#but he sure doesn't do it for his brothers or targaryens as a whole or even his uncles
chibsandchill · 2 months
It all starts with a smile
Fandom: HOTD (House of the dragon)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x AFAB!reader (no use of Y/N or pronouns)
Summary: Aemond must learn how to move on from the past and lead his people into a time of peace. Only, he has forgotten how to live without war.
Warnings: Grammar and spelling errors (english is not my native language), short (1322 words), some angst if you squint
The smell of lavender fills the room as you fuss with his hair. It is shorter than it has ever been – reaching just above his shoulders. It feels freeing, in a strange way. His long hair had been a shield, but he is done hiding. It is only right that you be the one to cut it for you had been there to witness his victory. 
“And what do you want?” 
“A smile, Aemond, ‘tis all I ask for.”
His lips quirk ever so slightly. He hasn't smiled in what felt like centuries – hasn't had a reason to. It doesn't fit him anymore (he doesn't know how). 
A mere twitch is all he can manage. 
“Perhaps my lady should wish for something more… attainable. A king has as much need for a smile as a-” 
A frown appears on your face and he wonders where he misstepped. His father had smiled. Plenty. Though not at him or his siblings. And he had almost led their house to ruin. A smile did little when faced with dragonfire. 
“It is time for peace now. And a king of peace has as much use of a kind smile as he does his right hand. The people need soothing – reassurance that all will be well again. That they will not have to send their sons to die or their daughters to pillow houses.” You move closer and Aemond holds his breath. He does not fear your touch, but his skin crawls at the thought of it. He can almost feel the water of that damned lake filling his throat again. 
“Your grandfather taught you much, Aemond, but this? The art of keeping the power he took and pleasing the smallfolk, that evaded him. In the end he was too much like the dragons he surrounded himself with.”
He wants to defend Otto, the words burn in his throat. “He was a great man.”
“Yes, he was.” You nod. “But not a good one.”
“No, but few men are.”
His eyes glance at the door, almost expecting his grandsire to storm through it shouting at him. His body prepares for a strike, but it never comes, just as the door remains shut. Otto is dead, but his mind still screams at him to defend his blood. His skin crawls at the neglect, at the words of weakness he let slip. 
Your hand cups his face. You’re on his weak side. He refuses to turn. 
“A soft touch.” You say. “The realm has been ruled by an iron fist for so long that even the ground has forgotten what it is like.” 
So you had noticed him stiffening. Another crack in his crumbling mask. Vulnerability seeps out like blood from a wound. Somewhere under it lay a scared boy, Aemond is sure. He still feels like he’s in the halls of Driftmark sometimes, with his eye in his hand and his father with his back turned. All alone. Scared. Scarred. 
He has no more allies. None bound by blood. And blood was all one could trust, Aemond had learnt that the hard way. And even then it is not guaranteed. His family cut him deeper than any. 
“A smile. A soft touch,” he repeats. Aemond grasps your hand in his and gently pulls it off his skin, “will not bring stability to a realm of chaos. A smile will not sway the hands of the thieves, or the rapists lurking in the dark. A soft touch will not bring back the sons or husbands of the thousands of widows. It will not bring back sisters, brothers, dragons.”
“No.” You agree. A frown pulls at your lips. Aemond almost puts your hand back on his face. “But it will not take any more. You cannot be a man of war in a time of peace, Aemond. Your life did not end in the battle above the Gods Eye.”
But Vhagar’s did. Vhagar fell. He is one half of a broken whole cursed to sit a throne that mocks him at every turn. His brother’s laughter haunts him when he sits on it, his grandfather’s leers scrutinizing his every decision from the place of the Hand, the smell of his mother’s blood followed by phantom pain when he misstepped. 
“No. It did not.” 
Your hand is back on his face, grasping at his jaw to guide him to you, to force him to meet your eyes. He allows it. Aemond doesn’t like the sharpness to your eyes as you look at him. What in him do you see that displeases you so? 
“You were shaped by bitter hands and hatred, but you are free of it now. We are free. Free to make mistakes. Free to… love.” 
Your eyes soften. 
“It is okay to grieve them just as it is okay to love them despite their faults, but you cannot let the memory of them keep you chained to the past. The future is yours for the taking, you need only grasp it.”
“I do not know how.” He confesses. The words were heavy on his tongue, and yet they are even heavier between you.
“A smile, My King. It begins with a smile.”
Again he tries, and again he fails. His lips twitch but it is more like a grimace than a smile. He knows anger, he knows sadness and he knows disgust. He doesn’t know this – doesn’t know the softness you spoke of, doesn’t understand the peace in your heart or the lightness to your steps. Rhaenyra never forgot. She smiled even in the end as Sunfyre devoured her whole. 
“Do you remember the night you claimed Vhagar?”
His scar itches. 
“Of course I do.”
You move closer again, though you do not reach for him. You kneel by his feet, your hands flat on your thighs. Your voice is as soft as the Maiden’s when you speak again. “What did you feel when you took to the skies as one for the first time?”
The words tumble from him before he can stop them. “Whole. Worthy. Happy.”
“Will you tell me about it?”
Aemond inclines his head, confused by the request. Unable to deny you, he thinks back on that night, before it all went wrong. And so he tells you of how he met Vhagar. Of how his legs shook terribly when he walked across the sand, how his heart stopped beating when her eyes met his and the bond was formed. Of how her scales felt against his calloused hands, her warmth against his skin, and her breath on his face. He tells you the color of her eyes, the scars on her legs, chest, the horns on her head, the shape of her scales and the stories her body carried. Aemond describes the climb up to her saddle and how he had to tie the heavy chains several times around his waist, barely managing to finish the last knot before Vhagar started moving. Vhagar was so large and heavy that each step shook the earth and he had never felt as small and yet so large as when he sat upon her. 
Somewhere in the story, Aemond loses himself, and the words keep coming but he no longer hears what he is saying. He’s back there – back on Vhagar. He feels her muscles moving under thick skin, feels her every inhale, every exhale and every grumble as she moves. Hears the thundering crack of her wings in the air, the wind through his hair. His heart feels full again, whole. 
The story ends, but the feeling stays. His chest feels lighter than it has in years.
“See, Aemond,” you say, “it – healing – starts with a smile.”
His fingers tremble as he raises them to his face. 
And there, 
stretching his lips in a motion so wholly unfamiliar that his face begins to ache, 
is a smile. 
Maybe there is hope for him after all. 
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howdoesagrapewrites · 9 months
𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐰𝐬 𝐕 ✴️
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Taglist: @faespace @baellabass @ejs398
Plot: Imagine being the legitimized bastard of Daemon Targaryen, and having a very devoted family.
Cw: incest/targcest, yandere/lovesick behavior, unhealthy relationships, platonic and romantic yanderes, not everyone is romantically involved with reader, yandere EVERYONE x reader, sexual content, no actual smut, mentions of noncon
>Alicent and her children had been guarding your sleep the whole night, the night of the king's passing
>Aemond saw his mother just observe you while displaying an unreadable expression, he prides himself with being able to decipher people and use it to his benefit, but this time, his mother seemed out of reach to him. If he had to guess, she was attempting to treat you like a pawn, trying to dehumanize you to gain control over the political situation, and she was failing
>For his part, his thoughts while observing you, were much tainted he was watching your chest rise with every breath, examining your boobs and how they would slightly change shape when you laid on your back, much rounder. He would love if his mother and sister left to grope and caress, even just over the cloth, even for just a minute. Just a minute to smell your skin, your natural scent now free of the perfumes you would wear to fit in court
>He would love to have a minute, but he wants a whole life, Aemond is sure not even growing old with you would leave him satisfied, he would look for you again
>He wondered what would you think of him, he has a plethora of fantasies depending on your reactions. The most obvious one, disgust. He would cage you his his arms, hold your wrists with one hand while using the other to rid you of the bothersome clothing, sucking and biting at your neck, then your niples. You resist, but he is able to bring you pleasure regardless, some of your screams turn into moans and by the time he's kissing below your navel and starting to use a finger to play with your slit, your pleas of "no" and "please do not" are almost automatic, you do want him to go down on you, but you continue to chant the words as if to preserve what's left of purity
>But that fantasy would soon get old, he wished to exert power over you, yet have you willingly submit
>If you could only look at him the same way that you used to while consoling him over his lack of a mount
>Helaena was there as well, Jahaera and Jahaerys had been brought by her, but taken to bed by the maids in no time
>Helaena sung intelligible songs while playing with the threads in-between her fingers, for the little audible parts, Aemond heard the songs speak of dragons, swords, fire and blood
>His mother had arranged for Aegon to usurp the throne, he would never say this out loud, he knows his brother is a usurper, but he encourages this, as he wants the strong bastards away from the line of succession as one can be. Better off dead, but that's too much to ask
>Everything was in place, except for the king. Aegon was missing, «of course Aegon was missing» he thought
>Otto wanted to send ser Criston to find him, but Alicent protested it would leave you alone. They went back and forth until Otto said they would entrust Daeron with your guard. Aemond rolled his eye.
>Helaena had left without him noticing, possibly to mother the twins and whatnot
>He was in his mother's chambers, Otto alongside her, discussing the future of the realm. «This is the real small council» he said to himself
>"I will find Aegon, mother" said Aemond
>"That is already taken care of, Ser Criston will not rest until-" Otto spoke
>"He doesn't know where Aegon is, I do"
>"Then speak at once, boy" Aemond grimaced at the words of his grandsire
>"I am not to speak, I am to search, this is matter that requires involvement" he paused "But I want something"
>"We shall send Ser Criston, you will join if he fails"
>"And waste all that time? He may be as well as dead halfway through ser Criston's crusade"
>"Name your prize" Otto replied, breathing defeat in every syllable
>"You will hear it after" Aemond saw Otto arch an eyebrow and open his mouth to speak "Do not worry, I have no interest on the crown, or land, or titles, I would have acted before had been that my goal" His mother urged him to speak, but he had to remain silent, he was sure she would understand
>Him and the royal guard were underdressed in rags to blend in, Aemond wore a cape to cover his silver mane
>He had to endure the obnoxious Cole knocking on every brothel door like he was a lost peasant
>He was very uncomfortable when he found the madam of that one place, staying stiff and shivering under his cold facade
>He thanked the seven you could not see him like that, weak
>Once they found the White Worm, she said the prince would be handed over a ridiculous sum that they bargained
>But before they could leave with Aegon, he remembered something. The White Worm weaves silk through far and wide in the realm. The White Worm who is the paramour of the prince of the city, the White Worm that could have been your mother
>Aemond would order extra vigilance on you that night, while Misarya was known to be a slimy, untrustworthy woman, she had never been known to betray Daemon, or to betray gold for that matter, and Daemon was not going to skimp on you
>He had to say he was anything but surprised when he learned of that idiotic scheme of his brother to leave the city. Aemond imagined he'd waste his small fortune on whores as soon as he arrived, feast with men who are just waiting for him to surrender his better judgement to a glass of wine, then steal whatever is left. He always thought Aegon would likely die with his pants on his knees, possible covered in vomit and other fluids, choking on a chicken bone, or something as meaningless as a cherry pit, his women would steal his gold and he'd die slowly, lonely, pathetically, he had to say the idea did not displeased him too much
>But then, he could only cash his prize if he retrieved him, in one piece no less
>Aegon had returned, being almost locked up in his chambers, and the death of Viserys continued a secret to the world until the preparations for Aegon's ascension were finished. By the third day, the corpse of his father started to stink, he had already been rotting in life, and death was not stopping that. He looked at the king, he found him graceless, he had nothing, he was an absent king and absent father, Aemond would do better if he had the chance
>A couple hours after Aegon's arrival, you had woken up, almost immediately you were taken from your room and (to your perspective) randomly put on another, the maids insisted it was for your safety, and you decided to not waste a breath asking them questions that were for someone else. You wanted to see Alicent, and you wanted to see Viserys
>No one would give you answers, and you had no way of communicating with your family, not your father or even your family in the castle, for that matter, you only had ser Criston as a form of familiarity, not even your usual maids were to be seen anywhere. Even though you did not wish to think of it, it was probably because Aegon had chosen them to place his "affections"
>The second night you were awake and isolated, you commanded sir Criston to come into your room and talk to you, give you whatever detail of information he had. He refused again and again, with excuses of how he answered to the queen only, how he was to the door to protect you, how it was improper
>But he ended up giving in
>He told you all he could say, was that the king had died, and that now a conflict of ink and ravens was arising
>You wept the lost of your uncle, and (awkwardly) ser Criston put a hand on your shoulder, ghosting over it. And he told you to fear not, you were in good hands
>You wanted to believe him, you did
>Back to Aemond, he had come to speak with his mother as soon as he was done arranging your room transfer. He felt accomplished by commanding, especially when commanding for your well-being. Alicent knew what Aemond would ask for, and she had tried to ready herself to hear it
>"I want lady Y/N, wed her to me" he did little to stop the smile growing on his lips
>Alicent could have said many things, but she just asked her son one thing. "Do you understand the consequences, Aemond?"
>He nodded, he did not care, if the consequences of taking you were fire and blood, so be it. Never in the seven kingdoms had existed a more lovely lady, and Aemond was only blind in one eye
>He wanted to marry her before Aegon's crowning, and he had threatened to get the supreme septon to do it in secret if he had to, he was smart, and knew it was just a matter of time before Daemon and Rhaenyra caught wind of everything, and he will not lose you
>Daeron had come to face him, Aemond never thought he had the balls to do it
>Whining about his lack of honor, how he was stealing their cousin, dragging them when she was practically engaged to him already
>Aemond let his anger simmer, he smiled while the boiling blood warmed his body, the delicious liquid reminding he was alive, he lived for the taste of rage, his or from others
>"Worry not, little brother, you can now take your vows as a white cloak, so you can become my wife's sworn sword and stand behind her door when she and I share our bedchamber"
>Daeron reached for his sword, he did the same
>"Uh uh, are you sure?" He teased while Daeron seemed on the verge of tears (sadness, ire, who knows)
>His younger brother simply walked away from him, in shame
>You were losing your mind in confusion, and no tantrums from you were enough for the servants to let you leave your chambers to visit Viserys' corpse
>So imagine your surprise when the maids came with shiny new silks, to dress you for your wedding day
>Two ladies, one named Olivya Swann and one named Celesse Hightower, announced themselves as your new ladies in waiting. They said your measures were needed to confect a wedding gown for you, you refused to strip until they spoke and told you what was going on, you felt bad for them, as they were clearly not the ones to blame for the mayhem
>It took a while, the maids genuinely did not know much, the orders came from above and they obeyed. But it was Celesse who finally broke down. They were sent to aid the preparations for your wedding to prince Aemond
>You had to sit down on the bed, your head was spinning around, now there was nothing to do, you were a prisoner in King's Landing. And it was easy to put two and two together, they were not planning to bend the knee to Rhaenyra, and you were there as a pawn in their twisted game of chess
>You yelled at the women to leave you alone, and despite their attempts to calm you down, you ordered them to go. You knew they would come back later, but you simply could not stand there like nothing was happening
>How could Alicent allow this? If they wanted to marry you to the greens, why Aemond? It was clear you and Daeron had far more in common, and comments were made about betrothing you to him, why Aemond?
>Aemond was cruel, and you could never decipher what he wanted from you, he took pleasure on hurting your family, and you were further perplexed on why would he want to marry a bastard
>Maybe he was being forced to marry you too, it would have made you almost sympathetic if it were not for his previous actions
>You tried to sleep, you layed fully dressed on the bed without covering yourself with the blankets
>You dreamt of nothing, and were awaken once again by the maids looking to measure you
>They came in, and helped you undress as to avoid the measures be altered by the thick of your clothing
>You were sleepy and docile, allowing them to carefully place the meter in your waist, bust, hips and shoulders, they also measured your arms
>Olivya presented you with squares of several luxury fabrics, one stack was several shades of white, and the other was a similar amount of shades of green.
>You did not let the opportunity slip, this would probably be the one choice you would have on your marriage
>You made your ladies show you each and every square of fabric, you took all the time in the world. Finally, the chosen ones were pearl white with emerald and laurel green. The colors reminded you of your dragon, you missed him so much, but the gods only know where he could be, he was too large for the dragonpit and therefore set free, he would have come to your calling once you left with your family, that was what was supposed to happen
>You spent three more days locked away, at least you had Olivya and Celesse now. Celesse came from Oldtown, she was the daughter of Hobert Hightower, you made her tell you stories of Daeron, as you were unable to see him. You fondly smiled when thinking of him, your dragon knight
>Olivya was from the stormlands, but she had been raised in King's Landing, as her uncle was serving in court, and she was brought to keep company to princess Helaena
>You told them of Pentos, then of Dragonstone, you told them of your little brothers, so small and cute, you also told them about dragons, you told them about your home, in all its meaning
>Three days after the measuring, the wedding gown was ready, you were amazed, and wondered how many people had been working in full speed in order to complete such an intricate piece in so little time. There was pearls and little gems embroided in the translucent sleeves, a green dress, a beautiful Hightower green dress
>Celesse spoke highly of your soon-to-be husband, telling tales of his skill with the sword and his intelligence
>Olivya told you you would enjoy married life, that the prince was a fine suitor with "admirable manners"
>You remained silent, luckily, your saddened face was covered by a white veil
>What you saw could hardly be called a ceremony, there was Alicent, Aemond and a septon. You slowly walked towards the altar, and recited the vows you had learned when fantasizing as a little girl, none of your fantasies happened this way
>Like always, Aemond was unreadable, and you did not care to try to read him anymore
>There was no feast, no celebration, nothing remotely similar to the wedding ceremony of a prince
>Like everything around the castle, it was rushed, poorly done and with second intentions behind it
>You struggled to look at Alicent, she was dear to you once, but now you debate whether should you trust her
>During the dreaded wedding night, you expected Aemond to humiliate you, to take you by force and call you names, to degrade you
>Anxiety pooled in your stomach, and your eyes burned as you tried to hold tears in
>But instead, he kissed your hand and laid next to you, not even touching you
>You must disgust him, he was forced to marry you, and he has no interest in you, you thought you found yourself in the position of Rhea Royce
>But you could speak plainly to Aemond, you always had
>"An unconsummated marriage can be easily annulled" you pointed out
>"You don't sound at all aroused with the idea, you appear hardly seductive" Aemond replied
>Aemond sat down on the bed, you copied him
>"I am not Aegon, I found screams for help less than enticing. Besides, you would never love me if I raped you" he stated as if he was talking about his day
>"Who says I love you now?" Maybe you should have not been so bold, but you were
>"We are married, you'll learn to do it eventually"
>"As humble as ever. Then let me ask why I should I love you, and you are free not to"
>"I love you, Y/N" you could feel the scorching heat coming from his eye, the sapphire shone in the candlelight. You were speechless, it would have been hard to believe if he wasn't gazing at you so intensely, he carefully took your hand in his
>"You have not acted as such" was the only thing you thought to answer
>"I am not Daeron" your eyes widen in shame. It is not unfaithfulness, yet shame makes you feel as if it is "But again, you have not treated me like you treated Daeron, have you?" He knew what he was doing to you
>"He never called me a bastard"
>Despite the topics of conversation, you both remained calmed, vulnerable in the cocoon of the sheets, your hand was still intertwined with his
>"Neither have I" he squeezed your hand a little
>"But you continue to humiliate Jace, Luke and Joffrey for it"
>"And I paid with my eye. And with you" you look at him confused after he says that, so he continues "After I bonded with Vhagar, you pushed me away, you never forgave me for it"
>"You never asked for forgiveness"
>"And I will not, not for what I did, but perhaps the way I did it"
>You and your husband talked for what it felt like days, for what it felt like years of lost time
>By the hour of the nightingale, you felt like you married one man and now lay with another. Despite his hardened exterior, you now smile at Aemond the way you did once when you were children
>"We still have time to make this wedding night exciting, my lady wife" he smiled mischievously, you looked at him with slight distrust, hoping he was not expecting sex after all that heartfelt talk "would do me the honor of flying with me?" You smiled
>"Dagahrion is not here"
>"There's plenty of room in Vhagar, I ride the largest dragon in the world"
>"You clearly have not seen mine lately" you teased
>"I suppose we'll have to clear that matter once he returns"
>You dressed up and sneaked into the dragonpit, this kind of mischief made you think of happier days, made you forget about the mess
>You missed Vhagar, she used to be Laena's, and she remembered you
>You rode with Aemond until sunrise, in that moment it was just the three of you. No marriage, no usurpation, no conflicts, nothing but the wind in your faces
>Until you had to come back, and you found the preparations for Aegon's coronation being set in place
>"This is outrageous, disgraceful, illicit! This is simply- this is bullshit, Aemond!" You shouted to him once alone "Aegon will be the worst king since Maegor and you know that"
>"I am not the one who sat him on that throne, don't you shout at me for it"
>"It's true, but you are not doing anything to stop it, Rhaenyra should be crowned"
>"Of, course, then Jacaerys Strong can become protector of the realm" he snickered sarcastically
>"May his father be Ser Harwin, Laenor or the damn mushroom, we are sure he is of Rhaenyra and that is what matters"
>"If he was born of Rhaenyra's husband then it truly would not matter if his sire is mushroom or whoever may he be, he is a bastard"
>"So am I! Appoint me leader of the bastard council If you want, because I will defend his claim to the throne, Rhaenyra is the heir and you and I know Aegon is a depraved drunk"
>"Bastard or not, you are my wife, and I will not argue anymore, you are mine now. And when you are called, I want you pretty and smiling when witnessing his coronation, because your husband says so" you had not even realized when he had caged you against the wall, his eyes burning with rage. No trace left of the man you spent last night with
>"Yes, my prince" was all you said. He nodded, kissed your forehead and left the room
>Your father used to call the court "the nest of vipers" and now you understand, the only way to survive was playing their game
>You called in for Olivya and Celesse. Told them to dress you and arrange you to attend Aegon's coronation
>You were pleasant, smiling when you had to, staying right at your husband's side, one may think of you as tame
>You even let Aemond fancy himself your hero, standing before you when Meleys interrumpted the ceremony
>Rhaenys looked at you, you knew she could not steal you away from this, so in her eyes, you imagined her apology
>You decided you will come back to your family, and so, after Aegon's coronation, you told Alicent you needed to go to the Sept, being so throughly shaken. As Aemond said you needed to be guarded all day long, you asked for Daeron to accompany you. Aemond would have never allowed it, but Aemond was not there, he was with the small council talking about recruiting the loyalty of different houses
>Once in the Sept, after praying, you looked at Daeron, it pained you to ask
>"Do you love me, Daeron?"
>"You are married to my brother, my lady"
>"We know what happened. And I did not ask you that"
>"It is improper for us to talk this way"
>You felt rejected, but once again asked "Do you love me, Daeron?"
>"I do" he bashfully responded
>"Enough to run away with me?"
>"Don't make me choose between honor and love"
>"I fear I have to"
>"Enough to run away with you"
>"Then meet me at the dragonpit at the hour of the bat"
>"Y/N, please-"
>"I will run regardless, but I would rather you are with me"
>You rose from your knees looking at him
>He came closer, your lips were near, but not touching, you could feel his breath
>"Kiss me once we're far away, do whatever you desire then" you say before leaving the Sept
>You decided to wait in the library until it was time to go, on your way, ser Criston asked if he could scort you there, you were reluctant, but skillfully lied and said it would be a pleasure
>"My lady, may I speak plainly to you?"
>"You have my permission"
>"I saw you asked for prince Daeron to accompany you in your prayers. Please don't look for him, he loves you, my lady" he made a melancholic pause, and again, his hand ghosted over your shoulder, his face close to yours "And noble ladies only run away with the knights in tales and songs"
>"I understand"
>Ser Criston's words left you with a strange feeling, he seemed sincere, did he know something you did not? Maybe you should wait before running, maybe you should find a better way to do it
>But you remained firm, and slipped out of bed once Aemond was asleep
>You went to the dragonpit, singing to the dragons, and hoping for Dagahrion to come back, if not, you'd have to leave on Tessarion
>You heard steps, thinking it was the dragonkeepers, you hid
>"Riñaaa~" you heard Aemond's voice, and you feared. You don't know if he would be capable of doing you harm, but you'd rather keep wondering
>His voice kept chasing you, in a mocking tone
>Until he finally found you
>You were a the center, and you felt the gazes of the dragons, but by far the fiercest one was Aemond's
>He pressed you against the wall, his sword unsheathed
>His body was pressed against yours, you felt him practically vibrating with wrath
>"I have wanted you for years, yet I held back, I was patient and devoted, and you run away at the first chance you get" he spat
>"I guess we had a rocky two-day marriage" if you were dying, you were doing it with your head high
>"I should have broke you, but I was a fool" it was all tension, you did not know if he would snap, or when would he, and kill you or gravely injure you
>He grabbed your face with his sword still pressing and threatening to break your skin
>He kissed you roughly, like he wanted to mark you as well as harm you, like he was tasting both heaven and steel
>When you were recovering your breath, you spoke "will you slay me?"
>"I will take you back and treat you like the backstabbing bastard cunt you are, the way I should always have" you knew this was probably the last time you will be like this, unbroken, whole
>You missed him back, tasting all the poison inside him, it was messy, rough, teeth crashing, you took him like he was your last breath. You were just saving courage
>All that could be heard was your labored breathing, Aemond's sword never moving. You felt an ache in your chest, you were scared. You wished for the mother, the celestial mother, the one that never left you, unlike every other woman you had though of as a mother. You wished for your father, although violent and rude, unpredictable and sour, he loved you with his whole heart, body and soul
>Maybe you were just going to make a fool of yourself, you hoped so, that Aemond would just laugh at you
>You took a breath of the second-hand air, smoky and anything but clean, and when your lungs were full, you screamed so loud your throat felt raspy
>Dragons obey their masters, and Dagahrion was not here, so it would work, supposedly
>The last thing you saw was the startled face of your husband when all the dragons around you spat scorching hot fire and burned both bodies
>Less than an hour later, prince Daeron found your remains. Some dragonkeepers said your voice commanded all the dragons to attack, others say that it was impossible, that it must have been Vhagar trying to kill you by Aemond's command, accidentally getting caught in-between
>The death of lady Y/N Targaryen, daughter of prince Daemon Targaryen, [allegedly] at hands of her own husband, Aemond Targaryen made the dance of dragons a conflict of fire and blood
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queers-gambit · 2 years
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prompt: at a rare family dinner, you have news for your husband.
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x wife!reader
fandom: House of the Dragon
word count: 5.9k+
note: i didn't want to like him but the pirate baby war criminal does something to me.
warnings: cursing, spoilers, Aemond being a little shit, basically the dinner scene with Aemond's wife. canon-level incest (?) and dialogue. not edited!! ❗️major season one, episode eight spoilers
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"How's this?" You asked Amira, your handmaiden, showing her the sixth dress you've tried on. You observed all angles of yourself in the mirror, smoothing over the material of your dress in worry.
"I like it better," she nodded, admiring your figure. "And you can't even tell you're hiding - "
"Mira," you warned, sighing sharply.
"When are you going to tell him, my Lady?" She demanded, helping you into your shoes as you fixed jewelry around your neck, wrist, ears, and fingers. "It's killing me!" She whined lowly.
"Soon, Mira," you rolled your eyes.
"You've been saying that for a month, and now you're starting to show!" She snipped, hands on her hips. "He's not stupid - "
"He's been distracted as of late," your eyes rolled. "He is not paying attention to me right now, I've time to think."
"I beg to differ, but sure, let's be ignorant."
"Mira," you sighed, or more like whined. Your head tilted back and you sighed sadly, pinning her with an exasperated look.
"I'm being honest, Princess, and I'm telling you the Prince absolutely adores you. How he's not noticed yet is beyond me."
You sheepishly admitted, "I might've... Lied a wee bit."
"And said what?"
"I was bloated from bad fish and my cycle," you shrugged. "He doesn't know much different, and he's been coming to bed in exhaustion that he doesn't much stay awake to notice my growing figure."
"Well," she sighed, hands slapping her thighs as she shrugged with defeat, "this dress hides everything better, it fits nice. It's a winner for tonight's dinner... Just - "
"Don't eat too much," You ended for her, smirking. "I know... I know."
"You should just tell him, Princess. Rid us of this game, please."
"I will..."
"He has the right to know," she whispered.
"He will - just once I figure out what to do."
"What do you - "
"Once I figure out how to be okay with this," you sighed sadly. "Look... I just... Aemond doesn't seemed thrilled by the idea of being a father but his mother insisted on lineage. He only did his duty," you shrugged, fiddling with your fingers as emotion caught in your throat, "and I'm nervous to tell him, because... T-Then it's over."
"What's over?" Amira asked softly.
"The marriage," you sniffled, "the bliss, the partnership. I just become a cast-aside-milk-machine."
"You know the Prince would never - "
"Truthfully, Mira, we don't know," you cut her off sadly, "because nobody can predict what Aemond will say or do next."
"He wants to be a father," Mira nodded, but both of you froze when a new voice asked from the doorway,
"Who wants to be a father?"
Recognizing your husband's voice, Mira was swift to answer when you froze in fear, "My husband's brother. He's trying for a baby with his wife and I was telling the Princess how excited he is because he really wants to be a father."
"Hmm," Aemond considered a moment, stepping into the room in-full and letting the door close softly behind him. "Well, speaking of my dear wife, are you almost ready, love? We've dinner arrangements."
His eye raked over your form and when he settled on your face, he smirked with mischief. Gulping from the flush of heat his gaze brought, you glanced at Mira before affirming, "I'm ready, my Prince Ameond."
His brow furrowed as Mira showed herself out, Ameond asking, "Since when do you address me so formally, my love?"
"Oh, well, just - you know, we're going to have dinner with your whole family, Ameond, I just wanted to remember formalities and, you know, my place..."
"Your place," he reaffirmed as he reached for you, "is at my side, sweet girl. You worry for nought, my family adores you."
You sighed lightly, "As if you gave them a choice but only to accept me."
His smirked broadened, "You're right - I gave them none. Come, you're worrying yourself silly. It's nothing, my sweet girl, Father called for this dinner to celebrate us being together."
"Might you promise me something, then?"
Aemond sighed, "You know I cannot break promises to you."
"Exactly," you smirked lightly, feeling his arms tighten around your waist to keep you pressed to his front. You worried he'd feel the small curve of your belly, but distracted him by asking, "Do not antagonize anyone while your King Father is present, my love, please. He's old, he's sick, let us grant his wish of having a meal together - in harmony, in peace..."
He sighed again, letting his eye shoot over your face as you pouted lightly. "All right, my love," he agreed, "I will behave myself while Father is present."
"Thank you," you whispered, thinking that was the end of it. Your Lord husband smiled and took your hand to tangle his fingers with yours, pressing a lingering kiss to your lips.
"Shall we, my love?" He muttered softly.
"Hmm," you hummed, kissing him again. "All right, yeah, let us go. Shouldn't keep the family waiting."
He smirked, "Come."
Aemond liked keeping you close, moving from your shared rooms and down the halls to reach the private dining room the Royal Family was to take their meal in tonight. Upon entering, you discovered the fires ablaze and torches set to provide ample lighting, making you smile as the room was the perfect temperature for your pregnant, flushed-flesh.
As custom dictates, you bowed to the Queen Mother first; greeting the Hand of the King after, then with similar bows, greeted the crowned heir to the Iron Throne, your birth mother, Princess Rhaenyra. You gaze shifted to your mother's husband, the Prince Daemon, your step-father, and offered him a polite greeting. Truth of it was that you were always cautious of Daemon, and the way he looked at you was hard to decipher; never knowing if he even liked you or not. You skin was toned down from your father's, the late Lord Laenor Velaryon, but your hair was as bright as your mother and father's, and all who shared your blood.
Your marriage to Aemond was a bid for peace after your younger brother, Jace, took the young Aemond's eye about 6-7 years prior. To placate tension, your hand was offered only 2 years ago, and it turned out to be a surprising love-match. You and Aemond grew closer after the years apart, and though you tried to understand all sides of the situation, you knew the truth behind the loss of his eye, and only tried to offer comfort for your husband on day's he became overwhelmingly insecure.
You loved your family, but you loved the man you shared your life with now and did your best to keep the peace.
You greeted your brothers and cousins before looking back at your mother, who grinned in excitement.
Your mother breathed your name and stood from her seat, making you match her excitement as you let go of Aemond's hand to hug her tightly. "Mother," you gasped into the tight embrace. "Oh, how you glow! Pregnancy has always agreed with you. How are you feeling?"
"I'm well, my sweet love," Rhaenyra nodded, pulling away to gently pet a stray hair from your forehead. "Your hair's grown so much in these years."
"Do you like it?"
"You look beautiful, my love, I adore it," she promised, squeezing your hand. "How are you fairing?" She glanced over your shoulder to your husband - who was greeting his own siblings.
"I am doing well, Mother, you do not need worry," you assured. "Aemond is good and kind to me, I promise. I have known only love and warmth from him, and I feel I should both apologize to you for protesting the arrangement, and then thank you for it..." She smiled fondly, caressing your jaw and chin. "It has worked out better than I ever could imagine."
"I am delighted to hear it," your mother spoke with so much love and kindness that a light sheen of tears coated your eyes. "You look well, love," she sighed lightly, petting over your long hair. "You know I miss you daily, my sweet girl. It is not the same without you."
"I miss you, too," you swore. "More than words..."
She sighed, "Well, go on, we should find our seats..."
"We'll talk again soon," you assured softly, giving her hands another squeeze before breaking apart. You nodded to her husband, "Prince Daemon."
"Princess," he nodded back, watching you move around the table to snag Aemond's hand in yours, and together, the two of you made it to your seats at the head of the table. Aemond pulled your chair out and let you sit before taking his seat between you and his grandsire, leaving you between him and his sister, the Princess Helaena.
"Good evening," Otto muttered to you, nodding with a soft smile. "You look beautiful, Princess."
"Thank you, my Lord," you smiled. "You look well yourself. And you, Princess," you directed at Helaena, "that dress befits you."
"Thank you, my Lady," she smiled, "you're glowing... In this light," she spoke with a knowing twinkle in her eye.
"Love?" Aemond muttered, a servant holding a goblet. "Would you like wine tonight?"
"Oh, please," You accepted, Aemond taking the goblet to pass along to you. "Thank you, sweetheart."
"Hm," he acknowledged with a small smirk, raising his own to his lips as he observed the whole of the table and slowly turned in his chair to crowd into you. "Say the word, love, and we'll leave..."
"We're fine," You assured in a soft whisper, bowing your head to speak in his ear. "You are on edge, my Prince."
You could almost physically feel his nerves.
"With reason," he sighed, leaning in to press a kiss to your neck. "Aegon wants a word, my love. I'll be a moment."
"Go on," you sighed, smiling with a nod as he stood from his seat; leaving you with a parting kiss on the top of your head. The table was still being dressed for dinner and the Targaryen-Hightower families all sat around as they all waited for the King to arrive. Aemond and Aegon stood for their conversation at the corner of the table, leaving Helaena to rise to her knees in her chair; giggling with you over whatever riddles plagued her mind in that moment. Otto smiled as he watched you two for a moment.
From your place, you could feel the tension from Queen Alicent and Princess Rhaenyra, knowing all of their feud from your limited years at court prior to tonight. When the doors opened and a procession of Kings Guard was seen, you all pushed from your wooden chairs to stand for the King's arrival; your husband reaching for your waist to stand together as a united front. Aemond always took your union very seriously as your birth appearance only left room for rumors to fester about your brother's lineage, and Aemond took immense pride in calling you wife.
You, who had the color of your father's skin, and the hair color of your mother; you, who was a highly desired prize to the courts; you, who was desired over others, and looked at only as a trophy - but being that you wed a man who had known you your whole life, he treated you as much more. You were proud of your marriage, and stood tall at his side.
The King was carried in a chair that would double as his seat for the evening meal, requiring a set of guards to carry him up to the table before being lowered.
When everyone was allowed to reclaim their seat, Aemond held a hand to the servant boy who meant to push your chair in; smirking at you as he took the liberty himself. Say what you wanted about the lad, but his mother raised him right...
Much could not be said for his brother, but Aegon was not your worry.
Aemond took his seat after, letting his hand drift to your thigh in invitation; smirking again when both your hands tangled with his. You noticed both of your brothers now sat with their betrothed, who were Daemon's daughters with your Aunt Laena - who passed seemingly only days before your father. Both tragedies left your mother, Rhaenyra, and uncle (?) Daemon available to marry, and you remember standing on your ancestral home of Dragonstone, watching the Old Valyrian customs come to life as they wed.
A beautiful ceremony in truth.
Around the table, all members of the Targaryen-Velaryon-Hightower family claimed their seats as King Viserys Targaryen, First of His Name, was set down at the large gap separating your mother and step-mother...
How odd to think about the relations around this table.
As the guards retreated, Viserys croaked, "How good it is... To see you all tonight... Together."
You smiled at Aemond and let your head fall into the crook of his neck when he glanced at you; his arm readjusting to better hold your hand, both attentively listening to the King's words, but not before his chin caressed the top of your head when he returned your brief show of affection.
The tension at the table was nearly palpable, leaving Alicent to ask her husband, "Prayer before we begin?"
"Yes," Viserys agreed.
Everyone took proper prayer form, you glancing at your seemingly confused mother for a moment before to your lap as Alicent lead the prayer: "May the Mother smile down on this gathering with love. May the Smith men the bonds that have been broken for far too long. And to Vaemond Velaryon, may the Gods give him rest."
You ignored the under-breath huffy responses to Queen Alicent wishing for rest upon a man slain in court today, nodding when the prayer was over and lifting your head to reclaim your husband's hand in your own. Viserys continued, "This is an occasion for celebration, it seems. My grandsons, Jace and Luke, will marry their cousins, Baela and Rhaena, further strengthening the bond between our Houses." You nudged Aemond gently when you saw him staring at Jace with unnerve. "A toast to the young Princes and their betrothed!"
"Hear, hear," Daemon mocked as he took up his goblet, your husband spying your smirk of amusement.
And though he lowered his voice so his father did not hear, Aegon's words reached your own ears as he muttered to your brother, "Well done, Jace. You'll finally get to lie with a woman."
Jace let his goblet set to the table forcefully, catching your eyes as you subtly shook your head at him. He ignored Prince Aegon's antagonizing words.
"Let us toast, as well, Prince Lucerys... The future Lord of the Tides."
"Hear, hear," his future sister-cousin toasted with a soft smirk.
"You'll be great," his cousin-fiancé assured.
"Love," you reprimanded softly, catching his stare again. He only sighed at you as Aegon was turning to Jace again.
"You do know how the act is done, I assume? As least, in principle? Where to put your cock and all that?"
"Let it be, cousin."
"You can play the jester if you wish, but hold your tongue before my betrothed," Jace defended, keeping his voice low so the adults would not hear him.
"Hmm," Aegon sighed, nodding once before sitting forward in his seat. You sighed to yourself, feeling Aemond's hand stroking over the meat of your inner thigh and leaning into his arm slightly.
But all came to a stand-still when Viserys grunted and stood uneasily to his feet, leaning forward on the table to hold himself up. His words were spoken between huffs of breath, "It both gladdens my heart and fills me with sorrow to see these faces around the table." He looked around with meaning, "The faces most dear to me in all the world... Yet grown so distant from each other... In the years past."
Aemond blinked once, then twice, and lowered his gaze to the table before looking down at you. You offered a silent smile and pet over his hand. But both of your smiles dropped when you looked up again, watching Viserys reach for the latch that kept the golden facemask in place; realizing his intention. You were used to Aemond's injury and scar, but the King's was something else entirely, and with your pregnancy stomach - you were unsure how you would react seeing it.
Aemond's hand squeezed yours when the King dropped his mask and gave a front-row-viewing to his decaying face. Aegon and Helaena refused to look, their eyes set to the table as Viserys looked around; Rhaenyra seeing the extent of his illness, and how his children could not look at him for longer than a few seconds.
Viserys continued, "My own face... Is no longer a handsome one," he snorted lightly at his own joke, "if indeed it ever was. But tonight... I wish you to see me... As I am." Otto watched the King directly, boldly, and your eyes could only handle small glances, focusing on the way Aemond was distracting you with his fingers running up and down your thigh in your lap. "Not just a King," Viserys continued through haggard breathing, "But your Father!" He turned his eye to Daemon, spitting, "Your brother!" His head turned to Alicent, "Your husband." And then he looked to the middle of the table, "Your grandsire. Who may not, it seems... Walk for much longer among you." He slammed the gold mask to punctuate his point, all eyes staring at him now. "Let us no longer hold ill feelings in our hearts. The crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided. But set aside your grievances." You felt emotion swell in your chest as Aemond's hand paused to squeeze your hand. "If not for the sake of the crown... Then for the sake of this old man! Who loves you all so dearly!"
He panted in exhaustion as he fell back into his seat with Alicent's aid; fixing the mask back over the decaying half of his face. Suddenly, your mother, Rhaenyra, was shooting up from her seat with her goblet in hand; making you sit up straighter almost subconsciously. Aemond fought off his knowing smirk as he watched your mother hold her goblet with intention.
After a moment, the crowned Princess spoke, "I wish to raise my cup to Her Grace, the Queen." When Alicent had helped secure the gold mask, she looked up in curiosity. "I love my father," she continued to Alicent. "But I must admit that no one has stood... More loyally by his side than his good wife." After a meaningful look, your mother spoke to the rest of the table, "She has tended to him with... Unfailing devotion, love, and honor. And for that, she has my gratitude... And my apology."
When your mother's eyes caught your own as she sat down, you nodded with your own toast, "To the Queen Mother."
The others echoed your words and took their obligatory sip of wine, watching Alicent accept your mother's words. "Your graciousness move me deeply, Princess." Daemon sat forward at the Queen's words, your mother watching her as your own husband seemingly stilled to watch the tense exchange. "We are both mothers... And we love our children. We have more in common than we sometimes allow." Your mother accepted her words, in turn; and the Queen Alicent Hightower stood to her feet, and hoisted her cup high, "I raise my cup to you and to your House." After a moment, she ended, "You will make a fine Queen."
You smirked gently as your mother fought off her emotion, raising your cup again to call, "To Princess Rhaenyra, our future Queen!"
The rest of the table followed suit, and with King Viserys, took their gulps of wine. Aemond smirked and pecked your temple, earning your attention for you to grin at him - feeling as if this was a perfect moment to announce to your husband and family that you were pregnant. But his attention drifted when his brother drained his goblet, cleared his throat, and stood from his seat.
He sighed and kept close watch as you silently turned your attention as well. Aemond knew better than anyone how protective you were of your brothers, and though you shared different traits in appearance, they were still your blood, and you, and your gorgeous green dragon, Kasta, would defend them until your death day.
You could not make out the words Aegon was muttering to your cousin, but you knew the lad liked to instigate; his farce of pouring himself a new goblet of wine only getting him so far.
Whatever was said upset the Prince enough for his hands to bang on the table as he stood; Aegon's smirk assuring you he meant for this reaction. "Jace," you heard Rhaena try to intercede.
But as Aegon made for his seat, your husband stood to his feet, and stared Jace down as if in challenge to say anything. The table all stilled, and even Viserys, who had witnessed your husband ferocity, waited with held breath. "My love," you whispered, reaching for Aemond's sleeve to give a simple tug. "You promised," you reminded softly, begging him to sit down again. But when his fist formed, you stood from your seat to press into his side, whispering urgently, "Aemond, please, do not do this, I am begging you."
His arm slithered around you to keep you at his side as Jace only pounded his fist into Aegon's shoulder in a show of good faith; noting the way Aemond went rigid even under your soothing touch.
Jace toasted with his own goblet, "To Prince Aegon and Prince Aemond. We have not seen each other in years," Jace glanced from Luke to you and Aemond, "but I have fond memories of our shared youth. And it is obvious the love, devotion, and respect you show my sister - and for that, I give both gratitude and thanks." He paused to look at Aegon, who looked sour at the show of responsibility and educated-tongue. "And as men, I hope we may yet be friends and allies. To you and your families good health, dear uncles. Or, should I say, dear uncle, and brother," he smiled at you after, seeing you return it with all-teeth.
But when Aemond's hand tightened on your waist in anger, you whispered again with urgency, "Please, let it go."
Behind you, Jace had gripped Aegon's shoulder, giving a tight squeeze, before another friendly fist pound - making the Prince reply tightly, "To you as well."
"A moment," you called, making Aemond pause in his descent to his chair, and prayed you could cause reason to smile again, "because I'd like to toast my good and loving husband." He offered you a solemn smile, but cocked his head in confusion. "And... I'd like to take this moment, before our families, to share the good news..."
"Love," Aemond whispered in shock, Alicent perking up as Otto did. "You speak what I think you do?"
You nodded, glancing at the table, but telling Aemond, "I'm pregnant. We're going to have a baby, the Seven's heard us at last, my Prince."
There was a round of cheers and applause as Aemond breathed in relief and pulled you in, letting both his hands caress your cheeks as he kissed you tenderly. "Truly?" He muttered, making tears brim your waterline.
"Yes," you confirmed, feeling one of his hands drop to press against you gently swelling womb. "Just a bit over three months in."
He laughed and pulled you in for a proper hug, the table sending their congratulations to you both - and you foolishly thought you were successful in distracting Aemond enough. You took your seats again, him fully turned to keep his arms around you, as the family all muttered in good tidings.
But above them, you could hear Helaena mutter, "Beware the beast beneath the boards."
You didn't get to question it because you were leaning over to give Otto's hand a squeeze - thanking him for his good tidings. Your mother caught your eye after, giving you a bright and happy grin; silently toasting to you, making you return the motion and take a sip.
Thinking you had ended the toasts for the evening, imagine the surprise when Helaena, a usually quiet girl, stood from her seat as if it burned her. Aemond and you both paused to look up, listening as she spoke, "I would like to toast Baela and Rhaena. They'll be married soon. 'Tisn't so bad," she assured sincerely. "Mostly, he just ignores you..." Then, a thought came to her, "Except sometimes when he's drunk."
You honestly didn't mean to, but you laughed a little - eyes widening as you look at Aemond with your hand over your mouth. But he chuckled, too; and dare you say it, but you swore Otto let out a singular chuckle to his granddaughter's words. In fact, you knew he did, when Helaena found her seat again and he nodded at her, muttering, "Good."
"Let us have some music," Viserys spoke, and a moment later, the live musicians struck a tune. Curiosity burned in your gut when Jace stood from his seat, muttered to his fiancé, and then stepped around the table to approach Helaena with an offered hand.
"Jace," You warned your brother when he halted beside you; watching as Aegon could not tear his sights away from his wife as she accepted, and let the Prince lead her to a small clearing for a dance.
Aegon turned and shared a hardened look with his brother. Aemond let his chair push back some to give him a proper view of his surroundings, taking your hand, and encouraging you closer. You sighed with mild worry, muttering, "Won't you eat something, my love? Please?"
He hummed, tearing his gaze back to you. "No, sweet girl, you go on. Eating for two now, aren't you?"
You sighed lightly, "W-Was this alright?"
"Telling you here?" You wondered, genuine fear flooding your chest.
Aemond sighed and leaned forward to crowd into you again, despite the head of the table posing with natural privacy. "My love... This is," he sighed lightly and took your hands in his, meeting your gaze, "The best news you could've given me - in any way. But in front of our families? That is special, indeed," he smirked some, leaning in to press a linger kiss to your forehead. "Worry not, sweet wife, for this is joyous news. I am just..."
"Uneasy?" You filled in with a frown. "I know this family likes to push buttons but please do not say or do anything - not with the King here, my love."
"I know," he assured softly, "I made you a promise, I will not break it."
You nodded in response, letting his lips meet yours for a slow kiss, his nose nuzzling against yours before he leaned back in his chair - nodding at your plate to silently encourage you to take another bite.
Some minutes passed and after laughing with Otto over something silly, you caught your husband's gaze again. You offered him a small look before leaning in, making him sit up and bow his head to hear your words, "You're staring again."
He chuckled, "Perhaps I am enjoying the view."
"Oh, of me eating, is it?"
"Of my beautiful wife, yes," he smirked, leaning back again, and leaving you to get sucked back into whatever was being spoken of now. You did not notice how the King gazed fondly at you all, taking note of his gathered family, until he was wincing and moaning in pain.
Slowing your chewing, you watched silently as Alicent called for the guards, and Viserys was then being pulled away, and carried away from the table. You stood with respect as he was dismissed, Aemond's hands smoothing over your waist to guide you back into your seat - a moment before he did the same.
Aemond sat at an angle, not eating, and leaving place at the table before him for the servants to raise and set a roasted pig before him. You eyed it wearily, knowing of the torment your brothers and Aegon put Aemond through for being dragonless in his youth, and tried not to think further of it. You reached to lay your hand on Aemond's knee in comfort, just placing your next bite to your mouth as Luke's snickering amusement enraged Aemond.
"Don't," you gasped after you swallowed when you noted the way his entire body turned to regard your younger brother; sighing in defeat when Aemond's fist rapidly pounded into the table's top as he climbed to his feet and swiftly picked up his goblet.
"Final tribute," Aemond proposed, ignoring the way you sighed and remained still in your seat. When the hall quieted and turned their attention to him, Aemond continued, "To the health of my nephews: Jace," he looked to the boy still-standing, "Luke," his sights turned to your brother that slashed his eye from its socket, "and Joffrey. Each of them handsome," your eyes met Alicent's, as if anticipating his words, "wise..." He paused, the tension brewing to a new height.
"Love, please," you whispered, watching him nod silently, and then finish,
"Aemond," his mother tried, but was ignored.
"Come!" Aemond barked as you slowly stood to your feet out of worry; his arm extending to wrap around you and settle you on his other side - as if to protect you. "With my sweet wife, let us drain our cups to these three..." Aegon rose his goblet with enthusiasm, ever the one to hide behind his brother's brute, words, and strength, "Strong boys."
"I dare you to say that again," Jace barked.
"Why?" Aemond instigated as his head snapped to look at your brother, you sharing a look of unease with Alicent. "'Twas only a compliment." He let go of you as Jace started forward, turning instantly to meet him. "Do you not think yourself Strong?"
Luke stood in anger as Aegon met him, Jace launching his fist into Aemond's jaw - making you wince slightly upon the impact, and making you call your brother's name in protest. You felt Otto raise to his feet and pull you back from the fray, as Aegon smashed Luke's head to the table. "THAT IS ENOUGH!" Alicent raged.
Seemingly unfazed by the fist to his face, Aemond smirked at Jace before pushing the younger boy back off his feet. He sprung up with a growl - making two guards lunge forward to restrain him - as your husband turned with a broad grin and his goblet, still in hand.
Jace and Luke were both restrained as you freed yourself from Otto's grasp to reach for your husband, who sat his goblet down in order to hold onto you. "What was that? Huh? You lost your mind finally?" You demanded in disappointment, hearing your brothers still growling and grunting with effort to free themselves.
Alicent descended upon you two, demanding in a lowered tone, "Why would you say such a thing before these people!?"
"I was merely expressing how proud I am of my family, Mother," Aemond rounded on her, one arm still tight around your waist. "Mm," he considered, raising his voice as he let go of you to turn, "though it seems my nephews aren't quite as proud of theirs."
Jace broke free and charged forward as Daemon barked, "Wait, wait!" With a silent finger held, he stalked between the two Princes; easing Jace backwards without uttering a word. When the boy was back by his brother and both of their betrothed, your mother was demanding of them, "Go to your quarters. All of you go, now."
Daemon turned and settled his sights on Aemond, making the hair on your neck stand on end with worry as you held your husband's hand tightly - as if it would keep him at bay. Your step-father came to a halt and sighed, still staring at Aemond, and you knew that just because your husband was unhinged, didn't mean you were, and Daemon genuinely made you nervous. He was undefeated and rumor of his win in the Stepstones was told to you directly by your father, who bore witness to the Rogue Prince taking the entire beach by himself.
Daemon was not someone you were eager to cross, but your husband loved a good challenge - and by the look in both man's eye, you knew they had met their matches.
Aemond sized Daemon up for a moment before your hand tightened in his, begging quietly, "Can we go, please?"
He hummed in response and tightened his hand in yours, leading you past your mother and step-father, but pausing when Rhaenyra spoke your name. Your mother reached for you, smiling, "Congratulations, my sweet girl. You'll make a beautiful mother."
"Thank you," you whispered to her, leaning in to kiss her cheek, and whisper, "I'm so sorry."
She winked at you in return, letting Aemond take your hand again and lead you onward into the torch-lined hallway. You sighed when you pushed from the room, leading in the other direction of the guest rooms, meaning, you did not have to worry about running into your brothers.
"You're angry," he mentioned in observation after a few moments.
"No," you answered quietly, leading up to your chamber door. "Just uneasy."
"Over me?"
"Over all of this," you admitted softly, entering first and hearing him follow. When the door closed, you continued, "It pains me to feel and see the divide in the family. And I walk both lines of it..."
"'S not easy," he agreed.
"No, it's not," you sighed, pulling your jewelry off. "And now isn't the time for petty games, my love. We've a child on the way, the time for grudges has passed - though I will not tell you to let this go." You turned to look at him in the firelight. "I know the pain caused, and I know what was taken from you..." He lowered his gaze, making you slowly approach him and reach for either hand. "But I need my husband with me, and not lost to some vendetta. We're having a baby, Aemond, and I'd like for them to know their uncles."
He sighed, nodding as he wrapped his arms up your waist. "Aye... I'd want that, too. But they can't call me brother, please, my love - "
You chuckled, "I will make sure they understand. We do not have to see them often, but the times we do, I'd like for some semblance of peace and normalcy."
He nodded with understanding, "Aye. For you, my love, I can do that."
"Yeah," He sighed.
"Then please - no more Strong comments," you begged quietly. "They're leaving soon, please, do not instigate this further. You do not have to see them again, but I'd like to see my siblings off."
He nodded, "Whatever you want, my sweet."
"Well, I want my brothers and husband to get along but that's not happening, is it?"
"Not likely," he teased. "But I will do my best to restrain myself."
"I only ask that you try," you agreed, pecking his lips. "Now, are you gonna run off anymore or do I have my husband for the night?"
He smirked, "You have me, my love. I am here with you."
"Good," you smirked, letting a hand snake along the back of his neck to pull him down; searing a heated kiss to his lips.
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[ series masterlist ]
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enchantedlov3r · 2 months
~Wild enemies turned lovers~ A Jacaerys Velaryon love story Cowboy AU
Chapter 1
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Summary: you and Jace were enemies, no one could get you guys to get along. so when you guys are forced to work together on your mother's farm for a summer, burning hatred turns into passionate love...
Pairing: cowboy!Jacaerys x cowgirl!reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: lots of sadness and angst, Jace being a tiny asshole, aemond being a good friend, daemon being the reader's fav as he should, and lots of cussing yayy! smut in future chapters, fluff at the end kind of, mentions of death, arguing, let me know if I missed anything! enjoyyyy!
A/N: heyyyy... how y'all doin'.... so look I know I have other stuff to work on but I just couldn't resist y'all know me! so this is dedicated to a lovely girl @coral021 so I hope you like it and it suits your liking, this will be a series btw!
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You felt as though you and Jace were supposed to be enemies since the womb.
Jace was always so stuck up and such a know it all while you were more reserved and chose to hide in the shadows.
yes you were outgoing and loved riding your horse around the farm, but you also didn't like a lot of human interaction with others you didn't know.
you were reserved and introverted that way. you liked to tend to the farm animals and do chores, stuff normal people wouldn't exactly enjoy doing.
but when you put those headphones on, you were in a whole other world. a world that Jace always loved to mess up when he and his family came to visit.
It was currently 2:55pm when Jace and his family arrived. It was Daemon, your favorite. Aemond and Aegon, Lucerys, Joffery, and Rhaenyra.
you spotted them from the barn as you were feeding the pigs. you finished tidying up in the barn when your twin sister comes running towards you.
your sister was your best friend, she was the only one who you felt actually understood you.
"There here!" she says with a giddy smile. "yea I caught that, you seem a wee bit too excited, I wonder why." you say your southern drawl coming in strong.
"oh stop it! you know he doesn't like me back, it's just a tiny crush anyway. to be honest I think he takes a liking to you." she says as you both walk hand in hand.
she had the biggest crush on aemond. he showed signs that he didn't like her back but to be honest your sister could never truly stay hooked on one man.
when you guys were 12 she had a crush on jace but when you guys were 15 she obtained a crush on aegon.
"you know how you get around him, I just don't want him hurting your feelings, you know how mean they are, and besides your too sweet for him anyway. and I highly doubt he wants me," you say smiling at her as you rub your nose with hers.
she was the joy and happiness that you don't have. you weren't exactly depressed but you weren't exactly happy either, being the oldest by 5 minutes meant more pressure on you then her.
but she was still able to put a smile on your face as always. you havent been the best, especially since dad died. it's been rough on everyone but daisy doesn't show it as much. tyring to stay happy for everyone.
(gonna name her daisy btw you can use it if not thats ok too)
you eventually just shut everyone out except her. your older brother, your mom, your friends, even other family members.
"you think mom's gonna tell em? that dad's dead?" daisy asks you. you sigh and look at your house up ahead.
"maybe, they are like family and daemon really did like our dad so maybe?" you say honestly. you weren't sure.
your mom hasn't left the house in months. he recently died and you guys had the funeral a few months ago.
she hasn't moved from the house and you and daisy were constantly trying to coax her to help out.
so instead of getting up to help she calls the Targaryen family over to help for the entire summer.
now to anyone that sounds amazing. to you, it was a nightmare because of the sleep schedule, the trouble you'd have to endure, and the endless amounts of teasing and annoyance from Jace.
"I like your outfit btw but you might wanna change, and shower. you smell like mud and pigs." she says snickering.
you had on a white t-shirt with blue overalls and a cowgirl hat on to keep the heat from out of your eyes along with your handy dandy cowgirl boots.
"yea yea, I know. but not before i do this!" you exclaim before rubbing your hands all on her arms and rubbing your cheek on her cheek.
"ewwwwwww! gross! whyyyy mee!" Daisy yells out as she runs away from you. you quickly follow after her you catch a glimpse of the four boys staring at you guys. your older brother, aemond, aegon, and jace.
"ok ok! I surrender. I give up, come on daisy I won't do anything, promise!" you yell out at her.
she laughs and puts both her thumbs up before making her way back to you.
you both walk up the porch steps towards the front door when your met with your older brothers gaze.
"Where have you two been? Mom was looking for you both to greet the Targaryens." he says with a stern gaze.
"doing the work you should have been doing. that's where I was." you say with a bit of venom behind it.
"well I was busy. you know taking care of mom." he says. you roll your eyes and so does daisy.
"bullshit Tyler, I was taking care of mom while you were out fucking some girl." daisy announces.
"oh wow, but what the hell was all that talk about how you care for mom's mental health and how you needed to now step up and be the "man" of the house and take care of mom?" you question, restating what he said the day after the funeral.
"I meant that. I'm doing that, I'm putting in more work than you." he says with his chest puffed out.
"Yea tell her." Jace whispers.
'Oh.' you saw what was going on here, Tyler wanted to act all tough and big and bad because they were here. well, you were gonna show your brother just how pathetic he is.
you glare at the boys behind him and then look at your brother again.
"hey by the way, tell that girl, what was her name again, cat? yea did you ever tell her that you had chlamydia and might have given it to her? yea did you tell her that you got it from her sister? well, that's too bad cause I uhm already told her. she's on her way here shortly so that'll be a fun conversation." you say with a smile.
"let's go daisy," you say before walking towards the door. "Oh by the way welcome back boys," you say with an insincere smile on your face before pushing the door to your household open and walking in.
you hear the muffled conversation and you smile knowing that there questioning your brother and his sexual acts and the fact that he just let me punk him.
"that was just cruel but well deserved." daisy says with a giggle. you smile at her and laugh too.
"Hi, Rhaenyra." you greet as you see her and your mom talking at the dining table.
"Hello girls, always a pleasure to see you guys." she says with that warm smile on her face.
sometimes you wished she was your mom instead of your actual mom because Rhaenyra actually understood you, unlike your mom.
"I would hug you but i'm covered in mud and hay, lemme go clean up yea?" you say to her with a smile.
she smiles and nods with understanding and you walk up the stairs towards your room.
you grab a little white sundress with yellow flowers on it. you grab some panties and a bra as well and walk towards your bathroom for a well-deserved shower.
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It was currently 7:45 when you finally left your room after your daily reading routine, you got out of the shower a while ago and your ready for dinner.
"Hey! Come downstairs loser, dinner is ready, and Daemons asking for you." daisy says bursting into your room.
"hey, one I'm not a loser and two you had me at Daemon's name," you say excitingly as you rush downstairs with her.
you see Daemon's white hair and his black cowboy hat and sneak up behind him and jump on his back.
"RAHHHH!" You yell out as he twirls you around with his hands on your legs holding you there.
"There she is! How's my special girl." he says with a smile on his face. you laugh and wrap your arms around his neck.
"I'm doing pretty good old man, how are you?" you say laughing when he drops you off him at calling him an old man.
"well I was doing good until that statement child." he says rolling his eyes playfully.
you laugh at him and shove him with your shoulder snatching his hat off his head and putting it on yours. You stand next to him listening to him talk about his time here in the last hour or so and you smile.
your deep in his conversation when Lucerys runs to you with Joffery.
"Hey guys! Omg! Luke you're getting taller dude and Joffery last time I saw you, you were like this short." you say shrinking your hand a bit.
"Hey guess what i'm 7 now! and Luke is 13!" he says proudly. you smile at them and high five the both of them.
"well ain't that something nice," you say roughing up Luke's hair. "Alright, boys why don't you go and find some seats, dinners ready."
they both nod and go find a seat. you smile and bid him a farewell while you go and find a seat next to your sister.
"Hey sissy." you say with a smile. "hey loser." she says with a smirk. you kick her foot and she laughs.
"girls. no playing at the table you know that." your mom says for the first time today.
"but dad never had a problem with it." daisy says in protest. you roll your eyes not even bothering to put up a fight with her.
"Yeah well he's dead isn't he, so whatever I say goes," she says sternly making everyone at the table go silent.
"yea well you haven't done anything around here anyway so what's the point." you whisper under your breath.
"I'm sorry, did you have something you wanted to share with the family?" she says with that aggression and attitude in her tone.
"Miranda don't," Rhaenyra warns.
"No its fine. Yea I do have something to share." you say putting your fork down losing your appetite.
"Here we go again." Tyler says rolling his eyes.
"You have not moved from your room in months. you have done nothing to help with the farm, you just sit around and sulk in the coldness of your room. Daisy has coaxed you to start eating properly, I have stepped up and cooked and helped take care of the fucking animals you and Dad raised when we were babies. and yet, whatever you say is supposed to go? yea, mom that makes total sense coming from a woman who couldn't even go buy fucking groceries for the goddamn house." you say out of anger.
"please don't do this, not again bro," Tyler says.
"No.. no Tyler you have no right to talk. your last words to dad were that you fucking hated him and wished he wasn't alive anymore. and for what? all because he wouldn't let you sneak some fucking whore in the house?" you say angrily with tears streaming down your face.
"You wanna act like the man of the house so bad but you couldn't even make the real man in the house proud. I blame you for his death, every single fucking day. I hate you Tyler, and I hate you Mom because you act like it's nothing. You don't check on your kids, you don't comfort Daisy at night when she wakes up crying and calling out for Dad. you do nothing. and whatever you say goes right?" you yell at Tyler and your mom.
your full-on crying now.
"I can't even look at you anymore," you say finally before looking away from them both and silently crying.
"sorry to ruin this wonderful dinner that Daisy cooked. and I'm sorry Rhaenyra and Daemon and everyone else for making you uncomfortable. I'm fine now." you say calmly.
"darling, it's totally fine. I can tell you needed to let that out." Rhaenyra says with a smile on her face.
"You just ruin everything don't you, no wonder Tyler never wants you around either," Jace says under his breath.
"what the fuck did you just say?!" you yell at jace.
"Man come on don't make her angry," Tyler says.
"JACAERYS VELARYON!" Rhaenyra yells making everyone silent at the table.
"you have no right... no right to say that. out of all people you should understand as you lost your father, don't you start with this family, and put them through more hell." she exclaims.
"I've lost my appetite, i'll eat it later daisy. I'm sorry." you say before running out of the house and running towards the barn.
"why couldn't you just stay quiet like you always are Mom? I made a n-nice dinner and you ruined it. You too Tyler and you Jace. you guys know better but you act fucking childish anyway!" Daisy says with tears in her eyes as she runs to her room.
"I'll go find her, Aegon you go after Daisy. don't worry, we'll fix this." Aemond says.
you're sitting on the bench by the coupe of chickens when you hear rustling behind you.
"go away Tyler! I don't want you here right no-"
"Not Tyler," Aemond announces interrupting your sentence.
you turn around and see aemond standing there with his hands in his pocket.
"come to tease me like Jace does? if so I'm not in the mood," you say sitting back down to feed the chickens.
"actually i'm here to comfort you. see I lost my dad too so I know how you feel. My dad may not have died like yours did but I lost mine and I'm at least civil enough to know that, that shit isn't something to make fun of." aemond says as he sits next to you.
"Yea, it's not," you say throwing more food for the chickens. you glance at him and he's staring right back at you.
"you know I don't hate him, not really." you say with a slight smile on your face.
"who Tyler?" he asks.
"nope, not him no I hate him with my life. I mean Jace. I never hated him. He just started hating on me from the jump so I just went along with it. But it's getting exhausting. were both adults now, were 18, why can't he just act more mature." you say looking at the stars in the sky.
"I don't know, I'm never really around my niece all that well but maybe he likes you. You know, arguing and pretending to hate someone for no reason at all is a sign that they like you but are trying to hide their feelings deep down."
"Oh shut up!" you say shoving him and laughing.
"Just saying," he says with a smile. you smile back at him remembering how fun and nice Aemond really was. when you guys were alone at least.
"by the way you gotta stop bullying Luke, he's 13, and you're 19. get it together bro," you say sternly locking eyes with him.
"yea yea I will." he says smiling at you. you smile back and stare at him.
for a moment it felt as though time had stopped. you both stare at each other before Aemond's smile fades and he leans a little closer to you.
he leans closer and closer until he's near your ear. "we should probably get back, daemons calling." he whispers.
"oh uhm-" you clear your throat. "yeah w-we should. thanks aemond, I really needed this talk." you say with a smile before hugging him.
"no problem." he says hugging you back as he rests his head on yours.
you both walk back engaged in conversation again about his love life. of course, he didn't have a girlfriend. you're gonna have to tell that to Daisy, maybe another night...not tonight.
then out of the blue, Jace pops up in your mind and you speak before your mind can tell you to shut up.
"D-does Jace have a girlfriend by any chance?" you ask keeping your head straight, not daring to look at Aemond's amused face and teasing smirk.
"no...he doesn't. why, are you interested?" he asks nudging you a bit as he chuckles with amusement.
,"No, not at all. Just curious is all." you say with a little giggle. you both make it back to the house and are greeted with Rhaenyra and Daemon's lovely faces.
they thank you that you came back and thank Aemond for bringing you back.
you smile at them and bid the three a goodbye. you try to make your way up the stairs but the sound of Jace's voice stops you.
"Hey, wait," he says walking to catch you quick enough. you turn around with an emotionless expression as you really don't want to speak to him.
"look I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that when I know your clearly hurting. I know what it's like to lose your father or someone close to you. I shouldn't have been such an asshole and I'm really sorry. If you could ever find it in your heart to forgive me, I would really appreciate it." he says with a serious face.
you saw past the serious facade though. there was something in his eyes, a look of not only a feeling of apologetics but of sincerity too, and passion and remorse.
a look that you can forgive.
"I forgive you Jace. I am really tired now so, goodnight." you smile at him and give him a light hug.
he hugs you back as his eyes widen. you've never shown him affection like this and neither has he so this... this was new.
"goodnight, i'll see you tomorrow then. my mom told me to help you with whatever chores you need help with," he says.
"oh ok, well then see ya tomorrow Jace." you say as you turn on your heel to make your way towards the stairs and go to your room.
you didn't quite know what tomorrow would hold for you but you prayed it wasn't Jace being an asshole.
if only you knew how much tomorrow was going to be hell for you...
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Taglist: @raynesbandaids @liliesdiary @ribbonprincess and anyone else who wants to join.
©enchantedlov3r| All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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flowerandblood · 1 year
The Impossible Choice (31)
[ Aemond • Targaryen x Baratheon! • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, smut, domination ]
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[description: Aemond comes to Storm’s End to choose his future consort. However, Lord Borros Baratheon presents him with only four of his five daughters. Being attached to his youngest child, he does not want to marry her. The prince, however, thwarts his and her plans with his decision. This is slow burn, with a lot of dark angst and sexual tension. (Anon Request)]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
He thought he had gone completely and utterly mad − when he wasn't planning for war, he lay in a makeshift tent next to his wife, crying once from happiness that she had survived, once from despair, because the wounds that she had sustained were going to leave marks on her body forever.
He thought that she would never forgive him.
He ordered Alys to show him how to handle and treat her wounds, and then told her never to go near her again.
She only owed it to the fact that she had helped save her that she still had both hands.
He would have cut them off for her daring to touch her cheek and hand.
She'd wanted to drag him to her bed, and now she was pretending to worry about his wife.
Insolent whore.
When he first pulled the bandage off her arm and saw how red and cracked her skin was, he covered his mouth with his hand to keep from starting to wail loudly.
He had done this to her.
He and his family.
He applied ointment to her wounds slowly and carefully, wanting to make sure that everything healed as quickly as possible.
He knew that her scars would remain.
Her whole left arm, thigh and side would be covered with them.
His wife's beautiful, wonderful, delicate body destroyed by fire.
He was afraid of what would happen once she opened her eyes, what he would see in her gaze when she realised what he had done to her.
What her beloved husband had done to her.
Borros Baratheon's army arrived at dawn the day after Prince Daemon's attack on Harrenhal. Lord Borros and his son rode into Harrenhal on horseback along with their warriors, banners with the embroidered stag flapping loudly in the wind.
They found an appalling sight and hundreds of burnt bodies.
Lord Borros refused to speak to him − furious he dismounted from his horse and ordered to led him to his daughter.
He watched in silence as her father knelt by her side, her older brother beside him − the two bearded, muscular, serious men pressed their lips together, their eyes red as they saw how much of her body was burned. Her father touched her cheek as if she were made of glass, and he felt his throat squeeze at the sight.
"Why is she asleep?" Her brother asked impatiently in a breaking voice, walking towards him, furious. He looked at him, tired and discouraged, having not slept in peace either of the last two nights.
"Poppy milk. So that she does not suffer." He said calmly, but his words only angered her brother.
"So that she doesn't suffer?" He asked mockingly, stepping close to him.
Too close for his liking.
"I gave you my youngest sister to look after, and you brought her to the battlefield in the middle of a war?" He asked furiously. He did not even flinch at his words.
"My uncle's attack took us all by surprise." Said truthfully. Borros Baratheon laughed, rising from his knees, looking at him with pity.
"The Targaryens like to surprise each other, don't they, boy? Brothers take their sisters' crowns, uncles burn their nephews." He said loudly, approaching him slowly, Royce snorted, stepping back, allowing his father to speak. Lord Baratheon looked at him indulgently, his eyes red with the grief.
"You took my beloved child from me. You did not protect her. You are nothing, you and your brother. Me and my army are only here for her. Your uncle will pay me for what he did." He hissed, turning away, heading for the exit.
"I will convene a council with my commanders in an hour. Come if you still want to play at war." He threw him over his shoulder and disappeared outside.
He swallowed these humiliating words, clenching his jaw.
He was furious and it was boiling inside him, but he knew that he deserved it.
Some part of him was glad he had said it.
He had joined the meeting along with Criston Cole, leaving his wife in the care of her brother.
He knew Royce hated him, but as far as she was concerned, he trusted only him and their father.
He began the meeting by outlining what the situation was.
"My uncle has located himself in the Eyrie along with his dragon and an army transported by Clorys Velaryon. He found refuge with his wife's relatives." He said, placing a few pawns on the right side of the map.
"I suspect he wanted to pull all our armies onto the battlefield and force my brother to move to help. Then my half-sister would want to take King's Landing right away, so we can't bring all our troops here." He said calmly. Lord Baratheon laughed at his words.
"Your brother sits in his keep like a cunt. Who will support a King who takes no part in his own war? Is that not what the Hand of the King is for, to rule the state on his behalf?" He sneered, several of his commanders nodding at his words. Criston Cole moved restlessly at his side, tightening his lips. He looked at him in silence.
"It would be better for my brother not to be here. War is not his passion." He said shortly. Lord Borros laughed low at his words, leaning over the wooden table and maps before them.
"So is ruling." He hissed, Aemond casting him a warning, dark look.
"Be careful, my Lord. Your words could be considered treason." He said slowly, not taking his eye off him.
He swore to the gods.
He swore that if they spared her, he would relinquish his dreams of the throne.
That he would be a good brother.
They measured each other's gazes for a moment, then Lord Baratheon gave in, sighing heavily, and they moved on to discussing the position of the armies.
Despite the advantage he had created for himself, his uncle did not attack them again, and he did not understand why.
He figured that he had been waiting for them to make a move, watching for sure what army they would be able to assemble. He believed that he wanted to draw out as many of them as possible to take King's Landing and they couldn't let him do that.
After the council, he came out of the tent and saw, surprised that Royce was going somewhere, apparently leaving his wife alone. He approached him, frowning his eyebrows, enraged, but his brother only threw him a quick, impassive glance.
"She's awake." He said, stepping around him, and his heart froze.
She was awake.
His wife was alive and conscious.
He pressed his lips together, feeling his heart pounding, his chest tightening painfully.
He forced himself to head towards the tent and plucked up the courage to go inside.
He saw her, lying on the bedding, her eyes wide at the sight of him. They both looked at each other like that, pain, suffering and disbelief on their faces − he felt a sting in his heart seeing that her cheeks were wet, that she was crying.
That she had realised what had happened to her.
He approached her uncertainly and knelt beside her, touching her cheek gently, rubbing the wetness from her skin with his thumb, afraid that she was about to scream for him to get out.
"How are you feeling?" He asked weakly, uncertainly, feeling his throat tighten.
For some reason he felt like crying from happiness and despair at the same time, for the umpteenth time in days.
She was alive, but she would always hate him, just as he hated Luke for what he had done to him.
He saw her swallow quietly and blink, breathing unevenly, scared and tired.
"Good." She choked out, and he felt that she too spoke with difficulty.
That she was devastated by what had happened.
He saw after a moment a wave of tears gather under her eyelids, her soft lips tightened in pain, her eyebrows arched in helplessness.
He knew what she was thinking about.
She was a woman, how he perceived her physically, if he found her beautiful and desired her as a husband was an important part of her confidence.
He knew that just as he feared she would be disgusted by his lack of an eye, she feared her wounds and scars would disgust him. He, however, only dreamed that once they had healed, he would kiss them with reverence and anointing, proof of his beloved wife's devotion to him, her total commitment.
He lay down next to her, laying on his side, looking at her beautiful, warm face, the face of his wife next to whom he had woken up every morning for almost a year.
Next to his wife whom he had ripped from her father's arms and made his own, whom he had fucked all nights, filling her with his seed.
His fingertips traveled over the soft skin of her cheek − he felt a single, lonley tear of pain and suffering involuntarily fall from his eye.
"− forgive me −" He whispered in a trembling voice, looking at her pleadingly. He saw her pupils dilate, her lips tremble, pain and warmth in her gaze, a feeling that made him hot.
He shuddered and sighed as her soft hand touched his cheek, her forehead pressed against his, his lungs filled with her wonderful scent − he felt his cock pulsate hard under his armour.
He longed to unite with her body and soul.
He desired to thrust deep into her more than ever before.
He leaned towards her, his lips brushing hers, when suddenly someone stepped inside the tent. He pulled away, terrified, and rose, breathing loudly.
He looked impassively at her brother who was holding a bowl of soup, feeling his heart pounding quickly, his manhood completely hard and swollen.
"I'll take care of it." He said, reaching out for the bowl, willing him to leave them alone. Her brother snorted at his words.
"Are you caring now? Where were you when she was on fire? Why do you and your drunken brother who hides in the Red Keep like a fucking cunt, always get away with everything, while my sister is disfigured for the rest of her life?" He hissed angrily, and his insides boiled over.
His wife was not disfigured.
His wife was beautiful.
"My wife is not disfigured, Lord Royce. Nothing can disfigure her, and the wounds she has sustained will eventually heal." He said with emphasis, glaring at him menacingly.
They began to argue until his wife, impatient, told them both to leave, again on the verge of crying. Royce pressed his lips together, placing the bowl of her soup beside her bed after which he left the tent, throwing him a threatening, hateful look. He looked at her, tightening her lips.
"I won't leave." He said lowly.
Even if she didn't want to see him, he wasn't going to leave her alone.
She needed help with the dressings changes and someone had to watch over her.
He had become obsessed with it and wouldn't let anyone else near her.
"Where's Alys?" She asked indifferently, stirring a wooden spoon in her food. He pressed his lips together at the thought that she might want her to look after her instead of him.
He didn't like the idea.
"She's treating the wounded. Shall I summon her?" He asked cautiously and she shook her head, not raising her eyes at him. He sighed quietly and knelt beside her again, looking at her tenderly.
"May I stay?" He asked softly, his throat tightening again with pain and fear that she would tell him to get out. She, however, swallowed quietly and after a long moment, nodded.
He breathed a sigh of relief and summoned his servant to help him pull off his armour. They spoke for a while about the war situation and their plans, until he was left in only his shirt and breeches, and their servant finally left them alone.
He looked at her uncertainly and walked over to the bed, sitting down on it, looking at her over his shoulder, playing with his fingers.
She didn't say much and he didn't know what she was thinking, what she thought of him.
He wanted her to shout out to him that she was furious with him and hated him, but she was sweet and calm as always, and his heart was breaking.
"Can I sleep next to you?" He asked quietly and she set the empty bowl aside with a quiet hiss, apparently through a lot of discomfort, as she moved the burned part of her body. She pressed her lips together, raising an eyebrow.
"Of course. Who else would you sleep next to? Next to Alys?" She asked lowly, feigning indifference, and he hid his face in his hands, devastated by her words and the fact that she thought that he might have shared his bed with her.
"Have mercy on me. At least you." He said weakly, feeling that the last few days had worn him down and he was barely able to stay on his feet. He shuddered when he felt the touch of her hand on his shoulder − he looked at her surprised and touched her palm with his fingers, stroking it steadily.
"Lie down, husband. Rest." She said softly. He hummed under his breath and nodded, his heart beating like mad.
She didn't push him away.
He lay down on the side where she didn't have any burns, so as not to accidentally cause her pain. He touched her shoulder gently, and then her face, looking at her with dreamy, tired eye. He saw the heat and warmth in her eyes from which his cock pulsed in his breeches.
He craved her.
He craved her as he had never before in his life.
He kissed her tentatively, barely brushing her puffy lips, wanting to see how she would react to this, whether she would pull away from him, but she only sighed softly, so sweetly, so warmly that encouraged, with a pounding heart he deepened the kiss, sinking into her moist flesh, heard her moan softly as his tongue slid between her lips.
He slid his hand down her healthy thigh, placing it between her legs, running it gently over her hot, slick womanhood hidden beneath her chemise.
"− does it hurt? −" He asked low, his voice trembling, feeling her warm breath on his face.
"− no −" She whispered softly, and he already knew what he wanted to give her.
He craved it, craved the comfort of her arms, to sink deep into her and come inside her, to fill her with his seed, begging her forgiveness, assuring her of his unrelenting admiration for the beauty of her body.
But he knew that he would cause her pain, that they would have to stop and they would both be unfulfilled − he wanted her to at least experience that, to know that he wasn't just thinking about himself.
That he had changed.
He had promised the gods that he would be a better husband.
He watched with delight as she came under the touch of his hand, her hot, tight insides clenching steadily against his fingers, sweet, drawn-out moans coming from her mouth from which his cock swell with pain and desire.
She felt it and wanted to touch him, but he held her back. He didn't want her in the state she was in, with her whole body aching, to focus on him and the fact that he wanted to fuck.
However, he was under no illusion that once her wounds had healed, he would have no mercy for her.
To his despair, she would not let him help her change her bandages or apply the ointment − she wanted to do it herself and asked him to leave for that time.
He tried to explain to her that he was the last person to be impressed by such a sight, but he accepted that she felt uncomfortable, that the state of her body filled her with pain, uncertainty and saddness.
Her father's maester who had travel with them from Storm's End took over her care, and he was the only one she allowed to examine herself.
Everytime he left he questioned him thoroughly and was relieved each time the medic told him that her wounds were healing properly and scarring slowly − she no longer had open wounds and her skin no longer ached, but it was still red.
Although they had always slept bare until now, his wife now wore long nightdresses covering her body − she did not want him to look at her and tied the material up, so that not a scrap of burned skin could be seen.
He suffered at the sight, but he did not want to force her to do anything against her will.
On the first day when she no longer had to wear the dressings, she smiled at him as she had before all this happened, walking around the tent and speaking about something lightly.
He watched her, sitting on their bedding, waiting for her to join him and untangle her braid.
The Maester had told her that with quick attention to the burns and their proper care the wounds would heal better and be less visible than originally thought.
Looking at her, behaving again as she had when they were in King's Landing, he felt desire and had the impression that he would explode − for days he had lain beside her at night, unable to touch her, to feel her, and ashamed to relieve himself with his hand in her presence.
He felt like he was going to go mad.
When she extinguished the last candle and he felt her slip under the covers, her warmth right beside him, he thought that he couldn't take it anymore.
"− turn your back on me −" He gasped, seeing how she wanted to cling to his chest. He saw her surprised look, however, she did meekly what he asked.
He immediately pressed his swollen manhood hidden in his breeches against her buttocks, clenching his hand on her healthy hip, pressing his face against her neck, rubbing himself against her with intense, rocking movements.
"−  gods, I need this −" He exhaled helplessly and felt her whole body tremble − she began to breathe faster, her buttocks bucking against his cock, making a low, helpless sound came from his throat.
"−  me too −  please −" She moaned softly, embarrassed by their shared desperation − she pulled her nightgown up as he quickly untied his breeches and lowered them, his hard, swollen erection slapping against her bare skin.
They were both panting loudly as his hands quickly lifted her hips, directing the fat head of his cock to her puffy, moist slit. Unable to stop himself, he slided into her with one, sure thrust of his hips, deep, all the way in, making a low, almost animalistic sound.
He tightened his hand on her hip and began to slam into her like a mad, panting and moaning along with her, their bodies hot and yearning, hitting against each other with a sticky, loud slaps each time he slid into her again, streching her tight, throbbing walls apart.
"− gods, yes − I missed that − fuck, tell me if it hurts −" He exhaled helplessly, fucking her with all his might, possessed only by lust, pounding into her so deeply that she sobbed in front of him, clasping her hands over his palms, her hips responding fervently to his every thrust.
"− oh, yes − Aemond, please, harder −" She mumbled pleadingly, and those words were enough to make him lose control completely.
He slipped out of her suddenly and forced her to lie on her back. He spread her legs in front of him, paying no attention to the fact that she was trying to cover the burns on her thigh − he took her hand away, not allowing her to cover herself, untying her shirt, wanting to reveal her breasts.
"− no −." She whispered pleadingly, gripping his wrists. "− please −"
He hesitated, seeing her face, terrified and hot, tears filling in her eyes.
He thought that she was beautiful.
That she was his.
He pulled his eye patch from his eye and saw her draw in a loud breath as he removed the sapphire from his eye socket in one sure movement, setting it down on the bed beside them.
That was just the way he was.
He knew what she saw before her.
There was a dark hole in the left side of his face, partially obscured by his drooping eyelid − him, without any embellishment or pretense, his body, scarred and disfigured in all its glory.
He saw her lift her trembling hand and touch his cheek with a sweet, warm smile on her face.
Her touch as always gentle, tender, full of acceptance.
He thought he loved her.
"− let me fuck my wife the way I want to −" He gasped, grasping the strings from her nightgown with his fingers, but this time her hands did not stop him. He slipped her shirt off her shoulders, one light, the other red, slightly cracked like thirsty earth − he stared at her, thinking that he felt nothing but adoration for her.
He exposed her wonderful, plump breasts, spreaded her legs and knelt in front of her, slipping with ease into her slick, leaking cunt. He began to root into into her even more intensely and brutally than before, panting and moaning along with her, her body writhing beneath him with pleasure and indecision, her hands clenching helplessly on his shirt, her gaze expressing a plea for fulfilment.
"− just like that − a good husband knows what's best for his wife − he knows how to fuck her to make her feel good −" He exclaimed, licking his lips with his tongue, feeling that he was on the verge of orgasm as much as she was. She cried out at his words, his thighs slapping against her buttocks loudly and perversely, their shared juices leaking onto the bedding beneath them. "− isn't that right? −"
"− yes −" She mewled, giving herself to him completely, his cock rubbing against her upper wall with each thrust, bringing her body to spasms with pleasure, her lips parted wide in sweet moans.
"− oh gods, please − fuck me − fuck me − fuck me! −" She sobbed loudly and he moaned low at her words, his thrusts deep, quick and sure.
"− my sweetest − oh, fuck! −" He exhaled, tilting his head back, feeling her walls begin to clench around him in orgasm, squeezing his seed out of him, his fulfilment strong, even painfully pleasurable.
He felt like they were both screaming in the rapture, all sweaty, hungry for their closeness.
He collapsed on top of her and she hissed loudly − he rose immediately on his elbows, looking at her horrified.
"− forgive me −" He whispered, wanting to slide out of her immediately and take the weight of his body off her, but her hands stopped him.
"− no − please −" She mumbled, looking at him embarrassed. "− just a moment longer −"
He looked at her and hummed under his breath, leaning over her again, this time being careful not to crush her with his body. He kissed her lips, running his nose over her face.
He thought with surprise that he no longer cared what he looked like.
He'd fucked her without his eye patch, without his sapphire in his eyesocket and experienced one of the best fulfillments of his life.
He smiled at the thought and she blinked, stroking his cheek with her hand, her breathing calming slowly.
"− the stone in your eye is causing you pain − you don't have to wear it in my presence, my beloved −" She said quietly, and he felt his heart squeeze at her words.
"I will not, if you also do not veil yourself from me. Your body is meant to be bare for me every night."
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @astral-blossoms @randomdragonfires @amirawritespoorly @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes @darylandbethfanforever9 @fudge13 @snh96 @diosademuerte @rwdkarla @echos-muses @ipostwhtifeel @letmeloveyouuuu @yentroucnagol @valeskafics @tempt-ress @blairfox4 @crazymusicgirl104 @ahristata @menaosama @ladywin17 @queenofshinigami
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floatyflowers · 2 years
The Adopted Princess| Dark! Targaryen and Velaryon Boys x Reader (Aegon II, Aemond, Jacaerys, Lucerys) VI
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Part V
You smile at your one-year-old daughter, as you happily play with her, entertaining her with her dragon toys.
A lot has happened in the past six years, like how your adoptive father Laenor who was killed, and how your adoptive mother remarried Daemon.
Helaena and Aegon got married and had children together, and so did you and Aemond, you gave birth to a daughter who your husband decided to name Daenerys.
Honestly, Aemond is a blessing, that's if you exclude his extremely possessive nature.
In other words, he's gentle and soft with you behind the doors of your and his chambers, but in front of the eyes of others, he is brutal.
Also, Aegon has been making your life extremely hard, especially with his persuasion of trying to bring you to his bed, to have an affair with him behind his brother's and wife's backs.
Something you hate, as Helaena is your best friend and you would never do that to her.
And Aemond...there's nothing in the seven kingdoms that would convince you to cheat on him.
Right now, you are enjoying your time with Daenerys, or Dany as you and your husband like to call her.
Suddenly, one of the guards enters your chambers.
"My princess, your brothers, Prince Jacaerys and Prince Lucerys are here"
Hearing those words made your eyes widen in shock, which made you stand up on your feet with your daughter in your arms.
"What are you waiting for? let them in" you order, handing your daughter to the nursemaid.
The last time you saw them was at your wedding to Aemond, which was a disaster.
But that's a story for another time later, as the two Velaryon boys enter.
"Welcome brothers, I'm so happy-" 
Luke doesn't wait for you to continue as he throws himself into your embrace, hugging you tightly. 
"I missed you so much, (Y/n)" Lucerys exclaims as you hug him back.
"I believe it is 'we missed you so much', not only you"
You chuckle at Jace, opening your other free arm, and inviting him to hug you.
Jacaerys hugs you without hesitation, inhaling your scent without you noticing.
"I didn't that you would come, are mother and Daemon also here?" you inquire, after pulling away.
"Everyone came" Luke states while his older brother continues. 
"But, there was no one to greet us" Jacaerys asserts, causing you to sigh.
"I apologize, I'm sure it was unintentional, I'm sure" you assure them, even though you know it was done on purpose by Alicent and Otto.
"Is this Daenerys you have been talking about in the letters?" Luke suddenly inquires, staring at his niece.
"Do you want to hold her?" you offer cheerfully.
"Yes," Luke exclaims before taking the baby out of the nursemaid's hands.
You notice Jace's silence and his intense staring at your daughter, but you don't question it.
Little do you know, that Jace feels bitter inside.
You were supposed to be his wife, and this child could have been his not Aemond's.
If only his plan worked at your wedding, this dream of marrying you would have come true, but the king insisted that the wedding would continue.
"Vaemond Velaryon is trying to take Driftmark for himself" you chuckle at the news.
"Someone is trying to get his tongue cut off today"
As expected, Vaemond got his punishment for calling your brothers bastards and your mother a whore, but Daemon cut off his head and only left his tongue and jaw attached instead of his tongue.
But, what wasn't expected is the king attending and defending his daughter in such poor health.
And not only that but also holding a feast tonight.
And also you who decided to stand on your mother's side, dressed in all black, showing your true intentions towards the whole situation between the greens and blacks.
"What was that back then?" Aemond demands as you brush your hair, while he stands directly behind you.
"I don't believe I know what you are trying to say, dear husband," you reply in innocence.
But his sharp glare through the mirror made you feel uneasy, you have never seen Aemond that angry before.
"Why did you stand by them, and not only that but wearing black instead of the green dresses you wear around me and my family?"
You turn around to face him, titling your head at him.
"You already know the answer to that" Aemond's hands grabs into your arms tightly at your answer.
"You must stand by me and my family, this is your duty" you huff, rolling your eyes.
"I believe I have been doing my duty for years, putting up with your idiotic brother and cunning grandfather" you assert.
"I mean support Aegon's claim to the throne" 
You try to move away from him, but he holds you in your place, not removing his gaze away from you.
"Support whose claim? A drunk and a molesting person like Aegon? over my dead body" you spat out, glaring back at him.
Aemond's following silence made you feel fear for some reason.
He's always calm before he strikes his enemies.
But you are not his enemy, you are his beloved wife, the mother of his daughter.
"Get ready for the feast, my dear" 
He kisses your forehead and smiles down at you, this caused you to become more worried.
"I will make your brothers, my nephews, feel welcomed"
With that, Aemond leaves you in your chambers, terrified at what might occur at the feast.
You play with your necklace in paranoia, as Jace dances with Helaena while everyone having fun talking after Rhaenyra and the queen fix their friendship to please the king, who has left to take a rest.
However, the way you saw Aegon poking fun at Jacaerys shows how nothing is fixed.
"Can I please have this dance with you?" Lucerys asks, making you smile a bit at his sweetness to ease your worries.
"I would love to" your husband interrupts you, standing up all of a sudden, slamming his hands on the table, then picking up one of the wine cups.
"Final tribute, to the health of my nephews, Jace, Luke, and Joffrey, each of them handsome, wise... " Aemond glances at you, continuing his speech.
"...strong boys
You place your hands over your face with embarrassment and sadness. 
"I dare you to say that again" Jace raises his voice angrily at Aemond, causing the letter to walk over to him.
"Why? T'was a compliment, do you not think yourself strong?" Aemond mocks the older Velayron boy, causing him to throw a punch across your husband's face.
Aemond shoves Jace to the ground, and Aegon slams Lucerys face down on his plate, but you stop them from taking any further actions against your brothers.
"Stop it! STOP!" You scream, causing everyone's attention to switch to you.
"You are unbelievable, and I don't want to see your face today again" you point a finger at Aemond, turning around to narrow your eyes at Aegon who only smirks at you.
"And you are the most disgusting person I have ever met in my life, Aegon" you add, implying to him cheating on Helaena.
With those words being said, you leave the feast, not bothering to look behind.
However, Aemond will not let that slide.
Nor would Aegon.
Part VII
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anjelicawrites · 2 months
Serving in his true place
Summary: one lovely anon asked for a continuation to His True Place, with a focus on Aemond's possessiveness and breeding kink. And here we are, I hope you like it nonnie!!!
Pairing: dark!alpha!Aemond Targaryen x omega!Aegon II Targaryen.
Warnings: Alpha!Aemond, Omega!Aegon, dub con/non con (Aegon is a basement wife, basically), mpreg, unhealthy relationship, dark!Aemond, abusive!Aemond, possessiveness, knotting, breeding kink, lactation kink, fingering, Aegon gets called 'A good cocksucker' misogyny, reference to murder, mirror sex, cockwarming, tokophobia (fear of giving birth).
Previous part here!
NSFW and 18+ only please!
Aegon caresses his growing belly. He's sitting by the fire, almost dozing off as he waits for his brother, his alpha, to join him.
His alpha! The omega in him preens every time the thought of, finally, belong to such a strong alpha like Aemond, while the man, the, once, free man, frowns, his heart torn between what his own flesh and blood did to him, and the life growing in his belly.
He's grown fair large in the past few weeks, the Maester that monitors the pregnancy can't say if it's one, big, baby, or a litter of pups. Aegon has tried feel around with his hands, mostly when he felt the kicking, to no avail: he shall find out on the birthing bed.
He stands up as abruptly as the big belly lets him, anxiety curling its nasty fist around his stomach: how did Helaena manage? He wasn't present during the birth, he was drinking himself into a stupor, fearing he had to decide to have her belly cut open, if the need ever arose.
At least she had their mother by her side.
A lonely tear tumbles down his cheek at the thought of Alicent whom he hasn't seen for months. Aegon doesn't know if she refuses to meet him, her heart full of contempt for what her older son has become, or if it's Aemond possessive nature that keeps her away.
Aegon had always believed than Aemond, for being an alpha, was quite restrained in his deeper urges to own and protect, to attack the enemy and chase them until he could taste blood, now he's not so sure. Aegon understands that, now, Aemond's alpha nature drives him to protect his pregnant omega and unborn offspring, amidst a war, but he had imprisoned him in his omega role even before Aegon had fallen pregnant. He was still free to roam the Red Keep, but always under Aemond's watchful eye and was never to leave the castle. He couldn't go to Flea Bottom or ride Sunfyre on his own. He couldn't oppose him during the Small Council, or he would pay the consequences later. Was he protecting him back then, or making sure Aegon's world became smaller and smaller with every passing day?
Aegon yearns for his freedom and fears what Aemond would do to punish him, if he ever tried to flee again; his body shudders at the memory of the brutal fucking he was subjected to for the whole night, how he hadn't lost the pregnancy is still a mystery to him.
Like an afterthought his hand caresses his belly: all his life he had despised that he couldn't live, freely, as a omega, that his gender and role deprived him of what he truly wanted.
The alpha was good to us, the omega in him says, he said he was sorry and has given us this beautiful nest.
Aegon can't deny that. After that 'accident', Aemond had never lifted his hand in anger at him again, he didn't bed Aegon for over a week, making sure he wasn't sore anymore, and that his anger hadn't hurt the pup. Even amidst the war, he had bought him soft pillows and blankets, rich fabrics and clothes Aegon could use to tun his chambers, their chambers, into the perfect nest.
But Aemond kept the keys, and Aegon had spent days banging at the walls, desperate to find a way out; even now he yearns for the sun and fresh air.
Aegon knows it's Aemond protective nature winning, and the fact that no one must ever know Aegon's true presentation, or their cause would lose all support immediately, that had moved Aemond's hand. Aegon is well aware that his alpha wakes up in the middle of the night, from nightmares and manages to fall back asleep after having made sure Aegon is still safe, by his side. He is not blind and deaf to the immense pressure Aemond has to face at Court and on the battlefield, that Aemond is still keeping it together astounds Aegon who knows, would have probably drunken himself into a stupor to manage.
Aegon understands he should be content not to have to play king anymore, he does! He spends hours simply feeling the pup growing inside of him, imagining how they will look like, how they will grow up alongside their dragon: one day him and Sunfyre will take to the skies with the child, to teach them how to ride their dragon. It's just the way it all started, he tells himself, it's just that, and how things are going now, isn't it? If only he could have gotten this, without the rest, that's the issue, the only problem there is, right?
Aemond is a considerate alpha, he thinks, who doesn't shy away from the ravenous sexual hunger that possess Aegon almost every waking hour. He loves Aegon's changing body, kisses his tummy with reverence and spends hours sucking on his tits, promising he would drain them of milk, before the pup is born. When he's rooted inside of him, he kisses the mating scar and tells Aegon his belly will never be empty, that he will make sure a new litter will grow as soon the old is out, and the omega in Aegon preens with happiness.
Aemond hungers for his brother, whom he wakes with his long fingers in his wet hole almost daily, whom he praises for being always needy and ready for his cock and knot, whom drains his stones until Aemond can't give him anymore of his alpha seed. The only thing that Aemond hates is that they can't fuck face to face, not with such a big belly in the way, but Aemond is a man brimming with ideas, who has servants put a huge mirror right in front their bed, so he can see Aegon's blessed out face when he fucks him doggy or laying behind him, also he can look at his tummy, so round and tented, when he has his brother cockwarm him after a long day at Court.
Aemond doesn't care about his omega servicing him with his mouth, even though Aegon is a skilled cock sucker, all he wants is open his breeches, sit down in front of the mirror, and slowly impale his whiny brother on his aching cock, until he's bottomed out and Aegon looks already ruined; only then he undoes the laces of the big shirt he wears, to free his torso and start caress his belly and play with his tits, basking in the sounds of want Aegon makes. He's his mate but Aemond can't stop repeating to himself how much of a whore for his cock his omega is. He'd do anything to be filled and taken and, if the Gods were truly merciful, they would have made Aemond firstborn, so that he could have taken Aegon as his spouse (which he will do as soon as the war ends). The Lords and Ladies, the Maesters, they all would all be horrified, but who would have the courage to tell the man who rides the biggest dragon in the known world, that he can't marry another man? Aegon isn't a man, after all, he's an omega, more akin to women than anything else: like them his place is near the fire, ready to take care of his alpha, to accept his knot and birth him healthy pups that will bring forth their line. Women and omegas alike aren't made for anything else, even alpha females should know their place, which is. a step behind their spouse. He can see that in the way Aegon used to act, and how content he is now, that he only has to think about the pup or, Aemond hopes, pups growing inside of him: he was so unhappy when he had to pretended to be an alpha, how inept he was at the role that Aemond still can't understand how he wasn't discovered immediately. Now that his only concern is when Aemond will come back to fill his hungry hole with his cock, Aegon looks relieved.
For sure there had been that little 'accident', but that's all forgotten after Aemond had punished him thoroughly. At the thought of the sweet sounds of pain and despair Aegon had made while he was being brutally fucked, Aemond's breeches tighten with want: he can't wait to have him like that again, to fuck him until Aegon begs to stop, that's too much, that it hurts, only to push his face in the pillows and keep going until the sun rises, and Aemond is sure Aegon is pregnant again.
Aemond is a literate man, who has risen over his baser alpha instincts, yet he can't put into words how much Aegon's pregnant body entices him, how control slips from his fingers at the sight of his brother: even after a long day, he needs him, needs to be planted inside of him.
Tonight is no different.
Aemond is back, after discussing and making plans, he's nursing a nasty headache that seems to expand from his damaged side all around his head; all he should be wanting is to fall asleep, yet, when he sees Aegon already in bed, as curled up on his side as his big belly lets him, everything is forgotten but the erection growing in his breeches and the cinnamon smell of Aegon. Hastily Aemond undresses and slides under the covers to place his body flush against his omega's warm one, his right hand possessive on his tummy, his cock straining for Aegon's wet hole.
Half asleep Aegon says his name, not surprised by his alpha's carnal needs: earlier in the morning he has been awoken by Aemond's fingers in his wet hole and has been fucked until his alpha had to leave him for Court duties.
"Beg me for it." Aemond commands in his ear, curling his fingers cruelly in Aegon's tight hole. "Please." His voice is sleepy and cracks with need. "Please fuck me alpha? Please I need it so bad!"
He's not lying, as soon as he has smelt Aemond's scent, that underlying want he had been feeling for the whole day has turned into a raging inferno in his loins.
Aemond makes him beg and whine as he slides his erection against Aegon's hole, wetting it using his honey, until his bulbous head had forced its way inside Aegon's hole.
"Always so fucking tight for me. I can fuck you daily and it always feels like the first time." He groans, making the omega inside of Aegon blush.
It's not his fault that the added pressure of his pregnant belly makes his body so difficult to breach, not that Aemond cares. He grabs his leg to open him up and starts to move, slowly, leisurely, feeling every ridge of Aegon's hole around his impossibly hard cock.
"I can't wait to suck on your milk, omega, relive the pressure after the pup is fed and asleep. You will make so much for us, will you not?"
Aegon can't respond, his brain already in the gutter the second Aemond had started moving, slowly, aiming at dangling him over the precipice for as long as possible, opening him to his ownership once again: he wants his knot, wants to be stretched to the brim to accommodate him and fall asleep like that, full and buzzing with pleasure.
"I can't wait to knock you up again. I will have to fuck you constantly, will I not? Fill your tight little hole with my cum again and again and then knot you to make sure it takes. We'll have to wait though, until that cunt is dead, then I will have you everywhere. You'll sit on my knot during Council, silent and full. I will fuck you on the Iron Throne before hearings and let you play pretend to be king with my seed leaking down you legs or, perhaps, I will use one of your toys to make sure none of it gets wasted." "Yes! Yes!" "Everyone will see that you carry my youngs. Many alphas will try to woo you, and I will cut their head off and then fuck you next to their bodies. Would you like that, show to the world that you carry my blood line? That's me who has fucked another pup inside of you?"
Aemond is delirious with pleasure now, in his fantasies he's already knocking his omega up, his womb is absorbing his seed to make sure it grows, his tits are already leaking with the milk he will have to suck as he fucks another baby in Aegon's belly.
Aegon's body crashes in Aemond's hold, the orgasm flatlines his brain, the vise of his hole so tight the alpha can barely fit his big knot, before shooting his thick load in. Still hungry, Aemond keeps grinding against Aegon's spent body as he falls asleep, tired and full; slowly his hand massages one enlarged tit, playing with the dark nipple, until a tear of milk appears. Ravenous Aemond brings it to his mouth, humming at the sweet taste: he has to end this war soon, so that he can drag his omega with him everywhere, to sate his hunger, as he should.
Ewanverse taglist: @vhagar-balerion-meraxes @zaldritzosrose
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Winter Sun (23)
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23. Harrenhal
Summary: You can’t see a way out
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Fem!Targaryen Reader 
Warnings: Cursing, medieval and asoiaf customs, AGE GAP, Cregan is 12 years OLDER than reader), arranged marriage, incest, hinted non-con, involuntary imprisonment, non con adultery, pregnancy, a little injury involving a knife, and blood, death of a character, a VERY GORY ONE, sorry for that I have never written anything like it, war and all that comes with it, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3 k
Notes: this came sooner than I even expected... and I have to warn... we are coming close to an end! I hope to drag it out to make it even 30 chapters... but no promises BUT I already have in mind a couple of Epilogues about their lives and the ones of their babies! hehe anyways... here we go
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Aemond regretted it
As he gazed at you, he regretted telling you he had murdered Cregan, showing you his burnt cloak he find in the remains of the battlefield
You had become catatonic, dead but breathing, you refused to eat, to speak, you were barely breathing, laying on the bed, it got so bad he released your chains, but you didn’t even try to stand, or run away, you just laid there.
The maids revealed to him you did eat at night when he wasn’t there, that you cried when you believed nobody could hear you
You were still there, but when he was near, you wear dead
Since the first time he had you, he spent two whole weeks making you his, then he flew to the battlefield and completely destroyed the Winterwolves, half of the army, but he took out Cregan, making them dissolve in the Riverlands. 
He returned, you knew something was… different, he didn’t see you in days, hoping to erase all trace of battle from himself, and when he was “clean”, he had returned to you, he spend a month with you. But no matter how many times he had you, and how excited he was that your blood moon haden’t come yet, you wouldn’t let yourself go, you wouldn’t surrender fully to him, and he grew exasperated
So as the received word that the old cunt had taken King’s Landing and he was here, with a reluctant woman - since now you were unknowingly a widow he believed he could marry you once you were with child-.
He lost it
He threw it in your face that as soon as he recuperated King’s Landing, you were going to marry. “That mutt” was well dead and burnt, turned to dust under Vhagar’s flames and he had his cape to prove it. 
That is when he lost you even though you were right there
Another month has gone by, his army went to surround King’s Landing, his younger brother Daeron was winning on every town that was unlucky enough to swear to the blacks 
Aemond sighed when he planned on what to do with you, when he felt arms around his shoulders 
“My love”, Alys whispered in his ears, “I’m here, please”, he released himself from her grasp, and she whine, tired of this, tired of your looming presence in the castle, in her home, “she doesn't want you”, he bit out
“She will”, he said softly, you knew you were a mother, and once he got you pregnant, he believed you were going to react again, become alive, with some meaning, you still had Rickon, Winterfell was still intact, once you had another pup in your belly you were going to recuperate, he was sure of it
“You still have one eye and yet you are so blind”, she said meanly, “I will have your children”, she said, convinced
“Its her”, he said bitterly, and Alys only whined, her dark heart only growing darker, her jealousy burning her like dragon fire
 Maybe rejecting Alys like that was a mistake, but in Aemond’s mind, she was loyal to him, no matter what, he had promised her a life in King’s landing as her mistress, and she had gladly accepted, he was not going to push her away, that was the price, and yet… he somewhat feared her
But his mind was occupied and concerned with you at the moment, no one else
He had time with you, he held you sometimes at night, and you did curled your arms around him, but he believe it was only because he was the only one there and you were only a human, going through a crippling grief and he was the only source of human warmth and interaction 
Things changed one day when he realized something… he placed his hand on your belly, and there it was… A small bump
He almost cried 
“It’s not yours”, you whined, “It’s Cregan’s”, you spitted out, that is the first time you spoke in a month and your voice sounded like a broken bagpipe. Aemond removed his hand like it burned him, he had a troubled face, but he quickly changed it with a wicked grin
“Are you sure about that?”, he asked wickedly, so proud of himself, “you have been here almost three months”
You whined burying your face on the pillow, not even you were convinced, but you had to be, you placed your hand on your belly, it was too soon to be Aemond’s, but also, you haven't been eating much either… it was possible
Aemond left you room smiling so widely, he was so, so happy, it had happened so quickly he couldn’t believe, he was certain it was his, of course, he was of the blood of the dragon just like you, so it was obvious to him it was a strong little dragon growing in your belly.
And his happiness was not missed by Alys, as she watched from the shadows Aemond leaving your room.
She had to get you out of the way, but if she did, Aemond was never going to forgive her, no, it was not his fault, it was yours, you needed to suffer.
And she could already tell, that the best way to get to you, was trough your loved ones
But she wasn’t strong enough to go after Rickon, not without help…
. . .
Cregan woke up hours later, because he couldn’t longer breathe, he had to push his way out of a pile of what it used to be humans, now heavy piles of ashes
He was being pulled by someone, and when he could open his eyes he saw Lord Roderik, he could see he tears in his eyes, he had lost his son, Jon used his own body to cover Cregan’s from the flames, dying instantly
“Roderik”, he whined, as surviving soldiers help him, “Dragonstone”, he managed to say, “Daemon”, before he was lost again to unconsciousness 
Daemon and his dragon was the only one who could go head to toe with Vhagar
Luckily for Cregan, he had loyal men with him, who in his state, an arm burned and barely conscious, they took him east, towards the sea, recuperating on the road
Which was long, and hard, the men were broken, half his numbers had been slain and burned, but that didn’t deter them from attacking all small forces of the greens they encountered as they made their way to the crownlands
They didn’t know the Blacks had taken King’s Landing, but they released the northeast part of the crownlands, as they were making their way to a safe port that could take them to Dragonstone, or Driftmark
And they spread the rumors, that Lord Cregan Stark was dead, they couldn't have the greens realizing they had failed, they thought, for it was a dead sentence on all of them
So the word spread like wildfire, that Cregan Stark was dead and his broken army was set for vengeance , letting themselves loose in the Crownlands
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It was in the middle of the night in which she decided to put her plan in motion, he sneaked into your chambers, when she knew Aemond wasn't there 
A sharp knife in her hand, you awakened only when your fac started to burn, you didn’t know what happened, you only woke up with a burn on your cheek and a wet face, whining. You swear you could see two green eyes looking down at you, like those of a cat, as just as quickly as they came, they vanished, and soon you were alone again
You managed to sit on the bed and took your hand to your cheek, the fire lit in the room let you know it was blood, you ran out of your room to the hallway, which was lit up by torches, and some guards were there, shocked to see your face all bloodied
It was only a small cut in your right cheek, but it was bleeding profusely 
Of course one of them went to fetch Aemond and the maester, in that order, and the other help you clean the wound, to see the extent of the damage
You were calm, Aemond wasn’t as much as he paced furiously over the room as the old maester with shaky hands cleaned your wound and gave it a couple of stitches to help it close
You didn’t even felt the needle coming in and out of your skin, you swear you couldn’t feel anything, you only breathed evenly as you placed your hand on your belly, soothing yourself, Aemond stopped his pacing to look at you, worried, but smiling softly when he saw your hand.
You were a good mother, even if you despised him, you were going to be so good with all the children he was going to give to you
But Alys had everything she needed
It was true, babies were very difficult to bewitch, especially yours, having both Valyrian and the first men’s blood pumping through his veins, protected by an ancient energy.
But with the help of your blood, the blood of the own mother of the child, she could become stronger, enough to finish the job she wanted to do. 
she was careful with not dropping the precious liquid until she reached her own chambers, in there, everything was ready, the herbs, a small sacrifice, and the fire always lit up, ready for anything she might want or need to see 
She started whispered as soon as she was in front of the fire, the flames immediately dancing at her command, she top a small vial of wild fire and threw it inside the fireplace, the flames immediately acquiring a neon green color, and a roaring sound could be heard in the room, but only for her ears
She repeated what Aemond had seen, throwing herbs in the fire and chanting in a language that maester believed to be dead. And soon… in her eyes, it could be seen the far North, the already green grass surrounding the castle of Winterfell, but still the valleys filled with snow, still not melting away despite already being in spring
With further concentration, she came in closer, she could feel the cold air, the crisp wind of the North. Soon, she went through the huge gates of the first wall, then through the drawbridge and then by the next one.
She was not impressed by the castle that had been standing for 8.000 years, instead, she went straight for the huge wooden doors leading to the main castle, across the courtyard, she could see everything, hear everything, and yet, she was on a mission.
The Winterfell corridors and rooms could be a bit like a maze to the unknown person walking through them, but she had done this before, at Aemond’s bidding, she had already done the work of walking all through this walls and passages 
She had already seen where the Lord of Winterfell’s rooms where
And that is where she went
The shadow walked slowly through the stone corridors, by each step she gained strength, she gained material to be able to influence her surroundings, but at this time of night, the castle was almost empty, the sleepy soldiers unaware of the danger.
The monstrous shadow climbed the last set of stairs towards the main corridor where your rooms were, where Sara’s and baby Rickon’s rooms were.
She went first to yours, but it was empty and cold, the baby was not there, so she turned around and back at the hallway, and then walked slowly towards the second bedroom, a smaller room.
The corridor of the main chambers were mostly empty, the main branch of the Stark family consisted in only Cregan, Sara, you and baby Rickon, Alys had to hold in her bitter laugh, for as you naively believed you were going to fill those rooms with children of your own
You will never be able to do that…
her shadowy hand, deformed with big claws, opened the wooden door slowly, she could almost taste the infant’s blood. 
There he was, sleeping peacefully on his wooden cradle, covered in furs, the fire lit up, but barely, she had to be quick or she could be interrupted by some made or guard ready to set the fire up again.
BUt back in Harrenhal, Alys threw more herbs, and then, with her finger, gathered your blood from the blade and let its drops fall into the flames.
They changed from a green color, to a deep red, and then black flames, this was it, the darkest level of magic she was ever going to be able to produce, or manifest
The shadow now became flesh, dust became blood, and to the eyes of the skeptical, Alys Rivers materialized in the room of the heir of winterfell, of Rickon Stark
The same knife that had your blood, appeared in her hand, and she smiled viciously when the baby cooed in his sleep
His dark hair disgusted her, she was disgusted by you, not being able to have a child with silvery locks like your own, she smiled bitterly…
She was not cruel, one stab to the heart will be enough, quick and easy, he was not going to suffer… much… 
But as she raised the knife above the crib… a growl interrupted her, she turned quickly to the side, scared out of her mind, but she sighed, relieved, when the only things she saw was a little pup
“SHUT UP!”, she commanded in a whisper, but the pup kept growling at her, he even barked, and when he did, she kicked the poor pup, who flied a couple of feet into the ground, in whimpers
It was a miracle that Rickon didn’t wake
“I hate animals”, she said viciously, turning back to the crib.
But as she raised the knife, she was interrupted again, by a deep, more vicious growl, she turned towards the door and the only thing she could she was two huge golden eyes staring at her, taller than her, almost the size of the door
By the side of the beat, appeared Sara
“Autumn…”, she called, “attack”
The huge wolf wasted no time in jumping the witch, it happened so fast she couldn't react as Autumn’s jaws closed around her whole head, she didn’t even draw a sound as her paws closed around her shoulders and arms and the wolf’s head moved abruptly from one side to the other, snapping her neck and crushing her skull between her teeth that were as sharp as Valyrian steel
“Greenseer beats blood witch”, whispered Sara as Autumn licked her teeth and her paws. Sara grabbed a sleeping Rickon and cuddled him against her chest, and left the room to cuddle her nephew to her own room, who in turn was protected with another type of ancient magic. Rickon nameless pup soon followed her, moving his short tail 
Aemond, al the way back in Harrenhal went to confront Alys the next morning, he knew she had something to do with the attack on you, and if we are being honest, he was scared for you, he had seen what Alys could do, but only after spending the night with you, he went to her rooms and what he found there made him ran down back on his own steps and throw up in the nearest pot he could find 
Her head was on one side of the room, and her body on the other.
Blood everywhere, in the ceiling and in the walls, and the fire extinguished. 
Aemond had no choice but to burn it all with Alys in it, people will never believe what he saw, no one ever could.
What happened in that room, it could not be explained. 
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It took two months for Cregan to reach Dragonstone, only to realize it was empty, the royal family was not there, they had taken King’s Landing, but from there, they could be easily reached, a raven arrived in King’s landing with the news that Cregan Stark was in Dragonstone, desperately wanting to talk to Daemon Targaryen.
Jacaerys was still in Dragonstone, as prince of the seat of the Targaryens., and in the middle of the war, he was commanded to protect it until the threat of the Greens could be defeated permanently, with him was Rhaena and Baela 
The Rogue was securing the rest of the crown lands, and he couldn’t attend the call of the young wolf, but to one month later, as soon as he could 
“What happened?”, he asked, as soon as he had the wolf of Winterfell in front of him, he took of the helmet of his armor and stare at the man
“We were marching South, we were surprised by the Baratheons and the royal army”, he whined, “we fought, good, we were winning, but there was nothing we could do against Vhagar”
“But why would you march on Harrenhal?”, he asked, annoyed, “we explicitly said that…”
“He has her”, he cut his words, and Daemon looked at him wide eyed
“How?”, he asked
“He threatened her when I had already left, she went to him willingly, to avoid bloodshed, to safe our son and Winterfell”, Daemon cursed in High Valyrian, as he paced around the war room
“Five moons ago”, Daemon grabbed a wooden chair and threw it against the nearest wall, breaking it in a thousand pieces
“And just now…?”, he faced Cregan
“I didn't know you were not here!”, he fought back, and Daemon refrained from fighting him. But as he thought more about, on a plan to recuperate you… he realized that one-eye bastard had not been in the battlefield, because he was distracted, by you
“With this… she had given us a priceless gift”, he said. Cregan frowned, looking at him
“What gift?”
“What do you mean?”, asked then Jacaerys, who was as surprised as terrified 
“He is distracted by her, we lost Harrenhal but recuperated the rest of the Riverlands, the knights of the Vale are crossing the Valley, we are going to storm Harrenhal and he won’t see us coming!”, he said hastily, he then looked at Cregan
“Can you raise another army?”, he asked him
“Already send the ravens”, he said, decisively
“I will take care of the Dragon, you will take care of the Baratheons and the Greens”, and just like that, they were ready to retaliate. 
The blacks were planning the counterattack
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More notes: i had never written any magical thing like that, I hope it was bearable AJAJA It even amazed me of how quickly the chapter came, now I'm a short period of vacation and I'm inspired
Taglist!: ❤️❤️ @severewobblerlightdragon @missusnora @stargaryenx @poppyreader @chainsawsangel @court-jester-stuff @batprincess1013 @eddiepicker 
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thedeathlysallows · 6 months
Is It Over Now? (10)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon; Aegon Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon
Summary: Red blood, white snow
Warnings: canon typical Targaryen incest. Aemond confesses Luke's fate. Aegon is a sneaky bastard. Sexual assault.
Tag List: @callsignwidow
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"Be careful, my darling!" Laenor, your father, calls out in worry as you dash ahead of him. "Dragons can be dangerous."
"Not Vermithor! He isn't mean, he's just lonely and sad because no one understands him." You cross your arms and whirl around to face Laenor who simply sighs in the face of your five year old stubbornness.
"You look like your Aunt Laena when you do that."
"That's what grandfather says."
Laenor scoops you up in his arms and carries you the rest of the way to Vermithor's favorite resting spot: a large valley on the south side of the island. It's the perfect resting spot for him really. The size is perfect for the grumpy old dragon to rest his wings when he grows tired of the sky or his volcano.
That's where you happened upon him the first time. He was toying with some poor sheep before devouring it whole, and you could only stand and watch in awe. When he turned his massive head to meet your eyes upon hearing your shocked gasp you knew right away Vermithor was yours.
Your parents tried to argue with you, of course. They told you he was too old and you too inexperienced.
"Do you think Vermithor and Vhagar are friends? Mother says they're close in age."
Laenor chuckles at your question and says, "perhaps. Would you like them to be friends?"
You think for a minute, tapping your finger against your chin. "Yes, actually. I think they'd be very good friends. Maybe they'll even fall in love one day?"
"Maybe, my darling." Laenor puts you down as the two of you reach the top of the valley and kneels before you. You can see Vermithor just below watching you with an unspoken joy. "But for now I'm afraid you must wake up."
You frown. This isn't how the memory goes. "What?"
"Wake up, Aemma." Laenor's voice shifts and fear grips your heart.
"Aemma, wake up!"
You bolt straight up in bed, pushing away the hands gripping your shoulders. Your heart thuds in your chest and your skin feels sticky from sweating in the warm summer air circulating your bedroom. Tears continue rolling down your cheeks. Aemond looks down at you with concern. You've been doing nothing but sleeping and crying since the coronation, and he isn't sure how to help you.
"Oh," you finally manage to say. "You've returned. How was Lord Baratheon."
"As stubborn as you'd expect." Aemond sits beside you, taking your hand in his. "I saw Lucerys at Storm's End."
You visibly perk up, desperate to hear anything about your family. "How is he?"
There are few people in Aemond's life that can read his expressions and read them truly. His mother, Helaena, and you. He knows he can't lie to you about what happened, but what else can he possibly say? Not a soul yet knows what happened between him and Lucerys because he couldn't have word of it getting back to you before he could tell you himself.
He flinches at the feeling of your hand caressing his cheek. He doesn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve you. You're too kind, too beautiful, too utterly pure for this world. He knows there isn't a possibility of forgiveness, but he can't live without you.
So Aemond takes a steadying breath and says, "there was an incident."
"What do you mean?"
"We departed Storm's End at the same time, but our dragons seemed to be under the impression it was a chase. Arrax attacked first and Vhagar followed suit. I tried to stop it, but neither dragon would listen."
You blink, drawing your hand away from Aemond's face. "Aemond, what are you trying to tell me?"
"Lucerys and Arrax perished. I never meant for things to get out of hand-"
The blood leaves your face and you're left with an icy, lightheaded feeling. "It doesn't fucking matter what you meant! My brother is dead!"
"He wasn't supposed to die!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry, did you try telling him that?" The venom in your voice is almost tangible and you hope it's enough to burn Aemond. "Get out."
"I said get out!"
Rather than fight you, Aemond retreats slowly. "I'll leave you to mourn in peace, wife."
Just as you hoped your words burnt Aemond, his burn you in return. "Don't call me that."
"You are my wife. I understand you're hurt, but that won't change the truth."
You choke back a sob, saying, "please, Aemond. Just go."
"As you wish. I'll return after I've met with the council."
You want to tell him not to bother, but the words won't come. Nothing comes except the irresistible beckoning of sleep. That's what you'll do. You'll go back to sleep and maybe this time Luke will be there along with your father.
But sleep won't come despite the heaviness of your eyelids.
You toss back and forth miserably for what could be minutes or hours, you don't know.
In the distance you can faintly hear the door open and close. Footsteps approach the bed, weight dips and shifts on the mattress, hands grab your waist and turn you over, you bury your face in his chest and breathe in the familiar scent of Aegon.
"I sent Aemond to keep an eye on the City Watch as they train," Aegon explains as he strokes your hair.
You say nothing in return. You aren't stupid. You aren't naive. You understand exactly why Aegon keeps sending Aemond on all these various errands and it makes your blood boil. He still sees you as a toy to fight over, to win. Even in the shadow of your brother's death all Aegon cares about is using your body.
As if in silent agreement with your thoughts, Aegon's hand slips beneath the thin cotton of your nightgown to cup your sex. His lips, once soft and inviting, feel harsh against your neck now. You wriggle against him, trying your best to force him off of you.
"I want you to leave," you tell him. "Get out of my chambers and bring Aemond back."
"You can't mean that, sweet girl." Aegon grinds his hard cock into your ass, nipping at your earlobe.
"I do."
Before you can fight him further, Aegon flips you over so you're pinned beneath him, his eyes burning with rage. He grabs your wrists and holds them above your head. You can feel the heat of his body through your gown and you hate yourself for the way it ignites a fire in your belly. Aegon is the reason for your current torment and yet you still find yourself craving him in some way.
"You don't mean that," he repeats. "Never say that again. Not you."
Aegon hates the blank look in your eyes. It's frightening, something he's never witnessed before. You've always loved him the most. Always.
"Tell me you don't mean it. Tell me!"
"I'll thank you to get off my wife, brother." Aemond's hand grips Aegon's collar firmly, leaving no option for Aegon except to listen.
You slowly sit up as Aegon's weight leaves you. The brothers glare at one another. You're unimpressed by their pissing match.
"I would like to write to my mother," you announce. "No, I will write to my mother."
"You can't," Aegon says without looking away from Aemond. "You'll have no contact with your traitor mother."
"What could I possibly tell her that would be so damning? I know nothing of your plans, all of you have made sure of that. Let me mourn with my family."
Both men are silent and you know the answer before Aegon says it.
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If Nettles was white, she would be as popular as Lyanna, Brienne or Arya, and y’all know it.
She grew up a homeless orphan (which is why it’s so insulting when people try to act like she’s a freaking idiot who doesn’t know how to bathe herself yet she can tame a dragon🤦🏽‍♀️ Put most of the highborn women in her position and they wouldn’t survive a day in her shoes).
She’s the only known non-Valyrian dragonrider who claims a wild dragon. A prince who believes in Valyrian supremacy falls in love with her to the point where he’s willing to sacrifice his life for her. Nettles singlehandedly disproves the whole idea of Targaryen exceptionalism and their blood purity. She slowly earns a dragon’s trust by bringing him sheep, and gradually he lets her closer, and then forms the dragonrider bond and lets her fly. up until this point, nobody had tried a strategy like that before.
Nettles is self-made. She’s self-taught. She’s loved for herself. She survives a freaking war and becomes a fire goddess/witch. Who wouldn’t want her ? Who wouldn’t want to be her ? Unlike Rhaenyra and Alicent, she’s the final girl of F&B.
Once again, I don't understand where you got that I'm anti Nettles? I'm anti Nettles x Daemon, but other than that theory, I very much am a fan of Nettles as a character. I won't say that there isn't racism and unfairness that happen regarding Nettles' character (though I haven't seen it personally), because people can be really shitty. But me personally, again, I'm not anti Nettles, I just dislike certain groups of her stans.
Again, I don't deny that Nettles was a strong woman. She endured many things most characters in F&B don't and most likely survived the Dance. However, I do disagree with some of the ideas you're stating as fact.
For starters, we don't know if Nettles is non-Valyrian; that's one of the many theories surrounding her, but it's not confirmed, so stating it as fact is misleading. Just because she lacks traditional Valyrian features doesn't means she isn't a dragonseed.
Jace and his brothers don't look Valyrian but they very obviously are of Valyrian descent. Rhaenys, the queen who never was, had black hair; Duncan the son of Aegon V looked like his mother, Betha Blackwood; Aegor Rivers also had black hair; Baelor Breakspear had dark hair; Daeron son of Maekar had sandy brown hair; Rhaenys the daughter of Rhaegar had her mother, Elia Martell's features.
Moving on, Daemon's relationship with Nettles is ambiguous. We don't know if they were in a romantic relationship or if his attack on Aemond was purely to save her (though I'm sure that was part of his decision). Again, you are stating a theory you believe as fact, even though it's unconfirmed.
I'm not going to touch the whole thing of Targaryen exceptionalism, because, as I said earlier, Nettles' parentage is unconfirmed. But the whole blood purity thing still hasn't been disproven at any point of GRRM's works; they intermarried to preserve their magic blood, the magic blood still exists in ASOIAF due to the incest.
Nettles is an important character in the story of the Dance, but she isn't the "final girl" you claim she is, let alone of the whole book. There are several dragon riders who survived the Dance and thrived. Rhaena is the ancestor of the Tyrells in the main series. Aegon III is the ancestor of Daenerys, the Baratheons, any remaining Blackfyres, and possibly Jon Snow and Young Griff. Baela and Alyn are the ancestors of Aurane Waters and the Velaryons.
The book of F&B is so much more than the Dance of the Dragons. Saying that Nettles is the "final girl" of the book doesn't make any sense when she only appears in a few sections. That's like saying Alys Rivers is actually the main character of the book. Nettles disappears after the Dance and doesn't appear in any other event. She does nothing else after her disappearance and has relatively little impact on the history of Westeros post Dance.
I have absolutely no idea where you're getting the whole "fire goddess/witch" thing. However, you have already been throwing out theories and your personal biases as fact, so I don't think it matters. I'm not trying to control who your fav is, I totally understand wanting to be a certain book character. But that doesn't mean you can act like everyone else is wrong for not having the same fav as you.
It's that kind of entitlement, thinking you're better than everyone else that makes people not like Nettles stans. It's almost on par with stansas and Alicent stans. People like you project so hard onto your favs, you take any perceived insult, critique, or argument as a personal attack. It's exhausting interacting with people like you.
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sweetvelaryon · 3 months
lucegon oneshot
[ book ; LUCEGON ; oneshot ; Peaches ]
[ more will be posted on wttpd | wh1tefyre ]
[ this is literally Aegon giving malewife energy ]
Aegon tugged at his hoodie before rushing out of the room and knocking on his half-sister's door. Daemon opened the door with a confused look on his face. Rhaenyra poked her head and was also confused.
“where in this godforsaken place can I find peaches?” Aegon asked.
daemon chuckled.
Once the perfect peaches were acquired - a whole case of them - Aegon rushes back to his room and finds his nephew-wife. bright blue eyes light up as he places the case on the dresser and tosses a peach at his wife.
“took you a while,” he comments as he cleans the peach.
“You sent me on a peach hunt, forgive me for my lateness,” he takes his cloak off and sits on the edge as Lucerys takes a bite of the fruit. juice drip down his mouth and chin as he smiles at the fruit.
Luke nods.
“I wasn't talking to you,” Aegon says before lowering his head to bulging belly between them, and softly speaks “are you happy?”
“you know… we need a name,” Luke says after some time.
“Well, we don't even know if it's a boy or girl yet,” Aegon replied.
“and? we should have names ready. I only have two moons left, Egg. we need a name,” he says.
“very well. we're not naming them after the Conqueror's. I fear those names are cursed,” Aegon said as he curled up beside his wife and caressed the swelling belly.
“What about… Alyssa?”
“It honors and makes Daemon sad.”
“no, I'm sure your brother means well but to name our child after him is too far,” Aegon said.
“Well what names do you have?” Luke huffed.
Aegon straightened his posture, “don't laugh.”
“I won't,” Lucerys answers with juice dripping down his chin.
“if it's a boy Baelon and if it's a girl Daenys,” he answers.
“Those are perfect my love,” Lucerys says. After two peaches Lucerys managed to fall asleep with Aegon mumbling a lullaby in high valyrian. his valyrian was not perfect when he and Luke were first married. Daemon and rhaenyra scold him for it.
“how do you consider being a Targaryen when you can't even speak our Mothers tongue?!”
Lucerys taught him and made him have lessons with Maester Gerardys. he thought they were redundant but when he overheard Luke and Jace having a conversation in valyrian and he couldn't understand a single word. the next day he was up bright and early to learn. now they have their own secret conversations at council meetings when their family doesn't show. Alicent would often side eye them because Aegon is cool as can be and Luke’s cheeks are flushed red. He now sings or more so hums lullabies and speaks to the growing babe.
Luke wakes up finding his side empty. He dresses in a dark amber dress and starts searching for his uncle-husband.
“no! no! no! that's not the color I picked!” Aegon yells from a chamber next to theirs. Luke frowns as he enters the room seeing it is being reconstructed.
“my prince -”
“no, no, I said sky blue, okay? it's almost pearlescent. like Arrax! have it redone,” he orders. Luke raises his eyebrows at him as a man leaves quickly with a small bow.
“What's going on?” he asked.
Aegon smiles as his violet eyes lay on him, he walks towards him and kisses his lips. “I'm having the baby room made. it's right next door and I'm going to have them blow this wall out for a door to be made,” he explained.
“a couple months too late, no?”
“Well the crib is all in the hands of your grandsire Corlys. finding a dragon egg is in the hands of Daemon. I'm in charge of making sure all toys and clothing is ready,” he adds.
Luke smiles as Aegon stands in front of him, his hands on his hips, silver hair a mess of curls, “fatherhood is changing you.”
“Well I plan to not be like my father,” he responded.
He steps forward and takes Aegon's hand in his and rests them on his swelling belly. a small kick could be felt making Aegon flinch.
“How dare you?” he softly asked.
“I think he would rather sleep in our room when he's born,” Lucerys said.
“He will but he'll need his own room,” Aegon replied.
another kick.
“I think our child… hates you?” Luke teased.
“No, I think he's just too attached to his muña which I can't blame him too much for,” Aegon leans forward and kisses Lucerys with much passion before a knock on the door breaks them apart.
“The Lord Hand would like to see you both,” Ser Criston announced.
pushing open the doors to the council room Aegon and Luke sit in their respective chairs. Daemon and Rhaenyra sit across from them along with the Princess Rhaenys. there's tension in the air that Luke refuses to let destroy his good mood.
“The princess rhaenys has news from Driftmark,” Otto says sitting in his chair. Viserys weakly nods for his cousin to speak.
“Lord Corlys has fallen ill after the battle of Stepstones. before he gave way to the fever he sent me one last request. That Lucerys be his regent until he comes out of it,” she announced.
“As you can see princess rhaenys, prince lucerys is in no condition to be sailing to rule over Driftmark. What of Vaemond Velaryon?” Otto asked.
Rhaenys did not look at the Hand, just at the King, “Viserys,” her voice was too soft for the council's liking, “Corlys asked for this. Allow Lucerys to rule. He does not need to sail; he can fly over. You've had Luke stuck in this Keep learning of Driftmark. it's time he takes his place even if it's just as regent.”
“Lucerys?” his mother whispered.
The boy looked over at his mother, meeting her violet gaze. Lucerys nibbles on his bottom lip before looking over at Aegon. His husband reaches over and holds his hand.
“If Luke goes to Driftmark he has my support and I will go with him,” Aegon announced.
this causes Otto to stand, “you are needed here at Kings Landings.”
“no, I'm not needed here,” Aegon responded looking up at his grandsire, “I haven't been in meetings unless it's with Lucerys. Now my husband is needed at Driftmark. I will be flying with him.”
“Very well, son,” viserys says. it catches Aegon off guard because never had Viserys referred to him that way. Luke noticed the slight change in his facial expression and tightened his hold on his hand. “you are relieved to fly to Driftmark.”
two moons into Luke's regent and he was doing incredible work. Driftmark now housed Meleys, Sunfyre, Arrax, and Seasmoke. Although the sailors didn't trust Aegon, they showered and showed much love to their Pearl of Driftmark and the future babe.
“baby!” Luke yelled out of his chambers.
Aegon came in holding a mango and a peach, “yes my siren?”
“Help undress me and get in the bath with me,” Luke says, taking the peach and biting it. He places the mango on the table nearby with herbs and scent oils before helping unlace the dress. He carefully pulls the strings and the blue dress hits the floor. He helps Luke in and he quickly strips to join. Luke grunts as he shifts uncomfortably in the water.
“What's wrong? Is the water too hot?” Aegon asked as he rubbed his back.
“I've been feeling sharp pains all day. it's annoying,” he groans.
“How frequent are they?” Aegon asked, his voice slightly quivering.
“oh fuck… it's the babe isn't it?” Luke asked as another sharp contracting hit him.
“I need to get the maester-”
“no! no you are not leaving me alone!” Luke yelled, grabbing his hand.
“You need a maester!” Aegon argued.
“We can do it ourselves!” he shouts, feeling pressure build between his legs.
Aegon knew deep down Lucerys feared something happening like his grandmother Aemma. he wrapped his arms around his waist pulling his back to his chest. Aegon luckily had asked maester Gerardys many questions in how to help with the labor in case a situation would arise and it would be just the two of them. now his learning would be put to the test.
“deep breaths and when you feel a contraction push,” Aegon told him. as Luke did as he was told and gripped onto his husband like it was his lifeline. In a way it was. if something went wrong the decision to save his life or that of their unborn child would be in Aegon's hand. The thought scared him but the feeling of the baby's head pushing out broke those thoughts. in a swift move he pushed the rest of the babe's body and held their child on his chest. no cries echoed in the room and the water in the tub turned redder. He didn't know if he was breathing. if the babe was breathing. hell, if Aegon was breathing. for a moment Luke believed they were now holding the corpse of their child. The sound of baby cries filled their room a second later.
“oh thank fucking gods!” Aegon yelled as Luke softly chuckled and ran his hands up and down the babys back. “oh shit,” he comments.
“what? what? what?” Luke carefully pulls his baby into his arms to take a good scan. all ten toes and fingers. no missing limbs or deformity. a baby with green eyes and silver hair stared back at him.
“we're gonna have to try again,” Aegon says.
“why?” Luke asked.
“I want one with brown hair. I thought your genes were supposed to be strong,” he says.
“Oh you big baby,” Luke rolled his eyes and pressed kisses to the temple of the baby. “It's a girl, Aegon.”
“So… baby Daenys?” he asked with a grin on his lips.
“Baby Daenys Velaryon.”
Bonus Scene
Lucerys was practically laying down in the tub with his swelling belly sticking out of the milky water. Aegon had a lemon cake on his belly using his fingers to eat it and Luke did the same.
“I don't think he likes being used as a table,” Luke comments as he sucks his finger clean of the creamy foam of sugar.
“he'll be fine. if he's anything like his muña he will be pleased to know he's helping us out,” Aegon replied, kissing the belly. Jacaerys walked in on the scene and immediately left to tell Baela he needed to have her pregnant. the quicker the better.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 months
HotD S02E08
I do not want to do this but I also want to be fucking done with this season so I'm powering through.
TL;DR: What the fuck even was that finale? Also, a relevant question - WHERE is the finale? 'Cuz, like, nothing happened except for more setup and the total assassination of the source material. This is gonna be full of negativity.
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gif by oscarwildebutwilder
(Couldn't resist when I saw Freddy Fox.)
Tyland Lannister was the only good part of this episode. He was having such a bad time but he did not give up and not only did he secure allies for the war, but he also got to sleep with a whole harem. Good for him!
The way that they have Larys smuggle Aegon out of King's Landing to protect him from his own brother instead of from Rhaenyra... Though, he also inadvertently ends up protecting him from Rhaenyra but that whole thing is purely because of Alicent. I just... RIP any sort of integrity this show fucking had. But I'm gonna talk about that later. At least that provides us with an interesting parallel between Alicent and Larys. She was horrified when he killed his family but now she's the one sacrificing her son and Larys ended up saving him? Again, for his own benefit but that doesn't change the fact that he has taken on the burden that caring for Aegon will be for the next however many months while Alicent just... did that (*whispers* what the fuck). What we need now is for Alicent to get Helaena's development from the book. She knowingly chose to give up Aegon to death but then he is the last of her children that evades death. Imagine her seeing him come back to King's Landing and being unable to look him in the eye, knowing she chose to let him die but at the same time wanting to hug him because he is all she has left... because of Larys. Insane!
I can see how much everyone cares for Rhaena since she disappeared from the convoy and no one even fucking noticed apparently! Or if they did, they just didn't give a shit. They really are putting her through the wringer for that dragon... and they didn't even give it to her. I cannot believe that they just decided to fucking leave it there. At least let her claim it to close the season. That way the Blacks would gain even more power even if no one knew it yet. It would have been some kind of closure if only on 1 out of 10 fronts. But no!
Jace and the horrible, terrible, no good, really bad days. His face when Rhaenyra asked Addam to go with her AND left him to deal with the "mongrels". Ooh, sorry for that rough patch, buddy, hang in there! (Not Baela only appearing when she has to tell him how awesome and totally Targaryen and fit for the throne he is after her last appearance was her telling her grandfather how awesome and totally fit for the throne of Driftmark Joffrey would be. Hmm... almost like there's a fucking pattern!) I think it would have been more interesting if Jace had suggested that they get bastards to ride the dragons. That would have required them to write him an arc during this season where he confronts his feelings on it first but think about it! He knows he's a bastard and that's enough to let him have a dragon. So it should be enough for other Targaryen bastards. Rhaenyra would be the one to protest based on her ideas of the dragons being the Targaryens' key to ruling but she's already bending the rules for her own sons. What if she bends them further to win this war? And that way Jace would be the one to slowly but surely be dismantling the pillars upon which the Targaryen supremacy is built like he's already done with his very existence. Rhaenyra would have still started this but it would be Jace realizing that he's probably going to face another war for his own succession anyway and he decides to pull out all the stops and prove himself in this war plus simultaneously watch out for those who would be future obstacles to him and weed them out right now.
Fucking clown behavior from Corlys once again. I am so glad Alyn just ripped into him like that.
What exactly was Gwayne thinking bringing up Criston and Alicent's affair so publicly and drawing everyone's attention? There's no way none of the other soldiers around them didn't hear what they were discussing. Great way to protect your sister's virtue, buddy! The way Criston also went through an existential crisis this season - just like Alicent - and has come out of it just as jaded, having lost his faith and his sense of purpose. The writers really fucking copy-pasted that arc, huh? On both characters obsessed with Rhaenyra. As if they're trying to imply that without Rhaenyra the world will end. Oh, wait! Did I say imply? They are outright stating it! But yeah, I want to be invested in the Alicole angst of him sniffing her handkerchief but I can't, knowing that Alicent was on her way to betray him and everyone else on her side. (*whispers* what the fuck)
Aemond is coming up so desperate and this could be interesting if they explore how he was so sure he could do it himself but now he has to face the fact that he's not a one-man(-and-dragon) army and he needs help. Which would have been easier to get if he hadn't torched his brother. He might have even persuaded Helaena to join him then, or at least Aegon could have if they had fucking let him and Helaena seek comfort in each other over their son's death. Aegon, due to their extenuating circumstances, could have chosen to stoke her feelings of anger and grief over Jaehaerys contrarily to how he tried to avoid that in 2x02 when he didn't say anything to her on the stairs because all he had was rage and she wasn't looking for that. The world we could have been living in! But no! We have this instead where Aemond is now turning on all of his family members and threatening their lives while Daemon has overcome his ideas to overthrow Rhaenyra and is now a loyal little soldier. At least can they give us some Aemond and Jacaerys parallels? Both feel that that is something making them not enough rn and if Aemond is to have a relationship with Alys, it would be interesting to see him struggle the same as Jace, who is also a bastard like her.
Apparently, if you are tripping balls for long enough, you will completely change your entire personality and start believing in magic and fate and the divine right of kings - oops, sorry, queens - even though you were the one character that openly admitted that it wasn't some magic-prophecy bullshit that got your house the throne but your flying nuclear lizards. Good to know! At least the writers had the decency to give us two different visions that clearly intersect somewhere but also wildly diverge. We didn't get to see Helaena's vision but she was just as certain in Aegon sitting the throne as Daemon was in Rhaenyra sitting it. Though, clearly Helaena sees further since his vision ended at that point but Helaena was also there and has seen beyond it. At least that way they keep the intrigue because if we know for certain one side is ordained by the gods to save the realm, then what's the point of watching the show further? That is to say, they could have fucked this up even more but they managed to not destroy their basic premise.
Love how they kept Helaena's dreamer side so vague until now and suddenly bam! She has a very clear map of when and how Aemond will die. She might not know the exact day but that was pretty specific, especially compared to her other visions. I am at least relieved that it's mostly because of the visions that she doesn't want to join Aemond, since she knows what will happen. It still feels like "women don't like war because they're so gentle" but a little less annoying nonetheless. (Not Rhaenyra saying that Helaena doesn't like riding Dreamfyre. And that on the heels of Aegon saying that Sunfyre is dead which is a confirmation because he would be able to feel it. My inner monologue rn: kill kill die kill.)
Ser Alfred when Daemon declared for Rhaenyra:
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I was starting to think that he had just decided to cut his losses and fuck off to another kingdom. Rhaenyra clearly sent him away to get rid of him and showing up at Harrenhal to demand from the Daemon that left Dragonstone to check with his wife would have gotten him killed. It would have made sense for him to bail. Why did it take him so long to arrive? I know he wasn't on a dragon but this seems like some awfully convenient timing.
Rhaenyra still wringing her hands after she had 30-40 people die a horrifying, excruciating death AND broke the rules so bad that she pissed off all her dragon tamers is ABSOLUTELY. FUCKING. RIDICULOUS. Crack? Is it crack you smoke? Mysaria being there to urge her further into war while telling her how right and just she is is starting to feel a whole lot like they're setting up Mysaria to be the devil on her shoulder while Alicent, who wants peace, is the angel on the other shoulder. It's completely devoid of logic and stupid. I wish they would just cut that shit out.
This episode completely turned me off from Rhaenicent. I just cannot support this bullshit. I don't care how many parallels they've woven in between Alicent and Rhaenyra and how they were always each other's answer because they had what the other wanted and balanced each other out. This behavior is just completely unacceptable from a storytelling perspective, from a character perspective, from any kind of perspective, especially from Alicent.
What the fuck are they implying that Alicent is now fReE and she has shed the chains that kept her suffering and self-sacrificing?! She just agreed to let her son get killed so that she could save the realm from a war. That sounds exactly like self-sacrificing! Except that it's worse because she's not just sacrificing herself, but her child! (Also, fucking watch the writers imply that being disabled means you're completely disposable because you'd be better off dead anyway!) And that's coming after she spent 15-20 years agonizing over the fact that Rhaenyra will kill her sons just because they're a challenge to her claim to the throne! That was the whole reason why she put Aegon on the throne in the first place! How did it even occur to her to go to Rhaenyra at all when now more than ever there is no way to end this war without one of the claimants to the throne dying?????
Season 1 Alicent: *stands in front of a dragon for Aegon*
Season 2 Alicent: *agrees to let Rhaenyra execute Aegon*
Like??????????? WHAT. THE. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate, haTE, HATE how they are still trying to present Rhaenyra's bid for Aegon's head as just or at least deserved because Lucerys got killed. Aren't you fucking forgetting that her husband ordered the decapitation of Aegon's six-year-old child????????? There was a son taken! Rhaenyra was allegedly horrified but now she is still thirsty for blood and wants Aegon's head. And when she kills him, she'll want Aemond's head - for Lucerys and because of all the innocent people he's killed, of course, not because he's also a threat to her claim. And when he's dead, she'll want Daeron's head if he dares to join his family and try to fight her. The attempts to present her as the hero are so outrAGEOUS... Why am I even watching this show? I should stop watching this show!
Otto being imprisoned was both "I fucking knew it!" and "Thank god he's alive at least!" I knew to be worried when Aemond wanted him back and Alicent said he hadn't responded to her letters.
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arms length part three | dark!d. targaryen
Description: Daemon fucks you while your husband watches. Pairing: daemon targaryen/reader and aemond targaryen/reader Warning: Mature 18+ (dark, NON-CON, stockholm syndrome, grooming, gaslighting, voyeurism, choking, if this was in AO3 it would be a 'dead doves don't eat'.) part one | part two
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Aemond couldn't remember the last time he was able to see the sun. How long has it been since his capture? His cell doesn't allow any light to seep through - to him, its endless night. Countless seasons thinking about his wife - if you were still alive.
The door to his cell swings open - the scent of smoke and ash permeates through his lungs. "Valītsos," the man opens his mouth and he raises his head slowly. It was Daemon, his benevolent uncle. "Fucker," Aemond spat - earning a scoff from the older man.
"How are you?" he ignored, squatting down to the boy's level. Daemon wasn't entirely cruel - he still made sure that Aemond was sane and clean enough to feel every second of his punishment. "Fuck off," the boy cursed, not mustering enough power to lift his head.
"Me and your wife do a lot of fucking." Daemon teased, casually playing with the silver bracelet on his wrists - he took it from you. Aemond's eye flickers at the sight of light. His eye darkens - and he tries to leap forward to attack him. "Calm down," the older man chuckled - the chains were holding Aemond back.
"If you were to see her - Aemond. I bet you never fucked her that way before." he laughed, beginning to rise. "Qogralbar ao," Aemond mumbled, praying to the Seven that they'd grant him death. "Mayhaps, you'll be allowed to watch next time." he jested, stepping outside of the moldy cell - taking with him all his nephew's hope.
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He wraps his arms around you, rubbing small circles on the bottom of your hips. "Why?" you breathed, tears threatening to exit your irises. You could feel his perk teats rubbing against your back, the slow inhale and exhale that prompted his chest to rise and fall. If he was your husband - it would've been a beautiful day. But he was not - hence, it was awful.
"I've wanted you for a long time," he professed - hot breath trailing imaginary lines down your ears. "Wondered what those breasts feels like," he lifted his hand to rub circles on your areola. "- how warm that cunny is," he added - hands trailing down to play with your mound.
"You should be pleased to find reckoning around my arms - when there are others who would have you without dignity." he made it seem like a present - something that you were blessed to have. "You should be lucky for me to still fuck you - even when you are already ruined." he added with a humorous scoff.
He tells you that your body is ruined with your brother's cock, but how many bodies has he ruined? Why does his hand only know how to ruin bodies? Why can he not make them feel whole?
"Will you let me see Aemond?" you turned - swiftly changing the topic. "Soon," he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder.
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You didn't expect an innocent question to turn grim.
"A-aemond," your lip shuddered, seeing him chained to the chair. "Tis' what you asked, no?" Daemon's lecherous voice floods into your brain, feeling his hand around your breast - and his other pulling your jaw closer for him to press kisses upon.
During your long capture - you found yourself falling in love with Daemon - craving the depravity that he could provide - but not in this way. Not in a way that humiliated you.
"You twist my words," you began, but his hands were already ripping your sheer nightgown. "I choose for you, ñuha riña." he reminded, angling your face so that you couldn't see your husband - even from your periphery. "Now let's give him a show," he smiled, pressing another kiss on your jaw.
Aemond mumbles your name - reaching out to you.
"Va mirre izula," Daemon commanded, nudging you towards the bed.
On all fours.
You laid on the bed - making sure that you were facing the headrest and not the purple eyes of your husband. Daemon's hand trails back and forth in between your folds. "Fine Valyrian stock - we do not have much of these," he mused - eyes narrowing at the sight of Aemond's tears. Oh, he has truly broken the boy. "Kepus," you breath - feeling the wetness pool on the mattress underneath you.
"Patience, līve." he degrades, and Aemond's ears pulsated at his uncle's nickname. Daemon rises to his full height - unbuckling his trousers and feeling his erection press against your ass. The sides of his mouth quirked upwards at your posture - perfect for fucking - with the grace of a seasoned whore, and it only took a few times for you to get used to.
His tip prods against your entrance - he inserts half of the length, moving in and out with vigor. "Ah," you moan, and Aemond's fist clenches at the mere thought of his uncle inside you. He wanted to kill Daemon - to murder him and burn his body - like the man did to Aegon. No mercy, he swore.
"Iā rūklon," he whispered, while thrusting in and out of your hole.
A flower.
"You love me." he added, moving back and forth - eyes shut at the feeling of your walls closing against his cock.
I love him?
"You need me." he repeated.
I need him?
"Stop!" Aemond gained to power to use his voice - struggling against his restraints hard enough to gain your attention. You eyes open, face pivoting towards your husband's body. He has lost weight - there were bags underneath his eyes that explained his weakness. Daemon slaps your rear slowly, telling you to return your attention back to him. "No." he warned, hands wrapping around your hair - forcing you to look back at the headrest.
Your walls clench tightly against him for the second time - he continues thrusting - waiting for you to cum. "Kepus," you whispered - feeling a thick rope of cum shoot out of your pussy. He holds unto your waist - pushing in and out while he begins to reach his peak too.
He makes a mention of your name.
A small grunt exits his mouth while his seed populated your womb.
"You did well," he complimented, removing his cock slowly - that his audience could see the white wetness gathering in between your legs. You move out of the crawling position - settling your body on the mattress, staring at the ceiling while you wiped the sweat off your forehead.
"- but I'm not done yet."
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@nyctophilic0vitnir @watercolorskyy @bellastwd @icarusgloom @pearlstiare @areaderinlove @hc-geralt-23 @rozendiors @immyowndefender @ammo23 @xcinnamonmalfoyx @ammo23 @immyowndefender @bitchyunknownuser @xcinnamonmalfoyx
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ladyseastar · 2 months
the tragedy of dragon twins
Rhaella Targaryen and Aerea Targaryen
Jaehaerys Targaryen and Jaehaera Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen and her dead twin brother
Aelor Targaryen and Aelora Targaryen
It seems aside from Baela and Rhaena Targaryen, every twin born in house Targaryen truly has tragedy in their blood, with one dying a horrific death and the other remaining somewhat a shell of their former self. forever missing a part of their soul in a sense.
Some believe Rhaella and Aerea were even swapped for one another. which I think is so much more tragic as the now Rhaella will forever wonder if maybe she had stayed as Aerea perhaps her sister, the other half of her soul wouldn't have died such a tragic death.
Jaehaera is another example. She had to watch as B&C killed her twin brother, the tragedy that drove her mother to madness. She survived the Dying of Dragons but she never quit felt whole again, she was the last of the greens, and no one could truly understand how that felt for her even her grandmother was half-mad. No one ever seems to have comforted her, or thought her important enough until the end of the dance when she's the last of Aegon ii's line.
there is also Daenerys Targaryen (the daughter of Aegon the unworthy) I believe her twin is said to have died at birth, had he lived however mayhaps her life would have turned out a bit differently. She'd either had been married to her Twin as par Targaryen traditions or perhaps it would have been a case of mutual love and yet torn apart for duty as Daeron ii would have Daenerys marry Maron Martall to bring Dorne into the seven kingdoms. Perhaps Daenerys's twin brother would have joined Daemon Blackfyre's cause due to his resentment for Daeron. So many possibilities really (also I don't subscribe to the Daemon Blackfyre and Daenerys ship it just doesn't make sense to me on many levels)
Aelora Targaryen, now much like Jaehaera it's possible that she was witness to her twin brothers death, and it's stated that he dies due to an accident on her part, although we don't know what it is. the difference from Jaehaera and Jaehaerys is the Aelora and Aelor were married and much older I believe, so Aelora's understanding of subjects such as death is much more clear, and the fact that she's responsible for his death...It drives her mad. And when he dies she has to take his place as their uncle's heir she has to be what Aelor was. I can just imagine the self loathing and hatred she holds for herself... She never wanted any of it and yet now she has it. Then there's the Rat, the Hawk, and the Pig who assaulted her, that's the last straw for Aelora, and much like Jaehaera who can't handle living in a world that doesn't seem to understand her pain, Aelora takes her own life.
Ironically it's always a sister that's left to mourn for another sister or brother. Not sure if grrm did it on purpose but I always do wonder what would have happened in the situation was reversed.
(this was posted on my old account queentessarion but I accidentally deleted it sooo)
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jamilelucato · 2 years
the house of red and black
pairing: Daemon Targaryen x Targaryen!reader
a/n: so there is this scene from gilmore girls that's trending on TikTok and I fully wanted to make a fic out of it. So here it is.
one shot: yes, but I can write for Daemon again
sad: yes very much, but it is really short!
summary: liking someone that doesn't like you back is hard, even when you are a princess and a Targaryen.
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“What is that all about?”
You heard his voice before you saw his face. You felt a shiver through your spine as you turn, to find Daemon descending the stairs, rushing to your side.
“Why did you call off the engagement with Aegon?”
You stared at Daemon, not sure why he cared. Aegon was your brother, but not only that — he was also the “rightful male” heir to the Throne. No woman in the kingdom would've back off from marrying Aegon Targaryen. Except maybe the Targaryen yourself.
“Why does it bother you?” you asked, grabbing the skirt of your dress and turning around, trying to get away from Daemon. He was your uncle on your father's side, as you were the younger sister of Rhaenyra Targaryen and the last child of the late Queen Aemma.
Technically, Aegon was your half-brother, but the absurdity of your betrothal wasn't the blood relationship (normal for your House), but that you and Aegon were as far apart as you could get. Besides the big age difference, you couldn't stand his mother, who was always on your back for never having married.
Your brother was an irritating-spoiled brat, barely out of his teens. Even his younger brother Aemond was more mature.
“Don't try to get away from me, y/n!” Daemon shouted, but he soon caught you up. “You shouldn't have told your father you do not want to marry Aegon — he is the best marriage proposal you will ever get.”
You just stayed silent. Forced to stop your runway because Daemon was holding you by the arm, you just stared him and let him finish his argument.
“You're eight and twenty, y/n. It's past the time you became a wife,” he said.
“Are you proposing?” you asked, laughing it off. “I thought you only had eyes for my sister.”
Daemon snorted, loosening his grip on your arm and looking away from your eyes. He didn't seem to believe you would say such a thing.
“Y/n, you should marry Aegon, for your safety. It's the best option,” he tried again, but he couldn't see you couldn't be reasoned with.
“Well, I'm sorry if it would've been for the best, Daemon,” you sighed, stepping away from him, even though it was a really hard thing to do. He was very magnetic. “But is it better that I marry my brother even though I like somebody else?”
Daemon faced you. His brows lowered — he pitied you.
“Yeah,” you exhaled.
“I didn't… I didn't realize,” he said, stepping closer to you, taking away the space you hardly work to get between you two.
You stared at him, in disbelief. How could he have? He was in fact looking at Rhaenyra all the bloody time, you were not lying when you mentioned it. You were younger than her, so all you could ever do — your whole life, for that matter — was to sit back and watch.
“So,” Daemon scratched his throat, “you're still not over Harwin, huh?”
You slowly closed your eyes, jerking your head in the opposite direction of Daemon's teasing gaze. He was trying to be sympathetic, even empathetic, but he had failed badly. Sir Harwin Strong had been your fling, long before he had been your sister's affair.
Harwin and you only kissed, but it was so few times that you, now older, rarely remembered. Once, as a child, still naive, you pledged yourself—swore yourself, in front of the gods—to Daemon. Your virtue would be taken away by him and no one else. So Harwin lost interest, and soon he was in the graces of your beautiful older sister.
Daemon had failed to see that the one in your way from marrying your brother — or anybody else — was only himself.
“Yes,” you gulped, opening your eyes back again but not fully facing your uncle. “I'm not over Harwin yet.”
The Targaryen rogue prince shook his head. “I see.”
“Will you excuse me now?” you asked, rudely. You were sick of standing there as a pig to slaughter when he didn't even want to hurt you anyway.
“Of course, princess,” he said, allowing your escape.
You hastened away, not even looking back.
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What makes you interested in book!Aegon? (didn't read the books)
Thank you for asking this anon!
There is a LOT I could say about book!Aegon. To start, I think if you haven't read F&B it's kind of hard to understand that even moreso than with ASOIAF, there are almost no "good" characters unless you count people who are the completely innocent victims of other characters' actions, so choosing a character to like isn't really some moral or ethical issue the way a lot of show fans seem to make it out to be. In the actual historical Anarchy, I 100% think Matilda was done dirty and should have been queen. She was usurped by one of her cousins, not a brother, a guy who wasn't even the oldest male of his family, and beyond being her father's choice, her legal claim was stronger and she was a pretty impressive woman in her own right. But Rhaenyra is no Matilda, and F&B as a whole just doesn't have any Brienne of Tarths, or even Robb Starks. Hell, it's even pretty low on Jaime Lannisters. The most social-justice minded character is a five year old bastard and his lesbian sex-worker mothers who try to put him on the throne. You have characters who do one good or heroic thing like Addam Velaryon, and characters who are blandly inoffensive, like Jacaerys, but they are not really compelling dynamic characters either. You also have a lot of really loathsome assholes. Book!Aemond, for instance, doesn't even have the childhood bullying backstory to soften him, he's just violent, and often a liability. Aegon is one of the very few characters who actually has a dynamic character arc and a few redeeming qualities. He changes over the course of the story, shows a lot of resilience and tenacity, and ultimately, what happens to him is tragic. (This is long, I'm sorry. I'm incapable of being concise on this topic and I honestly could have said even more. Also, book spoilers ahead, obiously).
Just to get it out of the way, the show did Aegon pretty dirty in adapting Mushroom's accounts about the "guttersnipes" selectively. Mushroom talks a LOT of shit, and the stuff he says about Rhaenyra is almost more abhorrent than the stuff he says about Aegon, and he was actually on her side. Is Aegon a good, decent, honorable guy? Not really. Aegon is written as a hedonist. He's a drinker, he's gluttonous, and he sleeps around. The more neutral non-Mushroom sources say that Aegon was handsy with the maids (not great, to be clear), and we know he has a couple of bastards and likely at least one paramour, but there's no really credible suggestion that book!Aegon is some serial rapist. Is it plausible that he could have been? Sure. I'll give the haters that, it's not a huge stretch to say a guy who was handsy with the maids might have taken other liberties, but I'll also say this: George does not have a problem outright stating that someone is a rapist or an abuser when that is his intent, even characters he likes (hell, book!Tyrion is explicitly written as a rapist and George loves him), but he did not have anyone but Mushroom say anything like this about Aegon. But Aegon's got a lot of vices, and they start pretty young. If we look at other Targaryens, drinking problems are pretty rampant. Aegon is also called "sullen," and "pouty" but Aegon is in a unique position. He's the eldest son, but his father chose his elder sister as heir, and this is pretty unheard of in this world, an eldest son who gets second son treatment. And unlike other second sons, like, say, Daemon, he doesn't even have an advantageous marriage arranged for him. Daemon might not have liked Rhea or wanted that marriage, but the point of it was to give Daemon holdings of his own and lands he could inherit so that he would not always be beholden to whomever sat the throne. There is just zero provision made for Aegon or his siblings' futures. Instead, Viserys (not Alicent) marries Aegon to his sister, sealing both Aegon and Helaena's fates. It means that when Rhaenyra becomes queen, he and Helaena will be entirely at her mercy, and will basically have to be charity cases, dependent on her continued willingness to support a brother that she hates, who poses a considerable threat to her rule, and his family of dragonriders, all of whom are legitimate unlike her older sons. And book!Rhaenyra is not a great person, the show softens her considerably (I won't get into Rhaenyra in this post because it's not about her, but I have Rhaenyra thoughts too), so there's really no indication that she'd do this. But, in spite of all this, Aegon is not particularly keen to take the throne. He does it because he becomes convinced his family's safety depends on it (and in my opinion, this is true, except taking the throne also, ironically, dooms them. This is a no-win situation for Aegon and his siblings).
Aegon is a reluctant king who is young and inexperienced and he makes mistakes, but he does his best to step up for the sake of his family. And he suffers greatly as a result. There's this idea that gets thrown around a lot that Aegon didn't care for his family, but there's really no suggestion of that in the book. Was he a hands on, present dad? Was he in love with Helaena? I mean, he's an alcoholic teen dad whose father made him marry his thirteen year old sister at sixteen, but he clearly did love his kids. Aegon is devastated by Blood and Cheese. He has to be stopped from immediately taking off on Sunfyre and storming Dragonstone and is forced to wait while Otto keeps trying to win supporters and make alliances. During this period Aegon "drinking and raging." He's upset. But when Helaena falls into depression and can't take care of Maelor due to the guilt of having chosen him to die, Aegon is the one who notices and puts Maelor into Alicent's care. And Otto's lack of decisive action after B&C is what leads to him firing Otto and naming Criston as Hand, and then Aegon joins battle himself and winds up horrifically injured as a result. And Aegon battles back from injuries that really should not have been survivable, which leave him in incredible pain. There are points he's begging for death, the pain is that bad, and no one really thinks he'll survive at first, but he does, he fights back, and when King's Landing falls he and his children are spirited away.
Where does that well of strength come from, if he doesn't have anything or anyone worth fighting for? He shows incredible resourcefulness and resilience, rehabilitates himself and his dragon, kicks milk of the poppy, and infiltrates Dragonstone, Rhaenyra's stronghold. And at what should be his moment of triumph, finally taking Dragonstone's keep, he's injured again by Baela, and his dragon, which he worked so hard to rehabilitate, dies after being wounded in that same battle. Aegon will live out the rest of his life disabled and with chronic pain. By the end he has lost nearly his entire family including both his sons, he's ill, he's drinking again, he's disabled, and he's got an entire clownshow of a council at each others' throats and pulling him this way and that, and still he doesn't give up. Then you get a lot of frankly ableist nonsense (again, mostly from Mushroom) about how Aegon was sitting on dragon eggs and watching other people fuck because he couldn't, there's a strong effort there in Gyldayn's narrative to build up his poisoning as being somewhat justified because Aegon was "not a well man," but it's tragic what happens to him.
Finally, and I might catch some slack for saying this, but in a war that is notably devoid mercy, book!Aegon is one of the few characters that shows any, even when he has every reason to be vengeful. Does he spare Rhaenyra? No. But she would not have spared him at that point either. He does spare Aegon III and Baela, some would argue to his own detriment. He spares Gaemon Palehair, and he grants Trystane Trufyre's last request to be knighted before he dies. His more ruthless actions are also relatively justified in the context of Westeros compared to some of the other completely wanton killings that we see from others in the Dance on both sides. Again, is he a great person? No. He's a impetuous young man with a lot of issues who was not raised for the throne, making some questionable decisions but also showing a lot of bravery, resilience, and yes, mercy.
And you know, just to get it out there, I've been accused of being a book purist and of being oh so above it all by anons before, but it's not that I think the book!Dance is really all that great. F&B has its problems too, and I know that if an adaptation were to follow it completely faithfully, it would not be a very good show. But Aegon is one of the more complex and interesting Dance characters, one of the few who is present and active until the end, and it's a pity that a lot of show watchers and wiki readers have written him off because how the show handled Aegon in season one. (tagging @aifsaath on this in case she'd like to share Aegon thoughts!)
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