#but i always think otherwise T_T
gaydexvocaloid · 8 months
i’m buying synthv pro and yuma soon. i’m so excited …. i have a cover with maki i’ve been working on for months but it’s been in mixing hell cuz i know nothing abt mixing lol…. it’s basically done now i just need to finish the art..
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kotoku · 5 months
Can I request aventurine and Dr ratio (separately or together ur choice) with klee reader
Maybe Sunday too?
I just want chaos to unfold-
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Take care ☺️
ꜱᴜɴᴅᴀʏ, ᴀᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀɪɴᴇ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴅʀ ʀᴀᴛɪᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ᴋʟᴇᴇ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
pairings - sunday & klee! reader / aventurine & klee! reader / dr ratio & klee! reader
content - reader is gender-neutral/ klee! reader/ platonic relationships/ familial relationships/ chaos
warnings - a bit of angst (?), might be ooc i'm sorry guys T_T
⋘ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ... ⋙
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↻ Whether you met Sunday because you’ve been unknowingly stirring up trouble in the dreamscapes or you met him by chance, he’d be a bit worried and concerned about a child roaming alone in Penacony
↺ He may or may not slowly adopt you into his routine as he always finds himself being greeted by you on the streets of Penacony (or called by a family member because mayhem has been occurring in certain parts of the dreamscapes)
↺ Gazing upon the damage you had done in the dreamscape as you stared at him with wide innocent eyes, he couldn’t be upset with you but rather surprised by how much power this unknown child has
↻ Sunday would be a lot like Jean, but he’d be a little more lenient when it comes to you
↺ He’d probably have a small area/room that’s your designated play area whenever you’re with him and sometimes he’d have to give you a time-out for blowing up something in the dreamscape
↺ Said time out wouldn’t last long as he’d feel guilty looking at your saddened state
↻ Sometimes whenever the other family members had a meeting with Sunday, they would see you playing around with your favorite stuffed animal but wouldn’t dare question your presence (you had quite the reputation for being.. explosive…)
↻ I think when it comes to each character with a Klee! Reader, they’d have those animal backpacks with the leash attached to it just because you’re so chaotic
↺ One moment they would be walking with you and then the next you’ve run off to somewhere that caught your attention
↺ For Sunday’s mental well-being, he got you this backpack to help him keep an eye on you whenever you were distracted
↻ As I mentioned in previous posts, Sunday, whenever he’s anxious or worried for you, would pace around his office with his feathers just puffing up and some of them popping right off due to his stress
↺ When you are found safe and sound, he’d give you a tight hug and you’d start playing with the feathers that were scattered on the ground
↺ He’s.. amused by it
↻ Honestly, Sunday had no idea what to do with you as you were found to be alone and it didn’t seem like you knew any of your family members (Just going to ignore Albedo and Klee’s mother for my sake…)
↺ Eventually, he warmed up to you a lot and considers you his little sister, which Robin also adores having around
↻ Sunday would be very protective of you but a little.. nervous about your abilities, he knew to an extent you were capable of handling things yourself
↺ But you are still a child so he’s extra cautious about the dangers in the dreamscapes and makes sure that you don’t get into trouble
↺ Otherwise, he’d have to confiscate your bombs.. which he really didn’t want to do because then you’d be super upset
↺ He tried to confiscate them one time but that ended up with you ignoring him for the remainder of the day and you were sulking in your playroom
↻ Sunday, during the Charmony Festival, would keep a very close eye on you because of what has been going on within Penacony
↺ He’ll keep you in his line of sight at all times, whether it’s him personally accompanying you around or having you sit near him in his conference room, he wouldn’t want you wandering too far off
↺ You’d find Sunday mumbling to himself while looking at some documents, but you never really understood them so you always stuck to what you were doing
↻ Sunday is very fond of you, and he’d do anything to ensure your safety
Sunday was seated at his conference table, hand holding his chin in thought as he scanned through the multitude of documents. He carefully looked them over and over again, thoroughly reading through the letters written by a family member he assigned an assignment to. 
With the Charmony Festival coming in full swing, Sunday wanted to make sure that things would run as smoothly as possible, despite the growing concern that was nagging him from the depths of his consciousness. He couldn’t afford to become distracted…
That is what he thought, but yet he still found himself engaging in your little antics. Although things were growing busier and busier by the day, he wanted to ensure that you were alright and safe, playing a couple of your games when you pleaded for him to stay. He didn’t find the idea of playing with bombs safe, but if it was what made you happy, then your wish was his command.
As he stood up to roam the halls of his mansion, he gazed out into the open through the grand windows, a million thoughts racing through his mind. The future of Penacony contained countless outcomes and he could only grow restless every time he thought of it. But having you around to distract him from his worries with your silly antics, even if for just a fleeting moment, made him feel as if everything was going to be alright…
He would make sure of that.
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↻ Aventurine would also find your chaotic nature interesting, in fact, he might even indulge in it by taking a role in your little schemes
↺ He’d be a little concerned when you go a bit too far with your bombs and antics, so he’d try nudging you into a not-so-concerning situation
↻ Aventurine would find you when you got into a little scuffle with his subordinates, somehow destroying some IPC property and getting an earful from his coworkers
↺ Those IPC grunts would be terrified of you if they saw what you could do, especially because you’re a CHILD playing with BOMBS (They’re seriously concerned about who raised you and why you are the way you are.. or how you even managed to have bombs on you??)
↻ He’d send them off to go do something else (or to go bother someone else..) and bend down to your level to ask about your guardians or caregiver
↺ When you are confused about what he is talking about, his concern would only grow before he’d take you to find a trusted person to watch over you as he was busy with an assignment
↺ However, he would only come back to find that you escaped a worker’s watchful gaze and were playing with that bomb toy you had on you (Docodo? Cododo?? Whatever you said its name was…)
↻ When Aventurine hangs around you a little more during his free time (whether he’s done with work or doesn’t feel up to gambling), inquiring about the little fella you had on you and about your background
↺ He’d kind of take you under his wing from there on out, having you accompany him on missions if he determined they weren’t dangerous and were minor assignments
↺ Topaz would find it surprising seeing him around with a little kid, she’d even be wary about his intentions with you as he had suddenly popped up with a small kid out of nowhere
↺ She’d introduce you to Numby who, to your delight, would play and spend a bit of time with you
↻ Sometimes you’d accompany Aventurine on his casino trips, but he’d try leaving you out of them as it wasn’t really a kid-friendly setting
↺ So sometimes you’d in up in a more appropriate setting like a small daycare where you were safe (yet you’d sometimes pop up next to him in a game and catch him off guard)
↻ Aventurine, as someone with a lot of money to freely spend, would spoil you with a variety of things that he’d think you would like
↺ You aren’t necessarily a spoiled child, but he’d still get you the things that have caught your interest, whether you voice what you liked or not
↻ When he passes by a shop that has a showcase of kid backpacks, he would see one with a plush animal and a leash and he’d automatically get it for you 
↺ You wouldn’t really care about the leash part as you’re too distracted by the cute plush animal backpack, so it really was no problem for Aventurine
↺ He’d be walking around the IPC’s headquarters or Penacony with the backpack leash in his hand, you following him yet straying whenever you saw something
↺ He’d have to give the leash a small tug to make sure you weren’t wandering too far off though
↻ If you did something dangerous such as blowing up something that belongs to the IPC, Aventurine would vouch for you, becoming your partner in crime (Him sending a sly wink your way as you giggle innocently, hands covering your mouth to stifle your laughter) 
↺ Topaz would be the one scolding you before Aventurine tries defending your honor, but then he’d end up getting scolded by her too
↻ Aventurine would try his best to protect your innocence, not wanting you to see the dangers that linger on the different worlds he ends up on or what may invade the IPC’s headquarters
↺ He’s seen and witnessed firsthand hand of losing his innocence at a young age, those memories of his past still haunt him to this day and he doesn’t want you living with the same burden so he tries his best to protect you from danger (even if you’re somewhat capable of protecting yourself)
“_____, did you destroy a piece of the IPC’s belongings again!?” Topaz asked, a stern look on her face as you stood there innocently with your hands tucked behind your back. 
“No… I didn’t do anything I swear! You can even ask Dodoco!” You answered, shoving Dodoco out in front of you as if to emphasize your statement. Topaz sighed, shaking her head.
“_____… I know you want to play around but sometimes you need to be careful of where you are. You could get hurt or, well.. damage things that aren’t yours.” Crossing her arms, Topaz looked at you with a softer gaze. You persisted in your stance. 
“But I swear! I didn’t do it!” You cried out, holding Dodoco closer to your chest. “Y-you can even ask Mr. Aventurine!”
“I heard my name?” Aventurine slinked to the spot right next to you, giving Topaz a questioning yet sly look. Topaz couldn’t help but groan when he popped up next to you, feeling as if she was on the verge of being teamed up against. 
“Mr. Aventurine! Please tell Miss Topaz that I wasn’t the one who blew up some of the IPC’s equipment!” You begged, tugging at his coat as he looked down at you with his cat-like eyes. 
He gave you a closed-eyed smile, patting the top of your head. “Is that what’s going on? Well, I have unfortunate news for you Topaz, as little _____ here was busy helping me out with an assignment.” Aventurine had a smug smile on his face as if to tease Topaz and tick her off, which worked.
Topaz, rolling her eyes, heaved a deep sigh. “Fine, I believe you, _____. You can go run off and play now.” 
With a joyful smile on your face and a cheer, you thanked Topaz before turning to thank Aventurine, bowing slightly with a quiet giggle.
“Thank you Mr. Aventurine! Promise we’ll play next time?” 
“I promise, _____. Now go play with Dodoco in your room, okay? I’ll check up on you later when I’m done with work.” 
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↻ Dr Ratio wasn’t necessarily fond of children…
↺ He understood that they weren’t the brightest of stars, but he could barely handle some of the behaviors they exhibited
↺ I imagine he’d be so disgusted because of how kids can be known for doing the weirdest stuff… (Picking their boogers, touching a variety of items, being unsanitary... the list goes on)
↻ When he meets you for the first time, he’s curious about the construction of your bombs and how you were able to make them
↺ To his disappointment, you are only able to draw crude drawings of the construction of your bombs and poorly explain how you built them
↺ He takes it upon himself to sample one of your bombs to see what they’re made of and how they’re made
↻ You’d invite him (more like drag him) to help you create and play with your bombs and he’d reluctantly follow you to where your room is
↺ Aventurine walking in on you playing dolls (or your bombs) with Ratio
“How are you doing?”
“Mister Ratio, say it in your girl voice.”
“Sigh… How you doin’? 💅”
*Aventurine laughing before Ratio throws the doll he’s holding at him*
↻ Ratio, knowing him, would tutor you if you went to a daycare or school, helping you understand your homework and teaching you about different subjects
↺ You wouldn’t comprehend half the things he’s teaching you but you follow along anyway
↺ Ratio would be genuinely happy if you were able to learn something new from him and apply it to your life
↻ Ratio is the type of teacher figure to give you random quizzes to test your knowledge and understanding but he rewards you with things like snacks or trinkets he gets from his trips
↻ Ratio would be delighted to talk about his trips to you, explaining the history and geography of the planets he has traveled to you when he comes back
↺ He would draw a small map for you to understand the general location of the places he’s visited
↻ You’d be excited to learn about what places he’s seen and you’d ask him a myriad of questions to which he’d patiently listen and answer 
↺ The thought of Ratio being patient with a young child warms my heart, this is how he’d find out that maybe he can tolerate specific kids
↻ Ratio reading stories to you to help you fall asleep, but those stories would probably be academic books he uses to teach his students
↻ If you were to get in trouble for blowing something up, he’d show his disappointment and sternly give you a punishment that isn’t too harsh on you (he’d give you school work lol)
↺ Ratio would check in on you here and there when you’re in your room, if he finds that you’re asleep he’d tuck you in before looking over your work
↺ This makes me think of Ratio walking in to see that you had drawn him an artwork of the both of you with Dodoco (who he came to know as your prized friend)
↻ Ratio doesn’t have a clue who your parents or guardians are, so he tries to locate them at first to no avail (he ends up pretty much adopting you as his own kid)
↻ Sometimes you’d sit near his desk in his lecture hall when he was teaching his students, swinging your legs back and forth as you eyed everyone in the room
↺ His students find you adorable and get distracted by your presence at first before their professor sends them a chalk their way
↺ His students give you little gifts or snacks as they leave the room, a part of them hoping that Ratio’s rampage on his grade book will be softened by your happiness at the gifts you received
↺ He finds out what his students are doing, but lets them do it anyway since it’s making you happy (he’d probably set some limits though before you get way too much stuff)
Veritas had just finished up his lecture with his students, organizing their work into neat stacks on one side of his desk. Once the last student had left his classroom, he took off his plaster head and sat it in front of him. In his peripheral vision, he saw a small empty chair to the left of his desk. It was where you normally sat. 
The violet-haired man was then reminded of your absence due to the sudden sickness you had caught the day before. With a sigh, he turned back towards the ungraded stacks of paper on his desk and got to work. He’d try to be home before midnight. 
By the time he finished, it was already 9. Walking out of the campus, he was met with the emptiness the night brought with it. Students were already long gone, the handful of teachers that had stayed late already packed up and left for dinner, but he was running a bit late. So with a brisk pace, he set off in the direction of his home, the cool night air hitting his skin.
Once Veritas reached his destination, he quickly unlocked the door and went inside, the warmth of his home greeting him. His shoulders fell, the weight that had been put upon himself leaving his body as he could see a faint light coming from your room. 
Slipping off his outerwear, he quietly walked across the hardwood floors and stopped outside of your bedroom door. Veritas listened for any signs that you might be awake, but nothing. He placed his hand on the door and gently pushed it open so he was able to enter. 
You had left your bedside lamp on, with a couple of papers and crayons scattered across the desk you normally drew at. His eyes had landed on your small, curled-up form, snoring away beneath the comforters of your bed. He softly chuckled to himself, walking towards your bed and lifting the blanket so it reached your shoulders. You had stirred but only shuffled to get comfortable. Placing a small kiss on your forehead, Veritas got up to put away the crayons and papers you had left out.
While picking up and putting away the crayons in the correct order that was directed on the box, the bright, grainy colors on a paper caught his eye. He gently picked up a piece of paper that you seemed to have been working on while he was gone. It was a drawing of the both of you in a field of flowers, your best friend, Dodoco, in between the both of you. Veritas had to admit that it was cute, a small smile appearing on his face before he gathered the rest of your drawings and slid them into a folder. 
When he had finished making sure that everything was neatly put away, Veritas moved to turn off the lamp, wishing you sweet dreams. 
⋘ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ! ⋙
note - hey ya'll.. nice weather we've got here... 😀 i really need to blast through my requests-- wearesobackipromise.
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merakiui · 13 days
OHSHC AU where reader breaks a precious arrifact from one of the dorms maybe all but instead of repaying the huggeeee debt with hours of labour she has to pay with her body and can’t refuse :)
every kink in the book is used as she’s pleading with the dorm leaders for mercy, crying about forgiveness but all they can hear is that her mouth is very wide open and needs to be replaced with a cock or gag </3 poor reader doesn’t have time to take birth control! and none of the students at nrc know what condoms are oopsies!! imagine savanaclaw in their heat … oh boy rip her pussy! she’ll never know a peaceful day until graduation but even then one of the dorm leaders might take her with them to spend forever with them
Omg yes,,, ohshc au, but it's freaky and full of sex because those scheming boys now have a girl in their debt and that opens so many possibilities. Their methods in dealing with you would all be different, of course, but in the end you're probably getting dicked down either way. <3
I think Riddle's punishments are probably more old-fashioned. If you can't fix whatever it is you broke, then you will write lines stating that you will be more careful, that you won't break anything again, etc. Or he'll make you write an essay detailing why exactly you're sorry, why you ought to be forgiven, etc. T_T really, these are just punishments his own mother gave to him in order to push him to do better in his studies. Riddle doesn't know any better.
He thinks differently when someone like Ace or Cater offhandedly and jokingly remarks how unlucky you must feel. Good thing their Housewarden isn't some pervert, otherwise he could totally force you to give him blowjobs whenever he wanted all under the guise of "repaying your debt." Riddle is appalled. He would never stoop so low! This is Heartslabyul, not Octavinelle. >:( still, the basic concept is just a little appealing. So maybe he's got a small crush on you, and maybe it would be easier to get you to spend time with him if you had no other choice. He makes you join him for tea parties in the gardens, for games of croquet, etc. His hope is that you'll warm up to him and not feel so rigid around him. orz
Leona probably doesn't care as much about the artifact as someone like Riddle might. It has no sentimental value to him personally, so why should he be worried? Besides, it was pretty old anyway. But that doesn't mean you can get off completely innocent. You're the reason he's got more work on his plate now, what with having to deal with the Headmage squawking at him about it. He allows you to choose between two punishments: either you become Savanaclaw's errand girl and do much the same work Ruggie does around the dorm, or you spend every night literally warming his bed (i.e. let him use you as a pillow if you're going to be good and still and quiet). If you want an easy way out, you'll choose the latter. Besides, his bed is comfortable, big enough for two. And as long as you aren't a pain, he doesn't mind. (You are definitely going to be warming his bed in other ways. The innuendo in his words is not lost on Leona.)
Azul...... of course he's slimy and sleazy about it. Oh, you poor soul. How is he ever going to get over this dear, priceless artifact that you have so carelessly broke? Jade is there to oh-so-helpfully inform you of its market price and what it could currently go for if sold. And Floyd's there to poke fun at the unfortunate predicament you've found yourself in. But Azul is a resourceful octopus. He makes a grand show of contemplating what he should do with you just to watch you squirm nervously, as if he hasn't already planned it out from the very beginning. He'll capitalize on your being a girl and have you work the floor in the lounge. There's always an increase in tips and sales when you're serving the customers, and why wouldn't there be? A cute, helpless girl in a school full of boys is an appealing sight.
He's irritating, but he isn't callous! Jade and Floyd are there to look out for you in case any of the patrons get it in their heads that they ought to appreciate you through touch instead of simply staring. Your uniforms change with every new event Mostro Lounge holds. Azul knows his target audience well because he also fits into that same group LOL. So maybe the sight of you in frilly uniforms is appealing. Sue him. >_< he wants you so badly, and luckily (with you being indebted to him) he has you all to himself. :) after hours are a very fun time at the lounge.
Kalim doesn't see what the issue is. He's not mad, so please don't cry!!! 🥺 you'll make him cry if you're not happy... Jamil is just about ready to pass out while he calculates just how bad this is. And here Kalim is, not caring in the slightest! T_T but Kalim is more sympathetic towards you, not the vase you broke. Besides, he can just get another one. :D no harm done at all! There really isn't any punishment to be had. If you insist on repaying your debt, Kalim tells you it's all water under the bridge.
Jamil is the only one who insists this is a good idea, and if Jamil thinks it's fine then Kalim agrees. So now you're sort of,,, there in Scarabia. Jamil puts you to work when Kalim isn't around, but when Kalim is there he spoils you rotten. The complete opposite of a punishment. There's definitely dubious shadows to this, though. For all of the delicious foods and alcohol you consume, you wake with hazy memories, only ever recalling you looked into the eyes of...something before you fell. Was it a snake? Maybe... but Kalim is always there in the morning to smother you in affection, so maybe it's not so bad.
You are Vil's newest pet project. He goes in with metaphorical fork and knife and cuts into you with his criticism, all of which is completely valid. You were clumsy when you broke that artifact. You weren't paying attention to your surroundings. You were completely oblivious, so in your own world. Epel would feel bad for you, but finally he gets to relax just a little bit now that Vil's eyes are mostly off of him and centered on you. Vil is going to put you through a reformation of sorts. You will come out of it your best, most elegant self! A wonderful improvement from your earlier carelessness. Only then will he forgive your previous transgression.
You and Vil get on like oil and water. That is, you don't mix at all. You are subjected to curses left and right because Vil is so strict. Suddenly, you can't eat certain foods and if you try to sneak them you find they've all been cursed (courtesy of Vil). If you try to slack on the work he has you do, even when you know he's not around, somehow word gets back to Vil. That creepy hunter always seems to know everything you do even when you're alone. It's troubling. Vil likes to think his heart is an iron fortress, so it's impossible to fathom when he falls for you first (and so hopelessly, at that)!
Idia doesn't put as much value in that artifact as he does in his own anime collection. If you broke something from his collection that was limited edition, he'd be far more upset (and then proceed to pull out the second one he got as back-up for this very specific moment). But this is an easy fix, really. He has the technology to make it good as new and, if that can't be done, he can always build a new one. Upgrades are important and necessary in some cases, especially when things get too outdated. It's a little awkward having a real 3D girl in his room all the time, though. >_< kick his ass in the twst equivalent of Smash and he's looking at you in a completely different light (hearing you trash talk him is so arousing; he's never been more hard).
Let's say the thing you broke in this case was a gargoyle. You're not sure how it happened, but it's headless now and Malleus is just staring silently at you. You can't read the emotions on his face, but with the way Sebek is shouting at you to get on your knees and beg for forgiveness you think you're about to be burnt to a crisp. It's so uneasy and awkward, and all you can do is apologize profusely, insisting you didn't mean to break it. It's Lilia who comes to your rescue: "Now, now, Malleus. You'll scare the poor child if you keep frowning so. Mistakes happen, do they not?" Silver also comes to your aid, adding that it wasn't your intention to break this gargoyle. It was an accident.
So now here you are, the second member of the Gargoyle Studies Club, accompanying Malleus for club activities while he teaches you all about gargoyles so that you can gain a better appreciation for them. It was Lilia's idea in the first place. He is Malleus's unofficial wingman. One way or another, you're going to find yourself alone in the woods with Malleus while Lilia is in the bushes belting out "romantic" love ballads from the old ages. T_T someone put peepaw to bed... at the very least, it lessens the awkward tension between you and Malleus, and it even gets the both of you laughing.
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dokidokitsuna · 29 days
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Poison Flower
Drawing Blake is always an exercise in nostalgia for me...because I must inevitably reach far back in my memory to the time she was still allowed to be cool, and channel that energy into whatever new drawing I'm doing. ^^;
In my first NeverFell Projects script (which is 95% finished! I may start recording it soon) I have a whole mini-rant about how she never really gets a chance to tell Adam off, thanks in part to the deterioration of her character...but honestly what bothers me the most about how Blake is characterized these days is that her new archetype essentially spits in the face of her original archetype.
A proud Faunus who stands up to bigotry? Nah, how about a mousy doormat who needs Weiss and Yang to chase bullies away from her. A standoffish loner who oozes edgy style just with her facial expressions and body language? Scratch that-- how about a cardboard cutout that just stands around innocently staring at everyone else, practically A-posing. A kickass ninja warrior who can take care of herself? I think you mean a damsel in distress who can only fight when Yang is nearby to hold her hand. Otherwise she'll shamelessly resort to begging her teammates to save her.
Not only is she a completely different character, she's a far less competent character-- watching her from Volume 7 onward feels like watching a lobotomy victim. :( Also, pretty messed up that the character arc (???) they chose for the "racial minority" MC was to have her gradually become docile, passive, and inoffensive, to the point of becoming irrelevant. T_T Imma be honest, THAT hurts more than anything the writers did with Adam or the White Fang.
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jiraisupportgroup · 1 month
Can jirais be white? Maybe this is a stupid question, maybe it’s a white privileged ass question, but I’m genuinely wondering because I keep seeing people on Jirai Twitter flaming the opinions of white jirais. Like, I’m white and I’ve spent a long time couch surfing, doing sex work to survive, having my interpersonal relationships crumble at every turn, I cut I drink I smoke I do drugs…but what, my opinions don’t matter because I’m not from Japan?? I’m honestly fucking lost, I found a place I fit in but I don’t know anymore. And what about jirais who don’t live in Japan, that don’t do sex work, don’t spend frivolously in host clubs or aren’t homeless??? Are the rest of their issues that make them a landmine forfeited simply because they don’t check a few of the other boxes? I don’t understand, I need to ask someone. People are always going to complain that you aren’t fucked up enough.
I don’t think it’s a stupid question at all!
Please note that I’m not an expert or a spokesperson for Jirai Kei, I’m also not Japanese, I don’t speak Japanese - I would take my opinion with a grain of salt. I don’t actually feel qualified to talk abt this tbh T_T
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The general sentiment that I see is that white (or otherwise non-Japanese) people can be Jirai Kei but be respectful & understanding about it.
To my knowledge “Jirai” is a term used to stereotype someone as a “crazy girl” or “crazy girlfriend” - it’s not really tied to any specific action or set of symptoms. It is often used against girls who do have scars or wear ryousangata or work in sex work or con cafes, but it’s also used against people who don’t do those things. Its not an endearing term or point of pride, it’s used derogatorily. “Jirai Kei” is playing off of that term. It’s similar to how in western societies people call anyone who looks slightly alternative “emo” but to my knowledge “jirai” has stronger negative connotations than “emo” does & is still used in a derogatory manner.
I think it’s important to know that Jirai Kei was born out of Kabukicho. There are a lot of themes of sex work, self harm, emotional instability, addiction, host club or boy band obsessions, homelessness, etc. They are important parts of the subculture, but it also has grown a lot since 2019. You don’t have to engage in or have a history with those things to be “Jirai Kei”, but you have to understand & be respectful of the fact that those are very common themes in the subculture.
Generally, it’s agreed that Jirai Kei is a space for mentally unstable people. This doesn’t mean that you have to be venting online or constantly in distress or anti-recovery: more so, you know what it’s like to be in a dark place and you’re respectful / understanding of that, whether you’re currently in that place or not. It’s similar to menhera but a bit more jaded. Menhera’s core things are accessibility, awareness, support, positivity, understanding, acceptance, etc. Some people find more comfort in Jirai Kei because sentiments of not being ready to or able to recover are generally a bit more accepted, although many people are part of both subcultures.
Additionally, it’s important to note that as foreigners, we can’t really “reclaim” Jirai - it’s not a term that is used against us. We don’t live in the same socioeconomic setting that Jirai Kei was born out of. A big example of this is social reaction to the fashions associated with Jirai Kei, like dark girly kei and ryousangata. When I go out in my town in a dark girly coord I don’t get called an emotionally unstable mass produced sex worker, people usually say I look really nice or cute or generally compliment me. Very very different reactions, and that’s important to acknowledge. Our experiences are different. That doesn’t mean we can’t relate to or find comfort in or be a part of Jirai Kei, but it’s important to know that Japanese Jirais and foreign Jirais have very different experiences even with the same things. I liken it to foreign gals. Gyaru is a pushback against Japanese beauty standards, so when you’re a foreigner gyaru styles often aren’t contrary to beauty standards you’re subjected to, but it’s still generally okay to be gyaru as a foreigner as long as you understand that. Just be respectful / understanding about that ykwim?
Most of the time when I see people complaining about white girls in Jirai Kei they’re mostly complaining about girls who are only into the fashion or cute parts of Jirai and try to sanitize the subculture. Essentially - you can’t come into a Japanese subculture based around mental struggles as a foreigner and decide you’re going to denounce parts of it to make it more acceptable. That’s kind of weird & disrespectful in my opinion. It’s fine to only want to engage in the cutesy parts like girly kei and collecting boy band photo cards, but it’s not really Jirai Kei, which is fine just like… don’t call it Jirai Kei when it’s not.
Part of why there are people who are very intense about saying you have to be “fucked up enough” to be Jirai Kei is because they’re radically pushing back against people who come into Jirai Kei spaces and then complain about the toxicity or try to sanitize the subculture. In my opinion they do end up friendly-firing T_T
A lot of people don’t want post about their struggles online. Someone’s account could be super happy sunshine and sparkles and bows and positivity all the time, but they could still very well be struggling behind all of that. I think some people are so tired of problematic fashion Jirais that they end up saying people who don’t post about their struggles openly can’t be Jirai Kei. I disagree with that? You don’t owe people your history or struggles. You don’t have to publicly talk about your history or struggles to be a part of the subculture. It’s a bit strange to pressure people to talk about these things in order to be accepted in the community, even though I understand where they’re coming from. I don’t personally see this a lot but I also don’t use Twitter which is where this seems to be most common.
Overall - as long as you acknowledge the origins / history, don’t try to denounce the “dark parts” of Jirai Kei, and understand that Japanese Jirais and foreign jirais have different experiences you’re generally good as far as I can tell.
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Idk if that all made sense - I’m crazy sleep deprived from work - but hopefully that makes sense / answers your question? But again I’m just a stranger on the internet and I’m also not Japanese so please take all that with a grain of salt.
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vinnies-invasion · 16 days
hihi!! any Peter Criss caregiver headcanons? /nf (i think that’s what they’re called T_T) hes my comfort person i luv him bababababab
Yess I love Peter!! Hes got big comfy vibes :3
🐾 Caregiver Peter Criss 🐾
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Calls you many different nicknames, like baby cat, little one, kitty cat! Some cat themed, because they make you giggle and smile and it warms his heart to see you so happy
He prefers you call him Papa over Daddy, but it’s okay if you call him otherwise! You might also call him “Big Kitty” because he looks like one with his makeup on of course
Sometimes he smells like tobacco but the smell is actually a lot more comforting to you than some other people. Something about the smell makes you feel sleepy, warm, and safe
Has your regression gear in a specific drawer in the bedroom so you and him can always find your pacis, cups, and anything else you need
He loves any artwork you make, telling you how talented you are, how pretty it is, kissing the top of your head as he sits behind you watching you color
Might dress up as the catman JUST for you because you giggle and love how he looks like one big cat and you like touching his face and his outfit because of all the little shiny rhinestones and the muscles in his arms
Acts super silly with you, might let Ace come over as long as you are okay with Ace being around too!!
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lawomi · 2 months
Was there a recent one piece poll ? I can't find it anywhere T_T
I cant actually find a post rn abt it, if i do ill rb it. Ive seen it on a couple japanese artist twitters and at one point on tumblr 🤔. You might find it on reddit w a quick google search or the one piece fan wiki. Otherwise i think @1000sunnygo is always a good source for translating stuff swore i saw it on their blog.
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maygirlsposts · 7 months
4,14,24,37,39 and 40 for Piper and Leo!
@scarareg Thank you so much for your ask!
leo x piper is kinda my self-indulgent secret ship heh, it's nice to talk about it sometimes hgjfkl;
4. Their favorite show to watch together?
I think they would love watching stupid movies (romcoms or unnecessarily sentimental and cheesy) together not bc they like them but so that they could make fun of the lines/scenes together like best friends do (bc ofc they are best friends first, lovers later). leo mimicking them in his stupid way, and piper giggling and rofling about like a buffalo the way she can't before others. they are the kinda couple who would enjoy everything they watch together.
but their ultimate fav, repeat to 10000x movie list till they have memorized every line is HTTYD, cuz yeah, leo-hiccup, toothless-festus, and ig piper is a lot like astrid? AND DRAgons!!! so yeah their go-to, top-of-head movie when they are lazy to try something new
(the only thing they never watch is tristan mclean movies lmao)
14. Who falls asleep during a movie?
Neither, but on hectic days when they are super tired, both of them catch the sleep bug and fall asleep.
if Leo is first to wake up to find the movie is over, he'd pick up piper and carry her to their bed, taking care she doesn't wake up (watching her sleep is secretly his fav thing, yk cuz of piper's cute way of sleeping: "inhaling through the nose, exhaling with a little puff through the mouth" and "her hair looked like it had become a nest for a friendly hamster")
on the other hand, if piper is first to wake, she'd prob simply arrange some pillows for their necks and go back to sleep, snuggling into him bc no chance she is getting cold lol
which brings me to the next choice!
24. Sleeping/cuddling positions? (Big spoon, little spoon, etc.)?
ggfhjk i love this question specifically for this ship cuz Piper is 100% the little spoon!
iirc (forgive me my knowledge of HoO is getting rusty! seriously, it's time for a full reread T_T) both piper and leo are the same height, right? maybe as adults, leo gets a late growth spurt of a couple of inches over her (which is annoying cuz leo is finally taller but secretly she likes it, cuz perfect for a side snuggle)
even otherwise, piper is always, subconsciously snuggling into his side cuz he is so hot warm. even if he hasn't used his fire, there is always some residual warmth in him all the time, which she has got used to searching out for. say, if leo gets up in the middle of the night to drink some water/got a brand new design idea in his head he just has to jot down NOW,,, by the time he returns to bed, piper is completely rolled up in his side of the bed, searching for him in her sleep (he loves this habit of hers! it also probs makes him feel better about his fire too)
iirc, his mom's warehouse caught fire in the middle of winter, right?? ig he'd slowly come to like winters better, bc of piper snuggling more into him during winters agfhjk
and iirc, he likes to sleep with a hug pillow, right? his old hug pillow has been replaced by piper!
39. Do they get along with the other's family? If not, how do they deal with the other's family?
on leo's side, hephaestus will be very suspicious of the daughter of aphrodite (cuz of his own experience with her) but talking to piper, he will be slightly mollified abt her… yet, his advice for Leo always will be to trust his machines more than the human specimen of his girlfriend (ofc leo won't take it seriously)
//toa spoilers/// now josephine and hemithea are his foster mothers i am sure piper would get along with them super well as well <3
on piper's side, leo has already met Tristan in Lost Hero and knows him as piper's friend, so he'd be pretty much chill with what pipes does and who she dates,, he might try to give Leo The Talk as his duty as her father, but Piper would kick her dad out before that ever happens (Leo just being the awkward bean like during the whole helicopter ride in TLH lol)
oth, leo would be mildly (understated) scared of Aphrodite. if they ever meet her (by chance) he'd keep fidgeting and tapping 'i love you' on his jeans till piper clasps his hand and taps back 'it's okay' but i think aphrodite won't be as scary as leo imagines in his head; she'd probs find him amusing and intrigued that her daughter actually prefers leo over jason.
40. Who is the skilled shopper for holidays? Who always waits 'til the last minute to get all of their gifts? (Which one gets stressed out easily)?
piper! she won't--but she would use her charmspeak to bargain for the best prices in those overly expensive, money grabbing malls, something that leo always finds terrifyingly awesome lmao,, piper gets excited for holiday shopping and stuff whereas leo tags along obediently (and use his magic toolbelt to stove away the shopping bags lol)
leo always forgets all of the important days because of his adhd (extreme even by demigod standards) and piper, having known him for long, understands this and never gets mad or anything but he'd always feel guilty about this and makes up for it in a completely random surprise gift he handdesigns for her. Of course, piper loves his stupid (affectionately) and most times, completely non-functional (cuz Leo himself doesn't know what they do loool but they are always weirdly complicated) gifts so much! like say a music box that goes moo! but bake out fresh cookies lmao
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uriekukistan · 3 months
For the ask game — 🥑, 🧸, 🌿, 🏜️, 🍅!!
hiii thank you for the ask anon! hope youre having a good day/night !!
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
jskskdk most of my close mutuals live too far away to help but i think at least i’d text @melloneah to be all “heyyyy guess whos going to prison lol :D” but also i just learned that @alonelystargazer studied criminology from their answer to this question so perhaps i’d ask her for any advice T_T im not rlly an aggressive person tho so i dont see this happening lol
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
honestly. im not sure T_T usually if i recognize a blog its an immediate fb, otherwise i wait to see how someone interacts before i fb
i’ve been rlly bad abt this recently…i went from having like No Followers to Having Followers v quickly so i got Very Overwhelmed and never completed a lot mutuals….should go do that…sorry to everyone dkdjdk
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
explore new things! like literally anything. new music is my fav way to conquer writers block/low creativity, but also sometimes poetry or exploring different mythologies and folklore, research something random, or go someplace new. a lot of my fav ideas have come from this kind of thing.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
anything about how the work made the reader feel! especially on angst fics, but just in general i always hope to write something thats at least somewhat moving.
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
there are a lot of points where i feel i do too much telling rather than showing when it comes to characterization. i’m not great at visualizing events/actions/expressions, and i realized very quickly when i got back into writing after so long that my strengths lie in emotions and thought processes, which, at times, is great, but i think i’ve come to lean on that too heavily in my writing. it has its place, but sometimes it reads very….ebony darkn’ess raven dementia way or whatever. “ebony’s goth, so she hates preps, and when she sees them, she puts her middle finger up at them.” idk if that makes sense. it also sometimes feels formulaic, at least when im writing. im not sure if others have picked up on it.
so anyway. i’d like to get better at describing events and such, as i mentioned, so i can sort of balance out my characterization :’)
send me an ask :)
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phereshift · 1 month
Tagged by @cozy-fish-crow 🥰 rules: answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and catch up with.
Favourite Colour: It changes like every year but at the moment it is a lovely orange-yellow. Probably helps that it's the colour I overuse as an overlay layer for all my art too.
Last Song: Something off of lime cordiale's discography... I think it's because I hear their music at work (coworker has an aus indie playlist) but they've been my latest background noise while I do uni work and I've been SO productive omg. I've just had them on shuffle. Currently Reading: I haven't really made time for anything other than some self-indulgent fanfics tbh :C My last novel was Northern Lights by Philip Pullman. Currently Watching: If you ignore how long it's been since I watched an episode then it's the clone wars tv show... I can't watch tv while I draw so I'm never usually watching anything though q-q
Currently Craving: I need strawberries back in season so that I can have homemade strawberry milk asap. I was also craving watermelon last week but that's just the iron deficiency :') Coffee or Tea: tea! Hobby to try: I recently tried out gouache (I've been staring non-stop at Angela Sung's work, her gouache is SO good) so... I'd like to put more time into that. Otherwise I've also learned how to sharpen my pencils for figure drawing with a box cutter + sandpaper and it's mildly reignited an old interest in wood carving. Current AU: Well. For starters, I always have an infinite number of things going at any given time and that includes fic lmao. My writing is also mostly just for myself but I do have a Star Wars AU exploring Obi-wan (maybe a little bit of quinlan too) with themes of post-mission recovery and community support systems in the drafts somewhere. I think this makes it sound more put together than what it is (which is a simple, self-indulgent fic haha) but I love exploring the Jedi community even if my Star Wars knowledge is limited. Also including my current personal art WIP since I'm more likely to finish it/I am more of an artist than a writer. Which is Tusken Raider fanart that I am absolutely suffering through... one of those 'I got most of it done months ago and now I have to find the motivation to go back and finish it' T_T
Tragically I am not bold enough to tag people so I will be taking the coward's way out and doing an open tag!
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dracomort · 4 months
In TTC how does Tom react to Draco's nightmares after they get together? Cuz in the begining ( the firt TTC ff ) he just puts on a silencing charm and turns away. But in Bluebeard in the end of the second chapter:
“It’s alright,” Tom said, using the same gentle voice as he did when comforting Draco after nightmares. “It’s alright. You’re safe now.” Blood was dripping from his shirt. 
Which. First of all is a beautiful paragraph and was an absolutely perfect ending to the chapter. And secondly, i interpreted that as the fact that Tom regularly comforted Draco from nightmares? Something along those lines, and i am wondering if i interpreted it correct or not?
And in the last chapter of Bluebeard you write:
" Draco had nightmares more frequently than ever, waking three times each night crying out in fear. It was the only time he allowed Tom to touch him, drawing him close and whispering promises of safety in his ear. He allowed Draco to cling, stroking his back with a warm palm. It was comforting yet devastating. 
Before what he was now secretly calling ‘the Greengrass incident’, Tom had never been so quick to offer proper physical comfort... "
So does that mean that he still did offer comfort, physical or other, before the incident?
Also side question that kinda goes into the same lane as the first one, does comforting Draco just kinda come naturally to Tom? Or does he just really think through it while not understanding why Draco is like that? Cuz how i am thinking, since Tom is very emotionally immature, he wouldnt really understand how to deal with that, or simply not understand the actual weight his comforting words carry, weather he means them or not...?
Sorry for the rlly long question, but i was re-reading TTC (as one does) and suddenly the question just popped up nd i need to know if i interpreted correct or not. T_T
Hello :)
So, the scene that is being referred back to in Bluebeard Chapter 3 is actually this one from Chapter 1:
Draco dreamt of snakes under the cold moonlight; white as bone with eyes glinting ruby-red in their skulls. They twisted up his legs and he stood frozen, unable to stop them. There was the sigh of parseltongue in the air as they wrapped tighter around his chest till he couldn’t take a breath, grinding his bones together.
He woke curled into a ball, gasping for air. There was a shadow looming over him and Draco tensed, certain down to his soul that he was in danger. But he looked up and the feeling passed. It was only Tom. 
“He won’t leave me alone,” Draco muttered, voice cracking higher with hysteria. “He won’t ever leave me alone.”
Gentle but firm, Tom stilled Draco with a hand on his wrist. When he looked down he saw that he’d been scratching at the Dark Mark. There was blood on the sheets. 
“No one’s going to hurt you,” he said.  Draco felt the helpless urge to believe anything he said when he used that voice, so steady and self-assured. Yet he knew Tom had no idea what was coming. No matter how brilliant he was, he was still a poor boy with a Muggle father and regardless of what ideology he spouted, Voldemort didn’t even care about purebloods. Anyone who thought otherwise was a fool.
In the growing light of dawn, having sat with Draco for hours and listened patiently to his paranoid ramblings, Tom asked, “Would you go back to him if he rose again? Pledge your allegiance to the Dark Lord?”
Draco tensed against his side and tried to pull away, but Tom didn’t let him, a firm hand on his arm. He never hugged Draco, never offered more than the warmth of his body by his side. It had always felt closer to tolerance than comfort. It was only when Draco tried to leave that he ever felt that Tom wanted him to stay. 
“Don’t—don’t ask me things like that,” he said wretchedly, twisting his sleeve. “You know I’d have to.”
“So, you’d join Lord Voldemort just to save your own skin?”
“Don’t say his name! And not just my skin, you idiot. What do you think he’d do to a half-blood like you if we didn’t stand with him?” 
Tom’s expression softened. “You’re worried about me?” He sounded amused. Draco wanted to punch him.
Draco feels starved for affection from Tom and it feeds into his insecurities, hence it's devastating to him that Tom only begins to show that reciprocal physical affection for him once their relationship has been entirely upended by Draco learning (or rather, acknowledging) that he is Voldemort.
And on whether it comes naturally to Tom — absolutely not lol. Being in a relationship is more challenging to him than every year of Hogwarts combined. Exhibit A: when he couldn't understand why a blowjob wouldn't smooth over Draco's fears of him having slaughtered the Muggle owners of the mansion they were squatting in.
Draco: I'm obviously not in the mood?????
Tom: But it's a blowjob? 🤨
Tom really isn't naturally good with people (source: 11 y.o. Tom). He's just highly intelligent and observant and references the behaviour of others in order to act 'normal'. Romantic relationships are thus uniquely challenging for him as much of these sorts of relationships are private, behind closed doors, and hence more difficult for him to observe and imitate. Tom is trying to draw on his own life experience, which I've also spoken about here, but his life has been incredibly lacking in love and intimacy prior to this point. Draco has a difficult time understanding this oftentimes, as he has never lacked people who love and care for him.
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dates with vasco in the fall
details: gender neutral reader, general canon au
a/n: dw, u did everything right !! remember u can always check request rules if u ever feel unsure ^0^ (if ur still confused tho, feel free to ask <3) also thank u for the compliment and for requesting T_T 💓
> dates that involve walking around a lake or something and finding crunchy leaves to step on. need i say more
> also featuring crunchy leaves: vasco, being the sweetheart he is, loves going around and helping old folks out with raking leaves! he'd love if you could help, too, and it could be like a fun little date thing :]
> of course, occasionally the rest of burn knuckles helps out as well, so those dates turn into friendly competitions of who can collect the most leaves!
> chilly morning/evening runs are dates to vasco <3 if you don't like running, you can just say no but otherwise he offers to carry you as he runs (or offers something more ridiculous like dragging a cart around with you in it lol)
> vasco doesn't really get... uh... seasonal trends(?) or anything like that but if you're the type to look forward to drinks that only come out during the fall, he'll just be happy to have a date in a cafe with you!
> i think he'd be a big fan of chuseok (south korean holiday)! holidays that deal with harvesting/big meals usually accompanied by a bunch of friends and family gathering together are one of his favorite things ever <3
> the date part of celebrating chuseok is cooking meals together :] i don't imagine vasco being that good in the kitchen so hopefully you can help;; if not, jace is still around lol
> he'd love to go on apple picking dates with you 💞 he'd have you ride his shoulders to pick apples you can't reach instead of grabbing it himself because he thinks apple picking is more special when you get to pick the apples yourself ^_^
> about halloween: scary movie nights and lighthearted scares are a yes <3
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reanbowful · 2 years
hey hey Rean, can i have a request for teddy with a pretty tall gf reader? (bcs I see how he reacts to tall people like Gerard ;)) ). And she also teases him a lot
I'm fcking inlove with ur works 👺❤️
Ahh this is so cutee! Reminds me of lovely complex (if you dk what that is go watch it rn!!) And thank you sm!! I’m so happy that you enjoy my writings hehe
Also ngl, I react the same way as Teddy whenever I see tall ppl T_T (the dread of short ppl)
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if you’re taller than them
(gray, alex, teddy, eugene)
gray yeon / yeon sieun
Honestly, Gray is not that tall to begin with. He’s like 158 cm (or around 5’2).
So I don’t think it would be such a surprising thing if you’re taller than him.
Tbh, I don’t think he would mind it at all. Gray is not really someone who’s super conscious about his height or anything.
In fact, you two would be that cool short boy/tall girl couple.
He might actually even prefer it if you’re taller than him.
If you tease him about it, like for example, you ruffle his hair and pull on his cheek.
Instead of getting annoyed, Gray would get shyy. And it would be the cutest thing ever.
He would try to pass it off as annoyance, but the redness on his cheeks tells you otherwise.
He will get back at you though.
I can totally see him pulling off that, ‘Hey you have something on you, come here.’ and when you bend down, he’ll give you a peck on the cheek.
Oh and how he will be smirking to himself once he saw how flustered you became.
Payback successful 😈
alex go / go hyuntak
Hm. I feel like Alex wouldn’t really mind that much either.
He would be super impressed with your height though. He’s 173 cm or 5’8, that’s already pretty damn tall for a girl. If you’re even taller than that, that’s quite something.
Alex would make sure to make use of your height for every single purpose that he can.
“Babe, can you get that for me? Yeah, that one at the top shelf.”
“Babe? The AC’s rattling, can you check it for me?”
“Babe, we need to clean the top of the cupboard. Can you help me with it?”
Of course, if you get mad at him for always asking you to do stuff for him, he will laugh and tone it down.
Just to impress you, he will bring a freaking ladder to get you books at the tallest shelves.
“Wasn’t I so cool just now?”
Just smile and nod :)
He also enjoys those moments when you guys are at a public transportation and he can just lean against you since you’re so tall.
He also like being hugged by you. He likes the feeling of your chin on his head, and the sound of your heartbeat right by his ear.
teddy jin / jin taeoh
Teddy! Oh boy. He would be a total wreck.
When he saw how tall you were, he would just outright REFUSE to stand next or anywhere in close proximity to you.
If you show him a sad face, he will immediately feel bad. Swallowing his pride, he would walk to approach you.
“Hey.. um. Look, I don’t really mean that-“
Then you will go and put him in a headlock, ruffling his hair.
“AHAHAHA I was just kidding!”
You betrayed him.
Once you let him go, he will stomp away immediately. Face flushed and a series of curses muttered under his breath.
He wouldn’t show his face for a couple days after, you actually thought you angered him for real. But then he came to see you.
You were walking home from school when you saw a certain blonde crouched on top of a wall near your neighbourhood. (he’s just like a cat fr)
“Hey lamppost! I don’t appreciate what you did to me last time. I was caught off guard.”
You looked up at him in amusement when he jumped down, dusting off his pants.
“I’ll consider us even if you come with me to a nice pizza place I reserved.”
You crossed your arms. Smiling deviously.
“Alright, let’s go.”
You walked over to the pizza place with a trashing Teddy on your arms. Yea. You carried him all the way there like the sadist you are.
Expect to not see him again for at least a week after that. Give him time. He needs it to recover.
eugene gale / seo juntae
Ahh Eugene would be the absolute sweetest.
When he saw you for the first time, he will be mildly shocked to see just how tall you are.
But after that, Eugene would be the best boyfriend ever.
He wouldn’t care if you’re taller than him or if you’re shorter. He just.. likes you.
He would be such a supportive and caring boyfriend.
You were at the mall to look for shoes to go to your cousin’s wedding and saw a cute pair of heels. You tried them on and they look so perfect to go with the dress you have at home.
But, then you remembered Eugene. You were already taller than him, so wearing heels would only accentuate on your height difference. What would the family say?
“Ah! Y/N, those heels look so good on you! You should get them!”
“But, Eugene.. I’ll be so much more taller than you if I wear them.”
Eugene would be so confused honestly. It’s your shoes and how it makes you look good. Feel good about yourself. Why should you be concerned about him when you’re the one wearing those shoes.
“Don’t mind me! I think you look very pretty wearing them!”
We love a secure man✊
He will end up convincing you to just buy the heels and wear it for the wedding.
Throughout the entire night, he made sure to compliment you and let you know just how perfect you look.
If not in the eyes of others, at least you are to him.
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merakiui · 8 months
Omg Mera more isekai concept crumbs I beg of thee🙏🙏
I'd like to think that Azul only sees the mc as a tool in the beginning but the mc is just so enthralled by Azul's (unexpected) existence that she showers him with affection so he ends up falling head over heels for her lol. Makes sense considering that he lived a lonely life before getting reincarnated.
Though I wonder if the twins would get in the way of the two of them getting closer to each other? Or try and break off the engagement between them so that they could have the mc to themselves
Yes!!! This is exactly the dynamic. Azul doesn't care much for you on an emotional level until he sees just how much you dote on him and gravitate to him and suddenly he finds himself falling. <3 and as usual the twins are brats about it. T_T they can't stand to see your budding relationship with Azul because you, who never smiles at them, are suddenly lighting up whenever Azul's around. It's really not fair! They want to be the reason you smile, too. Sure, they may have been a little...mean to you in your childhood, but they are mature and sensible now (no, they're not).
I imagine they pull all kinds of petty stunts just to interrupt your friendship with Azul. Floyd grabs you by the chin to plant the sloppiest kiss on your lips right in front of Azul and you're sputtering in the aftermath. He's so gross!!!! >:( and when the lot of you have to attend social gatherings Jade loops his arm with yours. "For protection," he claims, but you suspect otherwise because he doesn't let Azul get a chance to dance with you. They're too territorial...
After thinking about the au, I've had a few more thoughts to further develop the plot. Since the MC in the novel was an orphan from the slums, perhaps Ruggie is somehow involved. :D I just like the idea of phantom thief Ruggie who was close with the MC, but when the MC is found and taken away by Mr. Leech (who perhaps has his own ulterior motives in doing so; perhaps he thinks one day you might lead him back to the group who is always crossing into his territory or attempting to pilfer things from the many underground establishments he runs, or something of the like) Ruggie is now left to wonder where you've gone. And then he overhears you were taken in by some big shot mafia boss and you're set to be married off to another big shot. Ruggie being another character you don't remember in the novel because you had yet to reach that part of the MC's backstory (also perhaps it's a series, so you really only know half of the first novel).
orz so many thoughts!!!!!!
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tartagliatum · 1 year
hai i love your chili posts! do you have any more headcanons, or for any other g/enshin characters? i feel like this fandom is so starved of this kink T_T
anon i am SO sorry that i've left this for months if not longer i've simply not been doing long posts as im burnt out as hell from work 😭 every time i think of my gen hcs i think of you and repent </33
anway here are some of my favs if you're still alive ! they're less so multiple headcanons and kinda extended singular ones idk. i included my hcs for cyno/tighnari, kaeya, xiao, thoma, kaveh/alhaitham, and childe/zhongli here ^_^
▪︎cyno often forgets or ignores his need to eat. he finds himself too distracted with work, and prefers to give to his people rather than give to himself. this leads to his body unlearning hunger cues completely.
▪︎tighnari is quite unhappy to learn this - he believes basic self-care is the base of all things. you can't nurture others until you've nurtured yourself, after all. this leads to a routine of him waking cyno up with breakfast before leaving for work, as well as making sure he gets a good lunch in him. whether this means bringing him out to a café or packing something he has made for him, he always stays to make sure cyno eats it all (much to the general mahamatra's annoyance, who wants to take a quick bite and return to work). this sometimes ends in a stomach ache and a quick tummy rub from tighnari before he must return to his own job. on these days, cyno almost considers the interruption to his work worth it.
▪︎what isn't worth it is how his exposed stomach gently swells out after each of tighanri's particularly larger lunches. how he can't stop the yawns escaping his mouth, sated and sleepy with the big meal settling in his stomach. he crosses his arms over the sloping curve and tries to maintain his stoic image at work - coming across as stern and formidable to your subordinates is hard when you're sleepily excusing small burps and hiccups, with a rounded tummy after your dumb boyfriend visits for lunch. however, it is visible evidence of tighnari's love. as long as he's away from the eyes of others he secretly delights in it, as well as the gentle kisses tighnari presses against the small arc of his belly when he arrives home.
▪︎by the time cyno gets home, tighnari is back and has usually made one of his favourites for dinner, of which he serves cyno a second helping. cyno happily eats it up - he no longer has work to prioritise after all, and now he can eat his fill and enjoy it this time around. he finds he's beginning to like eating with tighnari - there is something satisfying about the tight, heavy feeling in his overly full tummy. about how tighnari shows his love for him through food. after dinner he always climbs into the forest ranger's lap and stretches out like a cat, exposing the curve of his stomach in an unspoken request for gentle rubs.
▪︎cyno absolutely revels in belly rubs!! whether he's poring over documents, cuddling with tighnari, or preparing tea, tighnari always knows to come up and hold him from behind. he presses a palm over his tummy to feel him melt into the gentle touch. he has discovered all he needs to do to get a "yes" from cyno on anything is to ask him while he's in a sleepy stupour from getting his stomach massaged. between long, tiresome days at work, and the pleasant sensation of tighnari's warm hands kneading and rubbing over his large dinner, cyno often finds himself dozing off within minutes of belly rubs.
▪︎i mean with all his drinking how does he expect to stay a skinny king ygm
▪︎his stomach is often sloshy and a lil bloated from the amount of drink he consumes, and becomes noisy in protest of only being fed alcoholic beverages on top of being otherwise empty. he frequently needs to press his fist to his mouth to hiccup or to stifle lil burps during work because of this, and tries to gently rub away the irritating gurgling. this only bothers his neglected stomach even more and it causes even more of an uproar. quite embarrassing during meetings, but he always plays it off.
▪︎on the other hand i like to imagine him healing from all that he's gone through, leading to alcohol being replaced with food
▪︎maybe he has help from kazuha or albedo on this journey. they rub his belly after each meal he finishes, beginning first as an aid in digestion but ending up as a vice of encouragement once they realise it's a feeling kaeya takes immense pleasure in. knowing it will pay off entices him to eat larger amounts, and more frequently too. finishing his meals has become the norm now but kaeya is an indulgent man and relishes in being spoiled and pampered - and they enjoy seeing him happy and well-fed, so tummy rubs soon also become the norm.
▪︎even in public, they find themselves wrapping an an arm around his waist and comfortingly pressing a palm to his middle to rub little circles. when they kiss him, a hand will always slide from his chest or waist to gently cup the crest of his belly. when they fall asleep, they do so with a hand resting on his warm, softened middle, come to a stop from bedtime belly rubs. kaeya loves to have attention paid to his plush tummy, and subconsciously it becomes ingrained in their mind - it brings them just as much comfort as it brings him, in the end.
▪︎it's only natural that kaeya fills out into a softer form now that he's nourished and cared for. his stomach plumps into a gentle curve, and his hips become more pliant. his face becomes less gaunt and hollow. his smiles turn more genuine, his cheeks fuller with each one.
▪︎his already thicc thighs become my religion
▪︎he knows he's still hot despite his weight gain - hot because of it, even. if ever anybody tries to make a not so subtle comment on it, he only smiles and agrees with them in a boastful manner.
▪︎i do just lovvve the idea of xiao eating a mortal dish other than almond tofu and it not quite sitting well in his stomach. maybe it's because he was distracted, or wanted to show his appreciation for the dish he was gifted, or didn't want to cause a fuss in a public café or restaurant.
▪︎his stomach endures random spikes of pain and waves of nausea as the unwelcome food causes it to churn and gurgle. burps travel up his throat with the pressure, unannounced, and he quickly swallows them back. he tries not to grimace with all the cramping that tightens and pinches his stomach.
▪︎he keeps his nausea silent and crosses his arms over his bloated middle - he cannot bear the thought of alatus, adeptus of liyue, last of the yaksha, slayer of demons, to be added onto with sufferer of a sore tummy. how humiliating.
▪︎his small blushes, stifled hiccups, and gurgling stomach do not escape the notice of either venti/kazuha however. they simply give him a reassuring smile and put an arm around him, pulling him close to their side and subtly rubbing soothing circles into his tummy under the table, after gently sinking their fingers in to gauge how upset his stomach is.
▪︎with how much he drinks, venti is no stranger to stomach pains and nausea. he didn't get this tolerance without hard work. when they arrive back at wangshu inn, he pulls the yaksha up against his chest between his legs to rub and knead the pain away, absently singing words of quiet songs between, to xiao's mortification, light teasing. he prays to the archons (except venti) to return his dignity to him.
▪︎kazuha, on the other hand, speaks words of reassurance and love, brushing his hair back and making him tea. pressing deep circles into the taut and tender parts of his belly to aid his struggling digestion, his hands coax up strings of tiny burps and hiccups. xiao finds himself alleviated of some of the nausea, and holds his hands over kazuha's with a whimper to add more pressure to his churning middle.
▪︎it's okay, kazuha hushes. you'll be okay. soon you can sit back and just bask in how nice it is to be full.
▪︎xiao is thoroughly humiliated - humiliated by his achey tummy and the noises it produces, humiliated that he needs help, and even more so humiliated at how much pleasure he takes in the feeling of warm hands rubbing and pressing his painful stomach.
▪︎as i've said i KNOW this man has a soft lil chubby tummy
▪︎he taste tests his cooking for ayato multiple times with each meal - the kanjou commissioner is picky and specific, and each dish needs to be perfected to a T (also thoma is very much in love and won't have his meals be anything less than perfect)
▪︎this leads to a lot of tasting - however this isn't enough for a big guy like thoma, both tall and broad, and so he eats his meals with his colleagues in the servants' quarters on top of it. he cooks for them too. he's a good damn cook - he knows it, and he eats like it too.
▪︎however ayato randomly, but quite frequently, requests thoma to join him while he eats. this leads to thoma having a second helpings, or even thirds if he asks for him for more than one meal.
▪︎on one of the rarer days where work is light and not so distracting and ayato can relax and pay more attention to those around him, he asks for thoma to join him for lunch - and takes notice of the gentle curve causing an indent against his t-shirt. from then on he always claims he is too full to finish his dish and pushes his bowl to thoma. even if thoma could say no to ayato, he's unable to say no to his own cooking, and shovels it down under ayato's watchful gaze no matter how uncomfortably stuffed his poor tummy already is.
▪︎it's on these days that thoma regretfully wishes he either had more self control or a larger capacity, as he tenderly holds his stomach and tries to complete his tasks one handed. he occasionally gives his stomach a gentle rub to ease the tight pain.
▪︎while his friends often poke fun at him and teasingly pat his stomach if he's looking particularly full, he knows they only mean well. when feeling down, they always seek him out for the best hot chocolate and cuddle. with his cheery mondstat disposition, plump thighs to sit on and thick arms to wrap around his friend - and soft tummy to warm them up or lay their head on while he plays with their hair - there are few others who provide such comfort on rainy days.
▪︎kaveh, like cyno, definitely ignores his hunger in favour of work. unlike cyno, his hunger cues have not quite disappeared.
▪︎he's always getting defensive and arguing with alhaitham when the latter complains about the racket his growling stomach makes. in kaveh's defense, his roommate uses some rather crude choice words, and so if his stomach continues to annoy him while he works, he considers it a petty revenge.
▪︎one day alhaitham sighs, rolls his eyes, and leaves the room. good. only to kaveh's surprise he returns with food - slams it down on top of his papers and gives him a look. he doesn't completely forget himself, throwing in a comment how if he has to house him and feed him, must he brush his teeth for him and change his diaper next?
▪︎and if kaveh returns to a normal, healthy weight, instead of skin and bones without a home, nobody says anything. alhaitham's care is written all over him, but dare speak a word of it and the scribe would have you dead in minutes.
▪︎childe fills out fast when he's with zhongli, but truthfully he doesn't care
▪︎he often eats too fast, devouring his food like a starved wanderer - which he was before, in a way. before joining the fatui, he often skipped meals so his siblings could eat instead, and was always wondering where the next meal would come from. old habits die hard. because of this, he's prone to overeating and not realising until he's well over his limit. even then, he delights in the food more than he suffers the aftermath, and continues to enjoy the food.
▪︎zhongli brings him to different cafés and restaurants each day to introduce him to his country's cuisine. on top of this, he has no idea how to care for a mortal. food is a sign of love, yes? but also necessary for survival.
▪︎he has a lot of love for the harbinger. a lot of love means a lot food.
▪︎childe vaguely notices when people make subtle comments insinuating he's gotten bigger, but he just smiles and says to blame it on zhongli. extra weight is seen as a positive back home in snezhnaya. a sign of survival or of living a high life of privilege and luxury - he's able to take care of his family better, and his boyfriend makes sure he's taken care of too.
▪︎childe finds he likes being too full a little too much. likes the heavy feeling of so much food - love? - in his stomach. likes the way zhongli grabs the softer parts of his body when sleeping together. likes to be taken care of for once, instead of always looking after others.
▪︎it's one day, when he sits on zhongli's lap, that the ex archon realises how heavy the harbinger has grown on his love. a look is shared between the two after zhongli's initial grunt of surprise, and the two end up in the bedroom within minutes - and yeah, childe knows he's never going back to his old life now.
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nothingtherefornow · 10 months
Do people lack empathy and appreciation for superheroes in fiction ?
So ... Today I remembered a day when I went into a new library close to where I lives and when one of the seller offered to inform me about anything I needed about the book in the library, I started asking about Batman and Spider-man comics, which are my favorite (along the Batman/Super-man cross over, the Justice league, the spider-verse and when Spider-man also have cross-over with deadpool and x-men)
And at some point I started talking about how I wish that I could find comics about parallel stories of Batman and Spider-man that I once found and read online, and where the heroes aren't getting traumatized and tormented non-stop and can still enjoy happy and silly moments with their loved ones. Because this is something that started bothering me in the main Amazing spider-man comics continuity happening on earth 616, and the last main Batman serie comics which started in 2016 (I don't remember the name of the earth from that serie, Earth-one I think)
And then I thought about Miraculous Ladybug, about how the ML writters seem to go out of their way to make Marinette and Adrien suffer, while the narrative seems to also set a lot of the blame on Marinette when she doesn't deserve all that pain and hate.
So I asked the seller why superheroes authors couldn't give more a more balanced life to heroes characters, with their downfall but also their happy moments, and why it seems like things always end badly for famous heroes like Spider-man and Batman. Can you guess what he replied to me ?
"Les gens aiment voir les héros se relever, mais ils aiment encore plus les voir sombrer".
Traduction "People love to see heroes rise again, but they love to see them sink more"
And I was like : "0_0 .. WTF ?!! Why would people be so heartless and cruel enough to want to see good heroes get tormented non stop ? How can it motivate anyone to be heroic if the more famous fictitious superheroes constantly get beaten down for trying to do the right thing ?"
That's a depressive reality really. Fortuntaelly I' not the only one who's tired of seeing heroes like Peter Parker and Bruce Wayne be miserable and walking trauma mess, some people on Tumblr would also like to give those two a more happy ending.
Just like I'm sure many of us would love to see Marinette not being constantly threatened to have her life destroyed and ruined by secrets she feels forced to keep because no one ever tells her otherwise, or by jealous psycopath supervillains who have nothing better to do in their life than being poor excuses of human beings.
We've since got the confrmation that season 6 of Miraculous is gonna hurt more than season 5, and to me it means that maybe some of my worst fears about Lila's future strategies to ruin Marinette and Ladybug's lives may turn out to be true 0_O
Lila/Cerise made it very clear at the end of Re-creation that she was gonna go Marinette with ill-meaning intentions, and the psycopath liar may unfortunatelly be half successfull to make Marinette's miserable by the end of season 6 if the ML writters want to satisfy all of those who like to see heroes suffer beyond their breaking point T_T
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