks into his office. Nope, you’re not there either. But his cup of coffee is.
He sits down to look at the coffee and look around. No one is here. No one is out there. He takes the cup of coffee and takes a sip. Yup, that’s the one. Quad venti vanilla latte. Two espresso shots in the bottom, two espresso shots on the top. Soy milk. Sugar-free vanilla syrup. No foam. Chocolate drizzle with latte art of a star. But it’s warm; and not quite right.
Yoongi hears a knock on the door and he sets down his coffee cup, “Come in.”
“Hey, Yoongs.” Seokjin greets him, awfully and scarily cheerful for a truly early morning.
“What’s up with your attitude? And why are you here?” Seokjin doesn’t need to come in until 8:30.
“Well. Considering that I got absolutely no sleep last night, gathering the reports and data for your board meeting today, I’d say I’m positively chipper. And don’t you dare call it an attitude, or else I’m gone for the rest of the day too. I’ll show you attitude.”
“What are you talking about? Where’s Y/N? You didn’t send me the reports. She did. You brought the coffee? What do you mean ‘gone too’? What’s going on?” Yoongi gets more and more heated per question. And, where is she?
“Woah. Slow down, man. Relax. Take a sip of the coffee.”
“No thanks. Something’s wrong with it.” Yoongi sits back and laces his fingers together, staring at the cup as if it were a disease.
“Oh. Well I reheated one of them that was still in the fridge. Maybe it’s not the same overnight.” Seokjin taps his chin, turning his head to look over to the fridge, “Probably should toss the rest of them then.”
“Where’s Y/N?”
“She emailed me last night. She told human resources that she’s taking a month off, for now. She doesn’t know if she’ll extend that to an entire sabbatical. I’m taking over for her for the rest of the week. Next week, she will have her intern replace her for the time being. Lucky for me, it’s already Thursday.” Seokjin turns on his tablet and opens his mouth, ready to jump into the reports with Yoongi, but Yoongi cuts him off before he even starts.
“What happened? Why is she taking a month off? Who’s her intern? Why didn’t she contact me?”
“Didn’t she? Check your emails. Maybe you missed it? Her intern’s name is Jeon Jungkook. He’s pretty green, but he’s been trained by her, so he’ll be fine.” But Yoongi already wasn’t listening about the intern. He looks through his emails, everything has already been read. Nothing from you. Nothing for him. And sure enough, the reports were sent by Seokjin.
He leans back roughly and takes a deep breath. Seokjin raises his eyes at Yoongi’s furrowed ones.
“Wait. What happened?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t ask. Because if she’s not here, it’s bad.”
You’re back at the hospital after going home to change and take a shower. You notified the school of Hoseok’s accident and his dance team as well. His director contacted you and told you that they decided to go with the track that you let Hoseok present to him yesterday. But his director asked for a few adjustments.
While you sit by Hoseok’s hospital bed, you bring your music equipment with you to work on the track for his showcase. Every once in a while, you get up to check in on Hoseok.
While you work on the track, you hear the door open. You turn around and see a gang of students peering in.
“We want to see Mr. Jung. We’re his dance class.” One of the girls says quietly. You nod and take your laptop up and bring your equipment by the window as his students walk in one by one. Looks like the nurse is only allowing a few at a time because the rest are still standing outside.
“What happened to him?” One of his female student’s sniffs.
“Car accident. He was heading home from the vet.” Your words trail off quieter every word. Reminding yourself that he’s here because of you.
“Vet? Was he taking Yeontan?” She asks.
“Yeah. How do you know Yeontan?”
“He shows us so many videos of you and your dog.” One of the students pipe up. Oh, Hoseok.
There’s a knock on the door and one of the students outside pops his head in, “Is it our turn now?”
“Yeah.” The students in the room shuffle on out.
“Who’s she?” One of the students ask the girl who was leaving.
“Mr. Jung’s girlfriend.” Wait, what?
“Oh!” As the next line of students file in, you see everyone intently stare at you as they come in and gather around Hoseok to see him. One of the girls sets down flowers by his bedside table.
“Um. Excuse me.” You whisper for their attention, “Where did you get the impression that I’m his girlfriend?” The students look at each other
“He shows us a lot of pictures and videos of you and your dog. And he always talks about you. We just figured.” The girl shrugs. The rest of the students raises eyebrows at her, and she just shrugs back at them.
“Oh. Okay.” You let it go after that. Verbally, at least. Your head was spinning. He apparently talks about you and Yeontan too much if he’s leaving that kind of impression.
After visiting hours were over, you headed over to pick up Yeontan.
When you get home, you have him cradled into your lap, humming soft and gentle tunes.
You open your laptop to continue working on the track. But you eye the number of emails popping up on the email icon. You sigh and click it open. 14 emails from Seokjin, 10 emails from multiple departments, 2 from human resources, and 26 from Mr. Min, 3 from Jungkook. You raise your eyebrows at the number of emails from your boss. You read your boss’ emails first. All titled “Your absence”; a constant thread. You decided to just read his last one and just go up the chain.
-          Why are you taking off a month?
-          Are you out of the country or just off?
-          Seokjin is an idiot. What exactly did you tell him do while you’re gone? He’s not doing it right.
-          The coffee in the fridge is bad now. Tell Seokjin to get the right one.
-          Please tell Seokjin where you get the coffee.
-          He doesn’t know where you get the coffee
-          I swear to God, if he doesn’t get the coffee, I’m firing him.
-          He’s got me drinking black coffee for now. It still tastes funny. Is this our office coffee?
-          Why are you taking a month off?
-          Why are you blocking my texts and calls?
You can’t help but feel amused at these emails. It’s been a long time since he’s spoken to you like this. You blocked his calls and texts since last night out of impulse, to be honest. Knowing him, he’ll still contact you on your time off. It’s understandable, considering the situation and environment that you were in at the time, but you should really unblock him; it’s kind of unprofessional. Even if he is. As you continue his emails, notifications pop up every time you open another one, showing your boss your read receipts. Wow.
-          Japan will be flying in tomorrow as we go through the jewelry fundraising dinner for the Children’s Home Project.
-          Will you be here for the fundraising?
-          Does this mean you won’t be attending the Queen’s Jubilee either? Or the Taehyung unveiling?
-          Do you really have to take a month off? Can you be back this week?
-          I’m getting pissed at your “I’m currently out of the office” replies.
You shake your head as his emails get more and more intrusive. Asking about the days taken off, telling you that it’s very unprofessional to not reply and block him even if you are currently off. Well it’s unprofessional and intrusive to harass your employee who’s currently on PTO; and one with long overdue vacation time, at that.
You don’t reply to his email just yet. You check in on other emails. The multiple departments apparently were directed by Mr. Min to provide you an update after every meeting or conversation made so you stay in the loop. Human resources checked in on your PTO requests, your intern’s temporary role, and apparently Mr. Min requested that they contacted you about your reasons for leave of absence. Seokjin also provided you an hourly update, at your request though, but every email ended with something regarding the coffee. His latest one seemed desperate.
-          He said he’d fire me, Y/N. Please.
You snort. Like Mr. Min would ever fire Seokjin. You can recall at least 15 times where Mr. Min threatened to fire Seokjin.
Your third email last night was to Jungkook, notifying him to take up the job while you’re gone. You sent him damn near everything that happened in the past month. He just needs to go down the list of documents you mapped out in terms of routine, importance, current projects, and the like. His latest however was inquired by Seokjin to see if he knew where you get Mr. Min’s coffee.
You straighten up your back, pop your elbows and knuckles, and cracked your neck. You look down at Yeontan, curled up and resting in your lap.
“Yeontan. Help.” His steady breaths just remind you that he’s in need of rest more than you. And with Hoseok in the hospital, you’re the last one who needs a break right now.
“Right.” You exhale a breath of resolve and start typing away.
Seokjin breathes through his last meeting with Yoongi for the day. He finally leans back on his chair and exhales loudly.
“What?” Yoongi snaps. Black coffee is not enough for him, that’s for sure.
“Being your assistant is not easy, man.”
“Having you as my assistant is no picnic either. Can’t even make a decent cup of coffee.”
“She said she’ll give Jungkook the coffee secret. You’ll have it next week.” Yoongi loosens his tie and glares at his emails. For the past two days, you don’t reply to him. He sees your read receipts and he’s only received one reply to you on his latest email on his thread. I’m currently out of the office right now. Ask Seokjin. In terms of the more personal ones, like why you’re gone, you just leave a vague, I need to take care of some personal things.
“Y/N has never been so irresponsible before. It’s throwing me off.” Yoongi expresses out loud. Seokjin’s head was rolled back over the chair but he lifts it up to stare at him, “She’s doing a pretty badass job if you’re asking me. Everything is nearly taken care of before the next morning. All we have to do is show up and report to you everything. You don’t see our emails, but she leaves a very detailed response.”
“So why doesn’t she respond to me?!” Seokjin raises his eyebrows at Yoongi’s raised voice, as well as the newly provided information.
“She doesn’t reply to you? I got a response in every one of my emails.”
“Let me see.” Yoongi stands up from his chair to walk around to Seokjin as he takes out his phone to show him one of your latest emails. As Seokjin is your witness, your emails are nearly step by step. You’ve looped Seokjin into all the emails you’ve received from the other departments, replying to Seokjin and the departments at the same time on next steps.
“If she’s replying to all of us in the same detailed manner, there’s probably no need to respond to yours because we’re the ones who will directly notify you. She’s currently off right now, man. Right now, it’s not her job to answer you, it’s ours. You probably ask the same things we are. Plus, after all of this, I’m sure she needs a break.”
Well. Seokjin’s reports and questions are actually pretty valid. Most of Yoongi’s are simply, why are you gone, and, when are you coming back? So far, the work-related questions can be answered through Seokjin. But that might be because you’re coaching their words.
Yoongi scratches his head as he walks around his office.
Seokjin looks at him before standing up, “Come on. You need to eat.”
You enter Hoseok’s home with his spare key he provided you. While he’s in the hospital, you figure you can help him house sit. You drag all of Yeontan’s things into the house. You exhale out of exhaustion and collapse on the floor after you’ve taken your shoes off. After taking a minute to breathe and rest, you pick yourself off from the floor and ready to bring Yeontan and your items with you.
What surprises you is the number of dog-related items he has. He has the same dog bowl dispenser as you, a doggy bed. Chew toys and dog bones stray around the living room floor. How many times has he dog sat for you?
“Well, I guess I won’t be needing these, huh, Yeontan?” Yeontan yips and trots over to his bed and lays in it. He’s more familiar with the lay of the land than you are. You’re slightly annoyed that you brought all of this over without knowing you didn’t even have to in the first place. But you halt your annoyance when something dawns on you. I never really noticed how much Hoseok does for me…do I?
You drag yourself over to sit on his couch, watching Yeontan drag the stuffed chew toy over to his bed and wrestles with it. Yeontan is so at home here. And you’re still sitting up straight on his couch. Whereas if he were over at your place right now, his feet are already up on the couch. You feel so foreign here.
You get up from the couch and decide to explore everything. Kitchen, bathroom, bedroom.
His kitchen sink is clear, but he piles every dish he ever owns up in the drying rack, rather than drying them and putting them back up in the drawers. His fridge is adequately stocked but it looks like some stuff was recently bought. Some raw meat is in the fridge is starting to brown. I’ll have to make a note to help him clean his fridge out.
He has a modest little dining table which one side is pushed against the wall across from the kitchen. Three chairs take up each side, with two chairs pushed out, obviously frequently used. One of them is obviously Hoseok’s, but the other has a very tall and fluffy sitting cushion. Wonder whose that for. Lined and stacked against the wall are the pile of snacks you remember that he and you practically survived on during college. Heh, he still eats those?
You pull out his chair further to sit down. You hear Yeontan scamper over and hop up on the chair with the fluffy cushion, conditioned to expect a piece of meat from whatever dinner Hoseok cooked up.
“You’re a spoiled, little rascal, aren’t ya?” You ruffle Yeontan’s fur before playfully tapping his nose. You grab a bag of chips and open it up as you keep moving.
His bathroom is pretty well kept. A lavender-scented bathroom. Now that you think about it, lavender scented home. His personal hygiene items are hidden behind the mirror storage cabinet, but on the sink platform, he has a doggy toothbrush and toothpaste, as well as dog soap and hair brush.
“You really have everything, don’t you, Hoseok?” You mumble to yourself. You smile at the how caring your best friend is. You don’t deserve him, really.
He’s only one guy, so he only has one room. You don’t think he’ll mind you using his room for the time being. You open the door to see the heart of Hoseok. His furniture is light and made of bamboo. It’s very reflective of his clean, gentle, and peaceful nature. If you had to compare Hoseok to anything, it would be bamboo. Light, strong, and giving. He brings a sense of calmness to you.
Your hands glide over the smooth wardrobe over to his bookshelf, but he seems to collect more trinkets than books. You note his stuffed animals, empty cologne bottle, three different books that you’ve recommended to him, his first pair of dance shoes when he got his first real dance gig…you’ve given him all these things.
As a pattern starts to form, you look around the room. Pictures of you two together. In the drama team in college where you two met, his first dance performance, your first mixer, etc. Important memories.
You look back at his trinkets. You gave him that cologne bottle after college. It’s empty now, but he hasn’t thrown it away. You won that stuffed animal at the fair when he failed the fair game. You gave that to him.
“Hoseok…” Your heart clenched as you read the implications of this room and the rest of his house.
He loves you. And you’ve been far too stupid.
You dart out of his house for a moment and take a second to compose yourself. Yeontan is left behind the door, yipping for his owner to return into this sanctuary which the homeowner will envelop his owner with love.
Your poor, dear friend. How long? For why?
You love your friend immensely, but how could you possibly be so blind to how he felt about you? You love your friend, and yet you find the largest gap between how he treats you and you treat him. You should be ashamed and guilty. But should you? He is free to love you as much as you are free to not reciprocate. But that doesn’t mean lead him on; or take advantage of him. But that would require your acknowledgement of his feelings for you, which you never have until now. Did you even? You can’t come up with a single moment in time where you believe you may have led him on. Have you taken advantage of him? Sure. Loads of times, but it was never based on his love. It was a best friend who knew exactly what you need, when you need it, and prepared to provide. You never thought of it beyond such.
I can’t be guilty if I never knew. You tell yourself. But really? Are you sure you never had a clue?
“Hoseok! Help meeeee!” You groan as you hit your head down to the book opened up on the table.
Hoseok comes flying in with a plastic bag and a carton tray with boba, “I’ve brought refreshments!”
As soon as the bag drops in front of you, you face lights up and you cry in relief.
“Wait,” he pulls the food away from you as you whine, “You’re not to be distracted. This is your last final, and I’ll be damned if you fail general. This is your last hurdle before your dad finally agrees to you becoming a music producer.”
“I can’t focus, man! And yeah, it’s easy. It really is. But I’m ready to be done. To be out there!” you gesture dramatically outside to the window, “I want to be part of that world!”
“And you will. After tomorrow. You’re telling me, you really can’t buckle down one more night. You’re at the last leg of the finish line.” Hoseok pokes the boba lid for you and hands it over.
“It’s that thing where you’re just ready to be done. It makes me restless.” You whine, but your whine turns into sounds of content as you sip through the straw.
“Y/N. I’ve got you. You’re gonna be fine. You’re gonna get through this. You’re gonna get an A…and if you can get through this last study session and ace the final, I’ll take you to Moonshine.” He bribes.
Your eyes widen before you squint in disbelief, “Moonshine? Michelin-star restaurant, Moonshine? You’re not serious.”
“Yes, I am. I’ll break all my piggy banks if it will get you to study properly.”
“All of them?”
“Yes, all 15. I’ve been saving them since I was 5.”
“That’s so cute!”
“Ok. Enough. Study.” You really thought he was joking, but you still buckled down, moved enough by his sincerity alone.
“Come on, Y/N. It’s ok.” Hoseok soothes your back as your hysterical sobs echo through the courtyard.
“Physics. General physics. I barely passed in high school and now I’ve even failed.” You wipe your tears and blow your nose, “My chance to even land a decent career is over. I’m gonna be working a fast food chain now.”
“Woah, Y/N, slow down. It’s not that serious. It’s one class. This is your sophomore year. You’re telling me that one general physics class, physics in which your career path is nowhere near close to requiring it, will need you to ace general physics? My dad says that all jobs need is a degree, not the classes you take.”
“Yeah, well my dad says no music. What future do I have now? I’m so stupid.” Hoseok stays quiet for a moment, knowing that a deal is a deal, and you take those pretty seriously.
“Y/N. Your future is not over. Your future is so bright, it’s surprisingly brighter the sun. You may not be able to do music as a career, but don’t you ever let that get in the way of the passion you actually have. That, your dad can never take away from you. And if you lose making music, that’s worse than never having a job to do so in the first place. Your passion is what keeps your days from being gray. So, you need to hold on to it. Like I will always hold on to you.” Hoseok wraps his arms around you and pulls you close as you sob into his neck.
“That’s it. There you go. All over the neck. That’s right. Mmm, just like that.” Hoseok teases. You start laughing and crying at the same time, “Stop it, it sounds so weird.”
“Can’t be weirder than the feeling of someone’s tears and snot on my neck.” Hoseok says when you pull away, wiping his neck. He stands up and brings you up too, brushing your hair to look less like the nest it is, “Come. Dress yourself to the nines, Y/N! I’m taking you to Moonshine.”
“We really don’t have to do that. Let’s wait until we get ourselves our first real jobs first. I’m good with going anywhere. Let’s just grab some chicken and beer.”
“Nah, nah, nah. My girl deserves the best. And I’m ready. My piggy banks are all broke now. We’re going.”
“Hey Hoseok,” your inquiry halts his attempts to skip across the courtyard with you, “You didn’t really break piggy banks that you’ve had since you were five, did you? I didn’t even get an A.”
“Yup. But I was going to take you no matter what grade you got anyway.” He said, enunciating the p. You pout and bury yourself in his chest. He instinctively wraps his arms around you and starts laughing when he hears you sniffling, “Don’t cry, Y/N. It’s just money. Money does not grow on trees, but it’s not gone forever too. It’s fine. And this is important. You’re sad and that’s not okay with me.” You wrap your arms around his waist and start bawling.
“Hoseok!” you literally cry out his name and he laughs as he pets your head, shushing you to calm down.
“You’re the most adorable human being on earth.” You hiccup, pulling away from his chest.
“I’d beg to differ. You’ve never met yourself, have you?” He tilts his head to look at you, “You’re worth it, love.” He kisses you on the forehead before pulling you for another tight hug.
You clutch your chest as pain flows from your heart to your eyes. You’re absolutely disgusted with yourself right now. To be so blind. Or, if not blind, ignorant. Probably willfully ignorant. It’s easier to be okay with the things he does for you if you don’t recognize the underlying reasons.
Did you ever like him? Of course.
Like that? Possibly.
Did you love him? Of course.
Like that?
   Probably not.
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Next chapter
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This dumbass Deathslinger downed me, the last guy, nodded over my body like he did something cool, and then went to close the Hatch. However, I had found a Purple Key in the shack and knew I could get to it. So I watched what direction he went in while using Unbreakable and the second I got off the ground I was perfectly Healed up cuz he closed the Hatch! And instead of staying by the Hatch, he went to check the doors! So I went to the shack, where the Hatch happened to be, got the Key from the Basement, and left. I swapped out a good Med-Kit but it was worth it to punish the Killer for dumb decisions.
So I decided to change my Blendette’s cosmetics back to the most basic, original outfit she has, with no charms attached, so I’d look like a newb. I then loaded into a lobby with all P3 Survivors. The Survivors and the Killer, left the lobby immediately! So I waited like 10 seconds and a new Killer loaded in, and then a few more seconds after that, the same 3 Survivors(apparently swf) all loaded into the lobby again! They decided to stay this time. The game was great! Specifically, I followed Pyramid Head down into the Basement and then proceeded to unHook everyone with my Borrowed Time while he was leaving, and we all managed to Escape!
Did it again! Got a Trapper with Iridescent add-ons, who didn’t trap his Hex Totem well enough. I crouched around it and he came upon me while I was doing it, but I guess he assumed I popped the trap? Anyway, he walked into his own trap before he could hit me, while the Totem broke at the same time. I then walked around him and ran off. problem is, maybe his sensitivity is shit or something cuz he turned all the way around in place after getting himself out of the trap, and then got trapped again! In the endgame, I only got a door half open before he got a hit in, so I ran toward the person on the Hook and got downed under them. Killer left me there instead of trying to get a Kill. I planned to use my Unbreakable to get up and then get Kate. Bill comes up and gets her instead and the Trapper Chases them toward the other door. I Unbreakable as planned, use my Syringe, and then Sprint Burst toward the same door. I get Healed up just as I reach the door and slip out right behind the Killer’s back! All cuz he thought the newb wouldn’t have any good Perks and would get left behind.
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And again, against a Pumpkinhead Nurse! Another Escape! Even when someone killed themselves on the Hook in the early game! We just rotated distracting her and I even got to use Unbreakable because Dwight tried to Flashlight save me and the Killer got annoyed and dropped me. I then did the Gen next to me once I got up, which was what got us out. Beautiful!
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It’s just Feng Min and I left in the match. 3 Gens to go. I did the first two by myself btw. I’ve finally been Hooked. Feng Min is legit a few meters away from me and the Oni had gone to check the other side of the map for her. She doesn’t make an effort to save me once. She just circles my Hook so she won’t get crows. I realize by Hook Stage 2, what she’s doing. She knows I have a Key. Even if the Killer closes the Hatch, she could re-open it. Well, joke’s on her, I always equip a Weaved Ring add-on so if I die, the Key comes with me! So I held out my entire 2nd Hook Stage, died, and then spectated to see her crouching around the foot of the Hook, looking for my key! The Oni got her.
Got some great, instant revenge. I end up with swf teammates so I knew they wouldn’t help me. I was right. #1 fucks me over so I get Hooked, but then she gets downed seconds later and is Hooked too. #2 comes running from my left. Her friend is Hooked to my right. She doesn’t even stop. She runs right by the front of my Hook, to go and get her friend. She saves her, but gets downed in return. #3 comes by now and takes a Hit so #1 can Escape. I’m in Hook Stage 2 now and have a sliver of life left. #1 gets me off the Hook and I run far away and Heal myself and then Blendette for the remaining bit of the match. I did a whole Gen by myself already, and broke 3 Totems before being Hooked. They can handle each other since that was obviously their plan from the start. #1 dies soon. #3 follows after. #2 gets Hooked and I’m on the other side of the map. I know where the Hatch is, but I’m petty. I pretend like I’m dodging the Killer and then Sprint Burst toward her. I then go right by her and arc all the way back around the map and teabag on the Hatch until she dies. Of course she was pissed and had something to say which involved me not being a ‘team player’ and how rude it was for me to let her die so I could get Hatch. “u left me on the hook fr 2 mins. ur the reason i almost died. dont talk bout playin fr the team.” Her friends said nothing to me and she went silent after that bit.
I managed to get a perfect 32K pt game with my Spirit! First Killer game of the day!
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So I’m doing a Gen, looking out for the Killer since I didn’t know who it was yet and don’t know what to expect. I look to my left, nothing. I look to my right, nothing. I look back to my left to find a pasty white face up against mine! I panicked and dropped my controller because a crouching, dark figure with a pasty white face meant “Ghost Face”. It took a few seconds for me to realize that it was a Jeff with a particular cosmetic on. He deliberately did that shit to scare me. Fucking Jeffs.
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thebiasrekkers · 4 years
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]
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Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
Rating: NC-17 // NSFW
Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff
Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut
Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 2,513
Chapter 23: Best Of Me
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“So take my hand right now. I can’t believe myself.”
© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.
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“Whoa, hold up,” Anastasia said, placing her hands into a “T” symbol, “timeout. You’re telling me that Jungkook, my ex, was staying with you for the last few days?” She stared into Eden’s face, watching her friend shamelessly down the shot of bourbon. The other woman brushed her hand through her blonde hair, readjusting her glasses. “Wow, small world.”
Eden slammed the shot glass onto the table. “Too fuckin’ small,” she snapped, pouring herself another glass.
Anastasia hummed, milling around the kitchen. She washed a few dishes, getting them ready for the dinner she was preparing, and her mind wandered back to the time when Seokjin had kindly done the same for her. Her face screwed up into a pout as she felt her face grow warm, flicking the water from her hands and then rubbing them on the front of her apron. Pivoting on her heels, she looked back at her friend and sighed when she saw her pouring yet another shot of bourbon.
“You’re not gonna have room for dinner,” she chastised, to which the mixed girl snorted while giving her a sidelong glance.
“I’ll make room, don’t worry,” Eden replied while waving her hand back and forth in a dismissive motion.
The buzzer rang out in the apartment and Anastasia quickly made her way to the door. She checked the camera and smiled, opening it wide to reveal Raelyn on the other side. The other woman smiled, looking a little tired but still happy to be there. She hugged her taller friend and ushered her inside, already taking her coat and purse from her so she could slip into a pair of house shoes.
Raelyn took a deep breath, giving a satisfied hum. “Mm, girl, it smells good in here, Ana.”
Anastasia laughed, motioning for Raelyn to join Eden at the kitchen bar counter. “I just hope it tastes as good.”
“Yes,” Eden piped up, already reaching for a glass to pour Raelyn a drink, “we shall see, won’t we?”
The two women clinked their glasses together and Anastasia pouted, soon dissolving into a small fit of laughter with her friends. Anastasia poured herself a glass of bourbon as well and they made small “cheers” as they did their best to do as much catching up as they possibly could. There was clearly a lot that needed to be discussed between them.
Out of the three of them, Anastasia was the last to have been transplanted in South Korea. As luck would have it, she was lost in Myeongdong while trying to make her way to Gangnam and it was Eden who stumbled across her. Believing it was going to be a moment where she would have been dumped off once she’d been helped, Anastasia offered to maintain contact with the mixed woman. Eden had no real reason to say no, so they continued to talk. It must have been a relief for Eden as well, seeing as Anastasia was also an American citizen trying to get by in a foreign country.
In time, Eden introduced her to Raelyn. The two of them were friends longer, but Anastasia didn’t feel left out in the slightest. In fact, she felt more included in the group thanks to Raelyn. Eden didn’t seem like the social type, at least in settings that involved large crowds of strangers. Being a nurse, Raelyn was used to being kind to strangers, lending the warmth and empathy necessary in order to make people comfortable. It seemed she continued to harness this ability outside of hospital walls.
None of them worked in the same field, but Anastasia could safely say that these two women were her very best friends.
She never had to feel ashamed for not knowing something and she knew she could come to them with anything. When she dated Jungkook for the short amount of time she had, neither women seemed to judge her when she explained that he had ties to a well-known mafia in their district. Imagine her surprise when she found out that Raelyn was the ex-girlfriend of the Golden Jackal’s boss.
The ties that bind, indeed.
Her own business aside, it seemed that Raelyn was just as shocked as she was to find out about what was happening with Eden. Her ex, Min Yoongi, was apparently the very same Min Yoongi that both Raelyn and she knew. Shocker, of course, but what was more surprising was that he’d kept his ties with the Golden Jackals a secret from her for the entirety of their relationship, including the last two years when they weren’t together anymore. There were moments when Eden looked like she was going to cry from anger, but she kept it together as best she could. Anastasia held her friend’s hand as Raelyn rubbed Eden’s back.
“I’m sorry, Ana,” Eden said suddenly, causing both Raelyn and her to blink, “for getting mixed up with Jungkook like this. I didn’t know.”
Anastasia raspberried at her friend, eliciting a snicker from Raelyn. “Girl, stop. Chicks before dicks, remember? And besides,” she said, making her way back to the stove, “Jungkook and I ended things mutually. We just didn’t… mesh, I guess is the right word? We’re still friends and hang out and shit, but no, there were no feelings lost when we ended things.”
Raelyn leaned in toward Eden, a devious look on her face. “Why’re you apologizing, huh, Eden?” She nudged her playfully. “You catchin’ feelings now after giving him the cold shoulder?”
Eden opened her mouth, raging silently at the other woman, before she grabbed the neck of the bourbon bottle and drank straight from the lip. Raelyn laughed, trying to wrench the bottle from her – succeeding but at Eden’s expense as a dribble of liquor spilled from her mouth. Both Anastasia and Raelyn laughed as they watched their friend wipe childishly at her face.
“Shut-up, both of you!” Eden looked like she was going to smack Raelyn, but stopped – her eyes noticing something which, in turn, drew Anastasia’s eyes. “Wait, what is that?”
Anastasia looked closer and saw the silver pendant hanging from Raelyn’s neck. It was a crescent moon with a few engravings carved into the surface of it. It certainly wasn’t new. In fact, it looked well-worn. But she hadn’t seen her wearing jewelry like that and from the reaction that Eden gave, it was clear that she didn’t see her wearing much either.
“That’s pretty,” she said, reaching out with a hand to lift the pendant up from her neck, “is this new?”
Raelyn swallowed hard, pulling back and then hiding the pendant under her scrub top. “No, it’s not.”
Eden smirked, pouring herself a drink properly this time – in a glass. “Did Taehyung give that to you?”
Anastasia gasped; her eyes wide as she looked at Raelyn. “Is that boy still chasing after you, Unnie?” She wiggled her brows at her, and she laughed when Raelyn snapped her fingers at them both. “So, did he give that to you?”
“No,” she said, turning away from them to nurse her drink, “he didn’t.”
“Did the boss man give that to you?”
Eden’s words were so matter of fact that it had clearly caught Raelyn off guard, the woman spraying alcohol before whirling around in her chair to stare at them. Her mouth was agape, and Anastasia would have laughed if the prospect hadn’t been so outrageous. But her friend’s reaction held way too much truth in it and she furrowed her brows with concern.
“Rae,” she said, watching Raelyn look up at her, “did Hoseok really give that to you?”
Even though Raelyn said nothing, her silence spoke volumes. It was no secret between the three of them, not anymore. She’d laid it all out there for them to poke at and analyze and they all agreed that she’d done the right thing. Raelyn was a nurse and dealing with that sort of business was messy. Being the boss’s girl only made her job harder and from what she told them, the struggle was too real back in those days – before she really even knew either of them. Anastasia remembered a night when Raelyn confessed that had she been friends with them back then, she may have been able to handle the stress of that life – of the responsibilities of being a “Hyungsoo-nim”.
The pocket of her apron vibrated, and she fished out her phone, spying the screen and seeing that it was a message from Seokjin.
Seokjin: Thanks for all your help this week. It’s a shame I couldn’t take you out to celebrate tonight. I hope you’re having a good time with your friends. I’ll see you in the morning.
She smiled, thinking on what to say back to him in response.
“So, are you two back together or what?”
Anastasia sighed as she looked at Eden, dropping her phone back into her apron pocket. Whatever she was about to say was knocked from her brain at the suddenness of the question, even though it wasn’t even directed toward her. “Eden Unnie…”
She just shrugged, draining her glass. “What? It’s a legitimate question.”
“No, we’re not.” Raelyn pressed a hand to her forehead. “We can’t. I can’t.” Her hand pressed against her top where the pendant was hidden beneath. “I don’t even know why he left this with me.”
Eden snorted. “Who knows what those fuckin’ jackasses are up to?” Her eyes narrowed. “Part of me doesn’t even want to know.”
Again, Anastasia only sighed as she turned back to the kitchen counter to stir the rice in the cooker. The roast she had in the oven was about to finish, according to the timer she’d set earlier, and she was already slipping her hands into a pair of oven mittens. None of the women said anything and she knew she had to be the one to break the silence. Especially since there was an aspect of that world that neither woman seemed to know about. Not yet, anyway.
“I probably shouldn’t be telling you guys this,” she began, leaning forward to open up the oven and pull out the dish, “but the boys are going straight.”
She rested the dish on the counter to let it cool, taking the mittens off and shoving them into the front pocket of her apron. When she turned around, however, she was shocked to see the unbothered expressions on both Raelyn and Eden’s faces. For a moment, she couldn’t say anything and neither did they. Finally, Anastasia couldn’t take it anymore.
“What? Why are you both lookin’ at me like that?”
Raelyn was the first to speak.
“Do you know how many years they’ve been sayin’ that shit?”
Eden rolled her eyes.
“That’s what they all say. It’s all a bunch of bullshit in the end.”
She blinked, not sure if she was more shocked by their disbelief in what she was telling them or how they seemed almost indifferent.
“Guys, I’m serious.” They gave her another look, as if they weren’t about to indulge her on whatever whim she was attempting to have. Anastasia pouted. “I work for one of their companies now. I was in Busan earlier this week helping Seokjin manage their accounts after they consolidated a lot of their assets.”
This time, they gave her a curious look, looked at each other, and then looked back at her.
“Wait, hold up,” Raelyn finally said, holding a hand in front of her as if she were stopping someone from continuing further, “do what now?”
“You’re managing mafia accounts, Ana?” Eden’s voice rose an octave, her body rising from the chair in tandem, “like some kinda fuckin’ bookie? Are you crazy, woman?!”
She waved her hand back and forth while shaking her head. “Nononono! That’s what I meant, though.” Anastasia leaned forward, her friends doing the same as their faces were inches apart from each other. “They’re forreal goin’ straight. Like, the money’s clean and they’ve been liquidating assets they have from so many different areas. Not just here in Korea, either. They apparently have deals they’ve had set up in the States, too. Contracts and shit. I’m not playing.”
Eden’s eyes narrowed as something appeared to cross her mind. She leaned back, folding her arms across her chest. “So that’s what he was up to…”
Both Raelyn and she gave their friend a look. “What who was up to?”
“…nothin’. Don’t worry about it.” Anastasia blinked when Eden lifted her gaze to meet hers. “It looks pretty solid?” She nodded and saw the mixed girl cast a sidelong glance to Raelyn. “And what are you plannin’ to do, Unnie?”
Raelyn face twisted into one of confusion. “Huh? What do you mean?”
“What are you gonna do if it’s true? If they go straight, then that means you wouldn’t have to sacrifice your freedom anymore.” Eden narrowed her eyes slightly. “That was the whole reason why you ended things with Hoseok, isn’t it? Why do you keep pushing Taehyung away from you?”
Anastasia watched Raelyn stammer, like she was scrambling to grasp the words that were fluttering away from her and into the sky.
“W-Well, what about you?!”
“What about me?” Scoffing, Eden shrugged. “I didn’t even know one was involved with the mafia for nearly five years and the other told me outright that he was a gangpae. Straight, crooked. Doesn’t make a goddamn difference to me, apparently. What is there to fuckin’ talk about?”
Anastasia seemed to understand what Raelyn was trying to say and she sighed, moving through the kitchen to fetch plates and utensils. “She’s talking about what you’re gonna do about Yoongi and Jungkook…”
“I still don’t know what you’re gettin’ at.”
“Do you still have feelings for Yoongi and does knowing he’s trying to go straight make a difference?”
Raelyn nodded as Anastasia set their plates in front of them. “And what about Jungkook? …you let him stay with you for a couple of days. Is something there? Does knowing he and Yoongi are brothers, so to speak, affect that at all?”
For a moment, Eden looked between them and then she angrily downed her drink. “When did this start being about me? Mind your own goddamn business, you fuckin’ busybodies!”
Anastasia laughed and Raelyn followed suit. It was clear they’d riled Eden up to the point of her lashing out now and while they knew not to take her barbarous words to heart, they knew when to let off the gas and pump the brakes. They all agreed that they would cross those bridges when they came to it, promising to stick together when shit inadvertently hit the fan.
Because they all knew that it would.
There was a lingering concern in the back of Anastasia’s mind, however. Something she couldn’t quite shake. For every choice that was made, there was always a consequence. Cause and effect. It was both scientific and human nature to react in response to an action.
Her brows furrowed.
…how big will the butterfly effect be this time?
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antipokeandamour · 4 years
Pokeshipping Never Meant to Be
I’ve seen so many people, even “non shippers” believe the pokemon anime was supposed to end with Ash/Satoshi & Misty/Kasami ending up together & usually end up spewing twisted up pokeshipping hints. The best Pokeshipping was was one-sided, but you could say that for most of the pokegirls with Ash ship, except maybe Dawn/Hikari. 
Before you read on, I like everyone to know I have no hatred for Ash, OG Ash (he was the best Ash), or Misty/Kasumi. The point of this post is to show that pokeshipping is and was no better than any other AshXmain girl ship, and my view on how I never saw this ever becoming canon. But for this rant or however you want to views this, I avoided talking much about different ships as much as I can to avoid conflict & because it was different writers than from the original writers. With that out of the way...
“Ash Blushed at Misty in a kimono! CANONZ!” 1. He starred at her, in which I interpreted it as: Wow, Misty can look like a girl. And that’s the most she ever got out of Ash. And yes, it’d make since Ash would think that, as I get to in #2 here.
2. There are a lot more moments where Ash refers to her as ugly. In School of Hard Knocks they implied heavily that Ash believes Misty has a nasty personality (oof, that’s even more important than finding someone attractive, people) & looks ugly. In Beauty & the Beach he also comments that she can look like a girl. This in both Eng & Jap raw, Ash thinks Misty is unattractive. He does find someone attractive, and shes the only one too. Hint: it starts with a G & ends with an E. Aka NOT MISTY/KISAMI.
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(note: I don’t ship Ash/Satoshi with her, just making a point).
3. Even if he found he attractive then... That was when she was in clothes she is not comfortable with. So she’d have to go out of her way to satisfy Ash, when she doesn’t usually even like that kind of style to dress as at all. While there where guys out there that found her attractive in her usual wear (Rudy & that one guy in Chronicles for example). She’d be much happier with them than a guy who’d fine her “ugly” and looking like a guy in what she feels comfortable in.
“Romantic tones with the kimono scene!” They always do that with Brock though.
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And Brock has yet to have a gf or anything close to one. Sure, he had a couple of girls who where interested in him, yet after he sees another girl he finds attractive it’s the same thing. In the original series, there where a lot of girls this happened to with Brock. And it’s never expected that Brock will end with any girl at this time. If “romantic tones” are supposed to be serious, then it should always be serious to be point out who ends with who, and not to add on to a joke sometimes then other times its serious. And it’s extremely odd if pokeshpping was supposed to be canon, but there was no other point like this to make it look like Ash viewing Misty as someone he’s interested in with “romantic tones.” Like with Misty the Mermaid, there were no romantic tones when Ash saw Misty or in Beauty & the Beach. 
“Ash Blushed in pokeball peril! CANONZ!”
1. There are many reasons why people turn red, & sometimes it has nothing to do with “blushing.” He could be mad/annoyed, or simply embarrassed that 3 people he doesn’t like are assuming that just because 1 person left them that means they’re dating/in love.
2. Misty is the only one clearly blushing. Ash... well, he loses his z marks, but he doesn’t look red, like he clearly is when he was staring at a pic of a girl that starts with a G & ends with a E.
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 Also, Jessie says, “...But you’re blushing!” after Misty speaks. She doesn’t say, “you two...” or “both of you.” Just the singular YOU’RE.
3. People have said Ash acted “irrational” & “overacted” to being accused of loving Misty here because he was going to have Pikachu thunderbolt them & forgot they’re on a blimp. I’m pretty sure he was going to have Pikachu use thunderbolt in the last episode & in the same situation, yet no one accused him of being in love with Misty then. And hes done something like that in a lot of episodes where he almost used thunderbolt in a terrible spot to use it at, yet again NO ONE WAS ACCUSING OF ASH BEING IN LOVE WITH MISTY.
“Ash is jealous of...”
1.Tracey: Oh yes. For 1 episode of a full 5 min span, Ash got jealous with Tracey because Misty found him impressive, & after said incident never felt jealous with Tracey when Tracey talks to Misty while Ash is battling or away from them, and didn’t upset when Misty found Tracey’s drawing impressive... But Ash was totally “jealous” in just that one moment even when nothing was cleared up on Misty’s feelings to Tracey for Ash. LMAO k. 
But in all seriousness, Here’s what most likely going through Ash’s mind during In The Pink. Once Ash hears Misty praise Tracey for doing what he did, Ash doesn’t see the skill Tracey possessed to get as close as he did, and think Misty is over reacting to something he believes is simple to do. Since he sees himself as able to do anything, he plans on going on befriending the ryhorn, but fails completely. As a 10 yr old with 0 desire for woman & who is pretty full of himself (Well... mostly OG-AG Ash), this makes more sense than Ash having a sudden rage due to a random attraction & jealously for a girl he usually finds unattractive when she went through no appearance changes at all. 
2. Rudy: It really pisses me off when people who go out of their way to make it seem like Ash wanted Misty in this episode. How does it not make sense for Ash to be upset with Rudy... WHEN HE’S NOT DOING HIS DAMN JOB? I really hope pokeshippers this desperate for their ship to look canon trying to make people believe “Ash was so jealous cuz Rudy was flirting with his wannabe wifeu <3 <3 lolz″ lose a competition or try out because the judge was too busy flirting with their mom, or sister/brother/dad/best friend/etc... who was there watching them for support. I bet they’d be extremely “jealous” too.
And I don’t understand why people keep believing this, when Rudy proposed to her & asked her to stay with him and his sister, Ash did absolutely NOTHING in that situation. He didn’t even say anything bad about Rudy after he said that (to show jealousy), or make a scene when he was right there as Rudy asked her that. Doesn’t seem he cared that much that Rudy could’ve woo’ed Misty.
3. Danny: Ash didn’t care that Misty was drooling all over him. 
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 He only cared because a girl who usually is trying to help him win a battle is cheering for a guy they just met & has nothing to gain beating Ash. No wonder hes wondering, “what so special about him?” And it ANGERS me when people  twist Ash wanting a blanket when Misty goes to get Danny one, as everyone ether has or is being catered to one (Danny), while he’s standing there shivering.   
“He cried when Misty left, while he didn’t when Brock left for OI, or for any other pokegirl!”
I guess Ash “loved” Butterfree & Pikachu as well.
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Way to go pokeshippers, making it seem like Ash doesn’t give a s**t about Brock or his other friends. When Brock first left, Ash did say he wished that he came back to traveling with them. And during Gotta Catch Ya Later, he talked about BOTH Brock and Misty before “crying.”
And there’s a HUGE difference between having 1 friend to travel around with for help & support instead of 2, to going to a foreign place all by yourself with 0 human support and to a place where you know no one in the whole region you’re going to. 
As with Ash’s other friends... there was no reason for him to be sad, as they where happily perusing what they want to do, and he was just going home and was most likely used to saying goodbye to friends at this point. Also, I guess Ash “stopped loving Misty,” as when she left in her other cameos he was far from sad/crying.
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You can cry “different writers! They would’ve made Ash cry if it was the OG writers!” But then that could be true for Ash crying while saying goodbye to his other friends.
“He didn’t let Dawn use the lure he got from Misty...” Yeah, BECAUSE HE WAS GOING TO USE IT. And it’s his’s. 
“And is seems over-protective of it!” ... Because it’s his, & doesn’t want to lose a gift from a friend whom give it to him for good luck? And tell me when Ash let’s anyone else touch his other gifts from his friends, ex: pokeball halves, wooden teddiursa, ribbon half, etc...
“Misty says they’ll be married one day, and Ash agreed!” 1. Misty most likely meant in general, not to each other. So Ash is agreeing to be marrying someone (not Misty).
2. Kisami IN THE ORIGINAL RAW, said:  "Looks like she fell for Takeshi(Brock) in first sight." Biasedkids(4kids) liked to add random pokeshipping moments, but that has no barring on actual canon, as biasedkids aren’t the actual writers of the pokeanime. Also, this is also the case when Ash tells Max that “a good friend left him & misses her everyday.” Just a biasedkids add in.
“So many thought they were dating, like Jessie, James, Meowth, & a Nurse Joy!”  So? In the Hoenn series, there’s an episode called, The Bicker the Better where Ash & May/Haruka are accused of dating by some weird couple, & James implied May being “Ash’s girl.” Yet, most pokeshippers don’t think Advanceshipping had a chance & believe the show was making Drew/Shuu & May a couple. Of course, more times Drew and May where accused of dating/liking each other, but my point still stands that just because someone thought a & b are dating/like each other, doesn’t mean a & b will marry/actually have any romantic feelings for each other. Also, Lyra in the Sinnoh series thought Ash & Dawn should’ve became a couple, & Kenny was jealous of Ash & Dawn being so close, even though both didn’t see each other in a romantic way.   
“In the 1st movie trailer in Japan, Misty was with her’s & Ash’s daughter! They where with a Pikachu with them, so it’s obviously Ash’s daughter!”
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/facepalm 1. That girl... HAS PINK HAIR. Ash has black, Misty has red/orange. How is this little girl their daughter? 2. There’s more than 1 pikachu in the pokeanime. Pikachu is the face of ALL OF POKEMON. It’s not that farfetch’d of them to have it to promote a trailer, or for someone else to own one. 3. ...And what’s with the blue haired gal then?  4.  This teaser was made and released when the movie's production was well underway and after the decision had been made to keep Ash' story going past an adaption of Red/Blue.  Heck, they were already making the Indigo league tournament episodes when this was released. The opening scene is just Misty and the woman talking to the girl about how she likes Pokémon and how there is a movie coming out, the girl meant to represent children who are fans of the show and seeing this trailer. They do this all the time with the pokemon movies where they just throw in generic scenes that don't match the actual movie.
At the end of the day, I don’t care if people ship pokeshipping. Yes, I get extremely annoyed with a lot of them, but that’s because they are annoying with their “ORIGINAL CANON” claim (though I know there are other shippers who are just as annoying with canon claiming) & annoying dumb hints (again, there are other shippers who are just as annoying & stupid with their hints). So go ahead and ship what you wanna ship, and if you still believe that it was supposed to be canon (even despite Shudo saying they were always meant to be friends) then fine. As there’s nothing you can say to make me believe “Ash/Satoshi always loved Misty/Kasami,” I understand that there’s nothing I can say to make you believe it was never meant to be. 
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multifanficss · 3 years
Emergency Room (BTS X READER)-16
A/n: Here is part 16. (Also, sorry if this bad, promise the next one will be better!)
Y/n's POV:
It is Friday morning and I'm currently on my way to the airport. I already went to the hospital to tell B/F/N that I was leaving and she wished me good luck. I am so grateful that Jin and Namjoon would look after her while I was gone. After 15 min or so I arrived at the airport and went to check-in. After, I went to the boarding area and saw Jimin standing outside waiting. I walked towards him and he smiled. He said good morning and we both walked to the waiting area. We sat there and waited. Then we were allowed to board the plane. Both of our seats were near the front and right next to each other. I looked at my phone and noticed that I had received many messages.
JK: Good morning y/n have a safe flight!:)
Yoongi: Be careful have a nice flight.
Taehyung: Hi, y/n, have a great flight!
Hoseok: Have a wonderful flight! We will miss you!!
I smiled at the messages and quickly replied and turned it off.  Then the plane took off.  It would be around a 10+-hour flight. I was about to put my earbuds on when Jimin stopped me from doing so. "Sorry, I just wanted to get to know you better, I've only talked to you once or twice and this is going to be a long trip," he said. I nodded and soon began to talk about myself and why I was coming back to my country in the first place.  We talked for about 3 to 5 hours and then decided to rest before arriving. The plane arrived and since the time zone is different it is barely morning. We got off the plane and decided to grab a hotel room nearby. We got two different rooms and decided to leave our luggage. After we left our belongings, I told Jimin, "We should go to my family's restaurant, my mom is most likely going to open soon." I said. He nodded and we took a taxi to the restaurant which was about 15 minutes away.  We arrived at the restaurant and my mother was just about to open up. I quickly paid the man and got out to stop her. "Mom!" she turned around and smiled. "Y/N!!! What are you doing here?!" she said and had tears going down her face. "Mom, B/F/N told me everything," I said and her smile faded. "Mom .. I think we should sell the restaurant. and You should come live with me in Seoul." I said. "What? Are you crazy?...." she said and shook her head. "Mom, you know dad would've agreed with me when I say that it's the right and only option," I said and she stayed quiet. She looked at her restaurant. "Alright, but let's have one last meal," she said. I nodded and she smiled back at me and looked at Jimin. "Whose this y/n?" she asked. "This is Dr. Park Jimin. He works at the same hospital as I do," I said. "Nice to meet you Mrs. L/N," Jimin said as he hugged my mom. "Please join us, Jimin." she said and Jimin said, "I would love to, thank you."
After our meal, We went to the bank and sell the restaurant. Then we went to go pay my mother's medical bills. After we went to get my mother's things at my stepdad's house.  Finally, we had dinner and went to the hotel room. Ready to leave the next morning.
end of Y/n's POV:
Meanwhile back in Seoul.........
Third-person P.O.V.:
Taehyung was going on about his day. However, he couldn't stop thinking about how things were going with y/n. He was thinking about how she was doing. As he was finishing up a chart, Jungkook came up next to him. "Hey, how's it going?" Jungkook said. "Pretty good,..." Taehyung said. "Have you heard anything from Y/n?" Jungkook said. "No, have you?" Taehyung asked as he was about to open up a new chart. "No... and I don't want to bother her," Jungkook said as he looked at his phone. Taehyung peeked over and saw the contact for y/n. It said    Y/N <3   . He felt a pain in his chest. He was jealous. As he was about to say something a lady asked for help. "Please, help, my son, he's..." was all she said before she fainted. Taehyung caught her and checked for a pulse. It was light but they needed to get to work right away. As for Jungkook, he turned around a saw a little boy who also looked ill. "Hey, Are you alright?" Jungkook asked and the boy shook his head no. Jungkook noticed he was bleeding. Then saw he had a huge cut on his head.  But, he was holding his stomach and limped when he walked. "Is it okey if i take you to a room, a nd help you?" he asked since he didn’t know how the kid felt. He nodded and asked help from the interns and the nurses.
A couple of hours later, Both had just gotten into surgery. The mother was suffering from internal bleeding and 2 broken ribs. The son had minor injuries by had some stomach issues. After 3 hours, the son was out of surgery and son was recovering. Then 2 hours later, the mother was also out of surgery. Taehyung made his way to the ICU and saw Jungkook filling out a chart. "Hey, have figured out what happened?" he asked. "Yeah, The child said that the mother and him were playing at the park and some stranger attacked the mother and tried to take away the child from her. Both managed to escape and tried to get help but no one helped them." he said. "When the mother wakes up I'll ask if she wants to file a police report and we will go from there." Taehyung said. Jungkook nodded. Both checked there phone and noticed they both got a message from y/n.
Y/N: Hey! We got everything done and ready to go. Just need to board the plane in a couple hours. See you later :)!
Both smiled and blushed and then put away their Phone. Then continued to work.
end of third person POV:
Next day
My mother, Jimin, and I went to get breakfast and then headed to the airport. We then waited to board the plane. Once boarded, My mother sat by the window, I sat in the middle, and Jimin sat next to me. I looked at my mother and she smiled. "Ready?" I asked. "Ready." she said as she smiled at me. The plane took off and we were on our way back to Seoul.
end of  16
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talebones · 4 years
Have you been referred to an exercise physiologist? Terrific! Yet prior to you head along to your very first visit, you need to read this. Below's 6 things you need to know before seeing an exercise physiologist:. 1. YOU NEED TO HOP ON FIRST BASE PRIOR TO YOU STRIKE A CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT. For us to attain better lasting goals, it's helpful to set smaller goals initially or concentrate more on behavior modifications rather than the objective itself. In some cases, you need to decrease your assumptions for the short-term, rather than concentrating on the larger long-term objective. When I was a brand-new exercise physiologist, I was extremely ambitious and intended to strike a home run with every client. https://www.talebones.com/ I wanted them to achieve their huge long-term goal rapidly and anything short of this was not good enough. As I have actually established, I have actually learnt that we need to take our success, regardless of exactly how big or tiny. We often see this in people with consistent (or chronic) pain ... Their goal, their "home run" if you will, is to be discomfort totally free. Yet what happens if I could get this individual to handle their discomfort-- to reach first base? What if I could recommend an exercise program that assists keep the pain reduced as well as boosts their activity and feature? This is still advance! As workout physiologists, it's our work to assist educate, set benchmark landmarks as well as overview you through the procedure. 2. MATTERS DON'T HAPPEN PROMPTLY. Accomplishing long-lasting, healthy and balanced, way of living changes is a process. You could not see changes straight away, yet you have to rely on that the healthy adjustments you're making are functioning. One workout session won't assist you handle diabetes mellitus long term, nor will certainly it avoid a cardiac occasion or arthritis. You need to focus on consistency and also long-lasting change. If all the advantages of exercise might be put into a tablet, it would be one of the most widely prescribed medication on the planet. 3. YOUR HEALTH IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Seeing an exercise physiologist is a terrific very first step, however the buck stops with you. It's our task to help educate on the ecological community of health. It's our work to assist encourage. It's our work to help put together a tool kit of workouts and programs that will help you attain your goals and also enhance your health and wellness. However, at the end of the day, we can refrain from doing the exercise for you! It's your responsibility to make your very own health and wellness as a priority. 4. The Very Best EXERCISE IS THE ONE YOU'LL DO. It's a concern we are usually asked ... "What is the most effective workout for ...?". Weight-loss. Osteoarthritis. Cancer cells. Depressions. Parkinson's Disease. There are absolutely different programs procedures for various individuals as well as different conditions. We will constantly tailor a workout program toward the individual. However honestly, the 'finest workout' is always the exact same. The one that you'll do. We can produce the most complicated program worldwide, with specific heart price targets, associates, and establishes etc. nonetheless, if you do not do it, it's pointless. Normal movement is vital. 5. RECOVERY IS RARELY A STRAIGHT LINE. Regardless of the development shots you could see on social networks and also in magazines, if you were to chart your recuperation, it's rarely mosting likely to remain in a straight line. We are so commonly offered this best image of weight management or recovering from mental disorder or managing arthritic discomfort. Actually, it hardly ever works like this. If you're dropping weight-- you might evaluate extra today than you did the other day-- which's ok. As specified above, it's a procedure as well as you'll have ups and downs. What issues is that you're heading in the best direction long-term. 6. THE HUMAN BODY IS STRONG. We will certainly all undergo periods of our life where our body feels like a Jenga Tower about to collapse. Yet the body is far more powerful and also a lot more resilient than you assume. There will always be people as well as specialists available that generate income out of your fear. Maybe over-diagnosing, figuratively covering you in cotton wool as well as making you fear workout unless you remain in their existence. There is absolutely a time and also an area for rest, however it's not OK for a practitioner to instil anxiety just so you maintain making a repeat visit for the next years. As workout physiologists, our goal is to education you and also encourage you to make favorable modifications so that you can maintain a healthy and balanced way of life long after our last appointment has actually finished. Intestines cancer cells (commonly referred to as digestive tract cancer) is the 3rd most commonly identified type of cancer cells in Australia. It takes place when abnormal cells in the colon or rectum grow and also multiply unmanageable. Lifestyle options can affect danger of intestines cancer cells. For instance, there is convincing proof that being physically active decreases the risk of colon (however not anal) cancer cells; in one big research study people who did even more exercise had a lower risk of colon cancer than those doing less. However it's not just about prevention ... Exercise can be advantageous for those undertaking therapy too. Here's what you need to understand about exercising with colorectal cancer cells. TREATMENT AND SIDE EFFECTS. Therapy for intestines cancer depends upon whether the illness has spread or is likely to spread out as well as might consist of surgery, radiation therapy and/or radiation treatment. Usual adverse effects are digestive tract symptoms, tiredness, pain as well as bloating, tingling/numbness/pain in hands and feet and psychological distress. Some people also report aggravated sexual working and urination. In many cases (less than 10%), surgical treatment to remove the tumor indicates that the bowel can not be joined back with each other, and also a short-lived or permanent opening is produced (i.e., a stoma) for the collection of body waste in a colostomy bag. ADVANTAGES OF EXERCISE. Workout throughout and also after treatment enhances quality of life and the ability to do daily activities, along with decreases the regularity and also extent of treatment-related adverse effects. Exercising after a medical diagnosis of colorectal cancer cells has actually also been associated with minimized risk of the cancer repeating as well as boosted general survival. Emerging proof likewise recommends that workout might enhance healing from surgical treatment and also increase ability to complete scheduled chemotherapy. KINDS OF EXERCISE RECOMMENDED. Moderate-to-high-intensity aerobic and resistance exercise is risk-free and also advantageous during as well as after therapy for colorectal cancer. If one is not presently working out then it's advised to begin gradually and progress slowly. If exercising for prolonged blocks of time (e.g., 20 mins or even more) is as well hard or enhances fatigue, after that exercise can be done in shorter rounds of 5 mins as well as completed several times in a day. WORKING OUT WITH A STOMA BAG. Exercising with a colostomy bag can have its challenges, however it is not a factor to prevent exercise. In some cases there are weaknesses in the abdominal wall surface because of the surgeries connected to treatment and also stoma, as well as treatment is required to shield this location during workout. EXERCISES TO STAY CLEAR OF. Stay clear of boosting abdominal pressure (e.g., holding breath throughout exercises/Valsalva) and safeguard the stoma bag throughout swimming or exercise in which the bag might be bumped (e.g., call sporting activity) or pierced (e.g., rock climbing). Compression garments, high-waisted undergarments or workout clothing, water resistant dressings and stoma-specific belts, guards or swimsuit might assist get rid of some of the barriers to exercising with a stoma bag and safeguard both the bag as well as the abdominal area. REQUESTING FOR AID. A stoma registered nurse and seasoned dietitian are indispensable resources to support issue solving problems such as stoma bags ending up being displaced during exercise or threat of dehydration. A workout physiologist can assist to modify exercises and activities to lower intra-abdominal stress or movements that are unpleasant or excruciating because of the stoma bag.
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lucycaitlin13 · 4 years
Who are you when no one else is looking? Part 1.
Gooood evening ladies and germs and welcome to tonight’s blog. As I sit here with my hot cup of joe, my high school journal, and Echosmith’s ‘Cool Kids” playing in the background, I think I will focus on the topic of being accepted. That’s what we all want, right? Like the song says, “ I wish that I could be like the cool kids. 'Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in.” And that’s exactly what every teenager human does. 
So buckle up all you cool cats and kittens because this is going to get deeply personal. Please keep in mind that all names with an asterisk (*) have been changed. I will be splitting this into 2 parts because there is too much to put in this one post. 
Let’s all just be perfectly honest by saying we’ve all done things we aren’t proud of to fit in. Just to name some fairly common ones:
- Changing your hairstyle (emo kid hair was life). 
- Buying name brand clothes because god damn you had to have that fucking eagle on everything. 
- Changing the type of music you’re into because hottie Jared listens to classic rock, so now you listen to nothing but classic rock! 
- Doing other peoples homework to become “friends” with them or because you had a crush on them. Yes, to answer what you’re thinking, I did this. 
- Smoking cigarettes/weed, drinking, having sex (or other sexual things), going to parties, sneaking out, lying to your parents etc.
- My personal favorite - stealing alcohol and cigarettes from your parents and supplying your “friends” with them.. Because what says cool like stealing! Oh yeah, I did that. I’ve already told my mom, but never had a chance to tell my dad. Sorry daddio! 
WE HAVE ALL DONE AT LEAST ONE OF THESE THINGS. Looking back at high school, I always say how much I miss it! However, some things I wrote tell a different story.
10/15/08 - “Today sucked. I really hated it. Ok so first this morning Josh* and Chris* hid my books and bag when I went to the nurse. I got my period and was already pissed. I didn’t know they were missing until like a minute before the bell. So the bell rings, I end up like 2 min late to band. So now I’m not happy. then everybody is all like what’s wrong and I’m like leave me alone! god. Then I get on the bus...sitting alone. Fred* doesn’t sit with me anymore, neither does Zeb* and so Zeb* tells me Justin* tells him to tell me that I’m a whore and fat. Can’t disagree there. Well I’m not a whore, but I am fat and I hate it. So basically I cried the whole bus ride...” 
So let’s address this, shall we? So how fucking depressing is that? Yeah, you’ve literally seen just half an entry of what I felt like when I was a teenager. Teenagers are just mean. I’m no saint, so let me just get that out of the way now, but I don’t know if I was ever this mean. Oh and keep in mind that I was new to this school, so this was only 2 months in. 
So often are girls the ones who are judged the hardest (not to exclude all guys). You’re not pretty enough. You’re not skinny enough. You have braces. You can’t afford Hollister. You can’t fit into Hollister! You don’t have a huge house. These are all things that make you feel unworthy of your peers. 
I was 14 and have forever been self continuous due to how boys treated me. How I LET them treat me is more accurate. I just wanted to be liked. I wanted to be accepted and to feel wanted. I am NOT proud of some of the things that I did in high school and the people I did them with. But back then, it helped me “fit in”. 
I let some really scummy guys convince me to do things through manipulation. “If you don’t do this then you don’t really like me.” “Come on, just this one time?” I mean peer pressure is a thing and it’s hard to say no and stand your ground. 
12/29/08 - “...Hmm I’m making a New Year’s Resolution, and I’m gonna try to keep this one. I don’t remember any of my resolutions but I got this one written down! I guess mine will be to lose at least 20 pounds, exercise daily, eat less, and maybe even try track...”
Again, let me just remind everyone that I was 14. 
01/19/10 -  “...Jack* and Phil* picked Kelly* and I up at like 12:20am. We snuck out. It was really lame. Phil* is a freak and just wanted to have sex. ew no thanks...” And yet I still did something with him because I felt obligated. My friend left me alone with this creep while she and her boyfriend went off together. It was awkward and I felt like I had to because I was put in a position I didn’t really want. I was still too young to drive and we were picked up, so I couldn’t leave. BUT I also wanted to fit in and not be that loser they talked about later that evening.. 
For anyone judging me right now, I could care less. I honestly hope some of the boys who took advantage of me do read this because FUCK YOU. 
To all the young girls out there, or parents with young girls, if there is one thing I could tell my younger self as who I am today - don’t feel like you need to change who you are because you want to be one of the popular kids. Compromising your beliefs and values and who you are is NOT worth it. I would do so many things differently if I could go back. 
I’m going to wrap part 1 up here. Part 2 will be similar, but I think it’s healthy for people to know what the average girl thinks, feels, and writes when they are growing up. Maybe it will help someone or give some insight to others to see how their actions and words affect other people. 
Until then, stay beautiful and healthy! 
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