#but he wont say anything because that doesn't fit into his world view
darlingboydiaz · 2 months
do y'all ever think that eddie might have figured out how important buck is to him when he got shot, since he was reaching out to buck. and do y'all ever think he spent the next months trying to figure out how to get better and do better by chris and buck. and do y'all ever think he reached a point where he was finally gonna tell buck, but then buck got struck by lightning and eddie had to let that chance pass.
because i keep thinking about it.
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alias-sam · 29 days
Pierced by a Golden Soul
Chapter 43. Little High, Little Low
Platonic Jojo's x Reader
Summary: Fate is a bizarre concept with countless more bizarre implications. In life sometimes such extraordinary events happen that the only reasoning left must be fate. The tragedies that constantly befall the Joestar bloodline for example may be the unluckiest series of cards drawn in human history, or perhaps the work of a greater power. There is no way to tell for sure. Had Dio Brando or Jonathan Joestar moved slightly on a divergent path the world itself would be left very different. The fate or luck of the noble Joestar bloodline has led to destruction of evil likes of the Pillar Men and DIO. This story is of a similar caliber to that of the other Joestars (as I am sure you are familiar with them). This is a story of lost souls, compassion, hope, and above all fate.
Word Count: 2,214
(Crosspost from Wattpad, full fic is already posted there.)
Friday morning was eventful to say the least. At seven o'clock you were climbing out of Vita's second story window in a pair of poorly fitting jeans, and a Pink Dark Boy T-shirt. Vita offered to sneak some breakfast up to you before leaving, but you decided to leave before his parents realized you were there. The climb down was much less daunting with an absence of killer crawlers and heavy rainfall.
You also didn't feel like eating as you made the walk of shame back home. Thinking about the tongue lashing you were about to get from Senora Jones made you lose your appetite.
The streets were empty as you headed home. Every crack and divot in the asphalt had been turned into a puddle.
You relaxed a bit when the bakery came into view. After the hectic evening you had, it was nice to be home, even if there was a reprimand behind the door. You tried going through the front door, but it was locked. Luckily you had a key to the back door. When you entered the bakery kitchen you found a note in your mother's handwriting.
'Do not go anywhere after school. You will work a shift in the bakery.'
It was unexpected, but given the fact Senora Jones probably stayed up late waiting for you, it made sense for her to want to sleep in before getting to work. As quietly as possible, you got your school supplies and left. The walk from Vita's house are up most of your time, so you weren't left with enough time to change out of Vita's loaned clothes.
The walk to school was uneventful. You hadn't seen or talked with Jaya since the hospital incident, and Vita was nowhere in sight when you left the bakery. Julius was also out of the hospital now, so you assumed Jaya was busy helping him recover, and readjust to life now that he was a stand user. Given your luck, it wouldn't be long before you ran into him again, especially since he was a stand user now. You were starting to think your excited utterance yesterday about stand users being magnets for one another wasn't that far from the truth.
The school was as lively as it always was. Despite the fact you came to school alone, you had the oddest sensation of being watched. It wasn't quite the same as when you were fighting Quiet Riot. This sensation was much less supernatural. You could have sworn you caught a bubblegum pink blur in the corner of your eye every time you turned around.
As you were heading to your first class of the day, you stumbled upon a familiar scene, and a familiar face you weren't expecting. Blake Greenmin. He was harassing Tim, however this time it seemed Tim was standing up for himself.
You couldn't tell what the boys were talking about, but Tim looked ready to bitch slap the guy. It was difficult to invoke that level of emotion in Tim, you knew it firsthand. Blake noticed you approaching before Tim since the usually stoic boy was in the midst of a bit of an outburst.
"Just because I never did anything before doesn't mean I wont say something when you act like such a bast-"
"What's going on here?" You quickly interjected, placing a hand on Tim's shoulder as he calmed down.
"Timmy and I were just talking." Blake gave you one of his typical mocking smiles. "No need to get involved."
"Well now you're talking with me." You said coldly. "If you would excuse us." Tim looked at you worriedly, but you motioned for him to go ahead and get to class. Blake made no move to stop Tim as he left. He also made no objections as you led him to a more private area. After making sure the two of you were tucked away in an isolated corner you let go of your façade and openly glared at the boy. Meanwhile Blake calmly positioned himself against a nearby wall.
"My offer still stands Jojo." He teased.
"Don't call me that."
"What? Worried your darling little Jaya's feelings will get hurt?" Blake failed to hide a smile at how the mere mention of Jaya's name from his mouth got a rise from you. "I'll admit," he continued, "I wasn't expecting her to be so strong, however she's still not a stand user, I could make her do whatever I want. I bet with some persuasion and a bit of force I could-"
Before you knew it, Blake was doubled over on the ground, cradling the side of his face.
"Shut. Up." Your fist hurt from how hard it collided with his jaw, but you didn't care. For a split second you saw surprise flash in Blake's eyes. Typically, you wouldn't stoop to random violence, but you had been waiting since first grade to do that. Before you could revel in the moment, Blake began laughing.
"Daring." He looked up at you smugly. "You'll be getting expelled if I have anything to say about it."
"You had the element of surprise before." You pointed to the upper corner of the area you were staying. "I know how to play your games Blake. I know what kind of a person you are." You picked this place deliberately. Not only was it a place where no passersby would interrupt, but it was an area you passed during your first fight with Know Your Enemy. "The mistakes I made during our first encounter won't happen again."
You were pointing up at a broken security camera. Blake's expression soured.
"We'll see about that." Blake seethed. It was the first time you had heard his voice so cold and lacking in any mocking tone. Almost like he realized his mistake; he flipped a switch. A disturbingly sudden grin played across his lips. He righted his posture, and looked you directly. "Tell your mother I enjoyed her sfoliatella. She has a real talent for her craft."
Your shoulders stiffened. The Jones Family Bakery didn't sell sfoliatella. But it was your mother's favorite. It was concerning when she didn't have some stashed away somewhere in the upstairs kitchen. For a moment you felt cold fear freeze your very blood, but the following anger was much more powerful.
"Go near her again, and I'll make sure it's the last mistake you ever make."
Blake didn't even look back as he responded.
"We'll see about that Jojo."
You left school that day feeling more perturbed that usual. The conversation with Blake left you in a weird headspace. Interactions with Blake had a tendency to do that.
Senora Jones looked up from the cash register when the welcome bell chimed. She greeted you curtly before telling you to man the front while she worked in the kitchen. You were slightly off put by her demeanor, but in hindsight, you really messed up last night. That stunt was going to cost you.
A part of you wanted to tell your mother about everything. It was hard to lie to her. But you realized how dangerous all of this was, it would also probably make her worry even more. How would she even react to you explaining how you had an invisible ghost you could control with your mind? She'd probably flip after finding out about how Jotaro had trained you to fight. Or how beaten up you were after said lessons. So for now, you decided to keep stands a secret.
You placed your backpack behind the counter and put on a work apron. It was a decently packed day. There was a consistent stream of costumers, even past the normal afternoon rush. Eventually when business slowed down you grabbed a book from your school bag. It was the old fairytales treasury. For the sake of nostalgia, you had picked it up, and been flipping through it between classes or when you had time. You didn't have much time now though since you heard the bakery's welcome bell chime.
A group of boys, ten or so, entered and made themselves at home in the corner of the store. None of them made a move to order anything except one.
"Can I help you with anything?" You asked, setting your book aside.
The younger boy looked up at you from his place in front of the counter. He wasn't exactly what one would call a normal looking child. He wore a beanie that covered most of his light green hair, yet some still peeked out on his forehead. He also possessed a peculiar crescent shaped mark under his left eye. It was hard to tell if it was a birthmark or makeup of some sort. His clothes were much like the rest of the group's, baggy and old. They all looked like delinquents.
He averted his gaze from you to look over the display case of baked goods, ignoring what you had asked.
"Let me know if you need anything!" You smiled, showing off your top notch customer service act.
The boy flashed you a glare and continued scanning the display. After a moment, you went back to your book.
It only took a few minutes for you to tell this group was rowdy. They were talking loudly, and knocking over their chairs. You were usually cautious about telling people to scram, but these guys were starting to scare off other customers, and you didn't want them to break anything.
"If you kids aren't going to bother buying anything I'm going to need you to leave." You said from behind the counter. A few made inappropriate hand gestures, some others cursed at you, one kicked over a chair and tipped the table. After said table hit the floor with a loud bang the delinquents ran out the door. You were about to go fix the furniture yourself when someone unexpected beat you to it.
The boy in the beanie from earlier was picking up the chair.
"Thanks." You said as he helped you turn the table right side up.
"It's no problem." He mumbled, sounding oddly irritated. "I'm sorry about them."
"Were those your friends of something?"
"You guys on vacation?" You questioned, deciding to make some casual conversation. The boy in the beanie awkwardly followed as you went back to the counter.
"Our parents went out for lunch and left us to our own devices.... again. Me and my brothers got bored."
Hating to see a sad face in the bakery, you decided to try and get the boy to lighten up. You moved to the display he had been eyeing up earlier and grabbed a cookie from it. The boy looked almost panicked as you held the cookie out for him to take.
"I- I don't have any money." He said shaking his head.
"Consider this a thanks for helping clean up." You smiled, holding out the treat. The boy graciously accepted the cookie after you assured him he didn't have to worry about paying. "So what brings you and your brothers to the area?"
"Our parents like to travel and a ton of their work has them go to tourist places like this."
"So you've been all around the U.S?" The boy seemed to get excited at your question.
"That and some! Me and all of my brothers have been born in different countries! For example, I was born in Egypt!"
"What's your name kid?" You asked, going back to work cleaning the counter.
"Ungalo." He introduced himself.  He definitely seemed less tense than before, happier too. His demeanor reminded you of Vita in a weird way.
"Nice to meet you Ungalo. I'm Y/n." You introduced yourself, pointing to the badge on your work apron.
"You're nice." He said matter of factly. You laughed at his bluntness and childish personality. He definitely reminded you of Vita. The two of you conversed as you cleaned the shop and Ungalo ate his cookie. When you picked up your book from earlier Ungalo eyed the cover curiously.
"Fairy tales? Aren't those for kids?"
"I wouldn't say that. While yes I got this book when I was younger, the stories are still just as entertaining." Ungalo looked at you skeptically. "Here." You handed the book to him.
"Huh?" He looked surprised.
"I'v read it about a hundred times. Besides you mentioned that you and your brothers were getting bored. Why not spend your time reading?" Ungalo took the book and looked at the cover quizzically. "If you don't like it, you can always come give it back to me. But if you do wind up liking it, consider it yours."
"Thanks." Ungalo glanced over at the wall clock and froze. "I have to get back to the hotel. Ummm, I'll read the book but I can't promise I'll like it." You smiled at the boy and waved to him as he left. Despite your short interaction you felt a connection with him, like you wanted to help and protect him.
Unfortunately that small interaction would be your only one with Ungalo for a very long time.
When you locked up the bakery that night you took care to double check every door. Blake had gotten in somehow and you weren't going to let it happen again.
By the time you were done checking the security, Senora Jones was in bed already. You glanced at the phone. There was something you needed to do.
You picked up the receiver and started dialing.
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luffythinker · 8 months
i'll take Deku/Denki please! It all started when they moved into the dorms. They/them non-binary Deku also.
Alright, so Denki pegs me as the type who drinks after people and they don't care, the bakusqaud in general drinks after each other and they don't care +Save for Bakugo they also wont really drink after Kaminari but everyone else is fair game+ Denki forgets thats kind of a squad only thing and drinks after Midoriya one day in the dorms, they drink out of his cup he just sat down and even though this is like, not really anything Deku kinda looks at them like. "Um, you could have gotten your own?" but he feels bad about it after Denki gives him the run down, Deku's all freaking out cause Denki felt comfortable enough and he ruined it! "Chill dude, it's fine." Kaminari makes a effort to not do that they just kind of ask him if theres anymore of what he's drinking even though they dont want a whole cup Denki just wants a sip but it bothered Midoriya so they aren't going to try and upset him intentionally. Deku still feeling bad about telling him that wasn't ok decides where is the harm? "You can have a sip of mine Kaminari it's ok" offering them the cup. Kaminari looks at him. "Aww, really? Thanks!" but instead of taking it from him they sip it while Deku is holding it. Deku stands there a couple seconds after they are gone because that was sort of cute. it made his heart flutter a little bit. He starts always offering Denki whatever he's eatting or drinking from then on, " do you want some of this?" he always ask and he's happy when Denki does, he likes feeding Denki and everyone notices this but says nothing smiling to themselves. Deku just keeps on being super nice to Kaminari and Kaminari only so this is Denki assumes it's Deku's round about way of asking them out. His love language must be gifts. It's not Deku's love language is acts of service. that's his general speaking language lmao. I want to talk about Deku finding out Kaminari is non-binary, so maybe he walks into the common area one morning and everyone is sitting around on the floor with a bunch of buttons matching them to fit their personalities and genders. Denki's wearing a non-binary button and Deku thinks, oh he supports, that amazing. Doesn't view it as anything. Another day Kaminari comes down stairs and swings a arm around Deku asking him how he's doing, it's normal everything is fine. Kaminari kisses him on the cheek and Deku's world is turnt. Why did he do that??? Maybe it's his way of showing friendly affections??? Kaminari continues on their day. Kaminari goes to hold his hand, Deku looks at him, why is he doing all this??? In Kaminari's POV Deku's acting weird, weren't they in a relationship? Could he actually not know? One night Denki goes to his room and talks to him. Deku's all "Really? you want to go out with me? Me of all people?? are you sure?" and Denki's like "I mean, i thought we were already dating i just wanted to take you out on a real date if that's something you're into?" They have a successful first date, Deku cries when he's in his room after Denki kisses him on the cheek goodnight before they part ways to their own rooms. Their first real kiss Denki accidentally shocks him a little bit, like they kiss and Deku can feel the tingles on his lips and on his tongue so he pulls away quickly. His hair is standing a little and everything lmao. They've absolutely had the conversation about Denki going by They/Them "Im sorry, i've been calling you a he cause that's what i thought i never asked you im so sorry Kaminari." He holds Denki's hand and everything when he apologizes.
went over the word limit so i'll have to put the rest in another ask lol
deku freaking out at every little things is such a deku thing tbh
okay this is so cute actually, deku making sure after that fiasco to always offer denki something :( just so he knows he's okay with it, i think denki's love language is def gift giving and quality time and i agree, deku is acts of service all the way
this pair is so cute to me because i do think they match well, denki is chill and izuku is apile of nerves so they balance each other out. deku needs more peace and simplicity into his life, but also some excitement which kaminari always brings so their relationship could go on for a long time once they set a pace to it
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weraceasone · 3 years
Hi Elle
Im quite new to F1, but I've been watching a lot (since im on year end break), and ive come to adore the whole grid, all 19 of them. Ive noticed Max loves to run his mouth, not sure why he thinks thats a good idea in a sport full of politicking, but it frustrates me to no end. Because I adore him at times, and I hate him at times and I can't help but feel like he's just killing his own career through ruining his relationship with other teams. He wont be in red bull forever, and with the way he runs his mouth, i doubt any team is very excited to give him a seat if his talent comes with a side of his attitude. Its so frustrating because i know he's a good driver, i always want him to do well but this mentality of his that he can just get away with things is so annoying. I hope his actions of today won't come back to bite him in the ass because i think he's champion material. I also feel reluctant to support red bull at times but I adore Checo, and i wont wish a bad car or season upon anyone, because the team of engineers and mechanics that works hard doesn't deserve it, don't deserve to have people wish them terrible results when they work so hard, just because their leaders are some assholes. I just wanted to vent my frustration because anywhere else, especially f1twt is so brutal for some noob like me haha. I hope you're having a wonderful day, Elle!
[i also wonder if you dislike max? a lot of people do, i cant blame them, but i just wanted to know :)))))]
hey Anon!
(first of all, I wanted to say that you saying F1twt is a bit brutal for new fans made me a bit sad. I just want to say that you shouldn’t ever feel bad about not knowing something, and you also shouldn’t be made to feel bad for not knowing something. what an unkind response from people to drag down another person for not knowing every single thing. always feel free to ask me anything🧡)
do I like Max? hmmm, not really. but I don’t hate him either. when you’re young and you look at the villain in a movie, there’s always this sort of moment in the movie when you realize ‘oh, they have a good side too’. I think something that I’ve realized this past year, is that as much as I wish for them to be, most people aren’t completely, from head to toe, bad. when it comes to a person, there’s no such thing as black and white. I think that’s kind of how I view Max. he can be funny. I like him with Lando and Daniel and I think the comments he sometimes makes are funny. I like how he talks about his mother and sister and I thought it was really sweet how he was reminding his team to drink during races. yet, I don’t like Max. I don’t like the way he talks about people in a negative way, I don’t like how he doesn’t kneel, and I don’t like how he never apologizes when he did something wrong. I can’t bring myself to hate him, though. I was raised in a hard way, it was nothing compared to the way Max was raised, but I was never taught to be kind; I was taught that kindness was synonymous with weakness. I had to learn how to be kind all by myself. I know how hard it is to go from a clenched fist to an open palm, and I know that you have to take your own responsibility in life and look beyond the way you were raised. I know how hard it is to see your own red flags when you were raised by bulls (I swear, no pun intended). the difference between Max and I is that I never started working in an environment that told me, from day one, I needed to be harsh, emotionless and cruel in order to survive. I was never told I couldn’t show emotion, I was never told that if words weren’t enough, my fists would also do. do I think Max should have learned from his past actions; do I think he should have learned from the way he was raised and be the exact opposite? yes, I do. am I angry with Max for not doing that? no, not necessarily. there’s this desire from people to look at another person and want them to be perfect, even to the point where we even start to believe they are perfect. we look at these drivers and so desperately project all of our ideals onto them, and when they say or do something that doesn’t fit into the image we’ve created in our heads, it feels as if our world is breaking down piece by piece. and you know… it’s not feasible. it’s such a fragile idea to believe another person is perfect. these people aren’t our perception of them, just like our friends aren’t, just like our parents aren’t. we just have an idea in our heads based on the parts they chose to show us. it’s not a real thing. they are just as much human as we are, and they have the right to disappoint us. and just like they have a right to disappoint me, I also have a right to be disappointed in them. but at the end of the day, I have a perception of him in my head that probably doesn’t completely match with reality and that awareness shouldn’t get lost somewhere in between. 
(this got super, super long. I’m sorry about that, Anon. I hope you’re having a good day! 🧡)
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