#but i just think it would be so funny how frustated kids would be if steve turned out good at game
jotiko · 2 years
no but listen
it would be so so funny if Steve turned out to be good at D&D
but only because he somehow manages to roll what he needs 9 times out of 10 (sometimes he rolls atrociously on purpose, just to fuck with kids)
like he would make mundane/silly choices for his character (who is also a pretty ordinary guy) sometimes on purpose but usually because he is not very imaginative or is still confused at times
the party, but mostly Dustin, roll their eyes, sigh and whine that he is getting nowhere but then Steve knocks the skill check out of the park and everyone is losing their minds
Eddie is having a blast
(also Steve would so be the kind of person who flirts with DM)
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period-of-nocturne · 11 months
I keep thinking about the Virtual Singer from each Sekai and what do they mean
Like what do they represent, what and who makes them appear and what does it mean to the related character
For a long while I thought each VS was linked to a specific kid, based on the focus where they appeared and who it was related to, mostly because of Niigo because... Damn each of them got their assigned VS for a year and half pratically you all know what I mean
But it didn't quite fit all the units and it also fit Niigo less than before, so it couldn't be that
So I kept thinking and
I think each Virtual Singer represent a... "concept", some very specific feelings from each kids
The one I'm the most sure about are VBS and L/N but I just can't explain L/N because they're so obvious to me I don't have the words to express it, so I'll use VBS VS as an example
Starting with Miku
Well, it's pretty simple... Miku is the only one I don't have a clue about (But she's often related to Toya now that I think about it)
So !
Meiko is so obviously that mentor figure, like the role-model... And by that I obviously mean RADers. The way she gives huge Nagi-san and Ken-san vibe and the similarity you can notice between her and those two definitely comes from An and Akito's perception of them, I don't need to elaborate on why I think
Rin and Len are the definition of "partner". I mean, An literally said it in Len 1* side story, she don't see them as sibling or lovers, but as singing partner
And each time one of the kids has some trouble with their specific partner, it reflects on Rin and Len, without much surprise.
They probably both has a distinct meaning, I think about Len's fear of being left behind and being kinda jealous in bout for beside you that obviously fit An but also Akito (those two again, Akito and An are as easy to read as open books it seems. Funny cause they're not the one fond of reading- ahem.), But I can't fully grasp it tbh...
I think I should precise I'm only aware of the stories out on EN before I keep going
Because VBS Kaito and Luka have only one focus feat on EN rn (Vivid Old Tale is the current event) so I could be wrong or maybe I've missed something
But oh by God Miku they make me ill I have to elaborate on them
Kaito first, he appeared during SBD, an Akito focus
And the sweet tooth aside, no one would ever think he looks like Akito. You could even say he's the complete opposite, with his airhead behavior and his innate talent. I even saw some people comparing him to Toya
Meanwhile Luka appeared, or she most likely came back, during SDSC, Toya's focus
And... Well she's also an airhead, kinda. People doubt her link to Toya way less than Kaito's one with Akito, but when you look at it she's everything Toya would think he isn't. She's the carefree and emotionnal one who just go with the flow without thinking about the technical side of things much (something Kaito is way better at even he doesn't seem so). Like, she's just... Living at her fullest, you know
They are everything but alike the kid they came around for... So what does it mean ?
Well I would say Kaito and Luka are what Akito and Toya wish they were, kind of. Akito's frustation being depicted during SBD, how he was chasing after Toya all this time and still kind of do
Toya who was compared to Kaito by ppl (not in game as far as I know), and who's also some kind of talented airhead...
Toya's wish to experience new things in SDSC, that part when he mention how he "has done so little with my [his] life..." But how he would catch up now that he can
And the way how if you ask Toya, the one who made him discover than a such freedom was possible, and kind of open the door for him to this carefree world is Akito. And how he would not be here without him
Did I just typed a whole Virtual Singer analysis only to trick you and makes you read about gay parallels- Noooo, what do you mean... I wouldn't dare
More seriously yeah I have an Akitoya illiness so they're the more developped thoughts I have on the topic, but I wish and hope people would dig into this more because I can't grasp every concept by myself
Don't forget how much Akitoya are gays tho-
Bonus part do you know what happen if you swap the A and the K in Akito's name
VBS Kaito and Akito are kind of the two side of ADHD when you think about it. And that makes sense because Kaito comes from Akito so if you combined them you got the combined style of ADHD do you get me-
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madamemiabus · 9 months
Oh yeah gloria is a cheeto
Okay so i feel the need to adress this for...literally no reason i just feel the need to say something about it, so i came back to the h&h fandom out of nowhere after months of no interacting and getting out of discord reason being that it got boring after a while, so whem miracle child was release i kinda didn't know what to think about it and also did not play much attectiom to it outside of that one drunk and sleep deprived post i made, the only think i got out of it was "well i guess gloria sucks now lmao" and butch of horrible jokes about infertility, so whem i came back last week i thought maybe is time to actually put out my thoughts about one of favorite characters and how do i actually still stan them despiste the change of pespetive, now i have to make this very clear i like gloria on a personal level the woman became one of my comfort characters, someone or something i could relate and use it was coping whem i need it, and that is something that haven't change if anything the new info about her makes me like enjoy her was a character even more because makes the whole situation more complicated and opens the doors to a lot of possibilitys for interpretation,expeculation and headcannons. So let's talk about the elephant in the room, the cheating was always a possibility it was hitted was far back to the 2020 videos and where it was a matter of time to know the truth a yes and no type of question and the anwser is yes she did, and i'm going to say something that has been on my chest for a while now, i do not think she did it out of love for martin, gloria cheated on him most likely out of her own selfishness and even if none of fucked up supernatural shit happend this whole situation would not have ended well, the greywhinder kids are probably already set on a path of emocional turmoil from the moment they are born regardless of the outcome, plus Martin didn't lie about how important this was for him, yeah the way he put it sucks but it comes from a place of honestly, that's the biggest irony here, "but madame what about the domestic abuse??" Well, these things can coexist; you can be a victim and the idiot of a situation. I have no doubt for now that Martin was abusive to both his children and Gloria at some point, if not always. To me, this new context didn't change much my likeability of the characters because I'm fine with them being horrible; they aren't real people, and because of that, it's okay to like them for who they are as characters.
Extras thoughts
- i have read some debates from the pespective of miracle/rainbow children on their parents and there is this interesting point some of them make about the ones with bad parents, a lot of the time the parents are not with love with the children or parenthood but more so to their ideal children, is not uncommon for people to have expectations whem comes to becoming a parent or how their kids will be and that's fine and all but whem you decide to consider having a kid is important to ground yourself in reality and understand that your kid is own being and the reality of raising children is nothing like your personal fantasy, i'm bringing this because of martin's obssesion with control and dicipline in my opinion he could very well be frustated that his kids aren't was well behaved or controlled like he imagine them to be, they are noisy,annoying and oblivous to his requests and feelings which only complicates things.
-A lot of people with fertility issues usually have a grief period in which they come to accept their condition; you can imagine why this guy didn't.
-The only thing I don't like about this plot twist is Arthur. Before,  it felt like he was someone who was stepping in to help things for his family, and now it just comes off to me as "he is just taking responsibility for something he did have a hand in..
-There's something that is oddly funny to me in the finale. When Martin starts to talk about his current position in the H&P, I can almost see Gloria rolling her eyes into oblivion and questioning why she even asked for his help, like her mind is on her son vanishing. Martin starts to rant, and for a half second, the woman is like "Oh my lord, I CANNOT FUCKING BELIEVE!".
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Sorry but we need the yakuza boss waking up because of the karate kid AKA 5 years old baby kaito. 🤣🤣 not a peaceful sleep. Bonus if kaito is drooling 😅. Kkkkkkkkkkkk its funny. Esp if mommy also agrees with kai too rather than being the one asking kai to handel it as usual 🤣💘. When it comes to baby kin ... kai would somehow in heart prefer to sleep with her since she is more quite even in her sleep. Only hugs. Tight hugs. Hugs the life out of him sometimes 😅. But thats happens occasionally
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Having a child was not easy... he knew damn well about that by now.
But still gave him a good feeling whenever when his child giggled and played with him and saw the smile of purw live and adoration from his wife...
Those two were his personal heaven... even if he, a devil incarnatee on a man's body, didn't really deserved it... at all.
But there was always fights, silent ones, between him and his child for your attention... always.
But night time? Oh fuck no. It was his turn to have his angel. Kaito deal with it.
Yeah... not always at least as much as he wished.
You and him were on a peaceful sleep before he groggily opened one of his eyes with a growl... accidentally waking you up as well.
"Apologies." He mumbled while you muttered, lied actually, that it was fine; Chisaki purred a bit at feeling your warm and clean hand carres his jaw and shortly after scratch gently his scalp.
He felt a tug on the sheets and turned away from you to see (E/c) eyes looking at him, half of his face covered by that stuffed animal he didn't got des attached off...
"What are you doing awake brat? Go back to sleep..." he growled before he spotted a pout on his son's lips.
"Can't sleep..." the kid mumbled monotonously but Kai spoted the hint of sadness on his kid's voice.
Damn this child... not even one day hee would let the chance of being or even stealing his wife away from his arms.
The worst? He played dirty. His wife was the one to blame for teaching his son how to do those cursed eyes.
He sighed out loud before hesitantly letting go of your warm body, smirking at your whines of protest.
"What.." you yawned "Happened?"
"Kaito cant sleep. Had a nightmare or something." He mumbled before he noticed that his kids circled the bed to go to your side instead.
"I didn't. Just can't sleep." He pouted in protest before makung grabby hands for you to oick him up.
"That's alright my soldier." You kissed his cheek before covering him up with a blanket "Wanted to sleep with us?" You giggled at his weak nod before he hugged your waist along with his plush, nestling between his mother and father's body.
"This brat takes advantage of the situation. That is the true." Kai growled before placing his head on his pillow, blindly dropping his arm to cover his son and wife's body.
The kid sighed in bliss as he nuzzled in your body, enjoying the way his parents bodies brung him warm.
You looked down at your son with a smile before noticing that Kai was doing the same; stoic face present but a hint of softeness on those usual cold amber eyes.
"You are such a great father Kai... how did I got so lucky?" You sleepy talked, giggling at the way he looked at you with a eyebrow arched up.
"That was uncalled for... Im just staring at him." He smirked, noticing how your faces even despite from Kaito breaking away the contact were close.
"The way you stare at me is the same..." you smiled when he touched his forehead along with yours.
"Is different. And you know it." He muttered before trying to kiss you good night...
"Don't kiss. Is gross. Yuck." Kaito mumbled before pyshing your face gently away from his father.
"... Im getting tired of this brat." He growled while you giggled hopeless... you two giving up and going to sleep.
He woke up with a painful kick on his gut... what a plesent way fo be waken.
"What the actual-!" He whispered yelled before receiving a slap on his chest.
You woke up with your husband's grunts, allarmed by his frow and frustated face.
You two immediately got up, looking around in the room to see nothing by the same old mobile.
"What the hell was that?" You whispered.
"Hell if I know..." he growled before cringing suddenly, jaw clenched as his eyes darkned.
"There's something wet on my..." he touched with his bare finger on the side of his chest and cringed even more at noticing it was what he was thinking of...
You both looked down to see your son, mouth open with a string of saluva wetting the bed sheets and a some on Kai's... legs spread as he made a slightly congested noise to mumble something.
Chisaki's eye twitched before he looked at you.
"He is getting back to his room. First a kick and then this? Im don-" he brought his hand to bite on it at receiving another kick on his leg.
You giggled a bit before you received ine as well... glaring at the skirk on your husband's face when you muffled any noises you could make with a pillow.
"Karma is a bitch isn't it my angel?" He sayed before dodging a probably kick on his crotch.
That is just cruel Kaito.
"Ha ha. Very funny." You mumbled sarcastically before Kaito slapped subsconciously yout thighs... his cheek resting on your bare legs, consequently his droll sticking into your legs.
"Suck it." Kai mumbled before receiving a back kick on his knee.
"Ha!" You pointed with a quiet laugh at your husband's glare.
It was going to be a long night...
"Jesus Christ you two look horrible." Pops commented witha frow at seing the huge eyebags on Kai and your eyes... while his grandson eated his breakfast normally.
"You two look more like shit, hell, what happened?" Mimic comented also with a frow, receiving a punch from Kurono for swearing in front of his godson.
You two changed glances before you looked a Kaito while Kai glared down at the kid.
Both of you showed purple marks on possible vissible parts of your bodies, the ones where neithed of you were flustered of showing it.
"Holy fuck you two were attacked?!" Now Irinaka punched Chrono for swearing, smirlimg at doing his revenge.
You shook your head while Kai was way too tired to scold those two as he yawned while showing with his palm at his son.
"This rascal. All night. Strong as f-" you covered his mouth before he could regret it... while Kaito tilted his head making a muffled confused noise as he monoustly took a bit out of his sandwich.
What did he do?
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flyswhumpcenter · 5 years
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you send me requests according to this marvelous card! (Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled. I don’t have any request left, so feel free to send in suggestions for this card!).
Despite the initial idea of writing a prompt fill for something called the *Bad* Things Happen Bingo, I sure am a softie. This is fluff because all I've been writing lately is angst (but always with happy endings so fluff was bound to happen), and also to make up for all the angst I've written about the show lately. It's a quick and light fic because I really wanted to celebrate one of my all-time favorite characters' bday without being late as a train, so please excuse my lack of words for this one haha. And I'm also pulling out my "vague timeline" setting again because I was thinking of this story happening during the first season, but then I mentioned Tachimukai, so to heck with it. just take my offering. I'm just gonna say most likely after the third season of the original, where everyone is just a grade above. It works cuz none of the OG Raimon was in 3rd year lmao
Happy birthday Endou I love you and your smile and your absolute dumbassery
Blazing Zenith
Summary: A team always makes things less frustrating, even if said frustating thing is a hospital stay.
Fandom: Inazuma Eleven (original series) Relationship: Endou & the original Raimon Eleven
Wordcount: 1.1 K words
Event hosted by @badthingshappenbingo
AO3 version available here.
It’s frustrating.
It really is frustrating, no matter how he tries to twist things out.
It really is frustrating, no matter how he tries to twist things out and, in the end, he’s just trying to roll around in bed before it starts hurting again. Feels bad.
 The room’s boring. It’s white and grey, safe for pastel blues and yellows for the curtains, and even the view from the window is boring as far as he knows: from the third floor or so, all he can see is the blue sky of August. It’s the ideal weather for soccer and he’s sure that everyone else is having fun outside training, exchanging the ball, scoring goals or stopping shoots. Good for them, of course: a team has to train and get better, it’s part of what’s fun about soccer and sports in general. He’s sure everyone is happy, outside, playing around. They deserve that, obviously.
 Still, that doesn’t remove his frustration at being unable to go outside and play with everyone else. It’s not even his fault if he’s there: they said that it happened sometimes with people, that it was random and that there was nothing he could have done about it. In fact, on second thought, that’s even worse: at least, if he could have done anything about that, he wouldn’t be lying here with no purpose and nothing to do to keep his hands occupied.
God, being stuck in a hospital sucks, and it keeps getting worse.
 It’s boring to lie around in bed all day, without even being able to turn around, when he could be playing outside. Hospitals aren’t places he likes anyway: they’ve always been synonymous with bad things happening around him, including Gouenji’s sister being in a coma and all that’s meant ever since the team has learnt about it. He doesn’t like being there, restrained to a bed and all alone like this.
He’s also never liked being alone for long periods of time. He’s just used to having people around: friends, family, opponents of a day, rivals, classmates, teammates. He’s way too used to hanging out with his team to feel complete without them by his side. He may have only been here for a day or so, but he already misses everyone, and solitude rubs salt on his wounds.
(That’s how they say it, right? That sounds like a thing Natsumi or Tachimukai would say…)
 A knock on his door immediately catches his attention, causing him to immediately sit up, cringe because of his stitches hurting from the sudden commotion, and reply to whoever this is to enter with excitement. Finally, someone else than him, in this room!
He’s still kind of surprised when he sees a dozen persons or so barge into the room, hardly fitting in there without pushing against each other, but it’s not out of the ordinary for the Raimon Eleven. At least, it’s not weird or anything, to him.
 “I knew this was going to be a bad idea…” Kazemaru mumbles under his breath, ponytail disturbed by Shourin on one side and Shishido on the other. “We can’t fit in there, guys!”
“C’mon, I’m sure we can if we try harder!” Kurimatsu replies right afterwards, tiny hands lifted as to signal his position.
“S-sorry guys…” Kabeyama apologizes, trying to reduce the space he’s taking, to no avail: Someoka still looks bothered by being almost squeezed against the wall.
Seeing his friends in this funny situation this reminds me of the atmosphere in the club and he’s so grateful for this. It’s like bringing the club to his room!
 “Hi everyone!” He greets them, ignoring the numb pain lingering from his moves, waving his hand at the group.
“Hi, Endou,” Gouenji reacts with crossed arms and somehow outside the mass, back against the wall. It doesn’t seem to make Someoka any happier.
“I’m really glad you’ve all come!”
The entire mass says hi in their manner, with delays in-between themselves, yet in the end he still grins at having some company at last.
“I can’t breathe…” An unidentified whisper, most likely Kageno’s. “Guyyyyys…”
 Then something hits him on the head.
“Wait, guys. What’s bringing you here? You’re not training?”
“Are you kidding?” Kazemaru pushes aside Shourin and Shishido to show himself.
“It’s not the same without you, Captain”, Kabeyama explains while fiddling with his fingers.
“What they’re trying to say is that they couldn’t focus and would rather pay you a visit,” Kidou ends the topic, arms crossed and smirking.
“Guys…” He doesn’t quite know what to say, but he tries to collect himself anyway. “Thank you so much…”
“It’s just a visit, no need to get all emotional over it,” Someoka chimes in.
 He feels a bit embarrassed by the remark, but he laughs it off anyway and smiles to his teammates.
“It’s still really nice to have you guys here! How’s training?”
“It…” Handa chuckles awkwardly. “…didn’t go as planned, I suppose.”
“Yeah… Something like that,” Shourin confirms, not any easier about the situation.
“I see…”
 The conversation derails on training as he tries to give everyone advice and tips, but in the end, the topic doesn’t revolve around soccer for very long, which is odd all things considered. Still, he very much enjoys the company nonetheless, so he doesn’t mind. They’ll talk about soccer later, he guesses.
“How long are you staying at the hospital for, Captain?” Kabeyama asks, smiling, but with eyebrows slightly frowned.
“I hope not for long! It’s just not the same without the Captain y’know!” Kurimatsu adds.
“I think they said a week or so… For stitches or something,” he’s not even sure himself, all things considered.
“They’re right to be cautious and have you stay here for a little while,” Kidou says, the group’s attention focusing on him. “We wouldn’t want you bleeding during practice because it’d have reopened, don’t we?”
“Wait, Captain, why are you in the hospital for in the first place?” Shishido asks, sounding lost. “I think I missed the memo…”
“What’s the word again?” His memory fails him. “A…”
“Appendicitis,” Kidou saves the day yet again.
“Yeah, that!”
A couple “ooooh” echoed in the room.
 The light-hearted chattering he’s missed for a day suddenly comes to a halt when a point gets brought up.
“Don’t you think we’ve all forgotten something, guys?” Gouenji asks, arms still crossed.
“Oh, that’s right!” Kabeyama is the first to react.
The others follow suit, none without funny reactions to witness.
“Forgot what?” He asks, confused. It seems to be a great deal to them.
 He may have forgotten about it until this moment, but Mamoru still feels happy tears when he hears the collective message they had to convey to him:
“Happy birthday!”
And, in that moment, he’s the proud captain and friend of the Raimon Eleven.
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fyeahebr · 5 years
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Emily Bett Rickards 'interview for Euphoria Magazine [X] Confession: When I first saw Felicity Smoak on Arrow back in , I was not a fan of her character. All I could think was "What is this little tech geek doing on a superhero show? What is up with those dork glasses? Why is she so awkward?" Looking back I realize I had been so conditioned to see strong, female characters only as the stereotypical action girl who ca, box with the guys. As I've gotten older, I have realized that not only do I actually adore Felicity, I relate to her as well. I am not tech savvy, nor am I good with computers, but I am a very flawed individual. Felicity Smoak portrays the reality of how a woman can be feminine and kind, but still selfish, stubborn and frustating. In other words, human. Which brings us to Emily Bett Rickards, the fiercely talented actress who brings this character to life. Like myself, Emily does not share Felicity's talent with computers. What she does have, however, is a quiet intelligence and warm sense of humor that imbues everything she says with urgency, forcing the listener to quiet their mind to take in what she has to say. Emily takes long pauses before delivering each response ... except when it comes to her television crush. That one she knew right off the bat. And no, it is not Oliver Queen. You've kind of become a geek girl icon with all the crossovers between The Flash, Arrow and Supergirl as well as your work narrating the Mortal Instruments audio books. Are you a fantasy comic book fan in real life? I haven't been in the comic book world from the time I was a kid but I love to read so I have always been a Harry Potter and an Eragon nerd. I also read Ender's Game and all those books. I was always into novels, I absolutely will be interested in any sort of storytelling. Felicity is the moral center and beating heart of the Arrowverse in many ways. How do you think she hs held onto that hopefulness after everything she has been through? I'm always very proud of her and shocked by the ability to move on from the things she has experienced. She has been able to go forward and heal from some of the darker things she has endured. She's inspiring to me in that sense that she is able to keep moving and keep bettering herself. She is so strong, I really look up to her for that. Do you think she has sort of lost some of that hope after Oliver's decision that has caused her so much isolation recently? I think she has been burned a couple too many times. She wants to fight back and be able to protect herself and the world around her instead of just relying on others. Would you say you are more like Felicity in real life? If Emily Bett Rickards were in this universe, what would her role be? We have helped each other grow over time. We have been together for seven years! There are things that bleed in and bleed out into our lives. Our environments are completely different, but she has taught me a lot. You know, I'm not leading an undercover life.. But I wouldn't tell you if I was! She has a very strong, moral code. Her voice of justice is the same and she holds very high expectations for herself. A villain would be fun to play, but I don't think I would really want to be one. If I were in that world, I think I would be more in an actionny kind of role. I am a lot more physically active than Felicity, though I'm not very coordinated. I also don't have her technical ability in terms of hacking. Her skills are really not my skills. Your characters on Arrow and Funny Story are deeply feminist in that they are flawed, fleshed out characters and not just "the girlfriend" or "damsel" that we often see in media. How much inpul do you get on your characters in these projects? In the past have you had to act as a character that didn't feel quite as real? When choosing a project, the connection to the character, for me, happens before I ever even act as the character. I have gotten to play, and choose characters that I am interested in, and who I find three dimensional. It's constant work, and these characters are hard to find and that's why we hopefully get to work with very wonderful groups of artists and sort of flesh out these people. But that is how I go about choosing the characters who I play. Which do you prefer- comedy, drama or action? I love comedy! I find it very smart and usually very current. That is definitely what I gear towards. There is such a wonderful truth in comedy that is grounded in our realities and very relatable. So, that is definitely what I am drawn towards. Also, anything that has weel rounded characters who aren't perfect. That is what life is, I'm not interested in perfect characters, because I don't think that really exists. What draws you to certain roles? Is there something particular that you look for? Complexity, authenticity, truthfulness, just anything that is written with complete honesty and without ego. Something written with a humane lense to the world. That is what I tend to be attracted to. Who is one female comic character who you would love to hangout with? My friend Caissie [Levy]'s on Broadway in Frozen so I do kind of get to hangout with her. What is your favorite ship name? I was going to say my best friend's ship name but I probably shouldn't share that. I mean Olicity is obviously the best one out there! Who do you ship yourself with? Are you watching The Godd Place? There is a guy called Jason on there and he is incredibly hilarious. Sense of humor is a requirement. The character is Jason Mendoza, his real name is Manny. I have never met him but he is a fucking genius on that show. Such a phenomenal actor and the show is hilarious.
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likos064 · 5 years
More Free-Thought Ramblings
Posting again, though no one’s listening
The one person on The X-Files that Miles Robbins looks the most alike is Billy Miles. More than Krychek or any version of the Cigarette Smoking Man (Chris Owens or the new guy). 
It is amusing that the casting department of Twin Peaks didn’t care about parents and children looking alike, thus hiring the actor who played Scully’s father, Don S. Davis to play the father of Bobby Brigss, portrayed by Dana Ashbrook, who has dark hair and that kid looking more like Miles Robbins, however, that doesn’t mean that anyone resembles anyone. It is just a fun observation. Especially since they were more careful about making the Scully siblings look alike, and have a small resemblance to their father, but not mother. Why no one has dark haired when their mother has is a genetical mystery, recessive redhead line in her blood?
I would argue that the child most fucked up by the Scully-Family dynamic is Bill. I don’t know Charlie as a person besides being absent at every family crisis and using his older sister as a baby sitter, per Home she babysat her nephews who watched Babe the entire time. However, from what we learn in One Breath and Christmas Carol, Melissa did whatever the fuck she wanted. In Anazazi, deleted scene, she stays with Maggie, and she doesn’t seem to have returned before Scully is in a coma. It seems like Mulder is the only support Maggie had during Scully’s abduction. Bill is introduced during the cancer arc, and then when he is to have his long awaited child, he and Tara had fertility issues. I think Bill tried to be the man but was crushed under the enormity of his father. So he became a stricter version. Bill Scully Sr seems way less overbearing.
Maggie is abusive and emotionally manipulative when the only time her daughter calls her is when she needs something. 
Would someone run to a person that they only have an obligation bond with when they are scared, and sad. Scully runs to Maggie when she believes Mulder is dead, meets up with Melissa first - who sucks at comfort, and asks for her mother and when she believes that he is part of the conspiracy. She feels safe with her mother. Why? Calling her mother when she needs someone to talk to in Within.
Vilifying good characters and defending evil ones.
The insistence on making women who are portrayed as cruel towards Mulder victims; flawed and imperfect as we all are while not giving the same consideration to men: Bill Mulder vs Teena Mulder, Phoebe and Diana vs Jeffrey Spender.
When should Maggie have defended Mulder to Bill? Scully never does it either.
Scully and Mulder being dismissive of Melissa’s spirituality
Maggie only following her daughter’s wishes in One Breath, it is in accordance with Scully’s living will.
Chris Carter’s writing focus being the message, not necessarily the plot but the greater societal commentary.
Vince Gilligan focusing on character, always character and not necessarily Mulder and Scully
Glen and James clearly showing their disdain for Mulder and David in their writing and that being rationalised as writing for both characters and writing the true Mulder and Scully.
MSI being about Mulder
MSII being about Scully
MSIII being about the Cigarette Smoking Man
MSIV being about William/Jackson
The breakup not being Chris Carters construct, but he being forced to take the public blame. The other writers giving much more of a mileage than Chris. Chris writing Plus One, but having to explain in an interview that they aren’t back together, referencing the later episodes particularly Rm9sbG93XJz (Followers) and Nothing Lasts Forever.
Glen and James never wanted Scully with Mulder. They wrote Scully the victim of the man who will simply never be worthy of her in their eyes. She can do whatever she wants and he is just supposed to be there without any thoughts and feelings of his own. A silent, nay silenced stoic rock that she can lean on when she needs him. That doesn’t exist outside of her.
Chris always seeing Mulder and Scully together but focusing on the spiritual romantic platonic connection, same as Gillian did with Scully and Daniel in all things, and not the sexual one.
Chris being blamed for other writers decisions. James seemingly killing off Jackson in Ghouli, the parallel to All Souls, somehow becoming Chris’ fault.
Kristen Cloke Morgan and Shannon Hambling arguing that a woman cannot exist as a person if she is with a man.
The obsession with equality in number of lines in Followers, but no real critique at the sidelining of David and Mulder in Home Again and Ghouli.
The Scully Effect panel complaining that Mulder gets one line about his son in Familiar. Whiie the entire episode of Ghouli focuses on Scully’s feelings about her son.
The MSR fandoms female contingents hatred of men. 
Glen Morgan and James Wong coming back to finish what they started in season four. Separate Scully and Mulder, destroying any chance of a romance, destroying any connection by having Scully sign Mulder into a mental institution.
Leaving him over a clinical depression.
Equality meaning equality not preferential treatment.
Scully’s sister and Mulder’s father both being killed in the season 2/season 3 three parter. Season 3 being about Scully getting justice for her sister. Mulder’s father’s death being swept under the carpet and unexplored.
Questions: Who named Jackson, Chris or James, or rather renamed him? - commentary: Chris refers to him as William in his cue cards for the episodes, while James uses Jackson - so probably James
Does the renaming mean something?
Is it a hint that we should question Mulder’s paternity, William being named after his father, Fox Mulder’s father, William Mulder to ascertain paternity in Existence.
Name something and make it yours.
If Mulder and Scully had a sixteen-year-old living with them in This said child would’ve ended up in the middle of a gun fight - their home not being safe. If the kid is at school or at a friend’s house to explain the absence, mom or dad would have to call/send a message so the kid stay safe. However, that could alert the bad guys to the kids present and they might use the kid to draw out the parents in a hostage situation.
FOX the network waiting such a long time to announce a hiatus for The X-Files despite having filmed Conversation on the Fox Lot in January at the TCA.
Gillian announcing that she is not doing anymore season of The X-Files after filming the first five episodes: My Struggle III, This, Plus One, The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat and Ghouli. Her and David’s Conversation on the Fox Lot centring around their age taking a toll on them in action scenes. Making her run, the handcuffs drawing blood. Is it the physicality of The X-Files that makers her reluctant to continue? The most physically taxing episode for her was This, sliding under a table, running, fighting and running in handcuffs. They also spend more time on camera when doing The X-Files than their other projects. I guess that is what happens when you’re not doing a traditional ensemble show.
Emily - The doctor trying to confer fatherhood on Mulder but Scully denying it while claiming motherhood.
The debunking of regression hypnosis. Malleability of memories. Convincing people they killed someone through memory manipulation experiment
The ridiculing of men, the pedestalizing of women 
Personal preference of actor guiding the writing, humiliating David. Also present in fanfic, writers taking their frustations of David leaving the show out on Mulder. Interestingly such a practice has never been done against Gillian. No matter how angry people get with her they never punish Scully.
Penalising of male actors, sunflower seeds, hanging off buildings 
Men deserve to be punished, evil = men, male
Infantilising Mulder, making him a flat farther, even as a joke
Difference between not doing something because of time prioritising and inability to complete a task due to executive function disabilities, never learning how to do it = not equating with incompetence, stupidity
Ignoring Scully’s issues, disturbing tendencies in discussions other than to defend Iolocus.
Writing about the separation, which isn’t necessary and only TV show related, as a failure of one person = read male 
Blaming Mulder for MSR not happening sooner, ignoring Scully not being ready or willing to date him before all things, dedicated relationship.
Complaining and ridiculing Mulder’s need for Scully’s consent while complaining about men’s inability to ask for consent, their ignoring consent when it’s not given, and assuming that they always have consent.
Ignoring that Mulder has to make every move, and complaining when that doesn’t happen quickly enough.
Inability to understand that men can be scared of being in a relationship for the same reasons as women, and not dismiss it as commitment issues.
The double standards in the fandom, anything is okay as long as the writer is a woman, see people complaining about scenes in episodes written by women and blaming it on Chris Carter, not remembering who wrote it or being allowed to do anything in fanfics without being criticised.
Defending Mulder torture fanfics while calling Chris a misogynist for anything horrible that happens to Scully. Ignoring any pain dealt to men. Making Scully the only victim. Minimising Mulder being hospitalised more than Scully, kidnapped and endangered more, while insisting that Scully is always portrayed by Chris as a damsel in distress. Equality can’t happen when we can’t hurt both main characters.
Perpetuating the stereotype that women’s violence against men is funny and or acceptable.
Assault is assault even when it happens to a man and even when the assaulter is a woman. Anything you would call assault if it happens to Scully is assault when it happens to Mulder.
That feeling when you realise James Wong cast Jackson (William) for season 11 after writing Mulder/Scully’s dreams about him in season 10 and the kids looking nothing alike.
After thinking about it I don’t believe that David Duchovny’s Mulder has PTSD after his abduction episode would’ve been so happily received. Even now when people write about Mulder and Scully post his abduction it is always with the implication that he is in the wrong. That he should “man up” for Scully and the baby’s sake. An episode written by David would most likely have been much more sympathetic to Mulder, and quite possibly have been quite Mulder-centric. Justifying his need to find balance before taking on the role as a father, which is something he has to assume rather than know.
Where does the idea that Mulder is not kind or attentive so that Scully would be surprised if he shows kindness coming from?
Related Rambling, but I’m still waiting for that answer.
Paternity of William being an issue due to the implication of lack of consent. Would you be okay if Mulder wasn’t William’s biological father because Scully slept with another man while dating Mulder, tried IVF with someone different - someone else that she knew or an anonymous donor? Which method is preferred? What is more important Mulder being Jackson’s biological father or his creation being consensual?
Let’s stop pretending. Make William’s Scully’s alone and Glen Morgan and James Wong can finally write what they want to, the Scully panel won’t be pissed that Mulder got one line about their son in Familiar, and all the pain and all the feelings can be hers alone, like they already are.
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sebongie-loves · 6 years
zombie apocalypse!svt
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i just had a really weird dream and got inspired even though the dream has no correlation with zombies
WARNINGS: blood, death and a hint of sexual stuffs(not much tho i’m underagE)
words: 1.4k
enjoy! <3
it has been months since this whole things happen, this whole mess.
that feeling when you’re watching a movie and think to yourself, ‘ah this would never happened in real life’ and suddenly it happens and ruined everything you have
you used to have a happy family, a pet, group of friends, heck, a boyfriend even
but in a blink of an eye everything disappeared as this incident happened
your pet ran away as soon as apocalypse happened, your family got killed and you’re the only one survived, you have not even a single idea about your friends whereabouts and your boyfriend? he cheated right before the whole thing happened
no matter how much you cry, scream and being angry, nothing’s gonna change
now it’s the life you need to live in and you just gotta survived for your family. you’re sure that’s what they want you to do even when all of these are happening
you are looking for supplies and other survival stuffs in the supermarket when you met a group of boys
13 boys, to be exact
they saved you from the verge of death
when you are doing your stuffs, there are 5-7 the walking dead walking towards you
at first you tried to fight them, you were holding onto a little hope that your heart has
but at the end, you got overpowered by the zombies and you were cornered
you accepted the fact that you are gonna die and just closed your teary eyes
until you heard a loud noise of guns and you can feel bloods splashing on your face
so you opened your eyes
instead of those ugly dead looking people, you saw 13 dazzling boys
one guy was offering his hand to help you, which later you know him as seungcheol
they bring you to their place
which is pretty sturdy and seems safe. it would be a huge bonus if they let you stay there for awhile but you knew and you said this to yourself that you don’t want to be a burden
from your understanding, ten of them are korean, two are chinese and one is half-korean. good thing in this case, most of them can speak english fluently even with awkward accents
“so you have a place to stay?” asked jeonghan, which you figured was like the oldest beside seungcheol
you just shook your head, you wanted to say you needed to stay only for a couple of days but you seem like you cannot bring yourself to say it
jeonghan just smiled and says like “okay then, wait a minute”
then he goes to talk with seungcheol that is also talking with jihoon, wonwoo and jisoo
you overhead jihoon saying ‘we barely keeping 13 people here, adding one won’t help us!’
‘but i cannot kick out a girl, it’s dangerous outside!’
‘she has been surviving and all, she can do it’
‘barely! we found her being overpowered by the zombies. what harm could she brings? just let her be here!’
‘she has no home, jihoon’
you realized the talking just goes on and goes on. jihoon is disagreeing with you staying, seungcheol, jisoo and jeonghan are defending you and wonwoo is being the neutral one
as you are waiting, you can see seungkwan approaching you. giving you a wet towel and a hot chocolate
“use this to wipe off the blood.” he says as he giving out the towel
you just nod and take the towel from seungkwan’s hand before finally saying thank you. seungkwan seems like a nice, funny and caring guy in your eyes
“they are arguing about you staying or not but trust me. the hyungs will let you stay just like they did with me and hansol.”
seungkwan goes on with how the group started with seungcheol, jisoo and jeonghan since they were friends since the beginning. then wonwoo and jihoon joined as well, and slowly but surely the number of the group keep on increasing and him and hansol are the last one that joined the group
it’s exactly the same scenario with you that’s why seungkwan is so sure about it
just like how seungkwan predicted, you’re allowed to stay for as long as you wanted
before you even realized it, these thirteen boys are starting to becoming like your bestfriends
you’re very comfortable with them and eventually gain confident to survive
everyone have their own unique personalities
seungcheol always seems like your older brother, he has a strong leadership abillity and at the same time very cute. jeonghan is like a dependable older brother, he always there for you and listens to every of your problems. everytime you need advices, you go to jisoo and he’ll give you the best advice and reassurances
junhui is the kid-like brother, always giving you positive energy and always thinks positively in the group. wonwoo is a bit distant at first, clearly your presence bother him abit since you’re the first girl that enters the group but as soon as you said you used to have pet, you can see sparkles in his eyes (also junhui’s) and started to talk freely. soonyoung is very funny and energetic, he does funny dances and makes you smile alot. jihoon is the most awkward out of all, maybe because he’s the one that refuses for you to stay but one night, after you stayed for quite a long time, he apologized to you. saying he was just scared and stuffs, you understand him and he started to treat you nicely. everyone know, jihoon cares about you
seokmin is the brightest out of all, one time you see him cry and it broke your heart the most, when you approached him he said things like, ‘i’m sorry for crying it’s been tough’ and you just comfort him by hugging him and him sobbing on your arms, he’s really caring and lovable. mingyu is great at everything, he knows how to cook and clean even better than you as a girl, at the same time he is also clumsy which you found really cute. minghao is like a cinnamon roll at first but boy you are w r o n g. he’s the one that always going out to fight the death and have this fighting abillity which you respect
seungkwan is funny and caring, his personality is warm and you can’t help but tease him just like the older boys. hansol is easy-going yet awkward, sometimes can be wild but actually just cute in your eyes. chan may seems like a little boy because he is the youngest around his hyungs but when he’s alone with you? oh boy he’s oozing with matured auras. he loves to tease you but will protect you at any cost
when travelling to find supplies and fourteen of you found a house with only one room, they’d let you sleep on the bed alone because they care about you 
they make you their top priority 
as might be expected, they always say stuffs like “you’re a gIRL WE NEED TO TREAT YOU RIGHT”
sexist in some way but you don’t say anything because you don’t want to hurt those alpha men’s feelings
when you asked the one that’s in charge of taking supplies at the supermarkets for girl products, 
which are soonyoung because the boy’s agility is so good, jeonghan because he is fuzzy with his stuffs and seokmin because the boy is good with his stuffs
they got shy and all awkward which is also making you feel awkward like ‘i can’t hELP IT I AM A GIRL’
jeonghan be like coughs and like, ‘yeah sure is there anything else?’
you describe what you need, and they’re as red as a tomato when you are done describing then just like ‘OK WE’LL BE BACK SOON’
some of them did ask for sexual stuffs but like very respectful about it. they cannot help it considering you’re the only girl and they are kinda sexually frustated due to what’s happening
for the sake of their image, the names shall not be said i’ll leave it for your imagination peeps :))))))))))))
the fourteen of you also love stargazing during the nights, talking about how it is before everything happened
you and the boys are indeed happy to meet each other but if only the condition and the situation isn’t like this, how better could it be?
in this situation, all you need to do is to survive
it’s all about survival
and the presence of the boys make everything so much better for you as every single on of you share about everything
seungcheol - jeonghan - jisoo - junhui - soonyoung - wonwoo - jihoon - seokmin - mingyu - minghao - seungkwan - hansol - chan
hello! i hope you have a good day/goodnight. you’re loved <3 
thank you for reading!
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inthedusksynria · 4 years
Chapter 2, part 1 “the race against time” and 2″....the backtracking”.
The funniest and like cool AND THEN frustating thing about chapter 2 is that like.
The first third is so gripping and a race against time(...game couldnt you just have given us more turns plz i would take 13 instead of 10 to save the bargain ring) in order to save Lachesis, then the castles on the left side. I will admit, while i was pretty grumpy over the limited turn limit i had a blast pushing through. Then Lewyn appears and you can save the villages weee LORE AND M O N E Y.
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“first part: do ya think there are descendents of the dark god/lord Loptyr around?”
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Also beating those little shit lords of Agustria fuck them bro.
I looovvveee Lewyn and Sigurd conversation and how Lewyn calls out Sigurd then sees Sigurd honest answer and decides he aint bad and follows him to deal with Chagall and his shit lords. Pretty cool.
And Erinys!! i was surprised but i liked her take on “serious pegasus knight troupe” and her recruit convo was really nice, especially in setting the...err setting? and highlightning Lewyn flaws of immaturity/running away from responsability under the guise of “but there would be a civil war if i stayed~” and i enjoyed that Erinys does show  him that yeah bro no, you gotta go back, our people are waiting. And while Lewyn towards the end jokes and tries to make her stop crying by teasing her it....it was nice. 
So funny thing, there are 5 castles right, one is lachesis in the middle, two on the right side and two onthe left side.
And the left side is where you go first, so race against time to savelachesis and beating the next castle to unlock lewyn and allow him and silvia to save the villages. Like it is strangely heart racing doing this and it was pretty fun! then the game allows you to regroup after that so you can go beat moneystealer lord. 
Oh yeah! Midir and Edain became lovers while everyone waited for Lewyn, Silvia and Sigurd to regroup before beating moneystealer Lord. Yay one pairing down *checks notes* 6 to go. While i prefer jamke x edain, azel x edain and claude x edain (ohhh holyn would also be an interesting one huh *thinking emoji* ulir plus odo blood would be interesting on their kids and holyn looks like a cool dude), this one does the job alright(also i am already crying over 3 messes i cant decide of pairings, i cant get invested in more). Also it is kind of cute loyal knight x lady. 
After you complete the left side. Yikes. The backtracking...begins.
The Edain and Ethlyn (and Sylvia dancing) were truly MVPS sending the infantry squad to Evans and then the horse  squad had to walk until the middle of the map. Which fine ugh, but dear god it takes too LONG. 
Me: ok i will put lachesis a lil close to the Hallway Of Death And Frustation so she can heal, bc Edain is on the other corner of the map to help Lewyn grab Erinys, and those 5 hell spawned ballistas are the worst.
Me: Lachesis ur abt to be benched. Forever.(or until u marry/2 night stands someone....we gotta get Delmund and Nanna).
Alternatively, i did my strategy of the first part that is... keeping lachesis on the safe side close to her castle guarded by noish and holyn. 
But i stopped there bc GAH that was a lot and is late. i will try to finally finish this part tomorrow.
So this chapter was half fun half frustating.
overall is still being a fun ride, bUT WHY CANT YOU WARP TO LACHESIS CASTLE. WHY. IT IS A ALLY. 
oh yeha! i settled on the er predestined pairings gang for this run mostly bc i want to relatively chill in this playthough(and everyone gets pursuit yay!... no angsting over who between tinny and arthur get it!!) (also!! again found Lewyn!Tinny convo so i am cool). And the pursuit ring is going to go to *plays drums* Altena! Passed down by Leif first!. or wait... should i give the pursuit ring to quan?. Hm.. i want taitiu to have it first mostly to level her well. hmm hmm.
so Lewyn x Erinys (auto marry in 4, but i have to watch out for sylvia to not shadow marry him first)
Claude x Sylvia (easier and their movements are similar, plus i always want a healer close to the cavalry)
Azel x Taiutiu (!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THEM!!!! individually and together!!! AND!!! PURSUIT FOR BOTH ARTHUR AND TINNY!!!! YAY)
Lex x Arya(me tired and its easy and also broken)
Dew x Brigid(bargain on a holy weapon user. tho i am considering Holyn too *thinking emoji* dat skill stat plus allowing Patty to use more swords is nice)
Beo x Lachesis (Pursuit, and its easy)
0 notes
sleepywinchester · 7 years
Behind The Story S2 | Pt. 6
Summary: They say things never go as planned and oh were they right. When you are giving a second chance in life, you’re only just begun to live. A baby girl came to the world but it doesn’t mean their road is over yet. The story about their relationship and family while shooting Supernatural and attending Conventions continues…
Author: sleepywinchester [prev. deanwinchester-af]
Characters: Jensen, Reader, Jared and Cast Cameos.
Pairings: Single!Jensen x Actress!Reader
Words: 1.6k+
Warnings: Fluff.
Title: Supernatural Live
A/N: Really hope you guys like. If so, please leave some feedback? xx
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It was the second time you and Jensen have made the same sequence. The both of you would ran from one of the stores and hop quickly in the Impala, then Jensen would take off in a hurry. He parked the car back to the main mark.
“This time is just the take off, Jensen,” the director spoke through the walkie-talkie.
Jensen grabbed the device that laid in the middle of you. “Got it,” he said and placed the walkie-talkie back in the middle of the seat. “Can you pass me the gum?”
You hummed a ‘yes’ and grabbed the pack from the car’s compartment in front of you. Before giving one to him, you took one for yourself and grinned when Jensen clicked his tongue playfully. As you both waited for the director’s call to drive off, you glanced at the fans standing across the street. All quiet and observing their favorite show in the making.
“Do a dramatic exit,” you said with a half grin, and playful eyes, “Make em’ laugh.”
Jensen grinned as he took a photo of the fans. “A fishtail?”
“Yeah,” you nodded as excitement.
In that moment your mom replied to the text you sent her. “Gave JJ a bottle and she’s passed out in her crib. I love this kid. She doesn’t even make a sound, nothing like her mom when she was her age.” You chuckled as you kept reading out loud. Jensen also chuckled with your mother’s humorous words. “Awe, look at our baby girl,” you spoke in ‘awe’, showing your fiance the adorable photo of yours daughter sleeping.
“I miss her,” he said biting the inside of his lip. “Send me that photo, please?”
You caressed his knee gently, giving him a nod and forwarded the picture. Having to work more than fourteen hours a day with a baby at home was difficult for him as much as it was for you.
“Can’t believe they actually asked asked us that,” Jensen clenched his jaw, still staring at his daughter’s photo. “Is a baby.”
“I know,” you sighed glancing at the crew behind you. “I get why they asked though. It’s our baby, they thought since she already knows us. It would be easier than casting one.”
“Still pissed me off,” Jensen glanced at you, a hint of anger in his eyes. “She’s not part of our jobs.”
“She is not,” you touched his knee gently, “but we wouldn’t miss her as much as we already do.”
Jensen bit her lower lip and glanced away. “You’re saying you agree with it?”
“I’m saying we should think about it,” you told him. “I miss her, Jay and if I can spend more time with her…” You shrugged taking a breather, “I wouldn’t hate it.”
“Let’s talk about this when we’re home and not with too many people watching us.”
You sighed and nodded agreeing with him. Jensen was right and you agreed with him, this wasn’t a place for you two talk about the topic. This also wasn’t a place for your four old month daughter to be, neither was for another woman’s child. Your character was a couple months pregnant, just at the verge of giving birth and the company was looking for a baby. This morning they asked you and Jensen about the possibility of JJ being that baby and Jensen got extremely defensive.
“You love birds ready? The director spoke through the walkie-talkie.
“Yep,” Jensen replied and got ready for the scene.
The foolish fishtail move Jensen pulled with the Impala made you laugh loudly and also ease your mind of the previous conversation. Making some of the crew chuckle but the audience of fans laugh their asses off.
/ / /
After a couple solo shots with your fiance, Jared joined you guys at set. They quickly began to have a conversation about some new business they were starting on. Turning around your glance found a couple of the fan’s across the street. They began to wave when they acknowledge you were looking at them. You smiled big for them and waved back.
Today the shooting of a couple scenes were taking place downtown. It wasn’t a surprise when fans began to gather up across the street to watch you guys film. The shooting have been going for a couple of hours now and early you’ve noticed the fans haven’t had anything to eat. Without thinking it twice or asking if it was okay, you called a pizza joint and made a delivery to your location.
“Pizza is here,” Shay appeared with four tall pizza guys, each one carrying ten boxes.
“You’re gonna make their day,” Jensen said. He was proud of your kind gesture.
Shrugging with a sweet smile, you said, “My random act of kindness.”
Jensen instantly flashed a smile, “You’re such a doll.”
“I’m calling Cliff to get some drinks over here,” Jared spoke as he took out his phone.
You nodded agreeing to Jared’s idea and looked at the delivery guys, “Two of you can go with me,” you said pointing at the fans with your thumb and grabbing one of the boxes. “And two of you go with Jensen to give those to the crew.”
Across the street eyes instantly widen as you walked towards them. A couple of them quickly grabbed their phones and others grabbed notebooks and sharpies. You smiled big and waved with a hand as you took the last steps to be near them.
“Hey guys!” you spoke with joy, “I brought pizza!”
Without wasting anytime you and Shay began to give the pizza’s away to the fans. The way they all smiled warming your heart. They were the reason you were where you are, this was your way of giving back. After all the pizzas were given away, they were enough for you, Shay and the pizza deliveries to grab one as well.
“Bye pizza guys!” The fans shouted as they walked away. You laughed when the two guys turned and bowed to the fangirls before leaving.
“Hey, Y/N,” a woman spoke with a really nice and polite tone. “Would you mind signing this for my daughter?” She said looking to her left.
You followed the woman’s eyes and meet with the ones of little girl. A smile instantly appeared in your face. “Hey! Of course I would sign this for you, sweetheart.” You said as you knelt down to be on her eye level. “What’s your name, sweetie?”
“Amelia,” she spoke, her tone shy.
You grabbed the book and the sharpie and began to speak out loud as you wrote, “For Amelia. The prettiest and sweetest girl, I’ve met today. With love, Y/N Hobbs.”
The girl’s wide smile blind you with her adorableness. “Where’s Dean?”
“Is she a Dean girl?” You looked up to her mother and giggled when she nodded. Looking back to Amelia you said, “Dean is giving other people pizza’s.”
“Is he going to say hello?” she asked.
“I will make it happen,” you winked and stood up to sign more objects.
“Guys, I’m having pizza with Y/N!” The girl next to you spoke to her cell phone.
“Yes you are,’ you looked and winked at the camera. “What’s that app?”
“It’s snapchat,” the same girl replied. “Do you want to say something to my snapchat?”
You got closer to the girl for the video to be more of a selfie. “Hey-” you glanced at her, “what’s your name?”
“Lily,” she chuckled.
“Hey, Lily’s friends on snapchat!” You spoke looking at the camera. “I’m Y/N and we are from the set of supernatural having a blast! Aren’t we?”
“Yes!!” A couple of the fans cheered.
Lily began to chuckle nervously, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” you winked at her.
“I have to ask because I’m really curious,” a guy spoke, “what’s the prank you pulled on Misha?”
“The one from my first day back?” you asked and everyone said yes. “Well, I’m going to tell you guys the prank, I pulled on Mish because I know you guys won’t kiss and tell.” You spoke and chuckled as the fans nodded and said they wouldn’t say anything. “Ah - Let’s not kid ourselves it will be posted online after I walk out.”
“We would never!” A woman spoke with a humorous sarcasm tone.
You laughed and winked at her, “Well. What I did to poor Mish was, I changed all his contacts phone, even the important ones, like his agent and wive’s.” You chuckled and shrugged, “Jensen, Jared and I, were with him when he kept trying to call his agent. Instead the call getting to his agent, it got to a adult store.” By that point everyone surrounding you, already bursted in laughter. “It was so funny ‘cause he just kept yelling frustated, ‘Why is my call getting to adult store in the middle of Minnesota?!’.”
“When did he noticed it was you?” The same girl who is recording you asked.
“By the time he yelled that, I couldn’t keep my poker face and cracked up,” you let out a chuckle accompanied by a guilty shrug of shoulders. A whistle captured your instant attention, making you turn to see Jensen and Jared crossing the street.
“Hey guys!” Jared spoke with a smile in his face. “I brought some drinks. Hope we’re not too late.” He said as he handled water bottles to the fans.
“Lily?” you spoke searching for the girl until her head popped from the crowd. “Look who came to see you!”
“Dean!” she instantly cheesed and extended her arms towards Jensen.
Jensen smiled big and hold her quickly, “Hey! How are you?”
“Good,” she said looking at Jensen in the most adorable way.
After a quick photo with the little girl, Jensen returned Lily to her mother’s arms. Jensen and Jared took a couple of photos with the fans. Jared talking with everyone as Jensen stood by your side and exchanged words.
“Y’all ate the pizza?” Jensen asked. He put his shoulder around you as he glanced at the fans and listened to their responses. “Yeah. She’s the best,” he looked down at your eyes for a moment before turning back to the fans. “I didn’t had any actually.”
“He and Jared are in those weird juice cleanse they do,” you spoke placing your hand on Jensen’s hip. You listened to the people in front of you speak.
“It’s not weird!” Jared complained a couple steps away.
You leaned forward to peek and watch him take a selfie with a fan ,”It is!” Turning back to look at the fans you chuckled. “I don’t know why Jared joins the juice cleanse in the first place, ‘cause after a day, all he want to do is schew things.”
“What about you? Have you ever tried?”
“I did or more like I tried,” you chuckled, leaning your head on Jensen’s shoulder.
“She drank two bottles and by the end of the night she was having a burrito.” Jensen added.
“Let’s just say, I don’t do juice cleanses.”
Let me know what you think of this chapter?
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Holiii!! I saw the pic of Liam and Honey😍😍😍 Asdfahs. They are so cute! And also, i love Liam's eyes. It'a such a nice colour!! And i also saw the gifs!! I love that gif of Louis.  HE LOOKS SO SOFT. I could cry. And Harry😂😂😂 Its such a mood. I always flip people off like that. Jajajaja. AND THE GIF OF HARRY WITH THE PINK JACKET. 😍He is dancing funny and i love hiiim.  Oh, and i havent read that fic but i'll read it asap and then i'll tell you about it. Promise. Thanks for the rec💖 (1)
Hiiii, Love!!!! I’m so sorry it took me so long to answer! but yesterday I was busy, and when I came home my head hurt like a b*tch, 😖😖. Liam’s eyes very pretty, aren’t they? Everyone likes him better (poor honey). I always flip people like that too, jajaja, that’s why I needed a gif, and I found the best, jajajaja. I couldn’t resist. I’m already rereading that fic,😅. I love re reading things I read a long while ago, bc my English has improved a bit since I came to tumblr, and it’s like reading things for the first time again, so cool.
It wasnt hard being updated bcs OT was everywhere, but yeah. I always try to engage in my friend’s hobbies. & some of them do the same. One of my friends used to be a 1D fan before i met her, and though she is not longer in the fandom she tries to be updated. She sends me memes or things that remind her of 1d. She even watched a video of BG without me knowing/telling her about it. I dont deserver her. Ay, and last week she watched freddieismyqueen videos with me on a free period. I 💖 her (2)
HOW DID YOU FRIEND MANAGE TO QUITE?!?!?! Jajajajaja It feels imposible (not that I have tried…). And she sees things and isn’t intrigued about what is happening?? She should write a self help book,jajajaja. “How to suite one direction: the guide”,jajajaja. But she sounds cool and supportive of you, so keep her, jejeje.
Well, you just described me. Talking in public always end up in one of those two options. I have always wanted to do a road trip!!! You are totally invited of course. JAJAJAJA. Well, it just…happened? Our friend was having a very bad time and he was going through a lot of things and we didnt know how to cheer him up. And then one night we just starting watching a video of AuronPlay reading a fic, and he was happy for the first time in months. (3)And so my cousin said “what if we write him a fic?” And i said “omg, yes”. And thus was born. Its a crack fic. We just put in there his family, his biggest celebrity crush, our friends, ourselves and a couple of animals and started writing nonesense. He hasnt read anything yet, bcs we want to finish it first, and me and my cousin (and our siblings, bcs they wanted to help) only hang out alone sporadically. But we laugh a lot writing it. I hope he laughs too when he finally reads it. (4)
You, your sister and your cousins sound so cool. And your friends too. I’m gonna have to migrate and adopt you all, jajajaj. I’m sure your friend is gonna love it. It’s a recipe for success. Keep me updated when you show him and his reaction,please!!
“How does a gay look like?” Like someone with no toxic masculinity. But i see your point. Judging on looks is not cool. (And i dont usually do it. I watched their behaviour or their words. When someone doesnt ever use gender pronouns and just say “they” “parter” “somebody” im just👀👀👀 i see what u are doing). Yes yes. What you said makes sense. I understood. Dont worry. I have never heard that quote, but i think i could marry whoever wrote this. So much truth!! 😱 (6)
Tbh I never payed attention to that, :/ (heteronormative mind and all that). If I had, maybe I had known about a lot of my high school friends’ sexuality. Looking back, we were just a group of friends, boys a girls, nobody cared about boyfriends/girlfriends (we were friends from 12-16). Then we went our separate ways, and we lost touch. And now I see in Facebook that they are gays and lesbians, and I’m like… :/ we didn’t know much about those things back then. And I hope I didn’t make any comments who could offend/affect them. But it makes me so happy to see them being themselves and living with they’re boyfriends and girlfriends… 😊 I just wish I could have been a better friend back then 🤷🏻‍♀️. But now I pay attention to that. And I always try to show support in a non invasive way. And try to educate people about who they’re been homophobic, or make not appropriate comments… like there’s this boy (around 16) that likes to paint his nails. And I love everything to do with nails. And, at the shop, I comment on people’s nails (if I know them enough, lol). And I always try to say something nice to this guy. To normalize the fact that he has his nails painted (and no make a statement that I approve of it, if someone else is listening, so they don’t make rude comments around me). And then my friend’s sister is Lesbian. But their mother is so ancient-minded… like, my friend has a dit of fat, and she’s always making comment about how she should be skinnier bc she won’t ever find a husband 😒. And her sister is very thin. And once, she was working as cleaner in a /cuartel de la guardia civil(?)/. And their mother was always: hmmm, I hope she finds a good guy there, bc she’s never had a boyfriend. And I always thought: I wonder why, lol. Well, she finally came out to her parents, and while they don’t treat her different (which I don’t know if it’s good or no), they’re like “waiting” she changes her mind. And hoping she finds a boyfriend. Anyway, her mother is friends with my mom, and she comes to visit at the shop sometimes, and she always has a comment to make about what people do or don’t do. And I get so angry 😡. I’m always correcting her. But she doesn’t listen. And I feel sorry for my friend and her sister. So whenever I have the chance I saw her my support, and always talk about these things, lol. (I talk so much about lgbt+ things, that my family associates me with it, to the point that every time they see a rainbow or whatever they tell me: look look! And I just satisfied with it. At least they don’t make so much homophobic comments anymore 😒)
YOUR MOM IS AN ANTI? How? “Why would they fake a baby?” Thats a good question with awful answers. I miss RBB&SBB.😍 (I havent explained that to anybody, yet. But once while playing a game my cousins choose Rbb as his nickname so i choose Sbb and our friends started making questions and we where like? 1d things? Long story, leave it for another day? I’m glad they dont remember it bcs i wouldnt know how to explain that😂😂). Was your friend a fan of 1d too? (7)
Well, she isn’t a nasty anti, jajajja, but she doesn’t think they’re together. Not for nothing special, just that she thinks they would say it if they were together. And since they haven’t say it, they aren’t together. But I’ve shown her the famous Christmas pic, and she doesn’t Thing B was ever pregnant. And I show her pics of F to ask for an outsider opinion, and she doesn’t think the kid looks like Louis at all, lmao. So, I think if they ever come out, she wouldn’t care at all. Bahhh, I’ve talked about RBB/SBB with my friend sometimes, but it’s so bad of a thing, that we don’t come to a conclusion. She isn’t a fans, sadly. But she likes celeb gossip, and I like to talk, so… yesterday she came to visit/ to get her arms waxed (bc that’s my other unofficial job) and she ended up staying for 2 hours. Bc we had see each other briefly lately, couldn’t sit and talk properly in a while. And she always asks me about 1d, bc she knows I love to talk about it,jajaja. And I have a sideblog where I reblog things to show her. And well, yesterday we talked a little about BG, and I showed her the no-belly pic, and she was… 😳. And she thinks louis and Harry must be together, at least at some point, bc the way the touched wasn’t in a friendly way. She now has a boyfriend, and she kept saying: I’m not a very touchy person with my friends or my family, but when I’m with him I always want to touch him or kiss him, and that’s what those two were always doing. And I’m always: do you think that for real, or are you just saying it so I stop talking?? Jajjaja. And yes, she’s convinced they are/were together. She asked me if I think they’re still together, and I told her that now more than ever, but it’s a long story, so we should talk about it another time, bc lol, we were just talking about it for a couple of hours, and we both had things to do. So, we’ll keep talking another time.
Of course, I dont share that info with everybody, but I dont mind my friends knowing. I have this one friend that i bother everytime i get frustated bcs of a fic. I tell him the plot, and what is happening and i cry about it (and he laughs at me but at least he listens). Sometimes i make him choose which one should i read next when i cant decide. (9)
I almost did a fic reference yesterday talking with my friend, and I stopped myself midsentece, and laughed (I thought of you,jajaj) and she was so confused!! But she’s used to my weirdness, so we just laughed it way. And I kept talking, jajajajaj.
Girl, i have 6 dioptres😂😂 Thats what i have forbid myself from reading on the phone. No, i havent read that one, but its now on the list. I’ll tell you when i do! Though it make take a while :( (I understand you. Dont worry). (10)
😳 6?!!?! Please take care of your eyes!!! Stop reading… everything!! Jajaja. No, I’m kidding. I know about people who has 8… so you’re still ok,jajajaj. I have 1, but my ophthalmologist told me I’m very sensitive to change, bc I thought I had 27463 diopters, bc I saw so poorly 🙄🙄.
Yes, i also like IDGAF more than New Rules. They have overplayed that one. Have you heard Blow Your Mind? I love that one. It’s also a single so…i guess you have heard it? You’ll get amazing shots, i’m sure. Honey was sleeping on you? 😭😭😭😭 I love hiiim (11)
I listened today Room for 2 and Homesick, and I think I like them. I’ll have to listen this new one two. For me, to like a song, I have to heard /a lot/ (not as much as Despacito, please). It has to have a catchy tune. That’s why I think a like Carolina, or Woman, or Kiwi, and I don’t understand why people is so fidyfvbure about the lyrics, jajjaja.Honey is always sleeping on me. The other day Liam was sleeping between my legs, and Honey came and just laid on top of my poor limo. And I wanted to kill him, bc liam never comes to sleep with me. They’re so different… but I love them both.
Oh, my little sister. I just wanted to tell you that yesterday was her birthday. She almost cried when she saw that me and my older sister had brought her Flicker deluxe as a present. (We hadnt bought it yet. Dont judge us). She was freaking out just bcs of that and i was laughing so hard thinking that she’s gonna pass out when she sees the rainbow flag her friends have gotten her for Nialls show. And also another pair of Cds. She wont survive the show. Poor thing. But she was so happy 😍😍 (12)You start next week? Okay. I’ll ask again next wednseday. Have a nice daaaay!!
Not judging, you’re amazing sisters!! Awww, poor thing!! She will have an amazing time at Niall’s concert, for sure. And, yes, please, tell her to bring the flag. I’m so happy seeing how people are starting to bring rainbow flags to niall concerts too. And have you seeing that he has taken pics with rainbow flags?? He even brought one to the stage the other day!! It makes me inexplicably happy to say everything covered in rainbows. There was so much at Harry’s show too, my sister said it looked like a pride parade. Hey, Dunkirk it’s about to start khbkhdfbvkjdnfvkjndfv. But, have YOU SEEING THE NEW ROYAL BABY WAS NAMED AFTER LOUIS?????? AND HIS TWEET?!?!?  IM SCREAMED!!!! Dijffvjkbdded. Bye love. I have to feed my cats before the movie starts!!! Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
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eswelina · 7 years
Universe commentary (ep 33-41)
Knight’s arc was pretty good. Now we go for the final arc. The fifth and last part of this commentary series will be ready in october, after the finale.
Yesss!! After 8 painful weeks (2 months!) Rei is finally back. And why is it that he always has the best music?
Ohmygosh! Hackmon was going to accept the Gatchimonaka. These two are really something, they’re the only ones that leave a mess behid them in Cyber Kowloon.
Guys, this is important. Astra uses emojis and Haru keyboard emoticons.
Ok, I really want to know more about this old man. I think his backstory with Leviathan could give us some clues. Also, he was so mean to Eri.
Damn, son! What-an-entrance. Knight has a childish side and totally loves being the center of attention. I find him amusing, but Eri is so not impressed.
Cloud is such a drama queen and he fails to see that he’s as human as everyone else. Also, nice reference with that name. And boy! His theme is very effective. It suffocates you and makes you feel despair. 
Of course Eri acquired her hard working personality from her mom. How didn’t I see it sooner? Btw, she looked sooo cute with the ponytail.
And Ai is the only one that cheers when her girlfriend wins the poll lol.
I remember when I saw the designs last year, I thought Calcumon was the app of call, because its arms resembled a handset. So, is funny that Callmon’s arms are flip cellphones.
I cried when Eri got in the Top 10. She has given her all to bring happiness to people. And Izumi just motions her to go up the stairs and reach her dream. The moment was so overwhelming and she deserves it. This girl is amazing.
Thank you, I waited 9 months for a scene like the one in the boat where the kids are doing shenanigangs and Rei is so done.
Now we have not only a Gatchmon ringtone, but a Hackmon one as well.
Why did Coachmon even appear if he didn’t do anything? He could have help them unveil the L Corp mystery.
Omg?! If you take away Knight’s shady motives, it totally looked as if he was flirting with Eri. And pfffftt, the height difference hahaha.
Charismon is very good at twisting minds. Even I started doubting (it’s easy when we barely know L and M). Which point of view is better? Both may have good and bad things. Which one should we be rooting for?
Biomon is insane!! And he was the one in charge of Hajime’s data treatment. I hadn’t thought it, but it makes sense.
Fakemon is so hilarious. Of course this particular fight would be funny, but I didn’t expect to laugh with Beauty vs Ouja. The way they handled the battle was certainly strange.
NO, dammit! Haru is crying. Sure he has had tears in his eyes before, but now they’re falling down his cheeks. All these months I’ve been wondering if he was gonna suffer. But not like this, I can’t stand it. Gatchmon’s ideal future vision broke me too ;_;
When they went back to chip form, I thought they'd deactivate and turn grey, but it was worse. They broke and disintegrated. Can we make the Leomon joke to make it less painful?
This is the darkest of Digimon? I’m here with a poker face thinking about Masaru having to kill his dad or even Leviathan killing Haru’s grandpa ._.
I would have liked to see a bit more of the kids grieving. And wtf? They’re not really dead? That takes away a lot of the drama. Anyway, my two favorites had the funniest personality changes xD
If the secret base wasn’t suspicious enough, now the Shinkai and Kashiki families are connected through the library. How convenient.
We know Ai can be scary. Can she scold Rei for constantly breaking into her library? And ppppfff, of course he comes with tools to open a door, it’s the hacker in him haha. 
I’d like to thank the heavens above for all the moments between Haru and Rei in the snow. He was the first one showing concern everytime Haru did something reckless. And OMG! he called him by his first name (no, no estoy hiperventilando)
If anyone didn’t think that Haru is important to Rei, they just spelled it out for everyone. And I’m so happy that Rei is finally part of the team. They really need someone like him.
Even better, he’s starting to develop a relationship with Astra. Is as hilarious as I imagined. Can we have Raidramon+Mediamon, pleaaaseee?
There has been several moments that got me thinking “this is Digimon”, but Haru’s monologue is the one that made me feel the soul of the series the most. The music was so calm and the whole scene was beautiful.
I love this group. I think is one of the best casts of all seasons. Is incredible that the staff goes great lenghts to flesh them out. Even the OP, ED and Applidrive sequences are so like them.
Is heartwarming that Haru is inspired by his friends. As the leader, he has inspired some of his teammates, but I’d like to see more of that. They’d have never met if it wasn’t for him. I loved that bit in the Lab showing their favorite meals in conjunction as representation of their friendship.
This is how it always should have been: digivice/evo/battle sequences with an insert song. Now, I can feel something. Eri’s and Haru’s are outstanding.
Yesss!! L-Trio is back!! Oh c’mon, how coud you do this to them? Some of them weren’t even dead. At least they can still return. Please bring them back again and treat them better and logically.
I loved the battle coreography of Revive vs Sakusi. And how come that only now I’m noticing he has Dezipmon’s zippers in his legs?
The buddies were “dead”, the group was in the cemetery and we still don’t know how appmon’s lifecyles really work. They had 2 episodes to touch the issue and they wasted the opportunity.
The final ending is so cute, but I didn’t like the song too much. When it was promoted as “cool” I expected something different.
Gdi, Hackmon. Why didn’t you disconnect from Biomon? He could have been Hajime and you would have allowed Rei to hurt him.
I have to admit that Haru’s goodwill during the first part frustated me a little, but then he started to understand Knight’s point of view. And I expected better of Charismon, I thought he would mess with Haru’s mind.
At first I was really angry with Knight, but then I started to sympathize with him. He had his dreams broken not once, but twice and he became what he despised. He saw himself in Haru, but his soul is more fragile. That “bye bye, future” was heartbreaking. I really hope we see him again.
I was so sure Knight was Hajime. Even when there were signs that he was his own character I wanted to hold onto that theory.
Wtf? The Ultimate 4 are gone just like that? I expected they’d last 2 o 3 episodes more. Well...the chips are inactive, so there’s still work to do. Besides they have to be on good terms or the evolution won’t work.
I’ve already said it: the pacing is terrible. Sometimes it goes too slow and then too fast. I thought they couldn’t fit all the storylines left, but suddenly we have 10 episodes ahead, which is still plenty of time.
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lady-knight- · 7 years
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You know them already, right? And, well...it was tricky to make their  interminable, convoluted story fit that one. Franklin must not only be one of the oldest kid of heroes ever, he's an omega mutant who can do everything. And Valeria's origin story is complicated as hell:  from an alternative reality where her father is Doctor Doom (who named her after an old flame), finally born in this reality to Reed Richards and because her brother wanted it (he can do that), but kidnapped by Doom and since she names him "Uncle Victor"...  Well...I knew from the very beginning I couldn't use said material. When a character is that powerful, he just have to think about it to change the destiny, he becomes a "story-breaker". It means that there is no conflict, no menace, and the character can resolve everything immediately. That's boring, right? Do you know what happens when a over powered person can be a story breaker? He or she disappear or he or she's out of focus. Sentry and the Phoenix died, Alpha is unheard of for years, the Scarlet Witch lost her powers often, and Franklin do not grow up: no really , except in parallel realities. The only stories where he is the focus; otherwise he's not,  or the story will end quite soon. Note that he's not used in adaptations as well (maybe because they all focus on the very beginning on his parents 's story). But here? Focus on Franklin. So what's left to do, in order he does not resolve all stories within minutes? Depowering...only a power close to his mother's left. How it happened, will it be recovered, you'll see. As for Valeria, I've heard she did not have powers except her intelligence, which is not balanced. So she inherited from her father, but was a late bloomer. Her origin story is simpler: just born to Susan and Reed without time travelling, and named Valeria by coincidence. In fact, Doom had another old flame (Sylvia) as the mother of his daughter, and having a daughter made a kidnapping useless. Val have no connection with him, simpler to handle in a story that do not just involve Fantastic Four. I must admit, I'm not very familiar with that squad as I couldn't watch adaptations until the 2000's movies (and I actually like them despite their bad reputation). Also, the Moonscoop animated series helped me to be more familiar with this universe.
Cousins of those, and fortunately I could imagine, there. There was just a little problem: Johnny Storm married once, and to Alicia Masters, a blind sculptor. Which is odd, as she was the Thing 's girlfriend before, and apparently started to date Johnny just because The Thing wasn't in the squad at this time (there is a gag about it in the 2005 movie, when Johnny say to Ben what he thinks about Alicia: "I can be jealous!" ) .Still to this day Alicia is the most famous girlfriend of Ben and appears in the 1994 and 2005 movies, and 2000's animated series for that reason (she is also related to  a villain-the Puppeter- his stepfather). Even if she left long ago? One of the most ludicrous explanations ever was given for that:  Johnny did not married Alicia but Lyja, a skrull (shape-sifting extraterrestrial). And she was there for a long time, seducing and marrying Johnny simply because the Thing was then not available for that. It explained why she changed of man so quickly, but it was ridiculously convoluted  as nobody saw the substitution for so long. For a while you could think Johnny would get over it (Lyja even laid an egg once)    but finally she ran away as well as the traumatized Alicia who 's been locked up all along. This is high paranoia fuel: how can you be sure a beloved one isn't a Skrull, a clone, or a doombot? Well you ask him some questions, like they do to be sure no Polyjuice is involved! So, I have to make a heavy reconstruction. "Wow, does she have a sister?" is usually a joke but I've decided to lift Lyja, despite her exotic name, to human and Alicia's sighted twin because why not. Being real twins themselves, the girls shall have been both human torches but it does not help to distinguish them from the each other. You can usually does it from the 7 and 8 on their jackets (I have the idea when I spotted Franklin and Valeria Richards with  "5" and "6" suits). So, genetics mystery, only Summer was born with those powers and regretted her sister could not "play" as her and Amber spent her first years in frustration. During Dark age, the Fantastic took  refuge in negative zone and Amber could have an accident there leading her to have any powers, but she got an appearance reminding of her "uncle" (Ben is not their uncle but Richards's kids usually call him like this). But she is luckier as she can have her initial appearance back. It's a lot more funny to she such a small girl turn into such a colossus , much to the dismay of her attackers.
On les connait déjà, pas vrai? Et bien...c'était dur de faire rentrer leur longue, compliquée histoire dans celle-ci.  Franklin n'est pas juste l'un des plus vieux enfants de héros, c'est un  mutant omega qui peut tout faire . Et les origines de  Valéria sont diaboliquement compliquées:  d'une réalité alternative, fille du  Docteur Fatalis (qui l'a baptisée d'après un amour de jeunesse), finalement née de  Reed Richards dans cette réalité et par la volonté de son frère (il peut faire ça), mais sera kidnappée par Fatalis  et elle l'appelle depuis "Oncle Victor"...  Et bien...Je savais depuis le début que je ne pouvais pas utiliser une telel origine. Quand un personnage est si puissant, qui n'a qu'à y penser pour changer le cours des choses, il devient alors un "briseur d'histoire". Ça veut dire qu'il n'y a plus ni conflit, ni menace, et peut tout résoudre dans l'instant. Ennuyeux, pas vrai? Savez-vous ce qu'il arrive quand un personnage est si puissant qu'il est un briseur d'histoire? Lui ou elle disparaît ou perd en importance. Sentry et  Phoenix sont morts, on n'a pas entendu parler d'Alpha depuis des années , la Sorcière rouge  a perdu ses pouvoirs souvent, et  Franklin n'a pas grandi: non vraiment , excepté dans des dimensions parallèles. Ce sont les seules histoires dont il est le centre; sinon il ne l'est pas,  ou l'histoire finirait bientôt. Notez qu'il n'a pas été utilisé dans les adaptations non plus (peut-être parce qu'elles parlent seulement du début de l’histoire de ses parents). Mais ici? Centré sur Franklin. Alors que reste-t-il à faire, pour qu'il ne résolve pas tous les problèmes en quelques minutes? Perte de pouvoirs...ne lui reste que celui de sa mère. Comment est-ce arrivé, cela sera-t-il changé, vous verrez. Pour Valéria, j'ai entendu dire qu'elle n'avait pas d'autre pouvoir que son intelligence, ce qui n'est pas équilibré. Donc elle tient de son père, mais c'est arrivé tard.Son origine est plus simple : née de  Susan et  Reed sans voyage dans le temps, et appelée Valéria par  coïncidence. En fait, Fatalis avait un autre amour de jeunesse (Sylvia) comme mère de sa fille  et avoir une fille rend un kidnapping inutile. Val n'a aucun lien avec lui, plus simple dans une histoire où il n'est pas question que des Quatre Fantastiques. Je dois admettre ne pas être très pas être très familière de l'équipecar jen'ai pas vu d'adaptation avant les films des années  2000 (j'aime bien en dépit de leur mauvaise réputation). Aussi la série animée de  Moonscoop  m'a aidée  à me familiariser avec cet univers.
Leurs cousines, et là il y  avait plus de place à l'imagination. Juste un petit problème: Johnny Storm s'est marié une fois,   à Alicia Masters, une sculptrice aveugle. Ce qui est étrange sachant qu'elle était la copine de la Chose avant, et apparement est sortie avec Johnny juste parce que la Chose n'était plus dans l'équipe à ce moment -là (il  y a un gag  à ce sujet dans le film de  2005, quand  Johnny dit à  Ben ce qu'il pense d' Alicia: "Je pourrais être jaloux!" ) .Jusqu'à aujourd'hui Alicia est la petite amie la plus célèbre de  Ben et apparaît dans les films de  1994 et  2005, et dans la série d'animation des années  2000 pour cette raison (elle est aussi liée à un méchant-le Marionettiste- son beau-père). Même si elle est partie il y a longtemps? Pour cela on inventa l'une des excuses les plus ridicules de tous les temps:  Johnny n'a pas épousé Alicia mais Lyja, une skrull (une extraterrestre qui se transforme). Et elle était là depuis  longtemps, séduisant et épousant Johnny simplement parce que la Chose était indisponible pour ça . Ca explique qu'elle aie changé d'homme si vite, mais c'était ridiculement compliqué en ce que personne n'a remarqué la substitution pendant si longtemps. Pendant un temps on aurait pu que croire que   Johnny s'en accomoderait  (Lyja a même pondu un oeuf)    mais s'est finalement  enfuie comme la traumatisée Alicia qu'on avait enfermée tout ce temps . C'est une grosse machine à paranoia: comment être sûr qu'un proche n'est pas un Skrull, un clone, ou un doombot? Et bien vous lui posez des questions,comme on fait pour être sûr qu'on use pas de Polynectar! Donc j'ai dû me lancer dans une grande entreprise de reconstruction. "Wahou, est-ce qu'elle a une soeur?" est une blague d'habitude mais j'ai décidé d'élever  Lyja, malgré son nom exotique, au rang d'humaine et de jumelle  voyante d' Alicia parce que pourquoi pas. Etant elles-même des jumelles monozygotes, les filles devraient toutes deux être des  torches humaines mais ça n'aidait pas à les distinguer. On peut le faire au  7 and 8 sur les vestes (J'en ai eu l'idée en voyant  Franklin et  Valéria Richards avec des combinaisons avec des   "5" et  "6" ). Donc, mystère de la génétique, seule  Summer est née avec ces pouvoirs et regrettera que sa soeur ne puisse "jouer" avec elle, et Amber passera ses premières années dans la frustation. Durant l'âge sombre, les Fantastiques  se sont refugiés dans la zone negative et Amber aurait pu avoir un  accident la conduisant à avoir n'importe quel pouvoir mais son apparence rappelle celle de son "oncle" (Ben n'est pas leur oncle mais les enfants Richards l'appellent come ça d'habitude ). Mais elle est plus chanceuse en ce qu'elle peut recouvrer son apparence initiale.  C'est beaucoup plus drôle qu'une si petite fille se transforme en colosse à la mauvaise surprise de ses adversaires.
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