#and bonnie sent stefan back
philtatosbuck · 9 months
I saw someone say that if Elena or Caroline were in the prison world instead of Bonnie they wouldn't have stayed there as long, do you think that's true?
taking into account that they fully thought bonnie and damon were dead and didn't know about the prison world for the first four months (?) i assume you mean the other like. four? five? months she was there (she was there for almost a year wasn't she??)
yeah that's true idk what you want me to say. for one bonnie is good for trying to resurrect bitches she would've been trying to resurrect either one of them and coming up empty BUT let's say for the sake of it that they found out after four months as they did in canon and damon comes back but caroline/elena doesn't
if it were elena and damon stuck in the prison world damon wouldn't have accepted elena was 'dead' so easily even if she was stuck with kai he would have been doing his usual shit and threatening any and everyone into finding a way back far quicker than he did for bonnie (that's nothing against bonnie or their relationship at all. that's just his canon behavior towards elena and stefan to a degree that he does not display towards bonnie in canon until later on)
if it were caroline and damon i'm ngl i don't see him working hard to get her free or anything but if he came back and told everyone else about it then they would be trying to save her immediately
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klausysworld · 7 months
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Love is a dangerous game.
Love is a fickle thing.
Love is unpredictable.
Love is merciless.
Love can be both feared and desired.
Love can make a woman do such awful things.
Love can drive a woman mad.
It drove me mad. It made me do awful things. It made people scared and it made people excited. It made me merciless, unpredictable and dangerous but my love was never fickle and it never will be.
Not when it came down to Niklaus Mikaelson.
It started off way before he arrived in town.
I grew up in Mystic Falls, one of the only witches in town alongside the Bennett family. When I was little, Sheila Bennet-Grams would always offer to babysit me from my mother. When I would play there with Bonnie my emotions would always get the better of me, objects would begin to float or catch fire. Grams would always pick me up and calm me down while telling me how powerful I would become.
She never mentioned magic to Bonnie, and I promised not to either even though we were so close. However my magic was something I had always been aware of and Grams said that finding control over it would be better than pretending it didn't exist.
Once I got a little older, she began to teach me things on other supernaturals. Starting with the Lockwood heritage and the basics of werewolves and then we went deeper, to Eenadu and how/why she created the species. Then a while later it was vampires. The basics first again and then the Originals, and Esther.
That was when I first heard of him; Klaus.
Grams spoke his name with such distaste but it stirred something inside me. She only told me the bast things, put a sinister spin on everything about them. So I had to do some digging myself.
He was just so damaged.
He was so broken, but so fixable.
He was just so loveable.
I knew he needed the doppelgänger so I convinced Bonnie that we should befriend Elena.
I knew he needed a werewolf so i befriended Matt through Elena which lead to befriending Tyler.
I knew he needed a vampire too but I didn't need to worry about that. I was certain that Katerina Petrova, Katherine Pierce, would pay the town a visit and death would follow her like the plague. She would either be my vampire or make me a vampire that I could give to Klaus.
And she did, just as predicted. So when I was sure that she had done everything for me: triggered Tylers 'curse', turned Caroline and collected the moonstone, I made my move in form of a letter.
It had taken a damn long time to find him. He moves, a lot. However, I too had made contacts over the last few years with other witches across the states and was able to pinpoint him.
And reach out.
Dear Niklaus Mikaelson,
We have yet to meet though I am certain that when we do you will be pleased. Come to where it all began for I have an opportunity for you to seize.
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It was simple but still cryptic enough to grab his attention. I sent it to him with my magic and patiently waited.
And planned.
Klaus would definitely want to create more hybrids. Which meant some sort of trip as soon as the ritual was over and his wolf was free. I also knew that he and Stefan were friends in the 1920s, courtesy of Gloria who was a witch I had met and remained in contact with who was also in communication with Klaus and helped me find the man.
So I was betting that he would find a way to take Stefan with him to find his hybrids and bring the ripper out of him, which would not be difficult. I remember when he had gone a little mad for human blood earlier in the year. It wouldn't take a lot to push him back over that line.
Now was a nervous when Katherine went missing which meant klaus was in town? Yes. But I was much more excited.
I could feel myself literally buzzing when I stepped into the Salvatore manor house, I could feel the magic rolling off of Alaric! I sat between him and Damon and I could feel my skin burning. Damon kept putting his hand on my knee to stop my legs bouncing, asked if I was on drugs a couple times too but didn't suspect too much. I hadn't revealed to everyone the amount I knew. Though Elijah knew that I was much more than I let on but I kinda wanted him to know.
Of course everyone knew I was a witch but they assumed I was an amateur, Bonnie knew I was better than I made out to be but still didn't know the extents of what I was now capable of. When you've been practicing magic since you were a small child your power ages with you, I knew that I'd only grow stronger. And so far I have.
I just hoped that he couldn't feel my magic as well as I could feel his. That was a silly thought. I knew that he couldn't, I had a spell to mask it.
Time went fast, one second I was sat next to him and the next he was walking out the door and Damon was asking what was wrong with me today. I got out of it and went home to my planning board.
I wondered how long it would take for him to know that it was I who sent him the letter. I wondered how he would react. I also wondered how he would be if I sent him another.
Dear Niklaus Mikaelson,
I see that you have arrived though not as I may have expected, Either way I hope you appreciate the ingredients that I have collected.
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I sent it via my magic again, I knew that it would lay waiting for him when he returned from the decade dance. It meant I was far too excited the entire time. Though I did my best to keep my mouth shut around Alaric Klaus himself.
Even when he revealed his true identity I had to bite back my smile, instead I allowed him to pin me, toss me and harm me until he though he'd won. I couldn't reveal my powers, the truth behind my innocent mask. I needed him to think I was weak but still interesting enough.
Bonnie ended up 'sacrificing' herself. To be completely honest it made me mad. Of all the people he could have hurt he had to choose her. I wouldn't have cared if it was any one else but Bonnie was the only true friend I had made, she wasn't here for me to use or bargain with. I liked her and felt my skin burn with rage.
So I made a little spell to cause Klaus an extensive amount of pain .
I got over it of course but I needed him to understand my feelings. It's the only way we could work.
I was pissed off that he hadn't used my chosen ingredients. Damon saved Tyler and Caroline and Bonnie was saving Elena.
Still, I watched his ritual anyway from a distance, my eyes lighting up as I watched his bones snap and his wolf rush to the front of his mind. Elijah's eyes locked on mine for a split second, a slight nod from us both before he took his brother to a place in the woods.
After that I had to babysit Damon while he whined and shook in pain. When his fevers got too bad I would place a cooling spell over his body and transfer some of his pain to myself. Despite not being Damons biggest fan, he was the one I got along most with out of the little group that had formed. He had a sense of humour and wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. Damon was no liar like most of the others and I admired that. Still, I did not trust him exactly but I didn't mind his company.
Eventually Katerina arrived, she did not look eager to see me however she delivered the cure as expected and revealed what I had assumed. Klaus had taken Stefan.
Unfortunately for Klaus, since finding him the first time, I was able to play a tracking spell on his soul. If I closed my eyes and chanted the right words I was able to find exactly where he was in the moment I did so. Which meant he received more letters.
They were always short and suggestive, never revealing quite how much I knew but just hinting at it. I knew it would annoy him, he would see it as child’s play but that's what made it all so amusing when I would whisper my spells and watch his jaw clench as he attempted to tear up the paper only for it to magically bind back together in mockery of his frustration.
It was when he arrived in Chicago that Gloria had me on the phone.
"I warn you child, he's been asking me to find out who's sending the notes. I wouldn't ever tell on you dear but you know how he becomes. Don't play with fire unless you plan to get burnt" she told me, her tone worried
"Thank you Gloria but you've always known I enjoy the burn. Even if he knows, I can contain him. I've been preparing." I murmur, as my fingers trace over the sketch of the cage I plan to create for him should it ever be necessary.
"Do be careful" she whispered, "They don't call him a beast for fun"
"I know" I hum "It's going to be wonderful" I stated, my mind picturng those golden eyes of his.
Gloria had to hang up when she heard Rebekah's voice nearing but messaged me an update later that day. Unfortunately I felt as her life was taken, by Katerina of all people though I couldn't be too surprised. Her obsession with Stefan never failed to shine through.
Not that I could judge.
Plus it worked in my favour. Klaus came back home.
I got to see him and senior prank night, he even grabbed my wrist. I asked if he just wanted to hold my hand which made him smirk and made my lower stomach implode.
He did in fact hold my hand.
Sure it was while he dragged me down a corridor but he held it all the same.
Then he started killing people and turned Tyler which made me happy. At least my werewolf was useful after all.
Eventually I got back home and went to bed, with Klaus still on my mind of course.
Things got much more interesting from then onward. Klaus was in town much more and always getting in everyones business. I both enjoyed it and loathed it.
It was lovely because it meant I got to talk to him, and because I knew so much about him already I was able to keep him entertained and talkative. Especially when it came to art. I had to research so many artists so that I could engage him in conversation for long periods of time. I convinced the others that it was to distract him while they did their stupid little plans but it was really just for me.
I still sent my letters but I was confident that he didn't know it was me. Somehow I had made him believe that I was brand knew to magic and practically hopeless which he apparently found 'cute'. Whether he meant it or not it still made me blush.
After a few months I had the cage made. It was doused in magic to ensure he couldn't ever escape and I had put in a bookshelf with books I knew he would enjoy as well as a sketch pad and an array of crayons. Pencils were a little risky as they had a point but I put in some blunt charcoal. I had vervain growing beside the cage and wolvebane on my bedroom windowsill. The cage was set up in my basement.
My mother never went down there, she still thinks it's all horiible down their. She also doesn't really practise magic anymore so she's basically a human and oblivious to my supernatural involvment.
Thanks to her unawareness I was able to go about things without even being that discreet. Even if she had picked up on it, she made no effort to intervene.
So I continued to indulge in my obsession.
It was mostly harmless, though my letters progressively became love letters. It was entertaining to watch his brows rise as he read the suggestive words, often now his fingers would trace over the lipstick print I had left in the bottom right corner. Occasionally I would wear the same shade around him, just to test my limits. Sometimes I would spray the paper with my perfume before sending it too.
Soon I began sending other things too, like a rose alongside the letter or a sugary beignet that I had made myself. Sometimes they would contain propofol or something similar. This, with a high enough dosage, would knock even the original hybrid out long enough for me to go on over. I would often sit down beside him on his bed, usually my fingers would stroke through his sweet curls and I would press a kiss to his cheek. Almost always leaving the same mark as I did on those letters and taking pride in the confusion that painted his gorgeous face when he would see it in the morning and wash off my mark.
There were a couple close calls where I had assumed him to be passed out only to find him waiting in his bed, then I would have to be more forceful with putting him to sleep. Often magic was involved and I would lay with him, stroking the area I had struck him with my power to soothe the sting away.
Since then I had noticed his glances over his shoulders as he walked and the way his fingers would nervously tap against his scotch glass. I couldn't deny the pleasant feeling that buzzed through me at the knowledge that I made him nervous, borderline afraid. He even went so far as to have one of his hybrids stand guard outside of his room when he slept. So I had to climb up through his window. It was a hassle really but it got easier each time I did so.
I found myself in his room pretty much every single night. Something about how he was when he slept was so peaceful and innocent that I couldn't help but crave it. It soothed something within me.
What was even better than watching him while he slept?
Finding a painting in his art room...of me!
It was beautifully done and looked just like a photo. If i hadn't touched it to feel the layers of paint then I wouldn't have known he created it. A true, genuine smile graced my lips when I held it and I couldn't help but go through all his sketch pads to find more.
My next love letter hinted toward the art but I think that he was beginning to over think the notes at this point. They were driving him a little mad.
I considered leaving him alone for a little while but then he started getting into trouble. Too much trouble. The kind that got him hurt and stabbed by white oak. The kind that had him ready to leave Mystic Falls.
So I had to start eliminating threats toward him.
I went as far as hospitalising Elena, making it look like natural causes so that the others would have to leave Klaus alone for a while.
I befriended Rebekah, started learning things about Klaus's childhood, the little things that meant so much to him. So I went home and hand carved him a wooden wolf and left it on top my letter.
Slowly, I think he began to have suspicions. Sometimes I catch him watching me with a very calculative look in his eye though he would break into a nervous smile and look away, often walking out the room entirely. I didn't like that.
He tried to distance himself but I wouldn't let him. I thought it was clear that he was mine by now. If he had figured it out then he should be happy and relaxed knowing that it's me, not tense and worried. What did he think I would do, really?
Didn't matter. Time went on.
Thanksgiving came and went, Christmas and then New Year. I always sent and received a present. The Mikaelsons actually threw a Christmas ball which I of course attended and I was able to bag multiiple dances with Klaus. I also danced with Elijah, he directly asked me if I was the one messing with his brothers head, we were whispering and I made a little spell so Klaus couldn't eavesdrop. I confirmed it without actually admitting it and made some little threats for if he should try to stop anything, after I left for home.
I continued with my visits, my growing friendships and my gifts. And then valentines day came around.
I had been contemplating whether I treat it any differently to every other day. I never had before however this time I had somebody to think of, somebody I loved.
So when I woke up, I decided that perhaps I'd at least go see Klaus today.
What I had not expected was a large bouquet of roses, bunched into the shape of a heart set on my dining room table with a typed note attached.
Dearest Y/N, I don't usually engage in human holidays however you've recently changed my perspective. I hope you don't think I've been oblivious to your advances, I'll admit they've been affective. Love Niklaus
The note made me smile. The rhyming scheme matched all my letters and this was all the confirmation I needed that he had accepted my feelings.
So I got dressed into a dress, the same deep red as the flowers he had gifted me with the eyeshadow and lipstick to match. I drove myself to his home and this time knocked on the door.
Klaus must have been waiting for he opened it as soon as my knuckles hit the wood and he was dressed to perfection. His blood red tie matched my dress as though he just knew and his hand held out for mine without a word being said. I nodded to him and held his hand, enjoying the way it caused my magic to ignite inside me.
I was lead inside to the area which was usually primarily empty and used for parties and events however it was down littered with rose petals. Fairy lights and candles lit the room and a little square table rest in the centre of the room covered by a white table cloth with two golden plates hidden by gold plate covers sat waiting to be revealed.
"Oh wow" I whispered quietly. This was most definitely not something I had thought of occurring. I heard Klaus clear his throat a little as he hesitantly slipped his hand round my waist causing my tummy to flutter pleasantly before he kept leading me over to the table. He proceeded to pull out my hair, waiting for me to sit and then carefully pushing me closer to the table before sitting opposite me.
"I do hope you'll enjoy the food though if you don't I can be sure to get you something else-" His voice began to speed up, I could see his nerves playing.
"That won't be necessary, I'll have what I'm given and I'll enjoy it" I state simply with a reassuring smile. He returned it and nodded quietly to himself as he lifted the cover off of his play and I did the same. Underneath was a beautifully cooked slice of beef wellington with potatoes and a few vegetables alongside and a sauce to go with.
"I was going to do starters as well but I didn't want you too be too full as I have more for us to eat later" he explained quietly.
"Later?" I question with the slight tilt of my head and he smiled.
"We have a lot to talk about" He answered and I hummed, lifting the wine glass to my lips and allowing the rich taste to please my tongue. I licked my lips clean, watching as his eyes followed my tongues movements as he sat a little straighter. "However," he began, clearing his throat again making a slither of amusement make its way to my face. "For the moment, I just want to have a valentines dinner with you, my questions will wait for after." He decided and I nod, happy with his arrangement.
"Very well" I agreed as I cut into my steak and pastry and popped a piece into my mouth, moaning at the flavour and locking my eyes onto his. His adams apple bobbed and his eyes darted to his plate making me grin.
Dinner was mostly small talk, a few flirty comments through desert before he took our empty plates out to the kitchen. I got up from my seat to follow him but he shook his head and asked that I stay while he cleaned. I agreed without resistance, if he wanted to do the dishes then I wouldn't object.
He was back in just a minute and holding his hand out for me to take again, which I did. Then I was brought upstairs which made me raise a brow, "Already huh?" I ask teasingly.
He glanced over his shoulder at me with a knowing look "Don't act like you don't spend nearly every night in my room" he replied making my eyes roll playfully.
He pulled me into his room and closed the door behind me. On the bed lay every single letter I had written him, I clicked my tongue as I looked over the generous pile and slowly glanced up at his face. His arms were folded over his chest and he had that look in his eyes that just told be to begin.
I smiled up at him and let out a little laugh "Right..." I muttered, "Well..., okay, can we sit for this?" I asked and he hummed, gesturing two chairs that we went to.
And then I started talking. A lot.
I went from the start, Grams. There was no point lying to the man, so I just laid it all out bare for him. From the first time I heard his name to the first time I was able to see his face to the first time we actually met, to now. It took hours of explaining and answering questions for silence to actually come around.
His expressions changed throughout the discussion, sometimes he looked a little confused, sometimes he even looked a little afraid but for the most part he just looked intrigued. When I was done and his questions stopped flowing, he leaned back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling.
"You're crazy" He whispered and I felt my demeanour change, just as I went to snap his eyes went back to mine and a wide smile spread across his face. "You're so insane, I love it" he murmured before my face was in his hands and his lips were on mine.
I'll admit it took me by surprise so it took me a minute to react. Of course I kissed him back, would have been really dumb not to at this point.
His hands seemed to be everywhere all at once, every single nerve I owned stood on edge for him and my magic began to flow a little too fast than I was used to. Klaus pulled away, a chuckle leaving his lips making my eyes, which I didn't remember closing, open.
"You've set the curtains on fire sweetheart" he mumbled, stroking a few strands of hair behind my ear as I took a breathe and silently mended the curtains with my mind. A kiss was placed behind my ear and I breathed in deeply. "I can't believe you let me think you couldn't even light a candle when I met you" he muttered and he smiled.
"You let everyone think you were Alaric, so..." I trailed but he tutted.
"Ah, ah. Everyone except for you as it turns out so we are in no way even. You have been tormenting me, lying to me, watching me sleep..." he smirked and I rolled my eyes, "borderline assaulting me!" he exasperated and I dropped my head back with a sigh. His lips pressed to my neck in response and I hummed with a clenched jaw. "You do not like to be teased" he stated and my eyes flicked to him "I'm not mad" he told me but I didn't think he was anyway "your methods for my...affections have been questionable-"
"Well-" I interjected but he shook his head and kissed my lips again which was a seemingly affective way to keep me quiet but I liked it.
"But" he cut in "It has been incredibly sexy to watch you pull an unbelievable amount of power moves under everyone's noses, including my own. I look forward to seeing how many more moves you have" he whispered, his voice becoming progressively lower.
My gaze fixed on him, my eyes narrowed a little. Was he saying what he wanted to say or what I wanted to hear?
His hands slid down my sides to the backs of my thighs before he lifted me onto his lap, having me straddle him in his chair and causing my dress to ride up. My hands held onto his upper arms lightly, he looked back at me with the same calculative look I'm sure I was wearing. His head tilted to the side making my lips twitch, he looked cute like a confused pet.
"I don't take well to being played with" I tell him and he frowned.
"I'm not playing" he replied, his hand caressing my thigh in a way that made an unfamiliar warmth spread through me and I wasn't quite sure what to do with it. For some reason I had mapped out a plan for every scenario except for one where he actually showed the interest I wanted from him. "I wouldn't toy with you Y/n. Should I have wanted to harm you I would have just done so"
"You don't think I'm a threat?" I question and he furrowed his brows
"Do you want me to see you as a threat?" He asked confused and I hesitated, did I?
"Maybe?" I whispered, unsure and he huffed softly.
"You have been dancing around me for almost a year now, don’t you think it’s time we both give in?” He murmured and I stared at him. Slowly his hands brushed higher up my thighs and he pulled me closer on his lap making my heart pound. “Will you let yourself give in to me?” He asked as his fingertips grazed the thin material of my panties. “No more stalking or knocking me out…just be with me, you can sleep beside me…with me and I’ll give you everything you could ever want”
I hummed quietly and clenched my jaw as I felt and heard the elastic in my panties snap. His hand pulled the fabric away from my body and tucked them into his pocket as his eyes locked on mine. I shifted a little on his lap, my thigh clenching around him as I felt my pussy flutter against the erection that was pushing against his suit trousers.
“You have no idea how hard it was to figure out who you were” he muttered as he pushed my hips back and forth in a slow motion. I could feel my skin heating up as my sensitive flesh rubbed over his pants. “You drove me mad” he whispered, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear making a warm shiver slide down my spine.
A breathy moan fell from my lips as I felt his hips grind up against my bare pussy. “Do you remember that letter you wrote, you were practically begging me to fuck you” he reminded making my eyes shut, my lips parting as I moved my hips with his to receive the perfect amount of friction against my clit. “Do you know how many faceless dreams I’ve had of you? I had to guess what your pretty moans would sound like, how tight your cunt was, I need to see if my imagination was accurate” He practically purred against my neck.
I kept grinding myself on his crotch, panting softly to try catch my breath and my thoughts and his hands cupped my ass firmly. They brushed across the tops of my thighs before a finger was rubbing my clit making my hips thrust up and a moan to escape me.
My hands curled into his jacket, I always had the control in situations. I needed the power and the control yet I couldn’t even think about taking it right now. I just needed to chase that feeling.
I couldn’t help the choked sound that left me when a finger plunged its way inside of me. At this point my hips were rutting against his hand, my pussy surely dripping onto his pants but I couldn’t stop myself.
“Happy Valentine’s Day sweetheart” his voice cooed against my ear and I moaned aloud. Kisses burned into the top of my neck and base of my jaw, “I’m gonna fuck you against all of your little love letters” he mumbled and I cried out his name weakly.
Another finger stretched me open with my clit was rubbed ferociously making my hips stutter and thighs tremble with need.
His mouth captured mine as I felt my resistance snap. My body shook and my head felt light as my lips pushed against his with force. After he pulled back and let me catch my breath he lifted me up and dropped me onto his bed amongst all the notes I’d left him in the past.
His body knelt between my legs and his face hovered over mine as he brushed his nose against mine.
I think it was that moment that I knew:
Love would destroy us both.
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braveclementine · 4 months
Damon X reader pt. 1
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Warnings: slight angst
Copyright: I do not own any TVD/TO/Legacies characters, nor any places in New Orleans or Mystic Falls that may be mentioned.
I woke up in rather warm arms and I was confused. What in the world? I rolled over- to the best of my ability- and saw Damon's angelic sleeping face on the other side. I relaxed immediately, smiling at the sight in front of me.
He was so handsome what with those baby blue eyes and black curls, and I wished he could be mine. But he was adamant that he was bad for me because he was a Vampire. I didn't care, I wished I could be a vampire and be with him forever.
It had taken forever to convince him into the bed. But he had finally given in and here he was. Of course, he wouldn't sleep with me, but he would cuddle and I was grateful for that.
"Take a picture, it lasts longer." Damon grumbled, apparently awake as I continued to gaze at him.
I tucked some of his curly hair behind his hair. "Hmm."
I kissed his forehead before rolling out of the bed on the opposite side. I glanced out the window, seeing the ocean waves. But there was also an island that seemed very close. "We're almost at the next stop. What is it again?"
"Bahamas. Didn't you read the map? You're the one who's competing after all." Damon grumbled, but with more teasing in his voice than before.
I giggled, "No. You know I was surprised with this trip. What time it is?"
"Time for you to get a watch." Damon grumbled, rolling over in the bedsheets, wrapping his arms around one of the pillows.
"Not the dad jokes Damon." I complained.
"Sorry Y/N." He muttered.
I went to the bathroom and then looked at the clock, "It's past lunchtime." I shouted so he could hear me.
I exited the bathroom and found he'd fallen back asleep. I smiled gently.
We lived in Mystic Falls which never seemed to be a boring place to live, what with the drama with Originals and Vampires and Werewolves and Heretics and Sirens and Witches and whatever else existed. And I was a measly human who had managed to survive it through it all.
This was partly a combination because Damon and Enzo protected me, and also because all of the Originals had taken a liking to me. Well, except Finn, but he didn't really count now.
With the combined protection, I got through everything unscathed. Of course, while everyone from Bonnie and Enzo to Alaric and Jo had found a romantic love, I was stuck without love.
Klaus had Caroline, Elijah had Hayley. Kol had Davina. Rebekah had Marcel, which meant Marcel had Rebekah. Stefan had Elena- not that I would've gone for Stefan anyways. I honestly couldn't stand him or Elena. Bonnie had Enzo. Alaric had Jo.
Which had left Damon who was adamantly against dating me. Wonderful. But that was because his eyes were on Elena.
I guess if I wanted to sink lower I could date Matt or Tyler, but I really didn't.
Of course, everyone liked to tell me that Damon did like me, he just didn't want to hurt me. Well, that was just bloody wonderful, but if he could actually act on it, it would be more than wonderful.
But anyways. . . about three weeks ago, I had received a letter in the mail that claimed I had won a spot on a game show that would take place on a yacht. I was allowed to bring one friend with me and we would have shared quarters.
I hadn't been sure who I was going to take. I had thought about bringing Vincent, my witch friend from New Orleans, but somehow, Damon had been corralled into it.
Not that I minded.
So now I was here. I'd spent a week and a half on the yacht, participating in different game shows and consistently winning, although the last game had been a near miss. I'd been on the bubble with a one question difference and it just so happened I knew the question and I got pushed into the winning.
The next contest would be when we docked- the losers were always dropped off at the port location to be sent home on an airplane- and this time around, we were going to know the category ahead of time. I was really excited because if I could study something- the enormous yacht had a library- then I would probably have a better chance at winning.
Meanwhile, I got dressed out of my pajamas and into a short sleeved T-shirt and a pair of frayed jean shorts. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun, not bothering doing anything more exotic with it. Then I applied light makeup and decided that it was time to wake Damon up.
I grabbed one of the blood bags from the mini fridge in the kitchen and then poured it into a glass that he usually used for drinking bourbon or whiskey.
I carried it back to the bedroom, waving it under Damon's nose, "Damon." He grunted, but didn't move.
"C'mon baby, time to wake up." I said in a sing-songy voice that was probably only appropriate to use on a little child. But he was certainly acting like it so it probably was rather appropriate.
He mumbled something incoherent, his hand pushing the glass of blood away.
I frowned and then said in a hard voice, "Damon Salvatore I will pour this glass of blood on your head if you do not get out of bed right now."
In a flash, the glass of blood was gone from my hand, Damon was gone from the bed, leaning against the wall, downing the glass. "Happy?"
"Very, let's go down for breakfast."
He scoffed, "Or, I can cook you pancakes here and we can stay in the room."
I sighed. I did love his pancakes and if we stayed in the room, I might get a chance to cuddle with him. Maybe even get him to kiss me.
"Well, alright. But do we even have maple syrup and whip cream?"
"If not, I'll compel the chef to give me some." Damon said, pouring himself a bourbon in the same glass the blood had originally been in.
"Are you sure you want to drink so early in the day?" I questioned.
"It's one o'clock, that's early?"
"I don't know, don't normal people start drinking around. . . after work hours? Six? Maybe five at the earliest?" I questioned. I personally didn't drink [or maybe you do], so I wasn't sure the normal hours.
"Only cool people drink at this time of the day Y/N." Damon smirked.
I swung my H/L hair over my shoulder. "Come on Slytherin, get to making the pancakes."
I had taken to calling him 'Slytherin' as it was his Hogwarts house. My nickname for him, per-se. He often called me '[Your Hogwarts house]'.
Damon cooked up the pancakes, putting [your favorite fruit] as the decorations for the eyes and mouth of the happy pancakes. I smirked as he added whip cream and maple syrup to the breakfast food.
"Thanks Damon." I said, picking up my fork and digging in.
"Well it's not often I flaunt my amazing cooking skills," Damon said cockily, digging into his own pancakes.
We mostly ate in silence. I was wondering about what the category would be for the next round, knowing I only had a few hours before the actual competition to research. I had heard rumors that the library was a whole floor of the ship so finding books might be nearly impossible.
"Don't sweat it." Damon said and I looked up to see he had been observing me. His black hair was in his lovely blue eyes. He was wearing a buttoned down gray shirt and black jeans. Much to my pet peeve, he had only socks on. I preferred either bare feet or shoes. "Honestly, you either know the answers, or you don't. It's not the end of the world if you lose the competition."
I smiled at him. I just wanted to impress him. It was stupid really, I was human. If I wasn't human, I wouldn't have to impress him. He didn't want me to be a vampire and he also didn't want to be with me if I was human.
Or maybe it was just that if I stayed human, he never had to be with me whereas if I became a vampire, he might never get rid of me.
The smile slipped off my face and I quickly turned back to my pancakes. Was that it? Was it really that bad to be in my presence?
I suddenly found my appetite diminished and I pushed the plate away gently, getting to my feet and padding away to the bathroom.
I needed a bath to calm my senses.
At that moment, the intercom went off with an annoying drilling noise like back in high school. "Attention competitors. The library is now open. The category is mystical creatures. You have four hours. Good luck!"
Well there went the calming bath.
"Well you'll have this in the bag Y/N." Damon said, another glass of bourbon in his hand. I decided not to say anything. If he wanted to drink it fine, it wasn't my place to tell him not to.
"Well, I guess I should go down to the library anyways." I said awkwardly. "I'll see you after the competition."
"Don't you want help studying?" Damon asked and I did hear the surprise in his voice that I planned on going alone.
"Only if you want, but if you'd rather stay here, I don't mind at all." I replied nonchalantly, opening the door to the hotel room. I let the door close behind me, but the click didn't happen.
Damon was now standing in front of me, a bit of a frown on his face. "Y/N? Did I say something at breakfast?"
No. It's what you're not saying.
"No, just nerves." I replied with a shrug. I set off down the hallway. "But if you're coming, you have to leave the bourbon in the room!"
Good, now I'd have time alone and away from him. He'd much rather stay in his room with his bourbon-
I shrieked as strong arms scooped me up and I felt a familiar rush of vampire speed as everything rushed past me in a blur.
We stopped in front of large doors and Damon said, "The library." He put me down on his feet.
I hit his arm, "Dumbass! What if someone saw you?"
"Then I'd compel them to forget." Damon said his mouth lifting into that familiar, sexy smirk, opening the door. "After you." 
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francesderwent · 5 months
I need you to give me all the delena/tvd coded ttpd songs, hit me with it
bless you, anon!
so this is an EXTREMELY tvd-coded album!! the steady relationship with the guy who saved you isn't working anymore and hasn't been working for a long time. he doesn't understand you anymore. he can't move forward with you. the relationship is starting to be symbolized and characterized by death. at the same time, there is someone who does love you the way you are...and maybe has loved you even longer than the person you're with now. you escape the prison of the first lover and run straight into the arms of the new one--and everyone you know hates it and hates him. but you know who he is, and you know what you want!
you see the vision, right? this is where it starts to break down, because Damon is very much not The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived. he gives Elena her sparkling summer, and then (after some bumps in the road) he gives her the promised rings and cradles. so here's the delena songs:
in a weird way, I think The Albatross is a Damon song. and when that sky rains fire on you and you're persona non grata, I'll tell you how I've been there too and that none of it matters is Damon when Elena becomes a vampire! everyone warned her about him, but he swoops in and saves her.
Fresh Out the Slammer is 4x07. Elena is freshly broken up with Stefan, because he don't understand me, and runs straight home to Damon, the one who...no matter what I've done, it wouldn't matter anyway
But Daddy I Love Him is s4 when Caroline and Stefan and co have all turned against Damon. stay away from her, the saboteurs protested too much. Elena won't hear it! no I'm not coming to my senses, I know he's crazy but he's the one I want! Elena stands by her choice! he was chaos he was revelry, bedroom eyes like a remedy!
Down Bad is Elena in season 6a when she thinks Damon is dead. they were supposed to have forever and he left her, and now she's spiraling. tell me I was the chosen one, showed me that this world is bigger than us, then sent me back where I came from. I might just die, it would make no difference.
I Look in People's Windows is 6x06, Damon back from the dead and pressed against Elena's door hoping that she'll remember him if she sees him. does it feel alright to not know me? what if your eyes looked up and met mine one more time?
The Alchemy is season 6b when Damon is back, Elena still doesn't remember him and is trying to date some unimpressive boy, and they still find themselves falling into old habits anyway. call the amateurs and cut 'em from the team! the sign on your heart says it's still reserved for me! who are we to fight the alchemy??
but the fun of it is But Daddy I Love Him comes back at the end!! Elena gets the whole story, including the fantasy happy ending. Damon wins over Alaric and Bonnie! Elena gets the wedding and to dance in her dress in the sun!!
miscellaneous non-delena ones:
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me is a Katherine song!
I Can Do It With a Broken Heart is Caroline Forbes, hands down.
I think The Black Dog is Caroline singing to Tyler. "I just don't understand how you don't miss me", and "tail between your legs, you are leaving" are the stand out lines.
the chorus of Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus reminds me of delena because "just say I loved you the way that you were" is 2x22 and "I've always wondered" is 3x22. the rest of the song does not work.
The Prophecy is a Bonnie Bennett song.
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iknowshocker · 4 months
What do you think would’ve happened to Kai if he never got captured by the mfg, sent to the armory, and sent to a prison world after escaping hell in season 8? As if his story was just left off at the karaoke scene
Side note: I always found it so interesting that the first time he has no agenda or threats and can do whatever he wants, he just goes to a small town karaoke bar and pretty much just keeps to himself (and Yelp) until Stefan shows up lol
no this is what i'm saying, anon, everyone acts like he's this evil genius mad man (and like he is but he's also relatively harmless when you don't get on his nerves) that needs to be stopped at all cost and 9/10 times he's just minding his own business bopping around. post-merge he literally spends a handful of days just dealing with his new weird emotions, writing a letter to jo, finding a place to live, and shopping 🙈 oooh so scary, he bought new jeans! look out - now he's eating fries at the grill!
so i think if the mfg left him alone and didnt kidnap him he would have probably just taken some time to mess around and day drink, and then after the novelty of being out of hell wore off he'd start deciding what he wants to do next. if we don't change anything from s6, then he's got no living family, the coven is gone, and he's basically on his own. he has to start over. there's some fun in that, he can do anything he wants and now he's immortal and stronger and faster and he's got these cool fangs - but also i imagine it would be really lonely. sure, he's used to being alone, but i think the part of him that wants connection would start to be hard to ignore after a little while.
i desperately wanted him to get to be a coven leader so i like the idea of him collecting witches, i would accept him going off and coming back with like 2-3 new people and being like "loooook guys i built a coven!! picked this guy up doing tricks in vegas, this girl here was kicked out of the house so obviously we brought her home with us, and this one was actually killing people but don't worry we spoke about it and agreed murder is only allowed in certain situations-,"
s8 kai is still fixated on bonnie, so i'd assume he would either start texting/calling her or risk it and go to town to see (bug) her. maybe he wants her to join the coven, maybe he went to her first and she said no because they can't be a coven of two so he went and recruited more to be like "oookay bonster now it's a coven of 5 what do you say??"
i would hope that something could come of their relationship and even if it's not expressly romantic they could get to a point where he would help her with the hellfire arc. i mentioned in another post that if they had two witches, someone could handle the hellfire in the armory while someone else held katherine in place inside the tunnel with a spell.
i would write it so that bonnie is afraid to leave him with the boys, and he has to assure her he's strong enough to handle them and it would be this tense moment of goodbye:
"i don't want to leave you!"
"bon come on i'll be fine, just go we don't have time for this. worry about me later tho it's kind of cute-,"
"okay okay, shut up, i'm going-"
(alternatively i would accept "hey ... be safe" "i will" and then the boys picking on him lmao)
and then instead of passing out she'd race back down the tunnels to check on him. she would get there and see the boys first and have a moment of thinking they turned on him so she thinks kai was sucked into the fire and he gets to watch her freak out about him being gone for good and then he could pop out and be like "don't worry bb not even hellfire could keep me from you 😉" and she'd yell at him for letting her think he was hurt but then they'd hug and he'd be like "...worth it" lmao
i just !! want my boy to be happy. we get such a brief window of time where he's himself, with magic, free. so he could honestly do literally anything other than get trapped in a third freaking prison world and end up having a relationship with a vampire teenager and i would enjoy the hell out of it 😂
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The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get
kai parker x bonnie bennett | requested
summary: bonnie just had to send her magic away in a teddy bear, consequently trapping herself in the prison world with only kai as company. and if that wasn't bad enough, the longer she spends with him, the less she starts to hate him. though it would be a cold day in hell before she ever admits that to his face...
tags: enemies to lovers, 1994 prison world, wet dreams, threats & violence (kai being kai), minor alcohol use, choking, kidnapping, arguments, making out, fingering, blowjobs, hair pulling, vaginal sex, hate sex (but they secretly like each other 😉 )
word count: 7.3k
n/a: kind of a bonnie pov, but not really. to the anon who requested it, i hope you like!! and sorry it took so long. also, i'm really bad at slow burn bc i'm impatient, so i hope i drew it out enough. and one more comment, i'm not sure if you wanted this much smut, but i read 'switch' in the request and my mind went wild. furthermore, if you want a part 2 with damon involved, since he was partially included in your request, i can do my best on that (psst i have ideas) ;)
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It would’ve been easier to just do the stupid spell and deal with Kai back in the present world. She could’ve thought up a plan to trap and kill him with her friends’ help, instead of doing it by herself, eighteen years in the past. But no. When the second attempt to escape the prison world was made, Bonnie decided to send her magic away where she nor Kai could have it. And now they’re stuck there. Together. Forever. 
A big part of her curses herself for that decision. Her only chance, and she blew it to prevent him from gaining access to his remaining siblings. He’d kill them in a second if he found them, he’s promised that to her. Though at the same time, Bonnie knows his siblings. In fact, Liv pretended to not understand her magic just to gain Bonnie’s trust. She and Luke may stand a good chance against Kai if he were to escape. After all, he has no magic of his own, and has never been taught much of anything. So why didn’t she just let them return to 2013, and then they could all form a plan against Kai together? 
She puts her head in her hands, sighing. Upstairs, she can hear the shower running. A chance to run; to find new magic. Kai isn’t a vampire, he’s just a magic-less witch with a vengeance. Klaus was an original vampire with a vengeance, and Bonnie could take him. 
Curiosity, her brain supplies. 
Bonnie looks up, as if the voice had come from someone else in the room. 
Nope, she hears, just you.
There is no one else here. There is the boy in the shower, and there is her. No one to help; no one to hear her scream. No one to judge you, she hears again. She shakes her head. 
“No reason I’d be judged,” she replies out loud. She’s definitely going crazy. Talking to the voices in her head? And they are responding. 
Except for one, it says. Your curiosity. 
“The only curiosity I have is how I’m going to get out of here.”
Which is entirely your fault. You had an out; you sent it away. To protect Luke and Liv? They almost killed Elena. They can handle themselves. 
“Kai is different,” she mutters. 
Different, yes, But not in the way you’re thinking. Klaus was a monster, too. Damon, Stefan, Silas, Katherine, they were all killers. You’ve fought and won against them all at some point. But you don’t want to fight Kai. You don’t want to leave this prison world, because you don’t want to lose his company yet.
“Fucking insane.” She fills a glass of water and chugs it. Sleep deprivation is one hell of a mindfuck. 
You’re not sleep deprived, Bonnie. In fact, this prison world offers the best sleep you’ve had in years. Your nightmares have stopped, since your friends no longer burden you with all their problems.
Might I say, you even have dreams now. Dreams of your mother, where you’ve thanked her for the peace. Dreams of simple mornings, of sipping coffee in silence. And let’s not forget the dreams of pleasure, focused on the only other person occupying this world. You don’t really want to leave, do you?
Bonnie slams her hand down on the table. “I said stop!” The voices hush at once, but the damage has already been done. 
She’s tried everything to forget that dream. It haunts her in all the best ways at the worst times. She bites her tongue so hard that it bleeds.
Wetness pools from her core as a dull sensation builds. She holds back a moan, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. 
“Come on, we’re the only two people here. No one can hear you. Let it out.”
Two weeks ago, that would’ve been a threat. Two weeks ago, the boy between her legs had his hands around her throat as he whispered menaces in her ear. Then, somehow, in the two weeks since Bonnie’s sent her magic away, a thread has snapped between the two. It started with a glare. Kai’s eyes burned into her from behind, but softened when hers met his own. He wanted to hate her; wished he could kill her, but he couldn’t do either. 
Bonnie had thoughts similar to his racing through her head. She numbed them with alcohol, and tried to not remember the feeling of his lips touching the lobe of her ear that one day in the car. But with every sip, her body heated up more, and when their fingers grazed as she passed him a glass, all hell broke loose. 
She kissed him first, and once he realized what was happening, he didn’t let her go. He pushed her up against the wall and let his hands explore her body. Pants of exhaustion tumbled from both their lips whenever they separated for a breath of air. It wasn’t long before they wanted more, though, and her hips were hoisted onto his waist. Kai then took her up to his bed and made himself comfortable between her legs. 
Pleasure flooded her body. Bonnie would’ve never have thought he would be as good with his tongue for anything else other than talking her ear off. Her hands pull at his hair as she comes close to her high. Way too quickly, she thought, but then again, it had been awhile since she’d been touched like that. 
“Come on, we’re the only two people here. No one can hear you. Let it out,” he was saying. 
But then Bonnie woke up suddenly to the clashing of pots and pans from the kitchen below. 
“Sorry!” Kai’s voice carried through the mansion. 
She slumped back on the bed, trying to remember the dream she was having. It was hot, like a summer day, but all the heat was trapped between two bodies. She was out of breath, and holding back a moan. A boy was in her bed, tangled in her sheets, lapping at her core. 
Her blood runs cold. 
She could picture it perfectly. Hands that have held her by the throat, and have gripped her arms so tightly they’ve bruised, were holding down her hips. The tongue that blabbers on and on was finally put to another use. 
Bonnie shook her head, disgusted in herself. She needed a shower, needed to change her sheets, needed a walk to clear her head. She pulled herself out of bed and grabbed the edge of the sheets to pull them off, when she noticed something else. 
A wet spot, right underneath where she had been laying. 
She hadn’t come yet in her dream, but the images were vivid enough that she did in her sleep. She swallows, unsure of herself. It’s hard to deny the fact that it felt good, and she craved it almost more than anything else, but never would she admit out loud that she had a wet dream of Kai Parker. And liked it. 
The memory ends, leaving Bonnie alone at the kitchen table. The shower is still running, indicating Kai was still upstairs. Upstairs, by his bedroom, bare. She cursed her head for the thought. No, she could not think of him like that. Kai was a monster, no different from Klaus. A dream is just a dream. It doesn’t mean anything. 
Still, the thoughts don’t leave her head. Biting her tongue doesn’t distract her from the memory, so she makes her way to Damon’s 1994 stash of liquor. Whiskey? No, whiskey is what she poured when Kai had asked for one too. Gin? No, gin reminds her of Liv, the girl she’s trying to protect by trapping herself down here with Kai. But rum? That’s safe. 
“Ooh, what are you drinking?” Comes his voice as she pours herself a glass. Of course. 
“Do you want one or not?”
“Are you offering?” He stares into her eyes. Unable to hold his gaze, she drops her eyes down to the edge of his lip. There’s a cut in the left side that she always notices, and today, she decides to focus on it. “I’m kidding. Sure.”
Bonnie quickly brings her attention back to the glass and pours him one. Her breath hitches when she hands it to him. Their fingers touch ever so gently. 
“Y’know, I was wondering, what kind of shows do they have in 2013? Is Jerry Springer still on?”
Glad for the change in mood, Bonnie nods. “Yep, still a thing.”
“Huh. Do you watch it?”
“Not particularly. It’s kind of a ‘watch if it’s the only thing on’ kind of deal.”
“Ah. My mom used to put it on all the time. She would threaten to send my little siblings on there if they couldn’t work out their problems.”
Bonnie laughs before she can stop herself. Kai’s gaze snaps to her instantly, dimples forming on his cheeks as he smiles at the fact he made her laugh. A passing thought in her head mutters how cute they are, but then she comes to the realization of the thought. Not cute. Nothing about Kai is cute. 
“Did she ever threaten to put you on there?”
He takes a deep breath. “Mom and I never shared jokes like that. My version of it was my dad threatening to shut my mouth with tape.”
“Oh,” she replies, genuinely shocked. 
“That or withholding meals. Lock me in my room with a spell. Put a silencing spell so I couldn’t disturb them. And ignore me for days. Not like I was stupid enough to disturb them, because that would just make it worse, but he liked to use magic on me to remind me I didn’t have any. As if I could forget.”
Bonnie swallows hard. 
“Ooh, definitely sharing too much. Think I’m going to finish this glass of rum elsewhere. If you need me, BonBon, I’ll be in my room.”
She watches him leave in silence. 
Whiskey. Kisses. It was all a dream. 
Rum. Revelations. Now, she didn’t know what to think. 
As time passes, tensions increase. Bonnie tries to forget her dream and the tidbit of memory Kai had shared. Kai, on the other hand, tries to forget he overshared, while ignoring the dull ache in his heart to get closer to her. In a few days’ time, so much energy is put into their mutual need to ignore each other that they almost forget the task at hand. 
That is, until Kai comes to a conclusion on which he needs Bonnie’s opinion. The girl sending her magic away suddenly reminded him of his sister doing the same. So, somewhere on the property of his childhood home, there may be magic stored. His heart leaps with the hope of getting out of the prison world, and he quickly maps out a plan to get to Portland.
Though before he can go anywhere, he needs to convince the girl to go with him. Let’s rephrase that, he needs to make his hometown appealing enough to get Bonnie to come with him in his retrieval of Jo’s magic. Then he needs, for a third time, to try to convince Bonnie to let them go home. 
Because, truth be told, Kai would hate to leave the girl here alone. He knows what it’s like to spend every day in solitude for years, and even with his lack of empathy, can’t do that to her. Besides, it would be a lie if he said he hadn’t come to like her just a little. Her company is nice, and she’s undeniably pretty. Pretty badass, too, which turns him on more than he’d like to admit. 
So, one day as she’s coming back from the supermarket, he approaches her with the topic.
“We need to leave Mystic Falls.”
Bonnie turns from the cabinet to face him, nose crinkled in disgust. “Why? We’re fine here. Where would we even go?”
“Doesn’t matter where, but I thought of a place where we could find magic. Since y’know, you put yours away in a bear.”
“Yeah, I did that so you couldn’t get out. Why would I go with you to get more?”
Kai crosses the kitchen to close the distance between them. He could reach out and touch her now. “Because we both want out of here, Bonnie. Don’t tell me you like it here.”
“Of course I don’t. But you out would be hell on earth. I’m trying to prevent another mass murder.”
His eyes darken. “I told you, I’ve changed. I-”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Then what do you expect to do for the rest of your life locked up in here? Are you really going to sacrifice your own happiness to keep me here? Because I’ll find a way out. I’ll find a way out, and I will leave you here if I have to.”
“You need me for the spell. You’re not going anywhere.”
“What makes you think I won’t just steal your blood, memorize the spell, and get out? If you want to see your friends again, it’ll be with me.”
“I’d rather die than let that happen. It’s not your lack of magic that makes you an abomination, Kai, it’s you.”
The last comment pushes him too far. Bonnie realizes it the moment it leaves her lips. In an instant, his hands are around her throat, tightening just enough to render her unconscious. The girl grips his wrists, but feels her hold weakening.
“Kai,” she begs, “let me go.”
“Say you’ll go with me.”
“Say it!”
“I won’t let you out!”
“I didn’t want to do this,” he warns. Before she can question him, darkness starts to cloud her vision. In a matter of seconds, her body goes limp. 
The next time Bonnie wakes up, she realizes the ground beneath her is moving. Though as soon as it hits her that she’s in the trunk of a car, the car comes to a halt. Bonnie hears the ignition turn off and the door shut before coming in direct contact with the sun. She squints, but then the view is blocked by Kai smiling down at her. 
“Morning, sunshine. Well, evening, actually.”
“What did you do to me?”
“Relax. You just took a little nap for our flight.”
“Flight? Where are we, Kai?”
She cringes, “why?”
“It’s where we’re gonna find magic.”
“And why exactly would-”
“It’s where I grew up. I would’ve let you sit in the passenger seat for the trip here, but since you refused to go, I needed to resort to more forceful methods.”
Bonnie rolls her eyes. “As if I’d willingly go with you. Also, I told you. I am not helping you get any more magic.”
“We’ll see about that, BonBon. For now,” he takes a couple steps towards his house, “come on. I’m cooking you dinner.”
“You’re not bribing me to help you,” she says, following him anyway. 
“Not a bribe, Bonnie, I just thought you’d be hungry.” At the same time, her stomach growls, betraying her. Kai smiles. “See?”
The girl just rolls her eyes a second time and goes inside the house.
As it turns out, Kai isn’t a bad cook. In fact, he’s really good. Not like Bonnie would ever admit that, though. She didn’t want to eat his food, but the hunger soon overtakes her pride and she gives into it. To her shock and thankfulness, Kai doesn’t comment on this decision. He lets her eat in peace while enjoying his own plate. 
“So,” she starts, halfway through her meal, “what’s your plan after bringing me all the way out here?”
Kai swirls wine in a glass and takes a sip before answering. “Find Jo’s magic. Steal it. Go home. Thought that was obvious.”
“And where exactly is her magic being stored?”
“Not sure, I’ll have to find it.”
“Well you can have a fun time doing that. I’m leaving after this.”
The boy tenses. “No you’re not. You’re going to get us out of here the minute I find it.”
She laughs in disbelief. “We’re still having this conversation? Get it through your head, Kai, I am not letting you out of here. I don’t care if you cook for me, I don’t care what you do, you’re staying in this damn prison world.”
Suddenly, he grabs her wrist. His grip is tight, knuckles going white. Bonnie jumps in her seat. 
“Ouch! That hurts, Kai. Let go of me!”
“You’re not leaving this house until we find my sister’s magic.”
“Let go of my arm!”
He loosens his grip, but doesn’t let go completely. Bonnie stares down at his fingers curled around her. The cool metal of his rings contrasts his flushed skin. Her mind starts to wander… 
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he says slowly, “but I will if you keep refusing to help me. The only person you’re hurting is yourself.”
Her mind is snapped from its dark place. “Here’s an idea: I’ll help you find Jo’s knife, and then we go our separate ways.”
“That doesn’t make sense, I need your blood for the spell. The knife is no good if I don’t have you.”
“Too bad. Guess you’ll have to find me.”
According to Kai’s mind numbing ranting while Damon was still here, the prison world is exactly like the real world, except it’s a dimension frozen in time. But if Bonnie can escape, she can go to any state, any country, and Kai would have to find her. Sure, he could do a locator spell, but he’ll run out of siphoned magic quickly and won’t have any more. It’s a perfect plan, she thinks, to escape him and his demands to be freed. 
Besides, Bonnie has a feeling he’ll love the hunt. There’s no way he’d deny this. 
Kai seems to consider this. “Fine. We find the knife, and I’ll let you go.”
“Good.” Proud of herself, she stabs a piece of meat on her fork and eats it happily. She misses the storm clouds coming into his eyes. He doesn’t eat anymore after that.
At the end of dinner, both make their beds in separate areas of the house. Bonnie takes to Jo’s old room and Kai curls up on the couch. Just before she retreats to go to sleep, the boy stops her in her tracks. He corners her up against the wall, close enough that his breath hits her neck. 
“Just so you know, I’m a light sleeper. If I hear you trying to break our deal and escape, you’ll regret it.”
Bonnie returns him a stone cold expression. “Figures. But I won’t.” She holds her breath in the presence of his. 
“See you in the morning, BonBon.”
Three days go by of the two searching the huge house for Jo’s knife. It is a cause that seems lost to Bonnie, yet she knows Kai won’t give up until he has magic again. So, she continues to look. Besides, if she goes to Kai about it, he’ll grab her again, and she would really like to avoid another close confrontation with him. 
It’s too much risk to piss him off. He gets too close; too physical. And Bonnie should be afraid when he’s like this, but the more and more that it happens, she finds herself sweating in anticipation. The dark parts of her mind rise back to the surface. Memories of her dream, of his hands on her body, and his head between her legs, play on repeat. She wonders if it will always be a dream, or if one of these days, they’ll give into their mutual need. 
No. It’s just a dream, she reminds herself. And Kai doesn’t need anything, except apparently an escape from this place. Still… she can’t help the thought. To not touch another person for twenty years? I wonder if he’s ever-
“Any luck?” 
For once in her life, Bonnie’s grateful to hear Kai’s voice cut through her thoughts. 
“No,” she replies, “no luck in three days.”
“It’s here. I know it is. Jo didn’t have any magic when we tried to merge. She stashed it somewhere.”
“Maybe she took it back after you were gone.”
Kai thinks about this, but then shakes his head. “She wouldn’t have. She’s probably never touched it again.”
“Maybe your father hid it somewhere. Does this place have an attic? Or a basement?”
“Both, yeah.”
“You take one, I’ll take the other.” Bonnie puts a finger up to his face. “But don’t even consider locking me in there.”
“Promise I won’t. You can trust me.” He winks.
She glares at him. “Hard to believe that.”
But to their dismay, an entire day of searching both turns up nothing. Bonnie returns to Jo’s room once again. 
That night, her thoughts from earlier in the day come back to haunt. 
In her dream, she’s in her room while Kai’s in his. Her fingers ghost over her body as she eases herself into a mood. It’s not like there’s much to do in the prison world, so as long as she’s quiet, he’ll never know. 
However, she barely touches herself before a groan carries from down the hall. Curious, Bonnie rises from her bed and makes her way to the only other occupied room. Her eyes go wide at the sight beyond the door. There is Kai, eyes squeezed shut and hips working against a pillow. He’s on his bed, no mind paid to the crack through the door. 
Somehow, the siphon doesn’t realize her presence. He must be too close to hear anything else. 
The thought alone makes her body warm. Bonnie’s hand then finds its way under her pajama pants. A sigh escapes her slightly parted lips. It still doesn’t disrupt Kai from his own feat. 
For a short time, she watches him while touching herself. She watches how he speeds up, then slows back down; how he sometimes lets out little pants, but at other times, full-blown moans. 
“Kai,” she finds herself whispering. “Oh.”
He doesn’t stop. Not until he reaches his high and comes down from it. As he surveys his bed for the mess he’s made, his eyes snap up to the girl peeking through his door. In an instant, his face turns pink with embarrassment. Kai Parker embarrassed. It makes Bonnie come on the spot. 
“What are you-?”
“Let’s not talk about this,” she breathes out heavily. 
Bonnie wakes up in a cold sweat, panting, and feeling out of place. Her eyes dart around the room before she realizes she’s still in her bedroom. Well, Jo’s bedroom, in Portland, in 1994. She sighs, feeling disgusted in herself once again. She needs to get away from Kai. Needs to stop having these dreams; needs to stop secretly wanting him. It all needs to stop. 
Slowly, she rises from her bed to fetch a coffee. Coffee makes everything better. It’ll clear her mind and wake her up so she can continue looking for that stupid knife. Find the knife, and she can get away from him. Just find the stupid knife. 
When she gets downstairs, though, Kai’s already in the kitchen. 
“Morning,” he greets, voice gravelly. If she has to hear his morning voice one more time, she’s going to lose it. “Sleep well?”
“Fine. You?”
“Only fine?”
“I’m still here, aren’t I?”
“Hm. For some reason it sounded much better from where I was.”
“Did you dream well?”
“No. In fact, I’ve only had nightmares since arriving in this hell.”
“Odd. ‘Cause I could’ve sworn I heard otherwise this morning.”
“Maybe you just heard yourself.” Her heartbeat quickens, and Bonnie thanks the highest power alive that Kai’s not a vampire. 
“Maybe. But I’m pretty sure it was you. Pretty sure I don’t moan my own name.”
Her blood runs cold. “I didn’t-”
Kai stares at her and her words falter. “Is someone else here, then? Don’t think that’d be from the ghosts of my siblings. Only people here are you and me.”
Kai mentioning his siblings almost kills her mood, but his look revives it just as fast. Straightening, she fakes confidence. “You made me have that dream. Manipulated it.”
The boy chuckles, “I literally have no magic, Bonnie. That’s why we’re here, actually, if you don’t remember. I have no magic to manipulate your dreams. You thought of me all on your own.”
“I-” she stammers, “you-” she takes a deep breath. “It doesn’t matter. I still hate you. I will never like you, and nothing like that will ever happen. I’m just… tired of being in here.”
A flash of hurt crosses his eyes, but he blinks it away quickly. “Whatever. I’m going to check the basement again, in case you didn’t look hard enough yesterday.”
Bonnie didn’t miss the look, but she doesn’t understand why he would have it. He hates her just as much as she hates him. She scoffs at his comment, then disappears to the attic. If he asks, she’ll just retort that he didn’t look hard enough, either. 
Days pass the same as they have been. Though if it’s even possible, the two ignore each other even more. They stay on opposite sides of the house and only come in the same room for dinner. Kai cooks each night, for which she’s thankful, but refuses to actually thank him. Part of her is still pissed about him bringing up the dream, making her a little embarrassed every time she remembers the conversation. 
You’re the one that moaned his name, the voice in her head says, you can’t be mad at him for bringing it up. 
Shut up, she replies to it, it's common decency not to talk about that stuff.
The voice begs to differ. It argues that the rules are different when you’re the only two people in an entire world. 
Bonnie’s growing restless each second that they can’t find the knife. She’s growing comfortable around Kai, and she hates the thought. The boy has been cooking for her, giving her space, and hasn’t threatened her ever since she backed off of him. Another couple months, and maybe they could have a Damon-level of banter between them. Wait…
Hell. No. 
She will not be in Portland in a couple months. She’ll be far from Kai Parker and his crazy childhood home. She will not spend every day of her miserable time in the prison world wondering where he is, or what he’s doing. She will be far away, relaxing on a beach somewhere, while he angrily tries to find her. 
That was the plan. That will continue to be the plan. That is-
The girl scoffs. Will she ever have a train of thought that he doesn’t interrupt? “What?”
“I found it!”
Excitement shoots through her spine. She stands from her spot on the floor and follows his voice to the kitchen. There, on the table, is Jo’s knife. Rusty, but still sharp. 
“Outside. Y’know, I can’t believe I didn’t think of this before, but Jo had run outside after sending the twins out, and I guess she stashed the knife somewhere there. Turns out, it was in that old tree stump in the yard. Huh.”
Bonnie stares at it for a second. “So you have your knife. I can go now.”
Kai bites his lip. 
“We had a deal.”
“You really don’t want to live here alone, Bonnie, I-”
The girl picks up the knife and points it at him in an instant. “We had a deal. You let me go. Right. Now.”
“Bonnie-” he reaches for her, but she blocks him with the blade.
“I’m serious.”
“Put it down.”
“Fine. Put it down, and you can go.”
“I don’t trust you!”
Kai takes a step forward. Bonnie doesn’t move the knife, pointed back at his stomach, even as he makes another step.
“I promise, you can go. I just… I know what it’s like here, being all alone, and I don’t want you to go through that.”
“You don’t care about me. You don’t care about anyone.”
“I do care, Bon,” he whispers, “I care enough that I don’t want you feeling the way I have for eighteen years. It’s fun the first few, when you get to travel and see everything, but then it hits you that you’re never going home. You’ll never see another person again. You’ll lose hope, and you’ll lose the will to live, but you can’t die. I’ve been there. I’m trying to help you.”
“I don’t want your help. Being alone is better than letting you out.”
“Please don’t go.” He takes another step toward her. The tip of the blade makes contact with his shirt. “I promise I won't hurt you, just don’t go. I don’t want to be alone anymore, and you don’t want to know what it’s like to be here alone.”
“I hate you,” she spits, pressing the knife into him until it hits his skin. 
“I know. You should. I haven’t given you a reason to like me. But I’m begging you. Don’t go.”
“I give you this knife, and you let me go. Don’t stab me in the back, don’t keep begging.”
Kai swallows hard. “Okay.”
Slowly, she hands it to him. Bonnie watches as he puts it on the table. She’s surprised. She expected him to immediately stab her or siphon from it. Instead, he just watches her take a step backward, then another. Then-
He shuts his mouth. Clouds return to his eyes. Baby blues darken as a storm approaches. He won’t cry; Kai hasn’t cried since he was seven, but he will feel the stinging pain in his stomach at the loss of her company. The dryness at the back of his throat when the hopelessness returns. 
Bonnie makes her way out the door without another peep from him. She stands on the porch, waiting to see if he’ll come out, but after a minute, there’s nothing. The girl sighs in relief as she takes in the feeling of being free. 
Free from his threats, his tight grip, his anger. Free from the heavy weight of his crimes; crimes he’ll acknowledge but won’t feel bad for committing. Free from his stupid jokes and the winks he always gives her. Free from his cooking and his company. She’ll be alone. Completely, utterly alone. 
She gulps at the thought. 
Kai, meanwhile, stares at the knife before him. It’s technically his knife, the one he used to stab Jo in the first place, but then Jo put her magic in it, and it became known as his sister’s knife. Kai picks up the blade, feeling it in his hands, and siphons just a little bit to feel its strength. He revels in the energy it gives him. The last time he felt that strong was when he took Bonnie’s magic to show her his ability. 
Bonnie, who just walked out the door to spend an eternity alone, rather than be with him. 
Bonnie, who just slammed the front door. 
“I hate you!” She yells from the foyer. 
“I didn’t say anything!” Kai defends himself. 
The girl stomps back into the kitchen, face unreadable. “Yeah, but I heard you breathing. All I’ve heard all day, all week, all month, is the sound of you breathing. That, or you talking. Talking, or cooking. That is all you do, and I hate it!”
Kai stares at her. Whatever mixed emotions she’s feeling, he doesn’t understand any of them. “Um-”
“I just want to be alone, just leave me alone! Actually, no, I don’t want to be alone, because this prison world is a hell, and I will go crazy if I am alone. But, as it turns out, you’re my only company. And I’m sick of it, and I’m sick of hearing your breathing, and seeing those stupid rings on your fingers, and hearing your voice in the morning when you’ve just woken up. And I’m sick of your cooking, and your dedication to it, and how it’s actually good. Oh! And I’m also sick of having these stupid dreams about you, too. I don’t know why my brain won’t think of anyone else at three in the morning, but I’ve lost sleep over not wanting to dream, so I haven’t slept in a couple of days, and maybe that’s why I’m at my breaking point right now! Because I don’t want to sleep, because I don’t want you creeping in my dreams. I hate you, Kai, I’m running out of words to describe it.”
“So-, why-, um-” the boy doesn’t have any words, either. “So, uh, why are you still here?”
“Because I need to get my anger out, and you’re the only other person here.”
Kai expects Bonnie to hit him. A punch to the stomach or a slap to the face, either one, he anticipates. What he did not expect was for her to kiss him. 
But in fact, when the girl storms up to stand a mere inch from his face, she grabs his cheeks and kisses him. 
“You are so annoying,” she mutters, staring up at him. “I need you.”
This time, when she kisses him, he kisses her right back. Bonnie doesn’t fight him. Instead, she grabs the back of his neck to pull him closer, presses her body to his, and deepens it. Kai’s hands then find her waist before he backs her up to the nearest wall. Just like in her first dream, he lifts her legs up to wrap around his, to which she complies immediately. In their new position, her pelvis is level with his hardening cock, and with every push of his body against hers, she feels his excitement. 
“Kai,” she whispers his name. He recognizes the tone as the one she whispers in her sleep. 
“More.” She runs a hand through his hair roughly. “Take me. Please.”
Those words are all he needs to lay her down on the nearest couch. As soon as her head hits the pillow, he’s stripping her of her clothes. Bonnie tears his shirt off his head, then begins to fumble with his belt.
“How many times have you dreamed of this, BonBon?”
She’s too needy to lie. “I’ve lost count.”
A smirk crosses the boy’s face, though it’s quickly replaced by something she’d never thought she’d see on him: empathy. 
“I’ll take care of you, Bon. You’re good with me.” Kai wastes no time wetting his fingers with his tongue, then putting them on her clit. Bonnie’s back arches, and he supports her by slipping a hand underneath immediately. Their lips reconnect in a heated kiss. 
As soon as she gets his pants undone, she makes a grab for his visible bulge. Kai being Kai, though, smacks her hand away. 
“Not yet, princess. I’m still focused on you.” He distracts her by pushing his fingers into her core, pumping them in and out, and smirking at the squelching noises it makes. Bonnie moans, knowing she’s close to coming. Just like in her dream, again, it didn’t take long for her to reach her high. Kai fingers her throughout her orgasm, not relenting until her legs are shaking. He helps her onto her knees when she’s stable, and finally, does he then let her pull down his boxers. 
“Stand,” she points to the side of the couch, “here.”
“Dominant, are we?
She gives him a glare. It’s playful, yet he knows she means business. That’s okay - Kai can work with both. He’s mostly dominant, but if he’s comfortable enough, he’ll gladly submit to her. Right now, he’s not willing to fully submit, but he’ll give into the girl’s demands a little if it’s what she needs. 
The moment Kai stands where he was asked, Bonnie’s hands are gripping his cock. He lets out a moan at the feeling, and his hips involuntarily jerk forward. Bonnie keeps him where she wants him, though. Once he’s under her control, she puts her mouth on him. Her head bobs, taking his length deeper and deeper each time, until she can glide her lips smoothly along. Obscene grunts tumble from Kai’s lips. His hands bury in her hair, pulling at the roots. Bonnie doesn’t seem to mind, and in fact, her grip on his hips tightens so she can work better. 
“Bon,” he stammers, “you’re- I’m-”
She stops as he speaks. No way is he coming before he fucks her. Kai catches on immediately, pushing her back onto the couch, and then crawling up her body. He aligns himself before pushing in slowly, filling her completely and comfortably in no time. He’s much gentler than Bonnie anticipated, but she’s not complaining. Though she bets he’s very capable of angry sex, as seen by his several meltdowns over the months. If she ever gets him in one of those moments, she’d surely be covered in love bites and bruises by the end. 
Kai finds a good pace quickly, as indicated by Bonnie’s moans of pleasure. His hands grip her wrists, pinning her to the couch, while he leaves a trail of kisses along her neck. At first, the girl tries to fight for some control, but soon surrenders to the more dominant boy. 
He clicks his tongue, cooing at her, promising he’ll take care of her. 
A month ago, being under him like this would’ve been terrifying. But in their time together, she’s come to desire him a lot more than she wants to admit. 
And seemingly, Kai feels the same way. 
It isn’t long before she feels another high coming on - this one even more powerful than the last. With her bottom lip in between his teeth, and his cock buried deep enough inside her to form a bulge, her orgasm draws nearer by the second. Her breaths get shallow and she whimpers his name, pleading for release. Kai’s hold on her wrists loosen, as does the pace on his thrusts. He’s close, too. 
More thrusts and moans finally tumble from the girl’s lips. She’s cracked first, but the feeling of her body convulsing at its climax tips him off the edge. He spills inside her before he can even consider pulling out, but neither care about that right now. The feelings of pleasure are overwhelming, after months, and for him, years, of not touching another person so intimately. 
Their bodies meld together as he collapses on top of her. Her hands fly to his hair, twirling the ends between her fingertips, not wanting their moment to end. As soon as Kai regains his strength, he sits up so as to not crush her. 
“Do you still hate me?” He asks, a tint of hopefulness in his voice that maybe she doesn’t.
“Yes.” His eyes fall to the floor. “But maybe there’s hope for you yet.”
Bonnie’s conflicted. She tells herself she still hates him, but deep down, knows she’s lying.
The two of them catch their breath for a while on that couch. Eventually, their clothes find their way back on their bodies, but they don’t leave each other’s companies just yet. 
“Was that how your dream went?” He teases suddenly.
“No, actually, we never… the first time, you were getting there, but then actual you - not dream you - woke me up by dropping a pan in the kitchen.”
“And then another time, it was me eavesdropping your own private moment. Sorry about that. Others were shorter, with less time for mind wandering, but we never actually went all the way.”
His blue eyes meet her intensely. “Do you regret this?”
“No. We both needed it. We were driving each other crazy. Do you?”
“How could I? I’ve been curious about you since the day you and Damon got here.”
Bonnie looks at him, then at her hands in her lap. She isn’t sure how to reply to that. 
Silence then befalls them once again. Dinner is quiet, few words are shared. There’s no mention of their moment again, but she can tell by his gaze that he’s fighting the urge to bring it up. She wonders what he would say, yet doesn’t prompt him to share. 
When she wakes up the next morning, Kai is already awake. The boy is at the kitchen table, fiddling with Jo’s knife in one hand and the ascendant in the other. 
“What are you doing?” She asks, startling him. 
“Just thinking.”
“You still want to go back after our time yesterday? We won’t be the only two people here anymore. I might never talk to you again.”
“Doesn’t matter. You’re leaving anyway. You said it yourself, you want to disappear to one end of the earth, and if I want out, I’ll have to find you. And though having to hunt you down would’ve been fun a couple years ago, I’m tired of being here. At least if I get out, I won’t be alone.”
For a minute, Bonnie considers taunting him. Telling him he’d be alone anyway, because no one in their right mind would want anything to do with him. But then his fingers glide along the edge of the blade. The same fingers that were buried inside her yesterday. The silver rings adorning them that match the lethal weapon. She sighs internally. Bonnie doesn’t want to be stuck in the prison world anymore than Kai does. Certainly, she doesn’t want to roam it alone. 
Yesterday did something to her. The way he begged her not to leave. Promised her she would hate being alone, and urged her to stay with him. At the time, she thought being alone would be better than being with him. But then she kissed him. She kissed him, and he kissed back, and then he pleasured her and cared for her in ways she thought could only be dreams. Now she doesn’t know what to think about him. Her thoughts are jumbled, mind is confused, and heart is burdened. 
You don’t hate him, that damn voice returns, in fact, you kinda actually like him. 
“You are… leaving, right?” Kai asks in response to her silence. 
The girl straightens. “I am. I’ve had enough of this prison world, and frankly, this house, and I need to get away from it.”
Kai looks up at the walls of his childhood home. He agrees to hating the house, but he has no clue where he’ll go next. 
Bonnie, on the other hand, seems to know exactly where she’s going. She marches towards the front door, hand on the knob. Kai stares after her, questions on the edge of his tongue, but nothing coming off it. 
“Aren’t you coming with me?”
He stands from his seat, confused, but follows her nonetheless. “Where are we going?”
“You’re gonna go back to Mystic Falls?” If Bonnie’s starting her escape now, why is she telling Kai where she’s going?
“Eventually. But hurry, or we’ll miss the eclipse.”
Her words take three whole seconds to sink in before the reality of the situation hits him. They’re going home. Truly home. Back to the present age - whatever that looks like. 
So, with Jo’s knife strapped to his boot and the ascendant in his pocket, Kai follows Bonnie to the site beneath the eclipse. The clearing of trees he remembers all too well from eighteen years ago stand overhead. For a mere second, Kai wonders if it’s a trap. His eyes search hers, but he only finds a fierce determination.
“Aren’t you going to siphon that?”
His eyebrows furrow, but he does when she prompts him. “What changed your mind about letting me out?”
“For some reason, I’ve decided to trust you.” She cuts her palm. “Don’t betray it.”
“So you don’t hate me?”
“Not exactly.”
She gives him a small smile, which he returns. Then, hand-in-hand, they chant until a brightness surrounds them, and they are on their way home.
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thatfanficstuff · 4 months
Not About You - 37
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In the morning, Caroline wanted to go see Elena and Bonnie. She tried to get Lucy to come with her but was adamantly refused. So while she and Stefan headed to the Grill for breakfast, Damon got out of the bed and told Lucy to stay. A short time later he returned with spiked coffee and a glass of bourbon. He handed her the coffee and food as he kissed her head. She sipped her coffee and hummed, watching as he ran water into the tub. After a generous splash of bubble bath, he turned to her with a grin.
“What are you doing, Salvatore?”
“I need to talk to you and we’re going to take a bath while we do it,” he said as he slipped out of his clothes. “Now strip, beautiful.” He wriggled his eyebrows causing her to laugh.
“You’re crazy,” she told him as she took off her clothes and joined him by the tub.
“So they say.” He took her coffee from her while she climbed into the water.
The water was hot against her skin and she sighed in satisfaction before retrieving her mug. Her eyes trailed over him as he slid in on the other side of the tub.
“Like what you see, kitten?”
“You know I do,” she answered confidently despite the blush on her cheeks. She shifted around until she was positioned between his legs with her back to his front. He looped his arms around her and they sat in contentment for a long moment as he trailed soft kisses across her shoulders.
He grabbed his glass from the floor and sipped his bourbon. “We have brunch with Elijah in a couple of hours. He sent a text early this morning, hence the liquid breakfast.”
Lucy frowned wondering why he’d texted Damon instead of her then realized she hadn’t even bothered to look at her phone yet. He’d probably messaged them both. She nodded and laid her head back against her vampire’s shoulder. “So what did you want to talk about?”
He hummed in agreement before setting both of their drinks on the floor. He wrapped his arms back around her and pulled her firmly against him. His nose ran along the side of her neck. “This town is dangerous. More so since the wolves came. I almost lost you, Lucy. I don’t want to go through that ever again.”
She stiffened and tried to shift away from him, but he only held her tighter. “I’m not leaving, Damon. Please don’t ask me to do that.” She hated the needy undertone in her voice.
He moved them slightly so he could see her face. “Hey. None of that. You’re not going anywhere. I already told you that I have no intention of letting you out of my sight ever again. I wasn’t joking.”
“Then what is this about?”
“I want you think about turning. I mean seriously think about it.”
She tilted her head sideways to look at him and he gave her a soft smile. After taking a minute to study him, she turned back around and ran her fingers along his arm. “I don’t know, Damon. I’ve thought about it before. Of course, I have. But it never seems like the right moment.”
His fingers started playing with hers. “You’re comfortable with vampires. Blood doesn’t seem to faze you. You have a remarkably flexible and fantastic moral code.”
“That’s not the only thing about me that’s flexible and fantastic, Salvatore,” she interjected.
He groaned in agreement and kissed the side of her neck. “Don’t I know it. So, what’s holding you back, baby? Is there anything I can do to ease your mind?”
Lucy pursed her lips and shook her head. “Being a vampire doesn’t scare me. An eternity alone terrifies me.”
She glanced at him to see his reaction. When his mouth opened to speak, she placed her fingers against his lips to silence him. “I’m not asking for commitment or any kind of promises. That’s not what this is about. I’ve lost too many people in my life to assume they’ll always be there. Hell, I thought I lost Elijah for a moment and I never thought that would happen. I just need to decide if I can be happy with an eternal life if I end up on my own.”
She moved her hand away and his piercing blue eyes stayed locked on her as he processed her words. “Fair enough, princess,” he said then captured her lips with his.
The kiss deepened and Lucy turned so she straddled Damon’s lap, his erection pressing against her. She pulled away to breathe and pressed her forehead to his. “Bed. Now.”
Effortlessly, he stood, keeping her pressed against him as she wrapped her legs around his waist. They continued to kiss as he carried her to the bed. “As my lady commands,” he said with a smirk and dropped her onto the bed.
Once Lucy finally got around to checking her messages she found that Elijah had indeed messaged her as well. He also informed her that he’d like her to accompany him to the Historical Society tea that afternoon. She groaned at the request but her uncle didn’t ask for much so she supposed she could mingle with the locals.
When she met Damon in the living room once she was ready to leave he looked her over from head to toe. He wrapped his arms around her and trailed kisses down the side of her neck. “What’s with the dress, beautiful?”
She pulled back to frown at him. “What’s wrong with my dress? I like it.” Her hands ran over the white sundress splashed with blue flowers.
“There’s nothing wrong with it.” He placed his hands on her hips to reestablish the contact between them. “You look incredible. You’re just more the jeans and t-shirt type is all.” He kissed her and started to deepen it before she put her hands on his chest and pushed him away.
“We need to go. We’re going to be late.” She spun away with a laugh as he tried to grab her once more.
It didn’t take long for them to arrive at Elijah’s apartment. It wasn’t his usual refined abode, but it didn’t surprise her. He wasn’t intending to stay around for long, after all. Her and Damon held hands as they meandered to the apartment.
Elijah opened the door before they knocked and pulled Lucy into a hug. After he kissed the top of her head, he shook Damon’s hand before directing them to the table. “Have a seat. I’m nearly finished.”
“Thanks,” she said with a smile. Her eyes followed him as he walked into the kitchen and began to dish up the food. The jacket for his suit was hanging by the door and he had the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up to his elbows. She shook her head at his ability to remain impeccably clean even while cooking.
“You good?” Damon asked in a low tone when she remained watching her favorite uncle.
She shook off her thoughts and smiled at her vampire. “Yeah. Just thinking.” Ignoring Elijah’s instructions to sit, she moved past him into the kitchen and found three mugs to serve the coffee. Damon followed behind her and took two of the plates from the Original to carry them to the table.
Once everyone was seated and served, they dug in. Lucy closed her eyes and shifted happily in her seat. She loved Elijah’s cooking. He chuckled softly beside her and she gave him a grin and a wink.
“I’m glad you’re happy, little one.”
Her grin widened. “So what’s with the brunch?”
He leaned back in his seat and arched a brow. “Must I have an ulterior motive?”
She nodded. “Yes.”
He stared at her for a moment before laughing. “Fair enough. I wish for you to consider moving.” She shook her head and he held up a hand to stave off any arguments. “Not terribly far. Even the next town over would be a vast improvement.”
Lucy huffed a laugh. “Do you really think that would help any?”
“We had a conversation this morning about her turning,” Damon interjected.
Elijah’s brows lifted in surprise as he looked between the two of them. “Did you? That would be a far more favorable option.”
Damon nodded. “She’s thinking about it.”
The Original looked even more surprised and switched his focus to Lucy. “So you weren’t the one to bring it up. What are you thinking?”
She sipped her coffee, buying herself a moment to get her thoughts together. “It’s not the vampire thing. You know that’s never bothered me.” She sat her mug on the table and traced the rim with her finger. “My life has always been relatively lonely. I had the best dad in the world, but it was just him and me. When he died my whole world went with him. I have you, the Salvatores and Caroline. And if I somehow lose you all, I’m alone again. I just don’t know.”
His dark eyes studied her. “This is a decision you must make on your own, but rest assured that you are my family. Even if everyone else should disappear, you will have me.”
She nodded, uncertain what else to say. When she went to take another drink of her coffee only to find an empty mug, Elijah stood and took it from her. After a moment, he returned with a freshly filled mug. “Thank you, Elijah. For everything.”
His gaze simply followed her movements as she drank her coffee then they returned to their meal and lighter conversation.
They walked into the Historical Society event arm and arm. Carol frowned when she saw them and made her way over. “Lucy, isn’t it? I wasn’t aware you knew Mr. Smith.” She gave her proper politician smile and Lucy resisted the urge to roll her eyes.
“Distant relations,” Elijah answered, his voice measured and precise. “She’s the one that got me interested in this region.”
“Oh, how lovely,” Carol exclaimed and then shifted her gaze to look past them. “Well, look who’s here.”
Stefan and Damon walked over causing Lucy to frown. What were they doing here? Something must be wrong. “Mr. Smith, this is Damon and Stefan Salvatore. Their family is one of the founding families in our town.”
Elijah turned and shook their hands as Lucy moved to Damon’s side. “Yes, we’ve met. Lucy and Damon are a couple after all.”
“Are they?” Carol said with some surprise and what sounded like mild disappointment.
Lucy leaned up to press a kiss against Damon’s cheek. “Why are you here?” she asked quietly.
“Elena,” was all he said.
That was enough to catch Elijah’s attention. “If you’ll excuse us, Mrs. Lockwood, I need to discuss something with my family here.”
“Of course,” Carol said and immediately headed over to chastise a waiter for breathing the wrong way or something.
The little family quickly found an office and shut themselves inside. “What is the issue with the doppelganger now?”
“She told Caroline she doesn’t trust any of us,” Stefan said.
Lucy rolled her eyes. “Okay, and?”
“I’m inclined to agree with my niece. As long as Elena behaves herself, I couldn’t care less if she finds me trustworthy or not.”
“That’s just it. Blondie says Elena’s got a little gang helping her, trying to find a way out of the sacrifice while still killing Klaus. She’s not willing to put anyone at risk by running but she’s willing to try about anything else,” Damon said.
Lucy snorted. “Who’s in this so-called gang?”
“Bonnie, Jeremy, Alaric, Matt, Tyler and kind-of Caroline,” Stefan answered. “They only include her in some of the things their up to because of us.”
“So first period history class is trying to kill the Original hybrid? Nice.” Lucy grinned. “At least you can take it easy, Elijah. Sounds like they have it covered.”
The men chuckled. “Thank you for the information, gentlemen,” Elijah said as he moved toward the door. “And please thank the lovely Caroline for her assistance.”
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katherineholmes · 1 year
Many Caroline fans are always calling Elena a "bitch" for falling in love with Damon even though (according to them) Elena was aware of the sexual abuse Caroline suffered when she was under Damon's compulsion. However, I see virtually no Caroline fans complaining about how fucking selfish and cruel Caroline was to have sex with Klaus, even though he was responsible for making Elena's life a living hell. Not only did he kill Jenna in front of Elena, but he also tried to kill Jeremy, KILLED ELENA in the ritual, forced Isobel to kill herself in front of Elena for the sheer cruelty of doing so, and also made Tyler his slave and then killed Carol.
And in fact, Elena is ALSO another r@pe victim of Damon. I have nothing against Caroline, but her fans are extremely sexist and even misogynistic when it comes to Elena or even Bonnie.
Trigger Warning : Discussions of non-con, abuse.
Okay, first of all, hello, I got this ask such a long time back, and I'm really sorry about how long it has taken me answer it.
So, I wanna break this down before I answer this. All three of them - Bonnie, Caroline and Elena are victims of the vampires on the show. And pretty much everyone on the show has been wronged by someone or the other, even Klaus. All I'm trying to say is that the show itself pits a lot of victims, especially female victims, against each other. Mostly in order to prop up men, which is why I think that TVD is rooted in misogyny.
So I'm not going to blame either Caroline or Elena, but the message you sent is very compelling, and I want to dissect it a bit.
The 'Delena' of it
Let's get to the root of it - is Elena selfish for loving Damon? I recently saw a similar question on Reddit (two minutes of silence for the time I waste lurking on that site), and I honestly could not even read it, because of some of the takes I saw. But the root of it is this - Elena is traumatised teenager trying to hold on to every last person she has left.
I saw a meta about Elena having prolonged grief, and I agree, it feels as if her grief and her survivors guilt, is almost pathological. Within the show, she seeks one particular thing from her parter - immortality. Her entire family, with the exception of Jeremy, is dead. Of these she has seen her parents, Isobel and Jenna die in front of her. It is not only grief that she feels over these losses, it's also helpless, desperation, and a lot of trauma. In these situations, she essentially a person watching a train crash - on the sidelines, desperate to help them and save them, but helpless to do so.
Because of this trauma, she seeks to include people in her life that are immortal, and hard to kill. Be it Stefan, Damon, Caroline and Bonnie who's a powerful witch, as opposed to sending away Jeremy - someone who's mortal and can be hurt. She actively keeps an inner circle of supernatural beings around her because it's hard to lose them, and tries to distance the mortal ones - like Matt and April.
So it makes sense, that when she feels that she can't be with Stefan any longer, she is drawn towards Damon. Damon who takes the notion of death lightly, and plays with it, and has survived a lot. (A lot of this has to do with the sire bond, but we'll get into that some other day). But as it is, Elena feels safe with Damon because he is tough to kill, and it isn't selfish for anyone, let alone her, to seek security within a relationship. And to her, security is to not go through that grief or pain again.
Damon and his abuse of Caroline
Having said what I just did about Elena feeling secure with Damon, that's mainly according to her priorities and her specific trauma. Because yes, watching someone die, or being a spectator to trauma is also traumatic.
But, Damon isn't really safe, for anyone. Not even Elena. But he was particularly unsafe for Caroline. When we first see Damon meet Caroline, we see him charming her (because a seventeen year old girl is easy to charm), we see him flirting with her and going back to sleep with her. The scene then cuts to Damon biting Caroline and feeding on her - in the middle of sex. And she is traumatised, at which point he compels her and presumably this goes on. In the morning, she tries to run, he compels her again and then they go back out, behaving like a couple.
Now, the show runners themselves have never, ever acknowledged this as rape but it is rape. And we can see that, but Caroline never calls it rape - because she can't, and every time, Damon's abuse of Caroline is brought up, it is called abuse. It's said that Caroline is Damon's 'blood bag', she herself says that and calls herself his errand boy, but nobody ever calls it rape.
When Elena asks Stefan what Damon is doing to Caroline, he says that Damon is compelling her to feed on her. And we never see Elena and Caroline talking about it. So, in terms of the material that we have been presented with, we can conclude that Elena doesn't realise that Damon raped Caroline, because here's the thing, nobody on the show ever calls it rape. Not just in regards to Damon and Caroline, but in regards to Damon and Andy as well. Or Katherine and Stefan.
In a nutshell, TVD has a lot of consent issues, and straight up non-con, but it never addresses that, the narrative itself doesn't, and so we cannot hold a single character responsible for not seeing it. And if we can, then where is this energy when it comes to holding Stefan responsible for enabling Damon? Or Alaric - the grown man who hangs out with a rapist?
The 'Klaroline' of it
Klaus is the worst. He's a killer, he enjoys physically and psychologically torturing people, he literally enslaved his hybrids, then killed said hybrids just because they wanted to be free, killed his mother (who admittedly isn't mother of the year either), carted his siblings in boxes, and laughed when Finn expressed his trauma from being daggered for nine hundred years. Klaus is horrible, but he's arguably one of the best characters on the show, and is probably the best villain.
But he showers Caroline with affection. A lot of it, I think at least at the beginning, is love bombing. And while Caroline isn't amused by it, she is a little enamoured by it. She really is attracted to him, and doesn't like it. The thing is, Klaus is a lot like Damon, but he also cares about Caroline, and saves her life. Caroline is also traumatised, and has this belief that she'll never be anyones first priority - and I'll be absolutely clear on this, I'm not saying that Caroline isn't anyone's first priority, I'm saying that Caroline thinks so, and whether it's true or not isn't relevant to this particular conversation.
But Klaus at certain points, prioritises Caroline. And she's enamoured by this. When they fuck in the woods, he is only there for a day, and she wants to fulfil her desires, and maybe, get it out of her system, see what it's like. But, and I'm not sure of this, I haven't seen it discussed anywhere nor do I know Caroline's character enough to know if this is true, but I think sleeping with Klaus is Caroline's way of feeling in control.
Klaus is a lot worse than Damon, and she wants to feel in control with him, the kind of control she never had with Damon, as part of a trauma response. I'm not saying it's only a trauma response, but that part of it is. It's okay if anyone disagrees with this, or anything in this post, but this is my opinion. But, in either case, I'm not going to call it selfish.
There is a larger discussion here about what is selfishness, and it's always bad to be selfish, and whether or not a character being selfish should be a hindrance to liking them, but I digress. That's for another discussion.
Damon and his abuse of Elena
In episode 1x03 or 1x04 of TVD, Damon compels Elena to kiss him, but she's wearing vervain, so she doesn't get compelled. But honestly, Damon was so in love with Katherine, that he could've done anything to Elena simply because they look alike. In s2, he tries to break her hand, and physically abuses her, and throughout her relationship with Stefan and s3, he continually hits on her. In the end, she has no choice but to accept his behaviour.
In s4, he tricks her into blood sharing, and sleeps with her when she's sired to him. It's definitely sexual abuse, dub-con at best, but it isn't discussed because that clusterfuck of a plot point, the sire bond, is fucking weird. Elena is basically enslaved to Damon, like the hybrids are to Klaus, and no consent in this situation can ever be freely given.
So, I agree, Damon abuses Elena but it is never addressed, because the sire bond is presented, according to narrative, as a romantic thing.
In conclusion, a lot of TVD is rooted in misogyny, in fact the entire concept of 'who deserves Elena' is highly misogynistic because it treats Elena as an object to be coveted rather than a person. And so, it makes that quite a few fans are also misogynistic, but there's nothing we can do about it. Like I understand your frustration, and I'm right with you about Elena being hated for the most ridiculous reason, and I wish there was something we could do about it, but there isn't.
Thank you so much for sending this ask, it got me thinking about a lot of things, especially cause I'm neither a Klaroline nor a Delena shipper.
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darth-nikeon · 2 years
Damon: so tell me what happened.
Elena: ok, but you can't get mad at us.
Damon: Elena, I could never be mad at you.
Caroline: Well we were minding our own business when-
Klaus: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you.
Caroline: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
Klaus: Absolutely not.
Klaus: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
Caroline : This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
Caroline: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds.
Caroline: No! Four to five seconds!
Klaus: Too late!!!
Kol: I'm incredibly fast at math.
Elijah: Alright, what's 30x17?
Kol: 47
Elijah: That's not even close.
Kol: But it was fast.
Klaus: So that’s my plan.
Elijah: Are you alright with constructive criticism? I don’t want to sound mean.
Klaus: No, go ahead, I want to hear it.
Elijah: It fucking sucks.
Klaus: That’s not constructive criticism.
Jeremy, texting Bonnie: Bonnie! Help I’m being kidnapped
Jeremy: Where are you?
Jeremy: I’m with some strange person. In a car. Help.
Bonnie: I’ll call Elena.
Elena, answering their cell: Y’ello?
Bonnie: Where’s Jeremy? He texted me that he was being kidnapped.
Elena: Jeremy? Whaddya mean, he's right next to me-
Elena: I’ll call you back. *hangs up*
Jeremy: WHO ARE YOU?!
Jeremy: Where are you going?
Damon: To get ice cream or commit a felony, I’ll decide on the way there
Jeremy: I’m gonna need a human skull and I can't have you ask any questions why.
Damon: Only if you also don't ask why
Damon: *Pulls out 7 pristine human skulls* Take your pick.
Jeremy: This one is fine
Jeremy: Hey, Damon? Can I get some dating advice?
Damon: Just because I’m with Elena doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
Stefan: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me.
Klaus: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you?
Stefan: Yes!
Rebekah: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.
Stefan: I really like this whole ‘good guy, bad guy’ thing you guys have going on.
Klaus: It’s not an act, it’s just that I’m mean and Rebekah isn’t as mean
Stefan: Remember when you didn't try to solve all your problems with attempted murder?
Klaus: Stop romanticizing the past
Stefan: What is your biggest weakness?
Damon: I can be uncooperative.
Stefan: Okay, can you give me an example?
Damon: No.
Stefan: Okay, truth or dare?
Damon: Truth
Stefan: How many hours have you slept this week?
Damon: ...Dare
Stefan: Go to bed.
Damon: I don’t like this game
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the-flaming-nightmare · 2 months
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Tagged by the wonderful @snowviolettwhite! ❤
So I've had this Little!Jeremy and Daddy!Damon fic in the works for a hot minute now, and I'm fairly certain I've never shared any of it here before? Could be wrong, but hopefully not lmao. Anyways, here's a hopefully-never-before-seen snippet of that:
This had been a bad idea. A very, very bad idea
Jeremy just wished he hadn't realized it so late.
A party was held at Mystic Falls Lake every first day of summer by the high school seniors, so when Matt asked him and Tyler if they would be going, what else could Jeremy say but "yes." This was finally the first summer he was both old enough to attend without looking like a dweeb and also not in the midst of a life or death fight against the supernatural, so of course he had agreed to go and party with his friends like a normal teenager.
Except... well, he wasn't a normal teenager.
Not only was he a Hunter who had a vampire for a sister and a ghost for a girlfriend, but Jeremy was also an age regressor.
Jeremy had been regressing ever since the death of their aunt. Nobody except Elena, Matt, Bonnie and Alaric had known. But after the vampire hunter's death, two others in their supernatural mash up group became aware of his regression: Damon and Stefan Salvatore. While it had seemed like his worst nightmare at the time, it would instead turn out to be for the better for Jeremy in the long run.
While both Salvatore brothers had taken the discovery well and treated his younger self with a gentle kindness and his older self with the same amount of respect as before, it was surprisingly Damon who had ended up becoming an even bigger part of Jeremy's life. The two of them grew closer to each other over the course of Damon finding out about Jeremy's regression, in and out of the boy's little headspace, and it wasn't long after that Damon became his primary caregiver and earned the title of "daddy."
It had been hard to convince Damon into letting him go to the party tonight, but in the end allowed it, so long as Jeremy promised that if he drank not to overdo it and to be home by eleven at the latest. Those were easy promises to make at the time, so Jeremy agreed to the vampire's terms and left with his friends late that afternoon.
The first four hours of the party had been amazing, probably the most fun Jeremy's had in a really long time. It wasn't until some of the guys began to do keg stands and goad him into doing it too, that things quickly spiraled out of control. Matt told him to just ignore them, and even Tyler said it wasn't worth listening to them, but one particularly nasty comment later and Jeremy was in front of the keg ready to be lifted despite his friends' protests. He drank maybe less than a quarter of what the last guy drank before he was wrenching the black tube out of his mouth and struggling to be put back down.
The second his feet were back on the ground, Jeremy had ran as fast and as far away from the group as possible before promptly spewing his guts out behind a tree. It didn't take long after that for his headspace to immediately come crashing down on him like a bag of bricks, which then instantly sent him into a fit of tears.
Tagging (if you wanna): @angelique-of-the-volturi-guard, @nottapossum, @autisticalastor, @tryan-a-bex and anyone else who wants to join!
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Klaus x wolf reader
Klaus is walking through the woods in mystic falls , soon too inact his plan to become the hybrid . As he is walking he hears growls . He follows the growls to find a beutiful black wolf , with glowing blue eyes . That’s when he smelled it , I sent he knew all too well. Blood . He looked down at the wolfs paw to see it was caught in a trap . He carefully advanced as not to scare it . He got closer and closer , he extended his hand petting the wolfs head . The wolf didn’t growl she only whimpered. Klaus finally freed the wolfs paw from the trap . The wolf rubbed up on klaus affectionately . He sat down on the ground as the wolf curled up in his lap , the wolf was a very big wolf.klaus said (that’s a good gurl luv , just go to sleep ) and the wolf did . She fell right asleep , but as she slept blue sparkled floated in the air transforming the wolf into a girl . Klaus was stunned at the girls beauty , she had y/h/c and glowing blue eyes that soon settled to a stunning y/e/c . Klaus said ( hello luv) you siad (umm.. h .. hello ) u tried to cover yourself , klaus said (here luv , take this he wraps his trench coat around you . (Thankyou ) u said shyly . Klaus said ( what your name ?) you reply(yn, ) klaus said (klaus mikealson , where are you staying , I haven’t seen you in Town ) you say (I don t live in town , I live out here I’m free out here I fit in I’m not the town freak ) klaus looks at you with a sympathetic glance (I understand , being I was born from a different father that’s the rest of my siblings my father always despised me ) I give him a hug , and he hugs back it had been so long since the evil klaus mikealson was shown any affection ir kindness and this hug ment the world to him . But not all good things can last as he heard Stefan and Damon calling his name blood thirsty , he looked you in the eyes and said (run ) so u did u transformed back into your wolf form and ran ,
a few days pass
Your trying to sleep in your den at the quarry , when you hear screams and the wind blows , then you hear klaus scream you know you had to save him . You ran out the den to see a man in a suit white his hand in klaus chest . You pounced on him taking him down . As you attack bitting the vampire over and over again . That’s when you saw the witch , Bonnie an old Emmy from school when you went . She tried to stop you with her magic as you charged her , but it didn’t work on you .. well how could it your a syphon Wearwolf hybrid descendant if inadue (the hollow ) you jumped on her clawed her arms and bit her leg . He got off of her rushing yo stand in front of klaus and protect him while his transition happened . The Salvatore brothers came at you but you stood your ground growling and snarling . But they kept coming you have one powerful bark , sending power out , Damon charged you vamp speed but you bit him , when the power surge from your bark hit the brothers they were dead (temporarily) while klaus went through his transition you lay by his side encouraging him to keep pushing , and he did . He became the hybrid and you ran through the woods together under the moon light . (Insert lion king can you feel the love , montage ) and when dawn came you woke up naked cuddled together. Klaus pulled you close . You were so shy tho ,you stiffen at his gester . (Come on luv , I won’t bite ) you chuckle as cuddle close to him ( I know ) klaus says ( will you please move in with me ?) you say (ar e you sure ?) klaus says ( yes please !) you say (ok….) when an arrow was shot through your back . Klaus looks up to see Jeremy Gilbert with a cross bow . Klaus quickly bites his wrist shoving it in your mouth , (come on luv , you have to drink ) ur eyes blinked (klaus … good bye , be brave , I love .. y) when your eyes shut. Your heart stoped . You were dead . Klaus let out a horrifying scream . Anger and. Anguish , misery . He just held you close in his arms . Crying , something klaus never did . He stayed like that your body clutched to his all night . When (huuuhhhhh!!!) u shot up sucking in air . Klaus stares at you in shock . You breathe heavily and cling to klaus . Klaus holds you so tight . Carrying you back to mystic falls ( luv , you have to drink Elenas blood , to survive ) you nod your head (god ! I love you yn ! When I thought you died ! I lost my mind ! I love you ! Please be mine ) you say (yess!!!) and jump up in his arms , as he spins you around . Klaus kidnaps Elena , as you feed on her the sky turns red , lightning flashing , thunder roaring , and your eyes , vampire , Wearwolf , and witch , the worlds fist tribrid was born
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viavolterra · 10 months
do you think Tyler and Mia would ever work as a couple
(I know you have stated that they’re platonic in this universe but what about another)
Tyler was instantly attracted to her when she came into town he asked her on a date until Caroline interrupted
He gave up being with his friends just so he could be Mias Miss Mystic partner because she was new in town and wanted to help her
even Carol thinks that Mia would be a better girlfriend for Tyler than Caroline would be
Mia cares about him more than anyone in that town and unlike the rest she hasn’t made him a villain just because of the sirebond
she’s defended him to all of them including his own girlfriend
Sooo what I’m asking is. Do you think they’d work
It’s so weird that I got this ask bc this is actually something my friend asked me the other day and I’ve been thinking about it
in this allure universe, I would obviously say no. I always forget about them in season 1😭😭 Bc after that I kinda had this idea of making them like brother and sister but as time went on that failed majorly 💀💀💀 bc I’ve seen quite a few people shipping them
I gave up on the siblings vibes bc I don’t see why it’s gotta be either siblings or lovers…like there can be an in between
I think objectively Tyler and Mia would work as a couple, based purely on their personalities. They’re quite similar in some ways
for example when it comes to how they deal with pain, they either drink or get angry
they’re also a kinda anchor for each other, we see Tyler hold Mia back in certain situations when she wants to attack someone, and we see Mia comfort Tyler when he’s gone through this sirebond thing.
if they were ever together in another universe I feel like it would be kinda steroline coded. With Tyler being the one who fell first and Mia realising after a long time.
I genuinely cannot see them ever being a thing in the allure universe because I’m so used to writing them as this platonic wholesome duo (yes there was some flirting in the beginning but that was one sided and fizzled out as time went on)
but if I reallyyyyy strain my mind😭💀💀 and try to imagine a universe where Stefan/Klaus don’t exist and neither does Caroline, then I think, Yes.
I can see them maybe meeting in Whitmore College, neither of them sharing what they are until Mia stumbles across him on a full moon and seeing him transform then him realising she’s a vampire. Maybe some angst bc we know our girl Mia can’t live without any
then living happily ever after bc they actually have compatible personalities and I can see them spending an eternity together
NOT IN ALLURE THO💀😭 this was actually so hard to even think about like…my platonic babies. This ask gave me a headache, the amount of spiralling this sent me down💀thank you for making my brain work
Theres so much of them in my next chapter since Mia and Bonnie moved in with Tyler after homecoming.
in conclusion, AU Tylia not in mystic falls or with any of the group, Yes.
Allure Them would gag if they saw this ask….or maybe they wouldn’t
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They’re so pretty
Tags: @cancerian-woman (purely bc Ik u like AU Tyler love stories and someone who actually defends him, @talesfromarandomsapphic , @andreal831 @avgvstlover @hyperactivewhore @hxllysalvatxre @saintsir4n
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daenysthedreamer101 · 9 months
TVD - s4 ep9
"O Come, All Ye Faithfull"
......I haven't felt this shaken up by an episode since Jenna died back in season 2.
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This Professor Shane guy...I don't trust him! He is shady and why do I have a feeling he's using Bonnie and the gang to wake up Silas? hmmmm...🤔🤔🤔
So... Elena and Damon are a thing now, and I don't know if I like it. I get that because of the sire bond she's now closer to Damon and her feelings are amplified. But I have a question. Would she have become sired to Stefan if she had his blood in her body instead of Damon's? Like, at the end of season 3, she chose Stefan - that's why she was on the bridge, cause she was driving back to Stefan. So, she obviously had feelings for him. Yeah, just wondering.
I don't like Hayley! I don't like her. She was working with Shane this entire time. Apparently, he knows everything there is to know about her parents, and she never knew them. So she agreed to indirectly kill 12 innocent people to get a flash drive with info about her parents? And by proxy, she doomed Carol. Tyler trusted her, and the hybrids trusted her. And she betrayed all of them and sent them to their deaths.
I don't care that she wants to learn things about her parents, that's fine to want to know more about yourself and be curious. But that is not an excuse or a justification to doom 12 innocent people to a gruesome death.
Oh, Carol...I am so so sorry. You did not deserve what happened to you. I know she was a bitch to Vicky in season 1 and shot Caroline that one time but I never particularly disliked her. (I knew it was eventually coming just didn't know when) also, OMG KLAUS WILL YOU STOP KILLING INNOCENT WOMEN AS PUNISHMENT FOR SOMETHING THEY HAD NO CONTROL OVER!
He turned Jenna as punishment because the gang messed up his sacrifice plan and killed her cause he knew it would hurt Elena. And now he kills Carol because as he said "you (Carol) are the only thing he (Tyler) has left" Like...omg no one deserves to die that way, Jesus Christ! 😭😭😭
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I'm not trying to come off as anti Klaus, I think he's a very charming and fun character to watch and Joseph is an amazing actor who gives him such a presence on screen, and, yes, Klaus is obviously very good-looking and charming but that does not excuse his actions! He's a horrible person who does horrible things! And yes I know he had a hard life and has glaring trust issues so Tyler betraying him probably really hurt him but like what the fuck did Carol do? 💀💀💀
When I tell you my heart was beating so fast during this scene! God, I felt so bad for her! Klaus killed her because he knew it would hurt Tyler...Oh Tyler sweetie I am so sorry. Also, the way he called his mom on the phone and she wasn't answering and then when Hayley told him everything he went away and then Carol calls him and he doesn't answer...😟😟😟like fuck, the parallels hit me right in the heart!
Thanks for reading my rant, leave a comment if you'd like, I would love to hear other opinions on this episode! ❤
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bonniebird · 1 year
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Bonnie Bennett x Male!Cambion!Reader  
Requested by Anon
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Request: Anonymous asked: Hi Bonnie! Could I get a Bonnie Bennett oneshot with a male reader? Reader is a cambion that takes an interest in Bonnie when she leaves Mystic Falls and ends up in his hometown
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Bonnie continued to write despite feeling eyes on her. She knew exactly where you were. Alo what you were which made her feel far more comfortable with the talisman in her pocket.
Leaving Mystic Falls Bonnie had moved from place to place. But something had drawn her here. It turned out to be her powers. She’d been working on mild premonitions and after a phone call with Elena had headed to a small town a little ways off her planned route. By chance, luck or her own power Bonnie was exactly where she needed to be. Elena had called back and asked if she was still near the town. They needed a book back home and the last place it had been seen was in the town she had happened to be staying in. Elena sent a little money to Bonnie’s account, Stefan had warned of a B&B that was pretty anti-witch from his last recollection of the place. It was that sentiment that had Bonnie on edge. She used the money to book into the larger hotel that Stefan recommended and began exploring the town. A few stores had wards carved into the doors, blocking vampires and other creatures from entering. She had noticed on her second day that she was being followed. By the twelfth she had found where the book was hidden and realised that you were following her. “Staring is rude.” Bonnie said as she continued to write notes. She was writing out variations of a spell that could get her into the building with the book. So far she had no luck and needed to craft an entirely new spell. You took her comment as an invitation. It made her raise her eyebrows as you got up and sat down next to her. “Well. You have the vampires on edge. They ran the witches out a while ago and you being here makes them nervous. They’ve heard of you Bennett witches.” You said quickly. When Bonnie looked at you directly, she felt the off-pull she had been feeling for days. It was why she had made the talisman that she was wearing around her neck. She fingered it nervously and you smiled. “Relax. I’m not going to use my powers on you.” You muttered quickly. She gave you a dubious look but straightened up as if she were trying to take control of the situation.
“If you’ve been following me then you know what I’m looking for.” She snapped quickly. You tilted your head and nodded. She could feel your pull even though you weren’t using your powers. You must have been more powerful than she had thought. “I do. Perhaps we could help each other.” You said and grinned wickedly. She looked at you coldly. “What exactly do you need help with?” She knew well enough that your powers, if they were as strong as she thought, could pull her into something she wouldn’t be able to handle alone. She didn’t exactly want to be beholden to an incubus. “I can’t leave here. The vampire that has your book had the last witch here bind me to their home. As long as I live my power is keeping the wards, keeping you out, functioning. It’s been years and years since I left. Longer still since a witch powerful enough to break the spell was allowed to stay.” You grinned at her and she noticed how perfectly straight and white your teeth were. In fact, the longer she looked at you the more she could clearly see that your face had shifted almost to look more appealing to her. How powerful is he? Bonnie thought to herself. “I’ll need help to do that.” She warned. You smiled and shrugged. “I have been here for many years. A few more will not hurt me. I cannot say the same for you though.” You glanced at a witch hunter who had been tailing Bonnie for the last few days. You’d managed to occupy him for a while, it was how Bonnie had managed to stay so long without anyone interfering with her. But the creatures of the town were getting nervous and it was only a matter of time before the order to run her out of town changed to something more lethal. “I’ll call my friends and see what they think we can do… I’m not promising anything.” Bonnie said slowly. You looked from the witch hunter to her and shrugged nonchalantly.
“Without removing the curse from me you will not be able to get to that book. I do hope that isn’t a problem for you.” Smiling you got up and left. As you passed the witch hunter you focused on him, pooling your powers in the air so that he was helpless to the instinct that dragged him after you. Bonnie hurried out of the small town square, shoving some cash on the table she’d been sitting at, not even bothering to finish her untouched drink, she was dialling Elena’s number before she had even slung her bag over her shoulder. Problems like this tended to get bad fast so the sooner she could have someone come to help her. The better.
Bonnie Bennett tags:
@gillybear17@ravennoore14@the-caravello-post@killing-gremlin@aegonandaemondtargaryenslut18@lchufflepuffcorn @geekyandgay98@savagemickey03@evattude@kaitieskidmore1@darklyndivinely
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zalrb · 11 months
(soa anon) Sorry, I didn't realize what was sent. I was asking how do you think the storyline would go had Bonnie been stuck on the other side with Stefan as opposed to the other one.
LMAO "the other one". So I'm guessing you mean the prison world and not the other side. Well, is the prison world storyline the same? Are they stuck in the 90s, is Kai still around? Because really what the prison world served to do was introduce Kai as a villain and give "layers" to Damon because he makes blueberry pancakes everyday as penance for murdering pregnant women.So, like, the major difference would be that Stefan wouldn't be verbally abusive toward Bonnie for however long they stayed there, he would be more actively protective of Bonnie from Kai, and it's a toss up between who would be left behind in the prison world but because of how antiblack the show is it would still probably be Bonnie. They could do the 90s flashback of Damon's massacre from Stefan's perspective but it would still lead back to Stefan wanting to get back to reality to be there for Damon because he needs him.
Like, I don't really think a different character would change much about the experience of the prison world if it's the exact same storyline because the prison world wasn't really put to use as an idea. Like I maintain this would've been cool:
Like, I always said that Bonnie being in the Prison World alone could’ve led to playing with time, like if she somehow (unknowingly) made the 90s bleed over into real time so reality and past sort of meet, which changes the trajectory of a lot of relationships and plot lines so then the core group have to find a way to get Bonnie out of the Prison World before she completely wipes away the reality they know.
But within the realm of the show, the concept of the two martyrs of the show being locked together in a prison world because of their martyrdom could be interesting. I quasi explore that in the few Stefonnie fics that I have. If anything, the potential I see with that is the two of them pushing each other to reveal the toll of their decisions to shoulder the responsibility and be a support for one another and then it would be interesting when they both come back to the reality/Mystic Falls and kind of hold each other accountable for their martyr tendencies and the rest of the group has to realize how much they rely on the two of them taking one for the team and the different dynamic shifts that would happen because of that.
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crimsonlyinglilly · 11 months
Familiar Faces - Dinner and Discoveries Part 2
As Stefan stared at Damon across the Gilbert living room, taking no pleasure in Elijah’s sudden illness but relieved all the same as it kept him away from Damon for a little longer at least.
“Where’s Elijah?” Caroline asked after Bonnie and Elena joined them in the living room.
“He’s not feeling well.” Bonnie explained as Elena sent a worried look over her shoulder.
“Oh no! I thought he was doing so well.” Caroline said sadly
“What’s this?” Damon smiled at them all, Stefan was pretty sure Bonnie had also noticed the way Damon had frozen at Elijah’s name.
“Elena’s brother, Elijah, has these episodes where he’s sick.” Caroline started to explain. when Elena cut her off by reminding them of the football team, which distracted her.
Stefan joined in, telling himself he could worry over the fact that Elijah apparently remembered his death; later, now he needed to keep Damon from looking further into Elijah.
Caroline bringing the talk to Elena’s parents' death didn’t help but the direction that followed may have been the worst thing for Stefan.
“In fact, Stefan and I have watched almost every single person we've ever cared about die.” Damon broadcasted to the room looking at him.
“Stefan just told us about your brother.” Elena said cutting off what Damon had been leading towards, however Stefan could take a moment of relief as Damon froze as the words registered.
“What?” Damon asked, the mask of civility vanishing, as he stared at Stefan.
“We don't need to get into that right now, Damon.” he tried but Damon ignored him.
“What did Stefan tell you about our brother?” The words contained a cold threat that seemed unnoticed by the others, but Stefan hadn’t heard that tone since they had been alive, once only appearing around their father.
“He died when he was nine.” Elena told him slowly.
“He what?” Damon asked but Stefan heard the slight crack in his voice, Stefan wanted to look away but he was pinned by accusing eyes.
“You didn’t know?” Elena asked in confusion 
“I was told our father had sent him away, just before his own death.” Damon explained through gritted teeth, “Stefan?”
“I’ll explain.” he promised even as the thought of doing so, pained him.
“How about you do that now?” Damon told him standing up, detaching Caroline from him “Excuses us ladies.” he told them as he stepped through to the kitchen.
“Stefan?” Elena called before he could leave, big brown eyes looking at him with concern, he shook his head he didn’t have the words to explain any of this.
“What happened?” Damon asked, voice empty as he joined him in the kitchen, Stefan brought himself time as he moved himself to stand in front of Elijah’s door.
“I went back home,” he told him, looking at Damon who- in that moment looked like the brother he had once loved, looking the way he had every time Elijah’s illness had convinced father to call a priest.
It was that sight that caused him to falter as before he could get the truth out, finally admit what he had done, another lie escaped,
“Father told him we'd died, he didn’t take the news well.” The memory of a living teenage Elijah glaring at him joined the image he normally had of the blood covered nine year old, he was suddenly hyper aware of the sleeping boy just behind the door behind him. 
Eli had always loved Damon more, and he knows Damon loved Eli.
“He never left here.” Damon sounded and looked gutted, Stefan suddenly wondered what life he had imagined Elijah lived.
“I buried him,” he confessed “in his favourite blanket, after i- after.”
“I thought he had gotten to grow.” Damon said quietly, a pain that Stefan hadn’t heard from him in over a century, humanity that he claimed to no longer have almost visible. “I should have known better,” the humanity was gone by the time he looked back up pinning him with cold curious eyes “but why would you tell them when you’ve kept it from me?”
Stefan froze.
“Stefan?” Damon asked again.
“Damon.” he began forcing the words out of his mouth, it was better to warn him. “Elijah Gilbert looks like Eli”
“The same way Elena looks like Katherine.” he explained, “Elijah looks the way ours would have if he-”
“Had lived, had grown.” Damon finished and Stefan didn’t like the sudden intense look in his brother’s eyes “their twins right, that makes him seventeen.”
“Leave him alone.” he warned, suddenly more concerned.
“You really think I’d hurt someone who looks like Eli.” Damon looked almost hurt by it, before the hurt vanished, “Caroline mentioned episodes, he has them as well, dreams too i-”
“Damon. Eli’s dead, Elijah-” Stefan tried again only to be surprised when Damon suddenly agreed.
“Yes, yes, fine.” Damon gave in too quickly for Stefan’s comfort.
“Damon. I mean it.”
“Come one, we’re being rude.” he called as he returned to the living room. “Sorry ladies.”
“Are you alright?” Elena asked, looking between them.
“I’ll get there,” Damon told her before Stefan could speak as he sank down to sit next to Caroline,  “I knew he had died, just thought he was older.”
“How didn- sorry it’s none of our business.” Bonnie started before she stopped herself.
Stefan was right, Elena was different from Katherine, but that was suddenly rather low on his concerns.
“Somethings could matter again.” Elena had said, open, selfless and positive in a way Katherine hadn’t been, and he had replied negatively, even as the words kept echoing around his head.
He had been trying hard not to think about it too much while in the house. The house where a boy with the same name and who looked the same as his dead little brother was sleeping just a room from him.
Damon was soo very tempted to turn his emotions off, his feelings at the moment were almost choking him. 
Grief at Elijah’s death hitting him freshly, or maybe it was grief for the short but happy lives he had imagined his littlest brother had, he knew the current Salvatore descended from their bastard brother but he had thought it was due to their father's will bypassing him.
Had hoped Elijah had managed to outlive father the way he had their mother but no- he had been dead and buried before Damon had ever taken his first taste of human blood and lost his humanity.
Stefan lied to Damon, over and over, he could almost understand, he wouldn’t have wanted to have had to bury Eli, to tell Stefan the news but he would have. Instead Stefan had left Elijah to be forgotten and unmourned.
Worse than that, than the aching grief was the growing almost hope.
He remembered Elijah’s sicknesses the days he held his little brother’s hand while father refused to let Stefan in.
But more than that he remembered Elijah’s dreams; the ones he would whisper to him about another life, siblings he lost, a niece he raised, runes he used to draw but would cry when questioned on them because he didn’t remember what they meant.
He had questioned Katherine once, at the way she seemed to be so careful around his littlest brother, at her shock and almost fear the first time Eli has called her Katerina.
“He reminds me of someone I once knew.” She had confessed, watching Elijah from a distance as he read under his favourite tree, “When i was the human and he was-” she had trailed off before she finished and Damon had been distracted when Eli, getting up, had stumbled.
Ten years after he had left Mystic falls, when Elijah should have just been turning twenty, he had found himself in a gallery only to find a portrait of Elijah, in his thirties.
Of course he had gone looking for the artist, found out she had died but it was being sold by her cousin, a cousin who had told him the story of the man in the painting.
The uncle that had taken in his nieces, who had supported and raised them despite his poor health, poor health that sounded a lot like Eli’s episodes, who was haunted by nightmares of blood and another life, like Eli.
Whose death happened around nine months before Eli had been born.
He may not have believed it if he hadn’t remembered Elijah telling him about his niece.
Who he had introduced to painting, who had getting really good at it in his dream, with bright childish excitement when he was six, he had brushed it off as an overactive imagination.
He had kept brushing off his dreams and nightmares as such until he had discovered the truth of vampires and more being part of the world they lived.
He had tried to buy the painting when it was sold only to be quickly outbid, it was one of the biggest surprises of the auction, a ‘plain’ portrait from a lesser known local artist fetching the ending bid that priceless masterpieces made.
Damon would have been angry but he reminded himself that the woman who had ended up in tears as the bid rose, was his little brother’s niece once, he would have been pleased she was going to be set for life.
Now there was another Elijah born in the same place, with a similar illness. He had stolen a look at the photos around the living room.
His littlest brother, clearly healthier, the joys of modern medicine, arm in arm with mini Katherine and a smaller dark haired boy, a pair of loving parents draped over them in one photo.
At least Eli was luckier on the parent front this time.
He had another reason to get Katherine, answers he hadn’t thought to push for before.
He had two brothers to deal with now.
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