#but he's so raveclaw
billsbae · 1 month
i love a good hogwarts au in every fandom i'm in, so here's my houses headcanons for atla
katara — gryffindor
sokka — ravenclaw
aang — hufflepuff
toph — slytherin
suki — gryffinor
zuko — hufflepuff
azula — slytherin
mai — slytherin
ty lee — slytherin
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agirlsguidetolove · 10 months
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pairings: theodore nott x reader
word count: 0.9k
summary: “i thought you knew?” “you thought i knew we were dating?” “yes!” “how would i know that, nott, you never told me.”
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Theodore Nott had dead eyes. That was something you had learned early on in your friendship with the boy; never expect his eyes to tell you anything. But, right now, you couldn’t help but wonder if your own advice was wrong because the look he was giving you in the moment was the farthest thing to dead. Alive.
Theodore’s eyes were ablazed, like you had lit a match in his face just as he had done with his cigarettes the night before. They looked on fire as he glared off at you, standing and chatting with some Ravenclaw boy who had decided to make the stupid of going to a slytherin party and talking to Theo’s girl.
It was a common fact that you and Theo had something, everyone knew. Well, maybe except for you.
Maybe that’s why you hadn’t expected for Theodore to waltz up to you and your new friend and throw an arm over your shoulder, and stand and listen to you too talk, not saying a word.
“Think we should get out of here?” Was the first thing he said to you, well, whispered into your ear, pulling you closer.
“I’m okay here, Teddy,” you said. Theo visible softened, melting into you at the nickname only you were allowed to call him. “You can go, though. I’ll be alright, promise.”
Theo smiled at you as you patted his arm that was wrapped around your shoulder, watching as your attention drifted back to whoever this guy was. He sighed.
“I know,” Theo started before your Ravenclaw friend interrupted.
“Yeah, mate, we’ll be okay,” he said. Theo hardened, dead eyes becoming colder as he took his arm off your shoulder, stepping forward and shoving the guy.
“Was I fucking talking to you, mate?” he spit.
“Woah!” you cut, pulling Theo back with your hand to his chest, “What the hell, Theo?”
“Yeah,” the Raveclaw pants. “What the hell, Nott? Calm down!”
Theodore sneers, glaring harshly ate the boy before hissing, “Fuck off,” and pushing past him and bumping his shoulder aggressively as he makes his way out of the common room.
Staring of at his fuming figure you quickly apologize to the boy before chasing off after Theo. When you find him, he’s angrily pacing through the hallway, running a hand through his hair.
“Theo,” you state angrily. Theo’s head whips to where you stand before shaking his head and choosing to walk away from you and down the hall.
“Theo!” you yell, walking quickly behind him. “What the fuck was that about? Can you wait for a second and talk to me?”
Theo stops, allowing you to catch up to him. You can practically see the steam coming out when he turns to you. “What am I supposed to do?” he asks bitterly. “Just let him flirt with you?”
“What?” you ask, just as bitter. “What are you talking about? Why’d you have to fucking shove, Dylan?”
Dylan. Theodore scoffs, getting madder by the second. He takes a step closer, towering over you. “So I’m just supposed to stand there when some prick is running up on my girlfriend!”
Girlfriend? What the hell was he on about. “Girlfriend?” you question, softer.
“Yes! You’re my girlfriend!” Theodore shouted. He just wasn’t getting it, was he?
“What?” you spluttered. “Since when?”
“What,” Theo got quieter.
“i didn’t know…” you said. “when did we start dating?…o-officially?”
“You didn’t know?” he repeated, incredulous. “I… I thought… I thought you knew?”
“You thought I knew we were dating?” You were getting louder, voice echoing off the walked.
“Yes!” Theo yelled, eyes getting sadder.
“How would I know that, Nott, you never told me!”
Theodore shakes his head, again getting gentle. “Don’t start calling me ‘Nott’ now, angel, you don’t do that.”
“Theo,” you reiterated, taking a breath. “When did we— when did we start ‘dating’.”
Theo looks like a kicked puppy when he says, “Last trip to Hogsmeade. We kissed.”
Looking at the ground, you say, “Just because we kissed doesn’t mean we’re dating.”
“To me, it did!”
“You kiss plenty of girls that you’re not dating!” you argue.
Theo scoffs, “They’re not you, now are they?”
“Teddy,” you say, tears quickly forming in your eyes. Looking up at him, he purses his lips, heart breaking in his chest. “Why couldn’t you have just asked me to be your girlfriend?”
“Love, I… I thought you knew, didn’t I?”
“Yeah,” you swallow, hugging yourself with your own arms, still holding in your tears. “Well, I didn’t.”
It’s silent between you both for a moment, nothing but you staring at the floor and Theo staring at you. Theo takes a small step forward, his hands touching where you hold yourself. “Would you?” he says, “Be my girlfriend, if I asked?”
“Yeah,” you chuckle, looking up at him, “if you’d ask, you dick.”
Theo chuckles, dipping his head low and putting his lips against yours. His lips are so soft, despite how he tastes like liquor and cigarettes. He breaks apart from you, hand coming to caress your cheek. “Would you be my girlfriend?”
“Yes, I would.”
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not proof read 🧸
i 🫶 theo nott
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redheadspark · 5 months
Can i Ask for an Oliver Wood x female reader, with promote 1 were reader is like very smart and they are like enemies to lovers or something. Only if you want of course😊
A/N - YAS! This will be cute for Oliver! Thanks for requesting this, anon!
Summary - You and Oliver were always at each other's necks....until now
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Warnings - Just some cute fluff
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“You can cut it with a knife,”
“You think so?”
“Come on, look at them!”
Ron looked over at the small argument that unfolded in front of them out on the lawn.  It was between you and Oliver Wood, two captains from rival teams that were bickering with each other on practice times on the pitch.  It was awkward mostly, since both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw teams were awkwardly waiting on the sidelines to see who was going to win the verbal spat between their Captains.  But this was no real shocker to either team nor was it the first time this has happened.
In fact, this was the fourth time this season alone.
“You’ve always hogged the pitch twenty minutes longer than what’s on the practice schedule, Wood!  You needed the extra time because your team’s sloppy?!”
“Come off it, Jones!  You must be that bored in counting the minutes until we leave the pitch to gloss up your maneuvers.  They’re pathetic!”
“Bloody hell, this is one the worst ones,” Rom grumble as he leaned against his broom that was propped up.  His twin brothers were overseeing with small looks of amusement on their faces, arms folded in front of themselves, and looking at their mannerisms and how close you both were at poking each other’s chest with rigid fingers.  Of course, to the others that were watching this weren’t seeing what the twins were seeing.  They were seeing two Captains who hated each other fight overtime on the pitch.
Where as the twins saw two Captains who had it bad for each other.
Ever since you became Captain of the Ravenclaw team Oliver was intimidated by you since you were sharp and had a great wit about Quidditch.  Like Oliver, you grew up on the sport and knew it far more than most of the students at Hogwarts, becoming a Chaser your second year and then Captain a few years later.  Although your love for Quidditch was not as intense as Oliver’s, it was still there and you were smart in your tactics and plays to make Raveclaw a challenging team to beat.  Gryffindor was the top competitor against them, not even Slytherin could handle themselves again Ravenclaw when you were the Captain.  But Oliver saw you as a threat, your eyes ever trained on your teammates and knowing how to stay a few steps ahead of others.  
Arguments between you two became a regular ritual, though it would get far too heated at times about Flitwick and McGonagall having to have talks with you two.  Of course, you felt bad that you were making such a scene, you knew better since you were representing your House.  Then again, you were letting someone like Oliver get under your skin and fester there.  His stubbornness, his fiery temper, and his thirst to win, it always rubbed you wrong.  It didn’t make things better that you were also harboring a crush on him.  His handsomeness in his face and smile, his playing ability in Quidditch, it gave you butterflies when you didn’t really want it.
So your relationship with Oliver was…complicated?
“I bet you 5 galleons she pokes his chest,” George said to his twin as you and Oliver were still arguing back at forth.
“You’re on,” Fred replied as he shook George’s hand.  The rest of the players were watching and almost talking to each other as there was a pause in your argument, finally.  You and Oliver were nearly nose to nose, but there was a sense of ease then as you both were taking a breath.  You realized that arguing with him was not going to make things better, only worse.  You inhaled deeply, looking over at your players in their blue robes and you sighed.  The last thing you wanted to do was make this worse for them, and perhaps this was an eye-opening moment for you as you looked back at Oliver.  He saw the shift in you too, the fire in your eyes was no longer there and you were simply yourself.
“Go ahead,” You replied, Oliver’s eyes going a bit wide as you picked up your broom that was by your boots on the grassy ground, “We’ll go over plays and practice tomorrow,”
Oliver was shocked that you gave in easily, you gripped your room tightly in your fingerless gloves as you were about to walk away.  He reached over and placed a hand on your arm, not in a grip but just a simple press of his fingers along your blue robes.  You looked at the contact, seeing his fingers near your wrist and how you could almost feel the heat of his skin through your robe.
“You…you sure?” He asked, his voice low and almost uncertain as the heat in his voice was also gone. You two locked eyes again, close enough for him to count your freckles and for you to see the specs in his brown eyes as you nodded.  Now that you were close, you were feeling butterflies and almost weak in the knees. 
“It’s not a big deal, honestly.  We’ll come out to practice tomorrow, don’t worry about…Oliver,”
Oliver felt his own heart skip a beat from you saying his name, and he gulped and nodded his head slowly.  You smiled, for the first time at him and he softly smiled too.  But before he could walk over to his own team, you gently poked his chest with one finger.
“Make sure you tell your Beaters to not be sloppy with their swings.” You advised him, then turned on your heels to walk off. Your team followed you, asking you what happened and why you had the change of heart as Oliver stood there in shock and looked on at your backside.  Without him realizing it, he touched the spot on his chest where your finger touched, gasping like a fish.  
George grinned, looking over at Fred with his hand out, “You owe me 5,”
“Shut it,”
The End.
January Prompt Session
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Tagged - @a-lumos-in-the-nox
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steddiehands86 · 10 months
✨Choir and Quidditch✨
Friday night was the most important night for everyone at the newly improved Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry- which was now simply named Hawkins Academy. No one knew why the names was changed- rumors of a new start abounded but no one really cared, so no one talked about it that much.
Everything was the same inside the school, the houses were the same- that would never have changed even if it came up in every yearly administration meeting. It only resulted in bickering, fighting, insults being flung along with a few hexes. Every time it ended with a round of tea with more than a shot of spirits. Nobody talked about that either.
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However, what everyone did talk about- would not stop talking about- was the Slytherin vs. Gryffindor match that was to be played on Friday night. Professor Eddie Munson, Charm’s Professor and Choirmaster extraordinaire, would rather stab his eardrums with his wand than to hear any more about the damn quidditch game. Yet here he was, just after the children’s lunch break and all he could hear as he was finishing his pretzels was the babbling and speculation about the idiotic game.
However this class was usually his favorite- Dustin Henderson (Ravenclaw), Susie Bingham (also a Raveclaw), Lucas Sinclair (Gryffindor), Max Mayfield (Gryffindor), Will Byers (a Hufflepuff-throw in some spice to make it nice) and….Mike Wheeler (Slytherin). He didn’t know how Mike of all students worked his way into his classroom but so far his attitude was tempered by the presence of his very best friend, Will.
Today proved to be a bit problematic. The boy’s heads ducked together as they walked to their desks like a strange pod-like creature, with Max following behind with her charmed (by her ‘beloved’ Charms professor of course) Walkman on ignoring everyone around her. Susie trailed after her, clutching her textbook and parchment forever worrying about her boyfriend’s former crush. And Lucas…
Was nowhere to be seen. Well. Today was already starting to get on his nerves and it wasn’t even 2pm yet. Wonderful.
His eyes followed the little group as tried to shuffle by unseen, intelligent and beady little eyes darting to and fro like Eddie could actually see them. They were teenagers, hell he could smell them. All too much spicy body cologne, old and new sweat with a hint of ass and corn chips. He was familiar.
The girls sat in their assigned seats, Eddie learning fast to never let them choose their own seating- that was chaos in the making. Too many people surrounding the nerds, hoodlums in the back, brown nosers in the front- no. It was best to separate them. He wanted the boys where he could see them, right in the front row with the girls behind them.
He set down his pretzels, an irritated sigh building up in his chest at Mike as he pushed Dustin forward to talk to him as if he wasn’t brave enough to open his own. And that’s when they told him. Lucas was on the Gryffindor team, and thus couldn’t make it to the Choir banquet being held at Duurmstrang at the end of the week.
He knew it was going to happen, everyone knew about the damnable game, but Sinclair had been on the sides lines the entire season due to his almost inability to fly. It wasn’t his fault he was a foreign exchange student and that Quidditch wasn’t as popular over in the states as it was over the pond. They preferred a game of hexed ball-throwing, something like “dodgeball” but with a stinging paint charm thrown in and they ran around like savages. Eddie was engrossed in the description and wanted to implement it, even went so far as to hex charm a ball that Lucas brought but Headmaster Hopper put the kabosh on it before they could start. ‘Twas rude but nothing Eddie could do about it, safety was important and all.
Nevertheless, Sinclair wasn’t rumored to even play but it was insisted by the coach that he was to be in attendance.
Ugh. Coach Harrington was another thorn in Eddie’s side since he too transferred from America. He was loud (so was Eddie), he cursed (again same), and he had a weird relationship with another professor in History of Magic, Buckley. Setting aside there were many rumors about Eddie and the Divination teacher, Professor Cunningham- all of which completely untrue- Eddie and Coach Harrington didn’t swim in the same pools, and were thus vexed by one another continually since Coach Harrington arrived.
“Well far be it for me to ruin anyone’s fun, but we have been working towards this all year. Where is Sinclair now? He should be in class.” Eddie sent a steely dark gaze over the classroom, noting each student that looked away in cowardice.
The only one that met his eye was Max, who rolled her rolls in annoyance before stopping her music, “Coach Steve got him in the hallway. He got a note for extra flying classes, so Sinclair went with him as usual.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” The epitaph escaped before he had the chance to stop it, judging from the titters and giggling this was going to come back and bite him in the ass. He piled his curls in a haphazard bun, using his wand to keep them in place. He cracked his fingers and rolled his shoulders, “Right. Whatever. He’ll just have to make up this class. Mayfield you can inform him he owes me twelve inches on parchment on how effective a flying lesson is when you miss your charms class. We’re going to learn beginner’s wandless charming.”
Without missing a beat he continued the class amidst groaning and chattering. He wasn’t normally this stodgy, preferred to have fun but dammit-
Duurmstrang and Beauxbaton schools were notorious for keeping things so closed. Duurmstrang was an all boy’s school, Beauxbaton was an all girl’s school. There had been talks to make both schools co-Ed, like Hawkins- like Hogwarts before them. Music was one of Eddie’s suggestions to help the schools at least consider it, the mix of boys and girls and everyone in between meant for beautiful music, harmony that could be transferred into every day life. Wouldn’t things have been a lot better if they just opened their minds, their hearts to an alternate form of education?
This was important, and people were trying to railroad him. He didn’t like it. He couldn’t fault Lucas- the boy just wanted acceptance as did they all. He could fault Coach Harrington though, the man had the yearly schedule same as the rest of the faculty, he knew the dates and where everyone would be. Seemed to Eddie that the man was too chickenshit or too arrogant about his place that other’s schedules didn’t seem to matter.
It was only later, after all of Professor Munson’s classes have ended that he was visited by the very last person he wanted to see.
As he charmed the books to float back to their spaces on the bookshelf, the quills to flutter back into their pot on his desk, and the chalkboard to erase itself- he heard the steady tread of Coach Harrington’s sneakers squeaking on his spelled floor.
No one was going to get the drop on Munson any longer.
He heaved a great sigh as soon as the man rounded the corner, the smell of his alluring cologne wafted under his nose and the pissy bitch face he held on full display.
“Twelve inches, Munson. Seriously?”
“I’m sorry, you’re going to have to specify as to what you are referring to,” he shot over his shoulder with an impish grin, “I get confused when inches are involved.”
Went straight over his perfectly coiffed hair. How it stayed artfully messy after being in the air all day was a mystery that Eddie was leery of solving.
“What are you babbling about? I’m talking about Sinclair’s wrongful homework. He had a note, he doesn’t need to be punished for-”
“You made him miss my class,” Eddie leaned over his desk, splaying his fingers wide and balancing on their tips, “for a game.”
Why the oaf was gazing at his hands instead of gracing him with privilege of looking Eddie in the eye as he spoke he would never know, “for more than just a game-”
“Eyes up here, Harrington.”
He honestly enjoyed the baffled sputter a little too much but the man recovered quickly, “Look I get you’re pissed but maybe you could direct all this bitchiness to either the headmaster or your partner instead of at me.”
“I don’t have a partner and even if I did? He’d probably know that I and the choir have been working so hard since the start of the year to perform for the other schools to open up the idea of blended alumni. And that includes Lucas.” Eddie straightened, fire in his eyes at the boiling anger he was feeling, years of being mistreated and pushed aside by the very same calibre of jock that was standing in front of him now, “But you don’t seem to care about that. All you airheads are the same, nothing matters to any of you unless its balls through holes.”
He watched as Coach Harrington’s lips pressed together, mirth danced in his eyes and were his shoulders twitching? Asshole. He seemed to think this was funny.
“And yeah, laugh it up, big boy,” Eddie rolled his eyes, throwing up his hands in pure irritation, “We have worked our asses off this whole year, everyone knows their parts- and then here you come in swinging your big ass broom-”
“My what now?”
“Don’t act like you don’t know,” Eddie snorted delicately, “you act like everyone will just do whatever you want and fall all over ourselves like you’re charming or something-“
“Oh that’s all you.”
What? And why was he looking at him like that, squinting his puppy dog eyes like Eddie was some kind of toy for him to chew on.
“Right and here I thought we could have an adult conversation-”
“You started cursing not me-”
“Baby when I start cursing you’ll know,” Eddie knew he made a mistake as soon as he said it judging by his sudden shift. Eddie backed up a step, his hand finding his wand tucked inside his worn, denim waistcoat, “You will not do that again, Coach Harrington. I may not be able to do anything about Sinclair missing the most important night for us, but I will not allow my student to miss a class to train for a blasted game. The next time this happens, I’m taking it up with the Headmaster. I expect his parchment by Friday, when he comes back to my class.”
“Look I get that you’re mad, but can’t take it out on a student-”
“No see,” Eddie shook his head, lips thinned in anger, “that’s where you’re wrong. Lucas Sinclair has a voice- weaves beautifully with Mayfield’s- and he could have used it to tell you, ‘this will have to wait until after class’. Yet he didn’t.”
Eddie stared the other man down, he did so enjoy the look of fear and awe on the other’s man’s face. “You both chose a game over something that was important for the future of two other schools, for other students to be nearer to their families in a blended school, but he chose a flying lesson over his enrolled class. Be glad I haven’t given him detention or thrown him out of my class to take again next semester. His home work still stands. You’re dismissed.”
Steve held his hands up, helpless kicked puppy look and Eddie hated the twinge of guilt that he put that look there. Coach Harrington knew what he was doing, thought he could waltz right in and try to win Eddie over with his dazzling smile and his cute jeans-
Stop it. Absolutely not. He even shook his head for emphasis. Dared to watch the back of those cute jeans as they turned to leave his classroom, only to turn ever so slightly at the doorframe-
“Look I know I messed up here, like a lot,” and dear god not only was Eddie treated to the most perfect of rear silhouettes, but now he knew exactly which way Coach Harrington dressed. Nice. “Is there anyway I can make it up to you?”
Oh he wasn’t playing fair. Eddie may be a professor, did a lot of schooling- but to be fairly honest he squeaked the hell by; he honestly wasn’t sure if the coach was fucking with him or not.
Eddie considered his offer, hind brain supplying him with every single thing Coach Harrington could do to unruffled Eddie’s feather before he firmly squashed that down. It wouldn’t do any good to court fantasies about your straight co workers anyway. But still-
“We’ll see. After Friday.”
Steve beamed at him, throwing finger guns of all things before impishly chirping, “it’s a date!”
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
(It's a friend's ask)
Hii! Can I have a marvel macthup please?
Well, I'm a 5´6 feet girl with a tomboy black hair and dark brown eyes. I'm also an INFP and demissexual, my favorite color is black, my favorite season is winter, I really like cloudy and rainy days( they give me comfort), I don't enjoy leave my home to go to noisy and crowded places unless I'm with my friends ( the close ones). My hobbies are watch animes/ asian dramas in general, draw, read and listen to musics while i'm looking to the moon. My friends kinda describe me as intelligent, gentle, loyal, weird sometimes, emo and funny. I love my family, my best friend and my few other friends, they are everything to me and the only people I can trust, like, I put my hands in the fire for them. Guess that my most terrible defect is compare myself with others, due to that I'm always trying do be perfect, mainly in the school subjects. My ideal type is someone who gives me confidence, respect my time ( due to my demissexuality), smart, deeper, like to play video games ( I forgot to put it in my hobbies),like animes, like to talk about everything ( even the nonsense subjects), someone who are there for me, cuz I will always be there for the people I love, to sum up I want a soulmate relationship. Personally, I like tall guys, however what metters to me is the person's character. Oh, and if this is a relevant detail, I'm raveclaw. That's it, bye and sorry for any mistakes, Im brazilian and its been a while that I don't write an English text. Hope you have a good day or night. Peace✌🏻 💞✨
Hi!!! Thank you for the ask!!
I match you with…
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Peter Parker!!!
I definitely feel that Peter will respect you for who you are, no matter who you may be.
I think Peter is a firm supporter of the LGBTQ+ Community, so he is very supportive of you being Demi. He tries his best to understand, making sure to ask you lots of questions.
A great boy to just chill with! Like you, he loves rainy days and cold winter mornings. He loves being cuddled up by the fire, warm drinks to accompany the tv show playing.
(also have you met him??? He’s TOTALLY a ravenclaw!)
I hope you enjoyed this!! ❤️
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nyanggk · 2 years
idk anything about potter but u re the first person who said they got it right lol
literally, the concept of the sorting hat is not what ppl think (oh no... I'm sorry for the weird amount of knowledge for hp)
so like what was said in the books, the sorting hat takes into consideration what house you want to BE in not where you SHOULD be. a students house doesn't indicate whether or not they truly belong there as there are some students who qualify for more tjan 1 or even for 4 of them — take cedric diggory for example, a hufflepuff who exceeded expectations and qualifies for EVERY HOUSE (believe me he does) however, the sorting hat picked him to be in hufflepuff
a students house doesn't indicate whom they are as a person per se (if you're smart you're raveclaw, if you're brave you're gryffindor), it's who they WANT to become in the future — we even see it in the first book when Harry was being sorted. the sorting hat says that he'd be a great slytherin, but he didn't want to be there, and so, the sorting hat took that into account and placed him in gryffindor. and there for, this rant is over
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The Yule Ball
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Regulus's POV
Today is the day. The day I have dreaded for a long time, but right now I am not dreading anything. Ever since we were told that a ball will be held, I had hated it. The love sick couples, girls all swooning everywhere, the boys all running wild with hormones, I hated it all. But since last night I have been excited about it.
Last night we sat under the stars, eating the leftovers I had managed to bag for us, talking about everything and kissing each other messily. The thrill, excitement and mystery of not knowing what was going to happen today, was overwhelming.
While talking last night I had found out that Y/N was going to the ball with Todd Anderson, a fellow Hufflepuff. I, of course, wasn't thrilled about it, but there was nothing I could do.
Right now I was in my dorm room, tying my dress shoes when I heard Evan come out of the bathroom. Everyone else in our dorm had already left. When he walked out, he was wearing a dark brown over coat with frills all over it. He quickly went over to the big mirror and looked at himself.
"Murder me, Regulus." He sighed with a disgusting look on his face. When I went and stood behind him, he quickly said "Where did you get that?"
"Mum sent it." I said scared for my life.
"Well give it to me." He said on his way to grab my robes.
"What? Why?" I said stepping back.
"Because I need it. You look good in anything and you don't even have a date. I do and need to impress her."
"Well it's not my fault you look like you great aunt."
"Oh God." He whined. "I look like my great aunt Tessie." He smelled his armpit and said "I smell like my great aunt Tessie."
"You don't look that bad." I tried to console him, but it had no effect on him. After a few minutes of trying to calm Evan down we finally reached the great hall.
"What are you wearing?'' His date said, disgusted.
"Robes. What are you wearing?" He replied.
"I'm not going in there with you." She said.
"What? Why?"
"Because you look like shit. And the deal was, that you will not look like shit and we would make Marcos jealous. But now it won't even effect him, so no deal, no date." She said and walked into the great hall.
I patted Evan on the back and said "It's alright mate."
"If it means anything to you." Came a small voice behind us. "I think you look great."
Turning around we found out it was Scarlet from Raveclaw. Before Evan could say anything else, she quickly went inside that hall.
"That's it. I'm dying today." He said. He always had a little crush on Scarlet, but he tried not to show it.
"You're not dying today." I said.
"But you are." He said and pointed towards the stairs behind me. When I turned around, there she was. Y/N, my Y/N looking like a goddess. She was wearing a beautiful, sparkly, blue dress, her hair was falling perfectly on his shoulder, her lips looked extremely kissable and her eyes shown like diamonds in the sky.
"Wow." I whispered. I was truly speechless, I had never seen such beauty before in my entire life. She saw me too, and with twinkling eyes he slightly lifted her dress to show the sneakers she was wearing.
"Dude you are done for it." Said Even.
I couldn't reply as I was still mesmerised by Y/N's beauty. She came down the stairs where Todd was waiting for her. He was not staring at her, like everyone should be, he was staring at Neil. A guy from Gryffindor. Upon reaching him Y/N snapped him out of his thoughts and whispered something in his ears making him blush.
"All the champions." Came McGonagall's voice. "I hope you remember the dance, we will be starting soon."
All of the champions lined up quickly with their dates. At the font was Ivan with the other champion Clementine. The second person was James with Lily Evans and at the end was my beautiful, beautiful Y/N.
The music started playing and they started walking inside. There were cheers for Ivan and Clementine, all of Hogwarts shouted when James went in. Before entering the hall, she stood next to me waiting. When she turned her head towards me, I almost forgot to breath. I, subtlety, put my hand forward for her and she held it. But not for long, as she had to enter the great hall. Till the end her hand was intertwined with mine, but soon it was gone.
For the next few minutes we watched the champions dance, and soon enough everyone joined. They all danced with grace and elegance, even Evan had managed to get a dance with Scarlet, but I just stood on the sidelines, watching the sweet creature in front of me. After hours, Todd and Y/N came out of the crowd of people, Todd went to find his friends as Y/N sat down where her friends were sitting.
She searched the room for someone, it seemed, till he eyes landed on me. She gave me a tiny smile, the one you could miss if you blinked, I reciprocated it. Before anyone of us had the chance to do something, Ethan came and whispered something in to her ears. She whispered something back, he nodded and the Y/N got up from her seat and walked out of the great hall.
"Hey" said Evan. "Go to the astronomy tower. Now."
"Why?" I asked.
"Black for once in your life, listen to me. It's for your own good."
"Alright." I said. "Just making sure none of you are out to kill me or anything." I mumbled out the last part before leaving.
I took my own sweet time reaching the astronomy tower, since I wasn't keen on the fact that I had no clue what was going on. I reached the tower, taking my own sweet time. On the top I was greeted by the most beautiful creature of this world.
"I thought you weren't going to come." She said, slightly leaning against the railing. "Or you finally came to your senses and left me for me."
I couldn't answer, because I had had my eyes on her the whole evening, but everytime I saw her I saw God.
"I haven't broken you have I?" She chuckled, turinig around. In a matter of seconds I was next to her. Grabbing her hin I turned her dance to mine and kissed her. I have been waiting for that the whole evening.
Her lips moved against mine so naturally, for a second I thought I had died. The kind kf deat that you are fully aware of, and jave bo control over it. She tasted like the cheese, grapes and Butterbear. I wondered if she could taste the fire whiskey on mine.
None of us wanted to pull back, but the lack of oxygen made us do so. Resting my forehead against, eyes still closed, I could feel her heart beating in her chest.
"You'll be the fucking death of me, Potter."
"God I hope not."
With that we were back at it again. Kissing each other as if the world ended tomorrow and this was the last embrace we ever share.
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aspoonofsugar · 2 years
Of your favorite RWBY characters, which Hogwarts houses do you think they would be in?
Hello anon!
Mmmm, let's see...
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Ruby has honestly traits of each house :’’’)... I would put her in Ravenclaw though since at the beginning of the story she prefers weapons over people... her ability to think outside the box is also one of her best traits and she is a huge nerf :’’’)
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Weiss is a slytherin that slowly turns into a gryffindor :’’’) She starts ambitious and focused on achievements and status... only to realize later on she doesn’t care at all about these things. What she cares about is her loved ones and people in general. This transformation might fit both a Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor, but her princess and knight imagery just keep screaming gryffindor to me.
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She is a raveclaw that must learn how to be more of a gryffindor. And she succeeds clearly. No more scredy cat.
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Obviously she is Blake’s opposite aka a Gryffindor that must learn to become more of Ravenclaw. And she succeeds... “I may not be faster... But I am smarter”.
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He is a Gryffindor, but everyone thinks he is a hufflepuff :’’)
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She is a hufflepuff, but everyone thinks she is a gryffindor ;)
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She is a roaring gryffindor
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He is a hufflepuff, I think... not so sure tbh.
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He is a Gryffindor who is bravely trying to figure himself out.
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She is ambitious, she looks for power and is a master at manipulating others... Slytherin it is :P
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She is a Slytherin... I mean... she is Cinder’s inner child, isn’t it? Anyway... Em is streetmart, manipulative and full of talent... all things Slytherins like.
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He is a Slytherin as well... for the same reasons as Em basically... really Cinder’s inner kids are like her :P
Anyway, when it comes to Em and Merc I am expecting them to show other sides of themselves once they are free from their abusers... so we’ll see... I would not be surprised if they turned out to be both hufflepuffs :P
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Hufflepuff, hufflepuff, hufflepuff! She is the embodyment of hufflepuffs!
Thank you for the ask!
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durmstrange · 4 years
What’s Stopping You? - Neville Longbottom
Hello and welcome to another Neville blurb! This one was requested anon “Hello there! I’m a new follower but I just want to say that I absolutely love your writing and I simply can’t get enough of it. I especially ove how accurate the characters are portrayed! If it isn’t any trouble, could I request something extra fluffy with Neville? Feel free to make it about anything, but could I request it be a Ravenclaw reader? If you can’t, it’s alright, I just hope this message brightens your day. Thank you! :)”
First of all, that message made my whole week great. Second of all, I love writing about Neville, so I hope you enjoy!
Flashbacks are in italics.
Word count: 891
Expressing your feelings and emotions was always rather difficult for you. In fact, you often kept your words and feelings bottled in, soaking up all the sadness and anger you felt until you burst. During one of your bursts if when you met Neville.
Tears streamed relentlessly down your cheeks as you sat on one of the few non-moving stairwells in the castle, leading to the Astronomy Tower. It was rare for students to be on those stairs during the day, which is exactly why you chose that to be your breakdown spot. As you struggled to breath through your sobs, you missed the footsteps coming up the steps. With your head in your hands, your sobs raked through your entire body.
“Are you all right?” An awkward sounding and worried voice asked you, making you jump and wipe your eyes with the edge of your Raveclaw robes.
Quickly, you looked away, hiding your face from the boy you recognized in your year as Neville Longbottom. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you answered pathetically as you scooted over on the step, allowing room for Neville to pass by. “I’m sorry for being in the way.”
Instead of walking by, Neville lowered himself onto the stair next to you, keeping a safe distance between the two of you. “You’re obviously not,” he observe as you continued to wipe the tears that fell from your face. “Do you want to talk about it?” You shook your head. “Do you want to be alone?” Again, you shook your head. Neville nodded gently, stretching his legs out in front of the two of you, down the stairs, and removed a book from his bag. “Well, I’ll be here then, if you don’t mind.”
As you calmed down, Neville remained on the stairs with you, silently reading his book in front of him. After a few moments, you took a final deep breath to calm your sobbing and wiped the final tears from your eyes. “I’m (Y/N),” you murmured quietly, causing Neville to look up.
“Neville,” he responded and held his hand out. Carefully, you shook his hand. “I hope you’re all right. If I can do anything, I’d be more than happy to try.”
With a small, sad smile forming on your lips, you shook your head gently. “You’ve done enough, Neville. Thank you.”
Neville smiled widely, a slight blush playing on his cheeks. “Anytime.”
From that moment on, Neville had quickly become your person. He became your closest friend, your secret keeper, your everything. Naturally, you quickly began to develop feelings for that boy, and had the feeling that he felt the same.  Over time, you began to show subtle hints to Neville that you liked him, brushing your hand against his, looking at his lips when you were alone, imagining what it would be like to kiss him, but he never moved to advance your relationship. 
One rainy Sunday, as you finished up a Potions essay due the next morning, Neville sat next to you in the library amongst the shelves, out of view of the rest of the students and Madam Pince. You could tell Neville was distracted, as he kept picking up and setting his quill down without writing anything, and sighing softly. You set your essay down gently and turned to Neville. “Are you all right? What’s on your mind?” You asked him as you reached out, taking his hand into yours.
Neville looked up as if he were surprised that you had noticed his uneasiness. “Oh, nothing, (Y/N). Sorry for worrying you.”
You furrowed your eyebrows gently. “Well, if you don’t want to talk about it, that’s all right. Just know I’m always here to listen.” With that, you stood and began browsing the shelves behind the table you previously sat at. As you browsed them, running your fingers along each and every cover, you failed to notice Neville standing from his spot and hovering behind you.
Neville rubbed his sweaty hands on his pants, swallowing hard and trying to muster up any and all courage he possibly could. “Actually,” Neville murmured, making you turn with a surprised look on your face. “I really want to kiss you, and its making me incredibly anxious and frustrated.” Neville’s face was beet red in that moment, and he only grew redder as you smiled at him.
“Well, what’s stopping you?”
It took a moment for Neville to evaluate and over process your words, but after they sunk into his mind, he quickly wrapped a hand around your waist, bringing you up against him, and he kissed you gently. Your hands cupped his face, and you kissed him back with all you had.  
Neville walked you backwards, your back pressing against the bookshelf and his body pressed against you.  His other hand found your face as well, and he held you as if you would disappear at any moment.  
After a moment, the two of you broke away, face reddened and breaths shallow.  You looked at Neville, his pupils dilated and a flustered but blissful look on his face.  “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to do that,” you laughed gently, your nose scrunching up at him. 
Neville chuckled as well, leaning his forehead against your own.  “You have no idea how long I’ve been thinking about doing that.” 
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incorrect-karasuno · 4 years
-'ᴋᴀʀᴀsᴜɴᴏ ᴀᴛ ʜᴏɢᴡᴀʀᴛs'-
What the different Karasuno students would be like if they were witches and wizards attending Hogwarts. 
Pt. 1
Daichi Sawamura 
•  Gryffindor 
•  7th year
•  Half-Blood
• Has a pet barn owl
•  Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team (He's a Chaser)
•  Totally not fraternizing with the enemy by dating a Slytherin Keeper 
• On good terms with the other Quidditch Captains, he has a friendly rivalry with Slytherin's Captain, Kuroo
• He's still very much a dad to, not only the entire team, but all of Gryffindor
• Okay, but one time, Tanaka accidentally sent a Bludger at Daichi during a match and he got knocked out and fell off his broom
• Everyone thought he died,, but he woke up a few days later and Suga let him have it (he was very worried)
• Head Boy? Head Boy.
• Sometimes gets in trouble because someHOW Nishinoya and Tanaka rarely get caught for their pranks (he's just in the wrong place at the wrong time)
• Has decent grades, but only seems to be good at Transfiguration
• Has blown up more than five cauldrons this semester,, that is why he keeps his hair short
• Dude eats a TON in the Great Hall,, it's insane
• One time, Hinata tried to jinx Kageyama and it backfired and ended up hitting the Headmaster and Daichi had to deal with it
• He stills has nightmares about it and avoids the Headmaster at all costs
• He wants to be an Auror
Sugawara Koushi
• Slytherin
• 7th year 
• Pure Blood
• Has a pet snowy owl
•  Co-captain of Slytherin Quidditch team (He's a Keeper)
•  Totally not fraternizing with the enemy by dating the Gryffindor Quidditch captain
• Still a great mom figure to all of Slytherin
• A really sweet and caring Slytherin but you better not cross him, he's a scary guy to have as your enemy
• Excels in a lot of his classes, one of the top students at Hogwarts
• That being said, VERY gifted with magic
• Like,, is he even real?? The dude's an actual ANGEL
• But those close to him will disagree and will say that he fits the stereotypical Slytherin, scheming and sneaky
• He'll pout and say that's not true though (it totally is)
• Sneaks out lot for being Head Boy (never gets into trouble)
• He wants to become a Professor at Hogwarts once he graduates
Ashai Azumane 
•  Hufflepuff 
• 7th year
•  Pure Blood
• Has a pet great grey owl
•  Hufflepuff Keeper 
•  Joined Quidditch after Nishinoya pratically forced him to (he wanted some friendly competition with Ashai) 
• He quit Quidditch for some time during his 6th year and only came back recently, reclaiming his old position
• Because of his looks, he's very intimidating so everyone who first sees him is shocked when they find out he's a Hufflepuff
• Great friends with other Houses' Quidditch players (Daichi, Suga, and Noya)
• Really would like to take a nap,, please,,
• Would also really like to not go into the Shrieking Shack with Nishinoya again, please and thank you
• Bro, dude fell into the lake when he first arrived at Hogwarts
Nishinoya Yuu
•  Gryffindor 
•  6th year
•  Muggle Born
• Has a pet pygmy owl
•  Gryffindor Seeker
• He's probably the best Seeker Gryffindor's had since Harry Fucking Potter
• Dude can hang from his broom with one limb to give him more arm length to capture the snitch
• Loves to do flips and shit on his broom yelling, "ROOLLLINGU SUNDAAAR" during practices
• Him and Tanaka are the Fred and George of the time period
• He gets into a lot of trouble because of his passion for Quidditch and magic
• He's,, REALLY passionate about magic, he loves being at Hogwarts
• Like,, he doesn't like going home for the holidays because he would rather be at Hogwarts
• But he's not very great at magic,, the grades say it all
• He's trying to get better though!! (In order to stay on the team)
• Tends to sneak out during the night because he wants to see a werewolf
• Has befriended the squid in the lake
Tanaka Ryuunosuke 
•  Gryffindor 
• 6th year
•  Pure Blood
• Has a pet toad
• Gryffindor Beater
• Really great at Quidditch, it's his passion
• Though, one time, he knocked Daichi unconscious during a match and he felt REALLY bad
• Everything was good though, no hard feelings (But Suga yelled at him afterwards and it was scary)
•  Him and Noya are partners in crime, practically Fred and George
• He doesn't get in trouble as much as Noya, but he still gets in trouble a lot
• Your stereotypical loud, crazy, over the top Gryffindor but we swear, he's really friendly!
• Also,, does not have the best grades. At all. He's trying to get them better though, or he'll be off the team
• His sister was a Gryffindor before him and sometimes he feels like he's in her shadow
• That being said, his sister also told him a bunch of stuff about Hogwarts before he went for the first time
• The stuff ended up being false and the ghosts scared him shitless
• Dude eats so much though during feasts
• Loves to challenge/intimidate first year Gryffindors (gets in trouble for it)
Ennoshita Chikara
•  Gryffindor 
•  6th year
•  Half Blood 
• Has a pet Snowshoe cat
•  Gryffindor Chaser
• Left Quidditch for a good while because practices became too much and he wanted fo focus on his studies instead
• Nishinoya and Tanaka's 'babysitter' (he keeps them in check) 
• He also helps tutor other Gryffindors since he has great grades (and a even greater sense of patience)
•  Surprisingly good natured for a Gryffindor 
• People don't think he should have been in Gryffindor and he gets a bit upset by it, but Daichi always reassures him that he's a model Gryffindor
• Will most likely resume team Captain once Daichi and co-captain Bokuto graduate
• Great friends with Suga actually! (He mainly complains/rants about Tanaka and Nishinoya)
• Has a slight crush on Tanaka, but will never admit or act on it
• lord help this poor guy
Kinoshita Hisashi
• Ravenclaw
• 6th year
•  Muggle Born
• Has a pet spotted owl
• He's a Chaser on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team
• Quidditch isn't really his top priority but he enjoys it, it something to get his mind off things
• He took took some time off of the team when practices got in the way of studies and his grades started to slip
• Eventually came back though because the rest of his friends were playing
• He's a tutor who occasionally helps Ennoshita out with the Gryffindor problem children
• Occasionally likes to cause trouble by jinxing hallways and pictures,, but only occasionally
• He's dating Narita and they occasionally are wearing each other's robes
• Enjoys Defense Against the Dark Arts
Narita Kazuhito 
• Hufflepuff
•  6th year 
• Pure Blood
• Has a pet tawny owl
• Hufflepuff Chaser
• He's actually pretty good at the sport and is very popular with his peers
• He did leave at one point though because he didn't enjoy playing it as much, but eventually he was convinced to go back to the team
• An absolute sweetheart, we love him
• Often watches Ennoshita try and tame Nishinoya and Tanaka with Kinoshita from a distance
• Enjoys studying with his friends and Herbology
• Is dating Kinoshita and he gets teased by others whenever they see him in the wrong robes (Kinoshita's robes, to be precise)
• How does he get free treats from Hogsemeade?? Like??
• Don't worry, he shares
• But honestly, a model student
Kageyama Tobio
• Slytherin 
•  5th year 
•  Pure Blood 
• Has a pet Ragamuffin cat (it doesn't like him)
•  Slytherin Keeper
• Practically breathes Quidditch 
• He was an immediate star when he first came to Hogwarts, quickly display lots of skill for the sport
• Was taken under Suga's wing because Oikawa didn't want to help him (for whatever reason, the guy doesn't like him)
• Whenever they go against Gryffindor, he's constantly yelling at the red hair Chaser
• Terrible at Care of Magical Creatures
• Doesn't have a pet because all the animals seem to hate him
• Trying to send mail is a hassle, the owls don't like him
• That being said, he's really bad at Care of Magical Creatures
• I mean, he's bad at every class (his grades suck) but mainly CoMC because the creatures seem to dislike him
• He also does not understand Muggle technology,, like,, at all
• Someone help the poor boy
• Consumes an ungodly amount of butterbeer
Hinata Shoyo
• Gryffindor 
•  5th year
•  Half Blood 
• Has a pet elf owl
•  Gryffindor Chaser (wants to be a Seeker)
• Was told he couldn't play the role of Seeker because he didn't have the "capabilities"
• Well, now he does, but he's still a Chaser
• He's pretty good at it, but kinda sucks at catching the ball when it's thrown to him
• And that is why the Slytherin keeper with the black hair yells at him during Gryffindor vs. Slytherin matches
• Begged not to be in Slytherin after he saw Kageyama sorted into that house
• Tries to follow in Nishinoya and Tanaka's footsteps (but this will often get him into trouble)
• He's REALLY passionate about Quidditch
• Sometimes it gets in the way of ACTUAL school and his grades deteriorate
• Gets lectured by Daichi a LOT
• Mainly for his study habits and knack of getting into trouble with other houses
• That being said, he's very friendly and very popular,, almost everyone in every house knows about him
• He could use some help with Charms and History of Magic though
Tsukishima Kei 
• Ravenclaw 
• 5th year 
• Pure Blood 
• Has a pet Norwegian Forset cat
• Ravenclaw Keeper 
• Doesn't really care for the sport all that much, he honestly doesn't even know why he plays it 
• He figures it's because his brother was a Gryffindor Quidditch player at one time and he thought people expected him to do the same
• Ravenclaw lost a few games due to him not giving his all when it came to guarding the goal
• However, since he got some sense and motivation knocked into him, Raveclaw excels at winning Quidditch matches
• Like,, the dude's got mad skills
• Incredibly great at all the different subjects at Hogwarts (especially Charms) 
• Doesn't know why his best friend is a Hufflepuff, but he enjoys his company (will never say that aloud though)
• He wishes the Slytherin Captain would stop bothering him in the halls, along with the other Gryffindor co-captain
• Likes to spend time in the room of requirement
• He honestly can't wait till he leaves Hogwarts, but he does enjoy it there,, occasionally
Yamaguchi Tadashi 
• Hufflepuff
• 5th year 
• Half Blood
• Has a pet spectacled owl
• Hufflepuff Chaser 
• Decided to join Quidditch because Tsukki was joining 
• He was scared of it at first, being up so high, flying super fast, the bludgers, but has since overcome those fears
• Enjoys playing Quidditch
• He's not great at it, but he's training really hard to get better
• Y'know, like a hardworking Hufflepuff
• He was disappointed when Tsukishima was sorted into another house, but he's managed to work around it
• The other Hufflepuffs wonder why he spends time around such a stoic Ravenclaw, but he never really explains why
• He's got a little crush on him, that's why
• Oh and on their team's manager
• God,, why is everyone so pretty??? (Guess he's into smart blondes)
• He gets pretty decent grades because Yachi and Tsukishima help him out with the classes he struggles with
• He enjoys Astrology and spends a lot of his free time in the Astrology tower looking at the stars
• He's also become good friends with the red haired Gryffindor (much to Tsukishima's disappointment)
• But he really is super shy when you first meet him, but is really helpful and friendly once you get to know him
• Magic scares him a little bit though
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Book recommendations based on your Hogwarts house!
A/N I’ve been watching a lot of these videos on youtube and it inspired me to make this post! I hope you enjoy. I love Harry Potter and the fandom but just to be clear I don’t support J.K Rowling and her trans/homophobic statements and the fact that she is ruining the series by adding more to it.
Ravenclaw house 💙🦅(my house)
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The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown
This book just screams Ravenclaw to me. The cults, the science, the research, the history, the small facts on the Smithsonian... literally everyting except the characters themselves and the plot is real. There is so much knowledge to be gained from reading this book and the plot is thick and exciting. 
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Strange the Dreamer duology by Laini Taylor
Another book that screams Ravenclaw... Strange the Dreamer and the world and the culture is so thick and is presented in lyrical and intelligent word play that any self respecting Ravenclaw should definitely give this book a try. You will not be disappointed! I know I wasn’t! The main character (Lazlo Strange) is also a Ravenclaw so that is always a perk. 
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This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
This book is like a well thought out chess game. The writing styles that the two authors develop is addicting and the letters going back and forth between the two character is so intriguing. There so much strategy and wit in this book that I had to put it on this list for Ravenclaw. 
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Wendy Darling by Colleen Oarkes
I love this book so much. I think it’s a book that is worthy of Ravenclaw just because of it’s creativity and the twist that Colleen Oakes put on Peter Pan. I think sometimes we forget that it isn’t just wit, wisdom, and knowledge (although this book is definitely witty and has some wise messages) that Ravenclaws value but also creativity. 
Bonus book: Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. This book is the most Ravenclaw book ever. Need I say more. 
Gryffindor ❤️🦁
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Lore by Alexandria Bracken
The plot is tense, most of the characers are Gryffindors, book praises bravery, cowardice is something that is punishable ad frowed upon... the list goes on and on. Lore is filled with high stakes and brave acts that Gryffindor’s will admire.  
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Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
It was so hard to put one of my all time favorite books in here just solely because it’s not my house (that was not a dig on Gryffindor please don’t attack me). Bree is such a Gryffindor and does so many of the things I can see the golden trio doing. High stakes, daring acts, Gryffindor cast, a Griffindor x Griffindor relationship, perfect for any Gryffindor looking for a book full of twist and turns and bravery. 
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The City we Became by N.K Jemisin
This one gives me Gryffindor vibes for the same reasons the other ones do (thrills, daring acts, Gryffindor characters etc). Except for one thing. This book could have easily been placed into Slytherin since the main character uses his cunning to change his identity according to what city he is in at the moment. But I put this book here because I think it shows how Gryffindor and Slytherin are two sides of the same coin. 
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Raft by S.A Bodeen
This one was a bit of stretch. Raft is a bit of a unpopular book, I’ve seen people say it was just meh, or bad. I actually really enjoyed this book though and I think how the main character (Robie) deals with being stranded and jumping out of a plane to survive gives me Gryffindor feels. I also think Gryffindors are the kind of people to enjoy a good survival book. 
Bonus: The Hunger Games
Slytherin 💚🐍
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Vicious duology by V.E Schwab
Most (if not all) of the characters in this book are so cunning and ambitious and determined to meet their goal that makes it such a Slytherin book. Vicious also makes you question morality and the characters motivations that Slytherins will appreciate this book even more because of it. Bonus: V.E Schwab is a Slytherin. Just saying. 
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The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
I don’t know what about this book makes me think “Slytherin” but it does. Maybe it’s because it’s about using magic in a cunning way to win, the characters, the main characters mentors (although I think they are both definitely Slytherins). But this book screams Slytherin to me, just for unknown reasons. 
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Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
I don’t really think I need to explain why this is a Slytherin read so I’ll just put one character name: Kaz Brekker. Kaz is such a Slytherin. He uses cuning and resourcefulless to pull off crazy heists, blackmail people and get what he wants to survive a gang ridden city. And he he put up a calm face even though he may be freaking out on the inside through everything, never revealing his full plan. I feel like these are all such Slytherin things to do, not gonna lie. 
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Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian
Oh boy, I could right pages and pages on why I think this is a Slytherin book but I’ll stick to a mini paragraph. The “Ash Princess”, Theodosia, uses cunning and strategy to take back her kingdom. She manipulates to get close to certain people to achieve her goal. And even though she doesn’t necessarily think that these are good things to do, she recognizes taking her kingdom back and acheiving her goal is more important.  Sound like a certain house? 
Bonus: Son of a Witch by Gregory Maguire (So many Slytherin vibes in this book)
Hufflepuff 💛🌿🦡 (I had to put a plant just as a nod to the Hufflepuff common room)
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Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares by Rachel 
This. Book. Is. So. Cute. I didn’t put this in here just because it was cute though, after reading it, it gave me so many feels and Hufflepuff vibes that I had to put it here. 
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Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay 
Just going to say this: Hufflepuffs are great finders. This whole book centers around a girl finding her brother. She shows loyalty because she travels around the world to find him. Does that seem extrememly Hufflepuff-y or is it just me? 
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Guardians of Childhood series by William Joyce
Hear me out, every Hufflepuff has an inner child as well as a badass inside them, they aren’t all soft (Tonks is proof). The guardians are protectors of children (as the title indicates) but they also kick butt. I think Hufflepuff’s of all ages will enjoy it, and yeah it’s a kids book but to quote C.S Lewis; “someday you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again”. 
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Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Ok though, but Pride and Prejudice could fit everywhere on here. Lizzie is a Raveclaw, Mr. Darcy is a Hufflepuff, Mrs. Bennet is a Gryffindor (she gives me Mrs. Weaseley vibes. Especially in the 2005 movie), etc. But I’m putting it here because it’s such a Hufflepuff thing to ship Mr. Darcy and Lizzie (seriously though every Hufflepuff I’ve met say that this is their OTP). Just read it and watch as it become your OTP too.  
Bonus: Peter and the Starcatchers by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson
I do not own any of the pictures used. 
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swordofpevensie · 3 years
You already said which Hogwarts house each Pevensie would be in but what do you think the house each of the Pevensies S/O would be?
what an excellent question!! omg thank you so much for asking! ♡
please keep in my that these are my opinions and what i think. i'm not saying these are canon or must be in the way i say.
the houses between () are pevensies' houses.
okay, let's begin:
lucy (gryffindor): i believe lucy's partner would be a hufflepuff. why? let me explain. first of all, i like hufflepuff x gry pairings because a reckless person being with a very loving and caring person is so cute to me. lucy'd fall in love with a person who loves and cares people, animals, nature, and almost everything. besides, lucy would value loyalty. not only just being loyal to your partner but also being loyal to what you love. lucy would love someone being passionate about anything because she herself is person like that. also, compassion and honesty are both very important things to lucy. lucy doesn't like liars because being dishonest is one of the worst and horrible things according to her. and compassion. having compassion on any living creature and valuing their being and wellness also would attract lucy.
edmund (ravenclaw): slytherin. because edmund would absolutely love a ambitious partner who sees things they do through. also he'd love the realism his partner has. also a partner determined to achieve even the smallest thing would attract him. also, sassiness and boldness? edmund is in. as a raveclaw, he himself is sassy and witty too and he'd love to see them in his partner's slytherin way. edmund is a person who likes the taste of victory, and he tastes it by working effectively. so, a partner who is ambitious and determined to achieve what they wish by trying every way possible is the perfect partrer for edmund.
susan (slytherin): ravenclaw (or maybe a sly like herself). susan isn't a person who will be attracted to physical power or pure courage. and she is too realistic to be attracted to a positive, cheerful, sunshine person (i'm not saying this because i think being a person like that is a bad thing, i'm just trying to explain things in the way i believe susan would think, please don't be offended). susan loves logic and realism. she likes the pure truth. and a partner who'd meet her needs is a ravenclaw. a hard-working person who likes to think critically. susan would fall for a person who randomly tells a fact to her. susan would fall for a person who will answer her question by explaining with details and scientific facts. she'd like a creative person who can think different.
peter (hufflepuff): gryffindor. i think peter would fall a person who can risk their well-being for others. did you just punch that bully? peter is interested in you now. because he likes people who wants to protect those in need and do it without complaining, because they just want to. and as a hufflepuff, he would be worried sick about his partner but he'd also be so proud because his partner is doing the right thing, maybe in their own way. and i think he would find a daring person attractive. he himself is brave but when he needs to be. but he'd like a person who is brave naturally. he'd think it is cool and maybe envy it at some point. (not me imagining a peter fic where he meets his s/o when he is being bullied in school and his s/o comes and protects him by simply replying bullies in their own way)
but still, hogwarts houses don't determine someone's personality certainly. they could love anyone from any house. i just explained which house is more possible according to me. for example, i am a ravenclaw and in love with peter but i just said he'd fall for a gry. do you know how painful it was? it wasn't because he could easily like a ravenclaw too. nothing is certain or absolute. just possibilities! (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
okay, i hope you like it and i could explain myself clearly. if you don't understand or have further questions, please ask me because i llllove to talk about this topic (and aything you want to talk about).
and share what you think with me! ♡
and again, thank you so much for this brilliant question!! ♡
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small-angry-turtle · 4 years
W.I.T.C.H. Chinese element analysis
First version of this dissapeared, so Im gonna be salty the whole time. Im finally on my meds and I do what I want. Hogwarts houses are here for better understanding. Also, give this young man some love and protect him at all costs, he came up with the types.
This is just an experiment, take it or leave it.
Metal/Cornelia Hale
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Textbook Metal person, if you didn´t guess. 
Has high expectations both on herself and every other person. Gets depressed if she doesn´t meet them.
Someone would argue she belongs to Earth, but her solo player attitute tells me otherwise. Quick and efficient, does her shit very well.
Loves to show off, her paradise is huge wardrobe full of clothes and shoes. Extremely materialistic. Would choose quality over quantity.
She acts cold and tough, but she´s actually soft on the inside and hates, when people bring it up. Occasionally paranoid.
Needs attention.
Slytherin, mix of scholar, bussiness person and stereotype.
Water/Hay Lin
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Sensitive and emotional, cannot control herself when she falls in love with Eric. Wouldn´t defend herself when depressed cause who needs to live anyway.
Either happy and carefree or sad all the time.
Cannot cope with stress.
She is that kind of artist that thinks about her creations carefully, remakes it in her mind several times, unlike Fire people who have quick, short outbursts of inspiration.
Values past over present, sentimental, would make chinese food, art or clothing just for the sake of mental comfort (which is fine, don´t get me wrong).  
Support her, pls
Artistic/weirdo Ravenclaw, loves art in any form, would send you handmade amulets against July ghosts.
Wood/Will Vandom
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Creatively smart or chaotically dumb, there´s no in between.
She´s the person you always need in group project. 
She leads 4 completely different people, give her a break. She is the glue of everything.
She´s that type of person who either does absolutely nothing or 10 projects at once. Superwoman or burn-out, there´s no other option. 
She cannot learn for life about technical details, but once you teach it to her, she will magically find a solution to some problem, cause she knows people who know people. Values knowledge in her own way.
Gryffindor Leader, some brain cells, mostly intimidating aura.
Fire/Irma Lair
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Never shuts up. Save us.
She´s always in trouble, no one believes it was an accident.
Sharp, cares about your feeling only to to some extend. Brace yourselves against her puns. What are social norms.
Being a local celebrity in school radio is textbook Fire antics you´d like Fire people to participate in, otherwise, fear, it always can get worse.
Usually doesn´t get depressed, and if so, it´s only for short time. 
She is that time of student who doesn´t care about school at all, then she practically inhales knowledge in worrying speed. It always works.
Leader skills, to some extent. Don´t let her do it for longer period of time.
Comedian Hufflepuff, prepare for endless fun. Actually cares for her friends.     
Earth/Taranee Cook
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Let her chill and she will make even better work. 
Organized, her room is its own aesthetic. I´d let her design my room.
Bugs are chaos, get them out of her room.
Lashes out only when threatened, doesn´t like drama, stop fights, ya´ll.
Good teamworker, essential, but needs to get out more.
Caring and non-judging, doesn´t hold grudges, helps everyone who needs it. Elitism is bullshit.
Bookworm or toned-down Raveclaw stereotype, more bearable, kinda cool.
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rosaliepostsstuff · 4 years
hi, lovely! i saw that u aren't feeling your best, so i hope whatever's going on gets better soon. how about headcanons with draco x raveclaw!reader? their little stargazing dates in the astronomy tower, both being SarcasticB*tches™, comforting each other when things get too complicated, understanding the other's space and reading together in silence? just basically the little things that make their relationship unique and most people don't understand. thankss, xx✨
First of all, thank you for the kind words! ❤❤
I saw your second ask saying I could write for George instead, I haven't written anything for Draco yet but I'm up for a challenge and perhaps it's best to start with headcanons
I hope I do him and this request justice! Feel free to come for me if I don't
Your relationship with Draco was quite unique from the get go
Before you met him, you only knew him from the things you'd hear around the school
Or seeing his stunts
But you got paired up with him for an assignment once
You didn't know how seriously he'd take it
Of course you refused to give him the chance to half-ass his part of work because your mark would suffer too
So you'd meet up
While doing that work you'd gotten to know him and you had good banter immediately
Pretty boy wasn't as uptight as you were scared he'd be
It quickly changed into something deeper than that and you started dating
You didn't keep it a secret, you didn't care if people were talking
But you loved having him to yourself, away from others
You'd meet up in the astronomy tower and that's when the both of you could really let go
You could talk nonsense for hours
Again, the banter
Tea would be spilled
You could both unwind and let all the weight off your shoulders
It hurt learning just how much shit he has to deal with, mostly with his family
And you'd get all sappy seeing how genuinely he cares for your well being and listens to your problems too
You were the one to get him all soft
Or how he said stargazing was so cliché but then enjoyed it so much
And sometimes you sat in silence, reading or doing your own thing but enjoying each other's company
Not interacting much, but finding comfort in each other
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zekejeagrs · 3 years
hi rita! may I pls request an AoT male matchup? :)
I'm an ISFP, Raveclaw, ♏ girl (she/her) who loves to sing! I'd be the type to sing to my s/o, maybe sing them to sleep or something hehe~ I'm quiet, polite, and appreciative, but also very stubborn & short-tempered (tho I forgive just as quickly). I'm a loner since my shyness and awkwardness often get the best of me, but I like my time alone anyway :') I'm actually very friendly though, and love being silly around family (whom are very important to me!) I'm a bit on the sensitive side, I don't like showing it though. I'd prefer a family-oriented, understanding, and patient s/o! Can you also possibly write about my matchup as a spouse? I love domestic stuff :D
Thank you so much! Please take all the time you need! Stay safe and healthy~ (*´˘`*)♡
i hope you enjoy <3 !major spoilers for s2-s4!
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i match you with...
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Bertholdt Hoover!
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you and bertholdt started off as acquaintances in the 104th. he would notice that you’re often by yourself and not talking to people so he would offer a seat next to him in class or in the dinning hall (mainly because reiner would keep bugging him since he noticed how much bert stares at you). bertholdt, being the shy and reserved person he is, would be a bit quiet once you started sitting next to him. reiner would have to be the one starting the conversation and your friendly nature would continue it. bertholdt would be relived since he wants to get to know you but didn’t know what to say.
after spending more time with you, bertholdt would get to know a lot more about you and how much your family means to you. he’d understand why they matter so much to you because he joined the warrior program for his father to be able to get the proper care he needs. once bertholdt gathered the courage to ask you to be his girlfriend he would gain some confidence. he wouldn’t be as shy but he’d still be very respectful. you would probably have to take the lead most of the time. bertholdt is the type of boyfriend to give you tiny gifts like flowers he found and thought you’d like or maybe some hand written notes about how pretty you look. bert would also love cuddling up together under a tree and hear you sing to him. it would help calm him down and he just loves your voice. if you guys fall asleep, you’d most definitely wake up to him in a weird position, like two arms around you and the rest of his body is tangled in the sheets lmao. i feel like you’d invite him to meet your family and he would just be so amazed to see how much you open up when you’re with them. and he’d love your family so much but he’d be so nervous about making sure he makes a good impression .
in a different universe where things are different, you two would end up married and maybe move somewhere close to your family so you’d be comfortable knowing your family is close. bertholdt would do anything to make you happy and would cherish your relationship so much.
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bertholdt as your spouse
| bertholdt would be a nervous wreck trying to ask your family for your hand in marriage. he could know your family for ten years and he’d still be nervous. he just loves you so much and understands how important your family is that he’d need their approval to spend the rest of his life with you.
| once you two get married, you’d move in near your family so you two can have your independence but not be too far from home.
| berty would be the sweetest husband, he’d try to do all of the housework so you don’t have to. of course, you don’t let him since relationships should be 50/50 but he’d still insist.
| whenever you get angry at something, he would try to calm you down. he’d be like “ahh! okay no need to be angry!! please don’t get mad at me too!”
| if you two ever choose to be have kids, he would also be the sweetest dad. he’d love his kid(s) so much and would have a whole family album he made himself. in a modern au, he’d record your singing and play it when you’re not there and the kid(s) need to sleep.
| if you’re off at work and he has time off i feel like he’d just pop by your family’s house and chill with them?? like he’d gossip with your mom or grandma lmao.
| ahhh bertholdt would just be so gentle and kind and tall and a great husband.
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your runner up: marco bodt
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i hope you enjoyed! i had so much fun with the headcanons. <3 @ne-nene-ne
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tomionefinds · 3 years
Hi guys. I’m looking for a short story, could be a one shot or three. Hermione appears in Tom’s tent/room and Tom is intrigued. I honestly don’t remember much but at the end, Tom was still burrowed in her and realised this would be the last/only time. Tom then imperio-ed her into thinking she’d stay or be more inclined if he has sex with her like before.
Hey Anon,
I’m not sure I actually know this one. It sounded a lot like Crown of Dying Stars to me but then some of the details don’t match up so it may be a fic I haven’t read yet. Maybe one of our followers knows which fic it is for sure. -JD
A Crown of Dying Stars by NoFootprintsInSand
M | Complete | 3k
“The setting moon is but a shard in the sky, and it looks sharp and deadly. She wants to pluck it from its place in the heavens and run him through with it for making her feel like this.
For making her yearn.” **Thanks to @inactivegorl for finding this one!
Nothing Else Better to Do by NinjaFairy
E/Ma | One Shot | 5k
Tom Marvolo Riddle was supposed to be looking for Rowena Raveclaw's Diadem to make his next horcrux. Instead, he was spending his 25th birthday stuck inside a shitty cabin in Romania during a blizzard, getting utterly sloshed. Why?
Because he had absolutely nothing else better to do.
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