#lost 5 level ups from 85 back down to 80
strangefable · 5 months
can't decide if i want to cry or set someone on fire
0 notes
archatlas · 4 years
Two Hundred Fifty Things an Architect Should Know
by Michael Sorkin
  1.    The feel of cool marble under bare feet.   2.    How to live in a small room with five strangers for six months.   3.    With the same strangers in a lifeboat for one week.   4.    The modulus of rupture.   5.    The distance a shout carries in the city.   6.    The distance of a whisper.   7.    Everything possible about Hatshepsut’s temple (try not to see it as   ‘modernist’ avant la lettre).
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The Temple of Hatshepsut 
  8.    The number of people with rent subsidies in New York City.   9.    In your town (include the rich). 10.    The flowering season for azaleas. 11.    The insulating properties of glass. 12.    The history of its production and use. 13.    And of its meaning. 14.    How to lay bricks. 15.    What Victor Hugo really meant by ‘this will kill that.’ 16.    The rate at which the seas are rising. 17.    Building information modeling (BIM). 18.    How to unclog a Rapidograph. 19.    The Gini coefficient. 20.    A comfortable tread-to-riser ratio for a six-year-old. 21.    In a wheelchair. 22.    The energy embodied in aluminum. 23.    How to turn a corner. 24.    How to design a corner. 25.    How to sit in a corner. 26.    How Antoni Gaudí modeled the Sagrada Família and calculated its structure. 27.    The proportioning system for the Villa Rotonda. 28.    The rate at which that carpet you specified off-gasses. 29.    The relevant sections of the Code of Hammurabi. 30.    The migratory patterns of warblers and other seasonal travellers. 31.    The basics of mud construction. 32.    The direction of prevailing winds. 33.    Hydrology is destiny. 34.    Jane Jacobs in and out. 35.    Something about feng shui. 36.    Something about Vastu Shilpa. 37.    Elementary ergonomics. 38.    The color wheel. 39.    What the client wants. 40.    What the client thinks it wants. 41.    What the client needs. 42.    What the client can afford. 43.    What the planet can afford. 44.    The theoretical bases for modernity and a great deal about its factions and inflections. 45.    What post-Fordism means for the mode of production of building. 46.    Another language. 47.    What the brick really wants. 48.    The difference between Winchester Cathedral and a bicycle shed. 49.    What went wrong in Fatehpur Sikri. 50.    What went wrong in Pruitt-Igoe. 51.    What went wrong with the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. 52.    Where the CCTV cameras are. 53.    Why Mies really left Germany. 54.    How people lived in Çatal Hüyük. 55.    The structural properties of tufa. 56.    How to calculate the dimensions of brise-soleil. 57.    The kilowatt costs of photovoltaic cells. 58.    Vitruvius. 59.    Walter Benjamin. 60.    Marshall Berman. 61.    The secrets of the success of Robert Moses. 62.    How the dome on the Duomo in Florence was built.
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Duomo in Florence
63.    The reciprocal influences of Chinese and Japanese building. 64.    The cycle of the Ise Shrine. 65.    Entasis. 66.    The history of Soweto. 67.    What it’s like to walk down the Ramblas. 68.    Back-up. 69.    The proper proportions of a gin martini. 70.    Shear and moment. 71.    Shakespeare, et cetera. 72.    How the crow flies. 73.    The difference between a ghetto and a neighborhood. 74.    How the pyramids were built. 75.    Why. 76.    The pleasures of the suburbs. 77.    The horrors. 78.    The quality of light passing through ice. 79.    The meaninglessness of borders. 80.    The reasons for their tenacity. 81.    The creativity of the ecotone. 82.    The need for freaks. 83.    Accidents must happen. 84.    It is possible to begin designing anywhere. 85.    The smell of concrete after rain. 86.    The angle of the sun at the equinox. 87.    How to ride a bicycle. 88.    The depth of the aquifer beneath you. 89.    The slope of a handicapped ramp. 90.    The wages of construction workers. 91.    Perspective by hand. 92.    Sentence structure. 93.    The pleasure of a spritz at sunset at a table by the Grand Canal. 94.    The thrill of the ride. 95.    Where materials come from. 96.    How to get lost. 97.    The pattern of artificial light at night, seen from space. 98.    What human differences are defensible in practice. 99.    Creation is a patient search. 100.    The debate between Otto Wagner and Camillo Sitte. 101.    The reasons for the split between architecture and engineering. 102.    Many ideas about what constitutes utopia. 103.    The social and formal organization of the villages of the Dogon. 104.    Brutalism, Bowellism, and the Baroque. 105.    How to dérive. 106.    Woodshop safety. 107.    A great deal about the Gothic. 108.    The architectural impact of colonialism on the cities of North Africa. 109.    A distaste for imperialism. 110.    The history of Beijing.
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Beijing Skyline
111.    Dutch domestic architecture in the 17th century. 112.    Aristotle’s Politics. 113.    His Poetics. 114.    The basics of wattle and daub. 115.    The origins of the balloon frame. 116.    The rate at which copper acquires its patina. 117.    The levels of particulates in the air of Tianjin. 118.    The capacity of white pine trees to sequester carbon. 119.    Where else to sink it. 120.    The fire code. 121.    The seismic code. 122.    The health code. 123.    The Romantics, throughout the arts and philosophy. 124.    How to listen closely. 125.    That there is a big danger in working in a single medium. The logjam you don’t even know you’re stuck in will be broken by a shift in representation. 126.    The exquisite corpse. 127.    Scissors, stone, paper. 128.    Good Bordeaux. 129.    Good beer. 130.    How to escape a maze. 131.    QWERTY. 132.    Fear. 133.    Finding your way around Prague, Fez, Shanghai, Johannesburg, Kyoto, Rio, Mexico, Solo, Benares, Bangkok, Leningrad, Isfahan. 134.    The proper way to behave with interns. 135.    Maya, Revit, Catia, whatever. 136.    The history of big machines, including those that can fly. 137.    How to calculate ecological footprints. 138.    Three good lunch spots within walking distance. 139.    The value of human life. 140.    Who pays. 141.    Who profits. 142.    The Venturi effect. 143.    How people pee. 144.    What to refuse to do, even for the money. 145.    The fine print in the contract. 146.    A smattering of naval architecture. 147.    The idea of too far. 148.    The idea of too close. 149.    Burial practices in a wide range of cultures. 150.    The density needed to support a pharmacy. 151.    The density needed to support a subway. 152.    The effect of the design of your city on food miles for fresh produce. 153.    Lewis Mumford and Patrick Geddes. 154.    Capability Brown, André Le Nôtre, Frederick Law Olmsted, Muso Soseki, Ji Cheng, and Roberto Burle Marx. 155.    Constructivism, in and out. 156.    Sinan. 157.    Squatter settlements via visits and conversations with residents. 158.    The history and techniques of architectural representation across cultures. 159.    Several other artistic media. 160.    A bit of chemistry and physics. 161.    Geodesics. 162.    Geodetics. 163.    Geomorphology. 164.    Geography. 165.    The Law of the Andes. 166.    Cappadocia first-hand.
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167.    The importance of the Amazon. 168.    How to patch leaks. 169.    What makes you happy. 170.    The components of a comfortable environment for sleep. 171.    The view from the Acropolis. 172.    The way to Santa Fe. 173.    The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. 174.    Where to eat in Brooklyn. 175.    Half as much as a London cabbie. 176.    The Nolli Plan. 177.    The Cerdà Plan. 178.    The Haussmann Plan. 179.    Slope analysis. 180.    Darkroom procedures and Photoshop. 181.    Dawn breaking after a bender. 182.    Styles of genealogy and taxonomy. 183.    Betty Friedan. 184.    Guy Debord. 185.    Ant Farm. 186.    Archigram. 187.    Club Med. 188.    Crepuscule in Dharamshala. 189.    Solid geometry. 190.    Strengths of materials (if only intuitively). 191.    Ha Long Bay. 192.    What’s been accomplished in Medellín. 193.    In Rio. 194.    In Calcutta. 195.    In Curitiba. 196.    In Mumbai. 197.    Who practices? (It is your duty to secure this space for all who want to.) 198.    Why you think architecture does any good. 199.    The depreciation cycle. 200.    What rusts. 201.    Good model-making techniques in wood and cardboard. 202.    How to play a musical instrument. 203.    Which way the wind blows. 204.    The acoustical properties of trees and shrubs. 205.    How to guard a house from floods. 206.    The connection between the Suprematists and Zaha. 207.    The connection between Oscar Niemeyer and Zaha. 208.    Where north (or south) is. 209.    How to give directions, efficiently and courteously. 210.    Stadtluft macht frei. 211.    Underneath the pavement the beach. 212.    Underneath the beach the pavement. 213.    The germ theory of disease. 214.    The importance of vitamin D. 215.    How close is too close. 216.    The capacity of a bioswale to recharge the aquifer. 217.    The draught of ferries. 218.    Bicycle safety and etiquette. 219.    The difference between gabions and riprap. 220.    The acoustic performance of Boston Symphony Hall.
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Boston Symphony Hall
221.    How to open the window. 222.    The diameter of the earth. 223.    The number of gallons of water used in a shower. 224.    The distance at which you can recognize faces. 225.    How and when to bribe public officials (for the greater good). 226.    Concrete finishes. 227.    Brick bonds. 228.    The Housing Question by Friedrich Engels. 229.    The prismatic charms of Greek island towns. 230.    The energy potential of the wind. 231.    The cooling potential of the wind, including the use of chimneys and the stack effect. 232.    Paestum. 233.    Straw-bale building technology. 234.    Rachel Carson. 235.    Freud. 236.    The excellence of Michel de Klerk. 237.    Of Alvar Aalto. 238.    Of Lina Bo Bardi. 239.    The non-pharmacological components of a good club. 240.    Mesa Verde National Park. 241.    Chichen Itza. 242.    Your neighbors. 243.    The dimensions and proper orientation of sports fields. 244.    The remediation capacity of wetlands. 245.    The capacity of wetlands to attenuate storm surges. 246.    How to cut a truly elegant section. 247.    The depths of desire. 248.    The heights of folly. 249.    Low tide. 250.    The Golden and other ratios.
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kayliemusing · 3 years
1: Name - Kaylie
2: Age - 23
3: 3 Fears - Spiders, failure, loss
4: 3 things I love - Reading, writing, Taylor Swift
5: 4 turns on - Kindness, nice hands, humor, someone who has a really warm heart.
6: 4 turns off - Arrogance, moustaches lmao, narcissism, basket ball shorts *shudders*
7: My best friend - Her name is Megan (but also my mom lmao)
8: Sexual orientation - Heterosexual
9: My best first date - I have never been on a date.
10: How tall am I - 5'2
11: What do I miss - My childhood mostly
12: What time were I born - 2:45 pm
13: Favorite color - Red, but sometimes a nice summery, pastel yellow
14: Do I have a crush - no
15: Favorite quote - I have so many that I can't say my utmost favourite, but one that I always think about is from Richard Siken "He was pointing at the moon but I was looking at his hand." I'm not even sure how this is supposed to be interpreted, but I just love the detail of this. Of someone looking at the moon and pointing at it, but you're looking at their hand because you're that consumed by them and also they're like your moon. anyway-
16: Favorite place - My house lol
17: Favorite food - Cheesecake
18: Do I use sarcasm - Yes, but very dryly
19: What am I listening to right now - Nothing actually. I'm just sitting in the quiet.
20: First thing I notice in new person - I used to think it was physical, like eyes or their smile, but I think it's actually their demeanor. i.e., confidence, if they're laid back, talkative or quiet, etc. Or even just how they handle things. Like when I'm at work and I meet a new co-worker I'm always noticing how they are with people.
21: Shoe size - 6.5 US but I can manage a 7 US too.
22: Eye color - Grey
23: Hair color - Ashy blonde, but I usually get it highlighted to be a brighter blonde
24: Favorite style of clothing - I'm super into the French girl vibe right now (elegany, classy, ribbed sweaters tucked into high waisted jeans or dress pants, a blazer thrown over and a nice gold necklace) but I'm also really into a summery boho look (flowy maxi dresses and skirts)
25: Ever done a prank call? No
27: Meaning behind my URL - On this account, it's just my name and then 'muses' because this account is just me talking to myself tbh. My main account is called autumnsletters which is just a combo of my fav things: autumn and handwritten love letters, and finally, my embarrassing taylor swift account is called sixteenavenue which is a lyric from her song I Think He Knows where she mentions her heart skipping down sixteenth avenue.
28: Favorite movie - I feel like i don't have one answer bc I always have a different answer to this question lmao. I think it's called A Christmas Carol (the 2009 version w/ Jim Carrey). It just makes me feel cozy and warm inside. Also: Clueless.
29: Favorite song - All Too Well by Taylor Swift I think.
30: Favorite band - Of Monsters and Men
31: How I feel right now - I actually feel really happy today, which is a change lol. I had an awful week last week, but over the last couple of days I've just felt more creative and happier.
32: Someone I love - My mom
33: My current relationship status - Single
34: My relationship with my parents - Excellent.
35: Favorite holiday - Christmas
36: Tattoos and piercing i have -0 :'(
37: Tattoos and piercing i want - I want to get my ears pierced again bc the holes grew over. Low key want a nose piericing and low key want a tattoo on my collarbone (or somewhere around there)
38: The reason I joined Tumblr - Because everyone else had it and I felt left out LOL
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? - I don't have an ex
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? - No
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? - No i've never been kissed rip
42: When did I last hold hands? - never but it's ok bc i can hold my own hand
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - Depending on what I'm doing. If I showered the night before and I'm just doing a very low-maintenance look, roughly 15-20 mins. On a normal day in which I shower in the morning and am trying to actually be presentable, roughly an hour.
44: Have I shaved your legs in the past three days? - Have YOU shaved MY legs? No. Have I shaved my own? Yes
45: Where am I right now? - My room
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? - Most likely I'm not drunk, but IF I WAS, it would be my friend, my mom, or my sister (my sister would probs make fun of me and film me tho tbh)
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - Loud if I'm jamming with nothing else to do but sing along. If I'm trying to do something, I'll turn it down bc I can't focus with loud music (especially if I'm trying to write something/talk to someone/text someone)
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? - My mom bc my dads dead
49: Am I excited for anything? - My sister and I are going to Banff in about three weeks so I'm excited for a getaway.
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? - No
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? - I work in retail so
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? - I don't know. I think I hugged my mom at some point this week lol
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? - Bye bye babyyyy
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? - my cat
55: What is something I disliked about today? - I had to go to work
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - Taylor Alison Swift baby
57: What do I think about most? - Probably Taylor Swift.
58: What’s my strangest talent? - I can make stomach gurgling noises with my mouth closed.
59: Do I have any strange phobias? - Nah, pretty generic ones
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? - Behind the camera
61: What was the last lie I told? - Some lady asked if a product was good and I said yes so I wouldn't have to help her find another one
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? - Neither what the hell
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? - Neither
64: Do I believe in magic? - No
65: Do I believe in luck? - No
66: What's the weather like right now? - It's calm, but a little cloudy. It was really warm and sunny earlier, but it's gotten a little grey.
67: What was the last book I've read? - I just finished this series called The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski and it was so good but so stressful omg. Still 5/5 stars.
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? - Yes
69: Do I have any nicknames? - Not really, but sometimes my coworkers call my Kayls
70: What was the worst injury I've ever had? - Oh my god when I was like 10 I fell during grounders and the bar hit me right on the cooch. Most painful event of my entire life.
71: Do I spend money or save it? - Spend it bitch
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? - No
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? - yes!! my blanket!!
74: Favorite animal? - I love hippos and I don't know why.
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? - Reading on my phone to avoid sleeping so I could prolong not going to work
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? - Devil. Kind of like Satan The Devil is his full name
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - Shake It Off
78: How can you win my heart? - Learning Taylor Swift's entire discography for my sake
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? - tbh I really don't know
80: What is my favorite word? - Wonderstruck
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr - n/a
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? - stream fearless taylor's version
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? - no
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? - Healing
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? - N/A
86: What is my current desktop picture? - it's a misty forest
87: Had sex? - no
88: Bought condoms? - no
89: Gotten pregnant? - no
90: Failed a class? - yes
91: Kissed a boy? - no
92: Kissed a girl? - no
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? - no but it's a dream
94: Had a job? - I've had two so far
95: Left the house without my wallet? - Yes, sometimes I do it on purpose so I can make my mom pay for something lmao (chill i'm talking something small like candy)
96: Bullied someone on the internet? - no
97: Had sex in public? - no
98: Played on a sports team? - no
99: Smoked weed? - no
100: Did drugs? - no
101: Smoked cigarettes? - no
102: Drank alcohol? - yes
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? - no
104: Been overweight? - I feel overweight, but technically no
105: Been underweight? - No
106: Been to a wedding? - Yes
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? - Yes, but not since I was younger. I'm mostly on my phone now.
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? - Oh yeah lmao
109: Been outside my home country? - No
110: Gotten my heart broken? - Yes
111: Been to a professional sports game? - No
112: Broken a bone? - No
113: Cut myself? - Yes
114: Been to prom? - Sort of. I'm Canadian so I had grad.
115: Been in airplane? - No
116: Fly by helicopter? - No
117: What concerts have I been to? - Jonas Brothers when I was about 10 lmao and Marianas Trench when I was 15
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? - No
119: Learned another language? - Tried to
120: Wore make up? - Yes. I do work at a makeup store.
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? - no
122: Had oral sex? - no
123: Dyed my hair? - not a funky color, no
124: Voted in a presidential election? - Sort of; I voted for a prime minister
125: Rode in an ambulance? - Yes
126: Had a surgery? - No
127: Met someone famous? - No
128: Stalked someone on a social network? - No
129: Peed outside? - No
130: Been fishing? - No
131: Helped with charity? - Yes
132: Been rejected by a crush? - No bc I never fessed up to any crush lol
133: Broken a mirror? - No
134: What do I want for birthday? - A jewelry box
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chierei · 4 years
Job Hunting for Dummies
I am in a school program where I spent 80% of my time learning how to get a job. While this might not work for non-specialized jobs, but if you are looking at a more targeted field, this will get you a job much easier than dropping a ton of application. Again, this works best if you are looking for a targeted job and even better, if you are a student. This entire process is detailed in Steve Dalton’s The 2-Hour Job Search but I’m basically going to give you what you need to do to get a job you will like (or at least not hate).
First, make a LAMP list. LAMP stands for List, Advocacy, Motivation, and Postings. Open an Excel Spreadsheet and just list those four things as columns. Or use this template that I am giving you. (Please save a copy for yourself)
1. List: Make a list of every company you can think off in your industry. If you are looking for only in an area, search only in that area. Use things like LinkedIn, Crunchbase, or plain-old Google. Just, make a list. Get at least 40 companies. Do NOT research the companies. Just write down the names in an excel spreadsheet.
2. Advocacy: Now, you are going to look to find companies where you can find an Advocate. This might be friends or family, friends of a friends, friends of family. This might be someone who went to your college--whether undergraduate or masters. The easiest way to do this is LinkedIn. Use the search function for LinkedIn and then filter for your school/organization and then search, company by company, to see if you have any alumni at all at those companies. Fill out the spreadsheet on a simply Yes/No Basis. Don’t research more. Just is there someone there vaguely connected to me in some way? Yes or no.
3. Postings: Now, look at each of these companies and then on a scale of 1-3, give them each a score. 3 means that they have a current posting up for a job you that want. 2 means they have jobs posted but not for what you want. And 1 means no postings at all.
4. Motivation: On a scale of 0-3, rate each company on how much you want a job with them. If you know nothing about a company, rate it as 0.
Now look at your list. You have 40 companies, at least, where you might find a job. Remember that. There are options.
Now, in Excel, you are going to use multi-level sorting in this order:
Motivation: Highest to lowest Postings: Highest to lowest Advocacy: Z to A
Now, focus on your Top 10 only for now. Maybe, as your search goes on, look at your top 15, but from experience, you should be able to get something in your top 10.
Next, the entire idea behind this exercise to to find companies to reach out to. Yes. This means networking, and yes, it sucks. I hate networking. HATE. But, sadly, this is the fastest way to get a job. They say that 70-85% of jobs are found through networking. You are better off spending your time networking than spamming out applications. 
Now, starting at the top, you are going to go company by company. Find one person at each company that is somehow connected to you--whether it’s a friend of the family or an alumni from your school. Try to find someone likely younger and in the position you are interested in. If you don’t have anyone connected at that company, you can take two routes: pick someone who has the job you want and cold email or you can take a longer route by trying to wrangle an introduction from outside that organization. I personally do the former.
These are your potential advocates. Now, this is how you can be creepy, but you are going to *find* their emails. Use Hunter.io and it’ll help you find work emails based on name and company. If they aren’t there, you can blindly guess as most company follow this pattern: [email protected]
Now, you are going to write each of these people an email. I suggest one person per company at the moment so you don’t get cluttered.
Next, draft an email to each of these people. These are what we call a 6-point email, because they are very short and consist of six points. They all follow this format:
Subject: Your experience at (company name)
Dear (name of person),
My name is (your name) and I am a (student/friend/etc) of (university name/friend name). I am interested in the work you have been doing at (company name), especially in (something specific that they have been working on). Are you able to have a short call with me to chat about your work and career in the next week?
Regards, (your name)
And that’s it. Three sentences and two of them will be identical for every single email you send.
And the reason we call this the 2-Hour Job Search is because from start (making your list) to sending the last email, it shouldn’t take more than 2-hours.
Now, two things can happen.
One: The person responds and says they’d love to have a chat. If you can do this in person, even better, but by phone or video-chat is perfectly fine. Set up a 30-minutes slot to chat with them. Reach their LinkedIn before that chat and come prepared with questions.
Now, this chat is what we call an informational interview. Do not ask for a job. DO NOT ASK FOR A JOB. We call this an informational because the goal is to gain information from this person. People love to talk about themselves, so give them this chance. You can learn more about information interviews here, but I usually do 2-4 minutes of small-talk, ask them about their journey to how they got their current job, and then start doing a deeper dive. End the conversations with “Are there any resources or advice you’d give me as I try to get into this industry?” or something similar.
What is the goal of this entire thing? It’s that you want a referral from them to someone else. Do not ask for a referral on the phone, but if they bring it up, say thank you. After the call ends, within 24 hours, send a thank you email, and this is when you can ask for a referral. The thank you email should be short, like this:
Dear (name),
Thank you for taking the time to talk with me yesterday. I really enjoyed our conversation about (something specific you talked about). I am very interested in (some function/role/area of study), and I would like to learn more. Is there anyone in your company that would be willing to talk with me?
Thanks, (Your name)
It is better if they introduce you through email directly (which most will do) but others may just give you an email. If they give just an email, in your introduction, make sure to say who referred you to them.
So, if all goes well, they introduce you to someone and you start this entire thing over, slowly making your way through the company. The hope is that when a position opens up or after you’ve applied, your contacts in the company will come to you about the job. Or, when you apply, you can name a list of employees you’ve talked to and how they’ve made you want this job. Or maybe, your interviewer will be one of these people you’ve already spoken to.
Optional: If you had a great conversation that you actually liked, you can follow-up with this person maybe 2-4 weeks later and ask for another chat.
The other thing that can happen is that they don’t respond. Don’t worry. People are busy, and emails get lost. You are to follow up twice. Once after three (3) business days and again after five (5) business days. Reply to your original email and just say:
Dear (name),
I wanted to follow up with the below. Are you available this week for a talk? I am free at (offer 2-3 times you are available.)
Thanks, (Your name)
If they don’t respond after your second follow-up, don’t email again. That lead is dead. Find another contact and try this all over again. (If you are super organized, you can start working on another contact at day 3.) Sometimes dead-ends do bear fruit though! I’ve had emails sent back to me months later with them apologizing for the delay or lost email and would love to chat still.
And that’s it. Repeat until you find something. You should not be spending more than 30 minutes a day on job hunting. If you are doing one informational interview a week, that’s enough. It’s easy to get burnt out, so spread them out and talk to people that you actually want to talk to because they are doing cool shit.
Results: I have received two job offers using this method. I thought it was dumb, but I chugged along. I have found two job offers during COVID-19 where companies are mostly under a hiring freeze. I had one company lift their hiring freeze for me and create a position just for me. It took me three months, which is about double the time it should take, but we are under special circumstances. I have had several other companies say that they would have offered me something if they were hiring. I have had companies email me afterwards to see if I am still available, because they have posted a job I could be interested in. I have friends who have found jobs in under a month using this method during peak recruiting.
Final tips:
Set a reminder in your calendar for your 3-day and 5-day (called 3D5D) reminders. They can start getting confusing when you have a few things going on.
Focus on what you like. Reach out to people who sound interesting. It’ll help the conversation feel more natural. It became a lot more natural when I reframed the conversation as “What can I learn from them?” as opposed to “What can they do for me?”
You won’t vibe with everyone and that’s okay.
Be prepared to answer this: “Tell me about yourself.” Spend less than 2 minutes on this intro--just give your background, what you do, what you love, or what you are interested in. If you need more help creating your pitch, here is a great video.
This is the quick-and-dirty version of this, but it’s all in the book The 2-Hour Job Search. Steve Dalton is a cool dude who wrote this book because he’s an awkward bean and making this step-by-step guide helped him. I hope this was helpful to you, and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me!
Lastly, assume positive intent! <3
Networking sucks. But it does work. I have severe anxiety over meeting strangers and phone calls, but this is formulaic which helps.
And it feels contrived, because it is. But try to focus on the idea that you want to learn from these strangers and not get a job, and that helps the interactions be more normal.
And happy job hunting!
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rowanthestrange · 5 years
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How To Make A Build-A-Bear Dye Without Killing It:
Me: If this is Paddington, why is he white?
Build-A-Bear: Oh my god Rowan, you can’t just ask why Paddington’s white!
Paddington is currently one of Build-A-Bear’s cutest and plushiest options. However he’s also significantly lighter-furred than either the recent movie, the classic television show, or even the original illustrations made him. My sponsor being a fan of the Paddington TV show, I was asked to experiment to see if I could correct this by dying him, in a long-lasting, no rub-off way, whilst maintaining the gorgeous fluffy texture of the fur.
And shockingly...yes. Yes, you actually can.
(Instructions and more adorable pictures under the cut)
Now as far as I can tell, if you can do it with this plushy baby, you should be able to do this with any Build-A-Bear. Probably any bear full-stop, but I’m not responsible if you re-dye that toy tiger you’ve had since you were a baby and it crozzles into a little plastic ball. Be smart, be responsible, be sure you can buy another one of whatever you’re dying in case you screw up. Remember even if it all works, you might still not get the colour you want. Dying’s a lottery.
Disclaimers over, you will need,
A Bear.
Rit DyeMore Synthetic in the colour of your choice. (Cocoa Brown if you’re doing this Paddington).
A big metal pot than can go on the stove. Bigger than the one you’re thinking of right now.
A cooking thermometer is highly encouraged - look you’re buying the dye, you might as well spring for this too, you’ll find uses for it.
Nice smelling washing-up liquid.
Rubber gloves if you’re not an idiot.
A big wooden spoon that can reach the bottom of your pot.
Basic sewing supplies (don’t panic, nothing arduous)
Ideally an extra person in case of emergencies (these include: when it turns out you can’t stir a pot continuously for over thirty minutes, when you splash yourself with scalding-hot dye and need someone to stir while you hold your hand under cold water, when you apparently don’t have the coordination to stir, check temperature, and keep track of time all at once, etc.)
And before you begin, offer a prayer and thanks to @tokozdragon whose own experimentations allowed me to stand on the shoulders of a giant. Theirs was one of the most helpful bits of information I came across in my research, and is how you’re gonna hopefully keep that fluff nice and gorgeous.
So. Build-A-Bears are seemingly synthetic top to bottom. Certainly this one is. I couldn’t find any tags saying anything other than 100% polyester, man-made fibres. Now this is a bad thing when it comes to dying, because the dyes can’t penetrate and hold in the same way. You wash it, everything’ll immediately rinse out. But Rit Synthetic Dye, does work. The only catch is, you’re gonna have to get it to just below boiling point. And if you’ve ever left a cuddly toy against a radiator before, you might know that these things do not like heat.
But there is a trick to this. You’re gonna diverge from your dye instructions just a little bit, but it’s going to work so long as you’re really on the ball.
First of all, check to see that your bear will fit in your pot - physically put it in there - and check if it could move freely and be covered with water. No? Then you’re gonna do what I did, and frankly what I suggest: You’re going to unstuff your bear. Get a clean box, find a seam (the BAB tag is perfect for this if it’s still got it on) pull until you see threads, have courage, and snip. You can put them back together, I promise. I left the head and arms stuffed for Paddington because it would fit, and they’d be more difficult to restuff. You might want to as well. Keep your heart (and tracking barcode) safe, as well as all that stuffing. Now you may have someone who looks like this:
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Next, it’s bath time. No, don’t skip this step. Get a little of your nice washing-up liquid, just a small drizzle, and some warm water. Nothing hot, not close to hot - baby bath temperature. Give your bear a gentle wash, to remove any coatings or oils or dirt, and rinse them out well under more warm water. Make sure to squeeze it through any remaining stuffed bits too. You don’t need to go overboard though, a bit of soap left over is gonna be fine.
While you’re doing that, you’re going to heat up your dye to just below teddy bath temperature.
This is where we start to deviate from instructions.
You’re gonna put that dye in right away, while it’s still cool. I needed about 5 litres of water for my pot, and used about a quarter of a bottle of dye (somewhere between 6-8 tablespoons). You can see how Cocoa Brown turned out here. Obviously if you want a weaker colour, use a few spoons less. If you don’t get it perfect straight away, don’t worry about it, you can add more later if you have to, but again remember your ideal colour is not guaranteed.
Then add a small trickle of washing-up liquid to the dye. Less than a teaspoon, but it’s going to help the dye catch.
When your dye is just about bear-temperature, still really low, you are going to immerse your bear, while the temperature’s still going up. That’s right, we’re doing it now. What we’re trying to do is not shock the fur by giving it a sudden temperature change - plunging it into 90°C dye like you’d usually do. Instead we’re gonna boil it like a frog in a pot.
You are gonna stir this baby continuously, and treat it like a video game level you can’t afford to fail. Bits that float, squeeze em and squish em back down. Nothing stays still. You stop stirring? You’ve failed. And never, ever, ever, let it touch the bottom of the pot for even a second without you moving it away. Treat this early temperature where you can still put your hand in it as your test, and get a rhythm up. Using your gloved hands (or not, but it’s gonna make your nailbeds look weird for days), squeeze the dye thoroughly through your still-stuffed areas, make sure everything’s evenly covered, because once this dye goes past 50°C you’re going to be using your spoon only.
Then just keep stirring. If your arms get tired, this is why you have your emergency standby buddy. Check the temperature occasionally. When it gets up to about 80°C this is when the dye will actually start activating. Keep the heat going, but check your time. If you can’t easily see a clock and don’t have a buddy, you definitely can’t afford to stop stirring now, so start counting one-Mississippi, two-Mississippi, up to about 240-Mississippi. For everyone else, go to about 4-5 minutes, maybe having your buddy check the temperature as you go. If you hit a boil - you’re seeing bubbling - turn the heat off. What we’re aiming to do is give it about 4 minutes in the 85-max 95°C range, so you choose when to shut your heat off - you know your cooker better than I do.
After your heat is off keep stirring as it drops its temperature, remembering it’s just as delicate a procedure as when you were heating it up, it still can’t touch that hot metal for too long. When it gets down to about 60°C, if you or your emergency buddy can easily (and I mean easily, with no difficulties at all) lift that pot to put it in a cold water bath in your sink, you could do that, but if your wrist suddenly gives out or something that is a hell of a lot of hot water that will mess you up. If in doubt, you gotta just keep stirring for as long as it takes for the pot to cool back down to bath temperature. Don’t try and lift the bear out and put it in the sink early, just do it properly.
Once you’re down to relatively cool again, lift the bear and squeeze the dye out. Then transfer them to your sink. Run water at about the same temperature, and rinse them thoroughly.
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When the worst of the dye stops coming out, then it’s time for bath time yet again. More of that nice smelling washing-up liquid, soap them up good, and watch that sink get all colourful again.
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Then keep rinsing them, replacing the water until it stays clear and free from soap.
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And then all you need to do is wait for them to dry!k
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(If you don’t have a hairdryer that works on a cool setting, then just squeeze them with paper towels to get the worst of the water out, and fluff em up a little bit every now and again, moving that fur, and making sure it ends up roughly in the direction it should be so it doesn’t dry too oddly.
Then the next day when they’re dry, brush them up a bit, and give them a re-stuff, making sure to give that heart-wish a little booster when you put it back in. (And put that odd little barcode you probably found in there right next to it - that’s one of the ways a lost bear can find its way back to you. You never know). Then to stitch up the hole, use a ladder stitch. Google it to find instructions that work for you, but that’s the clever invisible stitch you’ll need. And if you can’t do that last bit for any reason, I’ve never found a Build-A-Bear shop that won’t help fix up a bear (and they’d probably be interested in your dye test. You could probably even get a scent put in if you’re good at sweet talking).
And voila, one spiffy bear.
Who in this case, had all his stuffing given a rub down with sweet orange essential oil, the perfect scent for any bear who carries an emergency marmalade sandwich.
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Of course if you’re going the full Classic Television Paddington, then a bit of work with some black felt and ribbon is still required. The red hat should be enough for you to mirror a pattern. I suggest 2mm or 3mm thick felt (and you’ll need a metre/whatever rather than A4 if you want to do the...sticky-up-bit of the hat all in one go like the red hat). And 1.5-2cm ribbon (but I had 1cm so that’s what I used). The brim is about the size of a dinner plate, and you could cut the circle for the top out of the middle of that if you’re trying to conserve materials.
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Bonus cuteness: I think Orlando the Thirteenth Doctor Bear makes a very good movie Paddington.
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bartletforamerica · 5 years
When Maggie Met Donna
The West Wing-The Newsroom Crossover Post both Season Finales, in a world where somehow all of the show that takes place under Obama actually takes place under Santos. 
Canon Ships, mainly MaggiexJim, JoshxDonna, 
Normally I wouldn’t write fanfiction for either of these, but the plot bunny kicked me hard on the Metro this morning and wouldn’t shut up until I wrote my way through class and knocked it out. It’s not perfect, but it needs to get out of my brain and away where I can’t fuss over it anymore. 
Oh, also, Happy Birthday Janel Moloney!
Maggie Jordan fights to be the one to cover the primary race for the Maryland 5th. Normally someone at her level wouldn’t be assigned to a single non-presidential campaign, but this one is going to be intense, with eyes across the nation on the district.
The incumbent, Congresswoman Andrea Wyatt, is running for the U.S. Senate. That too is going to be an amazing race. Congresswoman Wyatt is, after all, a badass.
The seat is heavily democratic. The congresswoman repeatedly won reelection with 80-85% of the vote. Her constituents loved her. Even if Republicans would do better than average, they weren’t going to make up 35% in one election.
So the focus is on the democratic primary. There’s a moderate democrat, the son of a former congressman, middle-aged and bland, but well-funded. There’s a so-far-left-as-to-practically-be-green democrat, who has broad sweeping plans, very little funding, and very little solid understanding of politics or how to pay for any of their ideas. And then there’s the reason Maggie wants to cover this race.
Then there’s Donna Lyman.
Donna Lyman is one of Maggie’s personal heroes. The woman is just about to hit middle age and has been more involved in politics over the last almost two decades than anyone at that age has a right to have been. She’d been part of the Bartlet administration dating back to the campaign, spent years as Josh Lyman’s assistant, been injured on a trip to Gaza, come back, recovered, and then jumped onto the Russell campaign. When Josh Lyman had led Matt Santos to victory at a contested convention, she’d been brought on and done some wonders with media strategy.  She’d then spent the next eight years as chief of staff to the first lady, a first lady who hadn’t been content to let her husband run all of the legislative policy, who had fought hard to have her own policy goals legitimized and legislated. Donna Moss (who’d become Lyman after the first midterms) had been at the head of that push.
She and her husband had been THE D.C. Power Couple for eight years. When the Santos Administration had come to an end, they’d bowed out to take a break after 16 years of service and plan for what was next.
Apparently, it had been decided that they weren’t ready to be done with politics.
Joshua Lyman was white haired, with a full beard and glasses. No longer the suave swashbuckler of his youth, he’d gained an air of gravitas—so long as he wasn’t speaking. But he was, undeniably, seen as a kingmaker and the top political mind of his generation. But he’d never shown aspirations of being the one running for office, preferring to work behind the scenes. He’d helped countless democrats get elected at all levels, including his deputy, Sam Seaborn, who had rerun for the California 47th and won in the last election.
Democrats had done surprisingly well in the house and senate considering they’d lost the White House.
A right-wing old white Republican had won, a seemingly reactionary step after 16 years of democratic rule. The man was considered a joke and the potential democratic slate to take him on in the next election was longer than Maggie’s forearm. But covering his administration—covering the White House—had lost a bit of the shine it had once had.
Donna Lyman had announced her candidacy with a year until the midterm elections and a list of endorsements. She had the backing of the Santos family and the Bartlets. President Bartlet didn’t get around much anymore, but he and Abbey hosted house parties at the farm in New Hampshire. Emily’s List had backed her, as had N.O.W., and Planned Parenthood. Amy Gardner was on board as Fundraising Director in an instant. Josh Lyman was Campaign Director, though a muzzle had to be placed on him. C.J. Cregg-Concannon had given her backing, though being married to a journalist made it too difficult for her to be Media Director. And Andrea Wyatt had given her seal of approval as well.
It’s not a lock in for her, however. Donna’s political stances put her firmly in a ‘progressive’ column.
The main question of the campaign, the reason that this is the campaign that’s going to attract attention, is that of the voters’ desires. What does the democratic base want in a candidate? Do they want a moderate to bring them back to center? Or are they ready for another progressive to push the country onward? The challengers are all watching, trying to see if they are what the democratic base is looking for. With the strength of the democratic party in the district, it makes it an ideal test case. A democrat is guaranteed to win, but what kind?
Maggie’s practically bouncing out of her seat when she finds out she has an interview with Ms. Lyman. This is a woman who has gone from working for powerful men, to working with them as an equal, to now having them working for her (including her husband, which is a lovely bit of symmetry). She’d come from the Midwest and built herself up out of nothing, taking whatever opportunities had be offered to her and she’d succeeded. Donna Lyman gives Maggie hope. Hope for herself, and for her future, that one day she and Jim will figure out how to be in the same place at the same time and not just keep carrying on long distance. Hope that she’ll make it as a producer and maybe get to do more segments. And maybe, maybe, one day she’ll even be an anchor in her own right (though that dream is kept in the deepest corners of her soul, a dream of her at the desk and Jim in her ear, Mac watching like Charlie used to, backing them up as they take on the world).
Maggie sits down across from the older blonde, whose energy is palpable. There’s doing to be done and the gleam in her eyes makes it clear that she’s eager to be doing it.
Maggie knocks her water over within the first thirty seconds and spends the next minute apologizing. Thank god this is a print article she’ll be writing and not a tv interview. Donna smiles and helps her clean up and retells the story (printed once in a book, otherwise Maggie’s sure this wouldn’t have been said) of the time she left her underwear at an art gallery. By the time the table’s clean they’re laughing together.
Maggie leaves the interview an hour later with a full sound recording and pages of notes on policy positions and various anecdotes and fun facts. She’s smiling broadly as she rushes back to the D.C. bureau to write before the impressions fade from her mind.
Before she starts, however, she pulls a little reporter’s pad from her desk and flips it open. She shifts through a few pages and comes to number 34. With a black pen she strikes out ’34: Meet Donna Lyman’ from her bucket list.
With a grin, Maggie puts it back in the desk and opens her laptop. Time to tell the public about the time Donna pulled a fast one on her husband to ensure the First Lady’s child poverty program made it into the budget. She’s sure she can come to a reason the voters need to know about this in the voting booth.
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hardforbenhardy · 5 years
~ prompt list ~
if you ever send in a request, feel free to add in a prompt for the list!! just send the number with the request in reference to this list vv
1. I swear its like you’re losing brain cells by the minute
2. Wait… stay.
3. You really want to know what I’m thinking?
4. Could you stay out of this, for once?
5. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out
6. And then there were 2
7. In the bathroom? really?
8. Were you born this way or is it something you just work on every day?
9. You don’t clear your history do you?
10. It’s like I’m living in the stone age
11. How long have you been standing there?
12. Stay on your side
13. It’s all over the walls
14. I swear, she’s clueless
15. A year ago I would’ve been terrified
16. Have you changed that pillowcase once?
17. She sure is smiling tonight
18. Now, I know what this looks like, but we’re gonna laugh about it soon…
19. It was his idea
20. You couldn’t go three days without me
21. It’s only 4 feet
22. Let me go
23. After you
24. You couldn’t be more blind if you were actually blind
25. It’s different with you
26. Mmm, bubblegum flavour
27. Fetch me one, peasant
28. That’s not how it sounded last night
29. Breathe into your body
30. You bought all 10?
31. I’ll always look after you
32. That’s what you’re wearing?
33. If only I had some inspiration…
34. I’ll clear your head
35. I swear you bring out the best/worst in me   (50/50 right there)
36. I’m way too sober for this
37. I need somewhere to stay
38. You really don’t remember?
39. For you, anything goes
40. The doctor said it’s normal
41. You bought WHAT?
42. You can’t stay in there forever, unlock the door
43. That is a terrible idea perfect for a time like this
44. And after all these years, why today?
45. Use your words.
46. What happened to your face?
47. I will always love you
48. You are going to be the death of me
49. Please come over
50. You flinch again, and I bite
51. This is illegal?
52. We are not getting married!
53. Stop following me like a lost puppy
54. Can you two stop embarassing me?
55. I can’t believe you would do this to me
56. You don’t always have to be in control
57. They’re going to kill you when they find out you...
58. Your tutor is pretty hot
59. Why have you been so secretive lately?
60. I’m dying
61. Don’t push me away anymore
62. How come you’re the only one who can see me?
63. I just wanted to hear your voice
64. You’re a nightmare
65. I’m not helping you babysit
66. Just so you know, this isn’t a date
67. Did we sleep together?
68. How long are you going to keep blackmailing me?
69. I’m not taking you to hospital just because you stunned your toe
70. If you won’t do it - I will
71. I can’t remember anything
72. You’re telling me how to do it?
73. I tested positive
74. If only I had some motivation…
75. You can’t go- not now.
76. We’ll find a way 
77. Bite me
78. Shouldn’t you be with her/him?
79. It wasn’t your fault
80. Did you need something?
81. You cant handle me
82. I could never do that to you
83. Promise me.
84. You’re going to catch me, right?
85. You lay one hand on her and I will end you
86. This has got to be illegal
87. Somewhere deep down in you,  I know you agree
88. I’m sorry, I thought you knew…
89. Don’t stoop to his level
90. You can’t be in here
91. I just want to help, let me help
92. Are we there yet?
93. Carry me!
94. You’ve known all this time?
95. Are you wearing my shirt?
96. I cant hear my thoughts over you’re weeping
97. This has to be a prank
98. Wanna bet?
99. Why would you do that for me?
100. Wow you really don’t pick up on hints, do you?
101. Prove it.
102. I wont allow this, I cant accept it.
103. Quit staring.
104. You bought me what?
105. I think it’s backwards
106. Wait, you’re allergic?!
107. Jinx
108. Get comfy, because this is gonna take awhile
109. You’re going to regret this
110. Truth or dare
111. Well would ya look at that? You were right.
112. Go ahead, hit me
113. Ever heard of knocking?
114. Im banned from there
115. Get down from there before you hurt yourself
116. Did I stutter?
117. I heard you say it in your sleep
118. Who’s bra is that?
119. Hold me. Just hold me.
120. This isn’t how I planned on telling you, but…
121. This was a bad idea
122. I cant do anything right.
123. Please don’t cry
124. Why are you awake right now?
125. Why are you lying to me?
126. Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole!
127. Don’t you ever do that again
128. Do you even still love me?
129. Nobody’s seen you in days.
130. I’m worried about you
131. Can you shut up for once in your life
132. Holding everything in doesn’t help, you know
133. If you don’t hug me right now I think I’ll fall apart
134. Just get home as soon as possible okay?
135. I told you not to fall in love with me!
136. Go with me? As long as you hold my hand
137. Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?
138. Have you seen my hoodie? Nooo. You’re wearing it, aren’t you?
139. OH you’re jealous!
140. Can we stay like this forever?
141. Please just kiss me already
142. I think you might be my soulmate
143. Sleep over? Please?
144. Are we on a date right now?
145. I think I’m in love with you
146. Are you flirting with me? You finally noticed?
147. Am I your lock screen? You weren’t supposed to see that
148. I wish we could live with each other already
149. They’re so cute when they’re asleep
150. I just wanted to let you know you’re beautiful
151. You take my breath away ... you know, like the song haha
152. Quit touching me, your feet are cold!
153. Sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie
154. Did you seriously just get your foot stuck in a toilet? Maybe
155. If I die, I’m haunting you first
156. But I’ve never told you that before
157. Stop being grumpy, it’s lame
158. Can we please stop running, I think I’m going to die
159. Can you please... hmmm I don’t know, maybe put a shirt on?!
160. You come here often? Well I work here so I think I’d have to say yes
161. Aren’t we supposed to be working?
162. You’re insane! You love me. Not right not now I don’t
163. Give me attention
165. Okay, so maybe I didn’t see that coming
166. I’m too sober for this. You don’t even drink. Maybe I should start
167. You met me yesterday. Yes, and I would die for you, next question
168. I’m telling you, I’m haunted
169. Well, that’s tragic
170. She’s hiding behind the sofa
171. I’d kill for a coffee... literally
172. What do you mean she’s my new partner? She tried to kill me last week! Sounds like a you problem
173. Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion
174. I’m bulletproof, but please don’t shoot me
175. It’s six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka
176. No. Regrets
177. How drunk was I?
178. How is my wife more badass than me?
179. It’s your turn to make dinner
180. They’re not your kids, back the fuck off
181. I could punch you right now
182. Welcome back. Now fucking help me
183. I’m not buying Ikea furniture ever again
184. That was kind of hot
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Michael Sorkin
 1.    The feel of cool marble under bare feet.  2.    How to live in a small room with five strangers for six months.  3.    With the same strangers in a lifeboat for one week.  4.    The modulus of rupture.  5.    The distance a shout carries in the city.  6.    The distance of a whisper.  7.    Everything possible about Hatshepsut’s temple (try not to see it as   ‘modernist’ avant la lettre).  8.    The number of people with rent subsidies in New York City.  9.    In your town (include the rich). 10.    The flowering season for azaleas. 11.    The insulating properties of glass. 12.    The history of its production and use. 13.    And of its meaning. 14.    How to lay bricks. 15.    What Victor Hugo really meant by ‘this will kill that.’ 16.    The rate at which the seas are rising. 17.    Building information modeling (BIM). 18.    How to unclog a Rapidograph. 19.    The Gini coefficient. 20.    A comfortable tread-to-riser ratio for a six-year-old. 21.    In a wheelchair. 22.    The energy embodied in aluminum. 23.    How to turn a corner. 24.    How to design a corner. 25.    How to sit in a corner. 26.    How Antoni Gaudí modeled the Sagrada Família and calculated its structure. 27.    The proportioning system for the Villa Rotonda. 28.    The rate at which that carpet you specified off-gasses. 29.    The relevant sections of the Code of Hammurabi. 30.    The migratory patterns of warblers and other seasonal travellers. 31.    The basics of mud construction. 32.    The direction of prevailing winds. 33.    Hydrology is destiny. 34.    Jane Jacobs in and out. 35.    Something about feng shui. 36.    Something about Vastu Shilpa. 37.    Elementary ergonomics. 38.    The color wheel. 39.    What the client wants. 40.    What the client thinks it wants. 41.    What the client needs. 42.    What the client can afford. 43.    What the planet can afford. 44.    The theoretical bases for modernity and a great deal about its factions and inflections. 45.    What post-Fordism means for the mode of production of building. 46.    Another language. 47.    What the brick really wants. 48.    The difference between Winchester Cathedral and a bicycle shed. 49.    What went wrong in Fatehpur Sikri. 50.    What went wrong in Pruitt-Igoe. 51.    What went wrong with the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. 52.    Where the CCTV cameras are. 53.    Why Mies really left Germany. 54.    How people lived in Çatal Hüyük. 55.    The structural properties of tufa. 56.    How to calculate the dimensions of brise-soleil. 57.    The kilowatt costs of photovoltaic cells. 58.    Vitruvius. 59.    Walter Benjamin. 60.    Marshall Berman. 61.    The secrets of the success of Robert Moses. 62.    How the dome on the Duomo in Florence was built. 63.    The reciprocal influences of Chinese and Japanese building. 64.    The cycle of the Ise Shrine. 65.    Entasis. 66.    The history of Soweto. 67.    What it’s like to walk down the Ramblas. 68.    Back-up. 69.    The proper proportions of a gin martini. 70.    Shear and moment. 71.    Shakespeare, et cetera. 72.    How the crow flies. 73.    The difference between a ghetto and a neighborhood. 74.    How the pyramids were built. 75.    Why. 76.    The pleasures of the suburbs. 77.    The horrors. 78.    The quality of light passing through ice. 79.    The meaninglessness of borders. 80.    The reasons for their tenacity. 81.    The creativity of the ecotone. 82.    The need for freaks. 83.    Accidents must happen. 84.    It is possible to begin designing anywhere. 85.    The smell of concrete after rain. 86.    The angle of the sun at the equinox. 87.    How to ride a bicycle. 88.    The depth of the aquifer beneath you. 89.    The slope of a handicapped ramp. 90.    The wages of construction workers. 91.    Perspective by hand. 92.    Sentence structure. 93.    The pleasure of a spritz at sunset at a table by the Grand Canal. 94.    The thrill of the ride. 95.    Where materials come from. 96.    How to get lost. 97.    The pattern of artificial light at night, seen from space. 98.    What human differences are defensible in practice. 99.    Creation is a patient search. 100.    The debate between Otto Wagner and Camillo Sitte. 101.    The reasons for the split between architecture and engineering. 102.    Many ideas about what constitutes utopia. 103.    The social and formal organization of the villages of the Dogon. 104.    Brutalism, Bowellism, and the Baroque. 105.    How to dérive. 106.    Woodshop safety. 107.    A great deal about the Gothic. 108.    The architectural impact of colonialism on the cities of North Africa. 109.    A distaste for imperialism. 110.    The history of Beijing. 111.    Dutch domestic architecture in the 17th century. 112.    Aristotle’s Politics. 113.    His Poetics. 114.    The basics of wattle and daub. 115.    The origins of the balloon frame. 116.    The rate at which copper acquires its patina. 117.    The levels of particulates in the air of Tianjin. 118.    The capacity of white pine trees to sequester carbon. 119.    Where else to sink it. 120.    The fire code. 121.    The seismic code. 122.    The health code. 123.    The Romantics, throughout the arts and philosophy. 124.    How to listen closely. 125.    That there is a big danger in working in a single medium. The logjam you don’t even know you’re stuck in will be broken by a shift in representation. 126.    The exquisite corpse. 127.    Scissors, stone, paper. 128.    Good Bordeaux. 129.    Good beer. 130.    How to escape a maze. 131.    QWERTY. 132.    Fear. 133.    Finding your way around Prague, Fez, Shanghai, Johannesburg, Kyoto, Rio, Mexico, Solo, Benares, Bangkok, Leningrad, Isfahan. 134.    The proper way to behave with interns. 135.    Maya, Revit, Catia, whatever. 136.    The history of big machines, including those that can fly. 137.    How to calculate ecological footprints. 138.    Three good lunch spots within walking distance. 139.    The value of human life. 140.    Who pays. 141.    Who profits. 142.    The Venturi effect. 143.    How people pee. 144.    What to refuse to do, even for the money. 145.    The fine print in the contract. 146.    A smattering of naval architecture. 147.    The idea of too far. 148.    The idea of too close. 149.    Burial practices in a wide range of cultures. 150.    The density needed to support a pharmacy. 151.    The density needed to support a subway. 152.    The effect of the design of your city on food miles for fresh produce. 153.    Lewis Mumford and Patrick Geddes. 154.    Capability Brown, André Le Nôtre, Frederick Law Olmsted, Muso Soseki, Ji Cheng, and Roberto Burle Marx. 155.    Constructivism, in and out. 156.    Sinan. 157.    Squatter settlements via visits and conversations with residents. 158.    The history and techniques of architectural representation across cultures. 159.    Several other artistic media. 160.    A bit of chemistry and physics. 161.    Geodesics. 162.    Geodetics. 163.    Geomorphology. 164.    Geography. 165.    The Law of the Andes. 166.    Cappadocia first-hand. 167.    The importance of the Amazon. 168.    How to patch leaks. 169.    What makes you happy. 170.    The components of a comfortable environment for sleep. 171.    The view from the Acropolis. 172.    The way to Santa Fe. 173.    The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. 174.    Where to eat in Brooklyn. 175.    Half as much as a London cabbie. 176.    The Nolli Plan. 177.    The Cerdà Plan. 178.    The Haussmann Plan. 179.    Slope analysis. 180.    Darkroom procedures and Photoshop. 181.    Dawn breaking after a bender. 182.    Styles of genealogy and taxonomy. 183.    Betty Friedan. 184.    Guy Debord. 185.    Ant Farm. 186.    Archigram. 187.    Club Med. 188.    Crepuscule in Dharamshala. 189.    Solid geometry. 190.    Strengths of materials (if only intuitively). 191.    Ha Long Bay. 192.    What’s been accomplished in Medell��n. 193.    In Rio. 194.    In Calcutta. 195.    In Curitiba. 196.    In Mumbai. 197.    Who practices? (It is your duty to secure this space for all who want to.) 198.    Why you think architecture does any good. 199.    The depreciation cycle. 200.    What rusts. 201.    Good model-making techniques in wood and cardboard. 202.    How to play a musical instrument. 203.    Which way the wind blows. 204.    The acoustical properties of trees and shrubs. 205.    How to guard a house from floods. 206.    The connection between the Suprematists and Zaha. 207.    The connection between Oscar Niemeyer and Zaha. 208.    Where north (or south) is. 209.    How to give directions, efficiently and courteously. 210.    Stadtluft macht frei. 211.    Underneath the pavement the beach. 212.    Underneath the beach the pavement. 213.    The germ theory of disease. 214.    The importance of vitamin D. 215.    How close is too close. 216.    The capacity of a bioswale to recharge the aquifer. 217.    The draught of ferries. 218.    Bicycle safety and etiquette. 219.    The difference between gabions and riprap. 220.    The acoustic performance of Boston Symphony Hall. 221.    How to open the window. 222.    The diameter of the earth. 223.    The number of gallons of water used in a shower. 224.    The distance at which you can recognize faces. 225.    How and when to bribe public officials (for the greater good). 226.    Concrete finishes. 227.    Brick bonds. 228.    The Housing Question by Friedrich Engels. 229.    The prismatic charms of Greek island towns. 230.    The energy potential of the wind. 231.    The cooling potential of the wind, including the use of chimneys and the stack effect. 232.    Paestum. 233.    Straw-bale building technology. 234.    Rachel Carson. 235.    Freud. 236.    The excellence of Michel de Klerk. 237.    Of Alvar Aalto. 238.    Of Lina Bo Bardi. 239.    The non-pharmacological components of a good club. 240.    Mesa Verde National Park. 241.    Chichen Itza. 242.    Your neighbors. 243.    The dimensions and proper orientation of sports fields. 244.    The remediation capacity of wetlands. 245.    The capacity of wetlands to attenuate storm surges. 246.    How to cut a truly elegant section. 247.    The depths of desire. 248.    The heights of folly. 249.    Low tide. 250.    The Golden and other ratios. https://www.readingdesign.org/
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party-of-rpg-muses · 4 years
So, I’ve been playing a bit of Persona 5 Royal. Specifically the New Game Plus, as I already finished the game a few days ago. I just wanted to get Satanael and get a few more trophies. Like, when I finished my first playthrough, I got 85% of all trophies.
Anyway, in this part, I managed to get all except for defeating the Reaper. I learned it was immune to Despair after trying to use the same Flu-Despair exploit from the original in my first playthrough. In this playthrough, I resolved to fight it with my own power. I grinded to level 60 (by the way, I’m on the Sae Niijima Casino of Envy arc, waiting to send the Calling Card) since I read a guide saying you should be level 60 to stand a chance. I also managed to get Ann, Ryuji, and Yusuke’s Ultimate Personas, but for the battle, I went in with Morgana (Claiomh Solaris R, Sudarshana R EX, Dragon Scale Scarf, and Ring of Lust), Makoto (Gordius, Judge End EX, Sirius Armor R and Ring of Gluttony), and Ann (Dainaraka Whip, Gungnir R EX, Old Witch’s Robe, and Ring of Envy. Joker had Paradise Lost R, Tyrant Pistol R EX, Tantric Oath R, and Ring of Sorrow.
Okay, at the start of the battle, I went on the defensive, switching to the most defensive Persona, Izanagi-no-Okami Picaro. Makoto used Vault Guardian, Ann lowered Reaper’s stats, and Morgana rose the party’s stats (yes, I used items). Joker, however, used Concentrate. Makoto was mostly on heal duty, healing the party after it used Concentrate-Megidolaon. Morgana was also playing support, sometimes using Champion’s Cup to not only heal, but increase a character’s damage output. Ann would lower his stats when possible, occasionally refreshing the party’s Agility as would Makoto refreshing the party’s defense. Joker, meanwhile, was the damage-dealing, using Concentrate-Myriad Truths do deal considerable damage. Helped even further by Izanagi-no-Okami Picaro’s Trait, Country Maker, which increased attack and damage based on how many Personas are registered in the Compendium (about 95% at the time). Anyway, after a few turns, I managed to beat him, jumping everyone, even backup members, from 60 to 66.
I fought the Reaper two more times, instead switching Morgana out for Haru (Fleurs du Mal R, Yagrush R EX, Sirius Armor R, and Ring of Greed) and had her use President’s Insight so I wouldn’t waste Joker’s turn to charge it up. After the two fights, everyone was about level 77, so I decided to fight the twins right after. In Persona 5, I only fought the twins when I was level 99.
For this one, I brought in Ann, Makoto, and Ryuji (Imprisoned Mjolnir, Megido Blaster EX, Tantric Oath R, and Ring of Wrath). I started the fight with Makoto using Vault Guardian, Ryuji using Matarukaja, and Ann buffing everyone’s stats while Joker used Concentrate. After a few turns, I swapped him out for Haru and the fight was more or less the same as with the Reaper. It was also much shorter. When I got them out to about half health, the healed themselves back to full, but no dialogue trigger and their pattern didn’t change, as they still used physical/gun attacks. But when I got them down to critical health, dialogue was triggered and they started using magic. But only Fire and Ice (tried using Ice on Ann, to which she dodged with Evade Ice). After that, I defeated them and everyone leveled up to about 80.
Now, I can’t wait to see what Lavenza is light. And in case everyone’s wondering the gear I had for everyone is:
Joker: Paradise Lost R, Tyrant Pistol R, Tantric Oath R, Ring of Sorrow Ryuji: Imprisoned Mjolnir, Megido Blaster, Tantric Oath R, Ring of Wrath Morgana: Claiomh Solaris Rm Sudarshana R, Dragon Scale Scarf, Ring of Lust Ann: Dainaraka Whip, Gungnir R, Old Witch’s Robe, Ring of Envy Yusuke: Usumidori R, Providence, Tantric Oath R, Ring of Vanity Makoto: Gordius, Judge End, Sirius Armor R, Ring of Gluttony Haru: Fleurs du Mal R, Yagrush R, Sirius Armor R, Ring of Greed Akechi: Hinokagutsuchi II, Ancient Day, Tantric Oath R, ARM PC.
A good amount of these do come from the DLC and pretty much all non-accessory gear (with the exception of the Old Witch’s Robe and Dragon Scale Scarf), all came from using the Electric Chair during an Alarm Sirius Armor comes from Itemizing Messiah. The others come from Personas within the main game.
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101 Things I strive to live by in EMS Profession, None of us are perfect we all make mistakes...wanted to share this with y'all... keep it classy 😉
1) You aren’t required to know everything. 2) You are required to know the foundational knowledge and skills of your job. No excuses. 3) Always be nice. It’s a force multiplier. 4) There is no greater act of trust than being handed a sick child. 5) Earn that trust. 6) Don’t ever lie to your patient. If something is awkward to say, learn to say it without lying. 7) Read Thom Dick’s, People Care. Then read it again. 8) You can fake competence with the public, but not with your coworkers. 9) Own your mistakes. We all make them, but only the best of us own them. 10) Only when you’ve learned to own your mistakes will you be able to learn from them. 11) Experience is relative. 12) Proper use of a BVM is hard and takes practice. 13) OPAs and NPAs make using a BVM less hard. 14) Master the physical assessment. Nobody in the field of medicine should be able to hold a candlestick to your physical assessment skills. 15) Keep your head about you. If you fail at that, you’ll likely fail at everything else. 16) There is a huge difference between not knowing and not caring. Care about the things you don’t yet know. 17) Train like someone’s life depends on it. 18) Drive like nobody’s life depends on it. 19) Pet the dog. (Even when you’re wearing gloves.) 20) Have someone to talk to when the world crashes down. 21) Let human tragedy enhance your appreciation for all that you have. 22) Check the oil. 23) Protect your back. It will quite possibly be the sole determining factor in the length of your career. 24) Say please and thank you even when it’s a matter of life or death. 25) Wipe your feet at the door. 26) When you see someone who is really good at a particular skill say, “Teach me how you do that.” 27) Nobody can give you your happiness or job satisfaction. It is yours and yours alone. And you have to choose it. 28) We can’t be prepared for everything. 29) We can be prepared for almost everything. 30) Check out your rig. It’s more meaningful that just confirming that everything is still there. 31) Tell your patients that it was a pleasure to meet them and an honor to be of service. 32) Mean it. 33) Keep a journal. 34) Make it HIPAA compliant. 35) Thank the police officer that hangs out on your scene for no good reason. 36) Recognize that he or she probably wasn’t hanging out for no good reason. 37) Interview for a job at least once every year, even if you don’t want the job. 38) Iron your uniform. 39) Maintain the illusion of control. Nobody needs to know that you weren’t prepared for what just happened. 40) Apologize when you make a mistake. Do it immediately. 41) Your patient is not named honey, babe, sweetie, darling, bud, pal, man or hey. Use your patient’s name when speaking to them. Sir and Ma’am are acceptable alternatives. 42) Forgive yourself for your mistakes. 43) Forgive your coworkers for their quirks. 44) Exercise. Even when it isn’t convenient. 45) Sometimes it’s OK to eat the junk at the WaWa. 46) It’s not OK to always eat the junk at the WaWa. 47) Don’t take anything that a patient says in anger personally. 48) Don’t take anything that a patient says when they are drunk personally. 49) Don’t ever convince yourself that you can always tell the difference between a fake seizure and a real seizure. 50) Think about what you would do if this was your last shift working in EMS. Do that stuff. 51) Carry your weight. 52) Carry your patient. 53) If firefighters ever do #51 or # 52 for you, say thank you. (And mean it.) 54) Being punched, kicked, choked or spit on while on duty is no different than being punched, kicked, choked or spit on while you’re sitting in church or in a restaurant. Insist that law enforcement and your employer follow up with appropriate action. 55) Wave at little kids. Treat them like gold. They will remember you for a long time. 56) Hold the radio mike away from your mouth. 57) There is never any reason to yell on the radio….ever. 58) When a patient says, “I feel like I’m going to die.” believe them. 59) Very sick people rarely care which hospital you’re driving toward. 60) Very sick people rarely pack a bag before you arrive. 61) Sometimes, very sick people pack a bag and demand a specific hospital. Don’t be caught off guard. 62) Bring yourself to work. There is something that you were meant to contribute to this profession. You’ll never be able to do that if you behave like a cog. 63) Clean the pram. 64) Clean your stethoscope. 65) Your patient’s are going to lie to you. Assume they are telling you the truth until you have strong evidence of the contrary. 66) Disregard #65 if it has anything to do with your personal safety. Trust nobody in this regard. 67) If it feels like a stupid thing to do, it probably is. 68) You are always on camera. 69) If you need save-the-baby type “hero moments” to sustain you emotionally as a caregiver you will likely become frustrated and eventually leave. 70) Emergency services was never about you. 71) The sooner you figure out #69 and #70, the sooner the rest of us can get on with our jobs. 72) People always remember how you made them feel. 73) People rarely sue individuals who made them feel safe, well cared for and respected. 74) You represent our profession and the internet has a long, long memory. 75) Don’t worry too much about whether or not people respect you. 76) Worry about being really good at what you do. 77) When you first meet a patient, come to their level, look them in the eyes and smile. Make it your habit. 78) Never lie about the vital signs. If the patients’ vital signs change dramatically from the back of the rig to the E.R. bed, you want everyone to believe you. 79) Calm down. It’s not your emergency. 80) Stand still. There is an enormous difference between dramatic but senseless action and correct action. Stop, think and then move with a purpose. 81) Knowing when to leave a scene is a vital skill that you must constantly hone. 82) The fastest way to leave a scene should always be in your field of awareness. 83) Scene safety is not a five second consideration as you enter the scene. It takes constant vigilance. 84) Punitive medicine is never acceptable. Choose the right needle size based on the patients’ clinical needs. 85) Know what’s happening in your partner’s life. Ask them about it after you return from your days off. 86) If your partner has a wife and kids, know their names. 87) No matter how hard you think you worked for them, your knowledge and skills are not yours. They were gifted to you. The best way to say thank you is to give them away. 88) Learn from the bad calls. Then let them go. 89) When you’re lifting a patient and they try to reach out and grab something, say, “We’ve got you.” 90) Request the right of way. 91) Let your days off be your days off. Fight for balance. 92) Have a hobby that has nothing to do with emergency services. 93) Have a mentor who knows nothing about emergency services. 94) Wait until the call is over. Once the patient is safe at the hospital and you’re back on the road, there will be plenty of time to laugh until you can’t breathe. 95) Tell the good stories. 96) You never know when you might be running your last call. Cherish the small things. 97) You can never truly know the full extent of your influence. 98) If you’re going to tell your friends and acquaintances what you do for a living, you’ll need to embrace the idea that you’re always on duty. 99) Be willing to bend the rules to take good care of people. Don’t be afraid to defend the decisions you make on the patients’ behalf. 100) Service is at the heart of everything we do. The farther away from that concept you drift, the more you are likely to become lost. 101) There is no shame in wanting to make the world a better place.
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1: Name
2: Age
3: Fears
Everything, I have anxiety
4: 3 things I love
Dogs, weird movies, sunsets over water
5: 4 turns on
Long hair, facial piercings, good sense of humor, back muscles
6: 4 turns off
Poor hygiene, rude to service workers, adults who are still obsessed with Disney to the point where they make it a personality trait, Trump supporters (or the equivalent in other countries)
7: My best friend
8: Sexual orientation
Bi? I think? IDK not straight tho
9: My best first date
I’ve only ever been on one date in my life and the dude ghosted me afterward which turned out to be a blessing bc it was not a good time in my life to try to start a relationship
10: How tall am I
11: What do I miss
Mental stability
12: What time were I born
3:45 am or thereabouts
13: Favourite color
14: Do I have a crush
celebrity crushes but I don’t really count those
15: Favourite quote
16: Favourite place
bundled up under a heap of blankets by myself in a dark room with good snacks and a good book/movie
17: Favourite food
18: Do I use sarcasm
do i
19: What am I listening to right now
my housemate doing laundry
20: First thing I notice in new person
what they’re wearing
21: Shoe size
womens 7
22: Eye color
23: Hair color
24: Favourite style of clothing
love that goth shit
25: Ever done a prank call?
not that i can remember
26: Meaning behind my URL
adam darski’s true form
27: Favourite movie
Ink (2009) dir. jamin winans
28: Favourite song
29: Favourite band
30: How I feel right now
like shit lol
31: Someone I love
My friends
32: My current relationship status
33: My relationship with my parents
it’s good and i’m very grateful
34: Favourite holiday
the day after halloween when all the candy goes on sale
35: Tattoos and piercing I have
36: Tattoos and piercings I want
seriously considering getting my eyebrow pierced soon. if I ever cut my hair short i’ll pierce my ears
37: The reason I joined Tumblr
to follow an art blog that made amazing JTHM fan art
38: Do I and my last ex hate each other?
what ex
39: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
yeah from my mom
40: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
yeah it was my mom
41: When did I last hold hands?
yesterday with my grandma
42: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
takes me well over an hour to actually get up but then like 3o minutes tops
43: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?
44: Where am I right now?
in my room
45: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
i’ve never been that drunk because i hate hangovers
46: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
reasonable level unless i’m at a concert
47: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
not anymore
48: Am I excited for anything?
sexy eggman is coming to san francisco
49: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
50: How often do I wear a fake smile?
basically whenever i have to talk to strangers
51: When was the last time I hugged someone?
52: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
my mom is allowed to kiss other people it’s okay
53: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
i don’t think so?
54: What is something I disliked about today?
i’m tired of being tired
55: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
my soulmate
56: What do I think about most?
spirals of existential dread
57: What’s my strangest talent?
I have no talents lol
58: Do I have any strange phobias?
going down stairs. i’m fine going up them but going down them freaks me out
59: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
depends on my mood and whether or not i’m ugly that day
60: What was the last lie I told?
“I’m okay”
61: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
In person or don’t fucking talk to me
62: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
yes and yes
63: Do I believe in magic?
idk. i believe there’s things that happen that we can’t explain yet so maybe that’s magic
64: Do I believe in luck?
i believe in good chances
65: What’s the weather like right now?
66: What was the last book I’ve read?
The Habitation of the Blessed by Catherynne Valente
67: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
yes as long as i don’t have a headache or stomachache
68: Do I have any nicknames?
just dumb shit my mom calls me
69: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
worst acute injury was the time i tripped onto an outdoor heater in kindergarten and burned the shit out of my hand. i also have a stress fracture in my spine that will never heal from gymnastics but that happened over a matter of years
70: Do I spend money or save it?
i try to save but i spend a little too much
71: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?
with a tongue? yes. with my tongue? no
72: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?
my fluffy pillow
73: Favourite animal?
take a wild fucking guess
74: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
trying unsuccessfully to sleep
75: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
76: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
That Time of the Month by Harley Poe
77: How can you win my heart?
be a dog
78: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
ceci n’est pas un corps
79: What is my favorite word?
sussuration or cathedral
80: My top 5 blogs on tumblr
this is the internet equivalent of the judgment of paris
81: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
eat the rich
82: Do I have any relatives in jail?
not currently
83: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
shapeshifting bitch
84: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
i’ll say anything on the internet i don’t give a shit
85: What is my current desktop picture?
Tumblr media
86: Had sex?
87: Bought condoms?
88: Gotten pregnant?
89: Failed a class?
yeah, fuck ochem
90: Kissed a boy?
91: Kissed a girl?
92: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
93: Had job?
i’ve got one right now
94: Left the house without my wallet?
yeah lol
95: Bullied someone on the internet?
96: Had sex in public?
97: Played on a sports team?
i ran track for a couple years as a kid
98: Smoked weed?
99: Did drugs?
100: Smoked cigarettes?
ew no
101: Drank alcohol?
102: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
103: Been overweight?
104: Been underweight?
105: Been to a wedding?
106: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
only 5?
107: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
only 5??
108: Been outside my home country?
109: Gotten my heart broken?
yes but not romantically
110: Been to a professional sports game?
111: Broken a bone?
112: Cut myself?
not on purpose
113: Been to prom?
yeah and it sucked and i wish i hadn’t gone
114: Been in airplane?
115: Fly by helicopter?
no but I want to
116: What concerts have I been to?
a multitude
117: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
yeah lol
118: Learned another language?
can I give this one a half a yes?
119: Wore make up?
120: Lost my virginity before I was 18?
121: Had oral sex?
122: Dyed my hair?
123: Voted in a presidential election?
124: Rode in an ambulance?
125: Had a surgery?
do wisdom teeth count?
126: Met someone famous?
yup, holla atcha doug jones
127: Stalked someone on a social network?
no, i don’t care that much
128: Peed outside?
who hasn’t?
129: Been fishing?
130: Helped with charity?
i’ve donated some money
131: Been rejected by a crush?
yeah but a) I never actually asked him out, b) we were 12, and c) turns out he’s gay so like i’m not made about it
132: Broken a mirror?
133: What do I want for birthday?
a new laptop
134: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?
why would i want kids
135: Was I named after anyone?
my great uncle and great grandmother
136: Do I like my handwriting?
i have no opinion on it
137: What was my favourite toy as a child?
legos or something similar you can build with
138: Favourite Tv Show?
139: Where do I want to live when older?
somewhere near the ocean
140: Play any musical instrument?
i wish
141: One of my scars, how did I get it?
i only have acne scars and those are pretty self-explanatory
142: Favourite pizza toping?
sausage, bell pepper, and onion
143: Am I afraid of the dark?
144: Am I afraid of heights?
145: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
no, i’m a good girl
146: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end
147: What I’m really bad at
being a functioning human adult person
148: What my greatest achievments are
not killing myself in college
149: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me
idk man i get upset by everything even when it’s not mean
150: What I’d do if I won in a lottery
pay off my friends’ and family’s debts, set aside a big chunk of money for grad school, maybe get my own place depending on how much is left
151: What do I like about myself
i have nice hair
152: My closest Tumblr friend
153: Something I fantasise about
what don’t i fantasize about
154: Any thoughts on the paranormal?
hey demons come and get y’all juice
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hatmanreviewsmovies · 5 years
Hat 1- Story: Arthur Fleck is a mentally unstable man who works as a professional clown while trying to be a comedian. After being mugged, he is given a gun by a co-worker which ends up losing him his job, and this sets off his mental mania. We watch a man’s mental state crumble and see the carnage he leaves behind. 
This is a very well-told story. Remaining firmly planted from Arthur’s perspective, you never know exactly what to believe, and it treds and retreads fact and fantasy, as Arthur’s life and mental state falls to bits. As a portrait of a killer, it's an extremely well-made story. As an origin story of the Batman villain, there aren’t many direct references other than a connection to the Wayne family and a young Bruce. All in all, I do think this would be better if it were separated from the Joker/Batman timeline and allowed to exist on its own. There is one particular tie in with the Batman franchise that I hated, the rest I just think didn’t need to exist. That being said, the story itself is very well told. .9/1 hat
Hat 2- Performances: While everyone is great, this film is built as a vehicle for Joaquin Pheonix’s Arthur Fleck, who carries this entire film on his scrawny back, making you sometimes cheer for him, sometimes not, but never not understanding where this seemingly unpredictable behavior comes from. Hand him the oscar already, this is the male leading performance of the year. 1/1 hat
Hat 3- Craft: This film is very well designed, hammering home it’s grim, bleak energy. As a late 70′s early 80′s Gotham City (ie New York, Chicago, San Francisco, every city’s underbelly,) it throws you fully into the era very nicely, feeding this directly into the story with its energy.  The script is... alright. There’s some dialogue that is so on the nose, waxing poetic about the terrible world that we all live in, the subtlety is completely lost. 
Todd Phillips, as director, had a vision. A very clear vision, directly referencing Taxi Driver and trying to repeat that same idea. And it works, there’s some fantastic character work and some wonderfully artistic moments of Fleck on his own, dancing this sensual, ballet influenced dance of expression and emotion. All in all, its clear what Phillips wanted to do, and he did it, though there were moments when I feel he could have gotten out of his own way and let the story tell itself, rather than flexing his artistic muscles for the full 120-minute runtime. .85/1 hat
Hat 4- Entertainment Value: This film can be described in two words: Bleak and Brutal. There is very little levity and what few actual jokes there are are so dark and twisted in their own right that I stopped myself from laughing a couple of times. That’s not to say it’s not worth seeing, it is very well done and extremely gripping, but it’s the kind of film that makes you feel dirty by the end. The performance alone is enough to be worth seeing, but this film is not for everyone. .1/1 hat
Hat 5- Memorability: The central performance of this film is the best we’ve seen this decade, by far. A man breaking down, intimately falling into the black hole in front of him. The journey he goes on and the followthrough for the rest of the film is worth seeing to watch Joaquin Pheonix act at his absolute finest. The film itself falls away in a bleak, dark slog but the performance is insanely gripping and the film around it is well made enough to meet the level of craft, if not memorability. It is very worth seeing, but be aware of what you’re in for, and be prepared to be gripped and engaged, less ‘entertained’ and feel like you need a shower afterward. If it sounds like the kind of film you’d enjoy have at it. 1./1 hat TOTAL: 4.75/5 hats
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thisismyhellx · 6 years
All of themsssssss
1: Name: Elizabeth
2: Age: 25
3: 3 Fears: Failure, Being replaced, Never good enough
4: 3 things I love: Artsy Shit, Working, Reading(When I can)
5: 4 turns on: Intimacy on a mental level, Choking, Submissiveness(when applicable), soft kisses on tender areas.
6: 4 turns off: Cocky, Entitled, “Fuck and Chuck”, Not respecting me.
7: My best friend: I have more than one; Michele, Heather, Kayla, Stacy and Brandon
8: Sexual orientation: Swirly.
9: My best first date: Meh.
10: How tall am I: 5′6″
11: What do I miss: Not feeling tired.
12: What time were I born: 4am? Fuck if I know
13: Favorite color: Blue, or color combos Electric blue/hot pink
14: Do I have a crush: Yes
15: Favorite quote: 
It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.
16: Favorite place: Under the stars
17: Favorite food: Italian, Chinese
18: Do I use sarcasm: Really?
19: What am I listening to right now: Advertisements
20: First thing I notice in new person: Aura
21: Shoe size: 7.5/8
22: Eye color: Blue
23: Hair color; Natural? Brunette, Current? Blue.
24: Favorite style of clothing: Huh?
25: Ever done a prank call? When I was younger
27: Meaning behind my URL: This is my hell....?
28: Favorite movie: Don't make me choose.
29: Favorite song: Depends on the day.
30: Favorite band: I REFUSE TO CHOOSE.
31: How I feel right now: Sickly
32: Someone I love: My family.
33: My current relationship status: Taken
34: My relationship with my parents: Biological? Different than most.
35: Favorite holiday: Halloween
36: Tattoos and piercing i have: Not sure how many ear piercings I have other than my main ones that are 0g. I have 3 tattoos.
37: Tattoos and piercing i want: A lot
38: The reason I joined Tumblr: Senior in HS looking for an outlet.
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? I should. I don't know what he thinks nor do I care.
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? Not usually.
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? Nope
42: When did I last hold hands?  For work or pleasure cause the latter has been a minute.
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? Depends on where I’m going, but normally between 10-30 mins.
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? Nope... >_
45: Where am I right now? Work.
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? Probably my drunk ass.
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Depends on my mood.
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Neither
49: Am I excited for anything? BEDTIME
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Yes
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? Majority.
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? Today
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? My heart... it wouldn't feel good..
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Most likely.
55: What is something I disliked about today? Yes.. mostly Im cold...
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? I really have little desire to meet someone? Iunno. Where’s my sugar daddy! (Maybe could meet Frank Iero though...)
57: What do I think about most? Everything at once or nothing at all.
58: What’s my strangest talent? I can crack my big toes unlimited times.
59: Do I have any strange phobias? Nail Clippers.
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind
61: What was the last lie I told? “I’m just tired”
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Neither
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Both but ghosts hardcore
64: Do I believe in magic? Absolutely.
65: Do I believe in luck? Yes
66: What’s the weather like right now? Raining and cold
67: What was the last book I’ve read? “Tennyson” by Leslie M M Blume
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? Love it
69: Do I have any nicknames? Liz, Izzy, Awalabash, Blue
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? Im not sure I’ve actually had an “injury”, but my knees are definitely shit.
71: Do I spend money or save it? Save, unless I HAVE to have it.
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? Nope
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? Yes my tervis
74: Favorite animal? Cats. any cats.
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Working
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Didn't know he had one.
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Always is a strong word, but want me to race down the highway? KICKSTART MY HEART; MOTLEY CRUE. Want me to feel things? “Would you love a monster man?”; Lordi, want me to sing my heart out? Basically anything throwback to HS or ANYTHING Panic! ATD I could go on...
78: How can you win my heart? Its really hard to win my heart, but once I fall, I fall hard. I love immensely and its dangerous.
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? Don't really want to fucking think about it.
80: What is my favorite word? Clusterfuck
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: According to tumblr? @stayfree86, @iampikachuhearmeroar, @dailyhangover, @kiddysa-bunnpire, @belovedgoofball
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? The world needs to be kinder...
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? Not that I know of.
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Invisibility.
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? ....
86: What is my current desktop picture? Stock
87: Had sex? yep.
88: Bought condoms? Yes
89: Gotten pregnant? Nope
90: Failed a class? Yes
91: Kissed a boy? Yes
92: Kissed a girl? Yes
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Kind of.. not magically like...
94: Had job? Multiple
95: Left the house without my wallet? Yes
96: Bullied someone on the internet? Never
97: Had sex in public? No
98: Played on a sports team? Yes
99: Smoked weed? A lot, not anymore
100: Did drugs? Never
101: Smoked cigarettes? My vice.
102: Drank alcohol? Yes
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Nope
104: Been overweight? My dad says I am.
105: Been underweight? In high school.
106: Been to a wedding? Yes
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Yes
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Yes
109: Been outside my home country? Twice
110: Gotten my heart broken? Of course.
111: Been to a professional sports game? Yes
112: Broken a bone? No
113: Cut myself? Yes...
114: Been to prom? Yes
115: Been in airplane? Yes
116: Fly by helicopter? No
117: What concerts have I been to? Insane Clown Posse, Slipknot/Marilyn Manson/Of Mice and Men, David Allen Coe
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Yes
119: Learned another language? Sort of
120: Wore make up? Yes
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? Yes (15)
122: Had oral sex? Yes
123: Dyed my hair? Yes
124: Voted in a presidential election? Yes
125: Rode in an ambulance? Not that I know of
126: Had a surgery? A few
127: Met someone famous? Not really?
128: Stalked someone on a social network? yep
129: Peed outside? Duh
130: Been fishing? Duh
131: Helped with charity? Donated
132: Been rejected by a crush? Yup.
133: Broken a mirror? Yes
134: What do I want for birthday? My birthday isn't special.
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warenerd · 5 years
100 Days of Graphic Novels
Subtitle: “Working 70 Hour Weeks and Commuting Means Reading But Not Writing.”
I am trying for more accountability, but, when my idiotic work schedule gets even more idiotic, sometimes it’s just my judgmental calendar of doom that’s keeping me on track. Also my cat. He judges me - harshly.
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Look on my missing leg, ye Mighty, and despair!
Ahem. Anyway. So many books:
Day 1: The Umbrella Academy vol 1: The Apocalypse Suite Day 2: CatStronauts: Mission Mars Day 3: Apannine War Diary Day 4: Alex + Ada vol 1 Day 5: Alex + Ada vol 2 Day 6: Visitations Day 7: Another Day of Life Day 8: Daredevil Visionaries: Frank Miller vol 1 Day 9: Punisher: Welcome Back, Frank Day 10: Scarlet Witch vol 1: Witches’ Road Day 11: Jessica Jones vol 1: Uncaged Day 12: Infidel Day 13: The Deep Blue Good-by Day 14: City of Illusions Day 15: Mockingbird vol 1: I Can Explain Day 16: Ms. Marvel vol 1: Best of the Best Day 17: X-Men Gold vol 1: Back to the Basics Day 18: Kaptara vol 1: Fear Not, Tiny Alien Day 19: Eclipse vol 1 Day 20: Defenders vol 1: Diamonds are Forever Day 21: Hellcat vol 1: Hooked on a Feline Day 22: Chosin Day 23: Elektra vol 1: Bloodlines Day 24: They’re Not Like Us Day 25: Multiple Man vol 1: It All Makes Sense in the End Day 26: Captain America: Sam Wilson: Not My Captain America Day 27: A Russian Journal Day 28: Iron Patriot vol 1: Unbreakable Day 29: Divinity Day 30: Jessica Jones: Alias vol 1 Day 31: Tales of Suspense: Hawkeye and the Winter Soldier Day 32: The Fuse vol 1: The Russian Shift Day 33: Jessica Jones: Alias vol 2 Day 34: Into the Tunnel Day 34: Jessica Jones: Alias vol 3 Day 35: A-Force vol 1 Day 36: Edge of the Spider-Verse Day 37: Descender vol 1 Day 38: Descender vol 2 Day 39: Black Panther: World of Wakanda Day 40: A Farewell to Arms Day 41: I’m Not Leaving Day 42: Green Arrow: Year One Day 43: Daniel’s Story Day 44: Aurora’s Motive Day 45: Jessica Jones vol 4 Day 46: Symmetry Day 47: Afar Day 48: Morning Glories vol 1
Day 49: One Way Ticket
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           A math professor at a nearby university related her escape from WWII to England. Interesting not just for the political trials and hoops through which she had to jump to get herself and her family out of Europe, but also for the way that retelling, rather than primary recording, has influenced the main thrust of the story. Also: illustrated. Adorably.
Day 50: The life of Captain Marvel
            I’m not saying I hated this book – I’m just saying that I’m opposed to it on a cellular level.
Day 51: Captain Marvel vol 1: In Pursuit of Flight
            Did I need a mind-bleach of what I’d read the day before? Yes. Yes, I did.
Day 52: The Boy Who Reversed Himself             True story: William Sleator was my favorite author for about a year in middle school. I read every one of his books that our libraries had, and then I read them all again. Six or seven times each (to the shock of absolutely no one who knows me). This book has forever changed the way I consider catsup. And it wasn’t nearly as racist as I’d expected, flipping back through. Hooray?
Day 53: To Fight Alongside Friends
            My best friend roped me into doing an online werewolf game based in WWI. I role-played as Charlie May, the author of this diary, and refused to respond with anything but direct quotes from his book. If nothing else, I entertain myself.
Day 54: Operation: Broken Wings
Day 55: My War Diary
            This one is by Dov Yermiya and is about Lebanon from June 5 – July 1, 1982. I have about six books within easy reach called “My War Diary.” This could prove problematic later. (Also, despite writing about Waltz With Bashir in grad school and for my dissertation, I still don’t know enough about this conflict)
Day 56: Descender vol 3 Day 57: Morning Glories vol 2 Day 58: The Drowned and the Saved Day 59: Jessica Jones: Pulse
Day 60: Zlata’s Diary
            I read this when sitting in the jail on a Friday night. There’s nothing quite so jarring as reading a firsthand account of the absolute disruption of life (and childhood, in a lot of ways), while listening to drunk sorority girls sob on their phones to their mothers and then scream about their Uber.
Day 61: Captain Marvel vol 2: Down Day 62: Avengers: The Enemy Within Day 63: Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster, More Day 64: Captain Marvel: Stay Fly Day 65: Captain Marvel: Alis Volat Propiis Day 66: Carol Danvers vol 1: The Ms Marvel Years
Day 67: One Week in the Library
            Please give me more weeks, Image Comics. Please.
Day 68: The Troop
            Noel Clarke, I love you, but this feels like well-trod ground at this point.
Day 69: Bitch Planet
            I legitimately squealed, out loud, when Kelly Sue DeConnick was on screen during Captain Marvel. High pitched. And then, because I have no game, I whacked my BFF on the arm and whispered (er, “whispered”?) “THAT WAS KELLY SUE!!” No one else was impressed by my mad comic knowledge, but, eh.
Day 70: Jessica Jones vol 3: Return of the Purple Man
           Guess which superstar never read volume 2? That’s right - THIS superstar.
Day 71: Mr. & Mrs. X
            Basically, I love Gambit. I’m okay with Rogue, but I’ve lived in the Deep South for too long to be completely okay with the extremes of character. And I also don’t really like Deadpool. At all. Despite all of that, I still enjoyed this.
Day 72: Secret Avengers vol 1: Reverie
            Unlike this, which did NOT get better with age. Ooooof.
Day 73: Avengers AI vol 1: Human After All
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Did I buy this simply for this picture of Vision holding a kitten? Yes. Do I regret that? No.
Day 74: Tet Day 75: Iron Fist: Rage Day 76: Zero vol 1: An Emergency Day 77: Faster than Light
Day 78: Descender vol 4: Orbital Mechanics
            I sent my BFF a copy of Descender because it’s gorgeous. Because she has even worse impulse control than me, she bought all of the other volumes and has already finished the series. I can’t even be mad.
Day 79: Lost Dossiers: Super Spy
            AKA: This would have made way more sense had I realized that this was a supplement to another work… which I don’t yet own. Womp womp womp. Maybe tomorrow I’ll read the From Hell companion, just for kicks.
Day 80: Carnet de Voyage Day 81: Hype Day 82: Dancer Day 83-85: Day 86: Wonderful World of Oz
Day 87: Port of Earth
            Know what I love about Zack Kaplan? He creates immersive worlds that aren’t just one thing – there’s not just one neat storyline wrapped up by the end of the trade, and there isn’t just one type of story at work.
Day 88: Material Day 89: Captain America: the 1940s Newspaper Strip Day 90: Peter Panzerfaust vol 1: The Great Escape Day 91: Cowl vol 1
Day 92: Ministry of Space
            That ending, though.
Day 93: X-Men Gold vol 2 Day 94: The Winter Soldier vol 1: The Longest Winter Day 95: The Winter Soldier vol 2: Broken Arrow
Day 96: Graphic Classics vol 22: African American Classics
            I yelped when I saw that Afua Richardson, Personal Hero, had worked on this. I have a panel from her illustration of Langston Hughes’ “Rivers” (done for NPR), and it is one of my very favorite things.
Day 97: New York: The Big City
Day 98: A Wexford Childhood
            You would think that a memoir covering 1915-1930 might touch on some rumbling of war. You’d be wrong. But, it was an interesting view of the changing world, nonetheless.
Day 99: Winter Soldier vol 3: Black Widow Hunt
            Brubaker, why must you hurt me so?
Day 100: X-Men Rarities
         ��  There are few things that bring me such joy as the stiff pages of a 90s era Marvel trade – and, when those trades include comics with Chamber? I am so in. Now, someone explain to me how they always smell like cigarettes and wet dog, regardless of origin, and I’ll be all set.
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cole-winchester · 6 years
Writing Prompt Challenge and GIVEAWAY!!!
So...my blog turned ONE YEAR!!  Woot woot!!  
I've gained a few friends over this past year and thought I'd broaden my reach! 
This is a public writing prompt challenge!  Reblog this as you wish!  You do not have to be a follower of mine (however, it would be nice ...:) )
Onto the rules!
The Walking Dead
Sons of Anarchy (Mayans included)
Any characters from the above three fandoms.  Any pairings, reader insert or original characters.  This is a free for all!  All I ask is the obvious... state if it contains triggers, smut or nsfw criteria.
No length limit.  Make it as long or as short as you wish!
Never tried writing before??  Now's your chance!  I want to see what your mind creates!!  This is a no hate blog!  Don't be shy or scared that your writing may not be up to par with others!!  That's nonsense!!  Gimme gimme!!  I want to read everything!
...bet you're wondering about the giveaway, huh?
Depending on the amount of entries...I may have one random winner...or I may have three. 
What's the prize?
Ohhhh....just a custom painting of your choice of character(s) from the three fandoms.  In case you're wondering on my skill level...here's an example:
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Ok so... Deadline will be December 1st.  I can be forgiving.  If you need a slight extension, just shoot me a message and let me know.  
***More below Keep Reading***
Prompts are to be bolded in the fic and stated in the author's note.  You may pick up to three, but only one is necessary.  There can be more than one person per prompt.  I'm not strict that way.  Do whichever speaks to you!!
So to reiterate:
Message me with your fandom choice, character(s) and pairings, and your prompt. 
Author's note is to tag me @cole-winchester and have the prompt(s) listed. 
First tag is to be #cole winchester writing challenge  
Deadline of December 1st.
I will have a randomizer of all entries for the winner(s).  Date of selection will be decided later on, depending on any extensions needed.  
I'm a sucker for angst...Sorry.  But this is a hodgepodge list.  There's a few fluffy and random ones in here as well.
Enjoy this and have fun!  I look forward to reading what everyone comes up with!!
1.  “I don’t know how to look you in the eye after the things I’ve done.” 2.  “I can’t trust you alone right now.” 3.  “I hate watching you do this to yourself.” 4.  “I haven’t been okay for a long time.” 5.  “I’m trying really hard not to blame you for this.” 6.  “I want to believe there is still some good in you.” 7.  “My best wasn’t good enough.” 8.  “I’m going to ask you something and you have to answer me honestly.” 9.  “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me.” 10.  “You know what we’re doing is wrong.” 11.  “I keep seeing his face.” 12.  “I’m so tired of the pain.” 13.  “I’m so done with this life.” 14.  “Life is a curse, not a gift.” 15.  “I’m tired of living.” 16.  ”Did you do this to yourself?” 17.  “I took a gamble. I lost. It’s simple as that.” 18.  “How does it feel….to lose the thing you loved the most?” 19.  “I’m getting really tired of pretending I’m not evil.” 20.   “When this is all over, I want my sanity back.” 21.   “How do you destroy a monster without becoming one?” 22.  “Screw it. Let’s just blow it up and call it a day.” 23.  “What’s our exit strategy?”  -  “Our what?” 24.   “I’ve been in love with you for years. I just never had the guts to say it.” 25.   “Would a bag of explosives help?” 26.  “This tastes like paint thinner and bad decisions.” 27.  “I realized I was in love with you when all of my decisions began to revolve around you.” 28.  “Is that blood?”  -  “…no?” 29.  “What…what exactly is that?” 30.  “Aw man. You’re still alive.” 31.  “Are you sober?”  -  “I’m moderately functional.” 32.  “Sometimes I wish the sun wouldn’t go down…” 33.  “I’m pretty sure this is illegal.” 34.  “Nope. We don’t have time for you to have a crisis today.” 35.  “You aren’t allowed to make omelets at 3am anymore.” 36.  “Oh, darling. You don’t need a weapon when you were born one.” 37.  “Is there something wrong with me…?” 38.  “I thought you forgot about me…” 39.  “I know how it ends...I-...I just forget how it began.” 40.  “Just do it! HIT ME ALREADY!” 41.  “Why are you so eager to die?” 42.  “I promise you, just trust me.” 43.  “I thought you were happy, I’m sorry.” 44.  “Please, just stay a little longer.” 45.  “Am I going to die?” 46.  “When will this end. Please can this end.” 47.  “How many times has he told you he doesn’t love you?” 48.  “You need to find happiness without me.” 49.  “You don’t have to pretend you care when you already have one foot out the door.” 50.  “When she told you to leave, you should have stayed.” 51.  “I’m not good at this. I never have been.” 52.  “You were never one of us.” 53.  “This is what they warned me of.” 54.  “I would’ve died for you.” 55.  “You almost died! And for what?” 56.  “If I leave now, I won’t come back.” 57.  “Everything is temporary, this was merely one of those things.” 58.  “You didn’t care, even a little bit?” 59.  “I’m just tired of this. I’m tired of it all.” 60.  “I’m not going to cry, it isn’t worth crying.” 61.  “Don’t look at me like that, I don’t want pity.” 62.  “And then he left.” 63.  “I wish I could fix this.” 64.  “I deserve more than this.” 65.  “You hurt me and I still trusted you.” 66.  “It should never have come to this.” 67.  “Don’t be sorry, it was no ones fault.” 68.  “I’ve spent all this time wondering and worrying about you. You didn’t think of me once?” 69.  “You’re angry with me, I know.” 70.  “Can we have this conversation when you’re not upset.” 71.  “I don’t think I can forgive you.” 72.  “It’s never been as easy as you think.” 73.  “Why would you put so much hope in me? Things have clearly never worked out for me!” 74.  “Oh, I was just another notch in your bedpost?” 75.  “You put yourself in that position! That wasn’t my doing!” 76.  “How could I be so blind?” 77.  “I can’t even look at you right now.” 78.  “Don’t put this on me!” 79.  “I really think it’s easier for people when I’m not around.” 80.  “This never would’ve happened if we hadn’t have met!” 81.  “Don’t say anything else, just stay.” 82.  “We can start over. I’ll do anything, everything can be perfect. Just please don’t leave me.” 83.  “I wanted to save you. I wanted to be the hero and save you. How did I miss my chance?” 84.  “The only thing I can do is love you!  Why can’t you see that?” 85.  “I thought I didn’t miss you, but then I saw your photo.” 86.  “The thing is, she looks at me and I just-”  -  “Forget your own name?”  -   “Exactly..” 87.  “Do you want to know how she really feels about you? Get her drunk.”  -  “I… don’t think that’s a good idea.”  -  “I’ve been her friend for more than ten years. I’m giving you permission. Buy a few bottles of vodka. When she starts swaying and giggling at nothing, ask your questions. She will tell you everything.” 88.  “I can’t believe you remembered.”  -  “Of course I did, I know a lot of things about you. More than I care to admit.” 89.  “Falling in love with you wasn’t apart of my life plan, but I don’t regret that I did.”(@coffee-obsessed-writer) 90.  "You’re numb. You’re tired. You can’t seem to do anything. You want to give up. Well, I’m here to say, please. Just one more push, just one shower, one tiny task, one more day of looking after yourself. It’s hard, but I’ll be here on the other end, I’ll be there when you close your eyes tonight and you picture me, with the biggest smile on my face. One more, for me, for you.” 91.  “I’d kill for a coffee…literally.” 92.  “You’re getting crumbs all over my bed.” 93.  “It’s six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka.” 94.  “How is my wife more badass than me?” 95.  “You’re bleeding all over my carpet.” 96.  “Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now.” 97.  "Tell me you need me.” 98.  "Well this isn’t really how I imagined tonight would go….” 99.  “Focus on me, okay?” 100.  “I can’t stop thinking about you.”
TAGS:  Tagging everyone on my fics - some tags didn’t work, so if you’re not on the list, tumblr is being a twat again, sorry :(  You don’t need to be tagged here to enter!  
@haleyea @prettyepiic @mtngirlforever @funkymadhouse @hanaissupergirl @coffee-obsessed-writer @hismissharley13 @wnygirl2012 @fuckinghargrove @sweetchaosturtle @spnhollis @mannls @samanthawells89 @infinitelycharmed23 @diamondj82 @turdblossommm @samanthab983 @disneymarvelnerd @gailreader28 @moose-and-sqruille-lover @lova-lace @mtngirlforever @erika-gene  @journeyrose  @allaboutmysamcroboys @witchyhoeski
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mrsevans1328 · 6 years
215 Cute Prompt List
Please feel free to submit a request and reblog. Just some basic rules:
1) This list is purely for fluff blurbs/imagines. I am working on a different list for smut prompts/blurbs etc. So please do not request any smut from this list, thank you
2) Pick a prompt (obviously), and a character from the list below :
Shawn Mendes - Dylan O’Brien/Stiles Stilinski - any Teen Wolf character or their respective actor/actress - Tom Holland/Peter Parker
3) Please do not request a prompt that I have already written or am in the process of writing. Finished prompts will have a “ ** “ by it, works in progress will have “ ~ “ by it, followed by who the character in the blurb is. Only reason for this is there are over 200 prompts available to choose from. Once the list gets fuller, I will make repeats available.
***Note: I did not come up with these prompts on my own!! I do not claim ownership for any of these prompts!! I pulled all of these prompts from a mixture of different prompt lists already on Tumblr.
Thank you for the submissions, I love you all!! xxx
1. “ Not you again.. “
2. “ Leave me alone. “
3. “ Why do you hate me? ”
4. “ I lost the baby. ” ~ Shawn Mendes
5. “ I don’t need you anymore. ”
6. “ We cant keep this up forever. ”
7. “ You’re a disappointment. ”
8. “ Don’t die on me– Please. ”
9. “ I never meant to hurt you. ” ~ Dylan O’Brien
10. “ Are you upset with me? ” ** - Shawn Mendes
11. “ I’m going to kill you! ”
12. “ Please don’t hurt me like this. ”
13. “ Dont call this number again. “
14. “ Why did you spare me? ”
15. “ I’m sick. ”
16. “ I’m dying. ” 
17. “ I wish i’d never met you. ”
18. “ I thought we were family!”
19. “ There was never an us. ”
20. “ I fucked up. ”
21. “ I came to say goodbye. ”
22. “ I don’t deserve to be loved. ”
23. “ About the baby… Its yours. ” ~ Shawn Mendes
24. “ Dance with me! ”
25. “ Isn’t this amazing? ”
26. “ I wish we could stay like this forever. ”
27. “ Will you marry me? ”
28. “ I’m pregnant. ” ** - Shawn Mendes
29. “ I’m going to keep you safe. ”
30. “ Do you trust me? ”
31. “ Can I kiss you right now? ”
32. “ You’re cute when you’re angry. ”
33. “ We’d make such a cute couple. ”
34. “ I want to take care of you. ”
35. “ Can we cuddle? ”
36. “ It’s lonely here without you. ”
37. “ Shut up and kiss me already. ” ** - Shawn Mendes
38. “ Is that my shirt? ”
39. “ How did we get here? ”
40. “ You own my heart. ”
41. “ You’d be a great dad. ”
42. “ I want to protect you. ”
43.  “ You’re so beautiful. ”
44. “ Is that a new perfume? ”
45. “ Stop being so cute. ”
46. “ You’re making me blush! ”
47. “ You’re teasing me again… ”
48. “ This is why I fell in love with you. ”
49. “ Oh, Are you ticklish? ”
50. “ Of course I remembered! ”
51. “ You’re one hell of a guy. ”
52. “ Are you jealous? ”
53. “ Stop hogging all the blankets! ”
54. “ Are you drunk? ”
55. “ We cant go in there… ”
56. “ Well this is just great. ”
57. “ Don’t touch me. ”
58. “ Not sure if you could tell, but I’m not exactly a people person. ”
59. “ I don’t remember that! ”
60. “ Get that thing away from me! ”
61. “ You owe me. ”
62. “ Do you believe in ghosts? ”
63. “ Are you hitting on me? ”
64. “ You did what?! ”
65. “ Why are you bleeding? ”
66. “ Where did all these puppies come from?”
67. “ Don’t make me come over there myself! ”
68. “ That wasn’t funny. ”
69. “ Are you mad at me? ”
70. “ Can I borrow that book of yours?”
71. “ Let me help you with that. ”
72. “ Take that back! ”
73. “ I brought you your coffee. ”
74. “ Don’t fuck this up. ”
75. “ I haven’t slept in four days… ” ~ Shawn Mendes
76. “ Your turn to do the dishes. ”
77. “ Was I really that drunk? ”
78. “Give me back my phone! ”
79. “ Are you cold? ”
80. “ This place gives me the creeps. "
81. “ It’s just your imagination. ”
82. “ Stop being such a baby. ”
83. “ Go back to bed. ”
84. “ Are you okay? ”
85. “ What on earth are you wearing? ”
86. “ Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night. ”
87. “ Put me down! ”
88. “ There’s only one bed… ” ~ Shawn Mendes
89. “ It isn’t what it looks like! Okay.. Maybe it is… ”
90. “ How did I loose it? ”
91.  “ I read your diary. ” ** - Shawn Mendes
92. “Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English.” ~ Shawn Mendes
 93. “I love you. You enormously stubborn pain in the ass.” ~ Shawn Mendes
 94. “And you wonder why you’re still single.” ~ Shawn Mendes
 95. “That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?” 
 96. “Were you dropped on your head?” 
 97. “Sorry. I don’t speak skank.” 
 98. “If I survive, can I go home?” 
 99. “My middle finger salutes you.” 
 100. “I don’t think I could ever stab someone. I mean, let’s be honest. I can barely get the straw in the Capri Sun.” 
 101. “I don’t have enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel.” 
 102. “Oh darling. Go buy a brain.” 
 103. “Somebody’s cranky.” “Somebody needs to shut up.” ~ Shawn Mendes
104. “Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.” 
 105. “What did I tell you about calling her/him the devil?” “That it’s offensive to the devil?” 
 106. “I heard that!” “You were supposed to!” 
107. “I need therapy after this.” 
 108. “You didn’t get in trouble for lying. You got in trouble for lying badly.” 
 109. “I turned out liking you a lot more that I originally planned.” 
 110. “If history repeats itself, I am so getting a dinosaur.” 
 111. “I’m afraid I’ve been thinking…” “A dangerous pastime.” 
 112. “I’d explain it to you, but you’re brain would explode.” 
 113. “Sarcasm is the body’s natural reaction to stupidity.” 
 114. “Don’t look in her eyes, she might steal your soul.” 
 115. “She’s hot, but she’s evil.” 
 116. “Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.” 
 117. “I already know that I’m going to hell. At this point it’s really go big or go home.” 
 118. “You’re going to burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters, animal abusers and people who talk at the theater.” 
 119. “I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a damsel doing damage.” 
 120. “So stick that in your juice box and suck it.”
121. “A little gasoline… blowtorch… no problem.” 
 122. “Good, bad, I’m the one with the gun.” 
 123. “I know you can’t kill anybody, ‘cause I can’t kill anybody.” 
 124. “You’re insane, but you might also be brilliant.” 
 125. “Why does everyone assume the worst of me.” “It saves time.” 
 126. “I like you. You’re different.”
127. “Wow, somebody needs a Happy Meal.” 
 128. “I didn’t do it!” “Then why are you laughing?” “Because whoever did it is a freaking genius.” 
 129. “Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots.” 
 130. “Well behaved woman rarely make history.” 
 131. “The universe may not always play fair, but at least it’s got a hell of a sense of humor.” 
 132. “You haven’t even seen my bad side yet.” 
 133. “How’s life treating you?” “Like I ran over it’s dog.” 
 134. “Rule number one: don’t bother sucking up. I already hate you, that’s not going to change.” 
 135. “You make no sense to me.” “Welcome to my life.” 
 136. “Damn, you’re strong for a little thing.” 
 137. “I made a new friend today.” “Real or imaginary?” “Imaginary.” 
 138. “Where have you been all my life?” “Hiding from you.” 
 139. “Do us a favor… I know it’s difficult for you… but please, stay here, and try no to do anything…stupid.” 
 140. “I know most people don’t like me; I don’t care, I don’t like most people.” 
141. “I didn’t steal it. I permanently borrowed it.”
142. “If you pull out my earphones, I will pull out your lungs.”
143. “Are you crying?" "No, I’m impersonating a fountain.” 
 144. “You’re kinda anti-social, you know that?” 
 145. “My advice is much more subtle. Stop being an ass.” 
 146. “I’m just gonna pack up and go straight to hell now.” 
 147. “My ex? Yeah, I’d still hit that. Except this time it would be with a car or baseball bat.” 
 148. “And just like everything else we do around here, it’s about to get weirder.” 
149. “Such big evil in such a little thing.” 
 150. “Why do I still like you, knowing you’re a total asshole?” 
 151. “And hello to you too… little home wrecker.” 
 152. “I don’t need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off.” 
153. “What doesn’t kill me might make me kill you.”
154. “In another life, I think I was in a mental institution.” 
 155. “I’m not crazy. I’m just interesting.” 
 156. “This is fun.” “Seriously, we’re trying to hide a body.” 
 157. “ She’s not yours. “
 158. “ There is no us, there never was. “
159. “ Why didn’t you tell me? “
160. “ If lies keep spewing from those lips then i’ m walking out that door. “
161. “ Are you ever going to listen? “
162. “ Don’t leave me. Don’t you dare leave me. “
163. “ Shhh. I know. “ ~ Tom Holland
164. “ Tell me a story. “
165. “ Leave. Before we wake up regretting what we’ve done. “
166. “ All he ever did was use you. Why can’t you see that? “
167. “ Alcohol’s the only constant in my life. “
168. “ I was doing fine. Really, and then you waltz back in like you didn’t break my heart. “
169. “ You’re married!! “
170. “ He’s a fuck-boy and he’s never going to treat you better than this. “
171. “ H-how long? “
172. “ You still wear my hoodie? “
173. “ I’m too sober for this bullshit. “
174. “ How did you imagine our future together? “
175. “ That was supposed to be me, not him. “ ~ Dylan O’Brien
176. “ I didn’t have a choice. “
177. “ Compromise. "
178. “ His finger was right on the trigger but he wasn’t fast enough. “
179. “ Leave him and marry me. “
180. “ It’s okay if you have to go. “
181. “ Always and forever. “
182. “ You always cared more about her than you ever did about me. “
183. “ You had a kid and decided to walk out. You don’t get to call the shots round here. “ ~ Shawn Mendes
184. “ I fell for you. “
185. “ Daddy, how did you and mommy fall in love? “
186. “ I‘m never going to be good enough for you, am i? “
187. “ He already boarded the plane. We’re too late. “
188. “ That look in his eyes. That was enough to tell me he didn’t feel the same anymore. “
189. “ Who the hell abandons someone they ‘love’? “
190. “ The moment you saw me as a bet was the moment you fucked up. “
191. “ Meet me upstairs in 10. “
192. “ One more chance. “
193. “ It doesn’t have to be that way. Come with me. “
194. “ I don’t love you. “
195. “ You were my everything. “
196. “ You’re never seeing either of us again. “
197. “ Trust you? You don’t know the meaning of the word. “
198. “ You made me feel loved and wanted and for that, I’ll always love you.”
199. “ She’s lost without you. “ ~ Shawn Mendes
200. “ Don’t you get it? I’m in love with you and it scares the hell out of me. “ ~ Tom Holland
201. “ I want to be alone. “
 202. “ D-did i ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are? “
 203. “ Step out that door and i swear we’re done. “
 204. “ What right did you have keeping it from me?  “
 205. “ Running seems to be all you’re good at. “
206. “ What the fuck is it that’s so funny? “
 207. “ She always burned so brightly. “
 208.  “ We aren’t even in the same book, let alone the same page. “
209. “ I don’t want to live in a world where I’m not with you. “
210. “ Your hair still looks so good. “
211. “ You say this is what you want but your eyes are telling me a different story.“
212. “ Murder was apart of the agenda for today. “
 213. “ What if i just break his nose a lil’? “
 214. “ Hurry up, before we regret it. "
215. “Didn’t you read the sign?"
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