#but honestly first one could be ash or cal and the second one mike or luke
clumsyclifford · 3 years
for the prompt list i hope it's ok to do a combo bc 70 & 85? 👀 (idk why the text is weird i think it's bc i had to copy paste the emoji since i'm on desktop skjfkdjs) anyways it's for whatever pairing you think works best :) -megs <3
omg yes a combo! aka challenge mode. my favourite :) ALSO! i took advantage of this open-ended prompt to write ! my very first ! cashton prompt fic ! this is so exciting i love it here. finally completing the set thank you for allowing me this moment
read on ao3
Calum treks into Ashton’s room around midnight. The light from the hallway spills into the room until Calum pulls the door shut behind him, probably worried about waking Ashton. Considerate of him, but unnecessary.
“I’m not asleep,” Ashton says.
Calum exhales. “You’re telling me you went to bed an hour ago and you’re still awake?”
“I was reading for a bit,” Ashton says. “I’ve only just moved to the falling-asleep stage. And obviously I have not yet been successful.”
Calum hums an acknowledgment. “Do you, um…can I…”
“Yeah, always,” Ashton says, shifting onto his back to watch Calum. “You don’t have to ask, Cal. I’ve already told you it doesn’t bother me.”
“But you don’t like sharing with Luke or Michael,” Calum says quietly. “I don’t know, I’m just making sure.”
Ashton is grateful for the dark room to hide his blush. “Yeah, but I don’t mind if it’s you.”
They both know it’s different, but neither one will be the first to admit it. This is how they communicate for now, in shared sheets and heavy implications, never saying what they mean, trusting the other person will get it anyway.  
“Okay,” Calum says. “If you’re sure.”
“Next time you ask me I’m just going to ignore you,” Ashton says as Calum pads his way over to the bed. 
“You’re a monster,” Calum says. “You put me in an awkward position here. If you ever wanted to come sleep in my bed you’d probably feel awkward too.”
Ashton purses his lips. “Well, that’s what you get for always going to sleep after me.”
“Mhm,” Calum hums, too knowingly for Ashton’s liking.
“But to be fair, I’ve never asked you if I could sleep with you. Whereas you’ve asked me many times, and I’ve said yes every single time.”
“Still,” Calum says, crawling under the covers and propping himself up on his elbow. It’s hard to see him through the darkness, but Ashton can feel Calum’s eyes carefully trained on his face, maybe seeking his eyes. 
“You want to sleep in your bed?” Ashton asks, raising his eyebrows.
“I mean both of us.” Ashton’s face flushes. “I’m just asking, like, would you prefer that. If you didn’t have to feel awkward asking me.”
“No,” Calum says. “Honestly, no. I don’t mind asking. Anyway, I like that you keep saying yes.”
He’s smiling. So is Ashton. 
“Alright,” says Ashton, shaking his head a bit. “Come on. It’s late.”
“It’s really not that late,” Calum says. “Mike’s still up.”
“That’s the worst argument for it not being late. Michael is up until three in the morning.”
“Luke might still be up.”
“He most certainly is not.”
“You never know. Luke’s unpredictable. A wild card.”
Ashton laughs. As if Luke could ever be a wild card. As if he could ever be anything other than unwaveringly, consistently Luke, the biggest creature of habit Ashton’s ever met. Second only, maybe, to Ashton himself.
Calum pulls the covers up and snuggles up to Ashton, reservations gone. “Mm, you’re warm,” he mumbles.
“You are not,” Ashton says, tensing up. “Motherfucker, Calum Hood. Wear a jumper.”
“I’m not cold!” Calum presses his face into Ashton’s neck. 
“Not to you you’re not. Stop it!”
“Sorry,” Calum says, though he doesn’t sound sorry.
“I see how it is,” Ashton huffs, shifting to press closer to Calum, because whatever he says, a cold Calum is better than no Calum at all. “You just use me for my warmth. I’m the guy who keeps the bed warm.”
“Not true,” Calum says, pouting. “I like cuddling.”
“You never cuddle with Luke or Michael. Now I know why. They don’t go to bed early enough to be warm enough for you. I’m just your personal space heater.”
“First of all, Michael hogs the blankets, and he knows that’s why I don’t cuddle with him anymore.” Ashton laughs. “But anyway that’s not it at all. Stop fishing for compliments. You’re not a last resort. I never check their rooms.”
Maybe he’d been fishing a little bit, but the payoff is worth it. “Good,” Ashton says. Being pleased about that might say too much, but Calum has put himself on the line just saying it, so they can call it even.
“I thought we were sleeping now,” Calum says, slinging an arm over Ashton’s stomach. “Be quiet.”
“Don’t shush me in my own bed.”
“Be quieeeet,” Calum sings in a hushed voice. “It’s time to sleeeeeeep.”
“I’ll kick you out.”
“No you won’t.” Calum hums, a quiet, contented noise, and Ashton can feel his smile against his collarbone before Calum turns his head. Ashton stretches out his arm, forcing Calum to lift up his head for a moment before returning it to rest on Ashton’s bicep, cheek pressed against Ashton’s shoulder. Ashton feels warmer than before. He wonders if Calum can feel that on him. If Calum feels that too.
“What were you reading?”
“I thought you wanted to sleep,” Ashton says wryly. 
“I changed my mind. I want to talk.”
“You just want me to talk.”
“Okay, same thing. I fall asleep faster when you talk.” Calum shrugs a shoulder, moving his hand to rest against Ashton’s chest. Through Ashton’s thin t-shirt he can feel the heat of Calum’s palm, the way his thumb moves just so to smooth out the fabric before settling.
At some point they’re going to have to address this. Ashton has a sneaking suspicion that if he doesn’t say something, nothing will ever happen. Calum feels awkward asking to sleep with Ashton despite the blanket permission Ashton has granted him repeatedly. There’s no way he’ll bring up something like this.
Dance around it? Sure. Like motherfucking Fred Astaire. But never face it head-on.
It’s on the tip of Ashton’s tongue to say something, say anything. Ask a point-blank question, maybe, like why do you only ever want to sleep in my bed?, or just say the truth. Confess how he feels and hope Calum is brave enough to do the same. Hope Calum feels the same. 
It’s late enough, and Ashton is tired enough, that he can’t see it backfiring. Maybe it would go well. Or at least maybe it wouldn’t go badly. Maybe Calum would smile and say me too, you idiot, I’ve been waiting for you to say something; maybe he’d pick up his head and give Ashton that cheeky smile Ashton’s come to expect from him, and maybe he’d kiss Ashton, taking the warmth off Ashton’s lips to keep for himself. 
Maybe he’d just sigh that happy sigh of his and say let’s talk about this in the morning, cuddling closer to let Ashton know that this isn’t a soft rejection, just a rain check for when they’re both more awake. Ashton could take that.
But as much as Ashton is sure there’s something here, he can’t bring himself to say it. It’s easy to be confident right up until he needs to be confident. 
(And it could always go wrong. It could. It could.)
“You calling me boring?” Ashton teases softly, but Calum just huffs an exhale.
“You know I’m not,” he whispers. “Please?”
Ashton brings his hand up to tangle into Calum’s hair, and Calum gives his happy sigh and cuddles closer, just as Ashton had hoped. “Okay,” Ashton murmurs. “Sure. Goodnight, Cal.”
“‘Night, Ash.”
Ashton smiles. They can talk about it another day. Tomorrow, maybe. “You wouldn’t like this book,” he starts. “It’s by an old white guy, and I know you hate those.” Calum breathes a quiet laugh. “Well, he’s not that old…”
Calum drifts off as Ashton describes the premise of his book, going slack in Ashton’s arms, breathing slow, and Ashton presses a kiss into his hair. 
One day he’ll do it when Calum is awake, but not today. There’s always tomorrow. 
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mashtonasfuck · 5 years
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I was at work when Ash posted this, and came out of work to see the notif and then proceeded to sit in my car sobbing for 20 minutes. This man, and this band are my lifeline. I’ve never told y’all my story about how I found 5 Seconds of Summer, but now seems like a good time. I’ll put it under the cut so it doesn’t clog up your dash.
I found Luke around the 14th of March 2011. I was 14. He’d posted his cover of ‘Fireflies’ by Ron Pope a few days before, and there was just something about it that I couldn’t get out of my head. At the time I didn’t think much of it (this was pre-youtube account) and I kept checking back every now and then to see if he posted anything else. In April of that same year, Mike and Cal uploaded a video introducing them as a three piece under the name of ‘5 Seconds of Summer’ - they did a few more covers, most of the time with only two of them lmao, and I kept checking back to see what they were posting. Ash joined them in December 2011 and they became a four piece.
When they uploaded the video for ‘Teenage Dirtbag’, I knew that I wanted to keep watching their content as there was just something I still couldn’t shake. The energy with the four of them had shifted somehow from just being the three of them, and it kept me interested.
They toured a lil bit of Aus in 2012, and I spent my days on Youtube watching shitty videos of them playing songs they’d written themselves rather than covers. They then revealed that they were releasing an EP later in the year. They dropped ‘Unplugged’ in June 2012 in Aus and NZ and I remember being super sad that I couldn’t buy it in the UK yet. It was released WW in December 2012, and you bet your ass I bought an iTunes voucher so I could buy it (remember iTunes vouchers?? Those were the days, RIP iTunes). They moved to London at the end of that year. I remember seeing a video someone uploaded of them doing an impromptu session playing in a park in London and being so sad that I wasn’t there to see them. They did some small intimate shows in the UK while they were over here, but I never got to go to any of them.
In early 2013 they started touring with 1D, but again I never got to see them. I LIVED for the shitty videos people were posting on Youtube of their performances, and I was desperate to see this band I’d become so obsessed with following.
On the 24th of February 2014, they uploaded the video for ‘She Looks So Perfect’ on Youtube. It was at this point that my friends at school became aware of them and started following them, despite me telling them for years that this band were awesome (teenagers, am I right?). On the 27th of June 2014, they released ‘5 Seconds Of Summer’ out into the world. I was 17 years old.
At 17, I was struggling with A LOT. My grandad was very ill, my friends turned out to not be my friends, and it’s probably one of the loneliest periods I’ve ever had in my life. I’d experienced what I thought was heartbreak, and their self-titled album was everything I needed at that time in my life. I finally saw them on the 5th of June 2015. I got to spend two hours in a room with my four favourite people in the whole world. I have a video of them playing ‘Everything I Didn’t Say’, and all you can hear is me sobbing in the background lmao.
Walking out of that venue, I knew my life would never be the same.
I was pretty active on social media at this point, as were the boys, and seeing the stupid things they got up to on Keek and Twitter genuinely made my days so much brighter.
As we all know, ‘Sounds Good Feels Good’ was released on the 23rd of October 2015. I was 18, my parents had just split up, my grandad had died and I felt like the whole world was out to get me. I fell into a period of intense depression and did some things I’m not proud of, and I honestly didn’t see a way out. Then SGFG came along. That is the album that quite literally saved my life. Listening to the four people I admired most in the whole world singing lyrics about things I was going through, being the same age as me, was totally overwhelming. I don’t remember my first listen through of that album - what I do remember is the way that it changed my whole world view.
They understood exactly how I felt, down to the last detail. To this day I have to leave Broken Home and Invisible off of playlists because they jolt me back to a time in my life that I don’t ever want to experience again. That whole album was my saving grace for a long time. I’m eternally grateful to them for releasing it when they did, as I’m gonna be straight up and say that I might not have been sat here typing this today.
I went to their show for the SLFL tour on the 8th of April 2016. I spent most of that night crying my eyes out and getting weird looks from the people around me, but I didn’t care. This was my band, and they were playing the songs that literally saved me. The SGFG era was emotionally draining for me for a long time, and it took me a while to be able to listen to most of the album again as it just felt so raw.
When they took time off to rejuvenate themselves before album three, I was worried. For the last 6 years this band had been what kept me waking up each morning. The lack of content was freaking me out and I wasn’t sure how to deal with it. My mental health was on its way down again and I found myself going back to old patterns.
At this point, I’d been in a relationship for almost three years, was engaged, and was living with my then SO. I thought everything was perfect, I had the life that I wanted with a man that I thought I’d be with forever.
In February 2018 they released ‘Want You Back’, and I loved it, but didn’t have the connection with it like I did with SGFG. I missed out on tickets for the 5SOS III Tour (and may have cried about it, but it’s fine), but bought tickets for the Meet You There Tour before they even released the album. This was my band, of course I was going to see them.
When ‘Youngblood’ dropped, I had a day off from work. I set my stereo system up, and lay on my living room floor with the speakers around me in a circle. I wanted to feel the new album, not just listen to it (weird, I know). Want You Back and Youngblood were fine, but then we hit Lie To Me.
‘I know that you don’t, but if I ask you if you love me, won’t you lie, lie, lie, lie, lie to me?’
I genuinely felt all of the breath I had in my lungs, vacate. I’m gonna be straight and say that I hadn’t been happy in my relationship for a while despite what I said above - my partner was emotionally abusive, and the warning signs were clear, I just didn’t want to see them. That one line haunted me every time Luke sang it, but I let it play through and moved through the rest of the album. When it finished, I let it play through again. I let those lyrics flow through me, and by the time it got round to Lie To Me again, I was sobbing. Once again, these boys knew exactly what I needed to hear, at the exact time in my life that I needed to hear it. It took me seeing them again in November of last year to make a change in my life.
If you’ve been around for a little while, you’ll know that I’ve shared my Meet You There Tour story before, but if you haven’t read it, you can find it here. I stood at the back of the O2 Academy in Birmingham, a year ago tomorrow (1st of Nov) and cried. Listening to my boys sing those songs in person absolutely broke me, and made me realise that I wasn’t happy in my relationship. I left that show heartbroken, and overwhelmed, and honestly exhausted, but I drove back home and spent the next two months trying to fix the relationship I was so unhappy in.
I thought I’d made progress, but after Christmas of last year, everything fell back into old patterns and enough was enough. Watching my ex-partner walk out of the front door was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go through. I’d taken the plunge, but I was broken. I moved back in with my mum in January of this year, which has been incredibly stressful (that’s another story lmao), but the one thing that has kept me going is these four boys.
Ashton is always the one that I feel the most connected with - I don’t know if it’s because he’s the oldest and people usually think I’m a lot older than I am, but his life philosophy and his attitude towards the things which make him a better person, inspire me every day. Whenever I’m having a shitty day, he always seems to put out a Tweet which says exactly what I need to hear. His love for us keeps me going every day, and I strive to be even half the person that he is. He does so much for us, and I thank God every single day he biked halfway across Sydney to attend that first band practice as a four-piece.
Their music makes me feel a lot less lonely, in a world that hasn’t always been the kindest to me. Because of them, I’ve met some of the coolest people on the planet through this godforsaken website, and the existence of these people in my life makes me excited to wake up each day.
This Tweet from Ash tonight reminded me exactly why I stayed with this band way back in 2011. Their passion for their art inspires me every single day and I am constantly in awe of the way they continue to push themselves and their performance.
I am not the same person I was at the start of the year. ‘Youngblood’ has helped me reinvent myself into the person I’ve always wanted to be. I’m so much stronger than I ever thought possible, and I’ve only realised that because of four dorks from Sydney that told me it’s okay to be whoever you want to be.
I will forever be grateful for their music, their passion, and their presence on this Earth. I’ve never stuck with any artist as long as I’ve stuck with this band, and I would not change that for the world.
Thank you 5SOS, for always being there for me, even if no one else was. I love you guys.
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irwinkitten · 6 years
c.h | look what you taught me
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requested: surprisingly, yes. you guys really wanted this pairing: calum hood x reader notes: so thank u, next (it’s linked in the source!) had such an overwhelming response like honestly i never expected it and i love you all for it. originally i was going to leave it there, let you guys come up with your own happy ending. however, after the week i’ve had, it got me thinking and i got inspiration and tadaaaaaa! props to @boytoynamedcalum who was the original muse for thank u, next warnings: none word count: 3k
When Calum took the leap of faith, late on that November night, making the promise to Y/N and the stars that he’d be the man she believed he could be, he was scared.
She’d somehow wormed her way into his heart and suddenly the subtle shift wasn’t so subtle anymore.
He’d always been the observant one, watching others and keeping himself at a distance. Staying at a distance meant he wouldn’t get hurt. But later that night, when they’d come in from lying under the stars, their bodies cold as they tried so desperately hard to warm up together, he asked her.
“When did you realise you loved me?” He almost hoped that she would say from day one, that she would prove him right and that he was safer to protect his heart.
“The night you came over, on your week off. You’d just finished tour but you still came for pizza and wine as well as bad movies. You’d given me the softest grin when I’d said goodnight and I realised that you’ve only ever given me those smiles. I know your smiles, Hood. You have one for the fans, and one when you’re on stage. They often collide, it’s your happiest, doing what you love. There’s the smile you have just for Duke and your brothers, one that literally lights up your entire face.”
He felt speechless. He was observant, but clearly she was as well.
“The smile you have for your family, it’s different to the one you have for Duke and your brothers though, your entire mood changes and you’re positively beaming. It’s like you can’t be unhappy around them.”
Swallowing the building lump, he let out a shaky breath a he pulled her closer. They’d climbed into her bed the second they were warm enough, but she was still pressed against him, claiming that his body warmth was much better.
“And what about my smile for you, then?” Her lips curved into their own smile at his question, almost like she’d been waiting on him to ask that.
“It’s soft, a side that you don’t let others see. Even before you realised, I could see that it was filled with such warmth and love that it took my breath away when I realised I loved you. And I loved it when you gave me my smile. A smile that holds a thousand words but it boils down to one feeling.”
And despite the discomfort of his gut twisting, he pressed his lips against hers, a soft, slow kiss.
She’d known but she’d waited for him.
“What would you have done had I never realised? Never considered?” He murmured softly. Her light was now off, they’d been trying to get to sleep, but his mind was still running so fast, so many questions, so many ideas.
“I would have resigned myself to loving my best friend, and breaking my heart a few times before at least, trying to move on.” She finally admitted to the darkness.
His arms grew marginally tighter before he felt her shift and suddenly her fingers were running through his hair, nails gently scraping at his scalp and his entire body relaxed.
“I can hear your thoughts, Hood. Get some sleep and we’ll talk more in the morning.”
It wasn’t much later before he was out like a light and she followed soon after.
It had been difficult to adjust to the relationship at first. He wasn’t sure how to act before she’d laughed and straddled his waist whilst they were sat on the couch together, the action shocking him for a brief second before his hands rested on her hips, her lips already against his.
“It means we still do what we did before, but I can do this.” She’d whispered before kissing him again.
With the extended time off, he tried to keep it as normal as possible. Joining his brothers when they went out drinking, doing the last few shows of the year.
She still came to say goodbye at the airports, promising him that she’d have food and wine for when they returned. They never seemed to go further than a hug that seemed to be held on a few seconds longer though.
But Calum was okay with that.
She was not necessarily his secret, but it was his life that he wanted away from the scrutiny of cameras and fans. And she didn’t complain once.
If anything, she felt relief because she had seen how ruthless the fans could be. When she’d been brought into their friendship group, fans immediately went on the defensive and it had taken her weeks to pull away from the negativity.
And it became easier over time.
But this step in their relationship, she knew it would be met with hostility, no matter how many people saying they looked cute together. It was a hostility she wasn’t ready to deal with.
But the boys noticed how their hug lingered.
Only when the flight was up in the air and she was heading back home, did they finally ask him.
“So have you gotten your head out of that self-loathing pit of yours?” Ashton commented quietly. It last a late night flight, most of the other passengers having already fallen asleep, but the four of them were still awake in first class, quietly talking amongst themselves.
“What do you mean?” Calum knew what Ashton meant, but he wasn’t about to say it out loud. He wanted to know what they had guessed.
“Have you two kissed yet?”
Different kisses filtered through his mind as his lips twitched and Ashton grinned.
“Knew it. How did it happen mate?” This had Luke and Michael’s attention.
“Wait, you finally kissed her? About damn time.” Michael muttered and Luke snorted.
“Hold up, how long have you guys been waiting for something to happen?” Cal stared at his three best friends incredulously.
“Months mate. Ash cottoned on first.”
“Cheers Mike, throw me under the bus.”
“Wait, you guys knew she was in love with me? Why didn’t you say anything?” It had been one thing for her not to tell him, but for his brothers in all but blood, he felt hurt.
“You weren’t ready to hear it, Cal.” Luke soothed quietly, seeing the annoyance on his bandmates face. “You would’ve shut her out and we weren’t prepared to make it worse for either of you. So we figured if you hadn’t done anything by New Years, we were going to try and push you both to at least admit it.
And the hurt dissipated.
They were only looking out for the both of them.
“The first night we got back off tour.” He finally spoke, his voice soft.
“Huh?” Came the eloquent response from Michael, making Calum smile.
“It happened the first night we got back from tour. I was restless so I went to visit her. She’d been looking after Duke anyway.”
And so he told them. He told them his epiphany and the following kiss that he’d shared with her.
But for some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to tell them about how they’d lain under the stars and whispered their promises to each other and the world. That was their moment, no one else's.
His friends were beyond happy for him, promising to keep the newly discovered relationship quiet for both his sake and hers.
They loved her too.
Performing the show, he’d never felt so alive. Knowing she was watching him, all the way back home when it was ridiculously early.
He wondered if this was a feeling he could bottle up to keep for the days he was always uncertain.
Going back home after their last show, it was a relief to fall back into her arms once more. It was comfort and he began to understand the sayings home is where the heart lies. And his home was her.
They struggled, like any couple would. They argued, they fought. Sometimes it was petty arguments that they’d end up apologising for, or it was a war of words that had escalated because they had let things sit and fester for too long.
But they were few and far between. It was rare that they got into a fight. The small arguments over the dishes, the washing, it was normal. It was almost always playful unless she was tired and he could see that she was struggling.
And even though people said a relationship should be 50/50, he knew on her bad days, he went the extra mile just to ease the day and she did the same for him. Because that was how they worked.
When they went back into the studio, their early nights turned into late ones, with Y/N falling asleep on the sofa, waiting for him. But she never minded. He was doing what he loved.
And as time and tours went on by, it became easier for both of them to adapt to his life on the road and the unpredictability of his life. But he made sure one thing was certain. Her.
The other three teased him relentlessly for it when they’d walk in on the two of them facetiming. Or the one time when he’d gotten drunk and called her, even though it was the middle of the night for her, he’d written a song for her and They’d laughed at first, but when they reworded the lyrics and found a beat, it became the first single of the following album.
It was as they approached the three year mark did he post anything that hinted to a relationship. And fans went nuts.
All he’d done was post a photo of their entwined fingers, her hand on top of his with no caption. And the boys made it a game to see how many people guessed right.
Surprisingly, only a few had guessed Y/N. Apparently she’d fallen out of the running of mostly likely to date him.
But it wasn’t until six months later when she posted a similar picture, but this time it was his hand on top of hers.
Fans put two and two together, but they never said much else.
It was a mixture of things that had him fall in love with her every day. He was an intensely private person, but around his friends, almost always he managed to talk about what she was doing, or what promotion she’d managed to get.
And as they became more relaxed about their relationship, a few more photos appearing here and there, he found himself enjoying the highs and lows.
As they began to approach their five year anniversary, he found himself thinking back to the year he’d met her, the heartbreak he’d suffered so bad that he stopped believing in love.
It was almost as if fate had put her there, to meet. And he wasn’t a big believer in that either. But when he thought back and reminisced. He was almost certain that their meeting was fates work, to remind him that love could be found, even for those who had been hurt by it so badly.
“What are your plans for the anniversary?” Ashton had come around for a quiet beer, away from the busy lives they led. It wasn’t often they needed to pull away from people and places, but Calum understood Ashton’s need to solitude, and offered it to his home that he now shared with her.
She’d all but moved in after the second year they were together and she hadn’t left since.
Knowing that she was at work, having to pull the graveyard shift, Calum didn’t feel worried about being overheard by her.
“Never thought I’d say this, but I’m planning on proposing.” He finally admitted and Ashton’s grin grew wider by the second.
“Mate, that’s incredible. What made the decision?”
“I was looking back through some of our older stuff, and I realised that there isn’t anyone in this world I want to share this life with. I shared it with her when she was my best friend and I’ve shared it with her since we got together. And I want her to know that it’ll be her every time.”
Ashton sighed happily.
“Y’know, I was worried about you for a while, after-”
“I know.”
“Let me finish, damn.” Ashton muttered with a huff. “I was worried about you for a long time. You seemed to find solace in the bottom of a bottle and it felt like I was watching you drown but I could do nothing to help. And after that party, just meeting her, I could see the change. You still struggled, but you let her help you.” Calum’s cheeks tinted pink.
He always felt a fleeting feeling of shame whenever he thought back to those days where he was a loose cannon.
“I don’t say it to make you feel bad, Cal. But you let her in. And fuck was I so grateful that someone was able to talk sense into you. You’ve done nothing but thrive and grow and honestly, she’s the same. You found each other at the right time and I really hope that you guys get to announce the engagement.”
At this, Calum just chuckled.
“Hold your horses there Ash, I haven’t even asked her.”
“I know, but anybody would be a fool to miss how in love she is with you and vice versa. Do you know how you’re going to do it?”
“Of course. I’ve been planning this for the last year at least.”
Their night continued before both retired for the evening, Ashton crashing in the spare room. She always worried whenever they’d been drinking with them and even with Uber available, having an overactive imagination was sometimes a curse. So their friends quickly learned that if you planned to drink over at theirs, they’d be sleeping in the spare room, just for her sanity.
When it got to their anniversary, Calum had insisted that she book the entire day and night off. To her surprise, her boss had given her the entire weekend off and when she told Calum this, the smile he gave her was full of mischief but she could still see the softer side to it, the side that was hers.
It was a quiet dinner together they shared in their home, the lighting soft which made the mood seem more romantic than she felt was needed, but loved nonetheless.
“Shall we go for a late night stroll?” He finally asked long after they’d had dinner and had been sat together, talking about everything.
The route was familiar, it was the same route they took so many years previous when he realised he loved her. He briefly wondered if she knew where he was taking her.
The city lights still looked as beautiful as they did all those years ago, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist as he pressed a soft kiss to her cheek.
“I love you.” Her lips curved into a smile and she turned her head, eyes meeting his .
“I love you too.” Came her reply and they stood there in the cool air, watching the city below them.
When they got back to their home, she went to pull off her jacket, but he smirked before continuing to pull her out to the garden.
A giggle escaped her as she pulled him onto the grass, tucking herself into his side once they were lay down, watching the stars.
“I remember the night that I realised my feelings for you, you told me how you come out to tell the stars your secrets and your promises. I knew then I was head over heels in love with you, I was just a dumbass.”
This made her laugh, her eyes crinkling as she pressed her face into his chest to muffle the soft giggles that warmed his heart.
“You promised me that you’d be the man I knew and believed you could be.” She recalls and his heart speeds up slightly. She remembered.
“And you helped me be that man, sweetheart. I have fallen endlessly in love with you and I’ve never been more lucky to have you in my life. So I want to make a new promise, since you helped me fulfill the last one.”
She hums an agreement, her head tilting to look at him. He’s wearing her smile.
“I promise to stand by your side no matter what. To love you, even when we’ve got greys in our hair and more laughter lines in our skin. I promise to continue being the man you believed I could be, the man that I am. I also promise to be the best husband I could be, if you’d let me.”
It took a second for the words to sink in before her eyes went wide as he plucked the small box from his jacket pocket.
“Marry me?”
Her lips were on his before he could even open the box, her hands cradling his face as he felt a few tears fall from her face onto his. But he didn’t care.
“Yes, a thousand times and more, yes.” She whispered against his lips and his heart almost burst from the feeling of joy and love he had for this woman in front of him.
As he slid the ring on her third finger on her left hand, he almost wished he could just imprint this memory to his mind for good. The way her hair fell as her forehead rested against his, small kisses shared every few seconds. The stay tears that were falling down her cheeks, but the smile so wide which destroyed any notion that they were sad tears.
“I make this promise, to always love you, and be the best wife I could ever be. To support you and cherish you, no matter how far apart we are. I love you so damn much.” She finally whispered and he smiled, a few stray tears of his own falling.
“Couldn’t have asked for a better future wife.” This made her giggle, his own laughter joining hers.
His future was set, all because of her.
tag list: @cals-babylons , @plainwhiteluke , @calumspeachy , @wrappedaroundcal , @holidayhood , @monsteramongmikey , @talkfastfletcher , @irrevocablylukes , @astroashtonio , @catchinqcalum , @plaidpantsluke , @qualitylu , @5saucewho, @babylon-uncrowned , @dontstopisagoodsongchangemymind , @therainydays4 , @asht0ns-world , @silverchainbee , @hidd3nfangirl , @doodleasouarus , @hemmomfg , @mylovehes , @songforhema , @kinglyhood , @youngblood199456 , @makecoffeenotwars , @5squash , @negative-love , @softboycal , @allltimehemmo , @you-of-ghost , @dannisos , @jane-ofalltrades, @meetyoutheremgc , @lmao5sosimagines , @lietoash , @aw-hawkeye , @biggestslutforcalum , @drummerboy794 , @itkindajusthappenedreally, @mycollectionofnuts , @coreybryanttrash , @abitloudforanaccousticset , @boytoynamedcalum , @teampreator , @dukehoods , @hoe4hemmo , @calumhampton , @sassy-asht0n , @toofadedtofight , @gigglyirwin , @blue-skies-are-alright , @hearts-to-the-sky , @tiddlerrr , @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you , @thesensationalcalum , @ashtxns-hxe , 
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sprydecreates · 5 years
ferry lookout
requested: nope
warnings: mentions of drinking, language
pairings: calum hood x reader
type: fluff w an angst scene ; headcanon/list ; 3.4k+ words ; gender neutral
summary: you and college!calum finally thought you had found something with each other. too bad there was a miscommunication. or is it?
a/n: i originally intended for this to be a valentine’s day thing, but it never felt right for it. so i spruced it up, and i think it finally feels decent.
i’ve been off my writing game for a bit, so i’m sorry if it feels different halfway through (this is due to being off me game and also changing the idea completely). hope you like it either way! i think it’s sweet.
it was a kind of restless night, and you and calum were having a drive to a lookout.
everyone had things to do, except cal.
ash had a night at the club
mike and luke were studying for an exam they both had the following day
so, cal texted you and asked if you wanted to hang out.
you and calum exchanged numbers the semester before
you sat together for economics, and contacted each other for homework help usually
since it was during spring semester, you both went your separate ways for summer, and didn’t really contact each other
there were the occasional likes on instagram, and texts of memes about how awful the professor was, but nothing else
pretty much an excuse for you two to still talk
you both thought the other was cute, but you didn’t know how to come forward with it. as, you could see, all you two talked about was class, and memes relating to the class
when classes started again, you got a text from calum asking what you were taking
you didn’t have any of the same classes, as your majors were polar opposites
but, he did wish you a good year, and said if you needed any help with your math course, he’d be glad to help
you two spoke every other day, but nothing huge
the lookout was popular with locals, but you hadn’t ever went up there, or heard of it rather, so calum insisted that was where you two would go.
initially, you were just going to grab some late night snacks and head back to his apartment
but on the way, you passed the lookout.
“where’s that little road go?”
“what do you mean where does it go?”
“uh, like, is there a house up there?”
calum pointed to the lookout sign, “are you talking about that one? with the huge ass sign saying ‘ferry lookout’?”
“so, it leads to a lookout?”
“...have you never been?”
“no..? is it big or something?”
calum gives you a playful side eye, then focuses on the road again, “i’ve been up there so many times i can’t count. i can’t believe you’ve never heard of this place. this calls for a change of plans, we’re going up there.”
so, after grabbing your respective late night favorites, you and calum headed towards the lookout.
on the drive, you took this opportunity to ask calum how long he has lived here
“uhh, like. five years, maybe?” calum answered while turning into the road to the lookout.
“ah, i see. so you’re from australia, right?”
“yup. accent give it away?”
“yeah, i mean i noticed you say your i’s like ‘oi’. like you pronounce your friend michael’s name as ‘moie-kol’. but i noticed on instagram that that’s where you went for summer, and you have sydney as your hometown.”
“oh, yeah. i always go back home for the summer to see my family.”
“wait so you’re out here on your own?”
the car neared the parking spaces for the overlook, and calum parked the car in the middle of the lot before continuing his story, “yup. i, well, me and my friends, moved here when we were younger for our band. i was about seventeen at the time.” calum reached into the 7-eleven bag and popped open his bag of pretzels, “we moved here because our first album went kinda big, at least on social media. so we made the choice to pack up, and see what america had for us. we got here, got too cocky, and it all went to shit. had to go back home for a little, live with my parents, save enough money, and then came back.”
“well?” you had already gotten your snack ready, munching from time to time while calum spoke.
“you want the full story?” he glanced over to you, chuckling a bit after seeing you scrunched up in the passenger seat, eager to hear his story for once.
“hell yeah! i wanna know what happened to this band of yours. pleeeeease?”
he quickly swallowed the pretzel he was chewing, and took a gulp of his slurpee, “okay okay, fine. we’re called bromance, by the way. but after we came back, we were still together, just not so hard. like, instead of us making music for fame, we made it because we wanted to. like we sat back in straya talking about what we needed to do, cause we went from thinking we’d hit it big, to having to ask our parents for money for a plane ticket back home. we already had two year leases on two apartments, and we couldn’t exactly break them, so we worked until we had enough money to cover a few months rent on our own, and then we came back. got more jobs, and stabled ourselves.”
you nodded, and closed your jaw which had been slacking with admiration, “is that why you went to college here too?”
he nodded back to you, “mhm. that’s why i’m twenty-two and in second year classes still - i could only afford to take like three courses per semester, if that.”
you held up a hand and shook your head, tilting it downward while doing so, “no judging here, i’m only here because i won a scholarship. i’d be back in my hometown in the local community college if it wasn’t for it, honestly.”
calum raised an eyebrow, “damn, you got a scholarship?”
“yeah, i wrote an essay about my life struggles, and they gave it to me.” you shrugged, and then realized how ungrateful you sounded, “don’t get me wrong, i’m grateful for it, i just don’t see how i got in with it.”
calum pushed and stretched out his bottom lip in both agreement and confusion before he spoke, “well, it must’ve been good if you got in.”
“eh, whatever. tell me more about you, though. i wanna know about your family, and this little bird named ‘mali’ you have tattooed on you.”
for the next hour or so, you and calum explored each others past, and present. the conversation kind of went dry when it came back to this lookout, as you two pretty much knew everything about it that you needed to.
calum was staring out at the vast lights carrying the city to sleep, and he spoke softly to keep the mood, “i still can’t believe you’ve been here for two years and you haven’t been up here. it’s like, the most romantic spot i know.”
you scoffed, raising your hand and shooing off his last comment, “bold of you to assume anyone has asked me on a date since i got here.”
he scrunched the left side of his lip up while looking over to you, “you’re kidding.”
“well, halfway,” you began, lightly speaking with your hands, “i’ve been asked out, but it’s only to fuck.”
calum turns his head back to the view, “i can see that. i never got that bit; i love going on dates, and hanging out and stuff. i don’t know why it’s been looked at as a joke from 2017 on.”
“right?!” you snap your head to calum, “it’s like, what the fuck ever happened to just chilling with a person for a couple of weeks or something and getting to know them that way instead of playing an over-sexualized game of twenty-one questions?”
calum widened his eyes, pointing his index finger at you while you spoke, “honestly!” you two exchanged feelings about current relationships standards and past relationship complications, until it got kind of serious on calum’s ends: “that’s why i don’t really believe in love. cause like, i always try to be a nice guy, like an actually nice one and not a ‘m’lady’ neckbeard thing, but i always get fucked over. and i try, but it’s like, why even attempt if you know something will never come to you?”
you sighed, nodding along with what he was saying, “i get that. but at the same time, you gotta look at the world around you. there’s what, nine or ten billion people in the world that you haven’t met?”
“yeah, but it’s like, if i were meant to fall in love, shouldn’t i have already found a trace of something real?”
you raised your eyebrows, gaining a stern but gentle tone with him, “calum you can’t base love off of what you got when you were seventeen and in your first real relationship. we were kids, and we’re bound to break ‘love’, no matter what age we are. people fall in love at forty, some at twenty - some with their hometown best friend, some with a person halfway across the world. love isn’t dead because it didn’t happen to you like it did in the movies. wouldn’t you rather have something real as to something scripted?”
and with that, calum mentally took note, and decided maybe he’d give love a chance again.
but, that was roughly four and a half months ago.
it was now the end of april, and you and calum had gotten closer than ever.
after the night drive and you both got home safely, he texted you and said, “Thanks for a fun night. It’s cliche as hell, but I think you’ve opened my eyes a bit. Hope to hang soon.”
of course, you two hung out two days after. and two days after that. and after that, and so on.
it was really cute though
lots of sweet banter
couple of deep conversations at each others apartments at two in the morning
which would turn into sleep overs after you two talked more
comments on instagram that were kinda flirty, but still open-ended
any lovey dovey stuff, really
your notes on calum:
really, really good guy. god tier guy.
very romantic, but not a huge fan of pda
insecure but passes it off as humor and refuses to take a compliment or believe someone might like him
offers you hoodies when it’s upwards of seventy-five degrees inside
has made you several home cooked meals
doesn’t shame you or put you down if you’re having bad mental health days and need space
says your name reeeeaaaalllly giggly if he’s feeling soft
knows stan language and actually made a stan account for his own band to secretly interact with fans because you told him about an au where that happens
he of course didn’t tell you to make a stan account for him so you can recreate said au
brought you back a surfboard key chain with your name on it from his trip to australia for christmas
you’re in love with him
calum’s notes on you:
pushy in the right ways
honest, but sometimes in a backhanded compliment type of way
fashion forward, has given him a couple of new styles to work with
encourages him to try new things and to fully be himself
plays with his hair in order for him to fall asleep
leads to cuddling because he had his arm around your waist and head on your upper torso
gives him confidence to try out ‘feminine’ things (painted nails, (heart stud) earrings, etc)
up to talk about his problems with him
gets along with his friends, and doesn’t act weird because they went viral a couple of times
also interacts with fans as though you’re a stan account yourself
stays around to help with homework, even if you don’t know a thing about what he’s doing
comfortable silence is brought up here too
he’s in love with you
spring is of course, the season of budding romance. or, at least it is to you.
you know, flowers blooming, warm sunsets and seeing each other in golden hour, an overwhelming sense of acoustic guitar playing in the background; that sort of thing.
so, you know what that means?
you decide to ask calum out on a date.
yeah, you! you know he likes you, what could go wrong? 
on a friday evening, you got dressed up, and decided to take calum on a fancy dinner date.
you were ready to go at about six, and gave calum a ring.
“hey (y/n)!”
“hey calum,” you were smiling ear to ear at this point, “whatcha up to?”
“eh, nothing too big. what about you?”
“oh, you’re up to something?”
“umm! kinda but not really?”
your smile drooped, and your tone changed, “oh, alright. cool.”
calum was silent for a second before speaking in a concerned, soft tone, “everything alright?”
you were breathing in through your nose to stop the tears brimming, “yeah, not a problem. i’ll leave you to it. see you.”
what the fuck?!!?!!!!!!!!!!/!?!!!!!!!!!e,me39834,m?!?!?!?
calum? going out????
he wasn’t seeing anyone?E>.dW>QDLWE<
oh my god it was that girl commenting on his pictures that he followed back
he played you
coincidentally, your best friend, (y/f/n) called:
“hey! whats up?”
since you and calum were never an official ‘thing’ (even though you told your friends you thought something would happen), you decided to keep it calm, “not a thing, why?”
“wanna come help me get ready? i’m going to the club an-”
“sure, be over in ten.”
(y/f/n) seemed a bit off, but you didn’t really pay attention. you were just trying to get wasted, and throw away the feelings you thought were finally, fine.
this being said, you two jetted to the club.
“hey, (y/n)?” (y/f/n) asked, turning their head to face you.
you turned your head to (y/f/n) while you waited in line to get into the building, “what?”
“is everything, like, good?”
you turned away from them, nodding once, “i’m gonna make it be.”
about an hour and a half after you both got into the club, you received a text from calum.
“You busy?”
left on read
“If u sent something, I never got it”
left on read
“Is everything okay?”
left on read
“Dude what’s going on?”
you rolled your eyes, and angrily slid your phone onto the table in front of you, grabbing what’s left of your second drink and taking a swig. (y/f/n) watched and started to question.
“what’s up?”
you finally broke, “calum.”
(y/f/n) rose an eyebrow, “what about him?”
you sighed, “i finally thought we were gonna be something. i thought he liked me, but right when i got up the courage to ask him out, he told me he had something planned.”
(y/f/n)’s eyes widened, and they started to stutter, “he uh, he said he had something, planned? when? like right now?”
you nodded while you spoke, “yeah,” your hand flew from the crossed position it was in and pointed to your upside down phone, “right before you called, he told me he had something to do.”
“what do you think he’s doing?”
“no clue. he usually tells me he’s going out with his band mates, cause he had to call me one night to help him get one of ‘em home. so he’s always told me to keep me on standby. this time, he seemed really giddy, and like nervous.” you sat quiet for a few seconds, debating on whether or not to stop yourself from tearing up again, “so i’m guessing he found someone and didn’t wanna tell me.”
(y/f/n) picked up their phone halfway through you speaking, probably to look people up to mark out suspected people for later, “i dunno (y/n), i think you’re over thinking a bit.”
you gave (y/f/n) a defeated sigh, shrugging afterwards, “i don’t know. i mean i hope not, but i’m not gonna hold my breath.”
after a few minutes of tense silence, (y/f/n) suggests you two leave, and head back to your apartment to talk.
on the way back, you got to complain about how you thought calum was made for you.
(y/f/n) did keep smiling weirdly. were they the one calum was seeing?   
thoughts came to a standstill, though.
calum’s car was in the parking lot.
or at least it looked like it. you didn’t have his tag memorized, obviously.
(y/f/n) parked, and finally turned to you with a not really well hidden smile, “sorry you thought something was up.”
you had your eyebrows furrowed, “what?”
all they said was, “have fun,” and ushered you out of their car.
you, although confused, walked up to the front door and started towards your room.
when you unlocked your door, you heard a soft guitar playing from what sounded like your living room.
you tiptoed into the dimly lit room, and turned the light switch on. there sat calum, a yellow tinted acoustic guitar sat on his thigh as he strummed it, and started to sing the good side by troye sivan.
it was one of those songs you told calum about, and how it reminded you of him.
not in a ‘we broke up and one of us felt worse than the other’ way, but more or less, ‘we’ll meet in the spring’, as you two did come back to each other during that season; ‘traveled the universe twice’, where he came from australia and stayed by fate; ‘i got the good side’, as you found growth and goodness through each other in hard times. so, in a ‘i love you, and the universe wanted us together’ way.
throughout the song, you had found yourself sat in front of calum, your heart beating as though you had just ran a marathon, and it only sped up as the song ended.
you sat with your palms pressed against the insides of your calves, staring at calum as he let a wide smile settle on his face. he spoke while he sat his guitar on the table in front of the couch where you both sat, “sorry about lying.”
you finally found the strength to whisper, “about?”
he had positioned himself closer to you, now looking into your eyes, “being busy. i mean, i was kinda busy, setting this place up and all.”
you took the opportunity to look around for once, seeing that he had picked up a bundle of your favorite flowers, and scattered them around the room. he had a couple of candles lit that you had smelled since you walked in. and you didn’t know if he meant to, but he was wearing the shirt he wore when you two went to the overlook for the first time.
after taking it all in, you turned back to him, “you did this, all, for me?”
he nodded, giggling a little at your surprise, “mhm. you look beautiful, by the way.”
“wait, did you know?”
“know what?”
“that i liked you?”
“wait, you?” he cocked his head to the side, trying to form a sentence.
“yeah? i was going to take you out to dinner tonight, and like when you said you were busy, that’s why i got so distant, cause i you know thought you were entertaining someone and i got jealous-”
you were cut off by calum cupping your cheeks, “i’m so sorry, i didn’t think to word it differently i just thought you were having like, a night or something and got annoyed not because you thought i liked someone else.”
your palms found their way to calum’s cheeks as well, “no it’s nothing now, i just got freaked out and overreacted without giving you a chance. i’m sorry too.” calum had started to rub his thumbs against your cheekbones, and it threw off your thought process a bit.
this was all you wanted. this, is all you wanted, and it’s right here in front of you; rambling, and shaking, and loving.
“please.” you shook out of your realization, and asked him to repeat himself, “kiss me, please. i’ll pay you if need be.”
to say the least, he paid you in rent money when he moved in five months later, in tickets used to meet his and your family, in presents exchanged during holidays, in a down payment on a house, in baby clothes for your four dogs, and obviously, in all the love he had ever given / had for anyone he had ever met: you. his soulmate that he fell in love with due to an unplanned first date.
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bxcketbarnes · 6 years
Sofia's New Teacher
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Pairing: Single Dad!Ashton Irwin/Reader
Words: 1992
Author's note: I thought of this idea while talking to @the5sosdumpster and she told me to go for it and I did! I really hope you guys like it 💕😭 xoxo
It wasn't easy for Ashton, being a single father to a very outgoing three-year-old daughter. Sofia was just like her mother in almost every way. The only features she has of him are her hazel eyes and dimples.
No one expected for her mother, Lindsey, to just get up and leave when Sofia was a little over a month old. Ashton sure didn't. If he said that it didn't hurt waking up to an empty bed with all of his significant others belongings gone with no note whatsoever… he’d be lying.
Luckily he's had the boys and Jess help with her and he's grateful of that, he is. But, a part of him misses having a girlfriend. Having a three-year-old is a lot of deal breakers with the girls he's tried to see.
Ashton and Sofia were currently at the grocery store, doing the weekly food shopping for the house.
“Daddy! Animal Crackers!” Sofia shouted, pointing towards the shelf and Ash chuckles.
“Okay, okay. We'll get some animal crackers. I can put these in your lunchbox when you start school, baby girl,” he grins, picking up the red box before setting it into the cart.
The two continued on, moving down the juice aisle. Ashton scratched his jaw, trying to remember which one was her favorite when Sofia threw his car keys on the ground.
The three-year-old giggles, looking up at her father with a wide grin, dimples indented in her cheeks. Ashton bends down to pick up his keys, shoving them in his pocket before returning his attention to Sofia. “Daddy, can I get down? I wanna pick the juice,” she said and Ash nodded, lifting his daughter out of the cart before putting her down.
He watches with a smile as she looks at the juice boxes, her small fingers running along the plastic covering. She lets out a small gasp, grabbing the apple one before handing it to her father. “Apple, huh? That's daddy’s favorite too,” he chuckled while setting it into the cart.
Ashton turns back around to see Sofia gone and his heart drops into his stomach, panic beginning to settle in. “Sofia?! Sofia!”
He ditched the cart, running out of the aisle to see her in a woman’s arms. A large smile was on both of their lips as the Y/H/C lady was laughing.
“Daddy!” She calls out, waving to the twenty-eight-year-old and Ash lets out a sigh of relief, stepping towards them.
“Thanks so much for not letting her get kidnapped or something,” he mumbles to the gorgeous woman, his heart fluttering a bit as she shook her head.
“It's no problem. This lil’ cutie came up to me and complimented my dress. So brave for a,” you trailed off, glancing towards the incredibly handsome man. C'mon, Y/N! He's surely not single. He's got a daughter.
“Sofia. Her name is Sofia. She's three,” Ashton fills in the blank and you looked back at his daughter.
“Sofia?!” You asked her and she nods, giving a toothy grin. “That's such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”
Ashton couldn't keep his eyes off you, your beauty radiating in the brightly lit grocery store as you smiled lovingly at his little girl.
You looked back towards her father after feeling his eyes on you, blushing a bit before handing her back. “Make sure you don't give daddy a heart attack again, okay?” You asked her and she nods, chewing on one of her small fingers.
The sandy brunette licks his lips before glancing down at his daughter, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Thank you again,” Ash mentioned and you nodded.
“It's not a problem. I love kids,” you tell him and Ashton swears that his heart is going to explode. Where has this mysterious woman been these past few years?!
You had just walked into your new classroom, eyes lighting up at the fairly large space. Your fingers ran over the wooden desk, grinning at the nameplate in the center of the desk.
“I can't believe I'm finally teaching,” you muttered to yourself, sitting on top of your desk. “It'll be a fantastic year.
After almost two hours of decorating your classroom, which honestly you probably should've done a couple days ago since it's the first day of school, you were finally finished. You took a step back, looking over your work when a knock on the door snapped you out of your thoughts.
A smile came to your lips as one of the other teachers stood at your door, kids and their parents standing in the hallway. A flutter of butterflies went off in your stomach becoming a bit nervous as you walked towards the wooden door.
“You ready for your first day?” Mrs. Jackson asked and you nod your head.
“I'm super excited. Hi, kiddos! Come on in,” you tell them as the began piling in. “Have a good first day, Mrs. Jackson.”
She gives you a smile, nodding before retreating back to her room which is a couple doors down.
You turn around to go into the classroom when you bump into someone. “Oh, I'm so sorry-,” you started to apologize but cut yourself off when you realize who it was. The man from the grocery store… the really cute man.
His lips parted in surprise as Sofia ran into the room, already talking to the other kids. “H-Hey!” He softly smiled, running his fingers through his hair. “Are you the teacher?”
You nod, blushing a bit as he stared down at you, nodding his head. “Is… Sofia’s mother here?” You ask and the smile on the handsome man’s face fell before he shook his head.
“Uhm, Lindsey’s uh, not in the picture,” he mumbled and you frowned, feeling your heart drop as you look past him towards Sofia. “It's just been us since she was one month old.”
“Oh, wow. I'm sorry I didn't know,” you started, laying a hand on his arm. “But, how she was at the grocery store and what I'm seeing now… you've done an amazing job.”
Ashton smiled softly, his heart thudding against his chest. “Thanks, uh Miss L/N,” he awkwardly chuckled and you let out a quiet snort.
“Y/N, you can call me Y/N, Mr. Irwin,” you grinned, fumbling with your fingers.
“Please, call me Ashton or Ash. Mr. Irwin makes me sound old,” he laughed and your heart swelled at the beautiful sound, nodding your head.
You invited him in and you watched as he walked towards his daughter who was playing blocks with two other children. You leaned against your desk, arms crossing over your chest as your eyes went to each child that was with their parents.
It's gonna be a good year. I can feel it.
It's been almost two months since Sofia started school and honestly, Ashton was glad she loved it. He was at ease knowing she'd be safe with you while he was at work.
He was currently parked outside the school, leaning against the side of his car while waiting for the end of the school day. Ashton’s phone was pressed against his ear, Calum talking into it.
“I don't know why you don't ask her out. You said it yourself that she's different from the others. I wouldn't want her to slip from my grasp,” Calum told him for the millionth time and he sighed.
“I know, Calum, I know. It's just… I have no idea if she's seeing anyone. I don't wanna make a fool of myself,” Ashton told his best friend, his slender fingers tapping against his thigh.
“That's why you ask! Oh my god. It's like you're in fucking high school again. Just do it,” he laughs and Ash rolls his eyes.
“Fine. I will. Gotta go,” he mumbled into the phone, saying goodbye to Calum before hanging up the phone and sliding it into his pocket.
Ashton searched the crowd of kids for his Sofia, getting a little anxious as he didn't see her. You came out behind the kids, his breath catching in his throat as Sofia was on your back.
Your eyes meet his and Ash gives a small wave. Other parents met up with their kids, one by one leaving the school. You walked up to Ashton, a grin on your lips as you took in his stare.
“Daddy!” Sofia yells happily, shifting herself on my back so she could reach out to him. “Did you see Miss Y/N give me a piggyback ride?!”
Ashton laughs, grabbing a hold of his little girl. “I did! So, guess what?” He muttered to Sofia and you watched as her hazel eyes widened.
“What?” Her tiny voice asks, her little fingers toying with the hair on the base of Ash’s neck.
“Uncle Cal, Luke, Mike, and I are gonna take you to get ice cream,” Ashton tells her and she lets out a small gasp, giving a toothy grin while chanting ice cream! He puts his daughter in the car, buckling her up as she continued the chants.
You let out a laugh, shaking your head at how adorable she is. Ash closes the door after securing his daughter in her car seat. You were about to walk away when Ashton grabs your wrist in his large hand.
“Uh, wait,” he stumbled and you could see the nervous look on his face, his cheeks sporting a light pink blush. “I was, uh, I was wondering if you were seeing anyone?”
You swear your heart stopped, taking a few seconds to take in to make sure he asked what you heard. You quickly shook your head, your heart pounding against your ribcage. “N-No, I'm not. I'm definitely single,” you stuttered out, a smile coming to your lips once you see Ashton’s lips form one.
“Great! Uh, great! W-Would you maybe want to exchange numbers? I'd love to take you out for dinner or make you dinner… if you want too of course,” Ashton stuttered out, scratching the back of his neck before glancing over his shoulder to check on Sofia.
You nod slightly, grabbing the blue marker that was in your back pocket before writing your number down onto his arm. “Call me, Ashton,” you smiled, pressing your lips together before waving goodbye to Sofia.
Ashton kept his eyes on you while you head back into the school, looking over your shoulder at him one more time before disappearing from his sight. He gulped, looking down at the number on his arm. Holy shit.
Ashton paced in his apartment after Mike and Jess picked up Sofia, taking her for the night. You were supposed to come to his place around six and it was currently 5:30 and Ash was freaking out just a bit.
It's fine. Everything will be fine. She seemed to be into you. Just be yourself. Ashton continuously told himself, running a hand through his curls before looking down at his outfit for the fifth time.
You stood outside his door, letting out a huff of breath while trying to gather enough courage to knock on the white wooden door.
C'mon, Y/N! He asked if you were single. That's like the sign of him liking you… right? You thought to yourself, biting your bottom lip as your stomach flipped with nerves.
You swallowed thickly, tucking some hair behind your ear before knocking on the door softly. You clasped your hands, rocking on your heels while you waited for Ash to answer the door.
Ashton stared at the door after hearing your knocking, taking a look around the living room and kitchen area to make sure everything was clean. The food was kept on warm on the stove, racing towards the island to grab the lighter, quickly lighting the candles.
Alright, Ashton. You got this. You got this… He took a deep breath, combing his fingers through his hair to fix it slightly before reaching out to open the door.
Taglist: @h0tsos @gotta-try-something-new @twilightparker @kinglyhood @ashs-cheergirl @babylon-lrh @dashlilymark @morningfears @thebookamongmen @lukeskisses @thatcheekychic @maddz-world @therainydays4 @crownedbyluke​ @shower-me-with-roses
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whatevertbbhhb · 5 years
Dancing (Luke Hemmings Imagine)
AN: This is my second piece and I honestly don’t know what I was planning on achieving with this. 
You were Y/N Hemmings: recently wed to (you guessed it) Luke Hemmings. The two of you had been friends since the band first started producing professional music, and you were hired as sound tech, a young prodigy in all things technological. After 5SOS’s second tour though, you and Lukes close friendship turned to something much more. It had been two months since the two of you had been married, and you were in your apartment in Sydney, cleaning up the kitchen as you waited for Luke to return; he had gone clubbing with Ash, Cal, and Mike. As you began to wipe down the counter, you got the sudden strong urge to sing, feeling like you had been too silent in your apartment. And so you began to belt out the first song that came to your head. 
“Here I am waking up
 still can’t sleep on your side,
 There's your coffee cup,
 The lipstick stains fade with time”
 You were so absorbed in your singing that you didn’t hear the lock click open and 4 guys tread inside slowly in case you were sleeping. 
“If I could dream long enough
 you’d tell me I’d be just fine”
 They stopped in their tracks as they heard you singing in the kitchen. Luke kept walking as you finished the verse. 
“I’d be just fine”
He stood behind you, waiting for the chorus 
“So I drown it out”
This time, a second voice joined you. You turned around to smile up at Luke. 
“Like I always do” Both of you continued. 
“Dancing through our house” Luke offered you his hand and you took it.
 “With the ghost of you” He pulled you to him and you began to do a slow two step, still singing.
 “And I chase it down
 with a shot of truth
 dancing through our house,
 with the ghost of you” 
You were so lost in his bright blue eyes that you didn't see the rest of the band in the kitchen doorway, Michael with his phone camera out.
“Cleaning up today 
Found that old Zeppelin shirt
 You wore when you ran away
  And no one could feel your hurt” you continued to harmonize, both of your voices merging into one melodious tune.
 “We're too young, too dumb
To know things like love” He spun you and you twirled, landing on his chest.
 “But I know better now” 
“ So I drown it out like I always do Dancing through our house With the ghost of you And I chase it down With a shot of truth That my feet don't dance Like they did with you”
You finished the song, leaning into each other before your lips connected.
“Eurgh you guys PDA” Ashton called. You broke away from Luke; you hadn’t noticed everyone until now.
“Hey guys!” you smiled brightly before it was smudged with a yawn that you tried to stifle.
“Go get some sleep Lovebirds” Calum sang the last part in a teasing tone. You rolled your eyes as the guys began to leave your apartment.
 “See you tomorrow Mate” you heard Michael call before the door shut. Luke looked down at you, still in his arms and smiled. “I love you”
You groaned as Petunia pulled on the duvet of yours and Luke's bed, whining to be taken outside. The sun was filtering through the blinds and it made Luke's sleeping figure appear to glow. You smiled admiring his features for a moment, until Petunia let out another small whimper and you untangled yourself from Luke’s arms. He stirred and groaned at the appearance of sunlight
“Baby, what's wrong?” he questioned, still half asleep. 
You smiled at his disheveled appearance. 
“I’m taking Piggy out, I’ll be right back. Don’t move” 
“Won’t be a problem Honey” he mumbled, falling back into a doze.
 You grabbed your phone and keys from the bedside after throwing on a robe. “C’mon Piggy” you beckoned her as you opened the door. She zoomed out gleefully and you giggled, opening your phone as you waited for Piggy. You had to blink a few times to really process the notifications on your phone. Sure, the usual stuff, but 10,234 notifications on Insta? That was something you needed to see. The first thing you saw when you opened the app was a video of you and Luke dancing, and the more you scrolled, the more you saw the same clip. Still adjusting to the situation you noticed Mike had updated his story. You tapped on it, and the video of Luke asking you to dance, followed by both of you singing Ghost of You appeared. You smiled widely, a blush adorning your cheeks as you skimmed through the fans supportive comments. Of course, the replies were littered with hate every now and then, but you were used to it. The smile didn't leave your face for the rest of the day.
Tags: @mersuperwholocked-lowlife
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calumhood-imagines · 6 years
“Let me”
Pt 2.
“Hey Gav can you,” “Sh.” He stops me, staring behind me. I turn around, and watched the same group of boys from last week came walking in, sitting down, waving. “Hey Y/N!” They all turned looking at me, speaking loudly. “You got table 6?” I turn to look at Gav and he was no where in sight. I sighed knowing he did this so i have to serve them. I grab my pad and walk to them, “Back again I see?” I smile. “Honestly, we were like, what do we want for dinner. And I shit you not, simultaneously, we all said this place. So we had to come back. That food was excellent.” One of them said. 
“Yeah, and we loved you too. So we had to come back. This might be our new spot. Which means we will be coming here more often. Which also means you should probably learn and memorize our names. I’m Michael. You can call me Mike.” He sticks out his hand for me to shake. “I’m Ashton, you can call me Ash.” His hand extended. “Luke. No nickname.” He shakes my hand. “Calum. Cal.” He smiles big, shaking my hand last. “There was a girl last time,” I looked at one of the boys, “Sierra. My girlfriend. Couldn’t come tonight but she will be back with us again. Maybe next week.” He chuckles. “There’s a next week?” I say sarcastically happy. “Probably even more weeks. Get used to us. We have marked our territory.” Ashton says. All the boys face palmed at his comment. They glanced at the menu, ordering the same as last week. “Those might be our usuals.” Ashton hands me his menu. “So if I say, the usual, that’s what I want what ever it is.” “You’re demanding. But you got it.” “Same.” The rest said. I start putting in their order, taking another paper from my pad writing down their ‘usuals’ with their name next to the item. Taping the paper right next to the pictures of baby me on the wall. 
As I served them their food, then cleared their table after they were done. “How was it boys?” I laughed at their full stomach groans. “Better the second time.” Michael says. “Dessert? Or check?” “Lets see the dessert menu.” Ashton says, as the other boys groan. “Don’t groan yet, just want to look.” I hand him a dessert menu as he reads it all out loud. All their eyes lit up when Ashton said a dessert. “That sounds like heaven. We’ll take that, and we’ll share it.” He says. Got them the dessert and they fell in love with it. “Ok, I say this dessert every OTHER week.” Luke suggests and they all nod in agreement. “You hear that Y/N?!? ADD THAT TO THE CONTRACT!” Calum yells, laughing. I threw up a thumbs up. I rang up the bill, set it on the table. “No Calum, you paid last week. I’ll pay this week.” I heard Ashton fight for the bill. I turn around and watch Ash try to steal the bill, “I got it. No worries.” Calum said, taking out his wallet. “Come on man. You paid last week.” “Fine, you can get this one.” Calum hands over the bill. Mike raises his hand, “I call next week.” “WHUT?!” Calum laughs. “I call the week after that!” Luke raises his hand. 
“Perfect. Cal you pay the first week of the month, I pay the second week, Mike you’re third week, and Luke you’re last week of the month.” Ashton organizes the paying contribution. He waves the bill in the air, and I grab it from him. Swiping his card, Ashton Irwin. “Mate, how much did you tip her last week?” I heard him ask Calum. “$20.” “$20?! That’s it?! She deserves more than that!” I watch Ashton put a $50 bill in the holder. They all say their goodbyes, “See you next week!” They come over to me and hug me. Last one was Cal. He started walking towards the door when Gavin loudly cleared his throat, pointing at the bill. I ran to it and saw a stack of cash again. I grabbed it and ran in front of Calum before he walked out. “Nope.” I stuff it in his jacket pocket. “Come on,” “Bye Calum!” I push him out the door, locking it on his face. “Please just take it!” I heard his blocked yelling. I just shook my head no, waving bye. “See you next week!” I mouth. 
After a month of them coming in and out ordering the same stuff, it was a new month. Each time Calum tried tipping $400 and each time I give it back. “They coming today?” Gavin asks as I start wiping tables down. “Who knows. Maybe they are sick of the food. Now I can stop fighting with Calum to stop trying to tip me $400.” “Yeah, why are you doing that?” “It’s just,” I sighed. “I feel as if, if someone is going to do that for me, especially a guy, I don’t know I feel like it should be a boyfriend. Not some guy who comes into the restaurant every week.” “But he’s trying to be your boyfriend.” He points out. “Is not.” “Are you telling me all the signs have just been going over your head??” “No idea what you’re talking about.” The bell on top of the door rings. We turn and saw the boys walk in, once again. “You’re late.” I say, signaling Randy to start the grill. “Sorry. We were busy.” Luke said, hugging me. “Y/N, Sierra. Sierra, Y/N.” He introduces me to his girlfriend. I extend my hand to shake hers but she pulls me in a hug, “Long time no see! Apparently the boys love this place and you. So that means I love you too.” She says with a big smile. “Yeah, they even have their usuals.” I gave her a look making her laugh. 
“Table 6 is HUNGRY!!!!!!” Ash yells because they were the only ones in the restaurant. Sierra orders her food and I give an extra order to Randy to make. As they were eating, I checked the time. “Closing time boys!” I yell into the kitchen. I jog to the front, turning the open sign off. “Should we hurry up and leave?” Mike looks towards me. “You guys are fine. Stay as long as you want. Just want to make sure no one else comes in is all.” I lock the door. “Late night at Y/N’s. NICE!” Ash high fives me. “You guys mind if I play a little music?” I eagerly asked and they all said go head. I start to speak loud, “Hey Google! Play my playlist on spotify on shuffle.” Everyone all quiet. “Playing my playlist on spotify on shuffle.” How You Remind Me by Nickelback starts playing. I start lip singing along Randy and Gavin. All the boys start joining in on the singing too. As the song was ending, we all started laughing, out of breath, “You need a raise Y/N. You got great taste in music.” Ash says. 
“Want to hear this new song I found? It’s my favorite at the moment.” I say, grabbing my phone picking the song. She Looks So Perfect by them starts playing and they look at me laughing hard. Sierra, Gavin and I start lip singing to them. As the song ended, “I thought you didn’t know who we were that’s why we kept coming back.” Ashton says. “I didn’t at first. But y’know, I just googled your names and every song and interview and picture and meme popped up so. I HAD to dig in.” I laugh. “I stand corrected. Horrible taste in music. Fire her.” He looks at us. “Are you manager or is Gavin?” Mike asks. “Gavin is manager.” “But Y/N is the boss.” Gavin interrupts. They all raise an eyebrow.. “My family owns this restaurant. This is the second location. Other one is back in my hometown.” “Wow. No wonder you’re always here.” Luke says. “I mean I do need a job... So there’s that.” I laugh. We were all laughing and having good conversation. “Gotta pee.” I ran to the bathroom. 
Gavin’s POV
“Hey Gav,” Ashton whispers. “Y/N got a boyfriend?” He whispers fast. I look to my right and saw Calum listening carefully but pretending not to pay attention. “Single. Been single for almost a year now. She apparently swore off boys for a while.” I sat down to gossip. “Why? What happened?” Sierra asked. I looked towards the bathroom before leaning into the table. “Last relationship was bad. Went out with a guy for almost a year and found out he was cheating on her for majority of the relationship. Poor child. Broke her to pieces. She used to come in every other day.. And when she found out about him cheating and broke up with him, she was here EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. AND NIGHT. Putting that fake smile on. Laughing that fake laugh. Wiping the tears away. Poor baby would stay here after everyone left and cried while making preparations for the next day.” “How do you know she cried?” Calum asks with a worried tone. “Security cameras.” I point at them and they all look. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I get why she swore off boys for a while. But I keep telling her, you can swear off boys all you want, but you can never swear off the right type of MEN. They will treat you like the queen you are. Making her laugh at the littlest things. Maybe helping her pay for her bills or school or something. She needs help, but only likes to accept help if it’s from like a best friend or a boyfriend or something..” I intentionally said, shrugging, hinting at Calum. “She’s coming.” I whisper, getting up walking away from them. 
“How’s it going in there Randy?” I open the kitchen door. “I’m trying.” He says trying to make pot stickers. I sit back down at the table and feel a weird vibe. I look at all of them trying to avoid eye contact with me. “What’s wrong?” I see sad eyes all around. “You okay Y/N?” Mike asks. “Fine? What’s going on? Did I do something wrong?” I asked scared. I looked at Sierra, she gave in. “Gav told us about your last relationship, and the ... aftermath..” She prolongs her words. I lean back sighing. “I’m okay now.” “Listen Y/N, we know we haven’t known you long. We know we don’t know you. But you shouldn’t hide these emotions because it can drown you mentally. You can’t fake smiles and laughs all day every day...” Luke says. “I’m,” I put head in my hands, sniffling. I hesitated,
“I’m over it. Majority of it. There’s always going to be this constant, ‘why wasn’t I good enough for him? Did I do something? What could have I done for him to stay faithful and.....’ Tears start forming in my eyes. “Oh no don’t cry.” Ashton says hurt. Cal hands me a napkin and I just hold it. “We’re sorry.” He says with a raspy voice. “No no I’m good I’m good I promise.” I blink away the tears. “These tears aren’t for him. I don’t miss him at all. These tears are for the pain he left me with. The constant, well am I good enough for this next one?” We sat in silence. 
“An elder couple came in months ago and stayed late because they just love night life they said. And when they were asking about my love life, it happened to be a few weeks after the break up. And I had this break down. And the lady said ‘Never doubt yourself and who you are. Stop putting the blame on yourself and start putting it on the person who hurt you. The person who did this to you. You’re not the problem, he is.’ And you know after letting that sink in, I just came to realization that she’s right. But no matter what, no matter with the next guy or the next next guy or the guy after that, I’m always going to have this fear of ‘will I be good enough to not get hurt like that again.’ Always.” They were silent again. Sierra jumps on me, hugging me, crying. All the boys join in the hug, as they all tower over Sierra and I in the middle. “Damn Y/N, we’re sorry you got treated so bad. Hope the next guy treats you so much better. Way better.” Ashton says. “We should head out. Early morning tomorrow. The bill Y/N?” Calum asks. “On me tonight.” They all tried to not accept the gesture, “We can’t do that to you.” Luke says. “It’s fine. Have you forgotten whose family owns the restaurant?” I smile big at them. “Alright alright.” Mikey says. “Well great!!! You just fucked up the system Y/N! Who will pay next now?!” Ash throws his hands in the air. They all give Gavin and I a hug goodbye. Yelling bye to Randy in the kitchen. “See you next week.” We were all yelling back at each other.
Calum always the last one to hug me. Everyone else already outside the door. “Calum,” I say, as he looks down on me. “No.” I push him away. “I will not have this fight,” “No fight.” He says. “What?” “I don’t want to tip you $400 anymore.” He says low. His eyes locked in mines, “I want to give you $400 anytime you want. Need.” He grabs my hand, putting a wad of cash in it, closing my fingers to hold it. “Calum,” “Let me help you.” “No,” “Let me be there for you.” “Listen,” “Let me love you the way you should be loved.” I froze. “I said I was fine.” He wraps his arms around my shoulder, pulling me against him, rubbing my back. “Cal, I said I was fine.” I tried pushing him off but he wouldn't budge. I gave in, wrapping my arms around his back, listening to his heart beat. His head rested on mine, “Let me be the one you can trust.” He mumbles into my hair. His hands grabbed the side of my arms, pulling me away, his face lowered to mines, “Let me show you what a real man is like. Let me show you how a real queen should be treated.” His eyes locked with mine. I lean in for a kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands on my waist. “OHP!” We pull away when we heard a little screech. We turn to see Gavin sitting there, watching us like a movie, eating chips. “You mind?” “I don’t mind, go head. Continue.” As he pops another chip in his mouth. Cal and I look back at each other, laughing. “Can I get $100 or something?” Gav says ever so lightly, jokingly to us. I count 100 from the wad and give it to him. “Happy New year to us all.” He sings and Cal kisses my forehead.
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hoodthekiwi · 6 years
Lie To Me
Tumblr media
Description: You and Michael have been broken up for a 2 years but have still remained close friends. And your new job at buzzfeed requires you to work with a lie detector; so you decide why not use it on your ex-boyfriend. What could go wrong?
Word Count: 4,356 Triggers: (((I dont think there’s any)))
“When did you stop loving me?” you asked, not looking him in the eyes and starting to fiddle with your fingers, something Michael recognized, you did this when you wanted to take back something you said because you felt awkward.Michael took a breath, his brain was screaming never, I could never stop loving you. You two were broken up was he allowed to tell you that
“Please? Please please please please” you begged into the phone before a tiredly mumbled, “I don’t know (y/n)..” Your boss, Mr. Reynolds, had given you an opportunity use a lie detector, and you had the perfect idea… Make a video using said lie detector on your rockstar-ex-boyfriend, who oddly enough, you still consider one of your best friends.
“Michael please? It’s for my job and I know you, you so wanna test it to see if you can beat it.” You challenged into the phone, stirring the–now soggy–bowl of cereal that was sitting in front of you.
“C’mon (y/n), why do you want me to do it? What about Calum, I’ll give you Calum.”
“Who am I being given to?” you heard Calum mutter offendedly from the other side of the line and then a large thud as Michael was hit by a pillow.
“Please, Mike? You love making videos with me. I’ll even bring you a pizza and-” “Deal” He cut you off. Well, that was significantly easier than you thought it was going to be. You thought it’d take longer to bribe Michael, the same person who stayed in the car once when you went to the grocery store because:
“It’s raining (y/n)! And the red dye is gonna run down my face. Can I please stay in the car?” He said putting the car in park and pouting
“Mikey, you’re the one who wanted to come and get ice cream at 2 in the morning” you replied back from the passenger side of the car.
“They’re gonna look at me like I'm a psycho though. Please? I’ll give you cuddles and share my ice cream with you when we get home” he said with a smile trying to convince you. “Fine, but only because of the cuddles.” you said before bolting out of the car and into the rain.
“Oh my god, thank you Mikey. Do you want to do it at the office’s set or my apartment?” You asked trying to get the last details before you had to lug the polygraph and it’s operator, Tim, to the wrong location only to have to pack up and relocate again.
“Do you think we could do it here, at the house? The boys and I are recording any chance we get and you could stick around after and we could finally have that lunch we’ve been talking about for a while.” You two had been trying to plan a lunch date–the term date was used loosely–for a while, but somehow something always came up and got in the way so you would have to keep pushing it back.  
“That sounds nice, I haven't seen the boys in a while how’re they doing?” You asked. When you and Michael were together, the other boys were like your brothers, and after you two broke up it didn’t seem right for you to hang out with them after metaphoricallyburning the bridge that brought you to them in the first place.
“They miss you like hell, andCalum here is trying to take the phone so he can talk to you… Apparently he’s having some girl problems and needs your help.” He chucked
“I do not! You have girl problems! Fuck you man, gimmie the phone.” you heard Calum huff as they started fighting.
“Can you just–dude stop! If you spill any of your smoothie on my guitar I swear to god I will not hesitate to throw your bass in the pool. You can talk to (y/n) when she gets here.” Michael threatened before you heard a door slam.
“Okay sorry, I’m safely in my room now. But Cal is probably gonna call you in a little so he can talk out his problems. I think he just misses you.. They all do.” He sighed before hearing you giggle from the other side of the line.
“I’m sure I’ll be a big help. So, when do you wanna do this?” you asked not wanting to press your luck.
“Well, what’re you doing right now?” he said looking at the clock. Currently, Ashton and Luke were having a writing session with the Madden brothers in the recording studio behind the house, so Michael and Calum were free to do anything they’d like. Apparently, that consisted of pissing each other off, playing video games, and seeing who could burp the loudest. (It was Michael obvi, haven’t you seen that celebrity juice episode?)
”Right now? Nothing, I guess.” You had just started talking to Michael again, and now you were going to see him and the boys again. Today.
”Is that okay with you? It’s just I thought you know, the sooner the better.” He replied calmly. There wasn’t a trace of nervousness in his voice, just the smooth ton of your ex-boyfriend.
“That sounds perfect. Are you guys still at the same house?” You asked not sure if they had moved since.
“Yeah but I’ll come pick you up babe, that way we can get food on the way.” Michael said accidentallyslipping in his old pet name for you.
“Oh thank you, I needed time to get everything ready and now I can.” You stuttered, taken aback by his slip.
“Guys?” Michael yelled into the house as soon as you made it through the door. 
“Okay, either they’re going to scare us, they’re all asleep, or they’re gone.” He muttered more to himself than to you.
“I think they’re gone.” You said walking over towards the counter in the kitchen.
“Why would you say that–” he was cut off by you holding up a note with girly handwriting on it–Ashton’s.
Mike, the boys and I went to the market because we have absolutely no food in this house and I’ve decided that we’re not going to starve. Text me if you want anything. -Ash p.s. The couch is wet so don’t sit on it. I mean it’s only water so if you could put a towel on it that’d be great thanks -A
“He really is the mum of the band isn't he...” you mumbled after reading the note aloud and sticking it back on the fridge which was filled with post-its, stupid polaroids of the band, and their daily schedules.
“Our dear mother Ashton always making sure we don't starve. That's honestly why we keep him in the band.” he giggled from the doorway before pushing himself off the wall and towards the living room.
“Oh of course, it’s totally not because he’s kick ass on the drums or anything, it’s his kind mothering nature.” You replied sarcastically.
“Well with the boys not here at least we can get something done right?” he asked just as the doorbell rang.
”That must be Eli and Tim” You said brushing passed him an towards the front door.
“Eli?” Michael whispered to himself, you had told him the polyographer, Tim, was coming but nothing about this Eli kid. Who is he and why didn’t his name come up before. He was nervous now. Was Eli your boss? Your friend? your BOYfriend? No, he couldn't think like that, you and Michael were friends, just friends.
Michael glared at the brown haired boy as you opened the door and greeted him sounding extremely chirpy…too chirpy in his opinion. “Eli! Thank you so much for helping. And thank you for bringing Tim.” He heard you said before pulling the boy–more like kid maybe–into a hug.
“Hey, I’m Eli.” the kid said sticking his arm out for Michael to shake.
”Michael” the red haired boy replied shaking it with clenched teeth trying to keep his cool. You two had broken up a long time ago and it wasn’t like you two couldn't see other people. So why was he so mad?
“Mike” you warned noticing how he was trying to size himself up to make himself look bigger, like he used to do...when you two used to be together. And as he used to, he glanced at you and calmed down.
“Okay.. So this is Eli, he works with me, and this is Tim… Eli’s boyfriend, the guy who’s going to help us with the polygraph.” You said gesturing to the two and looking at Michael with raised eyebrows and a smirk on your face. Oh, okay so maybe he could like this Eli kid, he seemed polite and nice enough. Now anyway.
“How the hell did you convince me to do this?” He said as Tim, pulled the machine you would be using out of its case and placed it on the table in front of you two.
“You so just want to see if you can beat the polygraph. Don’t forget I knew you better than you knew yourself.. Now are you ready?” you asked Michael, before leaning over as your co-worker handed you your pink index cards.
“Ready as I’ll ever be. You’d think that after playing sold out shows I would be totally fine with this.” There was something about you that always made Michael nervous, and now, after not seeing you for as long as he had, his hands were extremely clammy. Smooth Michael.
“Mikey you’re fine.” You said turning to him before motioning for the camera to be turned on.
“Hi guys it’s (y/n)! Today we’re testing a lie detector and I have Michael Clifford, from the band 5 Seconds of Summer, to help me out.” you said gesturing to the red head. “Hello! I’m so excited!” he shouted at the screen before laughing and looking back towards you. “So, I’m going to ask my questions first and then Mikey here will get his turn after. Oh, we also get one pass so if we don’t want to answer a question then we don’t have to. Some background info for those who don’t know: we were actually dating for–how long was it Mikey?” You looked at him, waiting for him to answer but only seeing small smile on his face.
“Oh, what?” He said after a second, snapping out of his day dream, obviously not listening to a word you were saying.
You laughed and rolled your eyes before continuing,
“Anyway, I think it was like 3 or 4 years, so we’ll see how this goes. Also, disclaimer: I had Eli and Tim make these cards for us so we don’t even know what they say.” You laughed looking towards Eli, your co-worker, who was smirking and manning the camera for you.
“Should I be afraid Eli?” Michael chuckled nervously as he got comfortable in the chair across from where you were sitting.
”Well, I certainly wouldn’t want my ex to be reading me these questions” Eli muttered as Michael’s eyes widened and looked towards you. “Well with that, let’s get you hooked up” you clapped your hands and Tim secured all of the cords into their correct places on Michael.
“Let’s start off with baseline questions. Is your name Michael Gordon Clifford?” you asked as he nodded.
“Out loud” you pretended to whisper.
“Yes, my name is Michael Gordon Clifford.” he smirked and looked back at you, seeing the needles only moving slightly.
“Alrighty, now, is your birthday the 20th of November?”
“Yes, it is”
“Hmm, and one more: Did you actually like that cake I made for our second anniversary?”
“Okay in my opinion it wasn’t thatbad.” He laughed as the Tim shook his head and told you that wouldn’t be a credible answer.
“Well, thank you for sparing my feelings.” You said moving onto the first card.
“Are these all yes no questions or does it progressively get more difficult?” He asked looking at you. You just shrugged and turned to Eli.
“No, the first like 7 are straight answer but the other 18 kind of test your truthfulness, if thats a word, so you gotta explain those. We were originally going to give you each 50 questions too but it seemed like it would be too long so we stuck with 25 each.” he smiled and gestured back to the pink cards in your hand.
“Alright Mikey, Question 1: Where did you take me on our first date?” you said before putting the cards down and folding your hands on the table. “I don’t know which one counts as our first date though. The carnival or the park.” he laughed as the needles started going crazy.
“I don’t think the carnival counts! You ran into me in the house of mirrors and stained my shirt with ketchup!” you countered. You could remember that day like it was yesterday.
You were going to the carnival with a few of your friends and for some reason, they all wanted to go in the house of mirrors, and you got lost. It felt like you were wandering in circles for hours, and right as you were about to turn a corner you ran straight into someone’s hotdog. That someone turned out to be Michael and right when he realized what had happened his face turned as red as the ketchup.
“I AM SO SORRY!” He panicked peeling the hotdog off your shirt and stuffing his hand into his coat and pulling out 20 napkins, spilling a few on the ground in the process. “Sorry! I’m so sorry! I got scared.” he said trying to blot your shirt. “It’s fine but did you at least leave some napkins for everybody else?” you joked trying to lighten the mood.
Only then did he actually look you in the eyes and laugh. “I spill ketchup on your shirt and you’re concerned about the oncoming napkin shortage the other customers are going to have?” He shot back. “Well we never know, they could all launch their hotdogs at strangers.” you laughed and smiled at him. He was cute, and he didn’t make you feel embarrassed to have a giant ketchup stain along the front of your shirt.
“I’m Michael.” he said sticking out his hand. “(y/n)” you replied shaking it and smiling. “Oh dear” he groaned like a middle aged woman. “Here, take my hoodie and we can go get you a new shirt. That is if we can ever find our way out of here.” he said pulling it off and handing it to you. “Um, could you like turn around or something?” you said gesturing to your ketchup stained shirt. “Oh yeah sorry.” he said turning around. “You know what just occurred to me?” he said as his back was towards you. “We’re in a house of…mirrors. So like I–there’s not, umm–why don’t I just hold my coat around you and then you can” he said before gesturing to your shirt. “Okay” you agreed quickly trying to get the dirty shirt off of you.
When you two finally got out you saw three boys–and what looked like bodyguards?–sitting on a bench laughing and scarfing down food. “Come” Michael said grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the table. “MIKEY! Finally! You’ve been in there for like 20 minutes!” The curly haired one said finally noticing you two. “HA! 19:38! You owe me 10 bucks, Calum.” The blonde haired one said turning to the dark haired boy who looked like he was only half paying attention to what was happening at the table, too busy trying to balance two of the forks against each other. “Oh shut up you already owe me 20 for making that shot in the game tent.” he said looking up.
“Hey, I’m Calum. That’s Luke, and that’s Ash” he said smiling at you. “(y/n)” you feeling all of their eyes on you. “So Mikey… Do anything you shouldn’t have done in there?” The blonde one, Luke, said suggestively. “Wow mature Luke.. I ran into (y/n) in the maze and my hotdog kind of just..” he mimed spilling it to the boys. “What a you moment” Calum snorted before going back to playing with his forks. 
“Hey! You still make fun of me for the napkin thing.” Michael pouted as you laughed thinking about how it really was a Michael type of moment. “I’m sorry, it was just a very memorable first date” You smiled and giggled before picking the cards up and reading the next one.
“What song reminds you of me?” You questioned shooting Eli a questioning glance and then looking back at Michael.
“Well it used to be A Little Piece of Heaven by Avenged Sevenfold because of your facial expressions while watching the video.” He laughed as you interrupted him.
“THEY ATE EACH OTHER’S HEARTS MICHAEL! But I will admit, I do like the song.” You argued, not enjoying the killing and blood in the first minute and a half of the video.
“ANYWAY, before I was so rudely interrupted–excuse you–the song that reminds me of you now is Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.” He said as Tim gave you a face saying that if that question were to ever be used in a courtroom, well, it wouldn’t be a viable answer.
So far the questions had been relatively easy, nothing too difficult to answer, though he did try to lie through a few.
“Jeeze Eli this question though: ‘did you ever think about marrying me?’” You took a deep breath before you looked up at Michael and laughed.
“Well, yeah. We were together for four and a half years.. Didn’t you?” He furrowed his eyebrows before looking down towards his lap. Michael thought about it a lot actually, and to his dismay, sometimes he still thought about it. What married life would be like, what your wedding would loo like, what your home and your kids would look like. And god, did he want to make that dream a reality more than anything.
“I think a few times. You know on like our anniversaries and stuff, or when I went on tour with you and we walked around towns, I thought what it would be like if we were on our honeymoon or something. I don’t know, it sounds stupid now.” You felt your face heating up as he looked at you. But he reassured you with a, “It’s not, I did too.” and you felt significantly better.
“Alright onto something a little less sad, for your birthday that one year I made you that terrible cake and you said it was good. I knew you were lying but now you can’t so: was the cake shit?” You cocked your head to the side and looked him. You couldn't believe that he actually ate it, it was terrible. You had accidentally put two separate recipes together into one and it was a mess.
“Okay it wasn’t my absolute favoritecake in the world but…” he said scrunching his nose as Tim shook his head.
“I am hurt Mikey” you joked back at him. This was nice, it was nice to talk to him in general, your personality came out more and you had missed your best friend.
“It wasn't a total bust though, you sure made up for it after.” he smirked and gave the camera a wink as you sat there, horrified at what he had said. But to your embarrassment, it was probably one of Michael’s favorite birthday memories, coming a close second to when the boys surprised him by flying you out to see him on his birthday. And if they didn’t see you two for the next few days, no one except for them had to know.
“I cannot believe you said that, you butthead.” you said glaring at him, but laughing anyway.
“Did you love me?” you laughed still thinking about his last answer, reading the card and looking towards Eli and then back towards your red haired ex-boyfriend.
And without even skipping a beat he answered, “Of course I loved you. How could I not, I told you that every day.”
“When did you stop loving me?” you asked, not looking him in the eyes and starting to fiddle with your fingers, something Michael recognized, you did this when you wanted to take back something you said because you felt awkward.
Michael took a breath, his brain was screaming never, I could never stop loving you. You two were broken up was he allowed to tell you that? But out of the corner of his eye he could already see the needles moving crazily along the graph, and he could see Eli’s body stiffen from behind the camera. As he looked up, you wouldn't meet his gaze, your eyes were locked on the card you had just read.
“I didn’t write that card... Did you write that card?” Eli asked as Tim shook his head.
“I-(y/n) you already know the answer to that.” Michael huffed
“But do I? Michael our break up was so messy. I don’t even really know what happened.” You replied shuffling the remaining cards in your hand.
“What do you mean? It was pretty clear to me that you were tired of being with me. I come back from the jewelry store with a ring and you’re just gone. All I have left is a note that says don’t look for me. And when I got back to LA all your stuff was gone.” He was doing anything to keep from breaking down.
“You came from the what?” You replied still stuck on his response as Eli took Tim outside so you two could talk in private.
“You had to have known (y/n). We were together for so long I was so in love with you and I thought you were too. You had to have known that I was gonna propose. I was absolutely and utterly in love with you.” He was biting the inside of his cheek to keep from crying any more, still, a little over a year after it happened, it hurt like hell.
“I-I didn’t know I’m so sorry. You guys were just getting bigger and the fan base was too I just couldn’t take it anymore. I’m so sorry Mikey I never meant to hurt you.” You on the other hand had started breaking. What you two didn’t notice was the boys who had come in the door and were quietly standing in the entryway knowing exactly what Michael was talking about and knew that the very ring he was referring to was right in that house haunting him every single day.
“I wanted to more than anything go and find you I just didn’t think you wanted me to be there. I asked the boys to go see you to make sure you were okay. I dialed your phone every day but never hit call because I thought you were done. If there is anything I could do to go back and ask you to marry me I would. I would’ve booked that flight from New York to LA that night to fly home to you. I loved you, I still love you, I’m still absolutely head over heels for you and I promise I’d marry you in an instant.” He said scooting closer to you and lifting your chin to look him in the eyes. You were silent.
“Please say something baby” he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear
“I love you too. I’m sorry I ran I was so wrong to run away from the thing that made me the happiest.” You leaned your forehead against his before grabbing both sides of his face and kissing him with everything you had.
“I meant it when I said I’d marry you in an instant you know” he breathed against your lips.
“I know, I’d say yes in an instant too.” You breathed back before getting tapped on the shoulder.
It was Luke. “Hey sorry for interrupting- we thought you’d be done but we also thought you might want this.” He said handing Michael a small blue box with silver accents.
Michael laughed “Were you three listening the whole time?” He looked towards the boys. Luke standing with his hands behind his back leaning against the wall, Calum biting back a smile, and Ashton, with tears in his eyes but still trying to look put together.
“I’m fine, I promise. I just- I love you two and you know the pollen count is high and whatever you’re crying too” Ashton blurted, sniffling a bit.
“Hey Mike? Just a thought, ask her properly so we can celebrate!” Calum sarcastically says before dragging the boys to the living room, where Michael knows they can still hear you two but there’s a false sense of privacy for you two.
Michael looks back to you, tears in his eyes and the box still in his hands. As he opens the box there’s a simple diamond ring one that you remember seeing in some window over a year and a half ago.
“Now, I know that was messy, and we’ve wasted a year. But baby, I love you more than anything and I want to spend the rest of my life next to you and proving to you that this stupid musician kid from Australia is the one for you. So, with that, will you marry me?” He says as he unhooks himself from the machine and gets down on one knee.
“I love you Michael Clifford, yes of course I will.” Launching yourself into him for a hug and knocking you two onto the ground.
“Oh thank god it’s about time” you hear from the other room as the boys come out.
“Do you two need a room or are we gonna have to leave the house again for a few hours.” Luke says laughing before Michael grabs your hand, puts the ring on and drags you up the stairs towards his room.
“Give is a few hours okay? I just got my girl back and she’s crazy enough to marry me. Were celebrating! I mean you guys can do whatever you want, I don’t care I’m engaged!” He yells as you two make your way down the hallway to...make up for lost time.
Authors Note: It’s been quite a while since I wrote anything and well I’ve had this half finished for over a year so I thought I might as well take some time and see what I can come up with. I hope you like it! (There’s also a Deaf!Michael imagine that I have half written so let me know if anyone wants me to finish it) 
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ghostsofhood · 6 years
(For the ships: I reblogged the post on my sideblog morningfears 'cause that's my more 5sos dedicated one!) I just realized that I have a month until I graduate and have to move out of my apartment and I haven't even thought about packing or writing my final papers so that's a thing. I'm a pisces (with all of the emotions), I'm a procrastinator (an actual life problem!), I work in nonprofit PR, I love dogs so much, I'm quiet 99.9% of the time, I love Marvel, I'm easily amused (1/2)
( p2) I’m a big fan of traveling, I don’t drink but I do like to hang out with friends (I’m just usually the babysitter of my friends, honestly). I’m kind of a nerd, honestly, I love Star Trek so much. And. That’s about it. Also. I ship you with Calum. Not because you love him so much but because you just seem like such a good match?? Even though you like cats more. You just seem like you’d be so cute together, like, wow??? Cute space nerds together, honestly. 
LOL Did I write this?? I would leave everything until last second haha  Thank you for the ship !!!
Ship: Cal / Ash / Luke / Mike (Just two lovely nerds being lovely and nerdy together honestly!! I could see you staying in and having, not a movie night but a movie WEEKEND. All your favorite movies, lots of snacks and good company, it’d be the cutest thing ever!)
Best friend: Cal / Ash / Luke / Mike
Like a brother: Cal / Ash / Luke / Mike
Who says ‘i love you’ first: you/him
Who takes more pics of the other: you/him
Who’s in charge of the aux cord in the car: you/him
Song on shuffle: Kiwi by Harry Styles
A compliment bc why tf not: You sound like the kind of person I’d definitely get along with!! You seem lovely :)
Want one?
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calpalirwin · 4 years
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Summary: What’s better than your best girl and best mate getting along? Well, nothing really. If you knew the rumors were false, that is. 
A/N: Your favorite mini-series is back with a picture change! Do you like it? Should I change it back? Either way... there’s only one more part I have planned for this. So if you want to see more BUB, feel free to send in your ideas.
Content: BUB shenanigans
Word Count: 1.7k
DISCLAIMER: NOT A poly!5sos fic!!!!
Be sure to catch up on all things B.U.B. here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
And away, and away we go!
Part 5
“Dude, what are we doing here?” Ashton asked as Calum pulled up in front of an animal shelter.
“You said you wanted my opinion on what you should get Sam, didn’t you?” Calum asked, putting the car in park.
“I didn’t mean a pet, Cal!”
“Look, mate,” Calum said, turning in his seat to look over at his best friend. “Sam and I have been coming to this shelter once a month to volunteer. There’s a dog that came in… I’m gonna say seven or so months ago. Blue. She’s a sweet lil thing. Sam loves her.”
“Well yeah. Sam loves dogs. Her family had their dog, Roe, since Sam was a little kid.”
“She loves this dog as much as Roe. And Blue loves her too. Honestly, Ash, if it wasn’t for Duke, I’d adopt Blue myself for Sam.”
Ashton sighed, rubbing out his face. “Wasn’t really thinking of getting her a dog for Christmas, mate.”
“What were you thinking?”
“This?” Ashton pulled a small box out his pocket and snapped it open.
Calum whistled as he looked at the ring. “Damn, mate. Serious, huh?”
“As a heart attack,” Ashton nodded, a slow grin spreading across his face. “Think she’ll like it?”
“Better ask me to be your best man before she asks me to be the man of honor.”
“Was thinking you could officiate, actually?”
Calum reached over and clapped a hand on Ashton’s shoulder. “Marrying my best friends? Couldn’t think of anything else I’d rather do.”
“Thanks, Cal,” Ashton said, swallowing thickly. It meant more to him than he had words for that the man across from him had accepted Sam the way he did. It almost felt like it was a different lifetime when Calum had screamed at him that Sam wouldn’t matter in a few months. He sniffed and looked out across the parking lot to the shelter. He chuckled, shaking his head. “Can I leave Blue at your house for a few days?”
“Yes!” Calum cheered, pumping his fist in the air in victory.
“Wait, where’s Blue?” Sam asked, stopping in front of what used to be Blue’s cage and seeing another dog in its place.
Calum shot the worker a glare that dared them to spoil the surprise. “Someone came in a few days ago and adopted her,” the worker gave forth the simplest truth.
Sam sighed, her heart breaking. “I swear if they bring her back after the holidays, I’m gonna be so pissed.”
“Oh, I don’t think that’ll happen,” the worker smiled.
Somehow, that made Sam feel worse. While she had hated seeing Blue in her cage, week after week, and really hoped she had gone to a good home, she had also become attached to Blue. And the thought of never seeing that happy little pitbull had her weeping into Calum’s arms. “Shh, it’s okay, princess. I’m sure Blue went to a good home. She’s probably really happy.”
“But what if they’re mean to her? What if they bring her back? Or worse! What if they love her, and I never see her again?!” she wailed, clutching the bone wrapped in a red ribbon she had brought for her precious pup that she would never get to give her.
“Sam, it’ll be okay,” Calum continued to soothe, rubbing her back. “C’mon, how about I take you back home? Everyone should be over now, so we can all open our presents, and then we can make a fort, and make fun of Luke. Huh? How’s that sound?”
“Okay,” Sam sniffed into his shirt. “Here,” she told the worker, pulling a box of dog bones out of her purse. “These are for all the other dogs.” She gave the box to the worker then turned back to Calum. “I guess Duke can have the bone.”
“I’m sure he’ll love it,” Calum smiled at her, trying to keep his excitement to a minimum so he didn’t spoil the surprise. “C’mon, let’s get you home.”
“Fletch, we- BLUE!” Sam’s greeting turned into a shriek of glee as the black and white pitbull came barreling out of the kitchen at full speed. “What are you doing here, baby?!” She was seated on the floor now while the dog pounced all over her, covering her in happy kisses, Sam’s laughter echoing around the house.
Ashton giggled as he leaned in the archway between the kitchen and living room. “Think she liked her gift, Cal?”
Calum laughed with him, “Oh, yeah. Told ya she would.”
Sam gasped up at the men, reaching out a hand to slap Calum’s leg. “You little!” she continued to gasp. “You knew she was here the whole time?!”
“Cal’s the reason I got her, baby,” Ashton admitted. “Originally I was going to get you something else.”
“Oooo!” Sam’s blue eyes went wide at the idea of another gift. “What were you gonna get me?!”
“Check her collar,” Ashton nodded at Blue, swallowing thickly.
When Sam busied herself with checking Blue’s collar, Ashton sunk silently to his knee behind her and Calum started filming. “Oh!” Sam breathed, her eyes taking in the ring next to Blue’s dog tag. She quickly freed the ring, taking it in the palm of her hand. “Oh, Fletch,” she said, softly, spinning herself around to look at him. Her eyes went wide when she realized he was more or less crouched down next to her, his hazel eyes equally wide and full of hope and love.
With a shaky hand, he took the ring out of her hand. “Samantha Hudson, you have made me happier than I thought possible. Not only have you accepted my world with grace, you’ve woven yourself into it in a way I hope time never undoes. Will you marry me?”
Sam answered by flinging her arms around Ashton’s neck with such force that it knocked him on his back, his arms wrapping around her waist as tears spilled down both their cheeks.
“So I wanted to ask you guys something,” Ashton started, twiddling nervously with his hands. “Um, you guys already know I asked my little brother to be my best man because Cal’s officiating for us. Not that I would’ve been able to choose between any of you three to be my best man anyway because…” Ashton paused to clear his throat, feeling his eyes water up. “Fuck… um, anyway, I wanted to ask if you guys would be my groomsmen.”
Luke and Mike looked at each other. Their silence made Ashton almost, if not more nervous than trying to ask the question in the first place. “Mate,” Luke finally spoke up, rubbing at his neck.
“It’s not that we’re saying no…” Mike joined.
Ashton stopped breathing.
“Because we’re honored, Ash!” Luke rushed.
“Yeah! I mean, I asked you to be my groomsman back when I married Crystal, so like I’m definitely excited to return the favor. It’s just…”
“We thought Sam was gonna ask us to be her bridesmaids,” Luke concluded.
“You what?” Ashton blinked in stunned confusion.
“You’re not mad are ya, mate?”
“Nah, he’s sad. Look at him, he’s about to cry. Ash, no! It’s not that we don’t want to!”
“I’m not crying cuz you said no!” Ashton sniffed, rubbing his hand hastily at his face. “Fuck, you guys really like her, huh?”
“She’s family, mate.”
“So… do you think she’s gonna ask us to be her bridesmaids?”
Ashton chuckled, smacking both men on their arms. “Fuck off. Seriously, what do you say?”
“If Sam plans to ask us, then no. If not, of course we’ll be your groomsmen.”
“She was planning on asking Crystal and Sierra to be her bridesmaids.”
“What if we’re Sam’s bridesmaids, and the girls are your groomsmen?” Mike threw out the idea.
Ashton pulled a face as he thought it over. “You know… that’s not half bad…”
“What’s not half bad?” Sam asked, taking them all by surprise. She had her hand up against the wall as she balanced to take off her heels, purse slipping down her arm, car keys still dangling in her hand.
“Hey, baby. How was work?”
“Same old, same old. Did they say yes?” She nodded her chin at Luke and Mike as she walked over to them, taking a seat besides Ashton.
“No,” Ashton admitted, taking her hand in his and smiling fondly at her. “My best friends, my brothers, told me no,” he laughed.
Sam frowned, turning her attention to the blondes. “You fuckers told him no?! Oh, this better be good…” Her tongue clicked in her cheek as she crossed her arms, waiting for an answer, while Ashton continued to giggle beside her. “What in the world is so funny about them telling you no?”
“Tell her!” Ashton got out between giggles.
“We only told him no because we thought you were gonna ask us to be your bridesmaids,” Luke fessed up, absentmindedly twirling a blonde curl around his finger.
“Yeah,” Mike nodded. “And then I thought that we could be your bridesmaids, and Crystal and Sierra could be his groomsmen.”
Sam arched an eyebrow, not sure she had heard correctly. “You told Fletch no. A guy who’s like an older brother to you. And you told him no, because you thought I was going to ask you to be my bridesmaids. I’ve known you guys for like half the time you’ve known him! What are you thinking?!”
“We were thinking you’d be excited to ask us to be your bridesmaids…” was the hurt reply.
Sam looked over at Ashton for help. “I… they’re your boys, Fletch. What am I supposed to do here?”
Ashton pressed his lips quickly to hers. “They’re your boys, too. So what do you say? Should we shake up some social standards? I get groomswomen and you get bridesmen?”
Sam looked at Ashton carefully, much like she had in the past before her first “dates” with his friends. Again, she felt like the stakes were being raised, and she didn’t want Ashton to feel even the slightest tinge of feeling like he was being pushed aside by people who were his family long before they were hers. “You are absolutely sure this is what you want?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my whole life.”
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@frontmanash​ @goeatsomelife​ @flameraine​ @cashtonasff5sos​ @here-for-the-uproars​ @cxddlyash​ @1-irwin-94​ @sparkling-calm​ @tea4sykes​ @youngblood199456​ @5-seconds-of-obsession​ @gosh-im-short​ @aquarius-hood1996​ @talkfastromance4​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @philthepegacorn​ @kikixfandoms​
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calpalirwin · 5 years
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Summary: What’s better than your best girl and best mate getting along? Well, nothing really. If you knew the rumors were false, that is. 
A/N: You’ve heard of enemies to lovers. You’ve heard of fake-dating to real dating. Might I introduce a new trope called hostility turned platonic friendship turned stand-in boyfriend? Aka my brain child with @here-for-the-uproars​
Content: Swearing, general tom-foolery. Fighting!
DISCLAIMER: NOT A poly!Cashton or poly!5sos fic!!!!
Need to catch up?
 Part 1
And away, and away we go!
Part 2
Ashton let out a chuckle when he pulled into Luke’s driveway and found Calum’s Range Rover already parked. Seemed like his friend had had the same idea to prepare the blue eyed blonde for his date with Sam. Ashton would be damned if Sam came home pissed off because Luke didn’t listen to reason. “Bro, we told you sunflowers!” Calum’s voice was telling Luke when Ashton walked in and found them in Luke’s bedroom.
“But roses can be our thing,” Luke protested.
Ashton sighed. Sam would cry if Luke gave her roses. Her night would be ruined before it even started.
“Ash!” Calum smiled gratefully at the other man. “He’s seriously going to give her roses.”
“Roses are romantic! What’s wrong with roses?!” Luke laughed in his confusion.
“Everything!” Calum shouted.
“Ash, tell Cal he’s being crazy. Girls love roses,” Luke said, blue eyes pleading with Ashton to give him validation that the blonde knew how to woo a girl.
“Luke, mate, if you give Sam roses she will burst into tears,” Ashton said simply.
“Because she’ll be so happy because she loves roses?” Luke asked hopefully.
Ashton shook his head. “Sam hates roses. Reminds her of her grandparents.”
“Why would she hate something that reminds her of her grandparents?” Luke asked.
“Because they practically raised her and died when she was in high school. Roses are the bad memories. Sunflowers are the good ones.”
“Well, fuck,” Luke said, frowning. “Think I got time to get sunflowers then?”
“Are you going dressed like that?” Ashton asked, pointing at the other man’s attire.
“What’s wrong with how I’m dressed?” Luke asked, crossing his arms.
“Your boots, Luke. Sam hates glitter. Says it gets everywhere.”
Luke shot daggers at Calum. “But Cal said!”
Calum laughed.
It was Ashton’s turn to cross his arms. “Did you really tell him to wear those boots? Are you trying to ruin this for Sam?”
“Oh, c’mon,” Calum continued to laugh. “I said no to the roses.”
Ashton rolled his eyes. “Here,” he said, reaching down to tug off his own boots. “Switch with me.”
“What?” Luke asked, taking Ashton’s boots. “I have more boots.”
“Yeah, and I bet each pair is more glittery than the last, you fuckin’ eccentric cowboy. Now, put on the boots. Cal, go get him a new shirt while I call the florist to get a bouquet ready.”
“What’s wrong with my shirt?” Luke pouted, kicking off his boots.
“Too shiny,” both men told him. “Here, wear this instead,” Calum said, handing Luke a hanger with a pin-striped blue suit.
“So, now my pants are wrong, too?” Luke continued to pout but grabbed the change of clothes anyway.
“Shut up and change. Cal, grab him an extra jacket,” Ashton instructed before speaking into the phone. “Yes, hi. It’s Ash. Yep. Uh, five minutes? Awesome, thanks Bryce.”
“I’m gonna be too hot in this,” Luke said, now changed into the blue suit and Ashton’s boots, a leather jacket draped over his arm.
“It’s not for you,” Calum told him. “It’s for Sam.”
“I gotta get back before Sam realizes I left. Make sure he leaves in 5 minutes, Cal cuz he’s gotta pick up the new flowers and if he’s late…”
“Sam will kill him. I know,” Calum said, waving his hand at Ashton.
Fifteen minutes later, Luke was knocking on Ashton’s door, in his blue suit and Ashton’s boots, sunflowers in hand.
“So this is where your boots went?” Sam said, looking at Luke’s feet and up at Ashton, having wondered why her boyfriend was only in socks and knowing his boots anywhere.
Ashton shrugged and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “All of his are glittery. Have fun, baby.”
Paparazzi were hot on Luke and Sam’s trail when they emerged from the theatre, smiling. Luke because- after being cramped in the theatre seats- he was grateful to stretch his legs; Sam because she had enjoyed her evening out with her friend.
“Luke, where’s Sierra? Are you guys done? Sam, what about Ashton and Calum? Are you just making your way through the band? Can we expect to see you out with Mike next? What does Crystal think about that?”
Sam tensed at the accusations while Luke laughed. Sam had gotten used to the paps and their outlandish idea that the woman was actually dating both Ashton and Calum. But now she was a tramp working her way through the whole band? Because she went out with her friend? God, the world needed to get a fuckin’ grip. “Get me home, Luke,” Sam spoke in a low whisper, the words eating away at her. Is that what everyone really thought of her? She tried her hardest to let the words roll of her shoulders, but this particular attack was cutting her deep. Maybe if she wanted to be friends with the boys she needed to do it private. But, the very thought made her angry. She shouldn’t have to hide her friendships because the world couldn’t grasp the idea of a man and woman being friends.
“Relax, they’re just words,” Luke continued to laugh.
“At my expense. You being spotted with out with women wearing your coat makes you a player. It makes me a whore. Are you even listening to what they’re asking me?”
“Honestly, I tuned this stuff out long ago.”
Sam rolled her eyes, fighting back the tears. “They’re asking if I’m sleeping my way through the band and if Mike is next.”
It was Luke’s turn to tense up, any trace of laughter gone. “Fuckers,” he growled, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Hold the jacket up to your face. Can you run?”
She shook her head. “I mean I can, but your legs are a lot longer than mine. I won’t be able to keep up.”
“You make the pace, I’ll match it. Just keep your head down and the jacket up. I got ya, sweetheart.”
Sam picked up her pace, the ground a blur as she moved next to Luke, trusting him to guide her in the right direction as she focused on putting one foot in front of the other as fast as possible. “Fuck off,” Luke growled at the paparazzi, slamming the car door shut on Sam’s side with more force than he meant to when she was safely inside. “You okay?” Luke asked, his voice soft and full of concern when he got in the driver’s seat.
Sam nodded her head, letting out a shaky breath. “I will be.”
“You wanna stop for ice cream? Or do you want me to just take you home to Ash?”
“The second one, please. There’s ice cream there.”
Luke nodded and carefully backed himself out onto the street. “I’m sorry I laughed. I didn’t realize it affected you this bad.”
She brushed him off with a wave of her hand. “Normally it’s not that bad. They got used to seeing me with Cal. But this? Fuck, I really should’ve thought about the implications better.”
“No,” Luke said sharply. “You can go out with whomever you want. Don’t ever let them make you feel bad, sweetheart. What do Ash and Cal say when this happens?”
Sam chuckled, a harsh but humorous sound. “They take turns holding each other back from knocking the paps on their asses. But, for the most part we just keep our heads down and walk fast.”
“Shit…” Luke muttered with a shake of his head. “You know we’re eventually gonna have to do a press tour just about you, sweetheart. Set the record straight. Maybe actually knock out a few people.”
Sam laughed with a little more life. “Please don’t hit anybody. Your management would flip.”
“I’m not gonna make that promise, because I feel like there’s a good chance I’ll break it. But, I’ll try.”
The front door of the house was already being pulled open before Luke had even put his car in park. “Baby, are you okay?” Ashton asked, worry on his face as he yanked the car door open.
“I’m fine, Fletch,” Sam said, pushing him out of the way so she could get out of the car. “They said nasty shit, but it’s nothing new.”
“No, they went too far this time,” Ashton said, his tone sharp, his eyes darkening.
“Fletch, please don’t. I just want some ice cream, and maybe a bath,” Sam said with a sigh.
Ashton’s eyebrows furrowed together, but he swallowed his rage, wrapping an arm around her. “C’mon, baby. Did you have fun with Luke at least?”
She nodded, holding out her hand for Luke to follow. “Yeah, we had fun. Missed you though.”
“How’d you enjoy being a bub, Lu?” Ashton laughed, the tension in his shoulders fading at Sam’s admittance of having fun. That’s all he cared about. As long as she had a good night, that’s all that mattered to him.
“Way harder than it looks,” Luke laughed.
“Aw, so you don’t wanna be my bub, sometimes?” Sam teased.
“Oh, I’ll do it,” Luke nodded eagerly. “Just say when and where, sweetheart.”
“Good, partner.”
“I call you sweetheart and I get partner?” Luke laughed.
Sam shrugged. “We find inspiration where we can, partner.”
“Consider yourself lucky. I’m still ‘Fletch’,” Ashton added.
“Wait, so when do I get a turn?” Mike asked Sam as she studied the chess board.
“Turn at what? Sam asked, moving her rook forward. “Check mate.”
Mike frowned, his green eyes wide as he looked at the board. “Fuck, that was fast.”
Sam leaned back and shrugged. “Wanna go again? Or answer my question?”
“Huh?” Mike asked, still taken aback that the chess match had lasted a whopping ten minutes.
“You want a turn at what?”
“Oh. Being a bub. Do I get a turn?”
“Will Crystal let you have a turn?” Sam asked, looking over at Mike’s fiancée.
“Only if I get a turn after,” Crystal laughed.
“Whoa, shouldn’t I get a turn first?” Sierra cut in.
“Am I ever gonna get my girlfriend back?” Ashton fake-pouted.
“Should’ve dated someone less loveable,” Sam laughed, getting up and crossing the room to him.
“And miss out on all this? Nah,” Ashton decided, kissing her deeply.
True to how Ashton had raced over to Luke’s before his first “date” with Sam, Ashton pulled in Mike’s driveway and found out that Calum had once again beat him to the punch.
He walked in as Calum was walking out, a grin on his face. “Leaving already?”
“Mike doesn’t need us. Fuckin’ nerd boy is more observant than he lets on.”
Ashton chuckled and walked back with Calum to the cars. “So, Sam will have fun?”
“Yeah, she’s in good hands. Should’ve fuckin’ figured, yeah? I mean, he is engaged.”
Ashton chuckled again and drove home to wait with Sam for Mike to knock on the door, sunflowers in hand.
He waited, phone in hand for tabloid notifications, like he did every time Sam went out. And they came. And then Mike and Sam breezed through the door, huge grins on their faces. “Enjoy the rest of your night, queen,” Mike winked at her, placing a quick kiss on her cheek. “See ya, Ash.”
“Get home safe, king,” Sam laughed, giving Mike a last hug before Mike was bounding back out to his car.
“King and queen, huh?” Ashton asked with a quirked eyebrow.
“Chess reference,” Sam shrugged.
“Can I put in a request for a new nickname?”
Sam wrinkled her nose and shook her head. “Nah, you’re Fletch.”
Ashton chuckled and then his typical question rolled off his lips. “Did you have fun with Mike, baby?”
Sam nodded, “Missed you though.”
“Well, c’mon. I’ll run you a bath.”
Sam’s eyes lit up. “Ooo, can I request a reminder of who’s girlfriend I am, too?”
Ashton licked at his lips. “You can have whatever you want, baby.”
“I want you, Fletch.”
“If you don’t vote for Sam, I’ll kick both of your asses,” Ashton growled quietly at Luke and Mike as the three watched Calum and Sam busy in the kitchen.
Calum and Sam had been fighting constantly over who was the better cook and the gauntlet had figuratively been thrown down when Sam challenged Calum to a bake off for Duke’s birthday. Ashton knew Sam would be distraught for days if she lost, not that he believed she would lose. But he could ignore Calum pouting over the loss for a day or two. He couldn’t ignore Sam, though.
“That empathy hoodie is mine, bub,” Sam said with a glare.
“Not a chance, princess. Say hello to dog walking duty for the next month.”
“Honestly, either way this is a lose-lose for you, bub.”
“Ha,” Mike snickered. “Bub, how cute.”
“Yeah, bub. As in the original,” Calum snapped.
“Your pet names are trash,” Mike said with a smirk.
“If I had known there was a theme, I’d call her duchess!” Luke pouted.
“I’d prefer baroness, partner,” Sam told him.
“Partner! Cuz you’re a fuckin’ eccentric cowboy!” Mike laughed loudly.
“Still better than ‘Fletch’,” Luke continued to pout with a pointed glance at Ashton.
If it was possible, which is was, Mike laughed louder. “Fletch! You got middle named and it’s not even the whole thing! Ha!”
Ashton rolled his eyes. “She comes home with me at the end of the day, that’s all that matters. And at least she uses my name, partner.”
Mike was now doubled over as he fought for breath he was laughing so hard. “You fuckin’ cowboy!”
“Done!” Sam announced, throwing up her hands, and doing a little happy dance. In front of her were four cupcakes: 3 for the human judges, 1 for the dog judge.
“Finally!” Mike cheered. “The king wants his cupcakes.”
Calum rolled his eyes as both him and Sam gave the cupcakes to the men. “Yeah, yeah. Shut up and judge.”
Calum and Sam watched carefully as the men bit into the cupcakes. “Holy shit! It’s an Oreo!” Mike said around his mouthful of Sam’s cupcake. “Winner. Done.”
“Sam,” Ashton agreed, because of course he was going to pick Sam over Calum.
“Sam,” Luke nodded, because fuck Calum for being original bub over him.
Calum shot a glare at Sam. “You! You rigged this!”
“Did not!” Sam shouted, hands going to her hips.
“Bullshit! You sleep with one of the judges!”
“You picked the judges!”
Calum’s brown eyes were hard as stone as they narrowed. “Fine. Winner take all with Duke?”
“You’re on, bub,” Sam said with her own death glare.
“Bring it, princess,” Calum said with a snarl he hadn’t associated with the pet name for Sam for coming up on two years now. Ashton didn’t like it one fucking bit. Neither did Sam, but she was too busy being angry to care for his tone, her own competitive streak showing it’s true colors.
The two dog-friendly cupcakes were placed in front of Duke. Duke took one sniff of Calum’s cupcake and snorted. He carefully sniffed at Sam’s cupcake before swallowing it whole. “Rigged!” Calum declared, throwing up his hands.
“I won fair and square!” Sam defended.
“Bull fuckin shit ya did!”
“Just give me the damn hoodie, bub,” Sam said, her voice a dangerous level of low.
“No,” Calum said, his voice matching hers.
Ashton got up quickly to put himself between the two, having never seen them fight like this, and honestly both a little worried and ready to knock out Calum if he crossed the line. Which is something Calum was known to do in the heat of the moment. “Let’s just calm down,” Ashton said, keeping his voice calm and even, the way Sam’s voice usually was.
“Tell him to stop being a sore loser and give me the hoodie.”
“Tell her that the bet’s off because she’s a cheater.”
“I didn’t cheat!”
“Why don’t we just forget the bet?”
“You’re taking his side?! Fletcher!”
Ashton’s eyes went wide. Sam only went full middle name when she was seriously pissed off. “Baby, I’ll buy you your own empathy hoodie.”
“I have my own hoodie, he’s wearing it.”
“Come and get it, princess,” Calum taunted, beckoning with a finger.
Sam let out a wild scream and lunged at Calum, tackling him to the kitchen floor. “GIVE ME THE HOODIE!”
“Give me the hoodie, or you’re not longer bub!”
“You can’t un-bub me! I quit!”
“No!” Ashton shouted, his eyes wide. “You guys have tickets to see Wicked in two weeks.”
“Oh, I’m still going!”
“Like hell you are! You can’t resign from your bub duties and still get the benefits!”
“Just admit you cheated!”
It took Ashton holding Sam back while Luke and Mike stripped Calum of the beloved green hoodie before Ashton could get Sam in the car, clutching her hoodie in victory while Calum screamed in the driveway.
“Fletch?” Sam sniffed, upset over her fight with Calum, but pleased with her victory.
“Yeah baby?” Ashton asked, feeling like the fight had just aged him a decade.
“Will you see Wicked with me?”
Ashton sighed deeply. “Make up with Cal, baby.”
Sam’s eyes narrowed. “I did nothing wrong. He needs to learn to deal with losing.”
Ashton let out another deep sigh. “We’ll see what happens, okay?”
“Where’s Ashton and Sam, Calum?” the paparazzi asked as Calum walked around town alone. It was day 3 post Cupcake Gate and he needed to get out of the house. “What happened to your empathy hoodie?”
“Lost it,” Calum muttered darkly.
Day 4 post Cupcake Gate, the paparazzi spotted Ashton and Sam and went nuts. “Hey, where’s Calum? Did Calum get jealous of Luke and Mike? Is Hoodson over? Is that his hoodie?!”
“It’s my hoodie,” Sam glared.
Wicked was in three days. Calum and Sam still hadn’t made up. Ashton, in an attempt of sheer desperation, ordered five more tickets. He was going to get Calum and Sam back on track and he was going to need all the backup he could get.
“Baby, you gotta start getting ready,” Ashton said, nudging her shoulder.
Sam, curled up on the couch in a blanket, turned to Ashton with a blank expression. “Why? You don’t wanna see Wicked with me. I’ll just catch it next time or something.”
“Samantha Hudson! I have had enough of your pouting! Go. Get. Dressed.”
Sam rolled her eyes at his theatrics and use of her full first name. “Fletch, this is dumb. You don’t wanna go. I don’t wanna go. Let’s just stay in. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong, baby. I do wanna go.”
Sam raised an eyebrow. “Really? You wanna go see Wicked?”
“I really do.”
Sam smiled at him. He had been trying to make her happy for two weeks now, and she had been a straight-up bitch. But he kept trying. And now he looked downright happy to sit through a musical they both knew he didn’t give two shits about, because it would make her happy. And seeing Sam happy made Ashton happy. Plus, Ashton really needed Sam to come see Wicked with him. Half his plan depended on it. The other half depended on Luke and Mike dragging Calum kicking and screaming to the theatre. “Fletch, I love you.”
“I love you too, baby. Now go get ready.”
She got up and walked to the bedroom “This is really sweet of you, but it’s not gonna be the same with- Oh, Fletch!” she gasped, stopping when she saw the dress lying on the bed and the vase of sunflowers on her night table. “You’re up to something, aren’t you?”
“Just appreciating my baby,” he smiled at her.
“Fletcher!” Sam growled at Ashton at the same time Calum muttered an “I’m gonna kill you both,” at Luke and Mike as the group met up outside the theatre.
“Hey,” Ashton said quickly. “This dumb feud has lasted long enough.”
“Dumb feud,” they both scoffed. Then, “Look, she’s even wearing my damn hoodie,” Calum added.
“I get cold, Thomas.”
“I’m not sitting next to a cheater.”
“Who said I wanted to sit next to a crybaby?”
“Well I want to sit by Ash.”
“Tough, Thomas. He’s my boyfriend. I’m pulling rank tonight.”
“You can both sit next to me,” Ashton compromised.
“Wow, Si, you can’t fight Mike over me like that?” Luke joked to Sierra with a fake-pout.
“I’d have to actually like you first, mate,” Mike said, clapping Luke’s shoulder as the group finally made their way inside.
“One licorice, please,” Calum told the concession stand worker.
Sam gasped in outrage. “He doesn’t even like licorice!”
“Baby, I’ll buy you a box. It’s not a big deal,” Ashton told her before turning his attention to the concession stand worker. “I’ll have the same please, and 2 waters.”
“Sorry sir, that gentleman just took the last box,” he smiled politely, pointing at Calum.
Sam let out another gasp and had to hold back from stomping her foot like a toddler. Calum however, didn’t seem to care for being mature as he sneered at her and took a huge bite from one of the pieces of licorice, chewing obnoxiously as he did so. I hope you choke, she thought viciously as Ashton mumbled some under his breath that sounded vaguely like “Fuckin hell, this is gonna suck,” and ordered Sam her favorite chocolate instead.
Ashton was right. The musical itself wasn’t bad. It was the two people he sat between that made his skin prickle. It didn’t help matters that he knew the paparazzi had spotted Calum and Sam’s preshow spat and would no doubt be waiting for more dirt when the show was over. This was why he hated musicals. He hated that everything he did was scrutinized by the public eye, every inch of his life overanalyzed and picked over. God, it was such a headache. And Calum and Sam weren’t doing him any favors by being at each other’s throats. He missed Calum being his and Sam’s paparazzi buffer. He missed Calum. Hell, he missed Sam. Things just weren’t the same without his best friend and girlfriend being best friends themselves. He didn’t want to go back to how things were in those first months he had dated Sam when Calum had been unsure of the woman.
He let his mind run it’s course of worst-case scenarios until he caught the tears streaming down Sam’s cheeks as she lip-synced to one of the songs, her eyes not on the stage but on Calum. Ashton moved his eyes to watch Calum and held back the grin when he noticed Calum was singing the song back to Sam. Yeah, Hoodson just might make it after all.
“Here,” Sam told Calum, tugging off the hoodie as they stood in the foyer after the show.
“No, keep it,” Calum said, crossing his arms. “It’s gonna be cold outside.”
Sam shook her head and pushed it into Calum’s arms anyway. “I’ll wear Fletch’s.”
Calum let out a short breath that held the trace of a chuckle. “Well, here then,” he said, accepting the hoodie and pushing the box of licorice in Sam’s hand. The box was still full, except for one piece that had a bite taken out of it. “Truce?” Calum asked.
Sam grinned and threw her arms around Calum’s neck. “I’ve missed you, bub!”
“I’ve missed you too, princess,” he replied, hugging her tightly.
“Hey bub?” Sam asked once her and Calum let go.
“Yeah princess?”
“Can I have a piggyback ride to the car?”
“Jump on,” Calum said, crouching down slightly and hooking his arms under her legs as she jumped on his back.
The paparazzi was waiting like Ashton knew they would be. And they went nuts over Sam being carried by Calum, the group’s laughs echoing into the night. And Ashton didn’t care one fucking bit what anyone thought about his mate carrying his girl. Hoodson was back on track.
What followed Calum and Sam’s two week long friendship crisis was what was affectionately referred to as the BUB Accords. It was an agreement that had a strict no pettiness policy, and after further debate, came to decide that when Luke or Mike took out Sam, Ashton and Calum would take out Crystal or Sierra. It drove the paparazzi ragged trying to keep track of “breaking stories” which only made it all the more fun for the group of friends.
It almost became a game of who could create the wildest headline in the tabloids- Cashton with a girl who wasn’t Sam, or Sam making her way through the rest of the band. A game that only got funnier when Sam started going on “dates” with Crystal and Sierra. Well, right up until the entire group of seven went out and all hell broke loose anyway.
It had started out innocent enough. The boys had dropped their newest album. Sam had gotten accepted into her school’s doctorate program. It was time to celebrate.
The group of seven stumbled out of the night club, grins on their faces, arms wrapped around shoulders, just absolutely in love with each other and their lives.
“Hey, Hoodson! Glad to see you back on track. Calum, did you finally get tired of not fucking her? Sam, how well does Calum fuck? You gonna leave Ashton for him? Have you fucked Luke or Mike yet? What about you, Crystal and Sierra? You girls gonna fuck the other 5SOS boys, too?” the paparazzi yelled at them.
Sam wasn’t sure which comment made Ashton and Calum lunge first, but when the paparazzi added Crystal and Sierra’s names to the mix, Luke and Mike both threw a punch.
It was a mix of the four men wrestling the paparazzi to the ground, fists flying, curses and screams filling the night air.
“Alright, fuck!” Ashton growled as the cops jerked him roughly to sit on the curb, his lip busted and bleeding.
“Look, I’m gonna be real with you,” Calum was saying, his brown eyes darker than the group had ever seen. “You, Mr. Officer, better book up me and my mates. Because if you let us go, you’re just gonna have to break this apart again.”
“Sir, have you been drinking?”
“A little,” Calum said truthfully. “But I don’t even have my car keys. Ashton, is designated driver and he’s as sober as can be. And you can’t arrest me for being drunk outside a bar.”
“I can arrest you for disorderly conduct and give you a hefty fine for disturbing the peace. On top of whatever they’re gonna press charges on you for,” the officer told him.
“Do it then. Arrest all of us,” Ashton spoke up. “We’re all guilty. We’re not fighting that. But if you FUCKERS” Ashton shouted loudly at the paparazzi who were nursing their wounds nearby, “wanna press charges, I’ll go ahead and press my own. You filmed me without my permission. That’s harassment. And you bet your ass I’ll drag this out and waste your time and money.”
“Same goes for us,” Calum, Luke, and Mike agreed.
“Michael Gordon Clifford!”
“Lucas Robert Hemmings!”
“Calum Thomas Hood!”
“Ashton Fletcher Irwin!”
The men held back a wince. “Hi, Mum,” they said in unison.
The phones all on speaker and on the coffee table at Ashton’s the next morning held the voices of four very angry mothers shouting their disappointment and rage at their sons. “Just because you’re an adult! I raised you better! What on Earth were you thinking?! You need to learn to control that temper!”
“Mum, you do-”
“I’m not finished!”
“Hey, Mums!” Sam announced happily, hoping to ease the tension.
“Sam! Hi, darling!”
“Look, I know on the outside this looks bad. But, I promise you there’s the side of the story that you aren’t getting.”
“Sam, honey, there’s never a good reason to start beating people up.”
“Normally I would be in total agreement, Mums. However, a line was severely crossed last night. I mean, I’m sure you’re all aware of what the tabloids have been saying about me and my friendships with Cal, Luke, and Mike, along with the accusations regarding my relationship with Ashton. It’s never been good. It’s been downright nasty sometimes. However, last night the line was crossed. I’d rather not repeat what was said. But it was besmirching of not only my name, but Crystal and Sierra’s names as well.”
“They said what?!”
Sam sighed. “They, that is the paparazzi, accused us women of… let’s use the term sleeping… our way through the band.”
“Are their hands okay?” came the worried reply.
“Your sons are fine. The paparazzi on the other hand… not so much.”
The BUB Accords were later amended to include a “head down, coat up” rule in dealing with the paparazzi.
@baldcalum​ @cxddlyash​ @here-for-the-uproars​ @cashtonasff5sos​ @flameraine​
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cal-puddies · 6 years
pics || luke hemmings
luke smut won. michael coming soon.
Luke doesn’t know what to do the first time you send him a dirty picture. He’s sitting in the room after the show with the guys and the text box pops up as he’s scrolling through Twitter, reading about the show.
You’re sitting there in his favorite bra, the toy he’d gotten you before he left laying next to you. It’s just not you.
Luke gulps, and Ash, sitting right next to him, notices. “What’s up mate?”
“Nothing!” Luke turns bright red and immediately locks his phone. He knows the last thing you’d want is his friends seeing you sexy like that, post orgasm glow.
“That’s why you’ve gone red?” Ash jokes.
“It’s just… my girl. She misses me.” He shrugs.
“A sweet “I miss you” turned you red?” Cal laughs.
“It was definitely more than an “I miss you.” Ash retorts.
“What’d you see?” Luke questions quickly.
“I saw that there was a picture but didn’t get a look at the content.” Ash explains. “Is she sending you dirty pictures?” He watches Luke go red again and then nod. “You didn’t respond!?”
“Yeah man you can’t leave her hanging like that. You probably left her on read too. She’s freaking out now.” Cal adds.
“You think so?”
“Yeah mate, she’s vulnerable like that for you and you just don’t respond?” Mike finally pipes up.
“Fuck.” Luke grabs his phone and stands before unlocking it to make sure no one gets that eye full. “What do I say?” He starts pacing.
“You can say just about anything, but you have to say something.” Ash points out. “Just tell her you miss her too.” He shrugs.
“Shit… ok.” He quickly types out Miss you too baby.
You sigh, as you read the text. You were hoping for a little more, maybe he’d feel up for phone sex or something, you missed his moans. But Luke’s vanilla ass very rarely fed into your less than vanilla whims. You were actually shocked when he gave you the toy, but then Calum told you that him and Ash had been behind that move for you.
You open your group text with Calum and Ash,
-he said I miss you too… I send him a dirty picture and he says he misses me. Fuck. I hate you guys. You knew he was vanilla when you set us up.
-sorry babe, thought it’d help you out. And ash really means it which makes it worse.
-I honestly thought he’d loosen up for you. Cal adds.
You go to bed annoyed and pissy that your boyfriend didn’t help you with a second orgasm.
But your phone rings a couple hours later, and you pick it up, face pressed against the pillow. “Mell-o?” You groan, not even checking it.
“Baby.” Luke groans.
You roll over and look at the clock, and then something clicks in your brain, and you pick up another sound on the other end. A slick sound.
“Hey Luke.” You say quietly, still trying to decide if you’d heard what you thought you heard.
“Miss you so much.” He whimpers.
“Miss you too baby.” You reply. And then he moans. “Luke? Handsome?”
“Picture was so hot babe… and god I miss your mouth wrapped around my cock.” He whines. “Baby, can you touch yourself for me?” He asks.
“Luke, are you alone?” You ask, biting your lip.
“Hotel night baby.” He explains.
“D’you wanna FaceTime and you can watch?” You ask, thinking you might get your hot night anyway.
“I’m barely hanging on as it is princess. Another night.” He moans, and you know there’s no truth behind it, he won’t give you another night either. “Rub your clit for me baby.” He groans.
“I’m sorry babe, I’m not feeling it.” You chew your lip, hoping you don’t ruin his orgasm, because you don’t really want that either.
“S’ok princess.” He whimpers, you know he’s close. “Keep talking to me baby, tell me about earlier. About the picture.”
“Well… I played with that vibrator, had a mediocre orgasm, and just wanted my handsome boyfriend afterwords.” You start.
Luke lets out a whine you’re familiar with. The one meaning he’s cum. “Dammit baby, you couldn’t give me that one thing.” He groans after he’d panted it out.
“Sorry handsome… you never give me what I want.” You whisper the last part.
“This again?” He asks.
You sigh. “No, Luke… goodnight.” You say, hanging up before anything more can be said.
“I fucked up.” Luke admits to Cal the second he sees him in the morning.
“I heard.” Cal shakes his phone a little.
“All of it?” He clarifies.
“You really just said you missed her after she sent you a dirty picture.” Cal asks.
He starts to nod. “Wait… she didn’t tell you anything else?” Luke clarifies.
“What more is there to tell?” Cal eyes him.
“Uhm…” Luke wonders if he should even say anything, but Cal looks impatient. “I may have called her when we got back to the hotel, after I’d been having some of my own “alone time” and asked her to help me out. She ended up hanging up on me, after again complaining about our sex life.” He frowns. “I don’t know what to do Calum. I just want to make her happy.”
“Maybe listen to her.” Ash says, coming up behind them, waiting at the elevator. “Maybe try some of the things she wants. You knew your sex lives didn’t exactly “line up” when you met. But she was willing to give up some of her kink for your vanilla. Maybe you could bring some kink back.” He suggests.
“Oh yeah? What should I do then? Let you two tag team her while I watch?” Luke looks over at Calum and Ash who are exchanging a grin. “No.” He says, adamant.
“She wouldn’t go for that anyway. She’s a one man kinda girl. You just… you need to show her you want to meet her halfway Luke. Otherwise it’s probably about over.” Cal smirks.
Luke comes home a week later, you know you probably wouldn’t see him for a few days after he got home because he liked to sleep it off the first few days, and you were fine with that.
But what you didn’t expect was him sitting on your couch in just sweatpants when you got home from work on Friday night. “Hey handsome.” You greet.
“C’mere baby.” He says quietly.
You cross the room, Luke’s hand slips around your waist and he forgoes kissing you, immediately pressing his face against your stomach after he pulls you in. Both hands move to your ass, and then he pushes your dress up, and pulls your panties down.
“Step out, take your shoes off.” He says, fingers slowly sliding up and down your legs. You do as he says and he finds the zipper on your dress, leaving you in just your bra. His lips press back to your stomach and he leaves sloppy open mouth kisses as his hands grip your ass and pull you onto the couch. You were already turned on. “Wanna taste,  babe.” He whispers, lips moving lower. His hands grip your ass again and he pulls you up, hoisting you over his face.
He gently kisses your pussy lips, you look down at him and see his pretty blue eyes staring back at you. You feel his tongue split your lips and you grab his hair in one hand and the back of the couch in the other. He licks over your opening a few times and then his lips wrap around your clit.
“Oh fuck Luke.” You whimper. “What’s gotten into you?” You moan.
He pulls his mouth away from you, “I’m gonna be getting into you soon enough… on your back.” He smacks your ass. You quickly scramble to lay down, spreading your legs. Both of Luke’s hands are on you then, he pushes his hands on your skin, both his thumbs push between your lips and over your clit, he uses them to hold your lips open and he licks your clit. “Beautiful girl.” He grins at you, wrapping his arm around your thigh. His other hand rubs over your spread pussy. “So wet for me.”
You are completely surprised by his next move, he pulls out one of your vibrators and holds it to your clit. “Luke!” You squeak, hips bucking.
“The guys were right, baby. I know you were into a lot more than I’d even tried when we got together; and you’ve happily had very vanilla sex with me for a while, so, time to change it up for you.” He mentions, pushing the vibrator into you. His lips wrap back around your clit and he sucks.
Your fingers grip hard into his hair. “Luke,” you whine, “baby.”
He quickly brings you to orgasm and then his sweat pants come down and he sinks his cock into you before you have the chance to come down.
“How’s that baby.” Luke smirks at you.
“No… Luke… what the fuck?” You moan.
“Want me to stop?” He asks.
“No no no no no no… don’t you fucking dare.” You warn. “Luke this is the fucking closest you’ve ever come to giving me multiple orgasms, please don’t fucking stop.”
Luke begins to slam his hips against yours, creating that delicious feeling of orgasm number 2 creeping up in your gut. Your nails dig into his back as your teeth sink into his forearm. You feel his cum shoot into you and your eyes immediately go wide. It’s something you’re cool with but he’d never ever wanted to do it. He pulls out and grabs your panties. “Don’t you dare drip any of that cum. Put those back on and go to your room.” He says. His tone is stern, which you never have had in the bedroom with him.
You immediately follow directions, holding your thighs together as tight as possible so you don’t drip any of his cum into your panties. You stay standing once in the room because he didn’t give any other direction. He comes in and grins at you.
“You know… I asked ash for a few pointers with you. And I have to say he knew quite a bit on how to handle you.” His hand lands on your ass. “You sleep with him?” He asks.
“No. Never.” You say.
He spanks you, “you’re not typically a liar, so I’m inclined to believe you. What about Cal?” He asks, spanking you again.
You almost say no, because you didn’t sleep with him, but you both went down on each other. “Um… he… I sucked him off, and he ate my pussy once.”
“Just once?” He clarifies, hand landing on your ass.
You bite your lip because you’re pretty sure that’s right but you aren’t 100. “Mmmhmm.” You finally answer.
“Good, that’s what Cal said too. So my little slut, on your back.” He nods to the bed. You do as your told, “lets see how well you followed directions.” He pulls your panties off and looks at them and then spreads your legs wide, you’re completely shocked when his tongue slicks through your pussy. His lips are pressing to yours, sharing his cum and he continues to play with your pussy, spreading the lips, lightly rubbing your clit, pushing his fingers in and teasing your g-spot.
“Oh fuck Luke, what the fuck.” You whimper. “Lemme ride your cock, baby.” You coo.
“Hop on pretty girl.” He demands, settling on his back.
“Dammit Luke. I dunno what’s gotten into you but… ohhhh.” You whine, sliding down his hard cock.
“Feel good baby?” He smirks.
“So good Luke, oh god.” And then you set to work, bouncing on Luke’s cock, feeling on your own body, cupping your breasts. Luke’s enjoying the show, watching you, pushing his hand between your breasts, against your chest, holding your hips, rubbing your thighs.
“You look so good riding my cock.” He moans and you immediately fall forward, pressing your lips to his.
“I just… fuck Luke.” You moan. He cums deep inside you for a second time today and you can’t help but love the feeling, letting it push you over the edge as well. “Luke, baby.” You push yourself up off his cock and lay on your back beside him. You reach over and grab his jaw pulling him in for a kiss. “Fuck.” You groan into his skin.
“Yeah, was that good babe?” He asks, letting out a little chuckle.
“Yes Luke, it was. I really appreciate you doing this for me.” You grin.
“Baby, I wanna keep you and I know I wasn’t pleasing you. So I did what I needed to do. You’ve been nothing but accepting and understanding and loving. You’ve given up so much to be with me. You deserve something in return.”
“You’re too sweet Luke… especially for what’s about to come out of my mouth: I want your dick in me again.”
“Baby… I just wanna cuddle.” He chuckles.
“We can make both work,” you grin, scooting closer to him. You drape your leg over his hip and guide him in, “just for a little while.”
“I could get used to this.” He admits. He tucks your hair behind your ear and rubs his thumb against your cheek. “You’re so beautiful.”
“Thanks handsome.”
“I love you baby.” He hums, kissing your forehead, “I hope you don’t complain the next time I want vanilla sex.” He chuckles.
“Honestly Luke, as long as you promise to keep fucking me like that, I’ll keep having vanilla sex and being happy about it.”
Taglist: @cocktail-calum @1dthewantedlove @september09241994 @youngblood199456 @lustingforwunder @calumsphile @neso-k @rosecoloredash @radmcqueen @justayoungandwisefangirl @itsnotmyblood @slimthicccal @softboycal @lietoash @pushthetide21 @5sosfanficrec @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles
masterlist || ashton || calum || luke || michael
wanna be tagged? go here
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irwinkitten · 6 years
days like this | l.h, m.c, c.h, a.i
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pairing: none prompt: not this time notes: last day of the birthday countdown fic week! day five!! thank you so much for the love you’ve shown this week. i’ve enjoyed writing something with the prompts and i’m hoping it’ll keep my mojo going as i continue to work on the various things i’ve got planned. this is just entirely soft and fluffy and i hope y’all love it. small masterlist of the fic week can be found here warnings: none word count: 2.3k!
You knew that she was excited beyond reason knowing that her favourite uncles were finally back from touring.
Your daughter was practically begging you to ask them to come and visit, the last time she’d gotten so see them was months ago when they were touring in the city.
“I’ll ask them little bird, but I can’t promise that they’ll come around. They only got home yesterday and they’re going to be tired.” You warned and her face fell for a second.
“But I can see them this week?” This made you smile.
“Of course, they wouldn’t pass up a chance to spend the day with you, you know that. They might just be too tired to come around today.” She nodded before disappearing upstairs to her room, a loud banging telling you that she’d gone to the plastic drum kit that Ashton had bought her for her last birthday.
Opening the group chat you had with them, you sent the message.
‘I have a tiny human who has realised you guys are home. When you’re up for it, drop by later this week, you’d make her day.’
Heading to the kitchen, you began to make some lunch for the two of you as your phone pinged.
‘I think bug snuggles are required for recovery.’ Your eyes saw that was from Michael and you laughed.
‘Only if you’re up for it, I’ve told her you guys might be too tired to come around today so it’ll be during the week.’
Ashton was the next reply
‘I’ll bring some snacks. See you in thirty.’
This set off a discussion of various snacks followed by varying times from each member. You sent the eye roll emoji followed by a heart before making sandwiches, knowing that if they were bringing snacks, she wouldn’t eat anything else.
“Little bird, time for some lunch.” You called up, the banging stopping as she came rushing downstairs, the small toy drum sticks grasped in her hand.
She pulled herself up onto the dining room chair, setting the sticks on the table which made you laugh, snapping a photo and sending it to the chat.
‘Looks like someone has her sights set on her future career.’
‘Bass is better, I’ll teach her the right instrument.’ Came from Calum not even a minute later.
‘She’d still say that drums are the better instrument.’ You sent back as you ate your own food, placing the phone face down on the table.
“Did they answer mommy?” She asked between bites and you hummed in response.
“They’ll see. But no promises.” She nodded her head as she finished her food and helped you with the dishes, her giggles echoing through the kitchen as the water splashed the both of you as you filled the sink up.
Once the dishes were done and set on the side to dry, she was about to rush upstairs before there was a knock on the door, the sound of the door opening making her turn to you in confusion.
“Did we forget someone was coming round today mommy?” Your lips curved into a smile at her question.
“Why don’t you go see?” She scampered from the kitchen, making you countdown in your head from three.
As you hit one, she squealed.
“Uncle Ash!” Her giggle reached your ears followed by his own.
Making your way through, you found yourself grinning at the sight before you. Ashton had your daughter in his arms, her lips pulled back into the biggest grin as he peppered her face in kisses.
“And how’s my drumming replacement, huh?” She giggled, her face ducking away into his hoodie in embarrassment at his words.
“M’never replacing you.” She mumbled and he laughed.
“Good to know, lovebug.” She beamed at the nickname before squirming to get down from his arms. He obliged and she headed upstairs, her lips pulled back into a grin as Ashton greeted you with a warm hug.
“She’s so your favourite.” You teased him as you kissed his cheek.
“Just watch, Mike will arrive and I’ll be forgotten.” The two of you laughed as he followed you into the kitchen, placing the bag on the counter that contained various goodies. You peered in it for a second and laughed.
“She’s definitely gonna have a sugar crash. You all are.” You commented as he made himself comfortable, grabbing a drink.
“That’s the point. I think the others have the same idea of relaxed clothing. Means we can keep up with the little lovebug but also not feel uncomfortable if we do crash.”
“It’s a good job I ended up getting those big corner sofas otherwise there’d be no room for you all.” Came the tart reply and he laughed.
The door knocked once more and before you could even call for your little bird, she was flying down the stairs as the door started opening. You peered from the kitchen to watch your daughter launch at Calum who caught her with ease.
“Uncle Calum!”
“Ooft, hello to you too princess.” You laughed and she glanced back to you, her lips pulled back into a wide grin.
“Is uncle Lu and uncle Mike comin’ too?” You tried to hide your grin, but as her eyes practically lit up, you knew that you’d failed and she’d put two and two together.
“Does this mean movie day?” Calum asked, playing along as his eyes widened, looking between you and her. You snorted.
“I guess it does mean movie day. Wanna go get changed into some comfy clothes little bird?” She beamed as Calum set her down and she went running once more. You laughed as he wrapped his arms around you in greeting and you could feel the stress of the last few weeks melt away.
“And how is our favourite mom?” He asked once he’d let go and the three of you began to migrate towards the living room, snacks and drinks in hands.
“Stressed. It’s been a tough couple of weeks. I know that there are some kids giving her a hard time and she’s lashing out in return. I got called up to the school twice. First time because one girl had thrown something at her and she retaliated by pushing her over. Second time she hadn’t done anything but because the other girl had pushed her over and hurt her, I was still called in.” You explained as you tied your hair back, a soft sigh escaping.
“I take it work weren’t too happy about that?” Ashton asked quietly and you gave a sarcastic laugh.
“My boss has been a right bastard about it. Made a comment about her dad needing to be around to deal with her.” They flinched at that.
You’d been devastated the day that you’d received the call that her dad had been in a car collision and died. They boys had always been an active part of your little girl's life, but you knew they were stepping up, just like her dad would’ve wanted them to.
“What did you do after that?”
“Made the complaint to HR, told them the situation because he threatened to not pay me. They said that it was noted down and he’s now under investigation. All of us are suspended from normal work until the investigation is complete.”
“Are you at least getting paid?” Ashton asked, stunned. You nodded.
“Yeah, it’s full pay thankfully. She just thinks I’m on vacation from work.” You explained quietly when you heard her footsteps come flying down the stairs. They understood the silent request to not talk about it in front of you little girl.
Just as she launched upon Ashton, making him laugh, you heard the door go once more. Her head shot up from his chest where she’d rested it and you laughed.
“I’ll go get it.” You pushed yourself from your spot next to Cal and you were greeted with the door already opening, revealing Michael and Luke. You couldn’t help but giggle. Michael held five pizza boxes and in Luke’s hands you spied two bottles of wine.
“You guys are ridiculous.” You finally muttered before stepping aside so they could carry on through to the kitchen.
“You love us really.” Michael sang back. You grinned.
Luke dropped a kiss to your cheek as he passed on by, making you laugh as you pushed him towards the kitchen, closing the door behind him and following them both. When you reached the kitchen, you were pulled into a warm hug and you sighed, returning the hug tightly.
“You guys are the best, honestly.” You murmured in Michael’s ear and he pulled back, grinning.
“Oh we know we are. Now, where’s my cuddlebug?”
“Living room. We’re vegging out there.” He grinned, heading past you and you found yourself in another set of arms.
“Hope you don’t mind us bringing the wine. Figured that you could use a bit of a break too.” He murmured and you nodded your head against his chest.
“It’s fine. But if any of you guys drink, you’re not driving.” He grinned down at you as you pulled back, your tone stern.
“Yes mom.” He teased before you shoved him towards the living room.
When you followed him, you found yourself grinning. Michael had thrown himself down on the spot next to Ashton, and your daughter had immediately crawled to the spot between them, her arms wrapped around him.
“Hey, no cuddles for your uncle Lu?” Luke whined and she shook her head and he pouted before leaning over to ruffle her hair, making her beam back at him.
“I’ll cuddle you later uncle Lu.” You knew that she would as well. If there was someone she loved to cuddle, it was Michael. But Luke was a close second in her eyes.
He laughed, leaning over the back of the sofa and planting a kiss to the top of her head before he sat on the other sofa.
“What movie are we watching then?” Calum asked and she thought about it for a second.
“Tangled!” You snorted at that as you switched on the TV, flicking it onto Netflix and pulling up the movie before settling between Calum and Luke, your head resting on Calum’s shoulder as the title began rolling, your eyes darting over to the three on the second couch, her body pressed tightly between Michael and Ashton as she mouthed along to the dialogue.
“We’ll get her hooked onto a new film soon enough.” Calum hummed and you laughed.
“This will still be her favourite. Thanks for coming around and spending this day with her though, I know you guys only got back yesterday.” You felt a soft jab to your side from Luke.
“Hey, she’s worth it and we can’t let our favourite niece drive our favourite mom mad from watching the same film over and over.” He teased with a grin. You rolled your eyes in return, but smiled nonetheless.
“As long as you know that you guys don’t have to compete for our affections, then I’m all for you guys having days like this.” Luke grinned.
After the first film, Michael declared it was time for pizzas, making her gasp in delight as he pushed himself off the sofa. You went to join him, grinning as your little girl moved from Ashton’s side, crawling onto Luke’s lap and snuggling with him.
Whilst reheating the pizzas, the two of you talked quietly, catching Michael up with what was going on.
“Please tell me you’re looking for a new job?” He asked as you helped him put the second pizza in the oven to reheat.
“I’m looking, but nothing so far.” You sighed and he rested a hand on your shoulder in comfort. You smiled at him softly.
“If you need someone to look after her, you can always drop her by mine. Southy adores her and we both know how territorial Southy is.” This made the two of you share grins as you changed the pizzas over.
You could hear from the kitchen as she told the other three what she’d done at school, the various drawings and big things she’d accomplished.
Accepting the glass of wine from Michael as you two carried the pizza boxes through, a bright grin on your daughter's lips as she scrambled from her spot on Luke’s lap to open the pizza boxes, you could only watch in amusement as she picked the cheese one and returning to her spot between Michael and Ashton.
As the conversation moved onto the boys talking about tour, telling her small stories that had her giggling into her food when she took bites as they talked, you felt a sense of relief that at least if anything, she had four men in her life who would do as much as they could for her.
“Mommy, did you really go on tour with them once? And did uncle Lu really try to prank you with the bad doughnuts?” And a Luke whined in protest as you giggled, you felt more and more relaxed as the conversation flowed from one story to another, her eyes and ears taking in everything before they began to get heavy and she curled closer to Michael, all of them pausing for seconds to yawn.
“How ‘bout we nap cuddlebug? Then we can watch some more films.” Michael bargained with your child and she thought about it for a second before nodding her head.
It didn’t take much longer as the others seemed to be following her lead and even you couldn’t stop yourself from curling into Calum’s side, his arm squeezing you gently as your eyes surveyed the room.
“You rest as well, you need to look after yourself as well.” Calum hummed and you chuckled softly before allowing yourself to relax, the warmth of your home and a full stomach lulling you into a relaxed nap, feeling like things were going to at least go up from here.
tag list: @cals-babylons​​ , @glitterprincelu​​ , @calumspeachy​​ , @wrappedaroundcal​​ , @cosmocalum​​ , @mistletoemichael​​ , @talkfastfletcher​​ , @hereforlukescruff​​ , @astroashtonio​​ , @catchinqcalum​​ , @roselukes​​ , @5saucewho​​, @babylon-uncrowned​​ , @dontstopisagoodsongchangemymind​​ , @therainydays4​​ , @asht0ns-world​​ , @silverchainbee​​ , @hidd3nfangirl​​ , @doodleasouarus​​ , @empathycth​​ , @mylovehes​​ , @songforhema​​ , @kinglyhood​​ , @youngblood199456​​ , @makecoffeenotwars​​ , @5squash​ , @negative-love​​ , @softboycal​​ , @kinglycalum​​ , @you-of-ghost​​ , @meetyoutheremgc​​ , @lmao5sosimagines​​ , @lietoash​​ , @aw-hawkeye​​ , @biggestslutforcalum​​ , @drummerboy794​​ , @itjustkindahappenedreally​​, @mycollectionofnuts​​ , @coreybryanttrash , @abitloudforanaccousticset​​ , @boytoynamedcalum​​ , @teampreator​​ , @dukehoods​​ , @dweebluke​​ , @calumhampton​​ , @lashtoncurls​​ , @toofadedtofight​​ , @gigglyirwin​​ , @blue-skies-are-alright​​ , @hearts-to-the-sky​​ , @tiddlerrr​​ , @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you​​​ , @thesensationalcalum , @ashtxns-hxe​​ , @cakeassx-blog​​ , @dancingonanemptywallet​​ , @rotten-kandy​​ , @vipclifford​​ , @musiclover1263​​ , @rosecoloredash​​ , @jpgluke​​ , @cathartichaoss​​ , @5secondssofssummer​​ , @cozyfivesos​​ , @balsamichood​​ , @cliffordstxngue​​ , @lukesbellas , @myloverboyash​​ , @cxddlyash​​  , @gabiatthedisco​​ , @rosesfromcth​ , @gorgeouslygrace​ , @calumsssparkle​ , @valentinelrh​ , @meetashthere​ , @softforcal​ , @notoriouslyhood​ , @hotmessmichael , 
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calpalirwin · 5 years
You’ll Always Have Me
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Summary: Alyssa and Ashton have been best friends ever since Alyssa moved in across the street the summer before second grade. Together, they were tackling the stereotype that boys and girls can’t just be friends. That is, until they almost kissed right before their junior year of high school. Can their friendship survive the jealousy that stems from their newfound feelings? And what happens when they realize these “newfound feelings” really aren’t all that new?
And away, and away we go!
Chapter 5
March 2018~
I looked in the stands, searching for her. She was easy enough to spot her hat with the school logo throw on haphazardly and backwards- a staple of her effortless style that left me feeling out of breath- and her giant “Go Ash!” poster she always brought when she watched me play. She had been to every one of my games since we became friends nearly 10 years ago. Every year she carefully crafted a new poster, the “Y” fading out when I had deemed “Ashy” too childish.
“Aly!” I shouted, waving my hands over my head.
Her head turned towards the sound of my voice, a grin spreading across her face. Then, her entire body slammed into mine, giving me her famous rib crushing hug.
“Awesome game, Ash!” she told me, her usual response after any game, win or lose.
“Thanks,” I wheezed. “Now loosen up will ya?”
She immediately let go and  took two steps back. “Sorry. Did Kayla come?”
I shook my head at the mention my girlfriend. The girlfriend I had just recently gotten with because if I spent another day watching Aly flirt with boys that weren't me, I was gonna lose my damn mind. Stupid almost kiss, I thought as I cursed my existence for at least the millionth time since July. “No, but I’m taking her out later,” I finally said.
“Aly…” I pressed. If things had been weird since summer, it was nothing compared to the weirdness of the past few weeks since I started dating Kayla. I’d been friends with Aly long enough to understand the female subtleties, and it was always fake smiles and fake laughs between those two. Which begged the question, was Aly jealous of Kayla, and if so, why? She had been the one who said no.
“It’s nothing. Honest. Kayla’s great.”
“Whatever. Don’t you have plans with Hood anyway?” We had an unspoken rule that we were always partners for anything in the classes we shared, and I was still bitter she had said yes to being his lab partner. Well, I was more bitter about how she had said yes: her giggle too high-pitched, her smile too wide.
“Aw, jealous?” she teased. Then, more seriously, “I don’t. Cal’s… well, he’s okay. But we’re not dating or anything.”
I suppressed an eye roll at the nickname. Cal? She was calling him “Cal”? Ugh… “You looked pretty cozy in Anatomy last week,” I pointed out, taking comfort by her assurance that they weren’t dating, because yes, I was jealous as all hell. Obviously.
“Ah, yes. Fluorescent lights and a dead frog. The makings of any good romance, truly.” She rolled her eyes. “Honestly, dude. You’re so dense.”
I rolled my eyes back at her. “He likes you, though. Which is a pretty big deal considering,” my voice trailed off, letting the sentence hang in the air between us.
“Yeah, he’s popular, and he’s interested in a dweeb like me. Good for him. Oh! Text Lu and Si. We haven’t had a decent band practice in a while.”
“Shit, yeah! Your place, half an hour?”
“Race ya!” she grinned before dashing off.
A half hour later, after I found my parents and went home to change, I crossed the street to Aly’s garage, where she was already playing her guitar. “Hey,” she shouted, “Lu and Si are on their way.”
“Cool,” I replied, sitting behind the drum kit and grabbing the drumsticks. I listened to what she was playing before joining in. Luke and Sierra were our singers, but Aly and I had fun trying to sing both their lyrics and our own backup vocals. By the time we finished the song, Luke and Sierra had shown up.
We had worked through our small set of cover songs when Aly’s brother came through the garage, immediately covering his ears. “I missed the peace and quiet!” he sneered.
“You only miss it because our awesomeness reminds you you’re an untalented fuck bucket,” she taunted back in traditional Clifford sibling style.
He flipped her off before he got in his truck and drove off.
Mike’s entrance and following exit caused a pause long enough for me to feel my phone ringing in my pocket. “Quick break,” I called out, digging my phone out of my pocket and answering it. “Hey, babe!”
“Ashton! I’ve been texting you like crazy! Where are you?”
I pulled my phone away to check it. 20 text messages. Oops. “Sorry, babe. I’m at Aly’s.”
“Oh.” It was the same “Oh,” Aly had used when I mentioned going out with Kayla earlier. Girls...
“Sorry,” I said again, not sure what else to say. “You could come over if you want.”
“Okay, I’ll be right over.”
“Cool, see you in a bit.” I ended the call and put my phone back in my pocket.
“I’m gonna get us some water,” Aly said, quickly sliding her guitar strap over her head and setting it aside, before heading for the door.
“I’m gonna help,” Sierra said, following Aly inside.
With the girls gone, Luke turned to me. “Dude…”
“You’re still dating Kayla?”
“I thought you like Lyssa?
“I do.”
“So, why are you dating Kayla?!”
“Aly doesn’t like me that way. We’re just friends.”
“How do you know she doesn’t like you that way if you don’t ask her out? Have you guys talked about… y’know?”
I had told him about the almost kiss right after it didn’t happen, along with confessing my feelings for Aly. “No…”
“So, why not talk about it and see what happens?”
“It’s not a risk I’m willing to take, okay? I barely realized I liked her that way until this summer. What do I do? ‘Hey, I know we’ve been friends forever, but I didn’t realize you’d get hot, wanna go out sometime?’”
“True… But, wouldn’t you rather her get with someone who was her friend before puberty hit her like a semi over someone who only likes her because of how she looks now?”
“I don’t want anyone with her. That includes me. Aly and I have been through a lot, but this… this is different. If I’m gonna ruin relationships with girls I have crushes on, I’d rather that girl not be Aly.”
“So, you want to grow up first?”
“I guess. I dunno. It doesn’t matter anyway. Aly probably doesn’t see me that way, and I’m with Kay. Case closed.”
“Whatever you say, man.”
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irwinkitten · 6 years
Laura I need daddy!ash finding out that you’re expecting a baby
For your new dad!Ash series, what about the daughter getting a sibling? I reckon that would be so freaking cute
for the daddy!ash series i would love to see ash talking to you about having a child of your own together!!!!
UAHSJSJSS ash and y/n dining out shes pregnant??? and trying to explain to princess shes getting a brother or sister im CRYINGG
Yo,,,,,,sooooo dad!ash finding out that you’re expecting a baby together. And you’re kind of scared because how is princess going to react? Is Ashton going to leave like Jamie did?
IF ASH AND BABY MAMA DON’t end having their own kid I’ll hate you forever!! Okay I wouldn’t hate you, but would very much curse Ashton never to wear red again.
ok but daddy ash getting a surprise from y/n and shes expecting and they have to explain to princess that shes getting a new brother/sister :-)
listen i am soft as fuck so i’m coming for ur hearts. 2.5k of fluff fluff and fluff.
masterlist is linked in the source
this is part eighteen
As you went around the various people, unable to let go of Anne for more than three seconds in amazed disbelief that he’d flown them all the way out to LA for this, your little girl was animatedly chatting with Cal, sat on his shoulders as she described how she helped Ashton pick out your ring.
“He took such a big risk getting all of you out here to celebrate a potential engagement.” You hummed to Anne whilst the two of you stood in the kitchen, away from the chaos. Ashton was in the lounge his laughter ringing clear through to the kitchen.
You smiled.
“When you’re sure about someone, you know it’s going to be a yes. The last time I saw him so sure of something was when they decided to really try it as a band. When we met both of you for the first time, and I saw how he interacted with you and the family, I could see how he fell in love so quickly with the both of you.” Your cheeks flushed a dark shade as you felt the tears build up.
“If it’s any consolation, the way you’ve accepted both of us, it means the world to me. You’ve made more of an effort than my own family, the same with the boys and it’s so overwhelming and I shouldn’t be crying.” You laughed as you wiped the tears that had fallen.
Anne wiped her own as she pulled you in for another hug, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as she pulled away.
“It’ll be official soon enough, and I look forward to officially welcoming a new daughter and granddaughter to the family. Even when said granddaughter already calls me her nana.”
Almost as if she were called, Calum entered the kitchen with her sat atop his shoulders, a beaming grin on her lips.
“Look at the two of you!” Your phone was out fast as you snapped a photo of the two of them. Calum laughed.
“Nana! Uncle Cal helped me be taller than daddy!” You both giggled a Calum helped her down so she could give Anne a hug.
“You alright?” Calum’s voice was quiet as the two of you watched her wrap her arms around Anne’s waist and lean her head back, talking a mile a minute to Anne. To Anne’s credit, she nodded in the right places.
“Yeah, just a bit overwhelmed. Don’t get me wrong, I am absolutely loving this, and thank you so much.” You leaned up, kissing his cheek. He smirked, throwing an arm over your shoulder as he squeezed you tightly.
“Hey, you’re officially family now.”
“Not till the wedding.” Calum shrugged.
“Your munchkin made us family the day she called Ashton her dad. And there was the pang once more, the wish for your mom to be there to witness it.
“I just—I sometimes wish my family didn’t turn their backs on me when I found out I was pregnant. She’d have been spoiled rotten. They would have loved Ashton.” The hitch in your voice caused him to pull you outside, Anne craftily distracting your daughter so you could escape unnoticed.
Pulling you into a tight hug, you allowed the tears to fall, just for a few moments.
It was times like these, big milestones in both of your lives that you wished you could share with your family.
But they’d taken the route of turning their backs on you when you had announced your pregnancy. Your mom had been a staunch supporter, especially after your little girl was born. The rest of the family actively ignored you both.
It was only when you’d come home to find your mom in tears, did you learn why they’d cut you off completely.
“They think that you were too influenced by a single parent. Should’ve married someone who would’ve treated you right enough to teach you family values. Said our line was cursed, single parents out of all of us.”
You’d called them that day, screaming about how dare they take their so called beliefs and turn their backs. But they’d come back with crueller insults.
As you pulled away from Cal, he wiped the few remaining tears from your cheeks and you sighed.
“Better?” You snorted at that.
“Not really. I miss my mom. I wish my family weren’t such dicks. I’m surprised they haven’t come knocking yet.”
“What would you do if they did?”
“Honestly? Tell them to get bent. I found a new family in Shay and Marc, in you guys, with Ashton. I’m good.” He grinned before glancing  up as the backdoor opened.
“Everything okay?” You turned to see Ashton, holding your daughter on his hip, smiles on both of their faces.
“Yeah, we’re good.” You returned the smiles with ease and Calum gave you another soft squeeze before heading to the backdoor.
You watched in amusement as your daughter reached for him and he lucked her from Ashton’s arms.
“C’mon cuddlebug, I think it’s time we try to beat Uncle Mike at Mario Kart. You wanna help me?” You could hear your daughter cheering as the door shut, muting the sounds inside as Ashton moved closer to you.
“I know you said you were good, but was that for her sake or mine?” His lips met yours in a soft kiss and it hit you that you were the lucky sod that got to marry this man.
“Just, slightly maudlin over family stuff.” Ashton sighed, his fingers lifting up, gently tracing down the side of your cheek. You leaned into his touch with a small smile.
“I hate that they did such a thing. I know it happened before I met you, but as good as you are lying to your daughter, you’re not that good with me.”
This caused you some soft laughter before he pulled out his pulled out his phone. You watched as he stuck on a playlist of soft songs before taking your hands within his.
“Dance with me?” You could feel your heartbeat pick up a little before it settled once more, a feeling of content washing over you as you slow danced with him.
“So I’m an open book to you, huh?” You teased playfully as your bodies moved slowly to the music.
“Not all the time. I think I’ve got it nailed down close though. Whenever she does something, your eyes are full of joy, but your smile isn’t all there sometimes. Especially her big milestones. Don’t think I didn’t hear you crying after her first day of school.” You knew that the comment held nothing but love behind those words.
“She’s growing up so fast Ash, and I’m scared that when she’s ready to leave, I won’t be ready for her to go.” His lips pressed against your forehead as the two of you swayed.
“I can’t offer great advice because I’ve only entered her life when she was already starting to grow up and when my siblings were growing up, I was already on tour and out of the house.” The two of you traded small laughs.
“I just, I want her to stay this age. Where she wants her days with us, and her uncles. And that Nana is the best thing since sliced bread because she listens like no one else does.” More laughter followed from the two of you.
It was easy to lapse into silence, your head resting on his chest as the two of you danced around the porch. Neither of you noticed the curtain twitching.
As the opening chords of Elvis’ Can’t Help Falling In Love began playing, you found yourself smiling as his head tilted down and he began to sing along softly.
You enjoyed the moment of peace that seemed to wash over the two of you, nothing but you and him, dancing together on Calum’s back porch and him serenading you.
“You best pull out all the stops for the wedding.” You finally murmured and he laughed, his lips meeting yours softly.
“You know I will.”
As you adjusted to being engaged, you found yourself almost brimming with a lot more confidence.
It was certainly noticed and appreciated by Ashton, especially on the days where your little girl spent the day with one of her uncles. They were god sends during the summer holidays, especially on the days that Ashton had to be elsewhere and she wasn’t able to tag along.
You’d had a sit down dinner with Shay and Marc to celebrate your engagement.
“So now that you’ve announced to the world that you two are engaged, are there any solid agreements on a wedding date?” The two of you traded small smiles and Marc chuckled.
“This is where they tell us they eloped.” You gave Marc a very scandalised look, prompting both Shay and Ashton to laugh.
“Not eloping, no. But the boys have an album coming out, followed by another world tour. So we’ve been looking at dates and realised that if we get married before or during the tour, it’ll feel like a rushed honeymoon.” You explained and Ashton smiled softly.
“So we figured, we’ve been together this long, why not a little while longer? So we’re looking into dates the following spring.” Ashton explained to the almost bewildered couple.
“So not next spring, but the following spring?” Shay clarified and you nodded. “Well at least they can’t say you’re rushing into the wedding.” This set off a round of laughter.
When you got home later that night, with the promise of another get together with Shay and Marc soon, you took advantage of the quiet house.
Or at least, you were going to until a wave of nausea hit you and had you running to the bathroom, that nights dinner showing up in the toilet bowl.
You knew then that the mood for the night was ruined, giving a pouting look to Ashton after you’d cleaned your teeth and gotten changed.
“It’s rare we get a child free house.” You grumbled at him, making him laugh.
“I know, but if you’re throwing up your dinner, lets not tempt fate, shall we?” And you knew you couldn’t argue with that.
So when you woke up the next morning, long after Ashton had kissed you goodbye, a sudden thought hit you as you scrambled for you phone, checking the health app.
Your period due date had come and gone. And instead of morning sickness when you’d been pregnant the first time around tended to happen in the evening.
“Okay, deep breaths. Buy a few tests, see if you throw up tonight and tomorrow. Once is chance, twice is coincidence. Third time’s a pattern.” A soft pang hit your heart at the words your mom had often told you.
You carried on with your day, locking away the internal panic as you added the pregnancy tests to the grocery run you did.
When you got home, you shoved them in the cabinet under the sink and distracted yourself from the way your thoughts were going.
The process worked until  you were throwing up again, and Ashton was running up the stairs in worry.
“Are you sure you don’t have any kind of bug, love?” His fingers pressed a cool, damp cloth to your forehead and you sighed in relief.
“Not too sure. Do you think Mike could keep her another night? If it is a bug, I don’t want her catching it.”
“I’ll text him now. She’ll be overjoyed she gets another night with him.” This made you giggle before the wave of nausea hit and your head was over the toilet bowl once more.
The next day, Ashton stayed home all day. He kept you on dry toast with lemon and ginger tea which seemed to be doing wonders for your stomach.
But when you were running for the bathroom once more, even after having only had toast throughout the day, you felt your heart flip at the possible reality of being pregnant.
So once you shooed Ashton out of the bathroom, you got the three tests out, taking a slow, deep breath as you peed on the sticks and waited.
“Babe, are you okay?” You opened the door, and pulled Ashton inside.
“I wasn’t too sure, but mom always say ‘first time is chance, second is a coincidence and third time’s a pattern,” you rambled to his confused face, “so I worked out that my period is late and I’m suffering with the same sickness I suffered the first time around and I went ahead and bought some pregnancy tests and-”
Ashton covered your lips with his hand and you stopped talking.
“Breathe, angel.” And you did.
It took a few times to slow your heart rate down and you could feel your heart and stomach flutter in nerves and anticipation.
“I’m suffering the same symptoms I had when I was pregnant the first time around. So I got some tests. I wanted to wait because, it’s stupid but mom always said-”
“First time is chance, second is a coincidence and third time’s a pattern. You wanted to be sure it wasn’t just food poisoning.” You nodded at his words.
“How much longer do we need to wait?”
“They should be done. Ash, I’m scared.” You finally blurted out and he took his hands in yours.
“We’re in this together. I promise.” He whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
Taking in a deep breath, you looked down to the test and you felt your heart stutter.
You were pregnant with Ashton’s child.
“Baby?” You whispered, your eyes turning to him and you could see the tears gathered in his eyes and panic flooded you for a second before his lips curved up into the biggest smile you’d seen him wear.
His gaze turned from the tests to you and you couldn’t help yourself. You were grinning with him.
“We’re gonna be parents again.” He whispered and you couldn’t stop the sob of joy as his arms picked you up, laughter bubbling from both of you.
“We’re gonna be parents again!” Came from your lips this time, and as he danced around with you in his arms, you felt lighter than ever.
He placed you on your feet, immediately falling to his knees afterwards and his fingers pushed up under your bed shirt, caressing the skin softly, his eyes studying the soft skin with an awe like look upon his features.
“Hiya peanut,” he whispered so softly that you almost missed it, “your mommy and daddy are gonna take real good care of you.” His lips pressed against your stomach and you giggled through your tears, running your fingers through his hair.
He tilted his head back, a few tears falling as he took you in.
“You are an amazing woman.”
“I’m still the same woman, just pregnant.” You giggled again, leaning down to meet his lips with yours.
“That still makes you amazing. Holy shit, we’re going to be parents again.”
tag list: @cals-babylons , @plainwhiteluke , @calumspeachy , @wrappedaroundcal , @holidayhood , @mistletoemichael , @merryashmas , @hereforlukescruff , @astroashtonio , @catchinqcalum , @roselukes , @5saucewho, @babylon-uncrowned , @dontstopisagoodsongchangemymind , @therainydays4 , @asht0ns-world , @silverchainbee , @hidd3nfangirl , @doodleasouarus , @hemmomfg , @mylovehes , @songforhema , @kinglyhood , @youngblood199456 , @makecoffeenotwars , @5squash , @negative-love , @softboycal , @you-of-ghost , @dannisos , @balsamichood , @meetyoutheremgc , @lmao5sosimagines , @lietoash , @aw-hawkeye , @biggestslutforcalum , @drummerboy794 , @itkindajusthappenedreally, @mycollectionofnuts , @coreybryanttrash , @abitloudforanaccousticset , @boytoynamedcalum , @teampreator , @dukehoods , @hoe4hemmo , @calumhampton , @sassy-asht0n , @toofadedtofight , @gigglyirwin , @blue-skies-are-alright , @hearts-to-the-sky , @tiddlerrr , @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you , @thesensationalcalum , @ashtxns-hxe , @cakeassx-blog , @hopelessxcynic , @5secondsof-im-so-dead , @baby-loba , @captivatingcal , @rosesfromcth , @esoltis280 , @cal-puddies , @rosecoloredash , @jpgluke , @cathartichaoss , 
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cal-puddies · 6 years
When You’re Ready || calum hood || part 3
You stayed with Cal for about a year, long enough for Mark to get sentenced and you to feel comfortable enough to live alone. Cal had met someone that he was seeing pretty seriously, so you didn’t stick around any longer than necessary.
It sucked though because you kind of lost your best friend in the process. You understood though, it’s hard to stay in someone’s life when their significant other was uncomfortable with the relationship you shared, but it didn’t make it suck any less. And now it’d been 3 years, and you rarely ever saw him.
-have lunch with meeee Luke texted.
-I’ll pick ya up in 15.
Luke was late in his timely way. “That scar looks better every time I see you.” He greets as you get in the car. He runs his thumb across your cheek and smiles at you.
You reach up and run your fingertips across it. “Makes me miss Calum even more.” You sigh, resting your head against the seat and buckling up.
“Yes… this is kinda why I wanted to see you.” He mentions, putting the car in reverse to back out of your driveway.
“Oh?” You inquire.
“Yes… Cal has broken up with Hailey… so we’re taking him out tonight and I really think you need to be there.” He explains.
“Cal hasn’t talked to me in the better part of a year, so I’m not sure that’s true.” You muse. Luke looks over at you and your chewing on your lip and subconsciously rubbing at the scar on your cheek again.
“He still talks about you all the time. He misses you. I think that fed into the him and Hailey thing.”
You roll your eyes. “Don’t go starting rumors Luke Robert, especially not about your friend.” You laugh.
“He does miss you, please come out with us tonight!?” He begs.
“Who’s ‘us’?”
“Me and Ash for sure…” he starts.
“Oh of course.” You nod, mockingly.
“Probably Mitchy and Roy…. the usual girls… and maybe Mike and Crys.” He glances over at you, “and you.”
You meet his eyes and then very dramatically roll your eyes at him. “Fiiiiiiine… where are we going? What should I wear?!”
“Just be you. Cal’s always just loved the way you are unapologetically you. And I agree with that.” He nods.
You guys get to lunch. You get seated and order your food and drinks before carrying on the conversation. “You know, Mark’s out?”
Luke raises an eyebrow, “does Cal know?”
“No he doesn’t. But Mark can’t even be on the same block as me with the restraining order they have against him.”
Luke looks at you and sighs. “That honestly doesn’t make me feel better.” He wipes his hand down his face. “I have this ever present picture of you in my head and it’s stitches and a cast and 2 black eyes and broken ribs. You looked so fragile in a way I never thought possible. You were and are always so strong. And that girl… that girl that apologized to me for her boyfriend beating her up… it sticks with me, and it’s upsetting… still.”
You make a sad face at Luke and he gives you a weak smile. “I wish everyone could forget that. I wish I could forget that.” You sigh. “It’s so hard to be with someone because I don’t want to explain that but it’s become part of who I am. I can’t… I can’t just not share it, it explains why I am the way I am if I get in fights… I honestly feel like it’s ruined my life a bit.”
Luke rests his hand on top of yours, “just gotta be with someone that doesn’t need the explanation.” He shrugs.
“There’s like 5 of you.” You let out a little laugh.
“Well we already know your destined to be with one of us anyway.” Luke gives you that smile that melts hearts around the world.
You roll your eyes again and change the subject.
“We’re ubering together at 10:30. Be ready.” Luke mentions when dropping you off.
“Luuuukeeee…..” You whine.
“This way you can’t wuss out on me. Calum wants to see you. I promise.”
“Fine… bye.” You purse your lips together and make a kissing sound at him before closing the car door.
You are ready at 10:30 and Luke and the Uber pick you up. He smiles and tells you you look good.
Once you guys get to the designated meeting bar, which happened to be one of you and Cal’s favorites, Luke leads you in, holding your hand, and then doesn’t stray too far from you. You notice Calum and are surprised he’s actually there before you showed up.
“Let’s get drinks.” Luke says in your ear, hand landing on your lower back. When the two of you return from the bar, you head over to the group that Ashton’s in and he looks really surprised to see you.
“Holy shit, you got her to come out?” He asks Luke, engulfing you in his arms. “I’m so happy you’re here!” He laughs as he lets you go.
“It’s good to see you too Ash.” You smile.
When you are done with your first drink and awkwardly looking for a place to set the glass down without disturbing Luke, who’s got you tight against him with his arm around your waist, that’s when Calum comes over. Holding your usual, he makes his way toward you and you get out of Luke’s grasp.
He grins when you meet him halfway. He hands you the drink and tucks his hand under your chin to move you face toward the light so he can see the scar on your cheek. He runs his thumb across it like Luke had earlier. “Looking good.” He smiles, engulfing you in a hug, “V’missed you so much.” He says quietly.
“Miss you too Cal.” You grin up and him and let him go. “Heard about Hailey. I’m sorry man.”
He waves his hand around, “don’t be. I obviously couldn’t be myself with her, since myself is hopelessly attached to you, so it’s for the best.” He smirks. “Happy to be able to be your friend again. It’s like walking around without something vital. I thought the feeling would go away and it never did and one day she was going on about something she missed about being single… and I just kind of looked at her and thought ‘I miss my best friend’ so I told her as much, and it started a fight and at the end of the day I had to say I missed you. I missed talking to you and making you laugh and you asleep on my chest. It was always the best to hear Luke talk about what you’d been up to, so I could keep tabs on you.”
“Luke’s been a pretty solid friend to me. I like him very much.” You agree.
“Well he likes you too and maybe a little too much from the looks of the way he’s been holding you.” He raises an eyebrow and looks directly at Luke.
“He’s not usually this hands on. I think he’s a little bit on edge though…” you look over your shoulder at him.
“About?” Cal inquires.
“Mark’s out. He… I got a call... a couple weeks ago. He had a parole hearing and even though I spoke and so did a few of his ex’s they are considering him rehabilitated enough to be out. And when I told Luke about that, it made him very uncomfortable.”
“Holy shit… why wouldn’t you tell me that?”
“I didn’t know if it was ok to text you about it or not. Hailey was very clear to me, “don’t contact him”, and you never texted and told me when you broke up so how was I going to know.” You shrug.
“Ok that’s fair… I never knew she told you that… but... Are you ok?” He asks, his hand lands on your shoulder and it’s comforting like it’s always been. And he changes his mind and pulls you into another hug. “Fuck… when did he get out?” He lets you go.
“I’m ok… it’s been a bit weird at night, but it’s been a week I think. He doesn’t know where I live or anything. I probably should have told Luke sooner so he could have come and stayed or something.” You shrug.
“D’ya wanna come stay at my place? I mean Hailey is still in the midst of moving things out but it’d actually be great to have you around again… I mean ever since we broke up, I’ve actually just been thinking about how great it’d be to have you around again, get you cuddled up to me again…”
“Hey.” Luke interrupts, his hand lands on your back. “We’re gonna go to a bar down the street, if you all care to join.”
“Uh… Yeah, I’m just gonna go close my tab.” Cal says.
“I already closed ours.” Luke says to you as Cal walks away. “I told you he’d be happy to see you.” Luke gloats.
“It’s really nice to see him.” You smile. “Is he more handsome?” You look at Luke.
“Yep… told you… i fucking told you.” Luke smiles and nods toward Cal who’s walking back toward you wearing the biggest grin while he’s looking at you.
Cal immediately slings his arm around you, and leans in. “I have to be honest, I don’t like Luke giving you so much attention.”
“Well… I think you have to deal with it jealous.” You laugh. “He’s just checking on me pal. Someone’s had to.”
“Pal, huh? I mean… I guess it’s fair since… everything.” He pulls you closer and kisses the side of your head. “Tell me it’s not too late.” He whispers.
And you stop in the middle of the sidewalk and turn to face Calum, your group leaving you both in the dust. “Too late for what, Cal?” You ask.
He licks his lips and rests his hand on the side of your neck, letting his thumb caress your cheek. “You know I’ve always loved you. Back when we were young and dumb I definitely took you for granted. And some of my biggest regrets are not saying something before you dated Mark, and letting Hailey dictate who my friends could be. But you’ve always been there. You always show up. And you’re always willing to jump back in with me at any point…. like tonight. It’s like a second hasn’t passed between us, even though it’s been a year… I just want a chance to show you the kind of love you deserve.” He rambles, but he meets your eyes as he says the last part, so you know he means what he’s saying.
His face falters only slightly as he takes in the look your giving him. “It’s not a no.” You explain quietly, wrapping your hand around his on your neck.
“Then what is it? Because I know that look.”
“It’s ‘Cal, you just got out of a serious 3 year relationship’ and if your saying those words, I’m not meant to be your rebound. And fuck Cal, I’ve loved you endlessly. I’ve literally trusted you with my life. Of course it’s not too late. It’s just not… right now.”
“I don’t want a rebound. I just want you. I’ve had a few weeks to think about this.” He explains.
“Calum… I just don’t think you’re ready to jump into something like that again.”
“Who are you to say what I am and am not ready for? I know my head and my heart… not you.” His emotions are winning out over him now.
“Don’t get mean Cal. Sleep on it and you’ll know I’m right right now… and I know you. I know you need a minute from Hailey. But I’m here Cal, I’m not going anywhere. Thanks to you three years ago.” You smile at him and kiss his palm before letting go of his hand.
He softens up and presses his lips to your forehead, “it’s not too late?”
“It’s not too late, promise. Just breathe for a second, yeah?”
He nods, “Yeah… and I still think you should stay with me for a few days, till things calm down with Mark.”
“That I can do.” You smile.
pt 2  ||  pt 4
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