#but i have been watching less
filmhaus · 5 years
I really haven’t had a funhaus video make me actually laugh out loud in a hot minute board as hell and the band manager vid both were really good and reminded me what I loved so much abt funhaus in the first place
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colorisbyshe · 3 years
watching teenage girls get famous, get sexualized as minors, get SUPER sexualized the second they turn 18 because now all the freaks who were sexualizing them as minors but knew to be quiet about it can be loud about it without getting in as much trouble, and then have super sexualized eras “reclaiming” their bodies is so fucking depressing
especially when they’re still like 18/19 doing the “I am going to do super sexual, clearly for the male gaze stuff for MYSELF now, it’s for ME not YOU which is why it’s on the cover of a magazine” stuff like it hurts my soul and makes me so sad for them
i’m not saying this in a puritanical ‘young women shouldn’t be sexy’ way but just watching it become a very clear public display which these girls are just replicating things forced onto them... it hurts it just hurts i don’t have deeper, more profound language to describe it. it just hurts
and i hope they’re okay and everything they’re doing truly feels like it’s for themselves and stays feeling like that.
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worstloki · 2 years
MCU really lost the opportunity to cash in on Loki's entire time with Thanos and the denial/reclamation of his past on Asgard and being hurt by his family and being Jotun and loving his family regardless and being a master sorcerer like wow what part of his identity did the show cash in on exactly
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welcometogrouchland · 3 years
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[image ID: a digital illustration showing six scenes from the magnus archives, divided up like comic panels in a 2 by 3 grid. The first panel shows Melanie being stabbed in the shoulder with a scalpel by a ghost. She recoils in pain with teary eyes and a look of terror, blood sprouting from her shoulder. Next panel shows Melanie stabbing Jon, the images mirroring each other in composition. Next panel shows Jon stalking Jess Tyrell.
Jon is depicted as a shadowy being with eyes all over him. Jess faces away from Jon, glancing behind her, looking terrified. The next panel again parallels the previous panel in composition, showing early seasons Jon being watched by many eyes, looking back with the same expression as Jess Tyrell. The final two panels show Melanie after the bullet removal surgery, and Jon in the episode Scrutiny after being confronted. Both face us head on. Melanie is covered in blood and looks horrified and dazed. Jon has eyes floating around him and looks guilty. Both are in shadow.
The characters are coloured in black and white, with all panels on the left having a red background, and all panels on the right having a green background. End ID]
Hi I made a post earlier about Jon and Melanie's arcs in the context of cycles, specifically cycles of violence, but words weren't expressing me right, so I made this instead
#the magnus archives#tma#jonathan sims#melanie king#it's 'unwell abt Jon and Melanie'' hours lads!!!!#idk I'm still not. super able to put my thoughts in words#I'm sure it'll come to me when i finally relisten to season 4 (IT'S GONNA HAPPEN I'M GONNA START OVER CHRISTMAS BREAK)#but the main gist of it is like. how jon and melanie have parallel arcs in the specific sense that#a specific type of harm is done to them (melanie it's being attacked violently and jon it's being watched voyeuristically)#and this then becomes the type of harm they begin to replicate (jon w/ feeding and melanie w/ giving in to the slaughter and attacking ppl)#and how they try to steer themselves off this path specifically after realizing they're specifically replicating the harm done to them#w/ melanie the parallel is she stabs jon the same place she was stabbed#and after the bullet was removed she reevaluates her life and decides to start trying to get better#Jon's is less of a clear parallel but i remember how tumblr user @red-archivist made a post about how#jon says in 111 that he enjoys compelling ppl- which is obviously not a good thing#but is understandable in the context of him developing this ability#after having to fend for himself the past two years with so little understanding of what was happening to him#and how he's constantly tempted into Knowing via the prospect of using that knowledge to protect ppl#which is heart wrenching in the context of things like him not realizing sasha had been replaced#and how this is all a very intentional manipulation done to jon to make sure he would lean into these powers and Become™ faster#i do think that for the most part jon and melanie have very different arcs#Melanie's arc is about trauma harm and healing whereas Jon's is more existential and moral and ends in tragedy#but i think this is a very interesting intersection for them to have??#it's interesting that the one thing they have in common is their own destructive patterns-#-(in the sense of it being cyclical. like i said melanie is more about violence whereas jon is voyeurism)-#-when their dynamic is commonly described as seeing the things you hate abt yourself in someone elsw#*else#idk! food for thought! rip the dimensions on this piece
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
Now, Bdubs, he’s excellent at people. But this -
Okay, like, see, this isn’t the kinda thing anyone knows how to handle, he knows. Death, and the kind you don’t come back from - that’s the kinda thing no one knows how to handle, even if they’re practiced at it. And, well, the Hermits haven’t been so practiced at it, lately, even those of them who’d been involved in all those life things, with the limited lives, and...
The point is that death is big and complicated anyway.
Living after it is something else.
And like, okay, here’s the other thing: Bdubs had already done his mourning, right? Which, uh, actually. That sounds bad. He hadn’t given up! He hadn’t! He’d just - he’d looked the moon in the eyes and he’d made his peace and he’d done his mourning for himself, yeah? He’s known he was gonna die, and he’d had time to be mad about it, and he’d remembered mostly thinking it was a shame that Etho wasn’t with him for the inaugural race of the Horse Course, mostly. That’s the thing he’d mostly been sad about. That and dying, but like...
So, being alive is a bonus? He’s done his stages of grief. He’s dealing with the aftermath. It’s just that, everyone else...
Bdubs had mourned himself when he realized he wasn’t gonna leave.
Everyone else, they had mourned him after he hadn’t.
In some ways, that shouldn’t be that weird, right? Like, hey, him and Tango, that had been a conversation! A messy one, but a conversation! Bdubs definitely didn’t cry. Not at all. No horrible tears. Tango, though, he’d cried like a baby. Definitely. And, see, right, they’d both known, what was gonna happen, and now they were alive, and they had some things to work though, and they were. And that one was fine! but...
But Bdubs doesn’t wanna be treated like glass, y’know?
Like, maybe he should be more upset? He is, if he thinks about it in more than the abstract. That’s why he’d c... not cried at all, talking to Tango. A lot of it, it was real upsetting. He died! And not in the normal, respawning kind! He’d like, died-died! That stunk! That stunk a lot! But he’s alive now, you know? He’s alive, and he’d looked right up at the moon and made his peace back then. And now he’s alive, and he’s made his peace with that, too, even if sometimes he touches the dirt and it’s just like, wow. He hadn’t thought he’d get to smell dirt anymore, or the way it feels after the rain. He’s alive again.
So, uh, Bdubs has finished his grief, mostly. He’s done mourning himself. He’s just - he’s not glass. The problem is, he’s not so sure everyone else is done with mourning him, the way they look at him. He’s not so sure everyone else has figured out what to do now that he’s alive. He’s not so sure everyone else is fine.
And, you know, Bdubs is perfect! He’s perfect in every way.
“But,” he tells Tango quietly, picking petals off of a flower. “I’m just getting the feeling everyone else is way more upset I died than I am.”
Tango laughs, a little broken and breathless. “Tell me about it,” he says. “Tell me about it.”
They sit together and look up at the sky. It is bright; Bdubs wouldn’t be looking in the sky if it had the moon in it! He remembers, though, before he died, how there was no time of day when they couldn’t see the moon at least a little. It’s nowhere now.
“Not sure how to solve that one, buddy,” Tango says, finally.
“Yeah, didn’t think so,” Bdubs says, and they sit next to each other, and Bdubs sits and tries to figure out what stage of grief this one is supposed to be. Pretty sure the psychologists hadn’t written for this. They’re all hacks, anyway.
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christianborle · 2 years
everyone talks about rose going home and googling “doctor” but no one ever talks about how clara mistyped the wifi password and then thought she was completely locked out of it forever so she gave up and instead clicked on the sketchy wifi she’s never seen before. bro just retype it again correctly!!!!!!!!
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shadeswift99 · 2 years
"Well, since the series I'm normally incredibly attached to ended quite suddenly in a glorious but still heartbreaking explosion, now would be a great time to get invested in a seperate series in the meantime! The entertainment and stability will be a great way to bridge the gap between HC seasons! And after all, what are the chances that the exact same type of wholesale destruction would happen twice across two completely different SMPs? Near zero, surely! I'm going to love watching Empires :D"
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hanniba1 · 3 years
look. i’ve watched hannibal all the way though 13 times now. i’ve seen twotl an unhealthy amount of times. but when i say watching that final interaction between hannibal and will still has the same impact on me as the first time i watched it six years ago. it is so rare that a show ends so perfectly. as much as i would love to have seen more, the power that those last few minutes have on a show that ran for 3 years. watching those two men, both of whom are not necessarily the most outwardly physically affectionate people, just grasp for one another. the way will grabs for him (the same man who flinched when jack crawford pushed his glasses up in apéritif) and embraced hannibal. clings too him, allows himself to be held. gently rests his head on hannibal’s chest. the way hannibal’s face is filled with pure euphoria, a moment of complete bliss. that when will ever so gently tugs them over the edge, hannibal just closes his eyes, body limp, completely accepting they’re conjoined fate. he can literally die happy. can’t live with him, can’t live without him. it’s truly an incredibly beautiful moment. what the whole show has been leading up to. it’s beautiful.
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tacosaysroar · 2 years
I love them all — of course, of course — and how could anyone not hold a special, warm feeling for Jonathan, the purest of souls? But if pressed to choose, the answer would be Tan. Every time. My favorite of favorites.
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marquisguyun · 2 years
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for @lan-xichens March Gif Challenges Week 3: Masking
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fictionadventurer · 2 years
I used to think that I loved characters over plot, and that's still true. But I can't love characters to the exclusion of plot, not without a lot of disappointment. Give me a great character, and I will love them to bits and adopt them as my special favorites. But if they aren't in a plot that makes sense, then I haven't been given a story. I have an action figure. I can think up characters that I like on my own. I want to see these characters doing things that are meaningful and make sense based on their personality and history.
I don't love a plot to the exclusion of characters. A well-constructed puzzle happening to faceless characters is going to feel empty. But I want the characters to do things that are believable, rather than stumbling randomly through senseless happenings, or being railroaded along a track of desired plot points. A plot doesn't even have to make total logical sense--I'm not going to sit there condemning a story because it doesn't line up with that one episode from five seasons ago, or because science doesn't work that way. But a plot does need to make character sense. The plot isn't something that happens to the characters. It's something that should flow from the characters, so even when they do something stupid or overlook something obvious, we still believe that they would behave this way, and then everything that happens in consequence feels meaningful. It feels earned. It feels like a satisfying and believable story. And it feels like the writers have done their job.
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atimefordragons · 2 years
I didn’t appreciate the don (2006) twist enough as a child, it’s so genius when I think about it as an adult, because not only did don manipulate all the characters, farhan also expertly manipulated the audience. srk had played villains before and after, but in 06, that was the height of pyaar ki baadshah stuff, I don’t think he’d played a villain for a while back then, and like, it was shahrukh, why would any of us think he’s not the ultimate good guy, it’s srk, suraj hua maddham, suno jiyo muskuro kya pata, kal ho naa ho, no way he’s going to turn out to be more evil than anyone else. but when you watch it back there are hints, why did vijay’s accent disappear completely, how did he get good at fighting, at evading, like, with suspension of disbelief, we never questioned it, but the little hints were all there! god, what a twist! not just completely fooling everyone in the world, but also manipulating the audience itself. genius. 
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worstloki · 2 years
People will say Loki is a narcissist and list the proof as 1. He calls himself a g*d . Like ok what you’re actually proving here is that your evidence is weak so so weak.
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limewence · 3 years
The problem with Brighton is the quiet. Or maybe George’s just in his head about it, staring at the plain ceiling of Will’s guest room in the early morning hours. It creeps him out, is all, hearing only the wind, the intermittent rush of the swaying trees, too irregular for him to fall asleep to, and Will’s creaky central heating unit. In his most paranoid flashes, it sounds like slow, sudden footsteps.
His eyes stay open.
The truth of it is that there are a million things keeping him awake, not least of which is how every time he closes his eyes, he sees the way Wilbur’s curls mat in the sea breeze, or just how strange it is to hear his funny, high-pitched laugh in person, to watch Will tower over him so easily, so casually. The heater groans again, a little too human, and George has never been one to be spooked easily but it’s like, 5 in the morning and he hasn’t been able to get to sleep the whole night--
George sits up in bed and swings his legs around to the edge of the bed. Before he can really think it through, he stands and leaves the room, goes past the stairs to the bedroom at the end of the hall. He opens the door slowly to find Wilbur knocked out cold, blankets strewn against the wall, curled up into his side with an arm shoved under his pillow.
He steps inside and realizes he doesn’t have a plan, only that he doesn’t want to go back to his room anymore. Something about Wilbur--he has a strange pull. Or maybe that’s just George. Either way, he settles on the floor against Wilbur’s bed, taking his glasses quietly and putting them on, just for the hell of it. It’s better here. More peaceful, more natural, George thinks, to have another person around. He might fall asleep right here, glasses slipping down the end of his nose, hunched over cross-legged on the floor.
Wilbur’s steady breathing pauses infinitesimally, but enough that George opens his eyes in curiosity to see Wilbur vaguely surprised, but still mostly blurry with sleep.
“You’re here. In my room.” His voice is rough and--it’s the tail end of spring but something about the blue-ish light and the goddamned quiet is giving George goosebumps.
“Yeah? I am,” George says. He pushes the glasses back up his nose a little. “I dunno. I couldn’t sleep.”
“So you invaded my room?”
“I mean--I can go. Maybe this is weird.”
“No--” Will catches his shoulder lightly as he makes to get up. “Stay for a bit, I don’t mind.”
“Thanks. It’s too quiet here, I think. London is different.”
Wilbur snorts and settles back into bed, pulling the blankets back over himself with a little trouble. “Okay, city-slicker.”
“Whatever.” When George turns back again, Wilbur’s already staring at him like he’s trying to work something out. “What?”
“You’re wearing my glasses,” Will says, hushed.
“I am,” George says. He remembers the way Will placed them so gently over his face and he touches along the rim carefully. Maybe if he asks, he’ll do it again before he leaves. “I’m sorry, did you need them right at this moment?”
Wilbur laughs and leans back, and George feels irrationally pleased with himself.
“Well,” Will says through a yawn. “Stay as long as you’d like. I’m gonna fall asleep on you, though.”
“Maybe I should go, then,” George says, taking the glasses off.
“No, seriously, stay.” Will presses his lips together, thinking. George can almost see the little wheels turning in his brain. “It’s nice. It really is. So, don’t go.”
“I will, then.”
This is a different kind of silence, George thinks to himself as he pulls his phone out. He navigates to Twitter out of instinct. Something inside him stands on end whenever Will huffs out a laugh at something on George’s screen and he can feel it along the tip of his ear.
Like the intermittent rush of the swaying trees. The wait for the next one--it’s starting to become unbearable, but George bears it because he can’t stop thinking about how badly he’ll miss this once he has to go.
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therapy-stuck · 3 years
guys the important thing to remember here is that this comic isn't us purporting that our interpretation is how homestuck "should" have ended or even that our interpretations of the characters is how they really are, this is just us dicking around with a few underdeveloped concepts that we've picked based on others analysis that we've connected with. so whenever we're like "this character uses they/them" or "karkat is agender" or whatever it's just like a personal vibe based thing that doesn't necessarily invite analysis
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boylikeanangel · 2 years
im calling it now cuz why not. season 4 ends with nandor getting staked
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