#but i love andi and i hope i have done them justice
luckyshinyhunter · 4 months
Fictional characters that definitely deserved better
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💪Jen Walters (She-Hulk: Attorney at law)💪
She-Hulk is one of those shows I enjoyed because of the vibes, no surprise that a bunch of dudebros were doing their usual hate on the MCU crap again, especially going after this show.
I like how the show made Jennifer relatable and likable from the start, Tatiana did such a amazingly performance as the titular character along with matching her sassiness and wit like she have in the comics.
The possibilities of She-Hulk season 2 are slim to none, but I still have hope of Jen coming back in the future.
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🛩️Andy Demayo (Steven Universe)🛩️
Even though he was kinda rude in his debut episode, but honestly, you would be confused and angry too if you see a bunch of strangers in your barn.
Besides Greg and the residents at Beach City, he rarely calls out Steven's dangerously daily lifestyle with the gems and shows that he cares about his recently known nephew.
After Gem harvest, he resolved the bittered distance and continue visiting his family, even showing at Garnet's wedding.
It was kind of a waste that Future didn't give him anything important to add, he would connect and helped Steven's dilemma with the fear of change, similar to his.
Also a hilarious fun fact, Andy's VA is Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
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🐁Splinter (TMNT 2012)🐁
Honestly one of the most tragic characters in the show, from a broken man who lost everything, to a loving and protecting father who found a new lease on life, along with a family that care for each other to the very end.
He can be strict but he does care about his family and would die fighting for them, he literally died to save them and would do it again if he have to.
Hoon Lee's electrifying portrayal speaks for itself and the critical juncture of his past that parallels him and Shredder is another reason why the show is underrated.
I hate the backlash that this character has been getting and that people are labeling him as a bad father but he's not, the show literally has moments of him caring and protecting his family from danger.
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🕸️Miles Morales (Spider-Man)🕸️
Without a doubt, Miles is one of the best Spider-Man characters of all. Pretty disgusting that people are using with the whole Miles Morales is Miles Morales crap to hate on a character that brings a new meaning for a iconic role model for kids.
Into and Across the Spider-verse done a outstanding job, making Miles's personal journey and growth so emotional and inspiring.
Sucks that the third film is going to take a long time to premiere, but at least the PS4 games also give him justice and continues shining Miles.
Miles Morales will forever be one of the best Spider-man, it just sucks that some people won't accept him continuously, but in some way at least there's some people who actually respect him as a character, knowing that he is in forever will be Spider-Man and that makes it him amazing.
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📋Lois Lane (My Adventures with Superman)📋
My Adventures with Superman is a show that should be talked about especially on how well written it is, the show adapted Lois very well, along with her budding romance with Clark.
I literally hated how Lois gets treated like garbage by a certain amount of people after the whole secret identity thing, the show does prove that Lois is flawed and complex in a good way, making her likable and relatable, she makes mistakes but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing, everyone does.
The latest episode of season 2 really proves that Lois is a good character, showing her empathetic past and complicated relationship with her dad.
Also, Alice Lee's fun performance as the character is just top notch, whether she's happy or sad, she just nails Lois's character without a doubt.
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🧬Morty Smith (Rick and Morty)🧬
This boy has been through enough, with neglectful parents, a sister that does care about him but is focused on her own life, Rick cares sometimes, but can be a real jerk. Morty is more you can be his own person the truth is some things can be holding him back, mostly his grandfather.
I'm glad that Rick is trying to change for the better, I remember I hated the way he treated Morty thoughout the seasons whether using verbal or physical abuse, it also sucks when he tried to do something good yet the universe basically just throws it back at him like a giant middle finger.
I'm glad that the later seasons proves that Morty could be a badass and he can handle himself, but I hope when the new season drops, they find a way to handle his trauma because he deserves a hug.
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🎳Wade Whipple (The Sonic franchise)🎳
The Sonic films are underrated but it's problem is that it gets dunked on, especially thanks to a so-called outside of the box thinker.
But unlike the other live action films with bland and boring human characters, the human characters in Sonic are actually likable and memorable, among them is Wade Whipple.
I really don't think he's one of the worst characters in Sonic, honestly his sister and dad deserves to be on that list.
Honestly people hate him just because he have more screen time than Knuckles but one, because it's a TV show budget and Knuckles is in the show, they are acting like he never was in the show.
Two, at least it added layers and flaws that made him even more relatable and serves a purpose to Knuckles's journey.
Like with Tom and Maddie with Sonic, his friendship with Knuckles is another core example of why Knuckles work and his actor, Adam Pally's performance was great too.
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🔪Sam Carpenter (Scream 5 and 6)🔪
Sam is another character that deserves more attention and respect than before, partially thanks to her actress.
Aside her rough past and learning the dark truth about her family, Sam cares about the people she loves and isn't afraid to fight for them, even fighting her own personal demons just to do so.
Melissa Barrera is a underrated actress, though Her performance in part 5 was good, I think she was just basically outperformed by everyone else, and it didn't help that she was getting bullied and criticize by bunch of toxic fans.
Scream 6 gave Sam justice and proves that she's a badass final girl, especially thanks to the crew and cast of the films who care and was there for her but thanks to a certain company that fire her for doing the right thing, what's the point of even watching Scream 7 without her and the core four but the good thing is at least it gave her and Sam a bittersweet ending.
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🐝Chloe Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug)🐝
This one is a completely personal rant, I used to be a fan Miraculous. But after watching the season 3 finale, I feel like the magic of the show just basically disappeared, and seasons 4 and 5 was a huge sign that the show fully gone off the rails.
I remember hating Chloe in the first season and I'm pretty sure everyone else felt the same feeling too, but season 2 actually did the the most surprising thing, actually gave her some character development.
It might be baby steps but still development, she might have been spoiled and selfish sometimes but they actually do show that she has flaws.
Malediktator was one of the best episodes of season 2, they were able to showcase Chloe's vulnerability and it prove that she can change and still be a useful ally like the other miraculous holders.
She protected her friend from getting akumatized again, she almost got Mayura's miraculous, and heck, She literally defied Hawkmoth's control, unlike the other akumatized victims, that is basically spells hero-worthy.
But of course as always, Thomas is just too spiteful and that thinks that Chloe is not just worthy and replaced her with a bland, forgettable and useless character who only exists just because she is "better" than Chloe.
It's honestly just pathetic that her corrupt father who spoils her and the literal villain of the show, who done some horrible and awful things get a redemption arc, but a literal misunderstood child doesn't, it just proves that the writer's room just don't even know how to handle character development nor redemption arcs.
It's even more sad that the film actually treats Chloe better than the show does.
The truth is whether do you like or don't like Chloe, it's possible that she can change, it's just that Thomas is the actual problem of the show, I hope one day somehow Chloe might actually get a actual chance to shine as a character again but maybe in the future it could still could happen.
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florvaine · 7 months
tbh im losing my will to write bc all the cc's that i used to watch/did watch have been revealed to be terrible people that no part of me can support.
this is gonna be a bit of a rant of everything i stand on during this
support, send love and stand with shelby, alice, caiti, lexie, em, andi, moonzy and others taking a stand and finally showing the true colours of these 'men'. at the same time support, send love and stand with others that came out/were forced to talk about their experiences with this topic before such as cellbit, jack and niki. also show love for those standing up with the victims and supporting them no matter what - aimsy, billzo, max, ranboo, harry, etc. etc.
NOBODY who supports people like wilbur, illumina, george, sapnap, dream, punz, draggie and other 'influencers' who use their platforms for these horrific actions is welcome on my blog. i do not care if youre 'waiting for a response' - you have picked a side by doing that, whether you'd like to hear that or not, and it is not the victims. these 'men' are R4PISTS, ENABLERS, ABUSERS, RACISTS.
THIS ISNT DRAMA. the things these 'men' are saying theyve been revealed of doing - not accused, accused means 'claiming someone has done something wrong' - in this situation it is FACTUAL. the experiences these women have gone through do not deserve to be watered down to just 'internet drama' or 'twitter drama'. these 'men' have done ILLEGAL ACTS and deserve to rot behind bars for getting off on the manipulation, abuse and exploitation of these women, and i hope they get the justice they deserve for their actions.
a common thread between the majority of these cases is the theme of consent and alcohol. seems like the british attackers werent there for the tea video. the moment someone has alcohol in their bloodstream, they cannot consent. whether they have had one drink or 20, or if both parties are drunk, there is not consent. if there is not a clear, uncoerced, uninfulenced and solid 'yes' then there is not consent and it is assault/r4pe. this is not my opinion, this is THE LAW.
it is not your fault if you 'couldnt tell'. with wilbur, yes, he frequently used the 'tragic artist' role in his songs, but at the time it was said BY HIM to be a character, this is supported by his e-girl trilogy and the fact he said himself he was PLAYING an incel character. he is a manipulator, and the rest of the 'men' are liars too. they all sat behind screens showing a version of themselves best suited to gathering fame, and didnt feel bad about flipping completely when the streams or cameras turned off. HOWEVER, it is YOUR FAULT if you still support the 'men'. people saying 'he saved me' or 'he wouldnt do this' - MOTHERFUCKER HE JUST DID?? HELLO?? yes, it can be hard letting go of someone/something you loved, but it has to be done. i didnt want to get rid of a barbie when i was younger because playing with it made me happy, but i did anyways and guess what? i got over it. you do not know these 'men'. YOU ARE NOT LOSING A REAL LIFE FRIEND, YOU ARE LOSING A TOXIC, PARASOCIAL RELATIONSHIP.
for the (few) people who might see this and go 'whyre you so pressed' - i have experienced my own trauma in the past and that is all i will say, i do not owe it to you to go into full miniscule detail about what happened. hearing all the people i grew up watching doing the same things that i have and still am effected by today makes me feel sick, that isnt a metaphor either, it brings up bad memories and makes it even harder to detatch yourself from these situations. these 'men' have done irreversible actions. whilst it may have given them a sick minute of pleasure, it has haunted and traumatised these women for the rest of their lives. they are only 'apologising' or 'addressing' their actions because they do not want to lose their platforms. since the start their fans have only been a number, and the second that number drops they get all panicky and try do all the damage control they can. DO NOT SUPPORT THESE 'MEN'. SUPPORT THE VICTIMS. caiti shelby alice lexie em andi moonzy
i think im done with my rant. more might have to be added idk tho. bye bye
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merci-bitch · 2 years
There's barely any Andromache fics and i want to read more.So this popped into my head.
So before Andy and Y/n were accused of being witches(Y/n take Quuynh's place) then instead of sinking them into the sea they actually just take Y/n to the other side of the world.After Hundreds of years Nile becomes an immortal.What they didn't know was Y/n was actually Niles best friend and They Reunite. Then the rest is your imagination to make.
I just want it to be really Angsty then just pure fluff when they meet eachother again. And maybe even throw a little spice😉.
ANYWAYS♡♡♡♡i love your works and i hope you have a great day
Now, I can’t tell you how long I’ve worked on this. I haven’t written anything this long since I wrote for Addison. I won’t say how many words but it was 16 long pages. 16. 
I really liked the idea, and I hope I’ve done it justice! 
Not my gif !
Come Whatever, Come What May
Andromache the Scythian x fem!reader
Warning(s): torture, a little swearing, lots of angst, mention of death, blood, small hint of NSFW, fluff
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It was you and her. 
It had always been you and Andromache. Why should it change now? Sure, knowing the circumstances. You were both “witches” as the people called you. You couldn’t die. You’d lived many lives, many of them together with Andromache. So why should it change now? You weren’t afraid. You were with her. Your love. Your other half. despite the chains holding you up against the wall, and the dirt covering your faces. You had her, and she had you. 
“I’ve never been burned alive before. What do you think it is going to be like?” You asked. Your face is covered in dirt and sweat. A smile on your lips as you turned your head towards Andromache. 
“Excruciating,” Andromache said before she turned her head towards you. Giving you her signature smile. Enough to light up a whole room. Despite the dim light from the fire. You both shared a little laugh. You turned your head and looked out into the room. The walls of stone were covered in dirt. As you did, Andromache kept looking at you. Her wide smile turned soft. You turned your head back to her. Your eyes stare into hers. 
“Just you and me.” You whispered.
“Until the end.” She replied softly. 
The moments after were always a nightmare for Andromache. She remembers everything. As if she failed you. When they walked in with a priest, him holding the crucifix against his chest. She remembers looking at you, seeing you calm. You always surprised her. Then suddenly, they unlocked the chains that held you to the wall, pulling you up, but they didn’t do the same to her. The wall suddenly opened as two doors and outside was a shout from the people of the village. A wagon was waiting. The door opened, although it looked more like a cage. She still remembers your sudden scream. She remembers how you started struggling against the men holding you. How she stood up herself. How she tried to get to you, tried to break free of the chains holding her to the wall. 
“Where are you taking her?” Andromache asked the priest who approached her. Holding the crucifix close to his chest.
“You are too powerful together. For creatures such as you, there is no salvation.” He spoke. His tone was not weary but showed he had the power. She still remembers that look in his eyes as he separated you. She still remembers how four men suddenly carried you towards the wagon. How you screamed and struggled against them and how she was helpless. She still remembers screaming after you. How you screamed her name in fear. For the first time since she’d found you. 
“Y/N!” She screamed. Trying to get loose from the chains, even though she knew she wouldn’t get loose. She still remembers how her wrists burned against the metal. How she bled. She still remembers how you cried for her. 
She remembers it all. How they took you from her, and how she couldn’t do anything. She couldn’t save you. The doors closed and Andromache was left in the dark. Alone for the first time in centuries. She remembers how she fell to her knees, how the blood from her wrists stained the ground and her gown. She suddenly felt too weak to cry. The tears streamed down her cheeks silently. She remembers how she lost you forever. She remembers it all.
It still haunted you. You remembered it all. How could you not? It was like living a nightmare. Not just being taken from Andromache but all those years of being locked in a cage and tortured on the other end of the world. It had taken years, if not decades. You’d searched for her for a long time. It broke your heart every time you came up empty-handed. You couldn’t find her. Was she looking for you? You hoped she was. Hoped that one day you would be able to see those eyes of hers again. Be able to see that smile you loved, but not all dreams come true. You’d given up. You felt hopeless. You’d run dry on ideas to find her. You hoped for a miracle someday. 
A miracle comes in different waves. You started living, despite the guilt you lived with. You tried to settle down. Did the only thing you knew now that you were good at? Fighting. You joined the army, or well you joined the training. At first, you kept to yourself, knowing that it wouldn’t be wise to mingle. It made you question why you had made this choice in the first place. You quickly rose in favour of the general. You were famous around the camp for her quick movements. You could thank Andromache for that. 
You meet a younger girl. Her name is Freeman, Nile Freeman. At first, you’d tried to ignore her friendly gestures. It worked until you had been paired up as partners. You couldn’t help but find her rather comforting, and sooner than later she became your friend. Something you never thought you’d have again. She lifted you. You were grateful for that. You two became a pair. A good team. It reminded you of you and Andromache. It made your heart extra sore at times. Knowing you’d possibly never see her again. The world had grown to an insane amount of people. It was both impossible and possible to disappear into the world you were living in today. Nile helped you disappear into a new world. 
She talked and you listened. She often talked about her family. How she was proud to follow in her father’s steps. You had no problem listening. Nile didn’t seem to mind either, till one night when she suddenly asked you about your life before the training camp. You were a little taken aback. What were you to say? You couldn’t exactly say you’d fought millions of battles alongside the longstanding warrior herself. You hadn’t thought up a story. 
“Well, there isn’t much to tell,” You said, shrugging your shoulders. 
“Come on Y/N. There must be something you can tell me.” Nile had jokingly said. You gave her a soft smile. “Well, I guess there is one thing I can tell.” You said slowly. 
“Yeah! Do tell. I’m all ears.” Nile said with a smile as she sat more comfortably on the bed. 
“There was this woman. She and I meet a long time ago and we grew very close, but we lost contact many years ago. It was always just me and her. We did everything together. She was a real fighter. She taught me how to fight. She saved my life.” You said with a soft smile. Your heart ached as you remembered your times with Andromache. 
“What happened to her?” Nile asked. A great concern in her tone. She touched your arm and squeezed it. 
“Life, I guess. We were pulled apart by a world that thought we didn’t belong together. I lost her.” You said slowly. Feeling your heart crumble. Nile pulled you into a hug and rubbed your back. “Life is cruel, and you didn’t deserve it. I hope you find her one day, or I will.” She said sternly. You couldn’t help but laugh at the scene before you. You were glad Nile had wormed her way into your heart. It did you good to laugh again. 
Training continued but something changed. You were “damaged” in a fight and were sent to the hospital wing. You knew it had healed before you even got there but played the part. Having played it many times before. It cost you, and you were told you wouldn’t be sent out in action. A part of you felt relief. You wouldn’t have to play God on the battlefield, but you had heard Nile was being sent out to Afghanistan. You felt proud of your friend. Nile was a great warrior.  
You were still in the hospital wing when she came to say goodbye. You gave her your necklace. One of the few things you had left from Andromache that wasn’t taken from you. It had brought you luck and kept you safe. You wanted it to do the same for her. You gave It to her with a soft smile. “See it as a lucky charm. It’ll keep you safe.” 
It had been a few months. You were sent home and Nile had been sent to war. It was late at night, and you’d just fallen asleep when you woke up as if someone knocked the air out of you. A special dream had clouded your head. You knew what it meant, but it had been so long. Nearly 200 years since the last. You’d never meet the people. One day the dreams just stopped. The strange thing about this dream, if not a disturbing thing was that it was Nile.
She had become one of you. You wanted to scream and cry. Why? Why her? Why now? She looked like she had been in some sort of hospital wing. Had she gotten hurt? You couldn’t understand what was happening. 
It wasn’t long until you got the call saying Nile was killed in action. It didn’t make any sense. She couldn’t die now, could she? Where had she gone off to then?
Andy had just closed her eyes when a sudden dream appeared. Waking her, along with the others in shock. As they all woke, they felt the loss of air. Andy sat herself straighter up against the wall as the dream continued. Panic started to flow through her as she went through her hair with her fingers. Shaking her head in disbelief. Booker opened his mouth and poured the alcohol in. 
“No. No, not another one. Not now.” She said.
“It was a woman. A black woman.” Nicky said. 
“I saw an older woman in a hijab. What did you see?” Joe said as he scribbled down in his notebook, turning to Booker. 
“I saw…I saw part of a name tag.”
“Uh, yeah. Free…free something.”
“Dirt floor, clay walls.” Nicky cut in.
“And a medevac,” Booker added.
“Yeah, so maybe a, uh…a coalition…uh medical team,” Joe said, writing it down. 
“The knife was a pesh-kabz. Pashtun.” Nicky said as Joe started to draw the woman they’d seen. Booker groaned as he rubbed his throat. “I felt her die.”
“She’s a Marine.” Andy suddenly said. “Combat. Or near-combat duty. Afghanistan.” She spoke. Shaking her head as she finished. “It’s been over 200 years. Why now?” Andy said, running her fingers through her hair once again. 
“Everything happens for a reason, boss,” Nicky said, looking at Andy. Andy only scoffed at him. 
“We have to find her,” Joe said, looking up from his drawing. 
“No, we stick to the plan. We find Copley.” Booker argued. 
“So we just leave her out in the open?” Joe replied.
“No, we’re in the open. We’re the ones who are exposed now.”
“Not like her.” Nicky cut in. 
“Nicky- “
“Not like her. You can’t tell me you don’t remember what it was like. Whoever she is, she’s confused, and she’s scared, and she’s more alone than she has ever been in her entire life. We all remember what it was like.” Booker let out a sigh. Nicky looked down at the drawing Joe was making and spoke again, “She needs us.”
Andy hit the trunk with her foot in frustration before getting up. “I’ll handle the retrieval.”
“Hey, boss, come on,” Booker said, looking up at Andy as she placed her backpack on her back. 
“If we’re dreaming about her, she’s dreaming about us. That makes her a beacon straight to us.” 
“What do we do in the meantime?” He asked.
“Get to France. Use the Charlie safe house. I’ll meet you there. Find Copley.”
Joe blew the dust off his painting and ripped the page out and handed it to Andy. Andy took it and looked at it. A pang in her chest as she saw the drawing. “Jesus. She’s just a baby.” Andy then walked towards the door of the train side, opened it, and jumped out. 
Nile sat on the bench, leaning back against the tent. A small panic feeling growing in her as she was rocking back and forth. The necklace you gave her worked a little too well. Ironic, isn’t it? It had always been in her pocket and still was. With a shaky hand, Nile put her headphones in and opened iTunes. Goodspeed by Frank Ocean came on. Nile leaned back and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as the music and lyrics shut everything else out. She felt her chest tighten and a small tremble in her bottom lip. A deep breath after another. 
Andy walked along the side and looked around the corner. She saw the girl sitting up against the wall with headphones in her ears. The girl’s eyes opened, and two soldiers came up to her. 
“Corporal Freeman.”
Andy moved away and pressed herself against the side. 
“Been looking for you.” One of them said. “Wheels on your ride.” He got to say before Andy walked in, knocking down the first and then the second soldier in front of the girl. Nile took the gun from the ground only to have Andy snatch it from her hands and point it at her. 
“Who are you?”
“Andromache the Scythian.” She said before hitting her in the neck with the base of the gun. The younger woman fell to the ground. Andy looked around before looking down at the newbie. “But you can call me Andy.”
Andy drove against the desert in the car. Having stuffed the girl in the trunk of the car. One hand on the wheel and the other hanging halfway out the window. Only switching hands so she could reach for a piece of baklava to eat. 
Nile woke up as her body swayed to the ground. Slowly lifting her head, she didn’t recognise where she was. She looked up and saw that very same woman who had knocked her out driving the car. Nile turned herself as she saw the level to open the trunk from the inside. Using what strength she had in her leg, she kicked at it until it opened, slipping out and rolling against the harsh ground. 
Andy looked back as she heard it, pressing the breakers of the car before stepping out. She looked at the girl with a sense of irritation. As the girl got up, she took off her sunglasses and slowly followed behind. As the girl got up, Andy took out her gun and shot her in the back of her head. She put back her gun and walked towards the body. Stopping as she reached it. She shook her head as the wound was still bleeding. “Why does it have to be so goddamn slow the first couple of times?” She said before cracking her neck. Slowly the wound began to heal, and the girl took a deep breath. 
Nile coughed out, slowly turning as she groaned in pain. She looked up and saw the same woman standing above her. Slowly sitting up, moving a few feet away from her she finally spoke up. “You shot me.”
“I did. I need you to get back in the car, please.” She said like it was nothing. 
Nile started breathing heavier. “This isn’t real. No, none of this is real.”
“You haven’t figured this out yet? You can’t die.” The woman said as she grabbed onto her, pulling her up. Nile acted out of instinct and reached for her knife and stabbed the woman in her shoulder. Causing her to shout out. “Fuck!” Andy let out a sigh. Looking over at the girl before she reached for the knife and pulled it out. Throwing it away. “Can you please not do that again.” Nile stepped back and vomited on the ground. Andy closed her eyes to gather herself before opening them again. Jesus. Nile looked over at the woman again, that anxiety still lingering in her chest. “Who are you?”
“I lead a group of immortals. An army, I guess. Soldiers. Fighters like you. Look…You’ve got questions, kid. I get it. You want answers? Get back in the car.” Andy said, before moving back to the car and getting in. the girl followed slowly behind her before she got in herself. 
You knew something was wrong when you got the call that Nile had passed in battle. It didn’t make any sense. You saw her in your dreams which could only mean one thing. That she was just like you now. A life not worth living. You wished you’d died all those years ago. Despite having Nile, it was miserable living with the guilt of Andromache. You would never wish this life upon anyone. It was all so strange. It didn’t make any sense. Of course, you hadn’t told Nile about what you were, to be frank, you never knew yourself. What good would she have out of knowing what you were? 
It hadn’t been the best year, neither had the years before. It had been hard to remember what the point was anymore. You’d been walking around confused. But then again, it hadn’t been the worst year. People had treated you like a stranger, but Andromache hadn’t, and neither had Nile. So, to be taken from both felt indescribable. You felt, stuck again. You didn’t believe Nile was dead. Not with the dreams. You felt her die. You felt the blade pierce her sin. You saw a hint of others in the dream, although they were too fuzzy to remember. You wished you had Andromache by your side. She would know what to do. 
You’d spent a few days trying to figure out what to do. You weren’t the best tracker. But you figured that if Nile had died in battle, her family would have deactivated her phone at least on the way back to the US, but it wasn’t. It was in France? But where in France you couldn’t see. You didn’t know how to feel. Was she dead or alive, or immortal like you?
Nile woke up gasping for air. Her fist clenched into the covers beneath her. Waking everyone around her, Andy raised her head from where she sat in the living room. 
“What’s going on?” Booker asked, reaching for his gun. 
“What’s happened Nile?” Nicky asked after turning on the small lamp on the shelf. Andy sat in the chair, concern starting to grow on her features. Nile took a deep breath before speaking. 
“It’s just a… a bad dream. I’m sorry.” Nile leaned forward, still gasping for air as she spoke. 
“Tell us,” Nicky said, his eyes adjusting to the light. 
“I saw flashes of it before…when I first dreamt of all of you. But now it’s clearer. I dreamed of a woman thrown into a cage on wheels.”
As Nile started talking about her dream, the name of a woman thrown into a cage on wheels caught Andy’s attention. Her eyes suddenly felt glossy as a pang went through her chest. 
“She kept, screaming. She was dying and dying but kept coming back to life.”
As Nile continued to speak, Andy stood up. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She didn’t want to hear it. Nicky and Joe shared a look. 
“She was hammering her bloody fists and legs against whatever man came forward, against the walls of the room she was in.”
Andy slowly walked forward, closing her eyes as Nile kept talking. 
“She felt like something insane, something furious.” 
Andy’s eyes were almost bloodshot red as she stepped up the steps. 
“But she kept fighting…and she kept dying.” Nile let out a small cry as she spoke. 
Andy stood by the wall, looking through the window, keeping her distance. It was you she was talking about. A tear rolled down Andy’s cheek. The rest of the group look at each other before Nicky spoke up. 
 “Her name was Y/N. She was one of us. The first immortal Andy found. They had been alone so long when she found her…Y/N had given up.” 
Nile moved to sit on the edge of the bed. 
“Way back, it was just her and Andy,” Joe said.
 As they continued to talk, Andy sat down, rubbing her eyes clear from the tears that were threatening to come loose. Memories of her and you came flooding back to her. Memories she had tried to block out of her mind. 
 “Before me and Nicky, it was just the two of them. They ran through the world together. Fought thousands of battles side by side. She was a pit viper in a fight.”
Andy looked down at the ground below her, turning her head when Nicky mentioned England. 
 “They were in England. Freeing so-called heretics from the witch trials. But then, Andy and Y/N, they were accused of witchcraft themselves, and they were trapped and caught.”
“When they didn’t die, it proved their case, and they got sentenced again and again.” Joe cut in. 
 Andy felt another tear slip as that night came rolling back into her memories. The night you were taken from her. Your last scream before the doors closed on her was burned in her memory. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw it all before her again. Like she was being forced to relive every moment of it. 
 “After Andy escaped, we spent decades searching for her or anyone who could tell us where she was sent to,” Nicky said after a while. Andy couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. For a brick second her façade dropped. the guilt was too strong for her to handle. 
 “She’s lived with that guilt ever since, but she blames herself for Y/N’s fate,” Joe said, pointing out to the other room. Andy stepped in; eyes still red from crying. Gathering the attention of the rest. 
 “Why do you blame yourself?” Nile asked. 
 “I lost a soldier,” Andy said, looking at Nile for a moment before looking elsewhere.
 “I feel her pain. Her rage. She feels crazy.” Nile said, empathy overtaking her words.
Andy looked down to the ground as she leaned against the door. 
 “Over 500 years in a cage…in some shithole across the world…would make anyone insane,” Joe said. 
 “That’s the reason why we dread capture. Spend eternity in a cage.” Nicky added. 
Nile took a deep breath. Suddenly getting up from the bed, brushing past Andy on her way out. Andy shared a look with Joe before making her way after Nile. Grabbing her gun on the way out. 
Nile woke up. Another nightmare flooded through her. It was just her and Booker in the cave. Andy wasn’t there. The memories of what happened in the church still haunt her. All those dead bodies in the church. How Andy slayed them herself. 
 Nile walked out of the cave; it was early morning. She didn’t know what the time was, but she knew that much. She saw Andy sitting on the car, eating something. She was holding something in her hand. She made eye contact with Andy before she looked away again. Andy held up the phone in her hand and looked at Nile again. 
 “Your mom and brother?”
 “You have my phone?”
 Nile walked forward and Andy handed the phone to her. Nile sat down next to her and looked down at her lock screen. Her mother and brother smiled back at her. The clock read, 6:31 in the morning. 
 “Where’s your father?” Andy asked. 
 Nile looked up from her phone. “Killed in action when I was 11.”
 Andy nodded her head slowly as Nile spoke. “Here…” Nile said as she unlocked her phone and found a picture of her father to show. “My mom, she was drowning after he died. South side of Chicago, a million different ways we could have went left. But she fought for us. Never backed down. Never let us back down either.” Andy gave her a soft smile. 
 “You come from warriors.”
 “Yeah. I do.” Nile said softly. 
 “I can’t remember what my mother looked like. Or my sisters. None of them.”
 “Time steals it all away, I guess,” Nile said. Andy laughed softly. 
“It’s not what time steals, it’s what it leaves behind,” Andy said as she looked up. For a quick moment, she saw you before her. That smile. It seemed to be the only thing she remembered, but it faded quickly from her memories. “Things you can’t forget. I gave up searching for her.” Nile turned her head as Andy started talking again. “I made Y/N a promise and I broke it.” Nile saw how Andy’s eyes started to glisten in the early morning light. “I’m getting Joe and Nicky back. Whatever it takes.”
 “Whatever it takes?” Nile asked. 
 Andy turned back to look at the younger woman next to her. “Yes.”
 “Guys, I found something. An address just outside of London.” Booker suddenly came out and spoke. Andy got up and took all the wrappers from the chocolate bars she’d eaten and held out her hand for the phone in Nile’s hand. “We gotta go.” Nile took one last look at the photo of her mom and her brother before handing her phone over to her. 
It had taken you longer than it should have to figure out where Nile was. You’d found out that according to her phone, they were in the south of Paris. You took yourself there only to be guided to an abandoned church. Planes flying over your head. As you entered, it was dark. It looked like there had been a fight. There was blood on the chairs, and the floor. A wall had exploded. But Nile was nowhere to be seen. Had she been here perhaps?
 You walked further into the room. There was a small kitchen. had someone been living here? 
You walked up the steps and into another room, beds were lying next to each other. Clothes are still on the floors. Had someone been in a rush to leave? You picked up one of the shirts lying on one of the beds, it was dirty. It looked like it had been a woman’s shirt. You couldn’t resist the urge of smelling it, knowing it would perhaps smell like mould. Surprisingly, it didn’t. the smell was familiar to you like you’d met someone before who had the same fragrance. Then it hit you. Like a slap in the face. The smell reminded you of Andromache. Although, that wasn’t possible, was it? 
 When you updated the tracker that was supposed to lead you to Nile you saw it had completely changed location. It was now in London. You cursed yourself for not updating it sooner. You went here for nothing. You dropped the shirt and made your back out of the church. Took a taxi to the airport and tried to figure out where in London they were. But then the tracker disappeared. As if she’d turned off her phone. What were you going to do now?!
You were going to kill Nile when you found her. It had been weeks, if not months since the tracker died down on her phone. You had eventually gone to London only to be left dumbfounded. What were you supposed to do here? Then a few days ago the tracker suddenly showed again. This time in Italy, Rome. You arrived here yesterday. Booked in some shitty hotel that wasn’t even worth it. What were you going to say to Nile if you found her? You had to warn her about what she’d become, even if she perhaps just wanted to disappear. 
 With your phone in hand, you walked the small streets of the city, following the tracker. If you were to trust it this time, she was close by. You walked out to an open space with lots of people. Tourists mingled with the people living in the city. You let out a sigh and opened your water bottle and drank from it when something caught your eye. Or rather someone. It was a black woman, wearing what looked like a casual suit and white trainers. Her braided hair was short. And when she turned around, your thoughts were corrected. With fast steps, you marched up to the familiar woman, who now had her back turned to you. 
 “Nile Freeman!” You shouted. 
 She turned around. Shock appeared in her eyes as she saws who called her name. 
 “Y/N?” She asked, not quite believing she’d see you again. 
 You stopped in front of her, being around the same height as her. You weren’t angry, you were more hurt. But then again, you had no reason to be hurt. She had no idea you were like her. Or rather, that she was like you. 
 “What are you doing here? How did you find me?” Nile asked, looking around. 
 “Your phone, Nile. I tracked your phone.” You said, rather unimpressed. 
 “Oh, I didn’t know you could do that.” 
“Nile, stop trying to push the subject away. I’m rather exhausted from chasing your arse and we need to talk.”
 Nile looked around again. As if she was looking for someone. 
 “Is everything alright, Nile?” You asked softly, seeing the anxious look on her face. You reached up and gripped her forearm, giving it a soft squeeze. Trying to locate what she was looking for. 
 “Yeah, yeah. Everything is fine Y/N.” She spoke. Her tone was higher than usual. 
 “You sure? You want some water?” You asked, holding up your water bottle. Nile shook her head. Her eyes were stuck somewhere else. “Uh, I have to go now. It was nice seeing you again.”
 With that, she left you. She ran over to two men, who were looking back at you. Both look like big question marks. A woman joined the group. You couldn’t see her face, but she was taller than Nile. She was wearing a grey suit with black booted heels. Her haircut was a mullet. A brown suitcase in hand. You had so many questions as to why Nile was with these people, but the lack of sleep and screaming children on airplanes didn’t help with it. 
 You started walking after them, and then after a short period, you shouted her name again. Causing the whole group to turn around. The woman was wearing big black sunglasses, but you could recognise her anywhere. Even if she covered her eyes. It almost felt too good to be true. As if you were dreaming. Well, if you were you didn’t want to wake up from it. The woman dropped the suitcase. Both of you stood still. She seemed immune to the words asked by the people with her. Suddenly, she started walking towards you. You couldn’t move. You felt as if your feet were glued to the ground as the woman made her way toward you. 
 You hadn’t realised she was so close until you felt her arms around you. A quiet sob escaped your lips as you hugged her back with everything you had in you. “Andromache.” It was a weak whimper. Her hand made its way to the back of your head, holding you even closer to herself. It had to be a dream. It couldn’t be real, not after 500 years apart. 
You pulled apart, only for you to remove her sunglasses. You looked into those eyes you’d missed. Longed for. Her eyes were as red as yours. You leaned your forehead against hers as she cupped both of your cheeks. Andromache said something in what you knew was an ancient language. You knew what it meant and let out a tear chuckle and hugged her again. 
Nile took a sip of her drink as she, Nicky, and Joe watched the two of you in the corner. You were sitting in Andy’s lap, a big smile on your face. Andy’s arms around you. She’d never seen Andy smile so much during the time she had known her. It was rather strange but comforting at the same time. 
 “Well, I’d be damned.” She spoke.
 Joe let out a soft chuckle as he took a sip of his drink. Once the two of you had calmed down, you’d come along to the safe house they were staying in. Andy wouldn’t have it any other way. They weren’t complaining. Neither of them had seen Andy like this. Later in the evening, both Andy and Y/N got up from the armchair and left the room. Both Nicky and Joe shared a look. A small grin grew on both their lips. 
“You will be sleeping next to me.” 
 “Oh, what a tragedy.” You teased, turning around to face her. Andy shared a teasing smile before she pushed at your shoulder. “You’ve missed it.” Andy rolled her eyes at you before pulling you into another hug. She took a deep breath, your fragrance filling her nostrils. Oh, how she’d missed you. It finally felt right again. She felt right. You leaned your forehead against hers, looking into her eyes. 
 “I love you.”
 Andy smiled softly at you, leaning over to kiss your cheek. The movement caused a faint blush to creep up your neck. from that moment, something changed in the air. You knew Andromache felt it too. Something in her eyes changed. They darkened. Sooner or later, you felt her lips on yours. It was a strange feeling. Something you hadn’t exactly thought of. Your love for her was so great it reached beyond those thoughts. It didn’t stop you from kissing her back. It didn’t stop you from laying with her. Touching her. Letting her touch, you. Her name fell on your lips throughout the darkness of the room. Sweat and pleasure mixed in the air as both your breaths became ragged. She was all you wished for. 
 It was you and her. Until the end. 
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tokiro07 · 1 year
Even though I am usually okay with tragic ends if it's done well, I really hope all the UU characters get to have a happy ending. They been through so much they had earned it dammit.
Storytelling is a series of promises that the author makes to the audience, and how they go about delivering on or deliberately breaking those promises is the mark of a good story in my opinion
For example, One Piece has promised that Luffy and the others will achieve their dreams, and it's the kind of series where failure to deliver on that promise wouldn't make much sense because it's a romance that wants the audience to believe in the power of dreams
Death Note promised that justice would win out in the end, and while it implied that Light might be that justice, the promise was ambiguous enough that it could have gone either way; Light could have easily learned the error of his ways and done a grand gesture to repent, but instead, he was defeated as the ultimate injustice. The promise was fulfilled, but in a way that subverted expectations
Shaman King, conversely, promised that Yoh would become Shaman King and lead an easy life, but the series isn't about finding easy solutions and letting things resolve themselves, it's about putting in the effort to reach the outcome you want. Yoh defeating Hao in combat wouldn't have changed his heart, it probably would only have caused him to reincarnate again and try again later, but Hao winning and seeing everyone else come together to either oppose him or stay by his side proved to him that there was still value in the world, that there was something worth putting in the effort for
Undead Unluck strikes me as the kind of series that will both keep and break its promise. It promised that Fuuko will create a world where everyone can live without the influence of Gods, that people will have their own agency to live and die how they please, and I am confident we will get that. It also promised, though, that Andy would find the "greatest death ever," which I think will also eventually come to pass, but not in the way we would expect. Fuuko is not going to fall so madly in love with Andy that their lovemaking will destroy the universe in spectacular fashion, thus erasing everything including Andy; rather, the power of their love will allow them to overcome the trials of the Gods and erase the Rules that bind them so they can live a normal life, and Andy, who has only ever dreamed of death, will finally have a reason to continue living. Andy's greatest death will most likely be the most mundane one possible: living to old age with the one he loves, watching their children and possibly grandchildren grow up, and finally expire surrounded by the smiles he helped create
Andy is going to die, we were promised that, and it's going to be the happiest ending Tozuka could ever hope to give us
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
ASK AND I SHALL ANSWER (tho I’m sorry no gifs for this one bc like… these roles are so bad nobody has bothered to gif them which is very funny to me). And I should clarify- these are not him *acting* poorly- but rather roles that fill me with rage for one reason or another (usually that he isn’t in it MORE honestly). Like these are just roles that fucking VEX me terribly bc I know (we ALL know) he’s a good actor. And yet… and yet…
5. Septimus - Pompeii
He gets some slack on this list because like listen. Pompeii is a fucking terrible movie on every goddamn level. But Jared, king that he is, still put his whole pussy into the one trait his character has: which is loving his wife. And that kinda redeemed having to watch the rest of it just a little, but just barely (also should note I saw this IN THEATERS. I PAYED MONEY FOR IT. You’re welcome Jared).
4.Captain Anderson - To The Ends Of The Earth
Look. If Jared Harris is a sea captain in something, I will watch it. The pretty red hair and beaming smile will get me through anything. Was it worth it to suffer through bennedict cumberbatch for like 3 hours tho?? … jury’s still out but as my parents taught me (who are both lawyers) the longer they’re out the more likely it’s a guilty verdict. Benebum cuminmyass is really not worth watching I’m so sorry. But I did get my beautiful man whore in tight 19th century pants and making fun of him the whole time so thats a plus. He’s too pretty to be mad at for long.
3. Sanders - The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
You know. I really don’t know what I expected. It’s a Guy Ritchie joint. He will avoid casting JH in a prominent role like the Plague. I sat down to watch this hopeful that he had changed, but alas. My mans has maybe 5 minutes of screentime tops. And my family has made me watch it 2 more times since my initial viewing. Every time I suffer. Because he’s just Not. Fucking. THERE. Guy Ritchie give my man a decent fucking role for ONCE challenge. I’ll be waiting with a sledgehammer in the corner of your room while you sleep until you do.
2. Captain Mike - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Look. I love him in this. I really do. He’s such a slut. Such a beautiful whore. Cherry, what you have done with him in fic is better than what anyone could have ever done with him. Also with the exception of perhaps the most recent tarantino films I fucking hate brad pitt generally. There needed to be more of my man. Justice for better writing and better side characters. Yes? Yes. (Also how is this a David Fincher joint? How? You’re better than this dude).
1. Andy Warhol - I shot Andy Warhol
I have literally never even seen this one. But I literally don’t have to to know its terrible. Just google up JH in that and you will understand. They massacred my boy. He deserves better.
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shitstrawhatssay · 7 years
Commissioned fic for @inktostories
  Wealth, fame, power: for all these reasons and more, people were leaving home and in search of the One Piece. Was it a myth? Was it a reality? With Gold Roger skewered, it was hard to estimate what was more likely so there was only one way to truly find out. That is what triggered the Great Pirate Era: an era of hopes and dreams, of blood and violence, of stories that would become great bellowing songs in taverns or distance memories nearly forgotten.
  In all sorts of logical ongoings, the output of pirates into the world is utterly unprecedented. It is astounding any work can be done on the mainland with the influx of pirates going out to sea. Such a curious phenomenon has Andi’s interest piqued. Ever since they were a child, they have had a fascination with all the ongoings around them and this has been an interest that was lovingly fostered by their parents. Perhaps, that was why the illogical evolution was for Andi to join the influx of those going out to sea in this era of hopes and dreams.
  Or something like that anyway.
  Having set out at age eighteen, it has been a long haul to where Andi had gotten to now. They’ve seen the bounties escalate in real time and read the newspapers on the deaths of Whitebeard and Fire Fist Ace. It’s been unreal to see so much history unfold just beyond their reach but still in front of their eyes. It was fortunate that many people were recording it: journalists are busy in this age.
   And then there’s Andi whose dreams push just beyond the ordinary. They had big dreams and big plans. Yes, it would be nice to get hose first page articles in the newspaper but that wasn’t satisfying enough. Andi had something far grander in mind: a book to call their own.
  Books are immortal and beautiful. They are wreathed in soft leather and scented of vintage parchment, it is hard not to love a book. In contrast, newspapers are flimsy and delicate. They yellow and tear easily. They are not remembered the way in which a book is remembered. Andi may not necessarily want to be remembered but this was a grand era in time which had to be immortalised in every way possible especially since this era had fostered an unusual cast of characters.
  Pirates. There were so many weird and wonderful pirates. Yes, some were terrible and some would be remembered but there were just so many and each had a tale to spin. They deserved some recognition so Andi has set their sights on each and everyone of them. They wanted to compile a book with information on every single pirate to have taken arms upon the sea and set sail in this Great Pirate Era.
  Their parents have been supportive of this goal, after all, Andi is talented enough to get out of any trouble they bumble into. Having set out at eighteen, much has changed in the four years Andi had been sailing. Part of their book had been put together but there was so much more to see and question especially with changing ideals and the Supernovas and the War. It all seemed to miraculous to watch this unfold in real time and to be able to pen the details as Andi saw them with their own eyes.
  It was within that four years that Andi had realised something invaluable. Chaos can be trusted. Entropy is weird and wild and can usually be taken advantage of in some form or another. It was peacefulness and serenity and tranquility: all pretty ideas which had to be stayed the hell away from. Those long stretches of ocean without any sort of hazard are deceptive. At least chaos is upfront about its dangers which Andi can appreciate.
  And, now, as they drop anchor for the night as a preventative of any useless wanderings, Andi realises something quite daunting. It’s been quiet for some time now. That, Andi decides, is very much not good and having led the life they have led, Andi knows from experience that such peace can only lead to disaster. The life, Andi has led, being one rife with chronic bad luck.
  A disgustingly naive thought crosses Andi’s mind as they yawn. Surely, in the middle of nowhere with nothing but miles of blue, they would be safe from the arbitrary here. Even though it was in direct contradiction to everything Andi had learned over the years about bad luck, Andi trusted the falling night and the beautiful, starlit illumination of an empty sea that it brought. Goodness, it really was gorgeous out here.
  Andi went below deck and rugged up in blankets on their bed. It was likely going to be a nice and normal, ordinary night. Andi quickly fell asleep despite a strange, nagging worry that something was going to go wrong because Andi was Andi and things always go wrong for Andi.
  However, that strange, nagging feeling was validating not too much longer. Andi had probably gone to sleep about ten, maybe a bit before or maybe a bit after. Andi was woken up quite rudely two hours later, maybe a bit less or a bit more but for all intents and purposes, Andi had gotten to sleep and had gone a little bit of restorative shut eye before being woken up.
  Andi had been tossed out of bed with a great start and hit their head on the floor. Which was very, very wet and with concern - rather than frustration - flooding their veins, Andi skipped the part where they were confused. They glanced around panickedly and saw that their hull had taken a lot of damage and they were quickly sinking.
  They were sinking.
  Andi’s mind went blank as they decided they needed to get into gear. Andi quickly shimmied up the ladder to the top deck and was awed by the large ship that had battered into their own, smaller one. Andi recognised the figurehead but wasn’t certain. Was it a flower or was it something else?
  It was difficult to discern in the night’s minimal light. Andi squinted around the side and hoped to try and catch a name. Again, it was difficult.
  “Oi!” a voice cried out.
  Andi’s ship continued to sink.
  “You alright?!” the voice continued.
  Andi looked around and scrambled to a higher point on their ship. Their heart was slowly breaking.
  “No?!” Andi yelled back.
  There was a dull thunk and a screech. A new voice in a hushed tone spoke.
  “Hey, do something, that person probably needs help.”
  “Oh? Oh! Okay.”
  What happened next, Andi could barely believe but as frigid seawater lapped at their ankles, panic flooded them and their hair stod up on an end. In the darkness, something swung out at them and some snaked around their waist and hoisted them back. It sounded like the reel of a rubber hose but felt fleshy. If it wasn’t the lesser of two fears, Andi would likely be far more scared.
  Andi screamed as they were whipped back and brought onto the deck of the large ship. Andi squirmed and was released. They ran to the edge of the ship and clutched onto the railing. As their ship sank, so did their heart and all the past years of research. Tears slipped down their face.
  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, that ain’t cool? What’s the matter, you need help to get somethin’ else off that ship? Don’t tell me, there’re others on there.”
  Andi sobbed. “N-No, thankfully not. B-But my...my life’s work.”
  “Uh-oh, Franky, can you see if you can do anything. I can’t imagine how soul crushing it would be to have my life’s work ruined. See if you can fish it out.” a woman - the second voice, actually - spoke.
  Andi turned away just as the last of their ship went underneath the black waters. They pawed at their face and tried to look presentable. Their eyes widened as they were able to see with the lights scattered about on the top deck.
  “No way….” they gasped. They stared.
  Their rescuers glanced about each other, as though sensing some sort of brewing confusion but it was quite the opposite. Andi already knew as much as there was known about these so-called “rescuers”. It was with these familiar faces, Andi was able to decide that this ship’s figurehead was not a flower but rather a lion.
  “You… You’re Cyborg Franky. Cat Burglar Nami. Devil Child Robin. Pirate Hunter Zoro. Cotton Candy Lover Chopper. God Usopp. Black Leg Sanji. And, of course, Strawhat Monkey D. Luffy.”
  “Fan...person?” Usopp said, raising an eyebrow.
  “Sort of.”
  “Ah, sane person.” Zoro corrected with a shark-like grin.
  “Sort of.”
  “Fun person!” Luffy decided with a grandiose beam.
     He became visibly excited which made Andi all the more nervous.
  “If academic history is your thing, most certainly but that’s not to say I don’t mind a good joke… just like my freaking life.”
  “Franky, hurry up!” Nami roused.
  “Yikes, I know!”
  Franky bustled off and the group closed the gap of where he had been.
  “So, what’s all this about, eh?” Usopp asked.
  “I’m a freelance scribe.” Andi began. “My life’s work is an encyclopedia on every pirate I’ve met so far… Dammit, and… and now it’s gone forever!”
  Andi’s fists balled by their side. They choked back a sob but they had snot hanging out their nose and tears on their cheeks regardless.
  “Well, it’s lucky you ran into us then, right?” Luffy said with a shrug. “I mean, we’re pretty famous right?”
  “Yeah, only captained by the man with the biggest debut bounty ever.” Andi huffed.
  “And we know a thing or two about a few different pirates. Maybe we could help whilst Franky fishes out the wreckage of your boat.” Nami said.
  “Sounds wonderful, and I shall make us all some midnight snacks, what do you say… my lady?” Sanji said.
  “I mean, I am hungry but I am not your lady. Or a lady at all… at least not right now. I’m havin’ bit of a masculine kinda day but…” Andi trailed off.
  “What do you say, my gentlemen?” Sanji corrected himself.
  “A li’l bit better.” Andi murmured.
  “How about we set you up in the office then, and we can work out sleeping arrangements, oh my, it seems we haven’t caught your name even though you know ours.” Robin said.
  “Ah! How rude of me! I was so caught up in my drama that I forgot. I’m Andi. Just Andi.”
  “Short, snappy, I like it.” Zoro nodded to himself before yawning. He chucked a glance at Sanji. “Oi, curly cook, count me out in the portions. I’m headin’ back to bed.”
  Sanji rolled his eyes. “Duly noted.”
  Andi was terrified at first. They had met pirates of all sorts of calibre - usually low but still, they were bloodthirsty and scary regardless - and was ready to fight or flee at a moment’s notice, and yet… Andi was made to feel welcome upon this ship: the Thousand Sunny Go.
  The office Andi was given permission to use until further notice was homey. The food Sanji prepared for them was beyond belief. Andi had never tasted more divine cuisine and Sanji was talking about this was just something simple to whip up and yet, Andi couldn’t devise a simple way in which such intricate treats could be made so quickly. Nami, Robin, and Chopper were helpful. They hovered, yes, but they made interesting comments about what Andi should add to their new notes. Luffy, however, was annoying and far too happy to chalk many things up to a mystery but he was funny. It was endearing.
  Overall, it was all dreamy and beyond belief. Andi had never been treated this way except by their own family. They felt more than an acquaintance to these easygoing, happy-go-lucky pirates despite the way they had met and the fact that it had only been mere hours since meeting and they felt more kindred to them than merely a friend. It was bizarre.
  And given the stories they were spurning about Alabasta and the Fishman Island and more, Andi was beginning to think that this was not a lone incident. Andi was beginning to think that the Strawhat Pirates simply had this affect on anyone who crossed their path without instigating too much of a fight. How peculiar. But Andi liked it.
   Loved it even.
  By morning come, Andi truly felt like one of the gang. More importntly, by morning come, Franky had returned with remnants of their ship and their belongings. What could be savalged was minimal but Andi cherished the effort.
  That being said, there was one among the Strawhats who didn’t seem all that taken with them. Andi supposed that not everyone would find them a novelty but they didn’t expect that among such a lackadaisical bunch, there would be one who seemed outwardly hostile to them. That person was Usopp.
  The rumours of Usopp were… odd to say the least, or so Andi had come across in their journeys. Some reports recorded him as a brae warriror of the sea. Others, wrote him in speech as a bard or minstrel or similar with a voice that could ensnare all minds, no matter how rational, and make them believe in nonsensical lies. Andi wasn’t sure what to believe. Usopp was complex.
  Sometimes he was of bravdo and humour, other times he cowered in fear and was arguably slothful. But none of it explained his hostility towards Andi. A hostility that continued well after two days of having settled in.
  Slowly becoming uset by the outward aggression, Andi decided that it was time to do something about it. The other Strawhat Pirates had welcomed them with open arms and Andi wanted the whole set so speak. So, they set to a task by themselves: to convince Usopp they weren’t untrustworthy or unfriendly.
  Andi really wanted to befriend Usopp. They felt as though they and Usopp could be kindred souls as they were both story-tellers. Surely, someone of Usopp’s calibre of scribe would be willing to cooperate so it was imperative that Andi befriend him.
  Andi’s plan was simple. All they wanted was to get to the root cause of Usopp’s animosity and see if it could be resolved from there. This meant that all Andi had to do was somehow corner Usopp and force them to talk. Despite it being a forced meeting, surely discourse of a civil manner could be born.
  However, Andi being Andi, things could not naturally be so simple.
  Andi had been observing Usopp for the past hour. He had been flicking between reading and fishing to idle his time on the calm seas. He was set in a loose pattern but one Andi could take advantage of nonetheless as lunch came nearer still on the clock and Usopp had to be getting hungry as he was out of snacks and hadn’t visited the kitchen in a while. More importantly, Sanji had visited earlier to let him know there’d be a place at the table for him soon too and this gave Andi an excellent opportunity.
  Andi hid themselves behind a wall and watched as Usopp began to walk past. With a one and a two, Andi sprung out from their hiding spot. They crash tackled into Usopp and Usopp’s back his the deck. Together, they skidded off. Andi screamed. Usopp yelped.
  Soon enough, Usopp was pinned beneath Andi.
  “Get off me!” Usopp yelled.
  Andi would have liked to pause to think but this was not a time for thinking.
  “No! We need to talk!” Andi shouted back; going red in the cheeks.
  “Why do we need to talk?” Usopp asked.
  “I know you don’t like me and I want to know why.” Andi replied.
  Usopp propped himself up and Andi slid down his legs; he was still effectively anchored and trapped though. He frowned as he played with his hair.
  “I don’t trust like that.” Usopp replied, hesitantly.
  “What do you mean?” Andi asked.
  “I just don’t like that you know so much. It’s… disconcerting.” Usopp replied.
  “…Huh?” Andi replied. They didn’t see the logic in that at al.
  Upon seeing the confusion on Andi’s face, Usopp erred. His brows twitched and Andi laughed.
  “I still don’t get it.”
  “It’s just, nothing good has ever come from someone knowing too much. Especially since we’re not exactly the type to be of thorough thought ‘round here.” Usopp explained.
  “I’ve noticed.” Andi joked.
  Usopp ruffled at the back of his hair, pinned up in a ponytail. He smiled awkwardly.
  “Do you wanna get off me yet?” he asked, cheeks tinging pink.
  Andi’s nerves jolted. They got off him and now their cheeks were pink to match. Laughing nervously, Andi offered a hand to Usopp. With a yank, he anchored himself and Andi helped him.
  Now Andi was nervous for a different reason. They realised they had been straddling Usopp – more or less. How embarrassing! For them both, too. Not to mention, now that Andi had been up close and personal with Usopp, they could tell that Usopp was a rather remarkable looking fellow with his long hair and toned body. It could attract anyone. Even someone like Andi. Friendship had been the desired outcome of this incident but now infatuation was beginning to bud in Andi’s heart.
  At least, for now, Andi could cherish Usopp’s companionship. With him won over, things were far different. They had a lot in common. Perhaps it was that which had led to a barrier in the first place as opposites attracts and likes tended to repel each other, like magnets. Though, that can’t be the case now. Now, they were thick as thieves. Everyone in the ranks of the Strawhat Pirates were joking and teasing about it; seemingly unable to bring up one without the other. It was strangely flattering.
  Both were scribes of the sea with tongues for telling tall tales. Usopp had a beautiful mind. He had a blunt way of putting things: simplistic and stylised though but a linear narrative nonetheless and yet the stories he conveyed were comedic and entertaining. He had quite a talent. Though, to begin with, Andi did struggle to discern truth and lies but they were beginning to get a grasp on his ticks now.
  It was because of this budding friendship and gift of the gab of his, that Andi was able to restock their damaged notes and add more. The Strawhats had been on so many amazing and nearly unbelievable adventures but the truths of them were worth their weight in gold. Andi was now part of part of an exclusive and privileged party to get their account first hand. From Buggy the Pirate Clown to the Warlords of the Sea to the Four Emperors: the connections the Strawhats held were astounding.
  Eventually, Andi was told to pick absolutely anyone who was on their good side. Anyone who they wanted to interview, anyone at all and the Strawhats assured them that Andi would be able to strike an interview with that person because of their friendship with the Strawhats.
  It was an enticing offer. It was one Andi was even quick to accept until other ideas began to float through their head. They had some time to consider who they wanted to track down so Nami can navigate the appropriate course, but Andi knew they weren’t going to use the two days they had docked to think about that. No, Andi was going to use this time to consider their feelings. The interview can be an impulse but this other ting playing on Andi’s mind was something that deserved thorough thought.
  The feelings regarding Usopp were complicated, Andi found. It was far too soon to decide upon the true extent of romantic implications, but Andi was enamoured with Usopp’s company; far beyond that of friendship. They wanted to at the very least verbalise this confusing, fluttery feelings that cause their heart to skip a beat, their cheeks to redden, and their palms to sweat.
  Time was limited between them. It was foolish and ephemeral, but Andi wanted to give these feelings a chance regardless. So, whilst their ship was being built – not rebuilt, built from scratch by Franky’s designs – Andi made plans based on these strange feelings and faint thoughts.
  Andi watched idly as their new ship went from being sketches on paper to a wooden skeleton to an almost complete ship. It was soothing to watch the construction and helping Franky helped filled the time. Andi had heard once that menial labour can facilitate the higher thinking part of the brain and with all these murky thoughts, helping screw small together or adding a slap of paint was a comfort that made things strangely clearer.
  Upon the completion of Andi’s new ship, Luffy decided it was good cause for a farewell party and being pirates, none of his crewmates could resist the idea. Sanji made enough food to feed a few dozen armies and Brook played gorgeous melodies upon his violin. Jokes and stories were told; some danced. It was great fun.
  Andi really enjoyed themselves. A party on the docks, listening to music and the ocean lap at the shores. Lights in houses behind them sparkled and there was a coolness in the air that was soft and romantic even. And yet, despite all the gorgeous ambience, Andi found themselves in utter denial of all the thinking and resolving they had done. They also fond themselves in utter denial of Usopp. Consciously avoided hi despite his confusion but he kept distance to be courteous, just in case.
  Andi kept reasoning with themselves that this was the most reasonable thing to do.
  But the end of the night was drawing nearer. The fun around Andi was inescapable and contagious and though they were enjoying themselves on the surface, their memories were slowly becoming tinged by regret from inaction. From that regret, a new resolve was born though faint, Andi wanted to trust their heart, so they were the one to scoot in next to Usopp.
  He looked a little bit weary. Who wasn’t? It was past midnight, after all.
  Andi sat next to him and he sat in closer to Andi. Their shoulders brushed together and hands fumbled. Usopp chuckled awkwardly. He spoke first.
  “Hey Andi. So, uh, is it me or, um, are you – were you – avoiding me?”
  Andi laughed back and averted their gaze. “Uh, yeah… I was, kinda.”
  “Did I do something wrong?”
  “No! Not at all! I just needed… space.”
  “Yeah, I know that feel. It’s a big ship but it’s easy to get overcrowded.”
  “That’s not… it.” Andi hesitantly replied.
  Usopp’s eyes widened as he turned his head slightly, “It’s not?”
  “No, it’s not.”
  “Then what is it then?”
  Andi turned their body towards Usopp and took a breath. Usopp’s body language became surprised before steadying. He could tell that Andi had a lot to say and he intended to listen carefully. He knew what was about to happen wasn’t going to be some happy-go-lucky story or the like. This was serious. And, he would respectfully meet the matter with his own sternness.
  “Usopp, um, I…” Andi faltered with their words. They took another breath and their eyes gleamed with a newfound confidence and resolve. “We haven’t known each other for very long but I feel like we have a connection. Am I wrong in thinking that?”
  “What? Not at all. I feel the same. We get along great. I mean, we’re a bit different to each other but we make each other laugh and stuff. It’s very easy to get caught up in, well, friendship, I think, and I think we’ve got a connection too.” Usopp explained honestly.
  Andi blushed and their heart hammered. There was an underlying bait in what Usopp had said. He hadn’t intended as such, but it encouraged Andi to keep pushing at these feelings; at this conversation.
  “It’s just…” Andi hesitated again.
  They could barely hear their thoughts of their heart but maybe that was a good thing because it allowed them to feel intuitively what they needed to say rather than overcomplicate it. “It’s just I think I like you.”
  “Like me? Well, I’m glad. I like you too, Andi.” Usopp replied.
  Andi frowned, huffed. “No, I like you like you. Like-like you.”
  Usopp’s eyes widened and his jaw slackened. He murmured, repeatedly: “Oh… O-Oh… Oh…”
  It would have been endearing had it not been excruciating to listen to. It was like he was attempting to record the information in his brain, but it was just getting continually rejected and thus, needed to process again and again. It was horrible.
  At least it was, until, Usopp shut himself up with a big breath and he turned slightly ajar from Andi. Andi felt as though their hopes had been dashed. Had they been wrong?
  “I’m… I feel the same way.” Usopp murmured, almost beneath his breath.
  Andi lifted their head. Now it was them whose eyes were widening. Their heart fluttered in their chest. It was a sweet, twinkling feeling devoid of fear or anguish. It was pure and chaste.
  “Y-You do?” they manage stutter out over their rapid heartbeats.
  Usopp scratched at the back of his head, shy, then affirmed Andi simply: “Yeah.”
  A moment of sweetness blossomed between them where they fumbled with the ramifications of their confessions. A sweetness soon tainted by bitterness. It was such terrible timing. Both led temporary lives on the sea, battered by the winds and going with the waves. It was hard to coordinate meetings and Andi, though a brave rapscallion of a person, was a civilian and Usopp a pirate. It was such unfortunate circumstance.
  But that didn’t mean it had to be hopeless.
  Andi looked towards Usopp. “We might only have tonight but perhaps, it could be worth it.” they said.
  “Yeah, maybe.” Usopp replied.
  Andi yawned but leaned in. Perhaps it wasn’t going to be just tonight. Perhaps it was just going to be now: a bittersweet and ephemeral moment on an everchanging clock.
  Reading their cues, Usopp leaned in also and he put his hand over Andi’s. Andi’s hands were writer’s hands. They were soft and unworked by strenuous labour, like that of carpentry or paving, but they were ink-stained and callouses rose from odd places upon their fingers. Small and squishy-feeling, Usopp liked Andi’s hands.
  Andi puckered their lips and met Usopp’s. Usopp’s lips were chapped by hours spent at sea, in the razor wind. His nose, awkwardly long, bumped against Andi’s face. It was strange but not necessarily unpleasant. It was a good, chaste kiss that seemed to slow the world. It seemed to extent the ephemeral moment their feelings were taking place within but it wasn’t enough to completely stop the flow of time.
  They needed breath eventually, so they pulled away. Disjointed and awkward, worried about how they had performed. Strangely sheepish, even, because of their kiss.
  “How… was it?” Usopp asked.
  “Good, good, great – excellent even!” Andi yipped before going red. “Not that I have a frame of reference or anything… That was my, my um, first kiss.”
  “Oh. Oh…” Usopp muttered.
  “You’ve had past experiences?” Andi asked, not intending to pry but the journalistic sense within them was trying to demand otherwise.
  “Uh, yeah, my childhood friend. Kaya. She was my first kiss and crush. But you’re really different to her. Apples and oranges, I guess you’d say.” Usopp rambled.
  “It’s fine.” Andi almost panickily stated.
  There was a lull in conversation and awkwardness permeated them both as they were left to dwell upon the fact all they had was a moment and now the moment was gone. There was little else to say and do besides ponder the missed connection. If they had met sooner, if they had later: a lot could have been different. But it hadn’t. It had been this.
  Soon, tiredness set it and the party came to a faded and dwindled conclusion. If, it truly ended at all. Perhaps it merely moved to another moment in time, much like what would happen to the feelings Andi had harboured.
  They didn’t regret it. That had been the best course of action. It was better to have lost and loved than to never have loved at all; fumbling with loose-ends and potential possibilities. As bittersweet as it was, it was better than the regret of what if?
  The following mid-morning, it was time for Andi to set sail onto their next adventure. With Dracule Mihawk in their sights, that was the adventure and knowledge Andi wanted to chase; with a recommendation from Mihawk’s ex-pupil Zoro, of course. Still, it was bittersweet to go.
  “I’ll miss all of you.” Andi called out from atop their newly varnished deck.
  “We’ll miss you to!” Luffy called out.
  “Some of us more than others.” Sanji teased; he nudged Usopp who sheepishly blushed.
  “Don’t worry ‘bout Mihawk, he’s all bark an’ no bite; he’ll love you!” Zoro added, thankfully salvaging the conversation from an embarrassing turn.
  “Thanks.” Andi added.
  They were intimidated. Mihawk was a warlord after all. He was a fearsome, fearsome man and, yet Zoro spoke of him softly, gently, despite their scuffled meeting in the East Blue. Andi supposed cohabitation would train things, even when under the guise of an enemies-like relationship.
  Andi firmly believed now, having met the Pirate Hunter, that he would one day achieve his dream and take Mihawk’s claim from him. Andi looked forward to meeting him then subsequently interviewing. Based on Zoro’s tales, he sounded like a cool and honourable man who has seen much and would, therefore, benefit Andi’s notes.
  “Thank you for having me and thank you for building my ship after you destroyed it. Thank you for sharing your stories with me.” Andi gushed as they fidgeted with ropes.
  Their boat was designed to be able to keep guests whilst only being staffed by a lone person. There were all sorts of kooky contraptions and mechanics to allow for Andi to do the work of multiple workers. They appreciated Franky for all the countermeasures they were slowly familiarising themselves with.
  “My heart would break if any of these dweebs destroyed my work – and they have in the past. You have my sympathies. I hope nothing like this happens again in the future, Andi!” Nami called out.
  Andi reeled back the anchor and their ship began to move out. Luffy threw his hands in the air upon noticing. He waved them ferociously through the air with a silly grin on his face. All the faces of all the Strawhats seemed both happy and sorrowful: parting continues to ring true as such a sweet sorrow.
  “Bye, bye, Andi: I hope we meet again!” Luffy called.
  “Yes, I do too!” Andi called back. “And you, young man, had better be King of the Pirates by then!”
  “Hell’s yeah I will be!” Luffy laughed.
  Andi slipped away from the railing. Their smile shortened upon their face and their heart grew heavy but that’s just goodbyes were like. They didn’t want to, but they turned their back on the Strawhat Pirates. They were probably doing the same. They didn’t have all day, after all. This was a busy port. They needed to go just as much as Andi, lest Marines decide they’re easy prey or rival pirates. Anything could happen.
  Andi visited the figurehead of the ship. Franky had asked what their favourite animal was so Andi had replied and now they had an adorable elephant to lead them through their voyages. It wasn’t particularly fearsome-looking, no, not all, but Andi cherished it as they ran their hand over the wood of it. It was so sleek. It was nice to the touch. Andi could understand better now why the figurehead doubled as Luffy’s favourite seat on a ship. It had a lovely view too.
  The voyage to Kuraigana Island was long and hard but it was journey Andi was able to make just fine. They missed the bustling company of the Strawhat Pirates and it made them yearn for friends once more. But they were a somewhat introverted person, so they appreciated the peace. It was hard to strike balance between being overcrowded and not being crowded enough.
  As they drew nearer to Kuraigana Island, they wondered if Mihawk had that problem too. Mentally, it was hard to realise Mihawk was just as human as anyone else, but his eyes were so avian and his reputation so fearsome, it was hard to categorise him anything human at all.
  Kuraigana Island was every bit as creepy as Andi had been warned it would be. It was swathed with a thick mist that seemed almost teal as it clung to the frigid air. It was mossy moors and swamps. It was eerie and quiet except for the cacophonic singing of a young woman: Perona, if Andi was correct by what Zoro had told them.
  They docked by a rickety pier and dropped anchor. They looked around. Their heart pounded as they swallowed muddy breaths. Andi was well aware of the dangers hidden in the mists, but it was a clear path from this beach to the castle. Andi could see it through shadows and mystique. It excited them. They clutched excitedly onto their stationery as they clambered down.
  This would be their next adventure. The next knowledge found and recorded. Surely nothing could go wrong.
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mamibaddie · 2 years
Eddie, my love || Eddie Munson x witch!reader
Chapter 3: A Twist of Fate
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Authors Note: hello! Here’s the third chapter to Eddie, my love. If you haven’t read it already or want a quick refresher, here’s a link to chapter two. I struggled with whether or not to completely restore Max or just some of her. I recently seen a tiktok of someone that was disabled talk about how changing Max would be disability- erasure and I don’t want to disrespect anyone. With that being said, I hope you all still like this outcome. As always, I don’t consent to my work be published else where or translated. If you enjoyed this chapter, please give it a reblog, comment, and like. Thank you so much! ❤️🥰✨ (side note: there’s no real description of what reader looks like.)
Summary: Reader goes back in time to right the wrongs that were dealt to the group. But, it all comes with an unknown price.
Warnings: Time Travel, possession, violence, blood, witchcraft, slight manipulation.
It was the dead of night by the time you made it the back of Victor Creel’s house. Rather, what’s left of it. It was mostly split in half. The black tentacles of the upside down were the only things holding it together. The angry red glow was enough to remind you of that night. This time you didn’t shed a tear. You knew what needed to be done and you were going to do it. You wore the same clothes as that night. Simple pair of blue jeans with a white long sleeve. You took a deep breath and summoned the Darkhold. Putting your hands together in a pray like manner, raising them up and back down again with your right palm facing towards you. You flipped through the pages until you found time travel. You closed your eyes and focused. An iridescent purple glow coming from the top of your head in the shape of a wimple. It only took a second and you heard both yours and Erica’s voice in the background. You opened your eyes to see what exactly was going on. This was moments before Jason and Andy pulled up to the house. You slightly turned your head to the left in time to see them pulling up.
You knew exactly how to handle them. You thought about it ever since that night. You look at them just as Jason’s about to pull the keys from the ignition. You slightly tilt your head and focus, entering in the deepest parts of their brain. You travel through all their thoughts and memories. Right down to their core. You begin to whisper to them, as if you were right in the car with them. Telling them to keep driving. Changing around their memories to fight the narrative that you had planned out for them. You stay in Jason’s head a little longer, whispering to him what he needs to go do. It’s been weighing on him, Chrissy’s death. This was the right way to honor her. The only way she’d get justice. As quickly as you took over their brain, you left it. They speed right past you and Erica. She said something that made you laugh, which put a small smile on your face. But now was not the time to be distracted. You summon the Darkhold, close your eyes and focus. The you that is by Erica starts to become hot and instantly sweats. Erica begins to sound distant. You hear a faint, “Y/N…Y/N… are you okay??”. A faint ringing sets in ears that grows louder by the second. You feel a sudden rush of wind and a whisper of your voice. An internal struggle takes place before the second you wins. Your eyes glow a royal purple, but once you blink it’s gone. “Y/N….. earth to Y/N…” you turn to Erica. “Did you hear what I just said?! Are you having one of those episodes again?” You look at her, processing everything. You slowly nod. This was your first time doing this and everything felt so different. It was you but it almost felt like it wasn’t. It felt as if you ever watching everything from a third-person point of view. “Are you okay?” “…I’m fine.” You finally say. Erica gives you a funny look. “…okay… I’m gonna go check on Lucas and Max.” She climbs down from the rocket on the playground and lands on her two feet. “That sounds good. I’m gonna go see how Eddie and Dustin are doing.” You start to walk off. “Wait. You’re going to the upside down? What if you throw their plan off course?” You turn to her and smile. “Erica, don’t worry. I have this all under control.” You say before taking flight to Eddie’s place.
You land just in time. You hear Dustin’s cries and run into Eddie’s trailer. “What’s wrong?!” You moved towards the gaping hole in Eddie’s trailer. Dustin has his hands on his head, tears running out from his eyes. “He went back! He’s gonna try to be a goddamn hero!” He said rushing to get a chair. You held out your hand and moved it away from him. He looked at you with tears in your eyes. “Stay here.” You fly up and flip into the upside down. You noticed all the fencing and wiring that they rigged up but couldn’t focus on it. You needed to get to Eddie. You make the trailer door fly off of the henches. You looked around to see a swarm of bats in the sky and hear the blood curdling screams coming from Eddie. Your eyes widen, “Eddie!” You scream out. You take flight into the air once more. You get there just in time, just as the bats started to sink their teeth into him. You twirl in the air while shooting out at the demobats, killing five of them in an explosive blast. You gracefully landed on the ground, purple waves coming out from the ground you landed on. One of the demobats looked at you and let out an ear-piercing screech before they all left Eddie and swarmed around you. They nipped and bit at you until they had you fully surrounded. You heard Eddie and Dustin screaming your name in the distance. You let out a powerful energy blast from all around you. It got most of them off of you. You hovered your right hand over your left, creating a purple energy ball in the middle of you. This created small ball around the demobats, trapping them all in your powers. You widened your arms out and it started to crush the bats. The screeching was almost too much but you kept going until all of them laid in a mushy hep. As you lowered your hands, you heard Eddie and Dustin start to slowly make their way towards. Both of them limping for different reasons. You look at Eddie and seen streaks of tears running down his face. This sparked your own tears bubbling up in your eyes. You ran to both of them, hanging on to Eddie. He hugged you a bit tighter, your hair in his face. He was able to feel and smell you again. Despite both of you being covered in mixtures of dirt, human blood, and demobat blood. He can still smell your coconut and rose oil hair products. “I thought I’d never see you again.” He whimpered, tears gripping his throat and not letting go. You moved to where you can see his face. You pull his hair behind his ears and fully look at him. You see the freckles you kissed, the stubble starting to surface on his upper lip, and his pink lips. For you, it’s been a week since you last seen him but for him, it’s only been a couple hours. “I’m here…I’m here.” You both laid your foreheads on one another. Dustin cleared his throat and you two separated. “This is very touching but what about me?” He laughed with tears in his eyes. Both you and Eddie grab his shoulders and pull him into a group hug. That’s when you, the other you, heard yelling in the distance. It sounded like Erica and Lucas’ voice. The other you opened your eyes. Everything started to mix with one another you seen both Eddie and Dustin screaming for you, but Erica and Lucas’ voice was becoming more strong. You finally came out of your dream walking, realizing your on the damp soil behind Victor Creel’s house. You still heard Erica and Lucas, quickly pulling yourself up from the soil and racing towards the entrance of the house. Not stopping until you got to the attic.
You see Erica and Lucas screaming for Max. You noticed that Lucas was able to put on the headphones and cassette player around Max. It wasn’t working because she started to levitate. As soon as you saw her wrist and leg begin to twist, you begin to fly up to meet her somewhat eye to eye. You raise both hands up beside both sides of her head. You close your eyes and travel through the depths of Max’s memories and thoughts. You finally find her in what was the Snowball Dance was now Vecna’s open lair. You see her strung up with Vecna’s hand in front of her face. Just when you were about to intervene, a young girl with a buzz cut knocked him out of the way. You assumed that she was the girl everyone was talking about, Eleven or El for short. She was too busy killing Vecna that she didn’t see you. You moved over to Max. She had blood streaming down her face and her wrists and legs were practically broken. You closed your eyes and started to focus on healing as much of her as possible.
Almost like a miracle, Lucas and Erica witnessed Max’s wrists and legs started to snap back. Bones and flesh twisting and bending back to the way it almost was before. Her eyes regained the color she once had and was fully restored. Once you were done, you got out of there. Max snapped back to reality, you caught her from fully falling onto Lucas, but he caught her before she could fall. You levitated back down. “Where were you?!? Did you get to Eddie and Dustin?!?” You looked to your right at Erica. “I…y-yes. I did but I gotta go back.” You said quickly while running back down the steps and into the abandoned bathroom.
You summoned the Darkhold again. Anxious to know what was going on with Eddie. You closed your eyes and focused. The wimple forming back on the crown of your head. You found yourself in Eddie’s trailer. You whispered to yourself, you looked up and seen a glimpse of another you in one of the shiny pieces of metal that was screwed into the trailer. you looked scared but you knew you’d be okay. The other you started sweating and shaking. You heard Steve ask you if you were alright. He kept asking you until you were able to respond. You looked at him, he had concern in his eyes. “Yeah…” you finally answered. “…yeah, I’m fine.” Steve nodded his head. “Is everything okay?” Eddie said, you looked up and seen him grabbing the other makeshift rope that they created. The one you discarded still on the ground. “Everything’s fine.” You answered. You looked back at Steve but he was already looking at you. He motioned towards to gaping hole. “Ladies first.” You looked at him and then at the people through the hole. You thought about how much they’ve been through, how much they’ve seen. You looked back at him and said “you could go first.” He furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. “Y/N…no, just go first okay?” You looked at him for a second. You nodded and said, “Okay.” You then grabbed him and flipped him gently back into Hawkins through the hole. You heard gasps and heard Eddie say, “No.” he grabbed the rope with both hands. You ripped the rope apart once more. Effectively stopping anyone from coming back. You looked around Eddie’s trailer. Remembering there’s three gates that lead to Hawkins in the upside down. This wasn’t apart of the plan, but you knew that if you wanted your friends to live a happy, peaceful life and if you wanted to live one with Eddie; this was the way. “Y/N…whatever you’re planning on doing, don’t.” Eddie said. You looked at him and your friends. You looked into Eddie’s eyes before they turned a dark purple color. The look on his face was shook then concern took over. “Trust me.” You said. You bent your knees and centered yourself by widening your stance.
Your powers meeting in the middle to create a huge ball. The gaping split begins to slowly close up. You heard the concerned yells and screams of your friends, making it harder to close the gate but you have to. You continue doing it until it’s completely gone. Almost like nothing was ever there. You move out of Eddie’s trailer and outside. It was extremely quiet to the point it felt eerie. You thought about how much this place, these things, took from you. You thought about how much destruction and how many lives could be lost if this thing continued on its warpath.
You open your arms out wide, with a thunderous scream. Soon the radiant red of the upside down is swallowed whole by your dark purple color. It spreads across its entirety, reaching all corners of the upside down. Closing up the gates that lead to Hawkins.
Taglist: @imatrisk @tanyaherondale @munsonhrts @th0rswh0res @sopiyaaasstuff
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appledew · 2 years
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Andi is all set!
Made for  Blshbker on Twitter!
Andi is made of Minky and custom dyed minky, and a tiny bit of short pile minky. There is a gingham patterned heart and has Birthday cake scented disc inside the plush from everyone’s favorite ursid-construction company! :) This plush stand at about 18 inches from the top of the head to the bottoms of the feet, 20 inches including the hair. The spots, feet and hand detailing, and face are appliqued and machine embroidered. The gradient on the base body is dyed on.
Andi is too cute! This little sweetheart took a bit out of me but it was totally worth it! *u *
The gradient on the back was quite a unique experience and more info on the can be found here!: https://ko-fi.com/i/ID1D8C6G7J This is something I plan on working on privately to iron (haha, pun) out some issues. One thing that does look a little obvious is the uneven dye. I’m not sure what exactly when wrong, but I’m assuming it has to do with the distribution of dye. Despite looking a bit uneven, I do really love the results! Especially since I actively avoid doing gradients on teddies. Its not something I’ll offer right away, but there may be changes in the future! :)
The pattern took little to no effort the change! I just elongated the neck a bit and resituated the arm slots! One things that didn’t pan out the way I wanted to was the hands. I was aiming to make them a little more tub like with the hooves coming in at a SLIGHT angle, but they came out a bit flat. :( They’re still pretty cute, and get the point across but I wish they would have been a bit different.
The embroidery was nothing too special, aside from a bit tedious! The embroidery took about 2 days of work, not to mention the time it took to make the files, but it was worth it! Unfortunately I skipped out on adding the cute little gradients on the spot since I couldn’t get proper color matches and transitions going. One small thing I wish I could have done was add, the blue-grey color transition to the back of Andi (the grey blue spots on the shoulder). Unfortunately I couldn’t figure out how to do it without absolutely eliminating a row of colors. and having to change the big warm purple spot to something else. Perhaps I was just over thinking it. ^^;
Moving on.. I did struggle a tiny bit color matching in general; the biggest culprits were the hooves and the green with the blue-ish tint color. I couldn’t get a neon-ee color dyed, specifically for the feet, as tempting as it was to look at overseas vendors of minky (not custom, just more options), I couldn’t justify the price and protentional months wait time. In the end, I like to believe that I made some at least... good choices for the colors. Oh! Back to the body! There was a slight oopsy when dyeing the gradient! some of the orange dye soaked into the yellow and stained it to be a yellow with a veeeeery slight orange tint. To be honest I rolled with it! I hoped that the other colors would balance it out, and it seems to have worked! In general, this little sweetheart came out warmer in color.
Aside from all that, Andi wasn’t too much trouble! There were some small hurdles that needed to be figured out, and I hope i jumped them all correctly! ^u ^
I’ve mentioned this once or twice, I’m absolutely LUCKY to have had a chance to bring Andi to life in teddy form and hope I did her justice! Qu Q My work space now smells like birthday cake, and I’m NOT complaining; she smells so good! <3
More intimate WIPs can be found on my Ko-fi!  :)  https://ko-fi.com/appledew
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AppleDew_
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apple.dew
Tumblr: http://appledew.tumblr.com/
Furaffinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/appledew
deviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/appledew
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alkaysani-archived · 3 years
to forget is to remember, to cherish
For @yusufalkaysanibingo - “Joe as the Oldest Immortal”
Sometimes, Joe forgets.
 But then he sees how Andy’s breath hitches when she’s sparring with Nile, or how she readily leans onto Nicky when they’re trekking through the dessert like they’ve done a thousand times before. It’s during these little moments that it hits him.
 Andy’s mortal. And with mortality, comes the end.
 One day, Andy is going to die, and Joe…
 When Joe remembers, the day that follows is difficult. There’s a numbness that settles into his chest that makes it hard to breathe. Because suddenly, he remembers that one day, their dearest Andromache will be gone. And there will only be four of them left, and he will be the oldest out of all of them.
 If he lets himself think about it for too long, the feeling lasts beyond a day. Sometimes, it lasts for a week. It was winter when it hits two weeks, and he barely remembers talking to anyone, or doing anything, other than how Nicky had been by his side every night, pressed against his chest, grounding him.
 Reminding him that one day, while they will remain like this for possibly forever, they will wake up, and world would be without their sister.
 When it gets bad enough that it can no longer be ignored, Andy proposes that they go away together.
 “Just you and me, Joe,” Andy says to him one morning. “Just for a little bit. Nicky wouldn’t mind.”
 Of course Nicky wouldn’t mind, for he knows the darkness that plagues his days, the worry the creeps in his veins each and every time he remembers, and he will do anything to have such thoughts cease. Even if it means parting from Joe, for just a little bit.
 “He’ll look after Nile,” he says in response, and Andy nods once, her arm wrapping around his shoulder and squeezing.
 “You’ll all look after each other,” she says, and Joe’s breath hitches.
 The when I’m gone remains unsaid, but they both know what she meant. And it hurts.
 They make plans to leave in two days. Nile promises to look after Nicky, and Nicky holds him, loves him every night before they part.
 “I’ll see you when you’re back, beloved,” Nicky whispers to his lips, when Joe finds himself seeking one last kiss, before pulling away completely. And he will. Joe will get out of this darkness and make his way back to Nicky. He always has.
 Andy takes him by the arm then, and with promises to be back within a month’s time, they go away together, and Joe lets himself be swept away in his sister’s presence. Let’s himself drown in it, because he knows one day, she’ll be a memory. And if their life were to continue beyond more than what they have already been blessed with, then one day, he’ll forget her face, her laughter, her joy.
 A week into their time together, Joe breaks. He breaks and he grieves for his sister who has not yet passed, and she holds him through it. She holds him close and tells him that she understands. Of course, because while they’ve all lost people that they love, Andy had already lost Lykon and Quynh.
 Joe’s never lived long enough to lose an immortal like Andy has. To lose his sister.
 “I don’t think I’m ever going to be ready,” Joe whispers to her as soon as the tears stop, and she just gives him a small smile, pressing close as he hugs her to him, clinging almost. And of course, she lets him. She always has.
 “I never was,” she says in reply, and she’s not placating, or upset. She squeezes him tight, and just kisses his curls. Joe finds himself sniffling, taking a deep, gasping breath, and she just squeezes him again.
“At least you won’t be alone,” Andy continues. “But don’t count me out just yet.”
 Joe just shakes his head, because never. He never would. Instead, he looks up at her, and squints.
 “Who’s going to do my hair?” he asks, and Andy guffaws, smacking him lightly on the temple, before tugging on the stray curl atop his hairline.
 “Nicky will. Or Nile. You always said I was too rough,” she says, kissing his forehead then, and Joe can’t help but smile, even though it feels like he’s going to choke on his own emotions. Every time was always too rough hands, fast and precise, tugging on his curls and smoothing them out in a way that was just Andy, that always ended with a loud kiss on the forehead that never failed to make him smile.
 He doesn’t respond then, and instead, grabs at her hand and squeezes it in his. She smiles and presses even closer, and Joe lets himself fall into the comfort that she always brought. He no longer remembers their first meeting, but he remembers how it felt. The relief that Andromache brought when she gave explanations to unanswerable questions. He remembers the feeling of their first years, decades together, and how she was always there for him and Nicky, no matter.
 The idea of losing that one day is terrifying.
 But while it hurts to think about, he knows that when Andy is gone, he will continue to remember her. That is his promise. Her presence, her sense of unrelenting love, and joy, and justice she lived for throughout their centuries together.
 Joe will remember her heart, that continued to love and care, regardless of how much the world had hurt her. He can only hope to be as loving, and patient as her.
 His hands will remember her, too. He will commit her face to paper and charcoal, when he is ready. And he knows that he will keep doing so, until he no longer remembers the sound of her laugh.
 “Don’t count me out just yet,” Andy says again, and this time, Joe squeezes her hand gently, nodding.
 He won’t. He refuses to, for now.
 Because while Joe is the oldest immortal, he is still not the oldest person alive. That’s still Andy, and Andy is still a force to be reckoned with. And no matter how much it hurts to think about how it’d be like when she’s gone, Joe knows that he needs to use this month with her to drag himself out of that darkness, even for a little while.
 To spend time with his sister, to cherish every minute. To bask in her presence, and learn from her tenacity.
 Because one day, Joe’s going to need it.
 And so, Joe smiles, and turns to her instead.
 “We have three weeks left,” he starts, sitting up. “Did you want to check out The Heraklion?” he asks, and feels his own smile turning into a grin when Andy’s eyes narrow.
 “They got a couple of my stuff in there,” she says, and Joe nods, and watches as Andy’s shine bright.
 “I know, Andy. I think it’s about time we go get them.”
 Because he can’t count her out just yet.
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punemy-spotted · 3 years
The Price You Pay Chapter 3: Counteroffer
Pairing: Mob!Steve Rogers x Reader, Senator!Andy Barber x Reader
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con elements, Dub-Con, Dark!Fic, Abuse of Legal System, Murder, Character Death (minor, possibly major), Love Triangle, Political AU, Mafia AU, Workplace Sexual Harassment, Abuse Mentions, Possessive/Obsessive Characters, Other Chapter-Specific Warnings May Apply, Possible Dead Dove: Would Not Eat
Chapter Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Elements Continue; Dub-Con; Angst; Politics; Possessive/Manipulative Behavior; Spanking; Choking; Crying; The Dove is Probably Dead: Do Not Eat
Chapter Summary: The return of an old friend brings back the ghosts of old memories.
Chapter 1; Chapter 2
Notes: Shorter chapters my ass, these outlines are getting unreal. Andy Barber has arrived, Steve Rogers does not approve, the Reader bears the consequences. Things are going to be angstier from here on out and I can feel it in my bones. Please don’t yell at me — or do, your feedback is well-loved and appreciated even if it’s yelly.
Not beta-read, these sins belong to me and me alone.
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You met Andy Barber fresh from the ashes of his divorce, escaping the gossip and scandal and pain of his past life only to dive into the gossip and scandal and pain of politics. Senatorial campaign, in need of an aide and a law student desperate to do more for the people than hours in clinics and mock trials. Hungry for something grassroots, angling for the impossible.
A match. Whether made in Heaven or Hell feels irrelevant now, long ago as it was.
It was then. This… is now.
Hey Sunshine, didn’t think you’d be able to make it.
He looks the same. Keeps the same beard. Same hair. It’s uncanny and familiar and safe all at once and you slide into the booth with your purse by your side and feel genuinely smiley for the first time in a long time.
It’s been a while since I heard that name.
Yeah? It’s been a while since I got to use it.
The silence is heavy, unwelcome, unwieldy, a reminder of the space between what was and what is.
How’re you doing? Last I heard you were making a name for yourself taking down the…
He trails off, eyes fixed on the slide of your gaze, the sudden interest in a drink menu you wouldn’t normally touch, the tremor of your lips. A man doesn’t serve as Assistant District Attorney for the many years he has without picking up tells.
It’s a warning, a plea, a… confession, all at once, and all the dogged determination in the world can’t hold against the break in your voice, in your control. You’ve cried more in the past few weeks than you can recall and now here he is, soulful eyes and a worried expression and he’s never hugged you really, but suddenly you might want it just that much more.
Don’t be an idiot.
It’s dangerous, your stress, and you know it.
Dangerous enough to send you into the arms of the next safe thing — this is why you don’t do this, isn’t it, this reaching out bit, but no advocacy group on the planet is going to save you from yourself today.
I saw… I saw you win that case. Pretty brutal, standing up to the Syndicate, and getting what you did. He steamrolls past the way you wince, his thumb on that metaphorical bruise and pressing, the Prosecutor’s dogged determination demanding answers, I have a friend in the office, he was convinced you’d be climbing the ranks.
Every word is a twist of the knife, couched in quiet concern, gentle admonition, a warm hug in a smoky tenor and you want to tell him everything, you want to break down in his arms and tell him every word, every buried piece of you he never learned, everything that’s led you to this.
You don’t.
You know better than to trust him too. No one’s going to take care of you but you so instead you shake your head and wave it off and Decided going into the private sector was the better option — one big win doesn’t really make up for the stress, you know.
Private sector. That’s what you’re calling the SHIELD Syndicate now? C’mon, Sunshine…
Look. It’s the Syndicate’s New York, when he made the offer it was… safer than saying no. It’s a cushy position anyway, and I didn’t want anyth—
He doesn’t believe you. He doesn’t believe you and you’re digging a hole trying to explain your way out of it so you just… shut up, shaking your head, It’s not important. I’m fine. I’m more curious about you — what year is it now, your fourth? What are you doing in New York?
The deflection works, but the look on his face is obvious — you’re not getting out of this so easily. He gives in for now, just for now, for you.
Almost fifth, gearing up for re-election. Had a meeting up here… about the organized crime situation for both states, and I remembered you were in the area.
Oh. You… it’s been a while since we talked, you remembered?
You expect me to forget you, Sunshine?
That stops you in your tracks, or whatever road your mind had been racing on, thoroughly not enjoying the defensive you’ve been on since you met with Steve, constantly under watch and waiting for yet one more shoe to fall on you.
That’s fear, sweetness.
You were the best campaign aide I had — I told you then too, I would have made you Chief of Staff if you’d let me.
It’s a good save. A clever save, and you want to believe it more than anything, want to believe it was all business and no pleasure because the alternative makes your nails bite into the table and want to turn tail before he can say another word and he… sees that panic flicker over your face so keenly it’s almost embarrassing.
You’re not used to this.
You’re not used to the warmth of his eyes when he searches your face for the answers you can’t give voice to. You’re not used to the way he reaches for your hand and rests it over your fingers, curling around your palm like he might actually keep you close and keep you safe and keep you free of the demons you made a part of yourself too.
Sunshine, why does his voice have to be so soft, why does it have to sound like molten honey on your senses, why does he have to say your name like it’s the very definition of the word hope, If you’re not safe…
No. No you’re not, tell him tell him the truth, tell him you’re atoning for the girl you could not protect tell him you aren’t worth it tell him this is your penance tell him you signed a death warrant tell him tell him tell him.
Andy, really. I’m fine. It’s a good job.
It’s a shit lie.
He drops it. Drops it just long enough for a waiter to finally come by, for his hand to leave yours while he talks through the wine menu. Drops it long enough for you to check your phone, realizing with horror that you must have silenced it absentmindedly sometime on your way here.
Ten missed calls.
All from Steve.
And one text, stamped from just five minutes ago.
[SMS] Either you pick up your phone or I pick you up, Counsel.
The next one comes right before your eyes, a picture of a map and a GPS pin. Your location.
You glance up at Andy, still talking to the waiter about the small plates options, feign a smile and Go ahead and choose, you have better taste than me, and return to staring at the picture and the three dots at the bottom of your screen, waiting to see his next message.
[SMS] Make your choice.
The haptic feedback of your keyboard feels like an electric shock with every letter, hurried fingers until you manage to tap out something that won’t immediately put the man in front of you in the crosshairs of the most dangerous organization in New York.
You can’t do that to him. You can’t.
[SMS] I’m at a dinner with a friend.
[SMS] And since I know there’s no emergencies pressing, I’d like my time, thank you.
You have the good sense to set it next to you this time, watching your screen light up with whatever furious response he sends next, glancing over only occasionally every time another one comes through. Don’t let him control you. Don’t let him think you’re at his beck and call.
You’re not.
You’re free, you’re free and you’re going to prove it.
Sunshine? What’s going on?
His voice cuts through the haze of panic like a knife and you swear you don’t mean to jump but you do and there’s no denying what he notices, eyes narrow and lips turned down in a sharp scowl, Sunshine…?
You are not that girl. You cannot be that girl, never again.
Steel. Steel yourself, flash him a smile, take a sip of the ice water left in front of you while you’d been checking your phone, reset yourself. Steady. Steady on.
Don’t let them know.
Nothing, nothing, just the boss — let him know I was busy.
Why is he texting you after hours? The Syndicate can’t be that busy.
He’s too watchful for your own good. Probably just making sure I’m staying out of trouble.
Are you?
Are you calling yourself trouble, Senator?
You like this. You can handle this, the trading of jokes, the crooked way he smiles. His eyes are a little more distant than you remember but you can still see them sparkle softly when he suppresses a laugh, lighting up properly when the joy reflects in them.
Briefly, you wonder when the last time he really laughed was.
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By the time dinner is over, his hand, warm and steady, is back on yours as you talk — and for a moment you almost enjoy the way he runs his thumb over your knuckles absently, like he’s making careful appraisal of each one. Could use your skills for the re-election campaign, you know.
Really? You’ve got a gorgeous approval rating, what are you afraid of?
Not having my good luck charm on the staff.
I’m dead serious, Sunshine, you ran that ship. You were what, a 2L? Rising 3? You had canvassing down to a science. We need that energy down on the Hill.
The curve of his fingers is a little tighter now, squeezing yours, like proof of his earnestness and oh, you want to keep believing him. You need to keep believing him.
There’s so much in New York I have to get done first. And besides, you know me. I want a life on the bench.
Justice Sunshine, and it sounds absurd when he uses your nickname and it sounds so real when he uses your nickname and in the warm smoke of his voice those contradictions can live together all at once.
That’s the one. Closest you’ll see me to Washington is when I’m appointed to the Supreme Court. It’s a dumb, arrogant, silly joke but it’s the same one you used to make with him over drinks, teasing him about his political goals and making him promise to “go easy on you” at your eventual Senate confirmation hearing.
It’s the one that makes him crack that too-beautiful crooked smile while he takes a sip of his drink — hiding the curve of his lips behind the rim of a heavy glass.
Well. If you ever decide to ditch—
Ever decide to ditch what?
The world moves in slow motion: hearing the low growl from behind you; Andy Barber looking up and rising to his feet, his hand slipping from yours with just the ghost of his comfortable touch to assure you; Steve Rogers coming into view as you turn, flanked by the not-entirely-unfamiliar faces of two of his enforcers — it looked like Wilson and Banner had been selected this evening — and the sudden pressure of knowing you’ve done something terribly, terribly wrong.
You stood me up, Counsel. Steve’s voice is a threat, a half-drawl as you stand up and face him, Andy right behind you, Something wrong with taking my phone calls?
She was busy, the sound of Andy’s voice is a balm to your soul and fuel to Steve’s fire, the muscle in his jaw jumping as he grits his teeth and resists the temptation to throw the first punch — you can see the fingers of his right hand curling into a fist, can’t you? The slow curve, the watching, wondering if you’ll make the right choice now that someone has chosen to try to lead you astray.
And who the fuck are you? If he can’t get you to respond, he’ll get something from the man talking for you, eyes trained on him like he’s debating whether his own frustration will make this interloper turn to nothingness and return you to his arms where you rightfullybelong.
Do you? Rightfully belong?
Senator Andy Barber. The title practically knocks the wind out of Steve’s sails and you can see it — he may be the Captain here, King of New York, ruler of his domain but he’s not stupid enough to openly attack a man with connections beyond the Syndicate’s web of influence. It’s a comfort and it’s not, all at once.
The room is still, vibrating with tension, the two men staring daggers at one another and you caught in the middle. I worked on Senator Barber’s campaign when he first ran for election, you manage out in some vain hope it might explain and mollify, only to be thoroughly disappointed — and judging by the way Banner winces, only to dig your grave further.
We’re talking about this later, Counsel. You’re coming home.
And what gives you the right to give her orders? You really are going to have to look back at Andy and beg him to not make this worse. You really are going to have to let him see your face, see that you’re afraid, sweetness. He’s not going to let you go easy and this should not terrify you as much as it does.
Senator Barber. It’s fine. Something must have come up,turning to face his burning eyes, until his face softens like he’s seeing you for the first time. And is he? Is he seeing how you just need him to let it go, let you go, drop the protectiveness and step back?
He has to, because he does, nodding before he grabs his coat and glances to the host station. If you say so, Sunshine. Take care of yourself. He doesn’t press, not knowing when he’s beat but knowing when you don’t want him to. When you’re not safe.
And Steve Rogers offers you his hand to walk you out.
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And just what the hell did you think you were doing!?
Oh, and you control my time off the clock now too?
He dragged you back home.
No. Not to your apartment, that sanctuary away from all this you’d been allowed to keep as part of the “deal.” His home, the bedroom where you signed yourself away, the space he unraveled you and left you tangled in your new life.
He dragged you back home, in the grim silence of the backseat of his car and you waited. Waited for the inevitable explosion, the one prefaced by Wilson’s nervous looks and Banner’s cautious stare.
This explosion, where he rounds in on you, where livid is still too tame a term.
Meeting with a Senator? Ignoring my calls? I told you, you were mine tonight.
And I told you I had plans.
After I told you that you were mine, Counsel.
Okay. That’s true, even if you’re loathe to admit it.
Plans adjust. Andy wanted to—
Oh, Andy now? I thought it was Senator Barber? You’re really familiar with him, aren’t you, Counsel?
Just what the fuck are you implying?
Maybe you need a reminder of who you belong to.
He loves to do this. Wrap his big hand around your throat, remind you just how easily he can impose his power onto you, watch your protests die behind your eyes when you realize how useless words are in the face of his violence.
The furious look in your eyes is something to behold, the way you embed your nails into his wrist to try and drag him off you, all soft snarls and indignant huffs, You fucking asshole…
You’re mine, Counsel, and don’t you forget it. You gave yourself to me, remember?
Like I… like I had much of a choice, breathy, furious, and clawing at him.
Doesn’t matter. You’re mine, and clearly I need to make sure you know it…
Captain, sweetness, Captain, and don’t you forget it.
There’s a moment, when anger becomes transcendental, when it turns into something cold and calculating and prepared, when a plan forms behind his eyes and you watch as he looks down at you, so full of fury and fear all at once and you watch as he leans in so close and you feel his hand slide until he has you by the back of the neck, until his thumb is the thing pressing under your chin to keep your eyes on him, until the heel of his hand is the thing keeping you from shouting at him further. Such a stubborn little bitch…
You can almost see the words forming in his mind, the ones his mouth won’t say, I could be so good to you, but he doesn’t say them, sliding his lips over yours instead and it is… soft. A capturing of your mouth with his, not caring that you protest, only insistent on leaving you breathless and hazy-eyed from each tug of his lips on yours and there stokes the warmth of more than your rage, a different fire rising in your core, unbidden and unwelcome but yours to own and his to play with.
He can sense it, practically feel it, that mad serum racing through his veins and making his nostrils flare as he pulls back and watches you, lets the scent of your perfume fill his senses like a drug he can’t get enough of and, I should hate you too, for this, whispered low and hushed and you barely catch it, don’t you? Barely, but enough, enough to remember it was said just before he pulls you down with him into the depths of his own lust.
And into his lap, it seems, as he drags you down, sitting on the bed with you draped over his lap, an effortless shift in his skillful hands. You can protest, and you do, even daring to try to pull away with a kick of your legs and an indignant, What the hell do you think you’re doing?But you know it’s all futile, useless as he places one heavy hand on your back and lets the other slide over the smooth chiffon of your blouse, tracing a line along your spine with careful, practiced ease.
Would have preferred this with a little more… circumstance, sweetness, but you need to learn a lesson now and drastic times call for drastic measures.
You can turn your head slightly, to look at him, that wild-eyed fury so sweet on your face and you are still a wild creature he needs to tame but he is patient and he can do this for as long as it takes.
But you’re a sight like this, draped over his lap in a pencil skirt and blouse, so put together and proper and now so prone to him, helpless under the appraisal of his hands and the way he takes no time in hiking your skirt up around your waist. Captain! Your protest is met with a low chuckle, especially as he lets his palm curve around the round swell of your ass, before leaving a light swat on the soft flesh, to draw a yelp from your furious mouth.
If that’s all it takes to get you shouting, sweetness, you’re going to hate what comes next, smug and cruel, as you try to hold yourself up enough to look at him, met with his smirk and the simmering fury still bubbling in his eyes. To say you’re in danger still is an understatement, no doubt, and you know it.
I won’t make you count this time, but piss me off again, sweetness, and we’ll just see how much you can take, you hear me?
Oh you loathe him, really and truly loathe him, hissing with anger and embarrassment, so close to twisting in his arms and clawing at him but remembering his size and just how much worse it could get — but then there lies the undercurrent.
The one you loathe too, more than you hated him, that warmth. Seeping into your core, a low heat kindled by the sly softness of his lips on yours and the sure tenor of his voice, low and soothing even as he promised damnation. The one that — just like now — leaves you flushed and writhing while he purrs threats to you, massaging the soft skin and sliding the lace of your panties down to remove all barriers to the sex he owns so surely.
You open your mouth to argue with him but as you do, you feel his hand lift from your flesh and then the resounding SMACK of palm on skin, turning words into nothing but a sharp cry of pain, surprise, and lust. The heat rises just as your body tenses, reacting to the sudden attack on your delicate form, cheeks flushed. Even as your eyes well with tears your sex strives to betray you and — Oh do you like that, sweetness? — damn him for noticing.
Let me go, Captain, the threat is shaky, your voice wavering with something like want and panic all at once, and all it does is draw another laugh as he soothes the stinging mark left on your cheek, gentle as a lover and four times as cruel.
Do you know what I think, sweetness? And another raise of his palm, to strike you once more, listening to the way that cry of pain and surprise turns into a soft, involuntary moan the moment he begins to soothe the ache, I think you need this. Always so uptight, trying to be the head bitch in charge, aren’t you? Just looking for someone to take over, take control, remind you where your place is.
His fingers slip further, more interested in exploring the soft slickness of your sex, listening to your protests die in your throat with every press of his fingers into your plush folds. That’s why I’m here, to keep you in my lap, all fucked and soft, sweetness. Don’t you worry, I’m going to take care of you. Even if I have to teach you just like this.
You should hate the way he talks, hates how he finds your center with effortless ease, like he’s known your body for years. Holding you down in his lap still as he draws mewling moans from you with every curl of his fingers, finding the proof of his accusations in the slick need coating your thighs, soaking his fingers, You’re making such a mess of me, sweetness. Are you going to be good?
Hiss at him. Snarl at him, buck your hips and twist in his arms, push him away. Do something more than what you are now, with red-rimmed eyes and tears staining your face, do more than listen to him talk, feel his cock pressing against you as you lay in his lap, I’m going to ask it one more time, sweetness. Are. You. Going. To. Be. Good?
He punctuates each word of his question with a harsh smackagainst your ass, leaving little time for you to do more than cry out, until the last spank draws something like a moan from your perfect lips and therein lies your surrender for tonight, that soft mewl of pleasure born of pain and he soothes you again with soft shushes and gentle touches, back to inspecting the renewed slickness of your cunt, back to enjoying that plump tightness wrapped around his fingers and back to trying to control the shift of his own hips and you can feel him, hard against you, needing you as much as he is compelling your body to need him.
Captain… a low, desperate sort of mewl, the squirm of your body less to escape and more to enticeand he notices. Notices the way your fingers try to cling to him, notices how you look so very sweet when you’re so very desperate and in some way this is your own game of control, a push and pull and the curl of his fingers is suddenly so much angrier, driving you to the precipice of the fall and you are tumbling, tumbling down into a darkness of want you may never recover from.
Say it again. Tell me you need me, sweetness, tell me you need me and I’ll give you everything, and there’s an edge to the way he says everything, like he might meanit, like he might give you the world if you just gave in and you hate him, sweetness, you hate him but you need the things you hate once in a while and you can’t keep bearing his fury on your body and so you sob out your surrender and whine—
I need you, Captain, please…
And that is enough.
Let him believe you.
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sylvie-writes · 3 years
Chain of Events
word count: 2500
pairing: andy barber x female reader
warnings: cheating, age gap, some profanity.
request: can i request a andy barber x fem!reader where the reader is his asisstant and his secret mistress (in mid 20s) which she always stick by his side and help him through jacob's trail. after the trail he divorced w laurie and they got marry and have a baby girl please!! thank you!!
a/n: sorry for the wait! i hope you enjoy lovely! ngl this really fueled my love for andy. 
please excuse any mistakes!
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It wasn’t something you were proud of. Something that had started off as a night with a few innocent drinks paved the way for a never ending cycle. At times you felt dirty and awful, yet that didn’t stop you from going to see him every other night. Even when you had the slightest feeling that Laurie had a hunch, it didn’t stop you. Especially when things got dark for Andy, you were the one to hold him close and not his wife. It felt so right although extremely wrong all at the same time. 
Currently, you were sitting in your apartment bed, spending your Friday night a bit differently than most. Rain gushed from the sky and rhythmically hit your bedroom window which you were spaced out on, many thoughts running through your mind and a glass of wine occasionally hitting your lips. Using your free hand you softly ran your fingers through the mop of hair that belonged to Andy who was passed out in your lap. His breathing was even and it did your heart good to see him so peaceful for once. Just two hours ago, he called you, sounding so broken and vulnerable which was out of the ordinary for Andy. The minute you answered the door, he flung himself at you and held you tight, whispering repeatedly “don’t leave me, please.” 
It absolutely tore you to pieces to hear him say that and you were quick to reassure him that it wasn’t even possible. You then lead him to the bedroom to ask what had happened. 
“Is everything alright? Talk to me, Andy.” You placed a set of his pajamas into his hands but not without a pleading look in your eyes when meeting his own sullen ones.
“Laurie’s adamant it’s him, but (y/n)-” Placing a finger on his lips, you hushed him. 
“I know, I know. You just have to ignore it okay? Laurie is just,” Pausing, you chose your next words wisely, “having a hard time with it all. Everyone copes differently.” 
He sadly nodded before standing to kiss your forehead and make his way to the bathroom to get changed and cleaned up a bit. 
The two of you continued to chat about Jacob’s trial once Andy returned from the bathroom, and he confided in you in many ways more than one. You’d never seen Andy so open, even with yourself, and clearly it helped him quite a bit as he was now relaxed. 
Time had flown and amongst your thoughts, one stood out to you in particular. When would Laurie start to question where he was? Andy always had some bullshit excuse ready to give her and would then tell you that it would be alright. Normally, before you had time to truly convince yourself, Andy’s lips would be on yours or his hands would caress you gently and you’d melt into him as did your cares. Except for now. 
The two had just gotten into a huge fight and you were sure Andy hadn’t even thought twice about telling her where he was going. Even if he did, Laurie would surely be on the lookout for his return. 
Carefully reaching over to your nightstand, you grabbed your phone to check the time and noticed that it was getting late. 
“Andy? My love, when do you have to go home?” You leaned down to whisper to the sleeping man who groaned in return. 
You repeated his name once more, this time slightly shaking his shoulder to which he rolled onto his back, a goofy grin on his lips as he looked up at you. “Well hello, honey.” 
From Andy’s point of view, you peered down at him like a disappointed mother but with a faint smile upon her lips at her child’s goofiness. 
“Nice of you to join me, sleeping beauty. I was wondering what time you had to get home. It’s starting to rain more heavily and Laurie-”
Andy sat up and turned himself so he’d be sitting shoulder to shoulder with you. Silently, he took your empty wine glass from your hand, leaning to place it on your nightstand. As he did so, he didn’t let go of your wrist, which he brought to his lips when he returned to face you. 
Murmuring against your wrist, he started to place soft and delicate kisses to the smooth skin there. “Don’t worry about it. I told her I’d be back tomorrow morning.” 
“But Andy, she knows you don’t have anywhere to stay.” You didn’t want to exactly say “Hey! Andy, you have no friends and your wife knows that!” but it was implied in a kinder way. Andy picked up on this, clearly deflecting when he just nodded in response and started to place more kisses up your forearm. 
Letting out a frustrated “hmph,” you let Andy carry on before he victoriously smiled at you.
The vicious cycle went on throughout the course of Jacob’s trial as things between Andy and his wife got worse. Even though they both lived under the same roof, slept in the same bed, and put on a facade for Jacob, they were practically separated. One night Andy drunkenly showed up on your doorstep, confessing how he had come home to find Laurie with another man. In a fit of rage he let the cat out of the bag that he had been seeing you. Funny how things work. 
You knew they were both wrong, so instead of shaming either one of them, you just let Andy cling to you for comfort. When Andy was drunk, he was like a big child and if the circumstances were different, you’d been laughing, but rather you soothingly rubbed his back and listened as that’s all he needed. Someone who would just listen.
At three in the morning, he most definitely needed you as well when you found his head in the bowl of the toilet and not sleepily nestled in your neck. (Which was ironic as the two of you would be switching places very soon.)
Christmas came quick and along with it, many miracles, one being that Jacob was not convicted.
Just as Andy was in a rush to tell you the news, Laurie was even faster to serve the divorce papers to him. In a relationship, you and your partner are supposed to be able to push through tough times without breaking. With that being said, Andy and Laurie mutually agreed that they had failed and it was time they both quit lying to themselves. It was time for real happiness. 
“(y/n) meet me at our favorite restaurant in thirty minutes.”
You were working on some case files for Neil, despite your hatred for him, and tried to tell Andy that you were busy at the moment. He didn’t listen but continued to insist that you meet him there. His tone wasn’t demanding, but it was...excited? Surely, Andy had been excited over things in his life, but you’d never actually heard the usually emotionless man speak with such ardor. 
Setting down the case files, you rushed to put on some real pants and a blouse, but nothing too fancy or flashy as you had no idea what was about to happen. 
When you arrived at the restaurant, Andy happily flagged you over. He wore the biggest smile ever and you were borderline concerned. What could have him this happy? Was he getting back with Laurie? As much as you wanted them to be a functioning family, you weren’t sure if you could deal with such heartbreak because Andy really did feel like the one. 
Ever the gentleman, Andy pulled out your chair and handed you a small bouquet as you sat in the wooden seat. Before he walked away, the man planted a smack of a kiss on your lips and hurried back to his seat since he saw the waiter out of the corner of his eye. As the waiter approached, you were just sitting there, the most shocked expression on your face as it settled within you what Andy had just done. Long ago when this whole fiasco began, you and Andy always kept it professional when out in public because so many people knew him and word could get out easily that he was cheating. 
The minute the waiter left, you were quick to chastise Andy who just laughed as if it were the funniest thing in the world which left you a bit angered. 
Since the restaurant was quiet, you extended yourself across the table so Andy could hear your harsh muttering. 
“Do you realize what you just did, Barber?!” Andy shook his head in a content manner and at this point steam was about to emerge from your ears. Before all hell could break loose and you go ballistic, Andy cut in to explain. 
“Jacob, he’s a free man!” Andy looked at you with an awaiting smile and your face immediately softened, but for only a second as that didn’t explain why he was parading your relationship out like this. Didn’t he know what he was risking, not only for himself, but you.
Your counterpart noticed the sudden change of expression on your face and continued, “But among other things, I meant to tell you that Laurie and I got divorced recently.” 
“Oh hon, I am so sorry.” Reaching across the table, you comfortingly ran your thumb over the back of his hand, but he just shook his head in detest.
“No no, it’s not a bad thing because it just opened the gateway for this,” Andy pulled his hand away and went to dig in his coat pocket. You thought to yourself, no he couldn’t be-
“(y/n), I’m gonna make this short, but sweet. You mean the world to me and I could spend all night listing off why I love you, but that will never do justice, so instead, I ask that you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?” 
His cliche, yet utterly adorable speech could make a person’s heart melt and instantly say yes, but you’ve always been a thinker, and maybe Andy had accounted for that a bit in his proposal. 
“Andrew! You just got divorced!” In a semi-whisper slash hiss, you bent over so only he could hear, hiding your words from the prying onlookers as if you had top secret info spilling from your lips. 
“I know, but, (y/n), you are the one.” He looked a bit awkward being on his knee for so long and the ring box still patiently in hand as you processed his question. Nonetheless, Andy continued to hopefully smile at you, ignoring all of the whispers, until you excitedly replied “yes” just a mere second later, though it felt like ages for him. 
This proposal was definitely gonna be a story for generations. 
You and Andy settled for a simple courthouse wedding with just your parents in attendance as witnesses. The two of you were never really used to flaunting your relationship, and even though you could now, it just wasn’t ideal. Besides, you had bigger things to worry about.
For example, when just a few weeks after your short-lived honeymoon, you noticed some changes and came to the conclusion that you were pregnant. 
One night, you casually brought up the idea of more kids to Andy to test the waters. 
“Hey love, you awake?”
Andy lifted his eyes from his book, no longer looking as if he was asleep. He nodded his head and set the book aside giving you his full attention. 
“What’s up, gorgeous?”
“I was thinking… what if we were to have a kid. Would you be opposed to that?”
The reaction on Andy’s face was most definitely not the one in mind and he looked as if you had asked him the most appalling question on earth. 
“(y/n), I love kids,” He chuckled a bit, “I thought I made that clear, you know, by being a dad and all.” 
His lame attempt at making a “joke” eased your nerves and you just came straightforward with the gold. 
“Andy, I think I am pregnant.” 
And faster than a predator can pounce, Andy was on you in seconds, his arms hugging you close as he whispered words of excitement. 
Nine months later and that statement was very true as you held a bundle of joy in your arms. Your hours numb in pain couldn't even be compared to the gift that was before you. Andy could hardly keep his hands off your stomach for the past few months and he never failed to speak to your daughter as if she was actually there. Now that her presence was finally in the world, Andy was yet to look away from her small figure and his smile hadn’t withered the slightest. 
The nurse had stepped out a few minutes ago, giving both you and Andy some time and privacy with your newborn. Even though drowsiness overcame your body, you visibly forced yourself awake just to absorb all the time you could with her. Little ones grow up in a flash and you weren't going to miss a second if it was up to you.
Andy joined you in the hospital bed when you silently invited him in with a soft pat to the crinkly sheets. Once he snuggled up against your side, you carefully passed the little baby who was about to have her first contact with her father. 
As Andy played with her mini hands, you sleepily rested your head on his broad shoulder, watching the two and already figuring out that they’d be lifelong friends. 
“They always say with age comes wiseness, but darlin’, your momma gives that phrase a run for its money.”
You giggled at your husband’s words and propped up the little darling the smallest bit so she could “see” you and her dad. 
“Don’t listen to Daddy, munchkin. The grey in his beard says otherwise.” 
“Hey! I’m not that old, I was still able to knock-” Backhanding Andy’s leg caused him to dramatically cut his sentence short. There were plenty of years for him to taint your daughter’s innocence.
 As you observed the two, you noticed Andy gazed at her as if she hung the moon and stars for him, a familiar look he often gave you. Possibly from the lack of energy or just being enamored with the interaction, a sweet tear slipped from your own eye. Upon closer inspection, one could see that a subtle tear fell from the man beside you.
If Andrew Stephen Barber had known all those years ago he’d be here with a second chance at life, he would’ve never even waited another second to be with you. It’s funny how life can send you down the most twisted paths, yet have you come out with the most precious of gifts. 
 taglist: @memissbee @tricereads @buckybarnesthehotshot @bval-1 @tonystankschild @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @turtoix @kelbabyblue @jakiki94 @aubreeskailynn @calirindo @lady-elena-adeline @siriuslyslyslytherin @sushiinmidnight @patzammit @iwik3it​
a/n: what did you guys think? it feels like ages since i’ve written anything, and I am sure you can tell haha
if you are new here, check out my masterlist at the top of my blog for more Andy Barber (and Chris Evans characters) writing. I’d link it but tumblr always tag blocks me :( 
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gotnofucks · 4 years
Golden Cage
Pairing: soft!dark!Andy Barber x Reader
Summary: You asked Andy to take your case and he asked for you to give yourself to him as payment. (18+ ONLY!!)
Words: 6.3k (lmao sorry)
WARNINGS: dub con, blackmail, coercion, possessive behavior, bad smut, slight angst. SPOILERS FOR DEFENDING JACOB!
A/N: Kinda blurred boundaries here.
You needed more concealer or the only way you’d be going out in public would be with turtlenecks. Andy loved to leave marks on your neck and the rest of the body, and he hated you covering them up. The moment you would come back, the first thing he does is drag you to the bathroom to wipe the makeup off and bare your bruises to his eyes. They were marks of his ownership over you, and they reminded you both of the truth: You belonged to him.
Your life took a turn nearly a year ago when your brother was accused of third-degree murder of his colleague. The case was pretty much a public trial and the scandal rocked your world. Not only did your brother get arrested, but you lost your job too by means of association. You knew your brother was innocent, he would never hurt a fly let alone a human being. But try as you might, you couldn’t get a lawyer to represent him. That’s when Andrew Barber stepped into your life.
Having left prosecution and taking up defense cases, Andy and you met in the police station where you had gone for some information. You were filling a form talking to an aid, the only one who seemed to sympathize with you when Andy walked in. The lady had pointed at him and said, “If anyone could have won a case like yours, it would be him. As an ADA, Andrew Barber never lost a case and he carried that record as a defense lawyer too. But he’s very selective in his cases and well…expensive too”.
You had looked up and followed her gaze and words, a tiny spark of hope lighting in you. After you had hastily filled your form, you waited outside the station hoping you could catch Andy leaving and plead your case to him. When he came out, you waited until he reached his car to approach him.
“Excuse me, Mr. Barber?”, You said, twisting your fingers in the hem of your shirt. He turned to look at you in question.
“Uh, my name is Y/n Y/l/n.” You said and Andy’s eye flashed with recognition of your last name.
“How can I help you Miss Y/l/n?” His voice had a tinge of pity because he knew what you were going through. He’d been through it himself and lost everything in that battle.
“I’m sure you’ve heard of my brother’s case Mr. Barber. I need all the help I can get. He’s innocent. I know he is innocent! Would you please help me?” You were ready to leave your dignity and kneel in front of him if you had to. Your brother was your whole world and you were ready to sacrifice everything for him.
Andy sighed. He looked at you silently before reaching into his pocket and handing you his card.
“Make an appointment for tomorrow, okay? I’ll see what I can do, but no promises. Bring all the files you have on the case and anything else that you think might be of help.”
You’d arrived at the appointment ladened with a huge box of papers. You were surprised when you were told to meet Andy at his house and not his office, but you saw no reason to complain. His house was huge and cozy, but recent changes were visible. Empty bolts on the wall showed recently removed pictures and you quickly recalled the story about the Barber’s scandal you’d read on the net last night. It was a nasty business and you knew deep in your bones that Andy could help you and your brother because he had personal experience with something like this.
“Would you like a drink?”, Andy asked you, taking a seat across from you in his kitchen.
“Just some water please”, You answered, nervously looking at him. He had forgone his business formal inside his home and was wearing a button up with dark jeans. He handed you a glass of water and then motioned to the files in front of you.
“May I?” He asked and you nodded, sliding them over to him and sipped your water.
Andy looked over the papers for quite a long time, his brow furrows. He took out a small notepad and scribbled something on it between his reading, one finger tracing his beard. You looked at him anxiously, trying to decipher his reaction. If you could convince him to take the case, then all hope was not lost for your brother.
After going home last night you had read everything you could about Andrew Barber, and pity had swelled in your heart for him like an ocean. This brave man had lost more than his good name in the society. His ex-wife Laurie was in prison in the attempted murder of their 15-year-old son Jacob, who was still recovering from the injuries inflicted to him by his mother. How Andy could still manage a normal life with work was a wonder. He was only in his 30s to have gone through something so traumatic and you hoped that once this case was over, you could rise from the ashes like him.
After taking a good look at the papers, Andy finally put them down and leaned back on his chair, folding his arms against his chest. You looked at him nervously, chewing on your lip as you waited for him to speak. His gaze lingered for a moment on your lips before meeting your eyes.
“May I please call you Y/n?” He asked and you nodded. “Y/n, I wouldn’t say that this is an easy case. You know it isn’t. Evidence is heavily stacked against your brother.”
“But it’s not completely hopeless either. There are loopholes, a lot of them in fact. A lot of evidence is mostly circumstantial, and if we can find some experts to recreate the murder scene digitally, we might be able to prove that your brother is innocent. The stab wound is near the heart, a difficult place to lodge the knife in since you need to get through the rib cage. The murder weapon was quite deep inside the body, meaning a lot of force has been used. I’ve seen your brother’s pictures and just read his reports.” Andy smiled a little. “He certainly doesn’t look like someone strong enough to make this kill wound, especially since there are signs of struggle which would make it even more difficult.”
You looked at him with your mouth parted, eyes wide and hoping. Your heart was beating widely in your chest and you wet your lips before speaking.
“So, there is a chance he will get off?”, You asked.
“I think if we play the right strategy and work things out, there is a chance he might get off.”
You almost lunged across the table and hugged the man. Unbidden, tears stinged your eyes and you sniffled, trying to keep them from rolling down your cheeks. Andy got up and walked around to your side before handing you a tissue. You dabbed your eyes and looked at him with gratitude in your eyes.
“Thank you. Thank you so much.”, you sobbed. He patted your back until you calmed down and then sat down beside you. It was only then that another thought hit you. Lawyers like Andy Barber didn’t come cheap. You were so focused on helping your brother you had no idea how you’d pay what you were sure would be thousands of dollars to him.
“Mr. Barber, about the-” You started to say but he cut you off by raising a hand.
“Call me Andy, we’ll be spending lot of time together solving this one. And about payment, don’t worry. I know how difficult a position you are in right now. We can talk money later, after things are a little more sorted.” His words were soft, and you immediately protested.
“I can’t do that. I can’t take advantage of your kindness like that. I’ll write you a cheque, though the next one may take a while. Please, I’ll get the money.” Now that there was a chance to get your brother out, you’ll do anything. You’ll take another job, sell your crappy apartment and car too if you had to. Anything to get your baby brother back under your roof, safe and sound.
“Please Y/n, I insist. We can talk payments later. Right now, we should focus on your brother.” You looked at Andy and murmured a small thanks and he asked you what you’d like for lunch so you can discuss the case over it.
And so, it went. Almost every day after work, you sped down to Andy’s house straight and talked over the case. The scheduled visit with your brother went well and Andy was sure the experts he had hired could give conclusive evidence to how your brother’s body type didn’t match that of the murderer. Over the next few weeks, you became consumed in this battle for justice, and every second of the day you thanked your lucky stars for Andy who became your rock. He always knew just the right thing to say, and more often he was like a friend who heard you out. When things got too difficult and you felt like you were being crushed under the pressure, he would comfort you by ways of a hot mug of coco.
The case progressed smoothly and by the time Andy made the closing arguments, you were sure your brother will be coming home with you. Everyone was right, Andrew Barber was a court room wizard and you saw him in action. The night that your brother came back, you invited Andy and Jacob to dinner. You saw Jacob frequently when you were at the Barber’s and you got along with him nicely. It hurt you to know that a boy so young had to deal with so much in his life, but he still smiled and went on with his life.
Throughout the dinner, your brother thanked Andy incessantly, almost bowing down. There was laughter under your roof the likes of which you didn’t know would ever come back. After eating, your brother and Jacob departed to play some video games and you held Andy back.
“Can we talk?”, you asked him and motioned him away from the living room to the small room you used as a study. He nodded and followed you, closing the door behind you.
“Everything okay?” He asked
“Andy, I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me. You’ve been so kind and nice to me I feel completely indebted to you. I know you’ve been skirting around the money issue, but please, you need to let me pay you.” It was true. Anytime you brought up the topic of his payment he had changed the subject. You thought it had to do with the fact that your relationship was more than just attorney-client and more like friends and it made him uncomfortable to take money from you.
“I don’t want your money, Y/n”, Andy said firmly.
“Why the hell not? I don’t want your charity Andy. You’re my friend, and you helped me get back everything I thought I would lose. I don’t think I can ever repay you for your kindness, and money is the least I can do. Please”
Andy looked at you for moment before moving to stand right in front of you.
“I don’t want your money.” He repeated. “But you can repay me a different way.”
You looked at him speechlessly, not following. He raised a hand and gently moved a strand of your hair behind your ears.
“Andy…” You whispered.
“I don’t want your money. I want you.” He said and placed his hands on your waist, bringing you closer. Your heart beat a furious rhythm against your chest, and you forgot how to breath for a moment.
“I – what? I don’t understand” You said, trying to move away from him but he would let up. His hands tightened around you and kept you in place.
“I want you. I want you to be mine.” He said and your eyes widened. You pushed against his chest, needing to create some distance between you. You had not seen this coming. Never had you felt any untoward advances from him, he never touched you wrong. Hell, he didn’t even hug you for an unnecessary amount of time. Your relationship was the very definition of platonic. At least, that’s what you thought.
“Andy, what’s wrong with you. I thought we were friends. Please, let me go.” You said and surprisingly he released you and walked back a couple steps.
“We are friends, but I want more than that. I have wanted that for months, but I didn’t say because you had enough on your plate. I don’t want you going back to your house at night when you visit me. I want you under my roof, inside my bed and under me. Look how good you’re with Jacob too. We will be great together.”
You gaped at him and stumbled to a chair and sat down.
“I will not be your personal whore, Andy Barber!” You sneered at him and he started, shaking his head. He came and knelt before your feet, taking your hands in his.
“That’s not what I said at all. I would never do that to you.” He vehemently disagreed. “I want someone to love and cherish, I want a family. I know you can give it to me.”
You tried to jerk your hands out of his, but he held them fast.
“I’m sorry about how this is going. I wasn’t planning on talking about this tonight. But you forced my hand. I want you Y/n, and I will have you. Even if I had asked you out, I know you would have said no because you want to work and provide for your brother. Isn’t that true?” He asked.
He was right. You didn’t plan on dating anyone, anytime soon. You had to focus on your career and there was no place for a man in your life no matter how nice he was.
“You said I gave you back your life. You said you want to repay me. This is what I want. You.” He pressed a kiss on your hands and looked intently in your eyes.
“And what if that’s something I don’t want?” You asked.
Andy’s eyes darkened and he glared at you. He had spent months working tirelessly on your brother’s case and been nothing but a gentleman. He didn’t see any reason why you shouldn’t want him.
“In that case, I’ll make you want me.” He said. “I will never do anything to hurt you, trust me. But I can create situations where the only person who can help you will be me. You’ll run right back into my arms. I – I don’t want to do anything bad. I just want you. Be mine.”
He didn’t say it explicitly, but you got his meaning loud and clear. He’s an influential person, he could do any number of things to force your hand. He had been kind to you till now, but if you gave him reason to be cruel, he will be. This man could very well take away everything he gave you and you both knew that.
Later that night after Andy and Jacob left, you told your brother you want to move in with Andy. He was shocked by the suddenness of the news and you fed him some cock and bull story about falling for each other during the trial and not wanting to keep it a secret now that he was out of prison. Your brother was happy for you, telling you that he’s glad you’ve found someone like Andy who would always protect you. You agreed, Andy would always protect you from the world. But there was no one who could protect you from him.
A week later you moved into Andy’s house. Jacob greeted you at the door and took your stuff inside, apologizing that he couldn’t stay long as he’s spending the weekend at a friend’s. Your heart sank at the thought of being alone with Andy for the next two days. You hadn’t spoken much since he all but forced you to into living with him. You saw Andy in the kitchen, setting up the table and wiping the counters. He painted an utterly domestic figure, walking barefoot in his sweats and T-shirt. Seeing you arrive he smiled and moved closer to kiss your cheek and hug you.
“Welcome home, sweetheart”, He whispered in your ear, holding you close and pressing his forehead to yours. Your hands lay limp at your side and you tried to give a small smile and not push back. You heard an awkward cough from behind you and realized Jacob was fake gagging and giving his father a cheeky grin.
“Can you two like, not do this when I’m here?”, He teased and earned a playful swat from his father.
“You get out of here and don’t cause too much trouble.”, Andy said, and Jacob gave a thumbs up and wink to you both and hurried out. You heard the door shut and your hands became sweaty now that you were alone with Andy after a week. No sooner had Jacob departed that Andy’s hands cupped your face and he pressed a searing kiss on your lips. He put a hand behind your head and coaxed your mouth open, deepening the kiss and moaning. You put your hands around his wrists, closing your eyes.
“Come on, kiss me back like a good honey.” Andy said and you forced yourself to respond. His kisses were like molten fire, all passion and heat that lay over you like a warm blanket. Pulling away, Andy kissed your forehead and eyelids and then just looked at you. His eyes were blown wide and dark, his lips red and moist. You gulped as he kept his eyes on you, drinking in your sight in his arms. He hadn’t touched you that night at your place. Didn’t even kiss you. But now that you were here all alone with him, under his roof…you suppressed a shudder.
“I’m so glad you’re finally here. Come, dinner’s ready.” He led you over to the table and pulled out a chair for you. He sat beside you and filled your plate with your favorite dishes. You thanked him, eating quietly, and wondering what would happen to you tonight. Going by the way Andy’s hand was creeping up on your thigh, you knew you were in for a long night. Andy talked throughout dinner about his day and cranky clients. He shared things like a husband would to his wife and you resisted the urge to bolt out of his house. You made small noises of acknowledgment, too nervous to actually speak. There was much you wanted to ask about how things will progress from now.
“I’ve emptied one side of the closet. You can unpack tomorrow and then we can go shopping for whatever else you might need. We’ll ask Jake to click some pictures to hang around too. The walls are so bare now. Maybe a family portrait in the hall above?”
Your fork clattered to your plate as you heard him talk and you stared at him in disbelief. You’d been hear barely an hour and he was planning your life in a way that gave you chills. With every word he spoke, every plan he had, you felt like he added another bar to your prison.
“Andy, I think I should stay in another room.”, You said softly, and Andy frowned.
“Like hell you’ll stay in another room. You’ll stay with me, sleep in my bed right in my arms. You’re mine now, I think I made it very clear?”
You bit your lip and nervously played with your fingers, trying not to anger him.
“What about Jacob? Would he like it, me staying in your room? I mean, his mother lived there not too long ago and...” You stopped when Andy grabbed your chin and turned your head to meet his eyes.
“You just saw Jake. Did you see any hesitance in him when he welcomed you in? I’d already spoken to him anyway. He has no love for the woman who almost pushed him through death’s door. He likes you and he’s happy for me.”
You nodded and finished the rest of your dinner in silence. You offered to do the dishes, but Andy asked you to relax and see about the place while he tidied up. You wandered up the stairs, a part of house you had not been to before. You opened the first door on the left and found a messy room with a big screen and video games. Closing the door, you ventured forward and opened the door towards the end. This would most probably be your room. The bed was huge, and you moved inside to explore. There was an attached bathroom and a massive walk in closet where you could see Andy had cleared space for you. You sat on the bed and opened the first drawer in the bedside cabinet, finding medicine and phone charger. Opening the second, you found it scattered with stationary and other bits and bots. However, what caught your eye was the box of condom tucked in the back. You took it out and gulped in fear.
“I didn’t think you’d want a baby just right now.”, Andy said from the doorway, startling you. You turned to him and set the box down, moving backward subconsciously as he came towards you and shut the door behind him. He stood in front of you and cupped your jaw, stroking gently.
“You’re so beautiful, every time I look at you my heart stops.”, He whispered, then he bent down and kissed you deeply, his tongue in your mouth and hands roaming your sides. You gasped, your own hands fisting his t-shirt. Holding you around the waist, Andy pushed you back in the middle of the bed, climbing over you and starting to unbutton your shirt. You quickly held his hands, trembling slightly. He looked at you with that dark look in his eyes and you slowly retracted your hands and allowed him to strip you of your shirt. He sucked in a breath, pure worship in his eyes as he took in your shirtless body and reached behind you to unclasp your bra. His hands glided over your collarbones and breasts, gentle in their exploring and squeezed. You moaned despite yourself. You didn’t expect him to be this good to you. You thought he would ravish you like an animal in heat.
Andy kissed you then, one hand on your hip, the other beside your head holding his weight. You responded without really meaning to, getting lost in the heat of him. His smell smothered you until you could taste it on your tongue, and you let out a groan of pure satisfaction as he sucked a hickey into the juncture of your neck. Leaving a searing line of fire with his lips, he whispered in your ear.
“I will bath your body with my tongue until I own each and every part of you. I will mark you as mine and claim you completely. When this night is over, you will crave me with a frenzy that only my touch can quench. I’ll not just make you want me; I’ll make you thirst for me. You’ll beg me to touch you, to mark you and to fill you up.”
His words were a promise and you clenched your thighs in anticipation. That night, he proceeded to take you as his. His laved your body with his tongue, suckling, biting, and leaving marks. Your nipples were wet and sore from his attention, your core drenched and dripping. He made you cum first with his mouth, slurping on you, making you tremble and shout. Then he stretched you around his fingers, moaning dirty fantasies into your mouth while you shook under him. You remember him impaling you on his cock, remember feeling every vein of him even through the condom, you felt him stretching you wider than ever before and you cuming hard enough to see stars. He claimed your body in ways you didn’t think was possible, and you woke up the next day with bruises on parts you didn’t even know could bruise.
Your life with Andy was not unpleasant as such, but it was a golden cage. He got you what you wanted, he never stopped you from working or force you into something you didn’t want to do. You told him you didn’t want to try anal sex and he never pushed for it. You told him you missed your study and he converted a room into a library for you. In all aspects, he was the dream guy any woman could want. Only, you never had the option to make this choice. It was thrust upon you and you had to live it no matter what.
The only thing Andy insisted on was your loyalty and time. He told you in no uncertain terms that if he so much as smelled another man’s cologne on you, he’ll tie you up and edge you until you remembered who you belonged to. You didn’t think he was serious until one night Andy lost his cool after watching you hug a colleague who dropped you home. You ended up tied spread eagle on the bed, crying tears of frustration as he edged you with his mouth and a vibrator for hours. It wasn’t until you sobbed out, “I’m yours!” that he let you cum. The other thing he wanted was your time. He never interrupted your work, but if you’re home, he is the only thing that should be on your mind. He kept you close, always an arm on your waist or you in his lap. His possessiveness knew no bounds and Jacob often joked that he’d need a sawing machine to separate you.
You couldn’t say you hated Andy because you didn’t. Even when he had first forced you into a relationship, you didn’t hate him. He’d been a good friend to you and a great support. He had done too much for you to ever hate him, as you were reminded every time you saw your brother. But you couldn’t say you loved him either. The very fact that if you had a choice you wouldn’t be here gnawed at you. While you laughed with Andy when you saw movies or sighed in pleasure when he put those hands on you, you couldn’t bring yourself to love him. You cared for him, you loved to wake up with his face between your thighs or with your face between his. You loved it when you sat as a family to play scrabble and you and Jake teamed up to beat Andy. You loved it when he tickled you into submission or when you gave him a massage after a tough day at work. But you didn’t love him.
So, it was with trepidation that you looked at the ring you found in his underwear drawer. Settled into a small velvet box, it was a silver band with diamonds lining it. Your hand shook slightly, wondering what you’ll do once he asks you the question you’d been dreading for months now. Did you even have the choice to say no? Did you want to say no? You put the box back where you’d found it and went through your day acting like nothing happened. The next few days you lived in anticipation, wondering every time Andy went into the closet if this would be it. But the ring stayed where it was and with each passing day you became as annoyed as you became relieved.
“Come here, sweetheart”, he said to you one night, holding out his hand and pulling you in his lap on the bed. You snuggled against his chest, you head on his shoulder and arms around him. He stroked your back, placing a kiss on your head as he rocked you slowly.
“Do you want to go back to your brother’s house?” He asked softly and you pulled away to look at him with puzzled eyes.
“If you want, you can go back to living with him.”
Your heart started pounding in your chest, breath coming out in stuttered gasps. You didn’t know why but tears filled your eyes as you looked at him in utter disbelief.
“You want me to go away?” Your voice was small, broken like that of a kicked puppy. Andy pulled you tight into himself, holding you close while he cooed at you and shushed.
“No, no baby. I never want you to go away. I just feel like you want to go away.” He said and you buried your head in his neck, not understanding why you weren’t leaping across the room and packing your stuff. This is what you always wanted, your freedom. And now when it was being put on a platter for you, you clung to your prison and your captor.
“I – I don’t know what I want”, you sobbed helplessly, and Andy held you as you cried. He patted your head and pulled your face up to look into your eyes.
“While I am deranged enough to keep you with me like this, even I won’t force you into a marriage. I know you saw the ring, and I know you’ve been withdrawn ever since. I love you, more than anything in the world. You know that, and I’m pretty sure everyone who sees us knows that. Which is exactly why I am willing to set you free. I may be a bad person, but I won’t be a monster. I am giving you the choice you have always wanted. You can go if you want, I won’t stop you. I will not hold anything over you. I want you to be happy, and if that is away from here, away from me, so be it. I won’t be the person holding your happiness at bay.” He said.
You remained silent and after a while Andy set you down on the bed and got up.
“Think about it, it is your choice this time.” He kissed your head and left the room. That was the first night in over a year you’d spent alone, and you cried yourself into a restless sleep, reaching out for the warm body not there. You woke up with eyes sealed shut by dried tears and your whole body aching. The sun was high in the sky meaning you slept well past noon. You walked downstairs into the kitchen, looking around for Andy. You needed to see him, touch him. You needed assurance that he was still there and hadn’t left you. You found Jacob working on his assignment and joined him at the table.
“Good afternoon”, he teased with a smile. Then he looked at your face and cringed. “Jeez, you look sick. Can I get you something? You want me to call dad?”
“I’m fine, just tired. Where is Andy?”, you asked with a raspy voice and gratefully accepted water from Jacob.
“He left early, I think. Left a note on the fridge saying he’ll be back later.” Seeing your face fall, Jacob got up and patted your arm. “You sit here while I get you some coffee. You look like you really need it.”
You nodded and tried not to sniffle. Here was a boy who felt like your own son despite you being not that much older to him. You had a family right here, even if you hadn’t asked for it this way. You held your head in your hands, confused.
Jacob got you coffee and some snacks to munch on. He kept looking at you out of the corner of his eyes, pretending to work. You put down your mug after a few silent minutes and asked him if something was wrong.
“Did you reject dad?” He asked you after hesitating. You gaped at him in shock.
“What? I – No. Why would you say that?”
Jacob turned red stuttered. “Its just…dad showed me the ring. I thought he asked you and well, you’re in such a state and he left early which he has never done since you got here, I thought you said no.” You looked down in your lap, wanting to go upstairs and cry in your pillow.
“Hey, I am so sorry. I just – please don’t say no because of me.” Jacob said earnestly. “I am okay with your relationship. More than okay, in fact. After mom, well, I thought I would never see dad smile again. And then he met you and he started cooking and humming songs again. Then once you moved in…it felt like life had gone back to normal. He became better than before. Mom and he used to fight all the time, but you and he click. So please, if you are worried about me, don’t be.”
You chocked out a pathetic sob and hugged a bewildered Jacob who tried his best to console you. You almost laughed as he let out a few “there there” and “it will be okay”. He was so much like his father.
“Jacob, I think I love your father.”, you said with tears rolling down your cheeks. Jacob grinned a smug smile and breathed out a quite laugh.
“Why do you say that as a bad thing?” He asked.
“Because I don’t know how to tell your father about it” you confessed. Jacob stood up and took you with him. Placing his hands on your shoulder, he turned you around.
“I don’t think you need to tell him anymore.”
Andy stood at the entrance, looking at you both with an unreadable expression in his eyes. He moved closer while you flushed in embarrassment, looking at the floor and shuffling like a naughty child caught causing mischief.
“You, leave.” Andy ordered his son who was smiling like Christmas had come early.
“As if I’d stay for what’s about to happen. I quite like the innocence of my eyes.” Jake joked and scampered when his father glared at him. Andy stood in front of you, looking down at you until you finally raised your head to peak at him from under your wet lashes.
“So…”, he trailed off and you almost stomped your feet once you saw the amusement in his eyes. He is going to milk this moment for all it was worth. You’d made him wait long enough for this.
“So…” You said as well.
“I take it you aren’t going back to your brother’s?”
“No”, you whispered. You wanted him to touch you, to make you his again. Spending one night away from him had driven you almost insane with loneliness. You needed him and yet he didn’t put a hand on you.
“Why not?” He asked instead, tracing his bottom lip with his finger. You squirmed as you watched his action, heat pooling between your legs at the thought of that sensual mouth.
“I – I changed my mind”
“You did, did you?”
You glared at him, making him smirk. You broke and took hold of his collar, pulling him close and brushing your lips against his.
“You know why!” You hissed, trying to kiss him harder but he resisted.
“I don’t know, I mean, is the sex that good?”
The bastard. He was teasing you here and enjoying your discomfort. To hell with everything. You should have just written it on a scrap of paper and dumped it on his lap or something. But then you looked in his eyes which were dancing in the afternoon light, his eyes which had only ever held affection for you. You pushed yourself on you toes and put your mouth against his.
“I love you”
You were in his arms then and he carried you upstairs before you realized what happened. Throwing you on the bed and locking the door, he removed his shirt and climbed over you.
“Again”, he ordered, his lips burning against your throat.
“I love you”, you cried. Your hands found their way into his hair and tugged, making him growl. Both of you tore at your clothes, mouths meeting and teeth gnashing in a desperation to get closer.
“Again”, he said, holding your naked body beneath his, his cock poised at your entrance.
“I love you”
He entered you in a smooth stroke, making you clench around him. He pulled back and looked into your eyes, thrusting slow and deep, relishing in your mewls. He made love to you and you sang the words in his mouth and ear until you both came with muffled cries.
Sweaty and laying in each other’s arms, you basked in the newfound feeling of togetherness. You knew this wasn’t how a normal person falls in love. You realized that someone else may think something was wrong with you. But it is what it is. You loved this man after everything he had done to do. You loved him and you will do your best to let him know that every chance you could.
“So, are you gonna give me that ring now?” You asked.
Andy laughed and looked at you tugged into his naked body.
“With how much you’ve made me wait, you should be the one getting down on your knees.” He joked.
You looked at him with a teasing smile and got up.
“You only had to ask”, you breathed against his mouth before moving down on his body and getting to your knees, ready to show him how much you loved him again and again.
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Does It Taste As Good As You Remember?
Read on AO3
The food Nicky was cooking smelled so good Nile could hardly stand waiting. He had asked her not to come into the kitchen because he was preparing a special dinner just for her and he wanted it to be a surprise. It smelled familiar but she couldn't put her finger on what exactly he might be making. She knew it would be delicious either way, but she did wonder what the occasion was. It wasn't her birthday or anything, she guessed Nicky just wanted to try a new American recipe for her. 
"Foods done!" Andy called. 
Nile ran down the stairs and joined everyone. 
"Oh, Nicky! I love biscuits and gravy!" Nile beamed at him. 
"I hope I've done it justice." Nicky said giving her a lopsided grin, he placed a biscuit on her plate and moved to add the gravy. 
"Wait." She said gently touching his arm. "At home we would always tear the biscuits up and then add the gravy so it mixes better." 
He passed her plate over and she ripped up the biscuit into tiny pieces, she couldn't help but smile when everyone else followed her lead. "These biscuits are perfectly flaky Nicky, they're going to taste amazing!" 
"Thank you, I hope they are." 
She took her first bite, and it was like she was home again. Like her mom had just sat she and her brother down for dinner after a long day. She could hear her mom telling her not to eat it yet, it had just come off the stove for goodness sakes, but she never listened and burned her tongue every single time. 
She tried to fight the feelings bubbling up inside her but she couldn't, the nostalgia and homesickness was too much, it had been so long since she'd heard her mother's voice or seen her brother, tears welled up in her eyes, and she tried to hide them by looking down, but she felt Nicky's hand on her shoulder and when she turned to look at him he pulled her into a hug. 
"I'm sorry, Nile, are you alright?" His voice was soft with concern.
"Yes, yes, I'm fine, I promise." She took a deep settling breathe. "It's really good, Nicky. Tastes just like my mom's. I've never found a recipe that could imitate it so well" 
Nicky sat back down, when she pulled away from the hug. "I'm glad I was able to get it right." 
Nile looked at him quizzically. "What do you mean?"
"I've seen you make this recipe a few times and I could tell you we're never quite satisfied with the results, and you've mentioned how this was one of your favorite meals your mom cooked, so I put two and two together." 
"But how did you get it to taste just like my mom's?" 
"I asked her for the recipe." 
"Nicky can get people to tell him anything if he tries hard enough." Joe explained.
"You saw spoke to her?" 
"We visited her a little while ago." Nicky answered nodding. 
Nile took another breathe before asking in a quiet voice. "How is she?" 
Nicky took her hand. "I'm sorry we didn't tell you we we're going, but she's doing well, all things considered. Your brother still lives at home with her and she's taking some painting lessons." 
Nile felt like she might tear up again. "My mom always said she wanted to take lessons one day. She loved painting with me once in a while or watching me paint and I'd ask her to pick out colors for me. I'm glad she's finally doing things like that." 
"Hopefully she can take as many art lessons as she desires since you had such a large life insurance policy." Joe grinned.
Nile frowned slightly not having any idea what he was talking about. " But I don't have a life insurance policy?" 
"You took one out just before you joined the army and made the receiver your mom. Or at least that's what we told her anyways." Andy explained.
"Wait you guys are giving my mom money? In my name?" 
"We take care of our own, Nile." Andy said gently. 
Nile couldn't hold back her tears at that. The guilt of not being able to go home or take care of her mom had been eating at her still and she had never expected this. "I'm sorry." She said wiping at her eyes. "I just.. never expected any of this, the food, the money... Thank you, seriously, thank you." 
"You are very welcome and apologies aren't necessary." Nicky said.
"You're one of us, Nile." Joe added.
"It's the least we can do." Andy shrugged. 
"Come, there will be time for tears later, let's eat before the food gets any cooler." Nicky gestured at the table.
Nile nodded and took another bite. It was the best biscuits and gravy she had ever had.
Nicky gave her a laminated recipe card later that night, written in her mother's handwriting. "It's a forgery of her handwriting but I thought you would want it all the same." He explained. 
She didn't think words could express how grateful she was, so she threw her arms around him and simply said. "Thank you Nicky, this means the world to me." 
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Happy Sunday my love!!! For drabbles what about this prompt: “Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.” With Andy or Steve- whatever you like better please❤️ and thank you so much! ❤️
Pairings - Steve Rogers x Female Reader
Words - 830
Warnings - none
a/n - Jo thankyou so much for your prompt, ILY. I chose Steve, I really hope I do him justice because he’s not normally a main character for me. I just realised I didn’t directly quote your prompt but I took inspiration from it. 
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It had been a long day, a very long day. You were helping to train the new recruits along with helping with debriefing on the last few missions so you could present the files to the authorities. Your brain was scrambled and all you wanted to do was relax, eat popcorn, drink wine and watch a film or three. Your friends however wanted to go out, even Bucky who was usually your sofa sidekick wanted to go out and have some fun. 
You were outvoted and so you dragged yourself to your room and threw on your best dress and your sparkly flats because after todays training you shouldn’t be expected to wear heels that would just make your feet even more sore than they already were. Throwing on some lipstick and mascara before fluffing up your hair you were ready, it took you less than a song and meant you were back in the common room before everyone else.
Sitting with a gin and tonic, you flip through your phone checking who else was out that you could meet up with later when he walked in. Steve Rogers was the most ridiculous man you ever met, he was funny and smart and talented then someone decided to wrap that up in the prettiest face you’d ever seen. However his biggest weakness, in your opinion anyway, was that he was absolutely oblivious to anyone flirting with him. Men and women would absolutely throw themselves at him and he would just smile, take a selfie with them and send them on their way.
It became a running joke between you and Sam, you wouldn't humiliate yourself by flirting with Steve, just to be knocked back and bruise your ego, so you happily took your place as a work colleague and friend. He pulled you up from your seat, asking Friday to put some music on and danced with you, deliberatly dancing stupidly so you would smile and laugh “I know you’re tired but once you’re out and everyone is together you’ll be glad you came” you smiled up and him and nodded in agreement before teaching him the dance to Gangnam Style just so you could record it for the Avengers TikTok page. 
He shook his head when he realised what you were doing and tried to wrestle your phone off you to delete it. You quickly managed to lock it with a loud aha in his face before bursting into giggles at how ridiculous the whole thing was. He held his hands up in defeat waiting for you to relax before stealing the phone off you and running away, you screamed after him and chased him down the hallway, almost crashing into him entirely when he stopped suddenly. 
He quickly spun around and held your phone up confused, your stomach felt like it was in your feet as he asked you why there was a photo of him on your phone. You had no real way of explaining it, he was asleep in the photo laying down on the sofa with his shirt off, you couldn’t resist taking a photo and had been so careful to not let anyone touch your phone since. He looked in your eyes smiling “cmon when did you take this?” He says, almost giggling at how mortified you looked. Grabbing the phone off him you walk off back to the safety of your seat and your gin and tonic, of course he follows you asking you to talk to him. You ignore him and change it back to a cute photo of you and Torres on the way home from your last mission.
Steve kneels between your legs and looks up at you, pulling a silly face to make you smile, “talk to me, come on I thought we were friends” you groan and look at him, pleading for him to just leave it but he’s Steve, when has he ever just let something go?
“I like you ok, I always have done. There are you happy?” He looks up at you smiling and leans forward to softly kiss your lips “thank god, I thought you’d never tell me.” You straighten up and look down at him confused asking him what he means “I’ve known for ages, Bucky told me but I thought you weren’t interested because you never said anything.” 
You look at him and giggle at how ridiculous the whole situation is before leaning forward and rubbing your nose against his “okay lets go out, dance and talk about this tomorrow when the whole team isn’t hiding round the corner pretending not to listen to us?” You say, peering around him and making eye contact with a very guilty bunch of people, shaking your head and drinking the rest of your gin in one go “lets go people, lets have some fun.” You hold out your hand for Steve and walk out together, followed closely behind by a lot of whistles and cheers.
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cloudystevie · 4 years
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i wasn’t planning on making a post like this but ive gotten mentioned in so many of these it only felt right to appreciate all of you! 2020... universally sucked. and i can safely say that i was able to find escape on this website when i first created this blog in May. i was just looking for a way to escape my reality and i would have never expected to start writing my own stories and sharing it with all of you. and as of me writing this post i have 2.8k+ besties who mean the absolute universe to me. i want to thank everyone for making my year that much more memorable <3 i hope we all have bright new opportunities in 2021 and work towards a better self. 
 here are some of my fav authors/fics from this year!
ozarkthedog’s andy barber masterlist! - i can’t even pick just one, all of them are so amazing and filthy and everything i look for in a fic. i’ve went back and re-read this and unimaginable amount of times and i want to thank you for sharing these amazing stories with us!! <3
honeychicanawrites’ cherry bomb masterlist! - this series is my favourite ever. i admire the way you capture emotions and insecurities and how you showcase such a strong and healthy relationship with communication and true love and admiration for one another. (also if you want to check out her mean daddy chris blurbs... you will not be disappointed.)
lilbabycee’s masterlist - i absolutely adore the way you write steve, it’s one of my favourite portrayals of him and i love going back and reading your headcannons because they are so well written. please go read i promise you won’t be disappointed.
stargazingfangirl18′s ransom drysdale masterlist! - nobody writes ransom as well as you do. that’s all. you always render me speechless with your sheer talent. please keep doing what youre doing i fucking love it <3
brattycherubwrites’ masterlist! - rosie i just straight up love your ari headcannons, the amount of times i’ve went back and read them... humiliating but i will never stop. your writing style is so fucking pretty and your whole blog is such an aesthetic i love it!
afriendlyblackhottie’s cevans masterlist! - everytime you post something i scream because you are one of the best smut writers on here. im so glad i found you this year because i simply do not think i could function without your top quality smut. 
and some self appreciation because im sexy :)
guys my age - i am a slut for age gap and a slut for steve rogers thats how this came to be<3 and its done the best so glad to know we’re all whores here
blood and honey - even though this is definitely not my most popular, i absolutely love this series so far. i feel like i could explore and expand my writing in terms of style and creativity and i love a good enemies to lovers :) justice for blood and honey!!!
the devil’s trap - one of the filthiest things ive written and i love it :) also my first fic to reach 1k so its very gorgeous to me :)
tere jisma te nashani - professor barber... need i say more
dearest you said - i never write sub men and dom reader but this was so exciting to write and also branch out of my comfort zone a little :))) (ransom drysdale is a sub. no arguments valid.)
2:27 am - very poetic of me we love to see it :)
tagging all my mutuals whom i love and adore and cherish with everything in me, thank you for helping me this year <3
@steebsbabygirl || @emilykjh || @sunflowercaptian || @iraot || @sapphireplums || @donutloverxo || @gotnofucks || @just-one-ordinary-fangirl || @stainedpomegranatelips || @aikeia || @fallinforevans || @vocalharry || @fallinfortom || @ballyhoobarnes || @mypoisonedvine || @lovelyblxckgirl || @avintagekiss24 || @autumnrose40 || @americasass91 || @babyyhoneyydarling || @dadplease || @evansweaters || @feliciahardyn || @farfromtommy || @frostedfavesmain || @gyllenhaalstories || @geniedetails || @honeychicanawrites || @honeyloverogers || @brattycherub || @hermayone || @ilovemarvel-andcats || @jack-skellingtons-stuff || @kleohoneyao3 || @milfzaynmalik || @mianorth || @manyuwus || @nsfwsebbie || @punani || @peachyteabuck || @queenbeean || @tasteslikeblueberries || @worksby-d || @whohaveibeenletting || @whoreforchris || @zaddychris || @lovelyhoneybeewrites || @buckysbunny || @savior-adriana || @devilsbaby-doll ||
and i have reached my tag limit, theres a lot more people i wish to tag and maybe i can figure it out in a reblog or something? anyways love u sexy whores <3333333333 thank u<333333
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eventual-ghoste · 3 years
TOG rambling
Hello! This post has to do with Andy and some revelations at the end of Force Multiplied. Spoilers I give aren’t super specific but they’re there, and I can’t promise they won’t bite.
This is also in response to a TOG discord question I couldn’t stop thinking about, regarding Andy’s history as compared to Nicky’s, as posited by Em | salzundhonig:
But Nicky's past as a crusader and his growth from his past was well received, surely that'll be the same with Andy right?
I apologize if these ramblings sound like a rant but I swear my intentions are in the spirit of debate/discourse, and they are not an attack on any individuals.
The TL;DR is: Andy has work to do. Hopefully Hollywood and Rucka don’t fuck that up.
Feel free to check/correct/call me out if I’ve misspoke anywhere here (I realize I still have a lot to learn) but IMHO, I don’t think a semblance of Andy’s growth will be well received. Or, at least, I’m not so certain it should be because, in the comics, I genuinely don’t think Andy has grown. At the end of Force Multiplied, she still defends her actions with the “this is how I grew up” argument, and says it was “a long time ago,” and as much as I love love LOVE Andromache the Scythian for her badassery and how she’s a vision of female empowerment, I can’t help but think about how I hear those words all the time from people defending themselves against racist and/or sexist comments from so-called bygone eras.
Wanna know a sad difference between those people and our beloved Andy? They apologize for what they’ve done, or who they were. As hollow as the words will sound, however unforgivable their actions, however self-serving the apology will be— Those Asshats apologize. Comic!Andy never does, not even when confronted by Nile, an African American woman who likely descends from slaves, and has undoubtedly experienced racism and discrimination on a regular basis. It’s been thousands of years and Andy doesn’t even know how to say sorry (if she ever does, kudos to whoever finds a timestamp/panel, and let me know!). Instead, Andy buries the truth of her actions with a load of justifications to the point that she becomes self-deprecating, calling herself “vermin,” concluding she’s no better than the apathetic, selfish, evil POS they hunt. She may have spent the past millennia with TOG, trying to make things right but then—
But then she gives up. She’s tired. She resigns because she doesn’t have it in her anymore to fight the injustice she once willingly and self-servingly participated in. So, on top of being incapable of apology, Andy also doesn’t vow to do better. She doesn’t accede to change.
If there is one reason for why “The Old Guard” is a fucking absolutely shitty title, is that it refers to people who refuse to accept new ideas and progress. We are in a fandom that has four canonically queer characters, three people of color, and two female leads! Maybe the irony is intentional but damn, why is it that Andy, PROTAGONIST #1, hasn’t completely caught up with the program?
And that brings me to why I think Andy’s reckoning will not be on the same level as Nicky’s. Because as popular as Kaysanova is, neither Nicky or Joe are the main protagonists of TOG.
We don’t follow Nicky or Joe (or Booker) into scenes. The men are strictly back-at-the-ranch, supporting characters. We follow Andy or Nile (who also have the most screen time, I believe, but fact-check me). Filmically speaking, we ought to value them with a measure of precedence. Their words and actions matter the most, especially Andy’s by nature of how everyone looks to her for guidance.
So, with all that in mind: How does one reconcile a beloved protagonist with a despicable past in slavery, of all things? In the wake of an international racial reckoning, how is a celebrated, white South African actress going to fulfill that role? How is production going to balance fantasy with reality? How are Rucka and other involved writers (Theron, Prince-Bythewood?) going to alter the original IP, while retaining the nuance of this moral quandry?
Forgive me for the overkill but: How is it going to happen?
I’m well aware that my thoughts are going down a rabbit hole, and I am definitely overthinking this, but as somebody who’s genuinely curious about whether Victoria Mahoney and the rest of the TOG crew will have the guts to confront the issue head-on, or if they’ll take the easy way out. Excise the bits that no one wants to talk about, much less watch in a feel-good film that TOG has become for many fans.
Whatever production ends up doing, I hope that 2O2G doesn’t end on a cliffhanging “pity Andromache” note because, damn, I’m gonna feel real uncomfortable scrolling through fandom posts, reading people defending slavery and giving the same “the past is a foreign country; they do things differently there” spiel, in order to protect a fictional character played by a conventionally-attractive cis heterosexual white woman.
(Also: If the past is so different from the present, why are there still calls for social justice? Why do ALL industries still lack diverse and equitable representation?)
Now, this is where I’ll go back to the original question and say: While I think Nicky functions well as an example for change/growth/redemption, I don’t think his change serves as a good comparison to Andy’s. I say this, even while I’m aware of double standards in gender, and even between the reception of gay characters vs lesbian characters vs etc. (re: I’m open to critique).
My line of thought stems from the fact that, canonically, Nicky always had Joe. The two have seemingly been inseparable from the moment they first killed each other. It’s likely that Joe would check Nicky whenever he said or did something wrong and offensive, and perhaps this symbiosis was mutual.
(I also have a feeling that many people easily disregarded the Christian/Muslim conflict because A) lack of knowledge in BOTH religions and B) the onscreen couple appear very much in love, especially when one is giving a beautiful monologue on the nature of their relationship. When we meet Joe and Nicky, we meet them at their best. Shout-out to interfaith couples who know more about this than my single (and secular) ass does, and might have more to say about this.)
On the other hand: Andy never had someone who was like how Joe was for Nicky. No one ever calls out Andy because A) she’s the oldest, B) she’s the lead, and C) her business card says ANDROMACHE OF SCYTHIA, WAR GOD. Yeah, she had Quynh/Noriko but— at the risk of yelling at Rucka for vilifying a queer woman of color (or praising him for not leaning on the stereotype of Asian passivity? idk, anyone got thoughts on this?)— Noriko is clearly not encouraging good behavior. Neither will Quynh if Netflix lets 2O2G be as faithful to the comics as TOG1 was.
Which means the Law 282 conversation might be…unavoidable? Somewhere along the line, we still end up in the hotel room with Andy, on the floor, pleading for her crew to not abandon her, even though she is the one who abandoned their cause.
This sets up a circumstance in which Fade Away might be spent trying to redeem Andy/Charlize Theron, bring her back to the “good side,” teaching her to be better— thereby highlighting her experience and “salvation,” rather than making a point of her past, and the reality of her actions. In other words, a “pity the white woman” fest.
(Because I’m crossing my fingers that TOG production/Netflix know better) In an effort to prevent that from happening, I wonder if Rucka will combine Force Multiplied with Fade Away for the 2O2G script. Given the series’ track record, I think it is feasible that FA’s release coincides with 2O2G’s, and that it finally resolves Andy. Whether by revitalizing her energy as a do-some-gooder, or finalizing her vulnerability by putting her 6,000 years to rest, thus handing off the reigns to Nile and a new generation of leadership.
The last thing I want to leave off with is: I don’t hate Andy. It’s a credit to Rucka and fellow writers (from film and fandom) that I don’t.
I might not love her character as enthusiastically as I used to, but that doesn’t mean I’m not amazed by her creation. She’s a female lead whose sexuality is not exploited by the male gaze; whose emotional vulnerability is not considered a hindrance to, nor an explanation for, her battle prowess; and whose unabashed queerness is not reinforced by cookie cutter stereotypes. Andromache the Scythian is AMAZING.
That doesn’t mean I’m going to excuse or ignore her most glaring and contemptible flaw. More than anything, I’d love to sweep her past under the carpet so that 2O2G can be problem-free. Like many people, I just want to enjoy a movie without getting triggered.
I want to see Quynh and Andy kiss and make up. I want to see Joe rocking Those Shorts, and a cheeky shot of Nicky appreciating his ass. I want to see Nile welcoming Booker back to the family again. Some form of group therapy would be chef’s kiss.
But something about glossing over/removing slavery from Andy’s narrative reeks of dishonesty, and reminds me that the (Hollywood) movie industry is full of people who do not want to be tainted with negative perceptions. Understandably, appearances are their livelihood— but that particular truth is something they still have to reckon with.
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