#but i don’t think so. they make me anxious and nervous and so scared. like the guy who joked about sending our messages to my mother
slytherinshua · 1 day
genre. fluff. friends to lovers. mutual pining. they're both shy beans. warnings. kissing. pairing. bestfriend!anton x fem!reader. wc. 1.4k. request. no. a/n. hannie my favourite anton stan happy birthday and remember i love you so much!!
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“I have a really bad predicament, and you don’t have to agree to help me, but I really need help and I don’t know who else to ask.” 
Anton looked up from his phone, raising an eyebrow at your anxious words. What could possibly be happening to get you this worked up?
“What is it?”
You sighed, “I’ve never had my first kiss.”
“What?” Anton was even more confused now. What did he, your best friend, have anything to do with this? 
“And my best friend set me up with a blind date but I’m scared he’s going to kiss me and I don’t want to have my first kiss with someone I’ve just met.” You spilled the rest, nerves building up in the pit of your stomach.
“Can’t you just say no if he asks to kiss you? Any decent guy should know that consent is key.” Anton tsked.
“I know, I know, but—” You tugged your bottom lip between your teeth, unsure of how to word what you were trying to say.
“But I’m scared I won’t be able to say no.” You confessed, feeling more embarrassed than you ever had in your entire life. 
“Oh.” Anton was silent for a moment, “What does this have to do with me?”
“Well, I…” You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for what you were about to ask, “I was hoping you’d… be my first kiss.”
Anton looked like a deer caught in headlights. To say this was unexpected would’ve been a serious understatement. He would have more easily believed that the ocean was yellow than to think that you— his best friend (and crush)— would be asking him to be your first kiss. And for what? Because you were too scared of having it with your blind date?
“What? Really? You’re not… weirded out by it?” You asked cautiously. 
Anton shook his head, “No. But why me?” Because you’ve been my crush since I was 10.
“Because… I know I can trust you.” You reasoned. It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t exactly the entire reason why you wanted to kiss him either. “And I know the likelihood of my first kiss being an amazing experience is low, but I at least don’t want it to be with someone I never wished I ever kissed.”
“And you don’t think that kissing me will be something you regret?” Anton asked skeptically.
“No.” You said honestly.
Your best friend nodded, “Okay. As long as you’re comfortable with it. I’m happy to help.” He smiled, and you could feel all of the nervousness dissipate from your body. 
“Have you kissed anyone before?” You asked, sitting down on the couch next to him. He shook his head no, that cute little smile playing on his lips as he looked at you. “Really? And you don’t mind if I’m your first kiss?”
He giggled, “No. I trust you with anything, including this.”
You both stared at each other for a while, the silent question of who is going to make the first move? hanging in the air, making your stomach flurry with nerves. Anton eventually seemed to get the hint that you were far too nervous to initiate the kiss, and tentatively placed his hand on your jaw, tilting your chin up to him gently. 
You couldn’t stop staring at him. Anton was beautiful, it was a well-known fact, especially to you. But you rarely had the chance to look at him this up close. Your brain shut down. You forgot how to blink or breathe or do anything but stare at him, watching as he leaned closer to you. Your eyes fluttered shut as you anticipated the contact of his lips against yours. Your hands gripped the cushion of the couch tightly, but as soon as you felt his lips first touch yours, your entire body relaxed.
You were sure this moment would live in your brain forever. 
Anton’s lips tasted like coffee, slightly sweet. They were soft and plush and moulded with yours as if it was always meant to be. You found yourself falling closer to him, trying to make the kiss last for as long as possible. 
You had known what to expect from this moment to a certain extent. The amount of rom-coms you had watched over the years could give anyone an idea of how to kiss someone. But you hadn’t expected it to feel this exhilarating. It was as if every nerve in your body was alight, and the only things your senses could take in was Anton. 
A surge of disappointment hit you when Anton pulled away. You knew the kiss couldn’t last forever, but you wished it had been longer. You would fall right back onto Anton’s lips immediately if you had the guts to, but you didn’t want to overstep. 1 kiss was all he promised you. Everything else would go back to normal now. You were back to being his best friend. Nothing els—
“I have a crush on you.”
You didn’t even want to open your eyes to see his reaction. You’d much rather the ground swallow you up whole immediately. You never wanted to show your face around him again. How could you let those words slip past your lips? Were you really that brainless?
You blinked your eyes open nervously, a very flushed Anton facing you. He looked just as confused as when you had first asked him to kiss you. You gulped, trying to think of anything to say that could possibly save you from this situation. 
“I… You know what, just forget it-” 
“I can’t just forget the girl I like telling me she has a crush on me too.” He said quickly, catching your arm before you could escape the room.
“What?” You blinked blankly. Your brain felt like TV static. 
“I like you too. I always have…” Anton repeated shyly, eyes darting to a random spot on the wall so he didn’t have to look at you.
You wished you could have thought of some smooth response to his confession, but your brain had already been struggling to function since this morning. It had almost completely shut down when you asked him to kiss you, and was in the process of logging off forever since you first felt his lips on yours. 
“Are you still going on the blind date?” 
“Should I?” You asked lamely. 
Another silence fell over the room, swirling together with the million unanswered questions you had. Neither you nor Anton had the confidence to speak again, and you were left to sit in silence, exchanging eye contact discreetly for several minutes. When the silence felt like it was starting to swallow you whole, you finally found the courage to clear your throat and ask him another question.
“Then, can I kiss you again?” 
You expected some hesitation from Anton. You weren’t sure why, given that he had just confessed he liked you too, but some part of your brain was convincing enough to make you think that maybe he didn’t feel as eager as you did to continue the kiss. 
He was clearly just as eager as you were, though. You barely had time to gauge his reaction before he was pressing his lips to yours again. You felt him sigh in content, completely melting against you and your soft lips. In Anton’s mind, this was the definition of bliss. The girl he had liked for so long finally kissing him. When he pulled away, there was only 1 question that Anton had on his mind.
“Can I be your boyfriend?” He whispered, lips still close to yours, enough that you could feel his breath on your skin. The start of a smile formed on your lips.
The words barely left your mouth before Anton’s lips found their place on yours again. Now that he was yours, there was nothing he’d rather do than kiss you all day, memorising the feeling of the lips he had dreamed of tasting for years. 
He regretted not confessing to you sooner. If this was what he had been missing out on, he would have mustered up the courage to tell you when you were still in high school. But, regardless, he was proud that he was your first kiss. He had always wanted you to be the first person he kissed, which was why he always rejected any girl who confessed to him. His eyes had only ever been on you for years. Now that he found his place, lips intertwined with yours, he felt that the moment couldn’t have possibly been more perfect.
↳ riize taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @kangtaehyunzzz,, @weird-bookworm,, @haecien,, @seolboba,,
@blossominghunnie,, @cosmicwintr,, @evalevaeva,, @lecheugo,, @wccycc,,
@seunghancore,, @planetkiimchi,, @heavenfilm,, @sobun1est,, @bananabubble,,
@talkingsaxy,, @thesunsfullmoon,, @chenleszone,, @soheecore,, @talking-saxy,,
@nicholasluvbot,, @cupidslovearrows
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pinkfey · 1 year
i’m trying to look into the reasons behind why it’s so difficult for me to block people i know beyond the internet which sucks because all i get are quora questions like “is it okay for me to block someone for harassing me 🥺” or alternatively “blocking people on social media is cowardly” neither of which have much to do w the question i’m asking 😭
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sttoru · 7 months
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‘no matter how much time the king of curses spends with you, he doesn’t think he will ever understand you or your affectionate behaviour towards him.’
☀︎|tags. true form sukuna x female reader. heian era sukuna. fluff. bits of mentions of blood & murder. big size difference. cold-big-monster-having-a-small-soft-spot-for-a-single-human trope. reader gets called ‘little one, brat’. not proof read! let me know if you like my characterisation or not; it’s my first sukuna fic.
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a kiss on the cheek is one of the most innocent - yet apparently also the most difficult - things to do. it’s a small form of intimacy; not that hard to do. it’s really as simple as planting your lips on your beloved’s cheek. then all you do is retreat — maybe get a kiss on the cheek back from him. or on the lips.
“get moving. i’m not waiting all day for you.” sukuna grumbles. you had suddenly stopped in your tracks and the king of curses was confused as to what the reason might have been. the two of you had been walking through the courtyard for a few minutes now — well, you basically had to drag him out to take a little stroll together.
and now the same you was quiet. it bothered sukuna; you were always so chatty around him when it was just the two of you. he might have called you an ‘annoying brat’ for it, but he secretly enjoyed your company and voice.
“c-coming.” you reply in a quiet mumble, eyes glancing over at the monstrous frame that stood a few steps away. his dull yet sharp gaze was focused on you — like he was sizing you up. or rather: trying to figure out what’s wrong with the change in behaviour you showed.
sukuna watches you as you hurry over to his side again. he resumes walking, hands folded over each other under the material of his kimono.
though, he couldn’t yet let go of the fact that you were acting different around him. the king of curses’ suspicion only grew once he noticed how your fingers fiddled with your obi. you were anxious about something.
sukuna shakes his head slightly. some humans sure are difficult to understand, he thinks to himself. your happy yet reserved personality when you usually interacted with him had disappeared and made place for a nervous wreck. trying to figure out why made sukuna’s head hurt.
were you finally scared of him? like all other humans and curses were?
he doesn’t know why, but it felt like he would hate for such thing to happen. sukuna usually wouldn’t care if someone resents, fears or somehow even admires him. only you could make him think and care about such difficult and maybe even trivial things.
“uhm,” you break off his train of thoughts and his eyes are instantly on yours again, “may i do something really quickly?”
sukuna’s face doesn’t show any change in expression, but a small nod tells you everything you need to know. you clear your throat, “can you please lower your head towards me?”
lowering his head? oh, you got some guts. if anyone else had said that to him, sukuna would have obliterated them; there wouldn’t have been anything but red bloody dust left of their body.
but then again: it’s you. all exceptions the king of curses makes are for you.
sukuna slightly lowers his head to your level so you could do whatever you needed to. he’d be lying if he said that his curiosity wasn’t piqued. it always was when he was around you.
you gulp. it was time to do what you’ve longed to do ever since the beginning of your stroll: give the ryomen sukuna a kiss on the cheek. you don’t think he’d be mad—at least he never seriously gets mad at you. only to get a reaction out of you since your responses are always ‘intensely amusing’—as he says.
“go on.” sukuna’s breath hits your cheeks. he was so close—too close that it made you even more nervous in a way. as if you hadn’t even had your first kiss yet.
you swallow your fears and just go for it. your lips attach to his cheek in the fraction of a second—the speed of light—before they leave. it was right under his right set of eyes.
you take a step back and clear your throat. you try to escape the embarrassment of sukuna’s possible reaction by continuing your stroll, though were stopped by a strong hand firmly grabbing your forearm.
“where’d you think you’re going?”
sukuna’s deep voice echoes through your ears. you were surprised to hear the tone of it; almost soft. a tone sukuna uses on rare occasions: in your presence.
you turn your head around and smile sheepishly at the king of curses before you. he doesn’t return the same (not that you expected him to), however he does unexpectedly ruffle your hair for a split second. or at least he attempts to.
his large and warm palm lands on top of your head and he gives it a little and subtle shake. sukuna had seen you do a similar action to someone else before, thus he concluded that he could do it to you. maybe as a form of endearment or. . whatever you used it as.
he did find the way you tried to scurry away after giving him a kiss very adorable. even if he wouldn’t say so out loud.
“now, come along. we don’t have all day.” sukuna nonchalantly mutters after retracting his hand. it left as fast as it came, though you were still stunned at the slight show of affection the king of curses returned.
you instantly catch up to sukuna again—walking next to him as fast as your legs could take you. you were a bit more at ease after you got a positive reaction to your little kiss. it was a pity that he didn’t smirk or laugh at you—maybe mocked you like he usually would. but that head pat made up for it.
even if it did leave your hair a little disheveled.
you couldn’t properly see sukuna’s face, but the faint smirk tugging at his lips was undeniably there. even if it was for just a split second.
“how very interesting.” sukuna mutters under his breath so you wouldn’t catch on. he sighs and shakes his head, unable to keep out that memory of you looking so cute—standing on the tip of your toes to plant a kiss on his cheek with your comically small hand on his jaw line. he doesn’t know why he found that to be so thrilling.
you flutter your eyelashes. you were curious about what he might have commented on, “may i ask what you had just said? i didn’t quite hear it.”
a short second of silence hangs before sukuna tilts his head to the right to look down at you again; his face expressionless, but still having a hint of a grin on his lips.
“i said you better hurry before i gobble you up right this instant.” he replies, (playfully) intimidating you with his sharp red eyes that glinted with a form of danger.
you shiver (though knew the threat was an empty one) and instantly pick up your pace. you even get ahead of him, walking as fast as your legs could. you answer with a curt ‘my apologies’ and walk like you actually have somewhere to be.
sukuna’s grin only grows as he sees you get ahead of him. if you had turned around, maybe you could have caught onto that light flicker of affection in his expression.
“i’m coming for you, little one.” sukuna adds just to ignite some more fear into you and you react as expected, “you’re not escaping me today.”
it was a funny sight; your reactions always make him enjoy his time with you even more than he already (secretly) was.
the way his body reacts in mysterious ways when you’re around, is still very much an unsolved riddle to the king of curses. and the reasons as to why you aren’t scared of him and can easily give him all your ‘love’ are also still yet to be discovered.
until then, sukuna will continue to enjoy teasing you.
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cherrysnax · 1 year
i do wonder why I’m having all these weirdly vivid and grounded dreams all of a sudden
#‘all of a sudden’ in silv times means months ago btw#recently I feel very… determined to get my life together#do the things I’ve been putting off because I guess I gained the will to live#and not just from my happy pills#im nervous about it and I think that’s where the dreams are coming from#im mentally in a place of moving forward but am I ready for that#im scared yeah but more than that am I disciplined enough? I don’t usually like that phrase cause it’s so rooted in self punishment and harm#for me at least#doesn’t help that I’m always in pain but recently this pain coulda actually killed me instead of just being a major hindrance that I’m used#to. so I’m forced to look at my life and ask if would be satisfied if I died now#and the answer is resounding… eh? I’ve met a lot of lovely people. done some coolish things and promptly did nothing but#*be anxious mad and depressed. sure I drew a lot and started somethin I love w the woman I love but does it matter if I don’t really get to#start it and maybe even finish it? I don’t want to die with too many regrets you know? esp since I’ve done so many small things to get out#of my comfort zone but not nearly enough. I want to dance again I want to make a comic I want to go to college and have a shitty job and a#shittier apartment I want#to live and not just be alive#I don’t want to be defined by my fear of expirences and pain because even if I do NOTHING life will go on w/o me#boh i dont know maybe I’m just. stupid
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nottsangel · 8 months
our girl — j.m & r.c.
pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader x rafe cameron
warnings: smut 18+, violence, polyamorous relationship, threesome, vaginal sex, fingering, oral sex (m. receiving), possessiveness, degradation, praise, fingering, hair pulling, creampie, squirting, spitting, kelce and topper walking in lol
word count: 2.6k
summary: your boyfriends show their possessive side when they see someone flirting with you at a party.
a/n: based on a lucid dream i had. i died while writing this
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“You want another drink?” Sarah asked, downing what was left of her drink in one gulp. “No thanks, I’m gonna look for Rafe and JJ actually, haven’t seen them yet” you replied, your surroundings slightly spinning as you were already feeling pretty intoxicated. You smiled briefly at Sarah before walking away from the pool and heading inside Rafe’s house, the music of the party increasing.
It’s been a few months since you started dating your boyfriends— yes, boyfriends, because both of them were too obsessed with you so they decided to share you, treating you like their princess. It was intense sometimes, especially at the beginning when they had to get used to one another. Besides, a lot of people had various opinions on your relationship, but you still felt thankful and privileged to have boyfriends who were so sweet and caring. Especially considering that many girls would die to be in your position. Tonight is another one of Rafe’s parties, inviting all his kook friends as well as some pogues since JJ insisted on his friends being invited too.
You walked inside the crowded house full of intoxicated people and kissing couples, trying to find them. You glanced around, seeing many familiar faces but not your boyfriends. Just as you turned to go into another room, your arm was suddenly grabbed firmly. “Hey, beautiful.” you felt relieved, thinking it must’ve been Rafe or JJ when you realised you didn’t recognise the voice. You turned around in confusion and saw a blonde frat-looking guy check you out with a smirk on his face and a red cup in his hand. His blue eyes were fully fixed on you with a cocky smile on his face.
“Do I know you?” you asked, brows knitted together in confusion as you tried your best to refresh your memory, afraid that your intoxicated state made you forget who he was. “I’m Ryan. I used to hang out with Rafe, you know, back when he used to fuck a different girl every week” he said with a chuckle as you arched an eyebrow, unsure why he would bring that up. His smile vanished at the sight of your serious expression, before continuing, “Anyway… you want a drink, sweetheart?” he asked, motioning towards the drinks table. You gazed at him, wondering if he was aware of the dangerous game he was playing.
“No, thank you. I have to g-“ you started but he quickly cut you off, “Oh, come on! You think I’m scared of your boyfriends? One drink won’t hurt, loosen up a bit” he argued before he dragged you to the drinks table. You attempted to break free from his hold, but you were too intoxicated to react quickly and he was way stronger than you, clearly taking advantage of the situation.
“Here you go.” he said, handing you a new drink as you looked at it nervously. When he noticed your anxious expression he slid a hand around your waist as he came closer to you. “Hey, hey, don’t worry. Just wanna get to know my friend’s girlfriend, that’s all. I respect Rafe, you know.” he explained, easily convincing you in your drunken state as you took the cup from him with a relieved smile.
“So, tell me about-“ he started before being interrupted in an instant when his name was called, “Ryan!” You peeked around Ryan’s towering frame and saw Rafe and JJ making their way to you. Ryan instantly took his hand off your waist and went from having a relaxed stance to one that was stiff and nervous. Rafe had a menacing smile on his face as he eyed Ryan and JJ walked next to him, toying with the toothpick in his mouth.
“I see you’ve met our girlfriend.” Rafe said, standing just inches away from you two. “Such a pretty little thing, hm?” JJ added with a cheeky grin, clearly not taking the poor guy seriously. “Yeah man, we just talked about… stuff. She-she’s nice” he stammered, evidently nervous. Rafe nodded with a downward smile on his face and his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. “I see, I see…”. “Look man, nothing happened, okay? We just talked, that’s it.” Ryan spoke up, trying his hardest to explain himself while JJ and Rafe exchanged glances, before giving each other a nod. “Fucking dumbass.” JJ sneered under his breath as he walked over to you, an arm sliding around your waist as he placed a kiss on top of your head.
“I understand man, no worries.” Rafe reassured before placing his arm over Ryan’s shoulder, “Let’s catch up outside, hmm? We haven’t spoken in so long, lots to talk about.” Rafe said as he led Ryan outside, making you turn to face JJ with a worried expression on your face. “What’s he going to do with him, J?” you asked, your brows knitted in concern. “Sssh, don’t worry about it, baby. He’s just gonna ask him to leave, that’s all.” he reassured, taking the toothpick out of his mouth and moving his head closer before pressing his lips on yours, his tongue sliding into your mouth as you were heavily making out against the table, causing you to forget about everything else. You were so caught up in the moment that it took you a while to eventually pull away from JJ as he gazed down at you with a loving smile on his face.
When you glanced over JJ’s shoulder, you gasped as your eyes widened and your jaw dropped. Rafe leaned over Ryan, who was on the ground, repeatedly punching him until blood was everywhere. “JJ!” you yelled in horror while pointing at the scene. “Oh, fuck” JJ muttered, not necessarily because of Rafe beating him up, but because of you witnessing it. He quickly spun you around so your back was facing the scene before cupping your face in his hands and desperately kissing you again in an attempt to distract you. You instinctively wrapped your arms around JJ’s neck, your intoxicated state causing you to forget about the situation again and only feeling hungry for JJ as you pressed him closer to you. His hands already found your ass as he squeezed it, not giving a fuck about anyone watching.
“My room. Now” Rafe ordered as he suddenly walked past you both, causing you to pull away from JJ as you watched Rafe climb the stairs. JJ grabbed your hand as he smirked at you, “You heard him, princess. Let’s go.” he said, pulling you along and leading you upstairs.
“Am I… Am I in trouble? you asked with a soft voice, following JJ in the hallway as you passed several kissing couples. JJ chuckled as he held the door handle to Rafe’s room. “I think we both know the answer to that.” he replied, making you gulp for a moment as he opened the door.
Rafe stood in the centre of the room, his arms folded with an angry expression on his face. Rafe's intimidating frame was accentuated by the lack of light in the room, as only a few red LED lights provided illumination. Even though JJ shut the door behind him, there was still a faint sound of shouting and music coming from downstairs through the walls. “Rafe, listen, I-“ Rafe interrupted you as soon as you attempted to explain, “We do the talking here, alright?” Rafe growled as JJ joined him, standing next to him as both of them eyed you while you walked to the bed, sitting down to relieve your sore feet from the heels you were wearing.
“You didn’t have to beat him up Rafe, I swear he didn’t do anything! He just offered me a drink and-“ you stopped when you heard both of them chuckle, looking at each other before gazing down at you. “I think our girl is a little confused, whatcha think J?” Rafe smirked while approaching you. “Nah, you’re right man. I think she forgot who she belongs to.” JJ agreed, nodding as he watched Rafe walk towards you.
Rafe bent down to get at eye level with you, then aggressively gripped your face, forcing you to look at him. “Two boyfriends is not enough for you? Hmm? God, you’re such a dirty little slut.” You were too afraid to speak as you gazed up at him. “Open that pretty mouth of yours” Rafe ordered and you obliged, opening your mouth widely before Rafe spit in it, “Swallow.” You swallowed while keeping your eyes on him, faces mere inches away from each other. A satisfied smile swept across Rafe’s face as he released his grip on your face, “Good girl.”
Rafe then moved aside, allowing JJ to approach you. JJ wasted no time and pushed you onto the bed, caging you in before planting sloppy kissing all over your neck and undressing you simultaneously, causing you to moan. “Tsk, what a dumb girl we have, Rafe.” he growled, sliding the straps of your dress down your arms before fully taking it off, leaving you in just your underwear. “But so fucking beautiful.” JJ took in your beauty with hungry eyes while biting his lip. He then discarded you of your underwear as well, tossing them across the room. “Make Rafe feel good, baby.”
JJ pushed himself off you while Rafe completely undressed himself, his fully erect cock leaking precum causing anticipation to rage through your body. He looked so beautiful— the red light accentuating the muscles on his body as he gazed down at you with dark eyes. He got on the bed, sitting against the bedframe before he grabbed your hair and pulled you towards him. “Be a good girl and suck.”
You drew your head nearer, licking up the precum and swirling your tongue around the tip, earning a groan from him. He impatiently pushed your head down, forcing you down his cock. His hand grabbed your hair in a ponytail, preventing it from falling in your face as he bobbed your head up and down. “Fuck, just like that.” Rafe groaned as JJ slapped you on the ass, causing you to jolt forward.
“Our pretty girl.” JJ praised while he teased your entrance with his fingers, gathering the wetness and drawing circles on your clit. You moaned around Rafe’s cock, only egging him on as he bucked his hips upwards, causing you to gag. JJ then inserted two fingers into you with ease, as far as they could go. “So fucking wet for us.” JJ curled his fingers up inside you, pushing against your g-spot, causing your eyes to flutter shut as you let out a loud moan around Rafe’s cock once again. Rafe now grabbed your head with both hands, fully face-fucking you, using you as his personal toy, while JJ’s fingers increased their speed, causing your orgasm to approach.
“Cum around my fingers, sweet girl. Make a fucking mess.” JJ’s words pushed you over the edge, your orgasm washing over you as you felt wetness all over. “Holy fuck, she squirted everywhere” JJ exclaimed, a chuckle leaving his mouth before he licked his fingers clean. “Dirty girl” Rafe groaned, his voice low and raspy as he continued to fuck your face.
You then heard the buckle of a belt behind you, and not much later you felt JJ’s cock teasing your folds, before fully pushing himself in. “Still so tight, fuck.” He groaned before setting a steady rhythm that made you grip the sheets. The sensation was almost becoming too much— the way JJ’s cock hit your g-spot repeatedly and Rafe fucking into your mouth, saliva running down your face.
Just as you were about to come, the door suddenly swung open, the music and yelling from downstairs filling the room. JJ's thrusts came to a half when all of you looked to your side as your eyes began to widen. “Hey, Rafe, you got some- No fucking way.” “Goddamn.” Both Kelce and Topper stood in the doorway, a smirk on both their faces as they eyed every inch of your body. “Well, this is awkward.” JJ uttered as his lips tightened into a thin line. An irritated sigh left Rafe’s mouth as he rolled his eyes, “Get the fuck out before I fucking kill both of you!” He shouted, Kelce and Topper snickering when they left the room and shut the door behind them.
“Now, where were we?” JJ asked before abruptly slamming into you again, causing you to fall forward on Rafe’s chest. “Hey, hey,” Rafe took hold of your head, pulling it up with both hands as he raised his eyebrows at you, “Did I say you could stop sucking? Don’t think so.” He pushed you back on his cock with his hand behind your head, guiding you. You could feel JJ’s thrusts getting sloppy and lose rhythm, knowing he was close. “Fuck, gonna cum so deep inside this pretty pussy.” he growled before painting your walls with his warm cum, his hands firmly gripping your hips. You could feel his sperm dripping onto the bed as soon as he pulled out.
Rafe shoved you off him, causing you to look at him with a questioning expression, given that he hasn’t cum yet. “ Wanna cum inside that tight pussy of yours, filling you with both our cum.” he said as he stood up and flipped you over, causing a small squeal to leave your mouth as you were lying on your back. He grabbed your legs and spread them wider before spitting on your cunt and pushing into you in one quick thrust, making you scream out his name loudly. He immediately set a relentless pace, gripping your waist as he pounded into you while grunting, your tits bouncing to his rhythm.
“Doing so well for us, princess” JJ praised as he sat next to you, grabbing your face and kissing you passionately with his other hand massaging your boobs. You moaned into JJ’s mouth as Rafe placed your legs over his shoulders, reaching even deeper parts inside of you. “You wanna cum?” Rafe asked as you nodded, your eyes closed as your vision became blurry, “Then fucking beg for it.” “P-please, let me cum. I need to!” JJ chuckled as his hand slowly travelled to your core, drawing fast circles on your clit. “You hear that, Rafe? Our poor girl needs to cum.” Rafe groaned as he increased his speed and placed quick kisses on your legs. “Then let’s help her.”
JJ’s fingers quickened their speed as he marked your neck in hickeys, causing you to grip his arm hard, your nails leaving crescent shapes in his skin and Rafe was close to coming too, his cock hitting all the right spots inside of you. “Gonna cum for us, sweet girl?” JJ whispered into your ear and you could only nod, unable to speak. “Gonna fill you up so fucking good, like the dirty whore you are.” Rafe groaned before his orgasm struck, filling you to the brim with his warmth. You came not long after that, walls fluttering around Rafe’s cock as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, the grip on JJ’s arm tightening. “Just like that, princess. Good girl” JJ praised as you came down from your high, chest heaving up and down as you tried to catch your breath.
Rafe pulled out slowly and bent down to place soft kisses on your cunt before getting dressed immediately, causing you to look at him with a confused expression. “Be right back. J, take good care of our girl.” He instructed before exiting the room. “Yes, sir!” JJ replied jokingly before shifting his attention back to you. “W-where is he going?” you stuttered, still feeling disoriented due to your orgasm. “Probably killing Kelce and Topper for walking in and seeing you. You know how he gets.” JJ shrugged as he picked you up bridal style before you could say anything else, taking you to the bathroom, “Don’t worry about it. Come on, lemme take care of our pretty girl.”
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simpforboys · 2 years
you’ve bewitched me
xavier thorpe x fem!reader
summary: xavier takes your virginity.
warnings: smut!! loss of virginity, unprotected piv, soft!xavier, he’s a fat simp, fluffy smut, best friends to lovers, oral (f and m receiving), swearing
based on this !!!
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the way you couldn’t get out of xavier’s head was driving him insane. he never knew he could need crave someone so bad. 
he remembered the moment so vividly. 
you two were walking in the rain as he held the umbrella for the both of you. you didn’t remember exactly how the topic came up, but you and your best friend had started talking about sexual experiences. 
“a gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.” xavier joked you rolled your eyes and nudged his shoulder, making the both of you laugh. 
“just tell me,” you groaned. 
“fine. bianca wanted me to eat her out once. things escalated from there and we ended up fucking.” xavier confessed, keeping his eyes down. 
your gasp made him jump. “damn... my best friend gets hella pussy then.” you joked as he sarcastically rolled his eyes, face blushing in embarrassment. 
“now what have you done?” xavier asked you. 
you pursed your lips together. the sound of the rain falling with leaves crunching filled the silence. 
“go on,” xavier said. your silence was making him nervous. 
“i’m a uh, a virgin.” 
xavier bit the inside of his cheek while nodding at you. 
‘thanks for the silence, asshole.” you said jokingly, trying to ignore the way your face felt hot. 
xavier was trying to ignore the blood rushing to his pants. 
xavier had been in love with you for years. he’d dated other girls to try and get over you, but they never ended up being you. 
but ever since your confession, he couldn’t help but want you even more. the amount of nights he’d spent jerking off to a vision of you in his head, the way he would do absolutely anything for you. 
xavier was so lost in thought he didn’t even notice his phone dinging. the only thing that snapped him out of his daydreams was a knock on the door to his room. 
 he opened the door to see you standing there, eyes wide and anxious. 
“why haven’t you been answering your phone?” you asked him. you pushed past your best friend as he confusedly shut and locked the door behind you. 
“busy thinking. what’s wrong?” he questioned. 
“you know that siren boy, kent?”
xavier nodded, eyebrows furrowed tightly together in hesitation. 
“he asked me to come to his dorm to do... things.” you said in embarrassment. 
xavier bit his tongue so hard he didn’t even realize it was bleeding slightly. 
“what things, y/n?” 
“he asked me to give him a blow job.” you confessed quietly, sitting on xavier’s bed as his tall frame stood in front of you. he was wearing grey sweatpants with a red shirt on, his hair damp from a shower. 
the pang of jealousy that shot through xavier felt almost like a stab in the gut. 
“so why are you here then?” xavier asked, trying to keep his cool. 
“i need, uh, never mind. it was stupid for me to come here.”
“answer me, y/n.” 
“i’m scared, okay? i’ve never done anything like that before and i guess i just wanted... i don’t know... lessons?” 
xavier’s heartrate spiked tremendously. oh my god. 
“i’m sorry-” you began but xavier cut you off. 
“i mean, i can definitely help.” 
“really?” you questioned, staring straight up at him. your stomach hurt from anxiety and you swore you’d never noticed how gorgeous your best friend was until he looked at you with such lust in his eyes. 
“is this okay?” he whispered, leaning down as his left hand moved to cup your jaw. you nodded against his hand as he kissed you. 
you kissed back, the feeling weird. it felt like electricity was connecting your lips together, an addictive feeling. neither of you could get enough of it. 
xavier moved to lie you down on the bed, his lips not leaving yours. 
your own hands pulled his waist close to you, feeling his hard cock on your thigh. holy fuck, this is happening. 
“are you sure you want this?” xavier mumbled against your neck.
“mmm please, yes,” you gasped as you felt him suck a hicky.
he stopped momentarily to remove his shirt. his heart was racing as you also removed yours. he’d never seen you in a bra before and the look of your tits made him start to drool.
the way he stared at you made you feel incredibly nervous and as you tried to cover yourself up, he began sucking hickies along your boobs.
“xavier,” you whimpered. xavier swore that was the hottest thing he’s ever heard in his entire life.
“you’re so pretty, y/n.” xavier told you as his big hands removed your sweatpants and panties.
you undid your bra and suddenly realized how vulnerable and exposed you were. but yet, xavier made you feel safe.
you watched as his head went between your already shaking thighs and sucked teasingly close to your cunt.
“holy fuck!” you accidentally yelped as his tongue came in contact with your clit.
you felt him smirking against your pussy as he ate it like it was his last meal. your back arched as you gripped his hair.
the feeling of having your pussy getting eaten by your best friend was euphoric and you were on cloud 9.
“that feel good, y/n?” xavier hummed.
“so good, please don’t stop,” you begged.
the new pleasure was too much. you were a shuttering mess as he continued to suck your clit, two fingers stretching out your soaking wet pussy.
“i’m already gonna cum-“ you moaned.
“cum for me, y/n.” xavier’s pride was beaming as he watched you squirm for him. he was so fucking hard for you.
your body trembled as your orgasm hit you like a truck. your breathing was heavy and your skin was damp with sweat. 
xavier moved to sit back. 
“do you still wanna learn about that blowjob?” he asked after you calmed down from your high. you nodded as you got on your knees in front of xavier. 
your heart continued to pound. you shakily gripped his hard cock. xavier immediately noticed your nerves. 
“what’s wrong?” he questioned, worry written all over his face. 
“i don’t really know what i’m doing.” you let out a breathy laugh. xavier smiled from your confession, leaning down to kiss you. 
“i’ll help you. start by licking the tip.” 
you followed your best friend’s instruction. you began to lightly lick the tip of his leaking cock and felt him shudder against you. 
“fuck- now try sucking the head and jerk me off in your hand.”
you brought the head into your mouth and hollowed your cheeks. your right hand began to jerk the base of his cock, feeling xavier’s own hand come up to hold your hair back. 
“good girl. holy shit-” xavier whimpered. 
the sight laid out in front of you was engraved permanently in your brain. xavier, your best friend, with his head leaned back as you sucked his dick. he looked like a fucking god and you knew there was no going back from this. 
you started to gradually suck further down until you felt his dick twitch in your mouth. fighting the gag, you desperately focused on trying to get him to cum in your mouth. 
“so, so, so good for me, y/n.” 
tears formed in your eyes as you gagged on his cock. hearing xavier whimper  your name with praises almost made you cum again. 
“i’m so fucking close, if you don’t wanna swallow it then- oh shit.” xavier spurted hot cum into your mouth. the liquid tasted salty but not in a bad way. 
now it was xavier’s turn for his breathing to be jagged. you stood back up, your naked body in all its glory. you laid down on his twin size bed, his eyes following yours as you spread your legs. 
“please take my virginity, xavier. please.” you begged. 
xavier’s whole body was overwhelmed with ecstasy. “i don’t have a condom.” he breathed out, his body now hovering over yours. 
“i don’t fucking care- i need you so bad.” 
xavier kissed your lips again. you held his hand as he rubbed his tip and down your cunt. “tell me if you need me to stop.”
with that, he slowly pushed in. your pussy was so wet it was almost went in with one motion. he went all the way in slowly, watching your face for any sort of discomfort. 
“oh my god-” he whispered. your pussy felt amazing on his hard cock and all he wanted to do was fuck you. but this was about you. and he didn’t want to ruin this intimate moment for you. 
“you okay?” he whispered against your neck. 
“it feels weird.” you mumbled back. you felt stuffed, yet so needy. 
“can you please move?” you asked. 
xavier started to slowly move his hips in and out. his hair fell in front of his face. 
“fuck-” you moaned. 
his hand came down and rubbed circles against your clit. your body felt extremely hot from the overwhelming amount of pleasure it was receiving. 
“you feel so good. my good girl, right?” he asked, eyes looking directly into yours. 
you nodded quickly. “i’m all yours, xavier.” 
he continued to fuck your cunt. the only thing that was heard was the sound of skin slapping skin, both of your moans, and the bed squeaking. 
“i’m gonna cum again, xavier.” you announced. 
“me too,” he mumbled. the pleasure was becoming too much for him as your pussy clenched against him.
“holy fuck- shit.” your second orgasm overcame your body. xavier kept his finger on your clit, fucking you through your orgasm. when he felt his own, he quickly pulled out and jerked the tip of his cock. warm cum spurted out onto your stomach and his hips bucked against his hand. 
he plopped down next to you, both breathing heavily and tired. the temperature of the room was very hot and humid. 
after a couple moments of silence, xavier whispered, “i love you, y/n. not in a friend way. i want to be more then friends.”
“i love you too, xavier. i want to be more then friends.” 
xavier leaned up on his elbow, looking down happily at your face. 
“let me take you out tomorrow?” 
“it’s a date.”
xavier and you both smiled as he leaned down and kissed you once again. 
“also, fuck kent. i’ll tell him to go fuck himself.” 
you laughed at xavier’s attitude. 
“if it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t have been here.” you murmured, drawing circles on xavier’s chest. 
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ilwonuu · 3 months
Not sure if this is the best idea, i’m just spitballing tbh.
Virgin reader who is really and I mean REALLY scared they won’t be good or make [member] feel good. (You can pick which member lol)
Maybe that’s corruption kink? Idk lol I just had to get it out of my head.
omg yes!!! i hope this is okay!! lmk if this is completely not what you wanted😭😭 THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST<3 also so sorry this took FOREVER for me to get out.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ make you feel ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
༝༚ lee minho
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𖣠 summary- your boyfriend wants to make you feel good. you’re scared you won’t be able to do the same for him. he is quick to change ur mindset.
𖣠 warnings- first time, protected sex (reader is on the pill), creampie, minho has a corruption kink kind of, dirty talk, reader is inexperienced.
𖣠 a/n- lmk if you want a part 2 heheh
you and your boyfriend are watching a movie. cuddled up in your boyfriends arms. his attention shifts to you. his hand was already mindlessly rubbing your thigh. he gives you a soft smile.
“baby.” he says suddenly. “hm?”
you look at him waiting for what he’s going to say. “bored of the movie?” you ask now realizing he’s pulling you closer to him.
“thinking about you, not the movie.” he is smiling innocently at you.
he knows his smile is applying anything but innocent acts. “what about me?” he kisses your neck gently in response.
“always thinking about you doll. want you always.” you grew slightly nervous at his words. shifting a little still focused on your boyfriends touch.
“want to please you..baby can i?” his boldness catching you completely off guard. you nod but your own words stop your movements.
“what if i can’t please you?” you shaky response causing his hand to stop against your thigh.
“doll what do you mean?” his face is in a confused expression waiting for you to explain your words.
“like you..you know have had sex before so you know what you’re doing. i have no idea what to do. what if its not good?” you say the last part of your sentence quietly. you turning away with the embarrassment. you can’t look your boyfriend in the eyes.
“baby do you really think that?” his hands are intertwined with yours now. “you make me feel good every day. why would this be different doll? you’re perfect.” his grip on your hands making you feel more comfortable but not completely shaking the feelings you have away.
“i’m just nervous i won’t be what you want.” his head is immediately shaking no.
“baby don’t ever think that. you’re everything i want. let me show you i mean every word i say.” one of his hands have moved from yours and is now holding your waist. “i promise you’ll be perfect.” he kisses your cheek.
“o-okay yea i want to minho. i trust you.” he nods. “if you want to stop at any point we can okay?” he is guiding you two in your shared bedroom. he is quick to lay you back against your pillows.
he pulls his shirt off quickly. your eyes are watching him intensely. “you still feel comfortable doing this baby?” he asks you again. leaving a gentle kiss against your head. “yes. i want you..” you say feeling embarrassed again about how much you actually did want this.
you want to make him feel good. you want to be good for your boyfriend. still anxious about losing your virginity for the first time. you and minho have only gone as far as kissing. he never pushed you further knowing you weren’t ready.
your boyfriend was patient with you as anyone should be. he loved you.
“i got to prep you first okay? don’t want to hurt my girl.” his words making you more aware of your arousal. you nod watching him move to hover over you on the bed. he pulls you into a deep kiss. you don’t hesitate to respond kissing him back.
your kiss feeling more desperate as it lasts. he pulls away to ask your permission to take your clothes off you.
“can i take this off doll?” he asks referring to your shirt. “yes minho.” you sounding more needy. he gently takes ur shirt off. before asking for your permission for the rest of your clothes to come off. you comply feeling slightly embarrassed being fully naked in-front of him.
he is quick to compliment you. “you look so beautiful y/n. so perfect.” he kisses you again you feel his hand move down to your thigh. “can i baby?” he pulls away from the kiss rubbing your thigh.
“p-please.” you mentally curse at yourself for stuttering. he smirks slightly just nodding at your response. you feel his thumb creep up your slit making you shudder under his touch. you feel his thumb against your clit rubbing gently. his eyes are on your face looking for your reaction to the new feeling.
you are gasping against his touch. “m-minho oh-“ he’s easing a finger into you. causing you to moan loudly. his movements are gently and slow.
“doing so well doll. do you feel okay?” he asks you as he keeps his thumb against your clit. you nod quickly. “f-feels so good minho.” he smirks at your words speeding up his fingers against you. you are moaning his name loudly.
“do you think you can handle another finger baby?” he asks you kissing you waiting for your response. “yea- i can take it.” you moan out feeling more needy every second.
“okay doll. tell me if it’s uncomfortable.” he says into your neck. you feel a second finger slide into your cunt. he curses how his finger slides right in. you feeling yourself getting wetter under his touch.
his fingers are fucking into you a pace that has your eyes rolling back. his thumb on your clit is sending you over the edge. “minho- it feels so good i-“ your words flowing out of you. “yea doll? you look so beautiful. taking it so well.” his voice is sweet but lust filled. he is gentle but moving his fingers fast enough to please you perfectly.
“baby- i think im gonna c-cum.” you moan out. his eyes don’t leave you as he continues to finger you.
you are cumming hard on his fingers. desperate moans of his name flowing out of you. “fuck doll. doing so well creaming on my fingers.” his words causing you to moan out again.
“i love y-you.” is all you can say through coming down from your orgasm.
“i love you more baby.” you watch as he his shifting between your legs. pulling off the rest of his clothes. “you ready baby?” he asks kissing your head gently. you nod quickly watching as he is positioned at your entrance. “yes i w-want you.” you moan at him.
“you’re still on the pill right doll?” he is rubbing your hip gently. “yea.” you are becoming more impatient as he nods. “okay baby im gonna put it in. tell me if you want to stop” you nod as you feel the stretch of his dick inside you.
“o-oh fuck doll.” his hips are stuttering slightly at how tight you are. “minho- you’re so big.” tears are threatening at your eyes. “yea baby. you’re doing so well tell me when i can move.” he is not fully bottomed out. he ie waiting for you.
“i t-think you can move.” you are tearing up from the pain and the pleasure. “you sure baby?” he asks. looking at you for approval. “yes p-please minho.” he doesn’t waste another second before his is shallowly thrusting into you.
“oh fuck baby you feel so fucking good.” his groans are desperate and loud. you have never seen him so needy for you. your moans filling the room aswell. “minho- f-fuck so good.” he smirks slightly fucking you quicker. “fu-fuck is this o-okay doll?” he asks before continuing. you nod quickly.
“p-please don’t stop.” his hips stutter at your words feeling closer to cumming so quick. “baby i wanted to fuck you like this for so long. even better than i imagined. perfect girl.” his words going straight to your cunt. you are a moaning mess. tears falling from your eyes. he wipes then away holding your waist gently. he moves his thumb down to rub at your puffy clit.
“cum with me baby.” he says fucking you deep. “m-minho! oh my god.” he moves down so his face is buried in your neck. his groans filling your ears. “i’m- fuck im cumming doll.” he breathes another groan before painting your walls with his thick cum. the feeling bringing you to your orgasm.
“fuck baby just like that. cum on my dick.” he doesn’t stop his thrusts. fucking his cum deeper into you. you cry out at the overstimulation. he gently pulls out before looking at you again. “can i please eat you out now?”
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hysteria-things · 5 months
Love your two works! Could you write something about Matt dating a girl in college and his reaction to meeting all her friends?
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: matt x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: your college friends have been asking to meet your boyfriend for a while. he’s visiting for a weekend, but the downside is that he’s terrified to meet them.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: anxiety, cutesy fluff
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 865
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: thank you anon! i hope you like this. i loved writing it :)
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the laughter died down after a few minutes, you and your two closest college friends hanging out in their dorm. your friends sat in their assigned bed while you sat in the beanbag in the corner. it was thursday night on your lovely college campus.
“so y/n.” your friend jasmine starts, throwing her now empty soda bottle with the food bags scattered in the middle of the room. “when are we going to meet that boyfriend of yours?”
you smile, a light blush forming on your cheeks. you go to school in LA, meaning that visits to matt or vice versa are easy. the only thing is that jasmine and sage have yet to meet him.
they ask about him a lot, and your answer is always ‘soon.’
however, matt is supposed to come tomorrow and stay the weekend.
“for real, girl. i’m starting to think your delusions are getting to the best of you and he’s not real.” sage jokes, licking her spoon with ice cream on it.
“he is real.” you say. “lucky for you guys, he’s coming to visit for the weekend tomorrow. i can tell him you guys are dying to meet him.”
the duo let out girlish squeals. “this is so exciting! he sounds like such a good guy.” jasmine smiles over at you.
you return it and nod. “he is.”
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matt knocks at your dorm door in the late afternoon, making you spring up from your bed and open it. “matt!”
“hey, baby.” he greets, pecking you on the lips before entering your single dorm.
he sets his backpack down next to your bed and rubs his sweaty hands on his pants. “so, uh… when are they coming?”
“around seven. we still got a few hours.” you walk over to your bed and sit. you scan matt’s face, and you can tell he’s nervous.
the lip-biting, the hand fiddling, the looking at the ground.
“you have nothing to worry about, love,” you reassure, grabbing his hands and rubbing your thumbs on them to calm him.
“i know.” he sighs, sitting down beside you. “can we watch lady and the tramp?”
one thing about matt is that whenever he’s feeling anxious about something, he turns to binging disney movies to distract him. it’s one of the many qualities you love about him because even at twenty, he doesn’t let the kid in him go.
the closer seven rolls around, matt’s fiddling and lip-biting don’t get any better. your head rests on his chest, the both of you facing the small TV you have. you can hear his heartbeat.
“talk to me, matt,” you say calmly, being that all you hear in your ear is the erratic pump of his heart.
“is it stupid for me to be so scared?” he asks lowly, playing with your hair.
you lean off of him so you can face his front. he has a look of worry on his face, and it makes your heartache.
“not at all. it’s normal to be nervous when meeting new people.” you stroke his face with your hand, and he leans into your touch. he kisses your palm.
“if you get too anxious, i can ask them to leave. they won’t mind at all.”
he exhales. “thank you.”
bella notte starts to play on the TV, and the music makes you smile. out of all the binging disney movies with matt, this song has to be your number one.
“listen.” you exclaim, pointing to the TV. “it’s going to be a bella notte. a beautiful night. trust me, okay?”
your disney reference forces the cutest smile on his face and he nods.
you kiss him on the head and as if on queue, a knock floods the room. “come in!”
sage is the one to walk in first, jasmine following behind. she glances at the TV and gasps. “omg i didn’t know you guys were watching a movie. we can come back when it’s over—”
“not at all.” matt smiles at them. he takes your hand in his and squeezes. “why not watch it with us? i’m matt, by the way.”
“i’m sage, and this is jasmine. it’s so nice to finally meet you! y/n doesn’t shut up about you.”
“sometimes it gets a little too intense.” jasmine says, but in a joking manner.
“sorry, i love him,” you say coldly. you hear matt giggle.
the girls get comfortable in chairs and join you guys in the movie.
as the minutes go by, you sense that matt starts to calm down a little. the whole time his hand is in yours, playing with the ring he got you for one of your anniversaries.
he chirps into some conversations, and the night is better than you can imagine.
matt wakes up the next morning to the sun beaming through your curtains. what he didn’t wake up to was you.
he looked around the dorm room, but you were nowhere to be seen. he groggily reached to his phone to see if you texted him but instead found a note on top of it.
he started to read the small piece of paper, smiling like a fool while doing so.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn
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hazbinwhoree · 4 months
Hey I fell in love with your writing style, I wanted to know if you could write an Adam x reader with a shy S/O who is anxious about having their first time with Adam.
She is curious and takes off Adam's mask and tells him he is beautiful
Sorry if it's too long 💛🎸
A/N: I got FOUR requests for Adam x a virgin reader, so here you go you fiends.
“Looking good today, babe, let me hit!” Adam called at (Name) as she walked by. Lute punched his arm. (Name) blushed bright red and walked a little faster. She wasn’t scared of or annoyed by Adam, in fact, she had the biggest crush on him, but she had no idea what to do about it.
Adam loved flirting with and catcalling (Name). Not just because he liked her, but because her reactions were just too funny. Last week he’d backed her against a wall and complimented her hair.
Well… “You have such pretty hair. I bet it’s as soft as it looks. How about you get on your knees and I can find out?” (Name) squeaked. Adam still laughed thinking about it. It was adorable the way she blushed so easily.
“Hey!” Adam caught up to (Name). “Want to commit a sin for your next confessional?” He made finger guns at her.
“What? Why would I purposely sin?”
That was another thing about her Adam loved. She didn’t understand dirty jokes.
So was the case for a few years before Adam found his little attraction to (Name) growing out of hand. When he wasn’t turned on by porn anymore, he knew he was screwed. He started jerking off to the thought that (Name) had never been touched and probably had never even touched herself. Maybe he had a bit of a virginity kink.
Unbeknownst to him, (Name) did touch herself, albeit very rarely and she never finished. And when she did touch herself, she imagined Adam, taking her virginity. She didn’t want it to be anyone else. She was sure that if she asked, Adam would say yes in a heartbeat, but she was way too shy to ever bring it up.
Lucky for her, Adam didn’t have the same inhibitions. After a week of jerking off to the thought of her, Adam pulled her aside one day.
“I want to have sex with you.”
(Name) blinked. Adam couldn’t have been more clear.
“I’m a virgin,” she finally responded, thinking it would deter him. He’d had a lot of sex, no doubt, so why would he want someone inexperienced?
Adam rolled his eyes. “Holy fucking shit, I’m sooo surprised.”
There was a moment of silence. Adam groaned, exasperated. “I still want to fuck you. Do you want to fuck me?”
“I mean,” (Name) was as red as a tomato. “I wouldn’t mind you being the one to take it…”
Adam grinned, pinning her against the wall. (Name) choked. “I’ll see you tonight then,” he said sweetly, leaning down to press a quick kiss to her mouth. Then he was gone.
That night, (Name) was so nervous she felt like she might throw up. She was rethinking letting Adam be the one to take her virginity. Gentle wasn’t exactly a word anyone associated with Adam. But once she was outside his door, he opened it without her even knocking, and (Name) accepted that she was in it now. No going back.
“If you’re having second thoughts, you don’t have to do this,” Adam said, like he read her mind.
“No… no I want to, I’m just nervous.” (Name) blushed.
“Well I swear I’ll make it enjoyable for you.” He reached out his hand. “I’m the Dickmaster for a reason.”
(Name) laughed, taking his hand, and he led her to his bedroom.
(Name) was pleasantly surprised how clean Adam’s room was. She wasn’t sure what she’d been expecting but Adam didn’t exactly put off the vibes of having a clean room. It smelled nice too, like men’s soap and cologne.
What he did have was the stereotypical navy blue sheets.
But his bed looked comfy and he had ambient lighting, and he’d definitely set a nice scene for their upcoming activities.
Adam placed a hand on her lower back to gently push her towards the bed because (Name) found that her feet wouldn’t move when her brain commanded it. Heat spread pleasantly through her body at the contact and she briefly realized how touch starved she actually was.
(Name) sat on the edge of the bed while Adam went over to his nightstand and lit a candle. Then he came and sat next to her. “Again,” he said, “I don’t want you to feel like this is a fucking hostage situation. If you’re having any doubts, bail, I won’t be mad.”
He didn’t really seem to believe that she wanted to be there, so (Name) said the boldest thing she’d said in a while. “Kiss me.”
Adam grinned. “Fuck yeah.” He pulled her into his lap and connected their lips almost desperately. This would take a lot of restraint on his end if he didn’t want to scare her off. He was already hard just from her being in his lap.
(Name) was nervous when she could feel Adam’s erection against her thigh. But kissing him was more than enjoyable, so despite her nerves, she had no second thoughts. Adam ran his hands up her back under her shirt, gently stroking the base of her wings.
(Name) shuddered, gripping his shoulders. She was already wet.
Adam’s tongue invaded her mouth and (Name) moaned. To her dismay, Adam pulled back. “Damn, babe, you’re already this worked up and I’ve barely touched you.” (Name)’s face burned. “Shut up,” she scowled. Adam laughed, reconnecting their lips.
They made out for another minute before Adam stood, picking (Name) up with him, turning around and tossing her down on the bed before crawling on top of her. (Name) squeaked and Adam snickered.
He spread her legs and settled between them, covering her body with his as he pressed his lips to hers again. His hand sneaks up her shirt until he reaches her chest, groping her breast. He rolls a nipple between his forefinger and thumb and (Name) moans against his lips.
“Sensitive,” Adam teases. He’s pretty sure she hasn’t stopped blushing since they started. “Just tell me what feels good,” he told her, squeezing her tit. (Name) just nodded wordlessly. Adam took off his own shirt before pulling (Name)’s up and off to make her more comfortable.
“Are you going to take your mask off?”
The question caught Adam off guard. “I wasn’t going to,” he answered after a minute.
“Could you?”
Adam hesitates.
“Come on,” (Name) encourages. “If you’re going to take my virginity I want to see your real face while you do.”
That was a fair point. Reluctantly, Adam reached up and tugged his mask off.
(Name) had never seen him without his mask before, he wore it everywhere. He looked unsure and uncomfortable without it, but he was gorgeous. (Name) reached up and cupped his face in her hands.
“Pretty boy,” she cooed.
It was Adam’s turn to blush, but the compliment made him regain his confidence. He sat back to admire (Name) topless. “Pretty girl,” he retorted, staring at her chest. (Name) moved to cover herself but Adam caught her hands and pinned them to the bed.
Then he slid down so his face was between her tits, peppering them with kisses before taking a nipple into his mouth. (Name) gasped and her back arched. Adam smiled, sucking. He let go of her hands, which immediately found purchase tangled in his hair, and massaged the tit he wasn’t sucking on.
(Name) was making affirming noises as Adam continued his minstrations, only spurring him on. He released her nipple with a wet pop, and moved to the other one. One hand gently held (Name)’s head, while the other began to snake down her stomach towards her core.
He slid his hand under the waistband of her pants and over her underwear, dragging three fingers up and down. (Name) whimpered.
“Fuck, you’re already so wet,” Adam mumbled, releasing her tit. He leaned up and kissed (Name), sneaking his tongue past her lips.
He moved his hand to slide under her panties too and (Name) gasped at the feeling of his fingers against her bare pussy. Adam dragged his fingers up and down and (Name) almost accidentally bit his tongue.
One finger prodded at her opening, testing resistance. Finding none, he slid one slender finger into her. (Name) wasn’t even sure what kind of noise she made. Adam added a second finger and (Name) winced in slight pain. Adam waited a moment for her to adjust before beginning to pump his fingers in and out. His thumb put pressure on her clit.
It quickly became pleasurable, and Adam began scissoring his fingers. When he was sure she was loosened up, he added a third finger and (Name) winced. Three was a new stretch, but the pain mixed with pleasure. Adam leisurely pumped his fingers in and out, pulling out of the kiss so he could lean back and witness her expressions.
(Name) sighed, her body feeling better than it had ever felt in her life. “Adam,” (Name) breathed. Adam grinned. He loved hearing his name. He pulled his fingers out and pulled his hand from her pants, and (Name) whined at the loss.
“Patience,” Adam teased. He knelt back to pull down (Name)’s pants and panties. She crossed her legs once she was bare.
Adam quickly shed his own pants and boxers to keep them on the same level. (Name)’s eyes widened looking at his dick. She had no idea how she was supposed to take that inside her.
Adam smirked. “It’ll only hurt a bit. I’ll be gentle.” He grabbed her ankles and uncrossed her legs, pushing her knees apart.
(Name) felt a small thrill when Adam pressed himself against her. He looked so… angelic above her. He grinded against her and hissed, his self control waning. “Can I?” he asked, and it almost sounded desperate.
Adam smiled and lined himself up with her opening before slowing beginning to sink in. (Name) gasped, tensing up. “Relax,” Adam soothed. “It’ll be easier.” (Name) tried to relax her body. When she did, Adam pushed in further, and as hot pain spread through her groin, she had to focus on keeping her body relaxed.
She managed, and before she knew it, she felt Adam’s hips against hers and realized he had bottomed out. He stayed still, letting her adjust to the stretch. Her face was contorted in pain until he reached a hand down between them and began rubbing her clit. The expression of pain quickly morphed into one of pleasure.
The pleasure completely overpowered the pain and (Name) didn’t feel split in half anymore.
“I’m gonna move,” Adam warned her, his voice gravelly with the effort to remain restrained and not fuck her into the mattress.
(Name)’s arms wound around his shoulders, hands clawing at his back when he began to thrust. Adam held himself up with a hand next to the side of (Name)’s head, slowly rocking his hips. His finger was still circling her clit, so it didn’t take long for his thrusts to become pleasurable too.
“Faster,” (Name) panted. Adam didn’t need to be told twice, roughly snapping his hips. (Name) cried out in pleasure. “Adam!” Adam thrust quickly and deeply, leaning down to kiss (Name) when she cried his name. He kissed her sweetly, as if to make up for the rough pace.
He loved the missionary position because it allowed him to be able to look at her facial expressions while he fucked her. He pulled back to admire her for a minute, his hips never losing their pace. He stared into her eyes and (Name) held the intense eye contact.
Adam’s thrusts started to become sporadic, and he looked away, gritting his teeth. “Fuck, I’m close.” (Name) came suddenly, and how hard she tensed around him pushed Adam over the edge and he came right after her, burying his dick deep inside her and painting her womb.
“Shit, fuck,” he cursed through his orgasm, dropping his forehead against (Name)’s. “I love you,” he panted when he finished. His entire body tensed. (Name) just smiled, running her fingers through his hair. “I love you too.” Adam smiled, leaning down to kiss her.
When he pulled back from the kiss he finally pulled out, and (Name) felt liquids dripping down her inner thighs. Adam kissed her forehead before climbing off of her.
“Wait right here, I’m going to run us a bath.” He disappeared into his connected bathroom, and (Name) panted, coming down, while her ears picked up the sound of running water.
Adam returned a few moments later, scooping (Name) up and off the mattress, bridal-style. (Name) squealed, locking her arms around his neck. Adam lifted her like she weighed nothing. To him, she probably didn’t.
Adam carried her into the bathroom, where he’d drawn up a warm bubble bath. He stepped in, still holding (Name), and sat down, sinking himself and (Name) into the water. She sat in front of him, her back leaned against his chest.
Adam ran his hands up and down her sides before running over her breasts. (Name) shivered, her nipples perking up. Adam pinched them, and (Name) gasped, throwing her head back. Adam attacked her neck, sucking and biting, aiming to leave claim marks.
He pulled back and whispered in her ear, “Round two?”
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kjdkive · 6 months
accidentally revealing you're engaged — CL16
top actress! yn and f1 pilot! charles leclerc 
“you know, chloe, i am very scared of red carpets because it means interviews and questions and i hate them, why can’t we all just watch the premier in peace and in comfy clothes?” you ask your manager. 
“you talk a lot when you’re nervous.” she says. 
“i know and i am sorry.” you tell her. “i get anxious because you never know if they can twist your words. but whatever, i’ll be fine, right? like it’s nothing serious, right, chloe?” 
“we’re here.” chloe replies and waits for one of the bodyguards to open your door and let you walk out. “you’ll be fine.” she says before you get off the car. 
as soon as you get off you hear the screaming from the fans and you run to them so you’re able to take as many pics and sign as many autographs as you can before security tells you to stop. 
but the part that you loved the most is over, now is posing and then interviews. 
“yn! let us see the back of the dress!” you listen to the paparazzis and you turn around. you keep posing the way you’re being asked to, expecting for the pictures to maybe not look perfect but just fine. 
and the posing is over! now it’s the interviews. 
you’re 3 interviews down of 5 to go and your manager and your bodyguard are behind you supporting you, mouthing “you got this!” which makes you laugh. 
“hi, y/n, it’s so nice to meet you. i am kate and i am from know-it-all magazine.” 
you have to be honest, you had never heard from them. 
“hi, kate, nice to meet you too.” you smile at her. 
“i’m loving your dress, it fits perfectly! can you tell us who you’re wearing?” 
“of course, i am wearing a custom-made oscar de la renta which is a huge honour.” 
“are you excited to be here? i mean, you’re probably going to get asked out a lot because you’re a single woman now.” 
“uh, yeah…” what did she just say? this is what you didn’t want to happen, questions that are not normal and that you do not want to answer. 
“can you give a few tips to women who now are after charles?” 
okay. now you didn’t understand what was going on. what the hell is happening? 
“did you just ask me to give tips to women who like charles? as in what he likes and stuff?” 
“yeah, i mean, you broke up.” 
“we broke up?” you ask her, shocked. 
“yeah, that’s what everyone is saying.” she never stops smiling which is creepy and annoying you. 
“can you hold on a second?” you ask and she nods. 
you grab your phone from your pocket because yes, your dress had pockets. right now, a blessing and a curse. your manager was about to stop you but what you were about to do was going to be funny. you scroll a little bit through your phone, dial some number and put it on speaker.
“hey, charles! i’m on an interview and you’re on speaker, okay?” 
“hey, baby, yes, what’s up?” he giggles. “why are you calling me charles, though? did i do something?” 
“i think you did.” you laugh. “did we break up?” 
“what?” he asks, almost yelling. “did we?” he asks now more calmly but confused. 
“i mean, i don’t think so.” 
“as far as i know, babe, we’re engaged so you’re kind of stuck with me.” 
you roll your eyes laughing. 
“i know, right? thanks for letting me know though, i’ll call you later after i’m done, babe.” 
“m’kay, i love you!” 
“love you too, baby, bye!” 
you hang up and you look at the interviewer. 
“does that answer your question?” 
“it totally does. thank you so much, hope you have lots of engaged fun tonight.” 
“i will, thank you.” 
you start walking away from the camera but you hear chloe whisper to the interviewer: “she’s kind and naive but next time, ask better questions. just be thankful for now.” chloe could be a very scary person. 
“i think you’re going to go trending and you’ll also make a lot of money to that magazine.” chloe laughs. “good job.” 
“thanks? i guess.” you look at her. “charles fucked up, though, we were supposed to keep our engagement a secret.”
“you know how he is, he could never keep a secret.”  
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bruisedboys · 1 year
ok so i think about eddie ordering food for shy reader 😭like he so so would. i know it’s a simple thing but he’s be so sweet about like “i got you sweet thing don’t worry about it” 🥹
I want someone to order food for me tbh. like I’d probably start crying
shy!fem!reader 0.7k words
You’re anxious about it before you even get inside the diner.
Talking to strangers is not your strong suit, and waitresses are no exception. You’ll do anything to avoid ordering your own food, even if it means going without something you actually want, because you’re always so scared of messing up, of making a fool of yourself. It’s silly, really. But you can’t help yourself.
Eddie notices your discomfort not long after it begins.
“Y/N.” Eddie’s ringed finger taps your hand where it’s curled around a menu. “What’s up? You feeling okay?”
You look up from your menu, where you’d been scoring it for the option that’s easiest to get your clumsy tongue around, and meet Eddie’s eyes. He’s a mirror of you, gazing right back with his own menu propped up in front of him.
“I feel fine,” you say. It’s half true.
Eddie scrutinises you for a second. He’s gotten very good at reading you and knowing what you’re thinking without you even opening your mouth.
You try not to look like you’re a bubble of anxiety right now. You’re sure it doesn’t work, but after a moment Eddie shrugs.
“If you say so, babe.” His eyes fall to your menu and he tilts his forehead towards it. “What looks good, hm? What d’you feel like?”
You turn back to your menu. “Maybe the waffles?” You say unsurely. “I don’t know. There’s so much to choose from.”
Eddie hums, his fingers tap tap tapping on the shiny table surface. You watch him put his chin in one hand, elbow propped up in front of him, a dangly bracelet hanging from his wrist. He’s so pretty, so effortlessly cool. You sometimes wish you had his level of coolness. If you ever told him that he’d first, get a huge ego boost and second, tell you you’re way cooler than him and totally out of his league. So not true, you think.
“Waffles sounds good,” Eddie’s saying thoughtfully. “Did you want to get a milkshake, too?” He grins suddenly and meets your eyes. “They have Oreo.”
Your heart does a little stutter at the fact that he always remembers your favourites of everything. Favourite colour, favourite place for takeout, favourite milkshake flavour.
“Yeah, okay,” you agree, smiling big. He’s maybe the sweetest boy you’ve ever met. You forget all about your predicament for a moment.
The moment doesn’t last long. A waitress appears at your table, ready to take your orders.
“What can I get you two today?” She asks sweetly.
There’s no reason to be nervous, there really isn’t, but you can’t help it. Your heart starts pounding like crazy. You’re hastily going through your order in your head, trying to memorise it so you don’t get tongue-twisted, when Eddie beats you to it.
“Uh, okay, I’ll have the hot fudge cake, please,” he says casually, lifting his chin from where it was resting in his hand. Then he gestures to you, elbow braced on the table. “And she’ll have … the waffles, right, babe?”
He’s looking at you, smiling softly. His brown eyes all sweet and understanding. You’re stunned, but not surprised. Because of course he’s figured out what’s bothering you and saved you from it, without even having to ask. You nod soundlessly and offer the waitress a weak smile.
She jots down the orders and smiles at both of you. “Anything else?”
“Oh yeah, one Oreo milkshake, please,” Eddie adds with a grin, winking at you across the table. “Thanks a lot.”
The waitress takes your menus and you watch her go. Your heart’s still thumping, but you’re not sure if it’s the lingering anxiety or your complete and utter infatuation with your boyfriend. You’d put your bets on the second.
You turn back to said boyfriend and give him your best, most grateful smile.
“Thanks, Eds,” you say quietly. You try to sound as grateful as you feel. It makes your words all sticky and sweet. Lovesick, almost. You can’t bring yourself to be embarrassed about it.
Eddie grins and reaches across the table to take your hand in his. His rings are warm against your skin, his thumb warmer as it rubs over the back of your hand.
“Don’t worry about it, sweet thing,” he says. He pushes his fingers between yours, the heels of your hand pressing together on the table. “I got you.”
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maitadori · 1 year
WEAK WILLED CLOUD KNIGHT pt. 2 sfw. blade x fem!reader.
word count : 1.9k
part one. part two. part three
summary : you finally come across blade once more after avoiding him, his will is strong, and he still seeks his prize.
a/n: PART 3 WILL BE NSFW!!!!
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you fiddled with your hands nervously, yanqing let you know that jing yuan wanted to meet you, now you stood outside his door, scared and anxious. it was only a couple days after the incident with blade, and you had a feeling that jing yuan’s conversation would end up pertaining to that.
you tried shooing away your nerves, taking a deep breath in and exhaling before you knocked. 
“state your name and business.” jing yuan drawled. to any other person that wasn’t you, or his other counterparts like fu xuan or yanqing, they’d probably think everything was normal, but you noticed the exhaustion in his voice. he was probably about to doze off before you arrived.
“it’s [name], sir. you called me here?” you asked, unsure.
he hummed in affirmation, “come in.”
you walked in, making sure to shut the door behind you. a smile curled on your lips as you jokingly chided jing yuan, “no sleeping on the job, general.” you made a small note of how you were starting to sound like blade (he just couldn’t seem to leave you alone, even in your thoughts).
jing yuan smiled, “you caught me just before my daily doze. anyways,” he gestured to the seat in front of him, “sit. i wanna talk to you.”
you sat as told, really hoping your nerves weren’t too apparent.
“is there something wrong, general?”
“not necessarily, but it is about the stellaron hunters.” 
you quickly became skittish in your seat, shuffling around under the guise of getting comfortable as you avoided eye contact. 
you were no fool to jing yuan’s observing eye, you were sure he could see right through you. you were lucky he trusted you so much, for he didn’t push the issue, or he didn’t notice— which you both knew wasn’t the case.
“you remember those three that came from the astral express, correct?”
“yes, the ones who proposed to help us.”
“well, they caught one of the stellaron hunters, kafka. fu xuan will be using her matrix of prescience on her later tonight. the astral express crew along with tingyun will be there, i’d like if you’d accompany them.”
your pupils shrunk. “me?” you stammered, pointing at yourself as if in disbelief, which you were.
“i don’t see anyone else in here,” he answered back teasingly.
“but i don’t understand…” you faltered. your fumble with blade was a serious concern for everyone in the cloud knights, including jing yuan. he proposed to have someone else take your position as blade’s watchman, which you accepted without hesitation.
i mean you quite literally agreed to kissing the man, how could you face him after that? you swore to yourself that everything that transpired was just the both of you acting in the heat of the moment (yet blade blatantly saying he liked you played on a loop in your head).
“you have unfinished business don’t you?” jing yuan asked, a sly lilt to his voice, as if he knew something you didn’t. it made you anxious.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.” you say, a bit nervous. 
what business do you have with kafka? other than the man you’d rather not think about, the stellaron hunters had nothing to do with you outside of ensuring their capture.
maybe there was something jing yuan wanted you to experience. you tried to convince yourself this was him acting as your general and not a friend, it made you feel a bit better.
“you know where fu xuan will be, i suggest you make haste.”
you made it just in time, for you arrived just as fu xuan begin using matrix of prescience. you stopped abruptly, eyes traveling to your other companions before you tuned your focus in on kafka. 
even though she was in the hands of the remarkable fu xuan, she seemed as calm as ever. her feet lifted from the ground as she slowly rose in the air, a factor of fu xuan’s work.
your gaze flickered to fu xuan, and whatever she was seeing seemed to make her stunned. she pushed herself further, eyeing kafka’s grin with a glare. the gem on fu xuan’s forehead glowed brighter and she flinched back harshly with a gasp. she tried her best to regain her breath as her eye stayed glued to kafka.
“that’s.. why you’re here? all for that…?”
“well, not what you were expecting?” kafka asks.
fu xuan spared her a mere glance before she started to run off, not hesitating to get to jing yuan.
“what? fu xuan what’d you see?!” you called out to her distant figure.
“ask her yourself! i have to let the general know about this!”
you watched her figure as it decreased in size. you turned back to see stelle already approaching her. you knew jing yuan would fill you in on the details, but you couldn’t help but let your curiosity make you antsy. 
not only that, but stelle seemed to be having an irritatingly long conversation with kafka. you eyed them and still, even now, questioned what your purpose was for being sent here.
kafka spoke in a voice that you were able to hear, “it’s begun.”
before you could question what you mean you shrieked in surprise as a strong rumbling nearly tumbled you off of your feet. “what the hell?” you muttered.
you stabilized your stance and gasped in shock as you watched the ambrosial arbor grow in size, a sight you’d never had the privilege to witness until this moment.
kafka decided that was the perfect distraction to make her escape.
“hey, hold on!” you took notice immediately, running to reprimand her. before you you could get close, a man suddenly jumped down to defend her, brandishing his weapon in your direction.
your eyes widened as you made eye contact with a familiar face. his eyes clashed with yours and the tremble of your hands returned tenfold.
“come on bladie, two more places to visit,” kafka spoke up.
“gimme a second.” blade said, stalking closer to you, causing you to flinch. “[name], you owe me.” blade told you simply, his face blank as he stared at you— he swung his weapon to hold it behind him— you flushed at the mention of your agreement.
“oh?” kafka perked up, smiling as she eyed the both of you.
“no… all that happened… was just me being too deep in the moment.” you balled your hand into a fist, the other gripping your weapon tighter. you decided now was the best time to bury whatever nonsense you felt for him. is this why jing yuan sent you? did he predict this would happen? does that mean he knew all along?
the assumption made you feel slightly sick— guessing that jing yuan set this up to force you to confront your feelings, it made you lightheaded.
blade could only blink at your words, his face was still devoid of any expression. you shuffled anxiously, his lack of response making you nervous. he then nodded, speaking lightly, “you’re right, i guess i was just too into the moment as well.”
you felt your heart stutter in your rib cage, and suddenly your confident demeanor faltered. you barely noticed the change in your expression, but blade did, and he finally smiled— or smirked. he stepped closer to you, using his index finger to tip up your chin.
“you basically tell me that this meant nothing to you but get upset when i say it back. you’re such a hypocrite.. so cute.” he trailed off mumbling as he leaned into your face.
“i’m not…” you denied, “i don’t care. i don’t… i don’t like you..” you try to say confidently, yet with a trembling voice. you knew you weren’t convincing, yet you could only hope you were.
even then, you couldn’t stop the pull of weight on your eyelids as his face ventured closer. he was definitely putting some type of spell on you. you couldn’t bear acknowledging that you liked this man on your own will.
“my plan worked, didn’t it? you owe me that kiss. unless, you know. it was just us being in the moment.” blade backed up a little, obviously provoking you.
“no!” you exclaimed hastily, gasping covering your mouth once you realized. blade’s lips adorned that familiar smirk and you shrunk. “i.. i mean.. whatever, it’s not like i care.”
“hurry it up you two, we don’t have all day, blade.” as much as kafka liked seeing blade so expressive, she didn’t like wasting time.
“i’m gonna kiss you, okay?” he gripped your chin and decreased the space between you two before you could even conjure up a response. you didn’t have time to squeeze your eyes shut before your lips locked with his. 
kafka turned the other way with an exasperated sigh, willing to give you both a semblance of privacy.
all of your defiance and denial meant nothing now, you were blatantly attracted to him, and it was embarrassing how quick you melted into him. his kiss was somewhat harsh— yet passionate— he kissed you as if he was trying to devour you whole. it was shocking, yet so like him.
his hand moved to the back of your head to keep you in place and move you about as he liked as he deepened the kiss. you weren’t new to this, but you were most definitely inexperienced. yet, the feeling of blade surrounding you as he took your lips over and over again had you easing into it naturally. 
“blade..! wait..!!” you tried to pull away, in desperate need of air. blade couldn’t bother to listen, you’ve kept him waiting for way too long, he wasn’t taking his precious time with you for granted. he’d only grant you a second of reprieve before he was nibbling on your lips once more. your knuckles were paling due to your harsh grip on his clothes.
“no way..” he muttered between kisses, harsh grip on your face. “you avoided me, so now i’m getting my compensation.”
the kiss lasted for a little longer, becoming a little too heated for your liking. blade’s tongue swiped across your lips and you squeaked. he finally pulled away, but not before biting your bottom lip. you gasped in surprise, and he watched as you tried your best to catch your breath. his eyes were full of adoration as he spoke, “i’m a free man now, so i can visit you whenever i please. keep your door unlocked.” he gave you one last peck on the lips before diving after kafka.
“n..no way..” you brought your fingers to your flushed, swollen lips. “i cant believe.. i actually kissed him..”
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you crossed your arms in frustration, looking at the hologram of jing yuan. 
“you knew didn’t you?”
he could only smirk softly. “my subordinates told me he wouldn’t shut up about you, plus whenever i even said the word ‘stellaron’ you would jump. you’re a horrible liar.”
“if you knew… why didn’t you do anything? i almost kissed a former criminal, you know?”
“he’s no longer a criminal now, since we’re aware his goals don’t clash with ours. also what do you mean ‘almost’? seems like you kissed him to me… was he trying to eat you?” jing yuan asked innocently, even though you both knew he was trying to rile you up. good for him, because fortunately, it worked.
“s-shut your goddamn mouth!” you swiped a hand over your lips, your other fist balled up in anger. “when i see you in person i’m gonna fucking strangle you!”
taglist : @96jnie @btshoetaehyung27 @caesadele @altusha @twinkdrakez you all asked for part two so i decided to make you part of the taglist, hope you enjoy!!!!
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strang3lov3 · 1 month
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Roman Roy x f!reader (6.1k)
Summary - Roman will increase your raise substantially, so long as you don't lose his game.
Tags - 18+ smut mdni, harassment, manipulation, coercion, dubcon, blowjobs, fingering, oral, brief ass eating and play, unprotected piv, rough sex, creampie, reader has a bush but is otherwise not described, roman is dominant because i like him that way, reader has a sick cat.
A/N - hello Roman readers!! it's been a while, but I hope to write a little more of him for you this summer. Thank you for being patient with me and for all of the love and support on Invisible Line . Enjoy the smut my friends
Graciously edited by my love @noxturnalpascal <3
You’re sitting at Roman’s desk, staring at the back of his monitor, counting the number of pens in his cup. You wonder how much he actually writes with them, if he has a favorite and which one it could be. Roman’s making you wait on him, just because he can. He likes to watch you squirm. He’s got an analog clock on the wall that ticks loudly, something he probably hand picked himself. Obnoxious, just like him. 
It’s been about a year of you working at Waystar, a year of putting up with Roman’s antics. It started with some light hazing, as others called it. Roman would humiliate you in meetings, going out of his way to make your day worse. He’d stick a leg out in the aisle of his jet to trip your feet, scuff your pretty heels you worked so hard saving up for. Most bullies get a rise out of their victim’s reaction, but Roman always seemed equally amused by your lack of one. He was relentless, and his tormenting only escalated as time went on. Pinching your ass cheek in a crowded elevator, groping you on the jet, whispering vulgar things in your ear. Roman, ever the walking sexual harassment lawsuit, but nothing you can’t handle. He seems to know this too. 
He’s harmless, after all. Gossip is rich at Waystar Royco, especially when it comes to the family. Kendall went on another bender, Logan’s pissing in closets and losing it, Roman can’t get it up - scared of pussy, always has been, always will be. You’d heard it all before, so you know that all of his touching, inappropriate sexual remarks, they’re just a façade. But yet, you’re not immune to the anxiety he invokes within you. Your heart pounds when Roman enters the room, pounds harder when he locks the door behind him. You feel the pulse between your thighs. 
Roman takes a seat across from you at his desk, papers in hand, and taps the edge of them on the wood to line them up. Your legs are crossed, you’re wiggling your ankle. Anxious tic. “Are you nervous?” he asks. “You don’t have to be. It’s just me and you, you and me. Nothing to be nervous about.”
“I know,” you reply quietly.   
“Cool. So I’m gonna start us off. You’ve been here for uhhh….” Roman hums, thinking, “Little over a year now, so congratulations are in order. So congrats,” he says, motioning to you with the papers in his hand. 
“Thank you,” you say.
Roman continues, “It’s been nice having you here, for a number of reasons. Number of reasons,” he smirks, his voice a little lower. You shift uncomfortably in your seat when he glances at you through his eyebrows, still mostly looking down at his papers. “I like having you here, a lot. I do,” Roman says. He’s throwing you off though,  and you know he’s trying to make you second guess yourself, walk on eggshells around him. And it works. “It’s just…I don’t know. Not that impressed with your performance lately.” 
“Okay…Why, exactly?”
“You tell me.”
Roman’s good at what he’s doing. He knows exactly the kind of inflection in his tone he needs to take to really get under your skin, make you pick at your nails a little more urgently, tug at that loose string in your skirt until it breaks. Roman likes you - really, he does. You’re quiet, you do as you’re told, you’re maybe a little meek for his taste, but there’s worse things than that. He had a conversation with you recently on the plane and got to know you a little better. 
During the flight he’d noticed the cat photo on your phone’s lock screen and asked about it. “Who’s this?” 
“Artie,” you replied. “He’s my baby. He’s a sick old man, but he’s my baby.”
“Sick? How sick?”
You shrugged, not really wanting to get into it entirely. It’s difficult to think about. “He’s getting uncomfortable. He’s got a few years left in him, I think, but he’s got some stuff going on. I take him in for these treatments every two weeks, and they’re getting too expensive. And he’s got teeth issues, so he’s in pain. And just - none of it’s affordable, so I’m considering…I don’t know. You know.” 
Roman nodded sympathetically, then asked what vet’s office you take Artie to. You stifled your laugh when he told you that he always considered himself a cat person. Roman, a cat person. It’s hard to think of him as an actual human at times, bizarre to think of him as a human that could identify with any sort of animal. If anything, you would have guessed he’d associate with a snake. Bearded dragon, maybe. You don’t know.
 “Seriously, I love ‘em,” he explained, “Dogs are just so in your face, you know? I don’t know. They’re fine, I guess. One of god’s creatures. I’ve just always liked cats.”
“Didn’t know that,” you replied with a small smile. 
“You do now,” he said. He was a little too close for comfort, sitting next to you bicep to bicep, thigh to thigh. Roman whispered, “I can help you, if you ask for it.”
“Ask for what?”
“You know. You’ve got an anniversary coming up, yeah? Usually means a raise. What do you think, would five percent be enough? Take care of your kitty cat and a little extra for you?” Your eyes lit up at that and you nodded excitedly. “I need you to ask.” 
“Can I have…” Nervous it might be a trap, you trail off, but Roman raised his eyebrows and nodded, encouraged to go on. It felt less like a trap than normal, though. “Five percent?”
“Oh, it’d be my pleasure. We’ll have a performance meeting here soon, we’ll bang it all out,” Roman squeezes your thigh a couple of times, you don’t even jump like you usually do when he touches you and flirts. “Yeah?”
You tell me.
You’re caught off guard, zero clue what Roman could be referring to. “I don’t - you - what did I do?” your voice comes out shakier, more defensive than you intended.
“Hey, relax. Just you and me, like I said. It’ll be fine.” Roman waits for you to reply, but you’re silent. “It’s not a big deal, really, and it’s fixable. You know, with discipline and all that. I’ve just noticed you’ve got quite the habit of sneaking off to the supply closet? Hours at a time, sometimes, and always when I need you most. What is it you’re doing in there?”
Still silent. Moreso now, as if that’s even possible, because you know exactly what Roman’s talking about. You wonder how much he knows, if he’s heard or - god forbid - seen anything. You’re not going to talk about it.
“That’s fine,” Roman says, “Don’t tell me. Anyway, I see here you’re asking for a five percent raise, the best I can do is one and a half. Insulting, I know, but - well - you know, keep up the hard work. I’m sure you’ll get there.”
“But the plane,” you argue, “Roman, you told me to ask for five.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not - ugh -” he groans then, an exaggerated groan, like he’s really trying to sell it. You shouldn’t have trusted him on the plane, you should’ve known he’d fuck you. He always fucks you, he fucks everyone. “I’m not happy about this either. I think you deserve your five percent. Fuck it, I think you deserve ten. But my hands are tied.”
“But they’re not, Roman, you said–”
“I know what I said, but I told you: you’re dropping the ball, and I just don’t feel that you deserve that five percent anymore. Don’t think it’s representative of the kind of work you’ve been doing here.”  
Roman stares at you from across his desk, putting on his own pouty face to mock yours. You feel disappointed, both in him and in yourself. Dejected. It’s your own fault, for two reasons: A, trusting Roman to throw you a bone and B, getting called out for the closet thing. He stands up, tapping fingers on his desk as he rounds it to sit in the chair next to you and puts a hand on your thigh, always with the hand on your thigh. You’re almost used to it. He says, “You’re upset. I know. I’m sorry. But some raise is better than no raise, right?” with a squeeze to your flesh.
“Yeah. I guess. Was just excited, you and I…we talked about this,” you whisper. Poor Artie. You had told him excitedly that he’s gonna start having good days again. Good thing cats don’t speak English.
“I know. I don’t - yeah, I don’t know. That was before though, wasn’t it? Maybe if you tell me what you’ve been doing in that supply closet I’ll wiggle a bit.” Roman looks at you quietly, a sly smirk on his lips, still drumming his fingers against the top of his desk as he allows you time to explain yourself. When the silence hangs long enough, he decides to switch gears. He bends down and lifts your leg up onto his lap, escalating those touches of his again. “Nice heels. I like these on you,” he says. 
“Thank you,” you mumble cautiously. Is that it? Is the meeting over? He brought you in here just to tell you that your raise might as well be nothing at all, and then what? He’s turning your foot in his hand, now, and you’re tensing up with his touch. 
“Sure.” Roman says. He doesn’t ask permission when he pulls the shoe off, exposing your foot - he’d never ask permission. With his pointer finger, he traces your skin, starting at your heel, tracing up, up, he watches your toes curl as he follows the curve of each one. He tells you he likes the way your toes are pedicured.
“Roman,” you protest, trying to pull your foot from his grip. Roman ignores you and squeezes your ankle tightly with his other hand as he continues to touch your skin. 
“You’re ticklish,” he says, now tracing the length of the bottom of your foot. You’re wiggling and fighting not to kick him but you do, accidentally. You kick harder than you expected, certainly harder than Roman expected as well. This much is evident when he lets out a surprised noise, a groan of pain, and chuckles at that.  “Alright, alright, don’t hurt me. I’ll stop.” 
Stop tickling you, maybe. But he’s not done touching you, oh not at all. He pulls on your other leg and brings it to his lap, rolls your chair until it’s as close as can be, flush with his legs. He sits your feet on top of the arm rests of his chair and his hands are traveling up your legs now, fingers skating over your kneecaps and you jolt again, one of your shins hit the hardwood of his desk and you suck a sharp breath through your teeth. “You’re ticklish here, too?” Roman asks, circling your knee with his middle and forefingers. His question is answered when you squirm and shimmy in your seat, reaching to pry his hands away as you bite down on your lip to hide the smile that betrays you. “Wow. Sensitive, very sensitive. Are you sensitive everywhere?”
One of his hands is climbing up your thigh now, his fingertips hidden beneath the fabric of your skirt. You look over her shoulder, then hear the click of Roman hitting a button on his remote. Shades descend down the vast planes of his indoor windows, concealing you and Roman in privacy. 
Not that there’s many people in the office, anyway. Your stomach drops and your heart pounds loudly, loud enough that Roman might hear if it weren’t for your heavy breathing, made up of fear, arousal, anticipation. You face Roman again and the sun is setting behind him, there’s not much light on his face and he looks almost like a movie in black and white. Fuck, he’s so sexy like this, sleeves rolled up and his small, crooked smirk. He’s gorgeous, with his longish strands of dark hair, his eyes that flicker between colors of hazel and green, now darkened nearly black. He taps you, “Hey, you. I asked you something.”
“Y-yeah, I’m ticklish,” you stutter.
“Well duh, I know you’re ticklish, look–” Roman reaches behind himself to tickle your foot again, and he catches your ankle when you try to kick him away. Your foot goes right back where he wants it. “I asked if you’re sensitive. Sensitive like, what’re you gonna do if my hand goes up your skirt?”
“Roman, what are you–”
“Nothing you don’t want me to do.” he interrupts. Roman continues, “Maybe my hands aren’t as tied as we thought. I could get you that ten percent, if you’d let me.” 
With one hand drawing lazy patterns on your bare thigh, the other is unbuckling his belt, the sound is unmistakable. He’s palming his bulge through his Calvin Klein briefs, groaning as he does so. Then he pulls his cock out, where it springs up against his tummy. You must look shocked or scared by this, because Roman tells you to relax. “I’m not doing anything. You don’t have to suck me off, I don’t even have to fuck you. I probably will, though. It’s easy.”
“What’s easy?”
“What I’m gonna do to you,” he says plainly. He continues, “If you let me have my way with you, toy with you for as long as I’d like, however I like, I’ll get you your ten percent. Promise. I know it’s like, super off the books, but…more fun this way, I think. And you’d agree too, wouldn’t you?”
“Roman, we’re gonna…we’re gonna get in trouble, Roman,” you caution.  
“But you don’t disagree, though.” 
“We’re going to get in trouble,” you repeat.
“Only if you tattle. And you’re not gonna tattle on me, are you? ‘Cause that would be stupid. You know what’d happen - they’d ask if I harassed you, and you’d say yes, of course, because you know I love to. They’d ask you how long it’s been going on for, da da da. You know. But then–” Roman pushes your knees apart, opening you up wide for him and your skirt bunches up at the top of your thighs, “I’ll tell them how you spread your legs for me, how you moaned for me - ‘cause you will. Oh, I’ll make you. And I’ll tell them how you wanted it this way. Always wanted it this way, didn’t you?” he asks. “You can be honest.”
Your body will do nothing if not betray you. You nod, because you’ve fantasized about this. Oh, you’ve fantasized about all of this, about Roman. And they’re never normal fantasies, always the dirtiest and most shameful. Roman fucking you against a window he masturbates on, people below could watch if they wanted. Roman hitting you, hurting you. Teasing you. Making you cry, then kissing away your tears. You’ll squeeze your legs together on the plane when you think of these things, often sitting across from Roman or right next to him. Slip away when you need relief, desperately dance your fingers around your clit. Roman always watches you after you emerge from your hiding place, like he knows, like he can smell it on you.“Yeah, I know. This’ll be fun then. Lotta fun.” 
Roman brings one of your feet to his lips and kisses it, kisses up your ankle and your leg, his stubble brushing and scratching against your skin. Remembering his rule, that he’ll do as he pleases and that you just have to take it, you ask him, “What are you, oh fuck–” you gasp and moan when he sucks on a spot near your inner knee, an area you didn’t even know could feel that way. “What are you gonna do to me?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” he taunts. He kisses your other leg, swirling his tongue in circles on your skin. “Whatever I want, that’s what I’m gonna do to you. Does that answer your question?”  
Roman bends forward, wriggles his hands beneath your skirt and paws at your hips until he hooks his fingers into the fabric of your panties, then pulls them down and off your legs. He admires his work, seeing as they’re already slick with your arousal. “Wet for me already,” he comments, sniffing your panties before tucking them away. You’re embarrassed by that, heat creeps up your neck and paints your cheeks. Roman continues, “But yeah, I don’t know, though, to answer your question. What do you think I’m gonna do to you?” 
“Touch me,” you breathe. You’re not sure if it’s an answer to his question or a demand. Roman smiles at your desperation.
“Well yeah, of course I’m gonna touch you. I’ll touch you more than I touch myself, and you know that’s a lot. You should probably be scared.” 
Roman inches closer, placing one of his hands on top of the back of your chair, caging you in. He has such a way of making you feel so small. A hand sneaks between your thighs, where he first toys with your tuft of curls, dampened by your arousal. “How nice. You shaved for me.”
He dips his fingers between your lips, dragging them through your slickened folds. You’re sighing, your head falling back against your chair as you finally feel him where you’ve been needing him most. You’re so wet, he notices, parting your flesh. Wet enough that as he touches you lightly, just teasing, your cunt makes sticky, lewd noises for him. He dips a finger inside you, circles your clit with his thumb to see what he’s working with. He wants to know how easily you moan, how he can make you whimper. He wants to find out just how sensitive you are really. You’re loud, despite your fighting to keep quiet. Roman hushes you, “Shhhh. Are you always this loud? Or is it just for me?” 
You’re already close and he knows this by the way your clit twitches under his thumb, how your cunt is beginning to pulse and squeeze his knuckles. “Just for me,” he mumbles under his breath. He clears his throat before speaking, “One - one little caveat though, sweetheart, and I think you’ll wanna listen.”
“I’m listening,” you rasp. Roman’s movements never falter, but you’re not even conscious of the way you’re frantically holding his wrist. Don’t stop, don’t stop. 
“If you come, you’re not getting a raise.” 
You lift your head to look at Roman. “What?”
“What?” He mocks you. “Yeah,” he says, “Double or nothing. I’ll double your ask if you’re good and if you don’t come. Or - er…I mean, you’re getting one and a half percent, and a jump to ten would be…” Roman does the math in his head, “Like, six point six repeating. So technically, sextuple or nothing but fucking…whatever. Isn’t that fitting, sextuple?”
“You come on my fingers, tongue, cock and you get…nothing at all. It’s a game, it’s a fun game. Fun for me, at least.”
Roman continues to tease you. You stare at him for a moment, when the eye contact becomes too intense you drop your eyes to your lap, staring at the fabric of your skirt that dances with his movements. 
“Look–” he says, “You can tap out if you want. Take your one and a half percent and be on your way. You know I’m not gonna force you to do anything.” 
Roman changes the angle a bit, curls his fingers until he finds that spot that makes you gasp and shudder. He hums in amusement as you squirm and bite back a moan. “Roman, I’m gonna, I’m gonna,” you pant, “I need a second, Roman.”
Roman stops, to your surprise. You didn’t really expect him to. “Works out, actually, because I need a moment to think about what I’m gonna do to you. On your knees for me, sweetheart, come on,” He reaches to help you move, your slick on his fingertips now on your legs. Once you’re on your knees for him, just how he wanted. He pumps his cock a couple of times and reaches with his free hand to take you by the chin, guiding you to where he wants you. “There you go - good girl. Good girl.” 
He keeps a hand on your head, urging you lower until the tip of his cock breaches your lips. You swirl your tongue around the head a couple of times to tease him, but Roman doesn’t have it. “Nuh-uh, cut that out. No teasing, down you go,” he says, pushing your head down on his cock. “Down. Hand goes here,” Roman reaches for one of your hands and spits in it before guiding it to the base of his cock where he wraps his fingers around yours. He twists your hand for you as he keeps a firm pressure on your scalp, encouraging you to take him deep. You whimper and sputter on his cock, it’s too much yet. He’s thick and long, filling your mouth entirely. “Can’t, Roman, it’s too much,” you whine.
“Oh, come on. Yes you can,” Roman pushes himself into your mouth once more, controlling the pace to his liking though it’s still too much for you and he knows it, he can feel it when he bucks his hips, cock hitting the back of your throat and you gag. “I think you’ll get used to it.”
But you don’t. Roman fucks himself deep into your mouth and your eyes prick with tears, your jaw is so sore already. You wonder if he’s even thinking about what he’s gonna do to you, like he said he would. He doesn’t appear to be, not with the way his eyes are rolling back and his brows are furrowed together as he moans softly. He squeezes your hand, reminding you to put it to use. “Look at you,” he says, holding the side of your face and skating his thumb over your cheekbone, you’d almost call it tender. “God, you’re good at this. I think you’re made for this, don’t you?” You bob your head, trace your tongue along the veins of his shaft and Roman answers his own question, “You are.” 
Your jaw is still sore with the newness of it all, but you’re finally about used to the feeling when Roman pulls you off of his cock. His eyes are bright and excited, he wears a mischievous smirk as he pulls on your swollen, wet lips with his thumb. Roman takes your hands and pulls you to your feet at the same time as he stands up from his chair, he leads you to his couch and sits you on the armrest as he unbuttons your shirt, unhooks your bra. He holds your torso in both of his hands, breathing heavily as they travel up, up, where he cups your breasts, teasing your nipples with his fingers. Pinching and rolling one, flicking the other. “You are sensitive, aren’t you? I bet I could make you come like this. Maybe I’ll try.”
“Roman, please don’t.”
Roman tilts his head in amusement. “Really not your call, but I won’t, sweetheart. Maybe next time. Open your mouth for me.”
 Roman reaches into his pocket and pulls out your worn panties. He stuffs them in your mouth, the cotton is rough on your tongue but you can still taste your own arousal. “I guess you’re not always so quiet, huh? Didn’t know you could make so much noise. Just had to wiggle it out of you. I’ll keep it in mind,” he comments, loosening his necktie now. Once loosened, he turns you around and presses a kiss to the blade of your shoulder. “This–” he says, tying the silk around your wrists, “Is so you can’t cheat and push me away. You are going to lie here and you are going to take what I give you, and you’re playing by the rules. No coming, I mean - not unless you wanna lose your raise. It is all up to you, my darling.” Roman pushes you down then, your face in the cushions of the couch as he pulls your hips back, putting you right where he wants you. “And don’t try lying to me, either, telling me you didn’t come. I’ll know. I know the noises you make, and I’ve watched you come. You’re very obvious.”
You let out a muffled noise of surprise at that. Roman chuckles. 
“Yeah, I was waiting to see if you’d fess up to what you do on your little supply runs. Been getting off to it actually, you know? Cameras everywhere. You put on a nice little show for me.”
Well, fuck. Cat’s out of the bag. Has been actually, if Roman’s telling the truth, and you know he is.  
“Yeah, no. It was odd. It was last week, and you were in my office doing whatever it is that you do. And then I came in all sweaty from my workout, I don’t know. You gave me this sort of deer in the headlights look and ran off, something about needing new Sharpies. And I just found it odd for just a…just a couple of reasons, you know? Like one, I like Sharpies, those slutty little pens. So I keep them around, and two, you have an iPad. You don’t use Sharpies.” Roman finds the zipper on the side of your skirt, pulls it down slowly before pulling the skirt off of you entirely, tossing it behind him. You’re bare for him now, all exposed and your arms tied tightly behind you. “So I mosey on down to security, and I’m just curious. Naturally, of course. I take a seat and I flip through the channels until I find you in your closet and sure as shit, you’re fucking yourself. And those cameras have mics too, so I hear everything. Roman, oh Roman,” he mocks. “That was my favorite part. All pathetic and desperate for me, music to my ears. I must really do it for you, don’t I? When I’m all sweaty and gross. You’re a freak, huh? My favorite little pornstar, and you didn’t even know it.”
You feel him move behind you, anticipating the feeling of his cock breaching your entrance. But the feeling never comes. Instead, you hear the small crack of his joints as Roman kneels behind you. You let out a muffled gasp when you finally feel him touch you, his big hands squeezing your ass cheeks before he spreads you apart, spitting on your hole. How vulnerable you must feel, Roman wonders. He wonders how much you trust him, if at all. Now you’re gonna have to.
You first feel his tongue circling your tight hole, then he presses a few kisses there, all wet and sloppy. He dips his tongue inside you and you squirm a bit at the unfamiliar sensation. It’s different and unexpected, especially coming from Roman. 
He pulls away from you momentarily, “I know. I promise I’ll get you off soon,” and you feel him smirking against you before swirling his tongue one last time around your hole, and then his lips travel lower. He’s kissing at your slick folds now, dipping his tongue inside your wet heat as he inhales you, your sweet arousal. He traces you with his tongue, just for fun, just for a moment before finding your clit, sucking and licking at the sensitive bud. 
He doesn’t eat you the way he should. He doesn’t savor you, there’s no love in it. Passion, determination, sure - but no love. His tongue and lips on your clit is not something he’s doing for you, it’s something he’s doing to you, for his own amusement. It’s all aggression, all fingernails cutting into your skin under his bruising grip, a relentless assault on your sex. His scruff scratches your inner thighs and rubs you raw, you’ll be feeling him for days after, skin burning under the lather of your lavender scented soap in the shower. And worst of all, you fucking love it. There’s nothing you can do about it, and you fucking love it. Even in your fantasies, all those midday supply closet visits, you always knew it’d be like this. No tenderness or adoration, not from broken Roman and certainly not like this. You wouldn’t have it any other way. 
You’re moaning something but you don’t know what, not with your own panties shoved down your throat. Roman thinks it’s his name, he thinks he can hear the two syllables. He keeps you still, held tight in his grip so that you can’t writhe and grind against his mouth and take control of your pleasure like he knows you’re trying to do. Like Roman said, you’re gonna take it. You’re gonna feel his perfect, pointed nose tease that space he just fucked with his tongue. Feel his lips lap at your poor, swollen clit. He eats you voraciously, consumes you whole and you’re beginning to see stars.
Roman intently listens to all those different noises you’re making. Muffled cries and those wet, lewd sounds of your cunt being licked, sucked, kissed, lapped. And he can feel your thighs twitching with your impending release, “Don’t come,” he reminds you in a singsong tone. “I’m not gonna stop this time. Don’t come.”
Your groan of frustration is muffled too, but unmistakable all the same. Only when Roman’s jaw and his tongue begin to tire does he finally relent, pulling away from your body but not before he kisses and bites your ass cheek right where it meets your thigh. Roman stands then, pumps his cock a couple of times with his fist before he lines up with your entrance, notching himself inside you. He offers no warning before burying himself in you unceremoniously, splitting you in two. You cry out, balling your bound fists. In a small gesture of kindness, Roman reaches for your hands and squeezes, rubs his thumb comfortingly over your palm as he allows you just a moment to get used to the stretch and the ache. When the tension dissipates and your fingers relax, he pulls out of you all the way and pushes himself right back in, even harder and faster than before. “God, you’re fuckin’ tight.”
He fucks you slow at first, searching for the right pace and angle to make you squirm. You arch your back and keen into the sensation, then quickly pull away as you realize you’ve given him another tell. But Roman’s attentive. With your sweet spot now in mind, he sets a quick pace with a zealous snapping of his hips, his neatly trimmed tuft of pubic hair rubs against your ass. He works a hand between you and his couch, pressing his fingertips against your clit and using his thrusts to stimulate it. He gives you his all and you can do nothing but take it, take him. “Fuck,” he pants, circling your asshole with his thumb before pressing it inside. “Oh, fuck. Tough nut to crack, aren’t you? I’ll get there. I’ll break you, just you wait.”
It’s not easy, and knowing what you’re not supposed to do. And it’s what Roman’s not trying to do that makes it all the more impossible. He’s fucking loud, all whines and groans and swears. And you’ve heard it all before from his mouth, but the way he strings it together has you dizzy. ‘Oh, fuck’ followed by a moan and another ‘Fuck’. Heavy breathing, ‘Such a good girl’ and a sharp inhale. Your panties feel extra obnoxious in your mouth now, knowing how much noise he makes himself. Glass houses, you think. Roman pulls out of you and flips you over so you’re face to face with him and then he’s right back at it, entering you once more and thumbing your clit just like he did in the chair. He’s glad he did so, learned what kind of tight circles to paint your clit with to make you moan loudest. 
It’s sensitive and you’re right there, aching for release you know you shouldn’t allow yourself. It’s a constant fight, a push and pull between indulging in your pleasure and trying your hardest to block it out. You can’t quite read his expression when Roman notices your tear stained eyes, but he pulls your spit-soaked panties from your mouth and wipes your wet cheeks. 
“You’re fine. You can take it,” he encourages. He pulls you closer so that you’re face to face, chest to chest, holding you tightly against himself. “It’s a lot, I know. You’re doing good.” 
“Oh, Roman,” you moan, your eyes knit shut as you lean forward and bite into his neck to subdue your cries of pleasure. It helps to stave off your impending release. 
“Oh, you bite hard,” Roman taunts, “Do what you need to do, whatever you think will work.”
It doesn’t work. He continues to round your clit with his thumb as he rolls his hips into yours and you know it and he knows it. Your breaths are shallow, your moans are strangled and you’re squirming. You’re so fucking close. 
“It’s gonna happen, isn’t it? And you can’t do a fucking thing about it, can you?” Roman goads, “You gonna come for me?”
“No,” you whimper. 
“Oh, come on. Just let go. You know I’m gonna get it out of you, one way or another. So quit torturing yourself, just let go for me. Hey–” he pulls back to look you in the eyes, stroking your back with one of his hands and his voice is kind, saccharine. “Just let go.” Roman nods, eyebrows raised as he searches for your confirmation. When you nod back, Roman smiles. He’s got you in the palm of his hand. 
It’s a just few seconds of Roman teasing your clit with those tight, steadied circles as he fucks you deeply. And then you’re there, and god is it intense. You shake and stutter in Roman’s arms, and you’re certain you’re breaking into pieces, he’s just holding you together and thank god for that. Roman’s jaw twitches and he’s about to come undone with you, but he never loses focus on you. You’re gonna give him everything you have and he’s gonna make sure of it. 
“Roman, Roman, Roman,” you cry. “Oh my god, Roman, please.”
“Fuck me,” he hisses. It’s too much and too sensitive as he fucks you through it, chasing his own release. He comes with a whine, painting your insides with his hot come before his thrusts slow to a still. Roman pulls out of you slowly, groaning as he does so. His come spills onto the expensive upholstery of his couch, but he doesn’t seem bothered. He’s still close to you as he fumbles with the knot of his necktie holding your wrists together. You can smell him, the fresh sweat and faint cologne. When he unties you, you rub your irritated wrists in your hands, doing your best to process what just happened. You dress yourselves silently, the rustling and swishing of your clothes, the clinking of Roman’s belt buckle are the only sounds in the room.
The ripping up of papers startles you. Roman crumples the shredded papers that discussed your raise and tosses them in his trash can. Dramatic. You watch as he does so, your heart dropping. “Don’t start with the waterworks. You came on my cock, you knew the rules. This is on you,” he says, “Hey, don’t look at me like that. You’re fucking fine. Everything’s fine, okay?” 
It’s been about two weeks since your encounter with Roman. You’ve avoided him as much as one in your position can do, though it’s not easy. You use a variety of techniques, grey rocking, silent treatment. It doesn’t seem to deter him much. 
Artie sits in his carrier as you pull out your wallet to pay for what’s probably his last treatment. You can’t help but feel so selfish, so consumed by guilt.
“Oh–” the vet’s office receptionist says, “It’s been paid for already. You guys are good to go.”
“Oh no, that can’t be right. Here–” you hand her your card.
But the receptionist doesn’t take it. “It is, actually. There’s a credit on your account.”
“Yeah, someone called a couple of weeks ago and put a substantial credit on your account. You’re good for a long time.”
The receptionist shrugs, “Anonymous donor. They left a message though, if that helps.”
“What’d they say?”
“Uhmm,” the receptionist blushes and stutters. Instead of answering you verbally, she turns her monitor around to show you. 
“For my favorite pornstar and her cat. Take care of him. -R”
If you enjoyed, please reblog, leave me a nice comment <3 your words keep me motivated.
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End Game 5
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, stalking, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your gaming buddy asks to meet up but it doesn’t go exactly as planned.
Characters: Andy Barber
Note: 😘
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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There’s another tap on the window. You shake your head, ignoring it. Go away, go away, go away. Another comes, this one louder and you turn, ready to shout at him to leave you alone. Why is he there? Why is he bothering you? 
You spin and stop short. A little boy smiles from just over the little ledge and his dad stands behind him, his hand hovering at the window. You blink and move forward to slide open the glass. As you do, you peer around, searching for the bearded man in his button-up. He’s gone. You think. You hope. 
“Sorry, I was cleaning,” your voice tremors before it evens out, “how can I help you?” 
“What do you want, kiddo?” The man puts his hands on his son’s shoulders, “rocky road?” 
“I want choccy!” The kid demands. 
“Double chocolate or chocolate chip or chocolate brownie?” You prompt, smiling as your eyes continue to rove around, waiting for any glimpse of that man. 
“Double,” his dad answers for him, “I’ll have a scoop of praline and cream.” 
“Sounds great? Bowl or cone?” 
“Sugar cones are fine,” the man replies as he takes out his wallet. 
You go through the transaction on habit alone. The man seems slightly agitated by your twitchiness but still drops a tip in the jar. You thank him and lean out the window to see along the side of the booth. Is he gone? Really gone? 
You can’t shake his shadow. You just can’t believe he would show up like that, then act so casually. Like you’re old friends. You chatted for one year and you didn’t even know who he really was. That’s not a friendship, that’s just strange. 
You don’t close the window. You’re already nervous about having it closed for so long. Your manager takes complaints very seriously and you can’t exactly afford to drop one job when you’re considering a second. 
You check the time. Right. A couple hours. You can make it through. If you see him again, maybe you’ll call the cops. Won’t that be funny to explain? Maybe he could use the humiliation of fessing up to his betrayal. 
You don’t feel better about the back-up plan but at least you have one. Sort of. It all depends on if they even believe you. 
The after-dinner crowd begins to burgeon and you find yourself forgetting the unwanted customer for a whole line of new ones. You scoop and scrape and dish out the flavours with a faulty smile. When you’re through the rush, the tip jar is close to full. At least you had a fruitful night. 
You hope that the locals scared Andy away. Or your reaction. You don’t think he came all that way expecting that. Surely, he wouldn’t bother if he thought you were just going to turn him away. Yet why would he expect anything else? 
You really don’t understand. 
As your shift comes to an end, you’re anxious to lock up. Leaving is another matter. You can’t help but look over your shoulder as you twist the key from outside. You turn your back to the wall and wearily wade through the dark. You won’t be caught off guard again. 
You take a different route than usual. You don’t know why but it seems like a clever idea. You keep in the sheen of the street lights. You keep your phone in your hand just in case. You remember all those precautionary safety presentations they had on campus about walking home alone. 
You let out a sigh as you reach your street. Your grandmother’s house sits nestled behind the overgrown walnut tree. You feel safer in sight of it.  
You slow as you sense something off. There’s a car you don’t recognise. An SUV that doesn’t fit in the neighbourhood. He wouldn’t be there. Then you think of the flowers. He knows where you live. 
Your name makes you yipe as a shadow emerges from the silver vehicle. Your feet tangle and you stumble. Keep going or go back. Either way won’t be an escape. You stop and face him wide-eyed. 
“Please, leave me alone,” you beg. 
“Honey, please, I’m not here to do anything but apologise,” Andy strides across the street and you can’t help but shy away. “Won’t you just hear me out?” 
“No, I told you--” 
“And I sat and listened. Don’t you think you owe me the same courtesy?” He insists. 
“But-- I already told you, Andy, what you did--” 
“I know what I did,” he breathes, “I think about it constantly. Every second of every minute of every day. I think of you and I can’t get you out of my head because I know it was wrong. I can’t stand that I hurt you so bad. You don’t deserve that. After everything you’ve gone through--” 
“I only told you those things because I thought you were someone else,” you hiss, “I can’t... I can’t forget the lies. I can’t move on, alright? And honestly, I don’t think we have much in common. We’re in different places.” 
“That didn’t matter before. We got along--” 
“Because you--- you were pretending to be a teenager,” you bluster, “how old are you? Can’t you see how insane this all is?” 
He winces and his jaw ticks. In the glint of the streetlight, his eyes sockets are dark pools and his broad shoulders seem even wider, his figure even taller. You lean back on your heel and sway, looking towards you grandmother’s house. 
“It’s not... I never meant to hurt you.” 
“You did,” you shrug, “Andy, I don’t know you and you don’t know me. We were just gaming, shooting the shit, that’s whatever. The best thing you can do is get help. Talk to someone.” 
“I want to talk to you,” he says. 
“A professional,” you insist, “I’m nineteen. I can’t help you.” 
“But you did,” he snips. 
“Not how you need to be helped, okay? I’m asking you to stop. Go. It’s over. It never really was. I was friends with Jacob, not Andy. You chose that.” 
He hangs his head and heaves. You stand in silence. Slowly, you sidestep and flinch as he mirrors you. He reaches for you and you back away from him. He retracts and pushes his fingers through his hair. 
“Sorry, sorry, I just...” he croaks, “honey,” that word, again, “if I get help, will you talk to me? If I go, get some pills or something, will you just give me a chance?” 
You huff and shake your head, “Andy, there’s lots of people online you can game with. People your own age. Maybe you should try the discord--” 
“No, not them. You.” 
“Andy,” you plead, “I’m... no. No. You can’t do this. You can’t just show up and make me listen. You can’t send me flowers and come to my work and force me to be your friend. Alright? That’s not... healthy.” 
“I wanna be better. For you. That’s what I’m telling you,” he steps closer until you’re against the prickly hedges. “I wanna do everything for you. I can make your life so much better. Honey, don’t you want that? Don’t you want someone who wants you? For once?” 
You’re quiet, stunned by the insinuation, of the truth in it. 
“That’s cruel,” you whisper. 
“I don’t mean—not like that. I only, I’m trying to show you what I can give you--” 
“I don’t want anything from you,” you sniffle, “or anything to do with you. Can’t you get that through your head?” 
He staggers back as if he’s been struck. He shakes his head and stammers, “what-- why? Why not?” 
You blink, long and hard. How many times do you need to repeat yourself? You roll your eyes and turn on your heel. You brace yourself for him to follow but he doesn’t. 
His shadow looms just along the edge of your peripheral and as you turn into your grandma’s yard, you glance back. He watches you but stays where he is. He just stands there. You shiver and raise your phone, lighting up the screen, hoping he gets the idea. You could call the police. 
He takes a step back then pivots sharply. He crosses the street back to the SUV and the door slams behind him. You jump in your shoes and quickly scramble up the walkway to your grandma’s front door. You’re hoping that’s the last time you have to tell him to go away. Next time, you might just have to be mean about it. 
You try to sleep. It comes in shallow spurts that leave you more and more tired. You don’t have a shift, thank god, but you’re also not so grateful to be left without distraction. You give in to futility as the sun peers in between your curtains and you groan at the dull weight in your temples. 
You creep out quietly to make a coffee. Just instant powder so the machine doesn’t wake your grandma. You go back to your room and sit in a groggy daze, waking yourself with the warmth of each sip. You sigh out and hang your head. 
There was enough to figure out a week ago. Now, you don’t know how many problems you truly have. You’re not so certain last night got the point across, especially after the first two times didn’t work. Third time’s the charm, right? Besides, how much effort are you really worth? 
You can’t just sit still. Your eyes keep itching to look at your Switch, a now cursed item in your collection. You finish the coffee and change out of your pajamas into a pair of sweats and faded tee. You’ll catch up on some chores, keep yourself busy and grandma happy. Besides, you’re not brave enough to venture outside just yet. 
You grab your head phone and pop them over your ears and search through your phone for your cleaning playlist. You’ll start with the living room. Give it a sweep and a mop, wait until grandma’s up to do the vacuuming. Dishes next and the kitchen. Scour the fridge for the forgot produce in the back and take out the trash. You have more than enough to do. 
You wipe off the end tables then the coffee table, sorting the clutter and clearing the trash. You dust the television and the shelves of knickknacks and the ornamental fireplace against the wall. No matter what you do, there’s always a slightly dingy smell to the place. 
When the living room is decent, you move into the kitchen. You turn up your music and drown out the house around you. Dishes, floors, cupboards, cobwebs... You feel the effort in your muscles as you stretch out the kinks from your pitiful sleep. 
You’re entirely obliviously to the existence of others until your grandmother appears with a scowl, pinching your arm as she glowers in her house robe. You glance at the time. You’ve been at it for a few hours. You pull your headphones off your ears and pause your music with a tap of the button on the cord. 
“Oh, morning, do you want some coffee?” You offer. 
She’s unimpressed by your efforts as she crosses her arms. It is kind of early for her to be up. Her nostrils flare as she sniffs. 
“You better make a full pot for your visitor,” she sneers. 
You blink at her and scoff, not understanding her, “visitor?” 
Her eyes are narrowed and her lip curls, “the one who’s been pounding on my door while you’ve been listening to your racket.” She jabs an ear of your headphones, “damn woke me up.” 
“I don’t... who?” 
“Says you knew his son. The dead one,” she shakes her head, “sad, I suppose.” 
You stare at her. You hear movement in the front room, just on the other side of that wall. You glance through the archway and see a shadow shift. She’s not lying. How else would she know? 
“What did he tell you?” You breathe. 
“More than you, eh,” she snaps, “what are you doing gaping at me like a fish, I need a damn coffee. Too early for this nonsense. A dead kid, some stranger in my front room... what trouble are you getting into?” 
“N-nothing, grandma, I don’t... get him out of here. I don’t know him--” 
“He knows you. Knows your name. Says you and his boy were at school together. ‘Splains the flowers, I guess. Condolences, not that you cared, did ya?” She shakes her head, “you always were off in your own little world. Well, I’m not doin’ your dirty work for ya. You ain’t gonna be your mother if I can help it so you want him gone, you tell him you didn’t give a damn about that dead one.” 
You frown. You don’t understand why she’s so callous. She’s never shown any concern about anything but her books. It’s not your fault your parents didn’t want you. Or that she doesn’t either. You only ever begged for her attention, for a sliver of her approval. 
You blow out between your lips. You won’t argue. There’s no use in it. Besides, it’s a small house, you know he heard all that, that he knows you’re on your own. Maybe that’s why he came all this way. Because he knows you have nothing. 
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moonstruckme · 2 months
hi!! ngl i’ve never actually requested anything so im kinda nervous to do so but if it’s possible, do you think you could write something along the lines of eddie munson with like an anxious reader? maybe she has a panic attack and he’s there to help in the aftermath or just an overall anxious person. i know you’ve written something similar with the marauders so i hope that this is okay for me to request. i love love love ur writing!
Thank you for requesting lovely <3
cw: aftermath of panic attack
Eddie Munson x fem!reader ♡ 642 words
Eddie’s rambling hasn’t stopped since you sat down, but it’s become background noise for you, like ocean sounds or the music they play in grocery stores. You know well enough how to get yourself through this. His hand on your back is a steady, if somewhat frantic, reassurance. 
“You okay?” Eddie asks, his rhythm slowing as you blow out a lungful of air, bending your head towards your knees. You hold up a weak thumbs-up, and it picks up again. “Shit, yeah, you’re okay, baby. You’ve got it.” 
You feel bad that this is Eddie’s first time dealing with you like this, though it’s nice to be in his trailer and not at the mall or in a restaurant or something. His couch is familiarly uncomfortable, lumpy in places and nearly flat in others, and the air smells like weed and grease, the electric fan Wayne brings out for the summer months whirring diligently in the corner. You’re glad Wayne’s not home now, though someone should probably be around to comfort Eddie after he’s done comforting you. 
“Anything I can do to help?” he asks again. “You want some water or something?” 
This time, you nod. Your boyfriend all but springs up from the couch, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and hustling it back to you like he’s training to be one of the NASCAR pit stop people. You take it from him, rubbing the condensation from the bottle on the back of your neck before taking a sip. The chill is grounding. You rest your head back on your knees.
“You feeling better, sweetheart?” Eddie grabs another water bottle from the fridge once he sees what you did with the first, holding it to your neck. “You seem better. Sounding less like Darth Vader.” 
You laugh a little, and he laughs back nervously. 
“Yeah,” you say, “it’s mostly better now.” 
He blows out a breath. “Phew, okay. Jesus. You’re a fucking champ, you know that?” 
“Thanks,” you chuckle. “Sorry I put you through that.” 
“I’m pretty sure I’m not the one who went through something just now, so consider your apology heard and nullified.” Eddie’s lips come down on the back of your head. “I’d tell you where to shove it, but I’m feeling kind of bad for you right now. Count your blessings.” 
“Oh, I’m counting them.” You smile down into the semi-dark valley between your legs and chest, taking one more deep breath in and out before lifting your head. “Okay, I’m good.” 
“Yeah?” As he pulls back to see you, your boyfriend doesn’t look so sure. His eyebrows are pulled up in the middle, freakishly huge eyes full of freakishly sweet worry. “Good enough for a hug?” 
You hum your assent, and in the next second you’re in his lap. Eddie goes all the way, curving his body over yours as his arms wrap protectively around your back and his cheek squishes into yours. 
“It scares me when you’re scared,” he admits. 
“No—goddamnit, what did we say about that? You’re lucky you’re cute, I swear—don’t be sorry. Obviously it’s not your fault, I’m just sorry that happened to you. It seemed really fucking shitty.” 
“It felt really fucking shitty,” you agree. “I’m wiped.” 
“Honestly? Me too.” Eddie chuckles. “Nap?” 
“Yes, please,” you say, but wriggle closer to him, preventing him from getting up. Eddie doesn’t seem to mind. He starts rubbing your back again, contemplative. 
“You wanna sleep here, or on the bed?” 
“Bed,” you answer immediately. 
“...right. But are you gonna get up and go to the bed?” 
You make a thoughtful humming sound, grasping him tighter. “Probably not. Maybe you could carry me?” 
A sigh, long and dramatic. “Yeah, maybe I could.” Eddie’s hands move to grip you more securely, and he grunts as he stands. “You’re seriously lucky you’re cute, trouble.” 
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xiaq · 5 months
Hi, I have a bit of a personal question, so if you don’t want to answer this, I completely understand!! no hard feelings at all! long story short, I’m demisexual, and I just entered my first real relationship. My girlfriend lights me up inside in a way I’ve never experienced before, but being demi I have no sexual or romantic experience and I’m a little stressed about First Times. Do you have any tips on how to relax? Or at least how to be comfortable with that unfamiliar territory? Your little tidbits about your relationship with B really opened my eyes to my own situation, so I thought I’d maybe see if you had any tips for me. Thanks in advance!!
First: Congratulations! That's super exciting!
Talk 👏 to 👏 her👏 (!!!)
My partner and I talked A LOT before even the slightest hanky-ing of panky-ing occurred. (In fact, our first conversation about it consisted of me telling him I likely would not enjoy sex and wasn't willing to submit myself to things I did not enjoy anymore and him being like, "ok, no sex, then." Which gave me the time and inclination to feel things out further.) So, when I got to a place where I was like, "ok, conceptually, I do actually like the idea of physical intimacy with you, I'm just not sure I'll enjoy it in practice," we kept talking! I told him things I thought he should know about the past experiences I'd had that might color things we did. I told him about how anxious I was because this mattered in a way that was new and scary (because I was in real actual love and, as you might imagine, not handling it well). I let him ask questions and we made a plan to try things slowly in a low-stress, no-expectations kind of way. It was super valuable A. in making me feel like we were approaching an unfamiliar territory together rather than me entering it by myself and B. it apparently eased a lot of my partner's concern that he'd do something to hurt or scare me when he knew what was off-limits, what was ok, and what we'd need to figure out.
I'll be real with you. Our "first time" sucked. I was a nervous wreck. He called things only shortly after they'd started and was like, nope, time to cuddle and watch a movie instead. And the fact that we'd talked about this probably happening, and him confirming the initial promises he'd made that he wouldn't push me, and he wouldn't get mad if nothing sexual actually happened--that made me a lot less nervous during the next attempt. And each time was an improvement until things were, you know, better than I ever could have imagined. Fireworks. Rainbows. The whole 9 yards. It just took a lot of talking to get there.
Also, people seem to think that talking about sex-- test results, dislikes, preferences––is somehow not sexy. But I found it to be the opposite. 1. I love planning things. So knowing what "the plan" is ahead of time is very nice. 2. Talking about an action before trying it out can be... titillating. Let's say.
Anyway. Communicate! If she's as awesome as she sounds, she'll be honored and pleased to tackle the situation with you rather than being a part of the thing that's giving you anxiety.
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