mypoeticsoul-ny · 5 months
To Love A Broken Girl
There are days when she is sunshine Sweetest, darkest, rarest wine She will love you till it hurts her Worship you upon the floor
She will cherish and protect you For her love is pure and true She will build upon steep mountain, Magic castle in the rain
She will make a home of comfort Take you to each foreign port She will whether any hardship As her tears begin to drip
But on days when she is broken Not a word then will be spoken Living hurts her soul and heart Past sweeps in, rips all apart
She pretends that all is fine Holds her head up, has a spine Yet behind the door she crumbles On betrayls her heart stumbles
Hard to breathe, a lump she swallows In her misery she wallows Till again her strength returns One more battle, her soul learns ©6.22.2023 - MyPoeticSoulNy(-mps)
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I am trying to be someone...
or some of one...
or one of something...
or some of the one that
i've yet to even know...
still, many years on this earth and
I still do not know who I am supposed to be...
The me, the him, the other one...?
I hope to soon figure out why I was
put here in the first place
By@inadvertently-writing ©
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a-dreamersjournal · 6 months
"Death is a gift you haven't earned yet"
And just as I was about to take that final step off the ledge, a strong gust of wind pushed me back. A cold haunting voice greeted me as soon as my back touched the hard floor beneath.
"You're not done dying yet", it said. " I'll land the final blow. So until then, die a little everyday because death is a gift you haven't earned yet. But when the time comes, I'll be there, to collect what's left of your sanity and life. A life you lived, wishing you were dead everyday."
And my lips curled into a smile because I knew that now the race between death and my will to die has begun. Life was finally getting fun.
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trueknights · 2 days
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A Wizards Calling, by True Lady Knights ID:
There's a roughness in my hand, I look into dark murky waters.
I do not think the magic has left me, how easily a pencil because a sword in calloused finger unused to fighting.
How keen my eyes are as they gauge the water, it's murky depths unknown to humans of this age, waiting eagerly for a pale hand to gift me Excalibur.
I listen for Merlin's words on the wisps of wind, through the tendrils of ancient tongues, gold pulsating through my veins and dancing within.
I do not think the magic has left me, dormant and siphoned though it may be.
I do not believe it has not abandoned us, it lingers amongst, it's essence clings like dust to ancient books.
What force wills your pen to write, your heart to beat and pump? What passion ignites your will, what passion drives quill.
Seize it for it is yours, seize it because it is ours. We plain clothed wizards have forgotten our spells. Yet still, we are here, living amongst the world.
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sapphirefate · 8 months
My demon
I was pleased to meet a devil who treated me better,
He refused a deal but protected me like Heather.
He had a tattoo etched into him perhaps, he was etched into my soul.
He was an angel to me while a devil to the rest of the world.
When he said he would leave me alone,
I pleaded for a deal and pledged my soul.
But he left me with scars while all I needed was him because he was my home.
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moongirlmusingss · 5 months
I wish i could bury you, moth-winged half-faced love-burnt in the sands, and i wish i loved you before we became a sin so ostracised by every god of every religion, i wish you’d love me back, am I so unwanted by warmth that even in its most aggressive form, fire on the matchstick dies out before it touches my fingertips, i wish i could trace the contours of your cheekbone before i found a smirk hiding in your closeted dimple, i wish you weren’t a scattered set of embers i wish i could dare to dream of warmth again
I wish i could sculpt the void out of you into something we’d put in our garden, i wish you weren’t incapable of loving, i wish you were the gaps between my heartbeat, i wish i could pick out all the satisfying parts of my life like i’m trying to dissect the branches of the facial nerve properly, and slowly slowly the formaldehyde will fill my lungs and i just wish i could stare at you like i did at that old decaying body and you’d let me
I wish i could love you without asking for it in return, i wish i was the chill girl but honestly i’m not and i don’t think i’ll ever be, i wish i could unearth you from beneath the soil’s sour taste and kiss you and pretend the earthworms aren’t there and you’re still the most gorgeous thing in the world, i wish i could keep you alive i wish i didn’t have to wish all of this in the first place
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abitbrokenpoetry · 1 year
And if you notice.. the world is falling apart.. let it.. let the flames dance around you and watch it burn.. to nothing more than ash.. you can’t save it anyway.. no one can.. so let it end. there’s beauty in the destruction.. in the chaos… There’s serenity in the sound of the crackling of wood.. there’s cleansing with each inhale/ exhale of bitter smoke.. and when it’s done, weep with sorrow.. weep as long as want to, grieve for all that was lost.. then get up from the ruins and start again.
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austin-friars · 7 days
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I'm about to slice this up and make it a nice mood board but omg, the prologue for my new wip
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the ride home
my mom is supposed to pick me up at the airport, its only been a few days but it'll be good to see him. i'm sure that's what she's thinking. i'm thinking about what i am gonna tell her. about my trip. what happened. about her.
i load my things into the trunk and climb into the passenger seat. "we've missed you" she says in a way that only a mother can. "how was your trip? we've got a long drive home, i want to hear everything about it."
i've never been close with my parents, but i know that there are some things that you have to tell your parents. a girl is one of those things. "i didn't actually go to see friends, mom" I pause, and she looks at me with eyes full of questions she knows i will answer.
my mind races. what do i say? how can i communicate what happened? how can i communicate her?
i start from the beginning.
"don't be mad, but there's this girl. i've known her for years" i say, "since my 18th birthday, basically. we met online and have been close. i think she knows me better than i know myself." my face burns red. my mom has known of one girl before this. my first and last girlfriend. i decide to push on, "she's one of those girls that if you see her in public you wonder what you did to deserve it, ykno? even just her name would tell you everything you need to know about her."
"well, I know you have a type." she laughs, and so do I. "so does she fit it?"
i think to myself, my type? but before I can compose my thoughts they start spilling out of my mouth like the eruption we saw at yellowstone when I was six. "she's beautiful mom." i don't stutter. "she has eyes like you would never believe. like crystal's ball made of the purest sapphire." i say, not telling her they remind me of a crystal ball because i can see a future in them. "their like the sunrise. when she looks at me, i mean she looks at me and its like my life starts." im staring at my hands. "and her smile is like something of another world. no words even come close and if they could it could only be in a language only she spoke." i don't even realize what i've said. "and she's kind mom. like i didn't know existed."
"she's kind like the mother to my children should be. kind like a saturday morning on the porch drinking coffee that i've grown to love over 60 years of life." i don't even drink coffee. at least not yet. "and smart. not smart in the way that i am, but smart in the way that i need. a smart about life, about what matters." i'm hardly even thinking about what i'm saying. every thought i had of her is bursting out of me like an overpacked suitcase from a two night trip. every minute detail fumbles out of my brain. i'm reminded of being four and putting every topping on an ice cream sundae. you don't know how to make a sundae, what to do to make it taste good, so you throw everything at it and hope with every ounce of childish innocence that it will turn out as it should.
we've been parked in the driveway for what feels like an eternity but is barely ten minutes. the car continues to run and my mouth is dry from talking more than i ever thought I would, but it is also sweet from talking about her. i hadn't looked at my mom since i started talking about her. i was a bit embarrassed, i think. a bit scared too. the car is silent.
the silence was broken by the sound of an airplane overhead. i opened my eyes and sat up from the bench i had been laying on, just in time to see mom's car pull into arrivals pickup. i load my things into the trunk and climb into the passenger seat. "we've missed you" she says in a way that only a mother can. "how was your trip? we've got a long drive home, i want to hear everything about it."
"it was good mom,"
"real good." -
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lilydavisauthor · 10 months
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This is a sample of my writing for one of my alien species that will be featured in my Courting Constellations series.
Currently the very Spicy Dark explicit short story sits at just under 5k words with more installments to come. This short story will be posted in full under the Dark Spice and All Inclusive tier of my : patreon.com/LilyDavisNovels
The Fosci are a monstrous Lamia\Naga alien who's only humanoid feature happens to be their torso and arms. Lovely sketch by my friend attached. 
Trigger\Tags that apply to full post: Kidnapping, Dubcon-heavy dubcon, Oviposition, Sensory deprivation, Naga alien, ‘Venom’ injection\drugging, Double cocks- one an egg layer. Technically an ovipositor, Cervix penetration, Stomach bulge from both cock and eggies, Overstimulation, Crying, Too many orgasms, Rut cycles\breeding stamina, Mild to medium bondage with rope and tail, Mild abrasions and cuts from claws, Vaginal gaping, Bloodplay, Heavy predator prey, Some initial concern over being Eaten as a meal, Rough use, Characters passing out from fucking, Oral, Vaginal and implied anal, FxM, MxM, Male and Female egg incubator, Start of mind break.
Please be respectful as this is written fantasy and is not a real life condoning of these situations. 
---------------------- "Breeding Season" teaser: SFW
The nightmare was back. Heavy, humid air pressed down on the fleeing figure from all sides; shadows thickened by the overlapping canopy of towering trees. Sunlight occasionally broke through to throw a patch of dazzling brilliance onto the leaf littered forest floor, but that only deepened the eerie twilight shrouded surroundings further. Twigs snapped loud as blaster shots under the booted heels of the pursued and wherever she turned the sounds of the insect life hushed until she had gone; as though the very presence of the human in their midst was a threat.
Sweat dripped down Jenna’s temples, ran into her eyes, pooled at the small of her back. She had no idea how long she had been running, only that she couldn’t stop. Whatever was hunting her would not give up so easily. She had almost seen it a few turns back but the darkness of the jungle had prevented her from getting more than a glimpse. She knew it was large. Knew it was hungry. Knew if it caught her there would be no escape. The blood smeared over the trunk of a tree directly in her path under another bright spot of sunlight made the woman’s stomach turn.
The blood was red. Nothing on this planet bled red but other humans. In her nightmare the woman always woke up just as she tripped on a root and went face first into the viscera spattered leaves at the base of the tree, the silhouette of the creature hunting her rising up in her periphery. She always bolted upright in her bed with the slickness of her palms still lingering, heart hammering as the scent of blood faded from her nose. That was where her nightmare ended. Only this time, she hadn’t woken up.
She hadn’t even felt the bite. Her wrist ached from the impact with the jungle floor in a dull, far away sensation that she instinctively knew couldn’t last forever. Her neck was numb and tingling where the fangs of the creature had struck the moment its tail had lifted from its camouflage to trip her. There had been no root, no blood. Just the blind panic of running for her life and the mistake of looking over her shoulder to see the thing hunting her that had been two steps ahead.
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artificelux · 2 years
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A brief excerpt of the main character in my upcoming novel COLOR OF A MIRROR.
Now on Kickstarter. Check it out below!
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mypoeticsoul-ny · 4 months
Deep in the night there is a void
Somewhere outside there sings a bird
No matter what you have one day
This emptiness will always stay
No matter words that spill for you
Or protestations of love true
The only partner that is yours
Is solitude upon all fours
It calls to you and whispers tales
Until blood drains and your face pales
So easy, breezy to convey
With nothingness, sweet words to say
©5.14.2024 - MyPoeticSoulNy(-mps)
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Time to "exit, stage left..."
I don't feel love anymore..
I am sickened
my soul is numb
and my heart is crumbling
I don't feel passion anymore
what once was a feeling
has now become an effort
I don't feel anything anymore
my sense of touch has lessened
my sense of meaning has 
drained along with it
So let us all start doing what it takes to
stop all of the don'ting in our lives
By@inadvertently-writing ©
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a-dreamersjournal · 6 months
The sweetest poison.
I knew I religiously loathed myself when you kissed me softly and I hated it. Because somehow, it wasn't hurting me. You weren't hurting me. And I don't recognize myself when I'm not aching. I still remember the night when you held me and I begged you to kiss me hard, hard enough to draw blood from my lips, I couldn't tell you how I longed to feel the pain. So when you smiled, confused, I smiled back, dismissing my plea as a joke. I was too ashamed to confess how desperately I wanted love to hurt me, to give up on one last strand of dim hope. To give up on the hope that, maybe love could save me. I wish I knew the pain i was seeking would break my skin and bones, make me crawl and beg for mercy every single day. I didn't know you could Love like that, Darling. I didn't know you could make me hurt like that.
Did you somehow figure out I wasn't Joking that night? Or did you hurt me because..you simply could? I guess I will never know the answer to that. But for what it's worth.. You are the sweetest most deadliest poison I ever had.
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annabelvallie · 4 months
The Siren - James Barnes x OC
"The few that had spoken to her said she was a Siren from the deepest waters, where navy men would jump into the sea at night because they heard the waves sing to them. Her voice worked on everyone but one."
AnnabelVallie on Wattpad & AO3
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maddogofnovember · 5 months
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