#but i dont care about that because im here to punch things and say hi to my friends meg and than when they show up
ot3 · 4 months
its kinda funny to me how high praise for hades' story is because don't get me wrong i enjoy the characters a ton i think they're all really fun and cute but if you actually take the stuff happening in hades seriously as a narrative then WOW it falls short in some major ways
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dekusleftsock · 4 months
I did just re-read the chapter, hazbin/helluva hyperfixation is gone y’all I’m back and ready for more.
Okay so, a couple of things I noticed. Let’s start there.
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Throughout this chapter, it really is heartbreaking to see how Izuku regards one for all as Allmight’s power, and therefore a disrespect to him to give that away. Which is quite frankly insane given the nature of what the power is, but regardless it still shows me just how deeply he still cares for and admires allmight.
It also makes the transfer Izuku makes to Katsuki in the heroes rising movie all the more intimate; izuku wouldn’t just give the power to anyone, if not for himself (which is also clearly due to that fact since he still sees ofa as the thing that makes him a hero, not his characteristics), then simply out of respect for allmight and his legacy.
It’s just the anger you can see, feel in those words as he demands to know why. I’ve personally been in the boat of “Izuku dislikes Kudou immensely bc he hasn’t proven to be heroic and amazing like Katsuki has, and also he insults him a lot why would he like him”, since Izuku does genuinely have self respect (a common mischaracterization imo), he’s just also more forgiving and faithful to those he admires or loves (or both).
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I want to highlight the words “But even so, this boy refuses to throw in the towel”, bc it’s such an important part of Izuku and his character.
He isn’t overly self sacrificial, he isn’t a masochist, he isn’t even a martyr—especially not a martyr.
Izuku is stubborn. That is not the same thing as wanting to constantly die for others; izuku is like Katsuki, he wants to fight for others. Giving up just simply isn’t in his morality.
And if “giving up” also includes letting someone die or failing to save someone out of his own negligence, that’s not because he wants to die.
I can’t explain how much the interpretation that Izuku wanting to die, even for others, is so fucking out of character. Izuku is stubborn, he’s stubborn in the way that he won’t just fall over and let the ground take him. Given the circumstances, Izuku would fight for his life just as he would fight for another.
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“Idiot! If I’d really jumped, you’d be charged with bullying me into suicide!! Think before you speak!!”
Like he’s so unaffected by the awful comment outside of being angry at the DISRESPECT of said comment. This is why all those damn suicidal Izuku fics have always felt so ooc. Izuku isnt a moody, brooding ball of depression, he’s a stubborn, courageous, and angry ball of depression. There is a difference.
Even before this, he literally attempts to say something or fight back to Katsuki, honestly it looks like he’s about to punch him here.
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Btw for anyone who has or ever will be in Izuku’s position, punch him. I love Katsuki But hit him in the fucking gut. If you get your ass beat at least you can say you can took it like a champ.
Speaking from someone who regrets not punching three girls who were trying to gang up on me in middle school🫶🫶🫶
Anyway, I’d argue that Izuku not taking Katsuki in a fight was made out of self preservation, something he very much has.
And last but not least, we get to this lovely fucking page.
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First of all…
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Hm, ain’t that strange?
I’m not saying it’s fully a parallel, I’m just saying it’s something to consider.
Especially with the context that I don’t think Izuku feels shameful here.
He’s been a hero who didn’t look like one once before, I’m sure a snide comment through Shigaraki is nothing in comparison to the literal hundreds of civilians afraid of him.
Or, even more interestingly, what if he’s shameful of it, and okay with that? Now THATS some control over your emotions. This is demonstrating the very thing Banjo told him in the first place; using his emotions to fuel him. Let himself live with them, breath with them. They exist, and they hurt, and that’s fucking okay.
But it begs the question…. Why bring attention to it?
Clearly horikoshi WANTS you to see that Izuku is the one who looks like the monster now. He even looks devil like, blackwhip coming out of his back the way it is just feels like wings.
But maybe… maybe this is how he stops sweeping problems under the rug. Maybe this is him, Izuku, at his most animalistic form. Him. At his core. This is the Izuku he doesn’t want people to know.
The faceless, long clawed, oozing black monster.
He’s a kid who can take a fucking beating. He’s not Deku the useless doll, nor is he Deku the hero. He’s simply Izuku.
And you know what’s even more likely?
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The black pit of anger that Shigaraki has formed, fueling his uncontrolled emotions and anger and despair, with the light tear showing something underneath…
What if, this was Izuku’s black ball of anger and shame, except this one is escaping his body, pouring out and showing all of that for what it truly is. Pent up rage, uncontrolled emotion, anxiety and shame, all mixed into one hell hole of a person—but a ball that can be molded, controlled, torn apart from the inside out.
See, the same way Kudou tears at Shigaraki’s mental breaking to see what’s underneath, so have the ofa users for Izuku. Slowly, but surely, the people in Izuku’s life have, while created that ball in the first place, also worked to destroy it. The final piece of the puzzle is for Izuku to choose to let it happen, and he is.
Learning to sit in one’s fear, doubt, hatred, anger, sadness, grief, happiness—without that emotion having to be something, simply something that flows through you, that you can choose to act on or not; this is where Izuku’s arc is coming to its tipping point. We are nearing the climax, I can feel it.
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sporeblossom · 1 year
logging back onto this website to say that while i dont think (???) it was intentionally done, the scene before their "last day" where frank is working on a portrait of bill, reminded me of keith haring's "unfinished painting"
comparison here before i explain:
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keith haring's painting was purposely made to look incomplete. haring was diagnosed with HIV in late 1988, and died in early 1990, at the age of 31. the painting is a self portrait, hitting us with the gut-punch reality of how the aids-epidemic robbed haring of the right to finish his own story. the overwhelming amount of empty space is a glaring reminder that haring didn't just have a short life, he had an incomplete one. the piece points to all that empty space and says: this should have been filled out. this should all have been my art, my story, and my space. by claiming this empty space, haring claimed the empty space of his unlived life, that was taken from him and so many other people, by a negligent and homophobic society that refused to care about the pandemic ravaging an entire community worldwide.
now back to my original point: like i said, im really not sure if this was intentionally done by the show. but when i was watching this episode and i saw this scene, i immediately thought of this painting. the blue color of the eye trailing off onto the blank part of the canvas is, at least to me, a strong visual parallel.
and i feel like this visual parallel highlights some very important thematic parallels as well, which deserve to be talked about. in the show, the outbreak starts in 2003 which means that bill and frank have both lived through the aids-epidemic. they have seen people like them die. they have experienced the hatred and isolation that came with it. you could speculate and read into things ad nauseaum, but i thinks it's safe to say that in this place and time, this also plays into how careful and hesitant they are, when they first start to show intimacy with each other. in their world, they didn't even get to experience the legalization of gay marriage.
seeing as this show takes place during another, fictional, pandemic, airing at a time where the real world has just faced another actual pandemic, it is impossible to ignore this aspect of their story.
these two characters however, are not destroyed by the outbreak in the show. they find each other, they experience freedom, love, and a full life together. their life is not cut short.
in an absurd twist of fate, when the rest of the world is finally forced to experience what it's like to be abandoned by your government during a devastating epidemic, this is when these two people find happiness. they get to go running, and have fights, and grow strawberries, and have friends over for dinner.
and after spending nearly twenty years together, frank spends his last time working not on a self portrait, but on a portrait of bill, the love of his life. this is the sort of thing that rightfully should have filled the empty space of haring's work. finding love(s) spending your time together, that is a life lived.
and yet frank's painting is unfinished, because of course we are never truly done living. we are never truly done loving. but he got so much more time, so much more story, than the people we lost to the aids epidemic, which the trailing off blue paint reminds us of.
at the same time their house is absolute filled with all the paintings that frank did finish, showing us all the good days he got with bill. and in a way, i feel like that is the show being very aware of what it is: a complete, beautiful story about two men loving each other, in a world that sorely lacks these stories. a world where we had so many unfinished, incomplete lives, that we lack an entire generation of older gay men.
and even though i was completely reduced to tears by the end of this episode, the ending still filled me with some sort of mournful joy. because yes, even though it was incredibly sad to see their last day, these two men got to fill so much of their empty space. they got to experience love, and they got to live their life. like bill says: "im old. im satisfied. and you were purpose."
so many people didn't get that. keith haring didn't get that. a whole generation of queer people didn't get that. that makes this episode so much more moving for me, because it is not just an incredibly beautiful love story, but it is an incredibly beautiful love story that the world should rightfully have seen millions more of. but all those lives were incomplete.
so with the undeniable, but unspoken, presence of the aids epidemic in the narrative of these characters, this visual reference to keith haring and aids, purposeful or not, is incredibly meaningful.
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bonefall · 6 months
i know u dont rework arcs untill theyre complete but im very excited to see what you do with a starless clan, theres so much exciting things happening in this arc to work with. do you have any changes you already know for sure you’ll be incorporating?
No for-sures. I don't want to make any for-sures. I have ones I'm feeling but I don't want to call ANYTHING a for-sure yet. I need to find out what the ending is, WHERE this is all going, because I have a strong philosophy in my writing that a story is like a spear;
But we are 4/6 of the way in, so I CAN start talking about thoughts!
I'm actually leaning pretty heavily towards axing Nightheart as a POV. There's still time for the books to turn around and justify it, BUT HEAR ME OUT
(Saying AS someone who is a Nightheart Enjoyer)
So far I'm really feeling that his character would benefit from us never being inside of his head, or seeing what he's been going through. As much as I WILL stand by that I enjoyed books 1 and 2 and liked his perspectives there, I'm starting to think that it would serve the story a lot better for Sunbeam and Frostpaw to be guessing just as much as we are.
We'd get introduced to Nightheart on the journey for catmint.
Sunbeam connects with him immediately, because she's tossed on this mission while she's in the middle of a swirling tide of drama. With nothing but Clerics and a hardened Rootspring to the left and her ex-bestie (exstie) to the right, he's really her only other choice for companionship. She's chronically unable to stop problems before they get out of hand, the sort of person who becomes frozen by indecision, and then here comes this Glorious Bastard
In her eyes, he's so caring, and bold, and fun! He's the first one to jump headlong into danger, to really be interested in her problems and just let her talk, and his story is so heartbreaking! A mother who's so hard on him... and his Clan is so mean all the time, but he wants to prove to all of them that he's more than just Firestar's descendant... but he was so brave to choose his own name.................
And then, when she follows him into ThunderClan, she learns he fucking lied. She changed Clans based on SOB STORIES
When she first comes, no one knows what he's been saying behind their back. Even if they did, they don't want to start trashing Nightheart right to his new mate's face. But then he LEAVES, and Sunbeam will bring up,
"Maybe it was because you were hard on him?"
And then Sparkpelt tries to agree, just to take blame onto herself and stop all this, but Finchlight's had eNOUGH and ends up setting the record straight;
"No this is DEFINITELY another tantrum. He already ran off once before."
"NO he didn't pick his own name, he stopped the whole ceremony to complain and Bramblestar gave him a compromise"
"MEAN to him?? I had to do HIS WORK because he couldn't STAY ON THE GROUND"
"Oh he's buckling under the weight of his legacy? that must be so hard. I was cat-fifteen when i punched my first fascist and he was wearing the face of my grandpa."
With this false hope shattered, Sunbeam is thrown into a devastating situation where... her mother was right. She was tricked. And now she's stuck in this new Clan without any of her old friends, without this mate who was too-good-to-be-true, the ONE impulsive choice she's made on her own in her WHOLE LIFE turns to ashes in her mouth. She can't go back, either, because Berryheart would NEVER let her live this down.
But... it's okay.
It's a slow shock, to make a choice SO impulsive and SO self-concerned, and find a safety net below her. It's going to be okay. The trials are fair. The cats of ThunderClan interrupt and speak over each other, but, that teaches her to be more assertive. Sparkpelt and Finchlight are not the mean assholes that Nightheart built them up to be, and they'll support her no matter what she chooses to do with her possible mate.
I want Nightheart TO get better, but, in order for that to happen, he has to face, and, more importantly, ACCEPT consequences. He needs to develop the maturity to say, "I acted like a brat and didn't appreciate what I had. and I'm sorry. you don't have to forgive me."
Bottom line being, Nightheart is striking me lately as a character that works best as unpredictable, because we have NO IDEA what's truly in his head. It would be interesting for him to have a novella later, but as it stands, his POV has consistently just been a duplicate since he joined ShadowClan. We gained NOTHING from splitting the Frostpaw Journey of the newest book in half POV, and VERY little from splitting the ShadowClan one into half POV.
I might reduce the POVs to 2, just Sunbeam and Frostpaw, or change Nightheart's to Lightleap. If I NEED 3 main characters, then they should all be a consistent camera on different parts of the conflict.
Again. I do not commit to changes until the arcs are done. Nothing in BB!ASC is set yet.
But here's some other little things I'm thinking,
Bramblestar is VOTED out.
He does not step down. The little "game" he played with Nightheart to create a situation to yell at Squilf, who hasn't been his mate in a long time in BB, was the LAST straw for ThunderClan.
They had sympathy for him before that point, because of what he went through with Ashfur, but his leadership was long and controversial even before the Impostor.
And there's a really strong sentiment that IF Bramblestar had been a good leader... they would have realized he was possessed sooner. So, there are those who partially blame him for the tyranny of the Impostor.
Basically; enough is enough.
Berryheart's hate group has ACTUAL consequences. Someone gets killed; probably Antfur, who survived the last arc to die here.
More fights. This arc has been too bloodless. Already planning SEVERAL sudden, random brawls in RiverClan as tensions boil.
Heartstar is going to be MORE controversial. Not controversial enough in canon imo. I don't like how Leaf and Squilf seem like they have "hypothetical" issues with the invasion instead of being able to point at REAL ones.
riverclan didn't forget how to do the chores they've done their WHOLE lives, no. I'm going to talk about POWER VACUUMS and create ACTUAL factions that begin to coagulate in RiverClan.
if we're going to have a brainless plot about how "Well Ackshually democracy has enough problems to make us reconsider not having unaccountable, tyrannical dictators, because a vote could maybe be called over One Single Issue" then I'll talk about shit like the spoiler effect, mob mentality, and factionalism. Get the hell out of my way ERIN I'll cook
No Smoky. Society has progressed past the need for Smoky. No Smokyng Area.
Whistlepaw should to try and take care of her ALONE, not trained enough to take care of SUCH bad wounds and barely able to keep her trembling paws straight, and Frostpaw realizes that she's making her watch her own friend die.
Is this how her life is going to end? slipping away under the paws of someone she loves, for what? pride? to do what her mother told her-- trust no cat?
As she TRUSTS Whistlepaw? Trusts her SO much, that Frostpaw will force her to be the only witness to her death?
...which in BB, is a team of researchers. She drags herself to them, and collapses. This is why they just HAPPENED to have the proper equipment on them; they're WILDLIFE VETS.
Not sure how I'm going to handle Frostpaw's Journey though. In BB, the Park Cats are already a foundational part of Clan Culture.
In all honesty, while I HAVE to praise the fact that the Erins have FINALLY created ONE outsider group that isn't malicious or defenseless... I don't much care for them.
sending frostpaw on a side quest to what's essentially a big DOTC reference. Look! It's that group we introduced in the last 5 chapters of our latest glorified recap! cooool.
We're just going to get nothing but fucking founders in every dream from now on. I'm SURE of it.
As a consolation prize to myself though I will be writing cool angel scenes of the absolute BEING that Riverstar has become in heaven.
Riverstar (normal cat): "Elder Bones I'm going out!"
"not dressed like THAT you're not!!!"
Riverstar (the manifestation of the river, the rain in the sky above, and the abyss below, and how through water we are all truly connected as one being): "better?"
I will probably keep the Park Cats and rework them significantly, but I'm leaning pretty heavily towards Frostpaw visiting a LOT of places. A holy pilgrimage.
ESPECIALLY one of the Tribe's three wards; the River Ward. The Tribe of Rushing Water believes (it's even in the name) that water connects all things.
So I think it would be really fitting for Frostpaw to learn from MANY perspectives, starting with this philosophy put forth by the River Ward.
And she realizes-- that's what Riverstar is, as well. As a being. He is mentoring her on this pilgrimage, while barely saying a word. She can feel him wherever she is, because he isn't JUST the God of the River.
He is connection. He is peace. He's water. Too much and you'd drown, not enough and you'd thirst.
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sillyyuserr · 3 months
Terukane analysis <33
one of my favorties because it really shows how much they care and more about THEM less about how teru looks at akane or things like that
like i said in my last last LAST post, i wanted to write an analysis on what happened between terukane just before the severance so here i am. Writing this at 8:15pm on a sunday.
after getting back to the ”human realm”, akane realizes aoi isnt there with him, turns around in confusion, and sees teru with a saddened look on his face
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Teru looks saddened while explaining what happened to aoi and how she couldnt return
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Akane asks if teru knew the whole time, teru confesses to having had known that she wouldnt come back but didnt say anything, leading to akane being very clearly distressed and upset
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Akane grabs teru by the shirt/jacket or wtv hes wearing and punches him and shoves him against a wall
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Akane’s done with attacking teru, and turns around to try to go back and get her, falls to the ground in pain, his untreated wounds getting worse by the minute, gets back up to get her, teru forces him down, akane’s lying on the ground, disappointed and sad
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Yadayadayada idrc what happens after this thats not what we’re focusing on, now that im done with the ridiculously long recap lets break it down further
As seen here, teru is both feeling and looking, extremely guilty. He’s guilty ab not telling akane, but knowing he kind of had to keep it a secret
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Something you need to know ab terukane to really understand it, is their relationship is heavily built around their trust in one another so when teru hid how aoi couldnt come back from akane, he was hurt and confused as if he had never seen it coming, like it wasnt even a what if. He knows teru tries to be “perfect” to everyone else, but had never even CONSIDERED that he might lie to HIM. 
The reason this hit like a fucking global pandemic is because akane trusted teru so much he didn’t even think ab the “what ifs” and even if he did, him lying wouldnt even be on there
and since he was really hurt, he lashed out and punched him. Teru knew he was hurt/betrayed and let him punch him, feeling guilty at himself for keeping this from him. Gosh they really do care about one another
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As seen here, akane tries to get aoi, but in his damaged state, he literally cannot. Teru knows this, and hurts inside seeing him like this, him having to literally shove him to the ground to stop him.
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Akane seems to be at like rock bottom rn. Just lost his childhood bsf and this dude he swears he hates just lied to him ab something this srs. my mans really going through it
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Forgot to add but teru looks especially heartbroken here looking at akane, it literally hurts him to do this to akane, but he knew he wouldnt leave aoi there so he did what was best for him, and brought him back. Also not to mention he literally travelled through the most notorious school mystery’s boundary (also the god of fucking death like wdym) just to save akane like what the fuck
teru’s so obvious istg if AidaIro doesnt make terukane canon thats one thing, but if they dont confirm or at least prove in some way teru has a crush on akane, my entire life is a fucking lie
pls give me ideas or stuff ab terukane that you’ve noticed and i havent im running out of analysis ideas 😭😭🙏
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linalavender · 8 months
How Tatsuki Fujimoto writes Affection
First of all I would like to give massive credit to Tiktok user @campaign_baby for their Tiktok I saw on this that really made me think of it alot more
I will Bring up Examples from:
Mermaid Rhapsody
Goodbye Eri
Fire Punch
Chainsaw Man Part 1 (Quite a big spoiler in this will give fair warning)
Fujimoto has a sort of strange method he uses to write that a character Loves/cares deeply for someone. And its The character either being willing to be consumed or to provide sustenance to someone, Or to consume the other person. Examples:
After Shikaku confesses her love for Yucel, He rushes to the hospital to offer her his blood, Making her into an immortal vampire just like him. Yucel has also fallen for Shikaku, its basically his confession of love, He wants to live with her Forever.
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Its drawn in a way you can tell its such an act of compassion too.
Mermaid Rhapsody
"I loved her so much that I thought, If it was by someone with a smile as pretty as hers, Maybe being eaten wouldn't be so bad."
Toshihides Dad feels the exact same way about his Mom as Toshihide feels about Shijyu. Mermaids eat humans, But that never mattered to either of them.
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Goodbye Eri
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In Yuutas Movie about Eri, He writes her to be a Vampire, because he wouldnt actually mind to be her sustenance, In his movie, he loves Eri so much. (I genuinely cant read this fucking story without sobbing, Rereading it again just to get this screengrab just made me cry for like 20 min help)
Fire Punch
This one is Pretty straight forward, Agni with his regenerative powers feeds his village by continuously chopping of his Arm so they dont all starve to death. But more importantly he does this to prevent his sister from doing it aswell. He doesnt want her to suffer that pain so he takes sole responsibility for providing himself to the village.
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Agni also later feeds his followers with the help of Togata Chopping of the part of his face that isnt on Fire. I think this has more todo with making sure Togata gets fed rather than his followers, To Agni Togata means alot.
⚠️Chainsaw Man Part 1 (Spoilers for the Final arc)⚠️
When Power is about to Die, Power not only offers her own blood For Denji to Drink so he can get back to health, But Pochita also offers a small part of himself so she can come back as a Powerful Devil.
And ofcourse the big one is Denji Eating Makima. He obviously has to and all for the sake of erasing her. But he explicitly says it wasnt an Attack, It was an act of Love.
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Its such a fascinating thing that the idea of consuming someone can be concidered something you do to a cherished one, as an affectionate thing. I guess as Denji mentions that you basically become one with eachother in a way if you consume them.
But this is such a Weird thing Right? Where does this idea even originate from? Well ofcourse we can only Speculate but I really think he took on inspiration from his own life here, Because he has actually done this to someone he loved. Yes, Seriously.
Tatsuki Fujimoto eating his deceased Pet Fish
In the Authors notes for "Tatsuki Fujimoto Before Chainsaw Man: 22-26" Fujimoto shares a story from when he was 24:
"Even though we were poor, we had a pet Japanese rice fish. I found it dead one summer. I went to toss its body into the trash like in Parasyte, but my girlfriend said she wanted me to bury it, So off I went to the park, alone. I tried to bury it under this big tree, but the ground was too hard, my hands got all dirty and I had no hole to show for my effort. Out of Options, I figured I would pretend I had buried the fish and left it lying there on top of the ground. As I watched it for a little while, ants found the body and began to carry it away. Im not sure what came over me, but in that moment, love for that pet fish welled within me for the first time. I brushed the ants away, and then Ate it."
You can read the full story here
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It has that "Wait what the hell am I reading" Charm to the story like alot of his works, But theres something so weirdly beautiful about this story, Somehow stricken with grief and love for this fish, He ate it. As Denji says, its not an attack, his fish is part of him now and its an act of love. So strange, yet so Beautiful.
Anyways thanks for reading this insanely long post if you even got this far I appreciate it!
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fishbloc · 2 months
hiiii friend (it’s birdie shhh didn’t want to send on my main blog) i fully support avoiding wips as i am doing the same so here is my question:
what, if you have any, are some of your favorite desert duo headcanons? can be scar or grian individually or them together
HIII BIRDIE sorry one of the wips is said yours related sigh . we're in this nightmare blunt rotation together
anyway. im gonna answer this in both for general and my WTLT!verse because theyre kinda different LOL sorry this gets long
general hcs 1) scar is a... very practical guy i would say. despite his strength lies in his words he would still favour showing care and affection. yknow stuff like cutting fruits for someone without asking. hes littered with small fleeting gestures and only someone who knows him well enough like grian could pick up on them 2) personally i always see grian as the loud annoying friend/partner/whatever you wanna call it. sure he sometimes uses it as an excuse to repress things he doesnt wanna talk about (this is where scar would usually coax him out of it) but his loudness can be really handy at times when an uneasy awkwardness fall between them. ALTHOUGH this doesnt mean grian won't 'shut down' when the situation arises (because i like quiet grian too) 3) not sure how to fit in one small paragraph about my dynamic hc for them but i can say with full conviction grian and scar would stick fruit labels onto each other's forehead when grocery shopping to piss the other off. hope this helps 😁😁
where the light touches hcs: 1) i really really like the hc that scar is so unphased by everything because hes jaded like that (whether a placid facade or no) like oh suddenly he managed to sign himself up for a death game. oh heres an immortal who wounded up in his path. oh suddenly he needs to start manipulating people to win. and hes like ok 👍 (he was first runner up in 3rd life for a reason) 2) for grian i like that hes kinda cunning in his own way. like yes hes not to full power with his watcher abilities stripped away and he can be kinda weak at times, but then he uses this front to trick people and when their guards are let down and turns the battle's tide with it. literally a small guy who packs a punch to those who underestimate him 3) for the both of them, my hc will always be that they have no choice but to trust each other wholeheartedly. because one small falter can cause their faction to fall and the only way they succeeded is because they dont second guess every time when the other will put a knife behind their back. sure this is not a popular hc but in 3rd life grian constantly stood by scar's side so. also its my storyverse and i get to pick the dynamics!!!!
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Other woman pt.2
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It's been weeks since the conversation on the phone... but you had agreed to meet up with her as you couldn’t help but see the lady that he went home to everyday.
"I feel like I said the first thing I should say is...I'm sorry. I promise I didn't know he was with you if—if I knew he was I -" the lady opposite of you silences you by putting her hand on top of yours.
She offers a gentle smile that calms your nerves as she speaks, " this has nothing to do with you,sweetheart. It's his fault. He knew what he was doing with all the sneaking around." She takes a sip of her coffee as you let her appearance. She was like those strong ceo business woman you see on the cover of magazines or in dramas. Just looking at her you get enamored by her short hair getting brushed out of her face or fixing the her white collard shirt, or even wiping dust off her folded long legs.
"I can't help but be jealous," she chuckled rubbing her thumbs against her knuckles as she excuses her embarrassment, " we had been trying for babies but it turns out...I could never get pregnant." This time it was your turn to comfort her giving her consolation.
" you have nothing to embarrassed about. I can't say I know how you feel...obviously," you both laugh as she wipes the corner of her eyes," but you are so much stronger than I could ever be. After our call 3 weeks ago I was breaking down everyday I was broken and hurt. I felt disgusting with myself. I-I wanted to get rid of the baby at least I was thinking heavily on it. I mean how is a free lance sports photographer supposed to care for a baby," you took a breather," but...but luckily I have two idiots that refused to not help me along the way." The air becomes lighter between you two as you air out all the dirty laundry you had between eachother.
"I was really dreading meeting you," you confessed taking the last sip of your drink before putting it on the table, "I'm sorry I kept putting it off. I felt so guilty."
"You have nothing to be guilty for, (y/n). To make it up to me let's keep in touch, yeah?," she fishes for her phone out her purse and signals for you to put your number in.
"I'd like that..truly." You punch in each digit before handing it back to her. The vibration from your phone alerting you to pick it up, "excuse me for a moment." You take it outside.
"(Y/n)? We have a problem." You could hear the panic in the voice on the other side.
"What's wrong sakusa?" You cup the device closer to your ear out of concern.
"Atsumu and Osamu were trying to surprise you with new maternity clothes and Atsumu being an idiot asked a lady how big her chest was because she looked the same size as yours...they are currently being kicked out of the store."
"...put them on," you sigh
"Yellow?" Atsumu asked if nothing was going on.
"How big is your chest? Really Atsumu. I haven't even gave birth yet and I already have two of the biggest children ever!"
"In my defense osamu didn't even try to stop me. You know I can't be trusted and! He asked this lady to hold her kid so he could practice with yours."
"well at least i aint going around asking pregnant woman their breast side you dumbass."
"yer the dumbass osamu." atsumu stated
"no you." osamu recountered as a fight broke out.
"hey!hey!hey! Calm yer asses down! Yer both are dumbasses. Thats why i leave sakusa in charge," you hear them about to speak in disagreeance, " i dont wanna hear a but from neither of ya. Yer asses are supposed to be at my place so we could look for houses for me to move." you huffed. And turn around to feel a pat on your back.
"i have to run. But, i'll see you soon." she kissed your cheek while handing you your purse," i beleive in you ,(y/n). Call if you need anything." she wipes away her lipstick mark off of you before walking away the click of her heels putting you in trance as you hold your cheek and smile to yourself.
"(y/n)? You there?" osamu called out.
"huh? Yeah, yeah..im here. Meet me in 30. I want some ice cream,ok?" 
They both agreed and you walked home while touching your cheek here and there feeling the faded lipstick mark on your cheek.
“maybe this wouldn't be as bad as you first thought.” You said aloud.
"THIS IS HELL!" you screamed in the hospital bed the epidural pumping into your system to have some sort of numbing effect as you crush the twins' hands in pain. It felt like forever that you were pushing as if they were taking multiple out of you. You don't even know the gender of the bundle of life as you wanted it to be a surprise on this day. The only ones knowing were close friends and family.
You could feel them pulling the newborn out and breathing out a sigh of relief before the same pain started creeping up again.
"Come on ms.(l/n)! Just one final push and you can see your second baby." The doctor says excitedly.
"Two?! Did he just two? As in 1,2?!" Looking panicked between the two boys and with a yell of exaggeration from the news you hear the piercing cry of a baby.
"Congratulations on two healthy girls ms.(y/n)." He hands one too Atsumu and the other to osamu.
"I have...two...how? Why? When?" You asked confused
"We'll this one," the doctor pointed to the one in atsumu's arms ,"was very quiet not even a peep from her when she came out."
"Welcome to the world, naruto and sasuke."Atsumu whispered.
"Atsumu I said I'm not naming my baby or babies that."
"But then they'll be kick ass like they're uncle 'Tsumu."
"More like assigning." Osamu rolled his eyes.
"'Samu, you ain't any better, wanting to name them after your lunch specials." You said laughing.
"Gotta promote and get ready for my two new employees at onigiri Miya's." He held the baby up like simba.
"Their names shall be...," you think of it for a minute looking into their eyes as they were a perfectly blended match of you and Suna, " Sahara and haneen." You held haneen’s hand.
"I'll give you both the world." You say kissing her tiny hand. They were two beautiful beings born into the world making all those thoughts
of guilt and shame go away into the trash.
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getosbf · 1 year
Sherliam and sleeping positions: a ramble
The way sherliam is, i dont think they cuddle to sleep. They dont make out and run their fingers through each other's hair before going to sleep in each other's arms and here's why:
As much as I melt over every sliver of physical affection in fics, none of their primary love language is touch or physical affection. I'm pretty sure someone had talked about their love languages, but ive been thinking about this a lot so im not sure.
Sherlock's touch is a bit on the casually rough side. A small punch to the shoulder, a ruffle of hair, a pat on the back. But following his character development in NYC, he had become a lot more gentle, both physically and emotionally. Still, I don't think he's big on touch because, well, he's sherlock.
William is somewhat more comfortable with touch. A supportive hand on shoulder, a tender brush of lips, fingers deliberately brushing against the other's while reaching for the same thing. While it does suit him more, his main love language isnt touch either. He is much more of an acts of service kind of guy, which furthers his guilt in early nyc days of letting sherly take care of everything for him.
Now, what their love language might be, which is code for what i firmly believe it is, is quality time. Throwback to Durham date, sherly turning a murder case into a game just so could spend more time with moriarty before they get off the train, the "i wanted to leave everything just to continue spending time with you" snippet from William's letter. It makes perfect sense that their love language would be quality time.
They're happy to be beside each other. They're both exceptionally intelligent, it wouldnt be out of character for them to just... absorb the love without having to touch. They can feel the love in the serene quietness of their apartment in the morning. They can feel the love in "what do you want for dinner?" "i did the dishes while you were gone." "im making coffee for us both." They know the love is there, they dont need to be all over each other to feel its presence.
As one of my favourite books of all time says, intimacy is not about sex. Its not about touches or kisses or lips on necks. Intimacy is about the truth. Intimacy is when you lower your walls and let someone in. Intimacy is when you show them the entire truth of your existence and say "do you still love me?"
And thats what they did. They know each other. From the favorite brand of coffee to the subject of their nightmares, they know each other like no one else does. And that's more intimate than any form of touch ever discovered.
So here's what i think, they dont sleep in each other's arms every night. At least, they dont intentionally. They have their own sides of the bed. They might fall asleep facing each other, but thats as much as they intend.
Now unintentionally, thats a different thing. By unintentionally I mean the nights where sleep doesnt come to one of them, and the other slides closer to play with the his hair. And nights where Liam cant sleep from nightmares and sherlock sleepily pulls him against himself, unknowingly rubbing circles on his back with his thumb. And nights when sherlock remembers sitting beside Liam's bedside, desperate to see those carmine eyes open again and so he reaches out to cover Liam's hand on the blanket with his own just like he did back in the hospital, feeling his eyes droop because he knows this time when he wakes up those eyes will be open too.
My point is, when they do touch, they make sure it means something to both of them. Which is why they would not be big on cuddling and snogging.
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transgenbur · 5 months
au crimeboys make me so so insane
it's not dadbur per say, even though wilbur does get custody of tommy and raise him, but tommy doesn't see him as his dad.
if anything, for a long time tommy didn't understand what a dad (or any parent) was supposed to do, because for him that was what wilbur did. so people would be like "dont you have a mum and dad?" he'd be like "no i have a wilbur" not because he sees wilbur as a dad but because wilbur is . wilbur. yknow? like his own category that's impossible to define by """normal""" family standards. wilbur is all of tommy's family at once, because he's all he's got, and he's his brother and his dad and his best friend.
because wilbur raised him, put him to sleep, put bandaids on his knees when he fell, taught him how to read and write and tie his shoelaces and not to chew with his mouth open and how to ride a bike and picked him up from school and went to parent teacher meetings.
but wilbur's also his brother, they're constantly roughhousing and punching each other and tommy's always trying to steal his stuff and get on his nerves and wilbur's always trying to get tommy a babysitter so he can go party and get drunk without his lame little brother.
but also wilbur is like. the most certain constant of tommy's life. i mean he was just two when they were put into foster care, he doesn't remember his parents, definitely not the social workers or foster parents who cycled every couple months, and he didn't make any true long-term friends until tubbo when he was about 9 or 10. so wilbur is like. the only person he's always known and will always know and that he's never doubted will be here forever. he's the first person he remembers!!!!
and so obviously tommy is absolutely ride or die for wilbur, even though he'd never admit it because he remains tommyinnit. they're also very codependent as you can guess.
tommy's really clingy but so is wilbur, and they kinda have a shift in their dynamic where like. when wilbur was a teen and tommy was 10-11, wilbur was trying to push him away for a while because yknow he was going through it (it being depression addiction the whole deal) and lashing out while tommy was trying to cling on. but then when they're a bit older, wilbur is the one who clings onto tommy because he's terrified he'll leave him too, especially when the prospect of tommy going away to college starts profiling itself.
that's something that wilbur takes a loooooong time to accept, because for a while he was flat out forbidding tommy from going off to college anyway further than a half hour ride. which is obviously. not very healthy. eventually he accepts but he completely motherhens the whole time to the point where tommy has to be like "im literally 18 ill be fine im not leaving forever" but wilbur still has a hard time the whole period tommy's away.
and anyway tommy doesn't cope well with it either, he had this whole idea of going off to college to try something new and make new friends, but once he's there he hates it. he realises it that he hasn't actually made friends since tubbo when he was 9 (he met ranboo through tubbo), because having his two best friends and his brother was always enough for him. and so he's completely alone with all these people he doesn't know how to talk to, and he starts spiralling and his grades start dropping, and he has the whole thing with dream. so eventually tommy does come back home because really he's just as clingy and he couldn't stand being away like that.
eventually when they're older they grow into something that's less... desperate i want to say? obviously they still love each other so much but they're able to hang out and spend time together in a way that doesn't feel like. "if im separated from you for more than two days i will literally die because i've been relying on you and defining myself around you my entire life" yknow?
it's a very complicated situation because they care so so so much about each other and would both kill and die for the other, but they've also hurt each other a lot. wilbur especially lashed out a lot when he was a teenager, and tommy often felt like it was his fault they couldn't stay in a good house for long, because he was too loud and rambuctious etc. there's also a whole bit with their last foster home that i want to explore but that is its own post
there's also an element of like. tommy feels guilty that wilbur had to put his whole life on pause to take care of him but wilbur doesn't see it that way. one day when they're having a really messy and bad argument he shouts something along the lines of not wanting the responsibility of tommy in the first place, which is something tommy takes a looooooooong time to heal from, and it's not even true. not just because he loves tommy, but because if it wasn't for that responsibility he doesn't think he would be alive. not in a metaphorical sense, as in very concretely, 12 to 20 yr old wilbur was in a daily mantra of "you can't kill yourself tommy is relying on you." and then it became "you can't kill yourself tommy and fundy are relying on you." and wilbur doesn't want to share that with tommy because in general he tries his best to never tell him anything dark like that (which on one hand yeah your 15 yr old brother isn't your therapist but on the other hand Do You Understand How Emotional Communication Works no he doesn't lmao) . but in the end he does end up telling him when he understands that tommy feels so guilty about him taking care of him and it's a very . important conversation in their lives . They cry a lot 👍
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redrydersrequiem · 1 year
Reunited chapter 2
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This is again for my own entertainment. I like to write even if im not the best at it. I like to use pictures and gifs in my stories it makes it more theatrical in my mind. I redo sentences and add stuff all the time cause I continuously reread my stuff and try to fix things. I hope everyone enjoys and i hope all of you have a good day. ❤️
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Miles pov
Light blind my foggy eyes everything coming slowly into view when something big and blue takes up the most of my view
“Colonel, can you hear me?”. A blue savage is starring down at me and my first reaction is to punch the hell out of them.
Everything is jumbled as i dont know where i am or whats going on just that i have a hostile near me and i need to get the hell up out of here. More hostile show up all i can do is take swings at them as they try to grab me and hold me down. The first one from before is now infront of me again. While the others all hold me back.
“Hold him! Calm down colonel! Come on its me corporal wainfleet!
I finaly take a breath and focus on the face in front of me. Wait did that thing said he was corporal wainfleet. What. Squinting at the Navi in front i see it actually does look like Lyle but blue
“Lyle? Is it you?”
“Yes and Z-dog and Fig.” Lyle says gesturing to the two navis respectfully holding me.
I take a moment and collect myself
“Just let me go. I'm completely calm.” I can see they all slightly hesitate but do so anyway, still keeping their hand up just in case I start swinging again. But i don't care about them right now i'm looking down and finally notice my own two fists are no longer the tan skin I'm used to, instead they are blue. No it can’t be. I push Wainfleet aside and go toward the giant glass window in front of me. One of those savages stares back at me from the mirror. Hands moving the same as mine eyes blinking the same everything.
“Well ain’t this a bitch.” I say now realizing what has become of me.
After being checked out by the scientist I'm reunited with wainfleet and ordered to watch some video from my past or some shit like that.
“Attention two minutes until we hit the surface.”
I just ignore the soldier barking orders at me floating around trying to watch the video I've been told I have to. Once it starts my previous self shows up on the screen. All tan skin and gray hair. Tough guy military stance through and through
“ In case you were in doubt you are Colonel MIles Quaritch, just younger, taller, bluer and less pretty.”
I just huff at my former selfs gusto.
“In six hours I will attack the Navi fortress. It was thought advisable that I make this backup. Parker what the hell else do i need to say to this.”
“Just remind him how it works anything else you need him to know yada yada”
“ Freaking useless” I hear the former human say under his breath.
“Your memories and your personality are going to be sent back to earth where you are being cultivated just like the other lucky sobs of our team. You are a recombinant soul with my memories and my charm. You wont be able to remember my death because it won't happen.”
A chuckle occurs from over the humans shoulder, a female chuckle
“Miles are you guys just now doing your daily video logs cause if you are i'm gonna have to write you up.”
A woman appears behind miles, everyone else in the background looking sheepish until she fully enters the frame. She is gorgeous. Her smile breathtaking, making my heart pulse loudly a low pur coming from my blue chest.
“Hello there darlin. How’s the baby.?”
Baby? What baby? Is all i can think, attention directly on the video playing as my tail flags anxiously behind me. Stupid thing.
“Jr is fine he’s at his check up asleep waiting for the nurses to finish all the scans i thought i would check in on yall, what are you all doing all secretly up in here hmm”
“Nothing darlin, Parker just making us all catch up on our chores right guys. I hear yes and aye aye from the background”
“Well if you guys would just do what you're supposed to you wouldn’t get in trouble.”
“Your right darlin. Why are you in here though aren’t you tired.”
“I am but just because I had a baby doesn’t mean I can’t help out. The lab people are running around and I'm just making sure everyone is where they are supposed to be.”
“Well why don't you go back to our room and sleep darlin i'll make sure your job is all done ok and i'll pick up jr.”
“Miles, if I didn’t know any better I would say you're trying to get rid of me. Not at all mamas, I just want you and the little one to be all rested.
“Sure. Fine ill let you get back to your little video.”
The woman moves off my predecessor's lap but not before bending down to cup his face, planting a quick kiss on his lips. I notice a ring around her finger. So she wasn’t just a baby momma she actually meant something to him, to me. As she slips away the original faces back at the camera and measures it with a tight look
“That right there is something very important. She means the world remember that soldier with out her you ain’t got nothin. Now she doesn’t know whats about to go down. Or maybe she does i dont know, shes quicker than she looks. But remember she is to be protected. Whatever happens you as a clone have two objectives, the most important: take care of that beautiful thing you just saw. And secondly get revenge on the man who almost took her away Jake Sully. Remember that a marine can never be defeated. You can kill us but well just regroup in hell. Semper fi.”
“Ohrah” I hear Lyle say floating in front of me.
“Lyle, who was that?”
“Who was who, Colonel, the girl?
“Oh that was y/n”.
“y/n” memories start flooding my mind I can hear her voice. Smell her scent. Feel her hands caress my face.
“She was important to me huh?”
“Yeah she was your fiancé. She was part of our team remember
“Yeah i think but i don't remember everything”
“It’s cool colonel give it a bit they said we'll get all our memories back in time”
“Wait you said she was part of our team right.”
“Yeah colonel she was a great field medic but also a great soldier”
“What happened to her?”
“I, I, actually don't know, I don't remember!, hey geeks were missing someone.” Lyle yells over to the scientist but before they can answer we hear the landing protocol go into effect. I guess we'll deal with this when we get to the ground.
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After we get to the ground i half pay attention to what ever they yell at us. More focused on seeing my team and finding out what happened to y/n. I drop the subject for the Moment as i go over to the rest of my team to start our briefing
“Well lady’s we are definitely not in Kansas anymore. We’re on our way to pandora. I know you're all asking yourselves the same question: why so blue?”
Chuckles go around as the twelve sets of eyes focus on me.
“The sins of the past have made us reborn in the form of our enemies. We have their size, their strength and their speed, added to our training its a powerful cocktail”.
“We got a mission?”. Lopez asks from his set in the back
“We do. Our mission is to find and kill the leader of the Navi rebel army. They call him Toruk makto. We called him Jake sully.”
“But before we get to hunting I know you’ve all noticed we're missing a body here”.
“Yeah where is y/l/n.”
“I dont know yet zdarnski but trust me i'm going to find out so till then you all go about your business while i figure out mine.”
Lyle is at my six as we stalk through the base looking for the head a General Ardmore.
“Colonel there they are”, Lyle points over to a middle aged woman head bitch energy radiating from her. Emphasis on the bitch
“General Ardmore” i say standing at the ready in front of the small woman
“Nice to meet you, Colonel. I hear good things. But a lot has changed since you were last here. Come”
“She gestures walking through the bridehead”
“The new command center here has just been commissioned. The crowd fitters can erect a building in six days. We’ve done more here in one year than in the previous 30 years. No longer is our mission her to mine. It’s to tame. We are here to make pandora the new home of humanity. But before we can do that we have to pacify the savages, Sullys whims have become bolder and more frequent. His attacks are well executed. Good coordination between the troops. We only know that they are probably hiding out between the hallelujah mountains and we are still unable to flush them out. That is where your team will come in.”
“That’s all and well but I do have a pressing matter to deal with first.
“And what is that colonel?
“I seem to be missing an important member of my team.
“Ahh yes come with me”
She leads Lyle and i around to a lab looking sector. The ceilings were thankfully high enough we didn't have to crouch. It was just getting through doors that sucked. Taking sips of the co in my mask we come to a giant window, probably looking into a lab. The general presses a few buttons and the once dark glass now becomes clear. A Navi women who looked very much like y/n
“Sorry general i know you had relations with this women when you where human is that correct”
“To my knowledge yes but none of the files said she had died.”
“Yes, well with what we found we were able to determine she died of blood loss during the battle of hometree. She and another soldier were both gunned down by the natives.”
My hands just clenched into fists as I continued to stare at the young women behind the glass.
“Since she was part of your unit and a capable soldier she was also made part of project phoenix. Although due to her health problems her backup was from a much earlier date then the rest of you. Like you all she went back to her twenty year old self with her memories being uploaded from the video logs she did before the battle. Like you all as well she doesn’t remember or know of her death. Unlike you though We had to take more liberties with some of her memories since she was very personable with the traitors during you time which is why i have a hard job for you colonel”
“And what would that be”
“I want you and your unit to keep a very close eye on Corporal y/l/n here to make sure she stays on mission. Got it”
“Understood general.”
“Good she should be woken up soon and the scientist think it would help for you to be there. They’ll contact you when they are ready till then im sure you both have other people to notify.
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Your pov
Everything hurts. My body feels like I’ve never moved but over worked every muscle at the same time. My ears are ringing and my eyes sting. What is going on? Did I get sick overnight or something? Damn. I hear clapping and a few snaps next to my ears startling me, probably one of the others messing with me but I can’t bring myself to swat at the sound.
“Corporal can you hear us”
“Corporal i need you to open your eyes if you can
Wait am I in medical right now what happened?
“I slowly open my eyes, a bright light flowing into them
“Responses look good. Ok corporal y/l/n can you look at us please”
I finally turn my head and see a nurse. A tiny nurse. What the hell?I try to swing up quick but everyone goes on to try and calm me down, everyone is tiny looking and starting to freak me out. But suddenly blue flashes in my peripheral
“Darlin, I need you to calm down.”
Wait, that voice that's Miles, miles will help me. I quickly turn to look at the voice of the man I love when a male navi stares back at me. My jerk reaction is to push him away. Some unknown man staring at me while I feel like I've been drugged yeah that's a no go situation but the male grabs on hard to my arms. It’s not until I go to push again that I notice my arms aren't my arms
“Darlin, I need you to calm down and take a breath real quick, ok.”
I'm just frozen in shock
“ Quartich?”
“Yeah l/n it’s me”
I then turn and see the other avatar that tried to grab me looked familiar as well
“Hey sweet cheeks.”
Miles just growls out at Lyle and that when I know for sure it’s my miles that’s standing in front of me. The boys get me to calm down as the doctors now look me over. I myself am too busy staring in the Mirror at my new body to pay attention to anything they say. Wainfleet had taken up a spot along the wall in my view to give me some reassurance. While miles had gone off to speak with someone I just continued to stare. It was me that looked in the mirror but it wasn’t me that looked back.
After getting my bill of health, some fresh clothes and a run down on the co2 mask and where i have to use them. Miles and Lyle escort me to our new quarters. Entering everything is gigantic. It would probably be comical if any normal humans saw it.
“L/N” I hear called out loudly as a body comes crashing with mine.
It’s Z-dog with lopez and mansks not far behind her behind all the others also standing to come greet me
“Wow zdinarsk it you i'm so glad to see you again.”
I grab and hug z much to her jargon.(she’s not really a hugger) Lopez and Mansks also come over and pull me into a quick hug, everyone else nodding at me with a smile on their face.
“Look At you all. It’s kinda weird everyone being blue.”
“Don’t you know it” Hear ja call out from the back of the group
Everyone just laughing as miles and Lyle rejoin everyone now that i've been reintegrated
“Well would you look at that, the whole squad together again.” Lyle says tucking me and z in each arm squeezing us into his side. We both just exchange a glance before brushing him off onto the floor, everyone else laughing.
“That's enough ladies. I hear miles shout into the room”
“You all know you rooms we'll meet back here tomorrow morning o700 hours”
Roger colonel. Everyone just salutes and goes back to goofing around or going to their designated quarters. I kind of just stand there like a deer in headlights watching it all. Taking in everyone’s new faces and body’s. My family is back together again and right now that's all I can find it in me to care about.
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The next couple of days are very tiring. Training to get back into shape and familiar with our new body’s strength and size. Miles is a constant by my side, us practically going right back to where we left off. But it feels like i'm forgetting something, something important, it's on the tip of my tongue but it wont come out.
I see Miles get particularly more on guard whenever the general comes around to visit, always throwing quick glances at me. I have to admit the woman rubs me the wrong way but I'm grateful to her and the rda for bringing me and my family back together again. But thats where my loyalties end. The others all go back into their roles in the group, no one really focusing on the past or what happened to them more inclined to stay in the present and think of the future. We’re finally given the go ahead to search the area, while i don't agree with trying to capture anyone i have no choice but to follow our orders to find a person called toruk makto.
We get into the Forrest everything is beautiful. I always thought pandora was beautiful but being able to experience it with out a mask is crazy. Walking under gigantic leafs i just take my hand up and spin under it filling its soft texture. Lyle laughs at my childishness but I can’t tell he thinks its cool out here judging by the look on his face when a bunch of helicopter lizards Kenten if i remember correctly start flying around us.
Miles stops and gives the order to fan out in the clearing. I see its an old shack. But why is it out here and why is it so familiar?.Before i can think more miles tells me to survey the surrounding area.While he and two others go survey the field I do as he says not wanting to question things in a possibly hostaile invironment
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Miles pov
We make it the last known location of Jake sully. Not wanting to compromise y/n i have her survey the surrounding area as myself Lyle and zdog approach the old shack. Z and Lopez scope the shack as Lyle and i survey the ruins of an old amp suit.
Scrapping the moss off the side i see it was my old amp suit. There’s no body inside just the remnants of broken glass and a old arrow sticking through the seat.
“Lyle see what you can pull of this thing.”
I stand up taking a breath my eyes finding y/n looking at some plant growing on a tree. A smile wide on her face. It calms me to watch her be at peace.
“Here you go sir.” Lyle hands me a screen to watch the amp final moments
On the screen i see jake in his avatar form all dressed up for war.
But then i see y/n. Human y/n stumbling into the clearing and standing between us.
What the fuck are you doing there darlin. I say to my self my eyes still glued to the screen.
She’s trying to talk us both down. And i can tell by my former selfs body posture falling that whatever shes saying is working. That is until i hear her scream at something behind me. The angle turning quickly to be meet with the female savage jake had found. And a very familiar arrow coming straight toward me
The screen changes once more to y/n above me tears in her eyes and thats where it all stops
That bastard killed me. But wait y/n was there I thought the general said she was with another soldier when she was gunned down. I have so many questions im unable to process as a crunching noise comes from the brush off in the distance
Your pov
The old battle ground makes me unsteady like an impending dread that fills my heart
Miles and the others have all made sure I’m not really part of whatever they are doing I’m just perimeter surveillance I know miles is having the same issues I am but he’s pushing through
I see something white float through the sky. It's an Atokirina, it's beautiful almost like the seeds of a dandelion, It floats peacefully towards me. I hold out my palms as it grows closer and closer gently landing in my outstretched hands. Just as the seed setteles in my hand i hear yelling form the group behind me. I run back to the group gun ready to some face to face with Navi children being manhandled by the others
Hey wait they’re just kids. I try to get out but the others ignore me. I try again but the words stop when i see a human boy as well. Covered in blue strips with a mask on his face.
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Miles pov
Three Navi children and a human are all captured in a second. I look over them all seeing they look somewhat like us. The young male has eyebrows and a very familiar looking face. Lyle points out that he thinks we have half breeds on our hands holding up the older girls hand to show five fingers. Now that got my attention
“Show me you hands kid” The kid just flips me off. Now i know there’s no doubt why the kid looks familiar. He looks like his father
“Your his”
I can hear y/n calling out to us to calm down and that they where just kids but I force myself to ignore her. It’s not till I go towards the youngest one that I see the human that was with them closely.
His hair is matted into dreads and he has blue stripes painted on him
He also looks familiar
“What’s your name kid?”
“Spider, spider l/n
No one calls me that.”
Before I can say anything else I hear a sharp gasp from behind me. Y/n pushing through us to go towards the boy.
Your pov
“Wait your name is miles.” I say staring at the young boy. The longer I look the more the pain in my head and heart grow, I can feel myself starting to hyperventilate. The longer I stare into the child’s blue eyes. Eyes that reminded me oh so much of the man I love.
“But that's impossible the rda wouldn’t have left you here. They were supposed to take care of you” I can’t even make a complete thought as my hands gently try to reach out to the boy ghosting over his arms and face
The tears are blurring as the child just stares at me in shock
“My baby” is all I can choke out before the ringing in my head turns up to a thousand
Spiders pov
The female is looking at me with tears in her eyes as she crouches down to be height level with me. It’s starting to freak me out but I can’t look away from her. Like there’s a string pulling my to go to her and giver her a hug but that’s stupid she obviously just another soldier just like quartich. But…..Wait it can’t be. The more I look at her the more familiar she becomes. She looks just like the photo I have. The slope of her nose and cheeks. The shape of her face and as she smiles at me is when it hits me
Miles pov
I can tell she’s shocked seeing the kid. I know I should pull her back before something bad happens but my body won’t move my mind not wanting to take this from her. It’s not until she yells out that I finally move
“Y/n.” I just charge over to her grabbing and pulling her away from everything back into the opening field.
“Y/n,Y/n look at me what’s wrong “
“My head miles I.”
“Shh it’s ok just breath lyle come here”
Lyle bounds over and takes my silent command to look after y/n while I go and speak with spider
The sully kids pov
Why is that lady on the ground and what’s going on?, are all the kids can think as they continue to struggle against the people holding them. It’s not until they hear the words “my baby come”from her is that they realize the avatar in front of them was none other than the y/n l/n spider's mother. Come back from the grave just like quartich. It is impossible, wait till dad sees this. A broken yell breaks them out of their silent conversation as they see y/n no longer in front of spider but now on the ground clutching her head, Quartich and the bald one next to her. All of the others look at them and her with worry evident on their faces. She obviously means something to all of them
Miles pov
Taking in the surroundings I go and radio to the bridge head our location and how I need a pickup when getting a confirmation i walk back over to the sully boy.
“Ok kids here’s what’s going to happen you All are going to deliver a little message to you dad for me.” I slap a com link in the boys hand and stare him down
“Your daddy needs to give himself up while I’m still being nice. And if he doesn’t there’s going to be an all out manhunt for him and your family got it.
The kid just hisses at me.
“And to make sure you all deliver my message spider here is coming with us”
“What no let us go the older female screams”
All of the kids are struggling to protect their friend. I have to admit I was glad he had such loyal friends.Shaking my head a squashing those feelings down
“Let the kids go”
“What but sir “
“Just do it we need to leave”
The others toss the kids away from them guns raising to make sure none of the little shits attacked us while our backs were turned
Taking spider in hand I shove him towards Lyle. Exchanging the struggling teen for the hurt women. Holding y/n close as the chopper starts to come into view. The rain has started casting the clearing into darkness. My team continues to watch my back protecting me and y/n from the sully kids and the danger that may lurk behind them. It’s not till I hear a clear yipping sound call through the air and see the children all react to it. That I know he’s out there. Him and that she demon he married. The sound comes again and the children book it out of the clearing back into the safety of the trees. Ordering the team to load up and placing y/n in Mansks arms I decide to turn back surveying the trees. That’s when a shadow in one of the large trees catches my attention. It moves slightly as another one comes into view just below it.
“Jake!!!” I yell out. “I know you're out there sully. I hope with this I’ve gotten your attention. Tell you boy there to relay my message. I’ll be seeing you again real soon.” I hop into the chopper and we quickly make our ascent back towards the bridgehead.
Back at the bridgehead spider is taken to a holding room per the general's orders now while I don't agree I had more pressing matters on my hand.
Y/n looked exhausted, her eyes sunken and ears and tail twitching everywhere.
“Darlin how you feel?”.
“My head is killing me.”
“The science pukes said it would pass. Everything will be ok
“No, everything will not be miles. I'm so confused about what is going on. Why are we after Jake? I thought Jake was our friend
“Well that’s a long story. Here what's the last thing you remember.
“From when I was human.?”
I just nod tail flicking behind him worriedly
“I remember you proposing and I remember being assigned to help Jake and the science group, I remember having our son and being so happy. but after that nothing…. Now you tell me what am I missing.
“A lot happened darlin. While Jake was on our side he and the others decided to turn their backs on humanity. They…
“What do you mean turn their back on humanity Miles, you i both know the rda didn’t and still doesn’t care about the Navi. What every they did they were probably in the right.
“How does killing everyone we love as a family make them right.
“They were protecting themselves and their homes just like we would do if the roles were reversed. This is all once again the RDAs fault.
“Darlin you and I both know we owe everything to the rda. Now I'm sorry this situation is not what you want it to be hell i don't want it to be but we have to do what we're told ok. Just focus on yourself for once in your life i beg of you
“Miles that's not how life works
“Well i'm gonna need it to cause i don't need you giving the general any ideas”
“The general, what does she have to do with this?”
“She knew you were close to the traitors in the past. They didn’t want that becoming a detriment to their current mission. Our current mission may remind you. So they have me watching you. And if you slip up im supposed to hand you over.”
“Understanding comes to my face as I see now why miles was always so closed off to me recently.”
“So for my own sanity and your survival i need you to continue with the mission do you understand”
“Miles im not going to”
“Y/n i'm not asking i need you to do this until we can figure something else out please.
“God this situation is so fucked” All i can do is pace around while miles sits on the edge of the bed.
“Fine I’ll pretend if it keeps you and the others safe I’ll pretend but I refuse to hurt anyone miles. You have to realize this isn't the same as then, now we are the navi and I know without a doubt the rda does not care about any of our blue ass’s.”
“Your right darlin, we all know it but”
“But, we have to come up with a plan. I don't want to lose everyone again and I refuse to lose my son again. Ok.”
“Now speaking of we have a very alive problem staying in this room right now that we need to take care of first please i want to see him”
“Darlin I can’t let you do that.. i see he's staring at me but his cute little ears are drawn back and his eyes hold guilt”
“Miles where’s our son”
“Darlin hes not your son”
“Where is he miles” I yell out at the marine now blocking my way
“The general has him darlin’
“Wait! Goddamit!” She storms past me despite my best attempt to block her into our room. She always was quick and make it seem all to easy getting passed me to make her way to the interrogation wing. Running after her I stop quickly grabbing z dog and Lyle who just stood watching me storm past them. They follow after me quickly. I’m already trying to come up with what to say for damage control
Your pov
I get to the room and my blood boils. There he is ,little miles or spider as he kept calling him self earlier. Hes standing strapped to some sort of machine as the general yells out where’s Jake sully?" I can’t even begin to think straight taking in the scene in front of me. All I know is that my son is screaming with blood now slowly falling from his nose. Oh hell no. I immediately rush over stopping the machine before Ardmore can stop me and just as miles,Lyle and z-dog all come into the room.
“And what the hell do you think you're doing?”she screams, stomping over to me but Miles quickly grabs me by the back of the neck and pushes me towards z and wainfleet.
“Colonel is there a problem here?” she asks eyeing my struggling form
“No ma’am.” Miles say signaling to the others to fully haul me out of the way
Miles pov
“Colonel I thought you said l/n wasn’t acting out “
“She’s fine we’ve been able to sidetrack and subdue her from thinking of the past to long
“Good now explain what the hell that was just now”
“Simple general we just found our in”
“Excuse me”
“You know how they say never get between a mama lion and her cub. That’s what just happened l/n’s outburst just proved to the kid he can trust her and with that well be able to get him to trust us and give up sullys operation. “
“He’s not your son colonel this is not the time to play happy family is that understood “
“Yes sir”
“Good I will warn you once again do not let l/n compromise this mission or she will be put down is that understood “
“Understood general . I salute to the smug women in front of me though it takes all my will power and walk out to find y/n and spider”
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wildernezz · 3 months
Metal Lords: movie review
summary of plot (no spoilers): a dorky awkward kid named Kevin is friends with this wannabe metalhead named Hunter. they're starting a band together but because of their flaws, their progress fumbles a bit. however, after finding out about their schools Battle of the Bands, they start working to prepare for the contest. as they improve their skills, they also improve their social lives and their own personalities
general thoughts: I GENUINELY LOVED THIS MOVIE SM????? god if youre into movies about a buncha flawed misfit friends then this is definitely a movie i'd recommend. the first few bits are a little awkward because you can kinda feel that the actors are still getting into their roles, but sticking it to the end is ABSOLUTELY worth it. all of the characters were so lovable and it genuinely filled that "i wanna see a movie about people just being people" hole in my heart. i still have no idea how to describe those kind of movies, but i feel like if yknow then youll know.
movies "Metal Lords" reminds me of: Theater Camp, I Used To Be Famous, School of Rock, Love Simon
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in depth but also scattered thoughts bc i cant organize for shit:
I LOVE THE SILLIES SM???? THEYRE ALL MY FAVORITE SILLIES???????? LITERALLY THE ONLY CHARACTER I HATED WAS SKIP (HUNTER'S BULLY), EVERYONE ELSE WAS SO SILLY????? ofc theyre all flawed and there were parts in the movie (especially with hunter) that made me disappointed to see, but the character progression was so satisfying and i loved seeing them all grow. it was genuinely so silly to me i love them all sm
EMILY AND KEVIN WERE SO CUTE TOGETHER???? AND I HONESTLY LOVED EMILY SM??????? JUST IN GENERAL??? LOVED KEVIN TOO BUT MAN I THINK EMILY IS MY FAVORITE. i loved all of her moments sm???? she has a lotta flaws but theyre honestly all reasonable and understandable to me so i kinda just forgive her for them anyways. i also just really love how sweet kevin is to her. like ofc he's not a perfect boyfriend and makes some slipups, but he genuinely really cares about her and i think it's so cute to watch.
i also really loved hunter. like there was a lotta scenes where i wanted somebody to punch him in the face, but he was honestly still lovable even throughout those scenes and he started improving a lot near the end, which was really nice to see. he obviously wasn't completely redeemable since there were still a lot of things he could've done better, but i feel like the fact that he didn't completely become perfect is what made me love his character a lot more. it felt really real to me. he isn't perfect, but he genuinely wants to make up for the shit he's pulled and he's absolutely trying to show it, and isn't that what living's all about anyways? either way, we love hunter in this household <3333
KEVIN'S TIME TO SHINE: that was a lie, i dont have much to say on kevin LMFAO. i absolutely loved seeing him on screen and i just love Jaeden Martell in general, but despite that, there's not really a lot for me to say about him. i just think he's neat. that's enough for me <3333 (emily shouldve been my girlfriend tho smh how dare he /j)
i think thats all i have to say for this movie. either way, PLEAASEE check it out. i swear itll be worth it because the characters honestly all so adorable and so silly goofy goober. we love the silly metal lords here <33333
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sodapopsolstice · 1 year
Homestuck^2 sucked because none of the trolls actually aged like they were supposed to. Like the humans aged (even though they're MEANT to be immortal and dont give me they're mentally 40+ JOHN NO LONGER FITS IN HIS GOD TIER SUIT HE HAS AGED) but we don't ever see the natural development of the trolls.
Vriska, Aradia and Sollux I can kinda give leeway since they've went through timelines and dreambubbles and double death and half death and yada yada those 3 are kinda fucked up timeline wise so I kinda see why they never aged.
But Terezi, Karkat and Gamzee? No fucking excuse.
Kanaya is a grey area however cause you know she's "Kanaya The Vampire Fashion Queen" but like no credible sources I can find SAY anything about age when it comes to rainbow drinkers and I can't find out if The Dolorosa was actually a rainbow drinker so we don't have a naturally lived rainbow drinker example so I'm just gonna have to assume Kanaya ages like a regular troll.
However, the other 3 have no right to not be ageing. For example, I'm gonna pull up a image of Commander Vantas here:
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It's hard to tell with Cmdr. Vantas because THE ONLY TIME WE SEE HIS FACE IS IN HERO MODE OR IN A LIGHTING AND SITTING DOWN anyways. But with what we are given with Cmdr. Vantas he DOES in fact give signs he has aged, not as much as he should of, by this point he should have gotten a good bit taller than the humans and have completely red eyes, but it's better than THIS
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what the fuck. Meat Karkat SHOWS NO SIGNS OF AGING AT ALL HE LOOKS THE EXACT SAME AS HE DID WHEN HE WAS 13 WHEN HE IS 20 AT BARE MINIMUM and you may think im overreacting, cause obviously its just his symbolic sprite he doesn't ACTUALLY look like that
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You buffoon, you oaf take at look at this. HE ISN'T AGING IN THE SLIGHTEST IN MEAT.
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Other than artstyle and change of clothes he looks the fucking same, at this point in HS^2 he should be looking like The Signless but he doesn't even look older than Kankri. But maybe Karkat is a bad example maybe the poor guy has a case of eternal babyface and he's just cursed to look 13 forever.
Let's take a look at Gamzee instead.
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There's so little images I could find off sight of Gamzee in hs^2 and I did NOT want to be on that buggy ass website for long so this is the best you're getting. As expected, Gamzee ALSO has a case of chronic babyface and it's especially egregious as he's the descendant of THE GRAND HIGHBLOOD.
Tbh this is actually kinda a good image since we can semi eye measure Vrissy and Gamzee. Of which Gamzee seems imo taller than Vrissy, not in massive hulking beast like GHB but like and adult man to a 15 year old, which would be normal and expected IF HE WASN'T AGAIN THE DESCENDANT OF THE GRAND HIGHBLOOD.
That guy is literally known in fandom for 2 things, being pissed off and being huge, again Gamzee follows the trend of not having the adult troll characteristics of dark grey skin and whilst his horns are red due to being hero mode and we can't see his eyes i think we can assume he probably doesn't have some nice lavender lookers on him.
And there is a reason why I've spent the last 1 or 2 hour complaining about obtuse homestuck lore and it's simple it shows a lack of care.
It shows that Homestuck^2 on the surface is a mediocre at best adaptation of Homestuck but as soon as the thin surface layer is scrapped away, it shows a hollow project, it shows a project that generally proves itself to be a homestuck thing but it doesn't show passion, I could probably right now find you any HS fan and ask them what makes adult trolls different to young trolls and they could probably easily tell me how and why. So why couldn't a whole team of people attempt at the very least, a version like that?
Its little things like the trolls not aging/aging like humans to the damn table to the lack of acknowledgement for already accepted and semi canonised reps of queer culture in favour for rep that punches down to the outright ridiculous swivels in personality that's prove to me at least that HSE and HS^2 were dead on arrival.
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gaybananabread · 1 year
i dont know if your requests are still open, but could you maybe write something about luz finding out hunters scars are tkish or something? sorry if im bothering you!!
This is an adorable concept! I love using him as my emotional punching bag, so there's a good bit of angst (as with every Hunter thing I write).
Lee: Hunter
Ler: Luz
Summary: Hunter is resenting himself and his scars. Luz teaches him to stop blaming, and makes a smile-worthy discovery.
Warnings: Owl House spoilers! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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Mirrors were a common enemy of the group. Eda used to hate how she looked with her feathers, Amity was embarrassed of her eyebags, and Willow just didn't like her face. They all learned to love themselves as they are. Now it was Hunter's turn.
He was scowling at his reflexion, cataloging his scars. They covered his arm and the side of his face, taking up most of his skin. He hated the way they look, tainting him, reminding him of all he lost that night.
Flapjack's death had hurt. Especially since he's basically the one who caused it. If he'd just stayed with the group, told Luz to wait, gotten over himself, Flapjack might still be here. Instead, they're dead, all for him.
He couldn't look at his face anymore. He left the bathroom, accidentaly slamming the door behind him. He winced at the loud noise, knowing someone would be over to see what happened. He wasn't really in the mood to talk.
As if on cue, Luz came around the corner, concern plastered on her face. "Hey, is everything okay in here? I heard the door... slam." She looked at his face, worry settling on her features. Luz walked over, closing the distance between her and the angsty teen.
She took a minute to think, choosing her words carefully. "Hunter, are you okay? You look sad and tired." A little blunt, but fair. He was sure he looked like crap. He just stared at her, thinking of what he could say. "Here, let's sit on the couch."
She led Hunter over, sitting him down. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He stayed silent, looking at her eyes. They shown with concern and worry, both things he didn't want to see. She had no reason to care about his feelings when he had done so much.
Luz was apparently psychic, because she knew exactly what he was thinking. "I care about you because you're my friend. They weren't your fault, Hunter. They loved you, and it's okay to miss them. Blaming yourself only makes things worse. Your scars are a reminder that they love you, and would do anything to keep you safe." Dang, she's good.
She sighed. "Is it... okay if I touch you?" Hunter nodded, looking away from her. Luz scooted over, bringing her hand up to his face. She traced his scars, but stop when he flinched away. He looked just as shocked as she was. "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?"
He shook his head. "N-no. It just felt wierd." She went back to tracing, but stopped again as he jerked away. She noticed the corners of his mouth tugging upwards. Realization dawned on her. "Oh my Titan, your scars are ticklish!
A blush creeped onto his cheeks. He turned away, not denying the statement. Luz lightly grabbed his wrist. "Is this okay? I don't wanna over step." Hunter's blush doubled, hiding his face in his shoulder. He mumbled out a response. "It's fine, I guess."
Luz lit up, smiling at her new opportunity. She started to trace the scars on his arm, drawing little shaped into the sensitive flesh. He tried to hold in his giggles, but the persistent titters flew out, lighting up the room. "Mmmehehehe! Luhuhuz!"
He squirmed around, not tugging away, but definitely trying to escape the tickles. Luz giggled at his silliness, moving up to trace his neck. Hunter snorted, scrunching up his shoulders. "Nehehehe! *snort* Ihihihit thihihickles!"
He still didn't tell her to stop, nor did he push at her hands. He just sat there squirming, enjoying the sensation, feeling carefree. He didn't feel guilty when his friends were with him, enjoying his presence. Moments like these made him feel good, reminding him that he matters.
Luz traveled up one last time, going back up to his cheek. His giggles calmed back down, returning to their light and airy sound. "Thihihihis wahas duhuhumb!" She smiled. "Maybe a little, but you like it. Plus, it helped with your stinky-stupid thoughts. All around win!"
She stopped her traces, giving him a hug. Hunter gladly returned it, finding comfort in her arms. He got his last giggles out, clinging to Luz. She just smiled as they sat there, silently talking out their problems.
Maybe scars aren't so bad afterall.
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tomholland1996simp · 2 years
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Your alive?! || Peter parker
Warning: Shouting, swearing, Fighting, Arguing, mentions of attempt of suicide.
Pairing: Peter parker x Stark reader
Summary: Your Tony Starks daughter. Peter and You have a big argument, which leads to you finding out you have powers. These powers you couldn't control in that moment, so Peter has to fight you to calm you down. But then Peter ends up getting hurt.
Hi, I'm Y/N Stark and I'm sixteen years old. Before you ask, yeah I'm Tony Starks daughter. No one knows that he has a daughter, well only the avengers know about me.
There's nothing really interesting about my life. I've mostly been kept away from the world because of my father. He thinks it's too dangerous and that I'm not capable to protect myself. However I think he's wrong, I can protect myself very well.
All the avengers are nice to me though, that's the only good thing. Maybe that's a little lie though as one of the avengers, Spiderman, isn't so nice. Peter Parker his name is. He's sweet, cute and kind to others but to me he's rude.
I don't know why he hates me so much or why he's such a dick but he's been like that from the start. I'm only rude to him because he does the same to me.
"y/n Stark you are staying here" my Dad argues back. All I asked was If I could join on the small mission today, or even just watch it.
"Please Dad! You never let me do anything. I'm sixteen! And you let Peter go on missions" I argue back.
"Peter is Spiderman. Y/N yours just-"
"I'm just what?....Yeah I'm just me. Just because he got bitten by a fucking spider doesn't mean he's any special to anyone else" I snap.
"Language" Steve shouted.
"Fine then. Peter will stay here with you" My father said.
"What!" me and Peter said at the same time.
"I'm not staying here with this fucking nerd" I shout.
"Y/N DONT BE SO RUDE! I have to go now, we will talk about this later. And your grounded so stay here" And then he ran out of the room.
Me and my father always argued about things like this. He just never let me try things on my own. I can look after myself and he clearly doesn't realise that.
I then heard the front door shut.
"Well your going to be here alone because Im going out" I go to walk out of the room.
But before I could even leave the room Peter spoke. "Your not allowed out. Mr Stark said your grounded" Peter grabbed my wrist.
"I don't fucking care what 'Mr Stark' thinks" I mimic the way he calls him 'Mr stark' and not Tony, yanking my wrist away from his grip.
"Your being childish y/n" Peter chuckles.
"I'm being Childish?! He's the one who never lets me do shit! IM STUCK IN THIS TOWER 24/7! AND IM FUCKING SICK AND TIRED OF EVERYONES SHIT." he really pissed me off and so has everyone at this point.
"You need to calm down and stop being a bitch y/n. Your not going out end off because I'll just get Mr stark to come back"
"I actually hate you so much Peter. Fuck you! I'm going out" I tried to walk out the door still mad, however I felt Peters hand on my wrist yet again.
"Let go of me Peter, I'm warning you" I say.
"You can't do shit y/n. Remember I'm Spider man and your just you. Y/N Stark who is a nobody and the biggest bitch ever" He spits in my face, my blood now boiling. This just made me so angry so I punched him in the face.
How could he say that?!
He then groaned in pain, but I didn't care. I felt so angry and sad after what he said.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Peter looks at me. He was looking at how flames were now flaming out of my body.
I had no time to react, I had no control over myself. Next thing I know, I was throwing fire at Peter and I couldn't stop. He luckily had his suit on but I was still hurting him.
"Y/N Calm down. I didn't mean it-"
"WHY PETER! WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SO RUDE TO ME" I shout at him, my anger taking control over my body.
"Y/N CALM DOWN" He webs my wrist but that makes my powers go off more. Fire came out of my hand and went across the floor.
When I realised what I was doing, I started to get worried. "I CANT STOP IT PETER" A tear rolled down my cheek.
"AH SHIT! Y/N THE TOWER IS ON FIRE" Peter kicked me onto the floor and I groan in pain.
"PETER GET OFF ME" I punch at him whilst he holds me on the floor and webs me up.
"Not until you can control-" he didn't finish his sentence as I somehow blasted him into the wall. He smacked his head against it and fell on the floor.
Reality then hit me, "Peter?" I look at him passed out on the floor, not moving. Finally my powers that no one knew I had calmed down. I wasn't on fire anymore and I just felt dizzy. "PETER! Wake up stop joking around" I shake him but it was no use.
"PARKER! WAKE UP. I'm sorry please. PETER IM SORRY! I'm begging you, I didn't mean to. GET UP. I'm sorry-" and that's when the door slammed open.
"Y/N STARK WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!" My dad came over to me, whilst the other avengers helped put out the fire.
"It was an accident, I couldn't control it. I DIDN'T KNOW I HAD POWERS" I cry, going to stand up.
"Peter?!" He pushes me out the way.
"We need to take him to the lab!" Bruce shouts.
"He's gonna be okay though right?" I panic looking at his lifeless body.
"I don't know y/n! HE COULD BE DEAD RIGHT NOW!" My father shouted. My heart felt as If it had been stabbed lots of times.
This can’t be happening!
Did I kill Peter?
What have I done!
"What happened here kid" Nat asked.
"I-I think I should leave. I've done enough damage to the tower and now I might've k-killed P-peter" I run out of the tower.
Shouts were all I heard the others call after me, I just ignore it. To be honest, I didn't know where I was going, couldn't really care less. I just had to run away and be far away from everyone as possible.
Skip 6 days:
It's been six days now since everything had happened. I just can't deal with all the pain I've been experiencing right now. Im standing on top of a roof, preparing myself for what Im gonna do. I know I shouldn't but it's the best way to stop all this pain.
"I'm sorry Dad that Im the worst daughter ever. I just wanted to be more like you and Peter and everyone else. I'm s-sorry Peter. I loved you so much and you didn't even know. I lost control over myself. I didn't know I had powers and that's why I have to do this. I deserve it after all. I'm gonna jump now and I'll be with Peter" I say to myself and walked back.
As soon as I was about to Jump I heard a voice.
"I wouldn't do that If I was you" That made me turn around and I saw him. Standing in his suit with his mask in his hands and red puffy eyes.
"P-Peter?" I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.
"hey" he smiled.
"Your alive!" I run to him and hug him for dear life.
"This is nice" he hums whilst he hugs back.
"I-I'm so sorry Peter. I didn't mean to do that, I had no control. I t-thought I-I k-killed you" I sobbed into his chest.
"Hey, hey. Don't cry. It's not your fault, I'm alive see. I deserved it"
"NO! You didn't deserve what I did" I look up at him.
"I'm fine now though. Everyone's worried about you, you've been hiding really good. Did you mean what you said?" he stroked my cheek.
"Mean what?"
"That you love me" I just nodded.
"Well I love you too. And the only reason why I was so mean to you was because I've had a crush on you for so long now. Im really sorry about that. How about I make it up to you? A date?" he smiled.
"A date it is" I leaned up to kiss him on the lips, which he returned back.
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EPISODE 5……..🥺
Right off the bat, i love the idea of percy’s forehead peeking out of the water, like the mysterious mermaid he is
Annabeth was the best part of the episode as always
Thought they were gonna talk more about thalia percy parallels grover just looked a lil tad distressed and that was it but whatever
Percy and his lil ‘hi’s will never stop being funny
the usual “i thought annabeth was gonna punch me but she was actually nice to me guys who would’ve thought someone would be happy to see me” narrative still shining through WITH THE HUG PLS CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW SWEET THE HUG WAS
grover’s so confused like “literally an hour ago you guys hated each other….am i missing out on some plot point”
dude was ‘looking for new tickets in the st. Louis arch as if they were going to be on the floor lying somewhere💀
Percy’s face when he addresses grover after the hug, he’s so proud someone actually hugged him 🥹his face is just like “hey grover look SHE’S HUGGING ME🥺”
Can I just say the writing for percy is perfect
like he’s so 50% there like he’s so good at communicating and asking what’s wrong and trying to understand the other person’s feelings (sally jackson’s son for you) but at the same time he has NEVER had a friend before so he ends up embarrassing himself 😂😭
”im pretty sure that’s what friends do” “….at least i think that’s what they do” pls 😭
grover’s face too help you’re already tired of being third wheel???oh honey this is THE FIRST HALF OF THE FIRST BOOK get comfortable
not their lil heads popping out and going back in. Peak comedy right there
Seriously adam did reallyyyyyy good as ares. Theres no one else i can imagine anymore as ares. The delicateness of his ‘good mood’ as if it is gonna break any second, the rage and fury but at the same time being extremely funny???
the diner looks so cosy it’s so cute
was kinda missing some percy rage in this but it comes out at the last so its fine
The real reason for grover to be so okay staying back is not the strategy of getting answers out of ares but because of how tired he was of taking care of annabeth and percy.
I feel like they should be showing luke more (later on they will, i have faith) im already forgetting about him it wont hit as hard if i dont remember him
Percy “ive not seen many movies since im broke” jackson x annabeth “ive never seen a movie since i live in a magical camp” chase
but the fact that annabeth’s never seen a movie kinda erases the fact that later on in hoo, annabeth talks about watching cheesy old romance movies with her father which kinda contributes to their dynamic but
the fact that percy would probably be the first one to take her to the movies makes me not care
honestly tho IM REALLY REALLY HOPING THAT THEIR FIRST MOVIE WONT BE THE ONE AT THE START OF BOTL I’d rage as much as annabeth when i see percy with rachel (not that im a rachel hater, im a circumstances hater)
grover is such a good therapist, like he is THE EMPATH. He tripped the god of war into talking about his life this is a grover appreciation post
annabeth zoning out with fascination at the mechanics and also i love the “percy being done with annabeth” representation
i cant see anything so nothing to say here
grover manipulating ares through his emotions>>>>>
also ares roasting athena
Percy sacrificing himself AGAIN like the depressed kid he is
annabeth immediately reassuring percy that she would save his mom the character developmentttttttt from being inconsiderate about percy losing his mom to promising that she would save the lady EVEN THOUGH SHE BARELY KNEW HER
This is giving me too many feelings guys the lady she’s promising to save is the lady who will be the best mother figure who will singlehandedly heal her mommy issues AND BECOME HER MOTHER IN LAW
“Its warm” i thought this was gonna be the last thing he says before whatever was gonna happen to him so i was like lol famous last words
but fr tho the intenseness of annabeth crying for percy to GET UP and percy’s just fading out of the world trying not to cry trying to reassure annabeth that he’s okay IN WHAT WOULD BE HIS LAST FEW WORDS, literally everything he does is for someone else even in his dying moments its just magelhi”gdsjihoawerhoudfjls
especially with the “im not…..” [okay] lol we have always known that percy, it aint a big surprise
i got to applaud leah for how she portrayed annabeth’s brain chemistry altering every minute with percy and how that influenced her speech with hephaestus
i cant believe thats leo’s dad hes giving santa claus i do like him tho
Now that i think about it the percabeth hug should have been after percy comes back to life not after the louis arch scene since they were just starting to have two minutes of chemistry there and have the “you dont have to feel bad about the hug” in the zebra truck scene
percy trying to intimidate ares lolllll walker scobell did his best to make it look real tho so good for him for not representing it as it was; a lil 12 year old child threatening a wrestler looking god of war
”Thanks for the emotional abuse and the cheeseburgers” will forever be in the cinema hall of fame
i feel like grover either is going to say the wrong person or he’s going to figure out it’s luke but something’s going to stop him from saying it out loud
or he’ll say it which causes some angst amongst the team who dont trust him cuz both annabeth and percy worship luke like there’s no tomorrow
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