#but i needed to make my stance clear
free fucking palestine
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yoshipea762 · 7 months
You know something is bad when even your mother knows something can be misused for evil purposes.
As far as I can tell, KOSA seems to ignore the fact that people on the internet want to express their true selves or seek help. They have good intent, but mass surveillance and denial of vital information just... Isn't the way. The internet already has privacy issues, and the US is already a shithole with leaders that don't care about us.
Hell, the US is more focused on aiding Isreal's attack on Gaza rather than helping Gaza survive or... hell, helping their own people! This is weird for an American such as myself to say, but even China's government aimed to stop poverty while being poor is basically illegal in the US, and that says something.
Let that sink in before you read on.
Poor people, being thrown in prison and having their rights removed instead of being helped by the locals or even state officials. All because they can't afford crap.
Fucked up, ain't it?
They don't need to make the problem worse by making the internet basically inaccessible to us Americans. If protecting children is your only real concern atm, look for another way to solve the problem instead of stubbornly pushing to pass the same bill every damn year.
Sure, you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette, but these aren't the eggs you're meant to crack. Shutting out people of different sexuality, race, religion, or whatever else makes us ourselves for the sake of protecting kids isn't it.
Besides. I don't want to kiss the internet(and everyone I met here) goodbye. I don't want everything I've created and shared so far to be in vain. And I don't want to wake up one say to find out that I need to reveal my own face just to watch Youtube for probably a few minutes.
Nobody does.
Please put an end to KOSA. And while you're at it, look for ways to make the world a better place. Assist the poor and back them up, even.
Tumblr's freaking out over KOSA, the world's a shithole that needs to be fixed(moreso in some areas than others), and I get it. Our own rights are at stake here, and so are the people of Palestine.
And it upsets me just as much as it upsets you.
We just have to put our differences aside, and fight for what's right.
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northern-passage · 2 years
just FYI, mondoweiss is rated as questionable on mediabiasfactcheck, and the news about the ban on Palestine flag is another example - it was basically just something he instructed the police to do during demonstrations, and they CAN do it, but they haven't so far. In the last two weekends there have been multiple protests with Pro-Palestine elements, no one bothered them, they are visible in many pics. TL;DR don't just spread news without checking the source please
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people being called antisemitic for being anti-zionist and against the state of israel is nothing new (specifically here this is a progressive Jewish news site literally created with the sole purpose to oppose zionist ideology in Jewish spaces). i have no doubt there is some bias present on the site, as there is in most news reporting, but i think it's pretty cringe you felt the need to go out of your way here and try to misrepresent Jewish people who are anti-zionist and against the genocide of Palestinians as a "hate group"
"weeelllll they CAN totally arrest and brutalize people just for flying a flag but they haven't done it YET so it's fine" is that your logic here? we should just wait until they start beating people in the street? if you read the article you would know that that's already been happening and that this is hardly the first time they've tried to outlaw the flag, Palestinians have constantly been harassed and targeted for the flag previously even before this, and that this ban is just a continuation of the ongoing erasure and genocide of an entire people.
i know this may be surprising, but i do read the articles i reblog. maybe you should read it too before sending me stupid shit like this.
and read through this while you're at it: https://decolonizepalestine.com/
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eff-plays · 6 months
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bomb designed to offend bg3 fans specifically
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butch-bakugo · 4 months
Look y'all, as a person who will 100% take advantage of every chance I get to shit on trump... I gotta point out ablesim in our movement in the form of the whole teasing him for needing a diaper.
Many people; older children, teens, adults and seniors, need to wear diapers at some point in their matured lives and they live with a constant stigma attached to this thing they need. From people assuming they are doing it for kink reasons or cause "their weirdos", assuming they must also be mentally disabled and pull out all the fun mental ablesim/sar, assume they must always stink or must be constantly relieving themselves, assuming their constantly dirty or unable to care for themselves...
Incontinence is something many people deal with and are HEAVILY embarrassed about because of ableism. They feel like they have to hide that a big pad to fully just diapers are something they need and there's nothing to be ashamed about. People who suffer from incontinence don't deserve to be shamed over it.
Here's where we circle back around. Trump needing a diaper for whatever reason is neutral. It's not a funny ha ha baby man needs a diaper moment, it's someone in old age who suffers from incontinence. Is he a really horrifically shitty and bigoted person? Yes. But just cause the villain needs a wheelchair doesn't mean your a-ok to suddenly start calling them a vegetable or a cripple or joking about them getting dumped out their wheelchair and laughing at their helplessness. Just cause you begrudgingly add alittle disclaimer whining about how this only applies to trump and doesn't apply to others who need diapers(not that any of you have. You ignore people with relatively invisible disabilities that aren't stuff like diabetes or autism.), dosent mean that those with incontinence cant see the ableism in your comments.
If you went out of your way to shit on a republican who didn't get sarcasm or had autism and specifically making fun of their autistic traits, as a person with severe autism, I'm going to fucking take offense. Enjoy this quote: "Vengefulness still sours the life of the crowd despite the eye of your ire being on one whoms foul." Aka hate is still hate and can affect the innocent even if you all know it's aimed at a bad person. People with autism are still harmed by your allism even if your aiming it at a really shitty autistic person. I'm not black nor am I fully white but I've been around multiple racist white people who justify calling certain black people the n word "if they act like one" and don't think that's racism. Is that an extreme form? Yes but it's the same rhetoric.
Don't make fun of donald trump for needing a diaper. Needing a diaper or pee pad or anything to help with incontinence isn't funny or embarrassing. Incontinence is a neutral symptom that doesn't make someone good or bad or anything else you attach to it. It's a body process that many people suffer from and it's not funny to make fun of what is often a stigmatized bodily function. When you make fun of one person for having incontinence, you make fun of them all and many have disabilities.
There are so many other funny and embarrassing things you could make fun of trump for, like his fake tan or shitty toupee. You could spend that energy on talking about his many crimes and bigotries. You could talk about his scams and schemes that fell through hilariously. You don't need to make fun of incontinence. You don't need to make fun of people who need adult diapers. You don't need to drag many disabled people though the mud to make fun of donald trump.
Take a different route and ask yourself why you find a body function, which should be normalized and not further made fun of, a good target for harassment. There's so much there to work with, pick something that isn't already stigmatized. I promise abled people, it's very fucking easy.
You can say I'm taking this too seriously and it's not that deep but disabled people have asked for YEARS that y'all don't use people's disabilities or health problems as the basis for their punching bags cause it just normalizes that talk towards every person with that disability who pisses you off. If you can see how it's not ok to make fun of someone for being diabetic due to their weight because it's based in fatphobia, you can see how it's not ok to make fun of someone for needing diapers due to incontinence because it's based on ablesim. If you agree that it's wrong to misgender/be transphobic towards someone because they are a bad person who happens to be trans then you can agree that it's wrong to be ableist towards someone because they are a bad person who happens to be disabled. If you lose the ability to not be bigoted towards someone when they piss you off or do something bad then your just a bigot whose nice first. I'm not a trump supporter and I'm not saying we should go easy on him but I am saying there are so many other things to call this oversized orange with a comb over that ARNT based in a stigmatized health condition faced by many people that is so stigmatized, they feel mortified when someone finds out they have incontinence.
Abled people/people without incontinence are legally required to reblog. Y'all never listen to disabled voices when we point ableism in the community.
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hellhoundlair · 10 months
reminder i think terfs should be pushed into a giant coliseum and made to bludgeon each other to death. radfems gender essentialsts gender criticals whatever the fuck begone from me + may your womb be barren
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faggotry-enjoyer · 10 months
oh i'm definitely gonna lose some friends for this one huh
#already got vagueposted about by one former friend as 'comparing pro-palestine sentiments to antisemitism'#direct quote 'israel desperately wants them to believe this is a religious war and not a genocide'#same guy who said 'boy howdy do we know their side of the story' and ten short texts later said verbatim:#'we can't use religion as birthright thats stupid and the Number One Tool of Colonizers'#which is a STAGGERING amount of cognitive dissonance#as if religion is the relevant part and not the literal historical fact of jewish indigineity to eretz israel#mind you at the time of the vaguepost the ONLY thing i said regarding palestine#was that if your 'support' for palestinians includes sharing basic antisemitic dogwhistles and blatantly lying about history#then that 'support' will accomplish nothing for palestinians and only get jews killed#and i feel like looking at that and insisting that i'm comparing all pro-palestinian sentiment to antisemitism is uh. telling#we'll see how this ends up going - i fear it may not be the greatest for my social life but i stand by what i said#bc even if i am wrong about Everything directly surrounding israel and palestine#i was strictly discussing antisemitism in the discourse surrounding it#and a longer version of 'no stance on israel makes you immune to antisemitism and antisemitism runs deep and will affect your thinking on#the matter and refusing to acknowledge that is dangerous' isn't actually dependent on the intracacies of the conflict it's just True#and i'm not gonna back down again i'm not going to downplay antisemitism again i'm not going to give up#i'm not sure if i have jewish friends i simply do not know about who see what i say on there#but if i do then i need it to be clear they have Someone who is willing to fight for them#and if not i still need to make it clear i won't stand for blatant antisemitism no matter whose name it's in#the only thing that would make me consider taking down what i said is if i believed it's counterproductive#and part of me wonders if it is - i don't want to put people on the defense bc that's simply not conducive to good faith discussion#but at the same time i know that a lot of what i've needed to hear was fed up or harsh words#that i started off just reading and keeping my defensiveness inside until they sunk in over time#and maybe my frustration will have that effect for someone#damn i really need to make some jewish friends... maybe after break i'll reach out to hillel or a local shul to ask if they could use a han#or something idk we'll see#personal#faggotry enjoyer original
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monty-glasses-roxy · 7 months
Taking a moment from the strike to say I'm changing the pinned post back to the Francine comic in light of recent issues with an apparent increase in transphobia. This is your reminder that this blog loves and supports transfolk of all kinds and any transphobes here can get fucking lost.
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starmoji1 · 3 months
Quick Sims Ramble
I know I don’t post sims stuff on my blog (plan to in the future), but I’ve a simmer since 2017 and I’ve got thoughts.
I still remember some cc creators throwing tantrums bc EA threatened to uphold their 2-3 week (14-21 day) rule for paywalls—and proceeded to do absolutely nothing. Many of those posts from back then are still up btw, you can easily see what your favs think of you and how some of them see you as a walking wallet.
Speaking of cc creators and modders crying over money, Curseforge, why do you continue to use it? It’s been months now since that tweet of Overwolf (CF’s owner) explicitly stating they’re donating to the IDF, so I’m gonna assume most of you have had sufficient time to read about it and understand why it’s an issue. Of course, grace is to be afforded to those who are late to the party, but I think it’s crazy to know what they’re doing and willingly continue to support. It’s got to be the money.
The website ugly and janky as hell, too, so it’s GOT to be the money. 😭
And if money is the problem, doing Early Access via Patreon is always an option. Ko-Fi’s an option. Gumroad’s an option. You got options that actually look good, raise your standards, I beg. And there’s free alternatives such as Google Drive, Mega, OneDrive, SimsFileShare; there’s simmers on this platform right now who are willing to give you a SFS code for free. And what about NexusMods? I’ve seen people post their cc and mods there.
Point is, you got options. So, why are you all acting like deleting your content off one gutterbutt platform is gonna bring the end of the world? All you have to do is release it for free after 14-21 days, and if you do so consistently, people will willingly donate money to support you—because you’ll be showing yourself as a reliable content creator who makes good content they like. You can get your money. CF is not the end all, be all of modding platforms.
So, please stop throwing tantrums and giving fifty-leven reasons why you can’t migrate off one platform.
#if you can’t tell i don’t really like the curseforge platform#even when i was getting minecraft mods years ago i thought it was ugly#the new website design is uglier but i digress 🗿#i’m just scrolling through tumblr and tired of seeing modders make excuse after excuse#if you not real just say that#it’s as simple as that#and yes this is in reference to me finding out little ms sam is zionist#zionism ain’t sexy#and it’s not anti-semetic to be anti-zionist#be wise not to conflate the two as many jewish tumblr and twt users have stated a million times before#i would like to specify that i am not jewish#i am black and i am well aware of a genocide when i see one#you cannot claim to be apolitical while continuing to knowingly use a platform that supports/is conducting genocide#especially when you state “personal reasons” as your excuse when you really mean “i want money”#i want money too but you don’t see me turning a blind eye or being complicit to a platform#i’ve retweeted gofundmes and have been keeping up with the news on the matter#even though i don’t post anything on tumblr my friends can confirm and vouch for me that i’ve been pro-palestine based on our discord chats#so my stance on the matter should be very clear and i am not above blocking people#anyways this is developing further away from the original sims topic but i just needed to get some thoughts out#it’s insane seeing people in this community act like cf is the holy grail and they’ll die if they leave#PLEASEEE stand up and get a hold of yourself it’s not the end of the world#respectfully all i’m saying is: get a grip#ts4#the sims 4#the sims community#sims discourse
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my-humble-abode · 2 years
getting real fucking fed up of people who decide that playing a game is more important than the lives and wellbeing of people of colour, of trans people, of jewish people
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heliosoll · 2 years
TW: respawning, mentions of suicide
I don't want anyone to feel bad - I'm not mad - but I want everyone to know that I will not be answering asks about wanting to respawn through suicide. First, they're extremely triggering for me and many others and I don't want anyone to see that kind of content.
Second, I've made my opinion on respawning and respawning by suicide very clear. I will never support choosing to commit. I will never tell you it's okay or guide you through how to do it. This isn't just a matter of personal belief. This is me protecting myself and others by not straight up telling someone how to kill themself. The fact that this has even become a "method" is upsetting enough. I'm not going to add to it by telling people, usually very young people, that it's okay. It isn't. Full stop. It's never okay.
I've tried very hard to educate people on other methods of respawning and why committing is never the "right" choice. And I'm never going to stop doing that because multiple people now know those options are available and aren't choosing to commit. The shifting community has "normalised" this for far too long and I'm not going to sit by and watch it happen.
Listen, I don't know you, I don't know your life or what you've been through, or why you think this is the right option for you. But regardless, I'm never going to tell you that it's okay. I am always going to try to dissuade you.
Almost every single time someone is making this choice, they haven't truly considered every single option available. They're in pain or they have trauma and they're making a rash decision because they think it'll help them escape.
If you've gone through something, you can revise your entire life. You can make it so that it never happened. If the people in your life are awful, you can revise them or get new people. If you don't want those painful memories, you can erase those memories. If you just want to start anew, you can start anew without doing that. If you don't want to be connected to that reality anymore, you can literally cut the connection between your consciousness and that reality. There is a different option for every problem you could ever think of.
People usually chose to commit because they either didn't know there were other options or they knew but stopped thinking about how this would actually affect things, including themselves and the people in their life. People choose this because they think it's an easy out that'll guarantee them happiness. I'm telling you now that no, it won't. That kind of decision will haunt you wherever you go. You'll get to a point in your DR where you're older than you are now, and you'll wonder what life would've been like if you had given it a second chance. What would it be like if you revised it and got rid of painful memories? What would it be like if you had given yourself a better life there too?
I understand wanting to just give up and start over. I've been there. I was there for years. But I'm sorry, I'm never going to tell you that it's okay to do that. You have every option available to take control of your life and make it what you want. You can make it better for yourself here. Even if you still want to respawn, you can manifest that the you in the reality you left is living their dream life. Please tell me, why would you want to give up on them? They're literally you. You deserve a good life. You deserve a life that you don't want to run away from or give up on. You can literally respawn and then script/intend that your old reality is better than it ever was. What exactly about committing would ever seem more appealing than that?
I know I can't change everyone's mind, but I can still try. I just need people to know that I absolutely will not be telling you how to do it. I will 100% gatekeep that info because, sorry, but I would rather you stay alive. If you feel like you don't have anyone that would miss you if you were gone, please know that I would, and everyone else who mourns respawners who choose this path would too. I'm not trying to guilt trip you here either. This is something that upsets a lot of people; you're never going to just fade away into obscurity, we're still thinking of them and we're still wishing we could've helped sooner.
Listen, if you want to talk to me privately, we can. You can send an ask off anon and I'll send you a dm so we can talk. I can't promise that I'll be there 24/7, I do have a life off of tumblr, but I will be there for anyone who is seriously considering this. This part may sound guilt-trippy, but I need you to understand how upsetting it is for me to have people sending me asks saying they want to commit. It's terrifying knowing that people out there are not only genuinely considering it but that my blog could have aided in their decision. The fear and guilt that comes with knowing that someone could've read my posts and decided that committing was the best option for them is awful. I never want to be part of that. I never want to be part of the reason why it happened. So no, I'm not going to tell you it's okay or that you can do whatever you want. But I will be there for you if you need it.
Just... whatever you do, please reconsider. I always recommend just trying to revise your CR or make things better for you now first. Try it. Just try revising and making things better first. Then you can decide if you truly want to do that. Because I can promise you now, that you won't want to. Not after giving yourself a second chance at a good life. Please think of yourself too. Of the younger you who still believes in fairytales. Or the older you that just bought their dream home. Think of the life you could have. Of the life that you can give yourself now. Do you really want to give that up?
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quasieli · 1 year
Guess it's just gonna be another day of getting pissed off and upset by things my father has said to me 🙃🙃
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shizukateal · 1 year
Inside you there's 2 wolves. One wants to express that atsv Miguel O'hara's character design is extremely hot and appealing and clearly rendered to elicit that reaction, and the other is preemptively barking at everyone around that yes, you were paying attention to the movie and that this doesn't mean you think he is a good guy or even a bad guy in a cool sexy way. The man is pathetic and if you had him in front of you your first instinct would be to beat his ass to the ground for being a grown man bullying a teenager and projecting his issues onto him. He is stupidly stubborn and unaware, unappreciative of everyone around him, and his flare for theatrics only highlights how he uses the excuse of his self-martyrdom to boost his massive but equally fragile ego. Not even the fucking AI he created can take him seriously. When you sexualize him it's in the most reverse-sexism way wherein you think he should only open his mouth to fuck and nothing else.
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imperfectercell · 2 years
please be to known gohan/piccolo and gohan/cell make me Immeasurably uncomfortable and are block on sight things for me so. please do not be following me or interacting with me <3 peas and tank u. go fall in a shallow ditch
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huntlow shippers who cherry-pick every single frame where these two stand next to each other and TJLC it into a secret metanarrative that they’ve actually been madly in love since the moment they met, but disney forced the crew to cut the token m/f couple during The Shortening bc somehow there was no way for these two to have any meaningful conversation in the many many times they were onscreen together
huntlow dislikers who cherry-pick those same screenshots and say that because other characters blush in non-romantic contexts sometimes, it definitely means every single interaction between these two were 100% platonic on both sides and all huntlow shippers are under a collective delusion, and that dana terrace is being held at gunpoint by disney/other members of the crew to add in a romantic subplot she hates against her will. despite it also not being romantic somehow
#ive talked to both kinds of ppl and i dont think either side understands my stance#i am taking the bat i beat the dead horse with and i am swinging it at the hornets nest#toh#the owl house#to be clear my stance is that i dont think a romantic subplot would add anything significant to either of their arcs#that isnt already fulfilled by their relationships to their other friends and family#in fact i think its very disjointed from hunters arc which is centered around found family#in a full season 3 i would have wanted them to explore how willows history of being bullied tanked her self esteem#causing her to have a hard time believing someone actually likes her#and feeling like she needs to put aside her own issues to focus on hunter bc hes 'more' traumatized#and feeling bad if she ever gets frustrated at him because she subconsciously feels unworthy to have a boyfriend in the first place#so being angry at him would make her feel like shes 'ungrateful' to hunter for liking her#meanwhile hunter would be overly attached to willow like he is to all his other friends but also in a blind trust in authority way#and if they do have problems in the relationship he would blame himself and try to 'make up for it' in acts of service willow doesnt need#if they are to date at all then having that kind of problem pop up and them addressing it is the only way i can think of#where being in a romantic relationship adds something to both their characters#but with the shortening the show isnt going to have time to explore any of that so i think they should have just cut that subplot#unless theyre setting hunter up to be rejected which. well see how that plays out#and also the fandom certainly doesnt want to explore the huntlow dynamic beyond 'angsty white boy and his emotional support girlfriend'#maybe 'two menaces and their friend gus' once in a blue moon#oh and 'child abuse victim wants his girlfriend to beat him up' that ones a classic#what im saying is that the saturation of huntlow fanworks where They Would Not Fucking Say That really didnt endear me to the ship#and also srsly they should have cut out that subplot in the show i know its not the crews fault they got cancelled#but they still have a responsibility to tell a coherent story and that means cutting out unecessary romantic subplots if they dont have time#and the crux of my position is: even if all the TJLC-ing came true and huntlow was entirely developed through totally real longing glances#i should not have to go into the show armed with 80k words of huntlow meta to understand why they want to date each other#willow especially has shown no overt interest and its clear most of the ppl who say she does dont understand or care about her character#yes shes buff yes shes confident can you list her character nuances or is she just your self insert to ship hunter with#someone is going to misunderstand this and assume i just 'dont understand why they ship it' and explain it to me again lmao#lowhunt
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starscreeam · 10 months
i gained a lot of followers (mostly jewish followers) after my post about jewish representation blew up. i want u all to know i will not tolerate dehumanizing palestinians in order to raise up my fellow jews. permanently muting palestinians is not the way to elevate jewish voices.
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