#but he’s insane obsessed with the MC for besting him so he throws himself into this peaceful alliange shit with approaching deranged focus
sainamoonshine · 5 months
So I watched Wakanda Forever and I have INSANE blorbo feelings for literally every single character in that movie
Like we started watching and as soon as Namor started explaining his backstory I was just like “oh shit I need to emotionally disconnect from this movie or this fucking guy will end up occupying my every waking thoughts for 2-3 business months and I got other shit to do”
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domthedevil · 3 years
A Day at the Beach 3/3
Diavolo takes f!mc to the beach for a special reason, but it seems they aren’t meant to spend the day all alone like they had planned.
Warnings: female mc, mentions of female anatomy, lingerie
Later that night, the brothers followed you over to the same inn you had all shared. The beautiful, classic onsen hotel made you nostalgic for another time, another place. But you were too overwhelmed with joy to be here and now with your favorite demons. You and Diavolo had a room to yourselves at the end of the hall. But of course there wasn’t any chance you’d get your alone time so soon.
“BlackJack!” Mammon yelled at the top of his lungs, throwing the small stack of cards in his hands down on a pile of grimm.
“Mammon! You ass!” Levi groaned as he straightened out the limited addition tiger Ruri-chan poker cards his brother threw so carelessly.
“I give up. You’re cheating some how and I refuse to keep playing.” Satan huffed.
You of course congratulated Mammon on his victory while simultaneously comforting the prince of Devildom. Diavolo was playing his first round of blackjack and loving it. But losing over and over again definitely wore on his spirit.
“Don’t worry Diavolo, I’ll let you take your time paying me back all that Grimm.” Mammon practically sang.
“Mammmmooooon.” The doors practically rattled as Lucifer stood behind him.
Turns out, Diavolo didn’t lose all those rounds after all...
But despite that, Diavolo was having a great time. Finally being able to indulge in his greatest desire, being part of the group. And it was thanks to you. Letting him in to your heart made it so the brothers opened up theirs. The warm atmosphere felt like a gift only you could have given him.
Pulling himself away from the hot pot Beel and Asmo set up, Belphie came to sit next to you, resting his head on your shoulder.
“Beel ate all the good stuff...now I’m too tired to eat.”
The youngest demon grumbled as he pouted slightly. Patting his head, you laughed a little. Even the youngest brother knew he had a friend in the human Diavolo adored so much.
“And I’m just tired...” Levi yawned as he rested on his side next to you and Belphie.
It wasn’t long before almost everyone was out cold, snoring and dreaming peacefully on the spread out futons. All except Lucifer, Diavolo, and you. Instead the three of you watched the brothers sleeping soundly a moment before softly closing the door. You all walked toward the room you and Diavolo shared, Lucifer unnecessarily apologizing for his brothers. The prince couldn’t have enjoyed his day more in all honesty. Seeing what your family was like, how much you were truly loved by everyone was exactly what he needed to see. This was what he needed to finally seal his decision.
“MC! I need to speak to Lucifer a moment, would you mind going ahead?”
“Oh, sure. Good night Lucifer.” You smiled brightly for the eldest brother.
“Good Night MC, sweet dreams.” Even Lucifer managed to meet your smile with a soft one of his own.
Closing the door behind you, you prepared the futon and dressed down for bed. It had been a fun day. Though a little frustrating. But hopefully that would be remedied tonight, especially since Diavolo got the room farthest from anyone else’s. The thought brought the heat back to your cheeks.
Diavolo had been so playful with everyone today. It was great to see how well the brothers accepted him as part of you now that you had been romantically involved for some time now. You thought about how much you loved him. How soft Diavolo always seemed to be when you u were around. How much he wanted to love and be loved. And of course how much you wanted to give him. Sitting on the futon, you waited patiently to give Diavolo a little surprise of your own. For now it waited under a short robe from the shower.
It took a few moments before Diavolo came in to the room finally. You heard him audibly gulp as he fixated on your bare legs and short robe. Your smile spread from ear to ear.
“I’m sorry I kept you waiting.” He seemed nervous, something you hadn’t seen in a long while.
“It’s okay. Come here...” you gave your best seductive voice, wanting him to take you as soon as possible.
Slowly he removed his robes, dressing down to join you on the soft blankets. The mood shifted quickly, especially when his large hands cupped your cheek gently. But there was a glimmer in his eye that stopped you from fully falling under his spell. Something welling up inside him.
“MC...I have something to ask you. And if I don’t do it now...I’m afraid I might never do it.”
You were a little startled by how suddenly he pulled away slightly. His hand stayed on your cheek as he furrowed his brow.
“I’ve been watching you all day.” He paused a moment, trying to put his thoughts in order. “I’ve been watching only you. For a long time.” The pad of his thumb gently grazed your cheek as his voice softened.
“I didn’t bring you here to fall in love with you. But I did. And I don’t know if I can stand the idea of being without you.”
He rolled over so that he hovered above you, closing the distance between your lips for a gentle kiss. Something to help calm his nerves.
“I’ll give you any ring you want...but I can offer you so much more.” There was a long pause before he spoke again, he was caught up in watching the glassy look in your eyes as a tear began to bloom. “Marry me, MC. Bear the mark of my pact...and be my queen.”
Your heart almost gave out. His words echoing in your head as if it were the only words you’d ever heard. The quivering of your bottom lip worried him a moment. But was quickly relieved when he felt your arms wrap around his neck.
“I love you Diavolo. Yes! Of-of course I will.” The rolling tears were warm against the prince’s cheek. Yours and his mixing as you both joyously embraced.
The small robe you had been hiding under was tossed to the side, revealing the perfect gift for the perfect moment. Diavolo’s corruption kink turned you on more than you’d like to admit. But feeding into it always gave him the same look in his eye. A look that practically made you wet with one look. The delicate lace of the white lingerie decorating your skin was traced with fingers almost too scared to break a thread.
“Diavolo...” your moan pulled his attention away from the lace between your legs, and the feel of every strap against your soft skin. He’d been mindlessly teasing you as he obsessed over his love for your body. Worshipping your delicate body the way it deserved.
“MC...I love you.”
Moving the thin fabric aside, Diavolo admired the way your entrance clenched around nothing. Like it was wordlessly begging for him to enter. His cock twitched at the sight.
“Sh-show me. M-make me your queen.” Your voice shook as you spoke but your heart fluttered with love.
Rubbing the tip of his thick length against your slick, he rutted his hips against your clit. You kissed him roughly as one of his hands dipped below the cup of your bra. Twisting and teasing your nipple as he pressed inside you. Filling you up and stretching you wide open.
“Nngh! So big...” your whine made him press further, sheathing himself completely before pausing a moment. Your eyes squeezed shut as your body adjusted to his size.
“Look into my eyes MC...”
You followed his command, peering at him through lidded eyes. Your breath was already heavy and uneven as he sat still inside you. Locking eyes, you almost melted at the look he gave you. Passing along his pact as he slowly moved inside you. You could feel it surround you as pleasure built in your core. Though his movements were slow and sensual, he still managed to reach the very spot that drove you insane.
Once the glow from his magic faded, Diavolo sighed with lust. Now he was yours. Now you were his. And even if there was no ring or ceremony, he would love you until the very end.
Heated lips left yours bruised as he rocked his hips, moving faster as he held you close. Your lips found refuge against his neck, nipping and biting at him as he began drilling into you.
“You’re all mine MC....You’re all mine.”
Your small arms wrapped around him as best they could. Your thighs pressed against his sides. Anything and everything to help brace yourself against his thrusting dick.
“I’m all yours.” You parroted through moans and whimpers of pleasure. “I want you to mark me every way you can.”
A quiet curse slipped as he snapped his hips into you. Still aiming for that place in your core that would send you over the edge.
“I’m-I’m cumming...D! I’m cumming.”
“Good MC. Cum. Cum around my cock.”
A small hiccup left you as your body convulsed. Gripping around his girth and pulsing with pleasure. Yet his hips never faulted.
“That’s so good. But I can’t cum yet...!” His lips stole yours for a deep kiss. Tongue stealing the last of your shaking moans. “I owe you for the interruptions today...”
Flipping you over, the prince tore away the lingerie you’d worn especially for him. You were in for a long night. And an even longer marriage with the one and only leader of Devildom. You let Diavolo take you over and over again that night. Ecstatic about the future you two had ahead of you.
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imaginesfubu · 3 years
As promised, more random headcannons and backstory on our favorite crow, Karasu! Plus, Karasu's relationships with Cerberus and Lotan
If you aren't familiar with my previous headcannons on Karasu the crow in Obey Me!, please check them out here! I'm throwing in headcannons of Cerberus and Lotan as well, since the three of them are living in my head rent free and keeping me from doing homework. These headcannons contain SPOILERS, so please read at YOUR DISCRETION!!
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Spoilers Ahead!!⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
Karasu, like all things regarding Earth, humans, etc. before the great Celestial War, was created by God. When Karasu was a baby bird, God Himself entrusted a child Mammon (think of Luke's approximate human age between the ages of 7-13) in taking care of the baby crow to help grant the then-young angel "a sense of responsibility."
It was Lucifer himself who offered the name of Karasu because of the baby bird's beautiful black feather coat when the bird himself wasn't answering by any of the names Mammon suggested to him.
Since God created Karasu for Mammon, God made sure to give Karasu his own divine powers, including an insanely extended life span, along with impressive intellect and even strength (if needed) to watch over Mammon as he grew older.
Before Karasu was gifted with the ability to speak and perfect all languages known in all three realms, he could not talk. Instead, he would simply caw, cluck, and make other birb vocalizations and Mammon was the only one who could completely understand him.
When Karasu became a juvenile crow boi, Mammon began trying to teach him how to read, write, and even the language used in the Celestial Realm. Karasu almost had it perfected, but was interrupted by the events surrounding Lillith and the Celestial War.
When Lucifer, Mammon, and the rest of his brothers were exiled to the Devildom by God because of the insurrection they caused, Karasu himself begged God to let him follow Mammon into exile.
God granted Karasu's wish, but had taken most of his divine powers the same way He did for Mammon and his brothers; Karasu's extended life span was not taken, however.
Karasu is the only "exiled" being to enter the Celestial Realm freely, however, he only goes to either escort fallen angels to the Devildom, or for official, formal/political reasons. Karasu supports Mammon no matter what, so he only goes to the Celestial Realm if he absolutely has to, and almost always feels some type of way when he's there.
Karasu became fast friends with Cerberus and Lotan.
I believe that pets unconsciously pick up mannerisms of their owners the longer they're with them. Therefore, Karasu speaks and acts like Mammon; Cerberus reflects Lucifer's personality, and Lotan reflects Leviathan's personality.
While the game notes that Cerberus does not trust or warm up to others so easily, unlike Lucifer, Cerberus will default to "kill" mode. Cerberus only listens to Lucifer, and therefore only relaxes around Lucifer's brothers, Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and of course the MC. If Lucifer doesn't harbor negative emotions toward someone, Cerberus will visibly relax, even show off his playfulness depending on the individual. Cerberus is a good boyo three times over very deep down.
When Cerberus speaks, he refers to himself as "we" when all three of Cerberus' heads share the same thoughts and feelings, and speak at the same time, and prefers others to use "they/he/him/them" pronouns when referring to Cerberus as a singular unit or to a certain head(s).
Lotan on the other hand reflects some of Levi's mannerisms, but not all of them.
Lotan isn't as apprehensive towards others like Levi; Lotan actually loves company but since most living things fear him because of his power and threatening appearance, Lotan is often lonely and misunderstood.
When someone offers to willingly spend time with Lotan, he becomes defensive as Lotan thinks that person has an ulterior motive. To Lotan, everyone except Levi (and possibly the MC at first) must want something from him in return, or just manipulate him and Levi into doing something neither of them are ok with.
Lotan is extroverted, but because of his appearance combined with his wariness of those who appear willing to spend time with him for unknown reasons, he does not consider most beings his "friends."
Basically, Lotan is aloof. He is cool, charismatic, and confident in himself, but those that appear to take genuine interest in him he purposely acts "fake" as a way to protect himself (and Levi) from those trying to get "too close" to him. Please be patient and kind to the sea monster, and reassure him that you have no ulterior motives, nor want anything from him in return. He will show you exactly how kind, confident, and sweet he can be.
Lotan is a closet nerd, and doesn't like to be compared to Levi and his obsession of all things anime.
Cerberus, Karasu, and Lotan have their own thing going on. They hang out in either the Devildom or the Human Realm, terrorizing humans and demons for fun. Other times they're just there roasting themselves, their respective owners, or others. Sometimes they do all three in no particular order.
Insert Phineas and Ferb's "Hey, where's Perry?" here, but replace Perry with Cerberus, Karasu, and Lotan when Lucifer, Mammon, and Levi simultaneously realize their pets are missing.
Getting back to focusing on Karasu, he has the power to absorb life force from any living being. Back when he was in the Celestial Realm, he could both absorb and transfer life force from one living being to another. Because God took away a majority of Karasu's abilities, he can only absorb life force and use the excess life energy to lengthen his own life span and keep his stamina up.
That being said, Karasu only drains the life force of those who he thinks are truly evil. Karasu sucks that person's life force dry, leaving only a pruney corpse.
Spoiler Alert, before Karasu drains the life out of someone, he keeps his victim(s) in a state of paralysis and does not allow the truly wicked ways of his victim a quick and painless death. How he does it, the world may never know. One minute his victim is living life, the next minute Karasu comes and goes leaving a body in his wake.
Karasu only does this if he's granted permission by either Diavolo or the demon king himself to absolutely punish the cruelest of the cruel
Other times he'll go rogue and simply drain the life out of anyone who hurts/attempts to kill Mammon. The same applies to the MC if they're in danger anywhere in Devildom. Karasu doubles as Mammon's "eyes in the sky" when it comes to the MC, so it's only natural Karasu will protect them
Along with life force draining, he flies and dives faster than a Peregrine Falcon
Reknown as one of the most intelligent beings in all Three Realms
Grants the MC or anyone nearby good fortune if he's feeling generous.
Went from being unable to do homework to 10 mins past 1 a.m. haha 😅 Thanks for reading such a long post and give our resident Best Bird Boy and Co. some love!
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ozzmodeus-main · 4 years
A/N: FIRST OBEY ME FIC and it’s the shy shut in!!! might seem like a weird concept but if uve played any fromsoftware game u might know what emotions beating a boss evokes lmao. I had a full smut planned but I might make that a part two if you guys like it!! It’s been so long since I wrote fluff too so,, yay!! lol
Fluff leading to soft lime
Levi/Fem! Reader
Sweet Victory
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Being invited to help Levi beat a boss wasn’t new, but the set up for this one was.
Levi had gotten an infamously hard game a while back, Help! I’ve Been Thrown Into A Lovecraftian Victorian Gothic Nightmare, and talked MC into getting the same game on her console. It became a surprise bond between her and Levi, they talked about the game constantly with each other. She’d gotten good since, working hard on buffing her character up to beat the game. It was a great trade off, the game was hard enough that she had to learn the enemies, but that made it all the more rewarding when she beat a hard boss. They both got the DLC, and over the course of a month, they’d beaten all the bosses and beat the game.
Well, almost all of them.
The one boss they’d both had yet to beat, the final boss of the DLC, who’d been so insanely hard that it took MC off guard her first try, the oh-too-familiar ‘You Died’ screen popping up as the boss still slashed at the dead player only seconds after the cutscene ended. After dedicating a night to it, she gave up, content with the other trophies she’d wracked up.
Levi was... not so well off.
He’d obsessed over forum after forum about the boss; best weapon, best armor, best character stats; everything. Eventually, he’d stumbled onto a post claiming that they’d found an exploit that made it easier to beat the boss.
Only one problem. He needed a second player to beat it. The game had an online mode that put random players together based on character level and place in the game, but there weren’t any players online at the same place.
He’d been so disheartened by it he almost gave up, but then— a sliver of hope! A shining beacon!
“You need my help,” MC said slowly, “To beat the Orphan of Saz?”
“Yes,” Levi pulled out his D. D. D. to show her the post, “As much as it pains me to use an exploit, this is a big deal! If I beat this boss, I’ll have officially one-hundred percented the game, making me the first to do so!”
“And me the second.”
Levi huffed, “Yes, yes.”
She thought for a second, “How’re we gonna do that?”
Levi explained that they could make a whole game night of it— set up a second tv, MC’s console, get a bunch of snacks(straight from Akuzon to make sure Beel had food in the kitchen), and play until the boss was defeated.
And so it was decided.
Immediately after getting home from RAD, MC helped Levi move the system and TV to his room, making a big spot for the both of them in front of the TVs out of blankets and pillows. Levi ordered with same-day-delivery, and set out all the drinks and snacks for the both of them. Once they were settled after dinner, Levi explained the exploit and what weapons would be best.
Individually, they set up the game in online mode, Levi using an in-game item to summon MC’d character to his world once she had all the items she’d need. She did a ‘greet fellow hunter bow’ emoticon to his character. Levi chuckled and bowed back.
“Alright,” he said, suddenly more serious, “Let’s do this.”
It took hours to finally beat the boss.
After the first few rounds, they’d memorized his attacks and tells, and got so close to beating him twice.
MC was tired at this point, playing the game so aggressively into the wee hours of the morning, and Levi was furious. He muttered under his breath constantly about ‘stupid boss’ this and ‘normies’ that.
Almost all the snacks and drinks had been devoured, and the mini-pillow fort was a mess from Levi throwing pillows in frustration.
“Levi,” MC whined, “It’s so late—“
“We can’t stop now!” He pleaded, “We were so, so, SO close last time! We can do it, please!”
She mumbled but nodded, “Okay. One last try, alright?”
Levi nodded, “Alright. This time you go in first and I’ll execute the exploit, alright?”
She nodded and waited to get summoned back to his game. Their characters stepped through the fog, and the duo went to work picking at the boss’s health.
Soon, after dodges and parries and healing, Levi landed the last hit that took out the last bit of damage on the boss’s health bar.
“Oh my god— OH MY GOD!”
MC cried out when the boss finally collapsed, a big banner with NIGHTMARE SLAUGHTERED appearing on screen.
She was so full of adrenaline from the win she completely forgot how late it was, “We, we did it! We did it!”
She was excited, happy, relieved, pumped up, a rush of emotions had all hit her at once. She’d turned to Levi, ready to give him a high five, when he’d pulled her into his arms, his lips pressed to hers. She’d squeaked in surprise, and in the movement she’d lost her balance and fell back into the soft blankets.
The kiss broke when she fell, and Levi’s lips latched to her neck. Trailing kisses and nips along her hot skin, he looked for the sensitive parts to leave marks.
“Levi-i-iah,” MC lost her train of thought as he sucked softly at a spot under her ear, small gasps leaving her at the feeling. Her fingers wound themselves into his hair, encouraging his soft nips. “Where, mph, where did this come from?”
“I’m sorry,” Levi muttered against her skin, his hands were on her waist, bunching the fabric between his fingers, “I can’t— I can’t help it. I’m so hyped up, and, and I finally beat that boss,” He’d cut himself off as his fingers wiggled a bit underneath her sleep shirt, hands grasping at her sides and stomach, “Ah, youre... so soft...”
He’d pulled back a little to admire the small start of exposed skin, his eyes flicking everywhere from MC’s bellybutton to where her shorts dipped just low enough that he could see the band of her underwear.
“Please, MC, can I... c-claim my victory prize?”
She felt her face heat at his words and their insinuation, sure they’d hugged and kissed and high-fived but they hadn’t gone this far together before.
And MC would be lying if his eagerness didn’t get her excited too.
“Y-yes,” she realized she’d said it a little loud when his wide eyes met hers, “I-I... yes. Levi, I-I want you too. Please.”
He’d visibly relaxed at her words, nodding slowly and trailing his hands up to her chest.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to thank you for your help, too.”
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sweetheartyoongi · 4 years
Super Junior Scenario: Shirts
Leeteuk: supreme MC has been signed on for another variety show, and you get to tag along to the first episode taping. You’re both in his dressing room when wardrobe comes in to try and figure out what Lewk™️ would be best. He tries on outfit after outfit, mixing and matching all sorts of tops, bottoms, and accessories. It’s fun to watch...for a while, but fashion shows are only enjoyable for so long. When he and his dressers are preoccupied, you sneak over to the reject rack and play dress up on your own. You’re enjoying yourself so much you don’t notice your boyfriend has returned and can’t take his eyes off of you. You finally notice his stare in the mirror as you’re in a large printed dress shirt. Before you can defend your actions, he moves closer, wrapping his arms around you and placing a kiss on your temple.
“I love when you wear the things I wear,” he whispers in your ear.
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Heechul: “Come on, we’re going to be late!” You exclaim.
“No,” your boyfriend retorts from the closet, “I don’t look beautiful yet!” You roll your eyes. You were just going to meet some of his friends for a casual dinner, you have no idea why he has to look any special way. Heck, you’re wearing one of his hoodies, that’s how nonchalant this outing is.
“You look beautiful in anything, honey, so just pick something please.” After a few more minutes that felt more like an eternity he walks into the living room, finally dressed. You’re so excited to go you almost didn’t notice what he was wearing - an oversized hot pink shirt that’s extremely familiar because it’s yours. Sharing clothes was common in your relationship, but it had never really gone both ways before now.
“Is that my top?” You ask.
He points to your outfit, “Is that my top?”
“I think it’s cute on me.”
“And I think this is beautiful on me. Now let’s go, you’re making us late.”
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Yesung: it’s your seventh date (not that he’s counting or anything), and the first one taking place at his home. You’re cooking together, and he’s insanely nervous, so you turn on some music and start dancing around to try and calm his nerves. However, he’s not always the most coordinated dancer...and before he can stop it, he’s bumped into you while you’re holding a pot of sauce. Obviously the sauce gets on your top, and Yesung’s not sure what’s redder - the stain or his cheeks. He can’t think of what to say, so he just reacts instead, and runs to his room, returning with the first shirt he could find. You nod in thanks, and leave to change. Yesung is head in hands mortified, and it breaks your heart to see when you come back.
You pull him into a hug, and hope to cheer him up by asking, “Was this just a ploy to get me in your clothes?”
He eyes you in his shirt before mumbling “No but I’m not mad about it.” You laugh at his cheeky reply, which in turn makes him smile.
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Shindong: as we know, he has a history of people borrowing his shirts, and it’s not a terribly positive one. Moving forward, he vowed to let people know when he didn’t want them doing it anymore. And he’s fully ready to now, in his hotel room during tour, when he sees that one of his favorite shirts is missing. He’s about to storm into Donghae’s room (number one repeat offender) and demand it back, when you walk out from the shower wearing the clothing in question. The way it hangs off of your body, your wet hair dripping onto the shoulders, leaves Shindong speechless.
“Something wrong?” you ask. He chuckles softly and shakes his head.
“No, you just look really cute.” He still won’t tolerate his shirts being taken, but for you, maybe he could make an exception.
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Eunhyuk: “We’re just going to have to go through it, you know.”
Unfortunately your boyfriend’s right. Walking to the restaurant seemed like a good idea at first, but now that it’s pouring rain and you have no umbrella or coat, you have regrets. The fact that you’re in a fitted white top isn’t ideal either. But you just sigh, grasp your boyfriend’s, and brave the storm. To say you both are absolutely drenched once returning to his place is an understatement. It’s also an understatement to say seeing you in your wet white shirt doesn’t completely thrill Eunhyuk. He’s about to take you in his arms but you quickly run to his room to dry off and change. You come back out, now in one of his comfy hoodies, and are instantly pulled into his embrace.
“Only you would find something sexier than a wet shirt,” he says before capturing your lips with his own.
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Siwon: he’s such a traditional guy, and the trope of his s.o. wearing his shirts turns him on makes his day. You know this, of course, and use it to your advantage. After a late night dance practice, when he’s totally sore and spent, he comes home to see you tried and failed to wait up for him on the couch. He finds your snoozing form endearing, but gently shakes you awake to get you into bed. When you open your eyes and see his handsome face you smile and sit up. In doing so, your blanket falls to the floor and reveals that you’re in nothing but one of his white tshirts. The sight stirs something in Siwon, and all the aches and sores are forgotten as he throws you over his shoulder towards the bedroom.
He tosses you onto the bed, mumbling a “love seeing you baby, especially like this,” while kissing your neck. You smile a devious smile. Works every time.
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Donghae: “Oh come on, I just washed this one,” you sigh at your nine month old son, who had just let out a baby barf while you held him against your chest. You’re still amazed at the vile things that can come out of such a cute baby. “Okay,” You say, quickly strapping your son into his nearby bouncer, “Mommy’s going to be right back, after I burn this shirt.” Your son giggles as you quickly leave.
And of course, in that split second is when Donghae comes home. “Hey there buddy,” he coos, crouching down to kiss his son’s head, “what are you doing here all by yourself? Where’s your mom?”
“Finding something else to wear after your son so kindly puked all over my shirt.” You say as you come back into the living room, now wearing one of your husband’s many Tempus sweatshirts. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Donghae, who stands back up and tugs at his sweatshirt until you’re securely in his arms.
“You know, I think our son is lonely and wants a sibling. Maybe we should go make him one.” You playfully smack his shoulder, earning a happy babble from your son. “See? He agrees, majority rules, let’s go make another.”
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Ryeowook: no matter how hard you try, you’ll never be able to hold your alcohol the way your boyfriend can, based on his composed nature and your inability to walk in one direction. You stagger into his flat, loudly recounting all the fun you had that night. “That was so fun,” you slur, unaware that your boyfriend was moving from room to room, “but it’d be way more fun if you were as shitfaced as I am.”
Ryeowook chuckles while tossing clothing at you, “I’m sure it would be. But now it’s time for bed, so get dressed.”
“Asking me to strip for you? Kinky, Wookie.” He smiles while ignoring your drabble and heads to the bedroom, getting ready for bed himself. He’s already laying down scrolling through his phone by the time you finally walk in. His breath hitches in his throat at the sight of you in his Super Show 6 tshirt.
“Planning on taking advantage of me?” You ask cheekily, incredibly aware of his lingering stare.
“If taking advantage means holding you until you inevitably need to puke, than you better believe it.” You smile and jump onto the bed.
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Kyuhyun: he is obsessed with seeing you in his clothes, to the point where he will literally steal hide your clothes so you have no choice but to wear his (bc Evil Maknae is Evil). Today really isn’t the day, though, because your parents are going to stop by and the cute outfit you had planned on wearing is nowhere to be found.
“Kyuuuuuu,” you groan from your bedroom, “I’m serious, where’s my dress? I’m not answering the door in nothing but your ratty old shirt.”
From the kitchen, Kyuhyun smirks and calls back, “Keep calling my stuff ratty and see if you ever get your dress back again.” You sigh in frustration, trudging into the kitchen and resting your head against your boyfriend’s back in defeat.
“Babe, please, I’m begging you. This is my parents’ first time seeing our new place. I can’t look like I was freshly fucked.”
“But you were just-”
“Keep hiding my dress from me and see if I’ll ever be freshly fucked again.” You stare each other down, seeing who will crack first. Finally, he gives in.
“Pantry, top shelf.” You smirk, planting an obnoxiously loud kiss on his lips.
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khoicesbyk · 4 years
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The Nanny Affair
Chapter 12.) The Gala. Part 4.
Author’s Note: This little fanfic rewrite of chapter 12 was a challenge thrown down by a skilled writer/sister friend. I accept! (Contains MAJOR Spoilers! If you don’t like to be spoiled or haven’t read the chapter; do NOT continue!) (All Characters and some of the dialogues are property of Pixelberry. This is just a fun little fanfic rewrite of chapter 12.). One more thing: this was written entirely on my iPhone.
***Rated: Mature 18+. Contains sexual content, nudity and strong language.
***Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters.
***Characters: Sam Dalton (LI), Krystal Parker (MC), Mason, Mickey and Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton (Side Characters).
Part 4 not only picks up where Part 3 left off but; it ends our story.
And I wrote this finale in one day! Yay me! 😁💃🏾👍🏾🙌🏾👏🏾
Current Word Count: 2,128 words.
It finally happened. Sam finally got Krystal right where he wanted her.
He’s been dying to fuck her, ever since the day she walked into his office. That damn interview. That’s what did it. That’s where it all started.
The black dress and jacket she wore that day; framed her delicious curves. The heels she wore that day, drove him insane. Her bright smile sends chills down his spine. Her brown eyes hypnotize him. He wanted to suck on her lips whenever she pouted. Her chocolate skin was incredibly soft. He’s not so secretly obsessed with her. Wherever he is; she HAS TO either be by his side or within close proximity to him; just for him to function properly.
She is this tall beautiful black woman. She had to be 5’9 or 5’10, he wasn’t exactly sure which.
And she loves his boys. Maybe even more than he does. She’s patient, loving, silly and caring with them. Even when they mess up or when their many “experiments” go HORRIBLY wrong; she never yells or gets angry. She simply shakes her head; then explains to them why they can’t do that again even though; there have been times that he just knew she’d quit; because they drove her past her breaking point. But no, she didn’t.
She tries to teach them as much as she can. He’s watched her and them stand in the driveway with the boy’s telescope; and gaze at the stars and point out constellations, or they’ll run around chasing and catching fireflies in mason jars. There have been days where he’s come back from the office; and the boys are curled up with her on the couch binging on whatever is on Disney+ and eating popcorn. She’ll smile, wave or throw the peace sign up and say, “pop a squat!”, beckoning him to sit with them and join in on the movie and popcorn.
He knew she wasn’t their mother; but he knew she definitely had that maternal feeling and instinct. She protected them. She nurtured them. She loved them. And that’s what he loves most about her.
Yes. You read that correctly. Loves. No, not likes; loves. To Sam Dalton; she’s everything he could’ve ever wanted in a woman. There’s just one problem. And no, it’s not his arranged engagement to Sofia.
It’s the fact that; he’s fallen in love with her. His feelings for her; weren’t something he was ready to acknowledge yet; much less confront. They terrify him like nothing else. Not because of her. But because of his wife Samina.
The last time he felt this way; was when she was alive. He locked his heart and feelings like that away, after she died. He just knew that he’d never love that way again. Hell; he convinced himself that he would never open his heart to another woman; the way he did with Samina. He convinced himself that, he would never be as vulnerable with another woman; the way he was with his wife.
Which made being engaged to Sofia, slightly more bearable.
There was no love involved. It was all business and vanity. She’s really just a means to an end for him. Harsh as that sounds; that’s the core reason why he agreed to her marriage proposal. He didn’t have to love her to be married to her. He certainly didn’t have to have sex with her. And he was fine with that. He was fine with never loving another woman ever again.
Until he met Krystal Parker. And everything he convinced himself that he’d never do again; went out the damn window. Because the minute she walked into his office and especially his life; he changed.
So why would an engaged billionaire businessman; be in an hotel suite fucking his nanny’s brains out? Answer: pure selfishness. He’s thinking that; if he gave into his lust for her then, whatever feelings of love that he’s developed for her and whatever she feels for him, will just simply go away and they can get back to some semblance of a normal life.
But he’s about to find out; that it’s not that simple nor easy.
So there he was; in a bed with her feet to the ceiling and him going deep inside her. His Krystal. His kitten. She belonged to him. And he confirmed it with every thrust of his hips, into her. Hearing her moans drove him insane. Because that’s what he wanted. He wanted to please her. He wanted to feel her vaginal muscles clenched around his throbbing dick; as he slammed into her again and again. He wanted her nails digging into his back. He wanted her cries of pleasure. And he wanted revenge for her nearly ruining him.
“That’s it kitten! Take it! Take this dick!”, he growled in her ear.
Jesus Christ! He felt good! He was hitting her G-spot with EVERY stroke. He started out slow, which she silently hated but; once they both got comfortable, it was on. He was 10X better than either one of her exes. And that’s saying something.
“Yesssssssssss! Fuuuuccccckkk yesssssssssss! Fuck me! Give it to me! Give it to me!”, she shouted back. When it came to GOOD sex, Krystal was not shy about being vocal about it.
Hearing her scream like that; made him shudder. She wanted him and it. And he was going to make extra sure that; she got both. This was going to be the biggest night of passion they’d both ever had.
With his right hand on the headboard; he snaked his left into her hair and pulled back gently. Doing so, once again exposed her neck to him. He couldn’t keep his lips off her skin. He HAD TO taste her. And to be honest; she loved it even more than he did. He dragged his tongue across her neck; which caused the fire inside her to burn hotter. Every stroke made her dizzy yet; always left her craving more. She needed him. She wanted him. She craved him. He turned this poor girl out and didn’t even realize it.
He realized that he wouldn’t last long; well at least not in this position anyway. So; he wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned back, which pulled her into his lap. He wanted her to ride him. Because; why not? Before she knew it; she was straddling his lap with her arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
Her riding on top; was a dream come true for the both of them. For him; he had unlimited access to her nipples, which he felt that he’d been neglecting and it meant leaving more handprints on her ass. And for her; what woman doesn’t like to ride a man’s dick? Being able to bounce up and down on him; was a pleasure was more than anything she could’ve ever imagined.
Between feeling him crashing into her, his mouth all over her breasts and his hands full of her ass; she was in heaven as the heat between them continued to rise.
“God you feel so good!”, he hissed against her skin. He was drunk off her. Her smile. Her skin. Her scent. And she was so close. Her body was hot and every time he touched her; she shivered. Not to mention; her orgasm was about to break her in half.
“Sam! I’m so close!”, she told him in between shaky breaths.
“Good! That means I can do one more thing to you…Shit! Before I make you pass out!”, he responds. He wasn’t too far behind her in terms of being close.
He wanted their combined climax to be as hot as it was about to be epic. So, what does he do? Simple! He switches to one last position. The one he loved best: doggystyle!
Sam figured that if he was gonna go out; might as well go out with a bang! Besides; having her on all fours is what wet dreams are made of. And there she was, face down, ass up and desperate for him.
“I am going to thoroughly enjoy this!”, he whispers in her ear.
“You know you talk too much, right?”, she snapped back.
“Ooh…kitten likes being feisty, I see”, he says.
“No…kitten has a bite! And if you don’t hurry up…”, she hissed.
After leaving a small kiss on the back of her right shoulder, he lines himself up with her very hot entrance, he closes his eyes and dives in so to speak. With his left hand planted firmly between the crease of her hips and the right one holding her wrists behind her back; Sam was indeed about to thoroughly enjoy her.
“Fuck! Yesssssssssss…”, he hissed.
In order to really savor the moment; he went slow at first. Which she absolutely hated.
“Sam please don’t go slow!”, she begged. But, with her wrists restrained behind her back…there wasn’t much she could do to make him go faster. This was like a game to him. And he was going to play it his way.
“Now, now kitten! I told you, I am going to thoroughly enjoy this and I meant that! Now you’ll get what you want. I promise. You know that I would never leave you unsatisfied.”, he replies as he continued his slow stroke.
She cried out in both desperation and protest but eventually after him not doing what she wanted; she gave in. That’s when he knew he truly had her. He wanted her submission and now that he had it; he could give her what she wanted.
When she felt his speed start to increase; she let out a groan of contentment.
“Does my kitten like that? Does it feel good?”, he asked her.
“Yesssssssssss…”, she moaned.
“Good! Very good! I told you, you’d get what you want kitten.”, he said as he let her wrists go and anchored his hand to her shoulder, “now I think it’s time to end this, don’t you?”
“Sam…finish me please!”, she begged.
He could tell she was getting tired. Exactly what he wanted. You see, when it came to sex Sam loves mind games. But even he was getting tired.
“Your wish is my command, kitten”, he whispered in her ear.
As his speed continued to increase; Krystal was going crazy. Not only was he giving her the best fuck she’d ever had in her life but; he was continuously hitting her G-spot with precision. She wasn’t going to last much longer.
“There! Right there! Ohhh God! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!”, she cried out.
“Yeah! That’s it! Keep saying that you want it kitten!”, he replied.
The sound of their bodies coming together; gave way to the richest form of pleasure that either one of them had ever had. Her shrieks soon turned into screams; once he started rotating his hips with each thrust in.
“Ohhh God yesssssssssss! Do it again! Do it again! Yes! Yes! Yes!”, she screamed.
That’s all he needed to hear her say; before he started to truly pound her. She was truly at his mercy. She was getting dangerously closer and closer to her edge but; couldn’t seem to go over it.
“That’s it kitten! Cum for me! Let it all out! Cum just for me!”, he whispered encouragingly in her ear.
That was it. That’s what did it for her.
“Oh God…I…I…Yes! I’m about to—“, was all she could say; before her body took over, she shuddered, stars burst in her eyes and her juices began flowing like a waterfall.
And that, was all she wrote for him as well.
“That’s it! Oh fuck I’m about to cum! It’s all for you kitten! Just for you!”, he said before he plunged deep inside her and let out a roar that was both primal and carnal.
He shivered while holding her in place as he emptied himself inside her. All she could hear was their combined ragged breathing. They were both sweaty, exhausted and completely satisfied. He laid with his back to hers and within minutes he was fast asleep.
What’s done was done. But she couldn’t pretend that; she wasn’t effected by that night she spent with him. This went way too far. And she was responsible for it. She couldn’t erase the memory of their night together. But; she does have to face a VERY HARD reality; at the end of the day: he’s still engaged to be married to someone else.
“What the hell am I supposed to do now?”, was the question her brain kept asking as she silently cried herself to sleep.
Because as much she tried to tell herself that she wouldn’t fall in love with one Sam Dalton…that’s exactly what happened.
She had fallen madly in love with him.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my humble rewrite of The Nanny Affair Chapter 12. And I sincerely hope; that it’s inspired you to get out there and write your story or stories! Stay tuned for other stories from yours truly!
@txemrn @choicesficwriterscreations
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ambitionsource · 5 years
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AMBITION Season 1 ♫ “The World Will Never Be the Same” [ 1.12 ]
CREATED BY Esther (rapunzles) & Maggie (quincywillows)
WHILE THE WALLS COME TUMBLING DOWN – The auditions for the coveted summer immersion program unfold. Riley and Lucas attend the Jacobs Arts Gala, while Zay and Charlie make bold choices. Farkle makes a statement, and the sophomore class realizes that in real life, there are no rehearsals.
66 Minutes (18K words) || No warnings apply.
[ ← Before the Storm ] [ S1 Synopsis ] [ Season 2 → ]
( Follow along with the music on Spotify here! )
Cue title sequence.
Over the opening titles, we hear Farkle murmuring to himself and clearly trying to get something in order. As the title sequence fades to black, it seems like he’s got it figured out.
Farkle: Okay. I think – okay. Here goes nothing…
Open on a tight screen, emulating the format of an iPhone video. FARKLE MINKUS is alone in the costume loft for a semblance of privacy, the camera in selfie mode. He’s preparing to record, and clearly a man on a mission.
He appears more polished than we’ve seen yet, back in his sharpest blazer and with his hair neatly coiffed although still somewhat untamed. It’s a complete u-turn from how he was starting to mellow over the course of the season.
When he starts to speak, however, that put together facade quickly loses some of its credibility. As he figures out what he wants to say, he’s a bit manic. He’s himself, but also not quite himself at all. Something is off, but he’s indisputably in a frenzy. That much is certain.
As he starts to speak, the purpose of his video becomes clear – and the fact that he doesn’t necessarily intend it to be meant just for him.
Farkle: Obviously, I don’t want my name on all this, but – I don’t know. I’ll leave it up to you to decide how to lay it all out there. You’re good at that. I’m just recording rather than typing because… [ a breath ] It’s a lot. There’s a lot I have to say. So, without further ado: a conclusive series of explanations as to why Farkle Minkus was robbed of a coveted Kossal audition spot, when he deserves it more than anyone else. And here’s why.
This can’t end well. Farkle is impassioned as he kicks off his rant, and as he shifts focus to each subject of his tirade…
… we’ll be following them while his monologue voices over it. He starts off guns blazing with his former best friend, MAYA HART. She’s in the midst of getting ready for school, rehearsing her Kossal audition number as she goes. She’s practicing 24/7 at this point, she may very well be singing in her sleep.
But she’s also obsessive over it. She’ll hate the way one note came out and start the whole thing over from the beginning, becoming increasingly frustrated with herself. Trying incredibly hard to get that vocal power just right.
Farkle: So, let’s get the obvious out of the way. Maya Hart. Sure, Maya has the vocal chops, and she can do runs for days. But is that really deserving of an audition slot on its own merit? When other candidates were clearly as good, if not better? I mean, we’ve all heard me – I mean, Farkle – sing, I think we can attribute that there’s a clear superior performer between the two.
As she grabs her bag and reaches for her phone, she checks her message thread with Farkle. Their conversation has gone totally dry, the two not having exchanged words since the Kossal school-wide picks went up. However, there’s an ongoing message in her chat box, depicting that she’s been drafting a message for a while to send him.
It’s somewhere between a lecture and an apology. Somewhere between being pissed at him for being so selfish and not being happy for her, but also sincerely sorry that he didn’t get the opportunity when she thinks he deserves it too. Not enough to give it up herself, of course, but definitely starlet empathy. More than anything, it’s clear that she wants to talk to him. She wants them to be friends again.
In the end, she deletes it. Opting not to say anything at all.
As she heads out the door, she passes KATY HART, who is at the tiny kitchen table. She’s working with the sewing machine and doing painstaking alterations to Maya’s audition dress, having basically made it herself.
Farkle: So then, why Maya, if their criteria are so similar? Well, one might go for the obvious gender route, but it’s much more likely that the administration felt their scholarship student might need a little bit more of a boost. Yes, that’s right, Maya is on scholarship – insane, considering how terrible her grades are, am I right? But you know, it’s true, nothing is more compelling a support system than sympathy…
Maya gives her a kiss on the cheek as she leaves, thanking her for working on the dress. Katy pats her cheek, sending her on her way.
Next up is RILEY MATTHEWS, starting off her day by adjusting pieces of her moodboard. She’s pinning up her honorary invitation to the Jacobs gala – right next to the “you’re better” notes exchange. She lets her gaze linger on both, a smiling brightening her face as she pulls her bag onto her shoulder.
Farkle: Speaking of sympathy, there’s a lot of that at play when it comes to Riley Matthews. Not necessarily towards her – I mean, who needs sympathy when you’ve got so many power players in your court to uplift you whether or not you earned it. Think about it, her father is a teacher, her uncle is counselor and essentially second principal and was, in fact, one of the four on the panel for judging. So of course they’re going to give a spot to Riley, especially given how much dirty work she’s done for them this year…
On her way out, she touches the beautiful lavender evening gown hanging on the back of her door. It’s clear she’s far more excited about the gala than she was before.
Focus shifts from Riley to LUCAS FRIAR, not in the technician’s booth but the boys dressing room. It may be the first time he’s ever willingly stepped foot in the space.
He’s in front of the mirror, fumbling with his hair in an attempt to make it look presentable. This is likely the most effort he has ever put into his appearance, and it’s clear he’s not having an easy time of it. No matter how much he fusses with it to make it look neater, he’s not pleased with it.
Farkle: I mean, why else would she put in the effort to befriend jackass Lucas James Friar, other than by special request from her favorite counselor uncle in an attempt to make sure he doesn’t make a hit list or some shit considering he’s so openly pathetic. Riley Matthews doesn’t need sympathy, but she’s sure good at giving it…
A text comes through on his phone, disrupting his stress. It’s from his mother. “Let me know about MC ASAP please. App deadline this weekend.”
Lucas takes this reminder in, glancing at himself in the mirror once again. Still fundamentally dissatisfied. Lots to think about… lots riding on his hair not looking like a mess…
For ISADORA DE LA CRUZ, the morning involves dodging her younger foster siblings as she tries to get half a meal in before rushing off to school. TESSA CHAN bumps into her while chasing JULIAN NORTH (12) around the kitchen, causing her to snap at them both.
She grabs her phone before she heads out, checking another text from Riley. It’s clear she’s gotten quite a few from her over the past few days, essentially begging her to take her audition slot for Kossal. An interesting choice…
Farkle: Which explains why of all the people she could be attempting to pawn off her audition slot to, she picks Isadora Smackle. Oh, sorry, I mean De La Cruz. She’s had a rough year, with all her famous mom business coming out, so I guess it makes sense that she deserves one shot to prove she actually can live up to the family business without having to do any work for it. Sucks that it’s so late notice her best friend won’t even be there, as he’ll be too busy on his pity date with Riley. How tragic.
Isadora doesn’t answer, shuffling out the door.
ZAY BABINEAUX is rehearsing his routine for the auditions, clearly having been in the studio for more than an hour or so already. He’s drenched in sweat, shaking his head, his nerves throwing him off. He can only practice it so many times over before it starts to fall apart.
Farkle: I’d mention Zay, but considering he’s always bragging about how he’s so above all the drama, I guess we’ll see how he feels when he’s not mentioned at all. He does claim to be so constantly overlooked, after all.
Zay finishes another round, obviously not happy with it. He collapses into a sitting position, tugging at his hair before hiding his head against his knees. Pushing himself to the brink.
Farkle rounds out the rant, letting out a resounding exhale. Considering how breathlessly he delivered it, it’s amazing he didn’t pass out. He concludes the recording by sharing the same sentiments he declared all the way back at the start of the year – he’s the next big thing, he’s not going anywhere, and this belongs to him. Regardless of what other people have decided or what other factors try to get in his way. And no one should ever damn forget it.
As he ends the recording, the screen returns to normal. Farkle takes a moment to save the video, preparing to send it. After a moment, it becomes clear to whom: AAA Confessions.
He types out a quick message explaining again that he simply recorded the video because there was a lot of content to type, they should put them into separate posts and do whatever with the images, etc. He doesn’t want credit, he just wants these truths known.
A second of hesitation conveys that Farkle isn’t as war-mongering as he seems. While his thumb hovers over the send button, there’s the distinct feeling that he knows this can’t be the right avenue for dealing with things. There’s a part of him who wants to take it back before he even puts it out there.
Yet, he hits send anyway. He releases a huge sigh, exiting out of the private messages and checking the page for himself. It’s been abnormally quiet the last week or so, no new posts present since Wyatt was brought in for questioning. Some are even wondering if the page is dead for good. It’s not clear whether Farkle believes that or not.
While he feels a bit cleansed just to vent all of his frustrations, he doesn’t seem nearly as satisfied as he thought he would be. Something still feels empty.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” as performed by Tears For Fears || Performed by Farkle Minkus
The opening tones of the track trickle in as Farkle makes his way down the ladder of the costume loft, back into the darkened and empty auditorium.
He launches into the song as he makes his way into the glow from the ghost light at center stage, illuminating him in shadow. In spite of its upbeat vibe, Farkle’s rendition of the song speaks truthfully to the ominous undertones that the lyrics provide.
Farkle continues the solo as he parades through the halls. The school is shifting around them, gearing up for summer. The remnants of sophomore year are tumbling down… nothing ever lasts forever…
As Farkle wraps the track, he saunters backwards and disappears into the crowd of students. Focus shifts to CHARLIE GARDNER instead, heading towards the studio classrooms. He’s carrying a thermos and moving with an impressive amount of enthusiasm for so early in the morning. As he finds the correct studio and steps through the door –
Charlie enters just as Zay is wrapping up another run through of his audition, having managed to pull himself out of a heap on the floor to do it again. Charlie hangs back for a moment to watch, entranced as usual, before he announces his arrival. It totally disrupts Zay’s flow, causing him to jog and turn off the music.
As they get to talking and Charlie asks how it’s going, Zay’s nerves about the audition become more evident. He’s frustrated that he keeps messing up steps, somehow he’s always a couple beats behind or ahead, and he doesn’t know what’s going on. He’s totally wigging out, which he never has before.
Charlie reassures him, placing the thermos on the piano top with Zay’s speaker so that he can grab his shoulders and tell him to get a grip. He’s stressing way too hard for someone so naturally gifted, and there’s no way the judges aren’t going to like whatever he does.
Charlie: I mean, at this point with Riley maybe or maybe not participating and Maya distracted by beefing with Farkle, you could probably walk on that stage and do Teach Me How to Dougie and they’d still pick you.
Zay: It’s just “dougie” – nevermind, I don’t have the energy to explain this to you.
Zay laughs mockingly, not buying it. Charlie claims he’s got a pretty light week, so if it would be useful, he can put in the time to help him rehearse.
Zay: You really don’t have to do that.
Charlie: Nah, it’s cool. I want to.
So now we’re doing things because we want to, huh? Charlie grabs the thermos as Zay gathers his things, handing it to him when they’re back together. He questions it at first, before Charlie goes on to explain that it’s his mother’s chicken soup recipe. It’s basically a certified energizer potion, and he knew he’d been working himself to the bone so he figured he might need it.
Zay: [ after taking a sip ] This is like witchcraft. I thought you Catholics didn’t believe in that nonsense.
Charlie can’t help but laugh, patting Zay on the shoulder as the two of them head to class.
Riley is at her locker, killing time before class but keeping a careful eye out in the halls. She double takes when she spots Lucas leaving the dressing room hall, quickly closing her locker and jogging to catch up to him.
He slows down and turns to look for her when she calls his name, waiting for her to reach him. The two of them keep walking as she greets him enthusiastically, before getting distracted.
Riley: Did you do something new with your hair?
Lucas: What? Oh, no. No, uh, just [ with air quotes ] “woke up like this,” or whatever.
Riley: Oh. Well, it looks nice. You’re still coming on Friday, right?
Lucas: Planning on it. Unless you were thinking – ?
Riley: No! No, no change of plans. Just wanted to confirm. I’ll text you deets later today, Eric is supposed to give me the whole spiel this afternoon.
Lucas: Okay. Cool.
Riley: Cool… yeah. Yeah, cool. Super cool.
Lucas asks if Riley was able to figure out the whole conflict with the Kossal audition. He reiterates that she should go to that if she wants to and shouldn’t even bother with the gala just because she already extended an invitation to him, but she waves him off. She states that she’s working on the fix, but as far as she’s concerned she’s going to the gala – audition resolved or not. So he shouldn’t make any other plans.
As she flutters away, Lucas watches her go. He can’t help but smile a bit before he heads in the other direction.
Maya is on the front steps with DARBY WINTERS, SARAH CARLSON, and CHAI FRESCO, back to her old throng now that she and Farkle have cut ties. She’s holding court while Darby plays with her hair, trying out some new styles for her upcoming audition. Chai and Sarah are researching makeup palettes, but Maya vetoes everything they come up with. It’s clear she has no idea what her “look” is going to be like, and this is because of the fact that her dress isn’t finished yet.
Chai points out that it’s taking an awfully long time for her to get her aesthetic together, considering the audition is in like three days. Shouldn’t she know her dress by now? Maya manages to redirect, claiming she’s best when she’s working on the fly. The dress is simply taking so long because it’s being custom-made by a New York designer that she has connections with as a favor. She doesn’t want to rush an artist.
Sarah and Darby are impressed and chatter about it, but Chai doesn’t look all that convinced as she goes back to makeup palettes.
Farkle appears at the other end of the hall, locking eyes with Maya when she raises her head from her phone. They hold eye contact for a long moment, but neither of them move to say anything. Farkle heads in the other direction.
Darby pulls her hair too tightly, pulling her out of the moment. She winces and slaps at Darby’s hand, earning a quick apology from her.
ANGELA MOORE is seated across from JACK HUNTER, the mood bittersweet. She’s finalizing her resignation paperwork.
Jack reminds her that it’s hardly an official goodbye, as he has the paperwork for her part-time position right there on his desk. She laughs anxiously, grateful for his attempt at making this feel less serious than it is. She admits that she mostly just can’t believe that she’s trying her hand at this crazy dream again.
He reaches out and pats her hand, assuring her that she is one of the most talented people he has ever met. She has what it takes, just like any of the students they teach every day. Angela clearly takes the sentiment to heart, squeezing his hand back before releasing a sigh and passing over the signed paperwork. Despite how many times this dreamy drama coach and analytical principal have butt heads, it is clear they hold an unwavering respect for one another.
Jack asks her how the students reacted to the news, revealing that Angela actually hasn’t told them yet. He’s surprised, and urges her to break the news sooner rather than later. She doesn’t want to leave them hanging only to not be there the way they expect next year. She’s hesitant, but she knows he’s right. She doesn’t have any idea how.
Their conversation is interrupted when Lucas shows up in the doorway. Jack expresses surprise, wondering if he forgot a disciplinary meeting or something. Lucas claims he just wants a second to talk, but he gets the vibe from Angela that maybe he’s interrupting something important and can come back later.
Jack waves him off, dismissing Angela warmly and shaking her hand as she gets up to leave. As she passes Lucas in the doorway and he steps inside, she gives him a tight nod. Then she’s gone, leaving the two of them alone.
Lucas nosily asks what is up with Miss Moore, but Jack changes tracks back to the subject at hand and asks him what he stopped by for. Lucas claims it’s sort of a weird request, to which Jack blithely points out that there has never been one conversation between them that has not weirded him out in one way or another.
Lucas: Do you have a suit jacket I could borrow?
Jack, somewhat amused: Considering my typical workplace attire, I’d say yes, I probably have one I can spare. Dare I ask why…?
Lucas: Well, Riley invited me to this gala thing, and it’s supposedly a pretty spiffy to-do or whatever, so…
Jack: Oh, you’re going to the Jacobs gala?
Lucas: Is that a problem?
Jack: No, no. Not at all. Not what I would’ve anticipated if you asked me six months ago, I’ll admit, but certainly not a problem.
Jack goes on to explain that he’ll also be attending, and plans to carpool with Eric and Riley.
Jack: If it would be helpful, I could swing by and pick you up on the way to get them. If that’s something you’d be interested in.
Lucas: Uh, yeah. Yeah, that would be great actually.
Jack: Excellent. Sounds like a plan, then.
Lucas: [ clearly weirded out by the pleasantness of the conversation ] Okay. Great.
Jack: Great.
Lucas blinks at him, then reaches forward and knocks the pen Angela was using off the desktop before rushing out.
Jack: Not every conversation we have has to end with you knocking something over!
Lucas: [ from outside ] Weird!
Jack shakes his head, but he can’t help but smile in amusement. He picks up the pen from the ground, looking over Angela’s paperwork with a sigh.
Everything is falling into place – except one slight detail. Riley chases after Isadora as they make their way to the auditorium, making one last plea for her to take the audition spot on Friday. Despite Riley’s enthusiastic ramblings as to why she should invest in the opportunity, Isadora is highly skeptical. She asks why she doesn’t just give the spot to say, Farkle, since he’s being such a brat about the whole thing anyway.
Riley concedes this point, admitting that she could surely give the slot to any of their classmates. But she wants to give it to Isadora, as she tries to make clear as they enter the auditorium.
A few of their classmates are already seated in the first few rows, Riley and Isadora some of the earliest to arrive. Riley manages to slide in front of Isadora, walking backwards down the aisle in front of her and trying to get her to listen.
Riley: Izzy, you are talented. So talented. And I know that you don’t believe it, so you’re never going to take the steps to get these opportunities yourself. [ off Isadora’s irritated look ] If you take this one, maybe you’ll see that this is something you were born to do, just as much as the rest of us. Please. Please?
Isadora: [ hesitating, then sighing ] I may have brainstormed a couple of potential numbers in the off-chance that you didn’t let this go –
Riley: Yes! Yes!
Riley claps excitedly and basically skips the rest of the way to their seats, already pulling Isadora into eager conversation about it. So it’s settled – Isadora will be taking the third Kossal audition slot for AAA.
As the rest of the class files in, SHAWN HUNTER takes center stage and works to gather their attention. He gives a brief overview of what the last week of classes is going to look like, discussing their final exams which will involve solo performances or projects of their choice and will be presented to Shawn and Angela only.
While he speaks, Maya waits impatiently in the front and center seat, bouncing her legs and exchanging tense eye contact with him. Finally, Shawn sighs, wrapping up his opening spiel and deferring to Maya who clearly requested permission to take the stage beforehand. She leaps up without hesitation, jogging up onto the stage as Shawn exits.
All eyes on her, Maya claims that in spirit of camaraderie – and also in the search for feedback – she has already prepared her Kossal audition ahead of time and would appreciate if she could give a preview performance. She also makes a subtle dig at Farkle, which is pointed considering her whole number is about to be a rather large “screw you.”
Maya: And just in case anybody had forgotten, I earned my audition. Hopefully, this will remind you all of why.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Diamonds Are Forever” as performed by Sabrina Carpenter || Performed by Maya Hart
A ballsy and banging vocal display, Maya shreds through the pop track with an energy that could only be described as defiant. It’s as impressive as her solo from the pilot and her audition just an episode ago, but it’s alive with something much more raw and intrinsically her. It’s on fire, and that’s a whole other level for Miss Hart.
Still, there’s something about the performance that doesn’t deliver right. Because it’s driven with such a petty edge, it doesn’t quite land. On one of the repetitions of “Money don’t buy class,” she make a very pointed head tilt towards Farkle and they lock eyes. He slouches further in his seat, crossing his arms and looking away.
Circling around her, the light throws her in shadow as we transition…
… to Maya’s actual audition, flash forwarding to Friday evening. The lighting is far more dramatic, the auditorium unfamiliar and grandiose. Maya is in her finished audition dress, a killer black number with stunning hair and makeup to match. The stage is backlit behind her and a spotlight shows her in her full diva glory.
In the darkness of the auditorium, a panel of judges lift their gazes, jot notes, etc. They’re shrouded in shadow, and far less reactive and friendly than the familiar faculty judges. It’s impossible to tell what they think of the performance, despite how damningly good it is.
This version of the performance carries us to the end, the angle of the camera lining up so that the fiery mezzo is cast in shadow. Leaving the atmosphere tumultuous, a bit uncertain…
Maya wraps up the number as the piano tinkles out the last couple chords, obviously more emotionally vulnerable than she intended to get. She takes a deep breath, letting out a curt little “thank you” before excusing herself from the stage.
Everyone else hangs in the quiet, not sure how to react or what to say. Farkle watches her disappear into the wings, clenching his jaw.
Isadora joins Lucas in the booth, taking a minute to find him. He’s back by his nook, gathering some things to take back to his apartment for the weekend. When he asks what she wants, she begins to explain before getting stuck on another change.
Isadora: [ with a sneer ] What did you do to your hair?
Lucas, embarrassed, fusses it up with his hand and shrugs offhandedly, mumbling an explanation. But Isadora is already past it, explaining that she’ll be auditioning for the Kossal program. When Lucas expresses shock, she elaborates.
Isadora: Riley passed her spot off to me. She said she had some other conflict that she deemed more important.
Lucas: Oh. [ a beat ] Oh…
Isadora is clearly excited about the opportunity, in spite of how aloof she’s attempting to come off. She questions if he’ll be able to help her rehearse, or at least guarantee that he’ll be there. Everything is unfolding so fast, Lucas can hardly keep up.
Isadora: You are going to be there, right? I don’t think I can do this if you’re not there. I know it’s not your scene at all –
Lucas, blankly: I can’t. I have another commitment.
Isadora: Seriously? [ snorting ] What else do you have going on?
Not an unfair comment, but a bit harsh. Lucas gives her a look, and she apologizes quickly before reiterating how important it is to her that he be there. Lucas stares at her, clearly torn. He doesn’t want to let her down…
Lucas: I’ll see what happens. Maybe I can get out of the thing early. Might need a convenient escape route, actually, depending on how things go –
Although Lucas says it all noncommittally and doesn’t sound optimistic, for Isadora it’s as good as a guaranteed yes. Her strength has never been taking tone or verbal cues into consideration, so in her eyes it’s a done deal. He’s going to be there. She can move forward with it because she knows he’ll have her back.
Oh, boy.
Farkle is waiting in the hall outside the girls dressing room, nervously checking the AAAC. As it has been for days, it remains dead quiet. As if that doesn’t make his anxiety about the whole thing worse… it’s not clear whether he wants it to update or wants confirmation that it will never post again.
He’s torn from it as Maya emerges from the dressing room, pulled back together but cheeks flushed. She snaps at him, asking what he’s doing hanging around. He straightens up and clears his throat, claiming that she said she wanted feedback before launching into a list of every single imperfection of her performance in a passive-aggressive tirade.
Maya elects to continue ignoring him, brushing her hair out of her face and heading towards the doors to the rest of the school. It’s the dismissal that truly makes Farkle snap.
Farkle: What, do you really think you’re so much better than me all the sudden? Just because of one audition?
Maya: Bye, Farkle.
Farkle: As if the only reason you have this spot over me isn’t because of charity?
Maya freezes, totally hit by that comment. It knocks at the one insecurity Farkle knows she has, that she’s been desperately trying to keep a secret for so long.
She whips around, marching back over to him and getting right in his face. The intensity of the movement startles him, causing him to fumble back against the wall before he manages to regain his composure and match her glare. Maya claps back at him for his terrible attitude, lamenting how horrible of a friend he is. Her words are sharp, but not necessarily untrue.
Maya: Yeah, maybe I don’t have any money. Maybe I can’t afford to come to this school or dress the part without a little bit of help. And if people knew, maybe that’s all they’d see. But at least I have respect. At least I’m not so consumed with inferiority that I have to turn on people the moment they prove themselves an actual talent. At least I have friends.
[ Farkle clearly doesn’t know what to say. He swallows, jutting out his chin. ]
Maya: [ looking him over ] Well, one less friend, now. But that’s nothing.
Farkle absorbs the blow, hanging back as Maya storms off. She wipes a couple of tears from her eyes as she pushes through the doors in a huff, but he doesn’t see them.
He waits until she’s long gone to deflate, falling back against the wall before sliding down and crumbling into a crouch. He tucks his head against his knees, like he’s trying to disappear.
As the contrastingly upbeat tones of Zay’s rehearsal track fade in…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “The Greatest” as performed by Sia || Instrumental
Thursday. One day left before the auditions.
Zay and Charlie are rehearsing his number together, the latter having picked it up surprisingly fast. They both perform the choreography with equal vigor, side-by-side on the stage and helping one another keep the pace. It’s a lot of fun to watch them dance it, each of them bringing their own little touches to the moves but also maintaining perfect sync – but it’s somewhat telling that Charlie seems to be outshining Zay. He’s loose, uninhibited, whereas Zay is stiff. Too in his head. Truly a role reversal.
Nearing the end of the routine, Zay steals a glance at Charlie to see how he’s faring. This throws off his precarious hold on the choreography entirely, causing him to stumble and trip right into Charlie. The two of them collapse in a heap with a resounding cuss from Zay and a yelp from Charlie, landing on the stage with a pointed thud.
Charlie slams onto his back and Zay fumbles on top of him, immediately apologizing and trying to check them both for serious injury.
Zay: Man, I’m so sorry. I know you’d offered to help, but I don’t think that involved breaking your limbs. Are you okay?
It’s hard to say. Charlie seems just about brain dead, mouth parted open as he tries to catch his breath and staring at Zay hovering over him. For a tense moment, it seems as though he might say something… perhaps might do something…
Charlie: [ clearing his throat ] Yeah. Yeah, I’m good.
They disentangle themselves, Charlie wincing as he pushes himself into a sitting position. Zay blithely points out that that impromptu ending is exactly how his prospects feel at the moment, like they’re going to crash and burn any second.
Charlie watches him for a long moment, then explains that he still thinks Zay’s form is too strict. Ironic, considering he’s never had an issue with that before. He tries to figure out why Zay is putting so much stake into this whole thing – he’s never seemed too bugged by auditions in the past – but Zay redirects and asks why Charlie didn’t bother to audition. He knows he’s going through some stuff right now, but so is he. So is everyone. Charlie shrugs it off.
Charlie: It’s not a big deal. I’m just a supporting player, you know.
Zay: No, you’re not. How many times do I have to tell you that you’re just as talented as the rest of us? Especially given that you just danced my own routine better than I did.
[ Charlie huffs out a laugh, dipping his head down and looking at the floor. ]
Zay: You’re some of the best we’ve got… when you let yourself be seen.
Charlie locks eyes with him, letting the sentiment sink in. Then he shrugs again, pointing out that he has a major family obligation the same evening as the district-wide ones anyway. It didn’t seem worth the stress. Zay is a bit put off by this reveal, as he sort of hoped that Charlie was going to be there to see him audition.
It’s evident Charlie didn’t even realize that was something Zay would want. He starts to try and come up with a solution but Zay waves him off, assuring him that it’s no big deal. And good thing, because Charlie doesn’t have any simple fixes to his scheduling dilemma. Unfortunate.
Angela is with Shawn in the teacher’s lounge, lamenting how she doesn’t know how the hell she is going to tell the students that she’s leaving. Shawn points out that she’s only got two class periods left considering she won’t be here for the last three days next week, so she better figure it out lest she leave them scarred upon their last week of sophomore year.
Teasing aside, Shawn basically dishes out the same advice she is constantly giving all of their students. That if this is truly important to her, then she should just talk from the heart and the message will come through. Or you know, whatever.
It sounds like he’s got the right idea. Angela nods, smiling lightly and leaning forward to give him a light kiss.
All of the students are assembled for class, discussing the end of the year. Maya asks Zay how he’s doing in preparing for his audition, which he does not want to talk about. Charlie speaks up and claims that Zay is going to do great, which Farkle – seated by himself a couple rows away and isolated – states must be true, because it would be super difficult to do worse than Maya.
Before she can fire back, Riley begs all of them to stop the stupid bickering. The techies nod in agreement, Lucas piping up from next to Riley.
Lucas: It was so nice when you all were tolerable for like two months there.
Maya: Oh, as opposed to you who has been tolerable… never?
Angela interrupts the cat fights as she kicks up class, stating that she needs to share a major announcement with them. All of the students, particularly the performers, perk up and give her their undivided attention.
It’s hard to speak with all of them looking up at her so trustingly. She glances to Shawn in the row behind the techies, who gives her an encouraging nod. She takes a deep breath, going on to explain that she’s been offered a role in an off-Broadway production. She allows a pause for them to break into excited chatter, applauding and congratulating her enthusiastically.
Then she takes the reins again, voice a little shakier as she continues with the fact that she will be stepping down from her position as performance coach at AAA and thusly, as their instructor. She intends to stay on faculty part-time, so it’s not a total goodbye, but there will be a new teacher coming into the role next fall.
All of the students are surprised. The performers are stunned speechless, especially the divas. Farkle looks absolutely shattered, jaw hanging open and expression blank.
Angela pauses, gathering her composure before getting out one last sentiment. It may be the most important speech she thinks she’ll ever make.
Angela: When I first started at this school, I felt it beneath me. It felt like something to do to pass the time, an unwelcome detour on my personal trip to the top. I thought that there was nothing for me to gain out of this place other than a paycheck and a way to get my parents off my back. I have never been happier to be wrong. [ a beat ] There are things I’ve learned here and experienced here that I would never find anywhere else. About passion, showmanship, collaboration, compromise. The joy of seeing all of you so brimming with talent and ready to share it with one another, with the world, that it reminded me how to find my own again. So even though this isn’t goodbye, I want it to be clear that you will always be one of my most important stops.
Lastly, she wants to give back to them one of the many countless moving, brilliant, impassioned performances they’ve given her over the past couple years. Without further ado…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “What I Did For Love” as performed by A Chorus Line Original Broadway Cast || Performed by Angela Moore (feat. AAA Sophomores)
Angela starts the classic Broadway tune off softly, still emotional and not sure she’ll be able to make it through without losing her resolve. But as she looks out at the faces of her students – proud, sentimental, in shock – she manages the power to keep going.
As it progresses, the students begin getting up from the seats and jogging to join their teacher on the stage. Even the techies make their way up to join the group, hanging back to allow the performers to have their moment but paying their respects to Angela all the same.
Angela shares a small moment with each of the performing students, giving them hugs and hand shakes and soft smiles. She gives Charlie a hug and then ruffles his hair. Zay is given a warm hug, and Maya gives her a little cheeky bow once they pull apart.
Farkle is the last to receive his goodbye, choked up as he accepts her embrace. When he hugs her back, it’s clear that he’s holding on for dear life. He lingers longer than anyone else, not wanting to let go.
As the number draws to a close, Angela hangs in the moment harmonizing with her beloved students. They stand in a close circle with the techies hanging back and watching respectfully. The camera eases out and disappears into the dark of the wings, leaving them in peace…
Isadora is attempting to practice for the audition tomorrow, but she can hardly hear herself think let alone rehearse. CATHERINA GONZALEZ is pacing and chatting loudly on her phone with a friend, and the younger siblings are causing chaos just outside the door.
The situation is unbearable. Desperate for a change of scenery, Isadora heads into the hall.
Isadora is already gearing up to head out, phone pressed to her ear. She’s impatient as she heads down the stairs, letting out a curse under her breath.
Isadora: Come on, pick up –
She frowns, pulling her phone back into her hand. It’s clear that she’s trying to call Riley, but the line is coming back as busy.
That’s because Riley is already on the phone. She’s pacing her room, unable to stay still as she converses with Lucas on the other end of the line. She’s giving him all of the last minute details for tomorrow evening.
Lucas is cooped up on his fire escape, listening intently to everything Riley says. She asks if he’s sure he wants to come along, and he assures her that he’s not going to bail on her now. She checks to see if there’s anything else they need to work out, or if there’s anything she should know about before tomorrow.
There’s a beat of hesitation, where it is clear Lucas is thinking about Isadora. But he opts not to get into it, stating he’s all good and that he’s looking forward to it. Riley returns the sentiment, both of them bashful as they hang up.
Left hanging, Isadora is forced to go to her next best option. There’s a moment of uncertainty as she scrolls through contacts, hovering over one name in particular. This person has been helpful and harmful in the past, but at present it feels like the only chance she has…
She hits dial, raising her phone to her ear once again.
Maya escorts Isadora into her cramped apartment, not bothering to be shy about it considering Isadora is already aware of her scholarship status. Maya makes a point of introducing Isadora to Katy, who is hunched over the sewing machine and doing the finishing touches on Maya’s audition dress. Isadora explains that they’ve met before through the diner, but Katy happily greets her anyway and claims it’s nice to see her again.
Katy informs Maya that she thinks she’s just about done, lifting the gown so that she can see. Maya is elated and incredibly grateful, running up to marvel over it and holding up against herself. She gives her mother a kiss on the cheek and showers her in thank yous, Isadora watching the warm exchange with mild interest. Such familiarity between mother and daughter is obviously new to her.
Then Maya pulls Isadora further into the space, gearing up to get some practice in as promised. Maya is already monologuing about how they can perform for one another and give each other notes, but it is evident that Isadora is simply happy to have any assistance at all.
Family dinner is on again at the Minkus house, this one even more lively as EZEKIEL MINKUS (20) has returned home from his first year of college for the summer. Undoubtedly the golden child of the Minkus clan, Ezekiel exudes easygoing confidence and soft temperament that not many of the other Minki possess. He mellows the room just with his presence, and it is no wonder that he is Farkle’s favorite sibling.
He holds court as dinner progresses, detailing all of the adventures of his freshman year to his captive audience. JENNIFER MINKUS listens appreciatively and EZRA MINKUS reacts accordingly in between stabbing at his peas, but none of them are as enraptured by the seemingly charmed promises of friendship, fun, and belonging of university life as Farkle. He’s giving Ezekiel his rapt attention, his food long forgotten on his plate.
LILA MINKUS looks less impressed by her older brother’s bragging. She stabs at her food and keeps her head down, URI MINKUS similarly not paying much attention and waiting for the chance to ask to be excused. In fact, he does so, but Jennifer shoots him down and berates him for trying to rush off so quickly when even more of their family is present than usual. He’ll be able to retreat to his bedroom and block them all out again soon enough, so he can wait a few minutes longer.
Jennifer asks Farkle if he’s looking forward to his last week of classes. He shrugs, claiming that nothing exciting is going on and that his favorite teacher just announced that she’s leaving. The family empathizes, particularly Ezekiel. He recommends that Farkle make the effort to make sure that teacher knows how much she impacted him as her student.
Ezekiel: Considering your admiration is bold enough to state she’s your favorite, I think you’ll want her to know. People only know how much they mean to you if you let them know, as connections are only as meaningful as the effort you put into them. Coming off my first year away, I feel like I know that better than anything.
Lila subtly rolls her eyes at the usual golden brother antics, but Farkle actually seems to be listening. He chews on the notion as the conversation shifts off of him and back to Ezekiel.
Friday morning has finally arrived. As if to commemorate the excitement, AAA Confessions reboots itself with its first post in days. Farkle gets a wave of panic when he sees the notification that they have posted on his phone, immediately going to the app to check it.
It’s nothing major – in fact, it’s hardly a post at all. There’s a blank photo, the caption seemingly celebrating how close they are to the end of the year. “Fear not, AAA starlets. The grand finale is nearly upon us.”
Farkle heaves a sigh of relief. He’s growing to dread the moment that his earlier submission might see the light of day. So long as the page isn’t discussing him or his friends, he figures he’s in the clear.
He shuts his locker, scurrying off to class.
Zay is painstakingly running through his routine one more time, Charlie watching intently. He claps out the beats for him, pacing. When he sticks his landing, at least without falling this time, Charlie transitions his timekeeping into actual applause. He tells him that he’s doing a great job and it came together – it is him, after all. Would be hard for it not to be great.
Zay does not seem convinced. He’s still alight with anxious energy, but he takes the compliment anyway. Not like he has much time left anyway. Charlie lets his gaze linger on him for a few moments, then decides to speak.
Charlie: Can I be brutally honest?
Zay: You? If you think you can.
Charlie: [ laughing, then pausing ] … I think you’re relying too heavily on your dance ability.
There’s a long pause. Then Zay raises a finger at him, trying to silence him.
Zay: You shut your mouth.
Charlie hastens to explain his perspective, pointing out that Zay is a brilliant dancer. Certainly one of the best they’ve got. But he’s an awesome vocalist too, and this audition he’s crafted doesn’t speak to any of that. He’s putting himself in a box when he’s far too dynamic for that. He’s hiding behind his dancing, and if he really wants to make an impression for Kossal he should just forgo all of the pizazz and glitz and tricks and just perform. Give them something from the soul, because Charlie knows he’s not short on that. Just stand there, sing, and show them how indisputably talented he is.
It’s a nice sentiment, and honestly holds quite a bit of truth. But with the audition looming so close and his nerves already shot, Zay is not in the headspace to hear it. He snaps at Charlie instead, telling him that he’s wrong and he thinks he should just leave him alone. He wants to get another practice in before class.
Reluctantly, Charlie obliges. He wishes him luck that evening, assuring him that he’ll give it his best before disappearing into the wings. Zay waits until he’s gone then exhales a sigh, kicking at his duffle bag and rubbing his face. As the bell rings –
Angela is in her classroom as the week comes to an end, finishing up boxing up her things. She stands for a moment in the nearly empty classroom, wondering how much it will change next year in her absence. Soaking up the memory of it before she bids it farewell.
Farkle comes by, knocking lightly on the door and asking if she has a second. She welcomes him in happily, stating that she figured he would come around at some point. But she warns him playfully that he’s not going to be able to change her mind on this, so there’s no point in kicking off one of his infamous arguments.
He raises his hands in surrender, pointing out that what she’s about to do sounds like the dream. He would never try to convince her otherwise. He saunters further into the room, stuffing his hands in his pockets and nudging her into conversation about how she’s feeling about the change. It must feel crazy, having made it after struggling so long for her shot.
Angela pauses, thinking about it. She comes around from behind her desk, speaking plainly with him and being completely candid. She explains that it feels more meaningful now than it would’ve back then, she thinks.
Farkle: Why?
Angela: Believe it or not, the goal itself isn’t everything. There’s such a difference in accomplishing something you’ve worked so hard for and then being able to turn to someone you love and share in that moment with them. Now that I have people in my corner and didn’t just drop them in pursuit of it all, the strides I’m making feel so much more… real. You know? In some ways, I have to wonder if my approach to it the first time was what ended up fucking me over.
[ Farkle takes this in. Angela gives him a smile, lightly touching his shoulder. ]
Angela: The dream is all-consuming. It’s true… but there has to be room for other things, too. There has to be, otherwise it’s just… empty.
This strikes Farkle in a way he wasn’t expecting. She squeezes his shoulder before getting to her feet, focusing back on packing her things.
Night falls over the city as the most important evening of sophomore year looms closer. As the night comes to life, the auditionees prepare for their debut.
Zay descends from the second floor of his house, dressed comfortably but fashionably and ready to make an impression. DONNA BABINEAUX, OMAR BABINEAUX, and JADA BABINEAUX all applaud him as he comes down the stairs, a bit sarcastic but also genuinely proud.
Jada begins nitpicking his outfit as Omar grabs the car keys. Donna gives her son a kiss on the cheek before ushering him out the door, wishing him luck.
Maya does the finishing touches on her makeup in the mirror on the wall, looking like a total knockout in her long black dress. Her mother completes the look by handing her a faux fur coat, classic yet statement-making at the same time. After she dons it she gives Katy a tight hug, accepting a kiss on the top of the head before she breezes out the door.
BLUE NGUYEN is waiting around in the entryway, tossing his keys impatiently. He raises his eyebrows as Isadora descends the stairs with BEATRIX TORRES and Tessa, the two of them having helped her piece together an ensemble and look for the event. Rather than a gown or glamour approach like her fellow auditionees, Isadora is sporting a look that feels more true to who she is, just with the volume turned up – plaid statement pants, a cropped dark top, and of course the classic combat boots. She looks bold, potentially a star in the making – if she can manage to come out of her shell.
As she’s heading out the door, she crafts a text to Lucas to see if he’s on his way or not.
The message goes unread, Lucas far too distracted in nitpicking his own appearance. He’s trying his best to feel comfortable in the borrowed suit jacket, unable to decide between tucking in his shirt or leaving it be and resisting the urge to mess up his combed hair. He looks more put together than he has… probably in his entire life. Scrutinizing his reflection in the glass of his balcony window rather than a mirror probably isn’t helping.
He’s pulled out of his self-deprecation when he sees Jack’s car pull up by the curb below. Lucas grabs his phone and gala ticket, stuffing them into his pocket and darting out the door.
The three auditionees pull up around the same time, Maya emerging from her cab as the other two hop out of their family vehicles. They all size one another up, exchanging cordial head nods and lingering in the peace for a moment as their drivers pull away.
Then it’s a mad dash for the building, all three racing up the steps in a break-neck battle to decide the order of who will be performing when.
Maya’s heels click against the floor as they race through the lobby, capturing the same energy as Maya, Farkle, and Zay scrapping to take center stage back on the first day of classes.
Zay makes it to the check-in table first considering he’s not in a dress or heels. He slides up to the sign-in depot and introduces himself breathlessly, triumphant as the check-in person gives him his choice of AAA slots. He opts for the final of the three, tossing a grin to Maya and Isadora as they sidle up behind him. He gestures for them to step up, bowing cheekily before leisurely making his way to the dressing room.
Zay: All yours, ladies.
Maya makes a face at him, before exchanging a look with Isadora. She defers to her, allowing her to choose next seeing as it doesn’t matter much now. Isadora takes the middle slot, giving Maya first string. The check-in person jots this down, giving them general directions to the dressing rooms and theater.
Isadora: [ after Maya marches off ] Sorry about… all that.
Check-In: It’s okay, you’re all like this. We’re used to it.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Ratatouille Main Theme” as performed by Michael Giacchino || Instrumental
Eric eagerly lets in Jack and Lucas as they arrive, explaining that Riley is still upstairs in his apartment but should be down any minute and then they’ll be good to go. Eric cheerfully tells Lucas that it’s nice to see him joining them, and he’s like… yeah, okay.
Lucas zones out as Jack and Eric begin discussing the technicalities of the evening and sharing administrator gossip, only getting pulled back into the present when Jack makes an out of place exclamation. He gives him a funny look, following his gaze to try and figure out what prompted the declaration of surprise.
The moment Lucas looks over his shoulder and sees Riley descending the stairs, it’s as if the whole world stops. He stops breathing. She looks like certified royalty, with her flowy lavender dress and hair pulled back so intricately and her sheer shoulder wrap. She locks eyes with him and immediately smiles, holding his gaze the entire way down.
When she makes it to the main floor and joins them, she gives the group of them a bashful smile. Lucas can’t even look at her, staring at the floor and swallowing.
Riley: I hope I didn’t keep you all waiting too long.
Jack: Oh, please, it’s nothing. Believe me, your uncle has taken longer.
Eric: Oh, hardy har har. You’re hilarious.
As Jack and Eric settle into bickering, Riley turns her attention to Lucas. She lightly touches his arm, waiting for him to meet her eyes.
Riley, softly: You look good.
Lucas, stammering: Pfft, I mean, me? [ scoffing ] Okay…
In whatever unintelligible language Lucas speaks, this is likely a compliment of some kind. Luckily, Riley is learning to be fluent in that dialect, so she accepts the sentiment with a smile.
Eric rallies the troops.
Eric: We best get going or we’re going to be late, and Haverford is going to have something to say about it.
Jack: Always do when it comes to us.
Eric: Precisely. Let’s go, then, team! Roll out!
The church springfest dinner is in full swing, lots of families in their Sunday best on a Friday night and mingling together. ELEANOR GARDNER is clearly having the time of her life, humoring her colleagues and fielding compliments from all the planning she did for the event.
Charlie is hanging out by one of the food tables with ROSAMUND GARDNER, watching her gorge on carrot sticks as she complains about how bored she is. He assures they all have places they’d rather be, but it’s important to mom that they’re there. She rolls her eyes, stuffing another carrot into her mouth and crunching it pointedly.
As Rosamund gets dragged away by friends, Charlie receives a text message. It’s from Zay, letting him know that he secured the closing slot. Despite his confident demeanor earlier, however, his next couple of messages convey that he’s still fretting over the performance and might be spiraling a little bit.
Charlie drops the celery stick he was chewing on and focuses on a text back, reminding Zay not to panic and to lean into what he’s good at. Do what he’s always telling him, feel it and not overthink. He hits send just as AMBROSE GARDNER saunters over, curiously asking who he’s texting.
Ambrose: Must be serious business. You’ve got quite the look of concentration on.
Charlie: Oh, it’s just uh… Riley. My friend. You remember her, from the winter showcase?
Ambrose: Oh, sure.
Charlie: Yeah. Yeah, she just needed homework help. Last minute.
Ambrose: With two and half days of school left?
Charlie: … well, yeah. That’s why it’s serious business.
Ambrose doesn’t question it, helping himself to a snack from the vegetable tray. Tentatively, Charlie broaches the query of whether it would be at all possible for him to leave a bit early. Like, just a tiny bit. His dad is intrigued and not immediately opposed, so Charlie goes on to explain that there’s this major performance thing going on for his friends at AAA, and he’d really like to be there if he could.
Ambrose contemplates this, taking his time as he chews his celery. Charlie is holding his breath.
Ambrose: Suppose we can see how this function is unfolding by then. What time are you thinking?
Charlie nods, relieved that it’s not a definitive no. This holds promise.
The Jacobs Arts Gala is in full swing, and it is certainly a fancy shindig. It was bound to be, because theater nerds love to dress up and pretend they’re important and glamorous. Students and administrators from all over the tri-state area weave their way through the crowds in their best formal wear, heading towards the ballroom where the main ceremonies are unfolding.
Lucas is standing in the midst of this crowd, sticking out like a sore thumb simply because of how overwhelmed he looks. He stares up at the glitz and awe of the fancy setting and even fancier guests, shaking his head lightly.
Lucas, under his breath: Lucas Friar, what have you gotten yourself into…
On the small stage at the front, a swing band keeps the evening going with music as students from the different schools step up and perform selections. Currently on stage is BRANDON RIVAS (16), a sharp-featured and suave sophomore from AAA’s rival, Haverford Prep. He snaps as the band counts him in…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words)” as performed by Frank Sinatra || Performed by Brandon Rivas (of Haverford Prep)
Brandon’s silky smooth vocals take on the Sinatra classic as it floats over the assembled crowd.
Riley is running through the paces of playing student representative, introducing herself to all the important figures. This includes none other than MICHAEL JACOBS, who saunters up to greet her cheerfully. Not struck with nearly the same mythic knowledge of him as her classmates, Riley is able to maintain her cool as she shakes hands with him. She assures him that she’s heard only good things about him, which he seems tickled by.
When he informs her that he’s looking forward to hearing her performance this evening, it’s evident that she has no idea what he’s talking about. Eric slides up and interrupts, laughing and thanking Mr. Jacobs before excusing both them and pulling Riley to the side.
Eric tells her not to panic, but what he neglected to mention to her is that typically, each student representative is slated to perform a song during the ceremonies (i.e. like Brandon). Riley freaks.
Riley: What? I’m sorry, I’m supposed to do what?
Eric: I knew if I told you ahead of time, you’d freak out and potentially not accept the invitation.
Riley: UH-HUH?
Eric: Listen, listen to me, niche. You will be fine. You’ll be fine! You’re best when you’re working on your feet anyway. Just go with your gut. [ off her stunned expression ] Now… go! Enjoy the party! Ha ha.
Riley scoffs, stomping off and muttering to herself as she disappears into the crowd. Eric cringes to himself, watching her go as Jack approaches from behind carrying two flutes of champagne.
Jack: Looks like that went well.
He hands Eric one of the flutes, proposing a toast to the two of them. Sure, it’s been a hell of a year, but they survived it. Didn’t they? The school came together, their biggest adversary seems to have gone into hibernation for good… not too shabby for an analytical principal and his overly involved head counselor.
Eric will definitely drink to that. They raise their glasses, knocking them together with a clink.
Riley has managed to find Lucas, the two of them surveying the dessert table out on display. It’s an assortment of pretty typical yet gourmet desserts, even more intimidating just from how fancifully they’re designed. Riley gestures for Lucas to take one and he shakes his head, keeping his hands clasped together in front of him.
Lucas: No. Mm mm. Don’t trust that.
Riley: What? Why?
Lucas: Doesn’t look like real food.
Riley: [ with a laugh ] What, just because it’s not the staling Oreos in the bottom of your stash in the booth, it’s not real food?
Lucas still refuses, and Riley rolls her eyes. She claims he’s being silly – how is he supposed to know if he doesn’t like something if he won’t give it a chance? He claims he has all the expertise necessary to know not to trust something, but she ignores his rebuttal. Instead, she chooses one of the little pastries and holds it up for him. Patiently waiting, as if she’s going to feed it to him.
He stares at it, then her.
Lucas: I have two hands.
Riley: Well, you’re not using them, are you?
She holds it up indicatively again, raising her eyebrows. Lucas eyes her suspiciously, slowly leaning forward and allowing her to pop it into his mouth.
As it turns out, the pastry isn’t so bad. Lucas chews it thoughtfully while Riley watches in amusement, waiting for the victory of being right in this scenario. She’s startled when a woman taps her on the shoulder, coming over to introduce herself and catching Riley by surprise.
She introduces herself as EVELYN RAND (50s), prominent school board member and Jacobs patron, overseeing the district from Haverford to AAA. She’s heard many good things about Riley, and so she’s been eager to get to meet her. Riley seems genuinely flattered by the notion, the two of them exchanging further niceties.
Evelyn catches sight of Lucas still loitering behind them, calling out to him and gesturing for him to join them. He sheepishly saunters up next to Riley, shaking the hand Evelyn offers him.
Evelyn: Are you a representative as well?
Lucas: Oh, no, I’m uh – I’m just the plus one.
Riley: He might as well be. Lucas is our best student technician at Adams. He can do anything.
Evelyn: Is that so? Yet here you are, Miss Student Representative.
Lucas: Well, she’s the best we have to offer.
Riley locks eyes with him, a soft moment passing between them. Evelyn watches interestedly, raising her eyebrows. Then Lucas backs off, clearing his throat and claiming it was nice to meet Evelyn before sidling back over to the dessert table.
Evelyn watches him go with a twinkle in her eyes, turning her smile back to Riley as she claims she better keep making the rounds. But she emphasizes how nice it was to meet her, and that she cannot wait to see what all of them at AAA accomplish in the next few years. Before she goes, she leans forward to whisper conspiratorially.
Evelyn: [ re: Lucas, approvingly ] He’s cute.
Evelyn gives her a wink, patting her arm and then fluttering back into the crowd. Riley takes a second to catch up to her commentary, a bit caught off-guard but suddenly thinking on the matter. She turns around to look at Lucas again… who is in the process of stuffing another pastry into his mouth. Considering his former indignation, it’s damn charming.
Lucas pauses when he catches her looking, caught. He rolls his eyes, giving her a subtle thumbs up to give her the victory and acknowledge that she was right. Riley can’t help but laugh, and she definitely can’t help but agree with Evelyn’s assessment.
Brandon wraps up his Sinatra impression with a flourish, the orchestra bringing it on home.
Isadora is pacing in the wings, about to go on for her audition. She’s pushing it until the last possible second, checking her phone obsessively for a text from Lucas. No such luck.
Maya comes up behind her, informing her that she really needs to go on at this point. Isadora doesn’t look at her, but she ventures the question they both know she’s wondering.
Isadora: Is he here?
Maya, hesitantly: … not that I could see. No.
Isadora steels her gaze, growing more closed off as she stuffs her phone into the pocket of her dress. Maya tries to comfort her, but she brushes her off. She marches onto the stage before she can talk herself out of it.
She squints as she steps into the spotlight, searching for the judges but unable to see anything through the brightness of the lights. In some ways, she supposes that’s better. Easier to pretend that her best friend didn’t neglect to show up on the one night she needs him most if she can’t see the evidence of it.
Once prompted, Isadora introduces herself boldly. Then, she starts to sing.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Here - 2 A.M. Version” as performed by Alessia Cara || Performed by Isadora Smackle
As the mellow chords float in, Isadora lets her emotions pour out through the lyrics. The spotlight is on her on the dark stage, no theatrics, just her standing with a microphone. That’s all she needs. She’s bitter, frustrated, overwhelmed, and so over this whole night.
But that makes the performance all the more endearing. Whilst wrapped up in how she’s feeling, Isadora seems to forget that she’s performing in front of a judging panel and audience, and this is the best we’ve ever heard her sing. Her voice is powerful, and it fills the theater as everyone watches in silence.
As the song goes on, Isadora remembers flashes of the past year when she’s felt isolated: trying to rehearse with the performers for Les Mis but not fitting in, seeing Riley and Lucas dancing together and walking away, being in a room full of her siblings being loud and playing games where she’s sitting in silence with a blank look on her face.
Her voice gets louder and more powerful, and she finishes the song with tears of anger spilling from her eyes. She’s done hiding who she is, trying to mold herself to how people expect her to be. She’s not a techie, she’s not a performer – she’s Isadora freakin’ De La Cruz, and she’ll do whatever the hell she wants.
And right now she wants to get out of this theatre. She storms off stage, shoves the microphone to one of the stagehands, and heads out. Zay and Maya go to congratulate her on her performance, but she ignores them. She’s figuring out who she is in a world where she can’t depend on Lucas anymore, the one person she thought would always be there for her.
Despite everyone else’s busy Friday evening, Farkle is wasting away an anticlimactic evening at home. He’s in the living area helping Ezra with homework, but he’s hardly much help. His mind is elsewhere, zoning out of the conversation. He’s also fidgety, restless, and can’t much focus on anything at all.
Ezra complains about all of these facts, indignantly claiming that Farkle isn’t acting like himself. Jennifer calls him back to get ready for bed, freeing Farkle from any further accusations.
Ezekiel is reading a book on the far end of the couch, but he observed the exchange pointedly enough. He stretches his foot out and pokes at Farkle’s arm, getting his attention as he grimaces and swats his socked foot away from him. Ezekiel asks him if he’s okay, which he shrugs off, but he does utilize the opportunity to engage in conversation.
Farkle asks him to elaborate on what he meant about what he said at dinner the other night. About connections, and all that nonsense. Once he’s able to sort of figure out what exactly Farkle is requesting to hear, Ezekiel states that he doesn’t think any of it is all that deep but basically he simply meant that for things in life to hold meaning, you have to put time and effort into them. You need to be present for your claims of importance to hold any water.
Ezekiel goes on further, explaining that with his transition to college and everything, he had an epiphany of sorts about how positivity is so crucial. All of the negativity around them, the constant conflict and pushing people around is just white noise.
Ezekiel: That’s how dad rose up in his business, after all. He always operates as a friend, a partner, a supporter rather than a detractor. He’s an ally, and that’s an attractive trait. Makes him win in the end. That’s why he’s so good at what he does, at least from my perspective.
Farkle questions whether that principle just applies to the business world. Ezekiel shrugs, stating he’s fairly certain it applies to everything. Doesn’t matter who you are.
More than anything though, he just meant that it’s important to spend time with the people you care about while you have them so that they know how much you mean to them. Ever since he left for college he’s been thinking about that a lot – especially in regards to his family.
Farkle absorbs this, managing a smile when Ezekiel reaches forward to pat him on the back. He clearly has a lot to think about the later the night stretches on.
Riley is gearing up for her performance, obviously nervous. She wrings her hands as she expresses her task to Lucas, who listens calmly as she rambles on about it. Once she takes a second to breathe, he has the opportunity to speak. Lucas doesn’t have much advice in the realm of performing, naturally, but he claims that she’ll be fine because she always is. He can’t think of a time when she wasn’t good.
Riley: Oh, yeah? Really? You literally told me I wasn’t that impressive during the first week of classes.
Lucas: No, I didn’t –
Riley: Are you kidding me? You said I was an “unassuming chorus member” –
Lucas: I meant that you were holding back. Which you were. That didn’t mean you weren’t good. You were always good.
That’s a lot of perspective altering to throw at her all at once when she’s already overwhelmed. Lucas shifts focus back to the task at hand, essentially giving her the same guidance that Shawn gave Angela – that she should just sing from the heart or whatever it is that they’re saying all the time. Riley absorbs this just as Eric comes to grab her, telling her that she has to get ready to take the stage.
Zay is in full panic mode, totally freaking out about his performance. He’s forgetting steps, overthinking it just like Charlie warned him not to. He can’t believe he’s about to blow everything on the one chance he’s given to really show what he can do.
Suddenly, he’s struck with inspiration. He looks through his phone, scrolling and scrolling until he finds a new suitable avenue. He nods to himself, trusting himself to take a different approach.
Then he grabs his choreography sheet off the counter, giving it one last look before tearing it up.
A rosy hue glows throughout the ballroom as Riley steps up to the stage, conferring quietly with the instrumentalists. It’s evident that she’s figured out her song, and when she steps up to the microphone and adjusts it as necessary she takes a moment to find her stage presence. She searches through the lights to find Eric in the crowd, standing with Jack and watching her proudly. Just a few paces to the right, she finds Lucas.
She’s got support. She’s not alone. Taking a deep breath, she nods to the violinist to kick off the performance.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “That Would Be Enough” as performed by Hamilton Original Broadway Cast || Performed by Riley Matthews
Starting with the open violin and the first “Look around, look around,” Riley skips the duet portion of the Eliza solo and jumps to the core of the song about a minute in. It’s an excellent choice, both for her vocal range as well as the crowd considering it’s hip musical theater.
Even more pointed is how well it applies to her emotions at the moment, which is exactly why she picked it. The first verse she sings for herself (“Look at where we are, look at where we started…”), marveling over how far she’s come in the past year and allowing herself the moment to soak it all up – the beautiful insanity of AAA, the rush of performing and being surrounded by artists who love it too, to be a thousand times stronger than she was before.
As she hits the next verse, however, her focus shifts. She finds Lucas in the crowd again, using him as her anchor as she ventures further into the performance. The lyrics ring particularly true here, too, as she sings directly to him (“I don’t pretend to know the challenges you’re facing / the worlds you keep erasing and creating in your mind…”).
Jack leans over to Eric, whispering that she’s absolutely stunning. Eric, a little choked up, wholeheartedly agrees.
Considering the captivated expression on his face, it’s safe to say that Lucas agrees. He can’t take his eyes off of her, and with how intently she’s staying grounded to him it could very well be a performance shared only between the two of them (“If I could grant you peace of mind, if you could let me inside your heart…”).
It’s a beautiful, delicate performance, and a perfect showing for AAA. The applause that she earns from the assembled appreciators of the arts is well, well earned.
Charlie is still present like the darling son he is, but he’s growing impatient. He’s tapping his feet, checking the clock on his phone incessantly.
He makes eye contact with Ambrose from across the room, waiting for some kind of signal that he’s free to go. His father seems to think on it for a long, torturous moment… then he smiles, nodding him along. Charlie exhales, returning the beam and inconspicuously sneaking his way out of the gathering.
Charlie emerges into the brisk New York evening, only pausing for half a second before breaking into a sprint down the street.
Zay emerges from the dressing room hall, sporting a different overall ensemble than he was before – much more of an eye-catcher with his Prince-esque floral suit jacket than the dance clothes he was wearing earlier. Maya and Isadora greet him and wish him luck, noting the change in his appearance. Maya questions how he’s feeling, and Isadora points out that he’s probably not going to be able to dance very well in that new attire.
Zay: You’re right. Because I’m not dancing.
Maya and Isadora both drop their jaws, wondering what the hell he’s doing. Maya tries to stop him and ask him exactly that, but Zay is already marching onto the stage.
Charlie is sprinting with everything he’s got, dashing through the nightlit avenues in his Sunday best. Running against the clock, just to get a few blocks away… closing the distance with every ticking second…
Riley is fielding compliments and praise for her performance from gala guests, obviously unprepared for all the attention. Lucas meanders over to join her, somewhat saving her from further niceties with strangers. He shares a similar sentiment of congratulations, although his awe seems to run far deeper than that of the other patrons.
Lucas: You were – I don’t know what you were worried about.
Riley: Well, thank you. I think.
Lucas: Always good. I don’t know how you do it.
Riley: Hmm. I guess it’s just because I’m “too damn talented.”
It takes Lucas a second to get the reference, then he exhales a sheepish laugh. They hold each other’s gaze for a long moment until Lucas clears his throat, asking her if she wants to dance.
Riley: I’m sorry. Am I hearing that right? Lucas James Friar, willing to dance?
Lucas: Well, I figure if I’m playing the role tonight, I may as well play it right. [ a beat ] And I’ve had a pretty good teacher.
He holds out his arm, waiting for her to take it if she so chooses. She does, shyly, as Zay’s introduction to the judges pre-laps.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Ain’t No Way” as performed by Glee Cast || Performed by Zay Babineaux
As the opening swell of the soulful ballad floats in, Riley and Lucas make their way towards the center of the ballroom.
Zay delivers a killer rendition, doing exactly what Charlie said he would – blow everyone out of the water with his raw talent. All year long he’s been forcing his dancing expertise, it was easy to forget how powerful a vocalist he is as well. There’s a reason he earned a ranking as one of the sophomore divas, and after this, no one is ever going to forget it again.
The performance also underscores Riley and Lucas at the gala, venturing their dance. They start off in proper waltz posture, just like she taught him… but as the song progresses, they loosen up. Adjust their stance, close some of the distance, shift more into a slow dance.
At some point, Riley leans forward and rest her head against his shoulder as they sway together. Lucas honestly looks dumbstruck, as though he can’t believe this is actually happening. Any of it. He’d pinch himself, if he wasn’t so preoccupied by her or ever wanted to wake up from it.
Charlie continues his sprint, darting up the steps two at a time and pushing through the doors.
By the time Charlie makes it into the auditorium he’s out of breath, but he’s just in time to catch the latter half of Zay’s performance. He stumbles forward against the handicap rail in the back of the section and takes it all in – Zay’s inarguable stage presence, his outstanding vocals, the fact that he took his advice and is giving nothing but soul.
Charlie is totally entranced. He isn’t catching his breath any time soon.
By the final act of the performance as Zay is heading into the final chorus, Riley shifts out of their posture and leans back a bit to look at Lucas. They lock eyes, searching one another’s expressions… and leaning into their first kiss.
It’s slow, uncertain, and over before either of them realize it. But it lingers, and their lips only break apart for a few moments before they initiate a second one. This one is a little bolder, a bit more certain, an active choice on both their ends rather than a tentative curiosity. Riley tightens her hold on his jacket to pull him closer, Lucas lifting a hand to cup her face.
Zay finishes the number, totally bringing down the house. Charlie is starstruck. Maya and Isadora are in shock in the wings, able to see the writing on the wall. It’s more than clear who is going to the Kossal program that summer.
Lucas and Riley pull back from one another, just enough to exchange hesitant eye contact. Then Riley breaks into a bashful giggle, easing the tension in an instant. She tilts her head against his, Lucas licking his lips and unable to hold back his smile.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “The Louvre” as performed by Lorde || Instrumental
Maya steps out into the night, inhaling the fresh air. She takes a deep breath, closing her eyes and taking a moment. She knows she’s not getting that summer program, not after Zay’s performance.
But she’s used to disappointment. It’s never stopped her before. Onto the next thing.
She exhales through her nose, opening her eyes. Then she descends down the steps, leaving the lost opportunity behind.
Zay is gathering his things, still shaky on adrenaline from a stellar performance. He hesitates, finally getting to exhale. He almost can’t believe all the stress and strain is done.
Charlie manages to find his way to him, appearing in the doorway. Zay glances up and spots him in the mirror, eyebrows shooting up as he whips around in surprise. He literally can’t believe he showed up.
Zay: Charlie. You’re here.
[ Charlie smiles, nodding. He saunters further into the room, treading cautiously. Not because of Zay, but because he isn’t sure he trusts himself. ]
Charlie: After being so brutally honest, you thought I wouldn’t show up?
Zay: No. No, I just thought – you said you had –
Zay shrugs. He doesn’t really know what he thought, and he supposes it doesn’t really matter. It’s nice to see him there. Really nice.
Zay: I took your advice. So.
Charlie: Yeah, I noticed. And dare I say, I think it worked as intended.
Zay: You think so?
Charlie: Dude, you were amazing. There’s no way they’re not going to pick you.
Zay waves him off, not nearly so sure. Not wanting to jinx it. Charlie has made his way well across the room now, joining him by the counters and much closer. Dangerously close.
Charlie: I’m serious. You should’ve heard yourself. You were mindblowing.
Zay: Come on.
Charlie: I mean it. I mean, you always are. Stunning. Breathtaking.
Charlie can’t look away from him. He’s mesmerized, and still somehow damningly out of breath. He feels like he’s never going to be able to breathe again. Zay lifts his gaze to meet his, searching his expression. Not believing he could be reading the situation correctly.
Charlie shrugs wordlessly. Then he licks his lips, letting out a ragged exhale.
Charlie, breathlessly: Who needs oxygen?
Before Zay can question the statement, Charlie grabs the lapels of his suit jacket and pulls him into a kiss. It’s fumbling, a bit of a disaster to start, the two of them bracing against the counter and Zay reaching out to hold him mostly to keep him from falling over.
But they figure it out pretty quickly from there. Charlie hesitates for one last second, taking another glance at him before going in for another one. Eagerly. Decisively. Making his choice.
It doesn’t take long for Zay to get on the same page once the initial shock wears off. He kisses him back, tugging him closer and reaching up to start undoing his Sunday best tie.
The auditions may be wrapped, but it’s clear the two of them aren’t going anywhere for a while.
Jack and Eric chatter in the front, lightly discussing the gala and the performances from the evening. Completely oblivious to how everything has changed.
Riley and Lucas are quiet. They’re seated in the back, not looking at each other. They can’t. It’s too much to ask of them with so much shifting between them, and with their faculty right there in front of them.
Riley glances away from fiddling with her purse to steal a look at him. He’s keeping his eyes trained out the window, absentmindedly chewing on his thumbnail. So, so far from the intimidating first impression he made at the beginning of the year. She shifts her gaze to his hand instead, resting on his leg and fingers tapping anxiously against his knee.
Gently, she reaches forward and touches the sleeve of his jacket. Lucas freezes, his fingers hovering over his leg. He tosses a glance in her direction out of the corner of his eye, uncertain what she’s going to do and wholly certain that he can’t brave looking her in the eyes.
Her fingers brush the back of his hand, before she lets her hand come to rest on top of his. Venturing that simple touch, rubbing her thumb against his knuckles. Lucas stares at their hands, still frozen. Still unable to look at her.
Then, he flips his hand over and links their fingers together. It’s that easy.
They don’t look at each other. They don’t give anything away. But light smiles bloom onto both of their faces as they direct their gazes out the car windows and towards the city lights.
Lucas enters the apartment as silently as possible, trying not to disturb whoever else might be around or asleep. Further inspection reveals a light on in the kitchen area, indicating that his efforts to go undetected might be futile. He frowns, stepping towards the room.
GRACE FRIAR is seated at the kitchen table, up late rifling through paperwork. When Lucas softly asks why she’s still up, she jumps slightly and lifts her head. It’s an immediate relief when she sees that it’s only him. She manages a smile, taking in his full attire.
Grace: You look nice. Where did you get that suit jacket?
Lucas: [ after a beat ] A friend.
Lucas avoids her gaze as she questions whether he had fun, busying himself by getting a glass of water. He pauses to actually consider the question, before confirming he did. He starts to make his retreat before he doubles back, posing a new discussion topic.
Lucas: Do you still have the application for McCullough? [ off Grace’s nod, and a beat of contemplation ] Forget about it. I’ll be fine at Triple A.
Grace, surprised: Are you sure?
There’s another beat of hesitation. Then, Lucas’s expression softens.
Lucas: Yeah. I am.
He bids his mother goodnight, disappearing from the kitchen doorway. Grace watches him go, a bit bemused. Sensing a major change of heart in her son, absolutely clueless as to where it came from. But it doesn’t seem like a bad thing. Not at all.
After a moment she smiles, returning to her work.
Maya is seated on the steps in front of her building, the street glimmering with the lights of the city and early morning dew. Farkle appears around the corner, marching towards her with his hands in his pockets. It’s not clear how far he’s walked alone in the middle of the night.
He’s frantic, full of nervous energy. She doesn’t bother to acknowledge him as he approaches. He stops in front of the steps, waiting for an invitation. When he doesn’t get one, he plops down next to her anyway. He bounces his legs restlessly, a sharp contrast to her plaintive calm.
They’re silent for a long moment. Maya clears her throat, ready to tell him off.
Maya: Are you lost, Farkle? It’s midnight and you live across town –
Farkle: I don’t want to be alone.
The statement takes Maya by surprise. She frowns, turning her gaze to him. He keeps staring straight ahead, rubbing his palms on his knees. Still fidgeting. His speech is scattered, panicked.
Farkle: I don’t know why I’m like this. Why I get this way. I tell myself it’s just the ambition, the drive pushing me towards my destiny, but I don’t know. I don’t think your destiny is supposed to feel this suffocating. Claustrophobic. [ a beat ] It’s like, if you’re going to do anything in this world you’ve got to be the best. And if you’re gonna do something as stupid as performance art, then you really have to be the best or else you’ve got nothing. And I didn’t want to be a nothing. I can’t be a nothing.
Maya listens intently, contemplative and somewhat stunned. Almost a year of friendship, or whatever the two of them are, and he’s never been this vulnerable.
Farkle: And if you’re going to be the best, that means fuck the rest. Right? If you’re at the top, then it means no one else can be. That’s what I always thought. That’s what made sense. But I’ve got this… it’s like I’ve got this whole other side to me that has a new motivation. And I don’t think I can survive with two. It’s like I’m splitting down the middle. But I know they’re both true. They’re both all-consuming. [ a beat ] I want to be the best. I want to get the auditions and the summer programs and get everything I deserve. I want it so badly, it’s blinding.
Maya waits, a bit more guarded. This much, she already knew.
Farkle: But I want to share it, too. I want to do it with people who are just as talented and star-bound as me. I want a team. I don’t want to be alone.
Farkle finally looks away from the street, forcing himself to meet her gaze. He hesitates, then speaks definitively. Like if he doesn’t say it, it’ll suffocate him.
Farkle: I want my friend.
Maya takes this all in, before softening a bit. After a moment she sighs, running a hand through her hair and trying to gauge the situation.
Maya: You really mean all that?
Farkle: Yes.
Maya: You done with all of the bullshit? All of the stupid –
Farkle, without hesitation: Yes. Yes.
It’s so difficult to figure out what’s real with him. Whether or not he’s telling the truth. But somehow, Maya wants it to be true.
Maya: You really mean just as talented?
Farkle: [ with an eager nod ] Maybe more.
The statement is sincere. And this, it seems, is the ticket to earning back her approval. She gives him a hesitant smile, nodding as well and letting her gaze drift back to the street. They continue to sit in the cool May twilight, the winds of change kicking up a breeze around them.
This friendship may just stay afloat yet…
The last couple days of sophomore year seem to promise an unusually little amount of chaos compared to the usual tenor of AAA. Farkle is at his locker on his phone, and we can see that he has messaged the AAAC multiple times over the weekend requesting that his submission be deleted and forgotten about.
The page hasn’t responded, so it seems like a moot point. For what it’s worth, the AAAC seems to have finally given up.
Farkle accepts this, closing his locker. Glancing down the hallway, wondering what an entirely new year is going to bring.
On the bulletin board outside the black box, Zay has been announced as the summer program recipient. The assembled classmates congratulate him, including a genuinely complimentary Maya and a very enthusiastic Riley. Charlie gives him a pat on the back, and they exchange a soft look – suddenly a lot more meaningful between them than before.
During this celebration, however, they all get notifications on their phones from Instagram.
Farkle gets it as well, still in a different part of the school. It informs him that AAA Confessions posted a new video, followed by one more message specifically meant for him.
“Too late. Self-destruct sequence initiated. Happy summer, Farkle Minkus.”
Consumed with dread, Farkle stops frozen in the hall and opens his phone. As he jumps to the app, his hands are shaking so badly he nearly drops the device. When he goes to check the page, all of the color drains from his face.
It’s worse than he expected. Not only is the content of his video posted, it’s him saying it. AAAC simply posted the video in its entirety, only having adding a caption explaining that the post is their swan song confession – and they’ve exposed everyone who ever posted on the account.
As Farkle’s voice on video begins to rattle throughout the school halls, he takes off at a mad dash down the hallway –
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “The World Was Wide Enough” as performed by Hamilton Original Broadway Cast || Instrumental (up to 4:00) - Performed by Farkle Minkus (4:00 onward)
It’s chaos as everyone tunes into the video and sees the AAAC’s final post. Their final message is true to their word – scrolling down on the page, they’ve added a “signature” to every single original caption revealing who submitted it in the first place. All that power of anonymity, gone in an instant.
Friends are confronting friends about items posted. People are tuning in to Farkle’s video, in total awe and horror of the mere existence of it. Each piece of it is repeated in snippets as it passes through the halls, accenting the instrumentation of “The World Was Wide Enough.”
As Zay reads the caption on the post, he turns to look for Charlie. But Charlie is gone, having disappeared the moment it became clear exactly what was going on.
Charlie himself is hiding in a nook of a hallway closer to the atrium, looking like he’s going to be sick. As he frantically scrolls through the page, we discover what it is that has him so flustered – all of the posts about him and Riley were submitted by him. All that effort put into using it to keep suspicion off of him, and now he suddenly looks more curious than ever.
Panicked, Charlie jogs towards the front entrance and pushes through the doors. Taking off at a run without looking back.
The techies are huddled in their usual back section sans Isadora and Lucas, watching Farkle’s video with a distinct mix of horror and fascination. JADE BEAMON is hiding behind her hands, she can’t bear to watch it for too long. DAVE WILLIAMS can’t look away, jaw hanging open.
Lucas enters from the audience doors, noticing the tension in the congregation and asking them what’s going on. DYLAN ORLANDO and ASHER GARCIA immediately attempt to stifle the sound and hide the phone, assuring him that it’s nothing. But naturally, this adamant denial doesn’t sell convincingly on either of them.
He can tell something is seriously up. He repeats the question, approaching the group and coming to stand in front of them again. Dave tries to claim ignorance as well but Lucas is faster than them, reaching over and snatching Dylan’s phone from his hands before he can protest.
Lucas tunes into the video just as Farkle is wrapping up his section on him, transitioning to Isadora. Asher tries to tell him he’s stupid and he should forget about it, but Lucas isn’t listening to him anymore.
Farkle: … I mean, why else would she put in the effort to befriend jackass Lucas James Friar, other than by special request from her favorite counselor uncle in an attempt to make sure he doesn’t make a hit list or some shit considering he’s so openly pathetic. Riley Matthews doesn’t need sympathy, but she’s sure good at giving it…
Asher and Dylan are watching him like a hawk, not sure what to say. All of them are watching him with evident worry, and that just makes everything worse.
Farkle: … I guess it makes sense that she deserves one shot to prove she actually can live up to the family business without having to do any work for it. Sucks that it’s so late notice her best friend won’t even be there, as he’ll be too busy on his pity date with Riley. How tragic.
Stone-faced, Lucas drops the phone to the ground and marches from the auditorium. Dylan calls after him as Asher scrambles to pick up the phone off the ground. Dave starts to go after him in concern but Jade pulls him back.
Farkle continues his desperate sprint through the halls, frantically trying to get to the black box to do damage control before everything unravels. He arrives and barrels through the doorway just as the gun shot in the instrumental goes off, kicking off the empty, tense backing of Hamilton’s free verse.
The moment Farkle appears in the doorway, a dozen heads snap to look at him at once. Most of the sophomore class is assembled, nearly all of the performers except Charlie and including Isadora. They’re all staring at him, a myriad of unpleasant emotions on their faces.
Considering the fact that all of them are also on blast because of what the page did to the captions, Farkle is truly stepping into the full brunt of everyone’s betrayal and anger.
Maya breaks first, questioning how the hell he could do something like this. He really did blow up everything – including reveal her scholarship status to the whole school. Her eyes are glossy as she scrutinizes him, but the rage is enough of a deterrent to hold back any tears.
Farkle isn’t so lucky. He’s already choking up as he tries to defend himself, stammering through his words. He tries to point out that it wasn’t him who posted it, and he frantically tries to explain that he basically begged to have it deleted. He never wanted it to be shared. He didn’t mean it.
Maya: But you sent it. You said it!
The vitriol escalates pretty quickly from there, Zay pointing out how pathetic the whole thing is. Riley questions why he would put other people’s interpersonal relationships on blast, to which Isadora follows up that it’s obviously because he can’t imagine what having actual friendships must be like. Guess if he can’t have them, then no one can.
Farkle takes hit after hit, being the straw man in a scenario that has no good ending. But the whole thing gets far worse when Lucas storms into the room, asking if it’s true.
It’s like all of the air gets sucked out of the room. The performers turn to Lucas warily, wondering the hell he’s going to do. He repeats the question, voice quiet and sharp – which is honestly scarier than if he were shouting. Farkle swallows, certain he’s not going to live to see tomorrow.
But Lucas doesn’t focus on him. He zeroes in on Riley instead, locking eyes with her and looking at her for a long moment before asking about what he actually cares about. When he speaks, it’s barely above a murmur.
Lucas, mockingly: … pity date?
Riley: [ stunned ] No. No, Lucas, I didn’t – I never –
But it’s too late. It’s like Wyatt said – words are toothpaste, and they’re not going back in the tube. The sentiments have left their mark, for everyone involved.
Lucas huffs out a laugh, but it’s not a humorous one. Then he launches into a tirade about how he should’ve known better, they should’ve seen this coming. That, of course, the performers would default to this kind of petty and sadistic behavior, because that’s all they ever do. It’s been that way forever, and nothing is going to change it clearly. It’s a pretty staggering deconstruction, and he bookends it by stating he hopes they’re all really pleased with themselves. Really damn pleased.
Lucas focuses back on Farkle, voice dropping back down to a wavering murmur.
Lucas: [ letting out a scoff of a laugh ] … fuck you.
[ Farkle can’t look at him. He keeps his gaze trained on the wall, a couple of tears slipping down his cheeks. Lucas shakes his head, backing up. ]
Lucas: Fuck… [ raising his voice ] FUCK all of you!
Lucas storms out, pushing WYATT LIVINGSTON out of his way as he shoves past him to escape. Isadora shoots a murderous glare at all of them before chasing after him. CLARISSA CRUZ hides her head behind HALEY FISHER’S back, both of them crying. A tear escapes Riley, but she’s so shell-shocked she doesn’t even think to wipe it away.
The sophomore class starts to file out, trying to escape the unbearable tension they all had a hand in creating. They file out one by one in varying states of shock until it’s down to Farkle and Zay, the latter stopping in front of him as he makes his way out.
Zay: Was it worth it? Is it finally enough?
He scoffs, shaking his head in disgust as he leaves Farkle alone. Farkle stands there in the center of the classroom alone, completely frozen.
Isadora catches up to Lucas in the technician’s booth, intending to confront him about the commentaries leveled against him – particularly that he totally just blew her off to go on some date with Riley without bothering to clue her in. Because that’s not so hot either, and she was counting on him to be there. She needed him to be there, and he wasn’t. She expresses how idiotic she felt and demands to know what the hell he was thinking.
Lucas claims he doesn’t want to talk about it right now, obviously on the verge of a major emotional hurricane. Anyone else would be cautious to be near him with such a chaotic potential in the air – and understandably so – but Isadora knows him better than that. She’s not scared of him, and at the moment she’s pissed. So she won’t let it drop, pushing and pushing until he finally cracks.
He yells at her, begging her to shut up. He can’t deal with it right now, so would she just let it drop? She winces, shocked enough by the outburst to stop the badgering. Lucas blinks at her, turning away and collapsing back against the electrical cabinet. He slides down to the floor, all of the anger gone in an instant and just left with… everything else.
He covers his face with his hands, letting out a shaky “fuck” and pulling up his knees in front of him. Isadora hesitates by the lighting board, realizing now isn’t the time for the confrontation. They’ll have that conversation later, she knows that they will. For now, she thinks he needs her to be present in a different way – even if he wasn’t there for her the way she expected he’d be.
Tentatively, she approaches him and sits down against the cabinet next to him. She cautiously puts an arm around his shoulders to comfort him – a big move, coming from Isadora – and that moment of vulnerability is what shatters the flood gates.
Lucas leans into her embrace, breaking down in tears as the sting of everything falling apart finally starts to sink in. When he said that when he cared about something, we would know… well. That’s more evident than ever before.
Isadora holds him and allows him to melt down, lightly propping her chin on his head. Her expression is grim, holding it together so that at least one of them remains stalwart.
Farkle takes over the vocalization of “The World Was Wide Enough,” tuning in on “Now I’m the villain in your history…” He’s walking along the edge of the stage on his own, balance precarious. Like he could fall at any second, but at that point he doesn’t care anymore.
His eyes are glossy but the tears are done. He’s blank-faced, trying to comprehend the fact that his world just turned upside down, and the truth of it is? It was all his fault.
I was too young and blind to see, I should’ve known. I should’ve known the world was wide enough for all of them and me.
Close on Farkle’s teary eyes, before a slow fade to black. Then, the sounds of a bustling airport float in as we transition to a new location…
Close on a smartphone, open to the AAAC but from the moderator side rather than follower as we’re accustomed to seeing it. A thumb navigates to settings, going to the delete button. When Instagram prompts if the user is sure about deleting the account, they hesitate.
Easing out, it is finally revealed who the true operator of the AAAC was – Chai Fresco. In spite of her successfully evading getting caught, she doesn’t look thrilled with all of the chaos that unfolded in its wake.
As her boarding section is called for her flight to Europe, she acts quickly and confirms the delete. Poof! It’s as if the page was never there… even if all the damage it caused still remains.
Chai grabs her things, heading towards the flight that will take her away from all of the aftermath. Not looking back.
Empty hallways. Quiet building. Summer has begun, and the impending confrontations are put on hold for a few weeks. The hallways feel eerie, not populated with students and dancing and music as they should be…
Eric: What the hell happens next?
Eric is seated behind his desk, Jack in the usual student occupied chair across from him. They’re both stunned speechless, still attempting to wrap their minds around what the hell unfolded in the last three days of classes. Eric confirms that the confessions page has been terminated for good, so at least there’s that.
Jack: Mister Livingston was right.
Eric frowns, prompting Jack to continue. It’s clear that this has taken a toll on Jack. He doesn’t look all that well, and his voice is ragged as he tries to compose his thoughts. He laments that Wyatt was correct about him – he is incompetent, and he couldn’t stop this from imploding in on itself. More than that, he’s the failure. He failed their students, from beginning to end.
Eric tries to refute this notion, but Jack isn’t willing to hear it. And in some ways, they did fail, there’s no sugarcoating that. They tried to protect their students, and it didn’t work. Everyone got hurt, somehow.
Most pointedly, Jack continues, Wyatt was right when he said there is a serious culture problem at AAA. Too much competition, too cutthroat. They have to change it, and it’s going to take both of them working together to fix it from the ground up.
Jack looks to Eric, a far cry from the resolute and polished principal we met at the beginning of the season. He lets out an exhale, locking eyes with his most stubborn yet most impassioned faculty member.
Jack: Will you help me?
Eric holds his gaze, obviously contemplating. Then he holds out his hand, waiting for Jack to shake on it. If they’re going to rebuild, then it’s going to take both of them indeed.
Jack hesitates, then links his hand with his.
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