#calum thomas hood imagines
getsojaded · 2 years
you don't go to parties iii | calum hood
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i was in a bigggg writing funk before this and i’m glad i got it done. sorry for making u guys wait so terribly long for it. i love u
warnings: calum hood x she/her reader, lowercase intended, calum's a mess (slight alcohol tw) angst happy ending
calum ghosted himself from everybody since that encounter with him, y/n, and his bandmates.
the other three boys tried their absolute hardest to get a word out of him, making endless phone calls, sending texts every ten minutes, and they even tried knocking at his door. calum ignored all of them, and gradually, it all just stopped.
he didn't really know what to do with himself. he had been so used to an environment full of so many people around him, and now? only having, himself, his dog and a few guitars? this felt new to him.
he also hadn't touched a drop of alcohol since him and the boys' fight.
looking back at it, calum knows he might have not reacted in the best way possible. he was angry, he really was. seeing his ex-girlfriend leave michael's house with all three of his bestfriends there was almost the last thing he expected to see, and it took him aback. but he knows he had no right to start yelling at all of them.
he's tried reaching out. in calum's head, luke seems like he would be the easiest to talk to – they've known each other since they were sixteen ; they tell each other everything. so why couldn't calum just muster up some courage and call him? text him, even?
as he sits at his couch with his phone in his hands, he looks at the message he's typed out.
hey guys, i know this is kind of out of the blue but i wanted to say sorry to you guys in person. i did some really fucked up shit and i know you guys were just looking out for me. do you think we could all meet up?
he deletes it before laying on the couch and going to bed.
initially, calum's woken up by a ding!, indicating somebody's texted him. slightly suprised, but not awake enough to care, he ignores it and attempts to go back to sleep. that happens to be unsuccessful as his phone starts ringing.
sitting up from the couch slightly annoyed, he picks up the phone and rubs his eyes. "hello?" calum groans.
"calum?" a slurred voice rings through his ears, and that's all it takes for him to jump back into full consciousness. "calum! you answered!" y/n happily exclaims through the phone, and he already knows she's had something to drink.
"are you okay, y/n?" calum softly asks while he walks to his bedroom.
"i'm okay! i'm at the bar alone and i had a few shots, and i started thinking about you. the boys told me that they haven't heard from you in about a week or so, and i didn't contact you because i was scared i was gonna make it worse. but i was thinking about you and i got really worried, so i called you to make sure you're okay," y/n rambles, sighing as she finishes closing her tab, picking up her bag from the table and walking towards the exit.
"you're – you're alone?" calum asks, concern laced in his voice and his face although she can't see it. "yeah, i'm just about to leave. anyways, thanks for answering. i'm glad to hear you're okay-"
"y/n i swear to god if you end this phone call right now," calum sternly tells her in response, picking up his keys and making his way to his front door. "where are you?"
"you know where i am," y/n responds softly. "you have to know where i am."
calum stops in his tracks for a brief moment before fully understanding what she means by that.
"stay there, please. i'm on my way."
she's sitting on the side of the pavement, a cig in her hand while she waits for him to get there. she doesn't smoke very often, but when she does, she knows her emotions are taking over.
after y/n heard from michael that calum hasn't spoken to him or the other boys in over a week, she started to feel stressed out. was the slight fallout between all of them her fault? should she have hung out that one day with michael, and maybe everything would have been okay?
she's clouded in her own thoughts, a hand on her head while she takes the last hit of her cigarette before throwing it on the ground and putting it out with the heel of her shoe. headlights start to approach her, and from the car model, she already knows that it's calum.
she gets up and lightly brushes off her body before walking towards his car. calum quickly puts his car in park before rushing over to y/n and helping her into the passengers seat of the car.
"hi calum! good to see you." y/n tells him with a lazy smile on her face, looking up at him. the happy feeling is not reciprocated, as he looks at her with a nonchalant face and nodding to adress her.
he's back in the drivers seat, putting the car back in drive when she starts to speak up again. "are you mad at me?"y/n asks softly, playing with her fingers and not making eye contact.
"i'm not mad," calum starts. "i'm just, a little disappointed. you know better than to go out alone. you know that's not safe. i was just worried about you." he breathes out heavily, focusing on the road.
"that's not what i'm talking about, y/n responds, looking at him with a sad smile. "i'm asking if you're mad at me for seeing michael, luke and ashton. i'm asking you if you're mad at me for.. for leaving you."
"y/n, i don't know if we should be talking about this, at least right now we shouldn't..." calum trails off, closing his eyes for a split second.
"you can tell me the truth, cal. you can hate me."
he looks to his right, just to see her face for just a second, and she sees her looking at him with watery eyes and a small frown. she's on the verge of tears, and he can't let that happen.
taking his right hand off the wheel and reaching for her hand, he grabs it and intertwines it with his, his thumb rubbing against the base of her thumb.
"i don't, y/n. i don't hate you. don't think i ever could."
she nods silently, and the conversation comes to an end before calum reaches her house. he exits his side and opens y/n's car door to walk her to her front door.
“thanks for helping me get home,” y/n whispers to the boy helping her stand up while he takes out her keys from her purse. not saying anything, calum unlocks the door and walks the both of them inside, shutting it behind him and helping her take off her shoes.
she’s in her change of clothes and the two of them are sitting next to each other when calum asks, “why did you go to the bar tonight?” y/n’s still kind of out of it, and she can’t quite yet process the entirety of her situation. so while she’s sitting on the edge of her bed next to calum, she does what she feels is best — pour her heart out.
“i told you earlier, i’ve been thinking about you. i’m worried about you cal.. i have been even before you stopped talking to your best friends. i know how you’ve been acting, partying and all. and i guess… i guess like i feel that it’s my fault? i never gave you a chance? i just, i just kind of got up and left without telling you.. i shouldn’t have done that. and now, the first time we talk to each other in months is a result of me getting too drunk needing help… you hurt me a lot but i didn’t realize how much i hurt you.. and i’m sorry. it’s long overdue but, i’m really sorry. if i could go back and do it over again i would.”
calum’s glassy eyes meet her sad ones as she shoots him a small smile. “please don’t be mad at them,” she finishes, talking about luke, michael and ashton. “they love you so much, and they want what’s best for you. they’re worried about you, just like how i am.” she takes her hand and gently cups calum’s face, leaning her forehead against his.
“you did nothing wrong,” he breathes out, his voice shaky. “nothing was your fault, y/n. i promise.” he can’t have this conversation. not yet. not while the girl in front of him isn’t sober, and not while his thoughts aren’t collected properly. hell, y/n might not even remember this the next day.
“y/n, i have to go. i’ll text you tomorrow to ask how you’re feeling.” calum states, getting up from y/n’s bed and beginning to leave, but she stops him by grabbing his hand. “no, it’s late. i made you pick me up. the least i could do is let you stay here,” she pleads softly, holding her grip on his hand tighter. “please don’t go.”
and while calum knows he shouldn’t do it, he sighs and enters the bed in the empty space that drunk y/n made for him. he makes sure to leave a good amount of space between the two, even if it means he's on the verge of falling of the bed.
calum's doing everything in his power to what felt like for once, to do the right thing. he's hurt her one, two, three many times before and he feels like he's walking on eggshells in this moment.
his back is facing hers and yet he still can't sleep. he can't stop thinking of all the mistakes he's made and how much pain he's caused to the one girl he's only truly loved. he also thinks about his bandmates, his brothers. how could he have acted so recklessly towards them? he knows that he knows better, and yet he still didn't show it.
despite his better judgement, calum turns around to face y/n, out like a light. she looks comfortable – she looks at peace. calum subconsciously forms a small smile, and moves the few hairs out of her face.
and in this moment, he vowed to do better. be better. not only for her, but his bestfriends, and himself.
he’s surprised when he sees the caller id pop up on his phone. not only that, but he’s kind of scared as well. after not talking to him for what felt like the longest they’ve ever gone without doing such, how do you approach the conversation?
luke picks up calum’s call on the third ring. “hey, cal,” he begins. “luke, i know i have a lot to explain and i just wanted to say that i’m sorry. but i think it’s better if i come talk to you in person, do you think we could do that today?” calum asks.
“i’ll be at your place in ten minutes.” and with that, luke’s out the door.
“you look like you haven’t gotten any sleep.” luke states the second calum opens the door for him. “i haven’t. i also haven’t changed my clothes in 3 days,” he responds, gesturing to the black hoodie and grey sweatpants he has on.
the two take a seat on the couch across from each other before calum cuts right to the chase: “i stayed at y/n’s house last night.”
luke looks shocked when the words leave his mouth, “what? how? why?”
“she called me, and she was at the bar alone. she said she was just leaving and that she called me to tell me she was thinking of me, but i couldn’t just let her get home alone so i drove to her and dropped her off. and she was saying… she was saying how she feels like it’s her fault i acted the way i did after our breakup. and, that if she could ‘do it all over again’ she would. i tried telling her nothing is her fault, but i don’t know if she took it. then she asked me to stay the night, and i did,”
“what’s the matter, cal? why did you not want to talk to us? what’s going on?”
it’s evident that luke’s concerned, and it’s written all over his face. he looks almost scared ; scared for his best friend — his brother who he loves so much.
“luke, i don’t know,” calum’s voice breaks, looking at him. “i saw you guys with y/n and it just - i just raged. i’ve never felt so mad in my life and i can’t blame anyone for it but me. and then seeing y/n act the way i did - do, i realized that the stress and hurt i was feeling was something that you guys were feeling about me, if not even worse. i didn't realize that i was ruining my life. with all the parties i threw and went to, all the fucking alcohol, i saw it as my way only out. but it wasn’t. it changed me, and for the worse. i’m so sorry, luke. i’m so sorry to you, and ash, and mike. i’ll apologize for the rest of my life if that’s what it takes,” tears are running down the both of their faces as luke pulls him in for a hug.
“it’s okay, cal. it’s okay. we know you’re in a tough spot, and we’re here to help you. we were just worried. we all are.” luke reassures calum as he sobs into his arms.
"i need- i need to call ashton and michael. tell them i'm sorry. i need to-" "hey, hey, don't worry. i'll tell them to come here. it's okay cal, we'll all be okay. don't worry." luke cuts him off, pulling away and walking towards the kitchen.
"hey, i know it's kind of early, but somebody's here to see us. and it's important, so you might wanna get here fast."
within 15 minutes both boys opened luke's front door, to be greated by their teary eyed bandmate. they're already struggling to contain their emotions, and they all pull calum into a group hug. countless confessions, apologies, and tears are shared, and at the end of it, all four boys are certain of one thing:
that it's gonna be okay.
calum doesn't receive a call from y/n until the evening.
she's nervous, she's so fucking nervous; she could barely click his phone number. she's worried and embarassed and all around scared. she barely even knows what she's going to say to him.
"hi." she simpy responds, breathing in deeply. "sorry for not calling you sooner, i just finished my shift. and, thank you for helping me last night. i know it was out of your way."
"don't apologize, it's alright. and it was no problem, i'm just glad you ended up home safe."
there's silence on both ends before y/n speaks up again. "are you busy right now? do you think, do you- can i come over?"
"oh i- oh yeah totally, for sure." what the fuck. calum feels like a thirteen year old boy talking to his middle school crush for the first time with the way he's stumbling across his words.
"okay, see you." and y/n abruptly ends the phone call before rushing out of her house.
calum's sitting and fidgeting with his hands when y/n knocks on his door. slowly walking towards and opening it, he's greeted by the girl with a small smile on her face, wearing pyjamas and one of his old tour hoodies. "hi."
"hi, come in," he holds the door for her and she walks inside, kicking off her shoes, then following calum into the kitchen where he's grabbing two glasses. "want a drink?" he asks, her nodding in response before filling the glasses with water.
"i know you're probably wondering why i asked to come over," she starts, taking a big gulp from her glass. "and honestly, i'm kind of, uh, scared. nervous. but i know we needed to talk, about a lot of things. about us. about, everything really. and, i don't know if i'll ever be brave enough to say this again."
calum can almost feel the nerves radiating from y/n. to calm her down, he walks towards her and takes a seat next to her on the island, lightly placing his hand on top of hers before gesturing her to continue.
"i.. i know i shouldn't have left the way i did. i left you with nothing. no note, no 'goodbye', no anything. and i've regretted it ever since." she confesses, closing her eyes.
calum turns to face y/n, sadness planted on his face. "i understand why you did. i fucked up, beyond compare.. and, you did what you felt was best." this was gonna be a hard conversation to have. "yesterday.. you said, that if you could do it all over again, you would have. what do you mean by that? our relationship? or?"
"no, i meant, the end of it. we didn't even have a breakup – i just took my shit and left. i should've given you a chance to explain, have a fucking conversation like adults and instead i just, i was a coward! i just fucking left you. how could i have done that?!" y/n's visibly starting to get upset, tears forming from her eyes as she tries to continue. "and then i kept hearing what you were doing, and i couldn't help but feel like i'm the one to blame for that. maybe things would have gone better if i just, let you say something, anything to me. but i didn't. and for that, i am so, so sorry. i'll never be able to apologize enough for that."
calum's about to speak up, to tell her that nothing was her fault, that she shouldn't have to apologize, but she keeps going. "and then, at michael's house. i never meant to hurt you. they were just, looking out for you and they wanted me to try and help you. when you came over and i saw the look on your face, i-i felt even more guilty, and then.. and then mike told me you went m.i.a on them, and i just - it's all my fucking fault, isn't it cal?"
y/n's in hysterics by the end of her sentence, and calum can't stand to see the sight of her in pain because of him again. he pulls her into his arms, stroking her hair while he whispers everything from no, no it's not to it's okay.
"it's not your fault, i promise, y/n, it's not," he tries to reassure her. "we both made a mistake. everything i did.. the way i acted, it's on me," calum whispers, holding her tighter, hoping that would help take all her pain away.
"i'm sorry i never realized i was leaving you behind. you're the most important person to me, and the one thing i thought i'd never do was hurt you. but that's exactly what i did. and for that.. i'm not sure i'll ever forgive myself. i lost the one thing i thought that i would have for the rest of my life, and there's nobody to blame for that but myself. not you. it was never you." calum confesses, his throat tightening up as he prepares to cry for what felt like the hundreth time that day.
she pulls away slightly, her broken, tear-stained eyes facing his soft brown ones. "i care, so fucking much about you. and knowing you were upset, and turning to alcohol, i just... i love you calum, okay? i'm not sure i'll ever feel the same way about anyone the way i did with you. i've been so fucking scared because i can't stand the thought of anything bad happening to you and i, i'm sorry cal. i'm sorry i wasn't there for you."
"no, y/n, please stop apologizing. i'm sorry that i wasn't there for you."
the pair let their emotions get the best of them, holding each other as fucking tight as they possibly could while sobs come out from the both of them. there was so many things left unsaid, and letting it all out – they both needed this. they needed each other.
calum thought that he'd never wound up in this position - doing everything in his power to reassure y/n that it's not her fault.
“i’m going to do better, okay y/n?” he quietly says to her, slightly pulling away from the embrace, taking her hand and intertwining it with hers. “i’m done with this shit, i promise. it’s not good for me - it never was. and i’m so sorry. for leaving you in the dust, and for making you worry. it’s not happening again. never again.” calum places a soft kiss to her hand while y/n wipes away her tears with her free hand. she nods in response, closing her eyes and leaning into his shoulder. she’s exhausted, but she’s happy they had the conversation. yeah, it might have resulted in choked sobs bouncing off every wall in the house, but’s it off her chest. it’s off his chest too. they’ve said everything they need to say.
“thank you, for, hearing me out. thank you for your apology, and thank you for.. everything.” y/n says to him, placing a small kiss on his cheek, before beginning to walk towards the door, and calum grabs her wrist lightly to stop her. “wait, you’re going?”
“yeah, what else would i do?”
calum’s so scared to ask this question, and he doesn’t know what answer to expect from her. but if he lets her walk out that door, he’s not sure if he’ll ever get the chance to ask her again.
“where does this leave us?”
“i don’t.. i don’t know,” she replies, as calum grabs her waist. “where do you want it to be?”
“i want it to be you and i.” he confesses. “what about you?”
“i’ve always wanted it to be you and i.” smiles creep up on both their faces, and y/n lets out a sigh. “but, things have changed and, and, i can’t just pretend like the past didn’t happen..” she trails off, a frown forming on her face.
she can leave again. she can leave, and he won’t be upset. but, calum has a chance at making everything right. with his friends, and with her. and quite frankly, y/n knows in her heart, she doesn’t want to leave either.
“sleep on it. stay the night with me. in the morning, if you don’t feel right about this, you can leave and i’ll forever be thankful we had this talk. if we hadn’t, who knows how’d i continue to act. and if you feel even the slightest bit right about this, i promise, i will never let myself hurt you again.”
as y/n looks into calum’s brown eyes, she sees a glimpse of hope lingering in them. and for once, she feels the hope between the two of them as well. relationships are bound to go through rough patches, and it’s safe to say that the two of them didn’t handle them in the best way. she knows calum. and when calum hood is determined to fix something, anything, he’ll do everything in his power to fix it.
so she grabs his hand and the two of them make their way upstairs, climbing into bed and falling asleep almost instantly.
and when calum wakes up to the girl he loves playing with his hair and kissing his forehead, he smiles, and makes another promise to himself: to never let her think she’s anything less than a stupid party.
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cthomashoodstory · 2 months
Best Years but Not in the Same Way (30)
Calum Hood x Reader
Previous Part
I’m sorry it took me 3 years to continue this story. i hope someone still wants to read this story. enjoy!
After all these Long Distances drama, finally he came home to LA. But you didn’t immediately meet him because you were busy at studio, helping Justin again with his song called Forever. You know Calum didn’t really like it but you did it anyway, because it was your work and you like to help friend.
It’s 10 p.m. and you texted Calum.
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You said goodbye to the people on the studio, and also Justin. You just waved at him and left the building. Second time you met him still awkward, at least for you.
You checked your schedule at your laptop and today was the day you had a video meeting with Andrew Watt. He invited you to help him and his friends to write a song. He didn’t mention who his friends was but you guessed one of them is Ali Tamposi.
You waited for him to call you and you also eat your breakfast. Not long enough he finally called you. You answered his calls and his face was on your screen alongside with Ali, your guessed was right, Ryan Tedder and also you saw someone very familiar. It was Luke.
“Aye Palvin.” Andrew greeted you. You smiled and waved to the camera. “I asked her to help us writing because… i didn’t know anyone else.” He laughed and we also laughed.
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Luke hi!? Why are you here?” You asked him. “Is Luke going solo?” Then you asked the rest of them hoping they would answer.
“No I’m not. It’s 5sos’ project.” Luke gave you a smile and you returned it.
“Cool!” you said. “So, thank you so much for letting me be the part of this project.”
They’re all happy seeing you joining this meeting.
“So i have wrote the lyric and i want to share with you all.” Ryan began to play chords on his guitar and sang the lyric. After he finished, he continued to explain. “The concept is where you hurt someone and you’re kind of making them a promise that although i’ve hurt you and there’s like this dark cloud over us right now, I’m gonna give you the best years of my life.”
You nodded.
“Wow i think it’s a beautiful romantic promise and statement to make.” Luke nodded also.
After hours and hours passed by, we finished the verses, the pre chorus. And then Andrew started played the guitar to match the lyrics. “This is so beautiful. Guys thank you so much for helping. I’ll take it from here.” Meeting is over and it was 6 P.M. right now. You called Calum right away.
“Hello?” Said Calum from the other side. He sounded different.
“Hello Cal,” you greeted him happily even though he didn’t respond the same. “Where are you? I just finished meeting with Andrew.”
“Oh. I’m outside. I’m meeting my friends.” He answered as short as he could.
You sighed slowly. His attitude became like this since he knew you’ve been working with Justin for his upcoming album. Almost a month since early august. On one side you glad you fixed the friendship you had with Justin. Because deep down you just want to live in peace and had no more hate feeling to him. And also you felt a strong connection with Justin when you wrote songs together. Not in a romantic way. But the other side, it tore Calum apart. You knew the consequences of having Justin again in your life and you still took it anyway. And now look what you have done. Slowly you and Calum distance to each other.
“Oh, okay. How’s the Teeth promo doing?” You asked him again try to reduce your ego.
“Great, it was great.”
You tried to hold your tears. “Alright, have fun Cali.” You decided to end the conversation because you couldn’t handle his bitterness.
You ended up crying on your bed without him knowing your hearts hurt so bad.
Today is September 1st and you got an email from Justin. It was an invitation to his wedding day with Hailey on September 30. You sighed as you saw this digital invitation shown so beautifully on your laptop screen. Suddenly you mind did a flashback to the sick old memory. But it dispersed when you got a video call from Michael.
“Hey hey miss B,” Michael greeted. “What you doing girl.”
You grinned confusely. “Hey dude, just sit on my couch doing nothing. What’s up Mike?” When you asked him, out from nowhere, Calum joined the video call.
“Hey Cal.” Mike waved his hand to Calum.
Calum frowned. “What’s with this meeting, dude?” He sounded almost pissed with Michael because he had been avoided any video call or meeting with you directly.
“Stop it both of you.” Michael snapped. “I knew you two had been avoiding each other for over a month. I love you two and i don’t want anything bad happened to you guys. Cal you better make it up or i will be so mad at you. Alright, I’m out. Bye.” He left the call and it leave you only with Calum.
You gulped. You could see his faced were so pissed. You were so ready if he said he wanted to break up.
“Cal…,” you paused. “What happened to us? We haven’t seen each other for a month.”
“I’m busy with the promo. We’ve been doing this for years, Saara. I’m busy with my band and you’re busy at the studio, that’s it.” He avoided any eye contact with you.
You wiped your tears. “Don’t you Saara me, Cal.” Your heart shattered when he called you by name. “I knew we’ve been doing this for years, but we communicated through calls, video calls, we talked.” “If you have something to talk to me please tell me now.”
His face turned into sad. “Fine. I still can’t accept the fact you still involved with Justin. After all this years he hurted you, i waited for you to heal your feelings from him, just for you to go back with him?”
“I’m not going to back to him. I’m with you now, Cal. Please. It was just an album work i swear to God. I’m returning favors to Poo Bear. I owe him so much until i am today, that’s why i accepted his request to be part of Justin’s album. That’s it.” You explained to him hardly because you were crying.
“I’m outside.”
You left the laptop and opened the door immediately. You saw him stood there with his phone on his left hand and a bucket of roses on his right hand. You hugged him immediately and cried on his chest. “Please don’t leave me.” You said it while sobbing.
“If i leave you i wouldn’t give you this flowers.” You pulled the hug and you took the flowers. “I love you so much that i don’t want to lose you again. and I’m sorry this situation went too far.”
You nodded and kisses him.
to be continued
Next Part
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itisannak · 1 year
Dr. Angel Face Prequel Part 9: Meet the Family (Calum Hood Fluff)
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Summary: Calum's mom and sister visit him in California and they finally meet (Y/N), probably in her worst possible moment. (T.W: Mention of Death / Description of Depressive Episode / Mention of Car Accident) (Words: 3.1k) (Penultimate Part of The Prequels) Dr Angel Face Main Stories: Fetish / Heat / Heat Extended / Dr. Angel Face / Dr. Angel Face Alternative  /  Dr. Angel Face Prequel 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 10 /  My Full Masterlist  /  Dr. Angel Face Masterlist  
"Nervous about meeting my mother?" Calum asks as I take a look at the souffle in the oven. "Not really. I am way more nervous about meeting your sister." I reply, taking a deep breath in anticipation. In less than 2 hours, I will be meeting his mom and sister, two of his absolutely favorite people. "She is your age, you will get along." He brushes me off, sticking his tongue out as he laughs while I narrow my eyes at him. "Did you just jab at our age gap?" I ask him, making him roll his eyes. "Age gap... It's just 4 years. You need to relax." He replies, wrapping his arms around my waist and pecking my temple. "And now I am worried about meeting your mom too... What will she think of the age difference?" I sigh, biting the inside of my cheek. "She already knows I am dating a MILF." He states, earning a slap on his hand. "I am not a MILF. First of all, I am not that old. And second, I am not a mother." I point out and he hums, moving his lips down the side of my neck. "I can help with the second part of it." He grazes his lips over my sweetspot, making chills crawl on my skin. "You have to leave for the airport. Think of the traffic." I moan, feeling a ticklish sensation caused by his lips. "I'd rather think of you. Plus, we have at least an hour and a half before they even land." He counters, tilting my head to the side to gain himself more access. "Traffic can be brutal heading to the airport." I deny him, moving from his embrace. "For someone so anxious about meeting my family, you sure are eager for me to pick them up." He comments and I sigh. "Your mom and sister both have traveled a very long trip to see you. The least you can do is be there on time to pick them up." "In all honesty, they saw me not even 6 months ago. They are coming for you, angel." "Did you tell me that so I can just dip?" I ask him and he chuckles. "You will be fine. They are not gonna bite. That's my job." He winks, leaving a kiss on my forehead before picking up his phone from the counter. "Please, no dirty talk, or innuendos in front of your family. I am begging you." "I will have to consider that. I like the way you get flustered by my comments." "Calum..." I protest. "Can't hear you. I am leaving." He says cheerily, strutting towards the front door.
Despite jitters making my stomach a tight knot, I managed to finish cooking and set the table in Calum's backyard. As per usual, it is a lovely day in Los Angeles and it would be a pity not to take advantage of the beautiful weather and have a meal outside.
I hear Duke barking towards the door as I finish placing the pot of ragù for the pasta in the middle of the table. I straighten up and head inside through the kitchen door, bracing myself for the moment I have been so anxious about.
I walk to the front of the house, kneeling down to pet Duke and get him to stop barking. There is too much noise in this tiny dog. "Bud, it's ok. You'll tire your voice." I coo at the dog and scratch behind his ears. "I got the bags..." I hear Calum exasperate as he opens the door. I put on a smile and move aside to clear the way for them to walk in. "Ah, there she is... Mom, Mali, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), my mom and sister." Calum introduces us, right at the moment the two women walk in. Joy is the first to approach me, pulling me in for a hug. I am surprised, pleasantly surprised, but still taken aback. "It is so good to finally meet you in person. All Calum did over Christmas was talk about you." Joy says, pulling away to take a better look at me. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you as well. Calum talks about you all the time. How was your trip?" I ask, smiling at her. "Very long. Thank you for asking." "Mom, don't hog the girl. There are others waiting." Mali comments, moving to hug me. "I have been wanting to see you in person for so long. You are even more gorgeous than Calum told us." "Oh my, thank you. Calum sure talks a lot." I turn to my boyfriend who smirks and shrugs. "I thought my sharing was confidential. But apparently, everyone is kissing and telling in this family." Calum glares at the two women. "Oh, hush. We haven't even told her half of what you have told us." Mali comments. "And that is the reason why I am never telling you anything again." He sighs. "I have set the table outside. Hope you don't mind." I change the subject, pointing to the backyard. "Just give us a minute to freshen up and we will be right in there." Joy turns to look at Calum for directions. "I'll take you upstairs, and show you your rooms too." Calum picks up the luggage, signaling the 2 women to start heading upstairs. "See you in a bit, (Y/N)." Mali waves at me with a soft smile on her lips. She looks just like Calum, who in turn looks just like Joy. It is like seeing triple.
"You are a surgeon, you can cook... Is there anything you cannot do?" Mali asks me as I serve her a piece of souffle. "I cannot ride a bike... So, put that on my disadvantage list." "You cannot ride a bike?" Calum asks me in surprise, eyes widening. "I really can't. I never learned how to." I reply, making him scoff. "How come I didn't know?" He asks me as I hand him back his plate after serving him. "I guess it was never brought up." I take a seat, picking up some salad. "Calum told us you are a pediatrician." Joy comments and Calum groans. "Mom, I told you she is a neurosurgeon..." He says through gritted teeth, almost protesting on my behalf. "Cal, come on. It's fine. I am a neurosurgeon, but I am doing a fellowship in neonatal and pediatric neurosurgery. So, I am working with babies, children, and adults. Everyone really." I explain. "It must be very challenging." Mali comments and I nod. "It is. But I cannot imagine myself doing anything else. I think I had settled down on what I wanted to do at the age of 2. By 10, I know it had to be neurosurgery. 3 days into my internship, I knew I had to work with children." "Anyways, enough about me. Calum tells me you are a musician as well. Does musical talent run in your family, or...?" I ask and Mali chuckles. "I think he is just copying me. Like all younger siblings do." Mali playfully eyes Calum, who smirks and shrugs. "She is just mad because I dethroned her." He comments and Malik cackles. "You wish you could dethrone me." Mali rolls her eyes and I laugh. "Were they always like that?" I turn to Joy who looks at her children proudly. "Always a headache. Especially my Calum. But I dread the day they will stop being like that." She looks at them with so much love in her eyes, clearly showing she has missed her children interacting like that. "Do you have siblings?" Joy asks me and I shake my head no. "I am an only child. But I have a lot of cousins. So I sort of get this dynamic." I gesture to the siblings who are still oblivious to us talking. "Are you close to your parents?" "Very. I don't see them often, due to work, but we call each other frequently and I visit as much as I can." "Do they live far?" She asks me and I shake my head no. "Not really. It is a four-hour drive, but I don't always have the energy to travel there and I need to always be available in case there is an emergency at the hospital." "Your parents must be very proud of you. So young and already so successful. And a hard worker." "Mrs. Hood, you are making me blush. Thank you so much. It means a lot hearing it from you. You have raised such incredible children. Especially Calum. I don't think I have ever met anyone like him." I turn my head to look at Calum, who is showing something on his phone to Mali. "Please, call me Joy. No need for formalities." She reaches to cup my hand in empathy.
"Shall I bring out the dessert?" I ask once I see everyone empty their plates. "What are we having?" Mali asks. "I made my very famous salted caramel cheesecake." I reply, making Calum moan in excitement. "This is one of the reasons I fell in love with her." He comments, and I roll my eyes. "I'll come help." Mali offers, standing up from her chair. "Coffee?" I ask Joy who nods. "Mali knows how I take it." Joy looks at her daughter who nods her head. "How can I forget?" She sighs, following me inside.
"Thank you for offering to help." I turn to her, heading to the fridge to bring out the dessert. "It's the least I can do. Your food was amazing." "Thank you. I don't cook often, to be honest." "I get why. But it was really great. It must have taken you all day to cook all that." "Not really. I am pretty good at multitasking. And Calum also helped." "Oh... I don't remember Calum ever being good at cooking." She comments, searching the cabinets for mugs. "He is great at it, though. He always cooks for me whenever I stay over." "You don't live together?" Mali asks surprised. "No. I am staying here for a few days because I have some issues with my roommate and I am looking for a new place." I explain and she hums in surprise. "I thought you had moved in. Oh, well. My bad. And I hope you find a solution to the whole housing issue soon." "Thank you. Oh, can you excuse me for a second?" I ask as my phone rings. Mali nods and turns to the coffee maker, focusing on making coffee as I accept the call.
(Calum's POV) Mali approaches the table, looking at me hesitantly, like a scolded puppy. "Cal, something is wrong with (Y/N)." She says worriedly, making me look at her in confusion. "What do you mean?" "Is she ok?" My mom asks and Mali shakes her head. "Her phone rang. I heard her say the name Robin... They talked a little and (Y/N) took off crying." "Her supervisor, Robins... She is teaching her the techniques for her fellowship. Crap... I'll be right back."
My heart is pounding as I look for her, just the thought of anything hurting her makes me furious. I can hear her sobs even before I open the door to the bedroom, and my heart sinks to my stomach. "(Y/N), darling..." I call her, not wanting to startle her with my presence. "Baby, what's wrong?" I walk further into the room, softening my voice as she turns to look at me. "Nothing. I am fine. I will be downstairs in a minute." She tries to pull herself together, but her voice breaks and soon the tears she so carefully tried to dry are back in her eyes, threatening to spill down her cheeks. "Angel..." I sigh, moving to take a seat by her side on the bed. "Don't worry about coming downstairs. Tell me, what happened? Mali told me Robins called." I cradle her face in my hands, trying to make her look at me, make my presence there conscious. "She had an accident." She can barely mumble before the next fit of crying. "Who? Robins?" I ask her, trying to make sense of what she is telling me. (Y/N) shakes her head, no, her bottom lip quivering. "The mother of the baby. The one I was supposed to operate on once it was born... She was in a car accident... And she..." (Y/N) cannot bring herself to finish the sentence. She buries her head in my chest, sobbing onto my shirt. "Oh my God... What about the baby?" I ask her, and at that moment her sobbing becomes louder. "It is unfair... So unfair. I could have saved her. I could have saved her, but I didn't have a chance. I could have fixed her. I could have given her a normal childhood. But I didn't have a chance... I didn't have the chance. It is unfair." She sobs, her speech becoming slurred. "Honey... I am so sorry... Sweetheart..." I don't know what to do, or what to say to make her pain go away. All I can do is press pecks on the top of her head, and let her cry it all out. "It's not your fault, baby. It's not your fault." I repeat, time after time, hoping it gets through her head. Because it is not her fault. It is not, and she should not blame herself for the death of that woman, or the death of that child.
I open the curtains letting the morning light fill the room. (Y/N) is still in bed, covers brought up to her ears, unbothered by the sudden change of lighting in the room. I walk to the bed, taking a seat before I bring down the covers a little. "Good morning, angel. It is time to get up." I say softly, stroking her arm. "I just want to sleep." She mumbles, still in the same motionless state. "You have been sleeping since the day before yesterday. You haven't eaten anything since dinner with my mom and Mali." I comment but she groans. "I am not hungry. And I just want to sleep. Leave." She sounds exhausted, which is not fitting for someone who has been sleeping for nearly a day and a half. "Well, this is not happening, so let's get over with the hard part and get out of bed." I pull the covers off her body, making her curl up in a fetal pose. "I hate you right now." She mumbles but I just brush it off, picking her up from the bed.
I put her over my shoulder, carrying her to the en-suite bathroom. "Let's get you washed up..." I let her on her feet before I turn the tap on in the shower to warm up the water. "Don't you even think of running back to bed." I help her out of her pyjamas, while she looks at me like she is detached from what is going on currently. "Alright... You can be like that if you want to, but I am not going to let you crawl back to bed." I say softly, pressing a kiss on her forehead. I strip off my clothes too, before helping her into the shower. "It would be so much easier for you to just let me lay in bed forever." She comments as the water hits her. I grab her shampoo from the rack, pouring some into my palm. "It would be... But I am always up for a challenge." I lather her hair up with the shampoo, massaging it onto her scalp.
"You got me out of bed, you got me washed up, you fed me... Don't you think it is enough?" (Y/N) asks in frustration as I practically drag her out of the house. "It is enough when I say it is enough. Now, into the car we go." "Don't you have to spend time with your family? Isn't that the point of them traveling all the way here?" She asks me and I shrug. "They are visiting Ashton today. He is taking them for lunch and then to see a theatre show. More questions?" I ask her and she groans. "Why won't you let me just stay in bed?" She asks me. "Would you? Would you let me wilt away in bed for something that was not my fault?" I ask her softly and she sighs. She silently walks to the passenger side, still keeping her detached look.
"I know it is not my fault." It is the first phrase she says since we arrived at Malibu Beach. I turn to look at her, clearing her face of the strands that the air has blown onto her face. "Thank God for that." I reply, stroking her cheek slowly. "I just can't accept that I didn't have the chance. I can't accept that the baby didn't have the chance. There is so much beauty in the world, and that creature will never get to see it, experience it in all its glory." She sighs, covering her face with her hand, blocking the sun out. "It is unfair, I am pissed about it too. But falling apart is going to rob all those children who are waiting for you to work your miracles of the opportunity to be treated. You can't control everything, angel. The car accident was out of your control, you couldn't have predicted it, you couldn't have prevented it. What you can do now is make sure you do your best for the next baby that will need your help, for the next person that will be on your operating table." I stroke her hair, listening to her breathing calmly. "I am so tired." She sighs. I can hear in her voice how tired she is, despite the long sleep. "Bailey said you shouldn't step foot in the hospital until Monday. And she will only allow you back in the OR after you get cleared by a psychologist. You have time to rest." I assure her, but she groans in response. "It's really shitty that I will be away from surgery until I get cleared." "I mean, who would be benefitted from you having a breakdown during surgery?" I ask her. "Your family must be hating me." "My family doesn't hate you. My mom is very worried about you. Especially yesterday when you didn't eat all day. She wanted to force-feed you. They actually really appreciated how involved you are." I assure her, pressing a kiss on her head. "I know I have been the worst girlfriend ever in the past few days, nor the easiest person to comfort or help... But you were the most amazing boyfriend. I mean, you are. You did exactly what I needed you to do, even though I didn't even know what I needed." She says softly. There is still sadness in her voice, I can still sense that her faith in this world has been shaken. "I hope I never have to do that again." I reply, meaning it with my whole heart. 
- Dr Angel Face Main Stories: Fetish / Heat / Heat Extended / Dr. Angel Face / Dr. Angel Face Alternative  /  Dr. Angel Face Prequel 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 10 /  My Full Masterlist  /  Dr. Angel Face Masterlist  
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lovesosweeet · 8 months
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part 10
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
a calum hood songfic
the end!!!
Michael drops Tillie off at Calum’s home after he forces her to take a shower and put on clean clothes. He watches from his car as she knocks on the door, ready to drive her back home in case Calum refuses to speak to her. He’s proud of Tillie for finally facing a mess that she’s left behind. 
Tillie nervously rings the doorbell, even though she still has a key to Cal’s house. She knows walking in after their conversation last week wouldn’t go well. 
Calum is surprised to see her, and while he’s still mad, seeing her on his doorstep gives him hope. 
“Hi, Thomas,” she says, doing her best to smile at him. 
“What are you doing here?”
She nervously squirms under his intense gaze. “I have something to give you.” 
He doesn’t say anything. He keeps staring at her, waiting for her to give him whatever it is. He assumes it’s something he left behind at her place after the party, but if that was it, why didn’t she just leave it on the porch or give it to Michael to give to him? 
Tillie sighs, reaching into the black belt bag she carries as a purse. She pulls out a small ball of blue paper and smooths it out. It's a blue sticky note. It’s a note from the same pad as her breakup note she left for him. She hands the paper to him so he can read it.
I need some space. I’m sorry. I love you.
“Tillie, what is this?” He asks. The final three words burn into his mind. 
“It’s the first note I wrote that morning,” she explains. 
She wrote it and kept it. That has to mean something, even if she didn’t leave it for him to find that morning. 
Calum is stunned, staring at the black ink and reading it over and over. It’s strange how different the note feels with just three more words. 
“Can I come in?” She asks. Her voice is shaky and nervous. He hasn’t heard her speak like this much. 
He nods and breaks his stare from the piece of blue paper. He opens the door wider so Tillie can walk in. He’s fantasized countless times about Tillie telling him she loves him, but this is a version even his wildly imaginative brain didn’t conjure up. 
Tillie, in a somewhat confident way, walks beyond the threshold of Calum’s house. She spins around, expectantly, to determine whether they should talk outside or inside, depending on if Roy is home. 
As Tillie steps inside, Michael smiles to himself from the driveway inside of his car. He reverses out of the driveway. If she’s inside, he’s confident they’ll make up and he won’t need to drive her home. Cal is such a sucker for Tillie and everyone knows it.
“Uh, the couch should be fine,” Calum speaks, shutting the door behind her.
She nods and walks to the couch, nervously sitting on the edge of it. Calum is surprised to watch her like this. She’s never so timid.
Calum sits on the opposite side of the couch, but his eyes stay focused on the note. She said that she loves him. She didn’t say it out loud but she said it, and she said it back when they were sort of together. She’s kept the evidence with her the whole time.
“I wasn’t lying the other day, Cal,” Tillie speaks. “I do miss you.”
He sighs, looking up at her. She means it. He knows she does, but it doesn’t change the facts. “Tillie, why did you leave like that?” He cuts straight to the point. 
Then it’s her turn to sigh. She has to finally talk about it. She knows she has to talk about it and the thought alone makes her want to throw up. She clears her throat and stares into his warm brown eyes that are so skeptical of her. 
“Do you remember that night in Montreal?” She asks. 
Calum has to hold in a laugh. Of course he remembers that night. It was one of the best nights of his life. It was the night they became… more than nothing. “Yes, I remember that night.”
“And you remember what I told you about my sister?”
He nods. 
“The morning I left, I got a call from the police department in Raleigh. North Carolina, I mean.”
Calum nods again. Nothing that she’s saying has justified anything that she’s done. Not yet, at least.
“Um, so, my sister — Madison — she…” Tillie trails off and her eyes get teary faster than she expected. She looks away from Calum, not sure how she can look him in the eyes and tell him the truth. 
Calum stays quiet, giving her the space to figure out what she wants to say. What she needs to say. 
“Fuck,” Tillie mumbles, wiping under her eyes as the tears start to fall.
Calum wants nothing more than to reach over and wipe the tears away, but he’s supposed to be pissed at her still, so he doesn’t. But god, does he want to make her feel safe and okay and not whatever she’s going through mere inches away from him. 
“Madison committed suicide,” she finally says. 
He’s been silent the whole time, but now he really has no idea what to think or say. What she’s just shared isn’t something he ever could have imagined. His heart breaks for her.
“I just… didn’t — hell, I don’t know how to… deal… with it. It’s my fault.”
That’s all it takes for Calum to move closer to her, pulling her into him in a tight hug. Tillie collapses against him, breaking down fully for possibly the first time in her life. She feels safe in his arms and she’s grateful for him being understanding above all else. 
“It’s not your fault, Tillie,” he whispers to her. 
“It is! And then I hurt you, and then everything got so bad, and now everything is all messed up, and she died because of me, and I just… I don’t know.”
“I knew I was going to get hurt when I started anything with you, Tills,” he says. He’s partly joking and trying to lighten the mood, but he also knows he’s really not kidding.
She looks up at him with teary eyes. “Cal—“
He cuts her off. “And that’s okay with me.” 
“That’s not fair, Calum.”
Calum is thinking everything over. Tillie left him because of a true tragedy in her life. She ran because of something awful that had nothing to do with him. She truly just needed space. She didn’t let him back in once everything was back to normal, but still. He’s not as angry or hurt by the whole thing now after learning about the real reason.
“Tillie, you know I love you,” he starts and he watches as his words make her flinch. 
“I’m really sorry to hear about your sister. I can’t imagine how badly going through that alone must have felt. I wish you felt safe enough to let someone in back then. None of us heard from you for… months. Not even Michael.”
“I knew everyone would hate me,” she says. 
“Nobody hated you.”
Tillie shrugs in response, which surprises Calum. She doesn’t believe him and she knows that people were upset when she disappeared. Nobody knew how to ask her about her absence because she came back and picked up her life like nothing had happened. She had lied and said she went on an ayahuasca retreat in Mexico and disconnected from the world to connect with her spiritual side.
Rendering Matilda Sloane Beckett speechless isn’t something that happens often. It’s certainly never happened in Calum’s presence. 
Calum doesn’t know what to say either, so they just sit on the couch, the dust settling around them and a somewhat comfortable silence falls over the room. 
“If there’s anyone I should’ve told, it was you. And I’m sorry.”
They stare at each other, blue eyes pouring into brown.
“I love you, Calum. I should’ve told you that, too.”
Hearing the words out loud feels even more crazy. Calum’s heart is rattling in his chest, moving so fast it feels like it might explode. He wants to kiss her so badly, but he’s holding it in, trying to give Tillie a chance to talk about her feelings, something she basically never does. 
“Can you forgive me?” She asks.
Without hesitating, he answers.
“Of course I forgive you. I love you.”
“Even knowing the truth?” 
“I forgive you for running away and I still love you. That’s all there is to it, T.” He’s holding her close to him still, rubbing small circles on her back. 
Tillie shakes her head. “I’m a murderer, Calum.”
“It isn’t your fault at all.”
She wants to yell at him and tell him he’s wrong, but she doesn’t. She doesn’t need to make things worse. Everything is coming back together, slowly, in this moment, and she doesn’t want to mess it all up again.
“Have you thought about talking to someone?” Calum asks. Of course he wants to talk about them and where they stand as a couple, but Tillie’s sanity trumps their relationship any day. 
“I’m talking to you right now,” she replies. She doesn’t actually understand what Cal means. 
“No, T, like… talking to a therapist.”
Tillie raises her eyebrows before she shakes her head. “No, no, I don’t think that’s necessary.” Therapy was for crazy people and depressed people. She wasn’t either.
Calum sighs loudly, looking at the girl he loves who’s broken. She appears fine from far away. She’s still whole, but when you look closely, really closely, you can see the hairline fractures in the porcelain. It’s only a matter of time before it crumbles. 
“You know, I go to therapy,” he says, trying to keep the subject on this as long as he can. He really does want her to talk to someone. 
“You do?”
He nods. They’re not hugging anymore, but they’re still pressed close together. Tillie’s leaning her head against his chest and his arm is wrapped tightly around her.
“I do, and so does Mike. Luke does, sometimes, and Ash went a lot for a while there. We all go.”
“Why do you go?” She asks. 
Calum coughs and clears his throat. For the past year, it’s mostly been talking about Tillie. Before that, it was his parents’ separation and just general trauma recovery after being essentially a child star. He wouldn’t have traded his teenage years for anything, but he definitely went through a lot of things a lot earlier than he should have.
How does he tell the root of his emotional turmoil that she’s the reason he’s needed therapy?
“Just anxiety and stuff,” he says. He doesn’t tell her. That’s not a conversation for right now. “I think it would be good for you, Tillie. Even just to go one time and determine if it’s right for you.”
She thinks it over for a second, but realizes that if anyone would be able to gauge Tillie’s need to go to therapy, it is Calum. He loves her so much and knows more of her deepest, darkest secrets than anyone else. 
She nods. “Okay, if you think I should, I will.”
Calum is floored. He expected far more fight from the stubborn woman. Of course, it’s nice that there wasn’t an argument, but he’s not sure how to act. This isn’t something he could’ve prepped his brain for. 
“That’s… that’s good,” he finally says. 
Tillie nods again. Calum doesn’t know what to say, so he just nods in response.
“Can I ask you something crazy?” Tillie says, cutting into his thoughtful state.
All Calum knows how to do is nod.
“Can we… can we be, like, an ‘us’?”
He’s floored again, and his throat is full of cotton. How does he reply to that? How does he answer the question he’s wanted to hear for forever?
“Sorry, I mean… I guess, can we… actually try this? Like, boyfriend girlfriend, or partners, or, I don’t know, like… a relationship?”
Calum’s jaw drops open, but he nods quickly. Everything he’s wanted to hear is coming from the girl in his arms that he’s missed being this close to. This is what he’s dreamt about. 
���Tillie, I haven’t wanted anything more in my life. Ever.”
a/n: we made it to the end, y'all! I've loved bringing tillie and calum to life and hope you've enjoyed this short-ish songfic. if you haven't listened to know it all by the band camino it's TRULY a song that begs a story and i love them!!!
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starbabyg · 2 years
Who I write for;
Just to let anyone who wants to request any imagines and such, and for my masterlist here’s a list of who I write for. [You can always ask me to write for anyone who isn’t on this list, these are just my faves and people I really wanna write for].
Nhl Boys
Jack Hughes [New Jersey Devils]
Juraj Slafkovsky [Montreal Canadiens]
Mitch Marner [Toronto Maple Leafs]
Thomas Bordeleau [San Jose Sharks]
Quinn Hughes [Vancouver Canucks]
Luke’s Hughes [UMich]
Nico Hischier [New Jersey Devils]
Trevor Zegras [Anaheim Ducks]
Cody Fern
Timothee Chalamet
Evan Peters
Aaron Taylor Johnson
Finn Wolfhard
Jacob Elordi
Tom Holland
Jesse Rutherford
Luke Hemmings
Calum Hood
Ashton Irwin
Michael Clifford
Gucci Mane
A$ap Rocky
Young Slo Be
EBK Bckdoe
Pimp Tobi
Tay K
NBA Youngboy
Travis Scott
Roddy Rich
G Herbo
Shootergang Jojo
A Boogie
Method Man
Ol Dirty Bastard
Television Characters
Carl Gallagher [Shameless]
Lip Gallagher [Shameless]
Gallavich [Shameless]
Ason Unique [Wutang Saga]
Bobby Diggs [Wutang Saga]
Shotgun/Method Man [Wutang Saga]
Dennis Cole/DLover [Wutang Saga]
Sha/Raekwon [Wutang Saga]
Divine Diggs [Wutang Saga]
Mike Wheeler [Stranger Things]
Michael Langdon [American Horror Story]
Xavier Plympton [American Horror Story]
Duncan Shepherd [House of Cards]
Movie Characters
Jim Mason [Tribes of Palos Verdes]
Tangerine [Bullet Train]
Dave Lizewski/Kick Ass [Kick Ass]
Nick Sheff [Beautiful Boy]
Kyle Scheible [Lady Bird]
Prince Hal [The King]
Peter Parker [Spiderman] (Both Tom and Andrew version)
Richie Tozier [IT]
Katsuki Bakugou [My Hero]
Shoto Todoroki [My Hero]
Izuku Midoriya [My Hero]
Eijiro Kirishima [My Hero]
Denki Kaminari [My Hero]
Hitoshi Shinso [My Hero]
Soma Yukihira [Food Wars]
Death The Kid [Soul Eater]
Soul Eater Evans [Soul Eater]
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leclercinvegas · 2 years
who i write for and prompts!
who i write for:
daniel riccardo
carlos sainz
charles leclerc
mick schumacher
lewis hamilton
pierre gasly
lando norris
george russel
toto wolff
max verstappen
logan sargeant 
oscar piastri
arthur leclerc
calum hood
micheal clifford
ashton irwin
luke hemmings
harry styles
niall horan
pedro pascal
oscar issac
any marvel characters
jack hughes
luke hughes
quinn hughes
brendon brisson
jamie drysdale
trevor zegras
thomas bordeleau
mitch marner
matty healy
you can send other characters/celebrities that are not on the list but i may not feel comfortable writing for them if i dont know enough about the character/person.
short story imagine prompts:
“I need you.”
“I care about you.”
“Can I join you.”
“Do you hate me?”
“I could never leave you behind.”
“You look great.”
“Where are you going?”
“Let me help you.”
“Drop the attitude.”
“Are you okay?”
“I’ve got you.”
“I’m worried about you.”
“You don’t seem like yourself tonight.”
“Do you like it?”
“They didn’t deserve you.”
“I trust you, do you trust me?”
“I’m here if you need to talk.”
“Are you listening to me?”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Why are you acting like this?”
“How do I look?”
“You know, you can stay if you want to.”
“I know you’re scared.”
“You’re a terrible liar.”
“You’re not helping.”
“I’ll keep you safe.”
“I hope you know what you’re doing.”
“You don’t have to act like you’re okay.”
“You think that this is easy for me?”
“I brought you dinner.”
“I don’t like you…. I love you.”
“I don’t want you… I need you.”
“You always find a way to surprise me.”
“I never meant to fall in love with you, I just did.”
“When you fall, I’ll always be right there to catch you.”
“I’m not leaving.”
“You’re the only person I wanted to be with tonight.”
“I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“Regardless of what they think, I know you’re an amazing person.”
“Shhh…  You need to be quiet.”
“Fuck you!”
you can pick 1-3 prompts from this list to be incorporated into the imagine. you can also come up with your own prompt and i can attempt to write for it.
you can request an instagram au and not use one of the prompts and come up with your own. if you do so make sure to include the whole prompt request and celebrity.
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xoxokiaraaxoxo · 2 years
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I posted 26 times in 2022
That's 13 more posts than 2021!
6 posts created (23%)
20 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6 of my posts in 2022
#fezco x reader - 3 posts
#dominic fike x reader - 3 posts
#tom holland x reader - 3 posts
#euphoria - 2 posts
#peter parker x reader - 2 posts
#euphoria imagine - 2 posts
#brad simpson x reader - 2 posts
#nate jacobs x reader - 2 posts
#angus cloud x reader - 2 posts
#vinnie hacker x reader - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 33 characters
#tom holland peter parker x reader
My Top Posts in 2022:
Dominic Fike:
- Headcanon: Dating Dominic
Tom Holland:
- Love Songs (Peter Parker)
Brad Simpson:
-coming soon
Zabdiel De Jesus:
-coming soon
Nate Jacobs:
-coming soon
Calum Hood:
-coming soon
Vinnie Hacker:
-coming soon
99 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
Hey loves! I wanted to start a blog cause I enjoy reading the works of others. I wanna take requests from those who would like to submit any. The people I will write for are listed below, if there is someone different you would like me to write for, put it in the request! I don't have many rules, but if I don't feel comfortable with a request I will not write it. Please give me some time if you do request something I will definitely try to get it done asap. I don't mind writing smut but I am definitely not the best at it. If you have any requests you can submit them in the request link on my account! Thank you so much!
-Please be respectful
-Specify the gender pronouns, I will assume female pronouns
-Please be specific in the details of your request
-Please be specific in character preferences
I will write:
-Fluff, Angst, Suggestive Content
I will not write:
-Anything that I am not comfortable with writing
-Anything that may offend someone's sexuality, gender, identity, or ethnicity
-Dylan O'Brien (Stiles Stilinksi, Mitch Rapp, Thomas)
-Sebastian Stan (Bucky Barnes)
-5 Seconds of Summer
-Calum Hood
-Luke Hemmings
-Ashton Irwin
-Michael Clifford
-Jack Harlow
-Kian Lawley
-JC Caylen
See the full post
116 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
Love Songs
Summary: You and Peter are best friends and get seated together on the plane for the trip to Europe. Thanks to turbulence you and Peter have a moment.
Requested by @gpiggy98
A/N: Thank you so much for your request! I paired this imagine with Love Songs by Maggie Lindemann, listen to it while reading it! Enjoy, let me know what you think!
Pairing: Peter Parker (Tom's) x You
Word Count: 870 words
Warnings: Fluff
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You and Peter have been best friends since you moved into the apartment next door to him. You two were always together, most people assumed the two of you were dating. But that wasn't the case you were just friends. Every time someone would ask if you were a couple Peter was always quick to tell them you were just friends. It was freshman year that you felt different when he would call you his best friend. Then it hit you realized you had a crush on Peter. You knew you needed to keep it a secret.
You were getting ready to go to the airport for the Europe trip. A knock on the door lets you know that Peter is ready to go. You go to let him in and you see the way he looks at you with his cute smile
"Hey Pete"
"Hey, you ready yet? I called for the taxi it should be here in like five minutes"
"Yea, give me a second to grab my stuff," you tell him walking towards your room to grab your bag
"Let me help you," he says when you walk back out pulling your suitcase.
"I got it," you tell him.
"No, let me be a gentleman and help you," he smiles.
You grin at his antics and let him get the suitcase. He grabs your suitcase along with his and you two go to the elevator to the lobby of your building to get into your taxi. He puts your bags in the trunk and you get in the taxi.
"Are you excited?" he asks you
"Yes, but I'm a little nervous. I've never been on a plane before" you tell him honestly.
"You'll be okay, hopefully, we get paired up to sit together," he says with the smile that gives you butterflies
When the two of you get to the airport you check in your bags, go through security and meet up with the rest of the people going on the trip. You and Peter check in with the teachers and let them know you guys are there. Peter goes to say hi to Ned, while you find a spot to sit. The teacher then calls for everyone to come over, that they have announcements to make on how things will work when we reach Prague. You pretty much zone out for most of the speech due to mostly everyone talking over them. You pay attention when they say something regarding seating on the plane
"You can sit with who you want, you all need to pair up, you are all old enough to make smart decisions on where you sit, please make good choices"
You feel eyes on you, you instantly look up to find Peter looking at you smiling. When the teacher finishes their speech, Peter walks over to you.
“You ready to go,” he asks you
The two of you follow the rest of the group into the line to check-in. You scan your ticket and walk on the plane with Peter. The two of you find your seats, put your bags up and sit for the flight. You take the window seat and Peter sits in the middle. You start feeling a bit nervous when the plane gets going. Peter taps your leg you look at him passing you an earbud. You put it on hearing one of your favorite songs playing
"I'll take away the hurt"
"Tell me all your fears"
"And if you're feelin' scared, I'll be here"
See the full post
218 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
Dating Dominic Headcanon
Pairing: Dominic Fike x You
Request by @gaiath: Hi can I please request dating Headcanons for Dominic Fike?
A/N: Thank you for your request! Hope you enjoy!
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-Dominic always come to you for your opinion on his outfits
-He always tries to take you with him wherever he goes
-He's always there for you no matter what
-He calls you babydoll
-He loves seeing you get along with his family especially his mom and his little sister
-The two of you take his sister out whenever you go to Florida
-He takes you to Naples to show you where he grew up
-He loves to go on trips with you
-He loves going on adventures with you
-You always go to the studio to watch him record
-You help him with writing songs
-He takes you with him on set for Euphoria
-He loves to spoil you
-You to go to all of his shows
-He's always holding your hand
-He loves to cuddle with you
-He loves to just be in your presence
344 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Summary: You and Fezco never really hung out or got to know each other. But when you two end up sharing a blunt alone, things get a little heated.
Pairing: Fezco x You
Warnings: Smoking, Mentioning of drugs, Language
Word Count: 1,054 words
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You and Rue have been friends for years, when you found out she ended up in rehab you honestly were terrified. You always told her that she needed to stop, you never did anything stronger than smoke weed.
Rue just texted you that she was on her way to your house to hang out. Knowing Rue that meant she wanted to go get some stuff from Fez. That's all the two of you did together anymore since she got outta rehab and she became friends with Jules.
You hear a knock coming from the window, you look over to see Rue standing there.
"Hey bitch" you say letting her in.
"Wassup, you ready?" she asks.
"Yea, where we goin'?" you ask her already having an idea.
"To Fez's to chill," she says.
You two walk outside and start your walk to the gas station, it's about a twenty-minute walk from where you live.
"Where you been lately?" you ask Rue
"Around, with Jules mostly," she tells you
"What's up with you two? You dating" you ask
"Kinda, not really. All I know is, I like her a lot" she says
You smile, you've never seen her like this. You two finally make it to Fez's. Rue starts knocking on the door mad hard. Ash opens the door looking mad asf
"Why the fuck you knockin' like the cops' bro?" he asks
"Cause I can," Rue says walking in the house
"Hey Ash," you say walking in after Rue
"Come right in then," Ash says closing the door behind us
Rue and I walk into the house and into the living room. Fez is sitting on the couch on his phone. He looks up to see who walked in
"Rue I told you I'm not giving you any more drugs," he tells her
"C'mon Fez, I just need a couple," Rue says
"No Rue, you just got outta rehab and shit. You needa stop messin' with this shit" he tells her
Her phone starts ringing, she answers it and talks for a minute. She hangs up the phone
"I gotta go," she says getting up and leaving without a word. Once the door slams shut. Fezco looks at me and asks
"What'd you need?"
"Just give me my regular," you say now wanting to get outta his house.
See the full post
2,283 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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calumhood-imagines · 5 years
Ok but look at those fucking Triceps 🥵🥵
His back def looks nice and toned
Via ig: jbazfit
760 notes · View notes
Now and Forever
Calum Hood x Reader
Summary: Coming back home for Y/N was something she had tried to avoid for many years and finding love was something she didn’t expect… not when her one greatest love was who she was avoiding.
Warning: Smut, language
Word Count: 9,438
A/N: Okay… so I got a little crazy and just started writing. I was going for a short and sweet smut but… well this happened. Leave a comment or message me if you would like to be added to my tag list. Requests are open.
Y/N had not been back home in years, 7 to be exact. Having left to go to university and overseas to finish her study, where she fell in love with an English painter. For 4 years they lived in a tiny studio apartment together in Rome, and Florence, and Paris, and Belgium, and recently in London. And after 4 years, Y/N had called it quits.
Y/N didn’t know when, but if she had to guess, 10 months ago she stopped feeling happy with her current situation. Actually, she wasn’t happy with moving around and still moving forward with her life, she wasn’t feeling the love she once had with her painter anymore. And Y/N’s mother had taught her not to beat around the bush, not to hold onto someone or something so tightly that it hurts her more.
So here she was, at Sydney International Airport, her entire life packed into 2 massive suitcases and a handbag. Y/N was just happy to be back on home soil, the humid air a welcome to her exposed skin, the sun warming her, a thin layer of sweat slinging to her. She knew how to deal with the heat, even after nearly 5 years of living international Y/N’s skin still welcomed the Australian sun, the smell of the sea living in her hair.
“Y/N, over here.” A voice spoke over the crowd.
Y/N smiled and waved; “Hey dad.” She ran in for a hug.
“How have you been?” He asked as Y/N pulled away a little, fixing her handbag back up her shoulder.
“I’ve been good.” Y/N smiled. “But god have I missed this place.”
“Well it’s definitely missed you.” Y/N laughed a little as he dad kept talking. “It’s been quiet for 5 years now, with you and the boys leaving to follow your dreams, it’s been too quiet for all of us.”
“The boys don’t come home much?” Y/N asked, trying not to sound too invested into them.
“You’d be surprised how when children leave the nest and have a taste of freedom how quickly they don’t come back.” Y/N’s dad smiled knowingly at his only daughter.
“I called, and texted and wrote.” Y/N laughed as her dad took the cart with her bags as they started to walk out into the parking lot. “How many people my age write letters?”
“Sweetie, only you would write a handwritten letter every week to your mother and me so you didn’t accidently call when someone you were avoiding was visiting.” Her dad laughed as she punched his arm.
“I was not avoiding anyone.” Y/N laughed.
“Riiiight.” Her dad laughed loudly. “And the thought of the boys being home wouldn’t make you book the first flight out of here.”
“Of course not…” Y/N shrugged, smirking. “I’d go for a drive to Nan’s out in the country and see how she’s going.”
“You’re something else, Y/N. I’ll give you that.” Y/N’s dad smiled, wrapping his arm around his daughter as they finally reached the car.
“I’m awesome what are you talking about?” Y/N laughed as she got into the passenger seat of her dad’s jeep.
“Just get in the car.” Y/N’s dad rolled his eyes laughing. “Your mother is expecting you home for a long stay.”
“Johnny and Benji?” Y/N asked, turning in her seat.
“Well Benji is at school, you know he started 9th grade this year right?” He asked.
“I sent him a backpack, remember?” Y/N nodded as she watched her dad get into the driver’s seat.
“Oh right. He refuses to use any other bag for school.” He shook his head, thinking of it. “And where else would Johnny be?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Well I was praying he got himself a girlfriend by now and moved out of mums.” Y/N laughed. “But I guess you can’t pick and choose your kids.”
“Don’t I know it.” Y/N’s dad pulled out of the space, heading for the exit.
“I hate you.” Y/N laughed.
“Nah, you just hate I’m the only one who can keep up with you.” Y/N’s dad laughed. “But you better remember where you got it from.”
“I know where.” Y/N watched the passing cars. “Mum’s pretty good at keeping you in line too.”
Laughing loudly at her dad’s mocking shocked face, Y/N couldn’t help but watch the passing life around her. The beaches, the people, the heat, her family. She didn’t realise just how much she had missed everything as they finally pulled up into the driveway of her childhood home. She could see through a window, her mum practically running around the kitchen, no doubt food everywhere, covering every surface on the kitchen and dining.
Y/N saw the exact moment her mum spotted her, she had dropped something and screamed with joy. Mind you, Y/N screamed just as loud, throwing her handbag at her dad as she ran towards the door. Her mum had beat her to it, throwing the door open and wrapping her arms around her daughter, pulling her in tight as she began to cry.
“Mum, please don’t cry. Your gonna make me cry.” Y/N wiped at the few that had already started to fall.
“I can cry if I want. My daughter has finally come home after 5 long years.” She pulled back a little, setting her hands on Y/N’s cheeks. “You look beautiful. London agreed with you.”
“Not like home though.” Y/N smiled. “So, what have you cooked for me? I’m starving and I want to eat before I go pick Benji up.”
“You sure you want to? You just got home.” Her mum asked.
“I did promise the minute I got home, I was to pick Benji up no matter what.” Y/N smiled.
“Shit, who the fuck let you back in the country?” Asked a voice from the door.
“The same people who mixed up the babies and gave us you.” Y/N smirked at her older brother.
“You wish.” Johnny laughed as he pulled her into a bear hug.
“Eww, get off me. You’re all sweaty.” Y/N struggled to get out of her brothers hold. “What have you been doing?”
“Three guesses.” Johnny wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“Packing your shit to move out of mum’s house?” Y/N mocked concentration. “I mean it’s definitely not getting laid because who would want you?”
“You’re such a brat.” Johnny reached for Y/N, tickling her.
“Hey, leave your sister alone and come help me with these bags.” Y/N’s dad called to Johnny.
“Why can’t she take her own crap inside?” Johnny asked, walking towards their dad anyway.
“Because they like me more.” Y/N laughed as her mum came to wrap an arm around her waist.
“That’s enough you two.” She spoke. “Now get those into Y/N’s room. We’ll be in the kitchen.” Walking into the never changing house, Y/N turned to her mum as she continued to speak. “So how long are you back for?”
“Um… I’m thinking about moving back actually.” Y/N smiled as they walked into the kitchen.
“Are you serious?” Her mum asked, hopeful.
“Yeah I’m missing home.” Y/N smiled. “So I figured I can travel whenever I want, but I would go looking for an apartment or something here.”
“You’ve stopped running then?” Her mum asked excited.
“Why is everyone asking if I’m running? What is there to run from?” Y/N asked confused.
“So you haven’t been running from Calum these past 5 years?” Johnny asked, walking in to the kitchen, their dad behind.
“Why would I be running from him?” Y/N asked a little more harshly then she’d have liked to.
Y/N watched as her parents looked at each other, questioningly. This just made her confused, why would she be running from Calum? Well, the more appropriate question would be, how did they figure out she was running from Calum.
“Well you have been in love with him since forever.” Johnny laughed as he jumped to sit on the counter.
“Are we talking about the same person?” Y/N asked.
“So she’s still in denial.” Johnny looked at their parents before picking up one of the chocolate chip cookies that sat on the counter next to him.
“Johnny, those are for your sister.” Y/N’s mum quickly changed the subject.
“Well it’s not like she’s going to eat them all. You made near 3 batches.” He said around a bite.
“So, what did you cook, sweetheart?” Dad asked mum, kissing her cheek.
“Y/N’s favorite.” Her mum smiled at her.
“Grandma’s friend chicken?” Y/N asked excited.
“Now that’s a welcome home or what?” Her dad asked.
“That depends… Grandpa’s Pie too?” Y/N asked.
“You can’t have Grandma’s fried chicken without Grandpa’s Pie.” Her mum smiled, touching her nose.
“Yes.” Y/N took her jacket off. “How can I help?”
“Which translates to, what can she eat?” Johnny laughed, getting down from the counter.
“Go sit down. I’ve done everything.” Her mum laughed. “You too love.” She leaned over and kissed her husband.
After Y/N sat down and caught up with her family and ate as much fried chicken and pie as her body would allow her to, she took her father’s jeep and drove the familiar streets of Sydney to her younger brother’s school. Y/N had not seen him in person since he was 9 and just starting 4th grade, and now he was 14 and she couldn’t wait to see him. Pulling up into the car park, she got out of the car and walked to the office to get him out of class.
When he was called out, she saw his feet dragged, the backpack she had sent him firmly on his back. He looked down at his feet before looking up and taking in the room before him. When he realised it was his big sister, Y/N, standing in front of him, his face picked up, a small yell leaving his lips as he ran and jumped into her arms.
“Y/N/N!” He wrapped his little arms around her neck.
“Hey buddy.” Y/N spun him around. “It’s so good to see you.”
“I thought you were never coming home.” Benji spoke into Y/N’s neck.
“Of course I was coming home. I had to see my little man didn’t i?” Y/N asked as Benji moved back a little.
Benji nodded as he laughed a little, placing his little hands on Y/N’s cheeks; “Can we go to the beach right now?”
“Not right now buddy.” Y/N laughed a little. “But it is Friday, so how about tomorrow, me and you spend the whole day at the beach?”
“That sounds fair.” Benji smiled.
Getting into the jeep, Y/N couldn’t help but stare at her little brother a bit, well not so little brother anymore.
“What?” He asked, fixing his hat.
“Nothing. You’ve just grown so much since I saw you late.” Y/N pulled out of the school. “Soon you won’t be my little brother anymore. I mean you’re almost taller than me now.”
“Well you haven’t seen me in what?” Benji shrugged. “5 years now.”
“Yeah, 5 years now.” Y/N echoed.
“You haven’t changed much though.” Benji looked at his sister, still the spitting imagine of what he remembers. “Except your hair.”
“I was always blonde.” Y/N touched her hair.
“Nah, when I saw you last, you had pink hair.” Benji smiled, thinking of the last picture he had of his sister.
“Oh yeah, I was right.” Y/N laughed.
“Did mum make friend chicken for you?” Benji asked.
“Yeah she did. She made enough for the entire street.” Y/N nodded.
“She’s been cooking since last night. I think she’s invited some people over tonight for you.” Benji watched Y/N’s face cringe.
“Why?” Y/N looked up.
“You’ve been gone for a while. She must want to convince everyone you really are back in town.” Benji laughed.
“I’m not some myth.” Y/N said.
“You might as well have been.” Benji looked to Y/N again.
“Well I’m home now.” Y/N smiled. “And I’m not going anywhere. Not for a long time.”
“What?” Benji asked.
“You wanna help me find an apartment next week? Because if I’m going to stay here, I need somewhere to live.” Y/N smiled.
“You’re really staying?” Benji asked, unsure.
“I’m really staying. If I go anywhere, you can come with me if you want.” Y/N reassured him.
Even after Y/N and Benji got back home, their mother was dancing around the kitchen, cooking up a storm. With a quick wave to them, she handed Benji a small plate of food before Y/N went into her room, finding that not one bit of it had changed in the time that she was away. But Y/N didn’t really stop to look around, instead climbing into bed and falling straight to sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
 When Y/N woke up, the sun no longer enveloped the room, but instead it was dark, a glow coming from out of her window. Y/N could tell before getting up that her parents had a bonfire light in the back yard, the smell of a bbq came up to her room on the second story of their house, the sound of people talking and laughing coming through her open windows. Y/N rolled onto her back, knowing she will need to get changed and go down and socialise when all she really wanted to do was roll over and go back to sleep.
“Mum wanted me to wake you like half an hour ago.” Benji spoke from the desk chair in Y/N’s room. “I figured you wouldn’t have wanted to go down anyway so I didn’t bother to wake you.”
“This is why I love you.” Y/N smiled at her little brother. “But we both know mum will be up any minute now. I should at least change my clothes.”
“I’ll wait outside.” Benji stood and walked to the door.
“Who’s out there?” Y/N asked.
She got her answer by a simple look from Benji. One that said ‘Everyone’. With a nod, Y/N stood from her bed, going through her suitcases to find something for the now cooler air that was sweeping through her windows. Considering it was still short weather of an Australian Summer, Y/N opted for jean shorts and a sweater, slipping into a pair of flats before moving her hair into a quick ponytail and moving out of her room.
“Hey sweetie, I was just coming to get you.” Y/N’s mum stood at the top of the stairs. “I sent Benji up here half an hour ago to get you. Everyone’s been waiting to see you.”
“Yeah, I heard.” Y/N smiled.
“Well, out ya come.” Her mum held out a hand. “Your Aunt and Uncle are here to see you. They want to say hello.”
“Fun.” Y/N faked enthusiasm that her mother chose to ignore.
Following her mother and Benji, Y/N saw that the back yard was full of people, her dad standing at the bbq with her uncle, and 3 other men as they laughed and drank beer. Her Aunt was standing in the kitchen with 3 other women who Y/N quickly recognised straight away.
“Y/N it’s so good to finally have you back home.” Y/N’s aunt wrapped her into a hug.
“Hey, how’ve you been?” Y/N asked stepping back.
“I’ve been good, but what about you? Living overseas and coming back to little ole Sydney.” She stepped back to stand with the other women.
“Well everyone comes back home someday right.” Y/N moved along to the next person.
“Hey sweetie, it’s so good to see you.” Liz Hemmings hugged Y/N.
“You too.” Y/N smiled, then hugged Karen Clifford. “Hello, how are ya?”
“Good. Good.” Karen smiled, kissing Y/N’s cheek.
“About time you came home.” Anne Marie Irwin wrapped her arms around Y/N. “Lauren was about ready to fly over to London and bring you back herself.”
“I was meant to visit earlier, I just…” Y/N breathed deeply shaking her head as she smiled and thought about her time away.
“Was in love.” Joy Hood smiled, moving to where Anne once stood.
“Yeah, I was in love.” Y/N smiled widely.
“He was a writer, right?” Joy asked, holding Y/N to her as they faced everyone.
“A painter actually.” Y/N nodded.
“How long were you with him?” Karen asked.
“4 years. And 5 countries.” Y/N smiled.
“5 countries?” Joy asked.
“We meet in Florence and lived there for a year. Then Rome, then Belgium, the Paris and finally London for 8 months.” Y/N listed her homes for the past 4 years.
“That would have been so amazing and romantic with a painter.” Anne swooned with the other girls.
“Oh god yes it was.” Y/N thought back to her time in Europe. “He was like… so intense you know.” Y/N smiled. “Like sometimes he’d go into like a trance and paint for days. Then on the 4th or 5th day he’d stop painting and like… worship me.” Every women in the room gave a jealous moan. “We’d just stay up all night talking and just… loving each other. He’d take me to breakfast, he cooked for me-“
“Okay stop, stop.” Karen laughed. “Your just teasing us now.”
“That was the point.” Y/N laughed with the others.
“So, why’d you come back home? And without this amazing man?” Liz asked.
“Um… We just fell out of love. Our lives going in 2 completely different ways.” Everyone giving an understandable nod. “I wasn’t going to drag him along if we were only going to end up hating each other.”
“That’s actually very grown up of you.” Liz smiled.
“Who would have thought Y/N would have grown into the most sensible out of all of our children.” Joy laughed, as they all remembered their children’s younger years.
“Well… I was bound to mature faster than any of the boys.” Y/N laughed. “That and I think we can all agree that I didn’t take as many hits to the head as any of the boys.”
The laughter that erupted caught the attention of the men out the back, all listening to the women inside laughing. Y/N’s father caught the sight of his only daughter, laughing with the women inside, she was home and she was safe, that’s all he could be thankful for.
 It was later, everyone had eaten and were now sitting around the bonfire, talking and drinking. Y/N looked around and couldn’t be happier with where she was right now, having missed these nights. There was something still missing, but Y/N would never admit that to anyone, let alone herself.
“I’m going to get a drink. Anyone want one?” Y/N stood.
“Yes please.” Her mum said.
“Me too.”
“I would.”
5 people raised a hand. With a nod, Y/N moved into the house and to the kitchen to get what she needed. Y/N could feel something, someone watching her, but she couldn’t see anyone around her. Sitting everything on the counter, she moved to the front door and opened it, seeing something she wasn’t expecting to.
Screaming at the top of her lungs, Y/N slammed the door on a screaming man’s face. She moved back a little too quickly for herself and tripped over, falling to the ground as the door swung open again, 4 people running towards her to help her up. Y/N saw everyone from the back run in to see what was happening, seeing Y/N laying on the floor, Calum Hood kneeling next to her body, Ashton, Michael and Luke leaning over top.
“Aw man.” Y/N reached up and punched Calum on the arm.
“Ow, seriously?” Calum asked.
“You scared the shit out of me asshole.” Y/N closed her eyes, holding her head.
“Well there’s no need to beat me up for that.” Calum moved his hands to touch the back of Y/N’s head. “Did you hit your head hard?”
“No…” Y/N moved Calum’s hands away. “I feel on my arse, not my head.”
“Well what’s the difference with you?” Michael smirked over Y/N.
Y/N didn’t answer, instead giving him a middle finger salute which he laughed at. Calum helped Y/N stand before she moved back to take a look at all of them.
“So…” Y/N was at a loss for words.
“How’ve you been?” Ashton asked.
“Good. Good. Yourself?” Y/N nodded.
“Yeah good.” Ashton nodded.
“We’ve been pretty busy lately.” Luke Smiled. “New album and all.”
“You guys finally have new music?” Y/N asked, knowing the 5sos fandom was on meltdown having not had anything new in way too long.
“Why are we acting like we don’t know you?” Michael asked, pulling Y/N into his body. “How’s it going you dork.”
“It’s good to be home.” Y/N hugged Michael tightly, glad he didn’t treat her any differently. “What about you though? You guys travel just as much as I do.”
“Yeah, but we haven’t been avoiding coming home for nearly 5 years.” Michael laughed as Luke came in for a hug.
“Holy shit…” Y/N laughed.
“What?” Luke asked confused.
“You got big.” Y/N looked up to him. “I mean look at these shoulders.” Y/N put her hands on his shoulders. “You must have girls falling at your feet now kid.”
“Your such an asshole.” Luke laughed, tucking hair behind his ear.
“Kid your hot. Own it.” Y/N laughed, slapping his arse before jumping into Ashton’s arms.
“How the heck are ya?” Ashton spun around with Y/N in his arms.
“I’m home. How do you think I am?” Y/N laughed as he put her down.
“Glad to be home.” Ashton kissed her forehead.
“So, how long are you home for?” Luke asked as Y/N stood beside him, sinking naturally under his arm.
“Um… I’m here to stay.” Y/N smiled up at him. “I got bored of London. I wanted the heat and the beach and my mum.” Y/N looked at her mum who stood with everyone else.
It was then that Y/N remembered Calum was behind her, having stood off to the side, hands tucked away deep in his pockets. He concentrated on his shoes, listening to everything, just like she remembered him. Calum had always been quiet, and after growing up together, Y/N knew that it was just Calum… until she caught a glimpse of his eyes and Y/N could tell exactly what he was thinking.
“Hey.” Y/N smiled to Calum.
“Hey.” He nodded.
It was quiet until; “Really? That’s all you two got to say to each other? ‘Hey’.”
Y/N turned and saw Mali standing at the open door. Ashton, Luke, Michael and Calum acted quickly, covering their ears as Y/N and Mali screamed and tackled each other to the ground. Each girl almost in tears having not seen each other in years, having felt like they lost a sister almost 5 years ago.
“Where the fuck have you been?” Mali whispered to Y/N.
“Running.” Y/N whispering back to Mali, knowing she was the only one who knew.
“Well if you do it again imma fuck you up.” Mali laughed.
“I’m surprisingly okay with that.” Y/N laughed.
“Y/N!” A voice screamed, Y/N seeing only a flash of colours jumping on her. “YOU’RE BACK!”
“Lauren… Look at you. You’ve grown so much.” Y/N laughed, moving to wrap her arms around Lauren.
“Okay, okay. Up you guys get.” Y/N’s mum started to help the girls up. “Y/N’s not going anywhere, you can talk to her all night if you want to.”
“Come on ladies. I think I owe you a drink.” Y/N pulled Mali and Lauren with her.
“Well looks like we won’t be seeing these girls for the next 12 hours.” Ashton laughed.
“Nah… something closer to 15 hours.” Luke walked past the girls as they stood at the bottom of the stairs.
“At least we know it won’t be 5 years.” Calum moved to the kitchen.
“More like 3 and a half years… right Cal.” Y/N raised an eyebrow as she walked up the stairs, leaving everyone confused.
Mali and Lauren moved behind Y/N quickly, even though the girls weren’t the same ages, they were sisters and protected each other and loved like sisters. No matter what they go through, no matter what they do or where they go. They’re sisters.
It was about 2am when Mali and Lauren were passed out, Y/N leaving them to sleep as she moved through the now quiet house. Y/N already knew where she was going, she knew what she was going to do… what she didn’t know was how the night was going to end.
Walking a block away from her own house, Y/N moved into a the darkness of another familiar house, moving down the side of the house to the back door. Y/N wasn’t surprised to see Calum sitting on the steps of the back door, cigarette lit as he waited to her. They didn’t move for a few moments, each of them watching the other closely, trying to decide if the other was really here.
“What’re you doing here?” Calum asked, sounding bored.
“I came to talk.” Y/N crossed her arms over her chest.
“You came to talk? Now?” Calum asked, checking his phone. “At 2am, you came to talk?”
“If I’d have shown up tomorrow morning with your parents or sister or the boys here, would you have talked to me?” Y/N raised an eyebrow. With Calum’s silence Y/N spoke; “Exactly. So let’s talk.”
“What’s there to say Y/N?” Calum spoke quickly. “I tell you I love you and run away on the first flight to god knows where. Doesn’t sound like there’s much to talk about.”
“It wasn’t like that.” Y/N sighed.
“Then what was it like?” Calum put his cigarette out. “If you didn’t love me back, that’s all you had to say. I didn’t need that stupid letter you wrote me. Or one night together to never see you again.” Calum walked down the 3 steps, standing face to face with the girl who broke both of their hearts.
“I don’t want any excuses Y/N. I don’t need answers that are going to raise more questions for me.” Calum stepped a little closer to Y/N. “Just be completely honest with me.”
“I loved you then like I love you now.” Y/N said straight away, hearing Calum’s breath hitch. “I just couldn’t be with you.”
“And whys that?” Calum asked.
“I-“ Y/N cut herself off, breathing deeply. “I was pregnant.”
“What?” Calum stepped back a little.
“The day you told me you loved me, was the day I found out I was pregnant.” Y/N looked at the space between them. “I was 17, I was scared. So I booked the first flight out of Sydney to my Aunt over in Italy. I was going to have the baby and never come back.”
“So… you have a child somewhere in the world?” Calum asked, a little shocked.
“No I don’t.” Y/N looked almost broken then. “3 months in, I had a miscarriage.” Calum moved closer to Y/N, pushing his hands deep into the pockets of his sweat pants so he didn’t touch her. “But I was so ashamed of just running out on you that I never came back. I finished school there and then I meet him.”
“So when I found you, you lead me on.” Calum accused Y/N.
“No… I just… I wanted to feel loved by a man I loved back. Even for just one night.” Y/N bared her soul. “But I was so scared and ashamed of everything that I felt I didn’t deserve you, no matter how much I loved you.”
“That was never your decision to make alone.” Calum spoke softly. “That’s something we should have decided together.”
Y/N looked into Calum’s soft eyes, a small smile playing on his lips. She had missed this, being around Calum, but after everything she had done, she felt she didn’t deserve to be. So why was she still here?
She was still standing there because she could still feel the ghost of what Calum had left her with before. The memory of his hands on her skin, burning to the touch, how his lips kissed every inch of her body, caressed the places she needed him to be. Y/N was, for the first time in her life, screamed in her head to be selfish and to take what she wanted. But she needed something, which would drive her selfishness, a sign that if she took what she wanted, she was never going to run again.
“Fuck.” Calum whispered, taking a small step back.
Y/N was a little confused, hurt even, until she watched Calum move his hand, fixing what was an impressive bulge in his pants. She smirked then, finding what she needed in that moment for her to reach out her hand and pull Calum closer to her own body, feeling his harsh breath brush against her face.
“God I missed you.” Calum whispered as his hands gripped Y/N’s waist, pulling her right against his warm body.
Y/N’s hands wrapped themselves into Calum’s thick hair, pulling at it slightly as she bought her lips up to meet his own in a familiar kiss. For a fraction of a second, Calum’s lips softly caressed Y/N’s, before he claimed hers in a fierce kiss, opening her mouth for him, allowing their tongues to meet. A deep grown came from the back of Calum’s throat as she walked him back to the step, breaking the kiss only slightly as he sat back down, pulling Y/N on top to straddle him.
Calum’s large hands moved down her body, coming down to cup her ass, bringing her up higher to sit just where he needed her. Y/N’s hands moved down his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart, perfectly in tune with her own racing heart as they continued a heated rushed kiss. Calum moved his hips, pushing his clothed cock against Y/N’s pussy, ripping an inhuman noise from Y/N’s lips. She moved back a little, resting her forehead on Calum’s, trying to catch watch little breath was around them in that moment.
“We cant.” Y/N moved her hands to his hair again. “I have your sister and Lauren at my house and I promised Benji that we’d hand out tomorrow. I can’t change my plans with him.”
“Okay…” Calum moved back, taking deep breathes. “Okay that’s understandable.”
“But I won’t leave you like this.” Y/N’s hands travelled down Calum’s body, reaching his sweat pants. “Just let me do this for you.”
“Here? Outside?” Calum raised an eyebrow at the women on top of him.
“We’ve already wasted enough time… so why bother going inside?” Y/N asked as her hand slipped into the front of his sweats.
Y/N gripped, well tried to, the base of Calum’s cock, moving her hand slowly to the tip as she climbed off of his lap and down to her knees. Y/N moved his sweats as his cock stood hard and free, with one look, she gripped him with both hands, running her thump over the slippery tip. Y/N’s eyes never once left Calum’s as she wrapped her lips around the tip of his cock, drawing out a groan from Calum as he intensely watched Y/N on her knees in front of him.
“Shit… fuck…” Calum breathed out, his hands pulling Y/N’s hair up to the top of her head, never obstructing from the view he had.
Y/N’s eyes watched as Calum’s grew darker as she moved his cock, running her tongue from his balls to the tip, opening her mouth to take in as much as she could. Calum hit the back of her throat as she gagged slightly, one hand holding the base of his cock the other moving to cup his balls.
Calum thrusted on instinct then, causing Y/N’s eyes to slightly water, she could feel spit drip down her chin. Calum moved on his own now, Y/N moaning around his in her mouth as he cursed her name and moaned.
“I’m gonna cum.” Calum breathed out.
Y/N pushed Calum’s hips down, moving back to the top before deep throating his entire cock. After the fourth bob of her head, Calum’s hand gripped her hair tightly, pushing her down as he came. Y/N had braced herself, as spurt after spurt of cum hit the back of her throat before she moved back, gulping in as much air as her lungs would allow her as spit and cum trailed down her jaw and chest.
Calum took a moment to catch his breath before putting himself back into his pants and walking inside quickly to grab paper towel as he came back to take care of Y/N. They were quiet, the loudest thing being the wind as Calum handed Y/N paper towel to clean herself up before looking back up to Calum.
He didn’t have to think about it, not even what just happen was going to stop him, and he moved his hand to Y/N’s chin, lifting her head to look as him as he kissed her, softly on the mouth. This time it was soft and was going nowhere and yet it meant more to both of them then any before.
“I’ll walk you home.” Calum murmured against Y/N’s lips.
“You don’t have to.” She smiled.
“I know I don’t have to. But I want to.” Calum intertwined their hands. “I’m not letting you go this time. Not ever.”
Standing out of the front Y/N’s house, Calum pulled her back into his body, kissing her softly.
“Can I see you tomorrow?” Calum whispered.
“I’m hanging out with Benji all day.” Y/N smiled.
“Let me take you to dinner then. Just me and you.” Calum looked into her eyes.
“Dinner? I’d love that.” Y/N kissed his lips again. “But we can’t let anyone know.” Calum looked hurt, but Y/N continued. “I want you all to myself for a little while.”
“That sounds fair.” Calum Kissed Y/N’s nose lightly. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.” Y/N laughed as she ran around her house to the back door to sneak back into her house and up to her room where Mali and Lauren were still peacefully asleep.
 For the entire day, nothing or no one could ruin Y/N’s day. The smile on her face seemed to be permanently etched on her lips, and no one questioned it, thinking she was just glad to be home. The only person who knew what was really going on was Calum, who had been impatient about seeing Y/N all day, but had happily given her the time with her family.
At around 2 in the afternoon, Y/N got a text from Calum to meet him at his place, which could only mean one thing… Calum asked Joy to cook. And she could smell it. The food wafting out of every open window as Y/N stood in front of Calum’s house, knocking twice before she heard heavy footsteps running to answer the door. The smile on both their faces matched as Calum opened the door, staring at each other as time slowed to a stop.
“Hey.” Y/N smiled.
“Hey.” Calum moved back a little. “Come in.”
Smiling, Y/N took his outstretched hand, as they made their way to the kitchen. Y/N was nervous. The last time they had eaten anything together, Y/N had been left at the restaurant, alone, confused and ready to run. Now, here they were standing in the Hood family’s dining room, Calum pulling out a chair for Y/N to sit down.
“Thank you.” She smiled as she sat.
“You’re welcome.” Calum kissed her cheek lightly before moving to the kitchen to grab 2 plates. “I had mum make up this before she went out.”
“I figured as much.” Y/N laughed lightly. “Last I remember you burn water.”
“Hey!” Calum sat a plate in front of her. “I can actually cook now.”
“Just not steak and potatoes?” Y/N looked at the plate then to Calum’s red face.
“Okay, I’m still learning.” He laughed a little, scratching the back of his neck.
“Well it looks amazing.” Y/N smiled. “I’ll have to thank your mum when I see her next.” She laughed a little. “Speaking of, where are your parents?”
“I asked them if I could have the house for a few hours.” Calum watched Y/N cut a piece of steak, watching as her lips wrapped around the meat, her tongue catching a bit of gravy that drips down her lips. “I said I wanted to hang out with you like old times. So I treated them to dinner.”
“Well, that’s very generous of you.” Y/N moaned around the piece of meat in her mouth. “This is so good.”
A hushed silence fell over the two as they started to eat, the echo of metal forks hitting the plate the only sound. They had been here once before and it didn’t end well, no doubt both of them thinking about it, the air having a touch of unease hanging over them.
“This is awkward for you, isn’t it?” Calum stated it more than asking a question. “Is it me?”
“What? No. no, this is perfect.” Y/N shook her head. “You’re perfect.” Y/N looked into Calum’s rich brown eyes, thinking of the earth after it’s rained. “I just don’t want to mess this up… not again.”
“Believe me. You won’t.” Calum smiled, moving to stand in front of Y/N. “No matter what, I’m holding onto you this time.”
“Second door on the left right?” Y/N asked a confused Calum as she stood, walking to the hall. “You’re bedroom?”
“Yeah.” Calum nodded, eyes darkening.
“Well, come on then. Second door on the left.”
Y/N and Calum stumbled into his room, their lips moving in time with their hands ripping at each other’s clothes. The glow of a street light out the front of the house was their only source of light as clothes started to be thrown around the room, the cool air caressing Y/N’s heated skin as Calum lay her on the bed.
“God, I missed you.” Calum hovered over Y/N’s exposed body, moving the strap over her bra down her arm to expose her breast.
“Touch me.” Y/N moaned.
Calum’s warm mouth enclosed around Y/N’s hard nipple as he pulled his jeans off his own body, never leaving direct contact with her skin.
“This isn’t going to be slow.” Calum looked up to Y/N, dragging her panties down her thigh slowly.
“I need-“ Y/N cut herself off. “Please.”
“God yes.” Calum confirmed, tossing her panties away and unclipping her bra and discarding it just as quickly.
Calum leaned down again, sucking on Y/N’s nipple again, causing her to moan, her hands dug into his hair, pulling at it. As he threw her bra off, his hot mouth transferred to her other nipple, showing it just as much attention as the other as her nails moved across Calum’s scalp.
“Condom.” Y/N whispered.
Calum moved off her a little, reaching into his top draw of one of his bed side tables, sitting a box on the table before grabbing one of them. Ripping it open, Y/N took it from him, sitting up against the headboard.
“Lay down.” Y/N smiled, moving around him.
Calum’s slightly laboured breath passed Y/N’s ear as he lay down, taking the spot she once lay. Straddling his waist, Y/N gripped him, swiping her thumb over the tip as he jerked forward before she rolled the condom on. Shuffling up a little, Y/N sat closer to where she needed to be, but she had to ask first.
“Are you sure?” Her doubt getting the best of her.
“Yes. I want you. Now and forever.” Calum’s soft voice reached her ears.
Smiling at him, Y/N took Calum’s cock in her hand, rubbing him against her wet pussy a few times as he thrusted forward, needing to be inside her as much as she needed him. Slowly, Y/N moved up a little before lining him up perfect for her to let him enter her. Taking him all the way to the hilt, Calum cursed as Y/N let out a moan, throwing her head back, eyes closed. Calum’s hands gripped Y/N’s waist, his fingertips digging into her skin as she moved slightly to get comfortable, adjusting to his impressive size.
“Oh god.” Y/N groaned. “God…”
“Are you okay?” Calum asked as he bit his lip, trying not to move.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m perfect.” Y/N laughed a little. “I just forgot how big you were.”
Y/N took a few deep breaths, leaning forward a little to get comfortable. Calum watched carefully, not wanting to hurt Y/N in any way, watching for any sign to pull out at any moment.
“Please fuck me.” Y/N looked into Calum’s eyes, giving him the nod to go for it.
Calum’s grip on Y/N became feral as he slowly eased out of her and thrust deep within her, causing a small scream to fall out of Y/N’s mouth. With every pounding thrust, Y/N cried out in pleasure, never missing a beat as she pushed down against him to meet every thrust. Calum never once slowed down his quick pace, his eyes never leaving the beautiful women on top of him, head thrown back, hair falling around her, moans and cries leaving her lips as he pounded into her.
“Oh my god… I’m gonna cum.” Y/N moved her hands to lean forward on Calum. “Shit, your gonna make me cum.”
“Same.” Calum could just hiss out as he hit deep inside of Y/N.
Y/N came then, Calum hitting the perfect spot within her, never slowing as he watched her come completely undone on top of him. As Y/N started to shake with bliss, Calum reached his own orgasm, holding Y/N to his sweaty body as they both tried to catch their breath.
Listening as Calum’s heartbeat came to a slow steady pace, Y/N finally moved to remove Calum from inside of her still, rolling off of him to the side. She closed her eyes and breath softly, feeling Calum move off the bed and then running water before coming back. When Y/N opened her eyes again, Calum was getting into bed again, moving as close as he could, pulling Y/N in and wrapping a blanket around them both. It was then, it the quiet and bliss, that Y/N drift off to sleep.
 Y/N woke up a few hours later, rolling over to see it was 1am, to use the bathroom and get a glass of water. She had gone out to the kitchen in one of Calum’s shirts and a pair of his boxers to get a glass of water when she saw that they had forgotten to clean up their dinner after they only ate half of it.  Not being one to leave the mess, Y/N started to clean the table down, before starting to wash the dishes.
She heard his soft footfalls, moving towards the kitchen. She didn’t have to turn to see he was only in a pair of sweats, or that he was rubbing his eyes as he walked to towards her. Calum’s warm hands came to sit on her hips, moving his body to press against Y/N’s, as his lips kissed the shell of her ear.
“You don’t have to do this.” Calum whispered, moving his hand under her shirt, his fingers splaying across her stomach.
“I can’t just leave it here for your mother to clean.” Y/N smiled, pulling the plug out to drain the water. “I don’t mind.”
“Well, I should at least say thank you for that.” Calum moved his hands down into the waistband of the boxers she wore, easing his middle finger inside of Y/N.
Jerking backwards, Y/N moved closer to Calum’s body, her ass hitting Calum’s semi hard dick; “Oh god.” Y/N breathed deeply.
“Will you let me say thank you?” Calum’s thumb brushed against her clit, trailing his fingers down her cunt, massaging her inner walls.
“Oh God… yes.” Y/N’s head moved back to lean against his bare shoulder.
Y/N’s hands gripped the edge of the sink, her knuckles white as Calum’s other hand moved up to cup her breast. Calum buried his fingers deep within Y/N, moving faster as Y/N gripped his wrist, keeping his hand where she needed him, his lips moved against her neck. Y/N started to breath heavily, writhing against Calum’s hand. Y/N’s eyes were closed, head thrown back as she moaned loudly, Calum’s fingers moving quicker.
“Cum on my hand. I got ya.” Calum whispered.
Biting her lip, Y/N’s body shuddered, trying not to scream as her orgasm pulsed through her body. Calum moving his hand to rub her clit fast and hard as she withered, her hands moving from the sink to grip Calum’s thighs, her body hitting the edge of the sink as Calum pushed her forward.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Y/N breathed out.
Calum kicked Y/N’s legs apart, moving her to lean down as she heard something ripping. She could tell what it was as she positioned herself to lean back over the sink, still trying to breath normally. Calum pushed the boxer she wore down, which now sat at her ankles, his own following suit at his ankles.
“I’m gonna need you to be very quiet.” Calum whispered.
“Mmmh.” Y/N moaned as she felt his cock move against her. “So big.” She whispered as he pushed forward down to the hilt.
Calum’s hands gripped Y/N’s waist, pulling her back to meet his thrust. He didn’t give her time to adjust to his size, but she didn’t need it as she pushed back against him, moaning as her head fell forward. Y/N could only hear two things, Calum’s skin slapping against her own and the deep groans falling from Calum’s lips, trying her hardest to not make any noise.
Y/N felt completely filled by Calum, driving in and out, in and out of her, taking her to delirious pleasure.
“Yes. Yes. Yes.” Y/N chanted quietly. “Please. God yes.”
Calum was hitting her sweet spot, repeatedly and without pause, almost ripping her next orgasm out of her soul. Calum place his hand over Y/N’s mouth to quieten her as she withered through her second orgasm. Calum whispered something, his voice deeper than ever before as he started to cum, his cock throbbing inside of Y/N. He stayed buried, deep in Y/N’s warm pussy as they both breathed deeply, trying to catch any air they could.
Y/N almost collapsed against the sink, but Calum was quicker and held his arm around her, pulling her to him. Calum pulled out of Y/N, turning her around to lean against the sink as he took of the condom before wrapping his arms around Y/N again. Calum moved lazily, pulling his own boxers up and then Y/N’s before kissing her nose, and then her lips as she leaned into Calum breathing normally now.
“Are you okay?” Calum asked Y/N.
“Perfect.” She looked up to meet Calum’s eyes. “But I think we should go to bed now.”
“Let’s go then.” Calum smirked before lifting Y/N up bridal style.
“Calum…” She giggled as he started to walk to his room.
“You know I’ve been thinking…” Calum spoke as he sat Y/N on the bed. “I should probably look into getting my own place here.”
“You could do that.” Y/N moved over as Calum kneeled on the bed. “It’s the smart thing to do.”
“It’s also a place I can have you again, and again, and again, and again.” Calum moved over top of Y/N, kissing her lightly. “And you’re looking to get your own place anyway.”
“Calum Hood…” Y/N ran her fingers through Calum’s hair. “Are you asking me to move in with you?”
“After 5 years, why wait? I want to start forever with you now.” Calum smiled.
“I’d love to.” Y/N leaned up and kissed Calum lightly.
“I think it’s time you went back to sleep.” Calum laughed a little as Y/N yawned. “Goodnight.” Calum kiss Y/N as he lay down next to her.
“Goodnight, Cal.” Y/N cuddled into Calum’s warmth.
 Calum had woken up about 5 minutes ago, having been to the bathroom and back into bed, not yet wanting to leave their bubble. He knew the exact moment Y/N woke up, her body moving closer to his own, no doubt looking for extra warmth to go back to sleep.
“Good morning.” Calum whispered.
Y/N groaned, saying something unintelligible before rolling over, pulling the blanket over her head as she moved to lie on Calum’s chest. Calum laughed a little, the vibrations moving through a sleepy Y/N.
“Don’t you look beautiful in the morning.” Calum laughed a little.
“Of course.” Y/N moved the blanket to rest under her chin. “Doesn’t every women?”
“Yep, that troll hair and drool are what every man wants to see in the morning.” Calum kissed her forehead.
“Any woman that looks perfect waking up has been up for at least an hour before a man wakes up to make herself look desirable.” Y/N peaked through the lids of her eyes, blinking to let little by little sunlight in.
“Well aren’t I lucky to be waking up with you.” Calum smiled, kissing Y/N’s nose.
“You are really smooth this morning. You know that?” Y/N laughed a little.
“I’m always smooth.” Calum laughed.
“Uh huh.” Y/N  laughed, lying on her back. “Cause I believe that.”
“Hey,” Calum rolled to move on top of Y/N. “You’re still here aren’t you?”
“Oh shut up.” Y/N laughed.
“Mmmh.” Calum moved down Y/N’s naked body. “Make me.”
Calum’s lips soft kissed his way down Y/N’s breast, removing the shirt that was covering her body, sucking on her nipples softly before moving down, trailing the boxers she wore down her legs before he ended up between her legs. Y/N moan softly, her hands subconsciously moved to wrap into Calum’s hair, her eyes falling shut once again as Calum kissed his way to her pussy.
Calum slipped a finger into Y/N’s pussy, seeing if she was just as ready for him as he was for her. Feeling she was wet, his moved his mouth down to suck on her clit, drawing another moan from her lips. Calum moved his finger slowly at first, slowly gaining momentum as Y/N’s moans became louder, tongue fucking her now.
It surprised Y/N more than it should have, tightening her thighs around Calum’s head; “Fuck, you’re making me cum.”
Calum latched onto Y/N’s clit, his fingers moving faster inside Y/N as he kept her on her high, before slowing as she started to shake. Giving one last kiss to her clit, Calum made his way back up Y/N’s body, finally looking her in the eyes.
“Good morning.” He said again.
“Good morning.” Y/N breathed out.
Y/N reached her hand up, pulling Calum down to kiss her on the mouth, tasting herself on his tongue.
“I have to admit.” Y/N giggled. “I’ve never been woken up quiet like that before.”
“Well, you better get used to it.” Calum smirked. “That’ll be the best way I wake you up for the rest of our lives.”
Y/N laughed loudly then, Calum joining her as he kissed her again, softly at first, then again and again. Calum couldn’t get enough, and from the sounds Y/N made, he knew she couldn’t either, touching and kissing and caressing. She moved her hips up, pressing her cunt against Calum’s cloth hard cock, almost begging him to get inside of her.
Calum reached over to his bedside table again, ripping the foil off and quickly throwing his own boxers somewhere into his room. Making sure the condom was on, he leaned back over Y/N’s body, ghosting his fingertips up her thighs, over her hips, between her breast to cup her face. Bringing his own lips down to kiss Y/N sweetly before he slid slowly and purposely into the warmth of Y/N’s pussy.
Leaning down to kiss Y/N a little harder, Calum started to lazily move his hips, kissing down to her breast. Y/N moaned, running her hands through Calum’s hair as their hips started to meet each other. Calum sat up onto his knees as he quickened his pace, Y/N moving her hands to grip his headboard above her head.
“Harder. Please.” Y/N groaned desperately moving her hips. “More.”
Calum started to pound into Y/N, one of his hands held a feral grip on her waist, the other moving to rub her clit harshly. They weren’t even trying to be quiet anymore, Calum rocking into Y/N enough to make the headboard hit the wall. Y/N moaned loudly, a deep groan building in Calum’s chest as his skin slapped hers, hitting her sweet spot again and again.
“Oh my god,” Y/N moaned as Calum leaned down, attaching his lips to hers, moving her legs up as he harshly pounded into her. “Harder. Harder.”
Calum moved at a feral pace, his head falling into Y/N’s neck as she bit into his shoulder to keep her from screaming. She could hardly concentrate, only just hearing Calum muttering what sounded like some type of prayer to Y/N as he continued to move inside of her.
“You’re gonna make me cum.” Y/N cried. “Oh my god, I’m cumming.” Y/N cried as her orgasm ripped through her.
“Fuck.” Calum swore, emptying himself into the condom. “Fuck. Shit.” Calum thrusted once, twice before coming to a stop.
Calum fell to lay completely over Y/N, lazily kissing her neck as Y/N moaned lightly. Y/N could feel Calum still inside of her, neither of them in any hurry to move, loving the feel of how close they were.
“I never knew I could be a morning person.” Y/N laughed, causing Calum to laugh with her.
“Well get used to it.” Calum kissed Y/N softly before pulling out of her completely. “Because you are stuck with me from now on.”
“God I hope so.” Y/N leaned up to kiss him before he rolled off of her, standing and stretching before disposing of the used condom.
He turned to look at Y/N, holding a hand out to her.
“Come on. Let’s go have a shower.” Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Just to shower. I want to take you out for breakfast.”
“Okay then.” Y/N let Calum help her up.
 An hour later, Y/N and Calum moved quietly down the hall, hoping not to wake his parents so they could go out to eat. They thought they were safe as they reached the living room.
“So… how was your night?” A voice caused Y/N and Calum to jump.
Turning, they saw Michael, Luke and Ashton sitting at the table, eating breakfast with Calum’s father and sister, his mother in the kitchen. Each person had a different expression on their face, from a smirk to a smile and a raised eyebrow in disgust. Y/N wanted to be angry, but one look at Calum’s face of horror as he realised his mother was still in the house and awake, having no doubt heard them, he wanted to die on the stop.
Y/N turned her body into Calum’s and let out a loud laugh, Luke, Michael and Ashton joining her. Calum wrapped an arm around her laughing body, giving a nervous laughed to his father, avoiding his mother’s eye at all cost.
“So, did you two want breakfast?” Joy asked, trying her hardest not to start laughing.
“We’re leaving.” Calum announced, pulling Y/N behind him.
“Okay then. Have a great day.” Joy yelled after them.
“We are never going to live this down.” Calum opened the passenger car door for Y/N.
“Nope, not a chance in hell will we.” She kissed him lightly.
“Do you think mum heard us this morning?” Calum asked Y/N.
“What do you think?” She motioned behind him back to the house.
At the window the boys stood, making provocative assumptions to them both, laughing loudly. Joy could be seen in the kitchen, laughing just as loudly with Calum’s father and sister.
“Oh god.” Calum looked up. “Just kill me now.”
“Hey…” Y/N slapped his chest. “They’re all gonna have to deal with us for the rest of our lives. Now and forever.”
“Now and forever.” Calum kissed Y/N lightly before moving to the driver’s seat.
Y/N had found love years ago, it just took her a few years, 7 to be exact, to keep it. Even through every bump in the road, she would always find her way back to him. This was it, she knew as they drove down the street, as Calum moved his hand to intertwine their finger, bringing it up to plant a kiss on the back of her palm. Y/N was done running, and even if she did run, she knew and could count on Calum chasing after her and bringing her back home. Now and forever.
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bartxnhood · 2 years
older | c.h
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| calum hood x reader
summary: in which the two of you share a personal moment together.
warnings: none.
a/n: this is inspired by their new song older with sierra (her vocals omg). so i’d suggest listening to that while reading.
Copyright © 2022 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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the light from the stovetop was the only thing lighting the kitchen. you only needed minimal light for the task you were doing. you had managed to escape your boyfriend's tight grasp, the sudden urge of snacking woke you. quietly, you opened the refrigerator and found leftover cheesecake from dinner earlier in the day. you and calum went out to celebrate your anniversary, he had taken you to a nice restaurant and bought you plenty of flowers. it was a nice night out but you would’ve loved to stay in as well.
you opened the styrofoam container and grabbed a fork taking a seat on the island. only getting a couple of bites before you heard quiet shuffling coming from your hallway. you looked up seeing calum peeking around the hallway.
“babe?” he murmured as he rubbed his eyes while walking toward you. “what are you doing up? it’s late” he asked, coming by your side.
“i got hungry, wanted something sweet” you answered taking another bite of your food. he huffed, “i kept reaching for you” you laughed. “i was coming right back”. putting your fork down and looking at him. “i know, i just wanted to make sure you’re alright” he yawned.
“are you done?” he asked, you nodded and watched him take your empty plate to the sink. you pushed yourself up to follow behind him, watching him carefully. “i’m sorry i woke you.” your hands ran through his curls which were growing back out.
he shook his head, drying his hand off and moving his head to you. “it’s okay,” he shrugged, resting his hands on your hips. “i couldn’t sleep well anyways, just wanted to check on you.” you raised your eyebrows. “i’m okay, love. are you okay?” calum nodded, “oh yeah, yeah just not getting enough rest, the album will be out soon. just been busy.” you smiled, pressing a kiss on his cheek. calum grinned, taking your hand and spinning you around then dipping you. “so we’re dancing in the kitchen now?” you laughed, coming back up and kissing him and running your fingers through the hair on his neck.
the two of you stayed like that, swaying back and forth with quiet, almost inaudible humming from calum. you rested your head on his chest. moments like this, you cherished more than extravagant dates or gifts. just you, just him.
“i love you, y/n” he said, looking down at you. a smile formed on your lips “i love you too, cal”
“no, i love you so much y/n l/n. you’re my everything. and i’d do anything for you.” he said, staring into your beautiful eyes. he adored you so much. you were his one and only. anything you would do could make him the happiest guy on the planet. “i want to grow older with you, y/n. no one else. it’s just you.” the stovetop light lit his face but you saw how he looked at you. looking into his eyes you felt your heart flutter. “you mean that?”
“course i do. you’re my person.” he pressed a long kiss on your temple. “my life wouldn’t be complete without you.” you knew calum had a way with words but in a moment like this, you could melt. you felt like you were in some cheesy rom-com. but you wouldn’t have it any other way. “i’m so in love with you y/n.” “i love you too, calum” you smiled.
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33-81 · 2 years
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thank you twt
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getsojaded · 2 years
you don’t go to parties ii | calum hood
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trigger warning — alcohol / substance abuse, please please read at your own risk
a/n: i’m back and better than ever (not rly). it took me a minute to ease back into writing so i hope this is somewhat tolerable. love u guys and hope u all enjoy
“i’m sorry i had to call you. i’m well aware you quite literally want nothing to do with us anymore,”
“no no, don’t say that. you guys have did nothing wrong.” she responds, taking a sip from the caramel latte in front of her.
seated in the hearty cafe filled with hard studying students and baristas, there were michael and y/n, sitting in a little booth across from each other.
y/n wasn’t exactly sure why he’d contacted her in the first place. well, obviously she knew why — she just wasn’t sure why they would be talking about him.
but she respected him. and she respected the band members as well. and if there was anything she could do to be of help, she would be there.
and that’s what led them to this more-serious-than-she-thought conversation with michael.
“lemme rephrase, i know you don’t want anything to do with cal anymore,” he begins, earning a chuckle and the slightest nod from her in response. “but i felt that i really needed to tell you this.”
she gestures him to continue, and michael takes a deep breath. “cal… is not cal. i know what you saw, and we all saw it too, but this… is to another extent. it’s getting out of hand and we just,” he sighs. “we don’t really know what to do anymore and we’d really appreciate it if you could help us in some sort of way.”
y/n looks at him worriedly as she puts her drink down. “what do you mean… out of hand?” she asks, just for some clarification (although she’s got a hunch of what he’s talking about.)
“the man’s been drunk almost everyday since you left. there’s been multiple occasions where he’d hosted his own functions but he’s so plastered to the point where we have to stay behind and clean up because he’s too drunk to do it himself. in no way have i called you over to blame this on you, because it’s not your fault. the guys and i, and even our fucking girlfriends, have tried so hard to do everything we can to get him help, but it’s practically no use.”
a brief moment of silence.
“i wouldn’t have contacted you if i knew we didn’t need your help, but fuck y/n. i’m fucking stumped. i have no idea what to do anymore.”
y/n straightens her back, sitting up straight as she tries to process this newly given information to the best of her ability. and it’s fucking hard.
she’s well aware she left for a good reason — there’s no doubt about that. however, she’s never truly stopped caring about calum, and she’s not sure if she ever will. and the moment those words came out of michael’s mouth, she felt scared. scared for him.
she can’t help but feel that the slightest bit of her is at fault — had she not left, maybe calum wouldn’t be as bad as he is now.
but had she stayed, nothing would’ve changed.
“w-what would you like me to do?” she softly asks, looking up at michael’s green eyes filled with frustration and hurt. “as much as i’d like to be, i feel that i won’t be of much help,” y/n admits.
“y/n, i think you’re our last hope,” he responds. “if you could just, maybe talk to him, and knock some sense into him… fuck, i don’t know.” michael abruptly finishes sentence and gets up from the table. “i’m sorry i asked you to meet up, ignore everything that i just said.” and with that, he rushes out of the cafe, with y/n trailing right behind him.
“hey!” y/n lightly grabs his wrist, stopping him from walking any further. “i’ll try and help. i know you’re frustrated. i know all of you guys are. and if me talking to him will take any sort of weight off your shoulders, i’m willing to do it. i want to help.”
michael can’t help but engulf y/n into a hug and the tears he’s been holding in for so long finally start to fall out. “thank you, y/n.” he pulls away, wiping his eyes. “i am just so fucking frustrated. not only are his doings affecting him, it’s affecting everybody around us now. we need to fix it.”
y/n understandably nods, rubbing michael’s back as she walks him to his car.
“i’ll take you back to my place. luke and ash should be there right now too, and we can all talk.”
“no cal, huh?”
“he’s probably already tipsy right now.” michael tells her, causing y/n to look at her watch. 10:59 am.
“jesus christ,” she manages to say, getting into the passengers seat of michael’s car.
“missed you, big guy,” y/n smiles as luke walks over her to embrace her in a big hug. “my favourite! it’s always lovely seeing you.”
“can we grab you anything to drink?” ashton asks, making his way towards the kitchen. “actually, don’t answer that. i know you like coke.”
“old habits die hard,” y/n responds, giggling as ashton passes her the can. “i just don’t add henny in it as much anymore.”
“i don’t understand how you did that so fucking often. you were literally more of a heavyweight than luke.” michael reminisces on their group’s younger years, remembering how fucking much y/n drank had to drink before she started feeling the slightest bit buzzed.
“times have definitely changed. don’t think i can drink one without yakking on the floor now,” she responds, the three men she once knew as reckless boys, bursting into a fit of laughter.
“we’ve gotta see you go crazy at least one more time. maybe you and i can run that shotgun contest we had back!” luke exclaims, winking at her, y/n wincing in response. “the thought of that sounds terrible to me. didn’t i beat you too?”
“yeah, that’s why i want a rematch. because i know you’ll lose this time!!”
leaned against the kitchen island, the 3 men and y/n totally forgot why she was even in michael’s house in the first place. so here they were, giggling and catching up, just like how it was before.
well, just a little bit like how it was before. it truly wasn’t before if calum wasn’t there.
they all convinced y/n to take at least one shot before she left today, michael staying sober for the sole reason of driving her home. except, one shot turned into six, and she was now sprawled out on the couch, pointing and laughing at michael’s chandelier.
“why the fuck is it so big?” she asks extremely confused, luke hunched over and clutching his stomach from laughing at everything y/n’s done.
“how are you only six in?” ashton asks in so in slight shock, taking a swig from his beer.
“six plus sixty-three is sixty-nineeee,” she sang, the group looking at her in awe, confusion, and in humour simultaneously.
“alright, i think that’s enough for tonight, y/n bear,” michael gets up from the love seat, assisting y/n in helping her up from the couch and walking with her to the front door. “i’ll take her home now, see you guys later,”
“bye guys!! love you! see you tomorrow!” she exclaims, blowing each boy a kiss.
“tomorrow?” michael hears ashton ask as he closes the front door, chuckling.
“i’m soo tired.” y/n whispers, closing her eyes the second she gets into the passenger seat of michael’s car.
she’s just about to knock out but before that, she vaguely hears michael’s voice with a little bit of anger laced in it, calling out:
“what the fuck are you mad at me for?”
as michael’s about to back out of the driveway with an unsober y/n in his passenger seat, his car headlights make eye contact with calum’s car headlights, the brown eyed boy immediately noticing the girl beside michael.
coming to an abrupt stop in the middle of the gate, calum hops out of his car, making his way towards michael’s window. “what is she doing.. there?”
despite the collected look he tried to put on within a matter of seconds, michael knew calum all too well. and he could see right through his facade; he was upset.
“i just ran into her earlier today and invited her to catch up. what are you doing here?” michael fibs ever so slightly.
“just wanted to talk to you and the guys for a sec, but instead you should cut the bullshit. are you guys talking about me? setting up some stupid fucking intervention? last time i checked, this doesn’t involve you, mike. it also doesn’t fucking involve her. she’s the one that left, so she doesn’t need to deal with this anymore. not like she wanted to in the first place.”
michael’s taken aback by calum’s sudden words, feeling angrier and angrier with each sentence that comes out of his mouth. “what the fuck are you so mad at me for? i didn’t say shit! all i said was that we met and caught up,” he raises his voice. “you know, i know she didn’t deal to the same extent of what we’re seeing from you, but she still saw it. she still saw something. and she knows about your habits; she might be out of the picture now, but she’s not stupid. news flash — she fucking cares about you! she always did! it’s not like she left because she didn’t, she left you because she thought that you didn’t care about her. yet here she is, organizing plans to come see us so we can help you.”
calum’s seeing red at the thought of his friends interfering with his life. “did i fucking ask for that? no!”
luke and ashton walk outside to meet the argument, concerned with the raised voices and accentuated curse words. “yo, is everything okay here?”
“just peachy.” michael coldly says to calum, before speeding off, leaving the three other boys standing in the middle of the driveway.
“i thought you guys were my friends,” calum slurs, pointing at luke and ashton. “my fucking brothers. and this is what i have to see? you secretly meeting up with my ex girlfriend behind my back? what’s she gonna do? huh? tell me i’m throwing my life away then leave again? what’s the point of that?”
the harsh tone that leaves calum’s mouth not only takes aback luke and and ashton, but the man himself. even through his clouded judgement, fuzzy memory and slow movements, even calum is well aware of his anger.
“if you just give us a chance to explain —“ ashton slowly responds, reaching for calum’s hand before he smacks it away.
“i don’t want your explanation, just leave me the fuck alone.”
part 3 incoming don’t worry
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cthomashoodstory · 2 months
Best Years but not In the Same Way (31)
Calum Hood x Reader
Previous Part
Hi all thank you for still reading this crap story that i can’t ignored. After 3 years abandoned it, i came back and continue. I hope i will be able to finish it! Enjoy.
Since you and Calum made up, everything went back to normal. And about the RSVP for Justin’s wedding, you decided not to come. After a long talk with your boyfriend, alongside with consideration that Calum will go to the tour with Chainsmoker on September 25, You will release a single called Memories and will do promo and you two were busy.
And the real reason behind it was… you couldn’t. It was your ex fiancé big day and people’s eyes will judge you if you came. And you weren’t ready to face it.
Counting days to the release of your single. It was inspired by your late father. You have been missing him since the day you left him. You still regret it until today. What if you never run away from home and accepted that he married someone you hate. You might eventually love your step mother and became a real happy family. And all of the event that been going on in your life would never happened.
Out of nowhere, Mike Posner called you and you picked up.
“Hello sister!” He greeted me. “You’re not going to the studio?”
“No,” you shook your head. “I’m going to my dad’s. Is okay if I skipped helping you just for today? Please?”
“Sure. Sure. You go take your time. I will see you tomorrow, okay?” He hung up the call.
Then you get ready to go to the flower shop to get some flowers.
Hours later you arrived with a bunch of flowers and put it on their graves.
“Dad.” You called him. Obviously no answer. “You know what? I think you’re here and you could read what’s on my mind.” “He’ll get married in two weeks. Yeah, he was so easily moved on. He got engaged last year, when I struggled myself with my mental health. He legally married 2 months after, while I embarrassed myself in front of thousands people.”
“But I survived, dad. I’m here. Calum helped me through it. I just wish i never chose Justin over Calum.” You said it as if your dad listened.
You said goodbye to them and when you turned back you saw someone stood before you. You yelled but immediately covered your mouth with your palm.
“Sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you.” Barry said while giggled.
“No it’s fine. What you doing here?” You asked him. But you answered it right away. “Oh, your mom.”
He smiled. “How have you been, Bar?” His smile is truly genuine. You missed him so bad. The last time you saw him was January ‘17 when you were still engaged to Justin.
You returned his smile. “I’m doing good.” You paused. “It’s been a long time since the last time we met. How’s your dad, Iris and Joe?”
“They’re fine. They asked about you sometimes. Oh by the way, i have my own place now. No more staying with my dad.” He grinned. “At the apartement we used to lived.”
You stunned.
“It’s still cozy, by the way. Nothing has changed since i left.”
He way he said it was really calm and cheerful. He really made you speechless and couldn’t speak any single word. He really forgave you for all of your mistakes and it even made you adore him even more.
“Hey, you okay? You haven’t responded anything i said before.” Barry caught you. “Look, if i said something that might offended you, I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean any of it.”
You smiled. “I was just…,” you looked at his eyes. “I’m so happy i met you today. We never talk since 2017 and now, in 2019 we randomly met here and you came to greeted me and…” you couldn’t finished the rest of the speech because you ran out of words.
“Thank you for driving me here.” You said it while you and Barry walked to the lobby. “I know, i can drive and I’m supposed to have a car by my own. But… i still enjoy being this way.” You still need one moment to reassure yourself that you need a car. Well that was weird and stupid.
Barry laughed. “Okay okay, you really read my mind. Alright. I have to go to the police station.”
When Barry was about to turn back, you saw Calum opened the lobby door. You waved to him and he walked towards you smiling.
“Hey love.” He kissed your forehead. “I thought you still on your way here.”
“I got here faster because he drove me.” Your eyes pointed at Barry. And he was just smiled at both of you and Calum. “Cal, this is Barry.” You introduced him, your ex to your boyfriend. This wasn’t awkward you swear because there wasn’t any beef between them.
“I’m Barry, Barry Allen.” Barry gave his right hand. Calum was silent for 5 seconds but finally he shook Barry’s hand. You sighed in relieved and kinda giggled a little. Dude, this is one of the most angst moment you ever felt.
“Alright, i gotta go. Bye.” Barry went outside and you and Calum walked to the lift.
“Wow, i finally met him in person.” Calum talked when we inside the lift.
“Why is that?” You asked him curiously.
He chuckled. “I don’t know. He’s a good person and i had no beef with him. He’s very nice to you and I’m grateful for that.”
You nodded.
After minutes you and Calum made it to the apartment.
“Hey Cali,” you called him when he walked to the kitchen table to put some stuff. “What if i never ran away from my dad, and we never met?”
“I guess my life would be less drama and boring.” Said him. You just chuckled. “Seriously, i’d rather being in this complicated life with you than living with someone else.”
You smiled and hugged him tightly.
To be continued
(Sorry this is so boring)
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itisannak · 2 years
Dr. Angel Face Prequel, Part 8: First Fight to First Anniversary (Calum Hood Smut)
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Summary: Calum and (Y/N) have their first fight ever. After bouncing back from it, they celebrate their anniversary and exchange the most thoughtful gifts This is an NSFW story. If you feel uncomfortable reading contents of this type, please, scroll through the chapters to find something you might like. (Smut / Fingering / Public Sex / Risky Sex) (Words: 6.3k) Dr Angel Face Main Stories: Fetish / Heat / Heat Extended / Dr. Angel Face / Dr. Angel Face Alternative  /  Dr. Angel Face Prequel 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 9 , 10 /  My Full Masterlist  /  Dr. Angel Face Masterlist  / My Ko-Fi
"How was New York?" Amelia asks, joining me as I stare at the OR board. "New... I don't know, I didn't see much." I reply. "Ooh, that sounds nice." "It wasn't anything like that. Calum was doing promo, I was stuck in a hotel room. And we only went out twice, and that was strategically planned to avoid paps and fans. It wasn't the dreamy New York trip I was hoping for." I sigh. "I am sorry. I know you wanted it to be special." "I knew what I signed up for. Anyway, I am back now, and I have a spinal shunt on a toddler. So, wish me good luck." "You don't really need good luck. But yeah, Good Luck. Karev is assisting?" She asks and I hum. "With the help of Robins via videoconference." "No one recognizes this about you, but the fact you are going your fellowship like that, over videoconferences and with such a long distance from your mentor, is admirable. You are one badass gal, Dr. Angel Face." She teases me, making heat cover my cheeks. "I am going to kill Calum for that nickname." I groan. "It's cute, and it suits you. Let him live." Amelia sings as I walk further from her.
The nickname is now stuck with me at work and home. Even Calum's friends have adopted it. For nearly a year now, I am Dr. Angel Face, and it is lovely. I never want it to change, I never want to be called another nickname, ever again.
"Good morning, buddy. How are you feeling today?" I ask the toddler who hides in his mother's arms, suckling on his pacifier. "Say good morning to Dr. (Y/N)..." His mother coos, stroking his head softly. "He is a little shy today. And a little fussy." She replies as I wait for the interns to scram in. "It's alright. As long as he is not fussy because of a headache." I reply, turning to the interns. "Shall we hear the patient's history?" I ask and the intern nods. "Sammy Spelk, age 3. He was diagnosed with hydrocephalus a month ago and referred to us. He has no other conditions and his morning labs were normal." He narrates and I hum. "Little Sammy over here is going to let us see his temperature, right?" I ask the toddler, sitting on the edge of the bed. I show him the temperature gun, letting him inspect it. "Let's use it on mommy first." I say, pointing the gadget to his mother's forehead. It makes a beeping sound and the LED screen flashes green, showing me her normal temperature. "Are you ready, Sam?" I ask and he points at his head. I smile at him, preparing the gun before pointing it at him. "97.5, we are alright. Now, we are going for a walk and we are going to get a picture of your head. Ok, Sam?" I ask, looking at the interns. "We are heading into surgery after the CT?" The mother asks and I nod. "If there is no swelling, we are going to prep him for surgery. I will send someone out to inform you while we are in. I have done this surgery countless times. And I am being assisted by the hospital's chief of surgery, and Dr. Robins, who is a top pediatric surgeon. Sam is in really good hands." I assure her and she sighs. "Do you have children?" She asks me and I shake my head no. "No, I don't." "You are very good with Sam, and he is not an easy child. He seems to trust you." She states. "It is one of the reasons why I chose pediatric neurosurgery. Children are much better patients than adults." I joke as the intern rolls in the wheelchair for Sam. "Can I come along?" The mother asks. "You will have to wait outside the radiology department, but yes, it's preferred if you do follow." I reply, helping Sam onto the chair.
"Your phone was shut off..." Calum states as my call goes through. "Good evening to you too, my love. It is so nice to finally hear your voice after such a long day." I tease him, earning a scoff. "You are a pain in the ass, Dr. Angel Face." "I have been told. Multiple times, by my boyfriend who wouldn't change anything about me." "Smartass..." He mumbles. "I was in surgery, I needed to be undistracted." I explain and he hums. "Am I a distraction, Dr. (Y/L/N)?" He asks. I can practically hear his cocked eyebrow in his voice. "The worst kind of. Anyway, why were you calling me?" I ask him. "I wanted to ask what you'd like for dinner... Remember, date at your place, tonight?" "Of course, I remember. But I thought I'd be cooking." "Well, you said you had this exciting surgery today and I thought you'd need to rest a bit, that's why I am suggesting takeout." He explains. Oh no, his caring and considerate side. I can feel my heart pounding, my knees becoming weak. "Just say you don't like my cooking, Hood..." I laugh and he sighs, in playful frustration. "I could eat some stir-fry tonight. Maybe some chicken wantons too." "Rice cake too?" He asks and I hum. "Do you even need to ask?" "I will be over at your place at 8:30." "I will be waiting." I cheer, a smile permanently tattooed on my face nowadays. He makes me happy, the happiest I have been in a relationship. And he is the longest relationship I have been in, I am not afraid to admit it. Sometimes I catch myself thinking he is the one, the one I am supposed to grow old and spend the rest of my life with.
True to his word and never late, Calum knocks on my door at 8.30. I rush to the door, opening it with a smile on my face. However, Calum's energy doesn't seem to match mine. "Hi. Come on in. Is everything alright?" I ask, moving aside to let him in. He hands me the takeout bag, walking straight to the living room. He is silent, and he seems broody, like something is bothering him. "Cal, did something bad happen?" I ask him, leaving the bag on the coffee table. Calum digs his phone out of his pocket, focusing on it and completely brushing me off. "Calum, I am getting a little worried. What is going on? You seem angry." I take a seat by him, reaching to take his hand in mine. He pulls it away, handing me his phone. "Someone took pictures of us in New York." He snaps. I furrow my eyebrows together, looking at the pap pic. "Took pictures of us doing what?" I ask. "On our date. There is one of us walking to the restaurant, and some of us kissing..." He sounds just as tense as he did before. "Oh." I simply breathe out, not seeing where the tragedy is in someone taking a picture of us kissing. "Oh? Is that all you are going to say?" He asks me and I shrug, locking the phone and handing it to him. "What more is to say? We both knew it would happen eventually." I reply. "This is a fucking disaster, (Y/N). The worst thing that could happen. I don't understand how you can be so calm about it." I stare at him, shocked by his choice of words. "A disaster?" I ask, blinking fast as I stand up from the couch, with my arms crossed before my chest. "You know what I mean..." "No, I don't know what you mean, Calum. I don't know why us finally going public is the worst thing that could happen. I really don't, unless you are embarrassed about dating me. I know I might not be the most polished, or the shiniest woman you could have by your side, but I am fucking amazing and I fucking deserve not to forever live in secret." "(Y/N), this is not what I meant." He says through gritted teeth. "I think you should go, Calum. Go home, talk with your friends, and sleep on it. Get your head clear. Take time, take a day, a week... Just, come back to me with a clear head." I try to remain calm, but my voice breaks at the end of the sentence. "(Y/N), come on. I am sorry." He stands up. I pick up the bag from the coffee table, handing it to him. "Goodnight, Calum." I say simply, stepping aside and looking at my feet, waiting for him to go.
He sighs, leaving the takeaway bag on the coffee table, before walking out of the house. I pick up the bag, head straight to my fridge, and place it on the very front of the fridge, before heading to lock the door and head to bed.
"Can you touch my finger, Sam?" I ask the toddler, holding a finger up for him. He seems to follow the command with ease, reaching for it with both hands. "Good job, buddy. Now I am going to hold this light in front of you, for just a few seconds." I explain, taking my flashlight out of the pocket of my coat. "Pupils are responsive and we have good gross motor function. Now, Sammy, can you look at my finger?" I ask, holding it up again. I move it from side to side, while my intern holds Sam's head steady. "Follow my finger, Sam." I say softly, moving my finger from side to side. "Look at you go... Excellent. And now for the fun part." I announce, reaching for the markers and coloring pad on the nightstand. "You are going to paint with mommy. I heard you are an amazing artist." I hand the pad and markers to his mom. "Why are we handing the patient these?" I turn to the interns. "Fine motor function?" One asks me. "And why this particular method." "Cause he is... a kid." She replies and I hum. "Give him time to color, and we will be back in an hour. This far he is doing great." I assure the mother. "Thank you. We will get straight to color, right buddy?" She opens the pad, spreading out the markers for her son.
I know I gave him time to think and all that stupid shit, but Calum has not even called me yet, nor texted me our usual good morning. It is less than 24 hours since he left my house, but it has been a long, torturing day and I am honestly over this whole argument. He should, by now, have admitted he overreacted. I should not have suggested that he take time if I wasn't prepared to wait for him to do his thinking. I must know better by now. And I know he is not embarrassed by me, not the tiniest bit, but the drama queen inside me wanted to make an entrance. I unlock the door to my apartment, kicking off my shoes. I cannot wait for winter to give place to long, summer daylights. I am not built for early, dark nights.
Before I could even head to my kitchen and dig my way into last night's leftovers, the doorbell rings, signaling that someone is behind my door. I peep through the peephole, finding Calum waiting for me to open up. I open the door, looking at him with knitted eyebrows. "Can I come in?" He asks, pointing inside the house. I move from the door, inviting him inside. "I just got home." I state, shutting the door behind him. "I know. I was waiting for you in my car." He replies. "A tiny bit stalkery. Why didn't you use your key?" I ask, signaling for him to follow me to the kitchen. "I didn't know if Jean was home and I honestly didn't want to stumble upon her. She is not the friendliest..." He mumbles and I hum. "Yeah, she is like that lately."
I reach inside my purse, taking out the picture Sammy gifted me earlier this evening, and putting it on the fridge, choosing a cute magnet for it. "Cute art. Must be expensive." Calum teases me. I cannot help the smile that curls up my lips. "A patient gifted it to me to thank me for my job." I reply. "Should I be jealous of the competition?" He asks me. "He is way too young for me. Takeout?" I ask, opening the fridge. "No, thank you. I was hoping we could talk..." He leans against the counter. I shut the fridge close, turning to face him fully. "Do you want to start?" I ask him. "I am not embarrassed by you. If anything, you are the one way out of my league. The pap pictures are a breach of privacy, my privacy, and I want to keep some things to myself. Not because I don't want to scream from the rooftops you are mine, but because people knowing means they are going to harass you. I don't want that, I don't want to put you in the bullseye. I know what it does to relationships, I have seen it tearing couples apart. I don't want to lose you. I don't want you to be attacked. And going public means that you are now part of my public image, it means that the PR team controls my public life and yours. I have learned to live with that, but you shouldn't. I know I overreacted yesterday, I know I did not use the right words. And I am sorry for that. I am sorry you felt that I am embarrassed by you, for even a second. I love you, (Y/N). I love you more than I thought it was possible to love anyone. And I am not saying this to win you over or to end this argument. I am saying it because it is how it is. It is how I feel right now." He talks fast, his slight lisp becoming more prominent as his frustration grows. I chuckle, shake my head and move closer to him. I hold his face in my hands, leaning in to plant a kiss on his lips. I feel him sigh in relief as we kiss, moving his hands to my lower back, holding me close to his body. "I love that you want to protect me. I really do. But I am a grown woman, and I survived med school when I was a teen. They can bring it on. I have a thick skin, and I can take care of myself." I whisper softly, resting my forehead against his. "I can't stop worrying about you." He admits. "I promise, if it ever gets bad enough that I cannot handle it, I am going to tell you. I will not let it come to a breaking point." I hold my pinky up, earning a chuckle from him. He links his pinky with mine, leaving a peck on the tip of my nose. "And since we are apologizing, I want to say I am sorry for how dramatic I was yesterday. It was not fitting to the situation." "You have a bit of a flair for the dramatic. You could have made an excellent actress." He teases me, softly pushing my head to rest on his chest. "It is one of the things you love about me." I point out and he hums. "It is pretty high on my list."
"My mom and my sister are visiting in 3 weeks." Calum comments as I walk into the living room, holding the fresh takeout food just delivered to my house. "They are? That's exciting. Are they staying at yours?" I ask him and he hums. "Of course. I cannot let them stay elsewhere." "How come they are visiting now?" I ask him and he shrugs. "Mali wanted to visit on my birthday, but she couldn't, she had some studio sessions to finish. And my mom wanted to come with me on New Year's... She wanted to meet you, but she couldn't come last minute. So, she is visiting now." He makes room for me on the couch, lifting the lap blanket so I can curl up to him. "I am meeting your mom?" I ask him and he hums, digging into the delivery bag. "Are you nervous?" "No. I mean, I obviously want her to like me. But she sounds like an absolute sweetheart and I think she already likes me." "She does. She likes how grounded you keep me." "I keep you grounded? Really?" I ask, picking up my chopsticks. "Before I met you, my head was in the clouds. Then I went through that breakup with my ex and I lost my balance. But you came along, and you made me feel things again. I had to find my balance again to be with you." He replies, handing me my box. I smirk to myself, leaning my head on his shoulder and pressing a kiss on the hollow point of his jaw. "You make me sound like some sort of magical creature. Like your life was nothing before I met you." I comment and he shakes his head. "My life was fucking amazing. It still is. I just didn't have to mindset to enjoy it fully. You didn't change me, but you certainly helped. And to sum it up, you are a magical creature. Something between an angel and a fairy godmother." He presses a kiss on the top of my head before digging into his food. "You know that everyone at the hospital calls me Dr. Angel Face now?" I ask him and he scoffs, smirking as he chews his food. "It suits you." He says. "I think I will have it embroidered on my lab coat." I joke, picking a dumpling with my chopsticks. "With a set of angel wings next to it. You will definitely rock it." "I will suggest it to the chief." "Speaking of suggestions, our anniversary is next week." "I know. But I am working the night shift that day." I reply, hating that I have to rain on his parade. "I know, I remember. So, on your day off, I am taking you on a short trip." "A short trip? Where?" I ask, sounding a bit excited about it. "Just less than an hour away from L.A. Not too far. There is a vineyard, in Moraga Drive, they give tours and have wine tasting. I have booked us a group tour." "Are we taking friends with us?" I ask and he shakes his head no. "No, I just thought it would be fun to blend into a crowd of strangers to celebrate our day." He explains, picking up one of his spring rolls and feeding it to me. "Aren't you afraid of being recognized?" I ask and he shrugs. "Well, the secret's already out. Nothing more to fear." He replies, planting a kiss on my forehead. "In that case then... Let's get drunk on Moraga." I giggle, making him hum.
"Do I get the royal treatment this morning?" I ask Calum as I make my way into the kitchen. He is up, behind the stove cooking breakfast for us, looking like a sexy little lumberjack with his flannel shirt over his grey tanktop, and the 3-day-old stubble decorating his face. It is just a pair of hairs, nothing more, but in my head, it is the sexiest thing. "It is just pancakes and coffee, don't kick your panties off just yet. It is early, you still have time until breakfast's ready. You might want to go lay down for a bit longer, I'll call you." Calum suggests as I take a seat, setting up my iPad on the island and opening my notepad. "I have to study for this neonatal procedure. Robins has sent me a pack of notes and a video. I have already watched the video, don't worry about the gore. I am just taking notes of the notes." I assure him, clicking my pen. "I love gore." He teases, mumbling under his breath. I smirk to myself before opening the article Robins sent to me. "Is it interesting?" He asks me, passing me a mug of coffee. "To me, yeah. I doubt you would have any interest in neuroendoscopic neonatal procedures for spinal fluid dynamics, though." I state, scribbling down on my paper. "I have a huge interest in the things you are interested in." He comments, moving behind me and resting his chin on top of my head. "Ok then. I am studying for an endoscopic septostomy. The plan is to prep now for the procedure so that when the mother goes into labor, I perform on the baby straight away. Right now, there is an obstructed ventricle on the baby's brain, which does not allow the proper circulation of cerebrospinal fluid. Our goal is to unblock the ventricle and allow proper circulation, thus connecting the 3 ventricles of the foramen of Monro." I explain, drawing a quick shape on the paper to explain it. "It sounds all very sexy when you say it." He plants a kiss on my jaw. I giggle, feeling ticklish from the way his day-old beard rubs on my skin. "It is truly such an exciting thing to do. The whole procedure is nothing sort of art. Minimal need for interventions post-surgery. And no severe complications. It is exciting just thinking about it." I explain and Calum chuckles. "I can see how excited you are. When is the mother due?" He asks. "4 weeks. I have time to prep, but you never know when she might get into labor. I want to be ready for any case." "You know you are my personal hero, right?" He asks me, wrapping his arms around me. "It is really not that big of a deal..." I feel my cheeks heat up at his compliment, still getting flustered when he praises me "It is. You should see yourself when you are talking about all that medical stuff... You can light up the whole town." Calum kisses my cheek softly, letting his peck hover over my skin.
"Don't you people have any fucking sense for others in this house?" Jean almost screams, making both Calum and me snap toward the entrance of the kitchen. "I didn't realize you were home." I stutter, watching as she fumes. "I come home after a night shift and I am looking for a bit of quietness to have a bit of sleep, and there you are, laughing like hyenas and talking like you are 3 miles apart." She groans. "I don't think we were that loud." Calum protests, for the first time confronting her. "Of course, you fucking don't. You weren't the one being awakened." "Jean, you know you don't live alone. And we were not loud. We were just talking. I am sorry you are not asleep now, but you are being insufferable the past few days. Everything annoys you." I say calmly, knowing that even a raise in tone will upset her. "Of course, I am not living alone. We used to be two. Now it's three of us..." She says bitterly, walking away from the kitchen.
Calum stays and stares at me empathetically, waiting to see my reaction now that she is gone. "I don't think she likes me much." He mumbles, his voice barely above a whisper, making sure she does not have an excuse to be bitter. "I don't think she likes anyone to be honest." I roll my eyes, shutting my tablet case closed. "Maybe I should stop spending time at your house..." He suggests and I shake my head at him. "I think it is time I stop spending time at this house." I reply and he looks at me with knitted eyebrows. "Jean... She used to have a little crush on me. I made it clear I was not interested and she dropped it. But when I started dating you, she started acting weird. I don't think I am comfortable with this behavior anymore. I think it is time I find a place for myself." I explain, tilting my head to the side. "Well, that explains a lot..." Calum replies, taking a sip from my coffee. "So, you are planning to move out?" He asks me, making me shrug in response. "I don't see another way to cope with her being awful. I am tired of this. She is not mean to just you, she has become aggressive with me too." I state and he sighs, leaning in to peck my forehead. "Pack a little bag with what you'll need. Come stay with me while you prep for the surgery and we will look into options for moving out. Go, I'll stay here and tidy up your kitchen..." He suggests, stroking a strand of hair behind my ear. "You don't have to take me in like a stray. I will be fine here." I assure him but he does not seem to be taking no for an answer at the moment. "What kind of boyfriend I would be if I let my girlfriend stay where they don't treat her right?" He asks, picking up the plate of pancakes before me.
"New dress?" Calum asks as he enters the master bathroom. I shrug, leaving my powder brush by the sink. "I figured our first anniversary deserved something nice." I reply as he moves behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist softly. He pecks the top of my head, smiling as he looks at us in the mirror. "I can't believe you have been mine for a year now... How did I ever get so lucky?" He asks, not breaking eye contact through the mirror. "I don't know... But thank your lucky star for me too." I reply, stretching my hand back to stroke his hair. "I'll make sure I do. Almost ready?" He asks me, lowering his lips to the nook of my neck. "Just lipstick and perfume and we are out of the door." I reply and he hums. "I think gloss will suit you better today." He comments and I cock an eyebrow at him. "Ok, Mr. MUA... I'll take your advice today." "I'll pick your perfume." He pecks my temple, moving to the drawer of my toiletries in his bathroom. "Is this a dig to my taste?" I ask him with a soft chuckle. "You obviously have great taste. You are dating me. I just want to pick your perfume." He replies, picking up the little bottles and opening the caps to smell them. "This one. This one always smells good on your skin." He comments, taking a deep whiff of the perfume before letting it rest on the counter by the sink. "I will be out in a second." I smile, applying a layer of lipgloss to my lips. "Gonna check if Duke is set..." He says, pressing a kiss on the side of my head. "I'll meet you downstairs." I reply cheerily, throwing the gloss inside my little purse.
The sun is shining brightly as we ride through the Californian road, blasting some soft music with the windows rolled down, letting the soft wind hit our faces. Even with sunglasses on, the light is so bright that I have to narrow my eyes to be able to look out of the window. "The only thing that could make this thing better is if we were in a convertible." I comment, leaning my head back against the headrest of my seat. Calum smiles and picks my hand from my lap, not taking his eyes off the road as he brings it to his lips. "Next year." He replies, fixing his sunglasses. "You are not taking me to the same place on our next anniversary." I comment and he hums in surprise. "Already having expectations for next year?" He asks. "Why shouldn't I? I am not planning on breaking up with you, and I am not letting you go... So..." I reply with a shrug. "That doesn't sound too bad. I am going to keep your word on that." He chuckles softly, smirking without turning to look at me. I smile to myself, reaching to stroke the hair on the side of his head. I can't remember the last time we had a soft day like this, usually too preoccupied with work and other obligations. So I am going to keep it as a sacred gift. "What is it, princess?" He asks me and I shrug. "Nothing... I just like spending time with you." I admit, not able to take my eyes off my man. He stays silent, but his eyes crinkle as a smile spreads on his face.
Calum pulls me from the group, looking around to make sure no one is looking at us as we walk further into the barrel cellar. "Where are you taking me?" I ask with a very soft giggle, taking a sip from the Merlot sampler we got handed before walking from the crowd. "Somewhere a bit more private." Calum replies, bringing the hand of mine he is holding to his lips. "Why do we need privacy?" I ask as he picks a corridor at the very back, hidden from the attendees. "Because you look a little too good in that dress." He comments, cornering me up against a barrel. He picks up the sampler glass from my hand and leaves it aside, before he leans down to kiss me, placing his hands on my hips. My hands move to the loops of his jeans, fingers going through them to pull him closer to my body. "You smell so sexy." He mutters against my lips, trailing a hand to cup my jaw and keep my head steady. "My boyfriend picked my scent today..." I giggle a little loudly, making Calum groan before he muffles me with a kiss. "I will need you to be really, really quiet. We don't want everyone hearing you and kicking us out." He says sternly, gripping my jaw firmly. "Why would they kick us out?" I ask, knitting my eyebrows together. Calum chuckles, inching the hand that was resting on my hips down to the hem of my dress. "We both know how vocal you can be when I touch you, angel." He comments, bringing his hand in between my thighs. I gasp, eyes going wide as I muffle my mouth with my hand. Calum has a devilish, triumphal smirk stretching on his lips as he discovers my core. "Angel is not as angelic as expected... Not wearing panties today?" He asks, rubbing his fingers on my slit, putting a little pressure on my clit. "Must have forgotten about them..." I tease, throwing my head back against the barrel. I spread my legs more, completely ignoring all logic that says we should not be doing that right now, in this place. "Where is your mind, princess?" He chuckles in a low voice. "On you." I reply, knowing my response will make him hum in pleasure. "That's my girl... Should reward you for that." He hums, gathering my wetness with his fingertips. He grabs my chin and pulls my head down, bringing his lips to mine as he slips 2 fingers inside me. I am grateful for being muffled; the sigh that leaves my lips would have caused some queried looks if not suppressed by his kiss. He curls his fingers up, smirking against my mouth at my little gasp. I feel my face becoming hot, the rush of the moment taking over my prudish side. But who am I kidding? My prudish side has been muted for a year now. "Do you have any idea how wet you are?" Calum asks, caressing his fingers inside me slowly as he moves his lips to my neck. "You will be a good girl and stay quiet for me, won't you baby?" He asks me, grazing his teeth over my sweetspot. "Because if you won't, we will have to stop this. And we don't want this, do we?" He asks me in a condescending tone. I purr in agreement, pressing my lips together to force myself to stay quiet. He picks up the pace of thrusting his fingers, while his thumb moves expertly to stroke my clit softly. His fingers cause a knot in the pit of my stomach, while his thumb on my clit makes me tingle all over, sending electricity down my spine. I have to brace myself, so I cling to him, burying my face in the side of his neck. My nails clutch onto his back as I become more and more lost in pleasure. My left leg hikes up, wrapping around his waist as I lean back, hiding my face to the side, muffling my mouth with my hand. "You have to stay still, princess." Calum comments. "I can't. I can't. I am sorry." I mutter, bucking my hips against his hand. "I need you... I need your cock." I whisper, looking at him pleadingly. "Not here, angel. But I promise you, you will get everything you crave when we return home." He replies as I pulse around him. "I need to..." I begin, but before the whimper could escape from my lips, I bite onto my hand. "I know, baby. Cum for me." Calum leans in, pressing his forehead against mine. It is mind-blowingly intense, trying to cum without making a single sound and drawing attention to us. Yet, I dig my nails into my palm and manage to ride my high without making noise. "You look so cute, all flustered from your orgasm." Calum comments, pecking the tip of my nose. "You know, I was never that risky before I met you." I state as he moves his thumb against my clit, prolonging the euphoric feeling coursing inside me. "What are you talking about? The first time we fucked was in a supply room in the hospital you are working." He points out, taking his fingers off from inside me. There is a numb pulse on my core at the loss of contact, but then I watch as Calum brings his fingers to his mouth, taking my taste, and the pulse becomes heat, spreading on my sex and my whole body. "I think we should leave. What do you think, angel?" He asks me, fixing the hem of my dress. "Who needs wine when I can get drunk on you?" I ask, gulping the knot in the back of my throat that forms just at the thought of what will happen once back home.
Calum takes my hand in his as I lay my head to rest on his chest. Still breathing heavily from his orgasm, he brings my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles softly. "Why does it still feel so good?" He asks with a sigh. "Would you rather sex was bad?" I ask him back and he chuckles. "It was rhetorical." He points out. "Ashton thinks we are still in a honeymoon phase." Calum adds and I move my gaze to meet his. "You are talking to Ashton about our sex life?" I ask and he rolls his eyes. "No. Obviously no. He just thinks I am smitten. And I don't disagree, to be honest." "Oh, Hood is in love." I chuckle, leaving a kiss on his chest. "I am." "Luckily, I am in love with you too." I rest my ear on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "We really left our date to come stay in, huh?" He comments and I hum in agreement. "There isn't a better place to be than with you." I reply, tracing a pattern on top of his stomach. "I got you a little something." He states, sitting up to reach under his bed. "What a coincidence... I did too." I cock an eyebrow, getting off the bed to head to the drawer I keep my stuff. "You really shouldn't have." He sighs. "Likewise." I kneel on the end of the bed, passing him the little cardboard box. He hands me the gift bag, motioning me to stop before I open it. "It is really stupid, the thing I got you. But it was stuck in my brain since we talked about it." "I am really curious about what it is." I comment, tapping my fingers on the bag. "You can go ahead and open it if you want to." He suggests but I shake my head. "Yours first. I have to explain it a bit." Calum eagerly undoes the bow that holds the little box together, lifting the lid to take a look inside.
"I always love it when you wear rings. And I thought about what I should get you, and it was this. This is the snake from the international medicine symbol, shaped like your initial. I know it is stupid, but I thought that it would be like having a little bit of me wrapped around your finger." I explain, watching as Calum takes the ring out of the box and slides it on his finger. "It is one of the most beautiful gifts I have ever gotten. I love the thought behind it. Wait, did you design it?" He asks me and I shake my head no. "I described it to the jewelry designer and he made it for me. I am not that good at designing." "It is beautiful. Thank you, my love." He runs his finger over the ring, smiling as he takes a good look at the chunky, silver ring. "My turn now." I announce, opening the bag. "I am really embarrassed about my gift now." He warns me. I reach inside, picking out a brand new lab coat, embroidered with the hospital's logo on the right side of it. On the left, it has my name, and title, with a bit of addition underneath it. 'Dr. Angel Face', with angel wings on either side of the sentence. I laugh softly, remembering when I jokingly suggested I should have the nickname embroidered on my coat. "Calum, this is... Amazing. I don't know what to say." I am still looking at the coat, running my finger over my nickname. "Wait... That's the title I will get when I complete my fellowship." I point out and he hums. "I am so sure it is coming soon, I don't see the point of not having it embroidered on the coat already." He states. I leave the coat aside, moving closer to Calum and cradling his face in my hands. "I love you so fucking much." I state, before leaning in to kiss him.
Announcement: Two more parts for the prequels before I post the next part of the main story. It is going to be titled Wrapped Around Your Finger, and I will probably have to break it into 2 posts because thus far it is 38k words and I am still not done with the plotlines I want to include.
Dr Angel Face Main Stories: Fetish / Heat / Heat Extended / Dr. Angel Face / Dr. Angel Face Alternative  /  Dr. Angel Face Prequel 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 9 , 10 /  My Full Masterlist  /  Dr. Angel Face Masterlist  / My Ko-Fi
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eddiesblklvr · 2 years
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* = NEWEST | ☀︎︎ = FLUFF | ☽ = ANGST
UPDATED: JULY 10, 2022
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☽☀︎︎ something about her ii iii - calum hates everyone, except her (college!calum hood x blackwoman!oc)
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☀︎︎ a little dizzy - in a world where being in the presence of your soulmate for a period of time makes you pass out, the two of them find each other through ashton (soulmate!calum hood x blackwoman!oc)
☀︎︎☽ my girls - cleo catches calum talking to his daughter about how he feels about her (bestfriend!stepdad!calum x blackwoman!oc)
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☀︎ the exception - the media doesn’t fully know about your relationship with calum until you sing an unreleased song on live (instagram - boyfriend!calum hood x reader)
☀︎ in love - you and calum announce your relationship and pregnancy to the world (boyfriend!dad!calum hood x blackwoman!oc)
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184 notes · View notes
swiftienicks · 3 years
instagram blurb 🌷͙֒
calum hood x o.c
*all photos i use are of off pinterest, none of the photos are mine*
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liked by calumhood and 1,205,553 others
imogen happy 10 years to my favourite band 🙏🤘🎸
view all comments
imogenflorals iconic!
5sos 🥳🎉
(liked by imogen)
5sosfan1 she really is living the rockstar!bf dream
superbloomfan yup! her life is literally a wattpad story wtf
bellahadid ahh, i miss these days
imogenfan3 ur friendship is iconic
calumhood my favourite fangirl
(liked by imogen)
5sosfan5 currently having flashbacks to imogen’s old tumblr page
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194 notes · View notes