#but hes a cutie and he gives me some autism vibes which i love
Bart was on a snack run to Washington for a bag uniquely flavored gummy worms they had there and stopped somewhere in the woodlands on the way back when he heard someone crying.
In the deeps woods.
At night.
Under a full moon.
Thinking to himself, "It will be fine, I'm too fast to get murdered." He headed off towards to sound.
Danny clutched his stomach, trying to stem the bleeding when he heard a voice ask, "Why are you crying?"
He looked up to see someone else's face about an inch from his own and he fell back screaming. "Whoa! I didn't mean to scare you!"
Danny huffed, but didn't bother to get up. He wasn't sure if his wound would let him anyway, "What are you doing out here anyway?"
"Grocery shopping." Bart replied, holding up his bag for him to see. "What about you?"
"I uh, kinda crashed here. Where am I?"
"Washington. What do you mean you crashed here?"
Danny shrugged, apparently unwilling to answer. "I can help you get were you need to go, just leave it to me. I'm a speedster after all."
"No, its fine!" Danny said, still laying on the ground. The next thing he knew he was in the 'speedsters' arms.
"Just say the place and we'll be there in a-" Bart seemed to notice how wet Dannys shirt was and pulled his hand away to see it coated in blood, "wait you're shirts not red."
Danny, who was panicking, "No hospitals!"
I am not pleased with this but I woke up from a power nap and now my brain is that special brand of fuzzy
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5 + 1 Headcanons~!
Hehehehehe I was hoping and praying that someone would be foolish enough to tag me in this, and @zozo-01 and @ejunkiet activated my trap card lol thank you my darlings~
1. Alexis (and the Solaire Clan)
For some reason, I have had lots of thoughts about what kind of pets the Solaires like. Will is obviously a cat dude; we all love Bob Ross the cat. Sam is a dog kind of guy, because that makes it super funny he's dating a werewolf. Vincent seems like he'd like small, cuddly, fluffy animals like rabbits or hamsters to match his playful energy. In the isolated house Will gave her, on the edge of Solaire property, Alexis has a rescued parrot, because she can sympathize with a songbird that's been isolated from the rest of its flock. This is influenced by the my hc Alexis used to be a sonal energetic, wild parrots do actually fly about certain parts of Southern California, and Alexis would choose a pet with a long life span.
2. Love
My Love's name is Ariel! My thought process was that ETS, knowing that they wanted Love to go into the Meridian and that the only creatures who can directly interact with it are d(a)emons, would follow along with the d(a)emon naming convention. So Ariel is named after a star, albeit the artificial kind- an actual, British-American satellite that was launched in 1962.
3. Christian
Each and every one of you will have to drag surfer boy Christian out of my cold dead hands okay this is, like, one of the tenets of my heart Erik hasn't ripped out while it still beats From what I understand, both California and Australia are big on surfing, and I think the opportunity to make him an attractive, douchey, thinks-he's-hot-shit surfer dude was too good to pass up.
4. Cutie
Cutie is autistic and comes from a long family line of Telepaths. Cutie's relationship with telepathy, the way they use it, and their difficulty with not doing so reminds me a lot of my own struggle with autism and dating someone from a different cultural background than me. It's obvious their disregard for boundaries stems not from maliciousness or neglect but, I think, from a lifetime of communication issues that they've never needed to learn how to cope with properly.
5. Ollie
I've claimed Ollie for the asexuals, and anyone that tells me otherwise will be lovingly but harshly bitten (obviously /j)
+1. Enneagrams
This will probably be expanded into a full post sometime in the future (blame @romirola for enabling me), but I'll put down some of the tentative Types I've got down for the boys. Damien: thought we was a Type Six, I'm actually more convinced he's a One now. Sam: oh, the dictionary definition of a Type Eight. Geordi: Type Two but a healthy, developed Two. The work has been put in there. Lasko: Type Nine, specifically 9w1. Is that also my type? Who the fuck wants to know? /lh David: I thought, no brainer, that'd he'd be a Six but Type Three is very compelling. Asher: I'm not sure, but Asher is giving me 9w8 vibes which surprises me; I never thought I'd put him and Lasko so close on the circle, but it eats at me all the same.
Tagging: @dominimoonbeam @bratty-telepath @k9rage @horrorscoupes @angelnoodlesoup @gingerbreadmonsters @bicyclepainting @just-call-me-angel and you! If you want!
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