#but i have to start far harbor over from the very beginning again
strangefable · 5 months
can't decide if i want to cry or set someone on fire
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redrose10 · 2 months
Yoongi and the prompt id no 45 "how much of that did you hear". Thank you so much and i really like the way you write
Here you go, I hope you like it!
Warnings: A few swear words, alcohol consumption
Your apartment smelled like a brewery and looked like a frat house. Broken glass bottles and plastic cups littered everywhere. Someone’s very expensive bra hung from the ceiling fan. This was not exactly what you wanted to come home to after a long day of work.
You know you agreed to let your roommate/best friend Yoongi throw a party, but when you thought of a Yoongi party you imagined some wine and appetizers and a few people sitting around talking about music or something. Once you spotted Jimin in the hallway you knew he was the culprit for the party getting out of hand thanks to his social butterfly status.
You searched through apartment trying to find your roommate wanting to make sure he was okay, but also making sure he knew it was 100% his responsibility to clean up this mess.
Hearing a loud bang followed by some cheers coming from the kitchen you figured that’s where the party must’ve moved to and you were correct.
The small kitchen was packed full of people to the point you couldn’t even squeeze through so you resigned to standing on your tiptoes to look through the sea of people for Yoongi.
Thankfully it wasn’t too hard to spot him. He was in the corner swaying back and forth with a desperate looking Namjoon trying to talk him out of something. Yoongi pushed him aside and jumped up on the kitchen table stumbling a little. Namjoon quickly grabbed onto his legs to try and steady him while you felt an immediate sense of panic wanting to get to him.
“Hello, Hello…is this thing on?”, he asked tapping into the beer bottle at if it was a microphone.
“Listen everyone I have something I need to get off my chest and I might be just a tiny little bit drunk so now is the perfect time.”
You giggled at his confession. Yoongi was pretty good at monitoring his alcohol intake so you were a little surprised that he let it get this far though.
“Escuse me.”, he slurred and the crowd got quiet again.
“Some of you probably already know this, but I just can’t hold it in any more. I’m in love.”
You felt your heart sink just a little. You’d been harboring the biggest secret crush on him for the last two years, but were way too afraid to say something in fear of ruining the friendship and it looks like you lost your chance anyways.
He continued, “I, Min Yoongi, love my best friend. That’s right. You heard it here first. I love Y/N.”
You gasped before you were able to make eye contact with Namjoon who seemed more than happy to see you there.
“Okay that is all. I just wanted to make it known that I love Y/N and she is mine.”, Yoongi said before lazily falling down onto the table.
The next morning you cleaned up around the apartment because you knew with the hangover he was going to have that Yoongi was going to be pretty much useless and you couldn’t stand sitting in the filth any longer. Close to noon he finally came stumbling into the living room rubbing his head and trying to shield his eyes from the light.
“Morning sunshine.”, you smiled handing him a cup of coffee you had ready.
“I feel like I got hit by a car.”, he groaned taking a seat.
“Yeah not surprised. You were pretty messed up.”
“Did anything embarrassing happen?”, he asked with a wince.
As if on queue his phone dinged.
You peaked over his shoulder to see the text message from Jungkook with a video attached.
Yoongi pressed play and the familiar sound of the beginning of his drunken rant started immediately.
Suddenly it all came back to him so he quickly shut off the video before it could go any further and slammed his phone down.
“Why’d you shut it off? It was a good speech.”, you pouted.
His face turned a bright shade of red as he looked over at you, “How much of that did you hear?”
You chuckled, “All of it. Every last word.”
He ran his hands over his face, “Fuck I’m so sorry Y/N. I understand if you want to move out. Or if you want me to move out. I can go stay at Namjoons until I find a place. This is why I don’t drink without you here.”
“Yoongi did you mean what you said? Even the part about me being yours?”
He looked at you with wide eyes, “Um yeah, yeah I did. But you don’t have to feel the same way. I’m an adult and can take rejection.”
He continued to babble on and on and seeing no end insight you did the only thing you could think of to shut him up by crashing your lips into his.
After you pulled away from the kiss he shyly smiled, “So I take it you like me too?”
“Yes, you idiot.”
You stood up and walked towards the door before motioning for him to follow, “Now come on. One of your friends threw up all over our rug so you’re buying a new one. And then you can take your girlfriend out to dinner as a thank you for cleaning up after everyone.”
He smiled while grabbing his keys in one hand and making sure to have a strong hold of your hand in the other.
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solarsa1nt · 8 months
inumaki toge x fem!reader
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Tags — angst & fluff , happy ending , unrequited love turned requited , slight yuuji x inumaki? not really but reader interprets it that way , jealously
Notes — none
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Y/N knew.
Well, obviously, she's been at least somewhat aware from the beginning. It's not like Inumaki was ever all that subtle with the feelings he harbored towards her.
She just didn't know how to react, it's not like she's a very likable person— she's an okay friend at best, but she's plenty aware that romantically, she's far from what someone wishes from a partner.
"...Ah?" Y/N mumbles as she stares at Inumaki, blinking slowly as she attempts to process the confession that left his lips.
It's rare that Inumaki speaks— most words being either an order towards a cursed spirit or, more commonly, the onigiri ingredients he uses to communicate with others.
She never thought she would hear a confession of all things from his voice.
Of course, Y/N's known since near the beginning of his crush— but that's all she thought it was, a crush. Something minor that'll go away in a few weeks, at most a month.
Maybe she should've grown concerned when nearly a year has passed and he remained unrelenting about his affections.
Even so, Y/N never thought she would have to worry about being confessed to— assuming that the cursed speech user couldn't, not even considering the fact that the words wouldn't be perceived as a command.
Maybe she shouldn't have left his feelings without a comment, maybe she shouldn't have given them the chance to grow, maybe she should've stopped this before it all started.
Yet, Y/N knew that no matter what she did, she couldn't change her past choices— no matter how regrettable they were.
"I'm... sorry." Y/N struggles a brief moment, the words feeling odd in her mouth yet soon continues on— knowing that she at least owes Inumaki this much. "I don't return your feelings."
"I, uh," Y/N glances away, the heavy feeling in her chest expanding, enveloping her lungs as her throat tightens. "I hope this won't affect anything with us being friends... nor anything with the other second years."
"Sorry, Inumaki."
At first, Y/N didn't think it would change much.
It's not like she particularly cared whether or not the feelings Inumaki held for her were romantic or not.
Yet, as the boy's lingering touches started to fade away, the extra time they spent together dwindling till it was no more than the time she would spend with Maki or Panda, Y/N felt something almost hollow in her chest.
She knows that her being upset over him not even attempting to earn her love was disgustingly selfish— especially when she couldn't even bother to attempt to reciprocate.
Yet Y/N missed it. She missed their late night conversations after everyone else was already long asleep, she missed the way his gaze would stare at her as if she was the most precious thing in the world, she missed feeling like she was his person.
She does her best to ignore the repulsive thoughts that seep into the crevices of her mind.
Instead, she offers a carefree laugh and a jokingly dismissive wave of her hand to Maki. "Some stuff happened on my latest mission, but it's nothing major. Sorry if I've been more sulky lately."
"But it's great to know that the Zen'in Maki cares enough to notice." Y/N adds with a teasing look thrown the girl's way.
"Don't call me with my family name." Maki replies irritably, glaring back at Y/N with no real malice other than traces of mild annoyance.
Y/N glances over to the side out of the corner of her eye— a barely noticeable action that not even Maki seemed to catch.
Inumaki was still staring down at his phone, typing whatever it is without a singular glance her way.
Y/N looks forward again, ignoring the self-centered thoughts once again attempting to flood her brain.
It's fine, Y/N convinces herself, it's not like she deserves his love at the end of the day— not when she can't even be considerate enough to reciprocate.
Despite herself, the thoughts don't do much to even slightly convince Y/N.
Inumaki has been spending more time around the newest first year— Itadori Yuuji.
Now, don't get her wrong, Y/N doesn't have anything against the guy, he's sweet and empathetic and everything she's not.
But that seems to be what's causing her irritation.
Itadori is so disgustingly kind, so considerate to others even if their words are harsh and cruel. His desire to save as many people as humanely possible— no matter who they are or what they've done —is thoroughly selfless.
He's nothing like Y/N.
Despite that, Inumaki seems to be spending more and more time with him as the days go past.
Did he really get over her that fast? Y/N wonders, and the thought should bring her some sort of relief— she should be happy that he was able to move on and be with someone who can reciprocate his feelings.
Yet all it does it leave a bitter taste on her tongue.
Y/N groans into the silence of her room, dragging a hand down her face as she stares up at the ceiling with an irked expression.
Why does she care so much?
The question hangs over her as she droops her eyes shut, attempting to ignore her irritation as the same scenes play in her head over and over again— of Inumaki and Itadori training together, hanging out, doing all the things that he used to do with her.
With a sigh of thinly veiled annoyance, Y/N opens her eyes again, glaring into the ceiling as if doing so would erase the memories ingrained into her.
Deep down, she vaguely recognizes that this isn't normal— she shouldn't be so worked up over someone who she rejected moving on with his feelings and finding someone else.
Still, the image of Inumaki and Itadori together...
With another sigh, Y/N turns onto her stomach and buries her head in her pillow, clinging onto it tightly as she presses her skin against the soft warmth of the fabric.
Getting so worked up over some guy.. ugh, how far has she fallen? Acting like some lovesick schoolgirl—
Lovesick? Y/N echoes the word in her head— eyes widening at her stray thoughts as she sits up abruptly, pillow held tightly in her hands over her lap.
Lovesick... Love? Is she—
E/C eyes flicker around the hallway, pouring in through the open windows as it casts an orange hue over the wooden floors and walls, the sun slowly disappearing behind the trees.
Where is he? Y/N wonders, turning around another corner as she vaguely wonders if she should just give up and try again later—
Y/N blinks as her eyes land on Inumaki, he didn't seem to take note of her yet, looking down at his phone as he stands by one of the windows, leaning against the frame with his upper body just slightly leaning out.
Just for a moment, Y/N hesitates, wondering if she truly has any right to tell him.
But still, at the same time, Y/N was selfish.
Even when in denial over her own feelings, she wasn't willing to lose Inumaki entirely yet still played oblivious to the way he felt about her, even when he made it painfully obvious.
"Inumaki." Y/N calls, evening out her tone into a casual one as she leans against the windowsill next to him.
Inumaki blinks, looking up at her with a look of surprise, but soon recovers as he returns her greeting. "Konbu."
After the short greeting, he leans back, about to turn and walk away—
Y/N grabs his hand in a sudden grip, surprising bother Inumaki and herself at the desperation in her actions.
"I, uh..." Y/N's words die in her throat, struggling as she looks down— feeling purple eyes stare down at her in confusion.
"I'm sorry." Y/N blurts out, vaguely wishing she had planned what she was going to say before hand. "When I rejected you I wasn't..."
"Takana?" Inumaki asks with a concerned lilt to his voice, his gaze never straying off of her for even a second.
Guiltily, she realizes she feels a surge of enjoyment at his attention being turned back to her— only her.
"I like you." Y/N confesses before she can think better of it. "A lot. I didn't... I didn't realize, but after you confessed I just..."
"I'm sorry." Y/N adds, letting go of his hand so quickly as if it had burned her— pulling it back to her chest as her gaze remains away from him, not being able to bear seeing whatever expression was on his face.
"I get it's way too late, and I'm glad you're happy with Itadori, I just needed to—"
A pair of lips meet her, eyes blowing wide open as her gaze shifts up to meet Inumaki's— him pulling away a moment later.
The kiss was soft, far from Y/N's first, yet so much gentler than any of her previous ones.
Y/N stares at Inumaki in surprise, a hand hovering over her lips as she tries to process what just happened.
"Okaka." Inumaki says, pointing to the part just under his eyes— where Itadori's second set is —before shaking his head.
"You and Itadori aren't...?" Y/N trails off, the unfinished question making her eyes widen with relief seeping into her.
"Shake." Inumaki replies, putting his forehead against hers as she makes an 'oh' sound.
A small smile melts onto her lips at the confirmation, shoulders relaxing as she looks up at Inumaki. Something so genuinely fond in his eyes that it almost makes Y/N concerned if she can match it.
To keep this— whatever's going on between them —she thinks, hopes she can.
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© 𝓢OLARSAINT 2024 ─── all of my works belong me alone! do not copy, steal, plagiarize, or spread any of my works in any other social media platform. these have only been reloaded on my own accounts on ao3 and wattpad
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ollypopwrites · 7 months
Gale x Druid!Tav 🌿 Bonding with Tara
Rating: T (very brief and subtle mention of sex)
Notes: this is v domestic and I love Tara
Tara only gets to meet Tav briefly in the city but she’s known Gale long enough to know that look in his eye
Shes got manners so she’s not rude necessarily but she is stand-offish with Tav because well… she’s protective as much as Gale considers her his most dear and oldest friend he is hers and his mother is hers and he means so much to her
And Mystra well… I have a feeling Tara has some strong opinions on her. so naturally she’s cautious where she thinks he won’t be because he’s earnest and romantic and loves with his whole damn soul
And I talked about it before but! Tav and Gale have only known each other a short time, and they are certainly forged in fire so to speak but from the outside this whole thing looks like fiery whirlwind of feelings and fears of dying or becoming illithid
And Tara has concerns about that: is it going to fizzle out as quickly as it started? Is her Mr. Dekarios going to be left alone again sequestered in his tower? Is this flame going to burn him and leave another scar on his body and soul?
So if Tav accepts gales proposal and goes to Waterdeep Tara is not sure about the whole thing
And tav is… just a bit rugged in the space of Gale’s tower which can get dusty sure, and trinkets and books and quills are always somehow littered everywhere but its not quite the same
Tav’s shoes seem to always be steeped in 6 inches of mud, there’s dirt under fingernails, flowers or leaves in their hair and if Tav isn’t wearing those damned muddy shoes then they’re BAREFOOT and for all intents and purposes Tara feels like Gale found a feral stray animal and decided to bring it into the house
But Gale really enjoys it? He’s ready to renovate the tower so Tav can have a big greenhouse, space for more animals and they’re going on more outings to explore the wildlife around the harbors and beaches and Gale is beginning to sport a lovely tan and Tara isn’t sure she’s ever seen him spend so much time out of the tower but he’s practically glowing and she’s hard pressed not to be pleased he found someone who will literally make him touch grass
And despite being a Druid Tav doesn’t care when Tara hunts little mice and errant birds (which she definitely made a show of dropping small animal carcasses on the windowsill to once Tav nursed some injured bird back to health) but Tav just shrugged cuz circle of life and all that just please none of my pets thank you ms. Tara
She also lingered in the bedroom many a night because she’s a little shit who knows Gale won’t even take off his shirt if she’s there but then they started locking themselves in the bathroom and she flies off to his mothers house the moment she hears bath water start sloshing through the door
She admires the fact that Tav is not put off by Tara’s incredibly forced indifference and tendency to sit between them in the study because well Tav understands nature and she knows sometimes creatures become attached or just simply don’t want you to fuss over them or even touch them and Tara is of course, not a cat but a tressym, but the point still stands and Tav is just not bothered by any of it they’re very happy to simply cohabitate with a disinterested Tara
It isn’t until Tav wildshapes into a cat to sleep in a rare patch of sunlight during the winter that Tara breaks down
She comes over, at first sitting next to Tav and looking at her oddly but Tav just rolls onto her side and continues napping
With the unpracticed grace of a tressym who despite all her higher knowledge and powers loves scratches behind the ears and the spot on the window to watch birds fly by, she flops down to lay with Tav and its… actually quite nice especially when TAV STARTS PURRING.
And it feels nice to cuddle with someone cat-shaped almost, it taps into some far gone memory of piling with family
Thus the winter of snuggles begins where they lay in the sun and play fight and do Cat Things and Tara always flys off if she hears Gale coming around the corner and Tav never tells him about it so she’s spared any teasing and Tav never brings it up ever so as not to embarrass her
Until one day Gale finds them deeeeeeeep in a midday nap but decides not to tell them he found them
And he definitely was not teary eyed about it either that was dust in his eye
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m1d-45 · 5 months
-Pari Anon
After the, um, accidental kidnapping, Albedo learns that Pari!Reader hates being taken to the city. But they enjoy being at the Inn or in nature.
He finds them again on the balcony. They’re splashing happily in a tub of shallow water. He remembers the Adeptus that got angry at him, but as long as he doesn’t take Pari, he isn’t breaking any rules.
So he plays with Pari a while. And he isn’t bothered.
Until Xiao is walking up the stairs and finds Albedo with Pari again. It takes all his self control to not attack Albedo.
He begrudgingly learns that Albedo isn’t much of a threat to Pari. And maybe he can help should Pari get kidnapped by a certain Geo Archon.
[ prev post ] : spoilers for albedo lore/story quest
all things considered, albedos trip to liyue was going rather well. aside from the part where he angered an adeptus and nearly got his head cut off, of course, he could have gone without that. but he’d found the source of the ley line disturbance, and a few books in the city on teyvat’s mythos confirmed what he already suspected. the pari were an ancient sumerun race capable of changing the very terrain with their elemental powers… so why were you here?
unfortunately, there was no book on the local adepti at wanwen bookhouse. he considered asking around, but that might just draw unnecessary suspicion. if you lingered around the inn, it was likely your adeptus wasn’t far behind. he conferred with a few local specialists, comparing notes on the ley line disturbances. taking care of his business in the harbor took less time than traveling here, but he wasn’t as upset as he’d normally be. you alone would have warranted a full trip to the inn.
revised notes and a few new pages of others’ observations later, he was on his way. it was late into the afternoon, too late to return to mondstat but more than early enough to make it to the inn. the path was well-worn and easy to follow, and even if it wasn’t it was hard to get lost in the plains. wangshu inn stood high above the horizon line, a permanent marker of his path. he passed the occasional merchant or guild member, but neither they nor he stopped. his journey was largely uneventful, in truth, arriving at the inn an hour or so before the sun would sink below the sea. perhaps if he was able to get settled in by then, he’d be able to watch.
he checks in, going to the balcony to try and catch a glimpse of the sky, and finds you again. someone’s set out a shallow tub for you, filled halfway up with water and sitting on a table so you can see over the railing. the fading sun catches the splashes of water and turns them a bright gold, though you quickly freeze up. how strange, that someone as far removed from human form as you express such complicated emotions as conflict and warning so easily.
how strange, that a pari had not only found itself in liyue, but chosen to stay under watch of an adepti.
“i apologize for earlier,” he says, taking post by the railing and setting up an easel from his inventory. “i didn’t know you had found a guardian. you’re not native to liyue, and i worried.”
a half truth. his motives were far more self-serving than selfishness, but he truly wouldn’t have bothered you if he knew you had “the bane of all evil” as your host. his mistake, though the circumstances of your relationship were quite strange. not a pet, you were too intelligent and the adepti had insisted otherwise.
idly, he trasmutes one of his shorter pencils into a small wooden boat, khemia buzzing in his fingertips. it’s child’s play, one of the first forms he’d mastered, but he hears you chirp sharply from behind him. it’s not fearful, and you don’t say anything when he sets it on the table next to your basin in a quiet offering. he angles himself such that he can see both you and dragonspine behind you, taking up another pencil and beginning to draw.
was it wise to start another sketch when his first was still unfinished? probably not. but that one didn’t have you in it, did it?
the wind runs cold as the sun begins to set, though he doesn’t notice. what does make him pause is the burn of ozone in the air, his mind automatically wondering if tubing had come loose before remembering that he wasn’t in his lab anymore, and that-
“what are you doing here?”
right. ozone, the same odd smell that he didn’t have enough time to register earlier, stinging his nose and warning the air. albedo set down his eraser, giving his hands a cursory dusting before turning around. the same adeptus as before, flickers of gold gathered in one hand like he’s prepared to draw his spear at any moment. you sit in your tub, glancing between them, and he notices you’ve brought the boat in with you.
“drawing. it’s too late to make the journey to mondstadt, and i’ve already checked in with ms goldet. don’t worry, no harm has come to your… friend?”
the adeptus doesn’t respond, not that he expected him to. this was a shared public space, one that he happened to be in at the same time as you. nothing suspicious. you were not alarmed, and had not called for assistance.
you chirped softly, succeeding in getting both of their attentions. you were holding up the boat, carefully balancing it on your wings. were you… showing it to him? why?
the adeptus—would it be rude to ask for his name?—picked up the boat by the mast, turning it over. his gold eyes flashed white with elemental sight, then he returned it just as delicately as he’d picked it up. “where’d you get that?” he asked, voice considerably softer than before.
you pointed one wing at albedo with another chip, letting the boat fall back into the water and batting it around. he’s not sure how much entertainment someone capable of understanding complicated inter-personal relations could garner from a boat, but you were pushing yours to the upper limit, it seems.
“you.” he lifted his eyes, surprised to see the harshness in the adeptus’ had dulled. “what’s your name?”
“i am albedo, chief alchemist of the knights of favonius. you are?”
“…I don’t suppose you just *happened* to have that boat on-hand?”
“no, i made it for them. consider it a gift for scaring the both of you last time.”
“i did not get *scared-…*” he crossed his arms, shaking his head. “irrelevant. come with me, you’re going to catch a cold.”
the latter sentence was of course addressed towards you, his hand lowering to pick up his sleeve. he held it out for you to flap up and into, clutching the boat tight to your chest. the adeptus turned away, swallowed by blue smoke, and albedo sighed.
he’d much have preferred to have his name, but it wasn’t strictly necessary. as for his drawing, it was getting dark, so he added in a quick detail on the front before flipping it over, writing along the top of its frame.
‘an adeptus and his friend.’ — oil, canvas — a painting of a small pari in a basin, lifting a toy boat into the air. at first glance, it may seem like they are the adeptus in question, but finer eyes will see a figure hidden in the shadows atop the roof, looking down with a thin smile. completed by the chief alchemist during his trip to liyue, kindly donated to the knights’ headquarters for your viewing pleasure.
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daisyofwaterdeep · 8 days
Magical Intrusion | Chapter 1
!NSFW! male companions x cisfem reader This chapter contains: Gale Dekarios, sexual fantasies
Gale tries to create some magical relief for his lonely nights
Everything is in place. Gale turns the padded sleeve in his hands, tugging at the seams that close it off at about 7 inches, then turning it again to inspect the entrance, padded fuller to the point of stiffness. He delves two fingers in, pleased with the water repellent spell he had cast on the silk lining. Everything seems to be in order.
Now, the tricky part.
He had been tinkering with the set of spells for the past several tenday, to various degrees of success. But now, Gale feels that they're ready to be put to proper action.
A warming enchantment goes first, and works perfectly. A water creation spell now, with a few tweaks that makes the liquid more oiled and viscous. That goes well also.
Gale stops for a moment, heart hammering and mouth far too dry. This last charm is far more complex than the other two, and far more likely to go awry. He has to do this perfectly, elst the rest of his work will have been for naught. It had taken him nearly the whole trip to get the supplies he needed, and he doesn't know if he has the heart to start again if this goes wrong.
He takes a deep breath and places his hands over the makeshift sleeve as he begins reciting the enchantment. A blue light spreads in his finger tips and transfers to the material, casting a faint glow. He pictures in his mind a fantasy that he's harbored ever since he met you, leaving no lurid detail unthought. The grip of your cunt, the flutter of it, how it would feel and taste and smell. He channels all of his desire into the object, your name chanting in his head as he feels volatile energy start to crackle at his fingertips.
Your voice cuts through his thoughts and at first he thinks he's manifested it, but then he feels the familiar prodding of another mind against his. The spell in his hands dies out instantly, afterimages of the blue light dancing in his now dark vision. He quickly shuts his mind to you, shooting back his own mental words.
Is something the matter?
No, I just thought I heard you say my name.
Gale wipes a bead of perspiration from his forehead, trying not to let his panic consume him.
Through the tadpole?
No, through your tent.
Oh gods, how embarrassing. With you being his camping neighbor, he should have been more cautious....He thinks quickly on how to rectify the situation.
My apologies. I was reading a rather engaging book...I suppose I may have muttered a few words out loud.
I figured as much. Just wanted to be sure.
Of course. Do try to get some rest.
You as well. See you in the morning.
He feels your presence slip from his mind, and only then does he allow himself to breathe--quietly, of course, so as you don't hear him struggling from your laying spot nearby.
The enchantment...he has no idea if it was a success or not, and he's not brave enough to light a candle and see if it did, rattled as he is.
With his heart still beating too fast for comfort, Gale takes the sleeve and tucks it securely into his pack before laying out on his bedroll.
He'll have to wait until tomorrow to see if his hard work has produced any fruit. At the very least, it'll give him a chance to set up camp a bit farther from the rest of his companions.
Gale has waited this long to try out his little contraption....waiting one day more will be easy.
NEXT CHAPTER (coming soon!)
A/N: this is just a short set up, all the real juicy stuff will be in the next chapter ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ (shoutout to anyone who knows where this is goingggggg)
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x Demigod!Reader
Warnings: siblingxsibling, do not read if you don’t like it
Summary:Kidnapped and bound in the captain's room aboard the Princess Andromeda, Luke tells you of all he has been planning. Whether you agreed to his plan or not, Luke was going to make sure you would stay with him for it all.
“Don’t look at me like that, (y/n).” Luke’s voice was quiet, slightly hurt at the glare you were piercing him with. “You wouldn’t have come if I had asked.”
Anger was starting to slither out of you. “So you decided to kidnap me for this insane idea you have?! Raising Kronos. . . destroying not only our father but the rest of Olympus? That’s insanity Luke.” Again you tried to break free of your restraints but the results were the same. The Olympian blood in you screamed for freedom. Being a child of Hermes though, one normally didn’t have any cool powers like Percy the son of Poseidon. All you had was a sword to rely on. A sword that was sitting in the corner of the room.
Luke followed your eyes. The celestial bronze was kissed by the glow of the moon outside of the Princess Andromeda. Who knows how far away the massive ship had gone from the shores of Camp Half-Blood. Even if you did manage to get out, how would you make it back? Your father only gave Luke the winged shoes.
Rising up to his full height, you watch as your half-brother makes his way over to the lonely sword. “A gift, from both myself and father. The one thing that was ever good between us was you.” Loving fingers caress the handle made from a dragon’s claw. The very same dragon that had given Luke his permanent scar. While Hermes provided the celestial bronze for your blade. Luke had sent your father a message of your upcoming birthday and how a sword would be a good present. To show that Hermes actually gave a damn about you. A warrior’s weapon. You hadn’t gone on any quests yet, but you had defeated your share of monsters earning you numerous scars over the years. Hermes saw and admired your tenacity, his fierce daughter. There's always little that the gods could do for their children as they cannot intervene or choose favorites, but Hermes did what he could do to assist you while you were on the streets by yourself. It leads you to making a lot of godly friends and certain monster friends as well.
Fingers around the handle, he lifts it up and exams it. “Your eyes were brighter than this celestial bronze the day I presented you with this sword. Erastis.” Your sword’s name beautifully rolled off of his tongue. It was the first time you had heard it in a while.
Lover’s Kiss.
Luke had chosen the name.
The thought of it’s meaning had you blushing all over again. No one else knew the name. Just you and Luke.
Grimacing, you clench down on your teeth. No. You could never agree to this plan of his regardless of the secret affection you had for him. “Don’t change the subject Luke.”
The grand suite of the captain’s lodgings was dark besides the soft lumination of the light on his desk. For how long had he been hiding this behind your back? You thought you had known everything about your half-brother. The two of you had a special bond within the Hermes Cabin. Never would you have imagined that Luke had been harboring this secret the entire time.
Furrowing his brows, the scar on his face contorted. “You would forsake me for. . . for the gods? For a father that let you get hurt time and time again. They don’t deserve your loyalty. Olympus doesn’t give two shits about-”
“It’s not about that Luke!” You yell at him, momentarily rendering Luke speechless. “Don’t you think I know that already?!”
“Then why. . .”
“Olympians won’t be the only ones hurt by Kronos’ return. Billions of mortals will surely die. They’re completely helpless. Not all mortals deserve that fate.”
Putting your sword back where it once sat, Luke stared at the ground. “Their lives are fleeting to begin with. They aren’t part of the bigger picture (y/n).”
You think back on your mortal mother. It had been years since you last saw her, but that didn’t dampen the amount of love you still held for her. “What happened to you Luke?” Luke didn’t tell you much about his past, but what you did gather was that it was a difficult one. Especially the case of his own mom.
The quiver in your voice made him soften and cup your cheeks. His thumb caressed your cheeks, lips mere inches from your own. They hovered, warm breath teasing against your lips and for a split second you forgot about everything he had told you. Forgot that he had kidnapped you from your sleeping bag. Instead you were consumed by sweet memories of summers spent together. The kisses you stole from one another when you were certain no one was looking. Sneaking out of the Hermes cabin at night to train in the arena and laughing. You always laughed when you were with Luke. It was odd how your crush was ultimately your half-brother, but considering Greek mythology you knew incest wasn’t a concern to the gods. Hera and Zeus were brother and sister after all. Despite that fact, you and Luke couldn’t go around camp showing off your true feelings. The other campers would think it weird. The gods were excused, not half-bloods.
“I’m doing this for our future. For a future we can have, together.” Quietly he explains, nuzzling his nose against you. There’s a slight tremble in his body as he leans forward. His kisses were always so warm. “I’m going to destroy Olympus for us.”
That was enough to snap you out of your lovesick haze. Sadly you turn your face away from him. “Not like this Luke.”
To your surprise he nods, as if having already expected this reply. “I know. I’m sorry, but that’s why I have to leave you chained up. Whether you agree or not, I’m doing this.”
“Luke. . .”
“I’ll bring you something to eat later.” He turns on the tv and places the remote on your lap before going to the door.
“LUKE!! Don’t you dare leave me here like this!” Shouting with all your might, you renew your struggle to free yourself.
He stops, door cracked open but didn’t face you. “I love you (y/n).” With that he leaves you alone with the blue light of the tv.
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satureja13 · 2 months
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Ji Ho, Jack and Jeb's Therapy Game started to merge after they met in Bacalao Bay. And they are not quite sure how to deal with that. Should Jeb and Jack log in with Ji Ho or should they wait to not interfere with Ji Ho's therapy? They decided to wait and just watch what happens since NPC Jeb knows where to find the Captain and real Jeb doesn't and to give NPC Jack time to regain access to his memories.
They took the ferry southbound to the islands where - NPC Jeb is sure - they would find the Captain. The poor Princess did not take the passage well - just like Ji Ho. She sits on the deck next to NPC Jeb and prays to the gods that this will be over soon... NPC Jack, however, seems to enjoy the ride ^^' He started to talk again - because nothing can shut this big snout of him, not even death. But he still can't remember anything from the night he died.
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When they reached the landing stage on the main island, the first thing NPC Jack noticed was the fish shack. (To his defence: there wasn't much more to see anyway ^^) NPC Jack: "Gods I'm hungry!"
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They didn't even notice the beautiful sunset. NPC Jack because -> hungry, Jihovere because -> sick and NPC Jeb because he's worried for the poor girl.
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As soon as the fish monger gave NPC Jack his plate, he started to wolf down his lobster roll right at the stand. Jeb was startled. Jihovere, still a bit weak on her legs: "Can we sit down at least?" (Yes, Tiny Can did a very good job with their NPC versions! hahaha)
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NPC Jack: "Hm?"
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Jihovere and her new friends had studied the map they found in the Vicegerent's office thoroughly. Jihovere: "Are you sure your Captain will be able to steer us through the shoals and cliffs to the remote cave where the Vicegerent and the Demon entrench?" NPC Jeb: "Oh, he will. I've never met a bolder and more daring ('and daunting' he added, but just in his thoughts) man like him." (I don't know if greasy popcorn shrimps are the right food choice when you're nauseous, Jihovere...)
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It was late when they left the harbor. Tomorrow morning they will start their search for the fearless and skilled Captain.
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They went over to their lodging nearby the monger arranged for them. (TMI: This is one of adult Ji Ho's houses.)
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Jihovere still doesn't feel much better (owing to the shrimps, I bet!) so they just chatted for a while and went to bed soon.
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NPC Jack fell in love with NPC Jeb! So this is the counter episode to the mini episode when Jeb fell in love with Jack shortly after Vlad's death ö.Ö' Which lead to Sai and Jeb's first break up...
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After NPC Jeb regained his composure: "I'd rather have you, Jihovere!" NPC Jack: "What? Ewww." (Argh! They try to make me sway! Because they know: for me, Jeb is the perfect partner for each of them! For Ji Ho / for Jack) But their hearts want what their hearts want...
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'I'll push the wood (stir it, stir it, stir it together) I'll blaze your fire Then, I'll satisfy your heart's desire (Stir it, stir it, stir it together) I'll stir it, yeah, every minute, yeah All you've got to do, baby, is keep it in, and
Stir it up Little darling, stir it up Come on baby, yeah I say stir it up Little darling, stir it up, oh yeah
Quench me, baby, while I'm thirsty Cool me down, mama, when I'm hot Your recipe is so tasty And you sure, baby, can stir your pot, so'
Stir it up - Bob Marley This songtext leaves nothing to the imagination ^^'
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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Time to be long-winded about music again featuring the Four Winds albums by the Oh Hellos. I desperately hope this one will be shorter given how bloody long the thing about Coyote Stories ended up being so to somewhat ensure that this will be split up into four separate posts, one for each album. I’m going in chronological order of release. Come one, come all, but especially @writer-of-random-things, to see me put more effort into tumblr posts than my english essays.
Part 1: Notos (you are here!)
Part 2: Eurus
Part 3: Boreas
Part 4: Zephyrus
Before even getting into the songs, let’s look at the album art. A cicada, the hallmark of summer, buzzing in chorus for a few days before dying. They are a horde, second only to their cousins the bees, wasps, and locusts, but a horde nonetheless. The cicada blindly sits underground for most of its life, growing in solitude and waiting for its cue to escape to the sunlit world, mate, and die. A cicada does not question it’s place in the universe. A cicada harbors no thoughts of doubt in its mission, and holds no grudge when it dies under the sky. But humans are not cicadas.
The first song of the album is “On the Mountain Tall”, a relatively quiet start. It’s very biblical in its symbolism and imagery, but perhaps the most important lines are when the singer calls out, “Still the wild wind blows / Up our of the grave of an angry ghost / Firing bricks from broken canon and prose / To build a wall so high it reaches the heavens in the sky”. The spelling of “canon” is not that of the instrument of warfare on the high seas, but that of generally accepted truth when it comes to creative works, as well as religions. But it is used to describe an action much more befitting the weapon, as the “wild wind” is “Firing bricks from broken canon and prose”, a metaphor for using hypocritical or untrue logic and facts to defend itself. Whomever the singer is singing to, they want the singer to fear them and love them in equal measure, but the singer doesn’t. This nebulous thing is described as being “Quiet as a candle and bright as the / morning sun”, not unlike some angelic thing from on high, and yet whoever they are, they are not “He”, who is “not within them, the clatter of / brass and drums”.
“Torches” soon follows, a quicker paced tune of a back-and-forth between two singers. Each alludes to the other, “Father Ignorance” and “Mother Fortuna”, matching up with the leading male and female vocals. Both figures are referred to by the others as making either “Brothers of us all” or “Sisters of us all” through their actions, though neither seem to be very virtuous people. “Father Ignorance” seems to feed people’s anger and fear, setting “our torch aflame” and burning someone at the stake, no matter their innocence. “Mother Fortuna” turns “shadows into shapes”, stoking paranoia and encouraging violence despite the fact that “the faces in her wake / Look more like our own than the / effigies we immolate”. Neither singer seems to be the one from “On the Mountain Tall”, as the previous song was about someone resisting the carrots and sticks offered by someone quite similar to both Ignorance and Fortuna. And yet these two beings still have power, as they sing together, “We keep that old wheel turning / Over and over, again”, maintaining the endless cycle of fear, paranoia, anger, and destruction.
The next song is an instrumental interlude, “Planetarium Stickers on a Bedroom Ceiling”. It’s a gentle tune that slowly builds into the next song, “Constellations”, but the name alone indicates that whatever stars exist far above are not real things, but rather facsimiles. Pretty things, sure, but nothing like the real, burning, blazing balls of gas that dot the night sky.
“Constellations” begins slowly, as the singer describes the sensation of speaking something that takes their voice away and feels upon their tongue like “Brick and mortar, thick as scripture / Drawing lines in the sand and laying / borders as tall as towers / I babble on until my voice is gone”. The clear and more cloudy references to the Tower of Babel and the Empire of Babylon show how the singer has been confounded and confused by that thick and choking scripture. Everything good in their life, everything good done by them and to them are “like constellations, a million years away”, no more real than those “Planetarium Stickers on a Bedroom Ceiling”. What few pieces of joy they have are no more real than the lines drawn to create “Constellations”. But by the end of the song, those good stars are “imploding in the night / Everything is turning, everything is turning / The shapes that you drew may change beneath a different light / Everything you thought you knew / Will fall apart, but you’ll be alright”. The singer has realized how much they have been smothered by thick scripture, how little they know about the world, how much they want to be free, and how they have been denied their freedom by the world they grew up with, by Father Ignorance and Mother Fortuna.
The titular “Notos” is next, starting with the singer describing the world in the moments before the clouds break and a storm crashes down. The world is holding its breath, waiting for “A thunderous disturbance”, the inevitable response to what the singer has done to those “Planetarium Stickers on a Bedroom Ceiling”. But whatever the world is expecting is not what happens, as the rush that comes “will take you away / Like you’re caught in the undertow / And you will drown in the wake / Of the things you lost to the winds of Notos”. Everything the singer has lost to the thick scripture, all that the spent in hopes that the “Constellations” of good intentions would become real, is now being repaid tenfold over. Their realization is as strong as a hurricane, as untamable as the sea, and more furious than a thunderstorm in this moment. They’re drowning Fortuna and Ignorance in “the wake / Of the things you said that you can’t take back”. It’s a beautifully poetic description of the pure, flaming anger felt by someone in the moment they realized their betrayal, but as the final line of the song says, “You gotta let go”.
The second instrumental interlude of the album is “Mandatory Evac / Counting Cars”. Finishing the wordless cry that began in “Notos”, the song is a slow, gradual build up from gentle guitar strums to the beautiful melody that has haunted the background of the rest of the album, a promising echo that reminds the listener that they’ve come quite far since the beginning of this 20-minute journey, and that they’ve still got plenty of road left to travel.
The final song of Notos is “New River”. The singer’s tune is one of gradual change, of how “though the eons may pass as slow as the sands of an hour glass / Every grain that we’ve counted / Claims that even the mountains can change”. This promise that even the most permanent parts of the landscape can slowly but surely change, that the very land itself can bend to the power of a “New River”, is a powerful metaphor for the prospective journey of the singer. They yearn to carve out a new path, to rise with the tide and bask in the “rain for forty days and nights”, to embrace the change so abhorred by the “Planetarium Stickers on a Bedroom Ceiling”, to erode away where they had once stood “On the Mountain Tall”, to extinguish the “Torches” and prove the “Constellations” to be naught but lines drawn in the sky. Within this wind of “Notos” will they rise and remake themselves anew, casting off the thick scripture and ignoring the roaring fire and wind. The fiery Southern Wind of Summer has risen and raged, tearing apart the walls of “broken canon and prose”, and as stormy Notos leaves, Eurus of Autumn and the Eastern Wind will blow in from the horizon where the sun rises, bringing cooler times and heralding yet more change as migrations begin and more questions are asked.
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im-captain-basch · 2 years
Shit shit shit shit shit I had a thought regarding Bendy and the Dark Revival. It's kind of a stretch and I'm sure someone else has probably already thought of this, but just in case know there are major major spoilers ahead, especially pertaining to chapter 4, its character reveals, and the ending of the game.
I apologize in advanced if this seems a little disconnected.
OK, so I'm sitting here watching SuperHorrorBro play BatDR when he gets to the part where Audrey runs into Henry. He mentioned that playing the End reel would start the cycle over again, as we all know it does, but I felt his wording is peculiar:
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"Everything begins again. Completely new."
Obviously we know from checking out Joey's house at the end of BatIM that Joey had drafted up several scenarios we don't necessarily ever actually see. It's possible that these scenarios are each seperate events within different loops, meaning we get such beautiful things as the Butcher Gang having fun at Bendyland and even Sammy and Bendy going fishing, most likely on the docks of the Lost Harbor. However, we don't actually get these different scenarios, either because of the limitations of the game or because Joey hasn't been able to fully implement it into the world of the Ink Machine.
Why is this important, well, there's a specific part of these drafts that fans have long speculated about, mostly in regards to whether or not it's an alternate ending that can be triggered.
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This is one of the most interesting pieces from the draft, because it presents a scenario where Bendy is able to break free of the cycle ending, or at least ends it for Henry or manages to keep the cycle they're in from ending. It also makes sense if we consider what was said earlier about Joey's drafts being different loops too. I think this was something a lot of us wanted, but we haven't gotten it. At least, we didn't until Bendy and the Dark Revival.
I've seen full walkthroughs of the game. I know how the game ends, and as a result, it's very interesting to me that this is the one of those scenarios that makes a return.
The loop Audrey is caught in is certainly different, and that can be attributed to Wilson's interference to the world of the Ink Machine, but it does still run concurrent to Henry's story. For example, Wilson's Keepers are able to capture both Henry and Sammy during their chapter 5 altercation in the Lost Harbor, which is how we end up meeting Henry in BatDR to begin with.
Something I want to point out about Audrey real quick, if you're into spoilers or at least have knowledge of what happens in the game: she's a creation of Joey's through the Ink Machine, half flesh and half ink. When the ending comes and the final boss is defeated, the Ink Demon takes her and together they form a creature who looks very similar to Beast Bendy, but especially to the form we see in Joey's drafts:
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My thought process here is that... in the end, we did get a "Bendy wins" scenario, just not quite in the way we expected back in 2018. It's been right under our noses since chapter 5 came out.
Audrey takes the reel, holds it in the monstrous hand of her and Bendy's combined ink form, and plays it on a projector.
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Technically speaking, Bendy, though combined with Audrey, does indeed win.
They win against Wilson, and against the darker aspects of Bendy himself, who, if the last thing we see before the credits roll is any indication, may now be able to lead as normal a life as an ink creation can.
The cycle will start again, as it always does, and completely anew as Henry had said. This time, however, perhaps Bendy winning isn't the bad ending we thought it was four years ago.
(IDK man, perhaps I'm reading too far into it.)
tl;dr we probably got the Bendy wins scenario but not how we expected or wanted and it probably was never a bad ending to begin with
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Can I request Yandere Gelda, Zeldris and Elizabeth? They are one of my favorite characters.
I already did Zeldris in previous Hc’s of mine.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusions, stalking, overprotective behavior, manipulation, threats, isolation, abduction
Yandere Seven Deadly Sins Hc’s
Elizabeth Liones
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👼Her behavior around her darling depends on whether or not she's at that time already aware of the fact that she's a goddess or not. There's a common mindset she has either way though, no matter whether she's still only human or has retained her memories and has turned partially into a goddess again. Elizabeth is a very peaceful person who values the avoidance of conflict and prefers the diplomatic approach. I'd say major differences include her perception of her love for you. As a human she's semi-aware as best since she's a very clingy and obsessed individual, partially steaming from the fact that she isn't the most confident at the beginning. She lacks strength and feels like she's not being useful to the Sins despite wanting to help however she can and this lack of strength makes her doubt herself. She wants to be able to protect her darling when worst comes to worst yet initially she can't keep up and that makes her scared to be seen as a burden or a spoiled princess in your eyes.
👼With the revival of her memories appears a more mature side within Elizabeth and one whose mind isn't clouded by any overly romanticizing feelings. As a goddess, Elizabeth is fully aware of her overly obsessive feelings she harbors for you but she doesn't start to avoid you or anything like that. She knows that she won't get rid of her feelings for you since they've grown too much and her utterly caring nature prevents her from distancing herself from you. She's far better to control her feelings though as she isn't a shy and blushing princess in front of you anymore but instead there's undeniably this air of experience and grace around her. She's still very protective but with her abilities regained, she has no insecurities anymore although she isn't as arrogant as to believe that she can overpower anyone. She doesn't even want to, still a peace-loving woman. The woman is very skilled in persuading her darling too although she has no malicious intentions by doing so.
👼If we're talking about Elizabeth at the very beginning of her obsession, I can see her definitely being on the more insecure side which leads to unease and slight fear whenever she catches you being overly invested in someone else. She's surrounded by Holy Knights and the Sins themselves, all who are as of now far more skilled than she is. What if you prefer someone strong? She doesn't have the heart to disturb your conversations and interactions though as her kindhearted nature wins over her jealousy but the next time you two are together, she seems troubled and appears to be a bit more clingy. As a goddess, Elizabeth is far more calm which is a result of the trust she has in her darling if it comes to an already existing relationship. There's maybe a moment or two where she feels a jab of jealousy but she smooths everything eventually out.
👼Her dream stays the same, no matter whether she's still unaware of her true origin or not. Elizabeth has always been someone who strives for peace as she is against war and the death that comes with it. As someone who has a knack for turning a bit overprotective at times when it comes to her lover, there is nothing that won't stop her from defending you when something happens. The emphasis is on defend here as she is rarely the one who goes on the offense at first. She has plenty of abilities as a goddess but she's rarely one who kills someone even if she used to have the reputation "Bloodstained Ellie" during the Holy War.
👼I can see her at most clinging to her darling's side at times, especially as a human, otherwise the chances for her abducting her darling are pretty low. She never wants to force her s/o into anything if they aren't comfortable with it and that all becomes especially true when she regains her memories. Living with you would surely be a dream but she is determined to make this dream a reality, without any cheating or manipulation. Elizabeth is very strict with herself when it comes to such a topic so I don't really see her doing an abduction of any sorts. One could argue that she is excessively skilled in convincing others if looking at how she managed to persuade a few demons during the Holy War to not fight, even if they had orders from high-ranked demons.
👼She would love to cook for you but knows that her cooking skills are about as good as the ones of Meliodas, in other words horrific. Elizabeth has a thing for artistic things though so instead she gifts you a lot of stuff she sewed and made herself since she views such presents as more intimate by preparing it herself. She uses her healing ability frequently on you when she first discovers that she can do it, even if it's just a minor cut. As a goddess, she isn't as prone to coddle you as much anymore although she still uses her skills to speed the healing process up and soothe your pain. Very observant when it comes to your habits and the things you like or dislike so if she knows that a certain situation will make you uncomfortable, she'll try her best to help you as good as she can as she reacts in a protective manner.
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🩸Gelda exudes a very calm and composed composure which is precisely why she doesn't let anyone around her even gain the suspicion that she's in love with her darling. She doesn't hate them or anything but finds herself confused and probably even slightly overwhelmed with her feelings. Feelings which are for a fact unhealthy and the vampire lady knows about that all too well. She wouldn't consider trying to kill you since she feels guilty for everything she has done, even if she doesn't show it. There is a certain time where she might consider just avoiding you though but that idea is one of a very short life. You see, the lady here belongs to the category that feels very much possessive over her love interest and with that realization dies the thought of giving you up although the question remains how to approach you and make you her lover. You're a human and she's a vampire after all.
🩸Gelda schemes for a while how she can approach you the best and what she should do from then on. Whilst she is thinking about that, she settles with stalking for now. As a vampire sunlight affects her but she knows that humans tend to be most active during the day. Since one of her abilities includes controlling darkness though, she conjures something out of it to protect herself from the sunlight and still watch over you. She's definitely wathed you sleeping at night though and your vulnerability whilst in your dream made her scoff a bit. A part of her found it just slightly adorable though but she wouldn't admit it out loud that easily. At times her possessive behavior results in a somewhat controlling streak which you will get to experience once you know her since she wants you to do as she says without resistance at such times.
🩸Gelda is an individual ridden by guilt for her wrong doings so I imagine that her guilt drags her down at times which results in an increase of possessiveness and the need to know where you are and what you are doing. In such moments she can feel threatened since she knows that what she did can never be forgiven. Even without such low moments, Gelda is a possessive woman but she manages to keep her composure and swallow any bitter feelings down. For a certain amount of time at least. Don't expect her to stay still forever, you are her little human lover and no one will take that away from her. She needs to remain patient though if she's still stalking but I imagine that she will definitely scare and threaten someone later on when darkness has taken over the sky, appearing emotionless yet intimidating.
🩸Gelda is by now probably attempting to become a bit of a better person though she obviously can't be a saint. Her obsession is in a twisted way the best way to test her and see how strong her determination to change really is. The vampire lady attempts the concept of mercy, which in her language means neither killing not enslaving someone by sucking their blood. She threatens and intimidates someone with her power and that should be in most cases enough to keep many people away after one such nightmarish visit from her. Her mercy and patience have a limit though and if she judges someone's life as a threat and risk to your own, she won't show much remorse killing them or sucking their blood and transforming them into her slave.
🩸She's stricter when it comes to an abduction and more ruthless if necessary too. Now, Gelda will go for the option of convincing her darling at first to live together. It would be the more pleasant way of solving things and if only so she doesn't have to feel guilty. Gelda would want to live somewhere where she can be protected from sunlight without having to conjure up darkness to protect her though although that won't mean that she would forbid you to go out. If her patience runs thin though, she will choose the forceful option of doing things and abduct her darling in the middle of the night when she's at her strongest. There's more supervising, more harsh words and a far more strict side to her in such a situation as the chances of you trying to escape are at their highest and she needs to keep an eye on you and teach you to not attempt anything stupid.
🩸If her darling and her live together and you're allowed to go during the day alone outside, I can definitely see her being very controlling since she won't accompany you every time you head out. Only if she trusts you, of course. She wants to know in such cases where you want to go and when you will be approximately back. Your lover is still a vampire so forgive her for craving at times a taste of your sweet blood, she controls her lust for the red liquor already as good as she can. Sucking your blood and feeding from you will only be done with your consent though as this is something Gelda won't do unless you allow her to do so.
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wikiangela · 4 months
oooh buddie death cast, bucktommy smut and barbecue?
buddie death cast answered here and here
bucktommy smut is the sequel to this fic where buck really wanted it to be smut but, clearly, it takes me forever to write one lol - it was started post-7x04, with only the promo of 7x05, so I'm sticking with that (yes, it's been a while lol) it's also getting long, I'm at 4k and they're just starting to take off clothes lol
a lil snippet:
“So I take it that it’s okay?” Tommy asks, and Buck’s so dizzy and breathless he barely registers it. “Huh?” he blinks as Tommy pulls away to look at him, a little amused but also almost… wonderstruck, analyzing, as if cataloging yet another piece of information he learns about Buck. Buck knows, because he does the same thing with every little thing he finds out about Tommy. He wants to know everything, and he can’t wait to keep learning. “Me calling you baby? That’s okay?” He’s smiling, and of course he has to know, based on Buck’s reaction, but he’s still making sure, and Buck thinks he’s going to melt into a puddle all over the backseat of the car right now. Tommy’s just so sweet and gentle, and thoughtful, and he always makes sure Buck’s good and comfortable, while also remaining confident and taking charge, and it- it makes Buck’s insides flutter. What a fucking man he somehow got. He doesn’t want to ever let him go. It’s only their second date, and he knows he’s getting ahead of himself in true Buck fashion, but he just- this one feels different. He really hopes it leads somewhere. “Tommy.” Buck rolls his eyes, and his face splits into a grin. “Of course it is. It’s much, much more than okay.” he gulps, eyes falling to Tommy’s lips again.  “Okay.” his lips curl into that smile – that easy, happy, excited smile that Buck’s loved since the moment he saw it for the first time, the one gracing Tommy’s face after he kissed Buck for the first time and asked if that was okay. “I figured. Just wanted to make sure.” he whispers, leaning in again, breath ghosting over Buck’s lips.  “That’s so hot, you know?” Buck breathes out, and kisses a chuckle off of Tommy’s lips.
and the barbecue one! I got lowkey stuck at the very beginning but I'm working on it lol - it was inspired by that one video of lou barbecuing shirtless bc 🥵
basically, buck and tommy hosting a barbecue at tommy's place, with the firefam and some of tommy's friends from harbor (and I'm obsessed with the idea of tommy being the person children just adore for no reason so tommy and kids feels!)
it's a little disjointed for now bc I started with madney, but then I started rewriting it bc I didn't like how i started it, but here's part of the first version with madney, it's gonna be better after rewriting lol (I have more notes than actual fic so far)
(this one was started before madney wedding, but i might change that a bit too lol)
“Where’s Tommy?” Jee immediately asks, and Buck can’t help a soft chuckle. Ever since Chim and Maddie’s wedding, Jee’s been obsessed with Tommy. He’s just the kind of person everyone’s drawn to, especially children. He can be such a goofball and he loves entertaining them. Buck thinks he’s going to be such a good dad one day, and that thought fills him with such fondness and excitement. “Should be in the backyard. Through there.” he points, directing all three of them, Jee just takes off running in the direction Buck pointed, Chim hurrying after her. “I’ll be right there.” he adds, mostly to Maddie, as he stays behind when he hears another car park in front of the house.
ask me about my wips <3
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thathermitweirdo · 1 year
The world wasn't what it used to be.
Or maybe it had always been like this.
That's what they all have in common, is it not? Suffering. And while everyone has suffered, not everyone handles it in the best manner.
Many have faced the agony and pain at the hands of this unjust world. Some have been subjected to the pain that others inflicted upon them. And while most are able to press forward, to move on as the dust begins to clear, others are incapable. Some are too broken. Too damaged from the burdens they had to face. And at some point, the weight of it all can become unbearable.
I suppose that is where this story takes place. With the broken. Those who were never given the chance at a healthy life. Some are able to use their past to inspire, to strive to do better and help those who suffered like them. Still, there are others who still harbor that pain. That resentment. That anger. And they wish to strike back at the world that hurt them so long ago.
All of them have suffered, and they will continue to suffer until they take their very last breath. But it's what they choose to do with that suffering. It's how they respond. How they cope. How they learn. Some may never recover from their own trauma. From their pain. It will always be a part of them. But they must choose how that part affects them.
Our story started many years ago. Although, that is not where we will begin. We will begin back on that fateful day. That day that marked the beginning of the end. A day in a busy city, bustling with life. The air was thick with noise. The streets packed with people. Just like any other city.
It would have been overwhelming, if not exciting. Exciting for him, at least. A new life to start, leaving behind his very own fragmented past in favor of a fresh start. This wasn't the first time he had left behind his past, mostly due to running away from the ghost that stalks his life. The ghost of his first life. His true life.
That ghost wouldn't find him now. At least, he hoped it wouldn't. There was a reason he joined Watcher Architects, they offered a rather high paying job in a city far, far away. Though, it didn't come without its bittersweet ending.
"You're leaving?" Jimmy asked, watching as the last of his things were packed up into boxes. "You didn't tell me you were leaving!"
He laughed slightly. "Sorry Tim, I thought it would be funny to not tell you until the very end."
"Grian!" Jimmy threw his arms up in frustration. "You cheeky— ugh, I can't believe you would do this to me!"
Rolling his eyes, Grian chuckled as he tried to playfully shove Jimmy off of him. "Come on, I'll be back in Evo for business every now and again. It's where the Watcher HQ is! But Hermitropolis has the best opportunities for me."
"Watcher Architecture Firm still sounds sketchy to me." He grumbled underneath his breath, crossing his arms with a huff.
"Come on. They're one of the biggest architectural firms around. Working with them has been a dream!"
Jimmy sighed. "I know. It's just so far away from here."
"It's like, a five hour train ride." Grian responded blankly.
"Too far." He insisted.
"If you think it's so far then why don't you just move with me?"
"Because I'm not a rich architect like you." Jimmy said while throwing himself dramatically over the apartment sofa.
Grian rolled his eyes, picking up the clear packing tape to seal the last few boxes of his belongings. "I heard Pearl might be moving too. She said she's always liked bigger cities."
"Pearl too?! Why doesn't anyone ever tell me anything!?!"
"Come on, I'll be back and forth between Evo and Hermitropolis for the first couple weeks. It'll be like I never left."
"Until you actually have to leave." Jimmy let out an exasperated sigh.
"I promise we'll keep in touch." Grian said as he sat down on the couch next to his friend. "You can't get rid of me that easily."
Jimmy sighed, much more dramatically this time. “I swear if you get mugged there I will not feel the slightest bit bad. You should just stay here in Evo.”
The city of Evolution had been his home for so many years, despite not truly being a city. It was supposed to be the next big place, hence the name, yet it never really grew out of a town. It was more like a cheap knockoff of a city, really.
Grian just laughed. “I’m not gonna get mugged. Lighten up a bit, Tim. Everything's gonna be okay.”
The days leading up to the move flew by faster than Grian could have ever expected, before he was standing outside of the train station with all of his closest friends. His boxes had been shipped off to the apartment the Watchers had designated for him, so all the architect had was a backpack filled with more personal belongings.
"I never thought you'd be moving out of town." BigB said while pulling Grian into a hug.
"Seriously man, I mean, I bet you could have gotten some work here instead of having to move hours away." Martyn sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke.
"Come on, this is Grian's dream job." Pearl argued.
"That's easy for you to say! You want to move to the city too!" Jimmy snapped as he wrapped an arm around Grian and pulled him close. "I'm losing my boy! I'm never going to see you again!"
"You can very easily see me again, Timmy." Grian chuckled, "It's just a couple hours by train. Plus I'll be back in town every now and again when I need to come back to Headquarters."
"Guys, guys." A voice spoke up, walking through the small crowd of people that had gathered to wish Grian farewell. "We're gonna make G miss his train. It's not like we're never going to see him again."
"Fashionably late, I suppose?" Grian raised an eyebrow with a smirk, Taurtis laughing in response.
"Oh, you know me. I just had to get my beauty sleep."
"You forgot to set an alarm, didn't you?" Pearl asked blankly.
Taurtis flipped his hair dramatically, placing his hands on his hips. "Yes, I very much forgot."
Grian laughed while rolling his eyes. "Come here." He said, pulling Taurtis into a hug.
After a few moments of the embrace, they eventually pulled away. "Call me before you come back to town. I'm not gonna be late that time, I swear!"
"You better not," Grian joked. "I don't care how much beauty sleep you need!"
"Oh, jeez, Grian!" BigB pointed to the electronic clock above the train schedule on the wall. "You gotta go! The train should be leaving in just a couple of minutes!"
"Oh! Thanks! Sorry guys, I'll call you when I get there!" He said with a wave, rushing off to board the train.
Everyone shouted their goodbyes as they all waved him off, watching as the architect disappeared out of view.
Though little did they know of the danger that he was running away from.
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f0olsgld · 3 months
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my name is [ MAIA GREENE ] … and i am from [ BROOKLYN, NEW YORK ] and i’m a [ BARTENDER AT THE HELLCAT’S DEN ]. i lived in helltown for [ TWO YEARS ] because [ SHE WANTED TO START A NEW LIFE FOR HER AND HER DAUGHTER ]. i am [ TWENTY-EIGHT ] my pronouns are [ SHE/HER ] and i am [ INDEPENDENT, SELFLESS, COMPASSIONATE ] though some may say i’m [ GUARDED, SECRETIVE, NERVOUS ]. i also hear i look a lot like [ HAYLEY LAW ] but, i don’t know if i see it. i’m here because [ HER DAUGHTER HAS ESTABLISHED ROOTS HERE ] but, maybe there’s more to it than that. you never know with helltown.
TRIGGER WARNING: spousal loss, car accident, grief, pregnancy, infedelity.
name: maia olivia greene nicknames/alias: none, but not against them
faceclaim: hayley law
age: twenty-eight gender: cisfemale sexuality: she/her date/place of birth: february 13th / brooklyn, nyc currently: helltown, ohio
positive traits: independent, selfless, compassionate, hard-working, genuine negative traits: guarded, secretive, nervous, jaded, overprotective astrological sign: aquarius archetype: the pheonix
you grew up rather modestly, but there was always food on the table for you, your brother and your sister. luxuries were rare and you learned very quickly that there was never a need to ask for them. there were other ways you kept yourself happy. you consider yourself lucky to grow up amongst the hustle and bustle of new york -- there was inspiration all around you. picking up a guitar for the very first time felt like finding a new limb, and it didn't take long for you to begin to put pen to paper. it's here where your songbook becomes your safe place, where you process all that has happened to you and where you find your guide into adolescence.
even still, you were raised to be a realist. all the while, you couldn't help but develop a human, childlike sense of hopeless romanticism. there was some goodness to this thing called living, wasn't there? call it harboring the soul of a creative, an artist's heart. the romantic in you began to crack, however, when it was uncovered that your mother had been having an affair with a woman at her workplace. she tried to explain it to you, they were in love, that she stayed for you -- but you would never get over this betrayal and the hurt she caused your dad. you choose not to have a relationship with her moving forward and decide to stay with your dad on the days your siblings go to visit her, cementing themselves in her new life.
in high school, the romantic in you finds a soul to nurture it again in the body of tristan price. your feelings for him come completely out of left field, far from a love at first sight story, but what unfolds is an epic one. you stay together all throughout high school -- even going as far to live by your wits in a shoebox apartment by the time you turn nineteen. your father has made it clear that the door of his home is always open to you, but you're excited to start your life. that, that he can understand; he was young once too.
an expensive music degree from new york university eventually finds its way into your hands, and you begin teaching music to kids in the area to get by. the ring came shortly after you turn twenty-one, the union becoming binding days before your twenty-second birthday. just as you were raised, you never wanted very much -- a destination wedding was never in your sights. you were in love, damn it. you didn't have the patience to wait, to plan. you just wanted to be his wife. you didn't expect to be staring at two little lines, but the world felt brighter the moment you were. a baby. your family was growing -- your family was secure.
isabel renee price was born nine months later ( two weeks premature, but healthy as can be ) to two devoted parents. you never promised her everything, but you were damn sure the two of you would fight to give it to her.
perhaps the realist in you should have been prepared for what came next, but you were never supposed to see this coming. tragedy picks and chooses, it seems. tristan was walking home from work when he was hit by a drunk driver, killing him on impact. you were alone in this world -- at least that was what you believed. you were a widow before the age of twenty-five, the shell of the romantic tristan had made you. moving home with your father is certainly the best option for a time and he loves having you and isabel home, but even he can see the restlessness in your eyes.
helltown. you had someone out there -- you wouldn't have relocated out west if you didn't. tristan's sibling had made a life for themselves out there. it was far enough away to give the pair a fresh start, but at least you wouldn't be alone. your daughter quickly makes friends in the local school system, of course she does. she is now five and thriving, and you can't help but ask yourself where the time went. and, of course, why the universe didn't want tristan to stand beside your side to watch it all pass.
since moving to helltown, maia has done little to put herself out there again in terms of dating. not that she hasn't questioned it -- knowing deep down that tristan would want her to be happy again, she's been terrified of leaving herself venerable to losing someone again.
the hellcat has become her family, in a way. while maia may seem quiet when not directly involved with a customer, she cares about her coworkers and is extremely grateful to them for giving her the room to get out of her shell.
clothing influences definitely come from 90's grunge icons, giving off a vibe that she is much more rough around the edges than she actually is. she's tough and has been through a lot, but maia is certainly a sensitive soul.
sheet will be linked here.
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Season 2 Rewatch Drabbles--2x20 The Evil Queen
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Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 2 of Once Upon a Time as an attempt to finally jump    start the muse again.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a    “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on the very beginnings of Captain Swan’s epic love story, as soon as a certain dashing pirate makes his appearance.  
Word Count: 490
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (17.5) (18) (19) (21-22) (22)
The last day (or…several days; she wasn’t entirely sure how long she’d been unconscious) had been instructive, but nothing could have prepared Regina for the conversation she had with Snow White just before it all came crashing down around her.
Regina had started this whole venture–taking on the appearance of a commoner and walking among her people to answer two simple questions: Why were her people so unwaveringly loyal to Snow White? And why couldn’t Regina gain their loyalty no matter how much power she wielded over them?
What she’d found out had confounded and deeply disturbed her.  Her people didn’t respect her.  Even her own black guards didn’t respect or like her.  They did what they had to to give the appearance of obedience, but when they thought they could get away with it, they burned her in effigy.
Her guards had brutally attempted to put a stop to it–by executing her–but even that didn’t make the crowd rethink their stance toward the queen of the kingdom. What would it take?
Regina was on the point of thinking she’d never find out when she was saved by the most unexpected person imaginable–her nemesis, Snow White.
Snow had not only saved her from execution, she’d taken her back to her home, cared for her, nursed her back to health after her wound became infected.  Regina convinced herself that she’d done so because she didn’t truly know who it was she was caring for.
And then they’d left her shelter and gone for a walk in the woods.  Regina, truly curious just how far Snow White’s kindness went asked, “If you had her in front of you now, would you kill her”
Nothing could have prepared Regina for Snow’s answer.
“Regina wants to hurt people.  I think she’s in constant pain and is always looking to figure out whom to blame for it.  We lived in the same household, and still she could never see that I was on her side. She wanted revenge more than she wanted love, and I can’t imagine living that way.  I want to be guided by love, so no. I wouldn’t kill her.”
Something new and unexpected stirred within Regina, something she hadn’t felt in years, not since Daniel was killed. Hope.
“So if she…if she wanted to change, if she wanted to be a family again, if she wanted to be good, would you forgive her for that?” Regina asked hesitantly. “Would you let her back in?”
“If she really meant it, yes. I would love that.” Snow answered with a gentle smile. 
The hope grew and expanded.  
But then they saw it.  The village Regina had had killed for harboring Snow White.  Suddenly that hope crashed around her.  It was too late, far too late for her.  There was no coming back from this, no hope to be found. All she had was her revenge.And whatever it took, she would get that.
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eaglefairy · 7 months
We started xenoblade 2 last night! The liveblog tag will change to "roommate chronicles part 2" now. My thoughts on 2 are...complicated. (You can see #alrestposting for more on that.) But I'm looking forward to experiencing it with my roommate and seeing it through new eyes! (Quick note: anytime there's a quote without a tag, it's from my roommate. I figured this was just easier than trying to summarize what she was saying.)
(during the opening cutscene) "Space whale!!" Me: Dead space whale...
"Enough of that existential crisis stuff, we need to make money!"
"Bana?? Chairman Bana?? Is that our Bana?!" Me: "It's Bana if he got what he wanted." Roommate: ... Me: "It's Bana if he owned this whole airship."
Roommate: "Jabba?? Is he Jabba the Hutt???"
"Rex you idiot. You don't even know what the job is."
(While Jin is talking) "What is happening here..."
"Why is this dialogue so unreal. Like why is it so strange."
Rurui appeared on screen and I just started laughing Me: "He looks like an among us..." Roommate: "...Oh, he does."
So far she's pretty annoyed by every character except for Dromarch.
We finally got a good look at Nia and: Roommate: "There are catgirls now?"
"Rex, you didn't even ask what they're trying to find! What if they're trying to unearth a demon or a monster or a god?!"
"Jin, can I ask about the mask? I'm an impertinent 15-year-old, can I ask why you're wearing a mask?"
"Whoa, Sever looks cool. Is that one of the new alien species, what're they called?" Me: "They're called Blades." Me: "Dromarch is also a Blade." Roommate: "Huh???"
"It's a demon! I knew it! We're hauling up a doomsday device!"
She said she'd be willing to believe that the salvagers are evil and the Monoceros ("black ship from the harbor") are secret good guys which is like. ha.
"It's a god. It's chthulu. We're pulling up a god."
(I mean the fun "fun" part is that Mythra and Pyra would absolutely agree with the description of doomsday device. And in fact are just as against this right now as my roommate is.)
"I'm not gonna lie. The white guy [Jin]? He's hot. I don't trust him. I haven't even seen his face. But he's hot."
This is Dickson all over again. This is amazing I love it.
[activating the control panel] "We're about to meet god." [sees the Aligo boss in the next room] "What the hell is that." Me: "Not the god you were expecting?" "What is this...man-shark?"
Game: "That's...the Aegis." Roommate: "Nope, that's the Monado. Easy mistake to make."
"Oh, we're not dead. We're in heaven? Are we going to meet god now?" [sees Pyra in the distance] "Jesus? Mother?"
I forgot how much this game doesn't explain things at the beginning. So far she's asked me "what's a Blade?", "what's a Driver?", and "what's the Aegis?", which are all very fair questions considering how many fantasy proper nouns the game throws at you with no explanation
"Yay Nia! I knew you were good!"
"If you hurt my grandpa I'm killing you."
We agreed that xc2 really needs its own Sword Valley prologue. Xc1 starts strong with the opening lore cutscene from the Titans' antiquity going straight into the battle, and only then cutting to the slice-of-life stuff with Shulk. My roommate admitted that so far she's bored by the game because it starts so slow, which is exactly the problem I had with it 7 years ago!
Oh yeah, she really hates the tutorial narrator. She's calling it Navi and giving it a high annoying voice.
The roommate was touched by Gramp's death scene (until he was revealed to be alive)
Me: "Ever have your mentor figure turn into a mascot?" "...They turned my dragon into a mouse."
"Did that boob just jiggle?" Me: "Oh, you'd better believe it."
The squeal of delight I just heard when I showed her how to play as Nia riding on Dromarch made the past 2 hours completely worth it. "I'm never playing as Rex again, he's LAME!"
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