#but i always came back to her
chrollohearttags · 5 months
meg baby, I promise we’ll all look the other way if you decide to strangle that chimera ant built bitch. I promise we won’t say nothing.
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ohrackham · 1 day
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It is not what you do for me that makes me love you. It's your kindness. Your empathy. How much you care. Just being you is enough, Colin. I do not need you to save me. I just need you to stand by me. To hold me. To kiss me.
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marblerose-rue · 28 days
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viyojo · 28 days
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chayannesegg · 6 months
might be worth noting that tubbo got lore today because he made it canon he warped back from the boat.
i think this was confusing bc he wasn't sure initially how to play it (he is not a lore guy by trade we all know this), and waffled back and forth with it (with fun bits like "it's tuesday" or "it's a time rift"), but he definitely did make it canon.
he has the story: the boat didn't leave, he had his warpstone. he knew they would just steal him back, like they did the first time.
he has the reason: he desperately needed to see sunny before he left; couldn't sit idly by
and he made it clear that's what he wants to have happened. he told his chat to stop "-rp point"-ing him about it multiple times bc he's trying to make it canon (and told fit the same when he came back post-ghost bit).
he also asked sunny's admin whether she wanted their interactions to be filler or canon and she chose canon
plus he had a canon interaction with forever explaining it and asking him to watch over his daughter
and he and sunny built things and interacted with each other based specifically off the info he was kidnapped, that he will have to go, and that they both knew it was coming
so while you may have to ignore or recontextualize some of the goofier interactions when he initially came back (phil/etoiles/fit stuff esp), tubbo did come back, the code attack did happen, it's already been fit into the lore, and i don't doubt sunny is going to tell fit about it this week!!
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deimcs · 4 months
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insp. by this post by @bladeofavernus ♡ / (Shauna Barbosa, Cape Verdean Blues)
AN INSPIRED DECLARATION, BARDIC COLLEGE OF FOCHLUCAN. I honestly thought my time as an artist had come to an end and all hope for further inspiration was gone. I come from months of fruitless research and abandoned music sheets, any spark of creativity flickering and dying by the time my fingers touched the strings. I was lost and couldn't find my way back home when suddenly, destiny came knocking at my door. Quite literally, I may add. I went to stay at my aunt's cottage outside of the city to see if some peace and quite would do my muse any good and I had the fortuitous chance of offering shelter to a group of weary travelers. They surely were a lively bunch and while I had fun entertaining guests after such a long time spent alone, Tymora's gentle hand came to save me under the guise of a young couple of most curious nature. A tiefling and a devil, by all means a nightmarish union if you were to give the rumors any credits and yet. They spent the night sitting quietly next to each other, letting the others take turns in keeping the conversation alive. I didn't mean to pry but I was mesmerized by the softness of their touches, the tenderness of their gaze. At some point during the night, the young man drifted off to sleep leaning against the girl's shoulder, she raised a hand to caress his scarred face with such unmistakable devotion it almost moved me to tears. It reminded me why I started composing in the first place: to wonder about the nature of simple things like love and companionship. If I ever see them again, I hope they'll know this song is for them.
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
I lost one of my chickens :( she was caught and carried away by a fox... I’ve been growing complacent about my chickens’ safety I think because we’ve only had one other attack before, a goshawk that swooped in abruptly (unsuccessfully), but no fox sightings nearby so I’ve been assuming Pandolf was a great deterrent. Which he is, just not foolproof. I’ve talked to some people in town about this and they were pretty philosophical about foxes stealing chickens, like “it’s the tribute we pay to woodland animals, it’s just a few hens here and there.” I don’t begrudge the fox for being a fox, if anything I have a renewed respect for foxes because everyone I talked to proceeded to give me their best / worst fox stories, and most of them involved foxes outsmarting humans (learning people’s habits / timetables, opening latches, faking a limp...) Still I feel terrible for my hen, she was only three. RIP Cordy :( You’ll be remembered fondly... (except by the cats.) I feel bad for the other hen too, who just lost her pal!
When I said that last thing, one of my neighbours jumped on the opportunity to try and convince me again to accept a rooster from him. He had a rooster baby boom last summer and I’ve been telling him for months that I don’t need a rooster, I don’t want to raise chickens I just want eggs, and his new argument was that a rooster would protect my hen (or if it comes to that, would heroically sacrifice himself rather than let the hen be eaten—I’m sceptical...) I asked around for a young hen but there aren’t any to be had in this season, so my remaining one is going to be alone until the spring, and my neighbour said she’d get stressed and male company is better than no company. (I wish I could ask my hen what she wants! Maybe she’s penning A Coop Of One’s Own as we speak.) I said the rooster was more likely to stress her out and harass her and he said nah they’re free ranging all day, it’ll be fine, and he’s young so your adult hen will boss him around. I was like, but then will he be any good at protecting her? etc. etc. and after a while I caved in.
When I told her about this on the phone my mum sighed “you’re terrible at saying no”—excuse me, I said no so many times and the guy just kept ploughing on until he could foist a rooster upon me. I’m good at saying no, other people are terrible at hearing it! I reassured her that I had only agreed to take the rooster for a short probationary period, and if he bothers my hen too much I’ll drive him back to his native farm. My mum was like “Drive him back? look I’m sorry I raised you as a city kid but there’s no need to waste gas on driving a rooster around, I’ll have no qualms about wringing his neck for dinner if he’s more trouble than he’s worth.” The rooster’s fate is not sealed though, if he is anywhere from vaguely useful to not actively problematic I’ll keep him, so we’ll see...!
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bonefall · 1 month
I have a really bad feeling that Moonpaw is the kid of Night and Sun. There are no pregnant she cats rn and the name would align the sky theme of their names. Not to mention the ENTIRE CHAPTER where Sun and Night just talked about having babies before Breezey-P told them to cut it out.
I don't really enjoy NightSun, but it's not something that I hate either. So I wouldn't mind if they had kits at some point. I'd prefer they didn't since Nightheart is so young and the Clan is SO bloated, but... meh.
Plus, Sun and Night having a kid named Moon is, admittedly, super cute lmao. I will be charitable if an idea makes me smile.
What would bug me more is that we're stuck in ThunderClan again. I'm so very tired of being forced to split the POV between the plot and ThunderClan's Contractually Obligated Screentime.
I know we already got our lucky break with an all female POV cast (so it seems) but MAYBE we can double up with our first arc without a ThunderClan perspective too.
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rosalinesurvived · 1 year
Do you‐uhh.
Do you ever think that the Green kids resent Alicent for being on Rhaenyra's side?
Because um. Obviously watching their gaslit, grief-stricken mother charging and making the Princess bleed for Aemond loosing an eye with no justice is harrowing and incredible and terrifying. (Our mother loves us! She's begging for our Father to care! She slashed the Princess! She does love us!) And then years later Alicent is telling Aegon to spare Rhaenyra, holding Rhaenyra's arm infront of them at supper.
Did they ever feel as if they were the late ones? The invaders? Do you think they felt as if it was a constant fight for their Mother's affections? Can you imagine the reproach they mustve felt, knowing that they were unwanted (What have I done but what was expected of me?) watching their mother raise hell for them, then always looking around for one of the objects of their agony?
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wildstar25 · 3 months
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MiqoMarch Day 21 - Lost
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aphel1on · 17 days
succumbed to writing thistle fic and tripped sideways into post-canon falin character study
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kinokoshoujoart · 3 days
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the coolest kids in forgotten valley!!☆
(…it seems there may have been a stretch of time where rock and lumina were the only kids in forgotten valley…🥲)
#in the remake hugh and the player’s kid are the same number of years apart#so i can see them having very similar conversations n friendship#surely these two kids will grow up well adjusted and they will have no lasting effects from this kind of isolation. they will be fine#i have been thinking a lot about what their childhoods were like. i want to protect both of them#everyone who has anything to say about them as kids says that both of them were not well behaved children at all#tei says rock was rambunctious and energetic and hard to handle. sebastian says lumina was less than amenable#rock says he was bored to death when he first came here and lumina asks you not to tell romana that she’s lonely#lumina also hated wearing dresses so. she is very mad and ready to bite people maybe#sos awl#bokumono#my art#rock tumbling (sos)#harvest moon#story of seasons#story of seasons a wonderful life#bokujou monogatari#i like to imagine a au where pony and cecilia come to visit their family’s respective farms#so these two can have more friends ;w;#i am always thinking about how they were both severed from their families and taken in by someone else at a young age to live in nowhere#and they are both not exactly enthused about following the path laid out for them#headcanon ⚠️ i wonder if rock’s moving out on his own happened when he was a teenager. he was extremely confident everything would work out#anyway he got fired from every job ever and after many years came crawling back. and he came crawling back blond#at the time of chapter 1 lumina is baffled by the state of the guy she grew up with. why is he using dated slang and wearing disco costume#she is also kind of mad at him for having been gone for so long#hc ​rock probably had more freedom as a kid than lumina did which probably annoyed her#once again takakura retrieves a small rock from the goddess pond and he’s covered in poison ivy bee stings etc. no remorse#lumina from her window on the hill feels somehow jealous of these misadventures#lumina mentions in her heart event that she doesn’t often visit the beach because her skin burns easily#meanwhile rock was probably playing outside always. if his kid is any indication#idk i like thinking about the history of this extremely small village
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harvestmoth · 7 months
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okay last one. au where nothing goes wrong at all ever (a lie) and melia venam gay moment
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ectonurites · 8 days
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I remember, I remember
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sukibenders · 2 days
Seeing Marina gush to Penelope about how, in her dreams for the future and her marriage to Colin, she envisions not only Penelope still being in her life but also being happy and side by side with Eloise, her best friend. Just genuinely her viewing them as a pair. It just makes the betrayal she faced hurt so much more.
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raayllum · 7 months
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