quizzikemen · 6 years
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Inquisitor Hades Adaar for @inktostories ! ♥
Merry Christmas !! I was your match for the Wintersend event hosted by @the-queen-of-thedas ❄️
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dorkshadows · 6 years
Hello, do you have any recommended Sun Wukong content? Ive read Journey to the West, watched the newer Movies but want to find some older media involving Sun Wukong. Any recommendations?
@inktostories Hi there! Thanks for dropping by :) I have plenty of Sun Wukong content to recommend and it’s one of my favorite subjects!
TVB’s Cantonese JTTW 1996 is my favorite series. And it’s available on kissasian with Eng. subs. S1 is overall better than S2, but if you feel like watching all the way through, it wouldn’t hurt. Both seasons differ from the original storyline in many ways, but the show’s a wonderful sort of cheesy that I enjoy. Plus, the main cast is very likable.
JTTW 1986 is available on youtube with Eng. subs. I’d recommend at least watching some episodes from the first season. This is the most popular version in mainland China. It’s dated and can be “stiff” compared to newer adaptations, but there’s a purity to it I think worth looking at.
Another thing I could recommend is the 1960s’ Shaw Bro. musicals; these are definitely available for purchase with English subs. Unfortunately, they don’t have subtitles on the web (and only youtube has poor quality subs). I do have links to subless versions though.
Boku no Son Goku (2003) is an underrated children’s animated film based on Wukong’s story and the start of jttw.
Speaking of Japanese adaptations, NHK’s Saiyuki (1993) is also pretty good. I could find the film with Chinese subtitles, but couldn’t find any with English yet. 
A Chinese Odyssey part 1 and part 2 might also be of interest to you. I personally don’t consider it very relevant to JTTW because it seems to be using the characters as a metaphor to tell a love story instead of focusing on the story’s main themes. Also, I feel like Wukong’s appearance is limited in these (most of the time, he’s his reincarnated human self).
Hope this helps you out!
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ironinkpen · 7 years
Holy Carp your voltron headcannons give me life! Best pick me up! They are amazing!
thanks bud!
the ‘which species is weirder’ debate rages on in the castle
hunk can make a three leaf clover with his tongue and when he shows the alteans it blows. their mf minds
“wh- you guys are shapeshifters how is that weirder-”
allura: “i’m going to ask you to be respectful here” hunk: “i’m going to politely decline”
matt is flattered lance sees him as a romantic rival
lance, to keith: “okay see you’re at a nine right now and i need you to tone it down to like a three”
shiro sometimes puts his robot hand on hot surfaces just because he can
lance gets lowkey hooked on altean telenovelas
he was that kid that saw his parents watching them and was like “lmao this stuff is crap” but he’d inevitably sit down for five minutes and end up 15 eps in and invested
so guess what happens when he catches coran watching one
hunk: “hey lance are you okay? we haven’t seen you all day and-” lance: “xylax is about to find out that her uncle is actually her dad so i’m gonna need you to pause that train of thought for a sec k?”
lance: “you couldn’t be romantic if your life depended on it” pidge: “you know what’s lucky? most bad guys don’t ask you to be romantic on command, so that probably won’t matter”
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hashtagonlyingotham · 7 years
So Bad news. I just became one of Two-Faces victims. Good news, i somehow survive a bullet to the head. Does this mean I'm immortal or what? #onlyinGotham #donottestthistheoryplease
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tastesoftamriel · 7 years
And the winners are...
Congratulations lovely people, and thank you to the whopping 30 over of you who entered my contest! You've all suggested such great things and even though you may not have won, your ideas have been really great suggestions about what you'd like to see on my blog so I'll be working hard to make content that you want to see! ~Talviel
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shitstrawhatssay · 7 years
Commissioned fic for @inktostories
  Wealth, fame, power: for all these reasons and more, people were leaving home and in search of the One Piece. Was it a myth? Was it a reality? With Gold Roger skewered, it was hard to estimate what was more likely so there was only one way to truly find out. That is what triggered the Great Pirate Era: an era of hopes and dreams, of blood and violence, of stories that would become great bellowing songs in taverns or distance memories nearly forgotten.
  In all sorts of logical ongoings, the output of pirates into the world is utterly unprecedented. It is astounding any work can be done on the mainland with the influx of pirates going out to sea. Such a curious phenomenon has Andi’s interest piqued. Ever since they were a child, they have had a fascination with all the ongoings around them and this has been an interest that was lovingly fostered by their parents. Perhaps, that was why the illogical evolution was for Andi to join the influx of those going out to sea in this era of hopes and dreams.
  Or something like that anyway.
  Having set out at age eighteen, it has been a long haul to where Andi had gotten to now. They’ve seen the bounties escalate in real time and read the newspapers on the deaths of Whitebeard and Fire Fist Ace. It’s been unreal to see so much history unfold just beyond their reach but still in front of their eyes. It was fortunate that many people were recording it: journalists are busy in this age.
   And then there’s Andi whose dreams push just beyond the ordinary. They had big dreams and big plans. Yes, it would be nice to get hose first page articles in the newspaper but that wasn’t satisfying enough. Andi had something far grander in mind: a book to call their own.
  Books are immortal and beautiful. They are wreathed in soft leather and scented of vintage parchment, it is hard not to love a book. In contrast, newspapers are flimsy and delicate. They yellow and tear easily. They are not remembered the way in which a book is remembered. Andi may not necessarily want to be remembered but this was a grand era in time which had to be immortalised in every way possible especially since this era had fostered an unusual cast of characters.
  Pirates. There were so many weird and wonderful pirates. Yes, some were terrible and some would be remembered but there were just so many and each had a tale to spin. They deserved some recognition so Andi has set their sights on each and everyone of them. They wanted to compile a book with information on every single pirate to have taken arms upon the sea and set sail in this Great Pirate Era.
  Their parents have been supportive of this goal, after all, Andi is talented enough to get out of any trouble they bumble into. Having set out at eighteen, much has changed in the four years Andi had been sailing. Part of their book had been put together but there was so much more to see and question especially with changing ideals and the Supernovas and the War. It all seemed to miraculous to watch this unfold in real time and to be able to pen the details as Andi saw them with their own eyes.
  It was within that four years that Andi had realised something invaluable. Chaos can be trusted. Entropy is weird and wild and can usually be taken advantage of in some form or another. It was peacefulness and serenity and tranquility: all pretty ideas which had to be stayed the hell away from. Those long stretches of ocean without any sort of hazard are deceptive. At least chaos is upfront about its dangers which Andi can appreciate.
  And, now, as they drop anchor for the night as a preventative of any useless wanderings, Andi realises something quite daunting. It’s been quiet for some time now. That, Andi decides, is very much not good and having led the life they have led, Andi knows from experience that such peace can only lead to disaster. The life, Andi has led, being one rife with chronic bad luck.
  A disgustingly naive thought crosses Andi’s mind as they yawn. Surely, in the middle of nowhere with nothing but miles of blue, they would be safe from the arbitrary here. Even though it was in direct contradiction to everything Andi had learned over the years about bad luck, Andi trusted the falling night and the beautiful, starlit illumination of an empty sea that it brought. Goodness, it really was gorgeous out here.
  Andi went below deck and rugged up in blankets on their bed. It was likely going to be a nice and normal, ordinary night. Andi quickly fell asleep despite a strange, nagging worry that something was going to go wrong because Andi was Andi and things always go wrong for Andi.
  However, that strange, nagging feeling was validating not too much longer. Andi had probably gone to sleep about ten, maybe a bit before or maybe a bit after. Andi was woken up quite rudely two hours later, maybe a bit less or a bit more but for all intents and purposes, Andi had gotten to sleep and had gone a little bit of restorative shut eye before being woken up.
  Andi had been tossed out of bed with a great start and hit their head on the floor. Which was very, very wet and with concern - rather than frustration - flooding their veins, Andi skipped the part where they were confused. They glanced around panickedly and saw that their hull had taken a lot of damage and they were quickly sinking.
  They were sinking.
  Andi’s mind went blank as they decided they needed to get into gear. Andi quickly shimmied up the ladder to the top deck and was awed by the large ship that had battered into their own, smaller one. Andi recognised the figurehead but wasn’t certain. Was it a flower or was it something else?
  It was difficult to discern in the night’s minimal light. Andi squinted around the side and hoped to try and catch a name. Again, it was difficult.
  “Oi!” a voice cried out.
  Andi’s ship continued to sink.
  “You alright?!” the voice continued.
  Andi looked around and scrambled to a higher point on their ship. Their heart was slowly breaking.
  “No?!” Andi yelled back.
  There was a dull thunk and a screech. A new voice in a hushed tone spoke.
  “Hey, do something, that person probably needs help.”
  “Oh? Oh! Okay.”
  What happened next, Andi could barely believe but as frigid seawater lapped at their ankles, panic flooded them and their hair stod up on an end. In the darkness, something swung out at them and some snaked around their waist and hoisted them back. It sounded like the reel of a rubber hose but felt fleshy. If it wasn’t the lesser of two fears, Andi would likely be far more scared.
  Andi screamed as they were whipped back and brought onto the deck of the large ship. Andi squirmed and was released. They ran to the edge of the ship and clutched onto the railing. As their ship sank, so did their heart and all the past years of research. Tears slipped down their face.
  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, that ain’t cool? What’s the matter, you need help to get somethin’ else off that ship? Don’t tell me, there’re others on there.”
  Andi sobbed. “N-No, thankfully not. B-But my...my life’s work.”
  “Uh-oh, Franky, can you see if you can do anything. I can’t imagine how soul crushing it would be to have my life’s work ruined. See if you can fish it out.” a woman - the second voice, actually - spoke.
  Andi turned away just as the last of their ship went underneath the black waters. They pawed at their face and tried to look presentable. Their eyes widened as they were able to see with the lights scattered about on the top deck.
  “No way….” they gasped. They stared.
  Their rescuers glanced about each other, as though sensing some sort of brewing confusion but it was quite the opposite. Andi already knew as much as there was known about these so-called “rescuers”. It was with these familiar faces, Andi was able to decide that this ship’s figurehead was not a flower but rather a lion.
  “You… You’re Cyborg Franky. Cat Burglar Nami. Devil Child Robin. Pirate Hunter Zoro. Cotton Candy Lover Chopper. God Usopp. Black Leg Sanji. And, of course, Strawhat Monkey D. Luffy.”
  “Fan...person?” Usopp said, raising an eyebrow.
  “Sort of.”
  “Ah, sane person.” Zoro corrected with a shark-like grin.
  “Sort of.”
  “Fun person!” Luffy decided with a grandiose beam.
     He became visibly excited which made Andi all the more nervous.
  “If academic history is your thing, most certainly but that’s not to say I don’t mind a good joke… just like my freaking life.”
  “Franky, hurry up!” Nami roused.
  “Yikes, I know!”
  Franky bustled off and the group closed the gap of where he had been.
  “So, what’s all this about, eh?” Usopp asked.
  “I’m a freelance scribe.” Andi began. “My life’s work is an encyclopedia on every pirate I’ve met so far… Dammit, and… and now it’s gone forever!”
  Andi’s fists balled by their side. They choked back a sob but they had snot hanging out their nose and tears on their cheeks regardless.
  “Well, it’s lucky you ran into us then, right?” Luffy said with a shrug. “I mean, we’re pretty famous right?”
  “Yeah, only captained by the man with the biggest debut bounty ever.” Andi huffed.
  “And we know a thing or two about a few different pirates. Maybe we could help whilst Franky fishes out the wreckage of your boat.” Nami said.
  “Sounds wonderful, and I shall make us all some midnight snacks, what do you say… my lady?” Sanji said.
  “I mean, I am hungry but I am not your lady. Or a lady at all… at least not right now. I’m havin’ bit of a masculine kinda day but…” Andi trailed off.
  “What do you say, my gentlemen?” Sanji corrected himself.
  “A li’l bit better.” Andi murmured.
  “How about we set you up in the office then, and we can work out sleeping arrangements, oh my, it seems we haven’t caught your name even though you know ours.” Robin said.
  “Ah! How rude of me! I was so caught up in my drama that I forgot. I’m Andi. Just Andi.”
  “Short, snappy, I like it.” Zoro nodded to himself before yawning. He chucked a glance at Sanji. “Oi, curly cook, count me out in the portions. I’m headin’ back to bed.”
  Sanji rolled his eyes. “Duly noted.”
  Andi was terrified at first. They had met pirates of all sorts of calibre - usually low but still, they were bloodthirsty and scary regardless - and was ready to fight or flee at a moment’s notice, and yet… Andi was made to feel welcome upon this ship: the Thousand Sunny Go.
  The office Andi was given permission to use until further notice was homey. The food Sanji prepared for them was beyond belief. Andi had never tasted more divine cuisine and Sanji was talking about this was just something simple to whip up and yet, Andi couldn’t devise a simple way in which such intricate treats could be made so quickly. Nami, Robin, and Chopper were helpful. They hovered, yes, but they made interesting comments about what Andi should add to their new notes. Luffy, however, was annoying and far too happy to chalk many things up to a mystery but he was funny. It was endearing.
  Overall, it was all dreamy and beyond belief. Andi had never been treated this way except by their own family. They felt more than an acquaintance to these easygoing, happy-go-lucky pirates despite the way they had met and the fact that it had only been mere hours since meeting and they felt more kindred to them than merely a friend. It was bizarre.
  And given the stories they were spurning about Alabasta and the Fishman Island and more, Andi was beginning to think that this was not a lone incident. Andi was beginning to think that the Strawhat Pirates simply had this affect on anyone who crossed their path without instigating too much of a fight. How peculiar. But Andi liked it.
   Loved it even.
  By morning come, Andi truly felt like one of the gang. More importntly, by morning come, Franky had returned with remnants of their ship and their belongings. What could be savalged was minimal but Andi cherished the effort.
  That being said, there was one among the Strawhats who didn’t seem all that taken with them. Andi supposed that not everyone would find them a novelty but they didn’t expect that among such a lackadaisical bunch, there would be one who seemed outwardly hostile to them. That person was Usopp.
  The rumours of Usopp were… odd to say the least, or so Andi had come across in their journeys. Some reports recorded him as a brae warriror of the sea. Others, wrote him in speech as a bard or minstrel or similar with a voice that could ensnare all minds, no matter how rational, and make them believe in nonsensical lies. Andi wasn’t sure what to believe. Usopp was complex.
  Sometimes he was of bravdo and humour, other times he cowered in fear and was arguably slothful. But none of it explained his hostility towards Andi. A hostility that continued well after two days of having settled in.
  Slowly becoming uset by the outward aggression, Andi decided that it was time to do something about it. The other Strawhat Pirates had welcomed them with open arms and Andi wanted the whole set so speak. So, they set to a task by themselves: to convince Usopp they weren’t untrustworthy or unfriendly.
  Andi really wanted to befriend Usopp. They felt as though they and Usopp could be kindred souls as they were both story-tellers. Surely, someone of Usopp’s calibre of scribe would be willing to cooperate so it was imperative that Andi befriend him.
  Andi’s plan was simple. All they wanted was to get to the root cause of Usopp’s animosity and see if it could be resolved from there. This meant that all Andi had to do was somehow corner Usopp and force them to talk. Despite it being a forced meeting, surely discourse of a civil manner could be born.
  However, Andi being Andi, things could not naturally be so simple.
  Andi had been observing Usopp for the past hour. He had been flicking between reading and fishing to idle his time on the calm seas. He was set in a loose pattern but one Andi could take advantage of nonetheless as lunch came nearer still on the clock and Usopp had to be getting hungry as he was out of snacks and hadn’t visited the kitchen in a while. More importantly, Sanji had visited earlier to let him know there’d be a place at the table for him soon too and this gave Andi an excellent opportunity.
  Andi hid themselves behind a wall and watched as Usopp began to walk past. With a one and a two, Andi sprung out from their hiding spot. They crash tackled into Usopp and Usopp’s back his the deck. Together, they skidded off. Andi screamed. Usopp yelped.
  Soon enough, Usopp was pinned beneath Andi.
  “Get off me!” Usopp yelled.
  Andi would have liked to pause to think but this was not a time for thinking.
  “No! We need to talk!” Andi shouted back; going red in the cheeks.
  “Why do we need to talk?” Usopp asked.
  “I know you don’t like me and I want to know why.” Andi replied.
  Usopp propped himself up and Andi slid down his legs; he was still effectively anchored and trapped though. He frowned as he played with his hair.
  “I don’t trust like that.” Usopp replied, hesitantly.
  “What do you mean?” Andi asked.
  “I just don’t like that you know so much. It’s… disconcerting.” Usopp replied.
  “…Huh?” Andi replied. They didn’t see the logic in that at al.
  Upon seeing the confusion on Andi’s face, Usopp erred. His brows twitched and Andi laughed.
  “I still don’t get it.”
  “It’s just, nothing good has ever come from someone knowing too much. Especially since we’re not exactly the type to be of thorough thought ‘round here.” Usopp explained.
  “I’ve noticed.” Andi joked.
  Usopp ruffled at the back of his hair, pinned up in a ponytail. He smiled awkwardly.
  “Do you wanna get off me yet?” he asked, cheeks tinging pink.
  Andi’s nerves jolted. They got off him and now their cheeks were pink to match. Laughing nervously, Andi offered a hand to Usopp. With a yank, he anchored himself and Andi helped him.
  Now Andi was nervous for a different reason. They realised they had been straddling Usopp – more or less. How embarrassing! For them both, too. Not to mention, now that Andi had been up close and personal with Usopp, they could tell that Usopp was a rather remarkable looking fellow with his long hair and toned body. It could attract anyone. Even someone like Andi. Friendship had been the desired outcome of this incident but now infatuation was beginning to bud in Andi’s heart.
  At least, for now, Andi could cherish Usopp’s companionship. With him won over, things were far different. They had a lot in common. Perhaps it was that which had led to a barrier in the first place as opposites attracts and likes tended to repel each other, like magnets. Though, that can’t be the case now. Now, they were thick as thieves. Everyone in the ranks of the Strawhat Pirates were joking and teasing about it; seemingly unable to bring up one without the other. It was strangely flattering.
  Both were scribes of the sea with tongues for telling tall tales. Usopp had a beautiful mind. He had a blunt way of putting things: simplistic and stylised though but a linear narrative nonetheless and yet the stories he conveyed were comedic and entertaining. He had quite a talent. Though, to begin with, Andi did struggle to discern truth and lies but they were beginning to get a grasp on his ticks now.
  It was because of this budding friendship and gift of the gab of his, that Andi was able to restock their damaged notes and add more. The Strawhats had been on so many amazing and nearly unbelievable adventures but the truths of them were worth their weight in gold. Andi was now part of part of an exclusive and privileged party to get their account first hand. From Buggy the Pirate Clown to the Warlords of the Sea to the Four Emperors: the connections the Strawhats held were astounding.
  Eventually, Andi was told to pick absolutely anyone who was on their good side. Anyone who they wanted to interview, anyone at all and the Strawhats assured them that Andi would be able to strike an interview with that person because of their friendship with the Strawhats.
  It was an enticing offer. It was one Andi was even quick to accept until other ideas began to float through their head. They had some time to consider who they wanted to track down so Nami can navigate the appropriate course, but Andi knew they weren’t going to use the two days they had docked to think about that. No, Andi was going to use this time to consider their feelings. The interview can be an impulse but this other ting playing on Andi’s mind was something that deserved thorough thought.
  The feelings regarding Usopp were complicated, Andi found. It was far too soon to decide upon the true extent of romantic implications, but Andi was enamoured with Usopp’s company; far beyond that of friendship. They wanted to at the very least verbalise this confusing, fluttery feelings that cause their heart to skip a beat, their cheeks to redden, and their palms to sweat.
  Time was limited between them. It was foolish and ephemeral, but Andi wanted to give these feelings a chance regardless. So, whilst their ship was being built – not rebuilt, built from scratch by Franky’s designs – Andi made plans based on these strange feelings and faint thoughts.
  Andi watched idly as their new ship went from being sketches on paper to a wooden skeleton to an almost complete ship. It was soothing to watch the construction and helping Franky helped filled the time. Andi had heard once that menial labour can facilitate the higher thinking part of the brain and with all these murky thoughts, helping screw small together or adding a slap of paint was a comfort that made things strangely clearer.
  Upon the completion of Andi’s new ship, Luffy decided it was good cause for a farewell party and being pirates, none of his crewmates could resist the idea. Sanji made enough food to feed a few dozen armies and Brook played gorgeous melodies upon his violin. Jokes and stories were told; some danced. It was great fun.
  Andi really enjoyed themselves. A party on the docks, listening to music and the ocean lap at the shores. Lights in houses behind them sparkled and there was a coolness in the air that was soft and romantic even. And yet, despite all the gorgeous ambience, Andi found themselves in utter denial of all the thinking and resolving they had done. They also fond themselves in utter denial of Usopp. Consciously avoided hi despite his confusion but he kept distance to be courteous, just in case.
  Andi kept reasoning with themselves that this was the most reasonable thing to do.
  But the end of the night was drawing nearer. The fun around Andi was inescapable and contagious and though they were enjoying themselves on the surface, their memories were slowly becoming tinged by regret from inaction. From that regret, a new resolve was born though faint, Andi wanted to trust their heart, so they were the one to scoot in next to Usopp.
  He looked a little bit weary. Who wasn’t? It was past midnight, after all.
  Andi sat next to him and he sat in closer to Andi. Their shoulders brushed together and hands fumbled. Usopp chuckled awkwardly. He spoke first.
  “Hey Andi. So, uh, is it me or, um, are you – were you – avoiding me?”
  Andi laughed back and averted their gaze. “Uh, yeah… I was, kinda.”
  “Did I do something wrong?”
  “No! Not at all! I just needed… space.”
  “Yeah, I know that feel. It’s a big ship but it’s easy to get overcrowded.”
  “That’s not… it.” Andi hesitantly replied.
  Usopp’s eyes widened as he turned his head slightly, “It’s not?”
  “No, it’s not.”
  “Then what is it then?”
  Andi turned their body towards Usopp and took a breath. Usopp’s body language became surprised before steadying. He could tell that Andi had a lot to say and he intended to listen carefully. He knew what was about to happen wasn’t going to be some happy-go-lucky story or the like. This was serious. And, he would respectfully meet the matter with his own sternness.
  “Usopp, um, I…” Andi faltered with their words. They took another breath and their eyes gleamed with a newfound confidence and resolve. “We haven’t known each other for very long but I feel like we have a connection. Am I wrong in thinking that?”
  “What? Not at all. I feel the same. We get along great. I mean, we’re a bit different to each other but we make each other laugh and stuff. It’s very easy to get caught up in, well, friendship, I think, and I think we’ve got a connection too.” Usopp explained honestly.
  Andi blushed and their heart hammered. There was an underlying bait in what Usopp had said. He hadn’t intended as such, but it encouraged Andi to keep pushing at these feelings; at this conversation.
  “It’s just…” Andi hesitated again.
  They could barely hear their thoughts of their heart but maybe that was a good thing because it allowed them to feel intuitively what they needed to say rather than overcomplicate it. “It’s just I think I like you.”
  “Like me? Well, I’m glad. I like you too, Andi.” Usopp replied.
  Andi frowned, huffed. “No, I like you like you. Like-like you.”
  Usopp’s eyes widened and his jaw slackened. He murmured, repeatedly: “Oh… O-Oh… Oh…”
  It would have been endearing had it not been excruciating to listen to. It was like he was attempting to record the information in his brain, but it was just getting continually rejected and thus, needed to process again and again. It was horrible.
  At least it was, until, Usopp shut himself up with a big breath and he turned slightly ajar from Andi. Andi felt as though their hopes had been dashed. Had they been wrong?
  “I’m… I feel the same way.” Usopp murmured, almost beneath his breath.
  Andi lifted their head. Now it was them whose eyes were widening. Their heart fluttered in their chest. It was a sweet, twinkling feeling devoid of fear or anguish. It was pure and chaste.
  “Y-You do?” they manage stutter out over their rapid heartbeats.
  Usopp scratched at the back of his head, shy, then affirmed Andi simply: “Yeah.”
  A moment of sweetness blossomed between them where they fumbled with the ramifications of their confessions. A sweetness soon tainted by bitterness. It was such terrible timing. Both led temporary lives on the sea, battered by the winds and going with the waves. It was hard to coordinate meetings and Andi, though a brave rapscallion of a person, was a civilian and Usopp a pirate. It was such unfortunate circumstance.
  But that didn’t mean it had to be hopeless.
  Andi looked towards Usopp. “We might only have tonight but perhaps, it could be worth it.” they said.
  “Yeah, maybe.” Usopp replied.
  Andi yawned but leaned in. Perhaps it wasn’t going to be just tonight. Perhaps it was just going to be now: a bittersweet and ephemeral moment on an everchanging clock.
  Reading their cues, Usopp leaned in also and he put his hand over Andi’s. Andi’s hands were writer’s hands. They were soft and unworked by strenuous labour, like that of carpentry or paving, but they were ink-stained and callouses rose from odd places upon their fingers. Small and squishy-feeling, Usopp liked Andi’s hands.
  Andi puckered their lips and met Usopp’s. Usopp’s lips were chapped by hours spent at sea, in the razor wind. His nose, awkwardly long, bumped against Andi’s face. It was strange but not necessarily unpleasant. It was a good, chaste kiss that seemed to slow the world. It seemed to extent the ephemeral moment their feelings were taking place within but it wasn’t enough to completely stop the flow of time.
  They needed breath eventually, so they pulled away. Disjointed and awkward, worried about how they had performed. Strangely sheepish, even, because of their kiss.
  “How… was it?” Usopp asked.
  “Good, good, great – excellent even!” Andi yipped before going red. “Not that I have a frame of reference or anything… That was my, my um, first kiss.”
  “Oh. Oh…” Usopp muttered.
  “You’ve had past experiences?” Andi asked, not intending to pry but the journalistic sense within them was trying to demand otherwise.
  “Uh, yeah, my childhood friend. Kaya. She was my first kiss and crush. But you’re really different to her. Apples and oranges, I guess you’d say.” Usopp rambled.
  “It’s fine.” Andi almost panickily stated.
  There was a lull in conversation and awkwardness permeated them both as they were left to dwell upon the fact all they had was a moment and now the moment was gone. There was little else to say and do besides ponder the missed connection. If they had met sooner, if they had later: a lot could have been different. But it hadn’t. It had been this.
  Soon, tiredness set it and the party came to a faded and dwindled conclusion. If, it truly ended at all. Perhaps it merely moved to another moment in time, much like what would happen to the feelings Andi had harboured.
  They didn’t regret it. That had been the best course of action. It was better to have lost and loved than to never have loved at all; fumbling with loose-ends and potential possibilities. As bittersweet as it was, it was better than the regret of what if?
  The following mid-morning, it was time for Andi to set sail onto their next adventure. With Dracule Mihawk in their sights, that was the adventure and knowledge Andi wanted to chase; with a recommendation from Mihawk’s ex-pupil Zoro, of course. Still, it was bittersweet to go.
  “I’ll miss all of you.” Andi called out from atop their newly varnished deck.
  “We’ll miss you to!” Luffy called out.
  “Some of us more than others.” Sanji teased; he nudged Usopp who sheepishly blushed.
  “Don’t worry ‘bout Mihawk, he’s all bark an’ no bite; he’ll love you!” Zoro added, thankfully salvaging the conversation from an embarrassing turn.
  “Thanks.” Andi added.
  They were intimidated. Mihawk was a warlord after all. He was a fearsome, fearsome man and, yet Zoro spoke of him softly, gently, despite their scuffled meeting in the East Blue. Andi supposed cohabitation would train things, even when under the guise of an enemies-like relationship.
  Andi firmly believed now, having met the Pirate Hunter, that he would one day achieve his dream and take Mihawk’s claim from him. Andi looked forward to meeting him then subsequently interviewing. Based on Zoro’s tales, he sounded like a cool and honourable man who has seen much and would, therefore, benefit Andi’s notes.
  “Thank you for having me and thank you for building my ship after you destroyed it. Thank you for sharing your stories with me.” Andi gushed as they fidgeted with ropes.
  Their boat was designed to be able to keep guests whilst only being staffed by a lone person. There were all sorts of kooky contraptions and mechanics to allow for Andi to do the work of multiple workers. They appreciated Franky for all the countermeasures they were slowly familiarising themselves with.
  “My heart would break if any of these dweebs destroyed my work – and they have in the past. You have my sympathies. I hope nothing like this happens again in the future, Andi!” Nami called out.
  Andi reeled back the anchor and their ship began to move out. Luffy threw his hands in the air upon noticing. He waved them ferociously through the air with a silly grin on his face. All the faces of all the Strawhats seemed both happy and sorrowful: parting continues to ring true as such a sweet sorrow.
  “Bye, bye, Andi: I hope we meet again!” Luffy called.
  “Yes, I do too!” Andi called back. “And you, young man, had better be King of the Pirates by then!”
  “Hell’s yeah I will be!” Luffy laughed.
  Andi slipped away from the railing. Their smile shortened upon their face and their heart grew heavy but that’s just goodbyes were like. They didn’t want to, but they turned their back on the Strawhat Pirates. They were probably doing the same. They didn’t have all day, after all. This was a busy port. They needed to go just as much as Andi, lest Marines decide they’re easy prey or rival pirates. Anything could happen.
  Andi visited the figurehead of the ship. Franky had asked what their favourite animal was so Andi had replied and now they had an adorable elephant to lead them through their voyages. It wasn’t particularly fearsome-looking, no, not all, but Andi cherished it as they ran their hand over the wood of it. It was so sleek. It was nice to the touch. Andi could understand better now why the figurehead doubled as Luffy’s favourite seat on a ship. It had a lovely view too.
  The voyage to Kuraigana Island was long and hard but it was journey Andi was able to make just fine. They missed the bustling company of the Strawhat Pirates and it made them yearn for friends once more. But they were a somewhat introverted person, so they appreciated the peace. It was hard to strike balance between being overcrowded and not being crowded enough.
  As they drew nearer to Kuraigana Island, they wondered if Mihawk had that problem too. Mentally, it was hard to realise Mihawk was just as human as anyone else, but his eyes were so avian and his reputation so fearsome, it was hard to categorise him anything human at all.
  Kuraigana Island was every bit as creepy as Andi had been warned it would be. It was swathed with a thick mist that seemed almost teal as it clung to the frigid air. It was mossy moors and swamps. It was eerie and quiet except for the cacophonic singing of a young woman: Perona, if Andi was correct by what Zoro had told them.
  They docked by a rickety pier and dropped anchor. They looked around. Their heart pounded as they swallowed muddy breaths. Andi was well aware of the dangers hidden in the mists, but it was a clear path from this beach to the castle. Andi could see it through shadows and mystique. It excited them. They clutched excitedly onto their stationery as they clambered down.
  This would be their next adventure. The next knowledge found and recorded. Surely nothing could go wrong.
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seitosokusha · 7 years
Tilte prompt, The Stars Light the Road You Walk.
Oops. Turn this into a full fic. 
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Star Wars
Pairings:  N/A
Triggers:  N/A
Important: Fanfic of a Fanfic Part of the We Weren’t Born to Follow Universe 
Summary:   13 year old Obi-Wan was waiting for his transport to Bandomeer when he met the two most fascinating people in the universe. Reborn always had trouble passing over untapped potential. 
“We can fight you for him.”
read on ff.net | read on ao3
Obi-Wan felt his throat closed. This was it. This the last time he would see the Jedi Temple. The ship that would take him to Bandomeer would arrive any minute. He clenched his fists, feeling despair, anger and a deep sorrow. He had known deep in his heart that he was meant to be a Jedi, but apparently it wasn't the will of the Force.
That was when there crack in the air, Force swelling as if there was large impact coming, a supernova that burned brighter than anything Obi-Wan had ever felt. He shielded his eyes, the energy building in front of him, flickering.
As the light died on, Obi-Wan lowered his arms, surprised to see a man in a dark outfit in front of him. Everything, from his black hair with curly sideburns, black eyes, hat and clothing was dark... yet he felt like a sun in the Force, shining so bright.
So bright, he nearly missed the second energy source. This one as dark, feeling so terribly wrong, exactly like how his teachers warned him against the Dark Side. Quiet but ever so present, like a moon. Deep like the ocean and just as powerful as the first.
A woman with brown hair braided, and golden eyes stepped beside the man. Her black dress and white sleeves and stockings showed a duality.
Just who were these people?
"Oh what do we have here?" the woman asked, peering at Obi-Wan.
"Look at the potential," the man said.
"Who are you?" Obi-Wan asked, so confused. They felt so strange, so powerful in the Force, but they couldn't be Jedi. There was no calm serenity like other Jedi Masters. More like stars burning, deep and powerful and stretching far beyond Obi-Wan's senses.
"Chaos," the man said. "You may call me Reborn."
"Ayame," the woman said.
Obi-Wan fumbled, bowing slightly. "I am Obi-Wan Kenobi," he introduced himself.
"Going somewhere?" Reborn asked, looking at the bags on the ground.
Obi-Wan looked down at his feet, shame burning in his chest. "I'm being sent to Bandomeer," he said quietly. He didn't want to tell them the truth, but he had a gut feeling that he should have.
"Sounds like you don't have a choice in the matter," Ayame said, resting a hand on her hip.
"I… wasn't picked as a Padawan and have aged out," Obi-Wan said, cheeks burning red.
Obi-Wan turned to see Master Qui-Gon running out the door. Master Yoda and Master Windu following after them. They came to a stop, stepping protectively in front of Obi-Wan, lightsabers lit.
"Who are you people?" Windu shouted. He pointed his lightsaber at Ayame. "You have no business being here, darksider."
Ayame bared her teeth, growling. "What is with this galaxy?" she all but roared. "Born under a moon, raised under a moon. Why does every Yang align user I meet think that Yin align users are evil? How many times do I have to drive it into people's thick skulls that dark does not mean evil!"
"Doesn't make you any less dangerous," Reborn drawled.
Ayame whirled, jabbing a finger into Reborn's chest. "And you're a perfect example that Light doesn't mean good!"
Reborn smirked as Ayame threw up her hands, snarling at him.
"Hey kid," Reborn said.
Obi-Wan jumped at being addressed. He peered at Reborn from behind the Masters' backs. "Y-yes?"
"Do you want to come with us?"
"Reborn!" Ayame shouted.
"Tsuna will love him," Reborn said smugly. "Just think of what we can teach him."
"Tsuna loves everyone," Ayame shot back. "There are plenty students back home!"
"As if we would let you take him!" Qui-Gon shouted.
"He said it himself, he aged out. No take backs," Reborn said. "Well kid?"
The Force sang, nudging him closer. It trilled, telling him to go with these two. What did he have to lose? "Okay," he said. He would trust the Force.
"Do this, you should not," Yoda cautioned.
"He made his choice," Reborn said. He pulled out what looked like a blaster from his jacket. "We can fight you for him."
"I cannot wait to tell Tsuna all the chaos you've been causing," Ayame said dryly.
"You destroyed the last planet we landed on. It doesn't exist anymore," Ayame deadpanned.
"Whose fault was that?" Reborn said coolly. "I distinctly remember someone touching the glowing rock that awoken the local god and then proceeded to slay said god which triggered planet-wide destruction that would have killed us unless I blew up the planet."
Ayame snorted. "I have no idea what you're talking about," she said, miffed.
Obi-Wan looked at them with wide eyes. Planet destroyers? God Slayers? Who were these two? He looked back at his former Masters, seeing them pale in disbelief.
They were so strange and they wanted him to come with them. Or at least Reborn did. Obi-Wan never thought there were people who were this strong in the Force, other than the Jedi, other than the darksiders. These two seem to walk in between, somewhere different and yet completely in balance despite how they fought.
He stepped forward, past the protective barriers the Jedi Masters were trying to form. The Force would guide him.
Reborn picked him, swinging him under his arm. Obi-Wan tried not to yelp at being handled like a sack.
"Put him down!" Windu jumped forward, only to hit an invisible wall.
"You shall not pass," Ayame said, holding out a piece of paper with strange writing on it.
"How many times have you used that quote?" Reborn asked as they walked away, leaving behind the stunned Jedi Masters.
"Says the person who has used every single space pun since we got throw out here."
Reborn smirked, looking down at Obi-Wan. "Come on, brat. You can show us where we can steal a ship."
"Steal a ship?" Obi-Wan asked, eyes wide. He took everything back. Maybe these two were as evil as Master Windu thought.
"Yes, steal a ship."
What had Obi-Wan gotten himself into?
AU where Reborn and Ayame got thrown across the universe (post my timeskip arc). In a galaxy were both of them don't particularly care about the destruction they cause, no Tsuna to meditate and stop their fights, they would go around causing massive amounts of chaos and sniping at each other every single second. Ayame gets frustrated because everyone assumes she's evil because Yin = Dark = Evil and it drives her up the wall. Reborn is smug because of this. Oh the irony considering who is the hitman for hire between the two of them.
They pick up Obi-Wan who is all "this is the best and worst decision I've made my entire life".
Sidious doesn't stand a chance either by the time they figure out who he is.
Basically, it's a space road trip for Reborn and Ayame and it's so beautifully chaotic.
Please leave a review on your way out.
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clonesquadxbatch · 6 years
Thank you @arctrooperfivesbutt for tagging me omg
Rules: tag 10 mutual you want to know better! And I´m tagging @rogueclonesftw @sevlikesallart @kaeden4 @inktostories @captainrexsbiggesthoe @sproutdoodles @arctrooper-fives @arctrooper-ross If you don´t want to answer this, it’s okay too
Relationship status: In a relationship (I’m poly :D )
Favorite colors: Purple, blue, green
Three Favorite Foods?: chipas, tortellini, and  
Song stuck in my head: Brother - Kodaline
Last Song I Listened too: On Giant’s Shoulders - Future of Forestry
Last Movie I watched: Star Wars The Last Jedi
Top Three Shows: The Clone Wars, Criminal Minds, and (I am so drawing a blank here omg)
Books I’m currently reading:  Only books I’m ready currently are for my college class rip
Last Thing I googled: star wars nautolan
How Many Blankets do I sleep with?: Three, I need the weight and thankfully my room is nice and cold
Dream Trip: Paraguay and Germany, I wish to visit my relatives and connect with my roots
Anything you really want?: I want to actually make a difference, I want to wake up to happy news reporters
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He has found his kin within my humble abode (picked him up when I visited @inktostories)
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brattylikestoeat · 7 years
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Food MoodBoard: Pink and Dessert
Requested by the two lovies: @sparklingpumpkaboo (pink food) and @inktostories ( dessert). 
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thanatoswrath · 7 years
10 Female Character Challenge
,So, I was tagged by @words-writ-in-starlight for this. According to their post I’m just supposed to list off my top 10 favorite characters and the fandom their from, and then tag 10 more people. Not gonna lie, I was tagged like 10 days ago, but let’s pretend that I responded quicker. Here we go.
1. Lucretia, The Adventure Zone
2. Katara, Avatar: The Last Airbender
3. Keyleth, Critical Role
4. Minerva McGonagall, Harry Potter
5. O-Ren Ishii, Kill Bill
6. Charlie Bradbury, Supernatural
7. Larissa Duan (Lardo), OMG Check Please
8. Rosa Diaz, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
9.  Mei-Ling Zhou (周美灵), Overwatch
10. Leading Player (played by Patina Miller), Pippin (this one’s a bit of a cop out because the Leading Player isn’t necessarily female, but Miller is amazing, so I’m gonna count her.
I’ve added some links in case anyone wants to talk look up some of the characters. Feel free to send a quick message if you wanna talk about any of these characters or if you wanna just chat.
I’m gonna tag @flappyenchilada, @alexa3298, @nayloufro, @bloodthirstypandasfromthesky, @taka-hardt, @inktostories, @h-c---n, @escapedfish, @this-book-has-been-loved, and @nighttyger
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rvbficwars · 8 years
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Thank you everyone for participating in the RvB Big Bang! Here’s the official masterlist of all works, artists, and writers involved! Not all fics have art links; some people haven’t posted yet because of spoilers for works being posted in sections, while others have chosen to integrate their work only into Ao3 and not post on Tumblr!
Fics that are bolded are complete! 
Laudanum for the Soul by @redteamshark, with art by @zhekiel 
Incremental annihilation by @kyuunonana with art by @connorharrison​
A Ghost that Lingers by Cosmicobit with art by @yosbruno 
Facilis Descensus Averno by @arirashkae with art by @vlasdygoth 
The Plan Sucked, We're Changing It by @aryashi with art by @goobergamer
Elephants by @littlefists with art by @hammeredpaint 
A Coward's Weapon by @loyle-trash with art by @redwryvernart 
The Nightmare Solution by @mdecarabas with art by @powerfulpomegranate
Golden Heart, Silver Tongue. by @greetingsadventurer with art by @kieranquigley
Film of the Year by @odds-evens with art by @transaroshiro 
We All Bleed Lightish-Red by @cornetwrites with art by @gaveremy 
Blue Vs Red: Helhiem by @aab0289 with art by @chistery 
Curiosity on the Keyboard by @angrymintleaf with art by @sentaidash 
Wake Up Call by @hammeredpaint with art by @cliffearts 
The Hand that Breaks the Fall by @secretlystephaniebrown with art by @lostlegendaerie 
Swan Wings and Shirts of Nettles by @thepheonixqueen 
Golden Doodle by @succinctdisquisition with art by @whimsical-writer 
Grand Theft Washington by @akisawana with art by @hazk 
Meet Me in the Morning by StellarRequiem with art by @badholt 
The Forces of Good by @serenitysswirl with art by @piratelynlyn 
Burn to Glow by @alien-obituaries with art by @loyle-trash 
Product of Chorus by @actually-the-antichrist with art by @ashleystlawrence 
Uncovering a Secret by @redvsbluefilth with art by @ashleystlawrence 
All Directions Point North by @quadruplebacon with art by @tmvagabond 
How to Delete Yourself by @awesomenessagenda with art by @kyuunonana
no hero to call home by @pilot479 with art by @sabishiita 
Doctors & Dungeons & Dragons by @housebyside with art by @i-will-batman-you 
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir by @meteoratdusk with art by @churchwash 
on the right side of rock bottom by @darthrevaan with art by @pitchscribbles 
the wind, the rain, and the sunset by @aces-of-academia with art by @transaroshiro 
tread our little arcs upon our star by @sroloc--elbisivni with art by @adobewanphotobi 
We Will All Go Together When We Go by @goodluckdetective with art by @hexasart
Still by @surefire-trash with art by @metad0rable 
Across Three Wars by @recxvery-xne with art by @not-so-serious-wastebasket 
Freelancer Powers Activate by @inktostories with art by @ashleystlawrence  
the longness of semper by @cinder229 with art by @noviicity 
My Oath To You by @youngjusticeaddict with art by @wash-needs-a-nap 
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starlitservos · 8 years
Tagged by:
Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 followers you'd like to know better.
I dunno, I've had this name for less than a week.
Zodiac sign?
About 5'6"-7", I'm not sure exactly.
White, culturally Jewish.
Favorite fruit?
Hard to pick. Raspberries or blackberries, probably.
Favorite season?
Early fall, before the ground has too many leaves to avoid stepping on. Spring is also good.
Favorite book series?
All things Pratchett. Also in consideration is the Glamourist Histories, by Mary Robinette Kowal.
Favorite flower?
I don't really think much about flowers. You'd think I'd say aster, but I actually don't have an opinion on the flower relative to any other.
Favorite scent?
I usually can't stand any strong smells unless they're citrus. This may have contributed to my previous answer
Favorite color?
Green or purple.
Favorite animal?
Cats. Not very original, but I don't really interact much with nonhuman animals.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
Hot chocolate, of course.
Average hours of sleep?
I wake up a little before 7 no matter when I go to bed. Usually that's about 9 hours.
Cat or dog person?
I kinda already said. Dogs are fine at a distance, but they take up too much space up close.
Favorite fictional characters?
Jadzia Dax, Elim Garak, Tali'Zorah vas Rannoch vas Normandy vas Neema nar Rayya, Havelock Vetinari, Granny Weatherwax, Princess Parfait, Rosemaster (both from Cucumber Quest), Jane Ellsworth, Verin Mathwin, Matrim Cauthon...I could go on.
Number of blankets you sleep with?
For the warmer half of the year, just a sheet, one extra the rest of the time. I used to need more during the winter because New England and poorly insulated buildings, but now there’s Global Warming.
Dream trip?
Trappist-1 (any of the planets thereabouts, I mean, I'd rather not try and set foot on a star). Anywhere in space, really. More reasonably...someplace quiet and reasonably temperate, alone.
Blog created?
Last Wednesday (that's March 1st, 2017).
Number of followers?
Twenty people to tag?
Yeah, I don't actually know that many people on here. @apocalypse-of-the-week, @inktostories, @totally-not-naida, if you feel like it go ahead?
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sirijanu · 8 years
tagged by @maalacath Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 followers you’d like to know better Name: Cassiel Nicknames: Cas, said with varying tones to indicate displeasure and disappointed-but-in-no-way-surprised Zodiac sign: Scorpio Height: 5'5'' Orientation: socially bi, Complicated. (heading- due femme/femme-nb, at 6.022*10^-23 knots per hour) Ethnicity: I strongly question if I should tell people I'm a heathen (so white I reflect heat in the summer) Favorite Fruit: pomegranates or blackberries Favorite Season: fall, or winter. They sort of blur together in Idaho. Favorite book series: my love for the Tamora Pierce books has been rekindled as of late... Favorite Flower: right now? I'd have to say Aster. Favorite Scent: sagebrush or desert rain. Fire season. Favorite Color: grey, periwinkle, off-void cobalt Favorite Animal: magpies Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: hot chocolate Average sleep hours: mean- 6.28, median- 7, mode- 6 Cat or Dog person? cats, I have to say. Dogs are nice but cats don't smell as bad. Favorite Fictional Characters: Tali'Zorah vas Rannoch vas Normandy vas Neema nar Rayya, Aria T'loak, Elim Garak, Jadzia Dax, look I really love aliens okay... Number of blankets you sleep with: just a sheet if I made the bed, +1 comforter if anyone else did Dream Trip: I need to go to Iceland. It calls to me. Blog Created: sometime 2012? 2013? After the first avengers movie but not by too much. Number of Followers: 94 or so 20 people to tag: @apocalypse-of-the-week, @asjaygreenleaf, @ctenophores, @inktostories, @totally-not-naida, and @anyone else that wants to. If you don't want to and I've tagged you, no pressure
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tastesoftamriel · 7 years
Blog content update!
Hi everyone, hope your holiday festivities went well if you celebrated! I actually didn't at all, but instead I've been working hard on new content to share with you over the new year!
Just so you know, all three winners of my competition have been messaged their recipes, and I'll be sharing them with you all too in the near future, once I've gone home to my kitchen to make them and take nice pictures as they are totally original recipes that aren't found in game! They are all straight from my personal recipe collection so I'm very proud and am looking forward to the lovely @bisexualsoldier-76 @lokiinthedevilstrap and @inktostories to try them out and let me know what they think!
I'm also hard at work at new fics, and there may be some delays...I admit I've been lazy with writing over the past few months due to study and work commitments and being sick, but I promise that I won't keep you avid readers waiting too long and that there will be some hilarious adventures coming up soon!
Anyway, to those of you still on holiday, enjoy your free time! Thanks as always for being part of the Tastes of Tamriel community, I wouldn't be able to do any of this without you! ~Talviel
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seitosokusha · 7 years
inktostories replied to your post “Tilte prompt, The Stars Light the Road You Walk.”
Holy Carp! I LOVE IT!! Obi-Wan is amazing in this and just the perfect amount of "This is the worst idea ever but screw it!" Awesome!!!
ah! I’m glad you love it. xD Obi will probably regret it later, but lmao it’s all good :P
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