#but for some reason it would refuse to change the sprite properly if it was specifically moving only to the left and not on any diagonal
loveletterworm · 2 years
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It's probably fine but everytime i do something like this i feel like it will be weighed against my soul one day
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caffeiiine · 3 months
hi hi i didnt realize i cant like rb or answer anything answered privately which makes sense cuz its meant tobe private but its a lilinconvenient noq that i think about it but anyway answering stuff about the rewrite!!
the idea that angie can accurately replicate handwriting is so good to me ouagh, i wantee to add something where kokichi's signature was different on angie's note than the actual note for evidence reasons but idk if i ever put that in the doc
okok the wuestions now (i do not remember a lot of these things befause of this having been made 2+ years ago BhbBDFIJGBRJK)
- "how did miu not burn the whole jacket?" - i imagine a leon situation. most of it burned, but a part of it fell out of whatever machine miu made to burn the jacket and she just never picked it up (in part bc she didn't feel like it, in part bc she's dual masterminds with kirumi in this world)
- "why did she wear her jacket if she were trying to frame kokichi?" - yeh no i did not think that through FBHEBIJABFUIA i think me from two years ago just wanted an obvious difference to a character that at first wasnt very suspicious but later was like holy shit ur the mruderer AND HERES THE EVIDENCE sorry i have monster im very shaky so im not fixing typos i hope u can read these BEAUIBDFIUDSFBU
- "miu + angie alliance? :3" - in retrospect i so should have done something with that cuz i lowkey love that idea BUAOHAOJHEAJO
- "[...] if there was a rivalry between your s/i and angie bc of the similarish talents" - never thought about it but absolutely i think yes
- "what was the point of the torture post-mortem?" - angie wanted to make it seem like kokichi had dragged my s/i into his lab and tried to get him to help with some plan but my s/i refused (mightve been my reasoning?) and got to the point he tortured him to try to get assistance or something, angie just wanted it to seem like kokichi had tortured my s/i for some reason (cuz atp they all think kokichi is mega cruel mega heartless ygwim)
with a lot of the above questions i came up with this entire chapter within the span of like... a day home alone on a day off i had from school so i never really changed anything after i came up atih it? and i had reasonings for things i just never wrote them doqn properly and was like rambling to myself out loud ot think that day) (my dogs probably thought i was crazy) (i am crazy)
onto commentary comments :3
YESSS KAEDE IS ALIVE!!!! i wanted her and shuichi to both live in this so i made it happen :3 along with them i think kokichi is the only other of the remaining 5 after chapter 6 that would be alive (kirumi's influence, miu's inventions, they caused Despair and Hell snd whatever yadda yadda i tried making it work and i never really fleshed it out)
ENHABHAJDGBIHA YES ANGIE REPLICATING HANDWRITING HS MY HEART BECAUSE I JUST. i feel like shes really good at replicating styles? like art styles, s the ultimate artist yk, so i feel like she could replicate handwriting pretty well too
BAJHAUAHAJ I QANTED TO MAKE HER HVE SOME REALLY OBVIOUS THING WRONG BUT LIKE TRY TO EXCUSE IT OUT OF TRIAL. i made a few crazy angie sprites actually ebcause i wanted to hold on
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crazy angies i made cuz i wanted to do that trial insanely ^ i mightve actually made these before i came up with this idea and then i qas like "WHAT IF ANGIE NO COAT AND NO ONE SUSPECTS ANYTHING UNTIL ITS TRIAL EVIDENCE" idk i had no reasoning to make her go to th etrial qithout her coat other than i wasnt cery good at thinking of incriminating evidence
i cannot actually think of a way to reply to the thing aoubt angie assuming and backing it up with atua + that whole paragraph (it is 12:12 in the morning rn as i type this) but hard agree with everything u say there
u can like copy paste the format for the trial stuff if u want to btw!! with this i tried to make sure i did a lot of looking into what info i needed (i had an "evidence" tab too but i forgot what i was gonna put there so i left it blank + couldve been the truth bullets or smth! maybe the detailed descriptions for them??? idk) but anyway u can copy paste the actual format itself and leave maybe a few things in each thing to dtermine what exactly it is that you can put there idk idk its 12:15 im struggling BSHBSFDHIHA
ALSO YES HRUTAL MURDER, i didnt realize until i read through it again that it is a very brutal murder + generally brutal case and i put a lot of lements in there but i was very over the top 2-3 years ago so i blame that. id do better now if i could erase my memory of making this case and redo it
also ur welcome for accurate dearh times i think i had to actually look up "does a stab to the back of the neck kill you instantly" i htink the fbi has me on their watchlist now because of that alone BFRUIHRUIAHUIHAGHAH
alos yes i Can read tags on privately answered posts, i watned kokichi angst back then so i thought the best way to do that was to make him fall in love with me adn the n kill myself off BSJAHAUHAHHA, alos probably because i would have died immediately in a killing game so i gave myself the benefit of the doubt for it and made myself live for an extra 4 chapters than i probably would actually live
oookay sorry this rotted in my inbox i now have a spare 30 mins to type this 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
OHHKAY OKAY i was thinking that i was thinking it might be a leon thing or similar to that
AH GOT YAHT👍👍 adding on a little i think it’d be silly if she early on in the trial somebody asked her about her coat and she was like “oh, i lost it!” and everyone brushed it off until later a bunch of things come to light and then its like idk insert reaction i can’t think of anything😞😞
ALSO ALSO if we can fit it in somehow we should use miu + angie alliance, only thing now is would miu hang on until the end in order to not get herself tied up in the aftermath? or would she throw angie under the bus the minute things are turning out bad for her kinda like nagito and teruteru? except she definitely wouldn’t be as nonchalant about things as he was, she’d probably be taking everything as an attack against herself and being super defensive. but at the same time, she also has a super weak will and crumples very easy so at that point she might be more focused on minimizing her position as much as possible? idk im rambling <3
and also that’s so real i have several old aus i made on like testing days and stuff that i just never got around to fleshing out <3 and when i looked back on them they just. SUCKED. so i didn’t do anything with them. not saying yours sucked btw just saying mine sucked [like they were HORRENDOUS. trust.]🫂🫂
off topic i love saimatsu so much <3 anyways the kirumi + miu mastermind thing reminds me of hiyoko and ibuki tbh [LOVE them + that pairing] super super off topic once but me and my friend made a crackship once with ibuki + miu and that just reminded me of it mxnxnd
WOOO ANGIE SPRITES!!!! she so deserved to be a killer in the main game idc what anyone says
YAAY i’ve got the general format in my head for whenever i decide to actually sit down and make the doc since i’ve been procrastinating on that so hard😞
this is so off topic but i feel like you were a theater kid at one point, i barley meet people that are very expressive like you and 9 time out of 10 they are/have been theater kids :3
THATS SO SILLY THOUGH, if im being completely realistic id be the first one gone just bc im stupid😞 and id probably complain about people killing in ways that were stupid to me, id be lucky to get to chapter 2 i think unless i was in some position of power nxbdhdb s/i’s are silly and funny
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hi!! I am a fan of your works and just love the way you write Thenamesh! I just thought some AU hurt/comfort scenario where Thena and Gil are spies, but Gil is caught by the enemy. The agency think they lost him already, but Thena won't accept it and proceed to rain hellfire to the enemy base and rescue her Gilgamesh alone. Can you write it, pretty please???
"We are not going forward with the extraction."
"It's been too long--there's no way he's still alive."
"We will not tell you again: stand down."
They were wrong. They were all wrong. Thena was used to clashing with the orders of her superiors, but this was entirely unacceptable. Not only were they abandoning one of their agents, but they were abandoning Gilgamesh.
Her Gilgamesh.
It had been a routine mission, but Gil never made it out. And it happened--people got captured, that was the purpose of extraction missions. And time was always of the essence because the intelligence they handled was of a sensitive nature, and plenty of enemies would do anything to learn what they knew.
They were holding Gilgamesh somewhere, torturing him--tormenting her poor Gil.
And their own agency refused to extricate him. It was too dangerous, too high risk. No one else was as strong as Gilgamesh was, not even close. And without him to assist her, she was too dangerous and uncontrolled for them to feel they could move forward (the cowards).
But every minute they wasted thinking he was dead, was another minute the enemy was trying to wring information out of him. Especially information on her. Their agency didn't run solo agents in the field, everyone had a partner. A second half was crucial for success, even on the odd occasion when an agent did have smaller ops to run. Because a partner could keep one grounded, and balanced, and make up for what the other lacked.
Gilgamesh would never give her up.
Not her Gil--they would be torturing him until his heart gave out. And they were, she was sure. Because Gil would never do anything to endanger her. And all the brass had to say was that everyone had their limits, and she couldn't know that for sure (the idiots).
She would never give up on Gil. She could be sure he hadn't revealed her name or location or alias or even her bloodtype because she would never give up anything on him. She would rather die.
All the more reason to hurry.
She hadn't told Phastos what the extra explosives were for. She didn't tell Sersi why she needed to know what organic poison would be the least traceable and the fastest acting. She didn't tell Sprite why she needed the schematics of every old water treatment plant in Copenhagen.
They all knew better than to ask. Because they all knew Gil had been officially declared MIA; they knew Thena would never be able to accept it when even they had to admit it didn't look good (the shortsighted fools).
If they weren't going to find him alive, then she was going to confirm he was dead with her own eyes. And until she did, everyone else could get the hell out of her way.
"You sure about this?" Druig called after her as he dropped her off. He was the only one willing to defy direct orders and actually assist her so directly. And he had his own partner to worry about.
"Twenty-two minutes," Thena tossed over her shoulder as she marched towards the dingey old building. She set up charges along the way, strategically placed, distance measured out properly. She wasn't always the one for meticulous detail, but this job required some care.
"Shift change?"
"Yeah, boss wants you up top," Thena muttered from within the uniform she'd stolen. She walked past them, thanking them for their utter idiocy allowing her to slip past her first checkmark.
Her Gil: he was in some boiler room repurposed to be a holding cell. They had him strung up to some pipe in the ceiling, hoping to exhaust him.
Thena smiled; Gilgamesh could fall asleep anywhere if he was tired enough. He was a heavy sleeper, too. They were nowhere near cracking him.
It was a quick trip down to the fourth sub-level, fifteen guards dispatched, charges placed, security cameras disabled. Thena was particularly adept at travelling by vent, with her light bones and slim build. And every building needed air, allowing her the opening. Gil always said that she secretly liked crawling around like a lizard.
Thena dropped into his boiler room, catching the vent cover before it could fall and swinging down herself. She smiled; Gil was asleep, hanging awkwardly by his handcuffs with his legs half-holding him up, half bent. She walked over to him, immediately wrapping her arms around him to hold him up as she worked on his binds.
Gil woke gently with a soft inhale. He smiled against her hair. "Hey."
"Hey," Thena smiled just at the sound of his voice.
"I was wondering when you were coming," he sighed, leaning against her as she lowered his arms slowly, letting his arms recover what they could for circulation. She braced herself, holding his weight as she brought him down against her shoulder. "Figured they'd given up on me."
Thena had nothing at all to say about their traitorous bosses. They were all but next on her hit-list for leaving Gilgamesh to suffer like this. And if they did not grovel at her feet for forgiveness - Gil would forgive them easy, it was her they should worry about - then she would be sneaking into their vents next.
Gil looked at her, blinking as well as he could with his dry, swollen black eye.
She ran a finger against it lightly. "What have they been doing to you?"
"Ah, nothing I can't handle," he chuckled, and she could immediately tell some of his ribs were broken.
Gil went quiet as she pressed a kiss to his cheek. They held like that for a few seconds before she pulled back. He blinked at her a few times before grinning. "Y'know, if I get one of those every time I'm captured, I'll consider being less good at my job."
Thena rolled her eyes, just for him, before standing again. She undid the maintenance suit she'd used to sneak in and let it slide off the shimmering micromesh suit she wore for all her missions. It was an odd choice for it to be so bright in colour, but it matched the rest of her pale countenance. Her codename was Ghost, after all. "We're going out the front."
Gil puffed out another laugh and pulled himself to stand as slowly as he could bear. "I guess I don't have to worry about running into any of those guys out there, then?"
"For the most part, no," Thena answered smoothly, fiddling with her cuffs. She looked at him sharply. "Which ones did this to you?"
"Which ones."
He sighed, knowing she'd find out either way. "Big ones, dark hair and lip scar, and dark blond with mismatched ear shapes."
She ran through the faces she'd already disposed of: she had already dealt with those two. But if she knew they were the ones doing this to her Gil she would have had a little more fun.
"Just them?"
"One is a young guy, brought me some extra bread, let him walk."
"He's still working here, Gil. He still-"
"I know," he cut her off, coming up beside her and knowing that she would let him lean on her instead of continuing her bloodbath. "So let him tell the rest that picking me up was a real mistake."
Thena sighed, adjusting him against her shoulder as she started the slow walk back with him. "Fine, but only because you're fond of him."
Gil had to walk at a dangerously slow pace. He knew that the security would be cleared, and that the cameras would have all been disabled before Thena's feet ever touched the floor. But he still looked around them anxiously. "You know what they say about one-man extricating."
"I am neither one, nor a man."
"I guess you're right." Thena leaned him against the wall as two came around the corner. She was deadly as always, walking right to them. Guns didn't even make it halfway up before she had both their arms in hand and was twisting them around at the elbow. The blinding pain always served as distraction enough for Thena to pull her signature blades out from being strapped against her thighs.
No one would ever know those thighs were surprisingly pleasant to lie on, like when he would doze off during the intel prep for a mission and she would let him sleep on her like a cat.
Thena came back for him as if she were propping a door open for him to unload groceries. She pulled him up again, "think you can do stairs?"
"Gonna say no."
"Grappling it is."
"So romantic."
Thena laughed, and he watched it happen in slow motion, savouring the beautiful sight. He was beginning to worry how long it would be until he got to see it again. "You always plan the best dates."
Maybe they were due for a real one, he thought. But he would have to bring it up at a more opportune time.
Thena pushed them into the stairwell, where she'd left escape plan number two out of seven. They had to be prepared for anything in their line of work.
"Stop right there!"
Thena and Gil looked over at the squeaky interruption. She looked at Gil, "is that him?"
"Yep," he nodded, holding his ribs as she hooked up his harness first and foremost. "He's a good kid."
Thena acted put out by the mercy of it all yet again and walked over to the young man as if she were a teacher having to discipline a teenager. His shaking hands got the gun up and aimed and all she did was tilt her head out of its way and take it from him. She emptied it in seconds, her lithe fingers making fine work of it until his magazine clattered to the floor. "That's enough of that."
Gil laughed at the look on the kid's face.
"I suggest you make it out of the building as quickly as possible," Thena glared down at him as he trembled. "You have seven minutes. And tell whomever you would like that The Ghost will haunt any facility needed if you ever lay a hand on him again."
The kid looked at Gilgamesh with a dropped jaw, but he just waved back with a smile.
"Now go," she pointed, sending him on his way. He shot out of the stair well. Thena shut the door behind him and added a little something to help the metal seal itself together. "I do hope he knows when I say seven minutes--I mean seven minutes."
"I am not a barbarian, Gilgamesh," she scoffed as she hooked up her harness, sealed together with him. "Phastos' concoctions are much more effective. There is also poison vapour in the vents set to release at the same mark."
"You're so sexy when you're vengeful."
"Then you'll love seeing me tear the bosses a new one when we get back."
"I think I will."
Gil let his head rest against hers as she pulled the release and they began their ascent up the stairwell, in the middle of the railing around them. "I knew you'd come."
"Of course I would," she said just as softly, letting her fingers slide into the hair on the back of his head. They didn't always get the time to be soft like this, but Gilgamesh always had a way of drawing it out of her. It was one of the many things she absolutely loved about him.
Gil just buried his nose in her hair. She was soft as sunshine with him. But he knew she was still going to burn the place to the ground in their wake. He would do the same if she had been captured in enemy territory. "Can you wait to do it until I've had a little rest?"
"How long do you want? I'm rather eager to terrorise our bosses."
"I'll see how I feel after the drive back."
Thena released both of them at the top of the stairs, moving slowly for Gilgamesh's sake. "You can sleep all you like. Druig is picking us up."
"Oh good, he's nice," Gil mumbled, feeling the adrenaline of seeing her again leave him and give way to heavy fatigue. His body knew it was safe again - with her - and was calling him to let it rest. "Will you be in the back with me?"
"If you want me to," she said sweetly, even as she started coordinating the explosives that were going to collapse every sub-basement in the building.
"Hold my head on your lap?" he used his good eye to give her that sad puppy look he knew would work on her.
Thena sighed, blowing each of the stairwells first. They could feel the vibrations in their feet as they walked out much more calmly. "Only because you're hurt. You're not going to make a habit of this."
"Yes, dear," Gil chuckled, hobbling out with Thena by his side.
Neither looked behind them as the building sunk into the ground in a mess of stone and fire and explosions. Thena's hair blew around as she looked ahead of them, staying vigilant so he wouldn't have to. She looked beautiful.
She smiled, "come on, let's get you home."
He had said it out loud.
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crystaljins · 6 years
By its cover | 01
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Characters: Hoseok x Reader
Word count: 4.6k
Synopsis: Your annoying little brother Jimin accepts a dare and summons a demon into your living room. There are multiple problems with this. 1) Demons are the most hated species on earth. 2) That demon happens to be Jung Hoseok, the most popular guy on campus 3) The fact that Jung Hoseok is a demon is his biggest secret and 4) Jung Hoseok hates your guts. You’re in for a wild ride. Demon!Hoseok, magic-university!au and enemies-to-lovers!au
Notes: I wrote this because I couldn’t shake how funny it was to me the idea of Hoseok being a demon. Like he’s just so happy and sunshine-y... how could he be a demon? And thus, this fic was born. It’s entirely prewritten and will update once a week :)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Part 1: Summoning
The whole ordeal begins because your stupid little brother Jimin accepts a dare from his friend Jungkook. The bratty werewolf Jungkook wouldn’t have known the meaning of the word consequences if it slapped him in the face. And your younger brother, childish and eager to prove himself, does not know how to back down from a dare. The dare is to summon a demon.
It’s a stupid dare because its incredibly rude to just pull a demon from whatever they are doing through a summoning circle just for one’s own amusement. But it’s also stupid because demons are the most despised species in the world. People hate them because there were one too many demons in the past with too much power and a propensity for misusing it. It is only natural to fear beings with such chaotic power, but it also means they are horribly mistreated in society. Of course, Jimin doesn’t have the maturity or understanding to realise why it’s so wrong to attempt to summon a demon into his own living room, and if you or your father had picked up on his intentions earlier, you would have gladly explained it to him. But neither of you do.
Your father is busy preparing for a month-long business trip- a great opportunity for his thriving glamour potion business and your hands are full with your studies, and that’s how Jimin is able to execute his mischievous plan without detection. Why would anyone notice him secretly gathering supplies, or pouring through magic texts when you are all so busy with your own lives? It is far too late when you finally detect something amiss- when you return home from dropping your father at the airport.
You walk in at probably the most opportune and inopportune moment. Opportune because had Jimin attempted a summoning spell without you present he surely would have died. This is because summoning circles are like vacuums you can’t turn off. They suck any available magic in the immediate vicinity out of the air until they have enough to achieve their purpose. Jimin, at a mere 14 years of age and a with a meagre magic supply to match, would have been completely drained and no doubt died of magic exhaustion. Inopportune because summoning circles are magic vacuums. So when you walk in at the exact moment Jimin finishes the magic incantation, the summoning circle instantly latches onto and begins draining your much larger magic supply rather than his.
“Jimin!” You screech, taking in the summoning circle in your living room, the various magical supplies he no doubt stole from your father’s shop and the eerie glow that is filling the room as soon as the circle leeches from your magic supply. “You’re summoning a demon? Dad’s gonna kill you!”
“Jungkook dared me!” Is all Jimin can shout in his defence while you attempt to shoo him out of the room to safely. But the magic circle drains a little too much of your magic for you to handle and you promptly pass out. 
When you regain consciousness, the room is filled with smoke and Jimin is also passed out. Immediately concerned, you crawl over him, braving through the wave of nausea that washes over you at the action of sitting up. You breathe a sigh of relief when you feel the comforting thrum of his pulse beneath your fingertips, and you roll him onto his back. He is pale but seems to be just sleeping. You doubt the magic circle required Jimin’s magic as well, given the ample supply you had as an adult witch. It is more likely the pressure and sheer amount of magic in the air that knocked him out. But with your brother’s safety confirmed, you turn to face and apologise to the bigger problem in the room- whatever poor demon your brother summoned, the one who is currently screaming his head off in terror.
But when the smoke clears and you glance to the figure now standing in the middle of your living room, you find yourself wishing you were still unconscious. For the figure staring in complete shock and horror at you is none other than your campus’ beloved Jung Hoseok.
Hoseok’s gaze flickers down to where his dress shirt is half-buttoned and hangs open. He must have been in the middle of getting dressed when Jimin summoned him. His eyes widen and he goes to fix it but it is far too late. Already you have seen and registered the brand that sits just below his clavicle, the brand that all of his kind and their descendants are forced to wear, to mark them as different and alien and dangerous. Your father says the brand is a reminder of how hateful and awful society can be towards an entire species. If the fact that Hoseok is here because of a summoning ceremony weren’t enough proof of Hoseok’s true identity, then the brand your gaze is now anchored onto certainly is.
It is the mark of a demon- which means Hoseok is a demon, probably the most hated species on earth. The scream dies on his throat.
If it weren’t embarrassing enough that because of Jimin you would have to apologise and help whatever poor demon Jimin had jerked out of their daily routine, the fact that it is Jung Hoseok of all people makes it a million times worse for two reasons.
The first is that Hoseok hates your guts. You never did learn the reason why and most people you disclose this little tidbit of information didn’t believe you. No one really thinks Hoseok capable of hating someone, but he does and it’s you. It’s not an overly obvious, antagonistic hatred which is why it’s so difficult to convince others that he does. No, Hoseok is subtle- ignoring you, turning away from you when you’re in the room, sometimes glaring at you for no reason and most importantly avoiding you at all costs. You might have been able to write this behaviour off as shyness were you not aware of who Hoseok is as a person. The joke around your campus where Hoseok is concerned is actually that Hoseok is sunshine on legs. Though his species wasn’t known to anyone, the general consensus has always been that Hoseok, with his bright and sunny personality and subtle good looks, was probably something like a sun sprite or a water nymph. Something gentle and beloved, with powers that could only heal and protect and a kind and loving nature to boot. No one would have ever guessed he is one of the most reviled and hated (and underprivileged according to your kindhearted father) species in the world. So while it turns out the speculation about his species is wrong, it doesn’t change the fact that if kind, extroverted, happy Hoseok treats you like you have some sort of disease, then he must really truly hate you for some reason.
Which brings you to the second reason, the only reason you could provide for Hoseok’s odd disdain for you. And that was that you and Hoseok had history. If it could even be called that. The story starts in highschool. Even back then, Hoseok’s bright personality and kind demeanour had sucked people in, left them vulnerable to his charms and you were no exception. The strength of your crush is humiliating for you now to remember. So when your friend has insisted she had convinced Hoseok to go on a date with you, you had been ecstatic! A date, with the guy of your dreams? You would have been a fool to refuse.
Only when you had showed up at the movie cinema at the assigned time, it hadn’t just been Hoseok going to see the movie with you. Rather than just tell you she had been dating Hoseok, your supposed friend had felt the need to very publicly stake her claim. And so you had endured the most humiliating movie of your life while she and Hoseok engaged enthusiastically in public displays of affection, wondering why she hadn’t just told you she was dating him. It hadn’t ended there, and when she showed up to the restaurant where you had you first ever part-time job as a waitress, you hadn’t hesitated in not-so-accidentally dumping her pasta all over her lap. She had always envied you and you suppose that the way you had been so vocal and open about your crush who happened to be her secret boyfriend had driven her to extreme measures.
The fact that the pasta incident hadn’t fully been an accident was a fact your ex-friend made known to nearly the whole school. Rumours of your intense jealousy and desire to bully her had spread quickly, easily slaughtering your social life. You had long since recovered from what you felt was a huge injustice, but lingering feelings of humiliation and misery still lingered whenever you looked at Hoseok and remembered what has transpired.
That particular incident is probably why Hoseok hates you, but to hold a grudge for so long over something so petty doesn’t seem consistent with his character. Yes, you dumped pasta on his highschool girlfriend’s lap in a petty rage, but apart from him having been your crush at the time, it hadn’t really had much to do with him and had been more to do with the betrayal you had felt at her actions and inability to properly communicate. Maybe his demon origins explain this unnecessary grudge-holding, but your dad had always stressed to you the fact that it is not the species that determines a person’s character. And you love and respect your dad above all else and if he insists that demons don’t deserve the discrimination they receive, then that’s what you will insist as well. So that means something doesn’t add up with Hoseok’s unexplained dislike of you, you just don’t know what.
Still, those two reasons combined are the reasons you generally try and avoid Hoseok. Yes, you went to highschool together and are among the few students from your school who had chosen to attend the local magic university, but you had been determined for that to be the end of your connection. With your farewell to highschool and avoidance of Hoseok, you had thought you had successfully distanced yourself from that turbulent era of your life.
Yet here you are, your brother still unconscious, magical components scattered around your living room, the remnants of a summoning circle permanently burned into the living room carpet and Hoseok half-dressed. He looks like he’s trapped in his worst nightmare. So you blurt the only reasonable thing that comes to mind.
“Jimin did it!” You accuse, pointing to your brother who is slowly starting to rouse. It takes a few goes but Hoseok finally recovers his voice.
“(Y/N)? You summoned me?” He cries out in horror as the reality of his situation dawns on him.
“No!” You protest. “It really wasn’t me! It was him.” 
Jimin, who had been subtly trying to make an escape while your attention was fixed on Hoseok, freezes mid-crawl. He sits back on his heels.
“In my defence I didn’t know it would actually work!” He complains, glaring at you with only the audacity a fourteen year old who has done the wrong thing can manage. 
“What did you think would happen? Why wouldn’t a demon summoning work?” You argue back, and then your eyes go wide as once more you are struck with a realisation. “You...” you say, turning slowly back to Hoseok. “You’re a demon?” 
Hoseok winces at your realisation, and flails around wildly before wilting in resignation- his secret is out and there’s no putting the toothpaste back in the tube.
“Obviously!” He exclaims and the open flaps of his shirt shift when he waves his arms in emphasis, once more exposing the demon brand. “What did you think you were summoning? A horse?”
You open your mouth to protest.
“Again, it was Jimin- Jimin you brat if you leave this room I’m setting your video game console on fire.” You hiss, and Jimin freezes with his hand on the doorknob and says a word that would definitely get him grounded if your father wasn’t currently on a plane to the other side of the world. You grab him by the back of the shirt, pinning him in place while you turn your attention to Hoseok. “Anyway, I’m sorry my brother is like this. Don’t feel like you’re stuck here or anything, he was just acting on a dare.” You tell Hoseok in a cautiously polite voice. He just looks around, antsy and stressed, before sighing in resignation.
“I wasn’t planning on staying.” Hoseok tells you as the shock of the situation settles in. He finishes buttoning his shirt and glances at his watch in distress. “But it would be great if you could tell me where you live?”
When you inform him his current location, his eyes bug comically out of his head.
“That’s on the other side of town from where I need to be! Public transport won’t get me there in time!” He almost wails. You blink, confused at his devastated reactions.
“D-do you have plans?” You inquire hesitantly. Falling to his knees, Hoseok nods. 
“A date.” He admits quietly. “A really, really important date. Of course something like this would happen today- and with you of all people, of course! Of course it has to be you.”
Were you younger and less jaded by your past, you may have been disappointed to hear that your first ever crush currently had an important date, and a little offended at his implication that you are the cause of all the trouble in his life but you are proudly past that stage of your life. Instead you now have the capacity to be the bigger person. 
“I... can give you a lift? It’s the least I can do after Jimin summoned you here- which I will be telling Dad about just so you know.” You hiss at your brother. Hoseok pays no mind to the death glares you and your brother direct at each other, and instead contemplates your offer. He looks like he would rather do literally anything else, but a quick glance at the antique clock your father keeps over your fireplace confirms he doesn’t really have a choice.
With a promise to Jimin that you will be doling out consequences when you get back, you and Hoseok hop into your car and set off for the location of his date. It’s near your campus, on the other side of the city, and it’s most definitely going to drain the power crystal supplying your magic to your car. You almost go to complain at Hoseok- magic crystals aren’t cheap, but one look at the frazzled look on his face has you shutting up. 
The car ride to the restaurant is awkward and silent. It is Hoseok who finally breaks the silence.
“Will you tell anyone?” He asks softly. You frown.
“That you’re a demon?” You ask. “I wasn’t planning to... does anyone know?”
“No. No they do not and I would love to keep it that way.” He says softly, almost timidly.
“Then I won’t tell anyone.” You answer sincerely. Hoseok doesn’t respond but you think you may hear the slightest relieved exhale from him.
The rest of the trip is silent apart from Hoseok’s occasional instruction of what lane to be in and whether to turn left or right. When you finally pull over, you don’t bid him goodbye as he scrambles out of your car, legging it for the restaurant entrance. He doesn’t even bother to shut the car door behind him. With a sigh, you prepare to leave, leaning across the console to shut the door he rudely left open. You are fully intending on never acknowledging Hoseok ever again and pretending this whole incident never happened, when something strange happens.
Hoseok makes it maybe 20 meters from you when you feel the sharpest pulling sensation on your whole being. It’s not just physical- it’s like your whole soul is being yanked on and you are jerked forcefully across the console in Hoseok’s general direction. Alarmed, you look up to find Hoseok flat on the ground like he’s tripped. Slightly concerned, you try to get out of the car, only to find yourself unable to move in that direction. But you are free to move forward, and so you clamber over the console and out of the car on the passenger’s side. 
“Hoseok!” You shout, running over to him. He sits up, looking slightly dazed like he’s just crash into a brick walls. “Are you ok?”
He glances at you, disorientated, but gradually horror dawns on his expression.
“I’m fine, I just…” He says slowly, as he tries to comprehend what just happened. “Hey… (Y/N)… What kind of summoning circle did your brother make?”
You blink, contemplating the circle that was still burned into the carpet of your living room.
“Well, off the top of my head...” you say sarcastically, before frowning. “I would say demon summoning circles aren’t exactly my area of expertise.”
Hoseok looks pained, and he glances skyward as if he’s praying for patience which is ironic given his demon origins.
“I need you to stand here, (Y/N).” He instructs you, getting slowly to his feet. “I just need to test something.”
And just like that, he is walking away from you. For a second, you think you’ve been rudely rejected, and just stare after him in disbelief. But then he comes to a halt about 20 metres away from you. His fist comes up and starts waving in the air like he is knocking on a door rather than air. Then he is hurtling towards you at full speed.
You flinch as he skids to a stop in front of you, eyes wide and panicked. He plants both hands on your shoulder. 
“Walk that way!” He pleads. “Please.”
You are confused, and for a second you want to refuse. You have no duty to this rude demon, especially when he’s been nothing but unfriendly to you for almost as long as you’ve known him. Also, he’s been deceiving you as long as you’ve known him! (Admittedly with good reasons - demons weren’t exactly accepted with society but you’re being petty now is the point)
But then you look at his desperate, pleading expression. The clock is ticking- his date could arrive any minute and something strange is going on. With a sigh, you turn around and begin to walk away from him. 
You make it about twenty metres, much like Hoseok did, before you find yourself stopped. By some sort of invisible barrier. 
Suddenly panicking, you bang your arm against it and it’s solid as a brick wall and smooth as glass. Are you… trapped? It seems to be a moving barrier, and it seems to affect Hoseok as well… what on earth did that summoning circle do? Horrified, you whirl back to where Hoseok is standing 20 metres away only to find him talking to a girl you recognise as always being around him when you happen to see him around campus. He catches your eyes over her shoulder and even at this distance you know his gaze is just as desperate and pleading. Slowly, he turns, as if to walk away, and just pauses, waiting for your answer to his silent request. You glance down at your attire, before glancing at the restaurant. You’re wearing jeans and a tshirt, not exactly appropriate for the fancy restaurant.
Hoseok is beginning to panic, and you sigh as you realise there’s really only one way out of this, for now. 
Looks like you’re sitting in on Hoseok’s date.
“He was supposed to be here an hour ago.” You say forlornly, staring at the two dishes set in front of you. Yours is half eaten but the other is untouched and has long gone cold. “He said it was really important.”
The waitress and waiter standing beside you let our devastated sounds of sympathy.
“You poor thing! Have you tried calling him?” The waiter asks. You nod your head sadly and you’re so into your lie that your eyes began to tear up. 
“I did- it went straight to voicemail! I even thought about casting a location spell but I couldn’t betray his trust like that.” You nearly sob. The waitress is near crying on your behalf.
You aren’t sure how your lie got elaborate enough that you ended up ordering a second dish to keep up the ruse. It started because you were too confused and embarrassed to admit the truth- that you’re stuck here like a fool until Hoseok’s date finishes and you didn’t want people thinking you were a loser who came to fancy restaurants by yourself in a tshirt and jeans. You aren’t sure why it is such an important date but Hoseok sure seems nervous. So far he’s spilled a glass of wine on his lap, stabbed himself with a fork and his date is slowly getting more and more agitated. You shoot a glance at him to see he’s holding a napkin to his hand, trying to stop the bleeding. You wonder if you should wonder over and offer to heal him but his girlfriend may recognise you from around campus and ask questions.
Not that you seem to have a problem at lying when asked too many questions! The waiter, so sympathetic to your lie, has summoned a dessert from the kitchen and levitated it onto your table.
“It’s on the house- the chef here got left at the alter and is super sensitive to when people get stood up.” He tells you seriously. “Do you want me to pack this for you?” 
Panicking, you deliberate for a second. You can’t leave once it’s packed! You’re stuck here until Hoseok finishes his important date. A glance at his table confirms that it’s getting steadily more disastrous- he’s accidentally sent a piece of steak flying right into the eye of the cyclops who is serving their table. Gritting your teeth with second hand embarrassment, you summon your highschool drama skills from deep within.
“I’d love if you could pack it... but do you think I could wait a little longer? He might still show up! I thought... I really thought tonight was the night, you know?” You stay, and the tears of humiliation are real this time- but just because you’re so embarrassed that you’ve taken the lie this far, rather than having thought your imaginary boyfriend has been about to propose.
The fairy waitress shakes her head.
“No way, girl, I’m making an executive decision.” She says, planting her hands on her hips and fluttering her wings indignantly. “You’re going home! What’s the use in waiting around for a useless guy who doesn’t have the decency to call?” 
She waves her hand, and the bill appears- you panic, swiping your magic signature across it. In the next moment, she’s pushing you out of the restaurant, your takeaway dish levitating behind the two of you. 
“W-wait!” You protest, coming up against the barrier that stops you from going home at the entrance to the restaurant. “Y-you’re right! I... I just have to call my lift home. I’m just gonna wait here.” The waitress pauses, giving you a soft, concerned expression, before acquiescing and leaving you to stand pathetically at the entrance.
It is because you are waiting outside by yourself hoping Hoseok’s date will end soon that you bear witness to the scene that follows. You’ve probably been milling outside, grateful for the warm evening, for a half hour when Hoseok’s gorgeous elf girlfriend comes racing out of the restaurant looking like she’s on the verge of vomiting. 
Hoseok comes skidding our behind her, his eyes pleading and desperate. The top button of his shirt is undone, exposing the dreaded brand on his skin.
“Wait!” He cries, grasping at her hands and tugging her towards him. She flinches, looking horrified.
“Let go!” She screeches. There’s no one on the street but you, but you’re kind of huddled in the shelter of a stone pillar, so she doesn’t seem to have noticed you. “Don’t touch me!”
“I thought you loved me!” Hoseok cries, still gripping her hand. “Were you lying? Does my species change how you feel about me?”
“I don’t know!” She exclaims. “I didn’t know you were one of those when I said that!”
Hoseok drops her hand like she’s burned him, his eyes going wide with hurt. 
“Y-you don’t mean that.” He says softly, though his eyes fill with tears. You wonder if you should leave to give them some privacy but you’d be lying if you said that the drama scene unfolding on the street in front of you wasn’t entertaining, as awful as a person as that makes you. “I... I love you.”
She scoffs, and her next words suddenly make the scene less entertaining. 
“Can demons even feel love?” She asks scathingly. “You don’t have to worry about your secret- I won’t tell anyone. I don’t want anyone knowing I was dating one of your kind. Goodbye, Hoseok.”
Your heart actually breaks a little for him as he just gapes after her, frozen in his hurt and pain. Finally, he turns slowly and sees you standing stupidly in the street. He glares.
“Did you enjoy the show?” He asks coldly. You shake your head. 
“Hoseok...” you say slowly, though you haven’t the foggiest idea how you could comfort him. His demeanour softens just the slightest bit.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude… I just… today was our one-year anniversary.” He admits softly. “I thought I could tell her what I was and that she loved me enough to accept me... but I... but I...”
His voice cracks and hesitantly you raised a hand to comfortingly rub along his shoulders. He clears his throat and sighs heavily.
“We’re stuck together, by the way. That’s what that barrier is.” He informs you. “Your brother performed a binding circle and so we are stuck like this until we figure out how to undo it. Its called ‘soul-binding’ and no, I do not know how to undo it. And thank you for sitting in on dinner. That was… nice. Not a lot of people would have put up with what you have tonight.”
He just stares forlornly in the direction his date left in after that, and you only pluck up the courage to speak to him when the silence becomes too much to bare for you.
“Hey… Why don’t we go home and we can sort out this whole mess in the morning?” You suggest, ushering the heartbroken demon into your car. “We’ll stop off at yours and you can grab some stuff. We have a spare bedroom. You can sleep off whatever just happened and we’ll deal with everything then, ok?”
The car ride back to your house is silent. When you arrive at his place he doesn’t say a word- he lives out of home in an apartment by himself and so there’s no one for him to answer to or speak to or inform about his unusual predicament. He just gets out of the car and returns with a duffle bag and some sunglasses. You almost ask what the sunglasses are for, especially when he puts them on. It is, after all, the middle of the night. But then you spot the tears that trickle down Hoseok’s cheeks the whole way and you realise why he’s wearing them.
You choose not to say anything.
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beedalee · 6 years
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💓 Ceres Hime  [SOLD!] A snooty prep and head cheerleader- though she's quite dainty and vain, she can pack a punch and isn't afraid of being confrontational. Though she does enjoy her superpowers and the thrill of transforming, she keeps her magical girl identity a closely guarded secret.
💓 Daughter of Athena  [SOLD!] A workaholic who- after discovering her destiny as a magical warrior- religiously works out to maintain even higher endurance when she transforms. Some find her stiff and humorless at first, but those close to her know her kinder, warmer side- and how her difficult childhood drives her to protect people who can't protect themselves.
💓 Autumn Dash  [SOLD!] A bit of a lazy kid despite being an active member in a sport team- they crave socializing like air, with a bright and puppy-like personality. They're prone to slacking off on homework and responsibilities, and buckle under pressure or heavy emotions fairly easily- but are deeply loyal as a friend.
🔥 Row 2 ALL HOMED! 💓
💓 Poison Topaz  [ SOLD! ] A mysterious girl under villain possession, she's brazen and manipulative; not afraid to play dirty and turn a team against each other to further her goals. Toying with people is a fun game. No one knows what her magical girl form was prior to this, not even herself- or if she can be saved...
💓 Brightlight  [ SOLD! ] This magical girl has a more super heroine flare to her, growing up with idols like wonder woman. Though her magical persona is bright, heroic, and kind-- her true identity is more grumpy and high-strung. She's a committed and outspoken activist and tired college student.
💓 Sunrise Shot  [SOLD!] Serving in the military has hardened them significantly, preferring the countryside with only the company of animals. They have a significant southern drawl and a very intimidating aura, but not many have gotten close enough to see if it's all a front or if they're hardened to the core.
🔥 Row 3 ALL HOMED!  💓
💓 Guardian Lion  [SOLD!] A studious girl whose family immigrated from China, she's highly independent, smart, and not interested in making friends initially, untrusting of others motives. Her magical girl form is inspired by the protective Chinese Guardian Lions statues, so her magic is very defensive and tanky.   
💓 Sunflower Sprite  [SOLD!] A hyper book nerd with a smart mouth and lot to say! She's bubbly and excitable unlike your average bookworm, and is prone to seeming like a know-it-all and bossy even if she's quite short, petite, and typically the youngest among her friends. She loves documentaries and monkeys.
💓 Sweet Punch  [SOLD!] A stylish city girl, Sweet Punch is a sharp witted big sister type. She likes keeping up with fashion trends and hair styling is a big hobby of hers. She's confident and has taken self defense and martial arts classes previously, and uses that knowledge in her magical girl form, where she combines it with her electricity powers.
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Hello there loves 🌸
As always, please feel free to request anything for this AU and give suggestions. If you want to know anything about Nova, feel free to do that too! I would like to hear your opinions about should happen! Currently, all the scenarios are only about major events that had to happen before debut, but please if you have an idea for some random scenario let me know! :)  xx
btw. I’m so bad with titles, omg
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▸ Request for the AU HERE
Words: 1420 
Warnings: Swearing probably ⎮ As always weird grammar and spelling mistakes, English is not my native language⎮
Summary: Stray Kids moving into their new dorm (Basically the 1st ep., but I did change a bit what happened) At the very end it’s like really sappy, lol I’m sorry
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(gif not mine)
It was mid-October, thus also the beginning of Star Kids road to debut through the survival show. Which also meant, all of them would move into a dorm together, making so another step on officially being a group. 
To be honest, Nova was at first not really excited about moving together. Not because she disliked being around the boys, quite the opposite actually. Over the course of the past month, they grew on her and she felt somewhat protective over them. Especially the youngest two, Jeongin and Seungmin. Probably because she always wanted a younger sibling. She did have her younger cousins, which Nova loved to tease and shower them with love, but at home, she has always been the youngest. It did have its advantages to be youngest - her older brothers, despite their constant mocking, loved to spoil her since she was the baby of the family. 
Despite her growing fond of the boys, she was kind of skeptical on moving in with nine guys. Since she was little, she has been around more guys than girls, so her feeling uncomfortable about living with them wasn’t the issue, more she was worried that it would start rumors. She knew how the Internet ticked, more than often they would take something seemingly innocent and turn it into a massive scandal by making stuff up and blowing everything out of proportion. But then again, Nova probably was only overthinking it. Surly did the fans know that there was nothing but friendship between them. 
„Man woah, it’s pretty and it doesn’t smell bad,“ Nova called out, as she stepped in their new dorm for the first time and looked around the still empty room. It smelled of fresh paint and cleaning agents, apparently, the dorm has been renovated not long ago. 
„What kind of hellhole did you use to live in?“ Felix asked, chuckling about her stunned expression and letting his multiple plush toys drop on the floor for the reason that he wasn’t able to hold them anymore. „It wasn’t bad for a 500 thousand won a month apartment in the city center.“ Remembering back to her old apartment where she moved in at the beginning this year and where it always smelled musty and mold grew uncontrollable the corners. 
 „This, however,“ she made a sweeping gesture, „is another level. I kind of regret now that I for a second was contemplating on not moving in.“      
„Excuse me?“ Jisung said, pretending to be offended. „Only because I don’t want to deal with you 24/7, it’s enough that I see you at the company every day.“ Playfully she stuck her tongue out at him, whereby she immediately had to duck herself, because Jisung threw his pillow at her, which he took with him from the boy's old dorm.  
Chan, who just stepped out of one the bedrooms, watched the scenario with raised eyebrows and could only shake his head at them. He still sometimes found himself confused about their friendship, but decided to not further question it and let them be. 
„My mum sent me snacks,“ Chan interrupted their play-fight, holding up a cookie package, „in case you two want too.“ Jisung immediately let go of her and rushed to the other room, where the other guys were already devouring the snacks. Nova, however, awkwardly remained standing in the middle of the living room. She was trying to watch her waistline, now, they were appearing on TV. „Cookie?“ Chan offered her and held out the package. „No thank you.“ She refused, giving him a slight smile and then left to join the others.
„Let’s now decide who is with who in a room,” Chan said loudly, as he stepped in after Nova. “So, who wants to be roommates?“                                       ”Nova, Jeongin and I,“ Jisung immediately said with his mouth full with crisps. „Oh please not,“ Jeongin groaned quietly to himself, even though he liked them a lot, only imaging to be around them and their constant bickering all the time gave him a headache.  
„Let’s not put you two,“ Chan pointed at Nova and Jisung, „in the same room. It’s just going to be living hell for whoever has to be with you in a room.“     Jisung softly elbowed Nova in her side to get her attention and whispered, „Maybe it’s really better if we aren’t in a room together. After a week, I would probably want to strangle you.“ Nova snorted, trying to kick him, which Jisung avoided by taking a step back, quietly giggling about her clumsy attempt. „Likewise.“
In the end, they decided that Chan and Changbin get the two people room, in the room for four people were now Felix, Minho, Nova, and Jeongin and in that third room, Jisung, Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Woojin. Putting Jisung, Seungmin, and Hyunjin in the same room didn’t seem very safe. Nova could already imagine the disaster that’s going to happen. Maybe Woojin will keep it under control, he was after all the oldest in the group. 
After they settle that, they decided to split up into two groups, one that was responsible for preparing dinner, while the other group set up the furniture for the living area. Nova joined Hyunjin, Changbin, and Minho to go to the convenience store since she wasn’t good with her hands. 
„Oh Tteokbokki,“ Minho said abruptly, and picked up rice cakes from the shelf in a convenience store, „Let’s do Tteokbokki!“                                              „Does anyone of us actually know how to cook?“ Hyunjin asked, looking at the others. „In my old apartment, I haven’t used the stove once,“ Nova confessed with a blank expression, which made the guys laugh.                                  „Don’t tell me you only ate microwavable food,“ Minho asked. Guilty she grinned at him. „That’s so unhealthy!“ Minho exclaimed and laid an arm around her, „Oppa is going to make sure that you are eating properly from now on!“ 
Since Nova was added to Stray Kids, Minho tried to make her call him Oppa, but which she stubbornly refused.
 „Anyway, you can trust me. I know how to do it.“ Minho let go of Nova and put five servings of Tteokbokki sauce into the basket. „Do you really think that he knows what he’s doing?“ Changbin whispered, glancing at his Hyung with doubt. Nova shrugged with her shoulders, as in, they have to wait and see. 
„We should take eggs too. Seungnimie loves eggs.“ Hyunjin announced, holding up an egg carton. „We could get soft drinks too, if we have enough money“ Nova suggested, looking at Minho since he was in charge about paying. „Yeah go ahead, choose something,“ he replied. 
She quickly searched between the aisle for the drinks and ended up choosing Sprite and Coke, for the simple reason that she knew that the guys liked them the best. 
Later, when they returned to the dorm, the four of them began preparing the Tteokbokki, while the others were still struggling to set up the table. Minho took charge and assigned Nova to cut the vegetables. She wanted to grab the big knife but Minho snatched it away from her and instead handed her the small knife.
 „Please give me the other knife, I can’t properly cut anything with that,“ she said, holding up the little knife with the green plastic handle. „No, you are going to cut yourself,“ Minho responded, pushing the vegetables over to her and giving her apologetic smile since he knew that Nova hated it when other treat her like a child. „I will not,“ she frowned. Even though she knew that Minho only meant it well, she couldn’t help but feel slightly offended. 
Hyunjin, who was busy stuffing his face with cheese mumbled with his mouth full. „Yesterday, you cut yourself while opening a can.“ He pointed at the plaster on her finger and then turned his attention back to the cheese. 
Nova didn’t respond anything to that, instead, she began to cut the vegetables while uttering English swear words under her breath, as Changbin and Minho watched the whole situation amused. 
Somehow they managed to cook something edible without burning the whole kitchen down, Minho did after all know how to cook. They ate together on the floor in the living room, using one of the cartoons as a table, happily chatting with each other. It was the first time they all had a meal together and as they sat so together, the ten of them, Nova for the first time felt like she really was now a part of Stray Kids. 
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monsterrates · 6 years
Vlad III (Fate/Apocrypha)
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It’s Sunday night and I am very Tired, so one more review I don’t have to research for and I’ll get back to filling requests on Monday. Those of you not familiar with Fate/Apocrypha’s rendition of Vlad the Impaler, Buckle Up, because there’s some fucking Discussion to be had.
INTRODUCTION: This monster is the spirit of Vlad Tepes, summoned into the “Lancer” class, (Or “Berserker” class in Grand Order) based on his legendary intimidation technique of impaling defeated enemies heads on spikes.
PROS: ♥ I’ll get to the actual monster qualifications in a moment, but as far as vampires go, Vlad really is rocking some pale skin and the pale blond hair with dark shadows around his eyes really ties the whole look of “what the fuck is the sun” together. I’m actually not sure if he even has that weakness but he may as well. ♥ Now, the real Vlad was inarguably a harsh ruler, but most modern Romanian historians consider him a great ruler, whose cruel acts were often done for the sake of the country. He definitely wasn’t a vampire, and the fact that this fictionalization of him hates how his spirit has become tied to that myth is honestly super interesting and Fate/ should work more with the idea that some servant may feel weird about the myths about them, since it influences how they’re summoned. (Even though this openly contradicts other lore, whatever, this series is a clusterfuck anyway) So, rather than being some Dracula stereotype, Vlad is actually a wise leader with a good mind for tactics and a talent for sewing, apparently. (He allegedly made Elizabeth Bathory’s Halloween costume. Fans took to calling him “Uncle Vlad” in response.) In Apocrypha specifically, Vlad very much prefers to stick with his actual exploits as the Prince of Wallachia. I’ll leave off with this image of him ripping Bram Stoker’s Dracula in half.
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♥ That said, if this entry is to continue, we need to talk about the stuff that qualifies him to be on this blog. That is to say, his Noble Phantasm, “Legend of Dracula,” seen above. Invoking this legend causes Vlad to transform into this.... well, bat man. To be honest, I’m actually not as big on fangs as I am a whole mouth of sharp teeth, but they ARE still sharp teeth, and I appreciate that it’s the bottom canines as well as the tops. ♥ The.... the ears.... they aren’t cool at all but I fucking love them because it really is what makes him look like a bat. Or maybe a WoW character. Either is fine. ♥ He SEEMED to get REALL BIG when this happened which is honestly the best part about this form. He just got real big and fluttery, I’m honestly not sure if he even had wings because he was mostly just this cartoonish face, a mass of swishy blackness, and blood splatter. Which is honestly pretty good and I can’t complain. ♥ Vlad assuming this form not only gave me the very Father/Son interraction of Chiron knocking Achilles out of danger and Achilles being ungrateful about it, but also Shirou’s use of Baptism Rite, and I am honestly a sucker for Fate/’s long form incantations. They are a bunch of nonsense but they always sound so cool. ♥ The fact that Vampire Vlad’s attacks seem to make blood spurt everywhere seems functionally impractical, but aesthetically it’s much better than NOT doing that. Uncle Vlad is a fashionable guy, he clearly knows what’s up.
CONS: ♥ As is becoming tradition, I’ll lead off noting that his USUAL form isn’t monstery at all, but honestly, this is a time I’m glad for it, because his vampire form is Very Silly looking, honestly. ♥ I’m all for fully red eyes, but like, with at least pupils intact. Glowing red eyes like this lose a lot of expression, and I can’t love him properly if I can’t feel his feelings. Another point against Vampire Vlad ♥ Staying vague for spoilers reasons, Darnic is heavily involved in the invoking of vampire Vlad, and he is a terrible bad man who works with Nazis, so I refuse to condone anything he does. Especially because, as I said, Vlad HATES this noble phantasm and had to be forced to use it. ♥ They changed his class to Berserker in Grand Order but didn’t change his design or personality, so now everything is just confusing. I suspect it was done to make him more differentiated from the Vlad III in Fate/Extra, but given that that one’s more overtly vampiric and rowdy, why couldn’t he have been Berserker? Uncle Vlad’s the one HOLDING A LANCE IN HIS SPRITE. ♥ Apocrypha anime had the audacity to show me this image and I almost died at the jarring juxtaposition of the actual clothes Vlad would have worn and his stupid anime bullshit design
RATINGS: MONSTRUOUSNESS: 2/10 Even with his batlike vampire design, it’s just not that monstery. But that’s just fine, he’d be happier with a low score.
FUCKABILITY: 7/10 Uncle Vlad may actually be the most fuckable of the older gentlemen in Grand Order. Shinjuku Archer is handsomer, but he is a bastard, whereas Uncle Vlad might knit you a nice sweater. (Disclaimer: I adore Shinjuku Archer, but that doesn’t change the fact that he is a bastard.)
PERSONAL RATING: 8.5/10 He may not be great at being a monster, but he’s by far the most interesting take on “Dracula” that I’ve seen. I am always a big fan of the way that Fate/ takes a lot of villains/monsters of history and looks at them through a more empathetic lens. (See also: Asterios, Medusa, and Elizabeth Bathory who, watch this space for HER review.)
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safyresky · 7 years
Fusion AU Part I: The History
Part I: The History | Part II: When Elle Met Berline | Part III: The Bernelle Bit | Part IV: The Triumphant Return of Jackie Frost
I finally sat down and decided to begin writing this 3 4 part AU series! Part 1 establishes the history of fusion in the Crystal Springs universe, and lays the groundwork for Fusion AU Part II >:D. It starts with history, briefly goes through the pre-CS timeline (including the Ultimate Jackie Frost), and ends with Berline, which is about everything I need to establish before starting the second part. I hope you all enjoy it!! I’ve been enjoying it immensely ;)
It was whispered of outside of the fae community; a special magic that only the fae could perform. When two or more fae combined their forms to create an even bigger fae.
That’s how the other magical folk saw it, of course; the fae themselves however had a very different view of it, being the ones who could fuse.
And each fraction of the fae had very differing views to fusion, of course.
Faeries were of the mind that fusion was above them; they would only fuse with other faeries and refused to even fathom the thought of fusing with their cousins. They turned their noses up to it.
Pixies were neutral. Yes, they could fuse. Sure, they would fuse if they felt like it or felt the need to arise--the latter of which happened very rarely, according to history. A history the Pixies were eventually lost to.
The original Elves viewed fusion as a tactic in battle; a very important tactic used to strengthen themselves in battle. Outside of battle, they very rarely fused, though it was not frowned upon. When the Warrior Elves changed their society and their descendants became the Christmas Elves, “a very important tactic” became “something we do if there is an emergency” which, considering Christmas, happened incredibly rarely. Dangerous errands happened once every so often and normally, Santa’s Head Elf could handle it just fine on his own, thank you very much.
Last of the fae we have the Sprites. The Sprites have always been the odd fae out; powerful in their own right, they have one downfall: Sprites are incredibly sensitive to emotions. Naturally with this disposition, Sprites shared the view amongst themselves that fusion was something special. It was the physical manifestation of the bond between two or more Sprites and thus, Sprites were always fairly relaxed about it, some choosing to stay fused permanently.
The differing views on fusion amongst the fae perhaps had something to do with what came to be known as the Fae War. A War that went too far, resulting in the extinction of the pixies, the change in Elven society, and what is known now as The Call--the call that ended the war. All of the fae involved in the war were removed to Rosehaven, a different plane which would house the magical folk who later would choose to retire or be injured enough to result in a “death”. This was mostly composed of Sprites, with a few fae scattered here and there and may be where the Warrior Elves disappeared to as well, though to this day it’s unknown.
The Call came and went. And Fusion became something of myth; of lore.
Or so it was thought. Years after The Call, decades after Mother Nature found the Seasons and brought them together, she found out in quite an interesting way that these new sprites were still very capable of fusion.
She didn’t think she would have to talk to the girls about fusion, but when she walked into the main garden one evening she was met with two adult-sized sprites fighting right in front of her.
“What is going on here?” she demanded, in a voice she hoped would snap the two fusions in front of her out of their fight.
Sure enough, they both turned around and stared at her. Judging by the looks, Mother Nature assumed that Spring and Summer had fused and were having it out with a fusion that must have been Winter and Autumn.
“Spring and Summer started making fun of us for being colder!” Winter and Autumn shouted. Wintumn? No, Autumnter. It sounded better to Mother Nature. 
“They’ve been encroaching on our territory!” Spring and Summer said. Spummer? Sprimmer? Mother Nature couldn’t figure out their name. Perhaps they wouldn’t mind the name Sunny; that seemed to encompass their fusion well enough--she was very tall and very, very warm.
“The four of you know full well that the Centre of the Garden is neutral territory, for starters. There should be no fighting here, especially not fighting using fusion! What are you four, elves?”
“Evles?” Sunny asked.
“Fusion?” Autumnter said. “Is that what this is?”
“But that’s just a story,” Autumn’s voice said.
“We fused?” Winter’s voice said, confused.
A bright light, and suddenly Autumn and Winter sat on the floor, looking at each other in awe.
“Wait, what?” Sunny shouted. She backed up a step, disappearing in an even brighter light and leaving Spring and Summer standing beside each other, equally as in awe.
“It looks like I’ll have to have the fusion talk with the four of you today. I never thought this would happen,” she mumbled the last bit to herself. “Come on girls, let’s have lunch, a lesson, and then resolve this territory issue.
Mother Nature’s fusion talk proved to teach the Seasons something very, very important. After that day, the girls respected each other a lot more, and not once fused to fight with each other.
Though nowadays, she often saw all six of their fusions at any time. War had once again befallen Crystal Springs; a Civil War, between the two twin heirs to the throne.
Pyros had grown into believing that he was the one who would rule; but his nature was unfortunately evil. Once Mother Nature would have said it was perhaps a bit aggressive, but this war that had stretched on for nearly one thousand years now and Pyros had started it.
Blaise, of course, hadn’t thought it would happen until it happened. And even then, he still tried to talk to his brother; to reason with him.
But Pyros was beyond reasoning now. The Millennium War had stretched on and now Mother Nature was very, very angry. She loved seeing her daughters fused with each other, getting along--it’s exactly what Mother Gaia had intended when she exhumed the old system of balance and prepared this new one for Mother Nature to head. She did not like seeing them fused and forced to fight a War that had gone on for too long.
And when Pyros captured the four of them, it had been the last straw.
She felt no remorse for what was happening to Pyros now. She stood silently with the bulk of Blaise’s army, watching as what Mother Nature could only assume was the fusion of Blaise and Winter froze him solid.
The War ended, the years passed, and Blaise and Winter appeared to be spending a lot of time together. It wasn’t uncommon to see whom the girls began to call Blinter sitting in the garden, silently smiling. 
It was hard to believe that this was the same fusion that had ended Pyros’ war so mercilessly. 
And it did Mother Nature’s heart good to see two sprites fused they way fusion was suppose to be. Not to fight, but to be together. 
It was good. They were good.
To nobody’s surprise, Blaise and Winter got married and Mother Nature saw one of her children leave the sort of proverbial nest. It was bittersweet; she was happy to see them happy, happy to see Winter thawed again, a merry blush on her face as she and Blaise had danced together the night of their wedding. She was also very sad to see one of her children move out. Mother Nature never would have expected that to happen. (It did prepare her for when her other daughters decided to move out, though).
Blaise and Winter lived together happily, eventually having a child. They named him Jack, and Winter was pleased to learn that he took after her own elemental alignment; Blaise’s pride was only a little wounded.
They didn’t fuse much once Jack was born. He proved to be quite the handful growing up. It wasn’t long before he entered his late thousands and both Blaise and Winter noticed that he had a bit of a concerning bad streak going. It didn’t stop them from being proud when he became Legendary, and secured a seat for himself on the Council of Legendary Figures.
But it was concerning.
Both recalled a curse Pyros had uttered as the two of them, as Blinter, had defeated him finally. Blaise chalked it up to a coincidence; Winter was sure it was coming true but tried not to show it.
Things were tense; but then, along came Jacqueline. Jack had been so shocked to have a younger sibling that his bad streak had frozen (pun intended) for the time being. He made sure to always be there for his sister, proclaiming loudly to his parents that he would gladly take her under his wing and teach her everything he knew, power wise.
“If she takes after you and your Mother,” Blaise had said.
“Hmm,” Winter said, a small smile on her face because she could feel it--Jacqueline was a winter sprite as well.
She was right, of course; Blaise’s pride was once again only a little wounded.
Jacqueline was a handful herself, but not in the same way her brother had been. She was always giggles and running about. It wouldn’t have been a normal day if one of the three Frosts hadn’t tripped over her once or twice. 
When she was about two hundred or so, Winter decided it was time to teach Jacqueline how to use her powers properly when she walked into the house one day and found the foyer frozen solid, with a giggly Jacqueline sliding around on her belly and Blaise’s feet frozen in place as he tried to gently thaw the ice around him.
Jack was ecstatic when he returned home later that day to hear Winter’s decision (and have a temporary ice rink in the front of the house). He immediately began teaching Jacqueline and both parents were pleased with how it was going. Jack proved to be a good mentor and Jacqueline seemed to be doing wonders to Jack’s bad streak.
It wasn’t long before Jacqueline was making flurries all over the yard; she was progressing fast and Jack was very excited. It was nice to have someone show him appreciation and believe in him. Every time Jacqueline said he was a good teacher, he grinned. More so when his parents expressed their joy at it too. 
One evening, Jack was showing Jacqueline how to make icicles. And that’s when it happened.
“Look Jacqueline, it’s very easy. Watch me closely this time, okay?”
Jacqueline nodded, staring intently at Jack’s hands. She took note of every movement he made, and watched how he formed the icicle.
“Okay! I got it this time!” she said. Looking down at her hands, she willed the icicle to appear, and grinned as her hands turned blue. The tube of ice formed and Jacqueline carefully grabbed it with her free hand. She screamed. “I did it!” she said, showing Jack the very small icicle.
“You did! You did it!” Jack said, also excited. Jacqueline danced around laughing throwing her very tiny (and fairly dull) icicles around the backyard. Jack laughed as well, picking up his sister and swinging her around, both of them laughing when suddenly, they were gone.
“What?” Jack said. “Jacqueline! where are you?” 
“Where are you?” Jacqueline asked, fearful.
“Where are we?” A new voice said. They looked down at their hands. And their feet. They stood up. “What?”
A part of this new person waved their hand, a piece of reflective ice appearing in front of them. Carefully, they crawled towards it, peaking at the mirror.
One face looked back, with crazy hair, four eyes, and a much smaller nose than usual. Or bigger? I guess that depends on which part of me is looking, they thought.
“Jack, Jacqueline? Everything alright out here--oh my.” 
“Mom! What happened to us?”
Winter stood on the porch, looking up at what she presumed was the fusion of her two children. “I believe you two have fused.”
“Fused? Like in the stories Dad tells?”
Winter put a finger in front of her lips, staring at her kids. Or rather, kid, currently.
“But that doesn’t make sense,” they said. “Fusion is a story, it’s lore. Isn’t it?”
“Not quite. What’s your name?”
“Jackie Frost,” the fusion replied right away. Then they grinned. “The ultimate Jackie Frost!” they started laughing, then briefly stopped. “How do I know that?”
“When you fuse with someone, you become a new person. And that new person usually knows their name. Usually. Hmm,” Winter said, watching as Jackie Frost laughed and began running around. “I think it’s time I had a talk with you. Let’s have some cocoa, dear,” Winter said, walking inside.
The Ultimate Jackie Frost laughed again, rushing inside behind their Mother.
Jackie Frost stuck around for a few days. They were more or less harmless, though the backyard appeared to be semi-permanently covered in a few feet of snow. They spent most of the time jumping in the snow piles and running around, occasionally stopping to learn something new.
Three days later Jack walked in, carrying a passed out and snoring Jacqueline.
“She passed out while fused. That was...an experience. Have you seen my shoes Mom? I was wearing some before Jackie appeared.”
They didn’t find the shoes until the snow melted in the Spring.
It wasn’t odd to see Jackie Frost bouncing around the backyard for the next century. But they began to appear less and less as the century went on.
When asked why Jackie wasn’t around as much, Jack shrugged. “I dunno,” he’d say. Then disappear for days on end.
When asked the same question, Jacqueline, now in her 400s, looked sad. “I don’t like hearing Jack’s thoughts,” she would simply say.
The Legate Law was passed, and Jacqueline became an official Legate to Legendary Figure Jack Frost.
That was the last time Blaise and Winter saw Jackie Frost.
Twenty-six years later, Jack left the family, leaving his parents injured, the continent trapped in an endless ice storm, and his sister bleeding at the front gate.
Jackie Frost was never seen again.
And Jacqueline never used icicles again.
Sometime in the 17th century, Bernard found himself sneaking through a hunting lodge on the hunt for something very, very important for Santa.
This Santa’s younger brother had taken possession of the deed to the house that Santa’s wife and children lived in. He was holding it over Santa’s head, using it to attempt to get him to step down. So Santa had sent Bernard out to Clifton Manor to retrieve the deed.
“How will that stop your brother, Santa?” Bernard had asked. “Wouldn’t it be better to just bring your family here?”
“They don’t like living here permanently Bernard, and I would much rather they be happy, even if it means they are not with me all the time.”
“Right,” Bernard had said, disagreeing still. How could someone not be happy in Elfsburg? The place was constantly cheerful.
Nonetheless, Bernard had agreed to go and find the deed. While there, Bernard had also decided to find as much proof as he could to prove to the authorities that James Clifton was endangering the family. Santa may be happy with just the deed, but Bernard wouldn’t be happy until he knew that this jerk was behind bars.
So he had done his research and tracked the guy to a hunting lodge he called Clifton Manor, seeing as how he was now the person who held all of the estates of the Clifton family.
Bernard had hoped this would be smooth sailing but when he poofed in and began looking around, he realized that the wall guns were, in fact, fully functioning muskets and he was very, very concerned.
Thankfully for the time, James Clifton seemed to be occupied in a parlour with a group of men. This left the office free for him to pick through for a decent amount of time, he guessed.
As long as he remained quiet.
A sudden chill engulfed him and he shivered as Jacqueline Frost appeared at his side, looking incredibly angry.
“Bernard, holy frost,” she almost shouted. “He did that!”
“Oh, sorry,” the sprite whispered. “Where are we?”
“We’re in a hunting lodge. Santa’s brother has taken the deed to his family’s house and is threatening his wife and kids with it. I need to find it and bring it back to Santa.”
“Okay, so why are we quiet? Place looks pretty deserted to me.”
“The walls are full of functional rifles and a group of men who I presume know how to use those rifles are two rooms away and we are trespassing.”
“Right, quiet it is then,” Jacqueline said, still steamed.
“Look, I don’t mind the company really. Especially since it’s been a while since I’ve seen you. If you can keep it down, I’ll gladly listen to what’s got your snow in a drift. Can you promise me you’ll keep it down?”
Jacqueline nodded. “Absolutely.”
“Good. Now who did what?”
“Jack! He did that!”
“You’ll have to be more specific, Jacqueline.”
“He left us, Bernard. And he stabbed me! And I don’t even know if it was intentional or not!!”
“Okay,” Bernard said, quietly pulling out the chair and sitting in the desk. “I think you may have to be a bit more specific, kid.”
Jacqueline made a low sound in her throat and sat in the seat across from Bernard. “All this time I’ve been away from my family because I thought it was my fault that Dad was mad. That Mom is so sad. That she looks at me like she’s afraid, or disappointed. I’ve been trying to find myself and make myself my own person, y’know?”
Bernard nodded. 
“But I realized today that it wasn’t my fault! It’s Jack’s fault!” she got up angrily, her petticoat swishing quietly. “He hurt Mom and Dad, nearly killed me, and left the family! It’s his fault this all happened!”
“Volume, Jacqueline,” Bernard said, skimming through some documents. 
“Sorry,” she said, running her hands through her her. Pins went flying as the brown hair turned white and lay loose over her shoulders. “Goddess, these pins are a nightmare. I’m getting really tired of all these layers. And corsets, man they are tight,” she grumbled.
“So what made you come to this realization tonight?” Bernard asked. “And you could always not wear a corset.”
“You know me, I’m fond of the aristocracy. Their endless drama is hilarious. They’ll notice if I’m not wearing a corset. I try to have it done up fairly loose though, but it really hurts the sides either way.”
“I can imagine.”
“As for the latter question, I was at a ball listening to one of the ladies who was also having brother trouble. And while listening I realized that he was the reason everything is the way it is! Not me! And I’m so mad at myself for not realizing this sooner and I’m angry at everyone else for not realizing the exact same thing!”
“Volume, Jacqueline.”
“Right, sorry,” she said. She took a deep breath in and sat back down on her chair. Her pacing was bound to irritate the elf soon enough. “I swear to God Bernard, the next time I see Jack, if I ever see him again, I’m going to kick his arse.”
Bernard snorted. “I look forward to it.”
She sighed, anger aside for the time being. “Have you found what you’re looking for yet?”
“Not the deed, no. These are just ledgers. It’s just...the math is off. Something is missing. I think he might be skimming from the estates.”
“Dear lord,” Jacqueline said, standing up and moving to the back of the desk, looking over Bernard’s shoulder. “That’s more than enough to get him incarcerated.”
Bernard grinned. “Exactly what I was thinking. Now I just need to find the Deed, take it, and commit these ledgers to memory.”
“Why not just take them?”
“We’re trying to be stealthy, Jacqueline.”
“Right you are, my apologies.”
“Your manner of speaking is...interesting. How long have you been running around here in London?”
Jacqueline squinted. “Twenty years perhaps? I’ve lost count.” she cleared her throat. “I’ll try to refrain from talking like the ton.”
Bernard bit back a sarcastic you’re doing a great job. “Alright,” he said. “Now we just have to find that Deed.”
“Maybe he has it in a safe somewhere? Hidden behind a bookshelf? or per--I mean, maybe a portrait?”
“You may be on to something,” Bernard said. With a thoughtful frown, he brought his hands together and a large, golden light appeared. He tossed it upwards, illuminating the whole room. “What’ve we got here,” he said getting up and looking around.
“He is very full of himself,” Jacqueline stated, looking around. “Look at all these portraits! I bet a safe is behind one of those.”
“Now is it the obvious big one of him on that horse up there? Or is it the small family portrait there?”
“My money’s on the big one,” Jacqueline said. “From what you’ve told me, family seems to be the last thing on this guy’s mind.”
“Well, let’s give it a try.”
They approached the large portrait, which was probably twice the size of the two of them. They both grabbed one side of the portrait, ready to lift it.
“On three, okay?”
Jacqueline nodded.
“One...two...three.” They heaved and the portrait moved, revealing an indent in the wall where a small metal box sat, padlocked tight. 
“Yes!” Jacqueline shouted.
“Volume!” Bernard snapped.
“Sorry!” Jacqueline said, throwing her hands up which was, in fact, a very bad idea. As her hands went up, Bernard lost his grip on his side of the painting. It rattled, falling right off the wall and landing on the floor, the tip of the frame hitting the desk and resulting in a large bang.
Both the sprite and the elf paled and glanced at each other. Their heightened hearing picked up exactly what was happening down the hall.
“What on Earth was that?”
“It came from your office, Lord Clifton.”
“Grab the firearms men!!”
“Gingersnaps!” Bernard voiced.
“I am so sorry,” Jacqueline squeaked.
“It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault entirely. We should’ve levitated the picture, this thing is huge. I’m surprised we didn’t loose our grip on it earlier.” Bernard lifted his hand, the painting shifting off of the desk and to the side. “Now we just gotta pick the lock--”
“Freeze right there!” A voice said. A group of men had arrived at the door, muskets aimed.
“What? Those are children!”
“Hey! I have berets older than you!”
“Look at their ears!”
Lord Clifton narrowed his eyes. “They’re elves.”
“Not this nonsense again.”
“My brother sent you for the deed, didn’t he?”
“Maybe,” Jacqueline said. “And who are you calling an elf? I am a sprite. My ears have a rounded point, not a pointed point!”
“Can you handle these guys?” Bernard asked. Jacqueline nodded. “Good, I’ll take care of this.”
“Step away from there!” Lord Clifton shouted.
“I’ll pass,” Bernard said dryly.
“Then you have chosen your fate,” Another man said.
“I’m afraid we’ll have to decline, gentlemen,” Jacqueline said, smoothing out her dress and shoving her hands forwards.
A barrage of ice shot out from under her, shielding herself and Bernard as the men fired. Jacqueline frosted the ice over and over, doing her best to keep the bullets at bay.
Bernard meanwhile, was having a hard time. The loudness of the shots was distracting him from trying to magic the lock open. While he had full faith in Jacqueline to defend them well enough, he kept involuntarily flinching and ducking, shielding his face. This was not going well.
“Maybe we should just teleport out and call it a day,” he said.
“But the deed!” Jacqueline replied.
“I know! I know. But I can’t concentrate on the lock. There’s too much going on.”
“Bernard, look out!” Jacqueline shouted. A bullet had made it through her ice walls and was headed towards Bernard. Thinking fast, Jacqueline pushed him down, the bullet flying over them.
“I’ve had enough of these guys,” Bernard said, starting to get angry.
“I find myself fairly like minded,” Jacqueline said, as an icy dome began to sprout around them, Jacqueline’s hand a dark blue. “Let’s finish this,” she finished, offering him her other hand. He grabbed it and pulled himself up with Jacqueline’s help--
And suddenly, there was a flash of light and he wasn’t there anymore. Nor was Jacqueline, in fact.
“What?” They both said, in a voice that was not Bernard’s and not Jacqueline’s.
“We fused,” a part of them realized.
“Well this is a dangerous situation,” they replied to...themselves. They ran a hand through their hair; it was very long, and very curly. Another hand pushed themselves up to their knees, while two more hands held their head and picked up what seemed to be Bernard’s beret. Placing it on their head, they looked into the ice and saw their reflection.
“Four arms. Wow. I’ve never had this many arms before. Wait. We can get twice as much done now! We can grab the deed and put these guys on ice.” Their eyes widened. “I can do all that.”
Grinning, Berline waited until the gunshots stopped.
“Did we get them?” one of the men asked.
“I can’t tell,” Lord Clifton replied. “There’s too much damned ice!”
“And there’s about to be a lot more, gents,” Berline said. The ice cracked and out sprung Berline. The men backed away in confusion; the...thing in front of them had two eyes, one brown, one blue...and four arms. They towered over the men, a mischievous grin on their face.
Instantly they began to fire once more, terrified.
“Ah ah ah,” Berline said. Waving one hand, the ice around them flew into the air, hovering. They pushed the hand forward and the ice coated the guns. Another hand pushed back while the third hand grabbed the chest, the fourth hand freezing it. 
“See this?” Berline asked, gesturing to the guns that were now frozen solid and high above their heads. “This is how you get on the naughty list.” They balled their hand into a fist, and the muskets were crushed, thrown into a corner.
They stepped over the portrait, pushing it back up against the wall. It was much easier to manoeuvre now that they were fused. Berline lifted one hand lazily, and the men were blown back by a ferocious north wind, flying into the adjacent room. The doors slammed shut behind them, a click signifying that they had been magically locked.
Berline snorted, bringing the chest up to their eyes and squinting at the lock. “This will be much easier now that it’s quiet.” 
They blew on the lock, their face turning blue as a layer of frost grew around the lock. Hearing the inner mechanisms freezing and shattering, Berline crushed the padlock like it was an old piece of paper, and threw it in the trash pile. The lid popped open and inside Berline found, right on top of a few other files, the Deed to Clifton Manor, where Santa’s family happily resided and would continue to do so, now that Berline had gotten their hands on it.
“You put that back,” said a menacing voice.
“Ah,” Berline said. “Clifton. You know,” Berline walked forward, squatting down to better intimidate the guy. “I was gonna freeze the chest and crush it but honestly, it would be a shame to get rid of such a lovely safe.” They placed it down on the desk, still staring at Clifton.
“You will not get away with this vandalism.”
“Ha!” Berline said, grinning. “I think I will, Lord Clifton,” they said his name mockingly, one set of arms making quotations around the word ‘Lord’. “You wanna know why? Don’t answer, that’s rhetorical and I’m gonna tell you anyway.” they paused, looking Clifton up and down. “You tell the authorities that an Elf and a Sprite broke into your house, fused, and stole what you stole from your own brother? They’ll throw you right into an asylum, pal.”
Lord Clifton was speechless, staring at the fusion, fearful.
“Oh!” Berline said, one finger up. “I almost forgot!” the arm below that arm with the finger up grabbed some documents off of his desk. “I’ll be taking these as well.” They stood up and winked, stretching. “I’ll see you where you belong, Lord Clif-ton. In prison.”
And with that, Berline disappeared in a flurry of gold sparks and snowflakes.
Explaining what had happened to Santa had been interesting, especially since Berline had stuck around for the explanation.
Santa had been overjoyed that they had gotten him the deed, and was even more impressed with the ledgers they had found. He was able to bring his brother to justice and keep the family safe.
From then on, Jacqueline tagged along on Bernard’s errands for Santa. Just in case things took a turn for the worse.
Which happened quite sooner than Bernard had thought.
(HA! FINISHED! I’m so excited with this though it did get lengthy! I hope you guys love Berline bc I love them. And Jackie Frost! Thus we have the introduction to the fusion AU. up next: Fusion AU Part II: The Bernelle Bit ;D
Also I accidentally wrote the canon Clifton Manor Incident. Now you guys know what that was about! ;P)
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tumblunni · 7 years
uuuugh i was so pissed about the lame pokemon announcement that i stayed up an extra 2 hours  anyway getting pissed at rpgmaker glitches but at least now i feel semi accomplished that I finally figured out the stupid glitch I’d been struggling on forever! its really hard to figure out how the system’s logic works, especially when sometimes stuff changes processing order between versions/updates/different situations/god knows what...
ANYWAY! I persisted and now I’ve finally fixed the bullshit that stopped me in my tracks when i was trying to make a character creator! Yep, its the cause of ‘the clown glitch’ XD Apparantly the problem is just that if you have two event pages on something, you need two event pages on everything that affects it. Like... what was happening is (for example) I have an event that says: ‘Page 1: show this character’ ‘Page 2: show this character if character value equals 2′, etc Now you’d think it would be obvious that that means if character value is changed back to 1 afterwards, it’d go back to page 1? But it just WASNT DOING THAT! It could add values perfectly fine, but for some reason would not turn them backwards. So slowly everything on the page would change to the highest possible value, which just happened to be a creepy clown by a stroke of weird luck And I spent FOREVER editing this event, and just totally gave up cos nothing was ever changing! And it was apparantly impossible to make the same logic work on one event page?? Even though it felt like I was just writing out the same process that the page change does?? ‘if [value] = 1, show image 1, else if [value] = 2, show image 2...’ All of that stuff together in a space saving paragraph = nope, just not happening. even though literally ALL THAT AN EVENT PAGE DOES is say ‘if [value] =1, go to this page AND THEN show image 1′ And then i was spending forever editing this, and apprantly the source of the problem wasnt even here, all along it was in the ‘change [value]’ event??? Cos it was suffering the same thing of being unable to loop back normally unless you use separate pages. It would just always go through each option normally once and ONLY ONCE, sticking at the very last option as soon as you hit it. I still can’t even explain this, let alone explain how to fix the damn thing! its like...
* if 1, do 1 * if 2, do 2 * if 3, do 3 all laws of common human logic would say that ‘if 1′ should override all the others! if you’re on 3 and you change to 1, it should give you 1! but its like it constantly classifies everything as equal to or lesser than?? instead of just equal to?? or it just decides the bottom one is the height of the tree?? or it just stops at the last option and refuses to rerun the event?? God, I don’t know if it would work if i just write every list backwards?? And there’s a ‘loop’ option but its like you can only choose between two extremes, lol. Loop doesn’t just tell it to restart from point 1 the next time it loads the event, it’ll make it keep showing 1,2, AND 3 over and over infinately and softlock you into this one flashing screen forever. Is there even ANY practical use for this loop?? Am I just missing something obvious that will make this stuff actually function rationally??
Anyway for SOME REASON it works if i have like this: 2 separate npcs Npc1 has two pages of the same identical appearance + scripts and stuff, just ‘Page 1: add 1 to value’ ‘page 2: ACTIVATE IF VALUE, remove 1 from value’ That way whenever you talk to them it cycles between adding and removing instead of adding AND removing in this weird instantly-reach-the-highest-value-and-never-move-again nonsense And then the second npc needs to be ‘Page 1: play song 1′ ‘page 2: ACTIVATE IF VALUE, play song 2′ And like.. somehow... Npc1 cant even add or subtract anything properly unless npc2 is also a multi page event, and vice versa Even though the event options can clearly do stuff that sounds like it’d be a way easier shortcut to the same result... GAHHHHHH And like.. seriously... ‘event page’ is basically a second npc anyway! you have to select the image and movement route and stuff all over again and make it the same as it previously was. And for some reason ‘change image’ and ‘change movement route’ are all options within a single page, and they just don’t seem to work?? it seems instead theyre meant to only work on making an npc who changes what ANOTHER npc looks like! But thats really not intuitive, you’d think ‘change sprite’ would change the sprite, not that ‘new page’ does it... and especially not that you still have to ‘new page’ even when you DONT change the sprite, and that the sprite options are still annoyingly mandatory even if they stay the same... and just... AGHHH
so basically i DO NOT UNDERSTAND how I fixed it, but I guess i fixed it? and now im just sitting here maniacally clicking back and forth between songs and crying and its fuckin 3am and i still have such a huge migraine and i was gonna get some sleep to get over it but then a stupid pokemon thing got me excited for nothing and then I re-encountered my arch nemesis glitch and AAAARRGH!! but at least i fixed the bgm problem, and now i can hopefully go back tomorrow and finally finish that character creator thing I gave up on all those months ago!
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mrevaunit42 · 8 years
Marulous Gentlebug and Chat Noistar part 1
hey everyone, Mr.E here and trying my hardest to keep up with wholesome week. but as i write the prompts i figured I make good on my promise. So I’ve been writing about a year and a half now with about 96 chapters to show for it. All of them are up on Fanfiction but be warned, grammar and some spelling mistakes  because I was getting back into the swing of things and sometimes I am horrible at proof reading. I decided to put some of those stories onto tumblr in case people don’t do the FF site and here is the first of the batch my Miraculous Ladybug AU for Star vs. I change some things because i personally do not like just directly copying things. 
this part 1, this is looooong and i cleaned it up because I could. So enjoy, let me know what you think and have a great week. time to catch up! 
It was a quiet, peaceful day in this little place known as Paris.
The sun was bright, the skies clear with puffy white clouds lazily drifting overhead.
The sounds of life filled the city of love as people went about the daily grind, countless footsteps echoing from every corner as cars switched between the smooth pavement of the newer roads and the cobbled streets that survived throughout the years.
As usual the Diaz bakery was overflowing with customers, the family of the tiny store/home never once having believed they would ever be considered the best bakery in all of Paris.
Above in the attic of the building was the room of the youngest Diaz, Angie and Rafael’s son Marco who was hiding a rather large secret.
There was a cute, little yawn as the morning light broke through the window, basking a small palm size sprite-like ladybug creature in its glow. The creature opened her bright blue eyes for a moment before blinking sleepily. Her two antennas twitched as the sounds of someone approaching shocked the creature awake and caused her to dive out of sight as the little trap door that led to the bedroom began to rise.
“Don't worry mom!” Marco called downstairs, the excited murmurings of the customers filling the empty room with noise “I still got a few minutes, I'll be fine!”
Marco shut the trapdoor with his foot, stretching his tired body as he began searching for everything he would require for the following school day.
The little creature peered out of her hiding place, watching the young teen carefully as he doubled checked the sliver badge pinned to his gray undershirt, attacking his wildly messy light brown hair with a brush, the other hand blindly groping for a nearby red hoodie but missing the article of clothing by an inch.
The creature giggled to herself before taking off skyward, soaring through the air while slowly tugging the hoodie towards Marco's waiting hand, shaking her head as Marco took it and slipped it over his head.
“Up a little early aren't you Marco?” The little creature asked, taking her place by his shoulder. Marco's head popped out of well loved jacket and grimaced at his newly wild hair.
Marco frowned, reaching for the comb he just put down “I was helping my parents with the morning rush. Today's Monday and the people of Paris can't survive without their coffee and horde of sugary Parisian sweets.”
Tikki frowned at what Marco was saying, wondering if he realized what was going on.
“You woke up at 5:30 in the morning?” Tikki questioned, hoping to get Marco to understand what the problem was.
“After staying up until 3 in the morning studying for future chapters.”
Marco nodded in agreement.
“Which was after fighting The Musketeer?”
Marco frowned “Wasn't the Musketeer during the carnival?”
“Which you volunteered to watch the kissing booth after you realized Star was going to be assigned to it as well.”
Marco turned bright red, letting out a dreamily sigh at the sound of Star's name being said by the kwami.
“Star.” Marco smiled brightly as he glanced around his room, the beautiful face of Paris's most popular model Star Butterfly staring at him from every direction. There she was in her viking battle armor, promoting some sort of horror movie about a human butterfly hybrid, holding onto some mysterious figure at a dance basked in blood red lights and of course his favorite picture of all that was tucked away in a sliver picture frame on top of his desk.
Star had wrapped her arm around Marco's neck, drawing him close and causing the young man to let out the goofiest smile ever recorded on film while she threw a peace sign over her own head, lips puffed out while the two stared into the camera.
Marco didn't really know Star but they were classmates at Echo Creek Academy and while she was on the reserved side, she was very friendly. More than willing to be friends with any and everyone, even Marco!
That is if Marco could get over his inability to talk properly in front of the seemingly magical girl. Or walk....or breath.....or carry and hold things. Or any basic general functions that ceased to work anytime he was anywhere near Star Butterfly.
He knew he should just stay cool, be calm but he couldn't help it. With her bright, oceanic blue eyes, long, sunshiny blonde hair and armed with the most beautiful smile, Marco Diaz's brain turned to mush every time.
Tikki laughed at Marco's awestruck face as he moved the picture frame Tikki hid behind back into its proper place. Tikki found it very adorable how much he liked Star even if he couldn't express it.
“What I am trying to say Marco” Tikki told him after a moment “Is that you are taking on so many responsibilities! Between your school work, trying to prepare for future class subjects and your duties as Lady...”
Marco's ears perked up, turning to face the little kwami with embarrassed cheeks “Ah ah ah! No no not Ladybug, Gentlebug.”
“Gentlebug” Tikki gracefully corrected, finding Marco's defensive tone about his superhero name amusing “you haven't been getting much sleep! You're going to run yourself into the ground if you keep this up!”
Marco scoffed, waving off Tikki's concerns “I'm young and I took karate, I am at my physical prime! I have energy to burn!”
and just to prove his point, Marco began unnecessarily striking at the air with lightning fast attacks, chopping and kicking invisible foes before dropping into a dramatic pose.
Marco grinned slyly at Tikki before a groggy yawn escaped his lips, causing the kwami to shoot him a knowing look.
Marco sheepishly scratched his head “Look I'm fine Tikki. Maybe a little tired but I can handle it.”
Tikki opened her mouth to say more but the sudden ringing of the alarm clock drew both of their attentions to the device.
“WHAT!?” Marco screamed at the top of his lungs “It's 7:56?! I'M GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!”
Star let out a quiet sigh, dejectedly stirring her scrambled eggs with her fork as the scraping of her plate echoed emptily all around her.
Star looked up in hopes that her mother would be willing to speak more than a handful of words towards her but given how Moon Butterfly's blue eyes were glancing downward at the various papers on the dining room table and how absentmindedly she was playing with her long, straightened to perfection natural periwinkle blue hair, it wasn't going to happen.
Star nearly fell out of her seat at the sound of her mother's voice calling her name.
“Yes Mother?” Star excitedly called back, firmly planting her hands onto the table to steady herself in case she could not handle any more surprises from her remaining parent.
Moon Butterfly stared coldly at her daughter, eyes filled with a stoic calm that a politician would kill for.
“You say you wanted to go to school.” Moon began slowly, her voice rigid and unfeeling “You even disobeyed me, sneaking off to enter such a place without your bodyguard and overall were displeased with the idea of not going.”
Star's joyful expectations faltered for a moment “Mother, I...”
“And yet if I am correct, and I always am, the time is currently 7:56”
“And what time does your school begin Star?”
Star's smile did a complete 180, the frown plastered on her face physically aching her muscles from the lack of experience with an upside down grin.
“It begins at 8 mother.....”
“So you are going to be late” Moon provided “And thus the entire folly of your desire to go to school has been wasted....”
Star held back the tears, determined to get her mother to see her point of view “But mother, it is your day off. I was hoping perhaps we could spend it together? You've been so busy that I hardly see you anymore.”
“Nonsense.” Moon answered, returning to the papers that were apparently more important than her daughter “I see you at breakfast and dinner.”
“Mother, please. I...”
“Go to school Star” Moon's voice held the sharp, finality to its tone “Or I will pull you out of that silly institution first thing tomorrow.”
Star said nothing, elegantly strolling out of the room, refusing to allow a single shred of despair and hurt she was feeling to show upon her face.
Moon watched Star carefully, shaking her head disappointingly “She is far too fragile....she is safe amongst these walls but on the outside?”
Moon trailed off, returning her attention to the various fashion problems that plagued the older woman.
“Oh man how could I be late?!” Marco cried, leaping over a parked bike and its unmoving owner, sliding under approaching cake held table, even narrowly skidding past a car that decided to the best way to deal with a pedestrian was to speed up.
Marco glanced down at his phone, trying to ignore the 8:24 that his internal clock showed, mocking his failure and his attempts to reach the school at a reasonable hour.
“Can this day get any worse?!” Marco shouted at the top of his lungs, whirling around the corner at breakneck speeds only to find himself colliding with something solid.
Marco flailed backwards, nearly steadying his footing when a gentle breeze pushed beyond him, sending his entire body wildly sprawling facedown onto the floor.
“Ugh...” Marco grunted in pain, rubbing his chin softly as he rose to his feet, trying his hardest not lament the twist of events he found himself in.
“Owie.” A familiar voice cried below him, a girl with bright blonde hair blanketing her face as she gently rubbed where she made contact with the ground, the devil horn headband looking very familiar.
“oh geez.” Marco muttered, running forward to help the girl to her feet “I'm really sorry. I'm super late to class and I was rushing and I wasn't paying attention.”
“It's okay” A cheerful voice answered, tickling his memories but producing no results “It happens and I was late too.”
The girl flipped her long mane out of her face and Marco could feel his heart stop dead at the sight of Star Butterfly's bright blue eyes staring back at him, a flicker of recognition dancing within her irises.
“Marco!” Star cried excitedly, trapping the red hoodie teen in her quick embrace.
“S-Star!” Marco shouted unnecessarily loudly, wincing at the sight of Star flinching at his volume “S-sorry I...well...”
Marco could feel his cheeks heating up, turning a brighter red each passing moment until Star finally broke her hold on him, the step back she took doing nothing to help his nerves.
“Wow Marco, are you okay?” Star's concerned look was worse than Tikki's had been. She leaned in, her bright blue orbs focusing solely on him and Marco swore he could feel the steam coming out of his ears “You look really tired.”
Marco's nervous chuckle was equal parts embarrassing and horrifying. Before he could stop himself, his hands were flying this way and that way in an attempt to help him explained what happened
“I was running and I was late because I was helping my parents bake today's inventory andI'vebeenstudyingallnightandIreallyreallywasn'tpayingattentionand....:”
“Marco” Star raised her own hands to stop the erratic movements of his “Marco it's okay. I'm fine! See?”
Star presented her arms and legs, gesturing to each individual limb like she was posing for one of her photoshoots.
“R...right....” Marco muttered quietly.
Star smiled gently at his embarrassed, shy tone, a trait Star always found endearing in Marco. She moved forward to give him another hug but stopped, remembering that she was in public and she couldn't be touchy feely with everyone.
Instead, Star placed her hand on his shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly as she gave him a little grin of reassurance.
Marco could do nothing but stare in wonder towards the famous Butterfly, her beauty up close completely melting his brain and any reasonable thought process.
“Now come on, we got school!” Marco felt all the blood pool in his face as Star gripped his hand tightly in hers, pulling him forward to ensure the two finally arrived for their class. Though there was one little problem...
Marco's legs had ceased to function, failing to even move an inch as Marco fell towards the ground once more, landing ontop of his chin a second time but with an audience this time.
Star leaned over Marco carefully, anxiously biting her lips as she wondered if she had done something wrong “Marco?”
“Are you okay?
“Did you want me to help you up?”
Marco shook his head, no longer able to trust his body if it became paralyzed by a single touch from Star Butterfly.
“Monsieur Diaz, Mademoiselle Butterfly thank you for joining us” Mademoiselle Skullnick, the trollish teacher spoke loudly to the rest of the class “I do hope you were not doing anything....inappropriate with one another instead of being inside my classroom.”
Marco felt faint, the snickering of a dozen or so students causing him to hang his head down low in a desperate attempt to draw less attention to himself.
“Not at all Mademoiselle Skullnick” Star confidently answered “ Monsieur Marco was assisting me, I had tripped over a rock and scattered my things all over the floor. I was working an early photoshoot and lost track of the time.”
“Are you sure you tripped?” Brittney sneered, smirking knowingly towards Marco's direction “That whole falling down bit sounds more like Senior Accident over there.”
Marco glared openly at Brittney, fist clenched in anger at the sound of Brittney's mocking Spanish accent.
Skullnick sighed, feeling disinterested and annoyed already and it was only the first class “Please you two take your seats and stop being a distraction.”
Marco grumbled his way over to the seat behind Star's, elevated and a perfect view to catch glimpses of the beautiful Star Butterfly.
Marco let out a loving sigh, dropping his head drop onto his waiting hand.
“You know if you keep staring at her, you're going to burn a hole into the back of her head.”
Marco let out a strangled yelp, trying his hardest to bit down the surprise from escaping his throat but Skullnick let out a frustrated sigh, turning back only to see the entire class focusing solely on Marco who gave a nervous chuckle and shrugged his shoulders.
“....do I have to send you out Marco?”
Marco bit his tongue so he wouldn't shout at Brittney to stop smirking his way with that knowing glint in her eyes.
“No..I...it won't happen again.”
Skullnick narrowed her eyes “good or else you will be sent outside. Understand?”
Marco took his seat with all possible haste, the orchestra of teenage gossip and conversations filled the room as Skullnick began writing on the black board once more.
Marco shot a dirty look to his best friend Jackie who simply smiled in response.
“Don't surprise me like that Jackie!” Marco harshly whispered
“Don't make it obvious you're staring at Star” Jackie countered, reaching into her bag and fishing out her phone.
Marco frowned before looking back towards Star, joyfully talking to her best friend Patrica “Pony Head” Harrison without a care in the world while Patrica braided her long, pink horse-like mane.
“I can't help it if she's pretty” Marco muttered back “She's perfect and I totally embarrassed myself in front of her coming to school.”
“ooooh” Jackie cooed, nudging Marco playfully in the side “did you at least manage to talk to her?”
Marco puffed out his chest with pride “Better, I managed to speak an entire sentence to her!”
Jackie's face slipped into one of playful disbelief “Let me guess? One long, run-on sentence that started calmly then broke down into rapid fire speed?”
Marco's face was everything Jackie needed to confirm her theory.
Marco slipped his head lower as Jackie patted his shoulder “I'm sure you'll be able to talk for reals to her next time!”
Marco tried to retort when Jackie shoved her phone screen directly into his face, a website whose theme was red and black ladybug pattern with the words “Gentleblog” on a banner written in some sort of unnecessary fancy writing.
“Now for my news, I got actual footage of Gentlebug and Chat noir fighting Musketeer yesterday! And it is amazing!” Jackie gushed, pulling her phone back to her, absentmindedly putting on her attention on the little video she uploaded to the blog.
Marco shifted uncomfortably. Ever since he found the miraculous and it's kwami Tikki, he'd been using the power granted to him by the little badge and its guardian. Luckily the suit change came with the territory and was not something he needed to carry around.
While he was growing more relaxed and confident in his role as a superhero, he did not like keeping secrets from anyone, especially his best friend Jackie or his parents and he always felt awkward whenever Gentlebug was brought up since everyone spoke highly of the teenage superhero but Marco knew they would be severely disappointed with the person behind the mask.
And yep, there he was.
Marco still was unsure how anyone took him seriously in his superhero outfit: A crisp white collared shirt always pressed to perfection, a red vest black slacks and loafers with the ladybug pattern tie and mask completing the look. He looked more like a theme waiter than a superhero.
“He is the coolest! And I even got when Chat Noir entered the scene.”
Marco stifled an eye roll when his fellow superheroine leapt flamboyantly onto the scene, soaking in the attention and admiration like a sponge.
Honestly, Chat Noir wasn't that bad. Reliable, passionate about doing the right thing and was a key member of their superheroing duo.
And she was really pretty with her long blonde hair tied up into two long braided ponytails, two adorable green cat paws on her cheeks. She wore a regular black blouse with 3 horizontal green stripes on her sides with a black skirt with an alternating pattern of green and black trim, black leggings and boots with her green and black elbow length gloves.
The thing about working with Chat Noir was...
“Hey, aren't we looking purfect today sir” Chat Noir's flirtatious voice called from the tiny speaker “And very dashing to boot.”
The flirting and the puns. She loved them no matter how serious the situation.
“Oh come on!” her perky voice shouted through the screen “You need to be arrested! You've stolen my heart!'
Marco frowned at Chat Noir's confession as Jackie quickly murmured under her breath about how cute the two would be paired up together.
Marco didn't know if Chat Noir was sincere or not. Most of the time it felt like another one of her jokes, her puns. Something said simply for the sake of saying it.
But there were those rare moments where....where she felt like she was bearing her heart to him, like she truly loved him and want nothing more than to be with him.
But that was impossible. She didn't know him, only what she thought she knew of him. If she knew who was really under the mask.....she'd.....
“Mademoiselle Thomas” Skullnick's voice appeared from nowhere, covering Marco and Jackie in her enormous, frightening shadow “No cell phones in class” Before either could say anything, Skullnick swiped the phone away from Jackie with a speed greater than anyone could've guessed.
“Hey wait a minute!” Jackie cried out, rising to her feet in pursuit of her phone, her foot accidentally kicking her beloved skateboard away from her.
“Are you arguing with me? Skullnick snarled, unable to believe a student had the nerve to talk back to her.
Jackie opened her mouth, only to close it under the older woman's dreadful gaze, shaking her head submissively before taking her seat once more.
Skullnick sulked away, the entire classroom's attention shifted onto what transpired rather than the skateboard slowly descending towards the middle of the steps.
The slow movement caught the sight of Brittney who smiled to herself, an evil plan forming in her mind.
She stood up without permission, strutting her way over to where the skateboard lay and, with purpose, put her left foot on its surface, her hands gripping a nearby desk for support as she pushed off.
Skullnick snapped the chalk in her hand, her tolerance for any more outbursts finally extinguished.
She turned around in time to see Brittney holding on for dear life as the skateboard slipped under her foot, propelling itself far away from the rich girl with forceful speed. Brittney managed to steady herself with the desk, taking deep dramatic breaths as Skullnick bellowed “WHAT IS GOING ON!?”
“J-Jackie's skateboard!” Brittney accused, pointing her finger directly at the confounded girl “It rolled over here and I nearly tripped over it! Jackie must've shoved it towards me when she stood up.”
“Hey!” Jackie shouted, standing to full height “It was an accident, I didn't mean to trip her even if she deserves it.”
“Mademoiselle Thomas!” Skullnick's voice threatened.
Jackie shook her head, unable to believe this was happening “But I...”
“Principal’s office. NOW!”
Skullnick's yell shook the whole building causing trails of dust to fall from the ceiling.
Jackie said nothing, opting to angrily grab her bag, roughly shove her things within and storm off, stomping her feet loudly as she picked up her skateboard and exited the class.
The class was quiet for a moment before Ferguson called out “So she's going to turn into an Akuma right? That's got to be like the shittiest thing to happen to someone today.”
Marco felt his blood run cold. the idea of Jackie becoming an Akuma, better known as a evil solider of the master villain The Papillon, was a scary thought indeed.
Everyone stared at Ferguson, silently praying that he'd say it was all a joke and that he was kidding.
Ferguson stared back at everyone “You know it's true.”
Jackie fumed, holding onto the strap of her bag tightly, her self righteous fury spreading all over her body in waves.
“What's this?” A smooth, slick voice called out, the window to their beautiful chamber opening and allowing the light to pour in, scattering the countless white butterflies that inhabited a room “Such despair, such fury. An injustice caused to an innocent? The perfect mix for a dangerous foe.”
The person held out their hand, allowing one of the beautiful butterflies to rest upon their palm, unable to escape once they clasped their free hand over it, dark energy surging into the creature, turning it a blackish-purple tinge.
“Go my little akuma, fester and feed on her sorrow, on her anger.
The butterfly flew into the sky, easily reaching the school within moments and finding a home inside Jackie's skateboard, completing the link between puppet and puppeteer.
Jackie felt a fog swirl inside her mind, clouding and confusing her thoughts, the feeling of a mask lightly touching her face as a soft, sleek voice called to her.
“Slipstream, I am The Papillon. I saw the injustice done to you and wish to help you correct it.”
Jackie smiled evilly, her rage and fury bubbling to uncontrollably heights “That little brat always ruins everyone's day. She needs to be punished!”
“Agreed but in exchange for this power, I expect something in return.”
“Name it Papillon!” “The heroes of Paris: That stupidly named Gentlebug and Chat Noir, their miraculouses. Bring them to me.”
“and what do these Miraculouses look like?” Jackie questioned.
“You...you don't know?” The Papillon hesitantly replied.
“Well unless you are imagining them and can transfer your thoughts to mine, no, no I do not.”
There was an awkward pause “Well most of minions don't really ask up front. I mean when they finally fight them, I usually tell them.”
Jackie scoffed “So you distracted your minions with information they needed to know before during a crucial moment of battle?”
“and what does your name mean anyway?”
Papillon's voice was indignant “You're french, how do you not know?!”
Another awkward silence.
“It's a badge and a ring.”
Jackie grinned slyly as she nodded her head in agreement “Consider it done Papillon.”
The class was quietly working when the sound of something approaching at high velocity broke the silence.
The windows began to shaking violently as the rumbling grew louder and louder, cracks breaking the glass's surface steadily as the door was blown in by a powerful gust of air.
Papers scattered, tables trembled from the force and everyone was knocked around while a lone figure stood in the doorway.
“Told you!” Ferguson cheered, raising his arms in victory “Jackie's an Akuma! Ferg for the win!”
No one celebrated with the overweight teen while Jackie rolled her way inside the room, her skateboard now blacken and covered with spikes.
Jackie wore a white helmet with a single streak of blue trailing across from the back to the front, a clear visor in front of her blue eyes. She was now dressed in a white skintight motorcycle suit with several blue strips crossing from one side to the other. There were three sharp, dangerous looking claws protruding from her closed fits.
“Brittney Wong!” Jackie called out, pointing a set of her claws directly at the terrified teenager “It's time to show you what justice can really do!”
Jackie pulled a seashell from her back pocket before throwing it as hard as she could at Brittney. the shell embedded itself deeply into the desk near the girl's face but remain still.
Jackie ducked low, her body tensed as both her and the skateboard shot off with an amazing display of speed, a wooshing, swirling cone of air current spinning around her so quickly that it produced gusts of wind that knocked everything and everyone off balanced.
Brittney scurried,shoved to her feet as Jackie smashed her bladed fist into the desk, the force of her attack causing the wood to splinter and fold under the weight of the assault
Marco covered his face as the air current caught up, slamming into the remainder of the desk, the weakened wood crumpling while a powerful burst of wind spread out from Jackie in all directions.
Jackie let out a maniacal laugh “You can't escape Brittney, I'll show you what happens when you push the wrong person aro...”
Jackie glanced around the room, the moaning of every student but one filling her ears.
Jackie turned to the door way to see a disheveled Brittney trying to sneak out of the room, more than content to leave her fellow classmates behind.
“BRITTNEY!” Jackie screamed with a bull-like roar that shook the building ferociously.
Brittney let out a little eep before bolting down the stairs.
Jackie narrowed her eyes, drawing out another seashell and tossing through the open doorway, trailing behind after a moment of preparation. The air current and speed of Jackie shattered the already cracked glass panels and spread the broken shards throughout the bottom floor of the school.
Jackie hovered in mid-air for a moment, the lure of gravity not yet grasping her or her board. She drew another seashell, arcing her arm backwards before tossing the item through the front doors of the school. Jackie quickly followed after the little object and blasted the doors off their hinges with her powerful gust.
Marco groaned, tiredness biting at his eyes as his body cried out in a sore pain.
Uneasily, he reached for support, using his desk to lift himself to his feet and steady his body
“Yep” Ferguson's bushed voice called from the back row “She's an akuma.”
“Shut up Ferguson” The class chimed in as one.
Marco shook himself out of his stupor, looking around to see if anyone was in dire need of assistance.
He spotted a pale hand reaching upwards, clawing at the air in hopes someone would help.
Marco limped over, taking the hand firmly in his own and, using all the strength he could muster, helping the person to their feet.
“Ugh, what happened?” Star muttered, leaning on Marco for support as she recovered.
Marco felt his whole body stiffen up at Star's touch, his cheeks blazing red as Star embraced him tightly, whispering into his chest “Thanks Marco.”
Marco cough loudly, pulling away from Star and sheepishly waving her off “No problem Star. I need to go to the bathroom! All this akuma thing has really made me....”
Marco trailed off, deciding that shutting his mouth and getting as quickly out of sight was the best course of action.
“me too” Star said to no one in particular “I need to freshen up my face. I feel so faint after such a dangerous attack.”
Marco ducked into the empty boy's restroom, covering his eyes with his open palms.
“Ugh, I have to go because the akuma freaked me out so much I have to pee? Seriously Diaz?!”
Tikki flew out of his pocket, staring down the distraught teen.
“Marco, this isn't the time! Jackie's been turned into an Akuma and we need to stop her.”
Marco peered at Tikki with one uncovered eye, letting a sigh escape his mouth before standing straight and agreeing with the little kwami.
“You're right Tikki, we need to get a move on. I can worry about how badly I embarrassed myself in front of Star later.”
“That's the spirit!” Tikki concurred, smiling brightly towards Marco.
“Tikki, spo..” Tikki closed her eyes, prepared to be sucked into the miraculous badge and fuel its power.
But Marco didn't finish the phrase.
“Tikki, do I have to say it?”
Tikki stared at him, unable to believe Marco was bringing this up now “Really Marco? Now?”
Marco raised his hands defensively “I know, I know it's silly but isn’t there another way to transform? I mean the phrase seems kinda silly.”
“I mean it sounds like someone made it up to make it more...I dunno.....superheroy? You know? Why can't I say 'Tikki, transform me!'? I mean it's straight forward and to the point.”
“I mean is the phrase region locked or something? I can only say it depending on where I live? I...”
“Marco Ubaldo Diaz!” Tikki forcefully called “this is not the time for this.”
“Right, right. Tikki....s...spots on!”
Tikki closed her eyes as she spiraled into Marco's exposed badge, turning it from sliver to red as a surge of magical energy coursed through his body, his superhero outfit forming around him. Marco could imagine a red splash background behind him as he dance this way and that to ensure that the costume properly tailored itself onto his body.
Marco look at himself in the mirror: Mask check, fancy clothes check, weaponized yo-yo, still wondering why it's a yo-yo but check!
“Here we go!” Marco shouted excitedly, propping open the bathroom window and tossing his magical yo-yo outside it, pulling on it once it secured itself around a suitable chimney and taking to the sky like Spider-man.
Star locked the girl's bathroom door behind her, letting out a sigh of relief once she was in a private, well secured area.
There was a lazy yawn that filled the room as a small, black cat creature floated out of Star's pocket and glanced around tiredly.
“Hey, this is the girl's bathroom” The cat creature whined, quickly covering it's feline green eyes “I can't be in here, I'm a male.”
���Plagg” Star scolded “This isn't the time. Besides no one else is here! Now come on, we got to hurry. There's an Akuma on the loose!”
“Oh” Plagg answered disinterested “Who is it this time?”
“Jackie. She turned into this bullet like speed demon.”
“Jackie?” Plagg paused thoughtfully “Isn't that girl you're envious of? The one who hangs around that guy all the time? What's his name...?”
“Plagg” Star cried, trying to wave off the cat creature from finishing his train of thought.
“Oh right” Plagg smirked “Maaaaarco”
Stat felt her cheeks flush and decided to glare at the mystical creature “I will starve you Plagg.”
“Then you can't transform into Chat Noir” Plagg countered, sleepily stretching his muscles “Besides I thought you were in love with Gentlebug?”
Star's flush worsen “I..well..he's...I mean....”
“You can't believe in love with two people, it's silly” Plagg teased, lightly pinching at the girl's blushing cheeks.
“I know I know but...sigh. It's hard you know? I mean Gentlebug is so confident, talented, amazing! And Marco he's so sweet. And kind and adorable and I...ugh...”
“You know” Plagg replied in a matter of fact style of voice “how can you be in love with Gentlebug if you don't even know who he is?”
“I know who he is Plagg” Star shot back “he's a hero, a handsome, great hero! And I love him.”
Plagg blew his tongue at the model “Love is overrated and way too mushy.”
Star stared at him, a partly annoyed and partly knowing gleam in her eyes “Love is not overrated.”
Plagg nodded in disagreement “Sure is!”
“Nah uh”
“Yeah huh!”
“Nah uh”
“You love Camembert cheese, don't you?”
Plagg gasped, appalled that Star would go that far “How dare you! Leave the Camembert out of this!”
Star smiled triumphantly “Check and Mate.”
Plagg pouted, sticking his tongue at Star “That was low...bringing the cheese into this. By the way, do you have any?”
Star shook her head “No time Plagg, we need to transform and meet up with Gentlebug.”
Plagg laughed “I can't believe Tikki found a guy to be ladybug. She's never done that before. I mean he must be really girly if she picked...”
“Plagg” Star's voice called, devoid of any emotion “Claws out.”
Plagg let out a surprised yell as he tried his hardest to escape the pull of Star's white ring but it was pointless. No matter how hard he tried, he could not shirk his responsibilities as a kwami.
Plagg was sucked into the ring while Star posed with the accessory, putting it near her face as the ring switch from white to black.
Star smiled to herself as her devil horns transformed into her cat ears, the cute blouse, dress, gloves and boots forming at once. She could see the green splash screen behind her as she couldn't help but pose for the invisible camera.
She checked herself in the mirror, satisfied how especially cute she looked today. She winked at herself, confident that she would win over Gentlebug this time.
“Well time to get to work!” She told herself as she kicked open the locked bathroom window, drawing her staff out before leaping out the window gracefully.
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townnightwalk · 7 years
-bellow includes the first structure plan of the game and first rendition of the beginning of the game, planned and written but eventually rewritten. The structure was also changed as the game proved to be much longer and aiming to complete it all in the time set was impractical.-
- the reason it was rewritten was the beginning felt too slow, so it was cut and redone to be more interesting and mysterious.- It was actually produced in the game engine also before it was scrapped-
- there is also a scene attempting to improve on the previous idea, trying to highlight a characters gender identity and including some issues they have to overcome. this was also scrapped as it still felt unnatural and advantageous. in the final script a simple mention is all that is included so far in the final game. The reason why was to make it more ‘normal’, to make sure his identity is mentioned but not taken advantage of or introduced with an uncomfortable situation/traumatic situation.”
I'm now aiming to complete one act of the game by the due date set by the class, bellow is a break-down of act 1 split into the major scenarios and decisions/consequences of each scene
I've also managed to get through a lot of the artwork, I'm trying to have an array of sprites with different facial expressions for different emotions to work with each scene. Lastly I have coded part of the first scene and put it together in the game engine in order to make sure it works properly with what I had planned- I learned that due to some coding barriers I had to rework how the scene worked, and this has helped me realise what borders I need to work under.
 ACT 1
·        Driving through the night
·        Drive off away from homeless man
·        Hit the monster and pass out
Major Decisions and consequences- if you drive away too quickly the homeless man appears dead
·        Wake up and get carried to shelter by jones and sybil
·        Enter church courtyard
·        Meet kit
·        Monster attacks
Major Decisions and consequences- convincing them the monster is real- if you cant they refuse to believe you, and one goes outside to be trapped and doesn't return until later
·        Experience visions of past
·        Ended by kit connecting to monster
Major Decisions and consequences- calm down sybil or kit gets seriously injured, as opposed to just minor injury
    Written scenes
First scene
·        Start with prose
 Sometimes, memories are hazy,
Like lines of heat on a distant horizon,
Wavy and uncertain, tricking you
Sometimes the haze is heavier
Like white noise and static on an old tv
When you turn the dial on your grandparents set
All you see and hear is a deafening mess of white and black
Sometimes, you can find places like this
Liminal spaces, wedged between real life
But very much real, although they feel like a dream
These spaces can confuse you, scare you
Consume you
Beware of those who live there
  Your hands feel locked to the wheel you've been clutching for hours. It's quickly obvious that you've been disassociating while driving again, with the streets unfamiliar and no clue of how you arrived here. It floods back as you turn to a sleeping passenger, resting her head against the glass. She doesn't snore, but there is a tiny trail of drool that leads to the mess of hair working as her pillow.
 You're shaken from a haze again by a voice coming from behind your headrest.
[jones]: what's the time?
[Prue]: oh um, it's 2 I think.
[jones]: how much farther?
[prue]: til what?
[jones]: you pass out and we crash
[prue]: I'm fine< 1>
[Prue]: fair point< 2>
You can hear him huff with minor frustration, but he lets it out with his sigh and starts again
[Jones]: we should have a plan for where to sleep
[Prue]: just follow sils lead
[jones]: I'm pretty sure sleeping in your car is illegal
[prue]: well, then we can sleep at the station if they catch us. Problem solved.1
[Prue]: heh, bullshit, if we get booked for that over everything else 2
[jones]: joking?
[prue]: joking. But, you got any other ideas?
[jones]: …none
[jones]: ok look im not sleeping in a car on the side of the road, didn't you go through the high school creepy pasta phase?
[prue]: just because Sybil's asleep doesn't mean you're safe from getting your ass kicked for comments like that
[Jones]: I don't want hook man to kill me
[Prue]: I promise I'll kill you first
[prue]: I feel like I passed out a few hours ago
[jones]: I can take over driving for a while?
[prue]: you don’t have your license and this is still technically a stolen car
[jones]: sure, if there is a cop prepared to stop a random car at 2am on a Tuesday
[Prue]: another fair point
  There's a silence that passes over the car, not uncomfortable, mostly uncertain. You indicate left and line the car up with the sidewalk and turn the key to silence the engine.
Crack the window? 1
Keep the windows closed. 2
 1 The heat keeps flowing through the ducts but you crack a window for a source of fresh air. <if this is done, the homeless man gets his fingers through
2 The heat keeps flowing through the ducts as you shuffle in your seat to get comfortable.
 [jones]: do you think he called it in?
[prue]: the car? I don’t know. Maybe. There's a chance he didn’t even notice yet.
[jones]: would he call it in on you?
[prue]: he's done it before, this isnt the first time I've taken his car out1
[prue]: what about your mum?2
[jones]: how far did you get
[prue]: like 30km out of town, I was about 16 though, maybe he thought if he didn't he'd get in trouble
[jones]: what do you mean?
[prue]: 16 year old driving off, that’s two illegal things. All I'm doing now is stealing, can't get in trouble for letting an adult run away.
Jones response is measured silence, and looking at him you can tell he's still guessing himself.
[jones]: not the stealing, but she might call you in
[prue]: for the car or kidnapping her innocent son
[jones]: maybe both, she'd probably blame sil for everything though.
[prue]: heh, all she did was enable me, shes as guilty as you
 Your eyes sting, with even the faint reflections of the street lamp making them burn. Your body is begging for sleep, and there's no way to fight it off. Jones was right, another 10 minutes and you'd be sleeping in a ditch after being jettisoned through the windscreen.
[jones]: night prue, we'll figure it out in the morning
[prue]: figure what out?
[jones]: every fuck up from today
[prue]: that’s a loooot to deal with
[prue]: night
 Your eyelids are shut for the last few exchanges, and you fall into sleep in a matter of moments.
You see no faces and hear only the distant sound of a motor, with pricks of rain hitting your feet. A hand takes yours in the most gentle hold you've ever felt, with soft skin smooth against yours. Her hand is a contrast to yours, soft white and with maintained oval nails too short to hurt as she grips tighter. The motor sound gets louder, and her grip gets tighter. The pricks of rain start to hit your head and the feel like nails that drill into your head with the noise of the engine now blaring in your ears. She lets go and you look up to see a mound of flesh, with lumps and bumps and holes that could only be formed from extreme weather. As you take in the details you can make out a nose, cheekbones, and other facial features. As you make the connection the eyes burst open and stare into you, a person living with a rotting face. They howl and scream and you see rotting teeth that are bared and lunge at your face.
The glass stops them from reaching you.
[sybil]: PRUE!]
You blink again and the face is still screaming and starting to leave marks on your window, a hand grips your right shoulder
[sybil]: PRUE DRIVE!
you fumble for the keys 1
Scream 2
Freak the fuck out and try to punch him through the glass 3
You reach down without taking your eyes off him, fumbling until you find the key. The engine comes alive with a roar and you slam your foot on the accelerator. You screech down the street and stare straight ahead as you fell Sybil clamber into the back see to watch him from the back window.
 [sybil]: He fell! Oh shit he isn't getting up. Who the hell was that creep?
[Jones]: I don't know but he must have been drunk, maybe he was a homeless guy with like?
[jones]: a skin disease?
[Prue]: god I think I'm going to be sick
Your body is frozen, you can't move as he keeps clawing at the window and starts to slobber as he yells. Instead of words all you can manage is a weak scream, you've never experienced a genuine scream of terror before.
 [sybil]: GOD. MOVE!
Sybil shoves you even closer to the window as she forces herself beside you, turning the key and slamming her foot on the accelorator. You burst forward and you see the mans face skid against the glass with torturous detail, leaving snot, spit and blood along the side of the car
When your fist hits the glass he flinches and staggers back holding his nose, but as he looks up you see he is unharmed. There's a tiny crack visible in the fog on the glass, and your hand feels like someone tried to crack your knuckles until they heard the bones break.
THE SAME PARTY- things go badly for everyone involved, who you pick decides whose point of view scene you see. All end with prues sister and then kit brings them back
 Sybil and jones- childhood friends, seperated when jones was homeschooled and because his mum hates sybil
They reconnected online and sybil found out where he'd moved and turned up at the house one day, climbing into the window and dragging him outside to hang out with her
Vision of the party, his first actual party with sybil, he gets disoriented and freaks out
 Jones: you told her?
s: told her what?
J that I'm
S a guy? I just used your pronouns dude
S was that the wrong thing to do?
J I don’t know
S sorry, I thought it'd be nice
S its not like shes going to meet your mum and use the right pronouns in front of her
J yeah I guess
s I thought it might be good for you, let you be yourself for a night
S that may have been overstepping on my part
1 no, its nice.
2 just ask first
 1 It does feel nice. I mean, it just took me by surprise is all
S im glad dude, but if I did fuck up you can tell me k
J yeah, ok
2 just maybe ask first, im not saying I don’t trust her or think she might do something but.
S she wont, but I get you and ill remember. We ok?
J yeah we're fine
0 notes
nepalprojects-blog · 7 years
Near lalitpur
Mon 1st of May We are meant to l leave Katmandu at about 6pm but it is as usual in Nepal, and we end up leaving at about 8pm instead. Night passes and when it gets light drive through Chitwan national park to get to where Binod lives. Binod used to live at the gethsemany prayer house for quite a while. The park has amazing wild life, and we see some small elephants, termite hills and Peackocks. Tigers and leopards live there too but of these there is no sign.  When the first bus journey is over it starts raining. A serious poor down. About half an hour later we arrive soaked at Binod's house guided by his father and little brother. We are given some Dahl bat and tea after we change into dry clothes, and then we all have a rest. The 12 hour journey has been a sleepless one for most of us. Then we all set of to tell as many people in the  village as possible that we are showing the Jesus Fim that evening. The first house we get to, we see a young boy lying on a sort of bed in the shade of the house. He is unable to move himself and lying in what looks like his own vomit, covered in flys, dirty, with some scabs on his head. We pray for him for a while desperate to see him healed, but short from a brimming smile and a laugh nothing happens. So the girls and his mother give him a good wash and wrap a scarf around his head to keep the flys of. We slowly get around most of the village, and Dipesh shares the gospel and his testimony at nearly every house we stop at. When we get back to Binod's house we started setting up for the film, and many villagers slowly turn up. After Dipesh has shared the gospel again, which he does really well, capturing everyone's attention including the little ones, we show the film and afterwards ask if anybody would like to give their life to Jesus.. Strangely nobody is ready to receive Jesus, so we share biscuit's and Sprite, clear up and go to sleep. Wed 3rd of May. We leave Binod's house at 6.30 to get to the bus for 7.00 am. By this time it is already starting to get hot. The bus arrives and we have to wait for it to have a tire change, but soon we are on the road to lamki, kailali. When we arrive there, we are picked up by Barrat and two of his church members, all riding motor bikes. There's six of us, so we just about fit with our bags... Barratt takes us to his grand mother's house and we settle in there, before he shows us his house. The day finishes with evening fellowship in the church next to his house, and we pray for the youths to get baptized in the Spirit. Holy Spirit baptism is rare in the Nepali churches up till now. Thurs 4th of May. That morning we went to a nearby mountain, both for fun and to be able to share the gospel with some friends of Barratt. He wants to do this in secret because of his their relatives find out that they might be Christians, they could end up being kicked out of their house by family. The first part we go by tractor but the very last part of the journey had to be done by foot, because the tractor wasn't able to go any further on the mountain road. We set up camp on the very top of the mountain and had Dahl bat with chicken, which had to be slaughtered there and then, and then shared the gospel with Barratt's friends. We made a camp fire and beside that, Barratt set an old tree trunk on fire to keep any tigers or leopards away. Fri 5th of May Dipesh had already got the tea ready at 6, and was making fried rice for all of us. We then packed up the tents and bags, and started walking. After at least six hours of hicking across and down the mountain we finally arrived at a shop where we bought drinking water. After a bit of rest, Barratt told us that two brothers from his village had got into a fight, and were both arrested so he had to go to speak to the police and help them find reconciliation, while the rest of us went to a nearby village to share the gospel, and pray for a number of people. After that we went back to Barrat's grandmother's home exhausted.  Sat 6th of May. Me and Barratt went to tikapur by bike, to encourage two of his church leaders, when we got back and dropped of the motorbike, the rest of our team at the shop. Barrat decided to go visit a lady, who's husband is a Christian but she refused to go to church. It was me who ended up sharing the gospel with her, and I felt it was good to start explaining the original disobedience of Adam and Eve. These people are mostly Hindu and their version of history and creation is very different to the Christian view, she and 6 or 7 of her children gave their live to Jesus. Sun 7th of May. We walked for an hour to get to a nearby village. Barrat tells me that before he was given his motorbike by somebody who travelled with him from church to church on foot for a week, he used to do everything on foot. That means visiting 147 churches by foot. Fortunately for him he is only 26. After about 45 min walking we reach one of the pastors's house and rest for a while. The temperature is in the 30's I think. We are doing this trip especially to visit a single family, that are the only Christians in their village, and they are persecuted badly by their neighbors. When we get to their house. The mother of the family tells us that her son is having fits every night at 12am and 4am, and he isn't eating properly since the Hindu priest that lived next door has cursed them. We bring deliverance, break the power of the curse, and help him into baptism in the Holy Spirit. His mother also receives the Holy Spirit. Two days later we are told the boy no longer has fits and eats properly. Before dinner at Samuel's house, we are asked to pray for a man who is very I'll and can't speak. So we go to his house and offer to pray for him. He is the only Christian in his household and after we sit down to pay for him the Holy Spirit says to me that the reason he is I'll is because his radically Hindu mother has cursed him. I could not conceive at this point that a mother would curse her own son for being a Christian and so I didn't speak out immediately but after the Holy Spirit presses me very strongly, I share what God has told me. The man was afraid to upset his mother so he wasn't able confess Jesus as his Lord, and didn't receive healing. But two of his friends brought him to us later and he received healing and deliverance then. That evening we showed the Jesus film again and got to sleep at about 11. Mon 8th of May. The next day we set of on a long walk to Bijenagar, we had to walk 4 hours in the heat of the day. When we arrived at the pastor's house we were welcomed with tea and then we dropped our bags of at the church and shared the gospel with as many people as possible. At least 2 people gave their live to Jesus and a few others were healed. We then went back to the pastor's house for dinner and we had to stay inside for most of the evening because of the rain. We meant to show the Jesus film again but the rain was too heavy for anybody to make it to the church, so when we eventually get to the church we go straight to sleep. Tue 9th of May. A new day begins. We have a quick cup of tea and straight away start walking. It is not yet 7am but we have a six hour walk ahead of us and we need to avoid the midday heat. The walk starts by going straight into the jungle and I can't really figure out how Samuel manages to follow the path. There is hardly any discernable path to find anyhow. We go up or water bottles at the path watch office because the next place where we can get drinking water is about 4 hours further into our journey. After Another half an hour walk we have to wade through a river and thankfully we find out that river is only about leg deep and crocodiles are nowhere to be seen. Not to much further we have to cross another stream but this one is much deeper and faster flowing, but on the other side is a sort of canoe and just as we want to get one of us to swim across there are about six people wanting to cross and two men ferry them and us across back the way we need to go. A lot more walking follows and on the way we stop at a local farmers house who sells biscuits and other stuffs and he invited us for a cup of tea. A lot of Nepali like to entertain foreigners and we share the gospel with them. When we finally arrive at our destination we are warmly welcomed with tea and Dahl bat. At this pastors house live a young girl of 14 who was thrown out of her Hindu family for becoming a Christian, and a very old woman who walks severely stooped. Who suffered the same fate but at the hands of her own son. Both help the pastor and his family with the daily farm work. That evening when we show the Jesus film in the small church, 11 people give their live to Jesus due to the very encouraging message Sarah gives them. Wed 10th of May. At 4am I woke up at the call of the cock again. It was a short but good nights satisfied rest. During the morning we go throufg the village preaching the gospel and meet a big family. After sharing the gospel with them, the father of that family says he is very interested in bringing his whole family to church. A few houses further up we share the gospel again but there isn't a direct response, so Dipesh asks if anybody needs heeling at all. Nobody speaks up apart from a very young boy who boldly says that he knows a number of people that are listening who are Ill and then says that he has back pain, so me and Andrea pray for him and he very shyly says the pain is gone afterward. In afternoon we take a bus to another village quite a distance from there. Here stands a massive church building. It is nothing like the churches we know but it holds well over a hundred people. Before evening fellowship, me and Dipesh go for a walk and stop at the village square and deliberately sit and wait for somebody to come and speak to us. Within 2 minutes a man with bad burn scars comes to talk to us who is seriously interested in hearing the gospel. We don't manage to invite him to receive Jesus because just as we are about to pray with him, his mother steps of the bus, and his family are Hindu priests, so it's best to be quit for a bit, but we do invite him to come and watch the film. Paul is the one preaching this evening and he preaches powerfully on receiving the Holy Spirit after bringing some encouragement. A lot of members receive the Holy Spirit, with one woman laughing on the floor, another two crying out loud, a few of the leaders speaking in tongues for the first time, not to forget one little boy also and loads of other kids receiving the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit makes no distinction between children and adults here. After that we showed the Jesus film until the battery ran out of power, but nobody was to bothered, we all had an amazing evening after all. Thurs 11th of May. To finish the whole trip of we had dinner in a restaurant, and did a surprise party to celebrate Andrea's birthday, on the way back to Barrat's grandmother's home. Fri 12th of May. Dipesh knocks on the door at 6.30 am asking if I am ready to leave. It comes as a bit of a surprise because we didn't have any plans. And I get moody and struggle to keep myself together. We end up visiting some friends and the houses of two of the Nepali girls on the team, and pray for one of their sisters. Then we visit and pray for another member of the local church before we catch the bus back to Katmandu.
0 notes
Paetrix Nix
Full Name: Paetrix Kerredice Hayra Nix (Pay-tricks Care-a-dice Hay-ra Nicks)
NickName(s): Nix, Trixy, Trix
Age: 26
Race: Half nymph/half metal sprite 
Height: 4′10″
Eye color: One neon green and one gun metal grey 
Hair: Dark green, super short, almost a buzz-cut (basically just long enough that you can still see color but that’s about it)
Abilities: Creating weapons and armor, weaving magic into the weapons and armor she creates, being really fucking fast, major heat resistance thanks to metal sprite heritage (can stick her hand in a fire and it’s fine basically), heals really quick, really nice voice.
Weapons: Anything she can hold basically, she’s at least somewhat proficient in almost all hand weapons (she prefers small ones though as she is fast and also a smol bean) 
Job: Armor and weapon making
Personality: Loud as hell (”Whattdya mean I’m not whispering? I’m quiet as fuck!” yelled as anyone who ever points out that she couldn’t whisper to save her life), loves dirty jokes more than life itself some days (if you have delicate sensibilities avoid her like the plague as she will make you turn bright red and possibly faint, it’s happened before, is actually chill as hell most of the time and takes a while to anger (unless those she cares about are threatened, then duck and cover cause she’s a scary bitch), sarcasm is her second language (swears are the third), totally loyal to those she calls friend (will still kick your ass if you do stupid shit even if you’re her friend), a generally grounded and solid person, can and does spend hours just cleaning the weapons in her work area because it’s how she relaxes and will also spend hours just designing new armor and weapons because it’s one of the few things she can focus on for more than five seconds without going nuts, fidgets a lot (taps her fingers and her foot, jiggles her leg, makes weird noises, talks a mile a minute), so basically hella ADHD, hides in her workshop when overwhelmed and just breathes in the familiar smells and runs her hands over her tools and looks over her designs until she’s calm again, likes naps (usually in her workroom...or on the deck...or in hallways...she naps in weird places), doesn’t know how to comfort people effectively and usually offers to get whoever is upset a cookie and pats them on the shoulder (or alternatively offers to kill whoever upset her friend), easily distracted, cheats at card games, gives excellent cuddles when in the mood for them, laughs really loudly and often (sometimes at whatever joke she tells herself in her head because she thinks she’s really funny), talks a lot or not all there is no in between.
Physical description: Smol bean with well-muscled arms and legs and back and a chubby tummy, buzz-cut that she’s had forever because she got tired of her hair getting in the way (has to cut it all the damn time cause nymphs have fast growing hair and she hates it), rough hands with calluses and scars (she loves them because they show how hard she works), pale as fuck with faint shimmer to her skin when light hits it (stupid nymph DNA), tiny dual-pointed ears (like they’re pointed at the top and then there’s a little secondary rounded point on the side just below the tip), small feet that she almost always has bare because shoes suck, prefers fitted tops that don’t get in her way (she owns basically nothing but tank tops and shirts with the sleeves cut off) and looser fitted cargo-type pants with a billion pockets for her tools and such, always has her tool belt on, wears fingerless gloves a lot when not working at her forge, always has a bandanna either in her back pocket or on her head to keep sweat out of her eyes when she’s working, carries a little sketchbook and notebook and pencil around with her to sketch or write down new ideas when they hit or she forgets them, likes black and army green and camouflage and bright red and blue, runs her hand over her hair when she’s nervous, bites her lip or sticks her tongue out slightly between her teeth when thinking or working on her designs, perpetually chapped and bitten lips, scars everywhere (lots on her arms and hands), eyes always alert and glancing around, doesn’t sleep enough or sleeps too much, almost always has snacks in her pockets and yet still forgets to eat some days (or eats way too much by accident), loves her chubby tummy most days but is insecure other days, constantly cracker her joints (usually her fingers and neck but everything else too), arm wrestles everyone and usually wins, is deceptively strong (could kick the ass of someone twice her size probably without weapons) but is also hella fast on her feet and rather acrobatic when she wants to be.
Back Story:
Nix was found as a baby by a human blacksmith named Vladik while he was walking into town to go to work, she had been left just off the forest path in a baby basket with a note with her name and her species and her birth date on it in fancy writing and Vladik basically just went “Well this is my baby now I guess” and took her to his shop. The people of the little village he called home had all known each other forever and they all pitched in to help him raise Nix as he was totally new at being a father. Nix (who prefers Nix or Trixy to Paetrix) had a happy life in the village, it was like having a huge family and she loved it and they loved her. They never did discover who her birth parents were and to be honest Nix never really cared. Vladik started training her at a young age to be a blacksmith and she picked it up insanely fast and soon they learned that she could weave magic into the metal without even trying and he was so proud of her for how hard she worked then to not only learn his trade but also how to properly use and control her magic and he always made sure to tell her that. Nix always knew that she was adopted because Vladik never tried to hide it from her at all (He’d always say “Trixy you’re my kid regardless of how I came to have you and I love you no matter what, never forget that.”) he loved her as his own until the day he died. Nix grew up always feeling feeling a little weird in her own skin, some days she was totally good to look in the mirror and see her long hair braided over her shoulder and her delicate face smiling and some days she hated looking at herself at all and eventually when she was about 11 she talked to Vladik about it and he was totally freaked that his baby might not like herself and he got Nix to talk to his most trusted friend who just happened to be the local baker/ town mom, her name was Sylva and she loved Nix like crazy. So Nix explained it all to Sylva and Sylva being the smart lady she was helped Nix figure out that the reason she felt like this was because she wasn’t totally a girl (Sylva described it like “Some days you feel as though your body is perfect for you, like it’s where you belong and others you feel like it;s not really your body at all because maybe you feel as though on those days you were meant to be in a more masculine body, or entirely in a boys body. Sound about right?” and Nix was like *star eyes* “holy hell that sounds exactly right...What do I do now?” and Sylva was like “Well we could cut your hair shorter if that would help and me and some of the others can make you some more masculine clothes and use male pronouns for you when you ask us too.” and Nix started crying cause she was happy and a little scared to tell people of course.) So with her newfound identity Nix felt better and after she cute her hair shorter the first time she wanted it all off so she could work easier and because it made her feel good. Vladik started calling her Trix instead of Trixy on boy days cause the Trixy felt a little too girly for her and the town was totally accepting of her and her identity. When Nix was about 20 Vladik passed away (at about 80) peacefully in his sleep and it devastated her, she closed down the blacksmith shop and refused to leave their house for weeks after the funeral. When she finally did leave it was to say goodbye to everyone in town because she’d decided that she was going to leave town and explore the world that Vladik had never gotten to see in honor of his wish that she find her happiness wherever and however she could. After a bit of wandering Nix stopped in a little port town to get some extra money working for the local blacksmith and Glory happened to stop in to get her sword repaired and she was so enamored with Nix’s work that she offered her a position on her crew and Nix wanted to see the world so she accepted and within a year she had re-worked an empty cabin into a functioning blacksmith workroom complete with forge (magic is a dandy thing isn’t it). Glory and crew accepted Nix’s identity and pronouns changes and everything super easily (pretty laid back and accepting pirates tbh) and totally enveloped her into the family before she even knew what was happening and Nix had zero problems with it. 
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