#but his skillset is something i cant really speak on
stgroversfire · 6 months
honestly i had to go and listen to like 20 other genres of music before i could circle back and really appreciate tøp
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starfilled-galaxy · 3 months
🔬 Does everyone in your system typically share skills and hobbies, or does it vary between members? Does anyone have any unique or strange hobbies / skills?
🌼 Do any members have accents or typing quirks? Are accents/quirks common in your system, or more rare?
🌻 How did you discover your system / plurality? (Feel free to be as vague or specific as you want, or skip this question.)
❄ Do you have a favorite memory related to your system? (i.e. something that happened in headspace or something that another member did.)
:D heloooooooo!!!!
hii ^^
🔬- i think we all share hobbies? i few of us have a couple different interest from others but they usually cant engage in them for The Physical Body Sucks reasons (rw hero likes cooking and trying a bunch of different foods but the body is too sensitive to taste to engage in that hobby, rw kel likes basketball but the body is too short to engage in that hobby, etc). we all share skills tho bc this body is constantly At It's Limit so we cant rlly... have any different (physical) skillsets.... (hi can you tell i do not like the physical body)
🌼- i think it's rare ish? we all share our inconsistent typing quirks of "Talking in a very grammatically correct way" and "talkin like tis :3" i think hs kel is more likely to do the "baby talk"/stimmy type of stuff when typing and hector uh. will only speak in barks. like actually refuses to not speak in barks. im sure he could speak English if he really wanted to but he's so stubborn ab this dkfjvhdkjfhv any time he talks i'd have to translate for him
🌻- skip :3
❄- uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i think its cute when the other alters comfort each other ^^ i dont rlly have any specific memories lol
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moontours · 4 years
Can you analyse 616!Natasha for us MCU-only fans? How different is she from MCU Nat?
of course!!! i will never turn down an opportunity to talk about nat ever. but i’d say that 616 nat is very, very different from mcu nat, partly because she’s had decades and decades of history compared to mcu nat’s 10 years of undeveloped character. tbh i dont really know where to start but id say that 616 nat is a lot more independent than mcu nat. she starts off as a lone villain, manipulates clint into working with her and then when she decides to leave russia, she ends up with the avengers for a bit and then she finds herself in a relationship with matthew murdock and then on the champions team in california. and she literally does not hesitate to leave if she feels like her independence and agency is being taken from her—which is pretty evident in her relationship/partnership with matthew, because she felt as if he wasn’t seeing her as his equal so she stayed in california when he went back. for mcu nat, all we’ve ever seen of her so far is that she’s been with shield and the avengers, which isn’t like something bad but i really wanted to see her on her own at own point too because she does like working as a solo agent a lot—not because she doesn’t have any friends, she does, but she’s just very efficient when working alone. i was hoping we were going to see that with the black widow movie, where she was working alone and then would find herself linking up with people from her past but the way they decided to do it .... its not good jrbhabsdhja. speaking of the mcu movies, i would say that literally only iron man 2 has a good portrayal of natasha and the other movies are either decent or downright awful. im2 showed a very skilled, efficient natasha which is like ... one of my fave things about her like she’s supposed to literally be the best at what she does and i feel like you dont see that in the other movies (i.e.: wearing a hoodie .. ??? as her disguise ??? in tws .. ??? getting caught on camera ??? its absolutely offensive TO ME that she would ever be that stupid). and while we’re on the topic of natasha’s skillset, i absolutely despise the fact that yelena had to remind natasha that they were killers in that one black widow trailer. it’s genuinely SO stupid because 616 natasha’s skillset is something that she trained so hard for (depending on which version of ur origin story ur looking at, she was the best student that the kgb ever had and in the red room story, she eventually got her way to the top. either way, she’s extremely gifted and hardworking) and she knows that shes a killer and its not something that she shies away from. yes i do understand that this is disney and that they cant be as explicit because of their audience but natasha IS an assassin she DOES kill people and she will gladly do it again! it’s literally one of her first options for when she has to deal with someone even if others dont want it lmao (like in hickmanvengers when jess drew opposed her killing people and she was like hm i dont agree) like it just makes no sense that she would ever forget that she was a killer. also i would say that 616 nat just has a different attitude from mcu nat’s overall. 616 nat is extremely confident, sometimes very mean and has the MOST love for herself. she knows shes hot shit. she also knows that shes done shitty things in the past but it is not something she holds against herself. she knows that she doesnt deserve to die for it and that when she DOES die it’ll be on her own terms which is VERY contrasting to mcu nat, who believes that because of her past as an assassin, she needs to repent n that the only way to do that is through death. u can see that she has very little love for herself and that she relies on the trust of others (i.e.: in tws when she asks steve if he would trust her to save his life) like shes . insecure ?? which isnt smt 616 nat deals with bc she literally doesnt give a single shit abt what other ppl think of her, just what she thinks of herself.
also i just realized this got insanely long so im going to stop here but if u want to hear more feel free to come back theres so much i could say abt 616 nat vs mcu nat <3
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fauxridium · 3 years
talk about octavo :)
Oh yes ofc
So, i see octavo's mom as like. A maid to Zelda's mother, then zelda herself, so I think octavo grew up like, moderately close to the royal family, i dont think he would know anyone personally until later in his life but he would have probably been around them a handfull of times, which i think is where his Noble Attitude stems from, not royalty himself but around royalty often, so obviously he would have to be presentable and on his best behaviour all the times. Following that, i think that would help give him an "in" of sorts when it comes to him becoming the court musician.
He would have started studying and learning music pretty much as soon as he could read, to him, music is just as important as any other fundamental like reading and writing, and he would be skilled in practically all forms of music, piano, violin, the lute, fucking saxophone, you name it, chances are he can play it and play it well, something that he takes great pride in. So obviously when octavo came to the castle looking to take a seat in the court i dont think they would have to think very long before accepting him, given his conncetion to them already and his musical skillset.
Through becoming the court musician he would end up becoming more accuqanted with zelda i think, not friends, but friendly enough to have idle chit chat in passing, i think he would also have met/seen link around this time as well, i dont think they would directly talk to each other, not yet, but they would see each other in the halls, most often link would be standing by zelda's side, but, link being link, stoic and silent as he is, he wouldn't attempt to speak with octavo, and, as he seemed uninterested in conversation, octavo wouldn't try to start any, they'd simply.. Admire from afar, if you will
Overall, i think things would go well for octavo a majority of the time, he's smart, skilled in both music and magic, and, hes self confident, which untimately i think is his downfall. He's had a good life, he doesnt want the good things he has to pass him by, and, on a whim, sees a fortune teller, however her fortune is not what he wanted to hear. Her visions of ganon coming to power to destroy hyrule and everything octavo had and holds dear i think would scare him more than anything, he couldn't just sit by and let that all happen, oh no, in his words, someone must rise to the occasion to do what must be done, and in his self confidence, who else to do that but himself.
Hes smart, but his self confidence gets in the way of that sometimes, this is one of those times. From there obviously he takes the fortune teller's thread and makes the golden lute, his intentions to stop this evil before it can cause any damage, he alone would save hyrule, and in his eyes, he does. He puts those who could stop him to sleep, and takes over the castle.
Now heres the best part, while octavo is incredibly smart, hes also incredibly stupid, as evident by the fact that he locks himself out of the castle.
So for octavo's ode to be like, a thing that can happen, there has to be a split in the timeline from the main story, and i believe that split is when octavo locks himself out of the castle, in the main story, octavo never leaves the castle, he locks himself in, because of that, link can go around hyrule collecting the instruments he needs to unlock the barrier and untimately put a stop to octavo, in octavo's ode however, its octavo that goes around collecting the instruments, which means link doesn't have anything he can collect to get inside the caslte, which means octavo is left unopposed, letting him fester in his now power hungry state, leading him to lose his grip on his sanity and reality, turning him into the necrodancer, which, eventually octavo himself would travel into the future to correct, even though he went into it expecting to face ganon, not himself turned into a monster, the very thing he was trying to prevent.
After defeating himself and going back to the past (present?), i think having to face himself would cause a huge shift in him, coming to realize that its not his destiny to save hyrule, and he shouldn't intervene with the things he cant control, no matter how much he thinks he can and no matter how much power he can gain, power will only end up corrupting those who seek it, even those with good intentions.
For his crimes against hyrule, octavo would be put on trail, though, due to him untimately doing what he did in an attempt to save hyrule, and his obvious remorse, his sentence would end up being light, with link and zelda advocating for him, able to see that he is a good person, just misguided, so he'd end up on parol basically, link being the one to watch him as hes the only one that could really take octavo on in a battle and win if he stepped out of line. Through that link and octavo would end up spending a lot of time together, getting to know each other and eventually becoming rather close, and, i think you can put two and two together from there.
I like to hc octavo as a trans man, tho hes very comfortable with himself and his identity and really doesn't care about gender norms at all, hes also a Raging homosexual, like. So so incredibly gay, the gayest man in all of hyrule
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grailfinders · 4 years
Fate and Phantasms #104: Geronimo
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Today on Fate and Phantasms, we’re making FGO’s best (by default) Native American servant, Geronimo! He’s a skilled tracker and summoner, but still finds the time to be able to gut people with daggers and arrows. Good for him, it’s nice to have hobbies.
Check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Next up: I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy
Race and Background
Geronimo’s a variant human, giving him +1 Wisdom and Dexterity, Survival proficiency, and the Weapon Master feat. That last bit gives him an extra +1 Dexterity, plus proficiency with four extra weapons of your choice, as long as they’re simple or martial. (Not entirely sure what that leaves out, to be honest.) Definitely pick up some bows though, we won’t be able to get those from your classes.
You’re a medicine man, but the closest we’ve got for backgrounds is Acolyte, so we’ll make due. This gives you proficiency in Insight and Religion.
Ability Scores
Your Wisdom should be as high as possible. You track, you notice things, and you cast spells. That’s all wisdom. After that is Intelligence. Nature’s an Int skill for some reason, and you’re pretty smart in general. After that is Dexterity; you’re good with knives and bows, that’s all dex. Also-like many servants, calling what you normally wear light armor would be a generous statement. Your Constitution isn’t bad, you survive getting stabbed pretty well. Your Strength is a little low, but you don’t really need it that much. Finally, dump Charisma. It’s not that you’re unlikeable, you’re just not the kind of guy who takes center stage.
Class Levels
1. Rogue 1: You’re going to be a druid eventually, but rogues get more skills and you’re pretty skilled so... 
First level rogues get proficiency with Dexterity and Intelligence saves, as well as four rogue skills. Grab Stealth, Perception, Intimidation and Investigation. You can sneak up on people, track them down, and scare the crap out of them. Not necessarily in that order.
You also get Expertise in Stealth and Survival, doubling your proficiency bonus with those skills. You can also make a Sneak Attack while using finesse or ranged weapons, gaining extra damage when you attack creatures you have advantage over or are distracted by other enemies. 
You also learn how to speak Thieves’ Cant. It’s a language.
2. Druid 1: Bouncing over to druid learns you some Druidic, as well as how to cast and prepare Spells, based on your Wisdom. You get Guidance and Thunderclap as your cantrips, but like most casters you’re pretty flexible when it comes to your other spells. Since you can prepare spells each day I’m not even going to bother bringing them up in text unless they’re absolutely vital to the build.
As a rule of thumb, healing, tracking, or Things That Could Feasibly Be Done Without Magic spells are a solid pick, but you are a caster, so feel free to go nuts.
3. Druid 2: Second level druids join a druid circle, and the circle of the Shepherd will help you summon totem spirits and support your party. You can use Wild Shape twice per short rest, turning into a beast of cr 1/4 or lower that can’t fly or swim as an action. You can’t cast spells as an animal, but you can concentrate on them. Alternatively, you can spend a wild shape use to find a Wild Companion, effectively casting Find Familiar without a spell slot. In this case, the familiar only lasts a number of hours equal to your druid level. 
As a shepherd, you learn the Speech of the Woods, learning Sylvan and gaining the ability to talk to animals. You can also summon a Spirit Totem as a bonus action once per short rest, creating a spirit with a 30′ aura for a minute. Spirits fit into three categories- while they come with animals already attached, you can feel free to flavor them however you see fit. The bear spirit gives creatures of your choice in its aura temporary hp and advantage on strength checks and saves. The hawk spirit lets you use your reaction to grant advantage on an attack against creatures in the aura, and giving you and your allies advantage on perception checks while in its aura. Finally, the unicorn spirit grants advantage on all checks to detect creatures within the aura, and using healing spells inside or outside the aura also heals all creatures within the aura a number of hit points equal to your druid level.
4. Rogue 2: Now that we have one subclass, let’s grab another. First, you have to get a Cunning Action, letting you dash, disengage, or hide as a bonus action.
5. Rogue 3: Again, trying to avoid beating around the bush here; you’re a Scout, getting the peanut butter of ranger all up in rogue’s chocolate. Scouts are Skrimishers, allowing you to react when a creature ends its turn within 5′ of you to move half your speed without provoking attacks. You’re also a Survivalist, doubling your proficiency bonus in Nature and Survival, as well as making you proficient in both skills. This and expertise are not exclusive, so have fun with that +12 to tracking.
You also have the optional feature Steady Aim, spending all your movement as a bonus action to gain advantage on your next attack. 
6. Rogue 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to bump up your Dexterity for a better AC and better attacks.
7. Druid 3: Third level druids get second level spells. Enhance Ability replicates your entire skillset with a single spell, giving advantage to all of a creature’s ability checks in one category. You can also use Moonbeam now, a (literal) pale reflection of your noble phantasm.
8. Druid 4: If you’re still eager to break character despite your alternative uses for wild shape, Wild Shape Improvement lets you transform into beasts of CR 1/2 or lower, and swimming creatures are now on the table. You also get another ASI, so bump up your Wisdom for stronger spells and better tracking.
You also get a new cantrip, Druidcraft is just plain useful, and you’ll be able to ruin your DM’s attempts at making things more dramatic on the fly.
9. Rogue 5: Fifth level rogues get an Uncanny Dodge, using their reaction to halve the damage from a single attack. Armor isn’t really your thing, so any kind of damage mitigation is a smart move.
10. Rogue 6: Use your second round of expertise to improve your Perception and Intimidation. You’re scary, and good at being a lookout.
11. Rogue 7: Your Evasion means that you’re now really good at dexterity saves; failed saves deal half damage, successful ones deal none.
12. Druid 5: Fifth level druids get third level spells. Not much else is happening here.
13. Druid 6: Shepherd druids are Mighty Summoners, giving your summoned beasts and fey more HP and magical attacks for overcoming resistances. You’re summoning the guardian spirit of your people, they should be better than the average coyote.
14. Druid 7: Congrats on the fourth level spells! Moving on.
15. Rogue 8: Use this ASI to bump your Dexterity up even further to be the sneakiest and stabbiest you can be.
16. Rogue 9: Ninth level scouts get Superior Mobility, giving you an extra 10 feet of movement. This can also be applied to your swimming and climbing speeds, which you won’t have unless you wild shape.
17. Druid 8: Eighth level druids get one last Wild Shape Improvement, increasing your max CR to 1 and removing all other limitations on your wild shape. You also get one last ASI, so bump up your Constitution for a bit more health.
18. Druid 9: Level 5 spells, nice.
19. Druid 10: Remember how I said in the last shepherd feature that you’re summoning the guardian spirit of your people? Now you’re actually doing that. When you summon a Guardian Spirit, summoned beasts and fey that end their turn in the totem’s aura regain half your druid level in HP.
You also get one last cantrip. Gust will help break up any cloud-based hazards you have to deal with, and hide your skywriting.
20. Druid 11: Our final level gets you level 6 spells, and we actually have one to talk about this time! You finally get Sunbeam to fully complete your noble phantasm.
Your high stealth and animal army makes it very easy to sneak around in combat. Set up your own distraction, pick off enemies with sneak attacks, and the rare few who notice you will still have to eat a dozen attacks of opportunity if they try to go after you.
Survivalist and Expertise stacking is just silly, quadrupling your survival proficiency. We didn’t stick around rogue long enough for Reliable Talent, but a +28 to tracking is good enough that it doesn’t matter. If something physically exists, you’ll probably be able to track it down.
Mixing Wild Shape with a rogue’s damage avoiding abilities makes you really hard to kill, especially if the enemy’s distracted by your pets.
Mixing in rogue gave you some solid weapon attacks, but it also removed your higher level spells. This means you miss out on stuff like Planeshift and True Ressurection. Shooting people really hard is nice, but it might not outweigh the cost here.
Defensively Rogue/Druid mixing is fine, but it’s not as great on offense. Wild Shape and Sneak Attack do not mix at all. 
Summoning spells and your Noble Phantasms (Sun/Moonbeam) are both concentration spells. Unless you wild shape, your constitution isn’t that great, plus you’ll have to pick and choose what you’re doing.
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vex-verlain · 4 years
2,000 words of fic under the cut; can’t think of any warnings that apply.  Post-Inception, canon-compliant.
I am not in a good place.  I need someone, anyone, to please just offer some kind of encouragement.  And since I am stuck in some sort of hellsphere where I think my worth is based on what I create—and kindness should always be transactional, don’t you know—I’m offering up the first scene of my Arthur/Eames WIP.  So please just say something. I’ll take anything at this point.  Even if it’s negative!  Shout at me to stop wasting my time writing.  I don’t care.  Just say something before my brain claws its way out of my body.  My thanks to everyone who helped make it feel like the world wasn’t ending.
The knock is loud and unexpected in his quiet, empty room.  It sends a jolt of adrenaline through him, body instantly screaming fight or flight despite having been sprawled out half unconscious a moment ago.
He jumps up from the bed, quiet on his feet, grabbing the handgun from his bedside table.  The hotel room is on a high floor and the Vegas sun is streaming in from floor-to-ceiling windows.  There’s no way to conceal his shadow as he approaches the door, but he sidles up to it anyway: barefoot and shirtless, back to the wall but not brushing, thinking, like always, that maybe today is the day that someone blasts through and kills him.
No one’s after him that he knows of, but that doesn’t mean anything.  He’s on good terms with the local crime families, has no reason to believe anyone’s tracked him in less than a week from Paris to Sydney to L.A. to Vegas, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility.  Few things are.
When he reaches the door, he pauses.  There’s only so long that a normal person will wait before knocking again, and there’s been no other sound.
He doesn’t want to get shot in the face, but there’s nothing for it.  He cants his head quickly to look through the glass spyhole.
He sets his jaw. Closes his eyes, just briefly. Unlocks the deadbolt; doesn’t have to bother with the chain.  Hasn’t used one in years, because the kinds of people he occasionally makes enemies of are not the sort of people who would be deterred by that.
He doesn’t have anything to say when he opens the door.  No easy smile, no “Arthur, darling, what brings you to Vegas?”  He has nothing.  He knows why Arthur is here.
Eames fucked up.  He vouched for Yusuf, and Yusuf gave Cobb the means to send everyone into a catatonic state.  The fact that they all came through doesn’t matter.  He fucked up, and Arthur does not work with fuck-ups.
Dominic Cobb being the unexplainable exception, of course.
In normal circumstances, Arthur completes the job and then quietly refuses any future offers, a refusal that speaks volumes and has, in fact, created an entire underclass in their criminal underworld.
But occasionally, Arthur will get his point across with violence.
The door is open, and Arthur is staring at him.  He’s in a cream-colored suit that Eames has seen before but has foregone the waistcoat, no doubt in deference to the weather.  There are only a handful of reasons why he would still be wearing the jacket, and Eames can guess which one is pertinent to the current situation.
Moments continue to pass, until finally Arthur says, “May I come in?”
Eames is slightly drunk and can’t tell whether it’s an actual question or just a courtesy—if Arthur wants in, Arthur can get in, and Arthur knows that he knows this.  Unlike some people, Eames came by his combat skills honestly—well, not honestly, not really, but it was a hell of a lot more above-board than going under and coming back with an entire skillset based on zero real-life experience.
He and Arthur are evenly matched at the very best of times.
This is not the best of times.
He lets out a breath, a long exhalation, and moves out of the doorway.  Arthur brushes against him as he passes, and Eames’s fingertips—feather-light and rarely detected since he mastered the art at age twelve—brush against an unmistakable outline at the small of Arthur’s back.  He was right about the jacket, then.
Eames doesn’t think Arthur’s going to shoot him, but it’s good to know what he’s dealing with.
He closes the door quietly behind them as Arthur makes his way into what is definitely just a room. He’d lay odds Arthur is surprised by this; he’s found him in Vegas before—“Jesus, Eames, what do you need all this space for?  You bringin’ in a team to knock over a casino?”
He could have bought out the penthouse—could have bought out an entire building or two with the money he made from the Fischer job.  But he’s in a cheap corner king, and if he examines it too closely, he knows that this, right here, this confrontation, is exactly why.
The reality of what had happened and what it meant had finally sunk in as they sat on the plane. In the silence as they waited for Cobb and Saito to wake up, as the adrenaline wore off, it hit him.  Down below, Arthur may have shouted at Cobb and Yusuf, but up here, Eames knows he won’t be spared.
He isn’t Dominic Cobb.
There’s a king bed and a grey suede chair that’s seen better days.  Eames watches the back of Arthur’s head as he takes in the décor, finally making his way to the windows and glancing out before turning around to regard Eames, hands in his pockets.  Eames considers leaning up against one of the walls that are no doubt offending Arthur’s sensibilities, but the arithmetic of body language has him coming to a stop in the middle of the room, closer to Arthur.  Distance equals apprehension and he’d rather not show that particular card right now.
They regard each other in a silence that only seems to grow.  Eames is the one who looks away.
“I’m sorry,” he says finally, at the same time Arthur says, “Thank you.”
Eames’s head snaps back up. “I’m sorry?” he says again, but it’s a question this time.  Arthur looks as confused as Eames feels, his brow furrowed in the familiar way.
“I said ‘thank you.’ What the hell are you sorry for?”
Eames tries to catch up, but something in his chest is unclenching and a tension he didn’t even know he was holding suddenly drops away.  His shakes himself out of his rigid stance.  “Uh…” he says intelligently, and makes a vague gesture with his hand, which doesn’t illuminate anything and only serves to remind him that he’s still holding his gun.
Arthur’s eyes flash up toward the ceiling and he shakes his head.  “Jesus Christ,” he says, turning back to the window.
Eames drops the gun on the bed behind him and considers pulling on a shirt, but before he can determine what might be clean, Arthur’s pinning him with a skeptical glare.
“You read people for a living, Eames.  Do I look pissed off to you?”
Eames offers him a strained smile and tries for humor.  “In my defense, I do believe you are in a perpetual state of displeasure.”  When Arthur just continues to look at him, he sighs. “Sometimes a person sees what they’re expecting to see.”
“How about you do your job and tell me what you actually see.”
There isn’t an edge to Arthur’s voice, none at all, but Eames bristles all the same.  The relief he felt a moment earlier has dissipated, leaving behind nothing but the same uneasiness that has been with him for months.  He straightens and doesn’t hesitate.
“You haven’t just landed, you have no luggage and have already acquired a firearm, your suit isn’t creased like you’ve been sitting for any amount of time, you’ve switched back to a cologne you haven’t worn in two years, one that’s no longer being made, which means you’ve been to one of your safehouses, and apparently neither of us is doing our job right.”
Arthur is used to Eames showing off; his face is all patient indulgence until he registers that last bit. He walks right into Eames’s personal space, eyes narrowed, chin up.  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Eames doesn’t move. “You’re not pissed off at my massive fuck up, and you should be.”  With the last few words, Eames widens his eyes dramatically, as though it's the most obvious thing in the world, which it is.  He doesn't want Arthur's anger, but he deserves it, and its absence is unsettling.
Arthur scoffs but backs away.  “Haven’t you noticed the decline in my standards?” he asks.  “Even I screw up now.”
He says it lightly but there’s a note of bitterness that he cannot hide.  It makes Eames pause—they're talking about two different things and Eames can't tell if it's deliberate.
Either way, he won’t let that self-recrimination go unanswered, not when it’s undeserved.  He cocks his head to the side and his voice is gentle when he says, "Look, I checked as well, and no team on our radar militarized Fischer.”  It’s true; during the course of his own research he had looked into it and found absolutely nothing.  “That's a problem, yeah, but it wasn't your mistake."
Arthur looks away and shakes his head.  "You reek of alcohol," he says out of nowhere.
Eames is a grown man in his late thirties; it takes a lot to make him feel shame.  But then moments like this happen.
And they tend to only happen with Arthur.
He stops that thought in its tracks and the recoil is so abrupt that it actually sets his body in motion. He masks the movement by walking toward the empty bottles laying around the bed.
"Arthur, explain this to me,” he says, making an effort to choose both his words and his tone carefully.  “You're the best point man in the business; you know this.  You've spent the last year and a half playing”—lap dog would not be constructive here—"second fiddle to Dominic Cobb and you haven't done him bodily harm as far as I can tell."
He's gathering the bottles and discarding them in the room's tiny trash bin.  It's taking multiple trips.
"You've clearly been making an exception for him, and I understand that"—he doesn't, not at all—"but you said it yourself: my job is reading people."
The rubbish has been cleared. He moves to stand in front of Arthur again, closer than most people would dare.
"I brought Yusuf on. With my word.  And it was a fuck-up of staggering proportions."
He leans into Arthur's space, demanding his attention, making the challenge clear because he needs an answer, needs Arthur to act like bloody Arthur.
Arthur meets his gaze, not moving, staring him down as he has so many times before.  This is familiar territory, this is comfortable, this makes sense.
Eames licks his lips slowly as he cocks his head to the side.
"So why don't you take your Glock out of your trousers and act like it?"
His voice is low, bordering on suggestive, and perfectly calculated to get a rise out of Arthur.  There’s an art to this that is as easy as breathing, at least to Eames.
But instead of responding, Arthur smoothly retreats, turning his back to him and asking blandly, "What the hell is going on with this wallpaper?"
Eames can feel his jaw twitch, which is never a good sign.  He tries to force himself to relax, but of course that doesn't work, because something about this situation is not right and hasn't been right in ages.
“It isn't beige and I like it and you’re deflecting," he supplies as mildly as he can.
“I doubt skulls and daggers and—hearts?—come in beige.”
“This is Vegas. They’re selling sex, as clearly indicated on the Do Not Disturb sign that you so rudely ignored.”   The banter comes easily, but he can hear the impatience creeping into his voice despite his attempts to modulate it.
“You mean the ‘Tied Up’ sign with the handcuffs.”
“Yes, that’s the one. You’re still deflecting, and I’m graciously allowing you to, because I know how deeply you believe that mistakes are things that other people do.”
The words are out of his mouth before he can stop them, and Arthur's eyes flash. He holds Eames’s gaze for all of two heartbeats before averting his eyes and walking toward the door.
“Arthur, wait.”  He grabs Arthur’s arm just above the elbow, but Arthur doesn’t turn around.
“Get your hands off me.”
Eames releases him immediately.
“For the record, now you should be sorry.”  The door closes behind him.
“I am,” Eames says into the silence of his empty room.
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zeravmeta · 5 years
Give me your absolute best YGO x Fate headcanons
Ah gee since ya asked so nicely heres my convoluted crossover AU. Also this got hella long so I'll add a readmore
-the protags would all wind up at Chaldea due to being summoned by the godly powers within their own universes (Egyptian Gods, Crimson Dragon, etc.) and are tasked with helping them. Yugi is pre Ceremonial Duel (for Atem), the rest are from post series
-Gudas just so used to all the weirdness surrounding them so they take it in stride. Holmes on the other hand is losing it because he fears they may have been some type of dimensional collapse. He freaks out further when some of the kids say "oh yeah that happens all the time". Da Vinci sets them up to assist Guda since they can use magic (at least half of them use magic and the other half literally fuse with duel monsters) without needing magic circuits (which interests her GREATLY) so she introduces them as a set of new masters to help.
-their decks are still with them but now instead of being confined to the game they can actually summon them as Familiars/Phantasmals, though they can only support a few at a time.
-most, if not all servants are suspicious of these new masters (guda is my favorite master i dont need another one), but its only initial waryness since these are actual kids like Guda and they default to Parent Mode. Theyre even more surprised to learn about the exploits within their own worlds.
Now onto some of the dynamics:
-Yugi would just be happy to meet all these heroes from history. He understands the seriousness of the situation and despite his initial kickback he'd be onboard to help. Atem would take this opportunity to ask around to see if any of these ancient heroes would know him (since pre ceremonial duel he'd know who he is from Mem World). The Pharaohs (Ozy, Nito, Cleo) would be surprised about a Pharoah they've never met before, and especially his divinity since he could summon three Egyptian Gods to aid him. He was from 3000 years in the past so Egypt was beginning in its decline, so such a modern (relatively) Pharoah holding such power would shock them, though in the end Ozymandias would still declare him one of his friends and theyd get along. Yugi would leave the Puzzle with the Pharoahs so they could speak while he went around meeting a bunch of the heroes. He'd love to play with some of the kids though he has earned his fair share of ire since the King of Games never loses on Game Night, Poker Night, or any other type of games. Yugi has more supportive abilities in his skillset for the ourposes of battle, while Atem can more freely use his shadow magic since he's being supplied.
-Judai is more nonplussed than anything. He was already wandering the world so for him this is just another checkpoint. He finds the ability to summon his monsters as familiars more convebiant than anything since he could already speak to them. Many of the magic users are particularly interested in his ability to talk to spirits since its a rare ability in general and usually limited to one type of phantasmal, not to mention empathetic abilities on their own are somewhat unheard of in Nasuverse. Yubel is a protective force around him and for combat training scenarios shes extremely hard to get around since her deflection ability, while hard to maintain when Yubel uses her final form, is pretty much on par with Lord Camelot in terms of defense. He's generally friendly but comes off as rude sometimes due to his general nonchalance. Gets along especially well with some of the more volatile servants like Berserkers and Avengers since his empathetic abilities are soothing to them.
-Yusei is cautious and guarded here. He has responsibilities in his own world he'd want to get back too, but doesn't have it in him to just leave. His D-Wheel somehow came along (Yuya shivers in the distance) with him, so Da Vinci did the only reasonable thing upon seeing a miniature perpetual motion machine and tried to impound it immediately for study. Yusei was happy to share his info and skills on Momentum and implementing it into Chaldeas energy systems, something that had Tesla and Edison proud since one so young was already (but only barely) supassing AC and DC. Holmes was also extremely interested in Clear Mind and the Crimson Dragin, since Yusei managed to consolidate his own concentration into pure evolutionary energy and may have accidentally interacted with an elder god in the process (kinda like Holmes). Yusei assures him the Crimson Dragon isn't evil and that its called Quetzalcoatl, which has Fate Quetz coming in and asking about herself, further complicating Yusei's confusion on the Crimson Dragon. For combat, he starts off supportive by swarming his field with low power monsters before suddenly summoning a more powerful one. With Over Top Clear Mind they become even more powerful and evolve on their own, so Stardust can become Shooting, but summoning Quasar is very dangerous since its extremely powerful but taxxing.
-Yuma is absolutely excited. Astral not so much. "Astral these are literal HEROES how can you not be excited!?" "Idk probably the part where they'll kill us if we take a wrong step?". Yuma loves to hang around servants like Drake, Shiki and Beowulf, and loves swapping stories of their adventures. Abigail heard about aliens and wonders if Yog Soghoth is an alien, but Yuma tells her that the Astrals and Barians are not like Yog Soggoth, even if Don Thousand as described kinda sounds like him. Astral can be seen since since Heroic Spirits are consolidations of magic while Astral was basically an energy being of the same type, and does float through the halls, occasionally scaring someone by mistake. He does get along with a mysterious woman in a kimono who seems to appear in the twilight hours, but he cant ever really remember her face. In combat Astral and Yuma can do their usual combination form which causes their Numbers to automatically Rank Up upon summoning, the higher the form the further they can rank.
-Yuya has it a bit rough at first. He just got out of a war and now he was being dragged into another? Thankfully he gets his bearings quickly but is still somewhat shaken. Some of the servants are wary around him because they can feel the distortion that exists within his soul, his three other versions, and the power that could trun him into the Supreme King once again still exists there even if Zarc has passed on. He gets along with Siegfried well enough, and they swap stories about how the expectations of others can lead you to ruin. The Alter Egos feel a kinship to him since he's also a consolidated personality rather than a full person, though he gets along best with the Celts. Cu, Scathach and Fergus all love to see his performances, but to them that just meant that they can put him through warrior training especially after they hear about the war he went through. Scathach insists that him running for his life while she chases is good training, while Cu agrees while running alongside him. In battle he uses his acrobatic prowess enhanced with a little bit of fortification/protection magic, and can summon all four of his dragons to help him. Since the other Yu Boys are stuck within Yuya, they occasionally trade places:
Yuto gets along with Archer and occasionally helps him out. Archer is sympathetic to the struggles he unerwent in his own world and makes sure to keep his spirits up while also trying to ignore the irony.Yugo and David have struck up a strange friendship since they both have the issue of mistaking people for their so. David sees Yugo talk about how even if his life was hard it was worth it for the people he loved and remembers his son fondly.Yuri is generally avoided since even after the merge he's still something of a wildcard, but he gets along well with Hans and Kiara of all people. Sometimes he'd share the stories of the training he underwent in Academia, how the Professor trained him to see people as toys and all the people he's hurt, how his dragon was his only friend and how itd protect him, and Hans couldn't help but hate his pessimistic attitude in expecting this while Kiara wouldn't really care too much but also wouldn't insult him by offering condolences. He knows he's become a monster and he won't deny or forget his mistakes, he'll simply try to do better.
-[note: Vrains suddenly had its ending announced for Sept.25 (i believe it may have been cancelled) so based on the episode title of 120 Yusaku and Ai will reunite and thats what im following here] Yusaku is skittish at best, downright invisible at worst. He doesn't want to be found, and even some of the Assassin Class servants have trouble tracking him down when needed. Ai managed to bring along a spare SOLtis body with him so he can walk around and physically interact with Yusaku. Even if they still had some tension between them they still cared about each other so they would keep each other company. It got real awkward when BB first showed up talking about being a sentient AI, so Ai immediatelt tried to befriend her, only to learn about her inhuman nature. While Ai may dislike that aspect of her, he knows from what happened with Roboppy that you cant forcibly change what you are, so he does his best to try and get along, which infuriates BB to no end since she feels like she's being talked down to. Yusaku as a programmer helps with most of Chaldeas regular workforce and he accomplishes hiding in plain sight by being the only master to interact more with the regular work staff than their servants. That being said, it doesn't change how some like Tamamo or Suzuka try to drag him out so he can meet some of the other servants. He gets along well with Kerry. Likely because they barely speak and share E Rank Luck.
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What type of person are attractive to you? You like Tom but his so u know different. He has basic intetest but and bubbly but has charisma. Do you like the over confident ones, hipsters?someone with the same outlook as you? I personally can't be with someone too similar to me. I tend to see my negative attributes and I cant deal with it too much.
i literally have no type, it seems. Physically, on a superficial level, I don’t like doughy faces, I like sharp angled faces. But that is the only thing I can say about physical appearance. Apart from that, I have no specific type.
Talent is an aphrodisiac to me, but must be talent in a unique way that speaks to me. Something about his LSB performance turned that “on” switch for me Without that performance, I would not lust after him having seen him as Spiderman or whatever. That LSB performance was so magnificient in its boldness, skillset, flawless execution down to the perfect facial expressions and his extreme comfort level in his own skin. I am drawn to people who knows who they are and are comfortable in that and can go through life with such ease because of that power of being able to carry themselves and just *be* so effortlessly in the world. That is all sexy to me. I also like exceptional people. 
With Tom, I am conflicted though. Although his charm and charisma are superb, there are things about him that are too basic which is endearing to most because it makes him down to earth and like a regular Joe, but his taste level in so many things are just too… common. I wish he wow’ed me with his taste and so on, but you know, you can’t get everything you want in a person, lol.
But yeah, Tom is opposite of me in so many ways. Definitely a case of opposites attract. I used to be drawn to darker types, more intellectual and complex than Tom. Tom (and also Hiddles before him) are exceptions that they are bubbly and lively and simple in so many ways. Too light-hearted for my heavy-hearted soul. Which is not exactly a turn-on for me though because I can’t relate to it nor do I strive for that kind of regularness because I like my complexity, but it just indicates I may want that kind of sunshine they give off in my life, but too much of that basicness just bores me and does not keep me interested which is why my crush on Tom is so weird even to me. I really should not be crushing on him on paper, but I don’t know, I guess I am in love with his potential of who he can be based on who is rather than who he actually is currently. 
All right, so this turned into an essay. At least give me an A+.
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mellowrants · 2 years
Guess i lied bout this being inactive. This shit is addictive im doing more
Beastmaster, well she deserves her own post. She had her own damn story with arcs n shit. I slapped her in cause I removed 3 mercs and 6 just aint a good number for teams n shuit. It also fitted with her story since she needed to leave. She got a ride from Cathy to the merc base where she joined. She sorta flipped some shiz up with a couple characters. She’s only 22, which surprised the group since she looks older. She can summon her ‘beasts’ magically using her own energy. She’s from a place called Arkar and speaks the native language, though the other mercs equivalent of the language is Arabic. She’s also quite the hunter, having to survive on her own in the wild for a few years.
Seeker is a young bri’ish lad that didnt have a father, and he’s fast, faster than the other kids when growing up. He didnt care much bout them cause he knew he was better. Then he joined the merc group and that started to falter a bit. His confidence flatlined when the new girl beat him in a battle without any weapons. He did a scout tf2 and started being annoying for attention. That went away after an arc. Theres also another arc with him but I cant reveal that yet, as I haven’t answered the question in my first post yet. He also has a lot of knifes, and in recent years he really likes stabbing people. He sure is becoming a stereotype.
scope is no longer barren in terms of development, i made him Florida man and gave him a ghille suit. Though i cant make him too crazy since he will be the first person that Beastmaster befriends. Man still needs some tinkering.
Inventor, is well, a guy, i aint got a look for him yet. he has a major event in there for him. Aint saying that yet, that event is getting a small fic. Its the only way to do that event justice. Anyway, Inventor outwardly in groups seems like a pleasant fellow to be around. When the door is closed, though, he’s a narcissistic control freak. He especially hates it that Chromas’ flirting flusters him, since he’s not in control of that. You’d also be dead if you even implied that he’s crushing on the metal man.
Healer is a young Vietnamese man, only about 20. Despite his parents only being mere farmers, he is a savant (he remembers everything that he sees and hears) and a genius. He would often sneak out late at night to talk to the occasional traveler that stops by, just so he could learn a thing or two. One day, a traveling doctor came to preform surgery on a sick kid. He was allowed to watch, and he knew from that moment on that he wanted to be a doctor. There was a problem though, they had no money. He went to the nearest library and learned all the english and medical knowledge he could. Then he took the opportunity to join the merc team. He’s quite nervous in battles, so he usually sticks to Tank’s side. He’s far from useless though, as only in the first month there he created a new type of medicine that can heal wounds 10x faster than any alternative. He would gladly explain to you how it works if you’d lend him an ear.
Tank is like the team leader, he chooses the jobs and keeps the team together. He’s a scarred Balkan war veteran and you can fucken tell. 7′0 bald mfer with the biggest fucken minigun you’ve ever seen. On the inside, though, he is quite kind to those he cares about or those who are in distress. The only reason Healer hasn’t gone mad from stress is because of Tank. He’s far from stupid, he knew that Healer was something special when he recalled out loud the layout of the base in excruciating detail on his very first day there. Since then he’s taken the young man under his wing so to say. He truly is the voice of reason in the team, being there for the members in their moment of crisis. He is also a very effective leader and strategist since he learned the exact skillsets of all the other mercs.
Bomber is an interesting fellow. Dont have too much of a personality for him yet, he’s still a bit flat. But I do got a backstory for him. He immigrated from South Africa to Scotland with his parents when he was 9. There was a graveyard near his house, and everytime he passed said graveyard on the sidewalk, he could faintly hear voices coming from it. His parents brushed him off, thinking he was just being a kid. One night he got curious and went to investigate. The voices faintly told him to stand on a metal plate in the center of the graveyard, and like the 9 year old he was he complied. He then could see spirits around him. They told him that they were long dead demolition and artillery experts and they could not rest until their knowledge was passed on, and since he could hear them he was their chosen one. Slowly but surely they taught him everything they all knew, and they dissipated when he had learned it all. He learned a plethora of skills, many thought not to be humanly possible. He likes to at least try to talk things out before resorting to violence, even in the most dangerous of jobs.
0 notes
firesonic152 - 08/25/2017 have we done reckless treasure hunter au yet it feels like something that needs to happen if it hasn't XD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/25/2017 We have NOT done reckless treasure hunter AU yet! =D
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 okay so reckless treasure hunter au a la uncharted/indiana jones/the mummy/etc who's the main treasure hunter, gabe? and if so how did jack get stuck on the adventure XD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 Jack isn't the idiot idealistic treasure hunter and Gabe is the experienced traveler/best friend along to keep him from getting himself killed? XD
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 OMG love jack is like I'M DOING THE THING and gabe is like You Will Die if i don't help so
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 and pining along the way! =D
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 lol gabe is like a rando in a tavern who just overhears jack talking to someone about his adventure plans and gabe is  like banging his head against the bar finally just gets up, slides into the free chair at jack's table, and says hey kid i'm coming bc you are an idiot
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 XD Gabe just inviting himself along That's how he's gotten to have all his awesome adventures! He meets tons of explorers and treasure hunters of varying levels of skill and just ends up playing advisor or tagging along for fun Jack's all: 'But how do I know you're as good at this as you say?' and Gabe's like: 'What the fuck do you want, a resume?' And he invites Jack back to his place, and Jack is all cool, guy's hot and I could do with a good fuck but Gabe's walls are covered with photos from his adventures and ones of him posing with people famous in the explorer circles Jack's aiming to join
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 OMGG LOL JACK GETS THE WRONG IDEA AND THINKS GABE IS LOOKING FOR A ONE NIGHT STAND ONLY TO DISCOVER HE ACTUALLY WANTS TO COME ON THE ADVENTUREE and by the time that's made clear jack's like "GODdammit now i really just wanna fuck him >>"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 ^^ heehee yes. good. Jack spends the entire adventure trying to impress Gabe to get into his pants and fucking shit up bc he's not paying attention. But when things DO go south, and he's actually trying to keep them alive, he's kinda badass. Gabe cant figure out if he's an idiot, or someone who could be really good at this with a bit of experience.
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 AHAHAHA JACK QUIT SHOWBOATING AND FOCUS he does like dumb shit too like trip and totally miss the intended booby trap, instead accidentally crashing through the very old wall
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 JACK. Some respect for antiquities, please!
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 ahahahaha gabriel's always getting distracted by cool structures and wall carvings and telling long stories about history that jack didn't even know happened jack tends to zone out and just listen to gabe's voice without really hearing the words bc it's so soothing lol
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 oh lord. XD We gotta give him something tho, don't we? What if Jack actually has a background in linguistics and can decipher some of hte ancient languages they run across, but it's like that tumblr post that talks about how it really goes, and it's all full of unclear meanings and doesn't scan well in English and he gets so distracted puzzling over it that he forgets to run for his life when traps are sprung?
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 OMG gabe knows spanish but jack offhandedly seems to be at least a little fluent in everything????
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 He surprises Gabe towards the end by having understood Spanish the whole time, and Gabe is SO annoyed and indignant over it, 'cause not all he was saying was insults and curses, some of it was about how hot Jack is and what Gabe wants to do to him, and he's just I THOUGHT YOU WERE AN EXPERT ON DEAD LANGUAGES and Jack is just -'.'- that doesn't preclude me knowing a few commonly used ones. It could be that Jack understands Spanish and a few others, but doesn't speak them well. XD Like, he can manage to order food and ask directions, so Gabe thinks he just knows basic tourist phrases and that anything quick and/or complicated will go right over his blocky, blond head
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 i love that shit he has a terrible accent but he can understand almost everything and like some really random languages too lmao
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 Jack def knows klingon. XD
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 AHAHA
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 and possibly elvish XD
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 NERD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 that's where he got his start! =D
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 when gabe is like WHAT OTHER LANGUAGES DO YOU KNOW jack sheepishly lists those off and gabe is internally like holy shit i'm in love with a Nerd
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 and he just branched out from there, and went into ancient languages 'cause they felt closer to these made up ones bc there aren't native speakers he can learn from
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 >w<
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 okay, but...Gabe being like. Klingon? Seriously?? Wait. Wait wait wait. Hang on. And he produces a photo of himself in Klingon cosplay. XD
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 GAAAAABE THAT'S GAY
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 XD Dude. The Klingon guy was a fukkin' teddy bear (from the few eps I remember XD)
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 i'm dying what treasure are they going after a golden corn idol?? maybe a cool red and black orb thing like the reaper souls
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 hrmmm.... XD They get to the center of the massive temple filled with deadly traps and Jack is just THE REAL TREASURE WAS THE FRIENDS WE MADE ALONG THE WAY! :D
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 AHAHAHA JACK
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 Hell, maybe Jack just wants to find some lost manuscripts or something. And he's all gaga over this treasure, but he doesn't tell gabe exactly what it is, only that it's priceless.
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 omfg it's some nerdy linguistic rosetta stone shit
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 oh also in terms of skillsets jack is the one who can Actually Aim a pistol
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 they're in a situation where they need to be accurate and jack is like "GABE SHOOT THE THING" and gabe looks down at his shotgun like uh well LOLLL gabe doesn't even know jack is a good shot until that moment bc jack always insists on Punch
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 X'''D Just picturing them trying to flee the temple as it crumbles aroun them, and Jack's pack and arms are filled to bursting with clay tablets, rendering him USELESS
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 AHAHA
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 Gabe: Just DROP THEM!! Jack: They're PRICELESS!! I can't just let them be LOST FOREVER!! Gabe: It's those damn tablets or US! Jack: WELL IF YOU HAD LET ME TAKE RUBBINGS OF THEM-- Gabe: THE ROOF WAS LITERALLY STARTING TO CAVE IN ON US
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 AKJCNAEKCJNASCKK later tho gabe decides it's worth it bc he's literally never seen jack so happy
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 Oooh! Ooh ooh ooh!!! Can this be another one where Gabe is good at drawing and Jack compliments him on the sketches he does of some of the temple rooms and engravings?? And, like, it's one of the few interactions where Jack's Thirst doesn't take center stage in his interest in Gabe???? ((i <3 artist!Gabe))
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 omg yes!!!! he does the nathan drake thing where he has a journal that he just draws everything in >w< and he draws jack!!!!
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 looking thru it later, Jack finds himself included in the sketches, and he actually blushes. He puts the journal back before Gabe catchins him peeking. XD <3<3<3
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 eeeeeeeheee one of them is him sleeping
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 he fell asleep after one of their big escapes and he was still covered in dirt and shit but gabe just had to capture it
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 there's one of him bent over a manuscript he's trying to interpret, brow a bit furrowed in concentration. Next to it is a rouch sketch of his face lit up with excitement from where he'd puzzled out a difficult piecec.
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 akciaskjcnasckasnjc jack does appreciate the sassy commentary gabe adds to some of his drawings and notes lol but ahhhh some of the pages are very clearly gabe just. practicing drawing jack's face like they're unfinished and rough and slowly improving
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 awww -^^- pfft. omg. okay, but, when Jack shows up on the morning they're supposed to start their trip, he's dressed like Indiana Jones, and Gabe just snorts and says that he looks like he's form the porno ripoff. XD
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 AHAHA the nathan drake look suits him better i think can u tell i'm in love w nathan drake
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 I've seen your posts from the game. ^^ ((i actually have not seen/played anything from your list, except i think i saw part of The Mummy a long time ago. Also, the heart-ripping-out scene from one of the IJ flicks))
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 Nope. I was v young when i accidentally saw the heart thing and it kinda freaked me out. ^^;;;;;;;;;
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 WELL LISTEN YOU GOTTA the second movie isn't even the seCOND MOVIE IS THE WORST ONE ANYWAY WATCH THE FIRST AND THE THIRD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 XD no scary ritualistic murders in those?
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 NO JUST A GOOD TIME AND LOTS OF PUNCHING NAZIS well there is a bit at the end of the first one where they melt a bunch of nazis with the power of god but
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 i feel like i might have seen a clip from that??
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 you almost certainly have oh my god i can't believe you've never seen indiana jones please fix this
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 XD my dude, there are HUGE FUCKING GAPS in my pop culture awareness
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 THE THIRD ONE HAS SEAN CONNERY IN IT I'M
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 I KNOW WHO HE IS!!! =D
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 WATCH!!!! THESE MOVIES OH MY GOD i don't know if i can continue to associate w you if you don't
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 W O W okay i see how it is XD
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 YES YOU DO WATCH INDIANA JONES
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 I'll add it to the list of stuff I need to watch =)
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 No, no. Don't do that. I'm sure I can find it on youtube or something.
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 skjcnskjscnskejcn anyway this got so off topic XDDD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 which one's the first one?
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 I've seen it referenced in, like, EVERYTHING I'm familiar with bits and pieces. Like, I know he fukking shoots some guy threatening him with a sword. XD
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 YES ALCJNAEFKJN AND SO MANY CLASSIC LINES "asps. very dangerous. you go first" "snakes... why'd it have to be snakes" "bad dates" SO MANY GOOD LINES
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 hahaha we had these felt critter hats when I worked at Michael's and one was a snake and i put it on and joked about making an asp of myself and no one at work got the pun ._.
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 ksjvnskjnaekucnaec that's a quality pun right there my dude .... ANYWAY WHAT WERE WE TALKING ABOUT
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 anyways. Gabe nearly losing his beanie while sliding under a closing trap door
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 X'''''''''D Gabe: YOU CAN BUY PLAYDOH AND MAKE YOUR OWN FUCKNG TABLETS
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 AHAHAHA so when do we get to shoot jack >w>
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 Well, do you want a dramatic, one-time thing? Or do you want Jack to be a walking target? Kids running through a village square shoot him with water guns. They run across a reclusive village and he gets shot with blow darts. The bad guys graze his arm during a chase. Gabe finger guns his way out of small problems, leaving them for Jack to solve. XD
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 lolllll jack gets doped up by a blow dart and gets all sleepy and cuddly
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 d'awww X3 Gabe acts more bothered by it than he really is, and hopes that Jack won't remember much when he wakes up. -^^-
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 >w<
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 !!! okay, so what if Jack, in SUPER NERDY FASHION has a rosetta stone-shaped tattoo on his back filled up with, like, a personal motto or something written over and over in all the dead languages he's learned with room towards the bottom for him to add if he learns a few more. and Gabe teases the hell out of him for it, but the first time they sleep together, Jack's on his knees and Gabe's behind and when Gabe traces over some of the writing in response to Jack's demand for touch, Jack gasps out the words in whatever language Gabe is tracing.
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 OH MY GOD DUDE OH MY GOD????
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 ^^ the first two ar Klingon and Elvish. XD
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 lmao fuckin NERD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 OF COURSE
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 ooooo damn i wanna draw that tattoo and it's a dumb motto like one of the things he says in the game like "no guts no glory"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 eat your yogurt
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 AHAHA
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 "i love the smell of charcoal in the morning"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 X''''''''D Jack says it in horribly accented Spanish after Gabe goes through all the ones tattooed there, and that's when Gabe realizes that he knows more than he'd let on. He starts going much harder, murmuring all sorts of flithy things in Jack's ear which only gets Jack even more riled up.
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 iunuyghcrfyvkhbihbijni WHEN DO THEY GET TOGETHER THO do they find an ancient ring or something and jack jokingly puts it on gabe's ring finger
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 LOLLL
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 ((i read a horror story like that once, only it was a bracelet and also not scary)) pretty jade ring? ^^ or Gabe finds something like that and tosses it to Jack who fumbles it, but manages to catch it and glares and then notices there's an inscription and it's something about a long and happy future and much fertility between the giver of the ring and the reciever i dunno maybe jack nearly gets his dumb ass killed 'cause he had to choose between saving the tablets or gabe's hat and he chose both and nearly fell into a pit
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 OMG
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 OR! What if, running through the traps, they think they make it out safe until Jack notices one of  the poisoned darts in his ankle and, like, passes out. When he comes too, Gabe just full on kisses him and is like I THOUGHT THE POISON HAD KILLED YOU but Jack is just 'What? No. It's a thousand years old it's lost all its potency. i just haven't slept since I started taking pics of all these new writings that need translating.'
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 OMGGG I LOVE THAT SO MUCH gabe stares at him and is like "WE'RE GOING TO TALK ABOUT YOUR TERRIBLE SLEEP HABITS LATER" and kisses him again
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/26/2017 Jack has no issues with this turn of events. XD
firesonic152 - 08/26/2017 >w<
firesonic152 - 08/27/2017 jack tries to convince gabe to fuck him right there in the ancient temple gabe is sure that's a good way to get some kind of obscure disease
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/27/2017 Gabe: Gross, Jack. Didn't they used to conduct virgin sacrifices on that altar? Jack: Well, I'm not a virgin, so Gabe: ENTIRELY not the point.
firesonic152 - 08/27/2017 gabe, mumbling: also "virgin sacrifices" referred to virgin blood as in blood that hadn't been used in a ritual before, not someone who had never had sex before but jack: jack: fuck me now
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/27/2017 okay. p sure in those campy ass movies with melting nazis, virgin sacrifices are EXACTLY what they sound like
firesonic152 - 08/27/2017 XDDDD i want a scene where gabe is trying to read latin and pronounces it like italian and jack is disgusted
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/27/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 08/27/2017 jack: i can't believe it gabe: what jack: i'm actually Unattracted to you right now
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/27/2017 Cue Jack scooting in so close to Gabe that he ends up with Gabe's arm around his shoulder as he points to teh line Gabe was mispronouncing and walks him through it.
firesonic152 - 08/27/2017 eeeeeeeeeeeeee jack: all "c"s and "g"s are hard... gabe: lol jack, smacking him: FOCUS THIS IS SERIOUS
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/27/2017 Ah!! That sort of thing continuing after they've gotten together, and Gabe can bait Jack in close by mucking up his pronounciation and then yank Jack into his lap to cuddle him and Jack actually won't object 'cause he's too busy lecturing! XD
firesonic152 - 08/27/2017 EEEEEEEEE gabe starts kissing jack's neck and jack is like "I'M LITERALLY NOT EVEN IN THE MOOD FOR ONCE THIS MAKES ME TOO MAD"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/27/2017 Gabe, as his hands wander lower on Jack's body: Come on, mi sol...I just want to see how long you can keep up that perfect enunciation.
firesonic152 - 08/27/2017 kjnskjcnksjnckjnd bc of course jack is the nerd that can Speak Latin he starts muttering angrily in latin as gabe gets more and more thorough gabe's goal is to get to the point where jack doesn't have the brain to do that anymore
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/27/2017 X3 go go gabe!
firesonic152 - 08/27/2017 it takes a surprisingly long time like gabe is already fucking him and has bowled him over onto his back
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/27/2017 Jack has switched over from whatever he was reading to shouting encouragement and praise in Latin. Gabe is startled by how effectively that works on him.
firesonic152 - 08/27/2017 HEEEEEEEEEE BEES!!!! gabe doesn't really know what he's saying at first until one of the phrases is really similar to spanish and he's like Oh
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/27/2017 Gabe's a bit surprised at some of the stuff Jack translates for him later, but Jack just kinda smirks and asks if he really thinks people have changed so much over time.
firesonic152 - 08/27/2017 >w> also in the reckless treasure hunter au when do we get to the part where gabe gets cursed by some artifact and becomes reaper lol
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/27/2017 They've been together for a while, still traveling all around the world to check out beautiful or strange sites. At one location where getting almost all the way to the heart of the crypt was a total breeze, Gabe starts getting antsy while Jack is puzzing over an inscription outside the last door. Gabe: Let's just go on in. There's probably LOADS more interesting stuff inside. Jack: Give me a bit longer. I think this is a warning. Gabe: About what, dust? Jack, this place has been a cake walk. ... . . . Jack. Jaaaaaaaaaack. Jackie. Hey, Ja-- Jack: Gabe. Gabe: Yes, mi sol, mi luna, mi estrella brillante? Jack: See those pictograms? I'm about 90 percent sure they mean 'curse'. Gabe, laughing: Oh, come ON, Jackie! Don't tell me you believe that shit! Jack: I don't know what I believe because I haven't finished translating yet. But go ahead, go ahead. Touch the cursed door. Gabe: Well, I mean, if you're almost done-- Jack: No, no! You wanted SOOOO badly to rush on ahead. Be my guest. I dare you. Gabe: ...I really think you'd be safer with me around, so if you're almost finished... Jack: I double dog dare you. Gabe: . . . if i get cursed, it's YOUR fault. Gabe gets cursed. It's both their faults.
firesonic152 - 08/27/2017 LOL GABE IDIOT MOVE the curse IS convenient for exploring though he can just walk through traps to trigger them and then jack can follow with no worry
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/27/2017 oh, how sweet. -^^-
firesonic152 - 08/27/2017 also now jack gets to give gabe bullshit forever about not listening to him and gabe is never allowed to complain about jack insisting on reading Everything without it getting thrown in his face
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/27/2017 XD so...not running with Jack feeling HORRIBLY GUILTY about daring his boyfriend to get cursed? lol and then being so awfully conflicted when they figure out that Gabe has shadow tentacles now?
firesonic152 - 08/27/2017 WELL OF COURSE THAT TOO jack just covers it up with snark and sass until it becomes a problem naturally aijcnaskjcn he starts losing sleep to study harder bc maybe if he could just have translated faster...
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/27/2017 jack you don't have any sleep to lose
firesonic152 - 08/27/2017 he like lies in bed with gabe until gabe falls asleep and then gets up again which... makes him extra clumsy when they're adventuring
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/27/2017 oh dear oooh...what if Jack keeps talking about finding a way to break the curse and even tho Gabe's been pretty chill with it, they start getting into arguments until Gabe finally agrees and calls in some of his old adventuring buddies for suggestions and one of them is all 'oh, so this is that newbie you were complaining about? the one you said was going to be the death of you??' and jack is just well. great.
firesonic152 - 08/27/2017 sekjnsakjncsd cue gabe's old adventuring buddies picking on jack a bunch? XD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/27/2017 and jack feeling more and more like crap, so he pushes himself more when they're exploring while still losing sleep to study more.
firesonic152 - 08/27/2017 why is he like this who are these asshole adventuring buddies anyway wth XD doomfist i guess?? and widow??
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/27/2017 Rein & Ana
firesonic152 - 08/27/2017 awww but they're nice people gabe can't punch them out to defend jack's honor
SuspiciousPopsicle - 08/27/2017 Well, I mean, if they're ribbing on Jack for actual things he does/Gabe said, then whatever. Maybe they make fun of Gabe too for getting himself cursed, and that's what Jack actually snaps at them over.
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littledigits · 8 years
Hi I'm doing research on people in animation for my class, is it ok if you answer a few questions? What inspired you to go into animation? What did you do to get into the industry, which lead to your first job? In the industry are episodes storyboard driven or are they script driven or does it vary?What advice would you give to someone wanting to enter the field today? Sorry for all the questions and thank you for your time and your amazing work?
its no problem at all ! thanks for the kind words - i never mind answering questions. 
1)  I’ve always liked animation but honestly I went into it because my mom did, and i didnt realize it was a career choice until then ...and also because I didnt know what else to do. It was a combo of seeing my parent do it and having no other skillset haha. I will say I was just mostly INTERESTED not so much inspired or passionate, i learned that along the way. I didnt know if it was for me yet but I know it was something I wanted to try. 
2)  I made a solid demo reel and portfolio , no secret there to get into the industry . your work will speak for itself ....also having companies hiring at the time helps too of course haha. But really you just put yourself out there, if you get no bites then you work on your craft until you do. 
3) It varies , I cant really give you statistics but I've worked on script and board driven shows and both can be great. I’m not involved that process so im probably not the best person to ask 
4) im just gonna go ahead and link you to another post thats just a big chunk of text with advice , you can go ahead and pick out whatever sounds the best haha --- >> blah blah blah 
hope that helps ! 
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mavwrekmarketing · 7 years
Image: pixabay
It used to be that internships were mostly about two things: getting coffee and making photocopies.
These days, an internship is an integral part of kick starting a career. Its a way to get a foot in the door, strengthen skills through hands-on work experience and gain exposure to a companys culture.
For most companies, intern candidates are largely sourced from the same talent pool recent grads or students enrolled in traditional, four-year colleges. But solely focusing on traditional recruitment channels means potentially losing out on talent with diverse perspectives that contribute to a stronger, healthier workforce.
“Its an amazing opportunity to be able to change your life in a year.” -Elias Woldemichael, Year Up alum
As part of its Future Edge initiative, Capital One is investing in partnerships with organizations like Year Up that give individuals the digital and technical skillset they need to succeed in the workforce and rethinking internships in the process. Interns arent simply assimilating into the Capital One culture, they enrich it. Building teams as diverse as the communities and customers it serves means the bank can offer better products, services, and customer experiences.
For the interns, Its an amazing opportunity to be able to change your life in a year, says Elias Woldemichael, a Jr. Software Engineer who completed the Year Up program and now works fulltime at Capital One in its cybersecurity group.
Image: Shutterstock / Rawpixel.com
A partnership worth investing in
Year Up, a national nonprofit whose mission is to close the opportunity divide in our country, offers a one-year, intensive training program that provides low-income young adults ages 18-24 with hands-on skills development, coursework eligible for college credit, and support at every step of the process. Year Up also connects its students with its partner companies, like Capital One, for internships.
Originally from Ethiopia, Elias was working as a valet when he first heard about the program.
Year Up gave me everything that I needed to get on top of my career the tools, the mentorship, the guidance, and the internship, he says.
The first six months of the program are a deep dive into the skills students will require to succeed in a corporate job. A big part of the focus is on soft skills, which includes things like being on time, dressing professionally, and how to conduct oneself at a meeting.
When speaking with graduates from the Year Up program, many echo the same thing: a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity.
Denyel Monroe, who works in Enterprise Technology Risk Management at Capital One and is also an alum of the Year Up program, is thankful for having someone who believed in her.
People see the potential you have in you, but you dont see it yourself, Denyel says.
When she first heard about Year Up, she was working three jobs and had dropped out of college. Financially, going to class wasnt feasible she needed to work in order to live.
While at Year Up she realized she had a passion for technology and thrust herself into her classes, soaking up all that she could. When she joined Capital One for her internship, her department was in the process of becoming an Agile group a methodology that allows teams to be self-organized and more efficient, and something that she had already learned in Year Up.
It meant that she entered an environment where she could immediately begin contributing and could even be a leader. From being the go-to email proofer for her team (thanks to her business communications class at Year Up) to instituting Feedback Fridays, she could take what she learned at Year Up and share it with her coworkers.
Denyel says that the combination of her classes and her internship helped to set her up for more than a job. Thanks to Year Up, she now has a career in a field that she loves.
With technology, as long as you have a passion to learn, you can learn it, Denyel says.
Before I got into Year Up, I was really intimidated by technology. But the way they taught it, and the collaborative and open environment they had it in, made it seem like it wasnt as hard as people think it is.
Looking back, its amazing for her to see how far shes come.
Now I can say that I truly live up to the potential that everyone else saw in me. It feels good, she says.
Diversity in the workplace
One of the key benefits to Year Ups approach to training and internships is that it brings people from diverse backgrounds into the workplace, including individuals who are often left behind by traditional recruitment channels.
Making sure an employee base represents the community a company serves is something thats really important.
Its also a smart financial move.
According to a recent McKinsey report titled Diversity Matters, Companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35 percent more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians.
Whats more, diverse voices bring about diverse solutions and are crucial for fostering an innovative culture.
Image: Shutterstock / ESB Professional
Super human resources
The Year Up internship program has given Capital One access to talented, passionate employees who strive to learn and grow within the company, but its about more than that. Capital One made a conscious decision to not only host interns, but consider them for employment upon completion seeing the partnership as a true talent pipeline.
Quality Engineer Sandra Quel is one of those people.
When she started her internship, the team she joined was in the middle of a sprint and was doing work on the Capital One iPad app that was about to launch. Sandra jumped right in, asking lots of questions along the way.
I started learning everything I could, she says.
One of the coolest things she got to witness, she says, was working on detecting bugs within the app and then watching it launch without them. It was a poignant moment for her. She realized that because of her work, customers wouldnt have to face the headache of encountering those issues.
Once she saw the outcome of the hard work that shed put in, it made her realize that this was a career she wanted to pursue and a workplace she wanted to stay in.
Capital One felt the same way. Sandra was the first Year Up intern to get hired by Capital One and recently received a promotion the first alum to do so.
Paying it forward
Nyron Waite, a Field Service Technician for Capital Ones PowerUp Bars (an onsite tech support hub for Capital One Associates), says that the first day at an internship can be scary.
To go into a corporate office at 19, you dont know if you can fit into the culture, so it was very nerve wracking at the beginning, he says.
But thanks to the support of other alums, Year Up teachers, and his managers at Capital One, he got the guidance he needed and quickly felt at ease.
Now, hes passionate about serving as a mentor for others.
We take pride in our responsibility of helping the next people up, he says. It encourages me to see the next class. I always feel like not only do I want to give back, but I need to give back.
When Nyron looks back at everything the program has done for him, hes eager for others to have the same experience.
Its so amazing because they have the same ambition and belief that I had coming through. When I see that it really inspires me.
Key takeaways for employers
Since the partnership began in 2006, Capital One has supported Year Up both nationally and regionally including hosting groups of Year Up interns to visit the company and meet with executives, and having associates mentor Year Up interns. Forty-four Year Up grads have completed internships at Capital One, and 33 have been hired as full-time associates.
Our support for Year Up is about more than philanthropy its an important business solution, says Ken Kido, EVP, Retail Bank at Capital One and a former Year Up board member.
We have a real passion for supporting successful workforce development programs like Year Up that help train more individuals for current and future in-demand jobs helping to close the skills gap while increasing the diversity of our workforce.
Here are some ways that companies can learn from the Year Up internship model:
Emphasize the soft skills. Beyond rigorous technical and job-specific skills training, skills such as communication, creative thinking, and customer service are foundational for all workers success and critical for career progression.
Establish a mentorship program. Connect new employees with those who have been with the company longer. Not only does it bring people together, but it helps to create a sense of belonging and support that will extend throughout the team.
Drive cant be taught skills can. When you invest in people, you invest in the future. Not only theirs, but your companys too.
Watch next: You know those suspicious emails about jobs you didn’t apply for? This is what happens when you accept the job
Read more: http://ift.tt/2sUfoEW
The post Rethinking internships to drive diversity in corporate America appeared first on MavWrek Marketing by Jason
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