#but i couldn't answer it because i was in class
lumpywhump · 3 days
Whump idea I had.
Organ theft but Whumpee is awake for it. Bonus if they are afraid of needles or medical procedures
Tw: blood
"one two three all eyes on me! Okay kids," whumper clapped. "For our lab we got Subject 188236. Everyone say "hi Subject 188236!"
"...hi subject 188326..." whumper was the most insufferable professor on campus.
muffled cries called from the steel table. Whumpee squinted at the harsh lights, so they could see the people around them. Students in white lab coats and goggles watched them from every corner of their field of vision.
"Today you get no instructions. You'll tell me what to do, and I'll be your arms. We are harvesting it's heart." Whumper looked around, "Student A, how do we start?
"Like are we assuming everything is set up for us to just start cutting?"
whumper nodded.
"Then you need to make a 6-8 inch incision on the chest wall,"
Whumpee whimpered as whumper pressed their scalpel to whumpee's chest.
"Based off this subjects size, Student B, how big of an incision should I make?"
"Uhh, I wanna say somewhere between seven and eight?"
"Okay then, I'll go right in the middle,"
whumpee cried out as the teacher slowly ripped open their chest, blood collecting around the cut. Their breath quickened, but relief poured through them as whumper withdrew their tool.
"Oh no! Looks like our subject is panicking, I can't accurately open their chest like this. What do we do now?"
"Have someone nearby calm them down?" Student A answered.
"Student D, your turn,"
"The best way to calm them down is with assurance and distractions. May I?"
"All yours,"
Whumpee felt someone touch their head. They flinched, their chest throbbing worse with the motion.
"hey, it's okay, you're doing well so far, but it's going to hurt more if you don't calm down,"
All whumpee really heard was hurt more. Their eyes watered, stinging their dry eyes.
Student D retreated away, knowing they made things worse.
"it's okay, we all make mistakes. Student E? Wanna give it a shot?"
A hand covered Whumpee's eyes. They reached to pull the hand away, scared by the sudden darkness, but their hands were still restrained. Another hand began to massage their temples. And man, this was probably the nicest thing someone has done in a while. The newer people tended to be kinder. Whumpee couldn't help but relax, in fact, they almost fell asleep.
"good job," whumper whispered, making sure not to disturb whumpee. "Keep going,"
Whumpee whined as Whumper finished the cut, but they relaxed again when Student E begins trailing their nails along whumpee's buzzed scalp.
"what's next?"
"ethh ate," whumpee mumbled with the gag tied around their head.
"what was that?" Whumper asked. Whumpee moved their jaw, referencing the gag.
"Now," whumper returned to their normal speaking volume. "You really shouldn't ever do this, because sometimes subjects are prone to biting or saying things that they really shouldn't, but 188236 tends to be good. When you all work in this industry, you'll learn when it is and isn't okay to do this."
Whumpee felt hands grab the gag and pull it down.
"what did you say?"
"Next you open the breast plate, then the ribs, disconnect the heart from the arteries, blah blah blah. Please, I'm tired, just please get this over with." Their tears wetted Student E's hand. the hands released whumpee's head.
"Whumper... I don't think I can do this,"
Whumper sighed. "And this is my fault. This is another reason we don't normally remove the gag...... why don't we stop for today? We can do this again next class." Whumper smiled at their students.
Once whumper was left alone with whumpee, they turned to them. "Looks like you get off easy today huh?"
whumpee didn't respond.
"Let's wrap your chest so you don't get blood everywhere,"
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to find you again
Arthur Pendragon was ten years old when his world finally began to make sense.
It was in his fifth grade, when his class went on a week long camping trip. He didn't know, at the time, what compelled him to sneak out of the tent in the wee hours of the morning, when the first rays of dawn lit up the treetops and his legs carried him towards the shore of a lake. It's surface was shimmering in morning light, and he could feel his breath halt, afraid to disturb the serenity of the sight that felt so otherworldly. It may have been some divine compulsion or simply his innate, childish desire to explore that made him go further, then, until his rubber flipflops were left on the shore and his bare feet touched the water.
There was a hand then, that rose out of the water, translucent and not entirely present, an image out of mist. There was a hand, and then another, and then the head and the body — a figure arose from the lake, smiling at the little boy that intruded her realm.
"Hello, Arthur." She spoke, and her voice didn't carry through the air like a human's would, rather, it sang with the wind, hit the ears like tiny drops meeting the water. "It's good to meet you at last."
He stared at her, for a long moment, before answering.
"How do you know me?" He frowned at her. Father told him not to talk to strangers, and this might have been a very pretty woman made out of mist, but she was still very much a stranger. Still, he didn't step out of the lake, for his curiosity was much greater than his father's teachings which felt so far away at the moment, and there was no one around to see anyway.
"The world speaks to me. I can't leave this lake, but I can see far beyond it." Her answer was not an answer at all, Arthur thought. His confusion must've been evident, because she smiled at him again, and there was a mischievous hint in the corner of her lips that made her look not so much like a spirit in a lake but a living and breathing young girl, but the next second it was gone and Arthur was left to wonder if he imagined it entirely.
"Why can't you?" He asked.
"It's were I was put to rest." She spoke the words so evenly, as all of the things she previously said, that it took Arthur a few seconds to catch the meaning of it.
"Does that mean you're dead?" He asked, hoping not to offend her with it.
"Not exactly. I'm here, aren't I?" Once again, her answer gave more questions than it answered.
"There are ghosts." He said. Arthur wasn't sure there were, actually. His father didn't believe in such things.
"I am different from ghosts."
"What are you then?"
"A guardian."
Arthur nodded, as if it made perfect sense. It didn't.
"Do you have a name?" He asked. It was only polite to ask for a person's name when first meeting them. Than again, lake-guardian-spirits could have entirely different etiquette.
"I was called Freya, once." There was a small smile, again.
Arthur nodded musingly.
"It's a pretty name."
She hummed.
"Do you often speak to people?" He never heard of such entities as her. It couldn't have been a common occurrence, surely. But wouldn't that be lonely? Having no one to talk to?
She shook her head, and there was a wistful look in her eyes.
"I haven't spoken to anybody in centuries." That couldn't have been nice, Arthur thinks. If she could speak to him, why didn't she speak to others?
"Why'd you speak to me than?" Freya didn't answer immediately, pausing the flow of their measured back-and-forth. It almost looked like she was unsure, but her features were still so calm, it was impossible to tell.
Then, she asked. "Do you have dreams, sometimes?"
It was a silly question. Everybody had dreams. Arthur understood immediately though, it wasn't the regular kind of dreams she was talking about.
Because the thing is, Arthur did have dreams. Ever since he was little. He remembers dreaming of white towers and battlements, of bright red banners and capes. Of metal clanging and laughter and a weight of a sword in his hand, on his hip. Of familiar faces he could never quite place. Of raven curls and bright blue eyes, especially often.
He never told his father about them — he'd call such things foolish. Arthur didn't think they were.
Arthur looked at Freya and nodded. There was a glim of relief in her eyes, he thought.
"Would you like to see more?" She asked, offering him her hand. Not solid in any common way of the world but in that moment, more real than any other thing around them.
Arthur didn't think twice before grasping it.
please tell me if you'd like to see more of it because i love the thing in my head so far
where is merlin in it? he's gonna be there. with a twist. it's a reincarnation fic but with a twist. it's also very merthur. or as much as it can ever get with my aromantic ass.
also it's modern au but i still haven't decided on a more specific setting- should i do college au? i'd be horrible at it even though it would make sense thematically- i haven't been outside in years how does society function? how do i write it?
can you see i love freya? i love her very much
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head---ache · 1 year
What is Destiny's relationship with her Parents like *esp with one of them being digital and the other being organic*
I've said it before, she gets along pretty well with both, but you do raise a pretty interesting point! In that sense I guess she does relate more to Nicole, not only because they're both AI girlies, but also because their personalities are more similar. This doesn't mean she gets along better with Nicole, tho! There's just certain things she feels more comfortable telling Nicole, and others she feels more comfortable telling Sally (such as being the group's leader, for example). In general, yeah, she gets along with both the same, but there's certain topics she knows one or the other can understand better.
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dresshistorynerd · 1 year
I've seen a post you've reblogged and added to, among many things about women showing nipples. Can you recommend any ref material (articles, videos, etc.) are share your knowledge about this? Cause I'm curious about that, as nowadays going out in a shirt without a bra makes you indecent, while in like 90s it was okayish? I wonder how it was in previous centuries.
There is a really cool academic paper about bare breast dresses in 17th century England specifically. I think anyone can read it by creating a free account.
Abby Cox also has a good video about the cleavage during the past 500 years in which she goes through also the nip slip phenomena.
I don't have other sources that specifically focus on this subject, though many sources about specific decades touch on it, but I do have my primary source image collection, so I can sum up the history of the bare nipple.
So my findings from primary source images (I could be wrong and maybe I just haven't found earlier examples) is that the Venetians were the first ones to show the nipple for courtly fashion. At the same time in other places in Europe they sported the early Elizabethan no-boob style that completely covered and flattened the chest. In the other corners of Italy the necklines were also low but less extreme. Venetian kirtle necklines dropped extremely low as early as 1560s and they combined extremely sheer, basically see-through partlets with their kirtle. First example below is a 1565-70 portrait of a Venetian lady with the nipples just barely covered waiting slip into view with a movement of arm. There was an even more extreme version of this with the kirtle being literally underboob style, still with a sheer doublet. Though I believe this was not quite for the respectable ladies, since I have only seen it depicted on high class courtesans. They were not exactly respectable ladies, but they did have quite good social position. The second example is a 1570s depiction of a courtesan, which is revealed by the horned hairstyle. By the end of the century this underbust style with only see through fabric covering breasts, had become respectable. In the last example it's shown on the wife of the Venetian doge in 1597.
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Around the same time, at the very end of 1500s, the extremely low cut bodice fashion enters rest of Europe. The low cut style was present in the bodices of all classes, but the nipple was really only an aristocrat thing. The lower classes would cover their breasts with a partlet, that was not sheer. Bare breast was ironically from our perspective a show of innocence, youthful beauty and virtue, and to pull off the style with respect, you also had to embody those ideals. Lower class women were considered inherently vulgar and lacking virtue, so a nipple in their case was seen as indecent. Bare boobs were also a sort of status symbol, since the upper class would hire wet nurses to breastfeed their children so they could show of their youthful boobs.
Covering partlets and bodices were still also used in the first decade of 1600s by nobles and the nip slip was mostly reserved for the courtly events. The first image below is an early example of English extremely low neckline that certainly couldn't contain boobs even with a bit of movement from 1597. The 1610s started around 5 decades of fashion that showed the whole boob. The first three were the most extreme. Here's some highlights: The second image is from 1619.
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Here the first, very much showing nipples, from c. 1630. The second from 1632.
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The neckline would slowly and slightly rise during the next decades, but nip slips were still expected. Here's an example from 1649 and then from 1650-55. In 1660s the neckline would get still slightly higher and by 1870s it was in a not very slippable hight. The necklines would stay low for the next century, though mostly not in boob showing territory, but we'll get there. But I will say that covering the neckline in casual context was expected. Boobs were mostly for fancy occasions. It was considered vain to show off your boobs when the occasion didn't call for it and covering up during the day was necessary for a respectable lady. You wouldn't want to have tan in your milk-white skin like a poor, and also they didn't have sun screen so burning was a reasonable concern.
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1720s to 1740s saw necklines that went to the nip slip territory, though they didn't go quite as low as 100 years earlier. The nipple was present in the French courtly fashion especially and rouging your nipples to enhance them was popular. Émilie Du Châtelet (1706-1749), who was an accomplished physicist and made contributions to Newtonian mechanics, was known in the French court to show off her boobies. An icon. Here she is in 1748. Here's another example from this era from 1728.
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The Rococo neckline never got high, but in the middle of the century it was less low till 1770s when it plunged into new lows. In 1770s the fashion reached a saturation point, when everything was the most. This included boobs. The most boob visible. There was a change in the attitudes though. The visible boob was not a scandal, but it was risque, instead of sing of innocent and did cause offense in certain circles. I think it's because of the French revolution values gaining momentum. I talked about this in length in another post, mostly in context of masculinity, but till that point femininity and masculinity had been mostly reserved for the aristocracy. Gender performance was mostly performance of wealth. The revolutionaries constructed new masculinity and femininity, which laid the groundwork for the modern gender, in opposition to the aristocracy and their decadence. The new femininity was decent, moral and motherly, an early version of the Victorian angel of the house. The boob was present in the revolutionary imagery, but in an abstract presentation. I can't say for sure, but I think bare breasts became indecent because it was specifically fashion of the indecent French aristocracy.
Here's example somewhere from the decade and another from 1778. The neckline stayed quite low for the 1780s, but rose to cover the boobs for the 1790s.
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The nipple didn't stay hidden for long but made a quick comeback in the Regency evening fashion. It was somewhat scandalous by this point, and the nipple and sheer fabrics of the Regency fashion gained much scorn and satire. The styles that were in the high danger nip slip territory and those that allowed the nipple to show through fabric, were still quite popular. The sleeves had been mid length for two centuries, but in 1790s they had made a split between evening and day wear. The evening sleeves were tiny, just covering the shoulder. Showing that would have been a little too much. Like a bare boob? A risque choice but fine. A shoulder? Straight to the horny jail. (I'm joking they did have sheer sleeves and sometimes portraits with exposed shoulder.) But long sleeves became the standard part of the day wear. Getting sun was still not acceptable for the same reasonable and unreasonable reasons. Day dresses did also usually have higher necklines or were at least worn with a chemisette to cover the neckline. Fine Indian muslin was a huge trend. It was extremely sheer and used in multiple layers to build up some cover. There were claims that a gust of wind would render the ladies practically naked, though because they were wearing their underclothing including a shift, which certainly wasn't made from the very expensive muslin, I'm guessing this was an exaggeration. Especially though in the first decade, short underboob stays were fairly popular, so combined with a muslin, nipples were seen. Here's an early 1798 example of exactly that. The short stays did disappear eventually, but in 1810s the extremely small bodices did provide nip slip opportunities, as seen in this 1811 fashion plate.
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Victorian moralizing did fully kill the nip slip, though at least they were gender neutral about it. The male nipple was just as offensive to them. In 1890s, when bodybuilding became a big thing, bodybuilder men were arrested for public indecency for not wearing a shirt.
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fictionadventurer · 9 months
It sounds like Joe and Ken focused on telling stories, stories that being stories focused on the world and characters they knew. While Pete's were more focused on delivering a message with story flavored wrapping.
This is very much the case, but the difference seems to go even deeper than that, to a fundamental difference in worldviews that affect how they approach story.
Episodes written by Joe Fallon and Ken Scarborough respect children as people. Children have been shaped by their experiences and have unique personalities. Children are curious and have brains--they are driven to explore new things and can draw conclusions from what they see and do. Children are already people who deserve respect, and like all of us, they're growing into different people as they learn new things and have more experiences. The child characters can thus be the drivers of their own stories and come to learn lessons for themselves. The child audience can relate to those characters, be drawn into the story, and learn what it's trying to teach without having every detail explicitly spelled out.
Episodes written by Peter Hirsch seem to approach children as people-in-training. They might have one or two personality traits, but instead of coming from and interacting with other elements of their background, they're just pasted on, like a sticker you can put on your Generic Child Prototype. These blank-slate children need to have knowledge poured into them so they can become Properly Educated Adults. So in his episodes, these child characters will go through their story with a question, and the adults--the real people--will tell them the information in great detail so these characters--and the watching audience--can go off into the world knowing what the writer has decided they need to know.
In Joe and Ken's episodes, flaws are funny, and can create funny conflicts that will teach the children better ways to approach problems. In Pete's episodes, flaws are horrible things that need to be pointed out, labeled, and sanded away, so these children can grow up into the perfect model of what a Good Adult should be. The first approach is engaging, and celebrates diversity of personality in a community, while the other becomes bland in the interests of shaping all the members of a community into the desired mold.
Comparing the two approaches provides a shockingly thorough lesson in how one should and should not approach writing and education. Story and character and message are all intertwined. Trying to force the message onto the story and characters makes for something bland and generic and unrealistic. Letting the characters shape the story and letting the story bring out the message makes for something much more unique, organic, engaging, and real. And yes, maybe I've come to this conclusion by spending far too much time thinking way too deeply about a bunch of shows for elementary-aged chlidren, but that doesn't mean it's not fascinating to see how, even within the same show, an writer's personality and approach to the audience can make such a vast difference in the quality of a story.
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lieutenantselnia · 10 days
I finally finished and handed in my thesis on Friday and it felt like such an incredible relief😭 I think I haven't felt so at peace in literal months because it was constantly looming over me but I felt too paralysed with fear to start writing. BUT that's finally over now! I still need to do my final exam now but that's only in October. Also I've started my master's degree programme on Thursday (at the same university that's why I could start despite not actually having my bachelor's degree yet) and I'm actually already looking forward to my classes :D
I feel like it really affected my mental wellbeing during that time though and especially in the last few months I found it much harder to keep in contact with online friends or even just go on social media, I got overwhelmed much more easily and it just felt too exhausting :( I lowkey feel bad for all the self ship postings and art and fanfics that I missed😭 So please, take this as a free pass to come into my inbox and gush about your f/o(s)! I'd love to hear about them🫶
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gambitandrogues · 6 months
YOUR NEW URL SLAPS, one of my all time favorite tracks !! ppl should appreciate her more
Also I too never shut up about Taylor and Lucas after watching YBWM. It’s so nice to know I’m not alone. Actually, I didn’t even know his name for years until stumbling upon MacGyver (2016) when it came out. I just called him Travis 😭
AH THANK YOU <33 it's literally such a cute song, people who hate it are no fun /hj
mood though lmaoo 😭 I didn't know his name until I watched X-Men, before that I just called him 'the ybwm guy'
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pookapufferfish · 1 year
skitters into your inbox HI!!!!!!! You are so very cool and great and i love your art and interacting you is very fun and the desire to interact more is there but oh so scareds for no reason. tumblr makes everyone scary for some reason. you know how it is. anyways. *Bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bi-
Thank you so much!!! You are also really cool!!!
You are fun to interact with, I also wanna interact more.
I just kinda hold myself back online because I have been told I'm too much before. But I love interacting with people, that's why I do all the 'send me your ___" stuff.
I am cool with you. Don't be scareds
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munsons-maiden · 7 months
Yes um hi, question: why does your hubby look like young David Tenant? And where can I get one of these?
If a delightfully unhinged geeky extrovert tries to adopt you, let him ☝🏻😂
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I hate people sm RAHHHSHDHDH.
I have 2 extra homework assignments today because people in my classes don't know how to stfu, be respectful, listen to the teacher, and do their class work for 5 fucking minutes.
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vitiateoriginator · 1 year
Randomly remembered when I was a kid still the with Jehovah's Witnesses and I proudly told my bible study teacher about all the new words I'd learned in school, including the word "prediction". She proceeded to scold me for using it, and commanded I never use that word again because predictions were tied to/synonymous to magic and witchcraft which Jehovah hates. And using words like that could wreck my chances of getting baptized. Like I cared.
#god I HATED that woman#Im so glad I'll never fucking see her again#stupid ancient old bat#get fucked miss Jackie#there were so many other things she did and said#like she hated animals. HATED them#made other witnesses lock up their pets when we'd go to their houses for group bible study. and made me lock my cats up too#when she came over to study with me#she also believed animals don't have souls and that they don't play. all they do is based on instinct#and that lesson made ke make a fool of myself in school once#when my englush teacher showed the class a vid of a crow rolling down a snowy roof repeatedly and asked if what he was doing was playing#and I was the first to answer and parroted what my bible study teacher told me#and got laughed at by the class and aggressively corrected by the teacher for it#the shit you teach kids matters#and this old hag was sitting here feeding me false information#and that incident was SUCH a big blow to my confidence and pride. because I've always considered myself so knowledgeable about animals#to fuck up a basic fact like that felt cripping to me. it snowballed into affecting my decision on my future career path#I wanted to be a zoologist but dropped that dream because if I couldn't get such a sinple obvious fact right how could I#ever be an animal scientist?#anyways those are just a few examples of her evil#she was also super snobby and judgemental of everyone. especially me and the way I talked or dressed#I wish her only the worse in life because she is such a vile and pathetic human being with nothing but hate in her heart#idk why I started thinking about this btw sometimes it just comes back to me#sam's rants about life
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churchsideblog · 1 year
what was wrong with my ward that we had multiple sunday school lessons preaching about the virtue of not complaining
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scarletcomet · 1 year
i was talking with my dad because i don’t really understand a lot of things in my computer engineering class, and my dad has a degree in computer engineering. he said i should try to meet with the professor. i told him that the exam is in the morning, and he was like oh people usually start studying more than a day in advance. like first of all, i did not start studying today. second of all, did he miss the part where i’ve been severely depressed for the last like month to the point where im going to have to take incompletes in all (except maybe one) of my classes??
#im really not ready for this exam because it's on the three modules that i have not done the assignments for#my professor said i can take an incomplete to finish those assignments but i should take the exam tomorrow#i know that it's impossible for me to fail this class even if i get a zero on the exam and those 3 missing assignments#but i was getting a very high A for the entire semester so that would suck#anyways im just really upset about what my dad said about me not starting studying early enough#i think he just assumed there was more time before the exam based on how little i knew.#like i have actually done a good bit of school work the last few days which is a huge improvement from the previous several weeks#my parents don't know about me being suicidal but they know that im really depressed#he probably wasn't thinking when he said that but it still hurts#the last exam i took i only answered one question because i couldn't think about anything other than hurting myself#idk what im doing#im so pathetic#this is ridiculous#am i just faking it? i got a 90 (well above the mean) on an exam from the same day as the exam i just mentioned#i have barely been able to get myself to do anything in weeks because i just have no energy and my thoughts and movements are slower#and because whenever i would try to think or focus my thoughts would drift and i would end up thinking about killing myself#and imagining killing myself all these different ways. i still am having these thoughts almost constantly so it's hard#i just want to kill myself. it's practically all i can think about.#so i would say im doing pretty well considering all of that#tw: suicide mention
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batsandbabydolls · 1 year
I am straight up NOT having a good time right now
#adhd hell brain trying to do schoolwork at the last minute#this is so stupid because technically I'm ''studying''#but actually I get GRADED on this stupid REVIEW SHEET based on how detailed it is#which isn't how I study at all but whatever#straight up just feels like the stupid busy work they gave me in high school#that used to take me like 6 hours because it was so boring I couldn't focus on it#and college courses basically never make you do stupid shit like that but this professor is built different <3#honestly with the state MY fucking brain is in right now I'd probably just try my luck with the test#maybe just study a few of the things I'm less sure about because that's all I've got the mana for#I got fucking MARKED DOWN for my LAST study guide for ''not being detailed enough''#like what do you want from me? this is how I study and I got a 92% so CLEARLY it works for me#also not for nothing the specific part I got marked down for was the material we covered in the class I had to miss#because I caught covid IN HER CLASS#and I'd emailed her to ask what I should do to catch up on that material#because she deliberately doesn't put the information from lectures on her slides#and she didn't answer me until AFTER we'd already taken the exam for that material#also not for nothing (again) but I'm pretty sure SHE also caught covid because she was coughing for like two weeks#around the time there was a known exposure in our class#and not only did she continue doing class in person#she didn't even wear a fucking mask!!
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maddy-ferguson · 2 years
i spent 365 out of the last 523 days thinking about a guy i liked when i was 12 because he was the last tether i had to hetero/bisexuality
#tmi alert:#basically in early 2021 i was like: am i a lesbian? i know i don't think guys are attractive and i wouldn't date one i'm gonna try to#determine whether or not i would sleep with one#and he was the one i imagined myself doing it with because he's like objectively good-looking and there's a bit of an emotional connection😭#and i couldn't even do it in my mind even though with a girl no problem obviously#and so i was like well i'm gonna keep not thinking about that too hard#and then i downloaded tinder and i had only girls usually because as we established i didn't want to date💪#ignore the emoji lmao i didn't want to date/sleep with a guy but sometimes i would put guys back on to laugh at them mostly bc it was funny#sorry and i'd see guys i knew from school you know and in july i saw him and i swiped right bc it was fun it was funny i wanted to talk#to him again (we knew each other it wasn't a crush on a stranger) and turns out he had swiped right too so we matched yeah that's how#tinder works anyway i said something lighthearted about how it had been a while and about how we used to sit next to each other in this one#class AND HE NEVER ANSWERED?#so of course i became obsessed with the situation and after a while i planned on sending him another msg a year later to be like haha it's#been a year that's so funny...WHICH I DIDN'T DO when the time came because it's more embarrassing than it is funny#but because i planned on talking to him again after a year i thought about it and about him every single day even though it wasn't even#that important i barely thought about him before the whole trying to picture myself having sex with him thing (...) like i REALLY did not#care about him it was just that thinking i was gonna catch up with him and then just not getting to got to me you know....#and it's crazy because either way i knew nothing was gonna happen but i was like if i had to sleep with a guy lt would be him! so the whole#situation (even though it wasn't a whole situation) kind of did a number on me. then when i didn't send the message it was like i was#instantly cured it's so funny the whole thing (again. not a whole thing) set me back a whole year#and like i say: brf slt
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storybounded · 4 months
}!{ + also whatever 1B kid you think is fun
send a }!{ to suggest a muse I could play
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He was SURPRISED when a question snapped him out of his focused trance. It was evident that Manga was caught off guard, emphasized by the three exclamation points that popped up within the now spiked cloud of his head.
Just a few seconds before, He was working HARD on a new character concept for a tabletop game group he had joined recently, and although he had no qualms of showing off his work...
He rather not catch someone staring over his shoulder when he least expected it. Not that it was anything bad - it was a really cool dragonborn concept that was still in its early stages. But he promptly SLAMMED the sketch book shut and jerked to face the other.
"holy shit, Were you BEHIND my back the whole time??" But then the question DAWNED on him. He was being asked to draw the dumbass in front of him.
If anyone could see his eyes, they would be rolling around the world. Little angry marks began to flicker across his cloudy head, revealing his annoyance. "Oh wow such an original question. Come back when you have money, and then we'll talk, but unfortunately for you, my commissions aren't open right now." He had been asked this FAR too many times in his life...
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