#but i made it to match the one i did a while back of shane in uhh one of the penitentiaries idr which
theonekierce · 2 years
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ghosties and ghoulies in waverly hills 👁👁
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biscuitbox23 · 5 months
The other woman.
Summary: The other woman will spend her life alone…
Authors Note: am back with another fic. I always thought about Lori and Shane and whatever happens, it’s always the song ‘The other woman’ from Lana del Rey. Poor rick :( in this case I wanted it to be like Rick still dealing with the grief and loss of his wife while Y/n fills in the gap because we all know Rick would NEVER EVER cheat on Lori.
Warnings: Suggestive themes but no actual smut comes in (still be cautious with this), angst, unrequited love. If I missed anything don’t be shy to comment on it, please do.
word count: 1.8k
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The other woman has time to manicure her nails The other woman is perfect where her rival fails And she's never seen with pin curls in her hair anywhere.
You can almost feel his gaze in your cell room. You lay on your belly on the bed as you flipped through old gossip magazines like the ones you'd see in the front of a convenience store. It had radiant colors and models, actresses, you name it. It didn't help take away the longing ogling at you as you stared back at him, putting your magazine down. 
It didn't help that you had your pajamas still on. It was a small tank top with a lace neckline with matching shorts. It was silky, and it hugged onto your skin snuggly. It was coral-colored. It was Rick's favorite. It was no surprise. You liked to get his attention from time to time. 
You tried to put on this unrecognizable facade of cluelessness. It made you look more compliant. You like to paint your nails as leisure while everyone does their business and the jobs they have to contribute to the prison. You loved to feel pretty. Even at times like this, where you kill or get killed.
You'd see Rick pace around the prison like a madman. Carl had to deal with losing his mother. You didn't blame him. Rick was married to her for a long time. Sometimes, the widower would scream at nothing. It would wake you up in the night. Now you warm his bed. 
The other woman enchants her clothes with French perfume The other woman keeps fresh cut flowers in each room And there are never toys that's scattered everywhere.
You always kept yourself clean. It was important. You can never go a week without showering. Ever since the apocalypse, it has been difficult for you. So you tried your best to smell good and be presentable for yourself. You kept your cell tidy and pristine, too. You cared for Judith when Beth had to spend some time with her father, Hershel. Play her, dress her, change her, almost as if you were her mother. You only did it so you could contribute to the group. You did not want to get kicked out like last time.
You were being weak and useless. That was what your last group would say. It was not your fault. You realize they made you live bait. Then you found Rick just a few days later. Unfortunately, Rick was not feeling so well when you came.
You had always had an odd attraction to him. At first, you would hate him for being rude to you, then feel your heart pull towards him. You understood his grief, though. The death of his wife brought the worst in him. You wanted to fix it, somehow.
So you tried your best to make up for it. Tidying cells, checking up on people, eating less so the rest of the group can have more rations. You wanted to fit in, to feel a part of it. The people were genuine, especially Carol. You felt his presence in every corner of the prison. You did not mind it. You would feel your core start to feel something else.
But it was never you who he was imagining. Was it? Whenever both of you share the night.
In sleepless nights with him, you can feel his breath on your ear, whispering honeyed words and insincere thoughts while his hands anticipate the need to hold your flesh as his body towers over you. Sometimes, you wonder what was going on in his mind, whether it was you or his deceased lover whom he sees underneath him. The simple acknowledgment of your company or the unending bereavement that engulfed his very own consciousness. The ghost of the prison halls haunted by his late wife.
As he was by your side, it was almost as if he was not the same madman as he was in the first few days of your arrival. He was gentle and careful with you, like a craftsman handling a porcelain doll, unlike the man who yelled at you for arriving at their prison.
He would lie next to you. He still had his wedding band. You thought about removing it without him noticing. You knew it was wrong to think that way, but you could not help it. You wanted him for yourself, but you also did not want to hurt him. You did not want to be the cause of any more pain in his life. You pushed those thoughts aside and tried to focus on being a good member.
The wedding band on his finger was a cue of his wife, a memory forever etched in his mind. You couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy whenever you caught a glimpse of it, knowing that you could never replace what he had lost. Despite your desires, you made a conscious effort to act as support and to be there for his and Lori's baby, even Carl. You knew that his healing process would take time, but you were willing to be patient, even if it meant that you could never have him for yourself.
And when her old man comes to call He finds her waiting like a lonesome queen 'Cause to be by her side It's such a change from old routine
There are nights when you think he will finally confess his feelings towards you. The strong emotions that both of you shared mutually would finally be real all this time. The longing melancholy that you endured to feel him again. Things that only the other woman can feel.
You're lying down on the empty cot that held your tired body. The blanket lazily covered your body as you stared at the prison ceiling. You breathe rapidly, and your chest heaves as your eyes wander on Rick's body, glistening in the faint glow of the candle.
You'd be his if he asked you to.
He wouldn't be willing to do that for you. It's been only a few months since Lori's demise, his beloved partner. It's a woman you always envied despite her absence. The grief is still fresh, and he hasn't had enough time to heal yet.
As you lay there, watching Rick dress himself up and ready to leave, you couldn't help but wonder if there was a chance for something more between you two. However, deep down, you knew it was only a fantasy that would never come true. Despite the pain of unrequited love, you couldn't help but admire the man in front of you with his charming grace and loving body, grateful for the moments you shared even if they were limited.
Amidst a world ravaged by the undead, it felt like chasing after your heart's desires was a lost cause. You could only yearn for what you could have had. If only the world wasn't a grim and hopeless place you might have been Rick's beloved wife by now. You could have felt his longing gaze upon you as your bodies entwined in a loving moment, free from the fear and chaos that had consumed the world around you.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh The other woman will always cry herself to sleep The other woman will never have his love to keep And as the years go by, the other woman will spend her life alone.
Alone and heartbroken, you don't find comfort in your cell room after he left. Your body aches with humiliation as you feel your eyes well up. They sting in pain as tears form and trickle down your rosy cheeks and your neck, which bruised under his lustrous kisses.
The way he groans Lori's name from time to time, the way he shuts his eyes almost throughout the night as he claims your body for himself. You hated it all and despised Rick for it. Oh, but how could you hate him? It was impossible for you, wrapped around his finger like a pathetic toy used for his desire.
But he doesn't realize it. You were afraid to point it out, terrified that he would stop seeing you every night.
It is as if you longed for this twisted idea of true love. Sleeping with a widower, knowing you can't have his love for yourself. Yet, it entices you. Every night you spend with him, every chance you get. You did not like that feeling at all. Whatever happened, his heart belonged to his deceased wife. Someone he will never touch, kiss, hold.
How could Rick leave you yearning for him again and again? Disappearing as the sun rises, pretend like nothing is going on between you and him. That left you sobbing pathetically on your cot like a crybaby. You will never get the luxury of holding hands, cuddling with him on the bed, and sharing kisses. You longed for everything truly romantic, wishing what you had with Rick was similar to what Glenn and Maggie had.
Days passed, and you and Rick slowly stopped seeing each other every night. He started to heal from his grief a bit. He acknowledges you as a member, but never more than that, despite the intimacy both of you shared during his times of mental anguish.
During your childhood, you seldom had any friends. Even if you did manage to find someone to hang out with, your friendship was usually brief and fleeting. Your parents had their hands full with your younger siblings, and you often found yourself waiting alone for bedtime stories. Solitude became your constant companion until the apocalypse turned your world upside down.
It's an unfortunate reality that every person we love will eventually leave us in this world. You've had to face your fair share of losses, starting with the passing of your mother, father, and even your siblings. The apocalypse further compounded your feelings of isolation and grief as you were forced to journey alone, with nobody to rely on but yourself.
Along the way, you encountered a group of people who initially seemed like they could be allies, but it quickly became apparent that their intentions were far from honorable. With no other options, you continued your journey until you eventually stumbled upon a prison that had been into a small group home.
Despite your initial reservations, you soon found yourself safe and protected among the survivors who had made the prison their home. You were grateful to finally have a sense of belonging after so much loss and chaos.
You have been alone your whole life, but you've never felt so lonely as it is now.
A/n: I pictured this so much better than what I thought… I mean it’s not that good, I tried my best since I needed to clear out my WIPs, I’m sorry if this doesn’t meet up to ya’lls standards. I tried making it less sexual but let me know if I should dumb it down a little.
tags : @richardsamboramylove55 @musicownsme
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sparklyslug · 5 months
omg 👀 here you come again and here I go pls!!
DID YOU KNOW I'M JUST DEEPLY UNWELL ABOUT WAYNE MUNSON? AT ALL TIMES??? So I gave him a nice little romance with local drug dealer Reefer Rick, who in my brain looks like Robert Redford (possibly for alliterative reasons, I am just now realizing), as a treat.
This fic hypothetically spans from when Eddie starts dealing, through to Rick getting locked up (during which a string of epistolary romance may or may not unfold), to post-s4 when poor Eddie not only has to cope with the loss of a nipple and knowledge of the horrors in this world, but also with the knowledge that his uncle is fucking his boss/mentor.
This scene takes place some years after the last time Rick and Wayne have properly talked, which I will tell you now but won't be revealed until later, they may or may not have made out against a wall in a sexy angry fashion.
Rick reaches for his cigarettes without looking away, tapping one out as he speaks. “Not having been a troubled teen like myself and Mo here, maybe you wouldn’t understand what it’s like. To feel like you’re out of options. To grab any way out you can.”
“You’ve always had options, just elected to ignore them time and time again,” Wayne says, barely blinking as Rick lights the cigarette about three inches away from his face. “And so does Eddie.”
“Maybe,” Rick says magnanimously, bemused and charmed as ever by the ideas Wayne has apparently held on to about Rick’s options. “But maybe I can keep an eye on him better if he’s exploring those options working for me, instead of trying his luck with someone who isn’t family.”
“You’re not family, Lipton,” Wayne says, close to deadly as Rick has ever heard him. 
“And you’re not his daddy, Wayne,” Rick says, matching his tone for the first time. 
Wayne goes absolutely still. Rick keeps an eye on him, and takes a long drag from his Marlboro. It’s one of those rare times when Mo sits back, showing off the uncanny ability to read when Rick gets to a place where he can and will handle his business himself. 
“But, tell you what,” Rick says, when he decides that no, this isn’t going to be that kind of night. “You’re worried about Eddie. You want to know what he’s up to, and finding he won’t talk to you about it, since he’s at that age. I understand. You want to know what’s going on with him while giving him his space, I’ll tell you.”
Wayne lifts an eyebrow. “You’ll tell me.”
Rick takes another drag and quirks his lips to the side, angles his exhale just to the side of Wayne’s face. Catches the whip-quick glance, only sees the split-second when Wayne’s eyes drop down to his lips because he’s looking so closely for it. 
What is it about this man? Rick thinks to himself, but without any really stress or anxiety. The question’s too old to get all worked up about it anymore, doesn’t dig under his skin the way it did when they were kids. Now he just has to smile. 
“I’ll tell you,” he confirms, and gestures at the bar around them. “You know where to find me.”
Wayne’s still looking at him uncertainly, silent, like he doesn’t quite believe Rick still. Or maybe (in Rick’s wildest dreams) like he’d gotten derailed by Rick’s little smoke screen move back there. 
“I have a pretty good idea of your opinion of me, Wayne,” Rick says with a tight little laugh. “So I guess you’ll have to take my word for it when I tell you that I know my business. I know how to keep Eddie safe. Out of any of the really serious trouble. And I know him, I think. Or maybe he reminds me of someone I used to know.”
Wayne’s mouth is a tight thin line. “Shane, you mean.”
“Even worse than that, sorry to say,” Rick says, taking his eyes off Wayne for what feels like the first time to share a grin with Mo. “I meant he reminds me of me. Come on, Wayne. Sit down, have a beer. Hurting my neck to keep staring up at you like this.”
Mo laughs, and Wayne scowls. 
“I find anything harder on him than grass, and–”
“--and you’ll reacquaint me with your right hook, yeah, yeah,” Rick waves the hand with his cigarette in it at him airily, bringing back his finest over-the-top drawl. “Fiddle dee dee, Mistah Munson. You run along now, I’m quite overpowered by your presence.”
To his delight, Wayne Munson actually rolls his eyes, an expression favored by the fifteen-year-old shithead he’d once been but rarely seen in these more sober adult years. He wheels away from the bar, stalking off without another word. 
“So,” Mo says, nodding for another round over at Chuck, who’s been polishing the same pint glass at the end of the bar for the last twenty minutes, pretending like he wasn’t eavesdropping. “You going to tell me what the hell that was all about, Lipton?”
Rick laughs. “Eh, there’s no point. We’ll never see him around here again.”
Only a few teachers throughout his spotty academic career had ever thought Rick had any kind of a brain. Which didn’t bother Rick too much, since he kind of thought the whole enterprise was fucking ridiculous. School maybe would have been easier for him if he wasn’t so goddamn bored all the time. He always knew where his smarts were, and found them a hell of a lot more useful than whatever had the poindexters like Wayne Munson sitting on the edge of their seat, hand in the air, waiting for someone to call on them. That’s never been him– the waiting. The needing someone else to call his name, before he decides to act. Not his style. And not the measure of success he’s ever looked for.
But he’s got a new Pontiac paid for nearly in full in the driveway of a house that’s what– four times the size of the double-wide he grew up in? Got a fridge full of food and a gym membership he never uses, a few discreet friends he can afford to show some of the finer dining spots in the area. 
And, most revealingly: despite the money that paid for all of this, he’s got next to no kind of criminal record. 
So Rick is smart. He isn’t wrong often. He doesn’t have any way to know that he’s wrong now, assuming it’ll be another fifteen-odd years before Wayne Munson deigns to rage at him again. He'd be even more surprised to know that it’s just the first in what’ll turn out to be a real interesting string of wrong occasions, with increasingly wrong consequences. 
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sneetsnootyoit · 1 year
Protected From the Past
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Dio Morrissey x gn!Reader
Summary: Fluff with Dio. That's the fic
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings and shit: panic attacks, past trauma, absolute FLUFF NO USE OF Y/N
A/N: Usage of the nickname "birdie" inspired by Strange Love by angstyamy on Ao3 - It's very spicy and I would absolutely recommend it.
When you met Dio, he was a bartender at your favorite place, QXT's Night Club. You'd been going there for a while. The vibe was comfortable, and the people were great. You became known as a regular face around there, and all the staff knew you by name. You weren't a heavy drinker, you just liked going to hang out and enjoy the ambience.
When Dio started working there, you thought he was a little odd. He was closed off and conceited. He held himself like he was better than those around him, and he claimed that he had the answers to gaining access to the 'next level'. You thought it was pretty goofy, but you listened anyway. He was cute and you liked hearing him talk. Something about his voice made you feel at ease. That, or you just thought he had a sexy voice.
After a few months, he started to open up to you, and you learned that about a year ago, he'd been arrested for stabbing a guy, and by dumb luck, the guy decided he didn't want to press charges and they let him walk. He was on parole for a while, and he was sick of working with 'drones'. Once you started getting to know him better, he started to flirt with you. It was unexpected, and his flirting was odd. He offered to take you under his wing and show you 'his ways'. He also defended you from creeps as best he could. It took a while before you caved and agreed to go out with him. He took you to a garden that was near a cemetery late at night, and you had dinner under the moonlight. It was actually very romantic, and it brought out another side of him that you hadn't seen before. As time went on, you grew closer, and you started hanging out at his place. Some nights, you'd wait until he got off work and go back to his apartment with him so you could watch shitty movies and eat takeout. You started dating, and it was actually pretty nice. He put up a kind of facade in public, but behind closed doors, he was a completely different person.
One evening, you'd gone out for a walk with Dio, and you'd stumbled upon a crime scene. You caught a glimpse of the body as they were loading it into the ambulance and gasped quietly, tugging on Dio's sleeve to urge him to leave. He was gazing upon the scene for a moment before something caught his eye and he immediately turned around and the two of you began heading back towards his apartment. He had a slightly panicked look on his face and seemed to be walking hurriedly, so you made sure to match his pace. When you got back to his place, you wanted to ask questions, but it didn't seem like the right time. After a couple hours, there was a knock on his door, and he looked at it, annoyed.
"You want me to get it?"
Dio didn't say anything, so you went ahead and opened the door. You were met by two men in suits. It was pretty obvious they were cops, and your breath caught in your throat when you saw them. You knew that Dio had some issues with the detectives that handled his case, which left him more weary of cops than he was before he got arrested.
"We're looking for Shane Morrissey," one of the men said, trying to peek around you into the apartment.
"Did he do something?"
"We need to ask him a couple of questions. It can either happen here or down at the station in cuffs. Doesn't matter much to me."
You felt Dio's presence behind you before his hand reached around you to grab the edge of the door, pulling it open. "What do you want?"
"Where were you today, Shane?"
"It's Dio. But you already knew that," he sneered, gripping the door tightly. You could feel the tension radiating off of him.
"You gonna answer the question?" The second cop asked, hand moving toward the handcuffs on his belt.
"I was here all day."
"Anyone who can support that, Dio?" The first cop asked, leaning towards him.
"I can," you interrupted, glaring at the detectives in front of you. "I came over last night when he got off work around 3 am. We ate and watched a movie, then we slept. We haven't left this apartment all fucking day, alright? What, you think he killed that guy?"
The second detective almost seemed amused by how defensive you were, but the first one was simply annoyed. "With the way he reacted when we made eye contact at the scene? Absolutely," he responded, and you scoffed. "If any part of this story doesn't check out, we'll be coming back to put your ass in cuffs."
"Eat shit and die, pigs," Dio sneered as they started to walk away. Before he closed the door, you stopped him and shook your head.
"No, eat shit and live. Live with the knowledge of what you've done," you corrected, closing the door.
Dio would've laughed at your add-on if he hadn't been absolutely terrified that he was about to get arrested. When you turned around and saw the look on his face, you immediately understood. You took hold of his hand and brought him back over to the couch, urging him to sit down so you could straddle his thighs and sit in his lap.
He instinctively put his trembling hands on your hips and you scooted closer to him, cupping his face in your hands. His gaze was distant and his breathing was heavy. You'd never seen Dio have a panic attack before and you weren't quite sure what to do, so you just did what you thought would help.
"Hey, it's okay," you whispered, bringing his head to your chest. You ran your fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead. "They’re gone. Besides, you didn’t do anything wrong." You paused. “Did you know those guys?”
Dio's breaths came out shaky and he slowly wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tightly as he nodded. “Those were the guys who arrested me,” he mumbled into your chest, voice trembling just as much as his hands.
"You're going to be okay, dove," you assured him, using one hand to card your fingers through his hair and the other to rub circles into his back. He began to relax against you and after a little while, his breathing began to even out. He kept you close to him once he started to calm down, and when he finally lifted his face to look at you, you could see the redness of his eyes and the tears that had fallen. You didn't say anything as you wiped his tears away with the sleeve of your hoodie and pressed your forehead to his, gently stroking a thumb across his jaw. "My sweet dove," you murmured, letting your nose brush his.
He sighed out your name and you hummed, playing with his hair. "I have no idea what I did to allow the universe to gift me someone as amazing as you, birdie."
"You didn't have to do anything. You just existed."
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julianxpark · 2 months
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[cis male and he/him] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [JULIAN PARK]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [JUSTIN H MIN]. You must be the [THIRTY FOUR] year old [UNEMPLOYED]. Word is you’re [OPTIMISTIC] but can also be a bit [PASSIVE] and your favorite song is [KOOL AID BY ROYEL OTIS]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [SEABROOK QUARTER]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
fullname. julian park (줄리안 파크)
nicknames. none.
gender. cis male
pronouns. he / him
d.o.b. august 16th, 1990 | ( 34 years old )
astrology. leo ☀ cancer ☾  aries ↑
birth place. san diego, california.
hometown. san diego, california.
current residence. aurora bay, california. ( @aurorabayaesthetic​ )
occupation. unemployed / ex-actor.
religion. buddist.
tattoos. matching tattoo with cast mates.
piercings. none.
marital status. single.
sexual preference. pansexual.
family. ha-won park ( mother ), joon park ( father ), simon park ( stepfather ) , half-sister (WC).
children. none.
shane mccarthy ( will they or won't they by ava wilder ), smith jarrett ( sex and the city ), rick dalton ( once upon a time in hollywood ), vince chase ( entourage ).
+ optimistic, friendly, talented. - passive, directionless, self-deprecating.
Julian Park had never wanted to be an actor. That's what he has always said, the many times he's been interviewed over the years. When he was discovered at the ripe old age of 23, the ex-waiter would have had no idea what his life would become. All he ever wanted was to make good tips and get stoned with his friends, that was why he moved from San Diego to Los Angeles after all. That was why he was working as a waiter in the Bestia, an up-and-coming italian restaurant that attracted a lot of the Hollywood crowd. Julian had always enjoys schmoozing, knowing what people wanted to hear was his secret talent and it paid off in the hospitality industry. It wasn't until he was serving Roman Schultz, a network showrunner - that Julian realised that maybe there was more to life than charming your way into getting bigger tips.
When he was invited to audition for the lead in a paranormal drama aimed at teenagers, Julian nearly didn't bother showing up. What did he know about acting? Other than pretending to be interested in the random conversations with regulars and saying he was going to call a few one-night stands when he never had any intention of doing so, he had no experience with it. But as he read the lines aloud to a panel of producers and casting directors, Julian could feel himself become someone else. He became Harrison Chu. A ghost who haunted his love interest, a rookie cop, into solving his own murder.
And he would continue being Harrison Chu for the next ten years.
Off the back of the Twilight craze, the supernatural dramas were still on the rise but vampires were so done. The network said it was all about ghosts now. Throw in a 'will they or won't they' love dynamic between Julian and his co-star and it was a hit! The chemistry between the two leads was so intense that people often speculated that they were together in real life, although the two never confirmed it. The network would milk that tension for the better part of a decade.
The Hunt would air for nine seasons, from 2013 until the spring of 2023, when ratings had dropped far too low for the network to continue. Upon hearing that their ninth season would be their last, most of the cast and crew were relieved. All plot lines were exhausted to the point where it was borderline ridiculous. While they were like family, most of the cast were looking for other projects, wanting to grow as actors. But for Julian.. he'd only ever played Harrison. Shooting in Vancouver for ninth months of the year didn't leave much time for anything else, in between press tours, promo shoots and the convention circuit. The Hunt was the only experience he'd ever had in the film and television industry, and while it had made him rich and semi-famous in some circles, it didn't necessarily translate into range.
As things were finishing up on the show, Julian's agent kept pushing for audition after audition. Eventually, he did try out for a small indie movie with a well-known actor attached to make their directorial debut. It had Oscar bait written all over it and it generated a lot of buzz, but for all the wrong reasons. Critics said it was pretentious, the dialogue was stilted. And while Redditors online were lenient on Julian's acting, it did not bode well for his chances of launching into bigger budget films.
Thankfully, Julian wasn't the type to take things too personally and it wasn't as if he was necessarily needing a job right away. He had nine seasons of residuals and a dedicated fanbase, but away from the spotlight, he felt adrift once again. Life had been so easy on set, with a strict schedule and places to be. While it was exhausting, at least it was something to do. Since studios weren't necessarily banging down his door and his agent kept forgetting to return his calls, Julian started looking for inspiration elsewhere.
An interest in surfing is what had originally brought him to Aurora Bay. The perfect waves that lapped at the shore was the perfect reset from the hustle and bustle of Hollywood life, but it was still close enough if he did ever want to go back and throw his hat into the ring again. And while he may have no plan lined up for his future, he's in the perfect place to rediscover who he really is behind the lens.
coming soon!
roommates with @robinsantos and @ziggykyeons
close friends with @tillycai
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little-whats-her-name · 2 months
Giving my thoughts while watching The Dressmaker for the first time, so there will be spoilers
FYI the first piece of media I watched with Kate Winslet in it was not, like most, Titanic (I still haven't watched Titanic) but HBO's The Regime, thus I'm still wrapping my head around seeing Kate play a role that isn't Chancellor Elena Vernham
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I don't know what's weirder, hearing Kate Winslet speak with an Aussie accent or watching her smoke. But Lenny, the lung cancer!
Kate even says "hm" like an Aussie, but you can tell who the real ones are
Liam looks identical to Chris
Wouldn't be an Australian film without Shane Jacobson. I swear it must be in the contract for whenever a screenwriter wants to set a film in Australia - must have Shane Jacobson playing a dad or, at the very least, a father-figure. I met him after Rocky Horror in 2018 (he was the narrator). He was very kind, stopped someone from cutting in front of me for autographs
Say what you want about the cop-type guy, he matched his hat and skirt to his uniform top and tie very well
Just had a Freaky Friday moment: Nearly bit right through my finger in the footy scene, meanwhile my dad could not have cared less about Myrtle's appearance and was pretty much watching the same scene like "mmm footy". No other thoughts in his head at all. So I'm questioning my own thought process
Thought she was nude but the black dress and the decolletage is nice
I don't get how changing her dress made the opposite team get distracted but alright
Pot brownies!
I've seen the Liam Hemsworth stripping scene in every single trailer. I pointed this out to my dad, who replied, "Gotta give the viewers something to look forward to." 🤣
The actor that plays Gertrude's mum would make a great Emily Weiss
"Give it! Give it!" Kate, your Elena Vernham is showing
Same with "Teddy, look." and "No no no no no d-don't!" and "Those vile idiots, I invited them up here." and "God, she must have broken something when she fell." and "But... she's in pain!" and "She would've hated it, she would've hated this one!"
Also the "But... she's in pain!" delivery is me when my mum calls Elena crazy
Love that Teddy finds out that Myrtle's technically responsible for a boy's death and responds by making out with her
Cracked up laughing at Chancellor Elena Vernham's face and voice saying, "It's Superman!"
Oh no, we've got Kate Winslet on a boat, is this intertextual referencing?
She's gonna get Titanic flashbacks, they're on a boat and Teddy's gone
My dad was making dinner and missed this part, so I had to fill him in:
Me (distraught): You were right about the wheat thing!
My dad: What?
Me: Liam's character just suffocated in the wheat!
My dad (having no empathy for Myrtle whatsoever): So, she is cursed.
Like no, dad, don't say that in front of the fragile Kate Winslet character, she's already blaming herself, she doesn't need your confirmation
Kate's got one panicked sobbing voice but it's a good one
Ay there's those hymn number things that were in Reefer Madness (2005), but unlike in Reefer Madness, none of the hymn numbers are 420
That's such an Elena mourning outfit
Ooh I reckon that extra's in Hairspray (2007). Like the casting directors just call her up whenever they need a background character for a film set in the 1950s-1960s
"10 shillings." "12 shillings." Makes me think of "5 galleons." "I'm your brother!" "Ten galleons."
"At least you've got Una." Extra in front right's reaction is hilarious and perfect. Should've got a raise for that.
Seeing Myrtle asleep is making me think of that one ep of The Regime
Makeup guys did a good job, very realistic exhausted, red-eyes-from-crying look
Kate makes "Thank you, Trudy." sound like "Go fuck yourself, Trudy."
Now Kate looks like Elena in ep 6
The pot brownies are back!
Had to die right in the middle of the town for the perfect shot (as in the way the scene's set, there's no bullet)
Myrtle being sad and drunk is such a mood, so's her outfit
HAHA I have to gif that scene for Mae
The way she reads the letter 😂 "Winyerp... drama club..." She's so hangover, I love her so much, I'll hold her hair back if she vomits. I'll just step right through the TV screen. I wrote a song about a similar thing
And I have to gif THIS scene for Mae
"Marigold, this is very wrong!" "Yes... But I'm unstable."
The contrast between the pastel tiles and his dark blood is so pretty
Shane looks so good in Rocco makeup, with his beard and everything
Ah there's the clip that's in the trailer, editors did a good job spoiling the twist ending
"Where are you going, miss?" Home? "Paris." (disappointed voice) Aw
"You never met the rubbish." is a great final line
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molliehaswords · 8 months
Trick or treat! 🕸️🎃
I was gonna give you a trick and use this as an excuse to reveal some ZestyBroke, but since you're actually helping me with writing that, I have an angsty treat for you instead.
Yes, you read that right. I have ANGST to share.
WIP/draft of the beginning of whenever I get to Shane's 6 Heart Event with Gracie in Storybrooke Farm:
The weather matched Gracie’s mood. It had been storming all day long, so, after she checked on the hens and the other animals, Gracie headed up to the mines to work through some of her frustrations. The night before had been one of the worst nights she’d had in quite some time. ~*~ It had started like any regular Friday evening. Everyone in town was gathered at the Stardrop for dinner, as usual. The “kids” were playing pool in the back; Robin and Demetrius were dancing; Philip and Harvey were talking shop; Pierre was trying to get Olivia to invest in his store. Surprisingly, the most out-of-place thing was the scowl darkening Shane’s face next to the fire. He hadn’t looked this grumpy since Gracie first arrived in town. She made a beeline for her buddy. Elbowing him in the side, she said, “Hey there, sunshine, what’s crack-a-lackin’?” He just grunted, rolled his eyes, and turned away. Concerned, Gracie gently touched his shoulder. “Seriously, man, you okay?” “Please just leave me alone, Freeport,” he grumbled, shaking her hand off his shoulder.  “All right, man, you got it.” Gracie put her hands up, then noticed Elliott waving her over. “I’ll be over there if you change your mind and want to chat.” With a glance over her shoulder, concerned for her friend, she left him to stew and plastered a big grin on her face.  “Hey there, birthday boy! I’ve got a present for you!” Gracie shouted cheerily at Elliott, pulling a bag of fresh pomegranates out of her backpack as she crossed the bar to him. Over the next couple hours, Gracie tried to ignore the grumpy presence in the corner and acted like everything was normal. She bought a couple rounds of drinks for everyone, she chatted with Lewis and Marnie about the upcoming fair. But all the while, something seemed wrong. Maybe it was the pale ale talking, but eventually she couldn’t stand it anymore and went back over to Shane. Punching him playfully, she said, “Dude, seriously. What is wrong? You’re glowering over here like someone just killed your best friend and you’re looking for revenge. And you keep glaring at me specifically. Did I do something?” “Bitch, just take your fake sympathy and leave me the fuck alone. Go flirt with Philip or Elliott or something,” Shane spat, just as the music quieted for a song change. Gracie’s eyes watered and her lip quivered a little before she steeled herself to reply. “Okay fine, be that way, asshole. Fuck you too. See if anyone else cares.” She grabbed her bag, slammed some cash into Emily’s hand, and left into the cold night air, tears stinging her eyes.
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movedcherriluvv · 2 years
000 - Healthy States Of Mind Where?
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Contains: mentions of violence, mentions of death, internal infidelity accusations, who thought kids being mature for their age was a good thing?
wc: 1327k
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Standing there, watching the reunion of the once separated family of three hold each other dearly and desperately from afar, emotions, many of them swirled inside her, but none of them were good. None of them matched the relief and happiness that others felt, and as selfish as she knew it was, Elsie felt an all too crushing disappointment and sadness and envy.
Seeing them she couldn’t stomach the sight. All those negative emotions were augmenting the longer she stood there.
Alone she walked back inside of the RV and closed the door behind her. Plopping herself onto one of the cushioned seats she hugged her knees to her chest as she tried to ignore the gradual blur of her eyesight.
Always, she’d been the realistic, borderline cynical type by the age of nine. Having been disappointed time after time by one of the few people who should never have made her feel so on multiple occasions made her this way, and yet, because she was just a child, she still held onto the foolish, dimwitted, childish hope that maybe just maybe her parents would find her and hold her close and never let her go again.
She scowled. A mean and horrible thought came into her mind. Why did Carl get to see his dad again? It was unfair, completely and unjustly unfair. He already had one parent and a father figure while she had no one. Absolutely no one.
It was as if god decided to rub it into her face that she was an orphan, and if that was his true intention, then he succeeded. Her nails sunk into the exposed skin of her knees and her teeth sunk into her cheeks in an attempt to prevent the scream of resentment and anger from tearing its way out of her mouth.
She wanted to strike something with a hard wooden bat, she wanted to stomp something under her feet, she wanted to punch her fist into something, she wanted to snap something between her hands, she wanted to—
The door to the RV opened, and through it, Dale peeked in as if this wasn’t his vehicle that he owned. “Hey kiddo, are you okay?” he asked in a kind voice, and she aggressively wiped the angry tears from her eyes.
“Fine,” she bitterly mumbled but she wasn’t fooling anyone. Dale softened. Everyone knew about Elsie, the little girl cruely left alone in this world at such a young age. Though she carried herself maturely compared to the rest of the children so she was trusted to regulate herself by many of the adults, she was still a child herself and it was evident in this moment. He couldn’t even begin to imagine how she must be feeling at this moment—seeing another family reunite while hers were out there most likely dead.
Still he wasn’t going to force her to talk, especially not in this state, so he mustered a smile for her and said, “remember, if you need anything, I’m here for you. We all are, okay?”
“Yeah, okay,” she responded quietly, ducking her head, and with one last sympathetic smile, he left. The door closed behind him and she was left on her own.
Time passed, though her feelings were no longer as intense as they previously were, the bitterness still remained. Fortunately though her head was much more clear and calmer, and because of that it came to her mind a memory, a memory long ago when she asked Carl if Shane was his father one day while they were colouring. The question wasn’t far-fetched considering how close Shane and Lori acted with one another. It didn’t slip her attention that the two were always conveniently missing at the exact same time, and how fatherly he treated Carl. She’s seen it all before. To her surprise though Carl had told her that in fact, Shane was not his father and was actually his father‘s best friend since childhood, and that his real father was dead.
‘Should I say something?’ She internally asked herself, taking a sip of water from a brown mug borrowed from Dale and eyeing Rick who recounted his experience of when he first awoke in the new world of roaming monsters of the dead.
In his lap was his son, and beside him, caressing Carl’s head lovingly was Lori. It was a picture perfect image of a family that loved each other.
‘…Nah.’ She ultimately decided. It wasn’t like it was her place to say. ‘He’s a cop anyways. He'll figure it out.’
But now what will happen with Lori and Shane’s relationship? Will they come out about it? Or keep it secret?
Either way, she kind of hoped for an entertaining outcome because there were only so many pages in her colouring book left to keep her busy.
She tapped back into the conversation at the mention of Daryl Dixon.
‘Ah that’s right. They forgot him.’ She remembered, referring to Merle Dixon who the scavenging group at the time left behind cuffed on roof in Atlanta. When she first met him she decided right off the bat that she would avoid him as much as possible because that man was one of the trashiest men she’d ever met in her life. She thought of this as karma for being a constant ass and didn’t feel an ounce of pity for him. The only person she felt bad for in this situation was his brother, Daryl, because unlike the older of the two men, he seemed to be a decent person from what she’s seen. Quiet yes, but at least he didn’t continuously run his mouth with bullshit.
“I’ll tell him. I dropped the key. It’s on me,” T-Dog said.
Elsie muffled a snort by pretending to sip from her drink. How on earth does one accidentally drop a key down a drain? She wouldn’t blame him if he'd actually done it on purpose. Merle Dixon was a prick.
“I cuffed him. That makes it mine,” Rick interjected.
“Guys, it’s not a competition. I don’t mean to bring race into this—” ‘But you will anyway.’ “—but it might sound better coming from a white guy,” Glenn suggested.
“I did what I did. Hell if I’m gonna hide from him.”
“We could lie,” Amy pipped in.
“Or tell the truth.” Was Andrea’s suggestion which contrasted morally to her sister’s. “Merle was out of control. Something had to be done or he’d have gotten us killed.” She tilted her head and looked at Lori. “Your husband did what was necessary, and if Merle got left behind it is nobody’s fault but Merle’s.”
“And that’s what we tell Daryl?” Dale asked the group. He shook his head. “I don’t see a rational discussion to be had from that, do you?”
‘We can’t just not tell him.’ Is what Elsie wanted to say but remained silent since she didn’t want to be shut off or sent to the camper for an early rest. God that would be embarrassing. That and no one would tell her anything if she asked so this was her only means of finding stuff out.
“Word to the wise—we’re gonna have our hands full when he gets back from his hunt,” Dale finished.
“I was scared and I ran. I’m not ashamed of that.”
“We were all scared,” Andrea responded to T-Dog, “we all ran. What’s your point?”
“I stopped long enough to chain that door.” T-Dog then went on to explain that Merle may still be alive since the door was chained shut with a sturdy chain and padlock, and there wasn’t enough space for more than a dozen walkers to loiter in the narrow stairwell.
“That’s on us,” he said before getting up and leaving.
Elsie glanced at the sheriff to see his reaction, illuminated by the low flames of the bond fire there was a look in his eyes that she couldn’t quite place her finger on, she knew right there and then that the miracle of a man was someone she could trust.
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Elsie: I'm so tired of this life. I want to be a roomba. I want knives taped to me. And I want to be set loose.
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Alexander Skarsgård: ‘I still wake up shivering in the foetal position’
By Kevin EG Perry
October 1, 2016, The Guardian
A few years ago, Alexander Skarsgård turned up at a Hammarby football match in Stockholm noticeably… what’s a polite way of putting this? Worse for wear? “I was shitfaced,” says Skarsgård. “I went up in front of the crowd and started doing this chant. Someone put it on Youtube. I’m very drunk, going: ‘You fucking cunts, listen to me!’ I thought: ‘This is real embarrassing.’”
During the bleak hangover that followed, the 40-year-old Swedish actor thought he might have torpedoed a career that had just seen him get the part of Tarzan in this summer’s blockbuster. In fact it made him an even more perfect fit for the role. “Warner Bros had said they needed someone primal and animalistic,” he says. “So my agent sent them the video, saying: ‘Isn’t this motherfucker primal enough for you?’”
Another one of the half-million people who watched it was John Michael McDonagh, writer-director of The Guard and Calvary, who was on the lookout for a hard-drinking detective for his pitch-black buddy comedy War On Everyone. “He saw the video and went: ‘That’s the guy,’” says Skarsgård. “It got me the job. The moral of the story is: Make a fool of yourself and people will love you. Remember that, kids.”
When we meet around midday in the lobby of the Hotel Normandy during the Deauville American film festival, it seems he’s taken his own lesson to heart. The previous night he was so smashed that he invaded the DJ booth at War On Everyone’s afterparty and proved that while you can take the man out of Sweden… “I played strictly Abba,” he says. “When in doubt, Lay All Your Love On Me. We closed that place down.”
As he concertinas himself into the back of a people carrier for the two-hour drive to Charles de Gaulle airport, sheltering his eyes behind dark shades, it’s somehow reassuring to know that savage hangovers afflict even movie stars who’ve been blessed with the sort of face that led Ben Stiller to cast him in Zoolander so he could ask him: “Did you ever think there’s more to life than being really, really, really ridiculously good-looking?”
Yet he was back with his pecs out this summer for The Legend Of Tarzan, a blockbuster that, like many in 2016, struggled at the box office. He says he was drawn in by the character’s search for a place in the world and impressed by Harry Potter director David Yates’s ability to make a £140m film feel “intimate”. But it was in some ways a change of scale. “I work mostly in independent movies so the scope of Tarzan was definitely different,” Skarsgård says. “I didn’t feel pressured [by the box office demands] though. It wasn’t like: ‘Oh fuck, this is a big movie.’ It was an incredible experience, but it was also nine months of just gym, work and bed. I didn’t have a sip of alcohol. It was robotic.”
Which explains the appeal of War On Everyone, a film in which he both downs and takes shots in every direction. Skarsgård plays Terry, a perma-drunk, Glen Campbell-obsessed, unapologetically corrupt detective partnered with the lightning-witted Bob, played by The Martian’s Michael Peña. It’s the old bad cop/worse cop routine, but laced with fierce cleverness. Where Shane Black’s The Nice Guys were bumbling dunces, McDonagh’s pair trade wisecracks peppered with esoteric references to everyone from Simone de Beauvoir to realist painter Andrew Wyeth.
“It’s so un-PC, it’s so me,” says Skarsgård. “You could tell John didn’t give a fuck about anything, which I found refreshing in a script. I’d read a couple of comedies but nothing that was fun or intelligent enough. When I got this script and it was dark and twisted and weird and completely out there, I was excited.” And besides, he adds, “[John is] a beautiful soul, which helps when you insult everyone.”
He even sees some similarities between his dirty detective and the king of the swingers. “As with Tarzan, there’s dichotomy in the character between being a civilised man and a beast. That’s something we can all relate to. We live in a civilised society, but 12 hours ago we were beasts dancing to Abba.”
The young Skarsgård’s first taste of fame was his own. His appearance at the age of 12 in TV film The Dog That Smiled made him a child star, but he soon found he hated the attention and quit acting. “I was desperate to be normal and blend in,” he says. He saw his chance at a life on the straight-and-narrow by enrolling in the Swedish military at 19, “unheard of” in his family. “That was my way to rebel,” he says.
Afterwards, still in search of himself, he decided to head to university in the UK. But he swerved London to find a more authentic British experience, and enrolled at Leeds Met. “It doesn’t get more British than a northern, working-class town,” he says. “There was a club called the Majestic where they had student nights and it was a pound a pint. We lived in Headingley, near the pubs on the Otley Run. Uni was a bullshit excuse for being there. I was studying British culture. I loved it.”
Deciding at 20 that he may have been a little hasty quitting acting, it was while visiting Stellan in LA that he won his small part in Zoolander – at his first Hollywood audition – but it was a false dawn. It would be another seven years before he got a major role, and he spent the time in between shuttling between theatres and coffee shops. When he was cast in David Simon and Ed Burns’s Iraq miniseries Generation Kill, he spent a month convinced he was about to be sacked. “It was only after four or five weeks I realised they weren’t going to recast,” he says. “Before that all I could think about was how much it would cost them to reshoot the big fight scenes after they fired me.”
Imposter syndrome is a common feeling – although a little hard to believe from a handsome, 6ft 4in movie star. “That shit doesn’t change,” he assures me. “I felt like that on Tarzan. I was on set thinking: ‘When is the director going to come over and say: Dude, you can go home. We’ve got Tarzan here now.’ That was 10 years after Generation Kill.”
Alexander Skarsgård, then: just like the rest of us. Fond of a pub crawl, obnoxious at sporting events, constantly waiting for that tap on the shoulder telling him the jig is up. So life is still pretty much the same when you’re really, really, really ridiculously good-looking?
“I mean, fuck, I still wake up shivering in the foetal position,” he says. “I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunities I get. Getting drunk on someone else’s dime listening to Abba is brilliant, but my life is still shit. I’m still agonising. What the fuck am I doing with my life? Where do I belong? Who gives a fuck? Let me assure you, it doesn’t get any better.”
War On Everyone is in cinemas from Friday
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caelwynn · 1 month
Callie and Kacey Musgraves
Connecting Sterling and Shane to a specific album came easy. I listened to their respective albums and went, "Ah, that's Sterling. Yes, that feels like Shane." Because I'm a completionist, I began keeping an ear out for something that would match Callie. I wanted my hat trick, my trifecta, my cord of three strands.
While I had no album for Callie when writing my earliest drafts of Choices, I did have a song, "What I'd Give" by Sugarland, that I heavily associated with her and Sterling. Specifically, her longing for an actual romance with him instead of... *hand waves at Choices: Spring* Once those other albums had clicked for me, however, I began hopping between different albums that might work, but none of them truly hit just right.
To be honest, I really wanted Lizzy McAlpine's five seconds flat to fit the bill because if you slapped a British accent on her voice, that would be how I hear Callie. When Older came out, I had high hopes, but again, it didn't really jive with how Callie felt in my head. But around the same time Older released, I happened upon Kacey Musgraves' Deeper Well.
There it was. I don't know her discography all that well, so I can't really speak to how she as an artist relates to Callie, but that album, man. One, the overall feel/sound to the album slots in nicely next to Hozier and Stick Season (We'll All Be Here Forever). And two, it has this lovely mix of light whimsy and yet a deep well (ha!) of pain beneath it all.
More detailed thoughts on individual tracks (and potential spoilers for Choices) are underneath the cut:
"Cardinal" makes me think of Callie post-Reece's suicide and in the lead-up to her moving to Stardew Valley. She'd lost everything at that point, and she kept looking for a sign to change her life. Considering her relationship with magic, the bridge hit me pretty hard.
"Deeper Well" is very much her thinking back on Paul and her parents. Both were abusive relationships, though of differing types and degrees. It fits with how she finally left all of it behind, as well as how she turned to substances (alcohol, in Callie's case) to survive it all.
"Too Good to Be True" reflects her thoughts on her relationships with both Philip and Sterling at the beginning of each. Though, with regards to Philip, it could also be a bit of a pun with how things turn out in Choices: Summer.
"Moving Out" is a reflection on, well, I shouldn't spoil too much....
For Sterling there's "Giver/Taker" for that last night in Spring, later on "Dinner with Friends" for things that'll happen in Fall, "Jade Green" for the latter half of Winter, and both "Heaven Is" and especially "Nothing to be Scared Of" as the endgame for her and Sterling in Choices.
"Heart of the Woods" feels ready-made for Callie and the Junimos. Also, Callie really does buy into the idea that people, deep-down, do want to look out for each other and help one another.
When it comes to Callie's thoughts on her mother's side of the family, "Lonely Millionaire" fits to a tee. Her mum comes from money. Her dad was the son of a poor country boy who became ensnared by the lifestyle marrying her mum brought about, even if it made him utterly beholden to her parents. Money was used as a method of control on Callie, and while she worries about money constantly due to that, she also knows through bitter experience that money is no substitute for love.
"The Architect" is genuinely what sold me on the album for Callie, though, particularly this verse:
I thought that I was too broken And maybe too hard to love I was in a weird place, then I saw the right face And the stars and the planets lined up
There's a scene that happens early in Fall that is perfectly summarized by that verse.
It's just such a good album, and combined with Hozier's Hozier for Sterling and and Noah Kahan's Stick Season (We'll All Be Here Forever) for Shane, they all come together to make a cohesive feel, even if those respective albums aren't what the characters in question would actually listen to.
If you're interested in what albums I associate with other characters in Choices, check here.
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coffinofconfections · 4 months
So my 'new' (new as in, finally just met them) alter Shel Ghostie switched in for two days. And we all (the whole head fam) were going over it tonight affer I got Shel to finally go back. I rarely switch at all so this was an emotional experience.
Ghostie's mind didn't spiral or go over the trauma cycling I'm so used to. It's like there was peace while I rested in our headspace. Ghostie got information from me where they needed it (basic stuff or passwords).
My misohponia didn't affect Ghostie. Not one bit. In fact they ate joyfully loud.
A few times they stared at the body's hands, which are mine usually, and they felt detached. And it was like staring at someone else's body. It was strange but it didn't upset them. They were just extremely frustrated my body didn't match how they look in the headspace, so they grabbed my eyeshadow to give them more of the ghost look (red around eyes) and changed my glasses to my clear pink ones (because they matched their eye color). Now, my eyes are watery and all messed up from the makeup. I never wear it because of this sensitivity.
Ghostie bought some overalls I'd been looking at (which were expensive, ouch) and they changed my clothes to better fit their peferences as much as they could. They didn't like my long jean skirt, they wanted pants and a t-shirt where I prefer the jean skirt and long sleeves. They liked my purple and orange halloween party necklaces so wore those. I usually don't.
They were 10x more social than me. I am not very social and struggle to know what to say half the time, but Ghostie was super talkative to our trusted friend and talked her ear off. They made themself a blog they wrote three long wntries in, and then made a Tumblr. Tonight they made an Instagram. They also changed my browser and really like the color blue (so made everything blue). They were careful to change browsers properly though and transferred all important info with my help.
Ghostie danced A LOT. My body cannot handle that much activity so they kept getting exhausted but would get up again because they have trouble just not dancing around.
They played a song on repeat for like an hour that they absolutely adored. When we switched back to me (Shane) and I played it, I liked the song but it wasn't something I'd have listened to more than once in one sitting.
Ghostie is more free and open with their confidence. They have no shame in being nude from the waist down and are not ashamed of self-pleasure. They are not ashamed of things that usually make me self conscious and ashamed. They are hypersexual as a trauma response, but it makes sense. They just engage with themself of course. Zagan (one of our spirit guides) agreed to be there for support at a distance and to make sure they are responsible with the body and safe. Byleth keeps his distance but also is there for support.
They are just pure joy. Even though they like traumacore and weirdcore/dreamcore, they are happy about it while it causes me distress sometimes.
It was just so nice. So peaceful. They are a teenager (it's important to note that alters that are underage are not true minors, as they are part of an adult body) so maybe that had to do with it. They are definitely attached to childhood trauma, and they are the ghost that got left behind after some of the stuff happened.
I think I started to unlock their door when I did that tarot reading about three years ago while exploring possible hidden trauma memories. I drew the ghost card from my oracle deck, and it was surrounded by cards mentioning a trauma happened and that is when a 'split' happened. So Ghostie is the teen that once might have been.
Ghostie knew it too. This is all so wild.
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theonekierce · 2 years
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I posted 10 times in 2022
That's 3 more posts than 2021!
7 posts created (70%)
3 posts reblogged (30%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 9 of my posts in 2022
Only 10% of my posts had no tags
#ryan bergara - 2 posts
#unreality - 2 posts
#ghost files - 2 posts
#ghost files fanart - 2 posts
#goncharov - 2 posts
#witcher fanart - 2 posts
#twn - 2 posts
#sherlock holmes fanart - 1 post
#actually did this for a halloween art contest - 1 post
#but i made it to match the one i did a while back of shane in uhh one of the penitentiaries idr which - 1 post
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i had. so many variants for this one i was this close to making a rainbow cycling gif just bc i liked literally every color i made the light
My Top Posts in 2022:
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i’m a bit late here since we’re onto puppet history season now but i wanted to do a redraw of my first unsolved art from 2018 but with ghost files this time! love those ghoul boys!
111 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
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Putting this shot in Andrej’s point of view as he pulls his gun was such a bold move ngl
I wanted to include the shot before this with the pocketwatch too but it wasnt working out unfortunately so just one screen redraw :(
146 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
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my friend gave me jazza’s brush set and iv been watching granada holmes so what better way to test some brushes with screencaps from the blue carbuncle when holmes is swishing around in a dressing gown with his hair loose and being bitchy
232 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
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so yall know that one photo of keanu where hes just holding a clump of dandelions??
330 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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hello ik its been a minute now but nEW MCR????? in 2022?????
1,366 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mayhemproduces · 2 years
Rickey Shane Page vs Eddy Only
Many, many months ago, these two were the best of friends, running roughshod over MPW with their band of Ohio-Based Miscreants, under a name we can’t say anymore thanks to Eddy Only selling the rights for NFTs. Since then, these two have taken a much different path, with RSP having somewhat of a change of heart, and taking more of a fan-friendly approach, while Eddy Only… well, he’s Eddy Only. Enough said. For the first time ever, they go one on one tonight. 
After Steve Guy finished introductions, and Jake Clemons called for the bell, we were off and running here in our main event of the evening, and as Rickey Shane Page charged Eddy Only, Eddy quickly slid out from under the bottom rope, and created a safe distance between himself and Rickey on the outside of the ring, putting his hands up and yelling at Clemons to get RSP back. “I ain’t ready yet! Relax!” Eddy Only shouted, and despite Rickey clearly fuming, nearly red with a mix of intensity and anger, he did as Jake Clemons asked, and took a couple of steps back. Eddy took his time getting back into the ring, but just as he did, Rickey Shane Page charged him again, and once again, Eddy Only rolled out of the ring, much to the annoyance of the crowd and to Rickey Shane Page. Eddy simply laughed at all of them, and continued to pace around the outside, reaching into his pocket to pull out a lighter and a pack of Marlboros Reds, putting a cigarette between his lips and lighting it, taking a long drag off of it, before turning around right into Rickey Shane Page throwing a chair right at his head! The steel chair bounced off Eddy’s skull and put his cigarette out, and Rickey was on him in a second, mounting him and hammering away with a series of brutal right hands, before picking Eddy Only up and whipping him right into the steel barricade! Eddy was launched into the steel, and dropped to his knees, holding his spine. Rickey followed it up by charging in, catching Eddy Only with a leaping Enziguri!
Rickey clearly wasn’t going to waste any time here tonight, wanting to make his point more than anything. Rickey wanted to be as fresh as possible for any potential championship match against Rickey, and that meant making quick work of Eddy Only right here right now. Rickey grabbed Eddy and tossed him back into the ring, before sliding in himself. Rickey adjusted his elbow pad and when Eddy got back up, Rickey took a wild swing with the Larait, but Eddy Only dropped down and kicked Rickey’s knee out from under him instead, avoiding the potentially match ending manuver from the former MPW World Champion. Rickey clutched at his leg as he dropped down to a knee, only to be driven to the mat by a DDT from Eddy Only! Eddy flipped Rickey over onto his back and made the cover, trying to get an early win here!
1…. Kickout!
A quick kickout at just one, it would take a lot more than that to take down a former MPW World Champion in Rickey Shane Page. Eddy Only sat back up, and took his time to once again reach into his pocket and pull out his lighter and his pack of cigarettes once again, lighting one and taking another long drag off it, before he turned to Rickey Shane Page and ashes the lit cigarette right on Rickey’s head! Rickey rolled out of the ring and began swatting at and patting his head, making sure he wasn’t on fire, and asked a fan sitting ringside for a his bottle of water. Rickey poured the bottle over himself, trying to soothe some of the burning sensation he felt, but as Rickey was preoccupied by all that, Eddy Only found a bundle of light tubes, and smashed them over Rickey Shane Page’s head! Broken glass and poisonous gas went everywhere, and now blood was beginning to trickle down Rickey’s forehead in several spots. Eddy Only then grabbed Rickey and held him against the barricade, before digging his teeth into one of the wounds trying to open it up even more! Eddy was biting Rickey! 
Eddy released Rickey, and with a crazed look in his eyes, and Rickey’s blood in his mouth, Eddy Only began to laugh at the chants of “you sick fuck” that we’re directed at him. Eddy Only went back at Rickey and caught him with a few boots to the face, before Eddy began digging around underneath the ring, looking for more weapons to introduce into this one. Eddy found two doors, throwing them both into the ring as he pulled them out, and then grabbed a couple of chairs for good measure, tossing three of them into the ring, and keeping the fourth for himself. Eddy used the end of the chair and pressed it against Rickey’s throat, choking him against the steel guardrail until Rickey’s face began to turn a deep, deep shade of red, before Eddy finally released him and caught Rickey in the ribs with the end of the chair, before throwing that chair into the ring as well. Eddy once again dig around under the ring, finding a small black bag and tossing that into the ring as well, before Eddy grabbed Rickey Shane Page once again, bounced his head off the ring apron, and tossed RSP back into the ring. 
Chants of “FUCK EDDY ONLY!” just seemed to amuse Eddy Only more as he took a second to soak them all in, before he grabbed the black satin bag, dumping it’s contents out all over the ring, revealing hundreds of little, sharp thumbtacks! 
Eddy grabbed Rickey again, and lifted him up, looking like he was trying to set Rickey up for a Psycho Driver, but Rickey Shane Page managed to wiggle out of it, and grab one of the chairs that Eddy had brought into the ring. Eddy turned around and tried to catch Rickey with a boot to the gut, but Eddy was caught with a chair to the head instead! Eddy stumbled back into the ropes and bounced off them, and on the rebound Rickey lifted Eddy up and dropped him down onto the thumbtacks with a spinebuster! Hundreds of tacks just got deposited in Eddy Only’s back, and Eddy Only looked as if his eyes were going to bulge out of his skull! Eddy rolled over in a great deal of pain, showing the crowd just how many tacks were buried in his skin. His entire back almost was covered in the tiny sharp things, and it would be hell trying to dig all of them out later. Rickey made the cover on Only!
1….2…. Kickout!
Eddy Only manages to keep himself in the fight with that one, although one could wonder just how good of an idea that was with a back full of tacks. Rickey grabbed Eddy again and lifted him back up, calling for the DDT, but Eddy managed to block, spin out, and plant Rickey down onto the mat with a neckbreaker. Eddy got back up to his feet, and looked around at the things Rickey had brought into the ring earlier. Eddy grabbed one of the doors Rickey had brought into the ring, before placing it over top of Rickey, and starting to jump on it, over and over, jumping with both feet and effectively crushing Rickey Shane Page underneath the door! Eddy then kicked the door off Rickey and set it up in the corner, before turning back to Rickey and grabbing him, dragging him against it in a seated position, before running across the ring, hitting the turnbuckles for momentum, and leaping at Rickey with a dropkick, sending Rickey back through the door! The door broke in half from the force of Eddy’s drop kick, and RSP’s body! 
Eddy got back to his feet and pulled his 44OH NFT shirt off, managing to, very painfully, remove a bunch of the tacks in his back. Eddy’s back was a bloody mess, and he was clearly in a great deal of pain, but the chance to say he knocked off a former MPW World Champion tonight pressed him to fight on. Eddy dragged Rickey out of the corner, and grabbed one of the halves of the door that had been broken, and grabbed a chair, setting it up and leaning the half of the door against it. Eddy then pulled Rickey over to it, and lifted RSP up, before driving him through the chair and the half door with a snap suplex! The half door broke once again, and then the chair crumpled underneath RSP! Eddy Only rolled over and made the cover, looking to put Rickey Shane Page away! 
1….2…. Kickout! 
Rickey Shane Page keeps his title hopes alive! Eddy Only pounded the mat in frustration, just trying to figure out what he might have to do to put Rickey Shane Page away here tonight. Eddy rolled out of the ring, and began to look around the outside for other weapons to use, just looking to find something that could put Rickey Shane Page away. Eddy found a steel trashcan, containing several light tube bundles, and tossed it into the ring, before rolling back in himself. Eddy grabbed one of the tube bundles as Rickey began to pull himself up to his feet, and smashed it over Rickey Shane Page’s head! Rickey dropped down to the mat once again, as more blood continued to pour from the open wounds on his head. Eddy positioned the trashcan on the mat, and grabbed Rickey again, looking to put him down with the Psycho Driver into the trashcan, but once again, Rickey managed to slip away! Rickey landed behind Eddy, and when Eddy turned around, Rickey popped him with a couple of right hands to the jaw, before he managed to drop Eddy with a Rolling Elbow!
As Eddy dropped to the mat, Rickey Shane Page got around to moving some furniture, grabbing another one of the doors and moving it into the corner. Rickey then grabbed Eddy, and tried to whip Eddy into the door, but Eddy stopped himself just short of going through it! Eddy turned around to see Rickey charging at him, and managed to move out of the way, and this time it was Rickey who stopped himself just short of going through the door! Rickey turned around, just in time to see Eddy Only whip a chair at his head, catching RSP right on the skull! Rickey hunched over, and might have been out on his feet, when Eddy Only jumped on his back and locked in a sleeper hold! 
Rickey tried to pry at Eddy’s hands to release the hold, but it wasn’t doing any good. Rickey got back to his feet with Eddy still on his back. Rickey was fading quick, and he knew it. He looked over at the door set up in the corner and charged it, before sending both Eddy and himself crashing through it! Now both men were down! 
Rickey crawled out of the corner, and looking to make the cover on Eddy to finish him off, when suddenly, a man dressed in all black slides into the ring, and makes a charge at RSP… 
And Plants him into the mat with Radio Silence?! 
The man in black stands over RSP, as a befuddled and confused Eddy Only slowly crawls over, and makes the cover on Rickey Shane Page!
“Here is your winner, Eddy Only!” 
Sure enough, as Eddy Only hightails it out of there after winning, not wanting to stick around in case RSP gets up, as the man in black slowly reaches up and takes his mask off, revealing who else, but… 
Matt. Cardona. 
Matt Cardona makes his return to MPW for the first time since losing at Hell on Earth, and he’s apparently set his sights on Rickey Shane Page!
0 notes
afictionalwhore · 3 years
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SDV Bachelors’ Love Languages (hc) and a little bit of kinks
Who said they were never going to do headcanons again? Not me!
Why? Because I’m addicted to Stardew. Also finding pictures of these men to make good headers is difficult. I just gave up.
Some of these are NFSW!
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Shane: Acts of Service and Physical Touch
Shane is worried that you’re going to think he thinks you can’t handle yourself when he tries to make your life as easy and comfortable as possible. This isn’t true at all. He thinks that you work incredibly hard and wants to be there for you to take the break you deserve.
He likes to wake up early to help you with the animals like how he did on his aunt’s ranch. The stability and routine of it is comforting to him because it’s life with you.
If you’re not up and watering crops by the time he’s done with the animals, he’ll make breakfast for you
He loves making you breakfast in bed, typically an omelette made with fresh milk and eggs. He’ll do hashbrowns too if you have potatoes in stock/ready to harvest.
A service switch. His biggest turn on is getting you off, so he wants to make sure you’ve cum several times before he starts working on himself. If there’s anything new you want to try, just talk to him. He’ll try anything once if he thinks it’ll make you happy. He usually doms, but if you want to be on top, don’t hesitate to ask; he’ll gladly let you.
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Sebastian: Quality Time and Physical Touch
Isn’t really one for showing affection in any way until he really is sure that his feelings are reciprocated. Once he’s sure of how you feel, this man is nothing short of romantic.
While dating or before, just when he realizes he’s starting to fall, he tells you to come visit anytime. He likes when you’re just there. This carried over into married life.
Sebastian is still a loner and an introvert. He wants to spend time with you but he feels smothered if the two of you are always doing something together. He wants to be in the same area as you and loves sitting with you and reading his comics while you scroll through your phone. Before you were married, he loved when you’d visit while he was working, even if all you did was take a nap on his couch after mining all morning.
He’s not one for PDA, but will hold your hand at festivals if you really want to. When you’re at home, or in his room before you’re married, this man will absolutely cling to you. He wants to snuggle during movie nights. He falls asleep spooning you. He wants to hold you and watch while you cook dinner. He wants to lay in your lap and have you play with his hair.
A little bit of words of affirmation, but this is because he’s not sure how to show how he feels and wants to make sure you know. He also wants to be reassured of how you feel and hearing it is nice.
Body worship. Seb loves every part of you. While he may not be very vocal about it, he’s not gonna leave any part of you unloved, smothering you with kisses and soft whispered praises. Seb loves going down on you and making you feel good.
He’s a bit of a masochist. He loves when you’re rough with him. Pulling his hair and scratching his back. He also has a sadistic streak though, if he gets the okay from you. He enjoys pulling your hair and edging you until you’re crying for him.
Seb is also probably into bdsm because of the level of trust. There’s a lot of things he wants to try and he’s excited to finally have someone he trusts enough to try it with. Fully trusting someone is very important to him. Once he had the okay from you, nothing is off the table. This man wants to try everything from bondage to choking to knife play.
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Elliot: Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch
This man is a writer, so there is no shortage of love notes in your lunchbox/tacklebox/backpack.
You’re his muse. You inspire all his writings. Even if a poem looks like it’s about the sea or some other part of nature, it’s really about you.
Elliot is really going for that Jane Austen type feeling of romance. Leaning into that, Elliot loves dancing with you in your home.
Hearing how you feel is very important to Elliot. He likes to start the day with a kiss and hearing “I love you!”
Pet names! Elliot is going to call you “honey”, “sweetheart”, “cherie”, “darling”. He’ll call you his turtle if he thought he could make it romantic.
Elliot finds warmth in your touch and he’s obviously going to tell you this in the most poetic way possibly.
Elliot is one to mindlessly trace patterns over your skin as the two of you are cuddling and he loves having his hair played with.
Praise. Kink. He’s going to shower you in praises. He’s going to call you his good girl/boy. He’s gonna tell you that you’re taking him oh so well. “You’re doing great baby, just like that.”
Elliot is also going to smother you in kisses. Elliot’s kisses are very passionate, as is sex with him. Elliot prefers heavy passionate love making.
The praise kink goes both ways. He loves when you tell him how good he feels and beg him not to stop, right. “You’re so good, daddy,” will make this man feral.
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Harvey: Acts of Service and Quality Time
Harvey is very busy as the only doctor in town, so his time is incredibly precious to him. That being said, any time spent with you means the world to Harvey.
Harvey loves trying to help make your life easier. He also appreciates when you do little things for him, like pack a lunch for him to take to the office.
Harvey is very awkward, so words and touch don’t mean a lot to him. He’ll tell you how he feels if he wants you
Role play. I’ve had so many people tell me this one and ya know. I cannot disagree. Harvey absolutely goes nuts when you call him “captain” and when you bought that flight attendant outfit.
He’s also not above going down to his office after hours and “curing your hysteria.”
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Alex: Words of Affirmation and Acts of Service
Like Alex always needs to hear about how he’s gonna be a great sports star, he always needs to hear that you love him.
But Alex is also going to tell you every day how much he loves you, how much you mean to him.
You never have to worry about what to wear because Alex thinks you look beautiful in everything and let’s you know it.
Alex isn’t really one for touching. With his past, he’s probably adverse to touch at first, but will eventually relax into your touch.
While it may have started out with him having to prove his masculinity, Alex found that he genuinely enjoys doing things for you. He’s learning how to fix things and do farm work to make your life easier.
Alex is the least kinkiest here. If you ask to try something new, he’ll probably just be like “a new position?” Not that he wouldn’t be excited to try a new position.
I think he could also be convinced to do some light bondage.
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Sam: Physical Touch and Gift Giving
Sam is very touchy-feely from the get go. He’s not afraid of PDA at all. He wants his arm around you at all times. He’s stealing kisses at every opportunity.
Sam wants to be all over you. If you’re sitting, Sam will somehow find his way into your lap. He’s like a puppy. If he fits, he sits; if he don’t fit, he will make himself fit.
Sam doesn’t necessarily go out and buy you gifts. Instead, he gives you flowers he picked and things like that.
Sam would absolutely get you matching stuffed animals he won at a festival.
Sam would also write songs for you! He’s just so excited that he runs straight for you, guitar in hand, and starts playing.
Sam, like Alex, probably isn’t as kinky as the others. Sam probably likes to tease and spank, but with Sam, sex is definitely goofy. It’s a great time when you’re both laughing.
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rrickgrrimes8 · 3 years
hi! i was thinking if you could write an imagine of reader being rick and lori's daughter and sister to carl, rj and judith. i don't have a specific idea in mind, but just her before and after the time jump, struggling with being there when lori and carl died, and looking for rick with daryl, her relationship with her siblings and michonne, maybe maggie and hershel too (i was thinking since carl was 10 when it all started, she was 7 so now she's 17) thank you so much, and btw i loved your imagines i've read so far 💞
Being a Grimes ~ Rick Grimes x Grimes!reader
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thank you so much for requesting i really enjoyed making this one. i also have a series kinda like this about Jacey Grimes which i’m currently making a book two for.
warnings: alluding to sexual assault or rape, suicide, death, gore (lemme know if i’ve missed anything off here)
sorry if there is any mistakes please tell if there is and give me feedback i’d love to here back from yall
request guidelines
request are open
It was strange for y/n. This world would be strange for anyone really. But she was different. At only a mere 7 years old when the world went to shit she struggled as did many others. With the recent loss of her father - one she didn't entirely understand - still protruding through her heart, it was hard - so hard. 
When it happened she was at daycare. The teaching assistant tried and successfully ate the teacher in front of her. She was next and was so close to being eaten until Shane rushed in. He kicked Ms Twune and grabbed y/n. Her mom sobbed at the sight of her, covered in blood and the tears smothering her daughters face. Carl was shocked too. He wanted nothing more than to protect his little sister. His dad always used to tell him that that was his duty - his job. And he hated how he had failed in this moment. 
They made it to the quarry soon after. Y/n thought the group was nice - well mostly. The Dixon brothers scared her was what she told her brother or any of the children she had befriended. But she was lying. Yes, she was scared but only of Merle. He was creepy and mean to anyone he saw. Daryl was somewhat the same but he always found himself being nicer to the young child. And often kept her company when Lori and Shane went for a ‘walk’ in the woods. Glenn was another she found herself drawn to. He unlike Daryl happily invited her company. Glenn was sweet and funny. He never failed at making her laugh till she felt like she was going to pee. They were good friends which came to a fault when he had to go on runs. She’d scream and cry and refuse to let go of him because she was afraid that what happened to her father would happen to him. 
That’s what happened earlier that morning. Glenn and a few others were going into Atlanta, despite her dismay. Glenn assured her he’d be fine, which she didn't believe and continued her tantrum. 
“Can yer’ shut that damn baby up?” Merle spat covering his ears. 
Shane shot him a threatening glare while Glenn stayed preoccupied with the distraught girl. “Hey, it's okay. I’m coming back,” He insisted holding her tightly at his hip, “I promise you, sweet girl.” 
“No, b-b-but dada promise too a-a-and h-he,” She stopped herself, sobs erupting from her small body. 
“I know sweet girl, I know. But I’ll be back I know I will.” Glenn placed her on the back of the RV, “I tell you what I’ll bring you back some of your favourite sweeties, huh? Would you like that?” 
Giddily she nodded at his proposition, “Yes! Yes!” 
“Alright, then I’ll bring back some for you, okay?” She nodded smiling cheerfully, “I love you, kid.” 
“I luv you too, dumbass,” y/n giggled. 
Glenn looked around cautiously hoping no one heard that “Hey sweet girl you can't say that.” 
“W-what? Why?” the child began to cry again, “Y-y-you say it.” 
“I know b-but its adult words okay? Not y/n words. When you're older, alright?” She nodded her head again kissing his cheeks softly and hugging him. “Thank you, sweet girl. I’ll see you soon,” He kissed the top of her head and started towards the car smiling as she shouted, “With sweeties!”
The group returned hours later bearing a new man instead of Merle. Y/n waited patiently for Glenn and the aforementioned sweets. "Gen!" She screamed happily still unable to say his name fully. The man sprinted over to her, pulling her into a much-needed cuddle after the day he had. 
"It's Glenn, sweetheart," He chuckled while correcting. 
"Oh sorry Gen," She wrapped her dainty arms around his neck. 
"That's okay, sweet girl. I missed you." 
"I missed you too," She whispered before letting out a longwinded 'ew', "You stinky, Gen." 
The man smelt his shirt and nodded as the potent smell of walkers reached his nose. "I know yucky right?" 
"Yucky!" Y/n buried her face in Glenn's shirt ignoring the stench and just enjoying his company. She always became clingy like this after coming home from a run. He loved it. On runs, if he ever encountered a life-threatening situation - like the one today - he always finds himself realising how much she means to him. Glenn saw her as a little sister - one almost replacing the ones that were cruely ripped from him when this began. 
"How was it?" She inquired. 
"Not fun, sweet girl. But I got your sweeties and a nice man helped us out. Saved us," She beamed. 
"I like the good man. I'll give him two kisses when I see him. Maybe even one of my sweeties," Glenn chuckled. 
"Why two kisses, y/n?" 
"One for saving you. Two for bringing you hom," Glenn grinned contently and kissed her forehead. 
"Its home bubs with an e on the end." 
"Oh," She mumbled burying herself again. 
"Oh my God," Someone muttered as they exited the van. 
"Dad! Dad!" Carl screamed causing Glenn to snap his head in their direction. Carl came running towards the man, Rick, who had saved them in Atlanta. Y/n hadn't moved yet as she feared it was only a dream. That her dada wasn't really here. 
"Sweet girl," He pulled her out of his neck, "Look it's your dad." The child gazed over to where her brother had run to. Sure enough, it was her dad. He held Carl as he cried, looking to Y/n wanting to hold her too. 
"Dada!" She screamed jumping out of Glenn's arms dangerously. The girl scraped her knee on the way down but continued throwing herself into the hug. 
"Oh, Carl! Y/n!" She kissed all over his face childishly, "I luv you, dada." 
"I love you too, baby girl."
The years hadn't been kind to Y/n. She lost so much. Too much in fact that it had driven her to the depts of insanity and made her do things to herself, to others that she more than resented. The first loss was her mothers. She wasn't there like Carl was but the grief burned through her still. Y/n was too young to understand it really. Just how she was when Rick supposedly died. Y/n couldn't understand where her mom had gone she just knew she had a little sister now. One she swore to protect. 
She thought she had failed that when the prison fell. The young child was on her own. Injured and lost. She wandered through the woods for days until she stumbled across a group. The group were mean and despite her resistance wouldn't let her go. They hurt her in ways she didn't and wouldn't speak of it even now. But that all changed when Daryl showed up. He protected her - stopped them from hurting her. And eventually led her back to her family. Where for the first time she began to fear her father. 
Terminus was next. The people there snatched her from her family. She was forced to watch from afar as they were guided into the crate. Rick fought against them, Carl too but it was to no use. They had sectioned her off in a playroom. Every once in a while an older woman came in to fed and played with her. She hated it. Being in this world for more than a year now she knew that people like them didn't just want to play even if she did. She learnt that from the Claimers. 
Carol found her. Although having never have been all that close to the older woman - the only relation being the closeness between y/n and Sophia - seeing her after so long made her cry out of joy. Carol was happy too as she rushed out of that place to take her to safety. The pair ended up in the woods. Carol had stopped a moment ago to clean the dirt from her face, "lemme help." 
The girl sat up from where she was put down and cupped some water splashing it on Carol's face. Carol flinched as the water hit her, "Uh thank you." 
"Welcome," She looked away getting distracted by the nearing sound of footsteps. 
"Get behind me, y/n," Carol ordered to which she shook her head. 
"No it dada," She ran away from the woman and towards the group. 
"Y/n come back here!" Y/n continued ignoring Carols pleas and crashed herself into the back of Rick's legs. 
The father shot around and began to cry as he saw the child he thought he lost at his feet. "Oh, baby!" He collected the girl in his arms. Carl rushed to them too happy to see her alive after Gareth claimed he killed her. "Oh y/n, never leave me again, okay?" He looked directly into her matching blue eyes, "Promise me." 
"I promise, dada." 
Later Carol led them to Judith. Y/n was over the moon and refused to let her out of her sight, which was exactly what Rick was doing too. They found the church a while after. There they had some semblance of peace. She was glad to have Glenn back - Maggie too. Along with the new people although Eugene was a bit weird. 
At the church was also when the questions started. Daryl had told Rick about the group they were with and regretfully had to inform the father how she was there before him. Rick asked y/n - begged her - to tell her what happened. But she refused. She couldn't say what happened. What they did, which just made Rick fear more. Eventually, she spoke a little about it. She was vague and could barely string two words together without crying. He hated it. He hated how this was a reality for his daughter. He saw the bruises they left. And he couldn't understand how someone could touch his child. Or how he could be so powerless to stop it. 
Bob died. She didn't really know the man but it still upset her. Beth too. Although she was a lot closer to her. Beth was one of her only friends and was someone who would look after her when her father couldn't. They bonded and now she was gone. 
After Beth's demise, they spent lots of time on the road. They suffered, almost died countless times but they prevailed. They got stronger - she got stronger. And they eventually found Alexandria. There everything was good again like how it was at the prison or even before this hell. She liked it there and didn't understand why the others were so sceptical. 
Though that didn't last for long. Y/n began to hate the place when Carl got shot. Alexandria almost stole her brother from her. So she despised it. She refused to leave her brother's side as he adjusted to his injury. Yes, he found it annoying how she wouldn't leave him be and he often snapped at her. But she was there when he needed her. Despite the age difference and the many years of memories they had lost to this fight, she understood his pain. When he saw himself as ugly, a monster even, she made him think otherwise. She kept him afloat, which he was eternally thankful for. 
Glenn was next. 
She didn't believe it even after she was forced to see it with her own two eyes. She was next to Glenn in the lineup. She had to watch up close. Y/n had to be mocked by that man. She had to stay the whole night with her best friends brains on her face. After that night she blamed herself. She told herself that if Negan was just one person off she would be dead and he would live. He would get to see his child born and grow old with Maggie like they had spoken about. She wholeheartedly believed he deserved to live over her. 
The war with Negan shook her to the core. At the time his face filled her nightmares. He just looked so normal. He looked nice even. Yet he hurt and he hurt and he hurt. 
He killed her Glenn. And then Carl. It wasn't Negans fault although she did blame him. Carl had gotten bit. Y/n held his hand as he died in that tunnel as the home they had built above them fell. She got a letter too - even though she would rather have preferred to have her brother back. In the letter, Carl told her how proud he was of her - how thankful he was to have her as a sister. He told her to protect Judith, their dad and Michonne, who she had recently begun to call momma. 
After Carl's death, y/n shut herself from the world well everyone except her father. For days she would cry until she couldn't anymore. She would scream and scream until her voice was gone. She just didn't understand why it had to be Carl? Why mom? Why Glenn? Why Beth? Why was it never her? The following weeks she found herself wishing it would be her next. She could never bring herself to say it out loud but with any battle, any fight, anything, she wished it would be her. 
So when she lost her father her whole world fell apart. He was her consistent so why did he leave her? She was at the bridge that day. Daryl held her crying frame as Rick set off that final shot blowing him and the walkers off the bridge. Y/n Grimes' father was dead. 
She stayed in Alexandria for a while afterwards. For the sole reason to protect her siblings. Yes, siblings - plural. Somehow through all the bad some good came from it. She just wished her father and Carl could've seen it. RJ Grimes came into this world 9 months later. And he was perfect. For months she would assist in taking care of him as Michonne wasn't doing the greatest without the love of her life. Truth be told neither was y/n she was just better at hiding it. 
Until one night it all became too much. Y/n didn't know how it happened but she found herself balancing on the edge of her window. She wanted to jump - to end it. But she just couldn't will herself to do it. And when Daryl showed up she knew she couldn't. "Hey step away from ta window, alrigh'," The man ordered as he saw her shaking frame rocking back and forth. 
"I-i can't," She sobbed. 
"Ye' ya can. Jus' step back I'll catch ya," Daryl moved closer but paused when she shouted to stop. 
"I can't, Daryl. They're all gone. They're all dead," The tears clouded her eyes. She shut them tightly picturing her families faces wanting so badly to join them. 
"Please jus' step back, y/n. Yer' not alone. I'm here," He croaked the tears floating down his cheeks, "Don't jump." 
"I love you, Daryl." 
"I love ya too, okay? So step away from the window," He watched as she turned her head slightly catching his eyes. 
"I love you but I can't. Tell mom, RJ and Judy I love them as well." 
Suddenly she went to fall forward but Daryl reacted quicker. He gripped her waist pulling her into the room unwilling to release his grasp. "Yer' not leaving me," He told her as she cried into his shoulder, "Yer' cant leave me." Overhearing the chaos, Michonne entered her daughter's room to see the window wide open and the two of them crying. Daryl looked at her. The look telling her all she needed to know. Michonne began to cry herself and joined them on the ground. 
"Y/n?" A small voice called from the door frame. 
"Judith go back to bed, okay?" Michonne told her but Judith continued towards her sister. The girl said nothing as she wiped her sister's tears and held her hand.
It was 5 years later now. After her attempt, she left Alexandria with Daryl in search of her father. She didn't believe he was alive despite everything inside her wanting to. But Daryl did and after what happened they became a lot closer. He was happy she joined him. Even though the act of being out there was gruelling at times he was glad he could look after her. And if something would've happened to her while he was gone he could never have forgiven himself. Understandably Michonne was angry that y/n decided to leave. Y/n was her daughter and Michone her mother. They needed each other but she was willing to let Y/n leave to figure that out. It brought her peace looking for her father. 
The silence was her favourite and as Daryl wasn't much of a talker she got lots of it. They got a dog too, which Daryl cleverly named Dog. Everything was a messed up version of okay but it was still good. Being out there made her find her purpose. She went home a lot more than Daryl did, which pleased her siblings and mother. It was always for a few days never longer as she feared she'd stay forever and she couldn't. As much as Alexandria is good it also drives y/n to a dark place. One she was in that night. She lost so much there. And staring at those four walls drove her insane. It didn't help how Negan was imprisoned there. Just thinking how close he was made her skin crawl. She knew how Rick visited him when he was alive that he believed Carl was right about the killing. That it had to stop. Y/n knew he was right too but she could never bring herself to one admit or two face Negan. 
It felt like a story she read as a child when the Whisperers showed up. Like Negan, they scared her. So when she was told about his escape she only assumed the worst. The Whisperers took so many from them. Like Enid for example. Her story was cut short because of them. The two never really spoke but she understood how she and Carl felt for each other at a time. So ultimately it felt like she lost her final piece of Carl when she died. Y/n wished she had spoken to her when she could've. She wished she could've heard the untold stories they shared. She needed to know about Carl's final years with her. But now she's gone too along with those memories. 
The war with the Whisperers took everything from them. The Kingdom. Hilltop. Alexandria. Along with the lives they lost in the process. With the group separated she found herself protecting Judy and RJ. Michonne had gone. Where she had gone to, y/n had no idea. For a messed up reason, she began to prepare herself for her mother's death before it was even announced. That was until she got the call. She was okay and... apparently so was Rick. 
Disbelief was what hit her first. She couldn't hear his voice nor see his face so how could she know it was true. Michonne didn't know either she couldn't if he was really there, still alive. That night of the call she left. Without hesitation, she kissed RJ and Judith's heads, told them she loved them and told them to tell everyone else that and left. She left in the direction Michonne had told her. 
She left to find her father. And she knew she wouldn't return until she did. "I'm coming, dad."
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thimbil · 3 years
Having some thoughts about the references and inspirations used for the Bad Batch’s designs.
So Boba Fett is my absolute favorite character and Temeura Morrison was perfect casting. I went to see the 2008 TCW movie in theaters because I was so excited to see him again, even if he was animated. You can imagine my disappointment. Whoever was on screen was not Temeura Morrison. You could sort of see a resemblance if you squinted and didn’t think too hard about it. They replaced Temeura with Racially Ambiguous G.I. Joe. If I didn’t know better and someone told me the animated clones are space Italians from the moon of New Jersey I would buy it. One Million Brothers Pizzeria and Italian Bistro. Not that there’s something wrong with being space Italian, I just don’t think it’s the right choice for the Fetts. The design got slightly improved by season 7 but it still bugs the hell out of me.
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I did eventually get into the show later and (of course) got invested in the clones. Unfortunately, they were largely sidelined by the Jedi storylines. Out of the two new main characters created for TCW, Ahsoka definitely got more development and focus than Rex. When they announced The Bad Batch, I was excited to see a show specifically devoted to the clones… at least that’s what it said on the tin. We have all seen what lurks beneath those stylish helmets.
Jango Fett, you are NOT the father.
So who is?
Based on interviews with Filoni, it sounds like the Bad Batch was a George Lucas idea. And like all his ideas, it’s super derivative. The original trilogy directly lifted elements from sci fi serials, westerns, and samurai movies, more specifically Kurosawa films like The Hidden Fortress. For The Bad Batch character designs, the influence is obviously American action and adventure movies.
Now let’s get specific. Bad Batch, who’s your daddy?
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Sylvester Stallone as Rambo in First Blood 1982. That bandana has become an integral part of the iconic action hero look. You see a character wearing one and it’s a visual shorthand for either “this character is a tough guy” like Billy played by Sonny Landham in Predator 1987, or “this character thinks he is/wants to be a tough guy” like Brand played by Josh Brolin in The Goonies 1985 or Edward Frog played by Corey Feldman in The Lost Boys 1987.
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Hunter’s model is closest to the original clone base. If you look closely you will see the eyebrows are straighter with a much lower angle to the arch. His nose is also not the same shape as a standard clone like Rex, including a narrower bridge. It’s certainly not Temeura Morrison’s nose. Remember what I said about space Italians? It didn’t take much to push the existing clone design to resemble an specific Italian man instead of a specific Māori man. The 23&Me came back, and Hunter inherited more than the bandana from Sylvester.
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The long narrow nose, the sharp cheekbones, the scowl. That’s no clone, that’s just animated Clint Eastwood. Not even Young and Hot Clint Eastwood from Rawhide 1959-1965. With that hair, I’m talking Gran Torino 2008. The man of few words schtick and family friendly toothpick in lieu of cigar are pure Eastwood as The Man With No Name from Sergio Leone’s spaghetti westerns A Fist Full of Dollars 1964, For a Few Dollars More 1965, and The Good the Bad and the Ugly 1966.
In a way, this is full circle because the actor Jeremy Bulloch took inspiration from Clint Eastwood for his performance as Boba Fett in ESB.
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In an interview Filoni lists the Hulk as an (obvious) inspiration for Wrecker. Ever seen the old Hulk tv show from 1978? Well take a look at the actor who played him, Lou Ferrigno. Would you look at that. Even has his papa’s nose.
You could make the argument that Wrecker was influenced by The Rock, an appropriately buff ‘n bald Polynesian (Samoan, not Maori) man. But look at him next his Fast and Furious costar Vin Diesel and tell me which one resembles Wrecker’s character model more.
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Tech is a little trickier for me to place. If he has a more direct inspiration it must be something I haven’t seen. That said, his hairline is very Bruce Willis as John McClane in Die Hard 1988. His quippiness and large glasses remind me of Shane Black as Hawkins from Predator 1987. In terms of his face, he looks a but like the result of McClane and Hawkins deciding to settle down and start a family. Although, Tech’s biggest contributors are probably just everyone on TV Trope’s list for Smart People Wear Glasses.
And finally,
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Oh Echo. Considering he wasn’t created for the Bad Batch, he probably wasn’t based on a particular character or movie. But if I had to guess, his situation and appearance remind me a lot of Alex Murphy played by Peter Weller in Robocop 1987. However, Robocop explored the Man or Machine Identity Crisis with more nuance, depth, and dignity. Yikes.
The exact tropes and references used in The Bad Batch have been done successfully with characters who aren’t even human. Gizmo from Gremlins 2: The New Batch 1990 had a brief stint with the Rambo bandana. I could have picked any number of characters for Defining Feature Is Glasses but here is the most cursed version of Simon of Alvin and the Chipmunks. Suffer as I have. Marc Antony with his beloved Pussyfoot from Looney Tunes has the same tough guy with a soft center vibe as Wrecker and his Lula (also a kind of cat). Hell, in the same show we have Cad Bane sharing Cowboy Clint Eastwood with Crosshair. I actually think Bane makes a better Eastwood which is wild considering Crosshair has Eastwood’s entire face and Bane is blue.
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So we’ve established you don’t need your characters to look exactly like their inspirations to match their vibe. So why go through the trouble and cost of creating completely new character designs instead of recycling and altering assets they already had on hand? Just slap on a bandana, toothpick, goggles, and make Wrecker bigger than the others while he does a Hulk pose and you’re done. Based on the general reaction to Howzer it would have been a low effort slam dunk crowd pleaser.
But they didn’t do that.
So here’s the thing. I like the tropes used in The Bad Batch. I am a fan of action adventure movies from the 80s-90s, the sillier the better. I am part of the Bad Batch’s target audience. Considering what I know about Disney and Lucasfilm, I went in with low expectations. I genuinely don’t hate the idea of seeing references to these actors and media in The Bad Batch. I don’t think basing these characters on tropes was a bad idea. If anything it’s a solid starting point for building the characters.
The trouble is nothing got built on the foundation. The plot is directionless, the pacing is wacky, and the characters have nearly no emotional depth or defining character arcs. They just sort of exist without reacting much while the story happens around them. But I can excuse all of that. You don’t stay a fan of Star Wars as long as I have not being able to cherrypick and fill in the gaps. This show has a deeper issue that shouldn’t be ignored.
Why do the animated clones bear at best only a passing resemblance to their live action actor? In interviews, Filoni wouldn’t shut up but the technological advancements in the animation for season 7. So if they are updating things, why not try to make the clones a closer match to their source material? Why did they have to look like completely different people in The Bad Batch to be “unique”? Looking like Temeura Morrison would have no bearing on their special abilities and TCW proved you can have identical looking characters and still have them be distinct. In fact, that’s a powerful theme and the source of tragedy for the clones’ narrative overall.
Here’s Filoni’s early concept art of Crosshair, Wrecker, Tech, and Hunter. (Interesting but irrelevant: Wrecker seems to have a cog tattoo similar to Jesse’s instead of a scar. Wouldn’t it have been funny if they kept that so when they met in season 7 one if them could say something like “Hey we’re twins!” That’s a little clone humor. Just for you guys 😘)
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None of these drawings look like the clones in TCW, much less Temeura Morrison. Let’s be generous. Maybe Filoni struggles with drawing a real person’s likeness, as many people do. But he had to hand this off to other artists down the line whose job specifically involves making a stylized character resemble their actor. Yet the final designs missed the mark almost as much as this initial concept. Starting to seem as if the clones looking more like Temeura Morrison was never even on the table. It wasn’t a lack of creativity, skill or technical limitations on the part of the creative team. I don’t think there is an innocent explanation. They went out of their way to make the final product exactly how we got it.
This goes beyond homage. They could have made the same pop culture references and character tropes without completely stripping Temeura Morrison from the role he originated. It was a very purposeful choice to replace him with more immediately familiar actors from established franchises and films. It wouldn’t shock me if Filoni, Lucas, and anyone else calling the shots didn’t even think hard or care enough about the decision to immediately recognize a problem. And I don’t think they believed anyone else would either. At least no one whose opinion they cared about. Those faces are comfortingly familiar and proven bankable. They are what we’re all used to seeing after all. They’re white.
Lack of imagination, bad intentions, or simple ignorance doesn’t really matter in the end. The result is the same. Call it what it is. They replaced a man of color with a bunch of white guys. That’s by the book garden variety run of the mill whitewashing. There’s no debate worth having about it. For a fanbase that loves to nitpick things like whether or not it’s in character for Han to shoot first or Jeans Guy in the Mandalorian, we sure are quick to find excuses for clones who look nothing like their template. Why is that? If you don’t see the problem, congratulations. Your ass is showing. Pull your jeans up.
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