#sure aside from the eyes they look quite different
candyk0rn · 2 years
+*Comforting cuddles with the Dormleaders*+
AN: First twst fic! I’m sort of obsessed with Azul all of the characters and the story. A lot of characters means a lot of new personalities I can get better at writing with! So I’m excited! Also fair warning these are stupidly long!
The whole prompt is what if reader and/or character is having an awful time and they need some cuddles? Also thanks to @squid-god-supreme for the idea ☺️
Twisted Wonderland dorm leaders x gn! reader
Riddle Rosehearts
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Riddle, as we all know, is very strict when it comes to waking and resting times
But what we also know, is that he tries his best to sometimes push those rules he cherishes so much aside
It was around 5 or so, and Riddle woke up from one of his many dreams of his past
He mumbles a lot in his sleep, but this time was a much quicker, more worries sounded pattern of mutters
Beads of sweat fall down his resting face, and you wake up from hearing the small shudders of his body
You look at his smaller figure, shaking ever so slightly
“ Riddle..” you whisper, “ Riddle, darling you’re having another nightmare.”
His eyes burst open, immediately darted towards you
“ Sorry..did I wake you?” He asked, his face going slightly red
You did not respond, in fear of worrying him even more than he already was
“ Riddle, are you alright? Do you want to talk about it?”
He shook his head, sitting up against the bed rest
“ Your company is just enough, for right now.” He weakly smiled in your direction
Then, an idea popped into your head
“ What if…we just stay in bed all day?”
He almost choked
Almost instantly, you laid back down to your spot, got comfortable, and raised your arms in a hugging motion, gesturing for him to cuddle with you
He rolled his eyes, lovingly I promise
He snuggled close to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and his head under your chin
When cuddling, Riddle is most likely the little spoon, just don’t tell anyone that
He grinned to himself, oh how lucky he was to have someone so understanding
He slowly but surely, fell asleep, embraced in your arms
Leona Kingscholar
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If it wasn’t obvious enough, this guy likes to sleep
He likes to sleep a lot
BUT, his way of cuddling is very different, that’s for sure
He’s more of a reserved kind of guy, so he mostly sleeps on his back, with you wrapped to his side
This morning however, was the morning right after a loss between a Savanaclaw and Diasomnia spell-drive game
Unfortunately, Leona has a tendency to lose his temper
And currently, he was doing just that
It was more of an angry rant, actually, him pacing his bedroom and cursed himself while you sat on the foot of your shared bed
“ It’s that stupid Draconia! Every game! He’s probably all joyous and giddy right now, making a fool out of me!” Leona growled
“ Lee, you did your best today, you need to calm down.” You tried to relax, it was rough seeing him like this
“My best isn’t enough!” He boomed, frightening you a bit, “S-sorry…” he noticed your reaction
You moved over to your side of the bed, and patted his with your palm
“ Lee, c’mere.”
He sighed and followed your movements
This was one of the rare moments when he would lean into your touch, wrapping his strong arms around you
Leona faced you, letting your head rest on his chest while he caressed your head
“ Leona,” you began
“ I hope you know that I love you, no matter how many games you win..”
You glanced up at his face, peaceful, and his eyes shut
“ I know.”
And with that, he fell asleep with a smile on his face
Azul Ashengrotto
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Azul goes both ways when it comes to a relationship
Some days, when feeling his best, he’s the big spoon and pampers you
But on those few occasions when he feels small and vulnerable, he likes to be comforted by you
Today, fortunately, he was feeling quite confident in himself!
He had a lot of deals going quite smoothly, and he hadn’t needed to punish anyone as of late!
He decided to take a small break, as the contracts started to slowly pile up
As he walked out of his office, he say you, Jade, and Floyd serving and pulling pranks on people
It was an endearing sight, he loved how you got along with his closest friends
“ Shrimpy!! That’s the wrong table kekeehahaha!” He had heard Floyd chuckle
While Azul was feeling good that day, the stressed aura surrounding you told a different story
He followed you back to the bar, where you had sat down
“ My Angelfish, whatever is troubling you?” He questioned
You smiled, “ Nothing! Just tired!”
You didn’t fool him one bit, and you could tell by the way his eyes softened
He placed his hand in his jacket pocket, and pulled out his pocket watch
“ Well, that wouldn’t hurt…” he muttered to himself
You glanced at him with a confused look
“ You may get off of work for the rest of the night, my treat.” He stated, “ Floyd and Jade can take care of it.”
You shook your head, “ Azul, I need to work, I promise it’s fine-“
But he had already held your arm, leading you to his large bedroom
He sat you down on your bed, and searched the many drawers for some comfortable clothes
“ Please, get dressed, you need some rest.” He whispered
You did as he said, it was admiring what he was doing, it showed how much he truly cared in a sense
He had also gotten undressed, and snuck under the warm covers next to you
“ My love,” he beckoned towards you, caressing your face with his soft hands, “You mustn’t overwork yourself.”
You sighed, in all honesty, you hadn’t really given attention to yourself lately
He kissed your forehead, not wishing to worry you
His free arm snaked around your waist, his head fitting into the crook of your neck
He whispered sweet nothings into your ear, reassuring you
It was such a small gesture, but it spoke volumes
The next morning, Jade and Floyd snuck in and took a photo of both of your sleeping forms
“ Azul is gonna kill you for this, Floyd…”
“ It’s worth it!”
Kalim Al-Asim
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Cuddles came so often with Kalim, it’s almost a daily thing in his schedule
No for real, he put, “ Cuddle time with Y/n” on his calendar
He had spotted you looking rather sluggish in the hallway, on the way to your classes
“ Y/N!” He had shouted a bit, and hugged you from behind
When he noticed you jumped ever so slightly, his worry only grew
“ Sunshine, are you alright? You look sleepy.”
You had smiled at him, his efforts to cheer you up weren’t fruitless, at least
“ I am quite tired, but I’m alright! I only have a few classes left.” You had said
“ Hmmmm…” he was making his thinking face, his finger on his chin
“ Got it!” He quickly grabbed your arm and launched you forward
His hand holding yours, you both ran through the halls
“ Kalim! Please slow down!”
“ Shhhhh! We are almost there!”
He had led you to the hall of mirrors, and you both dashed to the Scarabia portal
The sun was beating down today, yet Kalim still ran, giggling to himself
He was so obviously excited for something, it was almost hard for him to blurt out the surprise
“ Love, where are we going exactly?!?!” You said between harsh breaths
He kept quiet, you were currently in the hallways of the desert dorm, however the hallways were somewhat covered in cobwebs and no candles were lit to light the area
Two large doors, with beautiful carvings stroked into them beckoned you two closer
“ It’s my special place, I thought you would enjoy it.”
As he opened the doors, you could only gasp at what awaited
It was such a contrasting, beautiful oasis compared to the dark hallways you had traveled through
There was a beautiful waterfall, flowing to a hot spring that seemed warm to the touch
Long trees covered the area, shade closing in on the sunny day
There were already towels and bathrobes folded on the cushioned seats right next to the spring, as if it had been waiting there for you
“ Go ahead! Get comfy! I won’t look.”
You felt the silk wrap around you, the soft fabric hugging your skin almost perfectly
“ I made it myself, I thought you would look nice in it.” You heard Kalim state, him already in his orange silk robe
His hopped into the hot spring, sighing in pleasure as he unwrapped his head scarf and laid it onto the dry land
You slowly made your way into the blue water, it was shimmering with beauty
The hot spring had built in stools, which, weren’t the most comfortable, but Kalim said he would make it work
Kalim was resting against the tile that hugged the hot spring, his face relaxed and content
“ How did you find this place?” You asked
“ Just like how you did,” he opened his eyes, “ I felt pretty bad one day, and I decided to walk around, and stumbled upon this pretty place!”
He opened up his arms, and made a kissy face towards you, making you giggle (😚)
You laid on top of him, his arms squeezing you closer to him, and your head right under his chin
He played with your hair, “ Not to bug you dearest, but what’s been bothering you?”
Your breath hitched a bit, “ Well, exams are coming up, and I’ve just been really stressed about it.”
He hummed, listening to you, “ I’m glad I found you, ya’ know I hate it when you feel bad.”
He planted many small pecks to your temple, your hands, and your forhead
Oh yeah, this was way better than going to class
Vil Scoenheit
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Vil had been in a rather stuck-up mood lately…
At least, more than usual
He sighed more than usual, and scowled even towards his closest friends
He scowled even towards you
He had recently requested that he receive more space and privacy with you, which made you noticeably worried
His eyes grew more tired and droopy, and if anyone asked him what had been wrong..
�� Nothing is wrong! Only a fool would believe so!”
He had obviously given less attention to his appearance; and to his actions
You had become extremely worried for your lover, had you done something wrong?
He was currently alone in his throne room, at least that’s what Rook had told you
You had entered the room, and just as Rook had said, an on-edge and frustrated Vil was sitting slumped in his throne
He hadn’t noticed you enter at first, and when you softly called his name, he flinched
“ Y/N, I thought I had told you I need my alone time.” He looked almost annoyed with you
“ My love, have I done something? Why are you avoiding me?” You questioned
He immediately came to reality, his faced shifted from frustration to guilt in a matter of seconds
He stood, rushing to your side, “ My beloved, I never meant..I never..” he couldn’t find the words
He slowly backed away, plopping back onto his throne, his hand rubbing the bridge of his nose
It was completely un-characteristic of him to act this way, it was scaring you to be completely honest
You kneeled before him, as your hand lifted his up
You planted small kisses to his knuckles, trying to calm his unsteady breaths
“ Y/N..” he broke the silence
“ Do you,” his breath hitched and his voice broke,”..Do you truly love me, not just for my status?”
You were stunned, who told him otherwise?
You could see the doubt in his eyes and you quickly stood up, it was as if he was expected you to turn away and run
Instead, you did the opposite
You drew yourself closer to him, a sadness in your eyes as you caressed his face
“ Vil, of course, I love you more than anyone, more than anything, high status or not.”
You felt his head fall on your shoulder, a small sob escaping his soft lips
You could feel his hands grab onto the cloth you were wearing, his fear of you running still present
“ My love, whatever made you assume that I did not?” You questioned
“ I know..I shouldn’t have-have listened, but, the..” he hiccuped, “ the rumors, there were so many I couldn’t..I couldn’t not listen to them.”
He buried his face in his hands, heat covering his face in embarrassment
“ Please, I know it’s hard to not listen, but you mustn’t believe the rumors you hear.”
You continued,
“ I love you so, so much, Vil, I couldn’t love anyone more than I adore you.”
“ You mean it?” You could tell he was already feeling like himself
“ Hehe, mean it.” You grinned
He snuggled his head closer to you, growing more comfortable
You petted his head, and drifted to a comfortable seat on the detailed throne
Idia Shroud
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You, Ortho and Idia were all playing video games together
Idia, of course, was currently in the lead
“ Ehhhh, we should play something a bit harder…” Idia muttered, clearly unamused
“ It’s not our fault you’re too good!” Ortho complained
Idia yawned and stretched, “ ‘think I’m done for right now, gonna take a break.”
You glanced at your boyfriend, you felt you needed to do something for him to spend time with you more
You were feeling a bit unloved at the moment
Ortho stared at you blankly, not understanding your upset expression
You followed Idia, into his bedroom
“ Babe, ya need something?” He asked
“ Ah, no I’m alright, just tired is all!”
He pouted, something was up with you, but he couldn’t pinpoint it
He couldn’t just ask you, it was like a confusing puzzle in one of his games, there must be an answer somewhere
You got undressed and slipped into bed, sleep almost instantly taking over you
But, when you closed your eyes, you felt a weight come close to you
When you opened your eyes, a confused Idia was staring at your face
Directly on top of you
Centimeters always from your face
“ Idia! Oh my Sevens!” You shouted, his figure jumping along with yours, both of you in surprise
“ Hey! Not my fault you’re acting weird!” He retorted
“ I’m not the one right on top of me!”
He shrugged, “ true”
He slowly moved to his edge of the bed, and scratched the back of his head
“ Sorry bout that…” he whispered
You decided to move close to him, and your head instinctively rested on his shoulder
“ I promise it’s just… me being stupid I guess.” You sighed
He glanced at your figure, “ No,” he said, “ I know you well enough to know you aren’t stupid.”
You looked up at him, visible distress in his features
“ You..you’ve just been busy as of late, I know it’s selfish of me but, I just feel..” you shook, “ Unwanted.”
He looked at you in disbelief, he felt awful, he felt as if it was his fault
And it dawned on him, that it was his fault
For the past few days, you have been trying to get him to do things with you
Like eat lunch with him, or cook him dinner, and earlier today, you wished to play a game with him and Ortho
“ Hrk- Y/N! I’m so sorry!” He blurted out
He became distressed, how could he have been so blinded?
He hugged you so tight, it almost hurt
“ I love you so much, Y/N! Please don’t forget it!” He almost yelled
He fell backwards, still holding you, and pulled the blankets over you both
“ I promise, I won’t leave your side ever again!”
He gave you little kisses all over your face, his blue lipstick leaving small stains of blue
You could tell he meant it, he hasn’t ever truly been in love before
And you two sat there until you both fell asleep, Idia’s heavy breaths filling the air
Malleus Draconia
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Malleus, as we know, is more of the reserved type
So, when he decided to become slightly distant, it wasn’t that bad of a surprise
However, when resting with you at night, he would instead keep his back turned
Unlike the usual Big-spoon he was used to
He also avoided your gaze when he saw you in the hallways, it hurt
It hurt seeing him like this, and it hurt you as well
Then one night, he had come to bed late
What he didn’t know, however, was you were still very much so
“ Malleus.” You called
He paused, not looking at you
“ What have I done? What have I done to make you so distant?”
“ Nothing.” He whispered, it was hard to make out what he had said
You sneakily lifted the covers up, and quietly walked to his side
“ Well, obviously it’s not ‘nothing’”
You had almost become stern with him, but you quickly changed your tone of voice when you noticed his expression
He looked almost ashamed, embarrassed
He looked distraught
You softened, and held a hand close to his face
“ What am I going to do when I lose you?”
You stood there, wide eyed
It was true, Malleus had already lived for thousands upon thousands of years, and he would very well outlive you, too
“ Malleus, why must you think about this now?” You moved in front of his shaking form
He was about to break, and once you placed a second hand on his cheek, he did just that
He collapsed, his legs not being able to hold him any more
You kneeled down near him, not daring to let go of his body
His sobs were horrid, it sounded as if he was in complete agony
“ Shhhh, Malleus, please relax, everything is okay, I’m right here…”
His cries slowly turned into small sniffles, and eventually, his tired green eyes looked up at you
His face was stained with hot tears, his eyes noticeably more red and drooping, and his bottom lip quivering
“ Y/N.. I-I’m a Fae, one day, I’ll have to watch you pass on, while I stay still in time” he shivered, “ Do you understand how cruel this is,” more tears were threatening to pierce his skin
You took a deep breath, trying to let go of reality, even for the truth of your short timeline
“ Malleus,” you held his hands in yours as he looked down
“ Now, I can’t deny that one day, I must leave you but…I will forever love you, forever and ever until my last breath is drawn.”
He couldn’t look you straight in the eyes
“ I will always be with you, even when I depart, I promise.” You gave him a small kiss on his nose
“ But, we don’t have to worry about that now, we won’t until it truly happens.”
He nodded, and you helped him rise to his feet
You led him to bed, his arms still clinging to you
He lay behind you, his head in the small crook of your neck
His heart still throbbed in imagining your small, withering figure, but he also now had to live in peace with the fact
He won’t worry about it, not until it happens
Just as you had said
Thanks for reading!
Taglist: @abbachioslipstick
3K notes · View notes
frannyzooey · 2 years
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gif by @trashcora
Pairing: Javier Peña x f! sex worker 
Rating: explicit, mentions of sex work 
a/n: Thank you endlessly to @krissology​ for looking this over for me - I appreciate it more than you know. Dedicated to my love, @mourningbirds1​ ❤️ This is my very first Javi — be gentle!
The whiskey sliding smoothly down his throat, Javier chased it with a drag of his cigarette and glanced at the clock. The heel of his hand rubbed away at the tension between his brows as the day's events settled between them and he hoped this would help take the edge off. It usually did.
Standing from the bed, his cigarette dangled from his lips as he retrieved a second glass from the bathroom and he set it out next to his on the night table. Water, or whiskey — that’s all he had — but it wasn’t like staying in a hotel room made a difference. Even at home, where he usually did this, that’s all he kept on hand. Looking at the bottle, he wondered if the maids ever drank what he left after he checked out. He hoped somebody did, and a knock on his hotel door interrupted his train of thought. 
Grinding the cigarette out in the nearest ashtray, he tilted his face towards the ceiling while standing before the mirror and blew out the last stream of smoke. He adjusted his collar before opening the door. 
“Hello,” you smiled politely, trying not to fidget. Fidgeting made you look nervous, and you didn’t want that. Confidence, you silently reminded yourself. That’s what they like. 
“Hi,” he greeted you. “Come in.” He motioned inside, stepping aside for you to pass him and you took in the hotel room — neat, nothing of the man behind you on display save for a leather jacket draped over a chair and an ashtray crowded with cigarette butts. 
He grasped your elbow in a brief, delicate hold as he passed you on the way to the side of the bed. “Can I get you something to drink?“ 
“Sure,” you smiled, not quite sure where to sit.  
The bed, you decided - it’s what you were here for after all -  and he watched you sit delicately on the edge of it, crossing your legs. The room had a warm intimacy to it: the lighting dim, it casted the man standing next to you in golden hues, his tanned skin made even richer against the stark white of his shirt. 
“I have whiskey or water,” he offered. Thinking maybe the whiskey would give you some liquid courage, you chose that. He poured a finger of it before sitting down on the bed to join you and the heady scent of his cologne swirled and mixed with the liquid; your senses enveloped in it along with the warmth of his body. 
He watched as you took a sip, his eyebrows briefly raising as you took another one, draining the glass and when you handed it back to him, you noticed the way his shirt pulled across his muscular back when he leaned to place it on the nightstand. 
“So, what are you here for?” You shifted slightly to face him, the whiskey warming your limbs. The small talk beforehand was actually one of the hardest parts, you had been surprised to find out.
“What do you do?” Government, you guessed, from the fancier hotel room, though his jeans were a little casual (and a little tight) for most men you’ve seen around town. 
“I work for the DEA. I’m here for some meetings.” 
“And how did those meetings go…..,” you gestured with your eyebrows. 
“Javier,” he supplied. 
“Javier,” you accepted, with a smile. “How did they go?”
The way the corner of his mouth lifted with a huff of a laugh told you the answer, the absent minded pat of his shirt pocket for a pack of cigarettes telling you the rest and you laughed, teasing him. “That bad, huh?”
He looked at you, the crinkles around his pretty, dark eyes deepening in a rueful smirk. “Not great.”
“Is that why I’m here?” You meant the question to come out more confidently than it did, but he could hear the slight hesitation in your voice, like you weren’t sure how to make the transition.
There was something stiff about the way you were holding yourself and he tried to work out what it was. Nervousness? Inexperience? You looked young and he briefly wondered how old you were, how long you’d been doing this. 
“It is,” he replied softly, honestly. There was a weariness etched into his features, his expression solemn yet his eyes held a hooded want as he took you in sitting next to him. And although he seemed like he had an air of confidence clinging to him, it was almost like he was too tired to fully assert it. 
You appreciated the fact that he was letting you set the pace, seemingly making sure you felt comfortable. When men were tired like this, they usually wanted it over fast, something to relieve their stress while having someone else take care of them. The man sitting next to you seemed like he wanted something more. 
“Busy night?” he asked, and the answering tilt of your head coupled with a “you should know better than to ask that” frown made him immediately backpedal; his hand reaching for his pocket again as he looked away with a tired smile and a sigh. “Shit. I’m sorry, don’t answer that.”
You laughed again and he gave you a sidelong look with an answering smile.
Reaching out, he traced the curve of your bare shoulder and it was soft under his touch, but not as soft as your lips when they pressed against the back of his fingers. 
You held his gaze for a moment, taking in his thick, dark hair, his neat mustache and you wondered why someone like him would need to pay for sex. He was so handsome you were sure he could have easily picked someone up in the bar downstairs and you resisted the impulse to reach out and touch his lush lower lip; instead going for his belt buckle. 
Catching your hand mid air, the pads of his fingers were rough and calloused as they slid up your arm, placing your hand instead on his firm thigh. He waited a beat, his eyes holding yours as they tried to search something out and you resisted the urge to look away. Your job, after all, was to give these men the impression that you were more than interested, but the intensity of his look somehow demanded even more than that from you. Almost too much. 
“Come here,” he murmured, leaning in to capture your lips with his and it was a delicate kiss — the type you weren’t used to with customers. 
His hand cupped your face, his fingers sliding into the hair at the nape of your neck like he couldn’t help it and when you opened your mouth to his, he hummed in contentment, rich with the sound of slowly awakening hunger. 
Kissing him for a moment, you slipped to the edge of the bed in a move to kneel between his legs and he stopped, pulling back from your lips. 
“No, like this.” He shifted back to make room for you on his lap and when you gingerly climbed on top of him, you smiled at the way he ran his hands appreciatively over your bare thighs, pushing the hem of your dress up. He looked for awhile at the newly bared expanse of skin, like he was taking in the sight of his large hands on your body. His eyes trailing up to your face before dropping back down to your lap, his thumbs slid indents up the inside of your thighs and you subconsciously chased his touch. 
He liked that — you could tell from the smile curled at the edge of his mouth as he watched you respond under his hands — and he did it again, this time letting his thumbs climb higher. 
You leaned forward to kiss him, the dark curls that rest on the nape of his neck sliding under your small hands as you held him close and he let you take what you needed before he left your mouth to trail his own down the length of your neck, his lips molding around your collarbone. 
Your eyes fluttering shut, your head fell back as you rocked your hips forward on his lap and his hands slid around to palm your ass, guiding your movements.
There was something about him that you couldn’t quite place your finger on — his tongue laving over your pulse, you could feel yourself relaxing in his hold and your body melting under his skillful hands. Maybe it was that didn’t demand your touches or for you to like it, but rather coaxed you into doing so. Like he was the one seducing you, when it should have been the other way around. 
You would usually be keeping an eye on the clock and performing your task from rote memory, but there was something about him that was making you temporarily forget the urge to do it.
His mouth found yours again, this time more urgently and he pressed you against his solid body with one hand splayed on your back, the other on your hip. 
Wanting more, you slipped the straps of your dress down while he pulled back and watched, hungry, hooded eyes taking in the sight of the cups of your black lace bra and in a tender gesture, one that surprised you, he leaned forward to fit the curve of his nose between the valley of your breasts. He stayed there for a moment, kissing the butter soft skin he could reach, the swell of your breasts cradling his smooth cheeks and you swear he inhaled, but you weren’t sure. 
“What do you want, Javier?” you asked lowly. 
“This.” He said it without meeting your eyes, like he was mesmerized by the sight of his fingers gently pulling the lace cup down.
Reaching behind your back, you unclasped your bra and dropped it onto the floor, his hands immediately enveloping the weight of your breasts and when he leaned forward and latched onto one, laving the peak with the flat of his tongue, you couldn’t help the low moan in your throat. 
He did it again, encouraged by the sound you made and he nibbled at the hardened peak before giving it a kiss, moving onto the other one. 
Your hips moved freely on him, your core skimming over the length you felt encased in his tight jeans and you started to work the buttons of his shirt open, your hands moving down, down, down. The buckle of his belt was cool under your touch, but you didn’t stop there - instead you slipped your hand between his thighs and cupped him in your hand, the heft of his cock fitting neatly in your palm. 
You traced him through the fabric and he grunted, shifting his hips on the bed, his mouth opening wider to savor your skin and the innocent way you were exploring him sent him over the edge; his strong hold abruptly guiding you back on the bed. 
The weight of his body pushed between your spread thighs, your knees hitched high on his torso as you rested your ankles on his lower back and you felt the muscles there shift under your calves when he rocked his hips into yours. 
“You feel so good,” the words that spilled from your mouth usually said to stroke the egos of the men you were with but you didn’t need to pretend with him — he really did feel that good. He knew what he was doing. 
“So do you,” he breathed into your ear, “you’re so soft.” His lips fit into the hollow beneath your ear, his tongue tracing the shell of it and you pushed his shirt over the rounds of his shoulders, trying to take it off. 
He pulled back to kneel between your spread thighs, taking his shirt off and throwing it on the floor. Heat flared heavy between your thighs when you watched him work his belt buckle open slowly, his tanned forearms flexing with the practiced movement. 
“Can I?” he asked, tipping his chin towards the circle of fabric surrounding your waist and when you nodded yes, you watched the crown of his hair as he bent to his task, liking the way he asked if he could. 
Your panties came down with the dress, his fingers curling under both to work them over your hips and down and after he peeled his own jeans off — no briefs underneath — you had wished he would pause for a moment to let you admire how beautiful he was. 
Though the breadth of his body wasn’t entirely hidden under the tight layers of his clothing, he looked so much more solid standing bare in front of you, so much more real. The width of his broad shoulders, the firm planes of his chest, the narrow taper of his waist as it lead to his cock, his thighs dusted with sparse, dark hair. You took in the strength of his back when he bent to kiss your calf, the inside of your knee and you let your thighs drop open as he continued his crawl up, mouthing at your skin. 
Is he — ? You wondered, hoping so badly he would because fuck, you bet he’d be really good at it, but his shoulders bunched and flexed as he braced himself on the bed and put the heat of his mouth everywhere but where you needed him most. The yielding, plush flesh of your thigh, the curve of your hip, the shallow well next to it, across your belly and then down the other side. 
You were so slick and wanting already and that’s exactly how he needed you — like he needed to take care of you just as much as he was paying you to take care of him. 
Your legs opened wider as he shuffled forward on the bed, the top of his thighs resting against the underside of yours and he smoothed his hands over your stomach, up your torso, cupping the weight of your breasts. You felt his cock brush stiffly against your entrance, making you ache empty, and his thumbs dragged across the stiff peaks of your nipples. 
He said nothing, taking in the sight of the rise and fall of your chest as you waited patiently for him to keep going and you look so relaxed and languid underneath him, but your thrumming heart under his palm said differently. He lowered himself onto you, his body a neat fit against your own and the weight of him pressed you into the cool sheets. The contrast of them with the hot skin of his body covering your front was a pleasant one and you found yourself winding your arms around his neck to hold him close. 
He pressed his mouth to yours, his tongue slipping inside for a taste and he immediately deepened it; his legs opening yours wider, the tip of his cock only just pressing inside you. 
You let out a needy whine into his mouth, his kisses turning all consuming as he devoured the taste of you and he ground his hips down, letting you feel his stiff length drag through your folds. Again, again, now panting into your ear as he tasted the sweet skin at the corner of your jaw, your hips arched to meet his in a wordless request. 
“You gonna take it for me, baby? You want me to put it in?” Husky and low, the words made you shiver and everything in you drew tight with a trembling anticipation. 
“Please, god yes, please Javi,” you begged, never having felt this desperate for a customer before and on his name, he pressed inside, filling you with one smooth, filling stroke. 
Fuck, you whined - he was so thick and stiff and deep, the tip of him notching farther back than most got and he let out a strained groan, his forehead dropping to rest on your shoulder for a moment, seeking out closeness.
“Like this?” He looked down at you, those dark eyes roving over your features, a barely restrained tension locked in his muscles and when you nodded, he looked almost relieved as he thrusted forward again, again. 
This was what he needed all day long — to forget every worry and burden, to push the frustrations of his job from his mind, to focus with intensity on something he knew he could do well and could fix. You needed him and he needed you — he could solve this problem; he could feel needed, but in a way that he could handle. A temporary way. 
You were so tight around him he could already feel blackness creeping in at the edges of his vision and pushing it away, he scraped his teeth over the line of your jaw, nibbling at your chin. He wanted more. “Can you take it harder for me?”
“Yes,” you moaned, resting your hands on his shoulders, gripping the thick muscles there. “I want it harder. Fuck me.” Your thighs squeezed his torso as you tried to pull him deeper and he growled, pushing his hips forward with a strong shove. 
“Like that, Christ like that, yes.” The words spilled out of your open mouth as you pressed your head back into the pillow and he throbbed at the image of your pink tongue, at the sound of your pleas. He picked up his pace, hot puffs of breath skimming your throat with every thrust forward and the sounds he made on top of you — his labored breathing, his low groans, the grunts of effort rumbling deep from within his chest — god, they made you so wet. You were gonna come from the sound alone; his throat working with a flex above you. 
You were so close and he could feel it, a smug smile curling at the end of his mouth briefly before he focused on the task at hand and using every muscle in his torso, the lean muscles along his sides flexed and shifted as he ground his cock as deep as it could get as he rolled, rolled, rolled his hips. He moved so smoothly with you, like your bodies were meant to fit together or like he knew exactly how to use his and the weight of him was a delicious pressure against your clit. 
“Javier,” you cried out, his name almost lost in the strained way you said it and while you knew most men liked their name to be spoken while they fucked you for the ego stroke, you didn’t even think about that with him. His name slipped out of your mouth on its own accord; almost said in a plea for him to anchor you in the moment before you washed away in the tide of pleasure he gave you and he dropped down to cover you with his body, grounding you. 
Why the fuck was this man paying for sex, again? 
“You came for me,” he smiled, breathing heavily through the words. “You gonna come for me again? Can you give me another one?”
Your eyes widened, a look he didn’t see with his face pressed into the damp folds of your neck as he stayed snug inside, but he did feel your cheek slide against his when you nodded. 
He slipped out with a hitch of his breath, shifting to sit on his heels and your eyes dropped down to his glistening cock, shiny with your wetness. Hard and heavy where it rested between his thighs, a trail of dark hair led to the thick base of it. “Tell me how you want me to fuck you.” 
Your body still trembled with aftershocks and you smiled breathlessly up at him. Running the tip of your toe up the inside of his thigh, the fine hair there glided under your foot and when you brushed the top of it lightly against the underside of his heavy sack, you watched a shudder slip through his torso and his eyes darkened. “You’re the customer — aren’t you supposed to tell me?” 
He grinned, his teeth dragging over his lower lip as he watched you sit up with a cinch and when you slowly turned over onto all fours, you looked at him over your shoulder. “You want it like this, Javier?” 
His fist circling his cock with a slow, rhythmic tug, he dragged his eyes up from your spread cunt to your face. He did — you could tell. 
“You wanna tease me?” he asked, and you felt two thick fingers press into you from behind, your cum easing their passage as he pushed them in. You arched your back and put your face down against the soft sheets when he slid them back out to move down to rub your clit in a slow circle. 
“No,” you swallowed thickly, taking a deep breath. “I just wanna give you what you want. If you want — Jesus.”
He slid his cock back in, his sturdy thighs forcing your knees open wider and his hands were a sure, soothing splay over your back before they curled around your hips, pulling you back down on it as he filled you again and again. 
You couldn't imagine how many times a room like this has heard sounds like these, or how many times he’d done this with other women - it must have been a lot, for how good he is at it. Something about that thought lit you up from inside out: the mental image of him fucking, someone else receiving the pleasure he’s giving, someone else crying out his name and you were suddenly desperate to know what he sounded like when he came.
He didn’t say anything anymore, the comforter bunched in your fists for purchase as he pounded into you and you couldn’t even remember the last time someone made you come, but he’s gonna make you do it twice. Slick pooled around your clit, his cock dripping with it every time he pulled out before pushing back in and you were so full of him that you squeezed your eyes tight and just took what he needed to give you.
His thrusts turned sloppy and frantic, your cunt squeezing around him as you started to come again and a cry poured from your throat when you felt his hand grip your shoulder, tugging you quickly up and back against his chest with a loud groan. 
His hand cradled the underside of your breast, the other holding you in place while he fucked up into you once, twice, three times and when you came around him, you felt the sharp sting of his teeth pull at your earlobe when he followed you; the pain of his bite immediately soothed by his tongue. 
Locked together for one brief, intense moment as you caught your breath, you were so wet and full of him that he slipped out, a rush of cum sliding down the inside of your thigh. He clutched you close to his heaving chest, like he needed the closeness of you, deep down. Your hand reached back to push through his sweat damp hair, scratching lightly at his scalp and you let your head fall to the side when you felt him press thick kisses along the length of your shoulder. 
Slowly pulling away from you to sit back against the headboard of the bed, he reached for his cigarettes and you followed, slipping under the sheets next to him. You shared a cigarette quietly, intimately and for the first time since you walked into his room, he seemed calm. Sated. 
“Do you have any other plans for the night?” A stream of smoke blew out from between his lips, the cloud of it obscuring his face for a moment. 
“No,” you replied, taking the cigarette from him. You inhaled slowly, keeping your eyes on him and his expression softened the longer you looked, a slip of unguarded affection. “Nobody else needs me tonight, I guess.”
He nodded slowly, taking one last drag before stamping it out in an ashtray by the bed. His body slid down the mattress, getting comfortable and he lifted the sheet, motioning you to join him. 
You thought he might try to fuck you again, so you were surprised when he propped himself up on his side, his hand lingering on the velvet skin of your belly. He explored the dips and valleys of it, his fingers caressing the curve of your waist, the plane of your chest - like he was doing it just for the softness of it, the closeness of another body next to his.  You stayed quiet, letting him. 
His eyes glanced up at yours for a moment and you were held in the rich darkness of them, endless in their depths. His hand skated lower, lower, until he gently cupped the damp curls over your mound and a small frown of pleasure passed over your features, your teeth resting on your plush lower lip. He slipped one finger inside you and a soft moan broke in the back of your throat. 
He wasn’t done. 
“Can you stay?”
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nitewrighter · 2 years
Cindy Part 10
I swear I don't mean for these chapters to keep getting longer and longer. But also no gods, no editors. I am George Lucas and the year is 1997, baby.
Anyway, for all previous chapters, please refer to the masterpost.
The latest shoe candidate is sprawled lazily on her couch with her foot extended as Brad awkwardly tries to jam the shoe on. This girl is cool. The prince thought Mystery Girl was cool when he met her, but not the same kind of cool as this girl is cool. This girl is cool-cool, with thick dark lashes and semi-wiry black hair and a Cleopatra nose. She looks more bored about this whole thing than anyone here. Her parents are standing behind the couch nervously, shooting glares at Brad like it’s somehow his fault he can’t get the shoe on.
“Yeah—okay—that’s—” cool girl clicks her tongue, “It’s fine. You don’t have to keep trying.”
“Oh—she’s just being shy—I’m sure it’s just—” her mother cuts in.
“It doesn’t fit, Mom,” she looks back at Brad, “Flat feet,” she says in a low voice, and she subtly flicks her eyes in her dad’s direction before mouthing ‘from his side.’ Brad gives a sympathetic, conspiratorial nod. Gabe very quickly takes notes of this. At this point all of the foot data they’ve collected from throughout the kingdom is a podiatrist’s wet dream. They don’t really know what they’re going to do with it, because podiatry as a branch of medicine isn’t really established yet, but goddamn this is a lot of data while the prince is on his desperate quest for a girl who makes clothes for rats and far be it from them to not write it down. The prince literally has five different charts back in his quarters at the palace and there's yarn on the walls--it's a fucking nightmare.
“But, Eunice, darling, we wrote a letter to the king. You don’t just…” the mother lets out a high manic laugh, “Claim the shoe will fit to the bloody king! Then what are you supposed to do when the shoe doesn’t fit, hm?”
“There’s been general amnesty over the er… shoe confusion, madam,” Gabe glances up from his own notes, “There will be no claims of perjury.”
“Oh…” the mother noticeably eases up where she’s standing, “That is… good to know.”
“Does this mean we can use my dowry for art school like I asked?” Eunice looks over her shoulder at her parents.
“Eunice!” Her mother reddens.
“You’re an artist?” The prince pipes up.
“It’s just a hobby for a cultured lady—” the girl’s father speaks as Eunice is opening her mouth.
“I work with oils. But I still dabble with tempera,” Eunice cuts him off.
“Darling, they aren’t interested—” her mother starts.
“I… actually have it on good authority that the prince is looking for a new portrait,” says the prince.
“Oh—‘cuz the current one makes him look like a still-curing ham?” Eunice tilts her head.
“Eunice!” Both her parents scold.
“What? It does!”
“Yes,” the prince smiles, “If you have a portfolio, I’d be happy to bring it back to the palace so he can look it over—”
“The palace needn’t waste it’s time with—” her mother starts but Eunice is already springing up off the couch. 
“It’s upstairs! I’ll be right back!”
“…quite liberal with your footmen, aren’t you?” Eunice’s father looks at Gabe.
“He’s a new hire,” says Gabe, looking over his shoulder at the Prince who’s kind of glancing off, casually.
“I feel the need to remind his highness that this is not a shopping trip,” Gabe says crisply as they’re all riding in the carriage.
 Brad self-consciously sets the really cool new bayonet piece he got from the blacksmith’s house they visited about three houses back aside. Gabe is also writing with a noticeably fancy new pen that he got from a distinguished pen maker whose daughter tragically did not fit the shoe.
“It’s not a shopping trip,” the prince is leafing though Eunice’s portfolio, a lot of charcoal sketches, though she also has some oil miniatures on card stock, “I’m just… being proactive! Like you said! Have you seen this?” He brings up a lovely miniature of a king charles spaniel on a velvet pillow, “I mean, it’s great right?”
“That dog’s eyes aren’t facing the same way,” Brad murmurs.
“That’s just how his head is,” the prince shrugs.
“Ah, well then from that alone, I can see why she would be a good portraitist,” Gabe resumes his note-taking.
“That’s probably an insult, huh?” The prince scratches at his stubbly cheek. Like he knows he has to shave in order to blend in as a servant, but again, this dude has been sleepless and sad and wet and pathetic as hell despite all the fervor of the shoe-quest.
“It’s been a very long few days, Highness,” Gabe replies.
“But we’re at the bottom of the list!” The prince leans forward, “So that means we’re close, right?” 
“Well… possibly but….”
“Have you thought about what would happen if.. you don’t find her after these last few houses?”
“Well that’s when we enter phase two,” the prince says, pulling a folded up piece of paper from the interior of his jacket and unfolding it to reveal a complicated set of plans, “I’ve been thinking about it, and I think we might be able to work something out if we take lots of observational notes on the local rat population, so we'll need to send a team down to the sewers--I'll be accompanying, obviously, and, failing that, expand the shoe search outside our primary region and, failing that, again checking the rat population. Then we can cross-reference that with our previous data and—”
“Your highness,” Gabe’s voice is taut, “Have you considered that perhaps, the woman at the ball has no desire to be found?”
“Well—that would suck!” The prince blurts on reflex, “Like… what, she’d think the ball was the only thing she could have to keep her happy until she could…” the prince trails off and thinks a bit harder, “Unless… given her means, the ball could be treated as her last hurrah before she leaves the country. But that doesn’t make sense either! She—the way she talked about everyone here… she cares about people! She cares about her home! Would she really just.. leave everyone—?” His voice seems to drown in his own throat. And for a brief couple seconds he imagines the possibility that this mystery girl is some kind of hardcore 18th or 19th century rock star like his mom and he couldn’t make her give a shit about anything if he tried… but she did give a shit! She gave so many shits about so many things! She gave shits about things that made him give far more shits about things than anyone could ever imagine! Who would just… inflict that on another human being? Could someone that brilliant be that cruel? But he shakes his head and remembers that one girl’s advice: trust your head. Trust your gut. And not everything is as it seems. He stiffens his shoulders in his seat, “What’s the next house? The last house on the list, right?”
“I cannot say if I’m sure it really counts, highness,” Gabe’s lips draw back from his teeth with distaste.
“Oh god, please don’t tell me—”
“I’m afraid so,” Gabe says quietly and everyone in the carriage has this collective ‘Ugh’ moment because here’s the thing: for a lot of these girls, even though the ball was basically a byproduct of the queen being kidnapped by pirates, the king getting anxious about not having any grandkids yet, and the prince generally not getting out much, most of the ball guests saw, “All eligible ladies of families of fashion” on the invitation and basically went, “Oh this is a job interview.” Which further added to the prince’s misery of the whole situation. So it’s these weird high-stakes very socially intense vibes under the guise of “heehoo it’s a fun swanky party.” Neurodivergent nightmare, unless you’re Cindy who, the entire time was operating under the assumption that this is her one fun night out like… ever. 
So like… the depressing part is, when you have all these guests treating introductions basically like a job interview, they basically treat all of their otherwise engaging and charming features as a box to be ticked—it’s weird, it’s stilted, it’s forced and the really sucky part is, all of these boxes to be ticked make it really easy for you to be generally unmemorable as a debutante, basically turning the whole fucking night into one tedious-ass process even though that wasn’t the king’s intention at all. Yeah he wanted the prince to find love but also the prince was such an “I don’t want to be here” weirdo that everyone ended up falling back on typical debutante behaviors and just fucking lined up. And like… that’s kind of what’s made this whole slipper quest more enjoyable than anyone thought it would be because now princey boy gets to know all these girls in their own homes, and see their whole situations with their families, and like I said, for the most part, they’re all really cool or friendly or funny girls who are just trying to do right by their folks. And like… y’know, people being pleasant and unmemorable and all lined up, that can be draining, sure, but the shitty part is… you remember the assholes. You remember the people who made a big stink about being groped by one of the footmen even though it was clear to literally everyone around them that footman was just trying to help them through the door because they got jammed in there from their fucking crinoline/pannier and that was a fire hazard.
But anyway, that is a long rant to sum up the point that: The prince absolutely remembers the stepfam, and he remembers that they are overall people with the worst fucking vibes you can possibly imagine. Some girls were hitting the prince with “I’ve been told I have child-bearing hips” these guys were hitting the prince with “I’m currently ovulating so chop-chop” and also being noticeable assholes to all the other guests, saying this dress was so last season or spreading rumors that one girl that they had perceived to be their toughest competition had lice so that the entire fucking ball wouldn’t come within ten feet of her. They’re dicks. They brought the whole vibe of the party down. And now, the prince is headed to their house. Because checking the slipper for everyone in the kingdom means checking the slipper for everyone in the kingdom.
Cinderella’s head is buzzing as she’s hanging up laundry on the line near the hazel tree. She knows the prince is coming, so her body seems possessed by this energy which doesn’t seem 100% her own, but she also knows she’s gotta keep a cool head so that the stepfam doesn’t pick up on the idea that she might be fucking getting out of here. Deep breaths, Cindy. She keeps the slipper on her person at all times in a handy little very-well-hidden pocket in her skirts she initially sewed in there to carry around a rat comfortably. 
“He said he liked duck so I made curried duck mince pies,” she’s saying to the hazel tree. She doesn’t cry on it as often, but knowing the fairy godmother is there encourages her to talk to it more, these days, “I had to dip into my own pocket money for it, but it’s worth it, right? I mean, I know he’s probably not going to show up, because he’s so busy with prince stuff, but I just felt it in my gut, you know? Should I have made a dipping sauce? I mean it’s already a lot of fat and spices…maybe something yogurt and mint based? I still have time for a yogurt sauce…” Cindy’s own stomach growls and she just huffs as she hangs another sheet on the line and she breathes in a steadying breath. “Just… keep it simple. Be cool. You were cool that night, right? You can do it again,” she says to herself, and glances over at the hazel tree. “Right?”
The hazel tree, being a tree, doesn’t really respond.
“Right,” says Cindy, pulling another sheet out of the basket.
“She’s talking to the tree again,” the stepsister sneers, looking out the window of the upstairs study. 
It’s worth mentioning a this point that the stepsisters are the kind of people where like… if you hung out with them long enough, you would be acutely aware that they are very used to treating each other like shit. Like, yeah, I get it, playful rudeness can be fun, but when you’re calling each other bitch at every opportunity? And like, Jesus, what happens when you’re just sitting there? Like… at that point that’s saying a hell of a lot more about you than you think it is. Like yeah! Maybe you’re a naturally self-deprecating person! But why are you passing that work onto someone else instead of like… I don’t know, being with people who make you want to make things better for yourself? But you know that’s not immediately available for everyone. Sometimes you’re an asshole, and you’re surrounded by assholes, and tragically, that is the case for the stepfam. 
“It’s only a matter of time before she burns the house down with all of us in it,” the stepsister folds her arm and turns away from the window, “I still think we should send her off to bedlam before then.”
“Then we’re stuck with your cooking, dumbass,” the older stepsister is on a loveseat, leafing through a particularly mean-spirited social pamphlet.
The younger stepsister huffs but both of them flinch to attention as the stepmother enters the room.
“Girls,” the stepmother says crisply.
“Mother,” both of the stepsisters, say, neither really moving from their position.
“I’ve been thinking,” the Stepmother steeples her fingers, “Given the… unfortunate situation regarding Cinderella’s name and the name on the deed to the house, we might run into some… awkward questions from the representatives of the palace.” 
“I mean, we’ll just say she’s a servant, right?” The older stepsister shrugs from the loveseat.
“We could say that, but…” the stepmother steps up to the window, watching Cinderella hum and talk and hang laundry below, “Something’s.. shifted about her, lately. Something’s off. I don’t trust it. I think it better if she’s out of the way while the palace representatives are here.” 
“Send her on an errand?” The younger stepsister suggests.
“Mm… no…she’ll know the timing’s off, and the townsfolk will as well—freaks tend to cling to each other like that, and I’d hate for it to turn into a bigger embarrassment,” the stepmother chews her thumbnail.
“I think it would be funny if she got to try on the slipper,” the older stepsister smirks, “See how it’ll never fit on her nasty feet. Maybe that’ll get things through her thick head.”
“Maybe…” the stepmother muses, watching Cindy pick up the empty laundry basket and sing to herself as she heads inside.
The stepmother watches her path, waits two seconds, then steps over to the study’s bell pulley and rings it.
“You’re calling her in here now—?  But we haven’t—“ the younger stepsister starts.
“Quiet, dear,” the stepmother says with a crisp, ‘do not fuck with me’ pleasantness before taking a position in the center of the study so that she is the first thing that Cindy sees when she opens the door.
“Oh! Stepmother!” Cindy is way too bouncy and cheerful for anyone’s liking, “The mini-pies are cooling and the lemonade’s chilling as well, and the parlor’s all ready for our guests.”
“That’s all very good dear, but you should probably wash up before they get here. Best draw a full bath. Heaven forbid you’re all sooty and sweaty in front of the palace representatives. ”
Cinderella gasps excitedly. “I can use the bathtub?” Maybe having royal guests over is making Stepmother more generous?
“Oh heavens, no, child, you’ll leave a ring. No, your basin should suffice.
“…right…the basin… of course… how silly of me,” Cinderella says slowly.
“And once you’re all cleaned and dressed, do be a dear and bring up our best port from the cellar? You know, the one with the er… goat on the label.”
“…you mean the unicorn?”
“Yes, that one.”
A ripple passes over Cinderella’s face. “…that was a gift from my christening. My father told me I could open it on my wedding night.”
 The entire stepfam bursts out laughing at the words ‘wedding night’ but Cindy’s still trying to reason her way through it like “And port’s a dessert wine, so even though it pairs well with duck, I’d say it’s more of an evening wine so—”
“Married??” The older stepsister is laughing too hard to hear any of that and Cindy’s voice dies in her throat.
“You?!” Says the younger stepsister.
 “Oh how I miss your father’s sense of humor,” the stepmother wipes a tear away, chuckling.
“Me too,” Cinderella says distantly.
“But seriously, Cinderella, how can we serve representatives of the palace anything but the best?” 
“Right…” Cinderella says quietly. 
“Now wash up, child,” the Stepmother says, moving away from her in a signal of ‘You’re dismissed.’
“Stepmother,” Cinderella curtsies before heading down the stairs.
The entire fam is silent as she descends. The stepmother closes the door. 
“What was that?” The younger stepsister pipes up, “I thought you said—”
“Sweetie, what I am going to ask of you next will require significantly higher brainpower than any you’ve displayed in your tutoring, do you think you can do that for me?” The stepmother cocks her head.
The stepsister gulps.
Cindy usually has a cauldron full of hot water on the fire for laundry purposes, so drawing the bath doesn’t take too much time at all. 
It’s kind of nice, even if Cinderella’s bathing basin is so small it kind of has her stuck in a balled-up goblin pose to soak, and she basically has to do a yoga standing-forward-fold pose to wash her hair, but the rats bring her violets, lavender sprigs, and rose petals from outside to float in the water as she bathes. 
“I mean.. they said ‘Intended bride’ so I guess opening the port here would count. Sort of,” she mutters to a rat perched on the edge of her basin as the other rats sniff around the dusted-off bottle of port she retrieved from the crawlspace under the house. “Hey!” Cindy perks up, “You guys should look your best too, right? Go check my sewing box. Grab what you want.”
The rat hops down from the edge of the basin, gallops across the floor, climbs up a moth-eaten tablecloth and rifles through the box for a few moments before scurrying back to Cindy with a fancy little rat-sized green band jacket in its teeth.
“Oh excellent taste, my good sir,” some water sloshes out of the basin as Cindy fits the little jacket on the rat before wrapping herself in a thin moth-eaten towel and stepping out of the basin herself. The rat seems to be very proud of its tiny jacket, then gives a look at the little ground window of the cellar. 
“All right, but don’t get it too dirty,” Cinderella opens the window and the rat hops into her open palm as she lets the rat out into the yard. “Show-off,” she snorts. She puts on one of her nicer dresses, a nicer pair of shoes, wrings her hair out and puts a bit more effort into it with a crown of braids rather than her usual messy bun, then she grabs the bottle with a shrug of resignation, slips the slipper into the handy hidden rat pocket on her nicer dress, heads up the cellar stairs, moves to open the door.
The door doesn’t open. 
She blinks and tries it again.
The handle just feebly wiggles with her grip.
Locked. It’s locked. She knows it’s locked. It’s not the first time she’s been locked down here, and this is when that first flare of panic burns from her heart to the back of her neck and she looks angrily at the bottle of port. How could she be so stupid! Why would the stepfam waste money being actually hospitable when they would obviously hock that port for all it was worth? She thought it was just a complete dick move, but it turned out to be a cover-up for an even bigger dick move! Stupid! So distracted with dancing! And with the shoes! And with those stupid little pies! Her pies! She never made the yogurt sauce! Wait—focus—life being ruined. Okay, Cindy, think. You can get out of this. 
She hustles down the stairs and goes to the cellar door and it’s—stuck? Bolted from the outside somehow?? She tries to get out of that basement window, but she can’t fit. Curse her stupid powerful mopping-and-clothesline-sculpted shoulders!
And like… this is the part where people determined to hate Cindy and who, for some reason, love to beat down on the literally abused and traumatized, will say, “Oh, well I would have just started screaming. Any decent person from the palace would rush in because it’s just fucked up to hear someone screaming for help and not do anything.” 
But here’s the thing: Cindy knows, so long as she is in the fucking basement, she is not in charge of the narrative. Much like this is a time where catching a cold at the wrong time of year can very much kill you, this is also a time where there’s mutterings all over the place of this family sending an ‘unwell’ relative to the country or that family keeping another ‘unwell’ relative contained to their chambers because sending them to an asylum is so inhumane! Not to mention humiliating for the family! Oh and everything’s just been so overwhelming with all this shoe business it really hasn’t helped her delusions at all! Not to mention the fact that the guard captain already mentioned he thinks she's sketchy! Cindy’s locked in the basement now, and she’s lived with the stepfam calling her stupid and crazy for talking to rats for enough of her life to know it is not hard for them to sell the ‘she’s insane’ story.
And now, the palace carriage is pulling up to the estate. Cindy can hear the stepfam rapidly shuffling around up there, and her eyes flick back to her little worktable, where several rats are nosing around cute little vests and pinafores, and around their little rat feet, shining in the light of the basement window, are sewing needles.
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p-antomime · 2 years
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mine = yours!
𖦹 minors don’t interact. ┊ wc: 4K.
𖦹 content: dom!mitsuya, unprotected sex, choking, hints of dub-con, oral sex (m! receiving), fingering, manhandle, squirting, collaring, breeding kink, nicknames, overstimulation.
𖦹 pairings: dog hybrid!mitsuya takashi x owner!fem!reader.
ᥫ᭡. request. ┊ taglist! ┊ tokyo rev. masterlist!
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— And that one? — Your index finger pointed to a sleeping boy with the face stuffed into a soft, fluffy pillow and body curled up under a sheet that was too big for his body.
— Oh, that one? — The girl from the animal shelter pushed her glasses up on the bridge of the nose to follow where you were pointing. — We call him Mitsuya or Takashi, he answers to both names. — She approached where the small room with a glass hatch was. — He's been a bit lonely lately since his old partner was adopted less than... two weeks ago, if I'm not mistaken!
You moved closer to where she was standing and leaned forward so that you could try to see the face of the cute hybrid even though half of his cheek was almost stuck to the pillow.
— What is his personality like?
— Honestly? He's so calm, but he likes to talk, that's the reason why he felt so lonely when his partner left. — The girl answered looking from you to Mitsuya. — And he also always tries to help with the shelter, even if he doesn't have to, and he's quite protective, he's pretty good, miss.
Your face almost tilted a little more and leaned against the cold glass, eyes dropping from Mitsuya's lilac hair to the possessive way he was squeezing and kneading the sheet over his body.
— I’ll feel bad if I need to wake him up, he seems to be sleeping too well. — You commented more to yourself than to the girl who has accompanied you from the beginning in your endeavor to adopt a hybrid to spend time with you at home. — Has he ever been adopted before? — She denied it with her head.
— You would be his first.
— So, he'd be my first as well. — You answered, taking your hands out of your pockets and patting them as if you needed to clear your thoughts. — Can I take him?
— If you can? — The girl opened a small smile. — He's all yours! But first of all, could you accompany me to fill out forms and documents? — She started to walk and you agreed, following her without taking your eyes off the still sleeping hybrid. — This bureaucratic stuff is the most boring part, but at least you'll get to go home with a new friend today!
And indeed, it was the most boring part, after filling out information and signing more than seven different pages, your hand was almost aching, especially because the pen offered to you was a little too small for you to support your middle and ring fingers.
As you finished checking the information to make sure you didn't have to come back to the shelter another day to have to fix some wrong number or letter, the shelter girl stepped aside both to give you privacy and to go wake up Mitsuya and just as you were finishing signing everything, your ears picked up the sounds of yawns and rustling sheets from a little way off.
Too bad you didn't have the courage to look back to see his face light up just as he finished rubbing his eyes to stave off sleep and heard the owner of the animal shelter say that there was someone to adopt him. He looked euphoric, to say the least, as if he were a child who received the news that he was getting the video game for his birthday that he had wanted so much for months.
Anyway, you didn't turn around to see his first reaction, but as soon as you announced with a "I'm done here!" and turned to the side before dropping the pen on the counter, you were greeted with a Mitsuya Takashi running towards you without even letting go of his sheet and his old collar still tinkling against his neck.
— Is it you?! Her? My new owner? — His head turned repeatedly from you to the owner of the shelter with a bright smile and eyes resembling the heart of Orion's nebula.
— I-I? — It took you two seconds to realize that, in fact, your wish to have a hybrid in your home had come true in less than weeks. — Oh, yeas! Yeah, I am! Good to–
You didn't have time to respond properly, Mitsuya immediately looped his arms around your shoulders and hugged you tightly, almost tightly enough to drain all the oxygen inside your lungs. You could even feel his nose burrowing against your neck to inhale the little bit of perfume that was still there after you left the house two hours ago and drove to that animal shelter.
— You're so pretty! — He turned to the girl from the shelter who approached him and organized yours papers in a pile to be checked later. — Now I can tell Ken that I have a better looking owner than he does! — An amused giggle escaped the girl and she nodded her agreement.
— I'll check everything later, okay, miss? — She spoke to you and you nodded without being able to speak properly with Mitsuya squeezing you probably with all the strength he had after sleeping. — For now, you two are dismissed and if he's any trouble, you can call me and I'll come over and teach Takashi some manners, okay?
While you gave a good-natured laugh and replied that you would call her if necessary, Mitsuya replied that he always knew how to behave before letting you go and following you out of the shelter and watching you open the car doors before looking at the sheet he kept dragging around with himself.
— Want to take this with you? — You nodded at the fluffy sheet and he looked at you with a pitying look that made it obvious that, though impulsive when elated, he was a good boy.
— May I?
— Only if you promise not to leave it lying around the house when we get there. — You sat down in the driver's door and watched him throw himself down beside you in the car seat.
— I promise! — He opened a bright smile before sinking his back into the seat and preparing for the moment that came seconds later when you turned the key in the ignition and started to drive to your apartment. — Do you live far away? — Takashi asked a few minutes later, lowering the window beside his seat and sticking his head out to watch the streets speeding by.
— Not far, but y’know how Tokyo traffic is, right? — He looked over one shoulder and you understood that he didn't know. — You've never been out of there, out of the shelter?
— Yes, but it's different, we used to go for a few walks during the week, but not to places very far from the shelter, so I've never been inside of one of these things. — Mitsuya gestured to the car. — And I'm sure that if I ran to your place, it’d be faster. — You gave him a disbelieving look.
— And you’d know how to get around Tokyo without a guide?
— Absolutely, look at me! — You smothered a wicked smile.
— Mhm, okay, puppyboy, I believe you. — He frowned when you called him by that nickname.
— Why don't you call me by Mitsuya?
— You don't like ‘puppyboy’? That's what you are, isn't it?
This time, you were just teasing him a little. And Mitsuya gave a little pout before smiling and looking back at the streets the car was passing by.
— I like it, but just a little bit.
You replied with an "Okay, okay" before sliding your eyes from the road to his neck decorated with that collar.
— And that collar there? Will you want to change it when we get home?
— Can we buy another one?
— Sure! We can buy whatever you want, or try, at least, if you're the kind of hybrid who likes expensive things. — A chuckle escaped him and he nodded.
— It doesn't matter if it's expensive or not if it's pretty, I like everything.
And he did. This was quite obvious as soon as you arrived at the apartment with Mitsuya following you around trying not to give away how excited and enthusiastic he was to see his adopted home and he looked around with a surprised and smiling face, as if he had seen an ancient Greek temple that had too much history accumulated and was in itself fascinating.
— Wow! You live here? All by yourself? It's so big! — He looked around the living room. — Is it all mine now too? — You nodded.
— Everything that's mine now is yours too, practically. — You shrugged as you went into the kitchen and called to him with your hand, the clinking of the collar indicating that he was following you. — Except my clothes, I'm possessive of them! Do you want to shower, eat...? Or sleep?
— The first option would be great, I think I must smell like the street. — You raised an eyebrow. — Bad smell. — You called to him with one hand and he walked over to stand in front of you, and soon your hands were pulling up his shirt so that you could almost stick your nose through the fabric to see if he did indeed smell.
— You don't stink!
— It's your nose that's bad. — He stroked the tip of your nose and you pretended that it hurt too much before pointing to the door that hid the bathroom.
— The bathroom is in there, but I couldn't afford to buy you hair cream or conditioner ‘cause I was hoping the adoption process would be a little more difficult, so if you wanna try using some of mine, you can. — You shrugged and he agreed. — Meanwhile I'll cook us something.
That first day, after dinner, you found out that Mitsuya was a great guy, not just a well-behaved hybrid, and he preferred that you let him do most of the housework saying that it was the least he could do when you were going to the trouble of giving him a house and clothes and food, even if it was the least an owner could do to be worthy enough to have a pet.
In the first week, it was kind of hard to adjust his sleeping schedule: he used to go to sleep extremely early and wake up even earlier after years of being used to the shelter and waking up next to 'Ken' that you haven't had the opportunity to meet yet. But, okay, one step at a time, one problem at a time.
One problem at a time that didn't need to be solved or explained because the routine fit and molded very well for both of you. You spent most of the day away from home at work, but during lunchtime you would call him on the home phone to check if everything was okay and even left a note written with some little heart stickers every day telling him that you had already gone to work and would be back soon; Mitsuya, on the other hand, was like your malewife, cooking and cleaning the house and leaving everything in order just to receive a bright smile and a tight hug from you.
Takashi would even help you do skincare and pick out your work clothes and, now, you usually slept before he did, so it was easy for him to watch you sleeping and enjoy himself pulling the locks of hair from your face and memorizing every inch of skin on your body.
For you, the two of you had a harmonious relationship of friends and partners. To him, you two had the beginnings of a marriage relationship. And he knew that marriage was probably the highest level that an intimate relationship could reach because some couples had visited his shelter before and he also knew that he needed to get one of those shiny rings; one for you and one for him.
You eventually noticed as the days went by that almost every night Mitsuya tried to sleep as close to you as possible, with arms around your waist and face buried against your back or shoulder, and how he almost always left the little ears you didn't even know he had up for you to pet while you were watching some movie or series during Saturday and Sunday. The truth was: he was loving and affectionate, almost touch-starved, so it was hard for you to come to the conclusion that your pet was getting your relationship a little too wrong.
Until it was a Saturday night, with him sitting between your spread legs and you sitting on the living room couch paying more attention to your own cell phone than to the movie he had chosen for the two of you to watch.
— What are you doing? — He let his head fall back and stared at you, your face still distracted by the cell phone.
— I'm answering some questions from my work, Takashi.
— I want attention. — His tone was calm, almost honeyed.
— Aren't you watching the movie?
— I want to watch it with you. — Mitsuya answered by pouting and leaning away from the couch to face you, his torso now between your legs and his hands resting on your thighs were the two signs that made your shoulders tense and your attention completely turned away from your cell phone; he never touched you on your thighs, not even when some sundress or skirt accidentally lifted because of the wind while you were going to the park. — But, you don't seem to want to give enough attention to your boy... friend.
He talked hoping at the same time that you would and wouldn't notice what and how he said it, because he didn't know how you were going to react.
— What did you say?
— You heard me. — It was also the first time that he answered you in a firmer tone, and you squinted.
— We are not... — You felt his fingers squeeze the skin of your thighs a little harder and your breath caught in the middle of the throat. — Together, Takashi, we're not together.
You could see his fuzzy little ears flop down and even thought that you had hurt him too much.
Until Mitsuya stood up quickly, put one knee between your legs and put both hands on your jaw almost hard enough to pull you up a little.
— We are together, how can you say we are not? — He leaned toward you with his eyes fixed on your gaping mouth and you tried to put a hand on his chest to push him away. — You don't have any other man in your life, I'm your only one.
— M-Mitsuya, you're my pet, my hybrid, nothing more.
He squeezed your face a little tighter and as he heard a grunt escape his lips, he also felt his pants get more uncomfortable and tighter around his cock, as if he had been repressing himself for weeks without even realizing it.
— I 'am', you say? — A dry laugh escaped his lips. — So, I'll be your boyfriend.
Soon his lips crashed against yours in a hurried, needy kiss and it was strange to realize that he moved his mouth a little too well for someone who hadn't had that much contact with non-hybrid people. For the initial few seconds, Mitsuya managed to distract you to the point that you even reached to reciprocate the kiss and one of his hands slid to the belt of his pants to unbutton it.
He felt in paradise, even though his dick was begging to come out of his pants, you felt in an illusion of Eden that was shattered as soon as you heard the wet sound of his hand spreading precum all over his shaft and one of your hands tangled in his hair to pull his face away; both of you breathing heavily and a stream of saliva connecting your mouth to his.
— I said you're my pet, you should behave like one, Takashi. — He grunted as his hand continued to move up and down his cock and you tried not to allow yourself to slide your attention from his eyes to where his palm was curled.
— And I said I'll be your boyfriend.
What followed next was him pulling your body down until you were sitting on the floor with your face almost pressed against his crotch and you trying to reverse control of the situation by pulling those hands away from your face and shoulders.
— Don't fucking try to push me away, I'm still your beloved puppyboy, but ‘m also your future boyfriend, it's not hard to understand, is it? — He put a hand over your nose to pinch it and just as you opened your mouth to draw in air, his cock slipped inside it; his other palm holding you by the nape of your neck and his head falling back in bliss at finally feeling your warm tongue permeating his throbbing veins. — Fuck, your mouth is just... — Mitsuya pulled out to let you breathe before thrusting in again with more force and making you choke. — Fucking amazing, I knew it'd be.
You braced your hands on his waist at first in a movement to try to push him away until you could lift your eyes and see the way he was staring down at you with flushed cheeks and a gaping mouth as he moved his hips back and forth starting to facefucking you.
Takashi seemed to be between the fine line of losing control and just letting your head stay still as he thrust himself into your wet mouth like it was just a hole to be used and of not being able to keep from moaning and whimpering your name like it was a mantra that sent electrical discharges to the middle of your legs.
You could feel the drool running down your chin and the fabric of your panties sticking to your increasingly wet folds as you tried to pull as much air as possible through Mitsuya's thrusts, as he kept pinching your nose to force you to need oxygen.
His cock getting heavier and heavier against your tongue and his movements more erratic and clumsy as you could tell he was getting too close to his own climax and your ears managing to pick up his gasping voice issuing several calls for you to let him keep using your mouth, and it was on one of them, with a strong thrust that made you choke again and his hand on the back of your neck keeping your head still, that Takashi came deep, straight down your throat and making you swallow every drop of his hot cum.
You ended up moaning against his dick as you felt it throbbing against your tongue and that eventually led Mitsuya to pull your body up before kissing you again and sliding one hand between your legs to invade your pajama shorts and press two fingers against the obvious wet spot in the middle of your panties.
— Fuck, you're dripping, doll. — He put his hand inside your panties and scooped up some of your slick to show you his wet fingers as soon as the kiss was undone. — You love gagging on your puppyboy's dick, don't you? — You gasped, trying to deny it with your head, and Takashi promptly slid his hand inside your panties again to start playing with your clit and stroking the folds gently. — C'mon, just admit it, admit that after I made you choke on my cock you ended up wanting to become my girl.
You tried to let your head fall back and Mitsuya promptly grabbed you by the back of your neck again and forced your face to watch the bulge between your legs and beneath your pajamas and panties caused by his hand rubbing and massaging your clit.
— I can feel your pussy throbbing even though you're trying to lie to me pretending you don't like my fingers and my cock. — He let a wet kiss against your cheek and bit your earlobe, feeling his cock twitch as you let a small whimper escape and soon after two fingers were calmly inserted inside you.
Takashi needed to enjoy the feeling of you squeezing around anything that came from him and the wet sound coming from your pussy as soon as he gave you a little thrust with his long digits that made you roll your eyes and he feel all the blood in his body migrate to his dick again.
It was enough to get him hard again just the sight of you trying to control yourself from moaning and acting like you didn't like it, even though you were at the same time forcing hips against his hand and keeping legs open as he continued to fuck you with his fingers.
As soon as he managed to brush against your sweet spot, you felt your whole body give out and seconds later your mouth was moaning his name out loud as your pussy gushed fully against his hand and wet all of your panties and shorts which were soon discarded the second Takashi pulled them down and opened your folds to see you squeezing yourself around nothing.
— See? Even your body knows you like me so much. — He whispered, pulling you around the waist to stand up only to then bend you over the small table in the living room and spread your legs apart to see the mess between them. — You have such a pretty and tight pussy and I think it wants to be bred, what d’you think? — You mumbled something you didn't even know what it was exactly, but at least you swayed hips upward as if inviting him to take what was already his. — Oh, look at you showing yourself out right in front of your puppyboy, I knew that in the end you’d understand that what is yours is mine.
A victorious giggle escaped Takashi's lips as he stood behind you and pulled your hips against his to invade you with his cock again hard all at once. Nice, deep, kissing your cervix, having his balls slapping against your puffy clit and moaning right under your ear.
You barely had time to get used to his long shaft before Mitsuya started moving back and forth and a mess of sweaty bodies was created in the middle of your living room with your tight pussy swallowing him without a second thought, the pendant of the new collar you had bought him tinkled and mingled in sound with the moans from the two of you and his hands possessively alternated between a firm grip on your waist and squeezes on your tits as if it were a little toy you had bought him.
— 'Kashi, just-fuck! — You tried to organize the thoughts so that you wouldn't have to humiliate yourself with meaningless mumbling and him speeding up inside you; now yes, he was actually preferring to go feral with you than to treat you like a porcelain doll. — Fill me ngh up! Gimme–
— All of my puppies? Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do. — He bit down hard on your shoulder, feeling himself about to cum, but first he wanted to feel you suck every last drop of cum that was left inside his balls. — But, first, I wanna–fuck! Feel you squeezing me, cum all over my cock and–
His hand slid down between your legs at his words and rubbed your clit and that was the exact moment when your second orgasm washed over your body and pussy clenched massively around his dick, pulling him to a climax as well and making his milk fill you completely. His hands were on your waist pulling you close to him and squeezing your skin for all the long seconds it took him to recover from his high and manage to get out of you before collapsing on the couch and beginning to watch the trail of cum oozing out of your tight entrance and dripping onto the floor.
— I said I'll be your boyfriend, even your fiancé. — He spoke breathlessly, pushing up the fringe of his mullet to peel it away from his sweaty forehead. — Who's better than your puppyboy to be your man?
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ㅤ🏷 tagging: @festive @wakaslut @strawberrysanzu @bontensucker @wakasa-wifey @manjiroscum @inu1gf @keisaint @saaraunicorn @ranilingus @dokidokimanji @mizurimirai @sleepy3 @kuroaka @slut4manjiro @zuuki @qudvxnkanx @manjirosdoll @hirwishin @izanaswifey @ushitoshiii @bontens-cum-slut @amaejiki @k-ryuuguji @seashanks @savagemickey03 @fuyuus @hellventures @binglebonglerightonthemoney @horny-inarizaki-stan @mrsvaleska @goldenmnr @semisgroupie @no-name-jack @k7ss @simpforerenn @tonaken @imsatansqueen @imkumichan @saenzu @histarean @mxrga245 @medusalovessnakes .
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bluexiao · 2 years
#are they still the only one? 
—an instance where they see you with someone else and get jealous, would they mess up or not? 
CHARACTERS. Aether, Albedo, Ayato, Childe, Dainsleif, Diluc, Gorou, Itto, Kaeya, Kazuha, Scaramouche, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Zhongli; gn! Reader
THEMES. jealousy. more angst than i intended but oh well. reverse hurt with no comfort (maybe just one time)
WARNINGS. mentions of low self-esteem. implications of anxieties/worries.
NOTES. this is the second part of Are You Still The Only One where reader is the one who’s jealous! This is quite different than that one though since… most of this one are angst ndksksks. yep im going back with a bang :)
p.s. i experimented on writing for itto here, i still don’t get him that much but i hope i got his personality right!
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┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
ZHONGLI had lived for so long, met so many people, before he had found you—you who seemed to have stood out amongst the rest each and every time you crossed his path. A rare flower that had caught his attention and curiosity. 
For such a god like him, it was a miracle, he thinks, for him to feel this way in this mortal form, with someone of a different kind from him all the more. 
He had lived for a long time, and maybe even more. 
Those words did not bother him even as he had caught your eye and started spending time with him. Even as he had gotten to know you more, or when you showed that you have feelings for him.
Yet those words pierced him like a spear the moment he saw the opportunity of them coming true—when he saw you with someone else and recognized the selfishness that he had thought he had locked in the depths of his immortal soul. 
Ah, he thought, he was still the same, after all. 
The scene was not that much special, the person who was even with you did nothing wrong, nor did you show any interest in the man. 
But what if? What if you had ended up with someone of your kind instead, would the situation be any different? For the better, or for worse? 
Surely, it would not be the latter. 
Those were what he thought as he forced himself to smile when you waved at him from afar. 
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
XIAO is an Adeptus, the Conqueror of Demons, the only-known Yaksha that lived. 
Why in the world would he get envious of a human? You’d probably think. 
Well, for the most part, he would not be. It would be a disgrace to the Adepti if such “feelings” would disturb him. He was given such a title, strength, and power by his god. Tainting it with these “human emotions” would bring dishonor to whom he serves. 
These thoughts alone are despicable. 
But he’s already thinking about them, right? 
Unknowingly, he had become someone that he did not like, yet why is it that instead of being overly displeased with these kinds of ‘feelings,’ he was more displeased with something else. 
He knew very well that you and that alchemist from Mondstadt were close friends, as that was what you called him, telling him that you had met him on your journey to Dragonspine. That time, he did not come with you with the reason that he had to purge monsters in Liyue. As Dragonspine is a different land from the land he swore to protect, he did not have a reason to come with you. After all, he was assured you would call for him if any danger would come your way—one he had to glare at you and remind you for so many times. 
At that time, he did not know what consequences shall befall him. Now it was a different matter. 
“Xiao! Come here, let me introduce you to Mr. Albedo.” 
Your voice was like a bird’s, singing to him a lullaby that allures him to abide. But with the pressure on his chest, he doubts anything can be solved aside from looking away from the sight, disappearing into the night, and let the purging of monsters drown his might.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
VENTI, on the outside, has a high self esteem. By the time you had passed through the walls of his soul, however, this does not reflect what was inside.
You knew very well that he would be self-conscious a couple of times, especially when the issue involves you. You were his weakness, and it did not seem like he had any plans of hiding this from you. Only you, though.
“Windblume…” you learned about this one particular day he had a somber look on his face and tone on his voice. Very often does he whine when he notices something he does not like, but this time seemed quite unlike those times.
“What is it, Venti?” normally, you would not take him that seriously, as you were used to being tricked by these whines of his. But you did not. Genuinely, you knew something was up.
He did not speak for a while, but he met your eyes when you called his name a second time.
“I heard that you visited Liyue yesterday…”
“I did, did I not tell you-”
“... and you also came by Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.”
Hm? What seems to be bothering him if…
Ah. “Was it about Hu Tao’s manager? What was his name again…”
“No!” he looked like he would deny it, but his next words were “I… You need not say his name. I don’t like it.”
Nonetheless, you comforted him when he wrapped his arms around your waist the whole time, probably too afraid that you would vanish the moment he lets go.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
THOMA is used to people—making friends, forming bonds and connections. It’s a part of his job and way of going through Inazuma, after all. As someone who came from another land, he was open to creating them as much as he could.
When you and him started dating, it was only natural that the people had become curious of the two of you. But not only were they just curious of the relationship itself, some had shown signs of interest in you instead. Just you. And actually, it did not bother him much, he knew that you were beautiful, and he appreciates others for seeing them too.
The matter had turned quite the opposite, however, when it was you who had suddenly expressed interest in someone. And not just anyone, but it was the master that he served.
Of course, he respected his master very much, he owes the family his life, after all. But with high respect comes high doubt. Not towards his master, but to you.
He trusted you, but this was a ripe connection that has not been tested by the waters yet.
What would he do if you suddenly changed your mind that your feelings were merely just fleeting like the wind?
He did not question you, though, even as you admired on how respectable his masters were, or when you smiled at them the way you brighten up whenever he meets you.
He was too afraid to ask.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
SCARAMOUCHE is selfish. You’d be foolish if you didn’t know that even after being his lover for quite a while now.
It was embedded in him, you could say, something that he had long since came to notice as he had ventured across the lands. As a Fatui Harbinger, his selfishness had brooded over his soul the more power he harvested from the name and title that he had been given by the Tsaritsa, and called by his subordinates and others who feared over it.
He is selfish, and all the more so with you.
Whenever he sees you with another, even if they did not seem interested, he would be wary of them. Most would feel the prickle on their necks, as if the glare coming from the man could not only send daggers but lightning bolts towards them. Others feared his presence, and your friends tell that to you, but you’d naturally brush them off. Most of your friends became accustomed to this, and at the same time, him, SCARAMOUCHE, as well. If they didn’t make a move on you for a long time or ever since, he would lift off his guard. Not entirely, but at least they had an ounce of his trust.
But humans are vile.
No, everyone can be. It’s just a matter of how they will show it.
When he sees someone making a move on you, this man is not jealous. That was simply because he knew that he had your affection.
But the moment you reciprocate them back—which he knows how you will do very well, his jealousy will not last before it evolves to anger.
And maybe by the end of the day, you yourself would find it hard to calm him down and rid him of the selfishness that he himself knew he had deep inside.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
KAZUHA’s awareness over the appreciation of your beauty had always been present. It was not to be warranted despite being in a relationship with you that only he could marvel over such things, that’s why it was not supposed to be a surprise if he did not mind seeing you with others. He, as your lover, very much knows just how much attraction he has towards you, and he would not dare blame others if they feel the same.
What ticks him off, however, is when they think that they would have a chance.
Because surely they don’t.
“Dove, perhaps may I have a word with this gentleman?” his smile was ever present, if you didn’t know better, he did not have any ulterior motives with his words.
Without having to argue though, you had excused yourself and went to see Beidou. If you had turned back, you would still see the smile on KAZUHA’s face. But not on the other person who you had left there.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
KAEYA never lost his flirty side even as he had started dating you. Of course, most of it was directed to you, which meant that most of his attention was on you, and that it was clear to everyone around you that he was your lover.
So imagine his surprise when someone flocked your way even knowing that they had seen both of you together already.
So this must be… jealousy, right?
Well, not that he feels it that strongly, but there’s a tingle in his chest that he couldn’t seem to get his mind out of at the thought of someone else flirting with you.
He walked towards you and the person with a heavy feeling, but he mustered himself the confidence that he didn’t want to be trampled on.
“Ah, join me in on the fun,” he smiles yet it did not reach his eye, “what are you two talking about, Y/n?”
Yet despite having to walk up to you and your current companion, he did not have any sort of energy to talk to the other.
Not that that’s what he did not intend to do.
“Oh, yes, I forgot. Would you have preferred me to call you ‘babe’ in front of others?”
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
ITTO is quite an optimistic person. He himself doubts jealousy is an option for him.
Actually, he did not mind even if others admire you, what’s more is that he’s proud of you every single time he notices them! Even pointing them out to you—which prompts your admirer’s to either blush or run or look away in surprise. Whenever someone finds their way to you to bring you flowers, he would be grateful for them—only if you accepted them. After all, your comfort comes priority above anything else!
In short, he’s just a supportive lover.
Well, that is as long as you don’t look at anyone else the same way you would look at him.
After all, onis have a great sense of pride—especially ITTO, above everyone. And that’s one thing that you yourself should know very well.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
GOROU is rather loyal, it’s what he was proud of. He knows who he serves, his ideals and morals, and what is right from wrong. Yet it is different when he finds himself face to face with a predicament when he sees you talking to someone else, even if they were his subordinates or not.
It’s not that he disliked it.
It just leaves a bitter taste in his tongue that he could not seem to get rid of until he places himself next to you and feels the warmth of your hand on his.
“Go? Is something wrong?” you noticed? Now that’s peculiar, he thinks. He was sure he did not show any kind of displeasure in his face…
Maybe you just know him too well to read him.
“No, no, nothing’s wrong! Actually… how about we go take a walk for a second? Just… just the two of us, if you don’t mind.”
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
DILUC is not used to having someone, or thinking whether or not they still did not dislike him or not. For him, the more you please people, the more you’ll lose sight of yourself.
That was why when he had you, he had a different sight than what he had from before.
Sure, there was still a part of him that did not care about what other people might think about him.
But he did care about your thoughts.
So when he saw you with the traveler one day at the tavern, he did not particularly dislike you being friendly with them.
It’s just that… the traveler is someone he respected and regarded highly, as much as others do. He had seen their strength and abilities firsthand.
Who would not want them as a lover instead?
That night, he could not sleep well. Actually, he even rose up from bed too early than he should and distracted himself by patrolling around Mondstadt.
These thoughts were eating him alive, and it seems the very thing he believed backfired on him before he could even realize it.
That morning, he decided that if you really liked the traveler more… then he will let you go.
But can he really do it?
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
DAINSLEIF, no matter how much he had tried to test himself, could not afford losing you.
Not to a god, not to a man, not to anyone for the matter.
But after all the resolve to admit such a fact, that is one thing that he does not want you to bind yourself with.
This was his own matter. If you choose to leave him for another, that was your choice.
So that one afternoon that he visited you—which was rare, he almost never had the time to do so—he was startled when he saw you dining with someone else. It was a normal afternoon, this was supposed to be not a surprise.
But… why does this specific scene seem far different than a normal lunch?
He looked at you with a longing in his gaze—you still looked as beautiful as before—before deciding to turn around and vanish into thin air.
It was the last time he saw you ever since.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
CHILDE did not believe that there was something to be envious of with other people. If there is, he can just fight his way towards the goal and steal the victory he wanted or so desired. For him, with great effort and strength, anything can be attained and be grasped by his hands.
This time is quite a similar matter.
He knew he has an upperhand knowing that you already shared the same feelings with him. Now, it was quite expected, especially since he himself was attracted to you, of course! But… you’ll never truly know when something you expected happens and control what you feel towards it.
CHILDE felt it; the tick of annoyance that resonated well with the raising of his brows the moment he had seen you chatting away with that Retainer—whoever he is. Maybe he could challenge him in a duel? That would surely tell the difference in their strengths!
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
AYATO Kamisato is the Head of the Yashiro Commission, the highly-esteemed oldest son that had taken on the job without many complaints—a lot, if not everyone, is jealous of him. Not because of his workloads, but because of his name and fame.
For him, however, they were trivial things that he had always assumed as the eldest child, everything was normal, and as they all should be.
Maybe that was why he was intrigued in dating you.
You did not really indicate your interest in him at first—which was quite… unusual. That way, you were memorable to the man.
You liking him not too long after that did not come from the pretense of him being the Head of the Yashiro Commission, or the eldest Kamisato either.
And despite that being your charm, it was also something that he was bothered with.
You appreciated everyone and admired them for themselves.
So what if… you saw someone far better than him?
The only thing he had ever achieved was his name, and his title. His work is always associated with his name. He never really fought for something and achieved them without the strength of his name. Well, maybe a couple of fights and saving someone from monsters…
But there will always be someone above him.
Like the traveler—the very same person who you were with now.
“Darling, is something bothering you?”
“Ah, nothing in particular,” he smiles at you as you clutched your arms on his.
“Well, I invited the traveler to come eat with us! What do you think? He’s well-known in Inazuma! I’ve been so interested in meeting them.”
“Anything that suits you, dear. Indeed, their name is widespread even on every corner of our estate,” he pauses, looking away, contemplating, but eventually came up with an answer.
“But… is it really necessary to make them come with us on our date?”
He had to ask.
But no matter the answer, he knew that he will still let you do what you want. No matter what it is.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
The cold atmosphere of Dragonspine was ALBEDO’s home.
That was until he met you. You who lights up the darkness like the moon, whose warmth is like the sun’s, and whose smile is as bright as the brightest star there is.
Ever since, he finds himself traveling back and forth from his laboratory back to the city, just to get a glimpse of your face—especially your smile. When you started going to his laboratory, however, that was when he had slowly realized that there was a mutual feeling between the two of you, one that he never thought he’d ever possessed. He knew he had to confirm about it, but he couldn’t help but observe your habits once in a while, whenever you were with him. The way your pupils dilate whenever you look at him, or when you have this specific tone that you often use towards him, or even how you mirror his actions a couple of times. Surely, he was correct, right? Romance is not a strong suit of his, but he was informed by others—of course, he had interviewed a couple of trusted people—about these.
But why do you show those to someone else as well?
He needed to know the answers, but would it be the right to ask? He knew how humans can be sensitive… and he could not anticipate whether this is something that is even worth the time.
But his instincts… they’re the ones who wanted to ask. He who relies on knowledge... is absolutely clueless at this very moment.
Unknowingly, he felt the heavy pressure on his chest as he steps towards your form.
And even if you do like him that way or not, time will tell how his own unknown “feelings” would react.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
Like the sun, you believed AETHER was. A sun that everyone dazzled upon its heat and brightness, everyone wanting to see what the sunlight feels like. For that, you could relate to how people often flock over him and see the energy he radiated. He was your son, and you were his.
He knew the moment he saw you how much he was drawn to you. He knew that, and he was also aware of how others would also be attracted to your energy.
“Are you telling me you’re not jealous?” Paimon’s voice kept ringing in his head as he watched you converse more with Kazuha this time.
“Come on! Is this all you’ve got?!”
If this was the first time he’d have heard of Paimon’s naggjng, he would not have gotten what she meant.
But with this going on incessantly, especially since you had been with him throughout his travels ever since he decided to let you join, it was getting into his head. A frown came upon his lips as he meets Kazuha’s eyes, smiling his way as if… he was taunting him.
For some reason, he thinks these are all on purpose.
But at the same time, even if it’s not, would he still react the same?
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nerdybluephoenix · 2 years
How do you think aliens would react to people that do not give a crap about the cold or the weather for example I will be in shorts in freezing weather my logic is if I don't have frostbite I'm fine. How do you think aliens would react?
"Dammit. Dammit. Fuck." The lady who said that was alien, but human swear words were a favorite in this galaxy.
And the swear words were justified. The planet was freezing.
Well, it's more of a moon. Any planet with signs of activity is often a "planet" in layman's terms. Like how "different species from a different planet" is referred to as "alien." Neither are always correct, but oh what to do with the lazy linguistics of space-faring kind.
Damn it to hell, though, moon or otherwise. It's freezing.
The alien sat at what is similar to a bus stop for spaceships. Several others waited too. The space bus was late.
Almost all species present were adapted to freezing environments, so the extra wait was nothing to them. But for the species who were bundled up against the biting nature of wind, they were downright miserable.
Even the humans, what few there were, were bound up in snow gear. Their cheeks were red, noses red, and they shivered uncontrollably.
The alien couldn't help but find solace in this. If even a human found these conditions unbearable, then she well justified to complain and swear.
And so she did. Under her breath, of course.
It was well past an hour that the space bus remained late, and the crowd began to grow. One of the humans pushed forward in the crowd, coming to a still besides the alien to get a better view of the landing pad. He regarded it carefully before scoffing, becoming lost in thought.
She looked down at him, but found herself alarmed.
"Did you lose your clothes?" she said.
Breaking his daze, it was his turn to be alarmed as he looked down at himself. No, he had clothes. He looked over at the alien and broke out in a wide grin. She kept a weary eye on his teeth.
"I'm so tired I thought you meant I was naked. I was like "I'm pretty sure I put clothes on before I left'?" but then I checked just in case."
And the human was wearing clothes. Technically.
But while his same species stood in the crowd dressed up like marshmallows, he showed off quite a bit more skin. His thin legs and arms were bare, aside from the too long of socks. Socks, sandals, shirt, shorts. That was it.
Thankfully, other species generally know nothing of human fashion to know he looked ridiculous. And yet, he looked ridiculous.
"Are your temperature receptors broken?"
"My what? Oh. You mean am I cold?"
"Are you?"
"Nah. Doing pretty good."
She carefully considered him. There wasn't anything about him that could be used for warmth. Even the hair on his arms and legs weren't nearly enough.
"Why are the other humans bundled up but not you?"
"They're just a bunch of babies. This isn't cold. They haven't even felt cold. Real cold was back when my pipes froze and burst in my house. Destroyed my entire basement. This is nothing."
"So your species adapts when exposed to more extreme temperatures? The other humans here are inexperienced?"
"Nah, I'm just being dramatic. I'm warm blooded, so I'm fine."
"Humans can be both cold blooded and warm blooded?" She did know several species who were like this, but they seemed to be more rare.
"I think I'm confusing you. Does your species understand metaphors?"
She did, but she was still confused.
"Look, I'm simply not cold. As long as I don't have frostbite, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He turned to the landing pad. "Now where is that damn bus? I'm running late as it is."
She almost wished - with that cue - the bus would lower from the sky like a savior. But there was no movement from the sky besides tufts of snow. And she was too cold for anymore small talk. So she, the human, and the crowd waited for another hour more.
Many people were cold and late that day. Or in one's case, just late.
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primofate · 3 years
Kinktober: Doing it raw for the first time [Modern AU] (Minors do not interact) Not SFW
Notes: And so it comes to this. I’m just jumping in >_> I don’t usually write smut but I guess I was in the mood?
Warning: gosh I don’t know where to start. no protection, rope play, breeding kink, overstim, size kink, praise kink, not proofread, giving head, established relationship. Pretty soft for Albedo and Diluc then it goes a bit hard for the others >_>
Characters: Albedo, Diluc, Kaeya, Tartaglia, Xiao, Zhongli x fem!reader
Juicy stuff below the cut
Albedo was not one to push you into doing things. Even when your bodies were pressed up against each other, the warm touch of his bare skin on yours almost sticky, yet intoxicatingly so.
“Bedo, please,” 
You whimper under him as he slaps his cock against your glistening folds. So pretty, he thought to himself. Even the subtle slap of his cock on your wetness was making him shiver. 
He grabs your hips and pulls you towards him easily, his stature might seem small but his work with the fencing sword proved him to be strong and able. He leans in to whisper in your ear, his tip lining up to your opening. “Ready?” His husky breath tickles your ear, but before you could reply, you can feel him stretching you open. 
You close your eyes and throw your head back at how painfully slow he was going. You could feel every inch of him push through you and you hear him stifle a groan. “B-Bedo...!” you mewl his name, feeling him fully for the first time, as he does you. 
“Shhh...” He whispers out, trying to concentrate on the tight squeeze of your cunt around him. Trying to ground himself. Trying not to just plow you through your orgasm. He bottoms out, his whole length buried into your damp hole. He looks down to see how connected the two of you are, face flushed into one of bliss. “...Beautiful, Y/N,” 
Still, he’s calm. He’s calm as he takes his hand and starts rubbing on your sensitive nub. You jerk up and you clench around him, earning another groan. “T-Tight...” He pants, unable to wrap his head around the fact that he’s getting squeezed by you. 
And suddenly, both his hands are on your waist again, he pulls out nearly completely, leaving only the tip inside and you lift your head up giving him a questioning look, until he thrusts his hips forward, sheathing himself in one swift motion. “A--aghh!” A strangled moan leaves your mouth as he ruts into you almost violently.
He can’t control himself. It’s different. His bare cock in you. “I-I can’t stop--” the bed creaks, his hold on your waist nearly bruising, pistoning himself. Grunting, groaning, hitting you in all the right spots as he hears you cry out “Mmggh! A-Albedo! There, right there!” 
It’s like fuel for him, chasing his own high and yours. The friction on his cock is unreal. The wetness. The vice-grip. His head is spinning and you watch as he throws his head back in a beautiful moan. “Y/N...!” You watch as his hips continue in a magical pace, your hands suddenly gripping the bedsheets as you arch your back, reaching your orgasm before him, “-t’so good, so good! Albedo I’m cumming!” he thrusts a few more times, you can’t even feel him stiffen, just coming down from your high. He quickly pulls out and fists his cock, spurts of white shooting out to your stomach, grunting “Wish I could cum in you...” 
He rarely says such things, but you grin when he does.
“How about for next time...?” you suggest.
He’s a gentle lover...for the most part. But there are days where even he loses control as he stands above you, worshipping your body. How could he not? It was a divine gift from God. Every time the two of you tangled in the sheets, it was a little piece of heaven for him, just seeing you bare and open.
The moans that you give out are even more of a blessing. He loves to please you. Loves to hear his name in whimpers and in squeals. So, his first order of events is tasting you. Letting you cum on his face as much as he wanted, it wasn’t your choice. 
Now he towers over you, your face already flushed out from the two orgasms he has licked out of you. He smiles at the look on your face, hair sticking to your forehead with sweat. He lays over you and starts peppering kisses up your jaw, stopping at your ear. “On your front, darling,” He helps you turn, your ass is now grinding against his hardness and he ruts into the smooth surface of your skin as he kisses your neck. He’s deliberately slow, but you’ve anticipated tonight for far too long. “Diluc, I want you...”
He chuckles behind you, but moves up, and prods your opening with his tip. “...You’re...extremely wet...” he whispers in awe. He could guess that you were a lot more excited today than usual. So was he, the tip of his cock seemed a lot more enflamed than usual. 
He pushes in, there’s some resistance but he manages to slide it halfway.
You yelp as you feel his hand smack your ass. “Y/N... God-- Sorry, I--” It was just too good. It was entirely different from usual. You can feel his hands grip on your ass, squeezing it as he finally rests fully inside you. You can’t see it, but he shivers. The way your walls are clamping down on him is sending him to a high.
Slowly, he pulls out halfway and thrusts in again. His pace is mellow, but you can feel every inch of him all the same. His perfect cock curves in the right places, hitting you just as you like it. “Love you, Y/N,” He has his eyes closed as he says this, reveling in the feeling of your warmth. “Love you so much,” and yet his hands are gripping your ass tighter, his pace is quickening. The control he once had is slipping fast and before long all you can hear is the loud slap slap slap of his skin hitting yours. 
The feeling is intense, your face smothered on the bed as he gradually drills into you. “Diluc! Diluc!” that’s the sound he loves. The sound of your fucked-out voice moaning his name. “Ohhh feels so good... your cock feels so good... Don’t stop!” you whimper as his hips thrust at the same time he pulls you down. 
He grits his teeth as he groans, “Cu-cumming!” every thrust he sends you feels like fireworks in your tummy. You stiffen up as the pleasure you feel peaks, you moan into the pillow as you orgasm, a little embarrassed at the feral sounds you were making. “Mine, all mine,” he grunts as he bottoms into you, cumming deep into your walls, and collapsing on top of you, his arms barely able to keep him propped up. He kisses your shoulder as he comes down from his high, still grunting and panting until he slips out of you, spent. 
“You’re a goddess, Y/N,” 
There’s a red blindfold round your head, and your wrists are tied up above it. Kaeya watches as you squirm a little. It’s his favourite type of play, for a special type of occasion. 
Your folds are already glistening for him, and although he didn’t tie your legs up he’s got them spread wide open with his strong hands. He’d been fingering you, getting you ready for his cock. “Please,” 
Of course, he doesn’t make it easy. “Please what, love?” a smirk on his face that you can’t see. “Want you in me...” you whimper out, lifting your hips up a little in hopes that you would find what you were looking for. His cock on your folds. “Whose cock do you want, Y/N?” he continues to tease you with his hands, his finger running a circle around your clit, completely avoiding it. “Yours Kaeya, just yours, please...”
He chuckles at this moment, “Good girl,” and you can feel him shifting his weight, can feel him pushing your knees up to your chest in the breeding position. Then, without any warning, he ruts into you all in one go. “Oh my God!” you keen at the painful and sudden stretch, but a few seconds later as his length pulses in you, fills you up in every corner, stars erupt in your eyes. “More, please, more!” 
You’re not quite sure how loud you’re being, but he’s in total bliss at the raw feeling. “Shit...That’s my girl,” he hammers into you relentlessly, almost painfully but the pain hurts so good. “This pussy’s officially mine,” he grunts as he fucks you out, the rough in and out earning stuttered moans from you. “You cumming, pretty?” his eyes trail down towards your pressed back head, open mouth wailing him praises. “Ohh yes, yes! S-So close!”
He crouches over you and presses your tied hands onto the bed, hips blindingly fast. “Mm, such a good pussy for me. Take it, take it all...” he starts to grunt more, head dipping lower into your neck as he feels the pleasure grip all around him. “Fuck,” he spits out as he stiffens, an animalistic growl escaping his lips just as you grip tighter around him and reach your own high. “Fuuuck, you’re so good, Y/N,” 
He slips out, handfuls of cum spilling out from your hole as he leans his body over yours.
“Relax babe, you’re always so good at this,” He’s laid out on the bed, arms behind his head as he watches you grind your clothed pussy on his bare cock. Such a sight for sore eyes. Your lids are shut, cheeks are flushed and your mouth open in silent gasps. “You like that, huh?” His smirk is obvious, thoroughly entertained, as if watching a show that was made just for him. 
“Mmhmm...” You whimper, feeling your clit rub against his long, veiny cock. Your voice seems to spur something in him as he reaches out and pulls your panties aside. “Lift up,” he commands you and you follow, propping yourself up on your knees. “Go on now,” his shit-eating grin is almost teasing, but when you line yourself up on him, tip slipping past the tightness allowing you to fully sit on his raw cock for the first time, his grin disappears and is replaced with a strangled, guttural groan. “Oh shit,” his hands grab your hips and stills you, glues you to your sitting spot. 
You watch with half-lidded eyes as he closes his eyes and struggles. “Oh fuck it’s better than I thought,” he inches his hips up a little, provoking a moan from you. “I-I like this better too...” you murmur. You can feel every vein on him, every curve and thickness rubbing against your walls. Slowly he takes his hands away and places it on his side, rutting his hips up, making you bounce slightly and squeal, a signal for you to start.
You waste no time in bouncing up and down on him, hands on his chest, balancing yourself. The only sounds in the bedroom is the slap of skin on skin, your wanton moans and his animalistic growls. “Y/N, fuck,” one of his hands grips your thigh, he can feel his cock grow warmer, feel the knot in his stomach tighten. He’s nearing his orgasm and he can’t keep still anymore. 
He starts plowing up against you. Your bouncing is now fueled by his hips and not your own accord, you scream at how rough he’s going, how his dick kisses your cervix with every hard thrust up. “So deep! More, don’tstopdon’tstopdon’tstop” your words string together and are hardly coherent. He takes that as a sign to keep pulling your hips down just as he thrusts up, somehow, one of his hands manage to rub at your clit despite all the bouncing and you tighten up almost immediately.
The two of you scream out at the same time, reaching orgasm mere seconds apart from each other. You collapse on him, and he wraps his arms around you. He takes a few seconds to recover before he flips you over onto the bed. “...You can’t expect me to just go one round... I’m addicted now...”
“You want to do it...without this?”
He already has the condom in his hand, and you’re laid out on the bed prettily. “...I’ve been taking birth control instead,” those words has him on top of you in seconds. He’s kissing you fervently, the bulge in his boxers seem to keep growing. Xiao is well-endowed and you know it from the countless times you’ve taken him deep in your throat. 
“I love you, you know that? If you don’t want to it’s okay,”
“I want to,” the words between kisses are fast and heated. He wants to make sure you’re alright with it. He seems gentle now, but the truth is he’s insatiable in bed. He has a hunger for you that doesn’t end. As with any other session, he preps you for his cock with his fingers. One, two, up until the third one stretches you out so well and good that you start asking for more. You start asking for him. 
“Xiao...Want your cock..”
He takes his fingers away and rubs your wetness on him, hoping that the slight lubrication would make it easier for you today. But it’s never easy with him. Every time is like the first time, the painful stretch of his massive girth, the way you feel so full even when it’s just halfway in. 
“C’mere,” he pulls you easily towards the edge of the bed and instructs you to flip over, your ass is hanging on the edge and he thumbs in gently, positioning himself into your damp hole and slowly pushing in. “X-Xiao! S’too big... too much!”
Dear Gods the sensation is a hundred times more intense. He doesn’t even hear you talking about how big he is, he’s lost in the velvety folds of your cunt, in the way your walls stretch out to accommodate to him. He doesn’t answer you and he’s lost in the pleasure, pulling your hips back to make you stretch out all the way and take him all in. “XIAO!” 
You feel like cumming just from him being all the way inside and truthfully he feels the same. He’s afraid he might cum in just a few pumps, so he takes it slow, reaching in front of you to play with your clit, to ease up the stretch you feel. “A-Ah! No! Too much!” 
You start to squirm as his fingers find the sensitive nerves. This time, he hears you and replies. “Shhh... You’re doing well, Y/N,” his fingers rub faster circles on your clit and finally, he feels that he can move a little better now as you keen and rut your hips against his hand. “That’s it...” he whispers and starts at a demonic pace. He can’t help it, it’s too good. “I won’t last long, Y/N,” but you’re already at your orgasm, you’re already reaching your second, his fingers still relentlessly rubbing on you. “The best, it’s the best!” you moan and he watches as your ass bounces on his big cock. “Mmmrghhh... Fuck, so fucking tight,” 
His last few thrusts are brutal. Deep, strong and forceful, until he freezes and unloads inside you with a groan. 
You look at him as you finish up your blowjob. You see him looking down at you on your knees, obediently bobbing your head up and down. Today though, he doesn’t let himself finish in your mouth. He pulls your head back gently and looks you in the eyes. “...Y/N...Let me make you feel good,” 
He gathers you in his arms and places you on his office desk, the papers are strewn around on the floor already. He kisses you hungrily, hands roaming up and down before settling on rubbing you through your underwear. “Zhongli...” He’s a lot stronger than he looks, and this time he pushes your legs apart, his cock is right at your entrance, just waiting for his pushing motion. “Last chance to say no,” he mutters and you answer with a lewd “Fuck me raw,”
He pushes through the muscle of your opening, groaning as he does so. “Gods, Y/N, you’re tighter than usual,” he doesn’t hold back. He knows you can take it and fucks into you rough. He picks you up in his arms as he fucks you and your legs wrap around his waist automatically. He’s making you bounce on his cock at a vicious pace. He can hardly steal a glance at his cock as it disappears right back into your hole. “Zhongli, c-cum in me,” 
You wrap your arms around his neck, as if trapping him. Something snaps inside of him at your words and he maneuvers you onto his office chair and starts pistoning inside of you, his hands gripping the arms tightly. “O-Oh my God. Give it to me, pleasepleasepleaseplease,”
He’s never been this rough before, and you wonder if it’s because of what you said or the fact that he’s doing it raw. He isn’t a very vocal person but today he promises to give you his all. “This.is.all.yours.” he says in between hard thrusts. “Take it all, Y/N, take it--” he stops talking when his pleasure cuts him off, fireworks going off in his head and he shivers on top of you. He growls under his breath and suddenly slaps your cunt, right above the clit and your jerk up with a howl. “FUCK!” 
All of a sudden he’s starting again, he’s fucking into you hard even through your orgasm. “Oh shit! Li! fill me up!” You’re shuddering under him, body out of control at the sheer amount of pleasure he’s giving you, his fingers continue to rub and tap on your clit. “C-Cumming! I’m cumming! OH ff-”
You feel him stop inside of you, and by his low groans you can tell that he’s released his thick strings of cum inside. You wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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kitashousewife · 2 years
Press Conference
i saw a video on tik tok and got immediately inspired to write this so enjoy!
part 2 is up!
pairing: timeskip!atsumu x fem!reader
warnings: none! fluff, lowercase intentional
what an evening. you had been in the city, tasked with reporting on the MSBY match tonight. you got amazing seats, (thanks to your boss) and free dinner that was amazing. it was such a whirlwind of a few hours, but you are grateful.
your first big writing assignment since being hired on as a journalist. your small, practically hidden articles were absolutely nothing compared to the one you’re going to write after this.
you’re so proud. three months of working tirelessly on said small articles, other teeny reports, and doing grunt work around the office has finally been recognized. when your boss pulled you aside and assigned you to report on not just the game, but the press conference after, you were thrilled. after you found out which game it was; well that was just the icing on the cake.
you wouldn’t call yourself a super fan, by any means. you know exactly who the star players are, what position they play, you even tuned into a few of the matches while you were relaxing at home. you happened to followed a couple of the guys on instagram as well. how could you not? they are all gorgeous. however, one player in particular has always caught your eye.
miya atsumu has been a player you have always been aware of. back in high school, when you worked for your school’s paper, you remember your classmates talking about him after a practice match your team had with inarizaki.
“did you see #7?”
“how about his twin, #11? they were crazy talented.”
“not bad to look at, either.”
after high school, you weren’t quick to forget about atsumu. while you studied at university, tried to get smaller pieces and articles here and there, you would see his face consistently. advertisements, brand deals, as well as his rising fame kept him in the spotlight pretty much everywhere you went.
those girls weren’t wrong either, atsumu was quite handsome.
you almost wish those girls from your class could see you now, sitting two rows behind the bench, VIP pass around your neck, notebook on your lap. you were professional, in all sense of the word. you even got yourself a new outfit and matching heels for the event. (you started to regret the heels, but that’s neither here nor there) from the first serve to the last, you were enthralled. watching such talented players in person was a totally different experience. the lighting, the sounds, the environment; everything was perfect. there was only one small distraction throughout the game.
you had noticed atsumu right away. even through the chaos of fans cheering and the loud music, you could hear his laugh and his voice as he chatted with his teammates. at one point you swear you caught him looking at you. having only seen him through ads, billboards, and various social media posts, you finally got to see him in person. and man, was he a sight.
atsumu’s broad shoulders, strong thighs, and quick hands were some of the things you noticed right away. the way he would move his tongue around against his cheek while he focused, the confident smirks he sent the opponents, and his very sharp abs were the things you noticed later; though you are sure he was wiping his face off with the bottom of his jersey every single time you looked. i’m not making that up, right?
however, even with his distracting looks, the game was incredible and MSBY won. you quickly scrambled to grab your belongings and follow the other reporters to the press room.
you had a great set of notes, all of your post game press conference questions were lined up. you hoped to get at least one question in, your boss was adamant that he hears your voice while he watched from home. you wouldn’t let him down either.
as bokuto, sakusa, and hinata came in to sit at the front, the nerves started to kick in. what if i don’t speak up? will they hear my questions? what if they questions sound stupid?
you snapped out of your thoughts quickly as the quick footsteps and loud voice came through the room.
“so sorry, shoyo move in please i need to get to my chair,” atsumu shuffled behind his teammates as he scrambled to his seat. “alright, let’s get started!”
after taking a drink from his water, atsumu looked out into the crowd of journalists and locked eyes with you. your brows raised slightly, eyes widened, and as if looking into a mirror; atsumu did the same. it felt as if everyone else in the room slowly disappeared, like the two of you were the only ones left. atsumu was fighting the urge to stand up and walk up to you, to get your name, number, anything.
he saw you during the match and couldn’t stop thinking about you. he wanted your attention, bad. he pulled out his best moves, coolest sets, and best serves he had been practicing.
“atsumu answer, you’re making us look stupid.”
atsumu’s eyes quickly found sakusa’s; glaring, annoyance clear in his voice. atsumu realized he was, in fact, supposed to be answering questions; not starting at the pretty journalist.
“oh, right. um, yeah, i thought our communication was great tonight, i don’t have any complaints,” atsumu leans into the mic, smirk on his face. a couple chuckles are heard from around the room, and the reporters are asked for their next question.
this was it. this was your chance. abruptly standing up, causing your chair to squeak, all eyes turned to you. all questions forgotten, you start to feel the sweat on the back of your neck. it’s now or never.
“this question is for, well all four of you actually, um, what would you say was your biggest motivation tonight?” your hands shake slightly. you hope nobody notices. you grab your pen to write down the answers. as bokuto opens his mouth, atsumu whisper yells to hinata next to him,
“oh gosh, she’s beautiful. don’t ya think?”
little did atsumu know, just because he’s whispering, doesn’t mean the mic wouldn’t pick it up. hinata holds back a laugh, but the other people in the room can’t help it. the room is full of laughter. but, you aren’t laughing, though. was i right earlier? did he notice me?you feel warmth spreading across your cheeks which intensified as you look up, your eyes meeting atsumu’s.
“oh man, did ya hear that?” atsumu asks you into the mic, his own cheeks dusted pink, with a sheepish look on his face. you quickly nod back, biting your bottom laugh to keep from giggling at the look he giving you. atsumu groans and covers his face with his hands in embarrassment, and the laughing around the room picks up again. despite atsumu’s mishap, the questions continue shortly after.
the press conference wraps up quickly, allowing the players to leave and get a good nights rest. you got amazing notes, your article is going to be incredible. during your cab ride home, you start to plan a small outline in your head. if you didn’t secure a better spot in the company after this, you would be shocked.
after getting into your apartment and changing your clothes, you sit down and open your laptop to add your notes onto a document. the buzz of your phone draws your attention away from the screen. who’s messaging me this late?
an instagram notification appears on your screen. you received a message. you are about to lock your phone and get back to work, only to realize who the message is from.
atsumu.miya: you’re the reporter from tonight, yeah?
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noaltbruh · 2 years
Bucci gang and jealousy 🤭
(A/n. Hell yeah, Summer time's back 😎)
Giorno 🐞
Giorno isn't used nor enjoys showing a lot of emotions, both negative and positive ones. As his significant other, however, you'll get the chance to see layers of his feelings most people don't even know they exist.
Even though most of the time, this is a good thing, as he will try to show you how happy and grateful he is for having you by his side...Nobody is perfect, not even golden boy himself.
Now, he doesn't get jealous often. He deeply trusts you and knows that you will never leave him or perhaps tries to convince himself that it would never happen . Besides...He's the literal Boss of the Mafia, people know better than to try and steal his darling.
If some fool tries to make a move on you, Giorno will attempt to behave himself, he doesn't want to cause a scene, especially not in a public place and with the reputation he has to maintain.
A bad look or a fake cough should usually be enough to scare the...Ahem...Other person away. This boy can go from pure charming angel to "May God have mercy of you- oh wait, I'm God". Nobody wants to mess with that.
If they were too insistent, however, Giorno will let his Dio side show, placing himself between you and the unwanted presence, whispering some sort of threat quiet enough for you not to hear it clearly, but to definitely achieve what he wants.
"I suggest you take your departments in this instant, otherwise the situation might get a bit...Messy, e non vogliamo che ciò accada, do we?"
If he's already in a bad mood that day, he might even call out GER to intimidate them more. That pretty much never happens though, don't worry about it too much.
These were situations in which getting jealous is justified...But does he ever get unnecessarily jealous? For example...If you have a very close friend you often hang out with?
That...Might be a problem.
Like I said, Giorno doesn't like showing you this side of him...But this poor boy does have quite serious abandonment issues, the thought of losing you to someone else haunts him one too many times.
He'll want to meet your closest friends, saying that it's only fair for a boyfriend to learn about your 'other' loved ones, even though that's platonic love. It's obviously just an excuse to observe them and make sure they don't try anything funny with you.
Let's not forget about Giorno's natural talent of reading others. Once he's sure that they have no ill intentions, he'll let you go out with them as much as you wish, he even thinks it's good for you to have someone who keeps you company aside from him, since he's often away because of work.
Please, do spend time with him when he's home though, just give him the love he couldn't have while he wasn't by your side, he needs it.
"Let us dedicate this night to ourselves, va bene, amore?"
He may get a little jealous of some members of the team as well, especially if you all live together.
If you manage to notice his...Annoyance, reassure him that you only have eyes for him, that no matter how much you care about your teammates, he is the one you decided to give your heart to, and no one will ever change that.
Your relationship with him is his first approach with anything romantic, he's experiencing many different feelings all at once, jealousy is just one of them. Give him some time to elaborate it and everything will be alright.
Bruno 🤐
Bruno, similarly to Giorno, is not prone to jealousy. He is quite popular with the ladies, but just like you know he would never try to do anything behind your back, he has faith that you're just as loyal to him.
I don't think he has much dating experience (being a Mafioso surely doesn't give you much time for that sort of thing), but he's more mature than the boy, and will avoid threatening the uhm...Unwanted presence, yeah.
If someone tries to make a move on you, he will give them a fake, small smile and quickly think of an excuse to get away from them as soon as possible.
"We're very sorry, but we're quite in a rush at the moment, perhaps you could ask someone else for directions, mh?"
If the other person still doesn't leave...Boy, Bruno has the patience of a Saint, but you can start to see him struggling. His expression will get more serious and dark, as he directly makes eye contact with them, and holds you a bit closer to himself.
"I do not believe this...Insistence is necessary, would you please do what I said, and let my darling and I go? Thank you"
He will quickly go back to his usual well composed, romantic and polite self as soon as the two of you are left alone. He will let you go a bit if he feels like he's being too overbearing, and will give you one of his beautiful smiles of reassurance.
You're left to wonder how he manages to just keep his cool even in situations like this one.
Aside from this inconvenience, you're good to go!
Bucciarati knows very well that everyone holds special people in their life aside from their romantic partner. He's happy to see you hanging out with your friends.
He might ask you to meet them, but genuinely because he's curious about what sort of people his darling likes to spend time with aside from him and the gang.
Speaking of them, he's totally cool with you bonding with each and every member. He's glad to see you blending in with their dynamics, like you've always been a part of the squad.
However, he does get a bit worried when he's forced to be away from you for a long period of time. He will check on you multiple times through a day to make sure that you're okay, and to know who's been keeping you company while he's not with you. He's so subtle about it that you won't even notice.
He'll give you his full attention once he's back, and will probably organise super fancy date for the two of you, so that you won't be able to focus on anything but the beautiful man in front of you.
On top of this, he unconsciously plays favourite while dividing the group in teams. If a mission requires all of you to participate, you can be sure that he will do anything to keep you close to himself.
"Don't worry S/O, tutto ciò che devi fare, is to stay by my side~"
Mista 🔫
Now, there are people in the gang who are more jealous than him, but you still shouldn't mess around too much, be careful.
Mista might be chill and all, but dude is 18, he's gonna get jealous sometimes and you can't do much about it, that's how it is. I'd say he's in the middle when it comes to easily getting jealous, although he does lose his cool quicker than the two above him.
If a dude is trying to make a move on you, he may try not to immediately shove them away brutally. He'll give them the benefit of the doubt, and then tell them to leave.
"Uhh...Compare, I think you got the wrong person there, she's my date, go bother someone else"
If that really was a misunderstanding, then the night will just go on like nothing happened. If they don't care, however, there is no place for politeness, and you can be sure as hell that they won't like what's coming.
He says, as he probably kisses you a biiiit more intensely than usual to assert dominance. You don't really blame him for acting like that, you're used to him raising his voice or reacting harshly towards people that bother him.
Only in very rare circumstances, especially if he's had a bad day, he'll take out his gun to further scare them away. Pretty sure nobody would want to mess around with the girlfriend of a dude carrying a gun around like it's a telephone.
As for your friends...Eh. I mean, he surely doesn't like if he thinks you've been spending more time with them than him, but he probably won't do it directly.
"Ah, you're hanging out with that dude again? Heh, sure you don't like them more than you like me? Is it because they smell better?"
It's usually enough for you to get the hint and actually think about how much time you've been spending away from him. If you cancel your plans to stay with him, he won't openly tell you, but he's definitely happy that you did.
When it comes to the Bucci gang, he trusts them and knows they wouldn't try to snatch you away from him. Of course, he drags you along all of the not so legal things him, Narancia and Fugo are up to on a daily basis, but he still makes time for just you two.
After all, even though he's busy after they've taken over, Mista still has got some free time, and makes an exception to the rule "Bros before hoes" from time to time.
"Come on bambola, let's watch something together! Uh? Nah, not with the others, just you and I"
Narancia 🍊
Look- just, just watch his past. Can you blame him? This baby went through so much, his abandonment issues are higher than his voice pitch. Narancia genuinely loves and wants what's best for you, he'd give his heart and soul to make you smile.
However, he just can't bear seeing you with someone else for long, his mind will soon start telling him that if he doesn't do something, he's going to lose you, just like he lost...
He's the most jealous boy of all, and also among the ones with the shortest temper, so I'd keep an eye out for him, if I were you.
Is someone is "trying to take you away from him", things will get messy really quickly, especially because he...Uhm...He's not very intimidating at first. He will shove away literally anyone that's even just looking in your direction.
"Che cazzo guardi? I'm their boyfriend, got it?!"
If they don't care about his warning, and try to do something as outrageous as even just touching you with the point of their finger...This boy has a knife on himself, and he sure as hell isn't afraid to use it.
Whether you try to stop him, it's up to you, if you decide not to do anything about it, soon enough there would be a dude running away from the two of you with a huge ass cut on his wrist, almost like Narancia was trying to cut off his hands.
Expect him to hold your hand...Or just you in general for the rest of the day. He won't let anyone get slightly close to you.
It's no big surprise, but he also gets worried when he sees you spending time with someone that isn't him. It isn't just jealousy, this boy's self esteem is incredibly low. He knows he can be annoying, loud or childish, and he constantly fears that you're just going to leave him for someone better.
Unlike Mista, who does try to be a bit more subtle about it, Narancia just doesn't know limits. He'll tell you about how he's feeling without any unnecessary words.
"You don't...Like them more than me, Right? I...I didn't mess up, did I?"
Same thing applies for the gang, especially since he knows who he's 'competing' against, even though the others aren't actually interested in you and just see you as a friend.
Honestly, when you always find yourself compared to someone like Bruno or Giorno, it is pretty hard to believe that you can actually keep up with them.
But thankfully, unless he's on a mission, this baby boy is always around to make sure that you're not spending too much time away from him. And by 'too much time'...I mean 24 hours at best.
He's happy to see you're friends with the others, but he definitely looks forward to being alone with you the most. He just needs to feel you close to him and him only.
"Come oooon cucciola...Don't go with Mista and Trish, tell 'em an excuse, stay here with me! Please? Pretty pretty please??? We can do anything you want! I promise! Just...D-Don't leave"
He keeps his words, and spends the entire time cuddling and filling you with kisses, as you do some activity of your choice. When he says anything, he means it.
Fugo 🍓
This dude is a ticking bomb when it comes to jealousy. He's among the ones that deal with their emotions in the worst possible way, especially anger. His quite jealous nature doesn't help in the slightest.
Sure, he is more well mannered than Mista and Narancia, but in practice, he lacks the patience that he needs in order to deal with jealousy attacks in a not alarming way.
His anger issues have gotten better ever since you started dating, but he still has a long way to go for sure.
If he noticed someone subtly (or not) trying to flirt with you, Fugo will genuinely make an effort to behave well and maintain his formal façade and language.
"I believe there was a...Well... Misunderstanding. You see, they're already taken, I apologise for the confusion"
You almost can't help but be surprised as to how well he managed to keep his cool. You know the blonde prefers to avoid catching other people's attention and maintain a low profile, but it'S still quite out of the ordinary.
...That is, of course, if the other person decides to listen to him and leave. If they act as what he had just said doesn't matter, that is when things really do get out of hand.
You realize something bad is about to happen, when you see him standing up from his chair, or slowly taking a small step further the unwanted presence.
Ahhh...Sweet lovable Fugo.
He apologise immediately after for his outburst, he's genuinely trying to get better, but when it comes to someone getting in the way of the two of you...He just can't accept it.
He'll ask for your forgiveness like he has just killed your entire family and he expects you to despise him. Please reassure him a little, and then you can go back to your date.
He also gets kinda worried when he's forced to be away from you for too long, especially since he would probably play a very major and key role in the organization as a strategist.
There may be times when he just can't be by your side, and he can't help but wonder what you might be up to. This boy is paranoid, are you feeling neglected? Ignored? What can he do about it?
Similarly to Bruno, he often checks on you to see who you've been hanging out with, and promises you several times to make up for the lost time once he manages to get a day off.
If he is at home though, and he notices you hanging out quite often with other people, he'll start to grow anxious, but is too shy to actually tell you. He thinks he'll come off as too overbearing if he does.
"Oh...Alright, have fun with them, we'll...Uhm, go on a date another time, don't worry about it"
He's probably forcing a sad smile in the meantime. It's enough for you to convince you to cancel your plans to stay with him. He'll try to convince you to go, but you probably won't listen.
I'd say that when it comes to the gang, the only ones who worry him are Mista and Narancia. Not because they'd try to take you away from him on purpose, but these two are just way too sociable and would probably befriend a wall if they could. It doesn't help that they're around the most.
He will keep you a bit closer to himself when you're all together, but overall, he tries to trust them, trust you, and convince himself that you're not going to grow tired of him.
His alone time with you is probably perfectly planned and crafted, he wants every moment you spend together to be perfect, to make sure that you're enjoying yourself and his presence.
"This night...There will be only us. Nobody to bother our serenity, no missions to take care of, just...You and I. Non ti sembra magnifico, tesoro?
Abbacchio ⏮️
He's the most closed off and harsh member of the team, but you can be sure that the love he feels for you is authentic, and he wouldn't dare to think about leaving you or replacing you with someone.
He has very few people he genuinely values in his life, and he won't let anything nor anyone snatch you away from him. He has already lost someone because he wasn't careful enough, he refuses to commit the same mistake twice.
...At the same time, however, his ego is too high for him to actually admit or even act as he's jealous. He'll try to brush off any sort of annoyance caused by other people like it's nothing, but damn does he absolutely want to kick the shit out of anyone who dares to check you out.
Although it is extremely rare that someone would try to mess around with the partner of an edgy dark goth, some fools might decide to test their luck...And miserably fail.
He won't day anything, his freezing stare is enough to make the other realize that they're definitely bitting more than they can chew. Anyone with a bit of self consciousness would you the two of you alone.
It is probable that you didn't even notice what just happened, Abbacchio always kinda has this resting bitch face when someone approaches him even slightly, it's nothing new to you.
If the 'nuisance', in a moment of compete craziness, pretends not to see him, his deep tone of voice will end the job for him.
"Leave, now."
Nothing more, nothing less.
He will go on with your date like that interference had never happened. He didn't even think about just how much it came off as threatening, it just felt...Like the right thing to say, and so he did.
He doesn't believe it's jealousy, just the mere desire to 'protect' you. Anyone would have reacted like that.
However, Abbacchio truly does respect your boundaries, as he needs them too. He never bats an eye when your friends ask you to spend the night together and is genuinely happy to see how many people treasure and care about you.
"I have some work to attend to anyway, take your mind off some things and enjoy yourself, I won't go anywhere"
At the same time, he feels very comfortable and calm in leaving you with his coworkers. He knows that the idea of them bring more than friends to you would never cross your mind, and he's also sure that nobody out of them would try anything funny. They're either too smart, or too stupid to do so.
The only times when he might start to feel a bit more dense regarding the subject is when he's unable to see or just be in contact with you for more than a week. Nervousness starts kicking in as his mind begins to imagine some...Not so nice scenarios.
You'll notice that he's slightly more physically affectionate than usual when he comes back, and despite how much he hates to say it out loud, he will express his desire for some...Well, more private moments.
"Forget about them, I'm everything that you're going to need tonight, fidati di me, amore"
Trish 🎙
Jealous Trish is pretty funny ngl.
Now, even though she does close herself off when she's not comfortable around someone, she's usually quite easy-going and emotional. Unlike what you might think or expect from a teen girl, she doesn't get jealous often.
She has more social awareness than most of the boys though, and she also has an image to maintain, being a pop singer. You cannot risk to meds up your reputation because someone looked at your partner in a way you didn't like.
Although I believe she would be quite the overprotective girlfriend, probably always holding your hand in public or initiating some other form of physical affection so that people won't get too close.
If someone does, however, you honestly have nothing to worry about. She's quite self conscious and knows how not to snap when faced with unwanted situations and people.
She's quick to step in and gently pushes you aside, away from the source of discomfort, faking a smile.
"Oh! I'm very sorry, what is it that you said again? My partner and I couldn't hear you"
She acts rather passively-aggressively. All she wants is to put the other person in a scenario that is so awkward that they won't be able to say anything back.
She's quick to dismiss them and probably forgets about it soon enough. She knows paparazzi are ready to jump out of every corner as soon as they can spot drama.
This also means that, if push came to shove, she wouldn't waste another single word on that person, she'd simply grab you by the hand and get you away from them as soon as possible.
"Urgh...Some people just don't know their space, do they?...Well, not that I blame them, who wouldn't want to have you as their partner, dolcezza?"
She's also the type that will never admit to be jealous under any possible circumstances. She does turn red and tries to act casual about it if you tried to bring it up, which honestly makes her look adorable.
She isn't also the type to get jealous of your friends, being a singer takes a lot of energy and keeps her very busy, she knows you're gonna have other people in your life aside from her.
If she's home, however, she won't demand you to stay with her alone, but she will go out with you most of the times. Your friends like having you around, and she likes to be around them.
A friend of yours is a her friend, after all!
"You're seeing them again today? Awesome! Come on tesoruccio, let me think of a good outfit to wear! Wait...How about matches outfits?"
She's super chill and happy about you bonding with the gang. Honestly, she can't think of anyone who would try a move on you, they all know they're going to get their ads swayed in place if they do.
But on a more serious note, Trish cares very deeply about them, she wants you to feel like an actual part of the family and always joins in your chaos if she's around.
You two do go on dates quite often when you actually get the chance to, though. Trish loves to look at you in the eyes and takes huge pride in being your girlfriend.
"Well, where would you like to go tonight? Me? Oh, I'm fine with everything! It's been a while since I last saw you...I just want to be by your side right now"
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blu-joons · 2 years
When They Call You During Run BTS Filming ~ BTS Reaction
As you picked up the phone, you heard Jin tell everyone to be quiet. “Y/N, what’s your favourite song of ours?” Jin asked you, without even saying hello.
“I quite like Boy with Luv,” you replied to Jin, hearing plenty of commotion in the background, “why are you asking me that so suddenly, what’s going on?”
Jin stepped aside so that he could talk to you quietly, “for the episode, we have to guess people’s favourite things.”
“I’m sure that there are plenty of other songs of yours that your fans like though,” you quickly told Jin, not wanting him to use your answer to represent everyone.
The boys had already gone for it though, “Boy with Luv is a popular song, we’re going to trust you and pick that as the fan’s favourite too.”
“Don’t do that because you’ll blame me if you guys lose.”
“We’re trusting in you Y/N,” Jin laughed in reply.
A groan came from you, “keep me on the phone until you find out the answer, so I know whether to run or not.”
“Yeah, you might not be welcome at the dorm tonight.”
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You quickly paused your programme as you noticed your phone ringing. “Y/N, tell Jungkook to go and pick on someone else?” Yoongi yelled down the phone.
“What are you on about?” You laughed, with no idea what was going on as you heard Jungkook ‘s laughter in the background as Yoongi told him to go away.
He was pushed and pulled in two different directions as he tried to talk to you, “can you tell Jungkook to get another member?”
“Why?” You asked him, wanting to know what it was that you were supposed to be doing. “If you’re playing a game, then isn’t Jungkook doing what he’s supposed to be doing?”
A groan came from Yoongi as you failed to do what he asked. “Y/N, you’re supposed to be on my side, help me get Jungkook to bugger off.”
“Who’s he going to go after if he can’t go after you in the game?”
“I don’t care who he gets,” Yoongi cried out to you.
A chuckle escaped from you as you heard how desperate he was. “Sorry, but I think you might have to fight this one yourself.”
“I can’t believe that you’ve let me down like this.”
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Your heart stopped when you looked down at your phone and noticed Hobi’s name on the screen. “Y/N?” A voice called out, not recognising it as Hobi’s.
“Hello?” You quizzed, taking a moment to work out that the voice that you actually heard was Namjoon’s, wondering why you hadn’t heard Hobi’s voice.
A sigh came from Namjoon before speaking to you, “I don’t suppose you’re able to get yourself to the hospital, are you?”
“W-why?” You nervously quizzed, fearing the worst as you remembered what it was that the boys were filming, knowing just how physical the episode was.
Namjoon knew that you knew too before saying a word. “There’s been a bit of an incident, Hobi might have had a bit too much confidence.”
“What’s he done Joon? Or would I rather just not know for now?”
“It’s easier to show you Y/N,” he told you in response.
Your head nodded, grabbing your coat. “I’ll drive to the hospital now; I can be there in about half an hour I reckon.”
“I’ll meet you outside to show you where.”
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You didn’t know what was going on as you answered Namjoon’s call, hearing plenty of noise down the line. “Y/N, can you hear me?” Namjoon shouted to you.
“I can hear you,” you yelled back to him, “what on earth are you doing? I thought that you were filming for run?” You asked him, recalling Namjoon’s schedule.
A laugh came from him in reply to your question, “we are, but there’s a couple of things that we left at the dorm.”
“Let me guess, you want me to go to the dorm and bring them to you?” You asked, reading Namjoon like a book, knowing exactly what he wanted from you.
Another laugh came from him, “I wouldn’t ask if we weren’t desperate, but I promise that I’ll make it up to you for helping us out to get this done.”
“I can get to the dorm in twenty minutes if you tell me what I need.”
“I’ll send a text with a list on it,” Namjoon replied.
Your eyes widened slightly, “a list? How much have you left at the dorm? Did you not check before you left the dorm?”
“You know what we’re like, just a tad forgetful.”
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As soon as you saw Jimin’s name pop up on your phone, you were worried, quickly accepting his call. “I’m exhausted,” was all that he said to you answered him.
“Is that all that you rang me for?” You asked him, shaking your head as you sat yourself down on the sofa, “why are you ringing me during the middle of filming run?”
Jimin could hear the panic that was in your voice, “I just thought I’d call and see how you are, what’s wrong with you?”
“I thought something bad had happened, you never ring me during filming,” you scolded him, taking several deep breaths to calm yourself back down.
A soft sigh came from Jimin as he listened to you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you, I only rang because I’m tired and I want to hear your voice.”
“It’s fine, it’s my fault for probably assuming the worst straight away.”
“It’s nice that you worry about me though,” Jimin smiled.
Your eyes rolled at how excited he sounded, “of course, I worry about you, especially when I’ve seen some episodes of run too.”
“This one’s easy, even we can’t mess it up.”
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A sigh of relief came from Taehyung as you picked up his call, speaking straight away. “Y/N, we’re relying on you to get the answer right so that we can win a snack?”
“Answer right for what?” You quizzed, with no idea what was happening as you heard the boys in the background, their voices all muffling together as they all spoke.
Taehyung quickly shushed them before speaking again, “do you have any idea what the capital of Samoa is Y/N?”
“Isn’t it Apia?” You asked Taehyung, not even having to think as the boys all cheered on the end of the phone in reply to the answer that you gave.
Taehyung didn’t respond as he watched the production team, as their heads quickly nodded. “Y/N, thank you! I knew that you wouldn’t let us down.”
“I hope you plan on sharing some of those snacks with me for helping.”
“I’ll bring some home with me,” Taehyung promised you.
A chuckle came from you as the boys all thanked you. “I’m glad I could help, but you guys all owe me a favour at some point now.”
“We’ll help you out whenever you need us.”
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Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you glanced down to see Jungkook calling you, quickly picking up his call. “Y/N, guess what, I got to come home early?”
“Did you win again?” You laughed, hearing in the background of the call that Jungkook was already on the road. “Shall I start getting ready to go out to dinner in that case?”
The smile on Jungkook’s face quickly turned up, “I reckon that I’ll be home within about half an hour at this rate Y/N.”
“Wow, you really did finish early,” you smirked, shaking your head as you realised that Jungkook was over two hours early to leave the set.
He couldn’t help but laugh knowing that the boys were still on set. “You should have seen their faces when PD told me that I was able to go home.”
“I can imagine that none of them were probably impressed with you.”
“I think they might have hated me,” Jungkook chuckled.
Your eyes rolled at how delighted he sounded on the other end of the line, “you’ll be in trouble when you see them at the dorm.”
“I’m the winner, I don’t care what they do.”
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Over The Odds | Ruthless
Pairing - jungkook x reader
Genre - smut, angst, fluff, S2L, ceo!jungkook, sugardaddy!jungkook
Word count - 1.8k
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Drabble 14 - Jungkook finally meets your sister - jk pov
warnings: swearing
“The new employees are here,” Hoseok, Jungkook's assistant, opens the glass door to Jungkook’s office – it’s Monday morning and the first day of Jeon Industries plan to expand and broaden their horizons.
“I’ll be there soon, what room are you guys in?” Jungkook’s in the midst of sending emails, he peels his gaze away from the screen just enough to see his assistant of three years standing in the doorway wearing brown slacks and a cream shirt, the sleeves rolled up just enough to expose his slender veiny arms.
“Conference room two.” He nods, “You coming?”
“Give me five minutes.” He holds up his tattooed hand, and Hoseok leaves.
If there’s one thing Jungkook is particularly dreading today it’s meeting your sister Ruth, so far he’s heard nothing but bad things about her character. Her resume is absolutely spectacular though, much to his disappointment. She’s well educated, has tonnes of relevant work experience, fantastic references from well-respected people – truth be told she’s an employer’s wet dream. If it weren’t for the fact that you’ve extensively complained to him about how much of a bitch she is he'd probably be looking forward to meeting her, he has to remind himself to remain professional and keep an open mind regardless.
The door to conference room two displays his reflection, thankfully he’s looking refreshed and ready for the week ahead – which he is, he spent his entire weekend cosying up with you beneath the twinkling tipi and he feels great for it. He’s wearing a three piece grey suit, his hair is styled back exposing his thick brows and forehead, his tan skin is almost glowing and for the first time in weeks there’s not one trace of a single eye bag.
“Morning everyone,” He nods, glancing round at the sixteen new faces sitting around the long black table as he enters the room, “I’m Jungkook, the CEO and founder of Jeon Industries. It’s nice to meet you all.”
He asks that everybody go round the table and introduce themselves with their name and their proudest achievement, it’s the only exercise he actually makes an effort to sit in for whenever a group of new employees start. Mainly because he can tell a lot about a person’s character based on their response. There’s the people who want to impress him and start reeling off their academic credentials as though he hasn’t already read them on their resume. There’s the people that say ‘oh I don’t know I’m proud of all my achievements’ and can’t give him a straight answer. And then there’s his favourite type of people, the honest ones, who give genuine answers that aren’t relevant to the business like ‘passing my driving test first time’ or, ‘giving birth to my daughter’. Those are the employees that tend to do well within the company, escalating to larger, better-paid roles a lot quicker than the others. Jungkook appreciates honesty, and first impressions mean a hell of a lot to him.
The new faces do as he asks, as they were hired to do, and one by one give their answers to his question. He’s listening so intently that he almost forgets all about your sister, until she’s the next person to open her mouth.
“Hello everyone I’m Ruth,” She smiles brightly, and for a second Jungkook has to blink twice to make sure he’s seeing this properly. For lack of better words, she looks pretty much exactly fucking like you. He can tell she’s older around the eyes, her skin doesn’t glow quite the same way yours does but aside from small, insignificant differences here and there she’s your double. Her hair is shorter, her shoulders are little broader, he’s decided that despite what you’ve told him she’s not prettier but she is an attractive woman, and her presence is overbearing as he can already tell she loves attention, pausing until everybody in the room is looking at her.
“And my biggest achievement is being able to maintain such a close relationship with my family. It’s hard work sometimes,” She laughs, somewhat cockily, “But I’m very proud of the fact we’re all so close, after all family is the most important thing in the world. Achievements are worthless if you have nobody to share them with.”
Wow. He’s kind of impressed. And also confused, from what you’ve said to him she rarely checks in with the rest of your family – and he knows for a fact that the two of you aren’t exactly close. Remaining professional he listens to the other answers given, he’s made a mental note of the four people who gave genuine, memorable achievements but unfortunately for you your sister is one of them.
If only you’d let him fire her upon arrival like he offered to do when he initially found out she’d be working for him, but of course you being the kind-hearted soul you are said that would be unfair, and now she’s sitting in front of him hanging onto his every word.
“Thank you everyone, once you’ve completed training my assistant Hoseok and I will appoint you with your new roles depending on experience and credentials and how well you do over the next six weeks. Your contracts are in front of you if you wanna give them a read and hand them to Hoseok once you’ve signed them, he’ll be your go to man for throughout training. Welcome to Jeon Industries.”
“Thanks Jungkook.” Hoseok bares his white teeth in a glorious grin and Jungkook stands, exiting the room without another word.
It’s when he’s back in his office, sending some important documents to the printer that a loud knock on his door startles him, he’s not expecting anyone for the rest of the day. “Come in?” He shouts, unsure of who's there.
“Hello,” He glances in the direction of the soft voice, his stomach dropping at the sight of your sister already sitting down opposite him without permission, “I figured I should introduce myself to you properly while I’ve got a minute, you are my sister’s boyfriend after all.”
“It’s nice to meet you Ruth,” Jungkook locks his computer screen, giving her his undivided attention in an attempt not to come off as rude. “Officially.”
“I’m just going to get straight to the point…” Her smile immediately drops, the nice girl façade shattering right in front of his eyes, “I want to work in your finance department, I have all the qualifications and I think I would be an asset to your accounts team.”
“Oh?” He bites back a laugh, he didn’t know what he expected from the infamous Ruth but it certainly wasn’t this. “Well we can definitely look into that once you’ve completed training with Hoseok—”
“Is training really necessary? I know what I’m doing.” She flicks her hair over her shoulder, frowning at him. You were right, your sister is fucking unbelievable.
“It is, company policy.” He rids himself of any trace of emotion, staring at her with a serious expression while leaning back in his leather office chair.
“Right, but you’re dating my sister—”
“You won’t be treated any differently to my other staff.” He warns her, shaking his head. It’s not very often he has to show his power, usually he treats the employees as his equals because he respects them and the work they do for him. But some people every now and then, need reminding of who he is. “My relationship with Y/N is irrelevant.”
Ruth doesn’t appear to like this, she chuckles darkly to herself before bending forward, “You really want to explain to my father, to Y/N’s sick father, that you wouldn’t put me on the department I applied for? That I moved back into their house for nothing? I wonder how that conversation would go…”
“Are you threatening me?” He’s half-frowning, half-smiling, amused by the whole situation. Who in all fuckery does this girl think she is, does she even know who she’s speaking to?
“I know what I’m doing Jungkook, I’m smart, I’m ambitious, and I want to be on your accounts team.”
“Like I said, we’ll review it once you’re done training.” He sympathises with you completely, he can only imagine what she’s like behind closed doors if she behaves this day at work, on her first day none the less. To this she doesn’t respond, and so he unlocks his computer screen to finish what he was doing when she first arrived.
“And what if I refuse to do the training?”
“There’s the door,” Jungkook points an inked finger to the glass entrance not bothering to look at Ruth, locking his computer once again before finally settling his eyes on her shocked face.
“If you’re not willing to learn here there’s really no point you staying, Hoseok prepares the best training material to ensure all employees are capable of doing other roles within the company to cover things like sick days, maternity leave and so on. You might be my girlfriend’s sister but this is my business, I’ve worked hard to be sat at this side of the desk and if you don’t want to follow the policies that I’ve put in place, feel free to leave.”
“…I was kidding, obviously.” She rolls her eyes but deep down she's panicking, he can tell, resorting to batting her eyelashes at him as though it’ll change his perception of her, “Of course I’ll do the training, but I would really like it if my interest in the finance department can be taken note of.”
“Of course,” He feigns a smile, the only reason he hasn’t fired her where she sits is because he knows deep down she would be an asset to his company, and she’s also right – he doesn’t want to have an awkward conversation with your dad if he can avoid it, giving he's yet to meet the man, “Was there anything else?”
“Just one other thing,” She stands, resting her small palms on his desk to lean over him, “If you ever, and I mean ever hurt Y/N… More than you already have,” She scoffs, inching down further until Jungkook’s uncomfortably sitting back to avoid being so close to her face, “I’ll tear you and this entire fucking company down, until I’m the one sitting at that side of the desk.”
660 notes · View notes
twstmemories · 2 years
'i’m here for you. don’t forget that.' prompt for Jamil please and thank you! Also, congratulations on 1k!! 💕🎉💕🎉💕
drabble for 1k followers event
88 requests and every single jamil request is somewhat angst related but every request also manages to not request the same prompt this amazing
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Jamil was sure that everything would go downhill the moment he snapped out from his overblotted state. He knew the moment he hatched out this whole plan against Kalim that his reputation and position would be endangered and every person he had oh so carefully become friends with would be wary of him.
It's a risk he took, and a consequence he was well prepared for.
He knew that. He had already prepared himself for the twisted frowns of fellow classmates surrounding him.
But when he came back to his senses and the first one he locked his eyes with were none other than you standing by the archway with a look he couldn't even describe?
Oh he felt his stomach turn in the worst way possible.
Jamil wasn't able to call out to you, nor reach his hand out and try to explain himself before he was faced with a crying Kalim. His previously worried expression twisting into one of annoyance at the loudness that was not helping his growing headache.
But when he had finally shoved Kalim's face away, because screw mannerisms and being polite now that his whole cover was already up in flames, you weren't by the archway anymore.
It's a consequence Jamil knew would happen, but god he didn't expect it to hurt as much as it did.
The next time he awoke, he was looking up at the same intricate patterns of the ceiling of his room, body feeling heavier than usual. But before he could force himself to get out of bed, a gentle hand had already pushed him back down: "You overblotted and overexhausted yourself. Just lay down, Jamil," you muttered softly, the vice-leader snapping his head towards you upon hearing your voice.
Didn't you leave? Weren't you disappointed? That he lied, stringed you along to thinking that he was a different person than he was? But before he could ask you any of those questions, you had only brushed aside his bangs and placed a cool towel on top of his forehead before gently cupping his cheek with your hand: "I already had a hunch you quite literally loathed Kalim. But I already told you once before and I'll tell you again," you say with a gentle smile.
Jamil knew what you were going to say. Because the first time you said it, he had brushed it off with a light chuckle not believing you.
"I'm here for you. Don't forget that," you gently reminded him once again.
Jamil had quite literally done everything for those words to never be uttered from your mouth again. But here you were, by his side and taking care of him while saying the exact same words he had brushed off months earlier.
And this time, Jamil did actually believe them.
445 notes · View notes
Drunken Flirtations
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A/N: This is my first reader insert fic ever. I am terrified but curious to try my hand at it. I'd appreciate any feedback if it's any good 👉👈 This fic was inspired by @scarfacemarston's drunk Arthur audio post 😬
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Reader
Warnings: Essentially none? Fluff, flirtation, mild swearing, etc. Partially proof read
Summary: Arthur is drunk, and some drunken flirtation ensues between the two of you
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It had been a good day. You and the Gang had settled outside a new town and plans to start working the settlement were underway. It had been a week on the road looking for a suitable campsite, and now that you all had finally settled, everyone was eagerly getting to know the town and opportunities available. 
You hadn’t had a chance to see the town in the light of the day, but here now, late in the evening, it seemed as lively as any town would be if it had a saloon. Which this one did. 
Tying your horse to a hitch post outside the building, you looked around as you gave your steed some well-deserved attention in the form of pats. Your eyes jumped from one man to the other, looking for the boys before you looked over your shoulder across the street. Your eyes found a familiar looking one standing next to a woman, and after a few seconds you deduced what you were seeing and smiled before shaking your head. 
You head up the stairs to the saloon before walking in, searching for the other one. 
When it became evident that John and Arthur weren’t coming back from drinking a little after sunset, Hosea had asked if you’d run into town just to make sure the boys were in fact- there. And not in the jail yet. You’d happily obliged and ridden out after grabbing a meal. 
Your eyes gaze across the room of the saloon as you jump from head to head of countless men around you, before your eyes land on a head of familiar light brown hair and the dark leather hat he always had on him.
You’d known John and Arthur for a number of years now. Aside from the greetings and casual small talk that happened on occasion, you usually didn’t converse with either of them beyond that. Sometimes, however, Arthur would chat with you in the evenings if no one else was at the fire. You appreciated those talks. He was a busy man- Dutch’s right hand man. You had your uses on jobs, sure, but you were in no way as vital to the workings of the Gang as he was. The one time you had mentioned that outloud, Arthur had been quick to disagree with you. He’d said they were lucky to have you, before proceeding to shower you with compliments for the next several minutes. The fact eventually made him fluster when he felt he’d gone a little overboard and excused himself.
You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t been a little sweet on Arthur from then on. He was a handsome man. You couldn’t deny it. Hell- you’d never deny it. The other girls agreed he was quite charming. He himself didn’t seem to think so; he was humble in that way- but at times he seemed a little self-loathing, which you didn’t understand in the slightest. 
Out of everyone in camp, he was the sweetest. Most of the Gang was a little rough around the edges. Arthur was no exception, but he had a softside he, more often than not, wore on his sleeve. At least around you.
When the man turned his head, revealing the familiar side-profile, he essentially confirmed your suspicions that it was him, and you began heading across the room and to the bar.
Since you started to see him in a different light, you’d caught yourself looking forward to interactions with him. Those “interactions” however, were embarrassing more often than not thanks to your smoothness when flustered.
Like that one time he caught you staring at him. You were washing clothes, looking for a way to occupy your mind as your hands were busy when you looked up and caught sight of the man across camp. Your actions came to a slow stop without you realizing. He was playing poker with Dutch, Susan and Pearson when he looked up from his cards and around the table. Between Susan and Dutch, he met your eyes. It took you a horrifying ten or so seconds for you to not only realize you were staring, but he’d caught you staring. He’d given you a sweet smile and even a little wave with his free hand. Your face felt like it could spontaneously combust into flames as you tried to play it off and give him a little wave back before you went back to scrubbing the life out of the piece of clothing in the wash bin.
You place your hand on Arthur’s shoulder and let it slide down his upper arm briefly as you stop at the bar to his left.
He seemed surprised by the contact and swayed around quite quickly to meet your eyes, a lightness flickered in his eyes with recognition.
“Hey!” His greeting came out quite loud and you couldn’t help but smile at his whole hearted greeting as he leaned on the counter.
“Havin fun?” You ask, voice much quieter than his as you watch him. He was downing the rest of his drink, leaning back as he did so as to not waste any of it.
“Ye-ep,” He hiccuped before turning to you as he tried to catch the dribble of alcohol on his chin with his sleeve. “Waitin on Marston. He said he’d be right back,” He looked over his shoulder towards the opposite side of the room before turning back to the bar. “Thinkin… I think I should go look for him.” Arthur grumbled as he got another drink.
“I’m sure he’s around.” You chuckle gently as you watch him. Had you not seen John trying to talk up a girl across the street from the saloon, you’d probably have offered to go look for the man. “I’m sure he’s having his own fun. Saw him with a girl outside.”
“Figures… Bastard’s always been a ladies man.” Arthur laughed as he lowered his drink.
“Ladies man?” You laugh before leaning your forearms on the bar. “I don’t know about that. I think that requires him to be successful more than not with the ladies… Shamelessly confident? Maybe.” You shrug and can’t help but smile when he laughs.
“Y’know… I think- I think you’re right.” He nods as he mimics your posture and leans over the bar, one hand holding his drink. He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again, looking over at you quietly.
“Mm- I’m seein a few of you, darlin.”
The term made you struggle not to smile as you met his eyes.
“A few of me?” You repeat with a chuckle.
“Yeah there’s a few of you in front of me,” He breathed before chuckling deep in his chest, his eyes meeting yours before jumping to the right and left of you. “I ain’t complainin though.”
“You’re a little drunk right now, aren’t you?” You laugh as you look into his eyes, seeing a subtle lack of awareness but also a giddy innocence that fills you with delight.
“Yer drunk!” He pushes back with half-lidded eyes as he blinks slowly, swaying against the counter.
“Me!?” You laugh as he positioned himself to still lean against the bar, but still face you. “I’ll let you know, I haven’t had a drop of anything tonight, mister. In fact I’ve been sent to collect you if need be.” You inform him.
“Y-y’got that- glint in yer eye.” His eyes narrow and he grins in a way that makes your stomach flip, forcing you to look away for a moment.
“Do I?” You shake your head in amusement and lean over the counter once more, watching the bartender for a time before you chance meeting Arthur’s gaze once again when you process his words further. “Wait- glint? What glint?” You were genuinely curious. Was this drunk talk or was there something he was actually referring to?
Your brow knits as you play over his words.
“Explain.” You press lightly.
“That glint-” He points at you with his bottle in hand. “Pretty girl like you- stalkin around in here,” He gestures around the room. “These men are gonna need to watch their wallets.”
You try to hide your smile at his words. He’d called you pretty before, but it never failed to send butterflies rampant in your stomach.
You process his full statement. “I- Arthur” You stutter, heat rising in your cheeks as you quickly look at the bartender who is now eyeing you with an eyebrow raised. “Arthur- that is not-”
“You’ll rob em blind!” He continues.
“Arthur-” You seeth and playfully knock his arm with your knuckles. “You’re making a scene!” You whisper, trying to hide your chuckle.
“S’the truth.” He gestures to you once again with his bottle in hand and looks to the bartender. “Hey- Ain’t she pretty?”
“Arthur-” You breathe, covering your mouth partially to hide your laugh but also inability to stop yourself from smiling. He was drunk. But you’d be lying if you said you weren’t completely tickled by him right now.
“She’s quite a lady, sir.” The bartender amused him with a response but didn’t linger on Arthur for long as he continued getting drinks together.
“Too pretty for a f-fool like me, tha’s for damn sure.” There was a partial slur to his words as he stood up straight and leaned his side against the counter.
“Wha- Arthur!” You exclaim loud enough to catch his attention. “Too pretty for you?”
“Yes ma’am,” He nods with sincerity before settling his bottle down on the counter.
“First of all, that is not true.” You make it clear. “Where did you get an idea like that, sir?” You playfully poke his arm.
“S’just true, y/n! I dunno what t’tell ya,” He shrugs before nodding as he gazes off across the room with only partial awareness seemingly in his eyes.
“But- according to whom, Arthur?” You question.
“S’true,” He sighs, seemingly lost in his own little world.
“My god, you’re adorable.” You mutter the words quietly as you watch him with warmth in your eyes.
“I said you’re incorrigible.” You sputter out with wide eyes before quickly clearing your throat.
“Oohhhh, ok. Got some big words there m’lady!” The sassiness of the statement almost made you choke as you muffled your laughter into your hands.
“You think differently?” He questions.
“As a matter of fact, I do!” You bite back as you playfully turn up your chin. “Maybe you’re too pretty for me!” You offer before taking his drink from his hand to take a sip of it. Your statement caught him off guard enough for you to do as such before you returned the bottle to his grasp, patting his hand before retreating to your previous spot with your arms on the edge of the bar.
“I’m too pretty for you?” He slowly repeated in a low grumble as he turned to eye you with a raised eyebrow.
You nodded and hummed as you faced him and waited. It was quiet for several seconds before he burst into a fit of laughter and you couldn’t help but smile as he did so.
“S’a good one!” He wiped at his eye as he nodded and leaned onto the counter again. He sighed. “That’s a good one… Too pretty for you.” He shook his head and laughed lowly under his breath before raising the bottle to his lips.
“Don’t believe me?” You press as you lean over the counter closer to him.
“You bein serious?” He seemed almost sober as he spoke, and you weren’t sure if you should continue to press, but he seemed to be enjoying himself.
You watched him for a moment, catching the subtle sway as he attempted to keep his balance.
“Of course I’m being serious.” You playfully scoff. “You obviously haven’t noticed all the girls eyeing you like a piece of candy.” You point at him and then around where you knew some of the ladies were about the room.
He didn’t look away from you as you did so, in fact he seemed more fixated on you the further you spoke.
“I’ve been here all but five minutes and I’ve noticed that every girl here wouldn’t mind a piece of you.”
“Every girl in here, huh? You think so?” He raised an eyebrow.
Now he was just trying to get a rise outta you. He was enjoying this. Handsome bastard.
“I know so, cowboy.”
“Well, if you’re so sure,” He turned to face you, his right arm leaning on the bar as he watched you for a moment. The change in posture caught your attention rather quickly. “Can I steal a kiss then, darlin?”
You stopped, eyeing him with a now slacken jaw as the heat rose into your cheeks. 
“You said every girl in here didn’t ya?” He smirked. 
“I did.”
“Doesn’t that include you?”
“I- oh you smooth bastard,” You breathe as you narrowed your eyes, causing him to grin further in victory.
Arthur was always a gentleman. For as long as you’d known him, he was a relatively reserved man. He’d give you compliments here and there - always of good taste. You’d be lying if you said his compliments, as rare as they were, didn’t make you fluster as you’d trip over your ‘thank you’s.
But this? This was a first. He really must be completely wasted. You’d seen him drunk before. Usually he was just a bit more outgoing than normal, and now that you recall… more confident with the ladies, but still reserved. You’d be crazy not to play along with this. As much as you wanted a kiss, your instincts told you he was all talk right now anyway.
Feeling the flickers of an idea start to spark in the back of your mind, and with a sudden wave of confidence you weren’t ready to let pass you by, you let your lips come together before you smiled. 
“Ok.” You hum before turning to face him better as you lean one elbow on the bar to mirror his stance, chin raising. “Lay one on me, Mr. Morgan.” You bat your eyelashes innocently and flashed him a smile.
The seconds tick by as you watch his face and wait quietly as the confidence begins falling from his face and is slowly replaced with confusion and surprise. His innocently wide eyes and slightly parted lips made a warmth blossom in the pit of your stomach. 
Completely taken aback by your acceptance to his request, he seemed to be at a complete loss for how to react and stood there quietly, one hand still on his drink while the other gripped his belt buckle. His stance and posture exuded confidence and capability. Something that would intimidate most men and make a few ladies swoon. But his expression? It was that of a confused puppy, and it made your heart swell.
His eyes finally narrowed and he pulled his lips into a thin line before holding his beer closer.
“This’s a trick ain’t it?” He grumbled under his breath before turning further towards the bar and away from you after a moment’s hesitation.
You gasp, mostly out of amusement to his response but the littlest part of you was offended. “Mr. Morgan, I would never!” You lean further over the bar to catch his eyes once more but he refuses to meet yours as he lifts his drink. You narrow your own eyes before smirking.
“You chicken?”
“Wha- I ain’t chicken!” He sputters through his drink as he looks at you incredulously while you grin madly. You just called his bluff.
“Then kiss me, cowboy! I’m waitin!” You place a hand on your hip while tilting your head. 
His expression scrunched up like that of a frustrated youngin before he looked at the bar again with a subtle pout. 
You attempt to hide your smile until your cheeks hurt.
“Yer making fun of me.”
“Arthur- I’d never,” You chuckle softly at his sudden change in behavior. You lean over the counter again to get him to meet your eyes as you give him a gentle smile. He didn’t meet your gaze, despite the amount of time you allotted him the opportunity, as he swirled the bottom rim of his drink on the bar counter.
It seemed even when completely drunk, he still held those self-doubting views of himself. It broke your heart a little that he thought you were making fun of him, or trying to play him. If you were even capable of shamelessly admitting it to yourself - You’d pay money to kiss the man.
“Well, I’ll tell you what. If you insist on not taking it right now, my offer will still remain,” You sigh before standing up straight. 
Only a couple of seconds passed before you smile and returned to your spot next to him at the bar. 
“Mind if I steal a kiss from you then, cowboy?” You ask.
“M-what?” He grumbles as he chanced a look at you. You couldn’t tell if he was surprised or if he just hadn’t heard you.
“A kiss,” You repeat. “Can’t a girl steal a kiss from a handsome cowboy like yerself?” 
He eyes you quietly for several seconds. The same, innocently confused expression on his face before his brow knits and he seems to think over your request. You smile as you wait. 
“I….” He grumbles under his breath before giving a hard shrug. “I guess,” He mumbles quietly, seemingly unsure about your intentions as he looks at you again.
Lord above- he’s adorable. 
You bite your lip as you try to suppress just how wide your grin was, before you collected your composure and cleared your throat.
Leaning forward, you pressed your lips to his scruffy cheek, giving him a short and sweet peck before returning to your previous stance at the counter.
You watched as his ears and cheeks burned bright red and he looked down into his drink quickly. It wasn’t long before he began to smile, his spare hand coming up to scratch at the back of his neck where the redness had also creeped down.
“I think you’ve had enough a’that stuff,” You gesture to the bottle in his hand.
“What’d you mean?” He laughs quietly before glancing into the empty bottle he was holding. “I’m… perfectly fine.” He responds. “I am now at least,” His hand briefly touched his cheek before he quickly lowered it to his lap and looked away. 
The fact that he was so flustered from your actions only made you feel more confident about your feelings towards the man. Then again- he was drunk. So it wasn’t much to go by. You’d treasure the memory all the same regardless of what happened when he sobered up. 
“Lemme take you home.” You offer. “We’ll snatch John on the way.”
Arthur sighed quietly and seemed to contemplate your words before he pushed off the counter. You toss a couple coins onto the counter for the drinks before directing the man out of the saloon.
You hummed quietly as you pushed the needle through the fabrics in your lap, sealing up a small tear in one of the boy’s clothing. It was a brisk morning, and the fire was providing a nice flush of warmth when the breeze blew on occasion.
Pulling the needle through, you continued with the pattern as the minutes ticked by. Everyone came by at varying times, grabbing a cup of coffee from the percolator that was sitting on the ashes before leaving. That is until one of them didn’t leave.
When you see the shadow settle down on the log across from you, you look up to see Arthur quietly cradling his head, a cup of coffee in the other.
“Mr. Morgan,” You great with a small chuckle.
“Y/N” He responds quietly.
“Nasty hangover there?”
“You could say that,” He chuckled and nodded before taking a sip of the beverage.
You both sat in silence for a few minutes as he sipped his coffee and you continued to sew the patch onto the article of clothing. It took a while before you felt the atmosphere shift, and it wasn’t until you looked up that you realized what it was that had changed. Arthur was staring at you, his eyes slightly narrowed. 
You met his eyes and remained quiet for a time before giving him a small smile to try and break the ice. The look was sending a subtle nervousness through you. Was he thinking about last night? Was he upset with you?
“Mr. Morgan?” You try.
His eyes seemed to further focus on you, and they subtly widened before he cleared his throat and looked away. 
“Sorry... Sorry, y/n.” He spoke under his breath before running his hand over the back of his hand. “Mind if I ask you somethin?”
You pause your actions and nod quietly.
“Did uh… Anything- happen? Last night?”
“Last night,” You state.
“... Yeah.” He says slowly.
You let the events of last night run through your head quickly before you smiled and shook your head. You didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. At least not as much as you did right now.
“No, not that I can recall.” You look back down and try to continue with the patching.
“You’re sure?” He furthered.
“Mm hm,” You hum quietly, unaware that you were pulling the needle through quicker and pushing it back through the fabric in quick succession.
“So… Nothing about promising me a kiss last night comes to mind?”
“Ah-” You jerk your hand backwards as you pluck your thumb with the needle accidentally and look around the ground quickly.
“You don’t remember that.” The words tumble out as you curse under your breath.
“What!?” You laugh nervously as you meet his eyes before shaking your hand out. You caught the way he had begun to smile at your apparent nerves before he lifted his cup to his lips and took a long drink of the beverage.
“Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t dreaming that last night.”
“I didn’t say-” You think over your options. Your own nerves made you unsure which you wished for. “I mean it was- didn’t-”
“Are you… Saying it didn’t happen?” He raised an eyebrow, cup hesitantly lowering from his lips.
“No it did!” You confirm his suspicions as you try to fight the feeling of the heat rising into your cheeks. “... It did,” You further quietly as you looked down. 
“Ok good… I’m gonna hold you to that promise, darlin.”
You look up, lips parting as a response fails to come to you, and you meet his eyes and the accompanying smirk on his face from over his cup. 
“Arthur,” Dutch calls across camp. “I need you over here for a minute.”
“Coming Dutch.” Arthur calls back before sighing as he gets to his feet. “We’ll talk later?” He offers the question to you and you watch him quietly, yet another response failing to come to you as you pull together your ability to nod.
“Yeah, talk later.” You finally get out before smiling.
He gives you a priceless smile and tips his hat before walking away.
You watch him for a moment as you replay the last ten seconds before taking a deep breath.
The clearing of someone’s throat draws your attention back to the fire as you meet Karen’s eyes who was now standing in front of the percolator with her own cup and a huge grin on her face.
Stepping around the fire, she took a seat next to you and pulled the fabrics from your lap and set them aside.
“Details, girl. Now.”
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*Comes out of hiding* Was it okay? Absolute train wreck? Let me know please lol 👉👈
I might think about opening requests for stuff like this if I get any positive feedback since my other writings get zero traffic lol. Gotta go where the readers are I guess! Feedback appreciated 💗
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journey, m | ot7
full title: journey to the dick
pairing(s): ot7 x reader
summary: A Cinderella story but it's a dick pic. Yup, that's right. You find a dick pic on your phone and make it your mission to find the owner of said dick. Time to fuck the seven hottest guys you know! Onwards!
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, mentions of alcohol consumption / partying; horny crack, everyone radiates chaotic energy and wants to fuck; reader is comparing their dicks to above-mentioned dick pic so there's a lot of talk about dick, did I mention there's a lot of dick? dick; smut (fem reader, slight D/s dynamics in some scenes, m-receiving oral, cowgirl, penetrative sex, doggy, spanking, handjob, thigh fucking, dance studio sex, overstimulation, fingering, dry humping, 69, face-sitting, photography during sex, m-masturbation, being cummed on (neck / chest [a cum necklace LMAO] + hand), film studio sex, wall-fucking, being overheard / walked in on during sex (and not giving a shit, oops), implied car sex, implied threesome); non-idol!AU - ot7 x sex friend!reader; each member has their own scene
appearances based on the 'Butter' jacket photoshoots yes, the opening line is #50 of my prompt list LMAO title comes from Journey to the West, except it's dick because that's way more important. also, yeah, this is basically a harem hentai, but it's you and BTS, woohoo! :D
"Whose dick pic is this and why it is so inspirational?"
Park Jimin craned his head over to look at your phone, black hair brushing against your forehead. "Damn! That is an incredible dick."
"What are you guys talking about?" Kim Taehyung muttered, yanking your phone out of your hand and peering at the screen. His eyes widened, eyebrows shooting up into his dark brown hair. "Oh, ho! What a high-quality specimen of a dick."
"Why is it on my phone though?" you frowned, taking your phone back from Taehyung. You were sitting next to Jimin on their sofa, contemplating the great mysteries of the world. The black phone case had a cute mouse holding a large sewing needle and sitting next to a spool of sky-blue thread. "I didn't take this one, sadly."
"Maybe you were real drunk," Jimin offered.
"I haven't been real drunk since I projectile vomited in your guys' parking lot."
"That was last week," Taehyung reminded you, smiling amusedly.
You narrowed your eyes. "Look, it was a bad breakup."
"You went on, like, two dates," Jimin laughed, smacking you in the arm.
"It had potential!"
"Yeah, a potential dumpster fire," Taehyung added, rolling his eyes as he sat down on the other side of you. "I know you go for the quiet, nerdy ones, but you're just–"
"Brash? Forward? Ready to sit on dick at any second?"
Jimin was being very helpful.
Taehyung shoved Jimin's grinning face away. "It's a conflict of personality and yours is quite intense, so maybe you should try and be more open-minded about other options."
You frowned, not enjoying this pep talk that you probably needed. In fact, you avoided said pep talk at all costs. You reached back and yanked on Taehyung's ponytail. He prodded you in the left breast in response, glaring. You smacked his hand. He smacked your hand back.
Hey, when you don't have a good reply, resort to violence, right?
You looked back down at your phone. Swollen, red-purple, a good thickness. Nice length too, so hard it was sticking up without the assistance of a hand. You could spy the white pre-cum beading at the engorged tip. It was a strangely clear and well-composed photo. Black boxer briefs. Blue jeans, white shirt.
Could literally be any guy in the history of existence.
You turned the photo to Jimin. "Someone must have taken it last night when I couldn't find my phone for those two hours."
Jimin nodded. "Yeah, seems like it."
"You remember anyone in this outfit?"
Jimin snorted, wrinkling his cute nose. "Everyone was in jeans and a white t-shirt. 'Cause there was that wet t-shirt contest later that night, remember?"
You scratched your head. Ah, yes. Taehyung won. Man looked fucking amazing thanks to working out his arms and chest the past month. Was it solely for the purpose of a silly party gimmick? Maybe. You weren’t complaining though. You did what any good friend would do.
"Oh, right. Who won?"
Taehyung grabbed your shoulders and violently shook you. "I did! Obviously – ah, fuck you!" His tone quickly changed when he realized you were laughing like a maniac, doubling over in a pile of giggles with Jimin. "You're the worst," Taehyung pouted, holding his arms protectively.
"I'm just kidding, don't be mad," you chuckled, reaching over to hug him. He accepted it, but not without continuing to pout. You nuzzled his neck, placing soft kisses on his skin. "I bought you your favorite breakfast when you were hung over this morning, come on now."
His dark brown eyes shifted back and forth before letting out a long, deep sigh and hugging you back. Damn. He had a nice hug now thanks to these arms and his broad chest. He smelled like warm chamomile.
"I worked hard for these," he mumbled.
You patted him on the back before releasing him and holding up your phone. Back to the first order of business.
"Is this your dick?"
Taehyung scrunched up his face. "No? But I don't look at my dick at that angle either."
You puffed your cheeks and turned to Jimin.
"Is this your dick?"
Jimin plucked your phone from your hand. He tilted his head to one side. Then the other.
"Lemme check."
Then he stood up and started walking to the direction of the bathroom. Still holding your device.
You trailed off.
Taehyung blinked.
The bathroom door closed.
Pants unzipped.
"You have to be kidding me, Jimin."
"Be reasonable. I can't get hard from this dick pic. Don't you want to know the owner of said dick?"
You pursed your lips and squinted at your phone, standing in Park Jimin's and Kim Taehyung's shared bathroom, because they were roommates and your friends. The mysterious discovery of said dick pic from last night's party sparked this Journey to the Dick, because it was a very impressive, intriguing, and, most importantly, inspirational specimen of the male genitalia. Clearly you had to investigate.
For science.
Which was why you were standing in the bathroom with Jimin's sweatpants off and begrudgingly getting to your knees. Begrudgingly, because...
"I thought we were supposed to be ordering pizza and watching Running Man."
"We are," Jimin answered cheerfully. "After you suck my dick."
You glanced at the photo once more.
It remained, indeed, very rousing of certain interests.
You gripped the waistband of Jimin's black boxer briefs.
Hold on.
You stood up suddenly and took your phone from him, sudden determination overtaking you.
"I have to do this correctly."
Jimin blinked rapidly, jumping with a yelp as you flung open the bathroom door to reveal Taehyung throwing himself into the wall, coughing awkwardly and hiding his face with his hands as you marched out purposefully. Jimin was still pants-less.
"In the proper order!"
Jimin and Taehyung shared a confused look.
"The hell does she mean, proper order?'
kim namjoon.
“Namjoon, may I look at your dick?”
Kim Namjoon looked up from his book and blinked at you over his round glasses.
“Pardon?” he replied in English.
“Your dick,” you responded in kind, in English and with succinct pronunciation. “Your penis. Your willy. Your ding-dong. Your–”
Namjoon removed a hand from his book and held it up. “My what?” he interrupted you, laughing.
Oh good, back to Korean so you didn’t have to flex all the different ways you knew how to say cock in English. “Take off your pants.”
He blinked rapidly, innocently sitting there in his flowy white button-up and brown pants. He even had suspenders. Fancy man. He had dyed his hair recently, a steel midnight blue. That’s how Namjoon was, attractive and book-smart. Absolutely won the lottery when it came to genes and brains. You couldn’t see the title of the book he was reading, but it was probably a self-help or philosophy book. He was into those nowadays, exploring the human mind, while you were more into exploring the physical aspects of humanity.
Luckily, fucking didn’t usually require reading.
(Usually, heh.)
“I have no objections to your proposition. I’m just confused on why so suddenly.”
You dropped your canvas tote bag on the ground. Your red, short summer dress covered in yellow lemons flared out as you shifted your weight to one hip. Your phone was in one of your hands and you waved it around like a baton as you talked.
“Aren’t I usually sudden when I want to fuck?”
Namjoon chuckled, rich and deep, shutting his book and putting it aside. Probably memorized his page number. Big sexy brain and all that jazz. A fantastic characteristic of his.
He also had a big sexy dick you were asking to see right now.
“You are, but sometimes you offer to buy me a meal or a snack first.”
“I mean, sure, if you want–”
He lifted a hand and cocked a finger towards himself, smiling. When he smiled, his dimples appeared. That was your favorite feature on Namjoon. You bounced over excitedly and sat on the couch, skirt flipping up and exposing your thighs, still holding your phone.
“I’m on a mission.”
He quirked an eyebrow, adjusting his glasses detective-style. “What kind of mission?”
You pointed to your phone. “Do you remember that party we went to, the one with the wet t-shirt contest?” You lifted your arm and flexed your rather defined bicep that made Namjoon raise his eyebrows and mouth a wow under his breath. Consistent handys really did the trick when it came to bicep muscle definition. “You remember, right? You showed off your guns.”
He burst out laughing, waving a hand. “They are not guns.”
“Sure, they are. I could do a lot of social justice with your biceps, Namjoon.”
He shook his head, grinning, dimples on full display. “And what’s with the dress? You don’t usually wear such a cute style.”
You ticked your phone to the apartment front door. “I’m meeting Seokjin later, but he said he’s going to play another round of bowling because Jungkook kicked his ass again. But anyway, back to what I was saying…”
“Ah, yes. I think I remember Jimin mentioning something to me now.”
You brightened, unlocking your phone and holding up the screen. “Right! I’m looking for the owner of this dick.”
His eyes widened and Namjoon leaned forward, readjusting his glasses again. “Wow. That’s quite a clear picture.” Then he coughed and averted his eyes.
You nodded quickly. “Well? Did you take this picture?”
He frowned and sat back against the sofa, sucking in a breath and ticking his head. “Mmm, maybe? I was pretty drunk. I don’t remember what I did…”
“Hah… Does this look like your dick, then?”
“How would I know?” he chuckled. “I don’t see my dick from that angle and I don’t have sober photoshoots with my dick.”
You pursed your lips. “Well, I suppose we’ll just have to fuck then. Drop the pants.”
The thing about Namjoon was that he was a very reasonable man. You had a problem and proposed a solution and he, an avid learner who liked searching for answers to the great mysteries of this world, had the means to help you out on your quest, so he did. In addition, he thought you were hot, you thought he was hot, and you’d already fucked a couple times before Journey to the Dick, so the mutual agreement was already there.
The other thing about Namjoon was that he really liked to make you work for it.
Slightly less splendid.
“Are you choking?”
You squinted at him and flipped him the bird. He was well-versed with popular Western hand gestures.
Namjoon nodded sagely. “That’s good.”
And he put his hand back onto the back of your head and shoved your mouth down onto his cock once more.
You had half a second to breathe again before air was forcefully taken from you, Namjoon now holding you there, nose-first into his crotch, sighing contentedly as he expanded in your mouth. You planted your hands onto his strong thighs and pushed, but his hand didn’t budge. The safe signal was three taps and you weren’t tapping out yet. You glared and Namjoon closed his eyes, smirking slowly.
He left his round glasses on.
‘Course he did.
Damn you, Namjoon!
You reached up and pawed at the buttons of his white shirt, making Namjoon open his eyes to see what you were doing as you unbuttoned them rather deftly for someone who had his dick filling up their throat. He looked down at you, cocking an eyebrow. You cheekily cocked one back, poking his pecs with your pinky.
He grinned. “Hm? What’s that?”
You clenched your throat around the head of his cock and he gasped, losing grip for a split second.
In that split second, you threw his shirt open, glorious his tan skin and large muscular pecs now in view, and slapped your hands down onto his thighs, instantly starting a fast, rough pace, curving your neck with every swallow, sandwiching his cock between tongue and top of your mouth, pulsing your wet muscles all over his length, staring at that well-built chest, watching the muscles ripple with his sudden, abrupt inhale.
“Oh, fuck!”
Sometimes you let Namjoon have the reigns, but this time you were on a mission, although it was a little distracting now because presently you had an unobstructed view of Kim Namjoon with his shirt open, head thrown back, midnight blue hair fanning over the sofa, his full lips open and panting, tendons in his neck tensing, broad shoulders flexed, leading down his defined chest and abs, core tight from your intense pace, thighs hard under your hands, cock swollen and thick, pulsating in your mouth. His large hands planted on top of yours, squeezing them with his.
The three taps applied to him too.
Instead, Namjoon moaned your name and gripped your hands.
“T-The picture… f-fuuuuuuuck…”
Shit, that’s right.
You reluctantly slowed, tongue swiping all over the underside of his dick, tracing the veins, moaning hotly around his cock. He lowered his chin, panting hard, dark brown eyes half-open and framed by his lovely silver glasses. It was him who reached for your phone and unlocked it. He remembered your pattern lock and you had only told him once. All your consistent fucks knew how to unlock your phone.
That’s how you had so many pictures of, ahem, good times.
He placed the phone on his hip and his head fell back against the sofa, inhaling deeply as you continued lapping at the base of the head, slowly sucking on it at the same time to keep him hard.
“Mmm, fuck, that’s nice…”
You mashed the tip of your tongue against the slit and coated it with pre-cum.
“Ah, come on, look already and compare,” Namjoon chuckled in his deep voice, raising a hand to pet your head. “Then you can finish me.”
You popped your mouth off reluctantly. “Hmm.” You placed a few fingers on his cock and looked at it, positioning it to the correct angle that matched the photo. “Huh, it’s pretty close. But you have this noticeable vein here, and I think the head of your cock is slightly different…” You squinted and brought your face rather close to his stiff length. “The skin tone seems right, but it’s not exact, and I think you’re bigger…”
Namjoon wrapped his hand around his dick and smacked your cheek with the head.
You puffed your cheeks, strings of saliva and pre-cum covering your face.
He grinned, dimples on full display. “Oops.”
You jabbed your finger at your phone. “I’m doing an investigation here!”
He shrugged cheekily. “You said it wasn’t exact. Get up.”
You put your phone on top of his book on the side table and glared at him. “Well, yeah, but no need to bop me,” you grumbled, wiping your cheek with the back of your hand, standing up, and removing your panties as Namjoon reached over to his pants and pulled out a condom from the pocket.
You did say you were coming. Namjoon liked to be prepared for you.
“You said you liked it,” he mused as you straddled his lap.
“I do when I’m notin the middle of an important mission,” you huffed, picking up the hem of your dress and revealing your wet pussy, chin cocked in defiance.
“You don’t have to sit on my dick then,” he said, pausing with the condom right over his cock.
You frowned. “Hurry up.”
He cocked an eyebrow, dark brown eyes trapping you in his allure. “Doesn’t seem like you want it.”
You narrowed your eyes.
Then you smacked his hands away and rolled down the condom yourself before sliding onto him with one swift motion, clenching your jaw at the sensation of being quickly and solidly filled up, not giving him or you time to adjust. Namjoon tensed his neck, grinning, large hands coming up to firmly grip your hips. Your own came up to grab his biceps and squeeze them, mustering up your most indignant scowl. He chuckled, smirking as you pulsed your walls around him.
“Hold your dress so I can fuck you.”
“Maybe I want to do the moving.”
He clicked his tongue and rammed his hips up into you, making you hiss at the feeling of his cock being driven into your tightness. Your nails dug into his arms, breaths shallowing into rapid gasps as he continued, firmly and roughly fucking you from below, hard thighs flexing and smacking into your inner thighs and ass.
“Hold your dress,” he repeated, voice low and commanding.
“You’re so bossy,” you muttered, reaching down with one hand to yank up your dress, pulling it up high so both you and Namjoon could watch as he very deliberately and very forcefully thrust upwards into your tight hole, smirking wider as he witnessed your expression and the strain of keeping the pleasure off your face.
“Don’t have to give orders if…” He jerked up particularly hard, hitting your sweet spot, causing you to gasp breathlessly. “You…” Smack! You bit you lip, moan trapped in your chest. “Just…” Smack!
And then Namjoon seized your hips and fucked you hard and fast with you barely holding on his shoulder with one hand and the other clutching your dress, moaning his name shamelessly to his own face. Namjoon wasn’t a gloater. His face was serious and concentrated, brows furrowed and intent on giving maximum pleasure, maintaining clear control as you rapidly lost it, allowing and trusting him to lead you into carnal desires.
You leaned forward, hot exhale on his neck, changing the angle and letting him hit you deeper, tightening around him. You heard his breath hitch, hissing out your name. Your whispered against his jaw, close to his ear.
“You like it better when I don’t listen, Namjoon.”
So close, so close, so close.
He snickered, dark, devious, sensual.
“I dolove punishing you with my cock.”
You slid your hand into his midnight blue hair and shuddered, pleasure blooming from your core in heated throbs, savoring the intensity of the orgasm he gave you as Namjoon groaned in your ear, slamming you down onto his hard, twitching cock and moaning, spilling his own into the condom, thoroughly enjoying the vicious massage of your spasming pussy. You pressed your lips to his temple, flinching with the shivers that came after, riding out the peak by rocking your hips lightly, enjoying the fullness he gave you.
“Doesn’t seem like a punishment. I’m having a lot of fun,” you taunted, panting and mirthful.
He gave your ass a playful smack and you squeezed his length from top to bottom.
“We have time for round two,” he murmured, nibbling on your ear.
Kim Namjoon was a very reasonable man.
kim seokjin.
"Gah, fuck!"
"As a matter of fact, yes, let's."
Kim Seokjin nearly tripped and fell against the doorframe, gawking at you. His expressive brown eyes went wide, mouth open enough for a nice ice lolly to be placed between those plump lips.
"Why are you in my bed? Where are your clothes? Why are you holding Pink Bean like that?!"
You sighed exaggeratedly. Here we go. "I had a nice dress but Namjoon took it and said I can't have it back until after." You squeezed Seokjin's large Pink Bean plush that he usually kept on his bed, a fluffy representation of a boss from his favorite PC game, MapleStory. It had a bubblegum pink head, light purple horns, and a cute :3 face. You squashed it with your breasts and looked up at him, on your knees with your feet tucked under your ass, missing all your articles of clothing thanks to Kim Namjoon.
Such cute clothes only for him? I don’t think so.
Seokjin turned bright red, sputtering.
"D-D-Don't do that to Pink Bean!"
"Why not? You've fucked me from behind and I used Pink Bean as my chest support."
He strode across the room with two steps, his long legs making it easy, looking handsome and summery in his pastel yellow shirt and shorts two-piece set, flapping his hands helplessly.
"That was a special case!"
You started bouncing on Pink Bean, you and your tits. Seokjin's brown eyes nearly bulged out of his head and he actually tripped at the end of his bed, falling face-first with a high-pitched yelp.
"Seokjin, I need to see your dick."
He yanked his head up, chestnut brown hair flying everywhere, shooting you a confused glare.
"Yah! You can't just show up naked and start demanding dick while abusing Pink Bean!"
You reached up and scooped your breasts forward, squashing them between the purple horns, nipples poking out above Pink Bean's head. Seokjin looked like he was about to pass out. Probably from loss of blood to his head.
You balanced your phone in your cleavage, inspirational dick pic between your tits.
"Is this your dick, Seokjinnie?" you asked sweetly.
He started, squinting at the screen between your tits. "The heck? What is that?"
"A dick. Is it yours?"
Seokjin made a disgusted face.
"Are they really that ugly? Mine sure as hell isn't."
"Oh, so it's not? You know for sure?"
Seokjin scoffed. "Come on, there's no way that could be mine, look–"
And he sat up and yanked his shorts and underwear off, slapping them down on the floor and spreading his legs, presenting his very hard and quite pretty dick and balls. He huffed triumphantly, planting his hands in his hips.
"How could that thing compare to–gah!"
You crawled over Pink Bean, shoving the plush against your stomach and placing yourself between Seokjin's long legs, oblivious to his shriek of surprise, holding up his shirt as you compared his cock to the one on your phone.
"What the–where did you g-get that picture?!"
Your hot breath wafted over his twitching length as you held it delicately with your fingertips, ass up in the air, tilting his dick to adjust the angle so he mirrored the photo. "Remember that party with the wet t-shirt contest?” you explained nonchalantly. “The one where I said you'd totally win because of your broad shoulders, but Taehyung got more votes because he had been working out and looking all buff recently?"
Seokjin was gasping as you held up your phone. Hmm, not the same thickness. Plus, he seemed harder, sticking out straighter than this photo dick. But there was a small mole in his dick that seemed to match the picture. The length is pretty spot-on too. You scooted closer, cradling his cock with your palm and coaxing it with your fingertips, ass bouncing on Pink Bean's head.
"Oh, fuck..."
"Anyway, someone snapped this photo and I've been trying to figure out who, but everyone was drunk and, if I recall correctly, you were on a table dancing with a pool noodle and belting Kim Yonja's 'Amor Fati', so I don't think you remember much from that night."
Seokjin's voice was pitched, strained from holding back.
"I remember those... oh, fuck... those shorts you were wearing... ah, with your ass hanging out on the bottom... fuck, wanted to bend you over... but yeah, after that..."
Then you yelped when you felt his hands on your head dragging you forward and pressing your open lips to his cock.
"Ah, yeees..."
"Seokjin, wait–mphf!"
He shoved the head of his cock into your lips and looked down. You narrowed your eyes as he began to gently hump your face, filling your mouth with the hardness. You sucked in your cheeks a little, molding your mouth to him, still giving him your best annoyed face.
"Is it my dick?" he gasped, pushing deeper.
You made a confused noise and Seokjin frowned at you.
"Yes or no?"
Seriously? You held up your hand and hovered it in the air, wiggling your fingers up and down, the universal sign of–
"What do you mean, maybe?! Oh, it's because a phone camera isn't good enough to catch the majesty of my cock, is that it?"
You could had been annoyed, but then you thought about it. He brought up a good point. You hadn't considered that. Still, the shape wasn't exact though. A phone camera couldn't alter dick angle, right?
No time to think about it because Seokjin rammed his entire length into your mouth and down your throat in your moment of contemplation.
"Just, ah, don't move, let me fuck your face real quick–"
You didn't really expect anything less, so you pushed him down, sliding his shirt up his torso, changing the angle so you weren't straining your neck. Seokjin fell onto his elbows, hands letting go but hips still moving, groaning as you enclosed your mouth around him and rubbed your tongue all over.
"Ah, your ass is so sexy, damn, bounce it for me..."
He seemed to forget that in order to do that, you had to hump Pink Bean like a dog in heat but, hey, when the man who called himself World Wide Handsome (drunk and sober, that was the kind of man Kim Seokjin was) asks you to twerk for him, you do as you are told and give Pink Bean the best hump that plush is ever going to have.
"Fuuuuuuuck, yes, your ass is so perky and juicy, fuck, like a sweet peach..."
You tried not to choke with laughter in his dick, but the action made your throat muscles squeeze and spasm around the head, immediately making it jerk and swell at the added simulation, causing Seokjin to gasp your name and fiercely clutch his sheets.
"Fuck, yes...!"
You looked up, cocking an eyebrow, seeing his brown hair messy and fallen over his forehead, eyelids fluttering, panting as you took over the pace, firmly enveloping him all the way to the base, sandwiching him between your tongue and roof of your mouth, dragging the head over the slick wetness, pulsing expertly around his hardness. His dainty pink tongue flitted over his lips and made them glisten, full, plump, sexy as hell.
"I'm so glad Namjoon took your clothes," he wheezed.
This guy really said whatever thought that popped into his handsome head.
You smirked around his cock and wiggled your eyebrows.
Then you grabbed his hips and really gave it to him, fast and tight, angling your head so he slid into your throat deeply and easily, sending Seokjin into a sputter of curses, prayers, and blessings to who-knew-what, gripping fistfuls of his sheets and throwing his head back, beautiful neck on display and broad shoulders flexed, moaning loudly.
You almost stopped, awed by his perfectly sensual posture.
Then Seokjin thrust his crotch into your lips and gasped your name, shooting down your throat in swift, tense jolts, forcing you to stop staring at him and hurriedly gulp it all down, squeezing your eyes shut so you could concentrate, sucking in a short breath, and making him yelp, flinching to cram more of the head into your constricting throat.
You prodded his stomach sharply and drew an ‘X’, telling him to stop so you could swallow.
You gave him a bunch of other hand gestures and none of them were nice. It contrasted the way you were lapping at his cock, coaxing him back to full hardness with soft tongue and delicate pushes against the roof of your mouth. He lifted one of his hands and started messing with yours, the one on his stomach making obscene hand signals. You felt him try and grab your fingers, poke at your palm, and, finally, grab your hand and tug it up, shoving your fingers into his mouth.
You popped your mouth off his cock in surprise. “Hey!”
Seokjin looked at you with giant brown eyes like a dog caught with a treat in his mouth. “Mmphf?”
You made a confused face at him.
His tongue started sliding between them, licking your joints and pads of your fingers, wiggling all around, covering you with his saliva and sending shivers over your skin at the strange sensation. You could feel the power in that squirming muscle, his brown eyes watching your reaction, your own eyes fixated on the way it looked, three of your fingers surrounded and crammed into those lush, soft, pillow-like lips, squirming, sensual tongue slipping between them, dripping saliva down your palm and back of your hand.
It was bizarre, feeling an odd juxtaposition of the submissive nature of the act, and yet he was deliberate and forceful about it, staring pointedly as the tip of his tongue snaked out from the side of his lips, licking the side of your pinky.
“S… Seokjin…?”
He reached up and pulled your hand out of his mouth, the pads of your fingers dragging on his lower lip, wet streaks of saliva painted down his chin.
The ghost of a smirk on his open mouth, eyebrow ticking arrogantly.
You blinked at him, unaware that you were clutching Pink Bean with your other hand so hard that your knuckles were white.
Then Seokjin grinned and wrapped your wet hand around his dick and started jacking himself off with it.
“Hey! I want that in me!”
“What? Gah!”
Somehow, you convinced him to fuck you – read: threw Seokjin down on his own bed, put a condom on him, rolled him back on top of you and guided his cock to your pussy before grabbing his ass and yanking down, making you both gasp as he entered you with one smooth stroke, your back on top of Pink Bean.
Pink Bean was really seeing a lot of your naked body today, just like Kim Seokjin.
“F-Fuck– yah!”
That was his noise of protest as you yanked his yellow shirt over his head, throwing it as far as you could, out his still open bedroom door.
“Sorry, needed to get rid of useless things.”
“I like that shirt!”
You grabbed onto his wide shoulders and rolled your hips up into his crotch, wrapping your thighs around his waist and squeezing. He sputtered at the intense feeling of your pussy wrapping around him, arms shaking to hold himself up, brown hair messy and wild over his forehead, brown eyes wide in indignation.
“Sorry, my bad, I’ll pick it up after I get another out of this magnificent dick,” you quipped.
Seokjin turned red, unaccustomed to someone other than himself complimenting him.
“Why are you hanging onto me like a monkey – oh my God…!”
You used his mattress and Pink Bean to bounce up and down on his dick from below, fingers tangled in his hair, wetly smacking your hips into his crotch, panting his name into his ear, your cock feels so fucking good, love the way you fill me, fuck me up, Seokjin, giving him the praise that he wanted and that breathless moan he liked, the one where you added a bit of underlying mischievous depth, pulling back one of your hands and tracing his plush lips, his mouth opening and pink tongue lolling out, puling you into that wetness, locking his gaze with yours.
Soft and tight around two of your fingers as you slapped your hips into his, losing a bit of your power now that a hand was occupied, intense sparks shooting from your fingertips to your core, his tongue sliding sensually between them, your juices leaking out, getting wetter and wetter, head emptying and replaced with sinful pleasure as you stared into those dark brown orbs with blown-out pupils, sparkling eyes smiling at you.
Seokjin took over and started fucking you into his mattress (and Pink Bean).
Both of you completely forgot about the dick pic.
min yoongi.
"Ah, fuck, I forgot, I need to see your dick, f-fuck!"
"It's," Smack! "A," Smack! "Little," Smack! "Busy at the moment."
The bed shifted and hit the wall.
"Oh no," came the most unbothered oh no behind you.
"Your damn neighbors are going to complain again," you hissed, planting your hands on the mattress and lifting your upper body up a little to scowl at him. "They're so annoying."
"Yeah, that's why I like fucking you," Min Yoongi snickered, looking back with his curly black mullet in complete disarray, smirking lips dark and swollen from making out. He raised an eyebrow at your displeased expression, dark brown eyes flashing. "Something wrong? Not rough enough for you?"
You narrowed your eyes. "I need to see your dick when it's fully hard."
He raised his eyebrows. "Sure. After this one."
He cut you off. "Hand," he ordered.
You extended your left hand out back to him and he grabbed your forearm, long fingers gripping tightly, before proceeding his railing of your pussy from behind, your ass smacking into his crotch repeatedly.
"Yoongi – ah, oof!"
You slipped and fell face first into his pillows, gasping at the altered depth of each thrust, hard and deliberate, filling you up as you clenched around him, following his rhythm by pushing back with your hips and moaning as Yoongi slowly built up the pace, bottoming out each time.
"Why do you need to see my dick?" he asked nonchalantly as if he wasn't pounding you with it right this very second.
"Because, oh fuck, someone left a, fuck, Yoongi, yes, dick pic on my phone, aaah, right there, fuck, you're so fucking good, that night of the party, the one with the wet t-shirt c-contest, fuck, Yoongi, I love your dick so much, fuck!"
"Why would I do that?" he grunted, spanking your ass with his free hand and making you claw at his sheets, pain seeping into the pleasure and amplifying it, skin prickling hot, causing the excessive dripping between your joined legs. The headboard was now repeatedly smacking the wall.
"I dunno, you were drunk too, do you remember, mmm, yes, harder, yeah, like that, telling Taehyung you loved him and that he was your favorite little alien child?"
Behind you, you heard Yoongi choke slightly in embarrassment.
"No, I do not..."
"See, maybe you jacked off and snapped a memoir on my phone."
Yoongi let go of your arm and firmly gripped your ass with two hands.
"Memoirs are written."
"Maybe if they wrote their name, I wouldn't be on this journey – ah, Yoongi!"
You grabbed fistful of sheets and snapped yourself back up, your hair messy and cascading down your shoulders, meeting every vicious slap of Yoongi's hips to yours, his balls hitting your soaked clit and sending stings of satisfaction from your core to your limbs, so good, moaning his name, his growl of yours punctuated by his nails digging into your ass, give it to me, come on, and you fucked him back, pressing your palms into his sheets and feeling the shuddering ecstasy again and again, deep pulses tightening around his hardness, making him groan with want.
"One more, one more, I'm so fucking close, fuck..."
"You've been close, you're holding back, you're a dick, ow!"
Yoongi smacked your ass particularly hard and you clenched your core so tight that he gasped and probably delayed his orgasm even further.
"You're the one asking to see it," he panted, adjusting the angle to shove you further into his bed even though it wasn't possible, and continued his relentless assault in your pussy.
"If anyone has a nice dick, it's you, you bas... fuuuuuuuck, Yoongi, yes, I'm gonna c-cum, fuck!"
The pleasure shot through you like lightning, waves of tortuous triumph as you clutched his pillow and screamed his name into it, your juices leaking out from around his pumping cock and splattering onto his crotch and inner thighs, drenching his balls, saturating his skin with your sweet scent, Yoongi moaning your name and squeezing your ass as he fully sheathed himself in your shaking walls and exploded into the condom, his whole length twitching and shivering inside your spasming pussy, your ass prickling on pain, both of you gasping for air.
Someone on the other side of the wall was banging it and told you two to shut the fuck up, or at least you assumed that's what that muffled yelling was.
You and Yoongi ignored it.
"Are you... hah... okay?" Yoongi panted, rubbing your ass and kneading it.
"Of course, I am, what do you take me for, an amateur?" you chuckled, lifting your head, your breathing erratic and uneven. "Now let me see your dick, Yoongi."
The other side of the wall kept swearing. Very colorful, very loud, very upsetti in the spaghetti.
Poor thing must not be getting laid regularly.
"Fuck, fine, you know I like staying in there at least for a little while..." he grumbled, holding the condom down as you untangled yourself from his body, sighing exaggeratedly as you turned around and yanked it off. You tossed it into the trashcan that was already beside the bed.
Yoongi had the foresight to be prepared for a night with you.
"I don't have to leave soon. We have plenty of time."
The shouting through the wall seemed to have given up, kicking it once and swearing very heatedly before stomping off.
"You better not. I'm not finished with you."
You picked up your phone and unlocked it, opening your photo gallery, pushing Yoongi down so you could wrap your fingers around his slick, semi-hard cock. It throbbed contentedly in your hand as you began to move it up and down in smooth, tight strokes, flexing your fingers to add variation in the stimulation.
"Mmm, fuck, yeah, faster..."
You pulled the photo up and put your phone on the bed beside his hip and calmly continued your movements, looking down at him, him and fair-skinned cheeks with a slight fluffiness to them, him and his lightly upturned upper lip that gave him a cat-like appearance, him and his lowered lashes over black-brown orbs that held quiet, sensual intelligence. His hair was messy from fucking you so hard, but he was effortlessly sexy regardless, leaning back on his elbows, torso lifted to watch your hand. Yoongi noticed you staring and raised an eyebrow, wispy black strands grazing his dark brow.
You smiled.
“Just thinking you’re really hot, Yoongi.”
He cringed slightly, ears turning pink and shifted his eyes away, closing them. Your own roamed down, down his defined shoulders and toned arms and chest, sucking in a breath at the sight, that slim waist and pretty hips, his cock filling up your hand, getting harder and harder, the head getting darker from sensitivity, the slickness of the lube and his own cum making it easier for you and better for him. Your other hand traced his side, running your nails over it and you heard his low moan, raising your head and your eyes found his. He was observing you again, glancing from the photo to you, the corner of his lips tugging upwards, ticking his head to the screen.
“That it?”
You ran your nails over his skin, just the way he liked it, light, pressing in a little when it came to the upper side of his hip, seeing his pupils expand and his breathing shallow, pink tongue licking his lips slowly.
“Yeah,” you replied breathlessly.
You increased the pace, pumping him from base to head, entranced by Yoongi’s expression, desire and cockiness despite becoming unraveled in your hands, his lower body trembling under you, your thighs pressed to his tense ones, tempting you to sit on and rub yourself all over them.
“Pretty dick.”
Slap, slap, slap. Hand on wet cock, sending shivers through you and through him.
“That’s why it could be yours.”
You saw his cheeks flush light pink, but he didn’t look away. Instead, he made piercing eye contact.
You gasped sharply and ceased all movement, feeling his rigid stiffness pulse against your palm.
“Look,” Yoongi commanded in that low, raspy voice of his.
You bit your lip and removed your hand, strings of fluids snapping between your fingers and his hot, taut skin. His cock was so hard that it was sticking straight up, dark and imposing, twitching slightly. Long pale fingers picked up your phone and held it next to his erection.
“Well?” he chuckled.
You chewed on your lip, squinting at the screen. Reached over and ran your wet fingers over his twitching length, hearing Yoongi hiss and gasp at your touch as you angled his dick to match up with the photo. Surprisingly, it wasn’t that difficult – the position seemed to match up perfectly. He was a little taller and thicker though. The shape of the head was similar, but also a bit off. The skin tone wasn’t quite correct either, the red-purple with subtly differing undertones. Still, lighting might affect that kind of detail. It wasn’t like you knew where this picture was taken.
“Hm… It’s really close, but not an exact match.”
“Well, damn.”
Yoongi tossed your phone aside carelessly, hand reaching out and you bent down, already knowing what he wanted, lips to lips, sliding against his body. You loved the way he kissed. Intense but soft, hand on your jaw and thumb caressing your cheek, nail grazing your earlobe, whispering into your lips, put me between your thighs, and you shifting up, closing your thighs around his wet cock, his lustful sigh and smirk on your lips, slowly thrusting in between your legs.
You hooked your ankles, one over the another and squeezed.
“Mmm, fuck yes, you’re so good…”
His words reminded you of the first time, crammed into the backseat of a small car, snuck out of a party to have Min Yoongi pull you into his grasp, tongue and lips all over you, your arms over his shoulders, wondering what you were doing because this kind of guy wasn’t your type, quiet, yes, a music nerd, yes, however he knew what he was doing, light bites on you skin making you gasp and slide down his jean-covered thigh, delicious friction to your soaked panties, tipping your head back to give that decadent mouth more access to your throat.
Your phone vibrated in your back pocket. A certain someone was probably wondering where you were.
“Yoongi, how… fuck, yes, how are you so good… you’re so good…”
His deep voice over your vocal cords, vibrating them with his seductive tone.
“DND your phone,” he purred, drawing a line down your throat with his tongue, coating you with his saliva, his musky, woody cologne transferring to your shivering skin.
“What…?” you panted, unable to think straight.
He plucked it out of your back pocket, tapping it against your arm.
“Put it on do not disturb and I’ll make you cum so hard that you’ll be coming back to me all the time.”
You fumbled with your phone, strong hands scooping out your breasts from your top, those lips sinking into your cleavage and tongue ghosting over your nipples, moaning as you dropped it, ignoring Park Jimin’s text, lost in those skillful hands and that expert mouth that eventually kissed down to your pussy and drove you crazy, but not before setting your skin on fire and making you beg for it.
His lips on yours, his eyes and your eyes both half-open, marveling at the way his lashes adorned those black brown orbs and the way he looked at you, drunk on lust and your body.
“You want me?”
Hands on your hips, grinding you down on his thigh, teasing you. He wasn’t your type, he wasn’t your type, he wasn’t your type… so why, why did that sly, knowing gaze do things to you? Why did it make your heartbeat stutter and your juices seep into the denim of his jeans, so turned on that you didn’t want anything else right now but Min Yoongi?
It just didn’t make any sense.
“Y… Yeah…”
That smirk.
“I know you do.”
You did end up coming back all the time.
He was very good and it wasn’t just his mouth.
Yoongi backed up and smirked, open-mouthed, mischievous, so fucking hot that you felt your pussy throb at the mere sight, his warm, pulsing length still jammed between your soft, closed thighs.
“You wanna ride my dick?”
You grinned. “Thought you’d never ask.”
You completely forgot about the photo and spent the rest of the night on Yoongi’s cock and ignoring the yelling from his neighbors.
jung hoseok.
Teeth on your ear, a dexterous, teasing tongue flicking your earrings, your name coming out of that heart-shaped smile in a low, sultry whisper that contrasted it.
“You can’t come here looking like this and not expect me to want to ruin you,” Jung Hoseok purred into your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
Your lips curved into a smile.
You were on your knees, spread out a little, short black minidress hiked up your thighs, facing the mirrors of the dance studio. Hoseok knelt behind you, hands travelling all over your body. Deft fingers, neatly manicured nails, his sharp jaw grazing your shoulder, pulling down the thin straps. Your large hoodie was tossed to the side, scattered onto the hardwood floor in haste. The frosted door of Smile Hoya’s rented dance studio space was locked, hip-hop music blaring loudly, and in the center was you and Hoseok.
You knew he could hear your shuddering exhale well, already attuned to the sounds of your pleasure.
He smirked and kissed the top of your ear, yanking down the top of your dress.
It wasn’t like this the first time.
“Ah, well, I was hoping… wondering, ah… I don’t know how to say…?”
You were in his bedroom at the time, confused. “Yoongi said you wanted to talk to me about something? What is it, Hoseok?”
He had been very nervous, somewhat shaky, staring into your eyes. You reached over and squeezed his hand, tilting your head. He took a moment to speak, hiding his brown eyes under his blond hair.
“Uh, well, I was talking to hyung and I mentioned I… I feel like I have to put up a front sometimes. Because I’m so happy and stuff. Women expect me to be like that… in bed… And he suggested that maybe you could help me… chill out, but, uh, that’s really rude to say, ah, I shouldn’t have–”
He tried to yank his hand out of yours in panic but you held on, tugged forward by his movement. Hoseok squeaked, ears turning red, freezing in place.
You held his hand and patted it with your free one, smiling gently.
“I absolutely can help you chill out when it comes to sex. What do you want to know? What do you want to do? I’ll teach you.”
You noticed his expression change from panic to worry, chewing on his lip.
“N… No, you misunderstand… It’s not having sex, I…”
He trailed off, suddenly silent. You frowned slightly, nudging him. Hoseok cleared his throat and looked you dead in the eye.
“I’m not nice.”
Now he squeezed your hand tightly, breathing in your scent.
“Or rather, I don’t want to be nice when I fuck. Sometimes I want to let go and just…” He frowned, not seeming to know the word.
You leaned in, whispering in his ear.
“Yeah, I just… don’t want to think about an image I have to uphold.”
You grinned. “Yoongi did direct you to the right woman.”
His blond hair was even lighter now, the tips dyed with navy, a soft, sexy contrast to his rich tan skin. This was now many, many fucks later, hooking up at parties, at random times at his apartment, and now at the space he rented to practice dance on his own. Hoseok liked to freestyle and feel the music. When he fucked, he liked to feel the moment.
His hands gripped your breasts and squeezed, sandwiching your nipples between his index and middle finger, tugging hard.
You gasped in his hands, just what he wanted, open-mouthed smirk and all.
“Hoseok… I have to… ah, ask you something…”
He shoved his hips into your back and you gasped at the thinness of his shorts, rubbing his hardening cock against the top of your ass. A brown orb watched you through the mirror and he was smiling that brilliant, heart-shaped smile, contrasting his forceful touch.
“What do you want to ask?” he chirped cheerfully, pinching your nipples and twisting them.
You moaned, savoring the swift, firm pain followed by the pads of his fingers rubbing the tips of your nipples, grinding your ass onto his stiff length. Your phone was in your right hand. You bit your lip, seeing him watch you carefully in the mirror. You raised the phone and unlocked it.
“Is this your dick?”
You noticed Hoseok pause and squint. You turned your phone and held at up so he could get a good look. His hands were still on your tits, although he had paused the moment to view the image, blinking rapidly at it.
“When was this taken?” He tilted his head, looking confused.
“The party with the wet t-shirt contest? The–”
“One where Yoongi grabbed Taehyung and told him he was his favorite alien child?”
“Oh? You do remember?”
Hoseok winced, as if the events of the night haunted him. “I remember… not much after that…”
“Oh…” You faltered. “So you wouldn’t remember if you took this picture on my phone, huh?”
“No, sorry.”
“Then… can I see it?”
He grinned. “You have to earn it.”
Earning it could mean anything.
Today, earning it meant cumming at least three times with Hoseok’s fingers before he even let you take off his shorts.
He always smelled so good, so fucking good, orange and musk complemented with the barely-there vanilla sweetness, a scent that always seemed to linger on your skin afterward. His lips were on your neck, leaving small bites, chuckling darkly. One hand on your nipple, the other between your legs, your dress bunched at the waist and your panties at your knees, not letting you take any of it off, forcing you to watch yourself as he wrecked you, teasing your oversensitive clit with his fingertips, slick and slippery, thighs shaking from the second orgasm and coaxing you to the third, sharp throbs of lust causing your eyes to roll back, head falling against his shoulder.
“Hoseok, p-please…”
He had no trouble holding onto you, flexible and strong, and you were grinding your hips down, lost in the feeling, leaking everywhere because he hadn’t actually put his fingers inside you yet, teasing you and teasing you and teasing you, driving you crazy, please put your fingers inside me, please Hoseok, your name murmured gently in your ear, no, not until the third time, and then I’m going to put my cock in you once you’ve shown me how good of a girl you are, and you were going to lose your mind, shivering in continued ecstasy, squirming in his hands, your own reaching back and fisting his hair and white shirt, moans masked by the loud music, so close, so close, your perfume mixing with his, sex and cologne, shivers and heat, teeth on your ear and circles rubbed onto your aching nerves.
Shallow gasps.
Peaking pleasure.
Seeing nothing but black, eyelids fluttering, wanton moans torn from your throat.
The song ended.
Hoseok removed his hand from your nipple and covered your mouth, muffling your scream as you came, taking your air and your sanity, pleasure rocketing up your core, crying out with need for something, anything, inside you, pushing your hips back into his crotch, feeling his cock swell at your bouncing ass, desperate for him.
The music began again.
Now you were on your hands and knees, suddenly released, gasping for breath, legs shaking from the aftershocks.
Turning around, your shaking hands pulling down his shorts hurriedly, still wearing your black dress and panties around your knees, hardly registering the inconvenience, not caring, completely focused on the semi-hard length in front of your face. No time. Hoseok gave you no time, grabbing your face and dragging your open mouth to him, sliding into your lips, his oversized shirt touching your nose, you whimpering at the hotness and tautness of his velvet skin. The fullness invaded your throat, taking your breath away. He buried himself all the way in before yanking his shirt up and over his head, tossing it aside with his vest that was shed earlier, far too hot now, looking down at you through his lashes.
“Don’t choke.”
Hand in your hair, pushing you down, not letting you move as he rolled his hips into your face, the head rubbing against the rood of your mouth and your tongue pushing it up to make it tighter for him, taking him deeper, hazy and intoxicated on orange, musk and vanilla. His other hand held your phone up, unlocking it with ease.
Smirk on those lips, heart-shaped and teasing. “So? Is it mine?”
You whined, not wanting him out of your mouth.
“Your choice,” Hoseok chuckled, tone light and unassuming, the edge of danger only visible in those sparkling brown eyes. “Find out or I’ll cum in your mouth and not in that pretty pussy of yours I’m looking at right now.”
Right, because you were bent over, ass facing the mirror, wetness dripping down your inner thighs.
You backed up, growling, glaring at the picture you knew all too well now.
Fine, fine, fine, you were on this fucking Journey to the Dick, and it was starting to feel more like an annoying side mission than the actual main storyline, but, whatever, you reached up and angled Hoseok’s cock slightly, sucking in a breath with him as you looked from phone screen to the delicious real-life specimen. Hm, okay. Similar in length and color. Not in angle though. Shit. And not in width either, barely a hair slimmer and the vein placement was more prominent on Hoseok’s length than this dick.
“Fuck, it’s really fucking close but I don’t think it’s yours.”
“Shit,” Hoseok sighed, turning your phone off and tossing it onto his discarded shirt. “Oh well.”
You narrowed your eyes, pouting. “What kind of react–gah!”
Hoseok pushed you down onto the ground, pushing his shorts down to his knees and pulling out a condom from the pocket, cocking a brow. You sputtered, trying to untangle yourself from the labyrinth of your own clothes, but only managed to kick off your panties before he got the condom rolled down and pushed your legs up, lifting your ass completely off the floor.
“Can’t have this pretty ass on this dirty floor,” he snickered, lifting himself higher, bending you in half, almost on your upper back, nearly uncomfortable, but Hoseok was stronger than he looked, and when he gave you what you needed, you instantly forgot about the discomfort.
“Oooh, fuck, Hoseok!”
He plunged into you, into hot wet tightness, stretching you out easily from the previous wetness, clit throbbing as he smacked his hips down, his balls slapping against your ass, drawing out another moan as his fingers brushed your clit, making you spasm and clench around his cock as he teased the overstimulated bundle of nerves.
“Fuck, yes, so tight, so wet, so desperate for a cock to fill this hole, aren’t you?” he purred, still so sweet but with such dirty words, so handsome with his blond hair and navy tips, heart-shaped smirk and glittering eyes, and the way he said your name, dainty and serene, slowly thrusting into you, but so hard, he was so hard from being inside you, completely consumed by the physicality of the act and no longer the same man who had been worrying about how you would perceive him.
That seemed ages ago now.
Your hands reached up between your legs, running your fingers through his hair, completely forgetting about the photo of the mysterious dick and focused on the one thrusting between your legs, smiling up at him, those brown eyes and lovely jaw.
“You’re so good, Hoseok, so fucking good to me, fuck, harder, yes, ah…”
Both of you forgot about the music, fucking through the pause between them, hoping that everyone else was too busy with their own choreography to think about the hot gasps and moans exchanged between you and him in the middle of the room, the act reflected in the wall of mirrors, the slap of skin-on-skin echoing off the walls, your name and his name in breathless whispers, tight and full and hot and wet and soaring on sky-high pleasure, climbing altitude and running out of oxygen.
“Fuck, gonna cum, fuck–”
“Ah, Hoseok, yes…”
Tip, free-fall, you clamping a hand over Hoseok’s mouth and his hand over yours, screaming into each other’s palms at the intensity and the force of orgasm, smacking your hips together and holding them there, feeling his cock twitch inside you and your shivering walls clamp around him in rough, intense pulses.
It took a moment to disembark from the euphoric high.
“Hah… we should… probably not fuck here…” he gasped, falling a little, cradling your ass so it didn’t directly touch the floor.
“I’d fuck you anywhere, so that’s your fault. You need to be the voice of reason.”
He laughed, rich and infectious, and you grinned, holding his head against your breasts and hugging him tightly.
park jimin.
“I hate you.”
“Come on, Jimin.”
"I was supposed to be first!"
"Oh my God, are we going on about this again?!"
"You were supposed to suck MY dick first!"
"Stop being a fucking brat, Park Jimin!"
You tackled him and you both fell to the floor, rolling into a mess of giant t-shirts, fierce kisses and your hands in his now red hair, fiery and hot-headed like he was being right now.
"You little–"
"Don't you dare call me little!"
"I was gonna call you a little shithead but if you wanna be a big shithead, that's fine with me!"
He pinned you down and you grabbed his waist with your legs and rammed your crotch into his black shorts, making him gasp in horny pain and crumple into his laundry that you were supposed to help him fold, but instead you were wrestling and he was complaining about not getting his dick sucked.
It was your turn to pin him down with your arms and your thighs, Jimin seeing stars as he struggled to breathe from your lower belly smacking his erection the wrong way.
"Why, ack, why did you run off saying there's a proper order?" he choked out, choking harder as your panty-covered mound sat down on his length and started rubbing up and down, smirking down at him, his red hair flaring out on his cream rug.
"'Cause there is," you replied, calm and cool.
"Order of what? Order of how you fucked us?"
"Nah, I fucked Yoongi first, remember? At that party, ages ago..." you hummed, extending the expanse of your movement, sliding up and down his thighs, his plush lips open and moaning softly, his grip on your large t-shirt tightening. It was actually his, because neither you nor Jimin knew the meaning of keeping your clothes on.
"Yeah, in my car!"
"Eh, you were drunk and playing pool with Taehyung, which, by the way, he mad cheated and you didn't even notice."
You weren't sure if that exclamation was related to your teasing or Taehyung cheating, but Jimin removed one of his hands from your shirt and flipped off the wall, in the direction of Taehyung's room.
Ah, so not you.
"Is it age order? But Namjoon isn't the oldest..." Jimin refuted himself, frowning.
"He’s first because he's kind of like the leader of you guys, isn't he? You all end up listening to his reasoning anyway."
Jimin squinted, pouting. "That's just because his tall and smart and has a fatty IQ."
You grinned. "148."
Jimin looked very annoyed that you remembered the exact number.
“I never thought about it, but other than that, it is age order, huh?” you mused, bouncing on his dick.
He shuddered with satisfaction, rolling his hips into you. “Then why would you…?”
You shrugged. “Your names sound good together like that. Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook…”
Jimin added your name last with an amused smirk. You bit your lower lip, cocking an eyebrow and sporting a devious smile, leaning down. Lips to lips, a soft sigh, remembering that night, stumbling out of Jimin’s car and tangled in Yoongi’s touch, still kissing Yoongi with your ass on the hood of the car. Jimin had been annoyed at you then too, how could you fuck him first and not me, Yoongi laughing in that raspy, sexy way of his, because I asked, dumbass, Jimin grabbing your face and kissing you right in front of Yoongi, the older man clicking his tongue and squeezing your ass tighter, unimpressed.
In some ways, that night started off the chain reaction of hey, why not me?
Okay, maybe you did have some frustrations about your dating life and ended up tumbling into their beds for, ahem, emotional support, but in your defense, they were all great when it came to emotional support.
“Sit on my face.”
“That’s not the angle of the dick pic though.”
“Then just take the pic from that position. That’s how it was taken, right?”
Sometimes, Park Jimin was a damn genius.
He was great at eating pussy too.
“Ah, fuuuck, Jimin…”
A little messy at first, humming approvingly at your taste, thrusting his tongue into you and moaning as your muscles closed in on it, your slick nectar painting those beautiful, soft lips, him pressing them to your heat, lewd kisses, tongue swiping up and down.
“Gotta clean you up so you can dirty me up,” he breathed, tracing sensual patterns in between your thighs with his tongue, small nips to make you whine, his hands on your ass, moaning into your pussy as your kiss came into contact with his rigid cock, dripping saliva and licking it back up, gyrating your tongue at the tip and licking off the pre-cum, savoring the taste, strong and almost sweet.
Everything about Jimin was sweet, even when he was frustrated with you.
“Fuck, give it to me.”
His hands on your ass, pushing you down, setting your pussy flush onto his lips, blocking off his airway and moaning hotly, desperate, needy, wanting your noises as you swallowed him, his length swelling in your mouth at the wet encasement, swirling your tongue all around.
You’re so mean. I can’t believe you wouldn’t ask me first, get on your knees, come on, aren’t you sorry?
You weren’t, not even in the slightest bit sorry for fucking Yoongi in his car, but you had enjoyed his little pout and twinge of jealousy, kisses up his muscular thighs, the same thighs you were clutching right now, one hand tucking your hair behind your ear, remembering his hand on the back of your head, pushing you down on his cock, the same cock you buried all the way into the back of your throat, blocking your own ability to breathe, suffocating on it as Jimin groaned, coming back up for air, rushing exhale washing over your skin before returning to his work on your clit, rapid, intense licks that shimmered pleasure through your veins.
Jimin made you choke on his dick after the Yoongi incident, but you were the one in control of it now, rutting the head against your throat muscles, feeling it get harder and harder. He always felt so good in your mouth, recalling him saying once, I just really like getting my dick sucked, shut up and stop shaming me, tongue and lips and saliva, remembering how much he liked it when you held the base and focused on the tip, his muffled whines getting more intense and vibrating your core, making sure to pop your lips over the bottom of the head every time you came up and then pressing them tightly as you went back down, doing it all at that fast, suffocating pace that made him stop licking you to throw his head back and moan, loud lust radiating off the walls, not caring about disturbing anyone, too absorbed into your pace to be considerate.
“F-Fuck, yeah, just like that, fuck, you’re so good…”
Jimin was part of the reason you were good.
He really liked getting his dick sucked. Your mouth was one of his favorites and usually readily available.
“Faster, fuck, oh, shit, I’m gonna cum, mmmphf!”
He grabbed your ass and smothering himself with your pussy, body trembling under you as his cock jerked and shot into your throat, your lips closing in, sucking hard to drink his cum, his moans filling your wet hole and tongue all over your clit, furiously licking as you rubbed the twitching head into the roof of your mouth, his hips squirming at the overstimulation, but his violent grip and nails digging into your ass was telling you to do it, telling you he loved it, telling you he needed it, begging you to do what you did best, gulping around the head and then jamming it into your throat, cutting off your air.
He sucked on your clit, hard, whining so loud that you could feel it in his chest and racing heartbeat pressed against your lower belly, almost lifting your lower half with his upper body alone, showing off his strength from dancing. You angled your head, taking as much as you could, nose in his balls, whimpering around his cock and the snap of orgasm making your entire body flinch, leaking all over his face and into his mouth, his nose buried into your pussy, tongue soothing your throbbing clit, wave after intense wave, barely breathing, lightheaded with pleasure, clutching his thighs tightly, naked bodies suddenly dirty, surrounded by clean laundry.
Jimin yanked his head out from between your legs, panting in satisfaction, diving back in to shove his tongue on your quivering hole and scoop out your orgasm, sucking it out to drink it, murmuring your name into your slick juices.
“You taste so fucking good, fuck…”
You came up for air, gasping, tongue lolling out, holding his cock and rubbing the slit against your wet muscle. His stiff length twitched, still hard because of your mouth.
“Take the picture, mmm, yes, did you forget?” Jimin gasped into your pussy.
You fumbled with your phone beside his leg, still reeling from orgasm and Jimin’s continued ministrations, putting it in selfie mode and seeing the lower half of your face, chin shiny with saliva, his cum dripping off your lower lip, his cock in front of your face and naked chest, your breasts pressed into his abs.
You thought about licking off the visible cum, but then you decided against it, snapping the photo with your tongue hovering close to his rock-hard erection.
You knew the composition of the inspirational dick pic now, so you brought it up in a photo editing app, putting the two side by side while wrapping your lips around the head of Jimin’s cock, sucking it leisurely like a lollipop. He didn’t ask you to get off.
Instead, he planted your pussy into his face and suffocated himself with it again.
You studied the two photos. Hm. Firstly, yours was much sexier. No offense to white t-shirt, blue jeans, and black boxer briefs guy, but your glistening cum-covered lips and squashed tits in the background of the cock made the photo eons better than his. Jimin would definitely be asking for yours later. Anyway, back to the picture. Hmm. Jimin’s dick was slightly shorter and straighter, with a warmer skin tone to his purple-red tip, although the head shape was spot on. Was that possible to have a different length but almost identical head shapes? Did dicks work that way? Did Jimin have an equally sexy twin brother or doppelganger somewhere?
Hm, a threesome with basically two Jimins would be hot as hell.
He patted your leg and you climbed off him, sighing as you rolled over and pursed your lips, concluding that his wasn’t the mystery dick. Once again, close, but no dick. Wait. That wasn’t the saying. Eh, whatever.
“Fuck, send me that photo later, I’m gonna jack off to it.”
You laughed, feeling him crawl beside you and roll you onto your stomach, pinning you down with his naked body. “You wanna jack it to your own dick?”
He was rubbing said dick into the crevice of your ass cheeks now, using your saliva was lube. “Fuck yeah I wanna jack it to my own dick with your lips covered with my cum and your titties on my stomach, sounds fuckin’ hot.”
“You’re such a pervert, Jimin.”
“And you aren’t?”
The front door slammed shut. There was a loud yell of your name in deep baritone.
“Aw, hell no, I’m getting it in this pussy first, I got time before he comes to collect,” Jimin growled, reaching into his discarded shorts and ripping open a condom, scrambling off you and rolling it down his still-hard length, grabbing one of your legs.
You shifted to your side, glaring at him. “What am I, taxes?”
The deep voice called your name again, asking where you were.
He didn’t have to wait long for an answer though, because Jimin thrust into you and you ended up moaning Kim Taeyang’s name to inform him of your whereabouts, causing Jimin to bend over and fuck you hard and rough.
“I can’t believe you would moan his name like that with my dick inside you,” Jimin growled, looking far too cute to actually be pissed at you. “Gonna fuck you so hard that you’ll be sore for him.”
Everything about Jimin was sweet, even when he was firmly fucking you into his floor and making you yelp as Taehyung burst the door open, sighing at the scene.
“Who would have fucking guessed what you two are doing…”
kim taehyung.
"You're so fucking stubborn."
"Wow, that's really rude, I don't make comments about your–"
"Shut up, I'm deleting his number."
You narrowed your eyes and frowned, sitting with one leg bent on Kim Taehyung's bed. He was currently in possession of your phone, clicking his tongue and pressing buttons on the screen.
"When someone tells you to leave them alone, you leave them alone," he scolded.
You cowered slightly, eyes shifting. "I was only asking if he was doing anything this weekend... I didn't have any ulterior motives..."
Taehyung squinted. You deliberately avoided his gaze. He sighed, crossing his arms. You were still wearing Jimin's shirt with nothing underneath so, uh, maybe he had good reason to be suspicious.
"You have a virgin kink."
You choked on nothing. "What, no, I don't–"
Taehyung reached over to his desk and put on the thin, gold-framed glasses he kept there. He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. You abruptly stopped talking and gawked at him, breathless at the way his dark brown orbs were bordered by gold and his long, black-brown hair, the rest tied back in a small ponytail.
"And a glasses kink."
He took them off and you sucked in a tight breath, grimacing.
"That's why you keep going after these kinds of guys," Taehyung tutted, neatly folding the specs and placing them back on his desk. "And why you bonked Namjoon-hyung so fast, only to realize that he is not, in fact, a virgin."
"W-Well, he's still good..."
"Same reason why you got so excited when–"
"Look," you cut in, chopping the air with your hand, not letting Taehyung finish. His eyebrow seemed permanently raised. "I'm off my bullshit for now, no? I've got a mission–" You pointed to your phone and he held it out of your reach. You scowled and bounced back down into the bed. His eyes weren't following your face, but you ignored it. "–and I'll stop okay?"
Taehyung cocked his other eyebrow.
"Serious. You just deleted all the numbers except you and your friends, right?"
He turned the screen, thumb hovering over a certain number. Him and his friends were listed from one to seven, in order.
His thumb was over number seven.
"Don't," you whined. "Please, Tae."
His brows lowered, serious expression on his handsome face.
Then he smirked, dumping your phone on the bed.
"Silly girl," he drawled, crawling onto the bed, advancing towards you, sultry gaze and enchanting eyes making you forget about your device. "Why would I do that? He likes you so much."
You growled slightly, letting him push you down but not relenting. "That's really fucked up."
"That I wanna hear you say please?"
His hand lifted and cupped your chin, mischievous smile, unable to contain his pride for his little trick, sliding his leg between your thighs, tilting his head.
"Not just any please," he murmured, deep voice silky smooth, dark curled stands brushing against your cheeks he leaned in, hot exhale on your lips. "Your needy please when I threaten to take your precious Jungkookie from you."
You tried to close your legs but he stopped you with his knee, tilting his head, highly amused at your narrowed eyes.
"You don't like it?" He was leaning down, feathery kisses on your lips and cheeks. "I know you like it when I tease you." His honey voice was dripping into the fire, turning into fuel that fed the sparks of arousal, your hands coming up to clutch his black shirt, pulling down the center zipper, his deep chuckle in your skin, hand from your chin sliding up to your hair, the other tapping down your front, grazing the thin t-shirt material.
"Don't..." you gasped, his deft touch toying with the hem. “Don't use the others against me. That's not fair...”
“Mmm, yeah?”
Drawing circles on your inner thigh with his nail, nicking the skin.
"You only want to think about me?"
Your phone hummed with a notification. Taehyung chuckled, fingers creeping closer and closer.
"Aw, I wonder who that is? But that's too bad, because you're all mine right now."
You gasped, clutching his open shirt as his fingers slid in, two because you were already wet, shallow breathing and lidded eyes telling him enough, taking your lips with his, pace slow and steady and maddening, spreading your legs with his knees, forcing you to tip your hips up to him in an embarrassing position.
Then again, embarrassment during sex wasn't part of your vocabulary.
You pushed his black shirt down one shoulder and reached in, your fingers snaking to the hem of the white undershirt and stroking his skin, his satisfied exhale hot against your neck, you remembering the way the water drenched the fabric and stuck it to his golden tan skin, playfully flexing his defined chest and biceps, adorable and arousing because Kim Taehyung was both. He separated his digits inside your pussy to create a loud, sharp, wet squelch. You heard him grin, smug at the dirty sound, then begin plunging his fingers in and out, in and out of the tightness, trying to be as noisy as possible. You clenched your core to make him work for it, force him to be rougher with you, his fingers curling in your hair, yanking firmly, lips on your ear.
"See, how can those boys you pick keep up with you, hm? They won't know what to do with your pretty, sexy self," he purred, faster, harder, pushing you to the edge with your heated moan and your hands all over his chest, lifting your hips to meet his touch. "You need us to take care of you, don't you?"
Fuck, the way Taehyung said your name.
Like it was a decadent sweet he was craving, a taste compared to no other.
Your head fell back into the pillows, breathing in his warm scent in shallow puffs, his name pouring out of your lips, yearning and desire.
"Mmmm, Taehyung...."
Melting you into it, sweet bliss and sharp jerks of your hips into his hand, gasping at the flood of euphoria, trying to squeeze your thighs around his hand and stopped by his open legs. Your throbbing pussy gripped his fingers and made him hiss, his devious smirk growing as you lowered your chin again to look into those dark eyes, shivering under his intense gaze.
“Let’s play a little game.”
His tongue slid out, lickings your lips lightly.
“It’s called, how many fingers can I stuff in you before you’re begging for my dick?”
“What kind of – oh, f-fuck!”
One more.
Aching tightness, clenching your jaw, trembling at the ease of it, Taehyung cocking an eyebrow.
“Ah, yeah, three’s too easy, huh? You already warmed up.”
One more.
“Fuck, Tae, fuck!”
His dark eyes glittering, pleased at your reaction.
“That’s better. That’s what I wanna hear.”
Whines in your throat as he picked up the pace, fast and hard, clutching his shirt and his side, your nails digging in, stretched out and stuffed with four, your eyes rolling back and one leg sliding up to hook around his waist, meeting each thrust, so deep, so full, so wet, loud and obvious and uncaring of who was listening – probably Jimin with a huge smirk on his face – panting Taehyung’s name over and over, feeling the strength in his hold and his grip in your hair, pulling lightly, shooting pricks of pain down your head to meet the oppressive pleasure brimming in your core, closer, closer.
“What do you want?” Taehyung growled, that deep voice dangerously low.
“Y-Your c-cock, p-please…” you managed to gasp out, chasing it, chasing the fullness and the depth.
“Can you take it? Can you take it like the good girl you are?”
“A-Ah, yes, please Tae, want it,” you moaned, your fingernails digging into his back, scratching down as your orgasm shattered through you, making your whole body shake and shiver from the intensity, him pulling out. Your moan turned into a hoarse whimper, squirming as he rubbed your clit with his slick fingers, spanking it and teasing it, rocketing you into peaks and valleys of cut-off ecstasy that drove you insane, clawing at his clothes, desperate for his body on yours.
“What’s your magic word?”
He grinned at you despaired tone.
“That’s it.”
It took no time at all, your shirt flung aside, Taehyung losing his clothes that were already half-off, hot body to hot body, heated kisses and rummaging in his nightstand drawer, groaning into his mouth as his cock slapped your thigh, hard and thick and ready, dripping pre-cum on you before he yanked you up on top of him, ripping open the condom.
“Work for it.”
Lacing your fingers in his, sliding down onto that impressive girth and gasping as it twitched inside you, rolling your hips down onto it, better than his fingers, bouncing on it with your tits following your rhythm, squeezing his hands. Taehyung liked this kind of intimacy, the kind where he was grinning like the devil under you but still holding your hands as you railed yourself with his dick, rough and hard with your own smug smile, a little erratic but somehow good that way.
He made you work for it and you were good at working for it.
You found a good rhythm and – ba dum tss – rode it, leaning forward to deepen the angle and make it last longer, pulsing around his length with your tight walls, control and power and endorphins, each smack adding to the lewd melody that mixed with heavy moans and shuddering gasps, bringing Taehyung on your rollercoaster, his hips rising, your name rumbling in his chest, blood thudding in your ears at the baritone depth.
“Yes, such a good girl, gonna make me cum, don’t you want me to cum for you?” he panted, fishing for the magic word, bouncing one of his dark brows, his long hair flared out on his pillows, high cheekbones and strong features no longer hidden by wayward strands.
Your tongue between your teeth, grinning wide.
“Yes, please.”
The right inflection of winded want, maybe a little mischievous, but Taehyung liked that, for there was no fun in someone who was too easy.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking sexy.”
He squeezed your hands and thrust his hips up fiercely, shock bolting from your core to your spine to your head, your head snapping back, gasp torn from your throat, flooding his crotch with your juices, overstimulated clit rubbing on the base of his cock and Taehyung was gone too, husky groan falling from his lips, slamming his hips up and locking his legs, shooting jerks of cum into the condom, aftershocks causing you to lose hold on your knees, moan pitching higher as you slipped down on his throbbing length, trapped on it because Taehyung wasn’t going to lower you until he was done, the head pulsing inside you, squeezed out by your shivering walls.
“T… Tae… the picture…”
“Ah… yeah… hold on… lay down for me…”
He wasn’t going to let you leave without his mark anyway.
You laid back against the pillows, spent, holding your phone, Taehyung straddling your chest and stroking his slick cock, plops of cum and lube falling onto your chest, messy dark hair curling around his handsome face. You could see the purple-red head peek out from between his fingers, hear the steady slapping as he pumped it back to full hardness.
“Alright, let’s see.”
Your chest was rattling but you raised your phone, bringing up the picture as Taehyung gripped the base of his cock, lifting it up slightly to put it in position. You squinted at the screen, looking from the photo dick to the real one. Of course. He was definitely bigger, a little thicker, but strangely, the color was almost the same. Was that lightning or similar skin tone? Or perhaps men with really nice dicks just happened to have Taehyung’s tan complexion?
You wouldn’t question it if it was true.
“You’re bigger,” you sighed, tossing your phone aside.
Taehyung smirked proudly. “What a surprise.”
“We all knew that, even before I saw it.”
He chuckled, going back to fisting his cock. “That’s because Jimin has a big mouth and likes to spread rumors.”
“You like that he spends rumors.”
Taehyung shrugged, but his sly expression wouldn’t be hidden even as he shook his head to cover part of his face with his long brown hair, curtaining half of it with darkness, teasing and effortlessly sexy.
“Mhm, do it.”
You raised yourself onto your elbows, smiling wide, watching his breathing shallow and his eyes close, losing himself in it, faster and tighter, the wetness audible, strong thighs shuddering at your sides. Then he sucked in a breath, hissing your name and tipping forward, painting viscous white strings onto your collarbones and tits, pushing his shuddering cock up and down to spread it out, your clavicle now sticky and covered in his strong scent.
Taehyung ticked his head, lips in a devil’s smile, chest heaving with exertion.
“Your cum necklace is extra pretty today. Take a selfie for me so I can jack off to your cute face later.”
jeon jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook shrieked your name like you were Michael Myers and he was Jamie Lee Curtis, flinging himself onto his computer monitor and mashing the power button to turn it off, his long purple hair flying everywhere, brown orbs like saucers, entire body shaking so bad that even his eyebrow piercing was vibrating.
He froze like that.
You blinked at him from the doorframe of his rented studio room, one hand on the knob and the other holding up your phone like a kitchen knife.
His leather bomber jacket was hung over the back of his rolling chair. The chair was currently slowly sliding across the floor, away from him and his panic. Jungkook was wearing a sleeveless black shirt and loose black jeans.
For a guy scared shitless, his pants were pitching a very impressive tent.
Had he been watching porn?
“Er… I knocked…?” you said slowly, pointing to the door. “Do you not hear me?”
“Um, uh, n-no,” Jungkook sputtered, looking you up and down. “No, I d-didn’t.”
“I said I was coming by today. Via text?”
“Was that today?” he echoed hollowly like a ghost in a shell, the end of his question pitching to a higher octave. He coughed and cleared his throat. “Ah. Sorry. I think I f… forgot…” He was not looking at your face, instead staring at your thighs and your shorts, tight and tiny, shredded black denim paired with a loose, long-sleeved black top that read in bold, white, graphic, letters...
You pointed to the turned-off monitor.
"Were you watching porn?" you asked cheerfully.
Jungkook's ears turned red.
"Yes," he blurted.
A bird cawed outside.
You nodded, closing the door. You tilted your head and locked it, just in case, before waltzing into Jungkook's film studio space, bouncing on the heels of your large black sneakers. "If you're gonna watch porn, you should lock the door. What were you watching? Is it lesbian porn again? Can I–?"
You reached over to turn the screen back on and Jungkook's tattooed hand shot out and grabbed your wrist, yanking you away from it and to him. You blinked rapidly, confused at his tight grip.
"N-No, you can't see. You can't," he sputtered, pinning you against his hard body.
You frowned, annoyed. "Why not? I like porn." You squirmed against him, but he sandwiched you between his forearms, forcing you to look up and face him, thinning your mouth into a line. He gulped, eyes shifting, holding your body against his. His lower lip trembled, mole underneath bouncing with his uncertainty.
"I... It wasn't porn..."
You stopped struggling, confused. "Huh?"
Those dark chocolate eyes found yours, looking guilty.
"I was looking at your pictures."
You blinked rapidly. "What?"
"You know... the ones I take of you sometimes... You said it was okay..."
Ah, yes. Jungkook liked to take pictures of you. He had mumbled that it was because he needed practice and, later in bed, he admitted it was because he considered you his muse, an inspiration of sorts, so would it be okay if, maybe, you just turned a little and laid in his covers just like... like that, yeah, could he take maybe one photo?
"Sure, knock yourself out, dude."
A bit later, far too late, you had realized that had been maybe too chill of a response, but Jungkook seemed to prefer that and he acted less awkward about it every other time he asked to take a picture. They weren't usually dirty pictures. Although you were naked in some of them, they weren't quite inappropriate, every single one framed with delicate, well-thought-out composition. You always sighed and told him he made you look better than you actually were.
Jungkook always insisted you were consistently beautiful.
You pointed between your bodies.
"Were you gonna get off to them or something?" you cheerily inquired, bumping against his pitched denim tent.
His ears turned scarlet and he jerked sideways, but you held onto him, hands firmly on his hips, not letting him twist away. He quickly covered his ears and pouted at you.
"I was... I just missed you."
You smiled, squeezing his ass. "I missed you too, Jungkook."
Your tone was soft, gentle. He stilled and lowered his hands, lips parting at your words, slightly surprised, incredibly adorable.
His dick twitched in his pants and jabbed your crotch.
A pause.
Jungkook's eyes shifted to the side, mumbling under his breath. "And, yeah, okay, I got horny, but that's only because it's you..."
"That's great, since I definitely wanted to look at your dick as soon as possible!"
His eyes went wide.
You smiled widely.
Then he said something unexpected.
You looked down and backed up as Jungkook frowned and reached down to shift his rock-hard length in his pants, sighing in relief.
"Zipper was killing me..." he grumbled, running a hand through his purple hair.
"We should just take it off then."
"Pardon, we should wha–ah!"
You grabbed fistfuls of his black top and yanked it up and over his head, causing Jungkook to sputter in confusion, throwing his hands up as you unsheathed his muscular torso, leaning in, breathing on his skin, leaving him to untangle himself as your lips closed onto his dark nipple, tongue teasing the small nub.
"Ah, fuck!"
You lifted your lips, tongue still extended, looking up to see him flinging the shirt aside, his long purple hair messy and wild, tattooed arm and un-inked arm lifting, pushing his hair away from his face, his chest rising to your wet muscle, gasping. You had a clear view of that cute little mole under his lower lip, trembling with pleasure before Jungkook looked down at you, hazy chocolate orbs fanned by black lashes, breathing hard.
You ticked an eyebrow, licking slow circles, lips closing in again, sucking daintily.
He bit his lip and let it slowly tease out while you simultaneously teased him, your name leaving his lips in a low moan. You danced your fingertips up his thigh, nail tracing the seams of his jeans, kissing across his chest, his eyes following you, hips rocking into your touch, following your pace, letting you command it. His head tipped back as you kissed down his abs, whimpering with want, curling his fingers into fists.
Jungkook always made you feel like you were touching him for the first time.
"You're not a virgin?"
"No?" Jungkook had repeated after the first time you had fucked him, sounding confused. "I'm just like this? Is that bad?"
"W... well... no, and now that I think about it, you were suspiciously good..."
"You didn't like it?"
You had turned to look at him and, fuck, the way he looked at you, so cute and innocent, uh oh, and then the slightest hint of an open-mouthed smirk dancing on those shapely pink lips, reminding you of someone else.
"Namjoon-hyung said that's what you were into. Is he wrong?"
Voice so deep and so smooth, gliding over you like butter.
You almost hastily defended yourself but one look into those roguish, yet genuine, chocolate eyes and you couldn't lie.
"But... you should enjoy yourself too..."
Jungkook had grinned, endearing and heart-thuddingly handsome. "I do. I told you, this is how I am. You're just my type."
"And what's that?'"
He had pinned you back onto the bed, leaning in.
"Hot and horny."
Turns out.
Seemed to be a running theme with all eight of you.
Right now, his pants were falling and you were sliding up as your hand was sliding down, shushing him quietly, your other hand dancing up his neck and pulling his head down.
"Someone's gonna hear you," you whispered to his open lips, tone and touch implying you didn't give a shit who was listening, wrapping your fingers around his stiff cock the second he pushed his black boxer briefs down, his shivering moan tickling your cheek. His right hand came up to cradle your head and lean it against his, begging whines for you to move, pairing it with an irresistible, husky hiss of your name.
He liked it tight and he liked it rough, liked the way you could lock your fingers and keep that nearly suffocating pace, closing his eyes with a flutter and moaning into your skin, curtaining you with purple, his grip in your hair tightening as you built that speed, filling the rented studio with his silvery, erotic cries.
"Someone out there is going to think you're watching porn," you teased, nudging him with your nose, looping a finger back to smear the pre-cum over the swollen head. He bucked his hips into your hold, lips pressed to your cheek, intoxicated groan warming your skin.
"Kiss me and breathe into my mouth..."
You couldn't say no, not with his voice so soft and pleading like that, not with that edge of nervousness. Fuck, the way Jungkook succumbed to your kiss, uncontrollable tremors taking over his shoulders, hot taut skin twitching in your palm indicating he was close, and you almost broke away to say that he shouldn't cum like this, it'll be messy and get on the floor, but he grabbed your face and didn't let you go, whimpering in his throat, wordlessly telling you to do it, exhale into his throat and he groaned in his chest, long, drawn-out, consumed by lust, and maybe it was bad, but you loved it, loved the way he wanted it so bad, wanted you to push the air out of his lungs and suffocate his pulsating cock with your grip, pre-cum leaking between your fingers, finally pulling back and gasping, his lashes fluttering helplessly.
"G-Gonna cum, f-fuck!"
You had to think fast, looking down for a moment and feeling his cock jerk in your hand, swiftly switching to cupping the dark red head, thick white cum suddenly spurting your palm, Jungkook burying his face into your hair to muffle his wail, your scalp hot with his released exhale and your hand covered in his heated release.
You breathed in, smirking at the scent of dirty gratification.
He whined softly, hips quivering as you covered his jerking length with your cum-covered hand, spreading it all over and getting him hard again.
"There's this picture..."
"Mmm, yeah, the h-hyungs told me... don't stop..."
You swung your hips from side to side, free hand running down his chest, your eyes roaming his toned body, his tattooed arm still hovering over your head, long fingers tangled in your hair still, squatting down and opening your mouth, tongue dancing out and licking your hand and the side of his purple-red length, wet sloppy kisses, slurping up his cum and moaning on the throbbing head, making sure that he could feel the sinful heat.
"Give me... oooh, fuck, give me your phone..."
Your hand left his abs reluctantly, tugging your phone out of your ass pocket and holding it up for him as your mouth closed around his cock, swallowing it all, eyes closing, cramming all of him until the head hit your inner throat and your lips pressed against his crotch, knees on the tile floor, thighs spread, hands poised in the air, unable to breathe.
You cracked open one eye to see Jungkook holding your phone above your head, teasing smirk on his shapely lips, mole winking at you.
“For me?” he asked, not quite innocent.
It was the first time Jungkook had taken an actual dirty picture.
You shrugged as if to say, sure, pulling back as he turned the phone around, the dick in question on the screen. You eased off his length, licking it clean, bringing up your wet hand covered in his cum, popping your lips off the engorged tip and sliding your fingers in your wet lips, tongue wriggling between your fingers, inspecting the two dicks. Jungkook was still hard – so hard that his cock was sticking straight out, almost mimicking the photo. You had to crouch a little more, tilting your head and placing your fingertips on his balls, raising his dick a little on the back of your hand, smearing saliva and pre-cum on your skin.
Yon continued to lick, grazing the underside of his length with your tongue and then pulling back, eyes going from the photo to the real thing.
Jungkook moaned above you, clutching your phone tightly, knuckles white under black tattoos.
You tilted your head.
One way.
Then the other.
“W… What?” Jungkook stuttered above you.
You pursed your lips at the tip of his cock, swiping your tongue over it and sucking off the pre-cum. He gasped, hips shaking, threatening to shove it into your lips.
“It doesn’t look like your dick at all.”
“What?” He sounded startled.
You pointed with your dry hand. “The shape is a little off, you’re longer and slightly bigger, and the color is different.” You sighed, whooshing hot air over his soaked, taut skin, Jungkook whimpering. You squinted slightly.
You tapped your lips with his cock, thinking.
“I think he wears the same underwear brand as you.”
“He does?” Jungkook squeaked, spinning the phone around and blinking at it.
You shrugged. “And for some reason, the position of his hips reminds me of you. I don’t know why…”
He chewed his lower lip, staring at the phone.
“Oh well.”
You stood up abruptly at your words and plucked the phone out of his hand, putting it on his desk.
“If it’s not you, it’s not you. Let’s fuck.”
Jungkook yelped as you grabbed the bottom of your shirt and began stripping off your clothes.
That was his reaction that one time you lost strip poker to Kim Seokjin and him at that one party, not that your cared because you didn’t bother learning the rules. You had other priorities and they involved getting mostly naked and then pinning Seokjin down to make out with him as Jungkook gawked at the other side of the table, half-clothed, clutching his cards.
“I can… go…?” he had sputtered.
You surfaced from Seokjin’s plush lips, his hands around your bare waist, the taller man gasping for air, reeling from your kiss.
“I still have one more piece of clothing to go, Jungkook.”
Side of your lower lip between your teeth, cocking an eyebrow, swaying your panty-covered ass at those huge brown eyes.
“You can help, you know.”
Fun night.
His eyes were huge now too, your back against the wall and him rolling the condom down, lifting your leg and sliding into you, gasping at your tightness, leaning down to kiss you again, greedy and ravenous, his hips jerking upwards, forcing you on tiptoe. Your hands were on his shoulders, nails digging into that soft skin and strong muscle.
“F-Fuck me, Jungkook, mmm, fuck, yes…”
You didn’t really get to talk during that strip poker night because your mouth was full of Seokjin’s dick as Jungkook’s pounded you from behind, but it would be a crime to complain about such things.
You met your hips to his to deepen his thrust, enjoying his strength, powerful and steady, fucking you against the wall, wet slaps and soft moans filling the room between harsh kisses, lips swelling from the fervor, your ass even rhythmically smacking into the wall, but neither of you cared, your leg around his slim waist and his right arm wrapped around it, his fingers digging into your thigh, black tattoos and tan skin gleaming from sweat, his other hand clutching a fistful of your ass and ramming your drenched pussy down on his stiff cock, grinning at your soft cry of his name, staring into his eyes and not looking away, spellbound by chocolate orbs framed by wispy strands of purple.
“You always feel so fucking good…”
You pulsed around him, feeding the fire, wanton exhales mixing, dick pic forgotten.
You rolled over, sighing loudly.
“You still fixated on that dick?” a deep, unimpressed voice said next to you.
You frowned and planted your phone with the inspirational dick on your face, praying for it to come to life and choke you.
“I never found out who it was…” you mumbled.
“Well, it is Saturday night. We can go crash a party and maybe you can find that dick!” exclaimed a joyful voice, poking your side. Your phone slid off your face and clattered to the floor. A cheerful hand covered in colorful clay rings waved at you and your gaze shifted to Jung Hoseok and his blond and pink hair. He was too cute and you were unable to help yourself as you looked at him, matching his heart-shaped smile.
“Nah,” you tutted. “If it’s not one of you guys… the dick isn’t worth it.”
You closed your eyes and sighed again, long and with longing.
“If it makes you feel better, we don’t know who it is either.”
You laughed hearing Kim Namjoon’s deep, serious voice. “How would you guys find out?”
“I know a lot of things,” Park Jimin’s angelic, light voice chirped.
“Too many things,” Kim Taehyung’s baritone voice remarked coolly.
“Are you gonna eat that slice of pizza, Jungkook?”
“Yeah, hyung, I am, no, stop–”
“Give Seokjinnie-hyung a bite!”
“Over my dead body!”
“Then you’re dead to me, boy! Respect your elders!”
You heard some slapping and flailing about, but didn’t open your eyes.
“He’s probably not a virgin anyway. Virgins don’t snap pics like that on strangers’ phones.”
You cracked an eye open and narrowed it at the form laying on the ground beside you. Min Yoongi was messing with his phone. His head was on a huge pillow that he wasn’t sharing. He seemed to notice your glare and turned his head to raise a lazy eyebrow at you, cat-like eyes shrouded by black hair.
“Isn’t that what you’re into?” he taunted.
Your eye twitched.
You growled, sitting up. “I’m not into virgins, damnnit! I just like listening to people who are knowledgeable about their interests, like how Namjoon goes on about human philosophy, and how Seokjin never shuts up about MapleStory, and like how you talk about music theory. Just because I don’t understand right away doesn’t mean I don’t try,” you snapped, prodding Yoongi’s firm pecs through his t-shirt. He didn’t move, completely unbothered as you continued your tirade. “I don’t know anything about TikTok, but I like listening to Hoseok talk about the latest dance and fashion trends. Jimin’s the only reason I don’t make an ass of myself at parties because he knows everything about everyone so I don’t accidentally sit in a taken person’s lap and cause trouble. Taehyung’s always following that animal rescue Instagram and giving me cool facts about all these different creatures. Jungkook can go on for hours about cameras. I still don’t think I even know how to work the aperture function on DSLRs, but as long as he will continue to explain, I’ll listen.”
You sucked in a deep breath and seethed.
“So what’s the difference?”
“What?” you scowled.
Yoongi shrugged casually.
“Why do you keep chasing dorks with glasses struggling to get stupid graduate degrees when the people you spend the most time with are here with you right now, ready to fuck you at any time?”
Your words died in your throat, Yoongi’s words finally sinking in.
“Hyung, I’m struggling to get a grad degree…” Namjoon cut in, but the black-haired man on the floor lifted a finger and sliced the air, quieting him instantly. Yoongi was watching you carefully, head tilting at your frozen state. Your brain seemed to have ceased function. His lips curved into a slow, open-mouthed smirk.
Yoongi dropped the bomb on you.
“Didn’t you think it was a bit suspicious that the dick had elements from all of ours, but never quite matched up?”
W… What?
Your head whipped to your fallen phone and you scrambled with it, bringing up the dick pic again. The photo showed up at the party with the wet t-shirt contest. Your phone has disappeared for two hours during said party. Everyone was drunk. No. Everyone had gotten drunk after your phone had mysteriously been found and returned to you. You spent the night in various laps doing various naughty things, not bothering to check your phone after retrieving it, leaving it as a later you problem. You filed through your memories, recalling their faces as you showed each and every one of them the photo.
Hold on.
“Didn’t you think it was a bit weird, almost as if…”
They weren’t as weirded out as one might be, seeing some random dick on your phone.
As if…
“As if one of us is good at photo manipulation, perhaps,” Yoongi purred.
As if they had expected to see such a photo.
You whipped your head to the left and a whirlwind of dark purple hair went flying under the coffee table, hiding behind broad shoulders, chestnut brown hair, and full lips forming an ‘o’. At the same time, the realization hit you like a falling piano from the sky.
“Did you all…” you choked, mechanically jerking from face to face, Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and lastly, back at Seokjin because Jungkook was cowering behind him, large brown doe eyes behind a massive shoulder. “D-Did you all…?”
No way.
“Did you all take a dick pic and Photoshop them together into one superdick photo and PLANT IT ON MY PHONE?!”
One look at those seven faces and…
Taehyung laughed, loud and rich, nudging Namjoon with his elbow. “Told you she wouldn’t check the details of the photo and realize it was from an outside source.”
You started and swiped around. The file name was close enough to your camera photos’ file names, but upon closer inspection…
“Oh my God…”
“She’s very easily distracted by dick,” Hoseok chuckled, infectious grin on his face.
“I am not!”
“Wanna bet?”
“Jimin, do not whip out your dick.”
You heard your name being called softly and looked up, clutching your phone, still stunned and flabbergasted that you had been lusting after a fake dick that was a fuckin’ Megazord of the seven dicks currently surrounding you and those seven were the very dicks that tricked you!
On purpose!
For what?
(GG, no re)
They got you good.
Your irritation immediately dissipated when your eyes found those anxious chocolate ones, long purple strands curling around his cheek, curious open mouth with the small mole underneath barely visible.
“Are you mad?” Jungkook asked quietly, pink lips curving into an irresistible pout.
Before you could quickly say, no, of course not, Jungkook, it was funny, I’m not mad at all, you felt a dark presence by your shoulder, raspy chuckle by your ear, sending shivers down your spine, whispering your name, devious and smokey.
“Whose idea do you think it was?” Yoongi murmured.
You stared into chocolate eyes.
Jungkook’s pout disappeared.
His dark eyebrow cocked, mischievous smirk gracing those irresistible lips. No, not just him. Lowered lids and midnight blue hair, smug expression with a dimple. Kim Namjoon. Lifted chin, looking down at you with a sheepish yet wicked smile on full lips. Kim Seokjin. The black head of hair leaning his chin on your shoulder, laugh like a seductive purr. Min Yoongi. Tilted head balanced on long fingers decorated with colorful rings and bracelets, sly heart-shaped smile. Jung Hoseok. Shit-eating grin fanned by red hair, bouncing a perfectly manicured eyebrow. Park Jimin. Long dark brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, spare strands framing a moody, handsome face with a glint of playful cunning. Kim Taehyung.
And then, Jeon Jungkook.
“The hyungs thought it was a great idea,” he drawled, silvery and sweet, looking extremely pleased with himself, running his tattooed hand through his purple hair, unquestionably guilty, but despairingly angelic in appearance.
These fucking…. Seven Kings of Duality!
You were positively fuming.
An owl hooted outside the window.
You threw yourself over the coffee table and horny chaos ensued.
2021.09.01 - JK birthday drabble 2021.10.02 - Namjoon birthday drabble
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dazey-aceie · 2 years
Floyd and Ruggie with a partner they want to wake up. Both decide to pull out the big guns and bite or nip them.
Biting their s/o to wake them up.
✎ Characters: Ruggie Bucchi, Floyd Leech
☁︎ Fluff
⚠︎ Warnings: Slight reference to minor sexual themes
! Word Count: 1k
ꕤ Notes: This request is kinda short, but I just didn’t wanna reuse the sam e ideas since i feel like i write both ruggie and floyd in a ready manner- yk? but i hope you still like it lol
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Daybreak had sprung, but Floyd had been up for a while. He’d tried his best to contain himself from waking you, but he was bored, and wanted to hang out with you before his busy day working in the cafe. He had slept over at Ramshackle the previous night, wanting to spend some extra time with you. You’d barely had time to enjoy each other's presence peacefully recently, and that upset him quite a bit. So much so, that you missing a couple extra minutes of sleep wouldn’t hurt.
“Little shrimpy… Wake up…” He smirked, playfully whispering into your ear. You had just stirred a bit in your sleep, but other than that you were unfazed. You were in a state of deep sleep, and Floyd was hoping you were dreaming of him.
He stopped for a second before going to open the blinds slightly, allowing for some sunlight to come in, announcing the morning's presence. It was still sort of dark outside as the sun had only just started to rise. He raised his arms above his head as he stretched with a yawn, glancing over to you. You were wrapped up in your blanket, as it framed your face, your eyes were shut, and your face was still. It was peaceful… Too peaceful…
Who knows where Grim decided to make his throne bed for the night. Everyday you’d find him asleep somewhere different, and he’d have no recollection as to how he got there.
Sometimes he’ll be atop the fridge, others he’ll be hanging upside down with a couple of the dorm bats. That one scared all of you. Even the bats.
Flyod took note of the random quietness, but pushed it aside. Who cares? More time for him with his s/o.
“Come on little shrimpy…!” He whispered in a hushed tone, as he walked slowly towards you. Your snores were soft, and barely noticeable, your breathing was at a steady calm pace. Floyd plopped down beside you as an interesting idea erupting into his mind.
“Little shrimpy~ Wake up…” And with that, he nipped you on the side of your neck, it wasn’t hard, but it would probably leave a mark if you bruise easily. He kissed over it gently as you began to stir.
“Hm..? what?” your eyes fluttered open, along with a yawn.
Floyd laughed while shaking his head, “So that woke you up, huh?” He teased.
“What…?” You took notice of the slight stinging at your neck, it felt like a current had run through you, “Oh.”
You placed your palm there rubbing at the skin, embarrassed to look up and face him. Floyd swiftly moved your hand away and continued to lightly peck at the skin, as your arms wrapped around his body, engulfing him into a hug.
“Good morning, dear.” He let out, a content sigh escaping his busy lips.
“Morning, Floydie.” you laughed, as Floyd laid on top of you. Sure you might be a bit late to class, but eh. It was worth it to spend some more time with the person you loved.
The week had been extremely eventful, and Ruggie was exhausted. That’s probably why he passed out beside you the previous night so quickly. Normally you both talk for hours before heading to bed, but Ruggie couldn't even keep his eyes open for more than 4 minutes. You went to your bed, finding him fully passed you, so you laid beside him and decided to indulge in some early sleep too, without doing anything extra.
So by the time dawn had arrived, the sunlight over the horizon started to peek through the halfway opened blinds, causing streaks of the sun's light to flow through. Ruggie was used to waking up before dawn, so this was his own wake-up call of sorts. He groaned as he turned over to face you, yawning. He scratched his eyes before his mind immediately went to Savanclaw.
But eh, they would be fine. Jack and the others could take care of Leona in the meanwhile, he hasn’t got much time away from the lot for a while, and we wanted to spend some extra time with you. The Great 7 knows he needs it.
His mind went back to where he was. The lighting was dim, but it illuminated your face, the light reflected off the windows lighting up specific areas of your room. It was a warm cozy feeling, and he almost didn’t want to get up. But he knew that he wanted to spend some time with you before you had to part for the day.
“Hey y/nnnnn… Wake up..!” He whispered, not wanting to frighten you, but it sounded rather rushed.
To no avail, you were still dead asleep, but that didn’t mean Ruggie gave up. His energetic side was starting to fade in, as a chorus of your name spilled from his lips. Yet, you were still asleep, “y/n…! Come on…” he sighed, when all of a sudden, an idea decided to make its way into his head.
“Wakey wakey, y/n…!” and with that he nipped at your skin. You let out a breath as your eyes began to open, as Ruggie was hovering over you.
“Huh..? R-ruggie..?” You still weren't 100% aware of your surroundings, and your voice was soft.
Ruggie faked a pout, “I needed to wake you! We’ve barely spent time awake together,” He huffed, as he went back to nipping at your skin.
“I-i’m sorry, Rug-ggie…” You said as your hand made its way to his fluffy bedhead. You ran your hands through his hair and scratched behind his ears, as he let out a content sigh.
Ruggie kissed at the little marks he had left.
Everyone else could wait, this moment between the two of you was all you needed.
“Love you, y/n…” He whispered, as he could feel his eyes getting heavy.
You chuckled, as he had woken you up, but now he was tired, “Love you too, Hyena.”
You heard Ruggie’s signature laugh, “Tell me, how was yesterday?”
Maybe an hour or two had passed between the two of you talking about the previous day, and it was perfect. Grim was spending the night over with Ace and Deuce, so there won’t be him nagging at his henchmen to get ready. And Leona was back at Savanaclaw, sure you both loved them, but it was Ruggie and y/n time.
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thanks for reading!! and requests are currently open <3
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defectivevillain · 2 years
pairing: peter hale x reader
reader’s pronouns: he/him
author’s note: couldn't fall asleep last night and somehow that resulted in me writing this... lmfao. also im neglecting the “keep reading” line thing since tumblr came out with the new update that shrinks longer posts on the tl. 
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The closer you grow to Peter, the further you drift away from everyone else. Their distrust of Peter gradually shifts until they're distrustful of you too. You want to be disheartened by this, but you had expected it. After all, Peter isn’t exactly everyone’s favorite person.
Still, in the weeks you grow to know Peter, you find that he is a lot different than everyone thinks. He isn't the coldblooded killer everyone makes him out to be. The man is simply drowning in guilt and regret. Sometimes, his eyes have a dreamy glaze to them- as if he’s looking back on places he’s been and things he’s done. A frown always falls onto his face during these moments. 
Aside from these brief flashbacks- as you like to call them- he’s as sarcastic and quick-witted as ever. The two of you trade insults easily. Even despite the fact that you know Peter, everyone else still doesn’t. He’s still whispered about when he walks down the street, and people still stare at him with contempt in their eyes. You slowly start to convince him to go out in public with you, confident that he will be able to find his place in the town once more. 
You and Peter are walking down the street one day when you hear someone mutter fucking freak under their breath. You hardly notice, but Peter does. He pauses in his tracks, staring back at them. This leads you to turn around also, taking a look at the stranger. Their eyes are fixed on you, surprisingly.  Peter notices this, and an unreadable expression blooms on his face as he turns to look at you. 
“They were talking to you,” Peter remarks, his eyes widening as he realizes this. His eyebrows are furrowed and his lips are pulled taut in a grimace. If you didn’t know better, you would think he looks angry.  You’re not quite sure what to say to him, so you don’t say anything. 
“It’s because of me,” Peter murmurs, clarity in his eyes. You have no idea how to combat that claim, and you try to think of something to say. Evidently, your hesitation is enough of an answer, because Peter grabs your wrist, his eyes glimmering dangerously. 
“Peter, not now,” you hiss under your breath, glancing at the people that have stopped to watch the commotion. The two of you are standing in the middle of the sidewalk, and you’re sure that they’re staring at Peter’s hand on your wrist. “We’re drawing attention.”
“I don’t care,” Peter seethes, his fingers digging into your skin. His claws aren’t out, but his nails are still sharp enough to leave indents in your skin. 
“You should,” you reply, glaring at him. He glares back and you sigh. You’ve been on the receiving end of that look far too many times for his scathing looks to be effective on you. “You can’t afford to make a commotion here.” 
Peter growls under his breath. He doesn’t relinquish his grip on your wrist until you’re both in his car, and the entire ride to his apartment is silent. Even without the tension thrumming in the air, you can sense that the conversation from earlier is far from over. 
Indeed, the moment the door shuts behind you, you’re immediately shoved against it. You’re about to scold him for scaring you when he lifts his head. Immediately, you fall silent. There’s a serious expression on his face. His lips are pursed, and he looks frustrated. 
“You don’t trust me,” Peter accuses, his eyes flitting about your face. His arms are crossed over his chest before his hand reaches out towards you. For a moment, he seems to contemplate something, before he reaches out to caress your cheek. 
“Of course I trust you, Peter,” you squint at him, offended that he is even trying to accuse you of feeling otherwise. “This isn’t about trust. I just didn’t want to drag you into things. Besides, it’s not a big deal-“
His claws dig into the side of your face, and you let out a pained hiss. Immediately, the hazed look in Peter’s eyes vanishes. He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. 
“Sorry,” he mutters, blinking at you. Peter drags his fingers down the scratches on your face, his eye twitching minutely. The sincerity behind his voice makes you realize that he isn’t just apologizing for the scratches, but instead for his behavior earlier. 
“No, you’re not,” you sigh, your voice lacking any real venom. You’re not truly mad at him, just a bit disappointed that he still thought he could lie to you. 
“You’re right, I’m not,” Peter acquiesces. His hand is on your forearm now, a steady pressure that grounds you to reality. You’re almost tempted to push him away but you don’t. “However, I am sorry that you thought you couldn’t go to me about this.”
“I-“ you try to say, only for him to cut you off. 
“Let me finish,” Peter interjects, his gaze still locked on your face. You begrudgingly fall silent, allowing him to speak. He waits a few moments regardless, evidently expecting you to object more. When you don’t, he finally continues. “I’m sorry I made you think that I don’t care about you.” Your eyes widen. You hadn’t expected him to say that. He must notice this too, if the scowl on his face is anything to go by. 
“I do care about you,” Peter whispers, his voice quiet yet loud in the comfortable silence of the entryway. He takes a step forward, nearly pressing you against the door. “Far more than I’d like to.” Immediately your heart sinks to your chest.
“Wow, thanks,” you remark dryly, trying to not let the pain you’re feeling show in your voice. Peter seems to notice anyways, because his frown somehow turns even more intense. He lets out a frustrated groan, muttering something under his breath about you being difficult. You raise an eyebrow at him, noticing that his posture is quickly turning from relaxed to restless. 
Suddenly he’s pulling you closer, his hands on your waist as he kisses you. For a moment, you’re too stunned to move. Peter, noticing this, is about to back off when you hesitantly clench your fingers in his shirt collar and tug him towards you. He smiles at this, his grip tightening on your hips.
Eventually, he pulls away, his bright eyes gleaming. A grin tugs at his lips and he stares at you for a moment, not saying a word. You stare right back at him, your heart racing in your chest. You feel a smile begin to grow on your face too. 
“I care about you too,” you mumble, your cheeks heating as he raises an eyebrow at you. Rolling your eyes, you avert your eyes and pretend not to be affected by his intense gaze. Peter eventually takes pity on you and changes the subject.
“Now, time to kill that son of a bitch,” he smirks, cracking his knuckles. Your breath catches, as you realize that he’s talking about the person from earlier. He turns on his heel and you immediately follow. 
“Peter, no-” you exclaim, following him as he walks further into his apartment. You can’t see the expression on Peter’s face, but his shoulders shake with laughter. 
“Just kidding,” he chuckles, tugging you towards the couch. He sits down and you follow, intending to sit next to him. Peter pulls you closer, until you’re laying against his chest. You let your head fall back to rest on his shoulder. “Maybe.”
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