#but i may be switching from a roman fan to a logan fan
the-sanders-sides · 2 years
im getting slightly back into sanders sides again and oml i love logan sm <3 my guy. my teach. my one and only.
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creativia10 · 1 year
Wip 4 (Roman and Logan Switch)
Wordount: 825
Notes: There was expressed interest in seeing this, so here you go. This comes from this post here. I don't remember why I didn't continue this one. I would probably have to look for my notes if I ever wanted to get back to it. Despite these beings wips, I do go over and edit some of what I have now before posting, usually using an editing site.
I actually have more wips now. I can post a list of some of them if this is something people would be interested in seeing again.
Roman and Logan were arguing about how Thomas should spend his time…again.
This was expected of them at this point. However, it was still frustrating for everyone to deal with though. It did make sense that two sides for such different parts of Thomas would knock heads a lot. Not to mention, their egos did not make it any easier. Although Logan would still not admit that he had one.
Janus groaned. His forehead hit the table after returning to the mind palace. Another discussion was put on hold due to those two bickering again.
Patton sighed as he sat with him.
“I know,” Patton said.
“I didn’t realize how much worse their arguing is to deal with while being right there with them.” Janus had been coming to more meetings since SVS Redux.
“Have their arguments improved at all? Like we can’t possibly get anything done if they refuse to agree on anything!” Janus exclaimed.
An uncertain look crossed Patton’s face.
Janus frowned. Patton wanted to believe that, but it did not seem like enough of an improvement to be noteworthy.
Patton sighed again.
The arguing could be heard in the other room. The two loud sides had returned to the mind palace with Thomas no longer paying attention to them. Janus pursed his lips and stood up dramatically.
“Janus” Patton called.
Janus paused in front of the doorway.
“I know it’s not good that they’re always like this, but…don’t do anything, ok?”
Janus simply stood there for a moment before continuing out. He didn’t respond to what Patton said.
The two sides were still going at it, yelling on top of each other, and not even seeming like they were listening.
Janus groaned and snapped his fingers.
They paused, finally seeming to take notice of a change in scenery.
They were no longer in the ‘living room’ area of the mind palace. The room they were in had much dimmer lighting and was very hot. On the center back wall of the room appeared to be a bed that was set in the shape of snake pit. Janus’ domain. They were all standing in the center of the room. Janus was in front of them, looking cross, with his arms cross.
Roman huffed.
“Why did you bring us to this reptilian place!?” Roman pulled on his shirt a bit and fanned himself.
“It’s unbearably hot in here. I don’t know how you could manage.”
Janus narrowed his eyes at him.
“You can change into cooler clothes if you need to. But I am not changing the climate of my room to better fit your comforts.”
Roman scoffed and held himself higher.
“I never suggested such a thing. I am fine.”
 Obviously, a lie.
“As am I.” Logan said, frowning slightly. The beads of sweat running down his face said otherwise, but Janus did not call them out on it. That was one amusing thing about having the most prideful sides in his domain though. Them not admitting to their discomfort.
Janus rolled his eyes.
“Whatever. I just needed to talk to you. You both are totally not arguing too much and making everything difficult for the rest of us.”
Roman furrowed his brows some and thought for a moment.
Logan scoffed, and adjusted his glasses.
“As vastly differing sides of Thomas, it makes sense that we would argue. Besides, all of the sides have argued greatly at some point.”
“Yes, that may be. But you two are worse, and actually interfere with your goals for Thomas to do something. More than anyone else,” Janus said.
“Oh, we are surely not the worst. You- “ Roman started.
“No.” Janus interrupted him.
“I have not argued with anyone here as much as you two do. Being in a constant state of duress is harmful to Thomas’ self-care, so it’s my duty to do something about it.”
Logan and Roman both crossed their arms at that.
“I fail to see how you can do anything about it.”
“Agreed. We represent polar opposite aspects of Thomas, and disagreements are unavoidable.  There is not much you can do to change that,” Logan said.
“Your big egos get in the way of cooperating with each other as well.”
“Shut up!” Both Logan and Roman said at the same time
Janus raised an eyebrow at that and snorted, receiving some dirty looks.
They both opened their mouths to continue to argue with him, but Janus just sighed. Time to get to it. Janus pointed at both of them and made a switching motion. The two jolted back as though hit with something invisible.
“What was that?”
“Yes, what did you do you-“
Both paused, something feeling off.
Logan reached to adjust his glasses, but found no glasses were there. He blinked, somewhat seeing fine without them. Also, his clothes felt different. The weight on him were in different areas than he was used to.
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Science experiments and questions
@red-imeanblue @imma-potatoo, my friends, I believe you wanted to be tagged in the Loceit ceiling fan fic I wrote. Maybe part one? In all honesty, this was so fun to write!
Words: 1330
(Logan’s perspective)
I was going to conduct a science experiment. I was going to see if sticking cherries to the ceiling was a better method of storage than all in a bag. I walked into the kitchen at 2 AM and saw that Janus was still on the ceiling fan. Roman and Janus were in a heated argument on what kind of living places were too extreme earlier, and Janus got a ladder and got on the ceiling fan. He has been there for 17 hours and 21 minutes, refusing to come down. He’s a being of pure spite, I respect that. I didn’t say anything as I got cherries from the fridge, some toothpicks from the pantry, and a ladder.
I had propped up the ladder, and stuck the first toothpick into the ceiling when Janus spoke, “Now, usually I wouldn’t question what you were doing, but I feel inclined to ask this time.”
“Well, I am conducting a science experiment to see if sticking cherries to the ceiling is a better alternative for storage than putting them in a bag,” I replied as I stuck the first cherry on the first toothpick. We both were silent as I stuck cherries to the ceiling, Janus occasionally taking some of the cherries off of the toothpicks to eat.
I was lucky enough to be able to see in the dark pretty well, and Janus’s snake eye can faintly glow in the dark. This becomes relevant when Patton walked in, holding an empty cup, presumably going to fill it with water. He always got thirsty at night. Patton looked at us for a few seconds, then screamed and ran away, I flinched when he screamed, I hated loud noises. Virgil came running down the stairs, with Roman accompanying him while holding a sword.
Virgil flicked the light switch, and the ceiling fan’s lightbulb lit up, illuminating the room. I continued sticking cherries to the ceiling as Janus spun as the fan was on. I could see that they weren’t shocked to see Janus spinning around on the fan, and me sticking cherries to the ceiling.
Patton broke the silence, “Kiddos, if you’re going to be doing….” he looked at us, clearly trying to find a word, “...whatever you’re doing, be sure to say so before going all cray-cray.” I saw Virgil die inside when Patton said ‘cray-cray.’
I was beginning to wonder what the effects of what would happen if I stayed on the ceiling fan for a week.
“Say, Janus, may I join you on the ceiling fan?” I quickly added, “it’s for science, of course.”
Janus smirked, “Of course, it’s for science, is it not?” Patton looked at me getting on the fan, “Listen, my left brain friends, you could get cold, and I’m getting you a blanket,” he said, then went to get blankets.
After Patton got the blankets, Janus and I fell asleep on the fan.
I woke up a few hours later, the sun somehow shining directly in my eyes even though that we’re in the mindscape. Then I remembered that Roman wanted there to be a sun, so now there is. I had long ago learned not to question Roman so much, if I did, I’d end up with a headache. Why was I spinning? Oh, right. I’m on the ceiling fan with Janus. I looked over at Janus, who was sleeping. He looked so peaceful, his hat was halfway off, and his tongue sticking out in what Patton and Virgil would’ve called a “blep”. Luckily, I had brought the cherries and toothpicks up with me on the ceiling fan. The fan was off, which was good, I didn’t want to fall off while sticking cherries to the ceiling.
After a few minutes of struggling to stick the toothpicks to the ceiling because the fan was too flimsy, an idea came to mind. I was going to get off the fan to go get my materials, then I remembered that this is the mindscape. I summoned some planks of wood and got to work.
(Janus’s perspective)
I awoke to the sound of a saw cutting through wood, and a hammer.. well… hammering.
I opened my eyes, “Oh, Logan, please continue to disturb my sleeping,” I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. I saw Logan stop and look at me, “My apologies, Janus. I did not intend to disrupt you.”
I rubbed the bridge of my nose and said, “Yes, yet you still went ahead and did… say, what are you doing, my dear nerd?” If I hadn’t known any better, I would’ve said Logan froze for a second at the nickname.
Logan adjusted his glasses, “Well, you see, sticking toothpicks to the ceiling whilst I barely have any surface area to keep me steady,” he gestured to the fan, “shall surely result in me falling.”
“Oh, I would’ve loved to see that. The great Logan falling from a ceiling fan,” I said jokingly while laughing a bit at the mental image. “Also Logan?” I started, Logan looked at me, “have you forgotten that we are in the mindscape?”
“No, of course I haven’t.” He looked puzzled, “That’s why I- ..oh.” There it was. That priceless face, the face of when he forgot something. I was about to interject, but suddenly, without warning, he expanded the size of the fan. He filled the gaps between the blades, but still enough room for dangling limbs. Though, because he didn’t give a warning, I let out a squeak of surprise.
He looked at me with a mildly amused expression. “Don’t you dare say anything,” I said while maintaining eye contact with a blank face to assert dominance. He let out a snort of laughter and started to stick toothpicks to the ceiling.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Dee,” Logan said with a half-smile. I looked at him and grinned.
“Was that sarcasm, Logan? Then again, you are very snarky on a daily basis,” I stated, examining my fingernails despite not being able to see them through my gloves.
“As are you,” Logan replied.
“Yes, I will gladly take my trophy as the sassiest side,” I joked light-heartedly.
He rolled his eyes, “Don’t forget the shortest.”
I scoffed, clearly feigning offense. “How rude, Logan. Going straight for the most vulnerable part of myself, how mean. At least I have morals.” I heard Logan laugh, it was one of the best sounds. I smiled as the sound filled my ears, despite myself.
You know those moments you just want to last forever? This was one of them. I just wanted to stay here forever in this wonderful moment in time, listening to Logan’s laughter.
I then realized what I was thinking. Wait, ew, feelings.
Logan stopped laughing after a bit, “How dare you make me laugh. I have a reputation,” he joked.
“Well, you don’t have a reputation when I’m here. If you do, I’ll shatter it,” I chuckled, “besides, nobody else is here. Who’s going to witness me breaking your reputation anyways?” I asked.
Logan paused, and tilted his head, clearly thinking about what I said. “Well..” he began hesitantly, “you are right, I suppose.”
I let out a bark of laughter, “Please continue to tell me that I’m right. It feels so good to be right.” I looked at him, “Especially to be told that I’m right by you.” I grinned crookedly.
Logan suddenly looked curious. “Is me telling you that you’re right different from any other side saying it? If so, how?”
“Huh. How is it different?” I asked myself aloud. Maybe it’s just because he’s so logical, it feels good to be told that you’re right by him. Then again, Roman is so competitive, and he rarely, if ever, tells anyone that they’re right, that should probably mean more, right?
I imagined each of the other sides telling me that I was right. For some reason, Logan’s felt more… meaningful.
Well, I don’t have time to unpack all of that.
“I don’t know.” I finally said after a few minutes of silence. Logan’s brow furrowed, then he nodded. He then continued to poke toothpicks onto the ceiling, then cherries on the toothpicks all while looking so lost in thought.
I wanted to answer his question, I really did. I just truly didn’t know the answer.
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Summary: The two of them were friendly now—the days of hurtful nicknames and angrily putting each other down had long since passed—but even still Virgil was hesitant to open up to Roman. And it seemed as if Roman felt the same.
Pairing: Platonic prinxiety.
Virgil wandered down the stairs, rubbing at his eyes and only catching each step with his foot on sheer luck alone. He was barely even conscious—having woken up from a nightmare not more than a few hours after he'd gone to bed—and in his vaguely uncomfortable and jittery state, Virgil had decided that maybe a snack would make him feel better and started his move down to the kitchen.
The light was already on, he noticed vaguely, but it didn't really seem important until he came to the door of the kitchen and was greeted with a sight that woke him up entirely.
"You're crying."
Roman spun around abruptly, wiping at his eyes like Virgil was earlier but in less of an I'm-tired-and-trying-to-wake-myself-up way and more of a trying-to-hide-the-consequences-of-a-3-am-mental-breakdown way. Virgil would know; he had plenty of experience with both.
"I'm not crying, Charlie Frown," Roman insisted, "Your brain is playing tricks on you. Just go back to bed."
"Low blow, blaming a man's faulty brain for something you didn't want me to see," Virgil said, dropping into the chair across from Roman and ignoring the way he let out a sigh as he averted his gaze.
The two of them were friendly now—banter was easy and they were able to discuss things without it heating up to an argument every time—but there was still a layer of hesitancy when it came to being vulnerable. It wasn't just Roman either. Virgil had more than once entirely played off his anxiety or insecurities so that he could go deal with it himself or, if it got too bad, go bother Logan or Patton with it. It was stupid because they were friends and logically, he knew there was nothing to worry about. Even still, he was afraid. And he had a feeling Roman felt the same way.
"Do you want a hot chocolate?"
Roman blinked at him. "What?"
"I said, do you want a hot chocolate?" Virgil repeated, getting up from his chair. He threw open a few of the kitchen cabinets, rifling through it to grab the chocolate. "I mean, mine are nowhere near as good as Patton's—I really don't know how he does that—but they're still okay, you know?"
He glanced back at Roman to see him staring at him blankly and raised an eyebrow, prompting Roman to clear his throat.
"Uh, I mean, if you want to."
Virgil nodded, switching on the element and grabbing out a saucepan and milk, not bothering to measure any particular amount as he poured it into the pot.
"So... you wanna tell me what's going on?" Virgil asked, keeping his back firmly to Roman.
It's what he'd want, he thinks, to know that someone's listening without the pressure of having them stare you directly in the face—like, he loves Patton, but sometimes that earnest gaze can be a bit overwhelming.
"I promise, it's nothing. I'm just a bit tired-"
There's a long silence and if Virgil hadn't been listening intently for any sound, he would have thought that Roman had just up and left.
Then, there was a shaky inhale from behind him, let out all at once. "I'm... overwhelmed."
Roman paused, seemingly gathering his thoughts and as he did so, Virgil grabbed a rubber spatula from the jar on the counter, stirring the milk. He wasn't actually sure if it was necessary but it was something to do with his hands that wasn't simply wringing them or biting at the nails.
"Our fans expect a lot from us, you know? And the production value keeps getting bigger and we keep coming up with these new ideas but if we don't execute them perfectly it's going to seem like it was ridiculous for us to even try. And there's deadlines and short videos to keep up with and-" He heaved out a sigh. "There's just so much to do."
"There's always so much to do," Virgil interjected, breaking the chocolate into the boiling milk, "I think that's what life is."
Roman laughed but it wasn't particularly joyful, almost more like a sob than a laugh. "Maybe. I don't know. I just... I want everything to go perfectly but I know that's impossible."
There was something in that statement, some underlying insecurity that Virgil couldn't help but pull apart. With all his years being the literal embodiment of a person’s deepest fears, he’d become fairly well versed in feelings of inadequacy and leaving them alone to fester certainly wasn’t gonna do Roman any good.
"You're right. It is impossible," Virgil replied casually, "But why exactly do you think it needs to be perfect?"
"So that people will like it! People need to like-"
"You." Virgil switched off the element, turning around to look at Roman with something soft and sad in his eyes. "Is that right? You think that if the work we produce isn't perfect, if you don't make things that people love then you can't be loved."
Roman stared wide-eyed at Virgil, lips parted ever so slightly. "I- I just-"
And with a sob, he broke off, face crumpling as he failed to hold in his tears. Virgil winced, suddenly flooded with need to shield Roman from anything that could make him look so devastated.
"Roman, come here."
He opened himself up for a hug and Roman dove forward, gripping at Virgil's hoodie and shaking in his arms as they wrapped around him.
"We love you," Virgil spoke insistently but quiet, as if were he to speak any louder something inside him would break, "We will love you the same if you never create another thing ever again or if you create something new every day for the rest of your life. You don't need to do anything to be loved. You're here. That's enough."
Roman nodded into his shoulder. "I- I know that. I do. And you all keep telling me that's it's fine but-"
"I get it. It's hard. It took me a while to accept that you all love me too, you know? But you'll get there. And we'll be happy to remind you of it any time you need."
Virgil pulled away from the hug, leaving Roman blinking at the ground with still watery eyes. He seemed... more solid, somehow—less like he would shatter if Virgil looked at him wrong—and the relief he felt at that was almost palpable.
"And, Ro?" Virgil asked, prompting Roman to drag his gaze back up to him, "Yeah, the stuff you create may not be perfect but I haven't seen a single thing you accomplished that you haven't done a pretty fucking great job of."
Roman smiled—slight but real and filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Virgil."
"Anytime, princey."
Virgil turned to grab a few mugs from the hooks under the cabinet, placing them on the counter. A quick test of the milk revealed it to be plenty warm still and with a great deal of care, Virgil poured the hot chocolate into the cups, having apparently made more than enough for just the two of them.
The silence as Virgil moved wasn't uncomfortable—much more akin to the kind of silence you expect from two people alone in the kitchen at the early hours of the morning—and Virgil was immeasurably glad for it.
Eventually, he passed one of the mugs over to Roman. He hadn’t really put much thought into which ones he’d grabbed but he noticed now that it was one of Roman’s personal ones and written on it, in curling font, read the words, “Imagine. Create. Repeat.”. Virgil tried not to find the irony in that.
"So, uh, how about we finish this hot chocolate and then we head back to bed, yeah?" Virgil asked, picking up his own mug from the counter and taking a sip.
Roman didn't react for a moment except to rotate the mug he gripped tightly in his hands, holding it up by his face so the steam still coming off it warmed his cheeks. Then, he nodded, a smile barely turning the corner of his mouth.
"Yeah. Yeah, Virge, that sounds great."
Taglist: @mutechild @super-magical-wizard @shadowsfromthesun @teadays @sandersships @autism-goblin @camcam774 @deadlyhuggles6 @romanthestarstruckqueer @whispers-stuff-in-your-ear @rainboots-are-for-snobs @sanders-and-sides @spirits-in-my-thoughts @hold-my-hat @goodandbadisallmadeupnonsense @stop-it-anxiety @figurative-falsehood @jadedfantasies231 @idosanderssidespromptssometimes @poisonedapples @sanders-screams @another-sandersidesblog @do-not-just-see-observe @mychemicalpanicattheemo @primaryyblogg @localtransgrape​ @fandomsofrandom​ @gattonero17​ @airiervessel​ @ollyollyoxinfree​ @tired-and-probably-crying​ .
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Will You Have Me?- A Logicality One-Shot
words: 1396
characters: logan, patton; mentions of remus, roman, janus, and virgil
universe: human au
pairing: romantic logicality, mentions of platonic dlampr
warnings: kissing mention, otherwise just fluff on fluff on fluff
author’s note: this is probably the closest thing to a little shop of horrors-sanders sides crossover fic i’ll ever write. it’s very self-indulgent, as little shop of horrors is my all-time favorite movie and musical, and i’ve always compared little ship (seymour/audrey) to logicality. this definitely won’t be the last little shop-related logicality fic i’ll ever write, as i’ve certainly had ideas for a little shop of horrors au involving the glasses gays. in the meantime, though, i hope y’all like the story!
Patton had loved Little Shop of Horrors since he had first seen the movie, in his freshman year of high school. Everything about it appealed to him— the plot, the characters, the music, and everything in between. He was especially attached to the main character. Seymour Krelborn was smart and kind-hearted, but not the best at dealing with his emotions— much like a certain boy Patton knew.
For his sixteenth birthday, he had invited all of his friends— Remus, Roman, Logan, Janus, and Virgil— to his house for a movie-night themed sleepover. Naturally, the movie they watched was Little Shop.  Roman was the only one of them who had seen the film, so it was the first time the other four had seen it. They all ended up liking it, but the one who had enjoyed it the most was Logan.
Logan had never been a fan of musicals. He claimed them to be ridiculous and unrealistic— much to Roman’s dismay. Yet Little Shop of Horrors felt different. It didn’t feel like a musical, even though it was. (In fact, the movie was based on a musical by the same name.) It was instead a new world, a story to dissect and analyze and— though he didn’t like to admit it— enjoy. (Not to mention the fact that the character Audrey wasn’t too different from the person who had introduced him to the movie in the first place.) No matter how unrealistic the premise of an enormous man-eating plant alien was, Logan ended up growing a great interest in it.
Patton and Logan began to bond over Little Shop. Of course, it wasn’t all they ever talked about, but sharing a common interest caused the two of them to grow closer.
As the two of them grew and matured, so did their feelings toward each other. It had taken a while for them to realize it, but Logan and Patton had fallen for one another, and they had fallen hard. After some time— much too long, according to their friends— the two of them finally admitted their feelings for one another. Roman often compared the two to Seymour and Audrey, the protagonist and love interest of Little Shop, and they couldn’t help but agree.
Little Shop played a surprisingly large role in their relationship. On the twenty-third day of every month— since the events of the movie started on September 23rd according to the prologue— the two of them would make popcorn, put on onesies, and watch the movie. Nobody else was allowed to bother them unless it was an absolute emergency, and the others respected that. It might seem repetitive, watching the same film so many times, but it allowed them to spend quality time together as they watched their favorite movie. They would often sing along with the musicit— Logan always played Seymour while Patton played Audrey, and they switched off on the other characters. Once, for their anniversary, Logan had gotten tickets for them to see the musical version— on the twenty-third of that month, of course. (Patton had ended up sobbing, not having expected the ending to differ so much from that of the movie. Logan thought it was more realistic, but he too had shed a few tears.) Little Shop had become an important part of Logan and Patton’s relationship. Without it, they may not have fallen in love in the first place.
In fact, it had given Logan an idea.
It’s alright. You can do this. Logan stared at his reflection in the mirror, taking deep breaths. Everything is already written for you. The difficult part is already done.
The bathroom door opened. Patton was standing in the doorway, clad in the owl onesie that he only wore on their special movie nights. “Lo-Lo? You ready to start the movie?”
Logan turned away from the mirror, went over to Patton, and took his hand. “Whenever you are,” he replied, earning a beaming smile from his partner. The two of them made their way to the couch. Logan went into the kitchen, as he always did, to make the popcorn, while Patton set up the movie. Within a few minutes, everything was ready.
As far as Patton knew, this was a normal movie night. The movie was the same as it had always been, and he and Logan were quoting along as they always did. He did pick up a sort of oddness in Logan’s behavior, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on why that was. Maybe it was the fact that he kept sticking one hand in his pocket, or the way he bounced his leg quicker than he normally did, but he seemed significantly more antsy than usual.
Meanwhile, Logan’s mind was racing, anxiety and logic warring inside him. What-ifs battled with that-won’t-happens as he struggled to focus on what was before him. He knew the film well enough to quote along with little effort, so that part wasn’t a problem. Everything was working so far.
Finally, finally, it was time. Patton’s eyes were on the screen, oblivious to Logan’s growing nervousness as he recited Seymour’s distressed monologue in near-exact synchronization with the character on screen.
“What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? I never should’a started, but I did, and now if I don’t feed it, it’ll die. And I’ll lose her, I’ll lose everything.”
“Seymour?” Patton and Audrey prompted at the same time. “Who’re ya talkin’ to?”
“Hmm? Uh, nobody.”
“You’re actin’ funny… It wasn’t nice to chase those people out. Those men said… Seymour Krelborn’s Gardening Tips is sure to be a very big TV show.”
“I know, I’m sorry. I feel terrible.”
“Well, you shouldn’t. They’re comin’ back tomorrow, and they’ll bring you a great big check.”
“They are?”
“I wish you were enjoying your success.”
“You said they’re comin’ back with money?”
“That means we can afford to get outta here, couldn’t we?” Logan felt as if his heart was going to beat out of his chest as he quietly and carefully got up from his seat and knelt down, reaching into his pocket.
“What do you mean?”
“Yeah, that’s it. After tomorrow, we can leave here, together.”
Logan’s voice shook as he removed the small box from his pocket and opened it with his other hand. “If you’ll have me… Patton, will you have me?”
Patton looked over at Logan in surprise, as he never got the lines wrong, and certainly never altered them to contain Patton’s name instead of Audrey’s. His jaw dropped, only barely managing to murmur the next line.
Logan was on one knee before him, holding a small open box containing a silver ring with a sky-colored stone.
“Marry me, Patton.”
He knew that his words weren’t the words traditionally spoken by those hoping to marry their partners, but they were the same words used by Seymour in the film— only, of course, with “Audrey” instead of “Patton”.
“Oh, Logan, this is so sudden,” Patton gasped. It wasn’t, of course, but Logan knew that. He was simply responding the same way Audrey did.
“Well, will you?” Logan’s heart was pounding so hard that he was sure Patton could hear it. As long as it had been, as much as he cared for his beloved partner, there was still a small voice inside telling him the worst, that Patton was going to say no, that this idea had been ridiculous, that he should have stuck to a more traditional method of proposal.
But Patton’s expression held no negative emotions. Instead, his eyes shone with joy like a pair of tiny stars as he responded, in perfect synchrony with Audrey.
Patton threw his arms around Logan, nearly knocking him over. Logan hugged him back, much less wildly, resting his chin on top of Patton’s head. The two were so lost in the moment that, for once, they didn’t even quote along with the rest of the scene.
The two of them spent the last fifteen minutes of the film in each other’s arms, stealing kisses as they held one another close. Soon enough the film ended, and Logan couldn’t help but smile as he watched Seymour and Audrey begin their new life together.
After all, Patton was the Audrey to Logan’s Seymour, and tonight was the first step toward their own somewhere green.
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dukeofonions · 4 years
Puppet vs Video Games (The Gimmicks of Sanders Sides)
If you’ve followed me for awhile (meaning the short amount of time I’ve been running this blog) then you’ll probably be aware of what my opinions are of the “gimmicks” that have been making themselves prevalent in recent Sanders Sides episodes. Now just to make things clear, almost every episode of Sanders Sides uses some kind of gimmick. 
Well, besides the first one, which consists entirely of talking with no added effects. 
And I, being the faceless entity that sits behind a computer screen judging an online web series, am going to rant about that because this is my blog and I do what I want. So let’s begin… 
The Prologue
As season one progresses we see things like location changes, a song, Thomas’ friends making several appearances, simple editing tricks (like putting text or pictures on a screen) minor costume changes (Logan and Patton dressing as Sherlock and Watson) split screen effects, and even an episode featuring an animated segment. 
At the end of Season One we were introduced to the concept of “Rooms” which added a whole new layer to the story and got people excited to see what the other rooms would entail. Still, up to this point, the gimmicks remained mostly in the background as small ways to sprinkle in some extra storytelling while the dialogue continued to be the main thing carrying the series. 
Then Season Two began with Fitting In, which featured a few more props that served to signify each of the Hogwarts houses. This made sense seeing as that was the focus of the video, and for fans of Harry Potter, it would be fun to see the characters wearing things from the different houses. 
After Fitting In, we got Moving On which featured the introduction of Patton’s room. Like with Virgil’s, a lot went into designing his room. There is a lot to look at, who knows how long it took to find all the stuff they showcased in the background? On top of that they also had the filter they used to give the room a dreamlike quality, and my favorite detail, the pictures that continue to change throughout the episode depending on what the characters are talking about. 
It remains one of my favorite set pieces from the series just from the amount of detail they put into it, and it felt like a step up from Virgil’s room (which I also love) and it makes me excited for the rest of the rooms that have yet to be revealed. 
However! I am not here to discuss the rooms. Even though I already did… 
After Moving On, however, is when things start to change with the series. 
During the 12 Days of Christmas, the Sides are each given their own custom Christmas sweaters, but that’s only part of the gimmick. The centerpiece for this episode is, of course, the song sung by all four Sides. This moment is pretty significant as it marks the first time all four of them appeared on screen together at the same time. 
This was just the tip of the iceberg for what was to come… 
Immediately following 12 Days we get Can Lying Be Good? Which featured a new location where the video spent the majority in, using quick cuts with the cameras to give off the illusion of Roman pretending to be Joan (including clever uses of audio) and of course, Deceit himself. The makeup and costume was unlike anything we’d seen in the series yet. Throw in some more split screen to show two Sides on screen together, as well as some clever costume choices for character Thomas, makes this episode (in my opinion) the best at utilizing its effects and filming techniques to tell its story. 
And then, things start to shift again…. 
The next episode we get is Why Do We Get Out Of Bed In The Morning? Which took some time to produce, coming out in April after CLBG? Was released in February. Still, good time considering what was to come. 
This episode had some mixed reviews once it finally came out, but I plan on tackling that later. The reason this episode (which was really just a longer, drawn out version of Losing My Motivation but starring Logan and Roman) was the use of animations. 
For Logan, his arguments were displayed via “Stop Motion” writings of graphs and charts which he used to explain his points. And from a short behind the scenes video, each of these were drawn by hand and took hours to make. From what I understand, all of Roman’s bits were animated on a computer, though I don’t have much info on how they were made. 
Within the episode, these different types of animations were used to help Roman and Logan illustrate their points. And while on their own they’re quite adorable, they aren’t necessary for the telling of this story. One thing this episode was criticised for was how the writing felt off. Everything seemed rushed and none of the characters felt in character, and while I don’t recall anyone outright saying it, it’s likely that perhaps the team felt pressured to get this video out on time, and thus might have skipped out on other elements in order to make up for the time spent working on the animations. 
Whether that was writing the script, filming, or editing, we don’t know. All I know is that the general consensus for this episode was that it was just okay. As a Logan and Roman fan though, it was kinda disappointing for their first episode with them taking the spotlight together to just be viewed as “okay” and isn’t a favorite of mine. 
Things picked up a little after Crofters: The Musical was released only a few days after WDWGOOBITM (that title is a monster to type no matter how ya do it) and it featured a song as its gimmick. The mood was a bit lighter, we got to see Logan having fun, and hey we even got our first main Roman angst foreshadowing! Good thing that wouldn’t be dragged out for several episodes, right?
All in all, things were definitely looking up for Sanders Sides. From the looks of it, we were going to start getting more frequent updates! 
Then the Drought happened and we had to wait almost six months for a new episode. 
At least that would be the longest we ever had to wait for something. 
Before I get into the beef of this post I wanna bring up three more episodes, Embarrassing Phases, Selfishness vs Selflessness, and Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts. 
Like the other episodes throughout Season Two, each of these episodes have different gimmicks. In Embarrassing Phases, it’s the Halloween costumes. In SVS, it’s a location change plus costume change, and in DWIT we get the introduction of Remus along with a musical number and a few props. 
I’d say each of these episodes does a good job at incorporating their gimmicks into the story. Embarrassing Phases involves them talking about Halloween and using costumes as metaphors or something like that (This may be one of the few times I say something positive about this episode don’t get used to it)
With SVS, thanks to some clever acting, we can see Janus get the idea of using the courtroom scenario to try and get his point across. He first does this by suggesting that Thomas may not be as innocent as he seems, and after Patton defends him, that’s when Janus switches to the courtroom in order to put Patton to the test and literally defend Thomas as a lawyer. 
Then in DWIT, given that Remus is a very outgoing character, it makes sense that he’d use a song to explain who he is and make a dramatic entrance. Plus, the series has used songs before so it’s not surprising to see this here. And seeing as Remus is creativity, it’s only fitting that he’s able to conjure random things throughout the episode. Okay, that was a long prologue, onto the actual reason most of you  probably clicked on this post. Part One: The Puppets
Learning New Things About Ourselves also does a good job of handling its gimmick and incorporating it into the story. Like the three I just mentioned, there’s a set up and a pay off. We get an idea of what’s to come with this moment: 
“I don’t feel content,” 
Tumblr media
“With my content.” 
Tumblr media
Which is obviously a reference to some random children’s educational program (most likely Sesame Street) by showcasing how two words that are spelled the same can have different meanings. Great now I sound like some educational children’s program. 
Then later on, we get the actual set up that comes from Thomas becoming frustrated that he can’t figure out what the problem is that’s causing this whole dilemma. He says, “We’ve got an issue. Something that I’m not aware of yet, something that may be unlocked with the right question. This is like...  fundamental learning!”
After he says that, he gets an idea and asks the others how he used to learn things and each one responds accordingly: 
Logan: Textbooks! 
Roman and Virgil: Mistakes. 
Patton: Puppets! 
And of course, initially, Thomas questions this and no one really understands what Patton means by this. But he explains and makes a case for it, “Thomas used to learn all kinds of new and helpful things from puppets when he was younger! Like how to count and his ABCs. Maybe it’ll be easier to work through issues when puppets are involved.” 
We see Thomas consider the idea, and then Logan sets up a joke with him saying Thomas has outgrown that kind of stuff only to have him express his love for the idea. 
After that, the Sides (excluding Logan) change into their respective puppets and continue on the episode. 
One important thing to note (which I will bring up later) is that this scene takes place around the 15 minute mark. At least by that point, everyone except Logan has changed into a puppet. With the video being 38 minutes long, this is about halfway through the episode, and by the 31 minute mark the Sides begin turning back to normal. 
Which means the puppets roughly take up only about 15 minutes of the video, slightly longer if you count Logan’s puppet, but you get the idea. 
Also I’m bad at math so if I got this wrong sue me. There’s a reason I’m sitting here writing this instead of doing something with my life.
From then on, the conversation continues with everyone still trying to figure out what the question they need to be asking is. Of course, plenty of references to other educational kid shows are thrown around, but that now makes sense seeing as they’re fully embracing the puppet idea. Patton furthers the conversation along by finally getting Thomas to start asking “Why” and uses another reference to do so, which starts the next part of the conversation and brings us the next major conflict in this episode, Logan.
He gives his opinion, stating that no one takes Thomas seriously and that he should switch careers in order to obtain that status instead of devoting his time to making silly videos. 
This of course, causes dissension within the group, and leads to Roman once again insulting Logan before realizing that he’s been going too far. After being prompted to apologize, Roman attempts to express his feelings to Logan and say sorry, but it doesn’t exactly help him feel any better which is when Patton suggests he try a different way.
And, Roman being Roman, decides the best way to do this is through song. A song that’s reminiscent of those one might hear on Sesame Street (there’s probably others but I’m rolling with this one) so it fits with the puppet thing. Again, it’s justified. 
The episode ends with Logan finally understanding where the others are coming from and Thomas finding the right question to ask, which he is able to answer and it solves the dilemma. 
Logan turns into a puppet, there’s another Sesame Street reference, and Roman is finally gonna start addressing his issues! 
Good thing that won’t be brushed under a rug by the other characters for three more episodes right? 
All in all, in case you couldn’t tell, I adore this episode and it still remains one of my favorites to this day. It doesn’t beat you over the head with the references, which are used cleverly and in a fun way that also keeps the story moving along. The designs for the puppets are cute and match each of the characters, and the puppetry is amazing! 
Plus the song is an absolute bop and it still makes me emotional sometimes. 
Which begs the question, was the sixth month wait worth it? Well, after hearing all that went into making this episode and seeing the final result, I’d say it was worth it. 
It’s also nice that we got a behind the scenes video where we got to see the full story on how this episode was made and all the difficulties Thomas, Joan, and Talyn faced when trying to make it a reality. Did they need to use puppets? No, but what matters is that they were able to take the idea and incorporate it into a story in a way that was fun and felt justified for existing. 
Not saying this episode is perfect, there are a few problems here and there, but overall this remains one of my top Sanders Sides episodes and one I’ve watched repeatedly since it came out. 
Now that all that positive stuff is out of the way, let’s get to the fun part….
Part Two: The Video Games
I’m gonna be blunt, Putting Others First does not do as good of a job with incorporating video games into its story like LNTAO does. 
However, I can’t exactly talk about this episode without talking about the extremely long wait we had in between episodes. The last official episode (that follows the main storyline, so not Asides) came out on June 25, 2019. POF came out May 1st, 2020. 
Almost 10 months, the longest we’ve ever had to wait for an episode. And if you wanna go further, remember that POF was meant to be the follow up to SVS, a part two if you will, SVS came out March 31st 2019, so by the time POF came out, it had already been a year since this set up the conflict for wedding vs callback.
By that point, some people were no longer interested or as excited about the new episode, but that changed briefly when a trailer for the episode dropped after a new Bloopers video was released a few months before POF was finally released. 
Keep in mind that up until this point, we weren’t entirely sure what the hold up was for this episode. We’d only gotten the vague answer of “There’s a special sequence for this episode and we’re working with another artist in order to make it, which is why it’s taking so long.” 
Okay, fair enough, and the trailer revealed what exactly that sequence was, animation! 
Now I’ve already explained in another post why I have problems with how vague Thomas and co. are when it comes to giving information about upcoming videos, so I won’t get into that here. 
What I am going to bring up since it relates to some of my points is this, remember when they said it was a “special sequence” they were working on? Well, after the video is released we find that it isn’t one, but 10. 
I’m not counting each time a sequence was used (For example, the opening segment which is later followed by Roman imagining a different outcome in the same style or every single one of Logan’s low-down’s, and the two trolley problems are counted as one sequence for this post specifically) because I really don’t wanna go through and count every single time Logan popped up on screen, but tell me, why in the heckity heck did they feel it was necessary to include 10 of these animated segments? 
And okay, there’s actually 12 (maybe 13? The Pokemon reference uses two different styles) but why are there so many? How are they necessary and what is their reason for being in this episode? 
Remember earlier when I mentioned that the puppet stuff didn’t start until the 15 minute mark? Well, POF literally begins with a video game sequence, and then the game references just keep coming. The intro gets a retro remix along with the rest of the music, and once Thomas enters the picture his curse words are covered by a gold coin and the “mario coin” sound effect. 
And then, not even three minutes in, we get yet another video game sequence recapping the last episode, after we already had a recap of the last episode less than a minute ago! 
To be fair though Rhythm Redux is a bop and I’m not sure why they felt the need to include a “flashback” after the intro when they were going to include this song anyway since it does a better job at explaining things than the random shots and dialogue from SVS. 
With LNTAO, none of the “puppet bits” began until after the Sides changed into puppets, besides that one bit of foreshadowing with the “Content with my content” line. There was no change to the intro’s music, nothing besides that one bit to foreshadow the puppets coming into play. 
Another thing LNTAO does that POF doesn’t is establish a set up, and pay off for the video games. Right off the bat, we get the video games, then later we get Patton’s line about how “Life isn’t like one of your video games” just a few minutes before the next video game sequence takes place, which just felt out of place to me the first time I watched it and I felt like that line was put in there just to remind the audience “Oh yeah, this is a video game themed episode!” 
Which, okay, there actually was some bit of set up before this back in SVS. Thomas mentions that he planned to spend his time at the wedding playing “Word Crush” on his phone, then as POF begins, that’s exactly what he’s doing. 
And there are certain instances where the sequences work. 
The beginning sequence ties back into Thomas’ comment from SVS and, in a way, sets up the video game thing (even if it does make me somewhat cringe but that’s mostly Lee and Mary Lee’s characters) and I wouldn’t have as much of a problem with how “Rhythm Redux” was incorporated if they hadn’t included the flash back after the intro. Again, why did they need two different recaps? They only needed one and it did a good job of explaining everything on its own. 
I will also say the Trolley Segments work due to the discussions being held, they’re talking about “Morality” so why wouldn’t you bring up one of the oldest moral dilemmas out there? It also ties in with my favorite part of the video, the “Final Boss” fight with Lilypadton vs Janus. I was not expecting it, and adding Janus’ reveal on top of that just made everything even better. It was dramatic, and I loved how the health bars that were used for Patton and Janus changed to represent Thomas’ deteriorating mental health. 
All in all, there was potential here with the video game theme, and there were scenes where it was used well. But all the others that I didn’t mention? They just felt forced and out of place to me and honestly, took me out of the moment. 
Another episode I want to compare POF to is Logic vs Passion (I am not typing either the title or the acronym out again) where they both incorporate their gimmicks in a similar way. 
Logan and Roman both use their respective animations to illustrate their points of view, and throughout POF all the characters use different video games to illustrate their own points. 
The issues I have with these episodes is that these conversations could have been had without the use of any of these things. The Sides have had discussions and used examples to elaborate their points in the past without the use of visuals. 
Now, can visuals help with storytelling? Yes, and I mentioned several instances where POF does this. But honestly, the whole video game theme seemed out of place for this particular video. Compare it to SVS which only had a location change, the episode focused almost entirely on its dialogue and still manages to be dramatic and engaging. You can easily follow along with the discussion without the need for fancy visuals. 
With POF, it seems like they just try to rush from one video game reference to the next, leaving little room to breathe in between before another video game is thrown into your face. What could have been a simple discussion like in SVS (which still managed to balance humor with its more serious themes) we got a rather bloated middle section which, honestly, I don’t remember much about. 
I’ve watched the video several times and without fail, I always find myself spacing out throughout a good chunk of the middle until the whole Lilypadton scene takes place. That’s when I became interested, especially when Janus entered the picture to bring in his points and act as a bit of an “anti-hero” in the whole thing. 
I simply believe this video could have been a lot simpler, and probably more cohesive if they’d left a lot of the video game stuff out. The last thing I want to be when consuming any type of media is bored, and honestly if it wasn’t for me making all these analysis posts on the episode, I probably wouldn’t have watched it again save for my favorite parts. 
Not only that, but we waited 10 months for this episode because of the video game sequences, and again you have to ask yourself, was the wait worth it? 
I have to say, unlike with LNTAO, it wasn’t worth it to me. They could take the video game sequences out altogether (even my favorite ones) and I wouldn’t really care. This episode just doesn’t need them, they don’t justify their use in this episode. Whereas in LNTAO, I love the use of puppets and if they were to be taken out, I would miss them. 
Now is this to say I hate the episode? No, there’s actually a lot I like about it. Patton’s development, Janus, and the ending with Roman are all amazing on their own. But really, who’s to say Janus couldn’t have confronted Patton in person instead of a video game world? 
Logan didn’t need to appear via little “Pop ups” and could have been called upon by Patton for help only to be brushed aside when what he says doesn’t help his case at all. Then when things start getting out of hand, “Logan” comes back to try to fix things but it doesn’t work, which is when he reveals himself only this time everyone, including the audience, fell for it because Janus has stepped up his game when it comes to disguising himself. 
Of course, the same could be said about LNTAO, they didn’t need to be puppets, right? Well, considering that the message of the episode was that you can use unconventional methods to express different ideas using different mediums, and Logan spent the whole time seeing the puppets at nothing but silly and childish only to come to this realization himself, it makes sense why puppets were used. 
However, you can actually apply that same message to POF, where they used an unconventional method to get their points across. 
The only problem, like with Logic vs Passion, was that the gimmicks alone couldn’t carry the episode. 
Logic vs Passion wasn’t as good as other episodes (and I may do a full review of this in the future) and in POF, it just felt like there was too much being crammed into this one episode. We went from discussing different types of morality and why people do good things to Janus suddenly beginning his “acceptance arc” with Roman having a breakdown at the end. Honestly, the point where Janus enters the conversation feels like a completely separate episode from what we’ve had thus far. Not only that, I have my own issues with how Janus’ character seemed to suddenly do a 180 (which I already talked about in another post) so while I love the ending scenes on their own, I admit that maybe they should have been handled differently. 
Of course, at the end of the day, all of this is just a matter of opinion. Lots of people loved the video game segments, and others didn’t like the puppets. Some people love all the gimmicks used in the videos, others wish for things to go back to the simpler formats of the older episodes and honestly, I agree. 
It seems like with every new episode the team is trying to outdo themselves and take things up another level each time, which is something I can admire, but it is something that can be overdone. Just look at Sanders Asides, it was supposed to be this simple little thing, but it might as well just be another episode. There’s nothing to distinguish it from any of the other main episodes, and if the rest of Asides is going to be the same way, then what’s the point of making it a separate series at all?
Now, Thomas and Joan have said that after this episode, they’re going to start using more practical effects and make things simpler, which I take as a sign of them learning to step back from all the gimmicks they use and just let the characters shine on their own for a while. Which, if that is the case, good on them. 
We don’t come to this series for the effects and flashy scenes, we come for the characters. They’re what we love and want to see more of. If you want more proof, just look at what people mostly took from POF, they took the character moments. It wasn’t the video game references that resonated the most with people, heck, people outright seemed to ignore the fact that Leslie Odom Jr. made a cameo. 
What do you think that says? 
Not saying people didn’t love the video game references, because a lot of people did, but it wasn’t the main thing people responded to. 
It’s okay to explore different mediums for storytelling. But sometimes, as a creator, you have to stop and ask yourself, “Is this really necessary for the story?” And believe me the hardest thing to do is cut out something that I spent hours working on because, when I viewed the story as a whole, that particular thing just wasn’t necessary for the story. Maybe I enjoyed it, and perhaps others would too, but at the end of the day, I’d be glad that I made the decision for the betterment of the story.
Okay, now this got way longer than I meant for it to be (how ironic) but you’ve all been waiting for this post for awhile and I didn’t want to postpone it further. 
I do hope you enjoyed reading this jumbled mess and, as always, feel free to let me know what your opinions were! Regardless of whether you agree or disagree, and I’ll see y’all next time! 
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married-thrice-au · 4 years
Virgil’s Youtube Job
Virgil’s job,things that have happened, and ways the boys made appearances
Virgil on his channel talks about Conspiracies and Creepy stuff
He is occasionally joined by Remus, Patton, and all the other boys
Virgil has a really calm voice, many of his fans watch his videos for his voice, the interesting theories are a plus, some aren’t even interested in his theories, just his voice.
50% of his comments are people loving his voice
Virgil being such a calm person makes people question why and how he married the chaotic mess of Remus
People always answer why by sending a screenshot of Remus’ abs
"but Virgil's ace" "LOOK AT HIS ABS"
trashrat69: You mean look at his ass!
All his viewers are jealous he’s surrounded by so many hot guys, Virgil only has haters because they’re jealous.
Other than pre-recorded videos Virgil often live-streams both on YouTube and twitch.
He has custom emojis, some for his husbands along with Roman, Janus, and Logan
On Virgil’s channel the viewers jokingly theorized the twins didn’t have legs
Often during some streams they’re very casual and Virgil will sit there talking and answering questions sometimes with at least one other person
Remus appears in a live-stream and afterwards the viewers are obsessed with him
Remus’ first appearance was in Virgil’s Halloween live-stream, Virgil was dressed as a vampire and drinking some red wine
Remus came running in with only his boxers on and blood all over his chest and yelled about how SOMEONE didn’t screw the cap on properly after they wanted to look like a vampire!
Remus did SFX makeup for Virgil in a video for a creepy Halloween look once
Remus must appear in a video or stream or at least once a month or fans will be disappointed
Remus’ contributions to Virgil’s videos and streams include
Top ten cryptids i would F*****
Doing my husbands makeup
Some interesting and weird facts about abandoned amusement parks, rides, and places
Remus after a certain live-stream gets a pornhub account
He has one video posted, it’s just him nibbling a carrot for like an hour, it’s not sexual at all
Logan often talks or debates with Virgil
Most of the time he tells or debates with Virgil and tells why some theories wouldn’t work and sciency stuff behind it
Sometimes the most crazy theories Logan actually says are possible
Now Virgil sends Logan theories sometimes so he could give what Logan’s input on it was
Logan doesn’t always come or lend his voice, Virgil reads points logan sent on a piece of paper
Roman has joined and gave some voice acting tips
Patton comes in one day and promises all the viewers cookies
Later on Virgil makes a member emoji for Patton with a pan of cookies
Suddenly there is a lot of cookie fan-art
People outside the fandom are confused because they only know of the channel for having creepy conspiracies and stuff
Janus has come on and gave some helpful tips and talked about law
They don’t give the fans their name and when asked jokingly say that their name is the fans worst nightmare
Now the fans call Janus Nightmare
Fundraiser Live Stream
Virgil does a charity live-stream that lasts basically the whole day one time
Everyone joins him and hangs out for it
The charity is for people with disabilities
When they hit 50k dollars donated people were able to request songs for roman to sing
Roman had been singing the whole time so now people could request songs
For 100k Virgil says Logan will do a face reveal
They hit their goal quickly
A hardcore fan donated half of the money
When they hit 100k Remus, Roman, Janus, Patton, and Virgil chanted face reveal
Logan sighed and came in pushing his hair back he was dressed nice that day
The chat lost their minds
It was filled with many saying “OH NO HE’S HOT”
roman immediately takes the opportunity to force Logan to sit in his lap
Logan sits there as casual and professional as ever
Roman takes Logan's tie off and the chat is absolutely in love
Remus joked that it was a strip tease
Remus wearing his underwear shook his ass in the camera for 200k
Virgil sung for 300k
400k Patton gets a piercing
for 500k Patton lets chat pick a tattoo for him through a poll to get
for 600k Patton will say fuck
Remus writes the name of the person who has donated the most on his butt and twerks
Patton figures out how to switch the screen to a lovely slideshow of kittens and puppies before it happens because ‘not in front of the kids watching, hon’
Virgil tells Remus his behavior may get him banned from YouTube Remus says "cool, then we can start a new channel on pornhub"
They stopped the stream at 12am because Patton needed them to go to sleep.
Cryptid Hunting
Virgil does an overnight watch except with cryptids
Remus and Roman helped make a lot of the spooky scenes
There is one part where Remus is just getting milk from the fridge and drinking it straight from the carton.
Patton climbing on the counter to get to a secret stash of cookies
Janus and Virgil doing his ‘I’m looming’ looks in many corners
roman appears at 3am, he walks into the wall twice before he manages to find the light switch and grabs a whole jar of brown sugar before walking back out
One time Virgil went in the forest with Remus for camping and also watching for cryptids
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recipeforme · 3 years
A Good Kid: FAQ
Book: A Good Kid
Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions for A Good Kid. I don’t want to draw things out so let’s get started! Please note that I did change the wording of some of the questions, mostly because I don’t know if the users who asked them want to be known.
1.  Are you referencing The Lightning Thief Musical with the title of this work?
Yes. The book title and some of the chapter titles are from Light Thief: The Musical the rest are from songs that I thought fit the book.
2. You are really accurate with your description of the Foster Care System.
Thank you. I really wanted to be as accurate as possible. So I did as much research as I could.
3. Are there going to be any ships in the series?
No. I might reference a ship here and there but otherwise no. I wanted to leave it to everyone’s own interpretation. But for me it’s all platonic. However, I am thinking of including Thomas/Nico towards the end of the series. Is that something you would all like to see?
4. Have you had any water today?
Yes I have. *Sips at a blender full of water.* Okay but seriously, I do keep a water bottle by my bed which is where I spend most of my time.
5. Do you think it would be possible for you to go back through and edit so the POV changes are more clear? It really confuses me at times.
Yes! When I started writing I instinctively wrote it in First Person Point Of View (for some reason). And once I started writing it didn’t make sense to switch over to Third Person Point Of View.
But now that I am officially done I am going to go back and rewrite everything to be Third Person Point Of View. The story will stay the same but I might edit a couple of things. However, the first section of the first chapter will stay in First Person Point Of View. But after the line break it will be in Third Person Point Of View.
6. It feels like we only get to see Virgil, Patton, and Thomas in this fic.
Yeah I’m really sorry about that. That wasn’t the plan but since Virgil is the main character and living with Patton and Thomas it made more sense to include them more. But I still love Roman and Logan which is why I gave them bonding chapters with Virgil. Don’t worry though, you’ll see a lot more of them in the series.
7. What’s yours and all of the character’s favorite cookie?
Mine is chocolate chips. Virgil’s is anything with chocolate, Roman likes sugar cookies, Logan loves thumb-print cookies with Crofters, and Patton likes just about every cookie but oatmeal raisin.  
8. Did Virgil change his last name when he got adopted?
I actually had a scene planned out that explained this but didn’t end up writing it. I might write a one-shot for it but we’ll see.
To answer your question, Thomas and Virgil talked about it. Thomas gave Virgil the choice to change his last name to Sanders or keep it as Storm. Virgil chose to change his last name and make Storm his middle name. Virgil didn’t have a middle name at the time and wanted to honor his mom and his past.
9. Where can I find extra content for the series?
I have said this a couple of times but there is this Tumblr Blog. Here I answer questions about the series and include drawings of the characters. I sometimes also release lines from future chapters!
I am also planning on starting a one-shot book which will include extra scenes from the books that didn’t make the cut or events that happened in between each book.
10. What will the other books be about?
Each book with be in the order as followed:
Virgil’s which (as you all know) is about the Foster Care system, anxiety, and PTSD.
Roman’s is the next book and will be about his struggle with an eating disorder, specifically  anorexia.
Logan’s is about his struggle with emotions and his identity. Along with trying to fit into the friend group more.
Patton’s will be about depression.
The last book will be about Janus (Virgil’s bio brother) and trying to redeem himself and him wanting to try and be Virgil’s brother again.
11. Will Remus get a book?
No. I’m sorry Remus’ fans but I can’t, I tried to figure out how a book starring Remus would fit into the whole mesh of the series. But I can’t figure out how to do it in a way that makes sense. Maybe one day I could do it as a side book but it would be after I finished the main series.
That being said, Remus will be in Roman’s book a lot. Remus plays a role that’s similar to the role Thomas’ played in A Good Kid.
12. What is the timeline?
Yeah, I know that I wasn’t very clear on this. Sorry about that.
So, A Good Kid takes place during their Freshman year of High School and started late September. The school year had already started but it was still early enough that Virgil could still register and get caught up with classes. A Good Kid ended in mid May after the school year ended.
Roman’s Book will take place during their Sophomore Year. Logan’s Book will take place during Junior Year. Patton’s book will be in between Junior and Senior year. And then Janus’ book will be set during the groups’ Senior Year. But Janus is in College during the course of his book.
The one-shot book will be during all of those gaps.
13. Which book are you writing next? And when will the first chapter be posted?
The next book is Roman’s and it will be called Shatter Me. I am currently working on an outline for the story and getting a general idea of what I want it to cover.
I am working on rewriting A Good Kid in Third Person Point Of View right now and I want to focus most of my time on that. I’ll probably write a little bit for the first chapter here and there but I’m not sure how long it will take me to finish.
Luckily, I’m almost done with classes. I did find a couple of jobs for the summer and I am taking a summer class but I’m hoping to have enough free time to write. Still, I can’t guarantee a date when the first chapter of Shatter Me will come out. I am hoping (key word hoping) that it will come out by the end of May. But I can’t guarantee anything.
Thank you guys so much for reading A Good Kid and sticking through all of the craziness that came with it. Thank you for all of your comments, they really make my day. I hope all of you enjoyed this fic. I hope you’ll stick around and read Shatter Me too!
I love you all, have a great day. If you have any more questions put them in the comment or go over to my Tumblr.
Take it easy Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary Pals. PEACE OUT!
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trashyswitch · 5 years
The Tickle Community’s Secret Members
Chapter 1: 2 Ticklish Members, One House
Patton discovers that Roman reads fanfiction on tickling! absolutely loves tickling people! Patton, who discovers he loves the feeling of being tickled, lets Roman be his ler.
Later on, Virgil discovers both of their secret!
Fun Fact of the day: Roman is a tickle addict. He has been for at least 4 years. It all started one day when he discovered he liked tickling people. He loved being able to turn someone into a puddle of giggles with his fingers alone. He also loved teasing people and making them super flustered. It's usually a treat to see someone so bashful and embarrassed. But to Roman, this treat needed to be presented as often as possible! His ache to see someone laugh so much, started to get greater as he got older.
One day, while tickling Logan, he discovered that certain people can endure more tickling better than others. Logan endured it for a while, but no one handles it better than Patton could. The person that couldn't handle it very well at all, was Remus. He hated being tickled. He thought it was too childish. He thought there were much better ways to annoy people, than making them laugh uncontrollably. So, despite being Remus's brother, Roman rarely tickled him. It was one of the only things that Roman respected. Besides, he wouldn't wanna piss off a RIDICULOUSLY ruthless ler. If provoked, Remus would become one of the most ruthless, teasy, and intimidating lers anyone has ever seen! And Roman has been a victim of his brutal attacks. So, he knows not to cross paths with an evil little bastard like him.
Later on, Roman discovered he liked watching tickle scenes in movies! Not only that, but through a quick google search, he also discovered there were tons of people like him! They liked writing fanfictions of movies and TV shows, which they called 'tickle fanfictions' or 'tickle fics' for short, they read other people's tickle fanfictions, and they separated themselves into 2 groups that came together: Lees and Lers. A Ler was the person that loved tickling people (which Roman sorted himself into), and a Lee was a victim of the tickle attacks. It turns out, there are people on the internet, that absolutely beg to be tickled! And Roman, being the ambitious ler he was, wished he could reach his hand into the screen and tickle the people on the other side of the screen. Not only that, but the lee accounts opened up a new can of information for Roman! Suddenly, there are multiple tickle tools that make the tickling more effective. There's cute scenarios people can set up and evil little teases people use on their lees to make them cower in bashful embarrassment. It was a very interesting community, and he soon joined the main social media sites he's been reading from! Now, he could secretly say he was part of the tickle community. However, he didn't dare tell any of the sides, not even Thomas! Yes, he loved them, and felt like he could trust them. But it was embarrassing to talk about out loud. So, he refused to talk to anyone about his strange hobby.
Little did he know, that Roman is actually living with a fellow member of the tickle community...
Patton was typing up a Disney tickle fan fiction between Jane and Tarzan. He had gotten pretty far on it, and was trying to come up with his own idea of where Jane's tickle spots would be. Her feet was already canon, so that was on the list. He considered other spots, but decided to narrow it down to her feet, armpits, and back of her neck. Patton had been a part of the tickle community for a while. He had learned what tickle tools work the best on him, he had learned about which types of finger tickling feels worse, and he's learned about which teases make his face turn red the best! How did he find this all out?
Well...he may have told someone...In the middle of an unbelievably large lee mood, he may have told Virgil so his fantasies could come alive. And what do you know: they did! It turns out, Virgil is a really good ler, if given a reason to be! He has wrecked Patton for the pure enjoyment of not only making Patton happy, but making himself feel happy along the way. Through his experiences with Patton, Virgil has become an ally for the tickle community. Though he hasn't opened the can of information himself yet, he recognizes how happy it makes Patton and is glad to support it and give him a good wrecking when he needs it most.
One day, 3 of the sides were hanging out in the living room. Roman was coloring a Princess coloring book, while Patton and Virgil were sitting beside each other, watching Gravity Falls on Virgil's phone. Recently, Thomas had gotten Disney+ to watch the very company he loves: Disney! And so, all of the sides have been enjoying having all these shows, movies, documentaries, and franchises all on one place. While watching Gravity falls, the episode came up where Dipper, taken over by Bill Cipher, was trying to take down Mabel and get the book. He had just tackled her down, and was ready to take the book back for good. However Mabel, being Dipper's twin sister, gladly says "But you're in Dipper's body, and I know all his weaknesses!". Before Bipper could question her motives, Mabel had placed her wiggling fingers under Bipper's armpit, and said "Tickle, tickle." while doing so. This caused Bipper to burst out in laughter and scream. He had never felt tickling before, so he jumped back out of pure fright.
"Hey Virgil?" Patton interrupted. Virgil paused the show and looked at Patton with a smile.
"Ya?" Virgil replied.
"What would it be like learning about tickling for the first time?" Patton asked. Virgil narrowed his eyes and looked away, trying to think.
"I have no clue..." Virgil thought, before letting a smirk grow onto his lips. "Probably...like this?" Virgil guessed, before squeezing Patton's knee. Patton let out a squeal before pulling the leg in and kicking it out. Next, Virgil tweaked Patton's side, and wiggle his fingers on his stomach.
"Wahahahait! Buhuhut, I knohohohow whahahat it ihihis!" Patton argued through his helpless giggles.
"That's true, but it still doesn't change the feeling." Virgil replied, switching from wiggling to squeezing the sides of his stomach.
"Ehehehehehehe! Vihihihirgihihihil!" Patton said happily.
"What? Does it tickle?" Virgil asked, acting oblivious to the fact that his fingers were causing Patton's laughter.
"Yehehehehehes! Patton replied as he flailed his arms around.
Next, Virgil wiggles his fingers onto Patton's exposed neck. Patton threw his head back and let all the laughter explode out of him.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA! NOT THERE! NOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE!" Patton screeched with wide eyes.
"What?! But I thought you loved this spot?" Virgil teased with a smile.
"IHIHIHI DOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHO!" Patton replied, covering his face with his fists.
"Then why are you complaining?!" Virgil asked, attacking the back and right side of Patton's neck.
"IHIIHIHIHIT'S TOOHOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUHUCH!" Patton replied through his hysterical laughter.
"Picky, picky, picky..." Virgil muttered with a shit-eating grin. He removed his hands from Patton's neck, and went back to Patton's stomach. Patton's laughter died down to happy little giggles. "Is that a little better?" Virgil asked. Patton nodded as his giggles continued to leave his body.
Meanwhile, Roman had been watching the entire moment, wishing he would've had his phone on him at that moment. This would've been such a perfect thing to record! But at the same time, Roman felt...jealousy. He was jealous of Virgil, and how he was able to tickle the adorable father figure. But at the same time, he wanted to enjoy the scene in front of him for as long as he could. Maybe...he could make it longer by participating...
Roman placed his marker down, stood up and walked over to the scene. "Having fun there?" Roman asked.
"YEHEHEHEHEHEHESSS!" Patton replied. Roman's eyes widened. Wait...did he just say 'yes'? He's having fun! Does that mean he likes it? While trying to question the potential theory, Roman noticed something else very interesting about the scene: Patton wasn't pushing away! He was giggling his heart out as Virgil tickled him to bits. Perhaps he was right? Perhaps Patton likes being tickled?
"You look like you wanna join. Wanna help me out?" Virgil asked. Roman snapped right out of his thoughts at the amazing opportunity.
"Would I?!" Roman replied excitedly, before kneeling down to Virgil's level. Looking around, he decided to try out the spot Virgil tried first: Patton's knees. Grabbing the lower leg with his other hand, he used his dominant hand to tweak and squeeze at the tops of the knees first.
"EEEEEKK! HEHEHEHEHAHAHAHA!" Patton bursted out, squirming back and forth as both people tickled him to oblivion.
Patton, being the lee he was, was absolutely overjoyed! 2 people tickling beyond relief? This was a dream come true!
"Hey Virgil? How are his feet?" Roman asked. Patton's lost his train of thought then and there. His eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, and his face became pale like a ghost!
"Oooh! That's a REALLY good spot for him! Especially, the toes." Virgil replied.
Roman gasped from excitement as he let go of Patton's leg. He scooted himself down to Patton's feet, removed Patton's adorable cat socks, and scratched at the inner arch of his foot.
"OH MY GAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAD!" Patton shouted. His hysterical laughter turned to cackles as Roman scratched the soles of his feet. Roman removed his fingers, to let the man breath.
"Holy crap...Looks like I have to pull out the big guns..." Roman declared, pulling up his sleeves to show off his 'big guns'.
Patton's eyebrows raised as his hand covered his mouth in anticipation. Instead of showing off his muscles, like Patton thought, Roman used his magic to create sparkly, red feathers. Using his hands, he lead the feathers towards the inner arch and the sole of Patton's left foot.
Patton let out a squeal and fell into a fit of joyful giggles. Roman fluttered the feathers back and forth with the magic in his hands, and smiled as he moved the feathers to the outer arch. Patton's head flew back and his giggles turned to blissful laughter.
"Your laughter is so adorable, Patton! Say, what would happen if the feathers got under your toes?" Roman asked, smirking. He pulled the feathers away, grabbed onto the feathers with his fingers, and got rid of the floating magic within them. Patton lifted up his upper body and balanced it with his hands, so he could watch.
Unfortunately for him, Patton wouldn't be able to watch very much because as soon as the feathers wriggled themselves in between the toes, Patton's body was back on the ground, laughing hysterically while squirming and pounding his fists into the ground. Roman was absolutely enjoying this. The fantasy of tickling someone to make them laugh endlessly, was exhilarating to him. Roman has always been fascinated about how something as simple as a small feather, can cause so much laughter to escape. It blew his mind the more he thought about it, and it was blowing his mind further as he demonstrated it. Maybe Logan would allow him to borrow one of his anatomy books to find out more on the subject...
"CROHOHOHOFTERS! CROFTEHEHEHERS!" Patton shouted. His face was getting more red by the second, and his limbs were getting tired of flailing and pounding the ground.
"Roman, I think that's enough now." Virgil warned. Roman nodded and removed the feathers from Patton's feet. As soon as the feathers were gone, Patton's body became limp. He was exhausted from the long tickle session, but was also overwhelmingly happy.
"I sense Crofters is a safe word?" Roman asked, completely unaware of what he just said. Virgil nodded.
"W-Wait...How do you...know about...safe words?" Patton asked through deep breaths.
Roman's eyes went wide, as his hand shot up to cover his mouth. How could he have said that?! No one knew about his secret...And, Roman didn't fully know if Patton was part of the tickle community. What if he was wrong, and he's humiliated himself in front of them?
"Telling by your eagerness to join in, and the fact that you literally created feathers out of magic for the pure reason to tickle him...Something tells me Roman is a Ler." Virgil theorized, looking at Patton near the end.
Roman's face turned a light red, as he bit his lip in nervousness. "Well...maaayybe I am...But how do YOU know about the term 'Ler'? Only people who are part of the community are aware of that term." Roman accused, in order to cover up his own embarrassment.
Virgil's eyebrows raised. He didn't expect for the accusations to turn onto him. "Well, I'm not. I'm aware of it, and a supporter of the community. Patton, on the other hand..." Virgil trailed off, looking at him. Patton let a smile grow onto his lips, and nodded. "...Is a part of the community. He's a Lee, and a proud one at that." Virgil said, as a smile grew onto his own lips as well.
Roman just about fainted at the unbelievable news. A member of the tickle community? Living in the mind palace WITH HIM?! How could he have missed this?! In the past, he's heard Patton's laughter coming from his room. But, he had assumed Patton was watching something funny with Virgil! Could it be that Virgil and Patton were having tickle sessions often without him realizing? This entire idea was overwhelming for him. And yet at the same time, questions had started flooding his brain. How could this have flown over his head? How long was Patton part of the tickle community? How long had Virgil known about it? Did Patton read fan fiction? Did Patton write fan fiction? If so, what fandom was he reading/writing about? HE NEED TO KNOW!
"Okay...I am. I'm a part of the tickle community. And, I'm a Ler." Roman confessed.
"I knew it!" Virgil exclaimed under his breath.
"Wait, REALLY?! You're part of the tickle community?!" Patton reacted, wide eyed with his jaw dropped.
"Yup. The Royal Ler, at your service." Roman declared, holding his hand out for a shake.
Patton smiled. "I'm Disney Lee. Nice to meet you." Patton replied, shaking his hand.
"Wait, Disney Lee? I recognize that name! You wrote those movie fanfics on Big Hero 6, Zootopia, and a few others! I LOVE your Tarzan fics! They're SO GOOD!" Roman exclaimed.
"You read them?! Oh my gosh! Do you write any fanfictions? If so, I should try reading them!" Patton reacted.
"Well...I haven't posted any yet. But I want to. I have a Star Wars fan fiction I'm working on! Wanna read it?" Roman asked.
"You bet I do! Virgil, you wanna join us?" Patton asked.
Virgil waved them away. "Nah, I'm gonna watch another episode of The Mandalorian, I think. You two have fun!" Virgil said, before crashing onto the couch.
While Virgil watched The Mandalorian, Patton and Roman got to talk about their shared hobby! They talked about their fandoms, the community members they follow, the social media sites they have accounts on, and even some of the deep secrets that live within the tickle community. Their favorite tickle tools, what teases get them the worst, their absolute worst spots, and how ticklish they really are.
Roman, being the Ler he was, pulled out a big box from under his bed.
"What is it?" Patton asked.
Roman put a finger over his own mouth, before taking the lid off to reveal the inside. Patton just about died from what was inside...
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supercasey · 5 years
Sanders Sides Battlebots AU Part 1: The Bots, Drivers, and Lore (for the time being)
Okay, people actually seem interested in this, so @elvis-has-been-dug and @evelyn-paine, this one is for you two (and also to all the people who liked the first post, lol). ((Putting this under a readmore because... it’s about to get LONG. ALSO: for people who don’t know, Janus is my headcanon name for Deceit, Romulus is my take on Original Creativity (AKA before The Split), and William is my OC for Thomas’ Procrastination!))
Okay, I fixed it and added everything, but I swear to god, if Tumblr makes the formatting shit, I’m gonna eat a brick.
The Builders/Bots (In order of experience)
Bot Name: Undercover Driver: Janus Salem Driver’s Age: 45 Weapon Type: Wildcard Mini Bot: None Mini Type: None Years Competing: 27 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 5 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 0 About the Bot: A very adaptable bot, Janus will make Undercover anything he needs it to be. Whether it’s a vertical spinner, a full-body spinner, a horizontal spinner, an axe, a wedge, a flipper; you name it, Undercover’s probably been made into it at some point for a match. In any case, Undercover is a very well built bot, and is difficult to strategize against, but what it has in strategy it lacks in driving, as Janus doesn’t have the razor sharp reflexes he once possessed as a young man. About the Driver: Janus has been involved with Battlebots since the very beginning, founding the first public competitions alongside Romulus. He actually had romantic feelings for Romulus, but due to the competitive (and somewhat homophobic) atmosphere they were surrounded by, the two of them had to keep their relationship a secret, which was just fine by Janus. Unfortunately for everyone who knew him, Romulus died at thirty-six from a sudden heart attack, and out of sympathy and genuine love for the kids, Janus adopted Romulus’ twin sons; a controversial move at the time, to say the least. Nowadays, Janus is still involved with Battlebots, despite the pressure to retire, and is intent on winning at least one more Giant Nut before he throws in the towel; besides, he has to teach these new kids who’s boss!
Bot Name: The King Driver: Romulus Magnus Driver’s Age: 46 (Deceased - Died at 36) Weapon Type: Horizontal Spinner Mini Bot: Princess Mini Type: Propeller Years Competing: 17 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 4 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 0 About the Bot: Horrifyingly powerful horizontal spinner, The King is up there in deadliness with the likes of Tombstone and Minotaur. He’s fairly durable, due to his driver having over a decade of experience under his belt, and every wound seems at most a temporary inconvenience. Princess is more for show than anything else, but she still packs a fiery punch when used correctly. Unfortunately, The King and Princess have both been retired for many years now, but their designs still inspire many bots into existence, allowing their legacy to continue. About the Driver: One of the veterans of Battlebots, Romulus is one of the first names people in this competition associate with the idea of being gone too soon. Alas, Romulus died at thirty-six from an undiagnosed heart condition, which triggered a heart attack, killing him within twenty-four hours of his heart attack happening. While alive, Romulus was a bit unpredictable in the ring, switching between being everyone’s kindly father figure and the Battlebox miscreant. Nowadays, his twin sons Roman and Remus continue his legacy, most assuredly making their father proud from wherever his spirit now resides.
Bot Name: Tuff Pupp Driver: Patton Picani Driver’s Age: 27 Weapon Type: Wedge Mini Bot: Pretty Kitty Mini Type: Spinner Years Competing: 7 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 0 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 1 About the Bot(s): Very cutesy looking bot; sturdy, low to the ground, and very fucking durable (on par with the likes of Duck! tbh). Can survive several hits from Tombstone on a good day, but don’t expect those giant googly eyes to stay on after a fight. Pretty Kitty is a fan favorite, and although it usually gets busted pretty quickly, it’s become famous for once crippling Undercover and winning the match for Tuff Pupp (it’s also a favorite because Patton let’s kids in the crowd drive Pretty Kitty for him, and then gives them a cat-themed baseball cap afterwards). About the Driver: Patton Picani has been raised in the midst of Battlebots since he was a young teen, on account of his father being the arena announcer for the show. After he came of age and went through college, Patton built Tuff Pupp and entered the ring. From the very beginning, Patton has been a big fan favorite, his iconic puppy onesie and cat baseball caps for the kids making him rather endearing. He may seem like a total softie, but his bot is anything but, and while the fans adore him, fellow bot builders know to fear him and his building skills.
Bot Name: Falsehood Driver: Logan Wu Driver’s Age: 26 Weapon Type: Flipper Mini Bot: None Mini Type: None Years Competing: 6 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 1 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 1 About the Bot(s): Hydraulics flipper on par with the likes of Bronco (they tested which bot could launch a dryer the highest, but Bronco won by a few feet). Not a lot of real flashiness to the design, but is painted black with dark blue accents. Durable, but not quite as durable as Tuff Pupp. Very reliable, but it’s hydraulics have failed on it before in the ring. Keep an eye on this one in a Free for All match; it’ll launch you the minute you look away. About the Driver: Logan Wu is a college graduate who made his first appearance a few years back with his college robotics club and their bot, but after a very embarrassing loss it seemed like his club would never return to Battlebots again. The next year, Logan returned, but this time with his OWN bot, and with him as the driver. He managed to get to the semi-finals with Falsehood, and has since been considered one of Battlebots’ best builders. He’s not as flashy as the likes of Tuff Pupp and Princey, but he still has a very loyal fanbase (and he definitely earned some new fans that time he wore his unicorn onesie for a match against Patton).
Bot Name: Princey Driver: Roman Magnus Driver’s Age: 23 Weapon Type: Full-Body Spinner Mini Bot: None Mini Type: None Years Competing: 5 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 1 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 0 About the Bot(s): A fairly large full-body spinner that clearly took a great deal of inspiration from The King, save for plenty of modern day upgrades and improvements alongside Roman’s own creative touch (plus it’s a full-body spinner, unlike The King, which only had a small horizontal spinner). Princey is very much feared in the ring, capable of taking down bots as durable as Tuff Pupp and Duck! on a good day, though he isn’t invincible. More often than not, Princey ends up breaking himself on anything he hits too hard; it’s a good thing that Roman’s so great at repairs. About the Driver: Raised alongside his twin brother since the beginning of Battlebots, Roman has always dreamed of being one of the big stars, wanting to compete with the likes of Tombstone and Bronco. He originally thought he’d grow up to inherit his father’s bot, The King, but after Romulus passed away from a heart attack, Roman committed himself to building his own bot, and has indeed become one of the stars he always dreamed of becoming someday. He’s not as rambunctious as his twin brother, but Roman is definitely famous in the Battlebox, and he’ll be damned if anyone takes his spotlight.
Bot Name: Forbidden Fruit Driver: Remus Magnus Driver’s Age: 23 Weapon Type: Full-Body Spinner Mini Bot: Jeffery Mini Type: Spinner Years Competing: 5 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 0 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 2 About the Bot(s): Very similar to Princey, but it’s a little smaller and is painted neon green instead of red (though it has a few red “blood splatters” in order to tease Roman). Somehow even less capable of taking it’s own hits than Princey, but it does much more damage, as Remus more or less put all of it’s weight in kinetic damage. Jeffery is a bit of an odd mini bot, oftentimes doing more harm than good, but he’s a fan favorite, and usually gets a lot of laughs from the audience when he (inevitably) breaks himself on something midway through the match. About the Driver: Raised alongside his twin brother since the beginning of Battlebots, Remus has been dying to get a genuine taste of the action. Unlike Roman, he never wanted to pilot The King, and his father’s passing, while absolutely devastating for him, at least removed the pressure to pilot his dad’s bot someday. Now having his own bots in Forbidden Fruit and Jeffery, Remus is infamous in the Battlebox for his cheap tactics and maniacal laughter, resulting in him being either hated or adored by builders and viewers alike.
Bot Name: Procrastination Station Driver: William Jackson Driver’s Age: 25 Weapon Type: Horizontal Spinner Mini Bot: Chippy Mini Type: Propeller Years Competing: 4 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 0 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 1 About the Bot(s): Secretly based off of The King, Procrastination Station is quickly becoming infamous in the ring for it’s incredible build and it’s excellent driving. Not quite as durable as Tuff Pupp, or as strong as Forbidden Fruit, or even as adaptable as Undercover, PS makes up for it’s shortcomings in all out speed and maneuverability, making matches with it intense and usually very long. Not exactly a big time winner, PS is still very much feared in the Battlebox, and is more than capable of winning the Giant Nut someday… there’s also Chippy, but he’s more of an accessory than anything else. About the Driver: Unlike most of the drivers/builders currently competing, Billy didn’t have any sort of family members or connections to Battlebots, instead growing up watching the matches from the couch at home. Once old enough, and after graduating with high honors in college, Billy started making a name for himself in Battlebots with his beloved Procrastination Station. Though he doesn’t have the benefits of following a legacy, he also doesn’t have the setbacks, something he considers a great advantage. Billy comes off as a bit slow, at least at first glance and in interviews, but anyone who’s faced him can testify that he’s incredibly brilliant, just quiet about it.
Bot Name: Charlotte Driver: Virgil Salem Driver’s Age: 19 Weapon Type: Vertical Spinner Mini Bot: Lil' Reaper Mini Type: Wedge Years Competing: 2 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 1 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 0 About the Bot(s): A small but deadly bot, Charlotte has already racked up an impressive amount of knock-outs since her debut last year, and is known for showing little mercy on the battlefield (unless your insides are exposed, of course). Charlotte is a tiny, black painted vertical spinner, complete with purple “patches” all over her. Lil’ Reaper isn’t much for damage output, but it’s been very useful for pinning bots for Charlotte during matches. About the Driver: Virgil is currently the youngest driver/builder in Battlebots, but has been driving since he was even younger, as his adoptive father- Janus Salem- has been bringing him along for every season since he was adopted, even letting him pilot Undercover a few times as a young teen. There are rumors going around that Virgil and Janus had a falling out, based off of their explosive interactions in front of the cameras and in the ring, but it’s all for show (well… not ALL of it, but Virgil doesn’t want to talk about that too much). The unspoken outcast/prodigy of the competition, Virgil is here with something to prove, and he’ll do anything to escape Janus’ shadow over his Battlebots career.
Little Headcanons/Things in the AU (So Far!!!)
Thomas and Jaun are the commentators for Battlebots, going very much with a best friends/occasional frenemies routine.
Talon, Terrance, and Valorie are all the judges.
Remy is the Battlebox commentator (basically that means he runs around interviewing all of the builders/getting into shenanigans with them (AKA pulling pranks with the twins)). He definitely has a very sassy attitude, and let’s be honest, he’s getting bleeped (alongside Jaun, of course) every third word he speaks.
Picani is the battle arena announcer, and unlike the amazing Faruq of real life Battlebots, his starting lines/jokes are always very family friendly/adorable. However, whenever Patton is battling someone, Remy will sometimes be made to take over for announcing the fight (which leads to him cussing like a sailor, much to Picani and Patton’s horror (like father like son, lol)).
Janus and Romulus are the veterans of Battlebots, but with Romulus gone, this just leaves Janus as the “Battlebox Grandpa” according to everyone else (Virgil got him a “World’s Okayest Grandpa” mug and he unironically loves it… secretly, of course).
Janus and Virgil have a fake “Father vs Son” rivalry thing going on; it started in Virgil’s first season of Battlebots, when he was eighteen, and has continued into the current season. Janus is fairly convinced it’s all for fun, oftentimes having to hide his laughs/chuckles whenever he playfully makes fun of Virgil. Virgil, on the other hand, is actually a little angry with Janus, so it’s not all fake for him. The worst it’s gotten is a staged “fight” they had between matches, which was quickly broken up by security; neither of them were disqualified or anything, since no one got all that hurt, but Janus had a blackeye and Virgil’s knuckles were sore afterwards.
The twins 100% have a legitimate rivalry going on, which has resulted in several fistfights that have nearly gotten them thrown out of the competition altogether (their father being a fan favorite is pretty much all that’s kept them from being banned, plus the competition runners know it’s (mostly) in good fun and not actual attempts at fratricide). They also play pranks on each other constantly, but will occasionally team up to prank a fellow competitor (last year they rigged one of Logan’s pens to spray him with ink, which resulted in a famous clip of Logan running after the twins while soaked in blue ink, screaming bloodymurder).
I don’t really have a lot of ships for this AU other than Romuceit (Romulus/Deceit), seeing as there’s a lot of family stuff going on, but I’ll probably have hints at Logicality and repressed Prinxiety (Prinxiety I’m a bit scared to fiddle with, seeing as they grew up together, but I dunno still).
Back to the lore: the shit surrounding Romulus and Janus’ families (oh fucking boy).
Only a few years into his Battlebots career, Romulus got news that an ex-flame of his from college had given birth to twin boys; not only were they his, but she didn’t want anything to do with them anymore (they were about three years old at the time). So long as Romulus agreed not to publicly shame his ex/say who she was, she told him that she’d give him full custody of the twins, and he immediately agreed, taking both boys a month after he found out about their existence.
Fans and fellow builders alike believed that Romulus would take a season off to take care of his kids, and a few even feared he’d retire, but to everyone’s shock, Romulus appeared the very next season (this all happened during the off season) with both Roman and Remus riding on his shoulders, Romulus appearing happier than he had in many years.
Romulus took to fatherhood quickly, and with the occasional (secret) helping hand from Janus with babysitting/raising the boys, he continued with his Battlebots career, even winning his first Giant Nut the year he brought in the twins (there’s a famous picture out there of them posing with their dad in front of the Giant Nut).
After that, Romulus considered his boys good luck, and brought them for every single season he competed in. This delighted both fans and builders, as the twins were now considered to be just as much a part of Romulus’ bot as the bot itself (though, the twins occasionally got into trouble when they got older, mostly from pranking other builders, but they never sabotaged anyone or anything extreme like that).
When the twins were around eight years old, Janus adopted a four year old out of the blue (well, out of the blue for viewers and strangers, but he’d been wanting a kid for years before even Romulus got his kids). The kid was named Virgil, and he too quickly became famous in the Battlebots community, oftentimes found being carried around by Janus or napping underneath his father’s workbench.
As expected, the twins became fast friends with Virgil, but unlike the twins, Virgil was very quiet, and was selectively mute until he was about seven years old. Even so, Virgil was still a fan favorite, Janus having him push the button for battles and even letting Virgil occasionally pilot Undercover once he reached twelve years old.
Unfortunately, when the twins were thirteen and Virgil was nine, Romulus very suddenly passed away from an unexpected heart attack. This caused a great deal of drama within the community, viewers and builders alike unsure of what would happen next. After all, didn’t Romulus have sole custody of the twins? Who would take them in? And what about The King?
In an unexpected turn of events, Janus offered to take custody of the twins. This sparked an uproar within the builders community, many speculating that Janus, who was already infamous for his cheap tactics and antisocial behavior, was only taking in the twins so he could steal The King and misuse his blueprints.
In the end, it took Janus agreeing to not touch The King in order to have custody of the twins (something that shouldn’t have been necessary, as he didn’t even want The King, but rumors spiral), and even then there was great unrest, as some truly disgusting rumors started flying around, especially when Janus and Romulus’ romantic relationship was outed to the public.
Nonetheless, Janus adopted both Roman and Remus, and continued to bring them and Virgil along for Battlebots competitions. There was an obvious shift in moods among the boys, all three of them mourning their dead father, but within a few years they returned to being Battlebots’ unofficial child stars.
((There’s more I’ll probably talk about later, like how the twins are getting along (they’re not) and how Janus and Virgil’s falling out happened, but I’ll do that later on; I wanna see if people even give a fuck about this AU first.))
General Rules/Things concerning Battlebots for anyone who knows fuck all about Battlebots
1. More or less, this is a fighting robot competition, but not like the stuff that was on-screen for a few minutes in Big Hero 6: if you want, I can link people with some really good fight examples if you’re curious of how these fights go down.
2. Battlebots is a robot fighting competition, and is one of the most famous ones in the world, located in the USA.There are two Big Trophies (that my dumbass knows of) that you can win in Battlebots: the most coveted prize is the grand prize, that being the “Giant Nut”, which is awarded to the last Bot standing at the end of the competition. The other trophy/prize is the “Giant Bolt”, which is awarded to the season’s Desperado Tournament. (The Desperado Tournament is basically everyone’s last chance to get into the final 16/the true championships, so if your Bot has had a shitty season so far, it’s not a terrible idea to enter the Desperado, but beware, it tends to leave your Bot pretty fucked up by the end, so you’d better be able to repair it afterwards.)3. While it’s all about wrecking/destroying the other team’s Bot, there IS a sense of common courtesy in the competition. It’s good sportsmanship not to kick a Bot while it’s down (unless the Bot’s builder consents/requests you to, which oftentimes happens late in the game/just to please the crowd), and it’s considered very disrespectful to purposefully destroy someone’s internal wiring (say a Bot busts open, and all it’s wires are hanging out of it: it’s considered very inappropriate to then wreck those wires, and you’ll probably get a lot of shit for it in the Battlebox afterwards).4. Battlebots is already somewhat of a “family” thing for a lot of teams, so I’m not just pulling that one out of my ass. One of the most famous family teams is “Son of Whyachi” and pretty much everyone in their family is now involved with Battlebots.5. The gimmick thing that some Bots have isn’t just a dumb joke for Patton: look up the likes of Witch Doctor, Rainbow, and Kraken to get a taste of what I’m talking about.6. I think that’s most of the general stuff… if you have anymore questions, shoot me an Ask/PM and I’ll try to help as much as I can (Just please don’t spoil any of 2019’s Battlebots for me, as I’m not caught up with the show yet)! I’ll post more in-depth rules later on, so if you don’t want to read through all the technical garble on Battlebots’ rules document, I’ll have you covered soon enough!
That’s all I’ve got so far (I’ll probably provide more rules if people want them, and as stated, I’m more than happy to provide good battle examples... I’ll also try to draw/design the bots, but no promises because I’ll certainly suck at it)! Feel free to fuck around with this AU, but please tag me in anything you create, as I’d love to see it!
13 notes · View notes
imnotcameraready · 5 years
chivalry is dead (21)
A/N: wowowowowowowowowow — i feel like i’ve been planning for this chapter For Forever. never done that kinda long-term pay off before and i hope i did it well!!! super almost told everyone about this twist like, at least four times a day, but ITS PUBLIC NOW !!!!! 
WARNINGS: alcohol mention (wine), threats of violence, torture mention, broken bones, bruises, scars, pain descriptions, crying — i think that's it !!! but as always, let me know if i missed anything <3
Words: 3756
AO3 link!
MASTERPOST! <– look here!! for the longterm warnings!! including sympathetic Deceit and cursing/swearing!
enjoy !!!! i love you all so much !! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
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“Salacadoo lamenchicka boola bibbidi-bobbidi-boo~”
“How in Smaug’s name do you have that memorized? Whatever. That one, over there, octopus costume. Who do you think that is?”
“Hm. Logan, maybe? Octopuses are intelligent creatures. ”
“Hm. I don’t know. He is very tied to, well, his necktie seriousness. That’s got a fancy knot.”
“An Eldritch knot?”
“Yeah, whatever. It can’t be him. Maybe that’s Playwright.”
“That doesn’t seem like a good metric for—”
“Ooh, THAT’S probably Deceit.”
“Snake? Okay, that’s definitely a disguised version of us. Maybe Thief? He’s wearing gloves.”
“No, that’s definitely Deceit. He likes his snake themes.”
“But wouldn’t that be too obvious? Deceit wouldn’t just wear more snake themed clothing. That might be Logan, if any of the real Sides, I can imagine that—”
“Oh, can you?”
“That’s what I thought. Besides, they’d never think of using a decoy. I didn’t even think of that! And the others aren’t nearly as smart as I am.”
“I’m going to keep watching. Go walk around.”
“My legs…”
“Oh what? Your legs hurt? Got some bruises? Broken bones? Glass bones, paper skin? Stop whining, Kingdom Hearts-break.”
“Okay, Dra—”
“Ah ah. Say it.”
“....Okay, your Highness.”
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“Is it a Merlot?” the Playwright asked.
“It’s a blend, I think. Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon,” Logan swirled the glass of wine in his hands and took another whiff of the nose before handing it back to the Playwright, “Mostly Merlot, though.”
They had found a column near the drinks table to claim as their space, both leaning on the column and watching the dance floor. The others were walking around, dancing, talking, as spread out as they could be. It was a large ballroom, after all, and intricately designed. The ceiling sparkled with candles that danced around a large chandelier, some attached and some not, floating around the faux sky that adorned the top. 
The grandiloquent nature of Roman’s long-term creations meant they had to work hard to find an exit. Meanwhile, the Playwright and Logan held down a space that could serve as a base of operations for their heist, even if it was simply a corner close enough to the door and throne that they could see both. 
The Playwright hummed in approval at the wine and took a sip. Then, he scrunched up his nose and handed the glass back to Logan. “I don’t like it.”
“Really? Do you not like wine, or this one in particular?”
“This one. Well, any of this Imagined food,” the Playwright picked up his glass of water and sipped it, a little less tense, “I prefer the Mindscape over the Imagination.”
“May I ask why?” Logan shifted, turning his back to the crowd and watching the Playwright, “You’ve mentioned before, and in your notes, that it’s unpleasant for you. That seems contradictory considering your role as a Side.”
A valid question, even if it was direct. “I don’t quite understand it, either. I should probably like the Imagination, but I just. Don’t. I prefer the tangible creation of stories and the more grounded existence we have elsewhere.”
“That makes sense.”
“It’s more logical,” the Playwright shrugged, shoulders tensing as he fixed his posture, becoming acutely aware of himself. 
Therein lies the issue. Walking through the Imagination and hearing the different facets of Roman really emphasized the immaculate detail-work that they demanded of Roman, that was demanded when one was Creativity. Logan was coming to appreciate it. 
Logan raised his glass, clinking it against the Playwright’s carefully. “Cheers. But it’s my job to be logical. You should not overwhelm yourself with trying to emulate me when we are two wholly different facets. That means neglecting, even resenting your current job.”
“Trust me,” the Playwright spotted the Bard in the crowd, watching him be dipped by another citizen of the Imagination — not a character, just a remembered face — and sipped his water, “We aren’t at resentment yet, but that is...comforting to hear. Especially from you.”
Logan smiled, and the Playwright held his arm. He took another swig of the wine before continuing. “Thank you, Logan. I have...always thought you are...cool.”
To that, Logan chuckled, sipping his own drink. “Really?” 
He sounded as though he were inviting more discussion about how cool he was, and the Playwright laughed as well, nudging his arm. “I guess the liquor’s loosening my lips.”
“Hm, a well known trope. Alcohol-induced idiocy,” the Playwright snorted at him again, shaking his head in mock despair. Logan grinned, then leaned closer, almost whispering in his ear. “I’ve noticed it’s a trope you touch on quite often when I am present.”
The Playwright turned to face him, shock written across his face. Between his mask’s framework, Logan could make out his cheeks flushing deeper and deeper. 
Because, how could he not be? Logan? Logic? Was flirting? Was FLIRTING?
Oh, Jonathan Larson, give him strength. 
The Playwright cleared his throat and leaned against the column, doing his best to smile casually. “‘As an unperfect actor on the stage, who with his fear is put beside his part,’” he quoted.
Logan smirked, crossing his arms slightly. Of course. He was a playwright, afterall. “‘Or some fierce thing replete with too much rage, whose strength's abundance weakens his own heart’, Shakespeare’s sonnet twenty three?” 
“I promise, I don’t need alcohol to accidentally be an idiot in front of you,” the Playwright set his glass down on one of the column’s protrusions.
Whatever the moment was, whether soft or flirty or an expansion of whatever was already established, was interrupted. The Playwright felt someone nudge his back, then pull him forward into a twirl and dip, and he laughed as he did so. 
An old foe, or friend, or a piece of himself the same. The Artist helped him up and patted his back. “Wonderful reflexes, Nerdaholic,” he said, “Sorry if I interrupted anything, but I didn’t peg you and Aris-total Nerd for the flirty types.”
“Oh, no, no, flirting? Noooo. We were just….talking,” the Playwright glanced at Logan, who nodded in a wide-eyed and vaguely panicked agreement, just talking, before turning back to the Artist, “Very well, Vincent van Goth, is it time to switch?”
“Yeppers piping peppers,” the Artist winked at Logan, “Have fun.”
Logan opened his mouth, confused, as the Artist carefully took his wine glass. His questions were answered, however, when the Playwright grabbed his arm and tugged him onto the ballroom floor. Flirtatious once again. Good for him, it was unhealthy for him to be stowed away backstage like he always was.
The Artist tipped Logan’s glass against his lips and finished the rest, setting it aside with the Playwright’s. It was hard to believe that the hour was almost up, but time flew when one was having fun, didn’t it? He leaned on the column and scanned the crowd for his pair.
Patton was saying goodbye to the gentleman he’d been dancing with. He bunched up his skirt and slowly made his way up from the dance floor, making eye contact with the Artist and smiling. A few strides and he was there.
“Whew,” he said, fanning himself with his hand.
“Thirsty?” the Artist asked, standing up straight, “I’ll grab some water.”
“Yeah, wow!" Patton leaned on the column, watching the bodies spin and twirl each other, a mesmerizing group of figures and colors. When the Artist came back, he was resting his head on his hand and cast him a warm smile. "Thank you — who knew dancing could get so tiring?”
“It is a sport, and takes a lot of movement and energy,” the Artist said, handing Patton a glass of water, “It’s fluid.”
“Fluid like….water?” Patton raised an eyebrow, giggling into his cup.
“Pun not intended,” the Artist said, hand covering his mouth but not succeeding at hiding his grin.
His smiles were so shy, so uncertain. Patton loved it. Gosh, he felt like the floodgates had been opened, because he could LOVE! 
He looped an arm around the Artist’s and leaned his head against his shoulder, snuggling up to his side, while the Artist stiffened just a bit. But he didn’t move away. Progress! 
The Artist carefully bent up his own elbow, and rested his hand over Patton’s. A lot of progress! 
Why was it progress? Wait, wait, first, follow up.
“But it flowed so well!” Patton said, voice airy but excited by the thrill of the pun, “It just streamed out, didn’t it?”
The Artist snorted, squeezing his hand gently. He wasn’t shaking, but he was stiff. Why was he so stiff? It’d happened a few times, and the way the Bard shot away from him when kissing, and how the Playwright nearly threw them off when they first met. But that in contrast with how the Child just didn’t let him go at all.
There was definitely something there. There had to be! And Patton was gonna figure out what was wrong with Roman.
“Yeah, well….whatever,” the Artist rolled his eyes and shot Patton a small smile before looking out at the crowd again. 
Patton’s voice dropped to a whisper, a breath perhaps. “I love you so much.” He leaned his head against the Artist’s side, letting their shoulders press. 
He heard the Artist sigh, a tinge of disgust, maybe a little unease too. 
“I dunno if I’m the best one to be talking about love with,” the Artist nudged with his elbow into the crowd, “Bard’s over there.”
“But you love me, right?” Patton asked, more stern.
“Of course I do, sunshine, but—”
“You love Deceit and Logan, right?” 
“Yes, but that doesn’t—”
“And you love Virgil?”
The Artist finally relented. He exhaled, shoulders loosening a little, though not all the way. “....With all my heart,” he said, voice tender and quiet.
Patton loosened as well, not noticing the tension and apprehension that’d been building. Of course Roman loved them. It wasn’t that. 
“....We love you too. We’ve just gotta get Virgil and get….Roman,” the Artist nodded for Patton to continue, though his fist clenched just a little, the vague thought entering his mind asking if that meant he wasn’t Roman, but of course he wasn’t, not fully, you KNOW this, Roman. Patton noticed his fist, though, and immediately held his hand before continuing, “I wanna get both you kiddos to safety before we have a big discussion about this. ‘Cause I love you both, and I love Deceit and Logan, and if we’re talking about all of us loving each other, then all of us should be there.”
The Artist exhaled. He couldn’t argue with that. 
“You’re right as always, Papa bear.”
“What’s he right about?” the Artist turned to see the Thief approaching, a glass of wine in his hand.
The Artist waved his hand in greeting. “When isn’t he right?”
Patton chuckled, poking the Artist’s arm with a finger deliberately. “When I’m writing, I’m left” he joked.
Both the Thief and the Artist snickered, the Thief’s hand shooting up to hide his mouth while the Artist just turned and hid his face in Patton’s shoulder. As he did, Patton leaned in, giving him a bit of space. If he didn’t want to be touched, Patton wasn’t going to push too hard. He looked up at the Thief, grinning still. “Time to go?”
The Thief nodded. “Uh huh. Artist, time to fuck off,” the Artist snorted and stood up straight, flipping off the Thief, who rolled his eyes and continued. “We’re using that door. I know it takes us to the stairs, and from there I think we’ve just gotta go down.”
“Alright,” the Artist frowned, then turned to Patton. 
He smoothed his hands down Patton’s arms, and Patton grabbed his arms back, a determined smile on his face. “It’s gonna be okay,” he said, “I know it’ll be okay.”
The Artist wished he could be as optimistic as Patton. Something….was worrying him. But he wasn’t sure if it was worrying him, or worrying Roman as a whole. Maybe another one of them knew. 
“Sure, Pat,” he looked at the Thief, who nodded in permission, then leaned forward and kissed Patton’s head quickly. “Good luck.”
The Artist nodded to the Thief, who gave him one tiny head tilt, then he hurried into the crowd. Almost immediately he was swept up by a character, one of the princesses from a Vine, and they began to dance. Patton watched him, watched how the Artist even flinched away from the imagined characters, leaning away and dancing almost at a distance. 
There was definitely something there.
Somewhere, right when the Thief took a sip, a bell chimed. It rung out nine times, then silenced. That was their cue. 
He finished his drink and set the glass down. “Are you ready, Patton?” 
“Yep," Patton looped his arm around the Thief's and gave him a determined grin, Let’s go!”
On their way out, the Thief nudged Deceit. “We’re going,” he said, “Good luck.”
Deceit was standing by another wall, sipping a white wine and watching the dancers. He glanced at the Thief with a small smile. “To you as well. Don’t do anything I would.” 
The Thief watched Deceit’s yellow eye morph away into a softer brown, knowing that beneath his mask his scales were softening down as well. A little bit of help, to convince the Dragon that he was one of the Romans. 
No idea if it’d work, but, hey. Better than nothing. 
Deceit finished his glass of wine and set the empty cup on the tray of a nearby waiter. His gaze followed the Thief’s tailcoat and Patton’s dress train out the side door, then he looked up at the throne. The Dragon’s eyes were trailing around the rest of the crowd, seemingly not noticing the Thief and Patton’s disappearance. 
He must have taken the bait, then, and was looking for Patton and Logan. Of course, the possibility was there that he’d made the connection between the grey Cat and their resident cat loving Side, but part of the ruse was to confirm that “Deceit” was there in order to make him start looking for the others with obvious theme-ing. Granted, Deceit thought they were both pretty obvious, but that was a digression.
While the Dragon was sitting at his vantage point, the Damsel had entered the crowd. That was probably a safe and easy way to inch closer to the Dragon. Plus, Deceit wanted to talk to him. Confirm a few suspicions.
Face still veiled, he was dancing with a — goodness gracious, wait, was that Mena Massoud? 
Deceit squinted. Huh. Well, that tracked with Zac Efron playing the butler.
He inched closer and, once the Damsel was delivering his final curtsy, tapped his shoulder.
Deceit could barely see his face through the veil, but he saw the Damsel meet his face with a slight look of shock. 
“Greetings, sweet Peacock,” the Damsel said, voice tender and airy, holding out a hand covered in scars.
“Hello, your Highness,” Deceit noted how the Damsel flinched, and again stiffened when his hand rested in his, “May I have this dance?”
The Damsel gave a shaky grin. 
Deceit squinted. 
There had to be more. What wasn’t he telling him? What didn’t he know?
“That would be lovely.”
And they danced. 
Deceit spun him and pulled him close again, in time with the music. The Damsel’s dress sparkled with an iridescent sheen, mimicking flames as Deceit’s cape mimicked feathers shimmering. Through the veil, the Damsel was watching his face with a solid, unreadable expression.
This wasn’t what Deceit had expected. He hadn’t expected unreadability — that simply wasn’t Roman’s style. 
“You look—”
What. Deceit did his best to hide his surprise, eyes still brown, scales still hidden and then again beneath the mask. But what the fuck?
“I’m sorry, are you talking about the Side?” Deceit asked.
The Damsel’s smile widened, but his eyebrows pinched apologetically. “Oh, Deceit, you slippery snake,” he let himself be twirled, Deceit was dancing absentmindedly now, it was an afterthought, a precursor to trying to mentally disassemble the Damsel, “The Imagination’s inhabitants don’t usually know about the Sides. Some of them do. Dad, Teach, Prince — who I think is doing okay?”
“The Prince?” Deceit asked, hollow, grasping for anything. 
“No, no, Prince Guy. But that’s off topic,” the Damsel held his waist carefully, “I know a full Side when I see one.”
He leaned in closer, smiling at Deceit with a slight squint, as though daring him to deny it again. “Lie to me some more, Master of Deception.”
Deceit opened his mouth, but couldn’t find the words to say. He hadn’t expected the Damsel to be so….astute. And difficult. This wasn’t supposed to be difficult, this was Roman, and Roman was the easiest Side to wrap his head around. Right?
His silence was apparently welcomed. The Damsel continued to lead them in the dance, humming quietly, motivations unknown still. Deceit wasn’t fond of unknown variables, either, and having the Damsel be such a stark difference from what he’d expected made him worried about their plan. 
Pull yourself together, you should be using this opportunity. You understanding things you don’t understand. Okay, no, that was Logan, but you still had to try. Deceit shook his head and squeezed the Damsel’s shoulder. “Very well,” he said quietly, “How are you, Damsel?”
“I’m….Okay, if I’m being honest, my leg is fractured and I’m in quite a bit of pain,” the Damsel bowed his head away from looking Deceit in the eyes, “Though I’m happy to be dancing with you.”
His leg was broken. Deceit’s protective instinct kicked in, and he immediately pulled the Damsel closer, hoping to help him take some weight off of the leg. “Your leg is broken?!”
It was, admittedly, not a thought out motion. The Damsel stiffened, then elbowed him in the chest. “Space,” he grunted, “I-I’m handling it, I’m-It’s—”
He was growing flustered; he’d overstepped. Deceit let go, felt the Damsel relax, and they turned in the dance. 
Go slow. He had to go slow.
But, goodness, he couldn’t bear to see the Damsel dancing on a fucking broken leg. Deceit bit his lip and looked around at the Dragon, still sitting on the throne, legs thrown over one side while he leant against the armrest. 
“If we help you leave, will you come with us?” Deceit found himself asking.
“Leave what?” the Damsel asked, frowning beyond the veil.
“The Dragon,” Deceit was trying to make this as clear as possible, hands tight on the Damsel’s waist and shoulder, “When we come to get you, will you come?”
The Damsel tilted his head. “What’s there to get?” he sounded confused.
Deceit’s voice grew hardened. “You.”
“No,” the Damsel laughed, a soft, breathy and terrified sound, so different from Roman’s full-throat guttural guffaw, and shook his head, “No, and what of virtue is there. I’m the weak link. And I’m….pa-pathetic.”
“On the contrary, you are the linchpin,” it hurt, it hurt, it fucking hurt. But Deceit had to explain against his nature, he had to, he was so close, but close to what he didn’t know. “Would Thief be as opposed to Dragon without your demonstration? Would Artist have known to hide, Bard felt the need to make music for a desolate world, Playwright have known to protect the Mindscape’s entrance backstage?”
The Damsel scoffed. “Stop trying to make me sound heroic,” he breathed, “Dragon cau-caught me. He made himself the villain, and I’m just-I’m collateral. Expendable.”
“How’d he catch you?” Deceit was interrogating now.
“I….He just did,” Roman was on the witness stand again, the one and lonely, so alone.
“When? And with whom?”
“‘With whom,’” the Damsel repeated, frown deepening with anger, or something else, Deceit didn’t know, he couldn’t know, “You can’t manipulate me.”
“I’m not manipulating anything,” Deceit snapped.
The Damsel flinched backward, and Deceit exhaled. Calm down. It felt like a jolt, like a rush, the truth. “Figuratively,” he continued, trying to explain without gritting his teeth to bear it,  “My gloves are off. I just want to know why you’re doing this. The Romans, their memories, the timeline of events that we’ve learnt. They don’t make sense.”
“You’re being so honest, Two Doors, doesn’t it hurt?” the Damsel’s voice was now more frantic; that wasn’t him. 
“It does,” Deceit conceded, voice soft, “You can say it yourself, save me the energy. You know quite a bit more than the others, about what being a Side is like.”
They stilled, sliding off toward the back. The Damsel glanced up at the Dragon, who (the idiot, the fool, but if he was a fool then what was the Damsel?) was still sitting bored. Then he returned his focus to Deceit once more. That wasn’t him. “I won’t. Because it’s not true.”
“I just want to know what changed, Roman,” Deceit ignored how the Damsel flinched, continuing and pressing for information despite the burning in his throat and lungs and everything against his nature, “What happened to make the Prince so unchivalrous?” 
There was silence at Deceit’s question. There was music, yes, there was still the gala around them. But if you asked Roman later, all he could remember was staring at Deceit’s eyes, one brown, one gold, jaw set tight in betrayal of his pain. 
….This really had been quite the quest, hadn’t it? He let a small chuckle and, slowly, he lifted his veil. Beneath it was an eyepatch covering his left eye, decorated with red roses, but that was beside the point. As he leaned forward against Deceit’s chest, he could see how dewy his expression was, eyes red and cheek flushed from recent crying. Perhaps he’d been crying this whole time. 
What struck Deceit the most was how much he saw. His eyes were telling — windows to the soul, a metaphor they’d heard once — and showed that the “Damsel” had known so much more. Had known what it was like to be a whole, known the pain of splitting once already and was experiencing it again for the second time. Had watched the bloodbath knowing what every movement, reaction, decision meant. Had been Roman, once upon a time.
This was the Prince. Or, rather, what was left of him.
“Haven’t you heard, my dear snake,” the Damsel’s — no, the Prince’s hand played with the hairs at the back of Deceit’s neck, arm now slung slightly around his shoulder, “Chivalry is dead.”
chivalry taglist: @starlightvirgil​ @forrestwyrm​ @daflangstlairde​ @marshmallow-the-panda​ @askthesnake​ @k9cat​ @patromlogil​ @theobsessor1​ @ninja-wizard101​ @fandomsofrandom​ @sos-fandoms​ @gattonero17
general taglist: @jemthebookworm​ @okay-finne​
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winterknight1087 · 5 years
Science Songs for Their Sunlight
Summary:  Logan and Virgil are science YouTubers; Roman and Patton are dealing with these introverted scientists. Lo and Vee write two songs for their boyfriends.
Word Count: 4,988
Warnings: food mention, two small kissed on forehead and cheek, small amount of angst
Pairings: Romantic LAMP
AO3 Link    My Writing
This is a random idea I had while watching AsapScience so made a small AU out of it, I guess. The two songs are from AsapScience. Highly recommended to watch the videos before reading, or not, whatever I guess :) Science STYLE Cover - Taylor Swift Acapella Parody
The Science Love Song
“What are you doing, Vee?” Logan slumped into the seat next to the man.
Virgil glanced at his boyfriend, deciding if he wanted to address the issue immediately or let it sit a little, before letting out a sigh. “I’m taking a small break from working on a possible new video to look through our YouTube comments for future experiments.”
“Hmm…” Logan was trying to be interested, but nothing really mattered compared to what was on his mind. “What is the video idea? Another lab?”
Virgil nervously shifted. “No, it’s a song. People liked the “Science Wars” one, so I figured that I could be petty back- I mean people would like another song?”
That caught Logan’s attention. “Why do you need a means to be petty and what has Princey done this time?”
Virgil went red as he started playing with his mouse. “I… well… Ro was just being Ro and probably doesn’t mean it. It’s just that it felt a little too personal and I didn’t tell him to stop because we were just poking fun at each other but it just kind of stuck with me so I figured that a passive-aggressive science song would make me feel a bit better about the whole thing. Now that I’m saying it all aloud though, I’m realizing how stupid all of it is and I am now just wasting your time and have already wasted a bit of my own time working on it…”
Logan gently moved Virgil’s hand away from the mouse and set it on his chest. “Virgil, breathe with me. We can discuss the cognitive distortions you are experiencing once you are breathing properly.”
Logan quietly worked the man through the breathing exercises, relieved to have a real distraction from his own issues with their other partners. Finally, Virgil was breathing properly and sat back, looking awkward, but otherwise better.
“Now, let’s talk this through. You are welcome to feel whatever you felt regarding Roman’s… comments. Would you be willing to tell me about them?”
Virgil sighed. “It was just passive things like ‘you nerds are so interested in something so out of style’ and that we aren’t even doing anything fun like making iPhone apps or whatever.”
Logan nodded, shoving his own irritation at Roman’s comments aside. “So, you are working on some song to help you achieve what?”
The man’s head hid behind his hands as his voice squirmed out of his fingers. “It’s a Taylor Swift parody of her song ‘Style’ but about science.”
“May I see what you have so far?”
Against what was probably Virgil’s better judgment, he switched to the video ‘script’. Logan scrolled through the work Virgil had already put into this. It was just as dramatic as ‘Science Wars’ had been.
When did he do all of this work? Logan couldn’t help but wonder.
“If it is any consolation to you, Virgil. I believe this would be incredibly well received by our fans. I also believe it is a fair… what is the term?... oh clapback at the science haters.”
Logan nodded. “Yes. You have my full support and willingness to participate in this parody for our channel. Please inform me when you wish me to set up our cameras and sound equipment for the recording.”
“Heh. Thanks, Lo.” Virgil had a small grin now, but it quickly vanished. “OK, so my problem has been addressed. What’s got you all weird?”
It was Logan’s turn to sigh. “I may have overheard our partners discussing how my attempts at showing affection are sublime.”
“I don’t see Patton ever saying something like that,” Virgil stated.
Logan nodded. “He wasn’t openly saying it, but he had been with Roman discussing ways to explain what love was because, and I quote, ‘Logan just doesn’t seem to understand’.”
Virgil thought that over before carefully answering. “That still doesn’t feel like something Pat would say or do, Lo. I have a feeling that you are missing a bit of information from what happened.”
He nodded. “That is what I assume as well, but it is still hard to not worry about. I don’t wish to bring this up with Patton as I am sure it was supposed to be a private conversation, but I wish to do something.”
“Huh, same solution for different issues.” Virgil huffed with amusement.
“What do you mean?”
“A science love song,” Virgil answered. “You can show Patton that your understanding of what love is may not be the same as his, but you do understand, and you can fill it with cute little lines that Patton will love.”
Logan thought about it. “I… believe that may work. One issue though, I do not write the songs we perform. You do. I am not well-versed in song-making.”
Virgil smiled at the poor nerd. “You write a bunch of lines about love and science, all your own words, and I can arrange it into a song. I should be finished with my petty revenge by the time you are done.”
“But lines like what? That ‘the chemical formula for love is C8H11NO2+C10H12N2O+C43H66N12O12S2’?”
“‘…and you make my brain the chemist who produces it.’ There you go. One line of science love.” Virgil commented. “Wait, do you really have the formula for love in your memory?”
Logan wasn’t sure he had ever blushed as deep red as he was right then. “I will plead the Fifth before returning to my study to consider what you have proposed.”
“Nerd.” Virgil laughed as he returned to his own work.
 *     *     *     *
 “RoRo, I’m starting to get worried about those two. Neither of them has shown up longer than a few minutes to get more coffee or a snack from the fridge since yesterday morning.”
Roman’s eyebrow shot up. “Well, I figured Vee would be off hiding but Lo is too?”
Patton gave the other a questioning look. “And why do you figure VeeVee?”
“I…Well… We were having some of our normal banter and I think one or two of my comments shook him more than normal. I tried to talk to him about it, but he said that he was fine.”
“Roman, what did you say to our poor anxious babe?”
“It was just normal banter stuff! We were poking fun at each other’s views of Disney, music, YouTube preferences, that sort of thing. I think one just got under his skin this time.”
“And what about Logan?”
“I didn’t say anything to him! Other than my normal morning and proclamations of love for our dear nerd!” Roman threw a hand over his chest, pretending to be offended that Pat would suggest he hurt two of his loves in the same day. “Maybe he’s helping Vee with whatever I said that set him off.”
Pat leaned against the counter thinking. “I don’t know, Ro. I’m just getting worried about the two of them. Normally, they would at least have a meal with us if they were doing stuff.”
“It is nothing to be concerned about, Patton.” Logan’s voice appeared before the man himself. “We are merely working on some interesting video ideas for our channel.”
Roman raised an eyebrow at him. “You almost sound excited, Lo.”
Logan rolled his eyes but didn’t respond to the prince. “Were you requiring us for something, Patton?”
“No, but I can just miss seeing my two favorite science nerds!” Patton answered, cheerfully, desperately trying to keep his concern to a minimum.
Logan started preparing a couple of sandwiches. “Both of us have made sure to seek you out and show you that we are fine, Patton. There is no need to be concerned about Virgil and me. Our video is just very special to the two of us, so we are focused on that right now.”
“What’s the video about, our amazing northern star?” Roman asked.
Logan paused for a moment, which made the sunshine half of the relationship worry even more. “We will show the two of you once we are finished. It’s merely a video about an important formula: C8H11NO2+C10H12N2O+C43H66N12O12S2.”
“And how you have that entire thing memorized is still beyond me!” Virgil stated, making the three men jump, not having noticed him join them.
“I thought you were deep in the middle of the composition, Virge.”
The anxious man grinned as he raised a very familiar item up. “I was, but we ran out of coffee.”
Logan grinned. “Oh, the beloved C25H28N6O7.”
“I guess the nerds aren’t making a video on coffee then?” Roman sounded like he was trying to state it, but his lack of chemical formulas made it into a question.
Patton took the coffee pot from Virgil. “Just how much coffee have you two consumed since yesterday?”
The starlight half glanced at each other before Logan answered. “Together? I want to say about six pots? I assure you that we have also had water and tea intermixed with the coffee.”
Patton’s finger tapped the side of the empty pot. “Before I let you two have another, I would like to ask that you two show up for dinner tonight, alright? Yes, Logan, I can see that you are making Virgil and yourself sandwiches. I still wish to have a proper dinner with all three of my boyfriends!”
Once again, the starlight half looked at each other. This time, the looks were clearly fond and amused, which ease something in Patton.
“Only if we might request that we have the house to ourselves tomorrow. We have quite a bit of recording to accomplish and would like the assurance that we aren’t bothering the two of you.” Logan answered.
“Bothering us? With what? You two rarely make enough noise that it passes through the walls.” Roman commented.
“What is this, 20-questions? Can we just make this request without having to explain everything?” Virgil asked.
Patton sighed. “Alright, but more secrets? I’m starting to become really worried about the two of you. Did we do something wrong? Please, just assure me of that. Did we do or say something wrong to either of you?”
“What?” Logan sounded surprised. “No, of course not, Patton.”
“Well, Ro has said plenty, but nothing is wrong, Pat. We are just excited about what we’re working on and we want to have it finished quickly. The two of you will be the first to see the finished product, Lo and I promise! You’ll understand once you see the video!”
“Alright,” Pat sighed. “I’m not sure what Ro and I will do, but we’ll let you two do your thing tomorrow.”
Logan smiled at him. “Why don’t you leave that to me? This part of the video process is pretty much Virgil’s job anyway. It’ll be a way for us to apologize for worrying you.”
“Oh, you don’t have to! We can figure something out.”
“Have and want are two different things.”
Roman, being the dramatic prince he was, pretended to crumple under the table. “Such horror! Lo-berry using Patty-Cake’s own ideas against him!”
“Perish then,” Virgil stated, taking the coffee pot from Patton and setting the machine up.
 *     *     *     *
 What the sunshine gays wouldn’t find out until dinner was that Logan set them up for a day of their favorite activities, ones that the starlight gays had no interest in participating in. He explained it away to Virgil that Roman wouldn’t be able to complain about never getting to go dancing for at least a month after tomorrow.
Virgil nodded along, knowing that whatever Patton and Roman had actually been discussing, they would understand just how much Logan loved both of them after tomorrow. A full day of things both of them loved and enjoyed? With nothing close to an ‘I’ll do it because someone else loves it’ option? Virgil was watching the planning masterpiece of a man truly in love.
 *     *     *     *
 The next morning, the four boyfriends enjoyed a sleepy breakfast together. Virgil had spent almost an hour making sure everything was perfect before Patton and Roman sat at the table. Logan came down a full ten minutes later but still appreciated the effort Virgil put in, though he was mildly concerned about whether Virgil had actually gone to sleep or not.
Once breakfast was finished, Logan presented Patton and Roman copies of their itinerary. He had already placed an extra in the car and sent a photo of it into their group chat, knowing that the two were probably going to somehow lose the paper copies and, if he were a betting man, one of their phones.
Patton was pulling on his shoes as Virgil started dumping some of their recording stuff on the living room couch. He could see how excited the normally anxiety-ridden man was. Virgil was humming a song, Patton wasn’t sure but it sounded like Taylor Swift, as he worked. The sight was enough to finally get rid of the worry Patton had been feeling and fill him with his own excitement.
Upstairs, Roman was starting to become more confused, rather than relaxed. Logan was acting very… un-Logan-like. He had a small, shy smile as he went about gathering things. Roman was also certain he could hear the normally stoic man muttering science stuff under his breath about atoms, balancing equations, and another chemical formula. Logan even went as far as to compliment Roman’s outfit!
“What is up with you, Calculator Watch!” Roman finally demanded.
Logan looked shocked as his body took an automatic step back. “What are you talking about, Roman?”
“You are acting weirder than normal!”
“Do I not normally compliment your choice of outfit when you dress up?” Logan asked, confused.
“I…Well… Yes, you do… But?”
Logan glanced at his watch. “Patton and you should be leaving fairly soon if you wish to make the movie.”
“Uh… Yeah, right. Off I go, I guess?”
Logan kissed his cheek before returning to whatever it was he had been doing. Roman was feeling even more off now but didn’t say anything else. Downstairs was almost normal if the Emo ever actually listened to pop music. The comment slipped from Roman’s lips before he’d actually thought about it.
“Not my fault that you are constantly getting weird songs stuck in my head. I have to listen to some pop songs in order to finally have at least the full song in my head when one of your random bursts gets a single line stuck.” Virgil answered.
“Oh, just let them be, RoRo. They’re excited about their video, so let them be excited. It’s a nice change compared to their usual show of interest.” Patton said as they got into the car.
“Which is little to none! It’s strange!” he answered.
Patton slipped his hand into Roman’s as he backed out of their driveway. “Put it aside and let’s enjoy our day out. Logan put a lot of thought into it, so let’s make sure we enjoy it!”
“True, alright, Padre, let’s see!” Roman reached into his pocket for his copy of the schedule, only to find it wasn’t there.
“Logan really does know us.” He commented, grabbing the car copy.
 *     *     *     *
 “So, you’re telling me that this song is designed as a simple thing because it’s Logan’s song?”
“Yeah, I figured simpler would be better for him.”
“Gurl, if those two sunshine and rainbow gays do not love this, I say the two of you dump them and let me join. I’ll even bring my own sunshine.”
“Remy, it is not considerate to drag Emile into a polyamorous relationship without consulting with them about it first.”
“Gurl, you are lucky those two will absolutely love this then.”
Virgil rolled his eyes before looking at all the friends who had agreed to help them on such short notice. “Thank you all so much for helping us with this. We have a lot to do, and little time so let’s get this long day of filming over with!”
The team decided to conquer the Science Style video first as there were a lot of working parts to it compared to the Science Love Song. Did everyone in the room know it was insane to try and record two full songs in one day? Yes. Were they determined to beat some imaginary record on video making skills? Absolutely.
As Logan checked in with everyone, he felt relief fill him that Pat and Ro were out for the day. The team had split into different groups: filming, animation and drawing, editing, and sound, each taking up a room of their own. Filming had the living and dining room. The art group had the kitchen, which had the most light as they screamed, kicking out any and everyone trying to take their lighting away. Editing sat in their bedroom, taking advantage of all comfortable spots as they worked. Sound sat in the house’s converted studio. Logan was shocked at the amount of work they were all placing into this video, and he was suddenly struck with something as he knew he couldn’t have ever made better friends.
With his small break, Virgil made everyone sandwiches for lunch. They’d all agreed on pizza for dinner as a reward for all the stuff they had accomplished today, but Virgil figured that sandwiches were a safe enough option for lunch. People would be able to eat them as they wished when they weren’t solely focused on their task. Once that was done, and as he was called back to recording, he sent off the pizza order so that the store had time to make the ten pizzas. Thank goodness for coupons, Virgil couldn’t help but think as he was maneuvered to his spot.
 *     *     *     *
 “RoRo! Look!”
Roman turned and saw a little pottery painting shop. “Lo’s schedule says we’re supposed to be having lunch, Pat.”
“But we’re going to a buffet later! Let’s go make something for our precious scientists! We can make them new coffee mugs!”
Roman pretended to think about it as Patton put up his greatest attack. “Oh no! Patty-dog eyes! One of my three weaknesses! Right up there with Lo’s pleased smirk and Virge’s giggles! I shall never recover from this great defeat! What shall we put on these mugs of those nerds?”
“Well, they are super into whatever science video they are making today, so why don’t we make it something about science for them? LoLo has been super interested in chemistry and those long formula things, so we could put like different ones on it with like the weird drawings that go with them! It’s a simpler idea, but he enjoys the smaller details and we could draw the formulas for happiness, love, interest, that sort of thing. For VeeVee we could do little science images like lab coats, little goggles, and a flask thingy or the Mars rover with the 1s and 0s spelling out ‘we love you’! It’ll be still science-y but full of images of science things he likes!”
Roman nodded as he opened the door for his heart. “How about you work on Lo’s and I do Vee’s? I think I have an idea for his.”
Patton nodded. “Alright, but we are signing both of them with lots of love, OK?”
Roman placed a kiss on the other’s forehead, as a worker came over to help them. “Of course!”
 *     *     *     *
 “OK, Patton just texted saying that they are leaving the swing dance club–which I still do not believe exists, for your information,” Virgil commented to Logan.
Emile giggled. “Guess it’s time for all of us to skedaddle outta here if we want to be One Jump ahead of your SO’s!”
Talyn glanced up from their laptop. “There is still so much editing to do.”
Logan chuckled. “We can explain to those two why you and Joan are on our couch. It means so much that all of you helped us do the impossible. Thank you!”
“Gurl, I think Lo needs to go to bed if he’s getting sentimental. Well, see you ladies and non-binary gentlefolk tomorrow for the adorable reveal!” Remy announced as Emile dragged him out the door.
Logan and Virgil got to cleaning up once everyone but Joan and Talyn was gone. Thankfully, their friends had been neat, so it was mostly straightening things and taking out the trash. The two boyfriends grinned at each other before plopping onto the couch with the last two.
Almost half an hour later, Patton and Roman walked through the door, talking about something they’d seen earlier. They were mildly startled to see two extra people in their living room, but Patton let out a squeal before tackling Talyn in a hug. After some chitchat, Joan suggested they head to the studio to continue working on the edits. Virgil went with them, after telling Patton that Logan was to go to bed. The man did not appreciate it but did as he was told.
Three of the four boyfriends curled up in their bed, unfortunately, used to the forth not being there. Pat pouted at that thought, wishing Vee would go to bed more often, but if Joan and Talyn were going to work through the night on the video edits, Virgil was going to be there as well. Patton didn’t know that the other two in the bed were also thinking the same thing.
 *     *     *     *
 “RoRo and I need to go pick something up. Did you two want us out for longer?”
“Nah, I think we are good to go. Would you mind if some more of our friends came over later though?”
“Our dark prince wanting to throw a party? Who are you and what have you done to our beloved introvert!”
Joan grinned. “Exhaustion has finally claimed the boi!”
“I’m not the one who couldn’t say Viking metal at least.”
The two sleepy ones started to giggle while Talyn looked ready to shove them into a fiery pit. “They kept saying Vetal Miking.”
“How the three of you ended up discussing that is beyond me,” Roman commented. “But I have no issue with a friendly get together! How about you, Patty?”
“I’ll be sure to pick up some more snacks! We seemed to have run out.”
Logan snorted which sent all three sleepy ones into a fit of exhausted giggles. He rolled his eyes at them, which made them giggle even harder. Pat and Ro went to pick up their mugs while Logan made Vee, Joan, and Talyn take a nap. Not too long afterwards, Roman and Patton returned with bags, chatting, but were quickly silenced by Lo, who waved at the sleeping figures on the couch. After a quiet lunch, Logan texted their friends that they were welcome to return for the reveal.
It was approximately two hours after lunch, Logan surmised, by the time everyone arrived, each ready to watch the final product of their extensive effort yesterday. He was a bit nervous to see what it looked like as only Virgil, Joan, and Talyn saw what was finished. Finally, Virgil pulled up the first video and told their sunshine half that this was the first of two videos. He started with the Science parody of Style.
Roman instantly knew this was what became of Virgil’s unease with his comments. Not that Virgil would ever know, but Roman tucked away the thought ‘avoid making fun of science videos’ into his list of things not to poke fun at. Despite this, he was laughing with everyone else at the two nerds trying to be cool and just being their nerdy selves.
“I guess I now know why you were humming Taylor Swift yesterday.” He joked once the video was finished.
“You were still the reason I even knew of that song’s existence. So, it’s still your fault.” Virgil laughed. “So, is science out of style?”
Roman laughed as he yanked the nerd into a hug. “I guess not, but you two pretending to have style is so out of style. I love it and I love you dorks.”
“Alright, so next song is quite a bit of a change in tempo from that, so you two enjoy!”
By the point the song got to the line ‘I’ll be your star if you’ll be my space’, Patton was sobbing and clinging to Logan. Lo was adorably shy and smiley and Patton just couldn’t help but cling to the stoic nerd. He didn’t fully understand some of the more specific scientific parts but it was a love song and his two favorite nerds wrote it and like it was perfect!
“Alright, so I understand the first video, but what was up with the second?” Roman asked.
Logan awkwardly cleared his throat. “I may have overheard you and Patton discussing how I don’t seem to understand love, so Virgil proposed that we make a scientific love song.”
“Oh no no no no!” Patton pulled him in even tighter. “I was saying that you didn’t seem to understand what I was doing to show you affection! That wasn’t about you, Logibear! You show love in small things. I wanted to know what I could do to show my love to you, in ways you would be comfortable with!”
“See, there was more that you didn’t know, Lo,” Virgil commented.
“Wait, then what was that formula you were sprouting out then?” Roman asked.
Virgil huffed. “He has the formula for love memorized and tricked me into realizing what it was too! Blasted chemicals for dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin! He tricked me into memorizing the formula as well! He didn’t even use the cute line that started the entire song idea! Like, come on! You’d have been a puddle for ‘the chemical formula for love is C8H11NO2+C10H12N2O+C43H66N12O12S2, and you make my brain the chemist who produces it’.”
“Gurl, I almost want to see you try and shove that line into the song,” Remy commented.
“Actually, that reminds me! RoRo, this is the perfect time to give them their presents!” Patton giggled.
“If our beloved heart says so, then so shall it be!” Roman announced before picking up two bags, one purple, and the other navy.
“GAAAAAAY!” one of their friends called, causing an amused chuckle to ripple through the group.
Logan and Virgil accepted their bags with confusion. Logan pulled his mug out first and looked over the various chemicals and their structural formula designed on the mug. Each was in one of their favorite colors. Dopamine was in red. Oxytocin was in a navy blue whereas Serotonin was in a lighter blue. The final formula was endorphins, which were in purple. Logan bit his tongue as he began to pick out the minor errors in the structural formulae. He would probably end up taking a Sharpie or something and carefully fixing the errors later, but for now, he vocally praised the mug, knowing that Pat and Ro designed it with him in mind, which was more worthy of his attention than some small errors.
Virgil pulled his mug out to find the word STEAM on it. Behind each letter was a cartoon of something related to it. The ‘S’ had a lab coat, goggles and a beaker like a scientist. The ‘T’ had an iPhone with little apps that Roman has suggested Virgil attempt to make. ‘E’ had a computer screen on it with a bunch of 0s and 1s on the screen (which Roman would later tell him was binary code for ‘we love you’ and Virgil did not tear up at that, no siree). ‘A’ was the props from their Science Wars video. ‘M’ had a coordinate plane with the shape and equation of a heart on it. It was so extra and so obviously Princey and Patton that Virgil couldn’t help but love the mug, even if it were a bit more eccentric than his normal style.
“Wow, you two are just as nerdy as we are.” Virgil commented, before yanking the other three into a tight hug.
“Well, we do happen to have two brilliant scientists as our boyfriends, so it was bound to happen that we would pick up some nerdy things.” Patton giggled.
The group hung out for a bit before people had to get going. Logan stopped Remy and Emile before insisting that they ensure Joan and Talyn got home safely. The non-binary pals tried to fight it, but Mama Remy was already in full swing, so they accepted their fate. Virgil watched, knowing that they had it lucky, especially when Mama Lo turned on him.
Half an hour later, Virgil was cocooned in blankets with his boyfriends surrounding him on their bed, ensuring that he wouldn’t make a bid for freedom. He had a fat smile on his face as Pat and Ro gushed over the videos and Lo explained some of the finer points to them.
How two scientists managed to fall in love with these two rays of sunlight, Logan could only theorize. He did know that they were the loves of his life. He watched as his starlight fell asleep to the sunshine’s chatter, finding his eyes getting heavy as well.
Patton was unsurprisingly the next one to fall into the realms of sleep. While he loved the videos equally, the love song was soft and specifically for them. His mind couldn’t help but replay every word from it, softly singing him to sleep with the insanely intelligent men around him.
Roman was the last to give in. He carefully set aside Lo and Pat’s glasses so that they didn’t accidentally break them. Roman smiled, staring at his three loves: Logan, his stars; Virgil, his moon; and Patton, his sun. He gave an amused huff as he shut his eyes. Maybe Lo and Vee did rub some of their nerdiness on him, but he wouldn’t trade it for the world.
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ilovemygaydad · 5 years
Friends in Dark Places [ch 10
pairing: eventual moxiety, eventual logince, background eventual remile, background eventual remy/emile/deceit
WARNINGS: food mentions, eating, sex mentions, affair mentions, crude language, swearing, panic attacks, GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF SELF HARM, suicidal ideation, abusive family members, yelling, fighting, blood, self hatred, self disgust, hurtful conversations, fear, anxiety, anger, homophobia, possibly something else
tag list: @hufflepuffgirl01 @cocobearthe4th @cas-is-a-hunter @band-be-boss-blog @theunoriginaldaisy
a/n: so i have to repost all of these in a different format! yay fucking me!!!! please consider reblogging these if you’re a fan of this series because it’s all fucked up now
first - previous - next - companions
consider buying me a coffee (please)
It had taken a while, but the idea of going and conversing with the others started to warm up to Virgil. Patton had wrapped his arm around Virgil’s waist and held him close, grounding the anxious teen and giving him small bits of courage. Soon, they stood up and and ventured to the main pavilion to introduce Virgil to the other people he hadn’t met yet. There was Jo, who had a really cool cut down the middle makeup look on his face, and Joan, who did the most ridiculous impressions, and Terrence, who was the biggest ball of energy in such a small body.
For once, it was actually enjoyable for Virgil to meet new people. Years of being almost completely alone--save for a few friends here and there and his shitty ex-boyfriend--had turned him almost completely solitary. At the party, he still clung to Patton like a scared five-year-old, but he felt a little more included in the group. When Virgil began to tense up, Patton would place his hand gently on his back to provide a tether to cling on.
After two hours of eating and chatting, the party was over. Patton, Logan, and Roman offered to stay after and help clean up, but Talyn shooed the boys away, saying something about how they didn’t need any help. Virgil knew it was because they wanted him home ASAP after his panic attack, but he couldn’t bring himself mind. He was tired, and all he wanted to do was wash all of this makeup off and hopefully get most of the glitter off of his body. One day, Roman would pay for this pink glitter catastrophe, but that was a whole other train of thought.
Patton and Virgil were dropped off at their house just before midnight. Both of the boys got ready for bed, and Virgil was just this close to falling asleep when Patton softly knocked on his door.
Virgil groaned and rolled over. “Yeah, Pat? What’s up?”
The door softly clicked open, and the soft hall lights filtered in, giving Patton a light yellow glow. He entered quietly and sat on the desk chair, just barely visible in the low light.
“I, uh, just wanted to say thank you for coming to the party tonight. And also to apologize for your panic attack. I shouldn’t have let myself get swept away when you obviously needed some extra support.” Although his tone was sweet and kind, there was deep regret laced in his words.
“Oh, Pat. It’s okay. It wasn’t even your fault that we got separated.” Virgil assured, propping himself onto his elbows.
There was a beat of silence before Patton hesitantly whispered, “Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” Virgil smiled even though it probably couldn’t be seen by Pat. “I’m sure.”
Patton nodded quickly and left, but not before giving Virgil a small thumbs up. Soon, both of the boys were asleep and the rough day was far behind them.
The next week passed by smoothly. Virgil had a grand total of just three panic attacks (and Patton had come to help with each one) and hadn’t relapsed a single time. He was really proud of himself, as was Patton, and he just felt better about himself. It was liberating to have actual friends to talk to and hang out with. He’d even persuaded Logan to join crew!
And then on that fateful Monday--May first, to be exact--everything came crumbling down. It seemed as if everything bad in the word just happened to fall on a Monday. That just made Mondays even more dreadful.
Virgil’s day had started off like normal. He’d woken up, gotten ready, eaten breakfast with Patton, and went off to school. It was almost ridiculously mundane. It was in second block, however, when the not-so-normal things began to happen.
“Virgil Thomas to Office A, please,” the voice on the speaker crackled.
Shit, Virgil thought. What the fuck did I do this time?
His teacher gestured at him to leave, so he did. The walk from his math classroom to the office was basically a joke, so he made his way as slowly as possible, going so far as to dawdle by the bubbler for a minute. 
As he walked up to the office, he saw his dad’s “secretary” standing at the doors. “Secretary” being used loosely, since she was, in reality, nothing more than the girl his dad had chosen to have an affair with this month.
“Hey, Virgil,” Nathalie cooed in her irritating voice. It sounded like sandpaper on ceramic plates. “Your dad is back in town and wanted me to let you know.”
“Why didn’t he just text me? He knows that I keep my phone on me at all times.” Virgil knew that he sounded bitter, but he didn’t care when his father was involved.
“He’s been very busy lately.” Yeah, probably doing you. “He hasn’t been able to find a time to take a break from work to text you.”
Work! Who knew that Nathalie could be so funny.
“Right. Well, I’m going to go back to class now, Nat. Bye!” He spun around on his heel and started to walk away when she cut him off.
“Oh, and your father wants you to have dinner with him tonight.” 
Fucking great.
“Um, I actually had plans with a friend tonight,” Virgil rushed, dancing carefully around his current living arrangements and schedule.
“Why don’t you invite them over? I’m sure your father would love to meet them!” 
Sure he would! Just like he was so fucking excited to meet Virgil’s boyfriend or any of his other friends when he’d brought them over.
“Sure. I’ll ask him.” He was never going to be able to get out of it, so he might as well try to get Patton to come along and soften the blow. Virgil walked to the bathroom instead of to his classroom, sitting in the nearest stall with his head in his hands until the bell rang.
“How do I look, Virge?” Patton modeled the black dress pants and blue polo get up he had on. His grey cardigan was actually on him, instead of hanging off of his shoulders or waist.
“Great! I don’t think Dad’ll have anything bad to say about that.” Virgil was ridiculously worried about his dad ripping the happy-go-lucky boy to absolute shreds. Mr. Thomas wasn’t the nicest or most accepting person on a good day, and any way that Virgil could protect his friend, he would.
“Awesome. Now, what are you wearing?” Patton’s question was innocent, but sent a small wave of anxiety through Virgil’s body.
“Uh, black jeans, some dress shoes, and a black jumper.” He’d worn this many times in front of his dad, and he hadn’t yet been ridiculed by his father for it. Unlike all of his other clothing.
Already, Virgil had wiped off all of his makeup and styled his hair out of its floppy fringe into a clean-cut look in preparation for the visit to see his dad. Any bandages that might have disrupted his appearance were removed, all scars were covered with foundation, and his whole personality purged of substance. Even his phone case had been switched out from the pretty galaxy case with the halloween Popsockets to the all black case with as much personality as a stick in the mud. It was absolutely dreadful.
“Well, I’m sure you’ll look fantastic, kiddo!”
Yeah. Sure.
“Alright, guys, have a good time! Just text me when you need to be picked up, Pat,” Mrs. Shea said before driving off, leaving Virgil and Patton stranded at the Thomas residence.
For once, the lights were on inside, giving the house the tiniest sense that it wasn’t vacant. Virgil couldn’t help but wonder which of his father’s chefs was cooking their meal. He hoped that it was Mei, whose food was both fancy enough to meet Mr. Thomas’ high expectations but held a sense of casualness that appealed to Virgil. 
The pair walked up to the front door and rang the bell, sending a custom chime echoing through the house. Almost instantly, a mildly-disheveled Nathalie opened the door, grinning ridiculously widely.
“Virgil! Who’s your friend, here?” She greeted with faux cheeriness.
“Uh, this is Patton. He’s a friend from school,” Virgil paused, unable to focus when he could see a white stain on Nat’s mouth. He motioned up to his lips with a small grimace. “You’ve got a little… something… on your mouth, Nathalie.”
Gross. He didn’t even want to think about what had been happening just moments before.
Nathalie wiped gently at her mouth with the back of her hand, being extra careful not to smudge her pristine red lipstick. Opening the door wider, she motioned the boys inside. Virgil led the way to the dining room, not even bothering to wait for Nathalie.
“Oh, Virgil,” Mr. Thomas said as they walked into the dining room. “I didn’t realize you’d brought someone along.” Shocking. “Is this another one of your ‘boyfriends?’”
A pinched smile spread across Virgil’s face. “No, dad. I’m not dating anyone. This is my school friend, Patton Shea.”
“Hey, Mr. Thomas. It’s a pleasure to meet you!” Patton’s happy voice lightened up the room’s atmosphere just the slightest amount, which all but astounded Virgil.
“Virgil could take some fashion notes from you, Patton. He’s always wearing those stupid looking skinny jeans and t-shirts. You look quite impressive and professional for a teenager,” Mr. Thomas commented, adjusting his glasses in a Logan-like manner. That was apparently all he had to say as he took a bite of the food in front of him.
Much to Virgil’s disappointment, it wasn’t Chinese. Apparently, the first dinner you’d have with your son in literal months wouldn’t be complete without a giant French buffet--complete with dessert.
“I--Thanks?” Pat stuttered, confused by the backhanded compliment. Virgil disregarded the comment, instead choosing to lead his friend to the table. They sat close enough to his dad to be considered polite, but it was definitely farther than an appropriate familial distance.
The three ate in silence for a few minutes before Mr. Thomas spoke again. “So, Patton, what are you planning on doing after high school? Virgil said he wanted to be a graphic designer, but he’s probably going to take up the family business. Arts degrees are just a waste of time and money; better to strive to be successful on the first try and not have to go back.”
Patton stiffened almost imperceptibly. “I was planning on going to school to be a therapist, but being a stay-at-home dad seems like a pretty nice idea, too.”
“Psychology is an interesting subject; I’d have to agree.” Mr. Thomas shifted his focus to his son. “Now, Virgil, what did you say you wanted to focus on in school? Something with video making?”
“It was video game design, but I’m not going after that, anymore. It was a stupid fever dream.” None of the food on Virgil’s plate was making it to his mouth; it had merely been stirred into a gloopy mess. He already felt like shit about himself, but leave it to his dad to be make him feel even worse.
“I’m going to go to the bathroom. Excuse me.” Virgil all but jumped up and sprinted from the room. 
Within a few seconds, he locked the door to the upstairs bathroom behind him. Virgil turned his head and stared at the reflection in the mirror. It looked nothing like him. The Virgil in the mirror was normal; he had no flaws, and he was the perfect son. His goals were steep but attainable, and he never said anything out of line. The real Virgil was anything but.
The real Virgil was a gigantic disappointment. He wanted to go into the arts, not business management. He had an attitude problem and a “screw The Man” ideology that ended up getting him into more trouble that necessary, yet he never changed his ways. The real Virgil was an emotional mess, not knowing how to properly express himself except through suicide or self harm. He was pathetic and stupid and, quite frankly, “too gay to function,” as his dad would say. There was no place in this world for the real him. Every single fucking time that his father was around, the façade was put up in some wimpy attempt to deflect some of the hateful words that would always be thrown his way.
And that’s when he broke. Tears streamed down his face, and choked sobs ran through his body. He thought he’d been getting better, but who was he kidding? This was the same old Virgil who’d attempted suicide not once--not twice. No, he’d attempted to fucking kill himself four times. But thank god that he’d survived! The world obviously needed Virgil Thomas’ fucking presence to keep it spinning.
Virgil gripped at his hair. He’d left his phone at the table, but he needed an escape from the emotions berating him.
Think, Virgil! There’s gotta be something that can help you.
His blurry eyes scanned the counter before landing on a familiar piece of metal.
Virgil reached out and grabbed the blade, flipping it open with ease. Memories of the past flitted through his mind. Ones where he’d said “just one last time” with false hopes that it’d be true, but the very next day, he’d be back in this bathroom, washing blood out of the tub. Weakness. Had he included that on his list? Because Virgil Thomas was weak.
“Just one last time,” he mocked as the blade sliced the skin of his forearm.
Pathetic. What kind of fucking child do you have to be to continually come back to a blade to solve your problems?
Another cut. And another. It was so calming--so ridiculously relaxing to watch the red blood splatter on the perfectly white floor where it mixed with his tears to make a watercolor painting.
Faggot. Nobody will love someone who’s gay, loser! Think of Jason. He ruined you.
A knock on the door jerked Virgil out of his daze, making him drop the knife in the process.
“Hey, Virgil? Are you okay? I can hear you crying, kiddo,” Patton worried; his words filtered through the door with a slight resonance.
“I’m fine, Patton. Don’t worry.” Yeah fucking right.
“Virge, please just let me in.” There was no way that Patton would take no for an answer.
“Okay.” Virgil pulled his sleeves down harshly, smearing a bit of blood onto his hands. He stepped in front of the blade and blood, trying to hide it from Pat’s prying eyes as he opened the door. A fake smile was plastered onto Virgil’s face. “See--”
“Is that blood?” Patton gasped and snatched Virgil’s wrists up. With an unprecedented gentleness, he rolled up the jumper sleeves that had started to plaster themselves to his arms. The look of worry on Pat’s face soon turned to one of pure anger.
He’s mad. You’ve upset him, and he’s going to kick you out. Maybe he’s finally realized what a mistake it was to save you--
“How dare your dad think he can say things like that to his own son! You deserve so fucking much, Virgil--in fact, you deserve the world. Yet here’s this asshole who won’t give you a god damn break, bringing you to hurt yourself because he can’t keep his idiocy to himself! Grab that towel; we’re going downstairs.” Patton stormed out the room and down the stairs. Virgil followed a few paces behind, terrified out of his mind.
“Mr. Thomas! With all due respect--which is none, by the way--who the absolute fuck do you think you are to think that it’s okay to ridicule your own child like that?” Virgil’s dad opened his mouth to speak, but Pat cut him off. “No! You fucking listen to me; you’re a terrible father! Your child should never be brought to self harm as a coping mechanism--especially not by his own fucking father. Are you fucking kidding? Who gave you the right to do this? First, you spend all of your time away from Virgil, and then you go about barely ever talking to him, and to top it all off, you give him shit for everything that he has a fucking passion for!”
Both Virgil and his father were completely silent. Neither had expected such an outburst from the docile kid between them.
After a long few moments, Virgil said, “Let’s go, Pat.”
Virgil and Patton quickly left the house, not stopping until they were a street away. Patton called his mom to tell her to pick them up, and they sat on the curb to wait.
“Thank you, Patton. For standing up to me. Nobody’s ever done that before.” Virgil’s voice was soft and genuine. A little fluttering sensation rose in Pat’s stomach as he leaned towards his friend.
“It’s no problem, Virge.”
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anxiousjikken · 5 years
BNHA Sanders Sides Chapter 3
Word Count: 1786
Warnings: Angry Logan(Although he may not feel anything)
Pairings: Suggested (Remile, and Prinxiety)
Summary: The gang is heading to Roman’s home, all while Logan is having a small fit about having to hang out with Apate. (Oh! And Logan will not forever be angry with Apate.) 
The school day was over, and Apate was walking with his brother to his left, and Patton to his right. Patton of course was next to Logan as well and he had something against Apate. Emile and Remy stood side by side, holding hands. Apate was curious, but he wasn’t going to ask now as that could be uncomfortable to answer now. Roman lead the pack, as they made turns that Apate didn’t even recognize.
“So...Patton...where does Roman live?” Apate, tilted his head confused, and Patton smiled.
“You’ll see. I know Virgil went once alone, but they never explained what happened.” Patton explained, Virgil’s face becoming red.
“It was his way of apologizing okay!” Virgil exploded, Roman turning around only to comfort Virgil. Apate was confused, always so sure that his brother was ace. Apate ended up dispelling the thought not wanting to bring up the topic of relationships, knowing that he himself was never a romantic type. The group was full of small talk, and playful bantering, Apate wasn’t focused on where they were going, but when the group came to a stop, he was shocked to see where they were.
“Y-You live here?! This is awful!” Apate yelled, everyone staring at him as he blushed and hid his face.
“Yes I do. It’s not the best living arrangement but it gets the job done.” Roman, said as he placed a code into a large gate, and then led the group towards the large double doors of his home.
“This is living terribly?” Logan asked, now looking at Roman.
“Of course it is, I wanted the mansion to be somewhere prettier, with a beautiful view…” Roman said, waving his hands around.
“Princey are we staying over tonight, or  studying and going home?” Virgil asked, and Roman turned around a bright smile on his face.
“You are welcome to stay!” Roman knocked, and a butler held the door open for him, Roman thanked the kind man, and then brought everyone to a living room, with a fireplace, which he lit for everyone to get cozy. Apate was enjoying every last bit of the warm flames.
“So! What have we all come here to study for? I have some math homework I require assistance on!” Roman yelled, making Virgil’s face light up.
“I can help with the math, if you help me with chemistry.” Virgil said, and Roman nodded.
“It’s a deal! Does anybody else need chemistry help?” Roman asked, when nobody answered, the two of them split off from the group. Logan and Patton split off together as well, and Emile and Remy left as well. Mostly because Apate, said he was fine with his homework when in all reality he needed help with english, but the one who would assist him was Logan, so Apate skipped his english homework, and lied about finishing it.
“Alrighty! Now that everyone’s done with homework how about he play games?!” Patton asked, everyone nodding their heads. Logan chose Clue, which Patton was surprisingly good at. Roman chose Twister, because when it was him and Virgil they ended up in some really awkward pose. Emile and Remy chose, truth or dare, which Apate hated. The game was fine until it was Logan’s turn, and he asked Apate.
“Truth or Dare?” Logan asked, a deadpan look on his face.
“Dare. I mean Truth...sorry.” Apate, smacked his face.
“Don’t do that Apate.” Virgil warned.
“Oh yes sorry.” Apate looked up apologetically and Logan continued with his question.
“What ever happened to your real birth parents?” Logan didn’t see the issue in asking this, he simply was curious. Roman did notice Apate’s squirming, and the tears welling up in his eyes.
“Um Logan that was a bit to soon.” Virgil said, trying to comfort his brother but failing.
“Apate? Would you like to come over to the bathroom with me? I’ll help wipe the tears from your eyes.” Emile spoke up, Apate got up and nodded, so Emile gave the group time to explain.
“I didn’t know it was sensitive.” Logan said, shrugging.
“Well, I don’t even know what happened to him. He doesn’t like to talk about it with anybody.”  Virgil sighed, and then sat next to Logan.
“The only thing he’s told me, is that his old family is the reason he is a pathological liar.” Virgil said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Hmm, I shall think over this. I still don’t like him.” Logan mumbled, Patton looking at Logan with a scowl on his face.
“Logan! That wasn’t nice.”
“It wasn’t? Oh I’m sorry I missed the part where I’ve gotten to know him for a year. You guys, Virgil’s family only adopted him over the summer. We have no knowledge on what Deceit is capable of!” Logan yelled, but not loud enough for the boy in question to hear.
“Are you angry...because we’ve gotten to like him faster than we got to liking you?” Roman asked, crossing his arms.
“No! I’m not angry! I’m just concerned that you are trusting him so easily, he’s a pathological liar! He will lie unconsciously.” Logan’s reasoning was understandable, but everyone else just wanted Apate to feel accepted.
“You two need to bond. Because honey, you two are going to have a big fight soon.” Remy said, sipping some coffee.
“Oh that’s a great idea!” Patton clapped his hands together.
“Not a great idea! I do not get along with Deceit, “Apate” as you call him. But if I were to be next to him alone I may lose my mind!” Logan yelled, throwing his hands in the air.
“Well you need to do something, because if you hurt my brother again, I’ll have to fight you.” Virgil said, his eyes fixated on Logan. Everyone was silent after that no one wanting to speak after the threat just made.
“Well, how about the lock someone in a small space game? That forces you to get close.” Remy mumbled, as both Patton and Virgil stared Logan down. Roman, was already standing up and picking Logan up, while placing him in a closet, Apate was thrown in by Virgil shortly after.
“Um...what’s going on?” Apate asked, searching for a light switch. Logan rolled his eyes, and sat Apate down.
“They want us to bond, so the door is probably being held closed, and there probably is no light switch.” Logan mumbled, and Apate listened.
“So...what should we bond about?” Apate asked, he fidgeted with his hands, now wanting to keep his lies at bay.
“How about….your quirk how does it work?” Logan asked, referring to the snake scales.
“Well! Much like a snake, I have scales, and venom, but I have to bite people. So I’m going to be  a close combat fighter….” Apate messed with his shirt.
“What does the venom do?” Logan asked, looking closely at Apate.
“It enables me to paralyze people for a short amount of time.” Apate mumbled, Logan nodded his head.
“Well your turn.” Logan gestured to Apate to speak.
“So...what about your quirk?” Apate asked, messing with his hair, as Logan crossed his arms again.
“Telekinesis.” Logan stated, staring at Apate, noticing the constant fidgeting that he was showing. Apate seemed like he was still looking for an escape, or that light switch he thought to look for.
“Are you okay you look uneasy.” Logan asked, uncrossing his arms.
“I’m fine...just not a fan of the dark...I need out….” Apate’s breathing was out of sync, and Logan stood up to pound on the door. Although everyone had moved outside, the only one left inside was Remy, who was sound asleep.
“Apate, I know I hate you and everything, but….look I’m not happy about the situation, and I think that you’re the worst at telling the truth. But I don’t think anybody should have to suffer.” Logan said loudly, hoping that maybe one of the guys outside would hear him, sadly none of them did. Logan knew that they wanted him to get along with Apate, but he hated the method used. So he did what any sane person would do, and began searching for exits, leaving Apate to panic.
“HELP!” Logan’s banging on the door, scared Apate further, until the door swung open. A woman, stood on the other side.
“Logan? Are you okay?” The woman asked, she helped Logan out, along with Apate.
“Oh dear he must be terrified let me go get some tea.” She walked off, Logan shaking his head.
“Why did Roman’s mother have to find us…” Logan mumbled, bashing his head on a wall.
“Oh that’s his mom?” Apate asked, Logan turned towards Apate. He knew Apate was new to the school, and didn’t want to cause him to go back into the panicked state he was in by blowing up on him.
“Yes, she works at the school.” Logan said, and then smiled.
“She’s a teacher, and she is the kindest woman I know.” Logan stated, as she walked back in.
“Logan I love the kind words, but please don’t call me “Roman’s mother”. Just call me May.” May stated, then looking over at Apate, and handing him the tea.
“You must be the new friend Ro, was talking about.” May said, sitting up straight.
Only after getting a good look at May was when Apate began noticing her.
“Y-You’re….Imposter! The hero who can change her looks and voice, to whatever she desires.” Apate’s panic seemingly gone.
“Yes! That would be me, A bit of acting is involved, but that’s why my Ro loves to act. He’s been in several plays.” May sighed, and looked down at her ring.
“His mom would have been so happy to see how he turned out.”
“Oh? He had another mom?” Apate asked, Logan sat down and crossed his legs.
“Yes her name was Katie, Roman was just nine years old when it happened. She was the Magician like she loved to call herself, really great at causing illusions. She died during a mission. Oh Roman was so sad, but he worked really hard to make his quirk just work.” May smiled, and looked at Apate.
“I’m sorry I didn’t know.” Apate said, looking at Logan who also had no knowledge.
“Well everyone has their secrets, and everyone tells lies. Speaking of which Logan, you’re little statement of hating this poor boy for his lies is kinda mean. Heck, what about the time when you lied to your father about your grade, in which I had to keep you under watch here because you were afraid of him.” May said, causing Logan to look down and away from Apate.
“Logan is your father abusive?”
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patton-croc-agenda · 6 years
Why I Love Logicality
(Alternate title: I wrote an essay for fun about shipping two fictional people based on a man’s personality instead of working)
It’s no surprise to anyone who’s been on my blog for over 5 seconds and/or read any of my fics that my favorite Sanders Sides pairing is Logicality. However, I’m sure many of you (and by that I mean probably none of you?) wonder why I enjoy this particular ship so much. After all, the fandom is full of great ships! So why, Jack, why do you like this one so much and will you please write a fic for a different ship for once?! Also, why are you writing this essay instead of working on actual enjoyable writing?
1. I’m getting to that
2. Also getting to that and
3.  Because I’m at work and the fic I’m currently working on is on Google Docs and I don’t have the wifi password and I forgot to switch to offline mode on GD so I don’t feel like writing a whole new fic on LibreOffice (aka word for poor people)
To answer my first rhetorical question on why I enjoy this couple so much, it does in the end, mostly come down to personal taste. I think the first reason that comes to my mind is the fact that Logan and Patton are opposites. Heart and Mind. Thinking and Feeling. I know many people, myself included, love a good opposites attract couple and- this is where my personal view varies- they don’t seem to have the same enemies to lovers vibe that ships like Prinxiety or Logince give.
I know many people adore the enemies to lovers trope, but I rarely enjoy it, at least not nearly as much as others. I do know some cases where it is done fantastically (*cough* Roman and Virgil in Powerless by Patentpending *cough*), but in most cases, for me, it usually comes off as forced.
“But Jack” I hear that one specific strawman argue, “Logan seems to hate Patton in many cases and they fought a lot in The Heart vs The Mind.” To which I reply, “Yo, fair.” However, if you listen to how they “argue”, especially in that video, the vibe is a lot more relaxed then when, say, Roman and Logan bicker. Logan and Patton have often been called “an old married couple” by fans, because that is how they feel. Like two people who have different opinions and views on things, but their arguments are more to come to a conclusion then to poke one another with the insult stick.
“Okay that’s all well and good,” that pesky strawman argues again, “so you like that they’re opposites, but not enemies, but there are other ships like that too.” Again, I say “Yo, fair.” Because this in my opinion about my favorite pairing, but I can provide more reasoning if you so desire.
Another reason I enjoy them is because of how they’ve grown together. If you look at their interactions in the first episode(s) they shared to now, you can see there’s an obvious shift in how they interact. Yes, Logan still gets annoyed at Patton’s puns and yes, Patton still acts childish in a way that sets Logan off, but we also get moments like My Favorite Moment In Sanders Sides™ aka, that scene in Moving on Part 1 where Patton and Virgil say “Can [things improve]?” at the same time.
While everyone looks at Patton, Logan’s reaction is the most surprising. Of course, he like everyone, is shocked at Patton’s behavior, but when he responds he uses the softest, most soothing tone he has ever used in the entire series. Look back at it if you didn’t notice, because my GoD.
Logan doesn’t do feelings. Yes, he does show them from time to time but (with the exception of Crofters, Sherlock, and learning) his usual shown emotions are anger and annoyance. However, in this tiny moment that’s like, 5 seconds in total, he is gentle, his tone is genuine, and his words comforting- especially when compared to the sentence beforehand where he pretty much snapped at Roman, telling him not to raise his expectations too high.
Honestly, I could probably write another 3 pages on that scene and just the entirety of Moving On (that whole episode is like Logicality gold despite the fact Logan is in the second part for only about 5 minutes including the credits).
“Okay, so that’s their canon dynamic and interactions, so why do you like them in AUs and such?” Oh strawman, what a helpful device you are. The answer still comes from the canon material I guess, but no matter the universe, my main reason stays the same.
The fact is, I think they make each other happy. In canon, we see Patton being playful, and pretty much flirting with or at least admiring Logan all the time. From “Making Some Changes” (Do you [get homesick] Logan? With you I’m always home) to “Fitting in” (Because he’s my hero), to “Moving On Part 2” (LOGAN! You got me a GIFT?!). It’s clear that whether you see them as platonic or romantic, Patton adores Logan. And while Logan may not show the same levels of affection towards any of the sides, I still think Patton makes him happy, even if he himself does not realize it.
 Patton will cosplay with him, he’s willing to tease him without ever really being as rude as the other two sometimes can be, he helps fuel Logan’s large ego at times (You are so smart, you could solve anything), and other times he’s willing to knock it down (You could say the amount of mistakes you’ve made is...infinitesimal?) he’s a foil and outside view Logan desperately needs sometimes. “Growing Up”, (Morality...what are we doing...wrong?), “Moving On Part 2” (Sometimes when the heart wants change, you must listen to it).
So in conclusion, yeah, there are other great ships. Great ships I enjoy, in fact (I have a royality fic planned actually). However, this one pairing is my favorite (in this fandom at least). It has been since I first started watching Sanders Sides, continued to be as I made this blog, and will probably stay that way for the rest of Sanders Sides’ existence.
Additional conclusion; I’m a huge nerd who likes to write essays for fun. This is completely opinionated and casual, so don’t comment why you think (insert ship) is better. If you like another ship more, feel free to make your own essay.
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Enough Is Enough
Patton forced yet another smile as the others did the usual talking down to him thing.
They always treated him like a child who didn't understand anything they said which he definitely found frustrating but he never said a word about it.
Roman insulted everyone on purpose and by accident while Logan had his superiority complex. Virgil was just insulting to everyone but Patton knew that was his way of getting a point across so he always forgave him.
Things were different today though. The topic of conversation had moved onto Thomas's love life or more accurately the lack thereof.
Both Logan and Roman had been insinuating it was because of Patton and it looked as if Thomas was beginning to agree.
Patton stood in the corner trying to bite back the angry retorts on the tip of his tongue but he'd done this one too many times and he suddenly felt all the anger and frustration and hurt come back ten times as worse than before.
Thomas muttered "I'll make sure to listen to you and Roman a bit more in future then." and Patton snapped.
"Stop! I've had enough! Every day all I get from everyone is snide comments about my intelligence or how childish I am and I'm fed up with letting you get away with it! I may be silly and make jokes at times but I am just as intelligent as the rest of you and the constant being treated like a child who doesn't know what he's talking about thing is getting real old real quick. You two seem to forget that I am the eldest side here and I've been doing my job since before you were existent. So enough with the 'Pattons the reason your not in a relationship' crap because you two have no idea how much I have to do just to help Thomas start a friendship with people let alone a relationship. If anything, you're the reason he's not in a relationship because I'm too stressed by the shit you always give me on a daily basis and I can't focus on my job. Yes I'm the cheery, childish, pun making, side but you seem to forget I control all of Thomas's emotions, not just the positive ones. That means I will not stand for anymore of your bullshit and I have no problem switching to the cold, strict, angry father who is fed up of your behaviour."
Silence fell after Pattons outburst, the other four in the room in shock until Virgil broke it.
"Well said Patt, I was wondering when you were going to put a stop to their massive ego's." Virgil had a soft smile of understanding and respect on his face.
Roman spluttered at that but fell silent at the heated glare from Patton.
Thomas stared at each one of the sides, his brain still struggling to register what just happened.
Logan was frozen in place, his eyes wide and fixed on Patton in shock.
Patton was panting from his rant and shaking from his anger so he growled out "I'm done with all this." and sunk down back to the mindspace.
He stormed through the corridors and slammed the door to his bedroom behind him once he was inside. After a few deep breaths he collapsed onto his bed trying to calm the overwhelming anger and urge to cry.
Meanwhile Thomas had recovered from Pattons outburst and was glaring at Logan and Roman. "You better go apologise to him and make sure you mean it!" Thomas said in a low angry voice.
Virgil smirked at their ashamed expressions and couldn't help but add his own comment "I don't understand why you were blaming him for Thomas's lack of a relationship when it's more logical to actually blame me. Not that it is my fault, but just thought I'd share that small observation with you."
Logans face flushed red at that and he sunk down, leaving Roman staring at Virgil with an equally embarrassed expression.
Thomas rolled his eyes and said "You guys need to sort this out so you two can go back as well, I don't need anything."
Virgil shrugged and sunk down, followed by a red faced Roman leaving Thomas alone in his apartment.
Thomas shook his head at the situation and decided to just go back to scrolling through his twitter. They'd sort it out eventually.
Tags:@amethystdarkwolf @mcfreakin-childproof-caps @patchworkofstars @kitkat-doodles @unikornavenger @dolphin-squirrel @sympathetic-deceit-trash @starryfirefliesbloggo @cakercanart @neonb-fly @kaymischief25
By the way, if anyone who's tagged isn't a fan of angst let me know and if anything triggers you let me know because there's a lot of angst incoming. I'll include trigger warnings but if you'd rather not be tagged let me know.
On the other end of the spectrum... If there anyone who wants to be tagged but isn't then let me know and I'll add you :P
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