#but he doesnt do this because hes violent only when people deserve it
soimcoga · 2 years
i’m alive and i’m in my tmnt phase again so heed my words 
12!leo can totally lift rise!raph and carry him like he’s made of feathers. the dude stopped a giant kraang robot who actively and violently tried to break away with his bare hands. 
when rise!raph gets hurt and can’t really walk back home everyone’s like oh shit now what, and 12!leo just casually picks him like the kid weighs n o t h i n g and the rise!gang’s like HOLY SHIT WTF SINCE WHEN?!
while the 12!gang just expects another cringy Captain Ryan quote because why would they be surprised Leo’s jacked and probs on steroids and that’s alright they’re very supportive of their brother. 
that’s all, thank you very much this is absolutely canon.  
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spacedlexi · 2 months
As someone who loves both Kenny and Violet, I feel like I’ve found my calling here 😭😭😭
They’re genuinely so similar, and I do agree that the fandom has male bias, as well as protagonist bias actually
Clementine has the opportunity to befriend/romance Violet and then let her get kidnapped 20 minutes later. And for Violet, that is the most obvious feeling of betrayal! I don’t understand why people in the fandom struggle to realize that their actions have consequences
Lee can basically hate Kenny the entirety of the first season and then the fandom defends Kenny for his actions.
Clearly most of us totally understand Kenny’s response to Lee’s and by extension Clementine’s behavior, so why can’t they understand Violet’s response to Clem’s? Makes no sense to me
honestly i feel like aside from having a male bias the fandom has more of a kenny bias than a protag bias. i see his ass EVERYWHERE. CONSTANTLY. some people act like he raised clem as much as lee did 😭 (and i dont like the way the fandom talks about clem sometimes 😒 ties into the "weird about women" stuff)(and javi? wheres javi? i would like to see more javi. i actually think i see david more than javi)
anyway. i DO find kenny to be a compelling character and understand Why hes popular. its why i initially thought vi would be more popular among those fans! people who like both kenny and vi i can trust to have understood the assignment 💀 because they really do share similarities. but things some people LOVE kenny for they absolutely LOATHE violet for. and its just???? whats not clicking???
i really dont understand why some people act So Shocked by violets reaction in the cells. like hello?? YOU did this to her??? shes done nothing but put herself on the line for clem (even if clem is mean and ungrateful about it), and the One time vi needs clem to have her back, she doesnt (even tho its an impossible choice to make, and deep down vi understands this). and people shock pikachu face when it pushes her back to minnie like no shit??? but i dont think theyre even paying attention to violets character in the first place so 🙄😑 violet settled into that leadership position on her own and not only do you strip her of that role by letting her get taken she also feels discarded by the One Person who was actually influencing her to change for the better in the first place. AND you can do it all 20 minutes after kissing her. of course shes hurt!!! but people act like shes soooo unreasonable for her behavior (and vi would later agree with them! she tries apologizing to clem on the beach actually. thats how quickly she regrets it. but its too late at that point for her i guess 🙄 irredeemable. to the stocks)
kenny will Literally refuse to help lee look for clem if you pissed him off too much like 😭?? if you arent kissing kennys ass 24/7 he is the worlds biggest bitch about it. but endless excuses for kennys behavior for some reason 🤨 him trying to save ben (or christa but its better with ben narratively) is his first Real selfless act and its why its such a compelling conclusion for his S1 arc (only compounded by the fact its BEN of all people hes trying to save, the reason his family is dead). and S2 kenny is all about how his mental health is in sharp decline and hes becoming more violent as he attempts to control what he cannot 💀 kenny defenders out here using up all the oxygen in the room to make excuses for his actions but the minute vi makes One mistake she immediately regrets (after being nothing but loyal), shes an evil bitch deserving of what she got 😐
gee i wonder why 😭😔
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tofixtheshadows · 16 days
okay, if you're open to discussion, here's my view on why i think your mithrun take is somewhat reductive - prefacing this with yes, i understand you're talking about thematic positioning and not individual character motivations or goodness/badness, and no im not a particular stan of him or a kbms shipper or anything, if that helps you take this as discussion in good faith. (anon because i'll admit all the "ugh everyone who disagrees with me DOESNT KNOW HOW TO READ" does discourage from directly engaging!) yes, the elves are imperialist and yes the canaries are the primary arm we see of that in the story. yes, To A Point the violent manner that they, including mithrun, approach the problem of the dungeon is a reflection of this - it's not a coincidence that kui put this character ON this team. but when the discussion of it comes down to mithrun as the "representative" of this is where you lose me. in certain moments you could say he Acts as that, but it's not really the whole story of what his character is about or how he fits into the overall picture. multiple key moments are when mithrun notably acts AGAINST what the rest of the canaries would do, choosing to put (some amount of) trust in a tallman - we can have different reads on how much trust it is, but the effect definitely is that their approach is given a chance when normally the canaries do not allow that. the moment of asking kabru what he wants to do and following after laios, and Especially the moment of giving laios the go-ahead to try and defeat the demon, very much coming into conflict with flamela over it - in both of these scenes the other canaries represent the normal elven imperialist approach, and mithrun deviates from it. sure he thinks he regrets it a few minutes after the second one (because it did look like it failed, and because he's not exactly completely anti-imperialist either) - but in terms of what his character represents in the story, those moments are crucial to the ultimate "happy ending", and they're important TO the anti-imperialist theme that mithrun, the one with more personal reasons for being in the dungeon rather than simply being a canary & carrying out the empire's will because it's their job like the others, ISN'T acting on its side the whole time.
See this mentality is a little puzzling to me, because it treats my + others' speculation on the threat of imperialism in the story and Mithrun's role in it as if we created some sort of strict binary? As if he represents only this one singular thing, and doesn't share that role with anyone else, or that he needs to be condemned for it, etc. I don't think they're all passing around a "who represents imperialism and who subverts it" stick.
I mean, the story isn't very interested in that, is it? I believe in meeting a piece of media where it's at, which is why I'm not trying to hashtag cancel anyone over liking the elves or whatever. Dungeon Meshi is a story about ecosystems and food and hunger. It is very aware of the forces that create the situations around hunger, but ultimately it is mostly interested in food as the great leveler. We all need to eat and we all deserve to do so, even the people we might have considered enemies an hour ago.
The Canaries all get a seat at the literal and metaphorical table, even though, textually, they represent a world power whose monarch says, on page, that they are going to continue to monitor Melini and the people involved (this is a threat). Another story might not be forgiving of this. But Dungeon Meshi is not trying to be a political thriller, though as I've said, it is very aware of these things.
I, personally, am interested in the way Mithrun's story arc functions. If I talk about Mithrun, it's because he is a main character. Fleki, for example, is not a main character. Neither is Flamela. The Canaries are an antagonistic force (and not in a traditional "evil that needs to be defeated way", but antagonistic nonetheless!), but Mithrun is literally the representative of this force as the only one among them given a focus. And also because he is the captain of their squad. Even Flamela is only vice captain. Mithrun's motivations drive the Canaries as an entity in the story the same way his orders as their superior officer drive them as people.
So I am mostly interested in talking about violence, and to do that, I would be remiss to not touch on the circumstances that empower that violence. I cannot pretend like Mithrun does not arrive in the dungeon as the military officer of a first world power whose squad has the ability to arrest (and potentially execute) anyone they want, or that their success won't spell a de facto takeover of the region.
Does Mithrun care about that? No. I mean, I don't even think the other elves really care about that. It's kind of a moot point. They have a genuinely good reason for being in the dungeon and doing what they do, but they are still dangerous.
So when I touch on imperialism, which, again, is textually a part of the background of Dungeon Meshi, what I mean is: Mithrun's actions serve imperial interests regardless of his personal feelings, and they align with the threat of imperialism because oppression is inherently violent. That is where the comparison comes in.
If I were writing some sort of thesis on colonialism in Dunmeshi, I would say that the way Mithrun literally objectifies people- grabbing Kabru, ignoring his consent, using him as a projectile, brutalizing Thistle and Marcille- are physical manifestations of that inherent violence. The complacency of the other elves- their very punch clock villain natures- also serve the interests of imperialism. They're all in it together, they just disagree sometimes on the method. If Mithrun had gotten his way, the elves would have taken over the dungeon.
You are right that Mithrun comes into conflict with the other Canaries, and this is because Mithrun barely cares about sealing the dungeon. His one desire is his quest against the demon. This superficially aligns with the Canary's overall mission, but he will jeopardize that mission, the way he jeopardizes lives, for his personal goal. I don't really consider this an anti-imperialist metaphor even if it does eventually lead him to go against the Canaries' interests in trusting Laios. It's good he does that. It fits with the overall theme of disparate peoples uniting for the great leveler of hunger. Because, crucially, Mithrun agrees to it when Laios insists that he can defeat the demon. He isn't swayed by anything else. I do also think it's important that the one time he doesn't escalate to violence represents a moment of cooperation among these groups of people. We can say that Mithrun's self interest is better served by community than by state-sanctioned violence (and I do) but it doesn't cancel the rest of it out.
I'm also going to have to disagree with how much he trusts or respects Kabru. I would love if Mithrun did either, but the more I re-read the manga the less I'm sure of that. I think he sees Kabru as a useful tool. Again, I do not say this as a condemnation. I think Mithrun is nearly incapable of caring about anything else before the end of the story: I think his desire for the demon, his helpless hatred and self-immolating revenge, is so big that it blots out everything else for him. It's a tragedy. Mithrun is not entirely a rational actor, the way that someone in the grips of a debilitating addiction isn't.
You are free to disagree with me on this. I think I have an accurate reading on it, but I realize there is a lot of wiggle room.
My personal conclusion is that this
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is a very long joke.
It sets you up to think that Kabru got through to him, that they are united against Laios, that they might have even achieved some level of camaraderie after their bottle episode.
Then Kabru and the Canaries show back up, and Kabru is ... handcuffed.
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I didn't notice this the first time I read the manga! Kui does not draw any attention to the tiny magical cuffs, and the deliberately awkward way he holds his wrists for the next ten chapters didn't really hit for me until I had gone back over it. At this point I think it's supposed to tease how much Kabru is cooperating with the Canaries and how much of a threat he'll still poses to Laios.
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It did not hit me until a second read that the punchline to this little arc is that Mithrun agreed to Kabru's idea because he had decided to use Kabru as bait. This is the equivalent of staking Kabru out to lure Laios and the others so that they'd let their guards down. Kabru looks very put out by it, he's still handcuffed, and he's got the surveillance state bird keeping him in line. This is not the situation of a guy who is trusted and respected by the person who put him in this situation. In hindsight, it almost makes Mithrun's agreement a joke in itself. "Oh, you wanna talk to Laios? Sure. Let's go do that. Hold still."
It recontextualized their time together for me. Made me notice how interested Mithrun was specifically in what Kabru had to say about this Laios guy.
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You can kind of see the gears turning in his head. He correctly deduces that Laios is closest to the dungeon's heart. Therefore, reaching Laios will take him right to the demon. I don't think he actually cares about what Kabru wants. After all, Kabru says he wants to talk to Laios, and Mithrun doesn't let Kabru do that. He doesn't want to try Kabru's methods. He barely seems to think about Kabru at all.
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We are treated to a three-chapter sequence of Mithrun and the other Canaries cornering a group of people they intend to arrest, interrogating them, intimidating them, and then Mithrun, especially, escalating the situation to near-lethal violence. Marcille releases the Winged Lion because she is menaced, talked down to, terrified, and injured. Even the other elves are appalled by how brutal and erratic Mithrun acts.
And that's what Mithrun's story is to me, actually. It's the very dark spiral that pain can send you down. It's about how his obsession is killing him. How it's keeping him from forming meaningful relationships. How it hurts the people around him and causes him to act cruelly. He cannot be reasoned with before he crashes and burns. If he had grown or changed as a person at all before the climax, his character arc would be less impactful. He has to tear through everything to get to the demon, look the demon in the face and be told point blank that he doesn't matter to it. He has to put all his energy into this path of violence to show how utterly impotent and self-destructive it is.
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Dungeon Meshi understands the violence we all must do as living creatures. The inherent selfishness of killing and eating in order to survive, or fighting to protect yourself. It doesn't condemn that. It doesn't condemn the violence you do when you feel backed up against a wall either. But it does not reward this. Mithrun's all-consuming desire for revenge- and it is revenge, this is functionally a flailing quest for revenge even if he also wants to be finished off as a result- is as poisonous to him as the demon's bottomless appetite was to it.
Mithrun does not once stop to help anyone else during the climax. All the other characters converge to work together, even to put aside their enmity (like the elves and the orcs) to try and stop the threat. He doesn't turn away from his single-minded pursuit to help anyone, protect anyone, or heal anyone, though it's obvious that he could have done more good fighting by the others' sides rather than throwing himself at the demon over and over. Even the idea that he might help someone- the moment where he slaps Kabru out of a panic attack, but only because he genuinely wants to punish him- is treated as a joke.
It's only after all of this has occurred, and left him utterly empty, that Mithrun can stand up again as a new person. After he's looked into that yawning void straight on and realized what it meant to pursue it, where it was leading him. He gets up again because he agrees to share a meal. And because he agrees to help feed others.
Rage doesn't serve you. Community does. That's where his happy ending comes from. And maybe this is not the most thorough exploration of even this single topic, but I don't think I'm being reductive.
If I seem frustrated, it's because people have turned me into a ridiculous strawman because of these ideas, and then spent months shadowboxing that strawman while calling me a dumb pretentious cunt over it. This is often very funny, but even I have a tipping point. Good night.
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electraslight · 5 months
ben 10 2006 kevin arc: addicts arent good or bad. they can be kind and good and pure and everything a person 'should' be and circumstances can still align and draw them to addiction. kevin is a sweet kid who wants to make friends and is continually shown to be kind when sober, but even in his very first moments it's seen that his trip can drive him to hurt others and himself. he doesnt have any other choice though, because he couldn't survive without his addiction and the power that it gives him. this is understood, and yet ben's arc is about understanding that no matter how much you may care about an addict or a mentally ill loved one, no matter how many chances you try to give them, there comes a point where it is lethal for you to keep trying to help someone who cannot be helped. Ben gives kevin mercy, tools to help himself, and while their might be animosity about it, he really only wants kevin to be ok but even if you believe in someone with all of your soul, you cannot stay with them if they can't value you in the way you value them. Addiction is not a fault, but it is also not an illness that breeds nice people, and continuing to try and help someone who will hurt you for trying is less helping and more self-flaggelation.
ben 10 ultimate alien kevin arc: hey look at this horrible irredeemable criminal junkie lol. everyone can treat him like shit and ignore his feelings because he was on drugs once, and hes even been to jail!! isnt that horrible? doesnt he deserve to be the narrative punching bag? hes an ADDICT he can take it!! look at him getting off the wagon lol, isnt he awful for that? let's have his girlfriend and best friend call him ugly and have him get molested and enslaved!!! also when dealing with a partner going through a violent relapse its totally cool and romantic to 'believe' in him even when he is actively seeking you out to kill you. you should not distance yourself and get yourself to safety because thats LOVE and you can FIX him and ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT. we are a progressive show that has progressive politics
(these are my own interpretations btw i cant argue for intent only what i took away from it. but uaf's botched 'progressiveism' grates on me heavily when even ogs's villians are treated with more sympathy about factors out of their control than one og the teen main characters. ill make a seperate post about botched themes and whitewashing of actual issues later but focusing on this rn bc this is what made kevin resonate with me in the first place and i hate how they botched it)
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cowboyunderscore · 1 year
i dont talk about this nearly enough so im going to do it now: its so so important and awesome to me that dunya didn’t fire the gun.
like, obviously it would have been badass of her to fire it and kill svidrigailov, yeah. but.
throughout the book, dunya is compared to raskolnikov very heavily and enthusiastically (much by razumikhin, but thats another story), in both her appearance and content of her character. this, along with being the family martyr become among the only things we really get to know about her (she’s a female side character in an 1800’s russian novel, surprise surprise). so being alike to raskolnikov is her box. her main box. all the characters have boxes, that’s her box.
being so strongly compared to raskolnikov, it sets up expectations for her to follow suit in his nihilistic ideologies, or perhaps his violent tendency. so, when she has the revolver in her hand, it is forced into mind that she is supposedly just like raskolnikov. then, moment of truth, she doesn’t shoot. well, she does, but she misses on purpose—thats beside the point. she warns, like a rattlesnake before it bites. she separates herself so gracefully, proving that she has one thing raskolnikov doesnt: mercy. she shows mercy to svidrigailov, implied murderer and rapist, leaving him to dwell in his philosophy and existential misery. she separates herself, and in doing so, she proves what vast strength she has. it’s something she is proving constantly throughout the book, over and over, but this final move of not falling into the open hands of murder, she proves her goodness. she shows us that she is not her brother, because she’s better. when faced with the chance to murder someone who really deserved it she didnt kill, and that by no means weakens her. she shows she’s better than raskolnikov (or who he was becoming, trying to be), luzhin, svidrigailov, what have you. and also like??? fuck?? i love her?? people are out here NOT giving her the attention she deserves and it shows. but all in all shes entirely different and shows that over and over leading up to this scene. i just think this moment is important in finalizing that separation of characterization, and annoying how the other characters can’t see her individuality.
sorry for the rant i know it was mostly repetition of the “shes a different character than raskolnikov and i think thats fucking SICK” thing
anyways i love her the weddings next week
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syre-stane16 · 3 months
Sorry about how long this took, I told myself that I won't complete this series until I finish and publish another chapter of my fanfic. So I did. Then the exams :,-[
Ok, let's begin.
Cryo is associated with love in Genshin. I believe this comes from the 'the Snow Queen' by Hans Christian Anderson, where shards of a broken mirror corrupts the heart. So I can see an association there…
Ice is used as a preservative which is already perfect for Qiqi.
Ice is pretty, I can make a case for purity, clarity and Knowledge (because of the preservation aspect).
In terms of negative aspects: cold(world shattering idea over here), danger, isolation and slippery(trickster characters or smt)
let's begin.
Pretty boy already has the beauty aspect, however remember that there's more than meets the eye with this man. While I don't believe he's a completely bad person, I do think he could be a pretty dangerous character and so Varka was in the right keep him close.
Of course the slippery aspect works nicely with this man, I will make a case for isolation as well. Even if he does have people he cares about in Mondstadt, the dude that he should be closest to is Diluc, and well...
Also, Kaeya being aware of his role as a spy would further his feelings of isolation. The dude he trusted with that info blew up on him and the only other person we see him genuinely like is Klee.
Him being Kheanrian also allows him an association with the preservation aspect. He was told that his role would be vital for Kheanria.
Kaeya idolises family, he see's it as a very important part of a person's life. This results in one of the few concrete ideals this man exhibits. According to his informant Vile, he doesn't work with people who hurts other's families.
Abandoned by his biological dad [ I don't care if its for a good cause, its still abandonment,] he was adopted by Crepus, who died and had then falling out with his brother. I think we can safely state that he has familial issues.
Received the vision during THE altercation with Diluc. :/
Diona's a bartender, and ice is an important part in cocktail mixing. She's open about her goals to dismantle the wine industry so we'll put her under clarity. She plays this cold, i-dont-care-about-you character, which is adorable when a child does it.
Her reasons for toppling down the wine industry is due to her father, the man is a drunk and though he doesn't become violent whilst under the influence, he still worries Diona with this addiction. Also, imagine the responsibilities that child would have. She has to take care of her father when he's in this state. We know she still loves her father though, so she has a complicated family situation.
She got her vision when she went out on a stormy night to find her father after he went missing while drunk.
She definitely loves her father, and her goals come from that love and desire to help him, even if it doesn't solve the root causes of alcoholism.
Rosaria is cold and pretty isolated. She stays away from the activities of the sisters of Barbathos. She draws away from Mondstadt by being indifferent to the FUCKING ARCHON.
The people she tends to hang around with is Barbara [unwillingly], Kaeya [doesnt really trust him] and Venti[ It's Venti, the dude isn't trustworthy anyways]. Basically, her relationships in the tavern trio is, 'These two fucks are sus as hell so Imma monitor them.'
A brief explanation of her family situation. She was taken in and raised by a group of bandits. After betraying her gang, she had to kill her adoptive father. This is where she gets her vision.
She is taken in by Varka, after her 'family' was taken car of by the knights of favonius. She got the second chance since she was STILL A CHILD.
She stays and serves Mondstadt because she wants to repay the kindness she was shown.
[Ok, so I did the research and notes like 2 months ago and I don't remember enough to elaborate on this part and I'm too lazy to go back to research so.... I'm just typing down the notes.]
Familial problems, knowledge, got the vision in a sticky situation, preservation [May come from the fact the my dude's a cartographer.]
Beautiful, dangerous, cold.
She is forced into isolation by her family and the people of Mondstadt due to her family history which is a fucking crappy thing to do. At least she has people on her side, so she's not completely alone.
I'll make a case of preservation, her family is an important part of Mondstadt's past, even if they were on the wrong side of history. bringing a major clan back this time in a positive light will preserve culture. Girl doesn't even deny her families past.
She got her vision during a low moment of her life, being cast out from Mondtsadt and her clan, unable to trade money for goods and services and left to fend for herself.
Preservation because zombie. I guess she could be lonely, but she doesn't notice it that much. Adopted by baizhu. Whatever the FUCK I wrote here.
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As an adeptus, she has the role and duty of preserving Liyue. She was taken in by Cloud Retainer, and her story quest was her feeling lonely.
Reference to the chill you get when encountering spirits? Also his yang energy situation needs to be regulated via cold, so it could just be for mercy.
Obvious case for cold, isolation and danger. She was abandoned by her father and killed the monster she was sacrificed to. The adoptive daughter of Cloud Retainer. She is close with her new family.
Her clan are one of major players in the preservation of Inazuma. Due to her status, she feels isolated from the people she meets.
I'll make a case for Beauty and I've written down purity , which might come from the princess archetype she has going on? [ What was your logic me from two months ago? T-T]
The death of her parents had a toll on her brother, poor dude had to take over a FUCKING CLAN AND THE RESPONSIBILITIES AT THE AGE OF 16. I know Ayaka was also affected by their deaths as bad. And worst of all, one of her major emotional supports can't be close to her during such a hard time in her life.
I'm not saying she has any resentment to her brother or the people he serves, all im saying is that the Kamisato siblings were dealt a bad hand and I want people to appreciate them as much as I do.
I feel a strong case for love, especially towards her brother. Those two are pretty much all they have left.
All I have written down for her is knowledge. I'm gonna add preservation because her sleepy time conscience leaves a mark of her existence in the form of finished assignments.
It's weak, I know.
The knowledge aspect since he's fatus, Isolation [2 months younger me might have noted that due to his depression, hydrate yourselves btw.] I also wrote preservation down, if I wrote the essay down earlier I would've remembered the reason but I didn't and now I'll write more detailed notes, gods damned.
Love toward his siblings in the House of the Hearth, he also received his vision during a mission gone wrong that nearly killed him.
One of the children of the House of the Hearth.
Knowledge, clarity, preservation [pictures], her camera is an act of love from her father.
Chill guy. this dude LOVES, like have you played his story quest? have you seen his interactions? OH MY GODS.
Knowledge and Clarity may be a reference to the eyes and ears he has around the Fortress of Merropied.
He took measures to protect the people of Fontaine during the Flood, and he does protect the people of Merropied.
Orphan, taken in by a family, found out later that he was going to be sold, killed his 'parents', sentenced to prison, made new family. :)
This one was a lot of guessing and decoding on my end, which is completely on me, my notes should be better.
The broken family before finding a new one trend was interesting to me, it's not all characters but enough to get me wondering.
Is this what the Tsarista feels?
Think about it, maybe she loses her family during the archon war, or she feels disappointed in her first 'family' [ since I doubt a diety associated with love would be oogely-boogely about what the Heavenly Principals have done]. She finds a new family in the form of the harbingers, the leader being a Kheanrian.
Another thing I noticed is a lot of the vision stories I saw was like a helping hand to the users, like, it was granted to show them that there was someone on their side.
They were given a vision when they were the most isolated.
Which I think is sweet. It's loving. Warming my heart as I type this out. The Tsaritsa is going to be an interesting character. I know it.
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depravitymoon · 11 months
Random Yandere thoughts on the Torture Dance Trio (Rough draft)
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Author's Note: Random yandere thoughts I'll eventually make into actual posts.
Warning: Mention of violence, mention of blackmail, and verbal ab*se.
Why I think Narancia cant be a Slow Burn Yandere:
Canon Narancia is willing to give his undying loyalty to people he’s only known for a few weeks. He is NOT a slow burn. He just needs a ‘trigger’. Meaning, he needs to be given a reason to be loyal and he’ll stick to you. Wasnt Naracia hanging out with street kids since age 10 and went to jail at 14? That could mean he was with ‘Bro’ and his crew for YEARS, so a slow burn wouldnt matter. I think what Narancia realized is that ‘Bro’ and his crew only cared about Narancia being useful for them. When it comes to Trish, Giorno, Fugo, and Bruno, they selflessly cared for Narancia without expecting something from him.
The good parts of Yandere Fugo:
OBVIOUSLY, he’s violent! However, there’s a bright side:
He actually leaves you to your devices if you simply behave. He is not a clingy yandere at all.
Doesnt have baby fever. In fact, YOU have to be the one begging for the baby.
You’re his sugar baby, of sorts!…..
…..well, you’re more of a secretary, BUT GOOD NEWS! You’re allowed to walk around of your own free will.
When everything’s going great he seems like his normal polite self, just talking about intellectual topics.
Also, he's constantly complimenting you saying you're wonderful, you're the best he's ever had, etc.
The obvious bad parts of Yandere Fugo:
Beatings, duh.
He controls your finances and knows where all your family members live. You bet your ass he’s using it against you. He doesn’t need to lock you away, because he makes sure you know you’re stuck with him forever. Where the fuck you gonna go?
Keep in mind your ability to walk around free is dependent on how well you do your assignments. He believes in you! He knows you’re capable of doing it! Which means when you don’t complete the tasks, YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE! BITCH!
Just remember, it’s not just him you have to worry about. He has Passione with him. Even if he can’t use all of Passione to his advantage, he still has Narancia and Mista willing to help him.
Remember how he use to compliment you constantly? Well, now you're a whore, you're a bitch, you're unfaithful, etc because you're acting up. He loves you SO MUCH, why would you do this.
Laidback Yandere head canons
((It's a rough draft of a general yandere but it can be applied to Mista since I'm making him a laidback yandere.))
Laidback Yandere doesn't seem yandere at all. 
Laidback Yandere lets you have friends.
Laidback Yandere lets you see your family and acts like he's part of your family.
Laidback Yandere even lets you go clubbing!
What a supportive healthy relationship you two must be in! 
Laidback Yandere know all your loved one's addresses. Just in case you try to run.
Laidback Yandere has enough blackmail material on you to keep you complacent.
Laidback Yandere calmly punishes you without warning. He'll rationalize you deserve it because 'he's been so patient with you'.
Laidback Yandere calmly tells you how he disposed of the ones that were helping you leave him.
Laidback Yandere doesn't even chase you when you flee. He merely takes pictures of himself with your family and sends it to you with a text saying "I hope nothing being happens to them". 
Laidback Yandere has people watching you when he's not. 
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voiceofsword · 1 year
i'd like to know... whats ur take on rinne meeting niki's parents for the first time?
ok i forgot about this ask but because people are sort of SCARING ME speculating that bc crazyb are going overseas there's a small chance that they might come across his parents. i dont actually know how much i believe this will happen since at the end of the day the focus is on rinne and this sort of thing deserves to have More exposition, imo, so having it be an interaction that only occupies a chapter at most is doing a disservice to niki
i actually have a fic drafted out for this (which is nowhere near done, loool), which i'll summarize: it's not necessarily a pretty encounter.
i think rinne would blame niki's parents in part for his "curse" — he doesn't think highly of them, even if niki himself doesn't hold a grudge against them. i think rinne feels like he needs to hate them on niki's behalf, bc even if niki doesn't realize it, at least part of his self deprecating habits come from having been left by them at a young age, and the whole scandal that had arose from his father's tv career.
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so while he's obviously not violent towards them, if he were to, say, head to niki's apartment and encounter both of them sitting there waiting for his son, he'd be very passive aggressive. they fucked over his best friend and left him alone, no visits, who knows if they even call him anymore, for years? he wouldnt want to exchange pleasantries with someone like that. and as far as niki's parents are concerned rinne's some stranger who just waltzed into their home so i'm not sure they'd be all too fond of him either? this is all operating under the assumption that niki has little contact with them at this point in his life, so they know little about rinne besides him having dragged their son into the idol world, which he was consequently dragged out of by his father, and now he's an idol again. in their eyes, he's probably kind of a bad influence.
if niki shows up during this meeting, say he was late from work or something, he'd just be kind of speechless the whole time. it's not really a tearful reunion. if they stay for dinner, the preparation leading up to it would be awkward, not much talking. if there is it's niki trying to fill the silence, but neither his parents nor rinne want to actively take part in conversation, opting for throwaway comments at each other, and about niki, since they all think they know what's best for him (and niki isn't the brightest, but none of them go over his head). eventually niki gets fed up and slams his hands on the dining room table, effectively shutting them all up, and going to make dinner by himself while the other 3 sit in silence.
i dont know. maybe they'd be able to talk it out eventually? however i think after this initial encounter they'd probably just want to talk to niki, by himself, some other time. rinne wouldnt be pleased and doesnt think niki owes them shit but i think theyre at a point in their relationship (esp after talking it out themselves — even though rinne can be a bit of a jerk, niki would understand that he was angry on his behalf, not just because) where if niki said he wanted to go speak to them alone, he'd be apprehensive but encouraging. if niki wanted him to come with, he'd drop everything to come with if only so niki doesn't feel alone when talking to them. but ultimately, even if niki reconciles with his parents, rinne wouldn't ever be on the best of terms with them. at least i think that's how it'd be.
look forward to my fic in 2030
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fear/trauma headcanons because i want them to suffer
gray and juvia have violent flashbacks whenever they see collars like what invel used
gray is far more violent than juvia
gray is more likely to attack anyone who tries to help him viciously unless its juvia but then hed think she was like the ur that neinhart summoned and will be cautious to the point of weak attacks meant to keep her away
juvia will lash out wildly but eventually will curl into a ball (as a human or as water depends on if she could hear gray) and simply cry. rain is summoned
canonically gajeel views crucification as his worst memories. headcanonically he gets shaky and stuttery and he cant tell if its a panic attack or not but he doesnt really tell anyone bc he thinks he deserves it for what he did to levy jet and droy
natsu gets very anxious around any flame
when natsu was with igneel he would have a complete meltdown whenever he saw fire. made it very difficult to learn yknow fire dragon slaying magic.
after natsu got to fairy tail he was mostly fine with his own flames but like. macao. noooooooo. hell even the fireplace. noooooo no no nonononono
he never knew why until he got some memories unlocked during the alvarez shit. then he still had a fear of uncontrolled fire/his fire becoming uncontrollable
wendy will stay awake all night sometimes, trying to find/cast enchantments that will protect her mind and body from ever being taken over/altered ever again
erza used to get angry whenever she saw any chains. even the tiny ones for a necklace. she got angry to cover her fear of them. a pickaxe also gets her angry
levy will avoid going near long pieces of anything hard. shes scared shell trip and fall and impale herself on them. jet and droy used to be like that but after the 7 years they just became super careful around it
lucy is so close to making a deal with the celestial spirit king to allow gate keys of all kinds to be requip-ible. she doesnt care what the price is she just wants to make sure she will never lose her friends again. unless the price is losing a friend again in which case she might just murder the fucking king
after the last acnologia thing at least gray lucy and happy are afraid of literally Everything when someone's behind them. if the person laughs if they talk if they walk if they trip if they do nothing. they think theyre either being attacked or kidnapped or killed
laxus and erik (maybe sting and rogue too) are scared of lacrima
when the communication lacrima, the only one they ever bothered with, was big enough that youd have trouble carrying it with both hands, they were mostly okay. just had to have it across the room with no one else in the room
after the com lacrima became tiny phones they just. never use it. or if they are forced to then its as far from them as possible. they wont hold it. its great bc if the phone is close to their ear then its way too loud but its terrible bc they have to yell responses unless its another slayer
pantherlily will not go near laxus. if someones holding him and they go to walk past laxus he will get out of their hold and fly in a big circle around him before going back to the persons arms/shoulder/whatever. he knows logically that laxus wont summon thunder just bc lily got close but also big boom noise reminds him of far too many awful things from edolas
carla happy frosch and lector are also scared of thunder. all exceeds are. those four have just been on earth land long enough to know itll most likely be okay. happy has been near laxus enough to know hell just absorb it if it gets close to the guild
cana hates hospitals. even a medical area or something where the injured/sick rest. too many bad experiences there. too much death. it doesnt help that her fortune telling is itching to show how people will be affected by what ails them
all of the dragon slayers have a fear of abandonment. be it their first human families, the dragons (if applicable), the second families (again if applicable), the guilds, the exceeds (you get the gist), friends, whatever. they have been left too often to expect people to stay for any amount of time, but by the gods does it burn when anyone leaves even for a moment
mystogan and porlyusica feared an anima would drag them back to edolas every single fucking day.
now porlyusica fears it, even after they all reassured her mystogan took care of them all.
and mystogan fears that he didnt stop the animas, and hell suddenly have a lacrima of his family back on his doorstep
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bluezeri · 7 months
rambling about connor and noah to my friend who doesnt even know whta im talking about so i figured i should post it here
plus ao3 link if anyone wants to read it on there
anyway heres the actual rambling below the cut
Thinking about the things Horror!Connor said to Noah before anyone knew he was a horror. Thinking about how over the past year Noah had well and truly come to believe that this was the only person to see the good in him other than Devon (who was currently a ghost and the person he "murdered" so he doesn't really count). thinking about how even though he got his boyfriend killed, Connor had come to love him anyway. He really, really came to believe over many months of convincing that Connor loved him 
and then,,,, they revived Devon, and everything was fine for about 2 days. And then Devon woke up, and connor was acting weird, and then everything Connor had previously tried to convince him of came crashing down when Connor started lashing out at him, telling him he had murdered devon, that it was his fault. he didn't even- he didn't even know what to do, what to think 
he didn't even get time to process it anyway, because 3 hours laters he's staring at connor chained to a chair in the basement, practically frothing at the mouth, skin pale and veiny, and his eyes no longer that grey-blue shade he loved so much, instead a sickly bright cyan that pierced straight through his soul. All he could do was grip Devon's hand tightly, as they both vowed to save Connor
Noah loves Connor, so, so much. he didn't think he could love anyone as much as Devon, but here he was, after realising that connor does actually blame him for Devons death (<- he doesn't, but Noah is unreliable narrator of the year <33) and still doing everything in his power to save him 
Hey, he owed him that much, didn't he?
Connor remembers it
his descent into being a horror was weirdly slow, and no one ever really figured out why. but he could remember hearing thoughts that weren't his- violent thoughts, thoughts that scared him
he brushed them off though, they had enough to worry about, and he figured this was just his way of processing his moms death
 by the time he realises, it's too late to stop. he hates it, can't stand the voices invading his mind. he tries to fight it, he really does, but before he knows it, his mouth and throat are working together to curse Noah out against his will, telling noah the opposite of what he's been trying to convince Noah of for months, undoing all love he's tried to give to noah, that he's only just recently managed to convince he was deserving of
he wants to cry, except he can't, as the power takes over. and like before, he can only watch as he threatens not only his friends, but the two people he loves most in the world
 and then things get hazy. And then he's so angry. He's so angry that he finally manages to break the chains binding him. He sees Noah, registering the pure fear on his face, and laughs at it. but Noah was not his priority. He wanted the bastard that killed his mother, and he got him. 
found him, eventually, he's not really sure where, nor does he really care. He ripped his heart out, threw it against whatever wall was nearby (a cave? when did he get in a cave??), and then– 
he could sense them. his sweethearts. the ones he promised an cruel and painful death 
he raised his head, trying to find them with his eyes first. but his vision was hazy too, bathing everything in anger and hate and blood, and then... noah was there 
he didn't really register him at first. didn't register much of anything except kill kill kill- but he recognised that- that voice. 
that voice that spoke so softly, so gently to him, like.... when they cooked together, and noah was trying to teach him how cut vegetables correctly without chopping his own fingers off, or like when they were rewatching some shitty horror movie for the 5 time that week, making fun of the terrible cgi and stupid character 
and then his hands appeared. soft, barely calloused from handling weapons, long, bony fingers. raised in a gesture of peace and surrender. he liked holding them, he remembered. he likes rubbing his thumbs over his knuckles to calm him down, and liked when they linked their pinkies together, with burning ears and cheeks, avoiding each other's gaze and then giggling about it like idiots 
and then... through the haze, he could make out a face. Noah's face. the face that he's woken up to for the past 3 months, kissed even longer than that, and pined for even longer than that. the face that scrunches adorably no matter when he's in. the face that- that he loves and holds and hes doesnt want to hurt
and the noah must see his rage filled expression softening out into confusion despite the darkness of the cave, calls out his name worriedly, and rushes to catch him as rowans powers finally cleanse him 
he doesnt think about the things he's done, he’ll save that crisis for a later date. Instead, he only looks up at Noah with tired, wet eyes. 
"i love you." he barely croaks out, and noah looks back at him, with that scrunched up face, cheeks wet with tears that he desperately wants to reach up and wipe away if it weren't for his current lack of strength, and he responds by cradling Connors face and saying "I love you, too." and then connors eyes fall shut, and slips into unconsciousness
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davekat-sucks · 9 months
Vriska is my favorite character in homestuck because she did nothing wrong. Jokes aside, the real reason is because I find her to be a pretty interesting character, and its not even because shes particularly complicated. Its the fact that she feels like a real troll. One of my biggest criticisms of Homestuck and Hussie himself is that he went to great lengths to create an entire fictional species with its own culture, way of reproduction, relationships, etc. All as a joke to make fun of shippers and then completely fucking abandon this golden ticket of world building. Literally all of the surviving trolls are human-lite at this point and most have been ret-conned to not even really liking the troll way of doing things anyway. All except Vriska. Shes the only one who felt in-between worlds. She was constantly on the verge of leaning one side or the other, especially because of the influences of John and Terezi, and even her own death. The "You dont have to be a good person to be a hero" is one of the best speeches of homestuck and a phenomenal characterization point for Vriska, so naturally in a later update, that same Vriska trash talked it because Hussie cant hold a serious idea for a fucking second.
It speaks to how Vriska has to adapt from being, as Dave so eloquently puts it "hell murder world" to playing nice and not murdering people on a whim like she was conditioned to, and would be expected of, on Alternia. Vriska and Eridan were really the only two highbloods that acted as highbloods were characterized to act. Feferi was a weirdo, Gamzee was high, and Equius was a pussy. Eridan was a side character turned brief villain who was then killed and never mentioned again. But then we had Vriska, who stuck around for awhile, and was relevant as a ghost then came back to life and we all had to deal with her. I feel like Vriska's journey of dealing with troll shit combined with human sensibilities should have been what all of them went through, but Karkat, Terezi and Kanaya really had no fucking problem going with the human ways of romance. Oh sure, Terezi tries to do a blackrom with John but he himself admits he doesnt really feel that way about her, since its not in humans to feel that way. The quadrants are dead, and its unlikely they'll make a return. Oh, sure there were spades in Vrissy's eyes when Tavros kissed her cheek (Or was it harry? I dont fucking care) but its not going to go anywhere.
Trolls as an alien species whose moral views are fucked up compared to humans, is way more interesting when it first started. It what makes them ALIENS. Foreign. That's what people loved about them. Now, people just make grey humans and slap troll horns on it and call it a day. Sure there is the whole rebellion this and that, but what about trolls that embrace being bad and awful people? Where are the gold diggers? Where are the cannibalists? What about a troll scientist that raises the dead and experiments body parts for their interest in science? Because in Alternia, that type of shit is seen as normal thing to do and justified. Vriska was interesting that she was like "yeah, I'm 8ad and DAMN proud!" I don't remember if she knew that Doc Scratch was the being that made trolls violent in nature. If she did, I would bet you she would be happy it happened because she wouldn't be where she was. And people who abandon that kind of nature don't deserve to be as awesome as her. Would have been interesting to see that kind of narrative of trolls that knowing their origins are fucked up, but damn proud. Whether they take time to change or don't as they use it to their advantage to keep rising up, would be interesting to explore in fanventures or fanfics. Part of me wants the latter since change is hard and I like my trolls being bad people. But that's just me. And if people say that the violent nature was only there because Doc Scratch made it so, doesn't that apply to quadrants? So there is no reason for anyone on Earth C to commit it. Not trolls, humans, or Carapacians. So Vrissy and Tavros should not be in one. I also mentioned before that Vrissy and Tavros are technically cousins in some way. So not only they are kismesis, but incest? So incest is fine on Earth C? Or only if one party is a troll? Earth C makes it vague what troll customs are allowed that isn't the caste system.
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northwest-cryptid · 10 months
i am going to tell you the hopkins lore i pulled out of my ass. this isnt canon
i think hopkins isnt. really all that awful to be honest. objectively hes just. average for the city. hes seen as awful because hes an obstacle to the player, but like. his crime is stealing enkephalin and fucking off, while fucking over his coworker he didnt really like
i see ppl who say he doesnt care about aya which is probably intended by projmoon but i see it less as that and more he doesnt really...want to express emotions in front of the limbus crew? he openly mocks yuri and the sinners dying and does not hesitate to stab them in the back right after aya dies
and he doesnt mock aya when she dies. actually he barely says anything at all that isnt about dante not being able to speak. hes completely silent otherwise. which could be because of yuri freaking out but he usually pokes at yuri?
so to me i think he did care, he just didnt want to show weakness. is he an ass? yeah, but hes not uniquely an ass. hes just normal for the city, and honestly he makes a good point about the sinners going in entirely unprepared for anything lol
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the opening sentence to this all because telling me straight up "this is a product of my own thoughts" helps a ton!
Also yea go off fam, I don't mind this sort of thing when I know what I'm dealing with. It's the mix of fandomization with actual facts of the canon narrative sprinkled in just enough to be confusing that bugs me.
Also I don't recognize the name, but I love the point of like "sure this person is an asshole but there's nothing about him that is actually worse than anyone else in the city."
I think that's something a lot of people forget about the Proj Moon universe. We sorta view it like it's our world but just different, if we lived in the city we'd all do what we needed to in order to survive.
I'm not a violent person, I have no reason to kill or hurt anyone and considering the world we live in I likely, hopefully; never will. However if I lived in the city I'd absolutely carry weapons regularly and I'd live by the core rules of "kill them before they can kill you" and "never leave yourself vulnerable" like hell Roland was arguably a saint compared to most since a lot of what he did, he did for the reasons of living a better life with his wife and child where they'd be safe and we all know how that turned out for him so like...
The city is not "Earth with our current society but a little different and quirky" it's a society where people do shitty things on the regular just to get by, to survive at the bare minimum.
If we judge individuals of that universe using their in world circumstances it's actually interesting how people who in our world would be shitty horrible awful no good people are basically your run of the mill asshole no different from that Karen at starbucks who yells at the barista, is that a horrible asshole thing to do? Absolutely, but it doesn't mean I think said Karen deserves like, death or something; she's just a dick but that's not like uniquely dickish.
By Proj Moon standards this dude sounds like a petty thief and a dick at worst, not like some super villain who's experimenting on children or murdering people for the sake of their own enjoyment and empowerment. Sure it sounds like he's a manipulative asshole but he's not AYIN or like, any of the Ensemble who arguably were bigger dicks for their actions (outside of victims like Philip who turned to the Ensemble for arguably sad reasons and yes should still be held accountable for their shitty behavior but weren't as bad as say the lady who wanted to kill people because only the strong deserve to live or some shit.)
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kramaku · 7 months
I've heard people say that Izuku is too naive and annoying with his will to save Shigaraki. Let me tell you he's not. (Manga spoilers)
First, he will never ever try to befriend Shigaraki or even just forgive him for all the atrocities he has done like Izuku did for Lady Nagant. He knows that Shigaraki is a monster that needs to be stopped at all costs, so no he won't use "the power of friendship."
Second, when Izuku says he wants to save Shigaraki, he's talking about his soul, not his body. The heroes have already decided that All for one is such a powerful villain who tortured and killed thousands, probably millions of people, that he needs to be killed. Pulling him in prison like they did last time won't do so you think they'll simply keep Shigaraki, who is stronger than All For One, locked up? No way. Shigaraki needs to be killed too. There's no doubt about that. Now, Izuku saw a crying child (Tenko) in the vestiges and will try to extend him a hand, to save his heart before he dies.
Before talking about what I mean by that, let me analyze Shigaraki- no, Tenko's trauma a little.
Tenko killed his entire family with his quirk. After that, he ended up as a homeless starved sleepless kid who needed help but didn't get any. Until All For One arrived and saved him. Tenko was so traumatized by the events that he even lost his memories, but he did remember one thing: feelings. The anger he felt when he was abused, and that feeling of pleasure and peace he felt when he finally got rid of his dad. All for one being the manipulator that he is, he understood that Tenko's brain voluntarily suppressed his memories not to feel guilty toward himself and told him to direct the anger he had for his dad towards the society of heroes, who is apparently all faked and hypocrite, full or selfish people, people who abandon their families. Tenko here is putting the blame of his trauma on the heroes (like Nana bc she abandoned her son, who abused his own son, Tenko, because he wanted to be a hero) because blaming others is always easier than blaming yourself. Now, All for one also told him to become stronger, encouraged him to kill the people that hurt him, and so AFO fed Tenko's addiction for destruction. Since he's so obsessed with the rage that keeps growing, he never feels any positive emotion which is very self destructive for a brain, so as a coping mechanism, he searches for that satisfaction he felt when he killed his dad (since it was mixed with rage, it's a pleasure that became compatible with his anger), killing again and again: his quirk became his own source of serotonin. (that's also why he often smiles while decaying)
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Shigaraki doesnt have plans for the future. He doesn't care what will happen of society or anyone, even himself. He even said the league can just do whatever they want.. he just wants to destroy. He only lives in the present moment for that feeling only.
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What he needs is someone (Izuku) to tell him that heroes aren't all "bad" (nana had her reasons so she's not really a bad person :/) but more at the source of the problem, that he didn't deserve any of the abuse and that it's not his fault his family died. The accident wasn't the heroes fault, it wasnt his own fault, it was nobody's fault (okay it was AFO's fault since he actually transferred decay to a quirkless Tenko but the awakening of a violent quirk could've totally happened naturally and Tenko wouldn't have the blame either).
Tenko doesn't have to feel guilty about that accident. He needs to hear that.
Now I dont know how things will go on, and even how Izuku may possibly adress Shigaraki's trauma, but in my opinion the best death Shigaraki could have would be after Izuku managed to save the sad, scared, guilt rotten child in the vestiges, as Shigaraki would finally feel at ease, relaxed, kinda comforted. No anger for a very long time, I imagine his death to be very peaceful. He could even chose to be the one to kill himself actually with decay, the quirk that started it all and would end it all. He would give up on life because he had been so filled with anger for so long that he'd just feel like there's no point in living anymore if he doesn't destroy. He'd just feel like an empty shell. His peaceful death would kinda remind me of a certain demon's towards the end of demon slayer, if you read the manga you know who I'm talking about.
So yeah, I really want Izuku to reach Tenko. I'm sure he will. But he'll definitely put an end to Shigaraki's destruction at the same time.
thanks for reading, I love mha so much
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userkatekane · 4 days
OOOH ALSO!!! all the hearts for arlo :) you can only do some of them if u don't want to do all questions hehe!! <3
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc’s positive traits?
man i had to sit and think about this one LMAO so arlo is VERY devoted. obsessively so? which is one of his more positive traits because it makes him loyal af to whomever happens to get under his skin like that. like beau is set for life and whether he likes it or not, so is benedikt. he's a loyal hound and he knows it. another positive trait is that arlo is disgustingly intelligent but would you know it? no, because he plays dumb. and lastly arlo can be very gentle when he chooses to be. very tender and careful. is he most of the time though? no, no he's not
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc’s neutral/questionable traits?
probably how he's not bothered by much. he's so chill. a little too chill, actually. but not in the nonchalent way but in the concerning WHY ARENT U REACTING way. the other two are the way he just does as he likes and doesnt care for much else in terms of like, consequences and then how he loves i guess LMAO
💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc’s negative traits?
fuckin everything else LMAO his apathy towards almost everything, his violent side, how nothing matters outside of what he obsesses over, how he's HAPPY to live in the dark like that
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
beau. it's always gonna be beau. he isn't sure when she swept him up like that but it's her. he'll always choose her. he has some loyaly to elena but he also doesnt have a choice there but. if it was between saving the world and putting everything right and beau, he'd pick her every time, even if at the end they perished too. at least they'd be together
🧡 ORANGE HEART — does your oc tend to prioritize family or friends?
arlo prioritises beau, benedikt and elena. that's it. everyone else? eh, depends on his mood
💛 YELLOW HEART — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any?
he's of italian heritage, so he speaks fluent italian. he can also speak latin, the eldred mother tongue and a bunch of other languages because he's old af and has had to learn in his service to elena to be able go to places on her behalf. he's happiest speaking italian though
💚 GREEN HEART — does your oc prefer being inside or outside?
inside. outside means bad weather and the sun and more people to annoy him
💙 BLUE HEART — does your oc have any cool/special powers and/or abilities? how are they with magic, if it exists in their world?
god this might end up long winded if i spend too much time answering it so i'll summarise and say yes, he does. he's a cursed dead thing himself. it's mostly because of elena's magic running through him 24/7 but has his tricks. better to be on his side than not because hoo boy
💜 PURPLE HEART — what is your oc’s ancestry/genetic background?
i havent figured out the specifics yet because of dropping out of my oc stuff for so long but arlo is of italian heritage as mentioned before and i am thinking he comes from something royal or at least close to that before he fell into elena's little world. probably why he's so high and mighty and a dickhead 99.9% of the time LOL
🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone’s heart and/or broken someone’s trust?
killed? oh ya, plenty, all the time. and he seriously wounds people to eat LOL but yeah. thankfully it's under elena's rules rn though?? which is only men who are deserving. no women unless she decides ya that one deserves it and NO CHILDREN. NEVER THE CHILDREN. which he's fine with because kids are too tiny and he breaks beau's heart all the time, and breaks benedikt's trust more often than not. not because he means to, but because of who he is and what he chooses to do
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dual-fantasy · 8 months
FANON SVETLANA. FROTHS AT THE MOUTH. can people please be for real for a Second. like mike shes actually kind of a bad person but cause shes a strong woman the mind of a total drama fan can only comprehend her being motherly. I think she should also be allowed to try and kill scott. shes equally as cool and awful as mike. if not more. in my dream post total drama au shes just worst because she deserves to be. I think vito is easily one of the funniest total drama characters hands down. everything about him even just in canon is fucking hilarious. the italian superstrength of course isn't realistic but it's the funniest thing to me. especially since most of the total drama fandom doesn't even question it hes just like that. he has a bunch of random skills nobody knows about. he probably doesnt either. anne marias car gets fucking wrecked like crumpled into a compact silver ball its shocking she made it out. he fixes it in 10 minutes with his hands and a plastic fork that survived the crash. hes completely and utterly stupid but only at common things to know. he cant do algebra but he can name every invasive insect species in history documented and otherwise. him and anne maria date for like a year after total drama but he leaves her for cars and men. he tries to help cameron work out once and it goes horribly wrong cameron gets hurt in ways nobodies ever been hurt before. doctors scientists priests etc are all dumbfounded. same thing happens when he brings cameron to literally just sit and watch him work at the mechanics. nobody even knows how he got hurt he just did. camerons not allowed within 50 feet of something metal anymore cause itll get him violently injured in a way that defies all science and god. anne maria is also underrated and so fucking funny. she records it every single time mike and scott fight. she encourages it. she bets at least ten dollars on mike. i think jomaria is so real but in ways nobody else understands. they show up to the Scike Fights together those are dates to them. svetmaria as well but in an awful gritty girlfailure way. my person headcanon(??) is that the reset button was completely made up. mike wanted off the show and it was the only way to get chris to leave them alone. once he was off the show he became so much cooler. but stereotypical cool bully kid in a movie kind of cool(think like... leather jacket) and nobody has the heart(and healthcare) to tell him that it doesn't actually look cool. most of his shirts are stained with Scott Blood. he acts like the type of guy to smoke but he tried it once and almost died. coughed and choked for at least an hour. the same with drinking he acts like he does but he needs emotional support to take a shot. when he actually gets drunk(after crying and gagging 10 times) hes just stupid and pathetic. he learns how to speak up for himself and he gets into fights but hes a loser boyfailure at heart. he rants to brick about a stupid pirated movie hes been watching while he washes the Scott Blood out from under his nails. he is the crywank and mccafferty boy ever but not in a sad way. just in a way you have to understand. Grave Dog
I have a lot of thoughts about the treatment of women in total drama. I'll probably make a whole post about it but it's actually kinda sickening that so many fans still treat women the way they do. fanon Svetlana is my 13th reason I stg. she should be worse. she should be strangling people. she should be biting and clawing and kicking. I love her. she deserves it.
Vito is literally the funniest total drama character I think. his entire existence is so funny to me. the Italian superstrength is an extra funny concept because the fandom doesn't question it, but also the contestants don't either. they all just accept that sometimes Vito can do stuff. randomly. he knows how to make like every poison ever and also he cannot fucking count. the car crash concept is so funny to me too. she brings it to him and it's fucking destroyed and they all look away and he's already fixed it. he does leave her for cars and men. he gives me grease (1978) energy but if grease was a little bit more faggoty and rocky horror picture show (1975). the Cameron concept made me burst out laughing. literally fucking incredible. Cameron gets hit by a car family-guy Brian-fucking-dies style while Vito is driving his dumbass convertible that's made out of cardboard, mod podge, and a tin can.
I also think that Manitoba smith is hilarious to me. it might just be the Australian in me but he means everything to me. he's canonically married? noone talks about that? he mentions his wife? when what who where why? and also I think he knows a lot about genuine Australian culture that noone should know unless they've been to Australia. he has literally never left Canada but he knows everything. he says "I'mgunna run down to wollies to snag lamingtons n a Bundaberg, wunna want?" and everyone stares at him like he's fucking insane. he warns everyone of dropbears. he calls them Zooper doopers. literally noone knows where he got this from.
I agree that the reset button was the only way to get Chris to leave him alone. noone wanted to get brought back so they decided that they would just. lie. and get off of the show. Chris didn't know it was fake he did literally no research whatsoever. chef knew it was fake but he didn't say anything because he understood the want to get off the show.
Anne Maria is soooo underrated it's insane. her elimination was actually iconic. even tho it's a fake diamond she could still sell it for a pretty decent price. it's a massive fucking jewel she could still scam someone with it. it's amazing actually. she means everything to me. jomaria so real they watch mike beat the shit out of Scott. Anne Maria is running bets and jo is charging admission to watch. they make so much money. also I believe in jo/Anne Maria/Svetlana. they beat up scott together. I love them.
mike is such a poser he's literally amazing. his shirts are all stained with blood (mainly Scott's) but if he ever tried to drink vodka he would shrivel up and die. he is the lightest weight ever. brick is holding his hair back while he's vomiting and threatening Scott (who hasn't been there for 10 minutes) after he took a singular shot. he is literally the worst and my personal favourite. Jo helps him wash blood out of his jeans while he's gossiping with Anne maria. I completely understand the McCafferty and crywank guy he's also the front bottoms and modern baseball. you're so real always
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ok weeks later i am finally continuing my gwitch rewatch lolz. time for episode 12.... someone PLEASE tell tumblr to stop erasing my posts just as im about to hit post and not being able to undo it because i had the longest write up and now here i am.... rewriting again and trying to remember what i'd written. i'm gonna scream lmao
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this part feels so awful now that the series is over and thinking back on ep 24. miorine just comes to, all to see the doors closed and hear suletta's screams and sophie's gunshots on the other side. no doubt in my mind this girl probably dealt with awful nightmares about suletta dying after quiet zero
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i know prospera did use this as another XP level up for aerial, but jeez, imagine how much confidence she has in suletta and eri to be able to say something like this. like not just that suletta will go to aerial, but that together they can take on the attackers who at the time prospera didn't know shit about
lmao i dont think ive ever felt so confidently about something that id bet my whole life ln it
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ad stella universe is crazy because i can only think the big liberatarian ancap society is some silicon valley fascist's wet dream because how else do you explain the business management girl knowing 1337 hacker skills
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stupid asshole
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sophie and norea are such tragic characters to me goddamn. like how often were they practicing their piloting to be able to be good enough to join on a mission like this? were they upping their permet score during practice too?
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and why exactly is it them who pilot the lfriths instead of someone else from DoF? we never really get a clear answer on why it has to be the teenage girls when later on we see there's a ton of grown men around. i think given what else we know of ad stella, though, it doesn't matter much when we have asticassia as a school for the elite that basically serves for furthering earthian oppression be it by force (ie. see guel's original plans for joining dominicus) or just continuing to further the spoils of space capitalism
when you think of it that way, i don't see DoF any different than say palestinians fighting back against oppression from IDF forces. unless you're a racist fuck, you can't blame palestinian kids for throwing rocks at IDF soldiers, so i can't really blame norea and sophie for joining the fight
to quote fanon:
National liberation, national renaissance, the restoration of nationhood to the people, commonwealth: whatever may be the headings used or the new formulas introduced, decolonization is always a violent phenomenon.
- Frantz Fanon, "Concerning Violence," The Wretched of the Earth
i really do wish they hadn't just sidelined DoF entirely lol if you subscribe even a smidgen to anti-colonialism, its hard not to sympathize with them and shaddiq/grassley girls. and here theyre actually fighting for a just cause and are deserving of sympathy unlike 0079’s fakeout with zeon.
flipping the UC spacenoid/earth dichotomy so that earthians are the exploited class is just good shit when you consider what fuckers like musk want to do lol and its not as set in stone as exploitation only happens on earth either. mercury sounds like an abandoned appalachian mining town at this point with people lured out by jobs and then left to fend for themselves once permet was found elsewhere and their utility to the spacian capitalist class has run dry. and though i take this one with a grain of salt because we never get hard confirmation or denial, the elans were supposedly spacians (norea calls him a spacian even after finding out el5n’s not the real elan and he doesnt say one way or the other).
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enough marxist ramblings, here's a cool shot of lfrith ur
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whoever added this, i love them
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as much as i don't trust bandai with sulemio unless they reverse the mess they've made for themselves.... i just want to fucking know more about notrette so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!
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badass shot of lfrith thorn to go with the ur one earlier
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snitch boy starts his snitch arc
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the whole way guel killing vim plays out felt like it was gonna lead to something cool at the time... it makes me even more mad now knowing that it very likely is all an homage to zeta and kamille stealing the mk-ii and then later watching his mom die lol (ffs we even have the guel episode later on stealing its title from a zeta episode). guel's entire character just leaves such a bad taste in my mouth with everything thats happened recently
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to think that 15 mins later she'd just be all ditzy over pancakeing a man after basically peeing her pants here
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prospera shooting a gun at quiet zero >>> prospera shooting a gun at plant quetta
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this show and this fucking pose, man lmao
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AERIAL REBUILD is going to be stuck in my head all night because of this episode.... but look at how fucking cool she looks!!!
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okouchi if this is a line you wrote, you, sir, are a troll... her face now is literally just :<
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if you have the rebuild aerial and you don't have her posed like this, then what are you even doing?
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i still feel like secelia and rouji for sure had no idea how powerful aerial's gund-bit gun was in episode 17. like norea is scared shitless here and tells sophie and olcott to get the fuck away. we have olcott telling us that even though it has school regulations on, it's strong as fuck
that said, i don't think guel was in mortal danger given that the school restrictions don't let them aim at cockpits or whatever, but it sure would've fucked up the darilbalde
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oh this line hurts lol
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i don't think i ever paused on this frame before lol i really hope peil hags master plan here wasn't just to have el5n get all rapey like he does later on. i mean, probably not and that was moreso el5n's desparate attempts to stay alive given he barely gets a chance to do anything before school shootings 1 and 2 bring everything to shit
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comparing this frame versus suletta inside calibarn in ep 24 and suletta is still just a baby at this point in the show lmao she looks like a little teddy bear vs kakkoii ikemen suletta
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paused on this frame and it honestly looks cool as hell lmao
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and we made it to THE scene
you know, as i said in prior rewatch posts, i had been watching via GJM's fansubs at this point and was gonna wait for them to release their version of episode 12... however, that same suletta sunday i logged on to twitter and immediately got spoiled on this scene lmao so i needed to find out what the fuck happened and stopped waiting on fansubs (i did rewatch later on)
it really is such an amazingly well done scene though like goddamn lol
now that the show's over, i do kind of wonder if there could have been something other than this to become the spark of tension between suletta and miorine. with the exception of sophie (which arguably was more eri's victim than suletta's), suletta never kills anyone again in the show. her final fight ends up being against the gund nodes being commanded by eri lol so she just fights unmanned drones. it's an interesting decision considering the gundam franchise as a whole
i know it's meant to contrast against shaddiq's by any means necessary approach and prospera's willingness to do the same if someone tries to hinder her plans to help eri... but i really just can't get behind the whole violence is always bad no exceptions message behind the show. i do appreciate that shaddiq's plan basically still came to fruition and that it ends up being an in-world analogue to nationalization of industry. and it's really a cherry on top to have sabina call out whether that was for the best - not just that they nationalized industry but that nothing else was done to stop those who don't agree with what miorine did. history has given us countless examples of countries that nationalize various industries just for the united states military to come in and make some shit up and stage a coup and hand over said industry to whatever shithead capitalists were being piss babies about it at the time
lmao i know we're all mad about a lot of the yuri being left on the table because of bandai execs, but i wonder how much of the anti-capitalist message got left on there too. they really had a chance to make guel a real hero and he's just... not lol. episode 15 makes me mad not because it's a guel episode but because nothing ever actually came from DoF existing. like what was the point?
if they just wanted to humanize DoF a bit and introduce the kid that guel and kenanji run into later on, that could have taken half an episode given the insane pacing they chose to go by during the 2nd cour
regardless, i'll still savor little bits here and there
ok lmao i feel like my original post was way better than this and it took me double the time now to make this post but whatever. gonna try to get through some more eps this weekend
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