#to the bamon crowd anyway
philtatosbuck · 9 months
I saw someone say that if Elena or Caroline were in the prison world instead of Bonnie they wouldn't have stayed there as long, do you think that's true?
taking into account that they fully thought bonnie and damon were dead and didn't know about the prison world for the first four months (?) i assume you mean the other like. four? five? months she was there (she was there for almost a year wasn't she??)
yeah that's true idk what you want me to say. for one bonnie is good for trying to resurrect bitches she would've been trying to resurrect either one of them and coming up empty BUT let's say for the sake of it that they found out after four months as they did in canon and damon comes back but caroline/elena doesn't
if it were elena and damon stuck in the prison world damon wouldn't have accepted elena was 'dead' so easily even if she was stuck with kai he would have been doing his usual shit and threatening any and everyone into finding a way back far quicker than he did for bonnie (that's nothing against bonnie or their relationship at all. that's just his canon behavior towards elena and stefan to a degree that he does not display towards bonnie in canon until later on)
if it were caroline and damon i'm ngl i don't see him working hard to get her free or anything but if he came back and told everyone else about it then they would be trying to save her immediately
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leianaberrie · 3 years
I'm just sitting here wondering if anti-Bonkai-er's even bother with seeing these well explained anon posts. Or would at least try to reason and say "yeah ok I'll admit I'm bias, I just don't like your ship because it threatens the popularity of mine". I despise how JP really went out of her way to shame people for wanting Bonkai (same w/ Kennett) to happen, but at some point the couple was going to be canon anyways, that was up until Chris W. popularity hit. If you prop up Bamon & Beneonzo over any other Bonnie ships, jokes on you, the show's writing proved they never really cared about the investment of anything Bonnie related, which is bad writing in general. So not sure why some people make it an unnecessary competition when writers thought we the audience would be dumb enough to fall for their half-a**ed mess. If you like Bonnie, we're literally all on the same team & rooting for her best storyline. While I had my main preferences, personally, I shipped her with all the men.
I can't give a printable response to this because it conjures up so many feelings of bitterness and resentment I have towards the BD crowd. This grossness, for example, is just one of the many ways they participated in the bullying of BK fans. BD-ers organized a Bonnie Unity week, and deliberately disinvited BK fans.
They definitely acknowledge it. I remember reading a popular BD blog explaining that they preferred BE to BK because Kai was too popular, and Enzo was unappealing. They literally said that they would rather Bonnie be in a shitty ship with a boring character because that would be less threatening to BD!
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pugetprincess · 3 years
another old Bamon drabble
It was a busy Saturday night at The Grill, crowds bustling around the dining area and pool hall, waitresses pushing their way through.  
"Do you know where Caroline is?"  Damon rushed up to Bonnie's table out of nowhere, shooting a quick look over his shoulder to where Stefan and Elena were just walking through the busy door.  
Bonnie shot him a glare, "What do you want with Caroline?"
"Nothing," he huffed.  He dragged out the chair next to hers, quickly throwing another look over his shoulder before sitting down and turning towards her.  Bonnie frowned.
"I need you to bail me out of something," he hissed.
She stared humorlessly, mouth opening in disbelief, "What?  Yeah right."
Damon leaned in close to her, his expression serious, "Look, I just want you to say we were together last night.  That's it."  
"No way," Bonnie threw him a distasteful look, "And besides, Stefan and Elena would never buy that.  Why on earth would we be hanging out together?"
He stared hard at her, dark eyebrows knitted down in frustration.  "I don't need Elena to buy it.  Just Stefan, for the next few hours.  He's too... you know, 'chivalrous' to pry."  Damon made air quotes and rolled his eyes.
"Wait," Bonnie whispered furiously, "You want me to tell him we slept together?!  Are you crazy?"
"No!  Well..." he seemed to consider it, head tilting side to side, but her outraged look pushed the idea from his mind, "No.  Just say you were with me last night.  He's too polite to ask about the details..."
She narrowed her eyes, "Not a chance.  There's no way I'm covering for you when you were probably off killing somebody..."
Bonnie stood up to walk away but Damon's hand whipped out and wrapped tightly around her wrist.  She shot him a warning look and he held up his other hand to ease her off.
"Okay, okay... calm down.  God, you witches are always ready to tear someone's head off..."
"Just yours."
He tightened his grip, "I swear I wasn't off on a murder spree or carrying out some nefarious plot to take over the world, alright?"
He stared up at her with a serious expression and she watched his face carefully, trying to search out the lie he must be telling.
"Bonnie!"  It was Elena calling out through the crowds, her and Stefan were slowly making their way over.
Damon turned to her again, looking desperate, "I'll owe you.  Anything."
And he was dead serious.  She paused at that.  As much as she loathed Damon, having a vampire in her back pocket would probably be an asset sooner or later.  Probably sooner.  
Bonnie rolled her eyes upward, mumbling 'I must be crazy'.  She leaned into his ear, "Fine.  But you're going to owe me one hell of a favor."
She sat back down in her chair, shaking his hand off just as Stefan and Elena reached the table.  Both of them cast curious glances between her and Damon.
"Hey, Elena,"  Bonnie smiled awkwardly, "Stefan, how are you?"
"Good, thanks Bonnie," Stefan was shooting his brother a shrewd look, "You ran in here awfully quick, Damon."
Damon grinned, "Well you know me, I just can't wait for the fun to start."
He moved closer to Bonnie as Elena took the chair across from his.  Stefan sat down next to Elena.
"Bonnie, have you met the new guy?" Elena was waving at Matt, where he stood at the register with the Grill's other new employee, an ex-football star called Ben.
"Yeah, Matt introduced him," Bonnie smiled at Elena, "I think he was the football captain before we were freshmen."
Elena nodded, looking Ben over, "He seems kinda familiar."
Stefan looked thoughtfully over his shoulder at the tall football player, "I think I've seen him before too."
"Recently?" Elena asked.
Stefan frowned, shaking his head.
"Anyway, what were we talking about earlier again, Stefan?"  Damon furrowed his forehead in mock concentration.
Stefan twisted back in his seat, giving Damon a withering look.
"Oh right, I remember,” He snapped his fingers, “Last night?  I was hanging out with Sabrina here..." Damon lightly kicked Bonnie under the table.
"Oh, uh..." she gritted her teeth, "Yeah, he was with me."
Elena's eyebrows hit the top of her forehead, while Stefan frowned in a very nonplussed way.
"Really?" he asked, sounding surprised.  
Bonnie nodded several times at no one in particular, her eyes on her drink.
"You two were hanging out?" Elena stared at her in shock, then turned accusingly to Damon, "Why?  What did you do?"
"Nothing!" Damon's jaw dropped in mock indignation, "Not everything is about you and Stefan, all the time.  Can't other people be friends?  Can't other people have relationships?"
Bonnie cut him a sharp look at that and kicked him sharply in the shins, but he didn't flinch, and she mentally rolled her eyes.  He of course had to make it sound like they were dating or something.  Yuck.  
She stood up, grabbing her purse.  
"Sorry for taking off so soon, but I promised my Grams I'd stop by tonight," Bonnie smiled, not looking at Damon, "It was nice seeing you Stefan.  See you tomorrow, Elena!"
"Bye Bonnie!" Elena called as Bonnie walked off towards the register to pay her bill.
Immediately, Elena and Stefan both shot Damon murderous glances, which he of course ignored.  He stared after Bonnie as she walked out the door.
Impulsively, he jumped out of his seat, walking away, "Later."  
"But wait!" Elena piped up, "We just got here, we haven't eaten yet..."
Damon turned around, grinning viciously down at her, "Oh, I don't think I'm hungry for anything on the menu tonight."
Elena frowned sourly, looking to Stefan for assistance.
"You're going home?"
"Yes, mom."  Damon turned away with a final glare, moving deftly through the bustle of people and making his way outside.  He spotted Bonnie in the parking lot, buttoning up her coat and heading in the direction of her Prius.  He hurried after her.
"Hey, witch!" he stepped up behind her with a smirk.
She jumped, spinning towards him and casting a wary glance around to make sure no one had heard that.
"Shhhh," she hissed, then narrowed her eyes, "What now?  I told you they wouldn't buy it."
"No, it's fine for now," Damon shoved his hands in his jeans, expression sobering, "Thanks.  I'll pay you back."
"Yeah, you could start by not trying to kill me."
He laughed down at her guarded face, smirking, "Oh, Bonnie.  Try not to piss me off, okay?  I like having you around."  
Bonnie looked down, angry expression clouding her face, “Yeah, I'm real great when you need to someone around to lie for you.”  
Why had she even done that?  She'd tell Elena the truth in the morning.
"Exactly," Damon grinned.
Bonnie glared at him furiously and spun away, walking towards her car.
"Come on, Judgy, don't feel too bad... I promise I wasn't killing anybody!"
She climbed in her car and drove away as fast as she could.
Damon stood alone in the parking lot, staring after her tail-lights. 
The witch was fun.  Maybe he'd have to start hanging out with Bonnie for real.  He chuckled to himself and started walking down the shadowed street.  
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backandimbamon · 5 years
bamon but make it halloween
im so terrible it’s literally almost a month after halloween but i had to post this. time is an illusion anyway, right guys? 😃 okay... ONWARDS.
“And you are...?” Caroline Forbes was patiently waiting for Bonnie to exit the bathroom, announcing her end of preparation for Whitmore’s biggest Halloween bash.
She bored herself with uninteresting conversation to pass the time but her patience was wearing thin, especially since the discussion was excessively snarky and headache-inducing. The absence of Stefan could really remind her just how much of a nuisance his brother could be. For Christ’s sake, why did he have to interrupt quality time with her best friend by bringing himself to the equation?
“A vampire, duh.”
Damon Salvatore donned an organic black cotton tee with black jeans, leather boots, signature bourbon whisky in hand, and a pair of cheap plastic fangs that almost lisped his speech.
“The blonde hair didn’t just come with the outfit, I take it.” He remarked, raising a disapproving eyebrow at Caroline’s Malibu Barbie costume.
“Guys, I’m almost done. Please don’t attempt to kill each other.” Bonnie’s incessant shuffling almost drowned out her voice.
“Fine.” They chimed in unison.
“Hurry, Bonnie. Caroline is doused in pink and that’s my least favorite color on earth. My eyes are starting to burn.”
“Did he just say doused?”
Caroline faced Damon and grimaced theatrically. “Honestly, you’re such a dick.”
He flashed a smile with those creepy plastic teeth. “Ninety-percent of me is, yes.”
“Gross. Did my ears just witness that... I-“ Rubbing her ears proved to be fruitless; the words had already made their stain.
Bonnie exited the bathroom and click-clacked her way to her two bickering best friends. “Before this situation gets any more awkward, I’m ready.”
And ready she was in fishnet stockings, black pointed-toe high heels, a teeny wicker broom and a dress that was tight and very short with thin shoulder straps. Her hair was long, pin-straight and down her back.To top it off, she had smoky eyes, nude glossy lips and a black hat with an exaggerated tip. An eyeful to say the least. There was no doubt that all heads would turn tonight in her favor.
“I’m a witch!”
Caroline squealed in excitement. “No Bonnie, you are that witch. Ohmygod, turn around! Look at your butt!”
“It’s kinda hard to do that,”
“Well if you could see it, you’d be amazed. You look so hot!” Caroline felt like the proudest best friend in the world, and if the night went as planned, she’d be the greatest wing woman to walk the face of the earth. Bonnie needed a boy toy, and with the help of her and that dress, Caroline’s mission would be easy peasy.
“You’re uncharacteristically quiet.”
Caroline almost forgot Damon Salvatore was also an occupant in the room, annoyingly existing beside her. She observed his mannerism and was shocked to hear no snide remarks fall from his lips. In fact, he looked a little too appreciative of Bonnie’s costume with honest blue eyes that wouldn’t leave her face or frame.
Caroline’s eyes squinted.
“Maybe you’ve put a spell on me, Bon Bon.”
- - -
“Did it ever cross your mind that it’s difficult to get Bonnie a guy when you’re death-glaring everyone I find suitable for her? They’re starting to think you two are a couple.”
Caroline pulled Damon aside, frustrated with his counterproductive antics. It was the biggest campus party of the year and she was trying to get her best friend laid because that was what best friends did. Bonnie looked too damn good to be just hanging around with her and Damon all night, especially considering the countless amount of eye candy surrounding them.
“We are. We’re a couple of best friends, looking to have a great, wholesome, spooky night.”
The music was getting louder as the bass thumped throughout the house. Red cups, mingling bodies, and flashing lights dominated the atmosphere. He had long since ditched the plastic fangs, Caroline presumed, to dig his teeth into some innocent girl later on that night.
“Damon, seriously. Stop attempting to scare these guys away. If anyone deserves a wild and crazy night, it’s Bonnie.”
“She can be wild and crazy with us. Two vampires and one witch? We’re the wildest trio to exist.”
“Yes but Bonnie’s a grown woman with needs not even we can help with.”
“Speak for yourself.” He winked.
Caroline’s brow raised in suspicion as she crossed her arms. Her pink jacket creased at the elbows.
“Kidding, kidding. Look, one dance with my little Bon Bon and I’ll stop being a bad vampire and allow her to make small talk with brainless douche bags. I promise.”
“Make it quick.”
“Aye, aye, Captain.”
Damon strolled over to Bonnie, interrupting her for what would be the last time, to his dismay. She was talking to some dick who had entirely too much cologne on, his vampire senses were agitated.
“I noticed you looked awfully bored, mind if I steal you away? You can just call me Life Saver.” There was a playful look in his eyes as he lightly tugged on her wrist.
The guy frowned at him and opened his mouth to speak but Damon pulled her away to the dance floor before he could respond.
“No, I’ll just call you Cock Block. He was super cute!” Bonnie hissed, with a cute frown on her face.
“Didn’t notice. Hey! I only want some one on one time with my bestie, for old time’s sake. Halloween parties bring back a certain nostalgia,” he looked off in the distance melodramatically, just above the crowd of tipsy college students.
“Of a time when we hated each other’s guts and I so desperately wanted to kill you?”
His eyes grew wide. “You feel it too?”
Bonnie stared at him and concluded that after years of knowing him, nothing could really accustom her to how frustratingly handsome he was. There was such a nonchalance that surrounded his charm, his whole demeanor screamed “I know you want to have sex with me but will you be lucky enough to get the chance,” without him saying one word. It was always there in his gaze; the party was completely out of his element with garish lights, cheap drinks, trite decorations yet somehow his devil-may-care disposition made him belong. It made spectators look. And almost every eye was on them tonight, especially for Damon, so she was truly puzzled as to why he insisted on assuming the role of watch guard. It was unlike him.
“Listen, Damon. You’ve been off this entire night... Are you okay?” There was genuine concern for him in her moss green eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck and they swayed to the music.
Truth was, Damon couldn’t explain why it bothered him to such a high extent watching horny men trying to press up against Bonnie. Hell, if the roles were reversed, he would undoubtedly fight to be the first in line to take her home. He understood it, she was gorgeous and sexy and the way her legs looked when she wore heels and fishnets was a sin.
Yet she was also his best friend and maybe it bothered him so much because a random guy didn’t know Bonnie like he did, that they never could know her the way he had. Never sat with her, talked her through her tears. Had never been miserably stranded with her, and trapped in a prison world for months. Caroline couldn’t even compete with him in the experiences they shared and she was technically her best friend long before he came into the picture. He was all over Bonnie, she even smelled a little like him, was wearing head to toe black more often, had a bit of his cynical humor.
He couldn’t picture another male that fit into the equation even for one night. These strangers had never seen her before so how could they possibly think they could honor her the way she should be honored, even if it was for a one night stand.
God, what the hell was he thinking? He was starting to sound like Stefan in his own damn mind.
“Damon?” She lightly scratched at the hair on the nape of his neck, and the small gesture alone awakened far too many electrical impulses inside of him.
Elena, Elena, Elena.
His eyelids fluttered. “Hmm?”
The thought of Elena was almost intrusive because all he could really see was Bonnie. Bonnie irritated with him, exasperated, then understanding and pensive. Bonnie speaking.
Her mouth was moving, yes, but he was distracted. She was doing it subconsciously, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, and it was damn near driving him up the wall in the best way possible. Bonnie made him feel so comfortable always, everything was natural with her. She felt like home.
Elena, Elena, Elena.
But Elena wasn’t here and he knew that if he hadn’t picked Bonnie over her, his life wouldn’t feel like his- it wouldn’t belong to him. Plus, they could fix it once they found a cure. Someone would undo that linking spell and his best friend and his girlfriend would both be in his life simultaneously.
For now, Bonnie was home, he couldn’t live without her, so yes he would continue to stop any guy trying to get next to her because they didn’t deserve her. No one did. She was too sweet and pure, and seeing someone talk to her who wasn’t him or someone else she loved made something flare up inside him, something a lot like-
“...Like jealousy.”
“I’m not jealous!”
There was a pregnant pause, the fingertips at his neck slowed.
“I said that I think Caroline’s a little jealous of our friendship. It’s like we’ve obviously gotten closer because of everything we’ve been through and Caroline might resent you just a teensy bit for it.”
“Oh yeah, she’s been so mean to me all night, Bon Bon. She barely allowed me to dance with you.”
“That probably has more to do with you shooting down every guy that comes my way.”
“I have not,”
“No, Bon, I’ve been shooting down every asshole that comes your way. I believe there is a difference.”
“So every guy I talk to is an asshole?”
“Precisely,” he said, with a wiggle of his brows.
“You must be the king of them.”
He gave a mock wounded expression.
Her pretty face grew serious. “I know it’s been hard. The whole decision thing. Me or Elena. I miss her so much so I can’t even imagine how you must feel. She’s everything to you.” He could see tears welling up in her eyes. “Thank you. In all honesty, I accepted the fact that I would die because of the ultimatum but you really shocked me, Damon.”
Maybe that was it, he was acting strange because he missed a pair of doe brown eyes, olive skin and long legs. He missed a raspy voice always carrying the two syllables in his name like it was too heavy to pronounce. He missed the smell of her on him, a fusion of his natural spicy je ne sais quoi and her fruity shampoo.
That’s what was making him act weird. Not the thought of smokey green eyes glazed with flirtation, batting at the expense of a baffling fool. Or brown slender fingers outstretched, casting love spells on men who could never match her energy. And surely not the thought, tucked away in the recesses of his mind, of Bonnie Shelia Bennett, the little witch, opening her arms and legs to someone not worthy enough to lick the bottom of her shoe.
And he didn’t know why if he could picture one contender, it would be himself. Like if there was an invisible bar to set the standard, it’d be him. It’s not as if he thought of Bonnie- like that- because he hadn’t, it was just he was the only male in her life that treated her least crappiest next to maybe his brother. But Stefan was Caroline’s. And Damon...well he couldn’t imagine Bonnie welcoming someone else inside of her when she felt so much like home to him.
Wait, what?
If those words had tumbled out of his mouth she probably would’ve slapped him. She wasn’t his and he wasn’t hers, no matter how close they were, no matter how long they danced, no matter how many times he made her laugh. That was his friend, and he should politely remove himself if he was blocking her from having a good night, regardless of the pain he would feel from her absence.
He should. But.
“Damon.” Bonnie had a stern look on her face and it was then that he realized his fangs were out and his eyes were veined.
“Seriously, what is going on with you? Are you hungry?”
“No! I was thinking.”
“Of tearing into my flesh?” She placed her hands on her hips and tapped a pointed toe.
“No? But.. since your mind is so clearly in the gutter,” he did that thing where he paced around Bonnie like a predator stalking its prey. Pinpointing her to the spot to be examined, he was on his second lap of encircling her when he halted behind her, smoothed her long hair to one shoulder and admired the slope of skin from ear to collarbone. He took the initiative to push the envelope by trailing his nose alongside the curve of her neck, light enough to give goosebumps. The magic that was bubbling under the surface of skin was almost enough to make him salivate.
She was unmoved, like there was a predictability Damon possessed that didn’t scare her, or even surprise her anymore.
He hated it. He felt neutered, like the monster under the bed who the kid was no longer afraid of because monsters didn’t really exist, only dust bunnies.
“I could sink a fang in, to really christen the night.”
“And I could send your ass burning to flames, for old time’s sake.”
His hands circled around her wrist to hold her still, because if he kept Bonnie in place in reality, she wouldn’t be able to run free in his mind. Damon needed control, he needed to remind himself of who he was. And maybe, just maybe, teasing Bonnie would make him feel as if he had leverage over her. Like he had won something even if Bonnie went back to her dorm with someone else.
“No really, Bon Bon. You taste so good.” He inhaled her scent as he spoke in her ear. “Why do you think I gave you that nickname?”
Despite his internal conflict, he couldn’t fight his bad habits: The longer he spent with her, coiled around her like a snake, the more men would assume she wasn’t available tonight, and sure, he was being a toxic friend but he didn’t care. Damon reveled in his toxicity because it left him less lonely, less abandoned.
“Oh, Damon, don’t kid yourself. You know you’re an old man. You can’t afford too many rises.” There was a smirk in her voice.
“I can teach you all about rises and more, Bon Bon.”
“Wouldn’t you just love that?”
He really wanted to push her, see how far she could carry this conversation. And see how much alike they actually were.
“I would love that for you, yes.” He pushed one skinny shoulder strap down and lightly pressed his mouth where it once was. “Then I could really find out if you taste as good as you look.”
Her knee buckled before she sent it back in its rightful position. He noticed her body was so warm, he could hear the blood sloshing around in her veins. The reactions Damon perceived as small victories for him. If there was a scoreboard it would read: Damon 1, Bonnie 0. One hand cupped her neck lightly while the other remained at her wrist, he continued to speak into her ear.
“You know, I would stop but something tells me you’re enjoying this too much.” He pressed his thigh between hers.
She squirmed and her voice dropped octaves. “What makes you think that?”
“It’s not what I think. More so what I smell.”
Her mouth shut with an audible click of teeth.
“I bet you make the prettiest face when you-“
The feeling of his brain splitting in half was so unwelcome that his hands immediately shot up as if he could turn it off. Bonnie seemed to have an immense presence; the perfect picture of witchcraft prowess and sex appeal and if his brain didn’t feel like it was broken, he would’ve been a proud masochist. He was on one knee in an odd proposal of pain, and then it stopped. He pulled himself up and attempted to recover from his aneurysm as if it never occurred.
Damon 1, Bonnie 1.
She straightened out her dress, dusted it off to exude the message that she had no intention of getting down and dirty but she did what she must. He felt like a child and that aneurysm was one hell of a scolding.
Her voice was still a bit deep, but considerably more clear. “Honestly, you should hang out around the dining room, I see some girls that are more your type.”
He followed her gaze to a group of Elena lookalikes.
Damon possessed a sharp, unreadable expression in his gaze. “And what’s that?”
“Hmm.. selfish. Insecure.” They held each other’s gaze in a Western Showdown fashion, with an unspoken challenge sitting in the open space between them. Bonnie gave him the last once over before she strutted off, trapping his eyes with the sway of her hips.
Bonnie 2, Damon 0.
When he looked back up, Caroline was giving him the glare of the century as he slowly backed up to melt away in the oven of meaningless costumed bodies.
It was going to be a long night.
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bonneibennett · 6 years
You should write a lil something for the pregnancy au you made recently for Bamon! Please please with a cherry on top 🍒!!!
Awww okay but fair warning, pregnancy au stuff is not my forte! Like I’ve never been pregnant before... so if anything is super off, just let me know. But anyway, here’s what I came up with. Hope you like how it turned out!
(For anyone who missed the gifset being referenced, it’s HERE.)
Sitting in the passenger seat of the Camaro, Bonnie uncrossed and then crossed her legs again, feeling restless. She had been vaguely nauseous all morning.
Outside, the scenery flew cheerily by. Inside the car, however, it was quiet. Tense.
Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Damon. He gripped the steering wheel just a little too tight. Paid just a little too much attention to the road in front of him.
His usual snark was MIA, his mood inscrutable. His lips formed a thin, rigid line.
He had been a little off ever since Bonnie had shown him that pregnancy test. The two blue lines were undeniable, as strange and tempting as it had been at first to deny it.
The pair hadn’t really discussed having kids. Honestly, who in their right minds would have thought it would even be possible? Damon was supposed to be dead, 150 years ago.
Not to mention, she’d been dead a couple of times herself now.
When he found her on that beach in Lisbon, two years after his divorce from Elena and almost a decade into her worldwide tour of self-discovery, they’d just been happy enough to exist. To exist together. Neither had thought much through beyond that point.
Things between them had always been like that. Natural, effortless in a way, even when it wasn’t easy. Even when she hated him and he mistrusted her, they could each read the other like a book. That was what was so scary in the first place.
But in the end, that mutual understanding was the bond that kept everything afloat, even at the times when the world was literally crumbling around them. And they were Bonnie and Damon from Mystic Falls, so in the years since that reunion on the beach, those times were not exactly uncommon.
But this? This was new, for sure.
Those two lines on that piece of plastic were more overwhelming than any supernatural threat, Bonnie thought. Those two lines were amazing, beautiful, and somehow… utterly terrifying.
Upon seeing them, Damon immediately dove into master plan mode. Within two hours, Bonnie was scheduled for her initial prenatal visit, books on pregnancy and parenting were ordered and being shipped by Amazon, and their trip to Bali that had been scheduled for what would now possibly be her third trimester was canceled.
Bonnie had sat, shellshocked, on the couch in the parlor of the boardinghouse. Meanwhile, Damon was a flurry of activity around her. She answered his questions numbly, and he desperately googled and called and bought and cancelled.
And here they were, the next morning, on their way to their first official prenatal visit.
She turned towards him slightly. “Damon?”
There was no answer, as the Camaro rumbled faithfully down the road.
She placed a hand over his on the gear shift, and he tensed.
She opened her mouth but couldn’t think of what to say. “Um, never mind.” She turned back to stare out the passenger side window.
Suddenly, the car swerved onto the shoulder and screeched to a halt.
Damon shifted the car into park and clenched his eyes shut, bringing a hand up to rub at his temple wearily.
Bonnie frowned. “What are you doing? We’ll be late for our appointment.”
“I dragged you out of the house a half hour early because I was scared we’d be late. We have time.” Damon opened his eyes and found Bonnie watching him. He searched her gaze, as neither spoke for a moment.
“Can we… can we even do this?” he finally asked, quietly.
Bonnie’s heart lurched.
“I mean, how the hell does someone like me being some poor kid’s dad NOT completely ruin that kid’s life?” He dragged his hands through his hair.
Bonnie shook her head, but he was already continuing on.
“My father didn’t do half the messed up things I’ve done, and he was a complete nightmare, a monster of a parent,” he said, slamming a hand against the steering wheel. “Shit.”
Bonnie took his hand off of the steering wheel and cradled it in both of her own in her lap. She rubbed soothing circles into his palm.
“I… I don’t know what to say. You know it’s not like I have any idea what having a mom is really supposed to be like either.”
He frowned at her. “Any kid would be lucky-“
She shook her head again, silencing him. “I’m fucking terrified, Damon.”
He stared at her, at last recognizing the tense cant of her smile, her antsy legs, her quiet non-answers to his questions the night before.
He dragged his hand up from her lap and gently cradled her cheek. A beat passed wordlessly as they stared at each other, their shared fear in the end finally giving way to some glimmer of hope.
He leaned towards her and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.
“Bonnie, whatever we do, we’ll do it together. And we’ll make it work, like we always do,” he said.
She smiled. “Like we always do,” she echoed.
After what felt like hours of poking and prodding, of blood draws and urine samples, of complex medical histories, Bonnie finally found herself in the ultrasound lab.
She lay on a patient bed with her tank top pulled up to reveal her abdomen, which had been slathered with cold (so cold!) gel. Damon leaned against the bed rail and watched her, his dwindling patience with the whole process wearing on his already frayed nerves.
The ultrasound tech pushed a wide wand over the gel smoothly, but with enough pressure that Bonnie was clearly uncomfortable.
Damon bristled as she grimaced, the cold gel spreading further across her skin with the movement of the wand.
He glanced up at their physician who was monitoring the screen while the tech performed the sonogram. “She’s been through a lot today already. Is everything going to be okay, Doc?”
Suddenly a heavy thumping sound could be heard from the speakers of the monitor, and the grainy image on the screen was moving.
The doctor smiled. “You and your wife have nothing to worry about. Your baby’s heartbeat sounds good.”
Bonnie gasped, and Damon sat up straight, staring at the physician and then to Bonnie in awe.
The physician continued, motioning to different parts of the screen with one hand. “See, here’s his head. And there goes a little arm. He’s really busy in there, isn’t he?”
“*His* head?” Bonnie asked breathlessly.
The doctor smiled again, nodding.
Bonnie turned to Damon, his rapt attention on the wriggling form on the monitor. She smiled broadly at him. “He’s a boy!”
He leaned forward with a grin and squeezed her hand, and together they watched the screen for a while longer. The strong, steady sound of their son’s heartbeat filled the room, crowding out any discomfort or fear for at least that moment.
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zalrb · 7 years
It’s Finally Written! {TVD 1x22 Review}
1.  I find it kind funny that Caroline essentially becomes Carol Lockwood. I’m saying this because Carol is organizing the various floats/participants in the Miss Mystic parade and it reminds me of Caroline in 4x07 and pretty much any event after that.
2. “I’m here to eat cotton candy and steal your girl.” “Don’t start with me, Damon.” “Oh you started it with you ‘I’m insecure, leave Elena alone’ speech.” Damon, honey, you are the picture of insecurity when your time comes to be with Elena.
3. “You’re worried that now that Katherine is out of the picture, I’m going to turn all of my attention to Elena” basically what happens Damon because or obsession just needed somewhere to go. You guys watch Supernatural? You know what Dean and Sam expel a demon from someone and the black smoke goes searching for a new vessel? That’s Damon’s obsession.
4. Anna and Jeremy’s conversation is actually cringe-worthy mostly because of the acting but Jeremy, her mother is dead and you are not comforting at all. Maybe its a Gilbert thing.
5. Anna telling Jeremy to turn because he can shut off his emotions as a vampire is ridiculous because her emotions aren’t shut off, that’s how she can love Jeremy, if Jeremy shut off his emotions who is to say hat he would want to be with her, he would have no emotion! It’s so illogical.
6. “My whole life I never liked this man” ,--- Elena about John when Stefan tells her he could be his father. Remember that anon who tried to tell me that Elena hated John because he tried to kill Damon? LOL 
7. I like how Caroline tells Matt to hide his cast because it’s not era appropriate but there is a yellow school bus in the backdrop.
8. Elena isn’t even trying to make a case for herself with  Jeremy is the thing, she’s just like Jer, please” say something else, Elena.
9. Elena, Stefan, Tyler, Matt, Caroline and Jeremy are all in this parade in some capacity but Bonnie is on the sidelines? OK.
10. “I like you better like this. The period look, it didn’t suit you” because it reminded you too much of Katherine, Damon? But DE fans say Stefan is the one who had a problem separating the two of them?
11. “Don’t make me regret being your friend.” I mean, he raped your best friend and tried to kill your other one, Elena, you should’ve regretted this friendship from the jump. 
12. I remember when Damon mocked Jeremy and his teen angst I thought it was hilarious the first time I watched it because Jeremy was being so extra but it’s actually in terrible taste because Jeremy’s pain is all Damon's fault, seriously, the dude is trash. And I hate Bamon now but I remember I shipped them before because Damon’s appreciation for what he thought Bonnie did was genuine and there was respect there but with Elena, it was more like a conquest. And him roughing up Jeremy “for” Elena is ridiculous.
13. And Stefan being Stefan is honest and humble and sincere and you see that he’s getting through to Jeremy even if he’s still upset.
14. “Oh there’s only room for one do-gooder, I get it.” Damon, you threatened to turn Jeremy unconscious so when Stefan says “get over yourself” it’s the most appropriate response.
15. Liz, what do you actually do as a sheriff?
16. How would Liz override the mayor?
17. Honestly, what reason would Damon have to be at the MF parade until nightfall? Like does he not have anything better to do with his time? Skulker.
18. Also this is a terribly coordinated plan for the tomb vampires, I thought that once the fireworks started then everyone would be getting merked, not that when the fireworks started, they move to get in position to kill the people they wanted to murder.
19. OK. So here’s my thing. These vampires are in a crowded place in a small town and no one is seeing these people getting round up by the cops and injected with a substance? No one is going to question it? 
20. It makes no sense to me that John would stake Anna as a personal fuck you but not stake Damon when he and Isobel agreed to keep Elena safe from Damon and Stefan and Damon had actually tried to kill him.
21. I also find it interesting that when Damon is supposed to show some form of growth it isn’t related to Elena at all. He thanks Bonnie because he knows she hates vampires and him specifically but helped them anyway and when he wants to help Anna it’s because Stefan explains it him what selflessness is.
22. Elena being indignant that John tried to kill Damon doesn’t make sense unless she’s indignant that all of the vampires are being set on fire.
23. And Elena being indignant about Bonnie is also like ... Elena, look at who you run with though? Damon legit tried to kill her and he was responsible for her grandmother’s death if you can be like”oh Damon rapes and kills and manipulates people because he’s sad over Katherine” then you have to understand why Bonnie lied about the device. Compassion doesn’t just work for Damon, writers.
24. Hey Damon, remember when Stefan risked his life to save yours and then you try to kiss Elena? Stay classy.
25. Jeremy is all, I know you think you took away my suffering but I still feel empty and alone,OK, but you felt that way even when Vicki was alive though so I need the show to understand the difference between Jeremy’s pain about Vicki and his general teenage emo angst.
26. Jeremy, those don’t even look like enough pills to overdose on.
27. Kat’s eyes are beautifully big.
28. Damon, don’t play yourself, Bonnie legit said that she couldn’t let Stefan or Damon die because Elena loves Stefan that implies that because Stefan loves Damon and Elena loves Stefan, Damon’s well being is in Elena’s best interest.
29. Lol Ian is eating Nina’s face.
30. So Jenna glaring at Damon after catching him kiss who she thinks is Elena and then closing the door is not enough for me. Jenna was legit flirting with Damon at the bar like 6 episodes ago because they’re age appropriate for each other, if that man was kissing my underage niece, we would have some fucking words.
31. And then Katherine’s entrance. I don’t know why she couldn’t just snap John’s neck but whatever.
Thanks for reading!
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sixmorningsafter · 7 years
15 Review
I didn’t know how to start this review. Then you posted your character trailer and I was struck by how much this fic has evolved from the original 2-minute trailer. It started out as a fluffy rom com type fic and now it is a story of depth, of feeling and of growth. Sure, your humour balances out the angst, but what blows me away is the affection all your readers have for your characters even if the canon version leaves them cold. There are still times when I want to smack them around the head for being dumb (quite a lot in this chapter!), but I am still rooting so hard for all 4 of them to get a HEA (actually 5 including Kai).
Ahhhhh, Janet, my sun and stars! Sorry for taking a bit to reply to this - I was trying to get 16 cranked out (lmao as you well know) and I was putting off delving back into my asks until I did. Now that the chapter’s up and kind of terrifyingly out there, I can finally get to answering this glorious, lovely review, and I’m going to start with getting real emotional over everything you said about the fic’s development. I think I’ve mentioned it a few times, but I’ve always been aiming for a kind of Breakfast Club effect with this story where it starts out with a bunch of surface-level stereotypes for characters, gets them stuck somewhere, and then uses that idle time to dig past the labels and see what makes them human. Obviously SMA has gone way off the rails and is way more shippy and tropey than TBC, lmao, but it makes me so happy to hear that you feel like it’s transcended the raunchy romcom premise. It’s been a gradual but deliberate effort on my end and it gives me hella feels to know it’s working.
Can I just say how much I love the fact you started and ended it with Stefan’s POV? That end scene where he can’t help but be a little bit Nicholas Sparks (Stefan “King of Cheese” Salvatore knows who he is, but not Sia ha ha) and Caroline surprises him with the hot chocolate – aww. I also adored Ms Cuddles and Caroline having a ‘chat’ about Stefan – that was a really beautiful note, the parallel of Caroline softening towards both the cat and Stefan. In fact, the cat is basically a metaphor for Stefan, right? Caroline’s reaction annoyed me initially, I can’t lie, but her gradual rationalisation of her behaviour was really interesting and her thoughts on how it affected Stefan showed her to be compassionate and sweet. An interesting point was that Stefan felt that he lost control completely of the sex, intimacy situation, whereas Caroline describes him as ‘always having one foot on the floor, checking in’ – I’m not sure why I liked that so much, but I did. I love the tease for chapter 16 where these idiots actually talk to each other. There’s a line where Stefan talks (in his head) about him (or indeed anyone) not being worth that much angst and about watching her flicker from afar, both of which I loved because it showed just what a caring chap Stefan is.
Italicized the bit above because I’m so happy you caught that! It was one of those dissonant things I tried to sneak in to remind people that literally no one’s narration in this fic is objective, you know? Like Stefan’s sitting there feeling lowkey guilty because there was a moment he knew he probably should’ve pulled back but didn’t, and then later on Caroline’s thinking about how safe she felt because he never seemed to lose himself completely. I think on a backstory note, too, it gives a some indirect insight into Maroline and just how out of control Matt could get that by comparison, Stefan losing control felt like total safety to her. 
ANYWAY, that bit aside (I love how you catch those little things, btw), cat’s totally a metaphor for Stefan. To me anyway. I don’t think Stefan directly intended the parallel but this cheesy af author did 👍 And yeah, at their core, Caroline and Stefan are both giant cheese balls who are just trying to figure out what to do with their abundance of scary feelings. I think it’s good that Caroline’s reaction annoyed you, tbh, because it was supposed to be a last straw kind of thing. Not necessarily even for Stefan, but just for her. She gets sick of her own shit, which you probably get more of a sense for in 16 than 15. It’s kind of her breaking point. She’s like ‘holy shit enough this is exhausting’. So I think it’s good for you, as the reader, to also be exhausted with her, because she’s pretty much feeling the same way. 
(Aside: jeez the way you wrote the Steroline sex scene was perfect, not graphic or squirmy, but really hot. I now can’t wait to see what you do with Bamon! Things gonna get weird – I know it!)
I literally just figured out how Bamon’s going to go down (like locked it down in my head) and honestly. Weirdly feelsy. But also very hot and them, I think. Bonnie’s profession might factor in. But gah, thanks so much for the feedback on the SC scene! That was like my first time writing a sex scene in a fic (not because I’m anti-sex scene I just usually don’t make it that far in, looooool) so I’m so glad it wasn’t a disaster!
The ship stuff is great in this chapter, but I thought I was going to miss the friendship stuff. I didn’t because of all the cute references to the friendships that you put in. Damon doing his lovesick idiot impression AKA imitating Stefan – LOL! Damon referring to Stefan taking Bonnie to court for flamingo hate crimes - I nearly died at that little exchange. I also liked the parallel of Bonnie telling Damon about the Stefonnie V-day standoff (“yellow sucks and you’re a bad friend” WTF Bonnie? Baby love sick puppy Stefan - priceless) and Steroline chatting about Bonnie’s insane diet as a way of bonding (Stefan’s a feeder, his go-to strategy to smooth things over = food, head canon this was his major way of coping with his sisters and Bonnie’s mood swings). Bonnie is like the lynch pin in this fic and I bloody love it. The parallel of Caroline and Bonnie trying to get over Stefan and Damon by using extreme physical contact as a method of desensitisation. LOL like that was ever going to work - dumbos!
Aren’t they the stupidest human beings, though? Like do you understand how often I write literally any part of this fic and have to stop, stare the screen, and go ‘WHY ARE YOU ALL SO DUMB’. Like yeah, Caroline, riding Stefan in the middle of a dark living room till neither of you can think straight is definitely going to make you less into him. Obviously. How could that backfire? Yeah Bonnie, dragging a flirty Damon to a tiny little stairwell to bitch at him is obviously not going to lead to anything you don’t want happening. How could it? It’s so foolproof? They’re stupid. Anyway, lmao, love love love that all the brotp references could keep you afloat with the friendships this chapter, and love all the parallels you picked up on. I’m not going to lie, I miss writing ensemble scenes so friggin’ much, to the point where I’m a little sad 16 had to get split before I hit the group bits, but I can’t wait to get back to that. I can’t wait to get back to crowded mornings and furtive looks and smug comments and chaotic bursts of activity - it always happens whenever I have long night time scenes. I’m like ready for the reset of a new, bustling morning, and a large part of it is because of the brotp potential, so I’m super happy that part’s important to you, too!
Now for Kai. His cyber stalking, 6 ovens and secret room made me laugh in a somewhat anxious way, although I too aim for my Christmas decorations to involve a miniature train set up #lifegoals #weareallalittlebitkai. I get that Bonnie was terrified, trapped with a knife 2 inches from her face. She still slipped into her compassionate self because that is who Bonnie is at her core. This girl is a damn hero. I can totally see how down the line these 2 end up being ‘friends’ with the other 3 being dragged into this friendship group, kicking and screaming, although I caught Damon being friendly with him already. I’m really interested to see how the Stefan-Kai dynamic works out. I felt bad for him going off swan hunting in a blizzard and perplexed because it’s going to take ages to pluck and roast a new swan – Bamon are trapped lol.
Loooool, Kai, my little lunatic son. He means well? Kind of. I think he just doesn’t always know what ‘well’ is. And yep, Bonnie’s compassionate streak flares hard and often, and it’s already showing for Kai, although if you’ve read 16 it turns out that Damon actually ends up being the surprise Kai bestie. Honestly, Kai thinks they’re both great and has very enthusiastic and occasionally frightening ways of showing it, lmao. And HAHA, you know, Kai x Stefan is probably the only dynamic I haven’t nailed down? Largely because my instinct is to have Kai think he’s shady/get an inexplicably bad vibe from him (because COME ON HOW FUNNY IS THAT), and I feel like Stefan’s constantly getting the short end of the stick with these people, but lmao, who knows. I might do it anyway. It’s hard to resist the hilarity of Murdery McSwankiller Kai finding Stefan of all people suspicious. They’ll probably bond over cooking, though.
Hands down my favourite part is Damon’s panic attack, the way you wrote it – wow, so good. I have never had a panic attack and after reading that I was so glad that I hadn’t. It basically cracked open Damon’s life a little, let us in on his dark past. I have only waited 15 chapters for this (see every review of this fic I have ever written lol – god I’m so boring, sorry). When they were first trapped in the basement and Bonnie was quizzing him without mercy, I felt so bad for him.  I loved that she picked up on the panic attack and tried a softer approach and the connection that it sparked. I love their physical attraction (I want them to kiss every time they get within about 6 foot of each other, I have no idea how Bonnie copes!), their verbal sparring and Damon’s protectiveness towards Bonnie, but Damon being vulnerable and letting her in (even if he didn’t want to) was like the final piece in a jigsaw puzzle and at the same time, the beginning of something really beautiful. I really want to see more from him next chapter, his embarrassment is already palpable in the preview vid and I’m so psyched about vulnerable Damon. I hope we find out more about why he was in Chicago. Is that likely?
Ahhhhhh, girl, all of this has me so, so starry-eyed, like I’m so happy to hear this scene worked so well for you. I always get super nervous when I’m writing something sensitive that I’ve never gone through myself, and I try to do a bunch of research and read about peoples’ experiences and see what different accounts have in common to get to the core of it, but it’s still always a bit of a gamble. Not even in the sense of getting the symptoms and stuff right, because that’s just following a list, but more so capturing the gravity of it, not making it some melodramatic trivialized thing that robs it of weight, you know? That’s what I was the most worried about, so reading this review is just so, so wonderful, because it seems like you really felt everything I was trying to capture. Love love love your analysis of Bamon and their progression so far, and your note about how it felt like both the final piece of something and the beginning of something else. I think that’s such a great way to put it. You spend a fair bit of time in Damon’s head in 16, and it’s safe to say his whole breezy facade is cracked, but the vulnerability is definitely there. And as for the new beginning you mentioned in 15, I think what that ends up being in 16 is that trust is starting to build. He’s trying to avoid it at first, but it’s there and it’s growing, and in 17 (what was supposed to be 16, lmao), you’ll see the first moment where Damon actually volunteers information about himself. He isn’t asked, he isn’t panicking, he just finally gets to the point where he wants to talk about things, Chicago, etc. So I think it’s 100% likely that you’ll hear more about what happened there, and in an added bonus, it won’t all be from his mental narration! He’s going to bring it up. It’s comin’!
Edit: Having seen your posts, I have now seen that the next chapter will have Baroline friendship scenes and more Stefan back story – OMG yay so up for this! Also we need more about Stefan and the girl that cried after having sex with him (or was it the other way around?).
Hahaha literally BOTH of those things got lost in the split, I’m afraid. But they’re definitely coming! And lmaaaaaoooooo, in the fic, Stefan made a girl cry once, but I honestly wouldn’t put post-sex crying past him. Oh, Stefan, my precious emotional son.
Anyway, thanks so, so much for this glorious review, babe. As always, it was insightful and eloquent af and I’m crazy humbled to have readers like you. <3
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midgetindenial · 8 years
As regards to Nina making he return I am royally SHOOK but so happy but am also anxious to wait and see how yet another very promising storyline/series finale may be fucked up, i kinda ship everything on this show to be quite honest so amnt overly bothered with endgames but I can’t help but think that from a story writing point of view, that while being the most unrealistic outcome in terms of where the ingenious (*eye rolls*) writers are taking the story, stelena, bamon and klaroline would be the most interesting, logical and satisfying conclusion to the story, in my head I could genuinely see a possible time jump, bonnie alive (bc she’s died too many times and if she dies for good it’ll just be unoriginal at this stage ffs)the writers themselves have always described Damon as the third point in the triangle, and I for one feel that their story has been wholly burnt out, completely exhausted, the past few seasons has been those two running around in toxic circles for God knows what reason when there were perfectly good storylines to be explored. The chemistry between Dxmon and Elxna was absolutely sizzling in the earlier seasons but has gradually become more dead, useless and flat than a burst balloon, and it's so tired, and Stxroline's chemistry was dead in the water before they even got together, a beautiful friendship but romantically there's something missing, although I am a much bigger fan of these two and their pleasant and mutually beneficial relationship which makes both parts happy than I am the former, but anyway, and finally Bonnie and Damon would have a relationship based off of mutual love, respect, forgiveness and GROWTH (key word, a relationship where one part continuously makes mistakes, apologises and never experienced growth or betters themselves but devolves back to the villain they were previously as soon as the relationship breaks down and continuously makes the same mistakes is TOXIC and overall a very negative entity, no arguments with this), I cannot see how Bamon would be a less realistic relationship just because they're best friends, given the basis for Stxroline's relationship? Anywho I kinda just imagined the ideal finale being Bonnie somehow becoming a vamp witch and living eternally in a lovely suburban, cozy home with Damon and their adopted kids bc those two deserve happiness God damn it, Stefan taking the cure and losing his memories and Elena having her memories erased to go on and live a normal life and one day she's walking around a crowded city and bumps into this handsome stranger (Stefan) and they fall in love again bc SOULMATES And Caroline is at home one night when she hears a knock on the door to see klaus and she's finally ready to be with her last love DELUSIONS Peace out bitches Julie Plec can kiss my ass Someone's gonna die and if it's Bonnie Bennett I will fucking riot
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sixmorningsafter · 8 years
SMA Bamon AU Drabble - Meeting during their teen years by @attolirene
I didn’t send that ask MEANING to write this but…I did anyway.  So here’s a Bamon-y drabble from an AU of your AU where they meet during their respective destructive phases.
I’m not sure how old Damon was supposed to be when the stuff with Katherine went down, so this might be wildly off by several years?  And it’s not supposed to be shippy–Bonnie’s 15 and Damon’s 18, which happens in high school but still squicks me out–but it is supposed to be a sorta character study thing.
SO what I’m trying to say is, I hope you like this lmao.
Damon noticed people.  It wasn’t a conscious thing; if he saw the same person more than once, he’d remember them.  Pick up on their habits.  Didn’t matter how unremarkable they were.  It was probably a defense mechanism, hypervigilance or some bullshit like that. 
And the girl he kept seeing at parties recently wasn’t what he’d call unremarkable.  Damon had seen her show up with Klaus and Enzo, who he knew mostly through reputation.  He’d wondered at first what she was doing with them.  She seemed a few years younger, and definitely less comfortable with the scene. 
Then he’d actually seen her in action.  The girl–Bethany, Brianna, something like that–always seemed to be in the center of things, getting the most fucked up, doing the most outrageous shit.
So what was she doing lurking around the peripherals of this house party, exactly?
Not that Damon could talk.  Katherine had disappeared into a corner with someone else a while ago.  She’d made it abundantly clear that they weren’t exclusive, but–
Well.  It wasn’t the same, without her.  So he leaned against the wall near where B-whoever stood by the fireplace, and watched as she very deliberately knocked an expensive glass ornament off the mantelpiece to shatter on the brick hearth.  She stared at it for a second, took a swig from her cup, and reached out a finger toward a second ornament.
“Are you part cat or something?” he asked.
B-whoever turned to face him and gave him a thoroughly unimpressed once-over.  “Is that supposed to be a line?”
Damon smirked back.  “It was supposed to be an honest question.  But hey, if you want it to be…”
Damon chuckled, shrugged, leaned back against the wall.  “Your loss.”  Though really she looked–what, thirteen?  Fourteen?  Too young for him, anyway. 
B rolled her eyes.  Her gaze flicked away from him out to the crowd, but she settled in beside him at the wall, her arm brushing against his.  Damon couldn’t tell if it was deliberate or just a drunken lack of spacial awareness. 
“Where are your friends?” Damon asked.  At B’s blank look, he elaborated, “Klaus and Enzo.  You usually come with them, right?”
“They couldn’t be here.”  Bonnie shrugged.  “Figured I’d come on my own.  Turns out, it’s a lot more boring to be at a party where you don’t know anyone.”  She wrinkled her nose and took another swig of her drink.  “What about you?  Fell out with the girlfriend?”
Damon blinked.  He hadn’t expected her to notice him.  Then again, he had dashing good looks on his side.  “Katherine’s busy.  And she’s not my girlfriend.”
“Ah.  Explains that, then.”  B nodded to the side of the room where Damon had been pointedly not looking all evening.  Where Katherine was leaning against the wall, someone’s hands shoved up under her shirt, her skirt pushed up her thighs. 
Jealousy flared, bright and hot, in Damon’s stomach, and he swallowed it down with a swig of his beer.  It wasn’t his business.  She wasn’t his girlfriend, wasn’t his.  And it was pointless to get too attached; that was one of the first things she had taught him.
“Yep,” Damon said, and turned back to the kid. 
The detachment in her eyes had turned to amusement.  Huh.  He hadn’t pegged her for a sadist. 
Then she abruptly leaned forward, all four feet of her in his personal space.  “If you’re looking for a distraction,” she said, aiming for a sexy purr, not quite confident enough to pull it off, “Pretty sure there’s an empty room somewhere in here.”
She was trying very hard to be sexy, and it was how obviously fake that was, more than anything, that had Damon gently pushing her away.  Jesus.  “First of all, kid,” he said, “you’re about twelve.”
Her eyes narrowed.  “I’m eighteen.”
Damon raised an eyebrow. 
B huffed.  “Fine.  Fifteen.”
That, he could believe, though she still seemed too tiny for it.  “Yeah.  And I still have standards.  Second–not interested.”  He’d tried sleeping with other girls during times when Katherine wasn’t into him.  It didn’t help, and after the third time he was slapped for saying the wrong name, Damon had given up. 
B looked very steadily at him, then at where he knew Katherine was currently getting some action, then back at him.  “So it’s like that.”
She was perceptive.  Fan-fucking-tastic.
“It’s like that,” Damon agreed.  The kid shrugged, seemingly unphased by the rejection, and made her way back to the mantelpiece.
He wanted to say something to her– don’t hit on creeps who would take you up on that, be careful with Klaus–but hell.  Damon had a lot of flaws; hypocrisy wasn’t one of them.
Gurl. GURL. ELANA I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. Legit when I wrote the whole ~~someone should drabble it~~ I was like ‘honestly I would die if someone did' in my head and THEN YOU DID AND YOU DID SUCH AN INCREDIBLE JOB LIIIIIKE. I love every word. It’s so note-perfect. Bonnie looking even younger than she is, having that drive to be taken seriously as a ‘bad’ kid, Damon noticing everything around him and her noticing everything back (possibly to better mimic the people around her, possibly because that’s just the level of focus she puts on anything she’s set her mind to, vs. I think Damon, like you said, notices everything all the time no matter what as a survival instinct), his relationship with Katherine (which I’ve struggled to narrow down a bit in my head and this just felt really, really perfect), the age gap you gave between her and Enzo/Klaus (not sure I ever said that but I ABSOLUTELY saw it that way, like these two notorious seniors or maybe even older, like Enzo’s a senior and Klaus is like 20/21, who are hanging out with this 14/15 year old girl and it’s just extra sketchy), their interaccccction (dying over how perfectly you captured Damon, like you just snuck in that noble streak and how it clashed with the lifestyle he’d chosen for himself but still stubbornly persisted anyway - particularly evident in the last two lines. Loooooved those so much). Loved that he wanted to warn her instinctively but then the learned ‘fuck it nothing matters’ behavior kicked in. Loved that he recognized his own hypocrisy. LOVED THAT HE CALLED HER KID THE WHOLE TIME. And loved his observations of Bonnie trying so hard and having this artificiality to her ‘sexiness’ - it felt so, so accurate. I always find it super weird when 15 year olds trying to be sexy are described as being super seductive/pull it off - everyone’s still pretty awkward/mimicking what they see on TV at that age, man. 
Anyway, all this is to say that I freaking loved this and I hope everyone gives it the love it absolutely deserves! I would read an entire fic about this man. @attolirene back at it again with the wonderful writing. #blessed tbh.
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