#but fellow adults u know how things can be
hneyteacup · 8 months
experiencing: stress
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thebibliosphere · 4 months
since u hv EDS, i was wondering how do you feel about the portrayal of it in fourth wing? i dont hv EDS myself but ive seen people say that the fact that violet literally falls from her dragon mid air and then is cuaght would dislocate the hell out of her hips and that doesnt happen. which is weird considering that yarros has EDS herself. like youd think she'd know better right? idk what do u think as a writer also with EDS?
I think Yarros is entitled to write whatever escapist fantasy she likes about how she experiences her own disability, but unfortunately, the book gives me the ick on multiple levels.
It's very... disability rep circa the early 2000s...
The disability only affects her when it can be used for angst or to make a point of how small and fragile she is next to the big, strong male love interest (ick). And the rest of the time, she's an unstoppable badass who can fall out of the sky and ride a dragon and be just fine! Except for when there's a plot reason or a man around. Then she's made of spun glass and needs to be handled with care.
At least make it make sense, y'know?
It also needed a better editor, tbh. My writer/editor brain kept flagging issues with the pacing and the tone.
Honestly, based on stylistic tone, it feels like it was meant to be a YA (not a bad thing), but because the publisher is a romance house, they jammed sex into it to make it appeal to an adult audience. It's jarring.
Anyway. Yeah. Not a fan. Sorry to anyone who likes it 😅
It's just very not much my cup of tea as a fellow disabled author with EDS who can't turn the EDS off when it's convenient.
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aesthetixhoe · 1 year
paparazzi — J.C.
warnings: cursing, angst, mentions of anxiety/self worth issues,
word count: ---
pronouns used: none!
request: can u write where like us and jack are out like at the mall abd fans come up to us asking for photos and all that? (were also a actor/actress. idk is this made sense to u😭)
authors note: I added a bit of other stuff into this, so sorry if this isn't what you wanted. i love this idea deeply! <3
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Being an actor and going to the mall was... Stressful. You never knew if you would be recognized, so you always had to wear presentable clothing, plus you didn't know if the people who would recognize would even like you.
The mall was no exception. With the endless stores filled with fellow teenagers and young adults who knew both you and Jack, there was bound to be at least one person who knew you.
Going out with Jack was easier than being alone. He's always there to tell you that no matter who you see, or how they feel about you, you still have fans that love you... Including him. He'll hold your hand, and tell you to squeeze it if you get anxious, give you more small kisses than usual (which is already a lot). The PDA worries you further, thinking that if someone who likes him more sees you two kissing that they'll post about it and try cancelling you or something, but the love is worth it.
You came to the mall to go shopping, you needed some more casual clothes, and Jack needed some higher end items for a premier. Walking into the mall was thankfully uneventful, but once you got further into the populace of the mall, that's when the pictures started.
It wasn't paparazzi standing right inside waiting to run you down but to get pictures, but there were teenage girls who found Jack attractive. While you were also an actor, and have also been in popular things, you weren't a hot boy...
“Oh my god! You're Jack Champion. Holy shit, can we get a picture with you?!” And so it started. He obviously said yes and you moved to the side, not before he kissed your hand though. He wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulder, smiling big for her friend with the camera. They switched so the previous camera girl could get in on it. They thanked him before walking past, both still bright red, slightly shaky and whispering about how cute he was. You had to agree.
About every 30 feet was another person asking for a picture, or autograph. He would stop and gladly do whatever pose they asked for, or sign whatever they wanted. He loved all of his fans, and was willing to do anything for them.
After splitting up and going to your designated stores to buy the items you needed, you two found each other.
The walk to leave was mostly uninterrupted, just a few people recognizing you two and taking pictures. “Looks like we have some paparazzi huh?” Jack jokes, smiling at you. God he's so pretty.
“Yeah...” You say in mindless agreement. You were too busy looking at his smile and the way it made his eye squint slightly.
“Stop staring.” He says as he blushes and looks away. He loves your attention, but it doesn't stop him from blushing every time.
Once you two were home you spent time scrolling through Instagram, looking at the posts jack was tagged in, seeing all the pictures fans had taken with him.
Then... There was a picture of you.
It was a “news” Instagram account that posted celebrity sightings.
“Ah, I see you've found the stalker photos...” Jack chuckles as he approaches the back of the couch. He puts his chin on your shoulder watching as you scroll through the pictures.
“Yeah. I'm actually... Kinda flattered?” You almost ask. He hops over the back of the couch to join you in sitting. He looks at you questioningly.
“What do you mean?” He asks quietly. You hated having candids taken, they ‘always looked bad.’
You look at him before looking down embarrassed. “Well... Normally it's just pictures of you. And I hate photos, you know that, but... It feels nice to be recognized. I just feel like an accessory to you sometimes...” You admit softly.
He grabs your chin, forcing you to look at him. Once you make eye contact, both of his hands settle on either of your cheeks to keep your head steady.
“[Y/n], you'll never be an accessory. You're your own person. You're an amazing actor, and an even better person.” He states into your eyes, and you can feel something. Something warm deep inside of your stomach. Something in your chest, like you'd just drank a hot drink on a cold day that warmed up your insides.
“I love you.” You breathe out, thoughtlessly. Thoughtlessly.
Your eyes widen in shock as your mouth falls agape. You actually said it... Holy shit. He's silent. Oh fuck. Oh god. This was such a mistake.
“Jack, I am so sorry. I-I wasn't thinking and it just fell out and I know we haven't said it yet, and I don't want you to feel obligated to say it back but I just-”
“I love you too.” He smiles softly, leaning in to kiss your lips. It felt like the stars aligned and the earth stopped spinning and time stopped and everything else people use to describe being in love.
You pull away, looking into his eyes, tears welling in yours. “Are you ok? Should I not have said it?” He asks, brows furrowed in worry.
“No!” You exclaim grinning, then reaching your fingers to the nape of his neck, “I'm just so in love with you.”
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whiskersz · 7 months
hiya, sos idk if you do platonic fics but if you do can you do a platonic husk x younger reader? maybe they knew each other when they were alive and meet again and husk is protective over them? thank u! :)
Hello! I sure do write platonic relationships :3 I hope this is good enough, in this I imagine Reader to be a young adult, around 20. Hope that's okay, thanks for requesting!
Hell is…well. You wouldn’t really know how else to describe it, other than with its name. And deep inside you know you’re a sinner, there’s no denying that if you ended up here...but you feel like you could never get used to living like this.
Even in life, you’ve never been a fan of gory scenarios, robberies, violence and whatnot, and if anything you could say that the reason why you ended up here is because of a stupid mistake you made, but Heaven couldn’t take you in because of that, so now you find yourself here...in front of the Hazbin Hotel, hoping for a last chance at redemption.
Before you can even knock on the door tough, you’re welcomed by an eerie shadow quickly taking the form of an individual right before your very eyes;
“Greetings fellow Sinner!” He welcomes you with a wide smile, extending his hand for you to take, which you reluctantly do; “And welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! It’s a pleasure to be meeting you, I’m Alastor, and I will gladly be your host!”
His handshake is so firm it nearly makes you lose your balance; you compose yourself though, and nod, taking in all the information that’s been given to you – Alastor, the host...alright, that means you’re probably going to be safe with him especially once you’re inside.
“Thank you sir, I was just looking for someone willing to do that!” the nervousness is palpable in your voice, but you still try to match his energy by flashing him a smile. Alastor nods and opens the door for you like a true gentleman, which you thank him for.
The interior design of the place looks quite lovely in your opinion, the walls a deep red and pavements covered by gorgeous patterned rugs; various decorations make the main room more hospitable, and although you’re mesmerized by the place you carefully listen as Alastor explains that it would technically be a bit too early for newcomers to be welcomed, which is why nobody else other than him is around – you looked quite lost though, his word, so he decided to take it upon himself to at least bring you inside.
“Oh, I’m very sorry, I had no idea- I can always come back later, it’s not a-“
“Eh, what’s all the commotion about?”
A rough voice interrupts the exchange of words between you and Alastor; your gaze travels all the way towards the flight of stairs leading to the top floor, where a demon in the form of a winged anthropomorphic cat is standing.
His voice sounds curiously familiar.
“Ah, Husker! How goes it! Why don’t we start the introductions with you!” Alastor points at him with the staff he’s been using mostly to sustain his weight until now; “This is the bartender, dear.”
Husker? Now, that name sounds more than familiar.
“Husk?” you ask tentatively, studying his appearance.
His ears, formerly back, now stand up right, and his tail sways from side to side in what you can only assume is excitement.
“What...yes? Wait, it’s you?”  He whispers your name, still unbelieving.
You quickly leave Alastor’s side, running straight into Husk’s embrace instead; he immediately drapes a wing over you protectively, and you can’t really see it from where you’re positioned, but the glare he shoots the host is one of anger before his gaze softens looking at you once again.
“I’ve missed you...” you admit, before realization hits you; “Wait, you’re in Hell? Why?”
“I should be asking the same thing, kid. Let’s leave explanations for later, yeah? Always told you I wasn’t a good person.”
His wing pulls you closer, and you savour the embrace for as long as you can before you reluctantly have to separate from him.
“Well, I suppose that is my cue to leave!” says Alastor, clasping his hands together before eerily disappearing back into the shadows.
Shortly after, the rest of the residents of the Hotel sleepily make their own appearance. This time, it’s Husk’s job to introduce you to everyone, never leaving your side all the while. Charlie is especially excited to have one more patient who is also one of Husk’s old friends, as he doesn’t seem to have many after all.
Husk immediately makes sure to shelter you from Angel Dust’s dirty jokes; as much as he and Angel get along, he finds it uncomfortable to hear him flirting with you. The spider demon initially calls him ‘not fun’, but he understands where he’s coming from and actually agrees with him as you’re much younger.
Once you and Husk have the time to catch up, you both explain the reason why you’ve ended up here to each other. Yes, you were close in life, but he’s always preferred keeping his life quite private and so have you, both keeping your sins to yourselves. You’re both glad you’re here though, on the right path for redemption...in one way or another.
You distinctly remember how he used to amaze you with his magic tricks back when you were alive; he’d host little shows just for you, your smile contagious as he showed you all that he was capable of.
You also remember the sadness you felt when the time to get separated came, but he had promised you that one day you would meet again. And now here you are, indeed. Though your reunion was unexpected, you’re still glad it happened.
Husk is happy to see that you get along with all of his friends, too. He tries to encourage you to stay away from Alastor and you gladly do so, as you don’t really want to engage with the owner of who you consider your best friend, but still put on a smile every time he talks to you to remain on his good side. Everyone else though, you’re on good terms with, and he couldn’t be happier that you found a safe place to stay at even though you unfairly ended up in Hell.
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mellowsadistic · 6 months
The Magician's Game - Chapter 12
Abby didn’t enjoy her first morning as a woman with no bladder or bowel control. She let out an ear-piercing shriek when she woke up to find the big-breasted ‘Nanny’ from the day before bending over her with a finger slipped inside the leg-band of her soaking wet night-time diaper.
“Don’t be frightened, sweetie,” the woman cooed. “Nanny’s just checking your nappy. It looks like someone made lots of wee-wees during beddy-byes, didn’t she? Yes she did! Yes she did! Wittle Abby-wabby’s got a very soggy bum-bum!”
Abby felt herself burning with humiliation. “You can’t tawk to me wike dat!” she squealed, sitting up in bed and feeling her clammy wet diaper squishing unpleasantly beneath her. It was only then that she realised her thumb was in her mouth. She yanked it out at once.
The woman tittered. “You’re a big baby who can’t even wipe her own bottom, sweetie,” she said. “I can talk to you however I like.” Her motherly expression turned a little more sinister. “And if I don’t like your tone, I could leave you in that nasty nappy all day, no matter how wet and messy you make it. Is that what you want?”
Abby went cold. She couldn’t change herself. If she didn’t do what this bitch said then she’d have to stay in this disgusting thing for who knows how long – and she needed to keep her mind on the challenge today, not on the state of her pants. This would be the final one, the most important of all, her last and only chance to get back to normal and avoid the Magician’s sick, twisted punishments. And if she won, she’d get three wishes. Anything she wanted!
Her lower lip stuck itself out in a pout. “Sowwy Nanny,” she mumbled meekly.
Nanny smirked. “Good girl. Now let’s get that yucky-wucky diapee off your cute little tushy!”
Abby’s second nappy change as an adult was no less humiliating than her first. Nanny took her sweet time, making sure to coo at her in sickeningly sweet baby talk and tickle her tummy at random intervals. “P-U!” she cried theatrically, pinching her nose as she held up Abby’s sodden, yellowed diaper. “This icky thing is absolutely soaked! What a little pee-pee pants you are, Abby! I’d never have guessed you used to be a sexy, grown-up woman. You look just like a smelly little baby to me!”
Abby cringed and clenched her eyes shut, trying to block out the sounds of Nanny’s taunts as the older woman got to work wiping her clean with a pack of baby wipes.
“And here’s a nice, new nappy,” Nappy said happily, slipping one under Abby’s bottom, “for the next time you need to make a pee-pee, or drop a stinky load in your pants.”
Abby couldn’t prevent a pathetic, whimpering sob from leaving her lips as Nanny finished taping a fresh diaper around her waist. But at least it was over. Nanny helped her off the bed and got her dressed – tugging a pair of white, semi-translucent tights over her bulging diaper-butt and pulling a tight pink t-shirt over her bare chest. Her tits were constrained almost painfully in the tiny thing. A pair of frilly socks, black schoolgirl shoes, and a bonnet later, and Abby was fully dressed for the day.
Nanny escorted her, toddling, to the kitchen, where Becky and the Magician were already seated. In front of Becky, and in front of the large highchair that was awaiting Abby, were two enormous bowls full of baby food. Feeling sick, but knowing there was much worse at stake, Abby allowed herself to be sat in the highchair and fed the bland-tasting mush. She barely even fussed as Nanny pushed spoonful after spoonful against her lips, smearing her lower face. She was too busy worrying about what the final challenge would be.
Becky, too, was nervous. She spooned her meal into her mouth by herself. At least she didn’t need someone to feed her, she thought, looking up at the mess the busty woman was getting all over her fellow contestant’s pretty face. She didn’t want to end up like that. It was bad enough being incontinent. She turned red as she remembered how she’d woken up that morning, right in the middle of messing her nappy. How could she ever think of herself as an adult if she was doing that all the time?! She couldn’t stand the thought of spending even one more day in diapers! She didn’t want to be an overgrown, pants-filling baby anymore! She wouldn’t, she couldn’t, spend the rest of her life waddling around in smelly Pampers like some horrid brat in daycare. She forced herself to get through the bowl of baby food, even knowing it would bring about a messy nappy sooner rather than later – it would be the last, she told herself firmly.
Once Becky was finished eating, and Nanny was slipping the last few spoonfuls of mush into Abby’s mouth, the Magician got to his feet. His handsome smile was more terrifying than ever. “Alright girls,” he said, the awful bright light dancing once again in his eyes. “It’s time for the fourth and final challenge. Three silly young ladies have already headed off to live their new, and much altered lives, and now it’s time to find out which of you will be joining them in their fates, and which will earn herself three wishes. I’m sure I don’t have to remind you that unless you win, the changes you have at the moment will be permanent.” He savoured the last word, and Abby and Becky both shivered. “The final challenge,” he continued, “is very simple. The two of you will have a competition to see who can act the most babyish over the next few hours. The one who I decide has been the silliest, most ridiculous overgrown baby will win my little game.”
Abby and Becky stared at him wide-eyed, their mouths open. They could only win their adulthood back by outcompeting the other at being a stupid baby?!
The Magician cocked his head at them. “What are you waiting for?” he asked, grinning.
The two young women looked at one another, and then Becky immediately got off her chair and dropped to her hands and knees, babbling in meaningless baby talk. “Goo goo gah bah bah!” she prattled, dribbling down her chin. She started crawling over to the Magician.
Feeling mortified, Abby imitated Becky and hastily extracted herself from her highchair and sank onto all fours too. “Gah gah buh buh buh!” she babbled, drooling down her own chin and crawling towards the Magician herself. She could see the evil satisfaction in his face as he watched them approach.
Becky reached him first. She plopped back on her diapered bottom and looked up at him with her best, desperate, puppy-dog eyes. She raised her hands into the air and made little clenching movements. “Up!” she squealed. “Uppies, Dada!”
The Magician laughed delightedly. He reached down and, with surprising strength, lifted the babbling baby-woman into his arms, settling her on his hip and holding her tightly against himself. Then he looked appraisingly down at Abby, who had just reached his feet.
Abby sat back on her nappy, and was about to mimic Becky again when she stopped. That wouldn’t work. She couldn’t just do whatever Becky was doing – she’d lose for sure that way. She’d have to do something else. A loud, childish temper tantrum seemed like a good idea, as if she was jealous of Becky getting held instead of her. The sick freak would undoubtedly like that. She hated the Magician. She hated him more than anyone else in the world for what he’d done to her, for what he was making her do. But he was dangerous, and she’d play along with his perverted fantasies if it meant winning his insane game. She was a little girl who wanted her Daddy’s undivided attention, she told herself, and that stupid little brat Becky was stealing him away from her!
She hardly had to pretend. The changes the Magician had made to her the day before had ruined her ability to control her emotions like an adult. Angry that Becky was already beating her, and terrified of the consequences if she lost, the tears came in no time at all. Her bottom lip wobbled beneath her thumb, and Abby started to wail. She scrunched up her beautiful face, tears pouring down her cheeks, sobbing hysterically and taking great heaving breaths as she pounded her free hand petulantly against the floor. “WAAAAAAAAAH!” she wailed. “I WANT MY DADA!”
Suddenly, she felt his powerful arm scooping her up, supporting her under her thickly padded bottom and holding her close against his chest, just as he was doing with Becky. “Shhhh,” the Magician hushed her gently, and Abby actually felt a pleasant tingle run down her spine at the unexpected gentleness of his voice. “Shhhh, it’s okay, baby. There, there… Daddy’s here, little one. Daddy’s got you.” The Magician carried them out of the kitchen and further into the house, into a brightly decorated playroom littered with baby toys.
He set them down on the soft, carpeted floor, and Abby immediately got to work. With some difficulty, she yanked off her tight t-shirt and started bouncing and shaking her boobies, giggling like she’d found her new favourite toys. She could feel the Magician’s eyes on her, and she blew a dribbly raspberry that made a line of drool to spill down onto her bare breasts.
Becky started to strip as well, but her adult clothes were harder to remove while she was sitting on the floor. An idea occurred to her, and she looked up, pouting at the Magician. “Wanna be nakie giwl!” she cried.
Chuckling, the Magician knelt down and started taking off Becky’s jeans and tank top, until she too was dressed in nothing but her nappy, her perky tits wobbling stupidly on her chest as she crawled around the room playing with the infantile toys.
They played for some time, working as hard as they could to keep the looks of childish idiocy on their faces while they bashed blocks together, shook rattles, and snuggled with teddy bears. Abby didn’t even have to fake it – after only a few shakes of a rattle she was staring at it avidly, cooing and gurgling, utterly entranced. It sounded so pretty and tinkly! Pretty, tinkly sound… She might have sat there all day playing with her rattle, had she not gotten the sudden, overpowering urge to shove it in her mouth. She came to her senses the moment before it happened, blushing scarlet at the thought of how enamoured she’d been by this stupid baby toy (she had to get back to normal), but there was nothing she could do to stop her body cramming the rattle between her lips and sucking on it enthusiastically. Her eyes rolled back into her head with pleasure.
Right at that moment, Abby’s bladder released without warning, and she felt her diaper getting soggier and soggier beneath her bottom as she pissed into it helplessly. It felt revolting, but she made sure to keep a blank, babyish look on her face as the front of her nappy discoloured. The Magician was surely watching for any sign of un-babyish behaviour, and babies didn’t care if they went pee-pee. She popped the rattle out of her mouth and let out another stream of ridiculous baby babble. But then, as she started crawling over to a large, fluffy teddy bear, something else happened. Something more than pee. For the second time in her adult life, Abby’s bowel’s rumbled into action beyond her control. Before she could really register what was about to happen, it was already happening. Her mouth opened in a perfect ‘o’ shape as an enormous yucky mess filled her diaper, making her padded pants sag halfway down her thighs with the weight of her load.
Meanwhile, a few feet away, exactly the same thing was happening to Becky. She was more used to the sensation of her pants filling with poop without warning, but it didn’t make it any less disgusting. Still, as poo-poo filled her nappy, she was able to keep her face relatively blank and dopey, as though she’d barely even realised what had happened. A grown woman who couldn’t even tell when she messed herself – the Magician would love that, she was sure.
Although she was trying as hard as she could, unlike Becky, Abby wasn’t able to keep the look of revulsion off her face. She knew the Magician must have seen. Babies didn’t think sitting in dirty diapers was disgusting. They didn’t care. She had to do something to make up for her mistake, and quickly. She had no idea when the challenge might end! Putting on her best bratty, mischievous face, Abby grinned up at the Magician. She hated him with all her heart. She knew she would never be able to look at herself the same way in the mirror after what she was about to do, but if it meant avoiding a terrible, terrible fate, it would be worth it. She sat back firmly on her full nappy, feeling the horrible mess in her pants squish against her bottom. It took all her self-control not to gag. Then, with a moronic giggle, she started bouncing up and down on her bum, squealing loudly and clapping her hands.
Becky watched, but didn’t move. She could see the Magician looking at her, waiting to see whether she’d copy Abby. But she couldn’t… she couldn’t do that. She just couldn’t stand it! The mess beneath her bottom was so disgusting! She couldn’t bounce up and down on it like some mucky baby! Those were the worst kind of diapers she had to change at daycare, the ones where the awful little urchins decided to make the mess in their pants even messier, and make the job of cleaning them up an absolute nightmare for her. The other daycare workers, the stupid women who’d chosen to look after smelly, snot-nosed brats as their whole career, actually thought it was cute when the babies “made bouncies”. But Becky found it nauseating, and the idea of doing it herself was out of the question.
“All right, little ones,” the Magician said suddenly. “I’ve made my decision.”
They both stopped what they were doing and looked up at him fearfully. The Magician took each of them by the hand and pulled them to their feet. The two women stood there, tits out, legs pushed awkwardly apart by their full, sagging nappies, waiting for his judgement. The evil man looked at Abby, who felt her stomach lurch horribly, and then he turned his gaze to Becky. Abby was trembling. Was he going to tell Becky that she’d lost, or that she’d won?
“Sorry Becky,” the Magician said, “but I’ve decided little Abby was the most babyish, and that means, unfortunately, that you’re the loser.”
Abby took a deep breath. Wonderful relief was flooding through her body.
Becky, however, was shaking. “No…” she whispered, so quietly that Abby barely heard her.
“I don’t know what you were planning to do with your life, Becky,” said the Magician pleasantly, advancing on the quivering girl. “Maybe you were planning to go to law school, or train as a doctor, or maybe you just wanted to live an average life, but I’m afraid whatever it was, it won’t be happening now. You’ll be spending the rest of your days as a diaper-dependent adult toddler, a grown woman who stomps about with a smelly, loaded nappy swinging about between her legs. You’ll be dependent on real adults to check and change you, of course… and I know just the place to send you.” He waved his hand lazily, and a canary yellow frock with a smiling cartoon bee on the front appeared on Becky’s body.
Slowly, stiffly, Becky looked down at her new clothes, and recognised the uniform of the Buzzy Bees baby class at the daycare where she worked. Her poopy diaper was peeking out of the bottom.
Becky lost her mind. She started screaming at the top of her lungs, clutching her head in her hands, her eyes wide and horrified.
Abby stared at the woman in horror, but the Magician just chuckled, as if the sight of the twenty-year-old woman’s mental breakdown was merely amusing to him. Becky looked utterly mad. She was screaming inarticulately, and staring straight ahead of her, as though she could see something they couldn’t – as if she was looking at her own future laid out in front of her, a life of stinky nappies and baby food and naptimes, a life stuck in nursery school forever, trapped in the one place she’d wanted desperately to get away from. In a way, she was getting what she wanted – she’d never have to change another dirty diaper again. She’d be too busy filling them. Becky screamed and screamed and screamed.
“That’s enough of your little tantrum, missy,” said the Magician, still sounding amused. “Time for you to go and join your new peers.” He snapped his fingers, and Becky vanished.
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famemonsterrr · 1 year
Astrology observations part 6. 🪽
- siblings were their signs are in the same element tend to be closer because of their same nature ( a friend of mine is a Sagittarius and her little sister is Aries and I haven’t seen these two arguing or being awful to each other EVER in fact they support and love each other sooo much)
- water placements do everything with music. Study, cleaning ect
- air placements need to watch something while they eat
- earth placements need a lot of silence.
- fire placements need a lot of excitement and adrenaline.
- speaking of music…go and see a playlist of pisces, Gemini, Aquarius and Sagittarius. They listen to EVERYTHING. ( my Spotify wrapped had my 5 top artist being different from each other because I can’t listen to one genre it’s sooo boring).
- again speaking of music…earth placements are the least experimental with their taste in music. They have found what works for them and they stick with it forever. (my Capricorn bestie listen to 3 genres my cancer sun bestie who has Virgo placements listens only to limited stuff and doesn’t know almost all of the iconic artists)
- Aries moon as kids they were getting angry for the most unnecessary reasons. It’s a fire moon thingy 💅🏻
- Sagittarius moon act like everything is fine and then cry behind close doors. Babes don’t be shy I promise u we will not laugh at u. 💀
Speaking of Sagittarius. They don’t open their hearts unless they know they will not be judged or make fun of. Deep down are really sensitive but they laugh it off because being honest and vulnerable is for the pussies right? (Women are more open with their emotions)
- Pisces has strong and weak memory at the same time. These bitches remember useless things or things that happened years ago but can’t remember a simple thing that was said 2 mins ago or even names that was said the very same moments.
- I have noticed cancer placements aren’t sentimental at all ( my cancer bestie throws away things and my mom who has cancer mercury doesn’t like to keep nothing unless it’s really important). On the other hand me as I Pisces love to keep everything to remember everything. ( i ain’t kidding but I have keeps every bottle of perfume I have bought or even broken stuff just because someone gave it to me. it really breaks my when I have to throw something away). Scorpio is the middle ground.
- I have seen cancers either having a lot of friends or just 2.
- Aquarius woman are always sooo likeable. I haven’t found one that i don’t like. They are just here vibing and doing their thing. Also they look younger than they are. Especially risings. (My bestie has Aquarius rising and looks underage when she is adult)
- Sagittarius placements if they reallyyyyy loooove u they care about ur opinion. Usually they don’t give a shit about opinions. (My ex boyfriend was like that he was asking me for everything. He wanted to hear my thoughts and opinions. That’s was really sweet and also was doing anything I told him would look on him.)
- I want to know what’s makes a Leo man dressing so flashy? Okay we support girly pops 💅🏻
- Capricorn men have the energy " I have big dick " metaphorically and literally but they will not flex it like a Leo or Aries would.
- Libra women tend to like men who are "uglier" than them.
- Scorpio placements know how to respect boundaries because they don’t like people crossing theirs.
- the water sign who tends to share a lot is Pisces the least of Scorpio
- the earth sign who tends to share a lot is Virgo the least is Taurus
- the fire sign who tends to share a lot is Sagittarius the least is Leo
- the air sign who tends to share a lot is libra the least is Aquarius.
- it’s very funny but as a Pisces with 8th house placements I can stay strong in very difficult situations and see the positive in bad but if someone break my mug or throws away a small thing of mine this is where I cross the line and start crying. Pliz fellow fishes tell me I ain’t the one🫣
- we need to talk about the fact when Virgo placements are in distress they will start cleaning the whole house. Like okay miss clean girly…maybe cry and let the cleaning for later. This coping mechanism is stressful. I want to hug y’all 😭
- I have noticed that Gemini writing amazing essays. They are amazing writing thoughts and feelings down on paper.
- if a Pisces placements friend or Scorpio placements friend or anyone with 8th house/12th house placements tell you they don’t like someone or they think the vibes are weird. Always TRUST THEM. they know what they are talking about.
- speaking of water signs they are stronger that what we gave them credit for. They don’t escape like a lot of people say. They are strong and keep until the end. Unless someone has 12th house placements or Pisces rising. (Sorry but y’all so self destructive).
- Capricorn x Gemini friend duo is also really underrated. They vibe sooo well even tho they have different styles and approaches to life but what they manage to do is that they have a lot of intellectuality. Maybe they would not last long but definitely they will have a beautiful friendship.
- Leo’s care for the opinion of others even if they say they don’t. You know this attitude "I’m a baddie I don’t care what people think" it’s their fake it till you make it but they never make it.
- when u see a air placements and earth placements cry u know it’s very serious for them and they need support 🫶🏻 btw they aren’t touchy so just allow them to cry without judging them.
- libra moons have u healed the fear of being alone?
- put a Pisces or Sagittarius in chart and u will see a psychologist or a person who loves the human brain and behaviour.
- Aries people are the biggest cheerleaders and women have girls girl energy.
- what’s up with mutable signs getting stimulated by a thing and then get bored of it? Like girlyyy why? Where is ur dedication? probably not in the room.
- Virgo men are sooooo messyyy…and rarely take care of their looks or their personal spaces ( I have sooo many examples)
- Pisces is disorganised in everything and it’s almost hilarious until they lose their things and then blame others.
- i will tell this 100 times if it’s needed but if u need help with ANYTHING go to a Capricorn friend. Even just an advice is really helpful. I love y’all sooo muchhh 🫶🏻
- 5th house placements showcase someone who not only is creative but will definitely have a good relationship with kids or will have amazing relationships with their own kids.
- 0 degree placements are showing that you are like the sign it is on. ( I have mars in Taurus in 0 degrees and honestly I act like a Taurus sometimes. The way I care for aesthetics,smells and I’m soooo stubborn in my opinions. it’s sooooo annoying)
- the most hilarious thing is hearing Sagittarius saying they are logical and not control by emotions. ( yeah that was my ex like girly pop u were influenced by every emotion and boredom is one of them. He cried more than me in the span of 2 years. Like okay hahaha babe keep believing ur delusions)
That’s all 🪽
Guys thank u for reading so far and giving a lot of support. I’m soo greatful every single time 🥰 stay healthy and hydrate girly pops 💅🏻
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ueidesign · 6 months
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Because i saw someone on X putting these two pic next to each other, and i couldn't stop thinking about it all day and had to write a loooonnngg paragraph to explain how beautiful and well considered these covers are
i see hidden meaning all over it, and im screaming!
In the first one (Mimir Yamato), all the other members are awake, some are chatting , some are just staring at the camera WHILE two members are looking else where, which is the sleeping Yama, and as u can see in the pic up there, These two are Riku and Mitsu
And this is insane cuz u know well my fellow i7 lovers how important Mitsu was in Yamato's character development, so it makes a lot of sense that he is genuinely worried about him (BESTIES FR)
As for Riku , im not so sure about it, so feel free to correct me if it's wrong
Riku has always received some kind of different treatment from Yamato , and we see that a lot if u rewatch the series like me for 1000 times
So naturally, Riku would also feel the same way as Yamato does toward him !
Another thing to add about Riku is that both he and Yamato are VERY important members to the group
Riku being the center - Yama being the leader
Hence, they both burden a lot of pressure in keeping the group together
As for the second pic, the memebers are all asleep while Yamato is wide awake (being silly and bad boy)
Refrencing how serious he is in keeping his friend protected, away from harm even in their weakness (sleeping)
Not to forget
That Yamato indeeed was ready to leave the group behind just to keep them safe from all the bad gossip and reputation they would gain if his "secret" was to get exposed
Last point I would like to add,and it is more like a simple comparison
In the first pic the colors are soft and pastely
Showing i7 idol image of being a lively fun and innocent group
However, in the second one (Yamato's center song album pic), it has Yama own characteristic in it only, which is a dark gloomy adult like theme
I don't want to go into too much depth into the colours cuz i won't shutup then
But to keep it short , dark colors tend to have some heavy meanings to them
And from the way i analyse this , isn't this how Yamato views celebrities, unpure fake, and complete liers...
Btw im very normal about Yamato
Don't mind me , just a humble designer passing by
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how long
summary: on a particularly hectic day, you find out Miles' secret by chance, years too late. originally posted: Nov. 30, 2019 a/n: I was still getting used to writing conflict here; It's a bit choppy, but I'm actually kinda proud of this one! You go 9th grade me! Note that Miles and the reader insert are adults at this point. Made some slight edits to like three words
Y/N slammed the door behind her and collapsed onto the couch, frustrated and exhausted. She'd probably treated hundreds of patients that day alone-or that's what it felt like. Miles would be back anytime now, judging by the footage on the news. 
Why didn't he tell her?
Y/N's phone buzzed.
'On my way,' the text message read. Y/N swallowed the growing lump in her throat.
She knew it was Miles the moment he spoke.
Some big green thing--folks called him Goblin--was wreaking havoc on the city like no one had ever seen. Spider-Man's silhouette became a blur as he swung from building to building and back, occasionally sprinting through the streets.
Y/N WAS on her lunch break, but not for long. Patients seemed to be streaming in, either from falling debris or various car accidents. Frankly, Y/N didn't feel particularly strongly about Spider-Man--she just wished he'd be a little more fucking careful.
Y/N's chest heaved as she ran back toward the hospital, shoes pounding on the pavement. Unfortunately, Spider-Man was swinging around in that same direction. A dark figure zipped past Y/N's shoulder, nearly knocking her down. 
When she spun around to identify the blur, the masked hero was still chasing after Goblin, yelling, "Sorry, ma'am!" as he left. Sucking in a breath, Y/N continued her trip back to the hospital, but felt like something was amiss. That voice. It was far too familiar.
It came to her after the battle had ended.
The Goblin fellow was webbed up, surrounded by wailing cop cars and news vans. Spider-Man had stopped to take a selfie with a couple of regular folks, then began retreating from the gathering crowd as Y/N looked on. He had a peculiar bounce in his stride that she'd recognize anywhere if she could put a finger on where she'd seen it before.
"We miss you over in Crown Heights, Spider-Man!"
"Miss me? I still live here!"
The epiphany came crashing down like hail. The cadence in his voice was unmistakable. Y/N's heart was in her throat as she started briskly back to her apartment, expecting answers.
Y/N jumped at the knock on the door. The elaborate rhythm of the knocking confirmed that it was Miles. Trying her hardest to maintain her composure, she opened the door.
As Miles stood in front of her, Y/N took a good look at him.
He was wearing the same grey sweatshirt and blue shirt he had on when he saw her off to work, but something was different. Miles had had the audacity to try and hide the suit beneath his clothes. 
Hesitantly, Miles asked, "Something wrong, Y/N? You've been standing there for a minute." In that moment, she couldn't hold it in any longer.
Through clenched teeth so the neighbors wouldn't hear, she said, "Get in here."
Bewildered, Miles sat down on the table, while Y/N returned to her spot on the couch. She didn't look at Miles, frowning at the television screen. Trying to figure out what to say. Miles spoke up.
"What happened-?"
"You would know."
Okay, something was definitely wrong. Miles frantically racked his brain for signs: something he said that morning? Difficult work day? Nothing came up in his mind.
Y/N stalked over to the table where Miles sat. A humorless grin spread across her face, she asked, "What's that under your sweatshirt?" Miles' heartbeat picked up.
"A… shirt?" He prayed to God she hadn't found out.
"Do you think I'm stupid, Morales?"
A pit formed in Miles' Stomach.
Y/N was yelling now. "I can see the suit!"
Miles sighed, cradling his forehead in the palm of his hand. "Well, now you know." Y/N clearly wasn't satisfied.
"I don't know a damn thing, apparently!" Her voice softened to a whimper as tears welled up in her eyes.
"How long have you been wearing that mask, Miles?"
"Since when?"
Miles looked away. "8th grade." There was a long pause as his words hung in the air.
"Every day since we were thirteen."
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faulty-writes · 2 years
Can you do head-canons with sir night-eye, Aizawa, and all might where the student (general neutral & platonic.) they are teaching never trusts them.
Not in an f you way they just never take their advice seriously, playfully deflect reprimands, tease them (etc.)?
And as it turns out, every adult figure in their life always let them down or never really cared! Thank you!
[ Hello! Yes, I can do headcanons. I apologize for the long wait. ]
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Mirio was the one that had introduced you to him, and from the start, you immediately gave Sir Nighteye the cold shoulder and purposely did everything you could to avoid his teachings or worse, his lectures.
When you went completely against his orders trying to apprehend a villain, he called you into his office and tried to intimidate you with his stare. Of course, it didn't work and his question, "Why did you do something so disrespectful?" never got an answer.
Whenever he threatened to put you into that God-awful tickle device of his, you'd always 'playfully' threaten him by saying you'd report him for harassment or worse, take him on with your own quirk.
"I believe it's time for you to leave" he'd say whenever you decided to purposely distract him when he was working, you'd do little things like knock on his desk or play music on your phone at full volume. Yeah, it was good to feel on top.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah" you'd always dismiss his requests, even if they were meant to try and connect with you by waving him off. Eventually, you thought he'd give up, but sadly that never happened.
He seemed to get highly defensive whenever you happened to insult one of Mirio's jokes, "Frankly, if you don't have a humorous comeback be quiet," and your usual reply to this was "Shut up!"
"Why do you continue to disregard my orders!?" he shouted while you lay in the hospital bed after a mission gone wrong and despite being in pain, you snapped "That's none of your business!" back at him.
Sir Nighteye put your internship on hold after supposedly being done with your disrespect. Not that such a thing surprised you, after all, what more did you expect from an adult? They only used and abused you, and continuously let you down.
Part of you wondered if Sir Nighteye knew just how hurt you were, especially with how he looked at you some days. But it was doubtful he'd ever try to open you up and even if he did, you'd refuse.
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You always thought he was a fake, the way he sulked around and gave inspiration like "Don't say you can't, say you will" was all so cliche and you weren't a stranger in letting Mr. Aizawa know precisely how you felt about him.
You hardly paid attention during class, purposely propping your feet up and causing disruption. Despite the punishments, he gave you, like detention and threats of expulsion both of you were too stubborn to be broken.
"If you have a problem, you can say it in front of the rest of the class Y/n," even when he tried to single you out or attempt to embarrass you during class you never missed the opportunity to turn the embarrassment back onto him.
It was clear that you weren't just any old student, he had dealt with troublemakers in the past but you came off as a little different. More closed off with a hesitation to trust anyone but your fellow students. As your teacher, he felt it was his responsibility to help you stop hiding your pain or face it.
"That sounds a little extreme, yo!" Hizashi replied. "It's clear that Y/n is in some kind of pain, I wouldn't be a hero or a teacher if I ignored it," he shrugged and pointed a finger at Shota. "It's your funeral," he advised.
Trying to force an answer out of you wasn't the best idea, "Just leave me alone! You don't know anything!" you snarled, ready to take your teacher on regardless of the rules you were supposed to follow while on Yuuei High property. "I know enough to say you won't use your quirk against me and that something is wrong," he replied nonchalantly.
You tried to avoid him after this, but he didn't give up and went as far as to bring your family and your past mentors up. "What do you want me to say!? That none of them cared, that they all left me alone!? Is that what you want!?" you snapped at him, but he only remained quiet and laid his hand on your head as if trying to comfort you.
He seemed intent on proving that he wasn't like the rest of the adults that let you down. He'd take extra time to talk to you after class and constantly ask if you were alright. Frankly, you found it a little annoying, and no matter how hard he tried you knew you couldn't let yourself fall for his act.
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"I just don't know what to do with the kid anymore," Toshinori confessed one day in the teacher's lounge. "Who, yo?" Hizashi replied making the former number-one hero sigh in response. "Y/n..." he said, turning his glance elsewhere. "That kid, unlike young Midoriya...is troubled," he concluded.
"Is that name really necessary?" he asked when you bluntly called him a "Stringbean hero" in front of the class. Of course, this wasn't the first time you had teased him and it was odd that you were one of the few people that didn't look up to him.
"Hey! Young Y/n!" he called one day in the hallway, hoping that his attempts to get closer to you would work. Unfortunately, you only cast him a glare that immediately caused him to stop. "What a face..." he muttered, but somehow he felt as though there was some pain behind your expression.
On occasion, you and he would get into a bickering match. Usually, in the presence of others, and 9 times out of 10, Izuku would try to break it up. "H-hey, why don't you um...take a break? After all, he's still A-All Might and he d-deserves respect," you hated that. Nobody deserved respect, it had to be earned and as far as you knew, he had done nothing for you.
"Look young Y/n!" he snapped one day after you had disregarded his advice during training which resulted in not only yourself being harmed, but your fellow hero students. "I might not know what's going on, but clearly you have something against me...or authority..." his fingers tightened on your shoulders. "But please, don't let it be the death of you," he said, leaving you feeling both angry and almost guilty.
You couldn't get that concerned, pitiful look of his out of your mind and eventually snapped "What is your problem!?" at him one day. "I don't need anyone to care about me so stop it!" you growled and stomped away before he had the chance to reply.
"I know I failed many people as a hero, but as your teacher, I want to help you succeed. Of course, in the end, it's your choice," he said to you one evening when he pulled you aside to talk. "Either way, I'll be here," he said, patting your shoulder before walking away. But you knew he'd never understand how you felt.
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kandyzee · 6 months
I love finding a fellow Debbie appreciator in the shameless fandom because I absolutely hate the unending crap she gets for simply growing up from a traumatised child into an adult who has never been given the space or support to deal with her issues.
Anyways I was wondering what your thoughts were on the Gallagher sibling dynamics? Because my unpopular opinion for years has always been that Ian (and Debbie to an extent) was made in Fiona’s image with dash of forgotten middle child syndrome. He was her first baby and took on a lot of her good and bad characteristics except he has a slightly higher level of emotional intelligence than her and the rest of his siblings. My Roman Empire is wondering what the Fiona-Lip-Ian dynamic was in their early days. That and baby Mickey and Mandy Milkovich
Thanks for asking :pp
sorry this took so long to answer I had like a really hard time knowing what to talk about so this is VERY unorganised hope I answered u still!! Also super long anyway
One of my favourite things about the Gallaghers is how they are all a little bit like fiona. Ian and Debbie the most but in the others too. Debbie is extremely caring. She would do anything for the people she loves, especially franny. She 100% got this from fiona. She grew up watching fiona throw her needs aside for her siblings' time and time again, and I really think she took this to heart. Both fiona and Debbie are willing to do anything for family. They also share this kinda "mean" shell. What I mean by that is that they both can come across as mean when they never really want to do anyone harm. Where as fiona was pushed into the motherly role, debbie wanted to be a mother. To me, this makes her selfishness even more prominent? I'm not sure if that's the right word. Debbie doesn't need to desperately seek recognition for all her hard work in the Fiona has had to.
Ian is determined and an incredibly hard worker. His resilience is something he learned from fiona. Ian is old enough to have watched fiona have to adapt to caring for even more children while being young enough that he wasn't always expected to help. He watched fiona work job after job, sometimes more than one at a time. In the same way Ian found his job with being an EMT, I can see fiona having the same kinda thing she just never found her job, yk? Fiona and Ian are good at taking charge, adapting. Not only this, but they both great at talking to people, VERY charming.
Lip is stubborn. He's self-destructive. Those are some of the more unfortunate traits to get from fiona, but he's also a great problem solver and a natural talent. I don't think this is something he really got from her entirely, but they are obviously similarities. Fiona and Lip are the closest in age so often worked together, they solved problems together. It's a trait they picked up as a team because fiona is older, so I'm assuming it's something that came to her quicker. Fiona was a natural at track. She was amazing working towards these record-breaking goals. Lip is a natural genius (sadly not physically gifted like fiona Poor Guy is losing every fight). They didn't reach their potential, both dropping out. I do think lip actually got his stubbornness from fiona, tho. Lip and fiona share a lot of similarities because they are so close in age.
Carl is very childish and playful. He struggled with knowing what he wanted, like he went through so many phases. He has the same bright smile as fiona but also her indecisiveness. Fiona goes through a few phases, mainly hopping career paths. These are kinda like Carl's many phases. Carl is the 2nd youngest and is the first one I think who really did see fiona as a mum sometimes. I can see Carl always mistakenly calling fiona Mum as a kid. He's outgrown that. I know a lot of people wanna be like, "Carl is the only one who appreciated fiona." I don't think that's true. I think he just appreciates her in a more motherly way(while obviously still knowing fiona is his sister, please don't think in saying Carl things she is his mum or something) Carl disrespects fionas just as much as the others but he also shoes his affection more clearly. Anyway, a bight smiles and phases are what Carl got from fiona.
We don't really get to see Liam because he's so young when the show ends. We do get to see Liam as a leader/manager. Fiona was a great manager for the majority of the time(she had her bad moments). Leadership is something Liam got from fiona. I definitely think Liam is gonna be the most different from his siblings, tho because he isn't growing up with fiona looking after him + no Monica, no Frank. I wish fiona had taken Liam with her because they are such a cute duo but yk.
Talking about fiona/lip and Ian as kids now
I think they all would have been very close as kids. First of course because they are all closest to age. They were discovering things for the first time together.
I think a lot of the reason ian and Lip dont appreciate( IK THE DO I JUST DO NOT THE RIGHT WORD) fiona as much is because they are closer in age the the other 3. They don't value all the help fiona gave them because they were also helping her. They saw all her first mistakes and were the ones to help her learn. They see her less as a guardian/ parental figure and more of the big sister she is. Idk if I'm getting mh going across rn so imma move on.
Lip has always been very smart so j think fiona and Lip were a really strong team as kids. Fiona had the advantage that she was older, a people person and Lip was sort of the brains. Fiona, in her own respect, is smart too.
Ian was the baby for a while. He was the one Lip and fiona were working to protect, and I think he got typical little brother treatment. Brother bullying from Lip and smothering love and teasing from fiona. Where as Lip was a real team with fiona a lot of the time Ian was just learning from them. I think this is why he's more emotionally intelligent than them both while having some of their better traits. When Debbie is born, he stops being the baby and starts to get pushed into the independent forgotten middle child role we see him as.
Lip and fiona are a partnership, but lip and Ian are best friends. They all love each other, but lip and Ian are just closer. This pushes fiona away and makes her cling more to the caretaker role. Ian and Lip are closer in age they go to school together, share a room. Fiona is sometimes left out from actual childish sibling bonding. I think she would have been ecstatic when Debbie is born because of this. The boys stick together and now she has a sister to stick with too.
Some random head cannons I have of them as kids
Ian and goes through a coping phase and is always mimicking fi and lip.
Fiona is always using cheesy and sweet nicknames for Ian, like sweet face bit it gets less when Debbie is born. The pet names mean a surprising amount to ian
Lip was always arguing that he should take care of the money but fi doesn't let him.
They come up with the squirrel fund after a school project/something one of them learns in school but it gets more serious when Debbie is born.
Lip gets fiona a dvd player for her 12 birthday and ir sparks her love for movie nights.
A little about the milkovichs now.
Mickey and mandy were also close as kids because of the only Yr age difference, but they drifted. Mickey will always try to look after mandy and protect her, but they grow up, and mandy realises mickey can't always save her. Mickey isn't super strong.
Mickey has to start hiding who is his and that puts a strain on their relationship. Mickey is just another gross boy now instead of her super strong kind brother.
Baby mandy and mickey were always together , they have 1000 inside jokes ans I see them as the kind of siblings who tell people their twins and have their own language. It's hard for them to make other friends but they have eachother.
Mandy will sneak into mickeys room when she's scared, and that's one of the only things that last till she's a teen. She still does it during s1. Mickey never sleeps with his door locked so mandy can get in even tho he really wants to. Mandy locked the door behind her and sits on the edge of mickeys bed. Sometimes, she waits for him to wake up, but most of the time, she pushes his leg till he wakes up and lets her climb in beside him. She will hide in his arms, and he holds her till she falls back to sleep. Then, never talk about it. As they get older, mandy stops waking mickey up. She steals a blanket and crashes on the sofa. Mickey keeps it in his room till he's forced to room with svet.
They donr talk about their feelings but they understand eachoth34 the most out of the other siblings. I like to imagine them getting close again after the show
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boabelboo · 3 months
any thoughts of sheaf you’d kindly share with me?
(you made me obsess over her🖕🏻)
OMG??? thought this day would never come.... IVE CONVERTED ANOTHER SHEAF FAN???
thank u sm!!!
okok so im going to share my hcs and how they came to me, whether they're based in canon or i js thought it fit with her.
home life
"a limber little girl from district nine did a back handspring after she recieved a bread roll" tbosas p.96
i treasure this quote so much because it's like the only sheaf-specific quote in the whole book. i usually base sheaf's home life on the fact that she is able to do gymnastics and, more specifically, perform for others. another quote, though it isn't directly about sheaf, also intrigued me.
"lucy gray and coriolanus resumed their picnic seats and watched the show. 'we're a regular circus troupe, we are,' she said as she picked bits of meat off her bone." tbosas p.97
though this quote is from lucy gray, it reflects on not only her but the previously mentioned sheaf and treech who were performing. we know that lucy gray is actually a performer because of the covey, and it is a popular fan-theory that treech has some involvement in theatre (thank u hannah for blessing us w this 🙏), so it isn't far-fetched to imagine sheaf has some experience performing too?
i personally see her as an orphan who is around seventeen years old. i hc this specific age just because it makes more sense for her backstory and she could easily look like a little girl whilst being much older due to malnourishment. she grew up very poor in an orphanage after her parents were shot by peacekeepers for rebel-involvement. district nine, to me, is a very musical and performance based district. sheaf, along with some other of the orphanage kids form a performance troupe (somebody singing, someone playing an instrument and someone performing). sheaf, in this instance is the performer. i think she'd be able to do things like walk on a tightrope and swing from ropes as well. she's extremely flexible and fast which would have aided her in the games if she got to compete.
i have alot of posts analysing how i see sheaf's personality. i find it difficult to explain how i see her sometimes, but to me she's just a much more curious version of katniss everdeen. she's cynical, she's perceptive, she's determined and she's always scheming. she's a kind heart under a tough exterior. she fights nonstop for what is right, and believes the system of hate doesn't need to be changed, it needs to be destroyed. she's also a massive hater irrelated to katniss but yk. she would definitely be open about her hatred of the capitol, and would not be compliant with androcles during their interview. i have a post linking her to katniss here, which elaborates how sheaf's upbringing influenced her to be the way she is.
i haven't mentioned sheaf's relationships much on this blog, but i do touch on her past relationship with a fellow orphan, pip thistle, in my panlo and sheaf fic, linked here.
i believe sheaf has intense trust issues, specifically toward adults. she mainly distrusts people because of how they treat the orphans in nine. orphans get sent to the games over and over on purpose, because they won't be missed as much. sheaf hates this idea, and actively fights against it, until it's too late.
pip thistle, another orphan who sheaf loves more than anything, gets sent to the games and dies. sheaf becomes distraught and starts being more and more rebellious back home, which eventually results in her getting reaped. she doesn't do it on purpose per-se, but uses it as an opportunity to try as hard as she can to avenge the love of her life. she never gets the chance. she dies before getting into the arena. she fought so vigorously, performing for people that she hates, just to die before she even gets to try and fight. she dies in what she thinks is in vein, and hates herself for it.
i also think sheaf and panlo have a close relationship, though they only knew eachother from afar before the reaping. they vow to stay together during the games, and though sheaf doesn't trust him at first, they end up becoming very close. sheaf only blames herself even more for panlo's death, since he dies before she does of his injuries.
here are some misc headcanons from both me and the amazing @persephoneprice on sheaf's character!!
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narhinafan · 3 months
One thing I don't get is people stating that Kishi's wife disliked the ending, like was she the one writing those things day and night spending every week drawing the manga? Or did they do that.
And not to mention that Naruto is a fucking shonen, whatever head canon you have for any character is normal but it isn't cannon (speaking to the people who really think Naruto is gay or some shit) it's what the writing wants that goes it isn't that fucking deep.
Kishi wanted Naruto to marry and love Hinata it's not that deep people it's just fucking entertainment. It's like they made it their entire personality that Naruto likes dick or some shit, and no he doesn't love Sakura she's just a friend (sis more like it)
And don't get me on the lowlives of anti Konoha that are Narutoxmulti and Hinataxmulti, they speak as if when Naruto and Hinata are in the presence of one another they ruin each other's characters when Hinata's greatest source of strength is fucking Naruto, and when Naruto is at his lowest she picks him right up. Like fucking shit Sasuke did nothing to fucking deserve Hinata most of that shit is Hinata being salty and just as some guy said "deranged revenge porn paring" he ships naruhina.
And good lord ok those fucks who say they haven't interacted much, like do you know how relationships work irl, because I sure do that's why I am not having a fucking girlfriend at fucking 16 because it's literally set for failure, you should date as an adult and preferably a stranger or someone you trust very much. Hinata is fucking both for Naruto in this spectrum, when they were strangers Naruto was comfortable around enough to let loose about his self doubt something men usually don't do especially with fellow men (that's for SnS fucks who don't get how men fucking work because they are most likely white fucking women, geez if you don't know how this shit works stfu you have no relevance in her you sick fucking bastards. The ship feels more like a porn fetish than a fucking ship) men usually say this kind of shit to a trusted women on thier life usually a mom (he did that with Kushina ) or get this a fucking wife which he didn't do with Sakura (don't get me wrong I fucking love Sakura but NaruSaku is stupid af because I have a sister relationship kinda like NS and I know for damn sure I won't tell my sister about my self doubts because that shit mom would be more experienced with, don't get me wrong sisters can sure give you a good fucking pep talk but they can't do things your mom or wife can do.)
Oh lord don't get me on Narutoxmulti who hate NH, because it's just some poor fucks having Naruto have sex with any women because their sexy? And what they hate NH because it's forced? So your logic is having Naruto fuck Mei who he never talked to once because it somehow makes sense and isn't just because you have a porn addiction and Hinata is the type of women you'll have a relationship with for wife which is fitting for Naruto because foxes literally mate for life, actually foxes are very faithful so when their vixen dies, cannonicaly if Hinata dies Naruto won't have sex with anyone really, shows how much u fucking know about your self insert (who's my favorite character of all time)
Like I stated it isn't that deep and should never be that deep, one Sakura fan I like said this once to someone bashing Hinata for stupid reasons "Politics and Naruto don't go hand in hand", whatever happened with Hyuga ended since the chunin exams or after the war by the time the last rolled because you see Hanabi acting like a normal fucking child, shows how well you really fucking care about the hyuga and Neji.
God these people are so fucking stupid and idiotic I can't get fucking rest from them, I'd rather die than stay in this shit hole of a fandom that doesn't know it's characters properly fucking pieces of shit
Yeah she didn't writing the end and she never outright said she disliked it either.
I totally know what you mean I hate how you can't have any same sex friendship or sibling like relationship with out part of the fandom trying to force feed it being gay down your throat. Like I have nothing against gay ships when it is intentionally done and not forced, but seriously as you said the writing doesn't go that deep and is not meant to be taken that way.
True a lot of antis that ship muilt ship Naruto or Hinata always make them completely OC or outright ruin their characters and relationship with each other.
There interactions might not be a lot, but each one is significant and the way they interact and treat each other is different to how they are with their other friends. Naruto has always been able to show his weakness to Hinata he is comfortable enough with her to share his doubts despite the fact he is constantly putting up a front where he acts confident till he makes it. Fact is Hinata is the only female other then his mother Naruto is comfortable showing sides of himself he doesn't show other people.
For sisters it depends on the type and their relationship with their sibling. Sakura though her relationship with Naruto is negative she isn't the kind of person Naruto can unload his doubts or talk about his feelings without being made fun of. Plus she hits and insults him quite often as well she simply doesn't inspire the same sort of comfort Hinata or Kushina would give Naruto when it comes to opening up about himself.
Yeah never been a fan of harems doesn't match Naruto's character, but also doing them tends to ruin a story. Also some of the ships are just disturbing like I've seen people match Naruto with Tsunade for the same reasons you listed. Naruto is 100% the kind of guy that is faithful and the one that wants a genuine and sincere relationship with the kind of life he went through he wants to be genuinely loved and not a lot of characters can provide that to the extent Hinata can.
Seriously its stupid how they try to bring up that he hasn't changed the Hyuga when we saw things have changed and have yet to see a new gen Hyuga with the seal. The branch house is not a thing anymore or if it is no longer mistreated. We haven't even seen a servant or maid Hyuga in Boruto yet. Things have improved even before Naruto became Hokage and likely even more so after if there were any issues left.
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pain-in-the-butler · 1 year
Have you ever considered what a meeting of Alois would've been like with the current Dadbastian development? The anime and the 2nd season were both pretty bad in terms of uncomfortable fanservice and handling things very disrespectfully, but thinking back on Alois' character now as an adult, I really pity him as a clearly traumatised and intensely disturbed child, who through abuse has, much like Ciel, developed more 'adult behaviour' that is not appropriate for his age as a defence mechanism. It's probably thinking a bit too optimistically for Dadbastian to extend concern for those outside of his immediate phantomfam, but would you think that maybe, just maybe, Alois could trigger the same kind of protective urges as Ciel? Alternatively, if you were to write something similar to Coattails but instead for Alois and co, do you have any headcanons on how you'd otherwise depict their relationship? Dad Claude? Dlaude??? Thank u for indulging my whimsical ass & sorry for the wordvomit
Hi, anon! As a fellow whimsical ass, I'll do my best to answer your question. Boy, okay, lots to consider here...
First off, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by the phrase "current Dadbastian development", but I'm going to assume you're referring to what's happening in Coattails because I don't think there's been any Dadbastian development in the manga that I've missed.
Second off, our feelings on Alois are the same. I was nineteen when season 2 came out and I didn't like it at all, I found its handling of certain themes pretty deplorable and I mean. It was a mess. At the time, I felt indifferent to disturbed by Alois, and ultimately just went away pretending the whole season never happened. However, the current fandom has made me realize that Alois is a character with a lot of potential who was definitely in the wrong hands. It's very sweet to me how many fans still care for him as if he were their adopted son and have come out with some extremely creative and realized content of him. It gives me a better appreciation for him and what he could have been.
So now to actually attempt your question. Again, assuming you're asking about Coattails, Sebastian is only really interested in being a parent to Ciel and a caretaker of varying degrees to the rest of the Phantomfam members. I think he would be able to feel sympathy for Alois's situation, but he's no bleeding heart. I'm not really sure what the scenario is here where somehow Alois and Sebastian are getting to know each other and also Alois might want Sebastian to help him over another person already in his life? It's a little difficult to answer...
And if it was in regards to canon Seb, well... yeah, he's pretty disinterested in anyone that doesn't directly benefit or threaten his contract. I don't think he would do anything to make Alois's life better.
While I hate canon Claude, I certainly think fan content can utilize him as a father figure if they made some tweaks to his character. My bud Em has explored that in this fanfic that I enjoy, and I think she's probably a better judge of Dad-Claude than I could ever be (she might even write a longer story about it someday!). Sort of going off her example, I would keep Claude's awkward/stiff personality intact and get rid of his bad-touch vibes (obviously). Unlike Coattails Sebastian, who is accustomed to big emotions but is new to love specifically, I don't think Coattails Claude would be used to feeling anything outside of his own control. He's also not very playful so he would probably have to learn to let go of things and I just realized I'm describing Bambi's dad's journey in Bambi II so god fucking dammit I did it again—
tl;dr there are so many people who can answer this question better than I just did but uhhhh I hope this was okay 💁‍♀️
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callibones · 19 days
hello! while i was looking at blaseball stuff, i came across the documents for your oc constitution. i wanted to tell you that i had a lot of fun looking through it !!! i found the mixed media elements ( like the social media posts n stuff ) really creative and nice. the only thing i wonder is ... an object camp is like a roleplaying group, right? how do you. find? object camps
i know that for some roleplaying communities, there are hubs where people post ads for their campaigns. do you know if theres a centralized community like that for object shows? i want to try making object characters of my own but i do Not know how to get into this sorry
howdy! first of all, thank you so much for checking out constitution! i had so much fun making entries for it and it absolutely touches my heart to hear someone enjoyin readin that stuff.
as for what an object camp is, it's not a roleplaying group! like. object roleplaying groups exist, i'm sure, but an object camp is very specifically a competition in which all those social media posts n written segments are entries, written for specific challenges, finished by a specific challenge, and done to be able to win advantages that allow you to stay in the competition. it's more like survivor/total drama than a roleplay, because while you're storytelling you're also voting out your fellow contestants and making alliances and playing tokens!
if that still sounds up your alley... while i'm sure there's centralized locations for object shows, that's not really where i go to find camps. i just find them through word of mouth! there's a gorgeous little tight-knit community that's part of the much larger Greater Object Community, and that's where i call home. after being invited by my friends to join one camp (the wiki camp 2), i found camp gnc 2 and other wonderful object camps through clicking on links in the ad channels and my friends telling me what they were signing up for. so you'll need one in signups to start.
fortunately... my dear friend of @ecto-hazard has one in signups right now! it's called lab camp and signups are open for like two more days so if you wanna get a character in, or just spectate one before you try one out for yourself, join there if you're 18+! (a lotta these camps are for adults, not because they're nsfw but just because it's a way of curating the space.) if you can't come up with a character before the deadline, it's still a great way to see what other people are submitting and ask them how they come up with object characters while they're fresh in everyone's memory. and it'll be a great place to meet people who might go on to host the next great object camp themself! (i'm working on one...)
finally, as for making object characters of your own, you can just do that! my little thing Stray Pixel (strixel) existed for a whole year as "object character i thought would be a fun concept" before i applied it for a camp. and then it didn't get in, and i applied it for another (blaseball-themed) camp and got in! omg you should totally join the RIV server too since you're like me- an object fan and a blaseball fan. you'll definitely meet like-minded people there. (this one's 15+!)
whether you join these or not, i'll be sure to post updates n stuff on camps i find that are public and things that get me excited. and i'm happy to answer any more questions u have about object camps or the community! i'm literally movin across the country because of someone i met in an object camp. these things rock. theyre such a great unique way to storytell on a deadline (good for adhd). i hope you either find a great camp or just have a lot of fun making object characters. and when you do, please tell me about 'em! making object characters ROCKS. any of my awesome friends or anyone else who's cool, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE show off your awesome objects, whether or not they're applied to somethin. i dont wanna say "reblog this" but like i think you cant put images in the replies... so... one way or another show anon (and me!) ur object ocs i am Begging
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serqphites · 21 days
hiii fellow dykeeee I hope you're doing well!! <33 I'm really sorry if this is kind of random or abrupt to be bringing up, but I recently noticed that you took your age out of your bio and another anon had asked about your age, but then that ask got deleted. and that, paired with the reblog about that person complaining how adults dogpile on minors who enter sexual spaces, made me just a bit worried regarding all that. I mean, I'm twenty two, and I'm usually really cautious about who I'm reading and consuming smut from, so I often tend to avoid ageless blogs, and of course, any blogs that indicate the person running it might be a minor. so yeah I just wanted to ask for some clarity regarding all that, if it's okay? I think you said in that ask you deleted something about how minors are gonna interact regardless of whether smut writers put a warning, but just from the perspective who's ran a smut account for three years, putting a warning telling them not to interact really does mean a lot and is super important in keeping your blog a safe and legal space. even if minors lie and sneak onto smut accounts, it's just our responsibility as smut writers to ensure we try to avoid that from happening and that we don't let minors into spaces that they're probably not ready for and where adults probably don't wanna interact with them in due to legal and safety purposes. and I know from my experience, putting one's age in their bio helps a lot in terms of keeping things clear and safe for both readers and the account-runner, and I've never seen anyone get tracked or discovered for their identity by having their age included, if that helps at all!! it's usually a totally safe thing to do, and it's just a good way to assure readers, especially adult readers, that they're consuming content from someone of age, and not a minor, which could be really uncomfortable and ofc, illegal
but yeah, that's all!! I'm sorry if any of this came off as scolding at all, that's totally not my intention!! you're a wonderful writer and really fun to interact with, but I just thought I'd give you some of these pointers just to explain what I've seen in my experiences. and I also just tend to avoid ageless blogs, so that's another reason I was a bit worried since I do rlly love this blog and interacting w you!! but yeah that's all!! I hope you're taking care of yourself!! <33 and I'm sorry you couldn't rewatch longlegs :(( hopefully you and your brother can find it online
-- 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
i honestly forget that ppl don’t know my own thoughts if that makes sense, like wdym u guys don’t js automatically know what i’m talking about? i wanna make it clear that when i mean minors i do not mean 12 year olds, im always referring to 16-17 year olds. thats my bad for not specifying.
i honestly just took my age out because i had a bit of a moment where it felt too person, i even removed my name but then put it back up on my profile shortly after. i have not magically aged up nor down, i am still 18+ so dont worry hahaha :)
the reason i deleted the ask was because i felt as though i was a little rude, i was simply just having a bad day and didn’t think it was fair on the anon to respond in a slight aggression when they were just asking a question.
i think i’m going to remain an ageless blog, however i will just stick an 18+ into my navigation post to ensure there is no more future confusion and or worries surrounding my age. sorry for any offence i may have accidentally caused.
please take care of yourself too, honestly so gutted we couldn’t go and see longlegs :( also i adore interacting w you too ur so kind!! <3
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romulussy · 1 year
hello!! i keep wondering about "roman sees caroline as a fellow victim and not perpetrator"- i think i generally do agree, but can u elaborate on why u think so?
hiiiii <333 okay so the thing that led me there is my fascination with the relationship between the sibs + caroline + comfort. roman seems to seek it out (eg. 1x2 "shall we call mum?", see also my post abt caroline and roman's comfort compatibility), kendall, at the very least, considers her someone he can (try to) confide in (their scene in return), and while shiv doesn't seek it out at all, she doesn't reject it when she actually needs it, either (the bit in pre-nuptial post-marcia's playground line). i spent a lot of time thinking about what those dynamics might've looked like in childhood and how caroline factors into, and reacted to, logan's abuse of his children -- what he might've done to her, or how he might've used her to hurt the sibs, or how they might've used the kids to hurt each other, etc -- and how that affected how the kids related to + bonded with her, and i think it's different for each child.
this all ties into it a little but i think caroline's indifference and inaction w kendall & outright hostility w shiv means that those two are more likely to see her as a perpetrator of abuse rater than a fellow victim, whereas with roman it's even messier. there's the mummy's boy of it all, but there's also roman's, like. willingness to forgive his parents + his delusional desperate rationalisation of his abuse. normally i don't think he can consciously put blame on logan, but i think he can wrt this bc it's a way of making sense of caroline's disinterest or absence or lack of a reaction, etc. placing her beside him as a fellow victim absolves her of her transgressions; it allows him to be like well it’s not that mum doesn’t care, it’s that dad won't let her! you know?
i don't think roman seeing her like that is a huge influence on their adult relationship though, at least not on rome's part. there are other things that contribute to their conviviality ++ i generally think roman knows who his parents are but struggles to conceptualise it in relation to how they treat(ed) him bc it'd mean facing some facts abt himself/his life that he's staunchly in denial about. like his reaction to ken reading caroline's card at the end of return has always felt like this momentary glimpse into the very real hurt that exists there (which is fun! because even then, it's, sure. can happen.)
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