#but i need to practise them yknow?
hundredowls · 9 months
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silly oc doodle..... ballroom yuri
#ocs#ok so im gonna ramble/complain in the tags for a bit bc i love to complain its mostly not even gonna be relevant to the ocs but anyway ok#yknow that diagram abt art skills thats like ability to see/ability to draw#im at the BAD PART OF IT RN#i wanna draw fanart so bad but then i get annoyed bc the fanart doesnt look as good as the source material GHRG which is a totally#unreasonable thing to think bc source material is drawn by Professionals but you know how it is. Art Hard etc etc complain etc etc#need to do more studies etc etc#i wanna be able to draw really good so i can draw the things i love!!!!! even if its hard and tedious i wanna practise!!!! i love art!!!!!!#dont think about whats easy think about whats fun - bokuto koutarou etc#anyway everyday i am sad i have to sit in front of a desk for 8 hours instead of practising drawing :( i wanna table at a con this year....#but is there even time.....#ANYWAY this is somewhat relevant bc in an effort to be less hard on myself mayhaps i will try draw more oc things so i dont feel pressure#(self imposed)#to make it perfect kjskjkd#or at least not as much#and hopefully get over my brain's tendency to Compare Everything#i have like 3 vague sets of ocs (one less vague than the others ive posted one of the characters from that on my main art blog before sjdks#these two are from the next less vague set there is a plot premise and some side characters too. shdks#i thought abt them a couple months ago but then i watched strictly ballroom w sophie n i was reminded of them again#anyway im not good at coming up w fully fleshed out stories i just like to doodle ppl n think of random connected scenarios sometimes sdjk#i did a mini free online life drawing course in the break n i tried to apply what i learnt here.... i will keep practising when i can.....#well. if u read all the way to the end. hello :) KJASKA#im going to shower....
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mackmp3 · 1 year
learning breed by nirvana cos i worked up the nerve and asked one of the cool metal guys if their band needs someone else and he said he'd ask. breed is actually so cool and not to hard either so yay
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chvrrycola · 3 months
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word count | 4.3k
warnings | food mentions in johnny, doyoung, jaehyun, xiaojun's
now playing . . . marigold by aimyon
AN // this is only ot20 because i still know nothing about nct wish, and apologies if they're similar 20 is still a lot to write 😭
nct masterlist
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ᡣ𐭩 moon taeil
i think taeil would have had a somewhat turbulent experience with school when he was younger
but honestly now that he was able to study what he wanted and sit with who he wanted it was different
like he’d really love school and the relative freedom he had now
it’s just a shame that school didn’t love him so much
he’s not a bad student by any means
he’d be really driven and would know when to put his head down and just try and get through all the practise problems he’d been given
but then he’d compare them to the mark scheme and realise that he had only gotten 2 out of the 20 he had spent the afternoon on
so he decided to get some help
and he goes to his trusty best friend (you) for a hand
unfortunately you’re in the same boat
and had been just about to pick up the phone and call him when you got his text
but it turns out that the 3 you got were different from the 2 he got right
so you start with that
him explaining his answers and you talking him through yours
and a few epiphanies start to come here and there
and in the end you’re leaving the library with a total of 7 correct answers between you and the promise of meeting back there tomorrow
determined to reach double digits at the very least
ᡣ𐭩 johnny suh
yknow those people who are just the best for stressful situations
yeah johnny is one of them
like he’s always super calm and level-headed whenever you’re going mad about deadlines and midterms and whatever other drama is happening on campus
but he never allows himself to make it seem like you’re overreacting
he makes it very clear that he is, in fact, underreacting
and then reminds you that you know what you’re doing and you’re def gonna ace whatever test you’ve got that day
offering to do whatever he can to ease your workload
from ordering you coffee to your apartment
to quizzing you on your content
to picking up your laundry from the cleaners because your todo list is a mile long
and even though he’s pretty popular and sociable in general
he’d always make the time to help you out if you needed it
despite the fact that his calming energy is in high demand during exam season
he can just fit everybody else around your schedule
cos you’re his no.1 priority <3
ᡣ𐭩 lee taeyong
taeyong is
without a doubt
the best seat mate you could ever ask for
and classmate in general
or just friend in general let’s be real
especially for classes you don’t like or ones where the teacher is really frustrating
like he would be getting up extra early to buy your coffee from the place you like on the other side of town just to bring it to you
and giving you updates on all his fish whenever the lecture got boring
and studying with you whenever and wherever
(plus letting you fall asleep on his shoulder when you eventually got on the bus back home)
and no matter how many times you asked him how you could repay him he would always just brush it off
saying that making you smile was enough to get him through the hours upon hours of required classes
but your friendship is pretty symbiotic
like you guys always split your topics so you can do practise essays and study guides individually and then share them
and you’re always the first pair to finish every single shared project because you just fit right into each other’s lives like clockwork
ᡣ𐭩 nakamoto yuta
he’d be so popular, everybody knows him
cos he’s just friendly and helpful and flirty with everybody
like you two would be walking down the corridor and he’d see one of your professors struggling to open the door to her office with all her files in hand
so he’d rush over, insisting on taking the files in and putting them down on her desk
and you could’ve sworn you saw him winking as he was telling her that there was no need to thank him 
it wasn’t like he was tryna chat her up though
he was just like that with everybody
but it meant a lot of people (your own age) had the fattest crushes on him
and it wasn’t like he was hiding from them either
you’d see him on the football pitches as you were walking to class each morning
always with a small crowd of adoring fans trying to hide that they were watching him warm up
even though they’d all start whispering any time he ran over to the path as he saw you passing
taking your hand to squeeze it as he wished you a good day
he never realised what he was doing though
or how many people were watching
he’d definitely enjoy it once you pointed it out to him though
starting to stroke your hair or kiss you on the cheek
not knowing whose reaction he savoured more
whether it was the gasps of the girls hiding their faces in their books 
or your scoffing and spluttering as he pulled you into another sweaty hug
ᡣ𐭩 qian kun
v intimidating at first
i mean he had such a studious aura and he seemed to smart and no-nonsense
so when your friend beckoned you over to sit next to her
in a seat that also happened to be right next to kun
you were very nervous that he’d secretly be getting really sick of your whispers
but you didn’t get so much as a side eye
in fact, when you were talking to your friend about whether she got the last point on the slide
he tapped you on the shoulder, apologising for intruding as he showed you his notes
and omg was it helpful knowing you could rely on him whenever
cos he was actually really nice and generous and had absolutely no problem with giving you and your friend a hand
so naturally you guys start sitting together more often
and then he starts spending evenings with you guys as well
which nobody has a problem with cos he’s a really good cook too ??
and it practically becomes ritual for everybody to gather in your tiny apartment on a friday for a huge debrief
and kun always sits down on your left
just like he was when you first met :)
ᡣ𐭩 kim doyoung
takes a while for you to get to know him cos he mainly hangs out with the same people
but then after a while a mutual friend mentions that doyoung is like really good at the class you’ve been bombing 
so you ask him to pass your number on and try to see if he’d be okay with helping you out
and then you meet up with him in a cafe one weekend and he’s like super nice? and funny??
and also really chill about helping you like doesn’t even ask for anything in return
but when you recommend you meet up in a cafe once a week which you’ll pay for he’s not gonna say no
the first time he does ask for the most expensive thing on the menu
which wasn’t even nice and you could see he was grimacing after every sip
so he abandons that joke immediately and just sticks with the simple stuff
meanwhile you’re grades are soaring
like never been this high in your life, what is this sorcery kinda thing
and then at the end of the semester you’re picking your next classes and you text him
and find out you won’t be doing any of the same ones?? :( 
but he tells you you should still text him anytime 
and he’d be happy to take you to a cafe one time when you can order the most extravagant thing they have to offer
ᡣ𐭩 ten lee
always passing notes
like just constantly writes little messages and distributes them to half the people in your class
cos he’s just naturally everybody’s best friend from day one somehow
but he always thinks he’s super smooth with it and the teachers have no idea
which they do but they let him off cos he gets the work done
what they don’t know is that it’s really you who’s getting the work done
and his only contribution is the early mornings when he arrives in the library to find you waiting at the table you always sit at
your notebook already open to the homework that he had a week to complete but still slipped his mind
and he puts his head down and expertly rewords all of your carefully thought out answers
you know you probably shouldn’t help him cheat but how can you say no to him
and he promises he’ll start working on the next assignment as soon as it’s given
ᡣ𐭩 jung jaehyun
okay so maybe you had been a little bit obsessed with jaehyun since your first class with him
cos he sat next to you and was all smiley and friendly from the get go
and you spent the entire lecture trying to think of something witty to say that would win him over 
and he’d go ‘hahaha y/n you’re the best we should get married’
or something like that at least
even though you hadn’t even told him your name yet
and you also couldn’t pluck up the courage to say anything before the lecture was over
and then next thing you knew he was getting up from his seat :”(
but then it came to your attention that he needed a biology tutor
which could’ve been more convenient since you barely knew anything about biology
but you were willing to put in the hours
cramming before you were supposed to be talking him through concepts
he didn’t seem entirely convinced by your credentials
but he did think it was cute of you
and he suggested that maybe the next time you meet up you do so over a coffee rather than over a diagram of a dead frog
ᡣ𐭩 dong sicheng
your biggest hype man for real
buys you cakes and presents whenever you do a test, no matter whether your results were good or bad
cos you got through it and that’s what matters
loves sitting next to you in class 
mostly so that he can give you a high five each time you make a contribution
and play pictionary with you when your lecture gets boring 
he’s good at pictionary though so it works
but then you have to both try to not get too excited when you get the answer because you don’t want to attract attention
he also takes your movie nights extremely seriously
if he turns up at your house on a friday night and you’ve still got your study stuff out
there’s genuinely quite a high risk that he’s gonna throw them in the trash
movie nights are a sacred time to relax and forget about your academic woes
even now that you’ve watched everything on netflix that’s even remotely good and your stuck on predictable thrillers and nauseating romcoms
they all seem alright when you have sicheng’s head resting on your shoulder anyway
ᡣ𐭩 kim jungwoo
not the most focused in class let’s say
don’t get me wrong he always understands everything and is completely up to date even with the optional readings and stuff that nobody else ever bothers with
but in class he just has better things to do
it’s probably something to do with the fact that the two of you live on opposite sides of the campus and don’t get to hang out that much
but from the second you walk in the lecture theatre jungwoo is dragging you to the back of the hall, gossip already tumbling from his lips
like he will not stop
you never figure out where he gets all his intel, or how he remembers the names of all the people who are involved in these stories
cos every time he tells you you always end up getting the sister of the girlfriend and the ex of the boyfriend’s best friend’s brother mixed up
but he patiently goes back to the beginning and establishes who will become central characters in these soap-style stories 
because he insists this is all absolutely need-to-know stuff
after a while you tell him that you’re gonna have to start studying together because how does he always get As while you’re scraping Cs because you can never pay attention in class
but those study sessions always just end up descending into incessant gossip too
but at least he can now explain it all to you when you’re not in class, so you finally get the chance to actually listen to your professors
ᡣ𐭩 mark lee
you never thought that sitting with mark would bother you
you guys had been friends since your first week
if anything it was more surprising that you had gone that long without having sat next to him before
and he was pretty much an ideal seatmate
except for his incessant habit of asking questions about every slide
whispering them all to you under his breath as if you have any idea why mint makes your mouth cold
or whether flies get annoyed by the sound of their own buzzing
occasionally he catches your teacher’s attention and she asks him to share what was so important with that class
which leads to him sheepishly announcing that he was just curious about whether pythagoras was married
which he obviously struggles to live down
especially after one of your classmates ((haechan)) suggested this curiosity was somehow related to his own unrequited love for a certain ancient greek mathematician
and even though you knew it was mean,, you sorta hoped the embarrassment would encourage him to keep his questions to himself
but apparently nothing could keep him from asking his burning question about whether bats have the capacity to love
ᡣ𐭩 xiaojun
xiaojun is the best for the classes you have together
but he’s honestly even better when you don’t have the same schedule
because it allows him to spend the hour running around campus putting together a nice lunch for you so you don’t forget to eat
you obviously try to do as much as you can for him as well
both because you want to make his college experience as easy as possible too
but also because you’re determined to never let him feel unappreciated
cos he always just goes so out of his way to keep you happy and stress-free 
(or as much as is within his power)
like he literally just exists a step ahead of you
he took a photo of your timetable the day you got it
so now he knows when you need to wake up each day 
and he calls you whenever it gets to 8:50 and you still haven’t texted him
which you never thank him for in the moment but you rly appreciate in the long run ofc
he also checks the exam schedules for both his classes and yours
which he doesn’t tell you about
and you only learn he had done it when you see him waiting outside the exam hall before one of your finals
even though it’s 9am
and it’s december
you can literally see his breath as he waves at you from the bench where he had been waiting for god knows how long
ᡣ𐭩 hendery
your friends all initially offered you their sympathy when your teacher told you to go and sit next to hendery
not because he was mean or had a bad reputation or anything
but he was quiet
like doesn’t say a word in lessons, even when you’re told to discuss concepts
and you were grateful for their consideration
because even in that one hour long lesson you had felt the silence thick between you
it didn’t take you too long to get used to it, and you felt yourself adapting to a more solitary learning style, which was no bad thing
but then one day, you’re just sitting trying not to zone out as you get talked through the same exact topic you’ve all understood for weeks
and you hear shuffling beside you as hendery leans over, before quietly saying ‘someone call the explanation police, this guy’s a shoo-in for their new recruit’
safe to say you’re pretty shocked
unsure whether you should lead with your shock at his finally speaking to you after weeks of silence
or with a critique of that awful ‘joke’
so you just stare at him silently, watching as he starts trying to suppress a chuckle 
‘okay maybe that wasn’t the best way to break the ice, but y’know, always good to set the bar low’
you didn’t mean to embarrass him, and as he started turning away to look back at his notes, you decided to show a little solidarity
‘someone call the joke police, cos you are one’
he stopped awkwardly avoiding your gaze then, but the second your eyes met you both had to look away to stop yourselves from laughing out loud
ᡣ𐭩 huang renjun 
it was always impossible to miss renjun coming into the room
because it always disrupted your classes
your professor would have just gotten started with the lecture 
and then the door would burst open unceremoniously 
with renjun standing panting behind it
everybody knew he wasn’t doing it to cause trouble
and the closer you guys got the more surprised you were by his lack of punctuality
because he was always so on it with everything else
he was basically always the first in your class to submit assignments
and everything from the way he folded his clothes to his love of minimalist architecture gave the impression that he was distinctly on his shit
but for whatever reason he was just allergic to getting to class on time
to be honest though,, 
you wouldn’t be mad at your teachers if they had been hoping he wouldn’t show up
cos it would’ve made their jobs a lot easier
renjun was not the type to allow any new ideas to enter his brain unquestioned
and he’d be sat next to you
quietly tutting and shaking his head as he took notes
forcing you to hold in your laughter as he murmured to himself
‘i just don’t know if i buy it’
ᡣ𐭩 lee jeno
you first sat down next to jeno on your first day cos he looked kinda smart
i mean he was wearing glasses and everybody knows glasses = smart no ??
so you assumed you could maybe get off a little easy with how much you had to do
but that plan failed
first of all,, it seems that glasses do not give you any real upper hand in terms of smarts
and you and jeno were basically flying blind together throughout all your lectures
also, speaking of blind
jeno also had the amazing ability of forgetting his glasses almost every. single. day.
so not only did you not understand anything
you had to spend all your time leant over towards him, reading out everything written on each slide
everything your lecturers wrote up onto the blackboard
he always felt pretty guilty about it
but apparently never enough to put in the extra effort to actually remember to bring his glasses to class
ᡣ𐭩 lee donghyuck
textbook class clown (!!)
like this man is always looking for a punchline 
and he wants everyone to know he’s told a joke whenever he does
so he’s like looking around the room trying to see if anyone heard and is laughing
but then he assumes it was too quiet cos everyone’s just focused on the class?
so he keeps delivering oneliners that make less and less sense and are just getting louder
because isn’t it so crazy that nobody can hear him??
and the people in the seats around him are all just trying to hold their laughter because this is like a performance at this point
and of course you’re the first one to crack
but you think you should’ve allowed yourself to laugh sooner because he looks so happy when you finally do
and he decides then and there that you guys are gonna be besties now
which you didn’t realise was the deal but no complaints
ᡣ𐭩 na jaemin
you were pleased when jaemin came and sat down next to you in your first lecture of the new school year
you had had a few classes with him before and he always kept things interesting
making jokes and asking deliberately obscure questions in an attempt to drain lesson time on things that everybody knew wouldn’t be coming up on your finals
you hadn’t realised that his easy-going attitude was so incompatible with complicated classes though
as soon as the content started getting trickier jaemin’s continuous stream of jokes began to become a less than welcome distraction
you felt bad about telling him to be quiet
because you did really appreciate his effort to make the classes more engaging for both of you
but you eventually needed to focus so much that you had to get him to stop
and while he mock-sulked for the rest of that lecture
the arm that he swung over your shoulder as you left and went to get lunch assured you that there were absolutely no hard feelings
but his jokeless silence in lessons lasted a lot longer than you had anticipated
it was only when your teacher was talking you through how different minerals could be used as fertiliser that he cracked
‘fertiliser...? i hardly know her’
ᡣ𐭩 yangyang
yangyang is definitely,,, 
hard to miss
whether it’s the whispered conversations that always seem to carry from whichever corner of the lecture theatre he’s sitting in
or the raucous laughter that bursts through the silence of your cohort at random intervals
he never allows his presence to remain unknown for longer than a day after the semester begins
all that being said, you had never actually met the man
until the fateful day when you woke up late and had to find a seat near the back 
which you didn’t mind too much, and naturally just proceeded to make your notes as you always did
and you were just skimming the notes you had made while doing the readings to consolidate a concept 
when a precisely made paper aeroplane sailed through the air and crashed right into the nape of your neck
the immediate gasp from behind you was easy to recognise given your experience of yangyang’s voice interrupting your lessons
but honestly,,, you hadn’t expected him to be so apologetic
like full on getting out of his seat and going to the end of the row just to shuffle past all the people sitting alongside you
until he eventually reached the seat next to yours where he spent the remaining 20 minutes of the lecture telling you he felt rly bad and he hadn’t expected it to actually hit somebody
and he was being so kind that you didn’t have the heart to tell him that his repeated apologies were far more distracting than the plane itself had been
but you still allowed him to buy you a coffee once the lecture was over
just because you knew he felt bad though,, definitely no other reason 👀
ᡣ𐭩 zhong chenle
already besties fr
like y’all pick the classes that work for the both of you cos it’s always more engaging with the other around
and you can split your workload + be together for projects + all that good stuff
but mayhaps you were a wee bit too loud the last time you had professor yoo
cos the second you get into her class for the new semester she’s politely suggesting that you might prefer to sit with new people this time around
and aside from muttering about her under his breath chenle is pretty compliant
so you guys sit on opposite sides of the class
him slumping into one of the back seats by the window
so he can wistfully stare into the courtyard and think about all the hilarious jokes he’d be telling you if your professor wasn’t so boring smh
but after a week and too many coffee shop rants for you to remember he finally figures out what to do
and the next time you’re in that class
actually getting work done for once but chenle doesn’t need to know that
you keep getting that one notification sound that is only for airdrops
so you check your phone and lo and behold,, it’s a screenshot of a note chenle has clearly just written
which you barely even have the chance to read before a new one pings onto your phone
and before you know it you’re getting a running commentary sent to you
which he admittedly could’ve done way more subtly 
considering he’s so pleased with half of his jokes he starts laughing before he’s even sent them
and it’s not like there’s any mistaking which corner of the room the laughter is coming from
ᡣ𐭩 park jisung
okay no bc he’s so sweet
like he’d be the best classmate
always follows your lead in lessons and stuff
like lets you put your head down and work when you’re trying to focus
but also makes you laugh and will lean over to explain stuff if you’re not getting it straight away
not that he finds the classes the easiest himself
but he just wants to make school the littlest bit less painful for you if he can :”)
i feel like his handwriting is rly messy most of the time?
but if you look through his notes you can see which days you were sick and had to miss class
because suddenly his handwriting is perfect and all the information is arranged really neatly and coherently
because he doesn’t want you to stress out about missing content so he always makes his notes super easy to understand so you can go through them and get yourself up to date as soon as you’re feeling better
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lollytea · 1 year
Love the idea that the feral, hormonal Willow post and the dress measurements post take place simultaneously, so you have this teenage girl holding onto her restraint by the skin of her teeth and then suddenly getting a text from her boyfriend with his measurements because??? what???does she do with this??? Is he making a move?? Is something happening here?? It’s probably too forward to send her own, right?? Should she just go for it or gather intel from her friends first?? meanwhile Hunter is just like “I’m gonna make Willow such a pretty dress :D”
YES!! That is exactly what's going on here. I have this vision of how Willow and Hunter's romantic relationship started off. Things moved quite slow, because Hunter got overwhelmed very easily and Willow liked him so much and didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable in what should be a safe space. It's very new and neither of them really know how to approach romance immediately, but one of them desperately wants to practise and one of them needs more time to ease into it.
Willow is always watching Hunter with sharp eyes, intently reading his body language, waiting for any kind of signal that he'd like to do a little more than hold her hand. It's usually Willow that initiates the less nerve wracking stuff like hugs and hand holding and casual affection, but she let Hunter kiss her first. She's very proud of herself for noticing the way he glanced at her mouth or she wouldn't have asked "do you want to kiss me?" and then he wouldn't have done it. Whenever Hunter initiates something, Willow knows he wants this. She knows they're making progress.
Once during a group movie night, he fell asleep resting against her side and she laid in that uncomfortable position all fucking night. He eventually started sleep snuggling her and she she was fucking EXHILERATED. This is what she's been starving for.
A headcanon that I hold so near and dear to my heart is that Willow is secretly batshit insane. Totally bonkers. Off the fucking rails. Yknow just in general. And Hunter definitely makes the crazy flare up. But she's always been good at hiding it so nobody suspects a thing.
Hunter is not very good at articulating how he feels about Willow but he's desperate to express it in any way that he can. So he's always doing nice things for her. And making her laugh. And supporting her in any way that he can. And surprising her with little gifts that he made.
Willow also isn't all that good at articulating how she feels about Hunter. "You're cute" and "You mean a lot to me <3" and other casual flirty lines are used a lot but she's not quite covering the extent of emotions. She feels a lot more intensely than that. She can't really put it all into words. All these feelings give her the unbearable urge to start gnawing on his flesh like a fucking damn griffin drumstick.
The texts make her wanna act up somethin fierce
Hello_willow: what are these?
RULERZREACHF4N: My hip, waist and bust size <3
Willow at her fucking LIMIT:
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What does that MEAN?? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? Is this flirting? Maybe Hunter's idea of a scandalous text?? She knows from whispers in the hallways that sometimes significant others send pics when they wanna get bold. Like shirtless pics. She has been hoping every damn day that one day her scroll is gonna buzz and its her shy boyfriend, deciding that he likes the way his chest looks today and he wants to show it off to her. But it can never be that simple, can it? NO. Her fucking tailor of a boyfriend it trying to speak to her in tailor language and she can NOT fucking fumble him right now because there's a chance that if she gets this right, she might get to put her hands on the areas that he has given her the measurements of.
Hello_willow: Oh
Is she supposed to compliment him on his beautiful measurements? His broad chest? His slim waist? Should she say that she'd have no problems wrapping her arms around him? That he is the perfect size for squeezing? That she wants to come over and see for herself if he's being honest? Is that what he wants to hear?
RULERZREACHF4N: Is there something you want to tell me? :)
Willow panics, suddenly feeling the pressure to answer quick. What does he want?? WHAT DOES HE WANT????
She quickly decides that she CANNOT be bold here. Because all of the things she wants to say are shockingly indecent.
That's when she realizes. It's Hunter. Hunter, who told her yesterday that he used to be scared of the dark when he was little. Hunter, who might be trying, in his own weird Hunter way, to be a little more vulnerable. Give her more personal details about himself, so she knows that he trusts her and feels safe with her. Like when a beast rolls over on its belly.
A little of Willow's tension melts away. He's very sweet. She likes him an awful lot.
Not knowing how to proceed, Willow awkwardly tries to let him know that she appreciates him telling her things that he thinks are important.
Hello_willow: thank you
Feeling a little unsure, she adds a question mark at the end. And then, upon getting a few seconds of silence on the other end, she panics again and hurriedly types another message. A little more upfront this time.
Hello_willow: I love learning new things about you Hun. You have very elegant measurements <3
Another twenty seconds pass.
RULERZREACHF4N: Thanks. You're sweet <3
RULERZREACHF4N: Can I have your Dad's number?
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thegamingcatmom · 2 months
Do you think that instead of using ‘Denali’ as their surname the sisters would instead use the Russian patronym (or in this case matronym) ‘Alexandrovna’ for their mother Sasha who I assume was born with the name Alexandra and just went by her nickname instead of her full name. I don’t know if you’d agree, but in my head I always think of them as the Alexandrovna sisters, instead of the more canon way to refer to the trio by their coven name.
Okay, OKAY-
So, I've been meaning to answer another ask first because I just need to get that outta my system because the hype is REAL, BUT-
I just had to get to yours first because yes, yes, YES to ALL of what you said, I-
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In fact, I've read something like that only recently. Like, Stephenie Meyer changing the Denalis' origin story over and over to the point she probs didn't quite know wtf was even going on anymore. Go figure-
Anyhow, it said something about the Denalis mayhaps originating from Russia instead of Slovakia? Or, well, some of their names do. I've read that "Sasha" is of russian origin and a gender-neutral form of "Alexandra". Or the nickname, like you said.
Same with Tanya, which is also of russian origin. I think that´s quite fitting, given that she´s the only daughter actually related to Sasha.
Look, they´ll always be The Denalis to me, originating from Slovakia. It´s just how we (well, I) got to know them. HOWEVER-
I just can´t unsee this now. The idea that they would call themselves "Alexandrovna" aka "Daughter of Alexandra" is just so perfect. It just makes sense, yknow? (Ofc yk, you sent me that ask, after all.)
I love all of this, especially considering I´ve been struggling with that name-topic ever since I started writing bits about Sasha as well. Technically, when I´m including Sasha in my writing, none of them are Denalis yet because the Denalis only became the Denalis because they settled in Denali, which is something that didn´t happen yet whenever I imagine Sasha with them. Sooo-
RIGHT, here´s what´s going to happen:
Whenever we´re talking about the sisters before Denali, they shall be the Alexandrovna sisters. I will put that in the tags as well.
Otherwise, they´ll remain the Denali sisters (but I´ll probs have them use "Alexandrovna" as a middle name because it just makes so much sense).
Sasha is just...Sasha, for now, because we don´t know her father´s name. So we can´t do the same for her as we did for the sisters just now. Perhaps I´ll come up with something, we´ll see. 😏
(How about Ivan, though? Alexandra (Sasha) Ivanovna. I think it´s got quite a nice ring to it. 🤭)
For anyone confused af rn:
To this day, it is common practise in Russia to use a patronymic name as part of a person´s full name. Patronymic means using the father´s first name to form a person´s middle name, so to speak. We also differentiate between women and men here:
women: ending with ovna
men: ending with ovich
So, if we´re using "Alexandra" (aka Sasha) to form the middle name while keeping Denali as a last name, then we got:
Tanya Alexandrovna Denali
It´s not standard to use a matronym (mother´s first name) instead of a patronym, but it´s also not unheard of, so we´ll still go with it.
All in all, I think it´s quite a nice way to differentiate between the sisters with and without Sasha. I always imagine they´d be entirely different people if their mother was still with them, so it´s only fitting we treat them as such, in a way. Starting with their names. 🤭
Thank you so much for that truly inspiring ask! 💡🫶💋
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tresradiossolis · 1 year
I love shipping. I wanted to just jot down some quick things that might be useful to know when writing with me and shipping ever enters your mind.
[I'll be talking about romantic shipping here, I love platonic stuff and pm Anything goes there you can absolutely do platonic stuff with me go nuts.]
I do not ship robots with humans, it just ain't my thing. My human AUs are Very present on this blog though, so things can always be arranged...
I am multiship! ANYBODY can ship with me, I'm not exclusive with anybody. You got a multimuse and you wanna ship 2 characters with the same muse? We'll AU that shit no sweat!
I do not do polyam-ships with more than 1 blog, not because I have an issue with it, but I've just had a bit too many bad experiences where the communication between muns was poor and people ended up feeling left out, myself included.
ALL my muses are shippable, as all my muses are of age or. yknow. robots. I am however slightly hesitant to ship bot!Elio with just Anybody, as while she is a bot, yes, she is very childlike and vulnerable, and if you're going to ship with sol, I'd prefer a... Size-similarity, as well as Very good communication with the other bot he'd be shipped with. Don't be creepy or weird, please.
Bot!Asterope is Very flirty, and will most likely flirt with your bots a Lot. This is NOT me consenting to a ship, nor is it me Pressuring you to ship with me. Asterope is just Like That, he is very lonely, and Fazbear Entertainment has crammed him full of knowledge of various plays, dramas and musicals. If you've seen Wall-E, you know what this does to a robot.
Human!Sunny is gay. Self-explanatory, you wanna kissu you gotta be a boy.
I am open to suggestive roleplays, but I don't think I'll end up writing anything explicit on here. Not because I want to keep this kid-friendly, considering putting up an "18+" on the blog honestly... But 1: Most other blogs don't seem to be down with it and that's okay, I don't want them to feel like they have to dodge my threads, 2: I am not always in the mood honestly, I am ace and my desire to write smut is very up and down tbh, and 3: I have performance anxiety LMFAO, and tbh it might take a good while before I even feel comfortable writing it unless we Really vibe. I don't need all of Tumblr to see my stuff... But yeah I'm down for suggestive stuff, just DM me or get my discord for more-
I love toxic shit. We are all adults (if I put up that 18+ thing-) and we understand the difference between reality and fiction. If you wanna write dark or unhealthy relationships with me, then that's totally fine. We might just have to arrange a few tags to make sure everyone on dash feel safe.
Get my consent. Pretty self-explanatory. Don't push a ship onto me without making sure I'm open to it, and don't keep going when I'm telling you you're going too far. Just... Practise respect.
I do not see my Suns as related to any other Daycare Attendant. First of all, they are robots, and if they meet anybody Else, I consider them having been made Separately. The trio is like a little family (which is why I don't want to ship 2-3 of them with the same person in the same universe). Don't assume relationships with them, they've been through their own lives and have their own relationships. Also don't assume that if I ship with a Daycare Attendant that there's some kind of familial relation between them, because there isn't. I will adjust universes for our interactions, placing them in different pizzerias/plexes if needed, we'll figure it out together.
The human!Suns are not related to your human!Daycare Attendant, unless we Really vibe with that angle and we've plotted it out extensively. Aster, Sunny and Elio are stand-alone characters with their own lives and backstories, just like their bot-versions.
With all that said, come at me let's write a romance <3
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jackassrabbot · 1 year
Do you have any suggestions for good wands? I’m located in ding dong dell
oh wow actual magic question well. wands and staves are still pretty hard to come by, especially higher quality ones. most of the time when you see someone about with a wand its something that survived shadar, family heirloom typa thing, like mine was stashed away for YEARS before i started practising.
the thing about wands is on their own yknow. just a stick innit. what a wand does is create a channel for your magic, you could give the pure hearted one's wand to anybody but if they dont have the magic in them to back it up it wont do em any more good than one of those new productions. and at the same time a person could have a TON of innate power and be held back by their wand not being to control it all effectively. theyre kinda like. knives. you need a knife to cook but give a professional a cheap knife and sure itll do but those veggies will not be chopped as good as they could be. give a home cook a proper chefs knife and sure its nice and fancy but thems snow radishes look the same as they wouldve with the basic one, yget me?
so. for the actual suggestion part. i kinda dont have one. you gotta just look around, try out any wand you find, dont shy away from the new builds! a wand doesnt have to be centuries old and cost your body weight in guil to do what its gotta do! when you find the one that fits your magic right, you'll know it
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pinkseas · 1 year
[parasocial bestie] I HAVE TO BE FRFRFR WITH U IT TAKES JUST AS MUCH PRACTISE. AS WRITING I THINK. altho with my current experience in Writing thats not walls of texts of Ramble and Self Indulgence i be thinking writers wud have it harder esp vocabulary.... like man how u words how do u get the pacing right YOU DID GOT IT SO RIGHT HAVE U ANY IDEA REREADING UR TWO SILLY FICS + VIOLENCE FIC STILL GETS ME IN TEARS or i am just that of a sucker to specific emotions in general SKDFJHSDKJFH LIKE IDKKKKK like holy facken shit it took u a decade and my first attempt at just Writing even 500 words it felt like forever...... turns out intense eyeballing on chunks of words in great fics do not work like i do to improve in art nods nods [takes notes] yes that is my only way of even Understanding how art works LMAO
"words of someone who would KILL to be able to accomplish this tone and such in So Many Fewer Words but who does Not Know How To Do That so ten hundred billion words it is" HAHRGKADFKSDJH I WONT STOP UUUU ALTHO ITS A BIG BEEG STRETCH I WILL ALWAYS SUPPORT YEW WITH MY LITTOL ANON HANDS SHIELD U WITH MY COOL ANON SHADES....... in these cases u shud not stop someone from burnout by blocking da way u shud JOIN THEM AND PUSH ON TOGETER AND DAS A MOTTO
NO BUT THAT SILLY GENUINELY MAKES ME A LIL SILLY A LIL UEUEUEUEUEUE i didnt expect that extra comment like srsly cus like UHUHUHUHU IM GLAD U THINK THAT WAY and i honestly think its either a natural response to me or not cus me with my own circle of close friends we'd always support each other in ways it's on equal respect depending on what need to be treated like yknow?? altho by default we're all nice to the other its always a main thing not to let another person's slip ups slide, bad moments carry them away or get our egos inflate so hard so that sort of morals we had tgt kinda ingrained on me to treat any other person like dat like its normal... im nawt gonna lie to u i used to be Way more insensitive and impulsive before and our exchanges coulda been wildly different if it werent for my own besties and it helps me gather!! more besties out of my safe space!!! LIKE YEAHGHHHHAHHHH KDSJFHSDKJH AND IT GOT ME TO U!! AND I WANNA BE GENUINELY NICE AND SUPPORTIVE TO U WHEN I CAN EVEN BEHIND THESE LIL ANON SHADES!!!!!!!!!!! cus its always been. a normal human thing 2 do. like yknow. and i am not gonna keep contradicting myself when dats something id want to influence on my stories and silly lil brainrots too anyways i also got a lil silly but idc ilysm <333333333333333 AND U DESERVE ALL DA KINDNESS FROM ME AND ALL UR BESTIES TOO :muscle_arm: x2743573495 cus i am sending this ask thru pc sob
vocabulary 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿 my bestest friend my worstest enemy im so srs it is Everything to me and also i cannot stand it. horrible. awful. beautiful. perfect.
YOU CANT JSUT TELL ME YOU RTEREAD THEM ILL FUKINGCCG EXPLODE OH MY GODFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD i need to write violence fic part 2 and maybe even a part 3 where its not the same little world and the violence is scaramouche himself hunting dottore down ohhhhh that'd be so lovely but also i dont think im good enough or creative enough with gore to do that thought justice im gonna be SO fr. YOU CANT JUST SAY THEY GET YOU IN TEARS I WILL FUKCVINFG EXPLOFDE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dies. dies. dies. anyways. i will never forget being like 11 or 12 years old and roleplaying warriors cats on my kindle <- genuinely my introduction to writing for fun outside of just school stuff. i wrote for YEARS and then i all but stopped writing for Also Years to the point where i genuinely thought i just. couldnt do it anymore. gone. i barely managed anything no matter what i tried and i got sooo frustrated and also just didnt really enjoy it? but thats bc my mental health was fucking horrific and the better i started doing the more i started really writing who would've thought LMAO no bc like 2?? years ago ??????? id basically given up !!!!!!! and then there were a couple tiny fics and then photosynthesis and i was like oh. i Can still write and i Do still have so much fun with it. and now i am unstoppable amen
writing is weird bc reading fics CAN help but i think reading books helps better? and its this constant state of like. ive heard with art that tracing genuinely helps, ofc you cant claim it for your own or anything but there's that sort of muscle memory and learned proportions and the practice of doing the same thing over and over again i think is a good thing? i think ??????? and in writing you rly cant copy anyone word for word and get anything out of it, it doesnt teach you anything it doesnt get you any further there's no sort of muscle memory connected with it. but what ive done a lot is looked at writing i rly loved and been like. okay so if i wanted to do this how would i accomplish it? i cant guess other writers thought processes but i can figure out how id reach a similar end goal ig ?? and in my own writing if im failing to accomplish what i want its a matter of ok, what DO i want, what if i change pov, what if i change the setting, what if i change the circumstance, etc etc which i think you could probably do the same thing in art if smth felt off or wasnt looking right ?? maybe ??? idk at this point my writing is a massive patchwork quilt of countless other authors and fic writers and a surprising amount of my own experience and ive noticed a lot of repeating elements in my own writing whether fics or original content and i dont really know How i got here but here i am. and ON TOP OF THAT actually seeing fanart ALSO helps my writing because ill see an expression or design or setting or anything that i really love and immediately start thinking of how to describe it in words yknow ???
im literally rambling so much today this is so fucking awful. awful day for the pinkseas community or at least pinkseas herself god help me
JOIN THEM AND PUSH ON TOGETHER............ UR LITTLE ANON SHADES............................. crying shaking sobbing bawling ily so fucking bad :((((((((((((( /pos we r pushign forward Togehter...
my rly close friends and i are the same way its SO so so lovely, having that constant respect and support and helping each other grow and learn its soooo. dsfmgndfmgfd. and trust me i also used to be a lot more insensitive and impulsive than i am now but ive learned sm and my own friends have helped sm and !!!!! we are soooooooo handshake emoji rn 10 million handshakes for us
UR SENDING IT ON PC AND IM ANSWERING ON PC </33333333 no bc organizing my thoughts on my phone is the worst ever but on my pc i dont have a bunch of heart emojis to spam at my fingertips its so sad....... sometimes when i rly wanna include them ill save as a draft and just put the emojis in and post it on my phone LMAO
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0ystercatcher · 1 year
Thank you for answering my question.
The issue of abortion is complicated for me as a woman. Personally I believe that abortion is immoral and that some methods of abortion are even barbaric. I understand at the same time that most women who abort are simply not fit or prepared for the realities of pregnancy, birth and child rearing. I don’t know whether abortion bans are the way to go because the whole culture around sex has become so much lax. I also find it revolting how not nearly enough responsibility is placed onto men when it comes to contraception. Ultimately some of our humanity is shed away when we don’t at the very least acknowledge that foetuses are in fact human lives that ought to have an intrinsic worth. Ideally, men would be held more to account around contraception, we women would practise discernment about the quality of men we invite into bed, rapists would be decapitated, and medical screenings for foetus health are improved so that abnormalities can be detected as early as possible.
i really disagree w you on perhaps the most important part of this message lol. abortion is not immoral in and of itself honestly, its a very morally neutral act. aborting also has very little to do with acknowledging fetuses have intrinsic worth or not, considering plenty of women who would fervently argue for that point still have abortions. it has nothing to do with ones humanity either. it is one of many tools women use to control our reproduction. thats literally it. women who have children do it, women who want children do it, women who dont want children do it, women can regret it and women can badly wish theyd had one.
what do you mean by "some of our humanity" anyways. our souls? our intrinsic worth? how do you earn or lose that? do you gain intrinsic value at conception or at the 20 week mark? at birth? does it only take an acknowledgment of humanity? i dont think anyone is in denial human fetuses are in fact human. nobodys talking about dog or cow abortions yknow.
ultimately, realistically, fetuses do not have any intrinsic value until someone (consciously or unconsciously) confers it to them. that is how value or worth Works. and since women are the ones gestating and growing the fetus they are the final arbiters of what they do wrt to that decision. social and economic and cultural context shape the decision and the conditions around it ofc, but when the choice is there, its individual women who ultimately take the final step and make it.
and yeah sure, the culture around sex is harmful to women (the laxness of it is only the current iteration of that reality, but the fundamental aspects have not significantly changed and tbh we were not better off in the more conservative era of it), men should share more of the reproductive burden, we should be careful abt who we partner with, etc etc. but i do not think abortion is a terrible burden we have to shoulder to ease this. abortion is one of many possible (hopefully) available solutions women should have to control their reproduction. nothing else. its really nothing special.
it should be available now, when these problems you mention are harming us, and it should be available in the future, when hopefully we do away with them. bc its not in itself a problem, or bad, or a burden, or immoral, or cruel, or whatever. its a tool. you generally dont need to use it all the time, but when you really need it around it makes life easier.
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pinstripe-doodles · 2 years
Tumblr media
couple izzys
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 4 years
Tommy’s (and Tubbo’s) Character /rp /dSMP
This is a bit of a rant so like be warned. I have nothing against any CCs mentioned in this, this is all roleplay, lighthearted, and just a bit of fun analysis. Mostly this is a ramble about how I see certain people analysing Tommy’s character on tumblr and twt, and why I think they’re wrong. This isn’t directed at anyone specific, just a trend I’ve been seeing that kinda irks me. I don’t dislike the fandom, just a few ‘takes’ have been really weird for me.
TW for everything below: analysing the effects of trauma, abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, and lack of therapy.
I’m not really liking how victim-blamey everyone is getting currently in the dSMP, both in fandom and canon. In canon with certain characters but especially in fan analysis posts and especially about Tommy and Tubbo. People legitimately celebrating that Tommy might start ‘apologising’ for his actions more and 'growing as a person' somehow don’t realise that hes been made this way through a tonne of negative reinforcement. abuse, and gaslighting. And people blaming Tubbo for actions he had no choice in, rather than the actions he did choose.
Currently, as I see it, Tommy is so scared that anyone would find a reason to be pissed off at him that his fighting spirit has been completely crushed. He was exiled and abused when he should have been helped and given an understanding figure to guide him and teach him how to deal with things non-violently. In everyone’s eyes, the problem was that Tommy was creating violence with no real reason, acting recklessly and commiting crimes. Tubbo, having made him a part of his cabinet, knew that this would only harm the country. So instead of talking to him reasonably, he got angry, put him on trial, and punished him with the logbook (humiliating him by making him report back to Fundy, which he obviously hated). Tommy’s actions were, of course, bad, but did he deserve everyone ganging up on him? No. Especially when Tubbo was supposed to be in his corner, helping him out like he always said he would (”It’s me and you vs Dream” etc). This is the first betrayal of trust from Tommy’s POV. He doesn’t understand what he did wrong to its full extent, and no one can explain it to him. 
However, Tubbo was under a lot of pressure from Dream and George, and he’s a literal child President, so his ‘safety over friendship’ actions are understandable. I don’t believe Tubbo is solely to blame for anything he’s done in season 2, but it can’t all be excused. If you are to blame Tommy for his recklessness, you have to blame Tubbo, at least partially, for his disregard for Tommy’s feelings and mental state. There were other ways to go about the entire thing, including the trial, which was just horrible to watch, and agreeing to give Dream the disc, something Tommy gave him in pure confidence that it would be safe with Tubbo. Yikes moment.
At that time, Tubbo knew a lot of things about Tommy. In fact, he probably knew the most about Tommy out of anyone on the server. He knew the discs were incredibly important and a comfort item for Tommy. He knew Tommy had trauma from being exiled in the past. He knew Tommy was abused, or at least manipulated by Wilbur, in addition to growing up in war. Wilbur once told Tommy to stop being reckless, and Tommy listened, changing his attitude because he looked up to Wilbur so much. Then Wilbur said ‘let’s be the bad guys’ and stopped trying to mentor Tommy. There’s a conflict here, because Tommy was told by Wilbur that he wasn’t good enough to be President (links to the idea of ‘not being strong enough’) but he knows that Wilbur was a bad person. But Tommy is never given the chance to reconsile his feelings surrounding Wilbur, both because of Ghostbur and because of the conflict he starts with George. So he is harbouring a mixture of emotions about his mentor and brother, not understanding how to untangle the ‘real Tommy’ from the manipulated boy he became. 
What was going through his head when he stole from George and griefed him? Perhaps the thought that he needed to show he was still the same old Tommy. Maybe the need to ‘prove himself’ as a strong person? It could have just been an outlet for his trauma. He’s grown up in a world where everyone is either a friend or an enemy. George isn’t a friend. How was he supposed to know that hurting him was bad?
Tubbo was pressured into the actions he took against Tommy, but he was pressured far too easily. There is no moment where Tubbo turns to Tommy and makes sure he’s okay, he views him as ‘selfish’ and overdramatic, and sees his actions that way. This makes sense from Tubbo’s POV, he’s struggling to be President in ways that Wilbur *knew* he would, but in Tommy’s eyes this is the worst betrayal he’s ever known. The moment Tubbo (rightfully, but poorly executed) defies Tommy’s plan to hire Technoblade (ahem, seeing Techno as a weapon again) and exiles Tommy is the moment their friendship shatters. They’re two people who don’t understand each other anymore. Two people who are technically in the right, but only hurt each other. 
What Tommy needed was a therapist, instead he had Dream, who put out the fire of rebellion that made him so strong, and Techno, who was trying to help but doing it in the wrong way. 
People see tommy's change post-exile as a good thing because he's not as rebellious anymore and he’s thinking things through a lot before he does them, but they will soon realise that his rebellion was one of his best traits and the fact that no one saw it as anything but a problem really shows. He now second-guesses himself so much and is so scared of being wrong that everything seems too difficult and too dangerous. Every trait can have a positive and negative side. Tommy's defiant nature would have made him the perfect negotiator with a little practise. In fact, he had plenty of good ideas before he was exiled (using spirit against Dream, though it didnt work in the end, for example). The negative side of this was recklessness and the desire to cause problems on purpose, but what he needed was a friend (looking at you Tubbo) who understood that hes been through several wars, was manipulated by Wilbur, and hasnt known a time of peace where everyone who wasnt on his side was out to kill him. Now that ‘fight’ is gone he's just become easier to manipulate.
He may be getting better (see: telling Dream to go fuck himself) but there hasn't been any long-term growth because he was never told what kind of rebellion was good and what was bad. He was just told it was all bad. By Dream (and by Tubbo). Who he doesn't trust. So he's just going to revert back to his old ways because no one told him what was bad in a way that didn't make him feel like everyone was against him. Dream is the enemy (though Tommy’s feelings towards him are complicated, they make his brain go all ‘flippy floppy’) and Dream told him that rebellion was bad, so rebellion must be good always, right? 
And then there's Techno. Techno did nothing wrong except for when he did. Techno is 100% right except for when he isn’t. He doesn't understand Tommy because Tommy was never fully open about what Dream had done and how it affected him. That's not Tommys fault though, because who the fuck openly talks about their trauma? So neither of them are to blame for pretty much anything up until the confrontation at the community house. 
However, Techno's methods and ideology were not what Tommy needed. He was thrown from one extreme to another over and over again, from complete subservience to total rebellion. Neither of these inforce good attitudes in Tommy. One, as stated before, makes it so that he will regain his negative traits again. The other reinforces those violent traits as good, just like Wilbur did. The only difference is that Techno had good intentions, he wasnt trying to use Tommy, which is why he feels so used when Tommy 'betrays' him (Techno doesnt realise that he himself betrayed Tommy by teaming with Dream, he sees it more as a transaction than a personal thing). Techno feels so hurt by Tommy ‘viewing him as a weapon’ that he goes on with his no-mercy attack, completely dropping Tommy at his lowest point. 
Tommy says he doesn't want to be like everyone he's hated. In fact, he say's he is 'worse' than all the villains. This is very obviously untrue, though he was clearly going down a dangerous path with Techno's influence (see: bullying Fundy, spawning wither, kidnapping Connor, and saying that the discs are more important than Tubbo, more on that later). He's not a villain but who exactly has said he's not a villain. Dream? Techno? Neither of them can be trusted in his eyes. They say he's a good guy, Wilbur wanted to be the bad guy, who's right? He doesn't know. He has a crisis of morality. 
And? Some people want to point at that and say 'aha! Character development! He's finally realising his actions have a negative affect on others!' OH GOD NO??? He's a *child* who thinks that he is worse than his abuser. Does that sound like positive character growth to you? 
Lastly, the discs. We know theyre a comfort item blahblahblah. He hates himself for valuing them more than he values Tubbo. He's literally innocent in this. He’s been horribly manipulated by Dream to believe that the discs are worth anything. Theyre really not worth anything if they are being used as tools rather than, yknow, discs. My poor boy. He doesnt trust people, so what can he trust? The discs. But then he says it out loud and realises he misses Tubbo and he wants to be with his best friend again and and and WAHHHH. This also isnt really character growth its just fucking sad leave me alone. 
Anyways what the fuck guys. @ Niki and Jack what the fuck. Yeah we get it it’s miscommunication but wtf. Kinda worried that the actual lore will make Niki and Jack’s hatred of Tommy justified in some way and take on a big victim-blamey vibe, but I’m hoping that everyone is smart enough to not do that. I cannot praise Tommy enough for how he’s portrayed his character. I’m currently hoping that he himself understands the true complexity of it all. I’m sure he does.
Mostly though im actually pissed off at all the people praising tommy's character for 'maturing' when hes literally just got trauma. Nice one, tumblr and twt users. Thanks. Great job. He hasnt 'learnt his lesson', he’s traumatised. What the fuck.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk, leave your responses in the reblogs and comments.
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tannedtomatoes · 4 years
Ok but like just imagine Damian getting into animation, like that would be so cool.
When he's first exposed to animation, its through cartoons and he's not at all that impressed yknow? "This looks childish" "Uh.. " "Think your next words carefully if you plan on keeping your fingers intact"
Even later on, he's still not that into it despite the many attempts from his siblings and friends. "C'mon D! Phineas and Ferb is basically a right of passage for kids" "I have no interest in watching a show about anthropomorphic polygons, also dont call me a kid " "My bad, I meant angsty emo teenager."
As a last resort, they blackmail convince him to give Avatar the Last Airbender a try. " If you dont like this, you really are the spawn of Satan"
And obviously, he does like it (not out loud though). While he admits the story is adequate what really gripped him was the animation because he hadn't realised that you could draw movement like fighting so beautifully and fluid like that.
That's probably when he starts gaining interest in animation as a medium. He's still not into western cartoons that much but starts delving more into anime. ( Jon is thrilled when he finds out Damian got into Naruto, he totally drags him into conventions and makes him join in on cosplays cuz "You literally wear a bird costume every night, how is this any different?")
But again, he's less invested in the story or plot and more interested in the animation, which is when he decides that this is a skill that he wants to develop himself.
Turns out, animating is hard, especially when you're a perfectionist like Damian who literally has no chill whatsoever. (Cue Bruce peeking worriedly into Damian's room where he's been cursing and snarling for hours, surrounded by crumpled peices of paper thrown haphazardly on the ground)
Because Damian mostly draws portraits and realism, which usually takes a long while for him to draw because he's so focused on all the tiny details. This does not translate well into animation as he figures out the hard way.
So he learns to simplify his drawings to a very basic shapes, (They are not cartoons though) and learns more quicker. He practises the basics and foundations. It's not easy work, and quite tedious but he finds himself enjoying it all the same.
Now just imagine him animating Titus, like making him roll around or playing, he captures the movement down to the last detail. He would definitely love trying to capture the movement of all his pets.
Also, Damian MAKING FLIPBOOKS is something I really really need. And ofc it's all about his family doing stupid things. " I dont know whether to be impressed or offended by the fact that you made an entire flipbook of Red Robin crashing into a wall" "Tt, you should be grateful I even bothered." "Gee, thanks gremlin"
He gives them out as gifts only to the people he's closest to though. In the family, getting a flipbook from him is sorta like a personal accomplishment.
Just.. Damian as an animator. The concept.
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oloreaa · 4 years
babes i love you all but pls know that im very tempted to shut down asks all together because this is overwhelming. im glad that people are reaching out and telling me of their experiences with it, and i am glad to have nice people supporting me all over.
however, i am not an expert on this situation. i havent read every chapter, i dont follow the writer, i dont know them and their situation at all. all i did was make a post after several of my friends have received messages that are disheartening and rude.
do not come to this blog to search for ways to harass me. do not try to twist my words and paint me as a hateful person when i have clearly stated several times that im not doing anything other than calling out this problematic behaviour.
there are still some asks left unanswered, and i will get to them, but i do not want to carry this discussion on my blog for any longer than i have to. i get no joy in causing discourse and im sure youre all just as tired as i am.
also, it doesnt take much to be kind. i was 19 when most of my uploaded fics were written. i havent written in literal years before last summer, and starting this blog was the first time i ever wrote in english. im not even a native speaker, and the grammar rules of my languages are different, so i had to learn how to apply them really quick. i have gotten better with it due to practise, but there is no denying that i was very rusty starting out and some fics definitely need a makeover. 
that doesnt give you the excuse to completely rip apart every sentence ive written and comment on every mistake thats obviously either an editing mistake or lack or proper wording due to, yknow, writing in a language i have not attempted to before.
anyways thank you for reading this too long post and thank you for your understanding. if you get joy out of causing misery to random strangers on the internet, i dont know what kind of person that makes you. all i know is that i wouldnt touch you with a 10 foot pole.
rea out
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darlingrutherford · 4 years
Whaaaaat? Me thinking about Cullen doing some solo-training, curls loose from the sweat and wind, shirt loose, him panting but never ceasing well-practised movements with his sword while Lana and Alistair watch from afar and are definitely wanting a piece of that? I would never 😏
Oh. Oooooh. 👀😏
Yeah, they would.... Definitely watch that. They wouldn't be too obvious about it at first, mostly because they know how shy Cullen is and they wouldn't want to embarrass him too much. They'd probably be watching from ramparts from above as he trained in that small area Bull and Cassandra hang out in. Y'know, probably trying to find a spot without many people watching since training down the hill around the troops usually calls more attention than wanted. Cullen probably goes to this spot when he's trying to work some stuff out, just by himself, and most people know that and know to just leave him be unless needed.
But nope. Wardens leering from above. Shifting their stances when Cullen loosens his shirt because he's getting all hot (in more ways than one). Lana's feet aren't on the ground anymore because she's got both hands on the parapet by now, leaning much further over it than she realizes she is, and all because at one point Cullen's shirt slips a bit to show more of his shoulder. Part of her wants to pop down there and help him tie the string on his shirt in a way that will help him keep it loose but also keep it more steadily on him during training, but another part of her just wants him to get frustrated with it and take it off. A girl can dream, right?
Alistair at some point nudges Lana and teasingly ask if he should go down and challenge Cullen to some duels. Yknow, for training purposes 😏 Which, of course, Lana says, "Yes!" A little too quickly and enthusiastically and loudly. And Cullen pauses at the noise, looking up and finding Lana slinking halfway down the parapet, shyly lifting her hand as a half-wave and half-apology for the outburst as Alistair gleefully waves as well. See, Lana knows that Alistair will remove his shirt first if they're sparring. And once one of them removes it... The other is sure to follow 😏❤️
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pixelbliterator · 7 years
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yknow what they say: when in doubt (or just rly bored), make shitty edits of ur babies amirite
idk i just rly wanted to edit smth listening to the same album on repeat i’ve been listening to since yesterday but didn’t have anything to edit so i just......went w the kids i’m about to give a hell time. i would edit to make it actually decent but......im supposed to get up at 8 tomorrow and it’s already 11:30 and my m.e. ass isn’t gonna be pleased w this in the morning so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#theyre not like.....actually a Thing its just complicated#i havent gotten into it yet#ive only just started getting into it on the things on queue but they wont post for another week or so#theyre my current focus for some reason tho?? like the others all have way more interesting stories#but nope my ass goes for the romantic gay shit every time#and it isnt even romantic rly bc everything gets Fucked#idk man if anybody out there actually likes my sims and cares abt them for some reason ur in for a ride!#damn i rly wanna just talk abt them now but like this blog is for showing it visually not infodumping all my shit#its kinda sad tho bc they all actually have p deep stories and over 2 years worth of character development that idk if i can show#just purely bc im not that practised at this kinda storytelling?? ive only been doing this like 3 weeks yknow#and its Really Hard#i can see why ive noticed trouble w pacing in some of my fave stories bc normal pacing is almost impossible#then ofc youve got the trouble of it needing to be fast enough to keep interest which is hard when you can prob only do a max 5 posts a day#im on 3 rn#so its like?? a rly difficult medium to get right??#anyway thats my 2 cents#if anybody actually read this far lmk lmao#idk if anybody reads my tags bc i ramble a LOT#i like 2 talk#n also if you did read this far n do like my sims#you should hmu bc if anybody shows even the slightest interest i'll end up telling them absolutely everything#bc i cant keep my goddamn mouth shut :^)#as u can tell#rex#ceres
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Mc is a solo singer looking for a group. Sans, Skull and red are a fully instrumental band looking for a singer. They find each other when the guys decide to go chill at a small corner bar after practice and MC goes up to do karaoke-
I’m sorry this took me so long but BRUH I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it!!
Sans: He plays lead guitar. And he's almost illegally good; the kind of guy who says he isn't that great of a player and then proceeds to play at the speed of light with literally no care or effort and practically with his sockets closed.
When they first met he was definitely a little cautious about her, but he kept it to himself, and was nowhere near as bad as regular Aggre Sans because he knew the band really needed a singer and he didn't want to chase her off considering her talent. He started to crush on her when they had a private practise session with just the two of them... her voice is nice and all but he feels like he's hanging on to every word she says, she's so wonderful and beautiful and funny, and he desperately wants her to like him and laugh at his jokes.
He writes most of the songs they play... though after Mc joins the band it turns into a lot of love songs (the others tease him mercilessly about it). Mc has no idea the songs she's singing are written entirely about her.
Red: He plays bass guitar. He was the first one to properly meet Mc- when he saw her in the bar she was very attractive to him and decided to go over to her and introduce himself. He spent a few minutes flirting with her, making her giggle and blush, before she went up to go do karaoke; which she was amazing at. And since they’d already spoken and broken the ice he figured he’d be the best one to invite her to join their band.
The flirting continues into her time in the band. (She loves it). He thought she was just a pretty face, but the longer she's with them... the more he finds himself addicted to when she's impressed by him. The more she blushes at his flirting and tucks her hair behind her ear, the more he finds himself practising for hours so she'll gush about how great his playing is, the more he works out so she'll admire his physique, the more he secretly improves himself to get her attention.
Her precious laugh makes his cheekbones hot and his chest tight... He feels like a smitten schoolboy and he can't get enough.
Skull: He's the drummer. He likes hitting things, it's good channel for his emotions. He fell in love with her the moment he saw her at the bar... Hearing her voice and having her join the band was just the icing on the cake, yknow? At first she was a little unnerved by him and his constant unbroken staring (and his habit of looming near her without her knowing and making her jump when she turned around didn't help) but it's soon clear to her he's a precious puppy who doesn't know how to put his feelings into words. After a little pep talk from Red he starts putting his feeling into actions instead- ie gifts, flowers, free meals, etc. He's an absolute glutton for any and all attention she gives him.
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