#but especially in order of importance. damon elena or bonnie
philtatosbuck · 6 months
I saw someone say that if Elena or Caroline were in the prison world instead of Bonnie they wouldn't have stayed there as long, do you think that's true?
taking into account that they fully thought bonnie and damon were dead and didn't know about the prison world for the first four months (?) i assume you mean the other like. four? five? months she was there (she was there for almost a year wasn't she??)
yeah that's true idk what you want me to say. for one bonnie is good for trying to resurrect bitches she would've been trying to resurrect either one of them and coming up empty BUT let's say for the sake of it that they found out after four months as they did in canon and damon comes back but caroline/elena doesn't
if it were elena and damon stuck in the prison world damon wouldn't have accepted elena was 'dead' so easily even if she was stuck with kai he would have been doing his usual shit and threatening any and everyone into finding a way back far quicker than he did for bonnie (that's nothing against bonnie or their relationship at all. that's just his canon behavior towards elena and stefan to a degree that he does not display towards bonnie in canon until later on)
if it were caroline and damon i'm ngl i don't see him working hard to get her free or anything but if he came back and told everyone else about it then they would be trying to save her immediately
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romancemedia · 2 years
Damon and Superboy - Death and Resurrection
I noticed it a long time ago, but finally felt ready to make a post about it. This is about the strong similarities between the deaths of Damon Salavtore and Superboy/Conner Kent from The Vampire Diaries and Young Justice.
The Deaths of Damon Salvatore and Conner Kent
At the end of Season 5, Damon sacrificed himself to enact a spell to help rid Mystic Falls of the Travelers that had invaded and taken over the town, while also bringing their friends and family back to life when the Other Side was on the verge of collapsing. Although almost everyone was resurrected, Damon was not so lucky since the spell was stopped by the witch, Luke Partner who interfered to protect his sister. However, as a result, Damon was unable to be brought back to life and died alongside Bonnie Bennett when the Other Side collapsed.
At the beginning of Season 4, Miss Martian and Superboy had traveled to Mars to prepare for their upcoming wedding, but found themselves getting drawn into the planet’s racial problems and the death of the Red Martian King. However, the day before their wedding, Superboy had sacrificed himself to save Mars from a virus bomb planted by Miss Martian’s younger brother, that would’ve wiped out the Martian race, but was unaware it was also laced with Kryptonite, resulting in his apparent death that was part of a bigger plot caused by an unknown saboteur.
The difference, Damon died at the end of Season 5, but his death would not have a proper storyline until Season 6 of The Vampire Diaries. Superboy/Conner’s death occurred shortly into the beginning of Season 4 of Young Justice and played out throughout the rest of the fourth and final season.
The Impact of their Deaths
The loss of Damon and Conner played an important and central storyline for both shows, where the characters closest to them were the most effected by their losses.
In the beginning of Season 6 of The Vampire Diaries, 4 months had passed since the deaths of Damon and Bonnie. The loss left a huge mark on the group where everyone was still struggling to cope with their grief in different ways, but along the way, the group fell apart and drifted away from each other. In Young Justice: Phantoms, shortly after Superboy’s death occurred in the fourth episode, his loss quickly and greatly effected his friends and family, especially the original members of the Team, his closest friends. Unlike the Mystic Falls group, everyone had come together to truly support and comfort one another in the wake of Conner’s death.
Although the groups coped with their grief in opposite ways, one strong similarity is they both have 1 character who imploded and went on a self-destructive rampage in the aftermath of the characters deaths: Jeremy Gilbert and Garfield Logan.
Both Jeremy and Garfield have lost a majority of their friends and family over the course of the shows.
Both characters were either drinking or abusing drugs in order to cope with their grief.
Both are the younger adoptive brothers to the main female leads who are also the love interests to the characters who died. Jeremy is Elena’s brother while Garfield is M’gann’s brother.
Both had a brotherly relationship with the deceased. Jeremy and Damon and Garfield and Conner.
The main difference though is Jeremy’s downward spiral was as a result of the death of his girlfriend, Bonnie Bennett who died alongside Damon, unlike Garfield who was truly and deeply morning the loss of Superboy.
Elena and Miss Martian’s Grief
Out of everyone, the ones who were the most effected by Damon and Superboy’s deaths were their love interests: Elena Gilbert and Miss Martian, who were both left completely and deeply heartbroken.
Elena was absolutely heartbroken and immensely grief-stricken by Damon’s death to the point it almost destroyed her. Elena had cleverly hidden her suffering from everyone, but secretly, she was unable to move with her life without and felt she was dying inside. Elena was desperate to find a way to bring him and Bonnie back and in order to cope her grief, she began taking magical herbs from Luke Parker that allowed her to hallucinate Damon, but could still not contain her grief and started feeding on people due to the drugs side affects. Eventually, Elena came to the decision to have her memories and love of Damon compelled away in order to allow herself to move on and start her life again.
Miss Martian was deeply devastated and heartbroken by the loss of Superboy. She went through various stages of grief and emotions, but handled her grief far more differently compared to Elena. She was determined to seek vengeance and confronted her brother, only to discover he was not responsible for the Kryptonite that lead to Superboy’s death. With no other leads or suspects, the case ran cold. Miss Martian fell deeper into mourning and closed herself both emotionally and mentally from everyone, unsure how she would go on with her life without Superboy. However, she eventually began to truly accept the support of her friends and family to help her through the loss and tried to keep herself busy as a distraction from her grief. She also never removed her engagement ring since his death and always wore it as a symbol of their love.
Survival and Imprisonment
In a shocking turn of events, both Damon and Superboy were still alive and found themselves in another dimension. Damon was trapped in an 1994 Prison World and Superboy was trapped in The Phantom Zone.
Both were trapped with a female companion. Damon and Bonnie and Superboy and Phantom Girl. However, Phantom Girl had fallen into a coma and was being protected by Superboy while she was comatose.
Both were sent to the dimensions by their female companions unknowingly. 
Bonnie’s grandmother made a deal in order to save her granddaughter from death by sending her to the Prison World, knowing Bonnie would be able to escape since Bennett magic helped to create the Prison World. Damon was sent alongside her since he held Bonnie’s hand.
Phantom Girl had sent Superboy and herself to the Phantom Zone by mistake as she had originally intended to transport them to her homeworld in a desperate when she saved Superboy from the kryptonite laced bomb.
Both groups discovered the dimension was really a prison for dangerous criminals. The Prison World was created by the Gemini Coven, a group of witches to trap the most dangerous supernatural beings while the Phantom Zone was a prison for Kryptonian criminals.
Both groups became the sworn enemies of the world’s true prisoners: Kai Parker and General Dru-Zod.
Both groups remained trapped for months, until one of them managed to escape and the other was freed through different means.
Bonnie sacrificed herself and freed Damon when Kai attacked them during their initial first attempt and later escaped when she found a new magic source and escaped a few months later.
Phantom Girl had awakened, but was forced to leave Superboy behind due to his Zone-Sickness and memory loss, causing him to fall under the influence Dru-Zod. Superboy was later freed from the Phantom Zone a few days after Phantom Girl’s escape when a boom tube opened in the Justice League and Original Team’s efforts to rescue him from the Phantom Zone.
Memory Loss
Both Elena and Superboy suffered from memory loss and did not have them restored until the end of the seasons.
Elena had her memories and love of Damon compelled away in order to move on with her life again after his death. Alaric compelled away her memories and feelings after finding the key moment Elena knew she was in love with Damon. When Damon returned, Elena refused at first, but eventually decided to reverse the compulsion until Alaric became human again and thus was unable to restore Elena’s memories. Eventually, Elena’s memories were finally restored after she became human again after taking the Cure towards the end of Season 6.
Superboy had suffered from amnesia as a side effect of Zone-Sickness. After spending months alone and isolated in the Phantom Zone with no hopes of escaping, Superboy began suffering from Zone-Sickness which caused hallucinations and amnesia. Superboy came to believe he was a monster and regressed back to his original Cadmus programming, causing him to fall under the control of Dru-Zod. Unlike Elena’s memory loss, he did not forget about Miss Martian nor did it effect his feelings for her. Eventually, Superboy’s memories were restored by Miss Martian by the end of the season after they were reunited together.
Last but not least, The Vampire Diaries Season 6 and Young Justice Season 4 both ended with a wedding, but while one ended happily, the other ended tragically that had lasting effects on everyone. 
Conner and M’gann’s wedding served as the series finale, ending Young Justice altogether while Alaric and Jo’s wedding served as the sixth season finale with The Vampire Diaries continuing on for 2 more seasons.
Conner and M’gann received a well deserved happy ending after an entire season apart while Alaric and Jo’s wedding ended tragically with the death of the bride and Elena in a magically induced coma.
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imagineseclipse · 4 years
Damon Salvatore x Reader- I won’t help you
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Your boots scuffed against the wooden stool leg as you swung your legs back and forth absentmindedly, leaning forwards across the bar to order another drink. Preferably something strong.
“What can I get you this time miss”Daniel the bar owner approached you, juggling a martini and a tropical cocktail.
“Dan, I told you to just call me y/n”you rolled your eyes playfully, sending him a grin.
“Sorry Miss.Y/n what can I get for you”Dan called over to you, he was sporting a large smile himself whilst handing another customer their drink.
“Just the usual please”you asked politely.
“Coming right up for you sweetheart”And with that he disappeared into the back, mumbling something about grabbing more ice.
You spun on your chair, flicking your eyes around the room. The Mystic Grill wasn’t as busy as it usually was, especially for a Friday night. The couple that ordered the Martini and the cocktail sat in the corner hidden away in their own little booth, other than that it was just you and Dan.
That was until the door swung open, a gust of air brushing past you making you shudder slightly. You were about to take a peak at who had just disturbed the peace but Dan caught your attention, settling your drink down in front of you.
“Thanks Dan”you sighed, running your hands through your hair.
“You look like you need this drink, no offence y/n”Dan shook his head, dropping a few ice cubes into your drink.
“None taken, trust me I need many drinks right now”you laughed half-heartedly.
“Well don’t get too drunk we have work to do”A deep luring voice spoke out from behind you. You exhaled, spinning around to face Damon Salvatore who stood leaning against one of the booths, his arms folded so smoothly. You dragged your eyes up to meet his noticing the classic smirk he was always wearing.
He was shamelessly checking you out, his eyes watching your every move.
“As if I’m gonna listen to you”you scoffed, turning away from the vampire.
“You’re gonna have to start listening because this is important”Damon hissed.
“Important to you yes, not to me”you shot back, packing up your things.
“You’re the only one that can cast this spell Y/n”Damon exclaimed.
“Ask Bonnie, I’m sure she’ll be able to bring back your precious girlfriend Elena”the words rolled off your tongue venom dripping from every syllable.
“Bonnie’s out of action right now”Damon pleaded, his smirk had been replaced by a deep scowl in your direction.
“Oh damn, it seems like you have a real situation on your hands right now- anyway i’ll see you around hopefully not”you exaggerated a sigh before lifting the glass to your lips quickly downing your usual drink. The alcohol burning your throat.
Damon reached over, grabbing the glass from your hands.
“Seriously what do you want Damon?”you growled out. He sent you a warning glare, silently telling you that you were testing his patience. You’d gotten these looks many times so you were used to it. Damon was always disappointed in you, that’s why you’d kept your distance, it was like he’d traded you out for Elena, one minute she was all loved up with Stefan the next Damon and her were sneaking off together.
You weren’t a part of his life anymore.
Damon reached out towards you, settling his hand around your arm. His grip on you wasn’t so tight but you could still feel him telling you that he needed you. It was a little too late.
Dan reappeared from the back room -what great timing Dan- his eyebrows furrowing as he approached the two of you slowly, he could see the position you were in with Damon’s hands on you.
Your eyes caught his and he took a step forwards.
“Are you okay sweetheart is this man bothering you- say the word n I’ll have him thrown out before you can even blink”Dan began to look Damon up and down suspiciously.
Damon scoffed loudly, watching how you and Dan interacted closely.
“No it’s okay Dan, This is Damon Salvatore wouldn’t say he’s an old friend of mine however he is the reason for my excessive drinking”You retorted.
Dan sent you a nod before mumbling out a “If you need me you know where I am”
Damon rolled his eyes at the two of you tugging on your arm before continuing the conversation you were having.
“This is serious-
“Look, I want to say I’m here to listen to your problems- but I’m not a therapist and I don’t like you”your voice became low, but he heard you loud and clear.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go and do everything but save Elena”you flashed him an angry scowl before shrugging his hand off.
“Jesus y/n, sometimes you act like such a bratty teenager”Damon sneered, making you stop in your tracks, your fists automatically clenched and your heart stopped.
“That’s all you think I am isn’t it Damon? A bratty whiny little girl. That’s all you’ve ever seen me as- that’s why you were so quick to leave me behind for Elena, and now- now you want me to save both your asses?”you scoffed out, spinning on your heel to face the vampire once again.
“I’ve been so hurt, and so lonely you don’t understand it makes me want to die sometimes you hurt me- I needed help figuring out this whole witch thing, and you’d rather run after your brothers girlfriend?! I know where I stand now and I know what I’m worth Damon”you exclaimed, letting out all the pent up frustration.
Damon fell silent, his eyebrows furrowing as he stood from his chair.
“So no, I won’t help you or Elena, I’m sorry”you breathed out before turning on your heel.
“Damn it y/n”Damon muttered angrily before storming towards you, whisking you up off your feet, he threw you over his shoulder making sure to hold on tight as he used his vampire speed to carry you out of the bar.
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bamon4bamily · 4 years
TVD 9x16 - What happens in Vegas... (part 1 of part 2) Enjoy!=)
Cut to – a few hours earlier. The Mirage Resort & Casino, three-bedroom villa.
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Bonnie opens her eyes, head pounding, confused as to where she is. Unbeknown to her, she is lying on a huge inflatable shaped as, let’s just say a male part, in the middle of their villa’s private pool. She turns her head, to see if she can recognize the place… Bad call, woman overboard.
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She quickly rises from below the water and manages to make it to shore. On one of the deck chairs, a familiar face… Bonnie thinks to herself, I must be hallucinating, why is Katherine here? She wasn’t invited. Has to be Elena, but… she’d never wear those tacky shoes… She’ll have to come back to that later. For now, she wants to make sure everyone else survived. She walks inside the villa… it’s apocalypse now. 
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There’s no way they could have caused so much damage. It was supposed to be a chill girls trip, with some partying, of course, but not to that scale! She hears a sound, sounds as if it comes from the afterlife…Could she be hearing ghosts? Wouldn’t be uncommon to her… but the voice, she knows that voice. She searches, trying to follow the sound, seems like the source is coming from a closet. She opens it… inside, Elena, dressed like a nun, empty bottle of champagne on one hand, a dildo on the other… Maybe, this one is Katherine? Elena wouldn’t be holding that… One thing is for sure, she can now confirm there are two of them there.
BONNIE: Elena?
ELENA: Bonnie… I think I’m dying.
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BONNIE: We might actually be dead… otherwise, why would Katherine be here?
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ELENA: Katherine?
BONNIE: (As she helps her get out of the closet) I’m pretty sure she’s passed out in the pool patio….
ELENA: (Looking at the aftermath) Holy mother Mary… what the hell happened last night?
BONNIE: I know I’m psychic, but I have no freakin idea.
ELENA: Was I holding, what I think I was holding…?
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ELENA: (Grabs and shakes her head) I don’t think I want to know why…
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BONNIE: … or why you’re dressed like a nun, for that matter. I know I don’t!
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ELENA: (Looks at her attire) Oh, god… definitely don’t want to know! Where’s Caroline?
BONNIE: Not sure, let’s check out her room. Hopefully, she’s sleeping like a baby…
ELENA: Somehow, I doubt it...
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(They go into the master bedroom to see if Caroline is there. The room is in order, complete opposite of the outside scenario. It seems Caroline is in fact, sleeping in her bed, comfortably covered head to toe).
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BONNIE: (Sigh of relief) Ah, thank god! At least one of us had some sense in them… (They approach the bed, just to make sure she’s alright. Bonnie peeks under the covers… Holy shit! (She takes Elena’s hand and immediately teleports out of the room).
ELENA: (Really dizzy from the teleport and the hang-over) Bonnie, you really need to give me a heads up when you do that; especially when I’m in this state! What happened?!
BONNIE: Definitely not Caroline…
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ELENA: Who, then?
BONNIE: A cop … all tied up, face cover n’all…
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ELENA: What!!! Are you sure?
BONNIE: Pretty sure…
ELENA: Is he… dead?
BONNIE: I think he was breathing, just seemed like he was passed out, but I’m not going back in there to verify.
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ELENA: I’ll take a look… I’m sure it can’t be that… (She goes back into the master bedroom, not even a minute in, and she’s back). Well… it’s a cop! But he’s alive, thank god!
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BONNIE: Did you see his face?
ELENA: Hell no! Just made sure he wasn’t dead, and got out of there.
BONNIE: (Starts to panic) Oh my god; oh my god, oh my god! We kidnaped a cop!!
ELENA: Maybe it’s a stripper? It’s probably a stripper…
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BONNIE: Either way, we kidnapped somebody!
ELENA: Well… at least we didn’t kill them.
BONNIE: No, but we’re kidnappers!!
ELENA: Calm down, Bon. I’m sure there is a logical explanation for all of this…
BONNIE: Elena, I woke up floating on a penis! Katherine is passed out in the patio, wearing nothing but stripper shoes, and I mean, nothing! You are dressed like a nun and had a dildo in your hand! Lexi is hanging-upside down from that chandelier! We kidnapped a cop, or a stripper! And who the hell knows where Caroline and Radka are! Perfectly logical!
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ELENA: Wait… Lexi is hanging from where?
BONNIE: Look up, I just spotted her… (Lexi drops to the ground).
LEXI: (Looking utterly confused) Where am I?? Oh no… is this another version of the other side? Not again… Can’t be peace… since you are here (referring to Elena) …
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ELENA: (A tad irritated with her constant subtle insults) I’m too hung over to reply with a snap… 
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(a few seconds later, Katherine walks into the villa, makes her way into the open kitchen…)
KATHERINE: (Looks at them and shakes her head) You call me the crazy bitch? You are all borderline insane! 
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(As she pours herself some water) Want some?
BONNIE: Uhm… why are you here?
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KATHERINE: Duh, you invited me.
BONNIE: No we didn’t.
KATHERINE: Yes you did… and (looks at the mess), if I can find my phone, I can prove it to you.
LEXI: Maybe you should put some clothes on first…
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KATHERINE: (Realizes she’s naked but doesn’t really care) Oops…
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ELENA: We would never invite you, Katherine. Cut the crap and tell us why you are really here.
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KATHERINE: Actually, Elena, you were the one that invited me; so, rude!
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ELENA: That’s ridiculous!
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KATHERINE: Fine, I’ll show you the proof; my phone has to be around here… somewhere.
BONNIE: Just, please, put something on, for god’s sake!
KATHERINE: Fine, Bonnie! Gees, such prudes! (She finds a robe nearby, puts it on, and looks for her phone. As she looks amongst the debris, she finds another casualty, passed out under a piece of furniture). Well… found Radka! The good news, she is breathing. The bad… ain’t no way she is waking up any time soon… she’s completely out.  
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ELENA: (To Bonnie on the side) There’s no way I invited her, right?
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BONNIE: Before last night, I would’ve said, hellz no! But…
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KATHERINE: Well… it’s going to take a bit longer than I thought to find my phone. And, shouldn’t we be focusing on more important issues? Like the fact that the bride is MIA!
LEXI: (To Bonnie and Elena) Hate to admit it, but she’s right.
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ELENA: Also…we seemed to have kidnapped a stripper, or a cop…
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BONNIE: Okay, okay, I’m sure we can figure this out. We just need to retrace our steps; does anyone remember anything about last night?
ELENA: I remember we had a spa day… then we came back to the villa, got all glitz & glammed, opened a bottle of champagne to kick-off the night. After that, I’m at a blank…
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BONNIE: Well, the original plan was supposed to be… a spa day, followed by dinner at Le Cirque, drinks at The Cosmopolitan, closing with, and against our will, that Britney Spears show at Planet Hollywood… But I also checked out after our kick-off cheer...
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LEXI: I vaguely remember Le Cirque… something about a clown?
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ELENA: (To Katherine) I’m going to play along because we really need to figure out what’s going on… You said I invited you, when was that?
KATHERINE: You sent me a WhatsApp around five, I think…
ELENA: Aha! You are lying! That can’t be true! No way you would have made it here on time!
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KATHERINE: You do remember your best friend can teleport, right? Bonnie was the one that got me here. 
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I must say, I was reluctant at first, but there was no way I was missing the opportunity to mess with Caroline. Anyway, I joined you guys in your little cheer, and then, lights out… That’s the last thing I remember.
BONNIE: … I think she’s right… I’m getting flashbacks of you and Caroline cracking up, the Salvatore house; Katherine complaining she hadn’t had the chance to pack; the cottage; Kai…
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LEXI: Yes… I remember Caroline talking about a prank…
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ELENA: (To Bonnie) Wait, did you say Kai?
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LEXI: You did…
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BONNIE: I don’t know; I’m all messed up! I’m just saying things as they come. But that’s not important now. So, back on track. I say we first check every single corner of this place; maybe Caroline is here… if not, we’ll check the spa, the pool, the shops, etc…
KATHERINE: Well, if we want to make it back in time for the love fest… which I could care less, we should probably find a faster strategy. Lexi and I can search the larger area, vamp our way through the hotel. And you two (referring to Bonnie and Elena), can look here. (To Bonnie) Unless you can do your witchy woo to find her faster?
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BONNIE: My powers are all over the place, don’t want to risk it. So, and I hate to say it, your original plan sounds like a good idea.
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KATHERINE: I’m full of good ideas, Bonnie (winks).
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BONNIE: (Rolls her eyes) Just meet us back here once you’ve searched the place.
(They search everywhere, Caroline is nowhere to be found. They teamback at the villa)
 BONNIE: Any luck?
LEXI: Nop. She isn’t in the hotel, that’s for sure.
ELENA: Well, she isn’t here either.
BONNIE: Great, back to square one…
KATHERINE: (Completely off topic, looking at Elena up and down) I’ll never get tired of saying it, I really am much better looking than you.
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ELENA: (Triggered by her comment) Please, you wish. Or did your slut brain forget you lost two men to me? Ouch…
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KATHERINE: One, actually. I never loved Damon. But I’ll say this, because you need to hear it. It’s quite sad that your insecurities led you to marry the first man that paid any attention to you, after you lost Damon to Bonnie. Which, and let’s not kid ourselves here, was way before they got together. Anyone with half a brain would know that Damon fell in love with Bonnie in that prison world, he was just afraid to admit it… Ouch!
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ELENA: Bitch...
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BONNIE: Katherine, shut up, or I swear…
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LEXI: Wow, wow, wow, wow… ladies, chill! We are going way off topic, and into dangerous territory….
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KATHERINE: Just saying, your wedding ring is tacky.
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ELENA: What the hell are you talking about?! What wedding ring??
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KATHERINE: You really ain’t that bright, are you? The one on your finger, Einstein.  
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ELENA: What?! (Looks at her finger, she’s in fact wearing quite a tacky ring. Turns to Bonnie) No…. Please tell me I didn’t…. 
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(she takes the ring off, it’s engraved, the inscription reads: No matter how forbidden, our love will last forever. Sister Mary Chapel. 
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Looks nauseous) I think I’m going to throw up (runs into the nearest bathroom).
BONNIE: (To Katherine) I know you are soulless… but why would you say that to her?
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KATHERINE: Because it’s true, Bonnie! You people really need to learn to be more honest with each other.
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BONNIE: You’re gonna talk about honesty, really?
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KATHERINE: When it comes to the people I care about; I couldn’t be more honest… Anyway, I do believe we have a lead… Guessing that place can give us some insight about last night. So, let’s wait for Sister Mary Elena to get it out of her system, and go to church, god knows you all need it. I’m gonna go change, and I figure my Doppelgänger should do the same. And you (to Bonnie), should probably put on some dry clothes. 
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(They slip into something more decent, and off they go).  
They take an uber to the place; it is definitely not what they were expecting. Not your typical Vegas wedding chapel; on the the contrary, it’s quite sober and elegant. 
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They go inside, it’s empty… 
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They walk around to see if they can find someone, or any indication that they were there last night. Just as they are about to give up, Katherine spots something strange inside one of the confessionals.
 KATHERINE: Ladies, I think I found something… (they go check it out). Isn’t this (shows them a bracelet) Barbies?
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BONNIE: (Takes it) Yes, this is Caroline’s. So… we were here… Why would we come to a church?
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LEXI: (Teasing) Maybe we were feeling regretful, wanted to confess our sins.
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KATHERINE: What the hell… (she sees a very strange lever, definitely not fitting with the decor; she decides to pull it… the confessional door closes, and descends into the unknown…)
LEXI: Uhm… might still be really hung-over, but are we going down?
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BONNIE: We sure are… down a rabbit hole…
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ELENA: I have a real bad feeling about this…
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KATHERINE: Come on, have some sense of adventure, might be fun!
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ELENA: God, I swear I’m going to kill you.
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KATHERINE: (Sarcastic) You wouldn’t dare take a life in the house of the lord, would you? I don’t think he would approve, Sister Mary Elena.
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ELENA: Well, you’re already dead, so… (just as they’re about to go at it again, the door opens…) Holy mother Mary…
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TVD 9x16 (part 2 of part 2) coming next. Hope you stop by, read and enjoy! =)
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imaginefan · 4 years
A What!? *Part 4*
Jeremy Gilbert X Reader John Young X Reader
Word Count: 1321
Requested: Anon
Request: Part 4 of a what. I would like to know how Jedikah got to John again. If reader is able to save him etc.
*Part 3*
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When you appeared in The Lair no one had expected it especially since they had changed the location recently and they were now all staying in the old Ultra building, it seemed like everyone stopped as Russell, Cara and Stephen turned to you "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" Cara asked. "John said that you weren't coming back." 
"I didn't plan to, I found a nice place with some good people and then he showed up with Jedikiah, you know anything about that?" You asked. "Last we heard he didn't have his powers, he was with Astrid," Stephen answered. "Spoken to her recently?" You asked and he shook his head. "Well, there's a lead." You jumped as you turned to Damon who was leaning against the wall next to you. "How did you- You know what it’s not important." You dismissed him and turned back to Stephen "Where is she?" You asked. "Who's he?" Russell asked. "Don't worry about him." You waved them off. "He's dangerous," Cara said. "Sweetheart if you go through my head again, I'm going to make you regret it." Damon threatened. "See this is why I don't take you anywhere." You muttered. "Stephen, I need to talk to Astrid." You prompted and he looked at you and then at Damon before nodding. "Fine but I'm coming with you." He said and you nodded. "Fine let's go." You turned and grabbed Damon, dragging him out with you when you finally got out of the building. You weren't surprised to see that Jeremy and Elena were there too. "I told you that I would have been fine." You muttered. "How'd you even find me?" "Bonnie did a locator spell." He answered and you rolled your eyes. "Well, you don't all have to come with me so how about you two." You pointed at Jeremy and Elena "make sure that they don't come back here if they do call us."
When you got to what you assumed was Astrid's house Stephen knocked her mum was the one that opened the door "Stephen! how can I help you?" She asked. "I-" "I'm going to need you to tell me where Astrid is." Damon stepped forward, cutting off Stephen. "She's travelling with John she wanted to take a gap year before she decided about college." Her Mum answered and you looked at him. "Has she said anything about that before?" You asked. "How did you do that?" Stephen asked. "Thank you for your help now go back inside and forget that we were ever here." Damon compelled her. "Stephen focus! Has Astrid ever talked about travelling before?" You asked. "Not to me." He answered. "Do you have something that belonged to her?" You asked. "No." He answered. "Why is everything so convoluted today." You muttered as you jumped into her room picking up a ring from her bedside table. You appeared back in front of Damon and held up the ring triumphantly and then headed back to the  Ultra building where Jeremy was standing his eyes scanning over the area before they landed on you. "Anything?" You asked. "Nothing yet." He answered. "What'd you find?" "I think they took Astrid with them, they have her, maybe that's why John went with him in the first place, we've got to go back to Mystic Falls to see if Bonnie can help us with a locator spell." "Wait, you can't just expect me to wait here." Stephen frowned and you looked at him. "Yes I do, if we all start moving around together or at the same time, he's going to suspect something, I'll keep you updated and if anything happens call me." You ordered, he gritted his teeth. "Is your number still the same?" He asked. "Of course it is, I knew you'd call if you needed me so I never changed it." You answered. "Be careful okay, I promise I'm bringing them both home."
After having the locator spell done you found that they were just outside of Mystic Falls somewhere when you got to the place that had been marked on the map there was a small cabin "You guys are going to have to wait out here," You muttered. "What?" Damon asked. "You won't be able to get in and he's not going to invite you in." You reminded him and he nodded. "So I go over there and knock on the door and then compel him to let me in." He answered. "He's not going to open the door, John is and then he's going to start shooting and we can't risk them with Astrid in there." You explained. "Wait here unless I call for you." "We aren't-" "Don't worry we'll wait for you." Elena cut him off. "Thank you." You smiled as you gestured for Jeremy to follow you. You listened for her, she was calling out for help in her head. "Smart girl." "What?" Jeremy asked. "She called out for one of us, in her head." You explained as you tried the back door which was locked, you could see Jedikiah in the living room "she's on the top floor ready?" You asked, Jeremy notched an arrow before nodding, you took his hand, jumped onto the landing, it was a risky move but it was the only one that you had considering the back door was locked. You looked around and there was nothing of note, you couldn't see John and yu could here Jedikiah moving downstairs, you snuck in, you gestured for him to follow you and you both easily made it to Astrid's room, she looked at you eyes widening as you pressed your finger to your lips and moved over quickly untying the ropes. "Get her out and come back for me after," Jeremy said softly and you looked at him, you knew that you could only jump with one extra person and you nodded pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Don't you dare get caught," You warned as you jumped with Astrid, you gave her to Elena "stay with them I'll be back in a minute." Then you heard shooting. "Jeremy." You jumped before anyone could stop you, you were back where you left him and you grabbed him jumping back out, the only problem was that John had followed you, you looked at him. "Damon!" Damon appeared out of nowhere and gave him a solid punch to the face causing him to pass out. "Right double up guts time to go."
When you got back to the boarding house, you tied John up and sat Astrid down "what happened? Your Mum said you were travelling." You said. "No, he grabbed me first and when John came to get me, he said that he'd let me go if he helped him again and then he gave him a drug that gave him his powers back." She answered. "Wait he lost them?" You asked. "Yeah, it happened after you left." She answered. "Right olay what about trying to kill everyone?" You asked. "He gave him something else, but he was breaking through it before, so he kept me to make sure that he didn't try anything, he thought that you were the only other way that anyone was going to get through to him," Astrid explained. "If it's a drug won't it just run out of his system?" Damon asked. "I don't know, he kept talking about permanent changes," Astrid answered. "Well there's nothing that we can do until he wakes up, but we should probably call the others, let them know you're okay and that we might need some help here." You muttered and Astrid nodded. "Come on we'll call them and then you can get some rest, you guys are okay watching him right?" Jeremy nodded so you left the room with Astrid to call the others in the hopes that you could all figure out a way to save John.
Requests and general question!
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vampirrediaries · 4 years
Enemies Of The State : Dark!Klaroline {11}
This fiction follows the events of just how Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes lost everything that tied them to their humanity, leading them into something neither of them can come back from.
{10 years ago}
It was just as she said it would be.
‘The both of you are going to start something that you can never come back from’
Sophie Deveraux’s voice came in like a phantom, the memory eerily echoing in his mind of when he swiftly took her heart. She’d warned him of something exactly like this, and now it was proven. You can’t stop what’s coming.
Klaus would give almost anything to see what exactly was coming for him.
She was the other person, he quickly realised. His Caroline, who hadn’t a horrid bone in her body, who wouldn’t trade her humanity for all the pleasures in the world. The words seemed foreign, as if it were a cruel joke.
It just wasn’t possible. These incessant people must be lying, seeing as they never cared for her in the first place. Not like he did. Or maybe he didn’t want to believe Sophie Deveraux’s grim prediction of the future. Klaus may be ruthless, but he didn’t want hell unleashed on earth.
He only wanted to find Caroline.
“Tell me where she is.”
“Don’t you get it?” Elena stepped in front, visibly exhausted. “Caroline is gone. She left the minute after she had that outburst-”
Elena froze, knowing she had said too much of that matter as the rest of the group stared daggers into her.
It was quite stupid to disclose that to a ruthless Hybrid killer who would kill anyone who hurt his love. Like expected, Klaus immediately stood alert at the ‘outburst’.
“What outburst?” He demanded, approaching the doppelgänger in long strides. “Answer me!”
“Nothing happened that wasn’t justified” Bonnie cut in, clearly scared for Elena’s safety. “She was acting like a different person ever since you left, and that night was the tipping point.”
Damon gave the witch a look as if to say, do you want us to die?. He found it absurd as to how nobody was taking caution on what to say, and judging by Klaus’ expression, he was not wrong.
“If any of you,” He responded venomously. “had anything to do with this, i will assure you meet an end so cruel, the devil will weep.”
“We didn’t do anything!” Elena protested, slowly backing away from the seething hybrid. “We only confronted her about betraying us by being involved with you, and then she had an outburst and ran away.”
“I find that hard to believe,” Klaus spat out venomously. “Seeing as though a vampire only flips the switch when all becomes simply unbearable.”
“But it’s true,” Bonnie intervened “She was changing in a way that i’ve never seen, as if something was almost...corrupting her from the inside.”
“Oh, please” Damon rolled his eyes at Bonnie. “Caroline was only upset she got caught in her little secret. I’m surprised she lasted this long, being the neurotic little vampire she is.”
Rebekah repressed a smile, knowing all too well what was going to happen now. She didn’t care for Caroline much, but how her so-called friends treated her, made her happy with them being in the unforgiving wrath of her brother. They’d deserved this.
Klaus felt himself go completely and utterly full with hot rage.
It was because of them. Caroline’s little group of friends, whom she would die for, that she’d turned her humanity off. That she went through the pain of him leaving her, only to be bombarded with accusations of fake-loyalty and betrayal. Only because she had feelings for him.
Klaus was angry at himself as well, knowing that things would be different had he kept his vow to her. I intend to be your last.
The least he could do now, is get rid of the toxicity from her life.
It happened in a way that they didn’t see coming, in pure Klaus fashion.
He immediately went towards Elena Gilbert, the girl whom everyone loved so dearly, and grabbed ahold of her neck in a deathly grip in a flash. Pulling her hair aside with one fist, he plunged deathly daggers into her carotid artery. The sounds of pure agony and anguish made it all the more worthwhile, making the group go into hysterics as well.
Damon flashed towards them in efforts to save her life, but Klaus merely pushed him away with a free hand. Nobody else dared to go against him, not even Stefan.
Elena helplessly thrashed against the Hybrid, screaming, but he didn’t feel pity. Klaus wanted them to hurt like Caroline hurted. Killing sweet little Elena Gilbert in the most brutal way possible, ensured him of that satisfaction.
He ravenously fed on the doppelgänger until the sweet melody of her heart slowing down filled his ears. It wasn’t long now, till she would be dead. Klaus continued until her heart was merely pumping the very small quantities of blood left in her system, when he was pushed aside by a force much stronger than an oridinary vampire.
“All right, Nik” Kol Mikaelson stood next to the almost-corpse of Elena. “You’ve had your fun.”
“Will you ever mind your bloody business, Kol?” He growled, wiping the blood with the sleeve of his jacket. She lay unconscious on the grass, neck bloody. Damon immediately flashed towards her, a wrist extended. The rest quickly followed suit.
“Not in this situation, brother. Let’s focus on what we came here to do.”
Rebekah wasn’t surprised at all, eyeing her younger brother with a pointed glare. Her relationship with Kol wasn’t as hell bent, almost feeling happy to see him well.
“I’m sure you heard Elijah has already made his way to Mystic Falls,” Klaus spoke lowly. “He disappeared before we arrived.”
“I heard everything from the car,” Kol responded dryly. “We need to find Caroline before he kills her. I wish she hadn’t run off.”
“Why on earth does Elijah want to kill Caroline?” Rebekah intervened impatiently. “The amount of times i’ve bloody asked-”
“Katherine Pierce has died after Nik managed to not follow through on a demand to save her life, and now our brother wants revenge,” Kol hurriedly tried to explain.
“I followed through on that,” Klaus countered angrily. “That witch didn’t-”
Rebekah groaned, cutting him off. “Even in death, that wench manages to make our lives a living hell.”
“Let’s get back on track,” Kol makes his way towards Caroline’s door. “We need something important to her in order to do a tracking spell. Threaten the witch if you have to.”
“I have something of Caroline’s”
Stefan approached the trio in short steps, speaking lowly. He was visibly distressed. “Bonnie is willing to do a spell.”
“You might be of use to me after all, Stefan” Klaus analysed. “It’s a shame your friends aren’t as cooperative.”
“I want to find Caroline just as much as you do,” He replied dryly. “Especially since your brother has a murder plot against her.”
Klaus eyed the group behind Stefan in disgust. They surrounded Elena in worry, who was now fully healed due to Damon’s blood. This didn’t prevent her, however, giving him a terrified expression. Good. Let that memory stay in her mind.
“Right,” Rebekah made her way to Caroline’s door, breaking the lock in an effortless push. “Let’s bloody find Caroline Forbes.”
“You were the last person who i thought i’d see ripping into an innocent bystander.”
Caroline chuckled humourlessly, feeding on a blood bag Katherine had so thoughtfully provided. “I might as well make the most of what no-humanity has to offer. Besides, animal blood is disgusting.”
“Like a true vampire gone rouge,” Katherine murmered from the driver’s seat. “Tell me, cupcake, what brought this on? I’d love to hear that story.”
“What do you mean?”
“The whole switch thing. What could’ve possibly happened that even you couldn’t handle?”
Caroline inwardly groaned, knowing that she had to talk about the worst thing she’d ever experienced. Not that she felt anything, but it was...uncomfortable.
She guessed that there were some things that even the switch can’t fully shut off.
“I did something,” Caroline huffed as she tried putting on a cool exterior. “but after they found out about this little thing, they accused me of being un-loyal and betraying them. I lashed out and flashed away.”
“What did you do?”
“It doesn’t matter, but what does matter is that I’m here. Emotionless and free to do whatever i want.”
Katherine knew perfectly well what Caroline’s little indiscretion was. She also knew that the vampire was changing, becoming darker and hostile quite like she’d told Klaus in New Orleans. She just wanted to hear the other side of the story.
“Sounds like something Elena would do,” The Petrova huffed. “Tell me, how is my beloved little doppelgänger doing? Is she still as whiny as i remember?”
“Horribly infuriating now that i think about it,” Caroline retorted. “Still playing damsel in distress as always.”
Katherine murmured an insult under her breath. She grinned. Her and Elena’s relationship was always amusing.
“How on earth did you get that freedom anyways?” Caroline questioned curiously. “After 500 years of running, and he gave it to you?”
“Hmm,” Katherine smiled wickedly. “Let’s just say i manipulated a certain Original, and made sure i was fully free from that damn family once and for all.”
The doppelgänger gave her a mischievous side-eyed look. She decided it was best that she didn’t know what exactly Kat had done to earn her freedom. Klaus wasn’t exactly forgiving.
“So,” Caroline tried changing the subject altogether. “Mind telling me where we’re going? Or is that a secret too.”
“We’re going somewhere to unleash our rage and terror. I think we both have way too much of that in ourselves, don’t you?”
She smirked, absolutely loving that idea. “You aren’t telling me the place, are you?”
Katherine only sucked on a blood bag with a free hand, while the other was occupied at the wheel. She said nothing, but had that glint in her eye which told Caroline that wherever they were headed to, would definitely be worth their while.
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shelby-love · 5 years
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One-shots (1k words or more)
Drabbles  (below 1k words)
Headcanons (bullet point fics)
Blurbs (below 500 words)
Imagines (gif + a little blurb, around 500 words)
1.0 RULES:
Request via ask.
Always include what type of request you want me to write.
Specify because specification is very important as it helps me make your request as pleasing as possible, but try not to be too specific as I like the element of surprise.
If you want me to write something from my prompt list (click here): include the name of said character, category of the prompt and the prompt’s respective number (e.g. Jay Halstead, fluff 7). 
1.1 Note: If you don't include what type of request it is that you want me to cook up, I will choose the type myself so don't come at me if you wanted a 2K worded piece of work and instead got an imagine with 200 words!
1.2 Note: Mixing the prompt with a plot line of your own is allowed, just make sure to follow the rules (1-3). 
Unless asked for, I will be writing with the Female!reader in mind (I like to exclude any gender relation and make it so that both genders could read and enjoy).
I respond to asks when the request has been qued to post and released on Ao3.
The maximum number of request you can send is 2. I know there is an option to send them in anonymously, but I really hope you will stick to this rule. Give others a chance to submit their wishes, and don’t make the line too big with by mass requesting (I close requests after I get around 30 requests).
Requests sent during seasons I have not watched or for characters that have yet to make an appearance in the show will not be written (exceptions exist).
I write one-shots but not a whole series unless I can see/want a continuation.
Themed requests (Christmas, Valentine's Day, New Year etc.) can be only sent during that time. I don’t accept Christmas requests during the month of May. The same goes for the rest.
I have every right to delete every request that does not fit within the rules stated above, or I feel uncomfortable writing. Also, it’s important to note that I don’t have inspiration to write every request that’s sent. It’s normal to not have inspiration, and because I prefer quality to quantity, if I see that I don’t have inspiration for a request then I will not write it.
Requests will be deleted if sent while my request box is closed. I won’t answer them as I feel like there is no need. On almost every informative post (+my bio, and if you’re on PC my theme under ‘blog status’) it will say whether the request box is closed or not.
English is not my first language but without digging myself my own grave this early on I want to say that I'm proud of how much I know, given that I never speak English unless in school.
Be nice because only constructive criticism is allowed. If you spot a grammatical error or a paragraph/sentence/word etc. that doesn't make sense, let me know. But be nice!
LGBTQ+  topics/relationships (because I feel like I wouldn’t do a good job) 
Real people, send only requests for characters in my writing list
Ships or OC, send only reader inserts
NSFW (mature content stories)
Romanticized mental illnesses
S*icide scenes
R*pe scenes
2.1 Note: P*dophilia, r*pe, s*icide might be mentioned in my Chicago P.D, Fire, Med shots (or other), but I will never explicitly write about those subjects or write about anything that is about/centered around them.
2.2 Note: Explicitly written smut is a no, I will not write that. Try to refrain from requesting steamy scenes too, as I will only put them in myself were I to deem it necessary for the WIP.
Fluff/ WAFF
Fusion/ Crossover
Here is me trying to explain what kind of requests I also take [x]
2.6 Note: It’s hard to list but to make it easier for you guys, I will write about almost anything as long as it’s not on my 2.0 bullet.
Posts are usually posted between 01:00 A.M. and 05:00 A.M. CET (Central European Time).
Check schedule to see what's been qued to post.
3.1 Note: This account is NOT my work place. Everything here is written when I have time and I feel like writing. Requests that I find more interesting will most likely be written and qued to post sooner. I advise you to follow my blog, check regularly and sit tight until you see that it's qued. You can always check my navigation page and click on 'schedule'. Or simply click here.
3.2 Note: I am not a doctor nor a firefighter nor a policeman. I research whatever I can before I start writing and sometimes that takes hours. Nothing is 100% accurate (especially for events set in Chicago Med) although I hope it is.
3.6 Note: Requests are currently OPEN for all fandoms!!!
3.7 Note: Your requests do not have to be strictly romantic (Sibling!Reader or other are also (obviously) allowed).
---More shows and characters will be added through time
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✏ TV SHOWS (alphabetical order)
9-1-1 (✓)
Evan Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Bobby Nash
Howard "Chimney" Han
Simon Basset
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Prince Friedrich
Kelly Severide
Matt Casey
Peter Mills
Jimmy Borelli
Christopher Herrmann
Brian “Otis” Zvonecek
Joe Cruz
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
Jay Halstead
Hank Voight
Alvin Olinsky
Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead
Ethan Choi
Noah Sexton
Crockett Marcel
James Lanik
Blake Carrington
Jeff Colby
Liam Ridley
Michael Culhane
Guzmán Nunier Osuna
Samuel García Domínguez
Christian Varela Expósito
Leopoldo Benavent Villada (Polo)
Thomas Shelby
Arthur Shelby
John Shelby
Finn Shelby
Ada Shelby
Polly Gray
Alfie Solomons
Michael Gray (I currently cannot stand this dude)
Scott Mcall
Stiles Stilinski
Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar
Derek Hale
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Finn Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Rebekah Mikaelson
Number Five
Diego Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore (hate him)
Alaric Saltzman
Lorenzo St. John
Tyler Lockwood
Matt Donovan
Jeremy Gilbert
Katherine Pierce
Elena Gilbert (hate her even more)
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Benny Watts
Harry Beltik
Geralt of Rivia
See under ‘Marvel Universe’.
Oliver Wood
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Cedric Diggory
The Marauders era
James Potter
Sirius Black
Peter Pettigrew
Remus Lupin
Severus Snape
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Bruce Banner / Hulk
Steve Rogers / Captain America
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton / Hawkeye
Nick Fury
James Rhodes / War Machine / Iron Patriot
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier / White Wolf
Sam Wilson / Falcon
Scott Lang / Ant-Man
T'Challa / Black Panther
Peter Parker / Spider-Man
Stephen Strange
Peter Quill / Star-Lord
Pietro Maximoff
Edward Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Jacob Black
Seth Clearwater
Embry Call
Lee Christmas
Barney Ross
Billy The Kid
Hale Caesar
Yin Yang
Toll Road
Gunnar Jensen
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fiction-klaroline · 5 years
Bennett- Mikaelson Ch 2
In the end it didn't take two days, just two hours for Bonnie to come to a decision. As much as she loath to admit, Bonnie knew Kol was right. Elena would only call her a traitor and Damon would want to kill her.
Bonnie still remembered how Elena was when she confronted Caroline about her feelings for Klaus. She refused to put herself in such a situation.
So Bonnie went home, packed her things and drove out in her car. Once she was sure she put enough distance between her and Mystic Falls, she called her Dad and Caroline. She assured them that she was alright and that she was going on a road trip to have some time to herself.
They were both reluctant and in the end accepted her decision. Call her coward, but she was not ready to have that conversation with either of them.
Niklaus Mikaelson knew better than to trust a Witch. Especially a New Orleans witch. So the moment he got the wind of some conspiracy going on among the witches faction of New Orleans against his family, he prepared himself.
But, alas, he was not prepared for what he was hearing. Because a Witch just sprouted some non sense about him fathering a child. And that they have the pregnant woman in their custody.
He wanted nothing more than to laugh at their faces, but he decided to humour them. For now.
So he followed them as they led him to the Layfette Cemetery. What waiting for him was not something he expected. Sitting on the concrete was Bonnie Bennett, with her knees pulled to her chest. Her palms were clutching to her temples. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was raged.
Niklaus could care less about the Mystic Falls resident Witch, but he was sure that Caroline would be upset if Bonnie was in danger. So he decided to dread carefully.
"So tell me Witch, how sure are you that the girl is pregnant with my child?" Niklaus asked carefully.
"We sensed Original blood in her system. The only one who can father a child among your siblings is you, as you are part wolf. Call it one of Nature's loopholes." the Witch by the name of Sophie Devereux said.
There is only one problem, Niklaus thought, I never slept with the girl.
But he decided against thing them that. He would not tell them anything until he talked with the Bennett Witch. "I want to talk to her."
"No" the Devereux Witch said, "she is under our custody until you agree to help us."
Niklaus laughed,"Its funny how you think that you can order me around. You either let me talk to her, or you and your sister witches die a painful death."
The witches took an unconscious step back.
Good, Niklaus thought. They should be afraid of him. Just then Niklaus heard a tired "Klaus" behind.
Niklaus moved in his Hybrid speed toward the Bennett Witch, who was glaring at the witches behind him.
"We can talk. I put a privacy spell around us. Those witches won't hear a thing," Bonnie said.
"Well, Witch. The Devereux Witch tells me that you conceived a child with Original blood and is convinced that the child is mine. But I don't remember ever sleeping with you." Niklaus said. "Care to explain"
Bonnie sighed and decided to start from the graduation incident. She told him about her decision to bring back Jeremy and then how Kol stopped her from her suicide mission. She told him everything that Kol told her except for his promise to return from the other side.
"How do I know that you speak the truth?" Niklaus asked her calmly.
Bonnie sighed. "Kol told me that you will react this way. Here," she said as she pulled out the chain from inside her t-shirt."Kol told me to show you this. He said that you, Kol, Elijah and Rebekah had it charmed with protection spells. So that when you needed each other the pendant would lead you. Yours is jade, Elijah's sapphire and Rebekah's amethyst."
Niklaus looked at the pendant for a long time. His mind going over what he learnt now. She speaks the truth, he thought. No one except for them four knew about the pendants. Then his mind drifted to the very important issue. The Witch was pregnant with his little brother's child.
"I believe you. You will stay with my family. No one except for you and me should know about the child's true parentage." Niklaus said.
Bonnie started to protest.
"Listen. My brother is... was a vampire. It is impossible for him to procreate. But it happened. It's nothing short of a miracle. If others find out, then either you will be a target as you carry a child who's ability is unknown or you will be an experimental subject. They have a theory to think that the child is mine. So we shall use that. I know you can take care of yourself. But..." Niklaus paused. His jaw clenched, "I couldn't save my little brother. You hold a part of my little brother in your womb. I will at least keep it safe. With my life. I give you my word."
Bonnie's eyes filled with tears. "Him. The child is a boy."
Niklaus smiled and nodded. Then he frowned. "The Devereux Witch tells me that you are linked to her. Should anything befall her..."
Bonnie rolled her eyes. "I am a Bennett Witch, Klaus. The moment she cast the spell I undid it."
Niklaus smirked. "Well. What they don't know, can't hurt them"
And just like that, much to the annoyance of the New Orleans witches, Niklaus Mikaelson escorted Bonnie Bennett out of the cemetry.
He made sure that Bonnie was situated in her room comfortably. He then called one of the maids to always be with Bonnie should she need anything.
Just then a thought crossed his mind. "Does Caroline know about..."
Bonnie rolled her eyes. "No. I didn't tell her. She has enough on her plates."
Niklaus nodded.
Then he went on search for his older brother.
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andorerso · 5 years
tag games
so i’m just gonna catch up on all the tag games I’ve been tagged in that I haven’t done yet (and there’s a few, some from months ago whoops) and just dump it into one big post because why not
thanks to everyone who tagged me <3
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better
tagged by @incognitajones and @cats-and-metersticks 
Nickname: Sissi
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Last Movie I saw: Venom
Favorite Musicians: I don’t really have favorites, only ones I really love, like Lana Del Rey, Marina & the Diamonds, Adele, Britney Spears, etc
Song stuck in my head: actually nothing right now
Other blogs: not ones I’m active on anymore
Do I get asks: not that often
Amount of sleep: around 8 hours I get
Lucky number: I don’t really have one
What I’m wearing: black sweats, a black shirt, and a black sweater
Dream Job: author
Dream Trip: France, Italy, England
Favorite food: FRIED CHEESE
Play any instruments: I used to play the flute in elementary school
Favorite song: I don’t know if I have one, it always changes, but right now I’m really into Supercut by Lorde and Shallow by Lady Gaga
Random fact: I love zombie movies even though I’m terrified of zombies
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Purple candles, red lipstick, dark chocolate, a cup of coffee, book shelves, old castles, rainy weather
Name your top 10 favourite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people!  
tagged by @lovethyblakes
in no particular order:
Cassian Andor - Rogue One
Wynonna Earp - Wynonna Earp
Yennefer of Vengerberg - The Witcher
Hürrem Sultan - Magnificent Century
Alice Cooper - Riverdale
Richard Gansey - The Raven Cycle
Rose Calloway - Addicted Series
Anne Boleyn - The Tudors
Katherine Pierce - The Vampire Diaries
Ron Weasley - Harry Potter
Fanfic questionnaire 
tagged by @thestarbirdfromtheashes
1. What was the first fandom you ever wrote fic for? Tragically enough, it was Twilight yikes
2. What was your very first ship? It was either Ron & Hermione or Piper & Leo from Charmed. I’m not sure because it was around the same time
3. What fandoms have you written for, and what were your ships in the fics? Twilight - Alice & Jasper (listen, at least I hated Edward & Bella a LOT) Supernatural - Dean & Ruby 1.0 (because the second Ruby sucked) The Vampire Diaries - Stefan & Katherine (and one Damon & Elena fic which I deny now), American Horror Story - Tate & Violet (this is one I regret now because yikes, they were problematic AF and I was a stupid teen) Reign - Mary & Francis and Kenna & Bash, Pretty Little Liars - Spencer & Toby, The Raven Cycle - Blue & Gansey (and one Ronan & Adam fic), Dishonored - Corvo & Jessamine, Magnificent Century - Nurbanu & Selim, Magnificent Century: Kösem - Kösem & Halime, The Witcher - Yennefer & Triss & Geralt, Game of Thrones - Arya & Gendry, and now Rogue One - Jyn & Cassian
I also wrote a fic for my friend’s OCs once
and wow, I wrote for a lot more fandoms than I would have thought
4. What ships do you tend to gravitate to? I definitely have a few tropes I’m weak for, like: partners in crime, power couple, forbidden love, tragic love, enemies to friends to lovers, couples who make a great team, couples who are opposites but also similar, couples who challenge each other, exes who still love each other
5. Current OTP(s)? Rebelcaptain is the biggest and most important <3 Other than them, Dean & Cas, FP & Alice, and Wynonna & Doc
6. Former OTP(s)? Blue & Gansey - The Raven Cycle, Mara & Noah - Mara Dyer, Spencer & Toby - Pretty Little Liars, Daisy & Ryke - Addicted Series, Violet & Tate - American Horror Story, Katherine & Stefan - The Vampire Diaries, Alice & Jasper - Twilight, Ron & Hermione - Harry Potter
7. What are the ships you will always love? Rebelcaptain, Triss & Yen & Geralt, Dean & Cas, Blue & Gansey, Roy & Riza, Bonnie & Damon 
8. What do you think have been some of your best fic ideas? I really like that one fic I wrote where Jyn and Cassian agree to get married if they survive the war, it would be cool to actually write a follow-up to that one day lmao. I’m sure there were others but I can’t remember right now, especially because my ideas tend to be not very huge or groundbreaking. I usually just want to focus on character and relationship exploration in fics, with no fancy plot.
9. What kind of fic do you most love to write? I love to write heavy angst with a sweet happy ending lmao. I also tend to gravitate towards “taboo” or “dark and fucked up” topics. Even though that’s something I haven’t yet explored with Rebelcaptain
10. What do you dread writing? Definitely action and descriptions lmao. I’m so bad at those. Also fluff, sometimes. That depends.
11. What is a fic you would love to write one day? Ugh so many. For example, I’d love to write a follow up to the marriage pact, and I have a soulmate au in mind but with a twist.
12. What’s a fic you wish someone else would write? I actually don’t know lmao
Get to know me better
tagged by @thestarbirdfromtheashes​
Relationship status: single
Favorite colors: purple, red, black
Three favorite foods: FRIED CHEESE, tiramisu, carbanara
Song stuck in my head: nothing right now lmao
Last song I listened to: Halsey - Devil In Me
Last movie I watched: Venom
Time: 17:33
Top three shows: Wynonna Earp, Magnificent Century, The Good Place
Books that I’m currently reading: none right now, rip
Last thing I googled: bobcats
How many blankets do you sleep with: one
Dream trip: France, England, Italy
Anything you really want: to publish a book
rules: 15 questions, 15 mutuals ~
tagged by @incognitajones
are you named after anyone? nope
when was the last time you cried? I think last night at a fic lmao
do you have kids? no, and I don’t want any
do you use sarcasm a lot? too much
what’s the first thing you notice about people? I have no idea, their hair I guess
what’s your eye color? dark brown
scary movies or happy endings? can’t I have both? (though I don’t particularly like happy endings for scary movies lmao)
any special talents? idk what counts as that
where were you born? Serbia
what are your hobbies? writing, reading, video games
have you any pets? a cat <3
what sports do you / have you played? I hateeeee sports, I used to dance but I was terrible, and I used to go to the gym but we moved and now it’s far away. I do pilates though which is just enough for me
how tall are you? 169 cm
favorite subject in school? history and english (as a foreign language)
what’s your dream job? author
3 notes · View notes
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2.03, Bad Moon Rising
Welp I accidentally took a month-long hiatus but I’m back!  This semester has been kicking my ass, so I’ll do the best I can with getting one of these up each week, but go easy on me.
Damon, Stefan, and Elena convince Rick to help them go through Isobel’s research at Duke University – which is all still there, because apparently her only being missing and not dead means she gets to keep her office??  Tenure is one hell of a drug.  The plan is to find anything on the Lockwood family, because for some reason Damon feels threatened by their very existence, and also Katherine.  
“So are you sure you wanna do this?” Stefan asks. “Which part?” Elena retorts, pouting while she packs her road trip stuff. “Digging through my birth mother’s life work or –” she pauses, says with perfect derisive scorn, “going to Duke with Damon?”  Stefan snorts a little, answers, “Either? Both?”  “Well, I’m sure about the first part,” Elena answers, “but then again Rick is a good buffer, so we can bond in our anti-Damon solidarity.  I wish you were coming, though.”  “You know what?” says Stefan, “Why don’t we hold off a couple days?  Wait until Caroline’s less of a danger and then I can go with you.”  “It’s okay that I’m going right?” Elena asks. “And be honest because if it’s not then I can just stay here and we can take care of Caroline!”  She’s warming to the idea as she suggests it, but Stefan says, “No, listen, I want you to go, okay, I do.  You have questions about your lineage, about Katherine, and look, I’m not gonna let the fact that Damon is going keep you from an opportunity to get some answers.” Elena nods, looks at him, says: “You hate it though.”
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“I hate it,” Stefan confirms.
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“But I love you,” he says.  “I love you, too,” Elena answers.  They kiss.  And with that, this very ambiguous conversation is over; does Stefan hate it because he doesn’t trust Damon (as established in 1.22)? or because Damon killed Jeremy and he’s siding with Elena in her unforgiveness?  Why must they go to Duke now?  Why is Damon going?  Is Alaric really in anti-Damon solidarity with them, because last I checked they were on fine terms, and we never got a Jeremy-murder reaction from him so why assume otherwise?  Where IS Jeremy?  Is Damon giving him whittling lessons yet?  So many questions left unanswered.  Ah well.
Downstairs, Alaric and Jenna are being Super Mature about the fact that they’re interacting: Rick makes an excuse about how busy he’s been, Jenna tells him she’s grateful he’s giving Elena this connection to her birth mother.  I’m proud of them both, but I’m especially proud of Jenna; Rick offers her an apology for their relationship being start and stop and says “Maybe once I”, and Jenna cuts him off with an “Uhhh, no. Don’t do that,” she says, not unkindly.  “Not the half apology, maybe, hope-for-the-future thing.”  He smiles wryly.  “Do what you need to do, okay?” Jenna says.  YOU GO, JENNA!!  YOU ARE KIND AND PATIENT BUT YOU WILL NOT BE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF!!  Elena asks her if she’s okay as she heads out the door; “Yeah,” Jenna answers, “just, men and their baggage!”
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Now, this next scene is absolute gold.  Damon leans against the car, says while pouting mightily, “Sorry you can’t come too, Stef.”  Stefan ignores him, but Elena throws her bag into the car extra violently and glares.  
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Stefan tries to sidetrack her: “Call me if you need anything.”  “Oh,” Damon says, inserting himself again, “I’ll take really good care of her.”
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And Elena!!  While maintaining eye contact with him!!!  Grabs Stefan around the neck and makes out with him.  Is this fucking Twilight??  I don’t know but it’s ridiculous and spiteful and I love it.  
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And then: they both turn around and look at Damon again?  Stefan kind of…smacks his lips???
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“Okay, time to go,” Damon says.  Having adequately antagonized the person who literally killed Jeremy because Elena chose Stefan over him, they pile into the car and boogie on out.
Stefan sits down with Bonnie to convince her to make Caroline a daylight ring; it’s important, he says, to keep Caroline in contact with the people that connect her to her humanity, and that requires being able to go out in the sun.  Bonnie’s not so sure she can trust new vampire-Car; Stefan says, “Then trust me.”
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In the car, Damon reaches back and appears to jiggle Elena’s knee??  “How you doin’ back there?” he asks. “You know, this whole pretending to hate me thing is getting a little silly.”  Alaric, stuck in the middle of a classic Damon/Elena mess-around yet again, scoffs. “I don’t think she’s pretending.  You did kill her brother.”  “There is a HUGE asterisk next to that statement,” Damon protests, “he came back to life.”  “Yeah,” says Elena flatly, “thanks to a ring you didn’t know he was wearing.”  “Why are you so sure I didn’t know?” Damon says. “Did you?” Elena says.  “Yes,” he says.  Her eyes narrow; “You’re lying,” she says, unsurprised.  “Elena!” Damon says, “I saw the ring!  It’s a big, tacky thing, it’s hard to miss.”
Bonnie makes Caroline a daylight ring.  “So I don’t get to choose the ring I wear the rest of my life?” Caroline complains.  No, Car, of course you don’t!!  Haven’t you ever heard of engagement rings?  But for serious, I think this line is on purpose.  This is the beginning of a love story between Caroline and vampirism. Also, this is her “skeptical about spell-casting face”:
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Over at Duke, Alaric’s hair is doing something awful.
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Vanessa, a research assistant, gets them the keys to Isobel’s office, and then attempts to shoot Elena with a crossbow.  Three guesses how that turns out.
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Yep, Damon vamps over and takes the arrow for her. Last episode he spared Caroline for her and she stopped Bonnie from killing him; now he’s risked his life to save hers.  And what do you know?  While Alaric is subduing the unfortunate academic,
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Elena’s fallen to her knees at Damon’s side to check on him.  This episode has a bunch of purposeful callbacks to Bloodlines – they’re on a road trip, looking for info on Elena’s ancestors, Damon steps in to save her from danger and then she acts worried for his well-being.  But this is where the similarity ends.  When we return from the commercial, Damon is nagging at Elena to pull the arrow out of his back and she’s making faces like she wants to pull it out and then immediately re-stake him with it.  She pulls it out, and then while he’s yelling in pain reaches over his shoulder to drop it, presumably just to be annoying.
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Damon blows out a breath, raises his eyebrows (you thought I forgot the eyebrows didn’t you), and announces, “that bitch is deaaaaad.”  Elena’s eyes widen – how dare he talk about killing people when he’s trying to make amends for killing her brother – and she says, “Uh, you’re not gonna kill her.”  He adopts a weird sultry voice: “Watch me.”
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“You touch her and I swear I will never speak to you again,” Elena says.
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“What makes you think that has any power over me?” Damon challenges.  Elena blinks.
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“Because I took an arrow in the back for you?” Damon says, mockingly. He slings an arm over her shoulder, which she immediately pushes off with disgust; “You are severely overestimating yourself,” he says, gleeful.  “Right,” says Elena, “I forgot I was speaking to a psychotic mind who snaps and kills people impulsively.  Fine. Go ahead.  Do whatever you want.”
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“You’re trying to manipulate me!” Damon says indignantly.  “If by manipulate you mean tell the truth, okay,” Elena says, “guilty.” Damon, for whom manipulation is all tied up with love, kind of stares at her lips.
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“Okay!” says Elena, and makes her exit.  
Archery-happy research-assistant tells Rick she freaked because she thought Elena was Katherine Pierce, and then everyone digs through Isobel’s giant office holy crap how has Duke not given this office to someone else??  Damon makes a crack about Vanessa wanting to see him naked, and Elena tells her that he can be a first-rate jackass.  Damon smiles; this is familiar, this is the way she talked to Jenna about him before everything happened.  A bit later, he comes up behind Elena and tells her it’s too bad they’re not friends anymore, because he knows something she doesn’t know that would help her find more about Katherine.  “Now who’s manipulating who?” she retorts.  Vanessa explains the Aztec legend of the Curse of the Sun and Moon, which will become more or less significant later, and that werewolves in this mythology are hardwired to hunt vampires, who can be killed by a single bite.
Stefan takes Caroline wabbit hunting.  He explains to her that vampirism amplifies natural behaviors and traits.  “So you’re saying that now I’m basically an insecure, neurotic control-freak…on crack?” she asks.
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“Well, I wasn’t gonna say it like that,” Stefan says lightly, and then offers to go with her to Tyler’s swimming hole party to meet up with Matt.  Seriously, they both shine in this episode.  Stefan’s “that-guy” awkwardness is perfectly foiled by Caroline’s sincerity.
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They literally….cribbed this shot……..from a Twilight movie
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“Why are you looking at him with your serious vampire look?” Caroline asks.
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“My what – my serious vampire look?” Stefan repeats, aghast.  “Mmhmm,” says Caroline, “I mean, it’s different than your worried vampire look.”
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“Neither of which stray too far from your ‘hey! It’s Tuesday’ look.”
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“Oh, okay, I get it,” Stefan says, “you think I’m too serious.”  “Well,” says Caroline, “I wasn’t gonna say it like thaaaat.”
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Did you notice how many emotions Stefan expressed in that conversation?  I’m so proud of him.  Real Eleanor from The Good Place flirts with Matt until Caroline compels her away; Matt gets angry at Caroline’s jealousy-drama and wanders off, and Stefan gets angry that Caroline used her compulsion for shallow reason.  “So now I have magnified jealousy issues?” she says. “I might as well have stayed dead, my whole personality is killing me.”  Stefan finds this freaking delightful:
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“Shut up,” she tells him.
They hang out at the party together until it gets dark and everyone starts to pack up (on Mason’s orders), and Stefan tells Caroline to go talk to Matt. Caroline promises Matt no more drama, and they scamper off into the woods to kiss.  This coincides with Stefan getting a call from Elena to fill him in on all the new werewolf lore – he looks around for Caroline as soon as he hears a werewolf bite can kill a vampire, but she’s nowhere to be found. Mason Lockwood is in the middle of transforming into a werewolf.  Welcome, A plot.
Vanessa informs Elena that a doppelganger is a living, breathing double of oneself, who usually torments the person they look like, tries to undo their life.  “More things we already know,” Elena says flatly. “I just wanna know why we look alike.” “Headscratcher, isn’t it?” says Damon, from over by the bookcase.  “Do you know something or are you just being yourself?” Elena asks with more sass than you would think would fit in her tiny body.  “Well, if I knew anything, I’m not gonna tell you,” Damon says, “not with that attitude.”  Alaric looks like he needs a drink, but also a little bit like he’s trying not to laugh?
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“That’s good, Damon,” Elena says, dropping the attitude down a notch, “and that’s coming from someone who wants to be my friend. Friends don’t manipulate friends, they help each other.”
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This does not compute.
Back in the woods, Tyler gets the brush-off from Real Eleanor, Mason-wolf jumps out of his car at Stefan, Caroline bites Matt, and everyone runs around a lot.  Thank goodness it’s not more complicated than that, because this recap is getting really long. 
Elena refuses to admit that Alaric’s car is locked and stands fighting with the door handle like a petulant child; it’s been a long day.  Damon arrives as the shining knight and unlocks it, and then opens her door for good measure.  Then, good deed done, he gets all up in her personal space.
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“You’re not going to be able to hate me forever,” he says.  She rolls her eyes, says, “Can we just go?”  He sighs and hands over a text labeled “Petrova”, for Katherine’s real name: Katerina Petrova.  “Let me know what you find, I’m very curious myself,” he tells her; he’s trusting her with the truth, trusting that she’ll share it.  She goes to move past him, he says, “You have every right to hate me. I understand.  But you hated me before and we became friends.”
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“It would suck,” he admits, “if that was gone forever.”
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“So,” he says, with forced lightness, “is it?” She meets his eyes, but her face is more closed than it’s ever been.  “Have I lost you forever?” Damon asks, like it’s a joke, like it doesn’t matter or like it’s impossible.
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“Thank you for the book, Damon,” she says.  He gives the smallest of nods, and motions her into the car.
Caroline compels away Matt’s memories of her biting him, and then she and Stefan have a heart-to-heart about their human significant others.  “If I followed my own advice I would have walked out on Elena a long time ago,” Stefan says.  “You think you should’ve?” Caroline asks.  “I know I should have,” Stefan says, “I just can’t.”
Tyler confirms with his (very naked) uncle that he was in fact the wolf that almost killed all of them.  Another secret, out.  I’m resisting making a very stupid joke here, but I’ll probably succumb and post it separately later. 
Caroline walks into the Grille and purposely starts shit with Real Eleanor so that Matt walks out on her.  “So what, are you like, breaking up with me?” she calls after him. “Yeah,” he says, wearily, “yeah I guess that’s what I’m doing.”  He waits, expecting her to fight him, but she only stares back and lifts her chin defiantly. Caroline is strong enough to walk away, and kind enough to let Matt think that he knows why.  As, @itspileofgoodthings pointed out in these tags, she did what Stefan couldn’t do.
Having warned Vanessa against getting caught up in all the supernatural nonsense, Alaric realizes he doesn’t want to get totally caught up in it either, and is able to make good on his half apology maybe hope for the future.
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Damon trails Elena up to her porch, exclaiming, “Road trips work well for us!”  “This doesn’t mean things are back to the way they used to be, Damon,” says Elena.  “Oh, come on,” Damon says, “you know I chipped a little bit off of your wall of hatred.”  Elena turns to look at him, says seriously, “I need to know the truth.”
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“When you broke Jeremy’s neck, did you know he was wearing the ring?” she asks.
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“No,” he says, his voice so strained.  “No, I didn’t.”
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“Katherine really pissed me off, and I snapped, and I –” He stops, looks at her intently.  “I got lucky with the ring,” he admits. “And I don’t know what I would’ve done if he wasn’t wearing it.”
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She nods, slightly.  “Elena,” he says, “I’m sorry.” She nods again, says, “Thank you for being honest with me.  And the answer to your question, about our friendship?”
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“Is yes…you have lost me forever.”
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She turns to go into the house.  “But you knew that already, didn’t you?” Damon says, bitter.  She pauses, he accuses, “You used me today.”  She looks at him, unrepentant. 
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“You had information about Katherine that I needed to know.”  “I thought friends don’t manipulate friends,” he replies.  She looks back at him, her response left unspoken: they’re not friends, and so it doesn’t matter.  He swallows, tells her, “You and Katherine have a lot more in common than just your looks.”
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Both women stood on this porch with him and pretended to be something they weren’t so that he would pour his heart out to them, and then turned around and rejected him.  Living, breathing mirror of oneself indeed. 
Katherine wakes Caroline, tells her not to be frightened. “We’re gonna have so much fun together.”
Music Moments: A Fine Frenzy’s “Ashes and Wine” plays over the final scenes, and wow that song doesn’t fuck around: “don't know what to do anymore / I've lost the only love worth fighting for”, “is there a chance / a fragment of light at the end of the tunnel / a reason to fight? / is there a chance you may change your mind / or are we ashes and wine?”
previous episode
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awesome-bamon · 6 years
yeah, Enzo didn't fight for Bonnie's life like Damon did, but it's still Enzo who wins her over Damon because Enzo has through this when he lose Lily who didn't chooses him while he was fighting for her with julian. and Damon must don't care if Bonnie hate him for saving her until even to fight Enzo who is Bonnie's finale choice.
Bonnie would have never looked Enzo’s way if Damon did not desiccate. Even though some Bonenzo Stans have selective memory and even though Plec never addresses this once she does the half assed flash back.  Enzo was the one actually responsible for the whole Rayna mess, he helped release Rayna to reign down hell on everyone.  And he was the one who prevented Bonnie and Damon from leaving the Armory.  He held Bonnie false prisoner. By pistol whipping her and then drugging her.  He drugged her on purpose as a way to weaken her magic so she couldn’t fight back against him.
He locked Damon in a room with a turning Tyler.  And Bonnie did not hesitate to chop off Enzo’s hand when Damon was in danger.  So, she would always have picked Damon over Enzo if it weren’t for Damon’s desiccating.
Enzo benefited from pistol whipping Bonnie and drugging her with a magic inducing drug.  Because one she got hurt by Tyler Damon couldn’t heal her with his blood.  And that helped lead him to his decision to desiccate in order to protect her, because Damon did not want her to die for him.
If Enzo had allowed Damon and Bonnie to leave the Armory like they wanted to do then Bonnie would have never gotten hurt by Tyler. But, Enzo pistol whips her and knocks her out when she didn’t go along with what he wanted.  And constantly belittled and insulted her while Lily was still alive. He was jealous over her relationship with Damon. Enzo would have been with Lily in a heartbeat had she accepted his advances.  If Lily told him she returned his love he would have jumped into a romantic relationship with her. 
So, Bonnie was not  Enzo’s “first choice” like some BE Stans make it seem like.  Bonnie was only Enzo’s choice after Lily rejected him over and over again and after Lily died.  Enzo wasn’t actually important enough to have a “pick between two women you care about moment”  Like Damon did with Bonnie/Elena. Because Lily was already dead.   So, he was never put in the position to have to choose between two people he cared for.
Bonenzo Stans who want to discredit Bamon because of Elena, overlook or forget that Enzo pined over Lily in the first half of season 7 and begged for her to love him/be with him.  It took the woman he wanted rejecting him multiple times + dying for him to look Bonnie’s way. So, does not equal to Enzo putting Bonnie first or choosing her first.
Lily rejected him over and over again, was one of the reasons why he just went along with Bonnie giving up on dying and why he was willing to do nothing and just watch her die.   Because he was afraid that if he “went against her wishes” and went to the extremes to save Bonnie’s life, that she would be upset with him. Then decide to leave him or break up with him because he “went against her wishes” to save her life and keep her alive.  He finally had a woman giving him the affection and attention Lily refused to and did not want to lose out on it, even if Bonnie would be pissed at him but still alive.  So, there was some selfishness in his part on just going along with Bonnie giving up and not wanting to do what it took to fight to live.
If Lily was still alive and had accepted him, then Enzo wouldn’t have looked twice Bonnie’s way.  Enzo would have kept picking Lily over the others, just like he was willing to hurt Caroline for Lily, he would have been willing to hurt Bonnie for Lily.  In the same way he was willing to pistol whip her for his benefit.
Bonenzo only a result of both people’s first choices no longer being around with Damon being desiccated and Lily being dead.  Leaving them with no choice or option but each other.  Especially on Bonnie’s part.
Everything, including telling Damon she loved Enzo was all influenced by Damon desiccating and her hurt over that.
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scorpio-karma · 6 years
TVD Episode Review: Got through 2x12
Honestly it was meh, but it didn’t make me want to pull my hair out…most of the time. There was actually a SE moment I did enjoy at the beginning and Elena wasn’t annoying until the end with Damon when she was stating out loud Damon’s feelings and doing that thing she does where she inserts herself into people’s problems without being self aware enough to know she’s being hypocritical which is why I had to take a break from season 2.
No Bonnie again but not surprising. It wouldn’t be a TVD season if Bonnie wasn’t missing from a bunch of episodes. Oh, and to add to that, the only black character in the entire episode, an extra with a speaking role, is killed because it also wouldn’t be an episode of TVD if the only black characters weren’t brutalized.
I do not like Jules which is weird since I prefer werewolves as they are the underdogs, but she was a little too flippant about murdering an entire camp and an officer. For me, in order for a character to have the moral high ground they need to better than who they’re criticizing. It’s why Elena annoys me so much and why I latch on to Bonnie and Tyler so much–they criticize but they’re coming from a position where they can. The only anomaly I guess is Matt, but my issue is that he just criticizes but never takes any action. He’s often so passive that he makes Elena look like an action star.
Watching Tyler learn the truth was nice and almost made me excited to see the havoc he and the werewolves were going wreak on the MFG for Mason until I remember it’s TVD and they’re all just going to die uneventfully as though they never existed because that’s how werewolves are treated on this show–they’re they Native Americans of the show.
I remember being a lot more interested in Caroline’s love life when I first watched the show but right now I’m just bored and wondering why I’m watching Caroline instead of Bonnie–someone actually useful to the plot.
And on that note I also remember this episode being a lot more emotional with Rose’s death but again I found the episode a little short and it also bored me. And back to Bonnie, as much as I hate how much they use Bonnie I’m also curious as to why they didn’t try to use her in this episode to help with the werewolf bite. Hell, she would have been more qualified to watch Rose than Elena which is another instance where Bonnie’s more important to the plot than the main character to the point I’m always wondering why she isn’t the main character.
I don’t remember how long ago it was but I remember reading some Damon stan’s comment on how they felt so bad for Damon at the end of this episode while he murdered that woman. I always knew they were delusional by default but I don’t know how someone can be so delusional as to feel bad for Damon as he unnecessarily murders someone. And here’s the weird thing, it was kinda hot for a second to me which isn’t surprising as a Bonkai fan, especially dark Bonkai fan, I find dark murderous men sexy, but it stopped being hot the moment he started whining about his man pain because that was also the moment it stopped being dark and turned into a temper tantrum, something he’s had many of. Nothing turns me off more than a temper tantrum, it’s why I’m rarely attracted to Damon and Klaus.
I lied when I said that was the only time Elena annoyed me, there and the end with Stefan. I honestly never thought she could annoy me in a new way but I found it–she narrates the plot which would be all fine and well if was a voice over or something (And even then I’d be a little annoyed) but it’s not. In that moment with Damon and later in that moment with Stefan she’s explain the plot to me instead of letting disern that my self. I don’t need Elena to explain to me that Damon has feelings and is feeling guilty in that moment–I want watch it. I don’t need Elena and Stefan actually to explain that he called Isobel when I watched a 2 minute discussion about it in the beginning– already know. Plec, stop explaining your plot to me! Just show it! And with that in mind the John Gilbert reveal could have been so much better but due to this explain the plot to me nonsense before it was just utterly underwhelming.
So those are my thought on the episode. For something that I felt meh about there sure are a lot of things I dislike. I’ll keep you guys posted for the next episode which I’m kinda excited about because I’m one of those rare few actually likes John Gilbert. But I know I’ll be disappointed TVD does not do family relations well and that’s actually the only capacity I find Elena interesting in, but I so rarely get to see it. I’m hoping there are enough Elena and John interactions to tide me through the episode. Also I hope they bring back Bonnie because I miss her as well.
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auri-ahna · 6 years
which stelena scenes do you think it’s underrated?
Everyone that follows me know these two are my everything. I started watching TVD when it first came on, and from the first time Stefan and Elena made eye contact outside the boys bathroom, I was hooked. They had something few people ever find in this world. Love, loyalty, friendship, and respect. They may be fictional, but what they represented as a couple was the realest thing to me.
so, for me naturally the most underrated scene to start with is 1x01. 
Their first meeting…or so Elena thought.
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This moment was pure MAGIC. Their chemistry was instant, and even though this wasn’t the first time Stefan had met Elena, it was certainly her first time laying eyes on him and you could tell she was very intrigued by what she saw. Yes, he’d wanted to get to know Elena at first, because she looked like Katherine but he did it in a respectful way unlike trying to scare the girl by pretending to be a damn crow in a cemetery. I just knew these two were going to be something special, and I wasn’t wrong.
Next, the aftermath of my favorite episode of the show, 1x10 | The Turning Point.
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So, if you’re a Stelena shipper you KNOW how big of an episode “The Turning Point” was, and if you don’t then I guess you are heartless because this episode just hit every major feel I had and then some. First, there was already tension with Stefan wanting to leave town to protect Elena, and not to cause anymore trouble for her but Elena didn’t agree. 
It ends in a beautiful scene of Elena declaring her love for him, and them making sweet love in just the best way, but to me what is so special about this is the after. When they’re just lying in bed with no worries, and so in love with each other. They’re glowing, and just in the moment and even though it didn’t last long because of her finding Katherine’s picture, in this moment it was utterly perfect. 
Moving on the 1x19 & 1x20.
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As much as i loved the loving scenes between SE, i also really enjoyed the not-so-loving scenes. This was one of them, because in S1 we’re shown the character of both brothers. Damon is the evil brother, and Stefan is the good brother. Stefan at his core is a good man, but he had demons that he had to face, and we’re presented with this side of him that isn’t so saintly. He has a weakness for blood, a deadly one and that’s why he shied away from human blood altogether. 
Elena had no idea and when she saw just how bad his addiction was during the pageant, she didn’t cower or run away, she helped him in the best way she knew how and even though initially Stefan didn’t want to accept it he let out his feelings and they were able to work through this. It was intense, but it was real because in real life, relationships aren’t always happy. it’s gets hard sometimes, but it’s what you do in those situations that tells the difference.
Now onto…2x05.  
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Okay so maybe this isn’t really “underrated” as much as it is just the cutest little scene between SE. They had to see each other in secret, because Katherine was on the loose, and she was dangerous especially since she saw Elena as a threat. So, since they were going to out around in each in public they had to be discreet and devised a plan that they’d have a code that whatever they said to each other in disguise of a fight, they’d really be saying “i love you.” 
Just the absolute sweetest thing. 
Straight on to 2x08 | “Rose”. 
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“Rose” was the episode that introduced the Originals into the picture, and Klaus who’d been searching for Katherine all these years hears about her doppelganger, Elena so she’s taken by Rose to be given to Elijah. Using Bonnie’s magical tracking skills, Stefan and Damon were able to find her and this scene is the end result. 
It’s underrated to me, because of how raw Elena’s emotions are in this scene when she sees Stefan after being apart. They way she just burrows into him like they’re the only ones in the room just melts my heart every time.
2x14 | The bittersweet beautiful lake scene of “Crying Wolf.”
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I feel like everybody knows how epic of a moment this is already, but I still had to include it as being underrated, because of how it really shows what could’ve been. Stefan decides that Elena needs a weekend away so they take a trip up to her family’s cabin in the woods to be alone. She starts out by herself on the dock, and then Stefan joins her by wrapping his arms around her shoulders and they talk about their future. 
It’s so bittersweet, because in this moment they think they’re going to be together forever, but we as the audience know now that it didn’t end that way. I hate the turn that this show took from separating them, because we are shown later in S5 what they’re life could’ve been and it would’ve been beautiful. I just hate that it never came to fruition. 
2x20 | the truthfulness & beautiful goodbyes of “The Last Day.”
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The Stelena scenes in this episode were definitely underrated to me, because Elena admits for the first time that she didn’t want to be a vampire. There was a build-up because of Klaus’s arrival, and so Stefan wanted to get Elena out of Mystic Falls for the day and so he took her up the mountains and told her to just say it, “it” being that she doesn’t want to be a vampire. He’d known that she didn’t want that fate, and he understood. 
What made SE so great was the respect they had for each other. Stefan may not have liked some of Elena’s decisions throughout the show, but the one thing he always respected was her CHOICE. No matter when they were together or not, her choice mattered to him and in this moment he respected her choice not to become like him. She wanted to grow up, and experience life, and he wanted that for her. 
Then when they return back to MF, Klaus is waiting and Stefan and Elena both know it’s time to say goodbye. Klaus holds the power in this moment, but SE still have their little moment. A kiss goodbye, but it’s so heart wrenching, because Stefan doesn’t want to let her go and Elena knows Klaus could kill him so she calms him down, but the love between them is so palpable in that scene it just crushed me. 
3x14 | THAT DAMN DANCE of “Dangerous Liaisons.”
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I know people better give credit to this scene for being hot as hell! So S3 had so many epic SE moments that need no mention, but THIS one. I HAD TO MENTION. So Stefan of course had joined Klaus in order to save Damon, and became a ripper again to show his loyalty. When Elena started to search for him to get him to come home, she came up empty, but found him in Chicago where he put on this front of no longer wanting to be with her. He does eventually come back, and when Klaus sees just how much he loves Elena, he makes him shut off his humanity. 
So we get half of a season of Stefan showing the effect of having his humanity gone, and Elena dealing with that. When this dance comes up, it changes the whole game. She starts out dancing with Damon, and when he twirls her, who does she end up with? Stefan’s fine ass. That smoldering look he gives her, Elena looks so shocked, but turned on, I mean its just such a good scene and really shows that as much as he tries to push her away, and not feel anything that love is still there.
3x22 | Their last kiss with her as a human in “The Departed.”
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The last episode of S3 is important, because this is really the last time we see Elena as a human mostly. There was this tension between her and Stefan all throughout the season, and even though he’d turned back on his humanity, went to the dance, and were getting back to a good place we still didn’t know where they stood. Elena has this struggle going on with which brother to choose, because she’s also grown close to Damon as well. 
So, before parting ways Stefan gives her this kiss, and he’s not trying to influence her decision, but he needed to kiss her one last time before they part, because he doesn’t know what’s going to happen. We all know she ends up choosing Stefan before she dies, but this is underrated to me, because even though Elena’s in the ‘in like’ stage with Damon, she’s still reminded that she never fell out of love with Stefan and that’s the difference. 
4x21 | Stefan helps Elena turn her humanity back on in “She’s Come Undone.”
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Now to semi-unbearable season 4. I’m going to be honest, I hated S4 as a whole, because that’s when this show went downhill. I believe that sire bond was the beginning of the end, and from then on I didn’t enjoy the show like i did with S1-S3. However, S4 did have its moments, like this one. When Elena went off that bridge at the end of S3, that truly was the end of us seeing the real her. Once the sire bond stage entered, and DE entered, that’s when the BS started. Even though Stefan and Elena weren’t together though didn’t mean they didn’t care for each other. He still respected her, and her choices. He still loved her, and she him and they were there for each other. 
When Jeremy got killed, she couldn’t take it so Damon’s dumbass made her turn off her humanity unleashing the worst in herself. What a shock. Anyways, she was very unpleasant, and they realized they had to get her back to how she was so Stefan stepped in and reminded her to just calm down, and breathe. Damon then proceeded to almost kill Matt in front of her and that brought her humanity back, but it was because of the help of Stefan that she was able to do that. Damon’s face just shows how he’ll always be the 3rd wheel on a ship he was never supposed to be on. This scene is underrated just because it shows stelena’s connection, and how even if they’re not together, the chemistry they have is still there. 
6x22 | A goodbye that had me literally crying in “I’m thinking of you all the while.”
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So my last underrated scene is the final goodbye before Elena left in S6, because I honestly was barely watching at this point, but I knew Nina was leaving and knew that they wouldn’t have Elena go without saying goodbye to Stefan.  There’s just so much history between them, and love that I can’t understand why this show never gave them the rekindling they deserved. What they had was so epic, and so real. I will always love them, and even though they deserved better, i’m thankful for the love story they gave us. 
Honorable mention:
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I don’t know what scene this is from, but it gets honorable mention because of how adorable it is. Look at Elena’s face. A small scene, but with much meaning behind it. 
…and i’m done! i know i probably skipped a million underrated scenes, but I wanted to just cover the scenes that people sometimes overlook. Again thanks for this question, anytime i get to talk about my Stelena, I love it!
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My (very late) opinions on “the Vampire Diaries”-finale
Yep, I know that I’m very late watching it, but better like that than never, right? I’ve been a hardcore fan of this show since the day one and it never went away, not even during the last seasons without Elena. I loved the show when she was in, but was also satisfied that the famous Salvatore-brothers came in the focus later. As for the finale, it had some ups and some downs (in no chronological order):
+ Elena’s last monologue was beyond amazing and brought me to tears
+ Bonnie saving the day with Enzo, her Grams and the witches and being the one who wakes Elena up - and getting to find some time for herself and to live the fullest. I also liked that she got a chance to kind of settle things up with Stefan before…THAT thing happened. :’(
+ Vicky meeting his father and Matty one last time and leaving this show beside Tyler was somehow poetic.
+ Caroline and Rick honoring Stefan by building that school and Jeremy helping them
+ Klaus’ letter to Caroline
+ Caroline actually understanding Stefan’s decision even if it tore her apart
+ getting to see almost every important departed character (especially Elena’s family and Liz)
+ parallels to earlier seasons without them becoming cliché (“Hello, brother..” </3 )
+ Caroline and Damon bonding scene on Stefan’s grave
+ Stelena goodbye-hug and the scenes between brothers… so bittersweet and sad at the same time!
+ Matt continuing Elena’s wish and continuing Liz’s job
- the most important thing: Stefan’s death. I know that it somehow makes sense since this was his story after all. The guilt was burning him inside and the fact that he found peace with his best friend by his side is beautiful. But nevertheless, I can never get over his departure. He was one of my favorite character, if not even the favorite, and he deserved a lot better than he got. He had already sacrificed quite enough! Plus, yes, it’s a fact that Damon was redeeming himself during the series and Stefan was flawed as well, but all this talk about Damon being the “better man” both in general and for Elena really made me sick.
- I will possibly get some serious hate about this, but remember we all have right to our opinions and I don’t mean to hurt anyone. I just don’t really like Delena being endgame. I’ll admit that sometime in season 2 and 3 I was fascinated by their understanding with each other and was wondering what they would be like together. But when they actually got together, I somehow lost my interest and thought they were better as friends. I also kind of dislike that they took some Stelena symbols and tried to turn them into Delena’s thing (the necklace, for example).  It was always Stelena for me. I’ve heard that some people think that they were dull and cliche, but in my opinion, they’re exactly the opposite. Both Stelena’s goodbye scene in 6x22 and 8x16 were better and filled with more emotion and chemistry than Delena’s  goodbye dance and final reunion - even though the latter one could be PARTLY explained by the the feud between Ian and Nina (still, Ian should’ve been more professional about it, since there were huge Delena-fandom waiting for that big reunion). In my eyes, Stefan belonged with Elena, Caroline deserved a chance with Klaus after spending some time alone (and fortunately kind of got it briefly in the Originals) and Damon… I don’t actually know. At one point I really wanted Bamon to happen, but after watching Bonenzo’s epicness I was knocked off my feet. Besides, watching Damon and Bonnie’s strong dislike to each other turn into this bickering and honest friendship is one of the most beautiful thing in this series. I liked him the most with Rose and was kind of sad that they didn’t include her in the finale (she could’ve, for instance, watch him with sad smile on her lips and try to comfort him while he was on his brother’s grave while Damon subconciously knowledges her like Caroline did with Liz - or something.)
- the fact that we didn’t get any Elena/Matt or Elena/Alaric-scene after her waking up or the last Damon/Bonnie-scene for that matter. We would’ve deserved longer finale.
- the fact that Bonnie didn’t get to spend the rest of her life with Enzo (even though she sensed him by her side. I’m so conflicted about this because of the reasons that I wrote earlier).
- the misuse of Queen Katherine Pierce. I was glad to see her one last time, but the fact that she prepared this huge plan and when she finally returned, all she got was getting pushed around and getting killed again really fast. That was disappointing, to say the least. It was somehow fitting that he died with/by Stefan, but she is far valuable and stronger than they made it seem in the finale. Even after all bad things she did, I would’ve loved to see her reunite with Nadia. At least she lives forever in our hearts. Nina is always great in what she does, but I think that because of her absence from the show her performance as Katherine wasn’t as juicy and witty as usual. But I will forever be amazed how she managed to play four characters (+ with or without humanity-difference) so believably. One of the best actresses of our generation.
That’s all I have to say, I guess. Feel free to add or comment. This show has left its mark in me and I won’t stop watching it anytime soon. #vampirediariesforever
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bamon4bamily · 4 years
TVD 9x10 - Spinnin’ round and round... (part 1) Enjoy! =)
Cut to – The secret facility, Edward’s cell which, unlike Matt’s, is quite luxurious. He is lying on his bed, sedated, having flashbacks from his past. 
Cut to- 3 years ago, the Powell’s NYC mansion.
TAMARA: Moy malen’kiy geroy, I’m happy you are home; I was getting worried.
EDWARD: Oh, come on mom, I was only gone for a couple of hours.
TAMARA: Come, sit with me, have some wine. (Pours him a glass) So, how did she take it?
EDWARD: Not very well, but that had more to do with her ego than her feelings.
TAMARA: You made the right decision, I never liked her.
EDWARD: I know, you made that quite clear any time she was around.
TAMARA: Well, I tried my best to behave but I just couldn’t stand seeing you with someone that didn’t deserve you; let alone a Luxford. What else did you expect, my dear?
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EDWARD: (Smiles in complicity) That’s true. I don’t know what I was thinking. I guess I thought she might be different given that she actually studied a dignified career, instead of being just another socialite.
TAMARA: Oh, my dear, you can be so naive sometimes. The only reason she got into Harvard medical is because of who her father is, nothing more. Now, let’s forget about her and move on to you. Have you thought about your father’s proposal?
EDWARD: Mother, how can you even ask me that after everything he has put us through? Especially you…
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TAMARA: I know, and I will hate him for the rest of my life for what he has done to us, but this is not about him, it’s about the order, and your god-given right to be at the top of that pyramid.
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EDWARD: I don’t know if I want that… is it even worth it? I mean, for the price one has to pay… I really don’t think it is.
TAMARA: If I didn’t know what they were capable of, I would agree with you, but unfortunately, whether you like it or not, you were born into this, and there is no escaping that.
EDWARD: You managed to get away from him…
TAMARA: Oh, my dear boy, you have it all wrong. I might have been able to get him away from us, but by no means have I escaped him. Just like you, whether I like it or not, I married into this and there is no way out… except death, of course.
EDWARD: Don’t say that, god, mother, you can be so dark sometimes!
TAMARA: I’m sorry, moy malen'kiy geroy, I didn’t mean to upset you. Why don’t we change the subject and lighten the mood. How about we start planning for Anthony’s surprise birthday party, it’s coming soon, and we need to start preparing.
EDWARD: That, I can get on board with.
TAMARA: How about a Gatsby theme? He loves Fitzgerald.
EDWARD: That’s perfect!
TAMARA: The Madame arrives tomorrow; we can ask her to help; she has so many memorabilia from the ’20s, it will come in handy.
EDWARD: If anyone knows how to throw a party, it’s her.
TAMARA: Tell me about it! Wildest days of my life have been with her (they laugh). Alright, my love, it’s getting late and I need my beauty sleep. We’ll get into the planning details tomorrow.
EDWARD: I’m going to stay for a bit longer.
TAMARA: Okay, but don’t stay up too late, sleep is important. (Kisses his cheek) I love you.
EDWARD: I love you too, have a good rest.
Cut to – Akumal, Mexico. Bonnie, Damon, Stefan, and Caroline are at a beautiful cenote, getting ready to scuba dive.
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BONNIE: Wow, Care, I have to say, I’m so proud of you! Just a few days ago you wouldn’t even get near the ocean, and now you are suiting up to explore the deep waters!
CAROLINE: I know! I’m a changed woman, that’s for sure! Also, Alfredo (their dive instructor) said there are no sharks in these waters…
ALFREDO: That’s right, nothing to worry about. Now, if you see a pair of red-eyes shine… let me know.
CAROLINE: What!!!!!
ALFREDO: (Laughs) Just kidding! It’s fine, only thing you might see, if you are lucky, is some fish. Now, everyone, ready?
DAMON: (All suited up) Let’s do this!!
ALFREDO: Remember what I taught you, and stay close. It can get very dark at some points inside the caves, so don’t let go of the lifeline.
STEFAN: I think I’m regretting this decision…  
BONNIE: Oh, come on, Stefan, you love the dark.
STEFAN: But not underwater…
CAROLINE: Let’s give it a try, if we don’t like it, we can abort mission (turns to Alfredo), right?
ALFREDO: Of course, you know the signal, so if you want out, let me know and I’ll bring you right back up; no worries. 
STEFAN: What the hell, let’s do it!
ALFREDO: Excellent, my friend! You won’t regret it.  Okay, on the count of three, we’ll jump in. One… two… three!
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Cut to – The Salvatore school, Alaric’s study. After many unsuccessful tries, Radka, Alaric, Lexi and Tyler are still trying to figure out how to undo the body switch spell. Katherine is getting desperate; the student seems to be enjoying this new body, just a tad much…
 KATHERINE: (Catches the student touching his boobs) Hey!!! Hands off perv!!!
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THE STUDENT: I’m sorry Miss Pierce! I swear it won’t happen again; I was just curious.
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KATHERINE: Oh yes, I’m sure that’s what that was! I have my eye on you! (Turns to Lexi and Tyler who can’t stop laughing) And you two... I swear, I’ll get you back!
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TYLER: Oh, come on, Katherine, have a little sense of humor. You have to see the irony in all of this.
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KATHERINE: Not when my body smells like a testosterone-filled locker room and I have a thing hanging between my legs!!
LEXI: (Mocking) As long as it’s not stiff…
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KATHERINE: Shut up, Lexi!! (Throws the couch pillow at her face, Lexi catches it with her vamp reflexes).
ALARIC: (With a grin, trying to contain the laughter) Relax, Katherine, I’m sure we’ll find a way to revert this… at some point.  
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RADKA: (Scrolling through different spellbooks) Well, even if we do, we’ll need to find a different witch to do the spell, an experienced one, Ivan (the traveler student) or any other witch student won’t be able to pull it off without guidance. And, Margo (the witchcraft teacher) is on sick leave, and Bonnie on vacation, so it might take more time than we had hoped.
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KATHERINE: Are you kidding me??! I can’t be trapped in this body any longer!! Look at me!! I’m hideous and hormonal!!!
LEXI: (Looking at her package, smirking) And excited, I see...
KATHERINE: Oh, damn!! 
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(Looking at Alaric, Tyler, and Ivan) How do you live like this??!! It’s disgusting! (Gets up to go to the bathroom, as she walks out, they all crack up).
Cut to- Munich Medical Lab, inside an old operating theatre; first day of the program. Sam, Elena, Alex and Sage, along with the rest of the students, are waiting for the program’s sponsor to arrive for the welcoming speech. After an hour, he finally arrives; absolutely no rush or apology for his tardiness.
PIETRO: Welcome everyone. If you are here you are one of the chosen, and you better be very grateful for that. From this point on, your life is about to change. Those who survive the program will be transformed, from pathetic wannabes to legends. Good luck (He leaves).
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ELENA: That’s it? That’s what we waited an hour for? Speech didn’t even last a minute! No introduction, nothing! How rude!
SAGE: You really are lost, aren’t you? Don’t you know who that is? We should be thankful he even gave us 30 seconds of his time.
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SAM: Drop it, Sage. She doesn’t have to know who he is. And you give him too much credit, he’s just an asshole with a shit load of money, that’s all.  
SAGE: Are you serious, Sam?! God, going small-town really affected you… the old Sam would have been fanboying at the mere glimpse of him.
ALEX:  Oh, please, Sage, just stop. The only reason you worship him is because he’s powerful, and “supposedly” a far relative of yours; which I doubt.
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SAGE: No, the only reason I worship him is because he is a true legend, far more than Grayson was. And we are related.
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ELENA: Wow, your are a bitch...
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SAGE: I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I am being a bitch...Sorry about that, I get very defensive when it comes to him, I’m a huge fan. I’ll stop, I swear. I really am sorry for saying that. Truce?
ELENA: Just keep my father’s name out of your mouth, and we’ll be fine.
SAGE: Done.
SAM: Okay… let’s head to our first course before this gets even more uncomfortable.
ELENA: (As they are heading out) So, what’s the big shots name?
SAM: Pietro Salvatore (Elena holds him back; Sage and Alex keep walking).
ELENA: Salvatore… 
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SAM: I know, what a coincidence! Seems like you can’t escape that name…(Teasing) Good thing this one is much older, I mean, in real-time, so I have nothing to worry about.
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ELENA: As for him, or any other Salvatore in the world, you don’t; but if your “friend” keeps up with her snarky commentary, you will have something to be worried about.
SAM: I’m sorry, she can be a hand full, but that’s not who she really is. She puts up this tough bitchy exterior as a defense mechanism; but once she puts her guard down, she’s a completely different person; trust me.
ELENA: I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt because I love you. But if she doesn’t stop, she’ll know just how bitchy I can be too.
SAM: I’ll keep her in line, I swear.
ELENA: Good.
SAM: Just to be sure, there is no way Damon and Stefan are related to him, right? You told me they were the last ones in their bloodline.
ELENA: They are; the last remaining Salvatore, Sara, was killed by Damon.
SAM: Seriously? Wow, your ex is really fucked up.  
ELENA: Well, he was under some siren’s psychic mind control thing, so it wasn’t his fault.
SAM: I know it’s your home an all, but I’m glad we got away.
ELENA: Me too. Although, I really miss my friends.
SAM: I know (kisses her), let’s hope they come visit soon.
 Cut to – The Powell mansion. Anthony knocks on The Madame’s bedroom door.
ANTHONY: Madame, I am sorry to disturb you at this hour, but Mr. Powell did not come home last night, and he still hasn’t arrived. I am becoming concerned. Do you happen to know where he might be?
THE MADAME: Anthony, love. I think we both know where, or rather who he is with. Trouble is, Augustus has some very annoying tech thta is blocking my ability to track Edward. I’ve been trying to get a reach on him, but nothing.
ANTHONY: I knew this was a mistake, I warned you both.
THE MADAME: I know. I thought we had it under control, was not expecting Augustus’ toys getting in the way.  
ANTHONY: You were sworn to protect him, and if I must say, you are not doing a good job.
THE MADAME: Anthony, as much as I respect and appreciate you, be careful with your words. We wouldn’t want this situation escalating…
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ANTHONY: Am I supposed to take that as a threat?
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THE MADAME: Not at all. I would never hurt you. Just take it as advice to be more empathetic to those that love Edward, just as much as you do. And, FYI, you also failed to protect him, so if there is blood, it will be on both of our hands.
ANTHONY: Pardon me, Madame. I understand what you are saying; and you speak the truth. I’m just desperate, and very scared for him.
THE MADAME: As am I. I’ve dealt with all sorts of supernatural things for years, but I have never been faced with this kind of enemy, mostly because I can’t really comprehend it; I despise technology. But you have my word, I will not rest until I find him and bring him home safely.
ANTHONY: Thank you, Madame. And, once again, I do apologize for my behavior, I was out of line.
THE MADAME: You were being a father, I understand.
ANTHONY: And you, a mother.
THE MADAME: We will find him, I promise.
ANTHONY: I’ll leave you to your duties, Madame. Let me know if I can be of any assistance.
THE MADAME: I will, Anthony. Have a goodnight.
ANTHONY: You too, Madame.
 Cut to – New Orleans, a downtown bar. Klaus and Danae are having a drink. A familiar face walks in.
 KLAUS: (His eyes light up as if they were on fire) Are my eyes deceiving me again?
ABBY: They’re not.
KLAUS: You returned…
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ABBY: (Smirks) I told you I would …
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TVD 9x10 (part 2) coming soon! Hope you stop by, read and enjoy! =)
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Isobel - 1
After the events that happened at the miss mystic, Elena decided we needed to help Stefan, so when she was with him, she injected him with vervain and we put him in the cellar. We all had taken turns watching him, well Elena and Damon did, I would have but work.
Elena did tell me everything that happened, especially how Stefan turned into a vampire, and how Damon did, I was shocked, I honestly couldn't believe Damon would have done the good thing if it weren't for Stefan. Speaking of Stefan, he's back to normal.
We all had to meet up at the school to work on the floats, Carolines put me in charge of the Miss mystic Falls float because of my sketches, once she figures out what the theme is I have to design.
But when Matt and I got to the school, Alaric asked to see me in his classroom. He told me he'd explain everything once Stefan and Elena got here, and that's were we are right now.
Damon enters Alaric's classroom. "Damon, thanks for coming."
"Sorry I'm late. My dog ate my uh..." Damon started wanting to crack a joke. "never mind."
He looked at us all confused, which is how I felt.
"What's with all the furrowed brows?"
"I saw Isobel last night."
"Isobel is here?"
Alaric nodded at him.  "In town?"
"Did you ask her about Uncle John? Are they working together?" Damon asked Alaric.
"No they're not?"
"No, I didn't ask."
"What about the invention?"
"Didn't ask."
"Did she know about the tomb vampires?"
"I don't know."
"Did words completely escape you?" Damon questioned pissed as hell.
"No, I was a little too distracted by my dead vampire wife to ask any questions."
"What did she want?" Damon asked as he looked at Elena.
"She wants to see me, Damon." Elena replied for him. Damon looked in surprise. "And me" Double the surprise. I still can't get it out of my head, why in the hell does Isobel want to see me. It can't be because I'm human and in leu with Stefan and Damon, I sincerely doubt it. So why?
Stefan looked at his brother as he explained. "Alaric is supposed to arrange a meeting. we don't know why; why she wants to speak to Elena or Ariel for that matter. We don't know what she wants"
Damon looks at Elena sincerely "You don't have to see her if you don't want to."
Stefan, is clearly confused by this sudden sensitivity, and looks at Damon and then at Elena.
"I don't really have a choice."
"She's threatened to go on killing spree." I explain, shifting in my seat. The word why and all the possibilities going through my head.
Damon makes a face "Oh! I take it that's not okay with you guys."
"I want to do it." Elena says speaking up.  "I want to meet her. If I don't, I know I'll regret it."
Elena and I sit in the mystic grill, waiting for Isobel. Stefan was near the pool table watching us. I sit up when a woman stands in front of us, blocking our view from Stefan. She sets her coat down and sits down, exhaling before speaking.
"Hello girls"
"You look just like her. It's eerie" Isobel comments to Elenas appearance.
She then tilts her head at me. "you have more of your father" I straighten when she mentions this.
"You know my father?" I question surprised.
"And what do you mean I look like her, like who? Katherine?" Elena questions.
Isobel smiles. "One at a time" She settles into her seat and looks at us both.
"Yes, I meant Katherine. She found me after I turned. Genetic curiosity I suppose. She would be fascinated by you" She directs the last statement to Elena.
"Is that why you can walk in the day?" Elena ask motioning to Isabel's necklace. "Katherine helped me obtain it"
"Who's my father?" Elena asks her.
"And who's mine?" I spit out.
"Not important, for both of you. He was a waste of teenage space"
"A name would be nice" I say with a scowl. "It would wouldn't it?" She teases.
How in the hell did this woman even know my mother?
"You ask a lot of questions" I scowl and slump into my seat. "Why did you compel that man to kill himself right after he told me to stop looking for you?" Elena questions her.
"Dramatic impact. Wish it would have been more effective" I growl.
"Human life means that little too you?" I say with a low growl. "It means nothing to me. It's just part of being what I am"
I scoff. "At least you're being honest" I say sitting up. Elena shakes her head at Isobel's words.
"No it's not. I know other vampires. That's not true"
"You mean your boyfriend over there by the pool table?" Isobel questions.
"Stefan Salvatore? Why Stefan? Why didn't you go for Damon? Ariel did" I stiffen at her words. Elena looks at me in shock. Isobel glances at me with a smile, glad she revealed my little secret.
Not much of one; it was a night stand for Pete's sake. "Or do you enjoy them both? Like Katherine did?" Isobel questions focusing on Elena.
"Why did you want to meet us?" Elena asked. "It can't be to just catch up"
I lean forward. "Why did you want to meet with me? Elena I understand but why me?" Isobel sighs and leans into her chair.
"I wanted to meet with you because I'm curious about you both. You are my daughters after all''
My eyes bulge out my sockets when she says that. I shake my head rapidly.
"No, no. You're not my mother! Danielle Donavan is!" I yell in protest. Isobel shakes her head. "you can ask Jenna'' She turns to Elena who is still processing the fact that I'm her sister, twin sister.
I tune out their conversation, which was about John and vampires. I process everything.
I'm not a Donavan, Isobel apparently my mother, my father still remains a mystery and Elena is apparently my twin sister.
I'm gonna puke.
When Isobel grabs Elena's arm I jump in my seat, "Sit down, and tell your boyfriend to walk away" She orders.
Elena sits down and nods at Stefan, telling him to stand down. "I want the invention"
"We don't have it" I say. "I know that, but Damon does. And you're gonna get it for me"
"He's not gonna give it to us" I argue. "Then the blood will be on your hands'' Isobel says as she gets up. She gets her purse and walks away.
"It was nice meeting you girls'' She calls out.
When Elena and I see Bonnie enter we stand up. Elena looks like she's about to cry, her eyes are watery and a tear escaped, But me? My face is already scarred with tears.
I open my mouth to say something but I can't find the words. Bonnie looks behind us and so does Elena. I don't have to look back to know who's there, and what Bonnie's thinking.
Without another glance, Bonnie stalks away.
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